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gftgASSEMBLY COMMITTEES. -?atjXR SHEEHAN ANNOTJNCES HIS AP POINTMIINTS. . *LAND CHAIRMAN OF WAYS AND MEANS, jgglfENTHAL OF CIT1E8, HITT OK JCDl C_*KT,' AND R P. BC6H OF RAIT-ROAD8 -OREAT DIRSATISFACTION OVF.R THF. KEMTTIONS. [at ikLEoaArn Tt> thk mni\r.i _Jf?e_v. Jan 13.-Thp Assemhly did no hu.i $BB to-nlght other than to reccive thc Hs-f. of ita MBB*it**-*e* whieh had heen drawn up hy Speaker ehaehaa. When the list had been read thc As gfinMy adjeururd uatil to-morrow. There |a jreat d_asatisftietrion over the comrriitt4-cs. The ^Ibarij PemocratB feel espeoially tMtprieved. ? Wa dl_ nafl get a plaoe that we want<-d,'' aaid one of fgam ta-night. The c*otnt_iittee? are as followa: "Wan. aad Meao*? Meaars. M_Clellaiid. of Wrsecheater; glajr*?n?h?i. of New-York i _tu*h, of Ohernung; DAmoreat. ti Eaxl. ef Kinga; Rlley, of Ra-naselaer;, tt Eti*; Hu?e<t. of Weatohaster; Acker. of Steuben; fBBk ot Putnam ; Malby. of St. l.a wren.-e. ja*U?*la*?? *I****r?. IIItt, of Albany: B.ah, of 1'later; ||a*Mah*n, of New-York ; SuUer, of New-York; Coonev. ti Stafl*. Kane. of Orange; Cameron. of Warren; Acker, tl atsutxn ; ifu*t*_. of WtMtohesler; Johnson, of Wyom* Ing, Hflktreth. <>f New-York. 0*n?al I*>*-<*-M__ar*. Buah, of Ulster; Farquhar, of ITtw-Yara; Dav.**. of Dalawsre; Routhworth, of New-Yairk: Xawtane*. of New-York; Qulnley. of Kinga; Judd, of Klagara; Wlupple. of Cattaraugus; Oardlnlar, of Colum fcia; PB*k. ot Cortland; Vamey, of Karatoga. RavUrK.n--Ma***.. Lane, of Otsegoj Clarke, of New* York; Martlu. of New-York; Steln, ot New-York; Croak, af Blrta-ood , Ttaylor. of Orange ; Qulpley, ot Kinga; r-k. of OorBand. Ward. of Albany; Johnson, of Onelda; Wood fcurv. af C_.?uu?,.i|i.B. L'edaa-M?*a?.. SM-irtv of Klogs; Stcln. of Ncw-York; KcBlahon. of New-York; Davio, of Delaware; Tayior, of Orsnga; Martln. of New-York; Holcomb, of New-York; Diit, ot Qui #!!?.; Wwodbury, of Chautauqna; Stranahan, af Oswifo. and Kmnadr. of Ono'ndaga. TaaaBon and ?aBraaBbaaaaB-Maaara. Dcmorest, of Rock land' PBBpaap, of Onelda; Sntherland. of Klngs; Ottiette, rf Ki-flara Kvan. nf Westehester Foley, of New-York; Basko*. *f SuUlvan; Keeler, of St. Lawrence; Asplnall, of *?.;-*??; Stevenson, of Wishlnpton, ind Kencedy, of Onon* daga. (*mal?->fe*kr>. Oflenth**r. of F.rle; Oorman, of Albiny; _>u(Ty, ot New-York; Ilaliy, of Onelda; r.lce, of Ulster; Oould. of Lrwi-. .lufld. of Nlag?r_ ; Oallagher, of Erle; jg_-.*ar>, avf Washingtcn; l* irsons, of Monroe; Oroat, of W?yo*. Uliea?Mesiis. BlmneBthal, of New-York; Ouenth _r, af Erle; Hltt. tt Albauy; aa_aaa_L of Klngs; Dlnkf.spiel, cf NewsYork . Coon.y, of Klngs; tVebster, of Ne?-York: Fish, of Putran. . White, of Onondapa; Brodsky, of New. York: Ward .,' Albany. B*__fleaaa>-M*****.. Buah, of Chemuig; Townsend, ot Qu**__.; Hol'iirab, of New-York; O'Connor, of KlngH; Goold, *f L*w.?; McKnicht, of Ren*>sela*r; Ryriie, of K*>w-York, Meee, of Datahaaa; Johnson. of oncida; ajaar* alil?r, of Oaot.Gnga;, of Ontarlo. . to,_er? hnU Navlgahon?Mo.ssrs. Sullivan, ot New* York; Bynie.v of Klngs; Kerrlgan, of New-York; Kelly, ef Klng*; Badiaa, of Erle; Klee, of t'lster; Nolan, ol Aibany; M-*>c, of Dutchess; Galla__e-, of Erle; Mott, of BUdlaon ; Par-on-.. of Monroe. Insurance-Me.-sra. ConnoUy, of New-York; Sage, of ?rawn, BBbaaer, af N**w-York ; QuikCkentmsh, of Schenoc* tady; R*che af New-York; McKenna, of Queen**; Cahill, of Klnga. llu>tcil, of Wcntchester; Asplnall, of Klngs; r*...?*a of Cavtiga; Flerson, of SufTolk. Baoks? Haaaaa, (lonnan, of Albany: Osborne, of I>.tchi**a; Schaatf, of Kiugs; Foley, of New-York; Norrls, ?.f Wayae; Martii,. af New-York; Farquhar, of N'cw-York; Bradford, of *s* I,a** r tice, L'Hon.m.dieu, of Orleatis, tr.i.dage, of fsV-uben ; OultKird. of Cllfitx-n. ,.aa and Pa-lllldtJ MlBBia Dempscy, of Onelda; I.ane. Bf Oaaaajb I Kelly. of Klnif*": Mullaney, of New* ...rk; Wcbater, of New-York: Oorman, of Albany; 0?* burue. at Diitchea* ; Stranalian, of Osweiro: Johnson, of Wyoming ; llallairlicr. of I.r.c ; Jon***, of Monroe. IhTernal Affalrs?Haaaaa, Towns-nd, of Queeaa; ta^-e, of Oreenc ; Quigloy. of Klnp- | Kvan. of Westcboter: 1 iir.hani, of S?nei a , Judd. of Nlacara: Norrie, of Wayne; l i.riatie, of F?!*on aud Hamllton: Millarr, of -*nu??ee; .ie\ens, ot Tompkin*; Brink, of Vlstcr. Labor aud Indurtry-Mesnr*. F.ndres, of Erlet Jlsley, of Onelda ; Drypolchej,, of New-York; Olark, of Ncw-York. Byrie*. of Kflaaje; Duffy. of New-York. N,, 1 ... of A_l*ny: Sawmlller, of Onondaea; Davl*, of Liv I cutoi, : TrutW-lalo, of Chenanpo; Chrlstie, of Fulton and Jlam-tton. Exol-e?Meaar*. Earl, of Klngs; Endre*. of Erle; ff, haafl. of Kinga: Demor-*.t, of Rockland; Drypolcher, of New-York; Folay, of New-York; Norrl*, of Wayn*; I/Hommedleu. of Orlean-s: Ward, of Albany; Brewn, of Yate*.; DennlstAn. of Monro*. Aflatra of Villacee-MeaRrs. Osborne, of Dutxhea*.: Hunt tlng. of Schoharta*; Croak, of Riehmond : liainham. of 8en oro; Ollleti*. of Nlagara; Tayior, of Orang**; Ryan, ot Weatoheatej-; Bradford. of St. Lawreoee: SUvens. of Tompklns; Mll'l.ell. of Jeflerwin ; ?.recn, of HeTkinicr. Public Pr:t.tiiii;-Me.s**r*.. Nolan, of Albany; Rlley, of Heasaelaer; ?aBheBbflai, of King*; Roche, of New-York; Dlnk-Upiel. of N.w-York: Cameroii. af Warren; Dry* I-sldier. of New-York ; Whlte. of Onondaga; Mitehell, of ladheaaai Lcwi*. of CatUraugu*; Brown, of OUe.o. Public llaallb MaaaiB Duay. of New-York; Bush. of Cherautig; Beaiiet. of .**.illi\aii ; I.awrence, of New-York; lahill. of _T_*__; Byn.e, of Nrw-York: Drypolchor. of New-York: Otaaa, of Herklroei-, _3*yo, of Broome ; Lana, of Jefferson ; WIlUs, of Scbnyler. Public Edui_t:on-Mes_r?. Lawrenct, of New York; BuUierland. of Kln?s;, of New-York; HuntUug. of Sehobarle; Line. of Otsepo, Sohmer, of New York; Reak**, of SulLvan: Feck, of Cortland: Wordan, ?f Renssilaar; Kccier, of St* Lawrelcej Chamherlalii, of Ontarlo. Public Land* aod Forestry-Messrs. Ryan, of waa*> r.e'fr; ConnoUy, of New-Yi.rk; Davle. of Delaware, al lf-B~T i Cameron, of Warren Dempsey, of Onelda;, of t"l*.t-*r ; Lanc. of .lerlerson : Plckinaon, of Cayugm Urown. of Otsego, f.lflord, of ChauUuqua. PubUc Ir,?i.!..tions-Messrs. ISuUer, of New-York;' Farquliar. ff New-York; Quackenbu?h, of Schenec* tadv; Schaafl. of Klng*; McKenna, of Queen*; Kerrican, of N*w-Y.,rk:, of Kines; Fish, of Putoafl.; Bradford. of St. Lawrcnco; .iardinler, of Calumir-.; Flar aon. of -.--olk, MlUUry Jntalra?Meaar*. Sage, of Greene; Eart, cf; McClelland. af Westebeater | Roche, of New York; Haloy. af One.da; MoM?_iou. of New-York, Nolan, of Albaar; TBot..|?oii, of Allegany; Dunlap, *f M?nt go-.Tr Palmer. of E*se_ ; Shelter, of S?rat-jga. boialara Hon,*--Maaar*> Mc-Mahon, ?? Ntw-.ork: Bnsh, ?f ? aemurg lloicoub. ?f New-Yark; ConnoUy, of New r ,r? uurtr af Naw-Vork; Cooney, of KinK*; Taylo-'. ?? ? aflflfa Mrowu of Yatea ; BruaBagr, of Steubei.; Dennls IM *-r Mo..r?? of Kase*. ? omn..t.*>..? of .niii?-4'i?iii.?--M*-*j*i>. Kcrrlgan. of New* l,? j_ MflBH i of .-.ew-rork, Klng, of Oran.e; *lc of K*>n->-.ela*rr: QuacKwibnah. of bchenectady | ? . Uf rn' W.l.i*.. <>f S-huyler: Whlpple. of C?t* flaaaea* rraaaflaM. of CBaaaaaa. i~*i.ra K^iat>?'?-Me?Ts. .soi.mer, of New-York; Far flaaar ar Bew..ora ; hhieid*.. of King*; UaeeMar, of Erl?; g-. ae.,t, ..i. of *?clier.*ielad} ; Slaflfl, *>l New-York; Brink, : ttoBB . Lewla, of Cattaraugus. ? aad r>l!giou? sorlea.?i?Me<ar*. hUln. ot rfll aiilli?*n. of New-York; Foley. of New-Vork: H. lin I' of IflafBi ll' of _fl_WflHMfla; 8uUer, of ?ea r...* miaretl.. of New-York; Mlll*r, of (l_nea*ee; fcailr. a of ...wero. Y, M.-?*.r.. Rlce, of Ulnter; Demorcat, of ...r. of F.rle; McBride, of Blngs; Mul . v.a ', ,r* Hfiaaa of Kin/*.; Noya*. of Cayuga; - ,.* i .,,,!,.... Kr,.i.dage. of Steuben. araai a...i <?t*f?' ataaaaa OaaM, ot i.ewis; croak. ...rd TaamBSBBl. "f (.'."n* fiConnor, of Klng**' fl n. ?. I ? r? BBBBBa, of Krle : KUphecis, ef Frank ... ?f a ataaabaa aWtoeft, of o*.weiro. Tr?a* ae* Van..f*ctii*-?'*-Me**r*'. Kahaatf, of Klngs; af Blaajai baaaaa, of New-York: Norrla, of ** . ?., ?f New-Voik; Clark. of New-York; -. ot fByuga; Oroat, of Wayne; John*on, of Ba?l.i..? ??? > n M-awra. Iltuiraun. of Sen?ea ; Hanttlng, o' BahaBarh .. ;-tt? of Nlagara : B..keB, of SuIUtbh . IaVoo. .ireene; Ore-en. of; Clfford. ?? Bhaataafaa Tiioo.pM.n. af Aiieghwy. Indian Affalr* Meaar*. Smlth .;f Erle; MeKnlght. ol - | -irai. ?f N'v. Y-.rk; Kelly. of KUig*<: Me **<.,.a .f Qu^ - h?i" af Orange; Jonea. of Monroe; U f Ilr , ' | ,.'??'.. f'f TlO-B. h?l?? Mi h|.?aker and Ifaaara. Blum*-nthal. of New Tet* HaflMHfla-L of Westchest?r; Buah, of CKter; lUatH ,j waa%tttamm aafl* r, ,<t _BeflBaa. r and Ei.gro^lt.g Bllls Me**r?. Dlnkelipiel. of ??? Y?ra M-Ma-k af New-York: Cahill. "f King..; Vaea?r af Ka?...,?? htevenaoa, crf Waahlncton. . '.Qi.i-.aaB flii.liieaa-Meaara. Cl*rke. of New-York; B?*tia*. ?f King-. H*l.-r. of Oneida; Br?d?ky, of New V*** Uuaiae "?' Moulgoinerv. a ?OfBMOl lill.L NA.MKU IIY EVERY ONE. ' BBB . nrilfT THC ONLY CANDIDATF, FOR SENA? TOR HIS TACTl'S-A RCMORKD Blaar TAMMANY HUIs ABaviy. Jan. II (tspeclal).-Sralth M. Woed. ha* nU I** <?;na- to Altaatiy to i?n?h along hl*. Senatxjrsl.ip -*"?iu II.* wlll not eome, in uil jirolmblllty ; at least .nd lu* fli-l, John U. KHey. pretead ? ae al**olutely tn Mw durk .is U> his lnt4jntions ln this "?lf- t Thi* u generally taken to mcan that Mr. *** has givcn up U.e nght. afn.ost before one w;.s ?B-aa. and hot. left Ihe lleJd open to Governor Iliih A-l Um ,, iitic.wi, to night puint b.warrt the Ga.vain<,r ?* the ,U'.?v?sor of isem.i u Evurt**. It ls known that I** .*..*?t,?r'i frlend. liave Been trylng ln variou* ???? a. pc.Sh aome one elae into the canva-js, tflj *mkiy to ,et ap a fl?ht la whlch conditloai wouia reacli sucn a Btata that Mr. Hill tinallv, from patrl.-tl, BBaaff-88, of ,0,,1-e. would sicp f.aaxvnrd and t.ikc the non.liu.tlon. lf ? y-,mM t? him bv ac< Umation. YXiUi thi* in vi-w, IM uiii nion offered the nonilna tion, K li, tiudci-sto4id, (o Frederic P. Oleott, af NYxx York. Mr. Olrott |g presld-nt of the Ceattal TniM tX.niUHny, and 8*M Stnte Controllcr from 1,-77 |a le-.-. lt is nsscrtcd that Mr. Olcotl dcdlncd the nominut.on or. rathar, thc praauaa to put him m nomination-xnth Uvauka. Then Alfred C. Chupin xvas seen. and aabef to force bis BBBafa ...(i-.ii up ta such a p.tch that he xvould bo comc a IMaioilal ...n.iMiuic. Mayor also decllncd. Thc Brooklvp water sc&udal is said to have played an parl ln Mtagtag h.m lo this MBTI lusion. He 88888, nowe.ver, that this will be forgotten when the Democratic suto convcntion mcet next sunimcr. As it now is, it Is Hill on every alde, The Demo xialir raciiilx'i* pj botli hoiiaOs limnv of RO other a-olution of thc probleiu. and the Goveruor's nearcst frleuds have been circulatin,* the report to-night that be would ac4*ept llie nomiuaiion If lt ahould rome to him bv acclamatlou. lt xvia* gencrally undarat. oil tliat there would be a caucus of tbe UomocratJc member* of both liou.e* Thursday nlght. Noue lu.- yet been callad. and lt ha* been poatponeal untll ne\t Mondav night. Tnli ia for the purpose of gix-lug Uie lllll incii a 8B8BM8 UO Wow more gn* Into tlne boom. ao tbal lt wlll go ufl with a xvlld hurrub at the 888)888. There ls aome doubt, however, that the (n,v<*rnor xxill do thla. Tiicro are durk luiit* iliat tliere bas Lccn a lllll TiUiimaav ile&l. thc pai-ticulars of whieli may Iie developed ut the last inoment. Thls plan i- i*ivcn out a* ou* llli-iv to re.-ult In tlie election of aOBM BaM mau a-, Hichard Cro'.ier. for lnKtajicc, to tli.-aJnilod -state* Mnato, or Edxvard Mui-phy, Jr., of xNg. Both of these men have a hcavy ci*edi( atMOaal wltli the tioveraor for politieal services perfuruicd. BULIiS IXTIaODUCfcD IX BOTH IIDUSES. PROPOSEU LENGTHKMXf*. OF LEC.ISLATIVE TER.MS-BROOKI.YX Ml.ASURES Albany, Jau. 18 (Special).?Tlie t-ienate was ln aeaaion less thau an honr to-nlght. A few bilLs wero Intro dueed. and an carly adjournment was lud untll to morroxv u.ornlns. SenanJor Luuifhltn iiilnxluoed tavo InvT-ortarit amondmentb to tho constltutlon. 4>n* amends Artlcle X. proxridlng for IwldiuK eioetlons of city, town M._ vnilsuee ofltcers sepHt-atc faMB tho Na tioaal, f-rtate and le-diJarTve etoctloris. Thls propoaed amendnient provldeas tbat after 1**'.)G no election of city, taiwn or vUluge offlccrs shall be hcld M any day ou which Benaiora or members of the Assenibly are voted for. The other propoaud amendment Increates the term of the State ^nutora from two to four years. The t-M-ni*. of the memben* of the. Aassombly a.a al-*o laagtb emetl trom one to txro yeai-s. The tenns of the 888888)88 and Lioutonant-Uovcrnor atv increa?ed to U~t years. Tfio tirst elca-tlon of SenaUirs under the araendment is to take 88808 la 1**, and the Sonatora then elected are to scrvc for three ycars. In lbn.i rhoy ai*e to bc elected for four-year tprnis. Members of thc Asscmbly, under this amendment, are to be voted for in lfaM, From l?w<>, members of tlu A?*embly aro to be atoetai for two years. The whole plan af tba ameudmeata ls to have tlie election*. of (ity, rUtaga and town falB.ers on tlie odd yeara, aud to have them 18888 terms ef two and four years; atid the olettioti ot Lcgislatlvo, State and Natioual oflicei-a in even years. Senator McCarren, of Krooklyn. introduced a blll authori/.ing the issulng of 4500,000 Lu boi.ds to buy park lands, and tetuttcir .la.obs liitrodureal ono pro vi.litiK for tbe cxpenditure of H,000.000 for paxing Braahlpa strcets. Senator Chaso, from Albany, had a measure au* thorizltiK thc (iovernor to appoiut three experts to drnft and present to the senate a uniform .-tato building law, and he also sent to the desk a 888888481 takini* awuy froui thc Stipirmo Coiirt funds jjOB hcld bv it. ajid'placilig Ulelii ln Uie BBBBTB ol Uio i-tuto Controller. Th.- hillowitig x?7ere among the bills introduced ln tiCI<y Mr! xVanl-ApproprlHtlng BXJOOOJB* for con tiiiiuiii* the work on the new Capltol. By T. P. DjJIllBB TiilbldiTIng the importatton ot armed men or a*socl?<k,ii.s of men into the 88888 to do pollee duty. .., ,, _ . . .? Hv Mr. Rice-Amendlng the Weehly I'avmont blll by e-tccptiiig fi-om it*. prorialona offlcials of munlcipal eorporatloDs w-ho recclve staie.l salaiic.s. The term corporation is deflned to lnUudo )olnt s-b'.k coin paniei. or aissoi^atloiis. ___. aa T. F. Bxruetv-Hovidlag for salaii'*s ef rart ( oni niis.sioiicrs, of Broohlyijs-HB.tBDO for the praatawt, and &2,W0 per foi- thc other mcinbcis. Mi*. i;luu:euthal?Providiiig te uu cuunieraiion of the Uiliabltunts ol* New-Vora State. Mr Earl-Last voar's blll for the constxucllrin of aeweis iu tho Tweuty-sUth Ward, of BrooMyn. )lr. \V?i)s-te?-?Elmpoxveulng the 4*onin)issioiiera of Public Worka. to expend 8WX),000 for the punipliiK ttxatihlnne,', ?tc., necced to deliver water at a hlgber elerarioa ln New-York. Mr. Acker?aVpuropriatlng $500.cK)0 to carry rato fjtoct the luw for Qie Slate care of tlie Insanc. Mr. Hrodsky*-A cable railway blll for New-\ork Qlty, praoticaliy the-sume as inlroducod last year. CAUCUS OF REPUBLICAN SKNATORS. RAP1D TUANSIT ANU THK SENATORSHIP UIS IWWlll 10 ACTIOX TAKKN. Allaany, Jan. 13 (Speciul).-After thc adjonrnment of tiie S.-na(o to-niptit a riiurus of Kepuhlican mem? bers of the SeaWit? was lield in (hc Scnuto llbrary. The Kapid Ti-ansit mcasures and the -scnatorship Cght were discussed, topctlier xvith the amendments to thc Constitutlon whieli were introtliiccd ln thc Sei.ate dui-iug tho evcnlnu; Rt>>sjon. No aproement as to any partliular policy on the Rapld Transil lnca-ures was reai-hed. The aMMBori pre.-c;it cxpressed thelr In dlvldual oplnions. and it xvas tlie p-neral feellng that the stcwart blll, wlth some m.>diilcatlons, would evendially bo (ho Btaaoan that they would lupport, What tbesc modHleatlons are is not known, but Uiey tu-e siippo*ed to be in tlie dlreetlon of flfllng vacanclos in the Rapid Tran?lt Commission whan they oe.ur, and ta tho uunil><T T*i>qiiii*e.l to eoiistitute 'i 8*888888. (Senator rassctt said that that measure, when com gaeaai, xvould bo one that ought to be acceptabla ta all interests. The (liicstion of taking actlon ln the Beniitorshlp iTgTit xviu con.sidered in all lt? bMTtoga. Wlule no deflnlte eourse to be pnr*ned was Bgraafl npon, lt ia evid.nUy the determliiutlon af tbe Rppubllc*n SeaiUori t? walt until Oovemor 1I1U hn* abo*Jro hia hiuid, and then to folk-w- tlie best plun poaslble tinder the clr oBii,-i?iuav aa they mi--. In all UkesiihoiHl, li Oov ernor Klll I-ecome (he nnanlrooua choloe of tho Deroo crate, eVsnator Evart> wlll receivc evory Repuhllcuu vote. Un tlie otiier hand, ahould the f'.ox-ernor attempt to foroe npon tlie people a mitn agaiuat wh'.m Demo crnts ah8BBMl8M wlll robel, 4tn hone-st and ltidapendent Democi*at may posslbly gel Ropuldkan suppott tw* tM pUk*. A m-etliiu' <?f Uie** Ktailrou.l Coip.idttee wlll probably M held tojnorDw afta-riHiou. Bonator Cog gosliall ?-ajd to-Titi/lif thttt it wba tii* Intention an chuiruian of thi*. oouiniitiec to ga* tlie Bapgt Tranaxlt bills baclt lntxi tlie iseuute as mnm ;u> pos?ible. ANNLAL REPORT OF TIIE STATE TREASI'RER. Albany, Jan. ia.-Elllott Danfortii. IM Mata Troa-i uror, has transmltted to the Legi-Iature the auntial report of hls depttrimeuf for tbe flual year wadtag M-pti-mb'-r 30. Imwo. Tlm reeelpts of the diffcvi.t lunds undor tlac 88fMllM08 "f tba State Trea-sur'T tog|jrrc*a;atJ*<l iPlw.ail'.IlIM* 4!). The balanic on ha'id Oc tobi-r 1. lr>W?. nas IMCMOg, ?OattBg tho total re ceipt* taataf tba laeal year sfas.o-'o.ooe. The pay menb- fkOta abSM fund* during the lis.aJ yearamounlod ta g!T,fafl.8gl TO. Tbe f.'tal iauiouiit of IM i*l?tc tax oujtaoloaT froai u.e rartaaa OjMaaralleBa in the btate garfeag (ho flseaJ year w;as |t_JB**~B78 41. Tho Uve bank* puyiug an atinual Stutj; tax palil in all a->'l 401) C3. The UBinuct r/jUerte-l iu:der rh" OoUat ertU' Inheritanc* Tax !aw during :he year wa* 81.117, _37 70, and under the tfratanliatlon ( orpomtioii Tax law gaaa).719. __ The bulance I" tbe Trea-sury oa the mortung of January 1, IMI, wa* |a,aaBJBmM. STOP THAT CHRONIC CGUGH NOW! For lf ron do not lt may b-HtnuM conauB.ptlv-e. Kor Con auiuptlon, Sf-rofula, Cfaaaaal Dib.llty, aaU Waatine Diaeaaaa ta*K la '.,'.-'???? Uk* SCOTT'S OF PURE COD LIVER OIL AND HYPOPHOSPHITE8 OF LIME AND SODA. It la alnioat a* palatabl*! a* ir.llk. Far brMM tlun BBaa i 4o-caiied Einuiaioiis. a ataaarfal fl'sii praiaear. __T 188)888 of MltatfBM -TM crlelnal bCUTTS F.Mt'LSION ia put up o.'iy IB bA^ou ttOt 8IBBg|ir. and la for aale hr aW* Di.,-''i*alJ?T' REPUBUCAN PRIMABIE& HARMOXY IN NEARLY ALL THE DISTRICTS. THE XIIITH PURNIMIF.S THE VBOASt CONTF.PT OlBBS 0__H A SMaLL. MAJORITY, AQAJMWl WIIICB COWIE WII.I, PR/iTF.ST-THE DEI.Ei.ATES TO THE COl'NTY COM? MITTEE. Tlie Repuhlican prinii;ry eleefions ycs*cnlny. ex? cept thnt iii the XHIth District, were le-.s <\ eitinp than had been pxpecfed. There were con taats in aevernl distriots, but lt wna only between thi* wariin. factions nf Mcusrs. Cowie nnd irlbbs that tliere rrna any great displny of b;i:<l fighting or hittrrness. The br.Ilut battle rmi-ed there from tlie openinf until the oloflB Bf the polra, re KultiTi*' in an appareiit victory for the (Mbba olement. The vote, aa rcpurted, Haadfl 23.1 for the Cowie sidr and .'C'iO ior Gibba, but Mr Cowie lia.s aJre-ady flled a prot4?*_ wraingt the methoda of his :iiit;i4ioiii?rf aud will appcaJ to thc County C.orn_-ittee to reverae the vcrdlch. He aascrts, and with uppar.nt reaaon, tlimt, Gibbs wou by the im proper naalstanae given to him by the poliee and Tuxnmaj_y Hall. lu the Vth District ex-PVilIee CoMtnissioner FretiC.h won a re-election in tiie fnci* of all pTc dlctions of his overthrow. Mr Dodd rall led to his support. and with tbe help of "Thc." Allen Le _iicr?'cdt*d in beating Carrol nnd DonoTan. Poliee Justioo Suiifh's siicceK* over the oppo aition te him, led hy Mr. Gnns, in the XXf.h Dia trict, cansed no _urprise, BB it waa demonBtr-.te.l at tkfl commlttee oieeTiujr Irurt, week that Ifr. Gana _iad not fore* heliind liim to win. The .hrvateued overthrow aif Mr. Grimps ln the lst District did not take plaee, pctvoe liHvir.a been establish.-d betw^an the oppo-itiK forces yesterday niornini:. There waa no Tronble ln tlie VTnth, tlie re^'tilar ticket there boiutf eleeted without flpajeaMaB. Mr. Brodskv and hlfl .rtenfls thcra still rcmnLn oufside tha* ainianJzit tion. Some "(-.cratehirtg" ia ropnrteal in some of the uptown districta, but thore was not BBoBgk to iiffect the result. Tlie rlval forces of e.-Aldrrmnn Cewio and ex Assoinlilvnmn Gibbs contested fhe eleetlon in tho Xllllh District, at. No. .0. EiRhtli-ave, with their old-time vi^or. Tlie battle rat'ed -alt.hoiit cessation from tlie openlng to thc closiujr of the poils. The nnmlier oi vptes casl. 191s r.iirt, of which tiie Olhha tickct, led hy Thomas L Kamilton for president nf thc district. association and Ilenry C BaekflB for cxecutive niemln-r of the County Committee. had MO, and tlie Oewie tickct, with Henry L. Bptagaa for pnaldent and __bb_. IfeAfea for ex ec,ltive member, had 283, nn appnrent majority of l?7 for thi* Qfbhfl sidc. The princlpul le.ulcrs of the conten.linsr parti.*s were upon thc prounil thramghout thc potUng haitirs. tahorlnp flealoBily tm their respective tickct ?*. Ihe line of voters oftci ex tended from thc liallot-lmxes Bl tl.c liuiit of tl.c second story thr*7ii/ii to the rcar of thc baiMtfluf and down thc loiitf stairwuy to thc street. A sijuad of thirty or forty policemeu. under coiu mand of Bfl-geaHl W. Hopan, was pBMBttt t<? pre scrve order. nnd the Cowie mde Bflld, to aid tlie Gibbs crowd win the elt*c tion. Thc result, when announocd bv thc chsirmnn of the cleclion beaid, wna received hv a great sliotii irom the snpp<>rtcr9 of Mr. Olbbfl. Thc Cowie men say tlmt tlio result \t_* dse ta thi* fact that the otlier .id.- were iu pos**e*'-i(.ii of all the BleellBB __aehinn7*, and aided by tfce poliee. After tho pr.ll- hnd elosed Mr Cowie aaid i.iid: "We sl,:.!I entcr a pTotcst a^'ainst thi* Brai inp of the Glbbfl licli'cntcs |a thc County Com mittee Bf tbe proper tlme. ll a fair vote could hiive iwen had we vrot-ld h*vc eanied this primarj Ity fl li'indsonia* ixrajority. Not le^s than 2<u> I't'ino erats the Gibbs tHrrt, nn.l Wfl were power*> !a-.s |o prev.'iit lt. Ilow could it hc othcrwise whCfl Gibbs had thc inspee.tors. the poD-hooka and the polttllf lists in bfl cxelusive pusscssion and wus a.ssii?t4?ii throuphout tlte day hy pollcemen aent here Ixith in unifonn ond in plain clothet* to browticat and IhlBBtn our men nnd wi.rk HS".inat onr ticket P When the polJs had cIobwI. from lt8 te 1.0 of our fiupporterg, as good Kepublicam. a_ live, were in thc line and were 8hut out I shall present auch a state of factn aa will leave tiie C.anty ('oiiuiiitta'c in no dount os t<. whioh dele.afion sliould bo scatod." After the annonncement of th" vot/? Mr. Gibhs maalc a epeaeh, Ifl respciiTse to repented calls, in which ne aaid that he bad wou the eleetlon fairly and hoiiestly. A IflflBBOtl iu prncticnl pottt-flfl wim tauirht l>v a coiitest in the IIM Assembly D.stnct. .lust nftcr the pallfl were opened ycstirdiiy nftcrnoon nu oppoaition ii.kct made Ita a|ii*'nrnnce, beazfna tl.c namesof William'F.. Morria ior BM,!. iici.iiist James W. Haw.-s, thc renular iioniinee, and Samuel BerJew, agalaat Jaaoea H. M',.Mim,is, a repular boouMC for lnspe.'t<ir of Elections. JatOCB 11. Fanniiu:. who was on the reiruhir lieket for gelcpate to the County Conmittee, w:us actr..' in support of tl,.* oppoaition ti.'ket. his own na_BB bejnp on both, and the Rfidaifl r_*f?t toaether with li.e idea of flhowing l bH "f diselpline. To that enil the rc.tihirvot.TSserat.hed Fanninp'fc paaaa olt theit ticka-ts aml inscrtcd rtie naiae ,.f .lauiesT. ItaddeoT TTu* ri'vaUr ticket was eleeted. FanninR, Morris and Ilerjcw were all de f.*at4jtl ovcrwhehnin'-'lv. Itud if not heen f..r his Bttempt lo .lefeat Mr. Hawcs, Fantiiu, himaep would nate bttn eleeted. Followlnp Ifl a list of the MflgBlU faa thfl County Commlttee and the oflicers eleeted in 1 ln* different distruts, arlth tlie opp.-sition ti< kct where there were lliallfllfl' I ^-Den-Hab**: .?'.h? 11. a.rln^'.. John A. Moran. lLary OebOTD. .linifh Tl.nn.|?,oii, I'etor Enald. Pcter Klelv. .lamf* V. Bymee, Samu'l A. Ilrewn. Wllliam I.ane, Arclilbal*! "9larallton, Huc,. P'vold. i:dward Walsh. Mlcha.l Kvan. Offlccr*: Preaident, Maitlu lf. H-'aley ; flrat ylce-prcsi'lrit. yetcr Kiely: ??crnd Meefflflaliaat, Jnhfi l.y?n*- ?ecrctnry, ArcM.-iifl Han.Iluni ; tMaaarar, 'lTioma* .Mc.Naniara; atr geant-at-axms, Qaatgfl Stark, ?r. U?_Ma_BbM: l.'iiU Bbaa, William M. Doyle. Mar Un Kavanauh, Wllliam H. Kllboy, Kredcrid. Jr., Jame. _?. Hyl;u,d. BtapBaa 9. DlBfljT, i'lilllp VK. Van Wy.k. Thomas Sti."k. 'I' K. ll-riln.Uin. Patrl.'k Eflifi. Frencia Mattiaao, ii.i..i.i laate, Owaa OTBuniH OfflcRT*: l'r.M?id..ut. I'lilllp VK. W.vck : flt-t Vl.?>?? pre-idunt, Wllllan. M. Dapla; aaaaafl vIce-iireMdefit, John I". Muriiliy , laaretarr, Eraneta M< a>rau? : ti.;a?iirer, D_i.i.'l Val.-i.t'-: aerirf-aiit-atann.., Jai.,._ lllt.. .. XII?DHlfflatea: Charles II. Murray, .Yk-bolaa H?h. Th*.i...p- 9. Oamy, Jaiui., W. lla*.?, H-jw.-U C K.-..., ile.iri*.- W. WBgaar, BtaBaB T. Burtltil. Mlram Mirrlti,, J.-...* Bran-iri, f-eflBI Tl?he, Mlehael Watdoii, Wlllian, C. ri.iir.h, An^"-lo OallO, .Io?eph W. .I.r-..-.. WlllUiu Htiit Hold. wiiu.i.i. li. Baifcwaafl, .iai...;- T. MaBBaa. oih.-er*: 1-rcfldeiit, a.nari.? H. Murray; flrst vlceiirft-ld.iut, Jaun* W. llawen ; he.end vlca;-pr.*?idfnt. Atidraiv J. MrOIVTaey; ?ecr*"ti_rr. CBarlaB w. Wafaeri Maaater, Jaaaa liranita.i: ?(.?: Aot-iit-.r!!.*-. .loJm 9, McPartland. OflpaafU-a?Datafljaaaa: CT.ara-, ii. Mflflaafl/, xichoia* i-'Hi.. wintaa* B. Marrla, Tbonuu. K. Oeaaa*, lanaa W. Bawea, BawaE I ? Baaa, r,,0no w. Wa-.^r. Kdwa-*i T. BarUutt. Jamea Braiiaau. PsBa Tlghe. Mlchael W.-ldti. Anitelo Gallo. Jn?eph .farvl*. WlUliun mmnviU, f'.J,', '!? Soii.mera. John II. PBaatBg, H.ran. MarrlM, . Oftlcera: i*r ?d.'i.t, <; arfce ii. Marrajr; flr?i fftoap wnuaai B, Morri*: laeaaa v... ;.i.**id'Dt. Andrew j. MeOfraer; *.r.:r<jiarT, Cliarlo*. W. Wr.'i.'T irf<uaur. r, Janes j1i_iik*i" 1 i*>rK'' J. I'. M '1'arllnnQ. IV?lielB-a'.'.-. .tol.n . ..Ulnn, John Mullin. falrtck J. 0'flr!?n. MJitln N. OHi.,ii.e'.l. Wil'.lan, 11. Townlcv, Chirlei S. Thoip*. Alon/- latr-, KlaBaal Hlne*. Itank Moirlaon, CjTua All.-n. Thoiuaa .1. Olir.i. J.i.:a 9. .x'''?, laa^o LlfllMBaBBBB, -s"i laaaaa, 4' J. n?..', ti.. ,> ??..'?? w. Kiaaa, Ja..i?-. J. n.> wf Vi.'Hp Olibiitflfli 0-toira; hesMaai, Jeim CalMaai flral vlce-pr-sldent. Tlio:,.-.- .1 '..I.e, ????'?: d y'. e preaident. 'ihoira- 9. Hatfaid; i rraaarj, J..,.'. i Coinaa; treaaarer, Daaaaaadi maaaalaiaraia, Btepb n :.''...-.a:d V. ?Delejiat"---'-I'I.... I M :. l _.o'M A'lJ ley J. Maanrj BdaBid T. .'?:??- r-1 ti* .io?.ph i;. Mabllag, Cbarla* p. Bfble, Alben I'lmippi. i. . ->r. *r . a ,,. i raiarlea o. Makaaej, Crni. Oin<*tcad, Jeflfl 9ea <..???, Mlaa, siri. BBwari K Ibaar, .'.*:.'? Baaet, uaeAa Watt. Otnr*r*-Pr~-idrr<t PieilN Miaaayi l-t vic-pw-ldent, iiikn Kn.,> . - -ind \t, ??-i>r. iidaat, raflriek Caaalaa rotatv. D.viu J. Weetpper! Iraaaarar, R.'iand Caaaani o*rr<+t\',.ol-vnr,n. fx.ul-,. opi*.?.tioM?Di-n-B?t'? i OaaaeUai Daaevaa, Ckaalaa vi"r ri?. Pflila D < un,... J'.i.i. ... .. eeaje BraaJaa. Ti.i.rr..* s.irMd?M. i ii.H - Bara, BBaia I'v. Praal ?'? fatroii. .i.,-;.i. E Hahllac, Otarfa a. r^.^-r, !<'-.?'' Rlvara, ir.n. t. M. s?t.. irttMu ... BaB .. Ptaafl 9. R..rk. ri Berfla Bad uee ia '?? ar* PreaBhra*: Oornaii il n tl ?...?? -i i * '-..' WIIBaai h h?n**r; ,,..,.,,. .... batfl s- . r t?r\ U l K'l* ? jenjj,, | .rir: lta*a miiaaflalanaa, PTIlaBi h'i-:*. ? r yj. ,, i fc ? I I ?.*"'.*. ,,, _ | . ? :,.. hv flllai tiflarl. - Mefl i- '..''?*.!,a....1.:.' -?. '? "? A. BallBa r ? niuaiiaaan ' '* rr.T. Kaae. JaBa J. i*lart.iaaa J. ,..?i.., .i..-|.,. .-..h..,.."!..,... J- matm Paaa on........ Braaa. , . ?..',.. ..?? >i l ? h ii-. unauafl,! .r*n,.,J.J..ui..r. .?.?er. nmi? AUau, a,.n,a..<l,*r.*dc..t, WolO ?s>?'if, aa-caud vlce-prnsideci, Williani Watta; aeeretary, John W. Hunt; tr,*m?ur*!r, Wllllain II. Mai-iilng ; aerjtranv at-armt, Ma* Loweii. VU?iMi-initt-.' John Ti. lAwaon. Ba4>k*on T. Morgan, Aifra n. CoiUling, Ijlapenard Stajivart. H-fdcrlcB W.'v J. dat.Uer. Jann-a M. Varnum, J. Henty Work, .Namtiel B. iiamb-irgpr, J. I-angdon XVard, Henry <*. Haroy, >lBBB88a MlfaTlMBt. 0. Voli.ey Klng, Aieiander H. KaM, B. II xviiitJ-.-tntlon,, Uarenoe A. heara, H?nry A. Mattiewa, Thomat Coakley, I'jflward XV. Zlu n.err.ian, Jan.** L'olllna, .foaii H. Martln, Hatiaon <;. 088888. Tli.' XV. Dwlirht, j. *|. lajtaMO, Jfhri McKwv.t, Waatiinf-ton 1'ara'r, JaMi Hlli-y, Wllllam Morpan. Kdiiiut.d ft .llobona, K.-r.?at J-*au!??y, Morrla A. kts.'iiian, Hdi-atd Barguet. Jaaari n. x\v.ii*t, John a. Dc.wi.-y. oaama; Praaeaaae, lauraa K Van AlUn; IL-at vlc?.prci.ia>nt. Rlcfcard Van Cott: ?i-cor.d Xli<-.|,r.-id^nt, 1'edro lla-l.afo : ae. r.tary, Kr>?d?-rlc? A. sii.iaiaa; trfaaur.-r, Waldo II. Kirhnrdaon | InapTtora ot ataaataa, 8Mage BMgBfr, 'ITioiiiia OtoBMf, XVfiltfl?*ld Var. Cott. I'dirard XV MMMMMaa. Davld Ckaey ; tTgeant-ttt. arina, la.nirt Kellv. ?UT WMgataai Ouatav A. SehtirTnann John H. O'Con nor I'h'l.p N. Kr-ytaat. Abraliam Adter. Louls Mui.U.auaer. ?aarael A. RntTta, John McConaughty, Jr., John f, Twonoair, John I'.. Hrali. ar.. Arnold Dlamond, J?m<*a A. Cam. ron, Qaaaga E?w?ln. Meyer M>y-*r, otto Mattrr... Krank J. MarUi. Tl.eodor*. MltchcU. Wllllam I.?ttlni<*i*. Jacob Marka. John OTBBBB. .loseph Bonaparth. H. XV. IKiltinan. F'/Jwajd Hottmitn, 8*raal W. HoU. Charlea Sulli Tan. Chtwlee &. Adler, Guttave Daiilgre,. Jobn V Vollei**, Theodore V. Ruhla, Sarau'l Straviabourger, Atbert K. Morgan, John Haltlnat'-r, Mort?n Brltton, Albert Kalki Augiiat t.aui.T Offlce-* ! Pra*Id*-ut, Uuatav A. grhurrnann | Prat tMB*B88Ba8BBB, Thendoro F. BMhla; aerond vicc-preal. d,-nt. Morton Brltton ; aucts-tsry, Mu.u-l A. Rob?rts, treaa urvr. Auguat cHUW; aergeant-at-irn.a, John o'Kff". IX-Iie agBBM. iaeorjo ii i>.4...-. John W*. Jaiob'.*, XVilliaii, II. .letln^y, Jeremtah pMigburn. Wllllain H. Oaaaa, atagaM Ward. Otaaria K. ciara. feeaaa T. Hactt "tt. E. jM. Morean, Edmund. J. Tln*<lale, JeM J. Brown. Il.-ory p. Wllilmn-,*.. Wali>,r Logan. WlUiam F. 4ir?*lT. Attaiur Waro, .'tiavrlsa BJ, Read,', J?hnso:i h. Cary, Davld ... GMyatta, MaaaM urunbrrg, a. gtaaklta bawaaa, a. a. I'ord, <','iaa>a K. Hobby. Jeaao .V-***inan. XV. T. Brcalcell, Nathani^i ApplMaon, John P. Roclr?*fi*U**r, S. W. Thompson, fh?fl?a a. Ben.-dlet, Eglnnrt P. lYtta, Jame* A. Vao da I.lnda, laBBM Quar|;,iib.ish. Ofllcera: 7'realdtnt. Wlll :im II. . .,r*a; flrat vlce-praaldeiit, Fraw.klln B. Mill'*r; s.s-on? Tl,o.prf?ldMit. MlUh.-ll lfalllday ; BimlBIT. MAll iani a. oaMag; Braaaaaaf, <*eorgii d. Kagar; aargaaaa. it-arma, IBaagi D. (Maa. X-D-lrgatoa Jaeoli M. Patt?rson, gerdlnond Eldmann, Baary c. Botty, NrdtaaM Uray-r, Kud,,ipi. nuben.*, 0. ottn baaaaaa, .fffii, Hunslrker, Fertlnaud Fhrh.irt. laoh May. t'ottfrted Selp, Frank OTaaaBBBBB, 8*tt*4>rl?? I.. Mar.l.all, OMMM (s-timldt. CMttal WeMfeaMaa. Jr., Wllllam F. Kuri. Jacob Uotlt, IMaial Kom>?r. MaM DlMia, jr., taatatl Hettlng^r, Jr., Wllllam IUthnian, John J. Car aey, raal Sehi^ffler, CMrtaa (st.-inr.iii.ler, Jer^mlah .1. suiiivati. naaaili* gealaatar, Max Tiaatiaaa, aJftai Wai krr, Wllllam Kurz. Jacob Kalser. OrTlior* ? I'n'aldeiit. II, niv M. llalubt: flrat vlro-prrsldrnt, C. Ottn H??mp: Maaai al-e-preslda-nt, Aupnf.t Hasiey; treaaurer, Ferdinoiid; BeesatarjJ, laaaejh ?*8M88ta8| aerareanuat-anns, Oaalara Luddera. XI -Tiflegitea : S. V. R. Crutrer, Charlos A. I'cabodv. jr , ?In""!> t\. simins, F.i,i;,.'i.? D. Ilatvkl.ia, John S. Smlth, Baraea Raaaeti, DaaM ... Rn'iins, i'. ii. Marpby, Ttonaa il. Brawa, xvniiata n. faaaaaaa, ataaepti iTanr.i'r, jr., i. n. Toaaaaj'l. I'.iipii Ma-.-r-, Cii?b a. RtaaBaa, Martln Maaer, w. F. Itagrrtr, Haararl ConoU, ft. U. SaetoM, n. J Rnn', WlU.arn Daoaraa. WlKlama, Job K. Ilxlrts, Ba S. B-|aW, H. .1. I."W and WBUBB1 lf. H"I4C. 'i.ii.-rs: Pr^-id?ut, John 0*Canaar. Jr.; flrst Mue pieaMana, v. a. naallaa| Ba*aaM tltje preaMenl. Ar,-iii- n. R?i>erta: aaaraaBry, Jiaines XV. Aut.*n : tiea.?ur..r. t*IM8lla S. Bll 1IL.S-,, a?raT'-;int-at-.vms. Williani IT. Balci-r. XTI -D?*learavtJ** : .."orirfl Ifll!lard. Wllllam II. TTubflr, Jehn RelnharUt. Wllliun J. Kent, Fdirard I'lata,1*-, Atiirii*t Ura-un. Oharl.s Kobn. Franrla Snyd'^r, F.dward WartliHim.T, la-iiaii Kahn, Wllllam HaM, Rolaert Smlth, 11,-nry R?.i?by, .Ttacob Wllllaun lUrrU. Andis-**- Dorn, jr.. M? Al*Tr,iin. .luhti I-: Smlth. Dav<d C*hn, Maamuel St.*1ol,,irdt, Wlllard H Bradley. John f*roL-nhaK.'.n. Ofllc-ra! Preal l.-nt VTilliaiu A. (irahiun; tlrit vlc?*-prj?.1il?'nt, Hrtiry J. Schumatcher: aetond vloe-prealdeut, Ilermnn Prlrc ; s?**ra. lary, Cluarltw M. Jorolomaii; treaauror, Iaaao Kohn; aer afeantrai-wrnis, Wclist.-r Kyeta. XIII?Di-lnaatJ.s : Knox McA/ec, Jamea A. Cowi/. Wlll? lam Wad--. GMrtea T. fatMaaaa, WIDMa Shaw, Qeerga XV. Wlmaut. ritul,* W. Cou??\ Wllllam Artii?troii''. An inra r. (Mbbbmu, wiuiam 11 JaMaan, John <?. MeMar ray, Oorpo .I,.liia*,,n, Il.'ury M^D.aiough. Jan.ea B. Smlth. riamla w. MtTaaad. baaa J. wuiian,*, tftaarae B. Bryaat, .1. Mnran, Roliert Smlth, Baary C. Smlth, .Xl!,.-rt M. Oattar, Charlea W. X<?min. John 8*18*8, Wllllain C. faBetakte, l'atrli-lt Crauev. PaMf lf84*488818, Jo.huu T. Mataa, J"hn Wivtti, F.,li?ard H^ndarsson, XVllliam H. TU liiiHlia-t, John A. Mt-^k*. Charl.-* A. Crlat. F**nton F.. Wcst. XV. ft D.ii,nr,*t. Ofbcra: Preald i.t, Henry L. S|inaatue: flt't vlt-.-pwaldetit, Wllllam Hall; aecoml r?e*> BjaaM"i,t, faaBM MIWm; sceretary, Caraou ti. ArrlUbald, Maaaiar, ataaaah c,,rbit. OsajaalttaB?DetegatM'. nonry CUntaa Daekaa, John p. wind.-iph, laM i.. iiamiiton, CMtatagMa T.?vett. Baary GBMgaM, Fn-dirhk B. Houne, H.-urv Btaarh, Wllllam s.-hl-iM. Baary ft Miiaaav. Charlea B. Ilawk . JJlltph U tOmy, Bargaa D. MaMotiegtU, aUbert ft W.aod, Dr. Lawienca ,Toh.,?ton. .Tnbn H. 0. Voii Olahn. Albert F^r nujv.n. Joieph P. Rvaan. Wllllam 1?. Waltoii, Dr. Tl.^odorl X. TiitlifH, llJ*nry W. Olliann, John Olaaa, jr.. John A. lirow, Ji.lui TUa.-kwood, Saanuol St^wart. l'aul T^lvlnataton, Morrla B. Rqulre, Williani 11 R*x-d, Fxiward naufT. Fr**d. erlck E.-4.I?. Caatint J. Bgerea, V. H. fV-ntt. Judson N'. Smlth. John J. MeCr-ary. Jam?* W. nrink. OBtMl! nnalfMl. T..!ton : flrst ffo piaillMt, F.lijah m. rtaMr; iicoai itaa jubUmib, CMrtaa v. griaek; *ra*. 8/101 bb Halata; Uaaaain, wuiiam s. WaterhaaM i ? at-arm.*, D'-nla McF.?.??'. UT PMlgatll John ft BTaSJOBt, Ifrman Tj. Srhra Mr, faaBM P. Hart, John H. nOllpa, T. B. Vrwland, m. i).. Jaaaaa W. raaaaaaa, JaaaaB T. CMgiara, J. wiuiam Halcli-rt. Joh.i J. r.oalln, Rli-liari II. BttoB, John O'.VpIU, 1,.-.],li Mnlvv. nadlTlra P. Daarr, Wllllam Rl.kard. I'a,,' s, luilUI, r. Hllllard Britt. .J.'orcie S.ildler. Ofllrrrs: pNaMaaa, uani.-i r. Marpagi 1'1"'1 itaaBraaMaat, Tt.oma* liunh: a.icnnd a1cj*-pre#ident. l'hillp Schercr; U8888188, A.ig.istua p. Marpruf; a?i*r^a-v, Williani F. Haly; aM* gcantat-arma, Datilel j. McCarthy. ET-aMlagataai fibendiui Bhaaft Robort a. ?.roa,"*n. W. M. BlBlglBlirr. F.dmui.dC. I.e", John Farrel'. ('cortr,* i). Tiin.-r. Jaaeah W. Mftaa. Baaay O. T.raxit, winian. R. Rartl'v. Ijouia RaaMt, lOrMel BBBttagl. Hermnn Jovca B..f I'dward Burt.a. Wllllain Tjaar-on. Jann** <'urne.i, Onrge Munr...' r;..n.-ral Gaor?.' A. BB. ridaaa, Robert Mackpole. John bMB Winiatn Ij. Turncr, J. W. Urady. MtM Maingeii T.nui* p. R'.pp. ??<t* Bmbmbb. Jr.. Klehaal J. Sliarp. Benjaniln F. IM, IMaBM J. Radlcy, W. M. llaalgaaiT. Jr-. o. ff. ialBMa, Jan.p* U Mrouir,., J 1-. M. Lordly, M. D.. John II. Harrls. 0B8Mfa: pn-sdent. ataMrl a. MaMBii iral rtaefaMHiBt, John gBM jr aaeeeal ilaaiiaBafaat, faaaM Caraaa , taatetary, Kionil Willi'.i.u*: trfa-aurer, Wllllam R. Bartl.-y ; aar!--*ant. at-ainu., }sianiu.:l I),a*l. ITI. IMIageteB Rlchard Tjuah, Wllllam Henkel. .Sh<\r man I-'var** H^nry ?aaaait, Jame* Duffy. Mleha*)l I4hk-*y. laUeMel I. Horran. Frauk H. Daly, John J. I.ooram, Mlfha. 1 Matthe*--*, IVreui'.- F. MaOaWM, Jahn BcOOBBay, luhn II Cuvanagh, JaaBM Smlth. <.eori!>. b'-hroed,-r, Achlllea Wood. MM W.nthau. Martln Brauor. F.mll Ilauna.MM. 088MB8! I'resldcnt, John H. Caaanagh; flrat ali.'.pi.-ldant l4.',,r*a-.*- Kl.s.l ; 888JMI vlcc-vrealdent, WUI bub a. Baaar; laiiiaMT /aaaa Daiv: treaaatar. ui-'darich riMlBlBnig ItilgMBl Bl BIBta Charlea H. .iurdn-r. xvn-i. I'.itJ-s: eTaarga W. arMMaMr, David Ki MMIe sui.n v. Cctta, EMb Daaaaieaa. AMMr Bajr araM nataala C. MaaaM, o.i*t.?v B. PMtlta, Itaketi xuil..,' \\i.!;;,.? eorbltt, Frauk Maaair, AI.'xa.Kl-i' Car. n.l.l.a.1, Wllllam J. OBBBgMIl, laaMB* Klssbk. OtBBBM MMMr, Jan.- 87, p.-riy, S. B. CraM-h. HMB8141 A. XVhlMI-M. .Trvri'* S. I'ma-r, .I-'u"- (MMT. )>?.' ??. mtlniin. Kani'i.l A.sii, wiisoii Danraaan, Wiihai,, i ra-.v fnrd, Uarard Ri,iiar.u. Oaeai Waltar, Oltaa Wanatater, |-U?ail B .;r.".,:v. fTMllM H. IMM CMrtiB A. I- iBBBBMr, laaaM i- Haad, csartM i- Batt, a^tarM OaHom, John j. BMieaaaa Atam Kaatoa. xx iiiiam .1. Matt^aewa, a*laal a. iiif.'i,,. r. H- BtaBeMra, Jaaaca Jeaica, JaUaa rtattk,,'-.'.-.*?-*" *''"*-'r- ******____ '" i'r-l'l.i.t BMB PtMBIBMj tlr-t virr.p..-iJ.-?r. leM Deattla; 888884 itua BrMMant. ftaaatpt Braaaai i BKretary, wuiiam .i. MaliMae; uaaaarar. Ckaitaa ft Batt5? hjaaat. at-arma. .la.'.b C. MalMMr. mil PalaiMM B.-n,ard Biarlln. WU'.hm II. (.mzin. Huch Cetaaaan, .1*1,.?- Btxarav r, Babmrt '10.1,1, i...'ms .ia.?.,!, BbO Badrieyer Arthur b. CMvay. TMmbb f. Catltaa. wui lau. F BoCooneD, V-r.,,... B. BfOWB, Tlmma* Murpbv. ... joani>? K'l-h llpfcrn? L sintii. I'atnc:; (oiiu,-. laa - r M-M-ill.-n. fBMM Ttaraeg, Thomaa BarUev. iBBMI Hamllto... l'hillp b. Smlth, l-'.dward lt- ItaBly. ?***_ Colon.l Joaa-ph V JarJIne, prrsldant; M^tk OaaraB, BfM niaiaaataaBl; ta*M )' Btt-taa, ? aaal rta. h -ident. To'M. ai-cr-tary; Joa-pU C. B siin. HiaaarM. XIX-D'Tegata*. John BetoBBWaMr. Wllllam II. Pel taaay, Ai,-xa.?i 1 Bartta, ? tarlM 0>. I natta, Ka'-i'i BMtail, JeM <.ray |l..vd. Sa :.?'?'. II. Hiiidiill, John Carlln. John '?. i'. t-r-s, Baaea ... Bya-i-a, i.-rc- M*t\ Daatarahi !'? i!urk?. Muhaa] Retnata, CiMrtea B. Page. Cnrhmpo* J ' V.. 11. I).-n.-raat, .Io!.;. XV . .... : Wlillai., II l'u. >.,'TH? .-i.i. laaapO B. Maj 1. Maraid a. DfllMaeea, A:fr-d 1 1 ,. ? , N ,,,.,,.,. ,. 11 ? s. Btaaa, laaaM C Caa> 11,.,, 4.- y. 1... ,1 ? -. La :? Praak, pa Up 1/ . ' ,-. Wi": aai II. 1 ..: *??'! '? - "?' *___ llenjaaatn B ?-*. w,ii:*'n v. RaBprrt, .i"*u, 9. Oarmoty, job.. ?...'. ;. laM 1 '* lyM -. MMal Mrridaa. .',.*.. .1. i.lL-ar l,J*ay,^ai*t. MrMld K. Ownat, Charlea F. KaaTBaaa, tr., Baaaom) 1. [*mbJb#b. Baaraal ft iaarBa aa. MBM) i^?n.a.:. .rr- 9 ' .n-ludcr. UavM M. Maa i.xira-.' < . lUrthoM. Ircli-rl, k BattaBB. -**?- I?*. RaatBBBM, i ?. xv. T.,u-n. Jiiii's B. Baajrar, Oaarga w. LaMnira, . wuiiam ia. iia.iiiit.iii, Baary >? ?aa. Wllliam i. And.ra.a.. Claar'.-j. 1. PtaaBB, .l.,ha J. Ilu..,. BBraya, XMmm H. MfMtaa rniarltB Bayar, Mx, and Oaaifa 8T. aaaata. OataaM I Mrtai F. Braaar, Meaidaat: J.. kd Tajlor. (Ii*.t al- ? I"'? ?'?" ?' '' s U'l-'-"'^* ?*-? .' vi. ??],!?.. :??-. )*? M. Daata, *? ??.??'-*rr; xviiiiam RaMaa, . ;. . >!? fnagl- . BM BBBl Bt BinBI xx- i"i gaieai Baaaa ft BMMt, Baary *'? P?rky. i.i i/. i harl ? wi,it!'?k. oaraaM Kahn. Baary I.>av ller-i.aii . antor, J.|.?i **? < -i.44.av, tb-irlr* A I.n, - I., XVi:lla.n II. I...-. Morrla llaiira.1. ? ., II. Itu.n-. Ur. ft ft Ka"-*.'!!. J?!.i. Klvlln, i , . Baaaa Jsmm **'? Baoty, XMbbm r. i4..<an, Blaaaal ,?K.i rm .aa. MiM Ptae, BaBtaytaat a. xvhita', ax i.., Atalaaaaai, J?pt. M. BBBgra and B. K. MatMB. iifli.T-. riaaHanl. Bataa ft bu-.itia; tlca Beaaaaaata, Ml-*-?' UiKit and Audi-var K.eui; at-vretary. WllUam II. TO CURE A COLD IN EASIEST WAY APPLY POND'S EXTRACT TO PART AFFECTED llurley; ueasurer, WtUiara H. Kellock; aergaant-at-trms, tiiw.'i1 W. Clark. Op|,ai?:t:.,n-l>eJepatea: WllUam A. Oana, Thoroaa F. Ba__B, Morlt/. Mayer, Jo*rph Jiclntyr*. Fi*?d*rlc_ Berer, J. ai. Sclmieikenbache. Charlas 0, Schnltz. Ilanry Binit, Sml'h I'iiic. Ale-xandfr Muller, John A. GMIgan, Oaorge S't.i. I, MlabaBl fSliaienbirgrr, L.iui Kivlln, Charle* B. Koller, Wllliam H. Bnrns, Jacob Waller, Cbarlea Whlt lock, liO'its ll?ai, Mlchael K. Oolde, Herhian Cantor. Owaavt Hantnana, OtflflMHI Kalni, Henry I.lpsky and M*rrt* Jlaumel. 0*_c*r*: Prratdent, WllUam A. G*n?; viee* pre-identx*), Andrew Kle-n and Morlt* Mayer; leereiary, Wllliam II. llurlcy; trea*urer. Thomaa K. Eafrao; sergeant *t-arii:a, Oiorgi! W. Clark. XXI-l>?l.'gatea: F.llhai Koot, James A. Blanchard. F.d watd Mltchdl. ..eorjzr* W. Lyon. Flovrl Clarkaon. Georg* W. L.tBcart. Wllliam Braiokfleld, Joel W. Maaon. a M. OaUaway, .io*"i*t. Paol, faaaaaij af. Depe.v, ciianr* F. Batlar, Chailes Il.aley, Rlcaard J. I.ewis, Henry A. ltarniim, ITltnt 1'. Sh.-putd, Jame* flw?i?, Kdwin F.lnsteln, .hui... Tiilctt. I.lttnucr. John H. Hall. Mortlmer C. Addo.i.s, V. Morgan Ulldreth, Jr., Thomaa B. Odell, Jobn O. 'Mott. TaaapB H. BMgllafl, Wllllaro D. Murphy, naajaailB E. Hall. Wllliam ll. Arnotix. Kobert J. D. Siafr, latt M. Milllken, ?aBUMl Tlmmaa. Offlcrs: President, Jolui l'rocUr Clarke; flr-t -,'lfv prcjldent.charle* F. Hoici-r; iceaaal ihn peablial. Laarraaea Harney; treamirer. wiu I.iii. McMlchael; ?,cr?'tary, Afexander T. M?*on; aergeaot atanae, PalilaB xuity. XXII?I.i le_ate?; John H. Uunnor, Lnurence J. Diinn, Heiirv 0, JuJinaton, Hamllton Bridge, Wllliam OaakfJl. Ambroae N*c_l, C. H. T. Collla J. 1>. 81)ab*e, Joaeph T. Mo?n, Banjaiiiln Oppenhetmer, John .1. .irovea. Alm.r.. L.. M-i-.i... Ja*trow Alemuder, Albert Xtelaen, Charle* Brlfik aaBal, Mlchaol Mahou, Herinan W. Tiuim, Abrabam Klm nielat.-ll, .:. J. Palnier, M.D., John DouoUuc, Thomaa T,nsk, Charlea F. Vatoitlne, Georcre H. Prlndle. Beroajd Slnwl d_?, Adam Machemer. Mlcli... Rherrv. (I_rtaUan Kammerer, Jolm K. Ko.-d;, 9, W. Cui-auti, James Buil, Alfred O. N'aw.n, Charles Seirwey. Woblewar 11. Voii Kr_fTt. Edwaa-d W. Kllpatrlck, /aaapb t*aa___a, Molomon Opp*nhvl.-.?r, W. H. Covert, W. J. O'lMair. Adulpli I'f.*lfi<\r. Jobn A. Ilrew, Bobert S. Briggs, Davl.l Xewniark, Ed.nund Tliorpe, A. W. Kllne, Jt___ C. ajruham, B. R. BoQlface, M,,**, De Ceaflfl, K. II. L. Wllsou, Anthony Moisop. i...*t_ve J. Brun'es, Jolm J. Si'tilaetTer. Il-tijamln F. MeJ ro*-. ulll. i-rs: Prealdviit, Alfttxl G. Xasou; flr*t vto pr.*,id>*it, John Uttle; aaooud vlce-pi-aaldeiit, Townsend; trc_?nr--r, lYauk M. Tfchenor; aei:r*urv. Alb**r? Hlataaa; aaapaaaMBaiaaaj Thoma* J. Green. TTIII tlalnplaai Frank Kayn.ond, Henry Grasia, r>a\ld Frtedan.!., (Jl.arles U. liiidwi.. Wllliam Johnston, jr., Jolm J. Bpeetp, Charle* A. Grant, Henry C. Uubln laa, l'eter 11. McDouald, Howard Npaar, Charle* H. \Vl?>'l..c,k, DoWltt C. Ward, WllUam 11. Meriltt. Kob-rt J. Wrlght, John A. V*ndarbllt, Wllliam 0. Raddy. Hlram Bacaaaaa, Paray D. Adam*, B-onald M.Lean, G-orge B. Brewa, Kaitta Traap, st*|ih*;a K?ut. Jotn Eiiard, wuiian. .Mlllimr, John Carr, beward W. Ilepklcs, MoriU Sllbei ?t?in, fraak E. PatB**, Samuel Wattara, Charle* Wall, Thomaa Kllvwt, John Str*< haa, Panlel a. Wllaon, Mwwd I,,.b<,i?. KuderlcK Slgrlst. Aleiander Y. Katchum, Havld F. i'orter, iUchard- U, Sweeiey, Andrew B. Ifumphrey, 'Miijii--. w. Kabarlaaa, wuiiam T. Ashman, Qaarga Luca*, Rubcrt ll'int, Wllliam G. Ii\ing, l'.*ter .Stelb, 1'ierre I*. Kiiler, JpitapB Cottrell, John W. Love, i liarles Rhod.,, Auaaataa Btuab r, Thun;as MaOaafla, tiull Lablahlntr, Ulihard J. alariand, liederlck H. iiall, James B. KIU aalaaar, BTBUaai H Bei.jamln, Allaii A. Irvlne, John c. llnriiett, Charlea O. Van Reypen, Charles B. HusteU, Mlcha-.l MeeBaa, Davtd Wllion. Sl-mnnd Kalin, David W. Keniiy, llai\.v BfaHaaa, Wllliam llanh.m, James M. ani -ll, Oeiir.e 11. I.el.l., John ltellly, i;rne?t A. Xeedhanr. iiffireia; l'l-sioeut. Doiiald McLean ; llrst vlce-prMldent, ll.iiiy Gra.s.e; aecond vlce-prealdcnt, D.vld F. Fotter; traaaarar, cuaru* H. r.miwig; aaafatatp, Thom.s w. BabaHaaa. Twenty^btrd Ward-Dalopatjea: Wllliam H. Ten BpOt, 0. A. Bunner, Ji., Thomas ,|. Rush, John Frlck, Jame* L. Well*, Steph.ii A. Ba.?-,r,rd. I. Stew.irt Wllsoti, Theodoro Baflrtafllar, Haaty iliaun, Jolin Johnston, I'.dward II. Ilioly, Casper llatlmaycr, Sumpter L. Ilappy, Charle* M. Ilammcnd, EdgBI Ketthum, feter I>ily, Julln-. II. Foi, Ernest HaJl. l'eter Twomley, TheoOorc Weticrn. Robert 11. S.huiif.'l.ierger, D. B. Frlable, Frt-aerlck i'ltxpatrlck. Oflttera: RaaMaa^ Thomas j. itiish; nrst vice-pi?sidcnt. Bdward ?? HealPi -econd vlcc-preaiflent, R. II. Schaufel berger; asaraaar/, Wllliam Q. I>*vls; treasurer. Arohib?U B. Van Ord?n ; serpcant-at-arms, Sa.n.?l W. Clay. Twenty-fourth Ward-U-lesatea: J. Thomaa Steama. Thuroi- 9. Kelaher, R. Heber Bedell. Charlea Heylmao, W. H*(rvey Irwin. CiUeb M. Hlllm'aa, A. Van Xortraiid, taaaaa RL afanraaaall onic--irs: Pre-idant, l. b. v*n Zandt; flrst vlfe-presldont, .lani*. M. Ferdon ; second vlce. piesldaini,, 0. K- i.arey; secretary, R. F. MeCormack; traaaarar, J. Thomaa Steama; a*rgeant-at-amto, Wllllaia H. Hoy. Twenty-fourth W*Td. Klngsbrldge?De*ega?e*: 8. W. Rtel.aj-ds, H. 1). Boynton. Ofttrere: President, Frank D. WII?.'T: flrst, George W. Stavens; second via'e president. Benjamln Van 'i_.*.**i; s?cretary. Wllllaai H. PlpBI: treasnrer, Cbarl**- U. Bu.'k ; ?er?eai,t-at-arii,s. a. A. i. ?. - ?: ..... ?.v AtHBB irr.'oiF overtoxe by RatOBB, There was a flre last evening lu Joseph Paln's furnl ture sf/ire, Xo. Otf. T*-nth-ave. He oeetiplc* the hasement lloor. and the four -.t.irlea above are cnt up Into small BaarBasata. On the third Moor llved Mrs ElKn Coatrllo, h -i\'v..'ii:ht-y''ar-a,ld wldow, who was alck ln b''d witli*.... J-il.t* craivled out on the flre e*wa|ie and wa* over, onv by aiuoke. She was rc-cuad br Firemen Mur- j ray and Kant, of Hook aud I.addar. Xo. 21, and taken to Baoaarell ila,spit*i. sh.i was not borned. Th? damaga t., ,ii^ ici-erty is ?3.000. The Standard Cocoa of tha World, A Substitute for Tea and Coffee. PCHB..... BOI.VBLE.OHBAP. P.lch. Dlgertlble. t-timalatlng. No_ri**hlng. Having a pecoJIarly .allrtooa __-or? * food and dr:i.k comblned?at a half a rup and flt tor a Priaee. VanHouten. Cocoa "BEST & GOES FARTHEST' trSAS HOl'TF.X'S COCOA l"BB*a trttd. alwaya o?c*") nu lnvent<4 and patented aad Is rntila In llullaad. It u ac.oowl<-d.rd hr Uie moat emlnehl doctors and a>. Uys'-s that hy tae apoelal V_.\ HIMIIBBB COCOA baa und.-rcone. t.i* aalublllly af iba ?eab' . saallli rnis la Inr.eaacfl flfiy ?er ceal., wBlla tae whola uf lh* I..--- ... mfu-n-d and ru.dered mnr? palatabls ai.d digeatlblt. "Lar-rtt *als ln U? w?r.d " Aak for VAN HOU. ?>."6 aaa take aa ataer. A COLO 18 INFLAMMATIOM. POND'8 EXTRACT REDUCE8 INFLAMMATION. Speciflc Direotiont. IP A COLD IN TIIE IIKAD, apply Pond* Estracl (dllated aaa.liair) by a aasal alaacke, ar ???aT It, ar vaporlze It over a lainp aad labole tbe fuaies thraaa** tba aaa*. IP HOARSB, carila wtth PaaB'a Bxtraet esvera tlme* daily. IF THE THROAT IM MORE aaa NECK *_.?? rab tha aeck thoreaahiy wltb PaaB'a Extracl, aad, ?n retlriaa. wrap tha aeck la a woallen baaJaa* aaiaratsd wllh P*ad'? Eatraei, aafl proteetafl By aa outer wrapplaa. IP TIIE MJNOS ARE aOEE. take a t*aape**fal ?f PaaB'a Extracl faar ar Bt* tlaiaa flatly. IP THE LIMBN ACHE aafl ara eara, rab theaa -l?aroa?ly with PaaB'a Extracl. FOR CIIII.BI.AI>'*-. bathe wllh PaaB'a Kxtraaa nnd bnndage wtth cloth aatarataB wtth PaaB'a Ex* tract. llcblofl qnlckly alopped. Bl'T Ba aat parcbaa. ??aae ehaw* aahatliate aad rxpeet It to da what PaaB'a Ixtaact wlll. Ba eara yoa have geaalaa article. Mnde aaly by PaaaTe xtract Co., New?Y?rk aafl I.ondon. The Singer M'f'g Co. WILL t'ONTINt'E TO EXHIB1T AT ITB PERKANBNT NEW RETAIL STORE, 929 BROADWAY, Al.L THE LATEST DEBIGN8 AND K0TELTIES IN ART NEEDLE WORE AS PRODI/CED ON THE LATEST FAR SLFERIOR TO HAND WORK. VISITOR*! ARE CORDIAI.LT INV1TED. WHAT VOC WANT TO KNOW 1* wbleklamp la lha baal and where It, can be bought THE " ROCHE3TER " la iba bi-at 1_.ii.jj ev?r u._d<. ofler aa proof the fa-*t that we have aold ov?r l.00<>.00<) of Biem Every lamplawarranfrfl. We jnake two aliaB, H and 300 .-an dl?) uo*er. Ettary ?tyle and prlce. ?ult.-d tai llifht private er public bulldlngs. If your dealer doe< not keep the aenuiae " Raolaester " look for tbe Imil.-.n.rk', rome lo our atare where *>? i.t'T >ou ova.*r 1,000 varlet;,*-. to ae* b-ct from, or uend for , atalopfie ao you omi order hv mall. Mnnnfariared by l'.liW AUD MLUM A CO., 10 , 12 I'ollci*.. l'l-ce, Ix t l'urk I'laca- A- Utrclay-st., N. T. THE JODaWAL OF 80CIETY.. E. D. MANN, fropiietor. Pc_u____> (N?w Yona) Evutr TH-*an_Y. "Bettreen the Hnt* df railUry and ryniritm. ta read yreat Itnona of Ufe. thoraUty atut hopt." Thn naw.-iest, brigbU*_t. wlttleat. wfcvat, clever eat, moet , rifiuai, aad moat ent.i-_i_inK paper erer publiahed. - , ii A oomplet, ond pefTeCt for eiiltlvatnrl men and w omeO, beinj? a topleal and rait* spo'-en crilc ac.l chroulde of the eventa. .loinjr*. Intflrostn. aud tastea of the fn*hionable world lt i* always up to date, aud aauri-- with lt the atmoa phere of tne metropoils. In purity and power of Ltterary atylc lt haa ii. > ajaflou U.i.s cootlnent. A verltabl. Fvmp.wriui_ of well-bred aatlre; deftnesa ani ibilntiiiei's of toucto: strer.gth, itide peadenoe and orlglnality of tnowrlit; refined; c'.usfic commeut; piquoncy of je**t: *lii>il atorlet*; iiiiiai'.l d.-ainant', Mterary anil art . rllt.Nn. and topleal akctches. The t.'ime of IU FIiihii. lul Doparlrnent, a. tbe most rel. ible authority on floancial *iib jeota, ia-n-taiant* aad -peoulaMon. I*. world-wlde Ita lotereat ia by no meaxt* local: being the ree*? ..ttiilwd Jourua! of Ani< rlcan aoclely, lt !*;?*-lnailv entertalning ln ai) partaof the eountry. ror aal. **__. week by all flritt-eta-* n.wsd-_l_re in Amarlca aod Europa. Every aewadealarwfll keap aod Mupply it U! r-trueiBod. New adealera Bupollod by the Aaaarkfla Beaja Co.. N Charnbara StreVt. New York. and by allothar Ot*waa-ompaoi-B. Reeiili.- aHbacrlpt.ona n un be sont direct to offl-e of piiblicaUam, orthro_i;n s*-y newv'.ealer orsurjee.i;>ti,>iioire_<*}.-: One year $4 <?): fd*. tnontBB, SS.-O; three uioutha, *l*> *4*-n-*?le* free. Addreaa: TOWN TOPICft, 21 Went i.tti M., B?W Vorlc <Ily,N.T. UNRi-VaUED Sweet Pei-uraes/ ?*&*_>" __V 1or all who tlko delieata and ooncentratad Druggiata, Perfumera aa* ttaetttai Btoroool, V. 8. _ftf rPARK a TILFORO f9171919, Broad way | NEW-YORK appbovixi; MUS. OBltllX FOR PBIBCIFAJo tm i.ii'.Mi,." ... haahan f aVa baaatf .<f MaaaBaBa, at Bh aaaaBag paaaaBay eltamaea, tBewtma* th- BflBBfl af thc a h<>oi amflaaa of '.h** 'Iw.lfn \\_.d bi reca>trini<*iidlnfl Mra. All,""' o'Hr.en for lie J?la? ?? a.f piln. Ipll aif liiatu icjr S. baal Ba. 4?. Mr*. o'll.i.n la al i*t,?i*nt piin.ipoi .f Maaary sch-oi Ba, -.1 The .a aaay la Qaa_a> r,ar BBflaal Xo. 4- wa? can-i-d hy th* d**aUi of Mr*,. Haa* luti Craaar. ? - CLO-IN.i PfUCEB OP < AJ.IUH'.MA BTOCBS. MII 1 .. I ? II UM ?-** YaBt_tB*x.To-*. . ? ?-d*y7 _,_, a..-, .... , Navajo .. .1- Ifl llu.w.r ...? - ' " '? . ' : ' I i HJ ? *l V llvli .1 1-10 3.0 l'ol..*i .I *_0 ij.i ......,, l .1, BO :?'? ~ ?? .5.10 -._. , ..........210 2 .'?*? Sl.rra Xcvaa* I'j. I *? . n . ji v Va l.BO 1.74 ' ,."" . ,i, ? '-.??? l.fc. i ,..?.! l'.'int ....i.'jO l'.'" I lab hi mo Kureka * "" IB VUn j_.-k.-t. 2 II SJf iiai'ild k Curry. 103 *???<' ......n.........iiti. Ba 7". H,,|? A N , I.V, l ?*'? N-.?da .jurrii . .30 .30 fieaican .. , -'?'<> I ??" ; k-iiu lale .U M ?**-'