Newspaper Page Text
_ _^mPBcmcrUh._ ACADEMT-H15-Joahua Whltoonab. A.MBI K'i 1 lll-'.ATKK *.~-I.f?r Atme .lonathan. Til.tor THFATUE-S and s-A Texaa Btaef. BROADWAY I HEATRI^-t.-Oanrlon. CASlXO-8:lft-Foor .lonathan. KH.l'Mm s THEATRE-2 and 8:15-Aft*? Pfirli. rtAl/T's THEATRE-2 and 9 ,19-The Laal Word. l.Dl.N btUB-U. 4*1-11 and Wax XBBMBBB. '.-.RPK.N T1IEATRE-8 .10-IVau llr.immell. riRANn OPKRA Hoi sr . and 9 Meaey Mad. haRLEM ori.l'.A lioi'SF.-S.-l.'.-Tho City Dlrectery. HARRIUAN- THEATIUV-9-RetHv and th.- 400. lll '.r.KMANN'S THE.vTl'.l/-- lll and 9 itO-Hi rrwarin. KOSIT'.il B BIAl/K-2 and H-Carmepclta. LTOBCM TUFATRE H:?0 The .Idlor. MADIBOR SQFARE TH.'.ATI.K-S:!*0?Tbe Silver Shleld. Mi'.l'Rni'nl.n AN oPF.RA I10V.SE-8-Die Mciaternlnger. M- \v I'aKK TfllflTMf 9 IB -Thfl Publl in Maglc. viBI.O'S- -.' ;md .-Ilahe* In the Wood. PAU1K.RH '.'HKATRK-B 15-JuOah. l*ROCT<>R'S 23D-ST. Tlll.A_P.E-_ aid . 15-Meo aai WBm.'ia. STANDARD THKATP.E-e.-I.ater On. STAU THEATRE?B-The Senator. '! OXY PASTOBV THI ATRE?9-Vauflevllla. I'XIOX SQUARE THEATRE?9:10-Tha Coanty falr. WORTH'*-. MVSECM-11 B. Bi. U> ll P- Wl.?VaudlVlll* and Curio*. HTH-RT. THEATRE?2 and B-Blue Jean*. _ inott to ^.ooeruacments. Sra?T~0*l. "",*: ?*_ Amooomonio.11 6 BiLeaa) Not.?**?....jl ? ?.BTioi.roairatiTa..II . L?*t and Fannd.10 '; Baaeaea *r.o aaaaaaaVB r,juama?****iia ?*?--*? i m> Boarn irn K?oma.... . 1 Mi?<**:i*n*oB*. 9 f ha*.*..*** CBaaaaa.... *? 2S MiaeeiuMi<**>a*.II 3-_ Im ..... .,No,.f,i. 6 '*. Mb?]CB. InamiBiBBia. H * ( rr-artrrmlin. Nonce.10 .', \>- I'n .l.rat.ou. H 1 i*annn* Ac__*.aioa.. *i 9 Oeeaa staaaaara. ? *??? InviiieBfl Xoticea.10 -?Hiutvo?ai*.? ? ? I on,?aiic anaaaaaa p.iM.r nattee.ii _ Ytantea. 9 6 * Kanmana. ? -??*? Uraaamaa,*,.. U '| _i.iliat-.ta._.... ? J 9-f BbMBMBB. .. ? *}?;' F.iaai.iial Kle-iiooa .10 6| neemaana riata. ? 1-1 li.anc.a.lrteetin** ..10 ; .Saleabv Auctlon. B 6 r.-rU*!*. 9 ________ ___??? . I S Hair- Wantefl. 9 :i lat earn boata. B a Hor*e?aiio.:ama?*a. 9 liTeaooeri. _ _ Hoiria . ? ft.Winier K*aorta. H ? l_aira?.*_a... 8 - Wor_ Wanted. ? 35 1.1-rture** 0| _ BneiucBB Xoticea. Office Furjuture la areat Var."tT, manufactured by a T. '. tSF.Ll.KW, lll -iiltaii-?t.. Stw.Yora. Dbb-b, Llbrary Tablaa, Ot. TRIBVXE TER.MS TO MAIL SUB8CRIBERS. 1 jc*ar. 6 moa. 8 mo*. 1 mo. D.ily. 7 day. a week.flfu 00 a *i M 99 w ai 00 l-atlv wltnout Suuday... 8 00 4 00 2 00 90 -..nday Trlljuoe . _ *>0 100 50 - WVokly Trlb-ne. 100 ?? - ?? -eml-We-ttlY Trlbune.... 2 00 ? ? -? 1'ostBire preuaid bv Trlbune, escept on Daily *nd Rundar iiaoor for mali Haibacrtb-ra in Xew.VTorit City and on hn llv Wa-i-kly and Wwkly to forelan cotintrles. in whleh ca#><*? extra por-taae wlll b* pald by *ub?crlbcrii. Romit hv l*o*Ul Order, Expre** Order. check, Draft or R. jM?t.-r.'d T.. tt.r. __ _ , ,. Ca*>h or l*o*Ul Note, If ?ent ln an unrcRl?t?-red let-***, nlll be at ??ner'a rlsk. ? _, , Maln ofTUr. ?,f The Trlbune, 154 Naaaau-it.. Ncw-York. Addr^**. ai! corre?pondence ilmply "The Trlbune," New. Tork. ? I0UNDED BY HOBAOE OREELET WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1891. TWELVE PAGES. i THE XEWS THIS MOBXIXG. Foreiifn.-Mr. Parnell. in a apcech in Dublin, re ilerated liis assertion that. Mr. Gladstone knew tbe ?.ulrstancc of the Parnell manifesto bclore it. pul.lioation. == Nine pereons broke through thc thiu ice on the Seine and were drowued. sssas A amall part ot the Chilian Navy took part in the revolt; thc Army remained loyal to the Oov ernuient. -^ M. Floquet has been rc-elected I'resident of tl.e French Chamber ot Deputies. ConK.ess.?Both branches in session. saas-X The Senate: The debate on the Flnanrial bill was con tinued, IfcBB-B. Sherman, Allisou and Aldrich mak in_: strons speechea agalnst free-eoina"fte; the vota will probaMy be taken to-day, and Senator Stcw art.'s amendment passed. :-s The Houso: The .'nuy Approprlation bill waa coftaidered; TMr. Lotlne ma/le a crushing n*ply to tbe attack made upon him by Mr. Stone. of Missouri. on Monday. Ii,.ni(T*tic. -Speaker Sheehan announrrd the ABsembly eommirtees at Albany. r_r=- State Treaa urer Danforth's annual report was transniittod to tl.e Ixgislature. ? -?: The Court ol Appeals re v.-rsed the judgment of convietion in the case al Jame* A. Flaok and William J. Flaok. == Thfl Ni-w-Jeraey Laegialature asaembled and Oover? nor Ahl>ett sent in his annual messa(,'e; in the N*iiate Mr. Stuhr, of Hudson County, was un ?ealed, and E. F. McDonald, who was turned oal Inst May, was seated in his old plaee. -'? 'J'he nuun body of the Lostile Indians still remaiu outside tln* Pine Pidge Agency. =_^= The Demo eiml)B '?.iiuli.lateH for State otlioes in Connecticut were flWOIB in by the Senate and made fornial alaii.ntiaU |..r the offices, which the present) in eU-BbBBtfl il.-rli.ied to surrender. =?. Treasurer Woodmff, uf Arlianans, is $00,000 short in his ncfoiints. City and Suburban.-Thc primarics aiir with less excitement thau was exp-.-ore 1: ihe only district in wfiich there was a close or bittei i-initest was the Xlllth. bbb_s_: Thc coro nci s jury in thc case of CummLnsH, wlio WBfl killed by (.allivau, gave a verdkt that thfl kill niii was done in aelf-dcfence and held tiie prisoner in ..-,.01,0 bail for the Grand Jury. -___=_ Father I'.n'.tiiis wrole a caustic letter to Bishop UM-B john on the latter's refusal to grant him a HCBBflB t? preaeli on Long Island. sssss The s<l,ooner otier war, wrecked on thc Long Island coast an.l two Kiaihrs were drowned. aaaaaa Paseball men had a Iively conference. a__a_a The annnal dinner of ihe Ifolland Soricty was eaten. =^ W. W. Goo.l ;i,h was ele.ted chairman of the Etflfl County RepflblieaB Ciencral Committee. ^^= Sto.-ks ae? tive and weak in the early deulings iu con*ej,ience ,,l laircij-n aelling, cloting buoyant at sutn-tautial kIvuik'ok. The Weather.?Forecast for to-Uay : Warmer aml .loti'Jv weather, with light snow or rain, possibly ?olh-wcd I.y clenring -weather. Tcinpcratiue jm terday: Hlghest, 32 deprecs; lcwest, St'.SrtjtOgt, ili 5-8. The Demoeratic Lepislature at Trenton could not have made a worse beRiiining* Within threo hours after thc openiiiK 9l the scsmoii tho Senate had perpetrated t..<: shameliil oul ragfl ol di-.p]arinf* Senator Stuhr and reiii^tal injj McDonald, thc product of the* notorfous iiand* in lludson County, wlu. was uiisa-dii"l hi,* ye.itiifter a lnnjf and cAieful inveftiKatioii. There was no pretencc of an investipation now, or even of a pre-sentation of thc Deinncmti, tras.*. lt ta* simply cairyinp out by inam foiii, ? p.eniranKi'd plan. A glOBBBt plfJCB of in* jii-tiic has rarely, if ever, been oommittcd by a Icgislative body. Tho Coroner'* jury have taken a complai-ant viexv'of thc shocting; of CiimminRs by th<* Jivei??*? man Gallivan on Christinas Day. They lind iL.u h?- kiited Cummings and tiied to kil) Hurlr-y in se!!-defene?. Nevertheless, Coroner Mea> semer -.howed wisdoin in refusing to iigdtirgg :he p':s ".er and holding him fog the action of .he Grand t*rf. There haa been considei:i)i]e talk about "politics" in connection with this tmm. BefOfl it is linally HBBO*6 of all ttM li t* should ba examined hy an im parl ial body like tho Grand Jury. Gallivan has a bad ir-piitation. and deserrtw no special consid"ia i'-'n. A .afi-'in* speeeh against free eoinage by Ben* a'.'ir eatorMMl MMI thi f-atuie of Ilu: liim de> batn xestridav. Tho aaine BUrB WBM vigonmslx idx<.,at"l als.) by .Mr. Allison anl Mr. Aldri.h. SfV.'ial abio BfftalfcMl still wish to Ipglll 00 the '?iieHti.,n. iiuliitJi.'i^ Mggggg, aMffMlll and Hi*> MMat, and they will bc h.'ard l.i-dav. DgfOW the BiaaM a.Jjoiuns thi* evening, hownvor. il ia BE_***i lhat a vote will be reached. Ii. viexv of the w-alition batxveen the De-tTio. ,? at s laXid certain Reptihli-oani, little doubt exiata :.. to the raault. \Vlth silver out of the wav. there xvill be a ohanoo for logislation on many quos tions that are prefsing for sohitimi - 4? A< Hartford yestnday tlie Demooratio Sen? ate* (ook things int4. its oivn h.iixls and liad the raatli adininisj.'ii'.l to the Democratit candidatos for Stat | 00008. Tlie latier then f.>iinally aaked tho iiiriiinhents (o shitcivI.-i poaaMMott, they all xvith one a.ooid rofns"d. DtMpttg this unpreoodonred foaturc, tho situati.m in Conno.-ti.-tit d4X?H not seem to be matoriallv . haiiROiI bj tho noxv move, xvliich xxas apparont ly tmk'en in order lo open tho wgj for an appoal M thc courts. ??*>?? The new Ri^xil.lit nn County Commiltoe. ohosen at yostcrdav's primarios, is a repro scntative body. Hairing one or txvo contosts of intoiest, tlie primarios pgBggd "lf xvithout frio tion, thoii^h enongh vous wero oast to shoiv that tho enrolled Kopnhlioans are xvideaxxake and oarnost in thoir detormination to do the best possihlc for the put/. It is a gratifying cirounistance that some strnng nexv namos are to 1k> ^en in (he list of tlelogate* xvhich is printed on another ixigp. Tho strugglo for supromaov in tho Urooklyn (rencral rommittro x\;is hmught to a olnso last evening by the election of Mr. Goodrieh as ohnirman by a ru1> stantial majority. This mattor having bron settled, it i*- tho plain duty of our party friends tho Bridgo to join hands heartily and pull togctjier honoeforth in entire harmony. EXGLAXIYS QUMEM PROrEEDlXG. It is not. an iinprocodentcd circiimslance f..r the suprome Court of the I'nited Statos to have iho sovoreign of a foreign nation hefore it as a ftligant. Napoleon III and Fcrdinar.d VII of Spain vxere hoth >ilaintifTs in n.ti.uis nt (his har, but their complaints rclatod to tbeBBBelYOB and to thoir pei-sonal rights. The appearanoe of tho sovoreign of ono country in the courts of another as a petitirmor in behalf of a snhjort's right.s was, hiwever. until Sir John T^omson filod his Hohring BfiB papers on Monday, to the hent of our knoxvlodge. unheard-of. Cortainly it rrxar unhoard-of and alrogothcr amazing that such an action should l,o taken as an B__9BBl from the supremo Kxoeutivo authority. The I'nited states has soized B privato vos<*>1 OWBMgJ by a British subject, and the. soizure goe* as a matter of conrse into the OOVtkB to ho passo<l upon. Btti before the courts havo aotcd th? British (ri.vernmont *k?B up tho oase nnd pro Mj?M to tho Prosidont in hohalf of its euhjont. This hasto is, of itself. nndu'o anil not in con tofmity xxith the cn*toms of nations. The BOtioa of the courts <>f one country in en forcing either muni.-ipal laxv or tlie law of na? tions iipon a foreigner is not oondnsive, but it is tho prattioe of States to wait and to see xvhaf a fornign court actually does hefore intorvon ing. Tho .'..ssiimption is that. the courts will do xxhat is richt. and until a foreignor has ox hanstod his remedios undor the laxrs of tho country xvith whioh he is involvcd, his home Government should nol brtffffeta). Great Britain. in the Hohring Soa seizures. did n.)t. purstie this rocognizod conrse. She mado ha.sto to take up tho causos of her ag grioved suhjects and [o press the I'nitod Stato? for dariiages. She complained in tho usua! ivay to the nsnal authority?the head of the Stato: and noxv, her claim heing hy him rh's pnt-d, but being still in the conrse of diplo matnc adjudioation. she tnrns from him and ap peals to anothor hranch of the (Jovernmont. de siring it to disavoxv the total and assertions of a co-ordinare authority to whioh, under tho Constitution, the conduct of foroign affalrs is erplicitly assigned! Il roquire* no great lega! knoxvlodge to imagine what. the B*mm*M of tho Supremo Court will say. It will inform Lord Salishiny. in effect if nor in torms. perhnps in tho von* language of Mr. Jofforson. that "the Prosidont is iho only channel of communioalion hptxvoen this country and foroign nations." and that "ir is from him alono that foroign na ti<ms or thoir agonts aro to learn vxhat is or has boen the xvill of tho Nation, and whatirver ho oommimicatos as such they have a ri^ht and aro bound to considor as the erpro-ssjon of the Nation. and no foroign nation rvin be allowod to qucstion it or to interpose betxxeen him and any hranch of ('ovornineiit." Whilo. upon tho" one hand. it is not in tho poxver f.f tho Ex ecutive to intoiforo bj its at^tion xvith ca^-e.s pondinfi-jiii tho cDurts. it is efjiially innimhent upon the Judic.iaiy to ! -no tho Prosidont un traminellod in any nogntiation ho may l,e carry inp on, and any action askod of tho court avhich oould havo tho olToct of intriforing with the Prosidont would l.o imposi'Mo. Wc find it diffioult to under^tand how Lord Kalisiiurv xxas indiicoil to put nimsolf in anch an ahsurd posin'on. 'I'o appeal from a court to an Execufive is natural and fioquont. hnt to appoal from an Kxocutixe to a eoin-t is a, pro ceeding of xxhich thoio is n<, provinus re.-ord in tho praotico ?,i nations. Sir John ThtMDBOn'l petition asks our .I-i'liciaiy to huiniliato the hoad of tho Nation. to sav that his vioxxs and procH'ding* in a maftor plioed hv our highest laxv wilely in his kearping aro xviong and un laxvful. We cannot heliovo tha* the Hritish fJox-ornmont intonded to insult. tho Piosidont of the Pnitod Sta'os. Imt it, can soaroolv BBVft gdvon much coiMideretion to the effoet and ossential meaning of the stop thoy have taken. THE XETY..JERSEY MESSAGE. Governor Abbett'a annual gMBBBgl to the Iaggitiaattve of Now-Jemyy, onlike some other pgpen from the gaame tooioe, is ringtdg|*]j froo froai exeiting or partisan feattatee. It i.s true that ho xvainily o.,ii<;i'aiulatos the StaK; u)K)H "the siinpiost aud off'o.tiv.--' BavUofrBe form laxv gdofrted bv any State, by xxhich " hrib ery has been practicallx eliniinau'd.'' and upon "the succ'ss of this gi-eat reform.*' It would he diflirult to lind au.v other citizon of Noxv Jorsoy. not with tho llmNon County rfng "f pul,lic |)liiiid.-iiis, who .'Oiisidoi-s the oii!i.*ii:?'nt ? frtBi luoceas. Put the Uogernor judicioiisiy refraim from BaaaertJBg thai the BtA has " j)i-a. iicallv .''iminai. d" t)i" ."iiivitig of <?!(? tions ),y fiaud and jK'ijury. an.l is egiwfu] not to BM ntioii tho niimoious's of his ]xi liUcg] Mendl who have been indicted for startling (liinos BMtilMl po|:iilar goveriinion;. A? b<? rabpport.Ona.en1 of A?oniMy distri.-v tho Co\i...,*r,i ii,.iffljj in. nilons that tlio __*__? pletrOO ol BUOthhr 0eO9IM tliis prrpor foi tl.e L gifls-ture. Hia viowa on railroad :,:,\-.n aro iu,t rcitoiated at length or witli controversial zcal, and thc review of thc fajlh* ri.ii.s of tli'.* Btate guwinineni to al! the vaiio.i indnstri-I, socinl and h'nancial intrrests of th. Sthte, while cxtrcmely minnio and long, it, exceptionally fic* from partmnship of tonc or suggts.ion. Tb? ta099agfl is in many re RBtyBeR a fftditablB dcriiiiioiit, and if not much more thiilling in intcjcM to non-i'"*idont*i than ;t dn-fct -iy. is itJH orowdod with information which lha Iftirjajjan of thc Btate will fin?i MOful for rcforen.c Thc ipicaiii.ti of lo. il h9fl9fll19nl and taxation of property is esamfaod ..t Raoth hyagth, had iiifiiiniiiti'iii [9 gir< 11 <'i icsi-lts icaclicd bj [?vBatighUofl of tli" Comniaaion on Mi.u inb jc.-;. I'liliappily. iln- ('iimmi-i"ii only COH liriiis what was siifliaicntly urell known l.e fora, refhrding th.* greal InoqnoMty an.l in jiistioe of M99___h9Rta Bfrdot th?* pic-,'iit *\*. u-i.i. It find* that flarietiag fltatOBM arc prac tically disregarde-d. that ?_Hso*tKiii'?nt*> var.v fn.n, 23 to 80 aer cont of tho truu va!nation. that the mode of eqnali-arion, ao-callod. is veiy incfficicnt and virtually worthlc-.*, thai de.lnr li,,-!, foi debtl arc 9 friiitful sonm* of ovil. an<l ni:in.v people get rid of their proper t.ivs hy CalM IWearlBg. Notwi:h-t.-itiflin- all thi*,, tho Oovernor and tbe Ooaunlaaiog reeoniaead exiating itateteB, "riaee tae people ire fan.iliar witli them," be made thc baflfl nf any impmvod lcRislation. tliat land and iinprovc ment< ibonfd bc Illp9iatel3> valucd. that no cx cmptiotis should bc all'-wcal f?r debts except of rca-oid aml with sp"cilic,iti.,ns U) prevent (raud, and that btttel mcthods should be devi-cd foi syciiring a faithfu! nnd honest entoiremoni ol rhe law*;. As lha* il -.itnply the m<?st diflicult thing yet disoovered in hiiman exporion.*', tbe recommondatia.ns are hardly calculatcd te ftt dta strong hopes in the TTosoms of taxpaycr*. irbOBB bnrdens have been multiplicd by thc fra.ids of othcrs and the wrongdoing of lm-al offlcials. ____________________ THE AB8EMBLT COMMlTTMMm Speaker Shechan has made poblk hi-- IM of mSiM of thc Aa-emUj. H *** ww*"* to say "his committces," alt.ha.ugh it rfl ensy in readlng over the list to disccrn tbe handi WOrk likmvise of David B. KJll. There is a steadv dcterioralion in tho quality of thc s<* Iflotiom from thc loading Committee of Ways ?md IfetUM IO that of Cnlinished Husinoss. The rhoicc of Mr. M.rielland. of Wcst< hester, a* chairman of Way* and Moans is a good one. Hc is a man of integrily and nbility. but ho bM as De-BOOrahk R. I'- Uush, of Chcmnng: Denraresi, of Rockland : ____., of Kins* and K-l**. of I*?*"*'a',r- ",vho ?vnnot be trn-.tcd tx. .misfaiii Mr. MoClelland ln any policy of economy which hc may have. It is fo the Republicans on the committee that he innat lool: for supportors in this policy, nnd hc Will Bad them in ex-Speaker Htisted. Mr. Acker, Mr. Kish and Mr. Malhy. Mr. Ilitt. of Albany, who lends thc Judiciary Committee, in an alle lawycr. and has flfcoog partr asslsMints in (.. H. Bfatk, of Ulffcr, had McMahon. a.f Ncw-York ; but here ngain Mr**s.s. Aeker, HOBted, Johnson and Ilildi-ctli, the Ke? publicans. form 'ho host portion of the com mirt.-c. Taxalion and T'ctrenchment d099 nnt havo a chairman from whom much can 1>e ox pected. Mr. Dcmarest showed only medi'.crc abilifics when laal a member of the Assembly. As oftal, thc Caaal Comtnittoo ifl composed ex cliisivelv of 1001111.01-0 icprescntir.2 thc canal (?ountics. Mr. (luonther. it.s chaiimaB. eome**. from Sjieakcr Shcohan'** own county. It ta to ho faaiajd rhat cxfravaRant expenditnres on tho canal- will bc Migsrc-itod. The Committee. on Cities cannot be oonsid ored & be fairly con<-tit:ited when thc Urooklyn Kopublicnris have n" rcprc?ontation while the Urooklyn Democrat** reccive two s?r.ta. A city divMeri politically BB Brooklyn is, when thiis ?Y-pre-.en1ed, is most grnssly misrepreaented. Mr. Ulitmenthftl. the chairman. is an honorablo man by nattire. but he is an nhedient sorvant of Tammany Hall. Thc committee ls a wpnk one. with (.ncnthcr, of Erie; Ilitt, of Albany : >hi"lds and Cooney, of Kings. and Dinkelspicl and Webster, of Ncw-York, as its Demociaiic nembeis. Mr. Bi\*dsky is sploctod to reprc*cn1. thc Rprniblican. of this city on the commitfce. The appointment of Mr. Ilildmth. wo believe, wmild have been far moro satisfactory. There will be general astonishnvnt that Mr. Shoohan appolnted Timothy D. Sullivan, of Now-York, a* chairman of the OmmiUee on Commercc and Xavipntion. and crav** him asso a'iates of a character. Mr. llill *urrr-n dcred to the Hquor-dealers when ho wrote out the name* of the members of the Erd-*o Com mittoe. Mr. Karl, of Hi-ooklyn, is the chair? man, and has aa Demoeratic colleagur*s men who, it can be predicted, will report favorably Ihe varions bills in which tho liquor-dealers nre intcrested. As a whole. the onmpofition of the I'oiiiiiuttees is not creditablc either to Governor llill or his Sp,-akor. AXOTHF.R CIIAXCE FOR THF FT.ACKS. The decision of the Court of Appeali grant inu b new tria! to the Fladoi broogbt greal joy ro tho hearts of the long-sufforing e\-Hhcriff and his dtitiful son. To the people in general and to this oommunify in particiilar wa. think it mnst bring ? disheartenfng realization of thc ext..*omo difllculty with which the laws of the Btete arc eaforeed. To oondenn Judge* ? Qoorl oi Appeata for fataiag whal they mtder srnnd Uie law ta bc would l*e hbflOrd Bfl well a-* di*vrcspectful, but there is no impmpriety in ic grettinj,' thar statutcs am v> frani' d :??> ta facili '.itAff tho commission of rrinr-.*.. If fraa not aa ea-y muMor to convict the defendnnt* in this raaa, Thev were brought to tria.l only after repeated and weari.somc dalaya bad exbautod \) 9 patienoe <>f thc public an.l weakoiied thc BVideuOB ajrainst them. If some ciitiii-ms of the proceedlngl in court were heard, there wa* iicverthe|e>s a ui,ivor-*al agiecmcnt that the vcrdict and the sentenco wore intrin-aoally just. The obbb tnust now be tried Bgain nader ad ver-c. oonditions. pot becanse anyhody Mpp08H that injurod lnnoeeiMe reipn'ros a vindi. ation. but becausc thc Ootui of Appealfl -i.v*. 'bat thc law says that -.ume things which a learne.l Judt'c said OOght to have been Irfr nnsai-I. I'erhaps this is all that BOedfl to bc *iid nt thi* jimctnre, but we cannot rcfi-ain from a.M ing lhat District-Attoiney Ni<?<?! 1 ia BOWaaabled to scive thc commnnity sijrn.illy I.y bliaging ilu* fleoond pioBOoatfoa ol this oaaa into rlvid coatraat with the first in some larportanl par ticulars. lt is new t.i him, and he will need some time foi prepaiation. but thoroaftor hc can at lo'isf proeeed with encrgy and de-ter mination. Th?* l-'lacks are iindoi-.ood to be in exrellont health, and a-9 have not heard that anybody elsc whosc pro.-enco in court may be roriuired is in nnii*nal dangcr of falling <Uk at inopportiine mrtnonts. The trial ought to lie short, aharp and doci<ive. THE ISDTAXS AND THF "Sl'OILS 8T8TEM, On Wedneaday, January ti. "Thc Evening I'..*.;" oontained an edrterial repraaeating that hc Indian tii,ill?'S in Dakotl wore thc diicat result of thc nifleoadad nf Bgenta hppointed by thc picst'iii. Adminiitration under Um "sp<,ils svsicm.'" and dedartng tji;i' "tha. agenl at the Wne Ridge Ageney *rhom I'reaident HaVrison removed, Mr. glcGilliouddy, ii ? Be* puMiiun xvhoii, fraaidenl Cleveland f<>iin<l, in uflice aud retauned beogusa be m* an i KoeJIent man for the piace aud xxlunn Presldent Ilar rison rephutad i-y one Gallaghor." This oharge, and the speciticatiou under it, BM both utterl] false. L'r. Md.iillicuddy xxas ioiiiovc.1 fr.-m oflUM after about aaffht JTeaVa of ex.-'-llr'i. vixe by Mr. Cluvelaii.l, and Colonel Uailigher, BftaO i*. a Deni'nrai. xvas tppointed io the Doo? tor's plare ou BepMwbet lt, 18M. When, on iho day gfter (his pr,,ss faMehood appoare,! i.. " Thu" xxi.- d.'.land the a.tual faets, [( offoifd thia explaiiaiimi : " We Nfjfl Mialed vi'sti'iiiay bj x.i'.it gppeara to I"- an lapgrferi leport of Mr. Herberl VVelih s gpeech Ig Piuia delphig on Pii'iay. Into charging the peggovgl of Mi. M.-(.i!!i. iiddy to Preeidenl 11 irriiOM.*1 Now Mr. Herbeti Welab did nol deliver igj apeeob "in Philadi-lpliia 011 I'nd.iy" .1* all lle wa* in >pi;ii><liHi|. Mkaaa., Ofl dax .laniiary 3, wrhere it aeetita, be did iddreea bi .iiiiliein .* npon lndian affairs, an I ibiv anonl iin; to "The Hpringfield l.-*piibli<aii," is _ pait ,,f xx liiat he BgJd : ?ri.j* aiH... itiaJ t s.uiala Haa ui taa iDoll. ax itam- tlie 1..II,ne lo aibey the ..rdlnar? rule* of roinra'iii MMtf In appofegnf it." aaaB to deal witli the laBtanB. I <1? not h|K*u from ,? ptirty flUflatpofBI ?haB l lUaalrate. TR* Bflpabaran auc.t in eaattRR at Pine HitlKe lof elpht \..?n, vheal titn.-s* ha'i iie.Mi proveii and aho had b9en K.*pt Iii offlre iliirlna the la->t aVafat,'itio A.lmlnlstra II,ui, wa.-. reaeiiilv rBb-OTBi. Ifhflfl IhBN haa ? to tm* one ln 1998, Ma m:in. Dr. ateOUUeaBdy, mfllltBBafl it ?ltll 1.1* tr.ih.r-d forae nf flfly Ihril'i'i poliee, aaal aal ha <-tm reaafllneil la power tha preeaa! tr -titile miirht have been averted. Inder t',e new Ad Blolatratiea, whaa ap_?latflaabai .ve praetteafly aala* aami t" baal pflMMflaa, tiie in.ii.m pollefl .tu.i .li* dpllaa pfloaraUy raa down. Thi*. "hoflM niie" rnerins that. The men appfirnted to a.irli aliftlrtiU la*l(* M trils are not thflflfl linown f-> he tltted fnr the worlt. l.i.t iho*e arhB have done pnlltlral MTvlea for lha i9B atnr* or Conpressmen a.f DflBBth or Nebraska. If lha BflBBaflBl fll ***** a syfteni Is to 1*0 tiw shedtllnR of blood. vrr- rertalnly liavo a rljlit to rritl<"i*e lt and Its con eoattaal pracMaa of patttag Ha drwikard n-nd de baaehaa Ifl pla.-es of rcsponslbility. Ilr. HerlxM-t Wolsh is an offlcer of the Indian Rights Association, a philanthropic societj which ha* done and is doing a great dcal o. good among the Indiana. U'c oannot suppose that tihe atateinont* imputed in this report to Mr. Welsh wero actually made by him, for, as we have often shown. thety are unt|iialifi< <l!y false. Hut they have been repeated and arc being rcjicatcd in Uemoeratic journals all over the country, and it is hij?h time for Mr. Welflh exprcslv te disown them. Mr. Welsh kaoaH a good dcal about Indian affairs, but he does na.t know any more than the rcst of us who I have given Hose and disinterested attention to j them. ani vajrue charpes ajjainst an Admwi's tration which deserves only thc hinhost praiso for Itl Indian aervice will not redoiind to his crodifs The Indian Rights Association is of all bodics ; f'he last that should array Itaell llf hOBtiHtj to I the p.licy which this Admitustration is execut j ing with suah devotion and skill. We do not | say tha: I'resialcnt Harn'son has made DO mis i t;.l<cs in hi*. Iiialian appointnients, l"it ?',? do my that when mistakes have been mado ho has : been thc lirst to recogni/.o them. He has r" moved sevcral of his own BppOilrteefl upon ! proofs of incompctence. and hc has been Riiided I nt all times by tho ono aim of prnmoting tho i welfare of the Indians. The principle of ap j pointinR nRenta from thc States within which 1 the leOOIThtfOBI arc platcl i*. an oxcllcrit prin? ciple and should always 1"* followod. To say that it neam the applioation of thc spoils 9J? tom any more than thc appointmont of foroign ers is f/? say what is obvinusly foolish. an.l ta 1 intimato that the "flhodding <>f blood" is Ihe result of bppointiag men frcm Dakota and : Xebraska instcad of Kentucky and TflKU is to commfc an absurdity which loses none of its uff-119-TODOB. beoaUM it oomes from a person poppooed to have eepeotal oftportvaitlee of know |Bg what he talks about, and to reprosent a | aociety that has the Indian's good at heart. THE BRIDGE EXPERTS' REPORT. The report of the Board of Krports appointed to doviso moans of ineroasing tlie ra|,aeity of the Bridge rail road is a grave disappointment to all who have hoped for a comprehensive and rational Bolotion of tho pmbloms invnlved. The Bridge Trustees xxiii, of oourse. ho satisfied xvith the ro|>ort, for it is a virttial indoi-sement of tho plan Bdopted by them some four years ggO, but xvhieh thoy have not dared to put in operation on aooonnf of the admittod dangers that, aro lnseparahle from it-a praotioal use. Tho poaition of tho pmsent experts, Mesnrs. Bpencer, Plympron and Buckholz. is alinost, diann'tiw al ly opposed to tho nth'tude of the ef|iially emi ileni Ptp-rts, Walter Katte, Julius W. Adama and Joauph Craxvford. who xvere app.-inted to cfiiisidor tho same qucstion in Novembor, 188T, and made their rcport to the trustees in tho folloxving February. Tho repoit fttat submitted recommonds an onlargomont of tho prosont tail-sxvitcliitis svs t<*m, under xvhich trnins aro now run during the, btafj hoins at tntorvals of ninety geoonds. By doiil'ling tho platforms and using "1'aiit |,.*to.l" tia.ks it i- proiKised to reduco the lu-ad xx.i.v to forty-tix-e or even to forty ?*>oonds. Five ear trains?one car moro than aro noxv run? are consid"re<l th-*- greatest number that can advantageously he usod, and it is estimate.l tliat, pfrhaps 4.*.,<'?00 passengors per huiir can be carried: the cars being. of 4*1111--". packed tn tho liniit of aafery and. as at preaeni, fut be ynnd tho liniit of i-onvonioiH-o. Thi 4 is eon sidere.l by the BOMfd of ExperM the ultimate lnnit of the Bridge railrnad. and'the only hopo hcld out is tha' before that litnit is roachod gther nie.-uis than this Bridge reo'iii'd f,,r qiii.k tiansif, betrreen Brooklyn and Near *K,rk:. It is important to bear in mind that the tail sixii.liing systom xvas earofully considered bj the former experts and unanimously cast aside, for thoso |o;is,,ns : 11) Becaaae i's ef Btatfoni loiiTth la for -Ix rar-i only. xvitiir.nt ],(.-sll.iIily of furtli'T oMon-|.,:i. (3) it ii-.|uir.*- Um rar* ebJaetlOBatile unri Justir ln Bdmlaatble n.-< ?*--.(>? <>f aaiteMag uil Mataa ea a brMga nvrr CMatMUB inni C88tr8 ita., itlnio-t BO tiu- Hall af BaeordB, la iMfttag tbeai fn?m the laeaaaing ta tha eafgjalrag Uaek. Ci) ln onW to oMain -nnVlent length for Ml rar trains ara I "f Um waal eao" "f Um itattaa, II bei!**4nea Baeaaaaq ta eateraf tiu* eaaterti omi ao Mr aaatertr aa 1., eaaaa aa iiia4aaaonahki dUtaaee Mr paaaeagari t. av.illi in going to aai toatlag Uie f'Hr-s, nnil thon-'nv 18 .r<*:itj*. :a t.-nrti-tx-y t<> laeqtMlltg M tlie luiiillng of tho Iiiiiii-. i4i iiv thns rxt.Minine Un* ea terlr aad of the Btatton aaatarardly Um Beeeaslfg <>f eofMMerabt* ratatog 11 (.'i-id,. iiv.-i i eraatatt, owtni to the Acop gradlenl of ih.* i-aliwuy sU< h extoaaloa is prtv-Jeeted orar; -witiiii \ rj -?ri"..slv ta UM :.!">?:,,h -uiii,?Icitly ol.Jectl.itml.le ,-i... b] - llM to ii'ihIi UM i.lMtfortn li-xvl from tl.n stre.'ts. Mi'ssi-s. Katte, Oaxxfoid and Adains. il vxill bo rcineiiibi-icd. reportod in the gtrOPfteal xvay in lavor of the adoptioti of the . ii.-iiliiting 1JB ten larented by A. M. WeiHngtoM, ? well known oitil englneer. The Idei was to run tuiins of any niiinbei* of cars up r<? tfghteen ,,u oontinooni trai-ks. paawing iroqnd 1 rjfcle at . aeh tcrniiniis. and pra.-lirally providing for un Uiiliiniti'd InoreaVta ia the passongor-eurry itij^ capaeity of the rtailroad. In our jn.lgm.'iu ii xv.i* b lor-ioua mistake not to adopl thia axya toin at I time Mhen tho land roqiiirod in thifl city could have been obtained hl comparatively rehBonable Bguree. l>nt is Bome modification of it out of the qtiostioii now? Tho piesoni experta in the last parl of theli reporl aee__ ta hint that it il i.ot fllace they advise thc mak injr. cf some expeiiinont.* with ciiclcs in>| t,{ Bwitcbing-ti-ackfl. But, tpeaklag penorally of loop !*>.-taMii-i. thev siy that " no devicc hhfl been robmitted ro the Board tor the operetion uf cahlo trains around such a loop which bai l,ocn sitftii i? ntly developcd in piacticc to w:tr rtal II ii now." Thc favorablp judg inent of Meean. Katto, Adatns and Crawford on thia (iiio.siion will carrj fully as much weigbl urli the geaeral pabHe M the adverse opinion .?f Me*.*r>. Spencer, Plynpton and Buckhol_. of the adoption of the report just Bllbmitted, witbooi anbatantla. ebange, tbere i< little rooai f..r doubt. Al we hav* s;...|, ii is what thc truflteefl bave wanted all along?tbe Indorae ineiit bj rapulablB expei-ta <>f a plan .?h<>-e oon fcnacrtlj daageroua eleaMMita cauaed ihem ta hesitiTe lo proeeed with it. In nnderteklng tt ri ui trainflal lal irvalsoi fortj aeconda on ti "l. irhieh of itastaie-ity ctoaa eacb other :.i both tanaini, tbej iw Miralng i irare raaptnuri*' biiity. ?_____________________, Three more caOYletiani ?.f mtirdcr have h,.,-n afllrmed by the blghBSl coml flf tl.e Tlul U.t tiicans orobublv three atla_i_i-_al lees for Roger .Vi. Sherman, three writa of habeaa corpaa nnf) ftelagl innnmorable and exnsperating. 1 ahonld mean instafivl the prompt exeeution of three death sontonres. ('..vrrnor IIIII ln hls " lnst annwil messatre" de v..te.4 more Bgaei t'? Kederal affairs, such ns the National Kle.tion laxv nnd the census. than M nmriy in.i.ort-urt State isaues. His thoughta are i-vi<len(l.v nlread.v tnrned from Albany to W.ish ington, and ln- is "nn xvitl. (l.e nexv lovo h.-lore Iie is olT wifh the old." Iie mny na well. how over. ftir Md opininnn on National topica now, .->s lio xvill never have an opportnnit.y in a. more nn propriate .loeuinent. auch aa a Pr4*?ldential messaxe, for Instanee. - .?'. -a Insamty is agnfn a favorite defonrt. in rriminal ' txlals, no lc.*8 tlian "l.ur dofendanta in important oases seckinsr iminunity on that pie.a a few days ! 8g8 in ronrtis of this eify Mal Urooklyn. ', J.iries, however, are more rehictant than they were a few years ago to acquit on the grouiHl of in ...niiv. Most criminal Baal nre unexplainable on i any reasonable ground to an npricht man. It 18 ; almost, incomprehensible, for instan.e, that a man fihoiild run the risk of twenty years* imprifon nient by knocking .loxvn another man and stcaling a few eont? from him. Tiie criminal insiinct is ; Incompatibk* xvith a porfectly so'r*d ntind, but tbe laxvs of this State reeognize as a defeme only surh mental weakness as makes it impossiblc for ? the aeciised person to know that la? ta doinjr J xvrong. Few eriminals nre legally insane, and lhe j.irors nre jiistilied in inrzing tlie defenee with 1 rare. If any prisoner whose n)in<l is nearly un l.aliinr-ed shoiil.l becouie entirely inaanc whil* ter ?? 1 ing bis aentence, bc wlll be aent to an asylum i and well cared for. Writing of that aiways intereating theme, Vola i puk. in "Knnk I.eslies Newspnper," Charlea B. ' Sprague explairs that thc aim of the new lan guare is "not io supen-ede, but to supplemeni, to provile a means l>y whi.-h the races of mankin-1 may heromo intellifl-iblc to each otner whiic re taininu their mother longue. Thia is mercly to extend tlir e!e.*.ring-ho,;*ia? idea to matters of lan gMime." (iood. May the day soon come when Volapuk can ?*e taught " in ten easy leasone." Sueh a clearing-honse in the inimediate neiirhbor hood of the loxxer of llaliel would have met a great popular want, and in these days of labor siavinn; d.-vi.-es the demand for it or something likc it is immense. Let us all do our utmost to perfeot and popnlarize Volapuk. It La announeed that the Pennr.ylvania Rail road's bridge across West-at. will be lor ti*e in live or six weekb. This in a most welcoine announoemcmt. Ono bridge will doubtleaa mean others in the near fntiire. for of the BMBB9I and popularity of the new irlea there can be no queetion. With a bridge at ench ferry West-st. will lose its horrors, and the volntne of bad tompcr and had language in the city will b*a largcly diminishcd. ? ? ? There is undoubtcdly a good Aofll of truth in *hi* statomcnt, of Superintenrlcnt. T'ratt, of Ihe C'ar lillfl Inalia,n Institute, tbal the Churehos have g.nerally favored the aegregatlon of Indians. " Even to-day," be says, "Churrhcs conipete with each other in multiplying and enlir_in.: eommuni ties of Indinn ennverts. Tbe nim il BOfB to en cotr.pass the Indian with the Pftflbj terian, Kpis OOpal and Catholic hahtt. than to get him into the American habit." All this mav be admittod with? out cailing in question either the zeal or goo.l Intentions of the Churehes. What thev aim to do is to convert tlie Indians to their respective cra-eds; not to carry out, any apecial polirieal ot economir-. theorlcs. Tliey h.ive no ubjection ft* se to the Bteaking up of tribal or.anizatia.ns. But inasmucli as their missionary efforts a betu*r Bhowing under the conimunity system, they nat urally favor thal system. A hundred Inalian faiui lies Christianizod and srattcretl on little farms all over tlie country would not, make anythiiuf like suoh an impresaive exhiblt as 100 famillea Christianizcl on a reservatioD and at tenfling the same mission churcl A MII was tatredneedalBBl evening in the As sa-iiibly making an appr.,priat!?.n Ifl flfltef the ex pettMB of the ereeti'in a,f ad.litiot. 1 h,iil<!in>?8 fel the a.'.'.m.mndatia.n of the pniiiier insane. Thil meaaaM jrowB ont of the wise a_M)1aneteeal law passed laM winter, which providc-; for the trans fer of insane patieatj from the county poor hotflNfl and plaeiBg them in the State asylums. The law, as a.ur reedefl are aware, was in retsponse to a publle gentiroent, whieh cxpi?*--"l ItBfllf so emplratically that ti.e leadera af bath pnriies ln the I/*_islat'ire of \hOO support,*.! it'. Hnt, a.f oaurae, nnleafl the neeeBBflfjr BppwprJattoa a made tha law wUI prota IneffeetnaL The sum asked f..r in the present bill is nol hrge and eaghl to i>e granted promptlj aad by 9 BaanimnaB vote. PERSOXAE. F.nima Ahi.otfs dr-iro tliat lif*r retnniiis shall be eretaatad recaUa Um Mei thai Utlrtoea jraara ago, xvhen in,..' of Mis. i..*n riiman, wife of tlio ptainuiraphar, arera inr.iH-rin.-4i i,v Dr. Le Mogne, Mi*- KbboU araa present, nn.i empttaUcaUr eapreaeed agrjraarM of thc i.?'?--. .loiajiiiin Mlller M ureatly botlicred by IraaaaaaBM on his prounrts, aeaa- OatUarM, (ML, r/ttara Bt \- u-ying ta ratae i i"t <>f gamc him*) aiM: aai after MMtlag ni.iiiV tiotii'"s on !iis fenrr-, li" te.-larcs he shall 88888 iii.i:.iini"is wlth a siiui mm, aiitag: ?? i bm taM IMM mv pastor, tho gaatta Dr. Cluptaaa, recamaieit-fiarl prtayera, imt i aay iiuek-hct tii-t Bad gragara MMjr ,,n.'' The nexv laBaaSBl Mini-t.vr ta the l'nlted Mataa, 0. Tateno, xviio h.i* jn-t raaclttil IVaalitagtoa bv a-aj <>, san graaetaeo, i- BfiaTBipanlial i,y his artta, ? Baa \ ar old il.i.iixli'.-r, lns pi'ivai,* -.?, r ta.-y ui.d a law BttMcnt. ih,. Mlatotar biihs Eni-ii-ii BaenUg, aai his \xif<* biM , ii.ui are leaaaeal ta Mestara Marfe. Mr. rat -mrs pui.ii, Baraar iK-ifan ln Noveinber, 1-77, xa li-n he xva- ap in im 1*1 as un eaaear of UM laurertal HaaaaMiM. M 1-7- I,.- araa _ BMBberof ili<* '.'inmi-sioii apaaxlntetl l.y the Imperial Uoxrernmerrt to reealve (leneral (.mnt, whon he nol on ii,s arrlval fron rhioa anri ;.,?<<,m it&oled ttnring hi- atay In the l.uui <>f tha lllslng >..n. iu insii the .xii"i-t.'r acrepted the (tovarnoranlp af 'la.iUa. i.n ? ,,i in,- largeal prortaizaa ta lha Kniin. i, and f,.r i.-n x.-at-s,,, ch.jh <i thai poaltton. He ?iw appolntatt to hl*- pn -nl office in Mar. li. 1800, afier havlni' BeM 8 s.-;at in the senate for nlne monilis. Mr. XXilliain Wcstiall. tl.e novellst, llv.*< Bl His'h .-, I,,,iiL'lit,,n, an.l Um iuti-i viexxvr ot tlm - Maga Btae inni Boak Barlaw," ako rtattai Mu Umbi Um other .i.v. tlm- aaarrlbaa hua: "Mr. WaaMll la a Laneaahire dMa. Ha araa boro In L8S5. In appaar* aiieo ho ls agght aml aMfla, aB4Mt Hv.? MM Iva MeMta hlgh, xxith graylafa halr, mneh baarrlakfcal forataaat, tiiu'it ilin.- eyee, itralght itaaa, a s.?ft, allhg, graglaa. Ir.iiil. aai.iilil ilclik'lit nn Ca.1i, aml 8*8888 a -piji." in*/..' Il<- 888888 vi-r.v il-aily aml emphatl raliy, and II is evldent that he lias a Bjood ?l*-;il M reaerve f,,rr.-. When deeerlblng a aeeaa, Ma exe*. lighl up, ami you ean not Ml) u. f?-.'l thal he la -.*.-.ti ^ ota Uui'o: & li" ipeaJia, II** haa a great fund ,,f, r. .uni every now and then aome qnalnt little ?,,rv rom..- out. H-* prartieallr began ta xvnte -toii.-s arhen h" xvas in hl- taaaa. xftau ita roatrtbutad to tha local aapera. -My* say- Mr. WeataU. bnalnaM man. l xvas in baalneaa mysoif, bul i never iil.-l It, and never aureeaded in it. ln faat. 1 h-ive not UM eagacltj Mr baalneaa.' " The ?)hlo WeMcyan DMreralty has senu-ed i-T-ofeisor. Laaria larlft, Pn. i>.. fatrael *ti Wlffaar Obearvaaerg, Mr :a brlef 1 eause of l-rturei on aatronomy. Theae leeture-i begln on JJ. WANT OF PKECISION IN ELECTIONS. From The Delrolt Tribune. Thero la little doubt that returns are ggfgMMM ,.ti all slrlcs now that iu any provlou* NBf \4,.ul.i buva paaaed anchaltangad, hs bciag in aaftataal eaa roralty wlth laav t> be udniUsilblo, nnd pliiinly evl,!.-.i,.. Iiii*; (h.4 ixill. Them lt mot-j* uf the ly sp.-ck j.uu, ui.u i.y than is Beoalble, but lt wiu not be x\iih ? ,t its Kootl elTei-t ln liirtiitlng greater eare in ihe f'.'i,.lu, t ,,f onr ebv'tions. N.-T XVll'lli.lT' III'.I*. 4 IIARMS KVEN YET. , Frotn The i"i n HeraM. rhe Maryland ojrater Indnatrg s,.pins t. i?* ta n it..line. bul ao loag ii- her torrapin ian.1 ranva*barka lontlnua t.. BourUh, i. -. gjorj x\ii; m,t be qalte ,,i, rllll'.i. INI'I.W M.I.DIT'lS rO| CN.'I.E SAM. ri 'I, 'i ba ii fl aaapoihi Toamal ii"' ii< ti.f iii* wm- iiJ-iiai-tnieiit m aaatg*ntag aa ..n,**i t,, drlU uu- agenry iiiaians. Mr Um pargaaa ,,f niiii.'iiif them a* fnr u> poaalble in Um praaaal war. is ?,ii,lin*ntlv aaisf. x\> an* not anrc hut ln tlil- iliin.i ,n li?4M one nf tha boat iiietlt'itU not only of ulllulng, bul. ..I 4'lvillzlng U>e lii'liBu. DB. DEPEW IN B18 BLEBBNT, TALKINO TO RAIMIOAD MF,!f HI9 Bfljaaa kS ATHI.KTr.. ** rhatmrey M. Depew never made a happy.r ^^ in l.i. Ilfe tl,..,, thal whlrh |M rlPlivoren lait ,ii(rhTt_ tho railroad man, the oeeasloif beln* Uie flftaenth am? versary <>t thc bflBBB) g u,,. y^.j 29 (hiMlan A.-Jsorlntloti. f'ornellu* Vanilert.llt pr*y?|J and made a brlef ndd." Abram e He**nt \\ spoke. Tho hall wnt erowded almoat to flBflhaal-fl many ?nidncer- nnd rondur-tor* from .hc lu.i^m \\\\ aaB "f tbe New York Central roa?l l?*lnir unable to _>.? admlttance. Two brakemen. oven-ome In th** eo-r-* rj Mr. Howltt'i apeeeli, )eft the room, weak ty> ii^a without aaalatanre. After a half honr aai aa orat/irtra) hour anai a half tl.ere wa* * food dlnner. Dr. Depew spoke '.f many thine* aiifl kept lui hrajn, lanithlrig from tl.c tlme ho opened hl* month tln ^ rlnsed It. Hc wa-a partb tilnrlv rl-,*?*'*1 19 bfl on rm.t. hflflflaflfl the Instltutlor. wa* m the line of hl* daily aa a ..[..itlon. He romp-.rod the nld tallroad man w*t*i tfl* new, to the dlandvantaoe ef the former, and <pok? nt ' the trefncnalfiin rttffirtitty of rislnp al.ove the levet ia J these day*. teBBBBB tlte pl'.r.e ha* _oti*n -.o hlrh that | j man, to itet above It, mnst have extraordlnary opporta | nitle* and* extraordlnary tnlent*. Thli apprH j ln all tl.e walki of llfc, 99t to rtillroadlnf alone. Hl llked ta, sec a younur man mi'tte tlie efTort tr, ret np hked to *eo hlni move. He dldn't belleve In ?tundU( ?.tlll. thflflftl hrotiglit np le *? Pla-e where lt wa? c-ai. ?BlflNi undlKnlfled to move. He *flaa__Bf the dari WhflB, on thc alrc_it. hc drove an old BB9 whoi, name was gflBBWBZ, 99*991 he rlun. f., the rromid. Xhiafa, howe-rer. had hvered up NMB-M aaaal th*n. He mentloned Rn maniiltVent home of the Mnnhattan j AthletJe I'lub on tbe aa*JBBNa -l-t'* ef Forty flfth ?t. l '?Tliey've. unt a aplendld nymnailum over th_re,? ba said, "but i.'s no bi-.b'r than o,ir*. Th?-v've _ot ny nlfleont bath.i. but HaflJ are no belter than O-ra-aM ! are not u*od as oft"i. Otir ,*.**r retary informi me th,4 : 14,000 baths wero taken l_*t year. I t-emember wVbij j thero ?BBB only two taken ln the whole yard. That'i what I .all pnign***. I aant our railroad men to i orKaulie haflBBBa. nlnes antl foothall e!f*ven.. I waal I thoin to have hijfh Jtimpcr* and hundred vard mnneia, ' and I want them lo *end a ehalleiifl. a'-n.-.* the way I to the . Ic-rrv Mflaaond*. At.d when they win a trnptrj [ I ran as'iire theni the BBB-BBBBfl flf the lioard ot ' Dlreitors will clap hl* Iwnds at the wlndow and to* ' president -..ili *" down on Ihe stdewalk aod yell. Aa i a tribute Ui mv itihleiii- piowe**. T h^v^ feeBB eleeted I a member of tlie THiwihattaii. and t.a>w I want to ?ee f*ai railroad boy? cro?* lanae* with Ihe boy* a.ver there." Ur. Depew piid .. ?_! trHnite t*. tl** three gane nit__n* of V.inderbilt*-<'ommrala?ra Vanderbilt. tha irrcat a,f rallroads; Wllliam II. Va. derbllt? ' tlie exeeutlvo manairer and developer. and Ma *oo?. C'ornellus and Wlllinm K. Vanderbilt. who showed their abillty ln tlio enipl.iyment of pmner men to look after the d.-ti.ll* of their immen-e ?y*ten,. Mr. Hewitt imld that he k.,***w but BBB r.rh man ln New-Tork-bv rlrli he meant a man worth at leaafl i*->i?(ii*i.(*?i>- who wia^ dolnit hi* <lutv. That said. d.*v..t*vl Iii- li-cme, flhOtfl the ?um ra iiulrffl for thc neees*arte* of life. to rharltv. IXCIDEXTS IX SOCIETT. A dlnner partr wa* tfven In one af ihe prlv?a room* at PfllflUBIflBl last nltrlit hf B-_BhB Hver. Jr., In honor of hl* eBBBBB, Mlos Man- Vnthonr i liapln. ona of the debntantes of tiil* WlBBBT. thfl p.**?t? we-ro Mrs. A?t.,r. Mi*. Dv. r. ?.f I*rov,denre. Mr. and Mn. W. P. Slnane. Ur. and Mr*. Adolf I.adenbnrz. Mr. ani Mrs. W. ('. BThflaar, Mr. and Mr?. Lntlier Koontre, Mr. nnd Mr*. Wlll am Vtall >"h*pie. Mr. ind M-*. <?,,m.iel .1. Cnleiit**. Ml?* ii.*ddard. Ml<.** Hewttt, IftH Marv Pott?r. J. I. Astor. nroekholit fut'inc J'**! Fraser, Hamlltfiii FNh Web'ter. and H. Le i.rar4 Tannon. Mr*. Oliver Hnrriman eave a dlnner pirty l*a evenlns for Ml*.a Omre Cirley, who i*. ?oon to mar-r Ollvi-r Marriman. Jr. Amonjr the ( were Mi*a Oriswokl, Ml*s Havemeyer, Mi*.* Ktt'e s*nd?. Mi-* Florenrn (JrNwnld. Mr. and Mr*. R. H. Hunt, an9 Mi-!s Itlthop. Mr?. .Tehn Sh.>rw.?od rend a mo*t lntcr**tn? BflflflflflB) of h<*r Jonrnev t*frnnh Hpaln at the Wirtdi .r llTtel ve*fenl:iv nftern.a.n. Prevlou* to the readine f'.'-a was ?ome a_ree:ib|e ilncin. bv Ml**s Ahfe Miv F.**.*-. of ito-ston, and by Fraaeta VTaBaar, flf Ne***" V i ? I 30O p.*op!e were pr-*?ent. Mr. and Mrs. wllliam Kl?nm Vanderbllt l.eld ih*-ir second and la?t rer^jitlon with mn*!'- af lli-*ir hn.*--*. No. IWO Fifth-ave.. Ia-.t ni?Tit. Tlie Symphony Bfll ? P ?rf*h-~.lra plaved. , oidiKUiiK. thfl procTamme inelnded BflBBBf other number* Nleolaa* overlnre to "Thfl Merrv Wlv. * af Wlndaar." ftaT'e - Leonore" Svnapl.onv, l?-- I .oven* T.eo.iori <?v.t,u"? No. ft. some eoinpositio,.. of '.ri.*'.*. ..Ii.ek. T.l'.aik'.-.v -'. ? nnd the prelude ivnd fln.ale of Waazner'*. "Trl*.tan * 1 [aoMa.1 Ti,o arahaaara arai BtaltoMl ,,. lha ihihiB r.vnn and BBPfflt araa *<rv,*d to the tn.? -t* as _ba| Five liii?flr?ft p**ople were pre-ent. In.'liidlnir the -el known in New York a< Bflalfl a_ahh*aflMB. MfllB. ifl Pfl-tiaa wlll _iv"e a fcaay-drea* ball on thfl nk'lu of nHUBBfJ '?'. .?t .**?<>? 199 9EBR ?**?? Mr. and Mr-. .1. H. S!m!t?. of Urooklyn. who ira p.i**uie d*9 arlBter at the ll.'tel. pive a re ca.ptlon with tla-iri-ic on Monday nlpl.t at M'.*-rrr'?. for Ihelr sam, .1. II. Shnlf*. Jr.. and hls brlde. AflBBBBJ lha neefa *rere PaalBaaalaB *~d Mrs. Van <'<,tt, Mr. ? d Mr<. Heraaaa Ofltrkhfl, Mr. and Mr*. Willian, lllnman, W. ... LBBTaan, ktlaa >!,"r;'lan. Cl.arl^* Itlzf-r. Mr. il Mi* I 9. <'o<*. Mfaa <"?*. Mr. BaB Mr*. A. C Wa?hli?? !,,,, a?.?. Mr. aaal Mr*. aflftflfl P9J*. ^Il* -* Van Ba n nelacr **',*.".? enl Ttalned ?t dinr..*f bwt Katurda) night Mr*. Astor, Br. .. id Mr*. Cornefai Vauderl .lt. Mr. and Mrs. Henry si.-an.*. Mr*. >.'"*r1 \\-,.,,. . n. |... atl nul r.innon, DMaBB Klliott *? d 11 iaj Fori'.t W "l> a. _, Mr. .aml Mr*. .1. <?? I.enlllhon, of No r.n W***t F.!?v? entb-it-. h.'.v.- out ra.ra1? for a r*p<-.-p'lfv> on .'-.nnary ?.".'. to [ntrodaee their dauu7ner. Mi?,s Marte de Toari La.'iitlilion. XO TFS O F TH E S TA (i E. Maurla-e A. Saanlan. a biolher of \V. J. aVanlar* |t**J in ihi- rity ou Monday fra.m i oiisumptlon. hi* deafb _u,.i, haaaaaal hj a ..i.i wMeh ii? haa. m Pitubunj. where bc played < lirSnna*. week. He waa malmc lus tirst itarrlaej laat ra parts ..inular t? t'mse plaied by hia brother. He ara* tventj thi-ee year-. >>M. Hta fat her aad aatateraiB atlll Uvtag. The pi-ndni tion of ?*Tliei-nildor"' In Parl* has beea postpa.ncd till BBSl M.'iulay niRlil. Thc Waslue-day niati.tce at the ..arden Theatre will be omitted to-day. To n.airrow afternoon mem_eri of thc rfanftattan Athiei,.- dah win mv.* Mha haaaMl Townaend'a burle*que, "Tha Davtl m leareh of a wlfe,* for thc beneflt ,f the Aa tor*' Fiind. ?? Men nnd Wonieu" reaehed its 100th performanra at Prortor'*. Theatne o>. Mon.lay mizht. A aouvflaa was dlstrlbut**.!. I on-i-tinir of a plattire flfl irla** Ir, a fraaaa qf poU?hei aaetaL af th.* tin*l <i?.ip af '??? rharartari n, the play, Inrludlng efeven Igaraa. rndar tl,,- jiliture wa*. tl, ? titlo " Love and Honie.* I.awrenae larrctt wlll play " (ian.-Ion" nt the n.ond* flflbf rtl'.ti ' all tl,!* BBflfe- ,??,,. -pt >.it.,n!.a\ ifteri,'>*a, arhaa "Meaaea an.t Jniief ?m b>- ghraa, Baatf, MBB> day hc v.iil i.'viv.* "Franeeaea da Rlailni.* w,th M.ia i.ale. as rrniia-.'* a and Mr. I.a'.o as lha J< -."*" Wllliam M. Dunlovy. who has been se,tt*.i*.lv *lek for a IflBf tlnie, has retiiiiieal to hls ptflBfl it -Bfl Ne"* Parh Theatre an.l taken eaaaff. of the arranitvmeiiU U* "A MrnlKht Tlp," arhlch wlll be pl.ived there oa Jaaaarj ta Tho iitii?-1> Baaaai pflaflflrflaaaaa t>f -Tiie L**t Maflfl Bl Daly's Theatra- w.a* i-iwi, flfl M. it'lay aftern *on *? a apeclal matlnee f"i- tl, ? beneflt of the Home f>T I*-*-*-f Mi.t. *. lha* li.,.-.* ??* a'..,ni'l't'*I.V fllle.1 and * '*rl* vi,? aaa Mearafl f", lha InatttaUaa. "Tha Laal I jdF will end ,ts t-iin attta tia lOlat perforaaaaee aaal >iaa> day nlglit. The iiiembors of the Kmma Al,l?,tt <.pera .Vmp.viy arrived in town on Monday. li I- pmpo-'d t' P1*4* tlie coinpany BB Ma I n'l al?in BrMh as.oiher alonna. and tha* niaii-.t'r. Mr. IV-tt. haa in*!e a Pn'P? sitiou tu Mlaa Lily E*o*t, whlch haa aal yai baaa *.epv ed or alcvllned. The A.??.*!-? Fun.l wlll have a beneflt at the A.B-lemy of Maata la Jaraaf *'??>' bb fBhraan 5 it a* ** under the mans-ienient of the aldtiw of Wtllutni Hea der?on. who wa*. at one tlme vlee-president al lh" ro**)_j and wlll b<* the mat beneht that tlio fund &*.- ever .aa iii Jexacy City. Mr. and Mr*. H. R'.der Haguaid and a porty ti frleud* saw " tleau Dninimell* ai ihe i.erden Theiua a.n MflOflBJ aaeatag, and after the pe.-formMn<*e weraea tettained by Kl> hard Manatield at Dalnioiilco'i An an_n_enient has been mide by which A. M. Palmer'* aorapanlea wlll occupy Hooley'* Theatr*., for a .onslderable aeaeon. befinnlni ln Mar? Mr. Willard wlll beflln'thc *pnn_ aeasa.n there. uA Ihe MhflaatM Siinare Theatre I'ompanv wlll fol.-*-r Mr. Willaial wlll pi |fl Knsland for the ?..,nmer. J**.! x, ,|| ratarfl ln MM Biitnmt. h.r * t??r n'ld,,r._,_i Paimera nanaieaMat, nml w.ll play f.>r the *-?uw parl ol tl.,- *i'.i*...a al I'.tlm.'i'*. Theatre Tlte Iradlnfl. dniBiati.' ajt-iil*. flf the ,Un BBBB Emt , -.-ni.-nt \\ln*,-el,v Bhflt IflflflBBBB 99l "' -e,1"B a.i e.iaaK 'nient fa.r iinv mtor who ha* b_BBb1 ? I'*-" for aarvlcaa raadared t\ a,,>er. Tliomas Maryiiell, formerly a ?t*ire rarpe*.-"- ?? Nlblo'* tiarden. dled at No. 141 Ka>t IhlrUsnth Bb BB riunday. lie **lll be burled at I'alvary *-Vn''te''_. day- TB? 9. Halny. an okl BBjMB-JlBl ?.?!"? ?t tha N-v. Vork and wlU be burled ln ?*? a.i*..--' Fund l'lot tud_,y.