Newspaper Page Text
^?miocmcm*. icinEMT ?*> Ta? Old HeaMSBBBd. ImhIiL. vi u - ?- Dei .?f.-r. raa Kliehlrtd. UUOl : 111 H :- v-v TB1BB hteer. i isiso s lo Poor .....,,, .'.VI v,. - ,,:: VT11K 8 13 H-e* H?**? end WUUag llBnrt. ... ___ PALT'S IIM.VI 111-8:15-1 b- Ust WBI* l DEN Mt v '" ia a i \v.i\ iBMBaaa. n Tlll ATW -8 BuaacBBBd Dr. ?? <.,? .mi ni'i ll \ ii"1 W f " '' _,..?. ? ?? SiMMT-RSTKlXH IIAU1.1.M OFK1U U0VBB-9M v ?;, ;, ... i ? iiiatown. HKRBMAXS'.s THEATRE 8 HcmaaaB. KOSTi ii '. RIAI - iand8 Carmenctta. ? iwi-i \t tii ' \". ;i 1' 1 ? I ??'r mSSwm '?i ui 1 hia i M-d JO-AftBB.TMe?b? aad * i'?. M Bps ta l *? .._.___. Krrr.op.^4iT%xopkra norsi ? ^""'T* ,ti wi nn vtri - .' '"'?_ KATlONAIf V. VDBM1 UK W?l?* l? V? 0 aad 1 ? to 10- A'.'Mi. n I 'i','ii , _ HKATI B:1S Vaudevllie. ? -ni ., UARDEX * -N'io. ,?,!?. |i THKATUE-B 13 T* MMdUaaaa. ' r ,,,: . i i-i-? i.'?M a aad won.rB. KfAVDAKU 1IIEJI !KI- s;,li' Al1"' ' ? nn tii _ATftE-1 Tba aaaaaae. ;.*ov"grA[.; n.i:vTHi,-8 16-Tba Caaaty Fair. UTK8T TH?AT?B-*-lla8 Jbdb. . ,||-?tl .VI Art KxhlbltiOB,_ jn>cv to 3ioprni???nt?. l'?:-?. / _?:i.??'*r'4. Ij A . BeOBBBBBBBBI.' Hf.r*. ai n M?BBB.... J r??.?r? --"i BBBBB8B . 1 ,",?.; ??> ' '?'.,'??.- " j ??i_'???''? "i ?<??'? ? ' ?.,!?-. aaaaaaataa.. J ; itmcia NotH?* ?! i->n.?8iir kiiaaoaa* i .- .*? . ;' I'r.Mm...' -.,? PiBBBnll. F n?n 1*1 I !??' uon. For HBI8. ? . HfiaVfa..'"-. Jlor?iNis- ..?rr,??*?. ll..t*la. .11 ln*tr.irt'...n. ... MamacsaaBB aaaaaa V].Krciiiii*ona. Mi.i4.iian<vi,i?. . . .. Md.i??i .n.truin^ut*. ii, I'an fUcamcra Pnbiic Notice . Railmaa*. hf i. iK?;ato. B?biRsmib . ln on'.sai.n*. !*i.r,ni Xn'T.. . tf?<nat* . Tuaoiif-r-.. Tl ?> 1 in. n.n.T Rcanrta WtTK W'BBtHl. Bitinrtf Xot.tco. OmCE ruil.MTrUE Ia orcat Variety.'<l tty I. U MXI.KW, ni rullea-at.. New-Yoca. i.-?..-. IfiBraiy T?bi?*. .fc? TKIBI'M: TERMS TO MAlt. iOBBCRlRWia l war. Dallf, 7 dB.i-- a "'"'-.? I ci-.nV r ? ?? il Sui day. 800 . iiday Trihune . 2 00 tVMBif Trlbun* . 100 Beaal-W<H>_I) frlb ne 0 Wi ?b aa i , U 1 OU 1 mo. ?1 .0 in on aawfUieiad leMer, f;rr sV-.v Mfb ^d?n eoHatrtea, la pw.-jl?'.rfd l.'ttT. Caoh o. IV. tnl \'t. . ;f 8881 r:;i,V :''. ";T:7'\ "k ? ?. |5I v.*o"?".. Sfcw-TBrt. Addma all eorraapondanca ilmpU "Tba TribaaB." Kaw Tork' __vvrn omrra m- nne trtpi-vt:. Advertlaeiasau Ioi pubHrattoa ln vb- Tri-juae aad ?rder* fo, -.?- Ui delK?r> .f,ti, da. y paj" . wHI be ra ?elvcd a- th? fo! ?1b? branch ifkrea In Xtm-jm. Mbib v?n-h ''< -. l 28d RroedwaT. eamaa Jlatat. i:>3 iti, ave. eoraa* nu.-at. ??o Well 2Sd-at., rornef Mi'-ave. 1f_3 WV?t 4C'l-.t. nt-a Bth-avw. 62 Avanue a. neai Eaat Ith-aa rr._ Bd-ave.. r. t-anr- ..-t, -t 1 o?? ad ;.vo. iot?.>t.n BOW 'id 6Ht aia. lf-0 Ea-' l?'thit n-. r I'l-avo. l P?2 t>'h a\?. aeai jjfta-at. 1 7P8 l?t-avr.. nea- _? LIVrtT-at ^^^^______^_? jft_^*itaa?t&a?w? ? _>? fOUNDED BY KORACE GFEELEY MONDAY, liKCKMKl.K 8, 1890. TWELVE PAGE& r/7_- ////>? MOBXISG. Yoreiur.-'lli* AKhbiBhopa and BiahopB' Mt r iMaaaeinif Paraall araa read in all tbe t'afciolio rhurebea nl Ireland; a meeti ,! ; " ' wlll he held in London thls ? fternoon. The Servia met with exi.linflj rough weatber en ii. bal paaaage. Villow fcvei is -"I to t?e epidemie ;.i \'<a.< i',.. i. r>nme.-. K\-lt is wported thal King Kalakauu i mlalon to the L'nited Statea la io ne-.oiiate foi tbe aanexatlon <.i the Havraiian Islanda i" thia country. Aayndieateof cattleinen haaollered ,1,,. ( )?.r,,i.> {li o.oiio,. for tlie < hem . e Sl ip . Th.- boalile Sioux ehiefa from the Ba?l Lands came hit? Plae Ridere Aaan^y witli Fatlier . Bn<l held i pow-wow witli IJenci ! Brooke. \ icoreol i.nien were i.ed from I w ' h?i .;??-? Strip by I'tntf-.i Statoe troopa. Tl.o< itio i ol tl.** Sea !! ,vt-ii patiei Us who were inoc with tho Ki.. li ivi.ii.ii ia highly encouraaing. The opposition i'i tne Senate to tbe Lodge ' dlseuBflcd: the Republican ftee-eoinage Senaton opposlng the meoaure. Tity and Sutmrlian.?Lo Cliaaipa ne rame ln cr.llivi'in vitli h British Bteamcr an.l d liei steni and S.-V.-I..I feel ol plates I rn a mm died Buddetily lu chui i A '" lipirips-v. the prize-flghler, was stabbi^, proi latally, whlle savlng a woman froni two brutil T.,..._ = \n infuriated h it hei - iot h a wife sntl ehlld, wounding them Blightly, and then killed himself. A tahlet in Sl Hbnl'B I waa nnvrilr.l in memory ol the rentemual celehn uon of ii,.- inauguratlon "l Washii 1 ;?. wcietiee for ethieal cultnre broiii llieir con? vention lO ii ' '"-??? The Weather.?Foreeaat f"-- tn-day : ' .?,, followed h.v clondineaa and anow. Tem pentnre yesterday : Higheat, ::?> degw*s; lowest, 1. ; _ver^'.''*, '."' "<-' Therd ippears lo be . _ood ).r *i*or\ ^ tht p_d__?a b} Ihe Houae ol the Shtppinj* I illvon whirh thc Senate artpd favorablj sl the lant _j ,,. Thc pa.sace rd at leaal <>!.'? of them ia , ,:, ...|rr. ti pi;i-t.i.iliv iMBured. I' would be a ;?,? ai misfortune if theae billn nhonld f.'.i' aftei havin_ rectehed ?o advaneed ;i ?':..??. wnf* their emtctmenl mean_ a lons aten in the dircction ol i. _toi in/ our merchanl m irine. \ ainjrular parHamentarj complicatlon hw nriaen in thc II...:-'' Uommittce <>n Coinajre? ;i compIicaUon I'or which the ruie* ol tin- lionie appear lo furniah ii" aolutiwi. ln <?:.-? <>l the do.-iTh <>f Ihc rhairnwn oi ,t committee Ihe Sjieakei i< etnpotivred to Hli Ihe vacancy. (hairman Conjrer, ol thi*. cominitliee, however, ban reaifned in order lo aocepi Ihe \??.\ .,r Mm -t^t to Hi ._.l. Now if." qnealion is whether ;| new (i.a.imiiii -li.iii !"? appointed or wheth r the Bocond member >>l thi ci mmittee beoomce ibe . ii.Min.a:i. as provided bj the rulen in the ,H.i iIhj aliai i'<??? "t t>ir chairman ?r when he ,. oxrnsed i.v iho Houae. The importance ol ile- (jiicstion a'ill bo appreciated ivhen il in known thal the late oi ti..- < rinajfc in tii' Houae iiih.*. depend npon t_'- anawer Hnailj Rivcn. ? - ? ? Never does :t c ,ilui.,;i occui between two vea? ...N ihat the olHcera ol each 'I i nol .t<.iit!.\ in m.-i thal Iho li.'nii.. rest? whollj upon the people ,:i oharfte ol tir- other. Th;>t :- the i me *\iiii the Ch.impa(*ne anl LiHbooeDae, which craehed together t-ariv yeatcrdej morninf near Sandj Uook. F.irtiuia.teJv tbe Cbampagoe'a n|?x-<1 had i.oen prcati.v reduoed, or elM th? oonaequenoes injgbi bave '^en miooa. As it waa, dbe wae compelled t.? retunt ta hcr dock, lrom which shc had niled a few hours earlier, and to jK,<t pone hf-i voyage in order to undergo repeira. Hmh reeieii wew ln charge <>f piiot^. ,\p paiMitiy n misundentanding <?t tignalfl or ? nagleot to take note <?! them itiiisi <i the colliaion, which, aocording to thr f.i<i-- now known, waa wh Ib ..Mr. lu .pit" ..I the tin.'- Kpenl in all ned discutsion of thc l.'.'i'ioii bill la-; week, thc fact ia, a in.r-d h\ our \\ ,i?lnn. ton coim*!>ondent, thal noieal progreMwiili the hill ha- yel been made in the Heaate. Nor ln the <>iiiI<miI, ... favoraMie ?j rhe Iriends <>i tin- m ".i important meaaure could \m. h. Thc iie:-.! uf a rule tliat wiil put M md to the miaority'a negative eunteoi ef legiahi' tion i< increaainglj apparent, bul aothing h?. [been done in the diiwlion of wcunns ii. H I .. on,. thal th< (ittcsiion is involvetl ?. Ihai ? ?f i;.i.iiiH-i" and thal thc con*?enl ol wrnic ' KcuiibHtiui Senator* ta a change in tho rule* w I ttmdition-d .... ibcir aernring whal tho.. i? tl.e inattri oi silver Such li pubhcan* onghi ,-learJv to understand thal Ihiswanex..Iingly had time t, pui Iheir private affaim ihcad ol (he mif.-c.sts of thc party and tho country. ? - \n iuti reslin. story ist Jd ina San Vr..txca dispatch ahotil thr "'.i"''' "? '<"'- Ka,i|ka :~ lo this country. II.I ihal he ha< : mme here for thc purpose ol pmnesing Io Iho Uovemmeni Ihe ann utlm ol Hawani to he . , ,.jted States, the *ug>' ptaBtw thiw dewrin. u,.ctlbebmomofthc?u8ar:hounl.vprow -- ' ,,,-,,,. ,,.,. T.u'i law. Kalakaua. according to ,.,- narraUve. rcalizes thal hi* royal puMtion - ,?? , v,.,, atablo one. and ivoiild bc willing tn retire for a eonSderaUon in preferento to being deposcd and gctting nothing. One poinl urged in favor of tbe l""'"-'1 ?* **?' ""- ":"""' would wcuro ? oonaiderable Irade with thc Sandwieh lahiBda. whirh I. now tn hnglodi ' hands. Bul *h<> question .- nol likelj i > gtvc Ih(. ,?,,,,, statcs much concern until m.h an offeraabwidtoboineontomplationwacluallj made. _ mr TBEASt'BY OPFEBS BELIEF, Secretary W indom doe? hi* ntmosl i ? reli ve the eommcreial cmbarrassnicnt. lle uffew "? purrhw more bonds, and al thc *amc limc large dinbursem nts Foi pcn*i ?n* and in othtr wa.TK will add .vithin a few daysal.oui ??525.000.000 in thc nupplj of money. These effort* arc hj some ndirul il a- imdeqi. 1 and Ihe Secretary i- impaticntly told thal n l ,,,:, prevent ti ?ublc excepi a iransfcr of ihe Tir.ivin . bullion fund lo the banka. 15m il ?* to he h.'apcd thal neither the Secretary nor Ibe |?residenl will overiuuk tho pr. ..ability Ih* I ..?, :, ., st. p u .uld il" more than anytbin. lo impair . anlidenec, Bud th is to uau*c a cin lailm nt "I <-i.-dn-. Thc paymentti mo l< in ?' sin'gle montl.hably exmd W.ooii..?" jnninuunt. Less than n tonth ol iheseare i ..i,? , idi. Ii an additiun of ,H?0..i {,, tho nniin larjf -11;*i>:^ sh uld iwun ? h shrink i: ,,| ..iu.. - 1-- per eenl ni tl ?? ' imiik rcia er. dits ,'?..,.. .hc ii : rcsilll would lae :i ? and ii. t an expansi >n oi res .nre. - foi pay ment. \li \\ in ; nn p .im- iml in ln- .? porl ti. it in thc um. I'-eti months of I'ri sidenl llairis m's Ad,.ni Ihe actual i ir, ulaii w h i* been ;'> creased ^''.iv IHI.S13, wl . during the period oi l're_den< Cleveland!* Administration ihe aotual. Lrculation w .-1 du. ed ?*)-1 '?"'?' *"?>*? lt c.Miti.ii i ? said with Irul ? lhal Ilu Seci ? ,?? the Admini n il ?n ha* n< Rlecl d any ??? al.le effort to meel liie il ;i!'!l ;v '? drculati >n. In laet. when Mr. Wind >m . Iu?*i antl.v jielded in Septem'n r to ihe nrgenl i|> peals. i hank< rs and Ihimij' i??? n, .. id |. onl *..;'...'."i. iu .. |\'| ti*. hc abl.v ?h:in -I ihe t-.ii- exjar. *a .1 I . i HE I l ryi:. thal swifl ,\ advancins |?r ? lation rtimulftted h.T btrg' r aitjTpiio_ of im would '] ;i' !>!.? at.h th ? addii mal am Hut other r -snlts f< llowi : -,. <n. - iuii actual adtan ?? in pi ? ? - " vasl d( nl more false ,. rc| n ?'? ad. in< ? . .?? . ? ,.\,.- dinji \ |m*I ni ;:. r ' ''':- ; ' ?''?"'" votes "i Novi mlii r. I he vol .foi i rhu National p iliiy auddenl.t - .? i?k x-tml ?'?? i h i , ,, dit. an I thu? bnai \i r. I ln* ??' |" in .imi .,i i-urrt*ni ^ had . ,!:- nd red a ? ? ; ?d ....-. ..??..? . nl dem ... ... witli ioo little regard 1 Ih "I f" , onsiimptii n. ^ h< I. ? ? ' wa*. shak . ? . ns, in ::i; I'. in- an I v*Ui had expanded so fa thal ivil iti. timi ol ,.,, ,in- ti,. \ , ould ii ? avoid ? iuii u ... , Thus the \ ?rj m< i ui - v hi' ?? '? '? ?*? ? ~ '*?>''* busineaw ni n mi hi r< nf l.t d. uiandcd f< ihe |.i_ ion ..I t,.. '.' r , .. ' ;.'.' ?' ' ihe eu i incivaiic the lr.?iil?ie II thc Treasura ? hoti ?! i, ?'-. pi I into lii the onl.i i'. -'-I v* it h >'d< fm- th , legal tendi rs. lli -'' ? < .I ,,-. niui ;: distr. st, . ml -? i o is api :??-, redempti >n sh. iid ha. i ? ' ! onl.. "sueh appreli' i-' n w I i ? ? ? liie wi'bdrawa and IkmkI . - I ; ? I pr mium nn _ >ld inighi I. dc i. - i ;. n ?'.\\t. 1 hc hanks * d in no ? . i ?l- posikil -. ith 'hcin - i ;.- ; ? , einh i'i .- menl and , n k< cp it ii-m-h foi i he ns? ol th I ? i rt in an .mik The ni ?n ;? l .anc I to I i .uld '1 mlii..-.- rlcar ofl -ii. ?.? '? ?. . . ? ; , i. ? h. ?? I r| out ol 1*1-11 ;i li.. an.. i.,.'iii !. ? ,, it. Mi ?j. i ?-.;>..:,. ..'i " ' I ? i ..ui ol all - irt . and tIm< i i i .-?-.-- les, and a ii- . ' .:i i ? - i iii" ??? iu St*pi?-iiiii. c..i ? "? - ? i -. .'. ? i - ,.;...-. nj ' irM i ... Nn e ..i'l can ' . ?: ,; ? li. ;i -i |. ??'ii. ' i '??! ?.timulau.' ???<??? i al m and .;:.'- nne time J ni Ihei tn inuiaii r nfidi i ' 'm Ihe ful u , <n /.' l.I II' li..\ i .)/.!// \lsTR i TIOX. Secreiarj Tracy ln- heen iinjustl.a i-riiui?ed \ foi allowing Ihe estiinai k iu tl,.- ."\ tvj t?. excenl tll ifcnl pre.-( dciil . Tii" a].proprialions r'-iiniicd foi t? ?? rni-n-i.t y.u ainoiinl u. kih,471._?__.., .,i ii-.i ';. d*.uM<! i hc -.inii ' -.; ?? ?!' ! dui :. : ,. |.: . ting \..n ; ,i the im rea?u ol th ."?. r }. \ hc - i eritii - aro :. uming ih nghtl - \ lha i |n?-.? excessivc estimatcs indii ,ii * w.. ? ln n and reckleiwncss in Ihe maiiageniem oj Um I ?c|i,ii-tiii<iii i >n Ihe iiiiiiiv ii,<-<? higlt ligure*, wlien int.'lligcntlj intcr|,rcicil, ofI< i convincing proof of eflici n>\ ol adiiiiuisirati n. 'Pn- Hepaitineul !ii?tca< ol laeiiig I,. ri;> in arrears, lu^ caughl np witli the work la 'l oui for i' b,. I'..:,' ii -- iltn ,il : :??? 1.1 sl ?' ? .i'l". li tln l? mii i ,ii ii Adiuiiii_tratJoii had lu. n cajiiaM.. '?:.". -i-i .. mon d<ip< w.-uld n t\*. \n*. iu ? c. \ .. ? i.i I 'li" (VpCUdilUrUS WOllId U.i V' jii ii (VI \ C'<ll ill |ll "1 ll'.l - V .ll ". There v..;* an imuicn*u banking up ..i pon ir;,,i work in :li" Dcpartmenl diiriu.. ibe Ulcvc land Adminisiraii. n. i i i ??? ? ant! >i .,? \ thc designiiiK and foiistriu*tioii ol ;. large nuni 1 cr | I VI ?wi Ix W ithoill :.|i|.i' .'iii.i::.-.* Ihe moni,. rcijtiircd 'I li.- ; un .\ w ka .1 r.ij is in iiiii,. foi Tnii- whit-h v ? ;?? authori/.cd l , :i< '> |,:i-- .; rtui'iiij' ihe lotir >'<*ar<i .'iidiii ? I 8. 9. Indeed, il." moiiiloi n bel mg i . , still earlii r i?.- iod tlwing to this tr* iuii, latio i .,! work tie :i|>| i.iin,;i!..'ii- for u larg ? numhei ate'l within il," limit* "i u singlc year. ln this wav thc o-iiriiaic- )--.i\e beeii awollen, and Congreaa i. invited io vote over nearly ?. ls .*, lr.r the increase of tho Navy. This meani that the ihip* which the Departmenl has iioi-.i empowered t ? 'l("-u.*;. are in a fair way t i i-c npeedily launehed, The arrears of work bave been rapidlj cleared off. The battlc-ihipa which were anthorized al tiie la-t Measiofl iii Coiigresa bave airead,. lieen designed, an.l conlrj. - hav. boen awarded foi them. I he -ln;,- will I. laun. hed in a yeai and rapidly it>inpli i I i.?? n, ? i ? ,. . | i,,. i ilu- II ?p.ii.ii, an i llleii ii,;. in iMlininisiiatioii. Thc work ix nol nllowwl lu a. i uinuli :? in" new thi] - are promptl.. de<ugn. d, and n .1 bel I over, like il. ? Man. and 'I pxas, im an-jther Administration to Knish. When Scc i-******* Trai j , ite ed Ihe < lahinel ln- 1 > ptiil menl ,. lont" ara. behind in the work of (?..t-t-viiik' "iit tln |.,!;i\ of Congress. lt is nm in ."in?c-n's inj longer. II .> ahreasi with tho wmk, md n will nol Icavi anything ?.i magni llll ti in !c to h" undcrt tken by the nexi Administi* TMB DEMOCRATS AXD Illi: 1 /'.?' '"'? (fUFSTtOX, Tho Dcmocracj ?C this State through ';* ..htiv-n irprcwntativcs wiil bc reaponsible f? fj,.,| ?.," ,.! th n. ? I- _i*laturc ol tbt? ...:,,,. .., !.!!? iw ii- populai bran. h > ?'?;"' ,'., ,,?,| ii .u doo* il purpoac to deal with \u ^.poniniility? Take Ihc li.pi >r question. u r. .?,,,?.. \\ hai wlll thc Democratic major |,lv in,h, .WmMj ?*? ???. H? Tieal it ? | ?< , , ,,!?,.,. ti,,- Kilonna, .m nd pu ??<' .oiriled _roiinda. having !??? rrl lo tl.mion ,' ,.,|-. vVriting on thi. aubj. 11 iti hi* i??<? ? * ? ** ,, .., ........ Hill aaiil: "Whal the c ti th. ? Ir * "i- '* '"" '"'l'<'- |;" "' li.tonl and variafllc acti n al rarh - bm n ? ,.?. Lcj-ialature. h" adhercm. to a vv:-' i"-! .?',. | tettled polic. in i ?'?' :':! ' ? the temperance ts tn stion " Now thal ln- pnrt? Iriends . c l i rontrol one bmncfa nf ih'! L--'??"?' ' " ???* ""'" " ''"' ?;,.?. ,-,-?.., thal he n ?u ri do well in hw fortli ,.??.,,, ?.,..,_?- i.. thal bnd; Iii explain m ,?, ,,u ?, IKiMihlc |un< whal is hw idea ol ..'., N;^? j!,.., !ind ..;.:,,! ,,'.!,.> - tourhing ,;,,. .,<,. ui liquur. < crtainl*. il isn . ??l oppoi ,. , ,;,.. Uovcinor. ll \* iiiideratood thal .?, ,.,'..,.?(. thc in putatiun thal hc i* dis linctivcly Whi*kev> Kxe. mivo. rlaitnin_ that ,, rioc. him iiijmdirc. Vciy _ ? d i II hc has :,..,, ,.,, undcrsi -l. it hi icall* is nol Ihe ,.?,! ,,; ihc min pow< ,. ii thins can bc ? ;,.,- him than to make thal lu i appear dur n_ li0 rn- Kl ,( .. .,, | ,,. \...i . i; i ? l \ majorit.i i* .I ,. j?S|, .ni thi iitfh whi. li !," can ellici ntli ?-', ik. II hc I'.- ;l "; --' ' f "a wi "? iV*1 .. |(| . .ti |t .i |n li. \." ' nii'iv. tl n '' ln thc in :,'.,,.- , ; riim Hcrs, but in i H of thc people .,. :1 whole. Icl him . ine ii in Im- i"?'-"" |,nd us.* his ,i ' ' ??:?? 'I ?' "; P? ';i ,: ,,. rinj* ih? wss-.m ti ' ? !?? >-? ad ipti i ||r ni ? ? , J ?v<,'l ?''?'????? ,i,:r i; ,s '' .,?, .1 on hi_h ? ? lhai ihc .aloon* n j,,,, t|,. noxi WmM> lo i. h-" an I ai Ihc vi ' ? ,,,.!? - ,!,?,. io l'i- J. down Mi ? -nn Iii i ."?!'?? ... . ..-...". ? law* pi ihihitn ? a ,- i.i drinh ilui ?-' ? ?" ?;'1 ,"""~ ':' ' t i ,..-'? ? ,. , ycars a* w, i ....??. hims ' ^ '" l. I u ol ? i *!.v. . .... l.overi ? ?-..? .1 -?? and -.-:? .... ??. rn ' .i ,;'1 i"'1 ' ""' ,., | ,, ? .., v mal ?? i d.*. i ?? l ,. : ? ? ? . ,; | , ? v, , \\. liinih I" ??? '? ?' rmn |. t thc | - , . ? . np. , thc I. Ni'W-\..i . llul ..:.,...-. i ? ? ' " ! ' . . : 4\f,l ?'! ; ; I l ??! '! WASTl /'? T ' ." i- . I ' ? , - '???''? hat ih. .1 thi-rc i?? I r ? |?B ? , IU. A .... , : ? ? l in,i-1 !- ? ,,[, ? ? - ' n-i wid ,v ? - i md fi ; llli-l " ' ? ... ? . \ l-t I' ',11 I'l ' I tll, 1 . .1 | '1 .., ,' ' ? ' ' ,. . , ,. || i-niphaitrallv iii.i tn \ pi ifn?i \ im.ui n|, vs ;,:???: t ? , i ll i III ? i, ' Imf to ? t , , , id tir im-i-I ,,..;., . !.. I.. , , , ;,,' ll 188*1 ,,-,'?.' 'I' ! Ilia, ll J .11 ii ..ii il"' pro ,.rimi,l,. . nd, rl I '? ? ? i i ?';. lik' ? i | ,i , immil ? ? "" l , -' . ? > ilui,"!' ? h ird heart. '1 ' iioiij?h lo k?- <? r. I , l mic of ??'ii- "i ; ".? i..' ill !?-??? I" ' , ,.- !,,, ? ,,l ,!, .,'??,!.' i - atii| i.l". W i. ., / ? : III |...i' :, ? II I" ? ?UIII ?" Illi- IIIBI II III ll,li-- hilHHClf, .1- i. -'I :.? Ill wwliti i - l.lll III ? ' nf all. oii oi ? I' ? ? ,, ? iM'i:' Iii i.-i'. ? ? wh-il i.I e ,i and . I ??, have i'i"!i lt -i t . :, ''I linipl.t I. ? rhi-.i n. i ;i ?i |m-i ? llo niii'l afl'-r th" ri-1. hiid ln- -ii I--,, >d i ? i'lo ?? llii-ii n I. I.k . :.,.'! '!?!?.ii I. lt wa. mti I... i liap ..- ? , l, , - r>n e iample lhai bf i th", laad'. i. , inminaiion foi the I'n iid ?? v ul i Iir I hiiriiian . . i _eran known lo Ihc ? ? nntiy. |, i. ., t i i i ,.. ? t i.i -i !?? ? liinit^ t't t || in?? ? i ui] ? | ? , "I ? ,' ne I i-l I'. ? \. I in anl h< nii. ,' \'''>* ? n "n th ?.' i i: nd knew 1 intallild.t jn. i how m in.i <? nir<e. anl ,|. ? ? h ,? n-t int. .. p. rl i. <?' i;,i iiiati. n, we mighi nol \ iir, ,,';''? it, I.ul no .Liim r ?ommifl <? nhich i inifiatcs ,t reform shall lack our < immendation .md encouragement. corbcpi compacts oy THR Trrr. '1 hc Board i i Rei ie ? <>l tho National Troi ti'ig Assoriution ban boeh doinK wme exeellent j s.oik in this ' ity ni expe! pu.' 11 mi thc IrottinR : un "" nei - nho hat ?? l eon Kttili j ol ini ilcrihlc prn Linen. V. II N ?n, th. owttei t Iie laico'i' ?tnllion Nelwm, nni ex i-.l uith I h " ;,. M riiiifi .. j. n .." ? ' ? . ;?..,,., i'm il li) ? j h - ? |l ' i ? '! I- il \U , ? im al Ik'a. on I' : i. !;i l ; ? i . 1,1 aps Mi. Vi Min iu IJ !?'? . i:?i -ln! !??: ;i Ir nd nui | j bc de ?,' ? lo ?? i indii nii '* hiinn. If, let hini nhandoii Irtittins all ??; ihcr and >>uy a .tahlp nt iiiiiiiii,.- h?iM< -. I '..-ii hc ivill bc nii<li.iii\ vv"i'"i.'"'y. it \! min -ti'? I'ark, .Morris \'-v\[, "t'1 ? p?*hea_i Itay and om other ra<t> r.? ., an I he can ro ..r. "putting np (oba" like iln N'oblc'Alcnon affair everj daj oi Um mcani teason, il be Ifkes, withoul fear ol \m****' j ,,,,,,. or punishment. r*ar worso men than N'elson ?ith I ir t****a \ record*. bave beon rou.plc.ioti> mi thc nt***" | iml' im ycarx and l...\" been constantla a**) with ttiimpiraciea comparcd with whiii dw \.. - .i, \ii iv n fompacl was a ,|,,..| ,,r *\%*" | less virtue. Xevcrtheleas, no man ventw** to nw'esl *:'',; ,!'' ksten ol the running torf ,,i !.. make tl. un afi tid. \ fearl. -- Hoard ?>' i;,.\ ien ? ?dl. n *d. d among the Ihor aughbrt*1 as well as ati'.'ir-' t?. ? Irotters, BOX/iT AXD BVSIXESS, Two w? ks : ?'? ii wai imid in tliiscolumn "f the stock markel . " Poo nmn. : re Im. ,.. ,,, extrsvft- ' unni ronlldenee. , , . 'I la* forcet whieh prn inced Saturday, Xovcraber 1 "?, hn ?.? nol nll reascd T,) pXi(ll within ;. werk. . . . When ihorti have te** ,..,.,( after a deelinc, there is .,(,i ,,, ,.,,,,,,. ,, p(,ri?,| 0f ?utnewhsl prolonsred settlem. nt." TE. adva ' [,, ttwrki .'"i -i-'i l" ir 'l i.vs nflet these arnrn **? irere printed, and thc .-\.?..._.? ,,| price* i, ,s M:1,v deelined 81 ?H pei i late, nl ? hi? l, s.; ; . ?,,. ;rt.t \miIiii, ti"" bial week. Tii i - , ,.,,., , .,. (,|V ln/!,,"- ll.nn ii was at the liavvesl point nn S l l di \, when the Um inga' I. iiiid tion h ?. tne ki.oan. N,.i even ti.hronie ' ell -I in ni inlp ilation ran _.,?! rid "l the nnweleoiiie Incl that holders ot ?eeurities i'i larire nunihen nre uhliKed t,, iell ln ,,,,,,., i,,'.i- I,,".,. :? i"i ...I,,,,.,.,, ia] nr ,.. mu rnrt.irim nhlig.tioiia. 'II.?? itrn n ?,, i ,j ,,. Mon ii.i....-,' ml ... V- re* t iliicnlj I.,,,,, , ,. ,,. penl elections, which hnve nhaken ronlldenee s< notbinii el?e could have do ie. ln pla.i ., \ . ,i,,i,i,l |...'i?". _iu. li I ii- brouahl wonderlu] |,.?. perlry, voters Neeni ... have ilenuinded :. (,,,;,, ^ whidi haa never laron Iti in.vt'.in_ l.ui ra'amity. . 'oiiina. . al failures duri i Iie past Week I ive ,.,.,11 ..,?.,.?'. i,.it serious. Thc.. tthow the curtitl mrnt nl ,i.-ln . wilh which nine U.itl.x ,,, |, ,,. ,,....?, po.. tnentH are in ide m thnt, ?h | ,.? Tribune hn. rcpentiilly retnarked, Ihe expcci hei pri..?- I'm '? ? irtanl p odm i . ; _ ... in .ii.. houae* ..I ,., -I, repuic int.i i. posii .... .,- . i...rr issn.cnl lliiyim ?l in.|ioi ed ?> ?:- in llcipate cli . i cs nl il ity wenl h ni d i .? ? ? . t*, <li<| tiu ' ??' .. ' " p ? . ls in the 1? ci ? ? : i ., .? ill pi llne I ? ' ' nnther [.?:?? ... p ? .-. . t ? ? ' ' ? 1 > ut ll lllll . , .... . ? . .... . ? !?' ? ?' ***. I . "... - ll 'I v ' I I ? ivi-re I ' ' - ' ? , . > . 1.4 per .-1*1.1 VII! Sl - :.. " ?, I ' ? ' ? ler . -.-. I" ,- , ? ,?,s Ihiit 1 s""1 ?' '. ? , ' : . , ' ? . ? ' ' ll Ni.xeti ; I ' ' ?:, I *' , \. i '.'.. ? ? ? ? f wiic.1 . , . ' ' ? ' ' ? ? . ?. ? ? ' ' I'enni ? . r ? * ...-.? ' ? . ?" ' ? ' ? 1 i ? ? ? ' ? - ... ? , .1.-1 . I ||?. presh ' I"""' '?? '' ? ? i: -.? ,.- ? ,. .rtn , .', iml < ??"' ' ' l m id ,.. , , ,,... -i . ,; , ,1 ... ' ?? ' ? ' ? '.. ,. ,1,-n, ,ii.|_ i. , ?? ' i*i . i' ' l"' '?? '?''' _.| ||?. ,, III In-I "I e\l M . ? ? ;, i, - .... ? s ih.i.i li l? Unie ? I lii-,1 nl ilu" .car Ihe im ni' cl 1,1.1 . .... .... .' is ?????ii II .11 ...ll"' .1 - |,Hl. we.iker ill l?'ie. nnd e.itl.ui .'.- "??' ' Mll sI.,,; || ,i ide li., "i llii ? ??'?? t* iiiili* pui ell . pli.veil I'H ' " -'?-"" Wl, it l.i.s a iel led h Irael mn ilurini Ihe ' isl , , . Iml . .... has ru ?" ' '. ' >"?'"l ?? ' ' " I" ,.,.,11 i . ...:.- nn- lower, nnd , ,.,i liall i ????iii, ??? ill. raw m ??..?!. ,, ,| ,,,,;. md ..,1 ..' .'I I cent, Inii Lu':.-. i ,,. hi hc I ...? ." le\cl "i..? . , ,, , |? . , p||l IT II.nll 11 .Veill .?_;??. Il.e , ,?.,,. nliinisl e\c| ? avi'l. in i irm prod IIClS_ - lM |||(. \ in, twseuald. I?: . i i i ..: Kin. -? ' U llila I....... ?? nulidii ? . Mi .luscpli tsp ??!??:.? i,'1 :? .i' ?' : ? '?? .i.ill': \ ??! |,, thl lael III ll I'lf I) .1." ? I " ' I ,, |. ,,, , i . Vsscililil' Ii. ? I ?? ..-", ? i,. 'i i ??' 'in .' '' '. i" "i i iiii a' ||,_ ,, ,. , , _ ..1 ...!-?- lhal i ? ,. M l.- ,n in 11..... . M,H i?. di..-.' '" '-' ??' him i .t rel ,.,,.!,,,. | . i,,.- \ al 'ii'. "i ' '?'? c| .im .., i. 'i he _ -t , up Kven w Ith I ? rnei . ,,; liovei nm Ilill, ,i ,1,.,'s nol M'.'in pr.ibahlc ii.ii K.ich an initrnge npon i.e voteni ol l!"' ^I'l. Uistricl will he eon lummated. A...I *.. Stolth M Weed has engaae.1 .ms ... the Delavan Houif, it \H,.,,,?,. .lan 11 , Januarj h Ing the month ??* hen Ilill will Iie , ',..-.??: I'i.iu,I Si .ie- Senator, Bra ..? i , ! 1'i.c |>an I will plense plaj " l-c me die w il li m* fnee ... tl.e im ? ii. p naemlier ?l Ibe W ilsh i ,?, ,. . vahii li Imi i in ' ? ' ? "il . I .,:?.;? ,, Hall, has , . aaa- ln iriel ? lil? ' " I'u Ida l\ .. avl n i,.,. i?. II I".I wtll. i -? i ? ? i,. Il| || . : I..- ptn red I bt. b n ,,,. ,, ... . I:,,.; r,.,, un were in proitreaa. Him n'i:,,?:]?,; duty, however, appr .rs ln i.i '? lae< a i ' iu ..-I,, i tl, ? 'I itiini | v \.i."is ,.i the I' "i':. Wai I al the pnll i on electhm ?ln Ibil ander Ihe new |'.,||,,, | IW |.|t{H h,.,,.;?,,, has lieen re hneil 1? :' mere n ,t| m.:, :,,,.| n,. | in .:,.\ le adera have ?!?? , led thal I'u Id..'? use. Iuliii?,s ih nt an c.ul ' unsequentlj , < nmm wtinii -, i.ilii.v bi'-. llei,-'"' ln- removal, and ... ordei t? i/i\.. a nlsuaible ground toi a i?. ,,- cbarged as.i., tacineaa aad negkct of duty. Whatever the truth maj be on thia point, there ia n-. doubt *at " Paddy" Wolah ta ready to prefei i count*r-ch arjte ,,i ingratitnde and ol cruel and inhuman t"-1' ment by Taminany. ^ The ownen of the Freneh Bteamahip line '> llcve tl ,,t tlie lietter part "t valor la diacretion. Tlicj 1,-i'iv- to r,.,i r eir Bteam. ra at ,, higlier epeel tii.itt jeveiiteen knotaan hour, and expreen willinj. new t.. witli.Ir..w Iheir offcra roi a raal itenmBhip Bcrvicr hetwecn Franee nnd ' anada ll tnb rnl ? ol .peed i. eonaldcred too low. Whal they ....- tbe diftle iltj and daoveia attending bb_h epeed on tlie Xorth Atlantie al c 'rtain Beaaons dI the \ i . and tlie roncomitanl (co|?rd.v of p i i -"?-. maj pi he pondertd with pi?IH hjr tbe r. mpanies whleh -.-,.,., ... rhlnk tliat u.I ta more dealrahfc than anj thing el* . ? ? ? The eiiriota eontcsl over tbc wl ite ol A. T Stewaii continuea with undiniwiiahed vljror. lt heema Bt-range, howevcr. that II Mr. Stewart really did have any near relativefl thcy have aot heen able ti. eetablish thal fact in the manj yeara whieli have elapaed dnce hta death Tlwj eertalnl) irouhled Mr. Stcwarl much im i ta llfe-time, thoujjli ?? po..r relntives" are nol u ually modetl aboul t;,.kiii_ their exiatencc known. ? ? Sirin_ency in the moncy market, dlfRcn'ty in makin . eollections, and tbe praetical Impoasil llity nf olil itiiinii loans or extefiaions ol rcdit on rav. r ntde t -rma theae are nssi ne I hb tl"' catiWB ol the iNBmenl prevoilin^ more ... Icaa ln manu injj, hankinji :"''1 commerelal < ii - ' evil pffccta, mi i. r ... made public, bave n I vcl renehed down tn tbc ranka of Bmall fi me i; bul Ihe name eaiis i exial here _a in tlu i.t tliose u ....-.- tranae I m s lavop ?? - ? i s ;i'1'1 , liiiiii|r,-l. .,! thoueaiida nf doll rs Would I no i... ,. wise and an honesl ptan ror the be ids nl ieg w ho deal witli I ielr ur ?*n, but hei i dr) ."" :. mcrehantB on ? rclit, paylim o ire iq r ???: .,, n ,,?;,.. tn Iii,_ Into tl "ir i.'?' ? ?' "' M iti ,, ii dela*. ' 'l I .'-4- -.m:i 11 creditors in ? , .. ,, .,,. nol , offendina by nskin the mn.1 due them: Inii their credit ls hcotnin. rontru '."1 and re id) 1 ???'< ta II imporl tnt. I here ,,,, ,,,..... _ j. ,;i ,-. he, ".; ?? would he Btved froni e if nne : ' on their ?.;>s w. re proniptl; sctl cd, and tl t- p ymenta vv iid I ?? 1 . . ? ? . lual . ' il '- ' iliout ? ., ,. v, nl: ' ? : .. ,,-.?. ' . -ti 1 ?? ;.',n || ijw.| tor one'a ' 1 ? 1,, .. . . ill tbe - - '? ? tlmc in J ? . ,-.., m ,' an I," . iclioid ' ? ?? 71 .American < ? ' | hy 1 lolii ef " ? . ? ? i , ? ? , hei' ? ? ;,, \ V.i ? . Kide of llie Atlantie 1 ? -?? 1 thnt re :? , ??? 1 from 1'- rord 1 . ?? ~h ??. 1 1 1.??-. foi ms :i" e \en??e for tlu m. m'?er> ol \ ? ' ? , 11. :.,,|?' ' ?:i,,iis of ? ? tiona wtll he aa few ?? ? ? -.??. 1 ?? ? ' , : . - i:i I ? ? ? I.y b p.i. ' ... is ii ? . and tii" j p . ,-?! into ? : . ? ? litrn. I'. . ?-:.... I' s-'ii i.te ran ol Infoi 11 I ? -. el . ' ,-i he , I' . . - t|,|. 1 >to> ?. - - - I , - -I repoi t.-'i an 1 . . ! ? l . . Ihe 1 1 1 b: ( . -j 1 ? Slii*J_._ IV.I.1..I ?-..-._ ? , luive I .'I'li .. . ? ? . v ? . ? ' I ' ? I ? s 1 ? r .. ? I I I" t ... P l.i I l , u . ? 1 , > ? -1 ? . ? 1 to I t> (tll l . I I I . !? ?? ? p ' : ? ' ? |i,'tf I ? ? ; - ? p n.e r. it-d ? > Iii.* i v ,.,!s piri i; *. |i e by a ?| 1 1l1.1t I .1 ti".- ? ' li \orl, iiimI I'Biu ? ? ,..., > st ? ... l.i. . . -., Ihj ?'.,.., Iiltlf Uie 1 .s , ..I l.ill.'l i ! 111 1 - ? .1 ? ?1 iti S.ilem, m ;s 1, ,1 ,1 .- t.|i |?e ?? llll.'- ' \ I ?ii ,,.,;.1 il.-il 11 1 ? . i-.illi'il the iv .. \ l , ? tiniiiili ,tn.n ? ? il -i i,< |,|'n\ 1 s,.>n i ol I Iir ! i\\ 1 i,i , |,. .-, ? , ?,? ,i| a | i|| V| is. ||.| UMJ . .,, /?/?/.>" *? lf. I' ? I ' ,' . , '.. I ) , 1 ' ' ? ' I ? ? I . . Wlll' ll V.I. I 1 . v , I .;i III. I I'V ' il, , ? . ' : 1 ? IV. ln-./.. 1 ' 1 -v.''1 Iii '? ,' I?| l.,|, ' ' : ; . 1 ' -i , , i ! , , e 1,1 .'.,'.?, I ? It.' ?. , ,1 ,1 1; . , ? . ??? ? ? Ity. " '". ! 8 i.\\ ,. 1 .: i ,', Ik liall :' I . ui king neiipl., lo. in .1 ji l..dtl I ? ni?hl 11 ? I in hebalf ,.f tlie - . . ', v v ? 'Hl '1 .: > ll ll?:. ., , ; 1 lllllll |?,i. OT llll !'? ? ' ?'. iVtral Xew Yon. nn ? : ?''? "' :l ' , v .nl :?,.:;..?. (i . ,.? ,, ,| KnlTllt. ??! 1 ? ? I." II.-'1 . .1 ,., i..l " M K Inittn -.i in ui .-. - il"' i" ' -.;i -nlnii ,? ,n [iioiii n 1 Jew. ?i held Iti -,?.',,',- ? '? ? ' ? ? III ,-. ,|. fn \M? > 11 .1 ? ? . ? ? 1 i,:"'"' i" n .,, k, v im u-i ' '"? \" '? ? 1 ?; ? , ,, , . ,|'.|,||..|.>. I I ',""'' ?lth ., . n.,,| , . :, ,1 ,,1 11 , . mi. ' ' '?''? l"ll.?lll ,:, ,... ,.,?. ,| .I 1 "?"I r?nal?l- ol priMtuil , . I n,,,?11, ? .m . ,.1.. ,., 11. 1.11I.I '??'? Hw h?_.|,?|,|.,| . ... ? ': ?' "'"' M pei , nl "v, . !'"? I.* _ ;'',-, lr,.""'Biij ,.'..11. pi pu ? ? ?, ,- 1 M" '" ?' "lavi-h .1. 1m,,,.I >? Man ' : ,','" ' ?' h) the Imu 1 ii.MM.'H.".. '?'.' ?'", .l.i. ,.,'''? ' ''?'"'????ii.r I'"' drlnket .1,"- instead nl Ci Ml11- Ua oorvouB bj lem, ahould b.?M.' - ? i.H'i i. \.;.._-r- from ,.ii eeeaoflBkal and National ttand P? ___________________ TIIE TALK 09 'HE DAT. ,\ nuburlMW . I.- -yii'iii,. mi whoae eharch Baap a heavy ii.ui nnuompromidnB nuatfaaBi waa mbot i,v a ir,' mI Ihe otlier day if any -<< !>- bt* beaa tatM* to rriiovc ti," chureh trom thl* inrabas. "Yee," Ih r?v |,i,, i _adly, -we ii.,-.'- had pretty ...u.ii cverytMaej opt ? .i , ?. ? t .iml otero; but ti," Bipeaaea bbb. eni.II>' ah ? ??, il tb reo ipi . i t II mv people that thej ou.ld to glvfl without ,?r, eapertatlea "f an . i|.nv:ti -i.i it, tte khape uf uiuaemenl; bat they .mlle J 'V tliat -it-1. at. i'l.-.i i. i,,,i ,,, ilneea. Now what . ii, i" ..i in un h a eaae " ncr li n riulnl' the m aneM man extant Ile rii-h ... i...,vim_- thr ti.? open when he entera ? i-rowded . ir ol ?? rnld ivititei morulna. The paaaanfeei ? . Bktnner, bal bkluner doean 1 iind I. ,'."?? .?! tl ?? ,,;, ..I,-.-, . k t- np io ,-, ;, A ' l" 6 Ihe door and Sklnaer ilrop- into Ihl - t , ? at. in in- llne Kklnner ls a jpinin..-tHoston pt. A .-! ?:-. \ n.,,,, recently preached a- . raadttflda ln ,i ,1 ? Irable eharch, "f arhieh ha .?:,. aaxlaaa to he pa lor, liis kcrmon ara_ a brMtaat attaek on Kr"*e Ma.ii,,-, <nl,l I .llu-.vs an'l KnUlit. Of Pyllila*. \ft?r Uie tervlee ?n. over he dl rovered t'iat all tiie I,.. ,i--- ,,f tlie ' liurrh were membera ><i oae nr ot'ier ..I the ?? MKictlea. P. ?-? Ile didnt ejet the i iB. ? people realin ." .atked Mr. Wc*toa, -whal tlial - ? ' ulture ,- beroa. i _-. in me t;r-t |.'..??? manv Ih u?anda of rhlMrea ti,tl uu>> killed I,iln,:?",-, nre en ployod lor ?everal n.onthi ..I i'i f.n ? ii_ tl?' .-,"<|f-. In the i.*.H -h'M-i iii !?_. i.i.'i #40,000 wlll be pald ta ptefesra aad . -Tho preseni vleld ln unpreredented. Pnr exaai ;i'?. iv. \. i'.arrett. >>! IWfcttield, N. v., atcked aad I:.,.,,,,) i, ,,,, ii . iliio over 17..,.?''. i> unil- nf tir-t . , ..:,.. A. W. IMi-li. "i Rlplev, N. V.. 1i_. ,,i.,..,i ,,.1 .,,;.,,?,! iwo .md oue-quarter ton. ,,| rraaei ol un a i.f ty >uod. The Bev. Mr. . ? ,,i-i, R_?t. ii en ured icveral of hl. . aa. ?, ,.? (ii:v mi Iie Iti ? ir'-iiPi.-renre, . ,.,. ,,; M.- thr.'C and llve eiirhth* Im he*. ?. * -':i,'l.'. N. i .. I, a- .Irkfld f._i . , Im I. ln tli:,,,,'.|-' \ - "H "",.,i ii-.tmoA l ,ii, ii .,,.. ,,, the **me town, i.a- hervMed froai \ md "ti.-' all ti- - if ?.,,,! -,i|.,|.,'i Ma.-l.. from IWO vlnea, m-riipy. ....f .munil. luu -'-l'i ? ind ..??- .,. . v, per tin.'- ?. x. Wt-.ton i.i i't-.--. wi,-., :. <? ? , edltor derldeB io My i haadBBBBB i ? .,?- ,1 very lhnnia_hly. The other day -? g >? ?.,??? ii," Colloa ma. paiatmih .Um ., loial vi,...,_? lady ivho bad j.;-1 bb. a ITilZj ,|? ? jf| Marielnn Vrmttrong ia one of then . ,-, . . i? ,, ',. niUefi in far ?, forai, mlnd and .oul tlu; i.,,; ..., powen and worth pave to the > thal i. ?- nev r been -ppraaeM in -., mi om by any huid oe any ? I ..- ? ,',,;,?? v,, ? "."ii "'-'.t to even tha ?p cvil. Do aell I . I gtn -"?' ' ... I'l mu_ be. i ki ow thi .... ? , , .re always I I (Ufe. il remaiM . p,?i ?' Uf. QaMB ? ? ? -\- ??< ll." I ? N.. noi'B i"i: LITEBATl RE ? ? tteballn' rl ib laV iilphl ?? c all dUeu?*ed i nm ? ,! .| it. oi K 1.11'' !?''? - luirp, iril (, f i:.-." I -afl, .-O'lM't moTB d iicht ''-in. , -... ? . ; ; - rlte the th in.. doal Unnw . ;ii | . writu 'em. ,, m rlte, th*j ' I heeda ln mmm Wb . ..; ? VWh aln't no pla?e fer tn. lal food t.< leed tna poor ? ? ''.lV . [i .. ?.. em'iy il. lf, like poor *? door of Mo her Satur*! i ip I . , libery, far fiow the arorl'i m ?:..->, f ? ar ? i -i,-i nor ? ? ? ? t.i to ? -.-?-' a ? '?' .? ? ? ? lltera Imre ? i rtirk ? ? ?? te h , ? 't C'.t ri-. t mo mt i>' "'?' , ...... ... | : !. -",::,,!,. remarkad of , - ind a \irntc, m* ? - .l-v' Al .--.,,, v ...i t . -iv i trner ? ?d than I j , , -,,p-Ii_.'t fret. m.v hf?v. , . ? . ? all i..-i.i. <ia.: i ?|B i ' iMle I ;i.-'.'-<1 '*'?1"t 1 f ., , ... , ul ' reroUeettM 'I- Pu.'k. v i ?' ' -: '' af H.rr . , , , , ,' ,. der in ? || MBBBWf. IN ?.:?!, iu- beea .-' '"*? ? ? r aa Uv ?1 . ilmly l_noi ngtlM ilore "f f>od ? v ,i nd wifii II ai : ttval " TT the ea ? ? ill a '. ii ) ??:'?.? mtid to rl... ,'. ? . .- - ?',.- OM ? i., , it. till i torm haa 1 loani t the tl -- * o'? ,. ,', a fo.'i Monthly. A l-li.l. \l . I\-K. ton 1 ibll. an. ' i* ?? ral??? r>K ? Ae\ .-? methnd* for l.yr . i , ? , ,, '..i- a ,-.;?,!,- kitl .1 11 -l"VO. III'. >M \i 1. \: >\ tXD MM 1". \,,? , . ? . iid tobei onre mn t upon .m ?? ?' ? .ii ? ?m< Inrth. '" . : iiir boj - '.i ihe land. , ? ? l |.! 'ii-. i ui if ""?' ? . : , | nm i t'" I'.....',,, Ind att i id f.,,'.i,no,.. ihe rt*l ik -?' ?' i ? nn: | mpiiii -. ? i E -ni.l. A PIVOf, 1,1 I .' i . .. , t. that Xew ^ 'I i1 i: i u li. . s i ? \ ii pirtlal v ' inri-i l - 'j. ?? i - . tn ia ?ood ' _ ? .? u ii vr v hi'Ki ; \< i Rl i ii, i he ''ln:.!'!? Ipl ia P e*a. . .i.ul in-n t.. -.??' ?? rhe v,,w N ;,,,. e|- tl '11 "f ? ,..\....... Illll ,- , .111,,',,.. ,., - ll ?? If |li.' .... ,? , I-.-', A .",.' ' 'l.t't'Hu ,i .-' iii .ft,..,i ?.tii <..'v > ||:|| ;?,,!. tl.. - ti t klioa It. . . . - Hl vv ? .f II- pi.'L'V | , ' ' . . , I... , |., tlll* ' - i- !:?? ,,,?,,?? t" .1 I ? i ti. lu than ti.^l , , . ? , t in ? , (. f, ??? t id ? ? i , i ||.K "i l iu?lTH?X. , i.i i Prlbu i... i, .... , ? . i i.-.'imt' lon ..- blltertr a* ll ',. i?ii \w , ? tnied and am'a nm I >? l>l VXfi N'nT ' WVAA BDI < Al Kl> : ' - . , ? i , . Indlan* I . work f v, i .? ?. if t;' nibe* ' t ., nc land*. fur , ? . ? t ? i I inn ma< hinery, u d -'lt il. _" d : i.r t . i'.t\ * ? iid I ? * dii antl ? :.',?' ? ihborB. dly p ii. v ,.t the <? .vemwent in .i.i- lo " el iate" ihe l!"lia.n ,.,, , ., tiiif life have b ?? , ? c ik. I( loraut. . monloue The rhoiee "f h.nd* -- ., .1 the 'lf'..-1'st Isnoranre ol i ,.,? im .- ctven the* ? : i . rhe ti. n in i.-iriniiiR wa* ol'en ?i- ? worse lh n u :." al all Alt<vether thc f.ijlurB , ime - -lf (upnortlnx has beci luu ?;. ihc l.i'.it m the <>"?-1 inment. make rr * v.i-nKiM. BEsaioy, gextudU* II ? : Pourent. . ? ? ? .,',- ,.t ?",i< t" i" -"t thr**}*" ihl w ? ; t a. ?! fi.'v tnn< for ,r;nn? ....?' , f Hii< ,..:nl li.illtt ly I BM . iiuciitl) !'.?"? i ' ?'? <.' ? ilar. ? |'\i ;;|. t I , !l> t,\ p \i;\r.l.l.. I. \v,-iiti iNi'u York). i, .;.,,, - nvcr thc whole - ;.. .t...... ellmlnatinc lentl ,, ioi ld"rl '. llii- multer iu . pra? lh aj "'^ ,. . ... i h iu , , llkeli ... i" all ?'.<??' tM x. iiuli of I'.imell, in ou. Jndj.-iient. I? W tt :?,,,,..',.;,. Mr. Parnell, hoa-ever, ?howa , ,-,,,??. \t tliu *rliln- '." .?",.ii'l<*8 ? .. ?ho i,..|, v- t,,.uitxj eaa ,i ,,.,|i [,, hl ii. arho rehi^e. i > -- ani reaB?n ?.? i, ,i,',..-,i.,?,. nui wl ?. no |...i..-r tlie h. ?.i oi nw ,, ,,,,-v. hnl tlie mi-lt-BrtPi nf i faiili.ii. Ib beat ,,?' ; iting ii out" t'> Uio biuci cud.