Newspaper Page Text
Stern Bros. will T0-M0RR0W, FRIOAY, thelr new SPRING STOCK ?t NOUSEKEEPING LINENS, comprising fresh and desirable goods only, having dis carded the practice of offeringthe remnants of Importers' Stocks as a Special January Sale. W. 23d St. HOME XEWS. WIHT IS GOING ??>' TO-DAY. Chanf?* '.3 N??Vi-i ? *' ? Ohao|?? la Br .. ? - " ** Kath.r .? Bt Sf. '' * ?" One-huxdra-<: BBdH" Inlttaaal raeept Xew.Tort Taeht Clu*). ar-*~ ??. , Coiumbia Colitft dranati I :??;(.v Xjft4tvm, r- r ' Yi-ucf Maa'i 4 ? ' ' ? ??:?-? talrd-at. ar.d Fo irih-ar.. SIW-TORK ' ITY. Tha) annual n:- ? ? . ajrlll be beM a1 X' -" B , ?? mrirrow mi?j-; ,r ' l ? lnr#<r*ist?vt -.- the work '. ? ?? lovtw ao attei I. Tha 1 to addf-as ihr .ti ??? nc A rit r,f New v ?? \ Day yenng men ln tha ???*'? K d '- w' nj iii keepiua up i talla: - 6h*aM the ? ward aranl .? " a*H nadai and ?- I . - bome.' taette Ga d*n ?:i? I'.i ettT \-r<-tr~: ? - i Gnmrn i i Cierk ;? v ,-???; ~. ? T.i- ? anj llall :. i. io s;i,c-?--! Frai - I' W P iroMon ( ?.!.--. Mr. i tr-ii lav-brx ,.- 1 : ? ? " -Mra. i . V. .- - ? ' - ? aVBriea, wh? i- fc?i i ' ? l " ? . ..... u, I ajlei 5 ' - r-ta-Y Spe ,i ? I' *?'-.' ' ? ' of Ihe arl Tbe e> ' ? Cakat?" tl. Apr,. laal - l ?? ? i -.* , rar al t*e Naw Yard 1 ' ? Bo i~-. ..t ?' I |t tbe ?' rared for. a Jias >? - - . "'?;?? lif Viu 1 or : i !? - - v n Htu w.? . t! s ? i' ? - f ? - >' - Hia' H '? ' l*i: <- ? hi . ? ar.) .,- ? 1 - ' ? r ? TTl' A- '.'a-T 1 ? ? ? . ?' N rhirty-ni fiia !.??? <?? s. i' ?? ? a -. . ? ? , i.- :?-.?'? li bur: -. K \ ajjll .i ? i? )L,.C ?? ? ' ' ? ? fua rd ?? ..... ' ? lt arai 4 /f< \ i - - 1 ,i- - A beuetli on * . .<?<?? ? tvn '.!?'. ? U a. ?! ? i- ? 4 atory. lle ? ... Vt4e t- e 1 .i | tlie IJ. heJll >? Th'-t'. d i ftlof N ' . ? II- i th- Biawkryn ?.,?? ? ., ? iie aatnrd . e*irrvi anaaa ;?>?!, aay jrtMn haa daltea ? ? ? .n Uaeaa ?.?.,?.. ,,,,^ alth-*.,-:. rtUtht Hi- ? , . . ? .t . ^Tfrs coM rau|iit en II ??,. f bOlVP'a . i-a.'v Ihr ? i'4*va a.-. s> AMBBIt 4V,*Mf /? i. At H - f the V. tr ? - , llouaa* r>i I -:~C . ? ^> - . ? | flt-jiiiaa VVV-t ?"]!.. CJetitJurr Ciub aa iht. au^j^t, ?? .v??er,caja?n Stern Bros. Preliminary ANNOUNCEMENT MONDAY, JAN- 5. Remarkable BARGAINS iu LYONS and INDIA PBINTED SILKS 3 and will also open their new importations of COTTON DRESS FABRICS, and PRINTED CHALLIES, l'ull aiinonncenient of which will be nia-ie in next Sumlay's X papeia. W. 23d St. ? I ?? al re or the Near B'ortd and the Xew Book/ - .--:,-. it w.ll ue dlaeuaaed nd Ii C. Bunncr. nn.r the iinr.r. MOTHrrs. IT WItX rOST OXLT * MITE TO "4K~. TTirM 1141 ? ..\ .?. . ' tbe * i.-.tti" Mothera" y \. M, Paltner, and will be givn at the Ma - " ' M'?.? / 1 ra . |tl ('f ; - tmaa etv - ? ? . ? ? . ? ?p at ? - Jannary ?> ? ? .- ? . .... ? . I cirlf ? ? ? ' - ivc to take care ' I ? i uvt tbe little ? - . ..- - also heep tlie pi ? ?--, | ,. : aervii ?? ' .; wer ? : ? ? , t , ?. ? - of the trived liavi ? al * ii,.' 1. ? . ? i ?. . | .- ? , [ e and _-.... i? man) . - .: ?.???? i ? ? ??-,?? n f ?. H-A ?:..>???? ? ? , -. \' c ?. I tn ln aii i ?.-,!. aa t ? . ? - are i ia . .'-."' I- --. ? II. H'-ITJ S . ' ? " ' i '". ?IXtl - !"..-? i ???. . airth -r.. | '. .-:???:.???? ,. - - ? ? Mr>. . ,. . i I: ' . MlSa. J SO. 117 ,, >:.-- l. E. i... iiaaan, Xo. d ? Sjr;\ l ? D ?''B VI " "? // {T IT .*> 4 T8 ^ . .? it Xc. :,oi Fifth nre - ? ? .????!?.': ittenl nn. I ? .?? i |. N 't Air-. I ,!l,.-lrv to .,??? . . ? . a .: ? .-.".??? ,? ? , tiititiet : ' ,?????? I ? ' ? ? Ii,*i..'\. Tbe ? it . .. . . . ? : : ?'.- lerj i' . ? . ? ii * ??'. tlie . :? .naiiiM ? , - ? ? .- ? ? ?: ? i I ? ., ?'. V;.- ' .?,'.'-| ? . i ? ??.?_?? nontry dur \i,>??:? i lutl i' t : . . ? ? ? ? ,. .' the nbk b all I l - . ? . iri* >.f ? . . I.-- .,.' c ? aii vfadame . ? bi be i i illy ? ' ? Tbe .-? ? J 1 Btid 1 ?: ? i ?? f: , ? - . ? ? . ..,'., Iliii ' . ? ? - . II ? ,i j..- I ??.??'.. re eiitlj made : a> ? Bl . ? I V .VI IS UlYVEB't OLD BABBOOM. I . :.- ie . ?:??? i :.? . ? ? ?. t "? I I t 1 .i' ? ? ire drj r ?? .-.-,. i- ,..,. , . < i i. -.???? tiu.'.,. ? ? ?> i. ?. tlie b ,?-.. : ? ???_? II. Lauibert. ? ?? l'lir.. K llamngti '?:->? Up Ilic , ' -, ll| | l,<-.'. y tf Bl ;. . , iir..- boxei ,f orangi a. ' ? Hai ' i ui dei ..:)-?--? prvniptly. i ? '? i . .' i ??- i Hndd ??:. ?a* i;-,: :,v aad .ndi-d .' ? : :'.?' t:,p i.ftii rr.s v. r? n. the ; a bere r .;i >? j ,,?.,,. tbe i bargc aoaluat w*. ? No. 7.". M??tl -? ;? .... \. i ?id barrooaa. Tbe t*,. ? - , . tbe drtrer, i> .* tbe l , ptlj l"t hi::. .-... il ',/./.i SQ fUB STRl'TER EXClSt LAWi I n im,,- .,' :. riiurr Hrlajattl ?-,d aptaareatlj kaaklos ataad fm M ai 'l etJarga the ' i ntttca on lligk Li-ensj-. aj.d t-. laraa ihe Befnrai laaocaaaBaai. Trw- mali, nt|arli a?aoelattoti ar<- u- proaaoaa t'i<- pMaatxa ?,f en,i?j; law* wrarh thall i:i udficste is?tramts up m ihe ?al.> nf -t< -,, Be*a Vort; t.. ~?'?!ire t*ie eiif.irri-wcnt ,if wra, attd lu ?aajaoac the ffturt. ? -s-.i!. ,; .mi, ti?- prcaesl t) taaa. Tfaa ?? '? ' - ( I. ,,r:n;,ii ,.f i|a" , ornnilll'v Bhlfh '. . ..Iii|?'ha-?1 ,.f iBJHpjajiaj || ; ... - l?"?5d. J.. I- _CM<nti aVm J'll.n I. I'nx 1. e uk-.tjU r ' ln C a- *-f;, a n.,. i?t?i ?Pbi: ' T i niiajrarnp Aii'.-iM la? aeot !?> Jobfl Jai t :^^4w?BZ**taWy. Xo. 10 i^oiojiaa Piaw - -irsHTMrasT annual exhibit or THB Hartford Fire Insiiraiice Company, Or HARTFORD, COrtM. JANUAEY 1ST, 1891. A99ETS. j n i u?. - - $373,240 64 C?ah on hand, in Bank and Caah it?3ma, - ^ 7<} Caah in handa of Agenta and in eoiine of Trannm.ssion, ^ ^^ ^ Renta and a^crned Interest, - _ _ 014,675 60 Real Efitate Unincumbered, - ? ? . m , :mHlH 07 Ixiaos on Bond and Mortgage (Ht Lien), _ <M)(m (K) Loans on Collateral Secunty, - _ 335,362 00 Bank Stock, Hartford, Market \ alue, - _ 342,06100 m ?w-York, u " 8777l 50 ? Boston, - _ 3318O (Hi ? Albany&Montreai, - _ _ 651,057 50 Railroad Stocks, ~ A~ . 2,120,610 00 State, (itv and Railroad Bonds, _ 5162- fK) United Statea Bonda, - cT^TiTfilRTi Total Assets._- - - $6,576.61613 LIABILITIES. * . . - $1,250,000 00 Capital Stock, - _ . 2,418,435 81 F*?serve for Re-insnrance, - .Mj- s^ ^ Reserve for all unsettled Claims, - - ' 86 NET 8URPLU8, - ? " 9 ' ' . $434,1 <>1 64 Gross Assets?increase, - _ 15*3,252 ll >~et Surplua?increase, - _ 221,115 20 Re-insurance Reserve?increase, - ^ ' '^ w Markcd Value of Stock, GEO. L. CHASE, President. THOS. TURNBULL, Aaat. Secretary. P. C. ROYCE, Secretary. >CHA8. E. CHASE Metropohtan District, Co~r. Cedar and Williams Sts, Ne?--Yoik. ?EO. ?. CO.T, ?Hn?aer. ?????? A 10??' *..'! M.?.er. ,(i, r. BIHWEIX, CJeaaral A?eni. Oeneral Aaeat. _, . tii ifi. B. BIHHEM.. f.eaara Westeni Dspaiineit, Cnicajio, m. i,.,....^..^ Pacific DepartMt, San Francisco, Cal {"~" fuwadaa to all tba I*?mtoe?. I?,calitios tl,roi,Kl,o?t the mitcl Statea and Agencir* ? iioininion ot ( anada. ,DE* ?fc COFRAN, Manatrr.. THE ICF CROP OXJTHE BUD80X. PRBHOECT MAClaAT PLEAM.D WITH mZ PROS j.f. t-thE liaRVEST BEGCX. Prallni Jtoraw. * th. ^^T^eldaTTo : Iv ..?:,,.- baaal*. "ib. -r.^v >ilkakak .., , .-,. -.iiv la la a hcautihii -'""?; - rare, whi-h may ba arcimBWd for bj ,,. ,,;.,,,. ?, ,t.rma a*.d treahei- pwelini *? **??. v ...-- f ' 1% began fonalag the arater -a- andlstarbral i;,I:,Vr!,,d1,auonaro.n.t,a.,,rr,r,.'r,,l-iun: 2 rapnna fnmi our ramp- caaea aa to t*? aaortw J,,.^,:.,-m. Whlch WlU B4M h?lg mauersanr. fetmw a,-? ?, a blankel and prerente the formatmn of w*. Thfi *- Plai ilv BhoWB tfl be lha raee in a report fw-rn < , a-fc, Thal part of the tre whlch baa t*een ; ...?, ? eawaa tocaa. tafck. *hi.e that ,. ? ,,?, aerea and one ball tochee. m . ,.,. ?, arrapera becaaee be Ice ,,:,,,- under the weighl and the watar ""?! over the w, hav? Iwoaai aoaaa lea at RoaWa laaaod, Hop Lodi Doca, Brawwrch i*iand. Barrea lajaad HBp, cwsiderahla rutHng he* l-ecti done .,,.-,, .nd srraptaB la gotog oa a4 Torkey Polnt. ? -. , Ead port, Pln? GrWO, .-uyve-ant and ,1 f the aoow doaso'l inierfere and iba ;..-.,. ?i rotd the aarvwi wlll soon begin in ,\l i; irkland Lake ihe ice ka from -jx bo ten ,. ]?, in?] we ii.,iy bagia rattlng ihere m a ten daya. A Xew-Yoraer may ala-ays tell ditkYt, ol tha Ice up the Hodaou by tooftlng al i ? lake c Ontral i^*ri?. When there la go-d ,karii i , Pi k you naj -.'t U aowo ?1-i" '""* : g" ,,. . ? r rutttng, op tl** - ? * -_.,....*?. ?? 1 ,. ,,P..i;-.v'.;*;..^>-.,vM),;.o.,r..-::, men u?- i..ur dearreea ale&ve ?ero al Uoany thl? n -.:-n to?^l\?S2*?\ that the warm irare r.ow tbrcat .,,v.-t ::,.sv nol ft ap hyh ,.', , rt u- I have uuUord thal Dearlj all 04IT '???' '^,'hVrThl. Maaon has rome froai ihe nonh and ..,.-;;...i-' ;, DMially wimea Iroai ih" Oakoia reg.on. iIm biime ol ihe blteard. imt. ?traiige Ui m ? J* watheroo! t'.e, ? aaa been remarkably ?arm. In??ad r,l :,,. und V) degrert bekrw icra lt ha- been i'> f> ?"> _ CACSUXG QBESEGAFB THE WABX1X9. THOLSAXDg OP FOWU5 Bl'BXED IN WF.ST wtSFl 1XOT0X MIRKKT. rhe raeklini ol Mghtenad aaaae ln one of the f the We?l \V?-h;-jfnon MsrKet at :i :H0 a. m. t ? roke -, rfaeay araiehman th^re, .,.,, ,. ed lhal tha baUdlne, n- on flrt*. |(4 j, ; ,,tly - i nn alarn to caJJ irr fliem-n. and ... , ? arri ..larm w,- w>nnded. The barnhiB boihl ^ ln the luarkei gr ap - i-" t"-'' II a frotitage ln Thlrteenll we ? irrow Unes ko rwn aa Hewlit. I i,,-.v -???'?-. lt "?? ?h aaahl thal llve , . ,,, had been rertte*a, and ln the-r ?... e-vrape had raoved thc roop agalrnl a s>-> j,-,. The atalla < "iiuincd h,bt.v toopa, plkd TRh "n ea i. iH kbt, and ^.. IHJed ?itt. Ifre f wl K-.r- were made to ?ave Ihe towh hy l-'ti, . I of the ? I- Chlcfcena t. and dntka lan and aew ln all d-racdora aquawkna and .-. bul *.- tbe Baaaaa ?pread thouaanda nf fwrla M.r-- hurned to deaih. An hour ?;.s rxiapl -. by lha , ...,?,? thc flame- ander ron ,,.,i by lhal llm-a tba tvi Btory . number of the sl fUs in lha bolktti I " Vbool ?'?"" cee * were burned ,,. h ? i ,.. - ktalU. and Ma i,,-? *i- aaid ln be ? I j,jfO00. ,?. . ? : , ? ?? l." -' d red ' -- - r?l 8 li t Irma rfi i" - ? - ' ?ullW' "' ""?' . , ,, , i: i,. p acber. u. i llawh a aaa t k ,. .;, k. de n'"?- : ? - '"?"?"-'?- '? " W. Uerfl . '??.?' i . i ,-. , .. tiv Ui- r,tv. ?a h ' ,"1 ' ' 1,.- l.i tbe ? .-'?'. uudn-d (. .?i ' i ? - iaken In , I araw by th. " |,,r ibe I-- lenti'-n of < ruelij i ? - t ni" t . preveni 0.--1 I - I ? ? ? ..,i foi -,?-i rhe *a?erlnB hena ?rr- la e t.V tlie Mwk-tr'i atahle ln rweniWi i ' ' ??? f whi.-h luad been i'-? badly Injared t-- re,-.\<r were PBt 10 il.Jlb. cairMse v/.ir ricsPM*M4t?txT* An Importaul ruange ???? aaade yewteraay la ihe ? . Bawpaaai BT. M. Danran, '?' Jlaalwllla r - .. ? ? ,.f ?!?*?? \,.- |.e-,CM .. ?? ' ??. ,'ll?? mateaan, Ala . | .. , a- ., I ' ? '?' eAperh ,.' tl* ii.Ripal'i .?. mi,. ???*? I. Bai '. .-stmiH-i Tb. . as f t II ? ? .a - TME rt. Th* fuH.-B ? .New \ ear ?? ? at. Ti?*- raaagd it ti. ati.?a??t |r*.|. e..ii? a lliejt*. ?f "ttaB I ..., ? . i:.'urmal ? fcal order, e-' > ro.v rvtry gr? Arrio.v._? - %t-te<Ja} adjaaaaaaja MM a happy r.?r.-wr)i tn the nbi Trar~ a..t,'-,l rlub n'-ocna at Xo. ?3 Fulton larird fnoca nooo untll fl p. m.. and naitT nf tbe 17(> Bfllt*-! i I v , ii* .. m ! ' ' ? ? , . e- .m .1 ?dai ' ?-' <? '. r? ,.. ,,io '?e > ?**<1 Ui*- "?io:.Versailone*? r4D' ir-.'jt tMfl "a guod. ume', and tha m verg fatad to be aoagal aausatalaara of th* flr*.t nink- Jolly prval frUowa everv < BO. Bdarard B. lirown and John li. fp:a;;ue, nf tha Motisr Conv nilttee, ar* respmisible ln th* fln-t degree. for th* uie eet* ol* th* enterta-iimeiit. The following is a list of the offirer-s of the I'ulton C'ltib : Pr?*ld*nt, Jordan L. Mott; ^"e-presldent, Jnehoa Hendrlcka; 6*cretfiry, lieorgo C flenjamln; treaaorer, Aleiander '.llbert: dlr*rtors. ria*s of 1 i-i+1 : John H. r-pragne. John Ab*ndroth. IVIIL'am Bmoktield; claaa ol IBttl Bdward U. Hrown, Harry linlbrook, J. 1*88ver !*??*; ela?a of 1803: E. <? Rlarkf-.rd. Edward R. Laotir, Herninn C. Merhling. H"use (.'omnnttee: Ejlward. Ii. lirown. ekalrmaBj John H.? r-pragti*. Itarrv HriihrrKih. Cocainlttee uu Admia-lon. Ysilliam l;rook neld, J. Aearer I'age, F/iward B. Ud"w. A TALK OX SOfTH DAEOTA. CREERTfT. OPIYIONs OF A REPl'BLICAN ET'ITOR OF TH4.T bTTlTE. A fine type of th" modern nvillzation. liitellifreuce and enterpme of the great new ITeat li >?muel R. Mllton. edltor and proprletor of "Th* Obaenrer," Red nVM. Sorith Dakota. II" has been spending ?*veml dava in tli" rtfjr. Mr. Mlltiin. who'i?. also a iii'-inber ,,f thi centrai Bepablkan Coramlttee if hi- Stute, waa ?een >e?t--ri1ay |,v a Tritmne r"pirter. He ili*.- oaaed poUBra ur.d other afTalre in a breety and tntertalning inaimer, ar.d ln sp.->ikinij of the rn,p* saul: ?? Whilo the ir|i returiia fpmi s ,me tecflnni ot the Mate ha-.-" not b.-*n altocther **t.>fnct->ry. -\i\\ the l.i-t yr-ar, takr-n as a wbote, liSta giver, pr,,spe.t?s of ver> eacoarafing reanlta ln the niture, and ih*r" i- prar tirally no groand for d<'pr">s,,, j r.r dltrouratTenient. niir p.pulatl'in Ia niade up of the be-' elementa from all tue nlder >t:,tes. aid tli- forrlgtitTI wi?i g ?. h.-c generally th"se who h.iv* livi-d aotue jreara in the. rotin in1. v< ry f*w roming to u* dlrertly frotn t!.? 014 BTortd. Al a rul". our i>*: ;<le luv* the zea! ??n<l ?-'? ? ' --,,t" -<-tbB4"k> an< ifl al "? i .-,,1 in he , ? F< rir-aiiy, the State i- BepubMratt, n-irj aritf t< malD -?>. Tho reanlta of the 1*11 eleetiotta <iii. II It trti , Intlrrata a raatleai tpJrll on the pari <.f the - Intereat, lootdng tcwtwcl lejtislatloti for thelr tpeetal t?.n"(lt. Bat the Farmer*' Alliaoce arlth ai ts in bearty tyinpathy alth tlir Bepubllcati panv, n<A thlt move in*!ii ,,f lt- iiii-nits-?r-.t- rvp4rde4 merely as _ deinajid that th" partj to rhbh they rtal!y brJoni <-h4ll du f,,iiK'tti!rifi f"i them a^ a i-lass.-1 ??\\:iat are thc proayecta of >enator Moody'i reiuni lo the Cnited Stvios is-nate " araa ?-k"d. ??That." rt-jlled Mr. MUtoo, -li * dlAralt oja to ai!*?er. Th^r?> 1, IOOM oppoaltintl tu Mr. Itooay on the part of the farmJn? rlaai touoini on hii alli |ed fomi"'iion n-ith roipoi-.itlon Intereata Thta bowerar, I ran say : lf Moator Mood) ls g t rc urii'il x n,an will sui etx-d iilm who ?1U Iie id,-nt,t i-l arlth th" Ucpubliian int"ie-^ ,,f th- coootry. Of eoaraw. thc-uld tho independent or ttnttn' Allianre eJement semtv a fu'loti with the I>enio,-.'-iit, i,v mn ual roncotl ina, tii.-y rould eltct a man arho w,?iM repreteai tn"ir apexial Intereata at Waablniton, out arho, at tbe taim i aroaM vote wlth the Detnocratlc party <-n .411 p HappUy, bovever, uu aucli fBalon It p.-<,b alle, or even poaalble. beraaae a ntaa m eiwt od ond e.\iert?a u> rofte wlth fhe Demoeratli party would ba repiijiuant to tl,? Bep?blk?vi piinriples imderlylng this uldependctit tnove ment. Th* iudicatlona an either that Mi. >tondi alli L,e returned. or aii UMtepemleni eandidate trtii , m his btcad, arho artli iie h Bepabtlcan on .tli Xat .. ':-- ?? - The LeulsUtiire. arhlea mcrt- al Iiu. ^-T/.ij.sday, u aoti-Republlran ,?n a ftuton liallot, tha >enat* beint BepnbUean on a aatall aaajority. ? fhe pohtiral cootlitiooi m rJoatb Dakota.* add*d Mr. XlItoD, -have beea MMBearhat eonpllrated aud p"<ultar. n__m: u, tha long and bitter controveray ,,. t I tha l?, iitioii ol tbe Biate capltatl. ; io tho dw-imir.?v tl,,i, nf this qneMlofl th- iinncy elfmvnt cnlered veiy i.. ^-'!. ami ii.? ia<-i.tnJiy and rattaeajuently rormpted , io auate eateni tn- p>n |< , ,,f rh" people. vi'c iinnk, boarearer, Ihal thal iaiaenfaj haa been complctel) at-ii. a-.i i i,i h"r-aft.T voicra ?ill i, cukled i,\ pte .4' <i r..-t b) lartl 11 ?i ' i imcraa'a of patwd ' tli* roa)t\ || ?'?*-?"? ' ?? i*4ai 'i.aj ? \ ,i artoaa 11?<-? bai * : ? ... ..ll*?vH ?..d. b.l ||?? prisin. atii ? al ita* ? \ ? , , ..4 ... ? ?? , ,. , ' t ' -?. , Bftaaaajjal ?.iai te ^Bj ? alt. ini*??'.?. i*ia?*? ?. ?! ,t*-4 , ?watA IHJhV- . | .*+*?, tjjaj ^ 4, ,, I fpajtB ???..' 4 I ,. "?,,. . , ; ?a??n i-xal .a*i?-. Tl.tM* u i?j ?? uM Bl BCJ ] lhat haaraiuer af IA* f.n .r* Ba ?.ir .ii,m*r . . [K.r?.4i.??. ar.d awk , vai t un. |of*et-iit? arill in tirjte !>*>-..m* ih* ?? IA" "'..i - It it my op4nion.* aald Mr. Milton. eothuaia.ii alli " that wham w# ahall har* ov*r,nmj. (,ur trmiairai reverao., South l>aau>ui will raiHv* an in.tariii. >' imiwtb nnr>4*rall*1*<1 ln th? Wafri-T , ?^ : ?-'?l "' l '? v** i.?? .:?.. ? ? Ul ;?? ? *- I , .,t a mlTTa .. . ,r, , \\ a ? ? .iiMi o? .? jtu.i ;->|i..Va li"' ,111.' lalt ' l , I,,.- , Mta durtac ia iir,i mr, iv af tn- ar n n.i ... .uiii.iasiau.mi uli.iU b-gan tu f.uw uril, * ba> yrars I a*;o. 1 believe that lf ta* a/B<i*r.'. rltlaem. of Jlew Vork have auy tttrphu weaJth l: ibelr luanda lo Inveal in aid* laatvs., n b*ater opporttuJIr can aaywhera bo foaad fjff aaah \\W**\W* *telaaa^ua J>alBta,' a ?.** ?????' JANUARV lst, 1891 734 *k*m%mm\ FiMMi?l 8tat?* PHIBNIX INSURANCE CO, * ***** ,or haktford, coyy. At Closa of Business. December 31, 1890. ,,??./ . / - - - $2,000,000,011 CASH CAPITAt,88ET8-A?AiLABLE poR mt L0S8E8; $5,624,814.73 AH POliLOWS and Ronds .-. l. t.. r,^ in Rruik and with ARfl.t*. Caah on Hand, Ir,1W an Inlted btatea and State. mocbb ?>" llHrtford Bank Stocks. Miirellineoti* Bank 6tocka, Corporatlon and Railroad 8608881 loiinfT. City. and Water bonds, R*hI Estate, Leaaa on CoilaWal. ? r.eal E?tato Lnan*. Aocumulatrd lntercst and Rent*. TOTAL CASH ASSBTS. r*fto CapiUl. ? ' ' ?tsjafjrg for I Mitifandinc Lo?Bes, Res-rve for Re Insurance, ? WCT ftJBPLUB, ? TOTAL A-S6ETS. BtjaBja] wjub HB\taaaW| - ??-1.166BI XmBBAM li-ijgggi aTajaaaj irjBjan ?l-amtfj ff IABI.UITIBS. i*aiajt}fj i tirgataj -??-.Itaun At, A-'aot'? ?? Total Loasea Paid alnca Organiration of company, $37,157,044.19 H. KELLOGO. Prealdent J H. M1TCHEI*L, =ud VIce-PreMdent CHAS. E. D. W. C. SKII.Tf?X. Vlre-Prealdent, GBO. H- I.i'KDK'K. Seeretary. GALACAft, A-t imnmrr. H m maoili.. Gaaaral Agaart- **??*?$?!? Daaaartaiiant, (?m-miiaii. Ohio. A. E. MAGI1X. Oa-a-aral ff^\^er^i\7vn^mmA. Norrtml, Caaaaaa. OaUtALD E. HART. oencral Mansger ^ r ^^ ? J il.I J ? -ti, * raiiBM * ? ? J. K. .iIcCAI, Hanager. ]>>w-Vork Oflire. 166 Broadway. _ ...?? ?"?__?* ? ???*? TO ,?? ,?,??? '?''M,7"n, ^ S I"""' "*" ""?ET, * "15?-?? ????-" -;' Compafny to ?? l"al ' mn,,i<./i the rompany b> Pui fbtir horses on '?';VU* 7,. . ,* tlie trtVc4 bl a-s arr.ingemerit is t-ontmued as |OBf as tue Lad U lt now ls. cfxietv. was s*"h ,ota P. HailK* pre*.dent of th ^f. aU???rSs? ,ni, rompany by thoM arho nn%e "?V?*" , .. -i?i,i,-s driveii down Hima.\c. tpea-lmena from its attwaaB un PresMent Hauiea sald: . .-~.,?e of th* st.K-k whirh thia company eand- om bj J%Z_? to the rtty. Th* horaea u?*d are not * ? , i^ ,o thc aon of aro* -hh- ls comp-Ued .? ^.^^=="^^f-Si saa?".-ssr?S ^'T,-,-'::;,^ff;,^^;^: J2 tbe compam hate -? Fr-<r .oMpatO' *r* &-Sv-feaSrvWaaS* ried out. _, THE COCRTS. A CEXarRE PT. A PR^F.CT-T"R *, deeiaion iaanded down y**terd.ty by-JneTiee Van Rnmt' ir tbe.leral r*rm. rrMalaei the peoaaaratJ-a Ui the r*,*rt trwl ol Jamea Itofal f?r g-i4 hnm ln th" Cnurl of Geseral Beaatona. nr.d NnM the d* rlalng IX.yle'a alleged ? rim" was a wtihdr-awii ot , funda from a b inl. arhleb KaS n*?i dep.?it*d br \ytill *m i Doyle iaalattUrl Dtatrtft A'torney Senipl'. ln ?d i dre*alni th" Jury. taid thal t" wa? t.. ho?** whether the defetttUtnl aroafc r.?tif.v. aid lhat h* w-mld adv ae kU . auktcJ to rearmtn bla fratfl doln^ bo, II. iiinreim. . trho reaareatnlw th* v , _. ?? ... vi ncifd th" rotin to ln , ir. "-int. h"?*v'.n. ?>nlr no'ed the ..LVertiiw tnd alluwed Mr. HetnpWj to amltBae bla r- ( "'"iT'glvlni f- d".isi,,n. J-edteo Van MI -T,;- mannCT In whlrh tl.e AaaUtanl lHftn.-i.v , , . irtasd (he prrnKmilnn nl th? raat araa r*i . ly i ? , ii , ?.', ?,, ttwuM rall lor ihe rei ?re of tbe rourt, and reqotrea ? reveraal ul tnu <.,nvi<-t.,-i. TIIF. BOABD HAD SO POWER To bl'BPTCfD HIM John Miiien, hxi Uvapettor <,f maaonry on tha n i Aqnedact, anu wpentM from duty for ? time :?? j ?.',. i,,. tiu. dlviainn enfdneer. He wa>s aiiowed ti | rontlnue arorh acaii., ba< ?t! dlsrharced a*raln n. ' ?4iAjaa*t f that year. He atted th* dty f ,r hls vilarv dnrlns tr.c tim" of hi* auapenatoa aiid r*.-ov*r*d jud: i , The Ooneral Term v?>terday sU-taln.'l thia deilainu hoMtn^ tliat the Anueduet R,>ard hud th* rtRhl ' t, il ? h-irp' Inapeetora, but did not bare tne rlgnt to ' ^a.peiid them, COl'BT CALEB0AU8 1<>R F1UDAY. Baperlni Court?Oeneral I -1111?Adjo'irni-d until th" Mnnd <> ul Jani ..r> ";'?') ? aupitOM i uuii?''tii'-ral TfiTT?Ri <??'-. .->? ?? rn" v ouit?Cnambi-rf? Befora R?a,-ri. J ?Conrt epena _i io .', ."'i calmdai '-a;i"<i it 11 a bi !,! j... ii f i o'i-t- >|>-:al Tenii- I'arU \ and II-Aujouro'd ', tb< term. Bu| Court?Clrcult?Parta 1, II, 111 and IV?Ad iwiriied r*i thi- l^nn. Sui, ii ,, i ? u l?Sp? lai 'iiii i:qi:ltv T'-rin-U-tm.' Trua\. J.-.Motli ua .,;-t-i'-ui Teini?Parta I. II and III?Ad j, i rned I"r th?i t-nn. HuiroaraUi'a court?Brfi^ Baaaora, b.?Xo, Q00?4'?n< t"-'.!-*! alli "t v -s Kaufii'in. fortoerly v. s Diiion. ?t io :4'"i a. in. Bo iuij'.ijI" ,ui-riiiar. i ..ii. uon PluBa .' ?' ??'sr..1 1 l'i - Adjnyrned for th,' t~rm. Comin, : eieia Hpe<-lal T"rm-Beferi ?i?,-hni. J. j._ , Motlmi*. (??Ti.ii.iii l'leaa?Trlal Term-Parta i, n and 111?Ad. j'urii'il loi t'i.- frn.. (?.??., l li .! T"rrr-Arj-?-irn"d f ,r th, t" tn C'ltj Court?>,?-ni Tena?Befora Kitralmon* J?Mo II0I1? i itv 4-<virt Trlal IVrm-Fsrt* I. II, III and IV-AO I j.i'irnf-d fur tbe t>-rni. Bl'PEMtXTEXDBXT 3trRR\r BtSTlXQ. Piili," Ruperintend'*nl Miirrie waa nratlng .it the houae "f his aon In Bigt.tlerh*t, yeatofday. M.* ? >vii hr-mc, in Madl*ot .iv*1 -v* 111 ti'.t lo raady fnr tbe us.' ol tbe ttmlly untll n*tt w<H-k. OffkUhi at i, ?,d,|i,.iri*rs aald yesterday Ihal Mt, Mtamty u.i, '?!i \,s1 ti, bt) sinicul...! l.-to-r 1.* \?.?, ?h*n I .< a-ent bi Europe, bat M- rs*f.,r'i ? . dn*\ is ? ? , M?. ?.i ' I--- lil. betaltl ' ? i- t-, im prov*. Tli tir-nrnt ,-,,-iv ,n M.m I. when bla inne ..( ^.h,,,. , ? vpir. ? vnr v r,R ihe ftttKBAL WtlUUM ' ? ' ' ' ' ' I" ..? ? ,fT ,,? Uj, ? th- leaVral Imldlna. baa beeaj rrpia.ra| lt ?a? ^ ansi that ih^ ? ,,< ,?,i| kj .. d-.?? Mk| thM a.Hi,r m ?,;,,? >m I hari l ?? ',.-? r anaa bl<>4Bi ? d a iHter - ai irr ? ' * ? .)*?? a' tha ?? ' ? ?.???. r,4lt ' "'??? J ? usam ?ji " .*?. \ i urtTKBr rr " i *t\ lln ajTeaa rhlrt* ?? ?aa Kiawi, ,, ? ., ,(H( .. I ajaaa t i , pMajj M, ^, s?w^ . .***??? pawaawitaaja flaf taw a- tt_ | "???*-?*,? t^aha i' tatiaaa*. *??"** ' -i^.r ajgaj ., | * *? aa. . ? ??airra.?|M.H ,M ISjaaapIr iela11? 1 . inffcta*, ama. ,.f va ii ^Wtgaa^a waa . ? -a .?, If.ata.t_ ?... ?. f^? **?* ?aad ?-. -n .* tv..,aW ?_,, N |B-|J Is *'"? .' - '* II).-m m* ? ka> 1^ n h4ir?^ ?... , ~H 1 ?? d ,. U ' ? 1 ?* h ?.? lWm v, uaa aaaa. Un^kwha. _* ^ m^ ^ i / ta 11 ThenrJ aaapkayet i I j?IANOS?-i a&d. I'pr.ght and Stjuara. Mi iera.e Pr.ces. rT9T.?XMEXTS. AXD ETCHA? 5th Ave.,cor. 16th St.,N.Y. a.. ??n BJBJ l-4ad a> IBSjaj kadB I , had Uim p .1 , .,.?.P ?i X . TRIBUNE EXTRAS. New Tariff Industries. In pamphlff forin.ociaro. ai pun. paper rovrrs. It ? ontaini Un unaa*. awrrable apeechea of Senaior tldrlrfc ind Sla-phen B fclkins on thc Taiifft an ext?>ntled acrount of new enier. priaes -apringtng np in tha* I niteg fclatea; and Ihe neu 1 arift laua. r*, via?*d, old and nrw ratea comparadk 2* eenta a copy. New Tariff Laws. ln aeparate fo m. 51 page*. papa* rovrn: Trihune imprini. and inclBaV ing lull aa>?t of i**ie Admintatratira hiii. lOcruu a copy. Old xud iia ratea <-oinpared. Silver Coinage ia aUBCBsaMral in an Extra cntitlod "A \rur ol lga-1>ii l>11a-saaai?? tsa,* * by avaata* Wna. .11. Meuiirl, in an Hnbarata iirifumenliii tavor of aulimiicf -*?-. at?p. and hy V. ui. .??. ?..loave-uar larBw pi>. (Uliri loiilenta: 4 Krvirvr al llurriwrni'a, llral )??ar: "How lo Wag rorimie." by i arucgie aud Wiaaaai ? tla-.Ua **>al I'i-.hi'rir-*." bi La E. a|| aud lha- ??-**oiHli?*rn 4|u??*>lion." af < uhle and Tnurger. t'i lurge i?**ga* 'Ai C?Bj|a a i-op). Iron and Steel. Thc rerent luMitute? in (bi*. aiir aud Pittaburg, with Ihe papcra rcaa1 bf ?'Y|n-'-(s: 16 UlajBtr?tlaaaaai and iba Wfaleni irlp. bi lur?r paga-v *' ? ems a ropy. Other Extras. A large number ol oihrr Eitraa have been printrd. ??eiid for t irrular giving the li*t iu full. _Tjd^Ej^iiyiL. Mr. Llrlngstea **};? ?h'\,.??-ri aa WUUan Livingston aaa I de (ed ?tb n* * *" the att.ount ?f gojoo K riauaa . f * ? ^ uiled toftt.67&. ihcvv. . a*-aaraaa rrroti aaa ?n,:;:,<>. ?*?? ? ?-? Ulhixti HER FATBER MOi HER eWrill Tba aoUrrarlng "mnmrnl ?'->?- l ' ? :"'"* nea-kpapef n?,,rri yiaeeiaaj uk?T , JjAMtKL II. TAYl'-R. LATE ? # ??? *if r.Ia7*4 ?-?'.M.. aupptiaeal to rtave ??? ?', ';"';'\Uvt lii an aaylum by hia daajrhter. vv K'?~i ?f ln> ufwvr.?l, ul. will ..,.,:,-. , . ' - ,"'.\',.,i; '30 . ... ?; -11 i\-i ,v' We.t 31at-?t. iMoran'i bnlll. . ? _^,.iia. a Trlboi ? run-s M he>l " '* ' , ft?4-iH.i-.M'. n... loo u.-.t Thlrtj ?--' '? -,,-*'r"(' ? ? ?ii Balalng en r*.Ilanbed u< thc laf ???? '? * mrm+ ? Me,u aaaaaaa, neaarj draaseaV adth arai !i,r "? aaaartj bUrat, i m h i . ? ?a? M? i ajBSt ??? taaaaad ti;f ,,.,-,?,. ,., |,? . "I taBavBof -.,. aa) )..-.-.. -i ???> "^pl,rTl *! i Pa.. i?- |M. n^,i ,? ||V, srtia aaa ?' **"**mmZ t'.* asBBBBa .1 -,- .1 ii^ ari ? ??? ' , -N>IU? at v, ii w^.i rarasity aitaal r?aa -^ I-'i'i hUa rraaa .,..* iM.aaaaaar : i ? ? "r^J i....i?-v , , LaaBaJ Pabraaay r. u . md ,-a ^ .n ai ai . .v.. '..,i aaaa ar haa I ha ?!??.-. ?- * ' ? M Bfg B*?J . IsMag w . a . .. I ? Bjraaaa aaaan . 11 . i Ha Mj. * I-*-. !?,.' ? .4 4 ti ... 4 '4 laaa ta ana < iw.t. i, h ? ? Paaeee aaa aaaa * >*~?a?.rB>,i aaaata V?Ol ?. af, a ,rwal <tt>?i ,| w. alV m -I < - I ? a**-" ?.*-ri %l? ba bor r??va.- ,.? "gAiguaaa Aa?*-?a ??- ... I * ? ? 5 *?w-ia ' .<#,,.?,? Mtaar ar.*rwa. ? N N Bj ???... ..i . paag m ^4 1 ?' >l- I .' '? i aaaa, aaj - bj i udaaa ?. I ?? ?*"mp0* , \,,?,,, ?. ???'?-*? S \4bWi... V. r. UaAlaha-i. ?? S4-, . -???? ih>wi aer^^ 6 *--.'liaa. l.taura* j v i **?** aad tbe gajv. J. ?,