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WASHINGTON GOSSIP. .I.N AND AITA1KS AT THE NATIOXAL CAPITAL. ftt**:** Ml.M-ii.r. IO , i.Mi'.M. -MERIi ? IND |OMI '"' ?Hs M'VI N'l'l'KI B M Tl II Llll//.! .Iid M'l'.lN \l.'> T\l,hv VBOl'T , I.IA 1.1/\M> - lla.W MK. liul .11 WM W i 1 11" IU l_.\t.<\ \ M.PIM. OF >"^ > T \\T, 'I III- M'.TIsT Wsshlngton, Dee. ? ? l*** Fridaj the Pnraident teol in l? thf Senate !he name <.i Romualdo Pn ,.;.. ,,t Callfornia, '" he Ministet ol the L'niicd .,,-,> i" Cential .merii I have a. en nowhere ;,.,, ipeoial ni.-Titi..i. ,.i Mr. Pseheeo, nlthough onl, .. icw year* ago he wns one oi tbe moel pi** " eaque llgures ?" Ihe Capital Kpr several yeara 10 was ? meinher ol Congnae Iron California Hc >? ..a Spanish-American deeeent, snd apeaka ?aturally thc Spaniah languagc wlth ?.???"?^ *** n,?: eoneetneaa. He _> loll, hwad-aboiildtw. _ith a Hgure vcll-ri.iiad.-.i. sppmaching. now, M? Inem. Hls hair ia Hill Mue-hlnck .? l:,Us Ion. and straight upon ln, neek. Thf olive lini ?f hia Ihee and Ihe bJne-Wackneae ol his bau in .li._c h.s Spanish origin. H's foiehead is high. ? is eveo ai* intensely Maek. hisnoae isat. u i.t aod hia features sre regular. A hlack mnalache and im pcri'.i give a r.valii". expresaion lo hii elear-lmed j,.,. iie haa th- mi "I a ).ler, ui a man who livea oui i-f Mr. Paeheco araa one oi thc n..M aeeomplished horsemen. Ue ridea in thc tr.ic W.-t.-rii atyle a.'i! haa a nreord ln hia I aii faraia home ansurpaaaed hy anj one In breaking .i?i i.t ri.lin. tbe nos) h tractable I orsea At Wii-i, ngton h - waa boi ?d loi his gTeal dignity ?ii eaai -ii.uT "i manner. li'* ??!*?' dreased in Mack. rpmi :n oeeasiou ol ecremon. he bad thc rhaiaetei nml iHeuity ol a Spnniah grandee, hn .moag ii.s .ss..<ii,t-s he hod the freedom of ?snner <d an edueated ranehman, He was seon i,i ias ;. s? npon tbe haek ol a 1 nt***. lle hnd a mtn rful blae.k whlel. he is"d t?. ride ever> dn.v vhen li wa i pleasant, upon l.tskirts ol Wash ingtoa. Me believed in Uie initj ol thc rider and thr borse. In bia earl.v daya Iie learne.1 to ride hy falflllina ii"' duti.?e ol a \ ? iiiero npon hia own ,.? ? He le rned i" handle the lasso with the ?kill cf tbe mosl darina and experl ol cow h,Hv wblle 1.;*. li'in - avaa always remark nUa lor ti,.* eonrage and ikilfnlness whi I. be disptayed. But Ihere are no more re mark'i''!e chnpter* in the < treer olan. man than in t> early lnc "f Pai heeo, lle hecame auch :,'i ad*.>: iti Ihe use "i tlw lasso thal he ventuied with 'bis araapon slone t.. hunl thal ninst savage mt beaata, rli. i:ri//1\ The method ol hunt j-.c ?ns lor four ride. <d equal akili l? ael out lagrthei. the heai vraa found it a..,-. lacesaary lo hegin operationa tr.-m four diffeiwil fM-irt. sl attaek. Each bunter waa eharged wlth Ihe reaponaiWMt.v of btasoin. one partieulai matt oi tho hear. Ii waa terrillcally excitin_ warh The griuly heai la eopaWe ol houndinij nt lcsiM ihirty leet, uti'l slthough clums.v ran j-.jii m i apeed c, tal t" lhal <>t a horse M waa ?eeeaeary foi tbe four aetina together t.. eateh r ni. p,-,A- at practii dly the saim- time in onler tn Katraln the monster from rushinti np snd dealtoyina, one ol i <* ridera with a blow. In reariy every inatance Pacbeco and his three i iatea wonld eatch tl eir hear, and by h j-i-i at their merey st thc end .,f taut larinto f,ft*-r ? long atruggle would tire hlm out, a-. tliat kiDing bim through auffocation from anotlier hM.-. waa eaay to aeeomplia (inc ..f ti,c moal exeittng hunta led by Mr. Pseheeo oeeurred d.irit _ one summer nlght t .- Califomia aeaeoast, where ihe seala were in t - !mi it "f going. Tlie '?.?: i- ' arae therj foi the -Mtf4*t nt capturine and upon i ie aeak Mr. Pseheeo nd hia ridi ra I ok a atati ?n .t the t,,|i nf a high blttfl to wait for thc return a.f thc hnge griaily tbal had been a en -? in? dowa u-hiw to l-c'l. lle eame hack 11 e'eJoek, and u-hen he wns fairly npon the top et tbe aiid thc four laseoea whlrled and tha heai was oaaght, Tbey weie ttvrtn more auee m fo] _uh a Rral effort Tbe loni laaaoea wcrc thrown aa II din.d hy one hand. Kaeh pawS mjat eaught, but the i* *a? gi s> from hii :c ling, aad one ' ? 'i"'"1 aff. ot oonrae, in auch huntina each ridei haa twa or thriv lai. ita rve, I a? l ? I .riata ailpped ciT thc beai ehar?ied, To proted tl_?m - rea H waa neeeaaary t<a Uirow ne? ropes, thc instant, Thia Hghl kepl np i"r j...,r.-, an hour, tlie beor and ihc hnntera both gave '.i> the eontesl He waa too alippery to be beld, bul the persistence i.i the hnntera had ao dsunted his spirit thal hc liad to t ni (.:* at the last wheu U.e I i l<eeame eonvineeil tl 1 ?' *aa a hopeless case jkji paeb.... ' - kill d b izUea In one in a.\ ? _ be had a very bi rr?iw i - pe 1' v.-)-,cn he waa ri linj alon? tha lawika ol ;. drj itresm, 1 '?><? gri - '? was thi rt; feet helow him. v- o prool oi tl e woi ? imal, Mt hn i.e . ? ? ? * - partieulai bear, withoi.t the all hteal warninji .,? ,- tt.. it, l.i.iiiidcl ii-.'iii the N-: "f tl* atream cleai and clean lo the 'hnh ol his horse. lt wa. ihe ? Khlcn i?'!t ,.i tlte animal which aaved ihe rider. The other huatera eame np n a moment, and ln three rairn'i I ? ? l l,;<- be i thal liad made auch a eourageoua eharae waa lyinj hrlplesa in inc nooaes >.i the hnntera bx-Senator McDonald, >.i Irdi.,??:.. who hsa rc .1 here loi thc winter, says that Senator Daaiel Voorheej will he returneu rithout an.. oppneition bj (be la rjslature which tneeta thi. winter. I n?kc,| tiie Senal >i whom Indiana Dem ,.,.;?;,. tielegatea wotild favoi i'i tlie nc>:1 National ,.,,. ? eul Ion lle aaid ' here were a greal .. n Uemoerata In lhal State who were opposed I . i ? r Cleve nd hnt 1 he rank aud hie ol l ?? Democracy nt lhal v' U? favored hit renomiiiation, ?nd frmii ?-. bai he ha ! h ml txe bad n ? ? ? VJr ( levelnnd wo.ild be Uie aomirier ..i Ihe lleeaoeratic party, Thia remarh ol Mr. McOon represents lai.!-. Ihe averagr aentimenl amons t! e Demoeratl politi', .ns ol the < .pn d. l . . al] helieve tlaal Cleve^pnd v-ill 'x-- renominated, . h none "i Ihem wa ii him. I here i-. nol I.. .uhlicnn al Ihe l*i pit..l who does .-".t desire i renomination, ns Ihei helieve lhal Iie will i c the c-'ist uandid le to defeal thal oould by p. ssibj Iit hc _el up. When i.n applicanl aenda ... a petltion to be appointed to i n_ offlce undei t e fio ernment, hia papera . aa .. general thlng Bral to the White llauae. Tbej are (hen referrctl to the particular 1 ?*?): t-,-. ? t where the appoinlmenl is desired, li i. eustomaiy upon tbe parl ol tlae private iiry ,.f ibe Prcsidenl t-. aoknowledge ll_? re . ripl "i thc papera and Ui Indioale t-. the applicanl thnt bia pupem ba' ?? liee i ao r. ferr< .1 foi ? li?;. ti .ii i. - ..ii. .\ i.-d. menl is in tbe form ui .. general printed elrcular, wh 'Ua ol tbe Rreaident," and endt witli tlie atate menl that tbe papera w.H be Bled foi conaideia fbia i")i": haa tbe atamp upon il ol i e K\c Vfansion, aml ll js lent oui ln ad ravekajM aaarked "Ofltelal Buaineaa." Tbla nu).t> lormula is n-.-.-iv.d bjr h'.ni<" of tbe appll . x**t with rapture. Tbej *>oe the envelope n.ar_cd "OffleUl Bnsineea," and ln tiie delirium ol joj at leeeiTing a eommunieation thal begina "By Order cf the Preeident" t..c\ faaey thal lha papei in ii'jsed u. i iccord ot tha appointment. There la bardly a week paaaea bul what aone pooi oflice seek*r i-alls at the White House with one ni theae etreulara lo ask when bc shall hegin w...k. Some i.f these delnded IndlTiduaia oonae ir-.-n a diatanoe ;,t m little e\| and the coneeqiient diaap ,-",?'aieiit when an eaplanation ia made t, them ia ftreal Mr Kou. hi'.n. the London artiat, who aailed \ ****M*M*f, baa i.N in \V:ish.i,_ii,ti I'.r a ahort v,ait-. lle i> too oocupied in London ? -/? t" return t.. Ameriea exeepl for ? vinit Ihei i.iking up his aetoa] abade in London waa Ihe nault of sn Hccideni. lle lefl Ameriea m i jaung man lo ??? la Eaiope l<? st.mly Alter flaiahing thc icrm ?f t*****mt life bc went Ui Laa> blaa to est_i,lisri hiuiwll fur a time. But Ue met with ii" bbcccbb, and as hia money waa runninji low be deckled Ui eome back to .\merica. He run,- oul "i hia Btudie to w,.lk down lo IVaterloo Place t" buy hia ateamer ticket. Tlie route he t?o'k broujfhl liim along tlie right band siile <>i Regent-et., <.dna toward Piccadilly ? irrua. li he liad taken t1,.' left-band snl<- he might liave i,,.,-.iu,. ;, famoua artiat in America Inatead of nne ,,f tin- leading mcmhera "f the [jondon artistic ,.,,!,,nv. B ' in tl ie walk he mel a friend who l,a i heen lons haeni fn m London. Ile Bt'ipncd him, learneil wliere Hnnghton waa _oiiu and Bl ,,,,,?,. prrs .. I -I Luu t,, in.tUt- tnotliei trial in London. With hia aid ft ighton soon began 1" prosprr, and i,' a khort time had made i ich ?. buc rt-ss t!',,t Lon !"!i became hia home Henjamin Constnnt, who Ib now in l'ost'.n en -.-.-'i in de oi itive work upon ;i large onler re reived by him, ia another dlstinguiabed lorciun uriist wiu, is fond "f visiting thia country. Mr. 1'1,1,,,-s bere nearly even year to exeente nrders. Thoae wl... Imve never seen him ima.ine him t i in- - much <>M.'r man than he ia II i* Hg ure work is bo ?>ii"n_. hia colorinR bo hrllliant and htB fame ao wiiie that the natural tboughi la t. picture him :..s r man of mature yeara. Mr. t'on- , r-i-int haa thc appearanee ol nol lieina. more Llmn forty-tive yeara nf n <? He ifi 1 JI, much talW j than the average Krenchmnn, and haa the hieadth am) Btoutness ni Uie Englhihm;ui "f middle life. He looka more Engliah rhan French, althotmli he ii".-s nol speak n word ol the languagc. He ie n hlond. liis <-v.-s :,ir blue. hia nose is pronounet.1 and prominent, while the lower p.rt ol hi* I r l,i-|.len by b droopin- musta. be and n pointe I V Dyek beard. He wears a palr of gol l-rini n d eye gbiBBea, aiiielt give him more thc air ol n hiisinesfi min than nl an artiBt. I!< ? i* "'??' "' the lirst of tho French nrtistB to drop whal is known aa piii uresijue drt-aaing, to diacanl ti,.- velvel ja kel a .1 the soil hat outaide ol tbe Btudio. Hc follows exactly the style lu dreaa of Uie Knciiah arti.dt. and they dresa with rigid ohacrvance ol ptiq ietie rtisplayed hy ihe moel devotcd followers nl ??? i ft.v Mi < tonstanl I imaell is fond of . n i ii n I In his high hat, his elnaely '' itloi e l rro. _ nnd his -I.'inun. iioUl ,?',,"J.,.-'?.. Inken witli liis rl id punftilinusnefifl ol m inncr, thi at ra iger wn iid i pver tbink ol him tus ti,'- ? lional |...i.11.? r nl thc nm I intcrc I i . f< ' res ol Kaatem life. II.' is a rcllncd und pultival .1 man. Hc believea that nn m in can Biicered in art ? ? is not ;. stil ie:.; "I _enci ll ' I ; ?? who livea in tbe narrow groove ol ihe si idio only is hoiii .I t,, tin nai i"v\ work. l'ainl ts, i ion ;n:\ others, need hreadth, an'l t.,is hrcadtli eomes through Btudy of otliei lopi. - il m rl an?l through mingliuii with ti,.' world ... lar?e I.. . KAVN i ? iliD PREPARIXG FOR THE CEAi UERX FAIR. THE t REJ-ITABI B EJCHinil 01 fiRAMMvn K 1.1. Prepa ? *. Ini op. ' I |, .,:,??:?-? Mlll. tl e Lenox L* reum on Wedn < lorward in . atiffartoi v nnd rap d 12 ,,-, lo. k i wi iiiuhl the i arper.tei ? d< r ?' ol tbe mai iger. beiran tlu I.,- the ;?? ??? ptl >ii ol .'?' ''??"? " a "! ' - -? '? 'th- ^ I,-., nf Wb i ? t ..,-??. ? . . ( W ird, .111 '??? pl i<rd ln j_.. II. , p, (??,, ',?-?- tlirmu ' ? ' ? " ?' ? ? ? ,. . , ? {hc fal . up >i whl. .' ?: 111 _?i ? lal ,.,. I i.v have i ai .!? ? lod I ? . i.-t. . are and prlde, lo ,' I i the aork of tl, pu wl|^.li vmII bl Among Uie ">"? t . "?" lable and t, blt. ln tl llne at ih?* falr ? .11 l? I .1 I ..,;-' departi ? ; . : ton ave and Mxi) elglilti . . ? ?? N, ??? ? ' I- ,-.. M - Hl ' . ? ? ? eiforl i uorthy r, Kult. The *.'.ncn* "I the p i drwwiiiB ! ? . ? ? Mbw '? e.'i. ... ' || I.- \ .?*??! ?-,?.?'? MlNti hroderirk'n i?blo a-"l fnltlihil ? MN* Hattle >:. Bdaar, ? ' . >. ? ? l.? , ll |h. m :.? ol. i nd ? MI lh little \ ?-..?, i ?? ?? ? ? nn |n: . ' ? ' ? , p ],? n ,,, h i. do ?" uf ihe . ,il- und. ? lempora ? IS TUI ISTl UI M OF 1 THU AL < Fl H RE i. ? ? ? \ ? . ? \:. ..-.?.'?.'?? Wi ii ru* wn n i ii ??; oiui rhe I n ol ? ? : , . .ii' ?-i ik.i ii y ? .? a pnhl v '. ?? :' . r ? i ' ? ? 1 I ,' ' ? < - ,\' ll :," ? ? I, and I ..-.' ?? IV. M. .alter. frn tlie ( ic<> ' ? ie ti , >r. I>i*. an th. ?f the t I alm ,.>,. II ' ?? ii,.- -; I..ii Ie IJ , Wlm U .,',.1 ihe dllk-rem-e of tll ' ' ' ' : lhe._ev.fcl ' ? ? *' ' I ??, .?,,.,.- ,.]?:-..I l" .:? ??"??:: ? Adlet lo En. la nd tierma tne pen tlw " >rk md i. tnd .'. ",.-r "? -i id forward an . I nm ||e tld II '..,!'? netdnd . n,.,,.s pr j. ,i john I ' '?? ' i??*r of the loit.eii i ? ., I,,. i for el i< al . nltur . ?pok II . Mr. Ma ].. ...... | Vew Yorl ?? ? ' ' 'i ihe Harlem bram li. . vmc* u ? i r -? ? , . vilh r ih< ,. i.irt'.- h - ii"' ? ? - of ihe f, u'ri ? ? ? " hi. h Im H" , ,-,] ?f ihe .f th< ? ? - ? .,??.,.:. ||- relrrred to tl ni'l 11 - ihl lhai lln ?' fnun ,,n th..letks liad I. ??' ? Hi'l ? ? XOTEB Oh Tlll. BT !'._'. Ti,- <?: ? i du. ? "?' nf Mnie. Ii.-i ! ,r/|, ?? ,,, ii, . rountr) alll li ke phu ? hI th; I If'li Vvnue Thiiitra lo-nlsht, i lavlna the lltle part. M n I. . Ini .raiene ?f ??tte. , lire< .? ... ,.',- ir, .. ? ., f. im - irlci The i.i .:,.i ra> Theatre " 111 lic .!< I all Ihi ? pjppin ' nol I'.tv i':. |,,.,v"i pro lUd ? iiit-l. lo v It* < iiiiiniiaii. e. I'lau. ? ?? *_>ill ?. , .?;, ||,i Ini. '' I ?? ? ? I. flOni |0 III The , 'V. '.i-'ia " ^hlp Al" ' ' " ,11 l_* j',' ?, ,. ,i .,- the .taiidard i ? .,?? I n lil ti ' lh. .,.., in ,. | iiion ?; ,.,,,.. ? i1" ' .imisiii: ?? ,m '" up) tl,. ??; p ri.' ipan, i", ii" V'..-... ii : , iiiinn ! , .,,:-. |j new. M, ?? r ?. \t ,|| pri eol l ei ne? w n ,,|.t i Kale al I.Irai , , Houw . fi r . ie Hi ' Ume m thi nl) li ? ?' '\ | rlp |, ' v, ,!l !.?? si-- II il Ihi II:il lt ? (,|i,ia Uon n ?, ' ' i ll, iln.., tm ui ?! lohn i.. sulk ? ti ti i'i'- ? "h "" I i .?. . p,, .,1 ',,. ,i .,' ? .,. ihe Mndl ".-,, ? i ln ln .,??-., ; . ? r, ?:,,,.,,!, -andr . ? |i ? .,? , v ? -I, m mniiai). rhe i.Ui llarntt i-ompanj begln* n> .'?',.??< cmenl ,,t the llroBidaa) Dieatr. on Jauiiarj ? alwn Mr. Uarrctl v^.n appear ln "lianeion,'1 ahlrli i.a nol belore been preaent* ) lu tlu. < n.v. Tha EngU h actrew., m,-s ai.,v i;.^.-iii- ,\i,- Arthui IiH.-re , v.ill sC",ii bC -.?'?,, in 'K tl,.-r Sand Bl Bt pe. al matinee al the MadUon - . ; ti-e, pei ml.slon ln tlw pertormanee ol Ui plecc luavli -? i.<- ,. cabl <: b> the uutuor, bydney Uruudy. .-ti a,t i: ,i on , to pla) an extended ? ? ? iu tii;s .itv before the cloae '.f t^1, i"'' enl ii, ti,,- ri.iir-.- of which ba wlll be een ln A. I>. '">, don'a "l-.' ,i Kallure, ? \ Little IMia-i ", i : nrd i .ih iilei.i) ' und ? l hc H?-ii 'Hb, ilih I, , ontlt u< A .'? Ihe . I lel f "nl , ? ? ' .?!?:'?,' The rceeipta ol tbc i Ine U d i iniitndled hj K. p. Prorl ir ",, i haiil -; vln? Uaj ? ,,, , , \|,. ,,, ,i -,,? Im dal ? . t.-. m< nl, uhlt lt i;., i ?,:. iioiuidaj in.'ii. roaulted in .,?'?- iw-elpl ?.( ove ...iiiimi I.,.- their efithl aeekB' en_a_ement, r willjilav hore two week In April la a t.< v\ repe ? \S li ) PUTKOi l'i BA i /. * l-ii i s |, |j. .,;, . ,,i nr.ut.. . V ?!.. ?ln. ti.iii. ''' ? fioin Iht ferryboal Paaai.k reaaMday Bftertwus bi Hobekaa, fell "?"? "" r|v" A daakhaad, Mai ? ln aiedlatat; ?ptaaf la Iha rtvei sftae tu-*i> Bad ? Md hli ?? hc wn. ?;.ikid_. lUrilh _. 1<1 Uie diawalBB BMM I li t4 . a I , until :. r..|. ? \._- ttirni n h n *** | ,.- 1 ... 1.. il - ...-! . i>,..,,, ?,. a wri ' DEXOt /?' I TS " fYORKI VG " llll. ALLlA \'t E I IJ'.ll. s lli MaE TO fSI rilB FAIIMKIW TO Dl I l\T 1 :.: R IM i.,.i \ *. r .1 rv. ... il i, I la., Dc . 7. While th ? S il.I tlliaae. rlcli ,1..- li ive h- "ii .- linji ni .r . ? I. ? i ? ?' i Ihe lai ii- "i ihe .. i .: i irgc nn mlii "i ' ?.-.. . i ? ? ? -. ? .. .... .1.1*1 mai ? Itnporla it ronfci ., i, , i. Ml nf Hn \\ ill i.i, : ii ? . . i-i.nvei i ion work U. naorni. . .'".I i' I" \ pn iiii ti .1 lini' nuire bai Im - u 111 la (loiae than .ln t |! hII iii- 1" ' ?? [? - I.i Hai ?: .'.,.?:?: al, ai d ? plnl ii ' Iffi . ?? Idi!. .. Ui Ihe i-i.I i"" ?"'" mlll. ?. i "i a few rej ? , - ? ,.,,,.? p|c.f wanhing ni Mw nn.. ihe Bdlt< r nl . ie tll ....? ? ?? Thc Iv nnomM " l ?? ? rtj n nni.Mii Insl nighl II n -i ni. D. ( ., ... dedded iii"ni i- .'ia- place, snd | .':.? third I ll, I \ ii, N..\ ? -111. -- -. n |li-> iini" for ll . he nexl lal nioeilnii nl I ie *>..' \ i??.? ? ii 1.. ! rev.ike thl ? lin i aod xxxake India . ? ? tha i '" " wltli i ...isldir_ I ? hope "i ..' ?? I'r Judli ?? ??? i .??.., i ? i."< ; ? v Ited : i kVe-.i ??.- ii -.". s.i .i - _ Ulld hl'IV tlU.l !)><" Mlll MII ?'? '?? ?'?' ? ? nf i li ? I i.-i,..,, i.i. ii part. lasa e un. \ i???? ?. ? - I i; ir ini n i. and thnt lli poll i i ihe Vlliaiti . in I , ,. , i --j. ? i v.ill t," Ml.,..,,,?,..) hy Ihem , t ' h.t llre suti 11 fnsurj hlll. i ?? im a?ur. u ; ,, ,w , . the N.,-'"i.iii Mi.H.ii'.- nml in- i ??? ii for - ?? i.i! iiii\ -. I. i- im <tl. ' "i ? ?,. ,, ,i flnsll. i iii'i ?- fnmi ihe . nmtnll ? ? i will '. . ?? i. ?:, niodllied m rt . m i i.i ,, ,|. .: i,. i I. irtli ii 1 u'- with a . .? "* hi mal i.'- it ?' ?nl .. ,'. 11 :?????? ? d ? ? i ' ? "? li i ' rxtcni tii..' lt ? ui .-. ,1 |. ? under i.I hj tire Satin ii Dcn.oa rsti, . ? ..-? : .. ii 1 - .;. ni ;.. ,,.. ,. |.i .?d '. ? , i.i t ? thal time, rIiIi - ..,,? -,. i i . Mllaiii iilatlnrn , uld, it I i. ?.,;.? il, ,ei nre nl. nlut nl ?; tm.i li I .? ? . ' ni'l 1 ', | lliu 1. .111 ,1 Slll. I'r. i .,". I 'I v mild pl* ?? tl ? |,.. ii. ., ",|i,, plltV I If'l " I il M :,l , " |, iti ii,,. ii ih - u .1 jt s,ml, - the *np|. rl ? f i ? ..-. till,. , id l'. ?.. ?' nati vote ? tl:??? ?-. ? Tlie t:. rd ji irtj ,,,??? eineiil. ,1 ,- ? al?|i " ,, ? . , : ? | ? ? ? I' i . rn the I -j. . it. ? ? ?' ' ' .,,?.:.-. i i ? , in m.i llne. i ! mal H ' ' ' I" ..,!?? Ui t ? !? -i' "t ? ? , , ? - fort will 1 .: i ,1 ?? ? - . , , i . ,-. |. . " " . ? ? I'" ? . ' , '? ? ? ' ? 'I ur Ni'UTII D\Ki I \ - ' > '.'"' i ' :. -. i. . i ? : - !,'.-?? ,1 . ...... : . ,,- i -, i \i i -i.i : i - '*- - -i i ii !>?-,?.? 'i a. i . . - i >. i . . : ? ? IX //.'/ / '/ OR I li !?? I v i < k ' ? V lli-? l VITII .W X ' ' . ? I . ? i I l I ? ? ? ? ? , ? i et li let , ? i u ? ll I . ? ! ??? ? i . ' I ' ? ? . ". IT. The ' . ... I .1 ? 1 -I ? ' ? ? ? ' 1 ' ' ' ' ?' I i ? ? : ? : ,,. ,?? , ?: . , .? /.- w ... /?;. ? .,, . I'" ' ? ? . < I,, rii- (ii.... ? ... i I'l Vli ...??!? ' ' ||?t A Iti , .. ? ? I ' ' ? ?' ' ' ' if th- ph ' ?' ,:, I ' mn ' l Mn' ,: ? ' ... - 11 ?llli i .:...,. .' ' nid Mr. I'i. , ,,',,??? . ' ' ?' ' ' ' un in ? ./.? ?/1"'*! ' *'* * v/s.*i '' 'i I* < .'., p :,,!,,. , mi , "I. .li/ i ' ..?'! " llnll .,, thl ' Ih." I . I . ,?;... ' ' ..,,.,. I'i Ihe evi ,,. I ' ni iiilsli .- p nl i . .1 Ilu ? : "? " ' ? i . |h HU r. ward ? " Uac m i I - .tha. i ,,f ,,.],,, . ? i. . . be h i m;i."I"1 ..." ' -"? " pl np _,. , ii diminlihed a le ,r un.ll h< . demand loi more l.j pU) Ins .'?' - rharmlni ull -. " Am llol ' *"?*** ' ' ' ' ' ,??. I.v. un. I c| Ig Id I '"I '"? , \ Iho clahih <? meerl will lai.c pla" ' "" ,. m Mn IVvmsii und m.-h ,i i ui i?. i he ? do perfo. iih I ? \imilii: I.VD CHILD \'BA*L] BCRXEH .'" W tTB , ,| ?,,.. . Ih 'I'l rhlld j I li. evei :?.. ; . Ibe i . , i ?.!' ' . Id. i . I, l l ' - lll?,.I. ' : ' Ihe .1 ..Ict.l M "! lllll ., ii.l.t 'I bi ip off th ' fln nll llcu ever. din Hon, snd Ihi ilnthlni nl ?' ' ' " ,,,?! the i, ii.i raa -' ?hi i,,.-. -!,.> r snWl Ut .,, ||i nnd Kergeanl '..< ' ? rt Ri u i '"??" ,-"1'v . i nn, ., -, itlon, mn ... her i ' ? ,"' '''" . il.- , hl 1.1 W("l lyltm I II""' "''? " ,!?. ,.?? , : i" 'in' room, .,':,) ii?. I.," "i- i"'1'" ??'?:?? ' ' ' ";""1 'i""'" , ,,,.u IU* |. .|i, -l,,"., -. i"-'l '"ii" hlitiiliels .ili'l "" w Ihem upon _ia aroroan and ?mnlhercd the nstnea ?i.,iiii r nnd Aanthten were u, i cirevic- i'1*" pltal ln .ii aaibulaaea. Mra, Barka protstMl ***** ?"J* hul lh. re i i,,,|?, for r?. , hlld. riiere wai oul) a -|:.i,i da ..... ;., |j.,. properl) lrom the Ure. ? KAILROAJ) INTEREST8. _ STRl '.'.l.i: r ih SOFT-COAL TRAFFIC. ov 1 III i* i -. \-, i.v im v Tn l ni- >< m ITE ??. I.\ \i. K" v I's. Ilaltimon . i ? - -,,, ,.,| . xiie l^nnevlv .ui., Rall 11 i ?? , move |n whal pi ? . >? t wlth tlu llaltlmore and < >hl i snd lh W. ?l m >1 . .; u :,ii,. ^ . rhe twu lal ter r ."i v- ii .j, i? ,, ,,,,,.,. ,| |,,, |||( !.,,( I.,,,.. luimel, ii"V ln . | , , tniitlon, iml uImi l,j Hi i-xlei lon ". n- IV? lt rn Mai la d' bran. Iv - . ,,,,,,..',i.i d Valley, tltu ..!??, I - nui lel foi ih '? ? IVe.t over ll ?? llaltlmore .. >i "blo. n Wextern Hai-j land befoi.' rii K Into il. pre ,.. im ihe Haltlmor ? i nd "hlo ? on emplal. <! .,, in. ? . itti the lleadlim look lo lln: ln.II i ? - ,,( the >'.ui,, Ptnii or I'andet bill road. i :,?? pn p .i n< llarrldiiint and i ? ?'? ? .i I'alln ad, . , ,,.. red, liim oul to I. ? a i'< !,',-> iv..,.,.. pi ijeri ..?? ,i line *lxt) ,.,.l'-- long t'> run from h |_il' i al ? , , pp. .-..?.. , I ciiim'i. .1 nui Valte) II llroad, tn ii polnl ",i the lledfonl and bi ?. - Itallr ,.ni. n< ..,? Daltas, In liedf. nl ? miiil.. I' nn. riie i apllal ?U? k ls .?-_?.."li '..?"". I'lion.B. ii, Kenncd) I* prr?_ienl and the I',,.i tl of H rompoMHl ol dii ?? '"??- of tbe ivim-5 Iv., la and t'liinbi rluial \ alleji roads. T? "i ihc im ' , .. i -, .i for b) the Pennsyl i .r ia ,"-i i iu ., on. i'..:.i l.) the I'unibcrl ind Vallej. i he P ,1.1a ?111 ,,.,,', ii. I,, . I,' i Uiii.ii" il. :?? i'- i !i i.v...ii ig, the We leni M n v buid ? ;..,., i ,.i . iiou bulkli ig Ihe . lln ( : i alle) lo Chei i v Itnn,;?., llie i .'l l. . md l?i l.nlW "i" II.rn llll ! , I'',. n| ll, -ill Ihe I' .1 .1,1.1 uo . l.rlti|!. ,' i ,,.il ovi-r il ovvii | from l uinliei land in Mounl Dalln l iii thal | lt Iia .1 ,, .r ln ihe l< i. I lltiii.liiinoii at il i.r,,.-I l"i' l.'.i ln. id, '? ! li ,_, largi- pi III oul ol I! e I'l-m.-v I oad ? ,n lirlng l'i.,'., lt Iphl i 1 <h. nui ? n hi -r tl .fi . ,,.,i i,?.?>,,ti. ,\|| the u i ? old Solifll M mi I'nil . ? i il ul wh' n ii . ?,. i . vit int I'.i;.,- 11.? -r.- u little tl mbl il.t ' ? ? to J i nn tb'1 main i II ' i . ladelphla ami lialilmore ; ? i.i,.'. ? ? ? M"l K Tl*. !TI< III V.N , \i. Pi i \i:i:n l l ','??? i ? -i - || tlie repalr of ihe T" . ? ? ' .1 '.,... heen ; ? .1 ,, . ? fund lu,-,,, hi ?' I'. the i ? li-.-i. , ,,.,? ? ? .? ,? of ibe |, el ? t the road ? ? ? . ? . ,1 ? ? ? ? ? : I ,' n ? I r>. mi nor i ? ' ?I pa ? ? ?, I IV. I'l I.l II W> IN ' K w ? I- ' llll ??| "' ' .. ? f d I.v .lay i. nn . ln i II ,? ? Hi I I ? ' I" . i ? ? . ra. ? ? ? \ .,t r. ? at I . ? , I I, * //; K ! II I *Fi XT IS GOOD fl ".'. _. 5 v | . \ . \ N . IBI.U - . M ll'" Kl .;.;..' ' I ' ? ' i v,. | ' ll'll ? I . I I ? ? I ' ' ? ' II ' " ? ' ? '? ' . 1,1 ' , .... ? ?'?? ? ? i . I ?oiidiul A s l t /. / r.vr, ill i; | F a I .4 visswx. ? III K fl ? v ? I. , v I |-,. ml || I laeiitv I" ...I'l' .. ? . ' ,.'? ? I ' , | tal ini h' I'l, l'u lltl ,1,1 ..f I Hill 8 ip a.,.1 .1 I j I Id Ci. v Ly Uu- i ?ll ? , , , ? ,.',i ?ii I ' '?") '' "' II,111,1,. K tha: "? il f " him I" ? .,,,,.. I t him I ? |.l III '.v ? - i , , ; ' llli-elil ' '? ? I) i . i -.,.., 18 tll sl . .., '1,1.1 I.l V, , ?, i.ilet , ,,,. .| L. Ml UP. Il??'*|? '!'l... ' ? , ? ? ?? , I raiurht III . iilled I"; and n.adc .. ifl "'!' \ ,",'",l ' " . ssist " -?' .","? " ''' ,'", r-ihei lh.-. ,.; ,..!,? Ilal.k lo term Tho ?????''??"' ? lake.i ,.. m ' "" l''? "d I1 ,' ?. ?' ,: iibern H Btatlon. Bo? i- - ?I lou ? ? - ? WOBBB TS TUi: GS9BMAL rOXFEBBXi ?. . bapli ? - i ? ,,f tbe M tmarv Hnrlet) of the Methodlal Bpl . hunh. .,.',".? i. -':" ||V ''' '' " '?' mierepone I., he..v, i??J?rlt) >**?* w? i, ?.'"- " ?-'?' ' ' '" *.' II.. lai.l. ' Women lu n. - ' , . ,,,,., n,. i ?. li, lt nt lit ,il \llll' Illi. l.i , .BlklliK pt.1.11" - '";.' "' .. S"!..?'??.?? ? I.V 'helr".' ? b.*%*. n<|.iii.\.. and ou ? /,. PIKBJOHt Tin TBBPOBABt PABTOB J. ? . , ." tut.t a.J "?*?? il li -|.,,',.. -i..-..?.- ",, f\- lack "f ehsrity churrh people :,, upreadlna ti- G?*pel. i>.. I"",-", will hsa ' ? ; . ... rharge ??' Um ?->i?..? Ji .1 Ilu ps-toral ? - ;;;.i.. ?; ii niiL- i.i ,t for Uae oesl twa maatfcs, st the . .i: ?? which >:?,. ,1 i- i,.,|i.-i t.ii.n ii sermaaent sppotnt. ,,,. st i i Um im (,.;.ii. slll bavi ' ? ? n *****. OBITUARY. im: RBV. i'i.'. W. il. CAMPBELL. ri." Rev. Dr wiiiin'i. Hctirj Campbell, ex-|iee?ldenl i.r Ratgei ? r.illege, died al in- hoeie Iti Net lli iniswick, v. ,i,, .,-.,,,,;.,,. rnomine lle v as Ix i al Ualtlmore, Md . .... ri. pi. mhcr i I, i - *?-. und pui u ' in . . iieg . farll le, <'?mi ? where he wns . ., .1 i -..--. ll,- -i i ; ? i ? ' .'?..' ?'' *ml i " - nnd wi. h.",i i .1 ba the .-? nd Prcsbytcry ol N ? '.. r:. in i-::i. ii,- Hr. pastornte v..- ln the Ita ed rhnreh ol fhittenango, B. V? i-:;i i??:..*. whi h hr. tghl hlm Into Ihe mlnlstrjr >.r the churrti r, wl.ervlre he a-peiil hla llte, Ht . , ,-.. i , edarator, In * hleh lio waa pre-emlnentlj ,.. ifa . bettan In i- 13. when h-* became pnn. Ipsl ? t r. . '?.,i. ii.ii. Klatbush, L. I, conl ilng at thi laead of thal Institution until lf**. *?' ll"-'1' wturned lo Ums |,., '"ni". .ii Ra ' Sea Vork, lemaiuin* there | from i- '.? i ' 1 ?4I, nnd thc Itilrd Reformed nhuwrti. of Mbany, N. V . I-" n 1841 U i-i- "" ***** "r;"' ' pal nf .than. *?? wlemy. from I i- to i- al, when he u.kiied i,y llre iieneml ;v:, "i ot Uie Befnrmed rhnreh i., thc .halr nf nrlentnl lllorsture, In tho Dieolngi, ,i - mlnnr. >l .e? Brunswlrk. N. ?'? in ni,|. -.-:?;, wtth hl pnal.mhlp ln theeemlnwr he slso (il'.ii iii" profewwishlp "f belte-letters, li llutgers (Ville_c, until IMfUl, when he waa eleeled in.. Ident ol tho " llese. II adrnlniktcted Ihe uffaln ol this Inetitutlon wlth Mgnal shllii) ;,,;.i -,,.."-. u.i; ur 11 ?." nl iMrntlon nf uliicteen yonr the rollcpc ramc to Love thc i i i-i ?." ii Its | lory. li endos ,.,? nts ????>?? ln ,i .,?? h llimiiirh l c'fcrl h. m< ?? Ih """ ' "? . i,|, _l,:,| ll ,ii Kn kpatn l, i'l iap 'I nnd Uhr.iry v.. i" iUltb . ." It?i lill.l.- H,- l.'l.'.r- III h'h.ill "1 the . i.lleiro -' wore ii|".-i ln , ?. ::. i, ', i - ' ?? H.? , ? , ?? ,., r ti" p. -,.i.-inc Ihoiiich ? ??_ f,,r ., [|mc -!." |. .!??-- i'l lp "i thc evld ... - nl i liristiniilla lu I ??? I. lltiiilon. Tl,.. rlosi.R vcan. nl his life were .svupied ln r,.,i. ,i,,,.. .,, ,| n'unisi pinc tn tl - Fourth ? r snyjl i u .-., .| |. ,,., ..! , imn I. ,n N-.' Itmiisv I. k, a hl< h . ?! ln l ? .... iml nf avhli* I.iitlnu i n i i..iiii p..stor ? merit u . IJch - u.ilcd ui Ihe .., i ,. - .'.,? i: v. Alon l>. (':.|,,..l."ll. lu .!,.- ?f 1--:' Dr i mipl II " .- .li-i,,,.,,,-',.-.l for wh:;t I |,e .n i I.-' ..I in nph ? i*.!,"- ''.i' inslltn .... ? iiildliui men, h. I,-- n ihlii nl" ii*. he " ? - ? . n pller Ml ? nl .nwri.tlve uld .., . .:.? - . ... .i iiumei ?:- . ontrlbutlons t,, ii f perli rtii -,l ii ?*. ? ? ? i:\ mi.i.i: .i \*.ir.- i.'.v. |.;x .i r| ? i ? - ? I. ' ??? ly-l ' ? ..'* "M. , j(,. ,,.,.. ,|. n| ,,f iho l N il nl Bank nt J< i "" .... . ? ? i ? , ..- ve?ierd iv nft.-r i.n Illness of one yeii Man! years sgo he was |? ,;,. citv, bul senl i" ? , ...... , .. !?,? v .,. i.i ,i . -. ,. ?: . ?? ? ? i : . '.! rt ' i . i -. ?( \ , ? ? (Vnirl nf I'' ?? ? ' "?'' al , In Hw ? ?, v. ,,r- he I, i i ?? ,'i i>"! in* ? ? ,, ,.|,., I.,,,:,, \ v'.v. ? -? ? ., 'i i daughter . . in,ii. in: i VMKH I I.TF.WART. t r.. [? ., , ii,, : - ?? ? lai lli ?' ? "- I- - ? died ; . "'' i';l'1 p" ! ,. .|,i\ retun ? . ' i ? ??' ? ?'" lhePB f"r i irpo.I uttendl .,: the WTorld'i - . , ? >. .... ?.,.!?., ? m !r th" (?.'?? Jh v . ? ' ? ? ..... ,; , h..e tlfteen . . .. i,, ? ,>f m. . lucetii - ii". . -?? l" Vte i.tii XRV KRi.KHff. >? - : - ll. I . \ -..ii. . ? , found ' ' ' .... itdren a . , . ? rir? /w \Tiis i\ prookl] y <m i:< rbs. -i..:-. m i OHM vn w ii.i.r \ ? f ?I I S IM N'i Sl .l\'i. 1 -? I I'- |.-t-r M. 1 ' ' | : !??.-. I I ;"? ipi.l < ' ' \| ? lld 1 Wii ? "I *'" .,- || ' ... ihe " M. I . ir, h. I . ?? lle .M.I' ' l>" H? , . | ll.i.ilil ' ' - ' lUUUMl >? ' "'? * ' '? .,;,,! fhU ' ' ? ii ? :- . .".:.<l |i . ? : ' ' iu.. i ? ? v ' I i ... .?,,.?,. i ? Mr. .??,," - ;?:, oMvii. ? II : ? luilid ill lii, , t ind lar. s. fl ? ? ! v... , .?? .?nuld iml a i .,.,..? ? Mi j. m lefl .i ? ' "" :" bv i nl yel h". ii m.i.: . :?.., | |f, ;.'. und llved a. ith ., \ ? I U I'l ., d dl d ? ? .i him. - ? ? Itiiril >?!' i ?"/(.' /W. im. rhlZE FIGHTEM i Im ua .?.. ? i'i' |i [, IlliK pl ;/'? f tti .??MUilr.v, dl, d " -'....,.' ; Nn . i.' A ? -' I i ' |<iW_) ? ".1 .' .... . , .. ? nu d hi> death i ra iu < '?,,.' y Arnia I '? u*. I, i , ,, hul had l,a"il ln Ihl i iml li ? -?????? he nid !?; nh hl- lae f" .: ? , bri layer snd wa^ U ? a ,,r , ,. ,,|,i \ ,,i ii b i ?? Departmei t bcin. .,-,., ,.,i , , , ? ?? ' X, ln Rven sl 1'." ?? -? ?i hnd ii'-, ..".I .",ii" rep itatlm. ? . :. bul ! '? lii " ? .'".? mto pnwn i . bj lies i . .. ,, ... , . ?; i lio fnught I , ., i , ? , | batUe t'.'t . -I: .?. I,??!.???? ' ' "' '" ... t II ' I'stsv" Flj un , ... ,.,, . .!_?-. .,? i W ' ,'n I 1} I- n' ,, ,,l ,,, uiecl I."' MS.-C. .'nl ? "I ? , r- rlsud I... lhal |. |i -. ?"' '"" '"?"',' :? Itt ln I -?" al '' ' I. ' : ''? :. after apiiiv """ ' ;,t '':' '' **v'\ "'',', ., ,. sith.mi ex * .i I.I. '?? ?'.I'H'ii ?', l?> the ,,, , ||, i, . ; nu,., I.,- . ."" i ? '?'"?' | . , ot ?' i ". I | . Mcultlir,>m.h the , ,, . ., |... emsn wid nerved ,. ,. pui ,,, ; li ? Wu |. \Ut:;i. < ih " EA1HEB Kien ono lu Nca. \.ipprclated . dclightful . :,,?? Mtuislay' ' '' ;" il,.- briglil i im- li.a and Ueen, braclng stm - plre ? ol yesterday, c. n II thc) wcxe ircated to auotlier ... lai ; , ? _ all. u?'i w"h '.Iciaartnre ol tire rain. I i th. darh I ***** motmni cold wavi ;. sde .; - sp'-esrancc on Uie - ,,,.,_.,,;. ? tl D '1il i\ W.-H. I-".. li -'1 tlie temperature had I ?.:.? tt np m. Ithad hirtliertumMNj to _ . degi ?- .ii sl ?' V. "? -! *****. ', "';""l'"|. ?.?r.: ?.i>., mad I ion iv. aud the sitli ho:id?} ,11!. II Ml ' Gl '???/.??' "- ' ' " '< II. I,|, ,, .,|.w.. , W . -. . . ll, -t N-"? ^ . . , , t tlw m .rld, ,|"i ii. iinii i". -. . | ,, ,, , i,, , well hnov n I i plsyer, wlli i . : . .' Ihe I-- .1- "t . Manhattan ' he , ;',;, n?. iliit. ba pnivl.i i-i.""." '" rover Ih. ,,?. ;?? . nl II," |.|;,-.-,-. snd t ..... Uils will sl o I ? , , .? , .,,., ??. ?-?.'" hn ? i?>. ?10 m- earh .. |,le |,,.i .,,,.1 #10 i" "i ll Pl .' ? ' : '"? ' 1 - ", ,". I, .Idltlnll t" lhi? .' prlM "t 17.1 hn- .?! ' , ,.,|?.,i |,j i-;,i_.ii..'i sniuteurx fo. the av,,. ,,f ,i,,. ;,.,',,1,. whhh i- i" "?' declded on Ihe "'"'. jamei up? ,.i?,i,,i... i,.>-? "f h"'? Plsyors havlna M-oeei tlghl wlaa the uut.h vlU l* deciared di_.aau. \n imtntrd Throat i- MotMadi traatai i.v i>r. D. ? r.\.loraat, an oM-eataaUshad eaiattva bf ,,.-,, ,.ii.i Cold , and all l',f..ii'imil aud Laag truubl -. ?'? ??-.?. "I,, ? \.i. |.?": itretrh of the kma-bow Ibal .me iiiu.i t.iiit- nowaday* tn ?ii'i llie diufl beyood Ihi .r ... nn! .';.. t . - > rapld l.i the progrea* .-f thia i-titcrp.i-iii_ ,.'? lu matorial i.n,i_-. _ -Un-t tiiae , i a wrlter In - Tlie North Imcrh-nn K-'v low" thouahl m '. thal arn. Impmbablllty t.\ Ironhally ,i,L--,-, ". - offlee. of the ?uppnaad-to-be pro ji'.t.'.i ;ai'.v.' ',""v. ? . and Jeruialeai aroaM doubtl ??- i.luipped w Ith iv " anlters. Valn ? "'"? I itup'.'.-.t -,.,'i-iu: The n.vtiii?-al rui'.. iv i. rapldI) .ri.vM,,.- Into lanidble .1,.;..- u|?>ii ,lud<..:, -?? I. i:;.- v. li >tl< ' f lh, An . rlcan I- omotl*, 1 wlll -...ii au;,:,", ii'. ? .fariled 1.1.1.. ti.e s|...pii,?, i-eluie. "f '?!.'".iii.i,:..- amons tlioae aacred i.iiU, nnd ? \ en now ll.e fan.Ill, . ikliiR ol tlie Itemlnxl .-i lypowrfler ma) , < heard ln tii" ofllei ? ,if Ihe 1 unpany nii.. an bulldlns .!. road Por wliai bal Western rnterpi-ino and , . - ? 111. v :. - - - rould overcome fl. servatlsiii of tho 1 rurk" * Pancj au Ar.ib 1* ibe .?'??,( behlnd 11 ItnMwIn loeomotlve, tt* a )l"-|i..i, Ktfendl arltlng l.i- !-'?'- upon t RcmlngBna lypeuriier! Verity, tlu aorld be torned up-i.'e -i_"wn m ihc-.. daj -! ? ? ? ? itiiivN THeaphereaa for ihe hair ha* I" u i" '?>' t- uubll foi :>o reara, and Ib today ibe m,,-,, popular t .1 ? t trtlelo la Iha rn.tfd MaBta 11 vo.i nre tiied taklns tbe la,-' olfl faBhloned jjrlpina pllls, trv . ?, r.i, !'S l.liil.f ll VI 11 I'.l.l.s ar,d Uko -0,,.. "',,! ,'.. \ ' u,, an'l :.... 1 ' ?'?? ritlia.^. Now nn Kxliil.illnii ,.t thi '? , ? Ot FllBt I CB., I lth. -t. a... uth-av ir? -? and llnrrt hmoi i ml 'f rai* nltue. III 1 ? ? - ... i-i|,'iiu' I',. ? ? The Fnvoriie t.iiioe Itedoabl. WT.l. rlillv f??. ii.atlnf f,,i old aud le.iug, Sold bi sil '"v d'i 1-. I'rlcB al Tht iii' I ? >.?"'. BBk t., ?? l\ h en bBbJ ?]< ?tr;<, ?.<? b?\_ tv-r Ca.tOriB. \\ . .., Um nas a I .,;._. ..I,- erted foi i *?co-!a. V.'lieu .:. - bc idu M ,?, .i.r Bluna W ' bbBbi b. Wh?i. ?iie had 1 hi..!.??, me SBV8 thrni Caatoila. DIED. CAMPm-.IfL r.-v. Wm. II. Campbell, ri D.. ?' New. |l:i,?-'.'l ... N, I.l" .I", 7, 1.1 Hi- .:!?? i.*r ,!? I-,-a.-e. 1 il X\ ??',-ii. 4' _' .; ? ;. ni. ai .-s',.,.1.1 iu btn-et Ile ,,,, -ii. tl ( hutrh. Iti- r t|,i. s'..l ihat 11. > H'ivm ,- .?' ??;,'. ri ' K M.ddeuli . u 011 D ? ?", I"', ">. i'i 'hi* ,:, ll , .??;,? id, ? II ? ". Alexander HlehoM KiiiiiTal r*.n Monday, .'- :i p. n tl leaeeel her :.".'. Ml-. I".'.,' ?'- H I'- k, W Ka** -"'tl.-.I.. ? ii ;.i ii r. 1 >rd, r...i... C'lflNISII '"' -.','.., '? D fl BaraB I'.., 1 lf,. ,,. Ch.rle. I,, ' , ,.,!,. .11 l.-n.-i '.,? 1 j \\, ... ',3,1-et., 1,1, 'i'i ..,:.? tt II '?'? Uil.. li . . ,1 nt ? ill\t llie it-t 1 , ',,? 1 ." CHOKKK Uu Saturday, Deeemb S, I0DO, l.fl.nrd ? Y2 ......,?,. - ? . . Ittth-K. , st. ,\ - ' Mondi D - ,t. -.' u 81. u.-. vis *' ku;a\.. th. N 1.. .... .', day evenlna, Deecia. hei 7 ;-.?? -? ih vv.' i-i.f i-.n- , tlauohH ,,- j \v uiim ?. of Hartfort, L'oan., ln ti," Mtk y.-ir 1 tl I" .? af ",. DolOI v ?. \' iry -?'!??. ??' . ' paralyBlB of the Ti-.'i- [li V. I. '"' Vl- I' ??' ' 811. Bged III 11 -.',..' . ., ? ? IXM -. Suddenl , X. J , S'U'dav. n-^-emb-'r 7 i- 11..1-,, 11 Inu ** 1, . ., ,1 .i.iiU Q. 1 ? Funeral |.i'\..i--. 1., ?' ifHKAN \. bia r.-iil-. J W. -? IMCtia. . _n S?|. li ,.t, , 1; ..; , . 1 .-:.,.1, I ....... ? it All _ .n,,.' 1 I.','??li. M.ell. .,,,... : 1 , , . 120 1 -? . 1 '. -li.. '.''I. l.i-' , 10 -0 II itlvea ind ir ? 1 '- l Ul BU ad. . I. I ?'??'. On Sunday mnmlna, !>? rmbet 7. i?on. janee 1. " - ? '-? , -' re, 493 , 1 - 1 ',.-?., . '1 " ? , 0, ai I lt,-. 11 ..- ti 11.iivenlcnte nr th. f.>' I 1- , 1- ,,,,..-. flower. |.,,l'l: ,; - 1-? . , on Krld?j , ? ???, . nt pn'-iimonla, I,- nl, .1 V .... -f ,,.-. l,i\ifvl ,., ,irj ?], f ,,.. ...... (?_> \\>.| - ? ? M iiid.y, Bt - |. ," I* , K.uiinmi.N -SundB 1 ? 7 .., ? ?? r. hin-. .1, or., Ij- nf va.-.i. h. .1 i; ,. 1 ? ! ... *>:? nd 'h,' f,iii"i8l .f hli -.11. 10 Woat IXJdaM , oa n fl. , ? Wh .fi-'.., at l :i" p, ',' _,, , . : ?-. t ? M . ? ,rd? - ,-. No I 7.7 Wa-hitii,. !? er '.?. at 2:13 p. at. : 1 i_-lvat'. THOMI'SOX Buddenly, ai Bt. Paul Mlaa., Deeeiuber 5, VV. ? , 1 I ?; " ',..!. ll. 'll- H'Vth vea, ,?? bIfl Ifl Mad ioo-bI . 1. . .. ??.,, \ v, Monda) evenlna, ?a" .--li I??-.... at 8 ii'clu h ? ? ??? \Ve?t' ,,. j. * 1 >. r- 1 I ,1-e ,?- ,,r V\\ bAXTVuOKD Suddi-nl) on l'..d,iv evenlae, nt-f-m I . ? -, ,,i hrart f Vn. ? M Towti M '. ' ' llfred Van ?-,. tv. 1 H ,, ? , -. , ?, k. al BB IVt ?: .i.'L. -, , Bt < 1>. BB., BB .".? .1 d ij :? ? ?? N . ?. w . 1TT-1 - ? ' ' ? . ? ? ? :: 1 . r <on of v, lliain !' ...'1 HavBh V v .-.,,". bi blB 17tli 1 |.-,,l.r.i ..,?,.,.. || 1 . .,-.',, . ,,t I,,. i,.ir ?ul., isa 4.1 U ndaj, l> " ?'!'? r B, at, a i Kludly orolt fl.iw. m. wood v .'?? rei lenee ot t - porent* .r din'iiJr'rit. Bat. , 1 .;?.,,?.. eld.-at rhIM of \ ,. ? ? vv.1. in ti, (ith rear ,if III. I. ". Ki ie i-a. M-rvIrM wlll !?? h. IU .t Ibi Emst a'ith?t. on >Io,i .! .? ':? ? ? - ? :i ??' :"'k. wn.1_1l4.WVN CEMF.T1 uv. Woodlawn Watlou Ith "?'.'. Ila-l^ra Hallrnnl OfBi .?. N'u 20 ' 2Sd -t 5pfcinl Xolircs. A.. \. c.wwi 1.1,. 8 <o.. II-,.,;?., ?_'.?,.-? 1 1 -.-ij.". ? o; '7,.',?.?.. , r iiii.ii: -,' Qi ILIT) and i."-t Baiahed i'< iii.i. 1 ai; 1 1.1.1 a .,, , ? t th. ? ?' 1 BBBBl : ,r \ VI 1 - I'ltl.-,'-. s ; . bbb are 1VUK) IIAllt BBI hli ? ? IVORV POWDER BOXEh AXD UIRROMa UTOlbE s|.| 1.1, 1:1. sili.s .', .0 t i.Mlls, M ps "1 Mll.11 Ml'i HAIR BRI'.SIIKS, ni;;..siN'. 1 utfcl ? TAN 'ALI ?" BPIRIT STAXM FlXF.vr 1 5tl I UlfAb* Il'ITLCS, I'KRl I Ml 111 HA. ill.l's ^. Llll B1I.VKR IM Si?l s I -. Ml I'l' IXE CHI s a ? id IXU V-. , :,. ,.: 11 1; ; 1:.: . ___ a.- 11.ain *i < i?.? ' Hrui aherry "1 ui bi had j'- a.. B_M i^- koMM and - , j,,t- bj dl '..?? r- ^ Tlu. is nol ml_ hut trui - ., ,: l bf 1 \i;i , R -, 1.1 1 ; i.l. l.:\ i.i: 1'lLl.s. _ ??? Kallee ? ia ru-iy || I v 1,,..'. .,..--??.? ?|ic UUr ao? 1I1, . ?,. . Ul?| a,. .1 . ? ? I 8I?I . u snd ... "' rrlal . ? l I.V .18 ? ,. .1 m,? , . I' I.l wiil lIlIM i ' ' ,V" -. 1V11 v \ tt S 1 u. r ?. 1.? ? . r ' ? n 1 ,.nd i,j. ,lt \ , Al 12 11 U , 1 .. ' ui f r I i : ? - V ,...-- . '"f ;"' ui, ? ? ? ? ' ' '..*' 1 , , . | , fur It. e . '? ,' .1 . -....,? . M ? ' ? ' "... v. 1 l>\ l.s|. vl \ : ., 1 .. , ?? O ' .. _?,-:. 11. No ..'??'.. ?.?,..-- 1 ?--.'. 1 11., 111,11; at a a. in li - - HahoJiB . 8*. ?illi. M< \ ? in ' ?'? "1*1 II ti nm" it ?.. 1 -""'?'? ni. uta 11 * ?' B Ibr |, i. iitoii.i . vla vj'i. ? .-' Hl a' I" 1. 1". ? 11. n-.,iv 11 ., ... ? ? 1 aod bouta ri .?? |., 1- ,, ? - . . ? ? . . - ? f "? , ,,. a lllta aud liiiab-uifl ? ? ,. s. >? , , 1 .. m ?' 1 I itsyti aod aavBj. ? 1 . riitari 1" 11 foi \ . .,. .... ,1 ' . '" 1- ? ? V'.i. ?"-.? . loiiili... v ? . '.*? \'i ? ? 11 ,.. ,?., ... i . . \ >li ... ? I,.. , ?., ,? 1 ,, ;,, fo f|. - WesterulBl : v.m AbbV ?. i,> , ii. ?- ,1 '.-? h dl a "|? v. ? , ?: ,tt 1 . ] , , ? , 1. , 11. ? > i \ mdria, v, 1 it ivai . ilettara . ,: \o l'i t) u 'i m iili l;s|>\ \ vt, 12 111. for 1'i.rUi ll *. 8. C'nI'MII. 1 i:i!> \\ At 11 a. 11. '.:??> V. ;? ?. ?. < larih 1. s \ 1 i :;i \ \ v . , 11 ' ? ? 1. 'u.i -.,.,., |. ,??,., . ;? - !..'... v.. II.. ? . ' - - '? v? . ... I" ' ' :-. , it .< .'? ? 1 and Br-mea I.. bpain. !'? ,'.' * , . ?. . .....1 vla 1 "|i ? ,, ?. im it 4 b .... ,,. , ,,._.. . .,,, . 'tterB 11;,i-- l, .1 .:?? ? 'I ??!?? v- a. ti .Pl *? mentarv in 80 a. n - x atid - I ? mai vla BB , ... i\ 1 ,. :- ,!..-. - - . ..'i-ye :, 11,d Tt . ?? -? !? : ??' t'-l ? I-" <?'?; ,if I |i. in to ' im,,??'!,? ' lf.nn- Tjt,a.:o an? Xn itin, 1 ? - - ' .'v ? ' '- f" ( ut*i _ . , . ? ? , , KUI8I vt* \-.- , , . , ??. of ?mlington li at 1 p ? , \ ...\ ita Rlca vla Llmoo pei ?. 8. ii ' _,_ __s M1II1 I V'lBtn S ?? 7 * < i'l '!?? w??,lan !??' i"1 - , . '-. ?? ! -a - . ??-,,,. o:- M at \ , vorl. ??? - - v Bi ' ? Bial - fv au?. tr-, || Mall* I ? .?'... --'.'' :-.' tf ? -'.' I r ' ' ' "... '\ ' ' 1 rd tf* '? ?' ?? ? ? 1 v .- , from 11. intie !>. al .1 .1 ' 11 .... v, , .!.??, md f i?i|. ?> .. j , ,. - uali* Mi.iui ?" ''? '" ? : "''"? ' hv ''"' ' ? r? .!,???? '.i ,, ..i Mi"- fOr ( nbs. i.v ral' 10 Ti pa the.11 by .leait ...11 . . . . u dn - '.'v - a id sati rd iv* it t - olPr ? ,, ' >m , M .iu ? ? M?\l.verlana, jmh ** , ., , ij, .. ,1 ? ., it 1 .1 iniqr, "!,,..? Bt thia ?1" da lt il ?'* ' '' ? ' , .11 - 1'rsnrlwo di iv .nd " ,. - 1 d.ll of I ' ?>? l>r-a.i.| II. 1 ;,, ....,, I tn . a.. naail* o. K-i". ,,,, ., 1 ..-? ... ... -? mi 1 ,." ii '-?? Franrloro oa ihe dav ol lalllliB "' aUai '?'- "' ite?pa?B__i tAenr. IM ?_oia d?v Keglstered i .. rlo*.-. al '1 |. n, jiMiti'i. day. POtmBOt, Nr?-Vsra, M. V., BtOWObOt k\ IA90.