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) Uormaa thea withdrew the modifled J>ropoaition, and ; aubatitute wa* |,i<***i.t.<. *>.\ Mi -VM rteh. providinu foi u returii ... the Nilver otaage Bla exiatinii l*?l.theallegeJ underhanded deinoii. Cti. .t,..n nl which the Irienda of ailvw bo bit trilx comiaained Mr. Stewart oHd nol want the olil law re enacte.1, however. and he ituck to tha' lexl ui hia origin? ' ol January - \tt.*r n long and weartaome diaciiBBlon a vote a - I.-.,. ...-.I mi adopUna tliia aa on Miendment t*a *-,. ,,,,,, i "f ihe Finance tomtultteea bill, and t e Senate divided, 13 for tbe Stewart pr .poai i rial io againat lt* The real "f feection -t. nuthorlzins the laa ie of 2 per cen1 bonda I I ii'no ii t ot '. Waa then Btricken oul by a vote ..i 4s to IO. Mr Sherman and many others helped t.. make thla e.xeieJon on the ground thnt Mr Stewarl B free-coinage icheme ahould be maale tu aland alone ln ita attractiveneaa or deformity. Mr. Sherman aaked, ln fa< t. to have all the other aectioi ? ' I 'he original i ili thrown overboard, and Ihe free-coinage one p" to >'. Ihlrd readlng and hi*i.t ta. thc llouae. But thia did not ault Mr. I'luni'i and other advo ratea ol st ili greatcr inflation. Tho Kanaaa Sena t .,- prod.K .1 a rlnaneial bill which be had iifii" ditced carlv m lh. Mssion, aml st'.rtc.i in t teveral ol its arctiona, upon Mr Stewart'a free-coln ,-.l?. maaaure. Hia lion, whlch waa adopted without tiiiieii tronble, limited thc comptil >r.v . - nuiremenl nf depoaita ol I'nited State* b .nda with thi* Treaaury i>\ Nai onal banka to Sl.ouo, thua inabling the Imiixa t., aurrender vaal .|iiantil i i???!s ih ? held Bt pleai ire The nexl aection nu il,..r;/i-.l tha- replaeement >.f t,ho Satla nal bank cir? culation aa tt waa retired by Treoaury notea, nml thua lareed upon the Senate a irrnve and Importanl queation, on whioh flie free-colnage eoaJltion pteemed ahoul to drift to pler*. |i...'iltrv deh te w a reauroed, nnd an evei a aeaaion was found to be inevitahh*. For aome three houra Mr. Plumb'a inflation Bchemewaa -.i with growing ill-feelini; between thc tv. i -riii.-s of the f.r.liji.," and finally Mr, Gorman and Jif-r l?.". : .1 .- Senatora turriM ln with the ?nance f'ommitlee and its fiiemls und alefeatcl Be amei dment. After still more aiciny and Metion Ihe Stewart amendment t'ot rlnally ont ,.f Committee of thc Whole int'. the Senate, and there. by a trif-k of lewrderiiain. Mr. Veat quickly auhatittited for It th,- Free Colnage bill of last yr-;ar. The chanire waa approvi i bv nearly all the " friends of silver." ruei?pt Mr. Plnmb, and the bill in its new lhape then wns read a tl.ird titno anal pnssed ihe Scnnt. VETAILS OF TIIE DEBATE. CENATOB CfGALLSf. P.ftlLLTAXT SPEECH. Tiir OKXS1U1 DEBATE UBDEBTHE TEBMlBTJfE nn.r.- mk. vkst ASTOmSHES THE BEHATB BV HIS tUBKlTUTB ? DECIMHG TO TAKE IT TIIK. ELSCTIOH Blht* fhaaUngtoa, Jan. lt.-l-i betrlnnin? lha toal day''* ?afcate on lha Flnancial MII Mr. Ingalta mM thal there -..-??a- two portentoaa eviis whleh menared Ihe aafety lf thr- did BOt eadaoger tlia* exi-ten.'.' a.f tho Rapvbll*. Tha ?i.>t was Igaorant, defcaecd, degraded, ipnrlooB ?nffrafte, feetered it-traaa, aaffrafa contaailnateil hy the trealeot aewage of deeayed n.?ti.iii-, anffrage in i.PiidHtori lappraased In lha Boatb, aatrrage Imptire K'.fi eerrapt, apathBtk and tadifaranl In the sn-at iiIim ?.f tt- Korlh; -" that it was doabtfal lo his mlnd wkether f"r hkll a reatary there had been < t lentlal eleetlon In thi* eonntry that eipre*dj*d Ihe ieHberata affl lnteltlf*on1 judenient ef the whok 1 ody ei lha Amert. aa i ple. Ho then vfcrred la the newepaper lntcrvlew lisid with him aararal manlhi ?eo ln whleh hf* hid said that thf* ....1'iavi i;nir aad lha Deealofua had no pia.-c In nn Amerimti eaaapelgn. it aeeaaed npei-aoaa ... as* ), thnt in thal attaraaca he was not lacakatlng a rtoitiine. bai deaerlbini a c.iidition. Ili- Btalement was a Mat< BMBl "1 fa. I : BOt BB a:i...'nii' emenl of fa.tli. l.ut mai.y pavaranal aiil rniina**'t dlvlnea, many dii i -.-.v-tod caiito.---, ii... % Inganaoaa oratori parveit d thla ?tteraara Into a personal advocaey of laapniity ln i>>i!iir?. Hoiii.i aol ronplala. lt araa, a* the world weat, irK'" politleal warfara. Bat lt waa an llta*trattaa ?.f n.e truth lhat tln* GoMao H.iie and tha Daraleffaa oaght t? have a ataee in politleal eaai palgna. "H thy enemj amlta Ihee on on" an.-k. lan lha ather,*1 ??* a _aoi prtxepi to follow. liut he wmild observe that untll that preeept w.ts more (*?"iierHlly ohserved tltan r had beaa, or aa Ukaljr lo be, if hla pollilcal eaamy amaw Ma* on one rheek, knitead al taJralnn to Mai ^he othrr, ba ?"..iii aaatte hhn anaar the tpitt end i f in* left rar if ln- .aniM.|..'lit"r.) If that ba poUttoal nn moraiity, he m..*t i.e inelaaa. amoiiR Um anregeaer ated. Ti..- K! rtlon was intended ta deal wlik one part of Llie pnat evll to whiah lu; had allufla-d, but it waa aa Imaarfeet, a partta) and mrompMa i-rn-dy. vi..|i'in-e wn* bad, bat fraad waa ao battar; and it wai m.iiv flaagBiaai becaase it wa. morf- ln_Mloaa. Barfea bad s.i'i la oaa "f bla baaaartal ..ra looa, whleh aaapded Um Hoaaa ef Oomaaona, bai wnleb woald bc r<mi a* lotiK n- lio r.t'^'li*li t..:.i.iie amild endiii-e. that when Um i*>*.s ..f ureal Dritala wera nol atraag aooagh to lha >..u*:-t Hlndoo on lha banka "f a tiaagca, ;. n , leman \\.i* nol iafa la Jiuj aaatte on i. i of iha iintii'-*. Ti.a; loftj aantteaat wa* praa aaal wrlk admooltlon i., u*. Thara < <>ulti b? na. ??? and ao Btabk* and permaneni aaaee In thi* ?.. nitry aad nnder Ihli (toverntaent, untll it waa Ju*t a* *if- f-r Um i i:.''K Repablleaa to v..t<. ta Missi*-ippi a- lt nas for tlie whlle 1> tBO) ral to vole ln Kansas. Ci.MMI'NT t.\ CAP1TAL AND CAPlTALlaTS ti,? .,., rnd evll to whlch be bad Bdverted wa* lha tyranny nl romblned, i nrentrated, rentrallaed, eon Belerfealaaa aad tocot*poraled rapltal; and lae people . p. , aiaMoring tha sraat probleru now, The eon r-a :-nre ot the Nation waa ibocked at tlie InjUBtJ t ei iiifsiern sf,.i,-t>. tlte mora] lentiment ..f manklnd i.-d been aroaaad at Ihe nnequal dhrtrtbutlon of waalUi and at the tui.-.jiml diffuitoa of lha t..ii'd.-iis, b'-ne'lt anfi pttvlleajaa of ? ?? i.ty. At the beglnnlng of the Kfr.xnii aaataiy tha American reopie had baeome pro foiindiy eonvtneed that t;.-* balM was i.ot the paaaeoa f.,r the avlla ol *.-.< .'-tv. that it had nol abollahed pov> rrtr nor diiniti)*Jied injii*t:.e. Thev had dlicovered ihat poUtkal eqaahty 'i"i nol raaalt In aoetal fra ternlty; that nnder Deaiocraey tlie ronrenttation ol<-r power in fewer haoda wa* inore possible than ntid.-r a mojiarriiy. Oeorge UraahtagtOB, the flrst Preetdaat of tha Repablic, had, when h" -lie-i ln 17??, th?* jnuest private fortnaa tn lha I'nited state*. tdneh of lt had rome bv inlif-iit'.n.e. but thc FutliT of hll .-..liiitry. In add itlon ta h.* other vlltaea, had br-en a im.'lent, aaga. looa, thtift.v and forehanded man. who knew a prmd thuiK when hc -.?' it-a preat w?y off. He had had an eye t.< the main rlmnK'. Aa a NW vayot in hla >outh he had obtamed iDMWlBife whiah aaahlad Um la aaaha aaeaadlaaly rataabla locatlona ou Um paha> atnaaafa The aatabUalunant <>f tha Ra tlonal _.iilt;d n the Immedlate vlrlnliy of his patri utr.nial poaatiiilTmi bad i."t dlmlnlahad their value. .Ml of Ma bei ,i t-'inps, at thc Ubm of hls death, raa. bad thc aaaa total af betwaaa efgM and nine hundred thousand dollar'. Thnt was l.-** than a e.nturv a.o, and tt i*. within baaada bo n| thal al tha peaaeat time ihere are BBB-f BCOraa of BMn and of rorpiration* ln nn* eoontry wkiaa annnal ltnome (aad tbare baa baan ,.ne aaaa wheaa monthlp ravBaaa) axeeadad tin* eatira a., iitii'iiMt.iiii- "f ti.a* rlckaal dtlaan "f the Unlted htate* at th. end ol the la-t reatary. The pa.ptilatloii Of tha I'nii.n UMB :..:;0O.(X.!) at.d tiie aatlmatrl wealti. of Um eoontrj was between ikraa aai loar Ikoaaand mllllon ai.,iiir*. Tbere v... ?,.t a adUtoaalra and thara wi* n..t a tramp or pauper im Um aaaatry. A muBttada ol aaaalI (artnera eon t.-nt.-iiiy UDed tha aotl; and on thc r,.a-t a raca "* OibiBBiiin and sailors, ownlng UM rralt whiah t!**> ?.all-*d. wn'Sted UM sal-i-ta-ii. e froni tln* ItOf-my BBB. I i!..,r was tho rule anal luxury the axaatpk. Tl.c prayee "f \c^r was Mmb abaalatelj raallaed. Then* \.?s -n. tthae pavartp nor rkhaa." Waea tiiat Uaaa Vtn giawth in wenltli and BB-Bhan of the 1 nita-'t ,-Utc- had haal no l'iv. edeiit In tho buUdlng <'f Ika pe.'iiie af Ike Caltad atates aow perforated one ttnrd of tka world'a BBtnlnf, aae-roarth of ii- auna faiturlnit. t.neiUth of It* fanninK. and poaaeaaed eaa* ,\V.\ .-? lt*- ... i sii.Hilated arealtk. Tha 1'nit.d states had t^conie Uve weallhiest naU >n ou the f*as? ,.f thc eartji. Iu propress exeeeded tl.e IcthMM ef tlie AlBhlaa l~fkkl There wa*. BOthlBi lii the story of Aladdln that rivalled it. II was without parallel or prec-dont. The Natlonal ledger would *how a baJ aaaa to it* eradU of between ?lxty and leventj' tliou nr.d m'.Ulou d(Jlar_?enough to mai.e every man, woman und chUd under tho flae comfortable. H-* had raad la thc- awnlrlt paper* the lud r.ct heard tt* Mr. .->.'. rmaa'a ipec-h. a c.nsideraUe part of whleh h.*. l.-en devoted to the dclence of milllonaire*, who liad been ip-fccn of as thc " froth on the beer." Mr i-herman-Not niillioiiaire*, but spcoulator*. Mr. Ingalls-They are nearly the same; for tiie m;IIionaire-. ar-* not th.- produrers and lahorer* of the eountry. They are arrayed ii'..e "fetoaaoB m lu, flor* bBt ? they toll not, neitlier do tli-y Bpln." Yaa Um rneaa gaat a. innlatloBa have imt baan lha r auM of ladoatry aad .nooiy. There .....ild he no protcal ai*?.iii*t thetu if tlie) w.-r.'. ??THF. HOME 09 THE K1CH AK1?THE LAND OP TBE M.AVl:.' ,,!* i !_'.?*! tba .ana-ttlute "f the man wl l .. .?? Ipt i.: Mlllni more lre< r ?hlc!l ?' .- 1" -??" ?' - iToth, applied lt to tl.. r/hara bad been bmb ro-i. aaaaih, ha aaM, t.? laeaejaa wkaffear any man eoaM *hnw a falr and leiznl tltle to two hiir,dred inillloti aloi'ar*, or to one tiundrod mllllun dollars, or to ten million dollar*.. lf he wer* pal on Ma volr ''ire h woaM iiea.iu.tJ- befora admlttlng thal ?'? ,f civinp juat roapenaetli n and equleajente, anv man In ?mntry br any other country, bad ever ? olui -ly earncl a mUBoa dollu-. The people ' ' tl ?,.*d to iin. '? nceptlon ol the lacl thal 1 i .-? ti i.uin ii the pr iperty ol the i Into the bandi ol Ui ? i whom lhe i by (-iiph.-iiii-:i, tbe They were nol "I tbii rountry al< nc. tbe Onancial and aoclal syatam "f every ? i.'.'v were men of no p lltli . ol aU natl - I and no prindpla hut 1 ition ol t1.- :. iman race. ? -..- b an I ' '? the iva < whoaa toaeb everythlng turned to g Id, lu acqulretf, oal ol tl - ' ? ai ed b] the htbor ol aii. a lam U al m - d valaa ol four ol fhe ia - ??? "..t- many time- more than tbe entlre w. ili ol ihc BepubBc when II waa fonnded. Thli waa .'n- m terribkj commentary i ? ' d In tl e ' tnd Nero Bddlad while Rome burn ??'? I by wblch theae lortunea wera arqulred wero lerlna, -!-?' al prot ean wai going on wlth ronatantly and frlghtlully .... eleratlng rspWIly, b ? *v" were aei aatomed lo tpeafe ol thli aa the land of the free and lha home of the brave; and ll would toon b. home of the rl h and lhe land of the ilave. II i wonder t in.t the tobtarlng and agricultural i laaaei ol thia country bad al laal awakened ; and the ipe. nlatoi take warnlng. Befarrlng to lha lat** election he aaid tbal it waa rjoltitar a BepabHean defeal nor a Deotoci ttio i it araa a greal aprlitag, Independenl ol and luporlor i > both poUtlcal partlea. II waa a crtali thal mlahl bc,- n eataatrophe. ii waa a peai-eful ravolntlon. ll" Bttrfbatei the depreaaion In lhe country ir. greal BMasara to tbe arroone-iatlon aet ol 1878, Hedkl noi eiaiin thal thal ael had been paased fraaduleatly. Hli onlj eaphtaatloo of tta pasaage wai tliat both hoaaai ol Congreat aad ihe Prealdent had been hypnoUaed by Ute money pawer. WHT HK PAVOHfl FRF.E COINA'.l". He had not the -lij.-l.te-t rloubt that a greal BMjOTtty of tl.e people, Irraapactlve of party, were In favor ot tha free eoinage. <>f allver, and had beon for lhe laal liiteen yeara. They had been "pattered aitb Iti ? hen*?o" and thelr wiu bad been Ihwarted, dafled nnd coataaneBoaely trodden nndar foot. Waralnea ai monl-oni had been plenty in thli debato; bal be won d say to tiio?<* who ware avrayine themaelrei againal tha deUberaltely eapreeaed |adgmaotol the American people ?ho woaM aay to tl.e Seaaee, to the Boaae and ro tha Esocntlve tbal lhan woaM eome a thne whaa tba people woaM not be trBtod wlt* on Ihli aobject. goma Ume tha people woaM eJeet a Houae of Bopreaantatlvea. h ?.(?uate and a Prealdent who woaM earrj onl party pledgea aad exocate lhe popular 44 ill. The polltical power ol tl.e Nation bad been tiaaafarred Irom the rlrcumlerence to the rentre and t ho p-*'.ple of thal centre were anaalmoaaly -emaadiag trm ctrlnaga ? illver. it araa for thal reaaon that he abouM cordlally tupp -it ttH* ainer.dmiTit ol the BenatoT from Nevada. . in doing ao be wouM nol only follow the dlctatea ol iu- bwn ludgment, T>..t wonM carrji out me uishea ol tbe greal amjotity of bla conatltjap-te, Irraapaetlra of p-rty or polltical aShations. Mr. IngaBi referred to the New Tcstament relation of the Q-estton pal to Chrlat, whether lt waa lawfol lo pay tribule to Caesar; Hia ealllng for th" trtbnte - und aaklng whoae Image anri aareracrlptlou it wa Hia replyi "Iteader anto Caeaar tl.e thlnga thal are Caeaar., and to Ood the thine-i thal are GatVs." Ha beM. 1." aaM. between hli Bager and tkamb h allvei denarlua, or penny, of thal andenl Ume, bear Image and laperaeription ol Caeaar. it ii?n i-'. money for more uma rw-ati eenttjirtee, and woaM rontinaa lo be money Ior twenty ceattuiea more, ahould il -> lone realal the eorr dina; caaaer and th** gnawlng tootb ol iin". But 11 one ol Ibe pagea iboaM take lt to the rallroad traek and allow the Iraln to paaa over lt. Ita runctloni wonM dlaappear ln a nutanent, aad lt wonld be money lo longer, beeaoaa lhe Image nnd inpeTaerlp tion woaM bave dliappeared. Money -air tba creatl' n ..f btw#and the American people had learaed th?t leaaon. They were Ina-ffierent to aa-auitc, to are-u .;. and t<> Mperaloai for detrantling lhat tha laa 1 tbe United Btatea should put the lrrmffe, atid tuper tcrlption "1 Caeaar on silver cnough, firdd enouga and paper aaoagh to enable them to traaaaet tbi-ir aaTalra withoui emtaarranment, hlndranee, delav nr In.pover i-l.niei.t: aml slnmld glve th'-in a tnoature Ol valaa thal wouM not make thelr aarnlnga ar.d thelr belonglngi the laorl aud prei "l ipacnlators. Mr. IngaUl eloaed at uuarter pa?t lt, havlng apefcen a litti" over ?*" hoara. As bo took hl- ceat. he waa heartUy applail<oi. Bl *l-_ from tbe floor aa from tlie 'lci.*-"iy rfl-owded gaUeHea, THB UNITED BTATES CANNOT BB t.FA~ OUT. Mr. Joaaa, of Nevada, tl.en addreaasd the Senate In lupport of Mr. Stewart'1 amendment In far n Importanoa to loclety, no lubjecl within the k ..ll the arts and aclencea couM, be aaM, exrel th ? j.-.-t of money. The propheclea of the gold adi n- to the evita thal wonlTreaull from illver ro had, iu every Inalance. proved Maa pioplasclea i.uiid not, tlierefore, be aurprlaed if on Ibeli wavlna agaln Ihe Bag which they had already wai 1 ? tba people of the L'nlted Statea decllned to "tljhten brahea " while the traln ol American pi -- ? rlimblag ap grade, tbereby atfm_in? thc '?road ... of Lombard Btieet, Wall streel and "Changc Alley" tc ? ast in tii.ii work" uu the paaaengera. II aw celvably ahaurd I * a y ople . apal le nf exer. I ing Uie Ing facultles to atl mpl t.iducl aU tha enoi moualy expandlng bualneai ol the clvlll-ed worM upon the narr tw baala ol thc -? called ?nM ata. - a- 10 whether gald woaM b" drtven oal ol the r-oun try by Increeeed allver colaoge, Mr. Jonea aaM thai hefore culd .ould go there would havo t.i be provldod. Brat, ii 'i IMr of silver for each of the 8600,000.000 ol goM now perlormlng the functloni of money In thl country; aecoaa, aa amounl ol silver, In iddil lulBcMnl i" eover the deereaae ln the volume ol m mej oaua d hv ih" Ktlraawnl ol the large body ol ? -till in _U*cntotlon . and, third, auch I eoBaMerabM amount a- waa nece tary lo heep paee ?with tha waata ol tbe rapidly ln. rea eapaa-lag baalneaa ol tbe country. To obti large .... amounl of illver wouM requlre many --i.nt-.T-. had aaid thal goM wai 1 money ol th< world.- Whai they rcaiiy meaal wa tbal II wai tha money of Oreat Britain. if illver aa well as goM were made tho noney ol tho United Btatea it would n .i ba long, ka eoaM Inlorm Senatare, belore othei naUoaa, lachMIng Oreat Britain, woaM be lound referrlag lo "tbe money of Ihe worM" aa goM Bnd -jver, ln lead ol goM alone. Senat. r mlghl .1- well make ap Ihelr mlrMi thal the Ume was la 1 app Ing wliea th- qaeatton ol the worM would be, "Whal ,',. muney ol tbe United State l" nnd when Ihe efforl of Ihe worM wouM be lo obtaln wme ol thal money wherewllB lo paj Uie United Btatei Ior bal ancea of trade wJtlch Ihey wouM owe aa, Tbe ball Ing and bealtBttng nionetary pollcy ol thli Oovern iii..'!,t tor aeaae yeara pa-t waa well expn.1 by the llne of B-aeraon' "I am lhe doubter aud the doubt": to which, in tl..* wordi of the aupplement-1 llne, he could bear thc genlna ol thli Repubttc make aaawer: "They reeaan iu who Ieave me oot." And -- thej did, Mr. Joaea Iboagbt, The United Statea eoaM boI l,e '?? left uut" oi u.e worM'i .-tnuat--. Jf thej wero, it woaM in- an ntaeh tl." worae foi lhe eoai Amariran itateaman und flnanclen called "tba worM."* MR. ALDBICfl OFTERS AB AMENDMENT. At ihe eloae of Mr. Jonea'i reraarka, 11 wa- atated by the \. ?? l'n *.!<Kiit thal Mr. Ulbaon and Mr. Hl* eock dM nol dealre ... addreaa the Senate axcepl andci Um tea-mtonte rale. The general debato I eloaed, Mr. AMrtcb offered a ?Bbatltate for Mr. titewart'i aaiendment Mr. Gorman que?tloiic?l whether Mr. AMrtch'a amendmeBl waa ln ordai, bul ibe Vleo-PresMent rnloa thnt n waa. Mr. AM Mibitltute la aa followi UoM and -ilver bullion, bronghl to the mlnl I eoinage, tball be re. ? i\ .1 u id 11 Ined I ?? 0m. 1 into aundard g dd nr cUver coin f'.r tl, ? o| il,.- il-i"-. ... . pmvlded, tltal ll ihal] be lawful to ___ 1 .. mjnl anj <i poi I ol le*a value than one hundred doUare, and any bullion 10 1 ?>??? ?> un?uitable for the ope4ation? ol tha mlnt; and pro \.: -i a ??? 1 .' - ''?? lf aither of th?e metali be ln iu ih am ill pr -i >rtl it cannoi - - , arat. d.1 - aace ihall bc maie e thi depoaltor for th valu? "f auch metal. But ln all eaaea, whether ihe c illver d jiualted t*e coin".!, or catt hito fota, there ahall ue ;> charge to the d posltor ln ad Oition iu .he charge now made tor reflning or ihe metal, of one-ball ol i pei centum; ;? ariaing fr.mi thli*.* of one hall per centum Miall irf^d ta the treaaurer of \hr mlnt, imd from ;... Ume, i.n warrant "f t:." Dlrector ol the Uio . be trai.-ferred ln 0 t ,<? Treaaur] ol the 1 nited - provlded, however, Ihal 1. thlng In this ? I bc roi.-'d'-r*d at applylns to rhe ball-dollar, the quartei dollar, the .: me and half-dlme. Mr. Oonaaa waa thc t!r-t to ?peak und"r the '? mlnute rata, He erttlelced Mr. Sherman- attempl to boM ii.-ui"? ratl. - ? atoi ? reaponalble I ? th Ing leglalatlon tln- lacl being, be taid, thal tbal aeuator ..nd bla party had iia4 the entlre and 1 un piete . mtrol and -? lei ll | i >-.i ona pi - ml *d I coi ilderatloii. If : . ? it wi re 1 a. bcfore th" Senate a*tu lhe rcaull ol tbe effon of ? Bepubllcan alde ,i> ?> party. Ita ron-ideratlon In lh? Kinanre Coramlttee h i.i lieeri practii-all) llw dei.ra 11.? 11 .-I oiilv oll" -id- |i.."?-.? -ill-. . Ii.-:i. :il ti 1 hid I..-.-.: excluded from thc couneila ol . 1 . immittee, and were nol now 1 > h ? held re po tor iii.- anormltlea oi lhe meaaure and for ll tailiire lo rii"'-i .1." trreal -ii-.i-n \4-iti1 whlrli the be tte waa daallng Tlie '.iii before the *---r tta ippeared U> be a mixture ui vlewa. .. .t aaTraed t, even by tlio r the 1 V l* > . ? , | ? .?. on i . con. lu i ln.. j ? ?r tlf impo :- ... li he, .'it. .M'i..'h, had Mdrla !i derl.n:?'! '?. ii-.i, ? . tl?- la ??!-.. ., .1 . ? il.l , ?? - .t.* tliat. 11 Mr. '. IX viKW8 Mr. Pluml ? ' '' ? . , ..f sllvcr I ''? ' i ' rn a .... ? , ' ? ' ?"'?" ": Iho ,. ln niliei word*, that mmmlttee, " : - lf, had l, i ? ' I ro a. led ;. been m<urod ? ? ,:... ,,i them . and wh itevei le* .!:... to Mr. \ drl. li' . n ?pai stewart with M.? Mr. Plumb spoke if Un - t ;.--,| ,- \ .-;? patrl ... '.., I Nl ,,._ | i id, ln .;, it ton li.- spoiie of Mr. Aldrlch's fftorti In the mai . md i .mpared tli* pra. tle ? i.f thc I ?' '? ''' ",1'1" ? .,..., . |,c -u i. did nol i h ..-?? up tb Ir pro?lt- t.. lh. I i_ \., rlran |*e ?ple. lie said, we - .!??? bes| ,. |iib people m 1!.nirld, bul they wei . ? , ol t; ?? ...,. . ' M ? '?' it, . i-. iho :. 'I.I.I ,? ... .. j, ,. i'j.i uibmltted fo th > juil li ful ,.' Wn v, 1..i -i ilie lixeil trj. 11 Ih ' ? a ... bt Uie . ? ? dl a '.-.iiiii. i.ut up.'II ln tlio ? ' r of f?o rntnen' ni ol laiit irt bond*. lhal ii be. want".! anything . _ t*ell sim KKlJta t-vrrii tiii. Tl nmim ti; p.i'i.i;. Mr Rnitli oppoaed Ihe aroendmenl offerod by Mr. ?-, and a-:.'**l Mr. Sl iwarl whether be would mp port It. Mr. Btewart replled that of ronrae be did nol i.k** it ?.- well a* Iii* ori-lnal propoaitlon, bnl he wonM lt, provldad II met the fenerul acceplanco ?; Iv-r ...??.?.? If not, he hop d Uial It wo i rtlthdiav .. ... torrnan said thal h* bad no dWpo.ltlon to em li,.: ,.. .',.? *-.-. .i.t- ha. - bill ma .... -?? ,? ..m , .in.i I c v ....Li thi.' i-f-re ? ? pi , ?? i. Mr. Aldrlch alao wlthdre* iu- ttoienduieiit. mi ?!? ome remark* by -eoator* i.?...*?.. Call and t.-ii i m ia\.,r ..f Mr. Btewarl'" aniendaient, and hj M, Morrlll agaln*! j Mr. *..-. I ?? v, hetlier tu ? amei ?;;.. >nt .M la -. ? ? ? from people th.nuiion law rlabl ol maklna ... pa*... le In -"Id. . . , Mr. stewart rejii..-u that tiV amendment ?"..? awaj ? jrlch i, it your Intentton to lake II aWat Mr stewart 1 woiud I ,1,, nol ihll 1. thal any rommon laa riehi ... M ? \\]\a .,i made the some form . u.i i I " ~''"'< '" i ; .? .-l t leave I -, . ,t i- ? Ihe , .nrts. rha ?. Mr. MII N'r _te? rf* i.l.lea t ?? , piyahle at de Mi ?-:-.. nt nld t I nol prop ??<? to fere with roi.l l tn a adv. . r mei.t I . ' *?) ? .ii ... *u..-'-'..l tl. I 1" the I mi- nf t no :-?? pa* me i in .??! I and li>. ..-:.???! Mr. li. .-..-. i bond ?? ' j|i. ' ?' l.ether Cni fi ? do that ?r iiait: 1 l Iw done II wa? i.t p u Mr. Al ' . thal lhat w.s ? I *ii).n,,-. I. Mr. Il.ii i* .,-'? ??: M ?'?'??* '?? pay In Mr. I lamlnad ?ul J-. i . hut I... ? -' up* . . ? bi law. Mr ?- ? ? . . ? ? . - ? hnt. "ti fhe eonti irv. left t fo th- s-,.p,, i,- ? ? Ina b if aold nnd allver i--_ .1 i MR. SIir.RMAX WTTUUAAWN IS \ Ml * ."M I NT. Mr. ?.... ? Imenl nddl i wotii* makl . i '?? ral tender th ? ntBi " '-X' ept where i ? i ST"'!!!.' . ..i.i. aa: " li" rema . law ot lait the I land the varfa lt t ,* .; . ? ..ii I .r ben ?.!..'?;.. vtita for Mr. it i ni th.intry a-lth ,....?.. ? . . : -. -I : n lei ? ? Mr. m.?'*?,' I ll wa |ii,-\, , ? - ? ., ? i ? I had i ? ' nn. i ? .'? " . i a'her lh in Mr. slia iiin. , th ;. I ??.,'. " I l ., - ? ? ? ? ? I ... a * ' ' ? ' ad that the p l I t ran-arl n le ;.'? p ?'. . _? t a . -1 , n tln* t ? ?i i . t .? p ? I | more lhat. the ..-I Ihem. . il the rr il a! Ita VOTE ON TIIE .'- : '?'? M'.'l .M i '? The ' " on, :. .1 "? i, ii'. ??' '?? ? ide hy M. I : ? irel I. I'i na I ly 11 thc s.'i. te pi .. ? d. ?! i ? ' 11,. I. llv,.., :.- .1 I-, - .-.-. I'_ ..... ... : - , m foi !?? nf ........... ,,i,.Mi ,,f bond lo bu) up "!.' ii.L- bond . Mr. I ' ? ! Uw I th ,t the pi to t :?? N i| ' Mi VI d< ' ded I , t on ..- a pr.?p. lion ;?. refund t per a enl bond , . i ,r. II.- had r< ' m thc liovernmenl a.luar) a riileulatlon ,howln lhal the aavini* t" t1.. i. ivernmcnl w .uid bc ??:??'." I|."" ' vi w wi \': v ".? oprosmoN. ,\f- ?' .. Mr. Sherm u ald that, Bfter tlie ' ? ni wearylna th* senate u?-eles l\. With free roln Ilver, li.- donbted whether _ per ri*nl bonda rould l.< i.1 par. II" not, therefore, oppu .. I.. ktrlke out . . tiw i. ni ??. ' ? t wa ?..., . i-; na* .. Iti, 'i I e n< piiU'e rote ? .,..,.>. Dlxon, i ,.| . . i :? und . i :.". H iie, llav tey, ll -? r .. Iloar, !. l liitt, i?..-.. ?., Qu "., ssin le . s ? yer, Shoup Uon of Io' ? ? >"?.. After tha ? '' Bnllei i i hlll , . ??? wlll pm . ? ? ??; ,,;?-? the adju-l neni "i ' hc ' . w.irkn. ? . , ? i.... Mr. Ilt.ii I o >... i.n. ;? ? i .- that I ? ili offer Uie i Mr. I'I:..i.i. ..... ?: ' tha lion ..f the l.ill. \ki-.-iiI t*. I ? ? lt llie' ' , mt the eeond ? ' ? bond, by Natloual l..u... , lo e 1,000. \.i "l to avltti ii.. dh ? ! t. *ti :.- oul the tl I ? I a* lo i'i -i and to li - ' In llcu ? and ? ?:t ,.i ited i.v -? ? ... ? ? .;,:,. . ?. v Me. ? >! I ? ? ; i of .... l nutbhi) ?. ' lor the i i.l ? ? n ted?Yeas, 2fl. Tea " 1 Cutler. Call .:. . .. -. l'.. ?'. II ? I, -????? ur!. Tu V. t. \ oorh -'. \ i Vll ? . ' imernn, . II His'oek 11 ..' .'?!?' niiell. Mr.Mllliin. M I'll rsoii. Man * '? 10, I ? ? , ? ? ..... blll . waa 'I;-... - . , :;i. Mr. . ? ? iim '? 'nl n peallng I . *' 1 . ,'. *-." -li. k I i. ..rl. B Iaraiiabl' .,:: ?? i i" 'l ?" - .- n.e ? -rv i?-t. 411 ilr..,. :? FAMOUS C. P. HUNTINGTON OBANOB COUNTY 8T0C?i PABM POB "MA.. A- V. I1IIAK, Tlil'llllOITII. \. V. ? '.,? iu eommlttee <>f tlio whole ? , nUbed the senate by bi i ill a pui-i ::? f ."? ' ?;? ln tho . I .Und ?? ? 810 gralna ol i .,i thal hli ' ' wai ilmltor to . blll thal paii ? - >!" un ?l::,?' ,-,-d to amend tke mbatltBte br ;oi ihereto tlie ? "' ,:'" ? ,,n divialon. r'n( , . i: titute wa ' ? E tion blll ln ord i I 11 '.b" *u.i!iiil !. il bui " I lomorrow. Mr. liutler their ipon movcd an adjoun ment. U?at re urred on Mr Hear-S motlon to call ip ihe Election bill, and r. ult. I Ib b tla *> ?-? ???'? V i vi t* on taking np tho Bectlon blll waa aa foi* , is-Meaara. AMrlch, Allen, Alliaon, Ca i ,?.' Faaev, Cnllom. Davla, Dlxoo. Uolph. B.I r,-,. ii iie il-i r| -v. Iliicoek. Hoar. >n ,-,. jJeMilhln! ManVraon. Mlteb-ll. P. JI " ' '*,?V'\;-a ,n":''!v i ,po?iner, >!.,. ;,!? ?-,.!.:.'. Wn:i-:i and Wllaoil '.Niiw M-.-I-. Rail-our, I ite. lierry, "'' |OT r .' fo i ell. '' - ' Bniel, BtwtU. Faulkier, tilbion, t?orr_aft, Oray, Bampton, Jonee (Ark.l. , Nev.l. Kenna, Mo Kan. 1-a.oe Pugh. n fr,:-d Stewart, Teller. tnrple. Vance, jcat. }__'?">"' *? ,- Waahbnrn. Wilaon tMd.l. Wokoil 38. rhe Vlee-PreeMenl ra I the de Idlng vote, ln the atnrmative, thu- earryinu the motlon. Ihe Senate then ?>' la :16 adjonrnea. (,i;nki:al BESET BETIRED toMOBBOW. Hlfl sr.UVTnv ENTJED rOBTT-MB TEABfl Hlfl PROBABLF. BCCPF-SaOR. aTMhlagtoa, Jan. U (Spe. al . Ooneral 8. V. Banet, rhi-f of ordnance, aill be placed oo the ratlred i .. uu-, ifter ' - ?! rorty -iv rrara li ' ' \rmv and aeventeeo year aa bead ol tbe Ordi i,,,,,r.,'..,it. ur waa .. graduate ol the Ml itary elaaa of istu. ol which Oeneral Oll ,.-r. cotonel Parke, Oeneral Dabarry. '? v iiom Ftalrd, Oeneral McKaever, .rai Saxton ... ...j ,i h ilablrd were members. On gradi !?. ?raa attaehcd to t'i" Ordi unre Departm d t, I d ? ,n ,ned al varloua ar ??? i d irlr \ the war, lle v:,. made a raptaln ln i ? i i d a major In i- ' ii,. araa pommlaalonetl a 1 enerdl and chlcl ol , .. i-Ti. In 1-',:. ln- pubMahed i ti walitl >n Lhe Frenrh of Jomlnl of " rhe Campalgn of I .,. ? rhe Cnlveralty of Geori "? '?"?'? ,-, him iii- degree of \. M. Ir, IBBB he l*?wed , -t :-,?,.:.'? on MUltarj I w md lhe Pi wtlee ol Th<- appnlnUnenl of .. tnece ? to riencraJ Bcnel ?-lii i.ii- "f ilu- la i '?'?'''' '?? , . covcrnl : retirementa, the Pn rlll have a chanre to llll thla Potlowlng out a llne "f prc ' durtntt l! . ],:.?.- t \ Im , K ,i ? neX| . h el ol ordi in. ?? would bo Colonel i ? . ? Rork Mand ! , M ? ? . ten year* i" aerve. H-- I a -' tduatc ol I tdcmy, rlasa ol IMI, h tl lik. .. ?. ipp . ? ted t > thc Urdna ? llepa . He haa had . work, a wlth .ui ofl . corpa. ka* been In lhe drnugl llng-r om and the .ii,d.\. Among hia con.i da he waa In char| , \ ; ...i ',;.*,, and Wat.-ri ??? h ? \ I!.,.. al ' ? W ir I > !? ?: ?:-.- nt, un iloubted l by 1 rr i \-< ul - ?* aele I ,. Ittle efl ?:? -. il I - ? - .( th.rp*. tor lhe place -?*??.. i" t?c va>?aiit and i" ?? ,ii , ,,i t.v .a! r bi - ? ih? ? - tr nfth ara rullng next I more are ' >l m -l A. II - f th - <-!? 11 ? >, I ' town . 41.- ai- ii 'l '? '? cal, .'1 Hover u.N . j .... f U."**"- Ofl ? OUllded wlUi donl t, . . ? .. ivilegea "i - ld lavoi w hitle on \:i ti '? oMren me I them, however, bat i ord. ? ? ?? U1I-; OATHERIXE POSTOFFICE ABOLISHED. PJIOMPT ACTXOM OF P08TMASTBEOENEBAL WANAMAKEB THE I'MT-* IH THT. CA8K Iv-ahlngton, Jan. 11 _? ?- laD. i' ? Poati te* Oi ?rai haa ahollabed the i ? ''".f Oatberlne, Ala., ? ? tbe r- -l.lJ-nt- had nbjert. I , *ed p 'tint ter, i.rn.i lle e l . - .'... po i,tm< u ;-? um, who ui-i v. ih _ oppiMltliii i 'il,. The telegraph np I ? ? , ? ira uaed thc , . ? tlng wlth tlte i le II lhe r n.menla wen , arreata have be - m ide tnd offendera hav?? walved exam nation ? d ? . ,-??!? ed it Uttherlna thej ? ; ial ?? ;.-?-,.-: d goneover I U ancrj \!u., wlth i ' ;.*? ? ? ' . ' ' drlven oui ? I I ? i ? " "?' ?' . nn m i) mpath) alth tlte ipp ? ntnienl ol a Iikjj ill d. -.' i"j "<l II .:..- ? . ? i .? da) thnl I , ? , ed iixm'ii him i id r-.'.i liiui -? tli tt l.< thu da) he ... ?:. holil ol ln- ..lll. e." that llennel I ? ,. i,. |d and 11 ?a n -I- ed th il Um1) . . i.iii him or f. ii.m i" n - tli. own. 11"* T|H"' proper hn ? onl) f. rt) or llfl .t W. VV. W ii,luii i.". iii" I--I.?-i--|ih .. ihere, liad I . ? aid and lll.-ll [IMII. I" ' 01 ? .-\. itemcnl prevall d ai d on D i eml er 1.1 .. were nlopted i a or tblrt) men ' I Ited tl ,,Hi,,. .,id I.. ix tl ?' . forecd to ?lf n a * volu i rcftlKnatioii," and two houra were then -iv.-a him t -..( nul of t"-- u. I li" - i. wero pnal . i i md lhe d... um.-iii waa aenl i" iVi ilnaton b) tl e rnn ?plratora. Bruca, the hu?ln. ? man 44 im lefl town with liennatt, bareli <? .i"'i wlth IU? llfc. lle h t r . iih-i .. inaitectora tooh ITennetl hefore tlie i"-"ii"' nfll. er :<' Mo 1 aarninta 1 . : ,'. - 1 ?T .: ' th m%\\ ; llea Im IoW f ither , .,1 Ute |, - t.>!ii. >? al thc latb r pl >? ?? hn iboll !i,,|. Ileniietl i'.i i" ?-. l.e a toiv al 1 ith.-i . ?-. bul he 1 ulrald t. Imt la miII be mtirdered .f he ,l ???. I he nitlino |t) t-. 1 ,. ,; to tlte I tuflb r 11 j , Im -i ll , li id \ 1 lled I , ll.-l I.. t., II, ...lll ll. -lll.-ll ., II -lllll- l.-l- II ll . j.-u-d to Ieave the hotel .11 which he waa rtop plng. ? ? -? TIIE CHICAU. > I'IT.I.K' 1:1 II.IMMi. uv. lilnirtoa, Jan. 14. supeivl Imi Anhltecl Wlnd rlm, of the frea my Department, waa examlncd by tho lloi e ' ummltl e on Public ll d .) wllh n I lllng of il." i 11.. urii hi IIc lt nl llng, \\t,.-ii tln- bullding waa ronatnnted, Wlndrim skM, II waa nnlform lu atrength, bui the load pla. d on thi bullding waa n-.t nnlfonn, aud lhe rc iill had been a .?nii...- ln pl..',-.. lle did nol thlnk, however. Ihil the bu hlina waa dangeroaa, 01 llalile i" roUap ??. ihotiRh ii wouM contlnue lo -t'i- and t" lierome m.?r .1-. rhe toundatlon wa 1101 , n al, bul il" uu. iniiii pa.-u appeared to 1. all rlghi. Tlie onl) ...i. |o ii??. ibe buildlna wa. to uitdcrpln ii. -.. Ihal tlie Bth ihouM I- beneath tbe tr ato.l load. ilMlna waa nol lanre enough i" aecommodate the ." \\, ? 1.1 1 ite n iini" ol wa < 1,1111 I,.- 1 iiiii lo Inrrea >? Hi" Ato and l-iv" , : r of -i '..- rii tnn \ would ? ??-! ?1..1 tla tep uf. ;,? mli : 1 he ? uuld 1,1 ... ; I . ., ,-, .1 kl' I 1.1. Mi: I" CBEBY AND THB FILVEB POOL INQl'litY, \\ lahlngton, Jan. 11 -1 It ia tald th .1 the 1 ol ia ? Houae la tomea iat 1 naod ln in.iU nmlttee to mt e tlgai lhe all -:"?i " llver * . '?- 11)4*01 the BHwliilBgneai ol Mr. n kjvbi ,f tha resolution, t. ierve .. ? a membei Mr. Dockery'i nn? lUlngw rve 1 .1 ed, accordlng lo hli own itatemenl to ?? 1 I .... re pondent, a| ti tli.* ta. 1 I 1 ? ? eatloni whic" ln.4R.ed hia reaolutlon nttecl d 1 Mlitourl Senatora and Bapreaentatlrei I 1 . 1; but ...... f. . ./ ount, ha had bet 1.. 1 e. uvln. "-I thal the 0 lar 1 - they were 1 ith out 1 - ind ition. ln thli vi"\v ol th I Do.,. n\'- niiwilllngneaa to ierve aa n member of 1 com .. ? ? . rate nile il ?? ln ??? hl. h ho ha 1 il. 11 Inexj II. nol" I i-i .1 11 ni 11, ? ? u- ? u ill !?? 1- d ln niorroa and thal II will i." 1 oinpn 1.. a wh 1 alli make a thorvugh tnd irrhlt.K liiVot.,\i ?:,!.. wlth .1 vl iw tu gettlag al all Ihc 11.1 TIIE INTEBCONTINENTAIj RAILWAY. VV..-' ii.'.-t .11, J.,11. 14. \n adjimm d meetln . of the Interci itlnenlal Rallwaj Comml- lon waa he'd ln thli ? rno -ii 4Mtii ti..- prealdent, Mr, 1 1 ,--. in tbe < li .ir. Ileetor de Caatro \4i.s elected ..v ol tha oniriiu-i in a ron.inlttee roinUt Ir- 0f Ilr Caaaatt and 11. 0. Davl*. of the Untted si , ...- Don I'r-derl oPaaa, ol Oolombla: D. Lesiniro nilitee*. m DEMOCBATIC 0BSTRUCTI03I IX TIIK B0U8E. WA8TIXC roUBDAYSOPPlUBCTOUSTlMBOIITHi: Ai'i'U'.l'i.l tTION III LIA Wa.hlnaton, Jan. Id (Speclal).-By Uila tlme the Repubilcani ln tha 11 ?we auwt be aonvlnccd I DemorraUc purpoaa to to abatra I the P ogreae ot , . ... itlon in every poeelble mannor. <'i ,??;?*.. thev wlU -l" ti..s. whenavar tbey can. by plead , ? K generooi alfcrwanea of t bm for ??_**?? eral dehate." whleh never affecta a rota on ethrr ,?i by offerlng and dleenaeing amondmenta whlch a majority ol tho nembera of tielther potxy would be wllllng to adopt The approprial on bllto, vi,,. . . mtaln many Item*. all of whlch ara open to many opportanltlea to the Detno rratlc buahwhackeri-opportunltMa whleh ware not .rlng tha fonr daya devoted lo Ita Artaf .pp opriaton bill. n waa a WU whleh owrJtt not to haje oetupied tiw attentton of th-- Hooaa darlng more Umn :. tor i; involved no new lerfelaU n nrhat* ,-. ,; it wa* a i.;ii of mere routlna, and ret nc-.riv four 'U*.* of prech u* Ume wara araated apon lt. >,, woner aaa Um Army i.iil dtopoa .1 ol than ita Damocrata began to Bllbueter agalnal aa effort to llmll -;.. oeral debate" on tha DUtrict of Oolumbla Ap pmprlaUon liill, reapeeUng Ita provlatoai of whlch tbey rarad UtUa except lo waata Ume. Mr. BeMen, ol N -v Vork, and one or two other Repnblicana wenl | to thclr aiatotanee, tor reawae whlch wara aadoabiedlf , toi . to ttam-elvea. ln reeponee to an ln iiulry by Tha Trlbune correapondent, Mr. Beldan snid thal he was nol wUafled In rcgard to a provlalon m t,:,. blll to have certaln old aceoanta of Um Dl*trlel af Cojumbla accounta whleh anteda e Ua entraaoa Into Congr-aettW by Uie Treaaury Department "ne - ;,, prlnrlplei ol equality"; and that ba thoughl the tnerlti or demerita of th. aceoanta roaJd not be falrly explalncd in a dvemlanle dobate. 01 ,.....-?. if Mr. li.iii.-ii had no ottar o-J.rt ln vr*w and if !?'? really beU ved thal tiw publl. Intereat* de ma idcd b more tborough eapoalUon .,f tha maiter than . ....ii i" made wh 'n tlils partla ular featur of th i biu ihould romo under revlov . he wai Ju.Ufled In vot Ing with tha Demoerata, nlhongh their only dc-lra wm to wa?U tlme. No welght i* gtven to the inslnua Uoin thai Mr. Uelden had any otuer oiije. m viaa - , ;,.,,(-, t the Intere-t, of tl.c Oovernment aod PUbl ?? '??' ', ., _ .. H.her :..".I. i. ma? not be aml** to m-ntion ,.,.? n | M ln i-hurge of one ol Uie brightesi aud .,..;.., ?;.;. j., ,hc H use Mr. Me. oma?, . f Mary land, ?th,. is famillar wltb the *ubjc t. and la one ,<( tho ?i,,.t -teru and Implucabl ? f..'* ol Jobbcrj in llda < on i .. the Demoerata ln the llouao meaai to oh . iu, t l _i-i itlon In -" er> po II le way, I otn legUlmate nnd lllcglflmote, i- now pataui. and il I* full iim,. (,,;? the majorltv, ui i they are a* deinorull_co n. ? >, ir opp menis no* 'rt them to be, to . ? thclr mlndi und do ihelr duty. ? ? IH-inniuN IN OKLAHOMA. A TAtK WITH OOVKRNOrt STEELE-THE TEltBI IOR1 -L MILITI _ Waahlngton, Jan. 13 (Spcclal).-Oovernoi Bteele, of ln Waahlngton on ofllclal busli lating to that Territory. In .onveratton wltb a rrib im.i-.--|?,i denl he aald : There I* ? gond .1-..1 of de*Mtutlon aod ? > - Id n t* - , .1,1 . bul ti." extenl of tt li l.nowii. 1 . 1 w|. tln 'li ,, \; "'" ., ,]..-.. ss ii i. ii w 11 f.iru Vou may 1 that a 1- ? i'lvn ?- fl " ? ? ? . 1 I ? ? ? i?,,i,r of 1 - : md for aavenl yeara. watUaa for It 1,, 1,. ,,,...?, 1 ..,...,. " ?etti.'!.. ?' and .-.i,'., 1 '?.-'? Bnally - n mtr th v wi: n arl* >'? . * . . huadr t. . 1 fam 1 e? trom .,, th* " -*?** r"(|"' "d ,; they ," n ? ad as tha ?11* made la*t year - - : ? rrop, but 1 ? - ' . n,,.,.:. ' ? U| ;?!- Bll 'i ? ? - I ' ed foi B "**-' , r.,| ? ? | through I tory nd I tl " .- twealy-Ove thouaaod buabela ..f Ma la>t fall, i" '.' pa d ', *-...|. Ti..- groalng ei ip I* ?l -.. " a- waat aad aufferlag an aaa ? .r b :.,-n :i la harveated, bul -"...?? - ? . n. ??' 1 la n. ? :. eaotlme. \ . . ' tU*r*1 \ . . I - > of Ul* UU*.'- r -f-.'t... ? ? ? r four doep ?? ,*h "....ti.. tl - Every ., 1.; : ilae . that I* 1 i.t. 1 .. to Ii?p, i,.ii ,,.? peopla ? ? - ?....??? plae* t*. Uve. Tb? tr w -..ii wh 11 ?e*/ei_l tho.nand perven* BMOaaed t.> grt into _ii.- T rrltorj beforr it ??- epeoed tu MttlenMnt, m .!?r - * ? by tha Unlted Btate* .,r by ralli id . ? . li ' th.. .... nlng, ? ' ? I ahov< . aod . ,,,.-, tual lettb :??. ... da ? ??..... , , 1 Mj... ..f the I* r?..i? I |?-_ \.. ,,-i |,.iiiii>- :. majority ,-f then - . ? . been Btaoufaetured ..? a .--.--.t 1 ..-. .. '. -ri..--.1 [ ttiink that 1 . .' Into tronble by follo*.;.. ti.? . - ? '.'.... Wt-avi - of l.o.u. ? , .1*. rnl?jv '?- ?.r. -?? ;.. the ; r tory when i t.v ;?.v f>mt Miti : ?, v.i.j. 1-??.ither a llvely 1. ililatur* \>..i have lo , > w v . .': aiely ao; bul r--'""0 i"'?i now in . - bul proud .'.. 1 ?..??:? ., ,.M1. ,;.: t Ij ? ti. ..... a*.- , ni ? - .? ? _nd ? , ? ? ? 1 _? Iftlatui ? ? .'-.?- ? ?: r not f w !'?-., .'; buI Um ? -?" ? ? n n ." 'rt be ly t [did 1 am eommaodeMa hlef -f th* mlllUa t?f 1; I am a ,;-',*.- ' Vou ? . ? ? ? . ! 01IIH ' : . ? ? - ? .. r of being h. .t .? \ *. -,r. tl." i.i 1 han.l . - ?:. 1 .?. and 1 am ronfldeni Lhal the moral ?'' ?-.,.-?? ea lh* 1 .... -v ::? 1 ? -? .-II.VI'.l! I'l'Kt MA.-F-.. Washlngtnn, Jan. it i'he amount of illvar o!fer>.l iie at the rreaiury Department t'.'iav u.i. :ii-.,'.si ounre**, and the amount purchaaed I65.OO0 ,1* followhi 50.000 (Uineea al -1.0.1*5, -O.OOi) iiunre* il -1 " "". _0H,H00 ounce* il P1.0H 0,000 . at ai.OOl 1, 10 1,000 " . '".ai. ? POURTII CI,A***_ I'l'-IM \s| ..-'.i;*. .PP*01XT?D. \v a ll . ll Kourth-i .. - * t. ? ?. n*ti..s wei. ... .1 i] f illowi : r. ? ylvanlii i'.. 1. Uerhard, Lanarkj P. Hull, . ... .1. Zlmmermau, Sylvan; i?. Hlmpioii, ? ??? ? Vorh M H Davla, BntcevUto; P. P. Taator, r..i, 11 ... 11, R, - Lomtard, Ea?t lieekninntown; K. \. ?,\.?.?.-., Man.irtoii; barah K. Kelph, uonnetti V. K. ln, .. Uedfurd. IMi.MW ItEDERMEO AT THE rKRA-URY. H . hl igtini, Jan. 1 1 , The amonnl ..1 . 1 2 per cont .-.1 t" ,1 ,\ waa 9100,200, maklng tha total to 'i ai" * . .1"." ."? I.l II H'..\\M' M.\s..N*. N!.;\V UIT1F.S. Waahlngton, Jan. 14. Llcutanaat L. B. II. Ha ? ' .'. ,! A ?'?? t . the -*?< t.*tat\ "f the Nav) , h.i* l.e.'l. .1.' lae hed from ipecial <iut\ at the i'n\v Departmanl i: .1 .red to dutj h - tpe. I ai ? it. 1. ofllcer of tha tluut .lilp 1 iu.-.i-.i. now tittin. ..ut nt Na-w Vork. It la un d that thla ehange araa made at Ueutenant . t. ii.- alll j".n Um *.. -*<-i at Hauipton 1;.1 ...i Kobruarj 1. it .* probabla that no other . ii.. >?. .>,ii be detalled Ior iperfaU lervlca ln Ihe Becre tary'a othi-e, and that Lleutenant .'...'. i"*. rommandlng iiii.ii. wlll be ral led un from tlme to Unns to perlorm all ipevial naval ?ervlco* i-e<iuin.-d. COSTRACT 1"K TIIK AMMKN DAM AWARDED. \\'a hington, Jan. it (Speclall General T. F. Ilyal.*, ?f the Bath (Me.) lron \v...u>. 1* ln Um elty. To hu iinn baa been tormally aararded Um eontraet lor uw Ammen ram, on the aaauranee that Um erafl eooM i*-. dniibed within the Uma llmll a:.a io aacordaaoa wiui tho Department'i ipeelflcatlona. The Bath peopla, ig rec ivcd"ii of th. aeeaptance of their ti... ram, bad ordered thc .teel requlred lu tho 1 irk ol eomtrucUon, m thal valnabla Uma haa .. ted ... the dellvery of materlal. To the *-:ne tirm I..*..: .:,-, * ??li, .. Adrci i.i,- Kidneva Are amoag Um n.".*i loruililaiila known. D.abeu... Brlght'i ..-. .-?. gravel anu oriif*r eemplalnM of the unnary aragaa ira nol Brdioarilj cured la wvera .j..., bat they n.ay bo , Bl. it.,... k ..*.!,.. mmalani ot th? ? - : 1* BV( r I. found ... II..*. -u... ;? Htt Illl .1-. .1 ni ... "? whleh nol onljr atfarda in.. raqalalta ; ?tlmului wi..-,. they Inactlvs, bai Inrroaaaa ! ? t.\.- |...-. 1. ii-. lacrtaMag the icuvlty ..r Uw u.u.MV* aod bladder, thla niadlrlac iu* thc addltlonal - ? ipeiung trom tha Muog m.p'.r.ti.s wbtob It i*. Um pa, nn a oBtee ..I tli,...- arg n.* t'. ellwlnaie ami paaa 'rni> lutta r* 1 ? ai-.. 1 puHB. and *ti.-..u?:..r .,i uie bowel* .1,1 m\iBoi_ni ..' the *t,,..,,i,.. .11..| .1 BHUehloafl raiuedj r,.r i.n lauBBBaa -1...1 r.-MT in.i a-.i... it.Bteiaeta .1 etmOaaef to 11 -ii ..',.r>. alu.ay. su-uili*. juil tOWttettt tln- att^i itnd li.nrun. IF YOU KNEW HOW EAST IT \V.\H TO UIII YOlK^KI.p 0, PACB IM.MI _|g AMI ni.OTC IIK-4, voi HOIXo TAKE A FEW B0TTLE8 OF S S S AND KE.-OVE THEM. m:u PACB BBB rORTUNK. "I waa innoyd for a year vi tth ptStpMl ?nd blotekaa on th- f?. -. J ."!? alteg pmdneot phyalel aa aad ia*? -.tTi-r^iit nf adrertlaed n,-d,.;?.. ?? trtthaut any feeaaM, I 1 trted .**??111 a hi'- 18c, anu ti,- mbmoh aeaa ot _, au., aaa teaujluMlj taatoisd by Un >?, ? , f, -. :.'.uiea?? CMABLOI l'i-; BANDOW, TbaUa rhaatre, Baw.rarh city. Book* on Blood and Skln IMaeaaaa !?>??. BMB IWirZ gPfiCLtTC co., Atianti, o?. ?44-111 al>-) bc awaraed the eontrad Ior ti'-ri.litirT rolla fn. th- League ui.i.nd :..vy Yard, t'euniylvanla, in tr.e ->um ol 818,500. BEPOBT OFMCBOOL IX8PMCT0BB. gKVEBAKi Bi'lLDlM'S IN AX IMBBOPBB CON DITXOV. Tho report of tli<* In-p ilu.-, of CoaBUM srho-ila, whleh haa beon preaented to u.e Board of Bdacatlaa, thowa a number of ichoola ln thli city are aai ln a proper oondltlon. The In pedon -:.-,- uiat Prlmarr Bcbool No. '?'->. al No. '??-- Rr-ii bvc, ftraat. mar School No. i?. at Rlghty iccoDd-it. and vVeal fm. are., Orammar Bcbool No. 80, al No. 252 Weal Korty ,. n.i-r.d PrlmarjF gehool Na 42, al No, -it Baal Blgbtj f. i.:Th-t.. me anfll Ior icbool parpoaaa. The Inapeclori are ohllged t> aauualna Into the rieaaB. ue-*.. taXety, ventllatlon and eomlort "f tha ehaal premlaaa. Theaa bulMlnga are mU to ba dellcle-t i_ many waye. The la&pectora recommond t...- ercerfca ,,f new bulMlngi bb aoon a- potaible. Tha report aha udd-. thal fcrnr - hool baU-iai i ?? ovei crowdea, aai iin; in ronaeoaence chlMren are turned away baa their doora. Orammar uehool Na B?, a. Bo. 139 8'ea) llfty-nlnth-et, Oramaiar ochool No. :i". a No. lll Ki.-t Kifility--' \.-T.tli-st., i'rimary BcbOOl NO. 1-', Bt No. 1S34 Ka-i Blgbty-ehrhth-at., aad Orammar School Ba. 87, a* Te il ave, aud Wi I -?? '-' **?. ara ti.e schools referred t... "f Primarj School No, i*J Ma report aaya: ?? li l- In no senae adapted for i A new bulMIng li ? '"' M :' *****, to pi ivMe Ior Uu constantly incrcaslng aranu al Ihh r." The Interearing and aaggeatlva report ol the m -p , tors .-nd- aa toUoa -: We wooid call yoar eap. Ial attenOon te tl lacl mal taere ai - i ? . .i. -t. ? :?,.!,, irta -t.. BolwlUtatandUig tb< r*-p ri Uu Mn'-' *\ ut trual ? - loi eral ?'?"? I ? m hool ilti - ... U - vl< laltj ? '-.' an -!':' Wu* " ra* ? _. ..-. .mi/ [e ai. reaaed ,?.. ? : i.y oi- a.-ii uaB-and't. Mta ani .) i-rniiior ?nnil -twcutylourta ??*.-. and wcat a! M-l.-oa. u . i0 M. nun aid i-.i ? . t-oolal I'UtH irg .,,. ding, .- withoui any v itovat. ... ' -' i- . ?-' ;' a. arorUelh-at., i. I - - ' ? "?? Wlth no a. rin.,1 n-rir r than (. n-li .'.-ir ? ' : t'.h-A. ... ,i L-ghUi-eve, and Oa auBdred.a_4*8fty* -.1 _x_ m .;-.riv ... ratber I -** ??' tni- elty. a ;..!. i ol on -i-.i.... i n. i- '?:.-??? ? ntn or Oue-bundr : . i, . aad b . nd ave. Oi - rapidly la .-. | -?:... ui ? n?<bi>crtr-oo4 nr Mmety-alxtt or Mn tj -eifhth Ma and ? i\ -. K on.ju _nuuoae f'.r taa ahove iltea u_n w rij,..- i,.-ii nad by tr.-- - ? : aM XwelRB Want, who ... tura bave tnadi -. fi - - r^uril r-r ;.-in.l* ."'. to ;?,. .> Uld 1 " - I ?e_eota au. treai foar M Bvi Ihoaaai I tn ? u.eaua of a publle aahesl edaeattea. iro.**r*.' Frsv COLLBCTIOXB Tha fcllowlng addltionai tuma nr.- reported from tht il,,. ?., ..- ? : mi gonday eoiVctlea by the vnml .-, -,-i.r r i ' - - LbbMi No 17 n ?--' ? rr,,:,. gei n wai ea Xaeapta AaawaUi r:i-a.*d. aiw-. iii.rd v Hand aad atbera - i- i ??' B* B10S42I ii'Miii'-ini. n*'. - I ' ?'? aM aaipl ? -. M i t . ud W. Bbeldon, ?-'?; Bwedlab it-ue-da Chnrrb, .. ploaaky v aunaa, BlOi s. n.. 98; -aaaa Wanaeir. aa; st. Paal'i CAapel, ad-iUooBl, 8t; J. A. Merrta k Ca.. ?4 i.-v <j,.ndt AnxUlarr. a. w Klnffmaa. tr aaue r i *J7. U r, w :-; r k Co., UaitUng. W_M_aaa ?? Co . Au bll loaa Brotb ra Prederich B ?*' rl M V Ca, tta, Uocb v oardaer, V. :i?nrr rtothael l \ ? ? Dni II ? . !'? ? '? ' ' : " 'A r -..; __ - v Ce . Bllaa I i _ ce -I i ? ? ' '' : u ' ' ** * , ., . wi ? ? ??? ' v Boo, 1. ? ?? d, | V 1 '? ? 4 I ?' ? ? " "'? fe Pautltn r, Paaa fc to., wi, k Ce., A ,, | -.-??' i i A Co.. i.. ? La ?- v- ?' ? ?'? " ? '? ' , _ na v i ? . the Bar. - ; - >. I.o* t co,, i.v. i.i...-i n v I e Deany, !'? i I Ce., aiOO ,, ,. . rapi : wmm anU. I. a-n Ce? ,, y'__ y... v , 1100 ?..-1. loaeph WI i v ? ? . ,,.,-.. ,. w ... BltctT ock * < laaak Wm W ? lintf, M l I *? Mll ?.:-.' v < o.. . .i,- \ p tikue, H J. l A .... \ ,- ., r ? - \ W Itoitaa, h,, nn, !.,:-..! v I - ' ? ?' * 4k C? W. B \ , .1 ll, l-.i" v ' ? . ' ? - i- . ? : i . t Co.. 1 leriek Vleti itotUa, l-aeaavant v Co., Porter Brntaera \ i ? '?"'-" - ,i . \ , .. - - * **- * ' ? "?? ":'r s irr. . -. il !,-?. Mal ? r v .-. AMl Ch, lll.iatl ,-i, iii.jv.ii, B Co -' Brottaar* .,,.,. conv rae, KtaatoB I l u a, Waaataek , o, nm k S OoM U rtnan I h la . iea t .,-?,-. .1 \ '. ? -' ' Kh 9* *' ' ' * ,,. ri !' -.-.i'. Bewl tt Seudder, J. M. Vi.-n t-i- y Co. Knowet v '???'? r. Mart k Co., i. . . ,., . | .... cbenay ur..u;.r--. rieM, CTMianaa * i i v llaghea, PraU v i > ar, ?? ? ? \i.,,..:,. ?,!?-.. ?? Co.. J v ii. a:.". i iat. i 9, I -.1... r Maanlna k Co.. B OoartaB. I ca.. i. land, ? *? *' -0,f * bb( i*ard. B2S i, aad :? ul up t" date. e-ta.'W' IX. KOB BBirEB BAIXS VOB TBBIB LECTCBBS. lr.;,. .?-. .:,,, . r tba ta* leetui - Bti " *** ,,- ... under the ..-,-|. - - M Boaid of W al ? *. dua tne. Kovombei and I ?- -4m ad th. oinnilttaeal eventiig actaataila lo i-aea\or io -? ure Ute v** ngj ol a blll -*. Albany tbat ? ' i [er tbe * . r... a rordiog to Ui- r-i~.u ef i'r. I!*i ? B ?? '1> \ . -r 17 und D.Biber ld ,,.,,',., . ? han etgbt I ,,t ii ... tlral term ?' I li -:.,.."- ii,--.. mvat and giowmg popularliy, " ??? - i ?? haa.r Uil ' J 8m UH-turee thli lerm in aeven n*l.- n.-t,i.i -i ?** ** '- during t'i-- in-t b ii.. The ? -? II?*>' *? holdlm ? "' "'? - naot iu.-."-?- i. " I IM llM !, ? . . ,' N- ll-* Weat l tho r.-.i..- ? . r -. -.-.'?'.- ." "i ? ; af* ara Mtual i bave a idu appll' alaa ta tu- coniniliux t-* lha leetui ., aad It la ptubabU Ihal the a|tplloaUoa "ill tM graated. The taotntnittce are hai py evei of ihalr ventare, aad predl l Ihal itaa attaadaaee ?.u w kr-.,.r n.i- fim. even, . .tn it wa. In the laM aaa. w tba report t., the baard, Ihc eoen-dtte a?v: ? Th.. publli h .i"? ?taaatag .i i?? i intereal '.. and a.-en apg .'? tatu.ii nf tbla ("rm .( rdueaUoa, ableb bMe '?i' to i,i ,.n- ,,( Ute greateet benedta which haa beea HBBTlial upo'i tii" ? Itlieni "f thM ? Ti.e leea i - ara glvea m lhe Mhoati al Bw taaaaaaa h.-'i-- di-tM ta. I' la ih- iin- af the ronnntttee -w reach Ute laboring claaaaa aho ? ni[?* i ba .'' Tha tecturee are toatm tve aod | " Your n ni'* > laBa f" ?? %.-?, yoar -Toll me hoiv old you are." - Twenty-flve, your ho or." ??>o! Well, now that vou bave given your ige. wiii eAB-iiiater tiio oath."?tFhegenoa Blac-r. CLOSINC, rRK'-ii OI' CaLIPOBNIA ?TX)C8*8. **>a'i Fu.ii-lai-o. Jjn I*. l**-'' Yeeterdav.Yo I V AU 8 0 , V?v*4j,? l-.-.-.iiaaVlO-CU^ 3.0 Ueit 8 Beichar. B.fS 2_\ Po -l J?J *%L nndle r.i.-"l ?*> -? aavag : _{ : :i thota. ... * I ? Kevadi ? ?* J^ Con i al v Va.. ITS 8.1*0 i n on Looa I l-M ^ . p inl . 1 00 l.."i i ' ? E'i eki Con l 00 ... - :... . 3 B ? II,,'- \ ttoti ioaa.1 ??'. I.ita Mi ,1 .... .2 '.'i Mo o .?>?? ?"*' \ , .. - . ? k ' . mn... iee ilti \. I li I..II . lale. No \ H 1 r lale M 111 . ?. fi ... gO _a RED-HAND ALLSOPP'S ALE, i td Biewcd a,A Bnltled bv S. XW-t.yy V ho.n-, ?-**?? Burtaa-on-lTi at, Bagtaad ?MBBaTff OMAMB iwi-oKTEn. Bold by LVaaa-Bg itroccri aud W'lua Merchanta.