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AFFAIKS IX BROOKLTO. 1XSANITY HIS ONLY DKFKN'C'i:. ,fHF. MLRDKHKR Of DK. I.I.OYD TI1INKS 111M | SF.I.F FIT FOR nR\ND AND WITT TlllatBA, The defenrc of .lame* Doughtory. ?it trial for h * Me for the nmnler of Dr. l.eorK" F. l.l.'vd ;.t tha BlBgl , I'ountv Inwine was roiidurted in tl..- I'.mrt ..I , Over and Termlm-r ye-t.-nlnv. FaaBBT 1.. Hn,-Uu- :?!?- I pe*rr_ for Ihe prl-iiii.T 1>> dirolio,, nf tlie .aiii.l. j He .tated tliat his clienl dea la red he araa BBBM, V<'t Ma i only aaaaBas aaja laeaatty. Hb aratrteal hla eoanaal lo Bflf that whlle- employcd I.y a telegraph ewnpany Ba _c.ll riw dail.v work w.i- liriuaih bla nlillity. Bad lhal h-' ' rould BBBBBBBhaai gi-.uid and I-.?f 1 v -,tl,je, ts. Iie wutite*l ! to flt hlrnH'K lor ronip;.nioii*-lilp Wtth lha BBBM :?<1.?i*11 ?"-?? ..f -rome... who wns to liim th*' flaaal nf Gad'a ' ireatioti- ne eraaaei ihe aaaaa t<> aaa her. bat hla | aims were thwarted. nnd a**ter he reuirned laa* wns ? arreNted l,y men ia tha einpla.y ?f l.i* riv.l-. was , igdBial lnsivn... uml ipeal twentytwo mnothi ln ,i." a-vluin. Tlionia-s .1. . i.-M,. ol th'' Po*tal Telcgrttpli 1'a.mpanT. testiti.-d tiim afu-, in* earaawd ft"". ihe aay- I lurn he went fo tli" aittt. e and aaM he had been la* , pnsoned liecau*.* .,f Mary Andee*on. Kvi,1a-:i. .? ln re , r?rd to Doaahterr'* tondart al the aaylaia wa.- given by James J. Deeti.ii.. a former iteward al lh" aajrlnm; l?r. waif-r s. pieaalng, Dr. Juhn L. Araaht, Dr. Jahn ' ('. tshaw nnd aither*. lanaaliMIJ hBJ w;itton an essay upon liisnnity tfne* ; he has been'in Jail. DEATH OF WII.LIAM M. O'M.IFN. Wllliam M. ..'r.rin. ti... treB-kaawa aaaa-Uag of : New-York and llrooUyn. dled yesU>rday at the Klnir* | County Ho*piu!. fraai agaalaiy. Ha ?** takea m tha ln?,on aa MaaBB] Ba .laaBaaHea *s t<. Bla aaaKy. lt wa? aaaaaaaal Iteat ne ** hava baaa tha referee at ihe l HeiniiseT-Fltrs.ien.oni. prlre In Vw-Orl. an- to-ala*-. He beeen to -hn.. fltgan of pataaaa is*, weeh, aai raataB ).!? friends to Mra "I.e M.iili-,,:, .s.,uar.' l.aralei. ta* B greal rxhili.t.on. nnd to drnw ihllfcB for *1.?"?00.000 Ior e, 'jen?e*.. He herame \iole,it on gataidaj, and was sent to the Countv HoapltM. Tuo BXperB* in tnsanlty found his aase a hopel.-ss one. "liiily" OT.rl.-n. as be wa- BB?8 hD0?n, was aho'.t thtity y,-_ig old. aaid ll\'-<l h* Rr.-oklvn. He mnnij-fd n.anv aralfclag ii.aUh-s and oth-r BBBft-Bg arlalrs. lt l? euppeeei that hc lefl con?lderal,I.> B-BB* f, - * - COXOKBOATIOXAIi A8S0CIATX0X*B MEETIXO. Many of the ilii.Klu- In tlie New-Yafk BBB Ut'Okhn Caagrtajaklaaal Aaaae-Bt'aa arera i.gria.nted ,.: the annuai aaaeUag aaM ve-t.-.d..v la Ihe Rev. Mr. Ualltdajr'* Beeehei IHioilal Chatr-h, at MerhlawraB. and Reekaway-ave. Amonc gbaaa paeaaaB were BV Rev. Dr*. EMwatd Beeeher, Lyn.u.i'lt. I. 0. Ilol.".-. J. M. WBlte.1, F- P. ThWlag, and wniian UayB, Ihe Rtn: M- -- B. HalMBay, J. W. Malaoim. s. B. Mnelison, \v. ll. lageraall, B, H. Ba*. worUi. li. s. .i. c. a-aery, s. Wright Butler, .lohn E. Trav. i). ii'.tir Pratl aad B. BMaflt*. The Bar. Howd; . '.as ,-ho*. n for MeBCTatot, to iiicieetl r?t. .i. f.. Raktrta aod thc Bar. PJtaararth Beafllfl for aerlbfl aad Breawirer. i". Raaciia i>:"i B?ellai*8 '" aarra agala a* ''"? preaidlag rfBeer. I'rif *.*, 1'.. 1'. Ii.,fi...-' ntioaln.eai a diseiissSn u|sin ??OrcMeaUl an-l Tkoncht: Boiae Uhanet?l?Me? :,,?! Mutaal li '..'! Bavr u." reaalt of loroe of his leeeat rap .; " i In CMna, Jaaaa aad laBla. Xhe eveninu s. **'?.. .,?* devatel ... :> dlacaealea ef the ajaeBttan, "Wajr N?t .\,e, pt ti,. ;?.,?,ti. I'-ndltlea af the BlflbaaaT" la vni.ii the claima af Ihe ktaterk aptaeogate aera raa? i..d.'fd. ^_ a. \TI1F.KF.I) ABOUT TIIE Ta.WN. .iu- iiii tValtun, aho has brfB eaaploj-B as pjata ; al taa Barga <>:iia;* la New York ttaca thal ),:,.. iias I, .-ii i. ?<! tor Immlgratlon r*n*fpoaea, 'li'-'i > atcrtia] i: uu piioiimoalti at ni* hoaae iu Brookljrtii He *'...* a M'.ei-n Rremaii and ln tl.e Baya .<f the <>i<i Yolutitae i re liopsrtiaent heloofed to Englna Coaa iiany >'". -??? lia ,v:<- -'-cuv yeara oW. The Uijohlya N*at!oiiall*1 (Tab So. 1. "f v.iii.l. Dr. . ?? ; k. ii<i,iLiii.ii lia- been praatdaat. baa ?iis*..,i\.-ai !... , ... nf the iu. r???*,,;: iuti',-',,"* a.f -orlaliata uid Anarelilsis lu tlie toancil-i ol ti," orgaalaattua, The rlub lia- !?"ii n,.'.'ti,,-- a1 Montagae and Cllnton ata, lt wlll glva up it-- rooma aad dl*po*a of it- prapei'tjf. ; ? i;ev. lYIInaaa i?pa**ger, rahbl of the Temple Beita Elohlm, .,, tttate an8 U?bj1 ata., haa i>een .aiied to th" f*mple Kaunana Bl la liftii-avc., New Yoafc, ud ha* t'?at":''i in- r.*.'-,,..ti''i> to liis eongr-gBtlori in i'ro..i.!>ti. Ho haa beaB tor aevaa year* la eharga cf Bath K'.' iiii:' rongr-gartlon. The Re~. Bdward B. Knapp waa eleeted im-tor of Hm Oantral liaptHI i hur ii In Brtdge-at., h>t evening, to aareeed Wi an-le, i>.- llaJa-y .'? Kt.aiip, who in* reiipiicl. ? ? NEWS FROM XEW-JEHSEY. JERSEl CITT. T'lr.lK I-1 HMTIKi: TO BB BOLD at ArcTlOH. I., day afpUrattoa "iii ba m ide i,, eoarl t?, adaalt t? probate, .-.* Ihe l.-t wtB and leetaaaaal a,f Charlea Thtak-he, tli** letter toand la the reaaa where Ihldefea aad 1.1- aajai arUa draah pobon. Twa gravea in the >..\v V.,,1-. It.av'l'rv will )"* pwehhSBl fc*T QM 0-1 .i.iii.i,-. i, i- probable thai tha toneral aervleea wl|| u* hokl on ?|iiu,*(iav. it tlte ntorgV, and that the Rev. Mi M"i,,v wtll .,;,>". iii" tuniltura it the home ..f ii..- au".! (ouple, No. To Thoeii-at.. wlll be aaM al am Hou ;.' pay tae expenaea a.i the toneral The in*.. Pather ]i",.,."--\ of aa. Patrleh'a Outreh in .'(.an ,- very -.*iU.u-lv ili. Ha wa- talicn with h kuaaniibairr Kandar, a,..i haa heen preatraaed a~ar tinee, .ilthoucn ye-terday 11 wa* -aiat Ba waa na pi-nvliitd Thc Hev. Fathef Brady, paator ol Bt. AgaaUne'i i im,. a, i ,., ilu. i* buudlng a new pa,.,. hlaJ aebool ne.\t to the > ini.vii. m:\v.m:k Aaother detarhmeol t.t iftoan iptaaer* to take Um plaee*. ?,f thc *tr_ter* al the l tarh Thread .Voraa aaa reaelvad by lha roaipaay yesterdav. In MIU _s,-,,. i Miii-i; waa re tn.K'd t,i tall. The i-waipany'i offl'eei-i -av thal enough appllcatlons J,.,v, l,..,.|, i-e.-ivial flaiu: 0Ut*ld4 -ui,,,,"1 for lh.pany i" run the enttre thrae ailB* at .. .,.,1 i-apai lt; . MIU So. i waa narraanded by ,.i,j:(,.,. :...(. ..ia|ii,,'..?*. -imi oal bi Ihe strlke. wntrhlng , ?. (|.veli.|>i..i* ? .,timi.<r ol i-arder* a,,d fnimeit. , toi ..i ihe iii.ll-.. whlle ..ili?-,* vvli,, changcd nVi, iiiin.l* ai.'l i,':,"<! haeh were cbcered by the -.trlkers. hev,..i in'!-. ..i". wen gl the aiill. hul no vlolenee wa owi . -. .,.,,i I'onreylng all the property and phtiil ol |i,. || . Mijk-r A < ??? ft rtlllxlna work* t.. tho i i?-i? Agrii? (,'henihal Work* aa* reeorded yea t ?' ,? .' the pirlce being BIO0.00 ?. PATEBSON. A,ipu*t MaaehB. aoa <?. lha Belglan* ranntag ? *-aa-*ngl toetory al Cherry Lane, whoae arreal Par ihipping ii.*i'.-'.i i">r*. in.'.'it t,. Rnrope waa related yeaterday. I? ln the PBiaale Ooniity Jall. Juatlre i-enior. who ml Monday held the aaea In B-lOO ball i-a.l. for e\;.:,iit,:.:i":i. heard "??i-rdav th t Mn-'li" was prcBa-big to leave the eoanliTi Mttaehe ba8 ciii*''*-''? P*-kag. a FrciH'h ataanshlp aaillng rea ter.'..v a.,,1 'i:,fl BrTangCd tol hl* l>a rl ?.',. An.i.'l haylcii* '" P" wtth him. A nnnntlty of how ineal had t.e-'iT shlppeil on Uie same ve**el. Tbe Jii*ti.<' inereMs.f. M?*f.,"'- ball < ' *'',l,?- Blld ii* hc a.iiil.l na.t Und ,t ha ? aa i ommlUad OTBEE 8VBEBBAX TOWN8. Vf^STCQESTEB nM'XTY. r<iN'KK.n*?.-:,l.s? Br-pteanbat Dr. .tainaha II. Bah'h aet.t a petiiir.'. t<. t!ie> t'omtnon <'"iii"il aaking t" be appoiirted lu-iHii of the rlty al ?'.apliatton i,f i.r. Vatontln. Bi vt ita* term. Mayor Ulltward. lo ttoreaaher, nomlnated i?,. Bak-h, bat the Ootataoa t'ounell rajeeted tho nomlnatloo aoa" re-aleeted Bv. Browna. Veaterday Dr. BaJ laa ol Bartlorarl. gn ited by JaBgrc Barnard, '.f ?i??- f**ipr-a?e Court. on the Mayor _?.) Aldermen t'- abo~ ranaa wlu !,'? -liaiiiid nol be ?<??.nicl alU, oinrer. Itv. Hal.ii i,a-?". iu- righl to the 1*1-1 ?? on the 11m! h. |. hli ll > .....?'.,. 't :. .."' .I ' .> - ?i?ll '? itavuiK aerved li mt trniy durlna Ih Hcbflllion. ri,.* writ arder* lhal reartllleal rople* of the Connell's paeeedlngi li th- atati - ?? prudticed ai Homrhkcepsle ?JtiJrrn twenty day.. .. . on Van I'oHlandl Lake t* the he?l ot .- ? artater, the i.e being a BBBOldi ??- Pla ???? SrTATKN ISLAXD. BICHMOXD.?Tbe a'ort a.f gettiag :i Jury la lha .-asc 0. Bdward Baunon . lodlrtei f", lha auirdtr ol Baiii Obbbi. aaa eoatlnaed yeateadaj iu the Blehaaood Caanty Ooarl ..f Oyer and Teml. bafore Joift Barnard. The worh arai *l"W and t?<!iai,,s and each jun.r v>:.s .-i.i-.?-ly quaationed ..- t? whetber !..? waa a.ji pa.-i-ai to Ibe new law, provldlng f'.r tha exarutlaa <?t rrimlnal* In tha ekelrfc rhalr. Darlng the '!:>v -??: furon treee otrtataed, aa8 thara wara eawren tnron In nn- ,,,,. wh '. |l raitrl adjoi ned t?s tha du>. , 11m aaeond pmiel having b?*8n exlipu led, a aea panel ol IlK. J?,:"i * wn* wrdered to bo drnwn, and t:.. furj alll ii- . aapleted thi* mn nlng. Young Eninion* . belongs to a ii- i?" ttili- F,'"'!!: ?'. famlly ..,. i bls f .1 m-: an,; (? , ., pi<- .*iil ln ,..,;,?' \i*|.:.l..v. Mr- ' Ulliai, imi Dunn, the rrvivn" lekei, miieh I ii.t'-.e- l ::, !'..i'i . ! . ?;,,ll' I wl:!*'.-r.'(! ?'< ? >?? ?? ' ? ?'? ? hfte ! beli.K nu q.ien'* th* l.llllug tlte de'ene^ will be l,,:,; Kin. Wa* ' ?' iu?>?''?'llv t' |>iu.-li,!'' foi tl.O : Bhootlng. lh- < ati-.t cla'm thal he waa teaaporarll BeillU I y.v riVOJ 09 BAPIB TUABRIT. a aeaUadaart aieetlaa ara* h?*M is-' alahl il th. baaae ?f tha Bariea DeaMaratle I lab la aaika arraaatneaU f... i nia*.--n..i tlui* ta f4-..-r iai ili--..-- il. i,i..j<-' t i.t unid Tha Begaataaltaa* lage.? nt-i *-ei.- Um Harlen Bmam ralit (I.i.i BBB H?.l,?. K., | I'i., tli' llainll lan i'..-ii'ii,i!i-.i, < lab, .... be-laataa IWbbbiibiIii ciui, anai ' ? UeiMi4..t BaBBeeraUfl ciub. ria^udcut X, c. l*o,o bell, of the Harraltaan 4 lub. pn-aldcd. and C A. huUbergri, of th* Harlem Democratic 4 lub, waa aecretary. It **a* aoted to hold the ma?*-mertJn|(, at a 8*888 yet to r*e an nonnced, on satiirday nlght. January Id. There wa* iier fect unanlmltv of foellnu. and great lnterr?t wa* ahown In lhe nl.jrct,* of the ?8888881 meetlng. HOME NEW8. PkOMINEN'T ABBIVALS AT THE HOTF.L5*. HltLVOOKT-Heiijamiii 1*. Chrney. of Doston. and Isaaa V. lli.ker, jt., of OB?iBfta, N. I .. H'HTH AVENtIB Colonel A. 8. Tluford. of Klc limond. Vn., and II. I. Kl.u hall, of AtlanU, (ia.HOKK.M AX-I'. A. B. Wld,n< r and XVilllam L. BMB***, of Phllideiphla MlMtRAY HILL- f'.\.l'on6'o? .lobn Van Voo.lil*. nf Rovhcatirr. XVINDStiR-Deneral 1. M. -8888, ol Vlrglnla. WHAT IS GOING ON TO-DAY. State Rallroad lonimUaioner*, Chamber of Cnmmerc R.ain*, 10 a. m. Military Servlee Inatitutlon blenninl mcetlnc, ..overnor's laland, '2 |>. lu. lli.aid of Trade and Tranaportatlon, 8 :.'40 p. m. lioard of I'.ducr.tloii, 4 \i. tn. 1'ark and Aquediirt I'ornmlssloner*' meetln?. 4'ban.i.lonahlp BBlBaf niat'-h. Van Courtlandt Lake. Houi AaaadaMaa aaaaal ilaaar, Deimoniro'a. avaaaBf, M,-.:i.?-L.i.'al .***,,' lely, llot'l Ruclclmtham, 8 Ba "<? ?oatraca ot W, b. Ragkaa for lartaqr, Oaarl of OaBeral Resalona. Le.nire by Piofe.sor C. A. Vount*. Clvary Haptl't Ch'iich, 8:11 p. m. Amateiir th.-atrlcala ln aid of klndergarta-n and lndiis trlal work, Bcrkeley Lyceum, 8:30 p. m. fiiilld of the Iron Cio** entertatiim'tit, St. Jnhn'a Chapel, 8 p. Ba. I The Rev. E. Wlm hester Donald'a addreaa, Old John j Street Metlioalist Koiaeopral Churrb, 3 M p. **t -^ NKW-YOKK CTTV. The Hia for Iho t'ustoni Ilouse rartage were opened ! yesterday. Tliero haa been ronsidernl'le troublc in I ilispi.-lnp c,f the crtice. Tho lililders xverc J. Leroy | .laccil.s, Thomas A. Hrigg*. W, lloward Rroxvn, Reriuinl ! r.lglin. .lolm Mnllin, I). D. Kupcr m Lrollier*. Mmon i lless nnd Wlllltin. UtB. Tlio axrard will ba mode abonl I'ebruary IS. Tlio pnintlnp* <>f Mtr-s Allce Rnydarn wlll be ex hiliit.-il li.-dav at tl.e Ladies* Art Associallon. No. '2.1 ! Baal KoiirleenMi-st.. t.i lllu*t.rnt> Tlie aaork dnnc by i tlie cliiss ln IrindM-apc palntlng in Niantl'. 4'onn. Tlie B8T. Dr. B. Winrhcster lTonald will Kpcnk tlil* I -iftri ii.ion ,it :;:;)() a'etoek in the -.erte* ,,f totar i den.iminntl.inal services noxv being Iield ln tlie Job ?stic't MetliiKllst Enisropnl Cliuri li. lt I* Inl'-niled iiml tha 888880-8 B8888h8i during tliesp spr.isl sIihII ba p.Tniert nnd 1-ouiid lll a neat volun.e. 'Tlie l'. 9k (irant Club oi* the Vth Assembly Dlatrirt. at u me.-'.ng '?n Monday nlght. :idoptr*d lesolutloin ; taatliylnf to tiie loraltr al l-aafcaaatar Vaa cott ai a ItepabUcan, nnd iiirs raeeeaa in tiie laptoroaBeal ot III" postal 881 rwce, an.l pnttlng him in nomlnatlon as ii candlrtnto far 08888-88 on thc 1'epublnan tirhct, Mnvor (.rant's Rapid Translt blll reeeived tlie iiiiniiim'iis approval of tlie Hoard of Aldertncn rrstcr day in a resolution ofTererl by Mr. Fiegenheimcr li ! calied upon tlie Legi, lntiire to ha*ten Its passage. Tlie Hoard of Al.lermen yesterday raBjaaBBBf tbe ( ouimlssioners lo plaec more clectrir liRhta In tlie grtrariBg xixtb Assaaahlj Distrlet. At :a repiil.-ir mcetintt of tlio Hamllton Ilepubllran j (luii Iield Monday BlfM at One-Ininured ar.d twenty ! aeronth at and Sevenili-.'.ve., Captaln \V. C. I inti-.Klu.ed B resolution protestlnp agaln*t tha free ! rolnaiB of allrar. Colonel Henry Altnu.n. xvho is i ,-m cl.l .'nlifuiniaii. oppo.-ed tl.e re*ointlon and 8 BhOrt I <W,at?* folloxaeal. Tho resolution wtu; ilnallv laid over | untll -i.liitda.v nli-'ht. when llie nue-tioii avill l,e fully diseiis-eil. An iiiterestlnR .li'bate la expected. Tlie new offlrcrs of I.afayelte Camp, Sona of Vetcr an=. xvill be Installcd by iieneral Martln T. McMahon. ('oiniiiander of C.e(.i!*e WiisbiiiRton I'ost, ti. A. H., at Um iiotei Braaaartek, aa FiHar araanag. Tlie Tribune yesterday reeeived tbe following sub sriiptioiis |ob tlie famlly of James McGrudy, wbo are dntltnU, tha liusl.nnd being unable la get employmenl : ??..." t8S; Mm. B. M. H08, ?r,: 8. de .longe, *I0; "M," w. '? a coustiint Baafer," fi. r;ie aniBoaal of f. c irarara to be one ot five men (,, give B100 a year for flvo year*. to tlie Te:i, l.eis* Miitiial ll*nelil Assoriation fla* rcsiilted ln a prospertivn BtMHiOB of |a\800 to tbe fund. Tba , outiiiutors ara B> i>. Barratt, CuaiailaBlnnar Miles criincn, l. m. und John Whalen, two ki hool trui-tee*. According to the reports of the auperliiUndent*-. ther** wero la?.t year 18.6-J4 puplls In scventy *1_ Itnuli' s< liools wbo studlcd (Jermai) under forty-two teaehers. jn 1SP8 .hero were 10,(172 puplls ln the .'.erman rlaaaea under twenty-ieven teneliera. There are now 3,*37*i pnplla wbo study French in foiirlecn public sdiooK .lamea R. Cumlng Haa been re-elertcd aa rlialrman of .bo school trustees of tlie TWBJBIJ aeceai 8788*. .Mr*. B. H. Hood. of No. 9C West MohSWfe-xt.. Kiilfal... ba* asked the pollee to sean 1. for her Ron, I'niil .lohn Hood. eleven years old, wbo dlsappeared in .lime. The boy ran away from liis mother xvhen s|io xvns staying at a liotcl in 8crant4in. Penn., and Iie avn.s last scen on a tml.i bounrl for ttiU (ity. Tln- sevi-nr.- flft'i semi annual atatement of tbe llonio Inon-anii* I 0*88881 of Nexv-Yi.rU Miow- a net MirplUi. of $lA*4tOB0> Ihe 888881 ?f tlre 88888881 8888881 10 .fn.ii'.il.ll.'J xvith fhe market of htochs and l.oiid ,nleiilafd and in> ludii.g NSJ 888818, loans, etc. Tlie boanl of liiieetois h a BtrOB? one. an.l a (lix-Wend of :, pei ?ent has l,e n de. liired, payablc 88 demand. Ilcisewivr- wh . put up Tohay grape* for winter preseives are BO (1-llgllte.l wltli Ihelr BOCeeaB Ihal thta teBeata aairtlen t>> tha i<-? t??>ie wiii i.e rapeatcd aalii'ii ,|iiaiititv teinpets , ,,st as it did last 88884*8. Tiie (diiii-:i'i Lator Bareaa at Tiie liarge ofllce ha* oiil'-r-il tha i4-i.ini "f ilev.-n ltalians who were <lc tain.-.i as toiitia.t laborars. A aalia fliajol .anali.ont beariug on her stern t!ie name B. 1>. BOOl drtlted into tlie pi-v at We-.t Twelftli st. y.-si.idax. . JCe oea aaa on i<"i.rd and tlie boal \,Aii ev-ilentlv l,c.*ll in a (ollis.oii. Kdwai-d Higgins. wbo lius b?en Jan'.lor of tbe I'.oaicl of E.I,i":ition for thirtv flve yenrs, was siii.lteii witli jpopk-M x.--terd:,v. Mi. lllfgbM Hl sixty-Uve 88818 old. Tl.e free le'ttire* to tlie people given under tha aaspicei "f lha Board "f Biawatkia xviii b?>liB aexl .Monday in 88888 graminar scluails of thla ? ity. A nnmber ol xveii kaowa men have baaa ellga^ed to deiiv.T tlie le.tuif ( li.irles I". I'lio-.-nix, arhO xvns BrrBBtel f,,i. Blletjed Bsaaalt ua Btatoa sieei.-. ol Mianton, Caan., 44a- beM la 86,000 ball by ataatka MeMahoa at (iie Jefferaon Markei PaBca Coait jretarriaj. saaala waa Bacwnl ln .oiirt wiii. the Bblrt, arhlch f.gured ln tha raae, half ',1 tha bos'.in being < ul out. in* ttoUX ehala,, and dlainoiHl slu.l woe also reported BBaalBf. A <al> ilt-ivcii by Mbliael Kellx, si.xtx llxe ycars old. wai att-rk ky 8ra englae No. 'i'i in i(i*4>i>aixvay near ?Aaverle) Haea laal avaalnf. Tl.e Brhrer ol tha eaflae tiieal to I'"? tha < ui>. bal tlie talu? Is cauarlit .,, ll,, rallroad Uarh and Btrock tln- raar .<l tue cal,. The , ab avl'eels 8888 kBOChOd Oi Blid keily \vms tliiouu inl,. ,,?. ,t:,et. lle was not s-v.-rely Injiireil. Tne nna! i.oiits of tha Paatbaa Athietir Chtk boxlni toiiiiiiiincnt wiii ba ii'-i'i .it Tora llall, Baa. M aad j tSi r...s. .?...-iii st., lo-nigiit. rOJUC OF THE TOBBBX BOTAX1CAL CLUB. Xke 'i.v Bjetaaleal 4'iub uu latciaatlna la-t i.lglil a: llaa.H1 ,11 llall, .'ol.iiiil.iu C.,11,"'. . Th. 1,1,1 xs. i- v.'.H-eii. ... reported r-ieipt- fm tiu- ia-* .< n ? i.ti.-'.'i. .':.i...ra"ii,c..t-, 81,'SSi 73. -x tart* pattlBa al aaaaual ???.u* aaed la UV pubUeatlea o,' n,,iiiiiiv i,uii. - Ilu-. rr! ai'.'le- .,11 s'lli),"*- "I s.l.'iit.ll' \.,|,i'. Tbe wmtary rrp<)rt*d IS0 arajlw awiaihaia aud 148 ... ? .UMldill*' ,'.'l, :?,-. Tl-'' lOllllllitte I, | |?'l'll' .1 b. , jud,oii" t -!>?" 'ii-eiis ".' laeal ru.i, aad erratagraau reported j IfcBt l.e. bad '.a' A u.u, I, iiiatelia'. TlM l.l.'H ot a la.lal.lial jv-nl, u ln B84 of Ui'' |-at?* Of tht , itv |f le nn.' 1,,-u'l iidao a'-'l I.v ln. ;;nr:.ii a'.-l ..II. i ii.u.ur- of lhe elah. Dr. Ihaaaai Maraag n-ad a |u|*-r liim, t'.e "x-uii-?:i Uarket la rarBajaaj.'1 ji. ? Mloaraal aea ara aattxi ataetal: Praildaat, lo4*t Addl-i.n liroaan; >n ? -piealdeiit, J. I Allu, ; ir :.--u< i, XX. K. xviieei,,. I*: rararilai 8w aearj Mlaa Marie <>. Stecl. . . um ~(....dit._ mEieBiry, Mfcaa n. C. (.aakin; earator, Mlaa J. I.. lto:,t-' llluarlaii, M. Ia. DaUBeMi "i:t'u. I'r. V I. DrlttoBj iiaa.lati raUaata, Dr. B. L. Orefarr. allai a. m. :. k. aaaotincBsieBaa. \t .1 W. JdiiNsT.iN".-,. ?':.!? Sixtij-ixe, abore .,(,,.? ,,,., :?,,,, ,. a,?>!--, . a rail l'i, ,,. Ial - ..!-. Bl, 1| , Bl 10 a.u. '?.",.? l.iu.u 1-ollara, 41 SO, BJ |i ii,a' unrtervreai .'?> i-r n-nt i. *- "i "? Uroaaaar ckai. [>BarXK88 ASD IlKXI. N('|S).*. ( lltKl, .?'Ma.. rai Ixriaiaui Tvnciaa Eaa ooaaioxa wim i.erai.e.irl ?iiernaafal when aii rrnieUlea bll. 11'.ua-t itiel i,i,i,k ol i-rieifa , ma i ullor wiite K. UUaCOI flj.4 il'war, N V ? MBXBT A OaMELS. M D, 90 xvi.-r au'i'll-KT. Dls?a*ci of rl c .serMj'i. .ST*tani uenlto Urlnary Orfana. UBporenca ind Sterlllty. Hour. 8 ta. 1. 8 to 8 "Tlli, I.i.aiii.u" tl.e beat wuter-eracker iu tl.e jrorlcl : i.i tr. ia'-.oua ana ptu,a|inat.e ; na r.-aat or , a Uowrrf, i I.. 11,1.-. nii ef eaerv tl'aur. 1IK.4L11I 1-OOD CO., 01 MfUi Aveniie, aud all fracari I J. lEIIIIII 4 co., ?IHCtMBOBl TO A. T. STEWART & CO. (Retail), OfTer 2,000 Dozen MANUFACTURERS' SAHPLES OF Ladies' and Children's UNDERWEAR At Greatly Raduced Prices. LADIES' SWISS RIBBED SILK *& ALL-WOOL VESTS at 50c. each; REGULAR PRICE $1.00 TO $1.50. LADIES'ENGL1SH MERINO VESTS AND DRAWERS AT 50c. and 75c. each, REGULAR PRICES $1.00 TO $2.00.' Swiss Kibbed Wool COMBINATIQN SUITS Wliite nnd Natural, all sizes, at $1.50 each ; REDUCED FROM $3.00. LadieV White En&lish Merino GOMBINATION SUITS at $2.50 each; REDUCED FROM $6.00. Children's Swiss-Ribbed Wool * and English Merino VESTS AND DRAWERS AT 25cfl&50c. each REGULAR PRICES 75c. TO ? $1.25. 200 dozen LADIES' Colored COTTONSTOCKINGS at 35c. per paic; BEDUCEa) 7.1c. Broadway, 4th Ave., 9th & lOtli Sts. MA RIXE IXTE L LIG EXCE. MINIATTKE ALMASAC. T0-D4T. Snnr'aaaTl* MB4i8t | Btaaa BOlB f:W9? I B*8BBaagB 4 RIOH BTATSa 1 ?.'-?SanrtTHook. 10 CO Oov.IiUnl 10 :?* j HnUrUta. 0:24 j-jf Ban-*j Hoon. lio* i (i.pv.l.:,..-. li '.'4 i BaUU-tB, o;il 1XC0MIXG STEA UBBS, to-B-r, y?,,i. Prtm KaittA Uo* Aiv,, ' .MlmratoB.Ibb 7 . ....Atua Wroflii-I.I.ivi-riMjoi.iat. _ ........t.u.on Hnarla .Hauilmri.laa *.,Bamb Amer I ?t,.r .M.mij-ii.Irin b.N l. I.lnr.l c.iy oi AKiui'iii.. .ii .ia.,,1.ia.. io.B y - Oam raDsaoAT. .?4S "... Anrhorla.Omagaw.... Jaa ?.An<-lmr rtrlt. \l. IA*. IH ounam.Battartaai.laa *.NetnAmer OUTGOIM, STSAVBBi in -n.vr VaaaiM rraarl '.'?<-. Sfallaeloao -.1*. i mv i.i i :. ' .!?'??. ii.-irui. '.. v.'rp >"! . im a H. i m Br.tat.ntc Wlitte Mtar. Ureruonl . .'? :'??' n m ?.30?m w .?-?.! i, .ul' lir.. r.ur. Antwora ? a 10 aa k-aoat-. _._ r.i ?;;. RioJueiro. *0.. I- m \.-i:. mi. ii lle.II*. I-i.. ???v.i.11 BM 1 u m fcaMtoga, Nl x l*alM.,. I 1"" * i1 iu llll f(M>*V. J ta. 15. ptnt?>nf X.-v 1.1.1 - ? ? ? ,f. 7 a m (ii, -. , * Cnuav Cleofuearoa? . . i pm :; p ? Trinldad.oo?*iiec. Hrrmiiita. i paa .; am -, mw, cir'le. Tnraa IaUnd. 8.C ? . pm 3 pm I MI.VV. .1 4**. l'i. Iinnrto. HitC Am. r. i ?--.??.--. ri. .??.?. l"i tn SB1PP1XO xEirs POBT OI Nl.W Y.'ltK .....Tl KSUAY. JAX. 18, 1881 AKKIYl.T) Rca.inr K..!.' D I.TBO - I. 1 POOI -Iin 2. With n-clai te .1 ii. n? a laitutr. Arnar.i al ti." Bar ai a-'tn a m *...? un.-. Jlialitl I-. Bl ?-'?'? ' ? ?'?> ?" ' ' (- "?' ?o.l Para anlh niilat'MMt 1 aaraarajtarta n?.ti. ,v Co, Aitu.'H iit .: e Bat al '.' a Bt. Hti_m<-1 llonilo il'.:'. Ivirann, Gre-rto*?n, _re, wltli ni'Iao ,r,i [.:. ,-.?!_-.- , tu Y, llllanu A IIan . Arrirctl at tka B_r al D tu. ;i n:. - . .*-!.-,.... i 1 -??..:. -i.... <.:???? .. N> ? ' '? ii.tna ?? <lrn'. will. ri.ilaa *_<l l*a<4*w-n_t*ra f" N II -??,?;?" M.4H..-I < it] ..., IT. ..-. **-."\n.Mii ;. ii?y?. with ni. ?i iui] i. i-ato II I. ..:,..i .,!iv.u.ii.iir.-, vVallt-T. lewport Nawi aml Norfoik, 4-rtlbmUaaaml ii-aaani:--.. lo Olil Doininlun BaC_ >i.4inii ii ^l \4 ii'.ii.... IIul .it, Huaiua. arltBatalaam ii k j'l.irK Tillia Bikar. ..?.-.. UnBaKoag Aaa 4. Barbaaaea II.. Lll. Hllll .lll?- l?' I"-1.1...'I',. . ' 0 Battt Mnnta Hl luitiUi Ibili, CaUera. Llaooa 41 <i;i> *>. wltli iu.i-.i- lo in...... t..:\va i ... 8U*<BKT ?4'in.l " a". .'???' :'" 11 it J. r. W; At .'.iy laUui4l?IVinii I. ?.'!'? ?'*">'?' clear, Ctj-AUBO. -^.. imw r.r- ...ii,. iiii i, i'.i- iwb. Utrarpa >i rlaQi>aaiiaiai?B i Ur.lamai ___ , ? :. in, t i ,i. nl ' ln. ic<i Hi Reilfonl, Llr*r|MOl t.i QueauaUia o I'atar Wnulil MrOinrt I lli|B*? Bl 8*H*r, I '.r;i...| lliiak <t Jfi'.M.a. Ijt, ,,,,. . ;:? ? ekmaaa. ll m. Im.k unaui li ???? ?-1. .,,,.?[ \..!.?ri.iii.i"! (ITalRi, ?!?.?'??. laiwwp?PMer Wrltthl .v -".i ,. r \ ? ii. nii'a. Ilopkina, i..!:?>?.-r. BonlUin. Bllaa . iMll.ll ? Mtatnai II il'l an" ro ValM ' ?. ?' .van i, ,*., .1 M . ilMlltia A. ' ? ttuamn hinnoai*,Hnlpdcra, .N>ni?>rt N-woaoo Norfoik? (ji,. 11.uni'.im --' >? Kteaiiii-r I'ny * At!;t::'n. i h.;>-. \\ ,ai I ..r-it. \ a < tlil Donin loi. -. I ii. -,;, nm. i II"ti.mi W ml' i. NiiiiT*'ni. IliHtoo II rilimock. llark ll M mi . . Bl 'iti. i. < i!i'iiu Kiin.'i. Mn 4 I o I'.irl. \'. I. .' Iiii". i*. iri.ria. A .i|.. I. Ji.4 J. Inr ui.: ? lunl llrif Itilliy. Al. \.-?li.:' r. V.'.ikIwui.I I. \V .1 I'Arm tti-uatl ?AlIaED. Httfi? ? ""*? llAin IL .. .1 ; V\ .'..-'?. ' i I*:-' ?.r n ll.n.ik. Noilulk; I ...i "... N'. Mlii|?Joarpli II -r.iin>i ?-.. I... JI' .ii.niirii . . .;.:? uni il. II.Inli. ' . ": l: ,ii? K..111I -.".' ' B. ? I. .*?!' 1 -,.,.. ,, Io |. i II A < - ullli. II .1 ..a. M xv .. I.M.. . . I "...**.. 1 i.M'- .1.1.1. ? ... mn. trutn !?aa . l.u , II- ? . .1 I ? i I ? . I,i M>. i. J no 19 ' ' I'c-iii il'.. . I.i'l. t... I'.i.. i. i". 13 An.."'. all .ini'T I I in ' i'. ?'.. . i ln '. Ii-i. Itoio mii:.\. Jan 13 Rallta, atoatner Polarta kO .:,,,,i,\rT, mamh: i." 1*810 HBliaa,ataaaaoi Aaialfl lOari. Kraolt. KoTTSBtiAM lan 10 MaUad. ataaa;ar Maaadaia (DUBUTai J.r. Im -*? >? ? il A4 Mt. 11 Amt-ad, alaamar Ia bn-ta--ua iin, Col. IU . Iroin .'.. ?% . -M k -i . - ,.' Anii.'i '.I.nranalilra (Br) i.? %,., rrom ;_t.. i. .a... fhiiia porta u,r NawVutt li Arriroc),ataamat- i iaia>|l-t?, Vailo. fio_ Haar-1 **? a Special Bargains at our Grand Strect Slort Tbis Week. Real Torchon & Medici Laces, from rM cts.yd.upwards.below cost of importation. Real Antique Tidies, (9 inches square) 5 cents each. 2,oco picces Cambric Embroidery, from ic. yd. np to finest grades. Prices positivcly lower than last jear.^ Swtss Flonncings. 22 inches wide, - Soc. yd. Hemstitched Fiouncings. 42 inches wide, - - 2<Sc. yd. Gentlemen's Shirts Unlaundered, 3 ply all Linen Bosoms full reinforced?nicely made and finished, * 49 cents each. ? Lord & Tayior, Grand Street Storc. Xatnral bargain time. Goods are not bein^ given away exactly, bnt plicea have been prnned here and there, in many caseafto lesa than cost. Bo it happeDB tliat a nian's heavy, serviceable I'lster may now be got for $10; a neat Cane Ulater for $12. Snita Sl"), 118 and $20tbat were sever al dollara more. Winter dnderweai for $1, 11.50 and $2? lifty per cent. below regnlar prices. Some warm Astrakhan (lloves with leather palms, 75eenta. Some English "town made" goat gloves .same price. ROGERS, PEET & CO. THRBF. iPrlnea, BRDADWATj Warr*a STOltK-. i3i.UU THIS WEEK'S BARGAINS. Our nsnal mid-winter Sale of Dreai Croodi i* now in progress. Extraordlnary valnes may bo seenred in all grades of Dress. Kabrioa for honae or out-door wt'.ir. Paris Hobea and handaome Pat tern Dreaaeaat nneommonlj low prioes. On examination, tlie proods niarked for this salo will be easily reeognized as hnrgains. JA3II.S McCREKRV & CO., Broadway and llth St. Balance of our Astrakhan trimmed, all wool Beaver Jackets in Black and Biue, $IO.OO, (reduced irom 124.50). English Ulsters, $10.00 (reduced from $2 2.5o) Imported Carriage, Reception, and Opera Wraps, and Long Garments atan enormoua reduc tion. Lord & Tayior, Broadway and Twentietli strecu ? rj I)\ICKK-T UKK I," "l\ U\IIM>r A9BACA2* ? **IN UAIIktrX* Al'KK \." 11 v IIKMIY H, ?TABI.BT llV HBBatT M. BTABLBV BV HKMtV ll. BTABLBV "lh*. I.|rbl< < ompnnr'a Ktlrnrl "us ei thfl I'liolcclt." -Paffl RA, veh I "Ll 1 aad 1 il . Bai ta t a prrpai .1 la *?fllrlrn; qnaiillt ?-, I.. ? n ? aut ? ii|.f..l* '.. > |. h ?. akened a* hn I, " i ... . ? 11 < .? 'i....ri... ... i Br ind latd ?Ittiln j f r lu. iws ?f ( i . lal ..f i.i.t .. ..ti. .. ..1 fron. r. l.i lia < -u.'i.iti ?'*. I' . t ?... i ni Mrni . i ,u-i '.. i.i* . . ... OM I'O'ind .f lli s Kvrni of nrrf a-o-iil to 10 |.oi.na1a of l'l.i be..' al Um I'sla* al BT.tO. 1'in. r.a.i.K a.i'.'.i'i \ AlRgf-ORTS, actara 100aaaaa. lll"-'..' .1 I l. ? t.i.i.l.1 .| ,uitl.l\ .... \ >.||.-i|. air aii... ai-nl* .;.,:.. f. alll -. i* I i m UB, ball MBI tu., .ii....*....:. h..r*. h-.. i< rHIIiiB. v,. .*.??.. m full ai ner . ir r.ii.lN.i?l hr Th* Trlliiiii.* N**'*-V,.ik. l_a*>>ru_i. !.,_; ji.U tinlvirially coiii|>llmeiiti'd bf the pir-a.. INSURANCE COMPANY QF DHW YORK, OFFHE: NO. ll? BROADWAV. SEVENTY-FIFTH SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT, JANUARY, 1891. CAPITAL STOCK, - - 83,000,000.00 THE A88ET8 OF THE COMPANY ARE AS F0LL0W8: ? _. . ftsia.ioom ra,h ln hnndaof ?ffont. aml in conr.e of collrctlon , ffi****} Itial raiiitc.."...__."_. '..?.l'.loo'.a? l.annft on *.tork?. 6?...l*_ea. I,oan? on bonda and morttftkgen. ij JJJt! Intrrrst dn?* and nicruod. BONDS. Par Value. Market Valna. !rf^__4 1l_a_a-iC_n_iMf . . 6 per cent. $790,000.00 $020,450.00 N'Y^*^U^I- " ^,000.00 204,000.* ! N Y Chl & Si Lottfe'-R. R. Co. hratMort 4 - " 112,000.00 100,800.00 XY&I^ ? " 100,000.00 123,000.00 v\3?m^ 8 ? " l0*2?_5 1O4*OOft-0? i>..nri*i Ikm?ttnr& Kvanavilie KailwayCo. "??T^ " " 100,000.00 "M"* Clevcland,(V,lninlms,CiiicinnatiiS: Indian- ??!_______? 107000*. apolis tt, R. Firat Con. Mtg- 1014 . 7 " 100,000.00 12.,000.00 Tnniivillp New-Albanv & ChicagO I.ail " ?_('o I'irs. Mortgage, 1910 . . 6 ? " 100,000.00 lOS.aWl.W Aiiifni'irli? & Cheaaneake Canal Co. lat Zt^te, l'?()9.* "? " 100,000.00 110,000.00 Tnipdo Ann Arbor& Grand Trank Itail wayCo" ist Mortgage, 1021 . . ? ? ? 100,000.00 100,000.00 Jcftcr.s(?nvillc,Madistm^ln(lianai)olisR.R. ,0000000 11-noonn Co. lat Mortgage, & Fn 1906 . . 7 " " 100,000.00 lli,OOO.O0 Tolciio, Ann Arbor& Oadillac KailwayCo. ,n_iiwinn BA onom lst! Mortgage Guarauteed, 1917. . 6 " " 100,000.00 84,000.00 Dnnkirk, Warren & Pittaburg Railw'y Co. lat Moitga-e(iuaiant(M'd, 1900. .7 " " ,5,000.00 88,500.00 Chicaffo. St. 1'., Minn. and Oinaha Railw'y ^^naolfdated Mortgage (1930) ' ? ? " 50,000.00 5S.O0O.00 Alatmma Central Railroad, lat Mortgage 6 ? " 50,000.00 oo,.,oo.00 \ Y Cen & Hinlson River R. K. lst Mt'ge Rejrirtered Bonda (UI03) . . * 7" ? 50,000.00 64,000* Savannah & Weat, lat Con'd Mt'ge, Gtd. 5 - " 50,000.00 42,000.00 Vireiuia Midland Railway Co., Gen. Mt'ge ^Guaranteed Stamped (19?) . 5 ? - 50,000.00 40,500.00 r_oniaville,8tXAlex.R^Co.l8tMge(1917J 6 " u 50,00000 4o.ooa.oo Iowa Central Railway Co. lat Mortgage^ ? ? 25,<)00.00 20,000.00 Streator, lll., Aqueuuet Co. lst Mortgage 0 " " 10,000.00 10,000.00 Des Moinea Water Worka Co. of Iowa, Lat Conaolidated Mortgage Bonda (1909) 6 " u 25,000.00 2.1,000.00 Ponver Water Company, lst Mort^e 7 ;; - 25= 25,000.00 S**^-**^ - : '??: :: ??S ,3SS ^^noiid,v, ; : : ;?: : Jajjg gm* TopekaCity. Kan., Internal Iniprovernent 6 "$12.2 otlSSiS City of Couneil Blnffe, Iowa, City Impr'nt 6 22.400.00 2. ,0i2.00 Nebraaka City. Neb., Partng Diatrict 7 23,000-00 ~o,250.oo Kanaaa City, Kan., Improvement . . T ? 12.^.00 13.1M.J CityofGreeley,Col.?VYater . . * 6 * u 20,000.00 ^7?MT STOCKS. 1000 Shares Ft. W. & Jackaon R. R. Co., pf. $100 each, 100,000.00 Ut\OOM0 N. Y. Cent. & Hnd. River R.R. 100 " 100,000.00 101,500.00 LakeSb. & Mich. S'th. R'y Co. 100 " 50,000.00 5.V2:>0.00 400 400 200 200 1000 ' 500 ' " (Miicatro. St. Paul Minn. & ' Omaba H'v Co., Pf. . 100 " 50.000.00 40,000.00 [0wa Central Preferred . . 100 " 40,000.00 s.ono.oo NaHonalB'way BankofN.T. 25 u 10,000.00 2.?,n?><..oo Mnef. 1?a. Nat. Bank ofX. Y. 100 ? 20,000.00 30,000.00 Mercantiie N;.t. Bank of N. Y. 100 * 20.000.00 44,000? oot\ ? Bank of Vmmca N. Y . . 100 u 20,000.00 43,200.00 200 " Manhattan Company, N. Y. . 50 " 10,000.00 18,000.? '"imi ?< Merehanta'Ez.NatBankofN.Y. 50 " 10,000.00 I2,500.0d ?"00 -* Chatbam Nat. Bank of N. Y. 23 " 5.000.00 2O,000iM r?oo " Sat. lrkofCommereeofN.Y. 100 u 20,000.00 39,000.00 ?"00 " .iaaaan Bank. , . . 50 u 10,000.00 16,500.00 200 u Mat.But.&DrovVB'kofN.Y. 25 u 5,000.00 8.730.00 loo " Hanover Nat. Bank of N. Y. 100 *k 10,000,00 35,400.00 100 u National Bank of the Republic 100 u 10.000XW 19,000.00 10) ? Fourth Niitional Bank of N. Y. 100 ? lo.ono.oo 17,2<MMN) ?MK) ^ Holland Trnal Co . . . 100 u i2,OOO,00 ?>00 u Franklin Truat Co., Brooklyn 100 M 20,000.00 55,000.00 "50 " Metropolitan Trnat ('o. . . 100 " 3,000.00 13,730X0 45 ? Long laland Loan & Truat Oo. 100 M 1,500.00 8,100.00 S!f.09l,192.5S LIABILITIES. fail. Capilal.- ^^TtVcl KraiTve Prriiiiniii I'nnd. 3.70?.i.l5l.-iB Miikii.K liind 5MSS 1 nn nd RHiiMirmir-andl'oiiiiniaalouniil'ncollertrdPreiniiiiiiB ?ta.laTl.BI >ci?iu.pi?*, MO-M^ij $9,091,19253 ? DIRECTOB8 : mV,M ilTlliiT ..I l\ M'.s.t Utll-.K, HIKXFI.1I - v lll,,--- i iivs. I- ll. I M...KTT, U'VlM'lVXI -11 u'.ls ll.NI.'. M. IAIUI1. I I.Ml Ni. I. II.'I.KKU.IK. I.l N.l \ M I N I" KK I N>, .'tliV- -okIi .VM! '. A. Ill.M.I'. JUIIX1I. W.VMIBVUX. HKXHV I H'.MI.IN, 1 , '), ,i i 11M.ICK D A Vll) H. M..*. LHlX. JOI1X II. 1XMAX, .K'l U -MIlH, OEOB__ l '?witliK.JK.. "iamii*..::.. SXOW.IB., UKOHUB k. i: m;i'i-'oki?. iu.miy F. BOlW . DANIEL .4. H...U.D, Presidrnt. W1LUAWILB1CEL0W,). . . JOHN H. WASHBURN, j VjcePresidentS, THOMAS B.CREENE, >Secretanes. ELBR1DGE G. SN0W, Jr. > HENRY J. FERRIS, ^ A?;**;i*;tant Sprtrp!aries AREUNAH M. BURTlS,rSS,Slanl be-reiar,es A Dividend of Five per cent. bas been declared payable on demand. Baw Yatr-t, Jaaaary IB, IBB1. _ -? CAKPETS. GREAT GLEARING UP SALi. in ihr BNBattata "f j naaan'a baataeaa Uka m.r*. Mwta la an uiT.iniiiirv.i".. "f PATTKBB- fl OO not Uit-nd .|ii|i!i. Btlaf ; al?? -'" ' I '8*1 r.n.ri 'nl-. i\:tli InjiJci tu, aor of ?ri'-'i 8B I...4'' nmd.' ..|. into CARPETS AND RUG8, all aifa, to ll alBiort an} roota* w.v. br . lo-.-i out AT KKMVWT BBICB-. BriaatAttio af tktraam wttt . EXTRA 8UPER INGMIN8 i ttli i patt. aaj Al baaa ibaa lBa Vwt ?i liiiui.vtation. SHEPPARO KNAPP & GO., ?alVTII- VTBm l.'ITII IMI IITIl ?.*'?. ri* Ui. iom'K Ol "l'i n *A1II M'niii v. orte-fo k.,0 ._.?.. 1 llliialiat.d Tln- -tan.laid un tln. nn ,?, vm.rl, ao Ju, n ...r mi u* Hvl?i io: aallUiB. ??'uiiiiil.i'.- i,.K uiar nm.;. rldliig. .V.-., _,r., ,, tnli #1 n_f MT.! I'ol.l l.y Ih. Tr.ln,., . N.n.,..r*. La.uuu,. 1-1I and iiult aio-llv ijii.ull.i,4*nti-u _\ llt? u.iria. t TRIBUNE ALMANAC. 1891. NOW IN PRES* 25c. a Copy. Thr liest I'olitirttl Kryistrr ',*,*ff issttrtt. Tho Aliiiuiiuc Ibr 1801 **** he more than twlce th?- iIm *_ l,r<>* VlOUB issui's, ainl a majrii.-lroi" book of wl'i-iviiri- on a niultitiule of Intonnelj Intoreftlnf WjJJT lioliticai, social, rcoiioiiiu*, 9*9t*> inorrial anil jjoiit-ral. This Issuo ilill rarpalM ai-J ASmanao ovor heioro &****** bl Tho Trihime. THE TRIBUNI.