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1IK or.tnDET) THE TB.IBV5* BT ILDINO. Fatroltaen Thoma. Webon of the ??*??? Prarlnct, trndered his reaignMloii from he *???>** ?rr-nirg and wlll retlre on kwf&R* BalE* eened twe-.iv aerer, yeera mi ebjkf*. Kboriiy after Ma app..:ntn.enl 8* tbe fvcce in 1803. tbe draft riou ZmSS. aod ke waa oaa of tba 100 pdawal. detaiw t.nder cl.irf oi PobX John Foth M t??*T*?*Z* piard Tba TrlbaiK laaflktaB. Mr. Ncbaon has heda riRMrkabla rarear a. a palleafaM and haa never been hefore Ihe romml?Uow*r f?r sn tnnrh as a reprlmaiio. He h HxtJ tbrae rea* oM BOd wa? l?rn ln Eneland. ,?? .iuiv 4, 18*0, be *?* nhet h the taeg aalkewaa hmrtaa IV aobre atoUae ta co "^*fi*?}t aome ? -' tb8 dHT. -? gHKBIFF r*? KTXBVd avimintmentv. Kherlff-efcrt Coarlaej arnoaoted yeatwraay b? ap pataaawaH ,: nbardlaabia la Ma Hke, af wk*rh he labaaelnrg 1 d?t. Ex Flr* CowiBHWeloner lugh Mo Sti-i^ .,,.?.v ??*?- ?d b* koaWR m rT;?h - waa ar.p?'..te?t Uaaaar M.eriff ta aaateag oewja ? 7 1> hoH tba aame offlce under bhenff ?rl i- ?..T.Ld I, l-.e. I,--'. n..ed the nmce J,,.,.., ,-ve.?, Mr. Oeartoey aln appolnted Z?J^Jm^tm^*?^+tm2 ? ogka. ii.s nn. WBbaai C. OaaRwbay. ?f* mMlp .f,,.ri. PeterJ. Doyb). wb.i bee keeaaflerb ln hla '-- 'W *,??:? *--;' rtffSJS ^nrT^'^^;^!^'^'- Tboma, A. Kcr KafficXEoTS /..eriifsamnonrer. ? ? v,?-. BD T" TH? PBUITWITIARV. ..... QHinlati, one "f the rompanloni ol (aarlea M Klvalne when ho mardered r. V. Lara. waa ,,? ,? f,..M vrara and len month, In Ihe penl '?? burglary. The bidwtioent con B ??? ,.,;,, ihe mnrder waa ejwaabea. McEl \ ,- uwniting < i-eutlaa. , ,.,.,.. ; 1:,,:;,..?. who ahol and killed hla brother Uaiori MrNichoIaa. and waa mnvictod of ntini I ..,?,.. -. aeateneed reaterday te nre year, la t>,, nenilonlMrv. i-atri.-k Jeyce, who killed Patricb ragan a tra v.,;,. ?_,,_ v,.,. ...?: in IIm pcnltentiary lor a tenn ,, 5\-e veura reateraay. UI* WAS MMU11EU IX KNEF. BREECHB*. ? , tlie suii ..f Fredrrfck J. EnnK aped rtehiccn. ?" 1-,-e ,,.. niarriag* wltb nara L. VeraUlyea annulled. , %? ? . preaented In Ihe Hty rtnrl \eM?r ?,, ,.. M-iiri, lie - he ?*- 1 boj ln knee .. - , ,, j-eara oM, wlien Ihe eero , ?raa periomied and lhat 1k? is nol Uie falher f,f',,|(, ,him ni \iN venullyea. He fled from Imhiic. ,.,. , ... . . , :. ? |s karnod ol Uie marrlape '< I . ? .?;.. ,|,.',?; danl a> , | ' ,,... ,;tii-. - fiiiiho ?. = ?? Ibal I ;" ddendai.t a U\ ?- fpra-ad him lo n>. ti lier and to tell the mlnlster ... . -. . old. N PAS-Ton I'l'< i !>!'.- \ CAL1 Tl f per. ::. R. Montg .m ry. i>.'-; >r ??' Ihe c.reene Avr ,,,- 1 HfiiKt ( hw?h. 1 ? deollned a < all from the Coni -il Hapll 1 < hun Ii ol Satan. Mara. Me haa beei r.,r .,;r hla |ir i?nl riiarsjB. Tbe nK*tgage for gin.Onfl - 11 ? upon tbe partiallr completed rhiircl i,i.e.,'.,,4,,i .,'1 ,?<>. ITie paper wlll be bnrned Woi*h aill - mn b? . rencwcd 011 Ihe %\ ?, v in 1 c dedli i'-ii ln Ocl bcr ul Ihla jcar. ? ? V \RRIED WIIILI IN PRI80X. > .-. ? Weat, who i5 awnil ng Irlal (v the 1 bargc ol murderlng Polleeaaa f'taney, waa mar ,., , ,?, Tucadai ? E *?' navmond gtreel Jall to Ni He Wllllatna, I 1 4' u h? had long heen eng%ge1. n colo! d. i" ? Rev. Job Baaa, rhapla n oi ih ? ? f me l tli r. n naoi v i.vnir.RF.n wjoi'T uie row.N 1 f |rnn.?rooni ?,' fbo Flral i.apti-t Chnrrh ol ] ? v,.- -, ,?', ?.-, ipcned for n^e ^ .1 watrh-nlght tervlne Iftat eren'ng. II haa recently been regtred. Tha, Beard ol 'iMte yesi rdn.v il,-,jded 10 reaera'e t'.e mmi .1 ???.' 1 -:.. wblrli wooM l?o alloil's-i to the N .. , , ,|, -,,.-,- , \,, ?? rnnda ?'< t.e dis t . , ? ii,| .'instltutlons, nntll Uie IIIif , ?'?? in itilutliH, 1 - ended, r.ev. < hirb - A. Ilamllton haa arrepted n ra!l t of h. Clcment'a Protes>tanl Eplscoyal ; ,? rnn. ??: HO : ? ..- approprialed resterda\ h> ti - 1.??,, i . t r. i ? ihe 1 vtr., expenne* ln H , ,|. 1 ? ? ? ?. 1 |ork iiuder tbe new ball .1 !nw, ?j-|W s , , ?? .,?'?!? Melcr Corapany, orsin!??d Iu .... . i| of ?100.000, v.'-il, Milvcd ye.-lei rt;i, n . irr, I on t ,- -io-- from June I, 1 --:'. '" ^ ..., .,. .,, i-;..,. rbe operallnfi c\;> ".>?-?- were 6-.i-.iio jj. and 10 bu me - ,.i?. mn 'i lo mily f 1,044 "-? / ir.tur x/iot n'ni.r. />g?.?jy/.v?, Vi?n i M. i :- 1. * y?ni il travi llet ahn llvcd aith !.i moLher and >ietcr In a flnt on I .-...,.., ; ? li ?" , No. I.VI Wc i i'.i: I ? ? in: rif Injie righl -..! J . . " i.."' hc ?:?- "'?" ' j .,,... hi ? ithi r lound bim -"t-- I" - " i'i ' ,. V physl ?? . i .:? il. ul thc voiiiiii L r ttllC ,.....!!. I'I U ''? na I " "-'""? i ' , -,<l , orunci were not lufi vi.i,l l.'-t. i:.,. alitii Mr*.. TradweJi hiied a i und< ?akcr ,,. ,. .v her miii'h bufj fiom tlie Put. Tlie in rii i" iki: iiilormed t'on.r - n ade an iu ve*tlg iloii. Youiig rr-dv.ell had been employel : \ j-.. i. |...|d A < > . maiiufarturera ol s-'"!'l ;>?? . v. u ;?..,., ,, ii. iccntli i and wu not huo j,.,Ve ,,'u ui e for ii. ?'-? li" wa : '?? ' ? a t mitig :? 'i . " "i ).<?'.; . ? ?' '" l i ti-un: w man ?<?? tl " ' ? ?II Mn '!.'... ' ' cheerful nwde ? ien he acnl t" bod ihal uiglit. ili> ? ? . , ,..,, -.,: ihc - m tho j l, ui rii-t |ed lo -'i i'i ion ihal Iher wa . hldden tan?-? to. 'ii nl.. but an esamlr.atloii .f Ihi (atHi v nui .i ? "i ? ? i ' he ' irroner t'. thlt k ihal ihe anoAting oai a Idental. * MTSSIASH HAVE t VELEBMATIOX. The fouitl annual i-elehniiii-n'-f the Rnt lan-Amei rai Natl -ii l-caguc ?.- l'-I'I 1- t eveulng, al fMfl }-"V ' ifall, No, ??:' si. M.ik.- ri.o". The celebra t, ? began wlth a roncerl h whl li Mr*. Roaenbanm, j. |.,,.; - ...iuoa k ?. and Mi ? rdngci \ Itt lo ik ! ? ..;.? | v. itI, a I -I I. \ pn>nilnonl fcitiira ,.< ihe |.:i!l ?..- i!.e I.' ??i "i ipiailrille, e hh h wu , with hpirll. i ? i. r.-.i" " j Aleinkofl hi d - T enbluth. T> I) r igi'ii-obn Wislit lanaenheiier, Elias R.i t* ,? ?., ;.'i,. ,|-v.. i.. Yi.'i ;,-!?'!' ,1,.;,. lailiti . Mi ? h l.ul.itr. M i' i ?"' ? ? ? i'? i? ? 1 Rnplan, 1 . M. M and M. Hunlti wei li chargWui ihc I ? ? ? ? A fFAUM k.t/.Y O.V ITS ?"il Hl.Ri: ? : -? ii.!;. lUona t'i" Sea ^ ear'? , ??..., i ,? u-li. i -d ii: ? ndei Uiv ii i-t <!?? I ... ,, ,.i rh., ??' <i !.???.- 'i',< old yeai end'-d . | ?now, Tha !>?? yeat proailaca to begta in , ||.d ?:..?' i ?'':.:,? ? ....'I f 'l' >' ' ' i l n-terda< t?>M ? Trlbune reperUr a heart I .. .,,; .torjr ..; j . ..ui ?t: ?? an4 i-, t v.?\. Ui?t i- now , ,,, ,i,... i and ,'t ?* i.'iw-' -:..ri;, ,,f :., n . ?' ji\ irntr.-d ovei ( i|?rwdo "Thal ratii KWirni ,. , now ?: mluatlnu t'i whoh.. Ktaelaaipnl X'a'l--." i ?:, '-wonld havi i...i: iu Kcw-Yorh y< Icrday but i !? ... . ?, ,. ,. ..|.i, :. i north ol ii-. ?j ? . I'chi Rii ?? ? ?? ?uoa U-at hav<' fallau thta : ? -.,? |il) ?... i of t u, the 1.1, l,. ,;,.' i,i tln- di-ti-.t lf ibc . ta 1,' -linil h<\' a period ef warm and ? ? . . I und imatanrea iiu t ne I e.,i. i- llh .. 1.. : r.. -.., lu |,j?-,ii?- i!,,ii t. ? tliat ha? fallen i d ii c i i.r fi .-) t'aaada n.ti ??':? i .u.h.'ii; ibe Weat l ,< ln 11 La? ? Valley r????? l- *a biteoM ,.i.t ?*\.. ?? . ?t c . '? :?!? i .:?.?: i* :e degrera bclow tero, >; Moat ?> i' i -? i- '.?' ? i.. EvtI. it I.-,-'. i? .i a ? .. c gi oa aiul ?.' d< ? fc.- r. :o? tr.e :-... ?-ajr.- " Iteferrlng o tn. ,.u;? t- t? ceaUaued rkeihig Ber F ini - " , i "I thlak ihal <-?\> -i lochet ?r g mIi r">.- laweai liaiit ihai .^ou;d t>c by tha ? ? ia tbe latcroM ol ika pabtta tafety, Tha i ? ' ' kaakty too inw ?b.-n yoa tajarf ti th<- ta i that tka ikkkaaaa of :or tarlaa to ai. alaranog exteut Th??, aaete t:\e taekca of ko aar i :.. .:,.- then will p- rh?p? b* only :*o ot Uir e .1.. h ? ua auotkrr, Bat f ihv Umlt I* flaed al at ? "nf i?n ff;-l lateraal)1 ?uro that thero *ili i ;..- th...) !,i;n aid i lulf ?r nvc |:ich?? of lot in a/ I .'. p| tha Vntui Pirk or Vau fourtlaodt UW.-' .4 /e/v/.v B*rr.visefa AOAitmr Brrrxr.*. wiiiu.i. u BwMai *?*. aoca b?m iu n.,- JrBataaa Mar. kct (o t yeateidi Dlatrl i \ tetaey F.-llow* aad bu' . appearod f.? tkf pe .;.), a daara tritaaaaaa wM |.-,rf,??,yi t.? io,\.. haadalaai ilvatwaa ob Uli'-d f-oiu lli"'? law P.rm. wcr?- piet.-ot lu iniit Rattaer'a ?i!'- ?nd .hiid wrre a mi aaeaaat Wkaa th.. ,aint nt i>-%ttr H..KBio araa r-^ad i. ituuncr, ahatfltag iilm ?lth givtag * fraudi-'.nt di\< ue In iwpte?ib*r. UMR and ebteinlnr. aTOO lot it BoMooi NpRoJ BaM hc oaa ar raifn.d lu ,ourt en ihc toaj of Charlea E. Ptnkejt, for wbuh h. aaa pn-naird w;ui ai. iafooaa. Tho aaaa of Boar'a ??? a new <ni<. t|, ,.*?. tr.r a few day. to yre. jgarc uj? 4< hoca. "It a*.?i? m ihongh thc irollcc iailcd an exaatriMtfaa." a* ???. . rautain McLaaghlln aald that he had leamrf tta JTnkel waa an enalawr oo . atawnmlp now tn ^h *!***? water.. The people were na4 ready to 0* to wttk- J? ea*. nU'Anrr eald that h* waa raaly t. go oa wtt* **> ^ * Ulldebrandt aad Cowrr, bnt Ue people were not readytn ke them m. J"atUe O'RctT.y Sd But ner ln e.V?o ball * Ika leejgae naajBBI k-BaBBI will be arra.gucd agaln oa baturday._m NEWS FROM NEW-JERSEY. .iersky crrr. TWO FLAOBBB- PATAt QI'ARRP.L. john DaroaU. of .vo. IM Mmm* at. ^JSHT ye,tc.yuy by lietertive MrUrido and ? harged wltli kav ing Infli. tcd fatal Injurles on CorneBaa Connolly of kro MM Tirst-st, Tbe two men were employed bv'tho PonaiJlroofa Rallroed Con.pany aa flagroen. whle o? dutv on aewaaaJep ?^?dkOTaaiked flght. and Car^ll atnirk ik.nnolIr a kk JW that KMCOeo him down. fVwnnlly V. koad ?***&*SmJSa tfcat fraetured hia Xull. Tbe doctors sald JCoieroay aaaai he could not recover. NIAVARK. NS^rilEll KI.P/TRir RAILR"'?Al> victib. Mra. Mary ATbmkt, a wlaww. aajed ttaep-lBree. waa BBalry lajarod by an ekwtrfe car of Ika RapM rompsn) aeatorday ta Ironl ?f ker fceaao, Bo. m Beknontove. -he kad allghted from a-rar and waa rroaalng the oppaalle rfBrt wfcoa nnothcr far .tnirh her tractaring ker -kuii aad BmHWlag her jaaja. >no died ta Ike knaprtal. Klpce l*rrmher -JO temtpei-ons have l^en mnlllat?I bv tke elertHc ?^.' ?hre- ol whom are dead aid one kad an arm and leg wxered. Ihi-ec of the virtlnis were women. M.FRKTi I.I-TKRS WI1.I. PROBATBD. Tha will of thc totc Aifred LMer. wao waa ?iwwned by Jnmpiag from a Weai Indma >lroa?er, wa- a.lnnt ed lo ?.?oi,- yealerdar. All Ike property h W? U? hia arlfe, joannn. who H made m?U eierotrbrof Ike ratate. Tle will ls detcd Janunry ?-'-. 18H.. armshtox. OPRBINd OF A NEW ( I.rn-IIOf'SE. The npenlns reeoptlon al Ike new rlub-koate nf the trllngtw flnb wna given laal evenlng. Tke rloVa new horne is a tVauflfnl four-story bulldiuir furing on Kearnj ave. The baaenienl Ia Btled np"Jor bllllarda ? nd bowllng, and on the Mvnnd floor ls a barge aa tmnbiy room ropakle ef^roilng 400 people and cmv Wnlng a large atnpR Thc lop floor rontolna the kitehen, dinlng-mom and bathrooina. "n tke aeeond loor am the lariic*- parlor. <ard mom and -cvej-a! droaalng-rooma. scvcrnl werka a^o (he kadlee ol Arllngton hehi .i mlr In thc rew rkfb hou-c and ralaed pi.400 which araa i.-'mI In farnlaWng tbe new bullding. rhe rlab haa ?? memberahip of over 100. [>,,, |nR 1 , : ;,t 10 n'rloeh und waa foUowea hy a -iinritri u- upper. Kome of ifcoae preaentwere II. J. Prederirk. D. ftrynnt, l. 3. Pnvor. II. Morgan, XV. C. Aluilr?, II. Ai:,"i. J. niondpnnd, P. Borkway, w*. P. Raman, J. W. rha>e. A. Oaarford, J. I. fwdaaaa, <!. L. 1 rowell, .1. p. rmwoll. n. L. n.-iv. P. c. T>aws, Captaln i"i I'-hI". .t. v. noelaird, .1 S. Dnprey. r. II. pennk. V," H \ Blll*. W. Tii.pwell. \V. Viirruid. J. W. f.ray. W 11 (jeii v tJIbaon. W. L. Ilealh, th<- n.-v. John !<.vi?r. W 1.. Montgomery. <'? "? Morgan. J. I* Morgan. .1. P. Mullln. .inscph Parker, Jr., '?. O. Peer. T " Ifel the Rev. .1. F. Rvan. II. R. Roome r.. nidonx. J A. Iieed. Borl Roome. .1. -. Benda. \. f -)r\. ihe Rev. Oeorge .simcr, fleorge Plnter, Jr., \. M. ilullork, \. W. >n>ith. (ieorg- Smlth. .T. P. Thomton, - *. Wller. c Wooda, n. M. Wooda, John VVooda and titcphen \\'r?.(i-. ORAXGK AXXl'AL BALL AT - WAI.NfT i.ATI'.'' Henrj A. Page, the p-.-eMd^nt o| ?he E--e\ Crmnly Conntry t'lub, p?\t hi- annnal h^ill a( "B'alnnt (.iife," l-.i- home i'i M :it:^-e, it-: evcnlng. There arerouunnl 150 gnt 1- present. The decomilona nf the houae ?iere more thnn n nally arH^lle. Al ihe -iis,i,e ,,f mldniphl the ^u"-t- gnthercd logether and nng ? ^ald Syi ?. ' Tlie -ouvenirs ,.f Ihe ".?, ;i-i .11 rtalni; eoplea of the "id -n:*p. prlnl 'd In Ihe hiRh"-'. rtyle nl artltth lypography and h-tnd pait|t3d. Amone ihr?i preaenl were Mi^- Lillie p.iee M-. and Mr*. B'llknm II. White. Br. srid Mrs. Bdw-ard i? 1^,.-^. Mr. and Mrs. RIeerker Van Bltgi lRa >! ... . Voae. Mr. und Mra. Willluin P. Iddlng-. "?: -. K-t-he Iddlnga, Mr. and Mr-. s. Y. L' H"m medieu, Mr. and Mr-. Krank Arnuld. >Ii-s i.crtriide 1:1 Mr. and Mr-. 1!. M. Oolgato, Mr. and Mr-. VV. A. Brower, Jr., Mr. ivu) Mr*. tharlea A. 1^-, ^fr. r.nd Mr-. John ". lleaM, Mi Allee n.-.ld. Mr. and Mi--. i;..i.,'ii Diiii DougldMi. Mr. :."d Mr-. II.miiv S*. Munn. Mr. un.l Mr-. T. II. IV>wera Kiirr. Mr. and Mr-. .inhti Purr, Mr. und Mrv John Flrth. Ilngh I'. Criaa, i.iu' I'.eewer, Mr. and Mr-. Wlllbim l!;irr, Mi? Dniprr and Mi-- iin. li. PLAlXFlELn THE I'UMKl i 1.1 i.s OPEXINO VIOIIT. Tlie new , lub hoiise a,,d Ca?in , of the Cnion f'.eintv countrj f'lub ?a? opened u-t evening In the pi of ;. notable gatbcrtug. The handaoaM parlora we.t* de iratcd with fertis, evergi.- and Howera, wblle ihe i.-111.1 wa draped In an artiatlr nanner. At ? p. m. i lormal t-errmonr waa begun by Roland Cox, repre . ti.. bullding ronimittoe, who preaentcd tlie keyi ..' tlie tiiib-bouae t>> the vlce-prealdent, W'illian . ."!. Mr, <'.i\ reviewed the liU'ory of the club, wliieli waa orrnnlzcd onb montlia hc.. and now >,|. elglitr member*,' Inclndlng I iding cltixena <.f I'l'ilniield. Mayor Alexander uilbcrt, of Plalnfield, :< -j ...;? ii on l "l. vlf of tl,'1 men I lIonOKEN. DID MR?. f;l.<>I>KKI. TARE CArJBOLIC At ?',:?','??:? l*arslow -;n- i,<- -.v;!i make an Inveal of tlie -;? mn tann uf tbe de .:i, nl Mr . Mela i lle exi .? l" llel that tlie woman ln < -.-. glve . ?:,.'..!. aild, ,i. Ti.e Tribnnc -t.-tt lorday. The bndy nay bc cxbumed lo-day. ? .Hiis t,? i?- d?nc, he de* ?ii ??? ?-?!'. ,f i> >--::.i". itnl ihe acid waa bv Mrs. Illiele-I. TJie phvaielan wl.o atiend* Hr. Iltpt, r?|Hated his stalemeni lhal he h dn.ibt ili-ii tbe uufortui.alo woman dl-i lake Ih, l-?: lio beiicved .-'.? did nol lake enougli t> dcath. gatinn iloderl. ?k, or d gea rea io .1 lier. irt |... ? ac i, , aa ? ? OTHER SUBURBAN T0WN8. LOS(; LSLAND. fiLEN COVE. The aloop Belle. rd porl Ealon, <;<p -,/.e<i off Matliilnrork Polnt, rlglil mlles northweal ol i.l,ii toVe, ..?) Thuraday afternoon. The aloop was Inadcd witli grarel and w^- procccding to New-York. r>he waa atrnrk i.y a aqaull ..nd before ?be rigjhtrd ? sernnd Itci vj ^n^r itruch heraiKl -:,<? wenl over. rbe rrew .dated ,f a captaln, Wllliam Crozter, j.\, and one nian, They were thrown Into ihe water, After o struggle the nvn men Mcreeded ln dctachlng t',,-. yawl l.-,.i from tlieovertnrned \e--.-l ..,,r! go| Inl . il. They -.. ,<? bctiumbed with the ,'.!n and after Li-eai dlficully ?i? ic I hlng the ahvre. They would nn ,' mbtedl) have i"': i"i had nol aome "f Ihe rltlzrna .'i.. .vered Ihom. ,\f"-;- adekty a waton waa obtnlned . il tbe ,,.< :i aere laken ,.. ihe hou<w nf a Mr*. ('all. Their feel and Irgi ....<l other partu ,.f their bodle* were fio/.i-n. i' i ,..,|i. illile i. i. ii whether jp nol ihe men will !?? periiiancnllt iiipplrd i.y their expoxure. The i-l'Mii. was t?i? :-.<-<l up by the frelgiii atcaanier North ].i,ri .,i.,< lowod Intn tti.ntingtoii llarbor. Ti.c vcasel i-, uMied I.;, N. \v. Uodfrey, of Fort Baion, -77.7W7.1K GOE$ T<> DOSTO.V. ? ;??.....w. l,.nl,i ,,f UiC r.'.--i..|i rMOMISCST AiMJVALS AT TIIK HOTKI.S BRl'.NxWK'K <....:,., i? Fa?ler, MlnJater al Flaaace ol !?? Domlnlon ,.f Canada. llllii . vi.M 1. . s, ii.n,t r Hojr. of Maiaathaaetto. "BaXlr-fjataicamt - '? 1 . Ited S'-Mt-*- AIU1.V. Hllli. mas judga j >hn dlr.iea i-ra..-, o, u.e Rew.Yerk i?,..t "t Ai'i >!-. VICTOMA-Coagiftaaatu Charlet a ol Altany, ,md gliimp. uf Marrtaad. THE PLTMOUTM RLPLACFD BY TBE PrRlTAX. Newport, B. I.. Dee :il.-The atearaer PIvmouth was uithdiv.H-i, from tbe old tolony Llne ti night and i? jijiiced ,,y tlie inuiran. Ptiylclaaa Hart Feuiid Oat That ? raataaalnitlaaj a:.<t icr^ign ficn.c.-it m the biood, de. rciopod by ladlgeattaa, la u.e aaaaa of rheaaaattm Taia ?eitie* inK>? lha ataaatrre e'lbK-uuueou* aainaai of the nraaefea aad llgaaiaata ?,f th, katata, raaatag taawtagd :,.?. ahtftlag nala, iad aa^tecatlag u? .-. ealaateoaaa, rJialky aaM ableh preiaaaa allEheaa ?,,a 8*tartloa of u? ?- I arhkk wgeilaaw has ' ninilum i? ,,. ?ard M Baaaetufa su>n.ach n,u.-r., kaa atraagi r rrtaiaiu H aU,,i*.rt thaa thi.. naocly, Uttt thla n.<d.,-lne ot comi rr. hr.?|?e ,?,,? ch(.,u Uie forT,l<ltU|r a|1(J ttritclotln dli)?V, B4M N II leaa poaltlvoly eaUblUhed tkat lt U prefer,Ue u is laakwaa nfloa aaeg |a * afctca tbe modicin,- <-?.. talu. only ?.?,Urr lasrrdlrnia. II I. alao a .IqmI raanedr j;r.r,U"il f'V""' r **8WalaB, dy^pepala. kMnrv .nd Madder .llnK-nfc,, deblllly aod othrr duoid-n. bcc lhat ?ou trct the ceauitc. 1IASY PAPERS RKAD BBfOHB TH* AMMBCA3C HISTORICAL AJBDOttwI. . - ST ttl ACT1V1TIKB AND POLITICS." " BLAVBBV tJ REW-YORB.' ABP-Ji "?8T0Br A BdENVEi" AMOXO THE TOPICB TP.UiTBO-:NEW 0FP1 TERS EI.BCTED. w.s,?ngt,n. Doa W^hJ ETSa^ojIS S MOi Rrad -/-^?SSS ^Slon at Ua bcfore the oaJon ""gTjl of theee popera mon.lng t**?l"n to-day. ruo n M,fhlg*n, wa, by Rphm.rn D. Adams. ,j",*",%.?lBu<lgct ,n o? -The IfletjRtral ?SSST\m. ????jSS ? ^^r^d^'on^-'^c.^" .^'^v^tyofW^siu NMt--^ ^^.rr^ro^r jjg and Uio Slrug.e m^g*g *%? SBtT*^-ss^iW Aftef the of tbe B?f0nM?ft>J* J-J* tjoarieaa aVoaoaah llkdory had bcc lakdaafs a papet H??lB?ertr?eB Bf OtaW** **_*??? ? akadeot ol llkaory- waa reart b.v PrcUdeut D. L. (.11 nutn. .'f Jokoa llopkiiw inlver-uty. At U? afternoon scs*io., PfOfoaaOT R. H. IkkkOOj, rn!ve,-ltv of Vlrginia. read au eaOBf on tlie nucMlon "gSzWitn****** -11.0 folloVlng paiarra weit. atoo ^ ? *a -'? r. 1..-U -hv v il More (orucll Unlverelty. h. ttai -.'-,' ;i "i tiie .eventh annnal ateetJag waa -,..,-,.'i - I'rofeiuur (nli T. Miiann, of tho l liltea Maies Notlonal M.i-Hiii. foUowed thla wltha,paper on -The orterland botwean tl* ArttmeotogW und the toian " The w-t paper waa by Profeeaor '? r- ?u"1' Sm. of Brown . ?ils'r-i.v.on -Tka ?.**??"?*-? Porelan tiovernmenta in I'.eh-Uf of MUtory. rna writeFnrged thla munlry ipead nark mnremoney on It- arrklvc*. F.ven llnraria, \\nrt<<iiii>rg ,uui Baden apenl more for tln- than thc inlted Mato. Th- foMowing offlcer- were. derted for tke eonlBi veur: l'i-e-id.: i. Willlam wiit vlrslt.ia. ,,,-t vi,e pre.ldent. Jdmea n. AnerU. Micblgan aeeond vlce prealdcnt. Henry Adam*. DMrlr* r.f < olumhu aoereun, llerbert B. Adnm*. Marrland: ?f*l?J*"i Mxretarr and rnmu>r. A. Iloward Hark. Dl-lrlct of folumbia: Ireaaiirer, t'lareare OTnthrop Bnwen. Rew ?s,,.;.. Memhera <f the Rxerntlve fouurll fta, iut ditlon to Its o'hrer- ev nfflelo Andrew i?. ^k\Bew. Vorh: fHorge Bnnrroft. l? trirt of Colnmbla. Juatln wln?or. Maa?aehii?etta: WUllam F. foeJr. IMinola: rbarlea II. Adama. New-York: John Jay, New Vnrlt: John w. nurrea*. Bea YorH : the Rev. Or. Oenrge i- Ki-hoi- ronneetlcnt: '. nrown '.mde, inatrlct ef rommhia,' and John (."<>ivc Bourlaot, Dominluit of Canada. CLOf-E OF TIIK CIIEM1STS' MEETINO. Tin; I'M'l.rcs RBAD tT THE LASoT gESSlOX*. THEIR AiTH'iR.s. Phnadelphta, r>e<-. 31.?Tbe riosing srs?ion of th* American Clwniical gortety wnl held morning at tho Cniver^ity ,,f Pcniwytmnle. I^nfeaaor f*. K. liarker, of ihe rnhreralty "f Penn?>rrnnla, waa ele, led nt of tlie sc-'.iy for tbe rohUng yew. Pro (eai "? i oit.ui, aerietary <>f Ihe ronferenre of rheml ta, aasemhled for Ihe lormatlan "f .1 nattoaal rarganlxatlon, then .end tlie repnrl ><f the ronferenre Tbrs em brared h. aeriea of re? duliooi ndopted at tha eonferenee, v. I.,. !, t.:i> ].;t 1i< .pateil ln bv ropresontatives ?f tho tmertean Cbemlral borlety, ihe 1 hen.lcal tira*tlon ol Ihe tmeriran Aaaoclatloii for tlie Advaneement "f goieneo H,.d t!.c Aaaorlatlnn of Dflrlal Aarlenltoral Chembti., Ihe Waahlngton Chamlral s,-let.v. tlie Chenii'-al m-i tI.iii i.f Ihfl Krai.klln In~t tut ?. and fhe raanuiai tnrlng rhemlat* of Ihe I'nlfed stato.s. The followlng papsia were r.-id: - Chemical nnd IMiv-i-al Chaiigo* Afcnda'.t np w the KterUUatlon <>f >I11 ls."* by I'l.ifc-^or A. R. Leeda, Hohoken, N. J.; "Tli,, Ni-, ---i'v tho Systeroatlr Inaprctlon >>f NVlla ln . ,- , . ,. i\ Toarna," by Profeaaor Mnrnnd; ?? Experlmenta In Mllk tnalyala." bv Ptofeeaor Blwyn Waller. Colunihla College, Xew-York; -The cito.nbar iToduoi nf smiie n ie??a (?erni" and their Phyalolog Iral Effeet.'1 bj Proffaaor E. A. Schevanlta, nf the M, 1 a,;,:,. :.t of Agrlciiltnre, Waahlngton; -Jfatlonal hiiH tftnte Chemlafa in Crlmlnal Trlala."1 by C!iarl"s riell, New-\ork. In tho abaenre of Mr. Rell, hla paper ,u read bj Profeaaor < bartea R. Dorerana, <>f S>w Y?r',. \t ih- <i.?e nf the reading of the laat paper the m> it'l v adjourned. nn: irotn : \mu: or rnt: uxited ktates, Bo-Kon, Der. 31.?"The tmerlean wool Reporter," iu its annnnl revlcw ,.f ihe wool trade <>f tiio Unlted .-tate*, will aay to-morrow i The amnnni of wool on band ln mo>t of the ptimary ,.f the I , 11 ?<! .-?.,;?'- ? nol exeesatve. The atipplt in lioirton la ronslderably llghter than a year :,,',.. llw total lock ??'? d. ?',' ""..1 bolng ?-'-?.77 I. I..J ngains. -.".:.-:.'?-.'..-.-j pounda l.-i v. al Ibia tii,..-. <>f forclgu w?a?l there are -'."..J, !.*,<> pnnnda ln -: >? l, lo-day. con ? i od w Ui T.".I7.,.-H p nnds laol year. Tlie totil, Inrebm :.,d don.estlc, i- ?_?."?.t-j.i, jionuds. ni-:.i'>i :.,,.'if-i.i;.'>'.i pnundi. a yejir ?>:??>. ln other nu rket? :, >in llar pniportlu . .1 rterrvaae h ?hpwn. i ln New-York. a'here we note an i,,<-rea*e >,f 1,057.000 pontMK ? ?! , l.lcago, whlch ahows au rn ci-".--, nf 1.235.000 p and . Phtiadelphla stocka a^ ?,??;,t (.00.000 pounda 1,- s than Uial year. There. ls nni.-h le*a wool ln st. i/.iii- alan than In i-'-n1. \ recapltuatloti ,.f atneka In prineipal markaH?, lo wl,,- h i i added i1," estlmuted amounta in other niarketa, ij?-i -,j],','i.-, >-!.,i U....I in pnllen1 handa, glvea r total aupply of lej.-in, -s-j jKrind^. agalnat 00,384. c.Mi ? vear ajro. The itgnriv. for the tlr<; ten inoiitlis ?f i-..,,, |or Ihe whok I'nited Statea ahow ii>t;tl ln, ). ,i-i. i,..., ,,f 47.044.104 ipoi.nda, ln rotnpariaon with I10.7-J1.450 for Ibo correspondlng tlnn? la^t year. and ln conaequence nf Ihe kaacned amonnt of furolgn wool ,e. ibc inarkel and ihe facl there la \ rery marked Improvemenl In ih-> wooilon goodi baatneaa, the auppllcs of wool in the I'nited state- eauuot bo conaktered burden?ome. Tbe only w,-?li spot lr, the outlook la rir protablllty of incre?so<i Importailona of forelgn woola after the heeinnlng of the year. AAuouneea.ra?v A New Collar. 'X * W." Sho?hone. "C. ? W." A l.rxtnv Foi: Toi;rist?. Dr. Lyon'a P'rfect Tooth l'owder. ln ni-.tol boxea. wltt ratu.t meaaurtug tuba. N'eat and portablt-. 2i cta. Ai:i: Ym Titotiu in WlTII CBAPPEP Hand?T l?e Cern.B'a Denzoin t'uametlo bojji. bo.d e\erywhere, 25 eenta a iu!te. For Boyntnn'a eelchrateil furnaeea. hot water he;. tera. lia!:,n,ore |,,aiers and ranaes, go to tfea BOYXlOX I L'UXACE ? O 20" and 20) Waler-au _ ? For t.'fiii Bvc eenta, you can getCartera Little I.i>ri I'llU-tlie i> -t llvcr regulator in UM world. Unn't [Olget 11.i-. ' Il e |,,,1 a (1 ,.- . Hknry A^s. M. D., 00 WliisT .VJTU-ST. D!???tra of tte N -rvoua sritem. Oealto-l.'rlnary Orgaaa. Uapotence aod gteMUtf- Huura 8 to 1. t to 8. Ml'.s. WjNSI.OW'.a KriOTIIIMi STRO Haa bein u?ed f >r orei FIfTT YKAKS bv M1LLIONS ,f MoTIII K.s fr their ( Hlt.DM.N WJIILK TEETH IXll arlth I'Mll-I.i I" SOCCEbS. It SOOTHES tha Cllll.n. soj TI.N> ihe UI'MS, Al.LAYS a.l PAIN; CUKKS WIKD COLIC, and la the beat renirdy for DIAHRHOEa. Sold by Drucclsta Ui every part o< tha world. Twcotj-Bv., eenta a bottla. ? a> Pubelv Veoetablh. HralUi I'.h.'I i .i puiiy'a tloap. Jfo. 81 l-'lfth ave. nu,, ai.U all druggl?Vi. Al A Rl NE IXTELLIGEXCE UKUTUftl ALMANAC. nwn it ?aarkwal 11 I Seul 40 , Moon rlae 10 4* pm I Moon'aaga'JO H.GH Vf ATKB. .a.Jf-Sim'.r* 11 lu ! Gov I?la,iJ 11 fi I Hell Oata. 1:38 P.V-bau,lj Hju.. ii.jS I Uur.liUi.,1 -I Uall Jaia, \;U sHtPfisii ynrri PORTOFN'EW.TORE.WED.VEsDAY. DEC. 81. 1890 AitlUVEi. Steamcr Douro (Br , Mara.iall. Ixuidoo Iieo 13. wltb nitae to t W J H.irst Arriris. ,i tl.a Bar at , ... Steamer Tynaa ,Br.. Hals. Munte*oBay W* Klngaton. <fc,\ wnl. in-.mi to tlcndaraoo Broa. Arrivad at tlie B.i at lu a >u, Mramer AiImi ( bi i. Morri*. Jaxmel. a,-, ria Kiimaton. wltb imlm kd,1 panAeugera U> Piui. Forwood ? Co.. Arnveuat tU? Baral o.tOa II Staa.ner HiiiDolrl* Di.mul* (Bri. Durie. Auuatto Bay 8 daya. with m,i?r and paaaangera toO Wow a <fc ????, ArrtveU al lha Bar at f a ut. stoamor c.ilur.H.ii, Evana, NewOrieaoa via PlillaUel|>lua, (?II lf Mallorvac-i Ku-an.i-r8tai?ut Texas. Willlama. via Hruoa wii-k. iJa. wiUi iu,1?- tii.l na*acuarre tn ?' H Malk?ry & . ,, btcaaaarAlgaaqala, ^l>K,, Jaraa*nvlllevia charUatoo, w,,!> in,1?e lad iiaawiirem'tn Wn. I' Clydo A Cu. Itirk Ijuh LABal) Hruh.a.iT. M?r*-illra 74 ,Uy?, with ra.laa tuiinler, v,-??il to niaau-r. aUXIICT-WloUai Hamlv IlooK. moderate. E; i1oii.1t. At 0N8 laiAinl-Wiuu fr,-a!i, NK anowln^. CLEABEO. Ste?Di?r luiy (Br). P?ai-i?, I>iaaloa-r W J Hnral h.raiaer nir ot Cheator (Mn. LawU. Urerpool Pata* Wnabia S,.n?. Me?m#r MartelloiBri. Baafr, Mull -bao.tarann 4 Hoo bteaiuar lle^^el ( Rri. Alli ii Brisl-il -Barlfr A lo. Me?mor Eiwm (Mr., Rru^n. Aronaaouth H SturiOurg a Oa. Mmiaar Ctiy at Para. lackHooa. Colon -Pac.flr Mall Sa Oa Mrataar Cliy ol Aiexaadria, ltaaaen, Haraua aadktaiaaaw -4aa k. Ward 4 Ca 001 Ksiire Contaln* no lodlnr, Potaah, Blne Vitrtol, itlrrciiry or other mlneral. Ia ajnarnnlced piircly vr?pinblr. * nrr* all blood nflectlonn and akln dleemaca produced by Impure blood. Hailcni. Jan. 28, laJR, . Thla crrtlflea that mr rhltd. 10 montha old. waa affl.'ted wlth a \<-rr l*d okln flTsenao nf the face, even and ineine of no.o. Th.' f?'.' wne ro\er?d wlth maitentlna noree. and hl< even wer.i Hwollcn alu.'. un mcoiiut of the tOM on th.- ey.llde, and his n<*e wa? dbw hari'lnR itiatter aim wa? rull Inelde <A tho aorea I uavo hUn a?e ( actu* lilnnd l'ii". 1'" four weeho, and to-dar tnv baby ls ro? llrely will. Mr*. J. BBBBT, 115 Eaat U?6th-at., N. Y. Th#i t'artaa Btood Oaro haa nealtlrely eurerl aamer. ?aa raaea of Hcrafala and ??l? Rheaai Ia one month ? ttrne whero all other blood purlflern hwve falted. Ploanant to Ukr, appllrablc to dlnrnaee of Infancr or old ?ge. Sold by dniBpUt'. or n.-nt prepald on i.-celpt of tttaa to an.r part of thc Cnlted tstatea. l'rlce, large alte, 12; aanall, ai. AEVA'S BltABIMAB MPIlCiriO OOh . OBkc, Vo. e Wall-at., New-York. Stoanier Broeaton Tower ( Br). (iodiree. ht Johnt. PP. <*c - N Y ? P H ??Co. ... , . Stoamer Janialca, Tliompton, st Ann'a Btiy-'? weaaala* bttaraer fllinon Dumnla (Nnrl, Kanlt/. Mataniaa HDumola steioner Bnxhaiti. Ooaabe, QaltaaojM Tuuper A Beatue, Steamer Nitw.'?, ttlal;. linlv. it.ui < II Mallory A <<> Hteamor AJwWa, (irant. lolni T Vwi ategla. r-ieamor KbinkerufM.-ker, Ifalaay, Bawimaana ? h ?ea akao. _.. .,, , ... Mranter F.I I'n?o. Qulrk. Ni'iv ' 'rlertiis J T V?n e. titeanirrciiatlaliiKiciiee. iNUMCtt. aavaaaaa K I- Walkcr. Hteumer lroi|iioi., I'cniiliiKtoii. <-'liari>-au>n auu Jacaaoiiviiio -WwPClrdeACo. flteaoiar Wyiuiuke, Baaa, Norfolk and Richwoml?Ol" "?? nilnlon 8a On. _ _ .w . ?? Htaamer l.ucy P Mlller. dakef, Rtiairor-P H Srnith A to. sieanierCotia*.'.! ritv. Rennott. l'ortland--H"ratio KalL rUeamer II M Waltney, Itilleti. Ii,.it.ui-N I" Dimork.. Ship P K Blanvlutnl. KUiu'liard. Saigon-PendloUiu, larver A> Nicbola. . , Bhin Anguat(Ger). Jabnrg, Antwrrp rka PetUi Aaaaof - Phlp Kdrard Akermark, ttavre MuilIorAQuercau Mnp M P Orare. Wllllania, s.m Kranrtaen smton A ' <>. Itara Willard Mndgett. frorker. Valtiaialso Kllnt ^ <'<?? llurk lauac JailkaOB. Dairta, liuaynyull -W H Urace A Co, 8AIEED. Klearacm Oerataak:. lOt Urerpoali Alier Ttrenien; N'oord. land. Aatwerri Kncrgte. BremerbaToai i-aiifornla. Me.iner ranean porti; lln.-il. i'ara ( nyof Para, C'nlon: Jainntra, Mon legoBay; rturof Ateaaadna. Havaoa: Nuc-eaOHivetvui; KnlcWerhorker. New-Oi Ifiirm; Kiinmis Oty, SavanBahi Iro. (juoia. Cbwlaatou. Wyaneka, Norfolk. iJkUi MOVBMXXTJ OP BTEA11ER8. F0UE1UN rORTSJ. IU t.l, LU'O :i0 Sallcl. uteamor CbicagO (Hrl. F.llil, for New I'.liow HrAD. Deotl Paaaad, ste?mpr St Itnnana (Br). C/inipbrll. frum New-Yora nn Iter ?ay to l.uerp.x.l. I.tXAkn. IVi- lil I'iiawI. stfamtr Dania ((Jeri. Rrarena. from New-Ynrk on her way ln H,i!ii'jurz. sTF.iTiN. i..m ga Batled.eteanier Norga (i>a:i). hnu.'.scn, [or .Ni-- Vork. 1XC0MIXG 8TKA MKHS. TO-I..VY, r.,?,i fr?,n, s'"-* ., . Waa Behemta.Bai.ibura.n-e ht.Harnb Amer Nlaj.ura.liiivaua.INK ^'7.N* * * Cuba HtlDAl". JAN". '-' Xdrmtlr.Llvcroonl.T.-ec .'4.W.tte.Star \Vmcnu4ln.I.ivernooi.Dec \S'i.??.{i!\oa, Newporl.C'o.on.!?>?. M.Pncino Mail MUMill. JAN. '?*? Bkyataad.Aatwero.DeeSl.R<-''i star OUTOOiya 8TEAVBSI TO-DAT Veaari r?iift ltn?. *v>? Mailaclote aalla City olC'haatar, lnraaa, EiTerpool. " ? m i raiDAT.J i* - ' N Y # r-iih?. Nmimi . I pm :i fn \uiei..',. BaraiBda. l pw :; um ?ArfKUAr. ian. 3. I ruhria. i.iiiir.l. I.iverpool. 7 JD :i m II am t.lmd. I' x hiii 10 t m Werk?-nnam. N"ih Amer. RotrarAaa. h:Jna m In-.lO a m ua Bretagoe. FTennnTrana Rarra. biSUiini ;o * m crril. Hedrroaa, Para. i p n> ;' P m Marwl, Quaibec, Ht Crota. l" >" Pliilanripi ta. WM n. iJiauarrA..:... > P"i ?' n m Adlro-Mlark. Atkva. gjnaat.aa.0?. ...II ?'" l l"? Oriiaia, NY A'.'ubi. Maraaa. 1 i"u 4 ?? UBAIS AXD PltUDUCE MARRETS. FF.ATfRES OP NEW-YORK PEAMNGS. The Produee Kxrhange marketa jreatorday reAeeted Ika kopefol feeiina generally provalent aa lo thc do foiirpmenta "f ihe new year. ln wfceat the ?i.ief itifluenee of rapport rame from tho rnnpird tbal Uie blc Chlrago oneratora were buylng. nlrong rabies nnd modemta rlearaneoa were ln llne wllh tbe eiicourag Ing aentlment. und Ihe Brodatrcet repiiri ol un ln reaae ol uan.Ota) bushel- In Uie vlalble -"Pl'b" "I v.i-i.t raal of the Rockj Monntalna w ia eaal aatde. v Inltlng nfl i'i futnrc Norlhweotern arrlvula aeeniie o I* eipected. u?.i thls helpa the bulllsh t.? of ?.pecii latlon Tlie ""i advnncc-i ln pptlona were 1-4 rent , ? DeVeniber and :i i" 1 renl for the other and niora ? ,, . ,nt tnonths. Cu-h l'.ts were 3 t CCOt blghOT, bat there waa no eaport demaBd. , ,',,,-n waa Induemed by llgbt i-_ ?>? ana stnmg foeelgn wlvlccs, altlumgh nnidatreet'a orted an ln ,..:.,;:. 0i (,-.hmi bnnhcK Janunry nptloni clo?cd np T.,' :,.?i the bater dellveriea wero 1-4 csnl hlgher. ;,?,, ,!.,?., waa i --i-i rent bettcr, bnt export por chasci a-cn rhecked. ,,Ml, clo-wl 7* < ni hl?her for optlrmn ta wwponae to ihe other ccrcal?. ii Mttle mv -tm.-nt buylng T?clng do v-cloped The raah niarket ?a- i U l cent botler. ThTiard niarkel rl.J np -"?'? Pointa for optiona in -vmpitM w Ith riie - "??'! marketa. Th*- nnui oii.-iiiit.? were: wik" n ' iiiivr. #1 or?: .I..IHU..V. ?l f)3 i 4;Febnt aryT?0."i"4:March.?10rt:^:M.iy.?irki. >,,n,-J?nnnrv. M> 1 ?': r'ebruary, 5011-8; March. 50 i -j ? M'iv. '?'.? 3 - eetil -? .?-,,. nata-January. 50: February, 503-t. May, "i ' - 'eii'.:il Jannary. PB2?: Fehmary, BB37; Haaek, 0840: tpril. *?>?"-!?; May. *tl??. Tho ???c'-lnts of graln and ilimr repoft?l ve>terdaj ?t - v. Yort. PhiUidelphlu. BHlt! and lloslj.n werei. Wheaj -:s "T-J bnahela: roni. H0.1HM biiahms; "nt-. 70717 mishels: total gram. lfis.OtW bnahela: flour. ???{?ioi B'irltaaea. \t f'hli icn, Mllwaukee und -t. wula ".V,.". -rrlvil- v-er ?: Whnil. ??'-?"'" Imalmh: rorn. 210,134 bu>heU: onK ito.m-j i.u-h-1-: total graln, ivL'.tio:) busl el?; flour. 3(1.750 barrcla. TME TRADK IN PHICAOO. rhleogn, Dor. nt (gpociali.-The wkeol rrowd to day waa not lialf u mm h amaaed at Uw advanee wWeh wneat enjoyed a- it waa al Hw rolume of order*. The U-t day of Ihe year Ia ti-mllv at lca-t lialf siven up to LomfoolefT. Todey baalneaa waa pareaed wltlt even more than the runiol energy "P 1? wltkln ono haif hour of ihc regnlar rloae, aad waa then aban doned by the majorlty wlth groal rotartaneo. Mueie and n??r-bolllng and grea-e.l plg rhases and nllicr rldlrnloaa anli'-s are all rlght usually on tho laal dajr of Ihe roor: boi Uvday there were % great many rom mlsalona to earn, and li-.i- frollcklng, allnoogh debkyed iintil the last nionient. did rortalnly taterfere with inr<-,uie.-. The newa apparonUy waa rery llttle ae conntable for It, Cabkw were Yery ktrottg; thcro were -outo olhor i lo BneoorogB wli.-ut. There wa- fair exporl ai"l Ihete were sonu- ollicr ruvnmatancea lo enrourage wheat purchasoa. Bat tiier- were rortalnly :vs many other rlreamataacoa ti enrourage aalea. Bradatreet'a taode ae Increaae eaal nf tka Rocklet nt DOS^XW buakela. There w?.s rain in the aontkwoat, where droatk ha.s i>ccn -o long i oinplained of. The ri-<- waa Uie roaalt of otfo of th,,-- Mtddon movea on th" part of tka ipeeolotlve pnbllc wklck coin.' ii Jannary; kardly ever in ike hollday week. May wheat opened al ht :i s. toid al on l-'J and rlosod at 08 renU; Juiy opened al Kl, - .id nt 03 7-d *iut rloaed at. 'X: 5-8 eenta. A prlvata Frenrh rablo reeeived rontalned an order tnr .i amall lot of rhoire tpring wheat. The eable added that the satnple waa Intonded ror aeed, leadlng t.> tiie natoral inforenoe that the recenl meaaagaa about thc ex tromely peor Preoeh pro*pe< t-- for a futore itsip wera ivow bclng reallaed. Cora aborta did not likc tlie weather rooiittOB. 01 IfcO -<>J" rant le-'Oived, only loorteen wcro up U> rontrart grade. The eatlmatei fo:- Tharaday, loo <ar-. only Inrrcaoed thelr oneasl ne-~. Ma^' opened at 0- ?t-n. soht *t '?- 7-8, and rpnod ?:. .'.-j :; t centa. Mo? - wklte '>?t- were up to-dav over a cent mr raaji. ? The tampk inarkct for all oth*r gr.ide- wa.- al-n liiglicr. Provlaloas con tinued the adv^ce begun :cailier tn tlie week. Pork at tlie cloic sliowcd an advunco of 15 centa. COTTOB KABKETB-BY TELECiRAPH. Llverponl, Baa. il. 1 P- iu.?Tho aaka of tbe dav ln ciuied t'.-00 bii'ei Aoierieaa. Kut'irrn clo?*dgul*t but itcvdy : Ame-ican mlidllng, low uiiddling elaaae, January dnlvcry. .", f?u4d boyera; Jauuury and February dcitvcry, 5 9-04d baytra; Kebruary jud March dcltvery, S la-fttd buyero; Marpk aud Apnt delivery. .'. 17-0ltt buyent; Apnl und May ci.iu.ri-, S "o-O-i a5 21-oid : May jnd June d.-livevy, 3 -.-t-utd stller- : juna and Jiilv delivnr> .">-Jiv-iiut *ell. r?; July aud Augu>t dfliverr, 5'.'8-fltd ?.>ll.'ra; Auijust and i>ciAcrober del.'v?ry, J JiV6id ?eilcr?. Savannah, Dec. 31.? ( otton flrtu; mlddllng, 8l^c: low mlddllnc, T 18-lftc-: good ordlnary, Ute: nct and arosa rc<HpU. 5 "'i'i lale* e\|<irt* u> thu RenMaeot, U.anO IjiU. ; ?il'<, J.ooO bol'i; .-| iiiu- r-. 1J"> halc-; ttOCk, llVtiiat t?le?. N.-w-Orl an?. Ii-,'. ST.?Cottoo Irm; aikldllag. x7f ; lo? ii ldttiinx, 8*4C; itixxl ordlnary, TL.r: u.t mcalpta, IB.aie balea. grwn, in,17a bulen ? export-i to f?r--it BrttalO, 11.003 l>alie . t.. the l ..lUlncni, ...373 bale* : .oaatwiae, 1.002 bale. : natr*. I1.2.'.0 balet; atovk, M1.7I3 baie'._ o> RVBUBBAM PBOIMIUM MAKkbia. Elverpool, P-r. 3t a:|,-> p. ni.-Becf-lloldera oger modi-ratviy. cxlra Iudia 0Moo -t"-.irti at (i.V*. Pork lloldcr* otfrr HM?der?t<.!y; pr:n?- neoo lA-st.-ti Mealy al i;? ed: 4o Wo?t?-rn, *te?d'.' at 4S?. itame-TToiders o^er ?todatatajr; t'un.b*riand cut, about 2H?30 ra. <t ni at 2Ue; kkort rAi, about 33 tn, *t-i?oy at -a-. Od ; leutr and ntiort clmr mlddlea. about 33 It, ete.idv at SBa.; long clear roid dlea. about 41 th. tteadr at '?9s. t'heeae llold.-r* offrr aaarlagly. Tallaw-Uoidi r? odcr uiuderatuy. npirtu of Tnrpentine-Hold-ra ener "''T",^-!^11^^ aoo; Itoabi-lloldcra ofter aparlna' I JfagWl*1/ : ^"litmal ."od. ratelr. K..tnr?^7lo:dVr*la>**,^a|?fa'-n. "/^ V. and January. Ilrn. at 81s: , VfiLEA *;'?"'-"?',r,., 3is od. wniat-Hoi lc.a ?'f<r W^anv-llniarr*. VrZ offer apertrigly. t-?r..-N|KtWJffff: Janaan H'n aparlnafy . n.n-d W.^m -i>?- f? TV#T-T'",r^ r,~ir at Aa 4J4d. January. new. llrm *I^||eW|M offer (ree'r 5a. Hopa at London?l'aclUe. tjaK*^ ; . %tAtk.ET8. IHE V&TROLKVi ** T - . 1 or pRicES. KEW.S FROM THE FIELH A MP **JLgU afbrwed PO The rrude petroleum n.arkoU T* ^prn s,,^ of decldcd chatigo ln oharactcr. ? *"* ,|t tho (>ni 'J.OOO barrela of Unckeyo ^rltfo?|*T| Thero *m solldated Bscbange, at 1*1 -'?,? .Tflgtlnns. but tlie a deolded Incmnac In tbe di?lliig? W-oVnU to 70 1 i* .lanuary deliverles ruled from ?'>>'*r^ wua In swlteh centa. Tlie heavleat tradlng. ?."*a;5ii a' dlfforencea Ing from January to Fcbruary denvc"^, at j0 eenta of 1">1 ?'! 1 eenta. Tho last ?? s?il?8 .-^ry> and the for Jnnuary and 71 :i 4 eenta for rfTJ c'ent*. The regular January optlons sokl at 1w**-rtaile, at 7.33 renncd nurhct waa tin<i.anged f^/JTafnta Forelgn cenls. and off 6 polnta for ra/ar nt *?*. for Antwerp, <|iioUtlons were hlgl.or i.t 17 1 4 >**+& Londoii. tt.40 marlis for Htenieu and .', 1 2 P**"" Ll VE arrrjCK MAUKl.T.S-KVtBb** jjj z< h0?^,r Uulfalo, Deo. ill,-<.attlc?Keieipt* ff*. ajju; f?r aamo 1,7_'0 liead, total fo^tn, weiK tnua far? 'TyjU head. ol time l??t v.f.R, j.oiiO: i-oi.slanial throu*"'jtjrki t sfany. -? iu-i. j.rioo u, New. vora ; oo ?oi. , **\ a toum, o.mai bneop ?n,1 lAinbs- KcnljitH for tl? P%i-8jr aam* um? liead; total fnr the weejc Uiim f*r. 'Viiai aa?d, ul whicb laot, weeU l&.tfOO; conaliiueil tnr>,t,'.-!i I'^T^Sy. Hoga t* 0 to Hew-Yira ; oi. aab. 5,000. ''?r*** rTtotal for tha Jiarclut* for th- M.t ;,4 houra, ?>"<>" ?*?". K> 391140 ; weok tnua far, IM.eHl; for nam-, t.n.a ,'?fj0_ New.York ; eatiflanca tlw.ji.Kh - li?'h>ad, of ?I,,? h 1 ?r^w and mlaod, onaadY 4.200. Markot flrmer. M- 'iiam ""^Sat y?racra, ... rr.' [.?. Z- . ....... v?u,,->. ai:a n.',n .a 7U,.*w* 83 70*8008; r^av ? YorH.-ra, W ??.???<"? 8JlMJ?f8:4 0.i; lilaa. "W^dW io- iniaat" r'?l,"rt,: (hieaso, i/p,. 81.--ihe J^'/a, .viaraot (atln-lli-celpta. VJ.OOO h?-urt ; -!.l|.n > nta. ;'7V(her ?U-.'rs, ?carce, and sumdv. l-.xfu st.ei ? *-?*?> flLt,,*;**! ??*>. *4u<ai 86; bulehors' Nto,k,?i i.,,/*?_ .-. ?Y.i, m yaot llouiv- Hceipta, 80.00U liead: alilpiii. nta, u.^ l ut.:,ora* aigber; mlwal 88 ?5aM4l;04; V^J^Kl ^iheep He ?-T;(?ie, 83 70*8800. nd".. *?'?''"?:J70'i|a*-t 'HM-r. ,e||"ta. 8,000 , a,l . iMpnienta, e.t"<i J5T x-xaiia, .vatlvea. *l ?-.,i4im?; 'V.-.i.iio, ?no?<8?ia', V-W<i*l 80| lianil*-*. *l 8*?faa3B. _ . ?? CtpelnnatL De,. 3l.-0^? rtwng, hiaher. j500uh^,l'; IH 07?jic; r.-,e||);B. 1.500 baiah ; ahl| maoavagj vialona atronger. wbjahjr atoid> . a lea. ^ ,,?? l?h"d gooiK. ?.. basts ei II- ll'.tt'r .|>ile*. ??? F.gsa eaay; 20e. Chaaae g.,i,-t. CDintcr Rcsorts. HOTEL. BON AIR, STJMKEEVILIE HEIGHT8, Thla now and clcgrwt hotel wlll np?a ea Ii.-,.-iiiiu-r v;otli, und.T tho aamo iirinagr Rteat aa last M>aM,n. Eleotrlo nira wlll tranafor paaaengcra and bftpgafre dlrect from the depot to the Itotel on axrival of every train. For fnil |iartleul?ra nnd niaatraied hook with diatrr:?iii of r,n,u.?, ndilrr-aaC. A. IJna ley, Ilott-I ln.|M-ri?l, >.-w York tlly, ?mUl Dec. lOtii, after d?to at Auguata, to* EXGELSIOB SPSINCS, MISSOURI. THE ELMS HOTEL' RS^ffflK " I bellcve ibe FERRO-MANGANESE WATERS ? f RFfiENT SPRING lo h* THE BE?*T ***? VVAr?KM IN TIIK YVOUUI." Dr. W. B. Maaa. RBf. Analy . ( hen.Mrv. Ronaaelaei PolvK.s luue ln?t.. Wf...l.t. Theae ?ater- a.? alao Bctlveli dluretlc. mi.1 ,-uit iraaty and bladder troublea, mcumauajn, gout, and Hr?psy. l"or >ile bv drUgylata und dealer- Ytt ln fornfatlcu a,,d llluatrated paniriblot call on or addwaa PEAWCB .V t'O.. Aaralo. 47 Braadaray. Nrw?Vatfc. ELKUASfT. IIOMELlal. HOTEL ALTAMONT, EITAVV IM..U.E. HALTI.HOUK. MD. > new ui.d novel feature. A b-a'iUf.,1 panur onlaa g l.O'.ae, nvi-rlooalng tho entire ol Banii.-orL-. tha Ca** p ake Uav, i'aupa.o Rlver. Uruld Ul.. ParK, and aijaui Ing countiea. bpetlally attraai.e lor wlnter. be.ugaaaa by ateaui and lo? Ure*. toaeOier wltb tae beat amvat turough large plato glasa wlndowi truin th,; aun. Uivv lor makes lt 'aay of acceae. Hlirhcat |>oiut l.i ciW. 0? hand>f.r:e/.t boulevard lu Amerlca, Eutaw Plac'. Cajlat and exi elle-.t aervlea owr a| eelalty. Chatto-la-n-ie awayp wat?r on dr-anght free. Hooms en aulte. auigl; and ?th lath Amoriean pian. (8 io *l 50 p-.r da.r. Oc-oK|a?a oamuhl.t of Ualtlmuro and tho l.otel eent fr?-. i. WAiixilft silOKlv. ProaY^ DR. STROHG'S SANITARlUb, gAgUTOGA RnillMaah Open all che year. Eijulpptd with best apnUaaaa. unong them maa-as-", vacuum treatment. Swedlah n*n> meiit, auaperaoiy troatment, electrlclty, Turaial.. l^iaaaa. l' ,1 rtro-Qxerma:, 1 cuch doueho and otu- r r.lneral ?r?>r?. A cheerful reaort for treataient or reoaa. Uon. Ontdoof and lndcor aporta. Send tor clrcular^ HUNTSVILLE, ALA. 1UNTSVII.1.E lUlTEL. BVBbTANTlAL, fcXEUAXT, N'F.W. Charnilns Wlotcr reaort ln tba Alabama lllsthlanda. i'or circulars, inb.r.i.ation, tc, addr. ?-, tlAl'.VEi' fc. DKXISOX, Marrager. BYI10N" F. DEVISOX. AaalaUnt. Thr.eeh 1'nllman ?|i>eper. Bliet.andofth \':i!!-'.v ronte. fJOT SPRINGS, N. C. BURKOUXDED and bUELTEREO by I'l.NK-Cl.AJl MOUNTAINS, wltb it- Ki'.Y RllAt'lXli a I it absoliM 1 KIl.I.ii.M fr-m DCST, MAI..V111A. or UKIJILITA1 IXo l-.l l-l-.i i. and the MOST LUXLUIOI 8 aud CL'KATl? [tATHS u.,1 HOMKLIKF. 1IOTKI. In AMER1CA. U cta l-.l >l' WIXTK.R RESORT IN TIIK bOUTH b.r tl DEU1LI IA I !.!>, RIIEUMATIC f>r liOUTV SL'FKI .Itrff a? well a-. ti..' REST and REi'RKATION bEEKEaf. Addreaa THE MOUXTA1X PARK KuTEL, a. \v. UROXaOX, Manager. I Through Sle per froni N. Y . 1:30 p, >? ._I LAKEWOOD, KRW.JERI4EV. LAUREL HOUSE, OI'KN OI'TOIlEi: TO .11 SE. Tralns leave Ne?-Yuik at ? :13 aa m.. 1 .30. 4 :'Ai and 5 :10 D. III. PUTytEH .V IMIRTKir, Manasora. MAGNOLIA SP^INGS HOTEL, MAGNOLIA SPRINCS, FLA. WILL OPEN- DECEMBEB CO, 1890. For terms, ILLl'STRATED BOOK, tc., addresa A. (. COLIMAX. Manugcr. IfAOXOUA SPRIMOa HOTEL, KAO8T0UA bPRIXfiS, _FLOKIDA. THE LAKEWOOD, LAKEWOOD, N.J. T11L' MOaVX KU.i.A.N i I.Y Al'l'.UMiUJ WIXTER REbOKT l.N XUE LMiLU bTATES. WILL Ol'EX JAXLARY i). \i i: ..iM-iUA li-.s ,'?-i, lil'IMS, OPEX WOOI) FIREB IX EVERY ROOM ROOMS CAX Ui; K\,.'.,,i> ,\T UOTEL HKL'NS \Vir,{ (P iRLOR 2). I'l* TO J \N. I. The culalne wlll be under tl.e cl.argn of VfONS. F. LAI'ERIU'QITF.. lata Cbef of DELMO.MCO'S and tbi H. 8. CLEMENT. Manager. THEPINE8, BARIVECaAT IMKk, *. j. THIS NEW AND EXQI'ISITE HOTEL Ol'E.NS NOV. 1, '8:n. N'ew-York of?, e 40 Wall-at. Every room h, ated; all moderu liiiprovementa. T)|?. ?rams auyi ba aeen ain| roon.a cngagrd at .irand Hotel N.HYork, Thandaya, fiom io a. n.. io 10 p. ?.; Eriaara 8 a. m. to 3 p. m. '_ W. C. wniTE. Manager. THE AU8TRAL. 1'iXE 1'AiiK "m*^",f DItEKTWOOU, Lu*u isLAXD X V A mn.i>rn not-1, au:,sUui(.ianv ,.;,,? *!\<t '? ?'-., palnted: Intonded oa^cSfif & ?"w,!ti,,":SSn'iT ** l;,U.. keaort. bteai b*atf opSa Cood fl?.r S? ^rpr'?? THE OCLETHORPE HOTEL, BRUNSW1CK, GAM Opena (or lu Kourtb beaaoa Jtutuarr 10 Imp.-o.cJ tra.1apu1lat.011 facllitlea v> ... bet?\on UrunawlXaod Wivffi' ee!,^?/"c*t gWaaa throagb trala. boiwa^ntto Eaif aad Ja^KY.^'V*11 lor an l kle?plnK car n?ervuUon? 1b hntf^ t *" ! I^ and all paiUculaia addreaa vuuw*1' ,a ?oU-L For rout?a -__^LJLjvIXO. Manaarr VIRGINIA BEACH, Vi\ rhe Princess Anne Talrd Maaaa. WUi *Z^%*?rW* _IVes,-?t addr^j^porJltL^?*"?. UOJJaat ^~ .. u . >C.MMIT, x. f' ?WnJSlTHJ^ ?* ?u? P?Hora. W iny.tli MutltariaiH. Ashevlli. v" ,? ?- -._ Who siilb-r fron. lu bTrV-. badT.""^^: *&?& In^fiT. wtth tlunatlt ruro, karl von iu-Xr vi ?1K * "'-Oioa, HOuOETvineland. X. J !u*JL S^"-^ ar air; tmra water; aoUd tllaoati. ? V. ?*"?_ ??????: um to a.O por_?aaa. * ? ?u-g| jZ^J*-*, jjjf^ PBOF. The Soden (Troehea. twee fram REGDHBB 7 eral ^asUliasc. " ?-*? ?BieoA , ., J). ^^ 1 TOB 80?E THROAT, 0*4 TABRH COUOHa AND COLD8, as Ihe best and most efTecUff remedy. ? -?r? aa Dt. Koch Mid I " A |W*h for whirh I ^ X many other intyiicines. whi. h haaj aottaejii^ I oat offcct, aoon beo-iimj tottor, and haa bbi 2 entirel.y diaappea/ed !.y tlie u* nf the 8*4*2, t Pa-tillc*." ,1 Tho genuine bavc tho tertiaaoeiaj ?nrj .^ * ture of Sir Morroll Ma'kenzie Hrr*?d each boaj Prlce, r.Oc. BEAL ESTATE, BUSINE3S AT TUK BIC All tbe anctlon >*h1 - Bp/a ai] Tho stock of the lte?l K laM K. anctlon for ?l^l 1-4, end | li. I'lanagan A Hon have .*? hundrd und twenty-i4',v< ni|...t , a ii Oa Tot I6|B0B.1<M>, for BttJkBJ There whs only n tl. i ? gencral ontlook was- eoearnVro fat aa tho nnrertaintie-, .,f th i? ? prtrea uj? likeiv to vttie thga ? eaai aa activcly a? m tho aw?t .r. 'UN'GU . '""ned ?? ? $?? ? kakl at paMki " *?Je |m t: A ' 14. We,( ,?w -'"'??'?"/ dweaik] ?? vesierday. jw aaaa, ?ii at aaaj 1 ???!ae ara ?ara] aud hulneat am I NrwVor , W 1n#yLiT, J),, ^ No ejlca were hcld at Un; -,v ? aad a ? U a Saat to-day. halo. 'K* h'llldlng, *!th lof, RO l??,4\e, ? 0f |-,a waa idjourned tn Janna'y II bOte 'jf biilld.njr*, wl'.h pint ?>( '??.?' N'ot I n <a ho Baa 08Ui-at, w of lOth-ave, wa< adou i"i Ia Jaaoorf :%. RBOOBDBO BJUL BBTA n.irK \ IfBrRRaVB. Y. riTf. E?2d-at a ?. J<U> H ? aAh tveli|ig< '>o li . Mo-ti. m r M Uenaen t<? Bj C Mui ? r? 7bth at, n e, 2.KI ft * Ju-av, m>\ . 2 \>|eri AJt to Nathm Wl?e "??MkmBa, 10Ui-a\e, w a, 3U ft n iWd-at, ., . ,-y B ll-lmac .-t al t?i Ki'i kuaidtl . .^raj lOlhavn, w a. 7.i ft n !0-U-i. ...lai, ,4,r,. to Chaa .vhiin ?? ? "n banu- i.-./rty; Adinoi- It ?n? ?to) 10'li-a-..- '*? a, ">0 It ii lOVOVat, ?'. il',<i -.r? '^ Kat:o Kuii, id .. .. ... .aco> 6th iv... ? .; u.t ?-')tl.-'. ..ii. aI' ', ? t-a .Tha Aiaory to john Blekola* jjn> ? et al, Baa, >-j part . .... tooro, San..i property; MaiUui Ii tValtf ?' ? lo -aoie, a lart. . wooe otrth-ML i a, Ue ft w ;. \ .. tcn-.w rj?i^?i, I..0 'i Kty, ltefrre.1, t.i .Il,i K Sl ITe,^ I2uth-at. a ?, ?'? ''< ? aa-a Mx'Oli; fa,^ ?? i .M.i..- and uif, to .1 . .ii ,1 NAtth i? Vt.cea Amatcrdam-are, n w coi "7th?C S i 100; *Ya C r>. huiidr. and mtSr to l.-?i- 6 I kenl r .. 3C 0O? Morrl-.ave w ?, 17". f - ?' lattt-at, 2S\70; .|..*iah >i oprague Ui Ml< ? > .. ::?d 5Sth?t. a e, 8iO ft e of lOtk-av, _'?. "i '. Ji? R Url/z and ?if- ka tt-.iry ;; ly.i HOoa, ? t. U3 ft <v ...' i>ln >,r?i. H-. ,V)? HXi.ll ; Marv E Y'>?' ?/? I"'a ?' luf i at aaj 70th-et. " a, 300 ft a of -" i ', '"?:?- . i-h? C B*rth und wlf. to Marj 1 1 i-VOOt ;eth-er.. e a, ZS3 ft vt of Aveea. C -' '?? l simon K;tt/. nsteln wbto and fiajgci r n *-d ?i'? t, Wlttnebel. .. 5? 0d? Klne-briiiire i;.,ad. n ?. 100 ft 9 '' i-ad-nr-el, li.'Ovl.M); Eydiu M Wblta Ui Dan ?. r. S4.rri iMk 143th at, ii - 19041 ft ?? ol .iOBt I'llUOD. Mdn. v if -" i i -.o Prenel, A i 1 i/o 147tn--t. I. -. 7.', ft at oi aui-etfj V>Vfi il. Jihu A Ueadv, r<-f t.. Mory I i:,.<h.:' l3AMi lt7th-ft. n -. l~? ft m ,,t Bth-ava U '''" II -*"< -,. tamo . ? U-1)** Penfold-ave. u -. 173 ft w iMBlevard. ztilklj -ii'. rolle .-t al to Al'vwfl' ? 3.v? Tf) Crotona-ave n - 2tK>fte Mam tn i" ? ? >?.34, Ui a ?. UlVk * %4 bouthiru Bo'.b'vard. ar ^, 121 B n haafalCOt . iii\2-.i -ji.i t<i ??'ui'' . Mao I'lnf.ii'i.i..'. ii -. IM ft a ?.?:?'i . SaaWOi - in,.? :,, tanie., ^ . '*) I*. rif'ild.nw u -. -IW ft N lloal' j.d Jt-xlK', ?>;ini. to aame.. lOattj-t. - a, 12i ft ? ''th-av.' M.dklCo.ll; I ? Yan /??udt tn 11. Ito hniati'i . :t?aj j.,., \^.t. > , eor Ij.'uii .'?-., .;Jk7'., E l)-o,<r ta 1. .I...-..;-, - MOOO 17th-t n t, 2V) It w Ptfc-avi . 3I.XJ.. . '. i.UV u.? u.iiio, McQuade . -??.p<B 73Ui-: n . 7.', ft ? AVfOM A 2. i I! M I to K lloloi ... ,1 I'aiul-t, No. l.-i; JaeoO otet-r taB mard ... -* -teut \vaik.i--t. a e eor PoreytaMat, 2ix-'"J M KuttH i.aii io .1 stif a aowBl tOta-avti ? 'i ror Otth-at, 2.< )\73 ? ? *? h un iritf ro .1 A Meeu '??' ?? JiiUt Sth-av. , * w n.r fctth-at, 2.>."ix!0t, i .' Kuiiolpa -., < a r.'.HHiU.i. k. I HVth.-i. - -. 175 f '' "f ", ;?\I<V ll;C A l-i-at.od\, jr, to Ti.o- Coaoiaa. IBaai lOtli-iiw-. - ? tor li'Jil--. 2i'.\IOi'. W 'V rr ? J > ue.'d*. ...... -^!* Eldriagc-at \<i '?. I M (.on. n M !?;. i h llert . U.< *4 Cauldwidlove, n - COr W. -?? te-'-r ? '"' 'I: ivcB t :. ' ' 11.-1.U.11 ,-.,..;<!! ii l Bvaaa naut-st Xo7-jw>*i' :.,.,i i-tji- ...^ I'.-t ?? ! --? "* Sortn Mu i ?-'- V> 37; llenrfl ? lo M-. I It ii.'>^ :0n00 laaajej i iouBB i l j; oj .hau-.-' Ilcfrigeratliid aud 1? Hi, ;j?,.,. , ?. l ; , f: w ,.r A\ ? A ^ vli-. M ittbewa t<. T P i -?,<? ... ? ootii-'. * -. :k*> fl ? "? lotn-aje, liirJO K Mvi r ?. Ai.- i ii. Mfg Ct .... Tth-a\.-; n ? - t .-.2'i-t ,'."?i7i.? M Kiui -' L >.ltl:.i_'. r ...... ..,.,. . ? Move n - roti io :i: i- i ''??-??: ?-? ? ' ' IHk-et, -N-? 2J.'. und 2.f7 Eil t: M Old J ?' BB t.. Ityei Kiin ........ , * Bth-a*. a -. l.':< f. " t" C ???!!?: ' - :* ,M Uirchan t.. BeKha SjIduioj ? , ? *? ? ii -. 318.0 it ? rta-aBJ, W.'^l ' '' ? r K.'.i. |. v tn A l ! ii.-! ?..ti.-t. Not '.J iiioi ?,i 1...-r; M l I - otth-'-t..-'- 874 ft < lOtavovi-, W to i; Wi^huuau, ji ?Cth-at, N" J<-"'' Weat ? ? ? '? llannah oliannon . lEiitn-t. No 2IM u *t: an a? 74t.i--t s -, i?2 ft w Pth-ave) l-\i"-' ' to iiv a I.' nkauff ni-et, - s. 300 R ? 'f Mavi Ui..-\iu': ' Crattf.ud t ? X Wlli II ? ;MtK-r. N,.- 200 to 212 W. a; loha M.irv toll- rin . il- ii n 204 ii ? ? ,' !???? -'?" i Potv r.. il V'ronkow Ufeh-Kt. ii -. l-i.i. ft . ol i art... lto?e, -ivi<" LliuheUi -- hlerer t., I". t.? J 1' itl MO-i. - -. J2'. ft w ..l -" ?' Kamhuut tn J ?? IU seth--i. ii -. 373 i ?' ign Br.'W-t.'i- t'i f! I.- un Ua j 1. ii-ip W Uunti r. 1'B War4 <o \ .\~ n l I 14 M \*jm e.KM , ra ? iOal I; 41 B jjtiou il ' i' i ., ? tn 17 ii)\r?4 | j 4 *??"*? B. "e a. 8? ft n <f;M-' - ttter property, Rutheri n - -,.'.?'!' U\ns M -in' veaant" ....'. pn?u.' h .- -. M fl " g '-"??"? ?-"", ?me to Mar'.-a.-. t S H ?"?ne B, e -. 2J* ft n of 2Ast, 2t??' ? ' I ,kW f Ratkerford I ?4t?.. B s m .or 9d-etj28k7t.9 if J-M Kuth.rford .... .'.0 ft n ? i * paaa) ? i4:...-t IdiaMBi .: Tmii ct al. to J| - w cor Vith-st. and m '.'?? to Chaa | M i?.n Th.- - an* body. fe v-'',:";u".^.;^?"' ,???. No 103 : jos Ii Li??b- . 21fl f ief ~ ' I Vt'i- lo M .JOv ,1 l."t k; A4r.n1 K.inl ui aad .. ^khove ?? -. adj ladj Ja. ^^''"VfV, lid ?t .v,,,.'.-.. Irdel It??;,, r B '?*<'1" ?,'a a* to .lo- W Sanfo ', i ll.rt>e !*? 2 V4 MVtvf MUM . "?) l 1 1 1 1 1 1 4.001 aooe tet wijy, I'A 102 ^iictton SuIib of fi?al ?*lftU ? , w ni ,-n a. aui-ttai iii.>i'A\. , .?,, *iid Aa* no Kaon JO to <;"' i'1" .' h.:i,r ni" lOur- rr'.it.i J RRUAflW iy VN l? ?l Notkno-; ''T:",,.1. iiiOAflWAT. .243. 1.2(3 1.217. I.SjVafil - ' S, :,() AVII.V2 W1>TJP>. ', ,., ?n Hr?a4< f"B..p.'rl;. l-rn.- t klol ahcuUw| - p<r ^.,4 L*?a. ;c, Ui. ..11 ?l*at, ISOf? ? ', Z^u, 1N uNB K?>. oa Miuthaiaa, ASD wll* **?* *" ?1 ??-i 'joraf. JfEXB-AVi: Uffl aViTB-ST Flft. ; -old iu on? parv< 1 \2*.?.' .111| J.\l s I EV, 11A J. 1 A. I 11 A l?S , -,l,.T7,tof lUkoae, ror* 100 n jiflSAl.9 lort. no. 10*, ?iMrBCBt.fC"./vTc8t7' ? NO. 0. ORACK < l" '?' " "* "? M % WAW>. Bjftr* ???-; ??? SfiMaaawB* ktttJBW^Ptoaanwi aosintfif Ptouert? ggj-"* B^W'rTFFI^ 1 TO BE LET. 0,1 ^'4aoor of n*w Wtlk. BaUdlng. II W^Ui. ^lolnlngl^ j^ajnge: * ????? P1**"" **"' " faot; ?u N. W LOW (II ACHAJt hoodn, 4wrl||uaa;l lue ajMtar - TlUi; Iim TKOgx caat. 4D f-ABf^ lOPTB WAXTID likSti & ??llaaMi 3 Beekaaan X^ fVloMK.ib'a iVia'rt^**''^"^P? pLI'roartmeUoo an* arran?cka? liVof ckl**; nTLB QPARABTYwt ABg t i^ll'l-a of Tlii^ ? ^j^,, frea ? C. D. MUeUBJt A. 0BBB>