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heoeat, and no eominunlry whloh fg leir. ?I mav he mlataken in my falth in t^J**"* Seoate. but l have no fear* ?t it. liio 1J? puhliean majority in niadc up of ?en of ronng* ,nd ..nscienoo. They i* the Prraoeralle JVn ateea aolldly ogatn* tho neunre, and they knon thal tbnt means llooiocratlc and parttaaii ?***?* and interoat. Tl.oy know tbe noed ?fljjj*?' ?nd they know th.t their paity ia f edged to ?MkOt it Thev will rrd.-em tho party pltdgt o?.l npr* tbe KaUenal intoregv ln tbia ortaj* and eliaaax in Ihe enieei of tht ?rpaNteon party. when it al ptahdini at thfl pi??iH "? ,,"> **** wben life and kOfjM ??* U. in the eajM dtrretion. I havr no doubt al tbe loyul and eoiirageoiio Ko ?uHifianltT ol the Senaie. IHI.I^tlMS'MNUyiWu. -Theiefore, I thmk tbe bill Will aurely ?>e ?eaaed. Tbe party will l? itreaglbowad by lt. Netblag ked fmnd and irroni wlll be barawd by it. Tbe souili itseif will aay in iei peace, as it now taya 11 tbe ?obJo?atien al the Rebellion, ,,,Ht thne waa ? bkaaing io M to 'I"' Sonthen *> wfji aetbe Xorthera Sutea wltb this done, wltb ii* rretoettoa rx.lw. ronowing it* strenMth im:<I popuiantv tbreagh reeipreeify, nmi with tbn gpant woik oi rovlaiag tbe Hnanolal and banklni Uwi of the Sattoa, ^ alatnij ooaalag Io the troi.t M a u.a.n ,|ii. stion. il nol the parar.ioiiut 1-: the noal eampalgn, and wltb the Aaaert ran iieoph- sure to trual tho Republteea purt.v in iii'li werk m pieferenee t? any other party, we havo only to bf iusnred right kwdOlwbif to rlect the n.-\t ', and Io ahape the Repub |ic Into its ue?ci and brtlor llfe, when theie kiii.ll be in. mojT beftionaJiaw and au ond of the leng aUuggle Ibal waa lenuired in Awertea to prove Ibe negro Io he a hiimau being." MR. NICOLL'8 APP0INTEE8, TBE MEW DWTR1 LTVATTORNEY'S FJTAFF. Mii.r ui.', 01 THE .vi \ WB \ I RXJl'DGK BED j ii;:j .s\\ > 01 ii:mm.I.k. He Laprey Nhwll wdl enler on tbe duliea ?>f thc oitii e of piktrlri AHorney at noon to-day. aad yeatir (i.iy ha anaounoed hU appointmeiiU III* Asaiatont DisUlel A-.toiii<>-, with ;i atory of *7,&00 a ycai eavrk, alll i* Bart?? .-. Weckx, Ounnliig ?. Uodford, Vernon M. Davia, Franci* I. Weltoian, Mikeusie Uemple and lleury B. I- Stapler. I lu- i bkd Ueputj Aaalatanl i- to bc llaarj J> Mucdoiia, .it a aalary ol aVMKW ;t yeur. The Dtpui) AaaUtanta ???> John !?? Lladaay, U'auhope Lynn, John i Mtltityre, Iktvld Wetok, i harlei K. aim?, }r., and Itoberi Tua-n*ead. Tlte lleaid llerk .iini aerretarj i- tu ba lleni? W. I'uger; tho . ( tjcrk, William ?'. Hi-Kciuia; Ihe Ueputj I'hleJ i l rb, llenrj W. Illwltaeii. < >f Ihwe M<--i-. Bedford, Havi>, Keniple, Burdwua und Liiubaj aerved ander i utonal Felkiwa. li:.- folloalng imloblugrajih) ol rt Judge Bedford alll i* read *i't' iiitcre i m ?" i anriii ol lt? rluunilng i .?? i. ,.-?.t oi |ht Hgbt ii thruaa uti iiie autlwr'a luiu i Muat m'U : Juiigu liedford, b) laJ .1 icptaiue W the puniUon ol t ln-I A--l-l.UH UI 'I'" IJWIji I Ul irtiej l" i >im.iI. ha* glveii ??'? keyitote ui the pracUcal, aa jf r i :i. ui, eiiergelh und li.t iiUmiuUtraUoii whlrh ii, |..-. ,.].? .;? mded n tli ek-? tion ol Mi Bieoll, and v. u., n tue- have n ju?i ii 'it ii eapocl. Xka appolnt in"i,t I- botli a ]"?, und Poli.I u-ibuio. Jad| liedford ?erved with Br, Nk-oll upon the UnlRant ?u?rt nf iJlstrtit-Altorney Martlue, mm m- iieariy Indone ii,cm und anpport >l <l mm li t? im-rea-e Mr. Blcoll'a -;,i"i'iiii tuajority at the poll?. Thi* will he Judge i.niio.'d - tifih u?rm .i- putdh pruvsruMr, ln addlliou tu ul- terni .i- ? itj Judge. aui-n an eapcik-tiea ul Uta iiimiiiul courU Is unuvitjled, und tue popuUrlt) ui tho i neni ,,!?..v.'- ilim .ludy liadtonl n.<- been, dur .. _ : : :.. und lioiiorublc i uivci. i ?? unlj ?' '' rroi to , . i doei , f ui .i pi i:-> I t. in ? "? do Wi II. Llbe i? i.ui... ? Nl< ,n iiiiii-?'it, Judge liedford irace* bia ni-sveiit froin KnljajV'rbiN aci and Rcvi Juiiouury lirac*. ln- iiiotlu-r waa an? duughtcr of lln- rr.'iov nc,t I);. Vait -itllinien li uithei ?.i- the atili more lunmu* l>r. ng s. Ik-dfoi-d, ihc founikr ol ahu?v family wa? h ; , ? ,i und : :\ i-,-i of \K nJilugton, mw ol tbe uuihor? <?f ii,,. i , n-tiiii'ioii mtd the i 'ni'i Ju?tlce nf I Miawaiv, Jli . ,i .? , ii unv ol tlij ,,f "in i! ?? ii "-i',r- in iu Rlni lihic .itgi and ii ? ol duty. ii'' gradaatod ai i olunibiH t'ollega and ui ih? llarvard Lua bchool; , hi* i'-ivdl -tii'lic in Ihc Mfltre ol tlie llon. li, i j.iinin l>. hlLUmuti: entcred the l)i?lrir( Vttoruey'a nfltec I !-'??. and i'iii- beguu whai Iih- i,,."i a Ufe Inng -trugglv !?? pivtiTt tbe Iiiiuh-vdi and puui?li ih. eulli) Duilng the early part >?! .,? rareer Judge llHtford dlBtllifflili-lted hiinsell iu i lif pruaOi'Utioil nl Mi Uoiiald, the emigruiil ? u dlei. a bu ha i delted Ju?tl? e |,a years. Ill> pnntei-ution ol tlu notorloui, "Llver j.i .i.'i..' > ? M,.i.>i! i ,,f ;ii,iiii' i-alliitv. fornicd a louipaniou pleic I?? llial legal tiliinipli. Iie wa? I i -i'l< ii -u-iiue'iitJil In puiil lilng VVoll and Evan?. ihe ln fiiii,,ii- ;i ,,iii,,iii-i- ,.f Iwentv m-i.- ,,.-o. und he re ,<iilv akkifcU-d io ui ihe coinniiinlty ul iheli ImiTible >:.,??--:. >ti-?ioucgal V? an riii'" i ? i.i?"ii ' riiiiiu il i.w.. Indita kedtiird -tuiid- Inirh Iu ilic e-timut.I .11 JudgtN i"1"1 '' ? aai'iia?t iloiiuoine and liivinclbla an ij "f fn. i i- ? ? -i , ,,i,\ ln, ing | , * i Iu io iloui.i i 'i :t ln^ loiig and f, ihful cervnrs, reiognlzedMij DUtrhi Vtlorne\ Nholl in Uil appoinlnient, will hertaftcr galn for him even 1.nis. li" jv l;. li. Ktapler ln ?? itive ol Mubuda, and thhtv cigbl yeiii uld. Iie wa- giaduuted from S'alc t'ol |ogi in l-Tt with liiirh Imiioi-. und from th? VhK> i iu Siliixil two vii- later, nitiuinu Ihc Jeavll i /.i for tlie IhM ?? -'. on .i h>il loplr. lle was udmltted Iu thc bat lu 1-T-. und hni ln- oftire ul N,,. ii 1'ine ?t. lle ha* for |cn v?u-- been a meailier ol Ilic Voung >'??,'- Demorratk I'lnti, and | , Hnte v.;i- Olie <?f It- vn .- ]n.--i,(.-hl-. ||e li\" .,' ivihiun. irhere hc i- piv-nlrnt of tlie liomorrutii L'lub. ii, Iih* h?oi .i hfo loug friend of Nr. Niroll und 1- hi- ;. i >oiial aiUMilnlmei I. ? wiiinni .1. MiKeniia, ihe new fhtof I'lerk, was horn in Ireland, <.>mm,^ to tbi* touiitry in ]-?',', ,i ui" ai ?? "i ':'>???: il:' li i i.n ii member nf the ly, .i ? ii I, ??!? in Ihe luteriiHl Rcvenue ? iai,", und i ; ?? ( Btearrher ui the t'ountjr Clerk'n . ffi.e '??a -. \s.'. i,, |g ;, natlve of tin- rlty, a'"1 not >.i thlrty i"Hi- '"hi. Hc wa? graduated from the ? oikveol IIk i u> nf Xea Vorh und ihc loluuibia La? - ho.,l, ii" hai pra< ti- -ii law - n, a i--:i. 11.- \t \ ii ? pr?--ii|. ,1 i,| IJiu Di'iuui rati, Club, alld Judgfl Ad \ tirate-Uenoral uf thc khii ol Vetciaiia. Vernon A l)avl? i- iblrtj Bn years old, and waa f,.r -ix \<-?i- tulur in th.Iw-gtj ,,f ti," city ol Xea York, where he ?u graduated. I ? * - ira> atlniltvcd to the Imi in I87W, after belns graduated fr"in the i olumbla l.i? N-hool li>- haa been ln the DiMrlrl MiiiiiiiN > ofltre under Judge Martlna and t'olonel iallowi-, anrt Iried ihe i?i- d, Uar, Eteetrlc Kugar and l'ell l,anli vrreekinj i aaes. i hu-|e? K Min- ??,, t on, ln thla < itv twentv rmie \'-,:- h.;o. ,tnd u;i- Kraduated frt?m tli" l'nlvcr>ltj ! c, srhoo] in l--:., wlniiinc iIki |ui/? for Bke i?:.-t untten oaammaUon. Hc baa l,cvn pHK-tising lnu at ". , :, , , |it ,n<!\\ m\ . John ?. Brlatyre i- th rty Bve years old, ? graduate ,'t >t. t'ranilfi Xavier < illew and the rulversit.i Laa >? ii""i. and <t BBoaiber id the Mauhattan a;.d tlie Dem . rratic l.'lub. llenri i>. Mardoua I- ,i graduate ol Manhattan ( i] legp and the t'olumbla law rH-buol, and \*;i^ ,i ucwa paiier in.ui for len year?, Hc begun io iiiaiti-i-, luw ui iiie. oi!nc ot ludgc Morgau ?' u'j Ii.(\i<l Welch w**. I?,iii m tln- iitv ,n |AW), and ??- admltted t,> thc bar ln Innfi. lle h u friend ol ihotnaa r. liilroy. umi i- >*ld t, have >erurcd hi ap i li him. .toiiii i>. Lladioy, although onl> lwonty?lx yeara ui,). iwt- been a deput.i under Judge Martinc and < ilonel I'ellnwa. II" draw, up uiok) ,.f ihe ? iiient-.. Wauhopa Lynn ??- born ln Ireland <ml ?a< gnaduatad fr>m th" 1'iiivarsit) Law h<-Iio?I Iu i--_. Itoberi Townaend j- a grjduatc ,,( I'olunibla ' dlege aitd l-a? * bool. v-' Kenaie bempla ., natlve ,,f Milnima aJul a j-'im'! . ,i ? ol Ihe \n\\ srliooN of II., , ,i 4'ni tbe I'ldverait) ol Vlrglnia. He u.i- .i- ? | v.t'i Mr. Mioll under Judge Martinc In the prosecu ti.,0 o! tba ?? b aidle raac*. l"ni,i- L Wellmaii i- a llmvii'ti man ,,f thc i b <>f '7?, and w.t- for ? ;m," ItM-turer <:\ l ?? I'.okloii \.*w a<'b??ol, \?ti"!'" li- ? <- gradtuued. He alsu .. l.i,, ii ,it ;'n; llarvard \.vn -? inni. Hc ha ta Ihe i 't ? ? . Ilaain w. i?? gor, prlt. retarj t i Mr. Ni,.,|| j, m rnaiuher of tlir raiiimaii) llall nrgs .-11: ?, ,,( t],H x\'iiith \-v-n.',:v Hi-n,.i. and w.i i ,i i',,-,. \,.H.-, |h Ihe (VirpomtUHi i w:t I', .,;: - n,- ,. ,,i,,,,, ,,,,.,, ><??!?? o]j. ii,- im, ai- , i?.,.n ^t Hiograplier and ??-,'<? harj Ui Ihe lirand Jury, and ?;v- promineut in t>i? nM'murnKO'i nl Mi si, .a- tw., rampaigua for the IMktrii i Attornoy.lnp. i'Hl( IAU T? 1,1. IN-JM | Kll fn DAY. Mayor Orant v.:iei,t.i upon hh new term of nOre at aonn lo-day. There win i* no formal reremonli. or rareptton, but the Major will t* proaeni at tho (itv llall rrom IS to i o-cloek to ?:.v/t aneh of liu friend* *:.<1 xvtll ?|!.|<r, v, pjij rhooae to <ail upon him. i >lo!.el FaUowt u-iii band over the Uey* of tho Ui* "trm Attorney'a oBn* to hia larnoaior. Ue Lanoty KtroU, at noou to-dny mthout ar.y Jormality. <-.euer?i ;-iriv^b will tum the ahcrlff* offlie over to fcheriff ele, t Joka .>. Uoraaaa at n>>ou to-day. .indgc Joaepb K Xewburger, of thc cttj Coart, win begln hl? eix year tenn pf ofllce to4ay. Judge New burger will -u ln <.:?wUri-i at the Uty Hail all of January. The term of i;i'h?id o'Oorman. who cclcbiated his i.aventie?h tuithd?\ a teu- montlis ago, ?s oat of tlta Jadgea of the minertor fonrt. azpirod yeaterdav Thoniaa Hue*e, Ui? ehlrf rierk. and hia aaatatauta aont him a lttler expreiMng their appreriation of the innumerable hlndiia??e- lu- lu- *kown them and tboh wi-h that h? ahlgnt long eojoy exrvllent hnulth m<l -.?!?!?? h?|i]iinx?? ln repi> .hidi;" o*0?rman armte in. tlianka for tln-ii klnd womU, praUing thelr falthfulue-- and wi-iir-m them a Hanpt Ni-w Year Davld >!? Adum. faoaaort) < hiif Juatire of tha Ctti <oan. wiii kucri^-d. .ludKr OHloraian. lle will tak'a Itii ?eat next Mondm THI CUPTUB NK.W VBAB1 CUP. rhe ru, mi; ttatara ol tia- m-?m?i wiu t^ tha two-aaai ;. qiiurtrr mlle ra< c at fllflon todj\, worth tl.oOO Tvoaty ala entrtaa. Plvaj otiier intemitiuK evenw Tnunk ttrorl to ?nind w and. v?a Krle H H . h?lf honrly Jfrotn U M a. ni , t'liaml^r.--. und UliU Bt. Kvirie<. , '. ?IGHT MADE MDWUfoBY LOCD BORNS. HOW TODAJ W1L'? BK 01kSMlVB?-?ERTO1t?I iBCn lt THE THEATB&S. date your kdtora. The old year ***?TJZ* heart burnlog and so great kOffl8?f8 tbO OM tnweJJ X*. the other in (bf apkkeaarr PAleOgtioa hdogo and gone, and bnrled. aod tbere-s no certkly i*>? n rahnmlng ?? every tlme you lake gp a pen. 1 at Ing pav^l huo Idetoff, IfM la npw ?Mv in for JJj Lrian. ThQ New Year waa. rung in. flwdl ?J anj bfppai 10- The din of II* began ?*? oclock U.I evening. At that kOW.tJM'iO <?J angels of Uie nether world ?emed Ict bjtOft JOtb wTioo* and ...e rallow V-th. *****?? ,o afta feK blmaelf tran-formcd. or raihcr tran?ed ,,,,,?11, into ., ict-loosc aort ??*"" t*"3 with but OM lOOaloa, and that was to inake hlmself m a lia koan with a reaf Io Iba oko Uptaca , arU.le .old ln egf luad b* at 8 OPhU "ple.r. J ' o,lv !li bonre ? f 1*0 to dally with, everytblng Ikot tTLd w?.expa..^t?IUgreat.-l^iM"b";'?- ' ?ad mtule ?? bhl 8*1*41 beforehand ?+??***? time while .he old year fcrtdd, for bg had p . ...Nd tothar, und wife Io lurn uver a new leaf at ?? ,,,,:, 4 WiT That k th< o?iy roaaoo wbj ^P?i.bte SgU Unit to the* Kow Yoari *"?-*-"25 of general -IMllUWi they 8B| Io them--,bJM Ihtf n.owodo of netea and lorror la orriy ilJJJ " ,,, oajn; lhat after tho ospJoekw everytblag wifl < ,*.,? ,,,d sereoe tor twolve aaoath*. wTU. tMeeon ihletlea Ihe rieh ood the hwrjy h* oewn kw< night w ?tcu ?* th? ou year aod aftep u. tba ntw. The eootoai of Now Veor'a anlUag Ibal obtnlnoi n iha t-ii.o oi Iba lovolntlon und vraa Krnpoloaaij on .grr^hitbtadlyoodtbrooghoottheeoontn forjaaon (haa liw >**ra after tbe bi.itle of Loxlogl.wken tt< imennu, eogle rtartloi thi aolveraa emkkte fW woan for llheny and Indrpeiideii.-e, bai fulleii Intodaeaj and J m,w followed here by only a 8?all Par. of Um aoeW world. Thora la, bowovor, a handful of Wghbred women who eail themaerrea Colonlal Dame*. In honof ?r the meiBory of Ihelr Brdelnwbocker foeefathera. aoO Umm vorthy ayaiaJdaogbtera and peufhtora of ihe Horolollon porodl no hoo Yaar'a Uay w PMi ?'t!l""t recotolm calli rrom a tegton of friowla. Naoy preacbara aJao been up tbe oi.t eustom, and II la gonerallj uiiooratoog thal itmogera. wbelbar they b? angola or not, ara a> wai rome at the ahepbord'a Brealde a> i,?.v aaember ol hta own Boeb. Una of Iba repre*entative Colontal Daoiea wl,., rorelvo Kew Veert cella la atw. ?'? '?>"" Uardloer, and one of tho ropraaaadotlve preacbara who r.ever fa,i to oeaen-e tba aay l? Dr. Talwage. VWUng luia unong the Ponr Hundred aro too long aa a rala ta naka S'ew Vaar*a calhi n aurceaa, and far that reasoni they were long alnee aband.d. The eonntry, whk N ade* not foraahe Iba tradltiona of Ita aneoabin a> readlly m ihe tttj U prona to an, nfll obaorva tba daj in U'e good old waj. There wlll be a snSrlenrjr of entertalnmenl and amu*cmenl for everybody thla ifternojn and agen Ing. Al mo-t of Ihe llwatrea In Uw ritj Ibeifl wlll i?. a kwcrial bollday matlnee, ln addllloti Io lha i gniar evening performanca. *inw of the u<f In.portanl afternomi attrartlonn are -P.' Jonatkan, ?, tlie (aslno; -The La*1 Word," al Daly's rhcati ?? \ I'.nV ol Hpartaetes," at ihe Mwlisnn Snoare; -Tbfl Idler.- al Ihe Lyrenm; -1?. IHU." al Uie Unrden; ?? tnc I'upil ln Magle." al the Xew Park. where Ihera will al o be a mattooa to-o*orn?w: "nhlp Akoy," a: tlu Htar.dard: -A Teaaa 6teer," al the llljon: manle and Hluvlons, at lluiiann's; "Men and Wonif,.." al Proctor's: "Blne Jeana," al Ihe Fonrteenth sireet; ??The Couiit.- Falr." al the l-nJon ihieara; ?? .:''.M llome.-toad "' at the Aiedemf "I Mude; "Tha Uabei in the VVood." at Xlblo'H Garden; "t'nela ?.?" al tlie tirand upera lloa?e; rarlely, at r?H?r Pa?IWs. Uie llarlem upera Hon-e und Ko?ter A Bial's, and -Mr. Barne* ol New-Yori." al Ihe Columbu*. The lifth Avcnue, Uie star and a lea of Um other thiatrea wlll gl*e no (natlnees. For the yoimg fol* wlio Uke to be ontd ors tliere will i" ?kating at Van Courtbindl Lake. if tbe weather is goiKl, is Ihe ke ha-" been Hcared ol n .w \nuwe , i lown |ilea? i?> ?i Uie e> ' ili - ma> l?. uioiiii.d lh.< N'ca \ear-. Ilon ul tlie Au iral. il, , l.eaiuifiil Pine Park liotel. al Hreufww^J. L. I. . rrniiia for llrentwood, whlch ,- forly-one mlles frora noo Vorh. Ieav? Long i-hmd City al ?"-:-" p. tn. |.Mgi?ter l T. Kltxgerald, ahn ii ilm rammany ihill IiwI.m of the i-i Asaenibh DJstrici, will give his usual itmitul New y?.r's >ceptlon Io Ihe rtMrlet rnmndlU-o todai fioin i to ~ p. m. Tne Amcriiai, Min^uBi ol Satural lll?tory \mII h? open free io Um pniiln i/i-oay. Vt :: :30 n, m. m free IfluMrnl d h, lure upoii thi ?? ri,.. -!? iil Geogi-aphv and Ki-rne * of N> v. \ ,ri, htile. tlie lllglilands und N'iagara'' wlll ?>? rtellvi.I '? l'i t.--or Alberi H. Xo 11- U-t - ki roijuired. The Mn?eiim I". nl*? open fr-e ,? Ihe pul.lli nn ewk Wednosdav und Silurday evening and on ihe riciiing ol all pubili hollday. Irom 0 a. ni nnlll 10 p. m. ? ? - THE < II V E^TIMAI !'> H.l rLED. as INCHEASEOF WI3,( LAST YEAR. 'i he members of ihe Eoard <>t R>tlnuiie, Mayor Gra b, I'ontroller M.w,-. Presldenl Coicman, ol lha J'.,\ Ue partment, and Presldeni ArooU. of tlie Uoard of AMer men, Hiii>bed ihe budget for lotil \< tcrday, after ap propriatlng gio.000 for ix-pairs upou tlw l*nmod ne* We i w.i-hi'i-t-isi Markel The ofliriu! roU?, ahlcli Depuiy Controller htom and General Oerh (?*J ?peiit mII Ihe prevlou* nlglil Iu tibulitingand preparing. gned by the four C< mmbhioner* ln the Mayor's nfgt-e ,it 3:30 p, m. Tht re?ull of lha board'i UI ?: ihoa - an aggregate appropriathn ol aboul gdlS, wo foi Ih \rti,ou? pun>o?e!i fbr i-'-'i over thal of the year 1800, and iiiiit. after dedm Ung Ihe amounl of i.'if lien aral l und, abt ul ?< HO.OO0 more i> u> be rai^ed bf taxation for Uie tity's expen?en lhan was levied Ii -i \ i ar. The fnllowlng Is a slatemenl ol tbe approprintkn* for 1800 and \r'.i\ : ui ??,:,: imraoMis. i-." '- ?' ,,,- M, , . fjiijuio no II,. iViinnion Coun II . '?>? ? '?' "0 .'?'. ? "? 00 The Hinuiii 1 >?-1->rtn.- >>t . . IMs..'..o u-.?7,.,(xt ...n stat?. ,.i\ - iintl ? oiiiinoi, -. '.."> l .. . 4 Mfl 1141 Ki :i B.VI 0,30 IT .? i,ii n,? i It) cl- bi 3 :c ', -!'. ,0 ?'. l.l ::<:i -11 ,,-<i iiiiHlun and Inatalnn nu u! i .- :,? i|,?l ui tii. cltr d>-bt l.os-i.ui; :,.-, 1,307,.VM 02 i,.- ?-. 180,573 on 131 a.'L' ih, Arnioi ? -. io,d Ui.ll r'?.n - - r-iitu . W.'JOflOO 42,05000 Annorlea and dnli rooaia? n? ... ... 31 '...'i .?. '.;,.,ori 00 liU '. I.10.1KHI 00 7.V) I'... i..ia ii..|.iiiim ni lOO.JOOOU I'j9,0&OOO l ae l?. lartmenl .>l i'1,! li'i Worki . ... . ;t.'lii.-i:, i>o 8 121 470 (?u 1... j) nortir.i nt ol I' i Parki . I.IM.TOOOO tiJi 1,500 oo ?Jlir D.j.lllll. llU ..( Ml.-'t Iliil,r,.'. i :? ? m '.'.1 1 JIKl 'JIUl Want< . 290,20000 Tl.< Ii. i>uiii.-n, ..: l>uUt< haritW and t'nrrwtion . 1.041>.1onoo 2,l?fl.237O0 HealUi D-iiartinent 3H2.200 00 4IP.4O0 iKi |?, ? ? I. j.i? t: i .,: 4 oi: T.i! -I 4 777,513 38 |l artiiiwit nf Ktre.-t Cloanllig I.2.V..NW 00 I.SH4.SSO00 i i D parta?nt 2,108,45000 3,145,500 00 ]i, notuin ni ..( 'lui.-^, und \,? .-;.?,,.. iivsno nn 117.82000 ii....?-1 ... Bdnretioii 4,234.41700 4,207,887 00 "' "'" l" '- S'U- ,47,000 00 147.00000 ,,,. N'orniaj .. .... 135,00000 125,000 00 Aaveitiaiint. nrlntlna ?Ullon. ,,,?/,, in und l.lanh bookx 840,70008 347.200 00 MtimeliHU awvlrv exanilulng ?-.??,,, i ,, .... 23 ..imi oo ? . 000 00 ,?,??.?. ;. 58.H5K00 05 7,>o 00 U"2 "82 oo lV.5.fi50 00 185.500 00 ,, i iioni ;n.Vil-.iOo 48!i.8<>0 00 n?i\-..v,., .,1 r..(M''-i 40,20000 4.?,?80,O0 1 nn i ti. ?lr?et and l*r,i .,,.-.,_,, .Ulr. . 204.247 ?-'* 215 50H III Mr..,. , ,ltv i-ourU . HHi'.ifiooo ;?-,.:. ludli-lary. 1,088.84000 1 < -< lomil Mia. llauixmi .' ???? 171,11205 188,810 10 jUviuiii* i. formalorli - and i-harltablc loaiituUooa.. I,2I.?,311 50 1.341 2-'.? 8, Total. .885,1 ih i".i; :. , .,.r, ?, n Hiil :J I..-,. general funa . 2,048.90088 L'.WO.OOOOO 882,501.137 32 W3 100 ? DEATH9 AXD BIltTIIS OF A YEAR. |a |b? y.-at ttiiMi cini ii y<?terday I0.2M ieathi 89,251 MrltM'i 14,903 aMtrlasri aere rrponed at Ui" ,.f Vllal HtaUatlea Coaaanpttea klUed 8,401 Htm \,>iUi.r- bMt vi?i. Fallowim i> ihe rorerd af rt :uiu tijm iioataglawi dlitaaei la Iht eltr la i8>'.' <i.d 1p:hi : 1890. 1AM UKiliihtrU. 1,250 I. Ift5 8 artet ti.\et ......... 408 1,280 Urarlr.- ........ 7_l 170 fr\ir .. .. ,',,',0 3l>7 SaMllpo*. ?_? i Total 2 7!<5 3 7:t2 1 ln !?oi. l,73? daalhi ra*ulted'froai rleleace. Potle*. men madc 84 Bf7 air. ??.- ];i?l yetr. WOKK OF TIIE FIIJK H:'.I'.\!!TME-VT. The F.rc D.'i)artnicnt. aeeordlng to its rep rt mide roaterday, now kga 1.090 mea in it- exttantdUog l >n? a:id fiftv mi cngine (onipanl'd. The |OtOl num? ber of tirts aunng iho l?-t ye;ir w^ 3,463. ?nd ln no nif ?n a bulldlng eri> dctroyed. The ?-!nia?<-<i Iom au #?.<>i:o.i?f:i. with iii Inaunaee of 85ri.AOO.non. Tlie averac kxa l.v eaelt tln- in l--? anaa #170520. m lnru *i.r.i ti:i, ln l^uo ei.i7-jo2. AlTIVlTY OF THE OOatPOtATtON rulNSKI.. < oi|i<.r.,tloii ( ouiihel Clark'i. ainmal -.Uit-.-ineiit i^-uvd gaatartaf mak?? u decldi^lly favoi-ubie abawbkg for tlie adnilnMratiun of tlie Law LVpurtment Iu the Ia?t tv.elve nioiilli- (ompared with Uie year lurifi. Ac tlnns i.nd prtwee.llnirN rflipt^ed ul 111 IrteO. l.OOrt ln "V. 4V lO Mlrk^ f Hi? ?unr?.dn.1 all forrigo oiak*>. * All drucfl.u. yrTtTa. a*?a* ? ?? ? *J Xalaw-aaaaaaaa ??-?' .v?pendence, <->.. aaxa; sss ?? tiii- WOR8T CA8K OP ,rRF.D MT BABY OF WB ?"* E ^tarbii . evek saw A CB1LB V,IT ? Tl ILl ****** WAH VKftY LM AND ^?J2 ?,S.MAD^rKHMA.KNTCURE n*>i? on wood and MBt eneaaee tree, THE SWI1T BPLTIKIC CO., ATLAETA, OA. . , Zhm ln thc Corooratlon AllornevS IttO, al.oiil 2.???- '" '"? ' 14r,70; In 1MOO, ..ireau. a.tion* of *^JJ? , , Zm*m ,9.06.1. Tue Puhllr A mlliU???J' - ?"^ ??,,??? ,,0.?, |. |?M, JOft " r,:,v,i),1;comn:U-loii. ,mj(1 1|lt? tho ettf<>. J ? ^ g^U M : atuount. dlsburaadJ. ?Jh m, nl Sc;.V;M-o^iJ^j^lK,',h,',y,,,ul fSfSS^^-**1.,rl,,fll:i .' , e The woild. II . ?- -???>'" fLffS ,??.,. ?f ,?,?.. ua.n.rtw. and gr?..e,l^ -' i::/^,""^-', ",,'-s,,s.ine 1875, w.,n o,^ 1 a.,-,- WM :'o.ln.-t.-r The exneme, ? Jl-u "thHy by thc poauaaator and the kead. 1 e> ?"SKi sen. on, I. hOTO N. 1~ * ?**+* rtrractr*-., the daalgn ..?,b.?ivi..g ?....? toe* ? ? ?_ iuuri PoaUnaater Oaytor. Tka ***** ';' ' 1.,,' und atofl ol RhB Vorfc toader fratarnal SJ to their oolleagnea ln Ika Itolvorjutd PoahM t H, ??? h their be-1 Wiahea for a llaff! "aW-JtBR are not in ,,l",""1'""w, ...... ,v,rived here every rear, nvci' ? hundrod rarda are reteiyi i ? ? sfer^atfsws??aft5a artialii uicrii. _^ TIIE CITVS I.nm.MK ABD WtntBkKi. C.oller Byer.'. tawtow ol Ihe Bnancee of tke r!t, ,,.,. imm ahowa that Uiare araa recetoed rot iHsoa P32,4l?,00d 45. and froai rpeetol nud tousl a< I,,,,,,, j,,.ooa.208?IO. lr. ihe proceod- of bonda . a ?m ava 4rti v.r.17 waa obtolned. and i -iird und -old, BVV, ?"" .?? " ?,?? ? divktond ,.( tba defunrl Barine Lank *.?.... ?. ,?..L. Wn? with tho nne?pended balancca lefl to the ,',!:,;?. f,,,m ?,,,?:? >,.?-..ii--< Ike traad total ta ^Forih^generai exponaea ol (ha atty. !?????<??? -nh.rie-. suppllea, smte U?e?, toteroal or! Ihe rlty debt :i.?i rentali. Ihe eaiaaal l-w H-im araa aWJBB.. n-,; v, Tbe *pe? kal and tru-t arroanta. Im luding tke n-voniie bonda ad ladt aoe IhW. laok ap Ia W7,. ?',7..,.,i iionds and atorka to ike aaaaonl of BB8. -1:, 7-7 11 wera acdecmed. Controller My?s *J : " Arrangcoiento have been ,?;i,i, f,?. ihe -,i" neal montli of fcMOO.000 worth ol inonertv on which laveii iriimiii unpald. ln thc ,Xr of aVreara nl |H-nontaae >.f tha rallrond rom !;,,.. ue hall lake deelded a tion t? eoaapol aettle iin-.'t vety apeedUy. _ ^ Mli.l.H'Ns OF liMi.l.Ai:- PAID FOn KTAMPS. Thnmaa A.. Jardln??. ihe auditor id l!ic Bea York l'o-i,.nire. eatimatea tha pa?4al rorolpta in thla cily for 1800 io i?, .-rii.-j:,i.ii;o Tl, a goia ol wora Ihon 10 ,?., ,,.,iii,vri..-i year. Aboai ttlOJXJOof Ikla waa for box reoto, tha reai almoal anliroU frow the aata nl ?tampa, pnatal rarda, etc. Thia am do - not ruliy rcpro-eni Ihe valne ol Ihe itampa rancelled m Ihla cltj by aboul fl ,?H>,000, f??r niany large retail Irma liera .,,,.,, : ,?.;, friim onl oftown rn%tonjera in payment f(ir ?,, .".,i;.?? I) but ni .tampa ai all hen . j I mail large i|unntl:toi ol kHtera and i,i,r., i . \, ,?.: iialfof thereceluta were froai the tlencral PnaV Hj( ||,r ,.-i fi-iii IhO l.i.ii ili"- A- it '"-'? M?l? ,?.;?: .-J.;,IMIl?IH Io lllll lll" |>' ital hllrlll"-- III HllS CUV. il,,. liovcrm.' i ap- an aniiual iaa-1 Incomo ol ucarly .- i im. io mi from Ihe Nc? "i ork Po?l"Hre, ? ? BEtilN'XIXG TIIE YP.AR BTTII .!??!.1.ITV. Thc monthly enlertalnmenl aad reeeptlon ol llM Metropolitan Btenogrophers' A**nrtoUon araa heW ,t ihe clnb-h ii'-. Bo. 03 Lexlngton-ave., laai nlght. Vboul 100 peraoni were preaent. An Intoreatlna pro grammr, i<rti*i?llng of roeal und liiatrnmentol mnala ,.,.i i". Itationa, waa gtven by membera ol tlt.?ganlaa Hon, altor which adaneowaa beM to Ike parlora. At tlie ?troke of twelve Ihe rlnb and Ita gueata, who wera :? supper, aroee froai thelr tcate aad ptodged aack other'- bealtha. Vraong Ihose prcent were Bdward F. I ndernui, <'. W. P. Itomary, Roherl E. Blehella, Jamoa Feoley. II. C i:,... v w. Morria, John B. Geary. ?l*a M. E. Sharkey, ui ,K',to (iiiirv Mlaa Mlnnie E liteylln, Mi-- Carrle !? , iv l : m '.'?. Mr. and Mr-. L. D. Arate. miltoa . . t.: Vn -' Kutor, MM Heudrlcka. Mlaa Rlley. Wllllaai J-'i, Iniv l.k.'vd Itobcft-, 1). II. Thomw, Mlaa Pratl and Will'?in'li. Blckolla._^_ THB TRBDRHUHB CLUB IS A M'.w ||t)MB. The membera ol the Tenderloln i tub retebratod tbe departnre "f l!w> "l<l **** 1<l"' "LC ?rrtv*1 '"' "10 "fW bv taking ]?--,?ion ol their new home, So, III B'cal Thitty .'?" on<i -t. B?re lhan MJO ol iheni saaemhtod ut. the old i hibhouae In Thlrty Br t at. oppoalte Captato ReHlv's pinlea atatlon. al li::??. and after a tearful leave taking aaarehed In < body around the Intorvenlng blork, arrlving at the Oireaholal ?' tlioir nc\r eatabllah nont'aa tke rb?rli tolled the koar ol midnlght. The march ??- accompaniod by varioua evkltneea ol i-ito Ooo and Jubltotlon, evhtencea >nek a- thc Tendeloln ,?e:i alone are rapabk ol ualif. No rlub bj( the Tenderloln would Uilnh ol rhaiiging qaorten al i.ild n'cht but tluii tlial i- a anniMe of the -tutt nf wMch tlie Teuderloiu Is made. The demonatratlon l;i-'<vl till Ioiik after riie Trlbnue wenl to proaa thal Ia aa certalii n* ''-:i' but aben dayllgbt eanw there waa a nciiemi awearing off. ?? SALKS AT T1IREB BXCIIABCJE8. Thc Produoa, Cottoa ai"1 CoBee exchangea bad their annaal reporti of bnalneaa tranaaeted ready f r publleation yeaterday. The Prodaoa BxelNtnga made the foliowtog repurl : Borrola of luur aokt, ?i.-^ii1, U75; baabela of wheat, 1.5?t?,4!Jo.000; boabela of, 431,l30/)00; boabela of oato, I39.S9PO00, Thc raaalta at tiw Uotton Bxchange waroi -si">t -.ii , 347,003 baleo; "latnroa," 117,007,700; total ex porto rrom tke roantry, 5^!73jiOO There were 0,733.000 baga of roffee wM at tha coitr.' Rxchange toat year, aa againat 14^178.750 ln l- -'.i. TIIB FA1LVRB8 OP TWO VEARfl I OBPARBD. 'Hi,- annnal elreuter of R. (;. Dnn a Co., aheara that in i-.'.io thera wttti 13.7M JJaUurea to tke Uotted, ->uii.-- and Canaato, oe ataotg nvo norotboa iu inao. ihe Itobilitlei amonnted to |?IOt,14a%aao, an toeroaae t * i i.iii>.:;:t'i over 1800. iinid-tnt't'-, aaaaal ia> i.i ihowa a percentage of aaaeto to aakiUUea to tho liillure-. of iniui of &:i aguln?t 50 por cent ln lado. The Bew-Yerk CB| pewawwaaji waa o7 in lebo againat -i'J pcr cont iu laotf. MONEY hPENT ON THI NFAV AQIEDrCT. The Aqartart Dwtoiliiiiaii yeateraay ninde pubiic mi abatrort of the expendltures of tlte Comniia.slon from the beginning of the eonstrut-ilon'of tha BBW A'lunlurt, ,n IttB, to January 1, 1601. Here are the flgure.: Vouthcrs. pay rolla, etc, i-J.705.717 06: contraota, agreonients, etc., BiiO.Oeo.dlO 05; land *nd land dam agea, ?53,f???'3f); rommltaionera of appralsal. tl.OtlO. BM Oa ; total, jfc-l,7d7,'477 25. AMOIXT OF PfTIES COLLECTED AT THI* PORT. Tha I'uatom llmue furntshed wme intrre*Ung flgures yc.terduy ahowlng the value of tlie Importa received toat year, tlie rollecUon of duUea, etc. Tlie liureau of 8tatl?tlct made up thla table at tlie lu?.(:??.:? tion ol Ckarlea L Perry. audltor of the ('uatom Hihim : Im? porta fr?? fnmi dutv, tt7'),rjOO,54R : subi<wt to dutr, 1340,131,386; Uital rolloitlon of duUe-. *103,V:35,J?0. KoHEHiNRUS LA.VUEU IN NEW-YOUK. The atatlfcUra of immigranta glven out at tlw Harga 'iflh'c yesterday ahowod that tlte number of aleerage patiaengers landed lu lnOO was 371,593, agaiiiki 315,301 for ihHii. In Ihim) there were landed also tifi.lAO rabln paasengera. Nlno hundrrd fourbaon Amerlraa MereaaUle and ('?HcrtUn A?aarUitan, SM HmMwar. BeirVVefm. iru*<\J<< \mi. il?r LOKl iH ?aetaaa baaaraaa tu f. b. ana carada. I'tuiun, Mgori>u?, raUahia. ttgpisor loarta of paaeeitgi ? wge* bnaded la *???, 3Sit m ln tba yoae btfcra. ^ (K*I,Y TAMMAWY MBN DHSW PRIZE3. COMPWi? ABOl'T THE A/X1TCAL .'MrHJi" 0? T11R AUDOamBN. Tlie Democratlc Aldermen of New-York. nnrnbcr In. twentytwo of the twenty flve inembOM of tbe Boanl. wclu*lwj of the pnwldrmt. met yeHtordny and dlvlded the ? patronage" belongtng to them by Z loU fron. a hal. AMermen Olaney "***? ? 1* Demnora* from the VHh an* XUth Pkfkde* 4?8 Aldavman Kunaeman. Voorhla Demoerat. of be XiVth, wern M ?n on the ground floor with l? roirula Tinunany men. Threo offlclala were ?lalod toMwagajotaMMrt: rhicf Clcrk F. J.^w, Mi.ry JTrjS a jear; imputy dork MUhael t. ??*?. ?alaiv fci.500 a year, and Rrrgeant-at Aiiih Tlnuiu-s t McKon-a. sularv 8900 a year. ThU left tbhjeotl egtMa to be rafed for. They wcro #vc $1,200 clerk Sh four gl.000 engrosHlng rlrrhahlp-. threo me? Kongei-, at <**? evh and a llbrarlan n? Hl.OOO. Twentv two atlpa Bf paper were plaeed Iu Uie hnt. nli.o ?f whlch were blanU. The lucky diawcts WtW 88 Ubrwai The flve #1.300 plaoe* fell Io Urown. ol tba nd Watrtoti fian-T, of the vith; Harrh. bf be XIKih- Halley. of tho XXIIIrt, and Lynob, of Ih* Twtaty-foarth Ward. Tba ?i.iioo ktrUM we.-e li.wn by Jol.n Moffffta, of the Vllth: Meail. of tho IXth: Flei.genhelmer. of the Xtl.: Murphy. of tbe XV1V? (who eot ihe llbrnriaii). and Diitf.v, Of the XVIIIUi The plarti irortk *f?u) weat to Maeaan. <?f tba IVth; Hyder, of the Vlli. and Moebus, of tho Tv.enty-thliJ Ward. Tbo Repnbllean ineaibare, Meaare. KorrJa, ot uie Xlth. und m.iIUi. Of Iba Vlllt*. WbO were not " ?" ii ?? an) luet aa woll "if gg tba Dowwerata whotdrew hianka it wiii be obaeived thai rtrnnge a? it muj <?* . nobody but Tainmany men, and ttmac were to i<? fav.r V ith tbe blg boaaea, drea an.v prtaca. There waa lalh ve-Mday ainong the tfeainrttfari M.irrmrn ai.ont havlni ? "hlck/'ovar tbe way in whlch tlie ?raffle" waa COtHtOcted. son.u of them .,1,1 the affalr a "ekln gwne." The appolnto?a f* (,,? ii,,n en placea to be uiied will ba naajed bU'^ Mosday. MK. IIKIKTZ STANDS BY IIM FIMRNDH. Tbe new (oininU-.loiier of BtMOta for the AOMXCd Dlairlct, Uala J. Hetnta, wbo baglna his ofiiciai careei toiinv. MBwaneed hi. prlnetpal afpototoea yesterday. They are lahn II. J. Roaacr. aepaty eoaimlaelaoar; ?'? Tbeeaaa Btearne, ?uperlnftanavat of itreata and roada; Williimi II.?Ten Ryeb, rhiei elerfc; John Oeboerae, baokaaeper. Ueputy Commlaalawer Rouner left tba wigwum u iti. Mr. Ileinta In Oetobor aod entered wltb ?eal Into ih- canvaax agalnid Porroy'a naan. doper lulendent Htearn?i U the Republlran leader ol lha Tweiii; foorth Wurd und ran for Uongroaa In Koveni bee on lha R pnbllran tlefcet agalnat Wiiiium 0. -toiiin ''."., Demorrat. Mr. btoarna is ? iucce**ful ,.,.;,i , ; t, in,ni. Mr, Ten Kyek la ulao a llepubllcaii and leader "f Ihe partjf In Ihe Twenty lliird Wa.d. Mr linbourno *aa H1" Bepubllcnn randldate for Alder nra'n in Uie Twuntj thlrd ffard aod ia the Bepublictui lc*Jt;i- of Ihe Klngabridgs diirut. -? ? . ? BKLIGlOITg SERVICES. LASI NICIIT. A larga part ol the Methodiat BpUcoaal chureiiea ln lha rit> held "watoh-nlght" lervleea larl night, ami v>lm. other 11.*tanl ehun bea held upeebtl Now Year*a Bve eiMir.. one ol ti.., moat notabM ol tho ?? wat. h ?IU?." icnjre waa held i.t the Madtaog Arenue MetlwdUi Bpiwopal rliureh, at tUxgcth-at. It wa-. ;i unlon ken'k'O. d* eongregatlona .wui Bva denonbia Uona being wpreacnted. Tba Bor. Dr. Knalgii Mi (Jhcsncy prealded and the chtef glarooKfl waa dellvered by tlie Bav. Dr. D. i). Mncbaorin, af tba IiaptML'borrb ?,' the Bpipbany. The Rev. Dra.Tbompaon and Kir redga and tba Bor. J. w*. Jobaat#n ul-,o gaabdod in tba tervleee. At ?t. Luka'a Metbodiat Bpbcopal Chuith, ln Itoat Koity fliM at., -millar pervlrea v-rn; Meld, tho paator, tho itov. E. s. Tipple, preiddlag. The Bor, VV. i|. P. Pnnneo, of tlie Flfth Avenue 'tapti^t Chnrch; tho Rev. John II. Davlna, of llopa (Jhapel, and tlw Rev. E. -\. Kchell, of Yonkers, dellvered brlaf. iermon*. Oervlrea were Iwld In many of tlio Boman catholic rhurrhe* bwt evening, it being the la-^i dar of the old \ear. ln Ihe ? hnn Ii of H. Pnncli Xa\,ei. |u \V,-t Nlxtoantb-at-, the njoalc u> given by lha cholr and tii<- herinoii wai* preaclied by tlie Rev. D. A. Merrlck. n,, tor of the rhurrh. Al the Churrh of st. John the KapiUt. ,'. we-i rhlrtleth-?t., there was al?o ;, large rongregntJon. and Ihe prearher waa the itev. Pather GoviH'l. ln t.'ir churrh ol ??ur Lad) of Mount t'armel, in !v,-.t ni.e hnndred and-fifteciilh-al., a Te Deuni wn- ?nng Servli s were held ul?o In St Stephen's Chureh. the Cl.urch ol 8t. XlchokM, in hecond-at, ni the Churrh of the lloly Redeeiuei and in thu Churcb of the Aaaumptlon. f/ORK OP TIIK IMTKI) sTATKS ClltCI IT COUBT. There \v r ' -.'.-Io artlnru beCOn in the "iiinioii l;.w branch of Ihe I'nlled 8tatea Clrenll Court ln 1080, and D87 ol them were iiind and llapueed of. ln the ciulty bram-li, i-i -in,~ wera bmaghl und nlncty-*even heurd ind dUpoaed of. on appeal froai tho I'nlted Statcs Dintriit Court. twenty-lbrea raaea were broagbl nnd thirty-two haard and dUpoaed of: forty-three appeala weie laUen to ilie Initcl Hiqtea >.ipi-eine Court. In (he iTiiiiinni branrh. laronty-nlne Indictrnonta ergra found, and ei?htyoi,e <?--es IrM nn.i glapoead of. Thoro wen IJ310 Baotbjoa beard and dbipoaod of. Heventy tao appeala froaa the Bonrd ol tfeneral Ap |.iii-,.is v.cre, tuhen tinder the ntw CnatoBia Adiiiin btratlva v,t of \>?o. Beaitfea Clrealt Jadgea WBllan I. Walbwo and B. Heinv Laeombe, tenn, ut the court ware held by bittrlct Judgen Brown. Uenedlct, <?xt', shipman and Wherler. John \. Bhlclda U Uie popular und energetio i lerk of the couit._ TIIK PAY IX BBOOKLYX The new year wlll ba naliered in with few ehangea in pniii.'- ofllea ,,, Rrooklyn. Bherlfl Conrtney wlll racetre hln frlenda at hla offl.o iu tbe Conrt lloaae, At Iho City llill. tho only new- offtebd wlll be <iiv Andltor Anton Weber. Mayor Chapin and Controller Jackaoa wlll recelre tiiclr friends fn.nn io to 12 o'etoeb iin^ ?aamlng a; their oflce*. The cnatomary recep. tlon to yonng men will be glton i.t the rooins of the Young Men'i ChrlaUan Aaaoetadlon. Dr. und Mrs. Lyman Abhotl arBI reeelve the niemhers and friends of 1'lymontli Chnrch at No. M Willow st. from n a. ni. io .'> i>. in , and in tbe Bvening, with ihe Bev. Meaara. ii. g, Lii^i and*B. H. noaworth aad their wivc*, from 7 to 10, at No. MI WlUow-et. Mra. Beerber wUI rc relva ber Irhmda at No. 40 Orange-at. Ifearly all .if ihe popuiar pwtors will reeelve i-alla. But general calllng la not llkely to prevall to any cxtent. Tbo'day ?iii ba 8 publle bottday, no far as the trans actlon of baalneaa and the pnblleatlon of newbpapers is lonterned. >pccial DattnOM WUI l>e glven at tho tbeatrea. Al a number of cbaroboa bwt uight tho old ytar waa watrhed out and the nuw ono welenmcd In. biiecial muslc ?,.> given at st. Ann'a and bi. Peter'a i finri in--. and wermona and addresse-. were leUvered In tbe iinn-on I'la.o Baptlat, sanda sti-eet Memorial Mcthodiat Eplaeopal, and oiher ehurches. Al tho publle Inatltutlon* the duy wlll ba niarfeed for tho Inma'teH' by unwonted luxuriea. It's sometimes said patent medicines are for the igno rant. The doctors foster this idea. "The people," we're told, ?'are mostly ignorant when it comes to medical science." Suppose they are! , What a sick man needs is not knowl edge, but a cure, and the medi cine that cures is the medicine for the sick. Dr. Pierce's Golden Med? ical Discovery cures the "do believes " and the " don't be lieves." There's no hesitance about it, no "if" nor "possi bly." It says?" I can cure you, only do as I direct." Perhaps it fails occasionally. The mafcers hear of it when it does, because they never keep the money when the medicine fails to do good. Suppose the doctors went on that principle. (We beg the doctors' pardon. It wouldn't do!) Choking, sneezing and every other form of catarrh in the head, is radically cured by Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Fifty cents. By druggists. Foity-fii United Dr. ii Afjpirai State f tmb ??* or mw-YoaaV "^ . ... u.. ,rt? uiri U*ru ?*? Oompaiy Io Reiarve at 4 p?r cent. A<UiartjOa? (.V. Y. State Htaiidardi ln ?- deiidn..,. "' Cllfcaa ln rourae of aettlemont... " I'riinlnma pald In advanrn " LIsbHIty for lapa?l pnUtlag pit fi.r aurr?iider. m aeevaal papf* and unprciw.tad " Barptaa aa recarrt* pollcy h 4* L170 Tfrt" ? t.007 00 f ,701 74 tra ** 41 ?8,529 48" 80 ny Boida aod Men* goav ? ynlt?d Mtat>? ?.>i atacV Re?l FiUt>. ToU] _1 tfl.asJMSfl801 T"1*1 .? I- '. ? *??**?? _ , , , , * ,.m?a'Table and 4 1 J P^r ee-trt. It. -wejJtl (? toirfaju* |. 41OSAW 4|. On the fnrmerhaaUof valtia ,n (I. e? A.?rlaaa i?uw _ _ _.|? - __ rilnteu fiilhert, II. ., . \v li.rd. Nut'i.ui I'. tJiavea, II. K. Thnrher. JiiIIuh f'atlm. ileary C. Hulbcrt, ?SbV%JB ihoi.rW? /*? P ?'"' 11 ,ry I.. |1?PP. . vta Vubt-'ii CiRECTORS. I Charle? IV Krale"?h bur ? .i.hii P. W 11m. . I. U Cieo'^e 11. Hnff<?4. A'frrtl H HMaii ?ea, A'fr-d Wbeelwrl >.t, Ju*. M. Pc Veui irard P. Stcer?. 0FFICER8. fJBOBOK H- HURFORl).I'rwidont. C. I' FHALKIUH .-.^cretaiy. \. WHEELVVBHiHT A.*i*tanfc fcecretary. WIM.IAM T. STANDKN.Artnai-y. AKTIIUB C. I'lillKV.CtBhler. J 1'. Ml'NN. Mcdical Dircctor. Citah le Bmif* < j-a tn 01, c rSna aaco', 'eHry <*?! lldaoeei dn,; hy A In'er ?t?<< i?d... Pcferr-d t'rtalair,' l?ea (ollectlen .... I'rrilllllilM iu re . 44 of p r cent. *? laoaa Waftil H'.i'l !?- 'MI ? I i.tit\ '.?. i.tao, ni pji?j IITMnt) Wai^.iaVi FINAWCF (JEO.U. \\ II rMMITTie. !g, I'.-ca. C!.< m. .\,j>. Bk, JILU'S C l . DryOaodB, JOJI S.J.T I'KI UiiMer. h. H. I'hRi- !.s 1. . r. - !in\ Tr.NaUft, Home Offlce, 261, 262 and 263 Broadvvay, P.vv-York. J, 8. CAFFNEY, Superintendent of Agenc es. All P. ii' toa i- med by thta (eaeoaary .- ibdisputablb eftor two yea-. MI Daath Chvlma aoM W1THOUT DMCOfTBT a< soon M MUafMtory pi U ',,? ? V ylen t^PoUry UofAore for year l?00. Dcath Clalms. Endoumen;,. r, ,?,!,. ., IMTJiO W. Now Inaoranee Wrtttea. Total Inaoranee In fwc Deeeta t,"r Dlal . . jsss. i?*,?. l-'lll ?C,335,?;<;;. 30 $9A*iU.K 00 fll.: /. i ,:oo f25,'|.'#.'i.-'40 00 f-jri.l??.'.?."/"?(:() -.. /:'..!'?: Jfl THE MONK AND HIS BISHOP A LETTEH l'KUM FATHfcU IQVATH'S. BE AS.WEM BWttOP JOXSa* BBPORTEO n": RlCT UftKN 001 HIM, ,,??,, imiiai haa gtven oal tbe Wlowlni eof reapoudi nce for pubUcatloa: My dcar Lord Blabop: lia;,;ill,,m,,,,,imi:notal,nK _ wlih auTh"utte*"non^nVf Wby did you not. a, all MiU. bofore aolng ?o wrtta tn^iue,paraonalljrl^ *Jfo Eibor.- 1 bavS never hcurd that you liaye gnaached nrideuv or ?er???y and conaequeatly 1 have naarer K? iulh a ?tJ? agalnat yotT eltbor ia pHvato or iu ? n.i.ii,. The unlv orlglii 1 can iu.agine xor ii, a report 2 iboeoaateal and iu?algniftad letter ol nony, nntnitb and vloUnce againet ny^flf whlch -Hi-hop I'addook lUtowed hiaaaeU publlah in the Boaton papeta laal. mo nn two bturdy oiiponent> us u,c c......,, -,.. -.?? ? , when theae ,<m d gn Urlea aucceaalvelj took to j?rtaa n SS mt'deh.y u.!d hero=y. and ho boldly aacoautared U'"tI;i"> is one of the 8h0cklll| n,i>tut*ments of Btohoo Paddock. the pereon who tofcrmed ?. PaMock that I "thua account for theae two .ti.rdy opj^uenta n common falrueas ond bonenty be o^neJtedto ?"? rront me face to faea. Bven lf ^|W I*J*" ,v. *^ not uneartb my tradu.-er. he iiiiii-m?ii hiww bat i wm rcproduclng a falae atatement, for I ??TOh7I?eB*2 iwn llos B?ye him a true ttatement of what nappenea , ,',, i^n bewreen myself on one part and An b gMtta theVhurcli of Engtand uuluaUnend of Arehdeacon Rlunfa and ?f^avrtth Hter to Uie Arehdeacon, lo aay thal if he aRowed pean stanley to preach ln tho partoh ebureh l would .ul'l a general conterenco of Joaua Cb^b'a dktclplea. h bearborough, Angllcan, Homau Catholic, Raptlst, MoUiodiM und Coiigregailoiiiil, to prot??t againsi uelng tho Darlah chureh for tho propagiitloti of attiicks upon our Lord JeaiU Chliat a, our Uod and our atoniiu Savlour. Neverthelean, Pean sumley rome md bla teachliiK wtw anch that erea tho sccular praaa 8> noiiiieed ii. i h'hi a conference ln tba tbeacre, and Cbrtatians (Prote^ant and CathoRc) thanhed me for the stand l nuide. one elrrgyman aaid, ??Thank Uod you have ihe courage to do it, ??? dare not.'' But the ArehbUhop did not thank me, and he >tood bv hli Atvh d&tcon and Pean, ijtiiiiley, and then I publlcly de. noHiiced him and wnt M.aight to V>rk iUelf lo d,. 88. Tho then Mujor of *ork will reniemher how iho clttaena received me, and the raat muttltudea who ihroiiged my addreaiea for the wook I waa there. Tbe Aivlibishop atood by the Infldel, and M I do nounced ihe Archblahop wlih all my might aud maln as the enemy of Jeaua Cbrbrt and ihe soui< of men. but 1 never udd that tbe Arobblabop hlnwelf preac:.<id ln tldeliiy und hoiv-v. lio only auowsd Pean eUnley to do it for liim and harked him up iu ii. Now, my taar Lord lUabop of st. Davld's, tho only way iu whlch I tuentioiied youT nunie to Bifhop Paddock waa thi>: 1 infoiiued liim that a gentlcman who knew you well expbjlned four treatmeni of 880 ihus: " nUbop Jonea B4M never lorglreo rour attaek on Anhileacon Rlunt und the Archblahop of York; don't you fcnowr ho wuj the Archhi?hop'a ex umlulng rhuplah. at the, tinie/'' I had not the huwt Moi* of it myself tlll ho lold me sa lf thia ia irue, md you were no, I ran only hooa that your whole lu.-o.-t imd soul went out ln gr.itltude thut somo one, even ao inslgnirlcunt a person as myself, roao up in puhllc to pnitot for CThriat and Chrlsttaallf. I never e\cn hlnted (o any one that you preuched Pean gtankryuBB and whoever saya I did is gullty of telllng a falsehood. Ia it not reniHrkable, niv Lord, tliat 80808 one ha* Ju?t called on me !n this hotel ln New-York who waa prca enl at Uie vory meetlngs I refer to ut Scarborough iu I8T0, and hus with her the siearborough papera of thal njemorable weekl Tha only other extracl from your-letter I have aeen 1j a> follows; (3) - ^'ery sltorlly ntler my conaecratioii Mr. Lvne wrote to aak my permla-ion to preach lo Uie churehes of my dloceee, wldch I then?aa I havo ever Blnee?decidedly, bat I hope courleously, declined to glve." You must allow me U> oiakc aome comment upon these worda. It wu. for your aake, not my own, for tlie aake of tbe \\ eWh Cbureh I ao dcarly love, not for my own advantage, that I offered you my aervlce* wltl.oat pa>ment In your large dioeeae, where evan gelltta whom the people are wubng to hear are *o aadly few and far betweeu. Your clergy w^nld aladlv utUI?e my love for the old Chureh lf they rould. ln raanv, manv caaes. and their klnd invltHtloii for my peeunlary help in thetr nobkj atnigglea to revivo "yr hen Eglwys elu Tadau" w? ?|waya at the monaatery rejolte to aimwer as ^re arc able. My Lord. bf nffering b> preaeli for you in a chureh I am kMi-rttlring peeuuhiri(v ?50 eaeh Une. for anv sunday iu tl^ Park Halt, Cardlff. the people glve me that for tho monaaterv (H'-M)). me further reiuark that by aaklug vou to oivii ihe chun Iu-, to me I waa do Ing a conacientloua duty aa a falthtiil Welah Churchmoti and sblftlng upon your -iioiilders the reaponslbillty of Kliu'.Uug the doors of the Hotue of Und agulnst the large multitndoR who are ever patlently wllllng to ll?ten to me. Wherever I go ln wales my well-ioved fellow-countrymen glve me a generoua neaiing, aod had I been at Itonwor durlng tha reeent Elateddfod ln August l tielleve.TronWhat the good Pean aometime ago sald to me, I should verv liiierv have gtven an Ki-.teddfodlo addre*a in tbe (athedral. You may tell him I have sald thi?, and ahould llke to hear what the klnd. Uberal l)ean would reply?pmvtded the aame pean la ln -uu who apnke with me in 1888 I ean aeo very pbuuly, my dcar Lord, that you are -till aetuated by yoor perfoal .ii.-rr tou^ni r yon uouid not have i ? ????l Iulo pnul all!, i,- L.i-a li.Mid- ?,f other people aifhonl iir?i .!-,.?:?, .. j naaaV inc whethi r i waa \<--i . .ibto f?>r Uiem. tn .tmerlrea paper quoting yoar u -d-. .?<!'! ? i ? ?.?.? ?t it,,.i vindlrate* Hi-hnp iMdoek'a ? ? H'HI and -b.*- ikat iii<- J.TUi-h moiik'a M.-mei,'. ra aot ta di-iiended upon." When niv . i. uppeai . fii ;<il]ud will befhun r.-.idju-t '! I??. h"Th 'i * ?> -ii, i i ai;.! lirtii-n "ii-- ol ju-ii>e: ??'!..- unotaibiii uoi unly torkaatlf roiidemn* l?i?hup Pitddn i.'- Ir-jutiw . t thc Itrtti-h nonk, but akoo ? the d(-h ne?ty ot method. a*4 ii. |ier?ciute und malhM him. und Ihal ihe ;n-. ,iVa'-uti ;ifi(l not i d?'P"nded upon." And .i''W. eiy t* r I t ot RMafee fi-v-od- m t'li:i-f- i-iid Hi- ' of votir lo:iu' 11! tre of hl? opp?i ' ,t? .irt, to be 1 Biahop, w,P rna er will vao inc f '? imii l.Mi?t Jaana i Ul], ?[ 4. I Of 'I ? . . ' ?!' N.I'P rtPlt Ol piililH, willing to !??' vi -ii- laitlifal ? rvaot aad nn in Joaua aad for II! ? - Iie, Onlf one potnt I rannnl anrronder. H.,d Ikal I th" iuo,iii-tcrv auU inv attan ,>t !?? e i,i,i .;i there perprtual worship and pr.ner u . I r tli rule uf -i llen-di t. I wl-h I eouhl U'iv<? up ? ?? ?.-'???': It I". been t',? biirdeu and paiu <>f my 11f-- fcu iwi tl arven Mur year*. and I never had any'hlug bti |?Ii md BOtry and M-andnl bv adli'.Tinir i i?. >i naever. aa toaf a* I feel p"ivuaded that th i Htojeell ''..- ???IW nn in thla work, I conoot, noenn c. arbal ihe luJerini ,i entoila on ine, al.atiJoti It. I aaa, ? ?? l/wd I'-.?aap, .*ra atfci uonatcly ia our Lo tl Jo? l I< ?.? A i M -, ". "? I . Mynaeh v V '? '-'- D?wi Hnndda. Deeewtoer, !B>, IMO, II ?< d Brt?i i. Ra*t ftornith *l, Fifth-ava.i New-York < it ?, l\ d. A. SLAVGUTER C.HSEP BT A BLA8T. IX)CB BAdUtOAD I.\ REBA K ::.;.::> a*D I "f THOL'GHT TO B I VI \ I,!,'. .MiKr.:< Roeaaaiter, Do-- 31 (-, ? ai;-i.'. tka uraaielurada? cluirge of n bla.t thla afleraooa Mar >uf?.nd. ia Gcne-ee County, four men were K.iled aad f.x.r ufliera rocclvcd injurics tkal v/'E reaaR fi'ally. Tkoae killed are Andi-u- Ant and three lluagiruo laboreris. Tho Injurcd nlii ara ataaj lliiuaar.aoa. Donnia BaBlvan, the ( ??niLi ol ika paag, kad tha Inaara of one baod und / ui thougl I t ol Mi eveiigai Ia rulned. rho men ? ? ? cugaged ia fda lirg t.'>e froaan eaifb for tlw e.vti^ion vt i_uc Le'i.'gh ?aUiejr RailroaaL PlBaT/BTOaVO UtUCfOlts i\ i CA** Boatoo, l>ec ui mne' i.-a arrhoe aa "Tha K?"\ ing Xranscripf from "im- hticld, K>.. ogai "li roa> nection with ^oinc goal nen traao Bew-Yatk, ?'"> are here buying a-phu. n -l.u.d . I hnw expI"r-4 -ome of tho notcd rovaa ? Ifcl* iBdewaadaaal ?ouni>. Oa Frldav I cxplon.-d m > b koaaa :?.- tke lluiuii'l Dome Cave, about ?lx i uia ea?i ol BaJuauAii ? .??. In it I found undoubu-d ?. idoni-a ui ?? rare ? i "???* "S Ings of a gn-at antlqultv. I il< he* ut tht ? '?/ '";"'?, "ver a,003 n.iinun..:.-d aUli lona. or bod.f ahat muW luvo been a large und wrv ,i.|.-i'M r.ui ? aaw. cvldently datlng back beyond oar hl?ton ?t Mf? und the Qarden ol Kden matl? tu-.u-aa't "? .r-. ina b.>diea aro in an exroltent -tut?? -l pt^e^aU?Miartej intend to remoee about ? ol tbeoi " aoce to i^?^a ior the benetlt of the ach lific anadd. IHE WMATMMM MMP0M1. i-uniiiAST Tii.i. 8 i'. m yBfUaOAf, WjiMiinpton, D,-.'. BL i >r Baatcn *ea rat?, rpataajj l'.i.n-yivanu and N"?-J ia >, nuo; a?ata?ei?ol| aaata| v.ariinT. yee Mau.o, Bew-Mampehr v,rm..nt. ""^?"JS,*: Bhodu i?iand, feaaeeOaut, u m ? ?? nm\ u?**V fmm* *"or WMfrii Xcw-Voi k ^ -' M *?*JK??2??*m* Vlrgtnla. rala; eaaterly '"i. " I * ?*?' ^J?i*tioB4e.Vt& ' '"!)?...-*-. Beeyktol ** S*&**mW f-u.ii?:; iM. ,u faratut* n.nt kokM| warmer. < ., ,,?...,.. ra^i K,.r <mio. in-iiuna. i\.?-.i. ky, im i aa ? *???? aiignt ekaoge to haspmtest, KPEV'l M, li ULtTlX. a aavera atorai U aa ralln aatrrn Kaauoa, waa** ? taaat geaeral nuui in tno -?.i iwrt ai? al lf* )?** Htatca, vvitn -now in .; n4 and rala Ia "k?"riM AlUalaaJppl VaUcy, arfclck Wll wrn Into at. ??J^*} aiv wlfi hiah ni.tJh.-ri'. ii,i- ana iuM *.?' r ^ MlrMgan wi-.oii-in. i iiim- Bmk?v1, Baaaea, aerawaa Xe.\i-, J'.?a s?"d Mium?-? U. TBIUt'N'E LOCAL jfjaBBTAnOwaV ftllHODawi Mor. a# M "lo tka d;n.T?u. a aoauauu^ ua. ..??? f^ff'SSl auctuauon. >a?4eiday. ?a ou?.? ^ *',M.,,:-'L'L''^,,.5 .u aigaal tarvlea ataUoy aV'hia altv ^L',"*n iiu'laai the leuipenture noted at Perry- rhaiBBBB. ?un Mkoae 00k ??, J aa. L i *. .. -Tkoja ??" a aMfka u \m the biro.tri yaajetdo/, K.'r and X**tf***. ?$~L waa foilow.-d lat? ia U.?da.r b^ h ??'???'??*",.,.* ? J. ot ano?. Thi t.u.i-ratu.'.' rai ;*4 u'l";,\\rl, tZ ??? ifrew, the average -'5) tx-iiiu ?* "?^ ?>?' '" l^J "rr#" .pondina d^y la?? ytartad ?>"? Mfker thaa "JS^L+d t'lnudv aud warmer oeathar, '^f' rata. nuy b. . m* aaa ln and near tlil< .Uv W-d>y ?imibMh pjo UOe taa Mb a?a T kajaj lajBtati thdatd) bOOt<T aoajaaajl C"-^irat?W#^?!^ atAoira ai? kCIiae m aoaaa ?afr a& alwaiatokBMaaataiaaa *oiff'sACME8!acking Rf/>r JfM. ^| c?o?>?. A 4i ", *e 7oe/t fe atatofff. ,y/toAearVea?toi/TfreeeOol. rYecroc fe Hahwr I aaa ba aVaaa ??k SM. ??*?> ? ?IK-TS>ON I