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WASHINGTON GOSSIP. M1N- aM> AFFA1KS AT THE NATIONAL ( AI'ITAI. iBCMatrAllT PK'VTOK's I.VTIMATE KXOWXEDOE or TJ1V. rn.T-.ILS Of atll nEPAnTMtST prFh r.ns asxioca to 04 to the ix piAig oooarxajra mr *sMjth and ir.^ ART MrgaTVM s.lir.MK-A l'l.r. ky TOVXC WMiv. Waahitiirton. lVc. 1 ?Se -retary Troetor ia one ,?? | . thurom<h-y tra norl bnaineas men in tnr i abinet. Ho it, -I -o our of tho rn-wt reaervod. When ba waaat rate rhe Wai I-epartment hc fonnd th.n the liMinf wa*. for all praetloal purposoa, ,r tho banjfc of intcllirent and aetive ohiefa ot - lt h.>* beon netural for SecreUrlos ae lcr'o.l fron ehil Iife to <i,-for too muoh to tbe tn,li*i*ry nio.n in oharire of apeotal branohes. It h?u* N-en tho ea-iest wajr to iret through with tbrir ilntioa Bat >ecreturv Proetat, who for years lui.l t-oen at the l.ead of a greal private busineaa. f..und that he couM e-nndnct the Department a \- in one way on-l that wa* tbor ughly ,. ,.i.riersi..n.l Ita detalla and then to look after rrervlhing a*. bo would hia owa affain*. Tlith hc ?io with tra* Sew-Engkuid thorocujhaeaa, IV is i? .lav a* thorough and (waaplete a maater oi h.s own IVpartBaetil al waa Stc it*->n during the v, ar So* dclaU-eaeapee hirn and no aetion of ,n.o to tho lVpart: . 1 is tnken exoept .!, him. In eonveraatioB with ihe Secretary the other . I ,ari>e,i 60CM ojuu^oti Ut-le things con rerning tbo afScera -t thc J.e..ular Arroy wbo have l-ei-n tletailo.i ir.^-v i.rt.c to timr on apecial i :\ ,. ii ia eaaraa >n - eritietaa offlr-era who H t, spo. la] Brrvioe ,.t tbe Capitiil or in intorior r t-ie-a where they I.kvc oft*.y .lutics Ycl when the troubte braka oul there ttm not a single one ol 11.tboem ,.n apeeial duty attaol?ed io the regiroeBta undei GeueeaJ Milee who did boI aak . . u- ordrrad to 'he front to join iheli eoinmaada l r rarat Llluatimtion of U.*a eourage wi a ahown by iw . yoni . oflieera deiaihM va ,1 i*J a1 Fori fdeyer, .? W - ilngton. Theae oftieera had aeen rough arrvieea ,n the Weal and were fully eatltled to thia linvaram apeeial duty. lt ia probablc thal tbe aer rtce there we ld have been for two oj threa years. Waahlngton ia a naoal agreeablc post tor arc.y oi! .-on.. 'he gayetiea of ita aaeial Ufe have a Kpeoial , araa tor naon "ho hav. been foi a long tJiue leslalrd at the atatlons oi tho Weat. These tv. . yaung ofricers hud ocJ> been three weeha , n at their i,ew poal when tha rarwa eanie of diaa txoable aml tl .t their rc-iment }.;,.! Vhs-. ordered ir.t? aetion. Theae bwb (Md n?t heaiiMtc foi a m roent, bul i me at onee to tbe War Departarwul and aaked to ba aent luek to ; (1 ,ty. 1 am certain thal th.-y will have i.o difrlOBlt-y iu obtalmns a ipecial diaaawao ? favor if they corae out of the preaeut raapaign uahanned, At Fargo there was a young ,-. ar, |uai married, who bad been aaaigned to a . bool aa aa Inatt ictcr. His plai^e w,u? une he'so enjoyed thal be had aaked to have his ? aatre eatended for a yrai or two. This oer ? aaloB ^li* aboul to b? iccorded to him when .rne.l that hia regiraent had ?*een ordered oountry. He al ooce telrgraphed War. Drpartmcnl aaking for a caBeeUation - ,,:,.,,, ,*.-...-? ? . l?- al once ordered i, S< to hia U la a pfeaaanl thing 1 , know that tha ^Vest . haa never yel dcN-eloped any eewards. Dsbnma which thc ofBcera on BpeolaJ ,.-tli i : gi it tbe eouatry have sbown m S relary for a detail to tbe Indian - , ia H4lmirable roughoul the sen-ioe i reat eaa ferliBa mong the oflicers. and ;,v tbe youugi ? '" aee aoraetbiag lika . Hob, to ii.- ur h ..-? poaltive daBga*. lt Ul authoriie tho ex* on of Alaaka >. rxploraliona are hhvuys atienued w?i ? ?nd hardahlpa. \el ..... n exploral - beon .. i the Se- retary haa i-een overrun with ap . ,;i , n lt There .-ro al lenM .. ,?r overv positlon in eonnection ., . v . ,.,..,t tbe pr?inotioB8 in tlie Armj I thia may explatn iho aetive am ln tbe arrviee to do at ? oo to promob - . retired I m ol the Army could , T., permit the t-ranafer m.m tho 1 s, ,., the uBliroltcd IU1 Ihere would )?? ??,. . ,,??(,. Ioj tbe proinotlon o1 ilearning .-.,,! lOOroembera . .... .. ?.: i .is foi pl al any .ge. Bul when oaee tbe Ikrt m is- no retir. rnts under tlie . , . ii,,. ??-? .-.. preaent rixtj . ird and arc ,.,. for retiremeui. But (bey are nndei ,>,. aliuiited IU1 andean retired a* vaoan.">' '" ""- llst lW , ,!,i he - cha .,-! lhat peraona on Bf rred to tbe un I '?' "f alxiy-foui w ? rx-purtroenl wu ? hle aoon to lake , . ,-s who are phyeioaUy JneapaWc . ?, hut mual !? kcpl of* the aetive ? ? mcBl "i offloenj wbo are doin? ; I)f t!o aervice. Tliere ia alwaya . , in CoBgre i to any change in . reas|, g tbe relired liat. Sueli h- ;,,. alwaya mei with argumenta ...... ' s.. ?n(l oplnloBa - .. , , tbe Arnw " '" aa a favored ihere is i - -' Government em ... up .. to riak their llves ? in the Regulai l Vi- - .... ived a number ol nr-m pe !??? i i tbe eountry rn t (oi tbe National Arl Si Loula, dne ol i.i ol 1 aruaof Miat for a few .):!> .. ; v,' ? ,- plati und hai. j ild ls> '?:.' I ' ?vii ? ti.- letter aeni . ? ? Tribune. Thii Irawi'rti ?'??? I ? ? Jamea a-.York HWul deaign ? gi,i ,,.| ?raa pre ented ,:, ?;- liis eunlTib ition ? ,; , wiroetlmea ia well i< , .[. r uf one abo 1ms l:\i-l here , -. , jnd. pendeni IimhI undei Uie ? i ro <<t relativr , trmedlato family. She \V ?' ,'.??: BlW .''I . ? ? I '?' ... ... !??! , apable "l "... i -. r,..!,, : '..? ', ayeties h ich ol ,. borae ln Texas rap, nti'l yet tl ' rhla yo injs ii forc ?( by oiroumataiicea to ,M,i 1 or own ;.flB'.rs. (thc ? ? ?,., fort une . a Texaa eattle, . |i Inveatmenta were .'11 - . , in- t me ..a i that her ln . .... 1M nothing and would . Aa al e " I a flne horse ., hei min i U. utillze thia aud ii'ii Waahington 11 take ? ... she has jusi returned afh-r M>| ,. trip, ai ?> demonatrated, ..i trial, her oapaeity u< run auooeaa ? " , ranch Suc npi-nt. hours ?"ery day ,r pluek and i ounlge haa i, ?? of the ndghborhood for ??.? arouad bei piace. T C. CKAWFORD. WEDDIXOM. aveaiDl "f Mbm Millie MrVey U> Cl.arlea A t'??k jiive raaterday BMralaf at *iir churrh ' at i>? a/aM gjiitaaaihat n?-%r Kifth "" Th. |>v K.ither >u Klnnon uffirlatod. Tg* brldv ?ra, a,ti?-r,0w1 uy hei listar, Ilell .M.-Vov. aii|l Mlan Tba beat aaaa vmi, Wllllai.. Bgaa, and era .i<?.ij.!i Kgwi aud John Boeafori A VaaMlai o,. ,ki*?t toliawmt at Na. HO Wi:?t seveti ? bome ?f '. hnd. a fatlier, Ar. hlbald >'4" ir. ai.d Alr*. (.ia; lul have tone boutn lor th'll W,dfl.|,K t,ip. *4r5 Itiuik 5f. j.. l** ai ffioeflali.-A wsdaina took plaee at the home ol T. W. TWkmorton this aitcr gPA^.JPM Anna Wheelorh Vereker and 8amuel T. lleiidrtckBon, Jr.. arere marrtfal. The c*remouY wa? pei-formed by the Itev. J. ? Jowltt. Tlie prosent* wera rinniet?ua. Tho roupla left bcra on tho fl;Oo traln for tha South. ' tESliriTIKS AT TUXKDO PARK. The old year w*? ushered ont Ia beflttlng atyle at Tuxedo Park laat nlght. The cluh-house waa fnll, ?very room being taken, and mr>*t of tho eottaiw open with large houae partles tn them. The enclosed plaxta of the rlub-houao. now eonve-ted Into a dlnli? moin, presrtitod a brfmant slght at tlio dlnner hour. whan a doron or more dlnner parttea wore under way. The eneloamre Ii*.s been hnug In Turkcy red, great rope* of evergrcon and many Cblneae lantorna, ao that tho plnk ahaded eaaidlea an the tablee, the hand womai ooatumm of tlte ladlen and th* gay lanterna mado an attnwtlve plcture. At mldr.lght tho ooene waa Iranaferred to the batlroom, and Juat after tho new year had hegun the guctta wlth eommon oonaent clrcled ahont the ballroom ln " gr\nd right and left? atyle. exclianglrm tho congratulaUona of tho aeeaori. F^rgaDtfa wai- dmnk and th? Vinrlnla reel waa danred knto the amall hour*. To-day there will bo pigeon ahoottng and all wlnter ont-of-door aporta, weather pormittlng. Amorig tho eottagera arot other* at tho elsb-houao for th^ iooea were Mr. and Mrs. .1. H, a. Oriawold, Mlaa Flomme Ortswokt, Mr. and Mra. A. 8. Hewltt. Ihe Otlsso Howitt. Mr. and Mrs. W. \V. Orydor. MI- n-ydcr. A. R. Conkllng, Misa Leiiro, Conkllng. Mr and Mra. (ooper Howitt. Will lam Harrlmati, Mr. and Mrs. 0. J. Wella, Ollver HarHaaaa, jr.. Mr. and Mrs. Clareuce Cary, .1. IJIdgeway Moore. Misa Amy Townacnd, Mr. and Mrs. Fernando Yrnaga, j. R. Morray, John P. Kiugs ford. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Taller. Mlss Tailcr, Ool mel aad Mr- Henry Hurnett, F. H. Allen, R. L. Hargnua, C. \V. WotaaotO, Robert Potter, Mi*. and Mlsa WfUlurnK, John .lacob Astor, Mr. and Mr*. E. Tlffany Dyer, ivrcivol Draytt.n, John o. Heekaber, F. D. WaPn, I' DctoaO Weekes, Oiarles M. Kobtnson. Mr. and Mrs. ..??orire (irlswold, Mr. and Mrs. T. Browne.ll liurntwtn. Mlss JUvemeyer, Mr. and Mra. Walkcr Ureo&o fcmith, Mr. aud Mrs. F. D. < arley. Mlss Curley, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. llunt, Pr. and Mrs. E. C. Rushmore, Mr. and Mr?. H?ir ca WaJaO, Mr. and Mrs. YYuiter Watrous, Mr. and Mra. Amos .T. Frenrh, Mrs. H. W. Llvlnjston. 1). M(Ruv Llviugutou. Mr. iinil Mra. Che?Jor Davis, Mlaa Endloott, Mr. aud Mra. Pierre l.oi-ilUird. )r.. J. C. Parl-h, Herb.n Klng, Ooerge i/.rillnrd Itonnlds, Mr. "?.,1 .Mrs Qrenrllle Yane, Mr, ,;,.i Mr-.. 11. c. Hrii. Mr anil Mt-s. K. R. Chase. Mr. ;md Mrs. A. E. Fostor, >ii and Mra. B'Ulku. Kent. Ml-a K. L. Jirccio, Mr. aod Mi-s. .lame- L. Breete, Colonel Jamca M. Varnnm, tho MK-ea Yurnum. P. Lurlllurd Konalds, Jr., Wendell (..?Miwt.i. Mr. ami Mrs. J. 11. Fostor, Mr. and Mrs. C. (' Pcmeroy. Mi-.s Pomcroj, and Mr. and Mrs. Jamea Ilrown l,.-ird. -_o_ COLVMBIA STUDEXT8 OX THE STAGE. REPEATIXO THE Bl'RiiESQfE " IiAFATETTE". AT THE BKRKFXEY LTCSVM. Tbe aOOtaaqna "Lofoyette," or "The Mald and tl? Marquto," writtcn by Oeorajo Aaatfa Morrlaon, Jr., and rendereil hy Ute Columbla Collego Uninmtln Club last kpilng, was j-epnaior^l hiat iiiirlit ln tho Berkelcy Lyoauni. There trere many well known jieople aniong the erowda thiit '.lled tlio Httle thcAtre nnd tho collego Bhya arMently pleaaed their Menda, for the applau?o w;m hearty and froquent. The youag oollt jlans playi'd Thelr pari* wlth more da?h and vlm than they did laat sprlug. that givlng .spiighfllnoas to the prodnctlon. Murh of the tuceoRs of the plny m due to Robert o. Sands. tho pro-ident of the rlub, and T. Poarsall Fleld. th.i manager for tk.' .'laon ?? Lafayette" will bo >;i\en oa.U nlght thls w?y>k, wUh a .-peelal matinee this atlernooo. Tho rast ls aw follows : Tho Marquia l>e Lafayette, a Dwiorrafic Ropubllcan ? rat, Robert I^>e Morrvll: Rorjuefort l)e Brle. a wltked nbbo of anclenne repime. Joaepb a. Lamb; Don Joae Alfonao intrlnldad Lo Boaaa, a uoblo man emragc'l 111 tlie llavana rifar trade. Eugeno J. o'.-iilllvaii; Captaln Paul JOBOt, 1". 8. N.. smuggler and privatoefaman, J>hn Colorldgo Tr.ivis; Dodo, the regu latlOfl vlllace iniikeepcr, John I). I)orr; Siitanne, xole surviving twln dHiightor of Dodo. George M. Auderson | i-abel. slRter of Uou Josc, owing her beauty to Oaatlle, DOt to Pear's aoap, (Jeorge B. C. Hogan; tho Parkeai if Monmontk Pavi-lt, ono 4#1 tlio coining ruce, Henry it: iindaKo Culrar. Reslaoa tkeao, there are chonisos ol Jockeya and gendormes, nuiroa a:id Morinone6R?:;, peaaaaU and Contlnoatala, the later rhoruses being compost-d of tho Columbla ColBf. Oleo Club. Morrell waa funny aa erer, whtle J. O. Lamk 1- ln the pla<e, of wainwright, w.'i,, pla>ed the part of thc utbe )H,t -.oiisoL, and ls c.\ reedlngly elever. Hogan, wim Ua- the part pktyod by I... Paifle, '-1 'i0t ao goiaj (i Kpunith girl, a* far M frtitm?- ard roncorood, aa La Faraja, but ld? dauclng l? l.-s stlir. Culrar In his toplcal wng mado a hlt. Amoog the pati-oiaei-aoa, many of wbotn wore preserit., were Mra. Jauea w. Alexander, Mrs. Haniei F. Applo ton, Mra. Rlcbard t. Auehmuty, Mrs. Fonlyea D. Uarkar, Madaaa Oa Bonioa, Mrs. (Jeorge lUU", Mr-. Calvln a. i.iiie, Mr*. Ai!(ii-.o;i Cammaok, Mr>. Henry Clawa, Mra. Edwnrd Cooper, Mr-. Prederld R. coudert, Mr?. "Van Reoaaolaar Croper, Mr-. Brocitliol-.t CotUng, Mra. Robert L. < uttlng, Mra. .lolm a. Daln. Mrs. Okarlea A. D:ii.a. Mr.. Theodoro A. llav.'intyer, Mrs. Abrtun 8. Howitt, Mia. Bobert Hoe, jr.. Mr-. ('. P. Huntltigton. Mr-. Georfe L. lngraham, Mri-. Rlchat-d Irvin, Mr>. WllUam I-elln. Mrs. John Jaf, Mra. Morrla K. Joaup, Mr-. Eugone KeUy, Jr., Mrs. Prederle Kernociian. Mra. (.,',.i.-e W. Kltfd. Mra. John Day Kpoa, Mrs. Jy?epii . 10, Mra. Robert K. Llvlngaton, M?. HlCks l ,-,1 Mi- John W. Mlnturn, Mr?. Edwuid Mitchoil. Mr>. J. Pterpont Morgan, Mra. A. Newbokl MorrltvMrs. Henry l/owia Morrla. Mr.. Ooorw Auettn MorrtMMi. _t. j,,.,,. y par&oua, Mra. K.lwurd ciarkbon Pottar, ,,',' ;.. Seligman, Mrs. iknry Bloanp, Mrs. wiii iam'Doualaa bhano, Mra. llaiinlH-n Mog. TwomWy. Mr*. CorneUua Vai.derbilt, Mra. J. llicvard Waluwrtght, Mrs Juni4j* M. Waterbury, Mrs. John C. Weatorvelt, Slrs! tieorge Peabody Wetmore. Mra. Alfned U. wkltr iii-v. and Mra. M. Orroo Wllson. S'lTES UF TUE STXOE. \ ohO-Wi Plce rallOd " A Bew YeaTl OaTJ" has been Kive,, at th.- Madlaon B4|oara Theatre this week before \ I'alr of sii-itvle-." lt lakea the pla^-e of "After i-i'i ?i -|.t- " wh'.cli cimnol be glvcn on aeeonnl of tbe . of Mr*. Bootk, *ho I- ln HOatOB. Thc sal? of kcats for Rlrhard MnttsM'i rmgagem-1 l at the oarden Tkeatre ln " Beon l.nui.meU" booan y Mr. ManaaeM wiU play "Prtaee Karl" at -I.-. ial Wedneaday matlneea. \'i arrangotoenl haa been made bj which tke attrac tiim- ri.titrolled br Hoyt .\ Tbomaa will appear hare Uter at .1 M thoatrt when they are ln Rew-York. 1 Charlea Davta, of borae <t Daala, hat beon eoeaged U> manage ?? Nc:o." v.hi'ii B aboot boglnnlni a tour under W. A. Braay. Tho engagement of Mlaa Roalna Vokea at tke Madlaon sfluare Theatre arlll beglB next Tneaooy, Ineteod m n!u Muaoay. aa ha boei; a?i,.rt. 6ha olll play "Tbe aUver bhleld" by Wdney Grondy. rxciBKSi* rv so( iety. ur and Mrs. Jamea M. Waterbury aro ontertalnlng . large h.,'.i-" partj at tkolr eonntry plaoa, "Ptoaa .a Baycheater. The rldjng-acliool, mada famoun %inateur ( Ircua, hat baon torned into a roller , ,,.',,-- rfnk. aud n toboggan klkta haa been erected rroiu ihe grouiMla of Mr. aaierkury-a piaeo to ivihh/'. ?,?, The houae party vii. remaln o\or <*noay, and .'' ,??. wocka to come Mr. aud Mra. Watertmrj' arlll n,Ar.1wJr 1h"e opa^at tlieU luSnol No. V. u, I Tlilrty-elgkthat._m_ a ffffrsrao-gr midost. nbortnilo, N. J.. Deo 81 fo^all.-l^btrl vl'v haa . midgel aa aaaall aa Laeretla logara. who <1;if,.wn, nf.-?,... a-id wN. was chll, ted ?s the ,,-,,., woman on eortk. rhe LamberttrUlo mWgol , Murv Kelly. danghtor of Patrlrk Keily. She - , .,,..,.? reon old, but in -taruro mcaaures karaly M;,Mv!f(.ur jiiche-. Bke raonot tott. Kl.\r, KALAKAVA 80M 001X0 nOMH H.n rranrlaeo Dor. 31.-TB. vtatt to this ooaatry of Kln Ki. . a..f the HowaBaB Irtaai., will t.-nn...ut. ^ar^n ?. expet.!. Tl, bh hea?J Jj boen maeh lmP?ved alnro bla "rrtvanjow on tho n,,,,l.'s,o,,.at.ditisbi-in?c-,t.o,..ore.lrn.^^^^^^ i.,i? ,.n the sanio woiahlp tl." Hr-t v.eoit ln Jaauary. de 1 from taat rlty on tbe charicB* gara rtae V^ZZk-.?-^^?^Jtlll.S 04^.^...??.?....?;?-:;-j^j!:\t^z:, (he Kiinfa ain-ptalHC (>t tnc rxmrtcwj tiu auttTi o publkatlons in %;t?r ****S**^?i'?.rr i'^'s^i^i'oetVisattributedtoad^ t'.'.K.' o? th,- P*r, of thc I^^S^JT'f r HonolOlu. Thero ha* bton <o..-i(len.ble rlvalry for ,ne me botweoi, American nnd BrBUk reattaflBof tonoluli as to whirh kkOOM control the Island (.ov.-r...noi.t. lt l? BM. Jtno?^11 (Jif> uttc|. on g^ p,,s.,si thrimrii t ? oiy. ?v?[ ? >^ ijecllnro tbe 8EXAT0R BJBAMt A UTTl.E BMTfE*. Waahliiaton. Dac. 31.-rienator,Hoarat paaaed a eom JSkr.!?at. aod Ui eondlUoa tt ao^wlaat Im Brovoa to-day. BATEMAN & CO. SUSPEND. STOCK*? SOLD FOK TUBM UNDER THE BULLS. MR. COON TH1NKS TIIB X.IATULITIE8 WILL AVOUXT Tt) 6750,000 AND THE ABKKTU 61,600,000. The BiiaponBlon ?.f Bateman ?t Co., at No. 57 Broadway, waa rormally announoed yet-tcnlay at the Stoek KxchnniP. It was gefiernlly looked upon aa unimpurtnnt, bccanae the llrni had l>een curtailing operatlons for n.ontha. Tt.ere were t,839 shares of slovk IkjukIiI nmler the rules and 100 aharcs were goM. The oomplete 11U wlll be found below. The piirohnM-s indieate that tho defunlt on the purt of custonjera, to which i? aaerlhed tbe failur<\ arose out of 6per*iions on Uie "ahnrt" aide of the stock market. Mr. Itatoman had not returncd frora Waahlngton yesterday. He wont to that city to transfir hia prnporty there to tlie aaalKnee, John A. Oarver, of Shourniau Ac Stillman, at No. 18 Williaru-sfc. Mr. (Jarver wua out of town. but he is expected to return to-morrow. Tho olosost eatlmatc of the eondition of the tirm waa dcrlved from Charlea E. Ooeta, thc solc rcn-alninirmcrulwr besides Mr. Hntoman sinoo the Wlthdrawal of Walter Wutfciin, jr., on December 23. Mr. Coon snid that a rouifh estimate of the liabllities would put the flgnrea at $7."i0,000, and tho aissot*, v?*re fully worth $1,.'i00, 000, althouph they OorMtaaad lararely of secuAties which were unmurke'-vhlc at present. There waa bttle douht, however, that in tirac the crcditore would be paul in f.ill. Tbe friends of the tlrm nscribc thc necd of the nssignment to tho inability to eollect in dehtedncss duc from custotnors, niost of whom arr out-of-town men. It is said somc ot this indebtedneas arose out of coruplications jtrowlng from the baadling of tho flnancea ot the Atlantio and Dnnvillc Kallroad hy liatcnirtn ?fc Co., but Lt is adniitU'd that the relations of the liousc with that rood oould not be held directly responsihlc for tha assi^nnicnt. When Mr. Bateman went to Eutop%eiffht uiontbs nijo he ucknowlcdgcd to thc English syndloate which was intorestcd in the enrerprise that he et.uhl not carry it along further. In conscquenoe, K. M. 8, Wor.ley, of N'ewtffiss ?fc Co., London, and a relative of J. E. D. Ryder, a Londoa capltallat largely intereated in the road, came to Aincriia and took tho affnirs of the ruilroad in charge. The Anierican directofa were willing to resl^a, and on Dc.einber 11, at tbe aanual meeting of the stoekholders of the Atlantio ond Danvillc, thc fullowing bonrd of direotara waa chosen: J. E. I>. Byder, It. M. S. W.ortlcy, laaae, L. Kiec, P."J. Qoodhara* llmrles II. Cromwell. B. C. Btanhall and .1. II, Libbey. The new memhors were Meaars. Wortlcy, (Jood hart, Cromwell and Marshall. Mr. Wortley was elerted president and tfeeaorea and J, Boaeobautti aerretary. .Mr. Hatenian retired from the treas urerahip of the cumpany aeveraJj montha ago, and Mr. Coon, who took thc oftice, held it for only a short tinio. Tbe aatlirnrntnt of Bateman 6c ( \ gives pref encea OI 845,1100 to tlie Fuurth N'ationai Bnnk for jpana and aaavaneea. and of 935,000 io Baldwin, Farnum JL- Co., of Coicago, oorreapondenta of the Mew-York llrin, for money advanced os maririns. Mr. Bateman liled an additiona] aaaignment. Preaident bimmona, <>f the Fuurth Nattonal Bank, said yeaterday that thc bank waa fully aeeured on it,. loans. The purehasos for tho firm at tho Sto, k F.\ ohun^o under the rulea were aa followa: Two handred shares ,.f Canadn Southern, 244 Dela waro and lludson, 000 Krie eomnnu,. 20(1 Lake Shore. 200 Sliaaonn Paclfle, ioo Can llan Paelflo, lini Nurthern Paeiflc nrcferred, .'I'"1 M. P?ul and Omaha e-mnnon, 200 1 nion l'ociiie. 1.375 Wcstrrn I'nion, 10 Ri.'hniiind TenninaJ. 100 Naiionul. I^ead Trnst and 100 Waboah preforred: or n, total of .Vi',".i aharea, One lmndred shares of Wabaah eommoii were boiigbt io. THE FliOlN Iir.-INK.SS IN WASMINI.TON. WMbJagton, D*-.-. 31.?Tba faibira ef Bateanan .. Co. rreated no anrprlse '" BBaBdal clrcloa ln ii.Ib city. ii had been rnmored that Mr. Bateman waa ctn hurra?s("d by hia largo Iranaactlona In tho Atlantio and Danville stocka sin.1 bonats, aod i.i- aaalgaaaaal ara? 8j.poulail m Botna qoartara, Tiio oftice at No. i,4ii f st. was cloaeg to-iiav. Mr. Bal66B8B, who nme ovt-r from New-Vi.rlt lu-t night, spent sotaa t'.me to-dav at the oltiro, bfit he refaaod to aee any ono except those aith whom )?? had apertal h,lsln^?^s. Up t<> within two or Uirea aaontha the grn la taid ??< have dono a (alr brokerage bualneaa, but rcei.tly thry iiave practteauy dii.e ti?thliiK. Mr. Kateinurt porsonally lias not Kivan ii.urh utU'iitlon to the baauaaa lirro slnce he oponod an i.Iilio in Nev.-Y.irli fiva or alx ycur? at-o. Wh.ii Mr. Bataman started in baainesa h? had an ulllre ln thc Corcoran BolKUng and hia was one of Uie leadlng lirms i,i 'ho , ifv. Mr. Ii: k-inan hai haen an extenalvo donlrr in ro.,1 aatate bere. eapecaaOr In tho aaborba. Kovtwal jfeara ago be became iiiter.jstod ln property along tbe Tonlej ? towa Boad and bnilt tbe woodley Inn. Hc waa al*U) a parl owner of iho aubdlvlalon "( Falrvlew, .md iu a.l h>- uwned ilireo Intrreata ln the property uIdi.k .Masva, hus.'il- ava. cxt'-ndcU, controIlM i.y a -v n dlcate. Ha bai from tlmu io tiino partad altli Inler ,.^t. ,n tli.? varlons h.,;,;',:.r--, bul he still rctains a conaMerable parl of hi- property here. SCIIF.DILKS OP UANKHriT FTBJC& Tho KhedaJea of ArUtar d Retrlram, storkhruk pi-s al N"- W WaB*et., ahow total llabllltiea .,f ^ji7,j:,o. of whieb ?108,104 i- dlrart and 0130,050 contingant; nomlnal aaaeta, 1083,607; actaal aaaeta, c:;,ii7, conslating of eqnlty In Btoca Rxraange --.-.t of 02,823; caah, 0536, ?"<- oftlee flxtnrea, iMoo. Tho ,i.T,,ii?(a dii" tba Ilmi aiii.'iuit t. N0^S4, Whkh tn put dowu al no artoal vahio: llte 64 ?k Rxehanga -,-Ht. la viiiii^d al .tij.'"H,, agalnat whlch thi-ro aro ri.iiiii- ol ilo,lT8; tbe i**t &f th.- Domlnal aaaeta are in worlhleaa stocka aod bonda, ol the f?-o ralao of 6S18.876. The sehednlea of Venable a iioymnn, whole*ala Uqaor deoJera at Ko. B3I itoadeat, saow liabUltlet nf ?*-',:!,c- of whlch 0112,123 la ronflkgenf; nomlnal .,?*ets #."i7-3,0l3; a.'ti.di aaaaOt, BJW.iWO, Aninng tho rredlton are tho Waatem Natlonal H:wih.; (-,.,, .1 NaUonal Bank. 038,500: nmk ,f AmeHca, .? i ? i ?, ? imn.irtcra and TniderB' NaUonal Bank. %?',-'-'oo ?' cf.aae Natlonal Banh. ai4^.0o; Nettonal Broitdwav Itaiik, 1*40,400, and Khca ?nd Leather Bank, 031.500 ? Some ol tbcm are Becarea, *-? ??? JOLLT BUSTKB8 01TB A UAIL. TIU. RICBMOXO COOSTT turxTRV ci.rn MAKXB MBBJIY. a brlinanl baJI w;.a rfven last evening at tho Paril* lon llotel, N,H'l:ilKhi,,,i. Miit-'ii Islaad, by thc Bleh n ond Connly coantri L'lab. Tha laiKe room -ot aparl f, ,- the danrlng was beaatlfnUy deroratcd with the eolora of tbe elnb?red, whlte nnd green. Tho prin f)Dal .. ...., ;, horse-aboe, made whoBj ?.f irhite Immortellca and nearly twenty leel In helsht. There waa abo a ilfe-dto llgure of a horae a, i for tho , hase ;'','' with a rWer Ir lh- saddle, Foa and oeer heada alllaed to the paoeli tctween Iba artadowa furthor Bugaaated tho Irani. tbe ercheatra, ???< t',,r,..,i bch ud a storplecba a baage. Ptayed adaptattona ?[ ,.i.i Kiiu'i.-.!. bnnUna aoaga. Xhe dauclng ball waa crowded and the coritdora had Htany aptclalora. wnao, ;.' 10 o'clocl, tbe ball arae opened by a gnadrUk In win.-u u.c woman who had rureivad, ttra. Ogorge Booner, Mrs. KdaaM Bonner, Mn> L. l*. waltier, Min. AJeaandar i>. Bhaw, Mis, w. B, Tbomaa, Mrs, Oeorge ?? OreenfleM, Kra. Chartaa B Prvcmun Bnd Mrs. Adolpfa OuBortirldaa, had tor ti.e.. ,,;,,.n tome ,'f tbe marabera of tbe rlab. Th* ianr Ing eontlnved far lato nornlng. Beveral of Haa aaan wore pink roala, Tbe hui.t rluba arlthln aaay aceeaa of Sfew-Tora were rall repreawlad, Mr-. Joaeph J. Alazaodcv eaaae with Mr. aod Mr-. Karley ('lurii. Mr. BeM and ttrs. Alh.r: u? Mtaatagna, Uooard Ju >b, Jr., aod a'alter Wateon, Mr. and afra. John A. Siewart, Jr.. and Mr. and Mr F. M. Wiavlcr. Of tho B686I fOlinty (Inl.; T. A. ilavc meyer, M. F. H., of tbe Wl-k I:,-i.t Ctab, and T. A. llltchoork, M. F. II.. of tbe Meattow Hiss.ii Haat, aare ai,,, i,,-,--?'"it. Among othera who ellher da red Uaiked on wera Mr. and Mr*. SU-phen Brpwn. Mr. .. ,.! \T,, j?mea Brown, Mr. and Mra, F. o. boyd. Mi rtl.,-1 11".0. Mr. and Mra. F. K. Mariln. Mr. Md Mra. limea McNatneo. ilenrge 'roniwrii, Dr. Braderlrk ', i.,.' lacob Cram, MU? Mattl* Wimnn. Mr. und M^-. I llarrK-r h-nitndl. Mr. and Mr-. A. B. 1'/lu-dr/iun. Mr. and Mrs. Robert fcnmei Robln?on, Mr. and Mra. w il. v ii.-v Fnt--.-' Outorfiridge, Clavrenoe MTUUaao. John i,H?,t 'the Miaaea Foord. Franh,. II. M. Dnn, 'n,c Whvu.. Mlaa Jaua t^f4taaM. Mr. and Mr,. I. Kliil Krastus Wli.ian. Mr. and Mrs. < Byler \ af V -rl.tiri Ii.Ihi H. I'"'' ""<! XtaB PooL Mr. and Mr-. r n Vhittomore, Vr. and Mrs. hton. BeVnald Walkor lyman Krlexe. Mlsa Ecckxtoa aud W. 1 Bayaor. _^__ UIE WILL rOXTEETED BT BE* XEPBETTS. Boston, r>oe* 31.?In thc Kupremo < onrt this morn? ing waa brgun a licarlng o( the contestcd wlll caac ol MllT Hlrhnrds bnmtier, af llyde I'ark, who left an ea tatf of ab-{iit #r,(i,<vKI. Th^ wlll la rontc-tcd by B6V?ral nephew, -vho rontend that thi testntrlx vraa undulj bflaeneed by (aplrltaaBatla modluins. and (urtber. thj?t ln 1H40 th* aafafe a contrart aproelng to dl*? ^e of bor propeity ln a cartiUii way. tba effart of hteh waa to denrlvo her oi tcataaieutarj ca?aclt? po?e WUlcJ OENERAL F. E. SPINNER DEAD l HE PASSE3 AWAY WITH TTJE CLOSE (?' THE , YEAJ*. THE CAREBB OP TBB " WATCH-D06 OP TBE TREASL'RY"-SL*FFEKIXO PATIENTLY FOR YE\RS WITH OANCER OF THF. FACE. JoekaonvlIIe. Fla., Dec. 31 (bperlall.-Ocneral F. B. Pplnncr dled at 8:30 o'rlock tonlght Oeneral Frnnels Kllaa Splnner waa bom at Gcrraan Flhta (now Mohawk). N. Y.. on Jannary 21. tBAS. I Hia fothcr, John IVter Splnner ;born In Werbach. Bnden. Jannary 1?, 1708: dled nt Oermsn Klats. May n7, 1848), offlrlated for twelve ycora aa a Roman t'athollc prlest. Then he cmbraced Protestnitl-m, married, emlgratcd to the rnltcd stntea ln l?ol. and aerred aa paator of Reformed chucchea at Hcrklnier and flerman Flata untll hl* doath, prearhmg llrat ln Gcrmun nnd aft->rward altert.ately in Oermri and BB# lKh.^i Splnner was rnrefullT edncnted by hlt fnther, who llad no de?Iro that hia aon shoulcT becwr.o a rlergyman. Ho wnnted hls son to learn a tradc, and young splnner was nt flrst apprentlced to a. con fecUonertat Alhatiy, und later to .-v harncssinitkcr at Am'terduni. It was whllo ho llvcd at Albany tliat Gtjiacral Splnn?r conei^lved thnb lovo of booka nnd atudy that dUtlnpiishod him ln later ycars. At Amsterdam he read evory book ln tbe vUlage llbrary. Hia predllection waa toward tho naturnl aclenee*. a fleld he never coa?cd to eiploro. When twenty-two years oH he bO camo a mercliant of llerklmer. ln lolM he wa-s ap? pointed dvputy shcrlff of Herkimer County. He held thls plaee for slx years, and ln 18.14 he was clertid Sh"rlff, holdlng the offleo for tlun : ycars. Hc (ooh an aetlro part In th? mllltia orgunlzatlon nnd wos proml ncnt In establlshlng tlie S2Hth' New-York Realment, of which he waa chosen a llmitcnant ahortly after hcttllng at Herkimer. In 18.14 l?o became majorger.eml <>f tho Thlrd DlvUion of Artlllery. In lflrir! C.overnor Marcy appointed Oeneral Hpinncr at ono of the commis-iloners (br biiildlng the Ststo Lunatlc Asylum ?t DBea, a pnst to whlrh he brought hls chanicteristic onergy. In lr-39 ho acccptod tho cRshtersrrtp of tho Mohawk Vnlley Bank, and for twenty yeara ho terved tho bank. elthor aa cashler or presldent. In 1845 Genernl Splnner was appointed Audltor ar.d Ivputy Naval Ofllrer of tho Port of New-York. lvoldiug tkla offleo untll 1H49. Oeneral Bplnner was electcd to Conproas in 1854 as an nntl-sluvery Democral, and ho served unon aOV crul laaaortoat committeea, lncliuliiig tlw Commltteo on 1'iivilcgea nnd Elcctlons, and on tlio spedal corn mltteo (ippoinfcd to lnve^tignte tho aaaaalt upon Beti? ator aaaanar by Proston nroohs. Ooneral Bolnner helped to organlze tbe Republican party, and lu 1684 and 1?M ho was re-elocted to Congresa aa a Repub Ueoa, servlng frooa Doeoaabor S, 18*6, tlil Morek "i. ISoli During his last term ho was chalrman of Uiu Commltteo on Aceonnli. When thc I.lnooln Adminlstratlon wiw orgnnixod. tkfl PreaMent, oa tka rooooiBOBiitlataoa of Baorotary Chaao, appointed Qooeral Bptnaer as Troaanrer. Ue heW tkla oflko undor several Piealdenta from Marrh 16, 1861, iiniil .luuo ao, io75, wkeo bo roBgnoa. I'or more rban fourtoeii reaii be guvn to thc Batloo tho fmlta of hia rlpe ??xperiencc and stcadfast ffevotlon to duty wkloh baa m;de hls namo n synonyme of ataroty, lionct and un-elfUh purpose. HU unl'ine algnnMro, which up pearad upon tho paper eerreney Of tho country during thls pe.-loU. \va- porkapa moro wldcly kaown than that of any other m ui of his tini's. Wlun many of tlM (.overiitneiit drrlia Jol.ued tlio army. Oeooral gptuner tuggeatM to BOeretary ciiaso tno advisai.inty of cm ploylng women ln tho Qorornroent otkeea, and ho earrloi hato aflaot tkla InncaraBon, tbougfl not arttkool iiiuih opiiosltion. When ho rwlgned bla ofkca Iba iiioncv in tlie Troasury waa rotmted, aad arhen tlio i..,ult a v?ry snmll dlacrepancy aeveral day-, arare -nent in re.ountlng tbe money und examinluK tbe hooka. untll Bnally the mlatake was dtaeorared. on rrtii'ltig fnmi ofllce Gcneral Splnner wcnt South for tho bi'iictlt of hia hwilUi and hi- IaR>r year- wera lai.-a.ed ln raoip at Pablo llonrh, tu*ur ,Ia(kaonville, riu For yeora ho cuifeced wlth eanoor of th^ faeo, waltlni pa'tlentlv for tlio oud. A ti-alt which dis llliuiil?hed Oeneral Splnner was an uiiawervlng tidcllty to hl* frlnnds. No ta?k was too ai^h'/ns, do p"t aonal InconvenkMKO t'?i great. trbon a friend wtvs to be lielpcd. Kor veiirs lt was ln- habit t<> ki-ep a lUilv risont of evorythlng of peraonal Intereat, and ho leavea belilnd him a rolleetlon of notebooks that w.uid prove of prcat valm; to tlie atudent of hi-torv. In toannor (icneral Hplnner waa bnisi|iie, but his ereit l,,,nr.t lieart would sia>ncr ccast' beating than do a wroiig. Qulrk ?nd flrm ln his decls|on?. he cheorfully conre<ied a point lf he saw u roaaon for lt. lt wm hia llfe rule to tnawW even- lotter wntten to nlm. whether important or otherwlae. When Treaaurer ln nevor loft his p>*t execpt for a few houis. and for a lOSg time be pas,ed his nl.lits iu tbe Ti'-aviiry. OOLOKKi WfLLIAM H. PAINK. f'leveland, Dec. .Tl.?Tlw welI-kno\ni nichaniral and ronatmettag cnglncur, Coioni'i w. il. Palno, of New York City, who liuil J.i-t lomplftcd a c.-ible rflOd heie, dled this momtng from tho eirects of n cold which s?-(. tled on his inngs. lle had bon Brk only two laya, Ho louvea a wlfo nnd daughter, who wero Wlth him at ?',.c timo of hls ilcatli. _ Colonel Wllliam II. Pulno was born at CbeatOr, Xew Ifaanpehlre, oa May it. is-j,-. After oompletlog bla trodemleal educatloo, he boeame a land torreyor in Noitborn B'kaconsto, a then almo-t BOlnbabBed regtwi. ln i-.".-j ho was ooonoetod wlth tho new raetboda ol mlniiig ciiginecriug l.y which tliu gold yield of tho Paclflc Coaat and Bocky ModBtaln reglon waa groatly liKfoaaofJ Ia ?>-'>'i ho mado u aurvey acroaa the Ncvada Monntalnt from Hacramento to I'tah, to loaru tbe leiitrtli of what i- known aa the Johnatoa ronte. By the. tlmo tho war betfan ho had retiirned to Wi ,,,;-i!.. and he took an ?ettve i>;u-t In rabUag aeveral rogtmeDta, amoag which waa thc 4th Ulscoualn, which i,0 iicioiiiiuiii.d io B'oahlngtoa Just befora tho botUe ol Kull Bon. Althongk aereral Important commatida weru oflored to him. he Invartably doeUned them, on the graond tkal arklle in actlve miUtary aervli hoDort und oompenaatloo wonld b<: ajreoter Ihao In tha engineering deimrtaaont, hi- tralnlng would enabla him ;. giva tbe more vabwbhi aervioe In tke latter bi-ama nf the Army. He did iiiinli iu tlie way of gatboriDg Informatlon j iiiiiing the wiir wkleh Proakteot Llneoln t*M?ly ueedad, one great aeluawomont beug tlte aoenrlng tho leuigtk to aa Ineh of all the bmii:"- between Waak ington smd Richinond. TUeaa brtdgot bod boou ved. und lt"V'?w absolutcly noeoaaary tkal thej be i" torod botora auooaamata of Importance rould b> begun. Mr. Palna wa. apptdnted ? ruptaln <if en glnecra on thu ttaB of Ooneral BeUoweli. Prom tha! Ume tili tlw rloae ol tba War be kerved oitk gn?l iinfiilnoaa and honor in tke Army of Ihe Potoamc, and in- rocort v.oiriii make ao Intaoaatlug vobimo. Ild iM.iunint inoa arlth ebembtry, g^ology. botony and aindrod -ui.J.'tt,, u- well a. mathematlca a i viui btarattuo, araa arkta and Iboruugk; bm hi- prtn rtpal atrongtb darlOg th<- war kaj In lopogruphlcal -uivi>- and Btapaing, aom. of tho bc?t maoa In iiio arrhlvu of tbe B*ar Dapaurtmenl bdng aoalgnad bj iilna. a great ekmwal in lus mllttary aaeeaaa ?a? bli , mfideuto in uini ii-o of tk. rolored people. Colonel i,i:i,o enjoyed luttmote relaikma ariib Ueneral Urant, .ral liamphreya, und fcUIha U. VVoahburne. After i,,. war he furnlahei many of tbe ampi and much ol ;n,' Uiforautti<m ka tiio kaoat tarombxat liUtorioi oi ,, jjioo lhat arore pabBabed, iiu wn- amptoyatl oa tka Itaoaiilya Brldga from Ita btgiotilnc ani : a amt tin-'e yeara ago, ami did notable a?rk in ln- rapaclty of caglueei In tha curly plannlng ,,. tue'.:,i". ii" piJ med i i lateiu ul n p< t.u Uiik lurnea n t i ara a. ru t i hriuge, und illd ,.,?,!, ,, , .',? valuabkj work In arrauglug d.voi. ... thu gri i', undertaklng. , ii,' made lh? i'l*'^ for tho reuth-avc cable road ln ? ln, diy in ,i later bulll tlw One hutulrcd md-l lidli ,? cablo linc. Mine li- lefl ni' urldga ?orvlrc im luu l.. ? ii ugaged aa roi nultlng cm Inen o.. c ible i i : v,'.', niiiai.a and Kiin.-i- He wv-s prvbablj iba be*? cable rellnatd angluoar ol lu- Uiao. Am ug bla (iiv:.'. li" enjoyed i.n: roputalBMi of a geiual i i,ri-tiao gentleman. He araa alaaya artlvo in ctiuuli aihi - iv -. iiooi work, an i even arhen aetlvaly an raared a' i.'i'- arduooa and roaponslble dutle* upon the ".',?."ii, tii.t, of the BrWgr he IM not fail.oo ouudaj , , ,, bla duty as laperintendenl of a boya' Bunduy arhiMil i tb" Rrf4wmad Churoh ai Orocnp lut. ll" ?;?? ihe tonl of honor. During ta* careor oi ajmoat ilxtoen ','.,, ?? | e Bridgi n.> of kla aaaockilea evor know ol hls dolng in ungenerona or an anklnd d?e?i. and ti ? a ,, . itBinal to all of IbeM iy bla ilmptft, g^iiije, atnl m.inly hdblts. QEXBKAL BAAC V. D REBVE. Wfcjalllia ni.lflll Is?*e Van Duser Reevo waa ?trtekon ottk apoplazy at aooa yoateraaf at u?3 hou.o ol bb aon ln kva*, William T. aekkuj, Bo. -jh Ea*t stxtj -"veiitJi -t.f ?wid iti-'i two koora later, ln hia ?i v.':,i\ -ci^hth year. He luul booa aa well as ever. a;> pannllj all tbe mornlng. BOOOral roan ? he had aa ,;, piecllc -troko. Whlek Icft a litlle ktaW. (iencnil Rcve was born near I'tira on July 20. 1818. Ho was appointed a oadet at Weat Point on July t, 1831, and waa graduated four years later as a second lamtenant. Ho was aanslgned to duly al as an olhrer of U'.e 4th Infantry. Ho p-taaed rapidly thrtmgh the Intermodiate ranka, breornliig a rapUlr. ln IBOB. He served wlth dlstlnelion in tho raaupaigti againat Uie Semlnoles ln Florlda. ln IBBfl aiul 18T7, and agaln In 1840. 1841 and 1840. Ho took part ln ihe mllltary occupa Oon of Toaaa In 1843 and aerved credlUbly in tho Mesican Wur. He wiia hrcvettod a niaJoY for a a-nilant and merttorloua r4)iiduci" ln tho buttlea of Cnntreraa and Churubuaco. For tho aame rcaaoue be araa matto lleutenaoUoloool after iha baUkt of MoUno I del Hey, hcptember 8, 1847. The lnterral between the asaaa of the Mexlean War and tha outbraafc of the Chril War the Oeneral paJiaed ln varlooe poett ln Texas, Kew-Mi-xlen and Arlxona. He took an aetive part In a number ot expedltious agalnat the ImUans ln the We*,t. Hla record durtng tbe Rebelllon was repleto with In cldents of bravery. At Its cloae he wa# breretted a btlgafller-general "(or (althtol and merttorlous ser rfaav" Il We*, ih'W. IgafF and 180* he was ln rom niand o( tho dl-trict o( I'pper MIsaourt. From 1805 untll lOTli when he was retired. he waa superlotend* cnt ef tho rconiltlng aervlco ln thia city. For the bwt ten yeara he haa mode hla home ln Mlnnoapolls. whero ho paaaed the aumtner montha. ilo -pctit the winter with hia daughter, Mra. Sohley. Ho lc(t one son and one daughter. 111* son ls Charlea McCormirk Keevo. who llves In Mtnneapolis, and la a member of tbe I/i-KlslaMire <>f Mlnne-*ota. . (lem-ral HooVB" wa* a me-mber of tho Cnlon Club BM the L?val Leglon. He was a dearon of tho Plyroouth Congrvgatl-'iial I'hurch ln MinneapnIU, and was uf.l vcrtally respooted and boloved ln that communlty. DB. GIDEHN B. PERRY. Dr. CMdeon It- Perry rtled on Tueaday at No. 027 Bed forO-avo . BTOOktyn. Ho wss born in Hopklnton. B. I., and wm grnduatod from the Unlveralty of the City of New York ln 18*1. He pracUsed Ms irrofesaion ln nrooklyn for nearly forty year*. One son survlves him. ?wit.mam r. aowrraxia, Wllliam F. Bonneli tfiod auddanly yi-etortUy at hla home. No. 31 Oardcn PlacA Bronklyn. Ho waa born on Novm bor 1!), 1800, at Digby, N. S. Hla Rraiidfather waa a Kovailat, and sfter tho Rcvolutlon removed (mra New Yora City to Nnva ficotla. BoUi tho fatlior and tho arsnd faUu r ..f Mr. BaaaoU wnro men-lianta ln Hallfax. Itt him solf boiran a buslnrna carcer ln St. John. V. B. Ho waa for tfetrty yt-ai? ? ie leadlng m?:rchant and tho postra?*tor in Oagctoa .1, N. I. ln 1463 iie ea< ? '-o New-Tork and for aoveral yoara WM conndom'.i ...?-. f - tho Doli-on Whlte Load Company, which traa d asoh <i about tlfteen yoar? a?o by roaj?on ot tho deathfl of Un- iH-ada of '.ho oorporatlon. Mr. Bonncll ln IlrouUyn for twenty-flve 1*888, and for tho part iift,.on yaaua haa aot boon la aetlva baataase. Me aoomod to bo w.-Il veati-rday morning ainl went down to brcakfaat and balked about a trlp to Nova fkotla. But he waa aud donly prostratod with an BttaeK of hoart fallur* and death. oceurrcd beforo tho arrlvnl of a hastlly aummoned phyaidan. Mr. Bonneli loft a BJtte, throc aona and three daughtera. Tho fiinoml wlll bo h-ld Ohla evening. The burlal wlll ba iu Otooawood. L. K. I.ODClE. Phlladolphia, Dee. 81.?After a ahnrt, lllnoaa, L. K. Lodao. aii|?rintondont of tho Altoona Dlvialon of tha l'onn sylvonla Rallroad, di-d thia morning of typhoid pneuinoula, at his hemo iu altoona. ?-? ' - ITS SEW HOME PUBLICLY OPEXBD. TUt: MAXHATTAN ATHLETIC CLUB GlVBXi A Rl-> CF.PTICN. Tho pubUc openlng of Uie now club-liouse of the Mar.liattan Atlilctlc Club waa enderf la*t night by a roceptlon. Thcro waa danrlng ln tho theatro and irvinn- ii.m. Tho new rhil.-lvnuse W8B socn to the bct ".vamtage. being llgblcd brllllantly by electrle llglil- The cbib-bmwo wo* rrnwded from ft o'clock ln the evening untll after mM night. The buUdlng was Uwoogad from I ie bascment to Uie aaaltag nnk on Uio ioof. Amoag othera the foltowtng wero prosent: Mr. ana Mrs Qeorge W. Oarr, Mr. and Mm. Wllliam J. Swan, 0 C Hnghea, Mr. and Mrs. Wolton Stoim. Mr. nnd Mrs s .1. CorneU, Mra. anattard P. Ware, B. bloeoker [UttabODO, tho Hlaaea Stuart, Mr. aud Mrs. Warron gage C M. Brlttoo and daugliUTU. Mr. and Mra. C. A. Oirl B.B, .1 H. Fliuclor, Mrs. Cliarlea B. Scrruyler, Mrs. TborloW W.-cd Banea, Ml? Banves. Mr. anrt Mra, K. Barry Wall, Mlaa sclmyler, Mlaa Helen Klng, Mrs! Cbarlee ilpragao, Mlaa Ptera Sprague, Mrs. ?. M. Hlldreth Mlaa isuvdam, Mba Emrna Varlan. Mlaa Lizzlc Pryor, Mra. 8. C. T. Hodd. Mrs. F. Hamllton Welr Mr. sng Mrs. C. B. Yardley, Farnliam Yardlcy, Ml-s Yaraloy, Mlaa For!??cue, Mra. J. B. Lawrence, Jr., Mlaa Ul *<e i>. Wothcrbeo, Mrs. F. W. Llvermore, MrV \v. u. Oraoa, Mra. Archihaal Kutiwrfurd, Mrs. .1. \V. Blaavett, Mrs. LucUn H. Omm, Mrs. M. L. Wadlelgh, Mrs. J. A. Suydam, Mr*. Fredcrlck C. Wagner, Mrs. BtUta Ruot, Mlaa A. P. Avery, Mrs. F. P. Voorliera, Mrs. F. P. Barie, -Mrs. 11. g. Liwrence, Mrs. (i. Buck Ingbaaa Hmltli, Mra. Jolm Jay Knox, Mrs. J. 1). Tra.-.k, Mrs. G. . Lord, Mrs. H. Mrevowrt Kano, Mrs. Hobort Ufwsovel', .; l. <;. C. Walton, MM. Jamea B. Ware, Mlaa Tlm-jn, Mrs. II. A. Glldersleeve, Mlaa Olldoraleava, Mlaa L Idlaw, Mra. M. E. I'endJeAou, \V. II. .McBlroy. Howard A. McLeau, Mlaa Sophle llunter, H. Arthur Sant ,rd and Mlaa CflUrB Blnm. Tho Boeeptlon Ooaualttea waa nuwie ap a= toUowai Oeorge W*. Carr, Ucurgo J. Gould, 8. J. CorneU, Hector De Caatro, Fiunk W. Blng, John W. Mackey, Jr., A. H. Cnrtta, P. Lu<|.ieer, R. N. Tliompson. Henry lilootu lioid J. II. K. llarkett, U. U. Freedtiuui, Dr. W. Seward Webb. B. N. Hazanl. Willlam Allou Butler, lr., K. Wliuan. W. .1. awaa. P. A- w-re. "? Bfe?k? ItalhlNHio, a M. HritU.n. C. A. Oer acll.Ii.. .?????? veme, C. Vwiderbllt Croas, \audorbUt Allen, J. H. V. Arnold. Uoorge W. BaJloii. W. C. Okllioun. _M.,%. Cooper David Bowa, Jr., larmll Uunliain, I. a. Jali ,i,,M 11 a iildcrsleove. 1. C. Hf,*brmick. .I*ooD llilva Thom*-. i,. James; T. K. Koator. bhoppard Knapp, K;nr.:V. UoSS ... Maltory. ttfi*W> 1 11 sinuil, walter stanUm. T.ewis Moaa, iJr. J. \\. Tarlor L A Btuart, A Preaatoger, c. 11. cromwell, e. d. sinith and B. B. Monoypeuny. THE DVCHBS8 OF MAHLIWUOUGH TO PAY. BHI MCST OIVB BP *:,0,000 A VF.4R 10 SATISFY J11XGMBXT8 AtiAINST UEB. According lo a gerlaton of the suprome Court, yes terday, Mrs. Lily w. ('inirrhiil, the DBadaaaa of Mari* borough, wlU not be able to dispoie of her Incomo 1- ?he may wlah for aoaae tlme. The snm o( i- to be deducted annnally froaa tbe IneoBM and to bo appUod tu tho paymaot of the tbree ladgaaanta, amouutlns to alwoal 14700,000 whleli were entered agalnul her reeeatly. John Jairruy. wbo hold one of tim Jndgmenta In his own rlght aud tho otkav two by aasbjnmcnt, began u aait la tho Bupreme Ooart a ihorl tlme ago to iearn how ameh tho Daebeaa n> qnlred f?r her support and what part of the in.-onie mlght D8 set aside (or the lmyinont Of her gebt*. Tho Dncheaa fn her aaawer s^id taat her net annaal Income waa not WMjOOO, as tba plalatifl liad nllcged, i,m thal u waa ooly glSO^OO. au i this uMome. she oaia, was neccssary ?? to enablu bar proporly to <lls charga her aoetal dattos, and to prcserve a state In ;i. cnidaucc with tho BSagea and trddjllotia of tho posltlon" whiih she oeeapied a- Daebeaa of Marl borougb, and a poeiosi of U.o Cnitcd Kingdom of Graat Brltaln aod bataad. The c .mi appolnted Wllliam A. imer -^feree to take cv denee In tho ca??. ln his report, whlch was Bkd resterday nnd waa conftrmed by the court, Mr. Duer lia.l, that tbe groaa aunual incomo of the Uucheas 1 -?, 10.000, the net income ls ?m>o,uou. He ad.i t .I- 11, ritse iho Court ol Appeala raveraea Uie declaion u( tho i?ur ..talo auatalniug tin- will uf Lou.*. (. i-l.v. the Dnchoas wlll be entitlcd to Uie UKome ,,. ,.,.tirc c>taio and will reiei\e till >l?o personul ,. uu- Tlie penonalty ls v-Juod nt #.-j.i>ii..<aw, whiie tho real eatnl N auppoaad to ba worti. #i;.yoi>.ooo, Mr Duer denlea that tbe entlre incomo ot *ino,ooo is iieo-nsa .;? the innport of tho^-. He there foia . 1 iir- *30,0o0 a year ihall ix- dodiict,.-d trom tl,e Income ln oraer to pay thc Judgnieuts tho Judge fceaeh alao granted an extra allowance ot ?2,000 to the plaii BfPa coanasl OR. PATT09 ADDMMUES THE tMACBBM. Treaton, >'? ?).. Dee. Bl.?Dr. Francla l. Patton, ,,:.-id",,t of Prlnreton Oollege, dellvered an addreai to-day 1 ?'f--:v (he Seaa .i.-r ??>? Ktata Teacbers1 Aaaaeia ?i..,,: with the electlofl of the followlng oaaotre, tha three daya' Beaalon of ihe a4B?clatlon waa bis.ught to a cloae: Prealdont, Dr. B. H. Cook, of >ew IirunswloU; . .,- 1.1-c-l Is-tit 8. 1". Mannera. of Oamdeo; loneapund ii,e iocret irv L. 1. WoiaIi ] . ol lr*!it,>n ; recoi-duig sacre tary, J. U. Hulswortb, v.f Long Braoab; uoa-urer, b. llonnea, of EUixabeta. ? . . - >'ew Yoa-'s fjfta aro wol. ,mo wlten they t4ike the* form ??( Boocha Cliampagno bec. 9* per baskct of ia lialf" -? H.irry'? Trleoplioroaa. Tho halr rannot arlthrf or bewme Uil.t, bal muat grow and fiuurl-h lf dx--a d aally wWh thi. BMteUaaa att.oie. Zry .t. -,???-? Drfrf?otFarni*??u.Bao?,in two-iwund pa-ka*-*- Oar nBtotho auei-iaa o( tUc*' aausagea, eheap irood*. In ai,t,i i?r uMkauaa tu\- b*an ulaced on Uie market. 8ee gafa i,.rk(i deca*s haat) la M inn U ?t*mv?-il .n ?v?ry p^k ige. -Wl utliera ar, Imltatlons. -?? Ii la ?? lonator Bccr*.?rr -o taka blua pllU to roua. tno.l'er "?? ?" -ii. (5arter's LttOd Llv? PIIU aru much bSBBW, Dou't folL"t thia. l.lobln t'ompany'a Exiract ?f Beet Rocomrocnd- d ua a ??nUhteap" In place ot slcohol. -?* <-?rnto?m Vlehy Water .. ,. . . ?, , r-.-.Hi.m.iidi'd b. leaolag phyafclaaa, fsold la bottlts, by Driggtaa* and Oroc*-r?. MAKHIEI). vVHtvR-l'ITK-On Wetaawaay, lieoember 81. 1800. at tha brl4a?B *:-t r's. N, w-IUvhi < the Rev. H. l" Nlchola, Mra E. bf.w, 11 f-Vck |a Frincfa Angler. BBW'HBvaai pspora i<lnl-6 eapy. IiaKI R-KIKIIKI1- On W.-diio..dBv. Decoml-er 81, 180-J. at Hftoui l'r 'abvu-rtan Chureh, Mr BM |l.-v Cha.loi" K. iWiliKion. laaholla. daughtor of Mr iK-nreo Vlahfr Ui John T..?iwMnd Oakor of E?*t?n I'-nr, MORSE?EDOAR--Oa O-iomlwr 80, 1800, at her 88808Ji ' ,-t?? ivnn.. Mlaa KatlUi^e >Utsar to Mr. i hsrlta M Maraa mt hutlalo, X. V.. Rev. T. J. L*? o8l?lailng. TAYUiR-?UODT-Ob TVesday. D*efmber 30. a! thc Pr?" iytprtaii Chnrch, ia?aia?co. X*w-T?rk, by ?*? ftev. Dr. 7. E. Klttrodg*. Dalay LmUm. -UuirhUr af Mry. John Uanry Brodt, te Dr. HaaiyTuuig Tayler, af tbia dur. DIED. aj noxwrxiv^i?d#aiy, r, emt*. fl. aa M dkaajaa Weoo. lirooklyn. William aradUln Bajt_nt.ll, Ia tka 8M yaar at r^i_ew*,*aenrietw at atov* aOdnwa Fridar, Jannary S. aO Inlerrnent Ore'nwoad at eonvenXnoe of the famlly. BKAI-Y-On W?tar*4aj. DeeeiBber 81. 1880. Ell?ab#4a _Z aotoiid lUiiKhter of Ua late Br. J<*n A. ao* Ollra W Bradr. Jiiniral on Frlday. Jannary 2. 1801, al 2 o'alack p. ak, at 14J Monnio-at.. Drookfyn. CA!iDWEMj-!n llrmaotown. Deeetnbw. 80, of acarlok lavtff. Kihar- N? 1*<"? ( ald*"!l ai-rond aon of tha late Jamoa E. Caldwrll, in tlio -7th rear of he ??* Inierrhent prlvate al SoutO Laurel lllll, Thuradey, l.:80 a. m. KKKKls?In Norwalk. Coun., Becambe. 81, C *? Farrla, agrd "8 yoars 7 Buontha. FIEEB.-O'iddeiily, on Tueaday evoning. Deeemboj 80, Carrln Fleld, daughter of Aaua C. and th. late tkarlaa M Fleld. Jfotlce of tha funoral wtll be rtven hereafter. FOHTER-Aff. a Hngerlna lilneat. oo tho _"jth of B*-eaa b?r. al Bab-loo, Long laland. Wliiiaoi B> FoaUr. Ia tha 78th year of hia a?<>. _. . . __ _-_ -? rVolatlvea and friotida are UJTtted to attend the f'ineral arrvleet al Uie HaJrrlon J?>tl_caliet Epiacopal f_-iureh oa Th'irsday, Jannary 1, at % o'cUick p. ax. BliidiT orrrtt floaera. - - _. (Jarrtwa wtll b* ln waWna at the dopot on arriaal af traln leaviqg Long laland ritr W 1 30 p. aa.; retumlng. Mvaa Babylon at 4 34 p. tn. HAIUUB?Al Oermnn'own. PM'adoltOla. on Ihe 29th tnev, F.m-iy Pottt. wlfo of Joa. ph b. Marrto. Funoral <hi TlW-dar. Jannary I. H01 Serrti-oa at NB. 144 Rehool Lano. (Vrnantown. at 12:30 p. aa. Interrnent at Frat. r. CboatOI County, Potin. IIOBIIN?O. Tueaday, Boeem! er 80. Ell-abot*. wlfa af Jacob Hoehn. ln tha oc.tli v, ar <>f h-r asj.'. IB-latlva and frlonda ar- roai^U'illr jnvHisI to atArnd Ua? f.meral from her lat.- reeldeaoa, ?!*.? __a*t ?Jd-at.. riidar. January 2, 1801. at I oMoeh p. m. JEWETT-At Montrxller, Vt.. BTomb*r 80. Jolla __ello?f Flald. wlfa ot Cof E. P. J.wett. Ki;T( IIAM-At Saran.c __ak?, New-Yorh, on tho *0th Inat.. E. Borland, Itraaaf *ou of (?vo. i. and Stary a. Ketrham. Notlca of funcral heroafbr. KTlOirLTOir Moadar, Pecmror 20. 1800 .at Sunor. Sprlnga. Copn., Dajitord Kuowluin. ln l<l? 80th r-itr Fin.-ral i??rvT<?M nt hia lat* r alden^, .^tV* ^.J?^1!"*?* t'onn., on Thuradoy, Januarr 1. l??l a* u ? c'ocl' ?" ,n Int?rment prlv^t. . . , . ..^ _,_*,_?_ Vt*nA* ar- mrttad to meot at the chapel of tha MfJ*** Avenuo ltairtlat Chur-h. entrauc* oo al*4-al., rnoar, Januarr 2. at 10 o'dock a. ni. HDLOW-At Stapleton. S. I.. Dee.mber 31. 1890, Bte phmi K. Ludlow. of pnoumonta. ~. - Fuii.^l from hls lat ^Idoace. 88 Smith Terraco. onSak. urday. January 3. at 2 p. tn. I iteriDKnt at the lonvonlence of the famuy. Plaaae omlt flowena. MOCiKF.-Iii thl4 elty. on W.M'no-lar. Docombor 31 K_ha b. th U. Moore, wUt of Uie Baa Darvid Moore, of Bew, FrnVmlr ???a at St Ann'; *2__&Jfri?_,__['* lSUi.*t. on Frlday mornlna. January 2. at 10 o <-io? k. PF.RBIN-Me.. kBOaOOt Perrrn. Tueaday. BaoaBaBkl 30. of congeaUon. at the realdim:o of her aoo-ui-law, lUv. i>r. ^^^th'Sr^^'ornln,. St. Luko'. fBatfOk. 10 .. Bt. PFI'.RY?C?n Tueadav ovenlng, Docoroher 30. 1800. of bearl Rclat.vw und friend* Invlfed t"J?^;''^iVv? .? V.i lA at hia late rrwMeaeo, No. 027 I>. "lfonl-av.v, oa FrKUj ?raalng, Jannary 2, at 8 o'cloclt. Klnliy otrlt llow.-ra. ,w__.^ _?. v t Inti-rninnt at Swun Polnt Cemetery, Prortdonee. R. I. RATHllORNE-On Pofombor 81. at h.r lato jkalimaa^llO. 17 Kant 04th-st., WltabetU Lajtda/n, wifo of Chariea I.amht-ia Rathboroo. Noti.o nf fiini rai oenatier. PX>'Vt-At the riwldeme of hia ?onln-law" Wll'lam T. S. hl'V. No *ti Kant H7th-?t.. in th.' city of New-York. audd-nlr. on W-dn'sday, Deetmber Jl. ISp'V (.enoral l?c Vil fliiw Riovu. U. b. A., in tho 78th year of hlH u#'. Botlre of fnnrral h.-rcafter. RKYNOLBH-AI hls realdanee, Iyird-aTO., Berf?n Polnl, S J I).-o.?,b.r 81. F. M. Raynolda. In hia 50th year. I'.iii.ral' from Trtatly Kpl?enpal, Chnr.'h. Avonue ? ??* .Ith-at.. on rsaturday, Jumarv 3. at 10 30 a. ni . on tr. r'val of 10 oMort traln from Liberty-tt. ?Utlon ot N< w-JersoT Central Rallroad. ROBIBBOB?Oa TaaMakw. December 30, Anthony Robln aon ln thrvS'ith yoar of his a?.'. ... . Rihltlv.-i a.l frtawda ar.. !nvlt.-d to altend tka fnner.1 tcrvteoa on i-aturlav, January 3. at U O'tiock ncn from hia lat.' rOaldeaca, No. 77 Pcrry-efc BEARS-At MonleUIr, B. J. ?n Tueaday, Defmber 30. s'oi.hia ."-.. Aid?w of Rl'hard K,'ara. P?noral Srvteea al her lat.' reatdanoe. 259 Oranga Road Monti'ialr. on Krldjy, Janiixry 3 at 2 p. m. Hurlalo. N. Y.. pupera pl.-nae topy. TEETS-On WadMadar. Do^mbee 31. after bjihort l.! neaa at hia late lesidime. K \\?t s'jth-at., dbmb Ti U tn tho OHth vi-ar of hta a?jo. ? Rpitttlvaa and trlaoda ara Invltad to attend tho funoral J rvi.'-s at tr" iVortv-third Btreel Metbodlat Eplaeapal Churoh on Katurdav, Januarv 3. nt 1 p. B. at iiiglowQod. N. J, 81, 1800. Ai.n.ll.a L. lioCOWt, w^ow ?? lhouua M. TlbhUO, jii-'i-d til yeara. Int. rn.ent at Ttov, N. Y. TKKDW'ELI^-Deremhor 30. \lfrod M.. aon of Anna an. the Idt.- Alfr-d M. Tr-dwell. of Madlaon. V. J- ? ReUliv. s aud friend* Invltcd to j-.und tho funoral from w.-iiMon ? hup.'l. .130 Wcat 431-at., Friday niornwg, Jannary 2, at 10 o'clock. Intyriiieiit at Manhas-et, L. I. pieaaa omii flo?era. WALKEIl-At Morrlstown. N. J.. W.-dnfsday, De-omber flTlOBO: I.oui-.) Joaea, atfa of Thon.aa O.orge Wak^r. and daughu-r of thc into (Jhark'i P. Bowman, of Oxford, RelaUvaa and frlenda ol th" fam ly nr- re?pe.tfullyJntaOal to att-'i'd tao fim-ral aetvloaa at the Church of the V.C d'ernor. on Frlday. Jannary t, IBW. M IC:48 fc Bt. Carrlages ulll me.t the 8:10 a. Bt. traln from Sew-lork. WAI.SII-On W.-dncedav. Docombor 31, at realdenoa, 81 ORvar-aa., JIary sValah, age 81. Vottea of fnaeral aoraafter. WOOOCOCK-At Slng Slng. on th.< cvenlna or B'ind?T, pocember J8, Mary lluir.i'.ra Bard, wlfe of WBBam P. Pnoeral aerafeea ?o her home a. Tburaday morniug, Jannary I. at baif i*?? 11 ovioek. .,__-. _ Traln wavea (irand Central Di-pot at 10.05 a. m. lianorti'ir-ir of Htafe. Wanhlnirton, Ti. C. Pocemhor 80. moo ?Tiiformat-iin 7a* beon rVeelved1 at thla D.-l-artmenl rom' M J "hn 8? Twoii.. tho Cmaul of tho Coltad htatee at Naplea. Italy, of th.. death. on the l'3d of N"^n.lvr 1800. at Baplea of Bdwln B. .I'likirt-. au Tourlal iaent Hi'oadwav. N '?.V.,rk. The b'cal ropi-s,., Latlvea of the de?'>ased i'iii obtain fuitii-r Inforniatloii by BOPlvUi* to this nopartm.nt. ivr dUioxtoh No. 17, datei ifSonilj.r ?. 1800. Special Xoticrs A,_ "how Year'a l)?y." 9 M 3. DOV'T I'AIL TO PKE THE WOULD-FAMOUS MASTERPIBCjB. "THE ANQELl'S." BEFORE IT LBAVE8 TM1S 'OCNTr.Y FOR FRAXCB LAST 7 BAYS OF EXUIBITION. NKW YT-AR'S, ii A. M. TO 5 P. M. Dally, 0 u. iu. to 0, aud 7:30 to 10 p. O. SL'NBAY AKTEUNOON. 2 TO 6:30. AT THE AMERICAN aRT OALLERIE8. No. 0 i^ai,J5S?cnty tlilra ?t. (M??i?on Oquare.) A.- Flfth Avenuo Anrtloa Roonaa, 840 PIFTH AVKNl'E, Mr. C. F. WETMOKE iik.a phaauro In amiounring tha* the collectlon of oil palntiu(?a l.y MR. A. H. HATOU, late of tho flrm of FISK & HATCH.'wIil be plaeed on n hlbltloii nt tho rlfUi A\euiiu AUtllon Rcoina on Monday. January 5._? A.- Fifih Areaue Art (iallrrlaa. ?.HAi FIFTH AVi.Ni.i-:. TO-DAY, NEW YliAIlS 1>AY-1801. Mafftillli'i'iit I'ollextl.n of uiehltcctnral dniwlnga: annerh loao coUccUon; naJntiaga, water-colora, aculptuie and bat. rrilrfa, .?s.xth Aimual Kxhibitlon of th<-' Aich.t?.ctural E?ii|(iH' (af .N e m - V ork._,_ A - A. -A.- Por lloliilay Ollla, Nolhliw ao BOceptabli lo U" ladli-i aa a four-oloc* uot'ti.i of in'. App??? Bioaaoa._Boia everyaraata. Your complexion hnpro*ed by uae af CARTBB- f.lTil-E LIVEE PIM.S. Poatofflce .Netlce (Should be read daUy by all lutorcaUal, aa cnaiiuea mar ^'iJiHtofa'.or foreitt couutrtea msad not be apeclally ad ?Jrc.-aed to! ii.*l atvJ. by an. parUcuv tu-a-u.-r, i-xci-pt *l*.* lt l- U a.icd W ? n- JUpiJ'-Wa of oankiiiK aud _u. ..u.i.ia. lotir- not awxlally a___r.a*-U ouna a,_t Ly _., laOWat vam i? avatlable. _ _ , Vor^i.n matit for Uie ?-c.a .nding January 3 will cloa* pror-iitP ln ali caao*] -?i UUa o:ii ??.? aa i-i.owt I'ltLT-SUA V-At 0:30 u. ni. for l-iiropc. p. r ? a tlty i i i ,.n \ t Queanatowii iKUera mwl oy dir.-.,u_l -aur _Uj of Choali ?). at u 30 p. in. tor Ne?fouiidlB.< p-r ateJmei from li...i.'at: at a:8d b- m for al. Plair. Mlu'"ln, P'r etcamet IMw llabfax. ritlBAi-Ai i p. "aa uup^' ry 1:30 p. m.) for itarmuda. Dttl a. a. T'liTWad, at 1 p .' ituppien.eulaiy 1 liii' v? ui ) for Naaaau, N. P.. aud ba.tiago Cuba. por **RATL'ltDAY-AI 8 3. m. for Para l ?? ra and Prrnan.buo.>, nara. ? Uaboaeoaa ; al ti 30 a. at. f": Krance. bwiu.iia.-, itiiv bikU P-rtuoti and Toraey, p-- a. a. i_? Biaktrtaa, via Aavro d.tura for oth^r Europvaji oountrua muat bo Brvcted "D'-i E? Bn-taain.-"); at 7 :30 a. oa. lauppionn-ntarr ?'.?,.', a m . f .1 Euroo<, P'r ?. a. 1,'mbria. vla Ouo?natn-in ,l. to-V for swiuoiland. luly, bualn. i'orluffal ind I ? ra v. inuit te dlr-cfd "l?-r t mlirli": : at 8 a. ta. ?o- v'.-wiv dlnst. p?r a. a. l.lar, : flotter, muat bo dlr. ot-41 "uor laloid"): at 0 30 a. ni. for the Nath rianda (1ire<-t, iw-r a ? ?spaar-dim vla R-.ttordam ilottere muat b. d r- t-d "P r .spaan-an. '., al 10 a m. nupplemoriUry ?0 Sf? a B j 'or the Wlndward lalaad* j/t a. a. Mirl.1- at 11 a. m. (aupplennmt.ry 11:80 B. ?., f ,r _or* ne ao/ Jajualoa. alw J.cmc-l __,.l Aon Cuvea, lli-iti, per a. a Adiroudack : at 1 b ni., T,i(?.n;?"cK,r('!,,il,... ^rabaaoo and Yu.aiaii. aar a. .. oil/.bn (l-ttof for ('uha. Tamplco and Tuxoam dlrwt and ? ttier Moxlcan sm*? vla \>ra t rw. rmiat b* dlnewd ??,", OrUatO'')! at 1 p. aa, for Para.and Mana.*. p-r a a Cyrll: at 1 p. m. fn.|.p.eiiimBarr 2 P- m.) mr Wmvttwi* and Our^.-ao. ai-o aavanllla vla Curaeao. i?r a t! pi llarteiphK 1 t>a for oti>? pot Ia muat 0a dir.ct.-d "p-r l'h!l4di-l|ihta"i. ... ?_, 8VNDAT-AI 3pm fnr Coattt Rlra Tla Unoo. oer a a lil-i.ii.'a f'om New-O leana. Ma.ia fcr Chlna and Japa". I*r a. a. Cltr nf Peking fffBt. San Frai tlscoi. cloaa Uen January -4. at 0 30 p. m. MBlia 'or Anatralla, New-Zealand. Ha?aMan. n.'t aivl ?#Tioan lalsnd.. i?r ? a. Marlpo?a (from san FransLeoi, ekae hera lannarv :4, at ? 30 p. ni (nr on arrtval a*. New-York of a. a. Iti.thnla. wlth Pritian nalla for Aiiatrallai. Malla faf tha liawallae I?|ar.d\ per a. a Au-tialla ifroro San >raml~oi, ,rlo-T- h.-v Minarv ?**, it 8 30 p. m. Malla for th? H?letf lala -la iwr afalp City of I'ap. fl' ifron. Saai naatlaW) (laa. h.rr Janiarv *2.V at 0 M f. aa Mall? for Nowfo: ndlarid bv ra'.l tn HtltfM, and BCOMa>k*> at.flrrer eltaai at tha : ffroe dally al H 30 p. m. Malla for MlquMnn. hy rall -t i'4?tim. and thenee hy ateamer eloae at IMl omrt- dally at 8 30 i_ m Malla fcr (uha. br rall toTampa, rta.. arnl tl.imi'o hy aleamer (aaillii* MMondayjv 'rharaaara and HatwdBtai. clrvi" at thla efflee laUy a' 2 Bfl a. m. Malla for Me.lro. tvntanrl, onlH? apaelallr ad dretateat fcr dlapaUh bv ateamer, eloao al IhU *Bct dally al "?Trana-Pai Iflc malla are forwarded 4n San Franelaro dalle and th? ai-h.Onle <i c'n*lnt l? arranjet on (he pravumplion ,f tholr voliKe.mpttal (v.i'.and tr^iilt te Oaq Fra?itao\ Mali- f>oa- iha K_ut antvino ?n Um. *\ ?ii.'i PranelBaa on tAe dar of aahtnr of ?te.-vn.m ai* dlapalehed thanee tha aaavi ?toy. Regi-terod mali elaaua at e b. w. movloaa dof. ?w*. J coHNBLIUa_>Ajr COTT. l^itfimatao. " BtaiofSaa. JTra-Tort. B. t.. Datoab* W. aJt*