OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, January 16, 1891, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1891-01-16/ed-1/seq-2/

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laws in paraaance ..f it araaM be, eooaee or later, man
talned. There eould ba M mlddlc Kround bctwcei.
obedlonre nnd roalataoee lo law. one or tlie other
ivoniii bave to go t<, tli" wali
Mr. Rvart* pmeeded todtaeuaa whal he termed the
"Mi- isippl metbod,a whleh had beea planaed to pre
real the free exerclee of ?nlTrage, and whlek, he *ald,
had beea adopted in the GuM Btatea; and he deelared
that. in that ryredkament, tboee Btatea arere noi
bage Btatea. The bjari "f the** Watee were, illenl
before aome power or otber that paralyaed thelr exe
cuiioii Tbe rroedooa ol auRrage bad been thwurted
aad eantroOed bT aoaa* mett d* wbleb were not ac
rordlng to law, ettber ..f tbe Metaa, or od the I i Ited
Mr. Kva!l? *ent tO the etgrfe** do,!- a'i'l liad read
an extrad Irom ? ?l>ar?h ny',,]o ''>' ***** *' '"
Cbrlamaa ln tbe MHalaalppI Ciastltotl na] Conventlon
laal Keptember, denoaaalag the etoetton ***ethot_ aa
rarrled n tit that Btate. Tbal apeeeb, he said. tbowed
tbal tbere waa ln Mlaatolppl a prevalei.i ?ob
rerdoa od b?, Tbe new Conatltatkm "f m*alasippl
Ihe nn<le:'*t'>:>(1) provided that el"Ct!ons for the l'.vi-r
branch "i the Leglahrtare tho-M be held only ooee
in four \ra:-. IhUi %t??u-toinlr.g TOter* to tbe dlsaae ol
aaffraaa Whal Demoeratk communitr in the Rorth
would aabntt t" that*
Mr. MorcM e**ed wbetbee tbe Republican party
had aot al oliah i aafrrage, botk ol Maeba aad wbltea, in
th.* Dlatrlct edColombta, ao a- lo prevent tbe deatrae
tion of r.roperty lntere?ta In tbe dlatriei
Mr. Rvart* deellned todlaraa* tbal nbjeet He waa
ttoewaelag tbe Miaslai ppl ptat ?
??nn' tbe two eaaea are paraflel." *_M Mr. Morgan.
? Tbal mav be." waa Mr. RvartM refty, "bal ' om
n"t dlscaaalag paral'ei eoaeUtattoaa."
Mr. Waltball a-h"d Wbetber there waa amtliing in
the elauae "l th" MHalaalwpi Coaetttatloa referred to
ti.nt ara* uueoaetltatkmal wttfe tho tjoustitutioii of the
Calted *>tato.-.
??I h.ive not said tliat there is." was the rcplv.
"i-.iit i a>k wbetber tbere K" Mr. WattbaU t>cr
gfated. "1 ain onlv atattng that lt Kttack* the nf'
Ira^os of tho Wbltea," ^aid Mr. F.varts.
'? liut I would lil;e to a*k tho Senator,'' said Mr.
waithaii. "wbetber i.f* dealea v> the pooRlo ed Mis.-K
Mlipl the ri'-'lit (if tiiey have tho power under the.
i onaUtuUon ..f tbe I'nlted Btatea) to protci-t tbemaetve*
rn that nede agalaal aegre mie;-'
Mr. Evarta did not refdy dlreetiy, but waal ?? to
ipeeJi of arbltrary appor-O-iae-t in Mlaatoalppl.
Mr. Waltball liave yoa ne arbltrary appertloa-M-t
in the Btate of Sew-Yorkl
Mr. Evarta-1 don't know. I donot thitik we havo.
Mr. Waltball Are yoa h_u_ar niUi the apportbm
?eni of tbe Btate of conneeticut i
Mr. Rvarta?1 am ; 1 lived there.
Mr. Walihall-1* n"t tlie anportlnnmrnt thero moro
ail'itraiv tbaa in Ml**i**ippl I
Mr. Evarta- lt la not arbltrary a* between dlffercnt
laettoa* of tbe Btate. lt i* uniform tbroagboat tbe
Mate, whatever it la.
Mr. WaltbaU-AaauailBg tbal tbe *?tatc of Mlaalaalppl
i,a> tbe power, wouM tl.e Benator prevent IM -,<',-'i'lu
from proteedni themaelvea agalaal aegro rule by tho
ni.-ir- adepted in thelr Conatltntleol
Mr. F.vii-t> I bave ti >t MM one word on tho stibjeet
ot thoae ehaagea la yoar Ooaatltatlea and tbeae fer
,.itatlon- ln your rommunlty, a* eaaneetei artth the
ConaUtutlon ol the l*nlt*d Btatea. I bave taJaV-d OB
,i?. rto.truction "i your u?n Inatitutlwi*.
M ' iinail-!?;.?, the Benator think that under
tbla bill "r under a ? other bllL tho coodHloo of
tmnga oi whleh h- toniplaina can be remedgjf
Rr Evarta?ln regaru to yoar domeetli InaUtntMBBt
Mi. Wi.ltl.ill- Yes.
? ? t.\ irt - Onlj !?'. pi"d exaniple.
Mi. Waltball rhen I ai*der?tand the benator to sa\
that, untkr tnis blll and ander no other MR
'.ir. Kvart--l nui not aay utwther bill.
Mi W.ilt.all ? .1,1 thi* 1"11 '?" '? , ?. _
Mr! Kvia- i.-.'-i't by good esaa-rple (with em
r,,'M;:'\var':,!,l'i Jhtn^'seiiator- arpumemt is in
,.",,' ,i l autiuo?e. lo be a l.-.tiire.
tCM. -.' k.v.uM lie i-enator la entltted to a*a anj
phi-aa* Of ta.iiitii.'iiiia'ioii or . l.af.u t.'i'ization tliat bt
l'k_re*Evart* wenl ea lo rontraal tbe rmmber of rotea
lor 1<"]'!' -'iitnt.i ?, in ItmigraH I" >"W^":i; and Iia-'
NowEiicland *?.-"' with tlie vote* ln, the OuU
;. , ;?? ?i,..,.. :." -am. there ??, nothing bu a
(,". ,-rated auflrage, wlthom Ufe or rtrculatlon.
Mo h..i hea .i it *id lhal tlie tmie n_> not propl.ious.
,,? in i..'l|.'"i: tnat tlme he_b*4. Uui iho nu. ? foi
.i..-.- ",-i,ator waa ihe Ume when he had authorlty I ,
,.,.. ma ivi and thr tlme for every panj wu. when
\ula?tl."i.y. A. K.'lf'1'..'ul^l ?.'d: ??A.I.P 1
,.-.- t 'inpi - and all * twona summ *, for Jurtli e. lti?
7, .. ., Lt ihe Cooper Inatitute ln 1876, in -upport ?n
.i.,. "oourt v ,,!' 1 eiaUtion uguin** troopa un ronnectlou
iui'a'-".'I**'. U? ni"' had boen. ue ttld. r-r
? i-i ,'7,,'', him and had t>C?l much .p,.!..ud*d | r.m
ha ivouW li?" to l?ve aomebedy to appUuid who bad
n iN in *i^-.L-*'i'i>i or lu south L'aroUaa, agalnat
?fVe. vtolent outragea ihai were perpetrated there.
1 Mr. tlm". afib* ** U*m boare aatf tbre*
'lUMr "Paaea obtalned tbe fioor. and the hill wa, laid
n.'.V.' ii.fomially. Mr. Iloar gave BOtlee ttat .'?
?? i?. i,i?iM ft?-h iho >("ai''?' to remaln in w*.sion
^'..i'Ti- id ?.i* i.'-.-!.:.i. After .. ahorl exc^utlve
JeVJlon"the ftenate adjoamed anttl ta-monraw at aoon.
Waablngton, Jaa. 15.--Th* Poat" wlU tvj*?"
r,,-, ?i ?aeaklag of tbe eobMderatloB of tbe Kioiti. n
WH by Hie Benate, that tbe 4etermlaa_oii haa been
.eached to i'*- tbe MU if poaalble. and every effori
xv ii .... mnn t" reach tbla ead. "II eontlnuoii* iei
alona avall aetblag," aaya tbat paper, "1.
v;ii be brought forwarR. and the frlend* ol ti..
,.lU be] evc lhal thej have aufl.m atreagtb to paa
,??', tbe rule .md the meaanre. 11 la certaln lhal tb
i,,,, ?,-,?-,- Banator* yeaterday, for almoal the flral
, , .. .,,..,- , e bearlnnlng of tbe uea lou, dbrplayed i
,., ia,-i; ,,f eonbdenre ia tbe atttmate ?occe
of thelr prolonged flght It I* no*. true that tbe K.le,
tion mh wlll t'"!iv I- antagoolaed by anv otber
neaaure brought forward by a Republican Baaator. 11
can re aUted poaltlvely that Benator Paddoeh does not.
a- h-is >,"cn atoted. tatend to call ap hM Paee F.-od
MH t-"dnv. Tii" Dei-oerata la the Houae are full]
atlve t" th,- gravtty rd tbe altuatlon and shn.n- Um
feeling ol tbe l*?emocratl? Benator* tbat tbe biii wlll
ra-'*. tho Sonaie. The poBey '?'? oelay In the Honse
wiii I,- f!"ro prononnced tbaa ever. The Dlatrlel or
Columbla *4ppropriat1*?i blll, now under eon Ideratlon
m-ii rerelve an amoiint of attentloa that may be
?rraUfying to l ?? al prlde. bul wlll not have Ita origln ln
s,nv ,:,:?"?:: foi 1 ? il IntercsK Ei rythlng
Houae tvili now lx- delayed by the lx-m'K-rats ?i, th
Ic -? po*?ibh excuae, whllc Uie Republieana a.-.* al
beglnning i.necrn thcmsolvea about Uie
peaaenee of a quoruro ol tii^ir oWfl membera."
0E5ERA- ltr,<ivv.\i'.-s EXAMPLE.
Wa_klagton, Jaa 13 (Spectol). Ro progreae waa
mad ? Ml'h th- Dlatrtcl "f f'olumbla Appropriutli
la tbe llmue to-aay, owl | t- ll.bstracttve laetli
,.f th.* Demorrata. wbo for tbe flral tlme alaee the be
? ng of Ibe aenaloa boldty abowed t'i dr band. They
w.t-t?*-l tini'' openly a.'at ?, t" iv withoul tbe abadou
ot ?ti eaeuae for H, ao far aa Uie buSIneaa before tho
Houae n ?* toaeerned. 11 amy be tbal they an
anstoaa i<> for ? tbe raUIng of a apring ie slon "f the
Llld rongreaa, aad tbere la ao dou I thal they are
.. ,,, ,. , ao ll i'i '? lulnh it oee< wary In ordei
io d-fiiit tn" enactmenl of a law t.. Inaure fair el
t.,,? i and bm it retoi ot 11 pr ntaU' ? In ?' ngreaa,
if ih"v are permlttod :.. do thla it wlll be berause
Bepabbean Rcpreaentatlvea nerslat In ncglecUng theli
gnty, The Republieana hare ? majorito f i - ?
in the Houae bul at no tlme alnce ibe aeo*4on begai
have tii'.v had ?> quorum ln atti dai e. The Itepub
li, ia abaenteea atv i'ii; Ing Into Ihe bandl
? ii,. Houae jual a- completelj as are i irtal
aor.-.n.-d Republieana In Ihe Benal . but wlth li
line*?. Th. i' i ?>' ? ':!??:.'. :." ?? . :: '? Republican
a-ooaltntim at tbi* Un i. 1 t ezample of tlen-jrul
iim,??.,-. of Indla a, one of the Republl ua veterana ol
tiw ii,,ii -. la ,.?!,".,!. i !., the lerioui aUentlon of
the mea wbo a glecl thelr *'? ?rn duty and tbe re-*po il
- afuTeh tbey valanlaiUy aaaumed, wRh tbe ? i1
peaaral of tbe voter* of ihelr reape Uve dlitrkta. !!<?
ha*. iie-^n a eonflraied iiivaiid for leveral yean .t. ' di
??lined a i"' .mlnatlon la?i year on accouni ?: l
precartoua eonditloo ol bia hrakh : but be ia ln Wa - ???
ton as u-n.ii aud reudj lo vot, io ..iii. io aubi .,
uuorum wbenever h..* preaeaoe i? :.<xMcd. Ba is a
ia,t.:ftii RepreaeutaUve.
WaabtOgtoa, Jan. IO.?Oidcr> have I-eeii ii>ncl b.v
qc Ravy Dgparttmt to havj u.c ertUaer j-jp trooy
AOOO Kdly for i cr _:.al irlal U;i> bciorj tbe *Od Of
the preaent n',oi:t,'i. Tbo habKity of ii.e c-ontrat.ors
lor defettivc eo_?tmetlei wlll ceaae afttr thla uui.
but not untlj then. Mtc: t.'iat a!l (a.uuc* and repaiis
u'lll bu m.4<le at the e\ieme of thr; (,ov,:nt:.eiit. The
jan FraacHce wiii he. gtlaebed vj Um PacMc ttattoa
t.-mpoiai'iiv ?? tbo aagabip, and Ibe Laaeaater. aow
r.tt.ne out a* ron?mo.ith, N. ll. iviii be the ria.-'i n
& Um a-i it,. tead >>f tne ban i'tan
t.ici>. as ofiglnally Int mi d
Wa-.biti4.toii, Jaa. |A.?Tba Praaldeat loday iaa! i"
the h,tiat?- tiii- foii,,\viii)f MMBlaattaoa.
Ab-xauder C. BlabOf to bi: probute Jud^e in VV,I ,-,
L.jW !i . I tall.
PUaimaateia: Pennaylvanla lamoa I.. Wblta, vvvn.
boro: Royee 9. Ptarea, Rortbcaat; Maryland Munuaj
A. MeRalr, Rmmttatiarg; Jamea c. Tawee, Crlaflcld
Ohlo--Willlam 11. Qlbaon, iinin: Wlllliun A. Ilnni.
t-t. ClalravUle; .i,,i,',-.,n browa, iiridgeport: w. ii .-. ..?-.!
Aaderaea, Karne^viiio: Mar>' ?< Mone, Mlaeiwa; ln
Uaaa-Lueiua (>. MarMn, Atti.? ti-.i,,..i?i;.,be:-t E.
Bhlpley, Mandata; Mllton D. Wonell, Olbsoi < Ry. A]
!.?; Mill-.-r. Dundee; Mlchlaan Volney A. i" ip
Johns: Joalah V. l.ray, KalUa-ha ; lierrll 3. Vat d
Holland; Wlaconaln -Franh II. Putney. *Ami ?
M wia?Thomas P, IHxon, St. Cl irle< :
Ea;?".. Walla; loa i Amo? II. Farwell. Ind< pendeni
Ant'.n Porter. Rtdora; Wataon Mulvneanx, llawardwi.
Nebraahav-Wllliam ll. smltli, Indlanola; Irank_\v.
Mattoon, Rlue sprtnt.' Halne Slmeon Merrtll. Fait
i ,m vcrmonl Pmnh M. Pieree, i??? lon . ? ? i'
imnahe. Hrtetol: Miv?*aahnsetta-John *?? Pay, ?a-l
i, ? ,ugfa : .i.'tne. ri. Ilodges. Man-tleM ' ?
Wiilte. North Ea*.|. Ml Agnc* .1. *??
Pridge; \rthnr li. Wyman. Wohnrn:
Cnrodnn ll. I'i'-rce. Saleni: VVilltam Wlles, FulUwiviue,
New-Jeraey?John li. ( dlln . Mt. Holly.
bi.NATK THR '-n.vir. POOL" IH
vr.s*n..ATiN'i' commi rrr.r..
[bt T-xaatrurn to tbi ihims-.]
Waahlngton, Jan. 15.- Tbe PreaCrtncfW MH reeehed
the Hoaae trom the Benate thia aftornoon nnd "?a. re
eeived wltb Daaaoeratli applauae. li wna afterward
referred under the rnle to the Commlttee -.n c
Th.; rrae-eoiaage men nre in blgh leather and |
tbe enHy pasaage ,.f the WH 1*1 the Houae by a decli
iv mnjorflty; they deelure that none of the t
t\... Democrata who wted ngntnal free potnage afl Ihe
>uon a 111 Ben to do ao igaln., and thi :?* expea l
larcc accesitoni from the llepni Ut an ''?* ifhr'"'"''
| , ? v,,te tbe blU may be paaaed, bul II doea nel
probable thal Ita Menda are rrtrong enongfa to overrlde
an execuUve vol ?- The oppooenti ol the meetnrt are
rMi-eiiK-iy flrm. nnd it is t.y n<. meoni rertaln that the
blll wiii be aenl to the Prr*fddeal to Ita preaenl form
before, Man li 4.
The proapecl of apeedy aetkm la aomewhnfl elouded
t,y the "a ivr pool" inve-tipati.n. whlch WH ordered
by tho n mae on Monday nnd wlU probably begln before
the end of tho week. The InveaUgaUng eommittee
whlch waa appolnted i t-day la regarded aa an nnnaually
itrong one. Mr. Dlngley, the ehtalnnan, li one ol
the moal Umrough aud palnstaklng nxmben ot the
Houae, und hc eommanda the eoafldenee und t ?
of everybody who know. bim. Wlth him nre io ne
t_ssoe_ated Meaara. Pnyne, of Hew-Yorlt; Rowell. ol
lUlnola; oato<, of AJabama, and Feel, "f Ara_maaa
Bll of whom nre fcwyere. Tlie Brat thi.?f them
are well known. Mr. Peel ll not M well known.
bnt he lns the tonlldenrc "f his party
imorlitn. by whoni he U roached for u a J.
lawyer and a man ?' aWBty and Integrity. The flnal
rafuaal of tlio mover of the reoolutlon, Mr. Do tery,
to aerve as a member nf tbe commlttee of Inveatlg itlon
wna a diaapiiotatment to tbe Speaker aud a nrpi - ' ?
Mr Dachery'i Wenda, some of whom do nofl eonalder
nla re&snni to be i dtoftv t-.ry. They eannol nnder
Ktand why, if he reacrded the nUegatloni aa terloui
enongh to demnad an Innalry, hc ihonM decllne to
glve his aorvlcea, rmpeclally as he haa become -..ti-nM
that none of Mi Mlleafnea from Mlaaonri, t-thor la th
Hoaae or Senate, iBconeerned In or llkely t,, be affe. ted
by the Inveatlgatlon. in fnet, Mr. Doekery'a attitude
.,'?,?. to be capabla ol no t?U_fartory explanation.
it la nnderatood thal Ihe nmnea ol twelve Benaton and
RepreaenUUvea hav.- been laggeated aa thoae ol m m
arho may be ai.le to throw aome Ughl on the -
of inqnlry. bul that im ipedlk ellegaUona have I.i
made as to any of them. Bome of them ?
!?? Democtrata and some Bepnbllcana. Tbere la nu
doubt that the InveatlgaUoc rlU be tboroufh ind
?earchlng. and tlw eff-rts of the Inveatlgatlng rommlt
,..,. to aai at ihe truth wiii t.e watebed wlth mnch ntcr
e~t n i> hardty to he. expeeted thal the H ? ?
wlll paaa any meaalTC relatlng to ralver while the
inveaUgatloa la p'nding.
i,.. pre^Colnage blll, whleh the Benate adopt<*d inti
laal t Ight, waa nofl ln print when lt waa r-rted upon.
and dld not tappear oBclally ln type untll tato mo,
The dntt pubUahed ln Tho Trlbune of t*>day eontalned
tba Bve aeettona of laat aummer*i f.?????? dnafe '"?;
ara, taken by Mr. Veel ai a lubatltute for the Btawart
amendmenfl and Ita vnriona ittachinenU, bul by Innd
vertenca, Sectlon 8 of the UU of June II wm aJ*o
^aed to the Veet menaara That lertlon was reUlaed
.,, 1h(. conferenee wpoii on the dlaagreelng rotea of taa
two honaea a* to free . otoage, and ba ame a pert ... IM
mw of July 14, i--">. ?????? '* now "i'*-'*,1*"v ,"
ra-ctioi, 3. Mr. Vcafl ai-? made vertal ii.'.ty ""-;;-;
to repeal tba lUmted^naae ehw e of tbe law ef l?0O,
;?.?.,? otthatol 18*78. ThebUieon eqnentty reaia,
wltb tl.i allgbt modiacatlonB. aa f iltowa:
?n.at f.,.i.: aad afiet th- date -f tke paa^ae*? of ttli a I to<
,.,. ?r ?i?e tnthi Unlted Bthte. ah, . " '*? -4
I r -tir--. grabuiofatBadardai
,. ..-,-.?, .ralni of lUndard Bold. and Uw aald eol ?
Itri ralldebte,] ,'"':.'
, ., ,..,,r Bt iBvei crgcM buRloa Biay dej
. . ,? ..- ii.iin of u.* t'nlted Btetei -? b* lonw
,,?, u ...j:, be la-fnl to refuae any 4 .
tnaneiOO.ai any tuUlon ao baae aa to I
,,,, "ji;. ua (?; the n lat
1 I .. ,,.. '. ,,??'.i.i'ina "f S * ". I "f -'-. I *
lutbor'uatho coinai.I Uw ^'^ M? ""':,r *n<1, '"
:,. rharaeter" ?rhkh beeama a
. ._. ,. , u hereby Btada appUoablB te tha
,,, aaaa *> tola aet provlded tor.
... provlded for in thi i rond
f_.l..ct?hal ' naUoaaofBol
.. ,i| be red' n iWe In eoln -f ' v
... . ? ? ,
I rtol .I-' ol an] ? on y la Ibe Tir*
? '"i **.'? *' ": ' " *
|g?0 ...tn i "... a,'. .:.? r.g 'I- ?
., ., . i ,,? i.t Treaaurv liot-a tir r nn Blid I"
hu Hon at.d tho laaue "' ' ? ?* " -,?,,?,,
?,,, r ,?.,,.,,...," ... regnlrea Uw purehaae ?' 4
?,,,;.,. pi rdlYH bulllon pei month i? and I
j,. ri by repealed,
s. 4 That the eertWeatea providrd foi Ib " ?
aad all aUvar and ffold cerUlleatea al oady laaned iball b.
,1,. f?r .,ii laaei and dnoa to tic* Unlte- btat ., ol
every daocripUoa, a;.-t ihall ba i leaal leadiri foi Uw i ?
menl ?f ail debta, publle aad pr\ut".
s;,.c ,-,. i ,,. ,." > . ol bulllon depoaiud foi ?
ahaU bave the opUon te i slve eoln oi IU ",?? ral nl lu
,,?. CerUBi itea pi mdfd foi .-, ?' - ? * ai -i -? ??
-hall t... wboequi ntl* colni L
The oewa ef *e paaaaga "f the Frec-i ilnage Ki!' ?
blll bv tbe fnlted Kutea henate dMurbed llin
buU aenUmenl of Wall -'? ? * ?"' * ,:
markel reftocted ti"- fean of ihe con orval ve b
eleiuent by general di i Unea of motre tl an l i" r <?? t_
? irelgn e?<'' "??-', qaotntl n ? aei ? a Ivam -d I a
Kterllng, and whik tbe prlnclpaJ re*iaon a
;,,. | , the w en Ity ol rommen al billa, lt a
mltted th.it their. had been ?ome buylng from foar uf
kU,. Inilation. Tliere li a general opinion ln Wall
.',:??,! that Ihe Benare blll wlll nol pa ? the Houae ol
Bepro-ietitatlvee, ut d Presidanl llarrUon n relled npon
!,, yet,, tbe meaaure ?hould II p ? bly come bef?
]1]!n. in ...,..? (,t theae barriera tlie action -.(the -
.. aronaed anxleryi and toebbrokera rei ??
., ,),;, yon -,f .u elemi nl "f um eitalntj ln the ti ?
iliuailon u. the confidence -f ih.mmunlty i-, re
, v;. .. Tl.frietidi ol illvi r" ln Uie t*lroi
, ? ,)...,] at the 1 iil ii- '?. a li inee ol I ie ptrti
i?,'t ,1 or nf the bulll ,i rerUI ivai - d ill n at I - ?? ?
i\, i ..-.?. l ?,?". it-gu ? Uial ti ?? pro*;
.,,.,.,. are nol -? brighl ,-.- many peraon* upp
,.u?M there I* no -i.ilatli-e reapon*e lu Ihu it
. ijulei lirtsird / .,1 im 'i r
UP., ,,,... alreadj in vi-? .'t t-.e luceeaa oi Uie ti ?
? - partj in il i
Chleago, Jan. IS -P rtal v lo .1 newapapi p
a rolumn ofl Intervli ?- wlth Chleago I in rei
t) .. | ,,.- I' ' ? . t " I !"'" ' ' ll
beiiate lat nlght Tbey are practlcally una
,? 6a>Ti iho Wll I* a t **reial ln
.: ;; pred , . ' gr. .it
.i.-i irbancci in mom y i a law.
Waalilngto i, Jan 15. '? en ral Stettl lon,
^ ptarj "i ihe fTre i nry, ha a| pi >i <i the order of tho
.?.,;?>? ? f Agricalture de ll il I ''? ? ? '? I ??
i ,pe \. ".'.n and Ogdenabnrg, X. ... u qunraiiti ??
pi ior the inapectlon of cattle, ihcep a;id other
rtunlnanta. TW alao ippllea to all laeh nnln al
,i. may be Imported tor t*raurrportailoa ncroai i ?..? -.i
si.it.,- torritm. tor '??"?;'i taUan io torelgit ? nni
i ut doea aot appl] to nnlmala of Am ..cau origin,
pa -....* through i anada la bond, whi
dome*ti< , ?? ??: lon or eaport. Actli | * r.-iarj
vcuicton his Inioim.d Ue becietarj ofl Agri .
i thai Cauadian ... U an __ld lo i ?- Uuihui d ...
o, it..t ofl Chi _?!?: -.. ?*?'? Y., withoul rmti
1 toapeetlon.
Waahlngton, Jan. l-'1-?FourtlN '*.!>- po tauuten wera
!.,.: ? i).|/ dnted bi followa i
\, ,-. i, V?.;n r. Stroth r. Troyman'i Mllla: Marv
C Blrd, '.a!!'-. i'nt"-. rtew-Yorh J. II. V'an '._.'?
Ilayni ? . II. I romphlna, Kti.-'.*l ? dur
:;;\. Logan: U, i;. biiyder, bwartwood. NewJei ??
B. D. ttoilth, >v itawoad.
tVa i.i..-ii.ii, Jan. 15. ln.- auiou l of . 1 - pei cent
booda redeamed today waa ?Ba.iiflro, makl I
to date --,*.tii.i '
ron a i.r.i'Ain Mr.vr <>:- COMMEKI i*.
Waahlngton, Jaa, iv aenatar Prye, bj ? ie i,
ha.; Introdaeed ? hill to ealabUah afl Waahlngl >n nn
Kaeeutlve Pcaailaiaal of Comuierra for Iha *un.-r
rl . of baslnesa relating to rommorce. The blll
maln embrnce* the recommendaUrma of the r
,,.,,, v , .. maritlme mattera pen
ii!. ;t-r. \TI'.\> FOR -n tin.:c"-T CWDESIRART-E
, ' -i HK Ml v-ri'.i:.
[IIT uit'.HI'l! T.. 7111 M..I-' *_."
Wa hh -?"??. Jan. 15. I ? I '"" ":| Immlgra
I tlie Bei ite ' d tbe .mltten on Immli
,,; the ll"- e. actlng 1 and ?
. mtion ol !.. t Mareb. have al laal i
thelr i('":- in; ? Mr. ' 'wen. of Indiana. i ilrmi I
'.'i'.,. iif,?.P rommlttee, waa Inatructed today to reporl
, bU, wh . ,-;. dlei th" vi'-v- of both eommitteea.
, | ? pi p ,.,.,. ? not a n pe ii of e*l? Ing lawt.
but ratl a sl ? ng ot Ibe act of i
;.,. M.rii Contraet Labor law oi Ir8_. A , i
0f t:," rommlttee expreated lt. Ihe lenttmenl ol the
? .. m *bown in tbe Investlgatlon. doea nai favor
,, v radlral ebaagea In the preaenl law. bal nnnfn
that ., large number of undi ilral :? Immlgranta are land
,Nl ,,.-,. ,.v,.:-, rear: and II wai tbe puri."f th.m
mlUee. In framlng tbeir UU, ?? lo um 11 ?? i ?
Iaa a* t" -irt out all nndealrnble Im i Igratl m.
Tj:" bill provlde* for the eaelualon <>f all hUote, ln
nne persona, paaper*. or psraoni Uhcly to becoroe
publb eharge*; p ' ''* -: ? ?*?*? ':''" '':
au rentaglm dl. - nt ?>- uli<> have been
convicted ??: a felony or of Infamoua rrttnea or mlado
meanon, lavorelng moral tarpltade, and polygm
and. ln addition. all peraona wboae Urketa of i>a--.i"
ire paM for by other*. anleai II la affirmatlvelj and
irtorlly ihown lo the aatborlUee tbat Uwry do
aot belopg t> the en 1" Ied claatee.
,i - of ibe Importani '>?? ura* "f the. bill li fmind ln
Bectlon :>. whlcb prehlblUemployen ,,:',,ih"r. from en
oonraglng launigratlon bv advertUemeal i:i f
papera, The eommtttee, ln 11 reUlgatlon al Uos
lon laai tprll, found that < irartora ln th i rganli i
;;.,?, known aa tho Rew-England r*reeetone Con
irartora- Aeaoctatlon were endi ivoring to ImpoH atone
ruttera by advertlalng ln Ei II h, tierman and l i
,:.?:,,t, papera. rhe wagea onered In thi ie adv rtl*e
menti were tbe wne a the ral.ntended for bj
tbeir old employea, bui n.nni: to dlfferencea whleh
bad .-.ri-oii between the itonecutter* a;id the, iiona
oontractora the latter endeavored lo aupplant tlwli
employea bv Importlng forelgn toliorcre. The -.1111
condlilon wa* found by the eommlttee ln <"
wher* U buUdlng aaeoclatlon endeavored t" breah th
forve of a ctrlke by importlng mechanl from l u idn.
beotlon 3, accordingly, prohi Ita au< h advertl li 1
provldea thai an 1 - ln conaeqnence of u h
advertlaement ahall be, troated aa comlng nnder a
,,,. !? ? ...? : tnplai d i\ tin- act, and the penal
-1 0 i*d hy tho a.-t are to be appllc ible ln ra'i h
The eommlttee ai<o found tbat one "f the rhlet
aoorrea "l encouragement io ImmigraUon waa the id
vertlscmenta "f ateamahlp rompanloe, and the
mlttee endeovora to remedy thla bj
?dvertlacmente, exeepl the laaulng ol elrcnlara and
ordlnary advertlaementa, glrlng Ume-Ublea aud rate
of tiansportaUtm.
Tbe.imlttee fonnd In it- Inveal gatl m thnl
,i:.. ?reake t pointa In l ?? preae \ i ' ra I i - ?
?l ?;!"'.I ''"::!l
? ? ' '
, | thoy wouhj -??? ?? 1 the ?
? 'that 1
? ? : tblll
or ti. 1 emban 1 meut. It al* 1 |
grant who may berome a publk
rear from the Un s he landi ? '
o,xi-t" .
ler the old
nflrei ? I *d no]
1,0 Ind once lefl tho reaael. ? ereatca a
Bnreaii of ImmlgraHon, |. dlng for t'i- api tment
iperlntendent, arbo ahall have p ? rvlalon
over ImmigraUon affalrs. with beadq ?' Waah
1 ,. . , Uea baa t - ? huge amoant ol teatl
,n-.tiv. lome of whleh I extreanely rulaabie. 1
_ tii--1 r thla te I m. ) are to ed
l? ,,,,. reporl pn mVA ' > tbe ? ?mmlttee. In whleh Uie
f ,r ,<?. ng atatemi n1
..-r-... ,'... it ??' 0 - dl ?!' lawa .? not to r*
Mrtet Immlm il , lton.fttt.to
?lrable fm I ? ' ' * :''."? **? '"'ri
onlv thoao to
; ? ?;-..'
r tlie twetity-1
-i .'? I . -' : .
i , ? itlon ol ?? ' 1 ?
. ' ? : '1 , '?
. ? : ? ' ' ' '
1 he tm e
?1 ....
Mtpp -t aeven tlmea onr pr, ent ll ' '?? wlll
-, need appreh?nd
? - - , ? ? '
Tli ? blll pi
? ' '
n ide bi ' - 1 -. ?
? .,'.??
? . . ? ,. - ? , ? ?! -
- ? I'"1'
i-ent, v. a I,- llie ratio I I
, ? ,?.':??? born
ln prlaon :?.-. per ronl ind tbe 1 H ?? (?1 for,
. ? ? .
horn, ??? ly one out
.... ? - : ? '. ti, one
.Ut Of I'I.
I? ,... . 1 ? ? lal lon of ImmlgraHon, lha
1.0 in 11 1 porl 1 ' , ' - 1 - Ihe evl
? licre
, ?-. v II tl eli
|, -.,,?'?" *rhb li
,., aj_4l. .,i ., . '
? .. ?.?
? wh'i h< "I
ln ,, 1.1 '-'i. ? .1 ii'".
,h, 1 .,',-?- tnd 1 hl ll ' "?
nl :,.- !iit i In Ai " ' ? ?
.. ? ? ? ? 1H1
,, : .
,t 1-2, iiiii 1 . . mi, ate will 11 ? 1 " ?
ln the tm ' " - Inim irn
, . aad au exalillnaltoil ,,l i ' ' lld , 1
1 irce niinilier "t u?npl.111 ? l ?? ? ?
? ,-.,i dui .-,'?.,, t.i.- ? 11
...,.,,.. (ivi
.a iiiaii..' that
? ;....',i:i immlri 1 1
?? nni
It.-.ly, Hiu ? md Hi
id ? ? : nn . ?
I . ediii.itl'ii.iil
.1.011. runai ,',j,"ii ,"?
,1 1,1 ior r iti li live meaai n pi ?
t anv 1
? ?
^eticrnlly kn ,- n a ? the unde I able Immir.
? ?
PROTEEDlNi * IN HIE li' ?1 BE,
v. a- hln ? . -1 in. i ? Vfter ll |on ?l of ye?1 la!
, hn ! I'.'":i read. Mr. Hi Millln, ol 1. J". ted ' ?
ln , "?" "!?!.;? ? rday'a prn
,, , refere on Ihe Hl
Vppi iprtatl .a blll, ind moved to
Mr. 1 nn "ii moi"i lo 1 ibi ? tiit ? id th
i ,.i- . Iiy .a
\ ote '?! v.'.i- !--. 1, iv - H'7. ihe moUon a i-. labl I
? ed. I he Houae then ;?. ? ? ??? ?: t
,naid raUon 1 * rep ?rta on publle bulld
1 ;?..:. :-i. of Hl ourl, ?? ura tbe loor In
1 ol polley of Uie Republieai
hli h :t ia-.',.'?' r !?':? l! ? ?? ?? '? .ia b ?
? ... .. a ..? , '- li m ' li .it ? iirri'.-.'d. .,..
1] bill wlth .1 fre
. .... : Uoa of thla m
1 . ,. ..,,, ..1 ; ? dlal aad effasl e; aad
Mi. ma ,(i. "i Rl wari, expi *ed tbi boj tl ..?
. 1 i,( liad ui, -ii lb* meaeare.
I irneel | ? | 1 rt:.
(i,,. H.? .( iii,- i'il ron 1 i" brooghl ap Immedlately,
? , .. ; ?' remai
llver blll, tberelore, went np >ti tbe Bpeaker*!
tment of
,,..,;?<? 1 ? . .?-' ." Ih ? :? er |, 'i
D ;? . r 1. i< >? u.'i'i
,: . Hr i'"? hei lhal hn ?? weoka ago he
k, d th ? *i" akei lo appolnt .1 ape. lal 1 ommlt
.1 had lold ii. a lhal he ? ? I lo
,, i,,i not neeepl aer*,'len on I li ' ". n . uiui li
Uiat a pre btattve from
ir) .. thii " ? ?'' waa Inter ited I 1 ??? 1.
He had made a la ? ? i ? akei ???
terda -. He waa <|iil unwllllii to bc pl n ed In Hi
?1 in v. hli h . ?? bad 1 it of ln
?. ?., || . .a ijii -; ,?:. Im oli ii..- li , ? a honor ii-. ,
aotaUve o;- that ... hia Ik uvcraUc tubea.uoj
tnm Waaourt. U\* Indgmenl as to his proper courae
kad been fortWIed i.y the opinion of bla fnends.
Tbeiefora, wlth greal reapeel lo tha Bfetl-sr. he aahed
to be excnBOd from tha dnty tbal had beea plaeed upon
1,;?,. He would llke the .*n.-_U"r lo ror:
Ktatemctit as to hia 4* iin.tiou.
Tha -.pcalier ghve a hcarty corrnh-.t-atton-atatlng,
however, thal he bad nol nnder tood the gentleman
,., decllne on aeeonnl of ai | pew mai feellng
tberefore would aubmlt the f_ti itfon ofl mienalng
tii.- gentlemaa to the Houae.
Mr. Dochery baving been eieueed, the Speaker ap
_ . ,,! ar. I'.-i-i. of A'rttanaaa, to Bll the eacancy.
i ? Houm then went into Commltl.d tbe Whom
x-, i n ?-? "' Hl" li m. ln U - **1 all t n *;>- '? frti I
0f i .,'',.1,1.1a Approprhitlon bill, and waa idil:-'?'1 '''?
41 r ( leni" *-. ol .rgc In gencnl commcndatlon ol
na, bul i pecl il erltlctam of leve al oi
i! vV'tii,-'. !..-<? of Mr. Clemonta'a ??emarU* tlie emamlt
lee raae a****l the llouae adjourned.
DUfUMES*- IN ill K a-KNAlT..
Waahlngton, Jaa. 1 >. Among th petittoni preaaaled
and lefetud in the Benate t-t-eay ami one by Mr.
Evarte, from the BepubUcan Clnb of Waw-York, ln
ravorofthe ElecUon blll, and one from tha Manbattna
Club ef N "? Vork, advi: -?? tbereti,
Mr. Dawea, from tbe Commlttee on lndian Altalre,
reported a reaolnUan (whkh wh. mtorred te the Com
ulttoe "fi *Con*.lngen| Bxpenaea) dlroetlng nn Inaulry
,.,,,, the rr.iidltion of itiil'.m- ln Horth fUld BOUt*
Daknta, Matfrtaaa and ebewbere; tke cauaea leadlng to
the occupatton of lndian i-aervattona bj ti"' iroape:
abether treatlea wlth the Indinna have been fulBUed;
roncernlng arma and mnnltlona ol wnr In poa-eaalon <>f ,
i dlana; what atepa are n*edcd lo dlsnrm tii m;
.,,?? arhether the eare aad central of lndian- living ln
trtbal relnUona iheuld be trnnaferred to any othar de
partmeni pf 'he Qovernment,
Mr. Manii i-on Ininpdneed a bfll to eatahltah a
braaeb mini al Omaha, h*eb.; -"'l Hr. McOonnell one
tor a mlnl al Uoto City, Idabo.
Mr. sut.ii.-r. oftored a reaolatlon, which waa . rreed
to dlractlng the taecretary cf the tatnrlor to Inqulre
l?to lae clalmi ol lettlera wtthtn the bonnde oi the
Vcllov/htone Pnri on March I, 18T2.
On a_otlon of Mr. oorman. tbe Hanae blll to reviw
,!,, wetetotcertain employei In the Qovernment Prlnt
lnB offlce waa taken from the calendw and ijonalderarl.
phe commlttee on Prtnting bad reported a lubBtttuto
illowlna SO per eeal addHlonal pay tor nlght work.
Mr. tiorman eaplalned tke dlfference between Uie Houae
blll, and tbe kUhaUtute and espreated bU preference
i.. tjje former.
\;r. Manderson, ehalrmnn of tha Commlttee on
PrlnUng, expreaaed bla rarprtae afl the posltion taken
i.v i;r. Oorman. The Houae blll. he aald. PronoBed to
", .?, tlie w urea psl i to printen, i.kblnde - and
?,.,.?.? to lhc rate uf dfty reuti ao l.r. or from __
per cent ..4*er the ,.- ate. The pre.t ,,,..
,, ,. by lhc thousand eni , n- hoped that the Sci i a
. . lituto wuul i be ? "? d to.
Mr . ui'om adviaited i.an-" of the printere, and
mbmltted the pointa ol the non permaneney of th.it
.,,,,. :,?",t ,.,. r mpared wlth those aorklng In pri
. ta-.li limi-nt
J ,,,. i-ki. matl ? ? . nol ... po .1 of wheu the Blec
i || -.- .i laken up.
,.xi'i.. ii*..; v ItECl IVER FOR THE I Ll CTMl
Plttabnrg, ?''**? 13 '' ?" ' :r ' oancemi l't ,h'** morn
,,, . uial t,.' *? : ppolnted by bonker, and
? ,j.|t, ,., ;.,.,;, Into th-- v. ?
-, ,., i ,. ... the i-arl
ln ?.,-i ,,f , ? - 00.1. lo '-iii-v thom throufth
dlfflrnll ?? . had returned me
i.f,,,,,,,,. ; ? ra thal 11 would
, ?. ,,f the fnnd, occaaloned no
..? had been espected
, all v ? there wa no i ' lal d
l? (ka Mocki to-day. Ilnanele a and ?to ' liolder*
- theapi * eni oi ? ?.*??? for the Weal
. . Rieetrie Compat r. and an appll' it
,,?;., ;?..',. ng to tti-.i end li espeeted. lt ? ? itnted
,l?,t Mr. wc ? now In New Vork ' ' '
. |
.,.,;??,. II la aald Mr.
- telegraphed from Nea Vork t?>day Uial
? ? '???.'.
.rally iKlleved that there were two re
.. , , .. v.v , - -.?,;. turn Um monei
-, mbarrlbem, ime belng thal thi Inttoo nnder
. .,,.;,,.-.?" , actlng entall d apon II Uie
t tor the ?a of all tl.tolme ol
,,..,. ? ? ? arhlrfa would !?- I *
k at ,i for wld( h the membera d t
,ve time: l ' ' lhat the con
I ,-v wltbont pruel
, . ,dlrectlon ol the bualne ? -f th- eompa r,
...... m todn !:?? ,f Om
M0,000.000, and the par ralneof Ihe ?wek
- ... It la iv ? '"
T-? aulta were ? I ' ' * M *'!'
? i-'inv thli nfternoon tor amall aniounta.
,,-. ,,,.. b) t- Kev-I ne Ilai ?' I'-' *'? ',"1"" f'*:
. ? , u . ,.,.,. . park Brotben k Ca.. ateel
. . | ol tl ".'r ?*?'"?'"'?
of Cravath .< Houaton,
, Jr.. denied
in dana-er uf
Ho , ..| ii,.,: Mr. W
. ? i.?!.,
n l ? -.-. ? fui. so thal
... lhat a| "Hy '!'" fui I
f ....... ,, .. ,. ,, ? pi .,:, end, of ' ;";
-,i would 1,"
' : ? ? , , t
? bci aeen yeaterday nf
lo ht. , nui el
..l left
tluu of rcl irnlng to
i-,;i i um on U . 'u dn -1,' traln.
fYTHEB I'.I ?INK * 1 i:"li:i.r.-.
i . f, i ..,. , r jan ? i I ' kel proprietor of '? '
,-.I Wo . - - l:"'"' ''"?
-vi.. ,,f .1.H '--*i * lo., m "f '?
... ? ,; ? ? * el. . Bl Na 177 IVurl
, nrprl ?? i?? lhc trade, an ll waa - nerallj
.,, thal he wai tl iin i a large bi 1 pm
,,:,;,,, he . ,,; -.1 ln l ?:-- Deputy i*lierir*t
. ' ed hii I'I'.f hualnc - al No 177
. , ,,,,,,,., e-eruttoii for ??14.7_o, the grvater
,.: a-hlrh waa to relaHvca. Mr. ChasUel Uvod
,, i',-'i. UU, where he h "i a Bne property whl( h
,,,,.. ,?|. .- ..ii ii. M it .n *. ii
. : 13, ittot ii ??? f ir Mr, Ch i '.-?1
j ? yi lhal '..'ild nol ly exactly wlial tho
llaiiimiea ?.'?"". bul h? thoughl tliey would an mnl to
,,... wlil*li ini-luded the n-.nt_-. --?-? >>f
the !?",'. klU pmpcrly. Thia real
. a ,., - ,i li.Iher :, ? '
.,? i, |n t, ?-,.. i". |,i I) worth e>_o.00O, and mit I ind
, | | prevented lilm frora m ???'
-..,.? due.
|iepiit> Kherlff i arraher Ium ; iken po ?
: -.,,.?,?',,.? ,4 i',>.. iu.ni ifat t in i ? ol mii
(Canal . under two e io utlom aagr % itiug
.?7.1 in. . ln fi\.,r ..' I." ""hl llncua for . i.-.-J'i .nni
. ,,r Krani i Me; ? r for ?-.-. dHi. Th ?
loi A lolph -,i".'...," an l M. II. Jnliaii.
' ln i
li | ,| || i ..?... wluilt ale d< al. r In m.rlea, rannod
n?i frult ? nt No . ? Ita e, made
mi ., inui nt >.? .? rl ij to Tlioi. wltho il
11, ., ?!? is one ol Hi ? old aai d il
ln thal I ne, liavlng been in bualne i upward ol
||e ild ? ? : ? * i\ i'i it III i - i.ni"-nt li.i 1
. ,,i ,t i\ in ib'lll . i > i-ollei i frora p ? iple v. liu
,,'.\",l i.ni moiiey. \ r in 'i -i itemei t ,-t Ida
,.f ., ??? n .- ,, ,
, ,,,
IIMM." Ili'i. l.l.,*.-. RLSEWHERE.
Chleago, tea. 15.?A Bt l"nol dUpal It aayi that the
? , ,'f the Nr_fthwe*torn Aatographu UcgUter i^-.n
,i:,;. ,,; ganlac 1 11 ; i ? .1 _ . ipltal - 1,,
,1 a; oojOOO, at- t . be ?- und ap ... .?-.
1 ckliokten baving I gun h afl prooeedlogi t- Und
ut ju-i how far thej run Uable for Ita ........ l'io
1 the roudl | ..: . - . ?
' y.-t be told i . *?' k wi> laaued In ?- tptem
. . 1 - wa* paid I 1 ? unouot real*
..: ,
Boaton, .'an. 16.?Measr* (rtrdner, Chaae .< ro..
.,-,,., -. .? ? ?? flled their . imponltlon r:';-r of 1J i--_
? t i.i Inaolveni ? . and 1 lufHcleiil nui iber ol tli >li
,' redltoi - have already aa-enicd t-, the lettkm int, ?lu. ti
? 1 ,,.1 ?:, i- ' 1 .
\ l.l CKET -11"!' < LOsiEfl VT* DOORK.
: ifl ilo, N. V., Jan. i'. Mk . Co., bu l. it ihop
1,,?,,',.?, 1, h r." .I-. Idcd to clo ?? their bu Im ia.
I- efitj .".:'". ., ..-ie p,,i.i| nta arrlved U1I1 mor.iing,
Ibe 1 port that tbe Brm ? i- .11 dJAcultiea.
, une In thli aflernion. Mr, AUvn -n-.i thia
i*m : ?? II 1 had heen l-t ,: ... . everjUii'ig
. ??.1 ill righl \- It la, l um inui
uelied lu ? i" ?? np, >:>? 1" ran wlll Bggregatc lully
'?' "
MADE r'i'M/v OT .1/' II \H: llli KLF.YEX.
f_o?ton, Jan. l". Iiernard W, Tmlford wm t.i uu.-iii
rjlci (.ii cattain ,,f tba ii-a-li luotball t-aw to* i*ui
The baaeball club owtter* now la eonventioa la thto
,,,v :ir,. dctermlned to take no raah itepa and >
propow ,., adjust all thelr confllcttng Interert*_ln a
dei.rate but thorough manner. Thcue fctereat* l U
,,?. ??,.?,,. ol tbe - mveatkm have growa weary ?
tho dclegatea- Urdy metboda aad eaeeet tbat!too
murhtlmVha.be.ipeada* la gotug over mattoeu of
? trivial nature. arin?ta*
H eredeoce la put la the atteranee* of the dei. gataj
Uttle artnal worh waa aceompl ibed al yeatontay?
o?f ,r,nce at tbe Plfth Avenne Hotol Al '^\
conv.nt.on ha* laated three daya,,th*laeftml b?ba?
,i.,:,-:?, ta, ,?'t beea materlally ebangai aad tta
Snal idjurtment cd taa dlt-tudUe. .eein* aa dtotou?
ii waa aeverai areak* ago. Teeterdaj tbe American
As- ? :a. ,.m made thr. " Mlile atteinpt^o Btdd a toeet
I the delegate. .pei I tbe rmmdader o the i. >
?randerlag althfiely around tba ""**??? J*?.
er,. League ramaaata wero Jaet aa dieeoiieolBto aad un
"ne Aaooclatkm men were early on the aatflefiaM
,nd were mare ol a aalt tbaa lor month* part, raa
yoledo Injuncthm bomb had beaa eoueed la tbe P.
of obllvtoo and will ba heard ?f ao mora By agrea
In,.?t of rounael arguaienl hia beaa poatimned tor a
month a?.i by thal Ume aii tbe i^nUUn *rtu be
irraaged. The A**odatb? mea weat to thelr meettag
ro mal II a. m. and tha delegatae were called to ordet
,,v i'i- ideni Alleo W. flumtt. Tbe aeaeloa bwtod
BV6 mi,u.i"- when ? recca* on taken nUia p. '"?
Th,- ,..! i rence eommlttee wa, a-ioai to give its repon
end Heasrs. Thanaaa, Von de* Ahe and Barnle aeftet
io? ni"!-' tlme, tbe reqaert belag granted.
Ai 3 p tn. tbe Aaaodattoa men probably held the
ahorte t aeaalon oa reeiied, Ibe delegato* eemtag haeb
Into the . irridora iifter leea tbaa tbree mlaate-' avtamwe.
?,other attempt wa* made wrtta Uhe remrfto. rbe
...,,, laUon'a one deelre wa* to know wbetber lt waa
?, be kltowed to tocato tShb* in loetoa aad Chleago.
The League reftued to oommll Itaelf and tl.e Aaeocla
ti,>u men oooJd do nothing.
The retlrcment of tba Bocbeater, Syraeuee aai
Totedo 'iu- - from tbe ratika of the Aeoociatton wlll
probably ba i-.niiiot to-day. Tbe Toiede elab wUl gel
gio.000, Uie Etocheoter elab 18^00 and Syraeuee
P7.000, ihe Aaeoclatlon expeadlng ?25,500 to recom
!?-?,.. ,,- undealrable membera. Praaldmt Pnnune.
; Louiriville club, obtoeta to this aettlemeat, bui
hc vviii probably ba outvoted.
it waa aaM hvd nlghl tbat the Leagne *rould reoiee
to all'i'.v cluba in Boaton and Cbleago, and that tbe
Aeaoelation will aecept eitber New-Havea or Buffalo
tor the Baet and Mllwaabee for tbe Weei Tbe A*aoi la
tion men daclare that they wanl Boaton and Chlcago
ead propoae to bave them. They declare tbat they
ere not eatablUhlng a precedent ln puttlng a ehib In
lioaton agalnat tl.BP*>*ltloB of ti"* i i?!> alreedy
located then, aud aay that th'- Uagna dld the tanu
Wveral year* ago when lt pat a elab la Bt
' rhe aettlement ol tbe dlfferenee win hc left tn tba
handa of \. n. SpaRUng, C. II. Byrne aad ARea W.
Thurman, who have conatltated themaelvea a ipeclal
cornmlttee to itralghten out tbe tanglea. The Boaton
tri.nu-.ii-- are not w> bltter aa they were on Wedae
daj Thej don'l wanl an Amoclatlon clnb thera, and
Ijeve nol ?- yet made any olter to tbe Bo*ton Player*'
, lub f. retlre.
ii;.. pro pect of a eon*olldattoB between the As
M?.lntloii and ihe Pto:.' League wa* r.-viv?5, la*:
? , ? nt rhurmao put* hlmaeU on re...iu
X '.' -.??" ,,m Kipiemen were la aecret aeaalon moal
,.- ti,.. new N'utlon*! Agree
ni.'ut'. They rlalmed thal tbe Boaton-Chicago aqaabola
i - wiit hold a meeting at the
?, ,.,,?,. ii,,i.i today. Tlie dcUberotion of the
ut rl ibi -"-in* i" have glven tne
......r. and they were boa I I
' ; .-,- : ?,dlv l'.-t in- ii " to wh ,- they wouM do. rhe
? .. ,. , stiug i.ill be: tieorge Wagiier,
; V vvuiniei md V. s. Elllot from Phlfadelphla: ArUiur
Iretn i B. Hart, ''. E. Pi ice and Artbnr Dlxwell
luin V.i. i'i, i John M- Ward and B. I ? 1'lnton from
v i.. Johnaoti aud John Strlcki r fron
,i' ,,- ,? ij,,. -, shlra and John Whlte from
ini'ffilo .i I'alf ?!' o'Sell w"l repreaenl I'ltt-niirs-.
i ,. |,nvlnl ,-"" i.'t a roniblnatlOU in tliat CltT, and
'i ,- i".,i Jamea Hart wtU appear t"r chlrugo.
,..' i;'. retrotl wlll look after the Rew-Yorb Club.
I'..K IIII. INIi'-iR I'.A-K'tAI.h ('llAMl-I'-V-HIP
Whal will probably proaratbe meel eacltlag goma ot
tta ladoor baaeball ebamptoaahlp at the Ttb Beglmenl
Armory Hill be played to-awrraar algM bebveen com
amaUm C aad r. Tboae tcfttiu, rlrtaatty repruaeat tbe
Sem Vorb and tbe Staw^ereey AtbleUe dab, th<> latter
? Baatora ebamplonablp of tbe Amateai
t nion, tho Mew-Yorb AtbleUe ' lab being aeeond. Tbe
,',;pii:,v i..-i.'. in tiie raee at preaent. wbUe the ;j.i
Ciuupiiny have lo?1 one game, *toee wbleb Ume they
. atrengthened thelr team. Among tbe
i of tbe ::d Oompany ara P. and J.
tioilard >n.4w. Norton, Jordaa, rborntoa ai.d Kerwin,
u ',. (he ,,,h Lomnany have tlie furrie br-.tli-i*-.
. i ,:-,".?. caduitia. uuii th" beat out
Keid in tho reglment, Mlller, CbriaUe and Merrow.
FrifALfl in a Boxnro toi.'rnamknt.
it waa durlng the earty hom-a of yest?rd_y morrdng
Itat - ? ? ? Athletl* 4 luri braagbt thetr BnaJ*
? ? ua! boxlng teernanent to a rloee at Tam
)!,,;_ n., ihi Fourtl '? Tbe nnal bout for (be han
. |05 pounda, waa between J. O'Brlea,
.. \ , .. md i Larklna, Hanover A. r. After aome
I bj l -ii boy* the prlae wae awardad to
. >''.; Icil.
; the feaUier-welght, 118 pounda. tiio laat twa men
.. e W. <? llecht, i'. A. ?'.. iiiid M. Broek. Ufbr
v , ;..,;, roundi had to be raugbl '"??"',' ll1" j:"u ?
? | ii..,'ht wa* <t (chared ihe artnaer.
, .,.' ? . for tho Un il bout In tlie spe.-l.il
?c?bt. l--' l1 "inda. were O. t'arl r. A hland A. ? -.
j ,/ \ , \. r. r 4il % woa through
? waa a lavaee dghl in tba mlddla-wetght, 15d
noui 'i between N. I allcii, National A. C, aud K. Cloa
b. a. a. < . i" former w,,n.
-? ?
.,. ., ,|,\ , t-an,.'-- ?f tli" Matlonal l ui Iag Ci b'a
,,,,, .,,, , || v .a ' " '',; r;"lt' !*?*? yeatei i..v wi re i a
,,v,,i i, , rati ited ?'""''? "" '" "?" '" ''
i !" '
|t I i th" curl ng enmual lata at Uia
i dcleai 'i 'ii" Man*
i'a,,j? , |ub i". the "?" - *-? "t 1* i' 17. i allow.
,.,- ? ?f reaterdar'a r-niu-^ Dblrd Ue-1
? , ihattan I lub 17, Voahera, Brat tesu .
? a vonkera '.d team, 12; John U'liroat Club, i .
i, jnaeph O't ounell, Bmplre L'lty L'lab, '-?, Ueorge
,,, ,..?',?'' 10.
,, i i., .t tie wlll ba played to-day, bcglnnlna
I, ,| ,-'ii be i"'" "'I il v I ?' "f tha
m , i'il,, and '?? r ? ".'-?. ?f th? Jolm Oiiioat l lul,
I'hilad,.an. i. J ," i > .-, " '??>'? -">" i alveraltj ,?' I'aua
, :,,!.,; \- , ? .a-.. U?d Ita aubiial u ??? Ung t ??
,1 ,v . . ,, II, T- foi the ".im.!
\ , . ui, |d i 11.:.. "r. :'-' ?.. ? , ? - .? irnton,
Ul .. | Kirk ".'i ir wui
.i.i ii ? . i -?., ? ' ??" i r n." ? - - ii io,
I, i ,.., the i:i" tin-; Con nilttee jad u a
':' '' l
j, bo < ll. 11 ? l?*? ?er.
TIIE KEW-VOllK A. I*. ilil i. TO THE I'V'l'iv.
,\' i iiKi'tli'K of ta.- Athletlc Cornmlttee uf tli"
\, ?, york 'ia ih" cbalr,
N. V. A. C. t. iiiu iu tba Amateur
kniplonablp. n,i' eleariy provi i
tt,... ,,, N . ', , .. Athletl i lub rn ! -ia k to lha Al i
iou ....-I ? uuitc )i baaeball.
I',',' tv.v/.vri. DIBTBICT tMFBOVEMBRTB.
The t'iliien ' Loeal Improvement party of the An
nexed DUtrln held .. well-attaaded meetlag laal night
,ai ii," - ioi L'lub, One-haiidred-and Ixty-lhlrd-at.
and i iiii.i .ive. The ubjeri ,.f Improvemente In th,
.ii ?'., i ?? >'. ed bj C'ommi ..oner Loala J. Helnts,
.luin, ii. Knoer.pel, N. P. Rraea, >ir. Baum, Mr.
? i"!' and ,'ii,"::. i':i nn,tion of Mr. Hclate, a
i,,iau.i',i ,- of ieven waa appolnted, t<> whom all laws
' ? i . dlatrlet and bll mggeetlona regardlng
tiu'.n ihould i," i *:i.i"'.i f,,r invaatigatton. Tbe
rommittje conaiati "f John Oeborae, j:-.. wuiiam ,i.
Mct'txa, r. a. Acker, P. Boduaer, jr, m. v. Breea,
j. hn M. F.ii;:.i a.ai .i"im McMahon. A eommlttee
,'..i,.i?. ??,'. ,,i M. V. liiv ti. p. liaeamer, Jr.. j. iiuich
i/ :*- ll, i . K. Kandolpu aad A'iUlaip n. .*,cli?tt w-^. nn.
poluteU tu tiomuiute permanent omt-era t-, ue \ote<i t,,,
jt tbe ae_1 me Ung to be held m Mareb.
At a largelj tttended meeting of tlie tlnion Loagae
Hab 'i Brooklyn at th- houae, Bedford-ave. and
i' ?i ; ? laal >'v "im-- th" " mmlttef on mui ; ,,
analra repor. Hu loUowIng reaolaUon whleh waa
ii-ii idoptcd:
" ?'"'-' '? " -'i.--t ,i to aa, tn,. ataadiag c?i?.
mlti ' un Uuiiielpal AOaH. ol _? t'nloo League ol llrook
iin. ia Uie i.v, mu. i oiiinillte ti?-?..r. tliul ..??? , ,,.
-'"" '" "i"1".'?""?" "? made by ihe membera ol thla club
" -" '" "?"?" ; la whleh ti,- ii..?'i.,i??,, ..,,.,,.
' ' ? ' '" P"ii '??!?? thi- u it.'iu,, , ,,
i;'" '?""" * *** Uj:' '" ' " ?*a..itrou , .iiai'.v,,,,,.
:": '" ""- "u "!' ??*."' ?? ,:. ? , ,, ,..,,?.,??,,?
ll"" m "'."'"'" *'"? -" ral ? tloi. aucb ooiciaia
a?* -I',!' " ol aud ctuawad tbe ,,??? ,,?,.?.,! ?,'
vm, ii.iii, ttlaalm i? i..B?,,,i?.. ..,, ,.,,, ? ' J
a. in. uuiuii und preearlag an
ou.iM'i: torvrv afMh WABM
roit -ai.-..
B, V.
lojuacliea prulilblling tho peuhein untll the BMrifBJ of Ui.
maii . ean ba p-**' (i teee bl ? a p meA an,i aapaMi todgaa,
..no ..re w eeaa-rai Um iaw aalat aklak ffMh seaajaai ?.$
piir iu-.' *ni ii -.1'-, and me la.vs toruidding ?*?-.'?; of money
|,y (.:l.,'Ui-.
The ll'iuor .luestlon, Whleh f..r some time hAi beea
aaj-atlng tbe i lub, ai~> eame np and i.y a declslve m*.
Inrti) it waa re-olved t>> b?* the *ea_e of 11?<- . Inb ti_u
no Uuuora .-houid Ue aerved In ihe tiou*e uu tfa_a*__f,
SM1TH lf. vvi.r.n w vitin'i; roR tii*7*. tjovr.p.xoi
ibt Tr.i.E<'RAi*n to m tbibume.1
Albany. len. 16. Bmlth U. Wee4*e triemtt say thal
he does not mt ti<i to rome to Albany aad foruaiiy
?iaiio :i ennvnaa tor I'nlted Btatea Benator ank ?? ,v
ernor Hill Beada him word t.. eome. Al laal .. eonala
Mr. Weed was stiii .t.mditii: ut thi? totophono -ahuiiiu
io i,o "rnng ap" by tbe ra^vernorj bul bad not ral
beard tho lattorfff-ali, II .?? ?" ,l" "??**?? ?'>' P-*"
Uclana to-nlght that Mr. u>e.i arill be tbe _t I aaai
among the rmodldatea tor Benator whom Oovernor HII
wiii stimmon to Albany. Demoeratle Aaaenftlymaa.
expresaed the rdtaatloa in this way to-nlght: -Tiia
,, ivernor eittaw promiscd Mr. Weed tho Benatonhlp,ee
ai leaat made him iblnk that u wh. proaa_md l. i -**,
II,.-, whea iho eleetion ihOWOd Uml a DenincrutUi
Mnator wooJd iw ratoeted, the Otrnrmte faaetdad lhal
1?. wanted the ofilce himself. Hut he eoald not opetily
tjecome ? ennaTdalate for taa ofttoa, awlnf t/. hia ptoage
to Mr Weed A*e*wdla__y, be haa opened ? baek rir-e
bpoh weed, md thaa baa exdtad prejaallee agaaaal
Um latter ln tho B-tada of the Demociatfa men,i,er-< ot
tho Legialature, and has eaaaed hia detoat How th?
i.ov.-t-.ior stepa ta aad takea Um i'-'--"-"
Tbere are B0M ladtonttonB tom-ht lhat the i.ov.
ernor. for appeatai.. <-' -ak-, mnv attempt to p-rsuad.
three or four llenuirrata Wl? loi,- beaa narn.-d a.
,atidld_tes to come hcro aud pOOB aa mn. s-eklng fup.
?ort It is doubtful. beeneet, If ma:iy pro.nin-M
bomocratai eaa ba iiainniaai to take tm, huminat.ng
.^ri-r'.-rtaiiiiy aot Bmtth al. Weed, Wllenn B. Blaaell
,?- .Mton B. Pntdtor. Ihatofaafl plan ol the Oaa .
it is -nid la to have tl.e i).mocratic eaacua Kondag
alternoou pratead for fonr or laa baUota to look abeel
ror'a eandldata for Senutar. OotmpUmenury baUota,
it is mM. wlU be enal tor Bmlth U. W*eed. -AUion n.
l?.eil. Bdward Murphy, Ir., c*orge Ralnea. *
VVIui iel \llr.-d l. ' ln ill . AJtoil H. I i _ .
liovi Th'atehcr. But n - one of .1.1 pre* :.'!.'*. bafj *J
"'?[iien^i;:^ -
-rv*.- f.. declaring lhat there ln .v ?'!??-? mat. irho .a
titilte tho i":**- and th i Wa name l? Da L
".1,,*,':,,,:1i:.| Mr. HIU by acclflmatlon wfjnM
then be atteroptod. Mr. nui. of courae. would be
'?muvrised" nt ta- nctton of the Democratic ca .,
but would recognlo the call o - ?':?<? ;^r<
relui taut to becomc. a tsenator, would do w.ln ol.ecu
to tn.- detnan.i of bla party; and thua the fanre t>
parenily wlll end. 1.il> man, li wai pr-',. ted,
,wio wlll not Inugb over it wlll bo Bmltb M. ileed.
Albaay, Jan. Ift. Phe Oo-utraaa ef Knlnhta of Ubej
amombllea met in se.-ret se.,ion ;._ain tWi morninc
The i.rah.i-n Aaaembly bll Of 1--'. r**w1d_n! for
eoenty eaaa of eoavtct-, *va. todaraea. aad a r". lutl ?:!
ama adopted call ng lor ? men ttrti geat entoi i
? f i b i'a-...'ti PHaon Labor law. ITeifatont T. li.
Uagulre. ef Amaterdam, a.:d Chatrtoa I*. Miller, ol
n.'.v York, arere eleeted Btato leetarere of t'ie C nn-*-*.
A le-isLitivc ...tntii.tl'"' WM .(;,!>?.ttitcd U) urK ? thg
rraT?g- "f labor i- ?-.- lation favorcl by the f.'n-r'-a.
' rhe Congrea* adj mrned im. afternoon, after >?
in_ n nomuer ol rraoiutl ma, am. ng them one t
for a National Departm nt of Lab r aad one lavormg
the free e ilnage uf ailver.
a long preamble nni reaotnttoa were adipuvt. r>.
,'n-si n. tbe Leglalatum t-> pa>s laws tli.it wlll render
|nj . terferenee m ti.'* part of rallroad oorporntl i
v.ith ti.e ri.-iit. of rltlten* to organiae Into anr lawful
rirtzanlzatlon punialuible with the forfeitare of the
rharton "f ?ueh rallroad corpomtlon*; provldinj
th;if, iu eaae of a itrike, any rallroad eeaa i tortwenty.
(our boon t-> ran tmeh r,.nd ihall ?,e plaeed ln thi
hai :a ,,f a recelver; and that the Jodlclary ipp 1
immert!at-iy not leu than three dUlntereated ;? ?
aon*. who ahall net as a:'.. txatora bet** ecti the aanpl >T***I
aiid tho road. .
Albativ. Jan. IB.?The followine awardi irere mafg
to-day by Um State Board "f Clainia, moat of them tof
damage to piuperty by overi rw f arator f**.m t .
,ar ,'.- Wtlllam I. Pempaey. B1S0; FMm W. Deir.p.
.et. r?'*,o; Mlcbael F. Caablng, 130; famea Qajereii,
Brott. .-i'i
,i(*.euh Btowart, WW; Jehn P. i-ei-ci, ?*-'-";
? .1. Itoag. W35; John Ii. Chubb. B100; B a
TO START a HU) BBVTYABB os prrjiiT -OTJrihj
San Fr.inrlaeo. Jan. 16 (Bpeetfl_l)*-Onp_aln IfeDougell,
of the Amerrlenn Btaaf finr^e coenpaay, of Wnneap
bna m'"*e f*_-ana*faaaaite lor ilariliig a tmlp-bul l <
?,:iiai ar mme p"inf "n Pufet Bonnd. Ihe plant wlU
coai over BIjIWOjOOO, aad among tha baehera of t ?
enterg/iae are belleved to b- aeveral mh Kmnci,. i
rapit-Jlata. n Ib p_rpo_ed t" bnlM nt the ynid aU
ktudi of coaetlng voa_elB, and t-. Md tor the tni'i l ;
vesaela *." ti '? "' added t.. the new Savy. mi i
make pr_w?rfni oompetltlon tor the San Fraaelaco B_a>
\ arda.
- ? ? * -
Chlrap), Jan. 1...-U wa. a..ii.>uii.".l bf>_a|ht tl -I
tho Baw. Bdwatrd S. Dnitna, .,f All Balnto1 l
i bteafo, is to be apiwimed btohap of the new f__*thol_i
gea "f Halla.-.. Ita, Falher Danne baa lo-** '-?" i
knawn as, ae of the aaoat prmtalagBl aad p fmlac p le u
En tbe Weat._
Bocheater, lf. V., Jan. 16*?Al a meetlng beU i
thia eity an agreement wa. algned hy every aah P'.?
dndng tirm aad eompany In tn.: wealern Stow 1 *.
Beld, thal the pricea of l-w ahall bo bu ?
through l.-'.'i._
Ai.m mAiii.i-'.-u"ti*r4i Heree M. B. Teaag, ?1
BHtlxavriCK-Adam Brewa, M. '?'?? d
H taa. CBJiada i*in :i ..vi Nt'i i \-( ? :-???---*i
Henry O. BuHelgh, .,f Whltehall, K. Y.. (.il^I-V-*
Cingn?m?* b-muel i*. Bataer, af Mli-aeao-i ?? 'Sft
j A.'ii.a-Cioi.ci Joiiu C. iu.K.il, of Boath c* I j
Warsh-agtoa, Jan. 1.*..- I'cr M-iti". N'.'w.Hjtni'atilr,' and
V'.-rmoat, local wowa; eoMari ataada ttuTUog te eernb*
i.,r MaimihnaBtlB. Rhode tohMd -nd Coaa**<**i--t, ti*
.iT-j.iiiL- t-_o4t__ac_a| llghl maaa darlag Ihe twaafagl
coldei 1 ild.iv Bt| i i :- i ?* [ I
Foi i.i-'-ru n a.Yarfc, Eaateta l*ennayl4*aala aad B "
.i-i."., :.i.m. .., i.iime.*. allh llghl Mioan dartag I *
, -. aouUtcrly aiaaa, hacoaUai rartabto; i >?' 1 ?
day nlght.
1 ,.t tke Dlatllcl ..f i*otiimbta, V iaware. M_rTi?:id md
Viralnta, Mghl mla; atoda ihlftlM t-o aiifdi?'?"*'lrl
allght ehaagea m teaiperatare.
I ..r NaHh 4JI..IH.* a'.d .v.ntli Car.illna tlireitcnfig
aeathet md mta; ral | alndai allghtly .bt ?
... -i. ii, rtatlonat. t- pemtam la raetern potttsa.
i..r IbbIbtb i:,:tdu. rau. in Borthern, tati ln BBOthem
partion; fdlghl ahaagm m Unparnlnwi t**adheaalfaf|
aa H.U-.
1 ?r <-.'or_t?, ia:n; BBBterly W_Bdl| sti'mnirr IB-B
I'.,r VVe*t*rn ri.ri'l*. local ralti*; wtndi ihlftln. ta
in.itii -iiv Btotloaarj WT'peraBara,
K.ir Al.Umi.a, luin ; nerthnly wlnda; *UttonarT **?*"*?
perature Ib loatkern partlanj Um MnBa-eafnue t-BI Wl ??
lea eei In nortbern portloo. . ,
.,,, \i,.-'..i|,|ii I., .(1 ralna, .-l?Hrin- d'ntiu? m* <^Ti
noiitnTh wind* illgM chanrea ln *kmperature. ^
Por Weat Vlralit-a, _lu?worai illgbtU irnMai brnM
"h l ,;!?' w! 'V'-i'x.'-'ii-York.'WV.ie -, ivntuylvinl- and OM
lisiii local .-.!?.?*. colder wtoda .-.i.,f,;.- u> u.uu.-'iy..*?
t-_,nerauiie .wn fali 16 degraaw. ruieepl la loaihem oa.?
'"Tor'ludlana, fair, Bxeepl lisht l ?-.l ir.ow* ln louthr-.-a
Dortloni i-blder; wlndi s.ufiniL' t. unrUi*tiv. - ?
* i',.: i..,-; , v.: in-.in. iiL-t.t local mi.ovs. *****
wtnd. ' ,oi,l,r; tlio U._ilHTa'.-:* B_U faU I'i _-!_??? *?
s,"il.;',tit!i'.V.1,UT-*i?*ra',iy Mr. eaeeM local f-ftoalaiaaaij
ro- Ui.-r:. porUoa i -i-'der; aortl m****!] alrdi UM ??-''?i""**'
lurr wUI Nll 1" ?!"-'!?".- ln nnthoru ivrtton. _..?_.?
lor Kcrth Dikuta. lual siiow-. ?oiit_uaiu'njf aw
nram er.
" 'IiliL'::*> >.orn i.?. ?
!:? .... : - .J- - - . - -3
??'?'"^.i.vr'^-V.'l-.:-^ " '.i-l-X-i :?o.o
**?? ,..e |)*ro-i'.''J*r
Jn the d;ju.r*i_ a coiituiucua UM ?nu'** "? >uirl
gaoaatl-na yeatetdajr. aa abaerie.! *L,LU"._..',,, um. iM
,*-._nal Hairvli itatiuu lt tlna lt> '?' Jrun nulidiK
me irii p*rat> *r nftt'd at I'.rV* I'narrri. T. -s-^
rHhamiOgto. i.n. 16.77... t.25,JS2
w_? elear and taat. Tho te.ijHi.t',???? trwrj ^
?.?0 aad BB degrees, th iv mg- l? btmi " * m
un w.ii,. | , ... .?,. ?afaTag, a1*
-li,.. a/eather wlll probaMy 1- ,',""d,?a v_ub1**
iignv men m Nm avaatoa m uu? iil ?*??? ??*"

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