Newspaper Page Text
V#,-L....N?-lC>,l:io. ribune, NEW-YORK, 8UNDAY, JAftTARY I , 1891.?TWENTY-FOUR PAGES. PRICE FIVE CENT8. THK NEWS 1N LONDON. jjTTLE MFBOVEMENT 1N TUL HOMJSdtULI OLTLOOK,' HffltfW MXOWUHl OP SlTfKSS AT THK HARTI.K''""1' IM.t ITIOM A KATAI. WEEK HOj; rKKBS?BABX kUMELL sn:i> POB BIVOACE M.w i'LAY.s OHAXGKI l.N " THK MTAft" NKSV.sfAI'EU. IBT CABLE TO TIIE 1KI11IMJ.J Ctpyright; 1SW1 ? flj/ /7i? Tnhnixe Atnociation. I?D<)on, Jna i i.?Thc week hM brongbl sev tr?l ii?i>'???-*'*' eontiibutiona to the politieal con ggVMVi noM0 ?* **htob, however, iaprove tlie (,]ftriitonian oiitlook. Mf. Pamell's UflWlkk M^ch f/M tnainly Intended t? anawer ibc chargee of bSWP"*',***^m hraughl atamst liini reapect k> thr HawnrdeB Intenriew. Qn om noinl Mr. PtrnfH aoored ^ sneeess. This WM the extracl from a letter to Ceeil Rhedea, the Kouth Afriean juillioimii*-. wbo luM agvaaiaed ?10,000 to the jyoguf H Mr. Parnell gtVC the trne quotation. jt woiil'l se.-m to follow that he may have pro t?f*d at llawarden ajzainst Mr. Gladstone'a views of the poliP<- and tlie judhiary. Mr. Morley, boW? rrpr, lius now glven Hat eontradiction i>y iwrt jBg that neither the pohep nuf tut j'l'liciaiy WM n>enti?ued at Ifawardtn. Mr. ParnelTe endeavor to fi\ m Mr. Glndstone ? knowledge ol the eon* tpnts of thp nianifcMn heforc Mr. Parnell tsaaed jt proNP<l i hulure, hecauae Mr. McCarthy avers th?t )|f never revenled tlie niessape whiob Mr. Panipll latTMted to hini to irive t<> the Grand OM Man. Theae eonflleta ol leettatony f.ive n war nnty t<> Mr. ParaeH'a deaMnd tbal Mr. Gladatono oake auhlic t!i<' ilawarden meatorandum. 'I'hen, be says. the world will see wbo is lellin^ th?' tnith. in Bapral Ol thk kind lakes well with the erowd. imi the aenepU effoet ?>l Mr. Parnell's Liineruk ipppiii bii hcea to Increaee lus hold npon thc Irish elector* It WM DOtktd at tlie Limerick meetinc that Jlr. r.'?;uri! waa KMong tbe (irst to lead Um ohcera lor .V.'. YYil'iain <)H:ifii. frooj whi'h oooOrmati m ii patheip'l ti at any difffreooet at Boalocne. a? Rferred U> l>j Mr. Dillon before he left Amerka. Bii?t l.ave N'rn. not sii imxh U-tween Mr. I'aitiell iod Mr. O'Brlen, as befwffd thc btttet nad the AntiParnellitr.s. The dcmaml madc hjr Mr. Parnell that Mr GlfuMonc Bhall dieeloee the BHawrandam ol the Jliwirlen m'eiview iN in a mcMnre hoppnrted 'h proDiinent Radle.\1 M*d Parnellitr orgario, like '"The Jhneheater Gnardlan."1 whlch are MklBM Mr. daiNt ii<- to take the Liberal party toto hi;> eon Mrocc. He, bowerer. makm i"> smu. MeantiBM! ? hit lullowera are lirdina at Parnell in ordea to conirx-l his reaUrnation, aml aro flenoii'iruu Mr. (fbripu lor netrutiatinc wtth iut-h ? wicked per. fon. Sir Wilfrid Lawnmi has pemnptorily de Mnded Mr. Parrell*e immeliate withdrawal, un Im Ibe Iri^h wish to *ee all the FnglMi Uherali s .ei tbenieKee from the H?.m<- Role caaae. Sir Wllllam Haroourt^ wbo hM been oultiratlpg his ?wn ImMe, now deotorcM that udIcm tlie Irish dcfide. aud dceUle quickly, Main*1 Mr. Parnell, ftn.i onleM they repudiate hn oietbinK Hoeae R ile has no chunee. ano oucht to have no ebance. Thle pronoaneeeaent ol Rli Wllnam i^ regarded ??> th< watearward nf u,e Fatwral partv It !? tbi awre <i rincant ?>peanse whil? Mr <ila Istone hM been tatels derlarinc to his hewUdered followerk that his mimiirri of Home Hule will satisf.x IreUnd, and whLle Mr. Morlejf has eeboed tbe sinne sentimi-nt, Sir Willi.iru decjaid in thJe his latest maaifesi.. that. in the Mttloment ol HutM Kule the jn'i? in. in >T M fMQial partv nuisi liavo plnrp, and that the Mbjert iiiiibt nol he determined b? the demande of the Irish leaders Baetuatlac ?ooord |nn 1" their owa exicennes. It is the more jic.'raviitintr to the GladttoniaM that. uot otily b their tupporl to Ifome Hule thne tbfown hack into their (acea, bnl noiie of the liis'u raetioni nie willini: to iceept. m ? Bnal Rettlrnent, tbe h ihi of Mr. (tladatonea BjeMare of 1886. Thta conditinn of affAira nakea 11 esceedlngly difflcull faf parts men to Indieate tbe courte "f polity to he pnraved, eapeeially as publie opinlon In Eng land and Sootland aeema more declared tnan evei that that BWMure wenl ? deal too far. It con apquently doea not eacape oaaervation tbal in Mr. Gladstone'a letter to Mr Turneai hc advocatcd tlpetoral reforni on tbe ?>asis ol one man. one v,.ie. and tbal Mr. TreTelyan hM lince made ? llnilar deaaand, eoupled with a cry lor slmrter rarliaruoiits. Mr. (il.nlstone ran hajdly tbank Mr. Trevelyaa for utt<-iTr^ n ery foi triennlal 1'ar liaaiput^ at a niomeiit wnen the demand for a ffaeral eleeti'.n baa idddenly beoome duj aant In the Liberal ranka, and when ranaerraflvM are only thlrating for an opportnnity to appeaJ t<. their eonatituenta, while Mr. (iladatone is in the pn-^'iT moraea. Mr. Morlevs spwh has piven far ]f? en ?Mragemenl '" ,lis Mende than sir Wllllan Har eourfs letter. The lattei roni npon th?> ery ol lewa With Mr. Pwr-H! a1 all w*t, ill wbieh bc ka* th?- suppr.rt ol Sir Wilfri'l Laws'.n, Mr. Uhou fhcre .iTin the N'oneoaformiata. Mr. Mortej ipolw M nnkiodly ?f Mr. ParnelL IHe language ?;?* koderate toward bta i?'?si?.1?- ?occeaeura, Me*er*. Pillon. (rj'.rion pti<1 MH arthv. Il?- aleo etuefc tfl Ms t"ins nbool Ifome Rale fo? Ircland. But he tbrpw bo lighl upoa the meanint ol Uiom nyitk e*rdt In onc mpee* he naade m Importani 4f??lar=iti<.n-that. he WH willlng to |ive Iivland th- eontrol ol the poltee Mr. diamberbin and the Earl ol ?rby have Md( merrv OTW tkc ptoopeeta an<l the muddle ?f the Okdetoniaii party, Mr. Chamberlain'i ajateh hrinf eapeeially aggreative. lt ahoiiW he HM, i., ronnction with 1ns visil to l! ba, that Mr. Chuiherlaifl attenspts to draw the as* W,*U "i Ihe Unlonlot portj ekeet togrther tUn bat hitherto been <i""fl- "? wra1 '"T" ,1,c ftaatituency of Mr. Henry Matthewe. Tory. rhe laJkolhiaaudl?ne*w??Torieefandthecbairroaii .1 tkt loeal Conaenrative eonmlttce prealded a1 fcU MKinaj. Mr. T. ih-aly'a apeeoh tl.o otlier day bu given pea( effeaee to the Kngliih Radhv ?oaeaj forgctful of the soiid heip tn*3 i">.- ? ?rttd fron. aeraea the AttantJe. and the undouht ?1 ialuence of tbeii AnSfrlean friendi who eend tnen. dolhva. Bul Mc. Healy ibould nol bave wtrlaoked tho faol thongfa he refuted Mr. Otdetoae'i :nvitarimi |o llawarden, be neverthe tos dlaed wltfa him in London one nlght. Mr. ImIj Buule .i tpreeh whleh ureatlj ph?a#ed Mr., who tlio sai.jyening had a unall (ii?tinKi.isho<i party dlolafl wftli him. "'? '"'"" plimento'i Mr. M.-al.v m aathaalutlfl terme and ?rru-rl luiD of) t?, si>cinl tlie etcoiag wlth hli pMa Wl.ii*- t;p r;<rii!llitos un- eadeaToriag to eettle Mieir dtffettMM aad the Radkabj are iropim kr lighl iiii-i direetioa Mr. Balfour'e Eetland f'm<i !? inf-reiusinc hy leape and boi ada. Earl Speneei *nd Mr. Gladatone ba?e eontributed t<? it hih! bave 'h?>rchv daprived the L'ahmlaH <>t Ihe apportunlts ?J ?l>ffinif th?t the praieaaad hriende "t Irelaad ^nffi r0 huviott thi> i'r<-;it beneroleat ?Mveaaent. *W ether fa'-t in eoaneottoa erlth in^Ji BMtten ^niainntd !?? naltd, MUnely, Ibal Ihe orfaniiatloa B*rtp<l in i.ppoftitinii to Mr. r.-inioll's'l LeagUC *????"* Uuic <>r no peogifja, wliiic Mr. EfcrneU'a ^v htiii ?howe vit.iiiiv. Tl* Hartlepool eoateal attraeti mom afteatloa *****n iin.v cicction w?- bare had la ;> l<"'" pertod "?*aadldalei ?<!<? hoth powerful loeal mon, lai-<? *"P'".vers <if i?,i?or and elever h|M-:ik?Ts, The *"if"il?t? are aetlve. Tbey have broaghl vnt ;? ^tatiou fn.rn lUfjibt t?? as^iht in tlie 0oaJUc4 Pl UwUUoub uud color oi tlic coii^tituency ju? tif.\ the expfctatloa that the Uolonftata will win '?-; ? sinall aaajorlty. Three nohlomen diod this week. TI.e Duke ol Bedford waa the riebeel man la the peerage ex cept the Duke of Weatminater. A dosra yean ago he replied t<. the yueen ol Ilolland, who bluntly | aaked what bia annual Ineome waa, that be eon* leaeed to iii.s property has greatly Inereaaed aiaee that date. lhs laeome waa ehlefly d^rlved froni the Uedfnrd estates in Weal ( London. the pliiin of the wbole beiag the Coveat (;?r!en Market. I'nder an old eharter the Duke c.f Itodford levied tolla on every cart approaching within a quarter of a mile of tho market. and one niay almost say. every flower or pareel of friiit aoM within tlie market boildlng. AJthoegfa lie gol C20.000 annually from this aearw, it araa I only hy the eonetaal "glboetting* "f "Praeh" that he woald improve what that eomie Joarnal alwaya ealled "Madaalad Market." He araa a re : tirlng, ecoratric, reativtd man, arlab ao hrillianey I like his hrotlier. f.ord Arthur, or las othet ; hrother, Lofd Odo bTiiiII. i>ett.r known by th I nnme of Ampthill Lord Tavistoek. tlie Duke's j soii. who Hiicereds liim. is not a man of naajj J parte. The only RaaaeU left who nwy elaim to , have ahOlty is the HoBoraMc (ieorpe Rnaarlt | soii of the late SerKeant-nt-Ainis. who, feow that I he is oftt of l'ailiament, amnaca MaaarlJ with , writine eorrespoTTdence f<?r tho pi-nvinehl aewa | paprra, The Duke of Bedford'e ecoentricitiea weat t-> the extent of bailding his own ereniatoriinn at Wokiag, so tlint liis arixtoeratle body nlght >*? incinerated witboal the riak ol mixing wltfa the aahea of eoanaonet moitals. The Duke of Sonierset, who died this week. was an old haehelor, manj yeara ago in th.> army. Ho was naknown to the preeenl graeration, and was hardly ever scen, except when toddHng tfl his elab for a game ol whist. The Earl ol st. Maar. who raeeeeda him, was nnce an uaatenr whip< drlv iii!.r a London and Oxtord private eoaeh. ??t late yeara he has kept a horae hazar al Plymnath, letting out teaaaa t<> oflleera of the garriaon and Inatraeting them how to drive. Tlie Earl of Devon, whoar death w;is annonneed to-day, has lefl BO reputatimi. exctpl of having raiaed hla fatber, who was one ol the nwet wortby and honorable men in the Itritish peerage. The Soeialists are greatly annoyed al ilie tnrn Whlefa events have reiently taken on "The Star." That jotirnal bekmga t<> Mr. I'olman, a iimstard aiaker, wbaae aoa^in-law, rSofeaaor siu.irt. has l>eeu placed in editoiial OOBtrol alaee Mr. T. 1'. O'Connoi was boaght oat for ?15,0A0. The work inp editor fmm the tieainniriK has lieen a ynong, eaeraetifl joaroalial ol ratJier Inehoate opinioaa, Mr. Ilaeajnghain lie ?eerr(s to have ohjeeted t<> the rhangc in the tone ot the paper reeentlv intr<? due*d I'.v Profeaaor Stnart resperiinp the action of John Baroa in the Rootofa raihray atrike. Mr t'oinian, like mnnv plutocrata, is aot Ihe man In itand any aonaeaae froni men wltfa opiniono whlefa riiffer froni his own. eapeeially literary men. The geault was ihe huanaary tenninatinn ?>f ,Mr. Massintham's eonneefiofl with "The Sl .r'' Jlis departure is a misfortune t<> tho Socialfarta. fooateai Rnssoll has fll.'d h suit in the divaree cotirt as a redrevs for eruelty. 'Ihe yooag Karl'a umusement.> Ineladed tho disrhar^inc of lirranns at tlie foothoard of the weddinc eoaeh. He eom> plalaa bitterly ol s'lflerina from too mtu-h mother in-law. The Amphitryon Clnb, a new inatitntlon here. is l<ecnmine n trreat sen.sation among the filded ynnth and those who want to know and to he knowa. Lnrd Dadlep who is one ol it? rhn-f giipportrrs, i? credifed with a fctory whiah thowa mrnsnro of liis hospitalit v and tlie lenath of hla patae, in t'aat he paid a eheqtia of niiwty odd pounds for B dinner p.TrTy at the elah to himself and a half-doaen frieada, II A. .(ories. whoar "Judah" is now rnnnlrr: in Sew-York, has jusi prndueed "The Daneing i.irl," one oi the Btrongpal pjeen pn't on the Lon di>n hoarda in a lona. time Within the mvt trw weeka we are prondaed perfonnaneea "f twn ol Ihwn'a piaya, ' A Doll'a Houae," and a new piece, " Boanaeralioha lladdon < hamhers'a play, "Thc Idler," irai tead il.ther day to Mi Alexander'a Rompanj at Ihe m Jamea Theatre, ahich i-> undergoina. alteratioM and improvemente. JfEW PLAN OF THE \N7F PABXELUTEK. TO J-OP.M A NATKiNU. PEnRRATIOM 0>K PAR NELL'8 ol'PONF.NT- vi;\v tippi K AKV's PUOHT. Dabtn, 17.- ,\t a private meel na. ol Ihe Na tionni Commlttee yeaterdaj Mr. Ilealj In Ihe rhair. Il waaderated t<> form a Sfatlonal Federation and toln? ?? brancheo of iii" Nallunal Ueaaiie opposlnir Mr. Parnell |o aftiiiafi- tiipni-i-i\<?- and !?? rontaalled i.\ i ronnrl! of ilxty-one riieml.IT-. <>f thcte mcmbers Mventeen are to he noadnated bj tlie MrfarthyMe parl amentarj party. twelve l.y ihe eentral body, and thlrlj Iwo bj tii? (oiinty organlcatlon. A tub-rommlttee was %p phtated to Kive tlie projerf a deflntte kbape. it is announred In thls rltj tdat In raa* John Wl ? ihall be aekxted aa ihe naw leader of the lrl*h Put Ilaawntary party, Wlfllara rpRrten win Immediatclt aftenrard rotora t<> 11m riiited Ktatoi and reanme Ihe worh whl'h ?a? niieiriipteii by the reoenl <? unpllcHtioiii iii IrtJi atfalr?. Tbe i?.(- Iroai ifew-Tlpperarj hi far froai eneoorag Ing. Tho*e who eaterea* Into rrt*- Baft tbere against Hi aba?e* ol i.iTirtiordi-in naj hf wM io have anrrenderMl. after bclng Mtoroagatf beaten bj tbe enemy. The , onpletenesa ol tlie rlrtory gataed by the laodlord m tj irf> ladged Iroai the fa< i ihai aii tha ktorea In Xev TIpperary, and aii th<- -taii- in tbe fcaaiei bulnein thoroaghfan haowa ^ o*Rri?i*N \r'.-id?-, wltli \hr ,.\( eptloti of three, ?*<?(? either permanentlj rlnsed nt In the h?mla ol the i>?u Ifa, ta? latter hailna -^iz<-,i thrm f?r dcht. THE ARGEXTJXE REVOLT QUELLED. THE i.ntki; RIOS REB1 i.s DISARJIEI1 liv THE N ITtON U. TROOPR Loadon, .iaa. 17. The latest aOrlcoi froat Baenot \-:i tn of a more peacefnl ehararter than lh< retved v-i<ifiav. Tlie rebeli wbo hM aaaembled In ihe prorlnre "f fSntre Rloa, n appsara, have been i.v ihe Natlonal troop* tent agaJnid Ibem. \ new Governor baa been appolnted i i rontrol the affalrx of Entne Rloa, and he la alreadj aellua ener imtieallv and eftlelenily. The alann raaaed b] U ? revolutiouar) outbreak l? rapldl; iiibhldlng. ? ? sl (( F..-> f)P THE IJALFOl R H Nl>. Dablin, Jan. 17. rhtad Beeretarj Balfoar, In an in terview pablJabed to-day, iaya that he ta gwatlj .11 laaei wrth the *neee?? of thc faad the Vkenrj of Ireiand, ihe faari of letlaad, and he were Inetra mental In raUIng for the retlef <>f tbe anfferins poor of tiii- roantry. Mr. Ralfaar addli he li maklna. arrangemenU to Innure ihe monejr beJng dlstrihutod i..r. i-??]\- where a**l?t'ine* \t rno-t requlred. The fnnd now amonnt* to C28.000. .? ? ? WORK OPTHB MOXTRRAL CLEABIXtl IIOCUE. Muntpc-d. .lan. 17.?The aeaoaat rleared at the Montreai Oleartag lloaac it 1000 na 0473,004,000, aga!n?1 0454,830,000 in 1880. (H the -)\t\ wie rlthfi nnd towa* in Oaoada and the t'nlted Htate* In wlm-li thiree are clearing bouaea, Montreai itaadii twetfth. A fiKRMAX WALKI.Nti HKI.K.i. ATKS BKNTE5CE. lierlln, Jan. 17.-A (?ahliiettna.ker, who waa reeenUy senl as a OcJagatC ftaai a iMBbef of MlOW w.cknieu to wara their oaaployare that ttaej woahf i--> oal on -trike unle'.- thetr waj/es wire Intioaaed, wai proaapUy umlti at the iasianea "f opa of Um eaaployen apon whoan he railed. The nia.ii waa aftarward tried on a rharge of trvinc to extorl rnenej bj thrcala, and to (!?>? hc ?b lentancad lo Imprtsooanenl for -i\ aaHttaa. ? ? THE gITt'ATfoM I.v CI1IL1. afaahJagton, lan. 17. The state DepartaaMl baa ,.,.,.-.vrf Iillle liifotnialion m itgard to the reported i,.v- hiiion in t'liiii. and even that appean to nare been Biorn i.eiaiii. Tlie bal tetegraan reeafved froai L'nlted Ktaeea Mlnlater ffagan bore date prfor t<> tbal ><i tba 1,1,-t repoii.-d oiitlarak. lavofftef the !,!?? bade Of luuiuua bj Chlllan aaai-ofrwar, paanad hy laaargante. 'Ihe di-i>atvb wat to Uie elfed that the dlbturlaucc ?eemed to hc nerelj loeaL The aioagie rhaiartet ol oflelaJ InlormaUon regardlng tbe newesl ].iia? ol tbe kltoaUon ta aow expbUaed, bowover, bj mteUlgrnre rerelved by iiio Kerretary of titate in ;i reandaboal v ,\. tiMi tbe tetarraph linm |n ( tilll an roaipkri 'lj niulor control of tbe domlnant party, and tbal ell dl< pauim are ?oble?ted lo rlgtd rcnsorship. The De partmrnt Is not ofllrially advUed of ihe blockade al Iqulqae. TO RESCIXD THE PROHIBITIOCf. \.mi i:k \\ l'or.K i.iki.i.v T'? m. i'i.\iin by FIIVWI. m\ \ |i?,| | m; \\ iiii ni I. I'K'H it VTS ol OTHEB < ?'i IPTBll s mavs in PABIS. Pari-. Jaa. 17.?Amerlran porb haa !*> n iiie -.uh joet of iinii h ilaeaaaloa In tbe Tariff Ooaualttaa of the rhaaiber ol Peytlot. it aeeaaa to be ceaeralty ?nderetood that the ouauttttbe win rocoaHaend ihe abrogaflen al Ihe ieeree prahlbttlag t iio laiportaUon of \nicriian porb. ii this bi edopted, viif'i in porb viii ii<! pbteed apoa *ii?- nmm tootlng aa tbe prodwi of otber r aatrlea, In ti.xtnc the neai datlea on porb to he reeomaiended hv tii*? romnlttee tbere v*- ooa tlderable variety ol opinlon on ii"" parl of tho m. member*. M. Vhrer. reporter of tbe eoauatUee. -ai<t lodav tbal three weaibcii had advoeated ?aktag a ttnxle tarht rate for aii atraia of porb of 80 Iraar on kk) bHograau. Thla ptaa, bowover, <ilit noi tlnrt fnv ?! witii tbe roaimlttee. After maeb deHbemttoa. it m, d^i :d?t to mal;?' twe < btwiaa ? if porb proiafta, With dlfferent ratea for earh rhw In the grrt rtaaa aie pUred iiam. bai * and kalted porb, and tbe dali propo?ed on II m h froni 13 to 90 fraaeti on 100 hllograms. arrording to qnallly. In ti.jrond el*-? aj'c Inrladed all fornin of portl prodartx baown u rharratorle htbriqaee. and the dntj proposcd l* Iroai i - t . 23 fram - m 100 t. lojrams. M. i in-,-t,-t. Depiit) froai Ui" Dopartaieal ol tbe V?r, ba* laben a leadlng parl In tbe etforti lo aettfc ihU qneoUun. Irt ronver*atb?n to-day M. Clu i I _ t i.i: -l have been dotng everylblng In my power U> .:,.( mv rolleaaue* lo nndentond ?i?-? prlnrtpbj and vrnrhlnm of Ihe nen Imeriean larifl m far an ii affcetn I'lvmh ititerestM. \t Ihe ?.llme i have uraed tbal Ibe derree probJblilng the Importatlon of Aaierlean porb oagbl lo b re i Inded. I have mnghl bi i n Hi.'in of vh.ii l ? ler an nndonbted laet, Ibal the prohlbttlon ara In n- orlgin onlj a v.|> U.rmany. I thlnb thl? rleiir i.iu*e are never ?hul nal (Jernran porb.'' M. riu-<i-.'i expn? tbe oplnlon tbal Um que*tlon woabl i** lettled a alneady ootllned, The roporl rabmlttod by M. Vlger. he *id, pn ropi.i tbal Ihe deeree agaia*1 Vmerlran porl aroold b Kated. Maay nf bli roUeagnr-*. hc bnew, belleved the tproponed dmtie woold afford aniple protectlon ;?? Freni h intere,*l -? M. Honrhiroort, the U?|nJdaloa n| Ihe Pa raaal foatpa iy, ???.??' rejaird to lb< pmpoMal lhal Ihe I'alted state liovernmeiil hbJmJd gaamatee ihe loterrat Dn Ihe Ni. ir urnn r,t,\ rompaayfj '?|f tbe P* i .,? ,,| wooM be Hiil?hi d hefnn I ie Xl< ingtm t | ,i itm rompletod. He added: i un dolng ei poMlble tn hand ov?r Iho affalr* lo II.r* """ pany, i nnre hoped lhal lh3 I'nlied Ntatea liorern ? ? ? woabl BoaHl In Hie rorb o| nmipk-tliul the P | ,-, | i , . ,i, i ? .. i'i-tnnn.-nt:ii In havl i? thi i nbinel al Waabli.' and Ihe Vmerlran U-gattoo In thl- rltj noonded npon Ihe Mibjert. bul. I wn *orrj i,, Mj, irll.i '???'? l. I Hk proi.' II al Hn , i; .?::....! i naipony. | ...|.| . i !r.- II i apll il ? i. tee In rt? board o| dl "f ,h Puiaaia < ?n?l ' ompanj. Il< In ?id. the Panama Itallrnad Company** b??rd ol dlrerton blndlr. ?"'' iM' Itlvely. de? I i< d lo ? '? nnj ol iii- propotli I ? ? ?? ' ? '* '"- ' ' [..r-sii.l" douW thal ii"- '"? ? ?? ? IH id lh< I -i,,... and ii,- (.n ' Franre noghi nroi ,,, :i -ui.h iree "i ihe Pu i mw ' i''-'1 ?' '' 'l;-'' rerfain lhal II ihe Ki iirli '"' " '"?' ' :' " ' men! ol ? ? i ' - ? would be onlj loo aUllnti m '"?'l>" pn'P"wll >i ? h. I . , ,i si,,t. - rhli h n.U-iii I "' '?? ? '.-11 l'"1 '' furi,,r) uiidet?t?iidliia b'j arhiib tbe l'..i..;i.n ? ronM t.mpleted Vmertfan* ?iji readll) ?' ti.Rt H I. m?P8 praeUml f-r Un- i"i'.t"-"' f ,l..d -I llr to nearly Imll r?inipleted thwi lo ?peod laonet . ? prujfi i ?hlc I. l- o ?'!? >'!'? ' '? ' \|r. Whltrlaw l: .'. ' i ?'-''-.' h, ? (\ ' .,. '? i . Ilirl ? hl II ui.' Ill .: . "' ? .'"\"' lil- IrlP '?!' , ]..? Hlver NHi, nnd belne ll ? ? fH hl, tnui In Ihe Ka ? ral. M ' l?. i?, linie i" l*| ' II" al" ;. ia< I. I ii.. -' III !? ? ? I ? liT! -'I \,'r ;. .?- froni -' !??' . ,., .? t| \| ?; ,.,. V . - ' , lllO-l ,...: . '?' id / ii dl ?- ' ?? Itipli ? n ???.? >? ?-? I' ' , ' ' i Ii lr pie ' . i ? u-ii-t i ? ?i ai.OtMl | -.:v.T.I\ of ihe II ? a liilcr. II i- ? , wonder lhat, n rep rled In Ihe rabk |,;it. h. ?? M. I In en I, !?? p iM fnmi the lk-parti ti.c V'ar, i.?' ta i?*n n kNulIni parl In ???? ? tettle ||.ne ilun' ??( rendnilllinc Vnier. pork In l i.,. M. i lu .-i. i i. .1 li ue i.p.-. iitnl ? ol the latxirtiiR ? ln? ??? In l i inre, ? ?? ?l lie Im li< .-I In i ?? I nit.'d sl?(????. a beire ?>?? ?? '?'??' ' 1 nlon nmile*. Ue It i i nuei II) i nimlrani i>1 Ih .. i i,|i pork, and nol a belh ver li, (nA irh hlno : i i bronghl iip ht ?. I Kreneli pa< ket an i 011 in drlt ?? aw at \ i. ,m rompetlliun. Moreover M ? In rrel u; fo tlnte thc gen< al ilmo and wrrelHrj of War durlnp thc tvinininne n ?'i- m*inl> Ihpoiirh o - < ? ?.? [>? i?>r ?..?, ihut Uie late K. U, \\-< M u ne al lhat II ! -i;,*.-. Mlnl i' i it I'arN. rould.mnnlrate with \\ bishop l?ari?oy, nnd arranp |h< latler honld In exrhanead for BbHiquI t nfortnnntelv. M. Wiler< de , iined i ? ?"'"' Ibnl ? rh*nj ol prin.i .? I M -hrnor Darbnt an* one ol ihe Imi lagps bul bt Ihe i imimune. < ? ? i ei <'? ? In ? rei wn > li ? ?! aItti lilirli 1 r?-., '.'i hT lll< II ? ? rtlntloiil t o| ; ( iril i,,?,,.. ;..?) i f,n pelle I ?? H-- f>n lll? lif". Kevi rthelc l ,. I,-, <tiiek t-i h llli 'ral idea* nnd r mu ? ? ?? altl ti. p .iiiilai m??? i H< Mi.h' nn1 i anxloui i" pronmie Ihidi n 't. rial aelfnrc nnd II i- whi he to.,:, ?? :i leiidlnu pnrt In Ihe ?- :r- n-t " t > hrln, iihnnl Ihe \<?;>?->\ "' Ihe piohlblilvi d.* agaln I Vmerican i?ork. ? ? ? THE YOtTJW! l>i Ki; I BARS TO OFFEXP FR VSCR. parl?, Jan 17. The ? i laaro" lo d I il n ?? I?n< d'i irk*an?, on o( the i omte de l'"i . h > ? de trlned to be pre enl ? ?' Himlrh nn tl.ra>lnii ol ih< in,, , ?. ,.f i. ron Prfnee Loal ? d'AI.n, ? ? daaxhter of the I'nU'- d'Akiiem, |o Prlnrr- Vlphnti i ,,f liararl i. The Du< d'< ?i leanin i o ?? blx fjcfu d on Ihe around thal he i- np ? i ihe polnt of tartli ;i Joarnej. IIU rwal i i on, i owever, for Kfuslng lo lie pre?rnl o II.renmnj i attrlbnted lo the t tr tbal [,l? \i-;i M.i.hi bc Interpreled in an unfavorablu man ner In Fram e. \ iiiM' .N-'i'i:'. ii"\ i"i: THE sTRIKERg. gd Jan. it. \ m<H l r proee tlon of trade nnlonlsta, e?tlmated t.. n. ?,.? lx >n i intpo i id i :;.li n : 'i' ?i through Ihe trecl ??! Ihl ? IIi to-day. 'i'l''? 'I' Ptoj ol Kdlnburgh'x rorkmen wa? ;, detnon tratlnn In ?j nipall ) ? Ith Ihe r.illrmd > m ployei wh < ?''?? ' " 1 he people In the pi. lon beh ived In the rno t nrderl.t mai.I tlltl n :? |J; rliei a I ?? ? of thnn indx ol ? ??? t1 ? ? ? Iimis ihe llne ol luu.h I he BlnVreii! trade ?' ? ? i ? I ? ?? a hj bra bandM. la^plp**. '"' Nf? and dnint rorp*, wlille bannor i ..,iinfi a li ? " N '"? ?'?'"!'-.'? ?? ptarl t f"i Vour Ititthl*."' ? l alr Paj for n Fali i>..-.' W nrl . were rarrled. Tbere oeetn* ;> be no pn>|i-.'rl i.i.ln ,f .in earl) end of tVotland'* areat raUmad trlka TW< i- the end "t" tlie foirth ?.\ of ta- imublc. Al.U'.'.l'.li Tfl II". SIIORT -1.1 _?? ? IN IIJ8*AC0flt*NTS. Hon i :? go, ? ii.. Inn. it. i"\ roanty < lerb M. I). He anege I to bi 04,420 ih irl In h i.t tt'ben lie tarned ovei Ihe oPJce i>. bla iaeee*aor, the Mr-; ol tii" rear, the ? .1 h on iiand am mnted to 1" over *??<?". whlh) the booki 1 ii; 1 foi 0 1 I >,<. Tlie in-itv?!? in- been bepl ijulel 1. alkia Ha inn" to make np Ihe deflrlt, bnl ti." 1 ?rd oi oriper v . ,1 - haa aoa ordered the DUt: . 1 III mrj 1. brlng -iiit aaalnftl Hamltt?** 1.d?men toreeover the 1.t. Ilamlllon \?.i- lo ni ?? ;?? llie Mayor ..f ihi? rlty, and iia* Iicld other pruruinenl oftVc*. I'lifortatiate perubitionf are tappoaed f> aecount fm tli<* rulk?lng landa. \ FRKXC'II M\N-i'N DKfcTBOYKD IV PIBK I'uri-. Jsn. 17. Tbe maniton ani paaarbw ..t t.? i;;,--.- Motte, near iTtateannenf, arhleh Ihe Poatlflral /,ihu" H'-'Mit'd to ueoeral Cbarette, have bata 1,11111.-d 1 . the groaa*. ?? ? \ (.ki;m\n 1 <>i:< k. i;ki'it>km in rabt AFRir.t. I, mdi n. Jan. 17. DUpetebee na f red Iroai / nrlbit .1.,;.. tbal tlie .'.i*iii ..ii force rereatb attarked Maehomba'i itroaghoM, arbleh ara* \u a den?e jiiir.':' The jnii?j-i?' leriouUy bladered the novearcata ..r tbe ,;,?,[,.. ti.,. i-...ii!; \\.i i!i*t Ihe i."imm f,,rr. ??! reprihed and lorred t. pdreal Emln Parlia 1- utfd to Ih- enoaged In tonrtaut hoatillthM wltb Ihe AmO? s,outh ul i^uUc Yktoru. A MIXKD STOUM IN TOWN. 8XOW, SLEET AM) KAIN IN SUCCESSKMf. BEKIOC8 INTi.HKi-i'iiMV op IEUSORAPHj BEaV V1CS-THE SMU'.l.Ts IV a linlUU m.i: iovditiov. Ti>e uintor of tvio-Mi bai added aaothet to it? aeore ot big etoraav \i the unw "f it-- dcath, the old year had .ontrived to pile up a reoord that mroip jt im.ons. AtthoMgh i"?i opeaed m rnin ,,nd fog, it had hehaved itself. on the whoie. with tolerahle proprkty, and nave gaad proriiisp [U]\\\ yestenlay. TheB New-York uroaned linder what. m aotae respeets, was thc Br0*1 BBfKMoaable ftorra experienee it has eaeounu ered for a loag tinte Poi aearly twentyfonr hoari it wm delivered ofef to anow, hail, shvt, raia, wind and Hnally misi. AII throagh the morn Ing, afternnon and ctrening the hapleai lieinjts whoee i>usin?->s compelled thern to walk "r ride throagh the streets of tlie citv fonad ihemselves delivered over to one oi the -other of the rival powers. with a rapklit] thal made theai feel dixky. r'ri day wah bright, elear, and for the season, nnle in teaperature. The beal Sinnal Senrice oaleera reported nothlng hm the thlrteeath eoneeeutlve e.ld wave up in the St. I.awrenre Valley and a light anow on the Lakea, whieh might briag ? ilunv to N'ew-York. Hut earlj on Friday morning there had appeared awnj ilown in Reorgbi ? snii.ll dlaturbanee, wbich at Rral ahowed no deetded eharaeter and looked IIISI_lll!;r;,|,t. T|l(. ;i|f>., o| hiu'll presSllfC OVCr Sorthweatern TexM, bowever, foreed it northwardi and in It* journey it raptdly gathered ?trengtb, vigor and fury lly niahtfall It had aaaumed the dhuenaiona of a full-grown atonn, and b pretty oonaiderahle ?tonn at that. <?n Friilay nlght aome old lailora [n tliia city, noticina, the rapidly fallins tcniperature and the ehange ol the wind to ihe northeaat, ihooh their I.i- and propheaied all manner of rloleful thinu* for the morrow. Tbe ni lil atafl ? ?! the Siutml Serriee Offlce had recelved newa ol tlie stortn's approach and boiated their raulionarj rcd-lighl aignal. It waa i'ot until two houn alter midnight, bow? ever, tlial the tit-t d.Ti.ird Mu-iis ot tl.nwelcome rWtor'a arrival made tbemaelvea manifeat Then , ' |h1 kiinw begAtl to fall and continued for one honr and thirty-Hve minutea, wliea it vaniahed and ?rxve p:.,<?? to s\nt. In tlie meantime the trmpera rure, whieh had been folllng iteadily all throngh the in-'.t, had toiiched 28 drgreee.' Tbe aleet, hlown llirough the atr in nll dlrfctlona by ihe ?t.oin\ ri>ioi wind, barely lield Ita ground imtil twentj niiinite* lirfore 9 o'cloek, wlien anow came TTi for a wcnnd inning. I's rule was abort-Ilved, bowever, al at 5 o'cloch the aleet onee more ??.. .! ihe lunati t y and in itnl.nned it aimd ;i i fmm aftlicted hutnanity until ? . .,,,,.;? i ,,-, ;.?,; m thc nfternoon, when, nd ileeided ria In tlie tetnperat ire, r,,ia . ? nd, fallina in n iteadj torrenl loi r.earlj lliree lioiira, m ' the rrown upcn ?1 ? * * worlt l? hy ita lelloa lienda. Tlie wind, whieh In the rorrnoon liad hlown al tlie rai. tbirtj milei. un I our, rell tn i veloeity ol twentj mil - witi, ihe itii'il "i the rain, ind, althoiigfa 11 waa ,,,,, Bti ? t" hlow n uedeatrian hail ???? ??? cr, , ( |tt II ? I Pnrk, or Hlt hitn >??%? rul t. Spi ire -t . il It id i.nongli to muke intbn li..- i riilienb.iia an l Im tvj ovei Va tlie lempei iture n - ?. Sei ...mi to look for ml*i, urnl ?hortlj il i .1 -I U nrrived. The tain had then : ,i durini the reat "t ihe eveaiag fell aatonal h-ht aprinklea. ?Ttie rWtbi "'i,' mM thixeaai Jeaoaof ln , ,n .? ot i lona exptnnatioa ,,r |i,(. .. i, i.d ' . tlie viaitation, ...... the " ? fioni i ': irleaton northwea" , i . ! il rnec ii i nortliettaterl.v 1 N||?ott, Me. Il consiats of niin .. i Miow, in t i riic tliv tling line | - Il HII i o r I ll'IWI Cll Slis . md Kti-.\\ i le, i. ?!-? u' v . i,n lo Pilt-burii, froin I'ittati n ' ? S'ew-Yurk, ,, | !??:?? tl Xiirthwesl of ile an Hlt nnd aniK II'; . \. ? Yurk >mII M-ai ? ;'. !??? ii. ,? front t.iltomin hle wc ithei until lo-ni irrow I lie siiowi slerl nnd r iln mm ' .??! al '<? ?-' one ,,., i pi rpoae I Ih 1 ? - ' ? niniii lon< i Hratti ? ,? exrellent opp >rl mil l<i ->?" ]< ? rreord In ,,,,.. , ll,i lie will t ike advanta c of n i> almoal hm m u I ' "M1" ? tmm a I ? ? u i . ,.,,?. ni l ? ii,.-, hopea ajrainsl hope 1' he rould h ive ? || ,? riionia ..I " iil? '? ?' wpnl up >??-"" ? . |i ng suil.-i'iii. |>ul lie slipped, ulural'le I A;i,i!-. ?tni '??le?l lo krep it* foolli -hl on the ...,, ,..,., ,,? tvndeil anklr deep in ? ?? ? in r? m H.owded'A tys. I e I have i.n apnrred lo M.nietfaina: like efforl I ndoubledl) tlie woi il umilesi nmture ol . || the iiloomj Ineldenta ol Ihe atonn waa th ? ,l.i...,-,? cauied to lifr nm !? ' h hj Ihe coodltlon ,.f the pavrment* W lien alrel lolloweil anow II i ttone fla - nnd roailwi | a Ii '.'"'"?'I wltb i | I,, rmtlog ?' l?roken h*. dirth-r lhan th< ,luii,-vi tliaw, n.. !?? Ireacheroiia lo Ihe t,.-.ili..:.| ., .,,, ii... Imnleal m-t. The amn who wn-?. im I ? ;,|...| with i iblier afaoea had n ftold .? Al , v,-ry -t. i. he exowled t? allp "P and aprawl U Itill lengtl. tlie cioiind. Somftiniea hia r\ , ?,.. *err reahwd. Iiul il he gol nafoh ,,!,:.? with a'l his Uniha unhroUeti, he rell Hl ? offering ? prayer ol thank??ivlBg. Tbe atreel ... ea were perhipi """ m,n{ ??*>,w" ol nll. Tlieir atrugf-le* l? mi ve ahinii Ihe liia-a ?,, hl liave wftrnnl Ihe hardeal brarl "? i"'.? \, ,. erj i.u hliH-ka rould I* ????" I'* *P ' " "' , i Home lour lo ited aiilTcirr proatrate Ln Ihe roa I Ironi pxhauation or inbM h IVrsI -i . ?l eoorw, did h< n?rf lo llie oeeaidoii, ,Bd um iiaual In rranei i ?d .nhhineta, h id nr*i placo. \t every ?? ?*elve atorai Ihe diflle tlth-a ,,i ii iviunlion ner?*i thla dnk ol nhominntion irv ll; ini i" taed. Where on prevloua ... ndow ,:;r Ioiik, ileep pnola ot u iter, with Iheit h ? Ii ,,i v,,'t niiiil, ;. ive laren in evldenre al eni Ii atre 'I i,,,,,. i. i ?? : ? ?. i .??. wi rc lo he foiind >?? i ii-fapi ?, and a i ?<-'? '"' the iliatraeted rei rnaklBM hia waj to llie J< r>ej < rnti d ,,r IVnnaylv mla brriei Uij in tbe little ialantU ?l -,,,,... rlotted thieklj hetween the ferriea and ihe aidewalk. Soulh-at. ran ii> weatcrn brouier , ].-<? race Tlie aeeumulation ol froren raln had a dhi iislriMis effeel on ihe overhead wlrea, eapeeially in |nwer llroadwav, i.herv ihvj are rnoid niimeroiii \t hriel Intervala n ?hort, slnrp anappinu aoiind i i, heartl, and Ihe bi il paaarnger ha I iKirelj time t > dart nul ol langer l*lore the wirc whtrled ,|,,un oi, l,ui, ,Vlon? llroadwaj rroni the 1 <?-' , fliie lo ihe llatlerj llie i nniiid waa itn-wn with irirea whleh had lallen. Tlie teleplionea In the ,u\ worked hodly, aa they alwaya ilo diirina ? in, Btona. loii n* *n per nenl ol tbe wlrea are ,ii.,l,-i.roiiii.| there waa no aerioiiB breok in coni tnunieaiion. A. s llibhanl, Nuperintrndent ol llie ,,,., ihaUinee lelephoite aprvlee, reported tlie Iiicm ol aeveral wlrea Iwtween New-?oi*. I'hiladelpfaia and other patnta, bul the ? onneelion with all pl ?- " "' ;"VM malntained. Soi.f the Ineomlng traina tro.n nointe Weal and Sonth and on tlie Jeraey eoaa Juft>red rcrioug delayj, bol np to 8 p. tn. tbew ll(,| heen no aetnal Idoekade ol traffle. Mr Sink, iulI.i aiiperintendenl ol the We?t.;rn [Tnion Tekvraph t'ompany, had b atory ol diaaate ,? i,||: -Weare Ln ? had coaditlon. be aaidJaal 1M..|,i io :, Triliune reporw. " Wlrea are ilowa "verywhere. We have baj M per r.-nt ?f tl,.-,, , tii.- SnBth an rar ??> Baltliaorc. In the Weat, |, ,h i.H-lild.- tbe N -ti, *?? have. ost hall oHr ,,.,??,, |? ,i,e Kaat and aloag : the At ,,,, i,. eoaat gn rally we are m a dreadliil atate, ' ;, ,,,.?., ,??, ,.?lv hall -or Wlrea ue workina. -Bui ihe worai la aol yel told, eontiaaed Mr sink. -We are eatlrely eat ofl Iron all nointa :,??.. ihe Jeraey w?aat. Includina Sandy Hook. Whetfaei all lhal happeu* on the Jeraey eoaal he ?wren aow and to-roorrow will I* veiled in mya ? ,.,\ l cannol aay, bul I gueaa we aliall, aa uauol, nrviaue lo gel around the rtiMculty. <>u I.g Jaland too. we are cntiielv broken dowti. eueot at a lew poUTlx. Bttl everywhere clae we are maintainin? bobm klad ot eoa nei.tion. This large hreakaye of onr wins l^ cauaed, ol oourar, by the aeeumulation of sleet, bnt the gravity ot the aitoation has hren itureased hy the kigfa wind. whieh hM materially added to the heavy imnlen on eaeh wire. One fortnnate eircurMtaaee in onr favor is lhat tlie stotni has aeeumd on S;?tnrday, anl we shall thui have thc whole of Sunday in whieh to repair the daoaage. I am in dread of onr other enemy. fog. lf it settles down on the OOMt to morrow, we -.hail have another lijtht. on hand.-' A eahn eettled down on the ctty laat nitrht., and all that retnained of tlie .st.rnTwa.s a nentle n'phyr like hreeze. Ihe total rainiail for the dav was .'?: imh, while at 10 p. tn. thc tcniperature had risen to .'i.*? dcgrees. A SLEETSTOKM ALO.W, THE HUMOW TP.AINS KKOM THE WT.ST DELAYED-BAD \Vi;\TIIF.rt IN CO.VNECTIOLT. roinrlikoepsie. \. Y.. Jan. 17.-A >evere sleet storm his p evailed aloag the Hud-on all day, the ground botag ci.vered with tWO or three inebes of Ire. lea fonned aboal tlie eleetrle lieht rnrhon* to aach an extcnt that cancs of tnen had |o be sent ont to etit it awa* before the <ity coatd b" ataptrty lhrhted. Tralns froni Vew-York eome in nearly on tinie. haf tralr,^ from the We-t are fmm olic to three lioin- lale. Blrmlncham, f'onn.. Jan. 17 iS|>e< ial .?A hall?torm begM here la>d nlcht. and ronUnaed until noon to-day. \ large tpiantltv of uleH fell, and the ground Is eov ercd wttji ? roatlng of lee neveral Inrhes deep. Btnee loon It has been rainintr heavlly. Kcars of another flo.pd and Ire freabel In the lIoaaMontc arc cnlertalned. ? .?....__.. 80RRY 8TSSKT8 IN Isromki.YN. The Beaofclyn itreata were In a larible condltlon ren terdav. The ileot of Um earty mormng bloehad the gntten and when the taln begaa, a httle later. the resull waa that nearly all the eroaewaOu weta moro tlian ankle dee|) with water and aktahi I.iltle or ggorl WM made to mahe tlie iTOaafagl M?bh) or to iirar the alaeaalha. Reerythlng waa a? alppary as it well <oiiid i,e and wattdng waa cxtremely dlflteatt, The wind ?a< blgh all day. bnt hevond Baaaberleaa broken ambretlM no lerlooa damane wm leparted, though tti the flonded di-tri. t> nun h dNcomfort was eaaaed by the ratn. A large telegraph pole al Coart-at, and Atiantw n\e. \\;i- hlown over in the afOnioon and narroulv ml**ed tome of the etreel rara whieh arc eeaataatty lia--i'iK llun DOtnt. ? HE BRBARJ down WtRES IN BROOBLT5. Tho WetgM of Ire on teteffl aph. telophonc and eleetrle I'ghf wtrea In Brot klyn broha nany <>f them down In the earfj evenlng. The itreat eara m Flfteenth it. arare ttopped for a time by a number of wtrea whieh fell acrou th." traeka, and whieh nobodf diii-ed i i loin h. Nonte eleetrle Ught wlraa eroaacd t'i,. pollce lelephoM wlrea, and when the foree <>f the rurrenl w?? fell at Pnllee Ifeadqaartera Strgeaal Keenan Indettooh to tarn on thc HgktnlM arreatai .,i?i i.-.-m, iw> rarrent. \ brlUtanl iaah of ttght nearly btlnded hlm, hut he earaped injurv. The wtrea mniilng to .evend of the pollce prerlncU and laja were buraed <>ut on thc bayboara. ihe aamaga done ?raa ca*ll> repelred. TllK MAII.s DELAYKO. The -torni raaeai an average aeJaf of an aoar to the rar.? nalli tor thl? rlty, aoaae of the IreiM belng later that that Tha mall froan Plttsbam, du<" at 7 :j-j. arrlved at ??? :io a. tn.: another froai the aaaaa rlty, due al 8:18, iatne m at k? o'cloek, tae Moe f.ik mall, dn>- at 8:43, rame In al 10^Ui that froai Montreai over the Sfew Yorfc OenUal, whieh ooght to u-rtve ii 7:.o. not do v> nnrll noon: tbe Albany tmin due at ii n'rloeh waa an Mar lato. and tha Chlrago mall duc at II :-?'> a. m. did not get In until 1 p. m. _ ? - K,VMs BfPPLYIXO rOAt TO TllK DBBTtTTTE. Topeka, Kan.. Jan. 17. The iioti-e thta morning ,,,.i the Bei ?'?? reaotatl D for a rappty of eoal to be -.?in io ihe de?tltute people of northweale n Kan-a-. There are twdve Inehea of mow Ip the tler of roantlei whh h tir-t a?ked aid fmm the Irkte, agd fuel BtMt be provldcd ?.t once._ WE8TISQB00HK CMEDITOMS MFET. RETORT OB TllK rOMXlTTEE- ^ gBlOHTBB OfT r...- >k FOR THE OOMPAMT. Plttabarg, Jan. 17.?The neeting "f iroditon of thc Weatlnghon?e Eleetrle Conpany thlt afternooo w.n. at lended bj Ihlrtj peraorn, or onefourth -f the knowa irediuir*. The commlttec appointed to examtM the l.h,\. ; pnrted the> i and II75JJOO dne Ptttabnrg ? in a etiuu.000 dua to ouUlda crodltorii In Sca York, t'blragn and other Inrge rltlea. Vhe Praal IbttiiiMer told the < mmlttee that Ihe rompany u.i- d,oing U'-il. Affaln acre brlghter, and the rw ,.,,, would ???.' !"? ou -i better paying ba*l?. All . _? banks ._<? amply tecared, oud all proferred ! II. j od. \ Mr Hartley. of ? lilrago, telegraphed t< tee whal the Pittsbiirg men would do, a- their actlon would be rollowed b] fhlrigo. " i t'blrago rredltor takf he v i iiisfled to take the preferred -nx-k. The average dall) i.ii-in-j- >f the romnanj for threa tnontlu paat ',, bevn etS.oOO, ?nd Vti PretSdent llannlrter -?\ that. with prnper tnanagemeot. tlie i-oaapaaj will pay .v,,,?v.,?, , \..,r. u MrL. iindiiiK'. :i- repreaentatlve ,.f Mr. lVe?tlnghouae, -o't the expeneea had been re dured > io,t)00 pci jrear, niainhj from buylng ?-mall .,[,:,:;? itid dolng away with Mghaatarled ofltcera. \ ,,,,..,.. itlon ?a- then offered t" Ihe dii.Ti.n-> t. ,,.L timl tin-v would aerepl preferred .tork .,".;., ..rnvided the rompan) taii ?ell '.<hi nharcij at ,,'. M,?k to the aniount of OiJj.OOO wa* then , .l, ,,' ,. ,i , :;,.000 n. ire proralsed. rhe paper will be ,.,,, ',;.,:.,,i to tlie other rreditora. 8ome ->f the ,.,.,.a|t,,.. i.i-c-scnt t?fu*ed t>. ?1gn the proposltlon until , ,.. i,ad i-onaidted their lawyer.. The outl ?>k li ?,;? h Irtighter, and II la thought thc rompany ?l!l pull throngh. \ i,n, UA* COMPAXY PASSW A DIVIDRXD. |.,Lt.|,,,,_-, jan. it.- At the annaal awettag <>f llM pldUdelphia l?a? Hoaipaiij ye?bsrdajr u w..? dockled to ,.i - iti" retmlar qoarterl] dlvhtand lor tii?' flral tim ? ? ,, . |,| , ,;A ,? the rompany. \ atateaionl la nada i ,,.-,> earnlaga, bul the dlrorlom thongbl it beat ;ii. .,,..?. ,,, ihe rompany'i kadeMednaaa. Tho Phuaddpiua Nataral Uaa Coaipaay la oae of tteorfg We^tlnghoiise'a pcl roncem*i and has a cagttal of ito,ooo,ouo. _ l \ KSQISBBM KILLISD IT hTffl I'osV. Pranh Mllbsr, an mglneer on Ihe N >? Vorb Oeatral .,,?! nu,|..,n Blver Kallroad, waa Idllod on hl* eaglae i,.! nlght, ahlki rnnnlna berween t'roton and auag ?IMt. ii,. nr in ui. by ?. glaared arnwa al him and >,i?' ii"1 lw waa dead al hli pnat. Hia bead araa i,.rrii.h i.., i.'i d. and ii ???- evbtent be had heen ,,,11, ,i whll- i iiiiu-' ont ol in- eab, hi* bead coauag In , oiuaei with a draw brldge. ? aiSOCLAB ICTIDBB1 OX THB WBMt 8HOBB. Vewbonr, n. Y . Jan. 17 (ffporlal). \ atraage aed denl happeoed lo the new*paper hmln oa tbe Weal Hh.iv IhiK .idng, betweon Syarb and nianvcltvtlle. \ hoiler loadcd on i nal eai bi a aooth-boaad Ireighl ,,..,,? rotied ofl on tbe up Irai k, and tbe eaglae of tbe ncwspaix r traln rra?hed Into II al full -i.I. The ,r.h, \a* badlv daniaged, Iwl no oae *u hart. Aioither eiiglne had to be obtalaed. Baera wae ? d,-\i\ pf two hoara. 4 .vctr /'t/T/; FOg Tlli: MMi Ot VBTBMABB. Montirello, "i.. Jan. it (gpeetal).-"The gattoaal Vtjrs" i- the naa.f a new paper tbal U lo laha ,iu, pi.f -Tlie DIvUlon Sewa," wbleb haa boaa Ihe offlelal organ ol U?e IlllnoU dlrUloo of tba to of Veteraaa. Al the bead of the new paper ?ni ba (ieneral rharle* F. Orhln, ol IndlanapoMa, paal naa nianderlncldaf, aad Paal Adjataat-Oeaeral A. Book v, ,n, r. The new paper wtll be the oadal organ of ,,? so, - of Veteran* ol Ihe i idted Ktate*. and, wtll i,. is'ued uiM-kiv fiom iii" hoaditnaiaan of tho uiinoi* DIvUlon, at Springfleld. WB-TAtrar* '.?"'? o* Bbamm laeb. ffowbarg, N. Y.. .ia.ii. 17 rjlpeelall.?The tcn-mlle raee for Ihe lllggunoa rbaltonfe mp waa -aiid oa orange Uba reeteraay afteraooo, after the bbj raea wo? by tbe .Mainpioii. the gead. There arara oatp two entri'--, the Tihe lare, owned bf Daorga B. Trimble, aad tba Hetaa. owaed by Fraafe O. Wood, n,. raka carc woa tba raca bj aaaog aaray-twa ailnute*. __ _ wnrsr cnAurioxu .ir rnttCBTO*. Prlncetoa, n. .'?? Jea. '"? Dadag the evealaga of the prewal roUega rear the aralal playan of eael elaai have held lonraaaieata aw Ihe rfaaaa raaatptaaaalp; tho ?rlnnen and aecoodH,of earb rla*a play for the aal> w.; |fj rhaniplonihlp. The foUowlng are wlaaeri in tho teveral rlaaeea: Senlor? W. U. Cooper aml A. w. Vernon: aeeond, Joba llane and B. \. Daitoa. Jaaior i'. .1. Moeea aiid John Urabam; aeeond, A. BIgga t-nd .i.mie- P. Parker. fonhomore K. V. Tborpaaad i). V, Ludlngton; aeeond, B. I*. KrAlpM and Roborl K. Wtirta. Freabman J. F. Talfey *ud .1. D. lluthniau; ?eooad, A. D. Jcrnicy aud. B, N. HcWUltaatt, THE 8ENATE SITS ALL NIGIIT. EACII SIDE wATCHma THK OTHER IN THE ITOHT OR THE BI4BOII0I1 BILL. a srcrEssiov of qi-orums and no quorchi -the m:ri;i:\statarms kei>t bis>Yt .MR. EAELKXER 1IOLDS THK. FLOOR KOR TWELVE UOURS-AN ADJOIRNMKNT AT 0 1'. M. yESTKKn.VV AKTER A TH1RTY BOOaW &ESSIOX ? -A NUMBEROE A.MEND-. ME.NTS ACTED OX. ftir TELKoHAl'll TO TUE TR1BCXE,] Washinpton, Jan 17.-The aession of the Sen? ate whlefa hggM BI noon yesterday eame to an end at 6 o'eloek this evenin?, after thirty hours ol an indecisivc, running fl^lit over the Eleetion, bUL Bot-h sides were still iu comparatively freah condiiion when the eonfest was deelared off, bul as neither wished to prolntur the sitfins int<? Sun day, and aa little was likely to be aeeomplMied l>etwren ?! p. ti and rnidnnrht, a truee was early;ed, and the duel over the Ladfg measure waa snspended iinfil Monday at II a" m. Thaaamteat wfll he renewed at that time with frseh gggrgy, and a couiplete and thoroagh plan al ?OtioB is hkely to he worked oal by the BepaNleaa aaaaaajerg hetweeu now and tlien. The EIe< t ons < o nmit tee has gained much groaod in the Liit two da\s. it his foreed tbe ?eacral debatg to a close and seeured action on a numher of the niore impnrtant amendments offered to the hill in the ( omtnit'ee of the Whole. It has heen ah!e to maintain tlie. eoBtrol of the bedp aa every pTojaisition whleh has heen advaneed, and on niany it has had tbe Mtpport of the full party fUeagth. The EbtOtioO TTiII js now iu suefa shape that a linal vote rould he reaehed on it without iht -liahreat iujustiee to anv Senators who have aaiend nient-s to hriim fortb, iu live or si\ hoiirs. Mr, Hoar ean eonfidently ask for t!ie supporf of hia party aaaoeiatea for tbe little time new aeeeaaary to lomplete the list, and lie ean then turn over to the niajority the decisive <|iiestion ns to whather, after the linie for deltlieration is past, it will still ?abtail ta have linal aetion delnyed hy ohatroetion, pure and sitnple, on the parl of tiie minority. The pfOglcaa gMde to-day eonsisted ehiefly ia tlie adoption of ten or a do/en aniend.neins streniftheninB and bnpraviBg the hill, and the rejectioii, hy a vote to lav on the tahle, of a numlier of hostile ones hfoughl oiit hy the op position to enfeehle and dfaglgaic the nionaure. On only oiie roU-aall was there any real rontest., and.tlie rotnuiittee was sustained in that. e?se hy the deefding vote of the Vhe riMtaant only three Kepuhlhans jotned the uiinonty on that divisioti, hut sevt-ral Kepuhhean Senators were out of the Chaabet and lost their Votes. Ex^ept for an hoar or two thii aff.rno.m, the day'a letaion was rather tame and tedioua. The early gnarniag was wagaai in a tearefa after a qaoniB), and the rest of the time, up to j p. n... was eeenpiad by iprrohan by Meaara> Faulkner and Daniel, whoeasily emptie.nV ehate her. T'ne Senate Root was UttOICd all day with papera and doeaaaenta, and -there was a peneril iir of disorder and eanfaatajg thoal the Senate wbiefa was (|'tite oal al keepins with its aaaal appearaoee. The Senators ifaeiaaflvea ahowed few sitns of bttigae and tnlkcd in as ?reat goad temper and with a? inueh spirit aa nsual. A tew eoatd be seen now and then. lyinn on lounttes in the cloak-Moni*. hrtt there were no patent traees of sleeple?sr.e.-a or fatiaue. The nallenes were \%ell lilled durimr the day, hut were never erowded, owlag perhapa to tlie popalar Impwaalon tbal the erisis of the ?traggle is still abead and that its aore intorest \'.x phase will not he developed uutil perhaps the iniddle of ne\t week. For the tirsi tnne in the life of this <onj;r,sg t'ne hig laatera in the doaae of the Capitol hamed bteadUy all tbrougfa tlie nlght, and at da.vhreik tbe Bag whlefa iadicatea tbal the Senate i? la se sioii lioisted protnptly on its statl' to ihoW that the Rghl over t'ne Elertion hill w.ts still ,.n. There w$m little, bowever, to ibow at hreakfast time for the Bigbt'e WOrk, for se\eral hoiirs of the early BHHIllffg had U-en 8|ient vain ly in endeavora to seenre a qoonnn, raaay sen? ators on hoth snles havtag stoien away to .oiiniiitt.e rooBM or to their botaea to get a few houis' liiio h-needeil rOOt. Mr. Faulkner took the Ooor aboai 11 o'ehaal laal nlgfatt to apeak npoo an auendatent whieh he had offered to the LodgC hill. providing cluefly that the eleetion boarda authorized by it shonld have ?'Trietly ndnlaterlal or elerieal fnnartegg. iba ihls proposition the Wesi Vir.inia Senator held the nVmr for aearly twelve etraight baara, hia gpeech having ix'en lagpenoVd for prrbapg a tlurd of that time hy the proegedlngg enter-d imo to aei'iire The presenre ol a <|iiornni. lliii loag streteh of argunient eatried the Senate nearly throughathe tirst tweoty*four hours of its sesslon, and when Mr. Haniel, of Viruinia, /ot up to cott tiniie Mr. Faulkner's thetr.e. it WM thought perhap.s the Virgiaia orator would attetnpt to lireak the reoord Jaet made by his ?elghbot in iiins power and phyaieal eadaraaee. Mr. Danari (ot nr^l. howerer, in ? iew hoara, and the Faalk uer atneudnient WM lald MaaB by tegcfal mxi x'tit for the time being. Mr. Uornaaa tbM theBdoaed his laetbM of dilatory dohate for awbUe, and * number ol aateadmenta were takea up ii order and diapoeed of. Two hrought forwanl l>\ Mr Vest, t.ire, as he said. the tWO niost defecte of the btll, were laid on tbetabki i>\ aueeeaaive votea ol ?'>-' and 13 to ?-*">. So Be? puMiean krined the Dentocratain aupport ?>t etthff. Ihe tlr?t atnendnient aoughl t<> have two rkiof auperviaora, <n oppuaite pvlitteal faith, appeiated in e.nh eoiinty or distrnt, insiead of one, UB the bope oi thns paralyzing all etlteient actton. The aecoiul Invalidiited the whole ele tion law In eaao one of the petitionera tor it* application lurned ,,it noi to be a ii.lly mitheatieated ctti/en of ihe IHited Statea, an actual refident ..f tbe diatrict <>r city, and a lawfal roter. Mr. Iloar, at \lr. Wolcott'e avgge?tlon, added a .lause to the Idll providing for tbe pua Uhment of any petitioner who i? not ? lawfal , i,i/en. a reaident and a voter. ??n a tuheequent ameudmeut, oitered by Mr. Keagan. oi Tes -, ior ihe ptildiention of tlie Ifara >>i petitionera, t ? Senate illvlded eiiually, .-(o to 10, aad the Vi e Prealdent gnve the deeidiag vohe neeeanry to lav the ainendinent OB the table. Mentra. Stewort, leller and Wo|. ott joitcd tia Democrata "ti tlns \ote. l>ut they decfarad themaelvea aatUned afterward with a m?dilled proviaion for publicity t>> fie embodied in l ?<? Wl| I.v tl.immirtee. 'ihe ixnumittee In faet onVred iiihaeqiiently a nuud'er of minor araendmenta niuoa were agreed t.. withoul oppoaitloa, ehanglng tlaf iull in tbe dire.Tion of gteatnuT litnitation on tlaf powera of the twperdaoft. Mioiily hefore l ocloek Mr. Conaan made .?? protesl agaiual the evpeditloua way in whieh the Repuhlicana were dltpoafag of Inotile amendtnenta by Utying thetn on tiie tahle. II" aaaooneed in a ihreatenlng way that the nnnortty gaahl ?ee tlnt it u">t all the time it , wanted and hint'd at lUbaaaeringj if Mr. Iloir persiMed in inaking progreaa. This otitlmrst had a eurloua effecl on Mr. stewnri, ol Neyada, Mr. (iortnan's lendtng aanjatanl on the Kcpuhlienn side, and he took the lloor and dnfted int<> ? apeeet on the daagar ?f the veta pwwer and other cqualiy pertlneat topiea, eleeiag with the ateteaatnl thaa he would niovp at tle prepeff flh** to peoaaBfa the hill to the Committee ?n PritrUegei Bted Kl"d tions. At ?! o'eloek by n.utual eoneenl a tracgj in the content wm arraaged, and the s?aate ad* Juaxaad until 11 o'cloek Mooday. . DETAILfi <>F THE 8TBCGOLE, wMbiagton, Jan. 17.-A roD-eall wkleh waa takea at 3 a. tn. na iv.poni'.-d to I.v forty three ntemVr., of whom only elghl iMe?.rs. (all, I'.iiUrell, D.mtel. Fanlkncr. Uoraaan, Harria, tanee, of Arkaaoaa, and I'a-.oi a*ece DaaatCieAa, Sot.n afteiuurtl Mr. Evjrt-., who had l.ecn arou.ed from hi. ihRMJ at hnnie by one of the me..eiiKer. of t(je 8Brgeaat al Artn.. presentcd hnn-elf in the making thc number prcscnl forlv four, or one >hwrt of a .piorum. Bui that ono | bMBall &euator did noi towc, and as uo loaiaOM