^JatoR stuhr unseated.
?jazen* crime rpheld by new .tfrsey
was LaWmiVID OF.
tflff TT.il_a?rM IO 1,:i TRIBCXB.]
XaastoD. -N J-. *,'u- **? -Tl.e Lenislature of New
T ^ganued under Deniocratir eontrol to day aud
'na.-*-***- lt*. fl8BBBB_M to power by an art of un
.m\\e,ioA audaciiy. Tlus amjulng mlsuse of partisau
^wrr wa* frtv unseatnip flf senator Stuhr. of Hudsou.
Jrho had taaaa declnred l?v lha Senate last May t?> he
?k, lrflal*C' el-ected senator fmru llud.on. ln lu*.
alBOf wa* Put tnf mtn '?^n,,'?' ",e -**ni4t? n*,<1 <lc?lared
{p be without Utle. and wbo bad been tast out for
yif manifold frauds ln the lludson clection. Tbe
laeeraal of tfte last tsenate'* deliberutc 'ndgnient wa*
j^de within tlirce hBB-1 o! tlio organUation of thc
a<,w tsenate. and the pflflfllfltl a. WBB carried by tlie
rote* of BBW -senator* wbo had never heard a word
o. tbe teatlmony. and dPShoM a aerlous attempt to
(Mte tae eaae for the Dcrnorratic side.
No loonwr had tlie orj:ani*.at,.?'i bBBB completed than
ienator werv.. tlio Daaaetiaflr laatar, prese-ited a
rato'utlon re>srindliiR tlie BBtJOfl flf the last Senato and
dea^art**!- EAwttri F. MrDonald the .Senator from Und
tax. Senator stulir (Indepcndenit Demorrnt,. who had
been aeated by tlie Republlcan Sehate after
t5e axhaustlTe investigatton Into Hud?on
t^>ant*r frauds a year ago. wns ln hls
aaal. *rMIe Mr. McDonald, rearnuu- Democrat.
aatielpatlnR Ibe Senate's action. was awaltlng re?ults
Ui tlie Honae. The preaence rrf thlrteen Democrnts,
aeeen Republtcans and one Indepeudent Democrat
Having been duly a*ecrtalned. and the new Senators
fcai-Cg been swarn in. tli* strugglc began. lt was
tooKii Mflrt thc Democrats had resolve-d upon this
deiperat* mea.nre, but tt wa* at le**t suppa>?ed that
they would ofter some re-a*. >n tbut would be in tbe
nature ef palliation or excuse. Hut tbe resolut on
was handed ln. and but for the protest made. It would
bave been pi*?ed without a word. Senntor Stuhr.
however. secured the floor and spoke for upwnrd
of an honr. lie d.-T~iiot attempt tn |fl into the detall*
cf tiie fraud* which had nia^e lludson County electlons
a by word nrffl a reproarh: he said he was n Democrat
wh > <*tr>od by Oenorrafi, P-tactpBea, but when he found
fcls party hfltflf del.an. ii'd. he called for a lialt. The
case wblcli |he -BBHata wai BWW asfced to dc.tdc agnin
waa beyond it*- Jnrisdi.-tnn : it was res adjudi.ata. and
could not acaln be opened. lie then proeeexled t..
qr"*** from the .p-eches of Scnntor** (arpenter. Cameron.
Thurman nnd other*- Ifl the tflflflOM < ase ,.f Kellocg.
cf L ;:,*.a ia, aad to *-!i<.w bv other anthorltie* in variou*
Mflflaa t:..t arhBa thfl title Ifl a Senator'* sent hnd once
been cballers:<*d nnd a Jttdpment hnd been passed upon
tt. it c^uid not be lepally re.pened. and thnt It wns
res _djudicata. Tlie iflBahltlMl was. ln fact. an at
;., UC-WDlMri a r,-i.!,iti(iti Whleh bad been
adopflad bv n pr>'v...us Beaalfl and was a*. void ln
; .:itatv law as it was indecent In its hnste and
? njustice.
Altnrmgh the pallenes were packed with Huflson
Ooaatf h-eler*. .-enata.r stuhr was rep<lataily ap
pivid-d. The pre?)ilitic ..ffletr. senator Adrain. rheebc-d
the-** cheer*. while perniittiii- lha haalera Ifl .'??" ??
lnui as thev ahais.'. flaaaaar Watfa made a brw*f and
c.'-ifus'-rl replv io Mr. stunr. claimitift that IhflBfl wa*
aa siich thliiK a- ro* adjudicata in p;irli.'ini"::tarv law.
s**nator (.ardner, t!i?- Kepubliean lwider. made 11
r*iis-t c speeci,. The rlfM of lanataa IrDoaaM hnd
lyy.ii ahattaaajat, i.e -a.d. whaa tiie Lec,*iittir?' __H ln
v. 1880, a:,d f t thr-e monili* ;.u InTeatlfaUoB
aad hiUinous. Three thcaaand
,f te.-t;mn!iT ha:l i.e.'ii Ukeu. every p.i." oi
wtieh reeke.1 w:th Ihe cviderice of ertaae BBaaralleled
in pclltlcul annals. The Jnd^tnent of tha had aaaaala
bad been dellberate aai c.iref-.illy eaaalaawai, ai.ai
under many r?->i_*tru< t.a.n* d UM con-iituiion. and
by all pt-ecedeiU- n waa final nt,d con.lufcive. Theiv
could be no finestin-.i of thi* f:,'t. f'>r it waa .he IfltlM
law. Hc dtd not _now but that theiv iniphi lie aaflBC
citiieni of Waa Jeiaay aalaaalilar arlth lha faeta who
might haaafltty haltorfl that yaallaa wawli at BaBa hy
_BMMadlBg Mr. stuiir, whflflavar ti"' eeawUtatlenal and
legal objeetions; but h?- kt.ew with every eflrtfl-Bt)
that there w*a-- n.,t a ertlBtBfll who ahBIBi in thc fraud
ln the eiplity poUlng plaee* of lludson where fraud
waa found who would not cheer at such an ar*, and
that fflr and wide the BWDai Bl stnl.r in favor ol
McDonald would be restarded as the viitorr of tbe
polltleal aaBBa-Bal. aa lha coiid.nuiina by the Senate ef
aapwcedejnted rrim*** apiinst lha fran< btaa.
Mr. Oardner upoke with mucli feeling. but lha
Demoeratic NsDAtor* were unable lo reply, or flid
not cvt, to prolonK the delate. and the
vsrt* wa* taUen forThwith. The resolution raaaBflilBI
the action of the Senate of l-fKi wid declaring Mc?
Donald Senator was adopted. thlru-en Hcmocrat*
rotlnc Tea and s-ven llepublicans votitm nay.
Mr r-tiiir. did n ?t vote. Imnicdh.tely upurn
the announcement ..f the votei. President Adrajr,
?*.ir?ct-fl thfl *."r_i-ant--at-_4-Tn-- w> na>tifv --lha
senat >r front Iltids-m" t*. tahe hts neat. and
Mr. stuhr Imn.-dlftie'lv vacated liK chair. McDonald
tpjvttrun at ilu- main d.N,r<,. vava-d bis hand melo
dramati' ally aid was told to UKc his seat. while the
... rrowdatf witli his lludson County sup
cbeered. Hc wlll aeeaay tv *eat untll
d, whaa iie wlll reatgfl la take m* seat in Con
. haaaaa oisa-.i/ed quletly enough with the
|ol] .iiin- "fl.'-ei-- :
r> t. H.,bcj-t Adrain. of Mjddlesex ;
^ roiH- Car>eotar, al rlaatardon; a*
' . Taoaapaoa, of Warren: en."
.1. Mattliews. nf t"iii?>:. : a.? ,-tant Ba?
ll, Ftyaa, of 8alaaa, and iaaaea H.
s.-i-..'i-aiif at arni-, GaorfB K
I ?a*t.ta_rt-erpeant-at-anaa, Miehaal
of lludson: j.-tirnal rtn*. WUUaa. Platard,
loaraal rlarh, Thoma*. iiurff.
,., ,,!,, .. .i..ii,e- hdijin.Hi. af Baaaale;
wiiitain .1. baaaa, of Harear; di?>r
, Uaaaoa, of Bar*ea; J. invter. of
Mi:.;.-n Baahaaaa, ef laaax, and it. A.
ea J. Berfeo, of Boa i
i_ m. N-onaa, ,.f Hoiaoo; Joiirnai rlarh,
rlght, "f M-.rri- : H*-i*iaiit J",ii'?a:
-. i,'. I.,iri,n,-t",.
. . . .,f K**,-\ . Msistaut i
_ i>. Korp, of W < ? ?' *n I ee, ol
John Thonpaoo, of Pa
us cler!,. Jolm s. Den.iti. of llaiiterd
,iiifc .1".-:.. 1 ra.nl. I). Vanl. of Moamouth
,i... ., n - -.-;,.., M,te_ for -
Leamlne ? ? prealdenl and uni.ur A. Mott lor seera
tar;. whl.- tlie Hauae BejnVillrani . t.-u f.?' Koberl
ol Pa hUc, .-I Bpaahar, and w. H. Maaa
ff.- ejerh.
7,%. Hooie eatiraa was ].*ip a*in stormy.
; ..,,,..*d over Mullo,. "1
n, i", i.luarrelllnp. aoareirer, wa* prtnelpally over
,,f |i?-ri\ rtoorKeeper*. ",. aaaumlna thc
?i tl.e genate, Prea__enl Adrain a*.t<.uii<i.ii tu>
,,..,... ln wlii.li lie d ??""'?''?*
peuding ln Coo?r?M, Baelared tbai
a-ould . Iitr.it.-n t:.** ta . qu -f m.
?nd pra.sed _eaatoi tVerta ta tne lianll pl haa r*>
..,,,:, .; tiie llouae, prote*tlug agaliist
? ,, |,iii m* introdured and mari- tli<
si-erial order for tn'Tnl.-ra.w. Governor Abbett'* long
.. w;,* lei i-ead ln either ho.lse. pr nfwt copies
. ;ng d.stribt.t-*d to tha iflMlnra. Both housca
v;ii bold *??- .?.'. la-norrow._
TAUOOI ?? "MMirM'ATl'.vs
Trentim. V. ??.. ?'???? ** ?'"'*fr""r ****** M**?*
m to thfl LBfl I'Vur- to-dav. Thc
||?imi ayeaa wtth a ilB.aB.it*. of thc -
.1 atTait*. . _
I eoadltica flf tiw atale, aaya tha
af. harl it wUI bo< Baraill
?j" ?" ?>"""'???>' '"""-"?>
eaaaa lu , -ndlUoa wlll alao paayrBBl tha I******
paraaeai ol aaasy a#_a7?f*ra*ilfla*a i.eret.,t<.:* aaada ty
lha U0.Ut4ire. Tia- -tute eama IS* a*Braa of Ihe
(M,..d .New.Jers.-y Kailroad ai.d ( ...al
Ik. ralaaaffMn.730. whleh. toaaj m
I caa^arl larto raaaay. laa[OJ^mAic
um aaa ftrtm ta aay ta
aofural. 1"^""; ""W?* JJ*?
eucHigii io wanaat tha *aJa of Ihaaa sea.unt.c-. i b*bm
tlie 8UU- se UBI artditiol.i.l aBaBJflflfl * tOVOMm BT IB
rr-as? tiw "".ount to hfl ob'.a.ned from Bhfl preaeni
aaarcaa, .t mii be aa?*jral year* betoi^ tt ***? ? rull>
aWe la nie?t th" aaaataodlM appropriatious.
?la_a,u,r,,,,,:n.?d ta. the ,,-tf-laturc t ? OROm ,c
of an a.t t- . P^T?I af - OOBoAi t.l>
haBBaaaai tn aaal a haa BBaal leB**ciaa. aad !*? *****
I lha feflaaflhlM ar ha?bM laa bbbb ?""""^"f;
Hflfl, are BarlBlB 8h. "f co.porat.ons. aurlI8B 1 fe
lr.Surai,e. stree. iHi.way. electrla- li.ht. telepho - a
B_tar?aa_8_aBaa. a-birh aaa certainir pay. w",'u^~'n
barr-wment. . Mnrer tai than Mrt preae^t ^P**"1
than; w_ 'ii
' Ihe lotal amiwnt of ihe IflfeBBl Fund *?*^
lBBO. was *;l.-.if...lT 18. IB addltl.in ta W bftaffl
taere is n. daa frora mtereat .ifl ^^-. ,0
baaha- ,.,. rlpaarlaa haawfl lha ?mbia* "J*^,
Baaa. aaea 111M1 li' w.n haaaiaaa uw fl"'" f
IU88J88. I Bdtaf tbe I iinsilti.tl..... tiw |Wtad mi J
tatru,.e ,,,i,*t ba taraaBad aad ??^J-SSrtaa
*tad. * IM.M aaaa eaa m used for lha 9ABB*?
the aehonls. The total receipt* of tlie School Pund
during the lait flscal year vrtrt aa followa:
Kraim taeeaaa .... ? a.>-,-?. i
Krom aecurltl.a pald off.'.'.'.'.'.".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'."".'.'.'.'.'.'. 88*411 M
Total . . ____ o-jj jj.,7 y"
BMaaaa on hand Octobar 81, UM.'.*."*. MM MM M
81,803.801 84
Thla aniount la acrounted for aa followa:
piaburaementa and Inveatmonta.. MlljgTg Ml
llalancf ln bank Octoner si. 1890.. ?ii)-2 088 ot
81,W)S.f)01 81
Thc ..overnor BaMOBTS murh sp.ire to thc 8J8MBMM
of aaaesMMta Mr taiattoa
1 ivcomineiirt,-- add- the tiovernor. '-that there
hc its-at.-a a <'..iiiiiii--|.,ii,.i- ,,. Acrlcultiirc. to bc ap
polr.cd by tl.e i.oaernor, ?.nd I oiilirni-d bv (he N-naie.
wMmb dulies shall bc dcfliied bv laxv. and embrace
thoae aaaally veated in tacb ae aMctal under tho
legialataou >i ollier M.t.'s. l alaa Mataa that the
.-errctary nf lhe MatV Hoard of Ar-ri. i.ltur.- a. t as Ma
-".ntarv, so a- to hrlng hlni iu diivct relation wlifi
ih. state Board. nnd leoara th,* beaaflti al aettre eo
'IM-ratlnti with th.* rcprcsy-ntntive taiBieii* or(raiilr.atlo--R
of.tlua Stnte. 1 am safistioJi tliat tM inL-r--u ,f aa-ri
.uiuirc 44.li m ffreatty a.ivamcd i,v Miving b -?.???
oftVlal. ixlios.- duty it wlll lu- to Inquliv nto all Ihe
- eranoea nnd cvoBptalaai of thoae MgagM ta agri
culture, ascertain tiu- views ,,' i.-;>,,-"tilalive or
ganlsatloni of that ladtastrg, and dcxise measure*. for
praclicul i-elit-f.
- 1 n-i iiiiiii.'nd Iep,*.l4ttinn to providc for the liulldlng
:-4i,d malntalnlng of (.-ond roads. under a thorough and
i*tT.ci,.ii -v-t-ni. Public liiirhwavs are fnr lhe beaeflt,
imt otilv ,,f local coniiniinit'.H.. l,ut of th?- cntlre publn .
and the Mat-- mipht 41-HMinal.lv rtsslst |o.alitics Whleh,
8] Ihelr aatlon, sh,.\v a ilc-ar. t<. B8t4U8 surh a.l
? 'Thal there should ix> a rail road commlsslon. siniilar
lo niat now tn ext-t'-nce in many *-tatJ*s ,.t the t'nion,
wlth power to hcar all coinplaints of unjusi frrlghl
ilis, riiiKiiatloii and oth?T grferan. is. and t" make .ii, li
order and decree i:i rcfci-euce to the miattcr a* wlll
168888 relief.
'? I re< ommended ln mv inauarunil message thc
pa-ssaire ef a l.allot reform laxv. Thc I/ogislaturc
pa****d the BCi May -'*<. l-no. The opera.ion of thls
law hAs seaured pnv,u,a.l ballot reform and honcst
cleartlons in this Stato. Thc law la thc siniple-st and
most eftWierit act adopted In any of tTie Btataa of the
1'nion. It was tv> bc e.xfH*. ie?1 that the practlcal
working of aaeh an aa-t liiich. dcvelop Uie ncj*.l M
*ome amendments. If any should 1*> found nerevsary
tha* irreatest .-are slu il.I be taken in draftlnat them not
to ItnpaJr tha cflieiency of lhe lai'". Tlie wl-itom of
Ihc pa-wage of thls ael haa been fnlly demntistrat,ed ;
lhe people of tho State are entlrely satianed wlth rta
.,pj*ratii>ii ; the election*; hnve In-cn nK>i*e pcaieable
and ordcrly : Intimidation haa hea-n n-ndeppd Impcisslble
and bribery luts been praetlrally ellminal-d from
elca-tlou rontoata.
?? No evil ha-s resulted fi*om MM uae of ofRria.1
ballots previotis tn tlie election. when tiscd in rnnnee
tion with thc provision in (he aa t (ha( the nnllot*.
should lu* Inclo-j-ci in nn oaaVtal nnrrtope, i.iocniai.i.*
onlv at the pollinc pla.e. Tlte etaetloa oflicer*. and
clUaeoi of (he >tat<- liave fotin.l 80 dihVultv lu llie
avorklng of Ihc new taw, and i( conimettds il^elf to (he
Judcnicnt of all thos-e ln favor of purc c)eetions and
m -j-crJ-t ballot. The power of rcai-ioii vesteil in the
rourta i- m eeaaptota md aaple aod ao atnamary thal
the inceiitivc to eommlt fntnds bv electiVm offlcens or
othpt-*. la Jvitirelv deatroyM. I eongratuUte th.*
pe .ple t?f (hc Stale upon (he mirress of IttM great
Norfoik. Vn.. Jan. 13 tspeelal)-The rteam*r Clry of
tTaahtagtoe, which arrt*ral in Hampton Road* in dls
?r?.ss last b gfet, la preatlv daniac*d. She left New
Y"rk *-ati'nl:.y. wth a general NaTgO and thirtv pas
seniter* for Haraaa, Oa Baattag, ahont 11 o'rloclc.
when off HatMiaa, she encountered a pal.* w)ii< h swrpt
irtsiss Mr de, l.s at th* nitc of atxtg miles nn hour.
The wind 8888881 an anpry sea. whi< h at time* com
ngitigj aiibm.'iped the reaeeL Ber toreeaetta was ataaa
B. the rail arom.d her -lern smashed. and her hnrrieune
Meh ,ompl"tely wrcclied. Tn th* gale one sctiman was
wi?-lied overboanl and drownwl, and BBMMr, F.dwnrd
Byaa, was instantly killed, beinp thrown acro-s tha
ship'-i d.*');-'. aai hi*. BkaO cnished apalnst tl.e rail.
ili- boty xvn* bronpht to Norfoik thi* afternoon on
.. tag. and bartat. A Beasaaa aaaaad Mrtarraa, who had
B Inf broken during the sform. wns al-o bronpht 80
N'orfolh. BOd hai been BBUl to St. Vineonfs Hoapttal
tor ti-eatmcnt. The stenmer ran bafOra tli* wlnd for
:h:rt"en botirs. Her passenperf, Inrlndinp mnny
WOBBaa, were murh alarmod. All had on life-preservera
-ind pniver*- were -ad ta the cnbln. <?ne of the pa.*
aengers 'gave birth t" a ehlld dtmnp the atorm. A
valuable horae had two legs broken and Kad to be
kllh-d and thrown -.verboanl. The aMMBer MM watyr
ln her hoM and will probably go in the dij-doclt al
Ncwport Ifawa before sailinp. The New york and
rtil.a *?t?itnsiiip Compnny owned her.
x Jl.s-rtat^h reeeived from faplain Allen. of tM Cltg
,f \Va-li.:ip(oii, yi--urday, at ihc oMM of the MaMl
I.ine. pave thc following as a li*-t of the casualtiea:
E. Ryan, watJ*r-ta*nder, killcd; John Sexlon. portaT,
mlsslng: O. Peterson. i-eaman, lep broken; Y. G-arria.,
,,f New-York. passenger, broken nose.
C*ptalns S. V. BaaaM, port captaln of the Ward Llne
and W. Roxrland. the lin?''s chief ?hip carpenter. left
tl? cltv for Norf,*.k jltaBtliag, where they will gnake
an examination of the steamer in order to see If she ls
ln a proper condiiion to rctu:n (o Nexv ^ ork.
Rondont. N. Y.. .Tan. I.T.-As a resnlt of t?he recent
rains the npp*r Rondont Creek overflowed its bank
at Eddwillo last cveming and great desfniction of
property was cau-ed by thc formation of IM p-.rg^.
Thirtv cement boats, lying near the lorks of tho
Iictaware aai Hndson < anal. were rarrled down lh?
rieeli and badly damaped. The at?a,m yarht-a Cha-rles
T .'..utant and Lawta I). Illock were throavn with
cmat farM on the Lawrence fement rompany-a pler.
The. Ltaltaaalll ahOg M that company and smaJler
buildings were lifled from their fonndatlona and
Barrtad BM ^"' aarag. ."he mox-ablc property ta
John J. Iiai*dcn'? boatyartl was swept away. The
itoraa and honaoa at BtMyrilla xvere fiooded ta HmMt
lowar room*. Horaea in <taMes stoml aU nipht m
thme Mal of water. Alone the rtiad leading to
Wilbur the water was two fect deep. Treea alOBi
tiu- rand were broken down by the taata of i"e whlrh
rrashed againal them. TM banM of tM Pondonl
Craek were lined with tinil-ers and ouduiildinp-.
The danirape done will reach tlrousand- of 800818. Ii
araa a olgM of tarror for the Eddwiii.. aaxrple, Batury
..: whtaa MUered thal aii tha balMtagi in Um pla'"
troaM M -v.ept from their foundaiioris a-.d lhat IM
tnhabltanti wonld be dwvwTied. Thelr fears were nol
BTOtindle**, for if tM ,b.,>d of lee and water li-ul |
rouned down t'i" -ir-am Ihal leud- to the puan!|..;.
ni-t.';iai of the i'ih,T way ti?- locha mlghl Mre glvon
tnd the .lisa.ter xvould have b"*en Mmply
uppall tag, 9 _
rtaarharg, 'an. in.?In a thilMaillllWM earlv yea
taralav BatwBtag ttm TromBer't baM at waaluagtoa
viIIp (his countv. was sini'k bv liphtnmp. Five
,-jwa xaere killcd, but U.e barn was not sct on flre.
Raltlmor**. .lan. Ig.?TM tltr88MMMMl BCMBBM8
Henry K. TtltOB, f';.p an HatTM, which aeiled for
?fea Vork wllh a 88888 of roal yest-rd.-.v nftemjjx,n,
rent BjBMM laal BjgM in He- (utoff Channel. Tugi
?T8 workmp at her.
M-.\ti:n". B,
Iliarlliird. .lan. 13 ^',.".Uli.- A few davs apo eounscl
aw oeorge M. BartanMoaiew, cJt-preaMeal M the
apf.,.,,. HMUter <)ak Life Inaoranee I "inpnny.
tafornMd Mate'a Attoraey tgg>Moa thal tM aafaaltar,
tlicn |? Canadu. wonM pr" -"I bni.-lf ta tl.e cou.t
.odav and throM Maaaelf Bpaa its twary. Ac
Ld nplv a- 10-30, al a ayasetal hm taa, M aggeaaad
,__ .- Fenn and ptoaaded gallty to one of Mm
i' '.. ,?,,. airaii.-l I.i.,. ;,.,.l ara- ataai.I to oi.e
*L,"ta MM MtaM Mbob ai v>ti.'T.',"i.i ttarthasaaaaa
now* ih- Un- M <ar* .? bla .ounteua...e and Ma
J',,.ntit.iv ., ka tafl Hagfctord faar yeara ago
i linada Hc l?ad pnssed the niglit and mornlng
, l?s lion -a-i.1 8Bl B8M di.ven ta tM COOrt <|U."tly
,,1 Inrd. Mc-sr-. llyde aad aj^talMM Meaatad
ii",i ',n ' r ,?.,:,. |..,ii.-4v. Thev s...,-.ll.at M had
adiuateil ' '^'''?"?;Z..,,,"ii.... n.t , frienaa.uM
, ',.'.?. _ ' :.ul a nillliou more.
^ffoStri* acointi Bt. year- old.
ilnc nf the l.ir .....al- Mutual
,l',a.t nlPht .t IM OMM .'.,,
'*'"'"; .\""v,' 071 BiaaMaray. ?M MMWhtg I
mi not.!. ?*??? BMBtaaaai, M. 8V. naycr,
w,"V"!';";' w Ml;!*-h'-*.K.T.I.''... j:<..'..,
NV' ''" - i'i 1'.. . TMM BM MM BMM8BM M IM
li;?..|1.,?, and -. J- ? (ol ,b|. ,,?r ??.
______TmS*^m\^****?* WaWtts **_** ?
-jtataMgaa, |*??-'?,"?, ' .aaa-atia, Diirin- th" v-ai
Mtaaaa ta ?*?- 12 m a-wiu.,, to th,
M-vrn la*.,-..U ??**^, ^^ Jl.dtnct WM ? M
MM .^!"t"" U;V".U. I..,,*UrJ.*.,u.,vlH
aMiabera n - ? ? ?M 8*. 8) t
lH. amatatt* m ?> ' ,,.?,,.,?? aM (ortr-four year*.
ki U.elr a?"* ai" h'i >' _
. aa-aaaaa leaalng ofllc^a in the Morac Rulldlnf
. ? mm **rt*_m^mSpm aattaa m th- aaaM ??
m. f0r tl..; *"?'*'" Ml)I?. AgM'M'M* IMllllMMI
'?"d",r'1 V, oi antach MM ta aaM M Ma MMTj
mm la-a-.-al.a- 'J > A.u,y Atlu?., gj>.
l,?l?|!.-l.' add.,-'. ' ^ U'.-.rr U
(MM a ,i mim SmTmWmn**** l" ??tMn,1 Ul*
K?,,1,1.1.. MM BBd BMMB, *- -fl"
funtral to-a.uiiuw ai Vonkera.
i A. M li IL
877 & 879 Broadway.
Our new Imporlation for 1891 of
Shanghae Dress Silks
is now complete; the designs are
exclusive, the quality the best and
prices low.
Wash Silks
in one hi-ndrf.o different
DEHf?>**. hlANI FAl'Tl'REO FOR
al*?o I Fl IX LINE OF
Silks, Gauzes & Crepes,
All Broken Lines and Remnants in
our Si!k Department during the week
will be sold at about Half Price.
50 Bronze Koros, I
VAl.I E 913 i NOW 97.30.
100 Table Bells or Gongs
VALIE 93.00 i NOW 9*1-80.
Bamboo Waste Baskets,
VALUE 30e. i NOW *_3e.
Large Vases,
TAl.lE S'i.OOs NOW 91.OO.
Bamboo Brackets, Easels, &c,
VALUE 91.30 ANT1 9**00, NOW 73c. AND 91.00.
225 Large Blue Placques
VALVB 93.B0i NOW 9.1.30.
2,500 PIECES
Screens, Lacquer
Ware, Porce
lains, Bronzes,
Metal, &c.f
The fllghlflflBth anr.irer-iarT e.err.ise* of lha BflDBTM
Tralnlng >ohool for Nur-e- were the oeeaatoa of rh?
gfaiaavttoa of twenty young w.men last nw^l.t at the
home. FfO. iBR Bflflt Twenty -:xth-*t. A hrge iiiinilxT of
tlie friends of the jialaaHwi elaaa and of thf ln*.ri
tution fnthf*red ln thfl parlor* ;u,d Bataaefl with evl
dent lntere?t to the e\ei*ri*ra Willium E. Uxlge
presided, and tl.e- Rev. Dr. ti. E. lloughton. of tha
Churrh of the Tran-.t1gurntion. opened the aAaiclaaa
with prayer.
0. C. Ciyler rend the annnal report nf the societr,
which snid umitiK f>tl."r ttiin.*: "Thi-., th.- etahteearth
vrar of "nr arei*, laa. 1,370 BanOBI flf9-l Ifl*. IOf
;aa!n.i*-lon to tl.e Khaol, of wh BB RAB hnd a 1"
inUTTiew with th*? s.i|*"rliit"n<Ietit-thiif v were a, reptflB
??? of tl.'-c f.:i-n .,n the prabaUoa flaonth, aaB
thi-eo are n >w oa probati.?'.. Ther*- ara -
nurses in Ihe aehoel, the f.,11 number lhal eaa ha
.,,,?,.mn..*d;i'"d ii. tt,.- home. The gradnati-* Of ",ir
achoal are now hoMtag Uavortaat pla.-e*. la aaaay
p:,rt- ,,f thc w,,rld-in UndOB, HoUaaB, ltc.lv. clnnri
ani jflffln. ai arall ;>* ta ",.r own country- At tha
pr^-eur ll**** tareatj two are wperlateiiBente ?l tratn
h_g Khoob, alx ara asatBtaal nparlaleiidaata, uiiie
ara flaatraei ol ho?ptta?i aml etghl an h-ad naraea ln
other no-pltal*. Oae of oar paaaattag ? i., - li going
to Tnri..'v t., laha ' laarie of a I. apltal Ihere, .md are ;ire
Blaata ," Japan t.. leacB the
aatlve woin-n _?W t" <are f..r ih-'ir *ick. Three of a,;ir
miaatei are Bletrlel aanaa ln Ihla ettjr.
- iiiirn.g th. laal ":"' tbere hava i*''',i ta-eatr-ali
appttcatioai f"r onr Boraea la 10 boapttal irtaatloaa
_?a wa mira beaa able la ropplj twelie of tba aiaal
kBportaal paacaa. Ihere hava t>"''n 1.909 ealla ior
private aaraaa flarlni the raar. Ihe aahael haa now
eharflje "f 'all tha feeaale -ards. ,:i_ Mara I
Mani'iand pav.l...,.-. a:,d th- BaMIBjaarj lloapttaJ
The tr.a-nn-,'- l**_Mf1 araa rend b) Mr, DoBf. II
?juiral total raeetflo af 995,91981 a,..i ratea.I
9*jl,03S14. The annnal aaVtreaa ta lha fraBuatlai
elaaa ?rf- d"i,.','?i hj D* laahfh ii- Bryaat i.e
loM af the evlla atteaaaal *poa tl.e oM -'*?'"'. al
I and -li"w**d thfl advantages of tl.e ne\r. Iie
i.aid thal the. Khoal hafl IBO alaaaal -.?atiered <>vei
Hm w,?hi. -'> iia*t thfl aaa flcrar aaaaaa t" <-i'.i><- laa
Hellevne nai****. Iie aBatraaael marBa <,t UaB_j eoaa* .
s<*i and a-na,..,r.ic.'i,,"i,t to lha BflBaahara af th-' gratta-B* j
ing daaa, Mra. w l-iaalaa 0)rl9ea, the areaaaV
iho hearl <>f Q,i-.'t,.r-, pr--.nt.-ai tha ilyaaaaaa f?> tim ,
foaag aiaaia. ahlle Mra. William II. .niioni. tias j
J ,,,... tfaot, gat ? t,, .-.?.,;, 11 i,.'-.i.ii.
The tiaaM* of the graBuata* ai-*-. Mlaolr i;?n,n,
fe* \f.tk. Aaaa M. IV. n.-i k. L'anada; i.nlta C'tajjliirn. ,
i.?...ri:,'i l'a.iiii>- f'r.,'1**, New S f>rk . Loulae Cob.l*.
\,.-w V..:*: Mary l>,?rM,. .V-a.rtl' I'nri.liiia; Hefcn
I'i_.ei. .diiada: llelen I'raiiiMIr,, N-w .1,?,**??. . Agnea j
11,11 ..ln..' Mn..". .1....... Mar.lanil : LUate M.^.rv.
Henniylranla: Rlla Muraoeh, t*enn?jrlvanta; M*iiw*
u N-U*on i'.*,.'.*\ i'..:.... Mar* f*rlB|. CaaaBa; Agaea
nul., New-York: K ullve >.,,,...,!-. Kew-Yorh. Mlth
-..i.i.i,-.,,,. M..--.I. hn-'-it-.: Elutabetli Tr.iwi.ndge, lon
neeticut; Anna rurner, henn-rrlTaala, and Vr*
Carotiue B. Wrtght, of Ne*a Yorh.
juf.inc from aivtcea ??? .-.l I 1 faab-tBay i ?ard.n?
Hm i..in._- ... ... ?> ' iM ? "-' a. Brai... aaai 1 bm
Wert Incllnefl la Ihlab Bul UB raarpaay ?vh,.h ^_? a,?'.? |
t.. aaBertaka Bm raflba fllBVaB i?u -r 1 raahaa
n,a:k.t *>b* -.? **?*aaara_a laBa?>ial d- aTana . tfaata d"
Hra/.l " a I BBBBa] v... I. .... tor_)H ll. Rl* ai'' -la... ir..
mhm .,?.' aaja ?>>.>. 1 1 mftal al atfl lWO,aB0 0
diavatcb bum baal *.>' Mereaallli t ..,n; ...r ,,f i*?r. iu*
j.iat tn'i'a-'d .,* . -pll.l u, *.'.".00OOO, snd It la - '
l,v ..oni, inat ti.ai BBB] '?>? th eMBpaay. Thi* n.aiorlty ot
?eaa*. i-Uiirirl I ? '? umi ihera i? '-" ba *n
j.. il'.'-iii.t.,.', Bf BBB u:l?.i* <'(,n.[.anios ln l-.r-, n,.i" ,"? I- M
naflet t>.'- rn.*< ti ti ,r j Mr. Vbaaaa, a>i ti.at cit., vfhu i?
acuve lu Ji. rahhai wcnd.
in BlBCT pit/nnriYi: TAinih UUBUB officerb.
faaamtai ? " aaaaalaara ..a* Iaaa. d j aaO la 9ta
M.tti aaaaa' aaaillaB af tba Aaaarleaa PraaeeU** tarlB
UaafM f." aaa aaaaMaa "( Bia aaa ?_??.- to Iba *?*?? al
|a?l T-.r?. and for tn. .|.f.|,.i. ,.f ?m.,-? a,.d 4 ..-?
,...' %*>?i.iti*-'' i"- u''' c"."'".-' J**1- '-,i" ? aflbaj win ?*? ;
ImM u.-u.orro? at _ fl. n... at th* aaasBa al Bm Uaajaa, Nc
??A \V?*it T*'-ntvUi,rd at. A t,.'.\ attri.d-ii'a. of the da
Hteoen A lha l^?gu*' ?? dealr-d, a* It la in,iK,rUr.'. that ?,*
aarfl al bat baaajbe ahould i?- i?.tu*r und^r^uHKi by iu *up*
pariara aai Ibal abej abeahl uur a m?r^ aatraa Mi Nat ?'
""traaeaaa-M **il- maa** ? ?u" aBhfhfl oi _-,?? ooru don> M
u,. Maa_raar, ?*.d thaa ?baeb .? ...>? aafaa aa. tmw *e* ?
cmud-nl Uat to, **_tenl *f BM ***?*. ai,. iu. BB*** aa
-h,,w., iii rnrrealH."**'..'*' ?nd n*w?| Af r. l.i a.l l>arU ?f _n?
r?.?rr -.11 nTrr tl.an .aU*.* lu fr.ead. -alaB.b Bfl
claim to conuoue* and c?eu iu*." Ub-rwl _i.r__ra4i?u???*
Albany. Jan. 18?-The lallnwlnp deelalona wtra hawided
down taadar In th*- Court of AppearJa :
Charlea M. Adama. lerfponcWnt, apt. Jamea O. Fltipob
rlek. appeUant: Edlth Kane. retpjaiaViii, awt. M^trcpolltan
Elea?t>d Uallioad Compaiiv, appeUant; Marcarei XV
I>',v-.ainck. reapondent. ain. N'ow-YorB Ele.atad Rallreaad
(on.pany. apt>*llant; Wllllam Scl.maU. respnnd'nt, apt.
Karah F. Mead. Impleaded, appellant: t.llbett Wood Ml.
the aam<>; In thp matt.-r of Wllllam Spaldlnp, a taxpayer.
te*pon<Jent. act. John .1. Arnnld, County Ti*j*a*urer. ipi"'l
lant; Jam.-* !*.. Purdy. reapondent. aet Rome. Wstertown
and Opdenanure TUtlroad. api-ellant: J.,lxn XV. Smlth. re
apond-nt. ast. Marlha Haiith. ap|*-lhant; Flrst Xatlonal
Bark of IfaiMlHlB ar'- John Ilrland. api-ella.it: Pa?n.
jau.iii g, i.ni^lin. app-IUnt. apt. l'-u-pei-t I'ark Hotel Com
pa.ir, reapondent; Uerrr.aa C'rnaaman. r'apondent. aat.
I-vrnan M. ITaUer, appeUant: Frederlek C...1I, reapondent.
apt. Manhafjan Rallroad Cirnipanv, BfgafMMi Migual
Oarria. apixllant, igt. Mary K Collender. r??pondent:
txarah A. t tiarh-rkla. r<**pondnt. apt. FaJward Kr>'<-1, appel
lant: Danlfl B. MrKee, r-sponden*., at.t. Prc?ld>*nt Dela
ware and Tludaon Canal Companr. appeUant. Judtrment
afflrniJ-d. wlth co*t*.
In th' matta-r of the petltion of Ttollln M Squlrc, Com
mia*!0T>er. for the api?.lntment of appralser* ; XVllliam Er.
4'onvnghani dnd laaagh stl.-aney, H al.. appell-int*. aet.
John Duffv, reapondent, B-*.,ple e\ rei. Jame* C. F.-r.-.
et al., reapondrnTai, flgt. Jan.e* S. Murphy. et al.. a- aa
ai-aaor*, appellauta: Feopl- ex Pal H. laoUicrn. appeUant.
ae*.. H?*nrr D. F.irrov ,-t Ba.' Annl* C I-.-adbetwr apt.
XV. H. I^.ad'K'ttJ'r. urder afllrmtd v. Iti,
P*ople. rf?pondenb. ast. Franlc Fl*h, appeUant; People,
reapondent, apt, Jame* J. oloeum, appe'.lant; People. re
?psaahaBt, agi. lUrri* A. Smller. appeUant. Juilpmpnt
Iior.i BTMMll. appeilant, aafi. Oeantr Steim Navlpatlon
rompany, reapondent; Charlea B. Fran.-. res|a-,ndent, aet.
Henry H. lll<k1n*on, appellsant; Henry W. <iray, re-poiid
ent, apt. U?orge T. Ml-4M8, appellant ? Sa-n'iel C. Brool-a.
appellant. apt. Mlchael C. Wllaon M al., reapondent* ; Wlll
him R. Marr, "- Bt, appellmta, apt. New.Ynrk, Laate F.rl-*
and Wartara Rallroad Company. reapondent; 'i-orpe V.
Ntuh, te-i-ondent. aat. New-York Central and llu-T.on
P.lvar Rallroad CnrnpainT. appollant: Charle* Clev.-lind. ?*<??
anonrtent. aa-t. Se.v Jer-ev hta*amno?t, CMaBBBBjr, appellant.
J'i<iiimei,tj4 larMBM and new trlal prant.-d, . o-U to BMM
Strah 8. ( h.lila. rftiioneltnt, agt. John B. Ctiapmau,
app-'ilant. JudBirrnt and order attirmea. with i
DaWM 4 ? xvard. app-iinnt. aa,t. MaMaa Kiv-r Bullding
i otnpauv. reapondent. Jndement of li.'neral T-rm anirm-ai,
ana raaaraaaal llllllaM ord*>r?*d for the defendant on lha
anpuia'.ion, wlth co-t*.
sraphe,, M ' nesler. reapondent, Bgl Kran ol* llenrl
Jumei and 888888, 8ggrMtM8. 4'rdera of (4en-ral lein,
lllMBtia. BM8 entered on r'-port of referee attlrmeU with
eoat* in thi* court to fhe a-veral reapondenU her?ln, apalnat
tde mppfllants. Oie Jumel helr*. F.lllot an-t OeaaMT, and t.,
BM BaaaaMBM M.-hernwrliorn, against tha Jume helr* and Ue
BMM or Baw-Tarh, appailant. act. County of Klnps
et al., ^spona-nt*. ApjK'al BMBtaaM, WtM laMB,
.xiart A. P. nicker apt.. Cornella ..llman. Order ol
:-rm aflirmed. wtth coats.
I'liaaallt BM, appellant. ast. Dover Fumaee Iron
tiompanv M ai., r-M"'"""1"-' 'aagBBBM aflirmed wiUi
coaty, vo elih.r |?rty a* apalnat thc othir.
rMBBa, respon.ient, agt, Jam*'* A. i-ia?-8 at al., appeU
lant* .I.idTn.ent reveraed. and new trlal pranted.
xvarren ii. ijewi-. MasBaaitaaa, act. oaaaa aMrfgMtaa
?na I".. ' aiataarj. aagxtttaaaa. ord-*r BMaatai a new tnai.
fllll BM J' dgBMM at-olnta ardered for plalntltf. on the
atlpiilatlon. with coatav
The f..oo'4-lng c?*t? werr arpued tn-dav ln the Court of
Api'j-ala: ? ,
,.?nMl, M .ai. Weat Phore Rallroad Company. appeUant.
,c- V.'tor Adan.s et al.. ta..*t.*e?, etc, WBMMf UM
et Bl liaihlll. **n ot WtOOB* of Uttta Falla, re*i?nden>.
T?'e ?-. ..- N..i?-V,!k. r. -i?,ndent, apt. ijeorg"
j_s? ,.? | - cty.. et al.. appellint*.
The Mayor, ate., of Maw-Tarh, rataaMaaat, agt. Phinp
(iuldnijin. appeUant.
? appeUant. apt. Wllllam J. II. Ba.lard et a...
|s}?po.ldenU. nn -
The following la lhe ealendar for to-morrow : >oa. ?, H.
88, 8... 40, .2. 44 and *>3
The Seeond Dlvlalon will m?et to-morrow.
.Tiidpe Frc-dman. in UM ftagartar Court, ye^terdav.
ttomlaawl the raN of BtMbBtb teaaara. n domestic
emplo'.eii by Mra. \. R. Mmm, BgaMai Jaawi Mei aah.
the proprictor of one of llie KaiMRO lata. f;..' ptata
tjff retumed home one nipht after P2 o'elock. and the
lanltor vrould not nlloxv her M gB ln. on a.-eonnt of B
nile mad? l,v tlie oxmer*. M the flats tliat no 88888888
ahould be allowM to go In after 19 <>', loek. She
gal.H*d BiMlllH however. hut the Janitor sent for a
nnlireman. and thc woman waa taken M fhe Forty
serenthst. police aution. where BM ?*'a* Mpt ln a
i-evt nll nlartit She sued the nwner-* for ??..."<_0.
.nnearLi wMa the case came to trial. that the nile
wTaaaaa rt thawiSail of tl.e plaintir.i e?ployar.
aod .tudce lr,*edn.i... M8MlH8l tl.e ...n.i.h.lnt.
-. a>
F.x ludze Henrv Alker drew up ft will b883*t l.i
deaiu. in IM8, Ml ka d,.-d aaf on the wiii aaa Ma^eiL
MM hi- d-nth Ma wMow und In fjalMrM eaMral tato
__ Hgreemrnt 10 earrf ou. (he provisions of th- M
sia-ned avill. After ihe i.^.-m.-nt wa* slpned I w,a
dis.oi'e,-*.! tMi tha M-a-rtotoaa M tM wlll iraaali
tll.,.r ,? irn um MIMN8 oalf ^> h'" """?' ?? f*
es,:?... v.l,..,i IM intention of tl.e l.-lra waa to P.v
tM widoxv the en.lre eataM dui.i.p he. Ufe ***i**
tapreement: a-t -> I ? ? ' - hp**nnM, ,,ia, lVw,il I,"
^rio;oa^^.Ih^'^'''v??''-^?-''??''-'?, ?*
TMGeeeral Tena. M the iJapren.ri raiterdaj
MaaegclowaM **** ****__ ???? ? -???>??? ^
l.tgrMMM ln ophoMlni ttM ieawrer i^v * ?
f?e..x,iard Itrothar. OoMpaay ani *******
b.ouph. agaloa.1 IM Mgar T.u-: b, Heary *mtbrop
IZi Mt ...^.ii-r-'-iveroflli'-N''.'... nivei-M.pir
.,? Tn,-,. v:,nte.l .. ******* J" ^'^ !]V
Lceitnln the |i?frta aaa M tl.e Morth Blvw
,- ....liixvful and thoi.i "''.;.?;,:,,??. rhlP? ^.i-,-!
"S:.^ Tli, ophiion is bv .Iii-Tir- IM..
leKWes^^ustu'.-Vi.ii II,-!.... i.-.d.T.i-U.-H-nv.
T^na. Ui, ..-A -.,:.. .j ? -th. -.. *
Rmm ,-f CTataM waa heid ai 2 p. m. to-daj te laa
Son -. d'MT.= ..t.l?.rtr.-W.:.i..ml.. Muller. lata ?
# i,e Hoard Vtornev.l.eueral TalH.r olfen*!
,n.-n,i.?, of *l;',,,;?7- , h ??,,.aded i.v DepW
r.-soliitloti* of re-Mi't. wlm n ?'i .
which the Baaia adimirnetl Mr thedax.
,v?tra: Ilauroao- "^ii"^^ o- ?er.,.d...t IB M.
tup a irMvicaM*' **n-am ? . ... ___>_>i\___*_. rMtar.
..'-^u..?** <^^.J?Z2^?Xo?
'^vrxt;-'-'^ '???-??."?'?'.
___ iiud-.,, 1-l*7/'1',.?,?, wa, , ni,igjhie Btreaaa, aM
1.1,",t': ZZS l remoxe U. treath*. rata
?rder,Hl th- r'Uwar 8B8MMJ ., Tho ?llt w;l.
r*"-V-?. \"T^\*: Xunytora.lolAtuiiu,,
,. _lt-n -an.ni'U. .l,an...a-y M I" I- ?
******** **___*____ t?H l7rw-Ta?fc OMtral aaaaralled
::; z :T?-t ********???*"'"'"?
___ r_ ? *rtu:"a I..*.-. ??*-*" ***** ?.-^fof r '??>
ai,i i nlt-a - th_ ?ttmtmt, ___ .,ir>
ernnent, and i- ?*? v?? v.irk I'entrml
retmoed a rar8te8 ta taraa af aM MaavTarB centrai.
nITs or lk(.\i. M1M1
wuiiam m it.-4uohis NjaaraNi a raraarl Mr gio.nnc,
t a ix- t'-r II- Knecla'nd Irom * Jury before
E AMrew. ta thr MgreaM Ooarl reatrrtla
,,,... tn- .-ll-'W CT-aaMd -Al.ile at work on tl.e
J7''?1":,' ,.,u..-n.l KansasCliv IUI.road in ,.?.,*.
K.?.ei.,i?i 44-* tue ...ntmrtor for who.n M8g
LT _???. tMMN xears old. WM dBM and
aiiw iv a rtiaj baBet wMM eroaalBi Uuloa Park, at
vv i, u-e ind "ii" Hundred and thiiH-itliiif. st.. ,?,
'n1;i.J,, ,.-,,. Henry MM Fr..,,.,- K?ll. kept tl.e
ahLing" ItJaarj arMawi ?? bMM bbbm, aai taa
. T lt ,-a, U.V Wllham T..i,n.'.i. -,.,-d them Ior
,Mher of 1.1*3 ^ ' venllit ,,?. ^,,(HH( ,,,?? ,
daaniaee*. l'r ."" u ...
),S- before Iaig8 MBTBl .r, m U.e I ouit of I 8888888
Plea- vesfrdax
Tlie ...n.n.1 Term of tM BaSMBBM Caart ve-terd?y
.JZl lawa M afifjJjMB **_***_" *"*"**_ **
,.,N,.-H, aeiured bl tM U* nrm of Miipmii... I.arl.rxa.
I ",r,,'.iu.- A < L.,,1 * ap.ii,-' th- Hanh of th- -.Uie -f
, , , i.? ,.,iii wa- foiiuded upon tlie pi.ameiil
^aaS-'?.'- -<": "*??"' ^""" ***^"+* * ""
***__** :]*l],7*~!i,T'iiAiu*t Uie Nortli FUer Har.l.
. Tl'^'''\;; i , ?r m- -''riH.r.flo'. *mi aubmlitM to
',Tdp.rtVn^h'im Vb)b ^r^rl- BMaSTtw.
____y__\ ^\.:s,r,:T.:s;;!.t;'i,,,'!;,i-::.,:'f.).
mmm put ??'"??; t'^,.. ,?..-,on Me t--"i,'d tu-it
8100.04X). g _,
cocrt I IIWMIbmF"! t.i r.AT.
Suprem.' C8B.ll .Miargl Tfrn.- HAyr* Van' ?':'"'..,J- *;?
arattT aua piMata. 'J.-No.. -.. io. ?,. oo. Ba, <u. 'J. *?o.
And no llie ls healthy lf the blood I- Impt.re. The kind of dt**e?**? people ftjf* wr.wl.-r of the *|om-wra. la?-9*V
Ilver, kidney**. boweU nerves. gland*. or akln. depnnd- upon the pre_l?po*i?ion of tho par*. m : M *ll V*J%_?"
moted or rau-ol by impure or ImpoverUhed blood. for whlrh tha Cartus Ulood Cure t* ihe only Infallibl. remedy
yet dlscovered.
k. S. BRK.HT. Solteltor.
IH', . 137 Rrondwar.
\..?Y,irk, Jul* 81. 1890.
MT r.T'.AR DOCTOR: . ,. -
I u ?. addlng mv t<*,Umoi)V U) the emr_.T
of a,.v _**.- .,: Ain Hi<?>d Cara. vhl'?_,,0_!
klndlv r ?> omniondfri to m- a- a r*>m<*dv lor mv r*rtt*H,-m
Bl of ioai. ?uandlng. ii.tl-mn.atorT rl)-*.mati?n,. or
*li:,:. '?"'? . __ .
I bar* beea In th- h.t.u ?i u-ine th- ?.t<*n*<>tv.w_ rij?
? aa wha.-h *w> s-rlonalv Impair ?na aa
MlMal withoa.t aaaaBai m cr_d.rat.> tne
... atlmt ot. . ..__. _. ,_?_
M exflarlenee m the u?* cf the Cactu? !? tnat it ir*c<**
... *.... a,-u a*. a nervbM. _ , .___,,_
I eaanat to., -arnf-tlr r?omnx-nd to viff.rln. hurranlM
the tr;al of thia. whlch >'f*t.? to nie to I* * *?'""IM
r*-jn..uv far thoae affl ? t 4 a* 1 have baaa -Baarvfl BM,
my d-ar alr, jour? urau-fiillv. BIIH.IIT
Thi* .ertlfW that mv i hUd. 19 moniin oid. **>a* alB ? t*?
with a vry had aafctn at!**-***. of thr laa v-a and Bn_lde
of th<* now TB* !*"' wa? rn.^d *Hn malt-ral.nB aor??.
and _l*> >"????? B l? BWB ... -.t.ul on ar-..?i.t af tn- *?"**"? "_
th# er?-1d?. -?? *??> d,?< harffuig lutt, r ?nfl
*a? tall ,n?ld.. of th- ?mr"*. 1 _??'.?? h.m lh.- Caetut Blo**!
Cure for fo'ir wi-t-ko. and tn-dav anr liahv ,*. ?*nt.r-lv *-<*,l.
Mr* I Kl \W II'. ! ... l.'.ith.t. N. T.
Jan. -t-Ui 1*"*'
Alva'a llr.illlan Sp"in- To.. S *.'?!! ?? . M. T.
fjentlmvn :
I taa- pleaaarre tn foti'viar to th" flaafr* pow?ra af
vo.ir Oaetua Hlo-.l ...r. whl n hs? rWiev-d m. , f t>. ?? .r
rh*?,.n.a'.*>n. of ,o..? tumt .. I ?*?? troni..-. ?.r,n,|.i?
l.v dv?|i> p?la a? v?**!: fr.ua. ?h,.-h al,va??. 1 am |i><**_? B
K. ?t?t. ii haa al?o UtuA n.
A??urine von tha* I ?hall r*>< omia^od votir m?>dlf*tna ta
my frlMid?, I am. j-wi.?? r**?|i< tfntl
n-v. JHh. liMW. 3*c Mnth-at . Braaain.. N T.
When yon take Cactus Rlood Our* vou do not flll your lyitem with -Te mmenl poUoni. bnt von take a
?Wflidaa Whkh alll eara you of ar.y blood d.<eo*e orany trouble reanlting fron. impure blood. and >ave roa
vlgorou* anal liealthv. .. _ ___, ,,. . ,_ __
You can prnrure ihe raetn* niood Cure from any Uve 4rngg1*t. or wa wlll aend It br expreai prepail la
anv pai-t of the Cnited --tate* on refelpt of prica.
Large bottle. SF_..X); small. $1.00.
feend for boo'_.
Office 6 Wall St., New-York.
BB 93, 97, M, 90, 10* Ul, U_____*._1?S____" j Motion
*-..,,. . . .,..,' , hamben-liefora Faiaeraoo. J -Mouon
calcnoar, No*. l f,K, rtUoAak n e*elo.?*. .
Bupreme Court-t.ii.clal E-^ft1*-.1^ uE ., ",04
han,, i.-.s..- ii"- 1490, 2122, 1977, H19. l-*4** -" 1""1
aaid 1310 lu I33U, Im u-.lve. ?._.#_?. HarreU
aupren. ?*"", U ?'?','. *.-r* V
j.-.Va,-.. 1002, 1003. 138, 179, ?? l.. *???? **??,:,."' ji,,'
ll- i. in. 1*43. UU, 1191, ll-*.
'^.r^e1 Coiirt-Clrcult-Parl(I Ll ! : ''' !^4o|9
Noa. -l-ii. 2070, 16-tJ, [778. -,-'*..-?
-.*!?*.', ?_--;. 28-0 .-??'.. --"?' '-""?" -"?'"? _.,?.-_. i_
17_3 _805, SSO-O, IT'.4, 177."., ..'"? -'< ?, -'????. -""
:?_1, 2_lW, _..'.'.. I0?8, -"?"*'' ??"**- ? , ______
? Supr-M.. ? ... ?,'?.?'?-._;
BiBi: 2<:^: '?'??'. -"?'. ubi' i','f-' ****** lv
4__6, !<*-, 2713 ' -
IU' II'.' '"'? i" -w ??>? '??? r'"r, J'r' ' '
' *^B-t?B. <? J
^ I Mvi^xom^i*^
^"^U^V TflMM Al,n. P. J.,
I"';';-U.'f-D.lv, C. .-Mo
"V,^:J.i:.'",:,Vri^':T-.r^,V^*a;;,d III-Ad
i0^;v' o^"'-*;:r'";; T-rm-nr-fo-e BBwbar-ar. J.-MO
,-??rt-Trlal T-rm -Part lrf?^"^l,lftT&
s loa i|0 |ft8l !?-'? 1001 '.'"*'. la-BB. **""?
tn- . ..,-'?. 'l',-". I'tTT 1080 I'-'-' 1 '"
V, ! t. - BV
. c, ,.?.,.,; leajta^-Perl ir.n.:f:P'ro?,_.. J
aad Aaalataat WrtHeUAtaaraey Da**la-Roe. i te, *?. ?
"Vo.'irt of Oeaeral _f?_?_t____l 1|______5rt_^
.1.. and A**l*t*nt. pl?tr:ct-Attor,.,-y ILdford-No*. 1 lo .,
incluure. _
OtaffSBAX. Cnvil I.f'NC'F. IH THF. WOUK 0? THE
OflBflaal -i.ti*f.,'ti.,n li er**reeeei aaaoai railroad
men at the aaeiBjaafal r-wrlaal " ot tha lahara nf tbe
.dvlsory Board of tha new w.rn Traaae AaaodatlOB.
WTiila it la raaotfhiaed thal n ?re arerl i - ? m
dooe, :, la baltoved thal bo McUon wlll bfl tovetoped
?t tha fatera eoaffereaeaa aaaVleal to e?B*_rraaa .he
,',,?,|.l.'t:.m of tl.'"'?;<'? -? ******** ' "'* ** ?*?**"?*??
I, aRto Hvea lo tbe ptofealtloa of the Intaratal Coaa
?,,,,. conmttlee of the Beaala af WaahtaBaoa far r*n
arnendment to the l^eral Bvw whlch -rUl jaenali
Unlted pooliog ander tt.,* lapen Hon of tba ?*?
,, at.i-ion. it li halled aa an Indleatloa ttal Baa
fatliinal LeglaWaw '":'^ ,"' 9iomnOE lo re*n rve aoaae
,',f tba ir-ti-i. ti.,,,- that bora mmvnmi tba Weatern
roada lo their affatia W rafonfl flXlattaB otlla of >,?..,.
t ?pon tbe raaalt* ofthe reranl ?aaUng af
Weatern railroad prealdenl*, Jaj U bM ntd ywterBaj :
..;, _oea not -. ':'" ','?i, """ h '' ll"'"
the vorh done. The flfl.a_flol apeahi lor llaalf. II la *
move ln the ri-ht ttreeUoa. aad th..,..!. :. ffaaf *?? '*'
nalaatobe done ona aaaal rafl-eaaber thal tbe world waa
aol .,..?:<!? ?, a day. The - the l Dfeal rtep
Itu |M. been taheo ln tbe dlrectlon .,t raaara m ?
lonc Ume. > "''"'* tlKlf " mlU -'v'' '"" n,ilruH'u a
..,.';, neal ... n.? ? -?a i> tbe tollara al
. .,, ,m,.i, 1 bave Biroofl
hopea ihal - metbH I i" thta '""> wiU "? '."'i'"-11*"1
:,,?., Bul tbe ..???"?:.-'??- II -'?''?' : ?w :
u tbal have atteudod tbeae a?enrtee. A t-'i-eat
,,;,,! of traable ln tbe aaal baa irown oal af the
- mana-er, ll tentm -i""t
,f rH.e-'UUinc bTOO-ht '" >'"'>' l? :l'" ',*-,"!' *?W.
BOChaafl. ' ^l.v.I.eCan.mr'
....ard and t!?-. -,"'"- ?'" be rarefttlll -n?U b?
rore aay a,t,?n i- tauen. i do not apprehend aay
evU fi.-tn tha provlatan ?-f thrae ,.,'t.ti.*' aotlea al
1(.,-,,i ror ii." reductlon of rate* by aay romaaay.
The i??..i af Blractora muat act aad i beHe\-e that tba
uiiocralloc win proie to b? aa flraaf
;ir,i do road wlll wanl IB wtthdraw.*1
Bef-rrlni to the Vfaahlneton dl'patrhaa oa th,
,, mt on of altowl >| llaillH Boollnfl, Mr. Ooald aahl
-Tbal "i toaraa. I* a BMaaara tor tha ptotartloa af tha
wrai.e.- roaBa. Tbey wfB nataraDy wpport lt, whlli
in.- maagar .-"..'i* ".;.> awoae lt Bai ' *'" "? 1;1V"1
,,f u.** actnal ToBtlaf af toaaanr. -" il"il- 'l11 "'"',
.?"?'? ,'n;|"',d ,0 :,!,<1
. ,?.; .... ,?!,', wlU proi-Mfl ror lhal aaHe
lartorlly t.. all eont^noi,1*
Coanfljaah.r J. 9. ttoiiaial. af tl.e traith imea.
,_,ri- -i have aaea th- dlaaat.bea rcapertiai tha
lecallxatlofl ' " l-1- -*'M ? ?PP??e " ****
?-"?r'jr;n!:i:'':';'^-i'^ ; &tt
. , ,i. i.t'ni. however, if tba
>'.^!j7inr?i?FeBari tow woJw awhe an, rh.ng.
amendiiKMit "f tn< i-?** ''' , lm,.,. A ,i,Vi*i,.n ,?
t'n-mi- ?,, -n....... - '. ,,, tuo,;,.,v
w,.,:t into <'t.i- t.. ...? n . ,,., ,..lM(1,l)e an.l
Une* "hi.'l, Iwd not ae\e*<>r tll, nwu, .??
a.tuaiiy aeeeeeaiy. ^
io kkm.'Yk m ' n i<!??-?
Tiie- eaataa af .he Traa* Uaa A.eltoa win i*
JShiti.m-'? "-" "rr'^utra ?;
vork i.if- l_aai***a?*?Co*a*aaBy, Bl Bo. Mfl i.r..i.iv^
^ , han.1-"..."-.'.,u.'*..ftl.e.'....triillU?l.'.?M. flf
vvV U- . af Llharty. B/aal ..,- u-i.,,,^,,,
tL '.u.,'*' ia c,??,-n-d by ti.c Baaaaad af the i,.
t,,,1:ir,. J .?' ,f I'*"!.,. _
^tlh. ..-H.i.e-.ti.flnrg e I,..M".s ?? t- * ?r-l mortsage
aaaaal Coaapaay. aaa ,?
baafla - t J ; ? Tl?.t , ???,_,??
_____ fiaaaWaf i,...di,..ider- m tha aBJ I
ti^-i.N.. MW9J ' UMondav
__%!-. P ni Tl"" "??""? ?' l" r(>",Ul'r ""'"* "f
Z tn.-iuni: tiw* lapr-raaaeat Coaiaaay feraai lia dift,
dal-d flbflrtpp LoinllMl'I'M
anja-iflBM Of i..\ii.l.<?.vn UUMMJTT1
Oatf I'.niiani' baataaaa ?.*.* fdap.I af ?t t1"- *"?et>
. tiartaf ??( lha balgBl and ihe paaeaaaBB <'*>>
mittoe* of Uie truub U.??. Tlie New-Eiigla-Hl roada
have not vet appoluteil a eotnml?sioner tr, represent
(lieni nn (he tu-w lio.anl of KafMgBj 888aaM| *~ r*,a,*vl
(.. earry OM (he derialon of lhe Jolnl r..-nmlttee of
tlie iriink line* ?? ,i ____r BTeatera roaaarMnar for
tlie atiolitioii of , oiii'uia-ioiis ..ii pa-sj-nger iiuaiueta.
? ? ??
CAMMtM, wxTF.Kr'.xvv xvi) .voRTHF.RV.
Watertoun. N. V., Jan. i:i.-A .-orpt of s*irx>'yoes
repreavei.t.ni; Aaatta ? ori.ln were i-, tlil* <ltv t...1?..
and BB**. bagBB Ilu* llii.?I stirvev for the < amden,
\V:.tert?4vii aaiicl .Vot-thern Ra.lroad. Thc anrvevora
? iI.hi two ,,tiu*i partiea Maa *tart?<1 out tor
the saxme purpose irotn diff.-n-uf pomt* un the llne
? ? ?
At a mea-tinp >,f |M l..ei.-d ..f dinvt. - ..f IM Mll
atukir. LaM Mtara aM aTaatara gaMwa* \ >-stJ*rdi??'
a dividend of :i 1 ?_? mt eaat, Baahtag I i*-. <ent Mr
IM rear, Bgoa IM prafaraM ??...< k. and ?n annuai
ItrMaai of 7 im-i cenl upon tla-** ..unm.n at.wk. waa
,1-, l,r>*<l, MfahM J'.-l.ru'irv I'I. The f??: |
Mgaraa, w,tii (Darcaabei ?*-: n tted, < ?? gi^en f r
l**IB): i.ro*-. eeffipt*. *?':.-.,4., ,nai: ,.ner?i "C >.\p**nsj*4t
and 4ax.es. BUAIBJDOQ i? 1 i?. ?-, 1.1 -. 11,44*1,4100
?t BBal r.-'ii?|s. 8741.000: -urplu- ;,.
8701 aOOO, Tiu* amoimt r**nulri*d 1 .r atlvMenda ta
8J(J4;,-.*-Jii, leaavinp a i.d.i.: gIM.TIL
Dca Meaaea, laara*, Im. Ia\ Tiu> latra u,>at*i ng
MMIrsat OBaagaataaera baa rc.rpanfr.ed .1 xx i.uk<\
,,f FiaahtyB Geaatt*. laceaedi ivter a i>er, a memtu-r
,'f UM l.'atrd for twa rear* ' T. . aiiipMI aaa
.?I-. !<*j1 I'resldcnt, and \\ . \X. tlaawortl wa- 18 BtM eaj
? 4>-1
st'mm,>XF.i> BMPOMI a .inivn .it rtv
st. Paai J.an. ?:i Traaaaaar i>":.'i .,.,d . aaaraMaB
lleiion. of ihe Cfeteaga W 88M BM BM > ' n\. Iwvn
been wimmo'i.-d to appear l,..f,,i** llie IVoyrtl ..mnd
.lurv, to lestiK ln , ..titie. tion wtth <har-e. i.naicM
.vp-aiii-t tMfr MM bf th.- BBerMI BagaM "f thc Inter
BtaM Oaauaari a ? rwaiwi'lnn
TKF. RK^iR.. XVI/K.) < "1*1' v ("Fl T I," X r>
,4'tstin. ie\.. .1,11. *, . g-ja a UaaM -"n of 'ar
f'otild. spent the .i.v m Au-.m. nnd WMM here flleii
in the iifflic of the noreuirv M MMg IM l barMr of Uie
reorganlwitlon of the Colt.m IOII road. s.,|d x,rne time
ap*n. The nnme under the new r'.arfer ia the t?U
Loula and Saait hwe?tern Kallway of Te\a*.
A 9AMABB SFIT FOR 81 C.,0,000.
riiicapo. Jan. 13.-What la aaid ta be the he?riJ**i
damiige BBM ever bepnn iu tlie Federal curt* wnai
l.roupht la.day br Williani BfMrgBa, ..f Vew York,
* Ma V. Fanrell and Alm<*r Iivlu, the d.-tni**.-**)
heuip pla.'-d at 81 .-'.'jO.oOf). The .mt is fhe i?tj*s|
paMM of a toag standiip dlspute between tlie m?n. a: d
ia Ixased on a elaim for servire* in B8galtatMgj h"i;di
for tlie defendaii's to . ,-n-trurt the Vasaa Mate ? 'apltwl.
At a meetlng of Me Ww'-YorK rr.'.nat.on v>ci"t>" hefg
laat evi-aliia a' N". 17 XV.-at l-'orty.in.i-tl-at., BM follawinp
,,tt|,eia v i ? aMeMd I'r.-sl.l nt. Il.i.rv M. lahor. nr?t
vl. .'.preaii.eut XIr? diail.. II. >t.'..tit..a a.nd \'
Braaaaaaa, xvuiian, urrrat; eaeieaaaMiM iMiMaig, M. Ji
spa//iill: Iiunii ia' ???, 'lan 8 II.-i-i..!** -,n MeaiaMgaea.
Etafafl Ilaf.i. 1,,' treaanper. D. XV Cralg. Th4
r. (..,?? i.i ? . ? aawf. ?howeii a h-alan... on hand
January I. of 88.08BM Imrlnp la?t venr thirtavn .,*?*
n.-riiipia wttt ;.,ii:,iit"'l and one wa* lon hv death. Pr.
M..r - F.i-i- ? a i. ? tmty araa ri n:?;.<l a. tue Freah Pond
Apr.l Ig. IBBBl IM i'.'^l BteaM8fM)*8 la 188, of Ktil-ti
i u:-,...-r ttvent] ar- llfa BtnMrra 138 acltra, BMfMM aa.
a.,.*iat.'. anC tw'titv.. la-lit .?<.rr.-iM,.i(!i: j
The st-ain-hln KbbIb. whl.'h a-nvd at thi* I ort T-.ter.
rta- ti.iin ..r>-i ta.'M. WIIBiagBa. BraMtTB il i Bt. BM ?x
ni.-n ti.iin Ma arMaaM .xiar.- a. rraadj MMj ?<a
BM l.ar of ".I vt.nvn Ilar'an ,.n Ii.-cnln- 1" i i,- s. i,ta,i,.*r
I drapzen ii. r BBIBMB in a attrlB. "\,,rih,r-' vbteb ha., ot
?ii btaaartui ..\.r Ut. UarlBBaai. uio-at.
Bvery aa bb buaid ii'.t aaMre I I aM ?i'.l
. tut .1 mi? k. CarMM 1' - - . : a b> i,
BM hi* ?ir.' aiul rBIM alone ?,tii BM M<*1 i Ml
sta.ed tjj'hina u, il rMara ;?< laM ait>'i taa ibwbbbm of aaa
,. \i4 A li'indv a.,- ? <,l io. tont
rtsfl-ter and ?,> ?">,?>: ,??? B I UaBCBU B ? >? . M wi*
BM lul "u MaM a .ara.-.. of j-ii-ral in- r aanaiaa,
s?i?.. of anafc*a II i- n"j"-o t" an.
pFRr xoi'iFii i t crxroBi law
M.?!?Iiiii,t* ln Ui * ' i'v la*. ?- ^i**1 bbmM
AM!, ,4 , . ,,ft..,i uai.h iimni'd Iv BM tmaatm whlrh lha
? .?i?ii,l'"? in taa Baaab BtaM la aaali tmamom tama, Para,
..n s-i.t-nilK- '."-'. UBB, i-s'i-d | d ? . i..,' al! ia?.-ka?*a
s.-nt into th- .?,,i.t,i ali?,.;.l ie- in, BM i'i ' ,e Tr.-n'-B
BtaHrMMrMaaa IM* ? ? al BMraMaaMM,
and i,i >.'n,ain In for.' uni I Jauua-y I. MB1. 08 gMBBM
l,-r '."-' 1"'*'. h"? 'X'-i. I'" 'I"?'?*? 881 ni.Mllfled ao aa to
jpplv ....Iv t.i pa< l<ar-* ?f "jBtMlrj BrJ BOoB*, fancr xoada
and nrrfT K,'*a4la il, sinaln aabMbm "
ppaarna-wwairaai ggajgg TBBJBt PR'tPERTT.
The tranaf.-r uf tl.e ..-al <**fat> of the Hrool Irn ai.taf
relln-r.e* ta. t'.e Ana'rl.aii *s,^-ai It.'l.nlna l BBBMBf ol
Kaw^taaag wara ni--*i la taa RaitaMr^i ,,rh,. u, iir^.k
!rn v,">l.'rday. Th.- au?..inie M l>" ?? a.-rallv pald ln .-..n
atgetaataa ,>f Ma Maaafaw bm rrononno io BM Ha.a
m-v.-r Mipar .omiaanv. BatagMl M MM Ilavm. v-r 4c F.M'l
i ?iiiuaanT BMBpBM t" ti- Baaa a aagai bMbbMI ftaa
>n ia taa i? Oaaua ?? Jtmmm Baaaw MBtaMa
. ..iiiiruiv. T'.-i.i?.o t? im M.,ii.i ?- ? -?' * Oaaaaaar. and
.) t.. tl..' ..vioid Iin.',,. i?' <'.,i,|kinv. A mortp-ag*
from Ml -im. rl, an H,i?a, It.tlnuii: Cun-|?nv io th- l>ntr?l
IMM OaaaaMM M IrnaBMa M ???? MMaakaMn) M n.eei
th.- taM8 al 8a8\gM Ml la MjMBJ baaaa ?t o r*'r eeo^
.\rimr all the rlahu. f.ai? his.*- and pror?eny of the caaa
iut.ie? In lhe in.at. ?j.a al*?, fl'J.
Colonel W l.'i T.al4?.?lav r?-.\r1 a MM) MM a maa*.
nauud XVillian, llwliei. u,,u gtaa ?u: X\ eat, and want* tbe
l-arg- 088M io fBBBtMa hin, w :U. a wif.-. William B88M
_ ,,,-man piil ut a 't' *?* * hoaaa Be BBga.
and 4ii orrhanl. D*-liJ.-? l>'i'>B * n.aii of plea...... preaeoca
and ol 4-v.ll temper.
i Bin t*8BBI*EBVE*l BB 9WBB99B CtATfBBf,
The ata*ait,?li.p PMM8 t?ou:-ht li to p?r: y-,i..,i?r fr-.Bi
ai. taaaarta, aafiga, *???*?? N ?*'d to he Ma auaawt ? .....'an
MM "f IMeagB 'OUaw. t*M8 M8MWM BM 8M "r.-u.BI
-&00 ual4? ?f Eaat rn rottiMi. xalued _t Mon.(j00.
BM Bafg aifed MM8*?jMa8. IM "Ue nf . ,? lipaaneaa
(oi'iaul BadMM F888, MM '" MaBBBBf .a 1. xv BaM
. ,.r..a'.- huau.ta'. Be. IU 8VaM fm%t ******
XI r- ! M a '
_m inad'r-.ei.t a .'inl'*. "I ' " BM n ?a- -
???f?l tnat hrr ?B8)l IrMMBI ti'.l"'"' MaH i" M8 I. r BBMM
thrn. ^,-n. Her aln.,?at s?d? .. ? J. 1
.___.bT? raMaaai BMi oo* . aMMa Naaatal *er.
No 114 Wai *Mb 9.
. ?f Ua, 4'h..r?h M th" MMB*8*era ofl.riat np, A
??,?,.., a faaaaaaa ?"?? Mmat k- t?av their laal
... VI,., lad -..-?n :.*n. a Ul I
...* ouutrymeu. IM b88g ??? MMbM i and *.? - l
NM MM '?" :** w*r *" T,,kl" "' 'h<,f "! " * N**'
Mr. I')!' *a? Wie da,ial>4Jv*r ot a Jj, ? and a
.tri.t Huddhiat BM Ml M MMM m a.ahi o( KujivajiaB,
Uac aacrrd naounuin. with aU tae ntca at Itu nUa-aiaap