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TH$HTY\S WATER SUPPLY, J.FJPORT OF AQUBOUOT f_a5MMIS6MHBgi_i iJntM tmrtmnicm aoaiwbi a whm p-xMaNE -FOK \ M-W PVM Aqaedurt f omnii-ioner., Duatie. Scott. TurV-r a? d Oarmon vesterday adopted a n-iwl ?1 tBe CoiistnirtK.n Comrrrtttee whleh exhauativdy revlew- all Uial Ba. been lODO bv ihe lioard and Ba eogUMen roucerning tho bullding ol a new dam on CrotOB Elver, aa* Ul rmdea a hlatecy of ihe pubJle keart-fa beJB on tiu- aub ject. Tt.o ladgaaenl oi chlef BagL-eei Pleley, xxim m vorated the buUdlng of waaf ia called tbe aew l r-'"'" Lhjaa. about a mlfc i.eb.xx the propoaed Quaker llridge Dam. *i a aabsBtate for thi- ooattf and at p..--nt awiiai iiaaaiT atreetare, la eonvlnetagly vlndlcatea ny thi, rrpoit: and. alahaw-gh a reeohaUoa ordertng um work to bo proceaded wttk waa hrfd over for a xxo. ?. n.c deciwon ?f the (ommlwoi, ir. the premlaea ma>* be re ?aaaad aa tettlei. All tBe f>m_elaele?tere tiamed votea Z Ibe rep'irt. May,,, Utact. C?ttoller Wera aad tWrof. the ex-oflkdo BMmbara of Bm Boaad. weee aot prt-?ent.____ The fi.iw.wiug are aairacta froai ??e reporl bcaung npon Uae iaekdoa lo oroel ihe aew Crotoa u.?m : H.Mug ?rtveB Bt BM eent-lualoa lhal Ba aubeHBan dam* at Sedeoa, Paraya aad < ? i al ahouM ba buill at onee. Z Oeaaa-kaaaa kaMBaiMal an e*fcee**lve . m ta ........ ol th ? o, aaa Creaaa Blvei fro- tft ara?... Crotoa Ita-Bo ,, bm propo^d Qaaaat Bride* Dam aite. witi. 11 ? detern.lui_? wheUi.r a amaller and laaa expeeatve dam iIm.i the nropn*ed u-ak*i _to*age Daaj eeeM not i>e kallfc af Ui- ini'X Engme-r. and hax- reaulkM la tli. arkwl BB ? txro avalk-Me allee Ba ktrge dan... in add.tion u> me pro pja d Quaker Brtdgii uto. Thnr raBpeattva tO-vaeteriattea and rekttlve advanUgea ar? li.iiv a,.( forlh i" Iha reporl of the chief Englne i Oeaaoare, lano. and hei .with rabaaltted. a- wfll b. aeeii ,n a getlMal of that raport. the Chl.f Kngineer WOBUaenBa the eraeBaa of a d?m m vn* klle deaignat.-d -? Lo aliaa -. ,, . .paa BM plan BM a BM at Uial a,.,- that U.e pO&Ue bearla. aaa been had _t.d thia reparl m aaau). Xha aiBfraa-loa upon thia aakfeet aaaa eevetopeB a* Baa quc-Mon* to l,e dedded i-t-Sh'"ild any dam be BtteenUy boltt at ar aear t ,-? ttinneJ Cralea Raro, or batw^n lt aad Bm nouth ol tr.o i rotee Klvarl , , , M . -d-lf aucn dan. shouM ba built. .-ho.ild it, bc loeau-d at tlie itte reeoa-eMaaed by Bm ekaaf aagtaear, ar at * point lurthar dowa Bm riverl Ti.. daf-rmmatinn of BM -rat nnaation Involv.-a txxo ln .aMeai nrat. irlMlhea a dam waa aaeBed for adlitlona awwage. Beeoad. waaihaa auch a daai waa ueeded loi .,r,,?v Bgmhiat th" aJa-alroaa oaaaeg ?_?*? MMIBai Ua. (l'-Mi..X BM araaeiii *_rot?i Dam; and ti.ia laurr .n.-iu.ry ... t'.i.. lavolvrd BM ?aeaUoo aa . ihe aeeartty of tbc praa. at l r *oa Dam. II xx.ii i* obaerved Bkat la Bla reporl of Oetoba s tha ChM BagBleer mM -An add.Menal aad xv.i.ntx- BTglMMBl ... rrg.ird t BM iBcHra ,.i aaek ?? laaarvali la lhat, althoagh th. prcaenl ,r.'-,.i Dam haa rcud-c-d good ,m. ? Ba hall a eentury, ll nmat I,.- aoaeedad lhal B la aot ImBl la aath a n.au_u M a atmetan iheaM M oa whaah tepandi Um very IBe t,, Maw-York, .ma 11 B aeeeaeary it?t B hn riBUead by a B,oie e'ib?t-iiUal ou?." The r-'Oial. u! Bae Ma.x.-i ^ x nnnniailon of 1S83. and Ol tbr aqveducl Coaaa - ?'? that on- af Iha reaaoni ?oal B-wagay argad ky Bm advaealee al Iha Qaakcr Brtdga Dam wky it akeakl ^ boi withoul deb_y had beea mat the eity -i,""id not he latt aopaadaal for lu aupply af xxaxvr apofl th- atabBlly ol thr oM I raloa Daaa. lt xxa- xxith aaaeh aaoajataa, tkaaafere, ttaal the Bwmbera ol tne conatnictlou ? nnm.iu .- i-uiid two BVowad advoeatea of the uitiiT,at* aiectlaa al Uie Q-.-ic-r Bndga Doi lenginc th* Chlef EagBieer'a a-ate-MDl m M Um Bafegai af relxin^- ujam tha ataMBB/ of th, gesaaal ' xii* Ctatea dmh ia Itflaj aii U-at ita-ida belwoea Iha city of Bew*Teth aid an aheelale wal i kM-tne it ll were to ba d.-airoTHd, tha aaoedaeta, beak akf aad a< m, would be aaeteee, and Ba. torag. leeeivelra la the appei i?rt ol the waaeraaei ?,,iUd be of aa ralae, Tha aala reBaBce of the alty untii Bm aaa oouid !>? raealred, ai a taaniwr-ry dam liBBIIIII. IBd. wmild b? BM an.cuii- tlml mlKht happen to Le at ?_?? tinir ln the Centa.1 Park Bee. I ve.r. aad th? aaa_B aupply (about 15,000,000 per day; raerived Itaai thw BrohK BBvar. The consequtaneea tba; BMBBl aoaaaaarlly folloxx Ircr, au'h a eataalrophe need not t* rii_p?.*twl m thia repOTt. After sboxTiiiR that Cii-f Enpineer lt.lcy. Bklgtneer McLean. of tbe OoBtroUer*! Departmeat, ai areU aa auch approved hydranlit eaig_-_Bn a? JaaaoB B. Ptanda, Boeaart k. Martu, aad Qe-teral Qworge B. Qreeaie, ar., have given teattuaaay that tl.e pi?>ent Crotoa Dam ls not wifo a^ratn.t an eatliaardlnary Bood, tl.e aoaa ?attaea conrlaaM that aaoiker large torage dam la an abaoluu- neeea-ity. The n-port eloaaa ?- Wlowa: ll ia concded on all haada U.-t a daiiy - ,j,|,)y ef at leaat 310,000,000 frallons |a-.- day Wlll I,- u-ad-U xxltliiu a coiiparatively BM) .oara. Bat ln aaaa of a returr a 'iry year, auch aa xxi,Mi begaa ln Pebraeey, lsao, ari't endod ln Eabruary I8B1, UM whole yleM of the nx.i wkkh couid b< eeaaerved t Uu rearrvetia now Built oi buildlng xaould nct aggreffatc 180,000.000 of raBaoa ? Ba] bo that to ba BtmnaaaUy mra el ;. aa-Baieal aapaiy a te" y?_r- hmtr. it wlB ba mi> atix.x- u.a.;,i>- to eooatract u ?tor...i rese;\oir at aoaM peint la the lowar wal i .hdd. lt irmy ind.-d ba lhal loi u lew yeara Uu aew ra(on.,ne?,d(-d x-iii provlda more water than la abae lutely aeeded; but H B not probable lhal tiu- eoi ? xxin prevall foi leag. and "i.i!" li loea laal II wUI ba a gevel bat nol aawelcomi ? rti ; le ol t.: ?? ? on \- an ajoylag Bm ? lola aupar Btmodaat watei aappty. Havtag r. , ? i ' ' ?-'"" tbal .. dam ai, bullt r.oai tli" Bouth of tn Crofcoo Elver, botb fu; - rthrt ii.r abandaace, Um aoly quaaUoa lefi ... waetl dam ahould be Bm th, nueh^lacuaard Quakei Brldg. Uaa Oi aetal Um maaonliig of Uie Chlef Englai - Ita I lo yoar camaaltlee. Thi b. . a aufl elaol Bopply foi at laaat a genentloo, a..d foi eona ? , ?? ,- ? th, itreaMly eoaaervaUre rl. wi ol Mi nlraaall tia aBttiiiTfl T**''"" I aeoatao th. p , dan, niii hix-p beea bmn thaa "fl-- by tha aavlng ol Um al in u.f BlBeraaice between th- i oal ef Um b. t Dam and that "f tl* Q-akei BrMge Daai and at Ihe rnd ol that t.n.e aaparlaaci wBI havt Meghl oa whethar i furthei >mei aupply ihevM *?<? aoaghl bx bulldlag Um Quakei Bridge Dam. m by ?aeB-M alaewheri foi a watarahed. Tha Aqued'i'.t CBa__Uaalea kaa perfonaad bat a part nf th.- d'lt.' lot whloh it *w araatad, aad lhal parl la aa yet un^omplted. The aajaedact haa beea put late eoa dition to run wat*r, bnt Baare ar- ? i.m bei . appurte aeani and aajalMiiai ral t? t^ Badahed. Un other oart al our duty, that of ,'pew*_l_ | aa* reaervelra, . . . foi u^- purpoM" of BUDpljlag to? dtx of Bew-Torb wiu, m, looiaiaawl aupply of purt and xxi... ? -< ? . ?? ,-. r ' i. I etag perf'.miHfl wtr. (tniB'-n^- and i- Bed ret eompl la tii? opii.ion of yoae (-on,_iitt"?. a d.n, aaek i raiaommarided by th< Chlel Eng-BBM, neai Um atta af u." pia-vnt (irajx,., Dam, (aonatitut^s. eti?- heyatona ?' watM aupiiiy o? thia , itv. nnd iv- eeaetraeBoa ahaaU aot V d,_xx?-d on.- bmomoI kaager tii_n aeeeaauy. We th?refor>- recoiiiiuwid Ih" lBin,?d'at" ereeUoe of a', cartti aot nmaonrr BaflB, U, t,<- kBOWB aa tli" Bi xx (,'reten Dam. at tt." i>oiiit BiBiceleB by Uv; OhlH Eaglaeai aa hi report of Oitotasr 8. ALBXAMUk* C UOLLF.k ACQCITTED. Tha flmrge ol prand larcenv af_iin.i .Me-Mid^r C. Molier, ol c. w. Moller 4 Bect, Beaoratora, at >'o. u<> BoeBk lVUllam-.t . xxho livea al No. .ii llerliltnei -. . jirooidvti, xxa. dlimhaed iu the Cuart af Qeoeral - elooat bv .indKc Fltxgerald yeaterday, Ibe iDdletmanl w,?~ found on th.- alkapatlon that Mr. M.,ller ba<l at<,i?j:, mot.ey from uae peataiiraal of Koeter B Bial, at Bo, :i..i Slxth-ave., on the algkl ot DeceB-bei tl. Mr. Moller waa out 00 B " Luk'* aud xxas foiin^ !,-!>.-p . the plaee eai lx i.i the nioriiin_. IBatbaony froo proaalnenl elttaena ol Jlew ^',.rh n:.d B^ooklyn, lo that Mr. Moller baa alwajrt been a maa ol the beal cbaracter, were Introduced. On bearing th.- evldcnce ol Um conii'laiiiant, Jadge PllBfaraM ai onte aucbarged Ika prisoner._ _^_ _rr?_fiW /.VD BL'TTSDR NWCTIA wiiiiam d. Etafkaa aod BJLBtaai h. nainaai were Indicted Uy the (.ranil Jnry y-i.-idHy on ekargea of fuiajuj in the eeeond degiee, Both are ciiaiy.o v.\\\\ i,,rgin_ Boeraea <>f ileerea al baa -epertot Coarl or Caedi Oooraty, UL la aMrttoa, Buttaer wiu- Indicted im gaaM laiK-nv in tbe aaeond eegree, lor recelvlog ,-?jin, fr,,iri ( ?-,'??" I>..f.n 00 a"|'l".iil'-r --. 1-, .i ,-. I",- lerawkatolag aa aAegad dtvotee faeaa hb ain, PkUo mc.'iB, lor uaa. ,, both pn?.>.i"r? xvin in- arralgaed to aaorrow. llu^os will plead!> ami l.un'T.i _W] do the -ame. IMTBBN9ATIXH BAMt TAPPAVt BBATB. ln a report lo Cadef toopeetor Byraea yeaterdaj r. garding the luiiun; ef tha pettec to obtaln lafomation at.out the, -ui ni. of ktorp Tappaa, Oaptala BeLUy, <a the BTLaaaaaerth Preetaet, wrote: "Or. Boberta im atated that Marr Tappaa wai a pettearl "' bla aaai itaiiiiin. <m Daeaaabar io, I'Iki, ibe xxu? a-ffalng fron. Dervous pio.tiHtion, _vl .liirin^ nr, a'Ui. k of ui sainty ahe threu keraolf from Ihe thlrd atorj wtatdow, kilhtig her.eif in-tantix. raa ieetor aottfled Coroaei S( liult.'-, xx la, _;i\e a perinlt for Uie n;iii,,x_l of Iho body. CMroaat Irbakkai -uted that ba <ti'i aol oea -1(1(1- that ii ? hi-t aay r;ght v> layerl Ibo aaatter lo th< pulice, referring u? to his Uutie.a on au, h oeoaabmi to ?aectloi.a 1,77:4, 1,771 and 1,77;. af tbe ConaoBdated Act of 18?J. Tbe ti 1 st knowledge tke poBce hmi of the occuneiiee at all xaas from the new-pap'-r-.*' A IHRT1BS BU-kVB BKAPADt A pretty girl. Bl_a_aaa yeaie old. left 11 Miid^on Rivei Ratlroad ttaln a\ tho fiVuhd Cabtral Mit.on BMN1 00 Ttie?day nUht and p-i!d a labman ?1 Ml ba drfve ber la a boardlnp bOMO m UM eity. They found Ihe boaea rlf)i>ed nnd tl."': the g_rl adj-MB l<< !?' tn.i-ii U) ?' hot.-l. With rotnnien'lahi,- Judpni'-m the (?!nian laok her lo PoJIoo Headguaitei*. Aara stie baid -Iu. ta? N.Uic Ea,ay. and itte ndlnltfed tha' che lmrt run awny ll-OUi h.r home Ih WapplncVs Fall-. N. Y. f*he *va^ plaee<1 ln the eare nf MMroii Ttaver* and rfJReeaay h<v aereat* enme to Ihe rlty and t<mU her haek hnme. Th?Y >-ald .he had nn. awny withonf CarBae. BANEi ASD BW8INM88 MER 8WJNDLBB. RSAVT UOr-SE.'j S!M\i.\i:i. If. BAI.TIMOR4J THtROBGH MiM'i.n 00>XFlOEXCiej iiaitimrirc. Jan. 7 (Sperlal).?11 wai annonneed I edaj thal H. Web-ter CrOWl, e.\ fltv C-nm iltnan. BBOtnltMal reale late oayerater, a truatee "f one of the iiritvipni Methi.di-t (hiiti he-, nnd a leafM* ln Weal Bad loelal ,i:,ie-, bad Bwtndled tne iK?ni>- nnd tnulneaa men of BaJUaaore ont "f upward "f B300.000. Crawl faiie<i two raoatha ?<,. bavlug been ca*igh< ln ealanalva real estate orMraUona, bnl ao popaJar waa be In bw?lne?? and baaklni etrctes tha* a tnoveinenl waa ,inn..-ii alelv -t?rU<i IO plme llltn Ofl hl? feOl a.ain. I'i i-'ii I I wen- wllttng to loan him nonej to help him oui nf hia pretended trouble*. Bcorea of theae Irlend* hav* been, m indied oui of aroounU ranging f i m $100 io B10 i 00. i*row] i? aboal tblrty Bve rear* oM. He begaa ipei ulaUng benvil] m real estate aboal two >eai I'i'iin ? poor young lawyer lan yean agn he ratae lo ba .. ,,t the i irajeal real eatatc o\ ? aton ln Uie Soath. rrowl awtndled Ut* Franklyn Rauk oui "f fllB.000, the Drovera and Meehaales' Bank onl "i B27/M0, tha I lll /en-.' Bank mn of Bll,000, ami other bank. tnt iniallet ainounU, aggregatlngfBS,OO0. li. Indebtednci IoUm bank-. alnne Wlll rcack ?900,000, and B100.000 Bl tt I owtng io fiiend- and prondnenl bnaineaa man who ln aVrsed hi> tiote-. Minie of <Iroarl*! mcthnd*. were aJtrawd. Ha had rOBCtantly ut hand Ihe nf !n- htnCr-lh law. Jaatea w. Flaek, wfce would leavc at hia oMi"- a large namber of M*nk proaiaaory notet wRk ln- m doraemenl nn them. A gruat deal ol hi- real ami convayed tn two nr tbree Bgnreheada whom Im had ;,",?i,i,l him. The property would he uortgaged bj them and tlu: mortgage* BOrlgned to Crowl, inn- i* iiik tn ni um ii"t"H'i\ nf givlna mortgagea. Ha ri llien alile |,, BCdl the mOTtgage -??' niltl--. ln iin'.v raaei he rrleaacd tneni bcfori thej irerB paid and agaln tnortgaged ihe property. Bj tlu- latter .eheroe he i- -aid to have obtalned fJB.000 from ., mcmbci "I hia ilinrih a ahorl IIbm balore he ndled ? rowl ihvo gava ln- note i"i atewk ln wveral i?ieentl* orga'iiied rompanlei and tnen hyi*otheeated Uie U* k t.> Um banks. He made inflated rtatemeiita ol hia ? I ? uiii-'i' in whleh he worhed Uie Franklln zli ii- carhler, V. Emory Uardi i llu mo i remarkable ol all hia trnnsartlona. \ vietlm ol mh |,!,,.,| KiMtliten, ,-.?' iv wimi i hail- .i. Baber, tne |, irldcni "f th" bank, cliaracterliei whal olher*. rall erlminal negllgenee In llie raahier. "11 . rlmply." explultied tho preslddnt, "a caae "f a .<>"'i man being ?iai.."i ln' i,v ibe wile* ol a rupposedl.. tiprighl ald frlend. ftardner wa? ruperlntendenl m i* Si . ?! ,*? -? '.I in the ehurrh of whleh t'rowl wa*. a lead i"_- niember. Prerldi ni Baker i. . ? ? ? e al ol bank dlrerlora aataiolahed Ihem wlth tl,.- announeemeut I il CarJiler llardner had ,pei initt?i Crowl t.i ?ivei.ii'Hu hi a., nun! ' ? Ihe extenl ol more thari BIOO.OOO, and that he wa ii del i< 'i i" ih" bunk for the further -nn, nl fio.l. . i.i,, .| Hugh -,*->ii. ti direrior nl the bank, aay* Uial the 'In tetora hu-u "i Ihe Irnublu durlng ihe mo ei ? n , ? ? :, but lhal ?' !?' biii di-' I -ur" the u,"ild have created i panli an?1 i run nn Uu lt ,- tlie Intontion nf llie .laichholders to rcorg tha bank at d turn n Inlo a Nall . i il inatltutlon. ^ ?.?. R'/7r WA% Hl< <-lAlM QBJkXTED TO An Injnnetlon wai aorved npon t'ontroller Myeri rp lerday directlng him t-. pa* ovoi to .\. i. Campbell, < inof i ierk In the. Oorporatlon Counaal'a oHm-. i rtatm "',. 'ih,- alaim waa for nwoey expended bj Mr. Caapbell ln ; evkleuca for tke eltj In mrta In wfcleb ii wa- i partj md wa llei /??! ln ".e roaober a- ipent f a " drinka, ??? ." i ? had refuaed lo pa] tbe rlalm and Nir. Campbell bj advi,,: of tke Corpc**atlon Coonael beoaghl a wbleb raanltcd ku hl* btvor. Corporatton Counael Clark, on belni a.k-'d abo I I eaaa, >aid >? Bterday i ;i.e praetlee "t amploylng examlnera to ?videnrc waa. I an. Informed, begun uudet Mr. WI I ^ ' il tlme it haa baan Uie i imtoni to repai ? ,, ", h ? ?. , ini ; ?? ? ?: '..''?? i bv bim in . - !? ti " ?'. the dllferent t', wbleb he tnlght be i.'x--. ite ?.,;.,- t meala, rai farei ?ud refrexlioientr I.i persour fnun whom evld talned i he ??id. ured ln tuauj tlu. mannor i ? in ,. g to t!ie cltj ti,...,.a . dollar* .md ln preveiitlni; frauduletil elaln pnt Into Judgmento. I bcll re tl il Uie iliy I Mitne rllht lo ublalu ei Idi m ?? to proti ? i t thal n ,., i,..?i ?'?;?. tl 1 belleve il ti. mj dut\ to ,,1'laln all tl ? " ?' ' ? ' eitv li, every arUon Uial li brougbl agu I I thougn l .hould I"- riiinpallod '? ax|*eud Irom ?'" 10 .-?1 11. each '. ? t" UM I" I'I"'ni ihi- evldenee. Hlnce i--~. when HM pieaenl < ofllce. he 1.1- reg ilarli n pald Uu ? axiiendliure. everj two weeka op to May of laal ear. Il< t,, pay Itcmfl amountlng to #7 05 i II rl ln Judgment. -? re i I i (fuiarlj lo re.".1 .!?-? . ? ? ? even up i" witliln t?'< waek. ago. lll- own .,? t ?.-. i the ln ? evidenee that tau be ad I I the methodi punmed bj Ihi departmaal TVXEBAL OF BttWABD C DOXX'RLLT. The funeral of Kdward < DonneOy, ex-Tax Coan mlsalcnei a:.d vlee-prealdenl ol Um Emlgranl Imlu . bank who dled ?uddenly from ap iplexj i.r. mh ., ' it tlie Cburrh of I Ajion icJ tUon, ? ? - hut ?' ? il ? ? ' irty-Biai i. H adway. A large nu man wi ? uad we;il v vauli In ih-- ni'i ' at.Iral In Mott t. Ai ? ? |,... .T. i coi lu. tod by 1 " ? Bd ' ? 'i F. Mal i.-rv^ ,,1 Bt ? atherli i' < bu i I *?"??. D'Roiirke. The l.<dl< Uoi wa p ?? An h d.linii i orrigan. The foil iwing bi ied ., i 01 n ,, Lunitnls, - \ Mayor r.t ? . B ^t llonuet, i harlei ?. Mlller, ? I ' ' oleinaii. htephcr, ? acU, Jainei McMab n, UL 11 >i ll and i harlei Du \ Ive. BTEFXIAR 70 l.K'V Ri: T<>SI<;ii~ Bergtaa IHepnlak, U?e weU-known laader nf Ihe i;n--'ai. BevoluUoi u*j Party, who ba* been an exlle trom ki* naUve wruntrj -'" """'? Rlil dellve Bral le.tum la thla rlty at the Metropoiitan Opera Honaa Ikla evenlng. HI abled wUI be " RlkUlara. ii,? wlll alao Bpeak of hia advaatarai la Um land ol Ihe ,, .. xhe laetare i*. glven 1"> Un benefll of tke Befrteod Worklng Olria. ihe okjarl ^ a worUiy oaa. Tke aitoi ol th..tti are: To b frlend needy worklng glrl wbo are oui "i ? pl ,,r recaive Inadieauat* pay. or reaulre ald iu ?eeurUiii uitablfl work; to provfda u rheartol a'ai I'leanu hhme ? ? glrl. wbet alck. and to provtai. ... I'mUon B< a mean of ell upperl btepulak wUI U laUoducad by A. B. d" Pn ? BE BOFEB TO FRF.E BAXt FRJBOXEBB a laa waa \?t^^\ by tke lr*?l*latnre In IBlfl din-<i BDg lhal iriini.iai. who ?'?>" ^elll lo i >'"< pHaon tlie ,,.. ,i , .... .,,,; id re all Um Ume i wkli b theii in i impriaonmeni waa rhorteoeJ on irccounl "f good behaxior, before entering ??? Ihelr iacoad t nu. Twenij ronvieti at Blng Slng lufvi aanl a letlei lo I i I KeUer, b lawyei ol th, rlty, aaklng him if ihe lan I ronatltutlonal. Aflei b tirorotigh cxamlnaUon of Uie ; be ba wrllten I i tlu men ih il tbe 1 upply k. commutatlotM made befora the law wenl Inlo effact. a, no .tatul i ean I ? ? ? % ItoaMea, n ihii.K- Uiat Um wbak law Ik il uni to to blm - ? f< " dai - and m ilt< . .,1 llie prl tlme mi ?' pravlou ntaaea brougol Inlo courl ou .. wiit ol haheai ? orpua. AA' A'TOKS DEATR FROM RXABT FAtlATRB Jlenri -t.iail, B well knnwn aetOT, dled lat* "' dav nlgkl from hiari falhire. 11'' kad !"?. , llta evenlng il Ui Bden Mneee, ami ome Unn i: .? performaaea wa* owei lefl th* bulldlng and walhed .u, iuth ave. with BflMal Jui en*, ni Ihe Mut anotber frlend. After golng ? ?liorl dl h.? he I inp" d .?md taggered, a li Mlied by ? auddan paln, pbv-lng one band over ln- h"""''' md eatehlng al i poal wllh tbe other. Mr. Jtugena ranghl hlra aa Im vn fallinc, and be wai Uv . nn I bulMIng, wlw re lan ua- found lo be Haad. Mr. Btitarl bad i.-.. <??>???"'?? ]\ ' wlth ihe Porte Bt Martli. ln i''.-i atid _..' Huperial Theatre In M. Peter burg. lie bad um aeted tu ^iveiai inoatka. He leave * *rlfa. TO DRC1DB UFOX A DATE FOM THf.lR DIXXRM A MdeUng of the New Vorh Cbapter of the N'alional I.i* ,,i the boni ni Um AnMrlean BevolnUon waa beM .'. the bMoc of lt* praaklent, < bafunrey M. I?. v.-t, 1'i.r.' aiieiniMiii. Mr. Uepow preabled. Among otbei p eaant were ax Judge WUllam 11. Armour, John C. Calhoun. W. ll Lea. Jamea Otla. baneral AJeaandci Wabk, Wllttam L. Bull, Lewl I aton, Bdnnnd C. Btanton, Bthan AUen, Blnyi l'i-h. O. i relgbton Webb, wfco ai" alao managera, Bab je,t- of Interaat <? lha rwletj were fUaenaeed, ami a, rommlttee ?,- appol.i tu deelde npon tke date M Uu uu .,,! dlnner. Tha ofllce "f Um chapter lor the ]?e.ent li in Um oflre 'if \\. karward Webb, the prealdenl of tke naUonal iiadety._^_ DBURQVRRT fOUCRMRR OR TRIAL. PeiicaaMa BaaRh, MtupkJ Bad Ollleaplo, of Bt* Waai i, -t -<|i,4,i. wara aa mai aetore C'oaaailealnaei \-.,,,. ,,.'e,ear baeaaae Ihej had toOe* to dlacavar a n, wiiii.,.1 Ba*aaay*a real rrime oaaee a, Rfa. 111 NlBth-ave. aa Maw Tear'a i n Tfc* burgtai *t"i" * etoeh w.d *i la rhaag* '" i''"r aeteoea aach aolleaaBan l leB i,, ahaw t-liat, th" l.nikf!i*rv mn.f have h>-< n BOaaaalMad waaa he waa aa* aa IM i P.aaaa Barr* M tha 'jverntv ii,,,,! i-re,i,?t, ??- a,"',-fi ..t awiartoi Mr- h,,, niiti'B boaraiuK-hou-*, Xo. 010 LixUigu.i,av?., and aeUaa M.ANTELS, OPEN FIREPIiCES, Poriahl.- (iraie Bn-keta, Andtron.. Fender-. PI" ?ar... llrllnm-. \\ oo<1 llnliler* nnd oilirr H0U8EH0LD ART GOODS. Only rnncern In our line Imtlaa Ita own Koundrlf ?? "BUY OF THE MAKER." ffi__H_J__g__^_*(S UNIDN SQUARE<-??->esf. ftnuhlwiy. LABt-EAT taaoKTMBBT <>l TIM. i aiiilili?!i"d avwr 440 xrnra. _ in - ba '?..- im. w? ii - ,,- retoaeB M MM I***laa Brannleaa, a boarder, rawa-va ., >rank b> ' ? pa "- ?" *'??'? i,,i board. I i i aaie] he x?.?t ,,r , the keaea &-. protect Ihe Biaiuiigan wemaa Iron aaeeelt. TBE > 0VBT8. \N EFFECTIVB wiTNK-s lUAIKKT HIBBJELP. Cornello Brnyn. Um toberen merehant, who araa rerentl: ronflned In the KMdkrtown Inaana Aaylora, a ,. .', larad tn be a Inruat ? bj a aberlfTa Ju:v yeater ,!,x. ii-. bmtber, Jam r.. Brnyn, leenred hia eoen mltmeal lo tbe Mbtdletown Aaylam, and hia ronaln, John Vaa Vleefc, had him brongbl lo thia rtty ln anawer to a wrll ol aabeaa eorpne, He waa aenl t Bloomtngdnle aaytam. Dra. Lyon ami wlltbuae, nf ttii.t iti-i.tuti .11. testlfled thal Brnyn waa Ineapabh of taklng rare "f hia baalneaa. Brnyn hlaaaell waa bi mghl in yealerday. He Inahtted npon reatbig ? ? ju of aboul forty pagea ol Bnolaeap. After ii. 11;,.i been readlng - me time, two att?M.d?nt.. were ( iiied ,(.id im him "in ul the room, tbe Jorj aavlng d??( lared tl.-.-n elves satlafled .- t,, l rayn'a mental ron BMille l,. Ing !??' "'ii. Brnyn -h.mted oal bi knOW if thi- xxua ? ir--e ,?ountrx. .?IH.'TIM, jn mi; IU -i;\\n \s (it* \RDIAN :..,;, ii, ,. | Pnller, ihe wtfe of Dr. Ptraaet c pniier, haa petlUoned the Rurrogate fm _ md removlng her hnaband ? iral gnardlan. Sha hei huthand nl tpplying Ihe anm ol -. ,,f hi i monej lo When hei falnei Bled I,.. lefl I" ihe daogtiter her mother-a Jewela, wnrtb .,,?,... md - ?..' , , ',. t ? be beM li ln : tinUI . wuil ,:n ii PhllBpi *?? '- the tf.' '?'?? \\',. n Mla* llaal ,-i tn dellver the moncy , -i j.-x?,|. untll a guardii.f Mra. I'ull-i waa >V pointcd, alie -tiil . >tng i ?:. Ilcr hii u d ? i .-? ? .il mi irdla. . ?d il,.. money ? ?r ' ? '",l'. "'' '" '' .-..?!.. ui i . hc dlvon ". and f <v thal . ? wi |i , ... ..- ii i ??! m app Bi ted. ? ? ? ? T.lla (if l.r.'.M. NK.Wa. (,,.,-..? ii - ? " o| the in!,- Emery Btorra, ,.f < hirago, wa y< Uwed to be a hinal H , .,;,,?? .... ,, ? . ' -,l b) ' ' -Upl'-H," I ,',-t. Tli" x. - iii, I, xi-i i- .1, '.., ome "f -l _ " i year, a ,- awarded t?. hl? wife. Rhe ti a. ur .i b Bmlted dlvorre from hlm. Judge x.i.l.a'.ii i.i .wn. of the i alted Btatee Watrirl ? h.- i--io(i .,.-* il hiwyera intereated ii ti,- mi"- ln ? art m ?- I i-ourti nni al II a. m.Jaouary 11, for a roafereece : rulea. ? iiiir.r i Ai.i.MiAr.a poB TO-DAT. a,,,, . 11 r..p Vk.-i Ml I ' P. I and I'-i,. -. J. I v- i':. Ile - ? 1 '"? 114 I . i .,?? I XI,. lt || 0 Mi,, fl I ... I'.r I .. ? *' .... , ' -..,.' ."li ? ? '*"?? ? ? ., ? II I ? - ?.. ? I ',i ii i :_.-> i'.'j.i ?*-*'? ilai il 1 i * *? IM? '.,';,- |. ,- lli; S7?, 441 , ' I I ? 16, 10 .1.. ? I.,,, ? - ' ' :i.\_ _iat i " . . - i -. , .. ., . ? ' - ' ilai. _71*. -Ma. 2710, -?- .:..! ? i- ilenda ? . . | , , -...,. i , . . - IBB, l-i. I'-.. i '? ' ? - . taaa, . 11 ' ? i - -? ;,..i. . , - ! 1 i , . i,. . . . -. . ? ? ? * - i?' ? 11 and III-Ad. a-burg. .i ?' - '.;'. - ' .. 1 ,|',.' 1..1I P..I4 '?V., "'???? ' |.,.| |-,((. I'i- ' ??'? 1040, IH41 i.-?( i?'<- i:i- tTOfl iTii,>. y.iiB, ia. ","?' ? ' *?; ?? ' .. V.- 1 hVfnr ft ,...,. ,-. ? ty '!? aona Baa i lo 21 in ... , !-,-? tl Bffwa j rlna I Davta N - i ? ?LBeaahjoa-rarl l_l ,??','"?.. ' ?* - i .taul ' *?? I to ., ? '???? _^ sriil Rli'.S t.Vh OTBBM COXE1 IXLAXB MPABB* ,. ,wlng ia u.' .r. f ralrtea ? ' ' ' law, . ??? > -a- II. , . ,'? VVrV" Ka N_,.i,t,."i. ??- zX; u,.i, Kingabury, wotth A.-.ii,. fam. .: .|."i,, - r, , ii.v augba, ll.. Illghneaa, I -,'''"1 ,?..?. -,..,,,, """tt' Ml.. . :r.',;?. ?? ll-vdlU'. i-.?. j- , ? ':?' . Carroil ' larenaaa. I- n. !'-i, I,,'l? . . ? -.a, ,?,. . . i .mi laekey Clab aMaed -> tollowi I'M. Mi i.i IWO, IBB1 U I ,i iu I ^.l I WO>T(-_l ,.-? /.. |??r auk? "'? Spttot BUBaa.. ... jg ,-a |,?,,!... .1*11 "':' ? .?< ? ??"? -"in Bla*** . <*'?' -??'.** , ,1 11.,-, ? - otaa and ' '- I'-- jtldae Handlrap B4 , ?.?v : I lataod ( ap JJ 41 rt'MB xi 11 n.N'i, i?:it. I .,! I ...... 1 1 Btak. ? ?? -- 7? (, ;-.-.' I ?-!? 11,.. 1,1 ''? ? . ? atakoe . o) ? -i-i. Baaaaa. BI 1,,. 111 Agaa 1 llgbi Hi '???' . 4l ai 'i. MB Mii njcn IBBB. ratartty Blaltea. . ,4yl ,,,, |, ,.,.,i,.' ..i,iiti(,n?i atiirtaa bava beea re?-eiviai f-r 1 Handlrap, Mbing - t.,t?i .,t ;.. h.,ra-a tbal n ,,,.-., non Inal 1 ... ,,.,.,-,, .1 ,.n,. I: 1...- aagelee, 11: OBette. 4; lt.'". 1 1, . s ? - t 1 . Ma i<?"i ? ' "? i" PRQF. KQGH RECOrVIMEflDS The Sotlen Mineral Pastilles, ,,,, ,.,-, u..,U" from the h,vl?n Kpringa, nanKfurt. (iermar,.Ti, FOR SORE THROAT, CA TARRH, COUGHS AND COLDS, as the best and most eflective remedy. Dr. Koch anid : " A eatlgfa for xvliich I tricil miinv (it'iri mo'liniHs. wliu-h huil imt thrxsligkt cat "flCct. _oot. Iipiiimr- bettar, and IbBfl now entinl.x ilia;i|,ii".i:-?il L.v tlio BBB ol tlie? Snden I'ilalillr-S." Th*' fBBBiBfl have tho tostimonial and signa ture of Sir MoBTBll M:.. Itc:i_ie iir.uiml each box. Pricc. COc. ANOTHER STAY FOR JXJOIRO. A SECOXD APPBAX.TO THK SITREME rOlTvT. h:- ? \-: CAXXOT bf. KSARD FOf. TES MOQTTBB WBBRE WlU, TKE THl.v.i EbTDI There i. |it'|. iliaine thal a HMateaaned uian will be eaacnted In thla rauntry if lu- tawyer is h^nt nn avlnc him. unle-.s rertain se<iioii<; nf the t'nitod statea atatutea are reviaed fJotne Ubm ngo thei'mtexl Statea Bapreme Conrl handed down a deelaloe alaxnlae Ing n.e wrll nf bakc.'pa- ln tke caae "f shlhnva lufii',, th'- Japaneae mniderer, then nnder senteme nf dcath. Juglro wa- reaentenoed t" be exaeatad ln the week Irsglnntng January 12, bnl on Tucuday Boajer M. , :. BppUed to Judge l.aeo?*ake la the Uatted , iriait Courl f?i anothei wrll <>i habeas ivorpus. He Blle?ed Baal lodgmant hail nol been entered . Um caae "' the Snpreme Conrt, thal one aol ad mitled rn qualiSed i" p**arttoa had been lu.-ismed lo d .in.'ir in the Courl of Oyer nnd Terminor. a:id ;i,ai th ire were no aaUvea "f Japan on ettber tke Urand .Inry or Uie petiy Jnry before whieh the prt-onerV ?.Ull". .in!.- Laeotnbe daoled the applleattan aad Mr. *>herman appcaled tu Un L'nlted Btatea anpreane Court be .?? u rda] lianded dnwn a oaKlelea allowlng tl.e appeal, a- f illoa ?>: rii' prayer ??! tke peUMoner (or a wrll of hadMaa torpur i.i Inquire Into the rause nf hi- detfenUon ai -ln.: tlng pi. i,n in tUll iii iri'i. nnder a ConvleUon lll .ii" -'ai" ...ii,-:. ln vlohtlon, i- he aUegei, ol tbe I oiirtltutlm aud .tatato "f ihe i ulted >taie>, bavlng ". ,:, ied ' i order thereapon duly entered, he now ?.,;, , tburcfrom to ihe luprame Oaurt. Butn an ..|,p",l, undei - lioni 7-.;i and 7Hd of rta? 1 nlted .?. Uea ,,'\i-e,i Maiutea iaa amended h\ the aci .>t March 3. i---,, . arrorded lo blm >u- an ahaplute itatatory rlaht. i n. appeal and rttorlon, wlien Issued nimo ilrti daj before tbe Bral day of tne nexl terin nf the -n| reme < "iirt. mtut be returnable on tne jlral day oi ,,.ii i,iin iMiprama Oenrt, Rule h, aub^Uvuloa ?>'? Uie Judge ni the llreull Conrt, who, b\ .-eetion Ottn. I i.n d >.:,..?? Kevise* >i.iM?"?-. >? "'ii'l.-e'' t" -lR" *aach iltailon ha- no iiUeivli,,!. t-i ilx any earitor aay. Ih|, i, the aceond appllcallon vo tm- rourt f?r u mii ul i.i:"'.i-i ip.i-i'i thla petlUoner under tho aaaae ,, n |, tion ind two '.I tne grounds apon whlcb be baoea ni nppllratlon vli., the alleged fa i thal pr aad '?"!? " were ex< ludert. borati ol :li. ii i...,. ;?,,d rolor, from the Jurj 11 l and panel. and ? ?,, ? thal proper rounscl were nol awlgnen Le i ouri exl ied * heu lw made hli ' nppuratlon. IVhether thla i- tbe lecpnd or , .nd appllcallon i- ImmoterlaJ. i nder tne tatufe .,- thej atand. II Beems tv i? leil f"i Uie pe : ,1,,,, ? , , dctermliw n ?' onl) how manv tuue II ,,,,,i\ i,,i ihe wrlt, and u'.'thei he wlll appeal li* ,i liial, l.nt al--. how ofn n he wlll. by Burh ipiN-al, liivnbe th.- oporation of ScrMoii r*W, i imeo -? ? . i{..,:..,! -fatnt".. whleh provhler thal utitll h'inl a . ? ,...,, .,? . proeeiMtlng ruralnal Wa pewoii - , imthority -...ii l" nnll .,..'1 void. What . . , ,. ,.|Te, t Of the pe, iillnr plna eology 01 UM la-i ?. i eei ni mni be, whether, pendlng -u-h appeal. ll ? , ?;,... 0| mercli n ? ?> wimlng thal *yti,, siate aiithority, mai take any iir-.i'?e?ling . ih raon ol the petlthmer. di. ao ai nu ihu ?.i for declilon. [fce , mented on Un .,p|H.-al are IU rorniai ,,,,? and the Bxlng of tha iwturn day; aatobotn ha . dl-' .eti'.n. i . exl i-rni baglni th.nd Monday in Oe , joRiro .- '??? lor over len taootka. anleas Warden Bruah choo?aa t-. klll blm and take Um conee . m th- ,,... of ,i" eph *ood, howaver. tke ?'. ,. ??d"r tli- advlce Ol tlW \tt,.r?, viM-ueial of , - ? ? day, .i wlll ti" >;;:/.Tui:;-' ,:?;?:?:; 1,^^^^ , ,,,,,.. Mil, .i?;ir.'- i.ii.irne) ln <>yor and rcrmliier .., ;.. ? :? i i.; ??. ? i Johu R. Ildnrel ,,,. iiried him. Mr. Ilelnrelmau aaid ye? ? both he and Mr. Burlliigei had I.n ad n ited lo Ihe t,ar. I iTATBJfE.VT FRoU POBTRASTEM FAR <"TT. .1 .i. ficullen, twaanrer of the ,., . ,? , .?:,,:,. waa dl* lawfed Irom hb pUre ., , rbrrk at Bi ufch Po toflu** 0 ? for p atal empkiyea i I ,...!?. ;i ? ii- li rharged , t (,i-e itab menU atwul alleged dl ?? loni . ,. .;.,..- Ht tbe 1-oatofBce. The Wlowlng . ,, ,* ,., .. neani ubualne*?. waa Poatmaetei Van ? ott ? tay: ,. , . ' ' ., ,. , ... ntU publw -I ' "' princl illegatlo * ' '"' '" ?'??'?>?? ? ''? . ? Btmenl of cleil . and uUeglng opp aaV . . ,? .; - iperlnl ?ndenta to Um , . ?. , ompi naatton or ,,??.. ?f |.,.,.?, .re wlthonl ftraoda md dwaya liaa i.n ln favor ,.1 ind a <' !?? llmli of wor?. de even propar eBorl In l* bUl ?? Hi- BBUM tlll.e ll" ri, bl* ? ntrol, tor tne I ,?. |. ,,.-.,... ible t ? the publ rlora. lo deli rlorata or to be d* ? wl. Hme and .;. icvol .1 t.. ? ? ? g IR-leeUngand ?...,. ihe wglect ,,f ih< ,:? legit -.'I'- i a i ?? tl ? rln ilal - ?' g thel perlor tating Uial the ? en of alwayi ? to ' ,"?i '?;-;.; ;''" ndduclpltna II f,*r riff PBOPOSI l> ''?' B '?'"'' s ,,n T'> nK ri,H i ie . ii Ba ? n, . men ... nmmla.lon, wa- eon ..'?:, -,?- parh ? hy tke iHegatlor that I | nf ti.- c imni . , ,,;... rea-ommended an ezchangi ,,f i'j,,.?, .? r. "1 -'"? l"'! 'or J'',.."". a?rr- Ol land Luniber I'ompany. arUumgb tke .,...?. .. v.'?i. refaaed lo ?! ?'? U".?*";"; l" ,.,? ? . lt wai alM Intlmaled that tal* ?i.. ,,, ihe Bverton Lumber Company '? Mion, wa? preildenl . f the i eavei Blvei Lumber 1'ompany, In wfcleh < om ?,.,,. ted it vr-'- fnrther ... ,. ,.. :.,' ,.. ahlrh the Comml ilon , .-.' w< i.vered wllh vlrgln for and thal tho e beloiiglng to n.e company were . ttbtuiatelj worthlea v w Kn.v.ii ,. membar nf tha CemmlulM, -md .? lerdaj "Th re I'Tmle to add to whal haa ilready rhe Trlbu ' thla mbjert. II I* trne r,,, ihe lommlMil.Iid recommead an exclianga ol . , ,,?,,| b) Ihe Rverioj) Lumbei ,. ' , -.,..? land., however. were altnaUjd . ,,... ., ihe north ol Un ? ol nur propoaed ". ,,. ,,, have i.ived i i ex, Uui.e inore ,,,! ii.-' rlllil inalde Ihe purh II. and la w.,rlh a K,.'.?t d. .I more than th* Btata i.? m Ill.iK H?'?'? W HAgrUB OAWKX. The Biaking Fnnd Comml?alon met at the Mayor'* ?,,?.. ,,.,.,:,, i ,i r*?i*gaalted foi IB01. II I* cam ,, ,;,,. Mayor, ' "' Beeorder, the Contndler, th^ , ...MiH-iiai'. .';?! tha chaln.i ol tke Flnance Cam niitoe -I ti- Board ol Alalernien. Tke onl) rhanga r , |, ihe i' ' irnmed place, AMerman Nl.Iaa r. ?. ,|?. n,i Dl um. Uklng tho *-hi raealad by WaMori atorm. late AMerman from the KJUet. Mayoi i alected i halnnan and Depnty I ontrollei Rl, bard \ Rorra wa agaln m ate ? retary. Cnntrolkr Myera reportad tnal be had formaUy ie ,.,,,,, , ,,.ii,. i. ii.iea ir.'in the slate Board ol Bmlgra ,,?. .,. m irurted by the Commu-don, oa Decemkei ;1,. ' anpariiiteudenl i?? i^ waa Inatrneted to ntapari ? ..i.ediiie of tha property. A prnpoaltloi.arn tke ,,,,.,. ,,, ibe Park OMamlaalooeni mn ..(.|m-eii bj ihe ContraUor on tke grooud tbal Um traaafar oughl i,?t to be made ailhonl ttrtngenl lUpnlatlona th.u tke ivMiv Ma,alrad propert) ihooJd . be aaed i* ? beei ?.i- a atvera nn,. IMI, npon the I'h.-u i , , ,| and . of the Cimmlwlonera thoaght it abundantly luatlfled bj tke maanei ln wkkk tke Monal st Vimiiit ir laiinml kHMa ha.t bOBn I,,, Recotdei P Intedly agr.i wlth Mr. Myera in his ifl'-.tluiis and ,i i.luli'.n WOB |.a--.l tlmt fa-tla tiardao rnaal be u nd a. an aouarlum, i mnek ball, of lor eduraUonal purpoM**i. olkerwlM the Pnrk <'"in mi aiom i- ' aiumi liav ii. it w.l- n nlved i" iell Um Icoae ol Um uid Arsenal propert) ul IVhlto and Blm rta., ai imbln aucUon, the ur ?. value ?" i"' ilxed al 15,001) a year tor a i-rm ol ir:, v,-,,,-, ami the eie, timi ,.f lll'' lillil'llne tn COOt nol laaa than P10.000. A BatfUOl E10RT1 FF.ET IV//)*.* FAVORED. After Ihe meinliei- ol li.'' Ilend of Krtiniate had setti.-d dnwn in buBlaeu yasterday, CootroDar Myera ^ild that h- h.?l h.ard fnmi cx-Mayur llewitt ln i,-i?,n-e tn i:,e reqae*) Ike! ke wenkl mggeal tke name- nf rlvll ,'i..iii.w- wko mlgki ba) .-'m-ulted hkonf ihr- propoaad luertawe of tke width ..f the new BevanU ave. bridge over thr llarlem fTO? Btlty in elchtv RM*. Mr. HawlU liad replie.l uiat tM l"'ter ndvl-e,' eanM t.e faaad tkan \. iv B4*Jt*r, tke daignar af the -ixi> font bridifn. Mr. BaBer ailreai I Ike Beard, aylai tlmt he bad Iga."" aa eatlaaeto tor ? twldgn *ffkty feaa ?id,.. aelgklag at the drnw akewi 4.<h.o tcaaa and ro^tlnc Bbniit Bl,atka\000, l.nt a- the approprlatl ,n was otlly BtSSOfiOO, ll wnulrt he neeeasary tn have thi- inaaaaied. au th<* Commlaatoaer* mprmed Ikeaueive* aa luli _i ?< flaaag apoa tke reeari ta favor af Um etghty-loot ilructuro. A* no acuoa eould be takeo __________*__l___e_________a^^ ^THE f ADIES' HOME # 1 _^ _, I 1_ g George W. Childs, _| H/.7/ Carleton, %4 Edward Bellamy, ?\Mrs. Lyman Abbott %Julian Hawthorne, ?_v' JOURNALl r 1? For January g Now Ready on thi News Stabds Ten Cents a Copy. I I ^ CONTRIBUTOR3 //_?/7/y #. Stan/ey, 0/iver Wendell Ho/mes, Ex-Pre&ident Hayes, Hon. John Wanamaker, Joseph Jefferson, Lawrence Barrett, Hon, Hannibal Hamlin, Sarah Orne Jewett, Char/es A. Dana, General Lew Wallace, Robert J. Burdette, Mrs. Margaret Bottome, fc James Whitcomb Riley. V; ?? w I 1 ! I g__T Firat InstaUment of Mrs. Whitney's "A Goldfn Gossip." Flrst Paper ^* ?AJ on " I'nknown VVives of Well-known Men"?Mrs. Edison, with Portrait. First f>. ^| l>pcr on " Women's Chanpes as Brkad-winners." "Queen VlCTORIA AT My / "ll Tratablf," by Madame Alhaai-Gye. j ~^S Circulation ncnv excceds 500,000 copies tach issue. ? ^\| j__y Send Ji.oo for 1801 Suhscription, and recei-e the Thanksgiving and /?# %1 Christmas numbers FREE. jT 51 CURTIS PUBUSHING COMPANY, Philadelphia, Pa, ?, withont the oonaenl ?f th?> Leplalnture the aiibjeet was Inld nvpr imtil Tue ?day. Chlef Donner, "1 tbe Flre Henartment, htibmitted a itatemoni ihowing ih-it tbc v.iiue of the dtpailaaral apparatoa xxa B8?0,13B. IMPORTAVT APPRAISER8' DECItroy. ADYABCEB IN THE PlABSAVABT OABE BtVPAtBTtO. fi.-n-nii Appralaera Ttchenor, aharpe aad somer rlBa ItanBifl dowa thoir derkdoa yeeterday in the famoae Paaaavant glovi eaee. Ooloaal Tkbesor And ,'\ jud^e Soni'Tviiie rauBaloed tha advaaMea made by tieneral Apiinia-r JBwelt, Oeaeral ah.u-pe di-aentina. ih- gnaattoa i -fore th'- appralara waa arbetaar Baa iat inl ,v Co. had aaaarrahaad a (oii.i_niu.-ut of the Trefouaae kld gkrvaa, wortk about Ba\O0O. Colonef .icxx.-ll h?d advaaeed tlidr Invoteea fr..m B to over 10 per .atfit. AeeocfUag to tli- Caibanaa Ada_hiletra4lon 1,'x, nnder xvhieh thU d^rision araa m.-i.l-. Uaera i* no appeei. But It is generally beBeveB tbal thN derutou mi.. not i,.- th,; ,-nd af UM oaeo. rt..-ie waa a r><port tii_r Paaaavaal .v CO. mii-'ht *ak f,.r at. inx-eatlcntlon by Coagreaa, but Mr. Bailf-aaJ-B, of tli- Im, MBa that tho eompany wouM declde to day what coareo i. xxotild gnrane. Ilil. la one of Uie Bioal Imnortant decUlona given by tli- Geaaral Appralaera dnoe ti,o Board \x..- eatab UalMd, beeaaae II kavolvea Kvaral laenee Mkte Droea ii,.- valaaaVon ..f Ibe glovee Imported by Um hooae of Paaaavaal .. < " Thia flrm luids tbal rlvala la trwie have teen frying to rula lt-. glove baatoeaa, or, at leaat, to aecaie Ita contraef from tha Trefluaaao _love maiiufacturera ?l Cltatunoot, Knmt-e. The troublo in Aucti.t. when Bdward C. Leaeor, an <?_ pert glova exam-aer la the Appt-auMr'a Btorea, marked ?p a eoruUgnmenl oftha ftefoaeoe gtovea aboal ?7,080. Aaelatani Appralaer Durkc aod Appralter Cooper, ti-.xv ever, paaaed - ?a.nalgniDeni aa mvotced. \ long atruggla lollowed, and it ^-.-in.aj ;.-; if it waa :i raae .-, xxii,)i doctora aieagreed. i'.x.'11111411? ,, .,11.1 conalgnmeat waa dlapnted, Speeaal rreaaury Ageat wiiiiui aaklng tbe Colloetor 10 order a .-eap pralaement. Mr. Loaear had been iranaferred froai bla glore work and roeentl) -u-prnded. and kla re? ,?,v;,i recommendad. Aaalaannl Appralaer Cerbett, xx-ho xxna InJtarope i?->t auanaee, twM.floi timi he kai mi rrtalnnB tbal tbe taarkef vafna of the Trcfotia.o .i,,x . iu Loodoo aud iv.ii- waa iBbetaat-ally :.- (r,ci,-a 1 Boten, whl ii xx;.. the anouat at whleh they wrre luvolred bere. II la tald leetlaeony otfaM'ting thli .iiowci that MaJor < ..rbeti iiad gnkaowtagly exuxnlned a cheaper klnd ,,f _l,,x^s than Uio-e ..n ,?,,-ni here. Tlifa xx,t- tiujnitfd. aad a,, many i?.-uea were Invplved thal it would be dlBlcult to revkrw theoi ln ii.11 ordliiarx n< xx- artu 1 -. Bx-Judge -..ii.'rx-iii.- ?ald yeeterlaj that tlw de ,,i.,, xxa- nn 11 raae parely of valoatlon alone, nnd rti.1 nni Involve aay laaaea There wn- an honeat _irterei.ce nl -piiiun araong the employea in tlw iii.iuu,- servlce, and thal waa all. Appralaer Ceover -,,i.i tii.ti iu- did 11." eare to apeak for paolleatioa, bu. mlghl later. DfAf-l <>y i 9MTBCTTTM FKnX EXPo>rAE. .Tolm Poat, xxhn wa< for a'.oiit tlfteen years ln the employ of Plokertoii'a u.-i?.-t.\-.- Ageoey, aud xxa- r(sn in<-r<ai one .-f Ita niy>t rabtable aaaa, ikaf af DaOavaa it,-iiii.i Mveraldayaago ami xx.i. bnrfcaf la Bveigieeua Cemetery yeaterd i>. Me ?aa about flfty-four vetus oid. and waa born ... Naw-Jereey. Me aarrad in tha1 vinr ,,f the BebelUoo. He xxa.- it tlie kead "f bodlaa ef ptaketton men durtog rarkwa labor trouble- ln Chioaga, tvilkeabarre, Pom., und aleawBera, and tua Boaaa, nhleh urrurrod afaar aa lllaeei of tiu-ee weeka. waa (!,,?? .ipoaura. What is lacking is truth and confidcnce. If there were absolute truth on tlie one hand and absolute confidence on the other, it ?wouldn't be necessary for the makers of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy to back up a plain statement of fact by a $500 guarantee. They say ?"If we can't curc ym (make it personal, please.) of catarrh in the head, in any form or stage, we'll pay you $500 for your trouble in making the triaj." "An advertising fake," you say. Funny, isn't it, how some people prefer sickness to health when the remedy is positive and the guarantee absolute. Wise men don:t put nxney back of " fakes." And " faking " doesn't pay. Magical little granules ? those tiny, su^ar-coated Pcl lets of Dr. Pierce?scarcely larger than mustard seods, yet powerful to cure ?active yet mild in operation. The best Liver Pill ever invented. Cure sick headache, dizziness, constipation. One a dose. The Singer MTg Co, WILL CONT1NIhl TO I:\HIB1T AT IT9 PERMANENT NEW RETAIL STORE, 929 BROADWAY, ALL THE LATE1T DESIGN9 AND BOVELT1EB IM ART NEEDLE WORK AH PROUITED ON THE LATEST Singer Family Sfwiu MMi FAR SVPEKIOR TO HAND WORK. TISlTORa, ARE t OROIALLY INV1TED. AT THIS SEASON It la ciatnmaPT to a.-.- manv announeement.. of ??marh doxxna," and many ln BW IBM I ? n.ark down flftr por cent nnd then only le' w* romnirar-d. We fraaWlji gaataaa "-a- eoi ? ^innl f?ri--*^ are ... toxa- uiat ???? only; niark down eonda lhat. diop hMxauae of a Kyia ah?ad or brhind th.x tlni.s: of ihean ac have aome gon.1 baraataa lhal are not likely lo reuiain lona aa hand ol ihe prlcea putonthem. , GEO. C FLINT CO.f FIRNITI Ri: MAKERai, 101. 10H AND 10?a HEHT 14TH ST. Once - - Used NlCHOLSON'S , LlQL'ID BREAD bec-mes ' a householJ necessity. Boy fr,,m grocera or drug_i*ia. Beine THE Pl'REST Malt E.XTRACT known, it is invaluable in sickntss or heaith. Non infoxicab ing, Invigorating, Delkious. RED-HAND ALLSOPP'S ALE, LttL Hiexoal _nd Bottled by -a .xii-.-iip fc haiii, Bailaa iwi Tlaul. ijui-ud. ?Ma___Bfff I'RADE IMPORTED R.iM bx- fjoadlag Qreatri aad Bfhae MetekaaBa. FACIAL- BLEM1SHES. : in tha WorM (or . Sr_ir,.aKciejLa, Bair, ftirbuiai-a, ?.l XoaaJkaJ ?efBOj ?'"IJclv.-lii i.A.-uf. rimpleaBlac" " gpuA\.t* ?r*. PitttaeaFowaaf >,e ...-??' h. a' _-. ij.:.' in ile le trraiiii?iii (,( Ha.r aud fic-lp.OgJ ,,lc?. XVur-a. _..j,?rl1ur.ui Bi . . ,,!!,. Fr.-<-kl-a. Wn_kl.?. R"l S.>a-.B*d Yel-e,' ?,j>>ily.?ki-i _.-ue. **liii[>!.-?_ B.__-Kh<-_,.lM. Bu-b?r *??_-.. *? lt. ii. B. ars, I'lttlDBB, Poardar Uw.e. Pac.alOa . _-_t , <? v?](>r!i!.-nt.,au!i?en<"'h"?l|\?tr Coaaaltatloa ^^B%4\y free ai oftlce or b> letter 14a ia.-book or, all \ ~ZS^ 0,i ,nand i.alpaffaetlonaand 'b; ir ?r*atm?n|taaol a_UafiTaBi ad ir aaa I or IO eta# JOH.V ll.Womilll BV. K?-MM> narl.1. 1 ??'? Wi74?d ?t? \et? York Cl| ______! WOnllltlRV Hg_g_i"' Ba_oi s ) __!_ W IAI, M)AP for. '?" ?-"'. q/> _. Mme. gkajaMBfa Fvf Bleaefc tleana the akiu (.f all poiaonoua fllL in-*. and 1 guaran--a br Ita uae tha r"ii,,x,l ut Wrtiikle*. Pimplee, flenhlBB. Moth Pa'ch-a. lomedonea. Itonghneaa or Dlacoloratldi of tha &kln, K.djicaa of the Noae. ballow* neas tc. H__a_, a. BOIfOR o f.ast HTii-sr.. nkw voaac 8TATISTIC8. In oi_, Inatltule addreaa h?x.- for vaia k-pl i -rary -Kcurate rerord o| th.- numner ..f |*tleiit. tii-v Imxe .liaohatB?l eu.-ee ll bSum x.rv iiit-r'attn. readlng, i...d .-.Hitaiiia m,..-iixa haaWe int.rmation lu r-gard t.. their BMBkada Baff aailWI.-l tfj} .? ,.f dt*oa~c and ean ty i.rociwd, bv z vlait or Dg lreaalnK * imaaat t,, eBher of th.- lAa'iiut. *. _rt EA.ST ILMlM'. Nl??W-VOBK. AND 2 EAsT IinoOlxI.INHST., BOSTON. a DVF.RT-SKMENT6 POR THK BtCW-YORB TRIB. A CXE WILL BE Ri.ri.lVll) .\ l llli. I PTOWW OKFICKK, No. l.'.iW Btoadaay, c.iriiar lhutx -ivr>t--.t ? 1 140 U.oadvxav, ecmei '.".'ti-t.. .iiiiil '.) p. in. .70 \\>1% l'xx.-ulv.tlilrd-?t . " r.i-r aib ave. : 153 'Ith-ave. ; ISg Koiirtn a\.' .'.ru.-r I'o iru-? nto ai . 7w> Thlrd av<>.. e. rper BO__r_ . x.'.'hat. . 1 n-.'tl Tlilr1-_x.. . BlXty-fltat al., 1.T0B HM-ix,., 100 \V,.t Fortr-ae. ond-t . l.OH'- t .aun.b.ui-ave . 6') 1,,1,-rtxal.. .*>_ Xx.. x. t.aal llilrd-ox'... and Uxg HARI.EM .ill I'I. 180 li-' One.hiir.Jr-daiid tv cnty, nfJi-.t.. np tn 8 p. ni , aud .00 Weat On i.undi -d-atil. tvx\uu--ntt_.?t., at reguUr offlce tate*.