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NEWNOVELSAND SHORTSTORIES f A SCCCESSiFCI. MAN. By Jullen C.ordon. 12mf., pp. 199, Philadelphla: J. H. Llpplnrott f o. MARTMA OORSY. A Tale of thc Salem Wltchcraft. r.v coaataace lioddard im tiois. iflaao, pp. .114. Chleago: A. C. McClurg A ?... TIIK PAKADISE IN 1IYDE PABK. I'y Mnrrion Wihox. l_nio. pp. Ei'>. UaTflkB: (iilb-rl .v BW tTlgtam THE DEVII, is PSAP. AND BCSAH Ifl OBflBBAL DAYTON'S OARUR.V. P.v tlie author ol ? People," etc Iflaao, pp. .hal. I.ondon : ..ilbert .v Rlvfnfrton. HER LOVB AND HIS 1.1FK. Hy F. W. BflMflBBB 12ma>. pp. 21-. llarper A Brothci-.. flTRAflOBBfl AND WAYFA-Q-B9. Bj s?nh Orne Jewett. V.'nio. pp. _7P. HOBghton, httflnfl <** ( ... L.TTIE venice. AflD BT0B1B8. Bj Oiaee Penls Utchtleld. Uimo, pp. _1>H. ?;. P. l'ut nam's 9BMB, The author of '? A Piplomat's Diary'' makes hS flflfl end appearanae with a productlon which in point Ol ucope ls somethinp tietween thc BhOll story Bfld thfl tiovel. " A BaaeeaafBl Maa" has undcniably BtrBBg fcaturei, btit lt is not as cftcctive a tale as thc writer' ?BflBflaa eftort. In both an inaon)prclie'.*.,l.le vaflflBB ls the fo.-,..-. of thc action. Ifl the new novel ahe ls. however, a more emphatic and le?s coqne|te. The sediicllon f,f ihe aattHetaa aud orator by a BOCtety woman who liardly hnows whother slie is aflflaalag BBVaflU oi Is embarhirc u', wlttlnglT upon a aerleaa aaaaar, aflatfla afmortaalty for pienty of Iflbaialhig attaattaaa. it bc aarPBaad that Mr. Gordon had got l?- p-oplc into a ' n.l de **ac." extrlcation from whleh in Bfl] reaaonahh] man ner proved hev ond lns ahtlttfl : for the a ntaslropb* with whlrh he sudderly BBflfl the tale BBtVB. Bfl problems. and has the appeannec of aaythtag but good art. 11 1* true that the sti, ra**.sful man bad grown hop..]-*- l\ away from his wtlfl, and that his fecling*. had bBBBBM eerlouslv entangled by the siren of l.ea Mcw. Hut artlsta should not create sltiiat'ona whla h prove in Iractable, and that BWBBJB Ifl 99 what Mr. Uordon li** dofie here. The best thlngi in the book are the ronversatlons between Mrs. Greenham and her frlend ?? aconnte.'" Dantel 'Lawton liimseM-thc flBBfleaflfal man-i* rather an impa,?*lblo polillaliwi considerinir that he is not meanl as a type of "the srholar ln pollttea." liis wlfe. rcaJlv the niost respertable chararter ln the l.ook, is Judged l,y snperrlrinl and cssentially low. if not viciou*. stand_rd*. She has heen a good wlfe, and lias ralsed fl familv well and wisely. Hut beeru.'e *-Ii?*. does nol know how to dress fi.shionabl.v she i* in directly liclal up to rldiculc, and the author expatiates ii)>nri her humill.tion on flnding liei-self dowdy aaaetlg Ihe smart bntterflics of a *e:i-,de vllla. Thc tame of all this Ts dlsagi-eeable and un whole some. Mr. (inrdon nmst do better work if he fltzpeetfl to retaln the vognc earned by "A Dl?fc"nat's DlflaTy." The attempt to rcpra*dure tl.e Salem Witchcraft in a uovel is nn undertaking whleh wa* doomed to failnre li-om the moment Ihe au'.hor flulllBalliafl tB BBeflatntaa Ihe speerh of thfl tl,;n:., t.'is :and to pay litUe or no attention to thc ?? mise cn sccne." Bat when she further detcrmincd to eliminalc tl.e darhral feutnrs aif the s;Uem Wiuhtraft, nnd to preaent BMret* am ontline af the blalarlral fa.t. the espe-laaenl really eeaaed to be worth aaah-BC. Aa thc atary ataafla, it is a Und of Tiuppet-bow. ln whieh nathtng npproachlng <<> Bll adi-aiuate coneeptlon of the truth i* oflBrefl. Tl,e plot which haa been ii'l.icd to impnrt BBOTe livelinc-s to the d.storted skcich ef Iliritauir snp'rslitif.n. i- of Ihe i.,..r. st liind of inarhin** made romanoe. Neither the Ibnaghl aot the aaaanec of thc time is lejaotaoefl. No doubt the snbject is a diffirul* o,,e |o handlc. aad wlule llealaome waald have made a classic out of it. Ilavthoroe'a aMuatla haa aol faiien upon anv livinc ahaaMera, We have before us two boohs by Marrion WlkOX, but they arc a, dlffcmH a* pos-ll,].*. ''The Pamdi-o ln llydr* 1'aiU " i* B alclightful seric* of ihetebea af lif- in tha* Kivi.ra. It is thrown in'o the fa.rni of la-tters, which arc narhed by ::raplie drsrription and a rpiaint pl;ilo*?>phy nn.l qtahM bflUDOr. Tlio I91e i lahen fra.m aa I alla,, e_aale4earber, who baa flevlaed n wondcrful s,-henie for bnlMIng a pla-* and Iram palaca in Hyaic Parh fot tbe huaitioai rarrylag on of pop ular iporti and aafltimm, Thi* plaee, however, really eatl but ;. vinall li^nn-- in Il.e book, which is chicfly Kaaarhal ta aar .i.e brllUaacy of ira itn'ian photopraph* ?nd ti," pental kmper arlth whlrh riie lorai ethlei aod mniinci* ai* dtaraaacd and a,,t a,* d. II li l" * r,*v ?.. d- .i." Ibe some aatliar*i rnlomt* *-, rlng Ihe atarll! i I UUe " r:. ? I ? ik ie-.d"-u tith* roeaUa Charle* Beflfle'l famon? adventui-er Dcnis of Burfrundy in "The Clobrter and, Ihe Heartli." The opeeflflfl skcich, indeed, is not to bc liiket**d up>n any term*. Paah-Btk is a word whieh fltflMj It in mnnv leBBerta, but whla h bv BB BW9BB .over-* the prodtif-tion. It i- hi.lf in fln*. half out of the so called re?l world. B o.ueer .olleation of ihflflhrWfl fa?d linper Injf aapmailhina and mystic eflfaearra and influencc.*, all --it forth with fasainatinp skill a.f and lwauty f.f ?tyle. As to the "Hcencs ln lieneral DaytOB'l (iarleTi" it i* B fia-^nientary drama prc-ented in ? Aertofl "f rharartet ciudi.'*. aad hratahlag Baemela lo oi th" itorlei of "Baal Peepba." afr. wiiaox's ? rc:t! people-' arc tl ry real in ways, bul very bfl rea] Itl afhera. Hi* aethre brain encendcrs them. a,.d they fonhwith tul.e on independent existence, but at IntetTflhi he aeea>a t ? wish le recaO them la their mi.-it'P, and then n earloaa dimne*s and Indlstlnet liess ereep <.ver ihe MCaa, A more individnal tlniiker rii^.* not wtitc li.t.on t'.d.iy. and hi* pi*allailflea aae all aliractive, however. Mr. Robinson has striuli ont i|iiite a novel ialea in Mithaei Oararaofl, Ihe boT Vrhd ta thc i.ondon alama, l.v a flmahefl and ihletiflg IBther and BBOther, arho ?m-Bbb 9e*perate eflorta lo Haa ahoea hi* larrbaofl InfB, and iK-lnp fortunately helped by n great arliT. win, dlsaeins gcnlus lu thc la<1, devciops int, a fumou painter. Baeh a story .ai.n.i. in thc nature of tim.its, be very aheeifnl, a,.d it lahea Um reafler into f*t,nie queer company. Ibe author, however. h&s cvidently made c>,iscientlon? st.i.iic* for liis bad < bar aateri, and James Oanroad and hi* w.fc .M,k<-' parentsl nre really <iuit<- h'.rr.l.'lv true i . thfl iife of thc .lasa they represent. lf tharfl i- any f..ult ta thc book li is in the workini; out of the eharacter of lh here*, Mlba Uaiaaafl. Ha i> IflTeaaad with a hard oha41na?y in lus hayhaafl, which a,.cs r.?t aaeai altoaefhar ??_*? Batfhla arlth hi* linal evol.ition. Vct it musT I.e ...I in.Kcd thi.t a l,a.y wtth sn.h antecdent* and c.\ pei laa iim aroaM need a very grlBB and li.\e*d raaolotlofl |a extricat: himaelf from thc aaaaoaphera of crim,' and Mre into Whleh hc had been born, and that no leaBoacy to plavlulne--, a.r teiidcrues.s could well bfl BBtldpeted in such ? case. Altosether " Her Loae and Hls Life" ls a stronp nnd highly ii.tere*tii.|f novel. .-.arah <"?rne Jewett's 'Strdniter* and Wayfarers'' |s a ahflafl <>f ahaai flflflBlrahta Bew-BnglBod .studie* for which this wriler ha- becaflBB ju.tli' fan.ous. Rothiag ?tl bc BMBfl natural and siniple her skctalic They deal with the lowlv, the IgBOranl, the cci<*iitii< and tlie BBBT. Thev ahaw us New-Bnjrlnnd vlliape llfo as in a looking-Rlass. with Ha *<t araye, n- e,.*.*.!p. Ha dialert. its Miperslilmns anal taaflftBBBfl, M-* grwd ?notherly pharniaoopoeia. it- wise saws. its conscr \alisni, its vencrablc u*uecs and ti.xed cu.tom*. il*. H'-riinp vutues and extecaal raaV-fliaaaea. Thera ai? fllavea ihaMaaa <>f the klnd in Ihe Braaaal raaaaie, and it would be verv hard to tb t?*rrnine which of them ts the beat. "A Winu-r Couit*hip" an.l "The Que-t of Mr. IBahy" arc cap.Ul. Bad a hiefly humorou*. " The Lurk of Uie HonTan-" I- M.nicwhat out of the anlhor's u-uai ttaiflr. t*em? a studv of irish me IfaaaaBaarted Into American city Mirniundinps. This too U a trag"dy. A very pleasant aid iiapiiily endinp BBBBV rccounts "The Takliig of CBfllBlB _a_L" " Falr Dav" ,* B flelicieus bit of ht.niclv ri.ral sentiment. 'I? Da*9 New-Enpland Days ' is sombrc. t>erliap-. ovennuei. atk *aAe at kast prefcr this wriU-r's HghflBB and Lii^lit i aketrhes. They arc. however. all good and artit,,. The elcht Ahfltf sta.ries bv Mr-. LUehflflM, Bah Uhhed under the titlo "Little Yi-nia-c.*' have been i-e prlnted from vi-notis flBBBBflBBBfl. and so nvA little in troduction. Thev an' well up to ihe Jeve! of the aiHa'l tr-t novelettes. tlie llrst oue. ?? I.ittle \enice," bBB-9 BB aaeaaUr freah and aiarlflf AaolheB <*dd and ptqaaat Bket< h ls thnt a'titltl'd "OBfl ChaptBT," Whleh Jeavcs Ihe re*vder m?.-tltlcd iu au hvkiv. aln.g n._i.,..i. 11 i\tw pnltlirntions. EB ilI'.-liAMi".** PRIEND I- the new Ikk.1. by ALBI.KT R0S8, Just publlshed. ?This i? thc tiflh bo-k of Uie "Alb.t.oss Serles." "Tlio;: bktkl.T NOT,' "HIS PKIVATK ( 11 AKACTKil,' '?-I'tAK/Na, ol miR* ' Ifl STI.I.1. V.** SMAllOW." bate :nt. Baaaaaad aaaaaa eiwyahera. By ___.ll |..*!ji;u Irec, on iecei|,l ol |,..a.', 10 ceala __i;_U'. PILUNOHAM, Pnhil9ber, New-Yark. m EMOILABILLA OF M DH. liEO. B. CHI.;.VI r. i'CBLJiHKD THIS BAI hlEMORABIMA OK OK.ORI.E B OBSBTSB, I) O., lat? Paator of Ui* OhflBBh Bf Uie Puntaii., tfataa Sq.iara, New-York, and of hl- w|f<, Kll___tth Wetmoi, Cli,.wr ln Verae and Prf,*-. By her hu?ha?d. Witli porlrilU, a*. 12mo. tl.yti., *: JOHX W1LEY d. SONS *.:. KAST lOTU-AiT Jnfltrnciion. For BOTB and Ya.ung Men?City. A-CLASS 1 OU HoVS.-Iiiternicdlate and afl**vanc<ad . grade*.; atudent* prepartd tor .ollcge, la?v. acientlflo BcbOo'l ___________ w. 1 CHA81 . 72 Wait aflth-at, A -CIKCVLABS Of <?<?"-? 9CII0OL9 FBBBj saaa A.Aii.n..r lo, boy* ?r glrUi eUy or eeoatry* r. v. llf Vsso'iN.American Rcbool Rur-au. 2 W. 14th-<t , >. r. rr?HK PAKK cnl.i.t ,.!M l 8CHOOL ">'? Weal '.llth 1 ?| . .!??'* i.i,....(>. latermedlete aod cellegtate wa.rk; oumbera llmltoo: hlgheil > fcentes. _____,__. I LMF.i; E. PHILLIPB M. A.. I'rlmipal. JNSTiit. I'loN ifl eafllaMrclal braachea sloeutloa, mill urv aaenec and t_etlos and dr-ib-lent F.n.llsh glvan oc ea.o'nsbl.- urm?; hwg experleneo. Call Tueadaya and /hur-daj- h.twecn 0 :?..d fl. or *ddr-.s I r. HYATT. 113 Madl-onave- . Ri:PARAT7>R7\'_r..llege achool at 17'* Weat 47th-?t.. .-ondurted bv II. E. Wclls; the |? taugl.t how ta ct-idv thoaaht .-o-rl-ed and ?peedv dH\el.,pm"nt Of ablll'tlas bv the tneUiodn o? Instructioti en.ployed; paMonal attentlon to each; 11,. ited .* twelva * ho ar*. __ UKIVERSITT OBAMMAR st'ltOOL. 1.173 Rroadwa'.'. near l_d-et. fi'id year. p-, (..mmer IM a. 1 Classleal DepaH*l**Si.t8. M. M. BOBBT, W. I.. AKtN, n o. Hi;.NnnirKs.,N. Prtoehail*. For Yonn_ tt k ??-Rl'.V. Uii. \NL> MRS, aiAllDNl'.R'S A. sciio-*!!, I ou. ..ll'.l.s. 607 .'.tii-ave. 32d year. Mrs gai.dnf.r. Aottoei et "HIKory ta Rh.-me ?? IM iss M BLACKWliKt/S fichool stid Klcder.srten for l hlldren reoneii*. O? Mher 1. at l.'O Kast f-H.l-H._ \'1X KORMAlt 1NST1TCTF. rFnunded 18.57l.Home and Dav OOLD ANP BROXZE MEDaLB. PAR19 FXPalssiTIOV. ISM 290 and 218 Tl.tst. and West nndav..' Mn.? VAN NORMAN. **rlnr>lpa_ T For Bolh Sexes-City. ?fl HFRLITZ KrriOOL OF LANOPAGES. No. 1 > West _5th.s_ Br.ncl.e*' Reston, Phlla.. W?.hlr:fV-n, Chlcign. Bcrlln. Parl*, _e. B'-at Imtruction B10 pa r term. Ilrooklya. rp BM MISSES ELT'S fsCHOOL FOR GIRUS, 110 AND 142 COLUMRIA HEIonTS, BROOKLTN. For Young I^iiies?Country. BEI.VIDEKE SEMINARV.-aiOO P*y? for a therouflh coursc In bu?lnc-s depaitmeni. wlih iiome; -pe l.i in itraeUaa to ladi.-s arboee .-ducatlon has been ncglected. Add.-s sKMiNARV,_uelvidcre, WeyJetajty._ 1BHOPTUOUPE.?A lloai-dlnz and Dav Jsa-hool ff,r _irls. l'r-p.rfs f, r .oil>ga; or glve*. a fnll academlc ,our?e. Twinli-tli.rd year. I I W.M.sii. Prinelpal Rethlehem. Pb._^ OAKDIXG sa UOOt, POR oil'.LS la anbur. of Phlla al< la.i,... lias an aaeldentul vaaaaiey ai l.alf Pn_*. Addns* I'KIMII'AL. P. O. lt.\ 1..W-. Philadeluliia.^Pa._ HOME iNSTlTlTK. J-trryUiiTti. X. V. A BoarallDg Batf Dav S.'hool for Toani Ladlefl und Ltttie ..Itls. Will reopen 17._M,*- M W, MITfALF. I'rlncl|)*l. Tlir. Y'.in., LADIE.**' st minaky. Preebold, N. J. / picasant home. ?):h exi-ellent oppurtunltin* for au tducat.on. MlM KtlNICB D Sl'.WAI.I., Prinelpal. Par Boyfl nnd Yoiin-.; Men?Country. ALF.XANDl.l. INsTITfTK.-.MiliUry boardiug fchool. wiot* I'la'.-. n. \. Prlaclpal, 0. K. A. M., I'h. _>._ ,_ HORDENTOWN (N. J.? MJIiITABT 1NSTITCTE. Ber. T. II. LANOOK, a. m.. Prlaelpal, l.ieut T. D. LAN'D'.N'. a'f.mmai.d.ii.f.. CHELTXMHAB ACADEMT, oa.iST/.. I'A. Cnaxeelled locatloo and mn undUifa. New srhool equipmcnt. Oymoaalum, mllitarr drlll, Ac. Thnrough prepantiou f,.r coUege or *. If-ntltlc school. For circular. ta;.. addre?-. IORN CALV1N RICF.. A. M-. Prinelpal._ FS LMWOOD SCHOOL FOR ROTS.-At Milford, C nn. / Parenta ?i.o a..- aafortuaate i-i Um Baaacemeat of their sf.t.s win d? arell "? profll t,y the -dyanUg* orTer.-d i Addreaa Ht.Wli M HOWE Bupt._ (^ RI'SIM'.-*- CO_J_EOK,Poo?hke?pBlB,?f.T.? iOpeii aii thc fear Tlior>.ui:h Instrurtlon ln Boohhceplng. li_nk;iig, Ca.inn.en'ial Law, Peomaiiahlp, corre-peadaace, Arilhn.etle, Le.; T-?l*-nrap*iy, Stenogra|iliy.Typi'*s-rltlii|.'.ft . Uuslncs. men tui-plied with rompeten. a*si?* on short i.ot.-... Nf, , for .Ituatlon. rir,.i*>.*-d S.-nd for aat'l'fla. FREEHO-.D ixsTiTi'Ti. Freeliold, N. J.; tflth year; i-ollege prcpai-tlon a ?petlalty; bu?ine?.B, hlgn at hool ileal eopraea St.'MMi:n sciioot, at tn ? r i.*nir Military Ac..,.' ?Loeatlon deaUJifui; <..r and b.-.:r.. t..',.t. e\f..i'ent. JOHN n. T1LIH.N. A. M.. Bt !>.. Prinelpal. Scnd for , ttenlar. _ TVOI'.WAI.K MILITARY 1 NSTITT'TE, -* NOKWALK, OOflfl., Prcpar.s for Coll-.c or Rn?!ne?a. Thorough fm lil..;' CaMfol tiatning. Modcrate eharaea. Bo_erlar building. clr^ular on requeat _,__ ______., l'l'.WK B. P.OBERTS, Prlnclpttl. _ V EWTOJi (\. J.) IXSTITUTE.?Boya' Buperior Pamlly I*l-Choel. I!*-et phv.lral. sanltarr Mirroutidlni;*. ni|.'ii. Urv. pare a.r. avmnMlna),f,r iporta. Every rooin a.,d h..u ateam heated; act a'.n roM water. lllu-trat'd ratalogiie. J. \vii.s>-.\ a. M. Prinelpal. Q t'i-MER SCHOOl FOR BOTB, . ? ,. O AT i' 11 r_ BRVANT S( llO.iL. Rav-lyn, T,. I.. N. T., (iv rlooltlng L. I. Sound. ior lll.tetrst-d , aUlogiia. THi: PEEKSKILL M1I..TAUV ACADEMT. 57tii year hepi..- Sept. 17, 18oe. Bend fnr catslostia. JOHN N. 11LDEN A. M M. rv. Prl;ic'pot. ttraclicrs. .ai .*. AMBRICAM AND lORFK.N TEACHERS' AOENCT Supulic* Piofessor*. Tcachera. Tutoia. aiavernesi tc. to cfllliaea, scboola and Kamlllca Apnly lo Mra. M J. YOf N.i-Kl 1/1 ON. 23 Unlon Souara. A BEST TEAC11BR9 Amerh-an and Forclgn, supi.lled ; __.all beuehas. anv lo'alliy; no ckarge. Taacher* *anted, no it'Slat.atlon fec ? form foi stariu.. P. V. HCYbSOON (lat?- K. E Av.rv An, ri, an Sl ho,.l n,i-e?... 2 W. 14tli;at A? TPTOR9 Prafaaaera, Teaebera, Ooinueaaei of *U ? litanrln-a aiittnlled to inilvrsltlcs. coll'*e.-s. Brhoola anal faiulll, s. Clr.-ulara sehools to iiarent-. Mod-m iai.Buwel "l-nken M1RIAM COTItlERE Room 14. 1.'.0 fith-ave._ AN EXPF.RIENCED private latoi wlabe* piplls to pi'irtiri* for eolletr. or bu-lne*. : )iiuhe?t ref?r"t,,?>??. Addi-aai ORAfifATE. Rn\ 90, Trlhaafl Oaaea_ Tl \( IllilS WIMTII IMM1 HIA TI'I.V 1 ?''.."' i-M'lady f?r city famlrr; I'reoe* lady far city &miiv; thor enghiy rd.icated i.-nniin .eotlemaii *?'.r. Also for s'ept-n.lia: . sttperlor iciehir of cla'sle. ?nd hlat.., , . Aim.1v , Mr*. M. J. Yol'NO-FCI/rnv. Anvrifan aed Fovit'i' T .. '??*' \'.'. . j _':. I'.iloit Souare. _? 1'EACIIERS tutor*, floverne?i -. rompanlonB. ehoreli sinp-r*. a....,nl-ts. n.ati-on*. et*., |.r..tuiitlv si.ppll<l '<? r, -::..- . :,., . | omin i leo te narenu. MIsk DONOVAN '* 1 ..?l.-t-' Bur ;>',. 80 I''-' IIth^l._ TEACHER WA14TED. Plrat-claaa m-n as a.ib-ma.tcr a-.d l.istructo, ln mllitan taetlea in a n.illtary a- ii.ol for small bnys. Addrea. s. C. * M?di... Peaa._ NION TKA(.'HER?' AOENCY *rui.plte* acbOOl nftl'-er* wltb ta.if r- t. i.i-i.'-i* ..it1. pmltlon. lt. II. II \r.:'.lN..'10*:. l'mi... 62* Pl.. fl. Y. U A Dancint* CAtaftcmies LEXANDEIt MACGREIJOR' i'LA-1.* IN DANCINO. Mi;.M)l.I.s-*i>ll.'. r. ...M* 109 WEST .VVI'H-ST. Privat* leaBoaa anv tUnc bj apiointment, AMIss 110TT, 103 We?l S9d-Bt.?Waltl aad latest ? di,n<'<~ lAorauahlv and rapldlr tanalit: atrletlv . lliaeni a spetlalti ai.It.j.n and cvenli.g cla'ae. Fi;UNAM'"'s a. ADF.MY, 1G2 Eaat 5.",tl,-?t.-A a.hool for danrlnf. deportmeni a"...i callstb**.!! - all tl.e new nnd f:,*liionan_l- d"t,, *. - ?? ?) f i elrcnlsr. / i i OROE \v \v .1.1 '.' i s - ita.f.i.*- 20 v.' ' .r,, Ua.,'1 Htrlerc. 82 I2_th-*t. Sec etrenlai ?cean 5icamer?, A-TKOPICAL TOUR $150. ? Tcurists .an vi-it Jamaica a_d her OREAT EX. HIBITIOfl, remaJi tnere 1- day*. lncludlng Itoard ar,d Kraidence at the CONSTANT SPIUNU HOTEL. at Klag.too. or a toti- of this beautiful Island by the ATLAS LINE STEAMERS. for $150; witli the optlon of ajxteod ing their trlp at the rate of riVI DOLLARS A DAY to L'avtl and Colon.bla. ?ccoir.isodations first-ctaa*. P1M, FOllWOCD 4 CO.. Aginte, .4 fcUl -st., .V. T. THuMas OOOK ii bON, Iouriat Agca.le*. ANCtfOB LLNL. U. 8. A1AJL Steamahips. NEW-YORK GLAS'JOW, tia LONDONDEURT. Pler 41, N. R. foot of Lcror-su Am l.oria.Jan. 24. . a. uulClKBaala... heb, 21, 3 p. rn. LUUopia ...l-.u. 7, | p, m. I An. Lor .a M..r. 7, .1 p, m. Cabln. a50 anai *.,'?. ts. .<,nal < ;a.** *:I0 Slecrafe. e2t). MF.D1 I'I illl WF.A.V bERVICE, BEW-TORR TO OIBRALTAR AN'n N'API.ES. Fio... i'..l?. S',,r. ., Urooklyn, 11... nton F.-rrv. ?s.S. BELtiilAVIA . \\ ai...-dav. Ft-bruaiv 2.. Cabln, tso t.. ei(X?. r-or tlrkcta and further inforu.ation appiy to HF.NDEKSON lilt'VI IIFl'.S. 7 H.-.rllng^rew^ C0MPAGNI? tiKNLRALE Traiisatlantique, KREN-H LINj'. TO IlAVl'.r LVKUV SATl'l'.DAT. toniiain'- ,' \", N'o 42, North Rlver. ft. M.,rio..-*t. I.v S'ORM AM'li', c?.|iif-r Satnrday.Jaa 17, 10.90 a. m. LA H'U'R'.a'.a.M:. Fnngeul Satu.dav .fan 24. Ba m. LA BKr.'i \..\i;, d. .1.. . In.Sati.rday, Jan 31, ? __. KORdl-.'l'. General Accnt. No. 3 Born:n_ Hrert.. c LTNARD LINE. jji.W-V01iK 10 LIVKUPGOL, via QLEKNSXOWN. irou. Iflei 40. :>orih Bivat. 1-1-1 LAl'.lLs.* ilAIL _.i_J?Vl_i_ Btrurla.Sat., Jaa. 17, IIa-aa.i_*arv_..T__t., Veb. n. io a.m Uallia bat., Jan. 24, 2 p. ta. I IU., .-.: I'eb. 21. 2pja A'.iat.ia.sat. Jan. .1, 'J ..... IJ.. M..:...sai.. I > I, _* Uo'brla *.u.. i-i.. '.-. - i. in. i.i Li... -j. .M.n 7,2 . . ehtfl paaaaga, BBO * il upwaid. Iiit'-rtn.-oiau-, t'.'A. Sta-cra.j tl.ketit U, ai.J fr-jr.. all naru- of 1 ll ... a. . ./? low raU's. l.,r (ratatit -u.d pa*-i,K.. aj.o.v at tha cuq. L_uy'n oii:.?'?.. No. 4 B.jw1Iij;[ Qrten, New-Torc. VEKNON ll BROWM t CO.. Ucnera: Aaenta. C"MlAKLI.STON, S. C, th' Soiith 8z Soathwea*. J JA, l.-'.NVIl.l.i; A.ND ALL- 1 - L'JIIIDA I'OINTS. THE CLTDE BTEAM9H1P COMPANY. Frosu I'.-i .\i ,'?? i: iIOVI ' iLl al 3 y. n_ AI.OoNai i.v, iharioatrn and Jsckaonville W, I, Jan. 14. I'HEKOKEE, I'harleaton and Jaeksouvlllr i.l .... i. VF.MASSKi: Cliar.n and JacksanvUl. M...,., Jan. 10. Jsl'.M i .Noi.i , Cbarleataa ;.nd .1 -??. ...?-. i ? u.., Jan. 21. AU .teanier* baffl flrn-. ,a?s paaaiingi r loroinn .,'!.'.lou?. laaaraaca und?r ouen |m.:i< r rr?. t**j ,? ,,i,.. ?]/.., ,,r ,,?0 i,^. *ent. WM. 1'. CLTDE A CO.. a.eneral Ag.^.t*, 6 Bawiaa lireeo, s Y. T. G. EOER. Oan'l Agt. G. >j. Kr't Uae. 847 Broadway. ^;-:\\?-VOJ.K &' (MUA Mail Hteomship Oo. I irou. f..i, 1.; aad 17. Ean Blver, II 3 n m. fo, l'i,..i.-*.., t au j..-. I,.., Prootera, Taa.pi a, . upaii, aad \ rra _r,.. Uaiauia*. i ardfli.a*, Sacua. CaUonaa, ?.'_i.?a.i. .**a,.'.u,u de Cuba. GllBlitaiiBBiO ..-.d l.'lenf ie?oa. .SAKAH'UA, Havana and .aru.....* .iVea., .lan. 14. ?ftCATAN, li.-. s. . and Ma ran Part* s_.. jJW 17, r a.i ai.! v IKDHIA, llav, and M,.i-.,a- \vd.. Jan 11. YI'MI Rl ll,,....,. .... I HiMran I'i'- Ha4 lan 14 BAKTIAOO Kaaaan, BaiiUago d. Cuba and Clrnflkcaos, Tl nisfiur, Jaa. 15. Bor fuil parUenlara, fr- 'ehi >.r pa aaaaa. anpiv 10 JAMES i;. WAP.I. A <0.. 11J Wall-at WMTE STAU LI.NL. 10K ',11 NSTi'W.N AND LIVIRPOOE. .'."VAL AND UNITED bTATES MAIL STJEAflBR llMuinicJan. 14, 8 80a.i 1 1'cb. 11 .a.m. 'Ctltic . Jaa. Sl, fl p. n. I '< .itl.-. . I'eb. 19, 2 p. m. G< rii.aiu. ..Jn.i. ..-., 7 ;i0 a. |... 1 Majn.Bc, 1'eli 1 , ., ... ?AJr.atlc . I.L. 4 - .. 11.I ..,,:,.itl. .'lar.i. 4. 1.C011. From VVlilt* Htar Do, B. foul of W(-*t lOthst ?be. uid cabu. oo these*.. l-alooi. nta*, B&O and ua.i.arl a.,iu.,*_iuu u, _r,. _...,.! and lo. atlon of berih. aecond cabln. *. ? tt.d #4o i;v.ur.i,..i tleaet* .,.. ia,. r.M. urm. : fctceriMte. k'JO. ConiLany'. Olflee, No. 41 Broadnar. NfW-Y.rt Philadelphla Om< e. 400 Wal.a'JUit. J BRl'tE ISMAY. AcnU ?reatt 5itamfr*3. IiSMAlN LINK U. 8. aud Bojaj Mail Staimert. 1 IOR Ut'EFNSIOXV.N AM- I.I VEWOOL. rirv ti" i lll' adO. xv..liloaday. .I'tiuari 14. 8 80 a m. riix J V u'.iu.ix XX' iu. daj, .lu...:.. -'-, , iu a, in. ? " o CillCAUO xi .ln'-da, FeufuBf) II. 7 a. m. CITY 09 N EXV-Y. 'KK xx adneadaj. P8I rua.y 16. 2 p. n>. NoKUDhi I -< HKJ* LI.OYD SS. CO. Mloll'?<?.<>> J " TO Li'XDON. MBW-TORK? bbt'TMAhl PTON aXI) llREMKK. IbUain-rs -all fi "'? | " ? "' '-'? *'.., 9 "*.??? * ' FAM I.X1*EE-,.S MIAMEIW. ,;;usaVt:!lai!,2."l?3-iP....-.| ...*? Wct? Fab. 4. 1 IkM irira . ,i-i 878 aad ui.wird .4 barta. a<4?rdlne *a loca tion be'ona cabla, *..( i i rti. \*_H>n__ '.[_l2mv$% \a______ OElJUCHfl 1 CX).. Xo. - RoilLip lireeo, _ URDDEUT8CHKR LLOYD _ S. CU. sprinw gAiuMcai J,-,?'ur? fsOCTH.X.MI'lON' (latMidotl) Blll MI > M llavel.I r.ibe.w.d, Aprl 5. Iidr.Sat.. Aprll 18. I Traave, .Tu *., Aprll 21. ? xx.d . Aprll 22 . sa*... A Bp. c..Tu"*.. Aprll 28. XxVira..xv. d., A;-r.i :'.. lina .8at., >XU.' Eaim. Bak, M*y "? AU-i.Bat., May 0 i llavel. Tuea., May 11. Klbo.\V d , N Ij i Eldrr.... Bah, Mar 18. irave.NtaL May 18. I di. XV.aJ., Mjt L-". s. . *-?'-. Mar 23. Tnes , May 28. . ...WOat, Mav 27. F.naa. S.t., Mav 30 i.ah:,.Tuea , laa i '-'? Kal?er.\V'd., June g. Aller. '-at.. Jun*- .1. Itavi l.i aaa., aaaa 1. 1- ]1M..\V--d.. June 10. Klder.Sat., June 11. OELlllCllS t in., 2 Il.iv4fliJig_0.e?jB1_ G" UION Li\r;. iSiiy.ti STATES MAII, STFAMERS. FOR QUEEN8TOWN AN'H 1,1 V hlllO-U Le.a\u l'l-r M, X K . '""'- "f MlM*?t. B/TOMIXO . Tu <.i.T, Janu'irv 20, 1 .80 p. m. KFVADA .Tn.alay. Janiiarr 27. 0 ia. m. WI8CON8IX Tueadir. Fcbrvary 10, 1:10 a. <a. Cabln pa-iaaTT 810. ?f.0. *S0 and *100. 8econo* Cabln. aio and 83'. st'-erai-e. 820. ? _ ji A. L-XfiERHIIala t 4 0.. 33 Br&ad^ay. W. T._ RED "D" LINK OF STKA.M-IIU'S. FOR EAOUAYIVt. PVERTO CABELLO. CURACOA. MARACAIRI. AN'I. 4Ji)ltO. Pler Ig, EaM River. BS. X FVF.7.1 T.I.A W.-dne-diV, .Mnnarr 14, 1 p. m. ss CARACA8. Suteriay, Jannary 21, 1 p. m. 6S. l*Hll..xl>l*T.I'll!.\ Wertniaday. Fehraar/ (, 11 a. m. Theae Am-rlcan ataamahlna, *pe, lallx- built for the trade, have vctt auperior a" omit.od.itlnna for paa*enc<*rs._ 1I0ULT0N. iil.ISS * IiAf.LF.TT. Tourl.t Aaenta. .leneral Mi u i?. 71 Wall at, UH'.s (OOK t l-ON .',11 H ?.)*i._| TlACIFIC MA1L STEAMSHIP COMI'A.NVS , I LINE.-* TO CALIFORMIA. .l.xl'AX, CIIIXA. CKX'lRAIa AND silTH AMERICA AXD MEXICO Fron, Neaa.York. pler foot ;,.' Canal-s',.. BT. R. ttr Sai, Fran.-iaco. \,a the lathmoa of 1-anama. Iini., v aau. Tiaaa8av, January SO. aaon. From San ^r-oi"l*eo, l"t and Brannaii at*. FOR JAPAN AND ClllSA. CITY Ol' RIO Dl' IXVF.IK" 'ln liy. I'I" 3 3 p. m. For r*elcht. ttaaiaa*! atid ireneral informstlon. apnlr te aatDpany'i offlee m the nier. foot uf ranal-t.. X. IV, H. J. BULIAY. i.tneri! SuperlntaMidenl l CAVAKMAti FA--T FIIEIGHT AND 1'AS-" i. BEX41ER I.IM. l'"',r ttaaiaera " fr,,tn Xea? i*.er -io S. F. foot ol Bprins-at. ss \- \. ,,.). lll ?'!'. VVedr.nedav, Jannary 14. Bp, m. j-s ( ii v nr i.' i:.MiMii i.x m * .: i av. Jannary 10, 3 p. m. ss , i rx i.i ai..i . \ - i-ur.!'iv. January 17, h p, m. *-s' TALLaIIASKF.K Monday, Jaanamn 10, .. p, di. Conn-'-tln-* ivl'.h C.t.'ral Rallroad of i>er,r-*U and Savan nal- Florlda and Weatern Rail way for all i.olnt* ln ??rArQIA, FlaORlDA, BOI J'K ( A UOI.IX.X. ALA ltxMA and L0UI8IANA. Unaorpaaaed aeeoinmo4Utloaa. tal;l" d-h,''.' I'or fKiCbt and Jiinlr te J fi. IIA.-IIA'.I.N. . XV. II. RHblT, Ue.i. ABt. Eafct. Al". S I'. ?"'l XV. P.'v ' -ii uni ..i. I .-? I.ln-. 201 Broadr.iv. .117 Brndtaay R. L. WALKER. Apent O-ean Btearn*blB Ca. Vn? Pl^? BB Vnr'j\ II.. vow tit 81. aTorai Rivaa. BFI'MTDA ROYAL MAIL AND CA15LE. CIKPI.C S H -MMSHII' COMPAXY. FROM rOMI'A.NY PIER (NEXV, iv KORTH ItlVF.R. I For RERML'DA, S. H. ritlMUAD JannJr- IS, at :4 p.m. For St. Crtlx, i,t Kitts, AnHgua. Gnadalouiie. Domlnlca. 1 Martinlaue, Bt. i.uii, iurbado-, litaoada aad irimdal. I fc. B. CARIBBEF .lan'-,n 21. ??. 3 p. m. Her a'.?? r.,ori ind tleket* applT io I A. E. OU J ERRRIIXJE t CO.. Agenta. 30 Broadway. THOS. COOK * SOX. 201 and 1.225 Eroadwaj._ /jniiK'S TOURS TO TIIE TROPIOS, LA GUAYRA. lTEHTO CABELLO, CURACAO, F.TC . BY THE r.XCEI.LEXT .VIKAMSKirS OF TIIE RED "D" LIXE. / THE WFST IVDTFS AXD KOCTII AMERICA. BY THE MAOK1FII KNT BTEAMERS OF TllE UXITF.D BTATEB AMI IIR.X/.IE MAIL B. H. CO. Tlckcts* for clreuUr tour* by e:th, r of thc ahove Unei arranged ir, any d tomblnailton. Illuatrated pamphleM xvith full partlculara or th'kcta, on appllcatu ii to ? TllO.s. COOK 1 80V. 2fi! Ilroadway. X. Y. cook'a Qraail a*ataMM Tour to .iapan wi;i i.n-.-e x?w. I York, ,Xlurcli 2. Illub'.rat.d prouramuie on a|,|,llcat,ou. RED J5TAB LINK FOR AXTXVERP AXD PARIS. Rilllng fyr He**Yora u,d ABtwera I'-'-'kiv Whh'l t.llM.A.N'D . XX'.a.i' -rt.ii. .laaunry 14. at H .10 a. m. I'I NXI.AXD .Vedneadar, Juniinry 21, 9 p. m, Ratea i'li-* l abin a*iO and u,,w-i-fi Exenralon. (?'?:, a\A nparard, Rceeod Cal.815. Ea. uraion, KU aad tli fct.-.' at a>r. ,, 44 rat-s. l'ii',"!'i. wni'ii:' ' o\ ..en'l Aeta.. 8 Bauallne 4*r*>*av Al'AaN-CHJNA. OCCIDENTAT. AND OKTENTAIa Btcamera Ieave San Pranelaeo aa followa*. OCEAN'TO.Thnraday, January 22, 3 d- m. OAEL1C.Baturday. Februry 14. 3 p. m. HF.L'IIC.Tueaday, Mar l, 10, 8 p. m. 0( EAXIC. Thnraday, Aprll 2, 3 p. m, Suparbly Appointed?Snperior Accorctnodatlona. Reaera-atloot can be made bv letfr or Ulearaph to and eabln plana aeen at 2*; ind 843 Broadway. Xew-York. or Kootc Tl, Ravirojad galrlMa. ban I'ranris o. LELAXO STAXiOUfi. Presldanl. T. H. ooodmax. tMaaral l-aaaaBMM As-ont. J CUinlcr licsorts. IIKU1II DA. ) OF Tlil. LII.Y AXD T HAMILTON HOTEL, OPEN I'li,.XI I.i . KMHI.R 1. N'IIIj MAY. VVALTKR 4IKKV. I'rotule.or. -, ,i ' vddr aa Uota Rei lll li Ml lll. THE IjAXD OF THE LII.Y AXD THF. ROSB. PALMBR HQUSB. I.aKKWUOR N. J. Open O'-tonrr tu June; l.r-t < li-s, aii ronvenieneee. Addr ? i - R. PALMER, S. i . li.l MIM. "' THE UKEW08D, LAKEWOOD, N.J. THE MOgT l.LEi.AM i.i' All' \XT\TER RESORT ix Tiu-: rMiii. sTvii'.s, gOW ol'i'.x. Al OOMMOR x li s 800 OUE8T8. ul'I.X WOOO PIRE8 IX EVERY ROOM. The culalnr i iindci tli - :uv*.. E. LAPBR RiOi'i;. iut?- Chet ,,i i>i:i.M"M> 0*8 and lhe iioiiman H. S. CLEMENT, Manaffer._ THE De SOTO, >.\V."aN.\AII. 4.A.. one of th" ni'.-l elegantl. .ilnl d lio4 Ib ln tlie world. ai COMMOD x 1 lns i uil 5..-I-- roorlau ?.:: tir.d .sa\i.uiah ?' ' [ and bxautlful eitiea iii t)i? ? i.i,," srniii. Ko pla - lhat ean be i I- ii.or. healthfiil < r ' ;i< :. place ol - ? XTvilN .?. I'llWKIta, I'rnorlelora, THE SEMiNOLE, MiMIll PlItK, I IA. i)iii.ii? Jaaaarp *>i.. aea*?n nt ihhi. \V. 1. I'AK.i:. .Inniiaer. THOMASVILLErcT/L PINEY WOODS HOTEL MITCHELL HOUSE OPEKB JAN'. 10. IWl. UNDER UNE Ma*iN.i.,l.MI.NT. 11 A. I'roprletor. ror elrciiLar*. rate*. t* addr.? \VU. E. DAVIES. Thomas\,li,-, tla. !$preiry hotel flrhen av:itlnj. PA11K HOtlSK. *si.\j.'.:,'i, :*. i. Steam heated Wood llus. .'-un Parlor*. \Vliaviili-niiiinrioiii. Aaheville. \ ... reeefirca invallda wl.o auff. r I:. :? I'r.7- --oi !v< 'h'a ua-thod, ?,tl, clli.iaUc cu.e. KAK1. VON RII. K. M. I... Dlrector \lli; 1>,I (iOlXii TO .4 ia 1 v i , ll RESORT! HOME .mt i:n xi. of Wedneaday, JanuaH 14. ineludea a xx I N il ll I'.I .-"1. I i.i i Dl plain.- placN prlrea, dlataueea, a .d all partlrnlaia. I ? ? I , i. ? ? :. . ? - a , ..p'. -.... MORRI*4 i'HILLII-ri j ? ? 240 llroadaray, Xi | RORSMORE ll'ii M. .\- '. ? ? '. I l . . . 1 -i".'n I *n' ? ?? irl :. II* : ? i modi I l'. DOYLI ?? ' f. Gtcnmbont5. r*JORWICHLINE i Aii, ?? III . '. I.I. lul N . - >.e'. I. Bdol II *i 25: VVoi Boaton 88 Mi aMKI:-, Ieave PIi'.li in. NORTH RIVER. PIER ABOVE Dl-aSBROfiSEAvST. ; EllRY, fi.xif,-, (*__. ,! , ted), 4 :80 |. ii>. II Be|a and aLi'er.,.jiiia ae tur.d at prineipiU uBi-r* ln Xeaa-Yora. Biooairn and Jamy < it*. DACTAM l-.-*et,'.re wlll flnd nUO I Vll 'Hl-. IN8IUE ROt'TB i I * ?, as'l.i 0, via -.T.lalVl.TllV I.IN'. Pl-ovldenc , .J...!, ; \Vori'< tor, ?i-'2'.. st'au. new Mi ' ' l: :. ali-.v Canal-at.. at 4 .30 p. n. Ball4. except Sunday._ ^Tt;^^?-ll.\Vl.^.--t?':tI!,??l? lamn i-.k sup I i'i, r SS I. II ' .?' " i' " >:,d 11 p n, (s -r,.' tepted), arriilng ... Un.a f.,r tr*ii.- N?,r11, aiA I- ? -1. ???*** flfI TO UOSTON for Hrst-eln i limit>.i '^?raifi' ii,..,!*. i'.ira rdn.'.d vla i-aei. RIVKIt l.i.M.. btrai r i'ii:ii,-'. ind i*r..iVIDE.M i. in totrnilaalon. leMTB rteW-YoTk from Plrl 2H. X. R. faot it Mur,? -i il.l , '"? 4 80 p, n, (laa , ?i!i ? r - ..- 'i I, Aprll, is'.n Cooneetlon br Abbi Bi ? .'?.. * il J' !"? City at 4 g. aa h ?t'-an,er. ^\pnrlnirnto *To trt 1\1 O 1 847 AX'F. , near OWaral I'ara and 18 i.'.at-'.i at.tion Beaut.f.illi f.r.iia'^t roaana ?i:i, 1,4-4, an.l dr--aiiiat ratataa fl * l."i?c, flral-eiaa. I.catlon; wit.'Oi.l l.aid, u i.i.t f REAL KSTATE. BUSINKSS AT THE EXCHANGR At th. EMaM lA'-liunro jeaterdav Xn. 24 We*t OiM-huiKl'e.l-aii'l-tlnrt'. -Iirth-at., weat of Flfth-ave.., wa* otlercd; the j,.?i'.ty e.,nel*U of a llv.--*tory brlck tla* ;,n a full Mti H s.'ld t" ll'i.ry I.lppman for 817,600. tta. ZO Weal On.'.hundred-and-thirty-llfth-st, adjolning, . almllm pf' pertg and lot. aold for the aame prfre to tha *mt waat t"'ie lot, B7?lllxtB?, Irrajalar, <>n ___f* 0_*> h.iTdr.-d.and tlilrlyaUth-at, ?>-; of Wxth-ave., sold under lurtltlofl f"i 15,1*00 t" MlH,.ii llopBIn*. 1 *, , 043 I.. vlngton-ave., no tl, ol l lirth-st.. a four atnrv alone dwelllag, ofl u lot 40. 5l 100, wm aold M tn? pialuilfT ln tli" proeeedJnga fo. 8*8,100, No 834 i.i-t [m-nty.-ac n-i-t.. .1 thiMfltarj brlck tenemml and stor,-. wlth a bullillng In the mt, nn ? '"? "0\?7.? ??>id to Henry Von rlafen f'.r 810,4. , " -j'lie e*l.. 1 - in * "en? elth.-r .4ltnd.-a*.i: <n? l.ld ln. Ih,' aa .int l.its on th, south -tde of Meventv-foitrth-et., bltireeil KlOUl aml T.-l.tli uve..., reeently *"ld li)' th* ',,,..;, .. .., - fo 152.000 were yai-ida.v .nirchaa.-d b? th,-' i.r..p. rtv-ovn- rs ln tl.,- atr- et, lo aaonl tlie ereetlon <>r ,!,,,,' a* propoaed by tha hoyer. for 880.000. ih. f..!ii>44ini.' aloeka aad baoda were aoM by 11 x^ IfarneU I Co. il thelr reaalar rreehly Mle: 9*2.000 lliinois Ccntral Rallroad 1 0. ili-t inort-.-.ijre --old bond*. du? I'f.l :.t '. >4'?. ; 14.000 I)' :???"? and flicl-oii 4 anal ' o. _____ taa 1017. at l*2?a: 88,000 Jeraey City Water I-oan aevcn'ta*. a*nt bonda. dne 1904. Bt 120; .'*0 arar. * Amerl, an Fjaehantr" Xatlonal Hmik'. Him >aeh at 180*1; 29 *hare* liaii"4er NaUonil Rank. 4100 aaeh, at 811; B*?eu "l.nariu' t? the eatat" of Henry IjO\,j?v. d-'-eaa.... .nd were diapoacd ol loi BOBilntxl prleea. inere la a large and Increaalnf- attendance at B8M8 *al"?. V'wYoik. Tiieadar. Jan. 18. The followlnjf *alea were held at thc F.\rh:.fiBe and Anc? tlon Room tod iv 1 :i nnd 1 ab iv bullding. 4.1th lot. Xo 324 Eaat -'-d ,t. .. - 285 ft w of Ial ave, lot 21\07.ft: llenrr Von lltifen, I k-atory dweiiinit. aitl lot. X>> 48S Taeilnirtoiiave. t 1, 110 ft 11 al i.'.th-ai, !.' 10.5x100: John Baary liradfonl .md Halaa xx Butar, 840,500. ...... ?? ;, storv luilldhiga. wlth lota. Xoa 24 and 20 XVe.t 135th -t | -. 188 ft ? ?f .".lli-ave. lota 23x!)fl.ll eaeh ; llenrv l,l|,i,i!,aii 885,200. ?. . __-_ 1 itore lot 11 - IMth-af 575 ft w of (Ith-ave, 8,8x03 lx 111.1 Mllta.11 Ifopkln-. 889.000. . , *-'.i!e ,,1 dwetllnc, ?Hh lot, Na 307 Ea?t Olst-at. t ot l*t-ave, aaa adjoorned t.. Jannary 22. RBCOHDD REAL KSTATE TRAX9FERS-X. Y. CITY. ('uliiinl.'.s-av, . aa- cor 13411*48, 201.10 to 123d?t xlOO; Thomaa Q XValsh to X Fh.-lp*. . 10.000 :;...',.-1. 11 s. IHJJ ft n ot M-ave, 2Hataae 1: MM '.. .ll. - J IjUtkln. ? l Clkiton-et, V?- 08 und ?8 : Eonl* ."sahniltt and ?it- 10 i-rdii.k Hnyder. J 00? Xo 12. I.a-t; Jelf,-rsun M and L X le'vr to Amella Lox -. ??.??? 0|idvke..,a- . - a, 180 fr. * ot :4.|.*t. 2..-.10O: Joaeph y Snl|y*K to lleliirii-li lli.fii.aiiii ? -*> .,7Ui-t. s -. IT;, ft w of OUi-ave. 75x100.5 ; Thomaa .1 xv-ai-'i t., taoula N Pbalpa .. 1.888 Jrfteraon-ave, ar ?. 1Cm.iI ft n ?( Tremont-aae. 31.8x 190x10x190 Margaret Oeeh t? 11 1 Hoefer l.J7a Ronevwe||.-tve, n ar ?. 4<i2 ft * m ut Samuel-at, 110; J <- Mlehelt aml wife to II Tl.ornton. 1 San,, |.i"|.' I) Uenry ThornMa and wife to M.rv i; Xl'ii"'la . ? i*1M .t; s s. !i_*s.4 ft .- of 2d-axe, 26.8x100.5; .hai-!,* ( Lredl :,nd ?if,- l? samiu i C Rayley I San,.' nropertv; ti 01 nr li Morr'fc. i-ef.i-ee U> 4'liarles C i.'erta I.8BM 01,| ? - -il.s fl. ? of Islave. IOOJJXIOO.5 _ Samnel k Rayley to xxmiau, I. Danieia 128.000 Orrhird-ave, b t? a, Slr; fl - a* 8amn*l-al 5x130; U.-nn Tho nton and arlfe to Jol n tlMltebeM 1 snu. hroperty: .loin, ... Mltehell aad aifa M xiarv Tn .rntoo .......... 1 BBth-sl a a. 800J4Xfte.Mh-ave. 28.4x100.8; Edtnrl xi Kaox ind arlfe to Thomai urahaa 22..-.00 ?[,. ;1.,\.. , ,. ror BOth-et, 15.1x75; Timothy D?novan und wir.- t? Thomaa flrahaai. pjeih ai a - ::,:'. ft - IC7th-at, 60x100; .ie,,rate ?: KIU lel and arlie lo la- .1 \eaiis. 1.200 nal-al So 11 xv i-.,...t to WHlu-lmlna Raab 10 ? ?? md Plaee * e ?, 100 ft n w Perot-at, 25x88; . ..' irlne I, Rarrlaon ij> John Cheanut. 'J410 1-',, . -t ,, aa cor. :.d-a\. (13x108x041x108; Jnint-e Uui'tiU and arlfa n Benrj H Broarn 12.000 i?7th..t ss 124.0 ft e IHh-ave irjxlOO.lIx rrrag.;_ SVIaon xi xviiipnle and arlfe 10 OrO .x llarnngB 32,000 11 - 245 f a :t,i-a\,' 80x100.11: flliiu. xj,..,-'? und arlfe lo Fredei Irh l' Forater.... . 1 Anthonr-ave, ,v ? 509 ft n sou:h"r.i HmilevBrd. ?'-.xs'.is ".'?'.!' 1 for propeKy; 2*th Ward Re-il T-'.-Uife X--.I iallmi to .!..-> II Demond. Hl 11111,-1. n -. 245 ft e .,!h-i.\e. T.-.xinai.ll : Eewla IIaha txnd xvita t?, Oeorge Bahn ,, - 125 '1 - li' i-'-" 25x100 5; tMraucI 1. lIuntinatAn, to Cbaunrey 1: I.o-t. i4,JoO Bleeeker-i K01 :<?! l" :<7 ; Maleolm laraham and 1, ife to <i.... I* llain 11,,11. 10 In?.,o(|.:.v.-. ?? s. 171 fi a XX'olf 1'la.e. 28xl80j Matih'w Kyle and arlft) to Krank F.tchler nnd . B00 Il-.-l.-i. n -. 825 f a 7t1i-ave, 71x100.11; lllrani Moore ..,,,1 arlfu to Arthur E Moore. 1 1 ,.v.n-ive, - - 87.7 ft n lOffh-at 10.8x85; John 111< k-v aod irtfa to Mabel Uord. 12.000 jWtl ? 11 - :>74.'J lt <? 7i'i-; 19.11x88.9; Mary A II It et iii to Clii-lotL- M ..oodrldge. 21,000 RECORDEO MORTOAOSg. Alli*. Thoma? X'. tai tl.,- Mutual Elfe lns Co, s a 110th -t. ? st Xleholaa-avo, 1 rear, *Hm,ooo. II ,., 1,, II nry xv. i<, .lan.,-- Randall and another, n * 17'."l.--l. a M-av . II V Bl ? r.i."00. R Bdley, XV ir, and \-. n-. to It'l.t A Miirrar and another, tr,-, vc, * a ,.,iu,-i. ?? ii'tn-uvi. :i yeara. *2n,o.*o. ri.-,-. fii\iil and 44ii.'. to C-ntral Traal Co, X Y, , w . lOthave, - iith- t, :. par*, 890.000. ? .,)? !..s. |.h lo Adolph >luilk, M 112 XVc.t 17th :, 1 ,1- 87.000. I. ? 1 and riie. i" Ma'.thew Kyle, e 1 ln - *.-,?.,if [?|B ? - ,-a rs 8800 1 :-, hi r, *-' i'-.-tlan and arlfe, to tieo Fnrht, n a 149th-at. ir fourtlandt-ave, ;i ye.-ir*. *'.).000. ,.;.,: an Iliomaa. to 'ITmothy Donovan, w a Madlaon -.,t',-i 1 rear. 415,000. i.i. nn, 11. Maiv. and husoand, to Atmle Cotrell, n a 12tXth-il a 4'o.uuibus-aae, M vi-ara. Bll.000. ,.:ili,m. Tboaaaa, to K'lward M Knox, a a 89th-at, 0 6th-?4e. 1 -rear agljoo. i.nllo, Aiiti.nlo, and wife, to Francla M Jenclca, n s 104irli-si. u Hth-ave, ,!? nand. -?1H,(XI0. .-san-.e to H.-nry XV Ilayden. n a 104jth-tt, \r Sth-ave, flen md, 80,601 II,,,1.111.1 lle.ithe. et al to tha TTomaatead Bank, e * * i\e. s iiltii *t. i,,,i.e, ?15,500. san,,- t> tadelc Kn.eland, extrlx and tniatee, etc. aama propert.. ?' > ? ai -. 8S5.54M). same to Angtjet M XX'ell, aame proi^ity, 9 montha, 82,000. Ileaxljr, Matr. nnd hn*band to Walter X Haliaarten. * * l-.i axe 1 v.ur. 2 nmrtiragea. 427,000. Ilarria, Barnet aea ^ ife. t? Paullu- Eftiinajer, No 100 ll. in .--.. ;; yeara, 8*4.000. HayuBga, . x, M 0, to \,-l?on M Whlppla, aa 9,th at, e < .tnh.i*-ave, 2 yeara, *.'..000. II,,, r, Liottfrlcd I and at Ife*. and another. fo the Mu r al l.Ife ln- Co N V ?' Bl, n ? S2d-at, e lUhDve. and other propertT I i.-.i (15 niorU). *05.t*i73. Krauaa. .x hctrl xv. t.. s.iinl I. lluntlnarton exer, kr, n s . 1 in, ,..-. 1 yeara, *10,i,00. I?-i.n i'i,a- I- ainl arffe. to th* V S I.lfe In* Co, s x v. 7t i*. ,:i--'. - yeara, j> i,,,i,I Mih 1 to John ttlekey, 1 a Lexinpt'.n-ave, n - 1,000. 1.. Mary, to Agnea Yoat, n e s road leadlnc frot* Ki,,..-!,. dtt ?? xx ? 1 irata, lot 124. n.ap Cnion lllll, 7 in..nii,-. ni.''" 0. \!,,.,i ., ii;ia n and -'ife. to tl.e Vortlt River Etimber Co. n 1 i'.-ii--'. ? 7tii-a\' 1 roar, U.gM. la, .lauas .1, 1, 1..11 XV Klttrkk. w a Kellv-at, * of 107th-at. ''J i.'H- I I'otter, ri*-derleh <? ind ano, to .lane Potter and an?. ? ', .r Pro?cott-ave and BelMa Road. I I-l vears, 12 750. Schmldl " : -.,,";* i- ami anoc. to aornellu* C, Colcate n?,l ,..,, . \., ?. ? s - 7'>Lli-st, vi ot Furk-ax-e, 3 year*. 82,500. S? Itli Edward, ind ?rlfe, t? I'lia.* Seldler. reeelver. n e foi Madlion-ax-e and llntli-al n montha, *4.orio. Thi.ri.tnn. Mary, .<> lhe Siai Co-operatire Ruilding and I. *,--,, latl 11. ,4 - lloii"i wellave. a of Sarmiel-at, ln -1 ilmenU, 84150. XVe-. nf. - Ferdlnand. and arlfe, to Frederlek Sehwah. aeetlod :> I,:,.. k L' Uiii, land mip ('Itv of Xeaa-York, 10 month*, 82.400 VVhlpple '.'??:-.ui M. nnd v.'if.', to Fianeia M Jeneks, ? . :>7ii,?-? ?? ..f Colnmbua-ave, :i yeara, .-i:>ooo. (Titrj propcriij i'or 5alc. T. S. GLARKSON & CO. ^5 I.IIIKKTV sTUEET. HOUSES FOR SALS. i ? at., near 5th-ave.. f'.u *lw .83o,woo Nt.ivypaanl *s,|iiare. I'lll slze. 37.">04) imii-i., near dth-axc, iui' aiti. 4.1.wai IHI -'.ar Sth-ave., mu alxe . 10,4100 ?Jlst-at., ,.:,,..-.". I'aik .\1111 -17" . 72,100 Com neir liramer )f l'ark. extra alxe. u.i.ixni ?.".'ii??:., n'ar Bnaagway, extrl whla. ,-|<).ikmi ;i.i.i.-i , oth-ave, full aln . 80.000 Itlitli-st., near 5th-84rt\, .iie.lluni lllfl. 80.000 87th-at., near UnUngton-axv.. 22 ft. y.' ;.,ii at., I'm fc-BVe., .r.r-dlum alte. :.P,li(Vi lltl,--t., neni\e.. lull sl/.'. . 81,000 .*,..n -'.. near 5th-ave., r-iit sii.e . ,.-i..>.a) ,'ittii-t., near aaarly full alae. 08.000 .-.'.tl,-.., neir Madlvm-ove., 20 fi . ... I2.IM4) l?lti,--t., neai ,'ith-aa... lull si/.. .'5,000 CI,,-t.. near Bth-BVC., 80 IT . ?'....,)<?> near ..tli-aae., rull si/e. SOiaii, 7itii-at.. near 54h-ave., tuii tlte . ift.iJtarj M i,li-.?ia\e.. i,'-nr HOtli-.t . fnll -i/" . 4?.000 Madiaon-ave., htunaj Hill extri Ata. i71 FOR S4I.K. (me of the flnest medluin ilu i.onaoa ever piodm-ed hv bamuel Col. < d. N4). 1J0 \M>T MST STREKT. Four-*tnrv an 1 hiaemenl Ifovi s.ntia re l itaoa and brick ,|'., Ilng: 19 t> ? t ?:d.-. 54 feel deep, wltli tliree-ataary hut hi'a pantry extai-niloa: hardwood on aii Boora; dei-o'nt.-d: Baa livtiii s aud tKi'iffet : storn, donra etc., etc, Apply to FRAXK Ia. F1HHF.R 8 .'<).. BUavaave. aml hl-l sl. Bl'FF.xl,.. D<X)R .xxii NX--II 1 'i.xii'AS'Y off.T for aai* ti?. following : r*oar brownalone. hlgh-etoop, eat.liiet Irini prlvate N,.-, 7*. I" 81 XX -1 l|M:||.at ; f,|.e,| for In-J.eetioll. One Rve-ator.i brkli a-'.,i brownalone tiat, 702 liouk-aaard : . nteii and bH ,,,.|.i'.v"ii.ent- well .-ntad prlce lon ?|-.m, |,.-.',,n ..,,.? baaement ruta. Xoa. 204 and 380 XV--. 117th -i arell 1 ntad and In Ilr-4--laa-i coiidltlon ; amall ii' " - low. . flrat- ',-? daflllng, Vo. 11 EaM '.>M ?i. Th- Hfi'.s lo theae houaei. have all t,een aenr-hed trr *e -111 i.r. 1.1 -.I'.'.vii.i: xm. rm st COMPAXT, 51 f,lberty-at., and thal rompany'i pollelea of litle inauran,-.* \, 111 be |s-,:,ii ii our etpenae ta. psKhaaera, thu* .aalnir Ui'-ni i.n ei.i-r:." ? t ? ind eiamlBatliw. Bt'FFALO DOOR x\|, s.vmi COMPAXT, Mh-avr and l-tth-it Rfil xfotatc Ultintcii. Rl II.IMM.s ANO LaiSSI I.01TM WAXTED BE. ,OW l.ltAMI->T. III I.ANO A WlllTINt*. I 14 .'l.niail gg. filniitil 3n3;rnm.iit9. AN ASS'lRTMr.XT of a?*.endliand .'.rand. UpilaTit, and 8qia e Plaaoa >f cir make ln peif?ci eaudluon and f jliy warranted. Al-o a nnmb..r af aeoondhaud Plauoa of o'.hei pr,>.i.1m.1t mal.era at aery low prtcea. WM. KN4HF. A I 41.. 14?* 1TII- 1VK., NEAR ?Jf/ni-.'sl.. M.XV-Y'IRK. ADVERTI8EMEXTH FOR TIIF. XEW-YORK J'r.Ii: I Ml XX I l.l. iu Rl ; iv I.i. \ 1 Tiu-. I I'liiWN 01 1 H i:n No. i.j:i-> Bryadway, ,?ri,.r ihirtviu-t ,t. I un nrttxdwar, omn 21th-at., ntiiu D p. m ,<i Weal 'Iw.' -A . 1 ,.rn. -r h.i, an- jlj Oth-ave. : I ..I lonith ai. . . , in r 1 ..,.ii.-.i,ni si 7.i(i Thlrd-axc. ooraer 1 ,,m KvenuH-al I.OM Thlrd-ave.. aoar Mxty-iimi-at.; 1,74*4*1 I |ral ave Iin, \x >,t Kortyaei nnd at 1 ir.<L 1 ,auinbu?aae. ni. UbertJ lt.. .*.* Avenna A. |,8M Tl.lrdaae.. an.l tha IIARIjIMI OFFICE, IM" ' aai 1 ?,,. liunrtr.d amltv. ,.|,tT. llfU, sl Bll t . 8 p Bt., and a-fXI XVeat One hundred and twii.ii-nlili 14., al refUlar uhTco ratea (Tanntrrt p.opertn fox Sale._( FOR SALE. The MaiiufartiirJiijf Property RICHMOND PAPER "CO., CONSISTING OF THE WILL, MACHINERY AND ESTATE, Sltuat'-d at BBM I'.'.wu.,..-. II. r., U.'"" flkOea from the ri. <>t Provldence, apon tn, aeabanh lUveraiia apon ara V ,.,,,..,, w?r'',-f. Railroad, Hf*,.._ ? ?ater a.'d railroad cornmunlcatlon., Tbe i""l" *?',?- _? * w.irr a.u ""',"?.. M11? i>ut.r trlvlng Bfl ali'.ndant *;.:?? ,. r.- wa* aall? ^*aal M jcre. ?.uTofV. .-I .u .cediu't. ti.K ind'of 13 faal ln the ?v:.^-I^-,,^;?;1;:^17^rm,...,r.n. GT*.n\.;;.p^ *? ??E ?* ^d?i*a?,?? ^^e'-^Ud^^^/orWleh. thn ranount of floor ^ri^^^dU^r^severai i-***-.*- a**** t0 ?n,|.,7,,rot,'rtv e3n raadfly be adrrpted to other _BBV? , faftnrln. ai?e?. K,-r |,r!re and term* apply "? tbe --??...v i RIIODK ISLAND linsi'lTAL TRCST company, _ Pravtdanefl u ' . fidttfls. HOTEL ST. MARC, 71TII AVK. AND :11ITII r-TKEKT. -*riTE*4 OP K.IO.H* AT A (.KF.tT KEDITTIO!* ' oAVlOINTOFTHnnills _^*" ' J. A. Nl'?TTER. Preprtefr.^ I NEW CLARENDON HOTEL. j On tbe Eun.p.-ari Plan. WAMIIlSr.TOV. JOHNSON AM) KII.TON MTREET*. BROOKLY.N, N. Y. r oe.ted la tWe dSatrtct ? ? apl HTby UM public buildlnga; ! only ?*E- aalftraT Iro... th. Wt >ver*Bridg and ten n if.ites from t ity Ball, Wew-Yerh thc houae omjaat been ereet-d ea' ls eteganlly api*)lnt*d and fawUhaBj jg/ggj ?ww^^? iiaMtV. THE LANCHAM, .ITH AVK. AM) MD **T. oppo.ite the vanderbiit aaaataafl Etogaai ?nd aaaary, rlehly furnlshed ai.d dcorat.-d, for thc aeaaon. Oalalna and aerriea et unlvenel repatatlea. II. C B11AKKOX, Managrr. _ HOTEL ALIIIHT. 11TIIRT RET. BROADWAY AND .".TII-AVE.. N. V. iSea&a raatral. Ideal DiapraaT buiidm.. buite*. of two to hi'. rooma, elraantlj? fur.iUlied., ? _ ___ CCI--INI-: AM) *sl.K\ H L I NS. RPASM.D. TER.MS REAPONABLK POB W1RTEB RORERT J. BRADY, Manager. aaaKaiaiw BOI ME, m.ooKLYN UBIOHTa. dimtiy appoelta waJl-.t Xew-TorB; 4 atlauaee' *?'*? from falBM or Wail-at. ferry and the Bridge, termlnu*; .npertor _-eommod:ition?: reawnab'c rBt?*>: ae.eet tamny aml transient hotei: I'OO room.. S^nd for clrcular._ TIIE BOOK OF.iI'KNAIK.sI'Miti'S. octavo. ;V>0 pagos. [lluatrated The 'tandard authority pn Amertean otaen. Ilr amusements. Rule* foi w 11 Ina. sv.-lmmii,' ??ba1' .D'?J; Ine. el.o ftna.'. hOr?*bfl -C., I ? . ln tull. Bllner eepy. Pubtiahed br The Tribune. New-York. Entcrtaiu ln( and unlversally cot pllmentwlh. 'i.e nre -. C\nc!ion 5alcs._ AUCTEON SALE. II. S. BCHEXCKE, AVCTIOKBBB, T-fM DA.. WEDNE-sHAY, comm.:.. in.: at 10:90, tvitbaat resorve, all nbe Furnlture. Carpeu, Mtrror., Hrooaea worfci of Art .ontoined in tha BYe-itory privat.* hou?? 10 EBRBt 4faJ **trr*_ . balvaaa ">th and Madttrn **.,'?.. wlll be sold m auctlon H lha iugh?rt bldder. The ELE GANT ART1KTIC PAR LOR FCRXITCRE. hClTJi COVEBEB IN llM.sT SII.K TEXTURE, alaborately arved ..ablneta, PedeataU, Tabica, rar- and valaablfl rollecttoa of '.il IVi.rings, by liayai, rlardlng, Oaaiai '.?.'1 (Bhara* .Ia; :..'.?'..- and Kren.l. Hroi.7*-*. Mant.'l . .o.-u-. Iinp. rlal Vaees, Ornsmenta, Rf-al La.e Cnrtxliis. I'orttT-s, Fr-n.-n Mlrrori, MA..NM I' ' NT CIMtl.iHT PIANO, SIX FINE MIRROR-FRONT KOLDIN". HI.DS, .0 ROOM MOQ17ETTE VELVET VftD OKCSSKI.*. tARPETS, BOOKCA.SE6, DEKKS. L.1BRART TABLEa, ENGRAV 1XGS MA9BIVK BCFFET. EXTEN8ION T'ir.K, DINIXG Sl'IT IN EMBOS'-.ED LFATIIFH. i HAMBER BETS BF.DSTEADS BUREAUB. T0ILET8, IIAIK ...,-i Sprlnc Matti ?-.?*. Plllow*, Bag Sulto, Loun/ie*, Kaacy Rorker*, Kllver nnd pi.'ed Ware. p*ranra Cblaa; .-? and Ra?ement rurnltitn Cataloane eonuin. nv-r 100 ,.'? ableh wlll |">itiv..!v bc ?i,ld TO-MOBBOW. requlred fron. all pur-naaara. i.n.-i- .--.i be j ?? moved Inmiidiatily :-.ft,r tl.e sale or pa.-k-ed nnd shlp|K-d. Railroii-3 RIE RAILWAY. E ^^ THEOBLYSOLTDTRAIXBOUTB HbbbI 111.1 NEW-YORK AND CHICAGO, And the only line running its DININQ CAR THROUGH TO CHICAGO, 3 00 P. II., 6:00 I*. >L, 8:30 P. M. ALLSOLIO EXPRES8TRAINS. AM) E\rn TRA1N RI7NB TUBOt'OH TO CHICAOO WITHOIT CHANOE Ol AW 0LA89 OF CARS. NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR FA8T TIME. TKAl.NS IIKATEI) BT BTEAM ANP ILUMIXATED I 1IY IHE CELI.IiK Vl'LH 1'INlSa n OAS. IIAKD UIAL BKOIMBBL Traln? leave -.tution foot uf Chaathata-ah ?* l.otir* named below, thc f.joi af BTeal ..dst. fl\o ailaotea carller. TIIK MTBBTBBM DAV KXPKKsS, 9:00 A. Ma arary day. Ihe eopuAai naralag train for r,;i],'hainton, Elmlra, Roi i-..*t,;r. Unifaio. Nlaaara Falla, ; Buap'-nalon llrldge, Lake, Clna innati, the ? Weat and (ai.ada. Pullinan, Cat lo liutTalo. KBW VF-.TIHI'I.KD LIMITED 3i00 P. .11. ivary ,Ij.-- Evarr ear on thi* '.raln la new j and h_s the \.*tibuled plnUorin., niaklnc a complet>i , VBatlbuled ttali, l?r bafgaae, day, sleepir^ aud dfi.lus j .a.-?a ...ii.i PulUaaa t.Min from New-York, via SalA- , roai.i'a. Jan.e?town, L-k.?.:od. lliautauqua Lake, Marlon. MeadvlU*. aod Voungatown to Chleago. Pull* I Veetlbuled Blreptna Caffl rtew-Torlr, to Cleveland , aud Niw-York t<> l'lu, and _t. I.. ? KBW l*A!*T WEVrF.RN BXFBMB. 0,011 P. .11. every dn. w.i Bttffalo and Niaiia.a Fall*. A -ol id train >>f day eaae baa and ?le. oertt to Chleago. A'.l Cl'a***e* of pis*e.:pers ca.ried throueh .Miiinut, ehaoge. Puilman Burf.-t Bleeplng Car to RufT.ilu. I'.illnian VcatibuleJ (slecpinf and Ke tliuli.K Chall Caifl t.> RwheatT. Hanilltou and Toront,.. ; The fa\oilte :ud moat eamplete train f.,r Uarailtoo, To ronto and iiiinci'il uulnt* ln l.'auada a..d Mlchltan. wk-tekn Nittm BxrftBau*. Si30 P. .11. ...?n dav. .Son. train ..f -snioklng, Dav, Paaaeager a..d Fullmaa Buffet Sloeplna Ca * t.. Chleago, via i-al_ii-nca. Uorry, MeadvUle, xoungttowo .,, .1 Marlon. 1*i.II.i...i. car* fiot,, V.,-.i--t ... u |. *_' 11_. lnnatl. Pullmaii si,,p,.r ... iiniiaio. Ticket offlce*. 101, ;U7. 719 and o:>7 Braedway, lia Bawery 1 Battery l'.aee, Chainber* and We*i i'3d-st. fer rl *. n.? ITork; 3:n and :i.? rultaa-at, Urooklyn: io: BroadwaV. Wllllamaburg; cornci Jfewark a:.d llud*i..n Ma., Ilobokcn : and I?aw BtaUaa, Jeraey Cl|v, where tl''k.*t? and Parlor and Bleepl n; I ar raaervatlanl and order* for checkin- ani! ,r.ui*t.r ol baBitaire can b. n'.tain d. \v. c. iii.m:ai.s')N. oeaeral Paaiangai \g?nt. I) ISLAWABE, LACKAWANNA AM) WKSlt.llN UAILKOAn. bhorteat Line. V.atibulod I' Coacaes. '.' B. .... lI.MLni. and Oawego l.\|>,.*?. \ ia rat?r*.on, for w.ii'r a.ap. btroud.tmrg, iknatou, Btnghamtoo. u.vego, niia.a, waverDr. Uornlna, Bata, DauvUla, siier bur..e, Watervllle. Klchdeld Bprlngi L'tlca, Mt. M.,rri*. Ureene, ai\i?:., Norwleb, Cortland, Byraeuae, Kultoa and liitermadtat. ?ia,ion*. Caanecta at Bcnatan wllh tra...* fw t'ltis'.ou. Wllkeabarre. Oaavllle, aml Nurih.....i>.iUiiU; at Uuitaio ?itn irain* mi- tbe West. 7 :-0 a. m. Blniibamton Maii. vi.-. Boontaa I p. in. Blnahantten and gilmira Cspr.'** for Water a;*p. atroudaburg, brrantoti, Owcgo, Wa.'.riv. \ ?.: eounects ac bcnatan >?iin traiun for pittstou, Kiuj,**ioii and Wllkea liurr... 4:10 p. a. Beraatan, Wilkesiurrc end I'lymouiii l_x paaaa. 7 :;... p. tn. fd-.iity *.?Riiifale Llmltad Expreaa, v,a I'af/'r soia tor stra?ia.*.'.a.r4. ScraolOO, BlnghaiBtow, Owi-aa Wa verlr. iiniri aoinm.' iiati.. Wayland, Dansvilie, Mt, Morris, ac, arrlvlna '. Buttalo at : mo a. m. ;i p, bi. i.iaii, . it'.'f.i,.. i'i. ?< and Oawego Expreaa ior btroual-iinr-'. Serunion.'i. Cortland, ByraeUM, h.iito.'. Urceae. Oxford, Sor?fith, Bberburna Watarvilia Rtr.ineid biirlaga. tc. and all uolata ou BufTiu. dnuion; coniictts wiui train* for thfl Weat NEW-YORK, 0NTAR10 AND WESTERN i.AII.UAV. irnit,- Iravi M -' ,? .i M :i, lollowa t^.;,'> m.nute* earli-r fool of Jav-?t, : 7 .., a .,, f?f Middi.'tottn i',ii.;.\ii,.. Llbcrty, D.iiu, iforwl.h Onelda uawego I'lileago: 1:90 p. m.. for Campbeii Hall, Miaai,,*: town. Kilc.ivllli.. Lib- tty : *6 l-> p. n... t?. Mld letown Lih. ??rtv. Walton, Onelda. Central Suuarc, !>,-?.?.. i;,>?*>,??,.. Ma?_ra fall*. Detrolt. . hlcaao .st I...- ;.. ? n,,|V \]\ Bther aralna dall: ex. <vt 8..nday. Ticket. tin.ctablea ___ nro.a?ay. J. c. andkkson, Uaneral Paaaenger v^ent. in Excbange tflaee, s. r. sru,? I \M.l.K. RAiLBOAD. PASSEXOEB T1U1N.S |,_u- foot of Cortlandt and Deabros*.., ai*. a* follow. : * "'"* 7 a. iu. (or Matl.j'.to.. and lntcrm>*dlat'< points H a. iu. for lieneva. Lvons. I'ln.lra. Ho. I.. *t. r ItiflaU and the Weat, l_>tlavTllc and priaclpal l... ,i botau. Chal- I car to Lvons and Pullmai. ra. t. Siiapensjon iiri.t... ' i B 10 a. in. tm Itaucb . i.uiik and Interniedlate uuint. chat. Vt,,' mL;;;":,? a"_.,nettoa ^ K.??*?%?__* i 1 p. rn. for Tunfc taiinork und Inlcnnedlata ..omt. n___> aar to rwahhaaaarh. Oaaaaellaa t.. Baaalagand iiain, f 40 p in. I..; I Imlra and i., 4lala aalaa. ' Cbali ar ie Wllh. ibari and PullrnaSi ilec|ier t, sii-ji,ii?.on i 4 ?il ii. m. l?r PatUvlll* Mn. 1, ' (mnk and lalilBiaa. _l<> polflU. .,.?.< ? ?'. 10 Ma... I. a hiii.k. rmiiai. .',.10 i> m. for Mn, , , and in!er;i.<*diaU) nolnta Coi.n.'iii.,, to Keading and Harrl?bur?, M pomu. 2 Jf l_._2r ?_S.n__ L,S__ ' l,: 'I*' Rwhaalar, Buffalo und Uie w -t. Palhaaa ileeper to Lyaaa aml BaaiNoaJon I'ral... laavlag at H a. n... 11 a, ni.. 1 0. u aa_ a ,n p. ni. conneet lor uil imtnts ln M aud HaMctoi. i-oal l.-glon*. ?" SI N!>\*. TR M\S. 8 a. m for M.,.,1. Cbnnk. lla/letou ai?t liit..,M1,.di_u rolnta. and II l. BL f?r Bhenaadeah and liitr-rn.i-ia-. . ..i? v* .%:10p. m. for Maurh ri.unk and li.t^rt-.cdiuto uolnta 7 p. m. for u?n.\a L.oi.a Elmlra Rarhe.lrr iinrTa'a and tho Weat. Pa,ll.i*u slr?per to I.yons and *-n*pe_%l,,_ Qenrral Ei.tern OfUua. '.'?.'. Broadway. I _R?ilroa59._ Pennsylvlfnia RAILROAD. THE STANDARD RAILWAY OFAMERICAI DOUBLE TRA CK! STEKL RAILS! STO\K BALLJST aod STO.\E BRIDGIg PR07Fi"TK!l RV TIIK INTERLOCKING 9WITCH BLOCK SIGNAL SYSTEM. TheScenic Line to the Weit CELEBRATED PENNSYLVANIA UMITEI THE IDEAL RAILWAY TRAIN OF THE NINETEENTH CENTLkY TR4I\S LGAVI. KTATIO**, foot af Di'shinssis ;i ml < ui ll:i mii <*il*?., nflord. ni!.' |?;insi*i?;:i-:-s a i.r.iiiil ? nu of tha llarbor, Un* **?ln|>i?iai_;. Ihe Brooklya Iti nl;;?'. liiiveriior'* Island, and ihe Miiltic olMbert), ns fol)owa: On and after JANUARY lst, 189 THI. I tsT II \K. 9.00 A. M.- Palltaaa VaaUbal* Bto-stag and Pari.r'ir*, ... loveland 5:25 a. "... Colaaaaai 6.30 i m. Chlcaga ?", .tn a. at.. ai.d .st.. Loul* 7 00 p. m. tn_J day. Caaaaaaf, ai-o. for TaieBe, exeept *->?r..jrdaj-. THE PKXNHYLVAMA I.l>I1TM>. 10.0BA. .11. CaaayaaeB autaalraly of p.un.a,, v_>ubuii _ir_?ii.K *-""* btata Kooin, Sl.sjping, Dii.ii.b. hn,.,?in|. and Onservatlon Cars, preaeatlng flnan.Tai r-ir ru BUno|rr.'.|'t'?'i'i aad U|>"wnt.r?, bath-ro.,'.-.. for botB aexea, ladl, ?*' n.iid, barhcr .hop, IltVary aad all uie. coa. vonlences of k-NM or olTI.e. II-at.- t," -Ham an*) llghled by stat.onary and mo\eabie eleetrk li-ht*. xt. rluv. Clriclnnatl 7,10 a. Bb, and OMaage | || a. ?. HT. I Ol I*. MIICACJO, AM><;INC1N>ATI . M'KEsh, ?_.i?0 i'. II. I'ii.Ii.i.i.i Veatibula Bleeplna < ?r* fr.,n. v?>?. YorB, and Dlnlng Car. from Philadelphla lo .st I?>iit CBiflafB and Clnclnnatf. Pfl i v."? Torg Ut .'..l.i.nii'.'. Arrlve* Clnclnnatl 10 50 a. m. fX.rtat 6:00 p. Bb, and st. I..,...-. 7:10 p. m. n".t toy. Tlli: \VK-*TKI_\ UniBB, a 3ii P. M. i "i aii p?ui_? in '..?? Week. .\<>rt_-wa*t. md hOUta-weat. P'lllit an V' -Ul.iJl" _l? H.,111. . ,r New-York t? PHUib'ir.h. .st I.011I-, Chleago, ClncinaaU. ai.4 Jl-oi. nhi? Penaayliaola Ballroad ih,.i..k . ai K<rw-Tera ta i-hll_d.*l|ihia. and 1'. ln.,_a Dlnlng < br P:'*?* to Riehmond and Chleago. Axriw-s at Clni It.nat; 4B i, m. Chleaga B:80 B- r'- *?!* aar. ai.d st u,:,, 7 ()0 a in seeoad ir.ornlne. Conne u f..r CIfl . i aiid Toi.slo d..!iv evept Kiturday. I'.M'IFU' KXPICE***-. yir a fiill-r- i- - ' ,r Baw-TaaB u . i,. ;?/?, ffew-York i" Mempau vi? th- --hen-a.doaa VaUeTi arriv.-* week-day at i.'..l.imbu. 7:15 u m., ( l.-vi-'la'nd 0 3". p. in '"''>- dav, ani d-i11.- at <T,i<-ao 7 no .. m. lecond mornlna. .Conneel* for r.. ?<!,, drti-, ?ii,.I f?r ( i-vland a-,'l CoTambuB eacepl Natnrday. of tralna Ut PUlladelnhi*. liiltirror*, VVa-hlngton. an.l the Bouth, Atlantl ? Ity, '-.,- Man-, Uti Braneh, and olher patoBai tJ>" - *"t'"-v Ivanla R. .ro-4 Kvateni a.mlv at the followlna n,, " - Xo t tsj, fiia ani Wl-Broadwar, l Aator 1!"',*-. ani fool af ?.?. h o -e- ..nd . o'rian-ir, ste. : i Ooart Mreei H'O mion *.,.? -.i.,1 MrooKlvn An.."*. station. fo?t oi t-nirot. Btreel llrook i"n- 76 ii'iii-on Kt., Hoboken; tuatlfln, J.-r*-e. . fhe Ifew-Tork Ti ? pany wlll .11 for aod ?*-| h_r-.a_e from l.f.t.-,*. it..I resldencea thronirh t>. A ?*.ina'.oa. ("il\S. E. l*t a;n J. R ayoOD a,.-ir.-ai Ifaaag - Oaaaral Pa** r .went. NEW YORK CENTRAL^ ' - & - Hudson River Railroad. All Traaaa arrlve a. and di-p.irt fraa ?3AND OBfCTRAXi STATION, fourth Ave. and 42d St., New York. ' tm oxlt Rah.hoad f-VrATto-< rx mr CaT* * Tt-alna leavi* nt tolloiv.i ?,?-,.,,?. 0.10 A. MAlU ior A.bany, UUc*. byracun, la^yr&^&fio ^tlBOIJi umiibd. du. 10 ji }* ^^-fii ^'^ BBBBJI l'_.0(l'J>:.,?o.-Sr,L'TlIWF.STF.RN VESTIBCLE UU JiELi-iiu,- cinclt.i.atl 10 tW, Indianapcll- 11 10 ?? m' 4..50 l?r^6N^lf-H SBORE VF.ST1 nri.E L1M ITKDj u at lictrott at 9 15 a. n_. Chleago 4:50 P- ?... nli* 6.00 P. II. rjdBT WF.STKP.N' i:X!'r.F..sSt-D;e (_!<:*?? ?' co, a Inclnnad ?:o0 p. n. , St. Loui* . .1*. a. n_^ r.30 P 11.-ADIRONDACK, MONilUlAL, AND BL F 9.19 P. M. lASI ST. I.OUIS AND CHICAGO EX ll'.l ss Du< Indlanapcll. 11 20 P- m- ne_, day, *>t. KI-HK.KL tNEWBUBOB). |OV?|S|H*WK'J MP? CL1FF .Isi.M.sroN,. AND HL'DfS'.-N --,:... '10 30. tn :i:, a. ra., ':'.:'". 8 :.W fo i'5 j.. ar.. ??l*?-f^rnPo_\h_ k-i.-.c 1-' .0" nooa, 12 M.H ?. 0.00. ,-30, 9J? ii ii, ; for .iBrriaon*. , >v'i-t l'nitit . '. ?1-). IU l*> *? ?*-?? V_ :ML IB :_0. .! .?',.>,U :_5, t0:.'o p. in. ____a ALBANY-?7 lo. 9:10, 10;00. 110 30.,111 :\h ?? BL. 12 00 noon, tH:30. ?:M, 4 :o0. fi .00, ttt:_-, 7:80. 9.16 p.m.. TROY-tT^lS. 9:10. 10:00, I1BtRAXiIIb_9 B._B__ 12 _* ooon, I- 3 d. 4.40, 6.00, 7 i30. 9:15 P- ??*,?^00,'jtf1?S; UT1CA AND STRACl'8_:-f7:4-. 9:10. 10:00, flBdM a. m., 1_':_0 _.._. 4:60, -00. 7:80, 9:16 p. m.. 112:04 ROl nF_-TF.R-9:10, 10:00, 110 80 a tr... 12 aW BOoa, 4:60, 0:00. 7 80, 9 15 p. m .11-00 night. Bt'FFALO?9:10, 1000, rlO :80 a. m., F- 00 nooo, 4 60. 6:00, 7:30, 9 :lo p. m. . .. ? NIAOARA FAI.I_3-9.10, 10:00. tl0 30 *. m.. 13 00 noon, 4 :50, 6:00, 7:80. 9:15 p. m. __,_. _ ._ __ ADIHONIlAl'K MailNTAINS AND MONTREAI^-17 :44. 111 :15 a. ni., { 7 30, 4? ;16 p. m., 112 00 ntgh*; AUBL'RN, OENEVA AND CANANDAlOt'A-9 10 10 00, t!0:30 a. m.. 7 .90. 9:15 p. ir. . t 12:00 midoiaht BEKK.SHIKE HII.LS. VIA HARLEM DlVlalOX tll :10 a m.. t^:20 p. m. For tlckets aad epae? ln 61e??pln|t Cars applv at OrBci Central Station. or at 413. 7H.V 942 and 1 n?f,?d.?a_ li Park Placo, M West 125tti-st. aod 188th-?t station. N#w. York; 8SS Washlnirtoo-at.. 72fl Fnlfon *t. ai'd 8:?8 Bid lord-ave. ?_. D.. Bro..klyn. ar.d 100 ll,id?on-?t . .1, r->ey Citv. Woateottfa >.:vpr.--i? call* for and alio-.-ki bagcrige frota hofeN r-sldi'tia e*. through t? d.-.tlnatfon. ti'alh- oxeept Bunday. IDally except 8at..rday. Other traini run rt, 1. Anove train* thoae Ua\-1na at OlO, 10 OO a. m., 12:110 noon, 2:g0 SSO. .1 :.*>.*. I :T-0 4 :M, 0 25 p. m.. and 12 :00 midnlehr, *top at 18_?.. Htreet -.t.itton. JOHN If. TOrOKT. OEOROF 't DAMWil. 0?nft**l Minafer. Oen'l P*ss..n.. r Af*nl BALTO. &0HI0R. R. F.-' Expreaa Tnini via PH1LAD1 LPHIA to BALTIMORE, WASHINOTOlfg CHICAGO. CIN. IN.NATI ST. LOIIS, ANI> AI.I. POINT- tVEIT. vi ll M.\ v caR BBB9JCB OM AI.I. TBAtWB, Lea\- NEW-YORK, f.ot of Llb-rtv-at., as foliows I Kor OHICAOO. 2:00 P. M., 19:11 A. M. 1 ... a INCINNATI, BT. LOI I-* 9 00 A. M.. 5 00 P. U, For WAKH1NOION. BALTLMORE, '.) OO A M . 11 34 A M. 2 00, 8:20, .."0 P. M. 12.15 A. M. All intnt dallv except 11 .<" A, XI. s.tnday. To- SORFOLK. via Day Line, '-' P. M. areefe-BBjn Ticket otll,'.-. 172, 201. 4'5 and 1,140 Bro.idwav. New. York '.'. Broadway, Brooktyn. BTATION 1 ,^OT OP I.lIffiRTY-ST. ' : tral R. K. t N. J.) N-W-Y, rk Tranafer Company wlll call for and chKB ha'c*'-''' from hotel or ii-aidenr,. to d**?ttnatlon. J. T. ODELL, a'MAS. .> s, IT.I.. ti. nl O.n'l Passensf.-r rETaTKAL It. R. OF \F.H-JFIf-FV. K-OOT 'l L1BEKTY BT., BOH 1.1 lll VI.K. T.n.e Table of D'cember 22. IHO 4 :tn a. t.i for Cbaton, Mauch Wllkeaharri, B.-ranton. lleadin_. Uarrtabnrc, Taiaaaua Bhamokla aaa. bnr\ \VT.han.*|.ort. a.n Baaaaya for Eaaton, MBBBB Chu'.k. WUkesnarre and Seranton. fl -00 a. m. for Fastoa. 7:00 a. m for f-^st.,,, .ird M;.',< h rhunk. f*n Smdavi, Ea*ton. Xlaueh ( hiink anat Shamok'.n. s ,.". a bi. for Baaton, Mauch \viike?'?rr*. Seranton. Readlng. RarrUburg, Potta-?1Ue, Tairaqua, sh?m. oKin. sunmiry, Willlauisport Xhrcush coach w BnlUBBBB nor'. 1 a>0 p. m. dallv for Ea?ton. Mamh Read'ag, Harris..iir_. Pnttavlll^. te. On 8':ndavs for Tamaqtia a'.n. 3:1". ii it:. for F.a-ion. Itaurh l hunk, ReadlnB, H?rrt? b'.ri?, Wllkt-ibarre, Seruiton, Tamaqua, nttavule, bham*^ kin. 4 80 p. ni. for F.a.ton and All. Ptown. 5 :,.'. i>. n, for Baaton. *.la..-l. i hunk, Readlnf. Harrl** burn. Be. Bundayi af 5 :80 p. m. 7:30 p. m. for F/H?.t..n Allntown. For Atlantl.? HlKhlanil*. at 4:46, S1S, II li ? *"?? 1 :3f>. 4 H". ,', :00 (,. n,. hniidays 9 ,10 a. m, 4 00 |>. m Vor Fr.**-hold. at 4:45. 8 15. 11:15 a. m.. 1 80 4 '9. 6 :00 p. m. For l.onc Unti.'h and |io!nts sonth to Point Pleaaant. ?l 4:4",. 8:15, 11 Vi a. m , 4:00. 4 80, o oo n. m. S' except 0<ean Orow and Asbury l*an_ 0 00 a. ?.. 4 *J p. a*. _. For Ked PunU. at l 4'.. 1:19, 11 15 a. m.. 1 80 iaaa 4:20. 5:10, 6:00 i> m BondavS. 9:00. n... I 00 P ?? KOR l.lhFWOOO. At 4:45. 8:15 a. Bb.; 1 30, -...0. 6 1U p. m. Sundara ... IH> ,i. in. I'.uK.r ,..,* at 1 ..?'. i -'.. ?? ll? " to. bundaj -. '.' a. m. . ,,. I,..- T,.n^ Rlver, nani.'B*t 1'*''?*. *'>d llarn ol 4 4a g:10 a. Bt. 1 .30, I 2" iv "?? i"?'**_r*_J9 (** a n,. F.r AtUntlc Clty, Via- aad a d lridg, lon. at t 45 a. a.. Tra? R.aeh and Seabrlfht, at 8:15, Uial ?. m. 1 :J0. 4 1*J0 !'? '"? KOR PIIII.VOKI PIIIA. Iltl ri'lllUh A>D \\ 1-HIM.TON. H0\ IL 9LVR UVE r*i Phlladcli. ? ?? ?' 00, ll .30 a. ? . l ? " 00 3 20 4 00. 5.00, o:00. 7:10 B. '"?. ?- ?? ,,'-:hJi SI'M.AV.*- '.' 00. 1100 a. in., 200. J.O. 4 89 ' ig "" lo! Uaitlmor.. and WaahlMlpa d.iiy at B BO. 11 JI .?*? tept Sundavl ... ",. 2 (H'. 3 '.',., 5 l*. p. m 12 18 n??". r ..:,.* leavlna all > *. 11 BO ... ? . I BO, .00. '00. ,n. ('.'-?.r. n v ? ' _atu?_o' alrtii. s;..'^* ;< ?? . ., pn ii ?. ' |. ,' . >.?*?*.?? eonnection for Readlng, ?*r 8fl0 Piiiton il 98 i'."**d?ay, ltr,M)kl\n. N,?Y.,rk Traaafet Cbmmuu wlll call for and eh*cB i . fon. l.ot.'l or rcaflTenoa._. >V j i.-i -il.?lil. tt.\ILROAO, N. \ C^Jt ? J il. R. it. II ?'"., 1.** ? Tralna li-ave W - 4l?J? Sa........ iNew-York a. io..,.?- aud 20 mlna.U*? carlUM \rt*** tt... i.)..t ot >a, *t Se* ?*.rk Haittllton L. i.i'.roi* an.l a blCBBO, '!" 15 B ...--. 1\ |. B. s 15 P tt. *f "* ' . ij - i ' !? " toronto ?!?? ' ? ? L?___ ?? -i-'n. in- Bullalo, ItocheaUr Mi*p.i>.?.. Ilr.*!*''. >'?-*?? ra Kafla, fttea and Kvrarua., :. .<" i" 15 * ... ? ? t, i. i, .:. bi t bll " ? '<? ran* only to t ina. a.ii___ *.s 16 p. .n. .at*kiu aod albany, 3 30. ?? tv to ii. ai, ao a. >"?: ?** "" ' ? ' ? "* '? !'? ",- Cl*__wo.',?^i? ?.,,,! (,",*.a,l. Newburg ?.< W '1 8. 8 2*. *I0 ?? -10 46 all 30 a. ar. *l 15, s4 .*,? I .:... ?5 IS \ ?*' _? *'? ?s ia '-lt 15 p. m. Monlraal and I'ana.u Kai?t. , i*> _ ">-. ?ft I5'| Khfanl ne. l*na car**?r Baitalo MBfaraJJ ?? '...iroit fhivago aml 81. Uula on bll tra b _ , i..M., Uro..klyn, m? tnn \ ai" ?_, ??? JatWp.iu. .......i,, I' K R BtaUcn.all:*_,>"j ^3 3., .. .... ? Daily . . '-? rd*j *"?J*J tral>'? aally. e_a rpt bundaj Kor tl k, U, <? '?''?t*t''' *? ^'l l,.r .mt "lecpliiB ' ?' ? lan, or Ir.lowiaMja. atfOV il,,,.": Hrookhn XtA VVa.hU.BW-. - ?"'11WI';.^ *_' _ oM,.. fool *t K.,11.... -t N'.? Yort mi; 1 90% m, I 1.2.1 Broadwaj Ut Bo* r. u i-a.K i ???;???** v**'(! "?-.V.h... and ? aal 8b*w BtaUon* lool of Weat ??d?*:L___ f_ot ot .?' -t Nortta ltiv.-r > K. I.A.Mljl???.'.. Omarai i'aaseiiKi'r Agout, 6 Yauderbllt-av*., New-YorB.