Newspaper Page Text
NEW-YORK, THURSDAY JAMJARY 1, 1891.-TEN PAGES PRICE THREE CEKT8. 7HAT W/TER- SUPVLY JOB. UATOR OHAPJ> REGI TO ?(OW AS13ITT. Who owni the btock ^apply Company, that ibout to pay $l,2?6,tin< ttepped in v \\h a* iajtv t.ay* hf (iwns 2,490 ?ha the own? of this ronV par.y and the niaater tbroujrh a Mran^-o *\pe tafrne-rt. abont t.hirty a protninent roembc? o l?rg* contraotor on ?t Stv .lohnland, of Staples, the own r, offio*. whcre Slanlea *? ?* 8 **OCK,a*BDWAKI) v? H. .\n U? L? in kland Water "Jl?? oi Brooklyn wa? ?I wb?a Juatioe Cullen ^aft ? Cyrus E. Staplrs , ou* of the 2.500. As .! ui int?iest in tbe cow ita affaii-A, he parocd vt ? h*? ui? offW jn Mon **?. Edward Freel, ? "flroaklyn rin? and n 1*1 contljr county fann kwl mto thc ofiii* tnd into the mir ?t his desk. Scv eral people *at in th<" otit*r aijioe. in a fow mimites they were >tortlefl a? htarin? Froel in a loud ?oiee, heratinf Stajple* in )an>iiia<re of the tnosti abuiijp w<rt. ^hov* the dist irbance Fr*v! rould he heard saying that if Rtaplf did not pet bao.k a contract and deed ri?ht .c },,. wonld "lix Hm." F?vl w.\m atati linc ovcr Staplrs, ihc fwnfr. who ait at hia do-'-: wjth hoard head, and ?Md . "1*11 pi\ f \ou ?\rent,\-( . ir 1. >nrs to iret back that eoBtnot a*d I'eed, or 1*11 .n;ike it hot for you. Voii liad no bu?'rK**- to acll tb it propcrty whatever.*" Onr of tbosr outaid *a? Mrtmii to know why St.iplos thc owrnr. > i raiited witll ID( sh roook nes'< io abuso and t*|rrata, and on m:ikin^ in , . r\ !?(> fftivnd that >-?plrs and his yoang son in-law. Trrcaiiin. who I -incs as tho prcsidont of the Wator t'otnpany, I aoM taboat scvrn arrcs of tho land of thc eonpany, and tlio denaneiatiom of Fro^l wcre callod fcrl hv flndlnf tliis ont. The r?ult of thr al'uso waf 'hat Staplos, tho brokor, wfnt 1^ thf lawypr wbo v irrbasM it and toM him hm dilcmma and a*k? '. that'the land he givea . baok. The.appeals of Stap!<- Wd liis friends so workgd upon'the teelinp. o! Ihe l?wy? lhat he eonsontod to o-ar.rel tho eontraot M I |tiv? up liis rljrhta. To thosc who havo know of thll it is lndicrous to hcar thal he olaisaa n-'uto ownerabip. The fact is that } i r.l Vroc! It tho rentral pivol of the eomblnnt thal really atauds he | bind Stap'cs. It is ' **bo exajninea the bnoks ) of the cow?rn ajid wtnii >' Staples fnithfuUy por ? form his part of flgarr ? . l-ownor. Tho rost keep kidden. The fricidity thal wn >unda the Mayor'e ofih-o Wu sliphtly initigatou lesterday and the Mayor, !Who hns *o lon^ been .?allne tiw blood Qj in quirrrs with his own a pution of " Nothin' to aay, my dartcr. notbln' al I ? aay,'1 beeame exclted and apoke ont in mert - Tho nicoiin- WM ? ceuncil between Mayo: Chapin, Controller Jack K>n. Auditor Kutan and irporation Counael Jenka. They had a l..r.^ aod i rncal conreraation in fhe fcUyer'i <>nVe i" the ? " rnooa. Tbe Mayor bcaid to call for Phl ?>. his privi te aecretary. and, as PblUipa ent? , Mr. Chapin eried oul "W? tnast havo this - in Noyea Palroer!" and the othors Mid tho I Tho Mayor thon toMPhillipa to go tmmediately t* tho bonae ol Mr. P *i and bring bitn al all rvo::!?? liack '>> tb< ????? It bi Dol known vbether Phtllipa iuwW or not. Noyos <>. I'ajmer is tho r.nri wl make* afiidavil thal |>noi to Mav l. I8!M?, andAiortly after tho si<>< k ol the oomp-.nv wu ptt?aed by Staplea, he neard kn objected to makina. ? g . it\- wator maiiu oempany, *',"', ahoad ret-ponaible for tbia." i m aftej n ud Kiid ^ ? ol inano .it :\ pni'it i h.-or t'iotlior beeaiwc I Trecartin >a\ '<> a to? (onDection bftwetl and tii>o ol th< tn* d'. 11 I Mr. P?h: r; . I t'mt tho ? ?whor# tv.f. m ina w* it waa too puMir i f li Ni. Mtliorit> for lh< i iU o!v for additioi ofi',|i) (w found i ' i < t f'iT\ \Vork? yiMord up in Brooklyn witho is tffcprword tilod lt ?iftifo h>T twent \ Hve thoro for twicf ' tii rii>f. . \ '-1 :\<> po*#ra. l^tT,.^ | :. | to ) i vo bf I .;?? I '? p ?: 'Mi'TT i n?] i-. - unfi ?? t> fn ih \d i-iis cotdi 1.1? irtfi II* t.? tkf ? ' tho < nfoxAod oonnootion. madc ? in oa'so of tiro, ii ? .i tbr Commiail.r So -tn-ot caa be lor*. - vt iii'on ijormit, which . Uo!i tho lio.s; "t lliat rs ibal any paper tilod wl tinv could ht found ?I t ho oprnins, nor the w itten by the offleeni ,,' l )?? roiind, aad Mr. e? ild not lay hand i?n -. ..a l?y a I ribune aa cnyaged with one rtiuent. rerhapa they itei itealintf. Ti.o reeurda ol ihe A*shor's offlce were alao ?oBPwhal diiilurhed. / rihune rcporter a?ked Ibomaa A Wih. i>m rwident "i the Booni 0f Aw^ahora. for Ihe sv , btateroent <>i E. II, rtin, made in J"lj it, ;is to tho propertj ?f tbcLoni! I?*;?*i-1 Watr-tMippiy Company. Tb? Winpftl ???- wfused, and >t v>iuo heaitation Mi W,;<?,-: -..?' n v..s in t tandi <?i i?c!-(v>ii> eon 11 -. l wilh ihe '?.??.<?. b ie \\;ik uol al liberij i,, icll the eircumatanoe ||?> wbm aaked aboui i!.,? ?--?-- ? -t ii by saying tbal wm oel down "> 'ii'ii-l >,, ;,ijl Ibal by ll Ne? LotM Annrxation Aci ? ?.,,; thoy were pr i ied imoe? iiitf lai< |n ih.' Twenty-aixi Wur'i on any othei Ira w >k they were dix'idi l int? loio and o niap wai fa i i ? ? ?: is i)ii)i?a , orrect, for later a ??.mi iH?n tlw awin n s ment, niade in J hjf 1 ir. irsiu. \v.-> o'-tail. lt says t!ia> I n-,i! eoute ?: ibe QMnpanyi wortfa 1^15,400, tbe nw od "all iIm- j,,.s, maina, eondt t* nnd hydmntk altox'e srounal | under ground" r* wutli Si :., ?o, niakins a i< value of -<s :;.1 ?" jlo abo Miyt lhat a dix*idfci UHs never been ? i larc i ou ihe >tock, and t: \\ ,H n.'t wortl i<j rsi oi-d .*??' ????. "i in 1,1 (-r $'??.'.."'"' ibia ioriei '??tli in July. In?c ,,Ik-i io wrob io ii.o Ma.vot oayins lha) Ihd ?? (-st;ito waa wi ;, J | ", iitid lhat ihe s ,_ which h>" ?> i *v.^ worth $0V??'?i v--'s w. , |] 500,000. m ui _|,',s<''' *?" ?:l' "?' '':'' "' er ornl frorn B ,. Uial in Julj ) t s.i i nevei p -, dividond. Ihi-io i> inothei dhkcrrpaj between tbetao ?tateaaenta lle toli.s the 'il)r tbal I* i txrrnty-eiithl acrea ol bud t>, ]; 'jhc l i ?]\ nineteen and ? Ji a,.iot,. Tbctix'. i) m tbe tjoaopany t.. h ivreniy-u'01 in?l ? n.r? ol pipea, ' ji0 \i,. Tw : in told tho Mayoi it bad ost-i tift .,,irs. Tben ?aa ? grvol "i iniH'-la.Mii*; duj..,Plween Jul^wd Octoher. a oomprtent eivil engineel ,, ],;?) exaomcd the plaiii aaid y?t>>nla3 (.?nM hc . j.- j a - CM'?? i (Ol !vsb tiiuu *fr','<'''.?i'". ,,<? compU .a* M.nti"l it'. ?:,!?..?.?, puupinji iia t.|,e expuMi of thc urtttci tkW i ? ytua I Marfltc lefl Hi<">w !uSt pight iie ntmi Koint: huntlnjj anfxually "'h rked that rab*'iib wore imhwhxmI "f .-nt ?i-n'>' | A ltilii,'.i? n-jiiiilt-r vc.sf?,rdiijM,.;wj Upoii ut<vl bi it??N uatriet-Atuirnej '<"*? ? ? ?* .*, n -mti ? n.l l.irn i" 8v ?ettlUi Up thc anralj> . j,,,, .?! j,,, t!i<> ftid'of ttie M'i't. H<-,| t<> *-. ? his (ipiriiop ai> ?w ?'>'? legal b*iie al???,. jn th*?,tcr ?ttk* 4mI DlCfft it. BO liiw that OaO ?Ht.,rup ? f.tud," Iie paid Iie mld'<l that he tlioufthl $1. covfM th? froutad, aixl wunid m)' h?? morrJ J?den<:k 1' lVlt.ii>. apccirJmi tii? .. Iin,.. tion, viid : "In. nuy judcmcnt taxpayer ku)1 likc^fc.:* atr in the intcreM r,t gowf (uvenu&tAgjd a *Mt*- eondition u'V)ga ciU/c i cari l>e foiind who dares t* | , invettigalion of w^at he b*|!h've? t%,. a able uae of publh- m*"neys. l*rof#?j , tranttction* of puhlic iniportanoe hv tortuoate, if there i> notninjj to c~ Ibe faet* ftUtaad in the pwdiahed afhdavtt* ?an hc Mtabl'.-,:.ed, I ?hMi to be pUiii-. 'ff ih her thau dcfeiidah ?ult *It ia vcry duhi.uit (?> itrlu've ?trriUYt a tudge a* Justtce <ull? grantcd eveu' a u?tuporary Injunct iMTtaOt aod public a matter aa U jjptiltB'fclfTa' wovk?a papeta have cudt Ull l?" >n no Hihlic IVition >? in v un irld lf i and ?prefer > Ht OtfDt* ltave io im |U*a the Uprun* %2*?m*ki 7fi& ftftfg* eonatltntional ?trong oneT^ * *kfler ta ?n exceedingly pla^by^B ict"of tfec 5m.t!!V*',t lln,it pbaat. ia attl] .trongtr. ' authori?la? tfie pur no intormItion ABorrr rr yet divulqed pTHEftUjJCIPAXS. PARNELL BkCK 1H U>XW>S. m ^^ ^ PARIS-?Tttr. FREEMah.8 JOURKAL'MIOM. 1UL OF A SETTLEMETT-MR. O'BRIET TO r.IVB HIMSELF UP TO THE POL1CE TIUS MOXTH. Bonlogne-sor-Mer, Dee. 31 _u?.c? n_,. _ , ., *3W aanonnrement has ret been mado of tho tla* niMi ptaee of J ? ferenre, bet*een Momn. p^,,.,, m4 " ?"? IMrkW to letvlng thl. elty He..,,. Parnell and o'Brlen. wbo w?re praetleally be.lege?l at J^-S d.. l.o,,vra by a ?mall army ot a^rafZr repmrnt.uJ?I ,.f n,,rlyal. nationahtk*. .ggg i22T2Z nny urthcr statomenU to tho pre*. Both aald that Ihe short rtataaaert mado by them Iwt night wns. by mutnai ?gwaaaant, al that eanM be aajg ,t present ooa oeralni the Mgotlattna in pragM, between th4, two art.oIlS or tho irish party. The atatoment referrod to wa< as mllows: "Haaata. Pwnell and O'Brlen tora tn-day. They had a prihaajH converwtlon. whlch wiii be ?e-nmed in a few d*>g.? Tho general bapreartoa whlch prevalled amfcng tlioso wbo had amtehed tka confeeence from outelde the eouneli ehamber in the Hotel du Lonvre, was that no dennlte. deomn had been reaehed, thongh nothlng haa actiuilly been Karned oonflrmlng such an tmpresslon. It lt expected that Mr. Parnell wlll return to Frarro In a fow aars, and that tne lonferenoc wlll be resnmed, probably In tbii <-ity. Pnrb, Dee. 31?Me?s. O'Brlen and 0111 returnod here to-d u fron BouloKne. They have warned tholr fr.o?d> i,..i Ui aeeapt as truc any stetcmani Ihey nn.r eeai or bear an to the rcsuits of the conferenw with Mr. Pamell yesteraay, Whil- Ui Irata by whirh Mr. O'Brlen travellert from Boologne, made ua stop at tho atatloa at Lonpcau. M. de CMcaRt ac Depatg for the Dcpartmont of Oera, wbo h?<! been rfandipg on tlie station platform. boardod the train and muodnred hbnaeU to Mr. O'Brlen. Daring tlie shon i anreraalloa whlch lollowci, M. de Cashnpiac ?;iid be "' anxloiis to expross hli sympathy for thi< Jn^h ,;>;;?.? and tae intoirs.t which he took in the nitui? of Ircla: i al the criMs. Tlio XlXfl Bleele" say^ it know? thqt n hot and hostlle di?u*ioa took plure .ve=terday at tho con betwfta Messrs. i?aiT?ll and o'I'ricn. al Boadogne *nr Mcr. Thl*. dlsctu on, accordinn fo the -mcI ' !.i led nntil toward mlJniaht. and renders a reeoncillaUon between the ]rlv?i -uder^ hljlily im probal !??. London, Dee. 31 .-Mr. Parnell Hrrlvcd ln this ?tv hvday, on bla return from Btrattrgnf In ;m intervlew wlth ;? reporter, at tha ("haring Cro*s Kallway Sta? tion. Mr. Parnell sald he \? iiuifo hlmRolf again. His eye was well, and he VM in better heal'h than for a lonp timer Ho intended to spond ahont ten dnys qii!. ' Avondnle, nnd he wonld then rcsunie. his eaaipaign In Irelang. He would begln by geJrvering art die - ' I.i'iieiifk and Wnteifoid. D lin, De.. ;i1.- ?The Kreeman'R Jonmal" todny anm? - timt Tlmothy 1). Harrlnpton. M. 1\. wlll proi \\ be preaenl al the next BMOtlng hetweon .Mc ? I'arnell and O'Brion. -The JournaP b al-o of i . nplnion that tlie outi-vk for a settlement of the tnatten- in disputo amonR ihe Irlab leaders is honoful. a- ? ? !--?nif interchanga of vlews wlilelt took jilaeo r Ht Boaiogne-Mir-lter mnat have tended to . \ ? ie i.8~i<. of an apHvment. I'ara'l) wenl to Brichton from London, Monday ni- ' and returnod to London yo-torday mornlnp in ? cateh the tnail tr.iin for Polkottone, where hc " ("hannel steamer for lionlofme. Tho. report^ P -ii.-d tc ih" effect that Mr. Parnell went to ParU, w re ^!r-. O'HnW is -tavlnp. are nntnip. Tlie l>iih)in Expre^s" ir?-day mya'that William OT-rlen. vl 1'.. intend> to ?Mrrendef hlmself Io the I ? . ii 1\ in .latiuary. In order to *erve two t<-rm-< uontha' iniprisnuTnont to which he wa? sentenr<*d ??ih'r "? hr d^f-.ilt dur-'ur hl? rerent al^en'-e r tiuteii -tHte-i-in tlie Oourl at Clonmel, on Mte i ..f bavlna eotiaplred to lnduce tonant* on the. utx c-tiite^ ncit u> pay rcnt, Thr lentencea, ! ? ? -r. are to rnn oonenrrently. \t the ??iw" timo !?<?. mid by tlie -.ame rourt .Tolin Di'Ion. M. I*.. (l the same ^e.itonrfN as Mr. '1'iirlon, and i?'i;iii'i!. M. l'.. and .loifi Cnlllnane were eacn ?^1 to ~i\ raontba' Impriaonneat. while mosk|>. i- U'll-h. Patrifk MocXIer, and Daltoti were con mned lo Impiiaonment for fonr months eai-h. All ? ??ntence? wcrc wlthont labor. TO ask MR. BALFOUB F(m BASIXB TERMS. Dutilln, Doe. 31.?A nnnber of porebaaen of land the .\-liboiirrio Aet, In Killiettny Connty, *id in fvumty wiii petttion t'hi'f Rerretari KaMtmr m rednee tho amonnt of the annual payawnti iliey to make, atid to eatead fhe pnlod in whirh they ? to repay the money bnn-owed. RETIPROI'ITV liKTWF.KN CANADA AND HAWAU. Ottatra, l>er. 01.- Polonel Ashfo-d. In oharee of tho milltaty fort-ea In the llawaiian I>land-, i- liero. in ? vi.winp tlie Domlnhm Kovwnaaant the poeel tv ..f ?onie reelproeal tiado arrangeaieiita. Colonel \hford aajra the toplc of the honr at I'ome i-< tlio MrKlnley bill and it- retotlon t-? the mear trade. I iat llawan mav rome nnrter th? Anterlean nap, . ,!,.n.i Ashford tliinlt>, i^ one >f the po-ii.ilitie. of tho uear future. THB TOMB8 OF t-IX POpE< D18COVERBD. Rome, l>e<-. 31.?The preahtent of the Pontiflrel Arademy of Arehneoiogy, al a moetiiiK of that Ktltullon t/xtay annooneed Ihe dlaeovery of a ba il > n |he Chareh of st. Hylveatcr, eonlalntaR tlie tomba lf .IX pones, Inebtdlng tiu.t ol Popo Byhreater f, who N-oupled the Papaey fron. tlie year :it4 to the ye*r i-j'i. RISMARCK PAItTELUXO f>TT "'s ESTATBH. Ilaabnrg, Dee. 31. The Hambnrg "Oorraepondent" s.-,v- tiiat Prlnee BUmairh Intenda abortly t<? hand over hbi eatatea M Varaln, Sehonhaaaea and Brhonaaj Ln !n- rtMW Herborl and WUllam. rotslninc onlv for ii,i,i-oif the older porUon of liis praperty, Frled lirh-inhe, Inetnging >u(h-enwal<l. ?? AMF.IUCANS TV ATIIKNS AT A RFCKPTIOX. Atheaa, Dee. 31.?ttfr E. S. Moaaon, tlie BrltWi Mlnlater, today beM a pleaaanl receptioti and entor tained (he loadlng menfaora of the Brttbti and Aaaerl rm poioi.i of t'ii< rapital. Among Ihoae preaent to d/, i.onor to the orcaalon was tho Hetr-Appwamt, the .,?)?. nf Kparta, top-ther witi. the Dn<<heaa of ?parta, i d aii Ihe yoangee nieaibera of Ihe royal fanniy of tireeee. RKVOLT OP 8TABV1NG BIClUAJt VKASANTs. B mm !'?-<. 31.- a iaiw nunber ?f poterljr-ctrickon Klclllan peacanta, in want ol tiie nceetwitlca of lifc, ....,,.?,iv broke throujrh iB !?-?=??? iwtralBti and. ha M,-<M by.waat, revoMed acah.-t thc aatfcoHtle* The* ravaced aad plundered Mm Seterm't '-tates. M? Monte MacRlnrc, and r&id?<l ir.anv htW . ihnt rojrion ?,. nhtaln provliJoo*. Tli* Bcndm-mos WCft rjOfd out, rialof. ,_. ^_ \ BIOODUDH Hl-EL OVER PRF/EIlENfF.. Vle.M.a Dec ::i.-(nunt Eranr Dcvm. the Au.'rian \mi*s^dor to Otmi isrlt.l.?. ai.d Wt** UttOfc 2?Mtari of tlio AwtWaa Bfbiaiy In London. fought a nuel ilear thl- Cttf t<nlay. ??*?*? wre Uie wci.pon* ?i?-ted for the cnrountcr. Hcvcrol ahota wcrr cx r^ngod. hut nelther oi thc mm *M hfc The ??an*l .. i i-H t? aka ducl orltfnaled ?i London. and WM !2SL*Sl a dspue over ItK- <l?estioj. wlii.-li of llm MoM&Vi??aiiltmli l?vo procedetvco on aorial autj ofildal occa*iona TO ASK THE POPE *0 Bl ARBITRATOR. . !??.. iw 31 -The ?ovcrnments of Portuwl and Uiat In <??? II Rn<1 1>Mkt ..ogol.atlo^. ?h-yj aPPCa^ wtttrment thc laxi'urt^sftvs ?utitnaum of u frlendly rower. _^ i ?nv DE ROS (ST1LL AUVt iw\l-The rt^ort of the death of LadJ Londoo. D*- ??,? ^,y d, Bo? 1? ?ti:i allve. ?...oa niNFKRRKD MV THE QIEE>' <***? ^v^rtC?rafo; ??r a*'*** Robtaeoa and Jndiw et the Vle* Admlralty Coart. to made a knliht, and Mr. Sotbei laod. chainnan of the P^ulneular ^ J)rtaDt*^s*!fm Narigatlon Company, hua been named a Knlght Commander of the Otder of St. Micaael and bt. George. THE ARGENTIXE FTNANCESi DR. PhKZK ACCEPTO THE MOD1TOBO PLAK OF THE LOXDOX COMM1TTEE. London, Dec.^l._it li annoonced that the Argenttoe Oovernment hae agreed to bny outrtght the Bnenoe Ayrta dralnage and water worki for ?6,750,000, ln 5 pcr cent bonds, wiUi the aUptilatlon that the oom P?ny chall flnlah the worka aeeordlne; to thelr original cootreet. The London coramlttee refiued last week to eonalder a modlfled pUn for the oonverskm of Anrentlnc cedolae. They met agaln Monday, however, when H waa learned tliat the Argentlne (H>vermnent, ln prlnclple. acoepted thelr pr.)po*al?. Tliey then adjourned Ull Thuraday, Dr. Plaeu's lettere to thc Rotltaohilda were rend to tlte oommlttee at thelr tneetlng. In these be awicpU the propoaals a* modlfled ln a way that had already been iwlicutwl by tlte Uothaclrild*. He ako accepU the dralnage settlement. "The Timea," in IU flnanclal artlcle thto morning, *aya on tlils aubject: -The monltlcationa merely re lat? to detaJls, except that in certein ooaco thc Argcn? tlne Governraent 1s pcrmltted to guarantee provlnciai HafalHtlce. Tnls U a *4ae arrangenient, boUi nrtonelallv and poUUcally. We are Informed that the cedula < oupoiw wlb bt pald snhjecl to a tax of J0 pcr rent. and that the coavcrklon wheme will aoon be offk-lally an nownced." ? THE OOLD PREMIUM IN BTTENOS AYRE8. Buenos Ayres. Dec. 31.-Gold to-day was quoted at ?23 per cent premlum. 6EVERE WEATHER IN EtTROPE. Qoeenstown, Dec. fil.?A hcavy ?now$torm set ln here yesterday. The storm was ?o bcvero that the Whlte Ktar I.ine steamer .Majeutic, Captaln Parsell, from New-York Deccmber '24, and tha Allan Llne stcaaicr Polyneslan, Capfc*ln Harrett, from lialtlmore lKsceniber 17, were unablc to land thelr passcngers or malls, and they thercfore proceeded wlth them for Llvcrpool. London, Dec. 31.?Owing to the cold weather pro valling thronphout Oreat, a "number of the leading Industrlct are sufferHg. The potterles, for instance, havo bocn forred to stop woTTt. It belng fonnd luiposslble to obtain workablc rlay. A larg? number of pcrsont- are thus thrown out of em plnynient. Yicnna, Dec. 31.?Intencely cold weather prevatls ln Hungarv. Tlie Danube i-i frozon over at Budapest, and l<e blotka extend from Prestibiirg ncarly to Vlenna. In addltlon to thls there 1? a diuitrtirous formation of ground he. Vlenna is meuaoed wlth a water famlnc, all of tlie sp:-ing5 whkvh furnlsh the tsupply bcing frnena a Tl ains IX SCOTLAXD KUBR1BCI RBOULABLT. t'tlasgow, Dec. 31.?The gencral managcra of tlie Srotch rallways Inve announced that ihc wtrlkcrs have been to all Intcnt* and purposcs defcated. Tlie Cale diHilan Rallway liw; alrowdy rcln.-.tatcd a largc number of thfl ttrikeia, ulr? has'c gune bark to work on the company's tcrins. Tmlns are now runnlng repmlarly. Thc Glasgow and Konthwewtern linci have rcsunicd thelr rotnplcte p?s>c?clt tranic i.ondon, Der-fc 31.?Mlchaet Davltt will pre^ido at a mcetlng of rallw:?y nifn to t>c hclrt ln I.ondon Bnndny for thc puri?ose of t>ympatlilzing wlth thc rallroad nivn who are 00 ?trike ln irotlaod. The cmntnlttee of tlie AniaigiiniaU-d boctoty ol Rallway dervaota baa'dectded to gaant the e;otco atrlksn i;:i,?kjo i<? aid them in thelr flpht, and kaa pi-onil-eJ to send them niore nioncy lf li hi reqataed. All tho who went on strlkc on tlie Olasgow and BMtlnreatcn Rallway have otferod to return to work. Moat ol them have bocn rvliistaied 111 thelr old placea, Imt ln iiuny eaaei thc men lind that tlicy nnist i-csume work at rcduced wages. MR. CHAMBEBLAIR OP THE IRI8H FIOHT. London, Dec 81.- Joaepk Chnmberlaln, in a speech at Uiiniliii-liam today. uld iliat afteff the Parncll srand;ii the Ubeial-Uniontoti apped that the uberali wonld. ;idniit tlieir mlst?kc aiid ag;iin march >houlder to shonldcr in thc aaetenl way:-- of LlbcralKm. Thc Uberato, eontinoed Mr. Chudkerlaln, now knew that Parnell lind fooled Mr. OhMtotOM to the top of his bent. It WM pos^illle. be added, that a rnmpromlse mipht he eff'rtcd at the eonfcreiu/) at Rnnlngne. Healy mlglit weep on Parnell'1 ncrk, and O'Brlen mlght blacken Paroell'* boota, ??? ? DOSSKLLY AN ALLUSCE PRESIDEXT. POLfTU tli SRT !<;;?;:. Wl.n It) (>ET TBE OfVICEi bt. Paul, Mlnn.. Der. 30.?A4 thc morninc Madaa iiir btate Fanaen' Alllaaee adopted reaotatioM of paoeedora offered by Mr. Donneily provMIng for tlw appointnent of a comnlttee on eredenUate. Pnd> Ing the roaaplettofi of that rotnntttee'i rcport on ad (ounHnent wai takei 1111 tfternooh, buf tlr t Mr. Donneily, a. btata lertarw, aelivered h! anonal ad irata. iie argaed againid faalm wltk dtber Deno vi-.\;.~ or i;<'i)uiili<-aiw. Mr. DaniMiltj referred i? watli Ing teim- Ui rallroad ?tork-w?tBrtng, payins pertlrulai attention to tlie -hoo" road, the Mmca <>f wlucb he derlared iboaM be cancelldd by tho eonlng Legls iHtllll*. Mr. Oonnellv wa? ekif-d prooldenl of tlie lariner^ Ullame of MlnncMita. recelvlna MS votw agalntt 105 fsrCongrcMman-etetl llalverton. The fv' "' Br. Don? neily N eievatlon tn thc prealdeney *nrbrl?ed no one, 110I even the ant -Donnclii men In the Vlllanee, battne nianner in whlell be reallaed hk ambltlon pruved that ?ie i? a na?tar of polltleal dneaae. Mr. Donneily rc \i-fd tlie order of biwlne??, and brongfat the eictlon of priMdeni hefore the i.iiivcntioii a> Minn aa the rcport of the fommittee on f:red-?nrlali had been adopted. Tlte 'onvntion irm not preparcd Ibr thto, and in order tliat h I* leaally done it ??- nere*aary to nupend the hv laa-x of the orpanliattoii. The osoal metluxl of ,,1.dure Is to llsien to tlie report* of tlie retlring nftl< ",-. and t in-iwi the ordlaan bmlnem of the con ventlon, biingtnt np the eleetlon of onVen tue u-t thlng before adjoiinmient. elther on the icccmd or ililrd day of the ronvenl on. Mr. Donneily douhtlc^- wi-hed t-'pu-li matteri fop a two-foM rea<on. ln the flrat nlare it wonld eseape aay*po*?lble romblnatlon t.lilch miuht he -nHde agalnct hlmaaad then M would enahie hjni to dlrtate to the Alllanee tor tho raaaalnlng daye of Iti -'? ?lon._ THE IXIOX PACIFIC EXJniSED. TRwtlXfl of Tiu: Mii.WAi ki:k BOAD CROCeJ TBS BRIDOE AT OMAHA. C'h!<a?o. Dec 31 <f-pc?i:il'.?A dlspateh fn?m?Omaha aay?: - lir-t blood luv been drawn by t'ic MUwaakea and >t. l'iiul road in IU Bght wlth the Fn.oii lMriHr for thc rlgkt ta,kroai the toUer*! brldge from CoaneO DhJfft to tbli ?ltv. \ppliiation WM m,ule in thc tinted Statw drcoh Ontul to-dny for an Injunttion to reatrejla the L'nkw Paettfc from prevauttng the MUwankee and Bt. Pi?I froai exen hdng thc right t<> tha aae of tho brldge it aemred by rontrael made wlth ibc 1 nion Tiititic ^ix montha ago. A leniporary to juurtlon n*a* b( onee toraed. and Janaan -' ??? ?e4 Ibr beartng argamenti to npporl ot ? naatton to dto aotre n. Mtlwaakee and bt Panl tralna are noe? rvn ui,,- oree the brldge aitkoai Interferenee. The rtttaeni of (irnaha aave taken Otm Bttk the Bllwaakae and e Paul and the Bock lakwd roada m thta ngiit. Th^> want all (he road-, to rome In bere that otn be InmiM uTdo *o- :'"""- ,'"1" ?" ' ""*?? "' "'" "'""i"';"1 jlVKKKi wre vntad b? the rlty tn a?stn the I nlon Pwlflc in rcl'iiildiiiK thc L'nkw Depot. Theae bonta mm votcd on thc dhtitnt und-'r-tanlliig that all rnada who dc-in-d it kliooM la- aff.ittlcd termintl Cncllltlea ln the depot Wnee the fnion Pai-ln.- h:i? irfiiMd to allow the Mltwankee and >t. Panl and tfco l?o,k laland to rna thcir tratai toto thto ntv over lt* lu-ldcc an InJniKtlon baa been obtalnod re?tndnlijg tho eltv imthorities from hiinitiE over Ibe^e DOOU 10 Ihc t'nlon Pneltle road." ,. u Thc tir-t >tcp toward thejpentralliattoo of anthortty ln the t'iilon Pa<i'!i matiiu'etn nt baa been made ln tho appolntroenl of E. L. U?ax?a general P?^nirer and t <kct agent of tlie entlre svMcm. Mr. Lomax has ha.1 the tiUc of g-ncral patvwngtr aajenl for a number of vears t>n* under the Adaan admlntotraUoo. reully hMd InriMllrtle" OWlJ over the MisNontl Rtver divl.lon of tke road. eaeb of tha dlvision- of the >v,te.n hdng supplied wlth a ?efante laMral pa?>etigtw agent._ MlraVAFU VMAKOM* 1M THE WPHT. Chlragn, Dap. M (>p?iali.-A dlspateh from Denver sar.-i: "W. I. OrMBh. af The pajrver Itaas,' axpacti bt aaj kto aajpag to-morrow to MlnneapolU men. for ? ?kaata oaatof *JOO.OOO. He does not drny bavlng an nptioti upon -The f'hlrago Tlmes.' at toiOO.OOO. lf he bara It Rhhard Llntchum \vt!t go there a< raanajrl.'ig cflltor ' A ncw mornlng rajK-r will atart feRW wIDUn *UiiJffer''Der. 31 <Hpe.-laH.-"The Depver Ttmea" wa todav paM to II. wHlawlee. lato. of -The Ml....e .nftiis Joiiinal ? for ?-JU:..O0O. to take etfert InimedlaU-ly. *The hiSS" p:.u'7 of tke paper will be aon-parUaan. uJSSfWTf arranarmenl. ean be made W. II. uriffith will t>c?in the pnbllratioii of a new aapewtag and evenlni nVw.par*r modelled after -The Chkago Dally Naws.' _ , ' tue AssE-saneyr rjnraUBCV wMrfBjrfam Albany. Dec. 31.-In acoordance wlth the oplnlon of the JUHlklJ niBll ?he bUto Insuranee Depart raent ha? glven nolee to aaaessment lnauranoe com panle* of other Btatea wblch do baalneaa In Ihla fitate <t,.t itiw miiKt I'eanie to wrlte ewtowmen^ Inxaranoe tn of'^Kh av.."iuti,.M. mu>t Ua WBltthe DtP**"*"*? fi? IU IfcewM rwi be agaln renew?1 a rcrtlBraii 111 STfJM liiroomle aaal, atattoa that thto order atll b* iaaa ?bd w%? Tf.o repartmenl has alwi totoraww ttSl ?^5m?i:t aaaoetoBaaia tlut It l? rafker douhtfal A tZXTiuZSEt* to do bnioneaa to thto ?ata ean ba .tf "*? "a^arTlf they wrKaaesan?en* lnaa?aoa to ?J2!TatJZ!^ Tho Maeaament aaaoctoftoru of thto FIGHTING AT PINE RIDGE. ANdTHERBATTLE WITHINDIANS THE CAVALRYMEN WEARY AND CREATLY OUTNUMBEEED. H0STILE6 ATTACK ASfD BURN THE CATHOLIC MI9BI0V-6IZ B0LDIKB6 KILLED?A THREAT BXIXO WTUATIOX AT THE AGENCT? RAJVCBMECr BTILLKD-GBXBRAL MJLES OJI HIS WUY TO THE 6CEEXE. Pine Ridge Agency, Dee. 31.-The Jth Camlry had jnat reaehed camp yeaterday mornlng, after repulsing the attaek made on their supply trnin by Two Strike'a ?aand, when a courier arrived with word that the Cathollc mltsion was on flre and the leachera and pupila were being maaaacred. In twenty minutes the weary and hungry aad almoflt exhauated cavalry were once naore iu mo tion. They found that the rlrc waa at the day achool, one mile this aidc of the mission. Tbe Indiana. under command of Little Wound and Two RtrUce, were found to the number of 1,800 about a mile beyond the misaion. The 7th formed a line and l*gan the fightlng, which was carried on by only 300 or 400 Indiana at a time. while the great maas kept concealed. General Foreyth suspected an ambuah and did not lct them draw him into dangerous ground. Colonel Henry atarted one hour later than Forsyth, and owing to the cxhaustion of his horses, had to travel vcry alow. The 7th became Hiirrounded by the redskins, but just as the circle was ready to cJiargo, the Otli broke in upon the rear of the hostiles, and they vanished. The wearv soldierg slowly retreated. reaching the agency at dark. Tlie infantry had been ordered out, but were stopped by the sigbt of the head of the column of cavalry. The aoldiers. brave and heroic aa they were, were greatly outnumbered, and tliere arc not e .ough troops at this point to clean out theee Indiana, wbo are still comped within aeven miles of the agency. The damago done by the troops is small. Lieutenant Mann, of Company E, 7th Cavalry, waa wrunded, shot throngb the sidc. The Firet Scrgcant of Com? pany K was alBo wounded. Omalia, Ncb., Dee. 31 .-A " Bee" cnrrospr)ndent at Pinc Ridge telegraphs that General Brooke has just received news frctn tbc scenc of the Hght at the Catholic Misaion, on Clay Creck, that mx men of the 7th Cavalry have been killed and mamy wifiindod. Further particulars have not yet been received. Tlie flrst iutimation of the trouble at the mission was brought latc yesterday after noon by a courier, wbo rushed in with the start-* ling news trfat the mission billding, where thcro arc a number of Catholic priests and sisters and hundreds of children, was surrounded by hostiles and had been net' on flre. The cavalrymen, who had had scarcely any rest for four days, were in st.untly in the aadclle and with a couple of Hoteh kiss puns started on a gallop for tho mission." As the dispatch was being written tlie roar of the guns could be heard, jndicating that, a hot fight was in progress. Two Strikc. Little Wound, Bhort Bull and other ehiefa ran nwa? froaa the agency. Monday night) after hearing of the Wounded fight. taking with them hundreds of warnors. They also coni pelled the old enief, Red Cloud, to them under threat of death. It' is these Indiana who looted tbe ?????pply train yesterday morning and In tho afterno--n raidod the Catholic mission. General fcfiltt left Chadron at 4 a. m. for Pine Rideo with a large force of oavairy. It is reported Ibal tbe ri.n.".es on Wlut- Rt*Cf havo I -vu pil lagt <l, boreee afoaea and eattle killod. John Dyer, ehiet herder of the (iovernment herd, has abnn doned his eattle. Thrcc ranohcrs are ? reported killod on Whito Kivcr. Tbe Catholic mission near Chadron was hurned by Indiana this morning. General Brooke has ordered detochtaenta tliere to gnard the town. It* is now anowing on the icaeivaaton and a blizzard is aeutag in. Ranebera are leavinfj their. horuos and flocking into Chadron. The loaa of lifc and property is groat. Throe thousnnd Indians arc said to havo broUen away from the igeney ?nd to have gone on tho warpath. A dispatch to "The llee"' from Rnshville says: " A Minding snowstorm, whii-h is fast nssuming tbe proportions of a blizzard. hogan falling here and at the agency ?t 0 o'clock this morning. Adviecs are that the desultory fight WM kept un nearly all sight at tho I.ite battle-gronnd, within a few railos of tho igeney, nntil by reason of the MWpidOtt actions of tho eJfefed friendly Indians in camp noar the uircney tho troops were called iu from the rleld. lt traoapired latc yeaterday erening that a large camp of friendliea, loeated touth of tho ageney, b aaade np almost entirely of old men, aquaws and children. The qaeatlon is. whal haa hcowiac of tho supposedly largo nun)l)er of friendly bucks loeated thcrc until yesterday P " St Paul, Mmn., Dee. II.?A Dickinson, N. D., dispatch to "Tho Plonm Pross" says: "Mnjor ('arr.iU's command arrived at New-Kngland City yesterday aftcrnoon, returning from tho Cave FlilLs. Captairj Fonntaine, whom he had been sont to rolieve, is ordered to report to him for duty, and in a fow da.vs Hajaff Carroll will mnrch to tho forks of tho tir.m.l Kivcr. where he will !>?? joined bv two troops of tbe Ith Cavalry. under Captain Focbet, from Fort Yatrs. lt is believed that tho handa of Si?>ux now on the warpath will BMTC north, and Major Carp M. from his per Dianenl camp on the Orand Kivcr. will p ?1 the country as far we-?t as t'.ie Little Mis? and nis fnr east. as Fort Yates. His live t.^ups of invalry and tWO companies of infantry are at present considored suflicient to control tbe sitna tion. Tho (amps on ihe Cannon Ikill and at Diekintnn are to be broken up, as bcinjj COB gidererl no longet neoessar.v. "A balf-breed courier, who was through thal camp last night, loportfl that nearly every able h.-died Indian in Ihtf friendly oiitlif had ijniotly ?llpped away after dtisk and joined tho boatilf forces. Friendly Indiana at Pine Kidge now, ho says, are principally wiuaws, and these not able to tight. Cn to 11 o'clock this morning, ho* ovor, ovorything is reported to be i|iiiet. botk 8ides resting on their arms and eacb waiting some m"ve from tho opposing forces. That further fighting will occnr tliere seema no doubt. If the Indians shotild mnke an o.nslaught during tlie storm they would undoubtedly havo a great advmntage- Tho danger is tfiat they '.\ill now break away to strongbolds in tbe Bad I/ands, and will be reihforoed by Rosebud, Standing Rock and other Indians. Eight more dead soldiers were brought into the agency after dnrk last nijiht. being part of \esterday's fatalitiea. Tlie lossea to tho Indians are known to have been great, but deflnite nnrobera have not yet l>e<-n aseer tained. The two strantrors who were nuirdered within two milea of th? agen v yesterday are now holieved t^> be teamstem frori Kiishville Indian signal-licbts were a*ain jdalnlv vmible lBst night in Rough County, twenty toilea north.'' I.inco'.n, Neb.. Dee. 31.?Governur Thayer ia in receipt of the following telegram: Chadron. Neb.. Dee. 31.-Indlana flphtlng here for two d ?>'*? Tlie clty Is full of wtimen and rhildr-n and no iims Can't you order out mltitia and vnd trnns. JAM&i C DAULM VX. Sheriff. The Governor imruediateby authorized the fol iowing reeponee: I Inrolii Neb., Dee- 31.?To t'abt Fred H. femlth, Coairmny E. -Jd Reglmejit. rhadroo. Neb. : Order your rompany on duty foe'protectlon of peo ole In town aod eoantr)'. pw A- V. COLE. AdJabMit^ieneral. It ia nnderatood that bande of hoatliea have re newed tbeir depredationa all aJong the Nebraaka and Dakota ln>rder. ' Salt Lake, Utah. Dee, 31.-Two battalione at Fort Donglaa have beeo ordered to proeo?d to Koah viBe to re'nforee the troops there. Titr eontiat of foar eotnpaniea of the l?th and 21at Infantry, 320 men and tweaty-two oJMeera. THE CASrALTIB* AT WOUNTED EIEE. CAPTAIX-WALLAtE A.VD TWBNTrPIVE KULDIEBS KILLKD A.VD TWO oa/ltCMM AXD TB1BTT tOUR M.ES WOITXDHD. Waahlagton, Dee. 3l.--U?oaral SohoBeW thU aaorn IU ag#fft tfca tottnrta* taaggtaaa fttaa Qtmmkl Miles, (Uted Chadron, Keb., December 30: "I reported yeaterday statements aa roretred from Colonel Fonyth, thronph General Brooke. I arn now Informed that loeses In tUtat affair were Captaln Wallaee. 7th Cavalry, and twenty-flve men klUed; Lleetenant Garlington, and thlrty foor men wounded; alao Lieo tenaot Hawtfiorne, Sd Cavalry- Aboat 300 Indians that were at or near the ageney at the ttme, are now here, General Brooke reporU that he expecta some will retarn. Abont 000 men now belong to the hostlle element. I expeet to be at the ageney to morrow morning, and wlll report more in detoil." Omaha, Dee. 31.-A dispatch to "The Bee" from Pine Ridge, aey?: The following Is tbe correct 11st n.' the killed and wounded at Wounded Knee on Mon day, ao far as ls known at the hbspttal beadqoartert bere\ where they have all been brougbt: DBAD. Oeorge D. Wallaee, captaln, Company K. 7th Cav? alry; Johnson, private, Corapany A. 7th Cavalry; Frsy, prtvate, Company A, 7th Cavalry: 1>yer, flrst sergeant, Company A, 7th Cavalry; KeUey. prtvate, Company A, 7th Cavalry; Caln, prtvate, Company A, 7th Cavalry: Coffey, flrrt sergeant, Company B, 7th Cavalry; Boofc, private, Company B. 7th Cavalry; Joiieph Murphy, private, Company K, 7th Cavalry; Keuner. private. Company E. 7th Cavalryj Nettles, flrst iergeant, Company^E. 7th Cavalry: Owar Pol lorx, hospltal steward; Hodges. private, Company K; Botie, eorporal. Corapany I; Forrest, private. Company E; Newell, prtvate, Company E; MeCne, prtvate. Com? pany K; Logan, private, Company A; Costelle, pri? vate. Company B; Ragan. prtvate. Company A; Chris ten?en. private. Company K: Ranate. private, Com? pany D; Do Frey. prtvate. Company C, and Wllliam Adams, prlvale. ''ornpany K. All of these w?-e of the 7th Cavalry-twenty-four men. WOUNDED. Thomaa Harran. private, Company B. 2d Infantry; Robert Brunner, private, Company B, 2d Infantry; John Coffey, private. Light Battery, 1st Artillery; Charles Campbell, quartermaster acrgeant; Harry L. Clifton, eorporal, Company K; James Ward, sergeant, Company B, 7th Cavalry: H. L. Hawthorne, flrst lleu tenant, M Cavalry; WUJIam Toohey. sergeant. com? pany B; John McKenrie. private. Company B j Barvey H. Thomas, private, Company I; Christopher Martln, private, Company A | John F. Fritle, flrst sergeant. Company E; Daniel McMahon. private, Oimpaj A; Adarn Neter, private, Company A. Harry blo- e. private. Company B; Frederick wodacr, Ifugh M? tllnnK Wllliam Davls, Edward A. Sullhan and stunuel F. smith, prlvates, of Company K: Henry Ilowiird and C.ottlleb Hopp, prtvaies, Company I; Frank Lowu, private. Company B; Alvln Hazelwood, prtvate, Gom panv H: Georee York. private, Company D; James Chrlstensen, private, Company K; Harry L. Croiitn, private. Company A! Wllliam H. Green. prtvate. < orn? pany C; George Lloyd, sergeant. Companv I: Herman Kraoberg. private, Company A; Oeorge Elllott. prirate, Company K: Ervln Schrlever. private, Company C. Ernest A. Gaxlington. flrst llentenant, Company A. MI of 7th Cavalry. Total thlrty-thrce men. There aro, thrce men mlsslng. Their names cannot ba ascertained. _ WIRES SMOTHERED IN MISTl REMAKKABLE DEMORALIZATION" OF THE TELEGRAPH SiERVICE. OPERATORS HELPEE68 AT THEIR TABLES GRADUAE STOPFAOE OF ELFCTRIC COM. Ml'NICATION - LONG CIRCUITS ABANDONED. Chloago, Dee. 31.-Nearly the entlre telegraph system of tlie t'nited States wiw in a su*pended state to-night. Throughout the West and Southwest a gigantlc wet hlanket of mlst. hundreds of miles in extent, almost stiiled every throb of clcetririty and the wlres Ntretrh inft from city to cli.y were litcrally soddon and llfele^s. At Ihe la?t, a blizzard waa overtiiniing poles and snap ping the metal eords lioldlng far scparated rommunlMes together. Scores of telegraph operators sut helplessly at their tablee in this city watehlng for a < hance clirk of their sonnders, or flngoring meehanlcally this ad jusrments of aattttojaaa rclays. All the chlef operators were in dismay. Aecording to tho oldest veterans sueh a widespread condltion of paralysls was unpretedentcd binco the lnvention of the telegraph. TN, flrst sympt.rfn.s of tlie gradnally wMening stop page of all electric communii-atlons were ttrst notlced sontli of Loulsvilte, and yesterday tlie trouble- had grown to such proportlons that the usual make-np Of long (Ircnits luid been romplctely abandoned. and a rurious patch-work of roiind-about i-outes substltntcd for the more Important telegraphie traffic Last nlglit tho (Otintry wwM and ?erfbweat of Chleago began to l?e affected. and scrious Intcrrnptions were frequcnt. To-day Ihe East was drawn Into the general vortex of demonilb.atlon, and to-nlght the sltuation had be comfl .-.o despcrate that an Assoclated Prcss trunk llne, usually worUlng ln contlnnons citvult from Wash Ington and MinncapoUs, Ncw-Vork to St. Paul. taklng in all the important lntermediate cities, had been cut into short lengths, siarccly a sixth of Jho usiial dlstancc, and extra operators provlded at caeh sub tennlnus, wlthout prodn'iag any appruiiable heneflt. The a.ipert. of the streets hero this aftertioon and eveairg was Mimethlne remarkable. A dense f'?K prevented more tnan the shadowy outllnes of objects f,elng seon more tbaa a few feet away. When Uie facV>rlcs poaeiid ^^r throngs Into the thortrnghfares at the clo>e of work, the aWewalka and pavenient.-. leemed ln inextrlcable confiislon. The goug^ of eabie iars were kept sounduu con-tantly and added to tho dln of fiirslng from teamatera, tab-drtvera and ped's irlnn- were tlie hundn-d-. of horns u-ed to nsher lu tho new year. For a tiine, betwocn tlie fog and fog horas. the buslnes-. portlon ?f the city was ln a state cloaely approxlmatlag bcxilain. ?'THE ALBAST jWOVS" DKSIGXATED. TO ALTKR.VATE TBJtRLY WITH "THK AI.DANY KVEXIXG TIMEri" As THB " STATE PAPKR", -THE KTATE PRIXTING. Albany, Dcc. ui (Speclal).?In December a year aso the Boarboa Denoerabi of thi> state wero pro foundiy abookai hy hearlag thal Qovaraor nui had llfted the Kolden crown of -.State papcr" from Ihe head of the venerahle "Albany Afgar*," and had tran-ferrcd lt to tliat of "The Albany Tinies.-' whoaa Editor had sometimes dared to spcak xhKhtlngly Of Demwratic dlgnltactOB. "The Albany Ttaaea," fjr insUnce. had fi-unkly said that it did not admlio (i. Clcveland, esi|., of Haaaachnsetta. Bat "The Timo^?' madi; up in pawsloiiate artorall?n of Davld B. llill what lt laikod in love of Uroter Cl'vclaiid. and therefore th: llill DeaaOcrati thought tliat the Gov ernor had done rljrht to reward a frlend. U"t when Mr. llill saw lhat the Deaaoerata of other states rc pirded the iepoalttM of "The Arsas" as tlie Mate orgaa of Uie Daaaoeratte party in the Ught of m\ aitack upon James II. Mannlng. a son of Daniel Maiinlng. fo-m.-rly Beeretary of the Treawv. Mr. Maanlag k'hk Un Wttor of "The Argut." he evi dently thought It best to placate that ii'.w-piper. lt was announced, aceordlngly. that "The TSmes"' wm deslgnatefl a state puper for one year onty. and tliat then "The AffgM* would a^ain be restored to lts positlon as Ihe trumpet of the party. Lately, liowever, the edltors of "The Argaa" ilearly began to aajapOCt that Mr. Hlll did not intend to keep bta ateaalaoa, bcoause thero were rumors that "Tlie Arpis" Intended to speak freely hercafter about auy Democratlc State offlrer who hhould get Into trouble. l>erhap? thii was a threat thrown out by -The Argu*." lf M>, it liad Its effect, -.Ince the Governor. througb lds agenti, SecreUry of State Rlce, Treaaurer Danforth and Controller Wemple. thi* atternoon designated -The Argus" a? the otate paper for the comlng year. Mr. (allicot. the Editor of "The Tlmoa," C<*? not resent this conduct of his patron. On the contrary, liis new?paper ls liUed to-night wlto eulogie* of D*vtd H. HiU takf n from other Joumals. and" again tlie nominatlon <?f Mr. HIU for a thlrd term ls preaaei. Perhans -Mr. Callicot luu t?een put In a pleoaant traaao of mlnd by the promlso that his paper tliall be named as tlie Btate nevsraper next year. At aU evepls. ?uch a promUe haa been made, and -Tho Tlines,, and "The Argiu' are hereafter to be ihe Slacicae twlns of Dernw.Tatlc Journallsra la ttaJa SUU. toai Ia, that ln alternr.te yeaia they wlll be the ?oata organ of Ihe DemoeraUe party ln thl* seaie. Tbai year Mr. (alllco* bVaa the bogle of Davtd B. 11111 la tlie State organ of tho Democratlc party. Wlll -The Argus" ctatinoe to blow tlie bogle of Grover ClevobuMI the eombig yeari Or haa It promhed to covHaae to blow the same alr aa "The Tlatea' bareaftert FoUU etaaa wUl watch the eoteaaas of " The Argna" with 8TMU int-Tert hareaftar. Mr. Cleveland haa lost a gmat ntanr frlaada of latc; perhaaja ba haa aow |?t another. ,?eed, i-araooa a. (x>? ol tWa elto. were aelfaMad aa department printon today by Wretary of ttata Mlca. i/outrrdlw Weaiple and, HtaVi Trtenarer b?i farth. A protekt wa? ntade agalaat UU? aeml?aa*.op b> the tarpoeraphleal wriena of tho eonnfcry. bat Weed. Parsona A to. had put in the ieweet Md on every Heaa. Md tho State oOMera were eontpaUen to gtve thaca tbe aaeJaant eoetraet tor JflaMttl OialaeaalM *?" !?? 1 ti Baaka * ??, oTflfr fttb MR CLARKSON'8 PLAIN TALK HONOR, DUTY AND LD7E ALL INVOLVED I* THE FATE OF THE ELECTION BILL. THE REPCBL1CAX PARTT CAW TAKE 1TB CBOICS BETWEEX PERTORM1XG ITS OPTREPBATEft PLEDGE OR LOSIXO FIVE IMPORTIAXT . KORTUKRiX STATE6 WHERE OOC OREO VOTEBS HOLD THE BALAXCE Of POWER. J. S. Oarkaon, of the Kepuhlican Natloaal Committee, ia apending the holidays with hia family at the Fifth Avenue Hotel. Ia eonverov tion yeatenlay on poUtieal matter* he waa aaked if be thought the Election blll would heonme a law, and replied: " Yea, I have faith that it will. and within the neit two weeka. ? I have thla) faith, firat, becauae the lneasure to right in it> aelf, and, aecond, hecauae I believe Hrmly ln thaj Repub'icantom of the Senate. The Repahlloaa party haa declared in every National platforta aince 1872 in favor of auch a menaure, and ln its last platTorm it made tliia ita flrat and para niottnt pledge of honor. Thto Keptthltoan Coa grcsa has given it the flrst ehanee in eighteen years to redeem the pledge. It ha? now, in the) sufllcient trinity of a Republlcan Senate. a Re publican Houae and a Kepuhlican Preaident, both the power to kecp and the renewed duty to fulnl thc covenant. Time haa not leeaencd, but, in atead, increaaed, the necd of the law. The South has aougbt, by enacting a foroe blll in almoet every Southern State, to nullify tlie univeraai suffrage amcndracnt* to the National Conatitu tion, and, even while a Kepuhlican Senate haa be*."> l.esitating to approve the bill of tfl* Sepub. lican Houae. the State of Misaisaippi, through a conhtitutional convention illegally convoked. haa boldly iltofrancliibfd the colored votera aoong ita cttizcns. The rnillion of votera in the South now practically disfranchlaed are diafranchiaed not be cause they are negroea but beeauae they are Re publicana. For tho Democratio party not only allowa them to vote in thia later day whcn they vote thc Deniocratic ticket, but in North Carolina and other Statea at the election laat Novrmht-r it paid corruptible negroea for votin; ita ticket, Only a few daya ago I beard the suceesaful Ihmo cratio candidatc for Congreee in the Asheville Dto trict of North Carolina apend ttfteen minutea in a apeech at a meeting in Asheville in gloriflcation of his election, in thanking and eulogizing, the negToee who had voted for him and other Democratio candidatea at that election. I have spent ftve weeks in that region. and on conatant in veatigation I found acarcely any negroea under thirty yeara of age who could not read. The cry of ignorance, under which the oppoaitlon of that Democrata to ncgro auffrage wra ao long and so suceesafully maaked, waa good aa to thc war negroea, but it faila with the new gencration of hlacka. COLORED MEX HOLD THE BALANCE Or POWER. "Now. if all the negroea would vote the Demo? cratio ticket, 'the tremendous race prohlem' that Micy talk abottt m niuch, and all the florid non sense aliout 'the all-pervading and all conquering white race,* would anddeniy end. The new sjtuation drawa a sharp party line. The Demo? cratio plot to boldly to disfranchiae a nitllion Re publican votera. The Kepuhlican duty, under the conscicnee of the party, eealed hy thc blood of half a million men in war, ia to keep it* eoveuantB cqually with thc hlaok man and the Nation. -?nd proteot aa citlzena the people it freed aa slavea. lf it doea aot, do it, R?W that it l>n* afc* f"1' V*""* and opportunity, it wUl (Ue. and will deaerveiJJ die from lack of cottrage and honor to live.r ror thia is not ntcrcly, nor even mainly, a Southern qucstion now. It haa ceaaed to be that. It to now a queation. open hcforc the world. whether or not a million of free citizena can he sueceaafully diafranchiaed in a Repuhlic. To the Republlcan party it is a qucstion whether with aupreme power to do and supreme duty to do, it to too cowardly to protcct aml inbure in their legal right a million of ita own legal votera. It may bctray the negro. hut if it do?, it will netray ItatM atill more. For, aside from its duty under conactence to tha negroea of the South, thc Rcpubliean party flttdi its power now in alnuwt all the large Republlcan States of thc North oontinued to it hy the negroea' help. If thc htock men of thc ?***?? ,o be abandoned every drop of honeat negro bh-od in the land will reeent it. Negro votera now hoM the halance of power in New-York, Ohio, DH ??. Mawachuaetts, Iowa and other Northcrn St-ea, and thev would naturall.v, antl quickly kBl anre ly, lct the party fcel the sn.itinx power of an adgered and o?tra,ed race. Thereforr it to ?;*?*"? ? wcll as a Southern qucstion in prnctieal politica, and every Kepublican in the Fnited States Senate who owe* an honorahle man'a allegiaru* to huj partv. and does not ahare in the modern arrogance ,f thlnkin* that the power of peraonal we. .may Iteto .ive him independence of party, will Stand Z tl Party'. ?? aDrt h0J10'- 0D *? ia0ment0Ua (lucfclion. THE XEOBO CAXXOT BK. VVT DOWW. ? Wliv " aaid Mr. Clarkson. with mu.h annima tion and'emphasts, "who .. ^ *"***?& u,;,n who doo not aee what aato defcat of Utts l> H o,"d do to thc Republlcan party? ****** l Rcpuhlicatt approval of ??**-**~* meu ui?ii'<ii'>??.? ? - , .. cause of ita Repuldi?nh?. i^SHJEiS! continued du,fnnc!,i^ment of the blaekJ** Jj cause "(ZTtfTmTmili would follow-the ne? gro to makc his own U-rma wlth the Democratia xrty Onc of two thing, would follow-the ne aro U hfl followed only the animal inatincfof atlf prcairvation, would Itecome a D.'m.?crat in V * South; or, if he should in a noble, way inetot * hia rights of manhood unde, the Republic d under 0?d, aa I have faith in bim to believe Uat be would. ha would at l;ut aecure tla righta of hia race it hlarlc blood Vad I'nally to I* ahed U> ? it as white hlood waa freely aheil to aecure tbej sarae ra? its freedom. If there are IhkiM ?ni iKjtcring RepuhlicHna who would, for the ta. 4 of present peace and cowardly coneord, betray tlie hlack race to permanant diafranchwement, 08 betray it aa a ahambled penaantry to tlif political and menial uae of the Pemocratie P*rty, tbry have read htotory and etudied human nature ta llttle purpoee. and have not obaerved the apUU and courage in which the American negro haa riae* from alavery and ignoranc* U> fieedom, cittienahip and inblligenot. Thto generaUon of negroea Who have ne*er felt tlie laal., and who have taated of freedom, can rwver he ground intp the earth agaia, even if tbe RepuWieaa party ahould dtohoaor tho meraoriea of LiiK?la and (Jrant and tlie Uniaai Arruy by joiwtog wlth tht. Demoeratit party ta trjing to grtrid toem The Father of ue all. blach and white, haa * lafg" purpoan for the bla* man tnan tnu. and no power, whether it he Ra> publican or Demoenitle, can interrnpt ot defrat Hia wt'.i.' BALa?T RiUTOBlt ?VBRTW11E*E DElUXDBD. - Heaidc*. * added SIr. tl trkvm. " if tbe Repnb liean party waa n?.t peeuliarly and dtotlnetircly a parry of aentimer.t and conacience, and <?pc?tolly pledged to aaered honor on thto aubject, it ahonld aee that the groond-awell of a movement haa hs? gta.1 aaaong the Aaaeriean people for the panteav tion of tbe naliot, and for aheolutely h?neaw ?We> tiona. Ihe hoaeaty of the ballot Ia the votor'e band, and the falrneaa ol the election and tbe eonnt wbere the baltot to aaat and retamad, are more to every American whe tovea bto eonatry aad hia aona who are ta follow hia* than aaything of party or wartlr iatatrat. Thto propoard Nattoao) law wotfl pruQHase v'tto NattoaaJ. aapiratfoa. Wherev!/ tbt'ia waa fraud, North or Seutb, whether it waa DeaDoeratto or RapubMoan, thla tow wooid atsttte it dowa. The large aittta ot tht Unfk acaat U tuilx m naoh at aau