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AMONG THE COLLEGES. HABVARD. XNVESTI'JATIxu THE K.AS OB A ETKAB* PPN e.iied raeentU lo Uh raMfaoai eM* "' ^ ; I HiamN ?.y aa vttela ... e*a ol ?*^f" .?llarvanv. Bettat Self." Tha HarraH Yonng Men CBrtattaa AeaodaUoa haa ralol t<- baaa V00 e0?w U tn. artkto prtated for f*aa distr.i...t,o,, j IM statlati.s baartog 00 the BTOpoacd ll.ree Te r Maam ha* bmb aaade pubuc. Hw> ?w '"^f* orier to ehow lo what aa oalajrt BaeTerfradwate. do ei ,ra worh aaaaar lk< praaent .????*? t*^**"^ ?', aaraetjoaaaie of obtatalai the degree rwn aow m larao yeara. There N no BOii, M H ?*?* '' 'J ! luetog the ratalraaao*. for lha aWJ. Ia ordor to gej ?,en lato the pofcaotoaal a**** eariler. * aa eeem. ,, ,,e Uierasr. n.en ? .,'.. wWaaal ..v.rexer.l,.- I"..i KtfW flatoh helr roura. now m the ahorter ttaw. " ' , ,,?, .,,.].. ? tmal] i.H'P'.rtloii that. aa a matfi ol laot, onrj ? '"? ' ' ' , .cmu'.lv do leave roltoga nft? only ????/?' ;: |ood endenre of Ih. taol lhal U* Mata t*? k.1v-s .ppreetate the advwntafe ol a foil four pan ??n>r lli college Inltaenee.. (* ta'ile. U*aJ. ol ragalarly enteraa" rnohaaan ln the laal ntaa yearaj OIllv "irtyMhrae m*n have tahen il.e.r deajree at he ,.,,? ?, ihree yaara. t-M 01 Iheae barta. ..?,..?.;, -1 : with the elaaa ol -B0. Aacdhar lable ahowe the .aaabar of oatra eouraoe takaa ln tbe,bwl year byaH| Ihe u..derpr..<i..Ht-,. Hall ol the whoto nmnber looh aaaaa eatra arorh. There haa been ? ehaafa Ia laa manafement ... the Foxerofl cn.b. Tbe etab ?ks atarted laal year ander the In.inedlate BUPOTYlaiOB Ol 0?C?ra -f the nnl veralty, bul ataoe it is falrly on Ita feei tho eontro! haa beei. glren HR U> the atudent., Oflkeraihare been rhosen as f.?ll<-w-: Preetoont, P. I- llome. w?. vlceprealdent. J. " Wcftoto. * j??"W. ;?? f\ to l'n a fiourUhlni eomUtlon. und ?i."'"";ij ulinlrahly ln lls pt.ijKWO-tlial ol p?.v?lln-' tOOilWd cheap board on Ihe ffnTopcan P??d. rhaw ?' .' ' (11 200 roembera, and tbe averiKe prioe pmd f ??.'?'J' ii, frcin W 73 to W ? weeh, whlri Ia leaa bj aboul Bl ban tbe awraf. ratc ol board a! M?niortolJWJ Ationt 800 men attended ? conipllmeutanr. dtaner .-ven lo Ihe rtelorlous f?tball clcven. M. *?"??"": ?j, preahled; A. B. KUhoto, ??.. ??* ^JSB^' .. t ?.,)l.iiinvalte ".'1. oi-ator, nnd H A. ItOUIO, i#i, Joet i^!-..;'r' J. B Ame. and J. W. WWte made i-iiort addresaea. _ BROWN I'SrVERSITY. TBESBABCH POB A SUSSISO PR0PE8B0R. Proridenee, R. !., Dec. Id (Speeial).-The routlne ,.f eoUcpa Ble ha. been disturbed ln Uie b**l aeeh by Ihe mystertoaa dlsappearan.'? Prole*??r i u. Ile tefl hia boroe on M< nday n orning at the rnatomaiy hoar, bal <iul nol rome U) tbe anl vrr-ity. na ^a> bia eaatom. On Tharaday altemoon wiien ii Keatkmaa reported al Ihe reglster'a ofBio lhal he had ac?fl the Profeaaor on Monday rroaslng Waahlngton Bridfe, tho atodeato organiaed In loor dlvlalon. for the porpoM <.f maKi!,p a thorongh seorch ,.f Easl Proridenee. M.ny <,f tbe studenta returned nt ;. tote hour from thia aearch and were macb en eoaragai by ihe tnforeaUon whlcb had '-*>,i a"i? red , ?? exerriae. were snspended on Frld.j a d alJ dlviaiona "1 btlld'':;t^ aad profeaaors aei oui ?t an early hour to anake an eitetaled rai ' ??? the l.e-i.ouk Hlrar bach Into Ihe eonntry. By noon, how? t-ver. n wa* naeeetataed thal Ihe Informatlon whieh had be?Mi reeelved on Thnr-rt;,y ".,- nnlminded, and farthar aearch waa aaeleaa. io!i,.-- exerctoe. were agam raaamed on Saturday nor Tba ratoJogoe .,f the nniveraity for the a-ademir year IBB0-*B1, wlH be laaned in a f^? daya. It ?,!1 l* the lurK'-t and aaoat etoboratoly prepartd ratal ?ue that the nniveraity haa ever publiabed, In that ol i*>m?'tn. w:,^ an engraving ,( i';,'i?>r Ltaeoln. The i ew ratalOfjae wlU bat ? ? - iving ol Pi Jlarkai?^. It 1- the pnrpoae ol the reglatrar ol the unlvoralty, l>r. ?'. <. Blo. hbridge, t.> ?? id , ? pj of tl c.tah.|fufi t-, orary alann ia whoae addreea he i tata. ShonM any readei ol The Trl gradnate. faij to r- -n- a ropy, lel blm apply al to the rep^tntr. and une !.Dl t" li m. riuteMui Bai ????'' "? 1BBB, ln the ye u lb( - I ? waa called to t ? < < | Ei |1 Llteratui : nntll the present time. II booha pertainlng t... the atudy ??( E ... ainec hls eonneetion wlth tbe n ? '? ,.- worker. The le'ti.its in the hl?lorl. ,1 ai ?! -. viil be pTe . bj Profea-or i - ? I I .hu^etu ln>tltute of rethnol gy. ln Ma t\ ng H.ll on Monday evening. Thia ?? I Ihe lasl le.ture nn pobtlral purtiea. Tho reniuinlng Ov. lectures .ourse N'ill l.e on tho areneml ~iihj-. t ?t n. ? 'ln* Wilaon Hall I .?- '? ?qnluped, ha. ? -? n ? red the i. t ? l The <Tiri<j;ftJ?T<--? for the ball nlne wiil be pul In tralnli.p Immedliitely aite ? .i. H. Lli dsej has I '. the e!?\'-: foi Uie ei ? ulng j? ar. CLOBIXG THE TKKM \T PENXISOT. V Pennington, N. .... Uee, 11 .-? , re, Itj I tenn i low.! on Thur i!a ? afl ? theexaminntlons tx-can ?.n Fridaj ? . ,.?. l ?;.. and wlll ronrinne antil Frlday al 10 oViork, ul ini.e the f;i!l leroi wlll eh i- an i the todeni ? ... for tta Chrlatflaaa hohda? . letumins ?? Janua \ The t<? rrri ! . irke ! -?: , ??- -. and it .-'.;? II 1J1 . ? ? ? . :?:????? ? 'ii v av (,. i.i -.?:,..?. nt rhapel ..r. Fridaj evenln., Tbe progeamm-j waa bm "f Ui<- aaoal j....-, ig t >. ?? lei ii. and wai ,. followa i ...: o d -?'. y \ E. c, .iid. ?- ,md ll. M. l;arn<a; rto.iatk.n, ??l.iva." Mi-- E Itelle ( oratl ?',, ?? Frlei dahlp," (J. E Inirucr; Phllo. tilee, "Th Ctxarch in the WIMwood" : i*. Italkui, ? Tlie swan Song, Nl Hoa ..... > lo, Mi-.-. i. .11:11.1:1; rerttation, ??Tha Tear of Repentanee," Sfit ? '?? nsoi vocal olo, ?? rhe HoBg tbal !;???? n<-d Mv Heart," Mln Carrie Itarber; reeltation, ? il> ? t'ouvlct, Mlss Prico; plano luft, Mlaa Van /,in1t and I'rolesMor (ioerdelei : rerita ?i.i.. ?? Auni l'..:iv'- tjeorge wa*hlngton." His* llan roek; aeiectlon, "Tbe l*ope," Phllo. (Uee. The whole pi'.iitramin>.. was a aurci .?, and oacb one laUlng part oewrvea greal i' m ? pha-lmi f ? > 1 -?; - - t,,... .?., r, ? m the PI I ? <? e, M Ui ? ? l ?? .1 tbelr ttr-t wlectlOB tta rtudenti applnuded untll lhe> n-ap peared and ann?mnred "Johnny i'; ??:?" .1- iheii 1 I,..-. . it aaa pka?antl) retetvto, untll Mr. Crowell ? \ ,v ohneived t/> l eli up wit'i Uio motlons. a hen .1 -'.??? of appla v. 1,1. ., -1 iul the - ' ??? tion ; ,,or *.? >:t:.t th* audlence be ?;?tlMied untll "The i;oo*t< r" Iwtrt 1 ? en glven. . >i - ihe la?i nxeetingi of the etles Ottrei^ for the enauing terni a-?i ? 111 laltel. JOHNfi II-.rKINS. Baltlmore. Dee. 11 Kpeclal '!'!.?? Chrl Man A sorla- ' BOa frat.,-.. >.' BOeial l (>? at txie Hopklm I rei It. aaeoaraged nol ooljr bj l*i di ? 0 ian and tbe traste. i, b il ab - by pi mil ient > Itln . wh . lend ti.eir Influenee and Bnanrlal aadttanee to tta ^ u t fcten'i Chrlsl in A ? ' Eugene I ... prceaxaenl aaerchant, has glvea tbe itodents Vonng Men'a i ? rlattan Aasoelatton a flne bolJd , .- f..;- Ilbran readlng r > ma an I Nse1 re l ill. i dlier i . nd ol the org. aatton have eontr!hut"d to the ma th, inatltutlon. Piealdenl Ullnxan and leveral other memtaea al th<. gaenttj ?,.? (.'!?.iv letturea t<. the aaaiwlittmii un'i vassoua aoorces of enl .' nment a,,<i Inetra tl n ????? openi -i t.. the Ta. ii.ii.. ui". ovei tta rhampl liip of tta Inter ih-, (ootaall afagae baa been aettled, The <:? ?pi wlll plBf oft the lie with t'..' chxes of HW on jaaaarj i". Tta *>?? a"'1 banjo i tab?, after two roo ? ing. are prepared 1", tta ChrUtmai i lonr. Tta clabt. bave charteral i elegu t prtvnte rar at,<! Wlll tiaM'l IH ll.MIM '11- -tv|.-. I , m , arta ni ? Baaabar of Wartern M%r\ bxad aj,d Boutiicrn Peunkylvarki lowna, Tta mcuxbera of tta bahj.? rlub are Uaorge W. Dobbln, Jr., P. L. wlcken, Jr.. Willlam g, BlacaJard. A. ?-? Mackenile, Br?1 baujoa; Douglaa ii. Ttaaiaa, J;-. aecond banjo; V. D. Lov., i;. ... VTUUaaxa, K. W. Hodgea, ?'? Abercrombxe, gnltora; w. P. Haarvea, reii.. Thr (;!<?.? .!,.'. , ta of IV. O ,.:.--, L. B. Menger, .i ttewart, i.i-- tenon; <;. W, -?. .ni, J. !?".? Ilewoa, .1. <?? Ame?, - ...,..t t... Pm; i. . u. McK?\. W. l'., r. i. \Vood?, Jr., rirat ba->; K i>. Carey, T. s. HaU--,. ... < Borrl m, ? <??. nd lm-?. xi>? qu?.-i?-t is <i- W. W. t.r,:n--. n. j-. Carey ai?i W. P. Beevea. one ol the lc-1 exhlbltlons of ainatcui pbvtography ?\p.. -..-en in baltlmore, *>? the dlsplaj -:? ?.?..... ,t thr boaee of tbe Theta PI Chapter. I'here *?-<? abonl a thou-antt photogmpn* iu the rollertl in, and a ma'oritv of them are worthj ol profe??i!oniils. I'rofe>sor il \. ltowland exhlb|u h,- ptlae tnuiMrarenric ? 4 - n - ln Horway, Ajaaka, fallfomia .v , ,...... t ind r.tti r plaeea. The other exhlbltori Include (*. Pllnj !?. btiiii. J. BUkoM Ullpla, txelano Aines and B. Lati ?pe, WII.I.IA.M-. Willlunistown. 1U^>.. 1>... U (tipecJeJ).?Tbe all ?.!>? aorhin?' lople ber. .- prc t Ia tbe MBil-annual cxaai fcaatlon*, win< i, ?U| bagln next weaBexdaj and a-ui Boatbraa untll !','? foUowlng rnaMlay. Tbe ..r^-a:i recltal of Honday evealng thoagb not kuveiy uttftii.t-d wa* aweetafaL C. a. Autin, "91, the rolle^-.. ?>rg?!,i*t. irnde.'x-d llx aetoctloni, and <'. >. Brua i. -.1, two, iir> art aaaacJatlo. pivr n. iirvi .xklbilxon ... the aaMapa oa Maaaay In !to> 18 Hopklna Meraorlal, aoder ?ire< t;.),i of Proteasor Rlee. .\ bxrga numbcr of e>t< u Ixk* *n<l bobm llibograplu wet. ihown. Profeiaor Rn?sell a. -ni t> be engaged on i book .., IgWto aa4 aaa "Theory of Knowiedge.'1 Pi .: ?- irMu ,, , ,. reoaatty pablhtad two booka. ita "^'^"r] 0 ptautua and. aerlea of artlrle* Mj^gg ^Hpj , | ?? i . A-;, rlia:, JounxaJ of I WJoiobj -. ????.? gu.-tioi, ta Plantu* and '"^','';.. ,,.. Tll. Tbe Aixdover Chxb held Ita annaal RBxacf on iwi <1ay Bt the XBeonlc IBB. .-*. ? VAI.l . SEBIOfd ll.i.MSS OF H"1>'"M" ''"Iin raaPTRE ur>ii Pew-Haven, Dae. U ?peelal).-Stogg. ita Vale plktar, baa recelved a nallertag offer from tta man agement of Johna HophJna I'niferexty Athletk As o clatlon ... coach lha Bnlvaralti nto. and take ehargc ?f th- department of phyekal callnre. His frlencH >,.\ th ii be wlll nol a. tept. Holcoma, tta ol Ita Val.aleveB.1s b. bb axeeedlngly rrttkal phyatcal eoxxdltion and his k eovciv ia doabtfnl. Bbeamatlam aeveloped Into nera ??, proatratlon and be eannol aleep anlm onder Ita taHeenee of oplalea, He ba* been lakea to hU hom. | in i inelda In 11 speebtl invalld mr. i.r Beaver'i repon of Ita frealunan rtoaa of U?e ,,,?,,,11?,1i department, ahowa Ihlrty nwn ta poor phvshal rondlUon, 100 In goad eondltlon aad BftJ Hvi falr. Tbe n.ei, from Bt. Paal'a achool bare Ita moa s.iti'f.i- t"iy developmenl. profeaaof Willlam llarpei baa Brranged t<- gwe i aerlea of twelve leetares on "BlBdlee In tta BarU ' Hl.tory and laatltattons of tta Hebrea People " befon tho lllllVlT-itV. TIk- flfth annaal banqael of tho Bi. Paal ? < lab, of yale waa taM on Frida. nlgbt, the occaaton belng the nioal raceeaafBl of Ita klud In ihe hutory of tta rluta Toasta were reiponded lo aa followa: -Tta Bertor, w g, .;. Novcs. ".l; "Tta Rchool," ?'? M- Umber ,,,., e-8; "Andever," ll. ii. Taraaay. Vi; "The Sew?." S w. ChlkU, ?'.'! . "Exeter." )t. P. Ilaatlngton, Jr.. ?nl ; -Nniitv Foar." Aloiiu Porter, 1*: "The I H Uberi Lee, "01; "Athletlee.'' C. H. RtarriH. 'W; " rhe WorM'a lai.-v K. R. laham, W. Profeaeor Pranklyn B. Dexler, Becretory of tli?- Yale corporatlon, has glven bis rollertlon ol I."<?> and ; nianuscrlpW relatlug to earlj Sew Bngland and Pilgrim hMory to Ihe anlvemltj llbrary- Thls i> the mosi valuable eollectioii ol Its kliid In exUtence. ?Thc Cullege Man." U ihe name ol a nea moiil ,i\ magaxlne. publbxhed In Nea Hnven, whtrh alms to cleaii and interettlng newn ronreriiing the aorUl and intelkt-taal Hf? "' Ameriiau college*. it wlll pe) ,pr. i;d Btientlon to life al Yale. The big rowlng tanh In the. ^ ?1e gymnaalum i- px perinxvnted wilh almosl ronatantly, tta ..''J-.' ' '., aneertuin whal plan . ? beni to foUow In r.j nc the lank ln the new pyninaslum. Heretofore lat wnter Iu the tank haa swepi baekward In retum enr rrnis when forred agalpsi Ihe end by the aetlon of tm ,.,, .,- ,:,.u,- .i.d i>..; allow rhe wai i ta H ? ahoui ea, Ii idde Iu a single eurreut. Thl* ba* aerloiiMj inipcd?d the meu In praeilee, for the cammts have i., irrepilur and partlrularlj irtrong ai tlw ,, ,i Rimc'IiI Improvemeiit-i hnve dou. murh io ,;,?;,lv rl:.. defee , \ fulne bottom ho* been plaeed In the tank to mwke ihe water kballower. perni iiulrker utrokea. The rurvea al the end of ihe lank liave been m> rhanged thal now there Ih only WM cur ?i ,a> Ii slde of ihe boal ?t any llme. PRINCETON". Prlnreton, v. .' . Dec. n (SpertaD.-PIne. tta elaae of tta footl all seaaon all Intereal b turned' to 1 ,;- with th. feel ng tbal the lou of the . hamplonship ln tne former mual be retrieved by rletory In the Uttcr. .-;,.., t- were pn bahly nevi r bett. r tha ?'.. . year. With an i aperlei red . iptaln i I .,..., ted the rolle \ there Is no rea*on why ITIneeton ahouM I the pennanl nexl aprlng. < ?; ta i Dana ,.,,.v . ? I,. train hl? mi dnrlng the : m rage K eompleted. and wlll a I I . .i ?? tunlty for Indoor j ' ? ? \ l.' wllldlvlde Ihe butldlng Into two ??; lal parts, to two batterles to ? >rb at the u ie llme. i more baaeball matertal In the roikge thU yeai .,?!! everj man wlll ? rt hard t" eai i pla.n the leam If posslble. 11 .- the Intenl : . ? . have the I ? ,i..-. wll ? i ????? io pla ? ? ?? ... Ibe - pi - Thecall roi i ma ' ' ? ' ?.. -,, .,t ba* ralled I md tta g ' ? ' ? ?: pping the game. .\t a ii.-- llng of | McOaffln ?a? ele I ? ' : -....:'. CtosJ . ' . will '?..-? v.. F?van*. |r.. J P. 11 ' ' ,* ll. \\n ... , T. Mool ? ? ? ? ' . .,. rt i .?..?..? ' ? , ? ? i ? ? ' .' I'. ?,'?'... " . :,m...i i ; i. '. Bro ? ? TIIK l.r.HI'.H PSIVERWTY (i .1 . ... pei ?: . I'- 1 . . ,|..,?.?,! ?: , ? -. t : year. playa at f.fft taehl M. < , -. 'tej, ? ? 'I he . ? .... .il I .?.,? . ;?.. ,.f Uie li.him l"b. re?|i ... . ? , ,., New V' .li lo plaj ." H ? ' ; ,. , . .-..,. I not be roade 1 I did !., t i ?? The Mustard nnd < ln l>??<" ?'?' ' bel R pracUrall) ?'? >?' ' ?? ' '""" reviy.-d. \ , raple ol n-'v p lw |?r ;,n -n, ?:',...- < ? ? ?? " i .. ..... , int, a< ;?:- -' l .."??'.? ''!' ?' ??, wVeh, la-fiea. .H lurli.g the IUI . M he i-:.n. TI. ? ? ? ? | 1*1(1 thal ii wlll '- ??'??'" ????- hen Tbe banjn and gultai club Im ' ,?.,. ,? ,j ihe.. .?? !?? I " ' -? ' Tbe'e.ilW .- i?"? ln t?"? mldsl ' ? .,.',. ,;?;, ,. Ilttle tlme loi inytl Ing ??-'? '? ;'.,.? ,.., wednesday. Iiere.i.ber 1". the Ui ?. .. . . and i e .... wl. i:"< mxiT.i:. Roeheater, N. Y., I>e. i ' Ibperlal). Tne dtorl ,,> ,...- freahmen ha- beri l i ptl i I .1 ,;' ' ?" '": ,,.?.. in.- treeh. The 111 had lt? l'i'"' at ?cm ? on Mondaj I ht, I ' P* ?'? ' '' '"?" ! " ' " .,.,, ,?: Tne day mornlng the Jnbllanl fre h i ? i llege Ju - ai the rhapH i ? I u ln Iln. b'wer hall. they | . th? cbapel whlle Ihe othei Indenl ? , h; ron. fhej bore I ' nlng*. on thelr ahonldei and .?.?- th. rU rell re ... . p . |, 1,1 11,11 on Werti ? ?:, ?i tbe toaatm. ler for nlnetj da; . iia|ieiided two or three ,,;h,.,. Kaden from re. ttatlo i , and pmhll Ited .? li ? . paHlrlpat the d ordei Irom .ttendanee ? ,r the real ?f Ihe terro. The rl. , i ,..i Dr. 11,11 I.i rWi Uie puntahmeiil on all al] ,.' ....... ? er manj Iwd , illed on him indlvldually. arl .wledglng their fault, Dr. IIIU ,i... id, il ? ? rranl the re?jue< I. I ,. I ,. j,. , lul, of tn- iinlverMt' R ,r ? ,t ' i * ? ? ? ,,.,.,';. |k si'i ..., at Newarh. VVayi > < >u ty, on Ihui ? The t. .-.'.!.? en i.v whlat elub im orgaulaed ...d la holdlug Uted ????? ? '? | ? - SMITll POLLF/tr ? i nmpi m, Ma - . I. 14 IKp rlal).?Worti al the r?H p. !?. golng "ii .. u-inil. all ih- glrla belng no. ln ,i?. ,.,i i?? ol txaoilnuttona, procuring or mahlng up | . hiistmaa preaenta, and enjoylng Uie akatlng Jual i.,, i. . i H.:;-? on l*aradl ?? Pond. i .? m or llcnrj M. Tytor, wlw leaw hea Ihe gl i lo |est n: an. .? i.i '.. ha Jolned the ranh ol the vh- Imen, m iklng the Bfth devotee ol thal arl i:.- profesaoi -. a punber ,>f lae proleaaora liv in Ward rwo, nnd i... year tbej looh parl ln politli . partleularlj Pr>i i. |i < larh and Prufeaaor ?' II. Plllabni .. Pro feaaor < laik ?*? on lae tlttoena' Conimlt. wlUta Proleaaoi IllUbiiry waa a ...,?.'!.' oul Bipubllran. and hoth were nomlnaled f,.r Counrllman ln IV'nrd I ro i-;i,., ,ne reeelved i-'i rolea and hoth hare wliltdrawn glad th ,t llghtoing atrnck so ,:..-<? withou! h I .? Ihem iTrealdeni seelye waa In the atird, and he :,i,i thal h.ii't i "' ?'? ?w elther pr >fea a any pai tUUtj, and ao v rted lor both. ? _4> ? UNION. Brbeneetady, D?e. 14 (Ppeclal .?The new nniveraity eatatogaa la nach largei than anj prerkma laauc. In the addiUonal aiattor la the abatemeni ol lonr new rouraea ,,f atady. There are aeveral new namea on ih- untveralty nvenlty Uat a.mi one on the rolleaje facnlty Uat. In lae rollege the alan - ( the two lnwe. ctoaaea givea a. eonalderably Inrraaaed nnmber ol atadanu. \ alaitar Inrreaae ia ii-., notieeable la the departroenta ,.f medirlne, ta. and pbarraaey, and ooe aaalatanl h.i> heau added n. the Dodlej Aatranonilcal Obaervatory. One aapecl ol the preaenl poUry ,,f tba roUegt la obaerved ln tbe eher.k pul npon ih.- Inrreaae ol etortrte atndkM. n b. Irne Uial aoveral aoeh ttodlea have been h<i<i.^i i,> the : h^t. bul il.- nnmber <?f the elertlra boui i.,.t Inereaaed, Tlie lendeney ia lo aubatltute eJeelive ,-,,iir-.--. for eleeUve atudlea, There have been notired lately on the llbrarian'a tabie aianj n?w rolaaiea nideu by the geboroalty of Unon ?,.??? ,,;,. of Albany. t.. Ita al, ,v d-.pnatcd \ rlrana. _ ^. ? \-\! U. I SIVEBSITY. THE nXAXCrtL IxEEECT 1 v THE CHABTEB xvvi.i D IB ,;','," TIMI ? ni,-,. i N. v.. Dt*. I' Ifpertal . Xo UMIe a tonleh ti, taaaex,.I here ai tta atotenxentpabitahed bj m,?v ,.f Ihe leadlng oai&f peper* ,,i:,t " "r""? ????* oTu?.b?etotak.ttabenne?tofD.P..rtyerwt,.trof .!.,,,?rdtaellmliaUonid'rt?e>??er. Tkh llmltathm waa removed ln i"- by bajbUaUve enart ?,.,., .iimI ih- ...uv.-ity I.Bbk) ...... taamd, .r.,.1.,.1.1) ?... :?iv .uiti. lhal -'.<"-<<"as ?<?^tt?J '?-' "?J I ?. ti ,..? t.. beatoa upon II. Previuaa to thl? rcar tbe .pparalaa nf ti,<.parl ??.?', of electrii ,i cngineertol oeraphid ita baa meol ,.f Franklln llall. - portjon "1 tta IJaaaJeal llulldlng ,,,, ,..,. Magn. "'n' ''??-?'-l",t::,.,:Kd..i ,?. rarnUh anlrl nl room and laal aamaxer m id dltionul powerand dynamo i. wbs IroIH al tta end ,.f the Wbley <?..;:.??'- bulMlng. ander tta ilreetton ..f Profeaaor HoaMer, who gave bls varatlon lothli oeedod worb Thia toboratorj I seventy feel kmg by fortj f.-. !? wktth. Tta power lor tta nm of Ihe ataAaat ., foniUhed i.v Unei of duxftiug from tbe powarfal , ouginii of Blhlej loUege, an Imtependeal englne of tweuix llve hor*epower supplxed with atoam from tbe ladterj of bollers In tbe meebanleal lepartmenl and bj the unlversltj waterpower ln Fall I'reeh. There ? .. , , lhll| laijoi itorj among the apparartia for tbe use ?f ?tadetita and for fornUhlng curronta of ehxtrieity ,,?. the other U. laboratoriee twant* dyaamos of vartoos ilaea and iyi.>? .o:M:-,i. tl.m, |wo hprwrue ; , _ , . i, ??,. mmhit fj.h and taur siualler oiii i, '.'." "'??', i-'.'i .' .'il- dynamouxete. for maaanrlng the miwer exert'd bj motora and tta foree reouired t.. ,?,...,,.. dynamo., etc, . ronveiileiit and biipmioBa ', ,,,i.,',i devl?cd by Profe**oni Anthonj and v.'hI.i..,. i.v i?. i,^ -I whleh lurrenU of electrhity are iaiTiid froin ..:,v parth-ular appaiatu* u, ai ? n I,?,!,,! ln Ibe \ irlou* bitainiio. ??-. ? well as gal l-utiumcier* and voll meters, ol whlrt. there hi>- dxty. .',' \|,,.,..,. iibnervatory i- a luont importaul <>ii". ,';.;, ' il>- ol ropper. n I* away from all rtl Ii rtdng liilhienre.. foraeruraey n lnve.ligatloii?. ,,. |, |, Diaicd Uie largwi gaJvauometrr In ih- world. Ii ?,,. Iu.:, undei the dlrertlon ol Profeaaor Auihouy ln the deparlmeni ol merhanle arta. aihlev Vollcge has rcrelved ., iwenty horae-power teneratbr for tta mecbaiihal from Hr. EdiMIII. _ ? _ amiiik-t. Amherst, Ma*?., !? N i*pe lal).- Aftcr prayera vcjierday monilng Pre Id. il liaU i introdured to U* ... w . ,i ie, lha i iveliat, r?iue?tl ? .., ,. | ..... : the uegro pi >hlem. M t>1 "? ,?.i b, ? i? i Mr. ' able. -I i tta fal iMhli.n thal there . ' ? Niutln ni >| ic*l nn, nnd I llun ?- ' .,?:.' i ? ... ,?:. . . n id Kedei ,1 I i that. You wlll ' ' '" '' " '" Bouth V pi ,vlde ? '' ..?'???? foi blaeka ae well a ?l it, .. to i.. ,: the Blo Urande I I ? potonii ? ; "'v- ' btr i : ?:.???? ''?? bul i ? Ihe btalc I ?:,.;.. , !,;, :. boj or gtrl . ?..,.. an <?.!?, .i ? ? ? ' ' ?,. ' ....?.?? , ...... ... i .. ;,. ? , ?' ?? i.. i i -. m . I) aon )r. ?? , ? tl ' u-gely all bd Mr. U i ? ' ?? ? ? ... .".I a ? ?01 I 1 II 1 - ? ...?.. V. Y . : ' i ? v I i ' .... ? ' ? : ? ? ' ' ' 1 ' , ?. , I i:: : ? ', r?.|.|.l'.?.l i ? i.. i i -i' - i ? r. Ilb I ? ? i i i |.""t. I : ' I - ? . ' li,:; ?? ? ? ? ? t i i :? ' '? '' : I i i t , ' ; ? ? ?? >' ? ?" V . |>. ? ? . 1,1 11 ? ' I . ? ?? VV. ( li . . ?? I, ?, -1.. led . >? III -.--I.I.M.i: Pul 1 l I-' HMl INfiTlTI II. i ?. ?, ii... i . ~|.. , ". Illlam " ? ,,'. ihe . <?? . enl -<'- \ \\ i: . ol ..,:..:?! ??? tl - I -!? .1 i ? | i,, :.,-. -?.. I ? i ? . ( h . tur-. |. | , been nrranged bj Pro : ? : 'I h- ii. d wlnler 'I inqnel . f . h- al. ... ih i .? i ? -,| r.n i .- ., u, i-. I.i tary -. In Kai , f'ilr, Mo, Th- i ' ' . ,?? U in,i,l ? ? .1. .1. AlltilRbt, '? ', I i up|Hilni.?l .' v. i.. \v.,.i t. II, . .. .... n i ai, i , udei ' I...II ? enl i, . week Ihn l; l- i . ,.- ? i |e m, ii- t ,?. i '? i'. il all e,, I i. i- ? i pulbal , t .11 ?> -ink-i-. ".-j, an. h'.i . Iin< k.? 11, 1MI i <?p< r, Itfi. ? WVM.VA \S NlddWnwn, fonii . i" . II. -|'"' b.11 n . nlb-ge , ,,;n;,n.i:i ?. Ul Rr. I] I i ? .1 ? l-un of the ndd.'n ,|. Hh mi Tli I ? l.. Wi I, li, .,f the Juti.I, |, ii had I ? ii in atb iiditii, - ??;? ?. lai .:.. - i.i ,t wneli, iiixl tti? Inrted lor hl li me. im Mo : -ii Millg I.I m>. i :'.''.'- t.l-i ,|. I he wa ?! i er?>u I) III, 11- w? |, ipulai ln hi- rln . , well a ln the enl, r ita . a IIti ?.. hb h l.o ,lh ? nti :-'i. .nd Ii leemi i b> Ihe enllre'ge. II- a , nitniislng edltoi ..f the i I nal, ?' I li- "l.' lt> l'i-,,|, - Mendc, ., ... I ,tc i. <> - or "f rln loric, haa 11, t,. ..i i ? ? ..i ,h ??.... ? , i .i ih- ... ? i ? i lelj ini.i the rheiorlc.l e\en I?. .,f th.|.n ? . ? rl-t llen-b. l ? , ii-M hhii ,|.i?,t,.. have, i,?n i-onflned tn the nenlor .1... r. v. . ? pre .!-i,i .,. <1 n.^n.iger 'it th- 1 .i - ball a ? . lation, h.a reMgi.ed hia offlre. - ? - i v\ RRSITY "l IT.NVUA \M.\. Phlbdelpliiu, l?-. li IBpecial). Whr-n Hanaaar wrote i" the Wealey.n maiwarr t.I .?: nol he wonM aend hia team ... tne*!l PeiihaylvanU at ii,- Mad - -,ni. liarden . krnlv?l, he roeetred tho t llov il rathei wltlj. Mi pab h i "We all , ? ,t, lie? and d ? i'I i ?i i up .' . upa were for tl,. lo -i The in-in!,.-,?? ol Ihe footbi II leani who vuli trj mr .Im : ? eball nlne ?re: Krhafl .nd V'all f,>.; ? ? rlghl ii' l'i. and \,i ,m f..i pit< ber. Phe ubjeeiH frir Uie -.i-ii";.t\ prlce eaaay T.,1 i ??:.' li- Karmer*' llllanre iluveineiit, ? The Kdura lonal uutlook ln H.lladolphla," and ?? Ki val 'i Ballr ad DARTMOI TH. Ilanover, N II. i?-. ii (Bpeelalb?"The l>nri iiKiinii" a' ii..1.?:? - ih- ele. ii'.n. ., ., .? i it- edltora, ol *JC, ... KtOllght-in, ''.'-'. Ol Sl. .1. Iiii-lmrv . VI.. II ):. v-i. ilf, ??.,:;. ,.f ronrord, and Ufred Bortlett, '<ia. .,f i Me \ nea toalara ..f ? i h.- Dartmoarth" i, weokly lettei i rrom Wiiium- and Amherst. PrpJaaaot a. .?,. lUi-dy g.?ve m int-r.Mii.g lcetui\? ?? jBpen ia*. snn.iav nlghj in tta rouega ebarch. profeaaor John Klaj Lord'a edJU.f bhrj wlll ioob be pabliatad, bbbwUI ba nacd i.y iiie fjeehman ? fl:, i? nexl term. ?nio newa thal Dartmoath College would reeetv. i,,?,(XHi !.v tta "ill of l>. ii. Fayersreatker, .>f Bew York reaeped here on Tiii^iiav morning and creatofl ron*i<lerat>le exeltement, the nn being tta hargaat ','.fl 't;.Uejfo f..r nereral rear*. Iloa the aionoj uill i"' -t.ei.t baa been an ataorbing iiBeatton atnce. . ,,i ' *ay* there i- ),>?'? l of ll for ao many I thal II- . "'i'1 "oi -av bow l. woold be uaed. ? ? - THE BEW PBBBIDBXT <>K BWABTHMOBE. Bwarthmore. Penn., I"-.'. M (Speelah, -Tta laat oeeji ha- been an eveatful oaxe at Bwartlanora. There bt * fenaral f.^-llni; tbal tbe electlon ,,f wiii.n.n Dadley Poalka to tta pres leney srttl niKiii a mw r|.."i. in ber htatorr. Mr. Poulko raa raiaed In Bea Vot* LTty, pfeparlag for rol li-no at Kni-nd^' BeaxlBBry, of whleb h\- Dather, Thomaa I'oulho, bad ebarga. II. araa gradaated from | t'olumbta t'olkege ln Ihe rtaes ol '00, reretvtng a prlxe ,( gyon for worli ln flreek. Ile entered Ihe claea ..f ?ri i,, tbe La? - I|" '? but n wu* admltted tn ihe bar before his rlaaa waa gradaated. The n-.i-..n ?.f thH an oaual acflon Ia Interaatlng, t* it Ulttstratea wha1 man ,,,-r ,.f man Mr. Foulke ln. ln Ita fall of 1.70 there vaa im Indlan oatl reak, aad a numher nf tbe ted men ...?r.. Imprlsoned awalting irlal. Tbe whole lentlment ,,f tta rommunlty "as r.11r?-i agalnet them, bul Mr. ronlkedecMed tha'. whllethey mlghl Ih. ln the wrnng, ti?.y bad wnw rlghta which ihouM be reaperted. \vhii<> xtt a bxw itudetit, h?. woatlo Nebiaaka and deCendcd the IndJaue. Eor thls purpoae he waa admltted to tha i,..r of Sebnwka an.1 hia rollege preaentod hlm with bls degree. H wal whlk on ti.i- trip lu the Weal tbal be iu.'I fli<" Ia.')' fho aftera ard beram. hia brlde. They hr-t tiii-t in Ih. Voaemlte vailej In rallfornla and were atarried ln Paria. Mr. Foulke praetbied law lor a (ew vr.irs ln Bew Vork, but then removed to Rlchmond, !?,! , tta taai. >,f iiu wlfe, where ta ?.^ for a whlw Edltor of " rta Blchmoad Palladlum." l!.' was elorted 1., t:.# Indtana Beaate l" i"""- '" 1";' '"' retlred t, n, aetlve polliicul iif.- aud devoted him-if to ih.> '., i, ,,f tivll Hervlee reform. He luu ulway* irlveii i . i. T? I ..T atletitlon to Uterarj work and ha* pub ? aeverul hooka, amung Itam bcl g " ?l iv ? ? ,?...,, " and he Is al pre*ent engaged on u blograpli) ufullver P. Mortoti, the War liovemor ol Ind uia. ,\t tliclr laal Dieetlug the mai agei de ded u thr name ol the ptace hM-i b) Mrs. Ilond, who ha? i?,n luxwwn aa niutron, to dean, a* Ihe buun-, while .. ,; ? , , ,,i rxprens the lull n?l i! '??" '!"'?? ni i '? . n|.|.ro\linate It. Hi , ui - hai i ? ? ti. ,i,.. i i.i ? i and alum il. wb i ?<v-1? ? ??late the '.-. i ii-hirh Mr?. Uond has done and b> dulng lor the l?Trfo'erll',ge rerepttan held la?1 Saturday waa on a ,trrrr ., ,|. ti im an) pn;i I-?ne. A largc nu Ii v tutl lo !? ople In tb rb --1. Ul .|' .i M:. I t:,.. nrealdei t . lei t. i., .,.., M ? lutere llng lectun ? i ? II"!. VRT. .,.?: .v.. B. V.. Dee. II "I : v b*w evenlngs ., I ! ?:? Pi tt-r. of New ' ' p ........ ... i. <o llng "f .< I'-eture on ' Ki gl h ? i Jlad*." all by hlmself, II ..[ the, illege, ?' hlm. Tbe I-r1,. ,1 opei ll a of 1 - ? ' ? f: ' M uue ol the bw?i i ? ard fmm ?"- i ?' ' ... '. A ? : I : ' tllll ? ? ??'? "'--' ' '' .. nearlj i ? ? ? . \ .,.!:. .?- piartette hs A " "'-'? ,'"r . i .. ' ? L I ? ? I ulvil ' r ? i ,.:??.!,. ' ' - ' ' I "g . ??.' I.'. 1 : ! ? h tn.. Ri v ' '??'? '? , ui . ? ? I : ? I ??? '. ? ' ' ' ... ??.? N Rl Ll 11 .. ? ii i> ;'???? ? ' ... ? ?? ? I.I '. ? ??;;??? ? , ? \ . :.. ? ? ? . . ? ? ' H*e , l Kut ...... I . I |i ' ?.-.-'. I ? ... . ? , . ? i, ? ? . ? ' i ?? ffl ol Profe ... H i ' I wlth a ,1,1a. ? ? 'i i: \, i -r .. ? - ?." s !'? ? i ; \. ... ? t ? . | !? ?,!.?;? I ' .. ? ? .. i' :? ?? r, . .?,!.,- n ?! ? , ? ? i :,. . ? : . ? , large .. - ai - , .. ivi ill ?? .!.> .ft< l -"??' tbe erond pllbl l.i..*l< a| ? .; Indeilta ln th ? t .i;-.- of I i - '?? . . \[u , ii ,., M ? i i n ii lii i ii and Ni i ih |" ilmei i- ? .???? l perlal i ? . nn Ihe, r for thelr | ? tl" ??. ??: 'I Mi M. J ?. , ., i ,i an nrean p. ln over l.iaai I ? ... Derlonnei ? II,- N, a Vorh Sl.te Intereoi . i .. , .ii \ . rinibiii mel on Kitord.y, l?> .rrantte tbe iltffll. ? ? ?: '? ? nl th . ' ? " in aoff.-ment ? I nexi a, .a ,n. i . ibiilon ?l llie i II ? .1 > v' ? i. in exhll ' i ' I i! ? ? , u |i. ? 1.1 altentl ?n. I.I' KIS*?.V. ? ,?! | P.? n . i" i II (Spi-lal rhe l..; I,., ,,,,,. ?f , - ; ' Ihe hv iill? were rtHlrer, I ,? |p,?t.m llnll bv ih ' 'i II bert W II ?" -? lli I, ..ii " rhe III b n .1 l .rlnn ln- overt ii ij.heri irnt, ai t i .thei on ? i lu I .Ita ?1 \ ,v ,-,.,? Invi ?ll| altou . ?? B) aa Alfa i ng ih- i ?W i- i unenl." i .. , .,- ibngi.I the Inw i liool a III l,<- I ??.. d ' , ? ,, ... v.., . .. ii .111 ihoa lhal Ihe !.? 11 H, ., pi, mi g ? 't,.i,.n. Il?. . ?||. yeai I, ?.,;,. ? h. ii , ompl. t -<t. will i 11|, i.ii nn i, i n. iHdenta now tlmi, alie , .,,.,? had durln. lu i Itl b ?? ria> l>|, kln on i re ,,;,n,i..i . I,.i I v III I ? represenl. .1 ln the I ????!> , rtrai. iil. rliili haa i-. n ? . ? ' ?vh i li ? III ., ,.ni, ? i ,1 ui. i i i--i lerni lor Ihe bcnefll ol ihe utliletl. a . ? itn. ii: iNKLIN ANIi II ,i:-ii Ml. l:. i-i. It ?,.,., '- . 11 '-ii-. lai) rhe f... ulty ,,f : | uiklln and Marslinll f?llepe tnu - , .me ln ihe ,,1,,-in i..ii thal Ihe underaiudnale orpnniaatl'ma .,r j,,, inatltutln . are it- beal medl im. for advei I menl. 11,. % have gronbJd II.U glee rlub, f>?r Ita ron .mi toura, eatra llme ol iibaen -. amouiitln*' to -? .rly thi-r weeka. The rlub I... ulrrmlj airuiiged iwetilj ii\- roneerta I" be anng ln kiiding bawna ul Hnrytond, IVim rlvauia and Vlrglnla. The mnndolln clab will ;,<,, mpunj faa .1? i lub. ih- fnotball loam . <n elghl of tbe b n game. plnw-d, arorln. ?13 polnta in in; pianla hi Ihelr np |H.|,eiiia. Willinm M. i. Ine, .,f th- ?..nary, Waa , i, . i,.,i , iptuin nl tbe lor m u \, .,? I he blda l?r Ihe ere< '??.f a g) n. have ,,n i,-. n handed to the an i Ite. t. 11.(.?,-.,,r will be ,l,..-n ii. a few daya, and |he buihting *.n Im* begun Iminedlatcly. VVKLLESLRY w-ii- ley PoUege, Den. ii (bperlali. The remalning raranclea on lae rullege gkae , i,,i, h.n- been fllled by Ihe efcctlon ol the foUowIng new membera: Flral ao praoo, >l i >- Foaa, 'i.i. *arond Hopranoa, Nlaa nim mlnga, 'fi. nnd Mlai Parrtor, ".-?. Ih- nudenl rolunteer moremml ? .?.??. Ui i ?? galn Ing RToand al BfeJtoatoy- Thia moremenl waa begun foar v-.,is tgo al a Blbhi ronten-m-c ralled bj Mr Mundy, nol until Ihl year haa ,. been .. rw 4 ilred riajBoal in tbe toltajlinri BBt ?f tka ?.,ii?-^?-. Al preaenl ao*, twtmty ataeeate gtaad pleiftd for l??**? ,. .?,?,,, Work, and R?ny "'??'??'? :"" l*^*11" Intered d In Ita ""rl>- , ? , .....oHr ,v?,, ,.,.,. doea nol pemdl tta elcctl n of regular * ?,.tn siter Ihe mldvear examlnation*. aa l?T,rWlHrKr.'uhx ^ind-.i.-.V/'Ihlilr'nu.-.. M? r;:':^.^!'^..^..':'^:;, ^;^^=.;tt.V-, ..'?.t..1!, -r ..x:-? tl.-miim . v.ith the beal wbfea oMB. /Ar TBE LOCAL COLLEGE& OOLUMBU-S VARIED INTEBESTS. T?. annual dlnner of tta Colambta OoUege Alaatnl i )i,,? uin be heM aJ tbe n .toi Brunawtek to I,'.;,,. ,?..-i..,n. of tl-..-. ??lutl-.n. wlll ,..,<.?.. an. .", ;. wmb.m-.byne.oaentloa; ?J"J"J Slg ,...-.nt ol tta llamrd AJumnl Asaodatbra. ibauncay m. ...?,. V*^*J* J*? ?,,. james w. ALxander, presWenl of th. "' "' 1-..-s.:,:t:,'7.,;;:::::';.": wu;; ;:''^;":;;;:::;; ::r;;;.:^n,,,.!J?s -v .-?-??,?. , ritsifiSi ^::;^;;:l^Vw,:l;:,l1^-v<-'m' '?,m;,;: ;?,;::?.^...r......?...... -.,, ?*? t* ; ,,. ,?, Friday ,-, tb. Llbrary Ii.Uaft Tta nflMr L ,,. , f .,?? i ixclal interaat, and tta .?>'?? ppimi^es to be oi m ?' . .,., i.i . i . arnrked bard to inak. it ? ?'"""? ll" "",''' ,MW , s i irnard, chalrman, ?ud ,oin,i,i i-" i mdst ol i. A. i aj ?' Urocu., Kwby',rt"k^^?tere.tColu?bl. UramaUi - are at iln beginnlng to ibirv ..,, 0|I pecember 31 and Januarj I. ****** Seg. dramatlc club wiU tfv. ? repwtta tton of ,; ,, ,,?.,? ..,--l.U-M.t,.-n..v.'.A.M.,i-.n -U Z ... . ,. f?iiv produred hvH ?pring. Malii eee Z ? "vaTaa Mar, I and 3. . then tta e.u , ?,? uxko the performanee ^ "orrWown. N. J-. to Tuxedo Park and a number of pxaeea. ???*** ,??,,,?.. ^nem. las. >ear aad rataamla hav. al im .... i The Swln* importanl addltlona hava baenmade ,, ih- toologlcal .-./llectlons ol the coUege recently . " a citon Invertabruu*. mostly ln ? fromE-iatp ^ rt^2i fc - ? colleetion ?' l?" i irtne lnven>l "? ??.??' '.;":; ? P lenraand I.! (8) ? >/'' ' , , u II h- ii '? . ,,.'?..-- ? ! f-EBMa?SifW . will be we. ? THE LNIVER<ITYS SEEDS. An .ppaal haa l-nlvei dowmenl I . ' ! , . ? r. -1 thell ' ' ' . . , -eofreaultaha. been mado p _. . .. : .... rouncllwdtacal .-? ; ?-. ISSSS I ' ,-.. ,1.11 ,.l be ? t-rli ? sffsa ied. who Wtll . . aoaorbj V, TlVnV VT RARNARD , : . ,t Iiarnard CoUeaa, ... , . tafter ihe .... ,tHaa,p . ...i trual iiexl y< .r ? n ? itnbia, - M' VT rilE SORMAL . i. , . '? ' ' , . : tho Xormal u-geotMn, . have . ? manual I ..<???? ' : _ mi . ?? : ? i.yre im. Iti ...... , s U lollege Boota , . | ? ,? ire ? f II I , , | . !??? ? ? iim-i-r i-u-i ?n order for . . f ( .1 ?.,. , ?. ? , - p-rl waa doralU i?- rcaelnded. liE.NKRAL rilE'iUKJli \l. KP.MTN VKY. . . , n - ,-?? i ,. . . . i . i---" :, ? v-.i. wlth Iheei , M. A-. ln.1 I ' '"'? " , ,|,e arnbir rla , H? lu Ihe ,a ??.. ,i ? ... d wlth tho , . ,,.,. ; ? rtdle and the rema K ln th. p ? Riwduato deparl . ,.,? ,,e? ta.ull) lelb.? Uilp U added. the li. ..I ul ? --i rial Uvtarv. . u< ? I Ibm ?? ., ,:, I,,. Ih- pnvtlo." ol noinl I lo Ibc rwlil ?l ?".'"'? '?'' , miral i ? i ' - ,., ihe MMiiltb I"" ? ? i- ' ?,.... i ii.. ? ? v?'???' '? ,.Ue nl thia n|i|i.irtiinllj il |. ? , ? ? , ',.,,'? II ? . . , . ??.::,., lh.1 ', ?. .,? ' ?! . ? ?, .? tll.el.t* h.,hl : . I .I : :,'??':.'.hiw ieutatl u " !"?' !>?> ":> !>' '' " ? IKIINliS OF POLi rEPHNIP oTPDENT.^ Thfl un...a meul . .Uoi. ?rf Ihe Bn klyn Poly ,. , institule hav.vat.Ued a the.tre partj to ?, '., , oerlortuan.I "The Morry MonarcB' on ^'iS'perlormaneoa ol liutths, ol the preparalo de, who ha. done *, wcli l.. ? '.??-, m I'.rooklyo, have r. 1..1-1 an nUiletli l? .|,- boy*. a ,d evei U are ln ira.r '??'? "" to* . . i : I.i fullow ? ' ,i?..'id : mnlier ol ihe new rollege paper an ' .,,.,,.,1 i,.i \.-i i l?.v. ' 'i ''??' (9*iM'-r?l oplnloa la , ., ii |S , veii la'ttei i "". Ihe Iti .1 wl ? . ' v ,,. | gradui.te eour ' ln -?? H ' >> "' glneering haa hcen formed. and muus ''.?? men liave returued Ui a\*il I thuunelvca ul II. # miKPAItlNH l"K A DEIIATE ?ri?. laal \.-?.|. ..t the UoUcce ol tho city ol New j vork haa been . buaj one. rho rlaaa ..f thl ertll hold | ii, elaaa dluner on December 31. rba ctoaa ??:' :>l , ih-nii part) will tabe i>h.<>' the aan.venlng. Tl... ,ir.iiii.iti. rlub will i'i--i't .. plaj froai il.- Uenaan ., .i,, i u\ .... All Ihe atudenta are prepartag f..r in, .,.|,-;iiii Khepu ,i prlae ii tatte, betweon Ihe CUon ; i,,,, and I'lireiioioaiulan llterarj aocbjttoa, ahleh wtll ! take place on Frlday evening. The CUonbui n. I ,,ciy WlB be i-eur.-.'iited ln th- <l'hate bj mi1oiiii.ii Make no Mistake. Xu iiai ,..? ..' tbe btoad, arkaaVaa ?aaBeatad ln lha h^a .,r ctrcalatloa, akia. Uvei bawel, kMoay, ?aaaaca, aaetaj ?- t.rnin. B-netber laflaei. by - rafal.aaeowaa m tpeclfle atlat, Is beyaed Iba eoatrel af baa "Caetaa J'.i<xd i are" -the only bifaUil.- w utrallxei aud aratkatai sj uio>d Inijiiirit: '. BL0QQ) iire rieasant to take. sgajUaahts to Itsaasaa of bataaey or ?ri ape. t>' Id by drnge:.-.'-, nr a Bt p: v-\A on r>c>::.t .,f prir. ta ?ny p?rt of Bxa UaBed Btaaea Priee, Urk"- - n . fiOO: BBBiL ?: OQ ALVA'S nt'.A/.ii.iAN BPECIFTC 00., Olllo. Be, g Wail-t, Ba ???? Vorlt. Strook, 'ni. aud laaae Noaa, ''??-. PhienocoaauWl repreaeatatifea ar. Alfred A. <'.>oi<, ''.?-. and Kmil Ooldmark, '!?-? Tta deeaalmera aia, foi C1 .. R. phea Seymnur Wi .-. -,.U : fOT Pbn ...?-?? i. rr-d. erick Walton Hartlng, '.- BJek J. Ladvtgh, -nl, Phrea.amla, arlll pres I ? Tta banjo elob, <-f wbleb Bteptan n. WemtamOae, i.:i. is Bssjaadant, and Ttaran w\ K,l?,.-r, ".-t. is dlrector, ha* been prartlslng aaalduouslj f or Uus entaa tatnnrent. IIh glejc rlub, under tlie dlroetlo. ol Willlam O'Brlen, wlll ataa be prepaied ta teilgkt tka oudlence. FOR THE 8DBMBMGED TBSTB. PROF. 1T.UX ADLEB DIfi L'SSES IBE I EUJOJ uy " QEVBBAL" i: Tb- aetaaM of " Oenatal' Bootb for the am Uo itlaa .,f -ii.- teatBat. ihmir. a o itlli ad b " Ia Ba t England,' waa dhxeussed from a pia Ucal ..nd . point of vi. .v >? ita 11 ?'?,; Ing by Prol r Fd i Adier, ai chickerli g Hall. The objoct ,,f th- book, be - ..'I ln pai . a i la ? ika ,,,.. xha toui h ol humanltj Ui the leader ol the sjalvation Armj ' ' i""'r. ? ? , wouM alwaya rommand reapeti "Oeo eral" ftooth had bnmghi to light ( L II* had eatltnared thal one tenfh t ihm rountry waa homeleaa. Theae people be had ealtol tbe ?? rtfl merged b i i ?'' II* :'l0 lu? ?nb elaaaea the crlmtaal part, the vi, lou part . 1 ? tarvb | part. I *,,s ,,f cblet Impoetanco. ? a- * -f ? ? ">n ?<:? not rare. i - kaowtodfaol aacarai ?'? i d did i, .1.1. pcopto to be atrtel erith tb< mtatag whal waa an boneal and .'.?? ,..,, .. ... ta tba outcasl w.- th.oditlon ol I ??'? * th had plrtnred It! Fori ? kfli ... i. .:,.,! ... appeal ??? 'ii- eoaai y ? ,l:" ,|""v **?? ,t hometoaa. Wby d '1 t hl - ?? i take refng ? In tbe worthon ? The anawer t" that qn i tlnaeal taaj ipeaker, ? ey were acted upon l> eartaln p I deierre btto . laaa waa o| paaed to a k, ifl t pl.ce. li pla. loweat human belnga eooJd nol .ailTend r M waa neee. iry ln aach Inetitatlone. ? poweri . whieh ?a ? ' ' [ I u gi ... ?? .? .; fell ap m ? : U ???" ' ' ? workJ ? wb. waa to be doBol The . houv, .?-., nol be mada too attraetlva. II ?? ,,?.., ,... , ,. ? inaUtnUon -oeaatal" I I ad endeav. red to ? i ''?' ' "; ? lolded a ayateaa ol rlty ootoeiaa, gam-aolooJee i a* .,, ,i,.. problem. i nnmber ol - ihemra" whieh ihe ,',a rfion Armj alrea, I ln 1 ndtoa, wheco, I i * few penntoe. lodg - iMbaaaeaiad, ???? i ?ith the ??..'.? itera were , p. vorkaaopa, whera Um peni ..,i,i work for lhai - -????'- rhere ?? ,o be. atoo, ? I ? "? !" tonl . ' -vcr were to be cnly a llnk ta the 12* ahere the' ubmergvd ten. ' < > befan were tben la a! : ln the. . lo be I meaaa ?.f ?-tii part Tkoaa war. tta aaala faatarea of Ita i ?'-?'? --? ??? ra. icataiee, ttxalvMnaUy, wera not a?w, saad ta. trofosaor. rbdr euaatxtaattoa, bowevar, was thenJ were ceitaln gnpa l. tta ayatem wl I . | ohleciion i ?????''?' , .,;ld ' ? ' . '? 1 : ? ? the po-edblllty ottu. *' lM' ...... larmer 1 to 1 -.,.1 faet that tta ;? '?' ' ' ' i . . ? ,.u ,|i'l. ?,.! f:>.:n tllC "' '. ' ? '."'' , . ..} W..-.II. *'ere ? I " , - ' ? ?? ? ,-,. , I aavlag tta ? OALBXDABa FO* TO D if. .- aontluuea. l*1* ' , ' - ..... ?J ' i No, .: I4?? - 4 ????:,????? & ? ' . sr^i " . .r. ..?:?? .:. ,"?'? i i ? ? B.U Abraaam I. sad I i '? ? ' .'? :' i.',,.': , , ? bij il 1 ? ? '??'? " l!l ?""? ?' N N ,^^:;?i'^;^7^;;;.':;^,l''^;v,.^..;v'??-?,,1'';: & ?7?N;mv%io io..**?* '.'-. | u?..0r'.a;r'.^ ueneial T ra idjoam d 18111 Baesm. li V ? -. I - ? ?. J. N I .. ? I--- i lata ",' ,: '".: .': ..?'?'.??- r-.J"" ?:,:-,:;,' < ? ?? ??:,. Ten !?? ? ll-Pefcn Oati ? ' n . io. Ua. 70, 194. Ji-. 4--0, ' ? ,? -....' -,?.. ..- . -? ? , " ,?; ? '...-.- ..i I for '?' i ? ? oii pi.* ! v?. Tweii tli.rd h ??!...<? i i ,t. > ... . : ?*? J M,U,Tv*ro..rl TrtalTenr, Nrtl Msa* Vaa Wrek.J. S,,. 47-. 15418 12.7. I5H0 ll-."*. I-H. ''!-? '-1'' 1V" -':;^Jr\n.;, ,"':" !*?! I. BettaBllhwrl. ' ' s,,s h?-, |28?, If... I.i.'.l. 1*44, i.i-'. ioa. I -1. ??* . , ?:, ..."l '877. K..T-'. tVl.l 1151 .. . ' i?v t'aan riial I'tm pari III; ?? '-??;, M-??;"? ?? s... |04.1 1122. MI i<'->'-. '"'''. 1'"". '??? '?' ? l":V ii-''."-. .' "VilJi' 'l-Vn. - Pa.l IV Il.-loi- M.Adui,,. C J. l SpiTial ralendar. .. , ,.,, i??ti ot liy.T and rermlner No d ,v cal.ndar ? n of <.Ml ?? ?.?'?' I bVfo. M.r'H,.. I.i and VMlstanl DUttiet-Attotaej Devta >...-. l Ia -" ".? ^l":^,.f.,.,,.Mi<..?...i .?-?'I.."-/c aad .aalataai i?-in. t-AUmwi ? u. .i...m Moa. . !? ? "'? el"aur? of Oeaerai Betaloaa Part III Benxte Pen '? aud Aaatataat Dletrtct-Altaeaiy JaiaaaB?BaB. I B Va> I elu^l^u.