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lism. lf one metal was allowed to he colned which. was cheaper than the other metal. thc eheaper metal wouhl take the whole volumo of circulation antt the dearer hietal would cilher bc hoarded or exported to other coisntries where It wm in demand. \V,vs there iMr. Kherman askcdl any Ooubt about Rl Both Ibap Iheorles had been U-led In the I'nited State* ai:d in oiher couauTe*. ln Uil* eonnection he puve a historical revlew of the questlon and said that, ln every .ountry of th'' aorkl, wherever there wa* freo colnafto of sllvcr. gold was demonctized. or quoicd at n pi-enilum. There wa* no eountry In Kurope oiflBrfl tlie-re wa? now tr-ee eolnnge of silver. nelttier lu Franco. nor in any of tho Latln nation*, which ha4l oftcn been .piotcd as having a sflvcr standHrd. Indeed, they had entered Into stlpulations with each other that the only coln whlch had ever t*ecn legal tender for all purposo* in France should not lie issued by any of them. BSOBft with the conscnt of all. * Cndcr these, h*> askefl what sane man, whal intelllgent man, would pay any dent or obltgallon In gold when hc rould take to the Mint silver bullion (costliiR le*s ln tlio market, of the world) and reeelve Tteasury notea, legal tender lor all debts 1 Mr. 'i'ellcr-lf the Mint was open to the reception and coinaRe of silver wcmld tliere be any bullion to l.liv t Mr. bherrnan-Yea; lt woulff be bronght here from abroad. lt would be supplied out of the t-3,800,000, 000 worth thivt is ln sight. Why notl Mr. Mcwart?Can you cita an Instanco where, when the mlnts were open to the free tolnage of silver, tho bullion vaiue of silver was less than the coln value ? Mr .Sherman-When were the mlnta open to thc free coinage, of silver? I can quote tlkis lnstame, whlch fortitles my argnnient with tenfold strength. that when s'lvcr was at a premlum It was demoiicti-Cd. and re mained so for years; and ln order to get tl.e heneflt of the use of sllvcr we had to reduce the ratlo, in order to prcvent Ita eiportatlon. When the ratlo of 1834 wa, adopted all the *llver colned here fled tl* coiin* tr>, betauae it was valued more highly in other coun Uies. Mr. Sherman Oicn passed to a revlew of the leglshv tion of 1878 in eonnection with thc Bland and Alllson bills and said that he had been oharged wltb opposl'ig the Bland blll. He had done BB. He had licforr, him the report of an Interview whlch he had had, a< BBerfl tary of tbe Treasury. with a commlttee of the llotise. in regard to it, iu which he had snid that if the llland blll were passed it would mi*ke an entlrc revulutlon ln thc money al'alrs of the c.uutry. He had ,aid IJBBbI the free eolnage of silver meant the single standard of *.il\ei", and all that he then said he now agreed to. Hut he had not opposed thc Bland-Allison act. Oa thc OBfMBBf, when he had been called l*efore a commlltce of tiw senate a.n that ?nb]wt. he had stated his belief tliat the llland Allls-m act (not the Bland bill. but the act as It passed, would be ln ald of rcMimptlon. So far as he now knew, he had nol said a word agalnst it* pa-sj-e. H was true that President Haycs. with thnt itideiK-ndence which always marked him, having fnars that even that act with Its limitations might l**ad to the same result as the Bland bill, did veto lt; but he IMr. sherman) had mrt Bdflaai such a vote. He had heard flBBCB stufl about what he had done in that con neetion. Hc had heard it ovei and over agaln with? out rising in his plaee and BBytof a word. becau?e he had not wlshed to Bflg anything af all aliont what had oroarral between BtBaaelf Bflaf ibe man whom he hon t.rcd as the PreMdent ?f the CnltoU l-tates. Mr. Tcllcr here interpa.sed a remarh on which Mr. fherman's onlv commcul wa*. tliat the henator from notoraea* araa ta the habM af atanrtag himsclf as ii ritable as a schoolmaster: but tliat IflBBlBflB were not .lilldrcn, and tliat lie ,Mr. sheimani nad certainly passed the period of iu.nncy. iLaughter.) Mr. fshernian went on to speak of ihe worklngs of tlvo Bland Allison Ael, and said that its BBBaaBfl. .?0,000,000 af silver dollars had been colned and inaintnined nt par wtth gold. not beeau*e of the in tiinsie value flf the silver dollac. but becausc of tlie < redll of the tiovernment of BBfl grent uias*. i.f bullion bealai the silver certillc.ies and a.f the provislon that li, y ,hould be ti-eated as money Ifl their bioadcst oeii-e. There had been enough to maintaln that greul ma*, of ,ilver coln up to the Mandard of gold. although the metal out of which it wns made had been goinp ,l,,\>n, day by tlny. ln all the markets of the world. ii?ie was now in ibe Treasury tfil'.O.OOO.OOO of tho ...i.i. la spite of all the cttorts niade b.V every per -,,ii charpe-il with that du'T. not more than from 50. OOO.Oiki to 117.000.000 of silver dollars could ever tn; gaf iato aircilatioii. The people of tlio I'rilte*! states waro tofl much arcustomed to thc use of papei n.oiicy lo give It up: and so the silver dollars hnd to U kept in the Trea,ury and to be represented hy < ertidcates. To that hc had no object-.m. And when, la,t ,i-s,|,,ti, it wa, pn>po,ed to ad'ifl that same roliey by a bill to increnso the nj^.'liase of sllvcr bullion u.Illio.igh he thought thc BKOnnt t/vo large). hc had ..-artilv and cliecrfully supported it. The prinriplc, i ,_id. araa ihere?. -mely, tlie malntenance of thc jtarity of the two rretats ; . ihe power of the fiovcrn m-r,t. what.ver BBBJM be the market value Of tho bullion. lf th" Bland MII had passed thc country would be tivday. Mr. Sherman a,serted. on a sllvei ?teafl-WB. BBB the AlBaoB blll had passed. and the iiiiiiti', was* on what he thought thc gold standard. -*>' ,1 \et the ? aftei St*tes u-ed ? ilver to a greater cx tei't rbiin *uy country except France alonc. Mr. Miermai then referred to the Latln t'nlon, and la the clrciihistanros tniiler which lt had been formed namely, to piiiu-rt paM .ircnlatlon nnd ?llver clreula tion allhe. Tl.e tienty of ui.ia.n aafl e.tplred on tha l,t of Jimui.ry, 1801- a fortnigln ago. It was simply kept lu exI-teiKC now l,y th- wlll i.f the partlcs to it. Th ? I^itin nations did not ditfer ln thclr fltumrlal p-.licy from the DaBei State*, except ln one materlal t'cpect. They did not coln sllvcr, and the OBIlBd etatcs did. The I'nited Biates was more liberal Ifl ?ilver liutii wa* even rrance: and yet the Scnatc had been told of the great prosperity of France, and thai woiiderful prosperity had been attributed to Its trea.' ment of silver. He had before him thc law of that country as to coinage, and the trcatlcs which rag ulat**d that law, and he declarcd that Ifl France they were not half a? liberal about sllvcr as they had been for years ln the l'nit-'d Siaio*. under the AUi-on act. Silver wa? not a legal tender ln France for a Inglier amount than .'.0 francls. And yet the Senato h*d been told that France was a silver nation. The La, in t'nlon had not only suspended tlie coinage oi silver (except for subsidiary pieres), but France bad agreed not to i*suc 5 franc pleces **o long as the timtv lasfcd, and had provlded for their red-mptlon iu gold. How ridlriilous It was then to represont France as a silver country t He had spent a month in France during the cxposltlon of l.*>8, and had never secn a 5 franc plecc-the "dollar of the fathers." They had ceased to have any exlstencc. Their coinage had been not only suspended d?'Iiberak'ly, but had been suspended for life, and could not be nestored. unless by the Jolnt action of the flve great I'owers which formed the Latln I'nlon. France BBB not In any sense a silver afliuntry. When, tho c.overnment proposed the free coinage of silver drawn from all the world. It proposed a standard of value equal to the market value of 371 grains of silver. Senator.-; could not flec from that. Did any ?flBfltflf bellevc that tho I'nited Matflfl alonc, unafded by the co-ojieratlou of forelgn powers, eould brjng thi, va,t commaidlty up to $1 _t and kcep it there without buylng all Ihe outlylng sllvcr that other nations could, from time to time, divest themselvcs of? Hc did not Ihlnk so. lf not they would vote for a proposition that reduced thc standard of value on all contracta and obligations made ln the I'nited States. It might bc said that these obligations wci-e due to creditors und that thc people would fleece tho creditors. He did not atrlbute any such scntlmcnt to any tsenator. And yet ?aaatoca now proposed a law the loglcal result of which would be to establl,li a new ratlo of value by whlch B1'_0 of t-llver bullion could bc convert.-d Into money under all <ircum_ances. even ln tlie nildst of paal.-. The arbltrary prlao propo*?ed to be pald for silver had not been reaehed for lifteen years. He did not sco why hls silver fr.ends, or the people, ought not to be satisfled with the firesent law. lt was a compro mi?*. proposition made after grave rcflectlon. Why ahould the bullion owners of Xevada and Colorado bc pald more that tlie market prlce for thclr silver? Why should not the farmer say when his wheat went down to kss thar. a livlng prlce: "Glve me what I ought to bave?the average prlce per year"! J Mr. Dinlel lni|Ulred whether more than lt? market prl'-e waa not paid for gold. Mr. Slieioibn rc-pJicd ln the negative. The Govern ment retej>?.?<. dcpjs.t of gold at Its marbet value tt tba valuo hxed iu the marketa of tlie world. If the Cnitad Statea could have the co-operation of ali other nations, or of a sufbclent number of them to C_ and liurk the value of silver, no one would be mOre grateful than he. But the I'nited Statea could not do It Thc t'nited .tates stood aloue. If the tSenator fiom Virgteta (Mr. Daniel', rould brlng enough re cmits from the rommerclal nstlons of Kurope to say ? Wc wlll atand by you ln pur< huslng allver ut <rT 'J!?" he (Mr. fchcrmani, would say '?Ameti." Why flBflsM the l nit-d Mates to do whnt no nation of the world T.a, ;)? I. enough to do. Thc present law worked well. l.i-! aaaahM it w?s ngreud to by the silver men aa all thal t.'i". w.ii.t.'d. Mr. i. llc iiniailicd that when the coiifcrence re po t w.-., at '? BB thc . .-nat'. ba had de.laied it to be a nu.'' aiu, aad to \?- taaspaHBaV Mr. MaatBMfl rcpll-d tlie gcutlcmun dlffcred fr?,.:. his ar.,o< ates, for they aaked for only 4,'.0:., OOO ounce*. He cited Insi, a ntwspapor report of a f-peech dellvered by Mr. Stewart. ln Ktirelia. Nexv, In whleh that getiilemnn Is .juoted aa tho 8hermnn rnmpromlse MU. nnd saying '? Free i-olnage |s Imptaitlenble. ' lt la all non*cnse. and the men aro dlshonrst who want lt." (I.augliter). Mr. Mewnri sald that (hc rcport tras an elabora(e atiempt lo mlsreprc.-cn( what he did i-ay. IJe did sav Ihnl the pnrrha*.* nf 4.500.000 onnces wa* be((er for (he mlners lhan (he piirrna*e of 2.000,000. lle further sald ihal slmplc free rolntige without n bulll BJ elMM wonld not n-iswer lhe purpose, the rapaetv of (he mli.ts would not pennll af (he rolnlng of BMM8 than 2.500.000 888*888 of silver, wlth thc necessarv gold. it wouid llaaaaara be in (he paaaav of tba gold men to the amount of sllx-er that should be al.sorbcd. He said thal fjvc eoinage without such a provislon would 1k* a di-ltislon. Hc never sald that ho did not xvant free rnlnage. Mr. Bherman (co-iflnufiig) sald that whatever mlghi be sald about the prcsent law he b?*Ilex-ed 1t (o be B good law. 11 rontnltied a dcclnratlan (which h" thoughi wns a polnt of honor) HimI l( wonld be Ihc csial,ll?he.1 policy of tho t'nitod Slnt'-s to molntaln the parltv of thc two mctal*. Noxv, wilbin a yenr. n mcasure xvas proposed which would destrny (hat parity. Thc Im mediate effect of freecolnage xvould bc to Increase tho exp .rtatlon of gold. That was a ncressary and natural resulf. While lhe eurrenry would be expandrd l.y (lic |s-ne of Trc.-isiiry notos, It would be conir.utcd by Iho exporlatlon of pold. Another effect xvould bc to ln craisr thc Import.nlon of sllx-er. the markei for sllx-er was In the most rtlsturhrd state po-slMe. when the I'nlted stttes alone was bullnig Hilvcr acalnst the world, when the I.atln nntlons xverc sccKIng a more stable standard, It wa* pff.'iaosed that the I'nlted Ptnles should atep in and buy allver at a prlce far above It markijt valne. Was it not a aeriouB thing to make thls offer, in vlcw of flio gt*ea( store of sllx-er ln the world 1 Mr. Gray lnqnlred whclner, If Uie I'nlted States were on a silver basis. there would bc any tempfadon to the holders of forelgn silver BTlllloii to brlng It to American Tnints. Mr. Sherman replled that If the Senator looked com placently uix.n a slnglc silver slandard hc Ind nolhing to say. What he wns trylng to show was that (ho loglcal and noeessary effect of fr-eecolnare xvas to brlng the country to a silver standard. He did not mean la say tlmt (he people of tbe United siafes would bo rultied by iliat slandard. Mr. Oray -The I'nlted Sfatcs havlng come to a silver stan'datd, will there M :fl*? lemptadon (o the forelgn holders of silver to exchange silver bullion for 412 l '2 gralns silx-cr dollai-a. Mr. (shermau-I thlnk fhcro would. becanse I thlnk xve would still be paying more for allver than anybodv else. I'ontlnulng. Mr. Sherman sald be was asliamed that a great nation llke thls should be cotitcnt lo loxver its slandard of value, to Jolr Chlna, Japaii an.l thc Sonth American S(a(es. and to Ieave the graal romp-my of commcreia] natlons, whleh now linpof^illy t*toof by tlie best slandard of value. For. ahaltim might be aaid of silver, no one xvould qucstion that in the great 8888 nosa Ironsactions of lifc silver would not ai.swer (he purpose. u wonld be n Vuied by thc lon. i.old alone wns tho standard of value. While a silver standard mlght not brlng rnin upon the country, (,('11 it wouM be a lowcring of (he flag, which hc (riislcd (de United States would never agree to. When au tnfer'or s(andard of BBOCMJ was substltutcd for an saf-rlor. it diove out the superior-. There could bc only ot.c slandard of monev. or of measiuc. or of ttatght, u Coods were Mcaaanal by a shorter ynrd. tho pttee would ronform to tlmt yard. Tho rountry was ln a pt*i>ncrr>iis condition. Its gwwing prospcrlty xvould be arre-lcd l,y a eliange In thc standard of value. Hc could sce nothlng Iu tho future of (hls measuro cxeopt distnist, fcar and rhange af value*. It would iiijtire all tliose xvho depend upon ihelr Ir!. * and upon thc pi-oduction of (Iie farm nnd nf th ? ikshop. M: .-man then went on to argue ffortifylng hi* argnn.. -.. with statisticsi that fhe cost of a-rataelng nn ounce of s!Ix-er In thls rountry was a'-out BO cents. There were other chiisck, ho sald. that would add to thc produetlon of silver and rcduee ils prlre-. One was tho new silver mhie* tliat xverc being con stantly opened. Krom the Yukon Kivcr m AIa=ha to the Straights of Magellan there was not probably an Inlcrval of f.fty miles in the vast chain of mountalns where silver could not bc found. Mr. stewnrt attempted to asg a qne-tion. but Mr. Sherman derllncd to Hsten to lf. Not only, he con tlnned, were new mines being opened, but silver was nnlversal. and was to be fonnd in almost cverv country In the world. Then. beside*. there were n*w B8MMBM being roustantly adopted for the smeltlng and relTnlug of Kilver, and thoso proce-ses were grently lcsenlng tlie. cost of produetion. I'or 400 ycars the value of silver had been r-lativelv decMnlnc. At tl.e Ume af the discovery of Ameriia eight onnr.s of sllx-er were worth one 084BM Of g"Id; aud sincc then the disparity lia-'I groxvn greater and greater, until at one tliae It took txventv two onnces of *i|vcr to on.* ef gold. The loss of valuo during that 400 year* had been more than (uofold B8 eonii>arcd xvi tli gJOaA lt xvas the same with other nietals-|ron. lead. nlclie] atid tln. Thla was a rnlnlng age. There was no .lifhculiy, Ur. Sherman aaBerteA. In kopplug goll and silver ata parity with ench other. When they separat'-l from eafh other in niarkct value, nnd when It ilearly perceived tliat 8*8888 meial was going down ln value. (hen (be ratlo should l.e rhanged. There wa. nothing sacrwl about a ratlo. lt was now 10 to 1 in tlie United states, 18 12 to 1 In Fnince, and 18 to 1 in some other conntrles. while tlie marlict ratio was IS or 20 to 1. Instead of perraaJng th-.t -imple, plain renv-dy (a changc, of rafloi, altr con ferrlng wlth the tr.tlons of the world about It. the extrerne remedy was being presc^d of ba-ing n'.l the wealth of the country on a standard nt silver, whleh was going down in value relatively to gold, and had been going down for 400 jears. He believed that the best m.ney ever dcviived by man was the Treasury noies of tiie I'nited states, li-sued under ihe law of list session?gold ccrtl flcatefi atid silver certiflcate-'. That was (hc kind of money wlileh would always circtilatc, N'eKlicr g..ld nor silver could rl ren late among (hc AaMrtaM pc^iplc. He had frled onc?, when Secretary of (lic Treasury'. 88 get silv?r subsidlary coin 4nto largcr clrculallon. by sending It. to varlons postofflc<*s of (he eonntiv; bul. H had all been retttrned al mueh 8X888888 to (he <iov ernment. And now there was of subsldlnry silver coin lylng Idleln tlie Treasury (thls bill pcoposing ta lssuo allver certiflcates upon iti; and (here wa- nlso lying in the Ti-easury a mass of 3-*0,000,(K>o of silver dollars. That waa ihe highest evidenee that the people of the country did not want elther silver coin or gold coin. They wanted paper money, bnsod on silver and on gold, based on solid valucs, and supported by the credlt of tlte ('overnment. Hut still Iho standard of money would hax-e to be retalned, because paper money w-a*. not money ln thc true sense of llie word. lt w'? a mere representatlve af money, and thei-e had to be a standard of value behlnd lt. The standard now was gold ; but It wns propo-cd by tho pending arnondment <o make silver thc stiindard, (j. .lispla.'o the gold st?ndai*d, and to pla.-e all the money of the country on thc baais of silver, which, it. all (he eotintrles of Kurope was a commodity of variable value and was sold by the ton. Mr. Pngli asked Mr. Sherman to state his oplnlon os to the .itiantity nf money neoded by the people of tlie United Sta(?s for their business. '.Mr. -sliennan dcellned to go Into that qucMion. It was an entlrcly ditTerent t/,plc. He was now dealing xxith mclals. He knew, hc i-ald, that xxhat ho was aagtag would M mct with tho cry of demiiuogues all over tbe United States. Tbe ineti who MMaM as be did (and as tl.e great l.ody of tho business mcu of the country did) wi.ulrt le call".! goldites, spwul.itors, mllllonaln-s; and a kind af pul,lle oplnlon xi ould be gought to he ci-catcd that the gold standard was thc standard of the rlch and that the sllv.-i standard vas lhe standard of the poor. If he bc lleved so he would bc derclict in hls highest du(y if he did not do everyIhlng to promote thc inferest of the business and laborlng cliasse.s of (he p,-,ple. Hut he aolemnly bellexcd that thelr inlere*t lay ln malntalnlng tlie best standard of value, repres.-nted by gold and tilver crrtiflcntes In sufliciont quantlty for the clrculiTatloii of the country. lf he Bbaarai any feehng ln tl.e matter iie hoped that Senatora woultl remeiuMr that it wus not because ho had any pertonal Intereat ln tho matter. He waa not enfaged'in mnnu facturea; he waa not enguged ln rnlnlng; he was not Your Worst Enemy Ia that ecrofuloua huiuor In your blood which manlfeata itsaM in taatera arerr Mm ti?' ia a aaataM >.r in... ,. ?fl lu lilvea, pl.tiplea, bolU, aud er.i|.tluii... B8MM aalt rli.'U.'n, ur breaka out lu ocra.loiiBl or coiitiauoua t innliiR .?r'-s. tiri Kld of 11 nl 88488. 88 BBM il.ue wh'ii your aTatain la wi-ak It wlll barMM your maalir. Haaaf*| Bat aaparllla I* the re)nrdy al.lch wlll pur;f.v xour blianl ?-xi-.-l all MM8 ?f ^iaeaa,. and I'lvi- y.,u ativi.gth. Hood's Sarsaparilla Scia by all dt.igglaU. 81 : ait (or 88. fMpaMf onl) by C I. HOOD 4; CO., lp',lh<carlia, I.onell, Maj.-. 100 Doses One Dollnr et.gagcd In any klnd of bitflnesa-so that tho hlll would aftect him le? than probably any other Senator. lie wa, ibflbital slmply bv what he believ.*d Ifl be the liest Intercst of the rnuntry IB mnlntainlng a i;,,od viHTirl.-u.l ,,f value. A* to Ihe rry about mllllon alres, t-enators .mint know that ncaily all the mllllon aircs in this country won* of modcrn crentlon. The|r Brtasaa imd iiaam out a.f new invctions. out ot new dcvlcc*. out of new property crciilcd within a niiale gcncmtlon. HaOB he wa, a law, :i Bflflfl wlio was worth fli,.<*><> wa* consld end rtflfl* ;.inl oi?- flflBB ln I"* county who was known to bc worth ? arOI BOaillml ia. i? as i-i.n as Crooam Bai tarw, i;. "i"". BBd bB over the aoiinti.v. Ihtrc were men of grvat fortunes, an.l Ifl n.aily av.-rv l;.*lnnie. tho,e tortaaaa had been foiiieled upon new lii.lii-.ti.e-. There. f-. in-taiiae, we,x il... !.n!:...i.!*.wl,i<li were largcly OBTBBl by OBBftalMo ! vciy httl.: ' f tl"i: sto. i. being BOB held by tlie m*,ses i 0f the t.pta, toeaaae ll was mai.i uiate' so lhat Iba stockholders were genenilly fro.e:, BBl nml tliat thc boadholdata rame In and took tho rad. There wa, ! over tfli),(M>o,o, .o.r.oo fnxc-tol I'i rallroads ln thi*. | rouiitrv: and that BBfl one bas!* for *.')ine of thc ei.-it fortunc, ot thc country. Woui.i Senatcrs, ho asked. do without ralh-eada ? Woald Ibal dc-tivv raUraada a, <.!?. ..f ti,.- graaf aaaaeJaa or iif_ Hc took it that ! thc> wouhl not. Other -ouro-*. of k'reat f< rtuncs hul j eome ?.om the Iflfflgrapb, from tcleph-'iie-. from reaplng ! miwhlnes and apriciiltural liiiph?me..ti-.ill miMlcm in | h*eatiOBa. Then tbara was tctrohun, out of whlch va-t tarBBMa h;vl been made, gi-eatcr and more rapidly than any Ibal t.a.t asJatad before. Milllonali-es shouM i.ot bfl liivKil t.i.'.r ,11,"??. Ihey would .lie tl.c re-t <if uiaiil.ind ln a glv.n tlme; an.l Hiei. lortuiie., wouhl .'itiicr bo dleelpetad or iiatnbated b| law. Ifl Um incaniiiiie. however, lavantbMM had unded nat only to th-- fortaaaa ?f Utaaa man, but to the eoaa lort and clvlltaatton of the wliul.; country. Bo il wa, I,. \. itl. tl.e .iiii.n. ii.tera-*t. whlch ha.l m*de more uiUtlonalrci tiui. prubabll any oiiter mtetci, except raflraada. Than tbere bbtb nilllleaelree win. aaa berone s. oui of Iimu orc. Tbara were now iron-ora i.?, ou LafcaBapa lor osUoMted i?. !?? aortb millloae, whleh i",. yeara ago aera not aortb a groat. >". too. willi ' tl.e Bilaaa of gold aml silver and naii. ii..* nn.g mililonairc* wore lo caofornla aaa Nevada and Montaaa i.n.i OoloraUo and irtegon. Ii wa*. theretore, he thought, beloa tbe dlg&ity of tba .-. , ? io lalb aboul mlUionalrea. Ibej arare aome ol the brigbteat and ablaa nep ot the eoBBto ?ho lud made their fortunes whlch dui nol d.? tuef. nearlj u> miich nod aa ih.- moderate lucoaie "f pmla etttaena dlai ii.. ii lortunea were a burden and u rarei They baa atade tbcli fortniiea; and whj alioiild Henalora env> ..;,.,,' Hi'V -ii.i'ld be Icft to cjoy their w.ultu, wi.nii tae] ii."i ma.ic bonorabl) ind hou iiy i.y f.m mcan*. Thej aroald paaa aarajr iu * le* ehorl reei iiiuier that rommoo lot whlch awaii* all men. As k. ,i?., everj American, be -*aid. waaa spcailotor. he had never aeen an American \.i ahoaM in.i apecn late and renerally before he aa* ten rear* of age. He iiegan spertilatlug when playii.g marblee. riieae aueiulatora were Ihe men whu led ????< lo the -.rcat busl ,,*. ..i iife. bpcculation wa* a* ner?h*ary lu bualne* n- troih araa t,> beer; and <>i whal good wa, a man wbo wa* i.ot ? apecalator i Mr. .herman then loob ap aome "f tba pisraonw re maiii, dlraeted agata*l Ma bj Br. reller and aaM oi tkeaa ihat it araa ;. spaelaMa of Um ? ral aabiuafl aaai Mr. TelW explalncl the r"i.r.ili loaad lault with bv Mr. bberman. which aaa laa i ----i-1.- ?;; t. Mr.HBar nfau'a having ...-. u.d an ara ikntal !?? iltlun, and aaid tbal a-hal be meanl bj Ihe phr?**e -a.-.-e, ai v lhal .* Mr. -lierin;... hn i ' ?" '"'v ' f ' ' '',' ' ' hl, vi. wa had irrcti.'i wdghl with the people. ite <n*. rlalmed having meanl an) |*i*4iiial di-r ;l; "...... Mr. KlicrmiMi, afior fnrtaer rcptj to Br. r n r. .. Iflrred to aome . uarfca made by Br. Va**, parib...hi., !n eonnection arlth hl* iMr. Bhcnuain a) ac Uonat ..* Ume ol t.i. Parla ronferenre, and *.:.i in.,< ... , ,..,??? rn. tl.e i'nited Btale* waa WBlta Mr Uuggles) aaa tbe enteriiifl wedw whicb, if tn plnm ol the ronferenre had been rarried out, wouM ..nv led i" other ronventlona and woald bwre catah ,.,.,, ,, ,,v,i anll <?f welgbts tin.l in,'..,..,.s. Jolin onlucy Adama ln .'?,? of hi* boldeal Blflht. ol ornt iry, eVpi-vising .. hopefnl vtow that, Ihrougti t,..-i,..'.n....,.i conventiona, wai* w.l i saae, had expi-es,cd bt, (Mr. Bberman'a) Benllmeni* In regard to the gicu Imiiu.titic. .f .ni' i-ii-.ti-.i al ronventlona. And now na w ,* ,.''*-i r, bave ronventton with the Su. A.i''.'. State*. I| wa- '"'?'?? ' ^ Iffi.* nuestlon and to see how Importani 1 waa twmMon* ro .,_",? wllh each other ln peeeeabU* and i|iiict roii ference rather tltao lo war alth aaeh other ... lha destructlon ol tber laoral aaa malcrial ntcrea a. Mr Mortran asked Mr. bherman u. what coln ir proppMd >.. ha*e tba P9OO.00O.00p ?f b.,nds ...?, eini.'.ii'eil i:, the tourtb BccUon ol t.i- MU) P>hl tor. lfr. .herman replled thal the blll dM no aay flor thing aboal U.H.: bai be preauflMd Ibal way -aroald be i.aM for ln flold. He bad flol ral-cl that point Mr. Morgan- Bul I <!"? ... , , Mr Uhennan Tl.e Senator fro.n Abdwma wanti io nt our Beeerttlea iown t?. a rJJvar ataadard, bai 1 ini.t tbal tbal wlll nol ""'"'?? Bhy, be astted. lh.uid iho rnlted Btntc. rn*hJnto itanger and then (lll UIl.,11 ullli-r IV. tn Hl, t" l.'-lp .l.el.l "Ml WBJ *l,ould ihev tiing thcnuelrea Into the Brena and artl the ki noo.iMHi.tioo ol dlter in tha ararld, aud lha B1&S.0O0.0O0 ..r 0600,000.000 prodneed mm year \vi,y ,i.o..ld they do thal nnleaa thev araatodtaa rilvar itaadardl lf -xnau.r, oa tha othet atdj^dJd arael ihe silver lUiidnrd. tbe|r argamenUl were loglcnl. He ,,,,,1,1 i_nder*taad the dealra of Baaator* ??,.., the allvei ?.,.,* io promota tl.e Intareata ef IMr ens ituci s a;?i repraSenl Ihe aontlmenU of tl..;lr people. Ie i,ad not said a word of reproarh of tho?, nor woald ba do -'. H<" would rereii t" Booalora on the_othe. ,i.i.. who f-preaantad oM and -eiti.-d states. with no property in them. aud where l..du**tr.ea were dlversilled, lhal bach ol all their ariwfBBMMila there m;.* the sti .... and dctermlned *ympathy which taej had f .r'ti." otd Ideaa of Andrew JTaeCon. The eommon ,?.,!pi.. belleved io hard money. Thej were wllllna ;,, have paper money; bai they wantad II n.aun ilii'*d al par. He a,?i,|..,"i l)eni"|. B- linl -I** IrOTO the Ba*.t and senator. from the Hoathorn bfataa taat ll ihey eommltl *d themwlre* to thj p illcyof Ihefree coln aae ol silver they woald bave Gie bardeni of that ?" >> nTliment neal year when tho w*.**on*lbllity of imMkx tion woald be upon them; ind be irnunded I.?? , ?? . durina the four year* ol Democratlc AdailnUntta they had nol dared to proj?o*e sneh a i.-a-ui-e, bnl hi.i i..-1't M?,nlol a; poisllfe; onAjiool^mwcaM bave drlvon them i. the prinrlph- of free eoln?ge r?r ,??-. be would stand by .,." l-_al -tapiJard of valno. ou whleh publle and i?iv,ite rontmeU bad oeen i...*'i. After -{....iii,.. for aboul fooi houra, Mr. Ubirmaa reenmed bfi wai amid eonalderable i|i,i,l:,,"1v';,r .hl.r Mr. Tcllcr iiacatloned a Uble -i ,"V'I ??> Mr. sl, r man as to the haporta and exporta '" iHjrar, and also denU tbfl - orrec.1,,,-* ot hl* .tatcn-nt a .....t depo*l - of illrer exlitlng from the Vuhon IIIvct ta, the sti-ats \ igeiian Clio mlnea that wera tbere wara gold. n\VaToTax\tJ. Br! Mkr a,*cr.e,i th-t foM j.?.d -il\er Dilnlna wa* a lottery, aad tbal ror e?my tnrce dollar* nu Into tlie nilne* nol mora than OBfl dollai v ' an The Senator?i ai gom. nt baditjea an aiTneaJ Mr*Jn*rt Ibe mlner* of Ibe eoontry. rba qaea n..ii wa- i,..t "i." of comp.*i.*.'i,.'. t" mlnera, tm (1?e,tion wa, whatber tbe world waated .llwa ni.... y. Mr \i!i-'ii aaM thal were It nol Iw tbe f*.i inat he'!',,- a -,.",..l.,' "t the Commlttee Wl namMjhfl I wa.uhl lake no part i.i the aabatB. H?* Ml had h? i. rem.rted to the s-eiml", 00 Decea.r 33. di.rlni. iu, ',-.,.* The bill liad been roiisidered In the...... mtttoB.Mil ii.- fourth -."ti.,,. had baeti aWebay oui and another aiihatituted wlMn ba waa Bol vraaent ?lei fore he wa- nol cunmittcl to the suMtitu c and would v,,te againal tbe ameadmoiit The MD ol tait year had seea paaaei on tln- aoppaalttM thal t v.??l<l be a -olutlol. ot the qU-MttOB i.t Baa for a brief partod of Ume, Bnl durim the reeeai thm -cei'ied t., be .. faeUna ahln ... panlr and dlaaaler tbal tbere waa aol enou^i money i.i the oountiy. One of the CMBN Whlch had arcatd '''^'Vj ,nm Vorh waa tha tBd that tha Ooveramanl bad fMOflOOr ,.f paper money whleh by UMigood Wthof tba rnlted >i!te- wai eiiual to mj cdbar ?Mp.OOO.OOO that aould nol tlnal la*lBiiient lu New y ork banUs ln obedienee to what be beUered to be tn.* .,f thoae wim deslred to Increaae the curretiey and ..f ti.o,e wbo wlHhed to islve rteadlnea* to illear balttoa. he had v. rl. i? tovw of tbaflrBt wrtion of tba bi .??/;;;;; of mahina an ./iaiit,..,.ai purchaae of 0___0a." "'? Hut after having Hateoed to the aoaaBBMi af tbe Hea^tora fron, Cbli*rado and Sereda I& would when opportimliy offared, move to atriBB from thc blll its ""'he^Ui'h's'eotlon of the blll wa* one crltiolsod by tho** wh,. tavorad sllvcr as betaa of BO value. li wa, | S i erpol'-..*d in tl.e bill in tl.e taJU^rfaUTer. if lf i.e! no value it had no plaee ln thc blll. Hc ,.,,.v,d wlll. th'' .-.-nat,', wl.a. ,',i.!cl*e,l that MCtlon, lhat it Waa a mak.-hift. but lie bad been wlUiWJ to roncede It ta. thoae who d-ire.t ibe rapari?eni lobe made. He had cleor and dl*tluct vlewa a- to wtal a onirta'*', ouahi to do before II eiitered on tha question o( oncnlng Uie mint* lo li.olnage bat11 waa aotto experiment tor n year. Bul he waa willlng tbal the provislon should go In, beranae U!al the end of tbe yoar fiiver had reaehed a liaHtJ -rjtb -'"l ha wm wlllng ,hil, um -i.'.ui'i be o**eaed. He did not belteve, ,,,-M'ver ti-at thia pont would ever ba reaebed. ral. ! v,?, V. p*hrted nol a* i Bnalliy, bat m order ... brtdge ?v,v a lemporarv depreaaloii in tbe nion-r market. Th* bul secUon of tl.e l.ill be regarded a* a nU. ll autbt.rized the Prcaldent, when a suffldenl number ,,f ci.iii''ifi-cUl natlona had agreed upon a eommon ratlo, to I'laio. proctomaUon lo lhal effeel and t? open our ? to free eolnage. rhal waa a atatement to tbo nationi ol tl." worid tbal Ute I nited Btalaa was raady vi,,',- tne- were to me allver a, money. The amend meni ol the Senator Irom Kevada waa a propoaltlo*i ',-,,,. Twaaury notea lor everj 4UM 3 gralna of Ktanrtaral silver lhal nilghl ie preaanted al the rnlnt nd-. ..'.wi!,..' law, ti." Preaaurj boughl 6^000,000 ounec* ol silver nt thc market priceK. fiaf waa 4 00O.MH) ouneea mora than tha Mnual productlon of the I'nited BUtea. In OtlaW under exlstlnc i-iw thi, eoontry took aU of tha produet of the Amerl eaa'flalnea and oftOQATOO oaoee* ol tiie nraaiuct of ih.. M&xlcau nunc, for colnape S'ow the bcn atots trom iMorado and .\"e\ ia '1 thal It w-:? nol tl.,- littent or tbe o-pctation that under the pro vi,...,i, Ol ii free colnage bill allver should be Iru norted into the Unlted Btatea tor tha purpo-e-i of coln _eo Why should tha people pay rl H? tor silver in.tead of ifl 0. I Mr. stew_rt said that It was for tne purpuse of reerownliig silver a, money, of stop ulng ?pcculation In lt and of reRirdinn lt as a legal reaarve upon whlch to predicnte jvaper l.*?uci. Mr Alllaon ^nld thnt tl," lnterit icemed to bc to deeorate sllvcr bv maklng tt ?1 CU. when it was worth ..-llv -y? 05. lf tliis were true. the elfcct of the amen.l meut woald be to pay to tl.e ownara of ?:lver buliioh ?24 cent*. i*er ounce more th*n th6 market value. *j it wa? paid It would be puld from thc t'nlted. ^t.?,t.? Tie'.,urr. and would rome out of ?wmcbody'i pockct. Mr. .-t.-raif li d thnt tli- obje. I w*.f to rlftht a wroax i > leglilaflon Ihe flov-rnmenl had robbed Um silver prodnceri of over *io:), nnd hnd roi' eai the p- p ?? ol fhoaaaade. .Mr. i|li*,in said that a* t" robhlna silvi-r .wners. he woald consldi-r thal nuc?tlon when it came up. Aa Ui robbtna Un i.pta h\ the laglBlntlon >.f i-<.:t, bo might be ln lympatay with the Baaator, but bla remedy was not |he remedy proposed. Mr. I'liitnl. I?.|iili*"d whv. If -Ilver was to 1^*' per n ani i lly recogniard ns n,er.baudi*e, there absaM BBf l,c ..iii,-i t.i'e'l I, r It Iron nr nlehel. Mr. -illlnon replled l7-, t th-if WrmM be a pertlnent qaesi on ,f he befleved thnt illrer wai to i** r-i**Kiite<' i Plaaahaa Mataaa Of liclth a.irt ?trcM7th reaewed at.d of >*<?? and aon,fo, loilo*, ....- aaa nf srr'.ii ..[ Ptgs, a*. it a. ta ln barsnan v t. i.,t,.i. lu BlfertuaJly ?! ...-' |lr "'tr'.. --? h-.i ra*Ui ?r blll,...* I ,.r ?,. Ui .0. and ai.Oo baitb-a by al liadoiu i_r.ic.uta ?? lhe limlxi Of a rointnodltv only. Then he would ,xrive wlth tM Senator thai (ho COtUJtTJ mlghl aawen use Iron or nny other nrtlele. Hut he <H'I nol beltai * (bat He l?*llcved that silver had nll of lhe i-nalltlea tlmt'gold Iv.d. and that ll. wonld be tis-.l ly the |.-op,e of tho world a* monev, nnd i*. ha<,-x-,-r Iie rouM M to piotnote tlmt end. he wonld do heic. noxv. evi rvwlicr" and alwnv*. hc wi.s argiileg to ?how thal tM Inii'r nt tln* ani.-iiflment xaa- tj >i ti'' loglc rl'.lnieil for ?t. It wa* but a 8 mr pic-oxt for a frM eoinage BMBMUV. lf tM effeil ,.f i( wa- oiilx tO tnke rtirc of thi. rntintrr'a piodurtion. and glve to Its silver owners ?.'4 eanta. ' lt looked to the eatatiUehinent l.y llw l nlt'd Hates of a latlo whl.-h dl.l not _t*\*' anvi4h*re el-e on lhe glol-e. It mlght l.e thal *-ltb thc sni' pi-odiu tion of oO,OM,006 Mncee, thi* ronn tiv ...iii'i do this wiii.out deranglng it- rfta'auoe aa reapecilng metaiHc money. It was Meaaae ae o i lieaed Ciat i! rould not that ?..* was n?,t in taMJ of ii?- free rohiage "f allver. IMlle-rlng, ns hc did, that tM elferi <>f ti.c, BMaaara a-eajt*. be: Brat, ta h?*>rd 0 iii, a'd next, lo send it abroM, he roald n<>t rote tor (he iiineiidineiil. He argaed from blatorlral pir-.illcl. that r lhn free colrtaga protlalM goln xxmild p> -ii i.ti.allv ont of the < ountry, or ivould M li'-l' lt xiiliie iibroail, i-ninpnred wllh lhe vali.f silver i,ulll,ui >il, Tnlklng of Ihc I.alln t'nlon. Mr. Alli -ou naortlnnM tfr. HMraaao'i itatveawntaa to Ita being dJataolved, nnil sitid thal the Prenca people to-day wen- as ini.rl. in favor of thc uae of silver tvs averc tlie n_ ple of the I'nited Statea. llie blll. In Its original purpose and alm, loob.-d to the I'openliig of negoliatioiis as rx-spert*. * uniform roiiiagc ior tha world. When Congrea*, In 1878, witled iho pnlicy of thc Tnltod States, a* t . silver. It xxas lhe duty of every aaeoaMlag AdmiBtattattM ta lay Mfore ihe illrer Staaaa of Enrope the qaaatlon ?f retnonei alng allver by Interiiatlonai BgreeBMBt, Ml he bM loolcd, ln valn tliroiigh (ho dlplomatir rorrc-poiidenrc slii'-o then for a Itiggcetlon of that kind to anv Am.-r.'.ui Mlnl lar abroad. II.- |?-|l< v.-d lhat. if the (Tnltod Itatea adopted thc prlnelnloof free-olnage of allvor, Europ.-an M.nnlries avouM sltnplv fold thelr arms and g? ituietly to slccp, retalnlng (he"lr slla-.-r untll they needed inoi-e money. and then they would aend thelr silver to Iho l nited State* and eonvert lt into gold money. Mr. Aldrirh sald that. as he believed that Mr. stewart's aniendment would be, If enaetcd into law, l,-a to thc great tatarcata of the .ountry, bo felt that he ought. a.* a member of the Kininre Commltteo. 1.. ,.\pre?s brlcflv, but wlth tlie Btaaoat rai.dor. IM loaaoni aralch led him to that eoBrlualon. lle aaa wllllng to api-ee at the outs-t tliat tM present roodl tion Of silver waa owing to leglslalloii. lle denlcd, however, tliat the prnding ani'-iidm. ut was a propo diton f.?r tlie free rolnagB ->f illrer. lt w?s aa uniik* tliat a- nlght wa. i,, <i;iy. It was a propoaltlon to nurrhaae all tM alhrer bullion iliat tnlglil be offereii at a liM-il arlt*, whlrli '.ia- 88 per "'nt ahove it* mHilict pl'.*; thc I'nited States to paj healdoa all the ehargaa of i-tining aml mlnting. ? araa IMw (Mr. Al.liiri. aaked) aboul the bualnes* ,,i silver mlnlng which niad-- ll s.( -n< r.-il it ihould /?ve -??-7i nn ailv.iT7Ta.~e over all other interests of IM rountrj I Hc dcii'b* that tlwre xva* any Ia,k ,,f < ur ,-ii,\ in th*? L'nlted Btate*: and aeaertod that tne cur renrv was ample? twl.-e ..s great as that <>f Bngland. |[e li.-cl.tred hlinself surprls,*.! at the altlluile of l'.'im> , atic " uatoi- on thls siil.Jert. and read to th'*... u BOT tion of Mr. rie-eland'a silver letter t?> \. .1. Warner a:i<i others, before liis Itvaaguratlon, ln relation to the sii ver nueatlon. founiu.ii ramor '.Mr. AJdrteh aaid) had il lhat tlae ffenator frotn Ncvu.ln (Mr. KtewaKl woild Imvr the sii'ipoi-t Ol tbe s.llil l)eiu,?ratl, v,,le: und ? refore he wlalied to call th-ir attention to the t liati-rc whleh sii.ii a rote aroald ihoa to Mre taken ptaee I i ti,.. poiu . ,.f tiieir p.-irtv. TM iame gentleman iMr. i leveUnd) i, itf Biaata a tpeeeh In PhilMeiphla laal areea lu whleh he undertiMik to d?-liiieatc the prinelplci of tine Dein.MT.iev. Iii vlew of ('ie fa-t that Mr. iTere lami 44.1- i.mi rstood to M tha prlnelpai Prealdentlaj . mdidate of his jiarlv. M (Mr. had looked ih, ,., |, ihe reporl of Ihal ipeeeh and fonnd that t'i rre v. is nol one arord hi H la toror ef the fi.'olttage of allver: and i..* had look-d from that tpeeeh t.? the irtlon uf lienaten. on the other -i.:<* l? (Ind onl what the prlnelplea ,>f irtM ll*cmocrary were on the nueatlon of allver lle foiud altCng on ih- UepobUean ilde of ine chnml-er tho TiHng lii-.-n.-?- nf MIclfMl Aiiph' itatue in K'i'iie of Moaea. Th.-r.- wa- C.e -ume herote noi.M lhe sauio slrengtli and energ.x rtalble in evarj lliieam nl : bnl he bad to ronfeaa that he was tonie v Int -i:":r-el 77) lind ttal *'-nator playlng tM role f ihr* law clv r and prophoi of IM trtoaern Democraey. i.viL'i.i.i'.i iie bad i ?? ">:'"'t,d that the *?''*'"? from Nevadi xvas to be depended upon to furni-h the orlnelplea of trae DeiiKKrary. ratner than lhat llrovcr hevetand should. He did not know thal Mr. cicx"* land had been dlaplaccd In hi? lend'-rshlp l.y that senator (laughter); and he wonld arateh ultl. niuei. iiitoresf io s?. irltather IM c.-i. datu-e that had be,-,, going on on the iH-moeraile side of (he rhanber would tnatertallxe int? aa-tual leaderahlp of the partv for all time to ,ome. ILaughter and e'apping of hands.) Mr. .-t.-v.-iit said tbal M only h.>i?-.l ihal Bla WI lowers arouM gal (<> tM proroUod land ln safetv, an.l thal tiie gotd ii'-ait-d r*haraolii would iiave tiw aaa -liment vlslted on tlie Kcyi'tians. Mr Aldrleb ha<l no doubt tlmt the Senator from \evada and his (aliowera believed thal they a*ere bi-lng led throiigh the (luanelal wllderneaa an.l av.ii.U! reac-fl (lu- proml-ed land: l.Tt he admonlahed Denio eratle Senaiora that a tey ol retrlbutlM was romlng Ior them. as It had COBM for RepubbeaM. M (Jie l?'i iiartlea wttt t., taeel Bgafn in ierej on the lasrepy of Inflaflon. the lii-publi.-an* were readv for thc Issue; und he knexv of l.o better one. ii tho Denocracy were obllgad to tatie a bow ,;ui.1ldate ln order lo ke?*[) bl llne --*,:111 tM new li*ndcr hip iMr. sleiaart'si, M MUered Utal It would l?' boaten. lle also believed tlmt the Ix-ui ,?'rata w.mld ,,,.\..i- I.i* alile io ge. Mr. CBBVelaaM to ivtopt tbe silver Mraar; and although Mr. Vest had MaU the otMl aay ttal Mr. f'leveiaiid lia.l in.Mlille.l his vl-ws upon allver, ni,,.iili.:ation s|niplv avent t? thc exfent (Mr. Aldri.'h uiiderst.M.d) of siivlng that Oeinoirais who bo :ie\-ed iii free rolnaar of allver nlght poaatbly M good Ufinoi nits and mlght po-li,ly bc aane. (I.aught.*r.i -rrioiislv, however, hc warned Sennt'.rs on Uu* other ajde not to triaa wllh the qtMatton, lf IM) luul any .?ji.ill.lenc.* ln the free-roliiage pro|M?slfloti they should expreaa lt in a, open arag. and noi ..iiit<*nt them -.-Iv... with .rawllng suplneiv in tbe folloaxing of the following of the Senator froai Nt.aria. (Limght.-r mi'l apptonae.) . , . Mr. steavart proBOaaf, ln ord'-r to aave a nlght ?e. slo.i and io a.-romniod ite tta henalora who d?*slr.*il to -imili on the <|iiestlon, tbat UlO BgieaaieBl a- to tM de tatte und rata ihoaU M eataMea f,.r one <iax. imt tta ,i poaltton wa* met oy B BOaltlra objertion on the parl ,f Mr. Il.i.r. Mr. Bvarta made au txrgninenl agaiaai Mr. Ktewart't amendment To-inorrow, M tald, would M ala montha exaetly fmni the date *rhen tta Senate rama I, a ii.*e|s|i.n on tl.e questlon <>f ihe carrener In n ui to the mi'Miiie basi.; and. in hls Jndgmrnt, noth? lng whatever hut Inlerx en-il. lu tM iftar. of tta rountry or ln (hc allaii-s of thc ciinin re al ,',:rti" v iii. whleh tho f nit'd. stat.s had relation*. teat sluuld have renewed the aw.tati. n. Nq man arho nndemt ol the gravltv of thc qnestion of mon.v ine.aK or xa bo ipprectated ()"? -,-il ,..-..,*-s of the parity betwren tlte two nn-tals. .ould say ttal) any :i. ti *n of anv nnti'-n eonld. ln slx nionths, Mve tta L'nlted *-tit-s io leap at over the great gap between*the mettl* Ifow lhe vidnries nf silver cotliage nnd lhe patron-i of IM mlnes brought forward tha mw qaeat!on Ihal C'ougreaa xva* at oaea to ebange lt* Meuaoa aM a. ciniiiis'i whal six moiitii ago it bad r fu-ni to ,, ,unpli-h. There was notiilng whleh should rhamre tiie popular utlafaetlon wltb t';c. law of .i.ilv la-t T'lep-- wa* nothlng in lhe e\p, ricn, e of the eounirv wl,i, li eonld show CongrOM ttal K had envd wlicn lt |,a- "d that luw. Impalicnre wss no t<*nrli<*r: CX perlence waa the mu traeMr by whleh <',ngress slnuild be guid.-i. .lu-t a* long a< Ooagreai iat. ju*i to long th'-re w,,ul<! bc an effort lo mal;.- this ..overnment , baaa, noi ,,n!v of laaae aaal aamoalt. but alao of diar .unt. lle knexv nf bo more paltry Itwlslatlon than lhat whJkb uiined tlie member*. ol the two bonaea ,,f Congress into a board of bank diicit'rs or iu.o managera of a etaarlag home. Mi. M.t'oiuiell refci-rcd to the n.-nmen i'.i aud agriruIUiral dlatreM whieli prevall-d ln the i ountry. atirlbutlng this ennditlon >>f nlTalrs to (hc -,.i!,itv of monev, whleh cnabl**d 17," few f,, eontrol wb.u there was to the d'"trlniei.t of the many. The remclv waa the trakitig of n.ore money. Iie then prareeaM t" argue in favor of the free eotnaga of aHver. Tl.e hour then being late, vari. u? -. tgue-iions wei*? ninde a* to an exienslon of general debntc, nnl It was flnallv d? Idcd that MllBtara .loncs, of Nevada: In iaills, Otbaott and Hlscock should la* aOowM to ad ?l.ess the senate in c\t?-n*o (taglnnlng nt l') o'i loclti. ,.fter which tho (en minu(e deliale shall be entcre.1 apoa. Thc fienate then, nt rt:IO. adjo.irncd ENTITLED TO FUKK F.NTRY. Washlngton, Jan. IS.?-Tba Trea ury IVpurtmer.t ha? siistnJncd lhe appeal of Mtaa Ida de Sdegner, principal of Ihe paintliig and draxvlng depttr.'ment af the Denx-cr I'nlvenlty, from the dei islon of the .'oll'.'ctor of isis loitis al New-Vork. nssesslng on certain cr.iyon di-.awlngs, studlo effcets, et<-.. lniporicd lu AagJBBt la-'. MNs tstclgner went to I'm-is in Scptcinber, IHhd, and rctniiied Ij. thla lountrv ln Augu-t, 18490, brlng ing ibe articlea in oraea lon arttli her. The drawlng* irere her own araaaarttona and tta atber artiiis draperlea, objerta ln braaa and eopper, ei.-., arara pan of Mr -lititio elli-ils imtl \4fie Inl ??iid.-d (or BM lll the pra.'iice ef her piafaaatoB M m ariisi ami taaebcr. TO UF. PI.ACF.I) ON TIIK, UMITKI) LIST. Washlnglon, Jan. T.'l.?The bill lhat pMBBd the Scnat" (o-day to ti-aii*f.'r afhara 8f the Army from the llalted ta tl..- uiillmited list of the retiied IM xvill, a~ Aa\ A ii. thc HMIMlltae i,.|iori. r<-:ilt ln th- hn mediate ttmoatar <>f alnety ofJeera, an.l ln plaalng lifty ,,f the -ixtv oflliers iioav ell;:lblo for retlrcaient, on the llmib-d llst. NOMIN'ATION'S HY THE PKKSIOKNT. \X ??i?hlncton. Jnn. l.'l.-The I-r,>-;,lent to day sent t. tiie leaate the taUoaraag ajoralnatloMi ll.-nry H. >wan, lo bo I.'nltei! States Dlstri't Judgi for tlie EMtarn Dlatrlcl ,.f IflchlgA..; Hohert )=*.. lian nav, to be l'nlted Stattc* Attornei f ?r the East*ru 1)1*. tii, t of Texaa. TO SAIL FOR THE XVF.sT INDIES. Washlngton, Jan. It, Iftar AaTtahal <.lierai-dl. com manding the North Atlantio si.iiia.lron, has reeeived iin:'-l Instructlons from the Nax*y Dep-irtment In regard to future movementt of the vetieli of (hs( tqua.lron. Ha left Waahlngion thla for New-YrrU. and Wffl .ad Ior (he xVeit iBdle. ln the flagdhlp I-hilsdclphla ai ..oon a> tha! veasel can be made ready, probably Thurs ,lay or Frlday of thla week. r.DVT.r.NMEXT DEBT OF PaCIFIC ROADS. Waaahlngtain. Jan. 18? Senator Frae'a a?l?..t ,*ommittJ-e wi Pa?-lll'- ItaUroada -*a. <-all*d ta-.t*"Hlv.r todav. The I'nlou Paa*Iiii-. waa r^pr*vnt.-. 1 br JBTImlnh ITltoaa, whn aa.d that the nianani'iie'iit f.?iu 1 n-..f ,i,n'I ? to if.'.nt iho t r * f.irin.-rly a.-r-.d t., I,,' It .uul BBBMdMd ln th> litll re|n>rt d. Mr. WUaon m'A IMI Mm raMpaay aaaM , | i ,-a |,r.i|.oa!tl,.n to ffund Ita d<*t,t at -."-a |*<T (Ml int/'t'".t th- laavinont to be 1,3* <1 ti-.iou a t uu ,,f 1.'" raara, insti-id of 8 pai aaal and int. yaara, a* iiropovd i, ta 1,111. Tfir .'.-ntral 1'av.lll,' IUIIroa.1 ?'oin|janv wa* ?l*ai 18888 Miit-d at thc ine.-tliiii hy Vlce-I'isaldmit RMttagtM aea iMBriM Mr. WBaa )'a ajragaarl ,?, h ??i.i that if inn '? l>-rai Uiin* 88M frant -d ta. th'* Vo*0 Palfl, i'on.|>ai, ,i?. rjeaaial l*a, Ifl, ah?uld alao ha\r Uu* Mim:,'. If ilil- V888 MM 8'' **ould la 'MUlnit to aptilr i art nt U iriiing* al th,' s?,iui,.fii i'a ;n Ratlraaal u.ward Mm , .a.m.i'i ?r t'.u drbt ol U... 1'acldc. STOXE SEVERELY PUXISHED. MR. LODGK'S CtDSUKJ REPLY TO THE MTS tBJCMmW'" MALIGNANT ATTACK. .sTII'.KINf. SENTEXCES FOR FAIIt ELECTIONS |*HI ARMV AlTRiU'KIATION Bllala I.V TIIK IIOCSl' A.MI.M)MF..VT.S I'RO POSI'D AN1) ADOPTED. Wnslitngton. Jan. 13. - If nepreseiitailve *t<>ne. B% Mi-ioiirl, bai been open to amendment, he. wonld bave M88 BBBaeaM t'><lav by Mr. I.<dge. wbo <|ule<ly ad mi iiarai aa him HM taoat mm*% aaatagadtaa whirh any member of the EfMM has reeeived slnec the lieglnuliig of thls session ai leust. When It waa over. Stonc stood up nnd i.i'<l t<> -lumnier some words in reply ! he was a p.liiiblc objcet and made a most plUable exhlbltion of l?m-lf. Kveryb.-dy fclt trrat he de*ervcd wh-tt he had rcclved Ipi BBOl generous mdvuire, but few 888*11 lielp pltylnn bla dlali-ena. In bla short apec. h. how ev.-r. Mr. UaIji d % miM'h more than lo puniaii tlie obscurc .xilssoiin'.in. lt MM 1,'ood to haar hls rlnging ?88888088 iii farar of falr and honeat eleettons. a? well ius ta HatM to hia lu.-M remarki fhnwit.g why southern Dcno. r.tts ouglit 10 be the la*t men in tlie world to da or donounce the men or procet-dings of Ute llart toitl Conventlon. Tho Army blll was under dlscusslon when Mr. Lodge, a-hOM BttMtJM had been callcd to stone's mallgnai.t naaah of yaatcaabrg, naa and s.u.i i Mr. .'haiiiiiHii. i lai by -The Kei.trd; of thla_*____ Ing that. winie i wa. aMaat from tt.e Moaae yeaMrdM afe*..,iKM,, ou baataeea wltli the >aval IX** nilttee. oi which 1 au. a nicinber, 1 was *___* *t* ?,?,u;,l attaett from tl.e gMtteaata fron *****<\*& M.,. Thc .??tr.-fully p.-epared ***_*?**. of tirat ef io,: ibow mueb labor. aad it araa evid-ntiy tJMjajtaav tion of th,- lo M aeMia. He ba.s. *****i , istaUen BMMa tor *ev?-rlty. and Into a ftf**** loa.-e peraooal ahaae I "ave no liitcn.lon of en ? I .?? rn (hatneld i wlUlngly ylcld him thaaaMaaaaejN 1JJava i. ver i?.|,il,.-<l ii. per-onalif r* n debfltr I ****"gZ ,,,,., ,1 n |. n.ibic tod scuss ptibl.i- nieasine* xxitiiotii p r SatfaUiMioS mvaeif iu oplnlon. from thal bsMI i toaot totewl (KS-iale now or af any ttaaa. i aaa Blaraara i> > (,??ede ,., MDtletaen irho dlffer fron* ??^1t^4n: cerity of nottre and hon-sty of purpoee that 1 clai,.for ,ux -At. Bnl at lhe IMM llBM I Have a large i-hai t.. xi,-. Chairman, for Ihoae genth n. n wh. ? ? m iitaJ l.uil ar- atirfa IMI tM} I au reavh notoi'let*- ...I i,y indolgfng ln ptrMmUUoo. [UmgBU* M Iba aa> PUTM i'u-ad and fronl of my ofTonding, 11 *__**% ?? that 1 um lu part reeponeible for tha Federal hJCo il.ii blll. Thal blll "as reported from my eommlt eo. WKh my eoUeagne trom ffllnola k*r-J*SK____m_\ other genUcmsn, 1 helped to franie it. Wllh thelr aid I Mlped lo pal ll thr .ua.'!. r..e Hou-ie. Whatever tlio (i-i-, is or Impcrfeetloni of that aaal; bc. | believe m al thorouirhlv in the prlnelple xvhieh lt involve,-. it. la lhe arlneipla of eaneot eier.ioiis and lhe orotei lion of lhe lallot-box. Ilot In tM .-south. not in ihe North ,but throushout the Icnarth and braMU nf in- land. xxith Uuu prinrtale l *uii _tm*9__J_*m__f and filwnvs proud to 1"' l'l'*n:liied. I bellev- that the I' party "a,:i make no (rre.iier mistake. af er iis pa-t nnd its pliHlares, than to luii noxv either hero or etaswhere ln loxaltv to tM d<*-t.-lnc of pro ecilon to (h'x l:il!o(-box. (Apiilausc on Ihc llepubllcan -ide.i I am nulte reudv to let mv reeord stand on lhat ,,ii n,,, ivn.l ii ttoea ii*.t .'.isiur. ni'* In thc leaj-i thal .-en l-ni"ii oll lhe "ther -Ide slmiild a-s.ii! me un a<' ,.,iinf ,.f it. it only ihoara that the shaft was well alm-d and thal II v,<*nt home. \o-.v Mr. ChBlllMli. the gentieinan seems to be an noyed tbat I had a crcat Ri jncfatuer. il.aughter on tho B?puMlean alde.) He araa a r*>pectable, honoraow and nol altogether UiiaMtlngnUhed man, and I am very prood of hi'- meuiorv, nltlio.igli lue hcld some rtava m polltlra wlth whleh I do not. pei-sonally aarree. 1*0 nl taeii upon Nexv England, hoverer, wonld ever be mm iilete without an Blluslon 10 the Hartford Conventlon. of whleh ha 8JM jin'sldent. It has been an tinf.-illing rcsouree of DoitKMrati- sfatcsiucn, xvhen at a BM8, M -:,v aomethlng tUaaapaeabta about New-Kngland. for tlm last seventy-tive yeara, and I ?npposc It wlll enn tiniif* to s-rve their turn for ttinny ye,.i*s to comc. espe.lally as tlie nicmliers of that conventlon are un ubl" to resent anythlng that may be said of th?*n). ILaiughtcr on tho K.-publlean sld^.l The attttude of \>4\ Kiiuliind F'der.illsts from latW to 1818 l> ,,ne xvith wl'i, h I have little lynpathy and have had lcxs and less as I have goM M ln llfe: but gcntlemen on the ..ther i-lde for*:et that the po-.ltlon taken bv thc Hart fort Conventlon xvas but a r-petltlon of the posldon laken by .l-ITctsion and Mh<1I*imi in tlv* Virginla and Kentneky resolutlons. lt was. whether you call li ?nnllitientioii" or " interpositlon." thc dr*ctrine that >t?t<* rhrht*- are eapable of ,,v-rniling the power and tho laws of tlie Xational I'overnment. To that prlncl plc I am opposed. whether it emanated In tltuc past fioin Virginla or Kentnea** or from N'cw Encland. But it iii beeomea Reptvaentaavaa of tlie south. even when thev are tnosf at lo*s for an aramment. to rail at New Bngland about a doctrlne whieli flrst found root in thelr aoll nnd arhlcfl tliere. and thCTB alone, flourlshed and irrexv iitirll It hlossomcd Into the red flower of rehelllon. Mr. chajmian. the gentleman from MUsouri saw flt ln the rourse of hls rmiarhs to assall a Senator from mv state who rould bv no po?slblIlty replv to him on thi* floor. Kor a ?|ieeeh le?* vlolent In lanr^ia-Mre. islatln!.' to another Senator. tbU Houae aaw flt U> (aJto rary aaelalM actlon of censure. I Ieave lt to tne Hcmae to -av whether the Ume ha* nor come now to repeat thal actlon. The senator from my wtate M whom allrtalon w?s made would not wNh me nor would he decm it necessarv that I should etiter Into any de f.-n.e of him from surh an attark a? tbat mHde liore yeaterday. Ixmar after the (rentlenian who made It has iu- -,1 fi-om ih la lloiise into lha. foraretfulness awolta him, au.I perhapa mo-t nt.ii*. the namo of tbe Senafor to whom (ie r-f-rr-d wlll cmaln In thc hlBtarj of th.- United s'lHt-s as tlril of a rlp? scholar. of a patrioilc far-aeelna statestnan. Identltied wltli great politlca ami naeful ineaaoraa, who would bave baaa au honor to anv Btate or any country. ?ltl leaa, Mr. Chairman. ahonld I decm It necp?sarv on thls ocea-ton lo defend ether Neav Knu'land or Ma?s%chusett-4. Tho lUatory of MaawaehusetU la before tho world and ls known 14 uil men. Aa Webater sald : " M:.=sa<'h.i*5et(s needa m. ei'logium : ihei** abe stand*.: hehold her and luilc* f<T voursj*lves.-* Ther**. (oo, is her great .*.*corrt of aerrlce to the cause of Immaii riphts and bumau Itb-rtv Ther.* are th- naines ,,f her statcsnien nnd of her soldlcrs ablnine -ver wllh a luctre no sl-indcr* ean dlni Tbetv ar- Ixt etidiiHng servtre* to the advance menl of the hlgheal clvllliaUor.. Thev an- aU wrltten iu the pageaof the bJetorr ?f the Cnited states. rh-y ran ii-v-r M eraswl. Thev stand there fi ire ver, for the ronslderate ludgmenl of ininlilnd. and her paopta, proud Of Mr pMl an.l eonlident of her future, have no fcar of lhe rerdlet _. , , . Hr Chairman. (he (re.itlemnn saw flt, In what was Intended l *-ui poae, t" be ou- <,f tho nm-i xvoiindlng pas-aare-' to refer t<> me a- -the Oaear Wilde of atatea nr."s|,ip.'* lt was b pertertly -afe for ;t K onlto l' -* '.I- for me lo retorl In Ulnd. as I am nol awnre (hn( IM L"*i"Ienian ls (he proprlefor of any Ulild of statesmanshlp whatever. I s-upnos.; the allu -lon wa* llilllj nieniil ta eonvey the Idea that tho statesmangh'tp of Maaaa. husetts and of New-Encland was cfTeniliint*. Thnt is a ver>' ea*y aeeusntlon to make. lt ls a vlexv whleh nnturally l? taken ,,f ;, lftarh j rlvlllMtion bv a loxver one. It is a view xvhich wonld I naturallv be' taken of the rlvlliz.atlon of the publi,' sehool by the i Ivlllr.atlon of the shotgnn. Put let me say. Mr. Chairman. (hnt xvhen (he (wo civllt7.ations eamn lu arni?*d c mtact there wns nothlng effeniin.itJ) about the rivlli7.atlon of Ih- publie sehool. The Clvi Ti>v-iiion of the ahotgnfl and of (he slave went down be? fore It in b|.?slv raln, never tv, bc reitoi\*d. (Loud upplause on (hc n?publii.ui side.) \vi.-n Ibe Honae amal into CMHrttaM of (he whole .Mr. Dinpley, of Malne. In the chnir) on Ihe Amiv Approprtattoa bill. Mr. ftteheoa arttbaTiaai hi* polnt of oi-d-r Bgatnal Mr. I'.land's aniendmcnl, providlng thai no salary -luill be pald by the Cnlt-d S(a(e* to nilll Iiiit ofli.ers dctalicd to military coliege* or Stab? ln stltiitions. After some itacusslnn a vote was taken, resulting lu thc defeaf of Mr. I.lund's aniendment by H5 nays to 12 ycas. Mi. Hland ralscd the polnt of no qnornm. which xvns cmntcd by Mr. Dlngl-y, of Maine, in tho ehalr, only li-O rotaa being necessary ln C-mmlttee of the W'luiie. An iiineii.lmcnt offered by Mr. William*. of Ohlo, to prohilil ihe drawing of pay by an ofticer on tht) retired li-( while ln tha re.eipt af nny other salary friin ih- i;,,v->'im"nt aaa aiogtad arlthoat a ilrtataa. Mr. .uiihwiilie, >f uliio. au um.-iulni -nt B*0> vldlng tbat no oflcer of tl.e Medleal Corpa abaeaf oa Ieave for more then one year shall rMatVg pay while II,lt ,,!! (IlltV. Mr. Cut.lic.n B8gg6atai (hat the ofllrer mielit be tiniit fm* actlve duty au.i awalung ratuaaMtit as iooo aa there waa a raea>ner. Ife rafiM a polnl of order againal the nin-nilnient, xvhieh the siisiuine.l. Xlr. Miiith, of Al'i/.ona. tuoved lo a.i-ike out ihe proviaion Ior boraea tor lndian s,outs. rhe people -f Arlaona bnd found frotn eonsldcral.Ie experle.ico in lndian troubli-s that tlie Indi.m M ta B4MUI araa Jiist. tl.e -uiii- Indivldiuil as tho lndian as a mui-auder, >vs tiu- lndian ns an aaaaaalBj Mr. stnith's aatendmenl araa ruic-i out of order, and Mr. Splnola then made nn >ther plea for his 1'ort Qroom Priaon aalp Monumcnt blll. Nr. .xiukr-oii, of Kaiisa-, pi-oi.o-.eil as an itniend meiii, xvhich araa aabaettMBtly rul-d out of oi-tler. hls rcsolullon prohlbitini: (he propo-ed Wsteni iailroa.1 ii-j.fiii- agreeaieai Mr. aMMraM tbata xxa* now iu prot'','. of tormatlno a ayBdtaata or pooi far a aaag. Iilnailon Of uil tM WcsUiti railuny Hnes. It xaas a BOBf mllxvay trust. Th- ratos were to be made bv a majoriiy of a rafc commltte?. The efl'ect would be H> xxlthin tM liauds of le-s than 8 acore of 8888 ihi power to detarmina abs^iut-ly what should be tlio rhargc of ti*a:isportliig any ?it-rion or thtng over half ihe conflncnt. where n-ald-d arabahly 17,000.000 Amerl.-au cltlrer.a working Indiistrlouily to prdaervo Ihelr homes and malnuiin fauiliu**. That such a omblnaflon wai lllcgal thero could bo no qae.tlon. Meieover. \t was dlree ly in the tevth of the aectlon of fhe Iosterstato commerea act prohlbltln,: poollng. Without compltilng tho rcadlng of 'ha blll. tha com* mliiee rote. The i"-p.ii-t of the Ballot Box Commlttea wat lald lefore the Houao and ordered printed. The Hou.e then at 5 :iO adjouroed. ? a> MR. WINDOM TO THE MKN OF THE SILVER BRIOK. Washlngion, Jnn. Kl. s.*.re(ary Wlndotn has wrltten j, letter lo Mc*sr*a. Merrl. k aml Moore, tlie men who 1 rescnlcd lhe silver briclt at tlae I'hlludelphla Mlut, ln .4 hbli Iie snvs : i bave raaatrai paaa aaaaaraagagaaM af (ho c.tit in?t., (a.lng ihai yoa hixv tcmiei-i-it io tbe BBBartataaMnt f the i nltad Statea Mlnl ai Phlladaiphla a bar or ln ot af silver bullion, xi i.i. tl.e ileniaiid thal II be re ,-h, ,1 and? t-oliied f,,r lhe us,< aaa lictu-llt of (ho de [toaitora, iin.l tha(, BBM hl. i-efnsal io reeeivc lt f(,t IliI pniiiose^ you had applied (.. (ho direct..r of the mlut U) lii-l/ii't him lo do BO. and tliat (he dlieiioi. ii raipanae iherato, .-oniiriuad the actlon of tiie auperin endent. You now submlt the matter i.. ue, 14, Becra 11, v ,f tbe itrasni-T. wlth tlie re<|u?at thai 1 dlts-rt the iifMara aMra aamai i<> raaarra saki tnw or taajal au?t .ilu the siniie. for tlw ?*e atid henefit of the MpoaUton have lai.-fnlh roi.slde.i-ii aaald applbatlon, bul aa y.iii ... not gutat " ?! any law, und 1 .uu muablc to riud .juo. A BAD Ht'MOR CIRED. BA.OOO Eaeeadad aa Dwetara and *B*<IMaa wttkaat avall. Haa* blmaelf ap ?? 41*. _M?B Wlfe*????*!* L'aiteara RwaieflUa. 1'aaaibaaiy maatba. and I* eailrelr Carcfl, ' I wa* ln the war during I*'! nt. and to-.*- % h??-? rold at (?ettyaburfl. from wtil<*h I nevr fellr r*-o_T?r^# )n 1873 I bruk" out tn aerea all o.'-r my <-h?..*. and ?/,?., |. d r whlrh a-emed In.po?- ,.l ? to*. I trt.-tf an ?>, fan.'d doctors I could ti-id, and to no avall. I Mp-n-1.4 aome flve thoiiaand dollar* trylng to (Ind a eir*\ hnt r?,,i4 not, and finaily B.vlng m.-aelf np todlc. my good *lt> ,.,-. gcated Ui me, on* day, U? try the CL'TIliRA HHQQa whlch wer? ?o exten-lvely advertKod and ai?-d. I f.,i ,,?^ auKaeatton, and an. nappr to **r ?**' dlH-teat *P|illraM^a of jo.r CUTttH'RA RKJ.IEl.IES for aevm monUu., 1 wa? entlrely eaaaaj, efV r spendlng flve year* of Haa aod menta without avall, and am a MB-fll and well man to-day. r*% may rflJBJ ta me If yon wbih, aa I wlll tell anrme who raar i call on n.e my exper.en,.- C la I'KAKflAl.r,. 1 Filtoo Fl*h Ma;_*, New-Yorfl. Aprtl ia. 1800._ CI'TICt'RA REIHEDIBS Theae graterul teatlmonlala tell the *>tory of gr?at (.hyifc ; .*al BBBaaBaaf, of menUI an?.>l?h. by r.??on ot humiliauag dlaflguratlon*. aod ol thr**aten?-d aaRfflN happiiy Mg B|> ed'ly e.,d.-d. by the CfTI.t'HA BEMBEftBB, tho ejeBte*. Skln Cure*. Blood I'urtflera and H-m.or ifer.ia*!* the world la? *ver known. ? Cb'TlCt'RA KESOLVKNT, the new r.lood and Bkla Purifler internally (to cleai-,* th* blood of all imp.arlUaa and po.ionous elamenf.), and CI'TICt'RA the gr-al flflta j C'.re, and Ct'TICCBA SOAP, an exqnlstse Skln PnrHW I and neautlft>r. ejitemaiiy (to elear th* ?kln *nd aralp aafl reator*- the halr), curo every dl***** and hnmor of th*. ?*_?, sealp *nd blood. with !_??? of _*lr, from mlanty to agi, tiom plroplea t? ?crofula. wh,-n the be*t phytlclaa., u+ pltals and all other r.-medle* 'all. Sotd eren wh-r*. Prlce, CCTICLRA. Me. : 80AP. ?>5r REbOlA'F.N r. at. Prepai-*d by Oui POT7_0t LlRl'U AND CIIEMtCAL. CORPORATIOJC. Boslon. fgr Send for "How to Skln DUh-awa." M 60 Uluitratlona. and 100 tentlmonla!*._ ~*PI**IPM.a. lataB-boaaa, r<-d, nugh, chapped, and aiy skia cure- by CfTICfRA BOAj*.__ >0 RIIEir*?lATIZ AROIT MII In oaa mlnata ibe laltcara Aail. PaloPla-ier rrllevea rheumatk, Bc'aUl, kly, kifln-T niu?ciilar. and ch,-?t paln?. li.< flr.t aod ouly Inalantaa'-O'i* BBIB flMH-g *.t.r**n.t_k?a. ...? pl*?t**r. _ authorlr.lng the recelpt of silver bullion a* rhe mlnta ef tlie T nited btate*. f0? colnage for ihe bcneflt of Ua deuoslUir*. It seetn* my plain duty to decline youj* re a.iieRt. I therefore ihe actlon of the ofDcen of the mint ln the premlses. THE HAWAIIAN TREATY A.VD THE TARIFF ACT. Washlngton, Jan- lS.-Repaeaentattve .M.Kinlay. from the lommittee on Way* and Maaafl, to-d*y re? ported to the Housc tho blll providlnf? lhat tbe enm merelal reriprocity treaty with Uie Ilawailan I-Iandi shal! uut be impalred by the TaillT act. lt la MtaflflJl in some miarters. eaji IM ^conipanylnn report. ttul the act alludert to mav ab.ogato tiw HawKiir.n tr**u>. There are *.i>eclal rcav*'ins for the malnteuanre a-f tlie treaty at this tlme. I'nder the term* of a ronve-t'nn UfllflBBB the fnited Htates aml the Hawalian IiUnd*. ?ntlfled June ft, 1**7. an Imporl-iiit eoncesslon wa* m*de to thc I'nited SUte-i by whleh this Uovernmenr re*elv*d the exeluslve rieht to entor the liarbor of the Peirl Kiver in the Island of Oahu. and to esUbllsh and malti taln there a coalln*. and l-epalr sUtlon. II is believM t.i be of the highest lmportanee to the comr.eree an<l aither Intereat*. of U'.c Inltel States tlus gBMBHlaB ahanild be n*talned. If. as I. ls f;_r;d tl.e ireattp is ab oitated by the act of OeotAmt I^Jaat, _bfa eon ccaslon U of cnur'e t< rminat-d. rhe commlitea rccommend the passage of the bill. REDEMPTION <>F RONDS. Waahington. Jan. 10.?The amount of 4 1 _ per <*er.l bonds redeemed to-day waa flT.MX), mak:n? the total to date a-i.3-7.350. BAR ASSOCIATIOX OFFICER8. RF.COMMEJtDINr, CHA5IGE8 REOARDINf; THE EX* AMINATIOX OF YOirSC, |_bWTBBB> The yearly meeting and eleetlon of the A?s?<-|.itl Bl of the I.or was helaT lsuit evenlnp, and Fiedertc i:. Coudert waa rc--lccted pr.s*ldent of t'ie a-,socl.itlon for the aecrmd term. Tlie otnei- olflcers ch.,*en wer.;: Vicc-presldcnts, Theodne W. Dwl^hr, Wajtcr *.wayi.\ btephen A. Wnlker, iie.,ri*e Hflflfllly, Willmn, P. Dtxon j recorillng iccrfctary. isih.'- R- lh".wnell i rone.i'ondln| secrelar;. David. B. Offlen ; treasnr-r, S. Sldney emltb , cxecutl'e commlttee ?'l*ss of 1M*3>. Jrlm M. Bower*. JOflflflff Larocuue, Thoma* ti KflBTS. HllliaJii r*. Op dylio. 'icortfe L. Rlve*. conmtttec ou adn.tsal'n fCfcaa of lt-fii), Joim A. Beall. Wlllard r*Tfanf Butler. WIII* iam Bi t'urti*, Lnwreuce OodMB, llobcrt L HaitIsou, rhiwie* Steele, Kdward U Whitney; (to IU vtica.ncy m tlf*?'of 1H01), Ch.irles 0. BurliiiRhnm The only Important ?utiect whl.h came before the assoclatlon beslde*- the nutlne buslnes., wa* a reconi nieiKlation by the Commlttee on the Chanirc* Iu the Law. Thi* recomiuendatl.'ii eoncerned civndllate. for admlsslon to the bar. They are now examfned by a committee ln each Judidal district. These rommlttee-i are appointcd by the Court aif Appea!?. The result ti that some of the cauUldates ln the sjtate reeelve au ?aay Biamlrratfrr aod otbara receire an exrcefiiniriv Uard one. It ls propofed to have one commlttee for the entlre State. so that examlnatfon* may tic utilform Ex-Judge Naaiii Daela read a BMaaonal of a*x Judfa Hoopcr C Van VBaaB, wim died several months a_o. ? THREE WIRE-TAPPEU8 fAT'GHT. A schems to defraud Hamey Mlchaels. th" backcr 11 the pool-room at No. 11.' flPaat Thlrty-thlrd?t., by means uf tilne reporU on the I'llffn, X. J., racea. waa ntpped ln the bud by DalaaBteaa aTapaB, Hall and Kaaap, ot thi NlneU-enth I'reclnct, \a*1 *venln*/, and titree wtn-upper* were arrt-atcd. Tlie prt.-iOner* ?re Kdward Moran, alla* Murlene, thlrty-two yeara old, of Xo. 44rt West fhlrty tiilid-M., John Slii|..on, alla* KUnt t?enty-elght year* old, ot No. 52. blxth-ave., and John Ja?;k?on. alla* .MBven, of No. 8-0 .r-vne-ave., Biooaiyn. The pl*nt wjs lald ln tlie r.-Br room on the u>p lloor of No 529 hlxth-ave., ar,d when captured the prlioner* w#re )u?t puttlng the tlnlahliiR touche* to the wlre* that woald have been tiie mean* of leavlng 14a,i. y MitTael much poorcr to-day. _ THE VICTIM OF THE HORSES' FEET UAT T'JF. Ldwaid Ward. the driver of * Seventh-ave. hor*e ctt. was held In ?200 l*.l bv .lustlc" Rran. ln the TorX%1Hl Poliee Court. yeaterday, M> awalt the lnjurte* *Q*iUiB**I bv Mlohael Nolan. On Monday e\***nlnR, Ward at 8 :t* o'clock. drove hla horses over Nolan. Th? Istter wai severelv lnjured. and waa taken to Rooaevelt Hf??r..??l. where it was found that he had riataln#d a fraclura ot Ifl* l,?*c of the akull. Nolan la llkclv to die. TBE WEA1HER REP0R1. 29 ? FORECAST _____ S P. M. WF.DNE6DAY. Washlngton. Jan. 13-For Ea**tern New York, ?naW flutre., turning Into ralu in sot.Uern portiou; warmer. soutlier'.y wlnds. l'or Wi)st*rn*. We?tern New-Vork aad Ohlo, tain, except clearln* ln Southern Ohlo; warmer. soa,thwa-,t,.rly wlnds. For Malne, Vaw._BaaajaB_N and Vertr.ont. fltr. ext*l*l sn?w fliiril-'H in \ crmotit; sllghtly warmer, aof.thivft.terl/ wlnd*.. lncre-slng in forve. Kor Maaaaaaaai tt,. uiiod.* Iflbaai *nd ronne.ttcut. I'cn.iullv falr; sllghtly wlnd* haBBBB-B] aaaaaa*** l'or I'a'teri lViinsylvanla and WaatJaflaap, Bjbfl r*t*. ?? ,o,itherly wliid*. _____i l-'er the DUbict of i olurnbl-. l)*l?*?aro and >.*r).aal. I K'.t ,ain W.dn.fd.) : warmer, ?outheiljf wlnd.. l.,r Vlrtliila. North ?.?t Miaih < a-?Uiu fa*r. eMent l _i,| mn WeBuraday la Sfarlhetn \ ?*>^tniia. ..aroiar. ex -lati. aary ten.i*.'raliiro on Um <oa?t. Eur Tenii*aaee an.l Kentoekjr, falr, vjrmer. For We*t lluht ra.n , warnx r. TRIBUNE LOCAt, 0BSERVATI0M8. j- ^OTJp^^ SM "f MEHA'iJ.i <4fe^:-t4T^^-__i "*Iu t.... _.__rai- * coutuiuoua uiis aa?*?*? sa? tar**a***t fluctuatio'ti. ^.trlav. *? oo.erv^a ?^a____if_______ s,.n_l harvl.e .utio.i al tli.a cllv. Tba daahe* inawai* ffWirPr-^" ?' *Vrr-,'? p-*"0^'- Sua Bul:,lia,? Trlbune Offlce. Jan. 14. 1 a. m.-The movement ln BM barometer veaterdav ?*?? upward. Th* ^r Mfl tlMt* rloudleai Bi* greater part ol Um day. but a f.w mo flike* tell aarlv ln th* moinlag. The Wuiperatur** raag*a maUB 28 ??d 52 digree*. the iwafi ?0V betnf JJ lower Uiaa on tho forre*poa*Ung (Uy l*.t year, aa* w* lower than on Monday. Md Warmer aaid oloudy weatfcer, with light ran ot^ *"i pa.-ilbly fi.lloBed bv cleartng weathex. may be e*p*c-?e ta MBBaaf thi* iiV so-dajr._ mMninTiW *outh. CarUbad may b< truly tri.i.ed the Kirliig Bl iaBBllI For aaaaaafaa Baa laaalil Mtflf i>?* -.'h0" "T the utoter*. whlch ar- bv tlie hfladaadB ef B-WaaMB* that flcKk there f,?... all |**?ris ot the glob* ln "*"* health If lt I* Inronvenlfiit for you lo go to thc -M'rn'r-. make them ron.n to y.-u. Iu other ?ord*. you .*? ?'?W tha f*.u,...? Si'tml.-l Sprlng around with you. "'?*"" Iflfljaill' CaM*bad Sprudvl Salt, whlch U obtahu-l '" ,hc N.ri.di-1 s. Hfli bf cia^.at.on. lt I- U>* >?"' n'lur*' r,.n..dy fur .-ou.tluatloii. .aurrh of the aloniach 4*'W and Uver and k.dn ?. ?.ni| lalnt*. B* sure ?" b,,? aenuine lmi*orted artlcl* oaiv, *hlch m'Ml have ine a lure of Fl?u*r v_ Mend.-boa Co.. BoU Ag*nU, ? York" ou ay**r* uaa-k***.