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FOR AMERICAN SHIPPING. THE 9UWE0T TO BE ? OXS1DERED THM V.'l EK. piWVMlONfl Or THE PETtniXfl IIM. COV?HXG ?OT1 TOWACM NUMIVM9 *XD '-" ?*" Ms"' g] rtviCB what i r wiia ros [pt TBlKOaurfl lo TBJI nu?r*?.] *?? .,. ,, ,,... U i rmai Fanp.1 ?r. raanmlttee on Merchant Marti t. wpecta ;;.^ili.. Hn,?n4^ Temnace Mll before (be Houae ?n Wedw day. t".- .?-:,-,.ninRtaaj ehall fall to ?epo* f IM Reapportionm. "t Mll 00 Twday. "J*" "' nnWaeetn prebeble thal dlaenttlonof theJJ*"*^ m wtll he , protreeted one, or thv thera wIRbi bVMM eemlBalaai haa been ereated n ine n.?. Menda ol Amer*? abJpplng ln rarwiIJ J*?* of the neaaure propoaed far II* reBel aad ? ?"?* Pa~* by the Jtmi* one waajj JJ^ th? rwn ?,i:, ...rv,.e aad ... .. ? ? .,? Kther, In the un-nage "f ? '??< ? ' Amwieati merehiail maHne ?--??'*"' n ^f1, T " ,-on *n eouality -th thal of othee Mttone. The atajit al aii!"!idni'"itj.. ?.i- r. i>'ii tatMeretaiil Marhae. Ko aetloa aaa be* laton oti ShS ? n by the Hewe. b?t th. Co-nalttee ?. Mer ch? ttarine haa .nbmltted a neai repert. wlth aome ?,rred JoH ta July. and H h thli repoH irMefe tte Ce !. lo ..o ,.,,,. .onahter thl. week In rlew of ihe rhanfea arhlch have beea rnade, aa weH Segreat impM.I the .nbjeet, . ?aref? ayn - cf ,L gcnate Mll wlth all Ihe amendmenta reeo i ?-,*** >,v the Howee eorawilttee Ia here given: "SSL! I.-" E IM af,.-r the,.?*-??? ,here .hall be paM t? anj ?all er ateam reaael ' t* SSe.rt.ll be engaged In the Ioreljn tMe Slng betw.. port. of the Intted Ptol.?d SLtaat. -;??? -?iw ??*-. ?2 7,".? nl r^n'n lEreo! Lm outward. and the - ? i^intfora like olatanee aalled Inwartlon,w toy ^ndieewn^tlontherexifaallMontwardw J ? ;? Weent.l?rgroMtC4if?re^hl.C?0^.the BBd pro rat.i lor any dhmanee aalled b - U>an mllea tiier the flrM 1.000 mllea aailed. ?? Thepayment, d *? ewnV i- i?i P- i-^;';; Mlledaretoeontinweforatermoftenye^atjlh. wU,andthere.fterforafurthertennol - ? ..iv,]. and pro rata for any leaa .utm.^. ' ra,7nn" ateam, vessel aatte* or ran attoln a *ped a1^then.a ?? ' I^OOnj. '; _. a helnereasedaalollowa: i r a *pee4 c4 over eteve" rwelvehnotS.ilcenf pert.and 1 cent perh. ? ,??.....,, ev.-, nvre??.??.?? -r-';.>?.;?-;-?-i ? ? lumnocenta pertonpe! 1 ?? ?? rd.e. .. .. .? ? ev. - ?? waael clalmtng . , e^nhnotaperlu^U'tobc^e^ne. rr*l f fonrhonr.' run ^'> the ..- ? ?" ? .nunarmored rrolaer. by the Kecretorj "?;,.:.' , 0 b3 hii ? ? "'- T" '":r "':' , ' biiI al the terfi.1 rat? of*P < yearaatthefnllro^ ? ? ; niei .erm of nlne year. rt a red-.?">? ? -,--,.-:? x m eaeb year per ?.?? rttlea ??. fra . ' fut,..,. pwxlded ln seetlon I. l**t pai . .?, 0f ita fnrepalng c.*ea ahall nol be mad for ... ?,, 7,-. mn? aatled n eithe. an outw.rd ^ ,,h,," IM the loreign por, c whl ^voyueumade ahall to. ; , /, ?^ .- - ? ?n the oeean ns gnl. i uxrj or ,M .-: eraofthev^lorve^nuponprool .... ...t-iallv ??lled. ihe dlatanee to M - .... rewlatton* pre e H.vd ; .... , - , . .,...,. rertaln Hmlti ... ..ballbeenmied I '?-? ?' ' " ? ' ? ' . ", no . .,,. rniled - '? ??? ; " . payment. -unle.a i. .hall have ,. .. ?? ,,- ,-, unt in ?on '? ? '.' \ ' ? ? >????'? ='-40 '". ' '''''' , . - *. ? ? " . ?. ? ? ? one-. Kth ' i . ... ? the en-a w -hall he . ; ,1 1 -? ? ..... .... "?? i , ? ' ?? . ? ,,. 4 a .?: "? re i<i a? folJ g, 4 Tbal wownei . '' fJJJ ? ... t>e n ...:? lo ica 1 ' ' ^V'SliarIi.** roo.*t?d M 01 ? - eiaasluratlon in a j ??"??' ,,:,.??;? h-.ioner ot Xavl ? ,. at il pplna a ]},!??? ?????. b> . ? ' ". .':v,r1,.;',r ? '?'????-? "^ '^,P,,; Bla an laiportanl one. whlch eonl.?- [b . ,??. ,or Naval aaaUlHrii. H prov?-'- ";;?"; ,?..,?, ve*aeh heieafter bullt fci II > .. , ann uscd a- traxi l ? o 1 i Jr tiu- taJdni-; that ii ?...<?>? ?hall he i -'.;", r S'ttat-ao. aJiaTba ? .W forolgn wtthonl Ibe co. kb1 ... ... eoere UrLSt V rN n&Mea tbal ?U veaaela of the Unlted *???,- ' whethcr rteam "??? aafl x.????? aliall crry the l ? lted MA1 - "?? ?? ?' " : ' ? ,! ' "?'" wie;Biel ..-i by the Postmaai :??.- ;raj to tha port m> aarta for whieh they may he deUlned urder auch ?Zmiatlon*. a? maj ,.'- preserihed by Wm. and tbal ifiJ aea and hriaad postage thereon ?haU be covered into ttie ''niiea Statei Treawiry. I ?? h i>n aiv> i>rnvid?.~ for t:-<- tran?portatloj ?* sueh mn'.i n:? ^; ? ?,,. pnatniaab '.ral n ?-. i ?? .i.-: r.... <? '.. have r' ..:?'.? ol the mall?. the s*vit.1 ipt nf th< Tre. i 117 to ni?!>" and nre-j ?? ? ? ?.?'.' ?ni and foenn tn aarry 001 Ibe provuioni "f the art. < >f rour*e t..< li-.i ..,,?? : .. wliiili * ,.-?l manv Repreaentatives ... solre- wlien tIn- blll romea up, >? liave alreadi ,.^Vi"d Uieiu<elves, U ?? 11 ra mnah wiu II eo*l " rhei ioa'l .-\ v..i th*- ????I balance tu: 01 u-.:.-- the L'raled statej will ii? nfi". 4 wrlea ..f \.ar , u flvo, lei aart . ? *-? )::->?? whal tha dei ii ttde rvfl i'? . ... t th. eod >l lha ?? ? H'-;.:? enlatiee* h) t'o :??'??. .- , rnla af. ....t ?p?*-??.,j:\ i i.-r-vt ? 1 ,., happpnlnfa whieh ,.i ? ev.n |? . or foui v. ?> !;, advuare in auswer to fii- qoe > "? . whlcli is * pertl ni ntte Ii eaay. Ia. foji ?iii be ui <?n ope-fouri mnrn, <n ]--.> rnavi.e. ?- tom. >ut) maatan <.f tha Itous. -*u-iid llfce to Bjproprlate lor i^w paatoflre i ilkUngv m i.i. Ilarboi and aaaeaber. rwxl r. af ?,????';',;:;.,: '::; "!. "! ? >-? mtnended 1 ? Ihe anppori ox . , .o 01 i..d u. ?-r..:. -;'???,:.'/.;.,?." are euttlui .. 1 a tlgura aowadaya, tn u toTearli ihe youtl ful k to enooi '''"'l1;, ijn, toai .:i. -'??'?"?? '< farnkibed to. ?,h.: .-:;:'- l" Sn, rll.tod ' , " :'?-??? to Ih- Mll. BII10I1I Ii: ? to ?-" ?'; . ,,,,,?, niVllllnni of ??-'. I"''. MI. or -' '?. ? '? ,'....- ,,, . ? ??>*-? ' ctTlm?i to'tii a ?? - ? ' rthesena. ; ^55^^.1 .J.V:;^";,r,':1 ?-& I 'V iSr wtlmale wil liuve lo In.- reewved In Mie li*n "' . rm.ons, and lhal 11.?i '?' ?!' ; i ? . ? . 52?? ?T?Hlnaan Uwite* rannlBg esm-ii J ? ? , ,, ,:,,,,,- aroui r-watte of vwyaax-t lo ... ">'.'',,, ,,'?,, !v under the Cape l found the ???''?"?." '.i ? ... ". Iranap-wui bill a- nail) wnoru-o ? '? ' , ,, , ..,.,, -,,,. !';,;:!;, ?;:.'.:..?. ? srs' ' ' . ,':,.: :-\,:; -';?:.??? ^ ffi'Bu,,-K ? ? - ? .H::r.,v: V;:";...r ? ? .:".:'*"?;:' ['nKv^oTar, ! FpSi? - RMt An.'erle* No7weglai vewl h?i fullj he BrWh. The ilflei in ' n at - i l rTr t..i. . and ? :? ourrj -'?'' ' -- 'on- i \!the!r rate ol frelghl b *S - P" !??. Ihe ?? carnlna ol ra?h for Ihe . of a ':,; ,,,, ... fcjn.TW. Forelgn di .?- ol *anie * te. ?fttina 11 "j! pe. tenl nioi ? frelghl n.?? f? i -" J,..v ...1. tt-Mitd I.Iveey.T! i In s of n ?ji! ?k ,..,. ..,.,-'...? hin , irtered hj i tTrni gettlBB n l> on, poninl l? r< a* nnd ->? P ?? ...... Ih al ? ? ? " of the lirill-di fla '. ,',. , ?:?.?'??.?? ? ;? ? .1. :. ' u. .. f'thl* d nination < ' - ... h ?? ? '? ??' OVl : v- pi .p?aed, ? - . ? ' ? i \ ierl v, ? - ?; Ih the fleei l m\ ng R ! ? | ? ;???,?? .,!,??:..?? '? ? Irlwl . |? tUr >,- - ? m of 1 ? ,. .:, . ... . . ii 10 hi\m ;. mtransi III* en ? .?.??..?? I .... .,;? j | .... . iMi ned by Ai ' " ' ? \ DiamVERY IX fuiRr.m v -? VH >i \Kirn Waalilngton. I'??? H rhe i of 1 , idef of Ihe Chemiral Divl? ? .-. nth p * ted at the 1 ? ' ' ' exiwritnentii in Ihe rb-m il 1 ? ?? - ? . the ina ? ? ' i' ? ? '?? ilt.lmti aubtl ? ? ? ? ?' ?? ' ' ' " pti thoufand a Itai of Jui ?? ' '- " ,.,. || . ..... !?. an -> ? ?-? -1 ? ' -1 !' " ' ...... .,?..,'! ,.? ..... ,-. I ir.ii.? si.n a difl d in a ? . ?' ' " : t> ? ,ju" ' ... an to be ? ? I ' ' I . . ? , ? ?? ! ? t pn ??. ? . ?. . - . ,i. -?? Not o ih puiin i??? i ftl ted by i ?? ; - I ,,. ]? ,, ? .. ,.,,..-. , . . ? ? : I .,....) ? re?ul1 .,---. :????? ? j:,,-.. ,.' v in h i .. al '??.? - been i |i ? ' ? ' ? ?? ? ? i . . ? n ii.-. ??? ' . niE 1 i.lir.F.o I '? ? ' ' II.'- M'MY. Wa*l ?? ? . I. ii -??- .1 ' I' It-- on II ' law .,"? ' ? ? ' "' ' " ;' ? ???.,,??: i. :??? ? ??., , > ? nu ' ? ? .. K| ., ,< 01 ? | ? .? ol - sty tn ? , llmlted to lou ? ? i . reated -? i - ?-_..:. the IIne o ,,,:iv. Ih-. IM waa ? reaied oon afu?i i ? ? 1 ? 1 ?? ... v lin ?????? .,.???..?.. ,., n . : wound . In 1 - - u iwenl . in the wai I ,.:,.. ??: . n the l mlted l ?? ? ho i i nr yeara <>;,i and w ho i >i i ? i i ? " ?i ' ,.. ,iied l.-t. i liere are a , <lil ? . | . i .-. | i| rhn ure *jm ?,.? ?-ii-.?i. Thej a - ol no ..??? to th< are drawing onoquaiii-i wore paj Uian II I-,.-. were retlp-d. 11 ? ? m Itoa i >p< I ' t ... in :-' 11-1 of 100 i md give I '' the rtghl to tronafer a reil vd . ? . ..? ? i .-:,.. t .,.., ,.;?; - ?' ty-1 ycars who cain ol be i ,, .,: be, au - th Iln li-d 1 II Mled Vu. ,i., i raiihllv ih ? ur. hnwevi r, .. m artj ~ ? pei ? ? nl ol ti ,,n? -r<. Dii Ihe linl '.' 1"" are l . . ? ? ? i i'.. : iral el t nl th, law ?lil be lo produ. i pi ,,.. layed. REPORT'.F AfTINti .ui" ?!? M''. '" '-'I ROFNEHAI* Wa*hll gto . I- 14. 1 lw reporl ol llie K< ' ' t .iii.l,..- \,i?..? <?? Ui ueral, '?? Nonn ,.. I. i hei. li i ln ? n in.,u- publ ? ? II- , ' ?"' U??? Inb'i ? '? ol the - :. ? -i nien h ve t>eeii /? ilou sjhI ? ? ? i foi uj ih- legi latl. >? uud exeriitiv. ri-partm He i ? II. ve lhal ln Ul I <:,.|, ,ii.,,'?:,i - U,?ne nhonld he >?lh>er? i|iiallt1 ?, h> ? ? .: lav i , ? i a j idg. ..,;? rah id I i ... utlal. ?1'IAN N1CKEL im: I.RIT1SII XAVAL IT.STK | , | i. H -|' ' ' Kra-tu Winu Nev Vnrk, a liu h, , ? ln V. I?>i . Im <:., ,,, i ., ?? i,. ad nn I i liu e. ol I : 1..1I and ,,i hi aelJ Lih.w n hei.t , ? pro. Itj ?11.. i anada, ??<: :i..i I ? iddl t ,|| A liegOl - .... I .:? ,i! .'.'.-' I . . e ., , i.i :be i, ?? u ' ?. ? ? v. ? ; ,.( nl. !?? l tte -i a. nor pb ? , ? ort!> aftei i ha Mr. W.i i . ..... of ihe ( inadl,:, . rippi r ' oni . ? ; ? ? ' t !il ? I, , . i : ? , . mdert ? ? : ? . :, i.. hir'.ii. He !.u Jliat -? nl I rf, i> to Ihe I.i, th - an otfei oi !?'.';_ > to >f nlckel at < : . ?: ible ratea. and he i ' . ui, 1.. to b. ei red ; il i and lhal the , ,?" .,!- roay obtuln tntlre i-ontiul ,: t ?? , .: Otttp ?? . ,.. I . .,, .ii mei.t In favor of the pmmpi ad pl.I . mei aal raclj l i anada. FLORIDA REPI BLlCANh AND TIIE LODGE BILL VVaahiagton, De< 14 (f*pe< ? i . - a delegatlon ol Florida Rej ibllcaa ha been here loi tercra urging the paaaage bj tltc feenate ol the Electlon blll. 'Ih- viaiton hold .lentlal froni Ihe Krpiibli-an hv.. .- ..I 1 loi tdu ., ,! ? .'?'..... | . Ileni | i?. t'l ubl . i ? ?. . ? i - ? ?: rl. :.. '?? i..???> li ' . ?? . ? : . ihe i!,i , ... ,| , Di-i;,, t, noa nllr??'. by Rcp I ? ? l; M ?"?!-. . '? II. Im ..( . .-i ,,i... .,. pen .: i Nicbol*. reeentl] ?? randldnte for Nherifl Caunty; iudga John ... Long and t'harle - r, . li i- >'.. I ai i-i i ? ? .,? f-- .... raalh ?..?? ;. j . ?? ?* . . . ? >ltl,y In'il i ?'? "' and ? ? ? -. if.king I ? - . ul ?i 1 ??- Ia U ? a, , -.?!?, t ii talive and . kaewa. ?r, ? ...,i ai< inlerview wlth th' Preatdent but we*k ' ',' ?:.'. U'i-i i-d a atrong ple- bdore the Benate Oonv ,ui,] ..,-,. pn ' ,_ Electlon*. The paaaage of 1 " '^?',::., ? ,g b..n.-t r^greaaetoctlona. ' ? ;,.,. ,.. .;;..,.: ?, the rontinued eziateoee Uepiiblltat. |...rtv ln norida. THE SJTUATION IN THE 5EXATE. ;r;. M1SE mvv be a weavui ,,.- THE fOXn BEWI B T" NIOIIT ,,,..?,?? pe, 11 (Sperial). The rancua of Re J,,,',,. lobeheM tn-morrow evenlug ?l ihe ., senatnr MoMlllen, ol Ntrhl on, raay or ma* I,,,,,, ,.',..,:? np Ihe poUtlral ..tnatloo II tto - Kdlnman, prevlon.rnnl.e. ,- ,,,?* h^lfflntltv wlU almply be pnahed over fbr eettleaaM ??,,, ,- -i.i'. th-iv is now v,, nin, h t:ur';:;;"^nf:,n,)'.r..v.i,.h^,,;,,,.,,,at ., deildon to do aomethlng dellniie mav be reartad. . ,,,,a ?c*t?htUon agreed ,? reaterdavby th. O.mmlttee ol hleven will h, >?b ;iP<.d^,,h.'o,.<-.^'?.-^,TVl;v!o,l,'u,v,'r, . |, .,,,m rrelve "he .pproval "?* ? l?nw majoritj ?f ihe Repnbllean henator*. Whether II . m wtn Ihe .?,.,...rt nl Ihe doaen or more extrema allver men U nl, bowever. aad arittoool .h.pemtlon II ,.i:, ,.,. lnip.^|M.. .? gH any tl.,:u.. .al... OtherkKi -.. llon Ihroul* Ihe Senate J-' bow. .r* . aproad Impreadon. h.nrever, lhal ?. aorl ol ...... ,..,., .. d ol llvet a/III be adopled, . thal on lhal ba,la a pb-dee to .upporl a rhange ? ...,.., a-d Ihe |ki itteol Ihe Elertlon b.III be .. . ? ,.??,?, ?nd hta Mlowera. II aueh /.:,.,.-. .... ???-".-> ?!'- Kl"";"" ,"11 w" . ,.|V i- pnl aalde for nrhlle nnd Ihe Bnaitelal i,,,,.,....,, hj Ihe "Mfermee J"'' >;?'?,"? '* There are in.ny ob ln 1--. "' AFFAIRS /.v BROOKLYN. -r.NAT.'i: BIRKETT SLA*PH Hfl l <" KRAX'8 rAI E x , ? . ,? |?ry wa all aal r? I 6 < tbout a quarrcl br'twe - doi Jan* W, Hli. and il ... irth Ward II pnbl ? ?? \ orlatlon . M : a ai d I ul ?? i ? irrnnnta we <? | reatlj i wnlflod and i .omewhal llveh d ' ? ??' w?aolt The .,,.,,: , ? ?? -. ,-.. ' Coekran ,,,.,.. , ? . md tald pl< waotl) Ibal ge had , jUM rmna from -' ' here II wa. v-. ? ,'.,!,.-?, ?? ? . 0p| i., i,. u .< i Ini ited 'i ? '?-? ?n , . .:???. i Mi lllrketl Ihrew i , .1 '.. i ? ?-? hera entangled I tn al ? r, rhe m? ? ? ? '? l I dty .:i ?? ? - ? ? .,.: ?? 11 . tliat I ?i- ung wi dl? irn - ? home. Jn Uwreare ? . ? , '. : 1 ?.;?,,. <.'??' DEATII Ol Hli'. REV. .'"Il> Al l.J'V i . | ? ?,, died Ideuly l 12* '>?' rheJm ' ? "?' m ....... -?- ? ? *???" '> ' - ' . ?. ' ? ..:?' , , . ... .,..-..-. petui . , . .... .? ?? - ? ? -I... ?.? I - ra Yt.- ? . i ...-., iifnrn ' i i:- ? ? ' ? ' ? ? ? ? . ? ? ? ? ? ? . I ? ' ' <nn.mli .... . ? . . . ? ' ,?.... ? , ? rttiii i mii) i: ,? : ? ? M'l'i'- n n i ?!?.,? " . ' * ? . ., ? ? J ? ? ? \ ' I ,, ;,. ? ? ... . ' - ? .: I :!?::. Il ? .' I ? ?.. ? i i r l TT...I Jl IS ...,? |.. . .).,....ii Msatn .t j i'. . PI.Y.MOI in < 11' K- il i riMMl M>. [i '.-. I I ! : ...I > ? BMdB .. ..? I.- ? Irilm W I t.i- Iw| k .....m , . ? . ? ? ? .- i- . I. tnm ' ? ??..,! ? II ?? fk. i ?:,., I . Ilt for !, ? .... - IL ??? I . , l, t\. .... .?. ?> tb Ibe ? ? . ? .??. I.I ifl l Ii. ' . I ? | Hll ?? I ??' Un ?v1. |,r h.ul d. I ii thl ?av Plvi .-- j \ ria i.n. '.,.?? .,., v li< ?ii'l l? -'?? < lnn ?., u . Iiiiu n . i 1.1 ..;?..- . . ? i, mi ii.,' .... .. ,r a ? , ? i ? ? . I.'.-. i . , , ,.: -. ni ? ? iiKHKu \n< .11 niK rowx. Mi Mi .... i'. ??? HiiK, loil \k n.., iild. ?.f Pra i ? ? ? .. - .i Itol eii hmlth, nu Ui, ?..? i flitoi ol ?? ? ipai h ieni Imii r n... 7.: liuRleld ? ; mi, \ Iji, ??? .. |. a. Hig llir IliillMi in, ? . ... ? I. Ii a I ilniR :> II, ..r.'i : 11 ? . ? I ? hniloiii ..i ? Vn amlml in. ? urireun v .. ? ibi'l when hu urrtved i.eorj;* 'I.... I. ?. nu mbei nl Ihe I?-i.atli I len i-nil . ? ,?.,,' ird Wiiid, ?peal i-aiai'i.i niahi ,,, a ..'i ..I ii,.- i.ateaare pdlee >a ? ? ; |n I!. itle , pted tn fl.hl Vtlh Ii - >??. Mrs ' ?? - ? i ! ml ? >11. al lu r home, ? ,\... ..J. Quini . '.. an : ., ? liad i Im lo, kcd up. A . ?. ::,..!'?'? he i<l i > lilon M oul ? f ., | the i- . i ..? i Itallroad al 11 o'i ;>>. u ..,, ... II ?' A |, * ?? of ii,.- iro, wfi?i througli tl.-- wioduvt ..i the ?;!..:; oom ..i tha People'i llol ? a, ina i .* headi ..i -<-\r:.ii ? |>er?oi, . I :,.? i :,. i i .?? u.i, flio broldui o| i ihe fuol ?.| m ..f ihe Oylng eyllnder. ?:. i .., irtne Quald, ilxi ?? nin ? reai akt, ?.:?? ol udi Quald, ., reilred meeluudc, Ii lag .1 Xo, 310 i i.. ?vi.iiMi ??'., .... niotl ir-lnla* ol rhomaa r. N?vln ? ; ?.. r'lre DeparUnent, weni to ibbm .?. - 'mi a. m. .?? ?*....., al ih Roman l athollr < hureh of -? rbomai, \'|iLi..i . Fourtha\e *ndi Xxnth-ftt hh? f.-n inh. i'l .ii !?? w. Mlllei "? I n " i< on. e the pa I , nl the W'a lilni ? -? ? I M'-thodM Kpltrop il . hurt h, and Ired lu mda .i ? t1.1-??? ..." I ? I i" leave ii,.. mxniatrjr, i.., ?I in ibe, . i.pal . hureh. Yaate ?.|.,, ited i . nieml, ?? lilp In the Pli -t pi,,.. M. n oma Kpl ?' ??,! < liun ., IH bwh Ii .v,.*,,,.' ?< i dedleated v l/rdaj b) BI?bop Ltttlc i unlh aone abrnad ?:ll -,.' M n.-n ,'v,. . i..; il i ? ? . . ibi .'.?? ? pi alel. nr I gelher, for . ? or hj ii,?? muiitli I,.-..-..,. .i.u. j., i. a, *uui} ?- ??? i iXlii aee, NEWS FBOM NEW-JERSEY. JEBSEY CITY. i hapel-ara i- tha oaly xtreel In ii," fireanvlUe aee t,.., ,,f jeaaey City lhal raaa t" Ihe water edge. " ,.?, :,i oeean-ave., Ihe prinelpal rtreel In Hreen ii,. ind pawea througli the Se* York Bny remetery ,,,'. i?.v Rerehtlj Ibe Vallcy Rallroud Hom mut began bulldlng a braneh ol the road m n al dlre< "?. and tlK fHy applM for an Injunrtlon to r traln .,,,1.' . proeeadlng. Whihs the Cbanrellor waa dellber .i..? iwer Ihe appUeatioii the eompany nnconeeruedl) ^,tTworU. and in one nl.hi lald four irack l""""" , ,r,,i on Satnrdaj nlghl Ihe tJreenvllIe ' : .* ?,?.i?t,Mi, l,.l i an Indlanatlon n.tlnir, and jvenua betoi taaea by tbe rallroad eompany. - ? ? HOROKEX. ,,,?, nobeJ, of Xn. 110 nr.i-i.. rallcd on williaai Zarhat of So, 70 Madlaon d., fe lerday. md botli ,?,':, Kveral nxa??w of I. I i!e In Ihe day rtobel tl?n,.i:,.,i -.Mi!, ???.. /-.?!,.. . and her hu?band I *?k ,',.,',,,,.,. The unarrel reaulted In a tlght, and liobH wa- lererely atabbod. He waa icnl to *t. Marj i|o?pltol and fo?rh?y wa* arre ted. Tn., polir. Have been Infonned thal Mrs. Ida Oel u,L i in ienger on Ihe deanier Trave and hound ?, 'eagowH ml ed ;?? ' j," ?;, beitaved lhal ihe fell overb ud and w* .rowned. r_. PLAIXFIELD. jlaaoni i agmad In repalrlna Wll on Fl k'a handsome ,1(>nio. al Broadwaj and SVondtand^ve., i irelei ly kdl , liowing Bre In ?> drylna lo* wh. n ibej itnpped a-ork on haturdaj rhe '' ? eommunkated wlth ,, . wiMdworl and anlned aood headway beforo the ;,,,. nepvtmenl reaehed the wen*. The Iom wlll nol prwldeal Patt. n. ?? Prb reton foli ce. .frearhed '?? ., i.,-,.- andlence In Ih ? ,v '?' Avcnue Preabyti Chureh yerterday morn ORANtrE. Thl, |i: t prirate -H nl the Orance Men lel ??" ,-.,. ? | |?th -, on wlll lake plaee thl ? :. M .. ii,,!. n,..- t.. tahe parl are Mr*. Waltei ,-. wytnan, ??prann; II. B. U n ni I. lenor. and i ra. i Rummel, pl w I ' \ r.ittl: :? affraj ' ??'?? i-l" ?' >" ?'? HflBoi lore Ii -??,.', leffi ?e,l Ia. al ? , ..1,1.. wa i ?? ??' ' .. ? ? Deh.TR !,;', I'idlj .... aboul i ? I ' d facc. L> lora ? - ? ELIEADETII. ..... .. C8f . -t. , !,-?? ? ? kt. .:?!'?? In the Sea .i.., .-, jork? ? - irre -"I mi - .' i', .-I .. ? i ? . ?. l . .... ' ???? l .^ i?,:, i- to dand trial ?n IX ' vt \. itbei mdietnifliil ' ? ' ? ? ' ''" i... ;, . i bib, wbli :, wtl - ? ' ? :. weel ,....!? ? . ed, and - , , ?. rnrr n : . . ? - ? - M \V VRK. rhe P .. I |, i) i...: .;. ?? i- ?? ? ?' ? ' i paaa, i? favoi f l '? " J"" -? ?'""? '?'1 L'''' . ? ?? ???? ibil ... ,| .. a ? ? '? .. .. ? . red : , . Sl ? I. I \0TES IS TU LAIWR I'H'I.O. ? w v ? ? i ? i ? - ' ' ' ? ? ? ? ? ????- ' ,, . ...... . . ? . ? ..... .. ... ' ? ? ? P ? lai| ?,.,!? ' ' ' ,.?:?????? ; ..,? ,...,.-. tl> ' ?? ? lude ;??? roaal i ? ? ' . miMt ,.'.'? Ibm , , ,,v ??.,.? rhance wtll 1 ? . ?? ?? I m ioi,. nrtii ,'-i "dth ? H ' ??? ? i. ' ? "? ' ?? ' :| .. ? aty ? ... i : ?. , . .,i ,,,iM' reported l i( . . . ,? al -, - in-a .d ''',??,-. ??<?? lo IU ronvei ' ? '? "?? Hj . .'" . ... lhai i . < rUrted * ih d, I ? I, .,...: .,..:,'!. Federal .......??? on the lud U, ,l ??? workda . ,,, u.a'.l | ,....,, ,,.,:,?:-. \ ? ? Mitniit.- wa ai | iii ,,,i and aah hlni i?. v.-l ? ? i ? ' ' i : i ?, Wii ii" I"' Il ? Ihe illim ' "I ' '? ' a .- ??"??' e<i ? . . iim ? ";; Einpl ???'?? . '? ';, ,. ahl'h ? ? : ?? ' I ..' all IM ' - - i.. an i '".'"?", }Ut I.. p ,.n.l '! lalbfi pla.e.1 Ihe ...- befnn ? ? ' >' in?:? . - ? . '? ?rd I ,..,!? n-d Furi.llnre W..rlie. i ? ? ><" , iu ,, i ih- -Uil'..' IM'lidli .,;?,.:? .. ,.,;. ?.., ,? ? : ii,,, an I H- >UiUv ' , ,.,,,.. ... i he .iiib.n wtll li'-l'l ii iiin 'ii - i" i . .,,,,1 ii,- in ,i iiI i. liu v' III i,?bl ? ? , VWdn ?? thl , ' lhal l ? " ? ; .t ,..., i,,,,..t ?i an - .1 : ? iratl >n " i" ! ,,..,., ,, ,;,.,, :, uei ei ,i I, . H .?' ihe nnln , ? 1 ,,, ibera and fumltni. be nrden I, i '? ' .im nien wlH be '? ""' '" 'i" " '|l> (\ ADURES.H r? l Ul \'r, ifi'.V riir> Re. l?i Lyman M?h ' prea hed .. 1 ;.,?! nlghl ln the Con. eri H< II <?1 the Melr >p<dl( in ,,|,. ra Ih..:-?? n. ald "i the Wudein ' M, venn m. unUci ?!?? tenei ,i auapb-e I tl - V'onng H-W < ? > ? , i ? nhjeei ?'! the moveinent I* :- -'?'? . membera all roauig m*n who enter the nnl\*er i thli cltj. and il ?" to bi Ip the j. ? >rei gradoatei rhe 1**1 ol Dr- Ahbott' i ? ? e wa ? r a i". nnda Hon ,,i '.-.I etandeth Sur. > . - . idei lound I - ,i..|, c.ald be found Iim Imman happlneat lhai whi< h wa i.ti.i ,n the heari ol yn inn tn - " w?> ant and . .raging thoughl thal tlie young u , \-iin rnen -,1 Ud? cltj pul lorwanl .? heli'lui liand t., ai] tho. ? who were lolulm ' ? ai Ki;orr:siS<i TBBIB KESOrATED rBCMCB t he Lexlngtoa Avenne Raptl t t'hni i held aervlre \,- !.,.!,\ loi Ihe in-i tlma aftei a thia ugh relltting ,, ,i palnting ?>( the b ilMIng Th. . h.u h li i ,1,1, ,,,,, perou duilna Ha Iml tw, itj m. I wbl, i, oiup Ine paMoraU >f the Rei i. I. i mip j^H, k ,.,, , ,, ... ,- , riipled la-1 nlghl Addre* ??? were made b? the Rcv, Dr. ! II M... -e. Ihe Itev .1. h . alvert, ind the R< i W. C Ulttln WnHisi ? 4*?/1 U s ?T TBE //"7 /./. Mtl \ ?,?... i ,..,- ral ? i -'?? . i ... ii, ' Il ? ????? ! | ; , ii iVl M I 'iovi """ ' B- Page. of V .ii rorrenea ol ' '' ? " and a T 0 ? ,,i Claclaaatl tiRAHO Lleutmaot.\ noberi n Haii. '' ? Aiii<v \ ii i.'ltiA ?kligaai Buare|, Npanlah i UJaUtei at WaahlBftoa. FOPULAR OBSERVATIOXS. IKJCSnOI WHIf'H IXIMANS SUFTER. vot a BIWPTHl Bi'T A aTOMAE BEOTO fjOMWIMM OOAVBD TO nt>rna?.TT<?N. To the Bd11ot a f I h. Trlbana sir- The TtDjbiw of Deeembw 3. pise aevea. ???* ,.?.?:?;,. .,.:. the foUowta. Irom ... Wartlorfon corresnondcnl : ?.. The Xorth AmH?n Indlan Ia a keata. jmr. ; -' Utnplc. il.- lias aoouired al u,.- vlcesof .ivl?J??n hp i i* irrafted upon his own iniird.-r.-u-. treatn ^"{^.''?l.. hJ.- Mtajri vlrtues known ? th?,,o who eome In contae! witu ruiB. , ,.,,., ro m The Triban. lead Ita large iBduene. aad ita wkto elteulatton lo ? Btaiemeal wblei I ba .,.,,. ,? ,,.. .,.,,.,iiv anfounded. Tke a-.rt.on bx op ,,.....,, to the toatttaony of aaea ?iv> baea aaeaf iba r Ivw amouR the Indtana, of ta. aaaeaara at Carilato and llampton. and our othar ladlaa aahoole, andtoih. tl.iv of -i. ooaaprtenl *r.d BBi?pe*e*elu>irH ,..?., an [tldiopa llara. Whlppl. aad wflOM lai.sdo i ?? ?? ... theChrUUM nama, Ow thouaand , f ihe sloiia in Bouth Dakota are eoamardeente ta tne ? n ropal < hurcb. There Ii ??> i-*w i'"dy ??' Pf-hv ,.; ,, rneiuheri In the aanaa Stata. Tao aweeplng aa ...,,..,? of yoiir eorroapondent i- rofated by aaeh eaaea w tbal of ihe Rev. Mr. Cook, a hatf-braaa aoaa, a .,.. , | ,, coiiega, Hartfbrd, and of aae PeH bauli rhn.Iogl. .1 een nary, a,?i by lhal of the Rev. Mr VValker, i rullblooded Sloua, roetor of a kwfla ,, ,,,,.,., 1;n,|,.. itut r.? taslng rpaoa, i I Hll i ilumn ? -ii ilmllar ta I ineea. The Oetoher nnmber of "The Sew Bnglaad Maga ..:...? ,,, ? -i arttele by llexberl W.lah. a hlgh inthoeitj upon tl," Indlan qoaatkJO, in wi.irt, he .?..?? ,,.,. f?, ,, ,: ?,.? j 0f II ? Delawar. Indtana who imd i,,..., roaverted I.) the Moravlana weee wiiidered bj the wTdie*, and the ?urvlvori wera aubjeettd to aha a .,, ,| , ?i..,,.-. Whon ? ked how fhey andarai thla in ? th ??. mu. h patleaee. they ejaawared I ?we ilxonght of the nxirerloga .-f CBrlat upon tha rrosa, and bclleved lhal If He endared ao nraeh for aa.iid ei dure * Uttle for Min,.' Tiic Ind u tra men. if they aometlmea glee way .,, pi. |,m , dwil w. aronderl Tbe Rev. Bdward Aahley, ? ?, the l'.pis.-..pii L'hureh, repork a eoarerea ,,,., vi-ltli ,?: Indlan rhlef ta Bouth l>ak?ta. Ilc -n\-: ??l.ip dedrcd me to tell you tbal ifcoeeal Urook toM hlm i ia! ho would not bave to mov. frotn Paaa i ,.,.,.u. ||c waa lokl i ie lame in WBahingtoa. lien ...,; || ..... , nA tbal Ind . i lo bI d there were .???! . liurchea ?h >uld n-.t ba moved. on Llp'a . , | .? i-. ?,.;,.! agent told Idm tbal h ? ?,?,. m ?? -, ? on Bi;*-k Plpe I i.k. H. dealre. lo . ]?, i reek, i lere be m.o lnM poople hav. , Il -, ? ! I.::.-.. AlWIll V'...- ' ??... ? if t,-.>,ps have t - he aaed w ... rfui tl al ihe Indlai - are dlacontented 1 ,j >ti. -. we bho ild eall I . tre !? ?? ?. ? ii.'.i '1 i rtop, <" f< ' , . . ? i ? ? ;-... Itelng m the .. i .. | nph ?. i il l ?'? . : tl ? - ?i ;-'? of whlch I am apable, Pi ?. ?. ?? ., ;.. ? n rxiES OEXERAL M1LP> DBBIRE A ?K?t'X WAR i t he Ed 11 o r >f T h. Trl b a n o. - . i ..'. nel !? Ih I, who ? ' of (he ... illnu rep rl ? ....... l ... muiai ?'? it! Ilne RldRe Ag< ey, _ 1 ?? - i| !.- ... ?? '?? I .. ? ... ?... i -.. i<:. :n. people In th.n ... . ? : iere h n< re . | . : ;. ked Uial ?? all n fi -v ? ie.eral Hl!e? lo ,,... ? -??? t finll, but I ??? the Interlot ? ? | , ,i m>, ??- It trould proba ily reaull :. . - _ - ? doei nol look for ? \ ... . i |.: .. i:, ..-? igen y, Sovember -~. ?... . found amo ( . ? - ?? The Indlani deelare ,., | | ? t and dhP; yel ?: ? ?.: i Mtylng i ke lituatloi Il . ?? ,'., ? ,i vv ? oam ? ? . , . , the ? ? ? - ? The ?? Bi? - | ? ? . ?. ? ;; lla ? . ' ..?:????? ' ? ' ' ' ? . \r ??- o dei ?:- pt from ,,..,. ... .. i orl Xlehrara, I i I Rai f the s-1?ltx ir'ini.l". though i people I tbat I 11 ' . ' ?? , iiiui't || I ? - n front a ? : ' I ' I ? ?_?. .. , . Vei J M Ii t ? ? ..... . ? I d ? . : with ? l ...... . . ..????? I I MAN KERCIIF.VAL. ? ? ? -..i i IIERN V1EW.- ... ''?'! Ml'-Al. IIOSESTY. ,.0 , , , ,.,, , , ,, . ,, i ihe Trl ba n e .... ... r .??.., ( .ir?e peeeh ? ?. ...,.? , ., ? re pn Iblllty aa . i ? , - ? ? . ''?-'?? **. "" ? ""?''?? l" ,:'' , .....;! wa< not the honeei aud earnen ... ,. ? : ,ii and fre* >:?? tlmi< f ??? n mbera ..f ... ,... ,.,!?? v niembor ... Krh elnna ? - lamll> <?l ... , and tabiUty ln I eoni led ,,??:. . ? ? "" ,,r .,. . ||,. remalned wlth t ???;. ?ev .,.,.? il - ii"- rondllion ol unalrs ... ? .... . -! '? ..' ?.-???? , ? ;?,! th.l.-vi i ??- Ihe repD *?? thal ..... . ? ? ? H ila. ,.-:,...,.? the risht to . i-. ' d ? ? ...?..,.'?'?;??? ? ,11, ,!?.!,:-.! tl II I ???- *?'? I , ? I thal .t I.??:.' "?l tii<k-bT. n ,r lo ai ,;? ' , ? ., , ........ .i wlth , , wa. .-. im-u-i ? '< ; . , niany who i j i; . ' .'. ;,.. ,-r. I'-:.,.. D.H-. 19. 1*90. v, ii, , f rilE rr?l.oKED \"ir.i; IN rHE SotTll. ,.',' , . ,. ).,, , i .. , ,, i T he Trlbn ne i , , .. i . . - \ .? .? .'' ?? n M ' i I ' '1 , V(. ,.),., ,;.nlt.lllll> tn I ..!?? lK?? l ? ',.,. ?,, .--I '!.i i ? ??? pnlHb-aily. i '"?'? ??? l ,, i,p to i1 ? i. lhal Ui- TariH Red , pal befnre Ihe llome. bill thal drot.ll ,, ..,. i . , .. rati '. . - Klnee 1 am In th- tourtt i ,,,,.. tiirned .. fulldedged Republlcan. aa il goea i :.. ui .in uprighl in ui i ? ?? the ....i .,?.,.... ,,,.,...,.,,:i tud Intlmldatton the. I ,. . ? ? lea fi.'ia ihe handa m hia ' whtte Demoei itlr opprt ! U]1 i.i-, n-ii n.i;. th- tolored Republlcani who ,!,,.,,. , . rUnatlon to ? le tor thelr parl) are kepl al dn-ir v ork .:id nol allowed to go to the polla -.v tpl I i vote ,. . looratl. - Dayaand areelti I ? lore, in ; ,; ,_-, tiutj gre impreeaed by thelr employera a'lth ihe Idoa thal to irote the Republlcan tlcket aseau instanl diamlatal, and ol courae one i tn imhfine toa ui intimldatlou ilfecti the aote. it the negroea <t i . ?,. io ?ote i"i- thetr party thelr votea are ln ;"t .','.. , unted out. Much aa the oolored p pitlation w IMu | ,v ? io be repre - il d ln Uia Ho . '.,.,,,, , ? in raln iMily *<n li ne?l . o tni ol the vote I Tf\ ,,t ti,? colored mau to vote wlthoul feai ;,,.' ,,,. luiuatt'.n i: 'in anj part. xwii enable the Repub .; , ., rt, ,., h np Ihe '-^..liit Sntitli." bnt thl* ran ,.,,'u' ',- b) gU I ?? the Itepubll. an votei . pi ? ,,,,.,,,, ... ,. . , he idlj iiecda. protei llon at Ihe '. ui I ,,, .'??. i .-,'. .,,1 (to. ;.,>.,-n' R. 11. ... ,,,.-. 15... !"? II. IMM). ? roltNEM. N" LONtiEll INDI'.I: I.IMITATION8. f,, t |, ,? i: ,i l|.f T h - l i i h ii ii ?? ,-.- haa i iil-u iipon an artlrle In vn ,,.,!?., itating ii attenipl waa unaucvoaafull] nade .,,,,,\- the llmltatlona phwed by ihe eharter ,?' i .:,,.| i\ upon it- ablllty tu tnK>- and Ik.i.i ?, ?i. M ? ninnunl ol ?Cl.OOO.OOO, ih..- atate r.... i? be I'orrorted. Al Uie meaiiug ?i the i ..;.|,n i- held ne.\i ..ik-i the death "f alre. Flake, naniely, ln i---'. the matter .,f ti.e haattathan eaaae |vi,,ii thal bodj and *a^ ?.ricken from the chartci IMPORTED LTIES. / xi> uce m j: y r s pecia l. TO KKUICK TIIKIR *TO(K OF I.MPORTtl) AKTKI.KS R. J. HORNER & CO., 61, 63 and 65 West 83d Street, AI.UIW FROM \OW I'N'TII, ? HKi-TMAB A DIHI Ol NT ?? K^A ?':'" <)K Q ^jF CaTXT, FROM DBIGIWAL PKII Ks. WI1H II ARE MARKM IN pi.ain iii;ii:k Thii otlrr applifi to avaajr 9,000 ptaeee of iba Inli-it N'avelllea I.i Kaiii-y Furnifurr, plar.ed ln a irimrnte ro...... Ilati.ia Ijiti, hiioorlril illrr-i tbii ?ni./iB, Imrnilina htivnr* ol' Iln I'lay tilln can maka ,. proUiablp u? w.-ll u? plru .ii.z ?clertioH. y n.-The dii'-ount will ?,-Itm-ly noplr to Im. porte-l anirlei aaalr._It. .1. HORNEIt aV ft>. withont nnieh ovpoaitlon. It wlll be fon <i that bi the aii.'Mi.b^l cluarler, a- fiiihodnil ln < hapter l;." ol iim l,.iu> ol Iboil. .-.'...., ?''. lliere ta no re?trle| n. i n foi-tunatel) UiU n-mo .1 waa nol i >eJiabai tlio iinlvcrait> t,, take ami hoW the Meiiraw FUka be ,ju--t r.'.t the elwrter, a.- it now -, ?! . plaeea no lluiitatlons whate\er ..i?"u the holdlww ..f the u-t reislty. ' K- *J>Alt& Ithaca, Dee, II, 1-??'>? . ? AGRICULTURAL TKAIMN'. !N VERMOXT. WHV THE BTPWI TO BR1 tK THE l ttvKTtP. Of THK rMVh.HM'i V PAIL ?. r o the F.litur 0 f The r r 1 h u n e . -ir: The reeeni tefeal oJ the ao-caOled AgrtoejkaajaJ . .>!!?? ? t,.n m the Vermonl denete l* an eaaaa ..f in ,....,.. proapertty for the atate Eniveealty, aad b> dicatea ;. thoaghtfai refjatd on Iln pari ?-! tba gaj m for the edueatlonal Intereata ol the sule. By ihe MorriU a i "f l -''-. Vermoot, tn 'omimm uith tor dater Btatee, r.ived from tto Goveraaaead certaln grante ol land. '.-? li ? ? ?W?> *wi i? be oei t-.i to l ? ' ?' ' ' . f an agrtcultuj il and me< inb I eollefc. Tba graal ? m. . on Ihe rowlltton that the FedereJ ' ? ihould b? aopplenv led 4 i Btned whaerlptJea ,., (iioo,ouo, ..i.'t ?mauer annual apptoprlattoaa ther* after. The ptomotera ol the enterpriae ma-ie ? tlwwoajgB , , ..,... | ihe -? ite, Ln: U "??- ' ?"? ?'? h?P*aa to H even hall the reqoireal ao?, aod .????? gn ., nade II aeceaeare to rala t ? ibI . ,, .crtain lirali ol tlme. H *'?? :""""1 ' ',; *? projeci would be i haUure. M ,.....? ?, however, the nntveraltj waa ap. ,?.?,..,, ,,, |.;:,.? to the rearoa bj aaanmlng th? .....;,, |MlitJ o| the new eollei ' t to tbj ? ? : mrrendei of Ita own ?? i - .... ei'lwnge for a new ?...- whleb ihoaM ? ? ? aenta ol Ui.aa H waa ;, haaartoas i*enture. bal alter dne ?:? ,.,. ,.,: ? . 0(the aniveratty acoepted I -? : - .. .,.k .,. ,,?... to aaw. the red i - . .: ? .,!?-? .... I r0 itutitol "i- eouM nol a?au] ba ? ' the suprenio Coort ahooM d? He thal the tnoneya ceri ,...,;,; . rt toini wated wlth aovej ,,: ... tlon. [n .. ..,..;.. arl ; dtMia tto gtattaj : from th. lerferenre ol Ihe i - I ,?i j., the i renl Houae to withdrt ... , ... <?..-.. - . \rf: ??>;.? . ,! ' ollege and .-'- It ao a new ac . ,i >nd niech Ical < dlege to be e*ta { fart, '?? ?? , .'- ;' ?? l v" ' atltntlona aod l t late th. -,-? ? i .???????? tto anl?'e it) and ,.. tramera ol tto I II. I w*? "' ***** ... -??: ' admiuii ... ? Congre?aional lund, and a : ' ' - ? . . ild i -????? '?"'?'? ' ? ' ' ? part ol 1 ?? ? ., ..: ? ? ?.???..-?.?? ning ... Utt . a d la ?-? itamtlj I creaeing . muoa for dolng ita tbare ^f i^e u...v.i-.t>? ?.-.. 0f ti. -e fa. to, ? ? l pieaauri fr-.i:. ? - ,--. ahted ao toabt by the deaire ol ...?,, ??? ., pnbli. inntllutl n, U l, .. . .. , klUed i...,.,.-. I.i:- II ? - " . lal ta the aiu.ea ? * ? ? ????? ... ? i . ? ? ? ? ? n.>w-| ' ' ? . .,. ,;.;.. -.??..'? ? iratlon. . .. ; . ? ??....?.???? i rUk 0| hav. | . .... . pxraaen I ? < '" VI . D? ? 1 1890. DELAY IX -i ri'i.MN., PH. BOCHM BEMRDY. i , th. Edltor ol rhe Trlboaa. ?-.. ? ? ? ? v ? ??' < tn .1, n.:. -t ng Koeli* I i ? a?e lo eapre - . awn oul d dlberaUoa of tha i.prnian ;? ? ma and the Govi iraeot ta a ? | ? pp aed pundredi ??< , ,-..i. ,.f people on their way ... an aarty graw .- a th tererUh anxtety, hoplng lhal by tl i I .,. ? .v | . !.? ea ?? ?? be proloi aed. if ,:... . ,,.,| , ,; mrn of Uernxan) deem 11 neee??arj to rtarl , ?i,..imi.ii ? .i kehoola, whereln t. ln?true| wel formed ,,,,,., , .... pj idnuniiter the ? ? uid to Have I .rh?. '.-. tao?pll da, ? al it< r. i I ?-? ma| ? ? ronta 1 of Biaperor ' . ,. th l- fore I- ing Bble to kuili.ienl knowledite and ni< I atended ... , ,,. ,ns tn tUU i-ouutiy i - ?rrj u> well on W I ? ...,..? |:. M> p.;-i, i! frlendi i ,?'?? xppl dioa f"! Irmph '? politel i tbal Ibe upplj had tieen eahan ed H ? ? xp| > ?? entllb nien nf hia tand riila -a ipply n ?i i,....|, ,.\i. UI-I...I" -v u?e Ia diflhull foi a go-uhc?d ya i d . : v i ? i ? i. i'ui ,f l?r. ? || -.d ui ? ? : ?"? .f i"- v, :..:?? ? ? in trurtln. hall i N * ' ' phykli inii? in Ihe ii ? awl aiatiul n ture "t in I , i . ? , ir,.fu| ,ud i. ? ' .11 itnient. If. ? '? , , rb*p-* ?? ha. .;. rt> tr " . |,.w |) ,u,. uml i .- ". i aill md ta ie kli A\\ l - i irllior deles - and a .... iu,ii..t -Ia. i Mipplj ... Ibe e ahbh m*y IIre I i Ihein. rlfc ' ' ' -'' J ' ' '? 1 ' ?> f .. , ,... ,i,to, .. '. ? ? ol h ??pli kiui u Ihe i ini.-.l M ?l< ?. ??' d. ta the i. mi ol ? ? DnmiMraiN 11 ,'?'..'* ,,., iilatnr> me%Min 'be MeRinle) ? lint bpringk, S. ? ? l?'> ? ?-? ' "'?"'? '? ? BPECIALTY OB U.lTY to the Edltor of The rrlbaBe. sir: Tha paeenl dUeuaeion ta ">" ? hunna of Tiie Tribnn. a* to du Inam" ? ' ... - * anothar word. Ia aiot I .- me. the correet i i -t of .pelllns whleh appeer* to me MNaewhal doabtfuL in tha nw a.i of -AJI For Hee." Mr. Keadal ?>? "apedaUty." pronoanetnd the word In th. I -?'?? ' mauner-thal U ... aar. In >ve ?yUable?. wtth ita ace.n1 on tbe ttdrd, tbux eoofo Ing lo the n-eu.-a lueruUlte frorn whath it ii dlrectl) dertyed. In thta eSm.try l u ruetamary ta wrlte ?apeetalty" and pr> ? ;.,U,V i" in three lla lea. wlth ihe l on the tir*t Bui If we ?ay pen lallty, pen nau \. legailty aad ao on. why nol a'.- . arteeUHty - aight, ... be .xcepltoiu to the mie narc ??pued. bul It kiiould be remembered that tl y conu? to u* d i f',.?, loyaute and royaate. a d are thareforo nol . i\ ? .:.- to i'i ? e?ani| le? I liave clted. A. c <>? Sea York, '>?? I. t"" M-i i'.vf.N ARTIl il - ' r- Ui' BBER LIST B8CAPB. i ,, t ii.- Bdll n i o f r ii e 1 r i b a a <?. Mr: A Rentlemeo who Hvn ta Brooklyn reeelvedl uotlce ye terdaj h m hl - ? i ns |.I '? ,,ial tbal they had advanced lha prk ? of roffee da eeuM a puiuid In rooaeiineBce of tha MeBlnle) raril b.H. the, wera hmoraal ol the tm l that ttalr |W?toaaarH an .-m.uil id the l"u*toui llouae mlut*t\ dallj oniptoj ',.!, ., n?. id)iistln? -f iiiit...:-t antriei t" the :-..|Uiix nieuia ol the ui.ifl ' x rROl'U IL. N,? Yoria. I'.-. ?'.. l?K), The Kurnl.iirf Trado kaa bata eutaaoerallel br ?Be ,,.? . ptuii t.. . i?'i,.t.. uear otb-a\e.. ??>> o> k t...a out aa? leaigaa al goad taate, lu^ aaatatad lha Baaa.