Newspaper Page Text
"I^Ihinotun UOSSIP. * ? MEN i#D AFFA1KS \T THK NATIOINAl *.M> . xi'ITAI.. the nmrx"T-?R<;iAi>'t\L ????? nn. w.t.ld's full contimivim. iGKOhux i. "noin the L-MTi'.n eTATJBB *a < IMM? Ti W10 WtrUHN'T OB FBJ "l'1 **'?" Waahiogton, Jaa: 7.-?3aorge K. Dnrta, tho m n*ct<,r-<rcticral of tl.e < hioago ExpoalUon, ia M Waahinstnn. He i? a itlikuiK leohing mnn. He bj fcall, l.r..i4d-sl.oiil<lci..l. with ? stnni, well raonded Hli **mplexlon is dnrk oltve. Hfneyeaare blnck. Hki noae ii itraiaM ami large. A mane ol Irongray knir, wilh *treak* al Mee* and while, rkUa aetoa* tbe brend farehend. A Iron-gray puataehe and wide-npwad hfRrd eone*alitbe Inwer parl ol bii mee. He has a deep, t'.ss roiee, and when be h. exeited be IOMP1 hnek the mane ol hnir from his energelle mee and aMreeaea hiaaaeli directly to tho objeel whlcb Lo wlahea to attnin. He hai the repntntiop of being an adroil mantpnlator ol men! In < on gross be waa lueeeaaful mrgely on iceounl "t this naality He ia nol eirnaidered ia eloqnenl mnn, b.ii a man ol aflaira. He '.as untiring energj, aad a rnde irraap upon tl..- preeenl lituntion whleh siionM make him r lueeeaaful manajrerol ? World'a l .,, One ol Ihe diieetora la thla enterprlee told me the other day tbal II x,'ls tkrongn Mr. Davie'a rooil manajnttnenl and knowledge ol men that the loial < iu CbiOBgO weie s, ttled H iiiilie abl v as ti|,'v weie. I nndemtand thal it ii the pretenl hlea of Ihe mnnagemenl t<> begin as boou as poaaible the work nf pnhllelly ln Europenn eirelei eoneeming the meriti and advantagea ol the coming World'J F ii. lt .s time lhal aometbing >.i thii aorl wai done. Nearlj every one on the Continenl know* Uiat tfcere kt mob a phvee ns J'en-York, bnl many have no! yel ai.rtnlned lhal tbeie l* , u\ .,1'iei place ri Atnerica. frence is tbe eoun rv to whieh tbe Fair managen are lonking for an art'itlie exhibil. li is hoped ihc.v will be abk? t i ibe cn-operation ol Ihe len ling Fteneh artlsts nnd proilucera who a*r9eomplk*he<l weh wonderful -,'s ilta ln iho ree ni I*nris ExhibiiioB. Au Lmprea ?ion unfavomhle io tlie ITnited Statei wai ireated bytheehiracteroi oui exhibtta. Every South Amer? ican oonnlry bullt for Itnell aa elegnnl buildina in delled upon the llne* af Uie nmal artlalle arehl tecture Theae loauiifnl buiidibgi were Hllcd ihroufc'boul wiUi wonderfnl exhihita ol iheHrel produetiona ol theac eouniriea. Tlie Cniled StaUi, foverned in this resp**ci t*j croaa-rotdi itotonman ship in Coagnm by iho 'ji.':! who believe ln the prineiplei ol *habl.j economy, did not bavecnough money t.? pul up n buildiiifi "i its own. ll ooeu pe l rrs'iii't,'I ,,'.: iii'-i- furnisbed H by the ebarit* i,i the French '.overni em Tho inm ol monej . priatcd fnr tbe exbibii waa to imall and Ihe ? *l taken it; il hy oni Governroent was ?U? s<. ynali thal few American e*?hlbltora s<*in any thiug. Judeed by nl] ol the rtanlardi ol nicie . ppearnn t, tbe I'i itrd Stat * w u Hie pe uea! an i ? .? - lahbieal ln ll* repreaentotl&n al tho Parie World'i Fair. ll wonld bave lieen much more riignined il we had refrained from taking part Ln tbe Expoaltion al all. Tbe Frencli newepapera follow, to ? oertaln rxtenl, the opinion* ol Uie New-York newipapen ii everythinx relatlng t" thii counlry. Some ol I'ules ri !!??. tlng upon Chic - i H* tor ihe i.\p siiiun were tranilaled and puhliihed in .-,,;,(. ,,' ibe lendina French newipapen al the of tbe eontroveny. VVhen L'bicago waa l upon the French newapaperi p bliihed . ... ui ireinenl lo tbe entei prhaj ao , ; irfiirn exhibitori were eoheerned. All "i . , .. ;,:, ? now I-. explanation, hecauie . !??< n prwl ii -I upon thr French i iin i ? ihe ? ',i.iii. rixpoallion is liniplj a : :. ,t in Iniernational s. ... i lliggina, of Delaware, li one ol Ihe ? i ,"it and energetio ol tbe new Benator* |;,. , . . ? ;ie,.| f.irtlll.e i It ol 'f llning t.lVol'M . oiher day be suecewled m obtaining Ibe ap ' ?? Arinv. bndei <n n r* whleh al flral dld nol look favor IVoctor ha I l leaal 100 clergy .... ,, . |.,. | .... -..,".' pi iverhi e patienc ? ol llie . i . mosi. wi,. i, Senalor lllg i upon him in tbe midat ?>! a moiiiiti ii -i wi . . e i nnothei can . . -.' incy, Ihe Secretary I ? ? | to |, ii an end to nn Siuiiilin, ? - tbe i iil "i ? i ,.,.,.,, , ;,,. Bald, iu iho loweil ke> ol hi.? ... ?? ! i,i r i ime to n reaolntion ., , ? ., i ,,? new eh iplain wbo . ,n ti !"? . p loitited is lo -?> lo ti e boil >m i; H ? re i* i ?. -,, . . ? , ' u |, in Uie Armj ,. , i ,-. N ' ''"! p -> un 1 be Vuk'.ii I'i-.,.; \ .... |t will i>.n''..i'i. ? e mnile, and iliitrd i:l ,|? ?? i i i?. immeiiiatel.v aent t" Ua; wilda .,( ,,,. naetl, ii i i '..'.i lookeil p foi tlie lnst Ume ",i,,, .,.,?,,',,., nied Senalor Hi riie Senatoi tnaell waa eompleti Ly iei .i ,. ,i a word to s,,., i.i Ibe ? . ? ? \ , ?., ning up betore |,' ibe c:u didate wi - u | ?? ;. , . :;, il,. II'' SlOOll UP and ?? s tch an oppoinimenl, ' aaid he, "would meet n,% lieart'i ueareal deairea. 1 i , ,-? Iouh ur.nte.i t.. ,,. t.. Alask . and will gu ? ? ',: anywbere Uial I am heni." The >?<? relary waa caughl lie had ai last i candidatc w] ? ?? . ,;,, bo! I*e frightened, aud be wai onlv too . I-, -."':.?? the conti t by giving the plaee to ;,'ii,t..!' Ihujith's man. The lalter haa nol vel been nrdered to Alatka, aithougb be is. perfecU) willlng to z<> if he la ordere l r ' . I BAWFOBO. Tl.e rlever lit'ir aflvertl aienta on tlie nliuli pann nf ihe TiitiuiiO iniiii-t'i' to ali ti," eommonplaoa wanla t,l manl't'iit. ?-?- ? ? ivi:i)in.\t.s. At M. iiiiiilinkitueu', c;,i.., i, reaterday alioniixin. Mtsi Laalae (iarilrou, aaaplitT nl iv. ii. i.arn.'.u. tke proprtetm <?'? t**e t-ranu L'nioa llotel, ?*., aaarrlel to Dr. Jokn Van Uoren Vouug. Ihe Bav. Dr. i)?\ui ll. .ii-".. reeloi ol tbe ckarrh olBrlaled, a--i-t.-<i by tbe Rcv. Pr, aVIUlam Thompaon, ractor of Si Ptilllp'i i .'innii ,1, ii,, iiigblatidK. rhe brldc a*aa rJven away . brolber. The be*.! man waa J. lUltaa Mab ? tke naher* were llerhert Marabali, Jaha liarrlaon, limiiii- K. K. Loaee, T. II. Myera, r N. .ii.d L. 1'. niahop. "Ji" Kati- ,,|,ve w?. t,?. " .,i ,.i bunor, and tbe briilaamakla were .M!s^ Aanle Younn, Ml - M.'iUia i..,;i,M.n. Mlaa Knillv Jeremlah ai.ii Mi- \da .siiiw-jb. A ltdlawed ,,1 Um Uraud L'nlon HoteL Aaaeng tbe gaaata wera Mr. and Mr 11. tl. brockway, Mr. and Mr , < . N. Vlhvs, Mr aad Mra. K. J. Rleaanla, Mr. a: u Mra. kamuel Mr. ind Mra. II. I'lah, Jr.. Mr. and Mra. J. M. 1, ,e\. Mr. and Mra. i44*oege II. Dnntela, K. i. Men !e.H. Mr. and Mra. W, G. Hekenek, Mr. and Mrs. Oardner Watdwrtria, Mr. ana Mr*. A B. Darttog, Mr. aad Mr W, llawk*. Mr. and Mr*. J- C Mattliena, i n Braaln, M. H. barry, Ckarlea Bajlgae, D. %. Ilaaaaaoan, C. M. Raa*aa, es*Jaaga ?aa lloeaaa, I Mra. Mmeoti Fard, Mra. lord. Mrs. UeurK-, w. McLaan, '.cl,-^ w. Vao &ci|ea. Mra. J- ?? ghaai inil .-. 'f. Shnw. Mla* araiM Rmbury, aaagktei of A. Embun wai married |o Ot. irink -I. BMgatl at All BoaJe' I'liiiivl, la?t eveinriK. the Bev. Dr. Newtoa olliciatiug. Th? brMa waa glvan away by her brathar, Aymar Bmhnry Her mairl ot ti. ao WM MlOB Mclrn Etiit'iiry. Hii'WU.e trtaiimarli irere Mlw Lney and Mkw Su-i*. Embury. . " H 'if the bride. TIicit* waa a little paifp and a llttle niani af kanor. Tke baal man ?*- l?r. Habbard, md the uvi^r. Wer* K. *'. Meneaell. I'r. \V. T'rl Hel iniith. jr.. Bignr <?. Yonng*. Dr. Leaii and Ur. J. Bal* . a -maii rmeprloa t Uowed al tbe home of lha hnde's tuotlier, No. lll) We t geVOOty BOCOnd-al. i ii" waaknng al Asaaaabiyaiaa Myei .i Mela ta Mbw LaMla m kfaeataia i<"'k pia..- Mi iba Ircnna Lyeaam i?st nigdt. ,\ iiiiinWe, ,,1 |)i,,iiiii,,'iit Haaaaw* were I'.-seiit Tho pair Marted lor a trip to iVaabtngton ?mi Kl,,rkta. Nli- I'anny A. Bveiitt, jrouoge*! dauKht.T ol th* late i Ba* J. Bvaritt, -\.v- uarrled raaiterda} evenlng in Perej llaywood Haii m the Hlllskle l^iahytertan ? 'huiili at oraiipe, N. .1. The rei.:iiioiiv wav i>ei fi,rin.*d bv llie Uev. I)r. MMrHgl Mlx, assi^ti^ by Ihe l!*v. r*(anl*v While, the pastor of ttr,- charcli. Tbe maM of hooor ?.'...? m ? Urare Kldrldge Mla. Th" l>c-t man was Wllliarn Y.nii.K. an.i the nahera were winis B. Bverltf, ArUmr He*r*bor! Hall, Hunii P. Crlaa aud t'ran'i K. (Jellatly. A ret-eptlon Mloaved at tbe home ol Mr. and >;r~. J. Itowland Mlx, in HiL-lilaiid ave. W4B*a BbOUl 1.*>0 **oe*t?. Siss Abby B Ticbaoor. daugb>er ol Mra. -? I Tlehenor, of fentral-ave., Orange, X J.. was mame.i at 8 p. ni. ycalerday to Rny Decker. The "flii itlnu clargyman waa the Bev. iu. Ilenrj M. rBerra. There were lUiout 100 guesta proent. Nev.poit. It. i.. Jan. 7.- Lleutenanl Townaley, Lnlted ststes Arrnv, and Mlaa Marion Howlartd, alep ?ltrl.f Claeenoi King, the wrli known geoloeiel ami arientlst, and dauithtei of Mn.. Ftarenc* Uowland, ol thw < lt), were marvled to day at the bome ?! Ibe brtde'a Man? ofRrerc were pret-eiit from Porl Aatama, whci* the Mvieirmom bi -tatlinct. The bclde Is a grandilaoihter of Mra. Bopbla Mttle. wbo ha-s done ao mnck lar tne Inmatea ol Mate InitUuii n a. A STVRDl MTTLE COLLEGE. IrlNNKK OJJT THK BOWDOD1 AU'MNI. MCMOXIAbBAIX l?D \ SCBW i.YM\Hs:i*H iOM 1M.KT1U MT.l'lM- 11V PtUBlDEVI liVJil. AM) OTHEBS. Tlie loval MM nl the sturdv liltl" OOllegjI fOBItded not qatte ? bnndrad yeara ago "awaj down ln Mnin-" inet lust nhjbl at tbe Hoflntan Hen e for Ihe Iwent3 llrst annual ilinner of the New Vork A.ia gon. The okter men weri derMedly In Ihe majority, wlth not a few pay lieada aaaoag tnom, bnl appareotly Ihey dion't feel ihelr year* mnre than did tbeiryonnger lirethren al the ntlier end af the bt| table. Tho alunini heM a baalneM meetlni before UM dlnner, il whn li ihe offlren ol the n*u. ? n for the eoming fenr were eiected. Thej an i foi lowa: rtciblont Oeneral Bnnjamia B. Fonler: vic. praaldaaU, >\ <;<>v,rnor Joahu L I'hamberlaln, ol Maine; Wllllalu ,\. W. ?'? CoHB BOd V. \. i(,,aiiiniHii: iorreapondlng aeeretary, !'? P. Wmmona; ?eeretary and tiaawuvr, i>r. r. tfc Dllllngbain; ,?*. ecutlve raaamlttee, A. P. Uaby, Cbarlea I.. Clarbe, lir. F. w. Btag, Qeerga B. Mottltof Frank ll. l plon ;,.,(i B. ll. Coek. > memorlal r**olallon waa al*o preeantedl and adopted ?< lha meeting In .im ol Profeaaor Danlel Raynea Goodwln, who dled on March 13 ?f last year. Pn i"- or Ooodalfl wa the iu< of llenry W. Longfellow In the chalr ul modern mngaage* al Bowttoln, and heM the place from i- ?? ti, waa, being aflerwaid preaWenl ol r initj Cdlrgi Man) "I the okter graduatea remember blm alth ret erence. Umon Goodwln, the reUring prealdcnl ol the -?" ,,:,,, ?,, ,?.. Ided al lli" diuner. ID Uddltlon to the t,.:-'f?i iii.uii cardi al eaeh place. Ihere were pi Hfll of thr si.HK1> Wlth whiih tlu: I"' " I"" vr:v ]"' "? .perted, contalnlng. wlth Ihe oW llme favorlU**. a fea ....o.n-. of anmtatakable Bomdoln nrlgi tfter lha dlnnei bad been eaten Inforroal aiwech. wcr tnadc. The loastmaBter fl. t called upon tbe prerldont ?f lhi, , (Uegfi lht |;eV. Willlam DeWHl llyde. who pr.ded to jurtify Ui* recommendatlor, n ??.-,,,? ??.,:, "id head on young .iMer . bj : ;,:-.,n . ut ipeecb. ln ablcl.lold ol tn.-i,, -? th, carrlcnlum. th* *UU ol Ihe colleg.mHdlna ?,?! departmenta of Inatroctton. and the need. of i wori, Dr. Ilvde la thoronghly ln ympalhj m ?-uewlearniu.-'in th.I1*?W and lllve li. ,?s,t-?fhi^ns,itn'ii., Ileaaldtbat Iiowd. 1-H--I ln 4?undt**? to Ih.ll.":? d .. ? ??ui of pby.lcal exerclae for eaeh atodent gortai ph I. i;.ncouwied. Bowdob. allempti only the work whleh properlj trflonga to tl.ron iltemnta aiiiteralandlnglj ind a Ph. peahei al*o annonnced.mpletio tfvn.n..-.u...a.,d..fth.. .,.,.?!-. Me. U llall , .reeied by Ihe ulumnl ln ..,.?.... of i .. falleii s?idie.- ni Ihe rnlon.. , ... | . ,.f t .? i ? ".'lal'.. ?!>?, '"?'""'? .l',*"1:7 ( , VK.7. k. ii. rook. r. a. I.? ? ? ?'? ' '?' "1,!;;;.':',:,7,:'7; '?. rl-tK ffrsK'| . !U;:.7',;;77? iiiii'.!,;;,;..\-.. k , m^ Mervyn Al> Blee. _ SOTES (>F IHi: HI \GE. v Bpeelal aale ol . '" ''" ?.: l******? ?f ?!? , Jonathan- bes ' ? ' ?.f "' fijiiner i asu;,, - ruvenb**. llailen and llari wUl b* aean ln "Utm On? il tbe iBauaard Theetre nexl week. Mla* Maggld ' - - ''' " '::"<l ' ' '"" '' " '' TonV l-..-1'.I'- TMeatre. I.IM' - t*ean u:,,l.l" U) ?I'I"ar for ti"- Bral parl ??! ':". *' **? \ ,ther I ' ' ? ? '""" ,?? i ,..),,u Theatn ' S(,n , . .-.! '? the l2.Mh i" -I and ronalala ol i i ? dar for l?M wllh i toi-lJIg ? ptotura ol a bcviic from Ihe i ? ' _ ? De yaa ? int real eatala. aen inl . | ""t. or reomai 1V , , . .. uuii adverilaemenu on the ninta pajc ol Th* Tribnne. _ - ? wmmmATRLETEB TO Altt TRE " ?''" " s " Tbi ? ? ?? ? ,. ? .' a - ? ? . v M :? r tn* ia ?,d llade, , -i ? ? ',?? aix-akti .? .4 .. ? - . ui.,,, t.v ii." ."-?- Bbowii ' .' ' Id ?. .,?,'??'? loubl i" lunnj ' ? , ? . . ,. : ? '?? - ' '" "'? ? ?? . ? ' |, ,,;.... ,.t ? ? a Uicai v .,..,,1- Un i itroi ' ' ' llmrv i ,? ??- Mra I ??. H ' *>rt, |, Ml ','.'' ' ''? '?' ?; ? I, " II Mra. John D *>? !?" .l?. wilmi.I Mn i ? l. K? ' ,...? M< . - Mra Joaeph II i hi ." ai * M BeBti and boai - n ?? ta Bbtaloed H Ui ' Theatre, ? tllXJrfr.R LlXOOUt BETt'BXn TO EXOLASD. l\ bert I.i.euiii, i.iii'd but, Mii ? ? ' ? ''?? ''''?' ''f m jamea, .all*4 on ihe Sorlh ?? a L, vd .tean ?IiIij ^^.,1,. ,..,. aay l'."f. aalltna l.I ' ??I to '""* ?" "?' M"*** "' '?"'v '" ' '. ,,1,,-d. Tbe I'.Bi.nne bea dIBleull haa nothina lo d.,. ' rn i ahal atop at SmiUu ip na uid *n 'i'i i I . - Bl l.-i.'l'.i. " M s. I.ln '" Mln i-i'i iu :i f"'< wffka. '; ie i" waa bo dwipla.i al bl. di ,,...,,,,.. aad it ?n- oaly bj loo* bi b( Mi* **aaB*na lhal tli- traveUin aa lh? baa a learard al bla praaa.n lha vaaial. TALE M.IMSI WXXEi Th- anoual dlnnei ol Uw Val* Aliimnl * Ifew-Torl wlll i" aiven al i" i""" >' ":' ' Mr. Depea ???! P?Wr, and .|ae*che. all ba ?: '" ??t,i,i. iradnau*. ol "? ai ????? l> ?? \ " '' ; D*i|hl.'*Mi.baWr ?'??" llV r*prr??italivia <4 olhr ??,... -.hiiv mv.v i u. i" |,.'"M Tlrketa ma* be eb. uui'd tron WlUtaai A. < app, St 16 Broad '.. DESCMRIRQ B1B WXfi l:l<Y' I.E /? S'Vf.l'. Tttaaraa kieveni rave * IwUire at Hk LoUi l. [Ml abjM ao iu- trip aroand lh? atorld on , blr.i le. Th? ,,..,,.. w?n illuatraUd I iUr.o|* roa vlewa a-alcb add.-d ,? ,,?. rvldrni ii.""-' "?"' *??*?? "" 1"'":' "' II, ,:-.. i .r?al Icnal. bla Journe, ll A,la >.r, l'*rala, ladla aad I blna Th, i I venuire Uw aaaaieau il -' ? imapeakable Tat I ? rapture rd m? "???* ?'" ? '* ' ,tn> -" l'1'"" Bbl i. *i?l reUlDi thioiu-t, ihalr laod wer. i. .,,'iii'd u,. a rujuTT ataa llvea aftei Ih, ? ,_.. ? ru* L7jfMLf irf4iori curn bebular TKEET ?| ?? I ?|?n 1^ a;iir < im. WlU '""'' "?- -;.",'?l '1"""" fnr eaBtara to-uiKht Tha aapeeUUaaa arr u,?t ? M 4? t,:,-i., ",- ??!*aatea, aad laal ib* n r|]| b* alactrd ?? VA* ul opp ' n.llirr hrld IU \,f llmliiai v neetln.' lu-t Dlght, ,it whlrb vai. eeau arera beara, wtalek wlll ta ub ,..",<! to tli" i Inl. ?" llghl ?i ;? ..?,.,,. ".t -.v ',, '..tiri war* Bhaaaa I n.riuber* ot t.Inb appalated by Pnaldenl Depea ba\a n.adr kno?n UM ?.im - aelected b) thew '? '" '"'*'1 "?' tonight The uckal li a- fallowi r*r.-i<!"i,t Chaaacey vi Drpew; vlea piaaldeBU, baOraad h ( > s. gaaMh, Uvl f. Mnrtoii. Alfied Vao Baatvoord, ?i"<,i II l.n.rrri, '!*,????. II RtJObatd, I iraallua S BllBB rtiiBui i Aiu.ii, jflMU haaigBBaii, ?> Plerpnal Mofaraa and Waadbary fanglia; ia?ia*lary, ?'? BaaTei Pag? hraaa. i^i Ucarfa MaatagtMi ?aaihar. al m natcaUve '?'?.'? nlllee, Bravtoa Ivea, .i tdrlanec Baah, Ot* rtt* U. s.r.'-'i.. Cbarlea II. I4h4ini md r*raal ? ttenavi.m Ih-ts .,t Mm uwlMia ,.i, *liiiti ..... al C D Bor* n. JaBoadi H,,.i?,..i Bonea Baahaall nnd U C. W Uipi ? jii.nuli," ?? ait. ?Il,i,?,i.s ll i lat.i" A. r. M. I'o.vli. II W. W.ti,a,s, W. 14. NMiolr. K W. Vun Itij.mrh inid 1. II. Wal"?. ioiii oill "" llBTlry, '. M. , ti.oi. |.s.o,. I>. S. Kvetaaa, <? B. I.a, P. da p. Blcbatu, i. II. At,u,t Mid w. t. uiomw ; ' I'li.iiiiiti* i,i, leUttcal refaeaii B, ll Huifdalr .,iil twclv* Blh*!-. Th* n?oiiuatlii|t oommltt*)* 1. conipoard if .l"l,n", .*ohu K. CBkar. rhiiiaavi Unmy, Si^unirv- w. Plr. Calaail B. V U. Crugar, w. 11. BolUVatataad Jeka Vtm Warawr. i" lli iYin r.uniaiii (.).. i. ttom 0 t., ' u aa. FRaZXCBMEX AXD THEIR FRJEXD8 DISE. A JOwVLY !.vr\;\<; W1TB THI CKBCLI B_MXCB.HI DE l.'ll All.Xi.j.M,.. Tho Cerek* Pranrali d,- I'llarmonle i-. lo tpeafe af ,1 . ullc tixi-ly, -ii )(,ily gaod f'llow." lt- ;. u mi" I dlnners are "tooloara gal." Thal xvhieh waa behl rentag ln Bbarry'a, nt K.f11> :.a. *-. and Thlrly -.xt-ith -I., xx;., BttendOd I'V al.oiit 150 nicinher- and gneata of the bannonkma "Cerelo." yi,n\ t,t tlie apeoh in_ xv?- naturiillv iu I'r.-ii' h. Bat theie are no prejudlee* oa lhl? bonndl.nUoeot, and .tho <in 11 i. loti.ue Uke .dl Ihe otnera haa full awtoa. V. FortwengJer, Ihe prewtahsal af Ihe Oerehi Pran <:ii-, was the tooatsmeter. Olhera iira'-.-ut were Vlaeonnl Paul d'Ahtar, ihe Frenrti ftmauMteneral; M. Tinrui, pi ol tbe Prenrh Beuerafent >?? rlcties; es-Judge Frederleh i.. uedrtey, Beajemln i ,' Polke ('.,iuiiii--ioiiri- V'oorhla, iharlc- Beg nauld. Commlaaloner Loula i*. Iletnta, Buduip'i -on, (;. Dorval, oi tba t"afe Rnraric; B. Dortat, ??? DaraaavBh), L Lafon, ea-ptaoMonl of ihe Oerele; Dr, i.ii.i.(',.-. -c-'irt.nx of the * ?-.* i.-; m. do Venoge, CMP, Moui.i.ii'-. i. Bonignat, P. Ilaot, Bafaae Loeoor, .. -. i i.ix.ii',,,, Il Bamol, i-i- Hueratot, ll Tlaaot, Loaia A. i:.--.- and B. P, HamlBoa, commonly ealled ?i.hIx hii,i kiioxxn ;.s tbe --Prlnee ,-t Preaa Agenta." The dlnner arrangemenla were ?,\.-ii,-ui. Presri dcnl Fortwengkr made an ea< 'Uont apeerh of wckome. Tben the I'oiiaul, Vlaxcomte d'Ausoc, apoke eloqnently for ?? ia bcUe Fraure." Ea-Judge uoduey repreaenfed ii,,. 1'nlted btatea among tha apeakera, and Bellvered :, adiuii.,i,ic fcii. ue.- and petrioUc aauYeea, whlch ,...;. Urtldlj rl."'I. The lOO-l '?! - I'hiUilx" xx.,. reanonded i i l.j Mr, Thoron, of the Frenrh Baoavokral .i, . iteiijamln Constairt had foi , ahjecl ?An.'' Mi; apcorh xx.t- mueh oppUMided aod, InoOed. he waa ,?,.. iiou of 1 ? Ing, i,i i i- < \>i-ii-iii addrc n-frrred io all lhat ihe Pnlled Btate. owea t.. i., re ill the xx.iv >>f .ni. Iharle- Begnauld roaponded f'.i "Tlie LadleO ll xx.-.- iai.- hefore ii..- aon- 01 Fraure aud Uiel. t...i ;. ,;,. ight. or ifhei au revolr," f..i ,..\ i|| rapeel to meel ignlu nnd Imvr Biiother ]..lix .... january 10, the dal? el foi Iha aunuaJ boll ,,f tbe orgauization. , BOXORED BT Uis BROTHER EXCIXEERS, \ nixxiii TO 0OMMOD0B1 ,nxiL!.:.-U LOBIXG. r.lix membri i ot tha Eni ? ? t'lnb ajavi i diu ler -'.,.;.? i hai li ii. i. ? glneoi I of tho i nll 'l si , ?? ,\ ,- ? , ha?| mght tl tl >? . ..... \... io Weal i ? ' * The other .,.;.. i ,.,.., odorc Meli IBe, i ieod .re B. Utorer, ol Miltoii. Mii- . and -aaiuel I Ittte, ol Uoxburj Ma*a. A nuiiii.i i of -i.ebca were luodc' many toaata o-etw dmnk, the tooatmaatei ., d that ma !??? ig Charle* M?,'1.iM. I lie ;,.-;il-'-:- ? . ? . ! I'i lt'. W. ll. .i .?,???? . I) . ' liai h ? B irtln, I). M. ure< ne, o II , I...-. . larkM K f.iii.-iv. .1. ||. || i l-v li. i oxe, .1. < K?f< i Bi 'I ' ' i,.x I.--. Among ol ?? (ieorge K. W.I, X. i . i. . ? I ? - . X| \\ ,l..-. , i ? . II .1! . ?? ll . I*. B. \.h ??-. I E !'? ? :.-|. ? . '. X I.-.. , ' I r. -. Mri Icllan, K"i" ?" p on iui'1 i hai l xi.. /.'.' . m \ r.i r.v so* n iy. .( ll .? :;,?. ' I : Illai I I i id. Ill - "I tho ? , hall, -v II !??? giv. Im ill rooni oi Ihe Ma - ? ? ?? ird. n. I ',?. ,ux itn'i,.,' - hai ?? ' ? ut \.,.u.i Itl ..-!*. ulnU ?. . Her d, M i ?.. M ?- KWd, ' Worlhi - . " . ,. x|, v,)u Beniuth, BI ? PhlBip , B ,u, Ml ... ? M , ihe M ? il ?ni, Ui ll il< '' and x. x| . ,.,... ii iVdllam N'o II Weal FU .... ; . IVilln.lii.. Mr?. <!.?'.."? I. I . x; I out. . ,'.... l-'iit ai W. .ler Hall, li I x; ..... ting, M ll? ? e. Mra. J J i . hert Kin i ? M ,i. \, - i.ii, ,i Mra. Au.tlu ' ..... ? Ill . ! . ? . ? I ? -.//;> :. '.; VB* ' ''"' An- ipoll . Md., :.i " The funeral of Vra. ? ? i , ? . i ? i I ? ? I IU ? i ? 1 ? , . ? . . i in r i ? , , . , ? . re| (.- ? t . i ? ? . ipai ' ? /,: wiu OP iBfifl '?/ l ??* >' i , lan. 7.-1 he ' i I1 . iin.'nl I'--, i II..0 .' ' .. I - I Iha li . fi . BEXEI IT /'?/.? THE Ul ll.h _ " ' I?' i :.?.,,,.. i ... ' .1-,, i>ment h i ? ide of 11 - i, ?',. , .' ? . ?? i KUe Mothei , ? Mi -i ll Johnatou II,,,,, Mra. .1. .-. Wbite, Mr. Rdward Klitdc;-. Mra. \ M. Paliner, Mra. M. f. Child*, Mi? F.inma 1.,-,, md Ml i r Boi li man Tlie kadii g parl if ? ii.Hiii xx iii i?- ... |?d by Mi.- A n.v i; , , ; , , i .\i ? ui We I,-, , ,i Uie ? .-? laelodea Bd Hm|!( . Kydne] Ih nth, I -'-.i 11 ler, Ml K. .1. I'hlllil' Ma V-.- Miller, Miaa Jt-unlo I .-???. xi, . Ua line Klllol ? il *?: E ??!'? "? l""" ?? ,\ i.,, t Thread, i di I r diali?ue, ine. lulli them, xxin I,,- .., i. i.-.i i. xii- i:.<.( Ue and Mr l>" re. Vmoiig ronlrllmttoaa for Ihe work for '!..- Lltila tluM wara umlttad from tlie IM pnblialnHl , ., r| ? ? ? ? r 1 f, .111 x:, Hc ,,,.i. .. wi . fr 'iu iv |', xi ic le, B10 from Mi v ,, ? . loj Mr*. i'i'. rlothlng ii-'iu Mr*. linyler, torai from Mi i .... , iBIiiug, i >x ii,(l i.ry from Mra. Koaener au. . andy liom Hii) ler'a. ? ?. UXTEXIXO TO l PAPEM OX HVEEL KMLX. \. ., ,,, . I,,,. i,| ,1,. ,\,,. , ,,, Ha. ? ix (,f ( ix il I'n ~|? .,, i,,;,i i| -. , 127 I ? ' M-ventiT-al , ,,j;vr ..ii ?tee| ? , (aad by'T. '1 ,1 .!,-, i- ?? .1 I. . ? ' (1,j l> ?? . , XV. II?!.-?, I* .,|. XX houae, Jr.. w.-r' rl, Uad membera I...,, ? fl Fouquet and n,:,..,I, i. lUgg" ???' i.,! mloi ? 4 Df.V.VBB Tn iEfEETAKT \'./!/./: rOHTPOXRIk i I,. ? ioi Ui John xv Soble, s.. ,? i , ? . Im- i or. s ? y x . rl ? rra of hl? B ???? ri-o- ll ?? '., PlfU. xx..,,,. :|,,'.;,, , j , , ,,r ??.; haa heen poaB Bed oii ,.,,,',.' -i,< ,, ,,,, iirm , -. b "f i tlumboa, Ohlo wiio ?:.- i. m.-i.ii.. ? fratemlif MR fOWDBML\ ? fft'BEME LAPOBEB AT. Tj?. . |m I.i "i-i '-?'?'! bT I V Pnard. I ?? ? ? /' Maater Warkmaa m t,,- KnlghU ,.f Lal rallbag tei ? .. ,,, orranti. .. U. id ? I | irty, ?r"t prBilad Bi .,.-.:,. ? , . ?; ,?i Iii x.i icn- ?> , ? - i,v a .rKiii., .,?., v. it ? ?: i ?? r x ... i.. .1 M iatei \X.,.,.), .I N.,1...ii,,l H!,. '?" 210, BBkl "11 . .. ., ii ii. ? .,|,| lead i- aroaM aol with it 1 <i" i.'.i ??""- "..- ii.?? bartj wlll ba a gumaaaai .,i,. rven 11 orfaali <i " s<.x. ral otk ? ? '' ? ae aa beair, ** ... i, ?,. , oatun.ll waald bnl aaama ' .- radleol Uihoi an ,i ii., ., i?ni?. ?*? laagbad at ?> ? n palillaa al Um laeUea ol old ut,! Modara l i aa-ka aa i a aaaa t aot ?f it aa i.u_'i_i' aod ti.'" aai.t la Baa Blcheal aMdor, ir//i iii: rm.r.h r> BECOOXIXB. li om Tha Wa htogton l'" t. x .-.?,,:.,! and xMiti man ahoal tawn, xx'm ia rery ml ,,f miiiic- ln- wrentlj lui'l hl nl.- xxhl-k.i |.,.,i",,,x.,i. v iii, I, iu.ti?-- qulta an ?ppr?-.lablo dltfen-n.e ,,, |,| |?.,.,, ;ii apiiearaure. tVhlln lalklng with aoma f, ,,.,1 ,. nn- iillugton . .'?, 1,,-mai, .uu.- up t.. the .Ith ii pli M aol -in'1'* aud -I.k hooaa xnth ,?., (ri'-n.i. - l*.x. i. ?? me." nd tn- Utlar; "yoar fa, .? i- famlBar, ol roar*e, bat i raallj eaanal ?at' >""?'(.!?'.'!,!' s,,,n :- .md Um -ii-.i'ip-i. "daml yeoi aaaat in.- hmjrthe, ul ileorartnwB t" 'Why i" be -,in'.'' waa the anawer; -hui -baa yoa -,-,? i x- beon harlag n^ whl-kn- haved, and thathaa iiu.l'- aaaa. au alterallon ln m* lhat 1 hanlly reeoguiia an. i,. di i? THE TLLIN0I8 8ENAT0RSHIP. REPUBLI0AK9 MORE HOPETUL OF BC00BS9 IN THF. LKGISLATL'IM-:. I OFFOSl TIOW OK THE PBB-UEBT BEB?ATOa_B T< VBEB 111bxt lu it p.iso x - r.X < 10 v i.". \ ? > r. OOLEBBT UM-CED vitjS \? tVAlI_%BUB -CUAXCCB OP M.N\Ti>U FABWBLL wn MVBBVOB PIPEB. Bprtngflebl, m., Jan. 9 BtparJal).?IBtaohi Bepnh llrana are doing a eaal lot of thlnklng Iheae daya. TIm talrtj eeventh Oenoral .Vaaemhly xxin conrene an January 7. ond 11 haa *eidom i.i the pUghl ot Be rmbllrana to i.o lempeDal to far,- g Legfadatare ,>f hh i> ., mongre] romplexton, or t.i enter a Benatorlal right xviih .,, ii,ii. ii aneertalnty attaatflaa reaaUta. Tho re * '-uli- i.f iii- i.i-t ghjruon were truly ilaaenrtenlng lo Bepablirana. Tha baVw waa ao aneapacted that II xx.-.. hard m reaBae the full eaaanl of whoi tha toea of Ihe preaeai Letlalaaare woaM eaal tln-m. Aad U araa . ..i long before tho bmbI hopefol kodora woea aom pelled i., gektiowledin thal that erafly aeakajague, Oob ..?ai Joha m. Pataaer, eertataty epfeared to aaaa Ihe rall on tke Benatorlal rhalr aow occapled hv Mr. li- hud mi rotea pledged to him. '*rhe Ro puhlit-ana ronld tnu-ter only too, with threc Harmera' Alii.m.o mou koMtruj the booanee of powor. 01 theea n aeemed eoroata thal Pataaer would gei two, gfvhaa hfm Ibe neeeaaary eota forau eteettoa with Htua appaottlaa. Tben ihe BepnbBeana aaeaaed to be portle-Jorly an fnrtan ,t ? ln aaeurlng the eleitlon iu dontitftil and (l',-o diairirta ,,f BepahUcaa Bkemhera who prored loeMglble from him ...u-p or anotkaii. nnd it xx-n- nol kmg ' the n in,,. i u- iif.iiu aenrtag aotleea al < ?teet i'i dl?erlml atety xxnn aii iha eaauaaa la thoir tavor, < Bhllng ibam n> aeeora tor PahaiT hii everwhalmlng ni (J"litx x. 11ii inti.. .-tfort.' I'ut thlnga iiuxc changod. Tha Deaaoi rate were ao .'\.-i ime with Ihe Intoxtoattoo of their nueeaa lhat idi it..- righta aod eqoJUea of the attnattaa were lo?l :. and the tlaaa wai nol kmg before notleea ol ronieai *ere ..-iv-d upon Bepubllconi IndlaerimtBatel) nnd withoul regard to flie grounda alleged rherefor. Thia roarae waa taken by tha Demoeraii when they lound ii.ii they .M organtae fhe Hon ? xxith..nt the hidependenta Bepuhllealta, bavlng laved coatrol "f the -I,... ihe goodral wreek, al onra proceadad I.. deal aith the Demoer_t? with tlteli own xx. x ,i .,,,i|.-,.. ,,r ,,,uT,--t on a aufhYieol nnmbei ?' -' ,',: -, preaenre Ihelr righta ahouM the Houae ? ? ravohtuonary mea area lu uu-taUng membera. rin. ha. bad ? aalatary effeet, and H la pi..?..*t,i?- thal :.iteata xxiii i?- waged, aod thal the memberahlp ,.t both hotiMM xxiii romaln andteturbed. Peoaocrata .(!>? noa rnmpelkld to adtnii lhal <.ral l*alnier i? Ln ja | ""??li.iu ..f ii.iu li to v UM lcii-t. und ? proapeeta arr n, eedtagly brbjhl lor th,- Bepoh llrana and the Independchta anUing upon aome lt. pubiiran wbo xiiu prove agreeable ta both faettona. iii>- ii ri \x i,.. -.s?iu- far in tbe taad ln thia Ihree ? ? .i - ex-Govemor UgJeaby, though ho l i,v i,, meana tho only ntifll waa baa >? imbitton to be le, be Tm.a llkoly baa* ambltl ml u ? ? ... :,, Uaa BOnale, l.uf l- Wlllll % to se'i> hia I ' . poaaibh). I'arwcll'a retnrn ta lUlnola aod hl .otitiid" ii c,i (.:: have an embarraa-tag effecl . , inra, Many of hta m"st loyal aup have ?? t-oit.-d' fr .ni "liiin. iir.d whlle m-j xx, i, herafoferc extremali -lataab i ii i io ?' kirge namber <.f Bepublirana, yel ?'. _>cin_r a eandMota he would un ? ad ? full x ,,t,- ,,f hi* party, M -.x.-t (mp branghl t,, hia tupport tha ?'.',., would be neeeaaary 1 i \ not her iinfortunate thmg la seuatoi l ul ? ?? ? d, WhlBs ho i- too ahrewd .. poUttrlaa t,, i'i.-.,irnt llarrlaon openly, aa doea h'. ? |a beBaved '>> be leeretlj urglng Mr , ii;, immedl ite bm ker n thia i"..*t : ? --,-.,. ,,;i iu lympatby xnth the moremeni. 1 llom la doing u la, ii ?: with t ie ?<)? i ,,i gaaiating , i.(ixx..,i bork t<> tlia Bonata, ao mneh aa ;,u tiing him - . . I ildobtl U ? aniuatl. 1 -'?' x;.. r lUom, lo aay the leoat, baa en ? h' ??, gl t otharwlae be a, hi"x-.-'i -.?,,,', ~h,,,ild ?. ted and ? ? ahled to ftin i the Pn . , ... than r.ii'lj lhal >-i ?iov ,, xxi. 111 be uiiifed upon a- the aafeal and ? . heod the UeBet, tor he ;?,---- -a tho eon roUre people al the Btate, regardleaa of ;.-',? , ?! . ' i ? -? Bll sc'l ,-. ?? , , -. I ?cl,.-; i! : ? , i ?? i . ,. .? .1 Bul there i I '' -i ,,u|,i he he el? leU, N'orthern III ? .i.i lie ; ? .? ? lUa |H.|ltl, .1 ? ? d.Hibt. rin- .? rounl . too, ; ..... ... . ', .,- hia Bll ii i.-i.oi .1 ? igk ?' ?. were * i" Idcnl ? ? ? , Mr. ( ..."i , wo ?' '? '??? " ' a nli , .. ted, bul he . ? < Ingftekt, IU Ing only .? fcxx mlle* ? i M ? *, ? ? ' that , ,. ? ? md ohtaln the , , ivic.?? ledged . .i, niand i>l tha F. M U i , ., |. i|, , ? ? il er "i tl.rgaaiaatloii. ,11..;. il . man fi- m ' to I* ? ho* , xx.,.i.i pi ??? to I-.x.: ? or nt- r , , ?! Be foi Ih. *pl ire li 'h ? , u| the ,xi'ia'-i 'ii. rei be * n i ? i?- tendered him. II ,. ,.,,. fnn .,f Bffl. nl ? ':" ??' W . I ,|,|) .iiflj.-e, ayd he would !??? ?UI i .- lo ia I. * j,,-,,, th ,?. ?? ? iUve, nt hia home t..n. Thi- xx..iiid taave the B< Id pru. ,,, i||j .;.-,, t... Mr. < nll',iu. lt .- dmibtful ??betliei i,. ,,,,..? tioveroor Fifer, I ie ill ?ili.i . ,,-. utix.-.. I,,- tMN-ii iinable i" >i'i? '-?? Ihe up ,,. ui- i ,i oBlie .?( Hc- ho*t "l appllraiil ?, nl then bi . ,,|.. ruemlek ?nr-- he ncc-i i.-.-i n a I ? ,i Ii .- lihely, howfv. ? ? i... ,,. Hon ,? imea, Mi . nU.?m' ; ., ,u I, i i,. ,,i,. rx.-i. i?fi Ihe in.m wbo ran beal '" neral i'.iln,,. ??? ill he i.nn.H -I ii haa been rurrenllj egnei-teal lhal tlie pre*. i i xx.,iil.i rank parallel n, Ihe tam.Mia n.-io be .,,;.,.,! jntm \. Logan and Colonel w II am It. , , i . ,t. ahere Uie Jolnt ballot ? a ? m tlnufd for ne;irlj Ihree niontha, death ..'id .i ctever polltiml itn.kcu ig the eantn.eeray ta tlenenil u !,. llev.-d lhat ihe Mcuaior \uli have I , ,..i before the end uf Ihe monlh. stH.nld nn pmve ., Demorrutii -... the Be* xxin -uttnr tu> doubt ftrom ?< '**'?? !? i ' ' ,, ?? , i,| ti,.. state, though, of rour?e, ? lU' ... ,,,ul.i ,.\cisl-.- 1,1- v,?to power -Iciil.l ., gerri I .,-,.,; pi >p irUoiia be ,iii.'iu|it"i. \\'th Ihe ?.lx -.. .-x-ulx dtrlded, it I- beflex al by njanj ihi.upporUoumaiil blll xmII be attempted, t., ,u.l, uiiforeseen i-imim*tai.mj rei pi. Um* Demo ,:.,i- in ,i |M?iU..n to |,a-- .in appartionnienl l II ov.xr ,i,,. ,,,,.., r:,?,!?'- vci,,. rio- xx.,u|,i mean an lrre\'oeabh" . ||i,. Kopubllrun . .md ouc ahl. I, ever) efforl xxiii I-- made to prevent. rhe n.-xt mo*( Iniportani ,,, . ,? ri luaed xxHI iIiniMI??-- IhJ iii'-:i-uiv , proiM-r |,i-..xi-i',n- fm* a -u,...--fiii promotlon i,l Uie B'vrkl'a i mr at < hii i.o. ILLINOLS LEtllSLATORS OtRGAMZE. 4 iii MCN r. x; ;? -i-i.xki.u 0P THE UoraK \nd a Bt-PUBU xs BBBBlOf B I fBO TlM bV l'HK sl/*> ?I'' HpHngfleM, III., Jan. T.-The XXXVIIth neneral a I] .,r iiiiii,,i- convened In regular (eaalon al noon tn .ui. i Im gallertea ,,f both honi m were rrowded, and lh? gi ate*( u,.c:---t waa awnlfeated In tbe ontromo of Ihe |,,,iin. ..i . .,-i,|,hc..!.. ii N'aturally the greateal In ,,.,, i wa , .,,(,,,] n, ii,,. Houae, where the Demorratli , ; i t .uilii icnt to organiae. l be full ii,,ii ,., ,, ::, j,, ,,: id ? x ? ,iix leven Demo. rat.. leveulj Ihree It.'publii ni- aod ihroe Parmei ?. rearamded to tlie roll nill, i hc Houae wwa urgaiilaed nx the ele< tlon of riuytoii i-.. < i.ifi-. i.c.'iio. f"i bpeaker, b) the full |.,i lx l uto. rhe Nenate waa to order by Lleulenant-ttov ,ii.,. Bay, ...i'i Kcnator M. *'. Matthewn. Benubliean, wa . (hiu-cn prealdonl pro him. 11 a eete <<i -' to -i ///',// LWESHE l\ HALTIMORE. From Th" in.itm, te Amert. an. Ih- nexv llqaor law ha nnd .uld'-dlx done food in Miiiiii',.,.-i ,,,. it ha- decroaaed tlie ?alo ol l ?i...?i ... aome extent, and II hai pal the traflk Into belter i ,1 ? midiiighl i lx.-in_ featoie haa be-.-n v.;l u ible. rhe law ha- b<-en falriy wail enfoi-ee.1, a better reaull n a be exportofl it Uie euoimlaston arill UMS in i.u.i ,;,,.?!,.ii thal UM i..xx givaa tlu-m in ,i powera have baaa idJiB-fly auatotoad by two uplnloni lnuii |he courta, aud lf repeated vioiatlou o(.iir. ili.-v xxlll ba raaponaibk) fnr Ui- re^nlt. rhe l .xv ha-, m.xx been ia toroa Blghl montha. An ? - ?? bni ,,, t ,intlrrt) a. ? uroi.m| b . ? >n ma) ? theretore, Iw kctwaan tke poUca Bgure* of IBmh and Um. r uf IB80. keeptag . Icurlv In miad, "f .our-c Ihe fa.-l that In Ihe four tli-t monthn "J l?".?<? the ,>.l l.nv |u .xinlr-l. lu I-.-'.. the totil aria-.l- weie I1.4--I). ,i, Isimi ih.. H-ere ao.TBO, a galu of ahoui 700 for the uexx Ili-eiiM. l.ixx Tha Hrre^t- f.,r dlaorderl) ronduel ,,, i-s'.i arere l_.7i;_. la loiio th?-x were n.-7n. a for blgh flnaiae ef I.40B. The _n*-t- for Intoalcati m ll, lr-!i x. ,?!?.? T.iHs. in I-1!". th.-x xiois- U.MlO, , for hi.i, ii, .-/,- ,,f Baa. There wata thlrti elghl mur ,i,i-. In 1-on in t-""' th-n- wore thlrty loar, a aa f.,i hiah Ureiiae of loar. Thi. .- ii,,t ,|ii:t.' a- H'?Kl a- x?e eipeeted, but ll . ,i Kf.-ui Impiovemeuton the old Bgarea, and ll beeome>i mueh grvator when we rcmeniher laat the x-lt.v na growa la popalatPm witi.tu a year, and haa ai [he i-vii- Ume deeieasoB it? inin.-. ?.Bdod t? fUat. baa. la l),- oh__r/,,i Bwd that Ua eltv trcU- f.*,00,i>Ki af revenue, v.heroas under the old law lt dld not recclve a eent. OBITUABT. GfflfEBAL CRABLES DZTKXA Boaton, Jan. 7 (Opeclal Judge Camrita Peeen*. af th- bnprcme Jndleial Conrt, dled laddhmly aboat ?- o*eloek thu evenlng, at bl* a|*nrtaamt Ln Aah bnrton Place. Ha had been contlned to la* raam* for ii ha daya wl b ej??lpelas. Bvaa tiien ha waa n,it thooght ti> be i'i a . riti. .-al londltioti. but lie Itept iu bad li dav a B matter i?f lu tho al'terli'ioll his neuliew Arthur 1.. Devm*, Wl* v.nii blm. Jndge Devena wa- lanilag at 4 o'liuik; Bhortly before 5 be waa audalenly aitak'ii rlth heart hvllura. ami in ten mlnatea ali waa ovci'. His iliimediate ri'lative, weri InlOTmed of - death, and alaa Id* tomraaea of Ibe Loyal Legton, who were then ai Ihelr nonthly dlnner, and who adopted teaolotlona axpreaalve nf tkeir lorrow .,t partlng wlth a brava aoMler, ;. Ju-t Jndge and an aprlght etttaaa. i.'ietal Devena was Ix.rn at Caarieatown, Mea*., nn Anni i. i dJO. li" waa giadaated a' llarvard hi i~:i?. itadted ln the tow-aehool, ai.d from 1841 ", 184a prai r;-o-i ln Franklln Connty. II i alao rapr notad tl al oounty In Hia itale Seaate In 1841 and 1848, From IMg tu i 933 h- waa I'nlted Btatea Marafcal f >r Maeea. rhaaeiia. IVhlle tie aaM thla oflce Thomai Blm* wa. reniaodod aa a fagitlva alave and Mr. Devena, In obedlaaea to whal ha rotuMered the exlgenelea of bla ofllce, raaaed the proce?* to be exeented. After Ihe len.ii.inn he eitdeavored, In \*'<>, Ihrough tbe Bev. i.. a. Orlmea, to obtaln the LVeedeaa of Bbaa, afferlag ta pay whatever ran wai neceaaary to* Ihe porpoae, bul the e.i.-it ?:i- frui'ii-s. Later, on bearlag thai Mr-. Lydla m>:: ri..:: waa ralstng money to parcbaae Blma'fl freedom, Mr. Devena a-k.-d tor the privllege ol paylog lha eotlre aam. Mi*?. chlkf cooaented, bnl before ihe i.rTitir eonld be arranged the war rendered uegotlailon Impoaalble. When Blm* waa Uberated by ih" piugieaa af tho Pederal annlea, Mr. Devena aa ilated luin ni aatabliahlng btmaelf, and when !"? ba came AUorney-Oeneral be ippofnted blm to ? phu*a iu tne Departmenl of Juatice. In 1854 Mr. Deven* rwnmed tke practlce ot lan In Worce ler. lu AprU, 1861, ba becntne najor ol an indep hattallon "f rlflea, and In Jnly, he bei im* folonel of the i .th Ma* w Imaetta Volanteers. H" lerved wlth thi4 reiimenl until Aprll, i ->''-. and waa wonnded al liaJl'B i.i.ut. Iie wai made ? brigadlergeneral In t-.'.'j, and oommanded i brigade dnrtng Un Pi ranipalgn. Iie waa wounded al Fair Oaka. In 1803 i.rnmanded ? divlalon ln Ibe llth Corp* at l : i lorsvllle, where ba araa leverely wounded. Beturnlng "i the ti'-M in i-'!4, be i nnmanded ? divlalon In th* l-tn Corpe, aud liln troopa were the ,:' ' I.npy Kli liniiiii'l wlwn it was cvaiuated lu the t'onlede4*at*?*f. rn| Devena was made. a brevet tnajoi . ueral foi Irj al the i ipture of Illi I.nd. H" ri i ln tli" icrvlco l?r i year aftei tl," rtoae ot tl," war, h.r rhlef dut\ being .- coruiuander of the ? harlerton II,- waa inu-t i 'I uu! ul lll* own reuuetit iu .iiine. 1860, and resumed the practlce of Law al tt ,n ? ler. ln Vprtl, i-'?**. fleneral Devena waa npp tL, aud i --.:. I," w .i rulsed to tlie hiupmni ? l Btute ln i -TT ii" va- appolntod AlUirney-Oencral ol Uie i ultod *itate*i, lu Hayes, nnd icrved until 1881. He waa then reappolnt 'i I. Ma> ii'tiu-rtts soprerae Orart, a place whleh he held at the t:n,e of i,i- death. VI one t me Iw waa rommauder In-Cblef of tbe Grand Army of the Bcpnhllc, JOHN M. TILFOBD, .toiin M. Tllford, of the well-known Brm of Parh <fc Tllford, gr a*era, dled bi - a n yeaterday at bla home, \ . t Weal Fortj nlnth-nt. Hi- <i"iitli was tlie resuli .' bcari troubt*. from triiii li he had he* wtTertus for t\... or thraa year*. rhe deatli of hia wife ?? llttle ?,,?,. iiian a yea igo alaoi ihX ted his rtealth. ii.? wa*, bowever. able to atteod to the bnaln ? i aome mea* ire intll Da am ?>?'.- - laat. Mr. Tllfoiil waa born In Argyle, WaalUugton I i ti... iteta, ". 1H3. Al ihe ag I I Ite eame to Hi. clty, where h- entered i lo I ali e - as , , , ? ttie employ ,.f Benjamln VII ro, retail sm cer at Grand ? lUdrtdge Bti. iu IMO red Into i i '? en hli fellow i lertt, pened a groo I ParU J l.l ford al N'i '?'?'< ' ar" '."? ?? v ' reant later ( i ,. I1'.- Brm, wlih li i ? .? 1 ! ? 1 >! :"l . .,,. ... ,,,,.,,t i, Ml i . Ull, l.l , orp irate it aa a atoek corapa | 'l Ite Brm prew raptdly ln wealth and Inflw ice. and noa attind. ln t ie . t rank ??? the trade II li itorea il N t. M7 -.?.,.. n - ,'.,i i, ,8 hlxth ave . .. d So. 780 ive. Mr. Tllford'i t'liarl K. J?nd . have i "" ? ' ' wlll in ? vii i ilforil un. mod ? ind ? . . ., ||e ra ..,,,? ,.'','..?'' ... ? ,i it a. tn Wli "lill'A u iv ? ? ? JOHN HMI^.'V. I'v i ou i of ihe | ? ? ? |d. N .i . ?' ? ? ? ? ? ? ?.?.,.!. |i -?. nnd ? i :, I'old. vcl'rdai ing, ii h dl p'tal 1" "'? Imk.yir.ft i ? ntlnnd, ' i -"?'?? l "a- >e, I par ut. broughl him io l c I" Am hoi. N. .1. \ , .? Hi ? ? ? i. '. ? '..,! n . i I, ? > ?... ?,, i. ii i. ii,, \>.., . ,,r ih* t'..' ? un in ' ,-.,.,, ;,. I ?.'..' ? I wa ,,.i. ii- wn. ?i ?? ,(f ii.- Bbli -? il.. ' lorr ul Hi ? I ? ,.. . i ., i-ld, iuid i t t1 ?? " ' ? . i ,.i,i, .. ,,, othi r ? '? .a-.- ?; U. .M'.:ini-. nf I'lni en l.'i'''. wlll Inlicrll hia wealth. ? i he RFX !>i: ' ;i VU1 BH i. I, tDTOllD. T .. i;..-., Di lliarl J. I.' dford dled oi i ?? day al Xo BH si .. Ui ave . Ilroukl . ? ' He wa ' 'i ' ? Kl i . N ' i )undland, wln un- a .-..hi el ol VI the a , in ?? lo tl .??.,., : ,,-..' :' ? f "Tho V'li k?hurg Kentlnel" for a nu .I yeai VI f!n ?. ,, '. , ,":,? Xnr! ' " "'! ,i?. |,,,i.. hlnu lioiire ? i> Vpplel ,n .(. ro. He llved ., i rn kl) n tor twentyl u ? i it ltU,r'? ..mi I'Kii i> \s il. i.i i'i T v1 Bl Hi' ||, | | ,,,. 7 Tli" 'I llll "f ? .'li - ""'? I-,,.i ,? me .,,'11, in ? ; "? la oiu ? d. II ? :,, Matvh 23, 1811 n l , .,1 th< ,'V|K'li-'' ol 'li k in-. aud 0f Ih, ? ? -iu. In IH9 li" a a- B|i| ? ' ? loi "1 tiio Cuurt i li.i|ii 1._ _ 8ELECTWXS FROM I tl I UAIT. sKATIMi HBRK VND IN l'.M.l.NND. r,> 11, .? v.d itor " f r I. -? TrII u n ?? str: Amoug the t,i -t llenii of new. throuih yoar London corre i.lenl (ol dul ? :td iday'a , ,in ,. i, "..,- (he atatemenl thal " Uiere I everywkere. TTilrty thou aud people ..." d llj to be .,, on the Serpent uc ' Vl?u the incai t bn t thai aaow i- "f"iir Incacn deep lu the u? .i:i.~.' To a,ai,j iitj raadera of The Trlbunc who have been tot . tirae wal< bing tor the uiiiu oeut ol kating iu i entral Park, aud wbo were Inform d bctoi hollday*. thal theri waa three Incuea "i ko loxcepl nnder o bridgel and II wai rapldl) tormlug on ih" lukea, ih" above bll of newa tunal l"1 pecuilurlj tanlaliclng. tor tliej are -i,n watchlng. Bnl lt wrnea i.ble admonltkin i" our fommlartom ra of l>,,iv ),, eonalder whether they can Improve upon Lbe old mode "t pn*eadure ln provldlng tor tt.,s ever-popti i.,i- reirealton. Thej wlll make a aiUlake .f they ,u imh' tbe preeeden.f the Londoner** enj.eni ,,, (!?. nearei proxlmitj ..t the unlf stream, the a..i denl nl lycmperaluro, Miperlor lenacily "f Brltl?h Ice, or ti,,, i" -ei j,ii\-i,al gravlti of Ike Bngllah people. N,,; two i..'i- are laflJclent t > accoanl (of lha dllfer* batween tke pb^nomenon there and here; tbe Enallsh tuiidard ol ihlckiieaa "f >? i f?>r *afetj Ut three iiirhVi only i",if of whal II I* for the nondi la the I-,,-!, |,.,,. There, 11 Uiere i- a .uowfall. n rmiat be ,,,',,,.,1 ofl t.i band appllancea; bere the aoow h .ulterod Ui reiualii ull the Ice baa wciiniulatcd. and Ull i wlll Mipporl tl. ' ,..:i.'.'.,lr.,fl ? Ight "1 h-i-se v rl .1. -h dn'.-r. attendants and ahoveTlew. lo tha den-n . t "i the Ice and often the entlr* dlaappolnt ment of the publlc -peaultB that mn-i . int nue iu.le.4 "'?? Vi.',.;- "han? -. ?.? the Commli lon^of^ftrk* ^T. "l5,E*al OM-handral aod-forijWood-t*.. Jaa. :,, 1801. , TO ST'lP IN'HIAV MAssM BJBJ To Ihi Kriitur of Tho Trlbina Mr- l read Georg* alrd OrlnneU'a tettae m The SUIittaj Trtliii..". v-lerda.. Bj lll mean. -n,l GeOTge il,Viiri,.niil i" Pine Rldire, al onee. l?. W. W. Broi klya, Jan. '?. 1801. BMHOP OTABBB. AMD PAT1IBB IC.XATH s. To t he Rd Itor "f T ii-- T.i ba ae Mt. | ii,?i i? to*4tay'* laana al rfce Tribane mks followlng-aa aa Kem ol new,, pVen in conuocUou tvith tlie repor! ol * leeture bj Patlter Ignatlna: ..pather IgnattUB bai recelved a letter from the ROV. Tlii'iuas A. Marlev, lll kop Ol ttte DlOCe* Of Newaric, Xev .t.-r ev. invltlng luin t,i proacb iii Oranga tor ike benefH af a eanreb fumi. He h;'s icceplal the iuvltatli.ii.'' i*eimit m?* lo ?*y thul l luve never Invlted Tal her Ignadaa to pr\,r|i lu iirnnee or eKe-.rhere wltbln my 111,,,'C-e; :,,,,! ||Mf w|,e,i ,u< ,?,,ii.i>nt W4U aslied. it -XA4 clv'ti : :,s ii aroald liave bv n gtvai U. any clergynian of u foivipn rhurch iu eonunu uon wlth auf owik wha n*aa tu e,?4i itandlng. THOMA8 \. starkev, BlskOf of .Newark, ?mb! Dranga, n. .?.. lan. ?, UM. tUABTJatl TOVB8 to PLOBIDA VIA PKNNSYL \ AM v i; All.Ki ).\D. Leave New-Yerk, Jaaaary, ?.:<), Pebnary B, Febni arv 17. March :; a.ul Marcll 17. under Jieixmal aacorl of Tourl*. Agenl ami cbapcron, by ipeelal trala af Pull in.4'i VeaUbuled Kleeping and llrawlng-^oam mr*. Two wen,, ure allowed ln Plorida. Kounti trip Ifrk eta, B30, liirludlog PuUman accommitdaUloiia ani aaaale en route ln both dlrectlona, Por lllnerarlea and all ii;f..rmati ui Bpply to nr addre... TDttflat Aucnt, IVnil. Byivanla BaiDoad, bdd bruadaray, N. V. Ileerfowt Farni **hu*ii?p?,Iii twa-poatad |,.rka?*4. 0*. lu.; t., tli- biki-i? ut Uie*. aauaaiw, cheap iModv ln itml. Ur pB^kaffea, bave beea ?!?<?..1 ?? tne market. Bee tiaaa* mark (a d et - r in i j ,,.a i? BtMaaog aa *vcry paal* BgB. All other- ar- imltatlona. l.iehlB < ompnny'a Kxtrart ?l H.'f. Annual Hie over livlit inlll|,,i, Jarr. l*>aralo?a Vicby \V ?,rr U n?rr,ii.inen,|, ,| bi k-flding pliy.lclaoa. bold ln betlML by Drn/gl'ia and liroecm. MABBIED. * HI.01?.v;tT-!.MM1'KV-i>ii W. Ii, ?-,|.,v. Isicary 7, B| \ i Ha ,.-' Chun b, bi thi lb i li. Ilebrr Nawtaa, r?. D.. Suaan, daiifthur ,,f tlu late Abram )'.. Embury, i, Kiana; .1. lt udfett, M. D.'s, i ;n sl'll i.l'.l.-n,, Wedaeaday, Januarr 7, im'1. in le \. Itapbaol Hcajanilo, M. a, *.?i-tad i>T Itev. II? i'.i.ritui itoldateln, Mlaa Plora hulCfel t" Mr. M?r ii- uoUUBeia. lll HIlAll, H1TCIIEB "n TiKMluv, J.nuarv U. Im',11, M - ??,? , ? u ol th* i d ?'- pn ut-. |,\ thi K'v. I <i??rl Bralalln, D, D., l.ertrude Itobbtiia, rld .1 .l;.uzlit.'r ot Wm i; rn., her, to L'harli. u. iiubbani, all of Hruoaiyu, S. V. !'.' Iil ItTS TVsl.V ,?, WldlliadBYT. .Ijiiuarv 7 at th? , ..l|.-i:i:,i" 1'h.HKtl, aOtA-rt, .onl .'ith-ave., I.v rl,.- IW. Ur. i !>??. I'luni'- vv. RoOrta t... DavM I. Xyaaa. . . KOJJAR On >"? "<ii" -'..' . Jaiiuar* 7. 1101, at tha r.-.,!.?;,.. nf ..i" i,i itl '- i,.'-ii". bi 'ii' Bev. M M. ,;. ... i>. J,.. i, linit i. miiii. ?f Blliabctb, X. J., aud i .., i . daughtP! ol ek-Mayw. John li. Baaaar, ?f I. . i ? . v. i V, ? j hllF.KMAN lii.i IU Al I."u- M'a ,,T, M?..,t Turwlay . ., 10, io U??'.. 1. W, irirdliiff, Waltrf P Sherman, uf i hleago, to Bera b , daugha'l "f >lr. and Mi -. Walton Beebe. Kotteea of marrin^es liiust l*c iuflorsed with full nanie au>i ailurc.sK. /'//:/). iidil'iih*. "f pncun mla, ".i tl.e *,th ef January^ l.,t.. i',-i i. ?,.,', s?. 12 !?.:,-' 77th-at . '.^orsa i . llenry ll. aud Muati td. lloUter, in th-j BOL811.". Siid l< t.i'.'. of it: 1891, at bla \V'.. -en of th. ,,7tii vi ai "i li ' Ir,. rr'UOV.a Blld f Imda ol the famll.V a:e ..-.perffullv la. \it"d tn atlead l.l- l iieral from tie '-t. t/tke'a M'thodiri , ilat-it., aeai Othav-y., uu Tin:iad?y mlt llovn i -. i. iHonvii , i.i, .ind lorl ?'oit, Kaa., papua piriaa "ii vi N'i rwi i, i ..iii, . on w.-dii' -day, Jaauary 7. ,-'i. Lalla I but ???. aad ?f ii,. | SmlUi, ,,f Brldgepetl, i onn. Notl. ?? ul funei.. ra i t'. Dl ZABNAt Monday Jaaaary ?">. i-.'i. Baal* Daa. - : ? irnauld, anft dan;h. ? r of th, lat* Cornellua V'an Vorat, of Jeraey Clty. i,,... i.i ?i-rvl ?- i?' th. im '..? : n.-.'ii Chureh,, and iHth-at . on 'i' irv 1 at 10 o'etoek. DtlKAXO On J.'in.,..' ;, ... |iin uu onla, AI'm:'. A. Du? Ihi, i ?". i ? ira. ? ? 11 \i.i .'i i i I.,: \ \-t::. I.. : . Bfter a Una-rina; lllnraa, on M'.' Januarr ?", Ktbbi - Eraett Hbbh. meyer, lu th "?? "f lu* a*.'.-. Th< piii ral n-rvl ? ? wlll b? hekl at hi- late rrriden'-*, ta.-, Kranklfii-.l A?torla, i.. i., an Thuraday iiftrmoon. January 1, at, 3 b'i lo.-k. II viilllij ln Brooklyn, i: D , bb lha iitti of .Jaii.tarr, ia. ? r. ? II.,.: - nrldn ? "f V'rpt. lieo. C. Ilarria, In the year uf i , Mi !?,..-? ? ? nd the f'in<val ?"r? . |( ii'. Iite r -al-n,,', I "J \Vl.-ou-?t. , BB Ttiurad*** evenh i I - loek. HWVl.i.V Buddenly, of <? bltto, on Mondi", i .Mi,r. :, sirah. Bidow of trad Haaier. I . ,- \" 47 atli-av" . IO ll 1 ,, ,,. k. III N, lll \ \\.'l,.nU\. January 7, aftai * lona 111 ?? ?, s ,,., r . ,;,,, ,i,.,'.r..'.' of tho late John Day, aol wli f ll. II.HK..I n, iiisw, .; ,1 ?? nda ara Invttfd t" at??*ad Ih* f'inrral , rv|, ??- ,t le r late ? - i aat 13th at., oa i rlday Bf^rnoon, January 9. at i ;lu o'cloek. ? v .,. j- ti.nveolaflce of aha haaany. i " ' -? H i XTK.R On Tu, -f ? \ ??--- r. J ?:-?'> lane. ol , ,. UU* . ."- I II nit.r, ln the Mtii \"ar ol , ,'" . ,, .i ,? ttv te-'rlii"' of her aon. , ,- i Prck.No -' "'1 U vum'oii-ave.. at In 10 a. ii 1891 KNAFP-At lllllaide, Klmrford, N V. Jaaaary T, IBBfi ,..-oriri- ' Knapp. In hi* WM '? ? l , I. '' "'Ve.s r Rn ? M K. ipp, ,.., aatarday, Ua* lt I of l- *>?"> tiala frora 7 . i.'" IlIUHT '.?? WedaeBday, laaairy T, IMI Ma L,,l;i iBOt ' ' '?' r uf Iii. .laiti... U atig M< n Ki rtrlght, .,'? I.,,V!i'.li".i v- ;,.. ? S i'i .'tiarltoi,..' , an , . ,. i?)|, Jamea Levtrldge, la lha 8-d ,'. . I ?? ' llli'.iv . MAVsl IKLD ' ' : u - aad I 1' '?? ?. Tri-r-'dar, Jaaaary 8, ?,,,s <?i i . ' " ' n\ i , t'tu . . . BMIW. ? ' .-.. i i- M'i ime, al m* ,,.,, , ; iS v\ 4i :?'?? rcaid n ??. M3 Pa IBi ?*.., d ? run* >i .. ... '.'f and "t 1, ?? .. ii o laeh. ? ? K-. , bai i. ' ? , 11 "KlMI BMITII-At Sta ' ' x ., ,*B' , - ? Uon. Iruman h i Tl j'li.t ,,i;i> im vv.....?.: ? \. January 7. IH l. laha M. ~.i? ? *Vi -? 4.1'r, -t . OB ll ' ' n ?,.| v_ot 11 iary .. IBM, ? *w. . , ;???. i i ?..' ?? ii ? ?/ivv \. w ? - I. i Januari B. I. Ila n . /JN^. , '...,.?? M ma ? Fmieral pr Ciuccial Xoticcs. .. x.> Thr I.HM l???. " ?*?' IXlllBliION CLOBEh I" M'.HT AT Tll.V O'CLOCK. "I'll! \\< il.U'S. ' i?,\ r !? mi. TO Bl B THK WOUM)-r-VMi'l'S MAiTlRPlKCE, BaTOfU: li' i.i. IVI ,: v:l:v FORWEARtBh sl'l a IM. BOTH !'? THE t'vIN riX'.s am. BTI'DII 1 BV i HRI I VMERll >n 1'vlNll :>. UESSRat. HAMBIMOX. D.iUi.r. AM) hTETaMMa vvii.i. ii, U viN 0? EXHIBlTlon l \ .ii. 'i Hi BbOAT M.X.'. l -HI isit. at thi: am.Kkan aRX '? vi.i-i lll I b, N? ,, i ,., inniiyiUN -i (MaOlaua M|?if" I ~%. - t.-A. Ililb Apple llUirnim-. I"."" 7'K'lk ., . . ?( ,.; .praitf in it. .:'"'' "-*? Uforallt au aud- < i ??' ? N r-Yorl Otwcrvaa*. PaanadBca \oil, c. obouia ba .?! dally bj aJ lalii atad. a- .bauic". maf ior';,;..'"r.',t.> lor'Via .."..uii.s ?..,i aa* ba -tawlally ?** 1 "r"a,7t..,:. uCi .poiiaiij aua-.-va b**hnj ..:. , -.- ? -? -r^:, I ; '7 \ ? lawalca, y' a. ?? Tirlan "?'.-.IVi,a.r-.ii i- ?' '"? l'"!-" atea ? , * a. ("s'"V. -iiiivv M ?:M ? ?, tt Pmoee s?,i... ri:,,,*". ili'liavre ilettera Mr <*thai t?|H'l{*'*? ?????*? wual ba I t , ? ' * ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . p, ,....;,', via in -c rtam ' U . ? w'.-i - ndai ? i fi" I ?'? , v:a Ola^loM l.r. i- rnu-l '?";**:? ' , ; , , (vVrBmidn . * i viii.t-rtatn l.^tan '?""'' a,.7 ? ? i,-r iv,.,, ndan ' ? i. fl P?i Beat ,7.rtr7".7 . ' ? .? ? - aw -"- ?'ivl--\\-rtl:.7.VfJd.r,:t. aSBJ I,' ? .7 ''," "loi Vr ;,.-.?. per .. . Habana U-.t-r. to, t Mev ai -ut.-. ,i'"t be dlr?t*d >.- Ilaba. i ' ; I I',*" ii TmTaiil^l*!. ntmry II a. rr, foi cWml Aii-nna 1 *1a l , i?. ,n'? i... t- i. ?!? * a, N"?i'.,,rt. rla Colon d*e .. ,. ?,,.- :,.,! ????? r Xe-vpatV',: M ,' a,,'i, ii - ?'? '- l' "?? '"' '? '?' " - '" '..?? li i'.iuiu, vla ?'??.''?' ,41, .,,,. '.. , city ol VVaaktag! ?? t f-r . ??? aSS ?: ,? dlrarT aud To\^.\t"-^*?^'- ..' '^ Va,aau, X. P.. per ' M?V,K'"foi A.i.tiala. BlwBilllBg, Hawailan. Fi)t MBJla rer *"?* " ? s M.n?. -? ,fr<?? oan fr*u. .'u-oi" 7ii.e h.'ie Jaiinarv -i a- tl SO o. m for on ar. tLt Auatralla). Mfllla for Vhlna and Jaiai.i p*r a. a. A.^SraRi* Ifioni kmi i.i-'? ? '""?' ,',M" lanaaey *24. .t 0 *'. .. n, Ma'. - le. tl* S?. ,-ty I?ln..<l.. p-r *h , ,,,,,, ....... ?, from Kan Pren laee), cloaa rtera JMaary ? - for Kewfoundland, bt nll v> li'.'llfa-. ai'il tln. I.i -t. u:.. r rloa." at tlit- otl.-e dailr -, um, ,. >l.?il- for Mlnuelon, b) rull to l'.?4to?. anil i4,'..,,-. ,,', --.-.u'er. ,!??" Bl tkla ' .t?:aVl B- ",. UiJi. fo Culaj by u.i .., raanpa iu. and tmmri t?r ..,???? i.alliiiw Moiulaia Thii daya ind Kataiaayal, "'?,-, al thi- "fl?" dalt) al 2 Ao %. m. M.Ur lor Metdr?j uN.rlaud iinl.-s -|,.-,i,liV i,lli--'.l far di-pau-h ba" .t,<.,. ? ?? "'i dally ata a. m. ma-Paelflr i .?.- :.. ? loraardi** t.. san l-ran.l.c* ,,.,,,. ,,,, .... .i . ?, of riiKbie i- arrMiH aa the Lr?. .omutl.f 'I ''* unlat4*rropt*4 oieriaud t., Ran Knuictm'O. Ma.l- fren, tl, ? Ul anrlvlnj; on tlnie at ha Praactaco on the iby of .alllim of at?ain*r? ar?? llinMBhla\ thenc* the wnu> dav !V.-*rt-***r.-d mail <'li?e-. al. fl P ?. prrvlo-.a dar.'S VAN /'? IT. 1-o.ta.aaW. Portafli"'. MlwTirk. N- Y.. Januarv t MM.