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GLORIES OF THE ORANGE. THE jmU-AND SOCIETY?S DINNBR cpEECHES BT R B ROOSEVFLT, ABHAHAM LANS IXO, CHARI.F.S P. PALY. UKNEUAL VIF.I.F. ANI1 OT14! l*.s Ite alxth annntvl dinner of the Holland 8oclety ofl ; Mggx>TMl arga one of It* greatest and Its moM un fortonate. Thc demand for aeats at the tablea has rnrTea?ed year by year. and last evenlng the manago menl i-ought lo m?*ct t ag engaglng lhe l.etiox Lyccum fnr a dirlng lutll. wliero not only all the members and jmaa-ta of (he soelety xvere arcommodaled, bm 8 brlllianl arr-tx of the ladtes of their famllios arlnllllalod lo the boxrs. Tho renilt was i?ot happy. lt wa* a aBj-aMaa jTalhorinK, and tli? Hollmid Sorlcty never Da/1 more ocrasion for ihouting " oranje boven:* ??orangc 88 top," ao tnr a* (hc comesTiMc part of the dlnner was cencerned. Fine stieeehes, lioivever, ?rere waated on eeholng air. Never bad men more or aggMfl M 8B881 MMia*! " ?wcct eeho. swecteat nymph." and to wlsh lhat she wonld retlre within her "aery ffMaf and Btag there. The Lenox l.yreum may be an eicellent conccrt hall, bul for public epeahing its g^snuatic qtialitles are bad. When Robert 11. Raaosevelt. llie BreataaaU of the aociety, had dellvered hls sdrtres*. of ?aMaSBO M what. for uil practlral BMa*ff888a, xvas dnmb ahnw. Oeneral Egbert la. Vlcle aro*c and BBtei thc pe, aii ie at the table* and (n tho boxes to refrain from talking . Hut, < hatter or no el.atter, lt was Im poaslble to hear (he spoeclies even at a foot's length from tbe speakers. To the rtght and l?ft of Robert D. Rooscvclt, at the table on thc dais. a-nt .Tohn II. Planteti. 4 luarle* H. Wlnfleld. j\braham 'Lanalng, Edward Elsxvortli, r\ .ludpe M8ai Daata, repreacntlnt: tho St. Davld's ?sorlety. /ospph W. lloxve. the reprcsentatlre of tlie Near Englanders; John Sloane, for the st. Andrcxas laddlea; F. W. J. IInn.t, for -St. (ieorgc nnd Merrie England; aieorge M. Van lloe*en, II. W. Bookstuvcr. p. Henry Dugt-o. Augnstus Van Wyrl;, Chatlcs P. Daly, Bt OMM MrKclwuy, Oeneral Eghart L. Vicle. Jnhfl C. TiTtrllnsori, Jneob F. Mlller, of the Martln I.utfier Sorlcty ; Pavid Mr<lurc, of 'the t?t. Putrlrli's Sorlcty; Ocorge F. Danf.n-fli. .lohu Van Voorhl*. ii. Hllton Sriibner. .lohn \V. Vrnnman, 11. C. Duval and 4*Jdaor F. Walkcr. of 4'hicago. Among at the otl,er tables were: ?Wllllam M. H.aes, F. 0, XVaunr-r, J. Mau* Schermer fcern, H. 1. Reinniond, De. A. S. Kobinsou, Jav nb Btteg, Jeaaf. Kltlng. Peicr J. Fitlnf. F.. J. Kltlng, Irvlna Bttag, XV. L. Hecrmame, Pnidy Van Vli.t. XV. W. Mar*h, C. B. Sog.rt, C. II. llayton, Major Wllliamson, lYVi De r.auii. O. E. Nontanv.-, I.. g. Williani M. lloca, Wllliam Sch.4xi)/44ti, Ider, Maurkt 1. H. D.' lina*, Jacob S. Van Vx'yiK. J. Koynolda Adrlance, Frank Ilu brouck, Voainaiid Maabrouefc, J. C. lUsMouclt, J. K. Haabroiick. fcaver Haal.iouck, Jacob IjO F.'vre, J. XX. Po'ichar, BaaaMt Vau Wagen.-n, .Xbtaham Qua. k< ni.u-!,. la. V.. tnhioiimaker, M. B. WC84V11. OMMaa XV'-nd 11. tha M88. WiUlam Prall, Jo 111 K. riiyn. \V. 11. Montanxi. BT. J. Van Aiscial.*, .fT.r;n N. Vj.ii WaMBW, John <;. Bogcrt. J,.lu> MraiTM, Dr. A. BtaaiveU, Dr.*. Van Knii.'ii. Dr. B. F. Vo.aliurgli, D.XViit ('. Kuiii.yn. F. F. XV nd. 11. Jobn 8T. Bantaa, xv. A. Jeaatage, H. Kldlor, A. i.. Bocert, J. D Wynkocp. lefea Van .Silinltk, (.'harlea K. Van vk k, wtniati .1. Vaa VMek, 1 D Maaator, :;. v. >i.?1-, wuiiam W. Van Vooihis. lvt.-i v. Vaataeaa, t. itaMejra Vartati Townaor.d WaaaVU, J. x'. Wartarrett, Judco Ciearxratjer, .icnr-tal XV. g. Strykcr. *saiinifl B. StrykBr, W. D M BMaBMBafeer, John K. Van Ni.atrand, J. I*. Itagilya. A*afiaa4?xi I'.ap. ly,-, "Dr. E. P. Terhune. TT. d.* B. ti.-heru-k, 18888 0. de Be> voiae, C. V. Bantn, H, th ?. Still, A. J. XVhiti..n k, Da Witt Rnoaa, J. Ijcmianl Vailck. W. 11. H. Strykcr, I>. II lloughtaling. ?.. B. D. Hashrouck, F.lljah Dubols, CtaBrlM F. Van Inaacpcn, ?<ilomon Van BMB8, John K. Vand,r vaer, Charlea De II. H:o?-r. B'i.s'11 Van geae, II. M. Vaaiarraar, Dr. s M. ^tagaaMa, Major Paahaaa. Lauien.e Vandervcrr. C. R. Ua.ll'k, Van Dyko OriMM, Staoy IV Conover, BT. 11. Vr.J.nt.iirch. x'hurl's B. Conov.r, .1. II. Iaonsstreet, B. F. XVhlflaw, II. M. T. Diekmax-i. Ileriry Traphagan, \V. I*., I*a?c E. DH mars, Everttt 1. Esaelstync, Henry C. Dc Wltt. J. 1*. Amoi V?n Ktt*n. OarwU Van Nostrand, XV. O. Blauvclt, D^laxan a-ataed Bcad. W. K. Vaa Mafgagt, Killa<n Van Rertjs>'la-*r, IMaaial O. H. -Ford. A. V. ItaaIIH. J. MT. Dnrye--, i:d?a*s;i Wexnple, John H. Btarln. John J. Lapham. ITiiodoio >1. Baata, Dr. Maua R. Vadder, A. C4. Brliivkcrhoif, John L. RJJBM. Fred. T. Vaa Bour^u, Jacob T. Van Wyck, (harles E. Lliydaoker, John C. Henir, J. A. Van Autten, John V. ftttaadaa, C. C. Hapar, Mo*e? I. De XVItt, .Irre Johnaon, jr.. Joaja 4J>. Vaa Home, F.-.inene, Fnanit R. Van 48448, J. D. Van Hosriib.ii'li. Abraham Vau BBattrasM. Dr. X. W. Oharr.b.r*, Heiuy R. LMniDlxr-*, Willlam L. gitra-er. <*harle* F. MaalaHM, John H. Vaaagta, Maaiy ?**' StaaaM, John Martln, Jain,-8 D. Mct'l, Hand, laaao I*. Vaader Baek, F. J. Vander Beck, F. J. Vander ii.-ek, jr.. ?ooathan Dii*>n, I. I. Vaader Maat, Rev. A. A. Eabrlakle, JUrry Wlnfleld, Lmns Ia, Van 81188, laataa S.iyda.n. Ijaoibart Suvdain. Lonls Elmfiidorf, V. L. Schena-k. lvtcr j. etarveaaiit, j. ff. 8*aaaaraaaM, d. b. Vaa iiouten, Walter M. Meairole, Adrlan Meaetolo, 44*or4Te M. Vande venler. D. S- Jatobua. A. O. fc.hoon-iiak.r. <*. w. Mtager> land, 41. W. Van Sklin, WaMCB SUi.f.n, Jos. i>h K. Mefcar, Oau'lea M. Pn-aton. E. Q. Whluker. John E. MaaaerMa, Fred. BBMBBraU M B MaMBTtM, Ir., John Knl.-kerboi k-r Beymour Van BBBllllffl Willlam D. alarrUon, John Dillon. Robert (.. bagMaattt John Maaaatl Youiiu, XVilli-am H. BUBtroj, M. H. Da faaaagi I'li'-o-Jore w. Mgara, lingi. BL Oardoi. I-'.la Jullo B!ai?.,. Ma BMr. Willlam Uankin. Diiryw f>. Van Volk.nburaiti. H*-nry D. Van Oral'-n. An oVw fJ. Mv r., IC XV. Diii.hain, J. Bl.ecker Mlllei, W. Van r>aa"t)e.k. ?)n the menu cards for a fronU?plere was n pholo graph of praMJ IMM MIllaMiMa M OraaBge, Queu. of the .Netl.erlaii.l-, xnih tho-siibsa-lpdon, -Long UM 884 llappln.-s* to H.-r.* Tha W4M*ilag <>f th..- meau araa 88 Bdroit sxaagta M tka raatarar'a art He had ? fkmbM hlll-of fure-one in Daaefc, th- otli-.r 111 French. And <,h: MM wi.licd puivvy,.!' tiu.: li'- aajM-MM double-di-al'M' -he h?d Mr t.'.e Dulehnu.i ?? Soep in )ta..?ache aMJl* aeag la tl.e llapuc stxlc-whilc his aJtei-nate 11888* i:ird prorlainml it to be "088888*8888 a la st. Garaaata.* And iuibmmjM8 ii aaa B888 enough. Hia " Zalm in Koltcrdam*eh<: stijl.'' M-.ln.on ln Kottendam MgM. -l'a*. ;i _ KrancHlse. ? 8888888 a !a VeniUenne." And so on righl Uirough the bill-oven Ilic BlaOM I888MI DfMJtBg U, thc Dutrh readcr* m --aartM Oranci Maaaaa." aafll to the Fren.h. ""aartM ' Bat a flr.c dl-h ta^tea ha "8J8fMB by one nnnie as another. Da** French, on En<;lU.., M 0** (bere aOea 888888. a- -uv (he fhlnanieii. aiMae MaMaMM ?*_**_*__* thc only one that is uttetly labooed on '? clvrtiml menu cards. . , Th.. oniv iganMBT i>'-',<'' ??li on lhc ,,,n nf f'? was the ?*V).??d,chc h,?rlP*en." a Maa M r4Ta?8 bmMb onlv at faMaafaV Fron. (Jouda BMB 88888 he .ll e _H\ were distribu.ed after tl.e i.ekn.nkelA, 9**dBB* Plpjen entabaU." Q8Ml8 ls ?^af 1*V 04)0 MMMfaMBtM. half an houfs dlsUnce by n.i froM RolUrdam. About ,'.000 of her __+?"?^JJ* Uvinc bv plpes: tl.e 1888. preaumablx. by 88M8. Jirr maie S ^ the OtaaaaaaM ratta and the ditto plpe and export them. Aino,ig thc Mtfaaa td regrct rend was one ***** ___\ f .1. .loubert. tha tasarga WaahMgtaa afl *? ?Tnm.vaul. CMrMtMl JOBaltaK, t>tMM| fr?m Ai,is,.r eam on Daeaaaaaa, 18, i??o. **j g?4wttaat8Ball8g mv *?_** ***> **"___ ___?? __i a.-.toi. taaatag ln -very BMM888, 1 la not wlsh to ^?ir^^^fM r*-. grrr m raaa ?.??? md Maaag v? rf*J*** ? kaa. fron, you av.d our ??* h..**M*^ ," / ,! M,d ao ...anv oUier go-aj men. alwaya +U Hveta WB - ?aattX^^W^SSS rTs^aTar^".^ :;^; a-iaii ta. UkM taMB K. BBJ t'O*1*-*^- n0t ** * ""'" __? aMMBM^MatataMMi irtah aaata 1 had tn.: haaaM af aaaal. _T*T*m*\ml Z also uic4M.l-re.hem U??,.?.,,.-* af oor ancc-tors. ch.ldren of tue M8g8888ta, and ta heagil .MM th.. arahtraa for my M.IMM aai paatarMj ".S !;r7.cve Maaga, m, ***** ^^2 Baata alrlaaa aaaMiMie. 1 aag- Maafi ?****_ ' , frianda of 8888 b!g country ln Prcu.ria. aod 1_h8ga, 8taB; u. ha aMB to you during tDe great exhibltloa a. ^iTlM addriH. nf vxe-.-ome. l>rcaidc..t ggMaaaMM pild a warm con.pllment to <.encral .loubort. and he aho tald : ...__. nf ___ I 888 to MM otner i*untrlea elalmlng ***** *?MM of BM gc-4 B881MI88 of our tMiceator*. At i^e ^^'^ 6:. A-id-a,-,-. Soeiety our laaaM fri*888* d-umed MatttM Ui taa gaMaaaa, aaiaraaia, ****_**_>J" *?0n 0f 't, their ..i^ator. .nd IhtHr eouraaa and th.ift. On m Pn ot t,,nr bmjbMM 8888 cui..,d a hMM MMraa^laMMaM waa 8B8M.Tg< ing **** tue MaM ar.d tfMf ? *etK*? tairlliB 1, ?* it warc. Thc M8M?l^ii?w,a8iraaa8a knoavn ,11 o'.r IM88, u.urp tl.a credlt BM BMMafJ?*** **? aaa. doat for Amcrl... and gP* -a laMaMalng .11 |?r o ceiienc.*,, M8M h.viug for centuri.,. davotad MaMjJMaMaa to potac?lr,a BMMMtMa o( BMM M 888 *2**"" auaVa ,. well. O.d England M pBMd, and _** ?*? JJJ te. (hat rii. h^ a ftBaaa M M8 pur? iMbMB ****** *?* Uary paa] thelr roval MM trata Holland foi *****%JT itpubllcan tha- world over wlll BM8 no BMM ***** aaaaMaaa M 11 iilmfl ta aa aagftrM aon.,- 4>.* 1* ?*-"? BMai on tne H.rv... ot On .t MMM I JBg I ** taJJ* that the Ml 8f BM 888*8 88aaaMM8 MM4 of our BOtd ?8811 Uta. a n.aj." mc MMfli the **"" "' *e r'* ??rld. (Aipiau.c) . . .hA.i.'hts Ma mu.. ,.01 MrgM aMM aa ara aaMtog *?**?"? tata u> bm jrir'r- "' hM bbm bm Maaaaa <? **i bbl The aloiloua B<**a*M ot CMJMJ8 MJ Ml male M88 B8B ?taapp,?tr.d Tha BgtrM * t***** and MaTBMM. awm al aouotrv a/.d tHe M pro.-.ia.- hava 888traa bji *Bly ln the na,!!- p**r.?M tt Mttalt voonc efiiia??J" ?BBdMBg BaggS K. Ior. taM BTMM a 888 M 88MMMM8,8al BM ttae liUle Netherlavnda-llUle by ?__*t*JE Z aalHUlea and mlghty ndghbora-be plungeC w.w extlnctlon of that line and llfe. a atranRrr would moiint . the thronr, im?.ympathetlc wllh the people. diidalnful 'wr- I h?i>? of Ihelr taws a?d aaaaaaaa. what. *., beaaaa ..f amhi. I Hon mlKht not throw thaw,. nnlUd. Rtates Into a bitt-r , and da-f-prrate sinncir- for llberly. I.ot u* j haipe Ihflt th.* lountry of onr an.'.-tiv ' may hB sparod the calai.ity; but If It aaaaaa, j ict aa gBoaatae hai not oniy aaai aid and aaapni *s aa Ma Bi\*. aaaaaa lha aaa, but if, aa Baa IhreBteael in tha oidmi Iaaa, hat aaaali leava her shor..* nBhai flbaa .ut.inlt to larckra iaaa, Irt lis olTer th.-m arnun. a fliaall. l.b-rt\.l.ivlriK iind bid p. ndont, llkc tl,.,.,., i\, a. n.t flWfel] * ref..!..-. imt a heartfl areleeflM, Kaewtafl ?** a*a d.. >...**? much of tl.e bBUBafll of ,iur kindr.d In the Vflttflftflafla, how much ?f the pioaprrltv of aai l-B-IBlllll. how BM* I) of tho Uhertlea of Eareaa ??d mankind flepeafl uimii one vouiib uf,.. i _.n aar* aaa wlll all aatfli with me huit.iv ln flriahlai hnallh, loni, llf,. and bepplaeflB to Wllheln.ln, r, a Haaaaa, Qatei of th.. Nrtheriand*. tOhrara.) Abrahaa- Lanalag, of Albany. made an able speerli ai.,.iat "Tha Datehaaaa*a tiresidr.- "Oat brethren el the hoiith Afriian HefahMea Ha hernism diiplnyed ' nt llaarlaaB, al AlhBaaar. at Leydcn, affain mnde ma.ii | laa at Majaha Hlli," toaafl an etofflBBt ifohaaaaaa ... t'hnrlcs A. Wlnlicld. Uwarl Elswortli, of FMffa , kcepsic. dlsaussed ?? Dutch Tlirlft." >t. Clair McKelway. nf Hrf.oklyn, ipolio of "Tho! true American, the frlaafl but not the bully of l.i*. i-outitry." Me took rxrailon to call attentlon to the I Ibal thnt Samuel ... Tlinyer, thc Amcrlian Minlster at j tiie HagBB, was iim orl^ii, ator of the fllijo?I lor a a-aaaawal at Dalftahavaa lo ute Rt^rln Fatbera. I John S. Tomliiisoii responded for "Tlie Purltan In j ii.,iin,iai," Cbarie* p. imiv ior "rTfiir naiBtarlaaa* n,,?i Heneral Veile 'or - iioli.uid'* conini'-rclal Ihfloence ln Atneiu-a.' rhe meratiera ,,f thc dlnner commlttee ! were, their nanie* beln'g alren aecordlng to tln* Dut.-h, , Joru M. Van lloeaen, Willem I). uarriVm, Karel A. Vtuiderhoof, Will.-m w. Van Voorhla, l.ob!>crt \V. ' \nii lioakerek, Jorli w Van .telen nnd WlUan M. Moea, Aa haa i.-t-n aaM, lha ttoaaaat apeeebea w.*rc not ? hear.1 i-.thcr on tln* floor or in the BjaUeflea, bul the diiincr waa .-. Boetal raeaaaa in apMe of that Amon| tho falr h.alic. who were iirc*e:it, but illdn't hear any ipeahlng irera; Mr*, Kobert II. Rooaevelt, Mrs. John Sherwood, Mr>. Uuch i{. iiardcn. Mlaa From well, Mra. Bopw A, I'ryor, |Uaa Prya.i. Mrs. M. II. de YounfF. Mrs. Koberl H. Rooaevelt, ir., Mra. ('aivin 9. Ifrlee, Mra. Jamea A swann, Mlaa Maud Porteecae, Mr*. HJ. C. Dti Val, and thc wivaa and famllies .and friends of JaflMB l>. Wynhoop, \v. .1. V?n Araflale, <-. ... Da witt. 9. K. yaadarhaak, W. L. Haermaaee, Jere Johnson, Jr., L. L. Van Allcn, Roberl Ba-hete, John II. Ntarin, V. 97. Hrint kcrhoif, Charlea A. De Witt, J. Maoa salu'iiiia.,)....,.. Charlea E. liogart, r. B. Var iak. I.ambert Mivdani, Wllliam M. Ilocs, .1. \V. Vrooman, W. W. V;.:i Voorhla, Abraham I.ansliu'. Hartow \v. Van Voorhla, John Van Voorhla, w. i?. (iarrlson, thfl Rev. J. HOWBlfl Suvdam, Oeorge M. Van tfoeaea, joiu. Brower, John k. Pniyn, .i. C. Hfla brom-;.. J. r. Voorheea, c. K. Van Vleoek. C. ii. Wlntieid. John w. Durvee, J. R. Van aeert, D. H. V..n ?Houton. II. M. T. j.oelunan, Cotneltafl l>n, Juriah ii. Voorheea, Peter J. _4t_nf, A. i. rlarBenbaifh, Dr. H. 9. Voaburgh, Dc Witt C. HUHUianee, llerbcrt Van Dyha, Russoii Van Neas, Dr. c. J. Dnmond, H. s. Mott, .1 R. \ andevcer. A. II. Van llriint. J. ... Bojert, i.cneral W. .*-'. etryUer, A. D. Bflflerl and P. V. Fort. SIEiRP W0RB8 FROM TIIE MOXK BI5HOP UTtTLEJOBN DENIKS A LICENSE. FATHKR IGNATlUfl PRF.ACHF!) IM PROOKLYN VXDKH A MISAPPBEHEMfl.fHf. Fa1h"r Ipnatius wlll nol preaa h iiRiiin in rrooklvn. That ls |o s-ay, I!i*.l,..p Llttlejohn has so declded, aml it win t.o in Beflanee of hta wlahea lf the Uenedlctlne Kvaiij-'ciist of tiie Prrttrjlant __riaeopal Chareh a?ain O-Malea tn the Ploeaae of Laag i-laml. The serilres hc hcll at Ihe Urooklyn Acadcmy ef MaalC were aitanged f"r by him undar a false Im preaaloa. it was his bcilcf that th? city of Ctarehea anal thfl tfriitoiy tha other sidc of thc rlver wero ln tha Dtoeaaa .,f rfaw-Yorh, where Blahop Porter rulcs. It was not untll thc hall was paid for and romiderablo advertl Ing maMar had been put out thal lha Metah monk .ii*. ..vcR-ai iu* miaaha, I-aflreaaon hc wroto to Btflbop Llttlejohn at laOBg I*Ia,id City. a^kii,*: f"r a Ueeaaa tf> preadi. Thc IJishop ua* i.l.-cnt nnd I' Iguntius, rcccivlnK no reply, liclicvcd thal all wa.nld ho well. nnd BOOOBBlBffly hc held h.s Bflirleei ,.* aali'oi t.ised. Laal Monday ho received thc followinit letter: Gaida-n City, Jin. 10, 1891. Reverend and Df-ar Sir: Abscnco from home has i>r.. vrnted an earller reply to your noic of .lanainry 5. lt I* BMBth to ba laeraataB that yon should ha\c tua'l** your ar rai.iirmcnUa for p'.l.lic pcivit;* it. tl.e eitv of UrooKlyn !..?? fnre iBB-B*anleaila| with the aitilaalaafleal authority a.r Hm Plateaa of I-onj Island. Yrt. ... >ou now a-k me fnr a Haaaaa to oftieiat.- ta ihi* di.,.-e-,' I n.'is*. raajaaal raa M plaee in n.y lunOs t*ip tisual a-anonicai evMenee *?f your cood ?taaBlafl us a aUalaiat of lha chuicii of aaalanl Thi? ahould emhrai-o your lct'ers of BlBei* aal B testlnionlal of raaaaB *rat>> frum !>o,n,' l!Isl.o|i of rl?? ? ( of K.aii. 1-inal d' il.irii.. thiit you arc ln rfflvllar eanaalaal rclation-i to him. It may bt proper to add thul r.o 'li-rrryman of th.- Ohaiah "' F.tiL'land, or of aay oth.r ih'.ii.l. ln lon.niuii.oia ?iti. < liur.h, haa evat l?-nn ll.-et,-*.-.! ln this dioce^^ without, complianee with Ihaaa icqulrci-.. nt?. Wety tatUbftflUy yours, A. N. I.ITTI.l'JOHN, ; .lf tlif* 1)|(, ,? (,: I.OII- isi.nd. T.ev. J. l>if><*>t"r I vi... To this la.-ttcr 1 ather Icnatlns rcplicd, r< iteratliiR his repivt for th.- mhrtahe he had BMbde, ani iBcloatng bhi ' criltlaate a.f ordinatlon and Itishop Pottcr's leenae. To Uda letter thc Dlahop aaaBa a brlel rephr. eapreaalag his sinccre re-irct. thal hla appliant wa* iinablo lo I'ompiy wiih tho reqatraBteiita ael torth in Mi flrst letter, aafl a-ioinc: -i aai naahle to graat jroa a li.ense to orliclatc In this flloaeaa." Tho reasuis whirh the monk aaerlhaa 'or this ie<B?1 ar.- ?t f"Hh Ifl tln toOoartag letter, whleh bean thc .late of feeleraar : My (1,-ar Lord lllslio|): l a;n Bioefl ''.na.'rnfd bv y.,n, iejiiy ta my letter* By II raa etaai all raai ebarebea ta ai] i...... Tfla ywaateg raqaaaa freai Chrlallaaa la Broah* iw. ,.. aaaaa aal -inak lha ghvf MBIaga .,t tha ....sjici to ti.,,,. you "farhM" bm to ..'in.i. tm harl th" rerj, aevei *t paalahaieBl ta raai power ?t aqt hflad. Tea A, vi., ll rary b?*l Ut lnjur.- a:.y lnll'i. i.''f for _,.."l "l....'i .,',. i.>irt in iiis ,i.i.r hava laat aw h? i11* glaay. You as f:u as fwa < -m i,.j ..<? ...y m,.r?i and i all (Iaaa ekaneter, 1,,. your l)B.i liii),ll,s* elthar that I iim ni. UBBB-f.ll BT I hi taroflea in-r-on. v, ? Be aal erea atta mr a>. appa nl tieirlafl myeaii al aaj aharae >>... have t? make i n.f. Hv inf.-ii?,.'?'? tha -..I'1 brtrb witt raa I- tlnt Btahofi jonas. in vhaaa Btoeaa.t BMwaaaerjr i*. flaaa aa alUva m<. or my latpe Nv.i-i, renfiagallaaa la aaaemMa in u." Bharahea aader Ma ekarge. l aai aafl, aal <i" aat lealie ie bc, h paraeklal eter_**a?aa, i?-,a,if>c i beUara thal >?"* i.? aaiied m.- u, tn.. rtiigiou* iife. Kor ti.i*. reaaen, i bave ?,, aaa i". ? .."?.'-<?, '?? '!?-"? hw "',<? i" Walea. Maay bishops, hawaver, la EtaglaaB, aiiow bm ta flra "i. in lha Bharchaa, as d.. aeaM >,t jraar brather Hahap* i? \ May 1 a?k yi.-a ..f wkal 1 am -?nty ta ytwi eye* tkal >?"> furi.i.i bm ta sp.ak et iemtt Chrmt *nd liim eraetfleB it. yaat Blaaaaal 1 araat tall raa thut, were ,t not t..r ?..', reapaet and gntaaBe ta ihe Btahoh* -,f Itpwarb aad '? York, and thnt by tt,-,, llbaraltty aal talraeaa 1 aai aM. ta. Koc-ok it..- aMa Ik* Hver, 1 -i..'?i<i feel tia.,t tt..- rolea of ho manyin BNwklya a*,kit,L' bm to eeaea ta ttaai wa* a < au fron, lha Uoad M,"i)'"','t Hhaaell ta praaab " ?.? aaaearchaMa rlekea a.f Ukrtat." 1 ?**. tall v aa thal 1 i,a\>. leataHBl a'.i raflaeal frama yoar elergya-ea el lha Epleeapal aad iilhjr rhnrehea la preach aeal Bundaj in ifceti toealltl hi Braaklyn, Feeltafl pwfectty >nr ? thai this niut'.--i "lll Ul BM <>.d prove to ba foi Ihe glarj Bl i.od a_d the fnitha-iama- a.f UM ....?),? I Bl Hl* IMI -.... I raaaala, my daar Lord, jrow reapeetfu! aervaal ,.. Illra. ll.NA'l II g O. ** 11- M'-NK. Tlie result of the ' a,iitr,.ver*> will bfl ftWalted with ronalderahle Intere l bj thoae who watched the ilrollar rti.rit.-lon whleh too* plaee ta?t N"v.',,it'.r between JtrnHtiiis and BIbIiop Paddoch, ol Miis?aehtiseu>. \?t?lthsiandiii?: hi* fon-n-i.' and controvenilal w.cruy. thc moiili cvaii.'li-t fallod ... bn-aii Ilirouali thal orelealaatic'i InhUJltlun. Nexl Bundaj Father lt...??.,.-* wlll speak a; Lenox Lyeenm In the niarnlnKand after nootk At one of h;- s-iviee* ba ?iii dlaea - tha Bar. Mr. IfaoQaeary. af Ohlo. ?-? You wiii aJwajra nnd aoawtlung of Ihlareal in the "little aBaerttaementa of t.he people." nn.l mav flnd cx'aatly tl.e harjaln yoa hava aaaichaal for ln vain clscwhcrc. ?-? CBABBER AT T0XY PART0BR Thc eoaapaay at T?,y i-a-i",'- Theatre thli weeh 1 haaaal bv Bam Karaall ?,><i laelaBa a eonaiderBhle number of popnlar rartaay peihafliaw. Mlaa Lottle 00 ,,?, u ,??. theae, a,,.i bb M rtarri La Boaa, whoae par Jormall.c flB IhB r.-volvinc al..l*e i? f.ui.iimr. but not 1 ,?_ icss bataaeathag. totm WflBa a.d Mtaa Jc.ik' j Hurni glve a plca*lnR hBBBBflal rperialty, pluyini,' uu- , merous instrumc.ts. BBfl thfl aaVBfl CarroD* bave un | r^_s^ifOTD^5_?"MaRt:ie C1,ne": WEDDIXGS TO C0HE. A soclaJ lncldent of to-day wlll be the aaaUjag IMa i alternoon at Oraea Oaaah of MhW Maud obbin- tn J ! uenry tmuaj McVicliai-. Only tho.e lioWuig e-rd, I 0f l.ivliauon wlll Ire ad.nlttcd to the thurch. A re ea-BttOfl wlll follow at thc home of tl.e s parcnU. | M, and Mr,. I.enry Ai Hoi.bin*.. No. 410 Fltth ave. The Wflflflh-I Of Ml*- fmtrmm Audcntf-id. of W**?. j iinpto... IB Oeeart WaaaaB, flf 9i*omm, v,n taia Bflaoa 2!1?b!. a -,. MBiihaw*. c.^JW-?JS; j|ffr^,.^^o?^vo^^^% ^_ 1 f.,i 1 raoea oa >atii.-day. tam 9BOQRAFBJOAL sociETYS UBBtlBB. raa haaartaaa oaeflraattaaa haahar ta* Na aamaai ?,,? ivirll,,,- ..?'*? ' u. ( ? % ?.,,,?, t&.zirsrtr^ v.X' h"J-7i. .a! "-,,., .b.haar, aBa-aagtaaa. court STS __7<aa*Safl * aaaaa on ?? aa bbbm ABRmmP* ASSOCIATION MEN DEFIANT. THK N'ATIOWTj LZAQUfl NONTLUSSED. n "ST.iN MADE A\ INEFFF.CTIVE FIC.HT TO HAVE OMM TFAM ONLY. The aca?lon of (h? ba?eball conventlon nt the Flfth Avcnue llotel yestcrdav was ftiven up to a meetlng of tho fonforciiro committee*. whleh It was hoped wonld apeedllv BSMM all ba*cball rnntroversles. A. ... BgaMllg, John l:. D.av and (.'. 11. Ilyrne repre*ented tlm Nutimii 1 T>rriic. and 0*. Von der Ahe. Willlam I arnic and Allcn \\. Thurmiin MataM BM for tho In (j*:.-ts ,if (hc American Awwlatlon. John II. P?V xva* detnined doavnlown on Jury duty ln the L'nlted Mutes Court nnd In eonsequenre the roiifercnce com BaMtaa tlid nor go Into sccret ?c?-.lon In Parlor F und! ?1 p. m. At 0:30 p. m. ra rere** wrv*. (aken nntll 1, probablv M Bllow (he hea(ed delejratc*. (o rool off, and also to get in l?e?(er hnmor over refrcahmenta. The Aaioela tion men xvere deflnnt, aud had more demand* to make than thelr friends in ihc Lcitgue had antlrlpated. They al-o aubstaiitlated Ihelr allrcatlon* In a mther ero pli.itlr nuinn^r. whleh nonplusacd thc Lcaguc, whleh ha? herctoforc swung thc parcntal rod over (he As soclntlon a.s ii plcasi-d. 0, Von der Ahe rame on fmm Kt. Lonla " loaded for bear," a<s he cxpresscd lt, and aa he I* by long e.x perienee. well v.-rsed In Ijcacue tnetlci, nothlng could BMBJ h.m and tlie nther Assnciatlan men from thelr paipoaa There xva* no ttaeaaaMa over tho plnclng >?< :,n aaaoelatlon rlub in Chlrngo, for Hpaldlug *ald thc yonnger nrga'nlzutlon was weleomo to put a club tliere xv'nen ;t s.iw Ii(. The rcal IgM 8*88 over Boston, whleh the I/?agne men wlll prote, t If p,,--ll,le. The 888888 delegatlon, x[.-sps. Balaa, OoIMBI Bnd llllllnKs. nrrix-ert at 7 p. m., inni 88 exp-eted a decldcdly Ba^ltattfl nsperl. Thev sald lhat they xvanlcl no mBt**MB9M club in B .st.iii. aai did ii"t Brapa-?" tn have one there If (her , nii'.l pt-*vcnt it. Th-y U.ousht that (hc rest of the laSBgaa aagM t-? pro(.'<( them ln (helr right?, but the Laagaa wiii BiaaahU do nothlng M (he hind. ?Two tliibs in Ilo-T.>ii would prove a fiillure,*' said President A. II. (Soden, "and It '.rould l,c -hecr non wense to BtMargt BBei a courae. It 8*88 trled last paar nnd falled, and it will fall again. Why should we ba MraM M take two etaha when the other rltle>s are M aaal but one 1" Mr. Soden sald that if thc A.ssocia ti,,n nec<Ied a club in tlie Ea-t. let It establl-h one in Urooklyn. Nexv-llnven or svr.iru-e, but nol In the elty of eulturo and lieans, xvhi.-h xva n ted one reprc?entadve elnl, M worship nnil imt MT8. \? imei j. Mattgi thc pjraM bMbMMi araatai a aeene In the eorrldors of the hot.'l nbout fi o'elock. '-The Klng* pauntcn-d in and aomething se?me<l to dlstnrb him. Tnrnlng to ia friend I.v monnlaln of flesh besido him, '-the Ktag" |888 thla lordlv grcetlng: "Oi, ynu'ro ia 1/arrel of wntcr.* Thus relieved, '-the Klng* stnode |8 tbe etgBT eeanMr and areepicd a rlgar nnd furthcr spokc: "I wlll never plny ball agala for money. see.'' Thosc fmniliiii- with Kelly -aid tlnat B8 wna tnlking for iii,-. I tlmt it was 10 lo 1 (hat he h:a alrcady slgned a Nattonal Laagaa eaaiMaat. The Playeis' I.eagiie men made thelr lieadfitiartcrs at tlie M, Juinea Ho(el and seemed cnllrcly satlilled wllh thc slluatlon. E, Ti. Talrntt, J. Earle Wagnor and A. U .lohnson were in conKiiltatioti, Talrott and Johaaoa on matter-i pertalnlng to thc finrlnnati rlub. Taleiitt. who oaaiis slo.k in the C**BB*M club, wlll probablv turn it over to .lohnson. .1. Earle Wasrner ls ooofldeat that ho will gct the Athledc franrhlse- in I'lilliolelpllia. Thc I'layer-s' Leainie mecting on Frlday may be more like a xvakc than a eonvention. Unless further troublo oceurs, (he meetlng xvill be held mcrcly to allow tlie OTgaailMaMofl ta t>c lcgally diabnnded. <ine of tlie I'lnxers' Leagiie men sald that (helr elubs wore 88881 Wi oi BJBOd treatment. He indinatcd that If the u-apue rafaaeal to make oonMudoea to the Aaae* flallon t'hm. tlmt oraraniT-atloii *nd thc PUyeri If*?]M ??:il.l (..inl.ln.* and arraiiKC thelr (Tr,u:t lo siilt tlicm aclvca. Mi". Bla4> wantcd Clncitinatl in their .iniiit. taylng tftaa iii<* Nut:,,oal i-i-aauiie ln |4aa|Maioua mcthoda oaght to altow rinei.ii.atl to uke Its old bertl. ln tha AjBoctotion. wImtc lt propcrly .heloajBM. nt League eoaM then put a elab i,aek ln indianapoiu. Ihc Nattonal [jhagna men laughed at the ldca an.l Preaadenl UMfl W. Thurman and (reneral Henry Brlnher had a long eonfercnec yeatcrday in tOB*_* thc retirenient ot the K.-ehester rlub. _*****__ last Sghl that nothiiia.' MM tM88 agreed upoi. Exerx one of tho el.ib-ownei'- s,.,.m.-4l to have an Iron ln the Bre and aaeh iraa iMiafalljr Kuardlng his r^rs?.nal Tii_ tereata. Tln* Leagiie and AaaaalaMlBl wlll boM their logataf BMataBgi to-day. TtM .onfercnec .-..niniltteea of the I.eaguc and A% .?>, iiiti.m lld ni.( a.rrec upon a n-nort untll ninlnlght. Even then llie deleeatea xvere lontfi to leavc thc aceret (i.:ttiii.4-i. .mi eni'i ta PreaMaat s E. Yoaag, ef the Nattonal Laaagaa; i-reaidi-nt L. t ? Kranthotr, of tiie Western A?wlatton, and John I. Koger*. UM laaagaa lawyer. Thls mnde dn- tiieetlng a roinblnod on. of ihe eonfereaoe coinmlttaei m*i atae <?f Ma imani uf Arbiiiatii'ii. The ntrar gallonal agraaDtent wa lone over < arafallr a"'' Mreml rhangea n.ale. Tlie eonfcreiicc ronnnllbo had a itonny -,- alon bsfore ii eaaaa (" bo aaaataaotM. loaa B. l)av ,,i, ? ?, i..i i . the placing <>f an Aa>soclatlon elub in Woston, ii-iiiaf the Brgumeirt thal the Aiaotatatton had bo riuht t., Intrencfa npon gattonal l.4MgiM t.-rrliory. Th ,\.-,M'ation men tlas s(atein<-iit. forelbl.x doclarlng that ihe NattaiMl Laagaa bad BM*ta if Its too] for lan \eiir-, Bad thal ll aaas about time (hai ih. Aaaoctatton had ;. ehanea t" betttr ilsrif. Th, aounger organlaatlon'i apOhaamen aaM that eoneea aion* had I.n made lu other eitie* and DaiMu ?,?.',.nld have to fnll ln llne anil do lhe same. The rep ,ri linallv nitrc-d wafi that thc Aa ssnelallon should h'ax-c rlub? in both Boaton and Chlcago, and tlila report xvill Ik* siibniiii"! to lae rcgular i.iliu-'s of the two i.ravanl/.atlops t.idav. li will of (i.iir-,- be iii.I,.rs.*,T xvith great glee by ll.. \s-cm imi ni. i.nt ii ??'? ;ii raaaa a iight ln um Mwlorial Leagiie ramp. S1H1 all the Leagae elubs e.v-ept Ihaston xvill rote for its adoptluu, and tho Hnal rata v. ill probablv be T to I. tleneral Henig lirlnh.-r, of Koehestcr. and V. II. Ketcbem and ?'. H. xi arten. ot bhe Toieaio < lub, wiii malic 1.1.nlv (ruiible for Ihc Anicrieaii Aasoclatioli. Th.-v w.u di inn'.d exorbitajit prlcea iK-forc they aiD reiiie from thc A?n, i:i(i,,n, but will ln thc end prt^bly aeecpl 8*84*1 BMB. If yon want (o btiy oi m*11 anyllilng. or flnd work, put h few llnes Hn.,,nu- Th,: Tiibunc'a "little adver tiscniciits of the IMOPM." THEIR EIVTIETH AXX1YERSARY. MTa. AUD MRS. JonN nwiiiiiT CkXLMgMhTM Tiiin: ..Mi.Di.N wr.nDiN.;- MAJTX rei.ativj..-, XM> ir.ll.NDS FKICSKNT. Mr. a'.d M. -. Jottn Dwlghl relehrated last nipht at tirir home. Mo. :n Moanl Morrto-ara., iMr* iiftietii aaal rtrmtry "f thelr BMrrtage, x>hi,ii tooh jiia.e at .?..mtii lladley, Mataa., .liinui.iv l'i. 1141. Mra. Darlghi i- i daaghter M Metealf Breratt, "f I'oxboro', Maaa, and a aeco ul ">n-iii ol Rdarard Kveirtt, Mr. Dxainlil is a son ,,f Dr. Dwlght, ,i piotniiieiit New-En(fland physl.laii. Mr. ni'.I M:s Dxvlj-lil ...ii." (?< .*?'. W-Yorl iii 1 - (<',. nii'l Mr Itortg 1*8 raara he has i.e,-n the haai M lha flrm of john Dwlghl ^ Oo., ataaafaetarara of MrarboaaM of -,,,11. at Ra. n OM siip. All lha -"o- an.l .ti.n_-liter- M Mr. and Mrs. PwiRht, their xalxe- nnil .hilflrcii, M Ma i.nniber of thirtv -two, u.'i'i preaenl ta i nlght, nol ;> aaatl baaiag ouurrel in ih, famiiv in the ia-' flftg raara. The laaaaagMM aaaav bera ol Ma MaUlj laetaata Ma B**r. BL Kxeicit Dtrlght, id PlalnfleM, M. ?'.: Joha R. Dwlght, Mis. ThaBlaia H. Leggett, of .-ia'-I. latand; Mra. a. P, RataMoaaaal Mr-. xv. i. xv.dkci'. Aaaoag MM i^mqteaoaa Matauaa Of lhe r.iiiil,',ii vsfj. I,:." l.iplisin of tlie Infatit < liiIti of Mr. aad Mrs. Walker. llie Kev. Mr. rjwl-rlii ofli latlag; lha ataghag M a goldlng xacidii.'; loMK eoiiiposci by the Baa*. Mr. Dwlght, and tha i-eaallog of ? nonuiiial pocm by Mrs. M. .1. Ftaii; i-i-.,, nf lti.fl-.iid. Xt., a relativc of tht< laniily. over Hai Inxitaioiis vrv l-sned. Hatatl*aa ol ii>- fau.iix were pre enl froai all aaettoaa M Ma i.iiiiiiiy, s?uio of xxli.iii xMin.-sed thc oiTiilnnl 8888 llll.l'X . Among (he gneata were thc Re*/. Dr. and Mra. B8, >lr. and Mi-. "? A, RtagMtOT, MT. and Mra, llentf Hill, Mr. a-id Mr-. F. W. V.K.rh. "-. Mr. a'.d j Mra. Utiotga *V. I Mr. aai Mra, Rlgar Ketcham, Dr. aad Mra. li ,< kwar, Ur. and Mrs. E__ Uruwn Mr. mni Mr-. lii-i-i;,. tl.e ile\. and Mra. Cliaulea iival, Mr. lUd Ua. Ii."iii- Alli-.,ii. Mr. B4M MM. u F. B. Ki-'oii. Mr. aad Mra. J. o. Urawa, tha Baa. ,,i.ii Mi-. Baa liaa, Mr. an.i Mi-.. .lam.-s Raadall. Mr. und Mrai J *.ah UroMard, Mr. and Mra Mar*hal Aym, U, ,gd Mra. i. 0. Platt. Dr. .n.d Mn Oavorge -paldlni,. ju ami xii-. Ui'K-ii warnei, Mr. aid MM. I.angdon. Mi- md Mra. CharMa W. DairMe, Mr. and Mra. **aaM W Powera, Mr. aud Mr-. Aiien Hag, Mr. und Mra. Ed'xxaiil Rveratt, ??d the Kev. Ur. nnd Mr-. Jame*. Cham,'_ ' TnEAZEP-FR WOOIHtn??>???* SHORTAGE *0*.MXi. I.Ktlc i:o<h. Aik., Juii. 13 <apeclal).-A conrurrent rcsolutlon pasacd thc Lower Houae of UcpreaCntutive .inv for the nppi,intnient of a eommlttee to Investl L'Hte thc booiia of Treaiurer WoydrufT. who ls sald to be fOa,000 ihorl in bM fund.s. ?a> rffO FFRRYIIOATS IX 00LUBIOX. a iMIMaa IMM badiv fffgMtaaad 200 paegda baa ni.-iit .,.. iirred bataMBB UM BllljtaMll I'av,,,. I ?Xing 1,-iti' 'i I'"' Maa York. i.uke aad --' Mra |:..,li,,ait. Hi.- IMraaM left tlie Jcr?ev dl] ferry at ., :4.-, p. m. ai,d tlM Klnc at nbout thc s-.,mc time lefl RM i?ei,t) thnd st. feny. DwMg (o the -trong tldr i??i wm rniiiiiog aai tha Mra raaaaM mei ta mi.i -;,,., 111 aml f<-r a few mli.i.1.** BMM hh* a panlr among aha aaaaaaajBia. *** tarrfhaata atoagad, bel <? flu^ no I..I ilu- o-iU .lainag.* done wiw. llie IdarlnK **_*___ Jil iS5i mllln? aml gntes. peh veaacl rtaaumed Ma KnST "aring bUr. 0*Uayc4l SaS 888888 mlnnf**. Vobody on elU>er t>oat waa inltiraa. W. W. GOODJ 'OH IS CHAIRMAN. A C&Dtat RIT FR1KNDLY OONTEST IN BROOK LYN. IWTF.NKF. INTF.P.FST Ifl TIIK KflSBflO OF THF. KINfJs COUNTY BBflBEAl ("OMMITTKK aooo raattaa gsiaaaa thi CAxr.inATr.s. The flrst meetlng of Ihe Klne* County Republlran c.cneral Cmmittce, held ln the r.ranklyn Ath-naenm erenliig, fllBMflfl lnten*a Interest oWtBf to the close eonte**t over the rhalrmanshlp. Thi* pla"e hns lieen held for thc last two years by Franklli WflBfllBl*. of thc Flrst Ward. who 'wns rc clerted last year after thc mo*t bltf-r flght In the hlttory of the party. The strucsrle rnrtcd last cv-miIiir has l.een bricf, for up to Sntarday night It, was hipcd that n cnmpromlse fnndlda'e would be selerta-d. nnd a sinsle tlcVt would be pre-en'ed t > thc commlttee, but on that erenlng negotlafbns were broken oft. and both oeorge P. Ferrcstcr ntid \V. flf, Ooodrlch were nomlnnt'd .* candldatcs by thclr friends. The former received thc co-opcratlon of the Woodruh* adhcrents, and the latter wns .tiNtalned by thc rialdwIn-Nnthan win? of thc pnrty. Mr. Woodrnff raliVd thc mmmlttee to order. The hall was thronged in every part. Tliere were thlrty flve Riibstltutlon*} of nnmn, for delcentcs who had ro -igned. After thc roll was completed Oeorge F. Elllott maivcd that In the clecUon of a president each delegato r!se to namo hls cholce. This was carrlcd and "(Tn.-ts to notnlnfltc a-.mdidates were defeatcd. . The votlng for Oeorirc II. Forres'er and W. W. Ooodrlch went on untll tho name of I.. \V. Emcrson was called. Mr. Emerson said that owlng to toettoaalhflB _n,000 I.epubliraiis failcd to vote last fall. Now, wh?n the old liulk of tlte Daaaaeraaf wns becomlng waterlogged, the factlorml splrlt among ncpubllran* was hclplng to fl,?at her agatn. He would not ald in factlonallim by volce or vote, ho ?ald. aud thercfore he would not -upport elthcr of the cnVnlldatc* prescnted. He votod f,.r Kiigcne I). Herri, who pot one other vota. The re? sult of thc ballot was tln* eleetlon of \V. flf. Ooodrlch by 40 majority. He received 21_ vote* and Ocork-e 9. BBrfBBht. in?>. The result was received with a storm of cheers and applause. Mr. Ooodrich's electlam wa* then nmde unanimotis and Mr. Forrester oscorted h'.m to the plnt form. ltcforc surrendcrln? the rhalr to hls <uicre*<.or Mr. WoodrulT mndc a brlef siiecch. In introdiiring Mr. Ooodrlch, Mr. Woodrnff said he prescnted ? man -vcll known at Wnshington, well known at the bar and well known In the chureh. Mr. Oeoflrleh was waraaly weiromf*d and said i "After an honorablc contcst, with no paraaaal aspersions of the rharaa-ter a.f candldate, nnd one that wlll leave no t.itfriiess h.-hlnd. I bflVB been eleeted to the most Important politiaal oitire In Klngs County. I rcpret thnt lt bBBia with It thc de-cH* a.f 10 a man as Mr. Korrc-tcr. Itut be P'' **ataee tO unlte with me In cnfnrclng harmotiy In our de lilieratlon here. I will have but one ain, ln t!,l- rhalr. naiqely, thal I -hall 1*? chairman of thfl oeueral Commlttee alonc and not of ? faction. \\> have maflo grt,*s mletflkea on both sidc. but I thlnU I *ee sii(i|ci?*t,t proof all an* tircd of dl-rord. AII my In'luence shall be for eoneorfl and 1 want yout full mpport i want alao to aay thal nnteaa you rall vt.ting lor the l.iberal Repnbllean ticket, wtth Mr. Greetoy at Ita h.-ad. a Di'ino.ratic va.te, I never votcat thc Demo? eratic ticket in mv lifc. Thc watehvord of the Ke party is 'llarmonv within?agreefllveneaB without,' from thia dav forth. Wh-n thc i**ue of the fall ls prcspntcd. as alreadv fbrc*hadowed, thc ranka nllUic alo-cd and nll wlll Meht tl,'- eommon ciicmy." Mi. Forraatar was aalla-d for and spoUc brieiiy. The other offleen eleeted were: Fu-st vhc president. Jolm P. Shilth: scrond vlce pre-ldent. J. S. Oirilvie; thlni vlce-presideht, BT. II. N. Oaflmoa; fourth vlce preaMent, W. 9. Kvan: leeretanr, Warren C. Tread ?eli; trcasurer, Jame, \\. Ulrkett. SULLIVAN IS HILL'S MAN. THE rUOSPKCTIVF. LSAinCa OF THK COUNTY DEMOCKACY OWI'.Il HIS I-'ORMI.R OF? FICE to thk Gowroroa. The fact has loaked out that cx-Collertor John A. Millivan. who haa just become president of the New Amstci-dam Club and Is stippowd to l>e booked for, the leadenhlp of fhe Camnty Democracy, ls under pcrullar obllgatlons to (Jovcnior Hlll, Ifl spite of hls allegcd leaning toward Cleva*lnndl*m. .-.oon after thc Prcsldential atatltlOB "f 199a, !,, which rampalgn Mr. Sulllvan wa* aetive aa ihe OTgaaber of "Bflflinflta Men's Oveland Clul,*." he baeaflM an a__B'lcant for OaOeotflB of Intcrnal iBBBBBfl ln the Ild Collcction District, bnt Mr. Clcv.'land was BlOW l? consldcrlng hls clftim* and Collector Make, thc Kepuhllean Inctim bent, contlnued to hold over. Moothfl ?cnt by and tho rampalgn <,f 1 ?--?', wa* lK?gun and llnished, with a rlctory for (k.vernor Hlll. but still Mr. Sulllvan's ap poinitnent hunit flre. After thn .iuvcrnor's clwtlon it wa* rapraaaBlafl to h:m tjjat Mr. Snllivan had BBO* portcd him aatlvely and had ofgafltaed B baMaeaa men's BHM BMflllni ln hla bclialf. whl.'ll had bflBfl Ml' c**fiilly held BtCMeheiing Da Oarflrflor proaiptly tooh up Mr. Sulllvan's .?*>' as an npplicant for the 1'olle.tor shlp, and aeal hi* fatthfal itrlher, lohn O'Brleo, tha Aqaaaael toetraetor, theo ehaliian ol tha Deaaoeratte Btate .oir.niitt.s*. aad JaflgB Parher, of Utater county. io flaahh-gtoa ta Mr. laOlwaa'a Interaat They toM Mr. I'lcvcland that OararaoB Hlll wantel BalllTan 4ppol,.tcd w.'thamt further da-lay. Thfl BMBaalBMB flflfl dctermination of lha Oov*arflor*a eaalaaarlea woha ap the PreaMeal and be Bh*fli au-. Balllvan OoDeetor without bmmb afla. Tha naaitlmi la bbw aahafl, "Haaajnt the Ooanttei beefl imbbwIbM haati hi laJBng ,.- Ihelr proapeettve l.iidcr a BBbfl un.'cr -" BBah obllgatloi] to Oo?rernoi iiin?'' s;,,d an ebaervlng ataasber of thfl antl-HIU latvea yaaia-Bay; "Tha >*r,':,t mluAt .,f H"1 Ooanty DeflMflraey h..v.* pafle flaother btanfler whleh Ihey baaj pav flearty lar aol atany aaonlha heace. mn ha* a BHHrtBBceoB -,uii\.'"'* polltlcal wrvlee*, aal yoa atay ba iwb lhal ba artll toreetoaa at .. rery laeontanlBBl time for CttOfBr Cl.v.l.,?'!'* a*piral!.?.*.'' A siiort time bBfON thfl BaB. e|,,ti..n Mr. BglttVBB, ahoaa aaaaa appaared aaoa the rolla of Tammany IMI, and wh<> had been B mr,;- or |e~* a.tlve memhci ..; lhat r.odv dtirine hta t-rin ol ofltae fl* ''"""''V'm r,i algned from the wip-ani. The exptanatlon whleh - .'iirnnt for thi*. '.'tu'-' on tlie part of Mr. -.,il|vnn la thal hi* wlthdrawal from th" Fourteenth-Bt. tepee wa* due lo the Inflnerira of ea Mhyir Orace*. '' Mr- ,)raT^ mM i Meii-ki,o?n Demorra, l-*t erenlng, '?pennt^ed Mr thal 0-ranl wonM rertalnly !?? defeatcd, and a.d ilcnlnrantly thal hla incresior would bare wme rery da'-irabl.* romintailonei**hlpa to i-'1*0'1"' nexl Mar. Mr. BalHvan. who bad found ..mce hoidlng a pleaaanl oecupatlon, took the hlnt and ahooh thedust .,f Tammany trom hi> pedal eztreairaea. THF. FAI.MF.n LEOISLATTRB OP KAN8A9. Kaaaaa CMy, Ma., laa. 13. A itepatrh to "The star." from Topekn. Raa., s.ys: "After a aonttnuOUl teaaloB of tarelre hoaira Ihe eaaena nf lha Alllancc completed at 9 a*r|oeh IMa BMralag * Haf <>t ofllrera for ihe lower bawe. 11 haa been ti.r* gaaaaal opinlon thal the AlHaaaa aieaiben woaM fla very little i i lag. it la avUtant that they win flo a greal fleaJ of it." I*. P. F.iai',-. of Pranhlln Connty, waa agroct apon f..r Bpeahar aai naajamln Klcb tot ehlaf rtarh. Promptly ... Ifl o'eloeh tavday Ihe organtaatlon ei the LegKlatara bagaa. Tha apijearanca of tha Urangar laalalatora wn* a iflrprtoe to aii thaj ur- a moat reapertable loohlng aal <>f n,en wllh moeh ta ,,.,;,?..;,,. expraaaal ta ti..-i,- toaea. hlnety per eanl ,.f them wear tern-aawa eollara wtth ptaln bhwh Haa. Three tonrtha of the Icnalori weai Ulh Imto. bat the aifr-i-st tearch win nol dtorover one In the lower h,?,.,. i |i c.,.,ii* of Mtaml Cminty. wa* eleeted lemporary rlialrman In the Honae. rhe ctolrman labored under areat emtBirraB?ment ai : waa 'ratUod at everj motloii. He *aM: 'We ar.- fnim the rnral .l.xtrli-l-* gentb'men. nml will make a few lillstakes it flral bnl we will eome oot al] righl by-and-by. The raueita adoptod .. leriaa . f rtwolutlona to th" .?ir,..i tliat thc repre*entatlve* a.f tho Peuple's partj should sa-tti- all matter* of Irnportanre among them Mlve* before brlngtng them into the Legl-tature. and ? peeial emphaa* waa lald npon thc iieeesslty of ,iL',,a.|iip in rnuius ou a enndidste f.,.- Hcnator. ii tlili p.'llav be carrifd out It r.-mov.'* ' ? l'i? prop from Mr. in.Hiis and renflera his d_fe_: taln. ? ? ? TIIF. I'l'IlTHAl, MtDOI.K Ifl NF.HHASKA. Llncoin, flflh.. Jan. ia?Thfl BaBretae Coart aDaared atfl-fl iraiBoi li.^.'*. la Ha a nuo warranta pctition this morning ciiing Qofflf*flOB Bflffl BO show aause why he ihould not v.t.ate his olllrc. "Howcvit.' tlie court continued. ? we i-.cogi;i_o James E. Uovd tt the legal ffljiaiaoi flf Ncbrask*. nnd all tho SUto Department* do likewlse. Wa won_l ?dvUe thc ex (...vernor guleUy and peaceabh to ml .'. lo the Oovernor as ll wlll do him no good to reiiit further." ln spite of HbU. Thaver refu*e. to vacat.- I.:* ftue. The Board of Public Unflfl and Bnlldlngi iay they will remova Thayer from the Oovernor'* room hy foree If neceisary. Among the blll- liitr.*diic?1 ln the Legislature wai one prnvlrtlng f"r r-t-iir pnt.llcatlon of ichi?ol bookf.. oue maxlaaam haUht tm aad half a doien maklng pronil*_ aary natea non aeBBtlahle. Thc *essi?n wa*, short and Interaaffaa TAMMANY 001 AflUTW-UI I-IQI <?!' -KI.I.KIt. Wllliam ( lai.a-v. f..r mmiv vens a ( ounty De ni... n.ry le;.der i.i Ihe Vlti. A--er..l,ly DMrl.t. ?1?. Bfl* ummOBAioA H.ut di-tii't ,', IBB Baaafd "f \la1crmcn for ??veral Magflflaafl iBaBB, r-algned yest.*rda\ n< a meiii baa ..f bath Ha t3aaBtj aad Dtolrlef rammrtaaaa, hi* allhfliaaal baa baaa ba-hfld <?f ever Maee tm atocfloa and a?tonl?hciri n'.(H*t^. He mM hi* faraareO BM Ui *\ l'.,li.r faaatod l'?'*er. takinit laiv" ,,f lha. mniii oriranliBtlon, and hl* reslgnation from the dMrlrt Nnly to Oongr-*?.rian-elert "Tim*' Campbell, Icader of the rVmnU Demoeraey In Uie Vlth. When the Tammany Hall "bravcs" elect delegate* to their Oeneral Commlltea nn Frldav evening Alderman Clancy'a name will be found i.n the ll*.t <>f thc Vlth DUtrlrt. The Alderman nins sevcral li.'uor-shaips, nnd It has been a matter of -urprlse ho has kept out ot Tammany Hall 90 long. _ RE.VATOB MrrCHELL RKNOMIXATED. Washlngton, Jan. 13.-Scnnt<ir Mltchell, of Oregon. to nipht received a dispatch -from F. A. Moore, chair? man of thc Kepubiican Leitlslatlve raticus, announclng in a aaaaaa ii.i* evening, at whlrh every Itepub RflBfl member of the Lcgl*lature was present. ho wa* rennmlnated bv a-c!amat!on as hls own luocessor ln the Oaltod -.tates Senate. benator Mltchell'i n> clectlon ls assured. TO 6END A COMMITTF.E TO WASHINOTON. The r-gular mnnthlr meetlng of the Harlcm P.ep.ibllcan Club waa bafld U< nlKht and th* new offloers eleeted Ua* month arer* form?llr InsUlled. On takln* thc ehalr Prwld'nt. Wa.shln.ton Wlnsor made an exeellent speeeh. whlch waa enthuslastlcallv rectved. Th* reeomn-Miilatinn of u>* BaaewMra tommitteo to o*i|,ci it. M. Baaaafl ama adopted bv thc nnanlmous vote of the flftvueven memb-r. present. Mr. Her-og was not prei'Mit and was not rep re?ented by eouns*.. No ra-marks wer* m*dc in favor of or agalnst expulilon. The followlng new member* war* drrltfli Walter L. 8e*alo*na. jr.. Owrce H. Whlt-, Krerlonla. N. V.; Mllton M. 1-Vnner. Charl*. P Ing?r*olL Charlea flf. Manrneavter. Samuel Rwayie. Charle* A. Klmtall. Hlx appllcatlon. for membe-hl*i were al-o re. , eeiv?d. A reaolutlon was adopU-d provldlnit for the an- ' polntment of a r.mmlttee. of flve to drtft nsriliitioin BTglag thc passa** of tho Federal FJecllon blll. and lo take th* resoluttons to Washln.ton and present them p?r sonatly to the N'.w.York Senator* and Reprcaentatlve* tn Congre*?. Thc tomrallte* eon.lsts of Prestdeot Wlnsor. II. W. Toinhs. 11. C Robln.son. II. C. Calklni. A. M. Ind rhlll. A sugB.stlon made by the n*w pr**!d*.it lhat t*ii> name of the club be chanit^d to tho Harlem Cnlon ly-sctie Club wns nf-rr-d to tho E\'cutrve Commlttee. . WAMIINr.Tp.V RF.PUBLICAN CLUB MF.KTI NO. Thfl rt*Kiilar mnnthly mec'.lnc of the WashlnRton ll-pub llran Cluh was held on Monday evening at the cltibrooms, Or.f-.hunilr-d-and flftyf.econd-st. and Tlflflf. BBB A r-solutlon propo?ed by II. B. Wll-on deprecattnlt tho action of tho** P.epubltcan S.*nnters who conblned with their pollttral op penente; to pr**v,nt th,. Raai*.'* of tho Kederal Klectlon tilll was rarricd unanlmouely. A vote of thank* w_.s e\* MBded to S'nator.s Illscock and Evarta for thclr faithtail ef forta on behalf of tho blll. The n aeting also indomd the ...tlon of the Oovernment ln relatlon to the Behrmz Sv-a BBal tlsherles. : ? - SK.MA'IOK KAKWELL BBOIK9 HIS KKJH1'. ?Sptlnctleld, lll., Jan. IB.-'lh* sesslon of thc L,oBlsl.-itiir>> to-day aaamahllj taken up with BM tntrodua-tlnn of blll*. In thc llouso a resnlutlon was pass.-d the fr<*s ,-olnmr* of silver and Instructlng the llllnols Benatora to vote for tho l.ill on that subject now pendlng tn the sen? ate. On IW adoption tho Kepubiican* refralned from votlng and th.- Karmer* voted with the Drmocrats. Th*. Kcnatorshlp rontest opened In earnest todav with the arrlval of BiailTT Karwa.ll. On Thuraday ti. Kepubiican* of MM Housc ind Senate will m>et ln joim r-.icis and nomlcate a candldate for tl." (rlted MaMa .V'n at*. Indie.tloa.s to-alay point to Charle* B. .'"nrwoll as th", bai hls friends havo many nbsta.'les to arirCOIBI h, ? fore that resaiit ls attalna*d. Senator farwa-u on bel.ur ln tervlpwed this mornlni? stated hls po-t'tmi as foltows: "Mr candldacy for tho Cnltcd l-itat^s Scnatorshlp Is .?,rP|V ?,.,.ondsrv and mv gfat ronsideration ls th'. meeeaa of thc BapabUeaa party. There ?r? three political partlcs ln this I.eglsliture, ncithcr at whleh has a niajairlty. 1 eannot scc how eltliPr party I an BaflBl a !-?nator. Ccrtalnly II eannot hc done ln any honest way, and ir I be eleeted l? Is to be falrly and baaaBMy done. I am here to consult with the itep.ihileans or this taglBlalata, and aner frc- and ftill consultatlon with them we wlll probaoly auree upon some rro.rammc. I wlll make any rca?onabl8 sacrltlcc for tt* aucces*." SENATOR STAVFOUn TO PITCEED IIIMSEEF. Baeraaama, Oal.. Jan. 13.-tv gaaaaa aad haaembly trlloted tndav for t'r.lted Stn'.'-s Senator to aureeotl I.cland SaBBfard. The vote ln the BaaamMy result.d as follo?* (Rep.l. :.0: btBPhlB Whlte, of [aa An?ele* (Dem.), 18. In the Senate tho vote vas as fnllows : Btaa lard, IT| vrhMe, 19. Tha. r.,..lslature wlll dcclare thc eleetlon of S'anford In Jolnt s,.ssl?n to-morrow. KATAN KBl'HOVIN'l 9U*. 'I'he last mectlnB of the County Pemocraey rounty Com? mlttee of lte.HI was heia last evenlnj. at ClIflBB Cnlon. with Chftrle* A. Jaekaion preslding aud UMBtea J. MeOce gnd M. J. Mulqueen. ?ecrctarlcs. The r?ports from the As ?cmbly pistrlct* and wards wero rerelverl ln relstfon to rhe re,-ent amendments to thc constitutlon, tho maln provlalons Bl whleh abollsh HM l.-cecutlve Comml'tee and Inen-asc the mombershlp of lha < ot.ntr Commlttc- fr ,m 1S0 to 947. All th* dlstrleta \oti<l t?r the r'.nnRo aaaaaa Uie lst and xvii iw. Ba niaaiai aarahy*a uiness w?s said to ac eount for ahseuee of a report from thc lst. After tii? ,-ornmlttee hiul nred Kebruary 14 BB th*? date for ttie prt BflMry cle.-tlons. Chairman Jackatm made a farewel! oratlon whleh was In some respoct* a unlque performance. Hn attacked Tammany Ifaft for Its Mmeaaaffll ertorta to allur* many from tho County Demooracy by promlses of well llll'-d BaaBaflB, and then he proceoded to defend thc llqttor trade, whlch he said had the same rlerhts as nny other bustn'ess. Yet ratiiirmi.y had beaa ,,sin? every posslblc In iiu..,,.., on llf|t,or tlf-alers to Ret th*m out of tlie County Damaeraey and Into Tammany Hall. Thev hwl be.-n lit , rail.v romp'-lled, he said. to Ro over to Tammany, or to po out air buslness. Imlea-d, Tammany had made it Impo.-it.l., for Baaaa liquor n.en to remalh in buslti'ss owlng to th.. BiOtaetlB of Tammany i*olk-emen and Tan.n.any polica. justiecs. ? seiiers, buyers and workcr* wlll nlway* flnd lt to their Interest to Ucep track of the " little advertUemcnts of tlte pca.nlc." They aro prlnted on tlie nlntii page of The Trlbune, -?. DIPLOBAMC BBCBPTIOB AT THE WBtTB UOUSE. V/a-liiiigtoii. Jan. IS (Sp.'cia'.).-Tlie Wl Itc HBBBfl wa-, to-night tl.e saene of a large and brilllnnt recen tion. eiven by lha Prealdaeil aad Are. Harrtaea ln hoaor "f tha CtfaloBmlta Oorffl. Tho ?i.c*.is ..skcal to .iii-ct the fllphiinat*. were ttOW rwiflTBaatanfll, J''iiil, Army and fla*ry drelea, a- weii as maj paraoaa Dram private llf.-. The floral dcaoratlons were beautlful. Thc ^-ucsts came early. and when the Pi-cildcnt, with Mr*. HarrtaOll on hls *rm. led the wiv lo tlie Bluc lta.oni. tha dlplocoata bad fllready aaaaaahled ta the r.exi n.jon.. I llo Beerelary of State was the flrst t<> grect the Piesi dent Thc wives of thc Cablnet ofliccr-i aaalrttflg In the line ware Mrs. .Miiler. M i. Wanamahar, Mr>. Soble and Mrs. BaalL Tho Sccretary of State pre aented the niploiiintic Corp.. cntcrl:,? the Blue Ra*o>n with the Itallan M,:.l-ter. the dean of Uie eorpe. r.v/o.v r.Fir;tTE'S BXBCirNTI coifMirTEE. The Executlve a'ummtttec nf tho Cnion Leanue Cb.b m*t on Monday nlsht ,.ud syrte. t-*d Its or.anl/atlon bv electlng Jadga Rnfiis II. Cowlng .-hairman and k. II. Brown. i?.*orgi :: Bheiloa and rraah B. Ranrlan th* Baaaa CaaaaltBea, aitt Mr. Brown a* rhalrman. No traeea of th" aiph._val in the rlnb last y-ar are vlslblc. and it evidanlly *?'..Itfl on a harmonlous and prnirperous year. An cvld. BCB of thi* la the ftMt Ibed I. se?\-er Page. the popnla- s."t Urv, who lateated thc regalat ticket aa ye?r m u mtareaMnfl .oiitest, was supporM>d by hls former oppa.t.ents. who vl"d with ^Ir. Pau-'a friends last ycu* in slvliac him tl. Ir H.ipi.o-t. Mr. Paire rUiUl.-d Mr. DflpaB ln r.*<on.'.ll.i_ all faetlon*. An Cgly Cou.h. even when lt appears deep scoteil, can be aUeviate.l. if not Immedlstely removcsl by Dr. D Javne's Espeetoraiit. a popular and longcstab ilshed remedv for Bron.hlal and AaUunaftfl flfreetloaa, aod fcf flfty years an approved hclpcr for all LflBfl Cuuiplflflflt-i_t The tnmbrldae. Flfthive. ?nd Th:nythlrd-?.. BJ a palatial. modci liot-L Culalna unsuri***?d. I^reni Rclch, proprletoT.-(Home Journai. Ilnrrv's Trlroplipron*. ,111 ba Ba-MBM ?s long a? h.l, l" an obje.-t of dealre t<> man or wuinan. Apply .. ,1-i'y, an."a spi.-uuid head ef gtoaay ball attl M the teaali ? ??Ihave beea IIIBlHaally trouhled wlth enu.hs aed ln raeh -KhavaS-aJd Browa'i Dranchlal Tr^hea. wW;*?,fc*?ve ? ,".,- l.ill.'1 a.i.t 1 maat -a\ tl.ev ar" ?eeonfl BB non.* lu HM norlO."-leilx A. .'?U.v. caahler. Sl. Paul, Mlnn. ?l.. h?bv waa sleK. we gava Ber Caatorla, WaJn ihaTwaVa ChlTo. ane cri-d for, WbS *he boeon.e Ml.l. *h? Ciung to -BBWr:*. \VlIw. \a\o bad Chl.dr-a. aha gava Oii-m Caatorla. DIED. BATTER*-.HAT.I-**-On Mondav. the 13th la*t., Je*i? Park B^^^-SJv^afiha'&rah of th* Holv Commuulun. r-th'?u*:rco'wr BaXat; on Wcdn^day. _M lllb a\\T. fa*%Trtaair requested that no f.owera be *ent. CAN'KIELD-On Monday. U.^ ?? taBh, Enama fitarllog W.d.iewUy. Jaacarv II, at 11 .30 a. m. ? fon.n.lttal at Oraec Chureh, Jan.als*. t- lu *? ?? _? P- ?? ? s l-At bl- laa* rc.ld.-nce. 07 C..mberl.nd..t Brooklvn ..eJdTvT JaaaiS-y 13, .Jeo.fie C. Cloae, aged 78 yeaia and 11 iiinri'tlia. Noilr.. of funcral hcreafter. ,-,,kii\ .... s.mdav ih.' 110. In*t, of Daeumocla. J. WlU \d,o. I,. tl..* .IMt .'??. ot hi? an^. .f-*o.?r?o.. of Charle-. B. und I.uev A . B_ta. ranera m ?>? ? . (. Ta.-...,!a''. lamaary 19. ?\\a^mkit B . ">,V. *.f v"?- >' OH-.^ri'r^T W.ral fr??, ., r lal* reaMraa*. N* "?? t*tO*pa*?**a.. \s irii-da) afurn-on. at J " '???* ? ., My?t ? ? ono. rA_m_a- \t lu- ba*?a, llan |-t.-ml. N. II.. oi. Jai.'-ary !?? I'oi Albert L 1'^im... f ,..."'1 ot 1*1. .... and r,r"ti?. um. el Baetiaaa, B:??i ?? 9 Daytua, i.-?. m; -ai Woodbrtdfl*. n J ? Jaaaarj 19, UBaaafla a. 'Kalaar. in He BOth yeai "f bla aae. I'. aervle-. ?t lh ? iTe.b-t^flan Chureh al 2 ... ... Thnraday. laah taaV Trjin. !e*v* J*r*. y eitv, I I R S?I'ell aal**). lt her Ut?* In Waablag* Januarv 10. 11*01. Elli*b*-th R. Co'ipcr, .*.ldgw ? [.. ? . k. Kdward*. C 9. Army. 1 tBTflJIBfl r*H aal** |on. T5. C, of Um late D1ED. (-.oonsFxrj-rm _****_f.____?*__ ___> ____*i ?.Mfe monla. Charlea IJ.-nry (loodatll, In the 88th year ot hia Fxineral from hia lat" roaldence. 324 Weat 72d-at., Wednaav day, January 14. at 1^:30. InlerTiunt a*. XVoodlawn. l'ouafhki'.paic paj-ers pleaae eopy. Q-Ill ."I'.V-On Monday. January 12, Sarah J., atldow af I'.'.i rrt A. Oi , .. . . R.'iativ.a and fil.i.d. of the (amlly are Invltad u? atleaM *li. f.mral anrrKea at bt. John* Chnreh. St. John a rii",., near 7th-?ve., Brooklyn, on W.diieaday, at 3 p. m. laMtaaaai piliaM lIARXVtiOD-S.i-J.l- ,.:.? at hl* late retldeneo, 44 Weat 4Jta? st.. r.iM ird c. Harareod, M. i). ? .f her- aft"r. 1IAVXV,\i;d-Ii. Hrooklvn. X. Y., January tl, 1891, Rob ert N. lUvward. ln ln? .10th rear. Fnneral a?rvleea wlll he hcld at Mt. nartholomew'a Chnreh, enrner MaaUaon-ave. and aith-at., N'ew-York City. aa \v..!;i. sii.ia. Jaauary n. at 4 SO p. m. Intemient at crivenfence of famllr. Klmllv oinlt flowera. JARVlh-Suddenlv. on Tueadav mornlag, January Ig at o.ttO'i Flftli-uve.. Martha Chainan, daughter of tha lata Mary and KetaM Jarvl.. Fnneral servlr a wlP t ?? held af St. Ar.dfow'a <*hiire'i, Klfth-ave.. .TT.ier )2<th-at., on Thnraday mornlng, Jani* arr 1'.. at 10 80. Int. in,?,,?. M '?'? -':?? ?'? C J.iRI.A.V -F.nt>red Into reat on flr?t daT. flrat month, 11t8, phebf o , batartd ahh ?,f Alan-,n J rdan. Fuaeral icrvleaa at hi late riaMaaae aa fifth ilay (Thura. dav, flr?t month. Iftth. at l'i o'elock. Carrlajje* aalil BtaM U> 0'? t-aln fmni Naw.fork at Croton. I.AN'i:-Ofl M"iidav, January IJ, John 4J>. latne. In tha 7018 year of hl. atr1'. Fiineml ?tm. a at hia late realdenre, Purcha*?, Thuraday, Jiaiinarr 13, at 1 p. m. Ca'riau,* In aaaltlnj- at Rve on arrlval of 11 02 traln froia ...and ('..ntral l)-i*o',. EANE?ln Brooklyn, on Sunday. January 11, raorlng, aaa of I.oring and tli.-.ior J. Lane, ln BM 10th year of hia aee. Fnneral prlaate. LINDSAY?* Llndaay, 846 Communlraaw ave., Jeree* I ,1 v Ra ' itlvee an.l fii.nd.a aie Invlt.-d to attend the funeral aer it Ijafayette Refonr-d Chnreh <?. Fri.lar. January li) MM, 2 p. iii. An.lty laMga. ?*?<>? ir'3- "? and A. M.. nnd Aiiiikuu LrglMl <>f Boaor, So. lll, .."? ;? -neafully Inalt'd. M0RRI80K s.idil.-nly. on January 12. Henry __*_*___*> ,,1 Henry K.nt an.l 11. b. Moi ris.,,1, a*.-'- 10 niontha. Int, rm.*nt a. nn enuvoil. MORaE- Buddealr, of apnptexy. at Yonkert, V. T., on Monday, January 12, li. Ijivingetot. Morae. In th? 4!)ta Relatlvea aml frler.d* are l.iv!fa>d to ntta-nd tho fnneral ?er xlc.-a at th>- Klrat l'rv?i.ilerfan Clu-ich, Youkera, on Wednaadar, the luii. a*. Ua. m. The trali,* leaa,' Orund C-ntral P,pot nt 10 Ofl a. m. l'xl.vti'K ?ui MaaaMg, faMaan lt, M. Ida, wife of Jamaa II i'-aiuier of Laafcearaod, X i ? and rouogeM BaMggflflg of A. nnd Maril I.. JacoDa. of ?r.a,kli, Relattx-M uni frlenda ara reapeetftillf Invlta-d to attend tha fiin.ral OU Thoia.ljv. MM 164ft, (n?t.. at * 30 o'el.Kk i,. mu, fraaa taa itaMraM af hM aarmto, 3'.*l cariton-ave. RAN60M A'. taa ItaMM ef BM fflMghtlW, Mra. Walter 8. Chapln, Vlrglnla Banford. avif,- of the late Bamnei it. IU,,"-<>iii, i'sq.. ,.f .Xllanv. N. V. rai 11 iraday at .xiiany. a. i. SXI.I-sin l*.Y- At Tr.-nton, X. J., on the 10th inat.. Re*. John II. hall-lmrv. I). D.. fciierly ,,f Ma Se.-ond BM. foiuvd 1'lmr.h, ClIBMlllB. M. Y-. I" fM BMB MB8 of "'a Th,*'relatlvea and frlenda of the famllv are *M8J88MMM M; \it.d to att'nd th,- fun.rai at tlie Fouith Preaby^-riara Churcb, Tr?nton. X. f , on MtaMaaMg, January 14. al I.ft, r'..'-nVa-. EalaMin, X. Y., at tha convenlenee of tha fl bCLDDER-Saddaaly, o.i Monday flYt-nlng, January 1-. ai.i.v Ellxa Turner. ?it.'..f .x.aon H..Be8**a?r._ Funeral aarvlcea .mII (*? h?-ld at Ber late reatdenee 8rt.? ?Jtith-aa,, aa XhaiaBatr aawaaag M ll o dock. Frl.iids ..f Uie famlly aie lltviud la attend. l'i .,- ,,inlt roiver*. siM i?\ii; si.iIJ nlv, ln Ilrooklvn. January 12th Inat^, \,,n.i Xu^uHta. w Ue ?f XV ill lan. A. Sln, lair. and. daughta t ?f Wllllam I'- and ll,ir. ta 8. H ?? rt .... . Relatlaea and frl-nd* Of tha fBntllv are Invlted Ui B8BBN h. funeral on Wadacaday. the 14U. lnat . at 2 JT p. m., at tl.- ."sd'ii.e or h-r parenu, IM CUdMb-m., Bratalya, BIRCLIa?Oa Mondav, January 12. XVllliam F... younaf"*! ...n of isarali B. anti tlie laie Willlam M. MMB. of th.l Funeral serv|ee? at the realdenee of hia niother, 12*1 Eaal .'iTUi-si.. un XV..dne*,!ay. Janunry ll, at, 11 a. m. ?it pi'i'.nt... SMITII- xt Ortaiagew, P.etlind Jnnuary 10, Samuel Thom. -mi>. of lt"lfii*t. ai'.d 40 year*. Tii,uv-on January M, IHI. wMdMhr. Mar?iet Clem. ,ii..', infjiiL daagaan* M aiaaraaaai Buir and noren,.a Tha**. T'.W\s!'.\n-J*iui-irv 13. 1S01. auddenly. at Rar Rlde*. Ij. I., li''i.jii.,i'i ' ol?a T,i?iiseiid. In hl* 73d J/ear. Ftirieral a?rvlcea ?lll f"> h, ld froati Chrlat . hnreh, Ray Rldge, Frid iv, January 18, M I 9. m TUCKER?At Hi..iJ.i!'-,':i-lI'ii(-'"i. at the realdenee, of h-l aon-ln-law, Bheldon Leailtt. auddenly. on the 12th inal., Ila.ilet. .,( tba laM Il.niy Tuck.-r, ln tho ,4th yeaf p*uneral MrxrtaM and at Baltlmore, Md. Haltlmor.' paper* plea.*" Mgt* ? XVliriK-At tlie r.slder.,.' of her unele, Autrunt,i? WhltJ*. In thi* elty. on Mondav evenlng, Jan.nrv l-'iSJl. tiM 11 elde-t dauatht-r ?f Colonel llarrls.m and Klla )lii?hnell XX'l'ilte. ,,f DaBTtir Ciaatfc, Mlnn., iii tho loth year of be| MM. N'ottce of funeral herealter. _ Special Xoticci A.- Flfth Avcnue Auetlun Kooiiib, C. *f. xviriMORK, Auctloncer. AT NO. 35 8TH AVEXUE, S. E. cor. nth-at. XO MG SOL.D M' hVCtlOM THIS (XVED.MJjDAY). 1HCIUSDAY AXD FRIDAt AFll'.RXOON.S, JANL'AKY 14. 15 AXD 10, At 2 o'oloek eaeh day, By order 3f UMaUIJaEM V. UOTTIIFtt, E*q., executor M tne taBtatt at taa iaw 0, AI.I.KX TIlOKNUIKi; KICE, A lU'inirkalile Colle. tion or Antique Hirnlture. taaaaartoB, Btaaa, llroniea, lx-or8 Carvlna* ' il and XVat. r-i ..Ior nintlnga, .irn utal and Eu. lon.-Kii Forc.lalua, oirt Engliah Cut i.laaa, l'lat-.1 XVaru, li,,?ii? llon-e l.ui.ii. AuioBiaph I. "ii. , af Uaorg* XVaahlug. lou to liovaraw UMMa arlM 8e*l ilMehM. Mr. XX.XI. II. XUKXIAN wlll ,?i..I'J.-l Ul,* aale. KatnbllaUed 1*47**. m ??__-?.._._ MKS. MeELRAlU'S UO.MJ-.Xl.XDE I'KEsEIU EI). BRA.VDIED, CAXXEU AND bl'lCL-fi iMOllM AI4J> PgWB RED CtrMMAMT IMtLT A Sl'L'TALTT. Ev4.-ryt.iilr.': uut up 11. cUas at.d k.B*. unill t?.l. Kor nrlca. ref.r ucca. Ve.. addr-aa Mr*. 6.X1UI1 S. alcEIa RAllI. 883 Dcsraa-et., Brooklyn. X. T._ li'cwnrk Hnnklna 4'ompitiiy. l.-t ???' M ate ,.f tUack. No ;ir.?. 'iu I'-iiom i.' '"?'? "."?".": I'.:.' 11'ti'". li.atap ,,.!,.,.;.,., haa been n ..!?? to Ihi geararfc Ranklns L'otnpa-iy (,f \i wurk. X. .1., for tha l*iue ?f a Bew ,'? t.ll.atc for alxt* si.ui, - of the ataj.-k uf saia company, ln [.i.i.. .,f ,vrti. il at.- So 818 l?*ucd Jnlv 1. :*..',;, 111 tl.antaa of Flla; Van Aradale. a-hich certllcatt ha* iie.-n i,.*t or mlitaM, and auch aunUcatlou will bo utged 011 i>e),?:r ,,f tha tniat.-c ,.f tli. ."U.(. ot F.llaa Vun .Xi-da!e. xn oeraona are forhiddi-n tn n.-uotlat'- or s. U or ta-. pie.ent *nld lo?t c< rtltl, ata-, or to collert divldenda tli,re,,n. and tliat a n.-? .'.?.till, ite wil! b_ laaued t.i th" esiat.' ,,f I'.lla* Van Aradala ln du- time and ?ald orlailnal certtlraM ?!ll oa can,,ll.*d. Any one luali.e the bmm ?i imowiBi ?f it um p^tc';/" :1lvt;:FHS0IX Attairnev rat 0. M. DMBW, tXtt. C*t W. A I >J*0 j^gO nian, late UuiMB. lT'i Broaaaraf', Room 32, X. I. City, I'.isiolli <? Nolicr. (Bhould be icad. daily by all Uita-ieatafd, aa changea n.ay .ie. ur .lUta.iy tlu.c.j ... __ Leltou. ior foi.lifn , onntrlea n.-ed not ape lully ?'l dit-wi.d for d sp.iten hy any yartliilar at-.m.-r. a-xoopl i.h-i, lt ia dosii'Kl to arnid duplleat..-* A laanklni ai?l ?", ? merclal documeu.a, lrtta-ra uut. ap.-clil,y ada.e--ed Mugi seut by the faet-at veaaela avalijlile. .-,,,. |.'orei?i. ii.aii? i.n ti..- M-eek aiading iaauarj 1. a-lll .iptly lu all ia*<-a; at tnl* oBlca as follnw \V?lj\I..s,U.xY-xt 8:10 a. m. tol Euiot-O. pai - Biltatuilc, xla Queunatoarn; at, 0:10 a. m. Ior iwlglu.u direct, per *. a. xv.starnland, vla Antwerp tletteia 1. du ci d "p r'-j ; al 11 a. i?. i.uppl.-i.i.-iitj'y Vi m. 1 for Venoxuela. 1 u.acao, and Bavanilla a.a 1 ura. .?..., je ~ s v'enetuala (lettata faii 4>ther ColombUn porta mual be dlreeW '|a*r V.netuela"); at 1 p. m. for 4 uha. |>er s. s. .SMiatoga, \ia Kavaua ileltara tnuat be dlr.'-teal l"*r Haratoga*7). al : p. m. Si CM a, pei a. - paia.-n*". [rom ,l? tera for 1'ir, and l'eri.ambu.o muat be oln-et-a '?T^lV-Rsi'iAY-.Vt 1 p. m. (.upplcmeiitary 1 :30 p. m.i'for Hermuda. pei * * Trlni.larl ; at 1 p. m. .-up|,ferri. ntaiy I ,H() p. Bl.) n,r Xa-aau. N. I*.. unu hXantlaKO ' aha, P-r ?. s. hnMiago; at 1 p. tn, i-.y.-V n.i.taiv 1 .M i>. bi.1 m t'apo Haj.l, St. Domingo :.?.l TurBa IbbuMI. BM ?? ?? Baglnaw; at 8-10 p m. f.,r ha .fouudlanU, p.'r ateamer f.'inii Uallfax, ? ,. .. ,,,_,_. s x 1 I'Ri.AV-At 1 a. in. f?r nrazll and th" LB ?'ava (',.,,ntile- .,., Braall, f,,i Hi Thonaaa a:,<i s;- *-n?_ x? st. Ti.ou.a*. for H.irundoa and Trinldad and g*""*r*1r"^l* Harhid,,-. pei a. a, Allranca, from Xewj ,H Baa >'\':.'* r.., othar WtedMrard lalanda tnuat t,.- airaeara " !&*"_? nn "'; at 7 a. in. tauppienwntary 9 a. m; f... rrnn '. M-lt/'rlanil. Italy Spolii. Portim ,1 and Ti.rk.-a. |H-r a. *. La RornaVBdlC, ..a al 7 :.'? a. in. ? ?ippli-ienU.r 8:10 a. 111., ror Ureal 11 IMIn, Iretind H.-'.-inm. Neth-'i landa, .xuatrla an.l Rararay iiiem. n.. p-r 1 * __t*__t vla Queenatowii Ictt. - fn othei I 1 peaan I aintrlea imaae be ,'ir.Tle,! '-per Eti ii- Ia " -: Bt 7:80 1 tr. -.: ti-.- ...<.??-? rir 8:10 a. ai.l for oennany, Dawrnark. BwadeB. N;,r"1,' i.'l.rl-t anla) and Ilu'sli, 1, r a. a. E Ber. xrla Bietn-n (lettvi* for othi-i Eiiioi-v"' <"?''' - l" ^' ' r1 "' ,!lr.',tel "|i. Iiler". at M a. W. [>* Sor*_*r tl^'A i'.' a. a. N'.ik- ileltera muat !??? dlrectod - per Voige ), at .1 a .,, for th.s XeUicrlaiidf direct. per -. a. Amaferdam, alaa Atnaterdam (U-ttirra amal ha dli- ,tV?i " l*.f,.;*"','t1"! ;'"',,. ri ai 11 i m f.,r llaytl, pei *?? *. l'l'in* MIHeni II l.'.t"* ?,,r Cu, , ?. x -/". li. Trinldad Hritun and fiut U ri'.n.. muat 1- 'U.'.t.'.l ?'.". fftaiWIlM ll *' .t II ' n, muiiiili-i.(any 11:30 .'. m.) f,r l-oit'ine laland and Jamalca, i*cr a. 1. Xlena (letiera fer Jtmtt and '-.? l-araa miikt bt dlrtct'-d "|a'l Alell- 1 at 1 U. 10. for ,' , . ? .S, pa" -raXSacoand yacatan. nor a. t. rTcMaa itVileui Statea \,4 Vara '-' llll''t be dlr.-eta-d ??per V, , "' at 3 . m. for affwlllo, per .. .. B. ?MlU iriin* New-brlean. ; a 8 P Bt. fM 1 atupanu aad l '.datj Boilvar per *. ?? f.i Oliao; at 8 ao ... m. f.,r *>t. Pfaaaa* Miuueion iter itaamtr fmui Ililnax. ftl-XaJXY-At 3 n in. f"r B.ufflelda. per a a. Ant. Zambrano' Irur.i N.-w-Orleana ; at ? i>. tn. for CoaU RUB, xi* Lli-.on ixt a s. II ipaaM. f"*"' Xew-Orlaone. Ll'M0:u,"f0r Chtna and Japan. BM> a. O. Oajmtt <}***_?# v?nrift, eir.a,- inr' Jauuarv 'ia. at 11:80 p. r.i. .mi. i f0r"thaK8aw.tun fataatt par a. a. .auaM (from s.a i.'?-.n, laci .lo-.- , r Jjinuarv *24 at 6 80 ... m. Mai.a M? s-e-.^v Irtt^per ahta^Mr al KgSil thmnS ?IV 1?I4H-IB, y -**?_* *-.*? **?- --*?- ia* i EnSa^^JW a\ait"&?&w& *~~ \?-\...a- '...:". . 9?.\.j?t_. ltrom fc^n Fran.-laeo). '-.oao for Aualia.ia. ,MH ?'. ai.aa.u ???"?..???. .-j' -?- ???" Ia landa P r a. ?. Zeal'.r.dla ifroo. fcsan .fwn.-laeo). ?W8 hMai Frl.r iarv *1 at 8 .iO p. m. for on ?rrl\-al al aewjeg of7T a Vmor'a wlth fcrltlah mai'.* for Auatrallaa Mali ?or Xewfo'indland.1 Ir^rail to llalilB*j. aM tgtTSL au arrer cloae at thla offlee atS SO D_ BV M8gM.88J S T^mnat'%? 1,1 thi-n-e bv iteamar faalllna ___**_ TriiraSaTa' a.d' s?tui*lava>. etoM M (hia oitlco dally at F'T' ' "mhVi, tnr M'xieo overlandL unleaa aiaKia r .-,-.; ? ajadi far ai.pat<h b> .te.mer. Btaaa M thi? offlee daiir * "?rranvPaelfl,- 88881 BM forw.rded IMTfMBMMM BA1IT and E vtHK-'ie of et^inr MCT^*^*^; &? ?iirontloli of th.'r .inlnterrn l-d o.-r.inB Hariui .o t-,n ?? ,. M ?? \. ,. X^Q',- V X- hii'ii" 8 18 "_ fitltcjiooi Xoticrs. . IU it.'ll >.lt MM-IF.TY I'.XlR** t. t.'ld thi* wlnt. r or anrlni* wlll rei.elve a doiiatlon *nl I, art. ol ****** advaaUg'oaa t? aiMraaatng. fi Bm I, iribuno ipifj a uitiee l.Sia Bicadnay. rxxiitv TAD I.XAIIls Mrnah Eaa.ia.4-1 a D-r. wydd o-ldl o r frrnian, ena.-nedlol aiwlal pres-.tiawr je?tt vn . ntat " vn ? apel Cvmraeg. ?M E. llth-at. lonaar 14, Xoa rarcher 3 alasb. OulaB caredls tod ia teaaeaai.