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_Vmuormeni*>. ACAD1 MT - !? '''i:' 0!l Heaaaateii. AMHir... TI1EATR1 - Th. Ue*l 1 nra. BIJOU '. HKATRB- B a Teiaa Rteeff. BROADWAY Hli ATR1 - S ( \v|SO fl IS l ! ' '" , HICKKKIX" H v"- ? '?'? '"????<'? , ,? imhi - Tlll mi'.I - 16 * "?'''--'? I'a'-'f DALY*- viir.A'ir.r.--8 15-Tbr I.aat Werd. . D] x MiM.roaod Wu Tableaua. liARBl S TH1 ATR1 - Saaaea ar.J Dr. BlU , li_V1> nl'IKA IIOI'Sl - I. ,'? i ' ln, HAMMKKSTEIX'S HAKI.1M OPERA HOVSF.-S 15 v M . ? ... w | and taal Ja k ni rrmax.vs th; tTRi * - ' ? aa ;...-.;. i; v- BlAL'fc 2 ai i 8 Caw endla. iv, . . m th; \Ti'.i --8 30 The Idlef. l_ADl_ON "q. Altr. T.I.-.A \ ,'air of Sj* ta l'?. . , ;: .. POLITAN OPKRA HOCSE-a-The Veesal '1 MlNifll's 4TUAVE THEATBE-?-JaM e? Are. XAlIoXALACADEMTOFDESIOJI-??aaaa41 30 t. 10 v " I--. i al II Itlen. M'.v P.VRK THEATR1 - U VaudeMlle. Miu...-- ,..\Ki'i S - Mj A-.'.* Brldget. PALMER'S THEATRE - 11 T-- Mlddlemaa. ^_ ;.-..? fOR-S 2?DST. THEATRE-I I5-Mea and Wonea. bl %NDAR?THEATRB-8-__lpAA_J KTAR THEATrtE-a-Tbe Senetof. OV- 'ASTOR'S TH1 ATKE-8 V.ndevllle. CMOS bOOARE TMF.ATKI.-3 i:.-T!.e CaatT HTH ST rHEATRB???Rlae J.-ane. ???> . i i i-i li *V! a-? I bAINI ve____________ dribtx to Jtownwimeiits. yM_n?#_ tr> ?.1J A.llion-r?tri>-U_...... J Ai.itiaa !*?.? ?' *'-' h ..?!?.' hntttn aio K?ora? ... ' Jiji ?*r? ano ar..?"ra 1 . );, ,.: rM n aneea.' )-, .1 rawNOIMa.. ( o;..!!!! .TMilt. NOMCO.J I l.ui.iinr A<-.i,i.'iui?a.. >l . Ns.irra . t 1 MUialiai.a U i KNJ. '?[ t'Tea?!.'??inr.}? l,ir <**<la.j' l.ran.ial.' l nnaaaal Electtoaa .. i .nam'iai Meciniaa .-11 trr u.ii*. _ H ? P ^ ..?iw. ? l|pr,?. ano i' 9 R?Ml.'" i_t?r-etioo. s l.? lur^a* W^i'H.iCa. I i i acai Noneaa.10 Mhrr:?rr??.in Meam. II1U Piia.ifo.ia .i M>, elianeaua.'.' M'i?:.a. Instrnm.ii.a. B \>? pll. II. i.tion. H i,,. .ui M*a ii . Railmana . H RrAiKmate.-? " RemK.taia ....I" RaaaiaaM n?ia . J ^l r ai Nauea . ? nieantiwata . rt TMMwera. ^ ? : Rraorta ..11 Wora \. ant< il. '?' roi. r> :< i OllGlUfOS SCOtlCM. '_ OPTiCE FURNITURB la Grta. Varlety, u.ainiiacturca oy m l. ii BEXiLEW. lli r . Kaw-l orK. Diaka, Librarjr 'i?h;>.?. *"? __________ TKIIU7^- ' -KUMi TO MA1I. SUBSCRIBERB. i vear. I mea. laaaa. ibjo. P.UT, J daya i wee*.afooo aftpo 12 50 n o - ?a Trll ne . 2 00 1J0 _>" ? Wrrkla T.lbuaa. 100 _ _ ! ??? . vv ..",-? , ! ? v to 'o: .... ei Btrlea ... :te ,v.-::-!.,!_.,vvh:b.:??'.*?;? '?;';; ,! I.;;':, s ,? t Mnt ,? .n ureglatared IHler. "? m,',, oV"e:v:r*- . ^-^,;..^^. /.-?--- i|| corraa] nden ? allB] y Ihe Trlb-.n^. na~ T?r*' nnAvrn OPPirw or THB ?nrv-. AdvertiMmeota fot publl;.t] I /"^'VV. ........ | . Iver; . f f da l?>. . " il p re . . ? uTa tallo-lni ?? s , n ? Torti vi, bra. rh offlee, 1 239 Hr aJ?ay, cornei 31ata_ ? | ? -'. .70 W st 2 l-al ' *Te JOO \v. .-. l.dat, nea '"t1 ?^ ??? f> w : ie a . -?* i Ml Hl -?f. ?r.O S,:.:v".. pnt-s:ir- 4<th-?t. 1 n?f, 3.1 ;,v. betw, ? n "? Ih and 61at ?_. I. , ? i_r,th-a< n " Bd-ava, 1 pp- O'1! ave., near Wh-at. 1 -, g l.-.iv-.. i.e^r 89th4i f9 T " ? ?- al_ -?.-? JOXTNDEDBY KORACE GREELEY MONDAY, DECEMBI R 15, 1W0 TWELVE PAGES. r/y;. .v/ "' > "i* morsixg. -PBrnell ...Mi:.'.-! bis 81 ' ' tour; I rlghta lollowed in conflieta tatweea the Parnellitea and Anti-Parnellitea S I way aaen ln Seotland will go on ? e next S (1.iV -Th? BrazlUaa Asaenxbly tagan to <"> eu? the new Ciattitotion. ' > Ari < Church trouble ha. been aettled. Ired aeatha from eholern have tal ? . , City ia tta - ? n w?*h8 ....,.-.? ?.-.-? ... .. . . .t r. ?: ? ? Dotneallc An artirle in "Tl r?la1 l' ... ;,n .. ?? ?e for tta i .it. Si ?? V raucui ~ ' tl iaevenlnj I i ? ' ":i flranr1 ' kRi ? ..: 11 - I. ?:..- I " ? I ? . , ? nd ar ei i, rthdav party ln ! U ? ' -"? Akron, - \ ,. ,. [erenee oi Republi. ' ? ? ? ' N>? "? ?'? : ''" ,> r..N ?? ,-,.es will - lortl; be i ' Indlan. ln tbe D I Lan - are - I i . moni theBia ? ' '' : c . , of the Rtate I'niverait.v bave 1 t?, preveni the glving ol I -"?' oi tll-coi si'lerc i """',','": d Subnrbaa.-Dr. Orew waa knal ... p t. InBrool peopl. nearly Joat tlieir live* bj . . itingponrl - A L Si. A wotoan killed by fallinp Ii ita lotirth floor ..i tta Hotel St, St*l ? T!e Weattai -Foreeaal for lo-dny . 1., , .nd warnxer. Teaxperaturr ye.1 Hh . .. .j,.,.,,...: loweat, ??'?? i ??"-??. ' The weakness ol Mr. PmucB'n rausc i.i fw.t, |.?.,, | j hi? violenl aetions and the loose i ,. ..,!,., to I, ln<!> < .1. i< ,ti wnn n hc piv - IM ,n> thins* furnish grotind foi ihe elaim . n(i ia mibalanced. In one ol !,- pm-h - veat*rdai be allnded io his opponent* in the Iriah parti as '? miserable guttn aparrow* $0 clev-sighted a man as Mr. I'arnell has often Bbown hliroell to be musl know ibai he has nnthing to gain by reaorting to bill.ngagate. |. igi ... im- ,i pradical oonfeasion oi lailnre ;i- the beginning ol the struggle. X o onteome ol tl.nfen nee ol R< pnbli (;i;i -(..i?-,,r> this evening appears lo be de cidedh uneertain, though hnp. ? are < tsuned. in viow nl the lond demand r?.r linan rial legialation, thal a corapromi.I "onie aori ma? be arranged with tho extretm ailvei inen |? thal ease the probabilitie* are lhal tbe Klee tion i,:!| Wiii bolaid aaide lor a time. and other presKing mattera takon trp. More likely, how ever Ihe eoulerence will bc indeciaive, like n nredeor.^(,ra. tven il an agreomenl is not rearhed, aomething will be gained should the wa\ be roade clearer foi one hen nitcr. ? Tl..- Roy. I>r. Gregg haa begun his pastorale .,.. |)r. Cuyrer'a succeasor in the Lafayette \ . me l?re*byterian Chnreh, Bro., most ;, wpicioital.i Contrary lo the general . u toin ol the thurehea, th?* installatton aervice* took ,, ;., ? on the evening ol Ihe daj on whieh the relatiom .?! partot and p ople lormallj be gan. At theae aervice. laal mj-'tit Dr. Cuylei w_a as conapieuoui a Hgure a- Dr. Urag ihf w.'i'is whieh he ipoke to hi* luceeasor and to the conv't.'satH ii to whieh be bad ministered for thir'v yaara were fall "t the deepi il I< eling. Im-. Urcgg^ lii-^t utrmon v>..? devoted, appro pri .t*l> ' ' " The Coning Min ? The coiwervative aetion "t Ihe lioard <??! Ragenta in the mattei uf ronferring I .norarj degreca acta an exainple whieh man; nollegei ?aa wisolj lollow. ! .... lioard deeided lhal .1.ig.- ahall I.. granted onlj al Iheii regidar ?eetinga nnd only ?> randidatea propoaed al Ihe previou* meeting; the names beitig aUo rommiinicatod tu eaeh Regeni on two diflereni Mxaaions. There will be no opportunitj loi ill-ronaidered or lia-.iv action hereafter. More over, when the ballol on an; oaudidate i^ iaken, a litiflc negative vote is rafficieot io prevcat ihe grantins ?-! Ihe degree. Honorarj dcgrces have boen < ntirely too eheap and ntnneroua in ,(,,, countrv. All efforts to restricl Ihe be stowal o! th. ni are entitled to gpproval. _?? ? Thal Mr. Smitli M. Wced bas hi. eyea glued ?? the Scuatorahip. and thal his dcterniination to win ii H n.d f?ne whil relaxed rannol In riotthtcil i.v any nne who reads Ihe artule puh lishrd on Satui Iny in his personal organ " 'I lie Plattshurs Repuhliran." The main ptdnta ol ,!?. artirle will txc fnund anmmarized in a dis ,,at,h from .? Albany rorrespondent. I. ,,,,,, ,hc |, ? thal Mr. Weed had nol onlj aa pirations, bui Mrong l- i--? ?as rnade clear ?hen he enea? d rootns al tbe primipal \ !,;,,,v hotel for Ihe pe.1 in January when the votinc f i Senator takes pJacc. "1 he Platts burg Repuhlii in" makes a stroflg appeal m his i.,.|,:,ll. which will have the eff. ? ol ronsouda ing his supixortcis into a rompacl phalanx. As the Democrali, majority on join. balloi is riai ,,,? ,? is eaay to aec tba! Mr. V\ eed will bo ,blo ln "ix" Governoi ? MalI a g??>d .leal oi ;lllx,,.v ;t. :,, his own plana roi dispoaing of the SonatoYship. As for "The Rppiihiii-anV rhargo lhal Thr Tbiih nE matle garbled quota - from \v.\'? famoiw '????--< annonnriiig his randidaoy, thal is eiTeriually dispoaed of bj Ihe ,,uotatinns Riven h? inil itirreapi ndent. 4 hosa i""'< ahead. There r.ivn rlaanw o! in.nre. whi.h .vj|| pt.wi :; ?:Ii> nlTccl tbe Repuhliran ehames in ,|,,. noxl general i leetior. l *o yeara hi nre. One i- negative and the other poaitivo. tjnc ;> the repcllenl powei ..f nonioeratic legis i i? the-Ticxl t'ongres*. Tl.Iher is Ihe aitraciivc powei ol ihe ReptiMirtui Xatinnal Vdi.islration. A Dem N-ratic t'ongresa maj ,,,,.,,,,,1 so tuaiiy Miindem and nianifesi surh dangorous l is to v irn tho Xi iigainsl tho rolly of intrimting so unsafe a |?art* csa-ith I- il ta! powcr. The lt< puMican Adm n istration ma.\ iwtkc so line ti re.1 in dcaling with ipiestions ol home ai I foreign H>?? ., .,:??;.? triumph will <? v on bj virtnc ol achie* eincnts. The |.nl C ngress can only rotnph te the nnfiniahed work of tho session. ll rannol originato any n. n nieasiiies. It i in maintain ronth ol Kepi blioan ]^ln> ?'>' , in il... prii i i nmhiidio I in the I* g-wlniin i oi tho yt-ar, ? mum tiltiniatel,* i e - istaii ed !?* th. judgmoi t of th i ? "? ??* ' ' .... . , vi-rsha lowi .1 hv 1 \ , :i Dcini i-ati. .,, ,- | ? \ iu :; itiaiii.ii will divide with .,,.. , ,. ... :?,.;; Hn se ihe alteiil ' .'" t,., || ,-? . ::., ii4-j puriotisni aud slalosmaiiship n ntia^i lav..i;i * wii ,..,..,.,. ,.;... ,, , kb -: ? ** ar. I i irioi pai lisanship ol ihe II?? i>e. il i\ill he a n I' ivc , j] , . rate with negativ. I<?i * in .,. .. Ii. itn triumph and l>< iik i ni d< reat. I-.. -.., nt Harrison's Adi i ' ition lias dom , ?,. - t i-.-j.i_-- h< - ri the |>ai tt since ihe i I. ' ' ii an in. I."ds of : ' |H .... ..,,...? ? Vas s;?lil Ifciyard's i i ' ' " '? :' |n p tttmenl I, s I --?;, manag. i ? ??? ,.,. x\ . | ,?? Nav* i ? ' has a remarl tin. tion r. i efl ?? ' l" . .?.? ?: 1 !,. V ., I'oattifliei' Uepartnj. ? i tbe ;? a.ii,,-?!.-,-...n ?-).- .1. \; " f the 1 '??' 1 . . ? .? :,-? ..- tt, ita' Ie IViiii ;, id th, |h |.| ? \.,- ? l,',1 Vdlll ' . ? ' ? ' ii, ... ? .-nt 1 .. r'tiroiii-agiug. !? ? :>?' ? ;?n Uil ?' . , ng ,,, ik :,'.?? id and ! ?? insp :? I ii -?-! GOOU IAXHS STIU I '? PI ' N' ?*? ? ;, ,.,??! irrigati'.ii ol tbe ;i ^ ' -' It i> nol the roiistititl ? _? I ? :' : '.,..: - ?.I:i 'J ?"?. plailU is lli iiitn ,,? ?! v.rii all (li ?' |,..i'i'.ii ? .ii..i lhal tlii<> ....ill ii)< :.'...? There is no d< 11I.1 iliai a ? ? ? ! ' l-Ji-1 and lliosi! , j tbe \\ ? -' ? Immeiiae ;i.. . i la ,!,,. Misxinii in<I 1 ? 1' Hli have dui jl (i lhal i ' . : -I "; '?":?? I'l'lll .:'??"' ,,:,,,,,- nl 1 ui lu inei a. I i ? .? :i ? . l)| .1":,'. 1 Ihe aniinal taxes I lln-ni l.n ? , ... ,.,i,..?.?;> smal!. Tl ii ?oil, wl irh i . - . ? ? . i ? ito, ;., ? irding ',. I 1 . ..-. 'I ,. ? are I- -I oi 1 . aimosl vt\ ? ? throitgh ? :i im i,.., can b? driven lor iiiil. eji ,., inUM i 11 ?_ :,n , rn< lion 1 ? aj kind. Thej suppl; 110111 -l inen I". -'"? k v itbou , ,|..1 . ? |pii1 ion. Th. ? ., gmws al,111..1.11,1 | ciues as lonnd, ao lhal in 111 - iii-' 1..": ?h. .|, need but to be turned :>--?? in Ibe winti 1 'f'l,. \ (ind sh< llei .11 ihe louh **. drink in lh? . and ir.' ? - and 1 nn d gra?a al ;,.. . |.\,.|i kvlien il snow . 'I,';. are nol dis , ouraged, a> ihe.i knovt ihe liiek "I |~ , . :n a grazing spol whenevei ihej are luui 'I |,,. Weslern rai niei - .?? |?-:i?.?- iindei these rouditions and ? ?? 11 ? n all ol lliem are tupplied, are inei mparal.l^ le? - lhan in- Kaal 1111 rival's. So soon na be gets his fai'i. in .. . able . .ndition, ii h. ui detstands lu> Inisi neTs and employs n rcasonable aniomii ,.1 in \ and Ihiiii in il, he 1 annoi h< Ip l.ul p ,,-)? 1. U. . m plnnl a hundred aeresan easil\ as len. Ile has rc di II the stoek he , booaca to giow and no limil ia placed bj his alirroundings upon hia enterpri*-. Hia is transportation, bnl even thal with tbe dcvelopmenl ol immeuae syat. uti the Chicago and Northweatorn, the < hieaj . Mil\. . m. 1'a.ii. the Manitoba and the Nortbern t'aeifie, each apreading over the land 1 I .? . -.. -? , .bv < I., op. 11' ing ihrough all its hundi ei - upon a hai monious ai rang. inriit and eentring in one 01 . ?nne. hoth the gn al d. |>ots I hi. ago and -' I'aul I ;i- i.,.ii 1 ?..,.'! ; . . oiiiparativi I3 amall .11 1, it i- nol lo lu ii- I. tstpi'li agiii ull ui isl even il tbi 1 oiintri do*1 in. 1 . in popi lalion -ii ihe rati ..I a uiillion and a hall ol people a year, ronti mplat' > ibe exteusion oi thes. , ??? wilh alarm. And he has eveiy basis ol reaaoii foi tbe deniand thal la purse shall nol be called upon lor rontiil.utions ;,, a -.< heme >,i threatening, al leaal tii. nvailable laud. uovi watcied. are fully occunied ,,?, ?.f?| The Dakota.. for inatance. running , , h iviv Bcroaa '1..nntry, .ro 1 im milea ea. n **??> ?" ? . *? ,?,lav pMucing T?.<..000 buaheU of wheat, 33.0ti.I """? -"?"""., i ":'N, ,?'.1,00 of barley, 5.000..? ol Hax and -,m.?i .: pntatoes on le?* Ihan one-thir Pcnthol their terntory. Irrigatio" in llakol ,. ihoexixens. ul Xew-Vork an I Maswuh.iscti an properl) he post,H?ncd until ? Httlo i... | ,,t itsg.I lan.l has lxee n put at. work. whkjiieb nnsrvs '-'?' "' ''"'"f,1, ^d-tothestabilityoftheTriploAlliancew-tll have ?-oeii aet at re>. by tl.verwhelining vi. ton whieh Ihe Italiat. IM mo Ministei has ?,,( B.cure.1 .r Ihe general elections. Ihe um-er ,.,i.. ...:.;....:j -"? ' "*' M \" '"'V T*1 ,??,.. I,. chunhei has taen iranaformed into I., , .--,1 in the I''" n .'i-''. :.i,,| !u? one "l al leasl - ?" >" '??' . ?ow linds himself ai Ihe head nl egartly .oitr Hfthaol ihe wbole hodj ol Depul.e Ih.?,.... onsol thcMinisterial tnajontj are w.thou ,?.,...|,.|i- ... '.? hisroij id ?Kurope, and are all the more remaikablcinviev. ,,.' ?(?. n.imorous interests and upimons wlmh ,.',.,,. ? ,, ..?.-.| hi l.c hoslile lo I'renii. r I rispi ?n?. Vati?.... ?vns known I.Id him in apet-ial antipathv. nol onlj as a di>lN-!iev< r and |-r, ,,?a?iin. bul al?o as ....,? nf ihe Papnet and ol the prieathoml. Thi ex .,,, Radical th.- Ilepubli.-ans and the So< lal ,at. '.vi, i ':?? numer, detesl him as n rene M?. fnends nl !'. ii-< I mnt him as ihe ?!,.,? ?l the Trip.e \ I u '??'?? i'h"" |.',.v j,, pmmanoiil antaif nism with i f. rnie ,,,,' -| |,? irredentNts abhor him as th< ? npjuinent and as tnul ' ' ??'' ,vers. and in l-< 1. |..??*?? Bn#? prrperts iss ipp * I lo hold i m r. .ponsibl. ;,,,. the riiti. al etindii m lo wbi Ii his poliet . dmed tta Nai " |" i ? ? * il i borne n mind thal tne .\hyssini:m i tmpaigns have ex< i ed widesprrad ,1 .,'. nt, , - ' lowa I the .. vern menl. il will l?- r. I ' ? ' n-hich -:':'!? i I i *!?i '? red is ol a *ni I ? ? I ...... ? and on t .; , ii .i.\ l? - ' i lo have mainti -I ?'?? Al Ita . ? ? i... \ ? ! .... ? ? N.i ? 1 . has. hov ?>? ? - ? i " " \ in". i . ' l?-s llu ?.." i. ? - i ?,. ' - ? i. ? 1 ?. '| ? ba .? I I l\ in j.' < .... i | .Y/ If BE. - ? . r ? ... ? thi. ? ? ' ? ? l'i ' I ? : I . ' '? ' , . i ., i iuii ? . ,i.-. ... . II Ifl.H i| . ?. ,. I Iti t il . ;?, iII < li*" i iti ....... |.. ?;< i ll.iim l. ii, ll .- ;. .?? .t-i ;,.??< l.f 11 llltu t:.< ? . i ? ? ? ... in.l hl ].. I I I. . ? - - i ,. t , .,; it ait lo pio' nl. 101 I.i. ? I .. .ii, . II- li .I. v.,11 ,,n ihe ? in, ? - - ? ; ? I, ii - i,i ... irl i.. ? I lo |i Ie ! ii ..-I. i, thal i.??-.. will nol - ? loi ln : '. |. . i I . Italiun, ? ?", ui. n and Nnumah ? red, ahr w i 11 la" ? ? Ito . - itei tti to the other parl ol lier eilm il . II il * n-:. ? - ..' i . - .,;... in -.I I.. la l ? ' Hall ? i. eiual .?. i,i !. .? : ? . ? ,-.-?. nuaell Ihe itrenjil li nnd |i ncr life : i. ith the lo i.i ???? ? innop -i ,re ii.... ? ? ?? . .,..??i il . ||< ....... with ... i innim pi i l..i i lhal. n.ari i. ? . r I ..1:1 . . II l> I ? i. |. ,. - ...... - . . . |. ill; ... ?., .,,.,., inatriietiou in i ,,,i .,; ..... will l I.. it .1 k lai - |? v ? ,i hualnaiid ? ho i^ t lion lill I iderol l..-i . will nol lill Uie it ih Lu im ... , i li la-' .< part ol i; r liine II I la :,,..-. i |.?,ii,.ill, baaelmll uud laail i;.? .i,_? !.<? ,i\ni lo <? . iin_ boat to . , ? ia.!, huabanda, and there will be no trouble ,<'i" , ii ,.,,,,,?- giri who will l" "" Waah the dlahea, i tke Hi- puddlngs..h the r h, -. v i perlnrtn. ln hwi ai ri I. ?..uty, All tl" '???" ,!,-;-. .fil.i-y. jlOSt V ASD ISVSIXESS. w II s-ip-i Ii ia ?"'?';|'''' It"4*" ,n '' :';1 mone- ' ...... ire is over, and has been aol in on lb .1 '" 'tion foi tbe |?Bl week. ln- averug* pri - ?tocka haa risen $1 s-1 per abare: tbe rate ol , ,,. ,. ,n loana haa fallen ; linie loana on interesl on '?", 1 k P?llaleralH sigain appear, and la sonie " ,.poaail.ilit.v nl gettinu rommereial loana: . i , risen slwrply, and Ibe aperulative worbl AV "' .,. ,lc| |,... n?. heliel il.;i. Uie millennium '" ! |' ,M,| r'ailurea ire atill annn ineed wilh --. .:;, 1,,,,,,,.,,-v. bul the Streel is in I ie , ,?,,,?,; lhen.aal.el ' deff. I ,, I. , ,. s, ,,.. ,., tl.i.iKi All thi? la witisfaetorj lo VV'nll Streel. " '' U|U '"" ln8t' '""' ,l"' ""'''"' railroad presidenia thia week ia ex.led lo de V1M. (oiiie way "f "?'i1"1-' "P ,:"' BUPP0-"! Inipxove meiitao lhal il rannol gel awoy. |.,.i VVall Streel :is :i wrathervane haa I.n de . , IBtj and nnlnistwortby. II ha ? l?een rmind _, mi often lhal even when il aeen s to tl.,. -niiiiirv ia Inellned to demand i l la Ibe ? ,; ei - Idenee ia -? u.I, ln lhifl instanee. it -I"- n?l enlirely sustain Ihe eoii ,-lii?ia*na ol Ibe Streel, Ihou li .- I ,,,,,,, rertainl.v exiala Mone) ia eaaiei in IIukIoi> ..! d ,,,,-, . ;,.... .. , iimes i ,- reporl lli H tl 're i ',?.,.,.,-,..| ... I,,- enou .:, foi ..II le?itininte hua ness . |,,l : ?, had .01 I Il.' ; ? ' '? ?""' " ''? "' ' .! thnl there ahoiild la> , litfie i iil ,/,,.. .\i ni.??l Inlerlor poinl i is still re - ,,;,.,. .... ,.| i..r ?!..- aens m. i ' ?trli . fnr ? repoi ?-!. ?? ? i ... |n -.i1.-. , tl h e rate ol ... :i nthei re I e , ,..;,- i . . i ; ? ' ? ?? ? - i ' ? ? . ? . ? ? --. in more in i ,.t.rr |, . ..i in niark. ? . ? ? i" ii aian l niom ti ? ? ? ' ? .-.?,. ? . ? : ? . ? . . ? I ? - '?? ? ' ... i: ' ? ? ? ? - ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Ihe I i ? i ,nu ? ' - ' W'.rlli ..:-...- I. I ?,, .. \ ... |es " ? ii ni - , lU-sides , I , ule ? |, ,. ? , , . , dl , , ;,...,? > ' .? 1 ..? ? - ,-ertitl .? th, I . , , \,m? ? ? ? n ,.i mIvoi , '. ? ii itn l?,. lalil ei.use ol 1 ,,,, ,.| l thi.H ??> I"-1 lal ioti ! ." n thi elp] i , I.? ? ' inr-eiiK ,: . , iiinpli i i . I liliVI ,i n theiii Ibul " <.,., i I.- ? i i .? no. iiii '?-! und el.I "? illio ii .... ,. ol ni in ? ?? I ? ?' ? SYw-York h|, ,| I .? foi luiii .a i.goinal ,.... " VVe U esl lo ? i [il be V (oi Ihe J i 11 ? i ? i. .: >,..,, ii .,m.. :i,l>. h onld ; 11 i i '..- \ a I. euta in thi e I'ei ni is ,,i ,,ir, Mi ll,ll forth*> nl, will ,,, ,., rpl l .' Seiiatorship, \ dispatrh fmni \* ?? in lon >i.,t..s lhal n ? baa i???? .i ; i ,,,i<-.| to .1 \ | |..... |a foi "a -,? ?. ii . dr\ ii >? ' Sniii'i M \\ ,.,..| ra ,. draire bu b ij ... e .?! i -, tiexl moul order 1 bij; u m in aa Ihi* id ? . >?..? ol tl ?? lawa ..t tta Reformed Pre byl ' n I hureh .... Iiibitt. metntar. ol tliat Cli i>... in eivil eleetiona Recenl l.\ Hve iatera ol ita ' hureh advoeated .i de paitn' i tlie 4'hureh'a i>> aition ..,, this a tei ti. ,. i' u this " heinn ia ain and acai dal, ?>> n ? ? ? < .!:??? h ive jual been Iried tarorr Ita bitra Prrabj lerj . and, hn i in i l....,, rmiiid | ? ... ,.,.,i |,i..|,| ii.,i . . . 11,, |, ? i i ti. lioi a ii lllll lbe.\ i. poni \o one - ,. eril ieia ? i ra* 1 ii ion . i,,, 11 h,r I, ? ill llp lll ill I lie . : [lllll llu .? ?. ||||i |,?.M ||M ,|..!?? II ili ?? , ,? l ? !??? .I1 iplilleil ,1 i ,? ? i..| ,i ??! Ihe li.wa .a tlielr ' im lliii ihe lioii arise i. .- . < 'bnn Ii i rigbl lo ,,. >? t.-si ..i iu 'iiiU'i ^i.11> - .eli , i ai,. aa this ' i ? ? ii ? .ii .-,,/.? ol the l:,|.,i:n. ..| Pi . t'liiiii-b llu piesl ? liiia nol iiui i uiuefa it,,,...-: mi .? Itul lhal ia i, imi il , ii i Ihnl dos'a n .1 loiu b Ihe [irineipl 11 e ? , nreh in i|uration mifflxl inelude nearli all the voUna - l tena ot tta couatrv. Ard ttan i*c ahould have the Bpectacle of a rellgioua iec1 de ptlvlna a va?t hody of citltena ol ttalr eonati tutional righta, and prevenUng ItarB from doing their duty as citiaen.. Il ll iBtitnated thal th. trial nf theae youn? Biini.tera wlll rewtlt ln a geccsion, and the probabiUtj I. thal the eeceealon will tncliide mosl of the Churck One thins wc are tnu^hl by the Fayerweather wil| ,,..,,.... ., tbins oftcn tnughl tafore, hul which apparentlj rannol Ia- taiignl too often. N .,,.,..', , wise l i. his K-eneratlon wlll rtisp - ,'.. hj pstatn i. lie iroea along. so ia tn leave a* I,,:;,- is powdMe lor ln- ex.tora to do for bim. ? ^ rlevcr otaerver ha. aptly deacritad the Demo-1 ,. ,,?,.. wheu ni power aa aa oraanizedlappe ,?... I. nny one want. an illuatration ..l thia, | ,H |linj tnrn hi, eyei toward Bwoklyn and ob-j .,,..,. ,??. ,|pHra*rate aeramble wbh-h Ia ln pro e ,,.,. ;;?. j lstiee.hip which StarilT-cie I Courtney will vaeate when he takes his new and more jurr tive offire. Day after day delegatien after dPloa-iitinn calls ap?n Mayni H.apinin tta . ? .., this, thni and ita other candidate. whoae .?ohiima-are preaented with more or loaelo'ineuc. ..,.,?,.a.v untll il would aeem lhal the ob . . :. ,<,,.,. uasanlta wo-.ld ta tempteil lo , r?ai hia llngera In hia rara and vow to choose ,,?? ,he vneani plaee a man who had no elnita* am, ,.? rrienil. to . I eni Tta apectacll to j [Hi from tains. an rdifj in oi e. a> -?n," RppahlbV "t SI. I.. uis, Bi ,'"- lhal al Ihe ? ... , .. ,, . ol the !...?ivl.iinr.' -I Alah ma on? j ... . , ..,:. rra introd ed ? blll provullti! for tlie | incor,..1.ravilh, M., aa band \Ve ta ,iHiklH, ,,,.,. , ,. |awH -.1 Sew-Yaprk ol ,.?? ita. lt:i x?"""-. ?"' own LeR,*la1 '"' , ;. ,,,. i?,..,ri.orr.te.l a hi .as ..and, il Ia a wonder. I .rated almoal everjthina ? I--.-._ /7./:v/\ (/.. Ura Relva Loetc-.I ha 1" '??? '''?'<' ';p to ' ?? ,. ? ... ?. I. u .. ; ite foi l*a Mr lohn -.. W '? ? - ' ' ' . . ? . .i i .... II i: - rtll .hortly re! ... . ' thetreal ? : ? i . ? fHlrd. ? u<!,i-wr.i ? ..... ? ? ? ? i '?';"? . :""r"' . ... ? ,,,?,..., ? ired In Si-ra ? ? -eptl'-i ? ? Mr.K.K. I I . , ' "*r. ? Vivlii a. ? ? ? ? \ ? ? ? ? ? ? ' " , > - l mi TAL& "! rBE DAT. M i .-..- li . ;? '? '??? ? -t >''"?' ? l tli.U ' ? ? I i ? ? ' ? ? ? ? ? .'!??? ? I! | ? 1 ? ? . Ii:ive nnvt . || nd ? ? ? ? II. |.;.l li ' :i I . '"I Ihe ii , v-,,.1 h. .? wln l - n. wlnp y.i ,i| - I'm ?' .11 If I WIIS ? ,| uli.i i llti ?! | ,. ? ,,';....,,.?.' , (, | | .'? I ..?.. ? . , . ? Kim I i lo ; ? i ? ? . ' K .,.., | . ! Me. rv, Natl . >?l edient, I'hll i i fiil. Vh w ,.. , || \ ml i-? li. i ? ? .' .,'..??. \.i ,1 , -s ., .' I ' : ,: \ , I ?' ? ,: ? I,'.. ,.l " ? S',. I ? ... - ? I ' ; '? ? ,: ? Ih,. in n Ihe I x !? ? i , | ,,,,. - |,,ii iim. ? ?? | ?? S ..ii .i ? it i?ii'| ui ii. I. ..I h lor) ^ , ,, i,l I,. \ : .. ii ? I Itt'j l.'l.l n.e I, irioi i ?! ii i) a.) !?? i-. i I au ., ,.,i ? mi.,-.. I ?\e i ln iiiiel l.?ld hei ., ? ii.i a w i. tluil l l, id .ie ln .?? in ,1.- ni) ,,. |,, in\ ,,..--? I t.avi*- lliere . ? I..,,??? >|ie i ii it to li-r ,,ii,,.. uepltea. ' ' hl. ?.? > I. Ibu - |t,., , :.ih l'i ??!, - ??.".? W.?l ' ? : ' -? I'llt \..; -\ ., pr.Inenl rolored, .'. h ! ,:-.l lhal i l _ _,. i ? d| ih- c ui tl.-. a . nlored < ler s .re iKiioi-.iiil "i Inimonil. t'.nnnientlni on thls sbtteinent i.,. -,, . v?rh V?e' (. ,;...'! . ol rlai rlty, .\--; ?? II , .. .,| i' - , : i.i i.i. i,i- ,ii,,l -\|m-. len, e ol l*rofe?or , | i prel .,-? , ? ; .i med, ? meiable nnd lop r..\ i.,- .... prt-uclier* >? "bltnd leaders ..( Ihe blii.d-1 the taaue , lllll0| i- pn.perly ...>" h) makh.a i.?- ..t one ... i?,n, ,,f tiiem, liul hy ;?.. ?,' Ihe rooi ol tbe evll ,h,i ,,,,;.. tti ll. II the roiidil .1 i ' ' ? - .-. :.-. the) ,,.,. ,? v\'e ii ? i .. I .ii.-, i. iblea We mual rare i iinplea mt, , ? i.i-i,.' , ,| ,n the \-\. IV* Mi i Itam'l yo i \i, \p ,i. i-iitt) ? i .!<< i'i i.n ??'. aii mli ?? i. . , ile tltat I lie . i ...i <?.. ( > rop tli ye ur ? ,a i?. nii.ll* ' Ih hi Ih .1 ..I -i..v v,- ii .i i ? 1 - -1. li, I-,- -., I) (la) nl ii. Vtehl .,i. rop k ? and Mintu i,- Itallioiid, ,i,i .i ralh ... i man \. terdny, , , Il |lli ntl\ l.ill-il on Ihe i,.,.l lli il >l in . ,, |, ;.i ,inl It iicci .ir) to IV | i..- Ihe I .. ? ... |o in ike i i .. ? -I ?huti'ver Ih ') l. II. ?'. II,.. , n-:i|... I 1.11(1 1(1 IIII i.'.l II l.'iin ti.tlllC alll'll, ? ; |m| ,.i au aiilmal had I- ?;, kllle.l, and uii n m- reporl ... to r - ipeiinlondeiil ol ? i... k . laim ? "one <t._ a rom_>lalul (. a lartner aaa r-.i-ivcd l,v M.nager rinrk, In whleb H.e hlilin? of a ratnable , ... i.v tho bante i?-? r-tifrttic was reUied. The letter ????. referre. t.. the to i-lalm aepartmant, bul no r..|,..,.i from the enuli. ?.f the train in i|ue lloii couM i... fonnd. Mr. i i. ,i. nt 1 ,. of the n ,?'. nHim . Joh i Vorto i. and .1 Ice1 l.?,, v. i.v I10 : i ? . '? ' ? ? . with tta oow. ?? -D,d!,-t !;,",..?- i | tta 1 iM Norton. ?? >y<mi remcmber hlll $ tlie eo ? (ertiitnlv aud I klowed up when ihe rolled vm ?<\ ber biH i.. bul she ??? i\ A Ii 1 I --t lor me to -1 ;.,?. ,i. ,:,!i, : .,' i ?'.? waa all 1 .-ht.'-illtt-buri MUS1CAL COMMENT, RUB1>*STEIN'S RESIGNATTON 002ICEHT Of Tili; ARION SOCIETY -BIOGRAPHY IN RHYME MR. THOMAS'S AN SOUNCEMENTS. The moet Interestlna; blt of mt lllgaaee bMiIbI e.iiii". from Burope Ia t week waa thal coejeernln. 1.ublnste n's :???-. ."i-itio-i of ihe dlreetorahlp <.f ta. -?t. lutrg Conaervatory. Tta newa raaaaed bo aaaoa* : . .? ..?.,- ? , ?? fiteadi or tta tudeul of mualeal aftalra abroad. 11 baa beea t .:? - ,iia- tlme thal he waa distal ifled. an. Ma I : ,,,.,| ,,. iirnatba - ?<? mooteal even al lie Ma , || v.mitrj v , ?? r I o ?:? 00 his j,:1,"- , ! .-?.. 11 i- iii.-,'i llme tl. <t K-iiiin , taid down tta Irtwome dutie* ol U al OBaea. ii.- ?.-.., ihe leadln. splrll ,1 tta foiuidatlon ol ttanoa* IRffi, u 'i ?raa It* Hre1 dlreeaor. Plv. . , oarrelled a Ith ota. .1 hia aasat atea ln t'i" r,. ,,1-v ., id ,?'?, ? ? ?-'? In ?*? aatobtoaaapaf, I ,., ., !??: ? i.*i'!.' - On '. "????< Ol tta :.. mentlons tta rlrcnmatance. . ? ? ....: | ...,,.....? ?ra ? partl. ' ' baati l,?i ......i,,H ? no fiirthci e plauaU ?i. Ii i--7 , .:..,),,,,:., htlp nf the ' ?,: ervat, ry, 1 /, ,.? .,. \ : , liewskl md I..M.I ' ... ,.,,,. profrroNH. and Immedlalelv bejra 1 to labor . ,-. i.;. . ,,.-1 ll- revi -1 ? . ,....,, ..,,11-, ihe 1..1 of ttal '? ,; .. !,. ae belleve. enj Imp. ?: : 1 ll ,,. ilf ol .. beno .,.?? Honthat to I Inst Rm aa , larar stare ol the , pect ?(...!i ,< ,..,j.,'., thouKfa i,:- own ...-,,;.- lUons are ? i | ? : ? . ,.? -:?' 'I : W* .. (whlrh I, i b| and l ? a-lthoul a pridc 1 ' -t ? . i aalkowsity. Had* . ; I, I | ? ,.,.i b do* . ? ' aave a*aa. ,,1; ),?, are le arell k. on I d< ol . ,-.. it ii intere u- - '?? note thal I ? ,.,,,,:?.. ,.!..,. ,.- it sra orbrlnatcd bj Rublnsi , .... K loBTl* IV, -!>???: - '?? 1 R I teln ? f.:.| llli.t U ' ? ?: :' ?": ? - , ,-alory, ' * l eonl ????' ' ' ?a ? ? Vi ?? ' ' ll . ? ?? \ . . . . . t :?? had ? ? ? .; ? ? I - '?'-'' I . ?? : i .. v | . - n I ' ?? i told vou that I '? ,- ' ?'" .. .A,,, , .. all ar. d-.*cnbo you i ? - ..a :' ? .. , . ... yoq ar. the son of a ,. aaeh ar. 01 l . _? ?.. . | teln eoenmeatai ?? Kn uOclan, BBlsjcaaaltp th r lands, 1 id In B*aeta B0 ? v, . ... w Kilnka, Bitee all I A ... - ienaa> l . ? ; ? t; ta . wb ?" er aa per. -, i..u-vn> ? .-?,--.?. .., pedacoffaa. .... t| lattaa .....-,: I \A I ? . ,.,. ,| .;. rhedea bf thi Kaaan CBtsaadral eaUaal fortn ? ' ' ; ' ?* b**ta. mo, a:,d bev ' ? ?'?? saad * h0lv'"1 ,''' The ? ' I th. 1 ... ... ... | Mp. \.,a d. Stl ' N of tha l 1 irt ol ? ' ' ?. 1 : - - ' ' I ..:??-' ' - ll-r . ? ? I ? ' ITs ?<?'???.' . , XXIII. a '' * l s . I- - ' .-???? luens " '. , ? .- 1 W-r Vi ?-??.. I ' .... I I ? . - '. III ? ? ? Ir. B ?? ) ... 1 , ? ... ? ..-.-, ?????? I . ? ? ? ? . t I'.-.:- . hiel ? ? 1 , ... ? , ? prelicnaion t ? ns ?'??? ... , . at tha i . ,\ i .,., ? . Mi - i ? that I ,ert* , ? , ? ., ,, ni-erl I tll April le'.U. . ... adds. will > lo ( May. Xcxt s> i : ? ? rt u,:1 ' ''? ? : nnd th, .... ilterC. Wyoii I . )l i , , . . .... pi,- a .? partnre ha nol dla ?. :, . IIIU. '. aa i rooklyu 11 ? ' ''" . | . ?. tMlfc ? j \ - t-> .... i ... ? that Mr. 'I ?.,. Iim-.I lu i- in i - ? ? . -?''? , . .1 , mdui lor lor ( ,v i kt. ....? ,i _ U> do * I . i ... ? d ' ... .. mi. i. ,i .i - ii i- the i-?? Mr. Thomii did -? m.n li to atimul . : alioiil th- t.te ol ailuu^ whi '? Wr. ' i ? .v ? ? ? K aa lofty. ? rtous ...<l .... i ,. ,.i, .1 , ultui ' \ iienc . hi, ii,,ii ial Uin ? i- n ?' pa-i. ! ii.i-t.Mr.-l ' tra tha* ',.,,;? |. ildi appn.' ?>' ? * ? ' ? , , ' ' \ *.\orii than now. I v a .. itv LI , euviini lai. hoa ver. Mr. . ,,..::. . N-v Vorki. ?ure. I..- - ? V. tMi .-'??? .....i piii wiUi him regrctfuliy. ev. i . bclieve that iuu?b will dep.rl fro I ,, ail will remalii. and tlien ? > artuta eanieatl) devoted to hei and . ? e.rated i ? her . ? , ,. | . are do nol belleve tl .? Me. will i .- ... ?? p ? ? _! Mr. fhou ? tliwi ..he l..c ..... >.i^ di.pei k?d wlth. We .hall he tnuch ki thal nl i leeaac .*:?> .,,,,..., i iiito, whieh v. ii brlng hlni b? k t.a ,'?,, ,.,. .,.,..,.;.. ol the Phllharmonl. Soeiety. l.nx.h i',.. ti.a) nol ' a able to adopt a In u Plai . bul . ?. i..i , ,.f the IMillharaionlr ?>. let. tn - - ? ,.,. | . |,,,, svmphony ??i?t.?--r..? .i.?l Mr, Slhheh loi ,il,. , ,. -n i !... I.n -i. ----???'. ; .- publl ?-.U ,,,. be I.r? b) Ihe rhang. ? u iaationi Wilh ...i.i.|\ .ui i\i-|ii...n Uie in..-.. .1 <>...... i. ra ,,f iliiH wock have .,li. .d) i-? u referred to ? .,, ;,.,. Jnii uul i,> tnghl - Der \ u ,;i I Sl> ,.;.' will n- K|".... .1 :.i Ihe "I1 -. and i?l?ni ,?.|l, will irlve .. ,,.... .. wltli Ih*1 help r sianor .nd . "- .-. iti . i... kerlini Hall. I" morruaf , . j t'luh will -nt.-rf:...i it- rriend ... ? in-k ,., ,, ||aII, ond Mr splrker wtll .ive hia Ur-i romerl ln l(l .,.!,. on \\ i..1 i ?? I aunhaensvi ' ?.n be ,', ,.,.. , >|i i i, , in Phi . . , -." ? ' ?'?'? Chnr.h i Itoral Socl.t) alll loke plaee ln -i rhomaa'a .,. | iln, ihiril . ."""i. under the, e Scidl soelet) will l..- .Iveti In Iti ?? ?). l\.. Meyerheer. '.. |.|,,p broughl forward al Ih. ? >ja I'rlda. evening m l "' ohengrin" i- rep il ii al I ? nuitlnee on taati.rduv. Tho aork ?.ll end on ^..tu. lay ui.ia wiih tha loiirlh ol Mr. b< wtt i llruokU'ii tw watrla,