Newspaper Page Text
/& rilmne. Vof"f... ..NM0.13?. \i:w-YORK, FRIDAY, JANUARY I', I891.-TWELVE PAGES. FRICE THREE CENTS. BLOCKADED CHILIAN PORTS. TJfO Or TIIE REBEL WARSIIIPS EXGAG1 D Si THE WORK. pSFir.NlM; 'rn ISfTERRVrr THE S1TRATE TltAD] -Al.L THE TE1.EOKAPH ui!:: > Noi'.TH l>V V \! I'XIl lli '. ' IT. London. .lan 1 _.?.*i diapatch reeeived here fi ?rn Valparaiao thi* mornlng saiil that the 1 nilian nirn-'.f-M-'ar had gt*ren notiee thal they would bed ria ,, biockade of the p"it o! li|iiii.n Janunry ?,?o. The linportation ..i proviaiona Into Iquique 1*6 alroadv lit-oii sti.piioii. Additlonal diapatche* thi* afternoon aay thal tie rebel* have declared the port* ol Chill block a4pd. in "n.'ei to Interrupl the nitrate trade. Prlvate oabie di*patchea from Iqtiiqiic contain 0p. Informatioa tbal tbe biockade extenda to Ooqaimbe The Chilian waraWpa Almirante Coch? rane .md Magell are tngaged in the work of oper iitiiic tbe biockade. J"i.* Almirante Cochrane im.-. sei*e,l ;i po/lioB "f tlie e rgo oi the ateaiBer Sasti-fo. All the telegrapli wirea to the noitii of T*l|iraiso have been eut. Limu. Frru, .Jan. 15, vm Galveston.-Tl* Chilian ironclad Almirante Cochrane haa reired tlie cart.'" lefl bj tbe stenmer Santiago nl Iqni Hie ?j 1 (. Coclirane'a rnmmanded lia* given notiee tbal l,e wlll i'ii"kail'' Iquique mi January .'" Tl r I'rriivisn Oovernmenl haa receivetl ii tvrlegni'u 11,111, its I'oneul iit I,|iiif|iic. atatlng lhal tlu varloa* ronaula are goiuj* t" proteal agalnai tbe threatened biockade,_ Tht btoelade by rehel eeaaeh <>f tie p m of Iqnlqne bringi ''"* Dhlllan qneation promlnently belore the Barofeaa and Amerlean naHon*. whli !i mv-iI for the de vehpmra; ol theli agrirolrure tbe rararoea "I nlirale iMpped fn b thal port, Jual a- tliey needed the miano frmi tlie CMneha iilanda nnd Lolx ? before the I bll 1 PeraTtaa war. riut biockade wlll ao long ;.. lt iii***-. ?anae aome Im ?? ? rt lenre lo outslde portlea, rhik* eattlng ofl ;tie maln nnanelal reaoorcea <?'. the rbillaa i,"vci":iiR'!it. lt iv:ii ii,,t ln?| kmjt, however, foi .1 the !.?-?"" parl "f tli-' Kavj doea noi Joln Ihe re!,d- the latter wlll aoon be ifrlven from Iquiquc, Mollemlo nnd other nlirale potts. \nd ii tlie revolu pread to the majority ot the Chlllan uaval ve*?eis llie revolutlon "ill be ? 1 e ded by Ibe orerthrow ol Presldenl Balmareda, and Lhrre wlU be no ! nger ? ?? ve I 1 heeplng up Ihe bloi i... le 11 ihe nli ral.lai. Thoufrti Ihe ral 1 do 1 "t give any par t iIhts about the Arn y, mcreli Mattog lhal II n rnain 1] 1 , tha '?"' srnmi i It l* prooable thal the fate ol na- revol?:!..?! iry movcmenl itarted by ?ome navol oAren v' 1 I) bc nnall* derWed nent?, whleh - irei ibe seal "I governirtent and ihe La Mo eda ) ilare, i.-.- |, tders of the Oppo*itlon iuive laken -? 1 ?<! , i reeently to enll*4, aa far as poxilbl ?. th? sj m ji:itii.e- of ti"' Army. rhej save lu ihe Mui I il Theatre ?1 r-antlago, the t-apital, 1 grand bauqtH 1, (.-?I,-lal I:.-.- 1. '. he vl in of Choriltos aud Mlru fkirea, the two battlea whirh ended ihe I'liila-ivnivlan arar la fcivor of Cliiii. l rom a military poinl nl view, 1,. , eneral l? ron*.idc! d 1* :ii" Waahlugton of hia (..lmtr. : am) -I.. Saclon." Uigrther wlth other papera . 1, i'i" deni D I ?iii ihe |i itn ? ? !?:..," ? ' - ,,f i tsill. 1*1 ? orgaus of the ' 'pp >-iti 'ii ?e ?? 1 oi m ln iTjuiylng thal llie Prcident tm ;>,; u- ,1 Hi< ,..,,.,,., ; .. Hiuy; and. bi Ibe ?'? -: -i'i' l( ??- Irom *-,nti.,_-, iml \',; 1 "? tlmt '-. fr 111 Derembei ? ? lo lu. -ia Ej.,." "I'i Met a,," aud ?? l.a I'alriat" wcie M the -"I'i-' i' '--'ii'-l I'lesillcnl,.i< ? li.i. wh'.in n,e.' !'-.,? ":.'"'i ?' revtliiig 1 ??? h .'rn'- old .1. 1 '- ? torloaa rhl I- ueiu ral liairued 1 ? TIMOTHY I1EALY < ?N '?T.KMiN ?* POS1TIOX. AS>I f.i I N'. 'JIIVT TIIE I\'l", ? It 1'- Ol'POSEn TO 1'4UNI l.l.- \ I1.V- "I *-IH VVIl.tll'-! IIAR 1 Ot'RT AM> MR. * II tMBEULAlX. London, Jan. I.V-Tlmothy D. Ilealy, M P.. ha* t. . ,; ied I- iii- Pall Slall iJaaelte'' deaylne thal Williani O'llrien or M. Ratatovlrh, Mr. O'Rrtan'i fathei In hw, m M. ?affal<wleh'4 famllr. reeolred Mr. i.'.orv ??!' hlmself ln an nncordlal mann?r whlh |ho) ??,? . ?? pi , Mi Ilealy add-- "Mr, O'Brlon la a- ietermlned nn oppouen! of Mr. I"ai nell'a leader |!llp a- 1 Bl ? )!"> Pall Mali i.,/te'' qttotea Mr Paruall'i ttatemenl made ii-t *tuuda.v, i'4 Llmerlek, that he la v?ri,.r-tv latisfied wlth the lejngtli ',<? ha navell 1 ?rlth .*,;:?. (>'!'.!,en. ami iayi lhal 11..- ronlllet ng arrounta r>f tli" Bo !"-?? ?" ronfenjnee furnlabed 1 r Meaan Parnell and Ilealy. both tlalmiug Mr. O'Urleu, ar.- not aurpriatng. "Tlie Oaaette'' "id "Tlu 1 gUal lai.-ral ..I- Impattent, and dapreeate ihlll; ihallvlug Mr. O'Bricii la doing all he ran to destroy Engll - l./nrrjl ronaden e. and 1- tilmaeH tlie greaiesl ? fo a tU rflll ?" Oi I! WM Rule" ?_ R'tlltam Vernon Hareourl wrltea ln parl: "II t ? iriah j.'ord" and the Iriah Metnbct of Parliamenl , . ;.. to ma ntaln toward tlie Engllaii Llberals the attltudc of frietidl) .peratton, ronaultatlon, mntiwl [ood wlll and honorable ronlldence whleh existed | ? re Mr. Parnell rell, Ih. 1- 110 reason wby th-rj 1 a ri,,, _ v ,ti, entlre it*?peel for eaeh other'. nai ? , .... work tojreth r 1- hltherto foi tbe aine Objcta, and wlth 1 uplrit "f equal asaiiranee "f ulti : . arai w-orse pro pei I 11 >ir I - in-ii pasa on and aentl , -,<! Englb ii sympalbUci . and persl li iu poison .- ' ? ' -'. minH. villfying Mr. Ulad toi ? , ,. batred, rr'ectltig ronstltiitional aetlon, and ippeullnf1 t" tbe hlllaide men aud llie American dyoamlti j, ieph Chamberla n writc that he h ip. * that t !.,:?:,??] <?!?-, ti a wlll bulah the worli Uiat l.,i - ?:.,'. -> arell began There U a elear 1 ane." bc .,... ?? before ' ? ' v" t'ladaton ? offered m .s'.'in rd Home Rul . Ihe 1 ntui ? ol whleh li- re j...,j -, ,i,..i. bul whieh a??ured beforehaud tlu hoatlllti '.t everj mh-Uoii ol lri?h polltltiaua. On tlir; ,;?!.,, ,,,,,, ,... 1 nlonlati '.,'ict tbe pcaaautrt ,h? Obportunlti ! aequini ia"" '-I'"-'' favorable leriUK, n',1! A ; . ,i governm >.' almllai I 1 thal ol Uroal Ihi, ua gratefully ai-capted. I-,,. ] ?, jamea lillhonlv, Natlonaliat Membei ,,, ,.; ;?,.,,.,,. |,,r \i"-t lork, oifer. to realgn Id* seal o- ,? ntion thal i): Jo*eph E. Kenny, Member ol inii,,, ??,! f'.i xititii t'ork, d''"* the aame, In order ?" wil , , ., \0*\ Hie '|i'-i'"i vih't'^i Bantry favors or fW nnt i.i\m Mi- i'.it'i.rll. ? ? A BIUPWRKCKED CREWr, NIOIIT OF PER1L. LMdon, Jan. 15. Tbe Britiali -fam-i.ij. I'arn,:, from lla-ti.-; ,?.i f..i IM>aab?y. wenl aaliore ra4t nlghi upon tke braahwatei at tlie mouth of t'i" lllvci Toea and n-ill probably becoine n romplete wrerk. Ilci . i-.w t |?* ' . laum h tlu hlp'i boot?. but thej were ?mg l. a' mo 1 ., ihej touebed Ihe a Her, 1 1 ?ere 1 ru hed Mon lauBchiBg by M?e poundlng reeelved Irom tho Iteavy aeaa iweaplng o*er the tteamei The crew of tl.e lt-ul ).!.? savlng -tation dld thelr utmoat to lauiirh ti^ iif<Hn,at aud put eni t<. th* reaena ol the Carrle'i rrew. Hage wavea. however, tarled tbe llfcboal back uii'm _,<- abore and tbe Carrle'a crew arere forred to ren.aii, i?.he.i to Ihe ngRlng all nlghl. roward moru i.ig fio lif.- -av.-t-s ,?.,iia-'.-'l i" -1.1 a r.'li'-t over lie Carrie, and Iter irew were broughi aalelj lo nore bj ttrt Yrtr. >;, s iHIOj . ?a.i, d:-,,,,,,,,,:,!,,,!' agalnai the ."-i""' ,,l",?r,'fll';. gooda ln Newfoundland ln fuvor of 1 ? ;?'', ol tbe 1 nlted fatate wouM bc coutrarj lo lk? i?l.m md <(,: mla! t, .li, v. ,' poll. v rc'i: Uie itaia wiii arrlve al Boathampton ?? tfte Nayat aud munlcrpal otteera ol Uila rlij mmnn thelrlntaal.d pre enUng tlie 1 nlteil *.Uie? UlriiM^r. Roberl T. I.,i",'li.. -'.? ? i" ; 1"''! !'" the laale, wRh an addreia ol walrome. |? |; ,!. ?Mar bnd been rhartered b> the >" ? ?' " T ' ?2fh tl,- IntenUwi ol maeiliig the baah "l" viel'omii"* Bt. Liinoii, i.arK to Rnglan-. ?OaM HAT/KF.I.DT'S BVVDBSt TRIP '" I'lf:IJN London, .ia-,. |5 Coant llatsfeMt. Ihe <''-'""!1 ?*.mbt_k?wi?ri ,?i,|,?iv i,i?i aneapectcdly ?t?rtrd *?* km nlght i? ta anderatood lhal be vi tu Jjhli ?? j?,,?,:(:,.,( la, ,?- --. UM 1 atai'-' of v-b" ' Wfrn to be uiikuown in tbe d.plomatli ilrcK ? -^ ? tHlWORIf BBTORSTHI PBKRCH CHAMBBR. ***. Jaa. la. la Um Hwwt* lodaf M, Le Boy? ?W ra*iattea riWtldWlt. and MM. iiaidou-. CfcallMMI* i bi uf, Demolle ami Mtrlln were cboaen vlce-preal dent*. li the Chambei af Drputlei, M. Ftoquet. wbo wna recentl) re-elected PreaMent ol th*t i,..dv. tt llvered an eddi-e**. M nrceptsnce .irl thanka. il<- iald ti. * i'i p iTDpal taaii of tlw preaenl - ? -i'.n uu. tlie soi4*ii'g of the d l eate proLlem t tarlfls, and. I .,.'. the reM v;i. tne work .,.- effeitlng flnanclal i-eforui*. THIED TO WRECK A TRAIX. TBE KCOTC1I BTR1RER9 BECOMIXG LAWLEM 'iln'l IMi AT I'I I'.TII. Ola'gow, lan. i"> ln nplle of tl.e fad that tlie ;,, . ? i ertaln v anl are patn ll ng 'h ? ..i Iroad i.n - lome raacali ln ti.e nelghborho <i of Oreenoch t ,i.. pli ,-(1 a pilc ..f itom-i BCrosi ihe !?*(?!;. a kcr.oua dlraater would iitdoubledlv bave ocenried bad ,t not bccn for the fa I lhal Ihe :: I Ira n paaalng nfter the outiage bad been ron.mttted eame al ne it nn ii ii ii-uii iiv ilow rate, Ihui rnabling tha englne-drlvci ta rereree Iil* loeomollve ln time to prevenl ,i from craahliiu; Into th'- beap <>t stonet. Prrtb, Jan. 15.?Tbe ilrikers, who io far 1-... \-. hc ti. I-- :i ntie. BCtlng ln atl ,,nir-'y uianii'-t. are bt glnnlng f.i dliplay rlotou* feellnga, Crowd* ef rtriken td-d.v made despcrate Bttaefca upam levera* rallroad itatlona in thli rlly and tiie Immedlate ricinlty. They pelted the s-.i oni wlth itonca untll hard'y _ whole i',it.f glaai eonid be leen i'i ffie wlndoan ,1 tbeee bulktlngi. They alan attacked and co-mpletelt wrerked a large algnal itatlon. Tl.e police bad mmh dlflUulty iu dl*per_lnc the rioter-4. ?--a* A SEW I'ANAMA CANAL 8CHEME. PAVOREO UT THE l roVK.HN.MlNT, BUT NOT IIV Tllf. l'fnl.Ili. Pnria, Jaa. i'.. vi. Ooutel, preeldent "f the eom i iiiit',-.- of I'iiti.'iuin iharehoM-Ti and brMdhoMere, nn ! nounrea thnl th" commlttee haa obtalned the neaenl <.f I t,a?-*.o*rernmeni and Ihe iipi.i-ov.ii ..i th.- Coaomlttee j of i.i.|iiiii.iti..ti f'.r ,i new .< ii.-.-iie. This plan ?in foi low, or in other worda, Is npon the bnaii of, the | Hnancial syatcm whlch enabled LonUiana lo effi | worka coating i**OOr*WO,CiJO frnnra. The rommlttee propoaea b iui eaaion af nnnaal UA I terlei of 100,000,000 franrs, 20,000.000 franci In prlzea tn be aialgned t.i each lottery, nnd tht nel , profll thereon t" be u ed In dcfraylng the ro*l nl the ranal worki at the l*thmus ,,f i'.n.nni until the rnnal , i. i ompleted. M, llonl l -tatci thal this |s the Icading feafure "f ' the - heme, and adds lhal he Bsks nothlng from Ihe bondholdei . while !??? asanre* th.mplctlon ot t!..< " v .i.ii nd i-'Mmi.'. to the b ndholden whal they hai'e al preaenl lo t. The U ? ?' l wUI .t -K the Chamber nf 1>- putle m .j.,.. ,:- sancti ui '.,? Ihe i henu , i he new , iipinj w,ll make t:in ? rontract with ..ii rontracton offering i r ihe '? lecul nn ol the dlfferent svork . Nobody ronrertued In Ib errorl ol Ihe I Pan'ama Canal admlnlstratlon -ill be allowed lo bave myi ,.i.' io ,,,, wIth the i Imlnlatratlon. 'I he ? , r the e to I uild t.', Pl il ?? i,i ,. ? . bul the llourse I- not !.,\.,'.'ii,r, c,-|i.(i lu tbc plan, nor la the publ p -. ,1 ? lurthei nionej, PIRACI IN THE CHIXA *l.\> V STi:v*I!ii: BEI21 0, ITH CAPTA1S lill.l.U' \SD OTHER8 TI1ROWN OVERBOARD !-'i-.iu,?)..... Jan. 15.?Tba Dongla*.? Comp ktcamer Xamoa left llong Kong Dt ember 10 f,,i hwartou, with four Riiropean and -''," < i Ine b pi .-??r-. When the ahlp ????.- aboul fortj fla-i lio:.-' Kong, -he wa* i.ii. ', i" ??- m "i i '?' "i"' il fortj plrat'.-** armed wlth rcvolvcra.. whlch they eonccaled wh i.nln t "ii board. Captaln Pr* m '. wn tn ou*ly shol while parleytng wlth the piratea, and cap tuiti ITtci m, .? i" enger. wi .,i ?? killed. I lie M..I,. i)>iurtermi K ' wa? killed and thrown overboard: la ? uflti,; - and t?*o M.ii r, quartcrmaitera, ? Chlneae willor ,., ii i hino.- ''-en- wounded, nnd three ? blnc tengera are -'(id I i have been ttabbed while on noaid. Alter mn'... liitig the ihlp from end loead, the plrutt uehat-d 'lo-e lo tbe i and tbe waa pui on l*_r_fd fnaka, wblr-li eame ofT from Ih" i-laf.'t "ii ilgnaja hdni glvan. About fl oYJcvk ihe ililp ira. rel.a.e.1 nnii wai iii.l" to rraeb Ho.-ir aong next moruli | Tbe r-junU' - U natiatated to ba worth taojooo. ? -? ? TH0U8A5DA DYISG IN MBEBIA RAVAGEd OP THE ** BI.ACR !>L 4TII" ***' 4 I*.' ITY OP PRTflCI *NS st. P-tenbarf. ?''','' ?'' ?"* dl I'",':' ?,'"m ' .-iNa ihnt Ihe iconrgc imnwn n 'blarh death" hi :n bed tb" city trdTfthalak, Ihe (apit-i ol Wc*1 - , ? ole ..i Ailatii Rnaala, frora noiith ..i ih- Obl, li luirerlng from the pe l rbousandi an- dvlng at Obdonk, i eat ?:.- mmith of tbe ihi. . dna lo the Yacv et phyalelan?. II -""na ilmo i i?,,,.-!,... to i i to ibe h Ibe iprend ol Ihe fearful ? RARTHQCAREfi IN MBXICO KXTt ALGF.RfA i ?? ,,f ir?-,,'.,. .i,',. |5, vrla Galveaton Phroecarth ,,;i;ii^. oecurred i*day al Parral, in tlie state ??! thihuabua. rhe gallery nl ihe Convenl of the - Heail gave way, klllina aix persona and Injt \j(r)era, Jan, 13.?Three violenl eartbquake ahoek*, (ollowed bv ? '.!,t,-ii'ii."in pcallne nol e like t1 l,ave i.n eaperlenccd here. Iniei -<? alann p ? mi ti,., city. et i? -lailj imong the nallve p ? ? popul*4l on. Reporia from varlon? polnts -how thal tbe earth -. |( fi ....? an an extended reglo i. I i,r, ?. were aevere at fiouraia, Mar ( her hell l'.." .,[ the buiktlng* "f tl"- vlliage were demoll hed anal Miaii\ pe .: .'*?? bm'"i ln tb** rnlna. CRIPPtED BV TIIE VEW AMKR1CAN TARIFF l.r.ndoi . Jan. 15. "The iitne-'' aunouncea thal th. -i,efi.'l,i houaei engaged ln *4inerir*an trade are itT? . atlt f om the operation ol the ne? 'lun'f laa The large drma nf vVoatenholm, Rodgera nnd other are cimtemplating ;< reduetlon in the wagea ot Iheli i-niplove*. Th-- Rodner* Brm aay they believe tha*. bu?ine_i ha- been i-urtalleil i.I'^lf i-"1"* the nea Amerlcan tarltl areal into elfect. ? THE Mi'RDERER OF B__LlVER8EOIT. Madrid, Jan. i">- The t'rench -"1111111 il fierona thal th" man art.-.t.-,. al Oll I. on Ihe Bup ,?, nion thal he 1- Padlewahl. tbc alleg-d 1 .,-,,- al Sellverakolf, lalled npon tl"- Con nl al neroqa ,, Novembei 30. 1 pon tiu- oceaaion the man In mstodi i- Bld to have ?l". lai.'l liimsi'lt Ui h" LcopoM ,,.,i.,.:\ ., doverter from ihe BeJglan Army and 1 mcra ,?., ,.; ,.?? -'.ii ..1 tbc '.-n.i^i-.' of ParU. li" Bddj?d ,1,;,, i,,- lefl Parl- bcxau-e be waa compromlsed In Ibe 1 ,.,.:,( gl?i moi 1 meut. ? ? ? nl FERINO \ l.uAN l"l! WITHDRAdTAL OF A TAX. i...nd .ii. .1. ti- '"' A diapatch trom Rnenoa Ayre* itatei ibas ;i nnmber "f privnle banki bave i-ffored t-. advance Ihe Oovernnienl tijoOOfleOon randltlon that the Ouveinmenl re-clndi tbe t-x ol -J per cenl .'evi-.-d ,,:, all private bunk deyoatta. ? \ GBRMAN HADE B1SIWP OF HTRASB1 RO ,:?,,,.., j?n. 10. Tlie Pnpe haa Bppolnted fanon Fritaeu. a t*erman. to be Ulshop ol Mn burg. l mon Warbacb an Al ntlau, im- been ajipoinKal toadJuUn 1 . tbe new BMiop of 9ira?burg, bat wltbout the rlghl la .,,, reed t,, Ihe Hlahoprh ? CBABG1XQ 4 1A7MBEB DXAhEBWITB FBAPD. btrubenvllle, Ohlo, Jan. 10 Wpaelal A ?ull waa befjua i.ei- .13 cbandni WUHaw F. Wagner wlth <jr.,l .//t-iii.-i.t. II ll the Hiniax ol Ibe l."l'"'* "I kVag bci * r.M, ei laal week. Jaine** Pn?i ?. M'1"1'* llowell, doing bniin?-i in Belmonl CAtuniy, ohlo, bixMigbl aull t'.'ii-. in Juillt ? l."'-' eoiirt. rbdi' 11 (?-?? lhal la 1 S ivember Wagner wi in truated by 11..-1.1 wlth .1 UII '.1 ladlng for IhodeUven of tlUrn .at. "I wnliml mini n valued ai *10,.i, aaaablppcd lo llalUmore and Rew VorkOly. Tlie ram bei wn* altarwnrd eaported 10 Bngland and Oermani i'i,e proceed , aflea pavitig expenaw nnd romml on? wei lo be paid Pi Pr>? '';"i Bowell. Wafpiei frauda leutly depoalted Ihe ume Irfll "? todlng wlth the Com merclaJ Rank ol tibarrard, Moonej .*- < o. ? lecurliy on 1 ptromlstor. t;oto of Wagner ??? neaaei hn M.IOQ Also duriug tha yeara 1**9 and IMW II H ' haa*?vd thal ha e illei led while m lli 1 aa Ihelr afOMil several llion ind .oiiura v. hi, ti he had canverted to bla own aee. Wagner ha* been aleb Um-e tbe falluia. He nird t.? ,.,,,11,11 --1.,.,'ie 1.11 nlght, aylng lhal he wonld .n 1 -ttIm-i- than have ihi. dllgrare An offlcer la ln a lendaiire at bli bedrdde ln aee iiint he dee n? eacape ? ? - - COXDITIOS nr BPBABBB SUBBBJX'B PATB1 B. liuii.ili. N. V. Jan, 15. 11." falher <>f spenker Kll.-.liaii i.i.deiv.dit B inrgtcal Op??t.'ill'.n t.xla> f'.l tha removal ol ? radedr ol Ihe fjrrtn. ARhougb icventy ?i.ur veats old. Mr. blicclnn L''i'C tlie OfWrnttOR well .nd may ICCOV__* J:ac/{ AT THE AQENCY. II0ST1LES ' OME IN ON HORSE&-CK, V.'AI.K IXC AM) IS WAGONS. CA.MPEO XEAR THE PR1EXDLIES L'XDER ':?'-; l'l-'l." AT I'.n BIDOB-TII- v.'II.V _AV> A'.: s lll.'ii; THI tlt '.i NU i Dl t.i . M 1031 "I ' ilil 1 s TO Visii \\ iMWNOTOM. Pln* Ridge, *>. i>.. in'. 13 The Indlai have al laal rome In. M nnoii thei arcre itnuig along "? J M"-t bank nf Whlte ( , ,f two rnlle*. i-,,?-, -../,... ?,,, ;:.t .,'_ ...-aij.; R, rldlngOU '?< " - i 'I In f" i ??-.,?? ' ner It-. m n to them. 1'liev were drivlug nnd leadlng lmmen*e herd , ? nonie*. -<". ?? "f -i.i ? . r ?? dlie ' ? am|. nthe-ra t'.i' hod theii li m nn tlu weat bank ? I Whlte nn. ii."" ,?,. the i >.?;!'.,!|.,. 11?. iinilei howevej i pl g ln thebottom around Red rloud'i I ? -<? ??? i , le Irom the ireney bnild -,.?? Prank r.ourard, Hn -, -n. rflmatea the nnmtiei ? !,*(i ????- *' 7 li! yiou b hc i ?? i Umale the ni "f !: i'.'??. The laitcr rannol : ever, be fewei tlian ::..''". '. he !? ,i,'tn i ,-::;, |a i, i ;;??- fri ? "? ' i haa i.? l ??..'? . up ??">,.a ,i Brooke h >~ na en ordered lo niareji ? ?? , rmmand from below Uu ml** ?i |o thi |. -. ?!? md "il i-i'M here aaon. A parl ol hi ? ? ? and wlll .'.itiji ,,?' HM weat i tli,. While ? iav. rrttendlng north nf rhe Ind i while'."" wlll rtanh l ??-..' The advanre guard nf t1 ?? hn?lllei hnd t-eareety r<_. l,r,i ihe agrnej when His Itoad word be i "i ? "ll". tod tho ' ' , ?! ?? ..ri'-i ' , inrrentfer them t? the aeencr. When the a i . am,' :,? thei were fn ind i > ? i nl nly 1 ? he iv\ ? ?',? nnd n ? two sharj*' riflea and ,,? .? w a I, . - in ai|. Tl n iid.'i ?.,-,,: rvidi io ll ? tho Indian did noi pm p .-<?? t , give up all f ",'? ; i :. . lhal ?*???? r ? l bldd. n Ihelr bel wenimna ln t J ? - - hill . ' 'n thi. i ?? ? llre l...-i,i" i and wpuld ? : ? i ? ip aboul li"i gun*. wheu n i- known I il everj mati I* lh? mi ner of :i a t ipon v.. .-, , , , h ,-? ,.. st White ll ? d -," Ited II ' ' "i proteetlon fr im t ? ? ??! amon : them. i ,, . . . . . ' ? . ' '! !?.-?:?'. i; IIOJII 1 -?...?' HllWl, lltl.l lal- I", ?? riiev l.lll a rii" annn l ?? ' n with I I ? ?-? ,i. i i . ? . * ? |. .ii?? iheir ? i",:' and pii, li 1 ? ? . . de i.f Ihe White II and I- t i iIm, il- . ?!?? :., ? . ? - I that tlu - ? , i then i" Id and tli- | ? I rrtum.-d' t?. thi Indlai It wa< ... '.!".'? would fhemaelvi |0< .1 ll ? '"'!' eral v ; u,, ploti ?'' - ' ? ?: ; ! 'lai - a - . ? lioiiora . I ... red wilh tl I'.,' l- "''I I "I - ? it ... . ? ? i I ln- Iiii ' . ? ? lll !.," 1 " hnth .1,1. i! ? ?i i - expl. ' 'i'i bv 1 ' ?? - , lo | ,- ,..-. Ut it he di remalfi L nt Th?- ,\?-.? ia''"l Preaa COII i .. I - ' , ' ? it-, .",",! ? ' . ' < Ihem ? ? nitadod i'" alKil u ?'; f i eatabll' imenl li." r- > ? '.. " ? move waa llu from i . ' ? ' ' ' . . ' ?! ! ' I' i Idg* a i nmp i"-'i ???: h ? .. ,,",| ln Iii. i ? li , poaltl -a l", .? i' a. V ' ' mn ? 1. tl .'?,?? ! Mii"- ? ' ' ".. dld tslk to Hu ? . ? i't i" ll, Indiilg ? ? ? i few atid 1 dUxiiil v._"ii I- ."!' r*d 1 ' ? ' ' ? ' -. ? Ihe v..--t .,,|.- ,,t ihe .... ? . ?: ,: MU, ' ' . ,!' llia ' ? '.?:?.,''. i,l,(1 1 ,: '? ..I , Hill, ? ! ' ,< Mib ???": ,'. : ? , rei ni a i . ? lt , iimped hlong llio fro nore ii ?! ' ' be il loltiy i. .-?-.. ? nu ? tta .? ? . ? i li l '?. ' I ' Mii uol ull ?;. d ' I'ln l: . ; ; t ? ' . |., ,,. |... ,,, .- ? ,.,, . notig t i ,' -? i iiuirt It ne ? ?: ?. i ."I ., .l-'ir. al .,, u ,!,??? ,t, t .,-.??? i unilli ? nf llie hl :'l" t ?'" (hOl it) Of ll ' .' ''?" liO "I i II"'! ! ' ,!,. ni. I Iil* wlll . ritl?fl ' ? ' ' ' '?'' I ' '?'"' ' "' ?,., ., I |K ., ? , . ? IK'I ,i, III, I 1411(1 Iid HIlM . :>' I i' ? ? .; .,1 . li" ... 11,. i .,: .' ? ' -l( t h .' llie iipprol i'i : ' ? I' , '? '? .'i ip ? Kve Hiiiig , i. ? ' iti !?" lorili. und I ea ,,., ?;, . ,.. |,? i '?.: poH,, mui ln ' i " ? : iblNhed i j ,i,... Uon ol -"? i-iii-'. i't-. .i..i. ' 'i;'T.i! SeholleW seni th- fullowlni i' t'lv l he -." i. tan it War i ' i .-i li tl. iv ;,,,,, i ,.? -,,-,!?? ta-v of iho Inierl r lli 'gard t.. xo n ,?,,,, ,..,| lo -? ml ?? ? ? - nf ll 1 I'I- " Inirtoii. md they uppi* ? ?? , ; j oui m nui -, r*. . nt il lub iaa ha ? ? ?' nl lo .<]?,t Ihem '? i- I."?' bal Ihe de| gutlon i ?? " ..,, ,|| , ;.,. .' lo. ..i ? ? 'i more lhan I H the delegatlmi hn aln - '??' ' ' rraph al onee lh? i.uii,'. ?:. ro?ite nnd ron.i ? BEATII i?F LU'1 1 I v iJ" r .1 n. 'i \n -- Juiiclion I'lly. Kan., Jan i'. I.leutennnl Jaaie* n Maiiu, 7th * ii-'ii - ? l'nlted -1 it< ' i mi. d ed i I ' i;,|(.v tli, mornlng Irom llie efr~l of n wound r* , elred al tli- battle ol Wn inded Knee. VANKTON INDI \N*i n l:. BP ll \CK 1 l"M r?.N \D.\ ottawa, Jan. K?. Report ofarei mrlng nature ron llnue I-, i"i'ii the mounted p Ib-e departmen! fmni aoathern Manll >Im. The patrol al Wlllna Itran ii '? ' week nn i "i I'.' i' i im iv al* Vankl >n lndl?n? wlw headlag foi the Qu'uppelle rcserve* mi t'aoadla te ,,,,?,. .-;,, (,,:,,- ?-., i. ",l i Ihe Indiana were ilrapl' , ,|,| ihai t',.--. ,.,,,' i gn !," i md Ihe iglit of tl,-- in.' lar* wna enough. A det.'iiUmenl uf pollee I l II auiliom 'i ?" !''' ' "''"? bul ii I ? nol i\," ied Iheii korvirc*1 wlll l" ? "ini!'''l ? l?RER1 \M'- -l"::V"l' ' Al'l W M I.Al'l * I'K V I I! l.l,a,:.i. t.'.ii. I.V John lillm, r-, Jr.. hi |n*l re lurni .1 Ii .ia ' ? ' ' ' "?.''-' ' ', in,, ,i,,-i\ a, of t .".I'.'in ll, -i i Infnnl i. ,,,!,,. ..,?? i ,|,!.,,?: \v,i:.i," ' i;..i and iyi l,i- head ?,, , hi,',, ,i ln bl a 'i"'1'^ wl.iii.iii up :, wai ' lub thal w ? t".: ed np iWer the bsittle. TIhj aqaa* wu< riddled wlth biillel , ? BXPEN-K "I l Hl'- IXIM v'*' TROITBLEM. Waabln K mi, Jan ' ? al lycra, nf reaa , lodaj Intrndured n tlie H'*i ?? ? re*o|utk?n requeni ng tbe .-.?<? H-i.ui "i War ' i fiiriiiuli the llon <? vi:ti, Inforn i i ., io the nmount of dehch'ni lea Uiat wlll probablj larciu |n f|?. ovoral ia i.,< ln ? "f Hi" ni lii.i.i >Mi". durlng ||,,. ,,,,. , ?; Ii ' al '?" I'- I. ',.'.'" ?,! II" I'M llng Indlai trouble 1 i',/;/ // Wit I Bl '? (/'/"'?'. PIHrago, Jan. 15. '''" bnrbcd*wlre men bave id , . ,| (viihonl bavlng "',.:,"'! in agreemenl aa to Ibe .,,,,, I,,, e "I llie w , hbnrn and Maen patent*. pre iiii,i?,rv i" ii,.' formittlon "f ? pooL Aaotber meal Ing wlll be heM here neil wee*. MR. BIXOBBLl " IRE MR. FATTt&OX'l Pl ?'' l'i,ili,,|,]|.!a... Jan. i . -I...4.-III..I'.-'-. i I:."- i ,.,,, ?, ,,, ,|, n i "i Ihe la idi m . .?! i!, ? ' in utivel Sal ih il i "?? ?"',| v' : hlngerlr, propriolor ol ? lli- Philadetphb Ite.I." wa , i,,, n, t, ull Uip iai.ui" i. Ml. 1 'i.i t i on Will 1*' !? augurated Governor oq Taeadjg naiV IT.S CAPITAL LMPAIRED. TIIE FIDEL1TY AND CXSrALTY COHPANY Dl iK'U ni.i: REPORT 0? Tlfi: (STATE IXSURAXCE EXAMIKEBJ TIIE VICEPRESI&EXT'B STATEMEKT. The rep-i-ts were verified yeaterday that f*b_ ?ni*:i!-,,i the li !.-';?',? nnd Oa*ua!ty Conpany, "f '?<? 11" i'i 'v. , . .., i been impaired. R. A. Maxwell, auperint'ndenl >t tbe State ii s^c Department, made publio t:,?- report oi Examlnern . - an and -1?.i.--i A lloran. Tlte iui pairmenl ,s ,*?'.'..,; i:t ii, it i- belleved thnt the ?' . bruugbl iboul by mitmanagement on ? parl .1 ,,:i .,i*.;, it or offlcera, and :s not a lueation ni ibeir Integrity. Ti ?? reporl explnlna I dl ai '1 ia .is followi: ni..-r .? i- ineorporated M iranaaet the baalaeai ? ? k "i ?>, rtepartment of -??.t:oi? l of ehaptei "?i al ?'...? ,-?->, la Becfdaa 17 ,f tahf iel II - na4> ?? v.,-'.u. .,, i, , empaatea, peeetrlWae :. ???? n .i i .? um eandltbwi ef any caaualty laaur. i paay, uadei it,- ii,?ii.,,.,? ,,r thli * ', *'"?* ?*-'. , . tlie* t- aaar"ta only snr-h Invfeataienti in n 'i.aii/. li . | ? .--,,- i.... ,,f the Btatte Bt Uw ' i . ii,i'*'ifc.i...iii and ihall .inirR. a< HablUUia, . lt; i to tba ? ?i<it.ii tte ;. * natitaadlag Inde".*'. ? thi wnpanj imi * premlutn '.*r\r m petletea ... ? . nneamed portlon* of the preatdoaia ? - laanred I ? roverini tii" r:"ka c.iD.pntrd on -.?-.-.? r>k f "in Uu date ,f tn.- laraaaca "f thi , oll, .. ' t,, - eaamiaaUau wai msdi u ol Deiiewbet io. ItWO, ?.?-.-.. pramlun Habtllty betag ralculaced on Um la fo ? ?,. i> -emfeei i, l_00, .u.l (.onpated i>r " itl, tatlo tnonthi - thi rao-l pn tlcaWi , | th* ? qulreaienti of ihe *h<i\e ? ?, . The bu?l i"-- of '?.?? oropauy hu Im reaaed ? . thi i:n"'i pre. .,. j,,,, dina '" Uili ",- th .I , f . oropu-a :.???,-. ii, .-.,.-.. ,.f rh* uaual 50 pi i cent r, i n?i in ? -. lhc total aa.nt ol ooe yeai ,:j r.r. f&, on ?',i':. ? 50 pei : - . ,', im, bnt > omputed b.i na -i ? . i,.i -l by ti.t company, ?**?? ? . ? ? ? ?? f ll..-* n. i .? | . in ? >',. I .-! !(? - ' . . .... - Bt. 1 . ? ' -' I. ?.'... .. ? " " re*. B'.'y i oll.s .. . nf th I by ll irrlved ? ,,,,.?- Bll ll.'lll l,,l,"\--'l . j- , ' ... ???.,;, ind tbal ? , ? , ? i. , i>,hu it : ? ? ? . it . Iire-tora nf tl e ( . , ?, laat iione ol llieni I. "I licanl ol tl e rei l I Oll ll) Mes-I .. -!. 'Hl,,.ti .nni ll- I l I the : i'liiiic !?;. u '? I lie*, c\ i.i , -?, Imi |.i,.ie. ..,| f.ntli iu tlie ..tli' er_ ll v . . ? itwurtlij i tliere ,? ., atru ilitTcrcn. <? ol .? ilinv t,it... ti", ? ' ol a i Ihe tliasenli i,t t i inu menl 1' ? ? ? ul l.n ln 'i'. i" - ii i' -, ? il mt Inying nta loi rcin* ira'b e i ? l'lie-c i noi >i.\ more ih in thia or aUaw .,| ilii^r tiaiiiis. ? - ii,- in > tli*. 'iu on w ia a atorj lhal a II - ' ? mpnny had aMcmpled . f | ??' i . ' t ;.? i i 's'l.iltv lor ita val ialih ???? I e Unlflmore ????> ui ing ".im W"i ?.f the ? ?? .. u ??? ? ihe t.?ee.'it .?!(?, tion [t '.viia i-i thia iin ' ?? > porta ; mi ||l ul , ipit ,! ucie -tiTt ',i . ? ' l?- 1|' tll'i'.C r ll iii l i c , i i, t ? ? aim tl Uu' there w i? ev identlj time nd tln -???.*>. nie . t iticiam waa , ? . , ? ] S**V ,inl, 4 !? e |.re.; |e It .'f ihe Fiilellty, i-t what wai called hia uverzenloua t fuicii i >? , ,,tn|, in-. fo nndeif ike an im itisini nd troulija was pffdii ',?,! ??? |he S ? "i,,l montha agn Ihe !? ? . ?;, ?? ii.'ji rtnieni i?... r ? i icste I to e\ . ? , f the e mpanj Ikitli the ? ? . . ? ive s..i.l .-. ?'. i-rnl . ? ? . . . e,l t<> have l c inVT'Sti'-ation . , ie, ? ? : - ? :i . rneral p|.H \ ihrei toi ? ni hl thal the , t t ,,e conipaii.v ?-?? is uii<|tiestionc(l h te .- ? ?? . ? in n large mt ,,t the ii- n i ,nne 'ted with il rhe ofliiei r ' William M Rich inla . . pre ileni . I m " Sewai i ; ae ?:?? ??iil.. Vii.',i.? the 'i te tora are :> viMim: ... lie 'ii,? S i'..-, Cteorge I .Villlaum, \ exander I Orr, J. I. Rlker, J. <? Mi:< tvnd VV il M ile. Mr Sfvvanl .mi laal nighl , ? ? iin.- .ii.J iin.l ? il.i. ral ???. ,..' tli" laa i ,,, '. |i ? ln i ? ,, ,, , ,, ,...,., I* .i..ll._ .111 ln. i,it. > ., i ? ? i ,. iu il i ? ind thi" i i,ii.,ii".... ?(..i .,,.,, ? | , im. iw |,ni |n , i ?? rn, ma |,r ? ?, j.! . thal ' ? ?? iipinj mu*l , ..?,-.,? " Ith It ? iMitlre aron* Im ra I . than ,?'. i ? ? um -1" ilr?>adi lt*. n ? I , . , ounl of ,,, , i. , ,.' i nai mai llli* l.-i-ll,, a* |*, ..,, ? t ? ?:?'. ? ,.?,? ? ',, to ii* al ,, '!, li ? ie ?? i* i .ii ,,i; n, ii ,-. hi ii ii" |ii Biluni* . ? arm d. I? the '-K"u ? ?.!..? ??? haie ral nlate.1 oui reaei ii. ii.ei by ii imth , ii Uu i:?ubI hai - of ?" M I ? "'' "f th* .i ii-.t .i-u-. 'I in. ,. ? ?! '?'? .'?!,' on i i<-v? l , ? full in....,:,,. ,t |,-. ii i-u. .. The , \., i,li.,'i however, il i,| ,i a thli !? n rv.> '" i i> Uii In ,'..,?..,... part nf Uu illegrd el leu ? ? ' , , . ? li" III*.!?? In~ ?>:,..:' Ill lh( ', niuoth, ? ,, ? ... ? t'.iif fm nni pmniurai a i "? n ?i, ' ikln. "'ii .'- . ,, ... ??.- h.: i.'.'ii parlag ..i t .i, ' ?.,, ?? ? ? . di lli ? nrj .?-.:' t \- ( itiai "f f. ' ' . il i ?l. ulatiou ,r rearrve Ui* i-ompaBj aaa i lurplui nl di li ?? v., ji ? ,):_?.;iv our j.nta t" ' OOtlll I": n." 31*1 "I ir*. -mt,. i. tnd I Iblnk .".r lurptu* ,- not li-.-lv lo dlffet ii.u.ii ,, -..., a. ,.!.,'? ,1 ln ibe ?? ib i ,, ll . ? l. I .11 Hill I." Bl .' |'l ?- M "?'"? A- B nf u ; .,,.! i... i .',. dot* nol ? ?" ? .1 10 i r i eat. Wi. Idi i tbal boI li - ii ..I, '?" i? i ? ml of "'? reaervi -., ,f ,. . . ..|,. .- ut Ui iil K ol I'- ?? nl ?? .,('.. on ?-,,,. i.tll nl tba >??? "' " i- ti"' ?' aej ai i. . all) > turplai ol t-V 0 Ol U rhh i*erj , i m.|, , irtual i nodltlitn ul im company. I ..... , ,,? . ii the i ipoil ,.i "te ? ' ""ii' ' aa readei i i i ?i? deparUa ..' but l do n >l '? . ?'>??? U ' '"''?' ' ?"" 1,-fl- ? 11.... _n t.i- ,, .nu. ?!.i'i.i uf ??? -"?' "? aiad 11" t -? .,.,,.. , i, ii || : .i.i ii.' to 'Ij Uial 11 dld aol aad I in ft ? ,,, ..,, . ,. . ratlon aoold 11 *?''- .l?f Ij wRh. nui f" ndatiun. I1. i. ,i,- ftfiu li, "?? "f th. .|.nn have i- ? i bcUvi ln i ihlng ? I ":l^ "f . ,, i .. italnly Um ? ? ib m a ild bavi , i-trted I ib.l*ied Oai ''"'ii:""?? '- ,,"l-> '" ',:' *'"" in.l'. -..,ii?, roadJUon, aad i * ?', * *-"''?? '? w"r'" l" ? Oarlna "? I ? irttr of th laa i.i regard t - ihe re . ,, " ad af ll ? i ian ina . .aa oei 1PP ara I , . v i hi' . i -I ild. hoae' ? drawn Unatli '? ? " ?" '" *e?H -f i''"?*" VIj Scward m w aakfrd tl the oompanj l-'1' i'"1 ,tiv icrioua or unuaual kt*_*e. Ile leplifwl "N"' i,u ihe contrary, we have bad aa naeellenl year. Ihe iracrvc ns exhibited by ihe examlnei ia not i,,,. io BnJ unnatural eojine of tbe bnaineae, but t? ibe ,.;,*..,..t,..,, nl '!.'* law. wblch inqnlrea a re tcrve whlch t- exeeeeYt*. rrom a prudentlal polnl if mc..., nnd rrom tbe l'" lH?r *v',v 1!1 v*1'"'" ""' -i.iii'ii.iii'.ii wai ?? - M ,c you - '?? i ll t? 'i'"1 *v''1' tvV rx t.iin.'i ''" I:-- waa aake I. u. UiluB Uial it aaa unai eaaary fo Ut* ? n daei t haage Um Br**_-od of cini-utui ? Uie rearrve. There li aol . ouMudty nampaay fa tha ilnu, laela-iag ln thia ratBgary ?:: tir* caapaalea a- ? | .,- eaaualt] i paalaa m called. whleh taaa aot aaka Ita returna to the laaaraaee D i irt neai on tha oa*i* al Um M per cent reaerve. It "??? no ... ? r mrpttai I ai tkal there ahould be a ? il m of tlie . , . : . ,\" beea b ttet II tii- ;>? ? ? ounta eould have beei laken at theli ratlrety for a glven ,iu',, it; fad r partlj the .1 th ,,f Voveatbei and partly ti" I7tti ,,f December, I' would i" aeal t-> ImpaaalM. '." ???. -? recoaaldet oa: Dgurea altk ti",-'- of Uie asamlaei ''.nti"r t..'-" 'i;,"P:-ta. AV, we >.m (1, would tM M --.,' ariount* a. of iin ai*' ?f Decembet iii t'i" retulai way ?ad aab aai patrona ?-. ii.:,'\t tkal vve know bow ta atata , \- , o'.u'a ,a':'l nr.- ua,,' -'. i or"! ? ? - ' rAaaee bv ?:i t'i laavraae* deparv irv-ut* af ''rv. Inoliatiiig X*'i'-V.,i k, of thn aCCOitata ahleb wa ahall readei within ti.e ncxt week l* ,,f th: siat uf if.'niii'r. nv- bavto't .. wotel of eaaiplalai to muk^ ,.f tho ruaadaer er'o' the Departmenl and a'e Mtlret] caafld. ? ?? tther the examiner htmoelf oi th' sat-'r::, tendeat of laaaiaaea wlll *a? that lha :? i-.r---i Impalraiaat . | mi eapltal i* r.?;< rtae th.,.1 U le. ulnal. 1 4 lota thla ra panj . . i*?H7 whea 11 araa dreggtag aioag and doinji a b'i-!n?-* of aboal atMQ.OOO * rear. Th* minagmaeat w?* 1 erganlsed, a. il ilaee tbaa tha eampanj haa 11. ei.- graatea pi a ?--? lhan uny elber laaaraac* roa*. iwnr ti, thr caatla Bt deiag 1 bualneaa laal v?r of ovei v. g O.ON Tbal th.* praeraaa ha.* beea aolld , ? !,??? *h* baprovamaal la Iba \ at'.o.. of it. .t^^k nnd ll*0 bV the Tampao' >>fo;t.s uhi<-h have been m?d" latelT av partlea not heretofo-e eaanaeaed wit!, the compsnv to ?eeure contral "f it. MURDEB IX COLOBADO'8 8TATB HOUSL. \ POUCE OrflClAL KILLED IND IR ATTF.MI'T MADE TO IMARHRATE BPEARER HAN'XA. Denver, .lan 15 iSpeelal).?? At an ear'y hour thls naorning Speaker Hanna, on -odeavoring lo enter Mie hall nl Hie Honso, was ahot ;if by nne ?i Speaker Whlte"* bodyguarde. Th* bullet went agtray. Police Incpestor llawley, being in the viclnlty, ruihed to the dooi pisi in time to be shnt through tlie lienrt by Harlev HflCoy, one of White'* dcorkerpers, Patrolroati Norrg recelred ? biillei through th.* Bbdomen for endeavorimj t'< ?mal Met "-. after whieh the Intter gurrendered. All riiiy l"ti? the Unembty }tm been aurrouaded by .1 rordon "f police and the Sfate mllllia N~ eompromiae la expected, and it is more than probahle tbal Oloratln "ill lie found with fcwn lloutief of Kepreaentativei flovernor Koutl has exprened himaell for Speaker llanna, while tbe Kump Kepui.i;, hi |.','!no,rati.' majority relua 1 i?ni t,, the ii"' ei nor'a eomm md, PBE8IDEXT8 ALI OtTE IIIM BOXET. \\ IKSANE MAN ABBKSTED XI '.:: GROVER i I.KVKI.AXD'S M"i . I.. Frederlck II. Rifert, thlrty yeara old, who layi that , at No. 102 Sei ml ave., al*o at Aatorla, Hoston, Madaga rar nnd *e\eral other place . was found on ifternnon n Mn ln 1 auapii lous man ner lu ,.,,. . I of the I :?? of "\ Presldent Ck ve ailal. al No. 810 Vii?!,-? li a\".. l.v PollremOll 1. ill'.li"'!. He h i.i ;i ivii'i irlare in ' :- eyc. and walked up and at Hie wiiiiiov.'- In tli" npper l , ? n| the ii'.'i- ' ? "nd ihru-l iM'.ml": Hv Inlo tha !?><?- "i women ? h , pa ..1 him ll- be koned tn llie drivers ol ? 1 , .< ?!, n irie 1 t.. atop them bj ihootlng. n.IBre ' '? ? ? 'i'?"?' '" Klf' ;l by h mnn ui?, iKid l.n a it for an hour nr , ,., he '-'- ilked hurriedly ,,, i.*|ftii ,i. . ? ?! ., ti-" rear the ( iiitml P_rk ,",1 began lo la .- ifl hia rk thea. Rofi 1 | ,, 11,,.;, , lie had tanen mr eve 1 , ? irnu?era. Ih* fouglit thd . .1 id ihen went n.Hv lo tht ... . ia| 11 . uid al Hie -'aii'"i t at he wat are|| .1 naainted , m*. 1 tevekind and alan all the Preiddenta nf the Ul nf them "" <l him mouev. and none of the nmounta due wm leas than .-1.,,,,,,,,'1 iii> -.tal that he araa nn ipeaklng ternia arlUi -iii the crowned lasada of Burope. ?nd tbal Ih bad been Invited lo take tbe place raeated by Bhanark. Ha had. ar,. niit,,: to hli beBef. an eaormoaa amoant i ., iith ?? "1 '.in. bnl a few pennle* atere all thai araa found In bt* pockel*. lie t-.:d 1 ilffereal aton ln almoal every breath aboal hia bualneaa, ind ii waveral frequently between 1 houaekeeper and a rhambermald. He beeame vlolent when an attempl nade t" lock him up, *nd lie araa put I atra {a. lat 1 id n ni ived t,, the ln?an ? pavlllon at B. liei ne ?l .'i.'ai. ti" .:r!',i for all )"? di-' npi .Ited frie d t . rome ami ald him, bi d II reatencd t" destr l r -'"i-.' i. Ut'-r a i ?? ?' -i"?;?' in 1 n-i't 1.. k< t he - t 1 llltle tenae, uid lealerda* araa qutet. He ls ho|*ele*?ly li .,-..- nr. I.,.. ?; 1- helievra, and If hl? frlend* do inl ,,,,,,. ,.. i,.\ aftoi lie "'li be ?ent la the aaylum , 1 ii, kwell'i 1 lai ?' ? ? 1LLE0FD rt) BiVF. ERBEXXLED ll.V),f*O0. >?!) Fr.ui, i>,". Jan. I.V Tbe pubBahed atntement i* mad-i thal John < llall, formerlj "f the law flrm of Hall .1 Rod rcra, nf thla rltj. *nd trnal.1 t'i" e*t ite nf John llawley atid Marvlu A BaMwin, d.aaed. hai ronfeased 10 the embex/lemenl nf -um- oggregntlng UOO ' ?? deallug In t." bn. II ' ited thal ? Hawloi aud BaWwin ? late*! nre Im ilved ext.-nt .<? eaeh tbal the Kreneh Kavlnga nnd I..,,,,, rkMlety waa Indured to 1 *n llnll ais.oo 1 bj ,,f i,,i ,. nbatracls of title ? 1 pi ?:? rj ?' r,..,-lv a rtgaged aud l uit nthei pcra ma were vir ,, ,? ,.,.,,. . . , ? 1 .,1 other meana to Uie .?xiont of from et.Orti t,. .*:,"?"- if 1 ',! ' it Hall ,-,M.|ved t*. ?uti,mi' -a. Ide -; I'riday, but ?-- I-; ,,;;??, .,1 ot the - liarge., whlr 1 mav bc ''ii blm. _ ? ?> 7//1 .t/i? srjip .'.nr/r ro 1 r.r. Mount caini"i, lll., Jai 15. tl la I Uie nlr-?hlp I ., fai 1. The model la eomplet md work*. lt wlll .,,'.','?? u I : hu, vnncy chttniber la '-'l feel long und n 1 '- feel I , dUuneter. riie *hip. wlth the .].'l'"-. rudders, ,.,, ., |. ihlrti feel In lenglh. The Invenl ir have .1 ,.,, ; ,,t wlth Jarae A 1 11 nlng and olhera to rxlttbit ,, for twelve week.. rtiej are lo r.-vr 1100.01*0 i, . |n it-, around In Ihe Kxpoiltlon bulkllng and ,,,,, 144(1 !U--!iP't-- " wlU -'? bi .?.?>:<*?- \ ,',- u betui ih.,' ged here f.<r tbal purpoae, a- it cau ,,,,: bc put ni ?' ? a* l1"'"'' _ ? - OBCaOISTS <>> IBBVBT FABK AliBRED. Aabury l-rk. N. ?'?- Jau. 15 (gpeetal). II* dnigglrta ,,f Vabnrj l'..t'U. ?li" ?'*' >l"-'1 iii.II.'tiiieii' - 'I"' ' '? '"'J'": lorm ,-f eourt. are greatly eaelted over Hie ramor thal manv "f them w.-ro Indleted by the preaent Jury J?m t ":?.,'. and lo-day. rhla evenlng oflkera w. baay aerviiig aummonaea on youni men ?li" were anppoaed ,,, i?. i!"i!iii.'". tt t'"' so-call*d I'...'* in the reai room* ,,i ihe drug-atore*. ICOfDENT ic IfePRBSBXriTlt'E UEXDEMBOB. trVaabiiigton, Jan. 16. Repre*enUtlv? Henderaon, ot i?w;, auatalued .1 acvere ai.u palnful *tnini of the righl , be *i"'P"t ""I ol lu* rarrtage today oa ar livlll | me , ,. He waa taken to hli rommll lM room, where he uu l laralttag reuunal to ,u, 1.?-. \ phvalrlan waa i-fleil '" i]i?[<} _? ?iV .. i.i.-nt 11.1- ibe more dlatreaam^ a; Ml Hendee .?n auffered ti,- i-- ol hl* left loot ln lb* arar. STWXITK WORRB CLD8KD PHtafleW, Maa . Jan. 13 (Hpeclall.-Tb* nrlonlte worki .11 tdama, whlek bave been wtd i" tbe t'ellu ,?,,, companj ol XowJeraey. wlll loon bc ahnl down b. .,; ,,[ tha (viinli.i.i (.pauy. About r?J people will be Ihroarn out "' empb?yaienfc Whal will bewjme of tbe ptont l? ad known. bul 11 wHI , hi,',.bV I.,- Mild for *. nthei i.i'i-i of bualneaa aad ihe mucblner) Iranaferred lo Kewarfc. JfRRST OF I LOTTRRF 4t7EST. Chlcago .im- 13. Ihe irat arreal nadei the new Lottery law arna ?*?* ??,Uv (- ?? ,i""|,,? :"':,'? 1 , Loring, wa. arreated and beM In boada ?t aoooo t.. Ih* li nni Jnry. 'if'"l<1 ''*' '." aeUn* M ihe Lhlcugo ageat of the Loulalana LMtary. iBlPPIXO HOBBEB TBOM TBB BTARFORD KARCB. MaMir-t.i. (ai., Jaa. la.-K.ii'iit palaee eara wlth Vii noraea were ihlppeal from Benator Maafbi-'a raneh tbla e\enlng, conalgaed lo P. C. EeUogg, ol Rea* Yort. They and ii" t'i and Al Htecei "( Eleciloneer, Pled.nt and Neptune hc "ona "f Electloneer, Cbiy Whlpa, Wolaey XATURAL OAB FOB CBtCAOO. ci.?;,-..,.. Jan. r>. rhe Econdmli Puel fJa*Companj I,.-..|,i-,i the iiaii' li- ? tly grantcd tu II bt tho , ,,\ couni :l and 'promlac lo be readi t" d livci iiutaral gua t<> consumera lu Ihi* rlty f"i- fael purp. uitiiin a T.'.ir. ih' gaa Wlll b<- plped from Baatern Indiana, aud the plpei are alrcady i.iia nearty to Um HllllUn lillG, THK LODGE BILL IN PLACE ITS CON'*:ir)ERATION RESl'MED BY THE SECi ATK. A gTRORIfJ pr.FA T.Y MR. F.V4HTS FOR TURKR AKR ntEBR .iLEtTioNs r-oit. ia:pnr.*si:NTATiv*_-? ?VETRAOC IN MOMR SOL'l HI.l'.N STATES-, ME HOAR TO PRkm IBE Ml. wri*. . lar Tr.i.rn*\rn to r?r tdti,-,., t Waahlnftoa, Jan. 1 .v-The Bleell n Nll o.uietlj reauraed its place to-day ns te "nntninbed baaV ? m" of the Sennte, and no effort wna made i>> Mr. Gonaan or aay of his ifg alliea nn the l.'epnii. lieun sirle to w-rvrae lhc vote nl last nlght i>t which ihe centrol af the hualneaa ()f the s-.-.a*. v.ivs wretted from rhe rccent a;iti-l.cptil>lKan r.n.i tion. Mr. Evnrta aeenpled nll "f the afttraooc with Mh;ir waa iotrsnded to l?e the i-Hosi::^ ment oii t',e l>i!l tnr the l"epiil,! side, and Mr. Pacen, 0f Florida, who hna nol yetnpakcR, _o' the Hoor just before adjournorarnt for whal Mr. Heal and his frienda imst arill be tbe Inal aet Bpeeebj Bgaiatl the measiire. Mi. lloar, :it least. in bCfaT*. i il intidpatfon ol thnl good fortane, pve noti-a. thnl he wonld ank the Senate to ail to rmhthw nntil tlie pendlng hill eatild be cotapletei, aad lf this intentloo is peraevered in the perti_d__M* lary plnnnd by the oppoattloa will ingia to-moirow evenlng. Mr. Oorman, "t oaunae, to prever.t. jf possiiile, the Seniite't, entering 1'ist ram upon | rmatvat ofl tetaper and whleh promises, il lon;; , ?i-rii'.'icl. f,, renult in the tvimmnry ndoptlon ,.t .1 ruie to ,>,se debnte, wlll iry to tempt I'-imti liean Setmtors wl o .ire eapectally Inttitit.d in pnrtieulnr pieces of legialatioii t., puah them to the front by diaplaeing the Eleetion bill, and no guarantee of Demoemtie auppart whleh may bc demanded *.ii!I l?e too lirond or too liheral for the Maryland Icmler to aceede t i. Tbe Eigbt-Hanr r abor Wll, the Pnre Pood hill, the Copyrichl i.ill nnd other ptjiially pn-asing tnd hnportunt tm- sii-es in,. likely to Le uaed ns a hall by tho oppoaition to ipeiire another n.*pite fra__ Uie Eleetion hill. With si\ Republican Senators op poaed ' ' the Lodte tneaaure, aad al leaai two we*n appnrently indifferenl to it, tiie ranrgin Mr. <'>r man haa to work to overcoaae iaextremcly nairovv aad iincert: bt, and onlj vigllnn! party irrt*anlia tion and iie-ennined party feeling will aneeeed tn keeping the Eleetion hill i:i iti preaeai 'fdaec ..i prlvllege. It waa not-iced on the vote last nighl '.i take up the Eleetion blll thal twclvnt Repuhlican Senntora were abaent, unA only t."i JJeniocratfl Two uYpuhlicana, Meaara Pluiabaad lns-Ile, were tinn l.-n ahaenl Md anpnired lf prenenl or pnired Iheli vote wonld bave firem the Rrpublican aide, withoul the help <>i tiu lia deaerteri, nn netunl working majority of two Mr. Ei'nrta'i apeccli to-day w..|> nn elabacaU and philoaopbieal argument on Ihe hwues lavalvad iu ihe Eleetion bill. The puriflcatlon aad la Ig* orntion ol the auilrage, he mair.tained, was ??_ ?il life nnd bealth nl lhc \ itl b, aud he udvoc ited tbe pendlng Wll as ? w.-l come t.. purer and fwer electiona t"i I.Vpre aentative. nt i ongreaa, nnd by tbc loice nf ex* ampl.>. ai leaat, 1 i i fairer mffrnge In State r*a*J lo i electiona. I!'- alao went thoronghly nnd ,ii-pis'.'.'iii.:t.l\ Into the condiiion of thlnga in whal ? ,',!i,"i the ih " i:"ti-sitti I"**" Statea "t the l . lon?5o .?!: t 'arolina, Florida, licnrgia, Alnii..ui_, Muwisaippi n-id I.,. .;.i mn. Iu theae commonwealtbi, i,e uid, there was n powei which gaverneil in deflance of both Mate law and il?- National Conntitatioa, aud by send liig soti.e i.,it.. Kepreaentatlvea '?> i'on*;ress hy iiK-'tis unknown to law, committed n ^i"*s and ||,.ii.Ii' wrong mt every otuer pcriiou of tlie ? ni.-ii wbich olnerved tbe law of mffrnge. Thia i-omlition, na far .,- n regarded State eleetioea, ..,:;,! i?- remedied only by rhe revivnl ol ? aenai .,i nbedience to law and of loyally to rhe Uaa. ilil it.on. ItiH na lo ' ' n -i'i--s...i: ii ei.-.f K'tis, the il i.i.\ciiiiin'i t l, id tlie power. aud waa er liu oliliffiitiun, t i vindicate the bw ul iniparlial auffrnge and reatore thi pa'-iopful ;,.s,eii,iiiti,'\ of tlie majority. Mr Evnrta apoke t"i ovet tltree hoari to a !:,:_,? and .iTti-iitiv,- ., .!,'!: e. tuaking pertiaac tho l..ii-r>t. nml certainly one ol tlie mod aue c-.sf,i and i',.',i;'!.-. ol -.11 hia upoechea in IM Scnatc. As naunl, lie tnlkwl withoul any nofara an.l full jiiaflce ean only la* done whal h?> wl.'ti it ahall appear in print in "*The (nncresv iuiial Bc< i'i IH'T.WI.* OF TIIE DEaiTE. VVaihlngton, Jan. 15. OTten tbe Eleetion blll waa Iald L?-f.the benate, Mr. Evarti reopened tli-* deLaia. Ue dld not, he -aid, nJ ."? i to tbe length ol itt_*!a_a m tvliu-h had already i.n liad. Tbe time ipanl in it had been nacfullv spent. No more Important dabnaa, ln re?ne<1 t.. pendios Intereaia, ii:oi ??..?? t uT_en placa in ti,.- s.'.nt- than tiiit utii'ii bad u rupled iii- attaa Hon ol the Benate i I the < untry il. the '-' -f .".. !.?? i .-t. A parilament, i t ? ttett, t m thn place primaril) ,,f debate. II wai th tea thal were to be i.mblcd, in Butlienth repmentatlon, tha t^nlona ,*-f all pi,i inmi- ol the rountrr. There Ib waa that, f.'.e ii .- nnii mch declamatlon, mch .?>: ..ferire, inl ineh logii ai ii Ight be uaed, *peecbea wei ? to i^ ma-ie , ? , i .u.i (ip* i- ',* . '.'v.-l. Eapeelally u.i- thli dchate Impoitanl u affordlng traatworthy .t tl.ninlnna and reellngi aA put*po_w of i . mn : :?'. party aa bearinr: i tl i ll t*aa> le. t .,f tt:- Integrit; and puritr Ue quotcd Ihe niiixim lhat ?? mi i1 | ifl lleaveR ai i ?-., th pay their liomage ? i Laa tba very Raal i* f.-eii.:.' her ..ii"-. and the .-?;.-' ,- nol exeutpt frota her i>"?!(?:?." and i**umed lhat ao portlon ol tha f*anatc and ti" portion ol the countrj wai dlap.i '?'?'' draw trom thal grand rdatlon lo law. i.real aa vrai ? ? itatlon of the I* ? dent uf Um I'nited Swataa, lt a i ',e..ui-i- he waa tho servantand thei -ealnnof law; iil lu- v ,i. nol exempl fr n tbe power ot laa aol i ln tli- ab-tt.i.'t. not netely In declamatior, but in the faci tlie summ nei fWm a. eoart ol iraattec ronld take lilm Into court fo an iafrartlon .>f tii" tee*. ni,,ii laara ,,f Ibe l.m.l. And ihoald lt b* *H:d iu iii,. Natlon, then slio.ild ba h*ai atteniion paid to the ,'tiier propoaltttoa .?f Ibe i i.imui thal "tho irery i?*?>t feeling ber cara." paj ibclr hontage ., ? rttiieni t,< tiie law .,f tha .'and f ii.i.i it rome t'. that, lhal "niy one bmach of that jii pt-evaletit rclatloo to law u.i-i ti-ic (tbal the sreut.-'it i. exempl from ber r,"'A'''"1 and thnl "the ir*.*" were evt i I i be ikregarded, and were net n feel the oare .f lan t'oming llreetly t.. tiie gncrtlan af the Btoctioc MB Mr. Evarta tatd thal II bad been la_r_da_ed, rarharad to I..- ('(.Miiiiitt.-c (.ti MvOagM aad ElrcHnfac and takea the courae .-f all r-rther MIH. if it wanl mtv furtber than waa thoaght (hy it. opponeaii ta ta uaeful of neeeaaary, II BhouM have been ffeekftet In the ordlnary way: bul no auch courae had beea taken. When iin* inil ami repoited, tiu* iieanlor from Alnlrarao (Mr. I'n-ii. had deelared M t.. be lavotattamary aai nucift-iiiiifii' lhat ti* execatlon would hunura tae .licddlng of btood ond the r_**-tru?*tlon of paaec ii'd .,?.! order, and thal Ra paa aga would bo i?fl_t*anl tij eva ?? pai liameatary Btethod, and every mathed aNowaf ||) tlie I ,..; .tltlll|,.,l. Mll- "I'.l'-t llielMltV for Iha rcci lation "f .??'? t,..n- "f EeffaeecBtBtlrea la Caa-grraa ???*? i?','ii thua treated by tbe Dew?o-ralli |,*rtv. .md tiu Mibjert been thrown beadlong into the artan ol pnlltical agttailon And there it iiad beea k-*pt <m tor ii tii* Deinoi f.-iti,- party ronto bcap iti from that aay to tbto. II wna IbaagM ti.n. at the i?*t el?.'tion lt mlgrtrt Itave plajfgl nn iui|,ort:i'it purt in ac unn? thia or Ibal degraa "f lec'eeaa aai prer_*raBj_tMaea N tlie ivin... ratte p?rty nnd of f.uliue fo fli* Bepuuhcan party. wn inee, ba a.:,.-d. i uaa Mr. m-ii'i ile, l.i.itloti Of Wtir a-.iin-t t'i" r,,ii-t:tufi,'ii. a-anct tiie Flfteeotb .v:i:cii,iii,'*nf. agalnal the legMatfou nf , .... and n.-.nn t tii" prevalaaee "f Inw thicngft it- eourta and o-toere"! Wbete btood ?:.- to be *h.d; . whom waa btood t?. i?- ihedl One aa-Utata-Ry a-a.pted and given to "aan (or tiu- grmeml ruie proclalmed by tlvine nathorlry "Vcagccaec i* mine; l uiii repay.* Ilat, ln the taattar of life of man takea i,y tii.ti. -.viis Bolemnly aecorded to amn *Whenamrnt i: tddeth man'i btood, by man ib ill his biixat be *iied." And, therefore, Inntead ol a 'i ? - lea of tli? metltodi and th" mcanlng ?>( the clautea ef tlie bll. .te bad been runfi-onted wlth oppoaition by .'.ll parllamcntary mcthod*. Dld thot, he aiied, Mgwtea tlie |, ople ..f the L'nited itatcal i>i'i it (righfan mi atocs oa elther itde of the aUey I lud N frighten tlia Kepi^bUcaa n*u_f f >o- T'?o Coustituuoa aud iha