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I -^TtRTAL FOR THE FLACKS. I HE Jl'I>GMENT ?F THE Ij0WER COURT Rii fl f f_m*tD HV THI COOTT OI 4PPIAIA !_- OF THE 1KRORS III'.LD TO HAVE BEEN C0MM1TTF.D BY THK TRI \L JCDOE JfJD$3a BARRKTT'S COMMF.NTS ON TITF. Dl'.ilslON. ? aB?BXk J*"- 1;{.?Tri* Court Bl Appj*nl< to-day handeil ? drrrsi"" raaaralBf ilic judpnent al thc lower . jn thc m*-c ** ** B*88faa "l'i. .liimes A. Flnck and aVilliam 3. Flaa-h. J.i-4-1-48 Andrr?>, in Ma oplnion. Miys In jmrt: ?-e are a. th<* opinton that errora xverc eaaaaB-Mai tho hwtieri tn.-il Juiiae in charg? to Ihc jnrv, _Wh laajalr* ;? rereraal ,,f tlie judgiiietii hejow. Hil'ef Iff-e",."'* >" ''"' **w "f < "n-plracy xxill aid In tiiid-: Ta-diiie' ,!"' 1*?'"'* "!'"'i which our Jiula-iwiit pro *d8 ''?'',,' diltcrenre l?etwe?.*n conspir.irv nt inn.tni.n ?,V aad aBBtar ike Haar-Yarfe Btatnta li -t.itcri, nnd tho ?B,-Ioii ri.litinn.-s.) T)*r eto-rn Uia. the Icarned Judge intci;d.*.l *lmplv (i,i_-~ thai by i-oason of the fim t* di-, ',,s,*,i Uie JnrUt ?\,. wm roBt f'.r *Xant ol .luilsdnlion la wkollj un aaniwitrd. It bl plain 11i:at li, liu,-n,1i*d iwhai iie did i-i cm1**"* 'rrnMi to bmiiil tli,- aeta referred lo ?* ftVaawBOl devices ivsoiu>d t<i ln nnier t?. ot.Uiln tlie inn* "' dlvnm-. tliat avlie-i, t_kln>r tlie roll ln hi, hand*. Ii?* declared to tlie ]nrv tl.rvt 11 \r;as the rteord 'j ? frvaiidnl'-n: dlvor.e. hc liit,*i>i!?*d to cliar_4't4-ri7.<- Uie Sta -a-Mi'.'b Inl to ilic deciw, aJi'l by )-v_.-iiii of xvliicli tho jn_?ii?"iii i4ia> procawed, :a* fi-audukuit. In this. v,.> ihri-. t'"1 Jndac- Invartiil tlie ptvper prorlneea of tlie Jnry The d.-j'oiidant Bfeeka ar.rt \Vrighl, the attornev. both denn*d any fraudulent Intent It could not ba -jl~1, aa a matfj'r ,.f laav. tl.;tt avhat thev did wero naudu'eul devlce* to pivcur? n deairt-c. It x\?- f,H tlte Jury rr> say whether thoae act*. were a888BBBB8 or f*_u<1? jn Ita Instructlons to the Jury Uie court rtis (M-nrdcd the fnnd.-vment.-tl nile tliat a erlinlnal Intention muat accompanv Ihc act In oi-I-t lo renttrutc a irlm?, and tliat tlio act. whli? lt mav be tiie ba-d' tor an tr.fei-ence of rrlmlnal intention by'tlio jnrv. lf unaeronipatiicrt liy Mieh rrlmlnal intent. i- n >t _ rrlme. Aaramlnai tliat tbe Jury should lind tliat Uie defendrant. .iniiics A. Fl;i< k, iiistitntcd a divorce Rnlt avithmit BCtual anthnrltj from Mra. Flacli. iiiniiilaa h?> thc jnrv lm<1 Uie. ri-rbt. ln passlnc upon tbe ?].ie*a tton of crlmlnnl Intent, fo con*-i(1cr whether br* ^iiiipusj..', tbat bl* ronacnt to a blll of BBparattiB Jnitltied tlie proiee<1inp for an absolvtc dlTOri ? F"or tlicae rcasniis. xve tlilnk fhe defendanta are en? tltled to a rwersal of Jndgmcnt of convirtlon. JuiHre Barrett aaid yesterflay roncernlng tbe rle rltion : " I ^Imply say tbnt the Court holrts Unxt a man nay do a Uilnc xvhich la ln Itself osseutinlIy wicUtxl, a> xre f?y. maluni in se. and ret bc cn'Jrcly Innocent; that lt is f88 the Jnry to say xvlielher Iie did the erjl aod vlckcd acts iiinoccntly or with a Ruiiry lntcnt. Tlie Court ia rcport***i as BBft-f that I Intcnded to brand the actA refcrrexl to as fraudulent 8#vlc?a reaortcd to to obtaln a decree of divorce. But I did not do go. 1 mercly branded tbe decree as fraudulent and left the defendants' jrullt to tlie Jury. Wy charge has been lncorroctly read. Whut I did cT.arre Uie Jnry xraa that a decree of divorce xvhich the uncontradicted evidenee showed was obtained bv LV alt-ralion of paper-, and by the rtrocurenient of ifff.avtta .ixhlcli were Inaccurat? waa necc?sarlly fraudulent both ln ftv-t and ln law. To that JectHaa I -adherr. Then 1 eipresily lulormed thc Jnry that Ihey tliould not mlsapprehend my o'r.servatlon as to the de**r.>e belnp fraudulent as haatag nny baarteaj nn the piilt or innocence ol thc defendants: that tliey niu?t dcclde whether or not there wns a ronapiracy to obtaln the divorce by fhci-o fraudulent means, and 11 there was no conspiracy |o obtain the divorce by these fraudulent meana the defendinta could not be convicted. But the distlnct proposition waa that a divorce obtalned by alteratlons <-lian(r:ng the attorney without the plaintiff's knowlexlge and an aflldavlt of service wblch cpuld nol be true aa lt appeajed in the record was BaaaaaarUl fraudulent. The iiueation wm, " Who was responaibla f<,r M" Thc Court of Appeals in subst-uice Imlds thal even 11 a divorce be obtained by mcans uf pcrjury artd forperv, the a<Ttors ln the matter n.ay still be entlrely Innocent, and that it la Ior Uie jury to aay xvheth'jr *nih actors are innocamt or pillty. Th? Couri aajra tliat lt waa an error txi chartre that a divorce obtalned bv fuch alteraUons and 8848888 au were tJ*Mlfled to by Mr. Meeka wms fi-auduleant, a.* such aets tnif-lit have l>e?n blundcrs. To such an extraordiiiarj- mpoal ton, I hax?e nothlng to say. The Court of Appcala makea the law, aud It Haa made that laxv. 1 boxv vo it That la all. I thlnk, however, that the nile lald down as to crir_itu_ Intent U novel. It certalnly seeiu to confllct wlth thc c.urrent ol the derlslons in 'thls countrv and England. and alao wth what has l.ccn senerally underitood to be the tnu prlnciple. lt amcruuta to thta: That ln a cl-il caae It would han. i?ajn the duty of the Judge to BBBB) the caae from tho jury ar.d hold that the record waa vtiid beiauso Ient It aeems to have boeu overloolied lhat tliere wa* poaitlvclv no dlspute of fhct. lf there had been any ertdeaWto the contrttry tlie oue*.tlon would have raeon eubmltted to tho jury, but ft wa? all conceded ?vldaviee. It .-oema to rne that thls decl*lon ia equix-v lent to t-aTlng that when 8 murdercr hllla a man tho j-oua-t la bound ro le?ve it to th* jury to declde whether r not the man haa baal killed at aU. "It amoiintrt to thls, that Judge* ran express no -dnion npon ooneeded facts; that to t?*U a Jury that rttxJn erklerice waa gix-en ln th? casr* and characterizTnar lt aa ao eatal.llslied fuct ls'error. Thls holds, it Beeana to me. that all the Jud.e can do ls to tvad the Btatota to th? Jnry w-itliout commenting on thc evideiio.. nnd let tht, Jurr do. ide." Juaxtlce Barreit sald in clc?ing that he Uionght th? eflect of th? decit-ion of Uxe Court of Appeiils, If adhcrcd to by that court, would flo to tie thc hands of thc Judge. and confine hls fnnclions to exponndinc thc law fo the Jnrv wiUiout ln'aUiiig any comment on tho evidonoe or applving tlio laxv to tli? fnets of thc ras?. buch charire* would iindouVTedly rosult ln the eerope of the gullty. _ TMKRR Mt'RDEIrERS? 8RNTENCBB roNF'IRMF.D. Albany, Jan. 18.-Th? Court of Appeals to-day afflrmed the Jtiflgments of oonxiction in the casc. of Ihree murdercrs, James Slorum. Harrls A. Pmiler and Irawik Fiah, all ol whom are under s-entenc? of death. THR PTATE LOSEK A C_A1M CA6E. Albany, Jan. 13.-Thc Court of Appeals to-<lay dls m^sed th? aj.peal of Ui? plaintiff In th? case of the SUte of New Yorli agt. tl)? County of KIhrs. This was an appeal from an awa-rd of tlie Board of Clatms en tered Septcmlicr 11, TrX^O. awanling th? c-omplalnaut rothlng upon a clalm fl'.ed ptimtiant to Cha/.tfr .ilH ot th? Laws of 1884. It. Uils precaedlng the State BOUglit to obtaln an award for *isr..->.fini 85. wltl. interesl from May i. 1~T4. Chaptcr 7r44, Laws of 1872, pro mlded Uiat a certain amotint shouM be l-aised by ta_a ?88 ln th? flsciil year beginnlng 0888888 1, liiT'i, tor tlie purpose, of mahing good certain deflclencies ln the and 880*1 fnnd-. Klngs Connly'i. tnxos would have amountcd 88 BMMM 2*-. Tli? Board of M.j"*r v;,ors of Klngs < a>uiity refuscd to levy the tax. and a mai.damus wa* isstied. which wa*. however, reversod upon appeal and t.'n* law impoaing Uie __, 8eM BB ron-tltulionaJ. In 1876 anollicr act, ^ inejat the cons-.tutlonal objcetlona, xvas '.a-s.-d. Miico tne levv wa* made and tbe taxe.s pa.d, Mi-re trett two rlainis of *47.m.i ik?, tl.e inter'-st for on? year; and ?Me.i-_ n.i. Uie bahtoce tvUefed "- ba due on tbe mx. Ihe clalm waa reje- __ t*_ Hja rJoard ol CWroa onAM grotu.d Uiat lt waa barred by th? -tatu.e of lltnit-'lo.i-a. TBE 9QVTH BBOOKLYS IX A DRY-I>OCK. Tho trrryboai WBBBM 88IBB.B, wblch Waa Ocached on .Xavernnr'a laland. on account of a Jeak which d.-v.-lope', rmie ahe *j4>? on be.- way to Brooklyn on Mondav Blffet rot Sl at 1 o'cloi-k yt-atv-rday i:,or..l.ig, and under het awa ateam proceetiett to a Bry-aaa* al laoaraaaa arkaea aha ariu he repaired. The 8888818 mb8 araai oi Baa ? rrj keal ?<<*>>" ao aer all nlaht. Bl.e had l."",i laaklBg Ma UM Ja-t two tripa ahe made before HM BM* BeOBBM MBlaaM. lt l? Bmmm that ato atruck on Dlamond M*Mf and t,Urt*d one of htr p.atca. _ THE PETROLEVM MARKET. XENVS IMM THE WL*JJ>-n I'.ANOF. OF IT.I.F.S. ?Ili- of B*B*m al '"'^ ?>? *****-**? ," krarnrd latani Bafaata td a 88*8 \***__** *? troleuffl near PiWburg -HfOOBd t-B 8888888 eaarl? rea. terday V. b? "U-ari-l..' but, ln *****_* *** tl.e lu.,-..,.t..-mi..-r,il.-ailaanx ^^^^t^^*Kg a utu Ira lonc TtMre aaaa ''-^KT^m rrar, la tbe da) s operattiMM. A ti.. ^**>^ ***? &ra*,Va?ys,_?a35S l;iv. T)i.i.. were -xi'- ?" -' ; ... .. , -. ? boi,. at tbe < ?i.s?ii,iin-.i Ex< b?n?e ot ?? ?? * ,ncnneA ,:,,.. 7:i:,* <?('.": ;;;iM.'1;",,..,.'. , . ,1, aaJs uurliunged at td_jW?? ,a,?. A , D.4C. cent> ln Caa-... l-'oiv K.. V"*>__[??)\ZZn H 1 I ?.40 cent* n Cis ?. ' wl *^" " .lL ? I randon ? 1 ?? ?trp. -1 franca; Bremen. BM murk*. Lonaon pence._^_ EI ROPEAN PHOUCCE M-*--KKTJ' ?. LivenKjol. Ha IS, 8 *i P- *******J? Jg-5. _t\ti\ ?itra m* n,"** ea?y at lfciia>*b88?aB. aajaavj Rrt lu jaaor demand :i>rinienie*. *-^,V'?j )ia, 1, ta fair daiijand: lo:.g and ?_o't *l?ir ?>***?*?,?&? ?i _<h. Jteuaa at ."j.; iona cieai m.dda.-a. Bboa? ?XlV,*c,heea# la eWdtrt, alaoui f2 ti 1? *___**l *l -f.ii,^n ofl Splrlta avo. demand. T8I iow-Th ? ?'?*?'?lleoKTln to 84Md oi turueiitiiu ln fait dama-id : a'.-aady at -.'?? lu' (, ,?.,... UmaS. ^1,-Ipo: ?..d tvMmtowrBtm*^,* _e?tj-rn. a-aot ai'd January. .aa*y at1 dOe M ' tu .Q ., HaMi oxay al 8I1. xvi,.*it ln *^ *'_\\.,X ' Corn--8p4>? *U.t<f Hrm at 7* Td. I'io'ir ln fair ?;'?*-nd 4 '?'.fair; futurea-The d*.mand haa oj ., . ^eate.t,. ,,?,... ateafly at fta 7?.d ;. ?-"'"?' 1 *\'_% \\ 3. __. _\*vmy, iUa ateadv ?t o- id ?* ___*_*__?! bapt, it Lot.doa-Pasillc Coa-t in poor demand. COTTON MAKKFTS-liy TELEOKAPlI Llver.m?i, ,__, IB, ? .'? n--''''" **_*_f_r^: *!??" tlade 7.000 balea Aiuerlcan. Inun'* ' ''.'J ?,, r' .t.i 1 v. r* JBl, ii'iodimg, low iiilddlint- ''la'1"-;,.**,?,' ,v 51ft-04? }1J.04_5 IK-CId: and PeTartiarj dellv x. "J]:,.r . *>*M>*d: 1'tbiaary aad M.rcb^-i-iJMj ,,''..Y- Ap.i. ""*? _?reh and Aprll d'-llverv. **_*** **!**f'_. _,llvery, ?? dellverv. 6 **M4d aellrra; Maj ?"?'"" " ' ld June aod Jul> u> .IX'.a . d ??0-?4d: ./'.Iv a-.-d AUaTU.t ^^J'-.V^oY 104 .S,?,-r deilvery ? ^MW-0*41. i_!r^-!^^%a^_4?^V?^'? THE MARKET8. TOTAL RECEIPTS OF PRODUCE. ! B.W. Flour, pkBi.:.7~ _,.; Mn,. ,,,,,., .;~?--}J "..___. "''?* . O.I.Mula-.ftca l,bl*. . ??'? l\uckw|,V*l8nsl,. J*'U"-' l"T" '"'"" ? ?* ilu r m ii. ai, liU*n...... t4.,lrlt_ in.,, 1,1,1 r.. *:?_**; *4U'*. 8.717 IBil^bbfi ' b '. CoUoaaanl all, l.b'.s.. _*i? _..r.t.l>l*? .*"..'.*.*" ". 1,1 ,4 6 b \ ".''.'"\r\t**>. lPoliiil'.aae.'pkia.":.':.'.': Bl & 5,:. oinno.i mn:....:::. -^ ?{S,e__f-__^:::::: ''_3 1 '??*?-?"<?.,baa*. 1.826 M.t-ir, bb_a. ?. .1. ""?'?"? P_*B_. jn sugar, i?l-. 8J1M f'*aa? ae_d.bat*. 7? pkK>. i<8 ide*. Hi r*. W8 T.m. pk.V. 8,118 la.'K hales. Itf \Vhl*_eT, bbla . 508 -?'?;? _?_" . 807 wool. baie*. UB I.f-:.,!. plan . 1.600 Wn, |, ,.1.,. pkts... 1,273 Lcatner,. aldea. 8,800 lflrandy ? i 10 GENERAL MAl.KET REFORTS. nrii.niNi* MLMtTliafc IWra ta no aaajiiaj. but aupulli-a an- light and prlres on b afc-ady faajf. Brlafe quot*d a*. *o2r?i*? for up-rh *r H..1.i!.ml.7V *?**"* -_? J"r*t*T: Havemmw hard.V> 7i? ". Maliklll. 85 75_'a8 5.*; pale, 82 7.'.*/-*.! 28 ; Cloton >ah _j.d led, aiMatai:.'. a;? bio*n, 818*814; Phliaddphia fro,it, B-*2| Traaton d?. 821. Roai-nd-ii.. ramtnt, el 10* BlSo per HM: Amertcaa forttan., 8216982 06; Enf.tM* Portlaud 8-'oO-a2on: P..ttla',d. BB 808)82 80; ?.Kt_u.i , nntiimn llme, ?1 |,,-r bhl. and .... Bnlahlna, **>l 10; Nt Jolm t, Uu,,.. Mt for lommon and 41 for flatahlac; at'ii, r.'2..-**2 30 |-er l.ajwi; goat's ha.r, 21a23c p-r l.i.-I. < rttti.. Imlr. 14. 18c. ,. y? icory--Luii baaa M-adv. sediit'a Yf-Uow PBaer. -\'i ..,.-; II. fc. Beiiuln.- .ranutnted, 5'4" ; Tavior Hrother** l.i.clish granuaU-d, HV pOCOA?Not nnirh activltv notcd, thon.h arleea hava nnBeraone n., cbaage. Bahla. 18c ; Caraf:.-. lll Iftc ; Trln ldad. 18'.,?; (..lavaoull 18.14". , OOPERAGE STOCK -There (ontlnu?s a llirht mnvem"ii*. ln every dlrecUon. .M?ias-.., Shaoka n-.d itend*.. ?i ;<4,, 81 00: s.r.'ar M,??ks and Headi, 3-t-!n.. *1 70*81 85: 3'i I.... sl 35. *1 4u; old Shooks und naw ll.Kl*. 38-in.. ?1 _(i_ *l 55; 30-lnch, *1 80; <,ld Shook? wlihout. Ileada. f*0. ; il?in Shooks nnd Beada, ili: Rnm Pipe*. f". 50ff88: Emptv HoirBhtad*. 82 25; Hoopi. 14 leet, 8-0_e.35; 12 fe-t. 829 .. *;, ' . ( < n _? J; 1-;?a nrmer fcrllnu prcvalled ln Rto on th" snot, and tradln-.* waa modcrui. h aetive. Na>. 7 (|'iot.-d at la _r. Naiei. 2.(Mhj i,:,K* No. 7, 17 _c sj.ot. l*i*'s do, law- eoal ana freij*nt, l.iMKi trn-s No*. .'.. B Bnd 7 is.i:,!,-' nt 1'..,- for No. H to I. sliii.p.d. nf n.ll.l growOlB, ?_!"- of 1.000 i'adani; from li-'.-'mbor salc at 88e, Optaoo* ?.r.- '.?. , .raiij- Btroaaer tnoucii M-uuiatinn som" f.iii.c olf. At the outvt Septembfr advan'-.-d fullv 28 pointa, and BM cloa*?- was 20 |K-lr,t.* bctt'-r than yeaBnflay. Ulaer iiionUis pn'tiiil :.,/l(. point* ei.rlv. Ii.u the cleae waa aot -o tlini. FerdBa a'-ao'ints wcra hljrhr-r. ani thi*. Coupl-*(l wltB local covcrinw. Betved ,?> tln chlel ,|. , ,nt ,,t itrenirui. iluvre advanc-d "ad-N fr.. and llamburf: c|o?*"l ',,. -. fr, lilirlicr. l.oiialon mado a t'.iln. OBtctol anatatlon*, 2:46 p. m.: Jenuaiy. Ti,t M ; FebrasrT, 74s 3d: Mar'-n, 73s <id; Aptll, .'.'> Od ; M:.v. 72s Oal ; June. Tl* 68. iKio quotea: Kcgul?r tlnt (10 kllLM. 7 8 750; ffood BBeOMj lt) kllos), 7 B 2>0. l-'.\a-hanae (privat.',, 20U- R-CeiatH. 6.000 haits. Klo elaaranf-ci. for thf I'nited MUt<?. n.uoo t.a'.'s-. Jtio clcarancc? for Eatope, 7,000 Ustttf. lo'.l itn k, 1 ,'l.uoo basa. Markot llrm. Baatoa reeeipta, 11.000 hag*. Rocelpte at Rlo Jul}-1 t.. Janua, v 12. 1!-.U. 1.44**.OJ(i t)?t- : umii tlini' 1W0. l.' hai-s; saniP mae ls.Hr.. : o.n a.-.ii Iiaga. Ka-cclpta at Mntos Jaily 1 to Januarv l:'. WlU, 2.U_W.l*Ot> 1*ks ; same Ume 1H'.?i 1,888 i*>o !.?** : un.' line iH.'.i. i.?iii,ooo ba;". Towi ri1**s her. la d..v, 80,250 bflfi a.- followa l Closing rrlota. Hlghiat L.wo*t. S..:.s Januarv .;.10.45-10^0 10.85 10.*5 i . 0 r..|.r.ia'ry .15.05310.00 10.08 10.Oi 8.OH0 >lar.:li .!?'?. ,'.r>u 1.1.30 1..80 14..0 4,7-0 April .16.46./I5.55 lo .',6 loAi ,'? .'.lav .15.30dl,r..?6 15.40 18.88 3 .".'0 .1 -ii ifl .1A1OB-5.20 15.16 18.18 1,800 .lulv .14.0Of/14.H5 16.00 14418 HO Aupust .14.00?14.76 . isepten-ber .14.25a 14.35 14.30 1 amo l).-cembcr .13.15.il3.30 13.30 18.30 ..,a) Warciiouse dPllvf-rlc* alnce January 1, lNC'l : Nc-v-Yor,,. iit).83H l.titfr.; Hultlmcr", -,823 bairs; Now-Orloans, 8,445 tiafra; toial, _y,2lK5 tags. C0TTON- On tlie Kpot atoady at iinchanir-fl prlc-cs sa1."-. 170 balc for cxport, and 203 baics f.,r eaaaamption. rort reeeipta, 32,841 iales, agaUist 43.180 balee thi* day last M<*.k and 31,301 bale* thia day U-t yoar. < rag movetui-ni i ? 1891. lf-00. Kair-s. Bai. ? Ri-crpta, 3 davn. 1,2,060 47,-08 l.xiiorta to (Jrcat Britain, 8 daya. 27,822 i.i..*s I_\poita to Iran.o. A dav*. 1,051 8,000 l-Jiliorts to Contlnant, 3 days..... 0,'.39 18,1.1 Sto-'k ln Bew-Yora ln lu.iiaad warc .ountcd daiiy. 84.522 113,273 ln other pla*-"s (estimau-d). 27,050 10,868 Xotai stock ln Ne.v-Vork by runniin a-ount. 112.472 182,83. Stock ln all U. 6. porU. OoO.OH'J 1*80,831 Quotationa are based on Aiuerlcao .iandi.rd of elaaslfl. catiou : Now cotton. Upland*. Onlf Ordinary ...".^. _-_ 7 1-1' svrP-t Ordlnarr . 7 3-16 7h a.o.d Ordinary . 8 1-10 8-a st.ici '..,f*d f)rdlnary . 8 7-16 M Low MlddUn?. 8 13-i8 I'*. St lct l.ow MlddlinB . 0'- tl'M Mlildltiig . 9*t 9 11-1'i (Jood Mtddllnr . 8*4 ' 10 1-10 Strit Oeod *,_lddllng .10 10 5-M Mlddllnir Falr .10. 10 18-10 Falr.11 115-10 STAINED. Oood Ordlnarr.0. ' Low Mlttdlinx.8 Strlit SSai Ordinary.7-? I Mddllu..8 18-1.'. Optlona were again varlab.o and irreitular, and Ihe apaealallaa i-?--.hf_ a rcs|,o,t-'iblc atritn-p*u-. Oentinued iiiiuidatioii of "lonira" cau*i*d a heavy op.nlnn. uu.1 tl.? .*? was a bulwwiiient decUi.e of S.7 polnti. Uverpool eaniB h.ghvr, but tui* faliwd to etteat tn,' downwai. tenua-ucy. Thu jiort reci-lpta, however, ?"," Iaaa ta_a Bcaeral >\ p.-rtatloaa, which covi-ring of "*horU,'' a,id thi marftet steadllv latBeaad. N.'ar months at thf cl..*< a; o.vr_ ? rl-o (aa comparf-d vlth yesterday linal. of 4W-. l>otnt_i, and latc dclivcrla-s 2_l ponta. Sal"-s, 81,'i.X) bale*. CloaliiK j>ri.-e*..Rlph.!*t.Lo'?'???-t. Bai. January .P.3(v,'...:-tl 9.80 '??-?. 1.500 Jebruary .?.?.3h?o.3'.i 9.89. 0.28 11,'JOO Mari-h .1..51.I0.52 B.S2 '.'.41 80,800 Aprll .B.64B9.65 0 05 H.55 10,000 M.,v .8.75_W7_ 9.70 '.'.?? 8,o00 .IiiiLo .9.84_*9^f- 9.-6 0 75 1,800 3uii- .P.8IB9.05 '.'.''1 8 ?- l I BOO Aiiifuat' .9.94_?.88 '.'.'.'1 9.M 6,800 Keptembc. .!'.72,.'.?.71 1'.71 '.< a.7 l.i 00 Oetober.9.81a-.02 8.87 8.88 8,800 I '.-'?? :;,li.-r . U-41 8.48 fiOO DRUOS, PYES, 4c?Whlle no larp" tranaactioBfl bave takon plac-c ln drug?, a falr JoUblnn iiatributlon caattauea, and thc market as a wbcle ..-raln*. in a st.-ady condltlon. Alcoiioi eeotlnuea in fair BeaaaaB ai ?i foi woed. '.ti ih*i c-tnt, and *?.i 05 for 88 per eent; ?.aln. 82 2278224. ?.,:. rebatea. Hora.\ at.-adv. ?ltli thr outlct f:il. ; reflned aad pow. dered held nt '....? f.,i , 11\-. Buchu leeven Brm; ihort, l"a ll" for rellow. I2*?a_4c for n., ut.d 18917c for pven. Camphor ln Ifght den.and; (|....t. _ by aellera a'. ;?'.. ln bbla aud 10c iu casee, Ca*l r otl li ln ilf-'ii^ demand hut h.-.d st. adv; bc.t ui-adcg quot.d at 137?a)HV tor ani li*v,/l.V fcr a-as.-s. I'.alsaiu Tolu ? _*y a' B0fl32c, and Ilalsam l'"ru. *1 15,. rl 50. Carli. Ammoola is la aupa v : ijn?,..d ;,t h1-, fnr Eogtiah toarilve, Crearn Tartni 'lu!!: quoted at 24_if25e f.r both cryMall and Ei d r"d. Ci'td. dull. with fiiiiiV, quoted for b. M. .ca.-hl.ii l'ei.d'-r q,.ot.:d ut *1 T'ihtti*, 75. i.n Penny ran | ,ii0. Peppeimlnt, in tln ,-ana, 82*40-8* !,.r Wcatern, and 88 2',_s.'i 50 for New-York. (iliiaei I* movlnB falrly at I8918e f. r aableaebad. and bleacha-a, i'n 1-. Olvce'rlnc qulei at i*;'-_.. 17? ? for dr.....* and bblt, and 175101"" !.., eaaes. ....m* ar* ii.i.vii.- with areater frcjdoin at ateadv prlce*. Maupliinc oasy and lu 1I|:M d (iiinted at KS80--82 45 for elphtha. Onlun. ilull and ,-a-v. quoted at *2 --._*-' 40 for natural. Qnlnlne *t -..dv a--. L'iV 825c foi forelgn and 82888" tor doroe-ti,. (.insi-ug about doua- fa.r th" ^ aaea, ;"i(J BJUOtallOBfl ..." i...,i uial. FOREION \N1> DOMESTIC DRIEB l Rl IT 11 kei ha* become falrly aetive aod pretty much eyervtbliia in tbe frult line la Bolng out In Johbfiig parrela. Malin i_i?Ins aro lower, whil.- cirrxi.t-. aad prunafl lu\f> *d..ui. .! a u-jfiu The prlce of .iit",. I* -' I ?i In nuta .. movement at llrm rat.-a as a rnle, Qflotatlona ar* 8 .,. ? l.,,.*?? Malaca 2-eiown, 8175B8190; S-crown, B*W, B2J0; Krown. new, 88 8OBBA80; I?nd*-.u layer. new, *220f Imperlal CaMnet, now. ?2 10: __.. r.'ia. otT-H.alk, n,-w Oitfye; lav r, i? ? , 10,1**0; Bul?F.a, new, 14818a , I'ailf.,,iiin, Lonaon layer, m-,.. 822098280; Callfornli, I M i-erown aew, al 004182; Datea, l'er*lan, u.'-r. boxea.'oaw, 3'.?4'; Fard, ln bexea, aew, 8*ae; I aew 7*_a : < urranU, bbla, ..,??. 4*_e; do **aae*, new I*i8 5c alti.,.. I..-.l,.,'n. 14-ac; Lemon IVel. 8.c; Otaniri !?,., Be; I'r.m*. Ti.iki.h. 1889, ea*ka, Jwluc; do I8U eaaka, 8. ; do boxea, 70**100*. 1890 ?c; do toj*. n'~.8f <.'?. do Ki.nali, -Os-'.'i'.v ..'?. 10*8* ! d? Calffc i'i B, ,". aoa. new, ll*_c; Pranella, 30-th boxea new. lapae; At amads, Tarraaona. 14'..' do lv|,-a lltje: do l'-li ? - ,,:.,,., *.i?li, 28c; dn Al cante, ahelled. "v*. ?**<?; 'l? Caa; irv, -.h.-ll?-d, new, 31 ..32. : rt... S.a-llv, abefled, new, We; do Valencla sh,lla-d. 811aB82c; do joralati. BbeU(*t. ..._? 85-_?3Cc: WalnuU, Naple*. new. 18c; dn n??, n*?*, 7B ?(."d.. OftOoMe, new, I8c; d<>. M?rl>ot,9<': Fl!t>"r. m-? 7'../.-*"' Pl**, Kmyrna, Brer, new, llWlCe: do ine. ?aw' 0-7": Maearonl, lUIUn.rb-paa-kaaea, B-a?T9o; I flake,4e; d? medluni, pearl,4. ; iln-.i. :.n. le; wtfo.;. ,. hj.,. ,],, oerman, meBluai. 8*_e: Bardlnea, half-l,<.\' *. aio'SOflAH: do iiuarter-boxca. ?***. r-0./*i I. FOREION i.IU IN I'I!' 111." ....... am) Orai.* l..r. aold tolerably aell at old nrteea and -J????*,,n, ,.K st.adv tatvo. Cocoanut* ar- lowei ....... .<*t ? k . .: .:? quotatlon.: Len.oi.- Blctiy, .''""' r ? " -??".-,?*'.' .?>, do fancy, -:< 23l do ehnjee, ?.?";.;-' t~ '?', Jo fancy, +3 do fair to aood. ?1 ??*_*?-: ^V-Va^/'^ .3^-:,rwe:_;;,r,.^':"oa^ ^.r'J.: -; fflS -. ;, tX'i'.r'In-'.it^: ^aiyetln-lted n-t.,' Lt _?m ?U*ly fOI 1'Ud.l.L art,. le*. '.'.:..'.. '..- : _?'__i? N. " i We. .#8-8 uer bbl: Va I Ben iWi. .?? so '' d".. 810?81-; Bo. l do f3if?a aiiaei... .>.. - ? ..-,?,,,.-,..: Boneleas Cod ...or.f-. , -. 'j;-!:" ; r'p, . d'n'-nkj ?.???. : Bo? Berrtnc mad -m, ' . ',-i i-..- No 1 L2e; un, Maedalene, 1,-18. : -' '*1 d? J".. V'ri.',.- Ni.viY fs'otti, "i-lit. B6 75 : Fortl* ^??l! iK 55_.7lc .'r ?o.din.o- an*. lrall vYhlK iio,.:7s, '(',.-.'? 07-2'c. ,., ,.i-i. w ri \ik > Ia?TIaOaTR -Tradln wai < -- aetive .?lr:n^^:'.^^^1.^:?-:;:,--^1;;;':,;li,?^:''; Mi1' K WHEAT I EOl R-FU;" f'iiPr'.T . is .*> v- ? --> .*! finrv **? 50 I" "KWI1M I ... ' ^;;,:^..5"- f*n7oRX.Mi:AL-'-'.r.d.V. V- B f ,%',?.7 ,t 8250-888_? ind Sn ..i.?<aa, Ht* Bakav 1 ,,''l"iN-\VHl.A'l'-Hirll-i'i' irr.K'.m.ltv I';^/1'^ '" !"" S l^lllng for Kfc Laaaj aeeoaat. May. whl jl 04'4 .airaJn-t Bl 04-* ???? ??f*?|fc? Talil,,, g 91 ,., "e""r ...' bi. JiiV <."?""' a 9tPet and ;;:VV-..,.o^.f.t:f;;:us,,...f:,:i j^-jyj--^"C ,jf 664,000 bu.h -" %n-JS3"MinnTVi 'i**i>ort*d . S5iS____f_tr^jaw?'-i* , oupled wlth renewca exiort D-'ilin.-. add.-d tn the fln-ines* ' ''-.I,,, ?? . I....* .Mr:.*" M, ri!l. aiA there wa- f'.r ther tolk 'ala .'hi, ,.-,. i. ... ',i-.' tbe amall eathnatea al Ir, Uakotaa aad Ulanrauta ? : ,pa n. romplled r>- u,e ilov. eiaaaent, both .f arhlrh hnd a ?. aViilna efT.*et f,,r .arhlle, ? i ., i .1 K i.. 'l . i . ?. - . '<?? - I8M 0O4 quartera arheat, i *<,000 hhi*. Bonr and i.'.-t <>.". guart.ii , ?-,... anil i,. .1,.. . nitod k ii.r.r?i'>'i, >?:.. illli..lll, It . a derreaaJni l*lii"i h'l?h f"t the avi.-l'. Olniflloi anxala *?. r,- 100,081 buah 118 ns aud k i,'i-li ? 'i.i -.'-111141 im.1.11 ind :*? ihi Nuah, r> .r-eetjvelr, a aoar aco. riealwa 16.630 bitah; rlear. :.::?', buah arheai Md 2O.04X) ykw Bonr. <)n th ?i?*. Ihera waa a rl-e of ?alflc. tooligh tl " "!' "ln* araa ?>?..'?.. **h'|,p>-ii u-ok in,,*(*i, hnafe Vo !2 Nortta-ra -,.- .,., ii,. ia, i- ... *?: . .iallver?.i and buah Kaiis." red at '. hi..!? ? May, dellvered alao, 8.000 b?M 1 , , i j.iiaai.- i ?rn- MH'.r- wer. qulet .'I'.mCOO lin-h ruture, 4.1.(00 t.uali apot, liieliidiiif IIIIEI , I. r ., al s, ,,,| Oi*. k-j, ;; \..?'.,.? ,, aprltlB -I Ol ? all'.a' : N". '-' i 4 q0l*ted #1 O, alor. . allnat; No. i h ml apeto., 81 13V No. 1 Vorthern - No. -.- Janiiarv, rlt.siiiiT ;,t 8' 0I*4 : d>. Prbniarjr, eloalnl al 8101'a: d,i alareh, kl OSVal 04 _. , at*l"-'';-': .1,. xt v. 81 04 l-IOtfel 04-V rloafmi at -IO-1-Vi: d? June. ? l ' ' -I ' ."??. ,1.,-ilin Bt 81 08* : il" Julj '?- Ml ' rloatog a! 08**: 0.. A*.i;.i-t. '.i.V,,-!.'i,.l. Inalojt al ! do Deoember, :?*? .'. 10u'.ih\... elcadng al wa.* Ilad u tlow Inqulry, with prlo-e mr.. Ie*a . X>. -t. li, in U?t.,,"l ?. qtintod at ', 7?7**e : i an ?l i. ,2 : . 1 ' : - 81 I*- XIII.KX' -(. il.-t ML Ilimlv M*-M : ->l'--;. ,..-. uiiv, co.oi.o buah ungraded VVeatern and 10.000 biiaa i t??-.,i?,-,i Btate, prlvate term... Na - WlwaaTu* quoted at (48c: iularaded Weatern. 7*4</ivv; No. -* Canada, 87cj No. -'.:"'. . No 1 l ana.l . '.'.. . .11 XlU.i.V MALI Ir, but B-let . CORN? xva* very qaM an'I dr \ ,f ?!>-. i.t, f tl.e rhanfea bi-lnc nalnlv in arrnpaUi; trlth arheat Th.-r-- waa a allght deeluv sarli I in thr der, aft.r H/iie.h the rai market rallled, leavtoi I ml WV.' hicrhrr. inai-k.d ou Mn. II.ll''- ",r ti ii ita- moderate, hut, thl- araa offart by the amall araboard clesiMitaa and rither aaariet rablea. The bmovbI bo bbb 1 -.,.hawed an Inereaae <?( 72,000 buah. Th' s!M,t , iiii*'-,-* raffercd a allaht deeltne on im-reaeed offerlnira i aud duil ? ..iid'tinii ?t trad.'. MiImi n> taiolt tbrrt ..,,!-, and ilearancn iverfl o-iiv iT,4(i;? bnah. .Saies, a.0,1,00 busli fiit.:.e, H..0OO hu-li IDOt, m tlWlnB ? i iind whlu\ ;>*? 'iono.:; ateomoi ml-i-d, 50*ar elevator, 80*?a afloat; No. ?-' n,ix.,i. 59*a**>M-.' , I, iat-,,. 80-aC , N?. .' irhlto, 0":j,' , levatot : -t.-jie 'l yellaw, IMraii-C elcvutui ; No. 2 Jaauary, B0*?*rlAi_i eloalng :U 88-e; d-, t'ebruary. .VJ*.tt60.e, cloaln. at .'.'.'ic; d" Mareb, (?losln|J^ at i?i<- : du May. r.'.)'?_ j-.?'v.-, cloalnp ;>t .-.'.'''?.?: de .lul,. 80"aai?','.."?>?. , I,..|iil- iat .',:??,.. . UA1K- Were aome*hai '1 i>.-.i ,.n f."-er anlvala at xx'-si. whih |.ioiii),ta-d larfer odertnsa h-r.-. Th'' apol (l..i,,i,,i 'ifl-j.-, aml d -i, x'ld waa <|(ilV* inodt-rat". Optlona inled U't.i: Iow-t ?ari, ln the da.a, bul Ut* Int -tieiijrtli to corn and wheit lircight I'mut a iirietion nf llearantes, 104 buah. Halea, 240.000 buah tiitur,-. 11 _ .?<**> buah apot. la*clu88B8 No. 3 nU-d, t,d_i i-leratoi : No. m white, oolt* elevator; .s.,. 2 n.iv.-ri. .'.i _t L-levator, 62 .c ail?u. ; No. - a-hite, 62*"?21ac elerator; ,\?. 1 44'blta-. .V>e t-levrit',1 ; No. 2 Chlclffo, o'2.r: un .inl.U inived Wcatern, .))??".:.,?; whlta dn >2?.i0c; No. -' Janaary, rtoaliif at Al _. : d,. 9aaraary. tlhttolht, eloalnl at 51 Ve ; do Mav, 51--..*?">_<?. .l.t-lnu- at ?2e: No, 2 whli .Iiiii,,:>4r, eloalng It o2__C j do T >'l>, 11:1 X . ?'>-'?' ?< ',-V'. clo*lll| -.. :, '. cj '!,, Mav. 'i'.i', obtc, eloslne at .>.<? f-1.1' I ? in fl 81 05881 10; Oo 8), 81881 0A_ 80 Pl, -l</ 810.: 100 Bi 8116ttal 20; Bharpa, 812588180; Rji l,-A. il. .41 06. i: xv xm> srn.xxv-TTie hay BMrket ntlea atcadjr, i?n t.,-,|l.iiiv en <|. sn.,1,1, ^:?(.i-a. ?ti|,h Iikvm a fnlr call. I'. C.-lpta aie qulte lllieral. M.;iw ha- not varlf-d alne* 0411 in-t. UA\?Cbolre,*80a; tolr ta, good, 4tVS60e: eommon t.. falr, :*>.. 13 tuxed, 4'uj-.n.-: ??h'.-ipinr, 40*4"k-. BTl. >xv Long ry.-, 90a; *h?rt rye, 404 16c; ?at aid ?rbe i IIOFJ4 shlpper* rnirtln paaarre, and tradlnu on I. | eO'n.t U,e < tiol ? ?\t--iiil I. ll,.- n ,ial r.ant- ,.f l.i 'Wera j iu the BiaanUcie ihe markat ralei bar '? ateady. I tol > 1800, ehoi,... 88e; madlnni. :.4,.,T':.': conimon t?, fnlr. 30a j :<:: . state. 1880, cholea, ?.'*-.?; medlum, 24rf28>: cenunon te ..-*:i, Htate, 1888, 12-18. do old Bffl2e; Paelflc ? ? i. i8*"io, eommon to shotce, B.887ej thalea, lrw... "' HKXip ANP Jt'TF-Mrtnlla aea. I* 88-11 nnd noniral o. 1 thr i.a-i- ,.f '.",<; 10- f?r'nt*. Kl.-al. OatOs.*"- J"u , Iiuii- <|,iiet at 1.1631.17.0 for paper; mlxlog, 1 ..47 _c. and 1*415. iii i.i s .ri,,. daallop have iin fas,-d during the we-k ;., ,i i ? r la ii.-T- atabllity to prlcea arlth, n iwevor, aa rail rai changea, Qaotatlona Lordova, -' ? ? -"* _ B?. l*< I' a\r.- ??? . . n ... _.i Ba, ai IH.-; ( ?iSt'iA Th at i:.""<? i:i.- Matam., -,t I0?l0_f America 20-22 r, 10 Ua.. a.m - kI]. d I0d 18 Ih, lle ; l ordnan ki,,-. 10?1I I I _? Corto, Montcvldeo m,d Rta tir.uA-. k ;.!..:? .*,, Hc. 1.'. ; Ts,- '.. ,?:'. ln, 10%. ? Waatt-rn, loe: ItoutherB, it thei t"?. I'Jci.- : :,'a' ; n,v Saited tlai :.???.,: ?'. 8 South. rn. aa Ihey run, 24P.10 Tn, 8c; Wt Balted, ^nenoa A v,- , aoa tetected, 4?,a6.) tr., 7'j.': Wi . c.w, 4 1a Jll B, T-yc; It. .X. nnd R. (?., <?*.. 1484*4 : New.url.ans. cltv, I5J7". Th. C'-aO'.,': Texa?, 01 and cow, ',0f00 m. (Te ; city alaight- r . ?, 0OM0 **-, 7-Wft i.i:aT'ii'?:): xviii boylng u aUll mainlv f?i Imn.ejdiaia arante, the hu-iiie-s in' Hi-n.l"Ck Soia f.,r aaveral daya that rcq.iireiiienta of .nai,iif:i,'"irers. Jeblwra WM eviKirtrn are Iarg.r. and dally r-.-?-lpta have been al, s r ed. St,.. k ou t.-.nd. hoarerer. I-, au<! a -.. Uni nt* Bood. The market clc-.d steady at tfM lollowini ,i'i,.iat.ona : HEMLOrk. Non-Ac!d. Bnawaa a. Mght. fl: st aelec'loi..1 *-. _J0 Mlddl", flrst a-1'" *.l"ii .. 19 j/'.") lleary, flrat Kleotlon.. ia "-'" i.i.-i,r sc oii.l-._,.18-*r17 M.ddle, aeinndi.....17 i 17% Hea.a-, larowda.17 ./1). Damased, all arelght*.I6.#ie licjccw .12 ?l-_ L'NION TANNED. Mght backa..77 aJL'S Mght baeka. cow.,.22 8-4 Mfcldle backl.'28 820 Mlddl-- ba.-ka. cow.2.'i fM Mlddlc back\ h'vy.-'O </:t2 be, <*fida .20 **X% Beconda, back*.. ..'-'?"> 828 CA_*:UTTA BL'FFALO. Mpht .ln ^17 Damagad.14 fli Mlddlo .10 -TI7 Per, d-maged.12 812*1 MoI.ASSF-S?Qniet but atcadlly held. New-Orleana, neav qnot.fl nt i*,7:r>". ordlnarr to lan.-y; l'orto lUc. ?:6ii-i0c; EncUah lalani. 2T?30c. Ml.TAI.r*--.. t-enerally qulet feellng has prevalled during the pi?t f'-w day. and in Iron and Btee] only an nnllnar;. - \mis j.ui tBrough, wiuiout elianarlng market prlce. t.. anv ai.|> ?" iahie eat,-nt. I.uyera of Amencan plu grade* are *tili aatUflad arlth aaanli an.ounto. AMERICAN I'l.l IRON -No 1 X. Northem r'nundi v. from 817 to <MH, whli, No 2 i* 8108810 60. Southern i.rand* raiijc" from 818 26 to 81878 for NO 1 (.r.i Pot-g-o, l-K. Quotril ut 818 T.TnaiO 60 at furnaee..ST1.I.I. KAII.K-A .i.ilet and nomliial marKet, with 827 50.'*_'h quotad for aumdird BecUoM. . .84 i?T( ii ph.-a iigin ii, ive.ia-ii,. withoui Iii uoruiiit rhange. (juoted at 85)4 80 foi Coltii'-aa .?*-.'.',.-_.' ."> i foi Dallt.elllngtoo and 880 80 fo. Egllntoa ? ?? .T1N?Wteadr, wlth aale* of 10 mn* Mrareh at ?j. ;i,. , a,i? i-r.i: ?;.* quoted nt 11 V' aod o'ttold. hrand* al I8_14e, wlth tha market dull.ET.xli -8t-ad ;.i rl "a ?? 1,1(1 ,' 6 4.72_f for apot. VXX'.XI, ST< iIU.S-M'H'.I 14 Tri'.l'F.NTIM'.-Stetidllv mali:tain, d i.i prlce but tradteg qulet fot Uta day: quoted ,,,', ROS1 N_?Qulet ai.d atiout -t a'1 v : Btralned, 11 i.i aood do, -I I2*aj i *l 85: i\ *1 85; '-. 81 7'. il Bl 83 I. 82 '.'": K, 89 M; M, 82 00; N. tii 4... XV. ... +1 23 : XV. XV., | l 7.'.. OII.S -Tli.-re wara fuitli.-r Kilea r.f ,".00 l,l,Ia off-prad yellow ( ..'ton-. "i Bt iii" DlUi for expori eqaal t,. -?>?? h.i.-. Tha general n.ur:,. t ruU-d at-ady and qulet. Cottonaeid, crade, prime, 27-<728u; d,, ofl ? a, 20324e: rellned Bomtner yelioar, prime aiel butte- grade. :i:l,?.T7,', do Off grad*', '2'i_fti<i_: ('?..,nnir. c. ains ,7,i,' ? : CoehiaJJ-je; Cod,dorneatle,31u'S.c: forei'-'n 33.34c: I..H- '?'!. raw, city. Z8v ? W.wtern, 58i?64ci ' i , iUi fjg, I/ird, pnir.e, 499300; Tallow, 4 1,/ 4.-,. ; ' Menhaden, crud?, pr,:.,.., -ZS4r2?e; lighl piea.ed, 28 27 ; da.k i r i. d 28J25c: bleach, 80 a 82c; bicselied sjirl'ip, 'iUtttOe; eatn t,..,,.i,.-l wlnter, Ife; Sptn, erude, 704r72c; aatiiral \.i,,:.r. V4 ./7>".' : na.ural afarlni'. 4X7,.i'.-.i.- : l,!o:.. i; ,1 wiate. 7<>./Si'-: bl.ached aprlug. ._.iT???; Wbale, natural wlnter ;?(.(;,i . ,. ??, ue.1 wlnter, un,- : bteached aprtof, 51 ,--tri bi.ach? d. 689AOe: Ren Blephant bleacned wlnter. r,_,/,3? Saponlfled, i'.?iv pei h , uihc, Itollaa, 0**-' palm, 0*7 - tralta. 8*c : Bank, 2.V. ut i x.v ii.i n.ur- Tba n.raii... foi 'Tti. ft-iThta re u an in.ait i ,t rondltloii Bnn, wlth ?nu hlariugli 'ln.- eiigag ii. Dti In l.tded 2,1600 I ,'?- rotton ta i ,.,: at ii- ih. and fi tla ki Latmdon al ,(:..,l ' hKTllOLEt'M CHARTERS Shlp snn Joacquln. I.ei,. ? u, tahanghat, ea, ,h,o .? . reStiad. ?.'.???. a*. Jl -,-, ?-.-,. UriUah -'-.,. - . ? ' h< ii to ? .'? ??, 80 i '" r^M , refincd, 17c Mi.s, RLLANEOI S I IIARTF.RS Rrltiah ata amer T II t" a dli rct port, Klntrdntn gei - ' ' '-i,.-- t. Ll ver pooi. ganoral cargo: Britiah >-t? .n,.r ii -i.i,...r>-. i..n. : i i. ,_,,.. aeneral cargo: Norweglan bark r, o Komei r n . ' nitad Klm.-.l<?n. B7a ,-?<! oi .tlnent 90. ? s . . un ?. 85i ?id and B7i Bd Britiah bark City .. i. . '?'?... to bouthampton, 87a ,ai m,d 1,,-nee. 28a; Hrltisii atcainer Large Day ,.M. on priw ? ' . -. ? i i - Roa-ee !' - , IM u. Mutaiiln*. .-?.-.I. 4140. ?.j., -r -, M .:, >r, henca lo Jackaonvllle, gnano, 8150, a ,,! bae'k "i", l'i. !? i, BS 30 and whai looncr Alla M llawea Apalarhlcotii to Nea .Vorl 87 a-in **<. PH_VIHION_ PORK Waa deall in to :i inod-nt'* e\ ,...,,, ? 4? pl :?'?" bbU Meaa, prl ui/. i nn-. hl. u 'i ?id, and 8> 1114> l - f"r n.w: stiort < ear, 11 oOaaia 60' l-'.vtia Prime, 810ii810 ?'?". l'-..n,ilv XI.--. ?il, ,*!'.*. . n'l i i l'n raan-?l ind qulet. Cltv l xtra Indla \Ij.?s I,.;,. u ,,? ?.- ai U6; Vimllr. 8? 60-810 50; Packa't, in bbla, r.s,;-'.'. Platf, *;_-,' -'.0: M,-- 87 IHI.T i.\Ms_lii llcht rciuist. Quoied ,' 13 her, and ailaOat the Wead . CUT MEAT8 Rul 'imt - ti: n.. wlth a aood demand for belllea. saies. 40 000 rr- plekled in li n.i ii - avrMte. .'- - Plekled R-lll ','.,- 1,1,1 rielil, I llau.a. '?-" 7'?> . M.ok.d do r-U,iH\i l'lckled ralioalder*, -4 *??<? : >' "'*'d d-. B> JI I1M.I.I :*. xv. ik.i,,,l *t the o,.-et. clo?..l llrn,. Xt Ihlea.',, xiir I, ahort T'i- aold ... 17v".'..'." May, tV4-.ii5.5fl nilF-sSKD II'".s -a si,.Jl,> atrooger and In bettel d i!a,'?i, quoted at IV: 180 '? ? ? V. : Pif* ,?""' j Inn i_,ii- i, u.e day thrro ??.- a aiipht arrltoi fntlnued thi xx.-' bal the aubaequeni atrength i" gi ?__."'".?? , ahade hlaher. Jridme vas veta nol-iat r.ll arouud Ol '".a-h" BBlM, 880 ?'?-. I',. 17 ".','<i.'.O', cioa ',' ,,.,?.. .,|.?. i i-.i... teaa. ,-. and I ? uni *i. i. Bal, -. .".'-. t s. at .'..ii.'.,. janaarv ? '?? i al !- I - aaki d I rl rwarr ? I.i ,: ,-, ,,,. . n:" Marrh i oaed al 8.82i ; .......ii.:.-.-: Mav ? loa. I al B.51, , iiihi t.' i.i c>. !'?'.'<i.5l' ? I'.'luie.l Conllii.-'rl ,,,, ted 8.158 iVi'.'.e; .sontn America 7.10c . BLTT1 It i .olce *iU* :!... about -i-aih. but othatwMe ther* i-. a w, ,l. ..ii llhcrul arihaia a,1(i aloi* trade. Btate ( ; nn r'.' lu.. ' ? ' '? - '-'"'' ? | ? j..,,.. rlvanli Cr. an ery b t 28. l.l' In l'n au. T-i fauci ilH*29e: Wcatein Creamery. lane.. L7J do .liolee ?-"' 124V; ilc. falr tu iiaad, I9r72lc; II-1 ,,-,- 1"?Ji. >ut ? Creann-i . mode, -'-'" --,. ? !>,:-, li ,|f -,..:.ii- tuba, ur i ?'!- I I I md? f'in.'.v .rai-. 25R20C 208S2e; fair. rai r, I". . '7 . *- ate inl x. flrklna and toba, fanev ?:':.'-./:''. : el lir 1 Mali' Dalry, Brklna, ? h.-.l, ?? to fancy, _l<i.'."e. fair ' ]7/f_0r '".?-? ?? ' :'i ? 'i 'Hii'i' .i,.-:,-. 2: . ? 1 - -d ; f .!?- I3,i I". W. -i. r.i Dal l rhol I I i . , . tai !?? '* ? i . I ? I June, II 014c; 1 - O...U, i:< .? K. ? h I ' ' i" ? iii . MEESE?Flrinir n aii.ialr,"! In |,.i, ? ou ateadj d-maoda, both Iroi shii-i'-i- and n.. h,.n.-' trad 4UV Ia,',n. f. n ir, i I, ' -i Bde red n ? ? '" 'I n ui,..-'. 'i'., : Hi . ? . ? . lull i.k!ii'?, i,i I. : luht akima "? '' Wi atern 1 I ;... ,- : !? i iiaylvanli akima. 5 foi th, atiy, -i. -.;'' i n,r.\ai? ;,,, i uiifavorable *?'? -'? Sl ;?? .,.,,; Pi '.ii-' |. anli h -;i -'7 - . j i-.-./'.?'.. !lu . tl 22.;22*-c r,ll |.,, :.*<1. ?-'.'.'.?-. ; :..-i. ..--. 10<221e. -il . :i \ I Dull ind . nel >.. d Ib b. I I; eli .. -. UrJ, r.. ( t-. ;.',.. , ,' .. I ' ' ' ? ?-?,,^1; B \'x -'? -i ai .'h au*-d*-. but ttadlng ?1o.r. lalei t_% '? i*i ' ? ? trll. |al OO :? il ' - to thi .' Sul'-ii Reflntna Co. iforroerly ,;:, i :.. Fair re* flninp quoted it I 0-lfi*'?Xac. C?-nfr:frg?I. fXT teat BV , do . a'llaf.. :i. . IlTI-'irrn-iOi-ll ?n1 Nther ?a?i*r lo jc a e >-a-' - Crt-ahad. 0%. . ( ut i.oat, 0.,. i ah??. t. 3 1' ? P(,wcler,-d i. .'-li'.'' i.i"' ? l.i'.-l, 8 15-18 ; MCO'd ''A.".V*' "A." '4 16-J4k': Blaudard -a.'* 5?ae;Oi ",x " rT*ajt5 8-l* : Whli ' .'.'?.". 7{1G. : Estri "C," 5S"*5'ac: --C" tn; 6'-llew-. 4?.e sF.l.ii>-\ o'.let n.ari-.. r teed-ar* flrm it 8e for food ar.l - Tiif.AM'O?LlBht deilinra ha\? I?e-| the m|e. bnl ar* st.-ud.. Balea. 3',0 " ? ls-, w .*? . i ? ? r.? ? I8*> l'ennayivanla Ttavana, la1 -0 . a-. - h-.'-'i Dul -1*1 1 <'. 15. !" dr,"* i\t.?::n,-: nl-o tXO ?n'.-a Ila.ana. 70-<i?l 18 H ' X I.I.i r.V In fa; Pl ted at 4'.. Bali t, 100 i !'!-. \v.,, <:. T - i .-'u ? :?? s, ;.. , , doi haa ' . .11 t',-' |.a -t wi :'i pulled *o dj i ,.-,ir attention. ainl ?\i 600.000 IT. ,li:uiir.-1 aan i- ? ?( a.:. rat. - Th* sam. . ar rul ? l- adh ; 1 t>. *? bu*n ra, all l,a?1- look for an M. trad.- and carrr aii|.i>!:-? along at aath i.ixi, mih k M.xiii.i.i.s- na i i.i.i.c.K.'.rii. ,, . . ,, i ? , .?? ii". .i|.t> f .r ii.. \,4A II le an rtaV) h.-ri t ' UKal le "?*??> "'"" far. 8.2 I ? "' uZ ia- '????* l?"??0 hrad. rooalaned thr..',..:, I. I-*4 all to N "", "'' ia, "d si. rp and Iii ?- f t ... i ? ," 3800 h'ad; tclad fo. week th,.. far tfl.04* ),- " . ;?.t --.k. 17 -*".' l.eai .algned torwfrh. ad of 1.40U M Ne,..r,.rk; aaj_to lj? ';.d market falrlj aaUve, auad) a>nd uaa-haagad. lla?a t'.enlpts f-r un, p,,t _4 7,000 head; totnl for week ' ' |- far, 51,880 head; |,,r aame tlme laal woefc head; rooaltned tiirouBh. i :*"(. bead, of whieh 1,8*0 tn lew-Toeki oi .ji... 21,500 herid ; market dull ; medlnma i 'l ," ivi 88 70088 75; mlxed B800-*8S-5; heavy Vork r*>.|.n.ii; liaht d-i. 88 86: plc?. ?8 25./-KI 4.; ?ourh*. *.'f>o.,-;|.ii). ( M-i'-o J..., ki.- "Thf* I'.vrnln. .lourr-ai'' repo.t*: Cat ? R.*r"ipfM 11,000 Bead; ?hlp-i,.-nt... 3.000 Inad: tnarlct dull ?!-.< a...l ).n."?: eflaeia, e\tr- t>, fancy, 8588818: ,, rholce, s*4 ;.',i*?i'.i, eommon t,, medlum, 888 -, ??" ; .mi. h -.?? afarh 81 SOBBStB; atorken *fl eWw 50. Ilegi Kecctpu, 50.0 ii he.d iblpment-, 7,000 tv ??l '' lower; .o.ifz-ri ai.d BOaaawn liitlit uilvd. *8 30,ii*3 35; " "d to el,.,?, - n.l\Ml. *3 40,,*;i 15 ; pri. ?? h ,-, ' l.-.t, h r*' w laht*. .ir, ,183 35: llulH. 8*1 434BBB V. :-h-|. Itecel|*?, 8.000 heid; ahipireat*. 3 noo he.d. Market ?low, w.ak, lower; natl\>i Kl 75 15 10; Weatem, *4 80 .,*?? oo; aal f-aaaa, ?* 18*81 so, taaabB, ?i 78*8888. LIVR VTOCI MARKET New-Yf.k. Tm-adar. Jan. 13.- lU'.I'.vr.S-Recclnt* BB rarioada nf ii;n h.-a.i- t3 aHeaei far ixgirtaBon alree, it ? irload* f..r ahlpaaent tn Breaaad aaartflre. 27 aartoaafl eaa -igii.'l diii.t t,, ?l_-.i_l:t,.|"rs. aud a slngio ,:.i| t'ir tl." traik-t. Ko tradlaa la Ilve eattle. i-'-.-lin.* -t? a Ity treaaad i ,f in falr demand *t 0i?.8,- for eommon '" i'i,i.e natlv* *id.i?. Prhraa* aaWe ..dvlees from Orcat Britain quut* re. frltri rat .1 h... t *!v at 4 .d. nr iraut Be, per lh. and Ann-r. lean ateara aelllag at 11a 1J-, .-.tlmata-d drmed welsrlit, -li.kln. th. ?rfal. Bienta t.i.dav from this port. 206 eattle on th" 'ir, -lan. To-aMrfow Ihe Cryelal wlll tie laden with 455 attl,-. '.tu- llriUinni,- v !U, Tnn*t of beef, and tho Itl of ('hlf-xcn wtth 2,980 ainurti'i.. Mll.Cff aHW.-s -Rc.-elpfa 13 head. No Rali**. Feellnc 1"ll Ot rnmmon atoek, but st. adv for uood cowa. Qnota Uons ?'.'()? -i", ( \I.VI ?* K.eelnts 2(10 h-ad. of whleh 228 at 60th-at. -,. i'h for v. al- and V lower for barnvard calve*. nul Weeairaa. V'-nl-. 4"ld nt .',WSe for <on.m,,n t> cholce ; ?ai'i?a,i! lalvs n; gltc. \V,.?'..rim (|,iot<-d at 3.3 .r. "re*?.*d ,alv.-* duii at 8-810** fnr eaaatry dr>.-..>l vealfl - littlei .-ahis 4*a.??): 8.111. for cltr dress-d, with ehol,.' ?eleeted n.'lllnB ui> t.i 11 __ 12e ; and dr.-aacd barnvard calve* :md \V..?t..ri,i, roiiR" lu prl.-e from 5 to 7>-. 8a!cs-I|.ime *. Muli n : 28 Pennnvlvanla Calve*. 387 Th. ?t 3*4r per Th: 11 Veala, 133 Th. at 7',". Ii.ll r.,a i t Ii. uey : 2 Veals 163 Th. al 7c ; 2 do 187 Th, at 8" ; .1 uin.vard Calve*, 333 Th. at 3*40. NIIKKI* A.N'D I.AVns-Iteeelpts. 18 rarioada of 8 544 li-ad?11 rarlonds at Jeraer (Itv and 7 cailoed* at .X>th-?t. Van ll't'e d"m?nd to-dav. but aeUer* r?tcd thc 1 ? :?-1:? -1 >t<ad.v and w.**e iioldlnK ?lfh the cxpertatlon of n flriner fee'ini; to-morrow. Hbeep imd at 84 25..85 rtJ'a ; Lamis at Batrae 75; .uila ?t ?.', to. Iiresi.-d Mntion iiow at 7%BfBa; Presaed L*mb*i lower th.,11 laat ?-.k with sii.s at OfflOSc. HB.Wil... r .,.. I sh. : 148 Kentneky Hheen. 100 m average, at *:> 4S>a pei '.oo B?j BB 8a, ns _L at 85 02-. M.lollln-.: 1*<7 Ka,.*...* Kheep, 81 e\ek BB '-.'.. IIiirtu- 8 Muli. n : 17.1 Ma." I^tn.hs. TU tr, at *0 70: 7 do . r- -:i |, at 88: 35 do (Culla.. 7'.: Th ai 85 BO | 5 Sh ep, 100 a at <?_ , also lut" .,?-.'.,!.lav. 351 Mat" I?uiil,s, HO Ih, at sl 80. i' leabaeB * Dawayi b PeaaaTfraala BBeaa, hs m, ot Bt -,: 110 Pennaylvaala I.u.nb* (Vninmoni, 58 fh, at *o; B8 4 80 I".. a'. t'I 75. H(KW?UaeelDta, Includlnc lato arrival* ftateMav, were 121 rarioada of 17,881 h.-nd 19 eirload- at Jer*,.-.- a ,, .., ,5, ..t lOth-et Market lower in lympathy with tlio Went, B'iiI ii." .,. II:.e her.- ,n aitv Dresa, d. Closlna quo tatlon* are 83 50(13 80. A earload of very pnui" Ohlo li,,.-, -old at *:l '..(.. ( onntrv Dr. ?s..,l lo.fcr *nd selllne ?t fi'-juDe fo- llirht pp. r Jeney* . &4.i5_" for iijiht lower Jerteys; r,,i-r,ur tor medium we'ghta; I'-./l'ic for itootl heavy, and ifaiv for lle-.?. Batefl K',,1 v 8hea: H5 Ohlo Ho?s, e*timated to avcr aff- l'.*) m, at *3 '.kj par loo fh. Hunm t Mulleii: 27 htate Ilr*. 9. Th, tt 83 80. (iHAIX AXD PItonUCB AlAREETS. PFATURE8 OF NEW YORK nF.ALIXOS. The wheat market yesterday onjoyed a " see ?aw" movcment, tmt .inl<*d witli thi: bulla ln con tml. The inallBBB lu option* f.-ll unali-r ?_,5(X).0OO lit-liels aud thc tradlnfr was l.irf'ly Io<:.l ln aluai* a. ter. Tlie BablBl aauio llrm aai tliere wn* loflH Ball lag "tf ia .N'.iiti,A..--iciii nrrivaj., leading t'? uu early i*,.. Hm aaaaaa! on paaaafB bb Kurope laer i ai .'...?I.ikm) i.u.iiel*, nnd al.-.'iianecs wero -.mall. a.n.1 theae lalnencea i'?i t<i aana Mtttag later. Tlie btato incnt a.t tne KngU-tt vlalota aupply toiiowed, iii_nuiir_ _ dcrrtaa. uf l.tXXl.O.'O bt_.U*ls, ajut tlils ewplea wtth a *liirju cxport limulry und ii..; buayency ln A..|| s,;-.-i, . ;iu-.e<l a KCI.i'lil C-Veriiit* of -Bur,-.. 1 'Im .. ngc ol ratnea I talriy ihown bv Um novementa <if May dollvery, wlilali OfBBBB at #1 04 11. Ml U> f] M UB BBi cinla'fl at #1 1.4 8-6. Tiie Unnl n.-? _.;,,s raagaijron 1 .???,,t fnr lattaary to i-t eeal foi July. >|n.t wheat'Sl llrm t,n salcs of 3_,00. .ii-!."I* t>i aklpper*. t ,.rn aaa extreaaalg dull and dcvold of featur.. Cable* wara eatder, and the on passaico ln .reaaed 72(khi i,u*ha la, but the early weakiMSa araa recoverei fl-om In tympathy with lha rlaor ol wheat. Ii..i apttBOB ?-l..?-dl tieinnilly n, sh.ide hlprher. Bpol k>ta were oif l i?l-_ .eiit.and only baaheli wei>-_sa,id tu exporter*. .... * naarei fi-om realizatlon*. Cash lnts were l-4? 1-2 crr.t lower and the nption* ~?re off 1*193-8 ..-nt for Jaaaary and Febraary and unchangod f..r Mar. l.i'irl waa weak enrly, but ended flrmer. with nptli.t.s up 3f?2 aotata. Tliere were eales of 1.500 Itercea of lard on the apal aai to rtnive, but wlia-ther ,,u- exparl rould aol he learnert. The tiual f|iiiit;itions ven-: Wheat -Jannarr, s?i ot 3 4: February Bl 04 T-BJ Mareh. 81 Og 12; Mav, *1 04 8-8,' Jnlv, Os B -1 ccnK i'.irn -.Iai. unrv. N 12: Felinnry, 68 7-fi; Mareh, ?>0; MfTv. ".li 5-8 eeola. , lats-Janu.iry, 51 1-2; Fobmary. 51 Mi Mav, 52 ,'OlltS. Lari?Jaaaarr, .?>i l?; Febmary, ER 20; Mareh, fai 3_; Mav. -?,i 51. Th?- re.elpts uf gnlfl Bfti flour reported vo-.toral.iv at N'ew-York. Italtlmore, nnd lioston ware aa f.illows; Wheat. I.t,.120 bnshcls: eorn. 113,11.5 b.ishal-.: ,ats. 11(1,019 liiishel*: total graln, 275.727 baahela: flour. 40,487 peekage*. At Chlcagn, Mllwaukee nnd -t i.oni* ti.e> arrival* were: Wheat, .',7.:;i:i im.ii.-i-: orn, 111.033 btuhala: ont*. 210.207 l>ii-h.-l?; tot-il :nln. 188,079 bii*-ti'-I**: flour. 18.870 barrel?. THR TRADF. IN rilirAGO. Chleniro, Jan. 13 (Spe.'ial).?A gOOd many wheat horta eorered to-day. Other ahortaf whlle nol r"V rlafi di.i not Ofpoee Ihe Biaf-fit'i laetlnaUen lo raiiy l little. The erowi iren"ially was ilapaaei tfi play fot ;. reaetkni after th" reeeat bag ieeUae. Theae were thc rin.-f leaaona why al Blfhl wheal ihowai a traeUoaal gata over the opealap Tha i.nt.) bbwb, howeaar, waa baariah rather thaa bafilah. Theae raa aa Increa.f 864,000 on paaaage, ani cal.I.* !o*,il ;,t a little derllne. Borlaweatern eara, 213, were net ao large .- the/ ha*/e been. The arrtvat* here al*o ihowed ilgni 'f lettlng up. A decreaae I il... Bngllvh vlalble luppUr, talh ..f i*\pa.rt business ol Sea "..,r-it and OTn*Mei*_ble purrlni-iui; by liutchinson hi'lpi-d M rloae the market nt abont tt..- t ,p, Hay *..iai fr.,111 05 7 8? 86 ?" '?"'?:i ?? and ' loaed al '?"'? 7 __ IM13-4, It u.i- thal .1 iiiv, uotwltlista i(l Ing tl.e Btreogth ot Mar, (l.rt ?- ;| iaellne. t*orn wns heliMii -..une i.v au estlmate "f onljr leventy two ?nrs f..r Wednefday's .IpU. To iay'fl raw were ' .. nnder the exiiaclatlonfl. The wmple market ..,,..- ed ea ?. i.tu a-i ,*-.-.] strong, with eventlilng cleaned in, There waa con*lderabl? eoverlna by one ol th? large rrlbblngc mrerm heee. May aold from ".?_ i - to :,2 3 -,. -".'-' 3 i. and -loaed at .'>'-? 3 -. Oat* ?"re iteady. rhiefly ln -\nipathv witli ihe other ri-,1ii ln tl..* p,( May *"!'l f .... 15 5-8? 15 3-4 I i 461 1. and rloaed ?'.' i.. l -. i'.'.\,*i.,s were weak early. becauM the hng r,-. .i.l- :i> lin- lieen tlie a'si-e of late. arere over the i**i,::...'i*- There were 53.000 al tho *.ar.l-.. nl.naMi ,,,,.<!,, i, ,1 f ,r Wednesdny. When prleOj Were tbe weaikest, 1. iwever, there waa .. con*lder__le buy in?. llelped t.y the graln aiarBat, bayera eloaed pi ivlitom al tl.e top. THF STATE OF TBADE. Ilaltlmor- .lan. M.??*ottoii flrm: nitddMnfi*. 9*?r, Fi,>nr .lull: Howard-at. and Wmtern auper, .*??*.? 10; do do extr. 88 0.1 14 i" '" dn ramlly, #I50?*86; < uv Mllla, Rlobranda rattra aSi.86 2.6: wlntei r.heot natent. t'.t*.'. io -. 1.r111_ du .!., t'. L'i'fff?'. 10: .1" do atralght, 858)85 I ? '!" Bo ? itra 84 208*4 40. xvi-ai Kmithern qatet: fulti, D.V-8108; longbarry. 81*1810.; Ireateru qiilot; NO. '_? Wtotel '"I "'"I :""l lui.uil'e, '?''.'. <.'.i7e; May 81 02-81 02 V ? ?in? South, rn tlun white. 58_#A!c: ? low, .'.''-. n_e : Weatern ,;,-_.': iiiiv-d apot .>?*.-??,? >?<v-: Jannary, :,.-'*a'.* ',??; May. .,', .i-i,,:,.., .-, .. (lata iin,,: ungraded Southern and I'-iiravlannla. '48-58a*! do Weaatert* White 62?68e ; d.i ,1 . inlN-cl,' 50_51o; graded No. :. white, .'>?_"?.?,. .-.:.<?: do >! > ml.ted ?'.,''?. Ka.' iir.n : eholce. 81494420; good to pilmo, r?_)40c; eommon te lalr, 70878c. Mav ii'net: di")..' tlmothy. 81150: t""d te prteM do 810508*11. I'r., ? i-i,.',- quiet; meaa pork, aid, 81180; .,???'. Bll', b"lk in ii- i,?..<?, thouldeia, 5*-.><?: long elear, rlear i!i> aldeo . i -? : , plekled ahonldcm. 8c; aua-r .ur,l amok.-d ahniiider. 7e: bama, -iiinti. io',,-: large, 10VJJ 'aid, re iine'i. 7.e. Rutter -tuiv' creaatery, fanry, -"?'?; <i" r'i i.. .iini,... 2l<r_0c: dn imltatlon, L'i..:-'.' ladle, fancv, : cl? ..-...,.1 li, . h,??? ???. I7?i:ie: rolla. Hi"' 17.. 1- : da lan t? co.,,1. Iittlo. . ater-a paeked ln./'.'..' Kgi aloa freah ioiffit ' le, houae, lO.IDe. < " r. <? flrm; ? aooa fm, io*,, : No. 7. I.'1..,-. Sugnr ateady: lated Copper n' l>*t : reBned, 12*-i*fl2**c. xVhlakey qulet; 8121881 2*. Krelahta to Urerpool Hteady. flrm; colton, ::',.?; Hour, 13* Jd; grato, id; Cork fof ..'.i.-.a, -j. tMa'2* 1_. I'. "?',,.,. .lan. 18. I!"ir ru.d -.<ndv. n.rn qul.-t and Btrady. Oata quIH ind IIrm. Mnut* aearce; ipring bran, l- i ?_.->,-: wlntci Tran, 28.12*>*e. Othor inarii.'ts un rhanged. Reeeliita? Klour 3 800 bblt, S.flOO aacka; corn, 'iO.oob buah; oata, 20.000 btaaa; *:.ort*. 24 ton*. Bafals, \. V., .1*11. IS WImbI keurt Innulrj foi arrlng; 10,000 buah No. i harJ aold al 81 00; -"..',, bnah.pi ate tetm* rloalng al 81 ''?'. 10,000 mah No. I .aorth. ,., -,>,,l at +l , :i. 18 I 00 b i h aold il -1 084a, in.' at 81 o:ir.; .'? cara Mlnn, ipolla Xo i Nortbern, aold it *1 1 ,V. -! ,.. i, ; 0,000 bu*h .'*,.. 2 N, at Iiimtu'i.c. vviutei whi-at acan-e; No. 2 ? I i ..ii N... ;i i'\'m red. al No. 1 nhit.-. -t 00 , on tra.-k; No. .' . xtri white PO-ae; No, l *?ti:t?- <>r.'.',.:. al ?? r ln Btere. ( arn qnlei n id i ial, r: ?> ea.s No. 2 yi Ito* ?old at 37*137',.? : 11 al No, '?' do MS?*7c li ia.-- V, 2 :,i\?:, .'..- ; .", ,ar- >.,,. 14 sold at COc ,:;i tr.e'a. OatH qulet; i ean No. 2 arhlte, Me; 1 rar Na 3 xahit.- aold nt 0 No. ?_? tnlxed, I0*?_50i ,,:, track: Na 3 wtilti in tton 811.1 B'krd Barlei falr'i ? Uve: f0,000 baah I'liiada aold at BiTu -.'..-: lu.',', buah Mlehtoan aold al ! -'" : No. 2 Caiia-'U offered a*. OO. : No. il extn, 85<t80c Xo. 3, s-i.?8c; So 2 Weatern, 7*e; eholce. Miehlgaa, 78a" . Stau- oflered. K)e (lull : Nn. 2, 7 ik lu Ftour tlrm : tae-t patanl apr ug, *.'? 3uu?5 10 : d? *? InU r, ii Ou*, 88. Mlufeed ' Ifl er; ,oa:?- wlnter bran. --?.l 50 '.*iJ 'prlnj*. 4il_B-l 80 Ravclpta Wheat, I.4VXJ l.'.sh . ,. i. 43.. 00 buah; oata. 10/:' i bu?!i. Shlpn.euM-W heat. li',800 ba.h; torn, 30 000 U . i.; 8888, H'.OjO buih. CHlcago, Jaa. 13?lha leituni- futur-- rauged aa followa: WHEAT. NO. 2. Oveiilnj. Jln/lieat. IjO^?*t. ClO-ln-. January . W-a 'JO. ?'JJ* l?o*4 May . DU-. *J0J4 i'5Ta '?*,'4? iuiy. w 'J2*a Oi1* i?i-J? CORN. KO. 2 lan-iarr. 4?.ia i**, 48?. 4BV l-..hruarr . 4'ja, l*_ 41)'. *-'44 May . ,. 53*3 ?-'*a 8-'-a 52^a OATS XO. 2. aiiuarv. *8*a 43U 4??? 4;(ia Kebr arv . 4'. a 4'1'a l-'.'a ''?'' IMM I'."* 4.V3 46S *u_ MK-SJS POUK. PKR HUL. Jr.nuarr .?10*.*7.-j 81081. ?H'--'0 810a_*j ) ? l.i-ii-irr . 10?7. in 12. in:i'i I0 4._ Mai .10<**0 1888 10 75 10*. I.A1U'. IT.a IfO Bt, lanuarr . 5 HO 6 ?0 IM fJD r-i.ruarr.5 H, f B7*j 8 83 ain, .. ?. aai irr-a 888. 817-8 BH.H'.T' IlIMS. 100 01. lanuarr .. .. IM ;> IV'L* '? "J e"r,,arr .. . . I ? >U*I ?'? _\ 'j,, :. 4. . > 5 4J- iat , .-I, n c'nt .,?, ?,-|- a* follnars : flour flri.i and BB). M,ii,.?1 : :..,. .' aplill* "I"' I "' ?' N" ' -"' "- ""?' 17. No - iea. \n*%mVt_t No. 2 eora 18* No - 1 \? 2 r>c 70e : Ro. 2 birlev noinlnal ; No. 1 (laaaoit, 11 23; prline tlmoiny aaod, 8127, uiaa* purk p?r bU, f io BBBMB 37 _ ; l?rd. per 100 TT), 88 T7**r??*M 80; abert rlbo alflea, Iim*-..'. etOOakiVi; dry Mlled ah*.'>idcr?. boxed, ?l IU.rai-0; abert i lear sldcs, N.x.-d. I'i--/.a". 80; whl* kev. dl-tiliers' nmshed irood* per aal.. 81 14; autrar*. un ehanRed; No. 2 whlte oatt, 47c; Xo. ? whlt>- oata. 45c; I??. . harloy. fra-o on board, 03i*7'.'c, No. 4 do. 58c. Aru Iterrlpt**. Shlpmente. riour, bhl*.. I'l.WO Ifl 000 Wln-al l.iish. 8*1,00.1 30.(K*J (oru. b-Mi.. .6.000 101,OOO Oau, h.isl. .::.177,000 104,000 Kv... buah. 8.000 1..000 Barlcy, I....I.. 07.000 .0.000 On it..- I'rodace r.rhanga to-day the butter market wa* stcady aud um hang.-a. KBROt UaSBa. Mliuifapolls. Jan. 18.-There was s ?"?id all-around i detr.and for ?pot wheat. and for No. 1 Northern tbe ln : q.ilry wns latR.r than th" otf ilngs. and ,-. i.?;d"ial.l>- was 1 M>ld ti, ...Iw at .......?t as (;,H>d |,.-li e* as were i?ld fo. iimt dellvery. I,o,al mlllen. were,the bl. bnyera and I their rnii.p, UUon f,,r, ,-d the pil.e of contrjcl rrado wheat ! up to wifiun aboei .'ic ..f May-eoaiathlaa that i* aai < aii ,, fi'.i". fievatei eompanie- were bu-.ln? tash aml spillnir Mav and a><-al|s'is? were plckln*. ap fio.*d ara-lea, ?.. ' thnt th" aBartaga were weii i-i.-amed up by nooo. Re , I.'* f.,- 2t houra, 182 ear*; ihlpment*, ">7 cat?. Cl**e: ;... I h.ird Januarv. BlC i tm tra-k. ,'-? N... 1 Northern January and -'ebniory, *-*.>.': Miy, 8B_t_8B*Be; on track, . OOtftiO-C : Nn. '.' N'ortiVrn Januiiry, **V ; .*i tiack, 87.81*-". I'hll'Ml Iphla. laa. IH.-Klour reeclpt* were moderate and awrket :ul"'l stcady. but buyer* a*era opetatlnit only for liiiiiicdlat" want*. Ry. flour qulet aud llaaajf : <H 80 for cholce I'i-nii*vlvania: Ivn-kwheat flour ln small aupply aod llrn. #2 ".'>,,*' :.". per H>0 lh. a- u, qualitv. Wheat m.rkatt ruliii -t adv under light onVrinn*. I.ocal mtllei- were I,,:\n..Iv f. r liumedlate wants. and thcr* w*. Ilttie or ii., Inqulry f?r oximrt. Quotatlmi* for futur-s w.-ru lari_ciy nomlnal. rtufad.-ai ln kmIii depot. 81 0".-.**! <Ml: No, . i..t Jauearv '.)'..'-_.-<rtl: K. bmaty. 8100'4?*101: Mareh. ?1 0'."4-1*103; A|.,ll. $101\_flOV Cota Reeeipta of ...r,,,s w.-r" more lllieral. nnd tlie market furth.'r d" ellned 1" under ? ?low d' mand and iner._.d pre??ure to tu-ll. Futurea raled eaaady, witli small nff.-rin|ts ln the <\;.ort -t-TBtera. but fui-lcii d"mand eondnued Itaht. Nt amer No. 2 uil-... lu -raln d?|H.t ai.d .nth-st. elevator. _n.c; No. '-' v.-llow ln graln depot early, <J0e; No. 2 n.l\,d and yelloa lu uraln dop-.t aud -Oth-et. "lmior, :,.; No. 2 ii,i\,ii January. .18.8301 ; Pebruary, .-,__ .,.,.-?.? Mar.h. BB .irfloc : Aprll. .>0*_<.(>0c. oata-Markct aaa weak and d.-elln-d _???'." u..d.-r lnerra.*>.*d pri-ssurc to sell and easter r.-p.rts from the Went. Locaf trado demand wa* tltflit. N? .1 While, .",1": unerad'-d whlte. M.c: No. 2 whlt", r,2r. 31*.fl *?kln_ at the clo"-; No. _ whlte J:wiu ary, 61.<?il'?c; F.hruary. B8#g_'eei Mareh, 627i,rS3's^ ; Aprll. .">:i -ff.".4e. IV.s oteadv; Pt'iinaylvanfa flrst* 27c. -,_dr: full sklms fe. Sufar?Reflned qalet; l*rnuulat.'d, .? IS-lOffO.'.,"-. flrmer aud Iii falr d? in.ind : whlte |*otatO"s. |n*r buih. ron* rennsyhanla. rholci-. + 1 21 _*l 25; roK,-, Ne?-Vo.k. rha.lce. ?1 l.'.-ll :'0; d., do falr to sood. **?! 0.'ifr*l 10: Burbaii!:*. hebron and lUrs, cholce. *1 I'hel 20: do do falr Ui Bfsid, 81 0.',-'*l 10; i.ii.noth |x aii. BbotoB, 81 05J81 10; ScoU-h Mignumi, per I 8 r* *.:.. k 8888-21 Nova s. otla M. r.-rs, per 18<> tl. ?*'iek. t2 7',J?*2H*.. ai.'her artleles i-n'-hanaed. Reeeipt* ri?ur, 1.700 bbl.; wheat. 2.000 buah; corn. 15,100 buah; oats, 20,000 biish. Mi.pni'nta?Wheat, 2,200 bu?h ; com, 8,400 bu?_; oat?, 11,700 bt:*h. OIL MARKETB. OU Citv, Penn., Jan. 13-National Tranalt ccrtlf.cate* opeiied 78-_e; hiaheHt. 71c; luwastt, 73??c : cloaed. 73*|C; ,i... iL'.iiiaiO hhls; rlcarauct'i, 13-.0OO bblit; ahlpmenta. 110,042 bbls; runs, 04,510 bbl*. i ituburf, I-,...... Jan. 13.- 1',-troleum very dull: N? " Trai.slt eert!fl>*t.? opeucd at 73'4''; cloned at 73'?c ; kighea*, 74c ; loweat, 73 _c. Bradford I*. un.. Jan. I.t.-N'atlonal Tranilt certlflcates op-n-d at 7.*"?e; cloned at 73*4C; hlgheat, 74c; loweit, 73N.I",. cl-antnaes, 2tJ4,a,.V' hbl*. Ccgul Ifottett OUFBKMK COUKT. CITY AM) COlM'Y l^ OF NF.w VOKiv. The Ncw-York I.lfe Iaaaiaaaa aud Tuist i.'oini?iiy, as tru.l.ei under a*->igiiin>nl lu truat by Napol.-on iiun,-l, plalntliT, aitalust Kr.*d.*rlc lt. Cou ii.-rt, Charlea I'oud.rt and l'.iul l-uiPr. as anrillarv adn.ln latratora of the i*'i>?ds, Ihatletl and cra*dlta af Iiamai BB poieon Uuacl, otherwlae known _m Mapalaaa Baael, ik* i"a-d; Marie Ai.">in.tte Alk.-r. Napolt-ot. A. Alkcr. Ku. u,j,.. \. atkei iit.'i ii- urv ffapaMea Buael and " Marr >^rle?," tln- dauitli'-.r uf Bjaaei IJiilea (th>- iald Nancv l_,,le? havitiR be.-n formerlv the Wife of Charlea F:nille Buael, d"i'.-a*>"d'. *.t."d by the name of " Maiv Earlea." h. r true nama betag tu pla-ititl* unknown. d'f.nU_i,u. Am"..dod Kummons. To che alHiv<--i.ani*d d.fendant*: You are hercby aumnioii.^l to an*wer the amended com plalut ln this aetlon. *nd to aerv.; a "onv of voiu answ-'r nu tlio platntltfi.' attornevs within twenty davs after thc aervice of this ameml.-d *umm.n.?. exclufllve of the dav i.f -. rvlea ; ai.d lu i?<e iif your fallure to apnear. or iiii?t. Judproent wlll be tak'.-a aL-alnst von hv d.'fault for the rellef demmded ln Ui" amended compialnt. Di'-.-d Jauu-ry. 1-. i>. E.MMF7T . KOIUNSON. 1'lalntllT*' At'.orneya. Oflice and l'oatofllce Addteai. N... .-,2 \Vill.*r.. N. Y. Trtil dcl- ' 'n the Cltv aod ( otintv of New-Vork. To " Mary 1-. ?? " the daukhtr ofTlancy I-'^rlea. sued by the name ?? '< Mary Earlea," h.r true name b-'tn. to filal'itlrv*. unknown. and al*? t.i the *ai,| Nanev h-; p i-.:i \\\u, wfeiom ti." -a,d ? Marv i'.arps" refltdea: 'l... foregolna amended lummona ls aerved ui>on you. by ptiblleatlun, [iiirsuant ',. an oider of Hou. Henrge I'. An flr-ws JuaUc" of Mi" i*apreme Court of the stato of New. York, flat.-d th" twalftn dav of I)"<-"nib"i. \h%0. and flled with th" ,'oniplalnt and amended lomnlalnt ln th" nftlco of the Clark of th" eitv and c.mnt.v of N-w-York at New York, on December 12th. 1800. _ KMMF.T . P.oniNSON. I'lalnttffa' Attorneva. CMJVK V.M K C()I?7n~TiTY AND COI'NTY k-l OF BIEW.TORK.?Oeoiffl P. Morean. plalntlff. Ro.w.ll **i,r._iie .r,i...-s. d-fendant, Trlal d"elr?d In tln- Cltv and Countv of New-York. Stimmon*: To the Bhove lianod ri-fend..nt: Y..U ;>'. ? h-i.l.v lummooed tu answer the complalnt ln thi- :. tion, and to s. ;ve a eojiv of vonr ?niw?r on the plalnttir-, Bttairnev* within twenty dav* after thn aerylee nf this sun.tnons. evelualve of the day of n-rvlc*; *nd In itwo ot fallure t., aptv-ar or answer llligmnl wlll bo t.ikeu ajraiMst you by d, faalt for tho rellef demanded ln the eomj.lalnt. " - Dated V-w-York Citv. Novemher 18 1w?0. BEWARD, ait'TiiRiF. .'. MouAwrrrz. Athorm-vs for Plalntlff, Offlee and postofflce addreis. No. 20 Nassau-at.. New-York Cltv To the ahove named da^endant: Pteaae ta'.-o notlre, that upon your defmlt w> appear, or anawer the atiove summons. judun'ent tn this aeSon wlll be taken mmvlnst von for th,? sum of three thousand two huiidri-d and e!elitv-four dollars. with Intereat feom Juiift 1? 1**0. to.other' w*lt,h the co?t* of this aetlon. ? SF.WAIM), HUTIIRIF. * MOKAWRTZ AtN.rn.vs for Plalntlff, Tn Jtn-welt Spraeue .Tonea, th" defeadant nhove named : The foreeolna -ummnn? Is s.-r.ed anon you by publlra fli.n pvr*uant tn nn ord"r of Iton. (leor.e 1*. Aodrews, lustiee of the Supreme Court of the Htat.* of New-York. i t Department. dated the 10th dav ,.f Deeenber. ifioo. and fl!"l wltb 'he lomplalnt io th" ofrlee of th? elerk of Ihe Cltv and i'.?,ntv of New-Y,.rk, at the County Court IIliM-.. ... .--,. Pated New-York. nee.mher in. 18BB. ?.____ BEWARD, OUTIIRIE ? Ma'RAWETZ, ri.lntlff,? Aftornev*. Offee and poMofflee addr"ss. N?. 29 Na?*.an-?t.. New-York nt Public Xottccs. _SSESSMEXT NOTICE. A BRI 'N.WTCf. CON'SOI.IDATED GOLD MININa COMPANY. LocatlOO of prinelpal pla.e of businesa, .*-.\N l*R_KCIf4CO, CALIKOI'.NIA. 1 -.'.'.tion of WufkB, Orasa Valley Mlnlng Dlatrtet. N"\ada County, Oal. N'OTICE IS Hl'.l.l.'lV a.IVl'.N tnat a ...... Uny of the Board of Dlrectora h.ld on elghth day of Jaauaiy, lb'.H. an n.i. 1i of i'wn eenta (Bc.) |s-r *har" was levled upon the capltal -sto.'k iif tlio i'?rpoiatt.n. payable Immcdl ,t, |, I,, L'nltcd state* gold coln t.. the tsecretarr, at thc oflice of the Company. l.'mm S8. Ne\ada Mm-k. **-nn Fraa , i.. ii Laiifomia.of to the ,r.,i*,.,.r. Laaaabery, itoAi itroad vay New.York City, Baite af tfew-Yerk, prior to the Ihlid day "f Kcir.iary. 1891. , ? M,v atock upoa whleh this a?s ssn.ent shall r-maln nn pald on tlie tenth fiotln div of Fehruary. IHiil. wlll he .1. ;n,......nt. ind advertUed f,.r sale at publle ?uet4oo; and unli -' paiP.cnt i- made i.. r..r.-. ?ili be aold aa iml-.v, the alxth day of Mareh, IH'.M. to pav tne d.llnf|..ent BSieaflflBflat tov t i. r wllh co?U ?f ."<!.. s-rl-I-in an,, of aal,-. i;y oithr oi the llo:ir,i of Direclor*. *_? STAUTKELD. JR.. SeereUry. NOX1CE 01 SAl-t. OK LAMPB AN_? xl_Nl__l_Nxa l-'OU L'Nl'.vlD A-bi-bBMENT*. CITY OK NEXV.YOKK-ilNAN'Cl'. \9YJfJvATHJXT. lll ;iAi T'H'. J111; COLLECTION OK Ats-aEbbMLNlS ANI> AH.ltK.Xll- Oi- i XAl'.s ...,D A**J AM' 01 ? XVAT'CH HI'.N'1-s. BTEWAKT Ul'lLDIN.. So. 2*0 HKJ.XDWAY, November 8, lt>W). USDY.ll THE nil'KCTION of Tbeodon VV. Myeia, i ornptroll.-i of U.e City of Neu-York. thc un aoralgnod hereby gixca public noti.e, ourauaiit U> the pro ai-mi's o' H- ,'Uoii '.CO ottl.r N.-.a-Yor- Clt) Coinolldallol. ,vt ?t 1***-'. that the reapnctlva ownrrl of th>- land* aud t, I, ",-t,-, within ti.,- Clty or Nciv-Ynrk. on whleh aaaaaa. mcnti for loajal Improx emt-ut. haae bcea laid aml connrnu-d accordlng te fiw, by 'he Board of Ke.lalou and l oi-rectlon of x*.e*am-nta, now reinaliiing iiii;,al,|. and whb.h were conllrii,,-,! "lurliiir th.- y Jt IHHil and i>.-!i>r thereto, ar" ro to pay 'he anvmnt of the aaaoaani.-nta ao dua and ie i lalnlng iinp'atd, U> the CoUector of A*a.*siiiinta and ( lerk of Arreara at hia Dttl,.- in th. rinanew Departni'lit. Room No 3', htewart Muiidine, No, 280 llroa4way, Mguthar ?ith th.- intcnat theiHion. at lha rat- of aarefl per com per annuu.. ki ti.- Ume of payini-nt, a*.:t'.i the ch.rgea of thla 881188 and tli,- idvertlaen ent. Xnd If dffa'ilt ahall be made ln ailr-h pox-ment. auch landa and tencti,-nt-. wlll be *old at tf-.hllc aucann. at the County court Houae, ln ti?; Clti Hall Park, lu the city of Nattr. York oii .Xiondiv, the 2d dar of Mareh, 1801, at IS o'elock nn B, for the lo-.-st t>rti, of year. for which any person ahall'olf.-r l? take th? sau.e ln inii-i.le.-atlon of adx-anatng thc amount of the aaaotMment s? due and unpald, and the Inter.*** and ehar-ea the'eon. a* Nforetald. and all other ,i,-t-< md chargea tliat mav have aeeruod tberoon; and *u.*h ill .... .oiitlnu.'d from tln,- tu Ume untll all thc land* i. a tanementa a, adverHaed for aale ahall ba *old. And rioti,'- I- her,-hv furtlier srla ri that I detulh-d atate nvut of tli,- MMlBBVBtB. th- nunerahlp of the propertv ?I and on avhlii, t'i- Baaraaata nte nre due and uiipnld, I- uublial >-d ln a latt:,iilil. t. nnd that eoplaa of the pnmphlet ar. depoalted Iii tVe ..ill.-- ,*f the Coll'-etor of Aaaeaament* and Cl'-rk of Irreara ln the Flnanee Denartjrienti, and avill be d-llvered fo 'mv Mraon apnlvln'.' for th- time. n i.oxvnr.i: smith. follecfnr of ,\a?e.a,re-ifa and ("lerk of Arreara. m ^muscments. BBOADWAi THI.A'i"i.'K. Kxonings at 8. MR. LAWRENCE lIAItrU'TT, MR. LAWRENCE BARRETT, MR. LAWRENCE IIARI'.KTT. aupr-orted by Mlaa Uale, ... vvilliajii Youug'a tragedy, (iANELON. .iANELON. Matlnee Jan. 17, llOMKO AND JI'I.IET. Xfr. Barrett aa Ilomeo. Ml*a __t aa Juliet. *?? Monday Jan 11). FRANCESCA DA RI.MIN1. REMEMBEit. LMEMBEl.. BKO.VDW.XY THEATRE NEXT SfNDAT EVEN1NO. Crand entertainnient under the. aaiapicea of T 5 A'a. Y lt- NOXV 6V laUX_6 ??? ?0 aTY'sTTHEATRE. 6roarlxvB>' _s _(it_-t%. I'nci r tl.e roanage.nent Of AL'GCSTIN DALY. Every Evenlng at 6 Ao. Matlacrea begiu at 3 THE LAST~WOKD. "?Tha ONE-IIl-.MH'.EDrH PEKFORM ANCE on Sat., Jan. 17. TO-DAY AT 2 I.aat Matine-x but oae. fsaturdar. Jan. 17?Twegty-iiuith aod :aat Maiiat* Mor.dar. Jan. 10--I.aat Peiformance. Ml?* r.e'.an. Mis- I.ieii. Mr. laBwIa. Mr. CiarUe, Mlaa Irvtqg Mlaa Cheatham. Mr. XX hi-atlelch. r...nd. llerlyrt. .??TiKsriAY NIUHT lANCXKY 20TH. Flrat I'l.aln.'tl.'n ?f kharidan'a fan ,"ia ?ld cotoedr, THE s.', i'oU S( AaVDALj _ ;<. TF.i. aV l;l.\I/> CO.NTEI.T' HALL. :,ii!.e.s Monday. *JradBaeaTay, BotttrBtB. Thr Knaelah Dran. *r j I l? >r.>f I A)(MKV(*ITA. I MINNII '! NMNUIIAM. PVLMEH-S THEATRE, II a IJ ami |ntb-s| XI, A. M 1'AI.MKI*.. -ee.M.n-f^r tvenliia.'* il 8 l? Samrdai Matlnee at 2. I .1 IMI XTH* Bl'CCI sij4 ,,! MR !'. 8. WIl.I.Ai.'D and Mil. fxl.MI I*. **? ( '..Ml'xNY ln HFVRY aKTIM H J0NE8- great drama. Jl'IUll. *** SaaU may he bookad two aecka ln advanca. THE LAST WORD. Ix ^mnsemrnts. ? -OLD StfAftD lUf-U* MJi.TK.POLJTAN OrEHA IIOl'-E, THCltSDAY |t_RM, JANCARr _.. TICKETB. 88.00. ADMITTINd (.ENTLEMAN AWO I Ai'i ks Boxea, ticket* and thlrd-tler *eala to be on talnod from Lleut. Jimei y., 118 l'earl-*t., and al the Armory. 14th-.t., comer Bta-ava._ A." CA-1NO, Hroadway and 39Lh-8?. Evenlngiat8:1S. .Ma..r,-e Saturday a'. .* "t'NAPPROACIlAHLE" IN TIIK MAONITUDE OF ITS SUCCKBS. POOR JONATHAN. AdmlMlon, SO eenta. ls -ou, oa aalu ona. moath aheaa. __***JAN. 1?, 10OTH NlttHT, SOUVENIIU*. CAMEMY. MATIXEE MATI.'KDAY. UILMoRE L TOMPKINS.f'ropr s 4 Man'a'r* FIIESH pENMAN TltU'MPIt. TIK'MI'SON JOSHl'A 1 CO. WH1TCOMB. _ ? *.x : WOKTH'B, MMR : WOKi'll'., ? aad x.a eill-AVBL THEATRE AND MCftEUM. THE MODKL <>.' THF, WORI.D, OREATEsiT COLLECTION OF Cl'RIOB AND ilRANDKS'l STAWE S1IOW. WYOMlNf* DICK AND C'HEROKEf*. LOtT. Ailmiss un 10c. Open 11 a r.i to 11 p. m. A.~ MaUISi.X I-QI'aRK a.ARDF.N*. ERIDAY, JANt'ARY 80, a.a CARMENC1TA HALL. X.> Carmanclta'a cntrec at 10. Cirmeneita'* dao-e at 10 30. Tl.-kets, ?.".. ili.v.'? accordlug to locatlon. For aale at the leadlni* hoteli and Koater L Blal't Bea Office. _ AMBERG THEATRE, Irvin*. Pl. & 15th-st. THE (IREAT OPKRATIC StVCEf**.. Every even Ina and S?t. Mai the ? Poor Jenathaa, _DER ARME JONATHAN. _ BIJOE THEATRE. Hroadwar. near 30th-a8. Every nlfht. MBBBBBaa Wed. and Sa*. 10TH WEEK and LAST Dl'T 0N? of Hovt's .iMitest Sueeeii, A TKX1S S T E ? It. A T F. X A B N T I I R. Jan. 20. Nat. C. itoodwln. In THE NOMINT.E. rjHICKERING HALL. DE PACII-USK. THt.'RSDAY AFTERNOON. JAN. 22. Tl'ESD.VY AFIBKN.ViN J,\N. 27. IHFRMlAY AFTERNOON .IAV. 20. FAREWELL CHOPIN RECITAL8. with NEW PROi.itAMMES bi VLADUR DK PACHMANX. Course tlckcte, ulth tatka, Four Doliara, teady Tfc.ire*, day, Jan. 15. at Chl. kerine ll.ill. _ G"\I.T>1.N 1 lll'.ATKK. MfiJii-on-av?.. _7th-$t. T. H. FRENCH _ MON.MANAirERS HANDSOMl-S. IN THE WORLD. Abaolut ?!> flrepreof. FOR A BRICr F.NOAUEMENT ONI.Y. Every Evenliw at 8:30. Matlnee Saturday al t. 0.O O.O 9 MR. BEAU 1 RICHARD MANSFIELD : ? ! BRUMMELt*. : 5 G ,.o o.6 *_* BPECIAL rilCKSnAY AFII.I'.NOON AT 2. ACTORV I I'.Vf. VATINF.E Rl NF.FH "THE DEVIta IN 8EARCH <.F A WIFR." BY TIIK MAMIVTIAN ATH-ET1C CLUB. Bpaalah liaiiet bp the Memben._ liAND OFEBJi HOI'SK " Reaer\*d acati?Or-heat a Cl.clo and Bal-ony?80*. STF.ELE I xfriv-pv \f_[| W,,<1 * S"' MACKAYE'S | MONB1 MAD. . M-tinee. NEXT WFEK-THE tX-PECTOft. c OLUMHrS THEATRE. Evening* 8 15. Matlnee* Wed. and Rat.. 2 p. a. AFTKR DARK. H .MMERSTELVs HARLE.M OPERA, HOUB-C Evenlnea. 8:1.1. Matlnee Saturday. 2 p. Rl'SSEI.L'8 : CoMEDIANm: THE CITY DIRECTORY. HAKKiOA.N s TllhATKh. 3VrH-_T. AND OTH-AVE. M. W. HANLI'-Y- .gnkiagia. MR. EDWARD HAKRIGAN. _RE1LLY AND THE 100. HERRMAN.YS THEATRE. BROADWAY AND 2-TH-ST. Wdav*3 HEKKMASX. ANI) HIS WONDERFUL ENTERTA1NMENT. STROREIKA. ULACK ART. THF. RoYAL JAPa Evenlnas, 8 30. Mat. Wed. uid Sa4.. CROWDF.D HOUSE8 ALL TIIE TIME-_, LYCEUM THEATRE.4th-ave. and 23d-8a. DAN1EL FRollMAN .Managar THIRD MONTH AND LAST FOTR M'.II'IS LAST WEEK. I -The idb-r la th* THE IDLER.' LAST WFFK. I moat perfe-1 plav of TIIE IDLK.t. LAST WEEK. 19* i't-ooi -i*r pi... THE IDLERj LAST WEEK S3- * N?;?v TME IDLERJ LAST WEEK. ?S*d.''-^Spirft of the TIIK IDLK.IL LAST WEEK. ! Tln,.??. THE IDLER. C. HADDON CHAMDERSS POWKRl'l'L ( OMEDY. Hoglna 8 .10. Matlnee Siturdav at 2. ?**N?nt Monday. Jannary 10?1-1 IVsT TIME?a ti"8 Farco Comedy. fron. the Fren.-h bv J. Comvna Carr, entltled NERVE8._Seata rady ThursdaT mornlng. METKOH-LITAN OFLKA H()l\SE. ORAND Oi'ERA IN OERMAN. TO-NIOHT XXI UN, *-DX Y. JANCART 14TTT. AT 8. FIR8T I BODCCTION THIS SI'ASO.X OF WA4..VKIT.-.S llltAXD OI'ERA, _-D1E MJSlgTERSl NOER;-_ Frlday, Jan. 10 _I_DIE MElsT I'RSI.VOER. Sat47rday Matlnee, | F1DEL10 (by r"(i'ia*t). Rox 4)ITI,-e oi>en dallT frr.m 0 a. m. (lll 0 P_m. BTEINWAY I'lANOS CSl'.D EVLI.MVELY. MkTfi-droLlTAN OPERA HOISK. ORAND CON. I.IIT for thc betnlit of the C.ERMAIY llO-PIlAL aud DlM'EN-jARY Tllll.SDAY evonlng. 8 D. m.. January 16. loi... wllh the aaalateMoa of xuiiii, ANTONIA MIELKK, Hoprano, Mr. l'HEOD'ilt REICHMAN, Bariteae ("Wlth kind jHTiniaalon ot laliuniid ('. *st?,.toii, aaq.) Mr FRanz Kl mmii. Planlat, and th,- Uorntaa LIRD. Li.KR.XNZ and ARION Vim a, soeli-tl. ? Admlsaloti, Bl. Vi mily ? 'Ir le, ",0 ee-it*. i;?*erved Saata and Bosea at Bcalrmer'a, 35 ITalon 8.',iar?. MADISi)N SQUAHE THEATRE. irl -.'iTir-ST. AND BBOADWAT. Mr. A. M. L'AIj.MER. Sol? Managat To-nUint at o.30. Matn..-, Hntardaj bi -? _?.X : ROSIXA : Suni.<.itd by ? VOKES. Fi LIX MORRIB X.X and her LONDON COMEDY Company, I'-esentlng TIIE Sldn-y lirnndy'a SILVER M1IF.LD. 8-AcrrcOMEtT.__L? .x _ vjiblos MVTINKK TO-DAY. 1*4 ENOLISH PAKTOMIM:: AXD -1'ICT ?CLE. BA B E S IN T H F. WOO D, 41RAND SCEXF.K. OOROEOCH ((.STCMFB. Children'a Mata. every xv,l aud *-at. EW l'.\l7K*THK.\TKK. Hii.'iv and SSth-al. _ POSITIVE LAST WEEK. TIIK Lll.H*. TI.XNS. P08ITIVE LAST XVKLK. THE Ll LIIM TlA.Vb, ln THE Pi'l'lL IN MAOtO. In TIIE I'I'I'I 1. IN M.x.ilC Laat Matineaj To-d.v at -' 1". I>- m. Next XVceg-LYDIA TlloM I'SOX. OTERO. NIGHT8. El'E.V -MAT. SAT. ONLY- Mi'r*E>_ T11E IMPERIAL JAPANESE TROll'E, AFT. <t LV<,. PHOCTUR'H THEATKE. TiD-S'F. EVERY KVF.NIMJ AT fl:1.V CHARLES FROHMAN COMI'ANY IN DE MILLE AND RI'.Lam 0'8 OREATX8T H1T, M i: N xv o m i: v. m r: N AND W '' M I'. X. M I v xv o M B x M E N XV 11 M K X MATINEE TO-DAY AND saTCRDAY._ t^ TAHDARU THEAT1.E, J. M. Hill, Mgr. THE Fi'.x makers. HALLEN AXD HART, IN TnE Ml'SICAL FARCE COMEDY, LA'lEl" ON. _MA 11N R ? SATCRDAY._ , CTAIt THEATKE. H*vny and Llth-ea. last i WILL1AM II. CKANE, j <l 4jl' w y tr q ?_ IN DAVID & LLOYI)' AXD 8VDNEv'liOSENKET.D'i COMEDY, THE SENATOR, THE RKXATOB, MATINF.E SATI ItDAY. Beata f.,r Uie \tt__ ___\ _*__"? BB *al*._ THE RENOWXE1) 1MAMST a\^a'D COM l'OSER. XAVLI*. SCHARWENKA. METROI'OLITAX Ol'KRA HOI SE. FRIDAY Arri-IR.VdON. JAN. it, AT 2. SATLRDAY EVKMNO, JAN. 24. AT 8 15. Baaarrai s<ata, ioc. to *i so. .** S-al" of ?eatt cotnmencea Monday. ? a. ?., at BM OBlca aad Behr Bru*.' Bai, Bi 888*8*8, _BEUR BROS-' PIANOS t 6gD.___ I'^O.NY PASTORs THEATRE 14TH-ST. aVOTTIE GIL.SON-THREE CAROX8. UAEBY KERXELL. LOTT1E 6IL.S0N-THREE CARONb R0'.?K.< liHQ>-yi.\.V*> and LL'RNS. RARRV LA R.'.ST'-SI.TER'i COl'l_0?. MATINEE ll'ESDAY AND FRILAY.. u MO.N sgi'AKE THEATRE. J M. BILL. MANAOER. NXIL 1 TBE BURi.ESS. COUNTV FAEB. 3D YEAJt IN NEW-YORK CITY. EVKNINOS. 8 18 SATLRDAY ___________ 9 HlH-ST. THLATRE. Near 6th-8TB. Every night Matlnee. We8 and Sat. 15.II WEEK. __ U7TII TO 124TH CONSECl T1VE PERFORM AVC__. Jovph Arthui'i l).?tliiL'i.l-li-d C ,n.-ir,, RI.I'K JKANS, Itl.l K JKANS. "Th" Oreates' Baceflaa of laa I<a?t Dea-.ide.'? ? "I t ,,c\e> wear .. ' ' Cctturea aitO iHce.utg.. RAPID-TRAX8IT COMMIS-JIOX.-A pitblla BMaalaf arfll ba held -' Ntelnnay Hall. Niw-York. on I'hursdav. January 11, IBB1, at S B. BL, tn h. ir ief| *? tioni teipi-rtlnii the loeatlon of ronte or M'lt"* ef r?/.A tranilt In the Cltv ot N-w-Yora. and to ..-,.,.'.d.-r nUtis foi Ike cenatructleo ef tb* aan.e WM -TEINWAY, ChalraaiaV