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BUOYANT AT THE CLOSE. STOCKS MAKE ADVAXCES. flOREIGN ..El.I-lNV. MAKKS ACTIVITY _H Eajbli dkalings. BALl . AT TBE 8TO< I EXCHANOE-JANVARY 13. OjBWBBBBBBI BBBBB, yy?nt^i?T*^Tr^~ "?--<?v"..:: flOYI'S A.VD BA.Vff -TOTATS irr I Bank ot RepuMlc ?io.182 Atahama Cla?* A Alb*ndf4o*('na 7a 1 ,KX<.130 Am T?or_ A l-po* lfl.000.188-1 AWh Oal aud l*ac lat*2 itthTip. aaa r* 4* -Oeno.7?"_" 7.1.600.Iv ?_ mc6* 87 000.51-? l.OBO.!?"i .'.' Al-ntlc a Paclflr lil'Olll* 25,1100.IS a.iHH..i_. l4.a>m..l*H ll.iKin.14 Ouar 4 a tt.000.74-a Broa'ldvn Kl lat I.",**.11 l.Oil.i.lll-i Bur,' 11 A N 1*1 6.000. ?7 t?n isoiith l?t iM t*. iu....loe-Vj,.".". Can *-??>!.', Vai a.,.,.,,.07*? Ci NJOM 61 600.lOC** 5.000.109*r*d nml ll roi, la 14.00<j.99 C. >' ft* A Div Val CaiDlol 3 4 a.ooa .... e? ln Couaol M 9.000.UB tthk- Bur * N 5* Cb;< Bur_ ajmac-r Dea 'Uv 4*. .91 NebEz 4a 5...0I..88 >? Ohic llur.iual gf K la 18.a,00.10:<-_ Chic i: A Q Lf ?? S.00 '.100 1*"a . IM*".l'*0 Cbla indEIll O Ba 9** Cb.c 0 LA CCola 4.01*0. BA. ..oo,, . . . wt Cla.r .V M.l lst .'..000.114 Chic Ki,t, l'a.- aa l MllUOll 5.0.'<> .... 8B% 8.,i0(<.9**.i_ a . sieir,: l.V'ion.97 C.ieur al'Al'e (.??n tis 87.000 ... . 10H C'ol, oa, A lron .? KiaOt. H.,'S| Cblc A IndCoal Ut 0.000. _laio CI. ? Hl I' A- M lst l.Oiii...'..: Chla Ml' M a* ?> a?n? i. mo .naii C!e\ A fanli.i. lst 1.1,0 '.t-(<S C*. HhSV* Tol 6a ?UKn.m <? >oi..**:.', 4..?<'0.V'h ft 11 V .* TO il Bfl 1.000.HM, fa-.' "i.'.., M.d 4? '..(,0.71 _., .*. ...Vl 4* .'..OOO.Ml Iii.i.?\*4 4.001.. *'.! Ln. A R," alr.inil lst l.OOo.Illl _>.t .Mii'K* M LS -.'.'.000.ili. Dal A daa i?t 10 noa. 104 EoUuSA Atl .1 8.,H>(i.t'1 ,i .K.ii . '.'('f> r . ; - - * B aoa H.O.N..'.'.< I.OOO. ... 98. Jtr,e IM Moneaife 1.0am.1 lrt Krle 4th Mortpaiae Erle 7a Oou Gol.l 8.0O...135 Xvan A TH lat .'..MKl.117 2.000.116 J W orln a-C lat lO.OaK).104 10.000.104'. O.OOO.104 _ 6a! Har A Paa A Weit Div lat e.i.oa,. 8S*j Ge?> Pa* c.,n fa ?J..O0.74 4 Bousi.t.iiir R K .",?. ...Olia..I.i4*5 III... A-T<-n li M 'I r. t' Keceil.l* ltf.oati.* K?ii?i.? Pae lal e.,n l.i.nn . l''t? ... ...o.ioim IM-.MS 2d ..'oun 1.0<>0. .. 1-4 Keokaik DAM lal .?t.niM..9*-_ Lon i T'lnnd oo.. 5a .*.no?? ?.*io..ii:i I.onc Island OM 4a iv.**\ l.a.''.'<,e Oaa I. ro o: at Iaiuii la; 4.000.79 S 1.0 N A A Cliic lat i.oon.laa Oaa .^.(MH..t-B lt, Vm..K-T, MXK?.1*0 .'..e.'o.Bl I^.st i .? Tex lat 30.000.Bfl-i 4,(KHl.87 MII I. si. * WaitT 1 .*?.."> .... 100 6.000. BB'i lat *? m.i \ Bat ut IPl ('(.i)s,iiuiat?fl l.oao.108H Ml, A- st Panl lat Cblc aad MoBivfis &.C.MI.'..7*a 1.0,'0.07 c a Pm v?'u ..? ..IM.0.105*a I ?.,,-....^ tl'.v l.iiUO.107 . II .'. Il 1)1 v 7i l.MMill. t>:< lvO Mineral Point Inv l..u*i. 100 K.,nth Wn Div ?.a.Kiu.111S Mmn and Kt L ii 3..000.S'i-a MoKan and Texaa Ul 17.000.76-*i\ BBLBBB.7ii-? l.'.tion.7e-> O.a.ilO.70?? h.Oltal.77 Mo K in * Taa Vd l.i oai.4'.?. ?.'.aii*..4.'*i 500. 4. Mohiie A "h'.o o N -.H.OOO.Ol1* Morrll and Kaiex ('on Otd l.oon.is7?a N V ''.'nt Ut a oui' B.OOIl ...lil\ N *? nucit at t.4t i.noi..?.._ . 1 .-uil.!??*?? 5..KK..tl8*? N Y .. K ?? Wn New SU Con -l.ii.H. ..8^ H.VO i.98 N . <V- Na.r Vd 4* ,',.iiOil .48 lS.IHH!.47"? x *. aa* A w ui i:< ti.iidio* ^? 1.000.!'? XYonta Weat . ,.||4 54 ?J.t,..a..9H'i :..... >a<.i'4 _*'n- l'-.C Ul con* I.... II.115 1 i lfr.iM.o.i;..'? S i.i>0.115 I :?.*?...iu*. Noi P.M- lal Kejr I 15.000.I IB*J Koi P.e vnoono . IMK).ll'J r'o. I'.r .i.i <oni> : i(,.>.'a,.1"'-' Koi Pae * Mi ? ! 4.iK.aJ.HI-; 5.HOII.B3.IPI05 i.(mk)..ltfft*. No. " ie . on As ! -O.OMI_ M j.,-..,Min.o;\ k.iioo.a*7* 7.'''.'0.... BS*4 1 Noithwest l'On? M.lHil,.I.l'."* | i'l'llll liol.l 11..* 1.00(1. l'.'5Vi , Kerthwoai a F 5* I ,1.1 K.II :..o.iii.i"*< *? ? Obio .-jouthern lal .1 M 4o 1.000.51? 1 OinalisA St I. Ut . i.oao . r.a Orr.oi. UB* Ut 1.000.07 U-r_..i. **'.. i-.oe e* B.000.1P"> H.OOO.lo5*i r.t,.Hi.icb Peo i ??>.? a Ev '.d , Pacof Mo iat4a Tea aml E??t Ine 10 000. 21 PennCo'i 4*. *"?aip | '..i.OOO.100 ; Prun .'?''? 47. His ?? 1.000.1<>4 p|l * \ Weat U. ::."a*ii.7*i'i I Pfeila ai.o Hannir.a and Rcadlnr ?Jd pref luwrnr 1...000. :.',*4 1.IHMI. .1*S tt.BBB ... ?".'' '..oou.8.',*a u.,',.,1. :<:.. :<a, pret Income ?o.0?.0.VTsj lS.thK).37 al M 4a .',7.000.7n?a People'* O and ('_?> ol C'lir^BO Vd <Hrt 5.000.951 PltiKl'A-Kair'l lal Btcb * Daa la 6.B00. 90 Hl 1.000.llfl-a* Wn Ut BlBBB .74. iKaan.75 BLBBB.7'>l? lO.ia.... 7.','. Rlel, A We4t I'Oirt ca.i Traal 5* B.WMI.72% 7.IMK.. 73 Term Trttat Oi 1...00.9'.'34 BtL Ark annT Ut Truat Ileoenit*. :<.0(*..8Ha l.i niet meome IJ 0 Hl.i'A 19.0041.5a*'. aa.oou.5ys M.O.BI.?">:*'?,... .','A\ U -.. . alBP '>:*-'4 I ,'?? ' .54 16 .'."' ?-0K .".4 5.(i(,il.54'4 6.ooe*. MSi ^.(^00. 81-a Kt I. A A- I II Vdiif '.M.00.107 Bt I.a lron Monni . a'.r.-.,',.: Ful Ul 1.000.lh? Kl.llBB.*?!''4 ?-l.(KK).l-t>*i Calro A-Tl* l.IHMi.105 *a St Land Baa P OM5a 3.0O0.108 BanA 4k A PlltOl 1885-1910 8.00(1.BH1! ft.OOO.?7 n.ooi..o? . St Paul M A M 1* Oonaolidate.1 fl* iai 000.115 8t P M * M Bi (i.OOO.114 8av and West Ur 5,000 . Klf Sciolo VAN F 4-) l..(M*. .7;n? 5.000. 74 .ouili aurolln* ln - 000.14 8o Pae of Arl Ut r...'0C.lf. Sa Par of Cal Ut ("on 5a bt L Ark A T Ul 4sIn Cer l.oaKt ...j...76ll lo.a.nO .",,J4 ..OOO."0-? Tei.t. 0 Ir A R Oi Ulrmiii-'m Div Ul IHO.*..0. Tenn Mv ?? 3.000.'.'1 2.000.!?'<? Tc a Pae l?t 5? 10.080.a*B*j Tei aad Pae Vd.n 2i'.ooai."IV r,.0,i.'.34 ?J.,.(i hi.<4 . -<,..).?i.<11 ,"..000. b3.. M*l ga,oaa.siv o.onii.34 Ti 4...II0. 35 Tol Pe.i A Wn 41 H.OI'.l....7I.-1 Ta.lA A AN M Ut 10 IM.II.9.1*4 5.0CO.9:: Tol A- "h Cent Ul % Tol 1',' ..ind W 4? :'.,nw.77 Toim i.a. K (' lal r..,,.ni.Ba*? Vn:"i. ri.evateO Ut 1.000.'.ok-i v, 4.000.K.*.** l'a Pa> I'en an?. <i Ut 7.oa>o.Haiij l.oon.Ml 2.000.60?? t'D.on P;.c 8 I-" 1.000.1011*. I'uhiii Parliic 1*1 ?98 4.000.112 Viriinia Mnl O M t.ooa.H4?4 Wataih H R Ul 23.IMU,.BB*. 4...0'..09% 500?.100 Wanaoli it U Vd 2.000.76 10 BBB.7iJ<_ 15.0..0.77 '.0.000.77-i 74.0(8..77-4 Wtit *-nore Otd 4i 1,00(1.)02 7.IHI0.102sj Keriatered 10.0(8..101*4 Weit N Y A P*nn vd ' ?.'O.IM.O.34 1 000.33*4 5.000.:.:>'?, i We-tl'n Cil Ir 51 **.a.(*i,._H.. 00 | Win-. i A L K Ut 1001,. .. M4. Wi-c?n*.i?('ent Ut 10.000.90 mcouie 17.(H.0.42 ?? l.OOn.4;. 5.000.43', I -.'(...Kto.45 THE GEXERAL LIST. A*TBAL*ALB*, BTOC-B. *?" CLOxt-ra. No. -?- ahares Oi.'*;. Hlir'tLaw't RtMOh Uid. Aak'd ; aold. A <j- . ? *? aoa.. Ai-h T*? r.. a. ?*?'* * a f*?? W.-: N_ AL -j. Baa M l.iiti Loi- nn. BarieK* >or >. jila houlf*?! ! ___da i'a?u.o_j Cacai I* *?- ? 1 -. i,ii-aJ >J. Cemiai, U.. A ?*?-! ?<? ui.rt-1 enva m.. Caic A _??i '? J ( l.c.*. K io w*J t'l.lC* All . A lTCt. Chic.v NoriTtw. Cb'.o A Noi A' ( nic M A ?l P ta:*_A M* ?'? ChleDi I* ?*(' t fll' ..!A*? Kr: C'b:*Bur A- u | Rl A Clevta- r*iti>... ta. UVAI-I UW.-:,.. , do p*f. D?,_A- W. ]>?) Biiii..?..,i.. Jienv c* BU.... Jjei. * R(> BTOl. X Ten.. VA... tJeiu. Ut nn. BTei.ii -,, inI.. BVATM Jflini A Y -.ur. e i5?v. Oit .Nor NB_..| Bar.em. .2 i sa*, 7_?s ,1J4 30 S 6 . aos 76S. 49 V 75'. HUs. UB 30. 30*4 4?->.' 4.1'. .-s .2 * 1.0"? 120 ISS tu"* ll' fi fe V 74! li'b'i. au. 40' 4 Sl a 47'4 no*. 128 ?0 75 *? al .' llx 30 . 49'. 3-a? lva , 16'. ii*. 5'4 100 '.O'l 76*. V'J 61 76 *? B. 117 3U 19'? 49 32 48 91 IV* Ua! 32 o 104 31 76*4 ] Bl*! 75S IU ! 31 I 11'. *'.'. ?3 I 4C . 9'. | 130 it)5 108 12.794 300 Taa 200 4.955 100 430 lSb 8?6 BBd S.vun l.lot) .00 08 137-?|137-? l?7*? .. i ... ' ;.0?4 54M b'JI t?**V i'O*a] 29.20V lio lio ,110 ,iio ii'.'H-u. ; :i*o -B-a BB BB*a 9(5*? aos l.'.OO Ki>, ai*4 ol**.' 8l?. Bl*! l<iS '.'3S Bl** ?'.*?'?' 93i ? is 7.^ ?9"?' .2** ''^ 16a) 150 150 150 160 -?n i 2M1. V.J ' 28'. 2ps. t... B*"y BJ . b.*4 65*4 ..IV, IBBBj .37 ' 139 ! l38'?, IA9\ .:'!.. 1?... 134. 1..5>4 136 ,130 j -.)i4 HO 20 20 I 20 V 0,',S 02*. o3-a 63 . (-8'4 "( . 7 _ B | 84 84 07 lb. 100 93V B.lio 72*e 19.B.I i?2 : 40 2b - 905 05 *a, 10.570 7 s, tl l5.j '.5 18.: 110 02*< 1% 64 18*4 UB 211 76 . 1* I lll . 114 g_ 81*j 01 B 75 , 76 V 1-oo il5 ! n 8'4 70 | 1V.0'.3 674 1.900 2..-10 40,. loo 3.11' 6uo 300 70l| 200 nnmaMBiw-. -;'-*? -o'*1- l0?'? io'*** i^i-a io2*.| iao 15 ../*. UM 2(*_ aa. 12 1M>. 1.1 Ili( ei.i I'ui.BM LKA VI . L_A w an.. j.. ?? aaaaa fjoiia itlau,... l>un* Maaa LNAA < ? ? - Blaniui roi.... |l?n:i.,t isoacn.. Idiril A ?*> .. X. . - 1 A O pil. WeiaciiU. A (an. Ul. -.A -V. _J1JS A V. arl. Blbti. *> an._ M A 81 1. -rel. n _... .,, aaa .!? 1 roi. fi*raciac. ?0 * i-:v >l.,..'.s ..i.a h' (. .*. e, ........ >,' l C>-'.li.. *JY C A8t L... M.-Ml. an. MCahi. -- ni .. .Ll *w.... Bl 1 1.1 w on. ^. a m_....m NYNH *_i.... BYOAW. KV **A w..._ B.8 aw on. Bar A VV. Bor 4*' nre:.. B*ru. pacao.. j\e! l'*r 11/.... _*.. A 111 <' ' BYa B'-r -rt. I.l,... A x.4a..? (,...(> .SOUII..... Uraaaa ...u.... 23 Ol K*t N. *?!'? I I M.ell ).,,.<.. 22*_ J' l.c. .v Bv_ FMi A Keu-lii*. ^ FW A C. B FCarC'o. l'a. *ML... 15 14?? -7-. 57 10-. 108 7"-'. ta-* 104 ii'. Kl 16 108 . 6O.1 1.50 1.84. aa s. 10* 57a. 67 I 10-**, loo-' .. I BO BK 70V.' '.MV. 78*. 14.KDG 600 400 24 '? S.3-, 28 , BU*, 2*1 t'3'. 231 9. 24.; 98 9* j li 12 oo. 145 Mi". 104 r.'s. i*j*j ?o*? 24 S 21 51 10'4 37*. 202*-* '.'i -*v 1B-* IB*. s*. 1.-V Bl 35 la:>, 67 71*. 17*. 10 16'. 26'. '.'4 S .0 '4 61 i5?? 04 V va*.1 145 103'. 1B -, 5,". 24S. 20S. 61 30*. 12 13-*. '..?'j ?o . -B'4 U6 .2 . .... 24*i 21 61 . nu. . 2-2*V2b_ ?? 201 .?'. Ifl'. 10 8*? 11 . IB-a lo'.*l 111 I a 0 s: 12 13 ' 13. ;..-. ?."-*v 23 I 60'. va m5 ISg-a 13S bl 24 . 20-, 61 .7 . 0 . .11 .(. _L' ? 18. .(3*. 15*. ?',*-. -7*. OM ibl ib 1 2.1 sl'. V-*_ 10 .1.'. 20 *4 70'. 17*4 u> 35 ;o. 57.4 88 70 N M*. 18 ?. 16?. 26 . .,,. w, 192 1*S 62 _ 184'. -92 PlttlA VV Drat. ??,',- \ aai. lt a w_\. 181. Sawbipi..... 72?, jiv.a ua.00 >(i.,(,r 'Alll .. 2h*? HOW nre.. bb Bll. A A TH... .'.-1 *-1. i. A ATHul fetlW. ?-.* iai ih Btl A l?ll..._. UP A .'Mirci. .. BIP .?._i,A:M.. B?.':tl. ''?r... .. ieata i-amtu... r._a. Pa<;..?? TPI.I. 16 . *). IA Uiuouon. bi . ?! A (. <:tirf.. Tn AA A Na. l'a., Dl. I'a ..... 48 ili' H*(.. 2.-V, l.i- ?,..._ 21 V?t.._..I 10 ln*. 25 '. 81'., aa la 33 s? . I 160 IH4'. IH.7 .6. 16*, .','. 64 vav 10.1 j io* I 12 *? ? 8 ' B??j 21 01*4 .1. n.s 0*4 85-W 20 - '? I 17H 18-al 000 100 9.9H.1 OOO V95 000 23 la BSi* 151 19* ?IJ 19 ? 4sj 100 29. 24*4 .5 lbu l*7. 74 S loo 28'. o^ M 7.1 25 I 87 ! 105 ? I 24*, 15 ?. 6* B. 18. 4*1 2.* a?v. i*?* 33 *? 102 28'4 87 .0 127 1 70*. 97 ! 89 JO* 4*1 18*. 70 *A 20 .- . 23'. V.av 10-4 4.1.1/ '.C, 6.7*2 2(... 1.080 7.1-j 3...1,.', ..;,. 500 30.1)72 '.4.rG5 11.1,0. 100 700 2.'..o |IM 884 1.41.6 4.50,, 67o l..sO 1.00a 200 iliai 1.50.1 li 190 888 vou M 4.1' 000 9.34 0 3i 1. 1/4 1 64.'. 20 KB. 53 1.1 (Ml I.V* 1'. 84-a *>?;< Tha. 144 74) .1 l*4*a 3tt*4 11 I 10*. :4ii*? 84*) Mi iu- B8*i M*a :t,-,>4 34- 3Va ?4-V 74 *j V''. 74', 72*. 70'a' ix-'. 7:". ?'?"* 14.-, 14,1 14.' H" 70 | is'i j 81*1 ?45 '4 - I fila BB*? ? ?? h'-j 8*7 ?. , 70 Bl I * Bl 4d T. . -.5*. Wabtrrei. xv a i. i. XA h * LF. prei. M'ea l ,,i..n i'.-i. Adama Kxur... Amer Ktnt.... V* him. XX'ellaraic. r.i Amer C-fcia.... C-icUaaTr.... Pacifle M.4.I..? Con (laa. I .imei'iin caai i .a ,i .;* ... l Ol ('O.'.l. 4'eui aai. ktarvland co?l NewOea Caai.. MY A P OM*.. 'J-eiini: .. a._ dourci. Hoiueautac_ (i"tan? Mitiinc (jole'.iallTer_ UtnrkaiiTerun. llrunaw.ra. ? (',.ui Table,. 108*. 104S lU?V 10.4*. 1H>, aii*? iv 10 V B8*j 04 *j in. 11 IU '4 :.? H4*? 1< A 1 K Tr KdlaouElec.... I_U-|.*ualiah. ...] Jlinu Iron Co..] Nai LiBaaaat. Co. en recte a.. new. rtedo nrf. Leaai 'I ru,.;_ Sngar rcta_ I'Tal Cable .. RI-AAltr r. t* llorn sil. PlioenU. 4)4.4 8.1 ! 1*4 **i XII 41s, '.ui .* HI.-. 11) 7*1. al iu . ,4.03 ;,;i 47?. 41s, ao'.l ao ia 4N ?? IM*, ao 40 10*, M.l**. 37 10'? 3.0:4 ."?4 8* *j 4.1 80 la 10 40 . '? f?.| ""I ; 3.'. 87 1 .. l.u. lOV 10-a ??,08 3.03 -4*i'5 ..:: J'. 51 11. l.M 13*4 I aa 47V :.5*a 9BS .-a 1)4 87 4.! '4-b 1(4 101 ? I IT'4 8BJ ?? I **? 88 I 104 j 48 ?!. i l?S 70 41 ' Btlt, II4?J aHsjl 1*1*. m'j ?jfts, :.-'. T4S SO L.u lle 7*jl 14.* al 41 8**4 M I !??* 3HV, 1-4 IH 11 Sj l'J 1?*, M 107 40 >, 1H?.I 076 ,4'jfB 410 ?no 11 3.05 4 ? d .40.'. .400 4.IO .000 8MJ 2011 ,4:.:. fcuo li. ?_ani aio aaa 880 li).-, 18a 1*16 ,??> 4.'.'. ,888 :i-o .4011 ?J1.0 141... 3.10 Bttt 04)0 "Tatai aliarea ael.iforthe dar.;v.__.'."?;_. __? ____, a 1*7*1 LOtrS 1.88% l^8%UM-881, 6A_?_ AT Il/A' COXSOLIDATED STOCK AXD PB TBOLEUU EXCUAXGE. STOCKS. Xaraca. Ooma. Big. Hlgh- I40W. Atch Top * S F. 11*1 (.h'.cai.',, tias Co. 18 '. I _ P. Bg_ t'hlc Bur _ Quincy.. ?laa 1 iu;ida houlliiiii. **.''i i . 1 4 st. l. ttsja r 11 V & Tol. Wa ChlL- M _ bt 1*..88 Chlc * Not_iwcat....1(H>'a Dei Lack .. WoM.. 137 l>el lt Hudaoii.13o, Peti * R 0 Pld. ?aVi Lake jSnuif..308 L E _ pfd. S' ? Iioula A Na-.hx.lle.... Tn'a Mo Pixelfle . <a>4 Xat Lead Truat. 1* * No Aii.erieaii 4j*e. 1?'*4 N V L E - W.1__ N Y (Mitial.103?* N y 1 x 1-;. 87 Nor PBelAe . jl^i Xor l.i-Iflc pfd. <M) N Y O _ W. 10?a !C T H * XV. 0 X Y fc A W ffd. 34*4 dr Imp Co. 24 l'ai-in,- Mali. 3,?a lhila 4 Readang. 3j*Ja r.i.i, v xv r 1. 18 bwra. Ref co. .sx? 'I.-m- I'altio. 1-Va t'nioo FaeliTc . 4I*1--' I'PI) X; '. -M'l XValiash j.a'd. 10]? wis Ccniral . \__ Wheel ii L 1. 3"1* 3*-"a I0*a 7. _ '.'?4,'i n*j 04 **? 88. TO0:a l.f's, IH-'. (!*.'*? lftrCs 57'a 78'a I'.tV'i 18. 17;. 103. 37?a m 71 - Ki-V 9 3iX* .4. 81 - 3.4J4 II) 8-.- "2 I.".-*! 4N*? -MU 18. _1J. :i'"a l.'.l _ i.i '1 aj'l 6i*2 .8. mv l:(7 135 02'* ltN-"-) :,7;. 7IV?4 ia l!,'a TC?a 20. lC:!"! 8CJi 07a, Sh'i 18*1 34'. Z1 34*2 15*a 4'lvi tS-k 1''lj '2l? n Bfa _i ? 84 - e.s*-. taB. lOO'e isa-Ji T35 .!'_?? 108^ 57'a 7M*> B8> lf. 17*4 201* I08** 3T>? 71 10"* 3 I'a 24*2 3l>3 lrl'S t*\ tB*4 l.l. 2I12 3.-,'a 18,820 1 O'.O 18,28 I 70 10 Hli. fo., tt.070 10 14,970 20 200 80 100 7.510 8,790 1.C.-.0 8.9W) ?J'JO 100 1,-70 660 2.820 100 20i. lon M '.'.. 2.280 7..V.0 8,540 100 10,1)8'' 20 100 R5o lOo -Tot?-|-.h.r4ia~ioTd~-.'-.^?^_j__i0 SOXDS. Atch lop Ar K F lnc. Sl^ Lr.e .id con. Bi', (ieo 1_, lat. 1' " 1.10 I'a, 2d . 1*1.,1 8 Kd. l*t pf H,e .'-.i'a I'hii ? )'.'*.' -d pf lnc :-i->i Ilill 4, Rd? 3d pf Uie '-71a Rlcn I N- i" ' ?'* '?' - 1' v 1.. ai.ii. u- 4a.... ,'a iixiis I'a,lll'' 2d. 3I'a Weat Mioi-e is.11). XX is l eut. 1st. 3,*2 ?5,(>00 UOOO TO..-0.) 6,l_0 14 i'*l 1,000 I,, 00 8 .-1.000 O.INK) 13.011" 3.1*:** 1,000 878.1)00 MIXIXG STOCKS. Al . .04 .08 -.'..'.(I .-..ila 481 AMfl . Astoria . lirnuawlck . Rnlllaa . , iitifl et i- ue' la 1 al.floiilo H II ? , aoliar . 4 011 L'al x- X a .i"-> , ot l'.nit_l.1.2-i LxcBequer . j-.i;.',n.a xon.3 50 Hl.l "ii .3.2-1 Jillia .81 K^araariic . l'i l.l'.t.e i I I'I .??'?' V lftdt". Rai.0? Mulnal ? i M ? 1 ''" ".pnir .3.h.i I-,., ,11 v ,,I Art7.ona.? ? -1. 1 , .N"\ada.2.D0 H-tter Croeh.1-10_ s.tlea . .80 .0. .08 2.5" '.'411 'a .''.'i - .".1 1.1 U 1.2'. ,80 : " ;*..:.-. H7a .iv. 1..-.0 3.8.', .57 ?*.oo 1.10 75 .tn .1*8 2..V' 981*4 .,.') 4.8-1 1.23 ..*<J 8.8 > 3.25 .;'i U", .:i*.i .01 1.60 8.1 ? 2.00 1.10 .75 .01 .(>'. 2 80 261*4 .60 2.VJ 4.05 LSI .-O J Al 3.25 .31 ll'a .3., ,<M L8Q 8*8 .17 ?_'.'0 300 ?i?, 1,2(". l,?, 6 100 UM n(*,l 11,11 UT ' ld'J 2oO 500 50 100 2,200 30,' 10,1 2 500 loo SILVER. iT__ui CoTuU_it.*___10__107 . lOti'4_107-4 125,000 CLtWUra PHII BS "I BOtTOR s'K.CKS. Bntrn. laa. 13, i89i. featarda/.I .\tchv-_ Top M-a Bo.t t Albai.v. ..g 0 boM "^ Mauae.. ..208 Chlc Rui * U '?' 1 lu *san k Chsv... 2) lt R 6*.. .... llt- hbuia pr*f--- 88, H'.tit _ I' M - - -'1|a l-'llnt _ P M pf.. ?> L R & F S ra.. 8T_ .Va.-s Ontral .-?? 19 m..n c m coaa. '-'3V N Y V N K 3. Old Colony.l?>8 Uutlaiid pld . 60 \\',s Coul eoni.. .. 21*1 X, is 4> n. I'M???? *?'' o-day. 32 201 -2 -01 93*2 121 18 24 37*4 1X2 168 (il 2.-B CLOblXO l'RlCES 08 1 *- lild. Aaked I einiM liiinlii ... H*J 6)> RuaUliil 10 l?-!8 10. Uhlth Vailey.48*4 60 Moi Pae i om.20'a 2i)> ,\,.r ) a j.fd.18*4 , l Leiligli Xav..48 *8 X '.-t'-rday.T'o-dax". All....e\ M (new). 2 2'? .Xtlaiitic . 10 10 Uo<t _ Mont. 40*. 41. Cal Ai He.-.a.24J0 255 hraaklla . 17. 17 11 lll Oll . 31. J 4 K.asarj(.' . 11. (leeola . 33'. Qinii, v. ao isanta Fo Copper. .40 ) uiiiuraek .150 Hoaloii I. Co. 5Ta bon Dlego L Ca. lTXa XVeat ind L Co. 2:. _ ^^*4 liell Telephoiie. ...*_.4 21-< L.'ii.-on Bl 84?... 23-2 22 ... af 1 I'ort.-r ? 3'a ?312 Cei.ta-n Ial Mm I' -? 1- ' UILADEH'IIIA STCCKS. _ J A?_e<T . Nortu Aniern-an.. 1V _ | M. 1'aul. ?' : K.-n(liiie i;."i'i*. -C) - Kdfl IM pid IBC 53*-- 61 ; nag 3Q pfd iie. 2, 11 _ 34 . 93 I.V) ?Ta 20 I7'i WHAT Wi_S IX)NF: IN STOCKS. Tiiesilay, .Inn. II?f. rn. The fitook market tUaplared renexved strenutli to-day, althQugl) H.oip xxcie no new derelop nicnt.-* sufli.ioiitlv iniportnnt tn atlrct thc OOtme of prices. The voluine ol business was uol ix. Uarge U it xvas, Imi il xxas iiiore evenly rlistnlmted. an<i, if tl.e openiiiR araa xveak, tLe closin? xva*. bttorant. While tho ooB_n>| "' i1"-* tnarket, reinaineil in Um naiul*. ol profMB-OB_J spenulatois. the ivcent advidice lias arouse.l pul) lic Intereal la apeeul-aUtin and tl.e baylag fm outaide iuterestu is Meauil.v irowing. 'liie xveak opeiiiu',' was uiercly a loutinuiance ol the ie aotion beirnn yrsti'iday, alt-MOlh lhe depreusioii waa helped by bcsh sales Ior foieiRii aocount-. Ia spite of thc easy ratcs for money abroad the fiow of fsecuritle*. seeiuti to Iie in thia directiou. lt. ia not impoeaibli* that conipln-ati.-ns exist in Iaiindon which have not yet l**eii made km.avn here. It h> certain that Kinopeun hnlders of Auieriean secuiities aie cn'istai.t, exen il sinail, scller*. B h a |,i-,|.cr uiaiiei- Cor OO-fTBtuhttion lhat lhe uiarkel sliows umie and nim-,- its m <!e|jeiidi'!i'(- ol forelgn opiiiKiii. lt mn.'. Ih- ln ferred thal Karupe baa been dLattixl et) bj the priiapeeta ol Iree allrer eoinaae, arhich Wall Streetja Inclined i?? conaider an uitluence lo lav,;i ol hii-iii'i- prioes. li haa been iii-'.-'I bere tbal the pasM.-f nl a blU xvould <",.,-,? an Immeuiate iim* in rrJlroaui and eorporate s. onritics. rhe n.-n/.v xvill be ebecked -..roiiabiy i.r.oii- there oan be Beriooa ditutater. li,,- n|ixxait! iiioM-iii'-iil. after the eail.V xx.'.tk _____ xxas n.ade xviili ii.uli s'liiii. The \V.-it-ii: railway Bharea nrre ln urgenl demand and their iiuitl advaneea ranfed trnn 1 per eeal ln \i 1 , :.' 1-2 per e,-i,t 111 Rock lrsland. Stoel:* tl<a1 have no p"Sh,i,!f i',;iin'i 11..H. with lhe Weatrrn 1'raflle Aaaooiation trUned atrensth frotn the ad XH1.C4- in thc otahers, anil I lekawaana, LouiB>1Ue and NaahvlUe, Kichniond TrrminaJ and rVeatern i nioii Tekgrapfa \-.en- noi iH'tiimi in the nove ment. Ainoiiu Uie Bpocialtiea, ChicBjiti Go* ad t_to434*d si.-miii.v i.,'i the eliuiiii ition ir ".. the man a.cnieul oi apeeulativi I IiIcbiio direetora, and, nliiioiiL-h lt xvas nfiiiri:.'! Ilial lhe 'inareily dlvi iini woald Ik-'',, il.bance ln th. Board naore thaa offael the adverae lolluenee. There are otony nwaBena Ior belli-vtiis .i,,t th ? eompnny i,.iM emerged fron its lt_al aud p.,liiir;.l etnbar iBaamiinta. and tb*A the rsi:"!? i?aa been freetl f:,,in piin ly Bpeculati*** manlpalatlc-u. l*haj the liia-p rM-lnga ol il,.- r>>upan] i rr tu Iv emplcycd in extendkif tln* ayatrni Bi antleiu&aion ol tli_ rVorld'a Falr is a poliey whieli lhe ahateliolderd , ,ali aiji.'oxc. A flilihir n.l'.i'iii*'- ii B'ljiai h'.-lin iiio, sio.k may poasiW.v have bttd nime effecl . 'i the general market. alfhoogh i's vafarlea are I .-,:,.^i,i'le<l by l.he l.etier einiii-iit- "I Bpi-eulation. THB DAY IN THE BOMD MAKKKl. A seie ol 14,400 ic-ihteied 4 per 0811-1 08888*1 it ?!in?t declii.e in the (jovernment bomi in.nUri. i'he ohalna qntTtationa xvere Kenrrally waret at Uie f,.lio\xin_ jjiiis4-s: K.a. I'.S.4*2*4,1801,1-. g .108 l,.K.4'-a,lHr)l.eou..l03 U.f-_4a, 1007,1*8 120 siin,|i d 1IK l-.M 4-1007.(011.... 120 bt-mped. 11"' "Aalc. Bld. Tak. .... IU.fl.ear.0e. 189- !"-."? .... . . |l*.ri.eur..i.s. ln...', |l__ .... l^'l '.-, t -. *-s.. -in-.ils. l-s',.7 Ho*. ... lll). r.-veur 'Is.Imi- I 1 , '. I21?_IV.8.1 ui 6a I"'...' 120 : 1 . .?.-,' 8 ? 5 1924 11V . .. 1 h" Slale issi.c.s xxi-n- dull but fitroin.. Thc ,nly lraiisu'ti.,,1 was 111 Al ? liama, olaaa A. at 103. Uf city bank stocks Bepublifl m.I.I |25] 81 1 91. The icneraJ bond inaik.-i araa Bomewhfll le>s I'tive, althauffa the teQdenej of prices xx,.-. it.ll upward. Atehiaoa ii.n_ea gmined I ?!. bnl la -? ? Hpereent. Nurtljcm Pae'dleflrsta f.-il i 3 i :,, ll-l S-4, and Beadlng Ja-sue^ cltiM-l liiliier he:i\y i deelinea >.f 1-4 In t!^ aenaimJ la and nearlj i ,rf*r eenl ln the infotnes. kiany ba-ea nol Bsuallj . i \,. ni..di- Bubatantial panih. Beferenoe la made to our lull repOli <>f bon.l -.ales. The nioii.", market shi.xvcd pefltei M88, nl .hoiii'h rat4*s for call 888-8 xxcie '.rtually un at :i t" l i?er cent. Tbe Bupphf bM been nr s."-eiiil.i.,-.?. *o f..r abovf ili<- ih-inaiui ih_i rater ",i inni' money BreaJtened. I..ians for six _watbi wi-ie offered ?t h l-'l |a*r 0801 The flearlafl llunae atatemcut to-d_v wa_ aa followa: ri.laa.BB_B. 1*1.i.... 17,158; halancea, Thc S,il?-Tr.*a*iiry wns .lentor Bt the ( learlng Hobm to day 91T1 ??<?-"? ,l* ??_ ^?li?_^aJ_ waa W7B.3.-B, made ap bf a Ibbb <?f su** k*b ca.iii. lefss B BBifl Of UMW __UT_5<Z;_ aa*? W opt-nitiiiiiK InelnrXI. Keeelpta. ?**M6'*?t?._"_E nirnt* S9 218.0.' : 1*80ItlDg in n gWltJ _????*? ot^SVlSoti, -ooataUog of |ltfl,4t4,lt8 ooin aml 14.843,11 1 "Mirenrv Tha Dnited Statea Treaaary Bl Waahlog on re eeired to-tloy *481,fi.VI liatik notos fnr Tl?Ptuat'o*_a reeeipta were MB5(?8t, tlie in r"N__ue reeeipta f288,S84, nnd tlie miicel lan.'oi.s rei-eipia 94a,lSa>. To-dnv's VVaritibfton Treaaorjr statement pfeaaii on kaMBd an.l depodtB In banfc compares Witt Tha flaaiaa of tlie laal pnrmm Btateflaeat a* rauowa: jan. 12 Jan. 13. DlHeren.ev H .- n|g on 1,'d ?t 40.377 042 8145 848.848 Bac. 8?M 184 Net siiv-T on n'd. la.881.4T8 12.T1BJBOlaa. 138 oi. "a-B1!.'.." 8.71B.IMW. 2.08S r.01 _****-? aaaaal oash in Tr?ia*mrr vinlt* e*_A??'"""W677.1S** 8180.887 tm n,c. a2,0?o.lt0 Dagaatta-aaaaBi .7 007.4.0 -7.1B7.48BPaa. N*t r_ib 1*1. etW^4Trt3e"ai87.844,ri68Der.a2.500.070 Tlie foreinn exchansrs were tirni uiuler r.-newed demand lor rrniitt.une, and lnnn l.ill.* 00 I/ondon were 1-'.' cent higfctr. Drafts on Uie (.'ontitient *.vere MifTer without i|iiaitn?'le nlter.itimis. W8 re \ise qnotationa ior aetnal baataeaa .as follow*: liankeiV I'ills, $4 11 and *?4 Hti res|iei'tive!.v for lonjl and ifaort sterluip: Freiuli frana\s. .Y.l 1-4 aoa 5.18 8-4 : reirimiarkB. 04 8-4 nnd '?' ? 1-2. In Londen'Hritlsh eoBBok .?!<,-.'.I B trifle hijrher Ol '.?.'. .'i-4 f<T mon.n aml ur.'!, iti-O'i Bl 8813-18 foi the aceoont. in Um open narket aiseoanta ruled at '.' 5-8 per cent and daily baianoea al from 1 1-8 t?i i per oent 1 ?.-? r silver further ad* raneed 1-4 lo 48S-4d. bb ounoe. American rail? way aharea were IrrajralBi aod nt tbe end were WI..W the prieea in tiip huuio ui.irket. Al r;in* J'r,*ncli .'i i^*r eenta deellned in the early deallngs, hnt ulaaCQ uiiehaiijied at 05.27 1-2. Siffht ex rhang-e __. I.ondon yielded to 25.a.l 1-2 francs to the L Bterling. _-_.___ __ A weelina of the flrst 11.ortj._4re. bondholders of tlie Oregon Irnprovement Company h:m heen ealJed for nexl Mmiday at the Offloea Bf thc Centrn! Trust Company. KAIIJ.OAD EARMNOS. NEWTORK. ONTATllO AND WESTERN. 18R9 1890. 1891. Ntimb-r of mile-.. 888 3*? ?8 Flrst wek tti Tan.... *_2.119 ?2?.WM B4.',o,l RICHMOSD AND DAWILI.E. Number ot n,ll**?. _-,2,IVv?-? ___jj'a*_i a_a?'<V.n' Ill-st -r-efc In Jan. t_l!l (W) 8248.8.0 B8H1.IBJU TEXA8 l'A.T-TC. Na*t?r of r*,ll*.. MW 1.487 1.487 Flrit week ln Jnn. Bll. J? S B13-.-8B ?.-.?. WABA3H. Vnmher of milea .. 1.848 l.OiB 1 915 ftrrtta* T.Tea...... BitCoBa oxff&k taoo,S? WESTEKN NEW-YORK ANI) PEVNSYLVANIA. NtiiulHir of milea. .BBB __.*fl__ Mq 8S riiat aaaB B. Jan. l*5.,*-00 865,700 803,10> ST. JOSEPH AND (411AND ISLAXD. 1889. IBBi. IBBB. SS_r_T-a& ?&.. B8B.!? Hi.o'jo U8.8BB jin^toDec 31 .... 1.187:982 _.Z8?.8BB 1.3'.0.?81 RIO r.HANDE WK54TERV. ,.^\'X1Z'VZ. -A4M40 BI8TJ8I OBWBM Operatlna e-paaaaa..... ^"?l?'0 _I'_: _"*'*" N.toin.lnu*. 8814*7 RBTJU flJLf; ln'i'-'-o V :'"' . 8l,C4-,.7-"0 BL8T8.0B8 BlW.pBI 0,7r.t.n- /m. ..- M .--' 888 3 I I N>t for 11 ii.i.nti.s.. *:i.*.3.'J?-i *il!?.7:t. 8678,177 F.XI'OKTS OF >li:i'.( HAM'I'-F FI'.'.M BEW-TORK. Iggg isO'?. ts'.n. Fnr Ui? week ....85.792,487 *7,0VJ,'JS6 W .',.2,48.1 Mn.f- January 'i :.... 13. ?.?...,.,-', 11.888.888 18480.888 EUIIOI'FAN I'lNANCIAI. MMtKIVrs. -London. .lan. 18, i p. t^-Caaaeta. B8_ tor maaajr aa4 tm 18-nt for t,?- a- ?.??imi: OiBB-lfln ra*l8a, ,,; He?waa ordinary, lO1. ?'i'h'f"'r!i't" ol B-flceaat Ib thc "l"'.. BMrinl for both -hort anfl thrae noatBa1 MlU la _. per eent. Paria i.tvi.' - auete B per ???i.t rentea .'t !??. franei . ?'? i,-ii,i..i-> lor the ,i coaat and exchaage ci Lonoon at _?? fran.?- 28. eentrmea fnr eheeka. Uar silver la qoow-d at I8M pei .mn' c _Titiancial. IF YOU WANT TO MAKE MONEY GO WHERE THE MONEY 13. MONTANA, irlth a preifnt, iiopulBtlon approAimatlnB 20,000, and la crcaalng at th.: rate of aUiut 5,000 annually, In ?li'o Bflfl?BMBaC THE RICHEST CIT/ IN THE WQRLD. NUTICK THK BAXKlMi CA1MTAU Ca, .ui, Snrp'.us and CndMild I'roflt*. Flnt NaUonal BanB. *1'.1.41'",'," il fS Moitana ?? " . 0,i'0O."i> fi?i^ ?? ?? ::. :;:;;;;,::''' Mareaanta " " . .I,4-'T ' s.mii " " . 2 ." American " " . ^iTlS C'rua-.? Savtng* " . ]..V"0 oo TocaUei holdinR avr-r??p depoalU of ciRtit nlllloua uf dolUra, arhleh put* Ualeoa ttnanclally oo a JevU with cilles in.. il"??!..*'-T, N. i'., Iiidiaoapoll*, 1i.d , i.ra.iU Ilai.icU. Mleh., and Columbua, oii.o, all claaaeB aa ainong ti..- Mrealthleat and mo l pro peroua ,n tha tastern *??*?*_! v.lth iKip.iiati,.i.s ranglag abov? on? huaarvd tiioiuvna oaea. Tlu combUi-d w.-alih oi thfl eiUieofl "f II-I'-na in n..nos, rrai laaata, eattlfl aad oth r prop rtv .. largdy mov? aaa r.nndr*!d nilliioi.* ..f dollar* and la tha reaull of |,ut a few T**ar?' eflort ln th" develoi ent ol reaource* mjr,.iii? Monlana a- a Btatfl taan liountifnlly enalowed by natnre tt.Hn any otlier portlun ,>f the hal itatue gloha. THB S'lATf. <<K MONTANA wllh Iaaa than two* hnndr.-d thonaand paoplfl i rodin'.,* annnaily in eoia, allvBr. ronix-r and l-;,'!. oaUle, aoraea wool, hloaa. ?'.*???>. **__. WPOrtabie oomJiiodlWe. amountlBg u. 8?,ooo.OO, n..ariv -quaUlog la \aH." thoafl of the .*-iat*. of Texa*. wiUi a pppolatloe nf two ii.fl * rjuarter milliona. F.r full'on at.rli*?>ss Ia. <?. I*IIEI,F*4, Bae*f Cillr.ena' ('oinmlttpe. Ilrl.-ii.i, llnnlnna. $2 .50 ?,??,?, DiVICEND NO. 14. Tha* fourt'-rnlh regular (|iiart-rly di\ldf*nd ef 82JM per abar* win i>c paid .... Haa i-t day of l*aBraaiy, 1881, on ?toek of Uie .Miiriuag.. Itank and Inv. Co., of Kur^o, N. D. STOGK OFFERED: A nun.'.-r nf ?liaiv? of tlil- (!aflIUMffl *t .. { nn .ini-d ai Bffarea whlch *in aaXke it isiv 10. p.-r aenl in rash diM.i.'.:.i*. and itoek muat lacraaha lo pr cent ln market val .? eaoh ......r. UM, 1000,000 00. Ua* >..'?? i fallrd ; ? par. al* a, nd* promp i. -.' ......ii-' m-ement ol ? . I. .u rt< v' T,-,*';,.-- aod ?'??? iik" ' '.,*u..t:..- !.. ....-...-?. I'i l, now !.?!.! bv 150 * r*. The < umpan.r ha. , _aut tlio L'nlted Ktfl - - ...i-l.-.l an. ? Do not ?Mi ,.. j.... ?? ? "i'B ln I".- ..t ? .-, ,,, !.. ' . Mo. k tran.f. rred pl lo 1 i i_.?.__ ,.,:,.-. rali qaarterl] dlTldend*, pajraMi oa lhat [nanlrlaa i.riinptiv uuwerad, aod proapeetua, -.-.'11. fnii ii* ..r.fl referenee*, fnrnlahad npoa r*ppll itlon i" tbe .'.nireuiy at FAItl.d, V. I?. iddlesex Bankinq )_ompariy, IIIIIIM.ETO\V>, t OV\. PAIO ?'APITAI,, .... ,,..,)...?)", Oller*.!! per r.'iil. Drbrnlnrrs. ??, nr^l I.t lapaaM "f l*f. ?narlcafljaawitBtha I'uion Tra., Cmaettaajat N.Mv-v.irU. Ain.'.it.taflaaaallmit.'d i>> Law. CaaaaatlaatTBaalaaai I.\r, iiliira, r'.r., taa .nvt-.t Ifl tB. M I" li'l.. riu.N'i. i;. IOUBROB, Bew.Tan Acr.t. 31 and 33 ll.oad-at. KOUNTZE BROTHERS, BAICKERS, t'itl Droadwny i:,|.iitnl,ln, , Nrw. Vork. A Oir-mi n.-inkina Baaiaaaa AaaaaaaoBL Pepoell* rrrrirrd naibj.-il to , ln- !. nl olght. I.ilri. sl hIIovsiiI .,,. ilnil* 1...Iai.. is. f.elter* ?f t redli Investment Securities. Ijist 088 Ai>i>lictition. cJb.cAll^JK^^^Cea BANKER8. IH U'till St. lu.. iu. , * R 1. U adfotd. I.. K IVortl , . ? :. in ! K. h iv.,1. , , ' .. IIi.i.i.-.* ;.. .1 ..1! other* Uil r ?ted i th. abov. ? ? . . . " tl _: . nl". Un umptl] paid the treataaa w.ii pra acd i .. I I .- ??.?: ? ?'- - ui.d-i th. ataUite. |8lgli 1 IT.I D'B J W I I'.H'T.TtiS. ,_i..| 1'rli.iiiu Co. , k. Pbbi. ?<"? /uianrttti. jfinancial. NEW ENGLAND LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY OF DES MOINES, IOWA. ?TATErUlVT, DECE.HBER .II*-, 1*90. ASMETH. Loan* npon renl e*!?tc. I.uati* ii|h,ii aaUataaBl aeeurlty. I.i.ans ii|M.ii p- r-?nal ar.-urlly. i o nn,:?-',- aad httataat .arn<d but not yet pajahla. aaa Bttereat aaaraai on deb nt'liea . Stii.-k. lii'l lajnils . IUbI aaaati. -,,r ? acoount. Kiirnlture and flxture*. lataraad adian, ed. Due from brancli 888881 and othera. Caah in Uanlu and olTTcea. H,lfa\MB0f :ti.ilt M 4,11110 Pt B*A* *?h 1S..75 00 113.133 ti BBVOtt -1 MM 11 31.1011 ?? 11,13.1 34 :ii...i.j i.: IjIABIIjITIBK. Cbb** t**t i?ld. troo.ooooo l.'iidlvlded proOU. ?_,111*0) l)er,.nt'ire t.oiid_ out.Undlnn;. ?,430,73*J .18 Intereat pald In advance by borrovre?i ... D poaita, Ume .918,71H .14 axibjc-t to Ifeaak ... .11,310 34 for lnveaatrr.ent. WM..1I7 .17 44,343 14 Pue to bank* ind bankera. Praffj* by Weatern agentta. D88 borrowers on loaua being made. .3..00B 4.1 1-4.0.000 oo 13,013 *4 11.3*1.1 11 * ..31.MI.tlN t3.M31.MlMM* I February, 18ft, and wna incorporated in Septemher lH8r It has investe.l about $16,000,000 in Westeru MortgaKea without the loss of a dollar of prlncipai or intercst to any investor. __ n__ __. ?____+ It has colle.ted $0,450,831 of principal and $:i,200,000 of intereat. leavinK $9.660.3.0 of morV a-ages noxv ln foi ? It hns paid dividrnds of 3 per cent. an.l e:,pit.'ili'",l $173,000 of erirniii s sin.-.* in<-,.r poratioti. Tiie BanJdni J>cp.-. Of lhe State of New-York made a thnro.iR-h examination of tne ronditio,, of th.rnpinv dnrin. the yeur 1890, an.l fhe company n..xv holds the certilicate of tlie II,,.,. Cbarlea M Preaton, ^peTintendenl of aaid Baxddnf Uenartment, stating that the companj '?is conduefin-,' its affnits iu a sate nnd autlmri/e.l inanner." Tlie con.p'.ix'.s offioera xvill roll you all about it. buslnc-s and sec'intie.s if yau will **_*** ol them ai thc Eaatern offlce. 160 BROADWAY, NEW-YORK. each quarter,' or 8 per cent. per annum on its eapital, Security he First Thought. Profit Afterwards. THE rViERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK, ?f FOKI iVOKTIB. II.V4**, aa Kr?i?trars and twiater ii-cnu* vffer itl j>i.'. paraoie ou per cent on Bpp.icution, 86 p*r oent ... oo and t.aiwii^*_i? oo days, the . utir- la*ue ol *'J-,',U.O 7 pei eaat pn-lcrrcd cnmuiativ,' dividond iloek of tba Fort Worth Security & lous.nidion Co., of FOKI YYOIITII, Ti'.XAV whoae a-auirai of ?..<? '.. llwiffl mto OltOO.tXO J V [ cent preiern*. eumulatlv. -IvMrnd itock; 8300,000 0 pr cent cou.njon stck. ih- enttra i*??u.* i-omnnm twoea aa-?a i,.-.*n taken bj elilaanaal I'ori Wo.ih. iii pttr. HOW IMYIDEM'*-. tt Il.l. IlK i'AU\ .llM_h,e \s this eorporaUon, lu _duiti.,n to lu other ?aw*oro, n.ostiv insid.-. nel ,-ut- ,.*u* ln Uu elti ot Fort """"Ji _.-xa?, lh* t"o tin* conimflrelal buiidini.'* joutn OIf" i... - in tln* Unlted Btate*, kimwn aa Ui-- Hurley <>mce UnllOliiK and th.- Martln-llrowf: Whokaale Dr.v Oooda Bu n lug, r..r wBicn the eharge foi rm.tais i? 880,i,_o annuaiiv. lt ha*. b.-on agraad by UM dlnaton to ?al a---id" irom this,. rentala, whi.n can ba*d only u< thej lier ceni dlvidcnd on the : and further, tt...t *... l. p,. i.rr.-u ?toeh ahall tir-t ba pald lu mn ?.,u ol Ihe aaaeta of -..iu cor por-Ucm u|Min tn>. diaaolatlou thereof, before -he eommon ?ux-_ ahaii be .utiti'.i t? ahaie In meh aaaeta. ai.u ? u furthei agreed taat artar U.-- preferred Itoc* haa Ix a oo Itn 7 p-r cent uividHjid from nel!...- tl." eommon nn. k is u. reeelve n per eent, nnd trom thi obibji.i protiu a -iividfini ba I'.ald ?n each the preferred and eommon ot 3 per oent, thui ntaklng tho proferred i i" per eentana tr.,- eommon a ;. p.r eaat itoek. aii earnUig* aiiov sunui int to pa* thfl a,,.,\i. dlvldenda, whlch wlll amount n M. ,000 per annum, l- to be , nrrte i to lurplun account ior a prrlod of Ilu.* reaaa. and at tl... axpiratlon of inat tln..' uie aim lor* may .lvtea lt among th? itwiBBo?cri of r-.ora a* it I.- '.-.\,m.. t-si uiai irom ur* inereaaed eapllal ot *-joo ooo bo? ofT.-r.d. tl... i-urporatlnu ran "..rn from *li*0.ooi) to r.oo.O-0 |h r annuai, a* it win piu,"- the oomaany la_a_pa* litiou to t.atiillrt all busln.*).! otT.-red to a mlniniutn or from 81 000 (*,.) to #1,.'.oo,(>00 worth nf cenitructlon anut.aiiy. iin.ll a i*. Ol' TIIK COMPANY. Tbe *- urt Wor_ Beeurity and ronstr.n.tion Company, or Kort Worth. Teaae, 1? dni) inrorp-n-at.-al iindor the lawa. or Iba atate Bf J.xas ror Oie purpo?.> of the ereetlon or tiuiin lnc* aad ahe acauniulatloa and i.-an of fui.d- for tne pur rhas.. o' rea! property ln ,'lti-*s, town* a?d Mllagcs, and ai?o for tl..- ;.' uniulatlon _...! loan of money. 111-sTOItY OF TIIE ( OIII'ANY. _ . Iba i ort WorUi M-eairlt. and l onetruotlon . oinpan>, or Kort Worth, 1-xa*. la :<n ontfrowUi of and iuec*r*ilea th. Kort Worth and L'ofistru, tion <'oiiipanv. December 81. ., ,.,;,. uie l o*l luecewful corporatlon of lt* B_na ln Ui<> Southwaat, liavlng oo ,? eapllal ...l * earnea rj.8.000 nel" oi us., fears. tt. organUed with ifioooa.n csiitai n. rebruary, I_-*.?. Inereaamg aaaifl from ...itnii,.'. alon. to $200,000 ln A|,nl. lbOo. and iu p ,,. r l?00,'ts ad'i'.tiunal lurplua on conaervative val.latloni ot B125.000. lt ,* In nu*h thia tmalaeaa to ^.?^iltpr proportion* that thU SSOO.OOO piefatM ?t0' k Ifl now oOered. _ . tm phrnomenal net oarnin.s nf mts eorporatton ahowa Why i ons. r.ativ.- ln. ItOTfl demaadlfl- _.'surfd divldends ar" tnintiiif from KAIIWAV TO IMHSTItlAI. !*K< lltlTIKH. lt* eapttal Inveatod mo?Uy in lnside (niproved property. whlrh is eonetantly laereaalna ln vHiu-. form* a p.-nnanent, ?.s-,iri!v for Ita Bdellty, and ior eoatroUins tha sali* of the .- . 'uritle* In the Btate. as it> om,--r- are ?..g thu lar?**?t itockholdei. Ita aflalf* win reeelve m.-ir undivid.-d att..ntlon. It u not often tha* an InveaUnent, liearing su?li a hiKh rat'% o* divld..nd, coupKd with absoiut.: safety, 1- of It-r.-d to th- ptibli.'. its (.?.*? i:>mi. nt:--lNK**'*. In addltlon to Its ..onatnu th.n dopartm.-ir It tr:insnct? a gBaeral tinanfiai buelneaa. if deali ln Xexai ?ee'intie? for investor*, trutt. fund and Inatltntlona; rn rn 1*.*ii-_ liifonna tton and nakflfl aapert t?-i.ort, o . th.- prop ru or individnais. railway or oth**r .-orporation*, and pay lax.a for uon-rcsl ""KXAMINATION nnd I.IARAMTKK OK TIT1.K9. KlUa to 'l**-ca- r"al i.tat" and mort.'ac.-s tiioroueniy e_. an.l'id aud imur-d, tlio charg..' of whlch xs 111 b^ nm&o known h_for.. work i? b.-rnn. The opttoa i? r^si.rvwt to aiibacrtber* to par m fuii on appit'-iitiou. or on tln d8ty* of any Instalin-nt. Int-r'-Ht at th** nte of 7 p-r cont p.r annum wlll bo al lowi-d on 4Uih pn-pavm. nts. io. iKirfi.'.ilar* Bddre** th" MKIll HANTS' NATIONAI, BANK, or TllT. H'l'.l' WORTH sl-.a'L'I'.lT V ANI) ,o\ BTKI ili"',' <('.. Kort Worth, T"X. 8ECURE ?ORTHLV DIVIDEND8. BATEB-HUNTFIl aharea, pir ratae, 81. Dlvldend ln Mareh of OXE i'i R CENT.?12 per cent per annum. belna over 20 per '""l "" "?*- i'r|'''- Batefl-Hiinter i.a* produced -7CO..-.7 gnid. l?rlca .',.. eaata p r ihara. M IV.MAZEI'I'.I Iharee PATIKQ NOW inonthly dlvl il.i.d's ?.f IU per cent IB per cent p r annum BOO.OOC pnld .'?,..? .imi". Silver Icad ot, ."-' ounce* -ilv.-r and 1,500 nounda lead per ton-82 500,000 ln *lght Prlea ti i". pei sj'maileat certiflcat ? loo iharea. DIvlBaaB. by cl.-a.k. tOI.OHAlM) MIMMi 1NVK-.TVIKNT CO., JAMEM OILVILLAH, TKKA?*I RER, [Ba Tiaaaaiii of I'nitrai -smiea.) 41 HAM..-.T.. NEW-YORK. St. Louis, lron Mouutain and Southern Railway Co. N- w-vork. Daaaaabaa --', 1890. To BaMaea of lh* Fir?t Mor, Knilroual nnd Sinkina 1'iind l.un.l-iir.inl nf llie Cnlro hi.i1 Fullain lluilruitil Coiiipnuy, inntiirlna Jnuuarr lat. lfsfll I Nntli-a* li hf*r*?by elvrn that ln vtow of the provisloni of th" Mlxth Artt,le of the above-m. ntlonod mortBave, thU lornpauy haa derldcd to B-BaaB untll July 1, 1891, thc time within whlch holder* of I'alro and Kulton Ilot-.ds u.ay ex chaniie the lan.o for thn QaaaBBl OaaaollB^I Kallway aud I.and-Graiit lionds of this (ompanv. th- and in. torest of whl.'h are Kiiarant.-d by th" Mlssourl 1**1:1(10 P.allway ("nrnpany. lh" Curo and l'lillou lionds wlll eaaHaaa tn dt-.?w hHiiea> at th- ral* of 7 por aeal p*.r i annuai aattl p..:d. Thia eoarpaay waeivaa Uu i8u'ht to dleeentlaae, at any tim.'. th.. paymeat of lha money pro !.,:n.f $.',0 p.-r I.....1 aoa I. ..I" ,,i ronneftlon with the cxchanKe of Ihi Calro aud I'ulron lloi.d*. a. tt. CaIAaBP, Iiaaamgii jAMi-.s iRViNi:. ... r i'. COOPEK. WK. v. C -ROUIT, i'r-t. vi. "-l'r. *'t. Baa. and Treaa. Capital $100,000. NEW-YORK EQUIPMENT COMPANY, II W.M.I..ST. NF.W-YO.'IK. 6 Per Cent. Investments Car Trust Securities. Wa Bffef f.., ...i" CAB i'l.l vrs, in larc* nnd sinall ,i .,..'-. | , :. aa aa -,: ? al i;.\ii..v.\y BQUIPMENT, i?;ari..s li |sr i ....t int. r. -t, al I'ak aod .u .'r,,"d laUreat. I-.I bj li".. un the rqalpmant ...i.i, anttl all paymentB .ir>. awBa, afth (eaeralty a eaah payaaaat ef 83 .,., aeal at tlaae ef MUe, aad BMnthljr ?r quaiterty paymenta thereaftar, aad eoattnutai^foi ...... to Bve y.'.ir*. l'.w M. \ i *. bI prinelpal and Intereat begtaalag ..t aaea ....'! rantlnalag at ahoii laterrala in*'ir.. ahsoi.1' ii-. m-: | L'KITl Bad IIAl'11' (".Ml'i'l NUINii Ol'- INTKIlivVl'. I ai th. r p.i'ti ..'..,* on appllcatlon. RENSSELAER ANO SARATOGA Guaranteed Stock. A TAX EXEMPT IN VK-?TM KNT IN TIIE CITY AND ??TATE 08 Nl;\*.-\OKK. Thp aaBenlgaed eBei apoa Bdvaatagren* tenaa a round iilm-k of ,,..- abova ita ^ dlvWeada yuaianteed la peepetolty i .. ii i , KUHN, LOEB & CO. M BABHAU isT. TIIE OBKOOM IMI'UOVKMKNT I'OIII'ANY PlBflT] MOIIXOAOE BONOttOLO-UW. NOTlt IB. Al i.i" r.-,|iii-?l of n Inrflr Ii.i'iIIuk ol' thr Orraon lui pi uv.-iniiil ( ii. I'ii'.t 'li.rtiiin-.. llo.i.U. I aull u inrrl. Ing ol llie boti-liolila-i-a lor >1(IN II V V. Ju... III. IMI, ni Bill i*. H*ai iiii- offi. i- aftka i ...trui Tiusi Va.,81 W..11 *-..-. N....-YoiU. i iv OLOOTT, l'i.*i.lriu Ceattal Traant (',,. if \, v,. Vork. \ rw-i OBB .1. ,. 18, 1881. a POI OIIK'KEPSIE BBIDUKCO.MPANY-Dd I l'.iiiiANT Nurii i Bondhelder* ..f thli raa.paaj .in eMaln full Infoi uatlot, _.- ,.. lt* earnlno*, eipenai and i.i.j.., Ul . aindiiinii i.y appllcatlon at the ofnee* .( th.1 rani US Broadway, New.Torh . tj and u mm no. iiuiiit*. li lu. diir:,i.; bualnesa i ?,ir*, be? tween th" l.,,l. ...ul lal iiv ardea >.f lha Uourd a.i im H. I KisM-'.R, SccrcUry. Peuai ktci>?lc N. X., Ja... IJ. 1-'.<1. A NNUAL KKi'OKT OF HRl'OH A: 1>E KLYN ra . orponation 88faa_B8i under BBS lawa of the SUatH nf New-York). I. Tlie BBBOaBl of the caplttl stoek of thia eun.-jany I* laa Thousand Dollara. II. No pro portlon of tf.e '-pitai aloraaaid haa Iraaa patf _ ia caah. 'iho whole a.iioiint of She caottal tfoeh >*-* ****** **T u.eot for nroportv n-reasarv fOT UU bu-iiiea* of Uibs co BV pany. Ili. i h-i ani-int of the ealattof de_?B of thla com panv do.- not ? xced Tw-,,ty.i.hiee Iho-iaaad OMon im.-d. Jannary i- WM. ?? _ __* _}*__ ____***Xi_f___\ D? Klvn, . . il. IX* Klyn, majoritv of ****__*-_- <***_* County of New-York, a. a." IMijamln F. De Klyn. being dulv swoin, mv- that. l,o ls the 1'iealdent ?f Brueh * De Kh'n Um fcompaay ahave-iuamed. an.l that the _<i+*_*M r-iiort I* true. t? Mia beat ",' hls knowledire and belirf it r ii. Khn Bworn t<> befora r..e thi? 12th day of Jannary, USL ixiui- m. Fnlton, N'otary PuBue, V. T. 00. *i_ W tiiUi VVANTEi) mi Fiot Hond and OOaUUU nmrtara',"-; 8 lota, unlinproved corner pf-MTty, ln Harleii ; w.rth 41.4.000; tlil- insured and fuannteed; prin.-ipai* enly. -atdreaa -t-t-Uw-Ba._ fiartKers _na BraKera. VERMILYE & CO., BANKERS, 16 and 18 Xassau St.. lYew-York City. Dralrra in ! n-r.tmrii. B)e-_rltleaL iVotucn. _ THB DENVEK AND lll.) .iRANDK RAILROAD COM l'ANY, 47 WllAJ.AM.AfT. NEW-YORK, .January 7, lbOl 4 DIVIDKM) ot Two Md nne-Iialf per j\ cent has this day been d,. land out of U.a net earn injra for the ?ix moiitii- radlng Deoembar 81, 1890, un tho preferred eapital ttoch oi IhH companr, pavable February, inth proximo. Tha tnnafer book* for tln preferred t-toc* wlll cloae at 12 o'clo. k ooon, January Sl, and reopen February 17. xv JI.L i .x M WAUNER, Seei^etary^ THE WIIEEL1NO AND I.XKE I'.KIE RAILWAY COMPANY, NO. 4,, xv.U.L-ST.. NEW-YORK, January 6, 1891. DtVIDEND NO. i_. Ihe r. itular qii.irt.-rlv dlvidend nf T per cent en the preferred ataek of coinpaviy fnr fhe, quai'ter .andine i'e. :'.i lhi.o. Iiiuh u,i- <i'.v h.eii aa-elai-d, and wlll b* paid ,in an.l aflei Feb. I'',. 1891. Th" tran-n-r booka a-ull rloeo .lan. 19, at 8 o'elock p. in., an 1 rnouen Ket. 17 at o'elock a. m. JA.XITS U. HAM, Secretary. T Q T. PAUL CiTV RAIL WAI COMPANY. IO ?Trn* eoupon* upon tbe 5 por cent Cable ConsolidaW M.irtca.- fionda ,,f thl. eomtru.r. due January Lf, 1991, arill b>- pald on and after ttiat date at the ofllce of the T'arnier-' I.oan and Tru-t Company. N'oav-York._ MlXV-i'DRK , I.MIl.M, ,XM> Hl'DtSON KlVa-R RAIL? ROAD CO. OFFICE OF THE THEAMVBMVBj. NKXV.TORK. tiocctltber '23. 1UOO. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS, at a meeting h,W tbln dav, d-vlared the rearular quarterly dlvldtr-.d of iink Pl-.R . KVI'. paval.le at thls offlee on the IStfi day ,,f .lanuarr. n.'Nt. tn ?tockhold,-ra of re.ord at tne cloalnjt ol th'- tran?fer booka ou thu Jlat Inn.. and alao a _PE~rA.L D1V1DKVD 'ir (i.NK-HALK OF ONK PER C-__-i flNBl tha larplBB earnlnns for nlne montha to June 30, 1SB01, paaanie Bt the MBIO lime and pluee. The tranafer booka ?in be c!o*?d at 3 o'elo.k p. ro. XVedn.sda.. I_e 81at in-t., an'l at 10 o'elock B. tn. on rriday^ the 18tn ol .January BTXt I. V. XV. RDSSITEH. TrtaHattri-r. OFT'K'K Of" THE EAST RIVER <.Ats CO.XIl'A.N'Y, LON.J Island city. h. v., Jan. 10, i8?i. 1IK l.MAKI) OF D1REUT0RS of this <om pany have day d.-elarf-d ra dlvidend of THRKE l'ER CENT ui"". i'- iiiiiii - for the l.a.-t ?U month.-. nayable at THE STATE TTU'ST COMPANY. 50 Wall Btreet, Xrw-York, ,,:, and aff-r .lammry 16, 181)1. WTI.I.I.X.XI STFINWAV. PWBBB-Bl TRJS MI&JOI 'J{ I PXCIFIC RAILWAY CO., 1 195 BKOADXV'AV. NF.W.YORK, Deo. 17, 18*jO. 4'JD DIVIDI3ND. A QnartetTv dlvld'-nd of ONK 1'ER CENT (1 pet. cent) on the eapital .toek ot thia ccrri.any haa thla da> been declared parabla en Thnraday, thi- 15th day of Januarr 1891. Tb,9 trar.afer l-ooks xvill l.e eloaed on Mondav. tne 2**d dav of De cember. 1890, at 3 o'clouk u m., and recr.ened on Frlday, the 10th day of Jaia.ary. 1891, at 10 o'elock a. m. _A. H. CAI._F. Treaturcr. OFI'iri'. OF THI WILLIAMSni'RO ( ITV PIRF. INSU1UKCK COMPANY, BROOKLYN, E. 0.. Jamuarv 9. 1S91. THE BOARD OF DlRECTORS ol this Com l.iiiv hara thla dnv d.a'lared the usual aeml-aonuai dlvidend of Ten I'.T pavaM-- on demand. ti H- WAY. SecrHary. OCTICE OF THE EOISON' OENERAL ELECTRIC COMFANY, EDlbON Bl'ILDIMi. NO. .2 I4P.OAD *srRKET. M/.V-YORK. Deo. 17. 1890. TO THE 6TOCRHOLDERS of the Edison 1 Oeneral T'.leerrr.- CoinpaalT I The Ilfth quart'rlv dtaldend of _ per cent on all tbe alock of t,ii* Corr.pany. Inrliidlng auch atook m Is held In trust bv The Mrmera* Loan and Tmst Comuany, haa U>en do,lar*d bv th- Board ?f Trustoea due and la-rable on Keb. 2. T891. at the ofllce of thla Copipanr. to holdora ,,f rai-urd Dec. 2*. 1890. tl, 1 paymeot of dlvidend on tha nbove atork h -ld In truat bv The Paroiara' Loan and Trnat .ompany. belnc. however, auhject to tha r?tlll?atlon of the avtloii or the l'.oaid .if TlBBtajB dl?*el\1n? the truat, bv lhe ata.ckholdei-s at thelr regular mee?n_ on Jan. 18, uai. Tl.e tranafer le.oks ?ill be clo*ed at 3 o. m. oa Dee. -'9, 1890. and n-..p.. ,-d on Feb. 3. 1891. i: rder <>f tl.e i!?ird of Tmatees. A. MAKC.-s. Socretanr^_ -THE i AXD HOflciXQ COAL 8 ami IRON CO. haa deelared a dlvidend of 'i>-_ ... r .t on the preferred atork for tha ala montii* B?dlng i>..'. 81, ISflft parabla February 2. R,i.,k* aloaa -lan. 2_. and open February J. .x. ii, BEFUF,, Seairatary._ OFFICE OF 1'IU.MX IN'si'RAN'.'i: COMPANY. BROOKLYN, Jaauary l.. 1891. ?QTH DIVIDEXD. 11./ r.i.' Board of Dlreetora have tlil* dav declared _ KBd-Bnual dlvidend ol Flve .'>? per rrnt, pavable on d?*. inanil at thelr branch ,,i.?. \... )'?', Broadaraf, New-Y..rk, ta itockholdara ..f reeofd aa thla date. C. < . I.ITTT.K. Secr.*t.ara -ftnancial illcctings. Ul-KD E OF TUE EDISON QKNEJtAL KI.ECTK1C COMTANY. ED1.--ON HCILDINU N'> i'i UROAD STREET. M.XV.V..HK. Dee. 17. 1S90. TaJ OTICbl i* l'"i('l'V !*i\";i thai pitratuuit to 1.8 th ? i;v-I.?Vs ,,f the Coiui>an>. tlie Ani.ial Meetlng ol tha- atocitnoldara <>f tha Ediaoo iJeneral Bjaetrli . oinimiiy wlll be h'Td at tha offlce ol the Companr. Ediaoo liuildiusr, No, 4.' Broad-at., New-York, at u. on oo .M.mdav. Jan. 19. ld'.K), f.,r tha purpuBi* of elaetina Truat,>e* for the euauing yea,, an.l f,.r the transaeiion ?f sueli othor bualneai. aa mav , ome liefnre th" nieetlnat, InelitdliiR tlie n,i?stlou of ratlfvliic thl iiition of the Board ..f Truatoea. ln de.-Urloir a dlvidend un tha ato.k h.-ld In trust ba- lhe I-.rniera' Loan and Truat Cotnpaay, and dlaaolv_n aaid truat. Ih'i b-ioUa will b,. clu.*.*d al 3 0. m. on Dec. -.9 is:a, a,,d ronpaned oq l'. 1, 8. i-4'..i. Ry oider of the n,,;ird of Ti'.Mfjra*a. ,_ .x. MARCC8. Pecretarr._ COBN BXCHANOF. H.XVK. NEW.YORK, Jaauary I, 1891. 'pillj ANNL'AL MKK'l'lM; ol thc ih_reXoid M. era nf thls Rurik wlll I," h-'d at tli" haciklni? houae oo Tueaday, Jaanarr -Jo, 1*591 I.oniN I.OVF. Caahler. (TcpiTrtnrroliip Xoticca. \ N\orNri.\ii:\'i'. .V The roparUierahlp beratofora exiatins under the firm BBBM of W. ,t J. -riLOANE BXpirea thl- Mav l,v HmlUtlon. J.)|l\ BIjOaNE. WM. I> KIjOANE, HENRY T HLOANK. \. xi.i ER XV LAW, AI.V0N1 K. ALLFX. Jan. 13, 18*11. Tka Baataraigael have thl.s day formed a corporatlon ,ii,,l 1 ih,- laa . ,,f tlie sut<- i,f New-Vork, and under tho .1,1!,.,' ,,f XV t I. SI....XNF. for lhe pnrp,-.' nf , arrylnj- 011 tli- Car|)et and Vpholaterr bualneaa, a> ber 'tefor 1. The membfra of the old flrm wlll ooaatltala thc Uoard ot Mi.'. ?. 1 s JOHN SI.UXNK WM. l> si.11 \Nl*. IIFNRY r BLOANB, iVAl.1 I ll XV LAW. XI.VONI R. ALLIN. New.York. Jan. lt, UtL Cost anci ioniio Ii^T .nt si'iT.KN Bankbooh No. ".' 141 laeaaal i.v 4 the '..iiiiai, S:,\nii;a llai'k In the elti nf N.-ta-Yurk, to :-i-s- heblaain ler XII nr..* ar? rautloaeil ta) n-euotiatc th.; -.111,,. and rrqueaiM u. d.-llv-r the l?>ok to tha laank. Oaraar Utb-at. an.l Ith-ave. lf nol r-atan-ad nn U.e 4tli day of F'lruarv. 1881, ?]H-ltn_oti arill bo made to tiie bank for a duollcau.-. New-York. Jauuarr 14. 1891. linancial. HOUSTQN & TEIAS CEHTEAL RAILWAY COMPANY. Reorganization. DlBtrlbotion of New ??*<*_-ritlea Under Asreement ol Dee. 90, IdtT. ON AND AFTER I'KIDlY. THE HTII INftT IT *a l'J.Ol'O'.ED TT) TO THE IIOLOERS ot CENTRAI, TRl'JT COMPAMY OK NEW-YORK REOB, i.ANl/.A'i'I.'N CKK1II M All | KOIt EAIII 81.00(1 (KHIIKMATK 1*81 IB FOK >IAfS LINE .AND UK-TKKN DIVIMlog FIRHT*.. 81.000 new .*> per ? ? nt flrat m*rtasc? land eraot old boaa\ l.V) ?,' ars from Julv 1. 18*>7). InU-r*at su_rante*d bt thn BjMBaaBBl I-clflc Co. Ju.v 1. 1881. and siWo-a* coupona atta.:h*-d. 8140 aaaB for intereat July 1. 1888. to July 1. 1687. a. clurtv*. FOK EACH B1.00B CKHTIFICATE I****l F.D FOg CON HOU DATE II MOBTI.II.K IKlNliH. 81,000 rn.w contolldated moi-Utage e tv < 888 land arrant (44 bonds (due Ort. 1, 101-,. iBdBBgM ?>ar*nt.*sd bv tht Southern Paclflc Co. Aprll 1, 1891, and ?ubaoqucal coupon* a"*-. h '1 $00 aaaB for !ntere?t Aprll 1, IfiSO, to Octeber. 18)0. la. ci. inl va;. 8180 n?.w | \xv '-.-nt BaBaaBaiaa (due 10 gaaaa fv,_\ o<\ 1. 1887,. carrvli.if lnt.*ri-t from Ort. 1. lvjO. Pria. clpal and Intereat (tuarant>'*;d bv the Southern Pacltl Oo. 882.40 ra?h for Intereat on *180 dely*ntu?ea Od. 1, 1BJ7, to 0?t. 1. 18-0. taeluilve. *t 8 par cent. i**r inntna. On and after Monday. Feb. _, 1 ?*._ 1. tt la propaaed ta dellvrr ta tbe boldrra of Outral Traat ( B-BPBBf ot >,-?--Yo.k rroraani-a.ioii ,<-. iIfl-?.???? FOR EACH CEKTIFICATE |h**?L'F.D FOR GgX. ERAI. MORT4'AGE I.OI.I) BOSD-*. fT.OOO new 4 per cent Onoral Mortgaa* Oold Bondi, tt* Aprll 1, IM-. UiU'r^st R.iaraiiteed by th* bouthara Paclflc Con.pany, Aprtl 1, 1891, and BBlBBBjaBBt oo*. pons attached. B120 caah for Intereat Oct. 1, 18S7, to Oa-tober 1. IS!*). 8120 new 4 |x.r cnt. D'.'*.^/)tur^e '.duo Un v**ar? from Oct 1. 1887). prrnclpal and intiis-nt friaranu-cd b* th* Ro.ithern Paclflc Company. ca-iylng lnter?>st trom Oct. 1, 1890. 814 40 ca*li for lnt*ro*t on $120 D'-b^ntures. Oa 1. 1887. to Oct. 1. 1890. Inclunlve, at 4 per cont. p-r annum. CEN'TRAL TRC3T COMPANY OF NEW-YORK. BBBBB8B BY F. P. O..COTT. Preaideab WE OFFER. aL'BJECT TO SAI.Ei lI.l.INOI? t ENTKAI. K. K. OEt, 1 per eenl. I.old llon.l-. dun 1 !?'.-. CniCAIiO. IMIEWAIKEE .V ST. P. R. R. CO. I per cent I.old Benria, dn? lfl*-? DKNVKK dk RIO f.RANDE R. R. CO. ( oo-. >lt_<-. 1 per aaM Gold I'.oi.,;-, due 1010. CEKTRAL OIIIO R. R. CO. CONH. MTGE. Now lat Mt?e.) 4 1-4 per cenl. Gold Bonda, dae lft.10. BAI.T. A OHIO HOLTHWESTERN R. R. CO. 1 1 -'J per cent. 1*1 Mt?e. tiol.l Boada, dar 1B88. (GaarftBteed br Bait. .1 Oblo R. K. Ce.) CENTRAL PACIFIC H. R. CO. Land (.raai extended .. per cent. Oeld Bead*, 4a* 1000. OREC.ON A CAI.IFORMA R. R. CO. lat Mtce. ?"> per ceul. l.ol.l Bonda, dae IB'17. SPEYER & CO., .llill* Kuildms, 1 1 Hroad *>t. -finaricial (glections. THE FOURTH NATIOVU. IUNK OK THE CITY OF NEW-YORK. KEW-YOR1 "*ui 13. 1891. AT A MEETING uf th,- atock -J'-i-* oi Tbt Ko'irtli Xational Bank, h. id tina *, . t?? foliowlof n_ji,,*d sr.-ntlem_n wets* r ter?: J. EDWARD HIMMUX., J..IIX 11. I N \|?. N FREDERICK M_.iD, BOBEltT W ?HART COKNELIUB N. KMbS, Rl< BARD X. ^IJ->?>'? CHaR_.ES B. _M1J H. MAIU LB A. BET_.MA*I. IAMHS G. ( ANN'.X CIIARLES H. PATTERS014, Ca*_lor. THF. MNT1I KATIO.VAL IIAXK. NEW-ya.KK. Jaaa. 13. t*"Jl. V AT THE ANNUAL EI.EiTlo.N hold this da*/ \ th" fo'Jowl/ig nanied K<.*nUi>n.-n v?cr?- o'.octed D1i*''U,rl of thU Hauk for Uu. _nau_a_ vear : __.?,? JOHN T. HII.E. llAHKELL A. fc__ARI._. C. HENRY (1ARDEN, WlELIAM E. TEEFT, HIRAM H.-NAZKO, A I'lR'STrS V. LIBBY. A_,B_KT C. UAf.L. JOHN H. COOK, bAMl'EL ROSEVTHAL. At a *.u_**qu^nt mrHlim ot thc lkmisi *Lr. JOHN T. TI I I.I. was unaulmoualy rr-*-l.*c*_rl Pis-?ld**nt. and Mr. C fctEMtY aiARDEN va.. uu_iamou?1v r.-?lf*ft?l Vle? Fis*1i-i)nt. B H N A7.RO. I^ashler. ~~THJB NATIONAI. SJfOE-AND LEATllES BANBT OPT1IE C1TV OK BEW-TORK, * NEV7-YORK. Jan.iary, 13, 1MM. . AT THE ANNUAL ME1.TIN'. of .4,.. ttnek hold.r? held thi* dav. tho foilowlni? namnd genUniiea wrre dulv ol".'t.>,l Dlr*-ctor? for .J." .:i-unn rflar, to wlll W1I.LIAM SI l./.?A( HER, OEOROE ... PEABE, THOMAS RC8SELL. .."-I VU 8. OTOt'T. JOSEPB 9. KNAI'P, AJ-ON7.D MauE THEODORE M. IVES, MORIZ JOSEPHTBAL, and at a ini-.-tlnc of tli.' new Hoa-d, Joht, M. 1 rflflW ?i? re> eleeted ItceldwH. and ilcora" L. P-..a?f*. V.. e-Prcs.denB both uiianimo i.*ly. W. IJ. VA\ Vl.I.t g _Caataiar. jJEW/irOJlK, 18th Jin.T UBL AT THE ANNUAL MKETIV. of tho si.K-k holder* of the Natlonal Park Bank of ffe?-Tet*fc, r_?-_i thii day. thn followlng were duly choaen a*. Dire- tori tm the vvar a*n?'iin^ : .__. _ Arthnr LeafT, Charl*-* S" r. Eu.cne K'dl'y. WwaH C. Hajr% Eb^i)*>zer K. Wright, Bdward K l_ .-. .Io?i,ph T. Moore, Bf. Ko^lUiili I'otu, Blai inaaal F-.*h, Aueuat Relnont. Oeorge B. llart, Rl.'i.ard Dol.flcld, Jim.-* H. Parkcr, WUnon tl. Hunt, I'liarli.,a.'h, and _? Insp^.'tors of Eleetlon John M. Comell. Eucene HlgBlna UeaaaBaa T. Vaa N'.*?t. At a ?urj_-quf*nt mwtlng of th* Bo_x4 Mr BbaaeeBr K. Wrlalit waa unanln,.,.i>!v is.-l",.'t.*d jir-AKlflent. Mr H. I'arkor vl-e-pr.*?tdfiat. and Mr. Arthnr Eecu-v ir-yme ylce-ins'sldent._ UEORr.E S. HICK'-K a'ashli-*. _ OFlFlCfi OF TIIE BROADWAY INSfRANCE COSfr PANY 158 BROADWAY. NEW-YOUK Januarv .. 1*91. rp HE ANNUAL llLECTlOS for l?ir*<*tor_ of 1 Ma Compaov wlll be held at thi* a_Bea on B*a*BH-Bl Januarv 14, 1891. Poll* oucn from 12 n,. to 1 p bi. 7 (ito. w JQKFS, geeretary. _ " TBE-SuITaS PRIETAS MIN1N.J CO.. 18 WALU 8TRXET, ROOM 45. NEW-YORK, Jaaaary 5th. lOTi. THE ANNUAI. gBMtiog nf BtockhoTdBra for the eli*ctlon of Truatee* and tha* tranMCtlou of o*'? buaint***- wiii i?. h-id at th- Ceaapaar*a aBka, **' l_ w*_l .treet. New-York City. on Thur-day. th latt a^)' ? Janu.rv cirnnt, at 12 o'clock noon. Traiiifcr b?oks wlll hc i.losed on th>? 1HB and remUB clo*ied nntll tho 16th inat. jno. J. cranf. AbbI gartaaarr. _ UN10N TRl'ST COMPANY OK NEW-YORB. 80 BROADWAY _ , ,, KBW.YORK, laa. ? I ???}? THE ANNUAL MELTINt. of ?t4icknoWB?J for th.- ,-1^-tlon of tr'i-t.'.s uf th" fnioii Tru-t ' "J* panv nf New-Yerk, cf ti.-* elaaa af IBB4, wlll t***0 Jgg at the Baaaa ei the Companv. No. 1*0 Uravidway. Naw-.n*. ou Taaaiar, Januarv _0 1,*?>1. arl'J o'.'lo*k tn. Polls aipcn at 1_ '>*' al 1 o'.lcs'k p. ?*.?_,'J transf'-r l>ooks will clo?e January 15. and ^*op*n Januan "1 1H01. Al '.i 8T1 S V. Kl i.l-' T. * \.* -t. pONSTBUCTION 01? liKEAKW ATl K AT \J BRIDOEPORT (ONN Bagtaeer OBJce. C. 8 A'O;/. Room H. 7. Army Bulldlna, 8. WhlteBall-**. N ?? *,??; N. T.. Daeeaiber lOtb. 1880 ->>?.?! a ..; ? " >'? w*r,i tor con?tructlon of a Bi ikw?t.i K Bi I ; ?"'? bv ri..'.i\,-J at tins .i'ii- aattl twelv* U ? *. hl_! on IhurKdar. Jaliuary 15'J.. 1T591. Tl ?"*. dcr* 1. invit.d lo *u't? of CoiiBr.*** ?).|'r<'?'d * *'? ljU 28th, 1885. aud Februaxj 2M, 1887, \ ?. i-i .!'-- ?*?; aud Vol. -_4. p-ae 414, Stata:'^ ?t [_.*_?. 1 "?? 'r " formatlon . _n Ix? o,,l?ln,-d ?t tli'.- oflke. AptfilflN ? should b^ lnd..r~.-d on t-nvclop.* "t)flisl_l*... ?? *-*'ST, >s. Co ...-I of Engli -_? DKFaDGING IN THE HARBORS ot Brijg port. Bla k Raek, Xorwalk and KU" M'.,' BWJ conii! Oftiie r B. Army, ??_???? ? ,A,,f Bulldli.K. A'J> Hnll-?t.. N-w-Vork N J_i_***5:_2 lMM.-Si-olcd pnipo-iU. In tripllcate, for ,!?? J liarboi- of Br,'lu-'|.?,t. Bla, U Rork. Mar*aU JfB FIJ Ifllo Rtver, Con . wlll be rjeelveJ al ,""""?' ,"^7 twelve l.i e'docB noon, an TataAej.*ebttutrjloitew^ Thc attauBoo oi bldd.r* to lavtted u> ta ; - ? '*?^ I l'h!ii:ir. 98, lh-*5, and ?> 2il ,,a." 3,..'. *...'? V.,>. 54. I..-.' 4H tu[t l'urtii. r luforreatlon can be obtam.-d at t,..? ? 1 ?? _;; -*g Dlicatlons ahould Iie ou th. ? o.m_? .u-lncls"'? D. C. HOIMON. Coioa. "? __ B_^>.Tu{r..N<. JETTIES \'l r.?i,T JBT r_ fk'rsON INI.irr. N. Y.-_n?lneer Offlce. v.m \r..v Ho.* H 7. Aruiy Buildlng. 88 Whl.- - -l -?t ._*??? ...ri^ \ Y "'.?': 'b.-r, > l l)ro*J0*i_t__ triplt.'tiu.'. f..r Enlarglna Jettlea at.Port ff8>raaa *W| n' v win ti- i-c?4v*B ?t ?.,- t""1..' ;:' g__ Ari.":K;:r_"^' .*-?;? :'.^_*i lliould I'.- Indoraed on tl..velop* "Offlclal Busl'"-** o ,' noi'STQN rolouel ,.f Englaeaia._? AITICE OF THE C0MM18S10NER8, DIb \J irlel ?f ('"lu.u.-ia. Waaalafaaa, Jaaaan ">?..!!Ti01 sTalJ ,.rop?-al* .,'li bfl rerelV.*! .t " ??_? ? l,i,.:-,?.. t.vt to fi.mi.i. ti." DUlrlrt ;'' n^J w. a-rial wrn tabl ? tr., ka. A 11*'. ef requiM . .it. J attaebmeata and .-.(",'...""- wll t." f'.-"?-'"' '"" 'd ,|| Ju-atlon at tl-.* ?r>i ?-? Tb. -.'I.t to nv;;t, ,.' %s. hid- aod I'^rt* .,f ,...1- I- is?-T\i-il. J. '??* ""' . j w it"? ti m ROBEBT. CiaaalBilenBiB af Baa mu tr'.t of l'..,ui.i.'la. _ - Jr. Zxcixm _, AKAi'T-ILrton'* Ice ?'re*n. I* n adc fron; P"/.:""*^ ltor:.n'? Pateal ro^-i Bileaa e< lae taaaj ?*? Kcuuranu, CbUKhe*. VeaUval*. Be wlU k-v. ^ ?. h?ur. t'oiiutry onl. r* i?ror_plly fl.c.. p^'.r* ;%???. a?c UW OthVve., 11*. Pir< flow. 110 Ea.1 ttoth-..-. -*-?? York: and 49& Fultou-at.. Bro._llu.