Newspaper Page Text
*** jjr L-^'^ff'^-w /* Jr_.!_ir__s*^**'*:^a-V _ _7^ -""*'-:. :7^I^f*^_*M_S_M^^J^ Vol-L....N?*IO,i:M. LVEW-YORK, SATDRDAY, JANUARY 17, 1801.-TWELVE PAGES. PRICE THREE CESTS. BEVOLT IN THE ARGENTINE. a|>_0- REBEL POB1 E SA1I) TO BE ASSKM BLED IN THE PHOVIXCE OF ENTRE RIOS. _HK BATAOB M. TROOP8 C tiLLEO OOT- THE TELE 0RAPH wil'.l.s (I'T 0PPO8IT10N TO THE OOVERWE-T'h T\.\ vTIOH BCB-MES. BuenoN Ayrea, Jaa. 10.?A Inrjt* itM ,nrr<* l? c?id i" ,H' aaaemlded In tiio Provinee nl Entre Rioa. j^f. eitizena ol th?l i?i ? ?*. Inee are in a atate ,,f c.?;i riderable atarm. The telegraph linca inve been cut and tbe B-tio__l troopa ln atrong foroe have w'n srnt lo auppreae tbe revoiutUraary outbreak. Thr wiMea* mmora aro eireulatort. Eatre l>'1"> '" l>?''Wf-nn tbe Rivera" ta? provinee f tho _j|R_tt_e Repahlie between tlie rivr-rs _T*g_ny and P?niB?. lia capital is Bajada de Ranta Fe, haviBR a population ot ahont 150,000 Lnndon. Jan. 16.?Advicca from Ruenoa Ayrea gtaie lhal flnaBctal circlea m the Argentine Re purilii' are exelteii al l.he proposal made hy Uie Arge-ttae Govera-MfBl t<> tox Ibe deposita ot pri vat'p hanks ai tbe rate of 2 per eenl per annum. Thr Anicii'ii'i Lrgmtion haa bdged a proteal ,jnst t|ip GoveratBenl'a proposal lo t ,\ forelgn igguu.mpaniea a1 the rate of $20,0011 a year j?r a li'-cti*' Le Ib additlon to lequiring a lii.h' 8D,oo .le;...Mt of$200.. Mrnant-l0 tirm- ln thi- clty have nnt been to ctt dbpatehea from Rnenoa Ajrea for four daya, and al- naturally anxiona aa to Ihe roodltion of nffaira Lhcro. No '""?'?' "f anythlns haa been reeelved by them from Ihe Argen-tie. ? ? PBOBABLE CAUSE OF THE CTRIMNG. R__> OTlli R PROVIXCES IHCERBED AT THE AU VAXTAGES EJIJOYED BY BUENOS AYRES. Thr- ?prisini ?'f lha provl.d Entre Rloi tm* ?oii.'iurd rloseij npon the romplctlon ol tbe flnanclal irrangemenl between Ibe Argentine I'ederal Gov irnment and the London bankers' rommittoe whleh niarai.tood the llqnldatlon ol the Hartna Hrothera. '?,), aa occurrence was to huve been expected j n, c that arrangemenl had utterty Imiored the intereaU. Pi tbe Argentine provinee*; and il waa largely ?n lhat areonnt thal Mes?rs. llausemann and Cohen ?? mvers, Ihe representatives of Ihe German and Itcnrh boMere ol Argentine funds, had wttl ttoa* um coramittee. The latter, wlth Dr. Plaza. liK. nedal flnanclal agent ol the Federal Govern aent oJ Buenoa Ayrea. li'.'-t made -. Msttlemcnl for only 1150.000.000, although the total debl wa. -???" 000.000, exrln?lve ol even the -icduhis," or m iMdi ,,I the provlnees. The provir.ccs c_pe< ' ??> loi Inded ;ti the arranp ment, Inaamnch tu their loap-. like ?ti--e ol Cordoba, Corrienu -- M- idnza, GMamarra, ete., had falkn to ?10 on the Eumpcan gKhanges, whlk Ihe 5 j r eenl ol the Federal Uov eriiiflciit waa qnoled al ??*-.'? ln the ti"-\t place, kl waa reported that the Ar gentlne Cahlnet bad agreed to bny ontrUthl the Buenoa Ayrea drainaRe and water worlta for |B4. 000,000 m 5 per eenl bond*. wlth Uie itipolaUon that tbe company ?ho_M Ihe woeba accordlng lo Ita orlgtnal conUact. .,{ ronraa, thi- waa .. good piece ol bmlneaa for tlie I-- .- th ay-dlcate whleh haa anl itltnted Itoell for tne Barini Brothcra, and whleh had on lu handa a large-mounl ot Ihe water worka bonds. Bul 11 K-oked tUM -trrlflrlng the Argentlne intereata al larga lo Uiose ?i ? l.riti.-ii company. Moreover 11 uppeared lo be lavortng too much (hc elty ol Buei ? Vyrea; and II tcvivcd the anctent Je-kmaiea ontertati'ed bj the H-vlncea againal lhat clty. whleh aneceeded, only a l,.w yeara ago, after many Internerlne confltcis, In betaa accepted aa the Federal capital. When liucnoa Airn becime ihe .?.< ??: ''" *entral anflther ci.v had ... i- choaei w the . .Pttal ol he pwvioce ?f lh..l name. Instead o raUlna to hat -[,,K aome town In the provl.i.c. tnllllnm ..yJ n, li? .> ..f .i.ii.r- were -"? ' t ln the clty -I l-> I'latft. _ ;;..-.?'.?. i. Pia e, whleh io* t-uddeol- from the .r.ui'id and la n_w (he poMU. -I capital (- Ihe Bwsne; Aiftn rrovl. But Ihe other provl?_aa prot.-sicd 2.,.. . 7,? ii _ it*.'.--*' 'Ti- n?i?<.?f [i)"n,-.. : and noa rff'-"*..' -''lt ri'," InrJnaed at a.'.-' Dial bue??s Ai.r* (ira'-i- -i> ii-.l ..'"l exctn-lve iirivllegea rrom tiic flnanclal '- *''??? h -?':" ??Peeted le bcnelit the whole i arntry. THE Nr.Wr<>rNIM.\M> MODUS vtvendi. \SJ!\T LORD BALISBURY _1LL PROPOSE-THE BAIRO-WAUCI ll I i-i Rl ' IW*01 ITTf WITH CASADA. PnrK Jan. 16?Tbe "1 ? .ro" to- ? ' ' 1/,'Ti saUsbury wlll propose lo 1 l '?- W n .? i th.- Newfoundland modu vtvendi, aa II I Imp I .- ., treaty be?. severa] mooths liave elap rd, pndlni whleh V ? ' "* Newloundland will London. Jan. 10. Elther L l? '? w i":" , . - . head ofticial ol the i oloiilal (?fl1.-o, wlll Ure ei-Mence before th.mmU*.l?n whlefe will Ira.r London ln the Uni t of Mr. Balrd, i BR UaWwIn Walher. The plaiiitlira lobalcr In Newfoandla I a i rloscd defeodanl unda- tbe provi^lon ol the , ., :. wlth I ranee, and .:i i.dli K on Ihe | .rl ? Hi- Hrltish naval i ? man* B i ? ? ' I - , ,,? j;,;,. in. -??The Kniplre." Um liovernment Mgan, aaya: "The hlatement publlshcd bj Thi l , ,??. Ma ! ' i ? the effeel thal tlie Domli.? i , ta been t",! ested bj the Imperlal li mrr.t t ' ? ? matters ln dl | ite be hrtei rai ada and tlie t nlted stal.the l?i? ?Me m< i- ire of rommeri lal rcclpra Iti j- tiot true. Oa the eoutrary, it U tearned Irom tlie beat ourcc lhal t'.'- < ai idlan " ? "?" i ? 1 !,;,~ t*n entty t" cn ap IPMrbed by the Ui ted - -,'? Governmenl wlth a vk-n ,., ? .. development ol tlie trade relatlona between the t? ,,,--.- , and tbal Ihe ranadlan Goven ent iaejneKted the advlce ol ller Majeaty'i i???vernme..l on the rabjeet" ntiHwn, Jan. IB. A tii'-iiil"-'' ol the '.I lated raMerdai thal tbe brltiah Governmenl wai belw* ap pr<>a. ii.-'i wlth a view to llie con ' ' ? I e Hi Sarta American coloiile> Into :< federathm lor r<?ni Bercfal purp.jr.ew, wltliout rontllctlng with the '?mc-l raviin : 7 iiau ' - " The pro pos4l <'ii,'.',,."- the augaeation lluit ('real Url .,..'. aliull (rn,- t<, i ,,-, ?i, the i.'V iii'.n' "' hor Brttlah Nortli American i ,)onles. exdu-lve >.f Newf.?indl.ind. ttiu* ce'itmli/lr.s th- (teneraJ manac.-men1 and dlrectlon i?l J affalrs li (Mtawa I t- nd ol llie ' olonlal at London havlni k, d.-al directl* wlth eacb cohiiiy. ? ? ? ^HE LYMPH TO BE SOLD BY DRUGGISTfi. ha. KOCH'fl REPORT CRITICISEO BY PREKCll PIITSIClAN'rJ \ PAR18 DOCTOR'8 i.xiM i:ii .**' K, ?erttn, Jaa. ic. it waa oflrlally annouireed to*day fut lha publle uOe "i the Korh lymph wonld aoon l* lnlm?ted to drngRlata Ihrounhonl im- conntry. R*R? .u thls dlrectlon have already been taken, and th? Mceaaary plana, lt i-. nnderstood, \iill be completad ?ahh a few daya. Porl . Jan. nt. the French phy_ciana rrlllclae Pro a_?rKoch'a rcpori npon the ngredlenla of in- famoua b-ph. They -,\ lhat Iho report |? incomplele and Iti aot Indirate 11m i|uantlt) "I ihe doae or tlw anb .ta.'a- lomj R Uie ll?iuld. They add lhal Ihe Naady ia ahrouded in myaiery, and hold thal the aer-Miv 1?.".m la nnabated. ??The Krench critlca ?abaaay thal I - effiearj haa not been abown, i. tliat "'? PMeal treaied ae. irdlng to the Kocb ?yalem In ft?ea u~ been i ared. i nrther ai d hmu eaperlmenta, Ul?y audntaln, are needed before a flnal optnlon can *< lor::,.ai aa to tlie merlta "f Ihe lymph. Mcaiiwhile ?altVeneb p % iclan urge lhat tbe remedy be ncllher ?^rito ii'ir- ,i, ; pndaed. bf- NBar, a ph) Iclan ?f u.i* clty, haa Jnat re ?aaand from an lllnc -. ul Ihree weeka. whicli he al ghatf, ,,, ,,?. ,.,,,., ,?,,, ,,f , (juaiUlt* ol the K" '| J-tph, ii?. _.,,t..i n-,',1 the lymph uihw hliu_-i ?' Opertmei l llc lia no rt' .li?-< Uon ol ai |iniu? "at occurnd durlng th" earlj daj ol hia Uiieaa. ? WRMKIiN RIVAL fl PRUFK-SOa KoCII. Mrell, .-?:.. ii., Jan. I?. f*r. E. U tsburly. ol U ' %i mn, rvcentl) aniiounced hl dl eoverj "i ? ""''' ?*,fin-ijii,|,t,, . wi todaj abown the diapatch from **fliii rehdlva t" Proieaaor Koch'i curatlve lympli. ???t i4? to the dl-erenee between Dr. Koch'* and *??? dK,?vciy,r..- axptelned that bla waa a i hlorlde '""ofciand aodiam. ?? My remedy la un-be Dr. Korhi ln U-t it eontatna no organlc matter. m- haa -*e '"-wninoug lymph, whUe mtne i- enUrely compiiaed .d ?Waaja .n,,,,-, iu* bla, la prepared In a ."'" i_S__taa. and ..-.itain. it in about llie aame i"'? *? AMBAKBADOR- ATTBSIPrED BTIC1MS. Jftaana. Jan, i?;. || wai bihmmi."1 ln thh cltj w *?v that hadullah Paclia. Uie Tbrhl h A_i1__?ador j **=? wai wffering from Ihe efferta ?I a Bt. I< ' 7* l?arned, however. that the Ambaaaador atta_ipaed | * ?-__t aultiac ln hh. b_thro'JW. Xt 1* ?__? *-?l ??? lii'.l tlied t" -tt-.H.-lo himaelf, and that. f_ilin_ m thia, ho Uien attemptcd to pafl an ead t-. i.i- iin- i,v,in? up nll tl.'' apertnrea In the r,?_. aad aDoarlng the t-' . in the baroe?- lo earape. He wn dlaeovewd befme life waa extlnrt, and doclora arere baaUIy aaauaoned. It i. ii ????.- .t t'i.' the Anilataaador wlll probabhf die. i'i,' Bttempted anicide |. belleved lo be dae lo famlly Inm ih -. i tiie Ambaaaador's wife is *ufterlng from an Inrura'jle tUi i*ae. and in- favorite daughter baa beconie ._ . ???_ DESTITUTIOX IX IRELAND. THE GOVEB_*!MENT EMPLOY8 1,000 MBN OK REUEF WOEK. I DRAWlXfl o\ IHE itM.lnili PVBJO?WIT.I.I4M O'BKIH-1'8 PROTEST THE EtOULOGXE I'oNKI.Iir.NTKS. Dablln, Jan. IIL- A dbpatch froai CoeOnber, Coanty ' Mnvc,, .,iv. thafl the n-oveinroetut, aa a meaanre ol i,-1,,'f. has employed i.imm*. men aboofl Weatport ln the ' ronatructlon of ;> rtallroad. The Board >,f (tnardlan* ol tho aame l,? iltv bave given the lentanta wbo en in need ..f a? I.-.'...'. tom ol fteed potatoeB, it i- aald Mr. Balfonr'a prompt artlon ln re Uevlng the ralfering poor In the Weafl of Irrland haa avertcd ;11;i:iv daathfl whleh wouM have occurred from itarvation. lt la htated that tlie poor people nf the provlncei ol I'lster, ...iiiiiiu-iit and Mnn-ter bava reached the < . tremc limifl "f deatllnllon. \ dlapairfa from Mltrhelslawn aaya tbal b rrowd ol |K,v .11 v - ti i, ken people < ;a.<i?-<t npon tbe Board >?' (iuardlana ',f lhal town, aaktng for rellef. Tbe lloard, however, r fuaed u, do afiythlng f,,: t!,,- appltrnnt . rvm reftulni tbea aaalalanre from ibe Zetlaiid I . . ? fuii.i. Tlie lri_h Regtatrar General, in hia reporl on the potal , rrop In Ireland, announrea tbafl 7-40,-UOl actrea of poUttoea were planted In i -'.?<>. aa agalnal t-t.-.*:;i arrea In v i * * ? precedlng year, and thal tbe jrleld had derreoscd 1,0*17.103 lona. Of the ent ? ?. ~ ? ?'? per rcnfl had been gU'en np t-. the polnl ,- known as ." mii the reporl ndd* that th. ? ". u.i,. h rellan.e on .Iil* vurlety. Arrhbiahop Walah, .,f thia rlty. wrlle* t" the p ? .: ?? i think it Ib dcploroble it .( trnec ram kepfl at tbe preaenl Ume, a- Mr. Dillun *n e 1 . a ])..--il,llliv ,.f a tettlement aereptable lo all portlc*. I am aatlafled thafl it i- mj duly t . u i othlng tn ln ii'-iil Ihe t han< ea ,-f peare an l "The li-., n.iiir- Jonrnal" to-day mv- tl made tn relatton t<, Mr. l*arneU'fl actJon ai Iho lioulogi c ('-if' reni ? are un-tuthorlzc I. "? TIm Jmirnal"* adds thal ' fen.- a. Boul ely u< ln.t for taomc daj -. London, Jan. Ifl.- Wllllnm O'nrlen, M. 1'.. wrttc* from I'.ui-: - I am romp. Ued lo pmtesfl pnblh ly n Uie unwarranl ible n-' ol mv i ame ln >? ? ; ? ofl _? iii pcrp ';i.ii. land. I nm i,- .a nisitile for t: ithing v.n.,1. i-er bufl my oa n pti (;.-. larntl ma. 1 am.I Uiat the < v\ nh abhorrem e C4-ery expn llng ? ? . pct it ? fvellng and defeatlng Ihe efforta t,? brlng aboul ic di . n whl. ii Mr. Dillon nnd i 8 In Ih. le th nf .-ill norta ..( dlffl. ultl ? a d dl?( iui K ?? lf all ,.i. .,(, !i tl < . onirovoi -v ih the splrli "f Mt M i .-?-.?,li ..t New. a Ue, it Is atlll perf4,< tl -.,\,. the fi tn t'.e uiiim-iglnalile hono ol dlsa-iter." ? '..rh. .lan. 1".. A <li i> <t.), from Tralee bbj tbal U ?? N itlonal riuh ..f that i iwn haa, by b rotc nl Bl lo :..i. t"f;'-',| rn unpori JTr. Phi-ih II. The ? in i,-fn--'d io hoar Tlmothy I?. Ilarrington, M. I' linnlly addresacd a rrowd ol people fmm a 4 Tlie vi, .?!,.,n. |,.,:tv at ti.,- rlub v..i- hcaded !'? *u pri I .ii i" ne ghborhood. ? ? MR. I.IN". OUS BACK IV T.N'.I.ANTV THi; AMERlfAN MlM-'i: ?; RKKUSt-t* TO TALK V B ,; T TIIE Bl II IU N<S Sl 4 BISITTE. Southamplon, Jan. Ifl laaper P Hradley, Ihe Hniled Btatea focanl afl tbU port, at 4 o'rlorl * mornlng boarded the ffortk ilerman Lloyd uleamcr Naale, h.iviri. the iiiit.-d Ktatfla hflnlater, Ral ri I Line iin, otn borard. >fc Une >in r.-/u-( i t , i?- later rtewed by anj one ,,f tb ' newapaper rvapre -?; , : ..?: ? -i . ? . p .? ? - ,,f i. hi ih<- hope ofl -? ?''?.- i i lea ? ly df the Behring - ? rii-pi !-?. Mr. Lln. >ln wai li healtb and npirlta, Ue Iai led bere afl ". n'rlo lli- baggage wat nofl examlned, b -i?"iiii p^rmit from Ihe Brltfch t.overnmenl havlng been ent i . astoma nflli nl- Im re. i;. for ? N I fi-'itn tii<- Nnale Ihe ? ? ? l I at Uila port, Herr r. K !? :. i rmrded lhal ateat nd preaented Mr. Llnroln i Ith t'i- - ird ?* Ihe M lyor "f - and cd ? unli Ipal offl Inl nf thi i Ity, London, Jan. |4?Mr. Lincoln ..rr \--<i ??\ r i.i ? iUon in Ihlta ' i'v at 10 o'i Im k tl from Koathampton. 'lli" -t.-.'i -.f t ,?? tm. ? . Legn Uon were awalting I , I, a .1 ?.i hc dc I.. ?:?! i ..? rallwa] rarrlage he rerelved .. warin we|". A number ofl new.paper n-pn cntaltvi mipht lo i len lew Mr, l.. oii i rard to t' ? liehi - i (|ii>-ti,.'i. bnl he agaln refutaed lo ia] anythlng I upon Uie t 'j,.e. Later In Ihe day Mr. Linrol ed * lated Pn reporter a1 hl home, Vo. ?_* Ci.well i; u ? . -. \v. Vr. Lln.',!'. a ?! thal hi alile i ?' ,c v featuri s ol Ibe B. hring -? i i nni] Ibal ll- iald Lhat hc had h Hn< |>a ??? ju I.. . Ihe Atlanth , nnd lhat Mr.. I.liir,.| , 4Ii-^.-. Llneoln would remaln ii. I ???.. (.? .. month r lH-fore taklng ll id. _*rom n'i tber our. ? * " ? int ?< un .i ti. it ite ii .-ii Mi. in.iii;.. diit?*1 i>". ?!,.,. r iT. ? relvod ;.t ihe Forelgn nfllre h : ? Un ?ugh tl." Iinti lt ? : i:t W'.i-lil' gfl .11. Ml .lli ..i'i Iui'.' Cf. IC I i. no renaon ' . -n|,i..-r- lhal Ihi m< m ?1 pr<i 44-111 lie chaiised. 'I Ite report tbal Mr. Illalne will n.ui ite ??' i'i Lord Kull burj through Mr. i not ( oiiflrrt , d ? ? BALL OF llli: AMERH IN LEOATION IN liF.HLIN. li,.-Im. .lan. in, \ brllllant ball wa glv. i I. * by the t nlted State* LegaUon liere. A large numhei ul pr. minent ner ?-. from Ibe i nlled -t-.i,- were pre , i. |n. ludlng n pre eni lUve ol t1"- f imllle ol cx Mayor I'ooper, ul Nea ^ ? ?: k. John Kean, Jr.. "I i ! t* i,.ili. N. .1.: Sydney Evi retfl, ofl lio lon ; I'nllel lat. h. tricfl Attornej K<' i !,\. lietieral Kwavne, Jn tiie llar lan, ol the I'nlted rltater. Supreme Conrt; IVilll.un -tr.,':-?-. ,>f r.-it.-r-dii : \i, .,ii I'helpa, Ktephen Van l;,'i, -? iii'-r. riiiiilc- llerh her, fm Oj Brown, I. I. I'.n ?ou, Edward Everett and Itillip tsyding. - ? - THE XEW P.-NAMA L'AXAL BTHEME. I'.cl-, Jan. Ifl. The " l.ii't.'i !,,?' to-day nnnonnc-es tbe Frenrh fJnvernmenl haa nol pr ml ed lo napporl the new Panama *ebeme. The " Lanb :,!-', .iv - lhal Uie -? beme wa? vi nltlated ii Ute n< i papei in order i" Induce deallng In ftmama i itl llilll 'S. TRAKfaPOBTATlONS TO SIBKRIA IN l*'.'''. st, Petersburg. Jan. Ifl. lt i ofllrlally reported thnfl :,,?i per on* were iranapo !??.! Ut Klfaerfa during i '??". i,n1 || | bellev-cd Ihe rcril numbei i- far gitraU-r. i Ive , |,,,.,. iieen depiib il I . d| poae aerreth ni tlie . , (,,,?, evi ii alleged Nlldll Ut :? M ln cu I dy. ? THE CZAREWITfil IN THE PI'NJAB. i ,'. nttii. Jan. I?. The I turewlt. h had an enthu I Mtlc reeeption afl IjUiore, Ihe i ipllal . Itj "I Uie I'unjab After loavlnu Laliore tbe i*_area-||ch -tartod .., ,, ,,.,,,- ,,i the proviia-e ul Punjab. _ ? ? THE CASAD1AN .111.-? I"' KNAMKM. Montreal, Jan. Ifl. T?e Bff-fl prlae ln tbe fanadlan cli,... Tournat.ieni haa been won by v T, Davld un, ofl Montreal, and the iceond by J. i ? '""??? "f T""1"." Tlie former "."h ol lonrteen gamea, and ti, Utter ten. BNO.rr_TORXM IN HOLTHEIl-l ITALY. Kaplea, Jan. Ifl. Several ln. bea .-f moa ba ? already (allen bere. There are pre perta ol a beavy inew -(..iin. Rome, Jan. 16. Anotaer beavy inowatorm prevaflB in tbla nelghborbood, THE I'lKI* OF BBDFOKD-- BODY r**BEMAT__0 i.?,?. ,':, .i,,n. 10. Tbe i. dy ot tbe Duke ol lled ford, wlai dW on VVedneaday, waa, accordlng lo h , ,j,;, .,-.] dc Ire, . remated to daj ? ? MK. LKADLAI '.II BEBIOl -LY ILL. l?r,n,?,. .i.m. Ifl. lliarlea Bradlaagh, member ni Parllament for Northamploa, Um weH-laawB free tblnker, l^ Berioii*ly 111. _ THK KAMALA M*..i..'n.\TI.?NS BROKEN "l! liomo. .lan. ]?', Tbe italenenfl .- 'a-ade tbal tba na .?.,i,ii,,i.. between England and If?U l? "?-:ir'1 '" k., ala bave been broken ??". TIIB < Alll.i: AM> < BREALri l.ri'H*.- BETAINED. ,,,??, Jan. Ifl. ii,- Relcltotad luit rejerfled Herr \?c,_r, propoaal to Um effltecfl Uwfl Ibe one. U.i- to ,i?. aboliiion ?.f the tanfi aa a?aali temukt hc ro loi-red U I wmi-uttea. /Uit ?i*bter'a ooU.u to I abolt>h tlie tanir ,,-, rcreab and rattle hai iii-" been defeated m the Itclch la_ t.-. a \"t- ol _10 t" 100. SURROUNDING THE CIULIAN REBEL& TROOPS TI'.VIM. TO IKOLATETIIEM FROM tOYA DI&TRICT- THI. PRE_IDEX._ MANIFE-TO. London, Jan. I?. A tclegram contalnl ir furthee newa nf tbe rebell. ln Chlll baa |nai been reeelved i" . bj way ol i uenoa Ayrea lt >aya that ii aumber of tbe N.r...1 i.-ii'i bad dlaembarked at I'mpilinbo, and lhal tho troopa were trytng lo lurronnd the ln Kjirgenlk, and l-aolate ll, a, froni l ..v.,1 dlatrirta. rhe diapatch add lhat Pre Idenl lialmaccda im. laaued a in.ii.if, i'. enei nciicallj a-Tii'i.' i, , anthorlfy. and refutlng the in?nrgei ? ' pre! ii lon*. An unalgned t> :??-";.,ihle dlnpatch from Iqulquc, i imahli *eni b Liujd ? a teni al thal i.l..' ?-. waa [reeelved bere t?vday. II ?aj ?thal the Navy baa glven notiee lhat li wlll enforre a t,i a?k_de at Plaagua and < aleta Buene, be_)nnlng January ii. i iblc dlapatehea to and from (inii were **nt and reeelved bl th.i "' *V. Y,. tirare a f*o. and C. R. Fllnl a i ?.. ye terday. i'h>-<? arere all merrantile d, patchea. A't>mpta t.. gel through dlapatehea ln i-ipher were mrf - .i- ?-'?--fi:l, Imt ihe snnic diapatchc-s mui :;?> plain in ---a'..-a g?i thruugh all rigbt. AN I NS1 <? T.--I ll. REVISIOXIST MEETISO. Pai. . Jan, l_. Vn effori m ida ln i Ight to Iwdd -4 r-'v, i..iii-1 -' meeting nt the Gobetln Theati.aded Iti ' rompletc fallnre M. .I. I. iipnorl d i i MM. Mlller a d and lleauiinli r, wa Ut ? pn ' ? i Tl a , emblage ln ll.c theatre vni tiirbnlenl throughont, . , thi !,',--,?!!,.? .,f ,i rrowd nl lloulaii-M , who ! rondu. ied tlien - ai.'- In a mo t dl ade I) n M. tinblet, ?? to I- ?<:.. w? i . !? d w Itlt Inkull Ing vocllerati.ii , i ' rinuU* <iuitled the Iheatre, after endea. ni tn nb( ilu a bi h mx '; he volren ? f nther speaki ..,??' i !-'' meeting \,. , ?':?:':> upn.i ill" ihe in,i-y , -,'ii,LI >?'.:?' ? ? Cara *)UioM.n ? ? TROtTi RSOME ICE IR TIIE KLBB. i . rlln, Jan. K i ? ' ? r weathcr whleh haa agnin "t In la ran ing m.irh alarm among tii.,-<* In ? .?a- - i he immei tlia , ?? ? - l tai ?? -,i | .a. Iliimbiirg thi mornlng, t.4il a, ,,-"-|, d iii 1 . i ? ? i ? ? . ? ?aeverai other ? ! lin.'t., . ? ? PROp.lj.EII TAKII i < II VXGEfi ABROAD. pa Jan K'?. I luriff ( oiiiinitt ?' ' a t , ... . - - I by the (1 , Wlth il 1 ' duti I drawh l,. rlin. Jan. !>? i ? I the Rclch Lig ? ? ? ? ? EXILED FOR DEPRAl'DING ItANR DF.Pi IT??R8. 1*1.-1 '- '' ia i'. , ,". .,',?? i ' !'? '?' ',! 1 . the ''.." .um ,,f t.. AII hai ? ?? 11 F*IL ???'? ? ? FATAL I IRE IN A L< 'NI* 'S LODOINIi I! ?' kE Loi id i in. J an. 11 t n ' md l', day i iin lal t.-li 1 V | ' I ? | i i ? ? : f,, .'? iii, . ' ' ? , ? ? ro INfREAKE TIIE TTRRISII ARMY IX TRIPOI.I. i i n '.?'!'. Jan. I.i. II by the ad lll of5. ? ??? i? i .,' . f Ital ',, Ifiti,I,- e in lli. -'!.. ' ? it ] - ? - IHill r i ?-... oi i v'.'i.ii'i w i" i rn r MEDICIM h i. ! ,'? ,' . ? . ;,/; ii r.ri u wrti -? h 'ii ex li. ' , ? ? . i- ?? . ' ?? ? ? ? ? ? ' ? ?'? . ? ' . - 41. a ? i \ ? ? ABTHl BO /, ?? !/'?'. '.',' i , ? ? . i ?. . i ? , ? ' ? ? i vcrdi.l f>.r I ? , i 1 lll* ' ?'.,?.' ' ?? i}" that 1 I llielr i rn.pal ol !','? Jni \ TO si l.l. ot ? ro 1 ?',;.; IIVI '. \\. I.". II I . ll |.l. |l,.' \\, ,,?;..? | ,-, ii ,i i ,' I'un .? ? i , , ai (or Mi" -ai.- .?( ii work i" an l 'i >, Mam ? '? ii " i' lan Italdwiu. j ,|, nt Ol lllC J 'i'i'' 1 -'ll' ' . . ... ? .. |||| rlty, |||,, old" I nnd I I iii ai ln- ? i ,.,, i v. -. i ,,\, i iur i , In , umlilii itlon |u i ,,il'.,'ii/'.I. i .a . ? '. ul ?.. .i ihe in im t >' i >i ^ (or the pm |i? "f i gotlalii . ., ,; ?. '| ;,,? r,,,n pany, however, d.'.lii. i? ,il or eniei Into am o.mi| ,,r ii-ii-i. i li,- I.,!:.: i , i, a-onld ro lii.l:.I a'.'I > III.I all ' ip um ,1.,: ? HIM. Rl ./'.'.' IFTFg /?',/,? 1 lll',' Kl /. Vh l -i'i .,?: Id, Ma .. Jan. Kl. rhe Itev. John tt llnid ol i ? Meudow, ha aniioimi ed to hi ? ni that nl the < impletion, I.n ?? r ne -.i. ??' Iil for tie tli year i |i ,-t "!? ol II ?? lai i Imr, h of ( ln i i. he " lll i, a nnd n n-- f ni .,. ii\,' va... I.. II.. , \.,-:i i. ? ? n tliron rhoul tt'c t.-i n lia .,, I . ? //? ;/r//'.'..' MOBP. : a iv t ' / \ i i /,'('. 'I !,.? i i" ,.f ilr . - irah ll ll ,.(. ?',,!, i i. i Him ' ,1 ,y .,: li'':' '. Mi ., 1" t I. I....I-.. Imti lie fon ." . ill Ihe ii." "1 almn t Inl year-. I ., llon "f Ihe ln ? i ?. h tillh Ih ,t i mt n ..ii ,.,-, inl rl eerlnl mind Mi . Ilysill waa ,, a.dai I "i i ' ii i rr m h familj originallj - Mea \>- ville. When ii hrunt-h ol llie famllv came lo thK roiintry I,!":" Ihe R' '? lutlon the name i"- ame c?r ,?,,,,!, ,| i,, |i,"i' I. I he |.;.,'.-? llllor of i i ?? IK I ff IH II:' - . OUI I " . : : ' lon, r, bei ume ., Qu i.j. r, a ' , Qn il? ? >. Ui . Ilyall a . la.rti n H?.i ? r, Im, !,, ' ly, ln May, 17:.". s| ? mie i Ilyall ..' ii"' :?-"?,."' twentj live, and had a num ? I , hiidi ii. fonr ,,. whom an lill llvlng. Iler hu hand died in i ''' . .. i ? ,i wlth ber , |de i on it llon. M( \i a.f nlnetj flve ahe ?"??? id an ?? ? d< nl by a hli h ,? I,., | en. H an nppn ed 1 ? ii ital, bul t .. ,,f , \<".\ .'-i'. ' i'm ?' > i. 'i, and wa ? al.le lo uall, agaln In I ? ??? n t iin. tl ? ? ,- ,.f |, | death, ?' ua- alwaj "' ?* P' ?' l;i1' '"" l'".i'' '' dla| ? .h,. bad a I-' le loi llh i .tun . and rouW i|iui prca| |engtl.i" tt'blttl tr, Khahi |n ,rc and i ,,l hei favortte i?" ; ? " wa her hai ll nevei I ?.,,. i ,,; niwiii i" enipl..) ln fucnltl ,i - inic'hlin*. ,, ,', ,,, ii i ,i . ? ful I _?H -? dlel i:. ,i he il iMi.ut.'.! ber greal vl dl ? -viiv. BUTTRRB S'>r TO QRT OFF TOO BABILT. Willlam i?- Hughe ma VTIUlam n imtiiier, the ,,...,... ?,.,. ? ' i ni .1 ?-" ' ? . ?? .','? rvin md i ., ;; t | I M I '.'' " ' ' ' '' I > I -I ,,,,. pj, ,,;. ,| lo gi <"d la". enj In Ih.,! d i. \tt?*n ej Rii "ll tii- hl the ntasl hhiiii niiiil hineiil ha* lhal offence, Bvc y, an.' Im nrlaoiiiiient, too lu i'i ?' punl*.hment. il'- wlll Uiere ),,,v i, m liave llutlnei cotivjcted nl forgarj ux tho MCOOd do?iee, lor wJuvU b* U aUo liidictcO. ASSEMBLYMAN AND FORGER A NYAf "*'_ DEMO. BAT IN' THE TOILSJ FRAXg p. DEMAREST, ONE OFOOVEHlfOR IMLL'S PERSOSTAL FRXEXDS, DETECTED IN "Is RAISOALITT ANU tRRESTED. A homh li is fallen and imrst iti tlie politleal cir.'lr-s of Rocklnnd County, and the Ifcnriecrati boata nre demorallzed, Aaarmblytnan Franh P Demareal w s arreated rn hia Imme, \|,,ut M,?,r. ,it i :30 yeaterday morn? lng, nharged wiUi forgery. Tbe warranl araa i* aoed by ,/nstjiv w. ii. Bannlater, ..i Syack, *> politieal friend nf Demare-t, on tlie affl Imvil .<f John r. ..iiriiitier, ?chool taa colleetor of Vpntt N'yaek, eharging Demareal with for^ing Ourdinera name en chrcka given for pnymeiit "! taxea hy tln* l i i '.'i s?'iini' Company of Buflnlo, and r.*i re? ceipta f..r the aame. Demareal lns heen for leveral yeara connael fot ihe ! i'.n Rteamboal Company, who have tIit*ir ipa] offlce .ii L'pper Nyack. He haa i>"cn i-i ibe hahli .,f securing tlie eompany'a taa billa from Ibe colleetor and recelving the checka therefor. It is ii(,w chargeil, and be doea not deny lt, thal in three Inataneea afl least, lie ral_ed the amounl .? bllla, rerelved t'.e money fmni tbe eotm . forged finnliner'a name '.n t e reoeipti and ka nnd pocketed the dlfference between the atnnqnt ..f tli- tm.. and fnlae i>i!!s. The ? is,' .peciAed ii\- Mr, Gurdiner in hi?. afll davit, on which the warranl uiirs laaned, is' thal "i the faci ool t i n ,.f i -'..ii. 'I he true blll ? ia ? i Demareal ralae i ifl to Sl ,145 3fl. i ie ? i ieck to < iiirdiner'a order f r il"' laal nmount. Demareal receipted In Gurdlner'a foi ed C rdlnet 'a ti ime on the ? * ? .-"k. ile then .' iai rd tlie eheck ' ? N \ ': bank, bul <lnl nol pay any money to (im r. Tbc iiniMiil .le' ly cauaed i.n lnv< *?? i <? ippareni i. igen. e (,f the company thoir fl an exposure of Dem reBt1 ? '? reault, bul twn prior limilar caara ??? ? ? ? . 'II t. lt woa ahown thafl in like manner he rafcied the achool tax ''iil ofl I88U from $?*.(?( t. s- ,:; ?*.,, and the LTpper Nyack In corp ? bi|| ,,r l -'..?. from >'? -1' lo ?.'. o .,-.?- hc paid to I 'pper N w mounl ,.i t ixea and poc t ted I e Ii - nietli 'I "i pi.i'i!'* vv ia te rui-'* the -? Kinent aa it appeared on Ihe t ;\ recelpl n pr ? eni nn a valnation ..f $1 The ? 'i ia $1,-1 ?? I. '. l rsdny John Tumbiill, privale iecretary nf I' f tlie Eric Knil id, ? ime I i , i ex-Disti ict-Attorn. S nj der lo ? ?? ? . ,'..."- ii t. ??? ?-,. After ll '-it ? ? wiii ranl waa ae. ured and place I . Iil in t1 itable Lu , wlio fiiilcd to find Demareal li Ke I ??,'?? ie.| lum I i. ? ?? i,i int,"1 a- l.i- f, llow ?i-r-'i him, ?'? t to ? ,? -'.?:!.,; i:i iri Ing*. 'I ii'* i'i 'i.i' t of i.-.'/i. i ',',:i i e company. Mr. Turnhiill refuaed ibing liub u een iti -.1 cln k. aud !.?'., ml Mr. Dpi.*i rouscd John M r the .' '- .l .1 Bank, nnd ?i Mr .. m, evidently through . i-, i nnning aro ind I.,"-.- ,.'i ||i .!; ? ippeare I from N : nttempte t.. aeeiire an Inti t - ,ith him were fruitle-B. S<? .lelinite nnna ? n-ra-te na re i':t..rr aetlona '??, tbe I nion ? . , er. bufl I , | ||i .-. he. " .. pr. ?:. - i..t l \,;. " I s , . ? i* ! . I-.. * I!,- I ,-? been ? ? Sl le ' ... --..1:1 '. 111,1 i* I ' , *,>. i | ui Ile wui i I i , . ? . ? .?? . p-. ? ; ... . ll ,'i; . iiinpiii ti., ly t| .?!'. t.i ile Ibe I ' I i m rn i . ? 11 ii- liitu pnp i ly i | frieiiil . II ? "ii it:.- liini \ miiiitte. i; :. ,t.- I ,, I tbe l : ... I t . , e tbe p, litiea.1 i l.V. na I *.-::. .,;.?.! \. ? 11044 '< 'I ?, i Ir ider nl Di'innei itie t,,i, ,?., nl) would lt ,- -.-? iiti'il n itbin l lie ? ? .* ?? ?. ? ,? ,is In.Mi ** I. -? itori ! :..' 'I . nn '.i.'i|,s ,,r Denioemtti uro . , , . I. II'IW II t,, ii!,!,' | S'lll ' - evi'i . rt. tu Biipprvtw t lie ih vt Dem irrai ia .144. ? r nl " I" cVj 1 I. Denw ? : .'." ;i t??? i . |. ? ni ? . .?.? led (,v c\ ! Ki-ll.. nnd tbe ti .'?!,? nui) i-ci iu ml) |. I>i-i Tbc \ ?.- ml,Iv un,n 1-, .1 wiilower, with liibl, ., ,| nu liter, len ye ira nlil He ia tbe law ..i < nptnin Knnpp, of Monl Mnor, and n 1 ? pl c ? of e? Diati iel Wtornc) Ahi m A Demnreat, ol Munl Moor. I' 1 v ? 'old el 1 l* 111 tliner t > ni.i.t ii 11r.11 ni ?". lns tletermiiii 1. t., proacriite D. tnari-st. lf lu Ibe will ^,, liefore the t'raiul Jur) on January The 1 .. t th it li.'in.'t.-t I. ia l.11 1 lio wed lo .?,, 44 it ,,.,,1 . im/ Imnda is ae >i-rel) ??>.111 11. 'ni' .1 upon b) cvci -. ii,?l\, fl frii . , b i . n hna imt run nwny, bul will rei 11 r 11 t. 1 ee Ibe lousii Ihs ,lwui ill ia nll.t- I b) aome, I?i il.'- 1. 1 1 lhal ln- w m oldigi i| iu siJ'ii.l Iai re aunia ,1 in,,n. . ,1 r|,. I i-i e|e Iiuii I'e iple li 1 e iiflen i'\|.i,'. ,,| Biirpriae Ilmt Demareal eould,r.i lo llve !n ',? bunilwiiiic atyle whleh lie |< pl \i 1 ?? ..iii,- s 1,1 ibe 1'uioti Stenmhonl t'nniniuiv in llii.H , it' it 44 iin ti id ? csterdn \ t bnl not Iiuii; Ki...\\ 11 11, re ..!?! i" Ibe urresi ,,1 \|r. I>. n..i i,-t, ? Iii,|,.,',i. ' mlrleil 1 be 11 ? rt. " I did uul know Ihe ,,1 1 lie nttoi ne) in M, ut \i... 1 lt i ti ne ibe be idi|tinrl , - of th, couip mv are in I ppei V) .,?!.. bnt \..- I.letilin ^ ,.. ly with tifll. ? . . i'.. ll .;.. l know imthin ? ih. itl Mr, i ? ? rei i'i iiiic-t and <? >p ?. t to hear nothing " DKM \i:r.-1 may vote i*..i; .-i:\.\u.i;. PROMIXI \r 1.1 v|.? 1: vi ?- t-ii -.;; ::i 1 CIUMI NO'i'v. 1.1: T<i 111 1 ..s 1 IM l * '. ro v. I* V^ \\ ASSI ,vn,l.V vt v\. A I'i'.v. Jan, Ifl (Speelali rhe people nl thi state cf Nea ^.,||^ .,.. 1...? ? ? ? iiv wlll witn.-- Ihe *hocklng ? ;?? nexl 1 rn i.i\ "f ,1 mcnil er of I ?? Lei reported lo Iw e ronfe ed f dai r ?' he li ? ? !"?. 11 gullt) nf forgen ind embeB*lemenfl rol Ing for 1 nlted atal. -?liii-r. at <l 1 1 hl? 1 de ??'?' li _? ume man aa -??? ator. Tlw member ,..' t ?* Le liinr" r-frrred t" la I'ranh P. Demare-t, a Democralb v -.-miiiv iniiii. aho repre ent Roekland Coantr. '?" ,i,v ii dl patrli reaebed bere from Nyark. itatlng thal Mr. H' .1. H' ? ' led on a change of en i? ,,i, ? , ? ? ,.? ?,.,v. and lhal be h afl ronfl 1 tbal he waa gnlltj "f II.I" ?' , ae ne* wa heard 1 > lea Utaac i> tm ? ral* here witn eonaternaUon, bal a dlap ? tl ? a ?- al on. > ,?.,? f,..|,-,i to dteretgard Aa*?mblyman i>, :,tl,.;.',i nt-iral nlilbinlt) ai 1 1 dae 1.batarte** i? hia u ? ui .. 1 ?? an A**emblrma-t an 1 ? .te 1 ? 1.1,: il il ??' ( t ? - ' .? .;. i-i -i.t.- .atd ,, ?. pr ut 1 li rrat, -d - M,,i ,,,,,\,' , m.i.i t . Ire gullly, ,'i'. it tetru.1. untll afier we 1 |VI. ,.|,., 1 ii 1 ..!i.,i,,i'.' There ia no thoi ght, ap parently. tbafl tbe Va_amblf wlll ba ramaltlva lo the Uor.yr ol iu mcmUcri. or tbat lt w,ul_ r___ut bavu_g npon u. floor, taking an actlve part ln u* work. a aeH-confaaaed (orger aad embeaaler. \v,,ui,i a con (eaa <i thlef be pera_tted t-i vote apoa bUk aalnet ib illngl And. whleh ls ti.e worae, theft or torgerj ' Are they not equ i!iy bad, from a moral polnt <>t view l i,.r, 'iiui an nn alwaya ao ruUoua ;.. the preaent Democretic Aaaembly la -Ueged i<. be. la lOTl, fnr ln itanre, .*>iii,iii M. Weed, one ?'f tha preaent Dcm a ratt i rmidldatea (orBeaator, whUe an Aaaemblyma-, Incurred rhe iiiwiii of another Denrocrat, Aaeemblyman Jamea Irvlng, who ii_t a iiu^-ili-t, and waa i-tt-urk in tho f_,,. by Irvlng. Irvlng i..i- eompeRed t" realgn bla ..??ai, and would otherwlae have I.a expeUod. Tha Democra - adopted thia commendable polley ofdeallng wlth offeadera agalnai the dlgnltj of tbe LogUlature, although Irvlng'a rotgnation left tham wlthoat a eoa* lUtutlonal majority In the Aaaembly. Mr. Demareal laan Asaemblyman of a au experleaca. Be araa a member of the Aaaembly In 1MB and agaln m 1889, bpeakev -heehan conaldered him eotltled ta one of the four ,.r tiv , 'aiiin^ rommitteee ol the Aa Msmbly. ito i> ebalrman of the c immltlee on Taxal! n ,, i.i Retren hmeot, aad la alao a member .>f the leadlng cornmlttee, thal of tt'aya and Meana. 'ihen. agaln, bo i- ,i menfber of Ihe liii~iii\ Important Bxelae Cornmlttee. lint what i* rather amualng, ue i- a tnemb tr >,f the stal ? PrUon Cornmlttee; thi apedal arork >>f thi* cornmlttee wlll I"; t<> coaalder thr projeel to eraet a new btate priaon. The Democrata here think thal Demareat ahould ctve ball at onea Bnd itart for Albany. They ara nol aqueamlah aboul ae? pjMng ln- vote lor Henator. There la another Democratli A??cmblyman who may a ,t be in A*t_ny ..;i Tn *day lo vote f.?r heuaitir. ?|ii. ia Aascmoljmun ('u.'iifhur, of Brle Coiinty, who i. reported t,, he ill in I'.ufTalo. It !?>th Deinureal and (inenthcr shnnJd t,?' absenl, no llnited Slatea Senatir wlll be >'l." t",l ruo*daj : *lnee the vote*t ,.f the aevenfv nine Republieana for tVllliam M. Evarta wonid Jn*t match tne votea of tlu* aeventi njne Uemoerata for Davld II. IIIII. lt looka now aa if Mr. IMI wouM re qnlre the vote of Demareal tn I.leeted Kenator. Mr. Ilil! i. |n th-' I'-ad for th. - , oi h p to nlglit, aad Ibe frlend*! ol Smlth M. Weed neknowMge thal tlielr onln i,,.|?. now of eleeting thelr randklate U to* Mr. IIIII t , . .it for him. iiiiini'ii h a- Mr. Mill ha- neglecb i f, :- two montha to declare hlmsolf ba* Mr. Weed, it la not bellcvcd that he wlll do ao at thla late day. MR. VLATT ON RAPID TRANSIT NO BURREXDER BY REPUBLICAXS. M I1* NOT \ DEMOCRATIC Hl'T A REPCBLtCAS Tr.lL'MI'll IF THE PROPOSED BILL BEI OMI 3 A LAW. Tlie ahenrd efforla of Demoeratlc papera to make it appear thal there lina iieen a aurrender by tlie Republieana iti the S'ati Senale on rtpid tranail nnd that certaln Republiean rvVnatora had deaerted ihe party organi: ni .n cnuaed a Trlbune raportor t'i a k ex-Scnator F'latt yesterdey whal hoaia there was for auch reporta. ?? 'i'i it.' never wna. ? more ptepoaterotta claim," u-is Mr. Platl'a prompi rouly. "It i- the Demo erata who liave nliaridoned thelr poaition. The firal (lefinite acheme for rapi>l-tran?it leplslatlon ,,i [>,?:,i', ,| iwo .'?> ara '""? I' waa a Tammany j'>'?. ,,",?11 up by the i wdc Tammany ring for tlie purpoae of lining their nockete and to [ncreoae Tnmmany'a power l*v controlllng the expenditiiK" ,,i *,;o,i,Mo.,i,ii, or ?"(1. i'i money. It \\ ik |j a hill t , aroend i!ie Rtiptd Tranait ,t it of i*'.',, cm lely drawn. and givliv' Ihe M yor power mie ?? ,!ini.i.**i"!:>" - nnd rontrol i.lielr pn.eeed !? ? ,rent ioh. and very nroperly . . ?, ,i by Bep il.lic ni I.-; islatora, not he wm ' oetile to rcpid transil an I Ihe ,:? ti n| Sew-York ? itv. aa baa heen el ai -ed, ruit hei ? ?>? they deslred lo proteel tl.> city from politienl plun;'erera. ?? I? [ollowlns Mimmer and p"' ' i ,? gpttion "f lv''r ?*''!.at'T I'.i**ctt, i'i ,-,,', jut',1' i n wiT?! many of tho beat lawyera and experte m the city, aeverai of them Democrata, aft<*r much t idy and labor. formulated a hill, whleh hr pre.,. l ,., tie Senaic n ll*e laal :,<?* i ,.i of the l,. iai inre. lt w.ia * i f.iir ."''1 |ual .t plan that it haa never l?een eritieised, even by the Demo ? ? nml ir*(h pendenl ?,.??. e.< ???;?'? ln w>b?c ? n. nnd li ia hecti adopted i Imoat ver .. ? ti*-1 bi tl" Demo. I'.at* .1 rhe i-renenl I.."-.*. itiiBB . ? - ? rapil tranai! pn blem ?? | .,,< wii tn tl i* Iiii . : ?? iiitrotlnc-il, named i eommi ai?n ?l citi <" -. i omp *??! nl fo ir D ":i" ,1 three I.. pi blie n ?-. all men <>: known ? -, :,!,,| buhim -- c ip. '"-'i ? and t" no:.f , waa e\c pti n ever tairen The Demo ,,,!,_ |ed i>. tlie ... ri "i '? ! atded by n few . , | . ,- |{, puiili, ,n ? i'ils. pt'i i.Mitel llie ,,,.v,ji' of thia i ' :'-."I "' tl ' -- " ? ',.!., i,. ? . ,i ?ive the Mayot poi er i" :.a' ,. Uie (*, r.imb>ai ? \. .. . ,. timea while tlie inl! waa pending ..rt- and nthrr Sem l ira i iTere I to \ iel<| t.i the M ?? ' ' -'!;' '?? nominate the i-onitiiifBionet-, provided they eould have aaanr . ? ? ? ien of g.i 'l . r11r i. ter ?-? ,;, ,inted The bill waa defeated bee .-? I e wo , ,| nol aitiaf} n Kepubli, an I tnre . ,,,. w . :|.| noi nppoinl tiemoeratic wnr I ma ol i .-? kin 1 he had i.n in the ! ahil ."i.?..,. The ,? ? :i <? ol ' tbia i i w -? ind ln the Inten i menl. . a, year tlie M i.vor, to avold 'ni* hltinder of ,| s,,?,,;:. tli .' ii ' hill eould paM whieh | |r , ,e him fn.lame the commiaaione *. i,?,'; ocetiaion ici'.r.' tlie cunvenina "t t ie lt ; ., ,-,. ihe namea ol a aatiafaetory ,. muuisai m \ I imw the Democrata have in iroduced tbe Fnaaetl i?!l <>i Inst year a* thelr own, wilh tlie ii um'* alrendy propoaed by the Mayor t ,. ,,?:,,;... ,,,|,". 'I!,,". have done exnctly whal ,l?.\ rd .s,.| io ihi i ml year, an I wli il tlie Re ., (liiicana inaiatcl mu*1 lie done. lie. have ? |U ,1!', I'onoeded nll I il w ia ever de* i">l ?>' ihem, nnd Iwve compelled tli? Maj ?r I i gunnintee ., ruiniiii.-i.m >>t ineorniptlhle men, whu under no , [reiimaUii ea wlll ua.- I eir otllcea for pditical iiurptaea, The llepiildicaii Senatora ln adopting thia pkm have nol in anj reapeei reee iei from ,!?.,,? (irinciplea ol l:ia( year, bul liave ,,.,,,,,11-tiai.-i i e earnesl dealre whieh they have ,ut(>rtained ir in the l-eginnlag, ror, non ., ,;, m i '|in! ii ii ! ' -Whal ii your poaitlon peraonally [3*thia mat iei ' a ..- askel. - i;,.|,,i,. ilu- pi ^,':,| araaion of tlie Legialatuic and up i" Ibe preaent tiuie." waa llie repb'. " I ,, ,Ve iidviM'il H Kepubli. m legialator. with wh m ,. j ?| ,.; ,? i ii .!? lu i i , iii itan.l lirmlj ,. primiplea whi. li Ihej adopted laal year, ,;?l | , a.,,',,1 r ,!,!;.,1. ni. plan lhat might '<? ?l ,.,.. i vvliii h would gTve t'i-' reaull now likely ,. nttained. I have never i.u ?|.se.1 t" ,,.,., tranail ln an> h nu whieh waa non polilical ,,,,.: trncter nnd whieh w.,> liuncstlv iutended to , ,. people ol thla cltj tbe relief they .*.. j,,,,,.',, needed, bul have labored untiringly t i brimj aboul the reaull wbiel.w aeemi hc? ae eompliahed. I belleve lhal the raaaett bll of 1 st vear now tlie Stew irt bill ol thia v'ear, whieh naiiie an unexceptionable bmly ol* and doea not leave tlie Mayor power ln Ibe roiumlaaionera, will aeeomnliab tbe <i.-. i>"i n.Vii, ii tlie hill paaaea the loyal Republieana ,,i ii,. Legislature wlll have achieved a greal M. I l\'." ? ? Tlir. BBIDB OXLT VOCB FBKl lll'.il. i,?ui?,ii. N. V.. Jan. Ifl (gperial*. Maad Dereau, twenl) one yeara old, who la only a llttle <>v<t four feel m helght, waa married hare h*i nlghl I? John Vi -?!.?. a Ull, alender young man of thia elty. Mra. M ??.. ln the amalleal married ?.an ln thla oountv. , ', ? ,,. .4,1a i'U't ol i'i- Ma'.-. ahe i- "f Frcmh ,,.,,'.',?! renounced llie Cathollc faith to marry T,? COMFBTB 'I'/"' BROUBB BRRWRRB. tan Fraoclaco. Jan. t-.-T_e Amerlean Brewery i . ..,,?,? ,,f i'-raii.i-'.. wmorganlied yeaterday. Vdolphua im-n. ol m. Loula, waa eiected preaident ,lt|l ,. ,?,,:,?,.;! browera and capihdlati a >ro eiected dlrertont, Beiwwn ftJ.OOO.OOO and g3V000.000 WUl h*> rvnended ln ihe plant. The breweey i* itarted la ,,.,,?. ,??; i.i th' ayndb-aie whleh rci-mlv boughl i'm ii" th' brewertea In uan Franclaea in lt M.nsi: 18 i iiou. ii"' *' , ,,,,1 ? ,|,. ?, Md., i m, KL ? ai'ti.'ii Kcbade Uan er, ,,,..,, ,? ,,f ,[,,. Hoope ' -um llghthpu-af for the b_d len i.'Ki-. dled wddenly yeaterday fewa hearl (ailare il- im, alonaj at thu ume. tbo a*?l?tiut, tRBB* Uanui saua ?_-<-'?*>? VOTING ON AMENDMENTS. t'ENEIUL DEBATE ON THE ELBCTIOX HILL hNDKDANDTHF] l'KALCONTl>T BBQD-T. : A MOTION' TO ADIOi HN K.4II.S, A.M) THF. is I'.N ATE roxTi.M'.ura ?BBmO* nu a l.M*l_ BOV7R - parli 4Mi;\tai;y BmOOBBBB .MAhF.-THK POWER Of THK Mt.. joiutv wm looa rrivo 0\ a rOTE. iflT TTl.K(,R_rH IO THK ThlltCxr-T Wii.shin.ton, .Imi. H*. -Tl.e real conteat in tbaj j Senate over the Eleetion bill btgu a. I o'eloak , tliis nftcrinxiii, and at tlie hoar at whieb thia is written tbe atruggle ta ooc plcte aaai paaa upon i thal me.'is'iie i.s .tiil in ppafreai at lli* ('apiiol. i The sijmilirant featOK "f tlie situation BO far . been the aueeeaa attending the eflforl nn ti.a i i.t of tbe Repnhliean naana-gen t.i keep the : Senate ln ct7btlnu<Hia -rtaion, and the r.i.ility they i have ahowa t.> piwnt, and aWeat any I .sebenie for iM* -tr.n i;in_ fhe LodgC bill. ijeneral debate, tn... ba_t oe-ne tn an end, aaai ihe Senate haa bei-n enabled ta rracb aital dUpoeo ol aofrae, afl ictst, al the aetoal auiend menta to tbe iiie.isiire. EfBCh ;mii mltiieiit fi ,m tnivv nn will le ?ulije.'l, aftei MK IptCCh upon lt. t.> :, motion I,. lay .ui the tiilile, vvlnch is ,111 ,h i.atni] ?. and although a great numher al uaeaaV iiicni.s ean he oflered ln aitriaaalon. tbere ia alarayi the proepecfl ..i gettlng afl each iadlv-daal one liu.illy, and maklng waj with it. I n t,< ? lute hour tn-tii_!it tbe oppoaition had n..t been driven in open Uibuatering, and i* may he toem titaai Itefore Mr. Gonaan and his friendi exhaaal tbe or.iiniiry un tln..!.*. of delay hy pra* traeted debate and eontbiaed roll oalhi "ti niiiendniciits. I.ut whiitevcr t.ictjes the poaition ti>ii\ rollaw, it will prohahly l>e aabjr ? ., leation of boura hefore the patieBM and tctnper i.t tbe majority have iieen exhauated, and some Biimmary procaa wlll have t-i iic rcaorted to t.? ,;.,?? debate. A aeaaion of Ihe Senate eannol be continued for twenty-foor, tblrty-aix a. inrty ? boura withoul rcducing tbe eastetM arbioii is being waged i<< an aetual fest of brute atmigth, and with the baraaaing litnatioa created by iha preaenl ayatemol mincrity v.t, in the .-*eii .'c, aa ..a -remedy by wblch tlie majority ean aaaert itM-u in ita iivvn defenee la certain ta be found. VVbetber it he h.v tbe adoplion "f the Aidrieb cloaure reaoiu Uon or aome more aummary >?>1 mi?.n of tlie dllli* i-iilty. tbe problem ol coming to a rote trill havt lo be sulve.l aoniebow by the majority. This, nt fnct, ia tbe merll ?.f tbe eontinuoua Beaalon, tbafj it puta an irreaiatible preaeure upon the Ity ti aef, aud if Mr. Iloar and tiie othcff Rt* publiean mamvpeia ean malntaln the aeariow aa long aa ?>ti,<*r eontinui ua aermlona bava heen maia* tiiit.ed, the aueeeaa of the Eleetion bill ? beyond i|ueation. The preaenl attaaUan i>. .,f courae, intolerable, and ihe only onteofaratl iri.m lt ia elther a aurreiider to t!,e minority, with the t*onaeqnent abandonmenfl "i the Eleetion bill* or the aetual paeaage ol the bill, wtth tbe adoatlon ,,f aome meana for aecuring the orderly eontrol ,.i huaiceaa nereafter. Another encoitraging **i-n ln to-day'i proeeei inga w u (he dlsposltlon ol t.e.nly all the Repuh lb n opponenta ol the Eleetion blll t'? h?*li? 'he majority forward in ns efforfl tn _??! a vote on tha Lodge meaauie. Only taro BepaMieana, Meaara. Woicoti and Stewart, voted arith rhe Demo* cratfl for an nljournment, aad <in maay ol the r-.aea* liona wbioh aroae tbe rote followed strict party linea. Mr. Hoar i- thni aariwd praetieally in bia iihilitv t,. defeafl any legilbBatt ptarUameattaiy movea which may he made hy tbe oppodtioa, and the aolid backlng ?dven la hia oam perlta-aa-Rtaty Btrategy wlll fone Mr. Gwrman ioopcc or lator t.t open li'.i'.'i-tfnt,-'. When open Bl ite " hegina, the end vill Ih- tli'iir. Tbmigh full notiee had '.ecn given thal ? <*? n tinuoua aea*ion would be maintalned from noon on, few more ipectai >n than uaual were nttr.i ted ,,, ,;,. tjci .-,. during the afternoon, ;ltl,l uttle additlonal abow "f Inter ,,.. eould be notloed elther ?n the Boor or in tbe gallerica. ln 'he eveninf, bnw ,. ev, there waa ? larger gathrring ol i iri M tora, who looked, perbaaa, for aeaaea ol >Jiten_cnl or tliaorder. But Ibe |pfo reedinga were far leaa llvely and m tcreating I lan tboae ol NVedneaday erening, and as midnigbfl eame an tbe eroard in tbe galleriea tbinned oufl perceptibly. Nothlng ienaational waa don. aald. und tbe excitemenl attendlng tbe -asaaion waa .imply thafl which w< ukt ?atnrally attend tlie rtoalnfi I mra, Imwe-m dull, . debate an any greafl political meaaure. ?'-.-/ i | n ,?. mosfl of Ihe apeet-itora had gone aa ty, confldent thafl there would be bo end to thal scsM,,ti before to-.row n< on. Tbe Eleetion hill eame ap qulrtly al '-' odaeic aud tbe li-i afl rnoon of gemeral debate aa it wom ttlmoal begon ns lUtleaalj aa any oae ?f tl.e thirtv or more wblch bave pr.I?l lt. No at ,empfl waa made lo diaplace l UJge meaaure >by cnlling up other pre* ing piecea -t I - tbe ehance of conai lerln. whb h migbl i" iv-a lemptinii rnougii lo intereated Re| :''-- i ? ' bad thetti t.i pul Ibe pendlng UII aaide. Mr. Uot i , ridently diaeowred lhal bo aupporter ol ' ?* 1 ,?i... meaaure couM he Indueed to accept any auch brihe at pment, and tln.t any naotiorn for du> , ?;? ?? michfl mahe would only aem *) t-h?w tbe wi'ultneaa ol bla forcea. He turned eo*a> aequently to debate aa tl.nly Baeaim left ol Btaving nction a Iittle while longer, and after a Hvelj pa-aage between Mr. Iloar and the two Vrkanaaa Senatoia, Mr. Paeeo, ol Florida, waa ln Mru.'ted to go abead wlth bia four ar tive Imira tprecb \li. had aaked for ihe readlng ?.f an e* ?t i il artiele prlnted teeently in ""Tbe Anglo* Sa\on i ?" a perlodlcal of the l'r.f&t.nt Kpiae p.,1 < ?li.iivb. puhilalied afl Llttle Bock, Ar*. ln thia artiele the broad aaafrtlon waa ma_k* I il prenenl eleetion methoda iti Arkanaaa were de liauehing and demurallilng thf people al sute and -maklng rat-cala and raaUM af rhe s??s -f -eiith-nien.-* Tbe edltor ?f tbe paper, w-lule o,lmittlng ibe neceaaity of aome meana for praaerv. ,?- white niic. deiKitiiiced ballofl bai ataHn< and Inttmldatlon ns nnwtae aad brutaliglng, and aivoeated the adoptlan af ir*dneat_anal and property quaUfleationa for anffrage. Mr. Iloar ,,,n,ni(.lit,.,i hriefly om fhe artiele, and Meaara. Jonea and Berry then nndertaok to diaeredlfl tba Mlitor of tln* periodlcal by ?mylng tbal he bad lived in Arkanaan bul Hve or ala yeam and did bo. bnow tbe real eonditlon af politioa and feelinf m that state. Mr. Paaoo baving flnally gotten an opportanity to go abead, kept readiag ? dreary eaaay aa tha general InequaUtlea |a auffraae and rr*fara^ea*ta> rlon in all parta ol ib.tantry. dae mainly t,. tl.e ,iHH*nee rroi.i the politieal ayaaem ..f the Tnited s, ,tei uf tbe pri.-einlc af mlnority reprea?to***Wa*. i .,,. heahowed thal a Prarddeafl migbl be eleeted wlthonl bariag a majority of the poiml.r v.,t*, and dwelfl .,tj variana exajapUffcatbaM <>i the prmoi ?|e ..f alisol.ite m -j-.iiiv ruie in the variouB stntcs. and the eanat loeafl faJlatc af tbc mmorny ,,, i,v,- aay apparenfl i?pf*f**Kntotlo? t,. ji.suiy any iiie,,ualities wh-ch migbl exlefl at the Sonth, whether tbe? ine.|iialities were tbe KSU I al '.nv. aa in all tbe other imeee be rtted, ?.r ?f Hand and force. Mr. Paaeo had aaed pretty maeh the s.iin,^ material and tra'.er-ed the saine ground iti one uf his apeechea oi laal rewton, and fuctn and H -iirea were iicth.-t novH lmr convinelng. Ile beld the Boor, Imwever, untll Ihe uanal I bm l"r a.ij.i irnment, and tbal **".?*? all ln* bad btea ...K.el todo. Mi. Iloar liad bfl_M a httlc ttneeitain whethet Uq couM tccui. e, CQuUttUQUa KI?-__4 K Br>W Wt