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(y ZCLCla voi.f . V?16.101 NEW-YORK, MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, I800.-TWBLVE l?A(iES I'RICE THREE CENTS. PARNELL'S CAMPAIGN. aosrucn between the two parties MAKE THE MEETIKGS I.IVF.T.Y. ORDF-Tl MUESHRVBD BT POU BMXX EPITH TS, STirK> aXD BTOXES EXCHAXGED THE M'.VTIMl.N r "1' THE IM OPI.E. Lm4m, Dre. U.-Mr. Parnell ?nd paTO ta-day drove frem Kilkennj i<> Tullyron* in ? hrakfc Thev were preeeded i.\ i band afld accoaipanied bv ? hraa aunber o! vehicles BIW w'tl' v;V> Zrttm. At Tullyrone Mr Parne" addiwied a Ir.eetJn* ?f :.or, ,,.?v Hia apeeeh waa bri.f and m taainly * reaetiti.n ol iiiteranee. in Brevioui ipmbrt 11 ni oVlivercd amul - rua Si BMBMtoq ol ertoa, mcb " '?""v" u'"1' , L Heafr!" - l" i"';< with """?""T* '*"' ZBh.KlBg!" rtc, fron. ?.,..!? af hto > Mr. nm.ll apolosized r..i i)o ^k^-of {;, voirr bul he .ppeanMl tn hf in good beol h. ? , , ?..,.,? ?nrprfa "ii an?ther prom's-.i the people b longei ?pe" fc.? ,o n^hford. where M? Parnell artdr.-,,, .nolher meeti.,, ?**? JUHM M. -pt^h to rbr KeHen ? -aia-rahk. ?n.tler .parrrnY. ? be'ter rhan** U>an n? ? ev.rj quarb-i d Ireland arol m? the Mrt?rl Heir. gataeria, ? hh oppon*nta laterrnpted Parne 1 vith ahmiti ol Tn ..,11 with the .d.ll . ,????? v ,1.1,1 wo.ild inevilably hav* followed bai for the prwe. . ol ???:?? -? wbo pwmptly iBferiNed aad au< cffiW in presei vmg order u nn*11 oloted hii ?la **." ??'dreas at Crlinjrford, wber< !??? ??H *P*nd the nigi The inti-Parn* I etion held a i itt-tw - to- 1 dav bi Tipperary, at wh.-h :?hout :.. p ' mk preaeut rfleicranw wen read fn.m M?> , llrah and Sfston, b?t?i ol whrm ap?>lo wd r??r BMBmndinf the n,-'.-- on p-.-vP- rw?n ? ? '?'? "'? "?'"?" ''???" : grapbed: ' Impoasitdf t? :?'??'? Kilkenn> fate o! Ilmw Ri '?? ilependi ii?n thr -? bere." laaon i ahill's i " - r wrb tlw ajcnal foi a band ol lift> I u r lea ?< starl ebeerinff f?i thrir leadet "f1 T ' hv rre ABti-Parnell men, and the <?? ? ? w?s k?*pi ?P hj thf two r ? ti ??- lor fullj n i h< n, ma . hBpoaBibie r?i the apraker* lo bo board. Haaaphreyi an I othei* ? rd hard to paeif.\ th< onp.^mc erowds, but In apiw ol their pfforts at ?? ? - ?vre tbrowa an I atl i - ? freely. and a ?? coefliel waa Bverte Ibe flnal of rhe PbrnellitM Speerhea were mnile by I Hampbreya and Mesara. I ond P ' O'Brien, Satioi aliai M<?m??erB ol Pai] a Tf-r ition w - ?'? ?1 m ?? ipport ol Mr. > aiiii aii followera. BleBari llea >. Kf n>, Thi ? Daviit 10 day addretaed roeeting* i ?? :' ol v.: Popo Hrnnraay Mr. Ilcaly deehred thni i( P r B?ll wfi? allowed to rftain the ?? l?r?hiphe woiild hu\mp Iro;.?-il '?'?"? ? new hanner oiadp ol ''? O'Shea's prtlitoats Parr.fll, he said, p t Cnptain o'Shea in Parlioisent, ti* price paid being ibe j hoaor ?! O'Sh**! wif#. Thero wm ? rae* hftwwn the npp?sin? parl IB ealoh ttw electora d Freal ford Mi l>a ' ani >ir Joha Pope l!ei M ,' ren-hod i pln"^ kjgl h??fnre the celebratioB ol maaf>, tl eh the were not expected until 2 o'cloek. 1' <? priest, hofrever, deeided that rbe maaa ?? ild wait. and sie?er?ers vm diapat?bed to h?at up tl e prople. Farty-flw niautei im i erowd eollectod In thi markeT-plnfv irea.i.v) BJ Patawr SbortaU. M thr eane nonirnt om b??d o? PBnellttM arrived, hea/le-1 bv FMhei o'she-.i. a BBspeBded prierts 'I he Parne?liieJ, h'.wevei, krfoed witli the Bllti-Parnell itrt in thcir ni.eiiiiB. ibouting l? Davitt, "Y? w?leaa?B!" Mr. DaviM, Bft?f aakinji roi Leariar. BtM: "Yow kaow, I Berei - BBa'l iBTor. I b?ve ev?r beei | I ? l?* liod. 1 never beaitated to aacrlliee myaell foi Ikeea-jae." Cries ol "Vou are n: ? D itt: we b??nor you foi it" camc in a roai ol nvplau* fmm the wbole eonoo rae The Parnol I - dmtlj ??'?- rinj to w-e I u play, Father f>'Shea tLfir leader, hoeomina impatient, eac'.aimed, ? ... ,top you, Mr Davitl ' Tht latt? KMd-humored '? n l ? ? i le appealed ? ? Father O'Sl e i, a* a ej it< '? ii ' '?? '??? ''' bm. aa nn Fathei OSh? ai niollilied a bc woukl allow Mr Davitt t ? ? i iim e R'ii tttrt Mr. Davitt had uttereM a i Mr Parm Fatbei O'Shea osi hi? se 1 1. ;i'' ' eantiaued Ui ind -?? n ? ?i* ol iadigaation, r^eaaJ na atiei pc arhen !' ? ? " * ored h M??ini I |fi - - Bppral bfin? n d? '?? Davitt. Fatln-i " ? n -?> 'I ?? rrrr, a. lei - ?? i Mr u"'' "' ' with Rlm, bm I respett bim Ii f,f m' lie.ilt There aaa no dis rder. i nd aftei i . Baaklni waa ended iato the church, ?? rr ni - waa eok >f?ftan Maurie? M ily, l+*m aad M rlav dellvered addresses l*lore ibe D ? ot'the l*ej ?-. exprei imi appr.. al ??! ?i L* iepotition. M, Paraell waa t >peel* ; lo hpeal i I I irk to-d?v, biil "V ii - l ' ?? -? jrramme John Retlmond appeared in Mr Radatand waa waraily weleorued >? ai taec ai ::.""f' pera ni St Weatport, l uuaij M?.vo. tn I ?? aad bia follow. r> were den i ? ' ?" |B bmbj otbfi I ?' nli. eh rebei , inciatjona \\ere utt*re<l \r a atonay Nationa iat nmvrni ? ?ewry, rmdutioaa were adopted at.roiiKlj denn n i I-arneJI aad "The I re?ian'a Jour ibI, and <allin; for tbe reaicnatioii ol .luatin Ifontley Met art wbo repreaentii Sewrj '" '- ?iBf?1 bi. havinit aupporte^l Parnell \\ ?< --?? at Vou.hal, ai wl i? h ' anon Kel ei ;.:? ided, i n lul ?r;s i-ondraiBinii I'arwll were adopied. N prooeaaion ol 1"" "?''!."?'?*? ? ,c"n,l' bjfl^ndsol rauaic. waited r?i Parnell at the rail ro?l aution ai Waterford 1 ai aiMl.t Wliau he fbiiP(j ,,, coaie llte poraden iuare.he?l lo tlw lowaball, Ibej were addreaaed In the \lavai and laenilien! ol llie Mnnieipal '? When ibe api.h.>?? "?? ?vpl ,h' ^""'"l adopted bj ae< laBialioB a reaolution in favoi ..i '\Tr. s.e,,hc:'.. a Braduate ol < ml i ? ?'? I'nl wraity. haa iaaued an addreaa lo ibe eleeurn ... Kilkenay. in wbich I, aiiB..tiBrea his .I la< fer Parliamenl aa an iii?b-peiideiil aupporter ol the Ooveriin?enl , . , Tl,.- I loi.l.v H.,.n ..I i.uanlu naunoed Mi Paruell . nd have .Ised L?i hold the eolleetion .1 Ibe L-iianta i iw At Templeiuore naei \m ol II, ??? ' "' BiMionera .?..:.-! l? prolfrfl ?'?' ?'?? ?',' .:,..;', ites ae.tion wa. lavaded hj Kitizena wbo i Im rt l atonuil.v foi Paraell , Thr rarrlck on-Sun rbjord ol f.iisinliatia !?? r?B< nded their v.,t.- ol wanl ol contiden?ie ui mi The Natiaoal Lwcue brancnea in >"1,h ;""' Down bav. vote.1 aXainsl the Parnellil.-v .1,- !.?;..< Iea?ue braneb voled 44 to 2* to aupport Mi Parne X sireulai bi the Riah. |. ol l lovne. n ? be ehurebe. la-da.v, aaya ? I.n ?? ??-?'? "? ;' dealorahle atate r.l il mg> pr?Klii( il Uy Mr. U r.rfls ,nprineipk?d and i.npatrim , a.iion a oftbe iiuaoat ImpartaBe. I? re..rira?ize the l biaaebr. ol 1^. -..??- Ibe h-aden, toaaaemble tlie nienilien tnd e*plain the nee .f withdrawinu from the eontrol ol Ihe ' I f,y o Bi ! ' ' ?SltaTay. D? l?.-The W-b?p -d ? wbaa. dloeeae iiifllodea Kilkenny. h.i uw'i< 2o^ addr^a nraln.1 M. Parne ; i?b.bJ thr eVetara thal ev?n n aninll rainontj in fayor i.f Par-eil will .Beoura/e bim i? puraiie Bla eii wnrl< <>f d'vi.lmt' the Iriah nation U,n4on. Dee I5.--Tbe Dailj Newa ' aaVa tlnt Mr Parnell. I. (SOBdeiBBiBa Sir Johoi 1 ??? IM n BM.v. .ondemns htaaelf. "Ij ta "? stiiupiits in Corl f:t.0 to faee. Whil* ln lhal city be only aildressed a few frienda in ihe l liam i?m- nt Commeroe." HE TI1INKS PARSELLWILL RETIRE. T. D. MLLIV-U SAY8 THAT RESCM IS AS < \> \t OMPLI^HKI). T. D Bullivan, ox Lord Mayorol Dnblln. and -.I the liish ?'Hili..m?-iit:i:v delegate* who have remali. In this ronntrj pendlng i *ettlemen1 ol the Irouble In Ireland, ?m ??*n al Ihe lloffman Hon*e laM -" b] .. reporter ul The Trlbune. He loofced hnpefiil, and tpoke In i bopel ii tone ol Ihe ontlook I In md. ?? i ratlier llilnfc." Mr. Sullivan snld. '-lhal ? <'?? eJcrlton In Kllkenny |om agalnsl Mr. Parnell awl Ihii mnl< wenu now a- i.i a? i.mpllshed lhal i ?? wili retlr*."' '?Dn yon lnt?iMl lo rem i n l" Vew-Yort pendlng a stttlemenl '" ??i ihlnk not. n i- probable lhal I ihall ?H onl f<?> Ireland on Wednenday. John DUIon and r. p. o*< rnt nor arc two of the oMe*l membew ol ?ir parly. and Ihej w,n be able I ? handle Ihe sitnatlon wltb uwl and wltn rohroge il tlin ei d ol Ihe Hne Mr. Rnlllvan, who I* ?r?impanled by hU wlfe, i- no* betwren alatt and sevent) year* old, and bore hl inare ol Imprbjonmenl for IrelandM rafca when he m i< l.(?.,l Maror ol Dnblln. In l?<W. havlng l.n *enl n TultonwireSall for pnbllshlng ln hb paper. - rhe Dnblln Nfttl." reports ol Ihe proreedlng* ol meeting* nl Ihe i ?,;,. i*agne. whirh arere prorlalmed bj I htef seerelarj Ualfonr. . .i,..,., RdllT. r?| Connty r.,\ in H prointiwni in Irkh eln !.?- In thl? mr. and ihe opinl ?n* ?' boM* In i- gnrd ro Mr ParncllV rondnrl nre II aAmoKl iill ? ? hh trieuAt and ajrqiiiilfiliiiii ? iay? Mr. ReilH l? a gradnnte ol Majnocth l .Hege. w-hcre all Ifie prtarte ord-?tned ln lreb?nd MnUh I ? theologleal rtudle*. nnd he *-?? Ihore fn veara api ?hen the Ret Dr. W?Wi. ihe prewil VThbUhop ??' ,,,,.: .. nnd Ihe rao.l inllnenilal n id irre-onrlUble r.p ,K,nen( lhal Mi l-nrnell !:-? ln lifland ?\ Ihe |i liine \'t< ? pre ?:? rt! ol Ihe < dlege .. i h.? ? *,hop W.i!?h InUi ? ' ' ?' nnd w.; i^1' lafce i -'?'''! |;| ?' sni ? > ? d . ? ]:?: ? ? - ' ' '?' ? ' " CH rd II I' ? i Hdmil ii. i ii " I ' ' ' ? ,UI ii ., bodj i '??:? i- ' ? " '' '' win. N?? ' . ? ? N lhal Ihe h ,,h 1,-1 -?;vi, ?? |ii :'?? H00.000 ?? Uil ' ,: ' ' ? ' ' I ?,,;, |. '.v Mv ?.: ? ? | ? ? -||. ?,!?. ? ln. ?? !!?.?? . paval.U l.v tlw . ? ? II ' ' ?' . ? . ? ?ed I 1. 'a*e. \ d Ih - rlmiM- wxi* ma/fo , -? :.d ??;. im ii| ?? ??! I ? ?:? | ?? . farmers M >M l? t'?e i??H ' l Vei P..n ?:: ? \ RIH ?TRIKI IMPENniNO IN > "11 \M' ,- . uLWUiuvn ? mRI v . - , ; . ;- ? Ol ' ?'? - ? ' - ? - DIgci r#IX<i TIIE I 0?TITI riO.' f>1 I K.o Jwelro. I>ec 14. rhe \ . ! Din Oie 4J?oo<Mlon ol tbe nen lonrtllution. Pre- l'-nt ,U K..t m read * an.-- I ? ? '? .,rT"h, ',,,- the ..?:.?>*.?"<? ii r^pf-M^d in Ihe ?? -?? kkkli R ? to ircelente the .:??? ii I II'M.I \N "1 i II i'l"- H? IMTITi K KSSA \ l?. I . I i \ I ?!???? ' ' ... , . ... ,?.. ,. i i.. ila, n.d ?????? - ? - i i *v> M V1LS i iiMlMl '?> "!': r K"i:'? I \ ,.,,,.... |K M I - in ?? ' , ;,Tt .,?: VValhcr. Irom i ? ? - ...?,.; ?.??'?? ? ? ' ? ? ? , in?l? ?? ? ? , ,., ?, ,-. p|{i.TP>1 M1MN-1 IN'I KRI KRKM I ..' j. ? i . ; ; rii< ' ??? '? ?? ;: .. ? .. ? I . I ?? ? ? . I , . ... ? lllfl I ? |H>UI ? ' ' ? ?? ?? ' '? :" ' ? ? ' ? ? .. ? ? ? ' ? I \ !!,.? .Ii . ? ? ?? I ' .1 I (t i ?.,:!,.? uiiU. I ' . . I . ? ? . ..... ? i ? ?.. ? ? . |>r?U | ... . , ? | ??/- ? , fn ? i ?: ui ?' ' I |HI?lUO l-P'-i III Mii.. ' - DIK ' I ? II"! KIM IN 'il M K.M M \ l rtim i?n?, r>] !>? ii l ln ??< .,!?? ? . ,1 ..,' . ? i "? ???/??, ? ?? i i ?. ,? lt .? .,??''. Of rllfl I'ft II Ii .:!?"? :,... \|<l| ? * i I.'.(h,m . .!?? - ..:>???:.? ? Ul ?? I ? Il ?' *" i.i i ijrrvd ln lh? ?:* - > ? t .*? - , . <? ? i ||C ? I''.' I . ' ' Il ' . .'.., iai Hi1 ?<>?? h'.'i " MK- \-- I IH >N ') .' MI MiKI I.' I.OIldnll. iK-i .11. ril? ,:? ul i ?? I ? ? ' lloi I ' Ihon) .1 Mundrlla, M I'., m dtrid ? ro KKf'KIVK ynWKW'. M IM- I I I: - ' ?:.' I. N VKXII l"ckin, i" ? i ' \ ,:' ? ' ' l! n thal Ihe l nip< r?i *ill ... ?????:-. ui?1 ' ? all [i i <? i _? 11 iiiiiii l< ? ? ? niK aii MKNiAN rin'i:ni i iim i u: -i.i 111 n i II iji|?-, !>? . I I I.i- \i.M ui I'l oflii iatcd I.-.- I" 'l i> I >l Ihe '.i ' ? iii< ? Im - ihe i i,. ? ..-. i',- |Virt< iiid iln \\ im-i lan i liun Ii. Thl* , .,, ? . lhal Iln; i|ii? >tHill I.i - ?' ii ??'!!?'! (?/.-/' hl.D II) A XI \KE.S KA C N-w OrleaiiH. 1?-' H i li<- Pl< i u - ' hat/m H?i. ? |Mti >:? ii iiiK-i??? ' -' i apl i ii l!i?M . "i ii >? losl .t-jini-i i ir\ ..i Haton Uouifc Ii rt'imrd I ||,.. .,,,|.|.-,:l. ||f -. ul ? ? II Ii- .,M.ln|il-l i ? land nl lli nnltave, li- ????* iiiidi i (Im- Impi I'Hi llwi ti,.- -,,.i.' on v. Iili 'i Ihe biMil .-? I 'I h id i ?' innved b> the ?? -?' ?? h Ii" I ?" i" "' ?'' II ,\,, . - iru, l li? ? ??' li?d !?? "" al Iln tw?i daj ' IihuIIiiK al the "- Inutlo |,ul had g'i?? .,ii. leavlng n. riwrii K :? >ti??? i ?Im lp i?l .,:,,.., ,1,:., wiii' ii hl? bonl " i <'. ??' 'i b" Ihe l" '' ,,r |i,.. , l, and ' ?? u I. " liii Ii h . \?r\ ,,t i|, i ui'1. i hc liotk piwln' -<1 !?. i , ,,i.t.,. t .' , i ? ?- ???' Iwidh iimIIi - ii !", and ,:,, lalidlnu * i- '?<? lnriMt* lj m i t- brl .. ihe I.I ..... ] ?*!,- . -i.i dowi ? niile \'.\ . ,P! v.i'Ii theli . i ? ai ?' ? al ? ?"?? . ?? al' ' ' ?i ovci Ihe iiaii(fp)aiik. "Wl nol ., ,i . i- llle ??!? |.?t. ? ? ? | FALSt 4.V/J //'/>/./. H'/. 77.AV /;/./'//. Madl*on, W ?., Dci .14. I he iequel lo an e) ?pe n.r | , i),..i I, .|,;i ii' ii .i- niontli .,, ?, Iii N'i , . ... i. ,| ||, re lo i ? lil I.'-' i eki nary, MI '?'? ?< " l;,,. i . , m...i I i ii- Ihe ?: iiiKhii i "l M. -. i; , . | . ,.,... ,,( ihe promineni an n hani< ?.! Madl i ll.1,i,...i in Arthui I'Hinp, .i jroimp hanher, nl > ,\t<i,'i. :??,,. - ar< -i'- n. monlli lab r Mi ' , ? ,jx ,i u || h .i -i Loul lr*' -il nR ma . n uned ' ei .,??.-,? r- ,\ lng her hu band >, i-i, ,i,i-. ("i ' ? .? ..f vUltmp li< i j..' ln thi ? r !? ? . tier l?el ra iIk difi i ? ?? ?? ruaile ibal >he "-ki .?l,,|,>.|. Flitally. Mr*. linnp retiinied lo bei falh La?< nlghl Ur>. i aiup *a* niarrled tu < Iml" K, Miller, h ?iurteni al llv H .- I -? >?' /;/. \UI <" 4 ' /. W I.WARI IX, ProvMenre, R. I.. Dee. 14. Mhm, vtdow ??! Biward Bromn. ?ti<-<i ln lala i ij ^eteidi ?t tJ?<^ Bf* ?*l o*** bttttcired aud lu'tr yc?r?, IX A MEX1CAN PBI80N. THE CASE OF FRAXK FORD, AN AMERICAS ? II l/i:.\, ClIAKltED WIT1I MI'RDER. I.Wi.i ISIIINi; FOR TEAKS IN * fELli 1n vv ]?'!,, 0 MI^ HAPKIW '?! TT1 Xfi '?' RT^ 0N THE I'M.! - np THE MEX1 ^ i, ii <?;: nl \ ;? ?: \ I ? [?1 n i i.<.n?rn ii> i in i KIBI s*-'. S.iii !'i:.ii, iM ... I>.- i i Anothei \nwrieai ?<mi ia reportrd lan^uiabing in o Mexiian prixoii l'l?- ateamei San .1 inn haa liron iii i :??? ''?'?'s ,:' "' \napul, , lhal l'i mk r'ord, an Amci i*n. haa hecn in priaon ihrre li?i two yeara I" Be irinlar. I ?*h, Ford, who * - luird uiate ?? - . ,i -i Indianu, he. me Invoived in a m witli tl r lii-.i mabr, iml ln >-'' defrne* kllb ? idvrraary. TIip Indianu '? ' Maine, Ihe offieera ? . ? Kine Trec Stat<?. The killin? ?>, irred in I r pnrt ..: v apnlco and yi I I was lal en i ? bj ihe loeal aiithoritics nnd pli.I in priaon i ft?w moi ";- hii triul oe.'urred, h il ll e Kwtimouj was MMit t,. n iu !..,? in pnu u '1 he lield llie papera f,,r a ve ir, " hen he arnl baek the rondemnal i , an I acnti ?? ?' Knrd "? WitJ yrara in priaon. Whrn Ihia deeiaioti rei ched Arap . ? :?>?*'? .iii.i a hall afler Ihe k i idge of the Hral instanee, wlm la-llevod K??rd "? he iunoeenl ol miirder, allowed hiui i-> ' ? -. ? ' .""' Coiirl of \i,;.'.: ti?. i-ai ." " I r?in?l ,? \i\ipiil, o and . ? ? : .1, t.I '?? Keep |,ini al e. II ? ??'. < uds ' ? ' ? ? U hht i ar. i r I- II r sy vr \tiiy F'tn \s ??'?'u ' "'' ,<;,..-,. , ItV, M ,.. I- HII ' ' il ?'? ?t. ? . . , ? ?II.. ....?',' ?" . ,1 , ? ? . ?' ? ?' ? I I |.a<l I ? ; * C il 11 "f ? I , ? |... ! . ? ? ' ? I -. . ? the , ? E. ii . I - ? V J I ??????? ?? . ? ....... ? ' --? ?' ' . ' -? ... . I ? ? ? ? ? yr.'rir f\ l' ? ,^ . |.. 'i \ n'li ' ? ? ? ... r ' ' ? ... ,. .... . ? ?? l ? ?M... ? I ' ' ' ' , ? ?? ? ' ' R I' ' ? , I r ' ? I , , ? ,,;.,; . (Vii VRKU a ? ' ??* ItKMOt <XI1I " ,.., .. ,,. II , l? I ?'? ? ? Itl I ...,. I ' ....... I . I uil . ?-.!.' ? r.hi i ? nuiin ? u ?'< I.Ii, i : \ ?: , . ? : Itapul ?v |i . . ., ? " .? i md i ?? ,?. i ' ' . ., ? ???.?:?' ' ? ? ... I H I.I ' I ihlel oltlN i|.rl.:llli| ? , ./?: | rjMs si < in ? ?? < , i,..,, |,.. 14 -. , irloii ? ?? dlllmi "' '" ' ? ? , A_.1?.: . I, ???,.ijlireUon '?' Ith IIm- ? .,.ai.i.- ,,,.,,l 'I ? freerlnt ??? ath, I "' ' , | narrowlnii Iln- M i n?ve Ihe i al :- tli ? ? ' i' ,?, rarh i'l- ol Ihe r.peu lb? I ' ' '" :H ,l,;? II l-e..rr?? ln Id.- f?i "'? rl|. '?? ,.,,,? in -??.. and nnliien.u '? ?> ' " ' , , , lalid lill. rn 'i? Ihei Ihe | ?t ... ,i.i.. irali "' pb-d ? .- plan ol ,h' ?\ ,,., ,,??,! ;? i ??!?. nal i ip '? ' ?' " tWll , , ?? -r- lhr.1 .i ! 'Ol . i . ? ... . ... ., ,. ., . I.I.M.l. IIUIHll 'I ri rrisu ?</ / a i/.'j i.v 's '///' " " , , , i- ii. ii "? ' " ' ol I.? '"'" '' '"l ' ? .Ivan.liia ..?? .???.'? ' " .,ol |.i N-nriiiM l.i-ii ??? .i.U l*e n .." fj, ,,,..|.h, ? i rd, ? the m "; I - M ile li?v. I- ? ? -' ?' y ? ln IIm- ,"1"' '??'?? ?.Ivatirllig the rminet ' ' ?" ?? ,l" ' ,11 ,-- ? , i ,. , 'iv ii:, i .i .i had Ihi'in po ? '?'? i ? ' " :' . !. ,? - o .? I.lllll, : i ? ? . i ' pilll IIK 'I : . ln tlw i ' i . |.;. i in ne 14 ; , ? ? ? ( ' ''" r i , . , .<? ii-,- I.' '" ' ' U.i ,,.r , -.??,H d.era ? ... ariftj the r?u' ? "? " lhal biatitatlnn I.,?- Ume. ^*Z^*2&iJ?P NVEED DETERMINED TO WIX. HILL A-M> OTHERS PROMISED THE SEX ATORSHIP TO II1M. AXD HE MEAXS l?> GET IT. * Jt\XI RSTO FROM WFKU'S OWX PAPER WHICIl m\ki., rxpi#rws*xT itRMWxn por ihe fJOVl R.XOR ?.\!> HIS I !tl F.XDS IX r\ it'ST ' OMPt. \l S :'. [BT TELBOBAPH T>> ll!l. nillil SF_1 Alhany, Dee. i i.-Smith M Weed. -i Platti 1 11 . waa i". Alh ny two ... fhrer ilaya laal week | aftondinu the State tax aales and buying l.nd for i lie ' . .. ,| and Iron < 'ompany, ol wbieh he is the pre*i<lent. L'pnn aeveral neca aiona M . tt'eeii was npproaclied bv newapaper i irre pondenta md aaked il he to - i.v ,i" ' ini .' niil hia i 111? 11 I ii ?. for [:nlted Sl ites Tn all theae lnqiiin.8 he repli.d h<- had nolhinj- tn aa.i lieyond whnl he hnd al rcadj aaid, whieli waa tha1 he wna n candldate for Senator, Rui Mr W.-r I haa nol I.n similarlv rel eenl elsewhere, and his aentimenta whleh t . i:.,. knnwledge nf leadin i Democrat. hav. niad. a ?.naation. Although ,, . -: ? i ? |,,,s nol deellne<l the offlce ol Senator, l Ii rae.i rfoei nol ileter Mr. Weed. On mlrary, he makea a lonir argutnenl why he bim?lf l\Yeed ahoukl Ix- eleeted as Senator, and pula forth hia elainu lo 4he ntllee. Kithei Oov ,.m..r Ihll i withdrawn a. a caadidnt., n rm Mi W.r.l pr vai ?:?. of Mie fact, or the latter ia a highl.v conrageoua polilician, judg irifl ir mi I ii? ileelar i1,'.,, Mr. VYeed addreasea the l?..rata nf the St.ifr ?; .. r .? - .i. iv i Ihrou i the c l< mna of hia . , -,,,. ?? ii,. [Mattah irg Repiibllean," a rai ? newxp iper. of cniirae He doe. nol ,. i ,. i. .? p.?[?. ii ?..:^'i>!\ it i~ the , | iiiinr nl ? ? new?p ipi.: ''"" tl '? ? ? ? nd bia man ? ? ? I.? ? .. ,,.-,.; : ??? ? ??- ui Sn ? M \\ ,-.? , | he ' :?'???: i ? I ? .? . ? ? ??.?'. : ? .... , Mi Weed. .,, ? ? ? . -. ? ? ' ? ? ' ? ? 1 ? ? ' .. . I* \1r Weed havii ? ? r "* ? ? ? e is Mr. Wi ? ii.. -i ... . ? ? ? ? . i ? ? ? ' r.?ti<i n. ni ..... rn ? ' ' I ? ? .ED Orl r ? And here - i"he Tribune'B Pditnrl ... ... ? ?" ''' ' " ??. tl><> ?' ..-.????'?? l ? ? ' ??-.,.. I .?I ,. ... ? y ? ? , ? ,: . . Mi Weed'a Ml? ? ' di? Mi VV.ed iv, ? ?, ??? ,,... ll.e ? ?:??'? , ... ? i\ ,.,| ,M s' ? . . b M p?M> i>? J I "??' Rep ? pat ' ? ? ' ' '" ' , . . ?? ?? ' ented mm ! ? ? ,. . ?? I M. 11 \, SVeed fea. - l.i.< r.i ' ' ? '? ? ' " ? ? ... . . l. liatiMi for rew but Meu.lilv ?le i ? - ? ' ??.? "' 'V .. ; , , , ? .i ibe Denn emi .,, Mi VVeed'a warh i ,;..,,, r :, |..n ' .iiiit.v, md de . ; ... \\>..,| wna leiiilm Ibe .... .. i. | ii isted ? ??? ' ? . - el .1. Tiblen U ,,,. ,| . \|, v..-d in I--- ? ? ' - ' I . ? ; |? |h. |. ibe editoi *a> -. " we .,1! ? '?'?? I I ' "'" '? Mi W.rd, tl.iiih lus p-ria.ii-11 1 - Ibe rl.airwai. ,' ' ? ?? ... 114 ' Ibe !>.?:.rall State ? I ibe Preaiden< \ t<> .vei ' ? ? , ? | ,he ?...- w?a .. , !,,-,? mie in New Vork SlaK l ? Ib mt lhal Mi U.I Hnds |.In parl lo i"1 ii i I rifi ? his . wn well imtvii pMileeliollial pniieiplea I f .d I ? ? ?/', ,. .. , ,.,,!,.,? made l?. Mi A ' I, i?. ?? ??? ol lira alliln.i|. 'e rifl .".eatmn n ill-found.-d llr .hal Mr V .i '?... ,,,. Ibe -' mip eoBatanflj in "*?'? '" il... 'taritl fo. rexei.ue nnl) raiapaiini "I I le .fll. ?,,m ... d heartilA ?upa.rleil Mi '.. ,,. '.i .. mv. lhal in INM Mi VYwl , i in .umI! n. ;- ^"?-: '"?" ,!,,;' ,,,,;,-,.., lo l.: ruthe. II. n ... . i, ,,..? ediloi eloara his upaeal lo. M v!. vm.I Una m.[laiil . .teuie.,1 Mr -v1., ?.?;.:.;;:;.r. ',;:;?i:.;:;::, r-'lg's *-?;"; ? ?.;:r-'lu:X',...'v;,:.;::? ii...-. uiireai. '" . . , ,,. ., I ? ? in | m?iJ . I he .??'.?? 'I ? "' ' '?" '-,',,'. M mi, disttnel underblaiiiiiiUi ,"'/?,' Z, ?'. i !'??"-: >t?. and lhal iasii" waa ; n.,i one In i?au* ?' " v-] duin ;,;;,?',,. ?; |N...i .he .ame ismu- waa a pniiiiinei I one. , ,h VV|HMJ hal eei ha '" " ''" " ,, ,. .,, ,,., ii, ?. Ui . Mire \ ??' ? one ... m + . ' ';'?,,,. ;,. ,.liw-d biui I ie V. .lorship r? '^de.,::raC,e,f!n , \'' ""! " , I a..?ie ntbe, IVnioeral 1 ? ". , ,. , iiiajoril ol Iwn ?.' ?' hi?l.en ba ", ,'?,.. poll H.r ui,v,1,7,n ": ^^ }:i:-t,^ ihfr'e'ib!:, ''?',' "??. n,i| |i,,nlpt!. sn liiia ia itae nl Ihe ' '**,MM i i, t M. H,1! ihlimute rrlenda ... !, 'i^e'Vbillbeyd.,?bil.b,b..t.hewlll ';': ;';?'''',, .. ||, ky,Tl nol < nvn.i... ., i, ... . ii.' .< |o,| Ii .,'? ?, ,,? ,: liia .natuf..sf., ,n IV ' .'.',,,, fj,..1,. . in wme reapw-lh ,. ,? . , ? , |i I'irtua h aa.Vi " I i ave .r;.1".:,::::: ri "('.,.....? n.^-...?..? r?ndid.i * for ftaaerablvnien ia I8M .and In Imio '? " il the Detnocratlc purty had a majority ln the Le^rtalature. Ara I to Ia* defraudcd, tiow thal * ??? prize ia woo, ol IU poeseaaioti? Ihe excuw ia tnadc thnl I an n, bigh prot*etioniat. I aiu liot: my atipporl ot Tilden and I U-vland abowa lhal l ntn in"." _. Mi Weed'a editorial article ln ' Ino Platts Rrpuhli an" wtll ""' make the daya ?<'? Ii... i(| c. ifi.ii ;,nv plraaantei bet? *n now ? i ihal da\ in Jann iry w\**n the !>? ni'.< rats wiil try t,, pleel a Fnltejd State*. Senator. the article "will erouee all "f Mr Weed'a n*fari?rful politleal frlendi lf will aJao make aeveral am nirtona Betnoerala thlnk r.vt l?,,vi,l !',. Ilill la no ? -?:? a candidatc lor Renator and thnl they themselvea bad hettrt r ish in and lill the vacuum. - ?. ? TlsTisc, DR. KOCR'S LTMPB. A I.I. THE ROSPITAM I'MVO THE TRBATMEXT RBPOIff FAVOP. \ni.f. PROfi llthongh if l? nol expeeted by the phvsic'.ana who are mlng Dr. Korh'a lytnph In agveral ,>f the prlnelpal hoapllala <>' the elty thal poaltlve reaulta will be ahown untll the tf?tiuenl haa been In praetlee for atveral week nr month* pexhapn, they already feel eneouraged i,\ ihe nyraptotna produred by Ihe ?ar lv Inorutetion*. i!:- numbei ol patlents al all ol the Imtltutloni haa rapldl) Inereaned ih. the arrlval "f the lytnph froai h Korh'a laboratory In Rerlln, and the rapaeity ol Moonl *tna! iloapltal, whleh l.a?- taken the lead in the now departure, i.h-, rearhed aJmoM Ita full capaelty. other hoapltaJa ar" preparing lo receive patienta. uiion* thetn are th" New Vorfc. Ihe Rooaevell and the Preabyterlaa hoapltala The (ierman lloepital and Ihe SewYork Poundllng Aaylura have been iddcd to the h t of thoae ualng tii<- lymph, havlng obtained a portioo ol ih" (liiid rrom Dr. Jacobl. ?lm haa reeelved a auraneea t>wr a ;.-.-*atrr qaantlty than waa ai Oi I iu hii.i wlll )m> rorwarded arttlmul ielay. of the patJenta ln Moimt Slnal Iloapltal tarelve had ui, to yetteraaj reeelved the larger do?e of thi w mtlllgrammea, ili have had two milligramnie* nnd ?l? one mllllgramma, the laal of theae being tlie patlent* moat rerently adralttcd. Tarelve ol thoae. nodei mend there have hing dl*ea*ea, Hve have bone , mi-ri nl,,-:.. three lulfer \?,t.', lupua. tw i have glandn I lai tnberenkiaU, nnd one haa tuberrul?r empyema. ! ii, ,ii,p ol 'ii- ,*.-?? . iv,. ol i noosumptive. Mie bwn ? ? ? I-.- ,,i ,!;,? j, ,? . . ? ,?, h..,.r i.ti-r Ihe ' i.nWtion ?,. !<?:;-. T'h- ww redneed tn . il dltlo i i !? dii t' iliimber. ? ,:>? ln all Iwelve pal ei '- ni dei the h mph ^ fierinai llovpltal, the ne*l> id , mliu '..?'?.?? ?' > i suffi ? ' phl er i ha? tnl ? ?'?? id?>?is of tli?' b inca [i U< Ha ttonj who ha h mph .. rrom Dr. II 'l ?<???? i"url -. In llie !l r.pltal :???? Knptnred ??' J l'i ippled ilitldi ..,??? r the Ihu w nol Ihe -?? Dr Ilamllt ? ? '''? lytnph . ? ||r i?\pn u-'l. Iin -:< 'I ? ? '' '? i,| ,. fluld |,,.t liy Ihi ,,. ,-;,|. M.,' ,'.|,-????,:,-? ?l \ iiiiiul -i ol patient ? ? Marl ?> II ?? I. ?? v> ? ; <?. '?i.."V ?..:,? i.- |. Hd V ntlltlflL '' "' '' '?''? ' '':''"1 "' '" >' ' I ,- y M : ? " ' Di. I ? \ .\ .:?? '.'.,.?'? I'llle. ln i.e< --- VV. R:i ,i,,! Im - ?. K ihn, hou?e pl ? . . ? ? r ? ? ? ' ? ? ... iddlllon. I?;,.- II.-. ' -1- Wtll ., ,i are w \X> liM witli greal ph) I?" r< iRS i;KI l RNIMi FK< 'M RF.RLIN. I .. . ... Hr. Ki-'I. ::? M. W.,r,,-. '?! the , ? , . , and Dr. rhom ?- I.. <?<? ' .-, lll.K-l ? led ln 'I i) f' ??ii ? - ?? ? :m:D AFTF.R I>1Mi rilK LYMPH >?..;.' ?: r>'^. 14 V n ii n th - ' i ?'' i I ''"' . a.,- Inm ulati ? w itli I ie K i i ?:. |nt,i d *<1 F?r aaveraJ <*-<*^ befbre hli |M breathed \*i?h dlflenll i i pul?e wai ....,, .. v ? . | morten eaaminai eaied . , r>n?amptlve ai peamnre and a perli irdtal -wvll tng. yoi\(. WOMKS BCBKED TO DEJTH. ?: \VO 1.1 V F S I fttHI *M' M*VT STI l'i NT> 1N.II REll ^ ;? v BMITHOAT P\RT\ t> li IIT1 ??' OM,l ,. ,... ,ra |,., u \ ,i.|??? ' !-?? n ttroi . v , . ,| Hu, htel ? .. ;. .-urt-.f. were itlu ary biilMIng rhej won entert h> ?.. ? ? ? '' '' ' "" ''"'' " . ,. . t ,-. . iv,md with eotto n ol M V r. . -?- a ??" ? ' ' N * ' '. ' ? . .? nnlral.?l t ? Ui.?? i-'"- ? M ?? ? . .- rtpn ,. N. V.. had '??-? j ' ::, . n,u. nnd r lled th, n ' ? ? - ?-? ' llHl" ; the flane M - steltfmv.r ; whs 1 i h, id bi :?? : ,:..! ..I .? :? tlr. The ' v' ? I Marv liak, I ?>- v ' ? Diana H.i.viii ' ? ? ' !.,... . Pem. "hb. l - I" ~ ' ... . in ? htel. i ? an Ka i? i i, ? ? :? ? '? :??'?? ?- ? ? ' ?: I - |. ' ....?? . ??? ? : l \ ? ? ' b?t P. . ? ; ... ,. ., ? v, n ixn DR tl.l.fO\t*!UKRED /'/?'? ' * v , D, II -;.. ?' U >:? ? ? ? Lflhe.l -I ?fll.el n 4utu " " . ,| the - ii - ?l ? '? ' ,,.,., v ,|. .1?- Kliull I"' ? '?! 1 ITIll - i' ' ' ' . . ? ? - I ? , <?i I-- ? ? ' ? - ;A . winnii , i ? ...' !'.r [Kai.i? ? !vhi< 'i flnal . ? ' ? I* '?ke .,. ,j , reaihed l inigh a ?-? ?' ? " ' ? ,?,,,-,. ..?'. 1-Han.Tll."<;? WIIHam ilirtK ! Vbefhaneellor \li??i ?'? ? !'?"? '''' '????*" *' " ?i.l, Wa ? i d --n' ?"? ?ho had the wji .Ie fli ?]??-? ' '. . . .??- woaths and dnalli r? u rt.ii ? ? ? ? "?" i:,":" n-:i'"'' ?:"';'" 1 . ,. ,ii... ? , ??? rhe <i-. ? ? i , ?v'a ? -??" a,erilnga.| .?,. ,.,??. Is pn>|.i md the ^ "- arlmn laWan i'"J.; npAt-ate l.alW. tn ?hbh , ?lngle negative ? "" Mitlilioldi Ui" degree. ? U(j\l>* XTOUS H) ia Rfll ifv Wa.hingl.Hi I"" ?'? ""he '. '? ?'< Mr- K K. lar. ?l th|. , |ty. ?.,- i-i'i-l t,,d.u whlle Ihe lamilj ?*a ? phnri li. ' llesldes a *mall ai.nn ol m ,n-v ind .. i.relry. loiii M ".UP?" '?","1' "f '!"' *? i.i**^r^^%?ii?&3rii imiiiii-i.''. ?" ?". the burglai ?. KIUED AT IIis t>\Y\ WHlR <l I F?. saiem *: i-- '"?' '' ?'""" ' ;|" " '* ~']"' ''""' ?,, ,|? idewall. in rr<ail ?l hl? !-?--. I>mI Lelore mid . i , , maii ' illa :ha . -i l"ea , ,?.? , .,, , :,,,!- , linte. ... l vnnlleld I ? , , ?| ,,...,; ii, ihe li.m-. bul had .i -"'? i i ? ^"' '.? ""? .. . ,;l.| betfiin in Ihe Imiw. Uoe *?? ;.i;1.,.;..",1:.:;;;..?????.;??" ??- ?? ?re wa*uke" .,t. i.Mh ii- : ?'? .' , ,?,... |. ,.?, Idered ln aio-. \ I" -???! louml In Ihe v , ,,: ,. ||,ai . huti -?' Iiohi I,.- bmlhe I l??. Ivimlield offliei -^ thal he ?a? aromid lhal ,.,.,, ,, leitlav. appai ? ? tl- ii.ti.>leuled. i I I ,? ,.- wllli th< weaiH i PIm ;? li. ? ""'l;'1 ,'1;'' :, ,,i ,. ih- .,r. -i ol Mb i, ' ol r-.,i,..i.. ,, ,,., ,.w.,, |? havr tll-ed the falal -I,-: .??! he ?.. ;. ? w>l ,| rvenliis ii .? believed thal a waa the ????".' "- ?'.'K t,n tx<; TBEOKOTSD '"" ? r \< him; m>i >i: in |, ,,,,,-. Inwa. l? ? ' ' taperlal Poi ? - ?me l llOtll ..:?..:.'?? , . |,? .?,. . ,|.i- iiKI a:id the l hb ,.???. i irllngt >n >||(J S( ,.,, , |, , i;.,,;,! ,.. ihe i-reeUon ol .. mammoth .,;? hlnu I? - ?? Iln mllwaj roinpanj lo glve *lx aerea ?i ,,..,,,?! m K,..t IMtl w ie "ii.. mi notlce wai re ????ived veaterdaj ilml "" rallwaj rompany wiu give the kTo-und ?'"' work wlU V?-' beguu ut once, KW ta^ifia atuck U t.yW.^* A WoMAX'S FATAL KALL. MYSTERIOUS CASE AT THE HOTEL ALBKRT. MISfl RRIXD n.rM.I.n raOM \ Korn.TR FLOOB WiXDOW \\|) DIBO I\ DBXAT IGOXY. T. P. SorrenaoD, a gueet at the Hotel S*. Stepben, tn Klewnth-st.. nenr IViivcrsity Plae*. bbw a white ..!.".. paaa hia window ai i nViixic yeaterday morning. There waa a lond i-rash in tb? yard Iramediately afterward. Mr. Sorrenson and W. M. Starker, the botel clerk, went over t<> lavi>stigate, and found a wonaaa lylag on lier back RToaning. The.v picked iier up. and earrieif ber int'i the hotel oflke. She wa. i^>naeioaa, baa refuaed t.> answer an\ queetioBB. A daetar wa. called, and aaid tbal Lbe wooaan bad 'x-en injured Internally and would ptohaMy dte. >he wa* laken t.> tli(> New-York Hoapital in an amloilance. Sbe tokl the aoibuianee aurgeon lhal bet nam. waa Franeea Ryan, age forty, and (hal abe lived at the Hotel F.leventh-st. and Iniversity Plaoe, She aaid th.1 abe bad a roota mi the fourth Boor, b,.t would ..<?' iell how shr c.<t aatt) <>f the window. Dnriog the day inf'.rm* tion aboul t!,<- oaae waa deafcd ha r? I).>riers al the ImtH. Deputy ( oronT Donlin made an ioveatigation and Ibe liltle thaf he could aeemed to Indkate tbal the wnraan bad jumped oul <.f the window wttb the intention ol endins ber life. Sbt died in creat igaay at ..i o'cloek yeaterday morning. Laat .vening the ckerk at the Hotel Albert >aid tbal the woman'a Baate was not Ryaa, hut Kenip, and lhal she bad beeB livinu at the hote| witfa ber fatber an.i motber for foarteea wtete Mr. and Mrs Kemp are old and feeble an<l ia> i ...,.,| i, i.. seen i>\ reporteta. How .l,e woaaaa Jlrt i.ui d| the window is nol known. She bad a ,,?,.;, on ' ... fourth Boor. She waa in bet ?i ||'t iluthea wlien rougf], and the cleek aaid ,;,..i ahe miifht have fallen oul ol the window while walUing in ber aleep. Tliere was aoutetbiflg almiil bei death whieh made even l>.n|y retieent arul rhe m.voter.v eould nol he eleared up last .. ,. i i... i-itae ?. ia nol ri>i^.ri.-l ... thr poli<>?? ? i i i i.,i. |:mi eveninir. hui a nollce waa aent ta .. i .roner'a olliee afier the woman'a death. 'Ihe I,.,n,.. gtven lo tlic pulice waa Franeea Rhind, a.-e i -. f t - aeven. - , ... ,- the danghter ..i ? harlea and Abb. '?. i:i,ii,,i ii.t funeral will lakc plaee to-morrow inorninc nl Ni Mark'a I'hureli. Tlie biirial wiJ, i*. ;,t the family eemetery in Oranjre Couaty. ? ? SKdTEBS CO TBBODGR THE tCB. \ - OHE TtKK \ COUD BATH IX S'EWAKI *N*0 M ixv mork UtE IX MXiJBR. \V ial mighl have i.n a frightful aeeidetlt, hwl ,.., ;.,.| onlj In a aeare and aeveial , .... ?_ cold hath, iccuried -.n Hran'h, Krook, Newark, yeaterdaj afterBooB by the break lue ?| the .-?'? The brook haa reoeBtly [.I turned Into a akatins poad, on wblch baw b.^u ,-.,.. u-i ., n imbei ol toboggan alidee. It arag lhal intentiou of the ownera ol the pofld to "!>eii it '? ,,?. p ... o on Sal nl ly night, bul owiBg to tliu ,,.,. i,.,,,_. d.fiiK'.i ol Inaufflcient thiekneaa tha ,,,..,_ waadeferred uutil a future dale. Veaterdny, however, hundreila of \entnresome akatera Hoekeil lo rhe poBd. and everytbiag wewi ,ll right until the lattei part ..f the af-er noon, when !"?- akau-r. eame in eollkdoB, and in . : them ? i?al inned A i rowd qulekljl , 1 , Bt inoed man had, (,,',,v#.:..."l the ice gave way. aad ahoat a feara ,,; peopie, u,ra and iioya, were predaittted into ""inlniedUtelv tbere wu a wild pcni?blB aaaag thoae who did doi go thraugh. bui fartunaiej tliev oni^klv eollected themaelve. afaia, and ttnd S tha '.-d?e '" the iee ahoal the^opeaaag v ia Uiick proceeded to reacu. their uufort.i?.?e. eompSnio'aa and auceeeded ,n orrtina Jhea. B^ .it-lv to land again. Bpp.reBtly Bow ihe ^-r* for iheu duckiBg. ^ ? \CW8PAFBU /v hfirTH <<<>SSOUT>\TZD. MlnneapolU. Mlnn.. Dae. 13. \ -Tni." Blaaateb Mlnn.. -^- - rhe EvenlagTlaaaa" aad Kvenlnc lleraW.- of IW* rtaea. have coai illllaM under the name ... -The Evewfag lleraM. AMEtir.iSH ISD //' SffABIAS* FKiHTlsn Ptu*burg 1>." IL < * t"''" tnm >",nd,J*y ,v. . ,i%. ? \ ?? ,- ?-;. ? ?:.??? iiear Jbataara, a :?,. dtuated aboot ihraa mlle. BXaai tlua ,,!,... ia?i In ahleli ?e*er*l penona anara aaaijr II. ??-,'. ?? nearljr aU -f whoai .,,, ,,, ? Ui ?H l?key. ?':<> retornrna; '.<>'"? ... v . ,?. i uaed Watkln. uitlng. i??- ??' ? *".i ?.ui f.T a aood ..... i:?. vmeriran* ma*l .et io?B .-a ,1 ... *ouhl l* all '"'??I io paf*. , rtianantU ref.i*rt weora :, ? ? >-'> rtotjrBwedj ? ?' tooe* ??"??? freeU i 4 ..... l t.Ignew werj iunum aara bath ?!.:.<1. ' ,.,.? n.iiuv nEStrxru rne mes of vobwicm. ,,. m (Kpeel.ll. In . i. Uf. Dr. .- ?? | - ? ? !?.i theatrea ukb - foi hl? lext ih? , ,,? ,;,,. herc ol lUeped immoial ',",,?, ? aith ih. ballet. n. Itverai lha . .. . .... and icrrifl. imtUuicBi ?? , . ... uie and \mx prlneiples -i ibe lowu .. Id, ue,.? i,.,,;.i Ie.?m the pulpil dn.t! the oayi o| .,, rWaant- riw ?? ?' ?""?? alld h,s altw-b on Ihe -naal ki*Uiry ? , ',. ,:',,?,. mor.!. aa. pollllea . ??, p,v? ?( the iowb ta lha ,,,,.?,?....?|V |i..p.f..r>;ippr..?*.ng .I ,?.,?..?? rvhi' ui..n- In thh rit* lav i:i Uht __. +_. B/i // ?//.! ? aTIflTC r.V WT0MIX9. Hu.11. ..11 ?yonilnr?BrrtHebaOia? ,,.,m ,,,. ?,,.;,. of aiate seoawi i hal ... , 1 .. maiuaer -"<1* \?nr?1 that ,(I .,,', |C| the.V un..>ve|....1 a fU foot v,.,,. ,,. iivei i?iv, 11 ?! ilwl sn>?ay* nol leaa iBaa : I,, ,,,,;.. ,, ?, ro? ih. Ptotaa BHrar uru,h 11 ?'?!. ?iww ihe goM Bnaa batr. t.^.i ;. ;,'. ... .'.rl ippareuth bear, .ml the theorp , er:i|, as tlu- nuiiW riHinaaea Intototuraaa. _ ? ?? , ui si-ri; \nsin;\ M VAMDKK. lamden !>??? '? Pe\c|opnieiiUi i I rtfc paal few .,. ..i?? iMv.n.d .. diaiw ...... ?n? brldacl rteaa ? ?|. bod) ?as found ?n th.- radmad Iraci at -,,?,h tanideo. was Biardered. The BtotJta I,,, ,...- rrl. *as iMilrauc M.s Kl.-aa.ii.c. wh^ ,,..,,,.71 ai S-.?. 1 " Uouiii Veraoaat, ?a< bwl ?.'?'.i ,,.,,. lale I'iM .'? alBhl while *be araa o i hei waj lo h'r , , ? p|.i lhal an .-ia- wa< rrOMiBg th<j , ,,?. ,. , 1... ,v itaihoad. ncai aaaeathal., ,,,. u ? aitrtrkid h\ hei ?? ? ulant, .".l taal I." kdW ,,., ,,, prvveul lin IdentiH fnau ??'."'?.? kaowa, ,., , |?,,i her bodi . 11 Ihe iaiiio..d traek a. ?.', ? ,1 wmiW be stni.k b> a train. The "ouiaai , ihe ...P-.,. .I havlog beei. cru*bed la | . ? prnlHibl) a : I v /:/.;.' l.V <?! PS H/? TBWbAT. V(| (| .., s H ,,, . 1 1. ii.-.rj r Manroe .omm.tted iM,i',ide todnj In Ihe kll ben ol wdi.aa, Coagneayt .....,,,?,,??. When Ihe plaee wa* rl.t aatBiaaj n?ht I,,. Usked and .Ived pennUdon U> deep In the ..?.,?.,. , ,.,,,..,.., uhi.h 1...1 frciuentlv been paated. ?? ... ? ? ',,,?? ,,;ltl H narvlmi knlfe. Manroe waa ','\,,V ,. ,.;,,, ;,r, v,. md lor a numbercd je..ra i?. :,,.i : -??: lanttoi ... ueward Pual rooaafc ? FKOZES TO OEATB OtV TBB BOADBtDB. nttkburf, Dee. 14. \ .ii-pat.i, tnm MabaaUag. W. Vi wv, .'. n?. bodlea <i( two BMH were f.mnd lying ,?'', ,',.?.ltv iwid a fea aailw froaa Clajr Coartkaaai Miiorday. Pbei were .rg* aeehet Hnd Jaaaaa bane, ,',.'.,?.,.. ,. ii,, had started froai taelr h..i?o, a/eaaaaaay '.'. .,.. .,, .., ?o the eounfj wat, aad are aao> ;;;;;',')'l1".-,,'?'.,',...;,.. ... death. m m ...a..t vmSS {.iw round on Ihem ' su(>Tfl!:Rt:!> VXBBB TOXM Of 9AVC. M'artaw. X. V., i?" N isparlal). BlgW haiaedaaJI caved in an Roberl Hoy hvrt n ghl aa bc ??*?? >nove'iing ? mi.. .ars a. OUC "f the t>iri rooin> of tfic Biadl*y *alt Woros II 4?-MiUreil ?owe Uoie io ?Jpvel Uiai oaA vaA 1.9 <Ucd *5?n afvv acliii rvamed.