Newspaper Page Text
Icadkmt-i" iriaTTs^o Old UoaBeaaaad. *???* trkatre-2 13-ruw^ot^-Thm Ml BKpLET LT( F,? T..EATRE-2 and 6 30-Iafay* HJOv THFATHE--2 68*1 0-A.*???? ggaOT.^ HROADWAY THFATRE-2 and jt .14-Ie.aalb*. rviNO n aod'H 13- Poor Jonathan. fo,,; Mlll-b TUEATRi:-2 ?.d 8:13-Mr. Barnea ot Waw paui treatrk-2 aawtJarthaXawa wora. IOIK.n mi sKi^iro aod Wai TH ?AUDKN THEATRK.-:: and M-- ^^ ** *!m?Z?i?ri+* aod 8_ReUly ??d tbe 400. SJEIman*s\heatre~2 UaaiMI ?' ? KoTrl R V BIAlVS-2 and .--Carmen-lta. V, t; M TRF.ATnF-:.:d8 ^ThPldlrr MADI80N 801 ARE 1HK.ATIir.-2 aod 8 83-A Palr of M,rR^T^VE^SS!ta and g^eegatra ^AV^FK^ilATkr-,.3 aod Macl . MBI" > 2 and 8?Babea lo tbe Wnofl. PAl.vl *B THEATR* h T-V-Jodah. JioWRS ggMT. THEATRE-2 aod I >?-?? "' RAXBAMI TMFATRF.-2 and 8 15-?-h!p Aboy! aTAR THEATRB-aV-Taa aVaawor. TON v PA^TOR* TH EA1 KK- ar.d 8- VauderlUa rx,r,N hOFAlli: XHFA,U.:-2 and 8 18 Th. Coooty 14TB-OT TIIF.ATRF.-2 a->1 8-Blue Jeana._ Jn&er. lo ^ODcrnscmcnts. I'ac'. O' .-are foi. ...*fli |: i- inawaataoy...... * ??> f ^ivT.**. 4 J .Viatand ronnd.? ? i?,rr"r K.7?'Roa". M.m..e...?B?Blb.7 M *K.taia . ? * Miaeeliaiieona.? * ? . ..?'iu?aia 1 ? blieee.ianeena.lO 1*? tKeBONoUco. .8 W.gjfga,-. S W fjaaaeauc situaueoa Kr?. K.n.?.*?. ? w/r.i*o .... 6 6-? BraiK-atata. ? |~r:::*"::2 :^^LV::::::3 i ., : m reaai .Naiiea. - r!?"*'*' BleV-iioaa".' '?' ' su-?mi*.*.u . JJ ? ii.';-' ui-'e,- 3 ..? Wln-er neaorta. * 8 }!rV..,'er<.rn?ea 6 1 Work 1V.nt.s1. ? ???> Hote.a. ? ?< '' ______?.??-? Onsinroa Sot ceo. I n i?n Hi-'Tt f.. <'niC\':o nn th* an, rlrah and Eurapean plan, has reeent y ji.j and er. ? ln a,???-.?> __ ""trIbUKE TE~RMb '" Mvl1' BUBBtKIBEH* 1 -, ?| ti rro-. 3 ni"* 1 nrn.*. T ,'?? * a week II" 00 6300 ?-'?'." 61 06 wftUtSu:.;on ioo ?oo j? ; %sjr-flr#srt ' Keml-Weekl? ar.d WeekW tO (Orelgn (euntrle.,-TTl a-.- , \- a poataae will be pald bj atbKrJbera, ... D?ler, Cbech, Dratt or ' ?-,,,> if aeat la *n Bnrogtatered letbar, ?'. . " Bun, ,r,4 vii.-n,,-. Xe-.To*' I !,- Trr.une," N? 1 '*?-_ JOUNDED BY HORAOE OREELET THI'KSBAY, JAXI.ARY 1, !??!. TEN PAGES. TBEXEWA lllis MOBXISG. PorelgB.?Vr, Parnell rrarhed I.onrlot," and Mr. D'Bri ', arriwl it, Paris. ir.,m Boulogm ; nothing further waa DJiule poMk about Tuowlay'a can ,, , I.r |?1 / , |i ?. ;,. .ejite.l tllC n,...Il li.-.I !,'..,. of ihf !>,.n.)..n < ommittee foi tlu- eoa vei :-ni "f Arirer.tin.- cedulaa. - 1'rains in 'i ,-ire again runnlng regolarlj*. Ib u-:.-.?!-. cold weaiher prevaila m Greal B Ltain aml un the i oi tlnent, t ,. . ? Senato: Tho dehate on lh" ] . tinn lull u.s M'-umrl. Mr Goorge talking for four hnurs and a half againsl the meaaure, t Tho Jninl ' , mmiit^e on Inunigration exam j,,,.,l c \ r," .i.i.r.v. nl Minneanta, wltb rogar.l |a lor,-,-,, capital in ihe Cnita-d Statec Domeatin.?Another hattle belween the troops i, ui the bowtile Indiana 1 aik place ;.t Pine Ridge Agrnoy: m n wilrliers were kiUcd, General 1' i Spinner, rx-Tn-aaiirer ol tbe I'li.tH Statoa, (jie.i ,n Florida. I he State advrrtiaing patron agr f.,r 1*01 hna hrrn awarded to "The Albany Aru ia," and the State printing to Weed, I'.iisons A l .. fit Albany. \ heavy mist paralyzed the telegraph ntm.o Ihroughom a greal parl ol iho t'nited Statrs laal nigbl. Ii ia pr,.f>.A.e,i to ratnliliah a iTiautauqiia f?i nolored people an>l t.i hnlld a u,ii\ers,iv <,ii Ihe New-Je-raey roaat. - ? I*ri>? >ti I'i< .I,'? was enjoined from sfoppinc the nrnta-ing ol traina uf othci roada over tbe 'irid^o at ' ln .,! i. City and Ruhurhan -PiatricUAttorney-elect I>o Laneoy Sieoll annptinced hia appointmenta, Tl.e Board ol I..-' n ite *"m;.-i ,,m ihe nppropria liona t r i^'.M. - 1,' were is-,ie,. of tho jrrar'a wurfc ln tbe i irioiia city ilepartmenta. Baternan A ' ?? . ihe liankers, aiiapended, Fathei Lii:.tnis gave out -. Ifttei for publicatinn w h he had aro! l? Hishop .lonrs, ..I Walea There wrre further devrlopmenta ol the Rrooklyn water aupply joh S1 .eka k-aa active, but l?tr,.iiu' and univeraa |j hi lior, .'loaing hir,.nir and Coutiih-nl al ti..- higli<f>i puinta, Tl.o Wt-ather -Forrcasl foi to-day: < lo.idy and hrannrr, with rain. Tempcrature yc*(erday: Jligheat, 'ifi; loweat, ""<: avrrage, '.'.',. Tho ,1. it Ti ", Ui iti.iI Spinnor, al tho ad Vamotl ago of oighly-ninp, ;,in<>\,?- ;i iik.ii who. th,.,:.-!! :>"i.* lriii.d froru pill.lic lifo, w;is ;i onn?pinioiia lijniro duiin? Iho \\ u i?'ii ><l and tho -ii!,- ,|.inr ,|.',:i|... |U> held the oflice of 'I*.'.- ? of tho I nitod Stalo.4 f,,i fnurtcon \,?:.,-. from i s'.i lo i H7."?. r.,i all thal time :u- - ? .? .'.i: aiitograpb, whit'h ap|ioarci| upon Iho (,..'.,. :iin,"it'*. j..ip.'i iiii.iir.v.' hini'widc* ,v kfH.nn, and in i acnst' fi.rmcd a ucmonal ti, betwoon hini and the poople <.( the r-wntrj. ;;.'ii, i il Spinner lillod many parta in hl>, all avoll, i irrying into Ihom alwayw a robual and unimp laihali'e inlcgrit.a ibal won for bim ttni arora il n-|,|., i and adiniration. Tho lloard of K*.limato and Apportiopmonl tompli t."l its work f,,i iheyi n yesterday. 'I ho toUtl htwlgct fiKit.a up >.::; 160 s'.il 22, an in ??!?? <m- i>\, i la*l year of al.t SN12.000. Al leavl two ol ihe iteni.s in ihe budgel uro open yere crithisni. One ia the inirease in the Streel Cleaning appropriation of nearly *.'>.",", BOO. Ii ia in i, ti. .i!l;. (xM-tain thal under Mr. rle-a-Uie'a adminiatration there will 1ic little t*. ahow i >i ihia additional esjiendiitire. Tho tithiM ,s ihe failitre io make an adequate gppro nriatiun for* the new ComBiiiMioner of Stroeta ,'ti ihe Annexed DUtriet. 'ihis is aimplj a jiirii- of pelti Taiiiiiianv polities, and ererj rnrnil'Ot ,,f tho Itoard, cvvn Ma.\>,i tirant, OUghl aahanied ,f it. The Kepnblieana isve :i msjnritj in the Ilouse #f RcpreaeBtativea, with *,K'h? \,.tos to apttro. lluriii^ tlaifl aeaaiou thus fa. tht.v havo nof nius ie>i?*<l a quonm oo ? aingle oooaaion; on tho ]:ngo**t rotc re-eorded they ft-n twenty-two ahort of h i|i,<,i.iiii. It ia iiiiu- for alis-'titooisni fco ?-ea:wo. Tho DefBOCrala Will in^ist on the ptt-K ema- of a qooniai of tho uiajoritv panv when the Shippirtg bill i-i.mos up, ?rheB vontwted r-lortif.n ???-<? aro .i?, idod. and ,,? th?. Klection liill whon it is ivinrind in atnotid.-d fonii fitim thi- S,.|,a',' '|l?. ?.,,? ?f ,l1(. L|N, OogUJiajaaj is ?pajMVBichiBg. Tl? holidgya are over, and n.. ggwuae v.ui be awteajaled t, i the abaeace <>f a RBBabatf ..f i.erHihlK-ana from their ja)a<e> in iho llouac. Let every man of them reoolvt to 4a Ws S* *? thta *f ?l ?P 4th of M-rch. m __ Certain Kepublicaa Senatore, it ^J^J1^' are incliaed to make an dfort f* ***J* Re?pportion?ent bill paaaod by the Houae ?o M ***** tbe number of ??????."? 3K9 We ?mst that tbe report ta erroneous. Any attempt in that direction would be -Tnis toJro. The bill reoeived the aupport of ?<*?* Iv number of Democrata in the House i; 11 wm reported unanimouslr by the Camimttet, on CeaoroZ and. ao fBr as we havo been ahte to learn. it give* genored ******* ? oogta. to be pa*<*d by the Senate in the preetae form in which it rearhea that body. Superirrtendeat Portor'a. report or the opcra tinna of the Cenws Bnrean for thc l?t ?x montha ihOWl that thc work on the Qjjjft Cena-.H il in an tincommonly forward condition. Mr Forter, in fact. makes the gratifyuig Mbic ment that hc e,peot< * complete thc BBM 5 two vears more : which will hc a Phenr**? recoH. It !? alao a aati-faotion to bc told_ the appmpriation for the ronstis ia not lik> to DO e'ceedod. Th. St.perintendent natural|> takeo pridc in ihc croditahle far. that hc ha, b??. able to complete tho rimatiag of he pop i.latinn in timo for tho present CongrcM to pa* a Rcapportionmcnt MM.? j ~yEtr YEAR. The cordial greeting of New Yeara morning -pring* from a philooophy as deep as tha o .bt school or orecd. The uaivcrjal heart of humanity always welcomos another chanoe. Kvor oonerions of past failure* and m stokes. which have tingod mcniories of the old year with eadneae, humanity makes new resolutions and looks gladly forward to ? year p?optod withhopea. Nor is this foolish. Misbntthc profound tinth that tho millcnnium ta here now and alwaya, if we all wttai it- Happiness and nrosperity bcyond all our wtehea wooJd surely ;,)lll(, if a|| would do their part. ReaolriBg botter thiaga, humanity has a righl io h?pe for better thinga. Whal a year it would he fot induatry it employer and employed would eaon obey iii all thinge the tfcJden R?le. What a vear in Hbbbco, ii for tifty-two hlessed weeks no man would aee* what betoBga to his neigh bor. What a year in tpolitica, if every man of either partj would aet his facc agaiaat every thing that is not for rhe good of thc country. What ii yetr foV tbooe whosc lives have been shadowed and ha; I, ii every human truatee of the Creatort gifts would aaawer for himaell in thought and scl the queaUoB, MAm I my hmther-s keepcr?" Waal ? year for Kew York if every dweller or workor in this im periaJ city would care less for private gain than for tho welfare of the whole eommuBity. It is a day foi joy. moreover, if we rcckoii Hoberiy end carefullj the progrea which man is already making toward bettei thiaga. ln ail its ignoranoe and its mistakt-s humanity poahe* forward toward ? clearei rompreheBtdoii f?l nian's duty to his brotber man. It is often aaid that the noai prevailini and potCBl teadenry of theae later yeara ia toward ? troe aoHaliam ?toward a detcrmined concoBtrBtion "i the powera and meana and thought ol aodety as a whole, tn aecure better conditiom and a worthier life foi every membfr of aodety. Kvcii .ii its woi-i mi>txikes this tondeiuy ia bul tho irit^inp of men For wliat they know is a higher and nobler uso r.f themaelvea and theii gifts. >" edueation and the trainiag of thc young for uaefuineaa make pmgiess year by year, and efforts for the l-elease of sufferinp and the auppreawon of vice, and tha? publir seiitiinont which teate all measurea l>y their hearing on the welfare of the miliiona. ln vention and idenee briflg to the nervice of inaiikind <ach year now and targer foroea, foi the pcvontion or cure of disease, for tho sup ply of wants with less labor, for tl.e iiuroaso ol knowledge and the promotion of juttice. His visjon is do.fectivc who doea not see that even the dead oPd year has done much to pre pare for sreater material proaperity, juster re lationa between employed and employer, and pirrer and freer electioaa, in this and other yeara that are coming. hvoii the triall and reveraei of the last year belp to make tho gi-ound for hoj)efulne>s more solid. A Raancial earthquake has brought to light les- weaknetw thus far than has been dis closod by any snnilar tes; in previoui yoars oi trial. A less of crope, in mauniinde perhapa never aurpassed in any year, has cauaed ae ycl r-nrjM l-iiiiKl.v litttaj ahrinkage of trade or eon oumptioB. A revolution in houn of labor, which aeemed to many Kkcly to dinorgani/o all in du-tiy, ha> made much progrcM withoul aeriotw atteading or reaulting diatairbBace. The fear of a siifiden cbange of Natioaal policy, becauae df extraordinary eiectione in November, baa al? ready paated largety from the minds ?f men. The new year begiae aith better conditiona within reach for true prosjierity and geniiiiie progrex* than o\isted twelvo inonths ago, and wiih ruien and people hetwr comprehending their dutiea and reaponsibilitiea. llut as the millcnnium oomea n"t until every one doea his part t" bring it, ao ? bearty endeavor by each 1.. do "*the duty that lies no:nc-t" will gn ftirtber than all good wiahea to make this ? llappj New Year. IS8UE8 IXrnLVED IX THE FA1E DF ihe i;ij.cnux bill ln aaother column we print an iaterriew with Colonel Clarkooa, of tho Republican Na lioaal Committee, containing aome euggeationa with regard to tho Electioaa bill and its fate that \\e eapocially commead to the consideia tion nf tlidse Republican Seaatoni who shaie the views expreaaed by Mr. \Vok?tt <?n Tuea> day. Colonel Clarluon belierea in the righl for thc right'a sako, and hc- belierea in the Ro pnblican partrj as thc ^ioat engine of good prinoiplea and wise polideo. He regBrda the aituation ia the Seaate from both theae p^ints of view, ooateadiag that if Kepuhlican Scn atora fail to paai this measure, u> which their party ha> been pledged in live successive Ntv tional platformo, which wa> the foiemost pioin iae ol thc platfom that carried the party into power in l*r>s, and which now, for the lu>t iiiuc linee 1^71. the party is enahled to pa-s, ? swift and sure piiHishineiit awaita Kepuhlican interests in 1892. I'nder thc Force bill and tho ceattalixed ayatema of the Southern Statea the ooaored man may there he enriajalfllllj held in political bonda^e, but Mr. Clarkooa reminds us that hc votes in the free North and that his vot? is eounted, and that in New-Vork, Ohio, llliiiois, Ma.s-achusetts aud Jowa, and he mijjht havo ineloded Indiana too, it hoJtta the balance of power. No reaaoaable man who baJierea in the mo ralitj and jii-iuevs of tbo Ameiican Bajojkla can diHiht the truih of Mr. Claiksons prophecy that within RtrOyeara, if this bill passes. the South? ern whites will be among its uarmest support ers and champions. For it aims at nothinjj ezcaypl the triumph of deinocnuy and the reign of order, and a,s the SoiHhern people to-day acknowledgc that slavery wtw a cursc, that the Kebellion was a terrihle misUke. and that they IM lindinj; their best piosix-rity and their full cst developnient in the oonditiooa they ao nnghtily i-esisted, so tlie.v will soon conrede the wisdom of follovtinx thoae conditiorot to their logical ecd. Aa freo and honorable people they are to-day coafessina the ahama they feoi at ?1 . ika? are maintaining papera and in the *****" . 0 mnst not whilo alwara liuuatin* **j?*ZZ to the vohe, they are making ^BtJ*?that. >rin ariadoa of their race or ^*?l^m?]loAJi ^?WtlrTTSifSfuiS. revoK. at whicb all their ??n?"V f t0 Thi. b profound , ??^^SZ?to aee, aa tho result of negroJWrg exerciaed, great ?^VWta the North ,)fl unfair and unpatn*j**?^onc.t,y t0 uithhold from this mm on. J. _ advanced. aa common-j Hj". ? * ST Snrh con6idcration muat take ?JtJJPJ ever. of the am-uing Prog css that ^tZ?1^""thc f;l\*at |i worthy. lt m" J. rtI)ll<.itv foi every kinr they havo provedIjJ* JJ*^ rcUgimw a,, !^&-? eiatcd with the ^h''? ? tht,v havP been ,i!l,i,^0^T^;harin^"r^ponsihi.iric. ::t^"nd?^?XKanddividin,!re di-ido aroordinj: to sentiment and WetgaV -Wicrn pi.jndi.e against thc ne?ro UU n0'^ te of tU f-ta/and tho reason o tha ."tber^nwhylhisbillmust -^fj K?2liTof M. bng UftMjnd ofttjoud inoanan.v to bM j.iatice and truth. I ha is thc SSTS tho viru.cnt opposition to this new tho theory of pmtUmVA upon which thc Ke puhl X'sfo.,ndeilshRllR?-t?al1.vex.8..nlaw: Slhri?plydec!.rB.U?.t?i^^J*; ,1. mon know to ho infamoi.s shal notbe eom mitteTwS. impnaity. lf B^bHcan Sewtorg a^going toallou (homsolvo. rn be t?edto norpctiato theae crimos. to maintam ? malig aT natural Det**rati? -n tho ? ih.lodofraiidancntiror^offieemenand \n "rirani and to wrcrk fltoh parl.V and ita ?^?1Ttiiem ?e-Ji? fcHf *e etattefcr ol their act._ MB. NICOLL'H STAFF. r^nlhouhol.vl^l.i.^AnornoyNieollha, h.?n well. He haa aurmunded biraaclf with a s,a(T in which Iho weak s?.,?s are tor. and in,o?.spU',.o,.s. HadhenotbwnetectodMthe irfleSe of llall he would havo dono bejter and bOCR botter satislicd with him vlf aod vct ho haa di-,?la.vod an inde,,...,d.noo and'a eoncorn for tho public welfare in hia aolcctiona which ccrtaiBly many pcople Md rtaardtoexpectofhim. Perhapa the reault ia a triboto to hia aelf-eateem bj well as to the public iotoreat. but, in any event, itia ? good ? ?ult an 1 it promiaea a aealoui and able admln iatration ot Juaticc. of th.- aeven men namod as chief BBriatanta lour Mr. Stapler, Mr. Davia, Mr. Weiiman and Mi. Weeka, are certainly peraona of gen uino abiliiv and excellenl reputation. Peitapa tho sai?o should be aaid of Mr. 6emple, bul he did himaelf no crcdil by his aerrile attendance upon Colonel Fello-ara, and after Bve yeara of aervice il mighl nol lo be a nueation, aa it k whether the oftlce would not be aa well on without him as with him. Mr. Davis has been an active and nscfnl a-i-tant upon tho stafTs of both Mr. Martine and Mr. Fellows, and has carned his reappointment. Mr. Wellman, during a long aervice in the offioe of the Cor poration Counsel, baa made an cxcellent reputa si,,,, as a man and ;ls a lauver, and has heen remarkably auccewful in defending iho tity in inanv troubleaome and difticulr casrs. Mr. Stapler has not hold public offico, bui as ? citi/en ho has talcci. an active interost in af rajra, and in all mattera inrolving public mo raliiy he ha-s aiwumed the right side. He ia hnown a> a nood lawjer and an bonorable man. (ii Mr. Sima our information ia meagre, bul that fact, when it oorfcerna g man appointed to office undei Tammany Hall. nia> be taken to his credjt. Judge Bedford'a appointment may he looked at in two waya. He lia.s been in the office for a Beriea of ycam, and haa performed its ordioarja routine work more. or leaa well. Ho is the revcrae of wealthy, and no longer young. Recalling ihe arandala Ihrown into the late rampaigfl by the open clainu of the liquor dealcra that they had seciiied from Mr. Nicoll th,- pledge of Judge Bedford'a appointment as the piico of their aupport, it may he alleged that proof of such a contrad has been affordod. liut we are oo! going to believe Mr. Nicoll capable of such bchavior until we are compelled to. Ii would have been haid luck. undoubted ly, from Mr. Bedford'a point of view, had h<; been thrown oul at his time of Kfe and after his long t-'im of aervice, and we ahall aaaume thal this coBaideration prevailed to hold him. and tliat ho will eain as miich of his salar.v hcreafter as he ever did. Nor are we iinmind ful of the claim advanced by hi- friends. to the truth of which Mr. Nicoll himaelf delighta in toatifying, that in certain caaes, calling for tact and diacretion, the Judge is "without ? peer." It is foi what Mr. Nicoll has not dono. a> well aa for what he has, that he is to be com roended. In concluding to (,'et aionp without Mr. Parker, by whoae wretthod blunder in the Jacfcaon caae juatice was ahamefulry robbed, he aooepted good advice and relieved the office of a large amoun! of inefBctenry. N'one of thc distinctly had candidates who awarmed about him and whosc " claims," wc may ho snre, wero ardently backed by the bosses, unleoa Mr. 15f"l ford ia to he claaaed with theae, haa t-'ot in, and when tho uei^ht of this preaaure ia eatimated Mr. Nicoll is to be comniended for regjating it. lf hia staff is not a inodel one, it is, at least, a Burpriaingly S'a?d catrh fron the muddy waters in which hc was oonpellod to tish. DEBPEXIXQ TBE BVDSOS RIFER. At the lasl aeaafon of Congreaa, as many of our readera are aware, a comaaiaaion was ap? pointed to examiiic and rejiort upon the ques tioa of the reaaibitttj of deepeninp thc channel of iho Uudson Biver. By the terma of the act creating ii the rommiatjon ia tlioriuKhly u> cxamlne tl.o obstrurtlons to naviRa i,.,ii ln Uie Uudson River, lictwern Ncw-York City and tlio State tlura at. Troy, N. Y., kii(1 rcport m itrojori and cstlmate tlas coat o( vrjdenitiR and docpcnhiK -ilrt rivrr botwecn Ncw-York City und tho ilty of AltjOBjr, and al.-o Ix-iweott >>w York Citv ar.d tho State fl.irn ut tlie < ity of Tix>> f,ir tlie navl|?t|,n of BtaagOlag vi'-ii-N drawtcii: tuentv foct o( witter, Juid al-o a ^rllil^,ltc e?tl mate cf ihe rxpenao of Improving tlie rivcr betve-n New-RalUmcrc an<l ll.e SUlo dam at Trov, to Ba?i an extent aa to acrnre a navlptble cluuuiei twvlve fcot deep al nican low tiiie. The oiiinniisMon |g to give a heaiing lo those interwted ai Alhany next weck, and the Mayor of that city has invited proininent buaiMBi men in all parts ol the State to attcad ii. It is likely that tho attendanre will be large and that tbe ques'ion will be fully diseuaaed in all its hoarings. I'raetically apcaking, thc propoai tion to dee|ien the channel of the Hudson is nierely a part of the proposition to impmve the canal-. For, obvionaly, it ia comiiaraii veiy nse loas to lengthen the locka and dig out tho bot toma of the canala lf the lludaon ia not to be placed and kept in a condition effectivcLr to ?upplement thoae artilidal ?tcrw^ J'?! ,i?" the eanalo have beeni ia ***^_____\ State. recogniring thta fact. btf mado ***** appropriation. from time to time for the im p^vement of the n.vigation of thciIMaon. During tho aamo period the United State* hw Sndored hcr aome naai-tance but not, .uchin oomnariaou with what haa been done for the Mi?tis?PPi. tho MiHHOuri and the Obio. A year ago Senator Georgo B. Sloan, one of the inoat ^agaciou, of tho pabho men of b? State. proparcd a paper deeigned to stimti late Congrw to deal genero.udy with the Hudaon. ln thto paper the ..ggeaHv. fact **?*?** oot that in Hve year* dating froir,.1878 he United State. opent over BlrJMM* Mk-Mppi anl ncarly Bil.OOO.OOO ..a the MI. iiouri and tho Ohio. but only ?14a.l>00 on tho llndaon. Thc Sonator cculd aee no good rea-on -and we take it that thuse attending the hear ing next weelc will agrco with him-way ?o nwr-h .honld be done to these tbrt* rivera of tbe West wh.lo tho rivcr of thc baa* which transrcndu them all in commercial iirrportanrc should obtaia mercly a pittance. Tho gain to commerco rcsulting from making thc Hudenn navtgable for occan vcssols from this city to Alhanv ant Troy would he incnlculable. Tho albaay Chaaabtr of Commerco argnes that if ocean vessels could he brought into direct com munication with shipmonts at that poiat which have comc over thc Kric Canal there would not only be a v?rv decidpd saving in time. but a sav'ing of hundreds of dollar* on OBch OkVfO m the item of towing. The fact that. the proposition to extend Fcd eral aid to the canals has never been popular in this State may possihl.v interfcie with this other proposition to extend Federal aid to the Hud.-on. Itut the two proposition.* should not l,o confounded. Thero is ? distinction with a dilforencc between the Kvie Canal, one of the Stato's great pnblifl works, and tho great river which runs through her domains. At all eveato, as- we iindersfand it, there is no intention on tho part of thosc who desire to see the naviga tion of the Hudaon Improred by the United St.ilos to gn furthor than that. Indeed, somo of them have alroady gone on record at canal conventions as boing opposed to allowing the Federal (Jovernment to help New-York tako care of the canals of New-York. Next weok'J hearing mny.-well command the attention of all who arrintereated in maintaining and ad vaaciag the property of our great Oommon wealth. The metropolta ought to hc well repre seoted at it. mm^_,m^mmmm____wmm_mm__m IX WILDBftT CHICAOO, Ufo in tlio nmro tliicl:ly settled porfions of Chieago is aaid to bc n ry apreoa'dc. TI.o Tribun" would 1h? tho laet paper in the world to say anytblng aaainst it. Indeed, even outside of rhe boaineaa diatriet and at. a bard day'o ride from the postnfflce, ovistonoc m ist he stUl agreeable, as neighhora ar,* aanally iiaito ie,ir. But what ihall we aay <if life1 on the Great Flaina further toward Ihe ontakirta? Here ajrttiVn are rare and froBtler bardahlpa many. Were it not for thc froe do livery ayalem and toe ocoasionnl visirs of the poatmea on flcet horaee, thc lolitude would, tn many eaaea, !*? Bnbjyarahle. OeeaalonaUv tho rest of tlio country ent.dios a mnmrntnry glimpte ol thrso lmrdy but lanlated people when some un u.siuil aeeideat oceuri to ittiact, tho publie attea tione, aa, fur Inatanee, fhe rocont bank robrory, a .short, aeeoont ol which was printed in Tuetr .|;i\'s Trirnine. Tho inatitutiop vrhlcn ?aa robhed w::s tbe Mer chanta' Exehange Benk, aituated in tlie aoathern part of the city, in tfie Liano Estaeado nr Staked l'lain, and south-hv-casf. of tno qni I'arle In dian Agcacy oa the FlaBioeaa RearrvatloB. It is a wild and deaolatc region, tho'i'.'h ir is thooght that when the projoeted olevatcd ntilroad is built It will greatly miprove it.s appearanee and friphten away many v.ii.i nniinals which are now very tcoubletome to the eettlera. Firly kfonday moialag thrce nier. di-ove up to the Merehaate1 Bank, oveipowered tlie cashicr, and sccured all nf thc nioncy, 1b the vaults. Hastily thnrwing it into a light wagoa thev Icapcd in thomrclves and drove rapidly a-./av in a northerly direction. evidently making for the P?sstbffice neishborhood. Fortunately the police ftation Of the Pre ?in't. which comprises the conntr ? hetwcnn the Uix Bitterroot and the Kickinx Horse riwrs, WM near, and it was innnediatcly infonned. A noaea ollicers moiinted tlieir trusty broneos and stnrted in ptirsuit. Thc rohbers coald be s-eii fnirn' thn-e or lour nules aeross the ptair'e, with their -es goiag at full speed. The police inslantl.v sa- nt it. was the thieves' intention to gpf. into the set tlcrnent befuru ni?ht, and afier dark to slip nwiy and reaeh Tbe bnalaea*) cenlre sutac time tbe ne\t day. They piC8BSd after then wlth all possible baato. The race wbicb followed n-as eveitinir in the cxtreme. The police manaced to kecp witliin about a mile of the rohbers, but could not ovcr take them. Indeed, in the Ki^hty-flrst Ward they lost ground and fell two miles bchind. It waa thonght here that tlie robliers were poin?r to take to thc Bad Lands, but they were frijfhtened away by B baad of Flambeau Indians who were holdlng a ghoat dancc there. Crossing the Keya Paba I'iver they dlaappeared amoiiR the Froten Man Hills of thc Seventy-eifhth Ward. Their trail was readily followed, however, and aftpr a frw mili-s of liard riding. in which a nuir.ber of lettcr-boxes fastcned to stones and trees were poaaed, the police moiinted Butte and saw iticia making away toward Lewis and Clarlce Lake. Futtinj? spurs to their horacs they auo oeeded ia eomiag near eaoagh to flre at tke rob bera Their shots were retnrned, and a runninK flre was kept np for the next two hours while paaaiBg Tliuiidcr Butte, Lod?e Pole Bidge and IliH-whcic-tlie-Crows-were-Kiird. After eia^sing Sittinj; Bull Creek the tliieves struck the (irst road to the i.ii.sincss ccntrc, formerly known aa the St I/ouis Trail, but, since annexation, ? illed Rob^rt Browalog Avenuc. The police no .- Iiure down rapidly on the rohbers. A number of hunters an*i stockmen joincd in the chasc with fresh honea. Raaehea were gratlually raeeocBlag more aoinorona, and it. araa seen that they woul.l be cuptured soon. ?lust as they were entcring thc BtXtg^oecond Ward and near the new Ccntral Park they scared up a floek of antelope which 1'riRhtened tJieir hor-cs so that they hhicl and ovcrturned the wagon. Thc police eane up alniost iiiimcdintcly and aeized and baadeaffed the robliers. They were taken to the police hcadi|uarlers, where they arrived thc next day. As to who the robliers were, the two St. Lotiis papcrs from whieh we have drawn the facta of our narrative dirfer, one holding that they were r.icmbors of thc latc Jesse James's gang, the other that, they were associates of the ulso late Rube Burrowa. We can only await the arrival of other St. Louis papcrs to settlc this point. In any event, the incident gives an intere^ting" glimpse of life on Chicago's frontier. We aincerely bopo rbat Mayor Grant will turn over, a new leaf to-day, but we re^ret to say th?*4 ovr contidecce ia not e<,(iai t?> our desirr. Colonel Fellovs may be tniaoed?in spota?but hc will not be mourned. L'nlesS there U an extxa aession of Congreaa, the Colonel will now have eleven uninterrupted montha tu devote to lead ing a "aimple Chriatian Life." It waa ex-Mayor llrwitt who declared that thia was the ColaneFa habit. It ia aafe to aaanme from circumstantial evidenee that the habit haa been aome*vhat hroken in upon during the last three yeora by the dia tractioaa incident to the Uistriot-Attoxneyahip. Ohviotialy, it ia now the Colonel'o duty to do hia best to make up for loat time. A peculiar criiainal ease in Vermont makea It apparent that Bquor-oelUng ia that State may aometimes be punlshable ao aeverely aa homioide. a. maa w;ho kept a pUoc for the aale oX kcex not far from a college haa **j?!*? **<*> cbargea of violating tbe-^hiMtory^ - offenee 1- pu*ih?M? * ? Q 2 -1-0. ">*"?* theae charge. the flne waa ??ed at ? ^ ant cannot. oay a flne he *?" ^ r-aeller ia day. for each doll.r ^^J? S in poor. bc may to "? ?? practlcally Hfe prlaon. Thi. *^??? arri. *> dlMOUr imprlJionment onght, it wouio ?n w" ????,.*.,?. ?-f*g?,*3. *?--* venlence for each offenee. There ia a unanlmtty ln tbe ?*P^,0D" ?f,!?; ,.Son over Aaaiatant ?****^J^ mirement that dlaUngul.he. ^g**? M thc ordinary mn of oinclala. IVrhapaIhe have prefrrred to remaln unknown ?*^? upon private l-^JA jjjjSggg whlch freqiirnt mention ln the n^"P"p! ,, posed to afTord, without any expenae for aflver tlaing. r _. Diatriot-At.orrey Nleoll ba, our W**?? a . rooeaafal admi..u.tration. Thc circi nstonees urrounding bl. aaanmption of ofl-ce *?*? over, are palnfully di-Terent from thoae ? wMch he would have aaaumed the W**^?* ^p had be .en aiie^ru. in ^= tbree years n,ro, an'. BM i?*k is *'ir A Bridge poMcemaji has been suspended and is awaitlns trial Re W16 so muoh intoxicated as to ho LS/toTroundsman. juat M lf that ofneer b? been one of the ordinary ritizena wholW*? Bridge ao a meana of going to and from their Kfo. huaW As there is seldorn ? roun.hv m? amoBg t* pa-rnaera. other ^^. mon can continne their iiaual mcthoda without much danger of being callcd to account. Lrt ... hope that the New-Ycar wlll bring * the vnrious colleges tbe niagnifleent gifta Mr. Fayer weathcr devised for their use. --av -??? A Happv New Year, (.overnor llill I The aame to yo... Mr. Smith M. Weed! That is. of tvuirse, aa happv a new year aa each of you is eutitled to and capable of enjoying under exiatinjr croum stances. To he sure, each haa it in hia power to do aomething for the happinoss and peace of mind of the other, and that is elearly your duty, MMgf. .lill an.l Weed. still it naoat be adaaitted1 that ambition for a Senatorahip and ambition for a third term arc not calcnlated to inspire thought altoKCthcr in harmony with the aeaaun of good wi-shes and good ro-olntinns. What a happv New Year it would be if-but it ia oaeleaa to expeet anythtog go?d fron. Beattte. Hc's as inoorriglble aa the Tammany tiger Uself. As The Trlbune has mTed, taott ls found with thc new bulMlng ot tbe -Joston IKtMlc Lihrary becauac tho eo-rt ia lilccly largely to exoeefl thc oriKinal estimaic. We ol-erve now. as a rather curiuiis coinrj.lcnco, that the tmstecs ol the library arc all Democnts. Did anybody ir timate that this was an instance of causc and flftetf _ PEMsOSAL. Theophilus n. Petcrson, the Philadelphla pnb llshcr, who died on Tnesday. waa a Philadelphian by blrth. The llrm of whlch h<5 was thc aenlor meruber niado a great dcal of moncy a few years ago, by publlahing tlie noveia ol Mr- Southworth aiid ro* issuing thc works of Dickens. Scott, Dnmas. XMlkie Collina and others. Bdwln B. Winans. who wlll be the flrst Deaaoeratlfl Oovernor tliat Mlehigan aaa had in tklrty reara, 1- a eooL roiisen-atlvc, hardhcaded olO^huiBor. with a ncatly trimmed bcard. weU-fltUng clothe*. and UndJ) eyes beamlng out of a pair of gold-bowed spe?-t?cle*. One of tho BBOOt prominent tralU o( the latc aelah (hamberlain, of Clevclaud, was hl-> tendor leellng for all his ratotlTOa, csperlally thosc who had not been M fortunate ln buslness aa hc. He did much for thoso who needed hclp. Having BQ fg&^t&JE&J* w?8 murh attachert to the cldldron nf Ws l-etatUes. Xlaa Joonie Chamt^rlain, cclebruted for her bcautv, now Mra. Navlor-Lcvlan. of England. is a grand nlere. His atfertion for her was marked aud tendcr. Tho editor of -Short Cuts and Treasure Trove" la vlted several distingulshed wrlters to answer tl-.o foj lowing qaary: "What are the oaarittles aaaat essential to the dcvelopment of tbe perfect man f A number of interesting repllcs have been reeetvod. Lord Kamlolph ChurchlH's answer ls witty and pithy. He says: " ln reply to vour letter I would niggart tliat a good dlgcstlon is the essential qu-iltty (or *. e ?ali-round development of a htiinon being.' i know 10 other.- The following reply from Mr. Lab -uch,;r. - rhara^terlstlr : ?? I know of no derlnltion be\ d adi 'na; to the mona sana ln corpore sano that t ,e par.ect nian should also be a perfect Radical." ?? AHoaj me," writos Mr. John O'Hart b. - The 1 >en Ing Telegrapb ' of Diiblln. ?? gratefully t> acfcaoar'egga not only tlie reaelpt of the muniflrent annuity - tely irranted to me. as an humble Irish . thor, t Mr. Oeorge W. Chllds, of Philadelphla,, I >ilt*d Statea of Amertca, but also his later vol.ituary ? - nge ment by v-hlch the said annuity shall ^wOtUM'i oarlng her life to my wtfe lf slie sui-vive me. May this splendld benevolenco be remembered by the Irish Amerlran pe?Plo lB the T'nlted States' toward Mr. Chllds lf It ever be in their power to *-ervc him! Awattlng as I am, from day to duy. the long expeotcd grant of the llterary penslon from the i-lvil 11st of our homo fiovernment, (or wliioh I have been powertully reconimended to the Klrst Lord of the Tivasurv bv personages of influenoe ln Eugland, Ii-eland. gcotland, the t'nltod States of Amerlca. Canada, Australla. the I'nited States of Braxll, the East Itidies. Newfoundland, Ilrttlah West Indles, etc. (ln reeoornliion o( my life lrmg servlres ln the fleld of anclent lrlsh ltterature, of wlifi-h my "lrlsh PodlgTees' and 'lrlsh Landed Ootn Wben Croniwcll C*mc to Ireland,' are th.: modcht oait oome), lt ls a great consolatlon to me ln my derllning years to flnd that a beiievolent Amerloaoi clUrcn ..aa tlrus so gcnerousiy and ronslderatcly contiibuU.-d to smoota tiio rares and ansietles of myself and my wlfa In our affllcted old age." IHE TALK OF TUE DAY. Three mlsers have ronimltted sulclde within two daja. They have lived tlirtiugh the mlld winters of the last few years, but when lt became a iiueation between denth and the expense of buylng flrewood they tl.ose death rather than cxpond any o( their hixirded wealth. " Whatf said the Judge. ?? You here agaln i" " Xf?, your houor. When I thlnk of how klnd tho prlson oftlriais are and how eold tho world ls, I oome to the concluslou that lt don't pay to be honest."? (Munsey's Woekly. Tuttlo, tlie North Adams wcaiher propliet, says that we are golng to have a long, aold wlatar. Yea, l^uttle, lt haa looked that way (or several days. THE CITY DRCQ CLEUK. He ls well up ln physlc, ha> a recloc (or phthlslc that wiU ruie a caso that's cluo?lc ln the iiuickebt sort o( style, For while he was at college be absorbed all sorte of knowlcdgc with a kcenncss and avidlty that mado his teaihers smlle. He can teU you to a fractlon, wrlting out the full rvactlon, J.ow much ruajtose |s converted wheu you brew a p:nt ot becr. For on sub;taiice-. orgnnlr, whose origln's botanlc. he's a mme o( lnformatton and was never known to He ls up in mathematlca, can explaln olectro statics. when lt comes to pharmacognosy ho's a perfeck mlne o( wei.itti. w He can nnalyie a water, and can teU you wluat you ourtt to do to maka lt flt to drlnk without in* ? luring your hcalth. Ho explalns the metric system with an alr of sanient "i.prlcht etwaa Deutach." ' He reada the leadlng journal, aod Bgj wit sprlnc* ever lVertjle'lurch D *lscuMlBg Pollttca V* nover Ho can draw yau soda water with an alr of freetlna hauteur tliat quita precludea necesslty tor hav? ing any lee; v Though wl?n customers are pretty he can be very wltty and tbe girls nnlte in saylng that hes everyUUng that'* nioa. Such a bnlny agaregaUon ls quite flt to ni* a natlon yet ba dealTout plll* and powden* with a ^on deaeendlng alr, u For a paltry compensaUon that'B a ahame to his voca tUt t5Ssd i. falr? U to fc PUW1C' do you SO -(Pharmaceutlcal Era. 44The Philadelphla Bt*ot4* aoggeata a frulUul anblect tor apecnlatlon in an artlcle In whlch It gives tha namea aod addressea of more than 200 women of Phlla deiphla, moat of them yonng, who mystaitoualy dia* appeared last year. a ^i b^*T? ,w?ddln? (irft-8c?no l.-Baboony ~tto Owon ?l?6cati U at laat marrted. W^^UpaSS laonajr?A silver fmtt dlah: ao uaetui >m *?- ? on &S at overy maaT wS'utatwata^ba^ln^aina1 ae27 ^?wh0,!L^J- ^ W aalTwUned "* *8JBa U.-HowaiU6-Halla. TUaxaauttT Jlirayi & dupllcalO frnJt dlaft from Loouey. Whfjga/g ^TtopaiiV (Jewelert-Fl^e doliac. * HoweUa-All rlghf.- fraafcia1 < >*,!?,. Smith, of Worth-at-Yon knov mr ^ bajcome a oonvert tn the Mea lhat It U vroa.' ^r the M/e oi any anlmal. ?.% Brown, of Duaoe-at.-Yea, and th* vantof fc stop eotlnf meat. How ar* yo? r.,miDf o?t,JJS . ?Oh, all rlght; my **1fe !?"* bark-lM.a ^?k ?You don't aay ao." a Yea; ehe aaked me for a aealakJn wrpja ^ maa, and when I trled lo get ont of \\ ^ t^j,?^ that ahe would approve of the, slariKhter ofa,?1 weerina a hcalakln aaroiie, -t,,. ^ , W(M t^T* for anythlng, and that *cal< <li?ln't rount. of^ I got her the sarqoe, and tht? m?at4ettag t-^ quletly dropped. Yoatcrday she, In h"r ?^T** to tho Antl-Aolmal Kllllng Horlety.* "^"^ He waa Mlndlng fhe Itahv. Tomdlk Yon _, ln an appcaranco at th'1 rlub U-i i>i(ji,t ^^( BcClarnrnv-Bo. I w* resrulaMnif thc Karta Tomdlk-tf hat do yea mr:,,, . "? McCIammy-Yon nave heard ,ihi mi,, u^ rorks the cradle Is thc hand nifa ne ^__k (Chfcago Infer Orean. ?aC fcpeaking of a fad whidi ha* invswlrd ikfa t^ "Thp Boaton Transcrtpt.' saya: uTh#*a H a/,a?av welrdly myatcrlou.a kboot thia p>M jjZJJ which aecms to hare aaaMoaly Ibv.rbaii th(, - and employed the aaajatal of l nrc or morotjafl mcrchants. Why ajBOjl a aeBrelopmerit ,f dri^rj Indii-try all af oncet Have the di^overl* 4j2 itii>'.. ^t r\rn___*__\ I- I; Ul r,f 4.^rajajg fl| Irv naiui ? it,_. 'H burrowlng ?rrJiaooiogl-t? In Oreofo, aeoat tNj aiidetits uaed to glld tli<ir ktal (ovcrtnc kk Ventia ?le JIlIo. lu hls Kogcrs irroiip with thls taardry aatol i if oj ronttnoea, we may eapeH to aee n,o \:dem*a ?21 vlrtlms to it, ?nd noM-pHlnflnjr all i> ,t?tn^ jBTJ' Well. anythlng for a ek.BgOl Edward Kverajj^j fharlcs Himner ln gorgeom gllt aould iiirlly ?, JJi Ihan they are, now; and NrfleoM mmleel Calaaaj9 would be a dcgree funnl' r than aarer." what it is Ooaalng Tr, -Paafkttr Oaaf ?.. mamnia. Mo.hcr?Whv, my iear, are you Kataa to a Have you fed yonr tat'illi I Dooghta Yea, mamnia. Mofhcr-Oh, very well, rh*n. Good ni;hf.-<| Traoaeiipi. m_mmmmmmmmm_^mmmmwm__?_ OBMMAN OfEL'A. Mr. fitanton's cholr* of 'incra- fr.r >rie holnlayt bids falr to savo tiiem froai avaklag i- i.-ad ,( in^ in tho titiam ial arrount m nigfci luvi ko expeet^-d. '? Taaoko aaoer" ..n Matiaia] nioa a proverbially had alghl at Ike MiBropnlttao ?%* liou-e, a- af. all the^ire- ln IN rltyi, dn-* aolf flno atidieiKi', and laal nlght, ttmngh ?w Taa Rve, which Ia eeeeJlerly aoar to ike nearta of*. Oorakooa aeeaoao of aa iraawtlc ?:.d %i>. mi lion,-. iaw an ciually Jaru'.; .n,d eataaalaatk ifttaoa in the Opora Hooae. The. work arklrh ev^rtiaia, ?ttroetltni iaBa. araa araajBer*t "Flymic imti-hi whl'h ha- BOVOr hcen poptilar i:i a karprraraa . Ke<(dl'.'ctioiis of la-^ reaft repieaaiitoUoaa Wa geniitl work, *in whirh tii<ire ta iiaaBi .1- mwt| annisc thc admirers~of th<- hatOT Bagaer a- to 1 th<>m, are oaporfct?% batffrenl ko aoae <,f m*l m.i-lerlv iniivrs..:, tion "f thc Drrtrtoa and fi.r thl- rea-on. If for no Other. it Oaa Kif* t. i on a aympataettc roeepaaoa kar tha ?? r?. Thia ] lar-baritoii" has niariv nm: M 1 ;-m> in -o-.g :i> wn_ actlon whl'h gafatl one ui.plen-.n.tlv ln th? !>y<iaa. but they aro ab-ent from lu- I)nt< .'iman. vkirk 1 tainly stands unrivalled on th.- .,|*>rati, ?ui? tM lt is an laapofOMkOttoa of pi-i'.it ii...-. fl^pu aa eloiiucme. He had ?. :4tet at 4iiplit( and. tiiidi.T thc spint-d .1 1 reverenttall tion of Mr. Seidl, the pcrforniui...-. uai?M< ..f It, ft ph torial featuf's, aro. aa noar aWwtaaa t< well bc laaaglBOi. To pralM Mr. Flata, tlio Diibind of tl?c orca>lon. araoM ao ooraa thvi atk: it 1.- cnoogk to aay that to liear -ii<h -:ip?t _ Keii-hmann i(nd Fi.-< her Is to enjoy .1 pkaaaraBatl ankpaa. Madame Blrfk.. who aoo i '*nrm paaai the hesirta of tho Botropotttan patroaa t.v karaBjeJ work iu ?? Fidcllo" kvtl week. waa boara in i:.t tana ^eIlt;. v ith paitinilar iBtereat. Muslralri aid tnao irally -he nief .verv dmiand ..f tbe r> le. trtottaa l araa dlnVult, to recognizc tbe rireamr iiei'iine of aa> ner'- opera in the phy Iral \> tnre arklrk -ha aa> -ented. Her fr?--li and tn;.' >opraoo ?.i- ''oll ao -'.U'ted wlth Horr von Hnlil.en f- 1 r r. f 1- fi -iniiei- ha- been heard onl) I 1 aaenodary rr'rtt far. but la>t nlghl h?- abiiwcd fh.if he haa ^axl oafE in him. which will in time -..\ foi t.i.-U- ..f ptaarf magniiud.;. Mi-s Hulin wa- the gary, and <aaf at| small part well. The OBQt. B II l>> tepoakal oeaaVE urday afternoon and next B'ediMaday eveafcag. j lt ls pleasant to antion. lhat Mr -'antfla ? ylelded to a strons: r^'P"!"" eealre, and s*t *rwaar| down for another perforniHine next Mondav rvauai. On Fnd?y of next w?ssk a n ivelty. "PiJii.i of ^daim?| will he prodnrtd, and the kaOtlbea wllj be ierouAMi u Tannhaeuser."_.__ >4Vr'? RIT'M. (A Word of Cautlon.i Tlme's noblest offspritiK always is the last llope ever toa-sts the future, not the. piit. >o fond we'll ha.ll the new vear Jnst beguni .\nd pledftc ooiaetaoa to wnte it '01, Not '00! Bnt let us take 'he ple-Ue with eaiaa" 'hofX El*e after 0 we 111 slu I atTtkl vi fl. And now aud th'? 1. tlll -r:nr kf Baat e?>" We shall r.)t da' our Ic'.-.ts '&!. but '04) Around our llttlc flnger* >t "' * A blt of worsted of a er'tis^n <lye; So error's primn>?o'path we'U -irer shun, soft wldsperlng our r->n5 " s *h Not '90." All o>er the world are bright profcM.^ra met \Vho train the mem'ry ao it can't for?et. Yet some of them .will n-ed ere aet o^ aaa An ink eraser -inaklnt; ''?''l 1 if '90: How hard a ro?red habit to foregot For the New Year our hearts ar* bU afiow'. Wlth Joy we irrcct it. riv.d it haa none, But sUU we'U m ribble off not '01, liut '00! ?Twaa ever thus: the wo:M will Iose ira JJ* It cries lom, live the gtaf hnt aoaaaa. tk. ** V twelvetnurith slnce tlie oM aoar did i^gn, W. ci-o-v ;M -. new one-?r.?te II 11, >nt '00. And rnrther baok wBk ***-** "Uta our troth are plightofl troi *? ??? ^ B?t tBOBgh oar soncs of wel.on.e ranK W Our new jroar note? were dated Wi, Braroup'nVyear-^^ f^^T ^ ^ BaBQtr, te .aro tka wratekot fft>?' ,-ai, t.i.s aay Bot H aa f*?^"* aooll llud you patatai aaara not 91, But '90. Three cheer? for '01. for '01, For '01, remember, "Bt, OM -no-s had hl? day. Ma race Ia dona, bo get lt rluht. 0 write k( '91. Not '90! _ DKMOfKATlc B^aOB. aW omi BTBBBfi ?? lOOBfnIB From Tlio Chlcago Inter (X "'??? ^, at1 Boaton Ia gruml.lln. ^'"J.V^Uai - 7 S B % genen.1 ml?inanagemeol? 0 'V"? ^undar De""^ York; dltto CBkaaja* Thoy .raau (1|(, ^** bo^-ea, and tlie street. ln ?**"!* (ltv; ,Me ???. Tkere is 110 lack ai money ln either OJ , ?the gang" _. race. Hls frleno. may l"ul",'.';"%:. ?-asted. The ,"5 but li they do thelr unie *1" ^,|fH,\*>lveut,.m akak and South will go to the >atlon?i 4-?> solldly lor Mr. Clevelana. A SCGGF^TIOB FOR H1LL MV*****> From Tho Hartford Courant, Tv.m?fraO *M Wkp aaaVt tlie hard-shell New-Y ortl?g? ^0 were not lnvdteO U> the t Byektrd ?nn ? HiK-??*jJJ braoe up and haye a alaner u ^tlu-lj "?" al w.mU_f+ Mugwumpery dlnncr. ^ l??PJ* d ttnder iha-" to be the proper and aptnteo uuua *> ^ cumataoeea. _ ___, NOT BOjnaajD BY THE NEW TABIFF From The Kanaaa rtty T1m?. ?amia^fS , "The tooaha JekBBk-r aafalaoB m ^aj Ia aaUafactory. Hero, ft lea*t. *L9SBSZ tbe "rulnoua McKlnley blll" haa not 4um?a JUDGK BROWN^BOBl^ATlOW COBDIALLY ?? CEIVED. From The noati>n Herald. w_?-,bII If there are any fifc^Vae? ISSl^l Supreme Oourt varaney, they do ncoro ?.# aelvea upon the publlc "ott11^?I10^nl(kM7, poaotl c4itolally ta ?*C0B* thonoounarwii. QUITB TBUB. From The clndnoall ^_\w"\*??*l1tort__n4 B ** b*-u s??!?? IwSwH&w!