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A ?AYop Dlt^DEBATE. *& GEORGB WE4BS RlS|tF OUT BV TALF, 1X0 KHIE HOCBS \jp> k HALF. gBI MISSlSSipp^ cx?gr8JTXT f^OOT T1KKS VP MUCl tim?>-the airnnnw; # m*tthkww-thb CRANXHR jbvp; TH; i bSAGV OF THE ELLCrtnx nL, iMTEOVivc.. ?. w. 1BT T***''HiP? * ran tater>t,] V,*?hlngton, r** ji.-m *<t deha'e on the Klei .^.. .-.., ???,.., ^m W|g| ^w ^j jviemay, wa<> o? rid*Uy dnll And aT,v?ntftii The fmtcr r*rt of the 8ilmooai waa tabr, up with a dlsen-mn of the new Oe.i*trf*itl*n nf XnauaMpjg, ,&? %T q ^rge. the senlor bo.nMor from that vta%t ^^ ,| . p?t*t e authnr of Ihe remarkaMe ln?trua,rnt j^. ,j ?,dopt 1 al .lack*on to t-ernre the pracu*. dtafrro .SJ^eaeni of tho oolored rotors, rnade a kim ^ w.?kaonin . ,-ument to ?-how other i,' f had a cepied constitu that other state* i tJOM a*. defootive at ail'l' i* 10 fry the. r.,-i- he niadf *m' aati?fio.1. apparentlt tr.?contimie his re Inrlde^ialiy the ki; MIJ.K.. tho othor da eonan>ttng veteteoa male xpert, ta po *ith r K-- , g nt i <?mc nn aa t it whlch Mls*iv t r f lt\ Ig under. The '.nd?d. nor did he feel raself, f ho askcd?leave, the au! 't nejti woek. ptrtaat f at Carmllton, >-ler di-- aalon, and two put on rccord. f the r rder we; The >enaie ?ej| ,,<h ?, > agaln i r bnalneaa this wook. The adjoiir -oent t > rn thia i ternoon was (o Kriday at noon, anf ,t othe tees-e wll be ordered ihon untll Monday. WMb the be^rtir g of ? ( taperl to ?t*rt ?, . T^t , and the Aldrich re dnllon r] 1 prohat ? he puahed as a r.olinnnar. atep (> th?, r ( ,!u tj,. rhan.'Os of the pa^ace of the Kle Mon bi week. erure a *ie Keptibllcans de on the bill. i re 'rapr-. uie dally, and t Tueada or Wedneaday, i ir Repr., llran Neaatora : -Me?*r- gtewart, Wol Mr. i.imeqnn ha> been I *eotiment ln fcis fttato, ?vor ha4 any aerhma in ? arnat the .odce meaaura. rninitte<1 them hlll. lf 11 cnn ,- sonio t.ilk d on MoBdag not ajtogetber j elroady been i-rtion hill and ave not ?ippori i ?t^ , i to ) t-nate ha< lf ? voto oo ahl be 'alvn 84 ?>. t.h- not m?n than wnadd he re,ordcd a*ralns co;t. Teller and wajjfelatej fweC. l.a.ek into ln.- by pi and Mr. Qaag h?s, pgffc p tention of c?v.?in^ 1 ?', Mr. Piv-ir.h and Mr. -a<Mo i-elvo-. oither wav. nt m b? brnught up ear v to * of a R^piibli,*'! c-i.fere evoadag, Ikoagb Rw appar-nt. ih'1 party in t. fully eomaatued to ih<. odoption of tho rnie l Mr. Margan .. -?*ee t:*> a Senate tho re-?.liitton h' strnnjiip the ComnaMtee t<> r*pert m to the cmte I :d r> <. ling of the Bleo lion bill. Mr. sliorman mado tlon vbleb had beaa over wnh< n . ;.ti at the cloae Ol the morn in*; howr, did n^it eoaae opaa "naflntohed bualneu" m tornlag lionr, b.'.t nMBt co to the ealcndar and i.juld only be lakoti up o: motion. Mr. Morgaai inalrted t:..t hla resolntion w;,? prop ovlv before the Senate, art thal Mr. ghermen himself v.- il rd order. !!<? Ii ^,.,(d that genator tliat ho t>lr Mnrgani was n ihe ?"?''. not by lii-- pcrmission. Ii of i ??? ?>se (1. ;. ?fon '?? 1 >y bef >re the 1 by him in and F.lcetlon* ' of order that a reeota. in tlie morning hoar, and !h<> state of Alabamu. and ? rould nol pnt him ofT tho t,n\o , ? Seuator irom ^M flooi ? f;.r!!i<>r rolloquy rtween ihe two Senaton ln s - !>? t-.iif he Vlce-Presldenl sustained Mi - ? :?: i??! '% polnt of ? ler. Mr Morgan appenled fr"ii the r:.l!nc of the C ' a"d ,-\i)re-~,ld hi> deMre : Mr. sherman?Tlie nppol ls nol debatnMo. ran Yea, ;r ia. nd the attempt to suppress - pa;t ... ih?- i lo4 V ?? Preaklenl dei d lhat an ap;>e?l from the rt^- r>u ..< ihe Clialr w? deba'lahle. Mr. v a, ?? i . mij that ? ?> ? .1 ?: rould rlse and alnle wh:?i the blll a.tuallv ??: Ined, ar>t thal Ihe atlempl t" keep :: .?:; of :t In Ita esci I shape w?- liho hunt ir.- i ? the B - ol Vlrninl*. Tho morn ?: red whili 51 Morgan waa atlfJ oeeupy ? ?,-'? went over wttbout artmn. w ? ??. -. -,' ? re-, n i ronsldemtlon of tlie Blee tjoi I ll. it wa? i " He pro ? . i t'<t ' ,ur?e of ih ,. .; m ;?i' ?: r*i*i n he adoptlon of their new i i to <ii?. -> m thal conneetlon the i f.n-tj-.!. ? - 4'id atatai of nther Statea on -the ? ' .uffrnM and - learoea, ainOins np thia irt .f in- argnmenl Mr. . e haal i u |*?n? throttgh the hlstory ,,< ti;e giflai . tiM-otiatitutlanul provlaloni ol ; ? ,\ ? .....,: ?ith a view oi rhargi . people all .nsiatcnry, but wlth the ? ' ? ?? Amcrii m peoph tbaf't - - apablc of ?eJf^iovernment. ig been called by ra riial on b> ii'p Mla*la?lppl the new Cot?titutlon a< ?? _? . he referred thelr state ? t press" and to the fa< t ihal tln--'- paper- aere i elauae ard had, ol ."i n wlth l sbneaa. Bnl he waa pre r, . ? I thal i-Umi upon togal grooada aftd .1 || P ^ ,... 0f Connectlcnt, Vi ?? e and Id i, ir ,1 a half booro, Mr. George a tired, and wonld likc to ? 1',.' prtoege ol fintobini his apoech , - ?? . i N,. objeetion tn bls re i . rr.Mii 1 i-i ?ide ol tue chamher. \>. ? inatlen of lieorge li lOieedion wlth thc law ? ? . ? ?. ? . f connetcut. ( mimcnting upm , it bj Mr. George * I Htution ir. Hawley ^aid thnt that ?, n ,1 R ;,it.'. op'-n. arhnowledced. <\< .1- .- tbe colored cltlaens ???' ? -?? .i'.,: ,v r*eorge1 eould not Juatll ? ? . wei llu piera oi bls owri State that pen lingll wa? Intended to remed' ? i| Perho] u couM not do -o. But ? ? .' the Ml-i?l?-lpi ConstltuOoii waa one I ? nd u- aiguinei, ln favoi <>f the blll. Iil' n, ta ??'???).. Mr. Jiiiv. icy aid, Mnee a young : - rtort (Mr. Q rorge**! to' II i.-.H'ie he ?. h Republlcan; und ? hvthei HMnturderer wonld be p ? ? ? 1 Mi >,r-.. .... |o?h up Mr. twley's allu-ion to w i-oung Matthea in ('arrollton Mj-> ? < .j .i a cio deplorable orrurrOM I II. ..... ?".,' ii, belief, Imwter, fnini leiter- ? o ? ?: . r ni ?? ?' whli li had been I i ??-* daf ? ?? W .i-11111r-'t -ii >ta * telearaw pMlahed in "The Ni ? m- *a- it the slighte ' btoj it | aite cm unter ha4 u with pobt . -. butvaa tbe eulniinattoi ? a J"T-' i il ?; . M I . ? rnt to the <'!??.?- d<--k and h;id ra l oi latthewa fn m a -???? - rvlviiu' bro .-r. ?hl< h he t i prlnteal hi aid. H The Bb>kiyn Tlinea." "i ? i tblc |. ii"- ? \ somewh it l< ?;. |,, e betwi an Mr, II ,: . n ide by tbe i bei vi ????. tlu laliflcation clao* u ' ? Mi- :-?':?;' titution aa tti?t in tbe J ii eioaed Mr. n i , ir- ilied the ? ? lo- rolle i .?ii a ue--li i?i i' to k effec' thut i'-vi , . .f hi* iMi . Ili.g i . the aabieel of ? ??? i I... ??? ? |b Ihfli iro ? Hkmii un\ f iruth."' The p?tc ? ..<??., merely * f- al. ?? ??? wiir h m <1:*y- i >ne i.\ aouid u - . ? ? in ,||\ ,tral. aeriej .,:i < ?,.. preaenl *>' dtd T r,.i . , iie pi -|... ?? ?'. however, to .-.eal M ol Helaa are i n-wn hefore 01 "i It -V ,. v ?/?-imii . be i H \ i,'??? t!.- laet* and hew whethef had ?? ?i ?>? ... ln ' ? :? | i- ,,;i, ague hat w Mr. fira red 1 ng 'd any Intew n to u . ,r,?.,.-." .: , part ipation in I piir i .-.,! b) '.- '',11-fie. .tnrt dl- ,.rned 1. ii,\ |,t,iri,.-..- ',f peiM.nal attaeh Bbn t"11 ^ . knid Iie waa gtod -, aeeepl ''? dl-a \v .?on,,i ,,f h|< rolleal j: I .- iuatl*a aent ? ?? fortber. nd thc *.v?. at I .?d till Friday at m,,. with tnt .nder K ? ? > furihei adjqrnment ? tak^ <* ? !..' .? ; :; Moi d ,\ <t n.,'.ii. jj,' -^- rt ~l I;KT\KY l.l -K> UKDKH l..\(liww. | >. P/aahlngton, ii-'. 31 floci'etarTWlndota 4<. wrii *?. rt i< ii,.. t., ih'- Herretary of Agjrattarg r"gird , the veteiinary b aperlkm of doieattc a, d\t. im ???r?*d int,. Vermom from <'a?.a/iH. . arhloti anya: Tlie Depart.nt, cunrurrlug ln y,,r v.ew .^s ap rov?d H.e urdei ,--... <i bj > >.i on ,?? -j'.fl ,t.. ea ol -? Vlbarx in he <oli-ion di . i ,,? Veraionl I- ih,- otmrHuM,. *t*t;. when1 11 .;itti.-. abeep. and oiber rumlaaaa bwj ?|ae laaj oi-ti-d Into ihe dNlrirl ..f Vermonl trgi '"O'ca. mu^ p entered and iwpeeted bj a veirlnar;. napertor ppolntod bv v.'Ui Ivpartuicnt. / roOUhnlcatlon *- tbti dav been addroaaed i<> the yiilor* ,?f *>?<? .ni-. at ftartlngton. Informlng him o suoli ?uofl on otir ngrt and I ?nutlng him that tjrh avnaU I'" nrted lntt> h>? dl-trlit cati lie l.ilpoted <*v at Kt. Ihana ;.:.d they maarl ?*? ?? pa>?iid b t*; **erlnary aayertor bgf *e hoini: aiiowod t*> proo??d fk\A. AMMIMTKiN OM WAUrtHpa WanktSjftM. l>oe :u (Speolali.-The|8W pepaxt pi.t ha- J ii-t i- B*d an ordehrdlng tbe sbowoJ oi ?aaBoaHtao froaa eraialng ult wbea a y*ei i- K?lng ont of foiailaaton or liiblk k for e* Tiahe eepolra, aJI tlie arnmunitlon 1* tfa mniovi-d. 1088 a veaael la dixked for i>llght leplonlv. the iih aonrr exploajvo*. ai-e 88 be rcmoved.lHmandera s)d?s at navy yarda with ammunltlon |b'Hvrd are arued to be, raady at all tlmea to flood tfoiacaii"** THE QUORl MEASCREt* wh MtNMBgBJl THEll utlon i^ tm> *> and from magaaln, PRrtBLKM IN THB HOUSE. [H RlWIRi; THE PRteBXCE OT I REPPBMlAXS WHO PRAW [p*T aM? nUT away. w.-ningiaan, pce. .?^?i>.-rhe Republlra toaders ln the Meaal are wrionsly conaidering whi mlght be called ?? the aajerBBl problem." || |s no ^^ that the Dcmoerat- pkepeea to requlro tlie preience i , ?, uuonini or Kepiioiu*"- ?? wuurm ine Judgment ol 1 t he Election* CommlMee ln all conteatcd election raaea , of whtrh two or three are aatill undUpoaed of, which ! torolve the unacatlng of Detnocrata; to paaa th? ' Milpplng blll; to a*1*' to *he fcenate amendmenU to the Kleetton hffl. ?'Mrn ^any of them now heiieni wlU be retiirned B thc **** bcfore the end of next month ; and tkep rr"f,,*e to tahe any other action I whleh may accm <1 t-ti?*tofial to thc mtoority. " Will the Repnhhran Kepreaentatlves do thelr duty 1* ! has tieeome a pra'tual R,)d scrlous queation which ; experlcncc haa ?n<-?'<,rM ,n the negaOve ao far aa tha flrst month of the teaaea K lonccrned. At no tlme i -ln.c the kefjaatod "f I'1*1 w^slon have more than j 133 Kepuhlican Repromtattoai been ln WaaktagtOB ! at thc sanie ia* aad the hlghest vote. tltev hare ' niustercd waa 1<:'' or ^"tytwo leas than a quorum. ItKhidlng Mr yeathirston. of Arkansas, who uaually vokM with taaiBepoaBeaaa, they have 175 members.a majoiity of aBktaoa, but only eigh\ more than a quorum, wklek ",,w ,h,t_the Hooot haa a fmi eeeapla ment of inemt"'-*- k MT. It will thua be seen that wlth ninc ahoartOBB< ">? majonty woakt lark one of a qaoroaa, aBaaaB* ?' w<*Ud atQ] have a majority of ntoe totea. U ,!"s con<"tlon of affalr* the constant abaeneo from Wa-hiugkon and thelr poat of duty of twoaty to prV R*fnblieans is a depresslng fact. Whether eB wocraU will hegln to flllbuaier at the outset af'in>t tne Shlpping blll renialna to be seen; there eoj aO tca ?r tlftccn who wonM not do so. Tlu?t nearly all of tjhem wln ]Cave tlie hall when the blU is pat upv> "B passage M probable. Mr. Cumnitef" '* "' the "Plniqp that hc will t* the only Demorrat *? *?*? ior the blll. but other frtends of the riieawure N-lleve that at lea-t ten Den10cr.1t wiii do aa II '? aoaarted by aoane .southern Tlaaao erato, a-- *<!1 a~ !,y reHaln I'me-Tradc lobbylata, who ha\e eJroatf bfgaa to lnfest thc Capltol and hotcN in the enertoUaa t,,at tlie shlpping bill wifl aeon come befaN ,l"1 i'1*1*-?. that afearaoeaa have been glvea to 04 etfeel that tjse Democtats and moat of their Paiwen' AlHancc. allle* will Joln forres to pass a ?? fJOB-aW blll through both branchcs of Cnngress bcfore thaaesl Presidentlal election. lf such pledgea have beea ?J**n- ,hor* ls no laaaea to doubt. that they will hc r?lfynlod W far aa thc Hotue ia eoncerned ; nor is ihrv any reoaoB to doubt ?hat thc henate will promptK itJarl M"k a ?oaaaro. It is oye ied that tlie dhipping blll will be brought before Ue il'U-e on Toeatay. lf.a quontra shonld appear ? Krlday, which is hardly probablo, the bill aalght B kronght up bcfore the end of thls weck. Cbalrreaa RoweO, of thc F.lections Commtttee. is anxioui (?' lulVe the renmining rontc*U diaposed of ns aaon a.- pra.tieable. Ono of the cases, that of Eaton agaitist Paebm, ol the xth Tennroarti Dtotrlet, has not yct bee r?P l1ed to the llonse. Ki-i>cated efrbrtk wer? made al '?'?' kaat aeasion to have It censidcred and di?po-ei B by tla? Eleotinns OomnHtea, but they were thwtu;-i hJ the iack of a qnonim, raused by the re fu-ul ?' Iiemocratic niembcr- to attond. and the ab senec ? Ulneaa of one or two of the Kepubllian meni i,,.,-, Mi i'lu'lau has not attended a half-dozen sit iiDm ihc Honae alnee thc Ll.-t t'ongresa usacmblotl, i Dthk ago, and tlms thc Xth Teunc-see DN ?;.', . | -en Ven unrcpre-cntcd. for Oilonel Eaton, ?led to thc aeat, has not ycl been abfc to obtal pi'seaalon. His caao. ac. well as tlie two cascn ,-t -c-iion. ought to be. di.-posed of soon. but >f Republlcins'will bo requlrcd to do tt. \ja] - M''Klnley is now of the orinion that the Ben Hte V'.i aass the Election bill in a modltled fonn, und 1. Rhared bv other leadlng ucimhlican.-. f th^ bill doc's paaa, thc presence of a Kc inonun ln the Housc \\H\ be nceded to dN m that body. Thc ttrst rall-cull 111 the reveal the namea of the Repoblicoua who ?.,,,-.-? hnt who draw their pav wlth acnipulous iv, and enjoy the other einoluments and thc offire to'which they were elccted. but of which thev refoae or negtoet to pcrform. NAVAL OFFICERS ON FOREIGS BTATiuws INTEUST ATTACHED TO SECKETARY TRACY'S VO I.FTTER TO COMMlXPF-R REITER WITH REKEREXTETO THE BAR RUX3XA AFPAI& w?;Mngton. Pec 31 (gpeeial). Socrolary Tracy is nrepadng a lcttor to Comtnander Oeorge C. Reiter. M to command of the Initod Sttlea M-nmer Buirr, at Ouatemala, ai the time of the kiilmg of ! Barrondta. CommaiMlor Belter wa> d-taehed , veaael aoon nftet the Hatrundia affair. and generally undoratoed that the rehef w?i at the l of Becretary niaine. who ?- repreaented aa 6 Bddltlonal informanon of Mlnlater Mlaner-i n |n the rantter. sumeient materlal t-oming mto iioti ?f the State Departmenl to Juatlfy Mr. P-, recall (ommaiidfr Reltcr wu allowed to go r vaitinp ord?r-. He vlalted Waehlngton laat week . ,- *w tbe beeretary of the Nary. 1? ?"om "e rn:,rtc ipreaenUUon of his easo. The goerotary dM not en^ kpprove ol tbe eowrae takon by Commaiider wbo. a< sentor Naval ofleer of tboae walora, eaponsible for the eondoct of tbe eenrlee at " rr'ce^raiiv underatood thal tbe IbpMin ..;Uo?* are based ..n Commander RelterMnadlon, -?.? , from hla OwnTOOOrU. The faolt appears to :,;t,,,roioa,tonh,own^pons,h,h,y an a ,, adberenea to Itaral "W**** " ? Un preaented that tbe Sfaawl for- oan foreigni at* h.n hr anblect to a Mtnlatort ordors : In other ' J,: L h iav, Pepartmen, -hall ho anbordlnal* ' ' J ' e n. men. of stato. Thta order of preeedence 1 u^ter 10 -ueet dtfgculttea. In the " , ? L.e from Commander Beltort atatement. , tbe Berreiary, , . thc d?li<ate po rM *v?2? Be'ter birmored the cv=. " , , ,r Mtalater Mlaner. From tho eorn "*1 ,? no to the Navy Denartment, Corn STLSr mU do movoienl lo defcnd Btar a, n onp.iM. hli removal from an Ajnertoan ,ndia. or to <ppo i allfl ?,,. BMCl, although be toow l t . *?*? mU*1 Td'.^n \*?'ttbe.Juatem.l.n UUaU, Ml??er^ dlrocilon j > ^ ^ |||artJoB to arn American repre* utatlveaat San Joaei? acting wl,n ('oniiiiaii.i? ' d ?, m.Mtlon than thai ? he tovoreda m?n ^ndepenaen P^^, K , .-iinicd, and uiai u? ,;.,..,,.,.. ,,f a cenaured ufhrei. ,T)1 Uie i>?'l'?r,m<"t *,., , ? thi- rohuire aHll remaJn , ,'n ain-. to bc ;?-? wl .J ,?',,, ireatincDt wiU be ?:.,,andhat,d.r-fl.?l' ".'"lo- e-?a..lM.ed ior .Naval ^eSln'fSrelfO.t^on.. mivvtKP B* THE rRKSlDENT. *?^?m irtealdeni to day aent to gjEK'*^^ deV John ^de,?h^N otaoTrorval ? Hy: J?hn ,?wrey, H"?^' ? ffing>: ??"? J- .M-{S ,, ? Nath.iU *'""'-""?.,..,.,., ,- in-L-j.'nrioif, Honno ?cwtStotS., M:,V;;;rnVrm*nn': ????" M. Han.ok ^-ro; Joaeph ?"'"Oi- Manellne. Ohio- ihoiiut* K^: J? v'lle- A. J McKl.ight. STT'nTS' , eid ^,M7!:, r'-iviu^,, i.oui^ m. rauk H. IH"- ' 'rhoinas Moiro-', <..'ll!trin: Dun ?-r BeUe vci-in;"- ' bgnaa T,r0nle-Ah^nder ?. 1I, m. Oorrey. wnnt ^,.ith crollna-rhomns K. ,'ier, CiiMon lorpe- ?'mTns-<.w Yo,k MUa Orace rUt, A''":v"L",h,i,.n ? P..vd a. MeVeaa. Vtetor. ,,apiu. 1-ivwiili* r-laUOn. ' M:ij?, .lohnll. eVJeraay ^Jjlfffe thSnborii. iPrinF"*; *??? oea, liridgi-toi . \\ iiUH r ; *f )K conneetlcut U.pshlre-Luthert.- <??,.. t g-^ _,,.., ,. rthurC. 1^. J?*aVior.da--Roi-eri C. >< m.pjoiir, ""^.tT' ilriS-'cnVrlos II Merrill. Curollton. KgrrK iSSS f3b?8j jgjfc* .Lotenan.-eom GOLD MEDAL. PABIS. 1878. W, BAKER k ?OJS Bmkftst G0G09 It oOaolwMp paira aw?^ it it ?eJu?/e. jVo Cliemicaiz ?.. ?v? aaa ak? aweaaaa aurd ?iti> aurfk. dnawaaaaeaag? """''""*??aaaapVS*?*: do..n?u?. n*.**""*. -TTvT,- uurud 0*14 hy Ore**ra *yerT*aaw?. W, 1AW? * <*- Ifcwheetor. Ma*i fc MAHTELS, OPH FIREPUCES, '?"abto Orata Bauketas AaaUranaa, Baadata. PB "eta, Bf-lUwa, Wa*d Haldera aad Mkor H0U8EH0LD ART G00D8. ??'? eaaaeen Ia Mp ||M a* vta? ha m Poeagriei "BUYOFTHEMAKEH." UNIDN SQUARE?? cor. Broadway EAROBSY ABBURTMRKT OF T1I.I. ^_KataMlahee aver 00 yaara. _ be Jlentenant; Enalgn Randolph H. Mlner, Ueutenant Jtinlor grade; Seoond Ueutenant Jaoob G. McWhortor *.rlne Corp*. to be tlrat lleiitenadt FOREJfaN CAPITAL IN THIS OOUNTRY. C. A. PUjIfiBfRY, TIIK. MIM.ER, BByrjRE THI OOMOXaaWIOBAIi OOMkUTTBB ON IMMIGUATIOX. Wa^hlngton, Dec. 31.-?enators riiandler. Hale an4 Power and Rcprcaentatlve owen were the only mem bers of tlie Jolnt forxrressional rommlttee on Imml gratlon thls mornlng when the lnveatlgatior Into the pajrofeaat of American Indnstriea by forelgr enpltaU wa? bcgnn, wlth C. A. Pilb-bnry, thc Mlnne aota miller. in the wlUiej* chalr. The wltness sald that the conveyanee wa* made t/> Okioy A Whlttrldge of New-York, repreeemtlng a I-ondon company, Um pmpcrty ln which hc was intere-tcd sold, Inrliidlnt the C a. PHlsbury A- Cn.'s mlliV, wlth a nomlnaj rapaclty of about 10,000 barrel-. a day. ?wid tka Wa.-h burn Company's mllls wlth a nominal rapaclty ol about 3,000 hr.rrels.* The total nominal eajaoeBy wa> tvearly 14,000 barrels, the actual w.-rklng capa'lty about VJ.."tf>0 barreh a day, the rakkt .about $50,000. In connectlon wlth theae mllls there wprc sold about K50 elevatora belong Ing to tho Mlnneapolia Elevator rompany. and lylng along the llne of the r.rcat Northem Hailroad : the MbtfleapoBa Miii Oeeapaay, and tbe Bi Antkony Water Power rompany. ownlng water rights and stock in the amall Atlantlc. E]ovs?t/->r rompany, neru tka St? Msry's Hlver. The total ronslderatlon wa? about ??.ooo.O00, and in thls amoonf wn.s Inrluded ?1,750,000 rash, ]eft by the scllcrs to thc bajaBwai for a working capital. Tlve llll-hury mllls and eWabnrs bmught about $4,200,000, of which the. Plllsbiirys took $HOO,000 In -t'xk and p.' ln debenturcs. The balance was In tooh. The ?yndkote company kanaed ?.Y000,00fl in atock and In detv-ntures, aaefc share rep roafintlng ^10. lle tfcOOght the largcst part of th< itoeh waa awaed in Eagtaod. Among tho Ameriraji etoekholdera were Morton, Hlis? <t Oa. Mr. PHlsbury sald that under the t'tms of salo he aareed to manag* thc propertloa for live yeors, though Iie supposed his servi.-es could tic di-pensed with carller. Wltness omptoyed 700 or ?00 men. He had no po!l<y with loapott to the naUoaality of his mon. There had been no rliange of any sort in thc nianage ment of the propcrtlcs since thc saJe. Over PO per cent of the pre-ent employcs- had been working for several yoatv or more wlth the PHlsbury Company, thc lyatem of proflt ahaiing working taatafartority *.nd mak Ing rhe men l->atl) 10 leave. Tlie annual di-tribuilon nf proflts amoootod to from .f"0.<iOO to iMO.OOO, and wa -till OOOttooed. Hc t.houKlrt the propcrty rapable of eaniing a fair retiirn on tho prlre thc syndbate paid. and Iie supposcd the only rea.-on for the pnrrhaae wa.-, that thc tovootora thoiight thoy could make moro on thelr money than ln Rngtaod. To fjcamtor Hulc Br. PHlsbury sald there wa.s not.h ing to prcvent the Bngttab dlrectors, who were in rhe majority, froai ekangtog the i>ollcy of tlie company in ihe mattcr of pniflt-shartng or anytblng elae; but there araa a rlaaae iu the agrocnu-ut givlng wltncaa th- to ra-lgn if hc dld not HUe any instructloua received. A PBOOESS TBAT WOULD HAVE NO END SEVERAL BBXATOM PROPOSK TO INCREASE THE Vf.MBl.R f>r REPR1-SEXTATIVE.S TO 350. WaMiinglon, Uer. 31 (Spcelali.-several mcmhers of Ihe .vnato Committ<-o, on Census are credited with a ..tiwic deeliw, lf n'-r pnrpoae, toamend tho Beapportlon ment biU by Inrreaalng ilie total number o? Bepre ?entatlvea trom :i.w to 380. Benator DavU, 04 Mmue ?nta. is said lo be tbe >tate-man who ha* u...pired thi-, dealre, probabljr becaaae of tbe faet thal his state wR] b" one, of the benefklarlea ol the piopoaei inrrea?e. He i- a member of tba <en .,is c< mmittea. Tho. hill a^ it now atanda was iinanimousiy reported to the Honae by tbe Cenaua Oomn Rtee of that body, of wbleta Mr. Dunneil, of Mlnnesota, i- ebalrman, and was paased bv a vote ?f 106 to 82. Forty odd Democrat were rccorded to the afgrmatlve and no BepabUean In tha negative. Prloe to lhat, bowever, an amcudincn lo ti.v tho total number at 340, ^irered by Mr. Mcltae, of Arkanaaa, waa diaeataed aad rejeeted bv * yea-and-aey vote of tia to 145. OoJy tbree BopeWleana-OBiy one aj whom, Mr. Und. of Mlnneaota, balM froaj a Btate whlch would ho a benofkbwy-wora reeorded In tbe aflrroattre, whlla tblrtoon Demoerata rotol nay. Brorj member of the Cenaaa Coanmtttee. inrludlnz Chairman Dunnell, was reeorded ln the negatlre. Th? only arjruments used, or whlch could be ad raaced, la favor ol tbe amendroent were that it would glve to cach one of thrce Btatea ao addlttonal Repre aentatlve; and Ibal theaa tbree Btatea had bwga fcae Oooi whlch ougbl oot to be toft unrepreaented. Th? (ractiona were: Arkanaaa, 84,775; Mlaheaota, 84.6T9; New-York, 85,218 Ihe bwgeal of whlch waa M,0d2 leai than thf general ratlo of l to i"3,ooi. Tbe trutii is that tbe nBmbtr 36d was regarded by everybody a- perfertly falr and Don-partiaan, and the negative votca on the paaaage of the bili wci-e easl bj Demoerata who a-- a mie are oppoaed to any meaaure broughl forward by * BepobBeao eommlttee anteaa they think they ran dlacover ln It aoroe advanUge to their party, their btatea or their dbdrkte. Mui what woaM bappen if the. total number sliould 8a Inereaaed to 3M I Why, tbroe oth-r Btatea, wbloh ronM then have a larc* Iractlon BBiepraaeated, would lemand "Ju*tlee." Tbe tbree Statei whlch eould then make the aame pi? that i- made In bei.nif of Arkanaaa, Miniie-ota and New York are LotlUlana, MfartlaaiPPl ;md Pennsylvanla, and the pica wonld be eaually ?trong. LouMana would have an uiirepreaented frortlen ol .-, ? Mi-aMppI WouW have one of ?!.*?. and P?nniyivania would baveiom of - 1.57 4. ft^W?JJJ* lemand granted und the i Ul inereaaed to J?..i ln order Toiitlfv Ihe thi. Btatea laat mentloned: whal thenl Ahv. Uinola and Ohlo would demand ^oatUVand ,o,nt oul that by nereaalng the total lo ?*V?,:,0"I\ wo-eaVl 0 ihem would be enlitled lo an add ^nreVentatlve: and ao on to tbe end ?f tline. 11.? ,r,o.o-i,,.,., in Inereaae tbe total Bxed by tba Honae la Itterly on any and ever. grounO, B18TNE8B IN* THE BEKATE. ffaaktagton, uc. 31. -Tke senate mct Ht 10 a. m.. ind althoogh thc nttendunce waa fHr ikort ol a quorum, 10 notiee waa token of the toct. and boatoeaa arai pro -ccded with. Mr. Mandetaon offercd a reaetatton, which araa igroed '? , direeting the Soperintendent nf Ike Hraana ,, report it the earileat pOt?iufc momenl the popula tion of the ITnitod state-, accordlng ta the conaaa ef Leiio, by Congie^tonal dlatrlcta and ronnttoa. Tlie Hou*e amendmonta to Senato blll to nmend ? e.-t ona l,MP, 1,530 a;.<i 1,531 "f the Revlaed Statotoe reuHtof to the Ravyl were uon-eonrnrred to, and a obferenee aaked. The jolnt reaototiofl heretofore Introduced by Mr. iuie. dlrecttog tke arrhltod ol tke Oapttal to eaaae ta ? ,,ia.'.Hi on tlie roat and ?re?l fronta of the naln .ortiou ,.f tbe raphkd boiidlng ?nltable flHc-taff-., and n have tl..- American Bag Boat thcretrou, from aun ?.,.. t,. -ui -<m .?(" ii daj -I th.- year, aad approprtatlng !<.-,im) tfaorofor, waa pa-sed. RKDEMPTION 0P l 1-2 PBB HEBT BOBD8. WaaMngton, Dec. :il. Ike amoanl of i l - pcr cent ?)ond- mleen. t" day wa- t--<*XM. nuking thc total o date 18,043,680. CRBDEBTlALd OP TIIE REW laWATOBS. ] Wa-iiington, Dec. 31-- boaae aeneatton aaoogora tiits Borntoc i?"t atoat th.' atarj tkat breptbwtttea kod ' j Deen diM'i\ei-ed lu tho credential- of tke new Iduho , , ionotora ao grave m natare a- to Ikroaten thelr refeo .,,,ii it appeara that tka atory ua- toaaded oo thc tad that, although the . ndcntlal- were regularly rciii led bv Ike ptoper dtata aaVera, tke rortlfaratea bc*r i tka *eai of thc Terrttory ?.f Mako. konator akoap. tke . bat aaoator to be leaMal from Maflto, i-. kowavar, pro ,wed with thc adequatr aaplaaottoa. lle aaya hc reoetitottoo ol tke aeo Mata ptovhtoa apedatty hat the Torrrbartol aeal akal bc aaed aa the seal of the sijite untll a new aeal t- provlded fo rby law. He **? 1 ,,nwvi thsit the l uited statcs Heeate wonld not requlre i \ ZtotaMkiln wawet u> thc provTotooa ef the ?*ta 'onrtltuttanV aetiaw McConm-U. tho *c<oud Idaho ? Why Are You Sick? o1? .ml n-Vmane ,t i-ur. . Tb- ln.|H.iUnt farwor Is lo M? * Vf..^.iPl.r?- wluU *undlng. r.p-.uUon and ?or? are ^ o, rt aui: o? Kiunta uaiting'ihe *Uaothli ktedkaj ?1 ? it?? at-.- "iauNd ?? all UU* mi aaero. Karh aaeU ieatd hv a .pVri.ll.l. ? *? ha< aaada . Itte .tudy of MM SSKulmr dla.'?e und.-r i-oa.ideraU.aj. aad who* ciperl SSTSLoknoTll ?u?> t? "*tirr l*? beat reaulla. No .V.rin* inYalld ?hould rail to \ Ull U)f Inrtitute al oaa or fe^SSftr, bTi EsEHfe toaaeor, ia expeege* nare wvatght, but tt ka ia* preb ble that be wlll Uke tbe oatb beforo nejrt Mooday. WORK bFTB$ CENBVS OFFIC1 MB. POKTER-9 BEPOBT FOB IHE LAST St ilONTHSt i.vrryRMATiax ox pauma, hodses axd mori GACES-REAPPORTIOXMINT?COfST OP THE I.VDIA.NS-COAIt PR0017CTIOX. Waab ngton, Pec. 11.?eMperincendent Porter. of the Cenaua Uureau. haa aubmitted to the Becretary of the Interlor a report of the operatlona of the Bureau for tbe sLx month.s ended to-day. Mr. Porter aaya: The fleld work of the Xlth Cenaua la pracUcally dn Uhed. Nearly all the anpervlt>ora and enunierntora havo been pald. A few apeclal agenta raay be found here and tucie gatherlng the fag-euda of lnformatlon relatlr.g to mlnea and ratnlng. whlle there are a few distriots on the Parlfle Coeat whlch have not yet been covcred bv the apeclal agenia eollcctlng flah statlatlce. Tbe collei tion of the atatittlca of manufacturea for ritles and towna witbdrawn from the ennmerators was not begiin untll after tbe rount of the populatioti. The returna thua far received Itiatlfy the roncluafon that tlie atatiatlca ghowtng our industriai progreaa wlll be more mn.plete and aitisfaotory ln every way than I had a rigl.t to cxpeet. I.. shorf, the work of every dlvialon has been held atrlctly within tlie scope of the pUn whlch I had the hot.or to hiy before you ln the aprtng of l*-9, and whlch niet with your ofllrlal approval, and I %m look Ing furwmd io t)>e cmnpietlon of the cenaua within two years from this date. The coat of the cenaua of 1?1K). unless sornethlng unfofeaeen ocrura. wlll not ex oeed tho orlsinal aupropriatlon inade by <*ongrc-ss. The xoiklnp tora ot the oftke /rom the beglnnlng kaa atoa of a btgfa -tandlng and deacrves great credli for abillty, falthfulncaa and ludustry. On the aabjeet of the apportlnnment of Repreaenta tltcs ln Conuress Mr. Porter suya: I have alto the honor to rall vour attentlon to the faet that the of fiepresentfttlvea ln Con gys, was not delayed a tnomcnt by the lallure of the f.diisua Ofhre to have Uie ofllrlal returts of tbe popu hvlon ready on the convenlng of Congreas. Hereto fore all apporflonments have been made at the long< ot Oongresaea whkh were elected the aecond year after eich ccn-u-, year. The apportlonmenta were made o.irly en.*gh ln each aecond year for the elertion of Itepresentatlves to the next ensulng Con gress. If the Apportlonment blll whlch has pnsaed the llouse of Reprosentatives should pasa the tjenate and bocomo a law, tho apportlonment under the Xl'h fen=.iis would be about two yeara earller ln time than any heretofore nmde. Tlie total number of enumerntors pald 80 date ia ibown to b* 374HB, loavlng 11,77a unpald. Thia numb?r la now being lodnred by about soo pcr day. On the sul.Jeeta of farms, boanea and mortgages, Mr. Porter ta) > : The work areoaipajabad by thta division up to date may !><? brieflj tuted aa follows: Number of countiea In whlch coTiiplw abatraeta have been made. 2,775; number of ruunfle* lt; whlch abstracting ls yet un Bnlahed, 7: total number of countles in the Unlted state-, S.7M; number <>f countles in whlch oopple mental work mnel be tone, owlng to lncomplctc.ess of abatnaebsn, 17. Nimiher of mottfragea for whlrb obitnirts have been made, 8.515,515; e-finiated number of mnrtgaces for whl. h al)strart? aa- yet to be made ln countles that are not to be re-abfttraetcd, 57,430; uuuiber of mortgages reoorded ln the t'nlted Statea durinc tlie ten y,-ars enrtin^- Deeembcr 21, 1 600, rough rount and estlmated, 8,572,005. ifnmber of Inqulry ronntlea in whlch inveKtlgation ha= been completed, ?li: number of Inqulry eounties ln whlch Inv.stipation Is yet to be completed. 36; total number of countiea computed for average llfe. 1,358: total number of eoonttaa srirtod. ftrii; total nnpibor of eoiintie. tranaferred to reauM siip*. 210, Bulletine for Alabama and lowa are now |n tFw hands of tbenrtntera. A for, e of rlerka are now cniamd copylng from tho popui.ition icbedutoa namea of paraona whoee homea and farma nn-. reporbvt as mnrtgaucd, Wltl.Hi a few montiw the Ccnbua Oface e.vpeots to annonnce the num? ber of peraona in tlie Unlted State* Bvlng Iti n-ntod homea ;.n<t cultivaMag ronted farms; tlue nnmber ot rupylng their own homea and farms free from rteht. .md Ihe number reported as owning farms and homea whleh are mnrtgaged. The coat ol tbe Inqalry has lieon greal and will fnllv reach my nripinal esumato of fl.250.000 to gl ,500.000. yiin. Idea of the ob -t?r,.., to be overcome waa gtven ln ii**. annual report. Tlr work ,.f the Indian dlvialon. Mr. Porter aaya, La well advatued. <>no lu.ndrod and thirty-seven out of 157 trli.'-s have hi-en enum-Tated. Tho flve e'/illzed trll>es have completcd. The Navajoes r23.00<>,, a Heroe and dangeroaa trlhe, win not be completed before Aprll 1, 1-101?If then : th'- slx Nafion- of Bea York by Jannary i. 1801. Th.> tiMd woru i- neing rapkUy n.,.-cd and nn Janoarj 1 only all iperlaj agenf- will he af work. ftoperintendent Portep baa btaaed a huiictin tn retar tion to th? anthrartte cnal reginns of Pennaylvanla. Th* biilb-lin ahowa that the total productlnn of anthrarife in Prnueylranta dniing the ralendar year i--;i ., ,<. i(i.-ii:,.i:,j totm of 2,210 poanda, ralned a1 th.- mi'.. . ;t f*t3,7!A,1H3, or an averace of aboul fl 7" a ton. inrluding all -ir.e? sent to markot. Th? quantlty reported by th<> trcn-portatinn rnmpanuis as aciuallv rarried lo m.irk<v. which is the u-ual basl* for itatlatlra ..f shlpmenw, araa 35.407,710 tons: l,32r>,.vw for"; were used hy employes and ^Old to the lncal trudn near Ihe mlnr = . Somethlng over 3,''00.000 ton< a??'?? rgnaumed for steaa and heatlng purposes ghoal the miiifs. The uverage numlwr nf dav- worked dur t:,K- the year 1--'.' hy all rolllerlea wns 104. Tke aoa pen-ion of mlning during th.- perlod. aggre^nfine about one-thlrd of thc ri ar, waa ? aus"*! molnly by the Inabllltv of the mnrhrt t,l ahaorh a larjer product. The number of peraonn employed durinit the year, Inciudinc aaper Intendrnts, eugfneeis and rtorlral forc*. wa.- I3R.S30: tbe total aagea paid helng t30.1S8.134. The ?<atMi. - of anthraeite rnal ln Peiuwylvanla in the Xfk Cen MM were ln-"d upon the year ended .lune 30. t?ao and thaa roverert rhe u?t -It month* of the year 1=711 a'ld lh" llr-t -ix nmnth* nf ihe year 1=*0. The total pmduction nf long tons for that year were. how ever. ?J."..".7"..i7"., .-i* againat 40.6?IS,1M for the year jfl^o. Th- ralne of the prodnet in the formT period wh- .?fJ. 172.40-2, a- agalnat aBS.7ia.1BS. RAILROAD INTEKESTS. BAILWAT C0MM1S8I0MEBS TO MKT. CAEL POB * BATlORAli 00 vvin'TIOS -Torirs TO BE ri>\SIDK,KF,n. tTaahtogtan, Dee. 31.?A call for a Nafionnl conven tion of rollroad rommi*?tonera waa i?ucd Ikda nfter i,oon. ln parananee of a resolution adopted at a conventton held at Waahlngton. bogtonlng on May 2S. IPOO, a rommlttee appototod t<> call tne ne*t ronventton dc?lgnotea Marrh 3, IBtl, at il o'. locfc ln the forenoon, a- ihe Hme, and the officc of the Inter atiite Oomraerca CoounBaton. Bo. 1.317 v st . in tho City of Waahtogton, 1>. ?'.. aa tlie pla/e for the hold ing of thc conventton. The rtatli-oad Commlsslonem of nll th" BtOtet and aay State omcers charged with any duty to the aopervtotoa of raiiroada or railroad btteroata aro -rcqoeatoa to attend. Tka American Aaaoctatton of Rnllaay Aeeoanttog Offlcnrs is aJao 1/ivlted To iius't tbe <nmini-sioners or to send deiegates to tli, conventton for the dlaroaeton of taeh qaeatiooa ol tpcclal iit.iv-r to thelr ?aaortatton as may arl>e ai the i.itog. The r.iii conttooea: The nnderalgned reapeetfaltj -uege-t the foltowtag us -ui.j.-ri, which may uaefuhy be considcred by the ronveiiHi n i 1 Rallway legiabltton; how hormony thercin may je altained 2. I'nlforndty In rallway acroonttng; what further - impori int '" thal -nd. 3. rerritorlal asalgnmenl ,,f -latistics of operation : rbether Oila la nol practfcable, aod what prlnelptea hould rontrol ln grouplng n,ilw;,v atatWtlca. i. of expen-e> to frei^-l.t and pussen tcr tramr: whal reaaona th-i-c ure for makl.ig aurh an ipiwril inmeiit, and what rultr* ahould 1m; adupted. j, safcty appllnnrri on mllroad car^: what lepiaia ion. ii any, aboiikl l.e had b) t'ougreaa. i>. Keaaonable ratea; whal they are, ;iud Ihe elements o he roi.ald red In the determtnatloi. thereof. In offcrtng theae auggeatlona it la not Intended hut ihev ahttll he iinderdood aa exeludinc any other iplca affeciing state and Interitate eommeree whkh ?o!,id properly rome beforc and be entert.ilnod by ;u< h a i IH11 .-N'ioii. TIIOMAS M. COOLEY. ch:ilrman, KI.TALEY, of Ma>vi,hu;eT*i, BPALDI5G. of Rentucky, l>rN'f.\N. of I. f'irolina, Wi7.ll VMS, of Minne-O'a. Commlttee. .-?. IXntEASE OF MILBAGB. Adraoce proofa of the Matisi.les of -Tho End leeiiiu: N'owa'' ahoW that tho total railroad Btlksaga ?onatrnrted In 1800 waa 5.081 axUea, airaln-t :.,'?:>??> nltea In l --'?'. IMITB raUea In 18A8, 19*087 mile-. In l?W?7 and M71 niile^ ln 1--'.. The lar^est p-n-entagn ,1 .v:.-f in the hi-t flve veajs i, 40 4 10 per ccnt n ihe BOolbweatera groag of htate*. tba doatb At , n| |f ii.i 7 10. tbe Vortliwe.stern (41 1-1')|, and the I'a.'inY (38 7-10), Statea foOowtag In Uie order named. [he new eonatructlon of tlie year Jaat past wae most irllve in tbe houth Atlautle Statoe. wliere l,30t! mile* t oew Une were !aid. tbe Northwostern etate.- follow ii- wltb U01 mik*. the Si?itfiwe-tern with 075. and he riooth Ceotral htatc- with 800 mllos. a thorongh Hialyala of the now eon?tructloa h> made la the articla piot'cd from. _ BEM.TIXM 1TS CAPTTAL eT<XK. Albany, Dee. 31.?The Magura Fails and Whirlpool tailwaj Company flled with the Scoretary of s ite to av 8 .(itlmate of tlu- red.icUon of Uie captt. alock ,f'the roaapany fnrm #100.000 to TBA19UTO TIIP.1R OCNS FOR THE FRAY. The dlre.'or-. of the Moltawk and fct. Lawrence tailroad taabwdag organized by tlie elertion of II. Valtcr Wel.b a-. proldent. E V. W. Roaalter aa reaeurer and Ira A. Plaee aa secretary. Thia la the ompany whlch ia to bulld U.e New-York Central's haa from Ctira to Clayton in rivalry with the Rome. fcly's Cream Balra' QVICKVY CTBKS COLDinHEAD Apply 0*h? mto eaeft noattiL BLT BROS. 88 WarraaafAyB.T. BulTaio Lithia Water. NATURE'S BOON TO SUFFERING WOMEN. THE GREAT REGULATOR OF THEIR GREAT FUNCT10N. DB. G. HALftTEAD BOYLANP, former rrofe-w of Sanrery, Balu.T ,.<? MedlcaJ Cotlege, late Surgeoo Frencl Armj (Decorated'. ?'\t'f '?BUrPAI/O LITlirA VATER I*. p*rhap*. MORE THA> ANT OTHER WATER IN THE WORLD. / BPECIF1C for *???* of tho FEMAEE PF.LVH organa. . . . It ?<??- aa a VFVsTKl AL HT'.r EATOR; ln caa?* of AMEXORRHOEA It lndurea th. CATAMESIA.whil* ia ca?.>i? of DUMEBORRHOEJ It allays thc paln and redwoa thc aaaaaatva flow o bloed. amountlne to BEBOBRBAOIA, to th* norma etandard. In boBh dlnfa-e* a conme of thl? water trtt&i to make th* flow appear AT THE RftU'LAR IX TERVAE OF rWRBTY-ElOHT DATB, a<-<-otnm<> daHoe it?eif in aaaM aaaeeeaataUa manner t? eact claaa of c?*e*.M OR. JOH!? H. Tt'CKER. Hender?on. <X. O.). m*a> bet of tho Medkii Baajaaty af "North Carolina, member oi tha Anicrlcar. Modlcal Aauoclatlnn i "In roany of thc di?<?*<>* PECVMAR TO WOMEN , MKXSTRfAL IRRECrLARlTIEB.BVPPBESSIOS and tho many fimrtlonal deranseiwnt* reiultlng froir CHLORilAVAKMIC .-ondlttiw -l |?atrlfca Bt'K FALO MTIilA WATER wlth alniost the -any- con ?jgraro that I do QL'IXlXE ln t HILLS aod FEVER." DR. WM. T. HOWAKD, of BalUaaere, Piaftaan ef DUaaaea of Wpmon and Oklbtreo Ia tha Uatreraitr at Maay* land. aayi of'theeo WaOra: "lo ?hort. w?a I eallad npon an ?aate rrom what a>ta?ral ?aun? I have wwn the trr.-at*at aad amet unmlata*. ablg aroouot of e*ud accruo In the larteat nanber Ol ri?e, ln a p?n- ptl ??y. 1 would unhe?ia??Jnt1r aay the Ki KKAI.n fcPRlX??. ia Keekleoburf l oungy. Vlralula" DR. WM. R. TOWEEB, Prow?a?? of Aaetoaay aad Maaarta Medica ln the Medleal Deparuaent of th* Cal vaaaahy of virjri<it?: ?Iu ?ome of lh- PECCEIAR AFFECTIOXS of WOMEB, XOTABLY In srPPRESSWX of tha MEX8ES. I have found BfFFALO I.ITHIA WATER HIOBLT EKKICACIOl'S." The hajj DR. J. MARIOX 01MB, ?? freat apertallae In DIBEASES OF WOMEX. aaya: "I have uaed In my prartfr.. the water of Sprtnn Xo. 1 of the ROVPAIeO I.ITHIA SPRIXiiS. of Meeklea* burn Ceaaty, Va.. for ?everal yeera paet. and havo ln many oaaea found It hljhly benaflctal." Water, in cases of one dozen half-gallon bottles, $5, F. 0. B. here. THOMAS F. GOODE, BUFFALO LITHIA SPRINGS, VA. PARK & TILFORD and ACKER, MERRALL L CONDIT, Agente, New York CKy. Watertnwn * rt Ogdenshnrg road. The Inrorpomtlon waa announccd ve-terday. The work on thl- nad will be startcd as -<?,n as tiie weather Will permlt operv tlons. The survcvs Of the rnute have bc.-n made and the rfght.s nf aray have been practically sorured. It ls sald by friend- of the enterpit-e that no reliance will he plared upon monetary aid from the htisiness men of Watcrtown. Oonvrrneur and other point> to M affcctcd by the new llne. Thc rapltal will come ln iome fonn frnm the Bew-York CeotraL LVCIUI SMITII's APPOIBTMRBT. Lnclns Smlth ha.- b<-'-n appointed bound frelRht agent for tho We-t Wiore E.iilr. ad and all r.f its fn-t freisht llnc Franela La Baa is made asslstant freneral freicht agent of the \V*t shnrc and ttall klll Valley roada in Mr. Srnith's plOCO. -?+? CHABOH OB THE PONroRD ABD MOBTBBAL. ronenrd, N. II.. Dee. 31.?Ooorge W. Storer has been appointed asslstant aonorad pusscnger agent ot the Conrnrd and Mnntroal Hailroad, and the offl-o of NewEnpland passencer agent has rx-cn aboli-hcd. These enangea go Into etrecf to-morrow. ? ?.- ? RATE WAR IX NEW EXi.l,AND. lioeton. Dec 31.?Tke Boaton und Muine Fltrfcborg rato war ts begtnnUig to as-unie large proporttooa, and is llable beforc Inng not only lo extend to tir-t ckvaa bu-dness, but Involve the Irank lines to a aettooa e?> tent. The Boaton and Malne is now aeiling accond ilnss pa--ein.-'-r tieketa fn.m lloatoii to Cbleago f.i BIBSO. The ?eeond-elo'H furc diroct from n< ? Vork to f'hlcaRo |s B1B. ihe Kcond-euuN htre from New York to Boaton, vln bnat lin<s. i- *-J 2.1 Il.-me tke iecontf-claaa paaaenger fare from New-Vork to ''hkrvco vla Hoston nnd vi* the Boaton und Mame i- oruy g>14 75, againat #1" by th" diroct lme. ? ? ? LBABED I'1 'i: DOO "N K \R Pt. ABrona. v . Dei. !tl. Tk* IM11 r ?! Rn Iroad, nm ninc from Rorlingtoa to bollowe Falla. amt wkicli aaa been for taveral jeara under tke rontrol ol tke < aotraJ Vermont manacmeiit. a- les-ees. ha.- Jna! be-n re leased ly the < .-ntntl for a term of B88 reara. Tke lea,*e waa eaecated ihis aftemoon ut BarUngtao. the papcia i.. tke .n-e belng -ii.-ii.-d bj Preaktanl I. Uregjorj -.mltli ou tke part al tke rentral, and Prcakftrnl Pe? rlval W. Cleitieni, of the RatkUld Company. I;v IkO tcrms of tke kaaf, l????- pa] aa aaanal ol 8>345,ooo und t;.\.-. tbe Hntiaiid Rallraad to fnrniah BoOO.000 at :> per cent Intarot f'.r laaproveanenta .<"d addltions io roUIng atork. Int're-i pafmeflta, aoai over, are to (*? mad.ilr on aw h pnrtion <>f t ti>- aoai .. ls aetaally eapended bj tke l????-? ' '<?? r>ntral Vermont haa the uptkrti >>f pprraaeing hi ,.i,v ilnae ? rootroUlng IntereM in Ike atori <<f tk" RuUand road and Iher^in beeomlng ihe aetual ownera ..i 'he r.,.id ln addiilon (.. t!.term-. th' Ontral Vermont aararoa an importan' Intltt*' arraugement wi'h Ike Dolawari and Hodaou ' anal ? nmpaiiy. Ly wblrh ? large aaaaont ,.f fi :?:hi traflr'd whlri berotafare l. > rejirhed New Kngland putat* U\ atker waos *',.i 'ii miit? Th.- negu lai.>" 'he pa?t "l ' have been rairled nn i \ li ' Ifr* <i-i'- f. i -? i and the iu...'-- he haa arhteved i- a riuitt.-r "f -uti,fHciu.ii to Ihc tn.-n.i- ol ike Central all uvee iha Matc. ? BKAUX9 rUBBU Tn <?<> T<> wrffS/v.' Ifi san Praoeiaeo, i>e<. .1 Bpeciali Prlrala !''?" from Plctorla ?tale II >t the Urm-h teallng ?<??'? arlneh will leave Ifcal pttrl IWa .i--'i. arill naatber dft\ reaaaJa, Tkey a-lll o\>fnt\ rkear kar Bewrlna aoa At len-t a third of ihe-e.-n, owned hj twei ? i - ?h" ?lmplv mnUe n-e ..f Ihe EnglUh fl;i^ for BHI? pc tertion agalnal raptare. Ban> of tkraa toal poocaoi will co arned and will realal lovonoe ratteta. Brltfak poarkara larf ?eaaoa broughl ln Vlrtnrla -? <uin- whi.h thev had iuk-n in Behrlng Bea aad HOnOtakeii in tli" Parlfli ihreail. \tn .-lmh -e:,|er ^old 34)00 -'.ln-. maklng a t..'.il ul aooal i\:<**i -lilns tHken b? puarhera. ARRF.STKO F'iff SfLUSQ H\'> ' II IMl " N bwge wlne booaea bare taffered , ktei brj nf late hv the ? ,!.? "i ' i beap bi md ??' ? twmpattac a ablcb ihe mariart haa been loaaed, beartng the av'i . md parpnrttng n> be tbe manafaeiure ..f . ? \fter eonaultatlon the matter iu- lald l^for- ln> Byrnea, Yeaterday Deteetlvea Headelborg ... ! g'idf Inwed the manufuctore of the bogna ihampag ?? n> 4 little reom ..t !?o. 7t I'nlvaralty Phvee. Thi a t*< igjeera found Chariaa aud Oeorge liamberg, roi - ng the tirm of Charlea .1 Hamborg a Co. waahtag lletdaieek, INMneroy and Mumm labela from oM bottlea, edlling tl,e,e bottlea wltb the Infertor rtuni) igna rummtni on the oM.labela, rapplng the bottlea wtth >ld cap- braahed up to glve Ihe appearance of betae 'iew The men were ul.ei. by aarpriaai .,nd were ahwed under arreat. \ number of lh|U<M men were pn ?mt at the romb- Pollce 1 0:111 whon the priaonen were irralgned yesterday morning. They pleaded nol guiHt | md were h<-id for examinatlon. J5v|up?G5 ON0 BNJOY? Joth the aethod and resuits when Syrup ol riga ia taken; it la pleasant and refieshing o the taatc, aud acts gently yet pmmptly oo ho Kidneya, Lirer and Bowoja cleanaee the y?tavn eJievtuallj, diapels oolds, headachoi md fevers and cures nabituai conatipati >n. iyrup of Figs is tio onlj reinedr of its lund irer produced, pleaaing to the faste and ac leptable to the atomacn, prompt in ita action ad trulj beneiicial in ite effect*, prerjared iKly from the noet bealthy and agrecable aub tanoee, iu many excellent qualities romnttnd t to al! and have made it the most populai eaaedy known. Synip of Figs is for aaie in 50c. and fi kottlea by all leoding druggiste. Any "jliaMt Iraggiet who may not have it on hmd will irocore it promptly for any ono who wiahee to ry it Do not accept any subttitute. MUFOnNU FIB 8YBUP CO. MA8J rtLAXCWCO, CAL-, l.Ol 1?V 1IXE. M.T. MIW.YOM tU T. The Singer MTg Co, WILL COXTIXIE TO EXHIBIT AT ITS rERMAXENT NEW RETAIL STOBE, 929 BROADWAY, ALL THE LATEST DBSIGX9 AX? NOTELTIE* IX ART NEEDLE WORK AS PKOUCfED OX TIIK LATI8T Siinr My Sewinjc Maclis. far mthhior to hand work. I 1-lTim* ARE (IIKDIAI.TV iNrrriD. Tictr ni.n I INDEHAN & SONC *- PIANOS. v ,B-4TABI.I"?HKD 1*47. WnXDERRI L IX TOXE AXO LA*TtXf? qUAI.I. TIBn or HH.HR4T R\< ELI.EXI'S IX WORK. M\S-HIP, PKtt>- MUDERATKi TRR W?4 TO ggfgfl PfttCUAOftdBSh 23 EA8T UTH 8T? NEW YORK. For Table Use * . ' . ? Nlt HOI.VIN'S I.IOUIP RPFAD rvcls all OfJntf beverajios, Oliclnua and invignratmg, yet non-intoxuating For the skfc tt is an invaluaNe food and bejltii rest'Ter. F*hv?iciansreiommend it Isers ve drtighbhl arlth it. ' . Yasir jro- 't a*a Intggjat gro8at|? aaaai it. tf aa*. ih?T ??!! gaa a 8w jraa. I.RKITIR IkUkm II Fl RUTIRK i. h?rt'> l> /i|*?l?a. TM ? le.itvr ha,,l? ? ?( <*<?rt ?" . ? . ".',. h *r. aur aoai. HM . | i. u r???< i?t iMaaa. ha.e |,. ? * . ?>? ??? 8. a - 4) I>, ??<** CEO. C. FLINT OO., ri r/MTI BE *?*???. 104. ia? od io* we"T uTii wr kt* I". >|--r? ? !??? <!*?>,? th.' ?hln ..f ?'' panwaei h ?? ai<4 I f^raMto* fc, M? ? r<-n...val -4 WrtaaMK P? M * r?'?- < tM K'i< /!)????? <r |iimi?iu.? 4 ?' ii...vt>..? ? r imiiiau ? ?* aaa "SIrW i ^i-" ?"-11 K"ie? ?< o?- *?? aawhaaa. ^-!aM ??? * 4,2 V? WWB. A. MrPTRaW. \" *V. ,_ ,. ' ? RABB hthot. ar.w vokUL 'IBR. FACIAL-BLEMISHSt. tha lar**at l!?taii!!?uiaeai Ia tha Wf*t4 0* jta u^ ol Hjir a*4 ">atja*t?aaaaa. M?lM. *?/?? aui?ra*?a_Mair. fcrthaaaraa, -? i,rf,. acara, r i tMaaa/N-d.* M-I**?**??? ,- ?drtr?*if"f io.-i*ojo)biji PEmoomwymyw* n/ aoor^a* tor ? wi ?^w-*^^? ?"\L ^^^_ .?-ia-ua. 1?* **>.? 4?Q Oa., K?w T-dk uHrira ?,*r,^,4a?^.r,*rtk#-k,""o'l DO YOU KNOW THAT TBB MARKS ADJUSTABLE GHA1R VI.ID CoMFOR WITH OVER 10 chaogaa of poaiUaa. MAKES an alagaat HOL1DAY PRESE-Tt and Ia lh? REBT C'HAIR IB THE WIDB. WIOR WOBJLDf 130 llwdway, beiweea 41 at aad *fd *+* B. T. Call aad ae? It, or aaa4 rjr caadag aa. OPEB RYSalxtto. f Bttlt. __ ~NIW CUARINOONHOflU un th* Europaea Ptaa. * wtjmntn*** a**mwm AkUBtxTos btbrbtw* flS p94fN/% br* 1 V aU iVii V EataaeO ln iJKuia ?.cu*eAj???^^fi^JJ***2. nlr u>r*e auautaa trooi U? P*M hUver tVMaa aaa ua