Newspaper Page Text
Vw*L..,.KM6\09i. NEW-YORK, TLESDAY, DECEMBER D, 1890.-TWELVE PAGES. S-^OlOla^ PRICE THREE CENTS. TIIE DIVIDED IRISH PARTY. McCARTHY TO LS. ITE AN ADDRESS AND PAR Nl-.l.I. Tt. STUMP IRELAXD. rnr. !,\.rni .;..?- i to >: sd v Ri u ratioji W ag| r \ T' D 6T-_T___ - I OMM1TT1 ' AT fOKfTE-l TO P: ?_ Hl I*"1-1 v Or t:i.. M . iRH HT l-WWIOH -M.::. hwitt ON THR l.y. ...I !. hn: . ? Lonrl.n. Da.. .-ta re._M.nae ta the call tesiied | bv Juatia McCarthy, the leader ol Uie Vnti ? pelli.e s--a.-, ? i t .- 1: ih party, < ' -?* ?*****"* of the ? o are oppoaed t, Mr. Parnell aa ar.hle,l ??? .-.. to r_.n-.ldei rurther rhe line ol ,? ? ... ,. .,.,..?' . opieaol the eall had heen ?ddieaw Parnell I ?i iPP?rU *? l! | it 1. h'.r-. ? m ?? - > i i aay lhat none ol then i wm ,? i \ oounril rompriaing eight mein- , b,?_M. i .braham, DiUon, Healy, O Hrien. Ar.ll!M, -. ,...- ,!-_werOTonnor.^xton a..!.' ? to aaalat Mr. MeCarfhy la ,..,.? .- f-.ture ;..iw? ol H-c party. [he moet,i,_ a pmiifctl over by Mr. McCarthy. After tbe el tbe oouoeU ao adjoun__a__il Waa taken until -' a'eloek to-morrow. IVfr.,-i,..:"|.n- the meeting unanimonsly ?u HMriatd Mr. McCarthy to prepare an addreaa ta th.- In.!. ;.<-,.p!.' a' I ime and ahroad. In thia he will a/ive tbe preaenl aapeet ol tbe Iriah question and ontline tlie future policy ol hia party. Sir Thomaa Urattan Eamonde waa appointed an lial .:..<??_ il ? llip. Tbe aubaeriptiona t.< tlie fund being raised for ? : i- .i iii!:sl ins :?'? DuWin a new p..p. devote I to th< intereata oi the Anti-P?rnrll itr aeotion ol tbe Nntioniilial part* have alipady teaehed many thouaanda of pounda. I >u>ai *.._.<r ..'...'.rt r is meutioned aa likely lo "?? Editoi "f '; ?? new 'o.;..'.. The McCarthyitca have warned nt .1 hn Pope Benneaay thal thej will oppose him it he si nds _ I :' ? ? . ? ? lidate ror the seat in the 11. of Comtnoi ? foi Norlb Kilk. '? ???t hy the death "i Mr. Mai \lr. Da 'itt, ... . ?? tStratford 1 day, aaid *;._t. while it eould nol l>e denied thal recent oe cirrrnfi's l ..I aeriously end ngcred the cauae of Iielaad, he waa gl;. I to ' durini. the eontn.veray little had been - .itlicr aide "i which Ii nd He WM eonflde ll that ha>1 ma tr> the prin. iples . 1 Nnl onal aelf-govcrument, an.l Lc did not helieve thai either M '?'?< ? tV.r.e <.r the Brltieh democracj would _ Ireh:ul now. Mr. Davitl will go to to :.s-;si in I ? caii.i'.. . ' eil party. li ripW \|. |i, nt . ? i ? ii since i .' !?" i_n< ' lllC ,', ... i of tbe '.?? -'!- fund i - h.i I uneertsiu wlwi ? '.-?:? i ?? ?' -' ; ?? Tlie a ' '?--?' ' - riepoaited | Mn.r- & Co., Ln l".iris ,. n rdnc- the de l ? I '? ..'"' latti in thi ?- I ? ?'??' *-<*' :'"?'., '" ' it waa nevei iniei should have M.I.' ? ""I ol tbe t md P-ofeesoi .1 ??;.. sStu i. . leml. i ol the i of i ommnm I i I ? lli.xton divi-n.i I - ditch who, ? ' ? bv M ! ? ' '" '!' r' W.ti tiw Vi.ti-1' ?' - ' . ber. "f t e Ilu -?'. - ?' : M '?"'i'' ' an- apenl -. me i- ' ? ..,'.- | J ??- ' ' ? . "1' the Pnrne I episod. guise ? through thi se yet. . , ... V i l ? . . .:<?'..-? Ire* II ill.H nn Thnr-dnv. nd altrrw. md '-. .n:.i I. Mr. I rll will hr nr ,;,:?. ni. i .?- -.- . ??'. ':.? -' ';"-? "? ? 11 Irt-and, l.e will l??.ue r ni nif?sto >? the lattei nl I.v n Siini... ?-.?:- Ml ' r.'W. .,., ?-.. : I-' ? .-.ii.l1 Mr. Pnrre I ?-. ' !su spe-ak m tlw I! \j. ]? ? the 1 i ilr I 8t-.t.'s 1. i '.?',.? ? ??? ' -. f I he !??.nl ari?"i it- ? - - " ' -" -, ,, . ? in M : .n t, tn ?'.- ' 1 .? !!? ' ' ' ' ' al .- Ion 1 -it.-. >il -'?!' ; ' ' !, hbn !"?> 1 ? ' ? ? .... ?. ',..' . a ' a Tlw. v -. - lr.ra has paaaed je.,.' ttioi auppor! _. _? . - <r<;<;!>! in , \ . SFl '?: v '?' T'; ;"-pT TII . I'.'.v: ?l " ' " VIEWS "' "i '" Dal Hn. 1 ' I .... Ir^'a-. .. Ihr ? Anne. li ? ,u pailnt. lo tho . j rltv ol Mi IM ??T'i. | ? , ' i .,-.'"'??' - li Mr. I la .;??'- ' lt. ,.-. ?? ? |o either aide on any Deas, thal '?" .-i-i" " ' "f ' Iriah party ln '!'f- '! '?' ' ":i ??' ' lt untea >'- - ? i ' ' ' the VntteA state_ io l*ai ? ' ...... . ..' lhe lt . : " Of < ,111m ? - delegaii . 1 rltli ? full kim '??' - thal ha.- happe eaf. I ? *? I " " ''? ' t.. pur-ue. Ut* hi ' ? " ' ae ?*?,*r ;,:' ? ?? I . r. bul wonM _tti I i ' ,....' ' ' ? ef t_? lrt-h parl , ' "'' -' "' ? '' am. t ' .- - ????'? ; hl*a* il per ol the party II look ? ? mai l to e-t-r.; li and r >i .1 d ite, .-?II,.. .I..--. ,: .. -.???? ?-.' ni the ajeee - ?? U toatvt a -.-??-' ~i'.j--i- li a thrcal kC:, ? | ..; . | , |( arlll be <!? Ilghl 4 t-? welronm . ?? iv ?.-? .- lo Inveal nm_y In the new pap. r tl )ia:*i'--t thlng to inuke o uun ,i. ? ?- .t .?? aii. tt_-i the worsl tlnae .-> ?tar( i-li i pmleel ajrhi ,, lhc .. ?? ? ' ? '? ?T ?'"? Urwe . i-l,!. ,.' lli- :? popnlaritv, n ? | . I ? ,;]v tUrtng lo ahow thelr f. . i '..a. |.. . - - I ?? < ? r . II ! I I ?? :.-?., Mr Parnell'* iletermlnatlon n<?1 to a ?tt_oi II leadeiMhlp that untoM > ai \u-4 ;?? apkr fon t. : i..- <iK'i. i tl.e |_M1\ .? 1 evll*. to '''?' -Oiintry. Ua; end ut whlch th' pr ' -'?'?? ? ?| |,. , ; . . .' . i ? 'i . .:??- r ls r!,,.,.i. ? -| '?? , . I'.- ' . - r^t- I hls al.illav tn re lhe n iui.f ' ?? ? '' u i. .?? it . . ?,'.? ; ... i. ;..,..? -.f the metnber. ol Uie |_u*ty who opp ." le ?? e hlp. ? ? IBISH BILLS IV THK I! I -V. OF COMMONS TWf. ?.)?' tiii.-.i \;.v\v i.:> THK AXT1 PARXET.L i . 10 1JI PORll PAR> LLI- HR1 l KN'T. U tatom, ' ? . ? n -iitl-Paniel ? I er. of the ll" :??<? - ?' < omaio ! . de an eoi Iy :>i pea Uie ll.ais.' to-dar. I __y one <.i lliem enf-red ihe -__a_n__t la ?* bwl- : : :-'. th<- Br t f_tur i.'-t,-.'..-- i.. i- v. tlu .-, . .. ?? ? .. \ i'-'.' t_ |,i-.-.. nt 1 ? from "? >|.\ li . tlu li aeut-. Poloncl Nolan and John i" . late; ..n.l > >nti od to - - ure ?" Mi r l._<l 1 ?? ???? r '-I i'i 'I. h- bai ig .' .. ... afli.\'..' ii t . :..-t lo It. ... II".I. arrlvi I lalrr llani 1,1, edU -, ? ,.? . ,'. i ? > . -. red th llou ?? Iie took Mr. Parnell' i it, bul Met-'ati to leave it. Tie part) app< ar d !?> be ln ex. eil i t _..??)' eheere. loudl) wheii Mr. Uea_y, au Aiiii l-tnwll lt.- .inp, lial*.'..'.' "1 lo Uw .-i"-..l.-i'? chnlr aod moved Um- lo.ue nl ; i.'-v. -..ui f...- at, ele. Uon In .\" Kil h____| t/i flli :ln- vaeanr) In the llou ? . i laed by the d_at.i of |.-'. >!'.| Mai-im. Tbe arll araa i ied Mr. Mef-Wthy, ;t'nid tbe ebeering <.f hia aappeiieia, gftv.; aadee n.a' apnn tba reaatembllng ... ibe llou e ti- ?*____ eall ii.l'titK.n to tbe eirenm.tanee ln mm neetioti \.itii tba rtoeni arreal .-_n<i pro eeation ?t j-esbiv. niii..n ..nd O-Rrteo, BU. araoM n."?? ?? a .'? 'ilu Ui..! in i"i_ti..-i tu llie eaae. Wllliiatii Henrj bmlth, the Oovernmenl leader, au Lfliui'-' . tbal trheo lhe llou ? "? il Intn coiniul th. L..:,d PairkaM Ull he ?"nM ni<.\< an adjoui of the Hou-e utii.i Jaaaary -j. Hr- B___o__r**a Iriah BeUef blll. v.)u<_i aaka ao appro* prial ?? ? ' -5.000 t.i'- him to siipply ?? ? ,??-. -'I i.i:iii. . paaaed Us tl -?' r* Bdlns House. Mr. Ilalfour mo' ? | | eeond t ol thc !..?? -i DeiKirtm. I Mr. Ileal) mov. i t>. adjonrn th i Ai I ile. n - the ;-.. ??,::,.1 III -it the I ? -...:. Ill' :!.._'' ?? I l"ll-.' w.tii rontempl ln n >( exj the pi blll. - , ,....",? i"'1 I" . ,i- :????,?: d ? ' : ? .ii ? - ... .,1 the l.t 'l I"-] ' Inn it; ';i* '!" ? ? cl ..mi ti." blU pas_.ed .: - '?) ?? voi i ! 'I'I t , i_:,. Mr, i*.i' icll .-i.i'-i'-'l the lln !" dl vW .ii. ll ? lo ?*. n -,' ne.M lo Mr. Mi-fartlij .1 voted, .-i- dl ! ;,!! the Irlsh nicnibc "I i I preaem, af_?ln*l ihe blll. W. 11. Minih ,i ? .i ? ? ?! tl ii when Uie ll.i i ?? n ? ii m .'? iarj .- Uie Private Itoccdui. and Tlthea bills would bc tlr*l laken up. DEMA._f__.SG TIIK IMOTREMEST OP PARNELL. PROM1XEXT IRISUMEN eVE-.__.PI_l 4SEI1 WITH TIIK Bl LBCTION OF JCST1S M'l M'.litV 48 THE PARLIAMESTART LBAIU R. The dlvlalon tn tbe ranka ol tlie membera of the I ri -: i Parllamentary part) I- noa on .. t-loar foot :,? | K-hUa il". t ?' -.< ea j. .1 h .pe rompletc milon rill be al'onee re e..tabll?lieil, II admitted that Ihe me- lo tl nl end Im ' ? - ?? eaay. The delectlon froai *Ar, iv-.-.-ll ??! The ' I'Oonnan Malion, the Meml i r from l n low ( la rigultl. .:,t. Tl i v.ral i?? rhlc laln i n >? v.v.-ii yeari old. It ?'.i? be ' -? '"* ' ; | . i-i onnell roi lare ixtj ? i .? *'?<?? ?' -*'. i h raa i eforc the pu' aee i f the .'<? - ? Rn m lp.i .. ? : and (?'<.II. rl en lie rew< !?? I .1 . mnm -. refu-ed io !..'?? Un ."? ??! ulle tl' \. hi. I. ,.. imned pr vi* ? tlni; ii]. I i .. ii-,,.-- Mah'ii ... i mli.ul ? li. :? ol I ? ? -1 *i.*I ' . ?. . ? lj i',,- -, . ,f tlic li i*lt : party, i- ;. ? . ber of Pa I andei iv. i liirn ii 11. me ? imitl [i i ,_??? ,,f Uw .,11'' I ? l le .: ll. fl x y. Ib* I* ii n l?" ' : ? ?i . f i 1 i- Ht.try l:iw, rt ' ? ' ? ..-:.. ? ,..i i' , , ? -. ? . im .i .????' ?? ? I ? ? . .' ' ? ' I that Mi l iiell I id I n 1 ,:.-?? r ?ul bj the '.ill" *'? i-1? ite-li i: lhal M i'.n: I'H'S i |>Ji ?...--. ? I - '* ? , per of rhi. Ii V . ,.i,r..i- n i hief, lnto ?* ,: i ? i . the ? -i <? ;... ,.,;|,-,. : ?? l.-.-'i ??!...; ..|,!??:.: . people here and ln Irel appcar ..-,, ??: , ? ? - - i c tliat Mr. 1 ....... . ? ? .... ? ? .-. l , . . ? ? ? ' Loi .-t rd ? | ... , ,::-.:. itlve pcviple I . ' ? -;..?! ;?? -. r. ; ? ? .,-?,'??' ||??:. - i . '.?? I ? ? 11* li ? ? . ? \ ,-:-.,- ; ??..;,:?? of 4".. "Why. ? ? ? , . . I'iiriied and 1 ?? hih.I. 11(1 , : ? iple ' ?' ? ll ive t.--v-; ? I ? ? ' ' I dl. i ? that 1 ? . . - ' Ir. ] i 11 Im- , ..',?? :?? ? iy that lt 1* e ? ' ' ' . i-ontrc.vei .. rliK h he lri?h cauae nnd must ptott) avaataally ? lf ' I , , , .1. . .'IXHMhUO, ? ' Mr. Parnell I. lhan ev. ? ? ? ' ? i ? ;? i- irnc ? | .:,,. j, ? ? . tn. ? f?r i - ? ? ? I ' ? . ? to t* B. I?. ? i rell ? ' ' ? ? Uw pi'oplc II '? . I | , ? r i" ' ? ? ? ? ? ? ? !?? .,.- .; ; , ? ? ? nii ??Voi ' . ' ' ' '1 . ?- l'.. . ' : ? ? - ?? :. ? ?i . thH ? . | i ...ii .... I |- , ' ?- I.l ;. *-I I - I ? ' . ? bl f?i n .?,-,).- I mi i i ? ? ? .,i ?? i..\ 4 n< . ll, -. \\.- I. ; Wllb nn ' <? i ir ??? .,-?!'. I'olli i' - ??? ere I n . ull ,: ?? ihe Hon*c p I t I ... . ? Uu ,;??.,. ... . ... ;, l.K l .,.-,. i ;i!l,-.| ui. Ihen. but 1 . ; ,- m| - ?!,, .-. ??' I I,V ?? ' '? 1*1*. ' (I ? in . ? ?.ud ii ne ? ' * ? ? .. iine from l | ll .-'i shci ?' .- i?ity luid i ? .!?. ? forn :-.,|i .1'.. ? Inc oe i ii nnd .'iv rill (1 ' ' ? ''??'' Mr, (I'ltricji ..,.. ? .:. tbe f'.J! '?? ? - t fo thc ,i.,\ ? ?i, ? i oo ...'?-.? ? ? . ?..,'. ??'??' I , ?. .. ,'?)-,,.' ,..]? (en* I-,',-, ?y.' n.ual ' .',?? .... LliJll llne i \v :,'...-? ?'.,;,.-... ' U. I li. iicinitini ??> vittiii iMina t.'" M,?:;?,,),??: Lu Hei i., 11 ,. rnnd il , ? ... ? ,' iro i1 l< '?'. Iimid i ? " I't-iilly T ? '' ?? ? N ' *V ?. : Ibe ? Meml ? .?> of Uie Miml l . ? U?. hl h N-,. i.mI I.- r-.nt" '.'I lhal tlu ? t i Im ? . | ,,,?] \. r>.'i:i ' :,u | I. ? ? I ?? ' ' ' '' ' ' ' I, ,, ,-,!. in rl |he ? ? ' ' 111. ?? c.f ,i . M,.|| .|, * ? ? ? ? M ? ': ? dll ' ' - . ,. ' n| il?. Mn iii Ipil l'< ' II .1 II ? : ,; i ? ? ? '? di.' i.ii Ibe || t ? , ?. Rl*. both ? ' i ' ' " - !?? i'i'-i- ' l p I ? i-l *? I nl , ,;. ..,'. ,?? |,|- bc-lli \-- I. ?? grcitl .].,,. |n .? I .'-''? part to tb. ?..-.. .-? i f the buxlllary oi ranlcntlana. ? |-|H* o-tifiKM \N MAHOS RAUEH TI I'I'.l'T l'\i: *.i-:i.i.. Loeidoa, i?',r- **? ''',l" -''Oonnao Mabon, member "f ,..,,. .....i t r Cariow Connty, rho lntrodnre_ M-. |.:ir,,.l! io Mra. O-Shea. i.nU] eapr _ i e dealro t , .. Parnell t-> Hght ??> di . I, and he e .auld ,. ,.i , . <>. ..>,.- - .ni. l.i.ii li.. ' ? ,i i i,i. ri,.- pli\ !? 11 , i,i ? rt :. .-,,:.' ui M ??..??-. lu :- ?' *? ' " ' ' ? tiTaii "f ln* liealtli. ^ I'.MIM'.I.I. I.KCI.IMM. TO l.l'("li'i;i*. IIKBE. Loudon, L>"<:. ..-Mr. J'.ir.i'U l ??' ' -' 9-atCh to .1 ??-. W . deellnlns an ofl ?;? ol _|15.000 i >i 100 ? . I . .WERED 1 UE i'' ?RT " .'. Fl *?'? IN AKRIC *?? !.,.?., ,, ii.., . . i ?.. . . ? ??? |U? i"? ? ? ; Ihe Mi:.-:. - ' " pany Indneed MaU**-*'* men ??, revolt Bnd Inrer Iha pnrtiifrue*. tv..- ;.t Ma Iki ?-. i ' ? '?"* prl ..:,"i ?' i ? ? '? . . ?: ieer and tl," ?? Portnane ??? i ? Manlealand >1 ihe reoenl Vfi ' Con md i \ ihe ? niipii Itel ifon lhe month ? ' ;' - ? Klver. rhrre . ,-..?? ted to '?; -?? ln ' time. forlnnate that Uw L'ablnH Mlnlsters al l.i-l"'ti ? :. d i ? .-I headed tha ? ' ' sonthesM Vfrlea. Iteporte nf eonfllel tetreea lhe int.-i- ure roeelved bj alm ?l ev.:-. mall, onlj I ? ha d by ih ? rel. imMi lldlnca thal lhe dl*pute haa |i ,,. . .'i. arranaed bj Awcle. l*oi t,l ,,, i, v iii Kumpe. The laleal miUireak I \ wm* lo have been ti"' re ull "' ? Mi'i. i, uh. frlend , ? ire -leeldedlj ? ._;??" '<??? ?-"' ? ? . ,..i'. i.,.-,,.- ? va**al, i id heen prtauaded ? Uie houtli \ ..'?'" ' omp4uij li lo . irealy b> rh1 portton o hia teirltnry ?? ih ,t , ,ii.pre whl. h i?..* ?' royal r_hart* portuani..IH.Ial* al Mozambbitie then remtnded .: ? he ll "1 ." I' - ' i" ' ' ''',v' ? ? i nl rn ? ? Kl ? more . ! t.. ill ll ' ??, , , ? . . blll ll ad '!" ?, ,. t . ,.??-.:??? Ihe devetop II t ? . ,,| ;-,..,n. ... i'.:t tt il. Uul II aonld bpi-iu ,t !? Im ? - - I ' ' * : ? '" , ,f i .1 ? ? ? I ? l.a.l b. ? iI'.n ( ' ' ? .. _ .-".ii ? , ! ||K < vi II' .Mi* < !" IK ll ANO i" Bl ir \i I \:i> i? , Ha. thc I'.ii.'i -. ? - ' i ? i i i i.- ??:?:,,?' ln U>1* - ? ? . i ? ? , ? . ' . . Ibe Inl L-ion. iii ord.T l I ?. ? U il*' ot Ml MU *.** TREATY. i ? . St. 1 ... ,, . ? _ . . I ?--. I.'-" m l M ..rv " ' ?'? ' ? ? ' HM TllE ITAI.IAN I'Al ' ' - ? ? , .1 h. rc* Uie King. ? tiir. i-m.'-.i:'- * * .'A' i l ?-,'?. ? llll: I'dl.V! |*>IA AT IIAI l I' ' "'?' I i . . i ? - .. ? _> . \ \! 1".' I V. V ,], , | i. . ? * ? _*???? nn; rn i' ??' ' 'vni i ? ' : . ? ,. , ,,.? \ i ct i ? r t?AxniuvrE. I l ln ibl. .Itv y. I. M. cl, " : . ,', x ,.,,. ,,.,.-. ui ||..P I'l'l -KNTI '' l" I IIK 1'EEN I.. i ' " ' ' ' , (JlllV'U ? - I.,.,.- i i; m. ?.i*i'.\i :i ? ; -, i ?. i?. ? ' : .i . , . i , t ... ibiti , . , ? ? i ,iii*nl (.cinnil ln | , ... | |1, IM ? ' [ll . . |. p Mi.iM.-r of I ' '? -\ , | th;u iiruli :? ? nrrtval u; Uie ? n ,.-,!;. ' ? ? - ? - ? | : . I ... .\| c . -. \ | [> .lAI'AN , | , || ? I -i. .ri ii i. i |.:i .. - h< re I . ? i ? ., ,i .1 J ip : . N'o. in ? i:. .1 ii , -i ,, , . I" ? In the p . ? ? I Vnliiv.-i, I \ I , i , ?. lhe. ' ' ? ? ? '? , . I . Ip Moiijii ? , ? ? ,,,. i ,,| .1 ,,,,'? .1 ? ? ' i .i-.-l ull , -., 'pl . i ? I.. Tbe i- i.i i di ippi \ i. ??. \..v uibei -.', I ||K IMMKiK.M i- ?'. INQI lltV. -,., i |,. i.i .'<??] ?I t lin.' - ? , ? I ? ? , . pi.i-t, . .1 ,.,| t.. ? ? ' ? " -' ? - ' ?i I l.y < ? I. Ih" . .1 |||CI() v.< I . '? III t ? Un |m I.' 'I --I, up || lli- poli. ? : .... ? VI .1 lll< ??? ? 1 /,,' '>/ U. / '.?? I TATE TREA Sl "I".' 11 '."/,'.''' /'/' I.i' i I ? : i ' '?'? ?' VVia.adr.ifl ? I ' ri, I-. da) m -?' ei :. Iii ih< '..f . ? nt uiin ii h< - | .nn , dent ? .... ;., rm . . , d .llm wid ? ? it . , ? : ... on the Aud tor' i. and ? i mj term Ih*- r**elt ' ' oiiorabl. dl . I --? ' .lt ll tnll itlld 1.Ve || || , |,| ,, ? .." . ? I a i ,.i .; , i ?. Iiim Mnjor '?'." dniit d. rt t,.i..i,.-. i ,i tl ' m i bb .?. TBE UBIP l \ >. ?,' it \i.h s,., ? . . i .. !>"-. -. The | i-.;,. v I'i' ,i I ' ' I ? , . ? ? . . ? ? Inll ?? , i ? told ra ? , ilrea iiade ll* waj Intn manj li,,iii.-. l.'H.-ii p.'n ii i..':.- i* i-ii-i |,|.-i,tc ..f bU-Uicaa ...i.M. . :?.....- i i patl. ? affi*. -i hy the d -??,'?". but tai U i ':?'? I ?- " ua wl Ui ,? .i .....?..- ? KIVEUS AND LAKES FREEZE. I'CKI'Al.'IN-i i.'i: THE ICE IIABVEST < 'N THE lii DSOX. TIIK COLO \V\vk SWEEF8 M ItOSS THE COCXTRT _-<A tflOESPRBAD bXOWBTORM OLD I. : IX MAINE II"'-.>!>? fBT TI._.l...HAl'll fO IIII. *.ll:L-.M_r Pnughkeepste, |..,. -. Th.Id wavo drove tli" tnerriirj down to only H deprce* above icro it day llghl tlil tu vning, 1 ? ' ? ? ol thls Iow I m ?able along the lludaon to day. Not tnurh Roatlng no ?.,, vlalble oppo ite thla eity until lu nlght, bul cruin Elbow nortli ' ? tthli eberk the d with new ... B< Wa. All day two a -ith bonnd toa a have ba I thelr way through it. mt Rhlneberk the N'orwlrh wna kepl btwjr break* ing up the !"? it; the fcrryboat ? ti malntaln ? tnta ii. Pro liai i town t.i Tlvoll Uie lee la fa '? At i;...-?!??- laland, Just north <-f ratakill, the lee U ? lek. and men aeo at work at Uie |i*e-hon_ee there and on Vat 1.1 ri .t-'U. getUng ratdy for thi har \.-'. whlch viii probahly begin there with ten-ineh l. ?? lhe l.-t ..f thla week. II i- eapected ..:-.. that nt ihe ttme tha harvent um begin al Vl ,r| . .\ K;;,.., <-; ijrve ant, Behndaek and l i - t;.??? ?i. Ul alimg 1 lludnon 11 . uttlng hol. ? it. the lee for Uie winto 1 '? Ire liarv. : meani a rnon! ia* two of work for lO.OOO in, ti and bo* -. ..' ? 0 ?" 'i orer 100 iteam i n - ' IVtl 'WH. S V., Dee. - fS|.' on '''" . ; . .,t thla ??? nr . wil. r lhan 11 lia ? .'? i e ,.. the ? ? ar l - 0. rhe datc* for U.c rloslng ot lhe it I t are a* followa: l--r>. Jnnunry - ; I . . 1 a . 1- ; ]. , ? ' . ! -.'J . 1 --.'.. I>- ? .111 1 .. I" "-tiil OT ? . I'l. 1" .?:?'? :? la. I I. : i -?_-. i :.??.,?? r r . i-i. .'.- imr> U : i ... , ? i. ; i tl .??.' on i>. ? rnli. r IU, " ? i , ni ? i ,t ? :; irj '_.". .r -I tlie same roi illtlons .,.,.-? poval ,;?? !.. ' ? it i- .-.:?! lu re to ? ? ? ,i ? ire : ? .-k ln ..?ai ii. ? h.. i ?? l he . ? ' ' ' I wo y. t and ' ' ' D f 'a tho -II . ? ' . : ???:?: 1 -. ..??.'..? : over ? - . .- :. I'. - .... I ?? . .11. It la all : ' ' I I ..ii an oi ? ? ?*, y.. l>er. >l da. ? . her.-, Ki t -: - ? I ? ?? . ?? . I' . ,-TI I' ? ? i: \-. :? ) ? ... a ? ? ;? '? . '. : ?? ' ?? ? . ? J.. Iie f 11 . ? ..' i' ? ' . ? - ' rt iu tii< to ? i :ti-.-- i in i ? 11 *?'. c ? i. v iv.: -Tli. I ' ?"? '" ,;' ' ? ? ' : i ' ? . . ; ' ? ..... , . .., | l.. , ' ...., ! ' ll__i.-lt-.ti , .. i , . | .-.. ,i | iiv. ; ? ? ? I !_:.!? ... I. 1 : ? ? . ' ' ' - ' ': ' ln .,..|.a... i |. i Ma. .!..- rll ? . , ? ?' ' ' ?? FOROlS't. <? .V. TAISTOB ? ' "-'<?' tM Ft/tBlDA ..,-1... !.!-. I'.. . I"' - ?'? V '?? . . . ,l.e Tl.aa.-s I'l ,,...? is.lf II. ?. laititoi '" *" t- .1. .,.? f....ery. lle : . ' ? """ '' . .... , ? .'.-....ll '. ol a. ney.dn ? '??*?*??? 1'""',i , , : . ?.i , , ? i , iil rl.k i M-.oi.rtNa ; ?,,_l liunkol '-? ' mi ' ' ?****?' li::",""' , ' . ' in rhr llr-t rh.i'1. , .....! pn.t< i-I. rt it ? ' II," ..... ,, . ,.. , 1 ,- l .: . . ?' '? "' ?'"' ?A:,!' '" " ' I Ml I ' Ul" ''" '' f?n. lor that the . ., ,,|.a ? I-.- ?'?<->? 'i',:;;; .,, .. .,;.,. Ihal li ?'" : ?' ' ' ' . I . ' unl I, I'l -'-at I ln .! .,' li ? mi Ihe wrung I-.' - . rr r 1 : ,..,., ;';>'.. ? , ' ._,,..! Ula-I . I. -.1 tl \? , - ?"., ofNo, .,T?..n ... V'uH, ? ? ! Hr \l'-t, nf X... 5 ! ' ' ' '' '" ' M ' , , ? , rhi thal l.r '????? ?f th" young ...... M4 l '"-"' '"?" ,,rw.ofany..l ,.pc ' ' ,. ,.. I,ea. .. -' ne* in. v ?.?.?""-,"?";,:'..','y, :? ,',/,"/..; LVO >?/// ' ? TBE BAXUEM. ii \t.. ., .. _ ? it rn . I' i"-'" W ? Illla, Kat... I"-'. - -1 , , , . of lhc enumcratl.I - ,?.-,!, to ra, ahot. thal ? '' ' ' ' ''' " ' J.?u.iu.rtac.ica),t.-..a"'^'-^-'"-Uccu i.i.i drlven oul i ittto to a hu ? ? -?? '- Whlle tha li-i nsnsna thowed over taoOO-000 bead of eattle. thla ?., .,-,M poMlbly il.1 ehow over 10.000.000. and rttllo lt ahorcd in.mi.-.".?. aheep. Uita renatu would Ukcly ..,,,-. -j- iichi.i; ,ii. Thn '??-' raneliea had pc 4.000.000 ii..'_ rbUe Uie ia*i eensua ihored d. i .?? Ui it i m CROWDED OFF THE PLATFORM. \ MAN KILLED OS TIIE ELEVATED ROAD. MA.vr.LP.n Itv _\ EXGIXE AT Tli: EIOHTEKCTH BT. BTATIOX Till-'. I'I. \' E ? *? * ' ROWDEO *. *>.. THERE WA8 SO Gt KKD RAIL. Mlohael Burdlck, the englneef ?>- engta*. v" ?j*'.., on tha Third Avenue Elevated Road, aaw a man fall from the platform to the Irack on tlie ?outh end of the platform al the Elghteenth-et. atation after the traln bad paaaed *???-.c-.t.-i-nth st. . olng up-town b1 1 o'clock li*t evening. Bur dlck pui ..ri the alr-b?ke an.l whiatled for the brakemen on the traln to hm* the hand-brakea lo ttop the oar. Bm the apeed araa too greal and the distance too ahort. The engine itruck the body, which waa lylng aeroaa the ln* >. ... rall. The whee'.a of the engine did not p.i*c* over tlie body, as the front "i the engine atruck ll and ernahed II vi olently againal the alde ol ti..- platform. The t ird '.r reaehed the Iwdy before Ihe traln atopped. I'olieeman Flay waa standlng at Elghteentln**. and he ird aome on ? ahotil : " l here la a man under engine." II ? ruahe I to the platform and -.. md bo many people tliere that il araa hard work . , |i th. train. Ile jnmped t'> the walk on . n ttside ol the traln and saw the body wedged i.,-',\. the traln and l!ic platform directly iti front of thc 1 ' * l .'i's i'"\. Tlie man nn the track near the end of tlie sl ition an 1 had been dragged half the length <f the platform rhe !""ly was llfelea when tl.fflcer pulled !? from under t! ?? r r, Thc poaitlon <.i the body i.i.i prevcnti.d ll from i.-i,.: badly mangled. 'I ic ? ,- in , ? i ' ? were 1 - the frontal 1.... ,? ?...?. splil open. Tlie body waa carrkd i" t; .? I .i-t Twe Tlie mnn'a appr ti ited ti' it Ite w il i :- man "f aome kind. (Ie wore n Idne flaiinel *.-,irt. hrown ehecked elothea, i elil en " tt, Derby bat and low ? ? II,. |, 1,1 i,|..\. i hair and Blighl aandy mustache. II,. vvns ilaotil ifii fy yeara old. Ile had fl velnpe in hls poeket, npon the i m.I ... \... ?,.., ri" " it : id evidei tlj b <? i given to bim w i ei P int ??! on the pn velojie whb " llirahkiiid -? t'o.,. othiera, N'oa, 30(1 and ?'-'* Bro idu ? notice indi 'atii 2, thal it, had laecn a nt by thia flrm to . nhop as an advertiaement There waa si" '.'i ln in* purae and a ailver mi 1,1* tin er 1 , -,-?.'...! ?? ? ; ht !--"l to Ita 1 lentiflcatlon. It -. . not < ? :? oertain ' ow the dead di in R ,; nn the ti - k. 'I here were 1 n Uicl ins itate ? . 1 le by .-.-..--'.'. lt neaa * Some _*iid >'? ??' 1 sl ' muth end of tl ?? pl l ? ? , i-"'...! *? it him b 'l [t ia 1 I 1 t. there were oveir ;, ....... t .. . . .? .1 - ? . foi tlie 1 I tiiat 1 ? ' ? '- ? ? * ,. th ih raakinn it p. ? ? - ? that ? . . ? . t wns 1 led. .?i.s ? in front ol ?,-..,:,.. I'I'''"' Thc only witneaa I I .,, ,-|,.. ? ???:'...' 1 name w ta . _ man, oi So. ?0 1 Eaat i ?i ?? hun.recl .r ? 1 -1* 1 t 1, m . and he wna nol eertain ' ? ... it. 1 ner. ol ciifr..n. S I . the tleket ? wa* Ktati'll ic '"?' the rl ket. bo'. tan.l be . ' ... . . , VII. the ? it, an 1 . Tl 1, ? ? ? ? : e. and al me t?. id.-nl m _. .1 <?', /.'.'_'.' IJ/.i.N S STR '. \GE M \XIA, v snit '. .-- vw \ ..;:, ??: '. . ? v.v* il. ..... ..??.-. r j v ? \ s . s ' M \ ? :v T1I KMPI'.l *>**? The Rcv. And ? ? U> la. . 11I a* to hl ... .. nr'eh. ? . ? . ': 1 ? . _. ? ? v? t < a ae) ? ? ? ? i : ' ... 1 1,11 .??. 1 that b. ..... i terval.-i .... il to at. 1 1 tbe 1 Vamii-tot., . , . _*jr>er rill I ? d ? ? UAXCHS1I V .1 V/i IXDIAXS F1GBT. \ M.i ' ' " : "I; V' IN ITI F THI B\I? l.AN l?**. 1, 1, ,. *?; inomlnK re ,-,. v.-il 11 ' ,!..:,.'. i|>, S, i> . ,f I. ? ... hlrh .*_>?_.:?' Ye*1 ? , -....???; bi I , ,| ...... : , . 111 ,I1 and , iplni. Ihrec , ,,: r. ? 1 .1 1 -I' 4 : ' ' ? ' ' ' ' .. . .!'? has been recrlved ? 11 ade 1 '?' them U* ) ..nn Oiem*c Ive*. ' ifl tcr ra* 1 tel I .,??.,:. 1 tcKlay. . Ita, , hi >ii and Ind : ,.1 ,. : ' .... : II :'? IU*0 II ? itlltl I.1IBIU Hl 1,-ave hei. foi Ibe - - ' "f ,:-' * ... 1 ,,,' , 1 i -.1 ?' ' , ? , . ? ? rrve thc *li_stu?-t ?"-' ,. 1 ,.1 ii ? '.i ? . ? s? 1 vi 1. "I F.N -'": X l;lS,1:' V""N* V... .. ?; ,, IH- . - .?;??...-. rhe Indl 1 11 , ,. \,,,,l,u, . v.. ?? ... -"?'' :' ' ' . :.. ,; ij Mr. Har. ., the 1 hiiirmaii ??! Ih 1 ' nai ; ? , ,1 ,,-?i .. iw. iil ! Her fnam an Indlti . I ?? "? l? ; aho? Uiattherel ?? I b ?l * ' ':' *?,'" "??,\ s .. .. .., other -.peakera. Mr. Ilidd ?.-,, , U.,. ,r...,.-.t om. ntlre b> taklns ground w.tli ? Mr i'i,-,,.'. '.f Niirtli DaknUi, ?'- ? ' '? '"-'"I Mll - - ,,, -i.n llld "i ?!' I' " ,. , ? . .?" f ? ? ?' U.1II0.1 i.| lli !,,; ,;-:,i'_'v. ? ??"?u;i All.111.. 0 t/EETlXC, oF TBE \ ITIOXAI BOABD OF TRADE Ncca orlean*. M ? | :,. \ || i| ;,! 1 ,??..! .?; 1 ad. tho m. . lurlee Hotel. Tli >? ? ... men |. aent. 1 ; ? ,., ,,, rradeol ll .ton. lliielniiatl. Buffalo ' |..'t,,<M|... . Mllaaaaee. Ne* "rh ,.,,. u,?i ,:,? . lt.Hhe_.ier. ht. l.oul?. fttMi. Ti uton m vork. ln lhe absence of the preiiilent, A. K. M,?;r ,,, ihl* elty. preald d. Mayor rthakeapeare rel ? * letter wa* tereli-ed from Pre-J ,,...,, , .,,. . rn Philadelphia, i>l ? that tho rriter ,,,?,,, ,, ,, .:, n long .' Journei al thi teaaon ol ,.?. ,,.,,- bul extended ln* beal rt.hee 1 ? Uio ronven ..,. ,, |0, !, a- bc n prealdent ever slnre the ,,, , ,? ?,..,/,ti...i in twta. ll" 1- -?" m ? * oB. Ihi, .. ih.- timl -e*alon he ha* niU?ed. 11.\ ,1 ,. ,,?i ,.,;: atteiitlon ln a bri. I revl ir (|i t|| ,, , .1 . .,.,... ..I lhe urga ileatloo, ex ..... ,,,' ,| 1 .... 1 lhe Ucaard - t'"' .>PP*>r . . ,,.t ln Nev .'.I.?.... and .oii..> Into .'.o-o wltb th' r 1.ntatlve bu?lne?* men of tho , ??kc .. dliiil apiK-al 1.1 1 m foi wtive , i-i, .prraiioi.. i*ii*1 e-l?r. deen nrrfi al the ab*enee , ,,f pn ident ITalcy. Fwd Irataj ***> Uwu ra_locl_i | Drckldaab MURDER ON SHIPBOARD. THE CAPTAJN KILLED BY A LASCXB COOK] A M-.I'.O Ti'Il.s TO ASaASSIXATE THI I.'i.vT* hW.M.V-'JIIi: l AIT.MV-. BJtlDE RAILED with ium. The Britiah iblp Buckingham, from Dun.lee, Scotland, eame Into parl yeaterday In eharge ?f her flral mate, hercantain having been aagaarinalH on the voyage by tiie ahip'a oouk, a Laaoar luru.-d Bahguhan Ufa iaa. The Buckingham :? a fonr-maated abip whieh miM ir.iin thia port to Calentta with oil, thnM i" aoaw Britiah port, and then back t<> New-Vork. She left bere laal a year ago ln October, and Jual before ahe >;.i!.>.i her commander, Captain L.vall, araa mnrried to Miaa Margartt Reld, of Fifeslnre, Scotland, who had eome out it. a Wblte Sfeaa* ateamet ta meel bim bere. They liicu<l on their weddlng Uip iu tT.r BueJdaffhaa. Atier dlseharging her eaigo ln I aleutta ilie Buckingham wenl to Ltandee and tbenoe s..ile.l in baJIaat on October H I.r tliis port. Tbe <'np tain'a wife roitkiued tbe trip with bei nuebaod. ?i.'.v w:t.. o t:ii\.'l OCe, ;.n'l MDOng lt wrrd many Laaeara and other Eaat Indiana Theahip'g oook waa a Loacar and poaacaked all the pec djaf attributci ..i thoae people, (in October 11, while the ahip w.s paaaing the Hebridea, tbe eaptaia called tbe eook into tbe offlcera' mom lurnn f..r the purpoae of rrproving him bt his dilai .rineeg tn preparing tbe meala for ti.e men. All the offlcera and crew were on deek r.t the time, m<>st> of th.- men being aloft, f..r it was beginning to blow fr.'sh and was being ahortened. . Mrs. i.-.iii wvm i-i tlw eabln. Tho eaptaia and eook were nlone ln tbe meaa-mom. What toaH i>!?"-.? there will probnbly never he known ln itt '-?t illa. Half an bour after the oook I. id gona Into ihe in... -I-.,.,in, the iteward opened the dooe ? l aaw a aight which tranalixed bim with hor Qn the Soor lay ihe body of the eaptaia* , ?: illy mangied by knife-wounde, and, ritting ehair, grinning llke .-. flend .-it the body, waa ihe eook, i kttide dripping with hlood In hi* 'I he atea ird, i - aa Be eould get eon trol .f hii limba, ruahed an deck and told l-'irst Mate Chriatie whal bad happened. TaUng boom men with him, tlie mate wenl Into tbe meevoom .erpowered tbe ciKik, who did not mikr ti.h reaiatince, bul kept repeating: "1 kiile.l bim and am glad of it.'' i ? l.iv-ar waa pui ln Irojia aod waa sennred under lhe topgallanl f. rei latie. The hody of ihe oaptain waa taken forward. Thla waa al ahoat ll o'eloek ri tie fnrenoon, N.> ooe wanted to take upon blmaclf the i .sk of Lnforming Mrs. Lyal .1 .'. li ?> had happened. At :; o'eloek that afternoon the mate, who now took commaod "f ? ?? a ... : .ii in under a li":"ii ind of one ol I i Hei ridea and boiated bia ena ..-. union down, al tbe aame 1 me running up .-i aignal for a sh'.re, The ea waa running ao high tit.t be did ai:,r** to luuncb one ..i the ahip'a boatn. \\ liiie the ahip w.s bove to, Mm. Lyall eame on deck. S ?? ad be ird unuau 1 noiaea it the e p, and aa tbe - p ---? I and the i aptain did nol i M nto tbe . - uuld al md tbe a lapenae no. So -..- ? me on deck and besonghl the mate t i tell ?? l ba I happened. \-- .. .- ia ?? br .k>* tho . . m - ition. I'. waa alniost to a i tbe ivera irj of tha young wife's nuirrin^r. Failing t.. gel * b.,nt nt bf th. .... ?! mate -??? ' t - p under wi . . wd im ict?* .. i i..?:.? go i.- Caik i to maka cotumunicatiou with the aboie, :'i"l ao he dc* ?... i to proeeed on his way for New-York. 'Ho . ui for the o|..". ...,-..,,. . ...- :.i v>. i u -? . . . I o'eloek ia the .uter uoon th.- capi lin'a IhkIj w...s btirted In the aea, an which lor ner.rlj bia whole life 1. bad made hi* , 'II,.- >\ii\> \-...s h.>\e t.., m.i tbe botly, a uud welghta .1 with iron, w .*i ing ii.--.. tne ai rb ird gangway. V Criiisb I ; wna ti iwii over n. and in tl.e . ..-. und 11ie ?'..'? - te. tba !??. i ihe Kpis ?-?? ? I. lt waa a dn i:!- every r and 1 ' - - ''?" v ' ; ' ?' tbe win. I v , - ? i -.-:... h if, tli' le a - ' . - ? '. ? tt \-..-;.- hiiiuini 'in fur ti ?? ilead. I ? Iy waa i .mniitted '.? Ln -i.i te i oa bef -. ? New . - ? -.. ih ,-.: li stor tu 1'-" ::nles nortli of ?: ? ' ? ? '.:?-! --.-.-... ? : iraiuat . . . i.t i" Lyall :. wna aboitl forty . ,;..-'?? I. ? -,-..... i . i. al 1 I Aa tlu* B yeat?*Vd iy l-l -,| .. ti.-.r.i Klilo( n iiieal ..!..?.> ta. i.uirkri n liia i n ?? i -. md ."<?' ' l . bad ln that a . n*g Iui liy rt.? i ? br -:i l a ? " Doii'l llie ' I . ?? ' 1 ? ti I'V ted from - i i i - i.n i... .. nl wenl forwiini. I ? I ii- ns \\ itli s. itt" diltir illy the v * .??.'. I. ! plareal iu rr. Hm ,...'?. ? unlMlued, nnd i nn I ? . l . ii ? . ||.. j ? ,keii on de i i i i ? > iIngholt iu Ilr bad mm rnaliii ! - ? . M more frw iiiinuies, bow.*ver, when Iie la*gged to .? ... .....I.. t' .' > iil-liM'k. r. rhe ? isaii -. : Ur.'S!) were t ii-.;.'.l over t.. tbe poliee f the I ."'..Mi .',:.:ii in . I<e !. i.i f. . eMr i lition on the ? id "i t1 ?? Bi itiali i' >n*ul. Mra. Lyall ia with frirnds in I'i .. kl.i u, ?4. I IIRIR ITUST "lli. Rll I "-r OVRRROABD. v. , , ,. from li tv an.. *vn? ;???;' i"l- g tal ..'..'.' -ii I '. |.-. t' ? rltlol ,lli..f, Was lo?l ,.\. :l.....rl . nt ?!?!?? t ?? .N ir;-.. -.. -.. - ? ? CBlCAflO 1MPORTER.S l.V/1 TBE TABIP9 l.MY. ? ., i> ?. - isp ? . ' i rarlft I.v ia l-rli r . \fjnn il?l> i p|.' ' ' ? Ig > i ap rt'-p;. ? - ? . t. ? on tha pt ion lhat ll i*. vi.Iit. ri.rj i,...- ilu- nsvumptl n ? ? ta. t that 1 f blll, ?ii- n ii \.:.- t iaUy I.i-< t I.v Ii tll III ll ". . ? . . .1 . .. ail .! iti-.-^ in tlie -?. lion rrlal ? I - ? tnhaa <n en :i *\a~ -,.?? ??! i ? iaa !? nt. *j ,\ int ' ' ? ? , -. .,r ropy. ta_ il. ? ial. rii Ir oml Ion, ll Is a ? ???;''? : r.v m .1 inullri in v ,;'1*'.'- ??? I a iit) ire . ii li :. ;.erl li the matter Ihroagb ii, . |ni| 1 . -i Hui ? i. cl.ti.-- Iaa -^.-at nt?i , ",. t i:. i.. m dul .- in ei :" ? ? .1 a heee th* ,,',.; i.t lu.i ? 1 ?...:? 4, have ba -a |t-. t i*4 ln .... li ln?tan >? the Impnrter tiil. oal *ud i bbuik prolenl t.. th.Ilector .-f < :i-t-->nn, forfli the .-..-.nt. for tbe laiporter'a ?' - atla Vfta ? ...,.,,?..? t the . ???'.- att.1 ,??! ,,r th.' iu ? Imp -.I. the proiesi .!.-. lar.-* ? . . t i purtl .ii ol '?? n-.ti ;,,, ,,? U|C n v. la'.. , a- II 1" ??! ' l.ill , .,, ,| |A ih.. I'.-. Itt. nl Vn->- ?: '1 Identl. i.l W I.'i ' :>t |in?,,i ,| ;a ' s i liv. n ikers. und i- ? l ? w e t'i ? p oper tiinaj ,,;... \\. "ihelili .. ; " .i.l. ? ? . !?..-!.- ...i.,...,-. 11," tinl.'ivii. o !..-tu. ca ii... uld and ni '?> dutle .' 71? /. \ TY MILLIOX6 '?'./.' Tlli: CMBBOMEB sl i;i*% K, ... De. - -- . r1. ? Ber fj ^lO.i) rt.OOO to II ? i lierol -"'1'- ,,v '"I'-'ia* i ...:..i... tirr 4 up tbe otber ratHetuen, ..nd th? ? || iwiug la legram wm aanl to I t al I' >!:i. .,ii.i'i : ??"?.???"??rffi;;T.MN.'..i.v;i:- - - Nr. Iilalr mM thal Itoh ? B '' '-,:'- aiaOa r" ','" ' m yeai - ago by a ?* adl. ate "f Kanaai I ,.,.?,,., H?.| .in. :.,.?? men. arh * Wea u.^- t? bond tlie I.-, , i' -l.-.i :'-f twentj yrai-s and to u c 11 during that 1 ieas>..? - ;-" " f'S ,. ,,',. ril .! ** 9B4t the otlier ,f r...'X'-?.'"M? hi tlireo moi ih>. A BBBBIF9 S .tCC0C.VT? BBOKT. (.(i_ .,.,, p,,. - .-;..? .,: . :ii-- a....;.: i. of Wartmm Nii,,,,] j(?. ,,.,,;,,. 5 |. ruo.. ill sherlH ol l*e irla tuuiity, are now ii. the i ??.??? ol .nmlti.f lhe county board. rh.- rhalrawn ..: tbe board a**r? a Betlt'teacy wl ubuui *i,Tm? iw^ ulivadi' Ucu $mr