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lEIaD FOR THE GRAND JURY. I THE SLAYER OF OT MMJMiS I'NDE-R $5,000 BONDS. UIE CORONFR'S JURY THINK HF. KULKD HIS MAN IX SI'I.F nF.PtXCi:-THE*. Michacl 0888*8884, prlaoncr in tlio Tombs, klll>r of ilu* Cnmuilt-i*** ;.nd ivnuM -be Mayor ol thc 88881 iiurarx, taB Mm lataaaal on baii bacaaaa a coroner's J ii v ,f el. vn p**d men nnd (me xverc of thc opinlnn tlmt l.e did hls promiscuoua aliootinn acrbrding to tho frst 1hw of* in -'-lf-BMtMMB. IM .oronrr l.y arftgej tte tiiquoit mbs heM. Dr. Meaavemcr, di-vliucd ln l.s iMargSal maniirr t?> ili**li*?rge liim. ?** 0088181108 Vlltam I'. llowe miucstcd. and at fi:-' BS888fl BM ?'"il lt <10.0,K). Wi'h thc conscnt of Asslstant Mtrlct Aii'.rncv l.yiiii thc aniount xvas reduccd to |a\000, ?rliiti) i.alllvan'a Irtcuda had no ttoublo |B proiurlng. Thc 88M now await*. llie actlon of th>* (.rand .lury. f.i-llv-in may luive exnlted Inwardly at thc vcrdirt. trit ttoro waa lltile a.utxvard cvidcnee of Joy. His terret cve* ..peucd a ft-..rtion wldcr, and gllatcned lom? arhat. Mt hi.s uely. .liseolurcd nuista.lio. xvlilvli groxvs i?r asafe agaat Ma eMefe and traage upon his .inn. hul lhe twltcliliig >d ln? lipa nn.l the s'-lf-congr..t?.*.Uiry apUfttM "? tM .i.iner- of his mouiii. As tor ta* n* of hls fjK-. its lliieainciits Wttt 8taaT8T88f wlth 8 broad t-tr.p ol ;adln'-',\,.- pla-tcr. whi.h MBBBBi the brtaga of kan ii. and overlfipP'd each c&cek-boiv.\ giv. iug him thc appeaninccx ol bciiitf u-aaKcd. 11c WM . ' :i(X. lhe fl?or.mer'e office l* a dancy old placo. me nm is, hbbmMb BatfjaMta aM MtMklagi of a d-.-n Icnctacnta l.i.fig on ItUM acro** the 8718*8*88, on wlil.h Dr Miiiittib ttraa Ua back arMa h..wing Mart TU- I Hill givs Mm a good vlew ef tte r..ot*>. bul n "boay ta lt ea aeo 1*8*8 of him bat laa lMuudcd pioMe ..f hls MlWtaiMlfl tlpuni nnd lhe l.i-oa I BW4Mp "f Ms aJBltalB Tl.e Doctor Is ni.tvM for <iuick ncaJi. He de.idc* all iiuesii-ns on 1!.,* in-unt. hc-K:.t IM at nothii.a. ai.,1 raltaga and optaloaa ara bMU* md ln trtp IMMMOJ -tyle. Hia volcc. alightly 88MM ...n.rrt pltch. cuts Its xvay Into the Maltaal BM 18811 IMI li i- ii 't posslLle for him to bc mlsiiiidet-t'M*l. ....ilivai.'s .o.m-.l ?aa Mr. llowe. arMea abundr.nt I . ataaoal rpraM Mgeaal ih<* aai-raw limits of Ua ro-im. t,.U4.1iing thc Jui-y on one s'.do and tta pns .... tta "lltcr. The counaellor w;.t> la bta most a .iviin ncod. one niomer.t statelv and dictai,rial. tlio 1,4.x MMblB u:,l pleadlag. tMa lfimbl.Uc and li.genu BtM, UBM -ul.ll'- aiid cnifly. Ue <iuar:. 11 Bi Wttt tho l.ioner. he qn.irrclled arill. Ua* Aisisu.nt lU*Uivi At ?..,.v, i.c (iie Bltaaeaea, aaal eaaei trj Maa tag H.e liniid of 888k. Toxrard Mr. l.yi.n. yuuns. Ut Bxaaataaeei, Vm Drali bearri af aakara haa, Mtr di((o. Mi Martag wm ttal "f a jeiagBgaa to a pagtl Just buit.iiiB the A, B. ."s. Yet Mr. Lynn provotl |i:ni<.olf no boy in thc condnct of ttta 8881 M ?? peapta. Wllh ihe Coronei-'s Ba8tSaW8M8. hc aaeeaM d hi . hccklng 88889 attcnij.t of Mr. llowe to conveH thc taqaaaa Into a tiial. and these attcmpts were many. -in eur future laaarMawa, Ur. Dwnci Atiorncy. you wlll lcaii.,- etc, sald Mr. lloxx-c. en.*oaraglngly und MtfMllkiBgit, and Mr. I.ynn'*. nnsxver xva*: *l 881 ncv, r hopc to Unoxv ...s niuH. aa the lc.vned eoaaaeL ' Thc taattaMNiy ef llurley. (he lir-t xxitncss of any |i:.p, i::inec. fallcd to produco a g88i impression. lle ls b ( Iri-h roailiinau, Wtth an uppcr Up mudc ronaplcnoni by a ?1ccp ***? under thc nosc. Hli tag hcnd ls built on tl.e John L. Sullivan plan ttal !>'. it i* tagtalag araf laaall, and his tBrafeaad ta lo*a Yet be doc- aat look liiie a bad aaaa. ftor li bc a blg n*.-v,i. callivan xvill outwolgh him by twcnty ?ve p .undt.. ?elag Juat out of thc hospltal, he ls pale, b?t ihc niurKs Of (.alllvan's bullel have almont 888 anooroi. n entercd thc flohy parl aftta faaa near tM -orner of thc muuth nnd vvent sfralght on about its II -Tave you found the bullett" Mr. llowe ashed of Dr. charlcs W. Baaka, xvho had llurley under trcaiV ri-i.t at Rellcvtie Hospltal. ? No, slr. the bullet hM not been found. xvas the r<M "iioes Mr. llowe doubt tha' llurley was 88**f" put 'n -vo mr. IBaailiM Ataaaaarg. i aa not doubt (hnt hc VH ttoi. lt is a Pity he xvas not killed Oalljaa v 0 bo bonorably acqulttad. aUB 88M wlll Uke care ^iTJricf. llurley said that l.e went io C.alllvan's .(.Ma No. Ig] We-t Forfy-Cifth-st.. M <**_**** ** ... c.llcct -?T that i.Hllivan owed him. (iallivan sald, "C4OBM baak tonwrrow and 1'U 9*9 you." M **? l.ailllUB- busino&s had playcd out wlth Hnrtoy. who 8MtaMl ou being pald "now.'- Galllvar.J8M8 ?o-,x him 89 the back of tte 884* and put him on the n.i. xvaUt. where he a(mrk him. s.-veral timw with a vialking Bttot xvhicl, he had anatched from the hand 0f Edward B. Dunlap. Hurley went away. and Z***8B < by aocident lcarned that tbe laf ,.., had l.ud n siuiilar (roi^ble with tiallivan. He and i-immliig* thcu rcturncd ta make joint demand ior IK-r vny (,alllvan rcplied by aswaulting them. Hur v.v'-(ru,k back ln Mdf-defeuce. c.inimiagB took up a MJMtleh aai aaad it to defend himscif. The wlMeea w.uld Bll awgar that Galllvan did not fall to (l.e lloor xvhen strurk. tialllvan fhot Cunimlngs flrst, vho feU; then he ahot Hurley. ?Did you?." began Mr. llowe. _______ -No 8trl" s**W Hurley, as lf he luul a stock af ajBgaUtaa tM hand that M wantad to work oll. ?Haven-t Marl the que.tlon yet,*- exi-laiined tl.e taargW, an espression of great amuteinent atealuig oxer liis double chin. . .- ^_ BTllBBM, wHlt for the questlon,'' ordered Dr. Me.s-.cmer sternly. _.__:___*_ -Did you." contlnued Mr. Howc. "go back to GalU van's for the purpose of 'doing him up' I" "No, air." . 'Did you see Cummlnga strike him with a balc ?No. hir; I ati-uck Gallivan twicc wlth my flst." The'alleged balc-stlck was produ.ed for ldentifiea l oa U i* iiotliiiig more or le*s than an oaken door Mr, four and a half fect long, Bllige llagBl at tlio end-, and three inches Bgaara in the mlddle. Murdcr tould be done wlth it nt a slnglc blow. ?urt.r Pcier J. KalUer asked Hurley if he luid been d.-iiiking. , ? . -1 had a beer or two ln the barroom where 1 met Cummlngs." *-How many beers would that bel" '? Wair?wlth an efTort-" I had lour." "Four would make mc pi-etty tire.I.'' said Mr. Kahler. "Did you have any conversation wlth Cum tu.nps about going back to Oallivan's !? he contlnued. ?? Not a vord." XVllliam E. t.allagher, a boylsh-looking youhg man, booklfboper for Oullivan, being called ta testify by Mr. llowe. was objected to by Mr. 1*88*8. on tta groiind that hia tcstimony xva. Iri-elevant, lnasmuel as he did not aea the ?hootlng. Then up ro-* Mr. llowe for an BloaaaM outbiit>t, but M.-. Lxi.i. mM taaa) ^MMa-j wanl to lM-nr one of the ?.UJia.e4lor'b BBMaSM8. ho xaab tlred and so wero the Jury- _. _. _______ _________ -in our future It.Ur, ourse. Mr. I>tttrfart-At?oraey. ?ou wlU find that I make a speech whenever 1 thmk .1 iif.*.'Cnaai>." The Coroji.r admltted tlie taatlmoar. llurley eaaae into thc office bxiking a? lf hc was Ini.iV,. 1 siau him Ulkin-,' t.i Mr. ..allivan. who -aid . ?a.s ChH-tnias Day and he dldn't want IUi h.a\.> a ?n--. liuii.v |.,aran t" abuse lUm and he tricd to put ,i'n out. Ii, the soufllc Hurley fell againal *'".' :''w','* ,,1.1-Uv upseiiing ll, and rolled to tne floor. v.lth M.. ..allivan l-aiiing over him. 1 -aw him grab MM of >ir tifclllvaii-f. miistache and Mr. Galllvan MgM U , rr. uv and by Mr. .rallivaii got him t*> the d'Kif and btniek hlni aeveral timcs with Mr. Dunlap a <ane. Ilurlev lhe.. started awny. sayltiR at .tM d?-or, X',u Ir,.M '-, iu yet aaiuare wlth you.' After arhlla I heard a tan ut the window and aomeb'^ly .,.<1, ? Now let that Irlah- 88888 out here and 1*11 iick him.' Mr. Galllvan openca the ofln e do.i uiad went out. I aooa TCtaarM and aaw hl.ti t_, his knee.s. hataaag hl*- J.iaiKl* ?? his fat-e. Then I sfw i'limn.l.iirs lilt him wlth the bale-?tlck Jle foll on the floo.' and Cummlng> and Hurley klrked him. I oui Uj niatl a Doliieman, and juat aa I got in the Mrecl hetard two s!i.,t- " , Thi.maa Rcnnett, hia own coaehman, retvlaen llie -uil le avt A o'tW'-k and aaw Gatllvan lying on the floor veiv blootTvV wlt). four of hls teeth b*?-lde lum. Two roen. Cummlngs and Hurley. wei-c beating hl.-n. Cuni mi.ii.-s wltt a tiale-fitiik. llurley wlth a wrench. He i-houted U> Gallintti. " Sn.*ot ther murtherin tfuaves, or (rar-y'll be atther klllin* yci" Gallivan i-alsed up one arm, and Cummlngs al tue, same moment rnshed at Mcarthv, who. to escat>e the balesil.k, ned to the ?tre**t. While ther** hc Lcard two aMta." Tlioiuaa Fay was "dere Jua' tn time ter see der iho)Mn"". )>aw Gulllvan aiVoot Cummlngs ih-sf, then Ilurlev : *aw no weapons on Cummlng-. or Hurley; aaw no bale stlek. _____ Fr?*dcri'-k K. BttiaV, a tiackmati. t/'stifled : "(um mlnga I'.iiifcs-ed to me two wwks before Chrlstma* that he was k''?ng ta do ..hIIivhii up." Thu Coroner ordered thlo -.trlekcn .xit. John F. XI. < 'i.rthv aaw (limniliiKs and Hurley lylng on tlie atable IMT Hfb-r they were BM4 (.allivan wus Oudiug over Hurley. holdlng hia hands. Dr. Wllllam A. Conxvuy, Coi-oner's phyalrlan, who made tlie Mtogay on rummlngs, found Um* man'a nosc b-oken. - lt wiia not broken by a bullet." he cx plalned. The bullet entered tlie braln thnmgh tlie (*nier of tho left eye. The jurv. I.clnp < harged to flnd Ii/nv. when and wliere Cum'niiugt. cmbm (?> hi- deatt, wera only twentv mliiutea in arrivlng al a verdict. Thelr nainea are XVllliam Molr. foremati; W. M. Drent John .lohnat/.ii'-, Kerman sclmrles, Kamuel Wb.-*. J. HaiTis, Frank 8. Flelds, Wllllam Arnold, Peter J. Kiahler, Benjamln F. Bplnk and Blgmund Goldberg. -a* - XtAPLE QKOVE CEMETERT EI.ECT8 OTPICERR. The trustces ot Maple Grove O-nieierv mei yeatfr day BjBarfMM at No. IJBfB. llroadwav, and elecled llm r,M l..M?r4l of, whieli ia aa BBBBMBB: Pn*s|d'i,., XVllliam ri. f Vigswell: vlc?-pts?s.|dcnt, Ferrla 8. Thomp aon: treaaurer, John P. Morrla; secretery and con troller, Charlcs s. tioodwin. |kfl fflpatta of thn UaaaBrar, aaenlaiy an.i tho stiiirrinteiident, w. n. l.ii.nard, wero read. Tlio two vacincles ..11 tlio bonral occurriiif i.y B-jIratfon "f laraa, whlch irara ttot lUed" nt tbe imniiiil niecliiig af tbe reinelerv loi ownrra, b ld mi Monday, iiwing t.i ii..> bwb <>f ;. aaortun, a*ar fllled by tbe re eleetlon of .lohn 11. BBIfBlB BOi Charlcs B, OOOBwtn. -?. A FOSTAIASTER'S TANOLED ACCOUXT8, TROCBLK. OVF.K TIIK MAIL OF WILIA A M9BRID<*K 1TAM ANS. Inspcrtor llart?linrn, of tbe l*r*st MflB Department. has been invctipitiiiK tbe aeeoaatfl nf Hobcrt F. Hec holrt, iiostniast<-r al Willlain-I.rlatpe, Westcliester County. and ti.i* lean.ed tbey nre ln ? tangl'-d fondltia.n. Sccbold, who has a groaarjf Ifl tli" town, was appofhn-d in 1MB, and I.i*t April hi* aflVfl BrBfl made h inoney-order one. Tlie proper blank* wero s-i.t t>. him, but after ? tlme his aOCOBBta aBWBBM all nilxed up. He ls part l.v blind in one eyo, and entirely so in tho other, so hc li much harr.iiered ln hls book K-eping. Tho rec-ipts from tbe money -order hu-lncss at ffltll?IrtllHHl are |l8Bt8f than tlie o-.peudlture*. and the paataiaatBr li raqalraB by uw t>. aafljl tho balanaa of money efl I.:_:ic 1 to t!,c BflW-YOrl I'o.toIIif' wealily. Slneo Novcmber ii. however, se-vbol'l has Bflt BoBfl Uda, so be oupl.t Ifl have a iutn on hand of about $8()0. To tl.e department at Waslilngton bfl wroic that Ulness had prrvented hls gitting his afTulrs into sh;.|ie ai.d tniiiMiiiUiug hls bal.iiue.-.. lnsjKvtor Hartaborn was aepl to oxamlne tbe bo.ii-.. and found them ta. 1** in a terrible flasri. He lrarni'd. howcv.r. hOW niua I. was due to tlia' i.overiitncnt. flflfll -secbold has prOBMflflf. lo pay ovor tliis sinii to Iilm to day. Tliere ls no chargo Bf dlshone-iy against See boid, but it eeeaaa elaar that he ls banUy, ->n afcount of hls physical misfortunes, to inanaRC the postoflice. seebold has also had troublo wiih thc ltnllans of tho town, about 1,BOO iu number. I'ornicrly they wcre allowed to piek their own Ifltktfl out oi a In-ap. but. a-, th?y alWflfa neglect-d to pay the postn-c due, tlio yOflt-flBBtOT siistaliifM a eoiisirtcralile lo-s. COQflB* quently lie made a IIM of tlie Italians of tli" pl.trc and tvqulred ench one lo P"int out Ma flflflBO, aud pay whal po*tagc was due before his letiers were handed iiim. Tlils naturally dUpleased tho ltalians, wbo were ln cited further, lt la said. by tlie Democratlc prcdeccsors of Mr. seebold. Thcsc men had declared, it ls re? ported. that a Republlran should nof reninln po*t master for three montl>. nnd they to carry out Ihelr threata through tha Itallaaa. ________ __? On hut Tlmi>dav night levarBl of the Itallaiis led by one named Pooii. eattr-d oa tlie i>cr.;ma-stcr aod ?? nianded ? return t" tbe old style of dellvering lettt i -? Wien ta refused to this . I' -?0^to*Brt him. drawlng a knife from its iheatt. A Jjrolver oiilrWy rtrriwn bv t-eebold and pointed at him. BOW* ever ran-cd !>:...II nnd liis coinpanlons io leavo the plarc. The poataaaatar was arraated for earryiag ra.n aoaled a deadlv WBapOB. but WM at OOCC discharpcd. A warrant for'tho arrcst of Paoll has been bJW?e<S,IM the ronstable aoema afmld to aarVB H. on account of the lawlrssncss of the Itallnns. SOME POTENT F1GCRES OS STREETfLEAXlXG. The an.iual report of H. & Heattic, Commlssloner of Street-Clranlng. was scnt lo tb* ye*t"rday. It gtVBB a aomparalivo sti.tement of the expendliures and work of the Devartinent f-T the year 1SM and loiio. la teoo tho aaaoual spent la atraet (i'-""11 wa-s UMAfBoaRtt; iu IBM it wa* W^7?.B4TB4. The number of mlles of slreets .wept ln aftB WBa 13.186." in 1800. ii3.fi34.'J?: moro milcs in 161.0, 10,515; aaal a miic in i8M.. fsaei; la ???????: tho loads of reiuse eolle.ted in IB80 we.'- l..?.1.000. m 1800 i,o_p,ooo. The eoal of aaaaflui the street**. excluiivo of Mipervlslnn. is ostimated at W 70 for 1880, and *5 04 for 1880. It cost *1 08.1 9, rurtloart , 0 . lg700,(J0... Ml ? Kcattio rHr^./tnlnMt',.,' iiree'.-rleatiinp in 18B0 at 7&M^fffaBdh 1 ujbl t nt or, Mipposinp that there aro l_a.000 bOBaaa in tne iu . at AO 1** ?? housc. FOR A PRESWEXT OF THE BOARO OF BDVCAIIOE. The meetlng of the Board of F.duratlon ihis after? noon wiii bc fuii of tBtaraat to thc ^m^'Z^ tl teaches and tc people ln general. ln add.tlon o election of a jIlBlll, Uie Commi*-4onors wii aJm loaMa upon a clcrk r,nd an auditor. As alrcady pub li,hed in Thc Ikfl candidatos mentioried foi BM Plaeo ?r*3 Pr. Hunt, the pra,laent at tl.c fB*BlBBl iime; Commlssloner, Devoe. San,cr. ll.a. Lum.n.s and n-iirlcn. lt was wid yesterda,' Uial Dr. Hunt would bc r.-clerted in all arobaalUty. At tho same time the friends of OflflflllaalflBBra MflBja-*. Devoe and Holt wero ennndent of the flaaaaaa of ona cf theae men^ rlol.saioncr llolt. i. is said. fnv.irs thc ri-electior. of Dr Hunt and would BO* B00q?l Ihe plare. OMfl nii^loner HflflVa fnend., urged hi, ??*???___?? ginning of the present term. but he raaolaleft dc, UaaO fo allow hls name V, be used. It ls siiid that hfl ,, not changed his mind ^f^^Z^^,:: n'\^ without salary._^__ COWRtBIA 9BBBBBBB tB A OABB BUEB. About 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon a few of tho ,r?sh,ncn of the Sohool of Art- of Columlna foilepa (arried a cane on thc campns. There floM ^'"'^ rushed upon them, and the worst BM rush of tha MM followed. A rrowd lmmodlataly ???*?? tbose WBO were ru<-hing. 8oon It gurged out of the gate into Forty-nlnth-st.. and thero the raah WM carrled on with unabated fury. ln a few minutes tl.e cane waa brolicn, and only small pleee* wereleft. ai.d tho rush liirarai nothing more than a "free flgm. Thero was more than one blo4*dy tflBB, and toward tho close only a few of eteh clata wero in the rush. t_ftar the tlght tlte participants might be seen going around minus variou* artlelcs of clotl.Uig. whilo others ? h *i._i- ^.f.the? hadlv torn. The soplvomore* claiined S K, "t lKS!\l!crL,ma, i --Pll'^'j; purpose, of gettiug tho cane crutside the gat* before it wa., brokem._^ _ A 9BOBPBM0VR LOAB AXD TBVEt OOatPABT. The statcment of tho New-England Loan and Tnist CV>mpany of De* Moinea, Iowa, for Dceember h..s been published. The rontpany began bafltaeea in February, 1S76. and has invested about PH5.000.000 ln waBtBTB mort^ages without the losa Of a dollar to any investor. It has colloeted frt.45-/'nt of prin.i pal *nd f.1.200.000 of il.tere-t, leavin. >'.?.'',aia',,:t70 __a__aaaaa ln lataa- Ifa d-*riaeaaja have baaa aqaal S " vr-r cent per annum since Ita lncorporaUon ln 188_._^_ 1THE.V fiBACBBBB Cl.V.VOT RF.TIRE. The I'ollce CommUsioiiers yo*terday rafBa d t'i rtire Roundsman Coodell, <?f the i.rand Oeotral Btatloa BqaM, on half pay. nlthouRh hc had made appltcattotl for retlrement after twenty *ev,n of a ti\ ?? s. | . . in tho department. ItiapctUir, bad caafhl lioodell asleep iu the stafion when he should bara lieen uttending to bu-ine*s, and ? serious aoinp!:iii,l agalnst thc old roundsman liad caiised him |0 Mai Ifl hls appllcatlon for -Ulflflaflflt .'ommlssioiiar NaOava sent for a BBrJalOfl <>f the Corpoi-allon ( oii?*e|. givc. heveral vears ago, statlng Fhat the iel!rem'?t of po'l''' men who made, applicitlon after servinf' Iwen,;. paal wa* compulsory. Chlef Clcrk Klpp al-o had aaoth eplnlon by tl.e sam. CorrK-ration OOBOMel that eharfea agalnst a polleeinan might be Invcstlgafd l??f ne hls appllcatlon lar retlrement was eaflflMerei. '?.lell W Polleaaiao' Wllliam Smith, of the Harlem sr-uad. a bfl wa*. a<v<-ii-*ed of causlng the death of hls wife. will ba Irlflfl to-di-y for going ofT hi* p<*st into a llfjuor stoie. TJEirE* PAY FOR SAXITART 1X&PECT0HS. The Health Iioard yesterday ralsed Ihe i.alarles of Sanitary Inspcrto^ ?"harle-; F. Roberts. John PBrflOBfl, A. H. Doty and Charlei F. Spencer, and the Inifaolar of ViKTi'iation, (ienrge F. Morris. givinc M0<i more a yenr to each of them. IfflBriflr will get *1.j<hi tln, veir a,nd each of thc others will recelv fl."00. Dr. ParBoa, w-ho mannfaetures vnrrlne vlrus for lf>eJ_' paitment, had hls salary ralsed trum #1,700 to 91,800. WBBTBBB WAtWBAL BAXK BfBBVTOBM. Tlie follaiwlng were eleeteil dlrect/irs of the WaatBTfl National Baal yesfeitlay : )iinvt,.n Ivo*. ValflBttBfl P. Miyder, (Iwrl's .1. < anda, Wllliam B. Ookfl, J"'.. CaaaaoBf b_, Dapaw, Loala PMafacalla MareaOaa Ha.i jcv, Henry B. Hrde. wuiiim a. LoaibaiC 9. " Hatlhtaaaan, .lohn K. Baarlra, Jr.. IMan 9. TMci aml Wllliam C. Whltnev. Mr. Ix>mtard ls th" onlv new dlreetor. He BBCOflflB-I Kdward IJerwlnd. PfUTO atAXBTAOTtrBBM F.t.FVT OFTKEBB. The flrst annnal meellnp of the Piuno Manufa. ttirer*' Assa. ,_ti"? of New York city and II* vldnlty was held yesterday ai No. 110 F.ast PUNErtflBflrUl-flt Twaaty eiglit promlnent ilrmi WBTB rBpfflflflBlBB, *nd lha M. eaaaffl] l-sue of tlte strlke Bf !?>! year was fullv ron -idei-ed and the Mgiij flalbflbBiinn rcuit achtevod wba the cau-,e of mucb congratulatlon. The following aaaflflflfl were eleeted: i're-ldni, Wllliam E. Whee lork; flrst viee preslderrt, WIIIlAm,way; aeeonil vire-preildent, Myron A. Deeker; secretru-y, Nalnim 8tet--on; treasurer, Henry Ilehr; exeentive ...inmlttoe cliainnan, Wllliam t-telnway; socretary, irenrgc W. lvek iHellniuth Kranlrli. l^.yxM Peok. H. ?'? MohUn, Jolm Evani, Bernard'. V. PUBBBr and BBberl Proddnar, 'II,I*. ,,riranlaail,.n la now oi. u nermanent baals, ai.d wlll umiue^tlonably l? a greal fivtor ln deallim with all qiv*tlou? atf-cUng th**) welfare al the, piano In du-.t.rv ot thia city ln tha future. BY TUXXELL1XC, THE BAT kkastt*. wima.vs HG riaAN. HOW BRO-'KI.YN M1CHT 11K MADE A CKI'.XT KXII.IUiXI) TFKMINAIj. A- lhe pur-t "t lhe l'ni.'ii laMgM -'lub. of l.r,*oklv:i. Era lus Win.iHi bul iik-lit ii'idr-- ,cl 1 MlBja, 8 MlbMgB in lhe roouis of IM dMb .11 iho i"i!iiiii'i'ial I"--' MBttaa of l:rooMvii. 1.lateu.cnt of hls'<?< f bataf '?Urooklyn, IM Oiaatoal ol Terminul*. f.-r a 0 BMMT4"t thai CM be QeattMBtal' >"? Wuna./s -tiidy ,,' tta M.bje.i'of lonalMil ta New-York haibor laaatta from liis ?,-!! kn.wii BaaMMKthM wllh BMtM Isliand. whl.ll |,y his clforts MM been tnin-formcd from uu l-?lutc4 and slee-iy aul.urb Inio a luomlalng rnilaay nnd rom Btaratal eeataa. Thc pie-idcnt of the club, Franrls 11. Wll-on. intro duccd tte cu'-t of th?- evenlng, who wai reeeived wlth li.'.i.i, iiiipluu-e. Mr. Wiman *aid ln parl: Ha ad',' taaeapMOB van Ih- had ol U.e future of the harhor ot New.Vork, and lt* ******* *** tha 8888888888 8f Iho Natlnn. without . ..n*ld< rlni? IU r, mmb ta th,. aaataaaat m a atoaM. IMaa wm Maa ta tne BiaaaM nf M irt";.i"*t patanBllttaa, naniix r.**"***' taa aaag. niM,l, ,,: tli" prmnlsc which open* up for, the plaoul IKiit.t of -N'nrtli Ai.,. ri.... IM B8BlllMttM i4.U<*h th. fa , niti.r ,.f NBW-Yari Mra niade ta- th<- prour-*** of th.' .oun? try, and Uio ai * BfTrtrl toavarrt thc cr. atlon <>r the aaal ln lanai eaaaaarce watrt eauaa, i? bibbMi tnan MM at any ?ih,r paaat. llBM, arhicvfini-nt* ar.- 81*8888 aoiiaht i.v ? ],. if.vt MBIlaal ih. M arr. ***** ****** ????? ai, aud aai leraa-aal that fiaiia m ptaaara MMm bbtm tunclioiia allBllllBIIIMMlJ. und at :a mlnlmiini of c,,st, ls laultv. Just so lotiK as lt l? iBTfaaaMM M litimraiately .u.-it taeaa taraa puip?'??*. no***, MBtaaja and aatjaaaata, ju-t -, W8g I- ll a lallur,'. Vet, st.ange lt ls. Ih" eeaBBMNa M taa tfattafl Baataa, eeaaMtraata rn fh? BMi8lB4iial harhor of Raw-Terk, ha* Maa aaajaeMI to m.> BtrlMBMaea M umm Mtraa m**m*m at thr.-,- ******* n?inis. anU at an exixn-e ond i>?* of time. aln.o?t 88814 tiv, ?i -,.,-? . -. .In?l thlnk of It, rerelvlne at J.-r-.y 188/, BMHag ln Urooklyn, and shipplng fmin N. w York! II aaaM am gaaJaa, ta Baratai "( a BMuaiitrr* paraaae, tmd aought tu niap oui. a BMM hv ?hl, h HM oifortual handllntf ol cnmniercc In thla part BB88M he deleatrd, no t>ett< r plan i,.ul,l haac been adopted than to have made ..ycry poiinrt ot frlght .harcabi- wlth transfrr* auch a* thi* ?yst,*m Im. plt a. lt lllai rat-s. however. the aiicnuth Bnd for.:.- which DioaBijB 1,0 8a in HM Bataial eaaBjaal Mareea the tmrm ttum tor. larlttal a- *h,. i-. taa ha. beaatai th" aaal atoiaa* n - of HM Ailnnti,- roast. Tl,.' BtBB, 4vhi.l1 it ls HM (food fortiin" of him who apeaka to you to aataalt tor eeaaalaraataB, 1* that. by tho conatrur. HM 4,r a f .-'"I '""hi th" My of gew.Tark, _*_*** Mataa lataaf nnd BraaklrB, a way m.iy be grartaaf bv uhiih arary trunk llne In thc Weat ind South may s.nd I.r* direct to Urooklyn, M lhat not only can HM Mataa of th" rlty b8 reaeftea, but that every B888MM8 nn lha water fiont. and a laree p-.rtlon re; th" prcat ir,anuf*ctorle* of thc cltv. he a;iproa.T.ed and furnl-hed wIMi raOwag con n.-etlon. lllth.rta. It haa been thoiiarht that. owlne tai tiha. ahortne-s at MM 888(8 at 'hc Bjamwa, between Fort llamll !,?,, BB IM I."ii- Isltml BMB, and Fort Wadaworth, on tha StaU'ii Island sldc. a tunnel rould b- wlth advantage cx-.i itru.'a-d. l.'it MM 4vat>r here I- MS deep. belnt* nlnetv feet. nnd the approache* on both shorea too ahrupt. ***** ?*? th,* bav the avater ma'erlally Icacn* ln depth, and at 1 pstat apjBBllB Stapl"ton, on the Mataa Island *ldc. aud Day Rldge, on MM Lonc I*land alde, It doea n?t limii ln d"|,th foity.flvc f.-t., h<n,e U.e depth of the tunnel vaaM l" much Ica* than al th- Xarrow*. The dl*. H8M8 air?aa Ih- ?at"r b,*t44oen theae two polnt-i Is ibont a mllc aml thi?-? -.j,ira? 1 ? r~. ?i.ll- th" meana of approra-h on the Statin I-land aide, aWtAg to a pa*a ln the rarfje of hllla ln what ia taMWB a* th" Lialo Clovc, rendcra tho ahore her" very BeiaaalMa. It la be!l"\.d that a tunnel b?twecn four and flve mllca In lenpth, includlng lhe approach-'s. would a,'--oir.i>ll?h thc |.'i.|,-'- iu rlew. Inaatnii'h a? tunnrlllnc. whhh I* now r.dii.'-.1 to a Iflnara. Bl aatht "d at a million dollar* a nille. lt ?? ul'I -'""' as If Ire ii.llllona of dollar. arould pay for the t'.nii.l prager. I'or eaaaaattaM and other l*o*e?, aud aiith lih rallty of e-tlmat\ ?even mllllons of dol lan Ma Maa MM sum nomlnully arrlv.'d at a* thc probable aaat ?f thi- work. It la true HMt thla seern* a brtre mim, but If It ran bc ahovan IMI rM*y Ht" rai ean be eariied by BBCh ?? .onatrnrtlon. and that an cnnrmniw ad aanla/" ta tM BMf?1 of Inip-ovid value* ran laaaJt, 8888 only for rcal n'sit- in Brooklyn, thc amount ls not an cx , .-,-i," >'.\|a;ndlturc. In ord-r to rmoVr th" ahor" front more than cycr val iiable. It should be r"nrf.r.-d ac,-e.?albln lmnicdlatdy bv lall at thc jxilnt n.arcst to tht- sc?. BatBIl accm* to havo tararaf the aeoatraetlaa nf a taaaal under the F.a*t Riv-cr Mtweea thc projvrtlnR corn.r ?,f I-land City and Mott Hav.-n, gew.Tark, on the north ?hore af thc Harl'-m River. Hete the wldth of water I* l"?* than one mllc. The laaBllBfllaa Bl a tunn.-l und- r the bed of the stream a-.ould M but a trlflinR objc'.lr.n |B overrome In vlcw cf tbe enornious BdlBBtBgia whl'h 4vo,ild ll.ov froin lt, bo i-auac It would enabl,- MM CtMBM connection to be mada wlth Uie cntlrc Ncw.I'.ncland ayatem of rallway*. Sur viyloar the whole range of posalbilltlca, whlrh It I* within Mm po?er of I5r,.okiyn to d.rlve b.*neflt from. lt would ,- lf im, ,,n" ,v, nt, in the wholo caterory of evcntu, v.ould b" mor- ln.|?.riaiit to h?r than to 8*888 her In di? rect <on,ii,,.nl,atl',n 0.1 gtaBBB Island. Brooklyn. a* thfl city af th" -"?. a* th" pr.-at acprcpatlon of water fiont, taafly ailtpaalllll la th" preal BtaaaM of ron.munleatlon, avin laatoai tJiu* MeaaM th" aliaatl polnt of thc .-ontinent. It raaBa avlth h,r paspla to aay how ?oon the movement In thla directlon shal! I? R!n. It ha.* beon atisgeatcd that iiista-ad of a taaaal MtWBM Mtaaaa Island and Brooklyn a bridpe acr..** th" hlph polnt* at the Xarrowa would be pteferaMe. IM Baa l* a raptlvatlntt aaa to the lmaplna Maa). but lt an.iild rost too much money. Tho plan la fuil of tatereM for MMaa WM look forward to thc nc,d for the ampl"-t a< rommortatloii ln thls, xvhich promlae* to be the preatent harbor ln the avoild. DEATH OP .4 rilEHRY HThL PHIEAXTHROPIST. "Daaa Miirphy, for nmny years thc blind MB8> taator and fiifiid Of Ihc frlendless in tho Cherry lllll dlatrict, 4kd yaaterttag mornlng, from oid agr, M his home, kn'own as Kern' CjMtM, lt iho Junrtloii of Pearl, Cliambei-s aM Mudl-on sts. In hi.s cighty-one ycars Of life he Ind 8819881 UM pnititudc and lovc of Ifcoaaaala 0f his poor aalghMra by Baaabarteaj aeaa Of (hurlty. Tho MtMHBM of hls houscs in Cherry-st. found ta him not only a kindly and p.-.ticnt landlod, but an unwating friend. Txvelve years ago he beeaino totally bllnd. IIc xvan born In County Kerry, Ireland. and slxty fBSaM BgJO eaBM ta IMa .ountry to aseaM from a wrlt for I1U88OB lhat hud bi-cn out Bgalaat him. He began UM Mre .is a grooer, and pro.spering, Invcsted ln rcal 88MI8. bf B8B8M of xvlii, h h<- a<',|tiiii*d a f ?*taM tatlroatoi at *HX).000. Many year- BgO hc tilled the offlce of clerk of Ihc old City Market and Catherlne Market. lle was twice liinrried, and 188888 a wldoxv Hnd one d.iughter. A -8TBM" W88 liel 1 over th" Mil 011 Moi"Ii.v ainl last nlght nnd Will .oiitinue tlirouph to-nlght Toiunrnw fiuientl Krvlcea wlll be hcld In tst AndreWs Cliur, h, Duane lt, after whirn tho body will bc taken to Calvary Cemctery for burlal. IT.IR T'E.f.SFT.S AB* BBMOBB AROET THElf. The tvport published in some of thc pnp.^-s ye-w day, ti"* lagaMp Ctdeage and tta eratoar vork town, of t!id S.|iiadron of Evolution, had gom- to BMl on thelr way t<> the XVest Indiea, was prcmatiir-. Tlio ChicagO has not y. t startcl for IUin|it,,n BaatfB, aa, was aanaaaeed, Md niay posslbly stnrt to-day, aa ahe ?| m X orfcttiWB, which it waa, said had gOM to I*,,rt-inoii!li. and would po thence to M"nongiihcla, U still nt tM Yard. lt wa- ae* aaM, however, whether |M Mono.iPiahel a avhilh", BM was l.ound wns the one oa MoiioiipaheU River. Pcn.isylvaiila; the town ,iiip i,y tlmt aaaM in Oreaaa CMBt7, Penn., or the ot, 1 Mo.ioj.pal.ela, on tiu- line of the Ilaltimore and Ottta BaUaMat, in Wcst X irglnla. When thc Chicago an.! X' lib.wn do po, Ihcy axill run av* far as Ilainpt,?n, Bad there U* Jm: tOi by lhe Atlanta BM DolplUa, wMI tte R.| will go M Oataaataa. Affcr a few dnys of dull and 88JBMlrM BM80M8TM ar.jun.1 OttOtMaa, the vcasels aaill go to New 1 Ulealil, BlTtrlng there ta time la take part In tho fctival of Mitrdj<, whleh bealn* on Fcbniary T. Thls ls the same sejundron, 880888 tliat the Dolphln takes the Bl tM l."-tiii. that wenl to Emopc, a\ little more llmn 11 ft** BgMi uid.i thc -niuc . oiniiiuiidant, A, tlng BMf \'liuin4l .'oliii ii. Wall'.er, and t.ot only rrcated a flrmer t.-sp" t for (l.e ['nited btataa with tte appeajaaea of -... 1. i .iinldabl" veaeela, 1 ut alao Improved tta cspilt de rorpa of flinl part of (he Navv a( |e?*t (hronarh lt* flect BM t.oit dnlls. ln fact II was ? BlodarB ?chool ?f war reaaela, or a (miiiing s<|uadi-on. for U.ih oMeara and enliated men for prautical Instructlon ln -liip and puuii". |. ALDBKMBB XOT nn VAPPt as thf.t yflGHT BF* A re-olntlon wm i-ushcd throiipli Ihc Iloard of AMaraMB ya laraaj by tte erar raady "gefarr" t-iyaa Miitli'.ruliig T/ioina- V. OOattOo to forw-ard ndvaiice ooftaa of bills Mfora the Laglatatara aaaattag Uta ettg Mr tta ini,iiiivi.tioii af the ??lio'Mird.-' Mr. < ostelk/a reinuti.*iatloii for t.ti- servi.c -w i 11 I." BffaagM for later. I'leald.-nl Aruold itiinounred the follnwlng aa the apcclal Aldrrmuiiic Coininittec on LcnlalialU.ii at All,'4iix : Mc-si-. rixnu, llrown, Il.aiTia, Morpian and Oaklev-all Taiiimaiiv BMB. Ifl 8MWM to a .piestlon 1 1...I by Mr. Morrla, ihe mm Bwatter from th?* vntii Pl .rl.l. lY,'?ldcnt Ai-nold -aid ttal th' 1 oiniiiltiee w,,ul,l i?,i 1," i-iiilil".: to MM ih-'r Mtel bills at .xis.inv pul,; ...- ta rtatiga ttefr IraveUInf (*\i>'!i-.j?s to the city. Nevertheless. Mr. Mor.i- aaaarSl H lo l*n .indeni'K.d lhat tta emplo\ im-nt af IM. , 01,111,1:1. e did nol, meel his ipproval. It wa? hia agagMa lhat the Kenato.-s aid i:.-pp-sent?tlvijK ffs.m New Vork \v.*.re (onipeleiil to look afier lhe c|tv*? lntercitt lu Alb.-any BrUftaal tta < BMHM M UB AMemion. " Realdr*..* atdde.1 Mr. Morns. ptteMBg hl* v.nre ln a lligh kev, ?? wa- -.ri- nion- ftillv ptsn(j-r.4s<l bv tl.e favt that Ih^re) la a gentleman In lhe Uubei'natorlal rhalr who it uc fool?? T1m ramalader of Mr. Morria'a objectiona were dra.wned bv rrics of ".(rder,'' slwiited fron. _H "''TJieflori'i nwtobar fn--.. ihe vmii is npMli ?aWn8 himaelf tinpopulvr In Ihe ftoard bv Uw fre.jiitnll. a.ttlng on fil- legs and - wantlnl U> ln , "?. yon anow. \fter aajoornmenl tlie Ald-nnen who are b.minj* i.i-ed of Mr. Mnrrl-'? ineli.a>ls held an lnalE.iatl_in mA-tlnfl ln the smohlrigro'im. and all.fflaUHJf -'" nou^rod and ridleulod l,i> tartlc*. UkAw llartiey MaVtin, "f ti.e vmii. win proittt.iy bb MBtJaaBM lo "cair Iii* man "down."1 ? OFFUIALS tfOW S1I0W P.iVERS, ciiANi-i'. in VAonOB Bar>AJUttira nu BBOOB I.VN WATKIl Hl AN'DAI. The aawaaall who have been lioldlnK baelc tl.c ori.'i' il r?, ,,!<.* "f UBB .sinneetUi.i lietweou the v.-.iter niain- of Ibe LflBg Isliind Water Supply ( ompviy and tbfl "i the altv a,f lirooklyn dealileal ta. clllilig'' linii MatarBatf ani tlie paper* wcrc displaycd with iho 11 aal ,.., iflBMl. When Mr. Ilawko*, tl,.. waBM pBTVByor, ??ii. sal'I he Ind 1 mnd th** letter of Jolm P, Short, the foreman, whlch Iw! bBBfl fldflaaM B-B0fl| flthflt papers. He had lt rfirefullv pinn**d to tbe dailv rerord of the aame w.irl. and bra.ugl.t ont a portMl" -ith tl.e daily report* for IB8B. The letter la t > 11 appcaranre* wrltten by the ^mie BBrflOB who made ?ut thn daily report, aud Mr. short * hlsnaUir.- ls in a diilcniit hand, wrltten wtth a dlfferent 09M and 1" "" appcaranc.s with a dlffer-"it ink. Thc ini* loea lea.k partiaularly old. Tl,e .lally le.a.rd. howavor, tfllli |ha story more plalnly. lt ls l? ii toHo Wllh other daily recn!.. MBBB Of tlBBfl made a IflW d..v, beforo and after this one, whla-h la dat.-l .\ovetnl**r 1, l*v.-> Tho othcrs ara wrlften ln ink whicli 1ms lurtied to a dead blark. but this one whl, h ls lu IflB sanio hand Wflttng I* <>f a rather palc Bteen. A well-fuiow,, M inaiiuf-ifUirer In New-York w_* aslied bv n. Trlbutm report.r how long the ink. eomu.only n-ed would r*> tnlu tho blue or grcen tlnxe that they have uli-n frcli. He answered that MBM tnUlit rctaln It ? tow wafltfl or even months. bu* tliat he had never aflBfl OM of tl.e graoBlah toha baal did not baeoafli blart laaMa nf ti year. Commlssloner AdunW also exhlblted tha letter of Chlef Knglneer Nevin*. t?, Mr. HawtBB tBMBgj f.,r rhe eonnection. It was plnaed lo a type wrltten letter from Corporation CounscI Jeulis fo Mr. Adams, drUod January 12 and aaying that he rotttrned thfl BR* tor of Mr. Nevln* whlch ho had had afciaa .lanuary J for use ln tho motlon of Zicgler flfffltaal ( iiapln. Tlie, remarkable cure taken of that letter anal Its nwl* now eoatnat strangely with tho lack of knowledpe iboiit it hllhcrto. Mr. Novlna's letter ls dated OetOhOr 31, \dM. but where the "21" ls there has beon an era.suro wllh a penknlfe. Tho wrlter had no doubt about'tlie month or the year. The letter |g marked dlotated. BBi ls written with .a pen. The algnature la in the *?mo handwrltlng as tho body of tho letter and ha* BO " W under it. Tho letter ls Interesting in other way.. The ink wa* never blotted. ar.ffin majiy Btfloaa ratatoi the lustre which unblotted ink has when flrst iry, Iho ink manufacturer already referred to says that only a sperlal .Iipan Ink made to retalr, Its lusfre and somo few brands of roprlng Ink wflleh are BOt eoflfl monly nsed ever have that metalllc lnstro after a few months. It ls evidenl that tho letter w.n not wrltten hastlly and blottcd. It was dono rarcfully and left tc riry. No copy wa* made of It, and no mention of it made ln tho annual report. Thc letter is a ninglo shoet of heavy paper, about cight by ten Inrhcs, and hear*. the hoadlng of thc Fire Department. There aro two ttii?sver-e f_*U about oneihird of tho dlstance froni tha tOB and bot |.,ni. OtharwbM it is not crca*,'d. H.e -ize Of tM slicet then. when folded was abotit elcht by three litches. and tho only envelopo lt will lit la a larn buslneaa envelope. lt -c-nis stn.i.KO that a ilngle si.eet letfeU iV-uld be pm ln an envelope tarae moag for a legal document. or even if lt were, lhat l.eina flled away for a year ii ahould slmw no'", rrea*4**. By a stranpe c.,lnrld--i.'C tl.e TT.lrl-* of Mr. Vciks's letter, lo which It la plnned. exvtly corre .spond to lt.__^_ WBERE THE TAIE8 WILL COUE FROM. BMBMMBBt books POB this opr.NT.D. Thc a??e*sment bOBBB for 1801 have been a.pened ei Ihe Department of Taxes aud AjaaaaiflBfa for insper tl.,n by taxpavet's. cialms for r_yl-lo_ nii,-t be ma-le |0 the QflflBBrtaalOBBH before May 1. Tho subjotned lable shows tho total iisfesscd valuatlon bv wards ,,f the roal cstfite of the city of New-Vork for l*.>l aa .ompared with that ot 1*100. with the Inerease of the former over thc latter. Thc t.rtal Inrrease ln the real estate valuatlon ln New-York a.f tlils year OTflT hflri year ls 8.)n.r._0,031, as against an toCIBBBa of laal year over 1680 of ?00,711,710, when tho total rataa* lio.i of a.s_e**e<l real aabfltl was $1.331,078,i.'Jl. The iiaatfllt lnrrea*e shown in thc present ycar's valua? tlon I* ln the Twelfth whlch takes ln the paal Improvemcnts flhOTa Elghty-slxthBE 1-elow the Harlem i;|ver. on both sldes of tho city. This ium ls ?10,588,100. The lowest advanco ls in the Kourteenth \v.,d, where the increaso U given at *.'oJ,oOO. Aaapaai >aiuati,,n. _?h. 4 070 508 1..'.'!-.i'.l -:i,',",i .sl" . J;iiV"j() I8 081.2_0 1.018,-00 ,".L' .; 2.v':il-'.:?)0 2o.s00.900 ' ifi . 20 17.8.7 22.081^05 l.-M-.' -0 V& .'." . 40168088 41.i.C 188 _ Ba2.400 ?'"}?. 20.791.183 21.508.282 ?72.100 S2 .-'-' 90100587 __09\U87 090.250 'i' . o?*t :??"'. '?-'?'? 827,928.250 19,5W,123 v?' ' . Ki-iV.-'.'O 18 891,299 ? . -.Vr'.ilU'.'J 28,381,892 SS-j-MO lll* . ..174.U80 D.'J.r.'.'o 1.073.090 jg. 40008.485 41.279.485 H70.050 !fg . 41,('2:.8'8 41.728.938 . I1''. 80 !ZS . 83189^000 88^00.050 l-'WO.ItVJ JSH . ?->?>:, ,.i: -,,-0 2*^9884.220 l,_30.050 Hg .40897,900 _1,?40,550 l.v.l.'..,; ,-,oth . f.:i :,30 ilOO -1.-..-T?'."?-,' 1,787,050 25, . -8S5I'.'.899 140,846,-59 7 880,.>O0 Bl .M 659,881 18,048,958 4.484,125 _4th ".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'..".. l->.?il'i.,03 17,095,230 IfioHAW a{7-98,290,011 al,400,-411,01- Ttl'5,*,V.,031 SEARCHIXd FOR Sl. L, B0BBI8. CRKDITOKS SAY TI1F.Y CA.NNOT FINU HIM-HIS UABIMTI1.S ABOl'T $.5,000. M. L. Morris, dealer in cloahings. at No. '.S Lis pencj*l--t.. began the present baalaaai al.oul flve years ago, having prevlou*ly bcu a partner in the tlriu of Horrla ta LltBaarr Ho ciuimed a eapMal of jyiM.ixxi. Creditors said ycsierday that they had been BBBblfl to tlnd him elther at hW plaee of buslness or Bt home. fltthOBgk they lvnd called repesuodly. When the re porter called at No. M Ll.i>enard st. be found the pi?|IIT previou-l> oacupied by Mr. Morrl- loched, tmb thiaach laa emeka la the aaor a i >t af emptj ihfllfBfl imd old boxe-s could be aeBB. Paraona la laal i...|.i,i>a,rh,..od wid Marria went away ia?t week and they liart not seen him arounal -ime. iind tliat con sld* rable .-lock had been rarted away. A \OtR9 rredltor *-alal yesterday tliat all hla efforts tn Und Mr. Kania had o?n\ atmoetmttkl, but lt wa* bellered he wi-, *tlll ln thc city, that Mr. Morris had a 1,-ared out everythlng from his plaee of bu-lni-ss as elCBB Bfl fl vhtotla, leaving notlug of any value, even removlng UM -u'n frum the door: that he had boupht |oodai up to Decembcr :il on rrealit. and thfl gooia cmld nol be found. and tliat he li.oi ROOfl effldll in the irade on the htrength ..f hls father, who waa reputed lo lie wealthy. tha <?redJt'.r fiutlier said tbal tha llabll itlea of Mr. Morris were nol known; they mlgtlt bc navwhere from #2.*i,0"<? to WTefiOO, but he. tliou-tht the flrfl iitnount -???,? ne.ircr tho aornvt IlirurC. Hfl aarflB aererftl housa-s fr..m *:i,0<X) to iM.DOO euch. i CMUBCB DBBtOAXBB AT PEEKSKILL. Pe-!k*-kill, .lan. 1.1 (Kpeclal).--Tlie dedicatio flflf st. rcter'H Protestant Kplaeopal ( hurch, on Nonh Dlvi>lon *t.. thl? alty, oaanrred at 11 o'clock thi* mornlna. Blsl.op llenry tl tter .ondtntecl the aHlliaa, aaatoM ay Uie Hev. Dr. .1. B. <iil,soii and llie Kev. .;.-.,rire Bf, Fergukon. of Mag .Sing; the Rev. Henry M, Myri. k af Brier OM i tha Hev. Robert riary, of rouclikr-ep,'..-: the Rev. R. 11. l.rcvellug, of (ornwiill, aud tha ttflt*. Willl.vm n* Lawta, tlie rect'.r a.t st. 1'eu-r's. BUhop l'a.tter pr-..ched an rlociueait Bermon. Tlie . hurch, whl. ii aeat* 40.) people, was a rowded. Thc corner.stoiie of ?t. l'eter's was lald on .lunc M la*t bv !>,*? p rnil-r Wlll elaborate servires. The ediflce flflfll KtjOOO so far nnd n tower Ifl stlll to be erected. The elnirah I* bullt ..? granlt<i. R. M. t'pjohn. the NewNork archltect, de slgned the chureh. aml Oeorge Rlker, of Wew-Yorfl, fl ta ihe carpontor. AU tha wiMfl*a_ a,ni mach "f n, fuitilturo and paraphernalla are glfts and memorlal-.. W . J. ElAJABB IXOOETOBATBB, Albanv, Jan. lt. Johfl >hrr,e. Wllll.rm O. Sloane and WaJter .V. of New Y>>rk, were imoriKirated today under tlie name of W. A J. sloane, f,.r llie niani.f4Kt.ire and sal, .,f ,,up,.|-. and other lloor cover ings upholsterv go.xls and ai'tltle* of furnlture, with a capltal of A 9ALBB FIRE ALARH FROM THE WH1TE EBBJBB, \ViV4h1ngton, .lan. IR.?A few mlnntes before 8 o'cloa U this ovetitnt fl false nlarm ft'om boi No. l.'>7 ln the Whlte Hou*o hroupht out the entlro Flre De part'ii'-nt. Noi.e ,,f ihe ;itta< !,>?-. of the* Hou-.-. In.wever, have any __MMTlaifl Of how Uie fllarM BBBM to be soiimlcil. bai tli" opltiiou waa oxiu-oasa-d i:,..t Ihe alaxi., wa* sent lu bv the wln-. Iiee.imlug a n.aaed with aome of the eleetrle light WlrBfl. J. Jt. WEBB TO BE A BOSTOXIAX lOBBBB, Jari. l.'t.-J. ll. McKee, 1.011 in luw ..f Prflfll dent llarrison, has arra.'iged to setlle Wtth hi > fsn.Uv iu BaaBoa, having esiabiished a baatoaaa eoooaetlaa liero wltb the Tliom.ou-HoaatOfl F.le.tile . on:p..,.\ Id wlll _tlll retaiii an InUrest ln lu* Indlanapoli i bailnew. THE INVESTMENT FEATURE UF Life Insurance Policies. Very l8W's or ?tflflfMlaa eBtt thclr patttffll to-dav .',. a, a proteetloa to tne famlly. M A**M '-l*^? th',|r ?i, i ,?,, ta inat parprae, <>r Biffl them f?r that motive. Tl?. |,?||,|.r ??ii?,.'lV ... ??,-..,.-<.li" of lh" BBfflfl HBM ,|V,1, arl ..,..,.?.! .?- M fniestrr.ent to the takf r. Bfflfl a pjiircd rillirat- "f their raflara aataaaaa, and *r? >.r?ed t? ta* p raaaal piafla of the uaer. i? wttMaaata araaaal i.f- aaaaaaaia, Bm raafllf death i., MBaaafla, ...d lalaraal earalaa* ar.- cataMUr ad aaaafl aad ta. ,|.i?.rt!..i..d tn aach paUey. aa th.t ,a,h atiaaa la yearly ekar_?*J a*llB **aa ine r-.r y *a*e af ,a,rvi,.Bi.iHr,-K. aai tha iMaalain rf^___^J*L?S ,.,,.,..,, by V..V af a divi.i...d. n ? lhaa kaawa the exact ,,??, ,,,* i.i- ..suniicc from yar to rear an.l |-ay. that, and Bai tha lamliwl aaNfltaft*1 "bo.?t<." ??ron.oT*.'' Bax, a-mp.. a eeatrary eaaiae. lha orttn aaaWfll ..r-Mi-m or ???,.t.lme,,t" la to bfl pflfd I" "?? w""out anT >'"<''"tlon for the aattta ?1a*raaaaaal peilaaV' t-... lf***" or tareaay vfar-. xo afljaetaaal or BppaiMaaaiaal ef kaaee, ??<? Laaai bi eatalaB* >* '""'<" *?"?? ,!l'"- ?"';''",l' "" ocd aanlarri at aaaai aa ...*>:,< '?? anarlalBlBi whal IM ..,.'. af ti.raiaa la tae* y**r to >e.r aa aaaaaaial kaowtai aaa* lha r -i aatoaa.f thc a-*e*fla8t*a te iim*. ,o b. ; r .- i.o BtaeeattBt af aeeaaal e_? ? eeHel far BJ My ?.r-o? eBttm durl... U." "h.vs'n.n*. at rl-Kl" a.r at W ,.,.,.,, T.,, l.?:.l.'r af tu- i-'i v "r "i<""' " ? ??.?on*"! :,, ,o i.iii.l hiaaadl m adraaea ... ale BBBUaaMaa ta bbha araaievai la tfveaflj-taa *? lha aeaBaa of ui*. **aaflaaa wwhaafl aaeaaal er naaaHah. LS Tllls INVISIMF.NT OU RI'ECfLA1T0N 1 i,,,. .,? aal ,., tha araam aad i aaaanaBrra aaaaa, aaaaaa pnttln. ,:,?,. v Into * M'lieni** Of u*-. IN expenses, prnflbi Md i"*-- ??< aal. ii ara a*a I far. aaea, th" leeiaaiieae eapa ?i',. af raaeaaahtr nfa piifciiiiiilaiBUB-. *??- J**""** '; th.r.torc capaM* of batai *a ?rai.had and lalaaeai that a profltaMa i aall eaa be tu mat arlthla a tett raarfta. Bmi Blatloa meaaa pntting aaaaej mto a Boflaaae, tt>o ex ? ,.,., proflta an-t of whlch are not iv.ll raaaaaaa, .,r ara UMj to laeaaata aa irr-? wljaly aad aa. eontrollablr thal tl.ey raiiinit be truly wolKhed and bai aaeal, aar lha laliaai aaaaujhl a-ta ?..y Ba-flfhi af mn oaicuuo.i; * aafeflflM la which phi *"?! ataa ar.. aiika paaalMa and Bllka uncertaln, both a* to the Uct and tho doKree of elther. . _ iTllllmrrt haawa *?d aalBha the chwicee and aacer tnbu. ue baianc. u> b.. aafeiy aa laa righl aMa. flfllBlalllB iaaa BOI know ?ud cannot wdgh the chancea, but slmplv take.s them. HOW CAN A LLVE 1N.-.I ham k OOMTAVT KAfCl IfOVETI It h*? two ihUig* to do; it ha* to pay loasea and cx .????, ll efearfaa a prtaalaa eak-uiated to aatBr lha baaaa aud lha lapaaaa* n bjmwb from laa a.oruiity taMBa what lha los-es will be -vltlilil a BBta B-B-ftfl ; lt BB-tM tlin MM-aea awal aa Ultta aa II ekaaaaa wimm aartala ihalta. lt aUBaataa a peraaatafa which they not to aaaaaB, Md adda that to tho premiums ch?rg*-d to cover d?ain ||?| of tne*,,. premlvm* the I ocpany pays iu yenly deaui laaaaa tn iByaaaaa, and ataa faniaaaa thc raama aa pro M,i,. i?r the peataa awaaaMar whaa Ha n-k.-. get anaa aai tor th* maturitv oi tho flflB-wanal*. ihi, raaflrra u aaa Bv veat flaau ll la aaaaaa, *?n ll i*, tr.ccto.o. aalaalaaiB on lha anBiimpuea uiat lt wu: e*m .on.o ctrtain iate ot BMMBI iTuow tae Baaaa laaaaa bava beea taaa than the laMa lattal ior aaa hm BiBiniai bava heaa Iaaa thaa was pro vulcd for. aa ...uch of the piemium wlll have heen *av<>d aad can t,e retaraed to the laaam. Hut ll "? aal ? pront to him. II ls .,,lv a BflTlBg riotn the anti_U>ated co-t of earryiai ms taaaraaee. Bafl bla baaataaaa m an aafiaaa to bim raai aa bla i.r- laaaraa. a H, ",.? aaaBalai NflaaaaB to him ls ft laflaillafl of lh.: exi>en.e. not a j.roUt. lf the rate of lnt?n*t aaeaed i* gr-*t..r timu that as the t*xc.,*-i i* in the tmturo ol b prollt. l'or o\ ample. lt the company aaa.une* tliat aaaB man's IIBIfVI N goli.K to aaea 4 per cout, and It docit earn I per ? Bt, BMO lt puw the | per aa ut Into th* rtflfltta and lha extra 1 p.'r cent is Barplaa, aad eaa ie* turneu back to him ?ith the i*:.\in_s from losse^ .md upeflBaa Ma Mvaeaa mterest i* aaaaliy called a prollt. alTU ls ln the'ir-. al a prollt. thongh lt* t, toal aaa i- taer. ly to rcducu th.* cost of carrying the ln MUBaaa. II ?. towew, the only prollt theiT 1* to the iu. v.rcr. aii elee la cost of laaaraaaai paytaB afliaaaaa and Beipiafl pay otttet paapU** b?aaa aaflB one* own timo aaaaaa, araaa aflbata wlll pay that io??. How can this operation bc converted into a profltabie in vaetaaeai ior laa laaaraa blaaaell I || proicm lu- u:..lly and is ther.fore indl?peu*abl.; but how can he make money out of Itl BEAHtttR* lavaral ef th.* drea-. comj4inles are offertnB under dlffer aal aaaaaa tho **mo "laiuaba-'Bt poiicy," "bond." ha. Eor illn-tratlon of th* whole matter we wlll ueloct wbat ia in f^ct a tuenty-year endowment |*ollcy wiUi no dl*.i<}?nd_ untll the end of th*> twenty year*.. TIIK F.STIMATF.D ADVA.NTAOE. Trake a mnii aeed thlrtv. ln*..rlng for 810,000; he 1* to pay Iwaaty Ptwaaaaa of HW cn.-.h. The pollcr eontrtict N to pay hlii, $10,000 lf U'- lives and keep* up hl? pVillcy fhrout/ii lha twaaty yaara. Bai lha aaaapaalai ? estimate" bv leaiiBfl all hls aavln.s and Intere-'. carninga with all that tlme, they may pay him an addltlonal 87,080; I?? ;i total Bf 817,000, whlih w.mld be equlvaleut to com paaadlaf his pajiaaaai at 4.02 per <*ent. HOW OAX THKY DO IT AND PAT HHHa_1 lhlfl rate of taaaeaa, 4.BS per cent, ll more than tho araraia rate Baaaa eaaaaaalaa *re now earnintt on their as _ ts. But ?slde from that fact. the BflflflBflaa of the bual nesa and Uie d.atli loss m have dr.-t to he jwid. Ib theaa partlealar tlnnpaalaa lha aapaaaa i?tio is about ?20 aar eaae, or tatftfl af their a-ntlre income. Out of every dollar of ptvinluni and e\. ry dollar of lnfr*8t 20 cents is t-iiicn for irrpmata teavtag ealy so cents of aaaB to pay 1 ?.,-. . .md pvoMd.. Bm laal pajaiaat That ls out of ea.-h in. ...imiii of 8400 th,*--.1 .. inl.'s .an uae for t*ie f.ilfllment Bf thfl- contta.t and ??estlmitea" only ?.m6.80. Tlils would have to Im. corr.po.indeal at (1.83 per cent to the ontl mated $17.0.10. if no exiN'tis.-a c*me out of the intereat: but of IhBl paaa to expenses al*o, ?o that to realUe. the i?i".o?o ami pay 8__flaeai the peaaaaaaBi muat be eom peaaded *'- RM per tt nt, or ajraatty more than the r*t_ they aro now lari.lnc. HOW Mla II CAX THEY D01 Thesn compatilea under i>resont condltlon* ean hardly hoi?. to ia. raaaa than aapaaaa aaeaaal or to carn more Iflfla .'1 per cent Int. rest on their a>8-ts for tho next twenty reara. iaraailnfl that tu-y are tarlafla to earn that much, -.aud t*l<lng out -'0 p.v af premiums and of bMaraal for axpeoaea, md providins lar'axpaalal los*n*s, tho result at .i, ,..,,j ,,. ,.,,,. "laveataaaal p?.;,?!" woald be just $10,817 ?, ?f the "aBtlaialrl" *i7,06o. a flbrtakafa of *o.'.'i.. a r, sult not equal to the premiums .ompounded ut 1 per eeat In what Rens" can this be called a profltabie In v itawM for aaa*a aalfl Ha% can any paraly faaaaa_l oreratlon?one tliat ls not a nianufacfirln., n.lntiiK. or other wla? jroductlve bllsllle^s udvf-nture?tliat has to he?r aaaB an cxiH-nse ac oiint. be consldered aa a proiitablc Invest nient 1 HOW CAX THKY MAKE ?'!' TIIK ?HBUTKAOI OF OBJtiRi fo Nallaa whlch would rea|.iir,. t.iem not only to do busl aaaa wtthaat any iipawiea it aii, but alae to earn for tw-.'ntv yean a preater raai ..f laleraal thaa they have any reaaaaaMa hepa af falaf I THB BZACX i'll''?'?'"?' 09 THE BXPEMaH A000VH1 <?!?? THI 1NV1 'Sl'MEXT. Tha**o rnmparilea. havlnc to us.' oi.e-tlfUi of ewry 1 reniluni and Interost payment for cxix-nses. and earmnst. ?ay, even 3 p. r cent can be certain of producing no moro ttun 810317 Bl twnty years. A savlnrs hank. pflylafl Its depoaltors | jier cent int.r rat. aft.r p-ji.iB Its slight e\p.:ii.s. a, could take the .an.o premiums, jxiv Uu aaaaa los-e-., and r.'turn at tln* end of twenty v-ars *l.",.O07 lnsV*ad of *MO,817. A saiitus bank pnvlnc only 4 per eeal. Int.-rest flaall takaTtha etaat premtun**. i*av the Mtr,f> laaaea, and ratara at the end of tw.-utv reBM 814,174 lnstead of the llfe Insurnnce companv's *10 817. ? THI WHOUI TP.t'TH I?? that no flnan.lal op. r.tlon whlch ha* t.i l>-ar llf*? Inaurance expenses ,-an ,.r ouirht to \>c taWoi *n ln\, *.t,rnt. ind flafll no man can justlfy hls judgment aa an Invcstor when ho par* nf laaaraa.*?" aa * fat the BceaaralalleB of hm r,.,. *c. or f-ir ?..*? ot'n 1 parpeaa than provldln. hls famlly III ?? 111 t'. tlu.i thev n.-ed and cannot eet oth'rw ise than llf" In^.'iance. It la a flnancial absur-lltr. Hut th ? q..*tion *>till ren.ain*. llow do the*.- eaaapaalea aMeh siieni on.-flftli of th-lr entire |iuom? for axpeaaaa 11.d . *<\ avirn c^rtalnlv no more than S net eeflt for BVfl i,-\t Iweaty yeara, *nd so cannot saf.-lr prom'.a.* to return mor? than #10 817?and r--allv do ontract ln return only ?1i>000 .'\|ir.t tu make tl.e ad.?4.1 mor* thnn th?lr true ? al a'Ultv to earn, and $7.0dO more than th**T dara .-ontract to |*iy 1 THIS IS WIIKKK THF. SI'KCff.ATIO-*.- COMDi IH. And lf ls thia: They know that ?sur.e v.|rl d' lattflB Uie twaaty yeara; they .-\pect that some. i.0M?ihiv a eaaaMer. alle nuniher, wlll ha\e U, I.t their pollclr*. lapas during lhal thaa, some 0? them, ptlhapa after BWhtap ...r.e |,?v. BMata. So lt I* agr**ed Uiat e*,ll iiollcy holdet wlll laaM ?ili hla aurplu* eame<l on hls polley rear by year with th? eaaapaay for b*r*aay ye?r?; lf h.* Haa durinc the tlme, . be forf-lt-d to the . ..ti.paur : If he lapsea ,t Is n\to rorfeltefl ; and tliere ls forfeited hesldea all of hi* reaerve nn !.-?-. lu- appllaa f"r a pald-un poll.-y wlthla sl\ u.-ntha. In aflll,. iaaa M rorfelta about on. ihlrd of t.u retrrve ln addl , <>.< ta aii his aarptaa This ls the s]>ec.ilatlon ; and for lha *?B* of It. the ln Mired paya laeh yaaa more than the yearly cost of hla laaaranca bv lha aaaaaal of aarpiaa eam,*d or sav.*d. and .....* BM i,*I* of loalna It all lf he dles or lapaes . and he llaa raaa the rlab of laalafl a'.l. or a ? onslderable part. of th>* iiaidup bwaraaa* ?hi.-h he aaahf aahanrlaa get for M* fi.i.llv ln ,??e of lapaa, tB ihe hope that hc won't dln or l*r*e, a:,d Hlll -lure the forfeiturea of thoae dylng and lapalng. and In the hapa that Ihaaa forfeiturea wlll ba ao Ur?e th*t ha. wlll make money thereby. l'vldeutlv tbe scheme U totally npposrd tn splrlt to true ||f*> lnsuran.-e. and could not be undenitaiidlngly <vn irac?d ln l,v aa] -.u.t.-lioiia f..r the tbnrough proti- ti.ui ..f hla famlly. or at all about atrlpplntt ttaOM famlliea of tbnr urotecUon or br ona at all taretul to lavv for hl* B88B8BM only what. It coata, or d.'ilM-a* m kjio-alr.g 4vhat It la loating year l r year., ttraiitlng aa man'* wlillri-.*n?-?a to apeculata ?.{}, famlly prota-clloH for Wae aahe of ? reault *?hl< h, if t,^ U?d, la only i'i 2 |" . e, nt annuil intereat on hia :,tyn.ri_i_, what AllK IMM i'liOnAMMTir.*) of si 11 Bajg|' We can Judpo only hy th* pa*t. Two of theae rnm-av ni.-* hava l)?-en enirag.-d alnmat ,? u,? ^,;%# latlxe llfe Inauran,-, for tWeatg alrady. V,t n-arl; all that tln." tlVy forf. lt?d all tii- r* *n??i of lir-aiaa. ?all. I"* aa. well aa all tho aurplu*. Hut they _tfl atttiing now the ampiiiH on pollclc* whe h haae roUcfl, or ara MBgaaed lo have r"re|vH, tho forfclta.ea nt the ? i.tit* r.s, rv* and siirplu* l?i>*?-* f,,r thu laal MMMf v.?rt; and tht- mirplua Mtag BOW ina.-l !? only bMM oO per ,r_\ 8f Mi? '-catlniate*" of aurplu* '.n whleh theaj- |aft'|<*|.-. w-r. aoid twenty yeara aso. KitaVr the forfelturta h?v? tataat muvh l.*J? than w?a .??f.ln.aUsi. or elaaa thu <-*,.-n.? vcaaaj haa BflaSMM th" gf4 I ulation , one or the r,u,. r. j-jut th..a*- aaaagani, - ..o.v |,r.,f."-s u> i.,.Mt on p*xu<***a noxv being WgMMB 8Bty BMM o.>-*thlr<l of MM r-aerv lna>aaa of th- wholo <i( lt ?* Vet BMf ara "j-aun.attnt-. tliat Hl- r<*ulta of trieac pollel"! tw'ii'.y y.-ar* heiica ari i?* BM "h?re ln M8 il'.re of 8BBg 884, v. lll |,e, aa tn_% aa ?rc the pr>-*<i.l reautt* of the paMM. I wi,!<h are ?t.arir.t In Uio forf'li M of MM aMM IMlrYl for the ,a?t twtavj 88888. lh.-y thal a parl 811 prouuee ?.. mneh at the aaaM. i'i " l "r'HI iontln,." |,oli<lea-ln whi, a aii MBBaMM a? 8*M aa all auipiu* on lap*"* wer- far. telt-eil-ir" rMtaatg only BB P< I 8888, or le-v ol taa ?'"allmatart" -.nrpluv And MM M BM ' M MB8B on mu lontlnc* |a now u-'-d a. an ??e*.'|n.-it> ' of thc prohaaM* ra. ault of tlie ><ii,i iontli.ea-whleh ar" to lorf-.t al. U,? ? .,?? pfgc, ,?it, aarj a MM <>*' taa i*i.I i Miiaa 9m au ta*** mvc'tt.,.'..*. BSttoMB, 'ttonit-.'- " ' ?' ata," or MaaaBBB ?taa thev n,ay M ? all 'd. ar" nx f-lV x.irlet'. a of JonU.,,' or B?rai. lontlnc. How senil lonlln- is BXpectycd to areomi..l?l, a* nvi"* aa >oll IMBBI ha* Bi ver been 8*8J-MlaMl. Ihc .Tpjn*** ara BMfMMlBgl the forf it,ir"* MM hur-IIv h* o\[v*'a?*, to aa gresfr. 8M a B888 MM pronorilnn of M"'n' ao-? ln IM poc| ; and e.rtaiiiily the rat- of intereal 1* not IIBeiy tn ia. 888888 M taa next twenty a.-ar?. Tho tr.i" ajaaMBBM WoaM MBM to M thla If ?h? atf ?.,.11 lo.ittn" "silnate*. ba*cd on f'.ll forf- iturea, navo r*. ("irert nn'" one.half th* *\p<*> ted a?tp|,|a. wliy la not aa ...|>iai miript-atre i? f><* eipz-rted ln th- r-**.;!ta of pt*?***M ??eatlmate*" or '-111.11411.11101,*' whleh ir- tr,'-m**lx>-a tne diaapiailntlng MbbM of the old Bag 888IMM and w*,!<*a n ,:- M taaf"8M, 11 -H- ??. -rom ^'y P*rt*?- inateM ?f I8g lorfeltureaf How ean pnrtlil forfelturea produce* a* large a aurplue aa fnll forfelt'irc! And lt U forfelturea aloi.e that. ean make th??c |y.l|r|?, an Invealnient to thoae who doirt haniwn to fort-lt. f.r tba cxtynae ac oint klll* Uie taMMM ?*????">*? Or aniilv Uie BM of history U> thla rBTT laoll'V : Th.' old Full Tontin" eaBtaBBte waa BMB MM ,:, rt*\ \aluc at the end of twentv tOOn *o'.ld be 801 M * - ??? MM over th" f?- af UM l-oli-y of BU.'-OO Hut MM ? * M aurplua llltllBITllT in slght la-U no furtlu-r ahrlnkag,- U*?t Btal e such aa haa lieen constunlly aroina on-87.0.50 luate-4 of the Ha\Jgo : im laM M II baaa. And n<..v taa?; faai teault of a *1.'?..jOO Full 1M8IM ? atlmate la u-d a? ^ .Vrri. Tontine e?tlmatc for twcniv i .-;." ? U ? 1 luck a* its pred'ceaivor, it will a'ttl" at BB-e-B* *.4 '17,1 la atead ,,f .fT.OUO. BMfetM 8 MtBl MM 818.878 lncta*ad of 817.0*xO: MM I* BMB th,n fa ? \ on the premlum* oald ln. and M ituin 8888 Hall I paatas muat dep-'ud on taafataasaa aajaal t? 2. trr ceu comiaiund Intereat on the prruiiun.- pild Is that a apeculatlon avor'.li bMBaMJMg aB, or any pa-l, of 44hat one pav? for in-uiaif8 and naklng hia fimflg l..i/a.a .??-:..- lt all I .I.XCOH L. i.r.IOI.M. l*i' ? !?nt. HAUTFOUD, .Iin. 12, lt-'.I. T11I-; COXNE. TI.'I'T Ml'TCAfj I.1FI'. IMB -"O. XO DIY1DEXD IX OBICdQO BdB TMCBT. TWO OIRCCTORS ur.OI'l'FU gBOM THE \A*Tt *!**? Y.JUKKIW TAKK THI.IK PLA. - Chicauo, .Ta... Kl.?Varioiis rumors liuve b-??n aflial here ln rcgunl t.< the eomlnc 8BBMI MalMM ' ' f nggajaja i.-is Ti-usi. EtaaMaad BUMagi li ial rftg for the stiil'-iuent tliat lt xvil! Mra M 1"' 9* i. Ha says that xvith BM M "Pl 83 B8T I.'**) r> t aad ' ? I expeiiditure M ??'-,.Va,VM)0 la tuaaaaMtlM la r v tion for th" aTorM'a lair aai ti?- i*t'*x '' M Um elty, pacsing a div.dend M ? 88888888/. 8888888881 ?! i 8MMtlan ha* MM cre.atcd by t.e M88BMBI "i UM namoa- of f'olunibua U. C*m*mmt Md >4'l:i 1 A- K-*'H from the ll*t of dlrccfors at the aiii-.uul Btaattag. Ur. IttaOtBfS nays that thls wa*, d m ' I Bg h M MMM of thc s'oek of th" tn;-t. T'i'-v 818 M**rj '? I ''?' M8H but tlie men who MM stock rini**i MM rtgM 10 eo Ml the company. Mr. Cummtng-, Baga tftal hc aud Mr. Kcnt decllncd M i* t*.-elc ted baeMBM taag arr In tcrested In natural gu*.. and do BOt nish M !^ efaMra ln two compiiiiie-i whidi ni.ty bccoine aiiiaa-?;.i?i.':. AU of the parties ln lntcrt-st say ihere lias been M strtfe ln tlie tniat. A dlrector of the rhicairo Oas Llj?lit and Coka c,>m pany, when seen Tn this city ye-tcrday aftcrnoon. aaid: "There is no pas trust in Chlcago. such a body wai organlred aa a Joint stock company al mi laMM xctr. ago nndcr thc laxvs of the State uf IU;nol-. About a year hko itn name was rhanged t) that of Uie CaMaagi Gas Company, which oxvn* a controlling lnwre-xt lu aeveral leadlng pas and coke companie*. BTMMBatag Md Chloago (ias Llght and Toke fonipunv. IMM MS been no meetlng of the CMragB tias ('ompa'iv. * 8 haa auy such act.on Iwn taken by lt. lf tl.e dlrMter* see flt to make large e\penditurcs in viexv of the wanu of the Fair. n) sen-!b!c sto. kholder xvould i .? There was :v nicetiiii, M the CU8B08 <??.- Ugl [ Coke Compariy on January V2, but I do not lUafe that either Columbu* R. Cumniiiijr- or BMlMg Kcnl were BXtMfl from their oflloea. They may baaa ?: clined to be re elected. Boih Mr. K>nt aai Mr. DHB BataM are preuidents of Chlcago banks and have many dutlcs. There ha* been BO MaaatlafartkM. so Mr 88 I know. with eltjxcr of 1*888." - P_r It Ia atated that tfiiae New York men. Walfviftr. iruso... w. 11. Gcbhard and . . K. \VooaWr. wew eta t 4 Sraeteaa of the CMaaga 0a| UgM bbM > -Ke ? uiii|IH? SUMS FROM THE TOBACCO TRADE. CONTHIBUTIONS TO TIIK IIOSPITAL SATl RI>At AND gtTBDAT Ft.'xn. The following additiona! sums on M88BaM of tha Hospltal Satutday and Jsiinday AaMMatltM coiictiofi have been reeeived by the Reneral u-easun.-r. CMrM Lanier, No. 17 MaBMH M a , ,? CiBjat and aTabaaaa Trado--By Baary ?aaawaai. a, Roaa-nivaid and Uro.. B104); MatBNMlM v Baa, *j0 a. Cohn A-. Co.. 8801 Cuilmana &. BM88Maa8B, MOi '?"?? * Co., 800: <J0!dn,.in. taach* * 4o., -i>.0, L. Vru 188 ' Co." 850: g Auerbavh Jl Co., BM) BtaM Ba. h I l K. Spiagarn & Co.. ?.'5: <i. Falk ? Bro.. 82 ' * Co.. eJ5; C. H. SpiWner t son. Oii; i. s B25- B. ? Haa, f-'i: 1. UMBI1 li. Saloinon V Bron ?24' W. Mlranaa I A: Schiam. *'.'.y; S. ***** t ?*"">*. 888! ***? torlua i Co.. BMi Vok?, Morton at Co., fi*, F '" Kro. m co.. 8M; J. Btaaat t sion*. Bag; V. B. Ybor a co., 8-J5: laMaMaaaata BMaw. *'-'*>; l,- Mawgaaa t vo-. ?25; giaMltag ><hult, *-*5; ?.- Kelai.nnn. ?,"? L- ?*?? BtaM A; *'i- 831J JetaaMi May.-r's Baaaa, Md 1- ( Lind", Baaattaaa -t co., Ml; Mbbm 1 MaM C. Falatlo 4 Co., 81 j, Ia8BM8i I'cnda* Ai x,,., ?.J. Ul pmaller amniiuta., tNa. ]-,v HwaM Kerb*: M. 8T. MenJ-1 A. Iii MM, WI Kerl'ie, W.itheini k BltalM, *s>0; Kahn, M - *''o; BelM BBMBaet A: .'.Ulincr, BU; I.ul.t.-n-t . Ul ? - f* t Ca, *-2-'. | tho O.Tl ti'.a. 4'u Bgaag, 8g?i UV *AUU8BM Wicke Con.pan.v, Ml Carl P|MBBB, *2o 1.1 - ? lll tln-is, 800 : XVi.iUu. ii.i,uiii. \ Co.. *-' LidMM. tM; oaarga Mluaajal, 820; v. Uofl ? _ ? PMaa, 888; fialn. fttaia a i:., . ?r>. BMawaMM x l. llngir, ei.".: ln MMtfjM ainouut-. 881 ' Hv- Wllllain 11. CatMMlaga 1 i'. laOrillai I \ ' Kouaens, tio ; RafBM BrOtMM * O K * (o..*'2o; Jarvla d. C... 8JgJ M. atMaaMMl 4 Ca, BM - 0, 'j'. ..?!., a::o iu aaaltai aMenaia Hi boxe* in taa-tartaa: Baaadg A badM'r. ?.i'-3. laM \v. l.'.\o, t.-.i BJ . g tllMBtirrn xi ?! . ffi L l-ii.ann. *24 a?,. B. W. Mendal * Ri - i * * ' ' i: Co., -flStsa; H U. .x.ilhr M* nifacturiiifc 4- ? '? BU 45 ; lll auma lf** than M B8B tBaMtag, 4"! 30 1^4*1 (r?*a , Igai aud u baei t IraM M,gT* 11 4oal IMM gg Wani i OtygMM: ?', d 1 ' 9> piuin, ?2j; Mtalaagi OaagaglMM s 0a., ?-' A ? Hwaata t I'*., BM; BaaMr a i'o., *:*?. Kaaalaak, >""<* X I ? , 42S. g. K. roll* a .?, 824; IX h.i ? 4 v K <-2.*>: aytlaua Ifarra t Or,, -.:?? "A vn :' """ JL Kdd.v, ?10, J. 11. ?'.ot. 815T ih" I ' ' "*" Und Tiiiii.|K,itaii,'.i ' ? l !'*ny, 810, tuuil. ?2'0. 0MM toUl up to data*, -.'.'),4*. 17. -a>-? IV ffffVaTI WdWTWD tOB A B'.Bl.E Mra. J. ... aMhaaa. M MMaMaMaaTlaara, JeiT*r*>a County. VdM \ irai.nia. has BTtttCO t" PMtBMatal t .8 co(t iu the Baga M MMtagj the aaraar "f a Bibla i"* in her BMaaaataa. it i* taaartMd ?>'? ibe ly feal ' lllll. preaaented M him bj Hia iMter, Bniaia ^r*'-,li' N,.va V'.ili.'' ltxaasrlist foaM M tM MttlefleM of wria ?amsbtirg by -x BMttter "' Company Y_ i " ?' Hegimci.t. aaal aaaa pi<K?i up at aattatata MMi ** battle there. ?-a> ? MBJWrtiBB A ci/.i. Fttov UdMACBBBl FranVIln, Mass. .lan. t:i lM MM D M **__**? BartaM. N- Y.. has ?.'.',?p..?.l .he ,*ll "f ^?TJ" raliMWMI Barlety and *?ill bc?ln here the UM sun day ln February axoibek CWAXOB ?)K TBBLB Maa ?? Tha Indletmant aglMM John I. Fo?lrT -aho ******* wllh BMaliiig 84W i'o from 1.0.BI No. 408. I '; *? ?J"\ hood of OMBMIMI "( ?rhleh he x?aa u?t.i*r*r. ou aera t.ri -ia. ??. MaMaaM m Haaaaal aMataaa MMasd* '* ol the brotherbood ?id ta*r ??"???? ,lve. him Metaat chanca. aapaclally k. ho bad figai *?? aran a. auDDort.