Newspaper Page Text
HOME NF.WR. wnvr ia goisg osi toriy. M,,.,r? af fa-a-ad paeea-fBl., ' I*"**-* ***** kMM N ? -1? M.,!-., .n i ? ? ?- ,n r. ... f- ?!, a?1 ! r_-e, M-nnaa .-. ( ,?irt. Urca-lT.i 10 :i I fO.inl of Ratll Bl . I A-'??'"-'"?""' (.,.r-v DoTlSI ? ? ludgi BalWlne. M a. m. to , '??N..;'..-- .... ..M-v -??."" an.. 1 e-eia ?? >:' ?' ? ' ' ''' ;''-'"L' " " "' , ?_,,-.,,. : ,., ...i ? >. i.raneR, sr-an .n p .. .". huarf i M,? ... ? VV ... ? - ? IU8n " "'?'""? ' *? " m' K'pn: , ' ? * ?'" nftanivf i i. - Lora. laland II .torl.-l -'??'"" " " " ______ ., , , . v. .'? vv .1 T-f-lvthlraat. . 5^-":?vT , raaapbell Heml.taa rt-B..WI>_. riab. 7__ ? _,,. One.,L. >-"??".??*?"? -.tiinc ,>,..,,,?? af th. K. - "->- !'?.?? J''"'* ^??-4**? Ave.i . <<\- ??? H. -? t .' " ? ? - ? XEW VORK CITY. Tticr? arlll be ao eoterlainaienl -t n.e rooma of iiie Hetj Ti-.'.itv li--t',-;ii.""1. No. 46 Baal I'ortv tiiirrt ??!.. j at ? j,. .,. Ui iboi row. T;i,.,. g. ' .? nan I . tfvea BM la tbe Ifieh Par I U___entaiT Knnd. , Hi? i>v. Dr. i. I- T-ompaon prrarbfal tltc la1-' of a Mrte* ,,( aeratOB) on " Modem ~--[.iirj^m ' laal nlgbl , the Madftaoti .vrnne Preabylerian rhurrli. Tbe i-ohject was "Tbe foiirt "I KiiihI .apeal." caitiam P. o. o'lCelly. .- veterao ol tbe raHeal Arniv. ha- bee ?i .nliaeaial.v nlfoied lienlroanl toKmel ol tbe Seroivl Battalbw of Ibe IH?li Votnnteei tbe Veaeean ^aoriatlon ol Ihe -l?i New Yoeb Ha. n'rv w.ii I...1.I it- ...iin.'i iviiiiioi. i?. aiarn w eveaini al rov:,i Arr.-in.,.n Hall. N" M aad 54 I'aiaa Saiaaia. V.r'or .1. DowPnfi will leetnre in Ibe baP attarhed to (A Jaaefh'a ilnirch. Slxth-ave. and vva-hn.etoi, ; Ptooe m \v>d.,.-.i.v evening. or The Intaeari ol CatboHrlty .... Mnrriraii In-titaHena." Tbe proceatla , aill be .iv:i t.. Ibe i>".r of ihe parleb. The cr-m-s of fltaa l.-tiin- 10 Ihe oeoplr. fi.ven "" ?er Ibe aaapirea ol Ihe Board ol __taeal4oa. arlll to roatlnaol thia evenln? n i.rammar s. liooN Ha*. **?? ?a 4-J m. IS and 27. Al UiaaaBiai Sebaal No. 4 r..^P=-n- Daalel ~ Martin will leetnt- on "Tbe Wartd W> I .ve ln ? .1. i: I tnealn -v.ll dtaroaa - rhe N-* jiaprr" at Rmmmar 8eba?_l So. '?!. ?The Kb..|rhra..o" will he plaved rbrisHn.a week | ln the hall attaehed lo ? Jatara'a K-.n-v- latholi. (h?rvh. to belp pay ofl Ihe _rh( on Ibe bnUdlBR. i,,- anv one ever eaptolned wby a? maay woaren B. ?.o, r..,. to looh ... a i.-i'-.v .d m-n*a aeebwea. jn a -Ik.vv vv IndO v arahblabop rorri?an b-a takei Ihe plare nl Mev . . . Donnelly. alao ia "" '-"!? " "^?',"r "f ; * ,..r..-i,.,?- Xian. .:, ihe,. atlarlied lo rl. Mirhael - Ihur ' , Weal Tli nv oreond -i rh) . ..;.,! ,.| ? i VWerman riwaiaa Mnllifan lot* ,,.H... v.-l,-''.v if'-itu..'. ' ? 1 ?<?-? S0 :'" **_ nfh-ave. rhere trere over wmn people In attend , (;,.v |,; i De Wltl Talmnpe prearhed .1 th" ^eademvol Mum laal .-v.-ni... -o l!? aabjeai. - ?*?>* Moui.1 l.elii. .',. 1 B.-ualteiaee lled Ihe Veadem, M )?- ntm<>-1 eapJi -^ The ?tteudai.i ''"' ??l.-Ur a.nner. ol thr Twi ligHI . i,. ? Iia . , __, , ..... . ,.?i. al the :."' lartc iiiriih'. ?>' -' ' - " ? ' N' Morelloi rmThi rnther. '?' ' ?? ?? diarua-lon r,|, - i- Philantl ropv i ?? ThaRev .i. II. MeMalMM.. ol -. Pairieha l^atlaedral. ha- eatal lished -waa ' '' ??me ol Ihe ne,!:: .... iboll.I tba Eplahaay. T).e Rev. Dr. P. J. Piwa*Vr_-*l ' ' he the d'n th" -.ciery. Bereral rbarehe. lhai do nol bellrve li hldlni rbrli IKhta urirt- ., bai.hel ad. -rtl?e thelr aervleea in ele rated rallroad atal |..,-:,::,: ? mbers ol ihe Yoaai Men'a In eUtate. No -- i--?? > - ? **_e " l>""'-rt,< *'x _-.h:.:in t.. morro > - ? itwonld '.. d BlmSl i ? nanw a meaner na thai Ih. O^wboni ' " oa tbe etevinad nard - - 0f m- alle. .?..-!?- ' ' " ??> pmpt' "?" ' aeowl! atthema al e.n? lao itapn I glve ibe new? mer'. wiie a aeai Tlo l-tion Saelrti la m.king preparationa Nh at. im ufnaiiv b.tefa?tlB? Bllveatei evenim dlnaer a., New lear'a Kve. ^_. mnsi A COXCEBT To BEM DEAIB. M*- OM.Wlfi M.VI- 1N-TO T!tl OCF.XN WMIE r.v THE VYAY ro J HS HKE IHSEAXH. u?n(, ibe 1-fl i.?? ?? arhor-ilrd from Br iiae ?jrNew-Yarh ?n boaaal tbe North liennan LU-vd a.a _5p Trav.i i- ei hr l wa. ? '.I ?rrtal woiaan. Mra. Id. nrlwln. wtoae *>"*?tmn ?" I Cbjeaa-.. I1L. wlaerr ahe wa, l . Joln hrr bn band M. MOd-loohini -'?? au. ied thr atM.aa ol ilar " I tor J_alen?er. by be, p>.. maai.* InteUael .al ?,?, rTeni* si.e ??? a!.-w.- a. tbe enl*. ;;;;;,,.-c?.,..--.:, ?-**??? hataeone. ".'" ": vloel. nrarlv all he ra ? -n- wrrrprr-en. Amonp othan v^ Traev. - tto ~.-ret.? ul tto >av, 1. H R Pleree and Ma. Van iolhei.1 - ufe and daa ?l ,.. imi-,.,.,1, :.- . Il?n Mii.i ??(?...?! ? .. I - andh.-dep.,. . H- -. ... ??" - K.,<.- p?,lol_ee ofh. .N ai Waahl .:'" ' ?'" "''? 1- ? "' M ''' "*. ?"?Mv__, "cw Yorfcen r,- eonrert aa P r - ai .rly e.i Joy ..b ?? bb-1 ibu ? ??? * :?,.... _..... riv..., r" <: : ,. ?.;:..'*: ?? .... ^ "'. rio.o-epmt-lnel.aekM lool >n'V, ' ;? iveaih'i vv .- ? >lm .1 '!.? ' ' - ?':i(1 "h''y':;;... -,,.,:. a" i.--...-? t.-..., . ";''*' JfS^mprt .:'-,.I wbila he. tr nd v.-. maaann n1^-. .,? aflal. p?1 .? rnd lo ihe e..rl eud.ll f-rtbe attenipin .1 plea*ure lo. Ito remalnde d I VOVilK-. _. , ,,?,,/, rvj.v? /./.-.; foi ? iroaTiYi imi he. T.--:. ...-' ? " '.:". S" M';: _ _..?.. , . .. de V< -'.' ?M?" ' ' ""?P"*1 ?' B" ' aintrrs. * II * '?'' ? .n '' "'" ''''"' ' ""'I' '," :_:!,....:.- M.>....i ... 4^10.10... ....? wi?wii.? , ., __,, ?.. 04srii ?? ???i '" roniiartloii wi h ihe a i ______ . <.,,,...,. Ol II ? "" "'" ' T, ? r..,,ii.T- Mu.'iHl lienrtil *>--? '?''"' ? "- '" , & ! ?^'^.rs::?-r^..;:;:';t| fcatiS ??'::?::;.;:; :< BftS1 ri -j?d..'.<i iwahrrs m , ar publb ?? ..<?'..-? . ] Th.-.. faiiifiil mtvuiii- ? ?!,.? peaple. ?> areal ma ^WJ- __. ,::?;..-;;;-?-. ?*__ ;;-/ ' ;.; . ... ,?,,.., wi ?l .., wC.'*Si?j:,"r'i?;.n : ..- ..-?> ,.? wi.-": .'? imiixii'-. - i.i ?'. niu** alientlon mnx uoi ifftewCr.riMi? ihb..? ??r.h. ..M-n. and ia " 1 t.^.. ,,., ?.!' i-.iui .,i)|Hii-limii* It) in....- 11 Ert^Vfc* r^iltVur, ronlrlbu..rMwUli inc th- people's rhlMrrn. ?i?ur4. lor ihe .-?n-'rl majr be p?>- liaseil trnm l. t. J.ali.La. B8BI! E r. Boom ?W, X.i, 32 Xll* iio --. -? a/OBX VttMAU '?">' CKXTKAI. r\l(h Tia* Xtrtth tiermaii I ? vd *B-ain?bip Trasv bro a- , porttofl ?' '? ."-'? >'?-'?:?'?' ??"*?' .f _, ... |h? i . . : !?.?.?? -? urerie. .ntelopc i?rt ?.4 ? ? i nn, ''^^'^t1' ' '" '--1'-^ *':'"AS a !-'r irSS^r'r ' "'?'"' *?"w,is" 1:*v Q_sC_?3rf '? ?<-'?? "t ' ><" ..'.e ! f ? Ki ?" ig Silk. Whatevei - . all ml Flarence S Ik v ?- - are so!_ one pair in a y-- j.r-\ .-?,;; ?/'}.?? ?? * ' '' 'brand "Flor 1 hey <irr p< t- '-? (ting, ar.J in ioW itn .re far more ?B__jr}T__fJ ?[?__e.: '{X?V:S\ vl'.'.'it.i". .. 1 q 'f '? 9_mi ? ? nl idias the be t ol gl all enterprising dealers, .- be suppl ed by tlie NOX< iTUCK SILK CO., Nea* York, Hoston. Chkago, L-tiii.Oncinriati.andSt. Paui. Theodore B. Starr, r.F.C-iriT'S BTOXES, ) Si-.-ond Floor. JFWF.l.S. S waTi mi,s and BILVERWARE. riral Floor. ClaOCKfl and PORCELA1X.1 BeeBB. ind HU.N7.FS. I.TC. S Third Flo,.r.. BxtttBBBlBI on S.turday. the 20tll lB.t.. 0x8 atnre will ?x* h?sal ',|,?n ev4*aln?a unf:: CtoleBaxas. 206 FIFTH AVENUE, I Betmitn fr.nH*o MaAi?*8i.. \ 25tt and 26W 1128 BROADWAY. , StfiWf, Open Evenings. Holiday Goods, at our Grand Stvcct Storc. We are making an unusually lanje display this season in all our departmcnts. Goods can be selected now and delivered at the conveni rnce of purchasers. We will make special prices for Fairs and v> Sundav Schools. rxentlemen's lurnishings Fittt Flaor. :?*?. I.adies' Press Materials Fir?t Floor, rif ht. Ladies' and Childrcn's Outfita Second Fiooi. Carpcts and Furniture Th:rd Floor . cire'.a. Upholstery and Shades Second F>or, cirela. Plush and Leather Goods. Books and Fancy Articles. Plral F'.oor. House furnishing Goods Ha?rment. Toys and Gamcs ' fla?*ment. Lord & Tayfor, Grand Street Store. Elegant Presents. In our salesrooms are to be found the most beautiful and unique de signs in Fancy Tables, Banquet and Piano Lamps. Handsome Cabinets in Vernis-Martin finish Countless styles orFire Brasses. Fire Screens in wonderfully beautiful combina tions of brass and colored glass, ; and many similar articles of ex tremely rich and elegant finish. Goods at wholesale price up to Jan.1. Purchases made now will be held for future delivery if desired. J. S. Conovcr & Co., '>S-:to Wrai ''-'Ifl St. PIANOS ?? QRGANS 100 s, v i.i.s VV l.l.-K.V- IX WMITI MAl.AXY HI'.A/.II.I A V vv A\i. '.rin,fi I II".' ' w,?,i. I.KASON AI.I.i: TERMS. MASON & HAMLIN, _;_>? ..Tll AVE. Holiday Furniture. Decorative, Uscful. lni;>oneJnc,vV,t'fs h_:'._*.oiTir .at'inrt-. 'n.i r> and every toacelvable of furi.itiirr tu honie ond office USea, Irom tbe most note. m.n.ifa nir?rv ol Ftirope nnd Am.-r.:.i rtioiewitoda??iiae?peciaMyMi_?laiTtialgO-d? f,,r preaenta, will fin_ miri'eJ doan lor th.s sperial trade, a nrr..' matr-- Hnea ol hne i hatn brr su.ts and Eleganl Sid -boarda, at ORI Ml V REDI CED PRJCES. mnjawi i$ro& 22-26 East 14th Street. Painted Silk 1*11? lows in Arti-tlc floral denlgns. and Oak Hre-Screeim, with silk I'nnHs. W. & J. SLOANE, Sroadway, 18th and 19th Sts. Old English Chased Solid Silver Ware of our own manufacture and of unquestioned merit. Absolutely cor rect in form and decoration, and ln variablyof sterling quality. The as sortment comprises: PIXNER WARE, TEA WARE, PITCHERS, TR.WS. CAXDELABRA, PEPPER, SALTS, POCKET TI.ASKS. TOILET 8ETS, PICTUUE FRAMES, DESK F1TTINGS, &c. Inspection is invitcd. GORHAM M'F'G CO., BIL\rERSMITH8, Broapway ano 19th Street. HODGMAN'S Mackintoshes 44?ul.l 4i?u. *la?. IreeaaiBWe HOUDAYGIFTS HODGMAN RUBBEE COMPANY, MAVI 1 * : ' Rl IIIIOIII44 41.1 ?r. l.ran.l -I. il 14 X>T J1I? BT., B.l. Si. 4.r. Ilolrl. il HAIllFN l.lMx. ? <>r. *.????>< **'? KMTABI.ISHI I> ta " HOIiIDAY SM.i: Ol ROBFdSAND DK1.SS PATTERNS. Durlnff th.n week we have ar _3m| Drenri Patterwi oi woollen matcrlalra ""BSKTwd CViahmm RobM, wlih Velvet, Bengalin* and .\p ?tTlee to he iold ;>t piOaUW, '*_?? -,o $15.00 iinii $li.oO\ wnn? Jtvlea have prevloiwlj nold al twiee thene .lKiir.-H. Onr DreM PatterntaWenoiithe Barremem Flsor are '?P1*"1^ wlth 1.800 newlengthfl ??>r iiim ?p. ? Senre Mohalr, Scotch \10l'1\ , i-' ?W' . i'.,_|, Platda. Hhepherd < heekn, ( a?n mrns, Tweed- 'ndU^^V^ Trimmed Dre?H PaUernii *.' 1.00 and$B..?0. Weareeon?denttha tlVeabovearcaltaagetherthe betd vallie ln thr cltv. JAMES McOREKRY & CO., Breadway and llth st. 1. 11 jniix-T??N * rn 17 1 xion KgrAitB, SEtV VollK. i.l'F.N l.v. KM S< Fine Jewelry. IM \M(iM>> liinc . x* i> ?"r' '??' r ' " '?' , ,ff ml t ollai B. '? 1 Wmi 111 .?? - - ? ' I ?? ?'" and - " _,,.,'.. i liiiirkf**!* - i . -i ??' Ihe v-1"' l?-" ?' ,,f t?| x..,, ,.? ? 11*11. ??*? W - n i ,,. ./.- -?,.'. MO, -i . i:..x ? - Irei \v..t. : ?. *- u|i. .Ikwki.s ,. .. . ,,i all kii -I- i.t. era tl li ll Ie Kappbir*-. iipnl ? i.??-!. ' ? ''"' ,ia . \-,:.t:, Sll.\ KHW M.K Mcveltlr ,,f evefi. flearripllan, Tabl. rare Ir.. -.-1 el. Our lili.\ vcarsi <?t cootimioiis busi nx'ss with :in initarnislied irpittatiou sii.,iild woigh with you uImii ehoosing ;t lioiise with whicli t?? ilenl. REDUGING STOCK, Anticipaling Removal. LEWIS & GONGER OflVr Thfir l.arjif Assortmrnt ni Fine Decorated China 1*1. Holiday Goods 4T Greatly Reduced Prices. 601 and 603 Slxth Avenue, 1,338 and 1,340 Broadway. O'NEILL'S 6TH AVE., 20TH TO 218T 8T. DRESS GOODS. We would advise our patrons who are looking for useful Holiday Presents to pay a visit to our Dress Goods Depart ment. We are olTering some extraordinary values this week. Among them are the following: 450 Piecei French NoTelty Dres* Good*!, -JOinohe* aride, 35c. per yard; ltl.4.1 I.4K PRICE 75r. 200 Pieces All-Wool Smtch Cb*v iot effecta in Plaids, Chfcks nnd Striprs, 39Ca per yard; OOOD VAL1 F. AT T.?r. 10,000 Dress Patterns, pomprising Embroidered Robes, [lenrietta Cloth, (Vhiii.r.-. Broadcloths, Serges, PJain an<. Mixed Uheviots, Plaids, Stripes, ete, a! BXTREMELY LOW PRIGES. OPEN EVENINCS UNTIL CHRISTMAS. H.O'NEILL&CO., GTH-AVE..20THAN0 218T8T8. Until Christmas TIFFANY & CO. will keep their store open during the evenings. Union Square, New York. FOR XMAS. Fine China. Rich Class. Artistic Pottery. I.IIOIO I VII. 4-IHV. AKD DKIIVUHEIl IT I'I Mll'lHI'"' I OSV KMIM I Davis Gollamore k (1, lim.ted, BROADWAY AND 218T 8T., Open Evenings. CARPETS. HOLIDAY ANNOUNCEMENT!! A ,?a tiftil |.i.i'i>[ uulit. ? XT.'.' p,.'.,',,' 48/4 havi -.,??- x.rx I : ?? *XMIN'*iTEB> iVIIdTOtfB, \ I I. W.JH Bixsl BB1 hSl I.-. srbl k an ? ?" , untll lan Isl il i , -, i ii an i iii. - ?--!' "I nirwKV.ii l.'N AM> PI10 SHEPPARD KNAPP & CO., HIVTII-AVK.. I.ITI1 4VII 14TH SJ*a__ MplANOS^fl Oraud, ' 'y .... anJ :.,.?? = MoJcrate I'nces. To HrST. IVRTM.dllMS, ANM. RTrRAN^.P 4>UiAv?.,(M)r.lOthSt.,N.Y. KEXXKDVS I'Une CatJ SHoch :il *-.07, with topa .^jf **4MJ ul Iiiii- |\;iliu;iri.i., l.i-lt.T l\ aW^V tluill ;ili\ 81,00 rlilOOBOld .-Ui-u lirrc I" 14 ? i mI i Cnlf, M;in.l Si'wt-d. $4.0H; rpgtilar .??" <^^ "~2 lail valiie * ('ork Koh's siml i'ats'lil laWlthvrs in lnrjji1 varifty. ?>li IOK.I.4MIT ??T.. M' *>TA|K?.. Pianos Pianos ilwrt reltahle for Fine Tbne, rlniah, and Atwohite Dnrhhilitr. Worwm*: BTMCK UjLLL. 11 E. UthSTHEFT. SF.W VOBK. EILL'S, GTHAVE., 20TH TO 21ST ST. A OHOICE LINE GOODS PRIGES. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTHUS. Bric-a-Brac Department. FIRST FLOOR. ItlSQVi: GROUPS, FIGURES AM) CASDELABRAS. ROYALWORCESTER IN NEW SKAPES. FILIOREE HITNGARIAN WARE IN NOYMI. DESIOXS AM) COLORING8. ROYAL BONN WARE IN y j: w r> fa o ra ti o xs a a /> ITA V f)SO V I. l> KSIG XS, SEVRES VASES AND URNS. MAEiu.r. o\ v\ axi> qold HOVXTEn f'LOCKS A\l> CLOf'h s/'/V. BRONZE FIGURES A^D GROUPS, Onyr Ptflefitftt*, Wraught Iron. /Irassain! Silrrr Eftension Lamp*, Uanquet tnid TfiMe l.amps. Onyx and <><>t<i Htmnted Table*. ONTI Al BRAxSS GABINETS i\ >i:\v or.nto%9. BRASS AiND SILVER CARD TA3LES, SM0KER8' TABLES AND SETS. ,;OII> 4M. ItlH^* ??? *T,;" FIRE SCREENS, WARBLE BUSTS. OUR JEWELR? DEPARTMIHT GREATER ftimCTIONS THAH EV?R 6EFGRE. COMPLETE ASSORTMENT LEATIIEB 000DS. S1LVER-PLATEO TABLE & TOILET WARE. AL60 IN STERLING SILVER. STATIONERY, CHRISTMAS CARDS VM? BOOKLETS, Biaries, Writii Beskis. Albus, _t Op*?ra^es and Kxlnision lioldfrs l\ p| 4KI. KlI.VEM .Mi BOI n. _*?-_>. F GREAT REDUCTION iv FUR CAPES, B0__ Al IDFFS FOR THE MGLIDAYS. DOLLS! PLLS!! H. O'NEiLL & CO., 6TH-AVE.. 2QTH ft 218T 8T. Mrellas and Ganes. HAYING COMPLETED OUR STOCI WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO 8H0W THE FINEST AND LAR8E8T A880RT MENT OF UMBRELLA8 AND CANEIII THI8 CITY AT PRICE8 THAT DEFY COMPETITION. UMBREiLAS. One lot of tiiti- l Dion Twilled, 26-inch with Sterling Silver Hamilea, $2.25, One lot, all-silk, 26 <>r 28 inoh, _!? in Sterling Silver Handlet, 4_?5.avO. Oru'l"t 26-inch, finest quality, all ulk Larantine, with choice Xaturai Handles, in b!a<-k (>r navy, at $3.25 and $3.75 each. A 1 irge assortment of Ohoiof Im porteil Kovelties, with fine fancj mounts, frnin $5.00 to $20.00. CANES IN ENDLESS VARIETY FROM 7Sc. to $15.00. An irnmense stock of L.t'lieV and (rentlemen'a Linen HANDKERCHIEFS, Easel and Table Scarfc, Toilet Sets, ete Kid Gloves. SPECIAL PRICES FOR THE HOLIDAYS. 6-Bntton Pearl Kid Blaok Em broidertd Gloves, $1.25 per pair. 4-Buttoo Ileal Kid Glorea, 98c. per pair. R-Button Mousquetaire Suede, $1.35 per pair. Men*s Wniteaod Pearl Kulftlofd, $1.25 per pair. AIAR8EASS0RTMENT07 Liaied Kid Gloves, WITH FUR T0P8, FOR Ladies, Centlemen & Children. -SILK HANDKERCHIEFS AND MUFFLERS. Colored Boi-derSilk Handkerchiefa, 19c. each. Embroidered Silk, 35c. to $1.50 each. Silk xMutflert in Cream, Wai* ?d oolors from 75c. to $4.00. CHINA & GLASSWARE. IMPORTANT. We have reoeived a late shipman* of the latest and best productions * Novelties and Staple Goods in Royal Worcester, Crown DerbV, Crown Devon. DOULTON AND ADDERLEY WARE. which we have niarked at 33. to 50 per eent les> than is usually asked for th** gooda. RICH CUT GLASSWARE, Novel Designa and De?p Cutting*. DOLLS! ROLLS!! H. O'NEILL ft CO, .6TH-.VE.. 20TH ? 218T 8TJ