Newspaper Page Text
V0IL.. ..N?I0,|:!2. NEW-YORK, TIIURSDAY, JANUARY 15, IMM.-TWELVE PAGES. i'RUE TIIREE CE4\TS. INDIANS TALK WITU M1LES. r^j_f8AG-lEET0SU-lR__NT)EBTHEIBARMS, a tfll-JSMEXT EXPECTED SOOV BBPC-OT OP A K-.II> BY A blOt'X BA-TO IN MOHTABA, ANI. "I" SOMK EXPECTKD TftOl'BLE IM THE BTATE OP WASHIXOTON. pinr :<?. s D., Jaa. 14.?Lil'k. Wound Little Hawk, Crow Dog and Old Calleo came In tbla ,. | from tbe boatilea to talk with G Milea, under tiw eacort "' Youns-Mnn-Afraid-of ? . i; ... *. I l.i* ... ,n. il oioiic _ liafactory pn . re * Cok-cel Corbln, Aaalatant Adjtitant-General, an _,,?,),,,] th ' the . .i.'is had aaeente I tn the lurreader ol tbeir arma, and that ti.r* latter will probably i>.- brought i.i to-night o*J to-morrow. I:,. \ ?..-1..i,-<l 1'ia-ss eorreapoiidenl haa iiKl re tiiniri] from General Itrooke'a i-an.p, one mile aontl. 0f tl.c Drexel Mlaaion and Hve mlles from tlie ,.Piic\ The General ls eneamped on ine ground on whleh Fowyth waa enpaged when lolonel Henry. "f il.e !"l. CaTalry. earne to hia rellef. .j;,. General haa tmit<"l ; ? 11 hia commanda, save thoee under General Carr. Ilia lorce enmprises eighl eompanlea <>f tlie '.'al Infantry, under Major Uutlei:'11 componiet, of ilu* I'tb, under?. olonel Offley: f'.nr ir?M.|>s oi tbe Oth Cavalry, under Colonel Henry: two troopa <>i tbe Bth Cavalry. nnder Major Wella; foui troopa of tlie l-eaven* worth Batl lion. under l "1 nel Sanford ; ( heyennc peo ,is, nnder Ueutenanl Getty. Thia f. rec waa 1 .-? night plaeed uniler command ol Colon?*i ol the 2d Infantry General < arr, with tbree troopa ol tbe 6th, is nineteen milea froro tbe month of Wonnded Knee Creek. Me baa three other eommanda-one under Lieuteaant Colone] Moirow, flfteen ndlea i'"'" iuo Bbnth ot the creek; anotbei nnder Major Adama, twenty-rlve milea, niul the third. nnder Captain Whltney, tbirty milea. TIiib. together with tbirty wagona under Egbert, earne through lor auppliea. marcldng aboul ball a mile from tl>o Imstilo camp. \ reported une aineaa Tw ng tTie young men ln tbe hoatile camp 1-' evening I;";'' the troopa in flghting iiin. all ninht, bnl the outbreak did ii"1 .. ni-ral Can - ' I eampc I nl the beaditnartera on Wi nnded Knee la*i night and will mareh Into tlie mia-iion i- day and jnin G Brooke. '11." cirele ia drawing cloae nboul the boatilea and ? aettlcment of affaira, -.f whatever rni'iro. oannol be i r diat nt. Tl .. hoatile* yogterdaj hent word to G. Brooke thal tbe i> asaae <>', train. i n i them would bave to be diat -lntinued On tln rei yeaterday'a train, I '? inl Getty and hia - , ? .? out i" mer-i It, driving :. d?*i icl mem . I tilea tr..m :. bill fiom which a good virw a.f thc progreaa of tbe tl ln could la? wcu. L tor aome ol the boatilea returned and tlem dl i Getti retire, and the laltei aenl word but b th l only wben he waa eompelleil to do bo. One "I thc cxplained to General llrnoke that tb<'ii i.<* -ii.i nol ?. tnrn to the ngen?*y afl< I f -bi nn W - ? ? s beeg '?**? ?? ' cn l.?" at ia-iii|ii."l to do ao, tbe Indian poliee ftred o*i him, driving him back i" thc hoMilo*. II. aid be could not le'l whether tl.e latter would remain , . or ii"t, leeauae tliere were a number ol .'".111,; Djpii among them who cn ? bioago, Jan. 1 I.?A dispatch from ' I ii Mont., Baya that ft ur familie- from Snak'e < reck bave eome ih. They reporl lhal a band of ai>..;it ?.?".a. Sioux Indiana were raiding the country, kill 1m2 cntt!i>, Btealii ?'?> and committing other depredatlona. Tbe town is Ul-jweparcd f.?r de fenee agalnal an Indian k. Tbe citizena have fJci'.**?<! to make .1 rciuiaition 011 Oovernor Toole for 500 atanda "'? arma with ammunition. s.m Franciaco, Jan. 14.?"The Chrorricle'a" Taeoma diapatch says: "Advicea from Coulee City, in the Big Bend "f Columhia River, atate tl.r* altuation is becoming more rritifal hourly, ;.':<l thal Moodahed is expected before tr....,.s nn the Way fr.mi Spokane Falla can arrlve. Ths Indians ?!_ trouhle air tlie Okanogen Bnd Spokunc tniips ?.n tolville Reaervatinn on tbe 1 Kivcr, People ol Ruby ( ity and < 'on< ? bave made an appcal for ..i'i and i*\i*<- . tn lie attacked any minirtc by overwhelming nui ,*-.- i-i.l men liave ulready heen killod liovernor Lanchton ha* received annt her ap|>e.i] f. r more troopa, II.- lui'l already foiwarded armi aii'] ammunition lo sett lers -'III.. ChmnielcV Spokane Falla, Waah., dia patch saya: "U'.i.i ha* r. iched hen thnt thc In - have hurned the village "' ' aliapen, ? i"" milea north "l bere. and killed >? <?-. '. i* oplc 'Ilu- vi,!;,^a- 1*. in an ianlated plncp. The ;..|.,,tt ii Dol (.rnerally cr<*<lrt<*d." Washington, Jan. 1 I.?General Schoik-M l - ? . received n te'egrara ' ienersi] MiJ. ?*. I'inc I; .'_.-. S. !> Jannan I'i, aa Pdlow*. *? I ? <? Indi ? ..- 1 1 r mn. ed n|> \Vhi1 ? ' . ped within *-i_lit >.( our iroopa imd . ..' <.-,.-r iw., mile_ il ? i-;,i'i\ tlnii. inilieates tl - ihe n.'ilr u.\ \vill have full eontrol "i Ihe rntire Imdy. Noll nc luil n t..1*' . >? .>i nceid. nl can now prcvent a nmal ilesirable reti.ilt, 'I nwever, e.\< il ible ? * 1:.! wild, and it wi 1 inke ? . under full eontrol and i< (*;..i.- confldenee and permaiiei I p. < imalm, Neb., Jan. 14. On a__ iran. ?? ol Gei <?. I Mile* I .1 ? .. n.'.i ? tlangiT lo aettleni * pated. foni ? - ^' .' ioned nn tl r lr..tit'f'r were ..rde *e.l t.. return Imnn lo il iy. Tlwre n ;>:.tiI.** in the lield, t".t they home i.y thc end a.i tl ia \\, ek, t ltei e?B occurs. ?? ? A TCLUGRAM FROM FATIIER CRAFT. DE.'KXUIXti TIIK KOLIHEnS Wllfl KoL'l.HT AT WO '...: ll 1 -! i- ' 1:. . 1;. f'.i;..'..iii-' ? ? !' '-''?? ha* |, -.,!?. Vustln K. 1 ??''!. Editor nf '? Thc Xr ;?..,,,.? joun il," from tlie Re*. Fatli ' rafl 1 mls?l.inar>'. ?'ho a - ?-'. t1" ln ti." li.l.t .it WfNiiided K. 1 re . * - .*..|. b " ?? ;.':.! 1 n ? \,., v.ry hop.'ful 1 . Ihe p ? V | K ? ' ' ' 1 ? ? Uli_-<..' '?' I*' I"' - l; IrouMn, and l o*4ilc -. ii ..,? f. li ...I oi thi 1... ? ??-. ' ... Ui< V 1 ...... ,,,.f, ,,?<! from Uae chaia< ..1 ti.. Indian 1 iu U. thn War II _v auth a Indian* . an exw ? 1 |*J*I tra al . . v and .:? ? .???"? "'- aV l . ,,.,,. || .,.;. ,, , 1 ?? alarmrd and ?a?pl. Ioub, Th. y ha: 1.. . .1 - i. . ? ? il ' .f the > . , M. Tbe :.<? 'C- ?' ''' ""IU. '"'? V ?'?? ln ike v.,. ,' ki,..- iiL-iit ,.,.,! Brst. 'il.?? troop* a* = ? ''? only '?i" " "?"?? , | ,, both, *a* Bll, Bad Bnaj ? l . kaoalrdae "' tl..- whole afta 1 arhri ? ? 1 aaj B* I '?" ' . Vl 'v ji ? al hand, ind ahin a .:? alll foi iai I tv iU t in,, m_i) 1 ....... ? ? ? ...... hm. 1 \i r\ix went k in in***. woi Wa .11. Tli- i.-ii.ti.! -.'""'? ai A- ? . ., letter tu < aptaln V. V. 1 a .., ....'i.t al tha ll..-' B ?'?-- ' ? " ?'? ln BaatB Daaota. ln Ibe . oui ? * "t whla h, aftei a 1 ? f,iii.-*t aupport and co^iperuilon "t Me ... , ,? .'. '...!. ..I 1.1* dull l 11 " ??'?' '"? 1:' ? , : , :.,.- , ? ? ? rai forward -:.mi 0 ,., n ...- and di?trlbuti_na BUihorl*-*fd i.v ' - ! ,. Uu ba ... :.t ? I I 1 - '? -' ? J'' -,,>, ,.. ? 11 v ..I b*'1 Iim.-p ..a l. aiixl-g. Uial U. ": "',''1 l* i.r ... ? ? . ?! illi |a. lb ..." ..? ???>' . ? "" ''' ih. pr*-. I* 1 '"'?'?' '?"' > . |0 r. ...Il.ll. inl tO 'I"' BB] .... italah ii.. .'? "i "! tt..Vl"' l"av "-'Vi'" l a,- . mat V..11 BlMHiid have taa aaalataaaa U umoeeo n. j.; Um *abo dlaala pawea al Bka aa-nuy wh? a-tn i^, ihoroaghi-r ronpatrai f?r *-'"'r v"rk- A'' T"u aa iwBia, doabUeas, tt.. questloa al poMie* doe* '.nt. *"*? . .... niti. at all late lha mattei ol goallflrBttaaa Ba ? I .1, . ,!, :, ll yout ? -? B( I. .""1 Baaaa ...... r*?ua?ie4 and laatrucW-d tc rnaka Inqulrj ?'?'-uu,. f..,..,t,..,??,?- ,,1 -,,,. -..idlnatea. rl. ' -- *""'' '"? " -. ? .. aad lepott lo bm any prw?w ?'.' v"" (1' ?BBBlif imi la-pBettva iatlea, atatlaa apaelieall'l ^":l *?*?*..? k v.,.ir beHef. 1 ta, v?r? dt?iii,ua .i?o U.?t aay *ko ?-*?? -??? *""tD ao ;? .;. l oi I '? "?? U Mei mriT |ve atarh eate and he)p i tl . poaalbia to extend them. I d< ? rr ihat jron >*iii forwi rf tn me a fn" anv romplalnl .. eotnplalata r'-;ir in.iv \,r preferred bj anv ii, ii ..I ii dlam ?? 1 | oi r bi thi li l*a( ii.,i? i... m- . nd iny requi-at they i.-.-.v have t'? n.?k" rcsrard l.r. th. - * ' ? ?. ln aboil i-t n ? aay ihal i ."p<?'>? fnll eealldence ln your al I'I'.-' and in roui rf--' ( lo plOBWtB Itn- elvll ? anri awlfare ?' I.mli ippj p. : ' . ni .? ? D?opmtlon n'.'t ' - f . tbe Bflthoi "?? ??? *??.! i.. Ibli .1** ?? '? I abont, n? lapidly and bi eompletely ??- poaalble, t.i" r -y ?\ y ct alnod at. T<) lll'ir BI'FFALO UIII. FIOIIT TIIE INPIAN-*. London, Jaa H. n i> anrtotiared thal aereial British Army oftloei-a, a numbei ,,', whoni on auld tu I,- peraonal Irtendi ol Willlam F. Cody (Uuffalo Bill., h..v aiBrted Irom England Int tha Plna Rldaa Agenry, with ii." inientlnn ol offerlns thelr aervieei to Colonel ( ,?i% in Cslitlnii iii- h. -tlio Indiana. Th- s-rtlvnl ,,f .rn.f in.-i- enthualaata ma; be i ioked tor ihortly in New-York. .-? TWO 8PEAKER8 IX A HOUSE. \ l.IVKI.V TIME IN TIIK COLORADO LEGIS LATUfiE. TWO ARMED PABTIE9 IN THT CHAMBER XEITHEB wim.ini; TO GIVE IS TUOOPS ARorvn tiii* 4 ai'ItoIj. IBT TEI.BG 114I'll TO IHE r*'IIUH_.J Denvtr, ,lnn. 14.?To-day'a .sr-ssimi ol tl.e Col orado Houae ol Reprraentative- aarill be on? loag rememl ered. Ii provrd to be the maal exciting in the hiatory ..i ('olurado. For aome time efforta bave been 11.11.l4- to bave Speaker Haana reaign, owing i" laefioaal dilfcrance- regarding the np. pointatrnl <>t eommltteei M to-day'a aeasion, Repreeentative Brown, ol Denver, aaoved t?i ex punge from Priday. recordathai portton referring ? appointmeni ol cofiniitteee. By adviee Speaker llanna refuaed to recojrnize Ihe motbn, holding thal Mr Brown'a Bolc objeel -a.'*- to cauae i rupture lietween tl;.* factiona. An appeal frttra the deciaioo ol ihe C] air was made withoui reault, Mr. Urown. followei- nnnii-er twenty-eight oui o( the forty-nine membem. Mr Browa ili.*:) made a motlon to Impeach Speaker llanna, which waa carried, the rolnority refusing t" vote. .iwd-re Jeaae White ??> l en .?l,-.-tt-il Speakei "l the !l<>ii**e hy th<- ninjority, aml tbe amuaing apectaclc of two Spe kera, aaeh en tertainiug motiona, attracted bundreda to thc tive li dl, A new >?*! "i i Oiccra wa |) poinied. Speaker llanna for hia own pmtcctinn had bia deak mrrwuuded with deput.\ aheriffa, liovernor-elccl Koult, deairing lo proteel Ihc State's property in raae ol an outbreak, callctl ,, n two companiea ol tlte Satlonal (luar.l, who ,i led the bui ding, Bj Governor 1. dvit-e. Speaker llanna adjourned the Houae until to-morrow. Previoua t" doing bo, dt-zena ul tapei-ia] dep itiea were i^%\?.tii ln aad inatructeil i.< . i. ir llie halla, Speaker White ahortly afterward adjourned ...-> following with tbe aatne lnati ictio io-nit-.ul iwo aeparute armed Iwdiea are in charge of ilu* hall. ond ahould eilher attvmpi ?? ,,iiSt ? ir ..<: er. bi KulBhcd would i <? ine, I Neithcr side will . npi o -?*. nnd II ia more lhan lile ihai Speaker Wfilte will scenre another nall. The city is in a state ol excitement, the outcode ia await<*d with fMF. BE81GXATI0X8 Bl THE WB0LE8ALE, ILL 8TAT10B %OEXTS \X0 TELEORAPH OPEB*. li.Rr- OF 'I lll- M'. PAt'L T'> QV1T WORK. tS-cago, .inn. 11 |8pei Ial;.?Tba earployea <*f llw thl <aci>. Mllwaakae and .-t. Panl BaBroad did nol go oni "ii a atrika th.^ awralaf, a^ It bad been wid.-i*. u Boaaeai they ??uld. in^tf-ad aTery atatlaa ac-nt nnd ewery t'-Iocniph njiorator in t!? cn.J'I'V pf tba 0081 pM] Mal in hi? readgnatioa aa -.ijvrior .>fii.*.>r>. to toit?* .?ir.-1 on PTMay mornlng. nei,n.>ontativo emplofe bere <])..fa; coufldeat. They --..v ti..- .nppori "f the Order nf Ballway Telerrapben la pleOged to tlicm. ? TIIE BTATE KNK.IIT- "I" LABOR fOXORESS. Albany, Jan. 14, Tbe Coagraaa ol Btale KniBitt- ol Labor aaaembllea hl-h.i-. mrt ln Merel ?e? lon thi- ;,f-<r noon. Beveral Bmendmenta 'o the ivmatltatlon aew'-d imi adopted, \mong tn-- blll.. tln* iiu.-in.'-- ol trhich Ui.- leglalative rommltlee wan In tracted tn urga m Anti Plnkerlon blll, ?. rneaanre to make th. Inns ..( tlil Weekl) Pnymenl law apphrahle to steam railroada, and .. ttringrnl ten-hotrr-aervlce blll employei on atree.l rallroad-. 1 reaolutlon 4.;'-. adopted provldlng thal *? everythlng In "ur power 1. done to have tlie pron<*rty of ti." >?;...?. noa llleaallv a-..1 by the New vork Rsllnwd, reatored to ua and to the StaU KTRIRERfl TRY TO DBIVE OFF K K HARVF-STERS. Kine-I n, N. V., Jan. M (Spe. Ial). I*he Uni- >n 1 ? : ,..? uuiiettled. \ large bntlv nf llie itrikcn imi.>\ 'i'"l np an I do Ih. Ivci paM lhe Kl l Ea-t Klni '? ' 1 lon, Polnl and Tnrko Polnt, v in .?*? i'i u| 1.11 \.-?:-..- v.i n full proftK \ttcmp1 were . ... bnl lhe men n ft. ? i ,., top work. '. Ient I eal wer?' made, liowevi r, il ., . . - oll! ?? : uppenlMl to fn 1 rote. tion. lle ?nl .1 Inn ?? ol d< p itles. and matl re t ..I l_i afteii Di MPSET A V"7i/ // Ot'T /.') I ITZSTMilO N, h . ii ]. ., ?, . .1 , .11 In 1 ampl ithe .(rc ol t1 ?? ? i|\ mp l'i larae ' lhe Inn -, ol Aii-ti-iln nnd \ni. .iii betwei , .1 ..'. Ih mp ey, th ? arorld wldc repuli-d ?? NoniMii 'i II I rl FlU Immoi . ().- | ... d. I '.?? h 11 ,.. aa Lir 1 mn ol H'J.000, 811 ocn 1 , _.., ,,, ||,c wii nei and -l ' "" to il. ? loaer. 1'.,. !, ittle ??? ia f.iuj-lit 11 "? irviuJ 01 '.' 1. . nil.-i, and ttltl. ulnvea w.Tixl.lnc mn..< nd over. Klti nn Itthed 1 ?" l - ?*hile '? .1 ?'. ' tipiKil lhe benni ..' I IT 1 -'. I >? ini--<- ?" -.?' ?., ,, 1 ? >|. Vnllffe, on " r nii. 11. and ?? Mi: '?'' 1 il,.- iiii,.. 1 bIhiiI, -.'.inl.- -Jlmmy" farroll and i??k M'Connell looked nfier l:-/-in.:....-. Inte ? ' 1 he i,..i ,,,1:11,1 ended evenlj divwcfl, Imi ln the iiK'-.-ilin:- nninil" l :?-? um. -'? u|ieriortiy I. iraii ,? Itaell, aud in I i;.???'? enlli Denip*. :..,..? :..?<! out. 1 ,??.,),...\ had r awoll -n faee, cnl Hp an l noa -. and ., bad marh 01 la-o un hi> body. Fltf>lBinioii? waa nol ,, ran li-?l. and wwi '??' .1^. WOMBIXG ?08 l TBASBATLAXTJf L/-VB. AtlanU, Oa., Jan. 14. A aeerH ronventlon ol di 1 .?*u- from all ii"- Bouthern sim.-* la ln loaalon here ,, ,.,,.-,? a .i,i'-it line --I sKam blp* '" i,lv l ' Uninswlrk and Uverpool. 1 otton would hj* lhe y ln ,.|nal e-porl frelght, and 011 ibe retnrn IHp Ihc ,-oiiid brlng vatlona tnpplles whleh the Wiiilh iinul have. TheFarmera1 Alflani* h late e Usd lu the movc TWEXT1 XF.AB8 OLDKB llll'*' "TB ''/'.v/r/.-r. Danvi ra, Maaa., Jan. l I.- f'barlea Klnjt, wlwi l \< ?,rii iu.1. John iii<- liaptlal Klng, ai HoweV hl il .11, :,.,, MkMleton, lo^morrow reaebea hli alleged ITOth He ,- hc ''.- born ln 1781. ?" -* I !.,',.;?. nl l: "?-- "- I- . Iieaj-I ? :-,?? r-ratloiK, nun herli R over 000 i?-. ona. lle f.iiil coott hi -. '.. WOODBVi: s i'i 1 tt'lT :'> BE B IBE I'/' s|, Loaia, .1.1 1 i \ dUpat. h from Utt? '.: ?'.. Ar_#1 utyi Uni Male Trea-nrer Woodrnff'i hond man held 1.???>!:...- ri l rd 13 and de. kled 1 > make g< "<i tli ? bhorl iga in Ibe Tn i?.r'a ? Major W odrutl turned over lo hia un llea *ofn. lenl pioperi) 1 . -ave them Irom auj loi . rhe dclltli am .untn lo 8W.000, ? 0FTEB8 TO TUE RIA AI. ./ s.U 1',; Boaton, Jaa 11 h-poctali. The Rev. Mii * 1 -.\ Bga, tbe arell known paator ol lhe ? burt 1 rd ? ?? 1 nltj elved a . dl from lhe fl ,[ Mi Kavnce ha alao h "l an ofl 1 ol Ibe 11 ni -T he Xea i 1 gh|nd v igaal 1 PBOXISEXT BPKAKEB8 TO BB PBE8EST. Tli" dghth annual dlnnei "f lha fjoelett ol M laiiaprnd. nea wlll be n-- aa Jan u r -'* An.i' the promlii Bt p. raoaa la . Bl nt whoai iiav.- i-r.Jii..-? .1 la i llvet I'T'lr.--'*-. are Oeneral Hheraian, Qrovei Clevejaad, Joaaph B. I'hoat.-. . Illchard O'Oorman, Cbauneey M. Drpew, Oeneral ? Kwlnit, Col..I Roberl ... Inaeraell, Uie Rev. Dr. John R. Paxtoa, r. Uopkini BaiUi, Dr. v,. ,s. Ilana nd, 1 R ? nnd Dr, 1.. C. BpJtika. Orove. Clevrlaad 1- a membei ..f Um loelety, aad Judga M. ?aam li il- preald at l.r Mc-aran 8haw, Dr, N L. BHil and u L. I8lr?*ttd ? r? th* con,?lt?Bl an dm-tl. JUSTIN MVAI.TIIVS DENIAL. j HE DID N"T ENFORM GLAD*?TOXE OF TIIE CONTENTSOFTHE PARNELL MAXIFE8TO. an IMI i'.;;. *?: th IT I'Mimi.i, n *,s IB *.'? D*ON- '! A'.l. IDEA OP I'.' 51' IINII '! I." 1.1 ID1 RSIHP. London. Ja .11 Justta Mrrarthy, tn a comm ? ?? Uon t" "The Dailj :>-?.' " iLlbei il?, whlch letter ap to-day, -;a-. -: ??:M-?-!-*. Parnell and Rodmond have pl 'l lo eoniradirt ma >.,tl. regard t<> romn Mr. i.l in irclj the te*i. bnl tho a.nir, aulhorll ? - I ?' . Mr. PiirnelPa ' --t... 1 was :. k'.*d to . || ... Mr. Uladstono '?> ? ;.. Hom ? Rnle. Mr. lilad ?..!?? ? ?... nted me with i,i opln a -. * I 1 ? v. i;i;i. .-..?- - nn the nobject. From -.- 1. ? t be 10M tae 1 ?... nblc 1 ? ? .;? to Mi Parnell mj 1 n ,\ li lion thSl j if Iii* manifcslo ? 1 pu >l - d, Mr. '.: id I 1 BJ would be .a .. po?ltlon t?, glve rcrtali <>.' it- tatemeota " 1*1 rontradl Mon. 1 nat' Ihe wl ole I Mr. Im ti-11 1.1 ai: ? rd ln thi* 1 Ity. It la beHaved ? ibal tbe ronferen." wlll -i....-:?. bc .pet.ed. 1 . ? ? to la* *.n* tl.iit Mr. Pan ell h 1 d< ' : nil'-lv and Hnall* ? ind 11 d all htea ol r. intn i laaderslilp .?! Uie Irl h Parllamentar* party. Hn, Jan. it -The Frwman'*. Jonrnal" to-tey i *hts 1 imi Mr. Morlej, 11. hb ipeerh ..t Newraatle li I night, deprcaaed Ibe Opi.tion leader*. aho hava nol irlninphed it. ti.f ."'itli'i with Mr. Parnell. Mr. eilad I .tone aml hi- . i.'|..,i,-.i.-* .... .'t-'iiiii' lo ?? rhe .Inunialr wlll remaln In tfteli prc-rntl) hopele*.!*, vrroiig eon iinUI tt.a-y iba tion Home Rul.' nr -iv wlial it means. Poor M. ad 1* " I lie Jonrnal, ? whatever hl* merlt*., i unflttad t" tresil '"-iti. Mr. lilvlstone, w_o ls evldentlv .t rather dlBcull iki*..u la ne_otiate wltb." THE BALFOt'R RELIEF PTND. Dablln, Jan. 14. A mbserlptlon .1 ?-"-''" 1 ia been reeelvcd trom Mr. ' t me 1 n , I ? fund. Uverpool, Jan, H U 1 meetlng ol prr.ti nenl rltl ten* of IJver*.1 the tum oi ?2,000 - .. ? ra cd 1 the Zetland Hall 'in- tn id for rellef nl I ie utl poor 'f Ireland. Thi*. a. 1 ?n 1. ?' ? 01 rtem! 1 ? ? ihi* ..Im .1 iai viiiR wui .... >n ? . ity. llip fund now amouuts t,. _;-_*_,ooo. BTORMY WEATHER l.N Rl ROPE. London, Jan. 11. -??? erc *.t ? h .*-??.. Advlres from Herlln arc to the effeel lhal Ihe Blba I* full .,f Imn ln ihe river I- UII ?'... . 1 Ihe hm" .;,..:.'??? 1 I . -.'. . in.i ain id> I Bl HellgolH .' Vnstria II I it I Ui il : ahlrh wa cX'<ei l?-i "l ln ..II Ut ... PADLEWSKIti IDENT.l V BTII I. IN I pa J ni.-- ? ' . ? t?. 1 Ihe .11- ? 1 nm ? ? ? -: ' ? .; . 1 -- The 1 ;it Olnt 1- ll' Madlld, .!.? . 1 '. I' ? ' ,,. ,-. ? , ? li. v. ' e. il] ? - ? i\ th ? pnli.e 1 ,.-.,., . i J*..*!.-.-r -1-. have lnf.irni.rl the poll 1 thal Ut**.* ai** willlna t,, Uie ia-1 that th ?' , ipltnl uf that provl-,,.., ..' Spa ,!;i\ a..-;.- -,! ?el re .k .if wi : I ft ME -< "M II f-TBIKEIW PJCYIELl Edlnui gh, J in. 14. -at a 1 ' , ,<| ? . f-| .'-...,?. da) Ibe ? kairma ? reported lh tl thc ii.ial re* ilva d to ra iton t" staj ..." oa u ll ?"'-?: ,! '? ' ' ronld nol ,....|.i Ihe la I ? illrnadt, .:. 1 ? Ina nnvenienre tl.- t< 1 eral pul li. ? 1 - pui U. ? ..,,. 1 of 1 ',?? - A I.notiva . ?? the V?.rth 1 .1 |h.1i. .iii.iii hi Ihe ..i'. with ii..- ? ? kl*. Thr ? ? ? . . 1 P i.mpil. , :,'--.,-.' .. t .:?:?? t ? '. 1J..11* (., pni ? ?.,'. ... ,.? Ij ..1 4IR CHARLEti' D1LKE i?N RPROPEAN DISARM*. me.n r p j... 11. ; ? ?? ? ? 1: ? ?. ? . , Inter*. ? "? wllh *lr I'liarl' H.l n ?lin h 1 '?? ,\ - 11, it hr> 1 ?.,? \ ,???.) !? I r -., .. Rn , I.l illl Ml. nil lln | lhal l.i- I 1 um I |. .-? i-rr. \ 011 ,. |"- 1. 1 -,?' il ? ? ?'? . .... ti, !.?? ? . t ..,1 il,,'!.- 11 ?? ? ? . I . , / . . 1 ? ? ... |?- |....fii||i ,,.'?:?? .... ? 1 1,.nu onic >i ij ? - ? II.I N'.I.D IN \N I' \ -Tl I \>l UY ! 11tl-' li' " Dublln. Jan. 14.--A ( from Mh rhei ifelt, ? ,? . .'? | ,,......,1. . , wllh _ ; ,,,..,]. .1 i. ^ .??.,',, "; ? t (i*> ,??'.' j ? l int . Ilu- |i v ? iii' r, lir ? iH'il ? i ti . 1,. ? ihnierged 1 I I i*r witli . ?i.i. si... ,. ... ., ??.i.i ">...i 11. Im?l.and Im 11 dei , j ? . aplns di ..', .' ? :, md 1 ! ? I nr . , 1 he '.iai KM M \N Hi -M,1 ? r r- |!"i '.'. \ 1 "i: 1.1 ,- ? Jan. 14, via <>al ? L.11.?II "??'? nt l:a Ha--. .,f uiialcniala, 1 ild lo liavt- la* j. ? ??? .. 'il .11 ?1 ,.'..-. ?? Ui II N'eiilta ll. .'.. |."' paratory ln I.l dejiartiin il nd ??- c:,i".*h. " ' ,ill...-. d thal ...?:? I pii'V.a 1 ..? .? I*?rri il,-|, ,? 1 ' ? - Rrpiil.ll, ' Uon of ..!. 1 i' ~ Ud. wlll ;l- k Conni for -. leave ..f ;.i. ?-..I . ? year. 11 ... , ../-ili. lt . re|K?t:. .1 . . ..-I.l ln raartl I,,..-* ,ll I !,;.:.,I,-.-:. I I. ? . ?? II ?!.?.,,!. Im- ii.-i .- -.:> for rienur llarlllan lo B ?? V ffTEAMER VKIIOBS UM TIIE IIOI. \v[i a,,',.-*i London, Jan. i? i"" Lnu?b ate-i. R|-t?w, . < -I**, frotn Vorfu'V De.rml. ' . ll . Ild. 'I , Vletiwf Diep, Ii. North llollaiid, nn.l . in ;i dan ?*rnii? posltlon. A nunil^r n na havr i ??? n ,., ber ,,--i un. e, bnl t'.? Imnien - ina ?? Interfere ?ith thdr appma. li ln Uie Inroei I . ai.taln and ;....-t ol the ? ? ? ha' ?? i-???.?? ifel ,,,,,1 || ,. . ,,,.... ,i lhat llie iith.. on Uie 1 imei wlll ,1 , be .'"' ?? twre. ? ? ? FRANCE iNO TIIE NEWFIirNDLANIl I'-'llK'l' Parii, I.... ll it . ofl rial mon t.'.. "I : il" -1' i''- i"iM' 'or llie piiri.? i1' ' , ivdlng ' > Ihe Ncwfoundla 'l fl i.le up Ut M u-< h :; m \i. ? THB I 1. tli DEI fiRAl I* < n:i'.N< II "i FI< Bll parl*, Jan. l I. Tlie '.f Rn la li i i oul Ihe ;,,;,n.i .... l-.n ol llie " .lei ol M -' ? l-lwi ,,..,,, ,:,| il. J. Hrugi , ..... ...!, I.l .1 .i I Carnot ii'U ebold -?? lXCRE.*>lNn <r~i'.'M- ni rn> IN MM'.i ?Y. I, ,i .i a .i ui. I f Advlea r.' ' i niiniaj ?l ite Uial thc I'rugu <? u l*arll imei I ha , bill Ina rea i . tl ri ? THB <."l.l> PIlEMH M IN I ' BNOS AVBEA Buanoi Aynw. Jan. 1*1. Gold clo ed I *-da] al ?-??''' ? ,- ? m nm. AN CPROAR IS THI UEICHOTAO, nrri'.t.. Jaa. U.?Ia taa ltf..i, tag todaj Herr Hell gorf, .i COnaorvatl-B member, doelared thal the reU*n lion ol Uie dnfla - on ?M*n and eattle w. re ,,... i'i,,. .i.nv on . .rn, he naid, .1. pi a H...S1 a.i American M>rn Irom poui ng Into Ua Herr ileUdnH Uw.t ht* I'.''- aa gratefiil '" .. BliBiarck Im bavlag, on tne ba i ol mt ?? ?' mi?v. aforded proteellon lo Rermai labor. Conttnu iag hia r*rm*_k*. be pioU.tcd aUon_l>' ag_inat Herr I i .1 mlptr attai k np n Prlnee BU ? i< he cxprented il. Theae worda ol Herr IHIdorf ranaed an nprnar. dnr .,,,, ||ed i ' r ii6 IU- b II rejieati , ,|? , f? nrlnc. *\ lien 4'.i- Iti rnc dogi I, the prcsldi iit alutrplj ralled llen llelldort to ? ? a> - THB i:'-i\\ AXTIaEMITIC LABW St'SPEXDED. lan. 1* i i ? - l'i ' ? \ friend li .m Riia .1 "'''? on M. Vl*hnc*n_d?kl ili [ Flnanrel with the .;? ? ' .; 'a li i the Antl iiii i tor ihree '?? i rhere li anrely a a*ood deal <f Iruth ln thc abova : li r I I i ? -. t Pi I dent ol "?Th. I | i . ? indi . ate, nl n, .:. ?: the re. I I irted by rabl ? dia J i"i'" i vIor been aiked for bj im- la wa? fiot d thU i me 1.4 ihc Roth - hlld . i ? '?? ? ,i ? i ,tal di i irard nl ili-- i.ppn - .ui rondltl m ol tln h hrethren. Hul then ... niih another motivc " hleh Im? ii lle- the i . Ing the applliatipn of llie nntl Ui bc iiii*. ? d. ?! f. I '?'?'' mntlv. waa forcabadowed ln rhe Trll.ui Pec. '-. I-'-:'. when ,i waa -aid Ihal lhe Imperial toni rltfa he ?' nl ? id] Inn the lle in i on had made .. aepori deeldedly ln favor "f II ? ? . ? md tbal the < 'iar waa per oppoaed t" lhe lyra nleal tai wmrea applled to Thal reporl haa nol been made public; t>*.<* rta poinli were tcmi-onVlallj known, and proved lhe i;-. lan lleurewa dul'v lurnUhed their cou ? ln ihc Nh.i..1 Army, nnd made Ihelr llvlug, md throusji u i"* ? ?'- ]- ''"' generullj lielleved, bul ? :il|iir-.,| .ir;-! . il -? Surh a ravotabla report, pn.ling from a tomml* ini]MM.ed ? *.' lu .Ivelj nl i .. ?ian l.iat. "iin al . v .i- ralrulated to prevcnl Iho anplli ition ..f tho new -??'iiiii" !*?-?? -. w I.i. Ii ?? a *U i' ??' he* amd a. re ta, be pul lu fon ? nl i ? I '???rn.ii.,- ol Uila P.ROPOSF.D ritl'M'll Dl I IEr* "N l.ARD. P, . Jan, li l'i'- tn lom tom i Ittee ?f t'i" ' '? ; ' ? ' ?:?!' 'I Uie prop iiltlon t" t ? ? ipon Urd, an >rd >, and I" admll ruel fr.f duty. i i . iu: ?:? .iu -... lhat u number "f i? r ii i-.-r- have wtirned the t.nvernmenl of : i i - tn pla." . Im oui dul ed on raw i -,-. ? itlne tn Itrd dtille the above en iikcn ..I Amerii-an pork pmdurta Int., | i '?? ? ? . re nf I irv, I--1. |, ? 7. 1 ? ' '"'' . | - i -I |he 1 l.itn Ilnn '?. 11. i' '? ? ' , I ..' .'. II 'I- t - ll I ,.r i.ti, ? i do. n ? ? ? : I i- ? ?-? ?I ? l!l Ite II ? i ? ??.<?: \i. t:i-f? : ?:? ' y vi '*?:( < ,X VDA. | , ? r i . ?? . lt I :? i ? : '?!.? ? , ? ? ? it the rtunor li uni* tb tl Un ' n ...-.- ' ' ? , - ? ? ' -????? ? , ? . <B/P f lv l I . ll.-1'hief 1 " ' -. nl. ? ' ? , .. I he ' U.e . ,.,,,.. ? Ih ver '?'" ' "' ln ? ?. ronr ? ; \n ' Kl " PHII. i '" I ''?'" ' BE I BS " pl - i . ? ? ? ? ? i ' "' 1 F.' ' ' ' ,! i. !,.- |. ,*n i pro. . . ' ' ? i ? ?? .. ? . ? ., ,.,, tfJ ? ? i orn.Ti ,.., i it. i ?* iti rn. nn . I II I .. ,. I I I" ' II 11.1*1 I'h. ? .. ,, :| , . S; and. ? ? ? .;, ir ?, /:? , xovGB ro rii i j i. ?. .,,.,. Me . .i. ii I ' '?? ' '' v l-'irnham. ? l tl pllbl ' it.'tni nl thal lll ' '' . kli?ii, n- ,-., thal ln- li -li-l-'l liim L-lf, wi ;d . ii, n., ;? ih.* i,"l[ l!" ,.;,. ?? iiiui d ud ???? peaniil i ; liiK iin, ?, r --I i" '??' wnd ? ? '?""?- al Iu- li . ,,, , ',,,? ., um . !.. ? Iie! itv ii" beni di. t. m, I,,,, ??,. |,?i,l d.irli.t, n ? ? . - . . !? . II .,? ? ,,i. -,.iv in 'in- town nnd no one Irlea t ? entorca ihe law. in/.i i.vo ro aa i hi bi ita n n *rai iahk a |,?rj |_rh, X. t., J iu. 11 -I'- i il) Jame \. Itradh-y, th.s Imiiider of A bnrj l"nrk, lia nn*. red to Ih,, : ,.,, ntl ' .mm Oeean ,, ,, . ,,, ,?.;l| i.^i,,.. mi I'.rndlej aUled tliat. ln ... ? ,1... ,,,?? ? ,.,?:?.! li ?" ? thc mr- reati I. tlons he .,;?! ,,|.,. ,i ei.fon ..i "ii the ?? wh mu-l lic i iintlnued I he pnije. . n.t- .. .tli ron ' . . ! ? : r. ir, 1 nriipe ?? la M Uwl ':."??*" il>"lt ' ;|il ! elotti ln lhe |.|. '. ' "!'' '';!' ippuii ? .1 ., i " i . ?.i- I!"' *? ???>' * "' ,l"' i s/ n ri I l "./ " ' ? '?;'*??' iii i '? ttEXiro, \ -, ? . ,. , . >, i . ' ,i. T !'.-i-l''-. dI Vtlauta, al Motxor ' (| ... in irkel i i lenl ll i/. '.: J ''' and .-th. r proml. m I ? ? ' >'? ' ' '"" '" i. .. ? .I, ihe bu Im ai d fl ill vl.all Molaoi i -'?? oa Januan - ? "' Inape I Ih pl n i '?' htch Mr. I ??'?"?- ' , rthiR i: r ? rbi '??'??? nmenl h. m ide Ih. I,.,,, ? |, | rtj ? x- from t ixaUon t * twenty UOHP. Kl "'/, VOB HK Bi LL H LEPBOXB CO. i,, i I,. .!,? 14. The i- ii r. leph ne dii rl .ra to i --' ?.'" '?'?'' ''" k Aprll l. Thla would alve ono aea I a . nl t tndl ig .i.i'l arill Im rcaae II.pil 'l ?< '' '" i ? ?' reri vol 'i t" rail a ip rlal I . ? oi itn on Januarj 97 to n.t on tbe ? dai 8EXATOB BVOVOETT ILL. i. ? Rrancb, X. J.. Jan N (Speei*?--r < <? Rul ? i ' ' '? ? home' u Tl" '? IW- He 44,- ihrealened wlth pneumoula. having had ., Utrhl '.?".-?? ii.f tbe hin? He la noa mfferina (rom .i .vi- .ni.-1. f i iiralrla pf thc hjdiicv*. iii conditian thla araalag, bawarar, la graatli Imgrarat. FoR QNLIMITED COINAGE, .1 LIYELY DA Y IX TIIE SEXA TE. llli: FREE-COINAGE BILL PASSED LAST JUNE FlhALLY ADOPTED 15V A VOTE OF 30 TO 21. THI FTNAMMI- BILL A.M) THC BTEWAItT AMENDMENT BOTH MIU \ -11 > i'. POR THE OLD MK.Ml'.i: TBE BKH -TE I'I C1D1 B 'l'" TAKE ._' TIIE il., ' TION I.II.I. OS wim il DEBATE WILL Hl.'.iv TO DAY AT KOON THE PROCEEDIXOS. [BT in KoiiAi'ii in ma rBiiuMj Waahlngton, Jan. i l.-The Stewart Uonnan eoa Htlon, which heen in eontrol "i llie biiaineai i.t the Senate for tl." laal ten daya, carried out ; to-ni.l.t ihe se< :ond parl of the prograiunic agreed 1 upon juat hefore ilu* iliaplacement ol lae Elcction ' bill, and senl Bcroaa agaln lo ilu* Housc 'he , iiloiiti'-:.! Free Coinage >>ill adopted durine tlie : memorahle Beaaion of June 17 laat. The efTort ' waa .hi expiring one, however, Bnd the coalitlon died witli th<* disappearanee of the allver queatlon ; aa a diaturbing elemenl in Ihe Senate. By i rate ' a.f :i:; to :t.'>? tl.a* Vice-Prealdent luv'ng ibe ...? I ai.inii; voice-the Eleetlon l.ill waa taken i-p ;i._':iin, and Mr. Gorman'a work of t!i" laat iwo weeka w..s completely undone. Thc Demoeratic leader held to tlie end .. half-doaen ><t the llepuh lican coalltloniata, wl... arere, jh*i i..?'->.. unwillin tn throw liim ovcrboard before tl.e Free L'oinngi bill had had time to _?-t icroaa to the aouth end "f Ihe Capitol. But wnh thc return ol tlie tw.i Idaho Senatora lo the ronka of the Republie in ma? jority, thc eijrht deaertera of Januarj' 5 u,,;'' re duced to leasthan a balanccof power, and wtl I help ol Mr. Morton the reaponaibie leadera i s.'i.;ati> agaln rcgalned eontrol of btiBineaa. Tlie ?ix Republicana who voted t.-n daya ngo to put aaide tl.e Eleetlon bill, and who joined the Dcnio crata t..-iii.:lit in oppoaini .r> conaideration now, were Meaara. Jonea and Stewart, ..i N'evada ; I Ihr Bnrj Woleott, of Colorndo; Stanford, ol f'allfornia, and Waahburn, ol Minneaota. They have now tieally committed thcmaelvca to the attempt.whieh \\t ....nn nt will ii" doubt rencw with ndded tn defeal the El 'ction bill. Bul if all I ra ' ol tlie Kepubiican Senatora stand llrm, thclr deaertioii r in '?"? 1k>i n. wil ? 'I he debate on thc Electi *n l.ill wlll .in ,,i tliosi' coi lid 'nt pn ph ,.;s w hn i.n ' o weeka liave had il bnrie?l i..,..,,. i| rea rc The form in whieh the Free Coln-ge blll pasaed I the Sei itc lo iii rht " .- ni onee a *?.? ? , nl. Mr. Stewart'*, ?. ? , nnlv one whleh the i o tlition I ? ?! on it* ;, , : nn ,? \. 1 -i-n the I ' I - ' ' . .. ?... ttii n l i ' ?- ' ' Whole, late ,| ? ?? iiflernoon l.v a vnl.! 1 ' to ?' But. M riuinb and ml er ' frie "' were nol ? >n tent ? ? ?? .rl pi. " ' ? V and a!. and the h u soa Scn lor es'i - uijjit 1,, iiflix to it vnrioua proviMO'ia relutinj to Na ? ., || bankh and l?i*nU e irren' \; nn i notei wl Ich led lo divWon in . ? . af the ? ?'n.ii nn tremc delnj, and disorder iu the H - ? t tli ? ,? ?l thr- hlll. Mr Pl imh wtia bcatcn de , iaiv. ... on his i hi.-f prup. - Hoi to rep tional Iwnh curreney withdrawn trom i.ircn I '.,?. i..._i i.'i...|. r taauea an.l hia proareaa laaleade; of tln- combiuation effea tuallj chca ked ... ,.|,, Unallj pi. hed in the Stcwarl propoall gelf, and when the N'evada Senatora Brheim -..,! in thc Senate ahortly before raidnight M waa ael aside hodily, and the Plumb-Teller Reagun .,,. i,| i ? itimmer was n.-tnseitated. Tlie te mi BiloptinK thia Bubstitute waa .I'J to lajoriiy of 11, agalnat ;< nav ,,t i ?., : iai Biimmer t u thi t-aiue ,.- fnr unlimit. tl i nin ? . - 1 hc c rl er vote ,i i ? ,,, in nn the Stewarl nmendmenl ia amilyzed ..-, ihe lin ,1 r >ll call, three Sen itora were niivMi,.- nn the fi-e.e..ina_e aidc and tw.i on t1." Mi humb, wh? vnteil Mr t i<- Sl ? >rt iiinn, ii?" 'ti..' 'li- iMed, evidcntlj. at I i ? i.f thc cn lition to aiipport his le il tender ?. . ml il ; ed . \ .1.i the ! i?t rollw*aII. . :., in iel iii on *' c rrce-a ' ?' '"?'" ?a.i*. .. ?* i, 11 owa; Ve.- M< -:- Vllcn, Rarl , ll ite, ; . . ,.. kn-ll. < nke. H iel. I . man. Ilmnptoii. li \. . . i. ,. M. ? icll y ii .. >| i. ni, r.'i.'. ?li, Pa*. >, i'??'*' '? I''.--''- *?? ' i.t. i--l I - -1. 'i .. \. : Va trh*' ? . w ilth.ll, Wnlr .11 '? '? \ , ,;. , ?- ?.?. Vll ...-.' ,-"? . ?'..! :?, UlXa.n, I nlpll. l..!t..:r lt. I'.-.' I -. I >" ?'? II , .!??.,-. ih -... ll ? H. ir, M< Mlllau, Pliill Qi. ') ? - ? -? ., .'...-. . V, Im.ii I InM ll, ',' " ? -"? |.,.!,.. \ at'cne* ni Ihe Senate have lieen the ? ? , rdin m in the lifc ol ihi- foi , , .. ,..,.,, -,,, pi ,. i ia '?? l md ^>> i-\. it nu ha ? ina ? | ,s! tw , j-earn :,, . -,,,,n hniiib .nd l?*ii ?*!"':.t in ,. 1": w i mglc ovei I l.c .iel iii* "i ihe pnn | ,,.,,- ..,. llill IIC .1 l> tWO-tllira s lll .lll tl,e in.-in .-is .'l thc Senate wen- in llieir aeata m ,.;,..,. ,,i hand in thc . I.wk rooma. thc .. illerie. ..,,.,,. , rowde I, and e\crj i.mi oi llfieen i tiiiute* K1W .ni :ii:ini ,t."l nnd oftcn liii_lil> |te - p .*.*.,..- ..I ..iu.-. . li the floa likel) i" be witnesaed in thc ne\l i.-w ilaya, r?r ,j(. |{i>piililican programme now eontemplalea an .,, i, ,- .ii,,| ileterruineil elf.?rl i" pans .. t , l.,.,. rlebute and action immediatelj ihereaftcr ? ni ihe Elcction bUl. M\l "!' THE BILL -DfiPTED. Tl.- Silver bill adopted to-nlght by the Senate will I.- familiar to all who took an iiitcreal in Uie frce-coinngi* atrujrgle ol laat sumnicoj lt i,., |a aa followa : tion 1 ? ' I i" r "'?' 'I-i'' ' ' ,,r .,, ? .,, i tho unlt ..' vatu*. ln ti..- tmt. .1 stai * -? . 'n,,. ,i,,:,i >,,i i? ? -,n,. mar i..,."1 ol 112. .'?>.* .' I . | ,,, ,,r .?, .-* |0 .,.i;,,* ,.' *:.i,, :?:i ro .. .,> '? ad for i ?' W i . , ifi . mi) owner ot alb . i ? ,, ,; ,?,.it i.?, un ,.t ..i.v Bital ot Ih.t I'i II '1 I ii. * 1 dollar* ,-i bar* * hl? ,,, | v... . , ? ut lt -hall b ,?,, d.tXMll .,1 1 *- I '?'.' ''?'" 9100. '.: .,.?? ?, i,,-. ,. ... i.. _ii?iilUt*l :., Ui i Ba) ih. provUI >u* ol ?*? tion :t ol ... ... t t . ,,,?,.,,. ? inaae of th** .Unda.d -it. . dollai ind ... i in , ;...;.i i . whlch be.-i. i laa IVhru.r* ..-*. 1878. are .'. ri'hj > "'? ' ?'i'l"il ''?'' l" ,i; ln thi* ... I pravlaVd lor, j. ii,.,' th ,. rtlfl - l for In I 4 . , , - | . an.l Bll *.i, Bir, ?iv ,-1 .hall i.I '; ,, ,,, .i ,,, i. than -H" i : ,.. r. ,i.,. ?;.i,: - tu roln ol l . -...?,. i-i.u ?un. to '?''? out lh? l?'oi ippn prlate..I ."?"?> '" "' ,10| aihrrwlae a|.|.roprlaU*J bjr tha provLlon ... I . x - ,f h> - -? ?ll"d An ,,,?.,,? ?f the rtandard ailwr dollai d ,? ,, . ,. t.?.!.r characU-r." ahlch requli-* , ?r th. 'i.-.-'.tv '.. [ior haac ?" ""' -?"*-**? ,.,1... ti,.r,..f nol leaa I I ' u'"r" "' '"v" j,,,, ??, ,?.r miii.ti,. .? more Ihau N.000 arortt pn . , r.? eertlOa "?- pwvld*d to. In thl?aitand ui ?Ilver aad ' ' ' ' " "h '' ,:' ' '":' ' ;'; -,,* and diiea U. 6e Lnltd Nta , , , , ,-.,.a, .., U ? ., ,,? ,n ,... bl i, public >."l prlvale. :!'. '. 'I'h.i owner. "' hull. depo-41 i fo. ?? Mmll-avoU.Bortuoltj I ',v?^ "?'? ovldedforl.act. aml aoch buUUo , i, -, '-. quenl raai apaa Uw paaaai.I '''- act, the balaaa - ?undlna wlt* Um Traaaarer ol ti,- I'nited Sttte. ... th* ,(V? eredlt* ol Na?on*l tan*.. for d ,. ? ' "f -;?'' '""? ' - then after received I-hall be ,, T ,._., rv ... :, i.n.- ii.....,...- rv. .:' ind Ui.> 1:...,.,,. ?| th Unlted SUI - ahall >? t .... from ||? ?_'. .?!.?[ .:>-!. I" UW 11- :..,.. > "... ? ? _,g ,,.,.,.. ft aaid baaka whla h maj . ?"??? '"'-' i_* v Baaaalaa, whiaet t.. redamptlaa; ?ud uuou _m earil. Beal ? i.f um Caatrolh r ..f tbe Carreaey 'hst a.i<-h nntea have relved l.y Inni and tlut thev liav.' been d.-atro.ved, and that m. aaa i,.,fa mju |? laaaed ... thoir pla.-. , r?-lm. buraemeni ..r Uid. a..ial ihaU bc aiade ia tn.- Tr.-aant-cr. under raeb retuiatlaaa aa Uu Seeretary "f Bal Tlaaaarj i-.u- prearrlbe, tnaa an ipprnprlatlaa 8 reby etaaaaa, to ba _noa_ as "XaUaaal baah Balea- laitBtptaia a.".nt." bnl Ibe prorUlana ,.f tM- aet ??hall nn*. anply to th. depoalta reeeived aottt Beetioa :i "f th.- Ad nf Jaas ?? i baah ta keep la hwrtal I money wlth the Treaaaret ,,f th" I'nlted Statea a sua . iquaj ?" 5 per rrentum ,,r the clrealatlen, la i*- hid and ! u*'d tor the redemptloB nf lu elreala-ai Balea, and thu balaace remalalhg ol tba BVpaalla .-<> t-ewt-red taall, at, *,he ?' ??' h month, bc .-, eted _ Hm BMat-ly pabUi - ?? ii''.i oi ui- b'atted gattea bfaibn aa [ta paaaage [eavea the situi.tinr. maeh ns it waa last June, thoilgb the " ..f silver" nf thia \e;.i a free-colnage meaanre ean erwiv paaa ii..- Houae. II -.4.11 bave ta make a Baah hctter ahowlnt; there in thal pvem thaa it .lul in-'l iy in thc Senate. I ?? *-ii*\v.ii-t-(,.-i,:,:,?: COalttaO- Unw in Onnlrol nf thc hoaineaa ol lhe *senr\tt* rnrrieil out earlier in tlie day Ihe aecoad part ..f the progranimc airreeil upon iuai helore the diaplaca n.eni of I'.* Kleetion hill, ainl paaaed tbe Nevada Senatora miicli-advert^aetl measnre f"r the un llmited uae ol allver aa money. lt was apparenl long ago tbal anv free-coin age proposition would bave bb raay parhway thraugh tiie Senate, hul the rote by arhloh Mr. Stewari auc-reeded thia Bfternoon, fell, if anv thing, decidedly ahort ol tbe itre-gtb arblch tlie coalition waa counted ..pnn t.< develop. U.e vote mi Mr. Siewart'a ameadmeut w.-.s 12 la 30, as againal 1 i to .'1 last June on the Plumh amend ment?an apparenl falling ofl ?.i seven in the free*. eoinage majority, The "frlenda of silver'" losl four votea, however, whleh they woul.l probaMy bave gotten under other clreumatanoaa. lietwo South Dakota Senat rs. who voted tor free eoinage last mi imii nr, bave lioth been ai.scnt rrom lhe Senate alnce tln* Fimncial iill ) :>> i .-.'ii under conaideraUon, an.l both nivli-ti-'l tn make any arran_e_ienl ior the trans fer >.! tlteir uaual palra wlth Democratic Senat.h-b tn Republican coHeaguea wbo oppoaed freeeata> ?A-i\ They were iccordingl.v lefl paired aritk Measra, Ranaom and llearat, who were ahsent, aad ition was thua deprived ol tour votea wblch woukl uaturalL' beve heen caal ln its aupport. \\__ (Jaaey, oi 1,'ortn Dakota. who baa chane ol ih" |fp|>tililican pi Irs, made an actlvc eilnrt to reach thc two South Dakotana, telegraphlng t.? tin-iii scveral daya a?o for inatruetlona, hul get. ting uoiie, and no hlame can attacfa lo bla f"r niakina the uaual diapcMtiona a-itb Mr. Faulkner, hip nt ih.* i.i :.??;? -ih-. t; iiii.ii ai Brst glance the free-coinnge coalition waa dlapoaed to thlnk lt |,a(| I,,.,.., ii, i !,? tn auffer hy lhe arrangement. \;, Woloott, "I (.'olorado, raiae<l a questlon aa to the pnira aaahrned to Meaars. Moody and IVtti ._,,.u. hul is nohody would ahow anv anthori tutlve direetion from ilieni, tlie anneaneenaenta . ,,,. allowetl ??' atand oa orlarinnlly made. llie i!le_, "t vVaab ..-,;, ?? i t .? i'i... - '? ComiBlttea ,?| ; .- , : M' ?:-. - lOUp Bttd M?> . uniiell, thc Sc ' * ti '??? Ida .. On tne other . : free eoinage gained tha intl VVarren, ol VV/oaaiac S Mr. Hl.iri. nl S'ew-llamp4.liire, and Mr. Blodfett, nl Sew-leraev, botli ol whom aua-ported Uaa Plumh ,. ,ii lai.1 yeat ..;i I were pair.-i and M Davia, ol Mlnoraota, w |m . . ? i June withoui a palr. 'I iie i . ? . - ? ,i i ? i tlie free ooinga ciituliination rr. m laal ae_.ion waa therefore, aevea ,, :,.. which, afi.'i all the predlctwna aaade so II illj ,.s io tlte -_i-?.n%ir.^, .v ntini.'tit in Ihvef .-I the free ,;** ol allver as money, i^, t.? aay tlie Icuat, encooraglnjs l*i thoae who have not yet liruughi Uienaaelwa to aea tha ariadoaa af aunpttag tn" allver stmii' ird. The vote .u. iree coinane broke party liuf*. on both aidaa "i the chamher, thougfa Mr. -onaaa was thouffht al "n" time t<. bave gotten every Democral pledcrd t" helpearry oui tbe bargaln bf whioh th" Kleetion hill waa ihelved tea daya ago. )?, r FJaatern Democrata, Meaars. Mclliereon 8-4 i:|. .i.cti. ..i New-Jcrae.v; l.ray, "i Delawaie, ami Wilson, '.i Maryland, csme oui openly ln appaaia tion io the coalition und voted w.tii the Finanoa louintiilee. Seventcen Republicana, however,aup? port e.l ii," Stewari ametidmi at, aixteen *.? ? tn._. I r i. 'lire.-tlv aml oue, Mr. *iuire, ol VVaahlngton, haviug .. imi lu ita tavor. "i llie aeventeen i":t uiie, \|i. . .nn ron, repreaented a State eaal af the Muaaoiiri Kiver Im othera eame ii"n. rnlnlng Statea or Stati- afili. i?l more or i?*>s wlth tbe pre vailina . ..i/>- i"i "cheap money." JThe fnll lial <?f Iteptililicana who voted for fnw colnaite Ineluded Meiwr*. 1'addiM'k and Manderton. ol Nebmtai Plumh nnd lm:a!ls, ol Kansaa; TeltVrand Woloott, ,,t . olor.ido; Stewari andJones,ol Sevada; Shaaip [, ,., no ;. ..i Idaho; Power an.l San.l-'rs. ol \ ? ?: and S'i'iM.*. "i VVaal ington; Mitchi 1. "i Or ."ii: Stanford, ol Calilornia, aud . nncron, ol Pcnnaj Ivanta. I ae vote ni tletail on Mr. Slewart's rree-ooin8_8 ,r,nl in.i\ i"- api* inh-il ' '?'?' i1* followa: N. ,-. \,. - VI ? '' ? ] . . .li, ? ? , ,. , . ;;.. li > -. .1... -'v:. ' N Irt'oijiwll ';:;''t'"-' d _, .?...,.. ['iiyne. i lumo. . I'lJKli. ,.. .... .. raatld'-l ? r-holip. ZaUnlord. S C, | , vaiiic. \'-t. \oorhee*. ttaltha.l, Mi'.'---. Mdrli h. ? -? '">"*? rulk-m. li, . IH ii. Dolp >? Kd nnndN J-a. : - iVry<;, '??>. , . luwlet. ii-- ' - III.? H"- ? M' M",,';' ?' w ,:;-... w lahburn, ttiU -i loara), aTUaa d ui folloas: Me tn. 0* .ad i lah Ken ia and lae Avll: ||,*ar-t and i'-u.??>??? itaiuire and l.lodseit. i..,?,i, .,. ,i rinii .11 . . i urUaki md Plerca; Baaaoai '? rt M ?'" - -i.n i sei it* -- ' '? worl on tbe Flnanclal titii ratlier l u lil; Mj Iii ?Ua opened tbe dehat* in ih" rn..inni ? with .. Iirilllafll two-houra' apeaajh, whieh wns Ihttened '" l*> rreal erowda in the gale leries, Mr, Iniralla'a apee h ia reprodneed in an . ..ln..... in port. ??* :1 eapital exampla ,,. ihe brfflltncj ol the Kanaaa omtor'a rltaHotia, whatever may la? aaid ol thc Intrlnaic value af tlte opinlomi he pxprraaed, or the aoundneaa antl i,,, ,. ,,i thc logic l;e employs. Mr. Ingalls. talk i,,,ii\ was ii.'i..".i. no doubt, t.. e'xpreaB tba i 8 -,., m,.:,-. and aentimenta ol the State .m.l the 8*0. ,,,,,, 0f ti.ountry whieh be repreaenta, an.l ls aournl ine note ol di4jcontcnl aad wearineaa over Hnaneial conditlona wblch bave been growing ap* parently in v..liiini* in iu* part af the world, as ? ;,,,-. aad, ii" douht, a Juat lefleetioa al the ave* iire Southweatern feeling an Snanelal and kindraa .,,.,.-.ii.-ns. The BtM.h xvill prove. perhapa, i> novel and Uiatructlve t i the Eaatera rea.ler. ut tever he may thlnk ol tbe extravaganee "f at intent, be will surelj c. ncede tbeemph ti i, tiie force nnd Uie rlietorical Ingenulty wlth arhieh the Kanaaa Seuator Imu Ireated bia topiet, aad appreeiate the autiafactlon wlth wblch !.is oration ia likel) lu l>.- recelveil by the conafitueacy whess views, however erratie and dartorted, be aa *?kii fullj nnil hrllliantly ^.\'*s vo ae ta. M, j , ,.v ,,, Sevada, followed wlth anothef l, ii. and carelullj prepared arguraenl Ib favor ..f a rhcapcr currency i"" ib.;""'' etaaaaa la tl>e and ii waa alter 3 o'elock xvhen thc tea* minuta rule waa deetare-1 fonaally in force. Mr. ...iiniiii waa evldently bcnl on delay ITom the lirst aod he kepl tln* active Denio-ratk t-.lkei> like ii.?,,-? ilorgan and Vest, oontinuaUy diaeuaal-C antendmenlB only to block the way. lle biaaarlf ulTered ibe mmllrled lree*-??lnaae amendaaenl bbc .,'-t...| tlie other day i-y Mri Stewart, llmltiag tht illver t' be eoine I free ol ebarge 11 the Amerkaa product Mr. Stewart aaid be wonld i>e sat.*.;iei with thia, ilnce it woul.l ra:se lhe prioe ef all American illver aome t\*niv eenta an MUM8. aml H looked for a few minutea ? ? lf th i ea-mproaa-Bl ? | The Demi cratie Senatora gen* erally, however, oppoaed tbe CM-ln-mn ,.i foreign ailver, aml attaeked lhe iim Ited plan aa uae alaaply la tl.e in t.'rest oi muie owners and bullion UuUkft. ^*x?