Newspaper Page Text
V^T_....N?l?,i:n. NEW-YORK, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY lf, Isfll.-TWELVE PAGES. PRICE THREE CENTS. THE PARNELL MANIFESTO. JTS AUTHOR REITERATING HIS ASSERTIOX OF GLADSTUNES KNOWLEDC.E OF IT. COgROBORATIVE F.V1DEXCE-THT* POSITIOX OF JOHN mijT.ON-WII.UAM O BRIF.N ON THI', S1TUATION. Dublin. Jan.' Kl.?At tlie mccting of 1lie Na tional LM1M lield here to-day Mr. Parnell ha<l O enthusiastic reoeption. lle was repentcdly grrftrd with chrers, and reiteratcd tlie stntcrjicnt be has pievii tislv lutwle, to the eflect that hc in faajajaal .'tietin Mefartliy in regaril to thc chicf featuirs Gf his BMalfiaTll at txxcnty-lour bonrs befora* it was published. In the cotirse of bis rernarks Mr. Parnell said that eonspiracy and trlng were. next la billingsgate, the promment fratures of his oppor.'Mita' rrsourccs and arpuments. He added that he out lined to Mr. McCarthy what are known as tlie points of his nianifcsio. Mr. MeCaithy txvicc told him that he (McCarthy) had consulted with Mr. Gladstone on these points? ance when they xvere alone toj-otber, and once in the prescner ot Mr. John Kcdmond. According: to Mr. Parnell, Mr. McCarthy said: "All I ean say ia, as I have alrcady told you. that Mr. Gladatone intends to deny point-hlank all .voui stateinents"': whieli, atltle.l Mr. Parnell. shoxved that Mr. Gladstone was aware of tho proposed points af the manifesto. John RnJuiond bas authomed "The Dublin Tflegraph" to state tliat "the nipht before Mr. Parnell's manifesto xvas hande.l t<? the press it was read bv Mr. Mi-l'arthv in tiie presenee of Mr. Parnell, Mr. laoaniy, Williani Redmond. Mr. P'Kelly and himself. Mr. McCarthy then in fonned Mr. Parrell that Mr. Gladstone said that if it xvas published he would immedintely flatly conta-adict it, and dispute Mr. Parnell's meinory as to tbe Haxvarden conversation."' Mr. IJcd mond adds: " Mv ree.olleetion ol tlie ineidrnt ia wholly iTtcocsistent with Mr. MeCarthy's denial.'" ArnoW Morley, the Lilxral xvhip, xvent to Paris reeentlv, where hi* had nn interxiow Williani f?'Rrien. The stib'ject. ?f the ditTerenees in the Iriah Parliamentaiy party and the relations of that party xxitii the Englissh LflwiaJ party xverc thoroughly discussed. but. Mr. Moiley found i? imposaible to brlng Mr. O'Krien around bo bi* way of looking at the situation and .the courst* to be pureued to bridte the exislin-z dilTiculties between the lri6h faetions and the Ijiberals. It- was said to-day that tbe McCarthyites ex peeted tnat John Pillon, on his return from the Vnitcd States, would 6ignify his adherence To t.he Parnell faction of the Irish party. Honloirr.' sur Mer. Jan. K'.-Willinm O'Brien. apeaking of the Irish situation to-day, said : "Our difticulties ate great, hut not insiiperab'e. We were prepnred Ior a great deal of niiseotieepKon and miasrepresentntion in our etrart-I lOWl Iie land frnin tbe borrors nf dissensmn. \\lie;exei llie true < haraetc-' of our e,,i,-.alb*it'o:!S xvith our Irish brothor-n.eml'crs is knoxvn, some of our friends xvill bc ash.imed 4.f their fears and sus picions. and will aektiowlodaic j-rntrfii'.lv the 4?B> sidenttion our cnlle.gucs and lrienns ui Ire.and and Englnnd have extended to ns under tmai eiretmnatonees. Tl.cir 8W*-tagMtarlbg Wlr. >ise ours. )* for peaee, and a reunion of tiu* INatio'iui forces on terms which will MttaQr Britislt fiicndly cpinffin^an.l preserve and tbe eoodiltv derstan^ing between lrelan.1 and England. xvi, e rensauring the Irkh National aentiment and s-t ? iiardinp: 1he interests af our c.auie. Sueb a *-et tlement, thev maj rest eontid.-nt, we ahall -um at or at noiie. Nobody realmng whr.t is before Ireland and possibly Enpland, if thia eontlict eon tinues would be eruei enough to begr.idgo u? Irlahmen a ahort breathing time for aober reflct tl0l!ondon. Jaa. "ia.-Jolin Morley, in a speech af NewcasKc to-nipht, said that, whatever eke might happen at the next genernl election. it was certain that. the d.ssident party would HM ta ?xiat - I am a.ithorizc.l to suy," coYitinueil Mi. Morlev. " tba*. after n-ading Mr. Parnell I spt*ech tat Limenck, Mr. Gloxletone mamtains lhat he did not ask a blnding a.saent to any propow *?***.] Ilawilrden. He made to M)'. PaTnaU various supgestions, in onier to improve his kiinwl ed?. of lhe fb-ld within xvhieh tlie ex-Mimsters micht confer with tl.e eonaent of the lns'. MBV bVra V-ltlier tl.e eonMai.ulaiy nor the maglatracy waT'mentione,! a, tla* llawardd, interviexv. and tTttS not proposrd to haiul ??J?^!?m2' to tlie British (Jovernment for a de**nde. or for '"Mr01 Mor^xridit.ied positively that he had ever iY4.~jT\fr Parnell tl.e I'l.ief ^eeirtoryslup of Ire 2&_li't\^9*toH*\ that Honve Ixulc? arn. dei and that lt was the duty of the Jjherals to forward the movement hy every le?iti ^X^rotyl^o soeeeh ^r^ S___d o -^ia n**w for the Irish diseas.*. loasto judge whether it xvere .. geUUlM specfie 6 . ILric remedv " Mr. CbaTnlerlain aaid be rilieve< ? lt MtKJ the xvit ol ,uan to devlse a Sln whieh;we?ldba alike aeeept?hl? to tne Ena fihmSIhSi satisfaotory to the Nationahst lead ers. ?_?. NIN'E rWH PROWN-ED IN THE 5HKE, 8JROKE THROnWt TliF TIUN 1CE-A HARD XVINTF.R IX AI.f.F.KI \. r-ari* Jan 13.-An aecidet.t by which ninc pcrsons laMaaatrltaM aaaaaaM aaaa t<.nav. TM Waa, wttt rex.-ept.on of the cci.t.**. has been trorrn over for lonic eafV Ye-l.tday the whole river wns eoy.rr-d ST S thc middle of the rt?4-l. however. MM SSJ b " what tM pr-hec J?igai 10 be a dangrro-.*ly t ,, s?eet of ... Cotiscuentlv thc ?*???***? Uorle to attempt to .ross tbe r.ver, and the Battee iMrflaaMaMMTM cnfoi.c thc oiHer A ?un.l,,- . men and baga, h.'-aevei. gmregardlng the waming ?jvmj watrhing them. altliaptld to ata t*M Sc ?*? A* they .amc near *B n.idd.c of thc rtre-,J**\ rraeking rcporbs *fr?M beard. raaatag _***_?* "JJ?" f.ioihardy peraaaa ta rajai bark to thc side* of abarlrar. whei-e the IM MM MOt tbicUcr. OtimAtBmmtm. the ire gave way and prce.plUb-d a 8MMJ of pea.pie into BM kMaafM ?a..r. Tta ipattoa aaMMNfe MaarTrMMal to the aaaM of thc ?****_< ?*, ta apite of thelr effor.s. and tboitgb a nnmber of men and bovs *r,.re drawn fron. tl.e river. nine pe.^ons are tm_^^?^\\*B*& <?<? Ttameen. Provincc _$&&ti^a-&* are snowed'up and are sUtrvlng. THE DaVrOaaaaaUICI E*T CHIIJ. t~K AU.MV IjOTAL TO TIIK GOVKKXMKNT; AXI. OXLY PART OF TIIK KAYI I.ISAFFFCTKD. London. Jan. l4--?aa88r Don CM8M Antuaer Ibe Cbihan M.nisie. la K.igl.nd. in 88THintervle. to d* - den:ed iliat had bc-*T a.i.v IffkttM M ?? ? gJ ct Maaaaaja or tWfMrataa, m ta _\ B_mm*tB *AMB. lic BMet that theto Ml ti'- WBtBttrnm_**_______ ln projieaa in fhlll. aod that tM pre**ent dbBMrtaI4KM ? .__? al.*, i ri#*i?'-41 Vt>\l4*Ci\titl <*M wre ...ily a fMMat BSMtaM *jJJJ- f" Cbtltaa taSM Md aaaaiWiard by (be (hamixr. ?.,.,?. arniv. Z DM (-ba-. **** ??** __ *_?"*' ","" ?n!v tlnee oui of IM dM one ship* af lhe I bfJlM fcavv will. tl.e* of ..ppoail.on. Furiiicr adTtaea fnaa Ca-lJ, via ftaiMM Ay.,-*. co, ?nn (hc MaMM4Ml of Ha CtailtM Mm.* er ??????????* are u, t.ic afaaal tMd oniv part of thc i.h.Uaa ' Ma In irvol. and lhat IM army t*_U8MM I?y ^^ SaaerBatMit. Tba paeale ofj***! ??J* "proeiHi...?i It ia ad.ted tbat a alate of akf a has aeaa,p and tbal |M travtraawat m taking enerreti. to repiesv tl.e distiiil.aine. Cahlcd,p.r,.? ^?'<-'^Ay^^\ZriuUnu B. Hia, A. n,.. fron, Chlb 8ajrtf4g that the revohlt* . HM8 1,-ol.c (Ml on Januaiv 7. TM ?.?v*...i..''?l?'? JtaillMl Ml. Um diapat.b *******\ "" taking ainvr mra.-ii.e- for tbe siippre-*!"" ? ' ?oit. At ti..* aaaat af bT. B, <*** * ?* ".,?? nn th,. ti," MM88 wce ... Mad arorai^J oide., m ...fonnati'iu of any rabafatlM had raaa^eajaa llioi. ibat 80MB coi.vulMo.i??as taking ffMM "' ? however. *ea not doubtcl. Tl.e CMHaa ?**** *? r?celved uo InforrnadDti of a l*rrelt^_W ? riJnt A <??. b^lnp UM only one reeeived xx...,u w My defltiite Infoimation. TIIK VATMAV- mH'iTi AMKKICAN \__*"_*L___. itotue. im. Ib-TM l.'K hM apiKiln eal u MJ Mtanan iv. studx- tbe IBMglfMB aituatton "f _? M" AJMakaa witn laa rvtaat H **__* !, '.., etucopatra on ? aysten. BtMBaaT to that ***** which I* baaed on common law and religlous ilhertr. The Pope Is of thc opinlon that the era M coueordats ha* pa-sed, and that thc Chureh has every thing to gain by elaiming finiply a lelgn of llberty lor uil. Above everything, the I'ope wMies thc clergy to be in line with both tl.e politlcal and BOOMI con* ditlmis a.l thafr countriea. Repors win bfl made on the irVtra BMdea <.f reorganiiatlo'n ; aNo on the valne of Caihaille oongrcs.e* and national ronnills, and th. relatlons of *thc Chureh an.l stato aiut thc iiiovements of politUal partifs, TI1F.1R UABIUT1-M ?1,000,000. London, Jan. HI.-Tbe flrm of I, K. L M. Clark _ ('".. >otith American railway contract.r*-, hivr fall-M to me-t their bllla. Their a-srt* iir?- BJBBfli at ?1,000.000 and their l.abilitles at ?400,000. A0.AIN* PRESIDENT OF THF. FRF.NCH CHAMBER I'arls, Jan. l.'l.-M. Floquct has been re elected president of thc Chambcr of Deputics, receivlng 88G out of 03.1 vote** caft. DID NOT ASK Ms.MARCK TO UE PREM1ER. lierlin, Jan. lU.-The Duke of Mecklenburg Schwerin ha* oftlclaliy denied that he offemd Prince HlsmarrU the premlershlp of hls diichy. , THE LATEST BR1TISH MOVE. REGARDED IX WASHINGTON AS AN AFFRONT TO THE OOVERNMENT. MR. BLADfl SAID TO RF.SENT THE ACTION LITTLE CHANCE THAT THE |UM___U COURT WILL (JRANT^THF. WRIT APriilF.D FOR. I m _fl__flfl___?B TO TIIE 1 miil'M.1 Washlngton, Jnn. i:t.?While no one, of course, ic in a position to predlct with ablBlflba eertal-.ty what the Supreme Court of the Uniti-d states wlll do ln tho n.iitter of llie petltion liled yc*terdny bf the At latMBrOoaeral M Canada, '-with Ihe knowledge and -anction" of I.ord Salisbnry. there is little rea-son to doubt that thc court will rrfu*.e M IflflM thc wrlt. This, at least. is thc ImpresMon prevnlllng to-night among men who ought to know and who-e experienrc in matter*. of this Mb4 entltlcs tlicir opinlon to flflN than ordinary conslderation. PrTlselv upon what ground the court may base ll*. refusal 1*. obviouslv i.f secondary importance, so long as it declines to isMir the wrlt a-tked for In the petltion. It wntild not bc difltcult, however. to Imaglne that snrh a rrfit-ial wa*- Jtistlfled on thc part of the Jndicial braacb af the Oovernment by tlie *lmple t.t.'itement lhat the qitestifjns Involved ili the prnyer of the petitioner* are at thc present tlme the subjert of diplomatic BCfOtla tion; in other words, that anothci- and CBOritaata brana h of the Oovernment, the Executive. is ubaipal, under the Constittitlon, with thc settlement of a dls pnte whlch I*. BMIfllllflllT a polilical one and which onlv lncidentally prescnts questiain of law. lt ls no secret fhat at the state Drpnrtment the news of the proceedini'S In tlte Supreme Court was- re? ceived with h fa-eling of resentmant. not altogelher free trom Indlfciiatlon. That such ? sf>p hnd lieen ron tcmplated for BflBBJ tlme was not unknown. but it a*BB thought that lt Imd been nbandoiied, becau>c no one belleved I.ord salisbnry wouhl so far forgct the amenl tles of diplomatic lntercoitrsc ns to n-.-.ume rBTfOBfll bllity for a move whlrh it is diffleult lo dlstlnguish from an affront to the President. It is proh.hly Ita only Instance on record ln the annals of dlplomacv where, peudlng proposals for the settlement of an in ternational dlsputei by arbltrntion, such means have been employed ln an attempt to brfog the rcal ls*ues of thc ra**e. It mu-it be bome ln inind that Ihfl BflBB tion the court ls askert to dcclde Involvcs only a -.mall portlon of the anmment upon which Mr. Illaine -eel'.s to rm.lii.aln tlie ilnlms of the Cnited M.ite- in Dctrrlng sea. There is every reiison lo believe that Mr. flMtefl would be wllling to aicede to a proposltlon to aa>?II to thc Supreme Court for aettlemont the entire dlspute between the twe Guv-ernment*. In aei-eptlng snch *i proposltlon. however. he. wauld natumlly espect thnt every phase of the queetlon would be prcsented to the ronr't?not ono only, a* 1* proposcd in the petltion of Slr John Thompson. Tlie questlon of Jurisdlrtlon beyond the usnal marlno leagne, the correct lnterpretation of the treaty with Ruista, and what were tlie rights acquired by the Cnltod States under Its provislona, the clalms ?et in Behring Sea by Kussia before the aession of AIa-.Ua In ehort, all hlstorlral lacts benring upon the .ise, as well as tlio rlatm of cqulty, and tlie stlll grc_.t?*i one of "good morfcls," involved-would be labflflfMfld to the court To such a proceeding, a** has already been said, Mr. Blatne would probably not ohjert: but he does objeet, lt is said, to a pnrtial presentatlon of the aasp. to the court and the rendcring of a derMon which can rcsult in no practl'-al good. inasmuch as li would ln a c-rtain senso be binding only uponauie of tho partles. buppose, for Instance, that thc supreme Court should deride to laaafl a wrlt of prohlblSlon. aniilliiiK *J? ?e?2l of the District Court of AMatoi thcrel.y dclarlig tbal ihe Mtaarea of thc poacUng flchooaere wwu-fjf*" that dedslon would bc binding upon the I nlteO M'i'" and thc Brittab Uivcrnmcnt, of erarae. waa id t, ,d no fuult. Bai suppose that the supreme < >nit anooM Be cidc thc other w#V. would that decWon bc consldeied bj onV onea' in tncMi,'ht"st degrec UrglliiK tbe^Ooverti nient of Greal Urttnin. Would it not, on the eontrtiry. ifnve Lord Bahabarj free to arl a.. f raeh a d.-< i-i.,i. ,a_ never been i^ndered. an.l enable blrn to ranna dlplotnattc negoUations preclsely where he I'.kI K-tt them" ln fa.t. doea nol thi- whole pn.ccc.lln. ttvor 0 Lecency I Is it not almost 9^**^^^ ticnce when one remembers that Mr. BlflBl( I pro ptmA to subinl. thc Mhole dispute to arbltratlon -UII remaii.s unanawered. THE S1RERIAN COAST SEA1.INO PRIVII.E. IW. san Fraaclaeo, Jan. 19 (Specia)i.-The rable AAapaktU from st. PtkiabaiB taaMrlllg that the report of thc Rus-i.n CoaaaJ-Oaaaral, Barloff, bate M san faraodeea*, c.)nt_ii,"d a bltter attack on American mcthods on the c-oal laland* BWBBM murh lnterest here. Marl.ff wa* not consnl oeneral. but a speaial agent whom tJ.e Kusslan Oovernment sent out here M ln*peet the sea| flsherlcs. He reported that thc Alaska Commenial Companv wa* maklng too much money out of Its virtual monopolv of thc aeal hnslness: and the re.ult has been. it ls understood. thnt the pifefl ef the con cession wlll be greatlv lurreased. Thc Alaslta Com merelal Company'* iif tbe ac_J Mand*. on thc Sioerlan coast expircs this year. and the cinpany has been majilcg great cffort.s to have l(s IflflflC re uewed for twenty years. From advb*M M re-eivcl Ihe tiro-pc-ct Ls bad for the company, i* several ernan nnd Russlat, rapltallsts have ? BTOdl ?ate Ind are ?**?? 3S?Bafl Influence at the < /..u I ____. u" *e?nre thc valuabk* coiieewloii. This rcnon gSaat AnTorlcai,, ls taaaWBim of ,,???? SBSflflB. l<> damage the < of tlietr H\als. PTARTINO FOR THE PACIFIC SEAI. FTSHF.HV. Hallfax, N- S-. Jan. 13.-A party of thirty flve men lcfl here this afternoon to engafie In the l?arlflc scal flflbaa* Most of them are from Newfoundland. An other party btarts neit week. _X OPIVM RVUGGLER CORIUEEBE. Boston. Jan. M (Sperlal).-A. D. Wildcr, who WM ,,-rrsted ln Boston ) Frlday night. charged with smuggltng Into the C.:it**d states from C'am.da. aZ wl.a. appearad saturduy DfliM states Con, SrtMMf Ilallett and BBfl held for further cxamlna ,j((11 until ?ext .saturday, made a UIBflllllB to HaMBf. >,,ev Altflfl Bl the CflBVfBl *m* J?il after the kaartac. * had been cngaged In amnggliiig oplum Ir ?lamt Z and one ha.f years. he aaid. from Q_e*fl? ,, New York Citr. He usually c.rried somc ftftfj poui'id, ln his bag for whU-h I.e pald fron, BTBO ta Bfl .-.0 a pound. He. received from t*10 ..<) to Bll M 1 pmud ln. the tlrm a.f ffMg WB. <h*i,,g. In New Vork fo flaeBBB d.tectlon. bfl u.u_llv roBe to a, IBWB , .',v vvera. Sl. ?Bfl *tde of ?M bt I- BBfBBBO kUtBT. _at wi.ikc,, o, raBa M B bbMbbb M the ttre, baafe. U,l he owncl a -JBBll bout. ln whlch ta mwed aa ro.* Mrflflfl aflcr dark. and many ? faVk at.d M) MfM S ht.d irn nearly dn-wnedbv t^e *%+#?* uiember* ani Monday. __________ ax oi.U WQUAR KMQCBBD BttWB hY A BU09T M- R W Bebee, a flrMb *"VHiH U- v*-.,* old. nv,,- .'t no. II wc-t Fif.'- aeaaaVafc, -*??* *********_*?" i . -Batatal ta. baajg aBO. r*a aa*?~?i .fi.n.fH.,. s..c aaa u* aartaaalf mj-.r-i. Ba* ****** 9^tmTgm^^ l,e, laon ... hrr l0 bft ,?._ |?r ac-.-uuiii oi bat ajraai a?' .i??j _____ MtaatZ dav- a-ain aaaaflfla, BM driv.. af tu- Rom. em\^mom*, taa rafaaaM BBaa "^ <*? ? a- af Jaaa K wa* *rrt;. , Qflib?Bl \ZaTw.*Z . -- - "* ??*?? '? ' l.l ? piayad by Uie Healtto Board. STATE COMEBY AT HARTFORli TIIE DE.M0CRAT1C CLAIMAXTS SWORN IN BY TIIE SF.NATK. JUDGE MORRIS AND HIS FF.LLOW CANMDATES MAKE FORMAL DEMABOt FOR THE OFFICES -GOVKRNOR Ht'I.KF.Lr.V AND THE PRESENT OFFICIAI.S POMTEI.Y nrri.iNi: to srr.Ri.Nnri'.. .BT fBUBBflffB IO TIIK TMBXNB.7 Hartfonl. ('..nn.. Jan. Kt-Thc Dcnio'-ratir Scn ate, |a >essioii to-day, began revolutionary pr- - reoilinga and imlnr-cal thr;rati<. eatididafe*. for State offices lo lake tlie oath of office nnd make formal demand upon il.e picj.-nt laflWMtaTBtfl for them. lt is Ua* flrst time in tlie hisfoiy of the Stat<? that* Lns ovor bflBB so wrious a state of affairs CBBBBBMd \viTh tlie fiovornorsliip. Slicrtly attci the noon rcccss tl,c SenaT** p.._.ed B resolntion, hy Senator I'icrcc, flflttaB| forth tbal the Scnatc thc retnrns. and that it bad found that Judge Morris and liis aaaoeiaatfl had been eY<-t-*al to tbe variou* Stat" oPiacs. ond Inviting tlictii hy committee to pre.-ent themselvcs to thc Scnatc at 4 o'clock for thc pnr posc of being inaug'urated in the varlous BafCBB for which they were candidatcs. A committee was also scnt to tbe rctiring liovernor invitinjr liim to bc present and witr.oss thc tBktag of Ihe outh of office l>y liis suo.cpssor. Thc committee returnod with thc information that. it had waitcd upon Oovernor Rul'.-elcy and alclivcrcd the flaBflflBfffl of thc Senato, and that bfl had asked tl.c nicmlters what iititli rity tlicy had for this pToccodin;:, and tbal thej had rcplicd that they eouldn't say. as the Scnatc had given them uai instruction: that Ouvonmr I.ulke'cy had then sai.i tbal hc regarded aaeb profoaed letioa ;.? revolutionary an.l unatitliorized, and that su.-h persons taking thc oatlis of offiee would uot 1-e reeognized hy thc present IttflRlbOBtS, nor would thc offices bc surrendcrcd tB them, tiiat such per? sons took sueh sta-pe a,n ihcir pcrsonal rcsponai bility an<l at their pcril. Shorlly after this JadfB Morris prescnteal him self to thc Scnatc and Sonntor Fir-rec ndmin istcrcd thc Oovcrnor's oath to him and ilu* prop-r OBtbfl to tl.c other Demoeratic eaadidatCfl for State oftiees. The el.iiniants then proeeerled to thc State offices an.l inado formal demand upon the ineuiiilients for possossioii, ;ind were in cafh flBflC rcfuscd. After this thc ie oandi datcs left. the hnilding. Mr. Fltclan lirst made a dcmantl upon Sccretary Walsh for his flflrSB anal all tlie appurtcnanccs thcrcto, to whlch thc Sccretary replied I "I Bhonlal Ih* happy to nurrcndcr to ymi. Brotbor Fl.elan, but. as I uii'~ ?sttiY.d tlie cii onmstanocs. jrofl arc not dalj clceted atul qoall lied a.s Sr. retir.v of State. tli.rrofore I rcfusc to surrender thc oflice to you." Mr. Fhehn then wishetl th.j Sccretary "Gofid afternoon:" and retired. Tln* same ptSOBfldlnftfl wcrc gone through with in a'j thc State offla I, a-Nccpt in that of Contra.ller. ;. When Mr. Sti.uh dcnianded pa.ssession ol tliat fiffii'C < hief Clcrk Ma.orc iiiformed him tbal ConitoUef Wri-lit was at home sick. uml tliat hc li.rd writtcn instriia tions from him not to surrciiiikr tbfl office to any one not duly eloatoal and quJIflrd. OoTcreor Ualkder. *rho ?rai(in tlie ControUera offici', ns-ured Mr. Staab tbfl* hc wouhl not Iv* recofnized us Controlier, i.n.i i;,.it it BBCCBflflfy hc -ho.ii.i roforee thc law. Mr. Stauh said plensantly : V'Oovernor. il you sho.ihl cal! out thc military, it sur0 ?'??'' rn\* 0,,t thc cavalrv, as I ain an fljl-pofitrfll] riinner.'1 To which liovernor Iliilkrlc.v resled: "ll wc iii"' that vou arc rutining. we Kl-a'ljti.t tnk> thc tfoaf*. l.i rui, nlttT you." Mr. Stat? then n-tircal fron, tlio office. .( liovernor lhilke'oy rottirnra^to hia room, where lie found Jiidyo Morris ;,nd :?Jicral othetf! awalt ing him. Prcsiilent pro tetii. d'c-.l. of tiie Scnale. stoppod forward and aaid: Bjavanar Italbeley, nlh.w me t.> Introduoe to jroc Govcniar Morn*. "Wbo?" iii'iulrc.i i.ovci-niS Mnlki'lev. an.l. ro eeiving BO rcplv, exten.leal ^is hand to Judgw Morris, taylng witli ? snufcivMr. Motrii, I ani glaal to sec voii.'' Judge Morris. flddreflfling ^ie (.a.vcrnair. said : "l.overnor, I supposf you M h.irdly ICfldy to givc iip v..,n olli.e flfl yet '.'" ? liovernor Hulkelcy roplicdlthal whencver the (ieiiar.-.l As-cnihlv qualiflcd Wlaaorajaaw hc would chccrfullv surrciKlcr tl.e ofRcelo him. Jualgc Morris rcinarkt'd tl Ef tliat \\as all tho official liusiness he had witl*the liovernor. and after a pkaaant ..ili lefl lb a.iiirc. Thc pioa-ee.lin.s were '?!/, r.iclcn/e.l bv tne irreatcst /<*od-iia1urc, bol tbe jlopuhli.'au benatora di.l not aiiso during tbfl ccreyotiy ol swcarii'. lll the qnasi-St.te oOi.ers. T!,.*?ftion of the Sennte wns fltrparratly taken for tMrparpofl. of liiriii-li ing a hi.sis for qaa wair.ii-* pr .cediii-.s. Ihe seict Bon n.ittce ot ihe Ho \*t "M Inveatlgatlnn .,f the retnrns will mcet |. - norrow. and, trom present appoaranccs. it is m_ c\pa'ctcd lhal tli.* lleino.ri.tic UMIubBIB flfill U?^ p.rt 111 its 111 vestigations. * SMITH OF BIl'ilXG BI8 WtFE. -4 VF.RDICT OP A CORONKR'S .11 /.Y I\ TIU. POUCI MAB*fl Oal^i. Coroner I.r-vv vestprday hdd "? liif|iic-t Ifl the ca-c ?f Mrs. Man ."-'nlth. alfo ?f 90ii < nii-n Wllliam smith. of the East OBfl hundred and t>t,tv flhctb af. siation. who. it was charged. died at her * um, Bo. ?'' WBal Oaa Iii tidred-ntid thlrti -ixthM.. flB lanuary ? fBBB IBfl r-ffect*. of Injtirie. received at I ha" iiind* of ber bflflriMOB tfaptain We.tervelt. of thc TflTBI^f nlntl, P-'iinrt. wh0 ane-te-l Smith. said lhat Dr,. . illiip* ?"d Bwaci la form.-d him ea tbe ii.h thnt Mi* smith aaa BaBerlnB from l.i.kjaw whb h they believry wa~ caus.*d by blow Inlleted ba wllliam smith. .?? ?b*o aaM laal be rtettod the hou*e. Afler bda) Infnrmed th..! Bl ? Smith had bc.-n as-aulted bv IM j i bfl MflfltrBBfltf Ooroaet Lcvy. 4 Williain M. .illle-ple, an cx i. llrr-ma'i li\i?p al >"? ..14 East One liuiidr. d and tw. Il,.'-st., aaM bfl wa* altb smith nnd Marv sttiiirt Ifl ? lia|i-rsbop on BflM Vear'a Kvo drinkine. Mrs. **niitl, can/ la, tbe rear .loor ,;,llr?i Mr smith. Tha- bflfla*BOP-*l flflM that sn,itli na* Bai theit% Smith. the uiti.r-. * ...I. -f.on wet.t out. i.t,.l ln aboi'.t tift'-.-i, inliiiitc- OBflae b;.-U. smlth -a,d: ".-be V_p not bothcr me any more. I have aMffBT her in thc Jaw,1 , Deimty Coroner Donlin Mflft^Bl tlnt he held tfea amtaoey Ofl the l.odv of the wou- n and lotmd fbflf ll" liial dled from np.ipie.w. Phe ( f:.,,,. mciii:.-'iti whl.h might have cau-rd death r-'aafl had llved IflOflBr. Dr.. Swagg and I'hillip-. WbB ? ittcndeal tl.e woinan. tUfltolBi that M,s. Stnlth d'eal fr n locltjaw wllh ll was due to vloleine. john Smlth. the nlne vear al I son of Ihe miiplc *aid that Bfl arBM '" I'1" ii(i"',i BOP at lifth flWO. i""1 tmehtindred-an.l tlnrlv (lfth *t.. -vlth his tnolh.-r f"i the pntpi.-e of BflBlBg hi- fathe,- Hla fitl.c. M IBM. ,-ame out. walked down flfl f* flfl OBfl uundrcl au-1 thlny aarBBi *t. Bflfll Flfth ave. *iil. the witnes- *'.d Ma itiiithcr. and then stnick I, r Iwkfl a,n th" Mai night itleb. Br*. >>. tl. t,.-,. ataBBfred ;' her h i - ?h.rr.' -'>" r',.,.i,iel untll We BW. aa wm to tl.e aaloan tn -?- her hn?bafl*I tor Ub parl..-*.' Bf flHtlBI -o?ir tnoncv, ,.,d f'.u.'.l WlW \|,- -t.ia.t :,'iil lillle*ple. BM call-'d him out and ,h" W.Mhe i,|frv".U,d',that Man' S.illh I BflBfl to hc * Mb hy violeuce raralved at tne hand* ol her"i. iVilll,, flSirtliT" wa* ih" verdl.i of th. jnrr. si?. h waaf rUnimltted to th- Toml.s to awarl 0* **a*?8fl of VtC i.iand Jury. _ srir AOAIBET as TBEVBABCB COBPABT. Dayton. OMB, Jan. U fja*jafalh At T.oy. ? BBBflB pla.e north of here.,n I'lcins. who r.i,. ? sniall mlll there, l arried a poLcy i'i Ebfl Ph'-enu In-.ur..,i. ?' company Bf iii.H.iiyi. br *i.<*hi. ti,.- mili MafOBi. t,?i his floMABf tor thc- ..inoiii.i of tl.e InaavflBM aai -hoitii- flflanrarl toftoaraal M wa arreal 'f biin***ii .nd *.,,. at Um laafaaea M on:.i..i* ?.i tne mmmny tm ?.,.?.. ii ,v .*-. .-?. ii,i 1'i.s. ...uid be made agiun-J for false imp,loi,n,ent. ? *-? 9ABTBM T1UF. PROSt CBfWABO TO BEWAJBLBABR CMeaM laa. laV-?a toal into aal on ay tn. nim-.i* a>,,tr.l BtJ* ai'.s and BtW-OlMBfl ha. r.'K > STSa fro- Oaaaf. aal Bl U ato, aai 9*0. t?*- JJ naiiv flfl adxant-m" U. MflflJlUai b* Uial p?rt- "' OB '?' fc I1.', thci, awfl prataettofl Ma altofl aad tba Wabaab aar, aaBai taflillnBtlafl a raBaettM al tt." raaatog uaaa trft.,c? kMtoa l..t?.en th. t?f. Ifth. .'U.-r '?'; aVmrn u..,r mmA tm aaabfeaia. trum baa * Majai tult. w9A ***- aiBiiaV u> m*** * faaa-BflffM rau. GEN. MILES IS WAITIXU. THE B09TILES TAKING TMKIR TIME ABOl'T COMING IN. UTTI.E CHANT.I* 1*? TTtV. MTrATION* AT PINE RIDfJF. AGF.XCY-A PF.ACEFLTj SOT.UTION OF TIIE TROFBTjF. DRAXVS RBAXKB FVF.RY D1V-CAPT. PIF.RCF. INVESTICATlN... Pine Ridjre Agency. S. T)., Jan. 13? Contrary M e\pee(a(iors there xvas r.o conbretiee to-day l*e txvccn tlie cbiefs of tbe hosfiles and i.cncrr-.l Miles. Tl.e latter states tliat tlie Indians irj slill (imid aad apprei'.cnsive of punishmcnt, anci proposes to allow u eouple of days to elapsc before attrmpting to britifj tiie nccotiations to a olose. I'lms fnj* the diaposition Iie has shoxvn to treat tlie kindl.v lias made fnr liim many warui nmoni: tliem. This fact, eoupled witli the M4m wbieh (fiptain Pieree. tlie nexv a-jenU is taJdag to shoxv the Tn.iiims tbal eierjtbiag tliey nre entitled to i. ider the tientv xvill r>e issiip.l tai them, will nndotibtcilly bnvp a bene iieial effee.t. A memlier of G Troop, -,'d Infantry, who came in to-day xvith the detncliment of the 1th Infantry under Major Egbert. reporfs thnt ?'?'u Indians broke axvay last nicht frotn tlie hos tile eamp atid had been followed bv ("olonel Sanford and Colonel Menry. At headr-unrters no report waa reeeived eonormin-r the matter. Colon*! Cotbifl says the report was oceasioi-.ed I.v the fact tbal tbe commands mentinned 1ml si.utcl in tbe direc.tion of Wo.itiderl Knee on .1 seout. Tliere iS now under disenssion tiie advisability of enlistinL' seoiits for scrviep in tlie resc. vatinn. Thp ata-eney is noxv ftUiTOtA, hy a force of nlnety-ninc rndiaii piaTi-efhen, sixfy of xvhn.n xvere enlisted for txvo montlis nt tbe time (he tranble broke out. T'or tlie thlrty-nine re?ular piili'i-incn, an offcr has been made niving theai the option of pntpriiii* ihe scoutinir scrvie,' or r.* taaialng in llie police for'-e. In tlie former tlieir pay 44-il! be (13 per month xvith an nlloxvanci-' of 40 eenta per day for ll.eir hor-es. TbrJ amoiitit.s to about g28 per n.ontb. This party of seoiits will bp di.stinet frotn the sronts noxv under the command of I.ieiitenant Tiylor, of tlie 8th Cav iilr.v. and who have enlist?d sinec tlie opening of (he enmpaism. Taylor will eadaavar to take h's command xvith him to Fort RobiMOO nt the elose of tl.e diflicnlty. an.l endeavor to render them an idenl iroop of xvlmt has lacen termed irregiilnr cnvalry. It thoiight fhe poliep wmil'l ?ose the plan of transler lo t'.c MOBting B8T viee lief*:nisc the Wm of enli.stmcnt in the latter artiiy is only six inoiiths. Tliey feued that at (hc en.i of thc lirsl enlistment they xvould Iie dis ehari'ed from tiie scrviep aud Ihus left without rn o.ciinalion. Ifavin,' lacen assurcl tbal thev wonld eal pen:in;ietit eniplo.x ment, tiiey have, lo ii nii'ii, deaided to lieeome seout.>. Blg I'oot's xvile, one of the xvomen loJtJRd ,,n Wouiulcd Knee, died last nlgbl in (he bostile eamp. Tbe boslile Indians slill remaitiod in tlie eamp tbeg xvent into ypstprdi.y, aboat two miles from thr* Bgeaey. They have nol atteaaaatad t, eome nearer xxith thc exii-ption of those wlio desir.-d lo visit some of the friendlies, and who xverp conipellcl to take a cirenitoiia route around tlie acency to leach tleni. Tiiese xvere gjt-BBjrallj met aho"ui half a rail" lteyuiul thc br'"isfxv ,rks Iv. piekct.-., bv arboai they xvere en:n|)elle.l to surrender their arms no tii after their return Imiii tlie xisit. The number uf these visit irs this PMraiag WM soine xvlii.t greater than it \v.;s xcsterday. Younu-.Man Afraiil-(lf-llis-H"fse .-iin? in from tlie eamp this morning to arrnnue for i\ ineeting of the bostile ? hiefs xvith Oeneral Milea. Tlie e- mmsiids rc ferred to ln these dispatrhes of yraterdajr are abaatatan miles to th** rear of tlie Imstiles. They xvill a''" no nearer until there shall have been a l-ctweeti the ehtefs nnd i.eneral Milea ? antnin Pferer, the rexv otTeiit, ha.s a plan of enlisliii..' four eompatiios of l.ndians to do'.' <>n the teservation, imsteud of wiiife soldieis. after (his trouble. shall bave hlown over. Il is also fe|t that (he Indians xvill be expeeted to give Bp .11 llici.' arms and take a recoipt for I'.eni fron tlie agent, nnd thal they xvill l>e artiaranteed proteetion hy Uie enUated force <>f their oam people. (leiicral Miles, ii is said, is in l.ivor of this plan. Agent Pieree is raaking an inv.'sti^a tio.i of t!ie ainount nf rationa laBued. and ir is runioivd Ims DMtle s,,ine inleicsting dis. ovencs. ','. he s?*iif OUI Colonel Ketit nnd Canlnin ll-ilrl-.viii. nn.ler esiorl of K Troop of fh^ Tt h f'avalr.x', Lleutenanl Soniers. int, Ihe corral |j> ?.i-i. I. llie p| T T Ia- tceived there last Oetober. The cattlc then hai an average welghl ol 1,131 i.oiiniis. To-day the average arelght was imt n litt'e over Ii00 pminds. This Bhows B ahrinkago of over JOO poiinds per he.ul, for whieli th" ? loverinneiit paid and of xvhleli the Indians xvill be deprivcil. St. I,oi-is. Jan. 11.-" The Post-IHspat 'li's" st ilT eorresponilent at Pine Ridire Ajgeney tliis mornlng fplppraphs hia paper as I'nllow.: " Thp Indians B1C in eimp xvithin full Vlew of tbe imrth foltiflea tions. Tl p riarlit ol their columii resls there, nnd the line cvte :ds iiortlienslerly, riinniii!.' up B gnleh Iveliind the bl.ifTs. The vlexv from the fortiiieiti.u s |g trrandly jii'-t ii ro**.-t:?*. Pehind them is a natural aniphit'.oatre, a rugaed broken Blope, '-'"n bMI to the erest. It is jusi a niile fron (he Bgeaey and rVbite Cbag Crcek nins licside it. On the plain nre leppes hy the hundre'l, ptMbed ine-ularlx". huddled tocether in gmnps here, and fi-*:it:er^.l wi.iely aparl there. Maaing aboat nniong tbe tepees. ;? Iteld-gbMB shows the xv.irrlors nid s|.i:i*vs xvilh theil' ehildreu alld dOgB. Sil-'h it S|)C,t:ielc Imprinta it.-clf ?n the niind xvith atartling elear* ?liss. for it is boge in it*4 grandear, Btrlkiagly ualejae aad aronderfnlly Mggrrrttve to the lOMg iiniion. ,lust between th.* pbtia aad tbe agency, perehed on a hill beblnd eartharerba, is a aMaeh rille. '.vhi'-h is trained on tlie enmp. It s.-ems to stare |Tr88ly down on tlie villate of hilf-erazed barbaruiM and to arara tlu*ni of the awfaJ honor thal xvill lollow one rash aet. " I'or a ivhile \es1erdav cvcr.x-luxly in 7'ine Ridge arattsd ansTously, fceiiii,.' tbal every nio inctit thc roar of that gaa Ih* hennl, i.t.,1 every one xvas e.vpcetant. ('iptain Doii-herty, I'oininaii.lin.- the intaiitiy company al the f.rtifica ii'.ns had throxvn out pickets a .|iiarf?*r of a mil<* beyead the lines. Tiie Indians xvere known to la* jiist bcyoiid B hill, alxmt l,80o yarda distant. Major Ikiker. the |i.,.viii:ist"i', had xisit.-d (he rorlitications to |)ay off the compni.v. aud al! of lhe men xvere in the eamp a biiti<lie.l navav exeepl one, who was left a>. a goard near the ..'iins. Sii.l'leiilv two Indians xven- 88811 8*1 tbg erest of n hill but a abati dist.ince bpyonrl lhe other pi.kets: then ollicis appcarc! M tlie hil's to the iiorthxvest : ihen than a ilo/en xxere seen on the varioiis i-levatiotis, and then a body ol BTtOK tlmii 1.... n.-a- io tln- .rest of tbe hill ii.-iiiii,! arhiefa ti..* baaftlbra irere. Tba Btraber waa rteadUr laMTiMaad t" tag by aeecMteM af rauj-'in^ in ii,n..t>eis fron. Ii\e lo txvetity-liv.*. | i|,' Hoi-iii rlv xvns imme.lii.tely notilied. He (lispatehcl a to l>?*;i.l,|uarti-:s to itiforni Miles of lhe moveii.enl.. Then huriyin., to tho loitilb-ations he had tbC |88 prepared for actton. Tlie ranpe finder adjnsterl his sinhts. and (hc eave in wineb the unifnuiiilioti storc.l was opene.l. A line of skirmishcis ar**M 8881 "Ut b*> yond the fortilieationh on the erests af the h.lls TbC aitiviiy al heaibiu.irtcra xvae sinriui:. Order*. were spnl (? the cavalry to sii'ldle and be in rcadin'-s. ... in,,\e |0 ilhwcst of the eamp. G"ii eral Mi!.*-. amiotjabaitil *I Ihiiiah. Bttl and his s(.ilT. rode t" the fortilieations a:nl tuade B 'ir ,uit of tbe raaaa. Kitra aaaaaanil aa xvns haaartl inni \4hen eTarythlai x\as in rrauttMM lha traopa vaiied a movemenl. After two hours detieral Ifika reeelrad arerd that thc inJinna.lid not gaaaa to make any advance. but ti.ey xvould likc t,i talk xvith him. Hie General aent them word aa go oiiietlv int > r-anip and he wo'il.i recelve t>n of their chief tni-n TIii-ii the wairioi's disappeared In.u. tbg hill top and un BB*I later they xxere cau.|a*d xxith the eu.l t.f their .?oluiiin M tbe plain. This tMBf a, gaan than tiiree mUea loug, aud there are T.ouu Iiidiiitis in it. '.on of whom aro warriors. Hy the sotifhea.t trail tlicy havo bcon communieat ing with thc frier.dlics. and thc horsemon ha.o l.e.'.i riding caiiitinually between t!,e two eamps. Captain Maiis, Ocnornl MiIos'b ehief of statr, sav that IbcflB comniiini.y.tions have l)oen lietwcen reUtiVBS. Tbfl friendlies held a council latc last night and decided that they wantcd none of tho hostilcs in their cau.p. Tiioy have dBf rifle pits aml sa,v that if even a solitary warrior caimes among them and catises tronble they wiii arre*t liim. and if he resists tl.ov will kill him. Bttll. r.liis iIoch not civc a foeling of seout'ty. Tbfl giaiuiitl upon which thev camp is liotween tlio Ageney aad rotreat. If a Ifhl takes ptaOC ba. OM will know a iriendly from a hostlio, and tl.e light. may beCBBM siu.ply a battie between all t!:e Inalians and tl.c whitcs. II tlio hostila's co.ld bc sure of tlniH dragging in tho 8,000 friendlies they would hc sure to light. The ten flbtefb dM not como iu yostcrd.iv. an<f they wero o\ pected this morning. but tl'.ere are foars that it will hc a day or two ?>e fOffl they can lie induccd to OBBBfl to the airency. Frank Uourard, Captain Taylor's chlef Indian scout, s-iys tho young men are flflfld and the old oiiea excited, though they are all half afraial. Tho squaws are silent and tho wariion*. suliVn. ' I cannot tcll,' hc aaid, ' what they will do. bttt I lionr that urc sovoral hundieal young men who WBBft lo light They havo their war paint on, and thev Bffl roady for a light if ono OOeatB.' Tlic fricn.lly camp ia now an iinsaie pl.ia.' beoatise tho hostilcs nro riding in there cotMtantly, and it is drffleult to get even counois to go tbrougb ii latfl in the evening. i oloml Corbta General Mila-ss adjutaot, Ibia kflerooon s'n.l that the possibilitics ot a lisht were I*' eomint; more rcnioto every hotir, aml IV* exprete-d thc diffieultv to Ih* a.ttwd within a few dnys. rlaef Red Kag'.c, who has just roturi;ed tha- bOfltlle camp to tlio acctiey. says tliat II would I,.' in.idvisal'le for l.enernl Miies to sav anythimv about anns now, as it woui.l surely eaaae broobie. WaflblOgtOB, Jan. 18.?ObBBIBI Schotleld this morning roeeivod tlio following telonram flBBJ General Milcs, ai Fino Rtdge, dated last nlgbl: (ieneral Hrooke's lornmand is now camped flve' mlles dlstiint on Whlte ?'lay Creek. and tlie entire baaiv of Inrtlatis .iro lietwcen tho two i a.innianil*,. r,. neral Brooke has corafliaodfld has fon-c wltb a*on .Idcrablo sklll and e\<ellent Jmlcmcnt. The greatcst diflicii'iv ls now to reatore lonttdcii.e. I lie Indian* have great f'*ar that irw -?? ,11 lo tilien BWBJ BBfl then aii treat.-d Uke thoee arho arere on ttoonded Kue-e. Thev have a Inr?e number of wound-il women and children, which creates a Bioet ileprcsli..- feeling among thc fiunilies and a ale-perate dlapoaltlon *n,oug them Mllitatv mea-ures and moven.euts l.ive been *,i. c-'ssfiil. The eontrol and goveniment now berome* ti.,. problea, roi Bo aerloaa aa-banaaaaaaBt .s flfffao bendef M preeent_ T.) RATIFY AB INDIAN AOKEKMENT. Wishington. .lan. 13.?Represetitativ.* PflfMfle, of Kaoaas, t"da> tnaaie a toaorablfl reporl the Indian Air.iirs Coininlttee on a blll tO ratify the agreemenl made last O.tober with the Choveiiiie h,.<1 AnpBbOfl !,nl,m-. in the Indian Territory. for I BCIllOM of their mumllpn IIM report says that ItMBfl lamls com prtofl about flerflfl, of which all are to bfl thrown ?i>eii fo BfltttoflBCBt after allottnents of land** |n aeveralty to tlie Indians. One mllHOB jhre htind.yal ttionsand Bollara aro to be pald b. the Indians for tho ., ? tion of their land-. A FOLITWAL 0DTBA9B IX ALABAMA. HOW A XF.OR0 POSTMASTF.R WAS FORCED TO RE BlOB ANI) A RIPtnt.I.'AN TO LKAVE TIIK f 01. NTY. Washington, Jan. 1 3 (Sporial .-Wilcox County, Alabaina, Ifl in the CeagKflfl District no-.v repre flented bf Judge McUiiftie, a RepubHcan. Uoth thc county and dustriot are strongly Kcpublican. On ..0, li-PO, what the press OfBBl Bl Ma.i.ile styled I "aNtfatfl dfapute lietwi-ontMro Uliml?IB* oeetirrrd at, Catherlne, a post-t..wn in Wihox i ounty. AccordiiiR to the aaine author? ity this " husln.'ss dispute" resulted in "thc array ing of thc blBOkfl and whites afftinM' ono anothor. nml the whitcs siihse..iicntly forcing William Hruee, a white Hepuhlican, who is a tiephow of Jtialgc'Jolui Braoe, of the I'nited States Circuit Court, ta. leave CatLcrino, and tbfl losignation of thc iio-io pOBtBaBBter Bt tliat pla.O.'' Wbj I " l.iisiness dispute between I '.vo ina-icliants,'' hoth whitc iii.n, should have rehiilted in all thc OonflB aiuencos mentionod, tho press age.nt alial n..t think ii uitl?IJ bfl explain, hut as is rather usur.L 00 su.-h oceasions in the South, lio naivel.v re maiked that "polities htul nothing to do with tho niatter." Kepres<*iitntive MeDuffio has received from H. O. Jamos, an offi.or in tho Internal Hevenm* ?ervice, a letior whieh givos tlio mattor an en tirci.v dlfferent wiaptextoo, aad his versiam is understood t?> 'c corroha.ratod in tho muiu bf ? pOBtofflflC iiifil*" tor, whai has maalc B thorough in veatigallor-, thc reault of whieh has heen tho of eleven of tbe "befll ait.i/ens" of Wih'ox i ' on a ebarge of eonaphriey. in thc letter referred to, Mr. Jaa_Bo arrbto: "Ke.'.ardiug thc rccnt trotiMo at Cathcrino, Wilcox County, 1 put it doWB as follows: (.ra.i ville Mennctt WBfl flppolntcd pUBlUHflBfBf at said jala.", as \ou kii'w, ;.nd tbfl old p. stinastcr, Mr. Boyatoo, would not turn over thc ofHre ta> Bea >iett, heeaoflfl, bb he. Btoyntoa, said, he had not ba'a-ii notitied by thc DepaflflDBBl to do so. (iran ville wrote to me, am. on tlie "ay tliat liovcrna.r .lones was inaugurated, Mr. Kearr.s. a pofltofflce inflpeetor, eoBBfldted mc rognrding said appoint ment. I gave thc fat tB, and the ne\t day BB prca-ooded ti ( athonno und in BUlled BeBoett, ll appean that a negro oa Ur. V.iiiiim Braee'i plaee raade thc u.ea?ry houd for Benaett, witbont Iho Unowlclgo of Btbob; jr?l Ilruco. for this act, was flbBlfBd bf the BBBTbOBfl of said soVtion with inciting tho m-uroos againsf the whitcs. A committee wnitod BB Hru.o and t.,1,1 him that they WflMkl give him threo davs to leave tlio State. The same I'ommittcc wnitod <>n IVinett nn.l maale him write out his rcstgnation aa peat-flaflter al Cathcrino. which hc did. Yel tha- iniprcssion i.s BOBghl to'l'c maalc tliat pol.tlofl had nothing to do with Mr. Ilruce's Iviug ma.le Co leave Wihox County. Tho DOBtofllee IDWeetorfl aro aloing tbelr l>est to fiml lU-nnett. bai he flao iiot Ih* found. Sonie uppenr lo think that he ha* been k'lled, hnt. I do not beiievo anytlung ol tbe klnd; the last heard of iVnnett he was Ifl I rfllifBi office iit Solina. My opiuion is that h,* is l>''ing 1,?1 i-\ iy to koephim from Infonalng <>n tbe oan sniniois I MW Bruce Monday night in Mont i-omerv: he had but little to siy. A postorti. inapeetor saw him the next morning-. hut I do nol know what Hruee told him. .... -The above .ne the faett lll the OBBfl to T?c Iiest of mv knowledge. What good "will it do to aal theae CommunlBtfl? Tliry will baje a hoanng before a Hoiirhoii ComTrfissionor. and their Jud_e for Wilcox is in tho Mohile alistrict." _-* A 8CB00XEB A8B0ME ON I.OXG ISLAXD. TWO Of THi: OBBW OK TIIF. OTTI'r. DROWSF.Il Tlll'. OAPTAI ? AM' aiTMl'.It BBIaVOBB I'.KSCUKD. New* ?..s n'C'-lvecl in this city yestcitlav of the vrarfe "f ti.e CBaaaTJaa aebaaaar otter. tshc araal aabOM aa BlBflf S',utli lleaa h ye-terday ma.rfilns; op p.?lte lieliport. L. 1. n.c wln-l **'?- blowiiiR a ?u.e al the tin.e aml a heavv se_ em runnlnR. The vessel wa, irom st. Kllt's. ln the We*.t Indies. with a eargo of MM un.1 wa* bound for tbis l*ort. BBB ?ot ao far n. sbore lhat when tbe _al? *truck her flbfl was unable to work out t" aaa, The ves-t*l wa* . ommanded by CBptotfl WeMi, and carria-d a OO** of slx men. When the M hooner ,t. ack, ,|?. raptaln BBB] two men la thc yawl to try to r.a.i, ,I,L. ,'??. lh'' BBfl ?as begiirnini? to break a.ver the re?a| at tl.e llme. and sl.e was J^^J^^j^ito-l ,' md The .:>\,l ?**- -.ii*!.,i'it by tbfl bteaKe. and tbe IWO me:i in It were drowned. , ... , * Tle . rew nf the I.lfe vivlnir *ta'ia... ou he bOBCb want (0 | ? i-.,,,,- sf^.i after and took Olf CaptiJn Betab _..d i..* ??' of iho crew ln -*if''tv. Tba Ottoi *al .mit^rii.dUntowi, Newli.,.,.:w,ck. .,, M4, um. ,?,.. e.?l 108 (on,. olie was owned bj I. II l>. i.t'gl'-. of St. John. N- B. Bbfl wlll probably prove a ,,,ta\.i.'.tiK-r account of the af lb" twa MBBBBfl u tiL-.t thev i"-t their Itaaa ablk the uelipoit Uta s'lvltur rraw were etida-avoriiifc' to resr ??? tl."?, BJ meai.* ..( the breorhea buoy. .>?li,|i t.- tba -llppnn. of the rnp" Ml whldi tl.e buov BaVflJa fi.?>. tl.e flMMN to tl.e iborfl tbe tWO -Ulors were tlirown Into tbe sarf an.l gn.w-n-d t^-iore ..-i?t?iioe oould reacli tlieM. Their boflii;* were washed *waf4 A VOTE ON SILVER TO-DAY. THE FRFECOINAGE AMENDMENT TO BE TAS>ED BY A LARGE M.UrWITY. POWERKUI4 RPEECH BV SENATOR MtI.l-.MA8f AOAINST MR. STEWART'S rnnPOSITION mkssks. ai.uson,'.ini and OTIURS AL**.) TAT.K A4.AINST IT. ler TEiaoRapn to tiie tbibc.-b'b.J W'a,shin/fon, Jan. I.'l.? <'cneral debale on lha ritiaii'*ial hill eame nominnMy to a., end in thi Srnatp this pvptiinir. hut so preat was the pre**ur? fnr time for a fexv more speeelie*; that lo fom Senat'.rs, Mcsj,ra. Jonr-.a. of Nevada, f'iba.ii, Ingall. and llisiock, xvlio xtvre c,oxvde<! out lo-dny, per missioii waa fcixvn to speak xvith..ut limitatioa to-iaorro-.v. Wlen they are thrijiigli?anri tlie Senate Wlll meet at 10 a. 111. to ejtag them a fair chance?deliate 011 any amendraenU xxluch may : Iie offered xvill eonliinie under the ten-minuta rule, and a linnl vote nny 1k? reached hefore ad jotirnment t'.-inorroxv evening. .Notwitiist aadiag ihe paaaagtad showinu maia in to-day's disetission bx fle Senators xvho oppoae ' free MaMagg, tliere is no doubt that Mr. Siewart'a araendment, xvhicli poes furtlier even than a sim ple instmctioii to thp ( lo coin tha l.ullion xvhicli may Ih* preserTTed, and oblij-es tha Iri-auury ln acept and store all such bullion, and U> iasue MfCS in value, without neignior age or protit, will Iie adopted by an ovr-rxvhelmuig vote. lt ia aiid that ex-ery Demoerati,- Senator will vote for if. in order to enrry o'if the bargain bv xx*iiir-h the E'ection bill xvas displaced, and prol.ably ttventy of the lifty-one I'epuhlicaa .senatois xvill also supp,,rt tlie coolition. The majority for Hei* coinaj-e xvill tlieiefor.- ia* greater, probuhly, tl.ati it xvas last .June. To-day's debale xvas marked by three admirahla spi-ches from metnlici-s of the Finaiiee Conimiftee in deprecation ol the effort to put the I'nited Statea 011 a silver Imsis. Mr. Sherman came lirst and had fhe floor f.g* sevcrnl liours, riirccting his urgii.nent tow-nrd tha illu-ioti prevalcnt on the Drniocralic aide that lrec xvill not neeessanly nieati the aban donment of tlie K.ild slandard altogether. Tha Senator was xiarorous and outspoken and hcld tln- large audicnee iu lha from l*e uiiiiiLiiK \o end. He waa lolloxved by Mr. Allison. xvho made a stiiking hall-hour speeeh against free eoinage aa the xvorst setliack the cause of silx-er Could paaglbaf have. Mr. Aldrieli, who came last, aurprised and rta ligbted his liearers xvith a wiity and telicitoue attack >>n the preanni flnaaeial oualltlnn and made lns many points ,iuui;:st both Mr. Stewait niei Mr. (iormaii iu a most telliag and elleetjvp mannpi. Mr. Evarta then apobC bricfly, and Mr. MeCon nell, tbe I'pi'vent aposlie of silxer from Idiho, made his maidpii spee. I. iri the Senate in helialf of "clipap nioiip.x. To-inoriow's spi-eclies. 88BJ8 ,'ially thoae of Messrs. Ingalla, .lopps and liucuok. are looked forxvard to xvith grcat intereat. ? ? ??' DETAILS OF THE DKBATE. \Va*hingion. .lan. T'i.?Wlien thc senate resuraai the eaawMarattaa <>f tbo Flaaaetal bill. Mr. siicrman sai'l tlmt the pendinz ainendnient for the, free eoinage of silver xxas a pmpirsltlon xvhich eliang-tl the whole ?Tinracler of tlio bill and 8X4 IM ln* f^elin.*! sonewhat. lle thoii'-Tit tbat iiii.I.i the etfaaaBa8MCM Iie wiis Ji:-tifietl In all lic s^j^ thc otlier day, and trhat 110 -aid tiieu he ?apeataa' now. Hut now h? wisiiod to ills. iiss thc meas.ire as a busineas qucstion wlnrli affeeteJ thc r-lght*. aud property of e?-ery clti-.en ..( the I'nited . ui,*. Il would be perrcivod that tha aniendment wns | prnposiiioii thal the I'nited ntatet ahould pay 81 -20 fm- -very ounoe of ullver bullion that mlght 08 offered fro-u anv part of the world. The I'nited states xvag not a Ilberty to pav for tliat bullion in .stlvcr coin. or sllv.-r dollurs, ei which 11 liad ir-'100..sX),04K) in thc Treaaury ; but (he option waa eniirely xvith thc holder of Ihc buliron to coin or bar* or Ttvasurv tiote-. There w.-*. no option left, ta (h,? Troasiirer. Tlio pri.e was f|\(*d and the holder of the bullion would take the most valuable mode ot piivinint, which probably was Trea-mrv notes. The*a noti's xvere protniscs to pay nionev. nnd were leuel tender for all debts. public and prlva.*.. Thev wera ii;;nl.. IM iiiel.cst standard of value. In 88881 88 ipeeta Ubsj arera betear than (Jattai st-ite* no(ea ?nd bettcr tlmii silver . ei lifieates. >,, that not onlv waa the I nited states to paraMM aU the bullion otfer'il at ??i'i 20, but it had no option as to the mode of payni'-nt. Mr. Itaararl in,|iiircd whether the same law did r.ol applv in regard to gold. Mr. BMrMM raaaaaf lhat it did not. Thls propoied ?eaaara xvas aaaca taaaiar, as he wnuid presentiy t.hoxv. This gave a preferenee .0 silver over gold. Not only this, but (xvhether intended 01 not. thla anictidineiit waa offered ln surh a way thHt. it w?a imt open lo furtlier aiiicmlnicnt. The pilee was flxed al ?pi '_'0. To day thc value of siTver In the marketa of th<- world uas sonietliinac about $1 03 an onnce. Th.-re was aa after to pay '24 cent* an ounre more than the Baarket pri.e. Thero xvas another fennire of thia proposition, whleh xvas that thc silver xaa* to be forn.,-d Into rata or bars at the .plion of the owner withoui eharga There eoaJI be no deductlon made in the Mini for ihc expeoee ,,f Mtiag tM BO'iar for aataaga. ii wii- tnic thal uti'ler tlie law BJOM BM eolned without < liMarc Ilu. there araa a <-h..ra?<* BM addltig thc pii?|H*r alloy. Thc deposilor of irold 8*M liable BB h dedurti..:i f>r these . Iiarares. Hut under (his BMaBBTS (hc ?". t,^. of silver bullion w*?s stibje. t U> 110 ehargc whalexcr The liiilllon \4as d-*p,,siti*d and rjohtai ?r made int 1 Mra without rhartre. No mattJ-r In what f >rm Ihe silver araa prcscnted It had to !.?? workod over. Pure silver dep *si:i.-d wa- aoaaetlaaea bbom diffiruit than .oiiIiiiiiIiic alloy, Meaaas thc all ?y mu-t be added (., n. At the niinirii.ini (a<< ordur; to the I ircrtnr af thc Mint) the eoat of reftiiing nnd colnin* silver xaa; txvo ccnts h-i MtTM* The-e uv,. aaata araM pu'd eg ?'?? inited Maf.-s to put into d.ap" the bulllni deposited. f'?r whleh it paid !?1 JM an ounre. lle had sald the other dav that thi* proposition Voultt tend to ihange the ,tmrtaid of viiliu. of uil BaUgJaiaJ ta thc l'n.i.*rt >tate-. and that 11. time it would d,-tiionetl-;e C'.ld. Thcieupoil IM Maaaor from MtaatMri (Mr. Vaat) had m-adc the raaaarh that if the fre<- raaaap of siivcr woui.1 aag goii Bl a pn'tiiiiiin, wouM separate thc 1*8*8 nietal* aud would rJaMga the i.afurc of eontra'ls, he would refuaai to go fnrtlci in that dire.tloti. He Pt>. Sherman) said aoar, Ti all BtaUMtgt, tMt if IM believed thal the fis:*e eoiuagc uf silver would etiable the people to Miu.uiain the value of silxer bullion up to that o| gold. he would vote for free eoitupe today. Put M lt weie BiBBttaai that -Uvcr r-uld not MMt gold ex bv tM QariraMMt payi..? ? beaagp ta the pn^ dlioaragg MllMBlTT- silver. he did not thlnk there waa anv ttaagar "f ttda measure passjt.?. It It were ad uutt.-d that 11 puritv batarsM gold and silver could not ttand ?'\"-pt bv the rjarteg state- standiug a* ? pur .hajscr 11, IM ?'.,il.l, be d;d not thlnk that tln* wai a Ihlng that oa?M lo be almcd at. Mr T-ll' r BbM IMI tM advocat^* of free colnage all ?v('.r tl.e aio.l.I Ml a--,',tcd, as a f.indamenUl prlnrl^ -Me taere wa* Mtr aaa way to pu. allver and Uu o? an BMafrlP; ""<i ?Mt ?'?* bv law. wl... h would put the two BMtaJl on *<?me raUo t/> taBBj. Mr aaaraaaa rcpiicd Utat tiie law now did flx tne ratlo for coit.age at 1<? to 1. That was all tlie law .ould do The law could not tl.x the prlee and valna nt -ilver bullion. Conp-ess was potent ln m*ny thlnga. The (iovernment wa* itrong. but not itrong enough ta Hx the value of a bushcl of wheat. IU coaild no* dx tbe valna <>1 an ounpe af silver bullion. When lt 1 BBltH to pay ** Bn ounre for **_**** $1 0.'. lt would uiidoiil.tedly advanee the value ot silver silver mlght reach a parity ?iih goM. ** MM aonld it remain tl.rre! Only so long as tha (iovcrnment paid lhat pri.e. Market x.iluc waa tha iu,|M?e?t of thc world. not of any nation. It waa th.-'xvaut of tl.e peopb* f*Ml ItgafBlad tue market. not IM of me... Tho problcm 88 1** solved was: How eould txvo arti.l.s af uneuiial v*lue be m?ln lalMi at ei-ualltv with ea'h ataavl !!'>* could allver and gold. whleh varied ln the markets of tbe world. Im; iiiaitiUlned at a ratlo proposed by law. Tbera wrre two (heorics 011 the -ubje. t, boll. of them enter tialned hoeestly by Intelllireiit men. One of them waa Ui-t, a litint ta thc aaaaafB ?f aba ebaafta taaaaa, and its uiiuiiU-naiiie. by r?leitiplion a( par, xmIIi thc dea-ei me(?l. That xvas bintctallisin as he ui.dcr--t.a*d U Tbe other thcory xvas tla? free coina-rc of the cheapet mctal wiiliout limitati^ii. That nieant monometal