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HOME NEWa PROMINF.NT AKIMVA1.S ATTIIK IIOTKLS. IIFTU AVENPE >i'iiit"r William !> Wa.htmrn. of WlnaiTll II. Ul M vv .1. y- MedBBB, Mlnlster foi M, ?? raaua a', Paria. WB?XKIN8TEJl-lllaa I.ydia Thomp. ?..ii. WimaOlt?I ..ii-r.'?maii Jam". J. llolden, of by.-a cuse. WHAT 18 GOING 021 TO-DAY. mu of th- naacala do PHaiaaaato, Matlaaa bufv Oarden. t nataal Caaaattlee af the Brtdge Traateea, 8 30 a. aa. Aiin.iai neeUna of lbe BdtiBa 04a?rral Eteetrk Caaaaaay, Ko 12 iii.iaii-.i. Bcaaa I ipeefal ni"otinc 2 m. m. riky 1.iili.m AaanrlBtlim llmaduay TaWnacle. 11 30 \ moetlnii of the Eaatern DlJponsary, No. 57 r? \ *t.. ?' I'. ?? alwaaaaa al Batgera Fomaie Coiieiro. 2 r>. m. ?aa SUam-hT;, ind Rallway AMOrlaUon, Wlnd-'.r HOV'1. (.j.-ilrnr i.f tho Marrarot Iataaaa Home. N... 14 Eaat BiM.onth-st., 8 )?. BB. BrpabUcaa <ltil> annnal olectlon. Xo. 450 Fifth-ave.. fj |, l:.. Xow-Vork Aeademv al Beleneea, lianiiiton BaB. Comra bla Caaleaaa, I i' ... iiail of Blaiindnidale Brothorv eaaptoyea, Centrai Turn Vr ni, ovoninr. llonjiltal Satmiiay and Sunday Assoclatlon, St. 1*888*8 H<?pital. 8 P- ni. Badonnrd raataia' and BaadM proai-hera' mootins*. ramuiallaaal <"1ut>, No. :-2 Weat Twenty-thlrd-at.. 11.1 1'. ni Oi^nli.t; of now houif of th' llmovor Club. Bodford aVi'. und n?ln'v.t . 111.nklvn, 8 p. ni. aaarrlcan rnatlaaaaHi ?nd Arekaaaatogleal Battatr, Ba. 101 Kfl't Tw.nti.t i-t . 8 14 \< in 1'riion Vetetea Legton, No. III flwienaat-aa., Brnok lyn. Hnll of tho Orrt.r ol Fnroster*. I.onox Lyreum. ev.ntne plaati at tho ronfederate Ve?eran Caanj of xew.jonov, lUw.Yarh h..m B p. aa. Aiui'iil ni."tiii-.. ol the -2-<l Regaaaat Vctenn Orp*. Xo. d i'nion Bojaaie. 8 n. m. EaftertalBlwl-t bj thc ( utlirdral Athl'tii- Soeiety. Bor kel' y Lyronni. evealag. Boni.ho nf th" OtegBO Imprnvement Company, Xo. 64 Wali-.-t.. 1:18 a. m, lunnrr of Hi- Aaaoelated Plonoors of the Terrltorlal Pa\? of talif..)iiia. MoreMVa, exonlna. - ? ? NEW-YORK CITY. The fit. Pntriik-- Alliaan.e Aswx-intion ha; elei'ted Ibeae ofBrera f..r i??i: Peder Lynek, prosident; fctepiion Morrtaay, aeeretary; aad John ovonnrii. trea--nrcr. I'atrlok I.i.umii. ii prornineiit wrni'." r of tlie GaCi. f.o<'iety. aud w. II Ki:mra f.>r tho daeaey wtth wblrh he .an miivr:-.' m tho aaeienl toagaaaa nf nM Erin. lortuvori ii;t evenlng Ln Clnreridon HaU. andei the nuipicos (.f (ne Mataear r.'iai Abrtlneaee Aaatwlatlon, to a pn.Kl M7.cil iiiidioii.a.. 11p.u1 " Tlio Irish Knre: Tliclr Trials and Thelr Trlnmpba." in aM ol tlie fiiiirt f"r the ortfiiou al a Banaaieal ta iho Baener) >f 111? Rev. Ti.-.iiiiM Mathew, feneralti luwwrn as " Fatlier Hkaaaar,1 the wlebrated leaiperaare artarhar, laa Jeaalla ..]?-n<-?i a aalaalnn vaajieraAjr, lo eeottnae thrce weeli-, In the ciiur li of Bt, Franarta Xavter, ln Weaa afcrteeatB-at. The Oenaaa braneh 'f the YoanR Bfea'a Ckrlatlan Aaao.latlf.ii, wi-.o-o badMlag is al Koa. 140 aad 14S HBOond-ave.. nouv Blnlh-at., wlebfBtea it- tentli jhi nlver-ary to-ni.iriiiw m.-lit ai the imirtocnTli street Presbytexlan CBareR. laa aragraaaaie "f tae eveii ing ciiusi.-tR ..f aa aaMresta "f wvleoaae bj the naaior of the chunh. the Rev. II. T. Mratareai, tho readlng ?f au alaliarl "i the aunaal repori by Ihe aeeretary, brtef romniittoc re]...n b] ?nembera ?l Um Baaoriattea, -Itu' iiia by a male qaartet, aad an aBdresa bjr thc E. liuber, of Baltlaaere, St. Mary's Pr.ile.lant F.pNropal Clmrrh of Ifotl lUivon arttl givi' an eatcrtalnnMsni f.>r th-^ benefll of the debt fimd of Ihe rhnrei al the Harleaa braach of tl?e Y. M. C. A. Ih- evening. Mi>s Carrie Loulae Ray, ihe ?looutioniit, in- been engaged lo re?d al the en t^itHinnient. Maa Ellnor Caaghlan, aojo aoprano, of ?ni%-ary Molhflll 1 i'l''-">pal <' Ilarloui: II. r. Caafc, planist, and a malc qaartet hae8 eonaeated to BBJBMa The parishlonor-, nl Bt. Joaeah'a Charrh, in Blxth ave., bave ejoaitrlbaled B8O0 to hrip eaable Father liealy to rebuild bla rhnrch In Weal FoorteenUi -t.. whlch was burned B arn 1.ntly. Ex-Vtudpe NohIi Davta "ili <i"livoi Ihe anrtrets ai the alxtli annlvei-sary ol the Ynang Mcn's Institute. Ko. 223 Bovery. 88 in'.inr.v avening. GUmonya band will cive h romeit in the Metropol Itan Opera Honso Kunnniiw evening, in ald of Bt Mary's Lodsring-House for lla?naleej Olrls. In West Paaa^aeataVaa. Tbe swond "carncviMt/unc*' of the Arton fVidetv ?arUI tahe pliwe next Satnraay evening at the cluri house. F1fty-nintl)!-t. nnd I'arlt ata. Miaa Ida M. Van la ir-i.onse to a requeft Irom the ffadaiallnn ol lahor, arlU 20 ta Oaasranatl thia weeh, to organizc a wxaln-Bwoaaea'a learlety. Tlio Rev. ?r. a. K a^tredfe wtll repead the ad Brtav. whieh he pava before Ihe Slate AaaoeJslkMi oa ??The wor* of the Holy sptrtt" at a awettag '>f tho Mew-Yoa. aundav .-. I....1 Aaaoetatloa in the Coiteglate rburch, at FMthave. aad Twontv nlatB-at,, thl? even ing. Dr. BriwWfBer arlll spcak oa "The Tcarher's iKriowledge of tlie Word In .-pot-.' The Rev. Arthar M. Ctarha rloeed ihe Bahwloa ye? ?erdar in Ihe. Chareh ol the PaaMal Fathers by a ser mon on arpaiauvtrnriee-' ln Ihe eveaJag the Bav. M. BA flmlth opened a nii--ton for nmrrtcd men. The fortv.f.anri'i annlveraary ol tho oaraaan i.iedor ipaajiE wa* .?ei.-i.fiiied in aa aapwrjntate nanner on teaaturday i-T<-: ?-? The Januiuv awetlni ol Ihe Qtiill Clah wUI I"- baM Bo-morrow eveinni: al ' Uttifa, Ko. 89 Weal Twntg lMrd-<t, The aahjerl 10 bt dbi-uMed ?m be "Whal jkro Uie Reciui?it<> for a Baalneaa r/lu'ati.m:' The Bev. Eira b\ Ii'l'l". the pa?tor of Bt, Uhe'a ?Mawk-al IplaeoiJal fhureh. In ?c-t Horty-flrat-st. ,rare an _v_8aatta| I'.-H'i.- 11 bla aeraaon J[e?terda> morning m the ihai.I remiidf^Beea of Bnaaa Ab tv.rt. wIm allaadrd m. iV_ae?B Chmreb for four year. tttiova i*cr dcatli. _ THE CMViMEB* nOMM-BOVXD. The mticism aaade at aaeaa ol the aaaara reatarday that the lommoiid.r-. ..f the rrateen PhlladelBlJa and cruo*?o deiayed aaiag to aea on Satarday becaajae of ahelr un 1?-?- ni dlaeaaailoel trsaa the bad ?we*th?r was eiUlrely Bjat-lton*. Tho reaaela re anamea ln port aa aee4mnt ol the aaena. that ta arua but baaaaae H araa mn deeaaaal wtae t" ao ?nt in the fane of botaterooa weather and hara a greal BeaU of ?ihi1 witimut nwhlng Buwh headway, when ttexei w_s no laBaaratlve neceaalty for U. Tae I'hiia aelpkta will pis.l.ahlv -ail to-day. and it is pi.--il.l' that the thicHgo avas alao pja, bal tha departnre of tiu; ia?er will depenii apoB wbether a Mi of the nutfhlnerj whieh beottiue dwang d ea faUarday afteriuM.n ian be repaired ln tlme. _M arttl irt--t awa| as ...on as pos ?ible and go direct to vrhere K-ar-AdmlruJ john ti. waiker aad Lleatenaal T. K. M. Maaon, iho ?cw fleot pwaitrj aaleer, aiB Kda ihe iweael. Tras oflioert <>f laa Clueaga ar-': Adaklral'a ataff. Xleuttnainl B. H. Ilu.?km^liain. ?.Mi-.-taty. and I.lniten itnt aidiiey U. Btaanton, liai: Beataaaat; Captala H. B. Bobeaon, Beal eaptala; Medleal Inapeetor T. C. ?\valu_s tli-et aarsxaoa; 1 blef BnaTlnrier a_w_rd Faraaer, aest e-gtneer: Payaaaater B. V. WfaKaheeaa. Beal imyofficer; Cai.tam U. <'. aW id, flm marine. offlc-r: the Rev. A. A. MeAJIIater, leel chaplalai; Uaateoant fomiuatider bt B. 8. Machiaiale, exeeatlve oaVer; Liaajtanain inivni.n.i P. aValgera, aavlgator; i.i -u tenaaats J. A. II. BlcheU, J. Ilabbard. \V. II. m hwiia. A. M. Kmght and w. F. FnUara; Baatgaa A. P. NibUvcX vi. W. Ha^u aad B. I. Wthetapijon: Xaval i :vl?u A- h- HoB, N. C Tii.ii.ii.k. W. V. Pn_ts B. E. KiweOa, L. M. Nuli..n. II. r?. Seumann. <'. X. orn.-y and w. K. Har,.-..':: Paaaed AaalatantBaraeon .1. <'. liiirus. .Vaaisnanl -la-vni J. K. Whiiileld, Pasaed A-si-tiitit Engliieerti R. K. Lelich ;u.d F. 11. Balley, and Aa?t?Uvnl Bnirtneei J. s. MeKewn. Thc aanm ol Ui ofdcajra ?f the 1'lnladc-lphia vver? ?aubllahed in The Trlbane a law da\> aun. HE PA1B P00 in '.in- you BIEMXO 111:1: llenry swift. tae aon of ex-aerfeanl Bwtft, who hal heen lochad Uf la Ihe Baeea Marhel prlaon sime Fri d..y. oa aaaaai ??<? "i bavlng abdncted Flora i-nt.-iiix-.rK, aajad nft.'i,. whoae father BoJoaaon 1- proprMor <>f Good/.-ll.>vvs Ilall. at KoB. 77 and 71* E--.-A -t.. BH divc-baivd by Juallce Murray la tha Baaea Marhel I'ulire (iiuri reaterday ?ornlng The ^'iri was fiMimi a,t larrlea wtth tae fiuaUy ol Mt-s. Meyer at Ko. I.08>1 l'urk;i\e. >iio waa ln eoarl yeaterday ami promptly Bjuaiaialcal yoauig awiri frtma any compUcIty la ner laavlag home. .\ weeh ai;., yeaterday -Ur. waa found Btaalng >wift in the iU_h-roo_ ;ii a ball. f..r whlch ^lH? waa ."iiii'i. Bbe bename angry and lefl l.'.ino M.u.dav nornlng. Her frienda at oaee Jnmped to the eoarluaioti that -wift hud aooMthlng to ilu vmii ner Olaapi^-arani.'. ai,l wlMD no lra<<; ol Iit-r (ould bc found by Frlday, he ??, arresterf. FffFF EJKJTVBMM I.v 7//E pruuc tCMOOlM. The aee.Mid ea?raa of frw hKharaa lo tha p"oiiie andor the ikusplees of the Board ?.f Ediication. w1|) befrtw thls eveninu at 8 o'eloeh ln ili dlfferent mIiooI-. ln lirammar ischool Xo. 15, Xo. TB8 Flfthst., I?r Plaher will lea'ture on " Iiidia.." ln (iramniar S. h.a.l iia. 27 Profeasor Ogden Doremua will speah on " Flre and Water," iii ..laminar M-h.mi N<>. 49 B. BoBrte ?rUI teU >,f '?I'' in i.nim.iiar BehOOl Ra, '.1 Mr. I'ullrii wiii dearrlbe the "Ctty ol atealra." ln Oraramar Kchool Na. -?_ Dr, Ncwromb nnIII teU "f ^Every Daj Arrldenla and llow t.> Trral '" and In ftfnmmar s.<)i.H,i Xo. ?:; !?:? !",--,,:? I:,-!-- wUI dearribe "The Wnn (l.r- ,.f ti?. Henvens." The bsrtnrea will be IBuati it< I und will be f.ill .-f Interea! an.i Inarrnrtton. They .stiouid bo vi-it.-rt by large nnmbers ..: people. AFFAIRS IN BROOKLYN. THE 1 AITAIX MIOT THK MAN'8 EAR OFP. .loini Olaea, tbe taptaln ,.f tbe B_ud--cow Vleta, tylng at tbe ater ..i '?? ? >' -'?? wa/ ilrtlng ln tbe rabln i ?,f bia beavl i..-t algbl a-aen be bear. a notae on de k nnd taohed out lie aaw b Btraoae man Btandlng tbere | aaa .-aiM oat to bim and aaked uiiat he waa dotnit. , Tlie Btranger made no reapoaae aad after a aeroad rall Otaan drew a ravolver and aeo! a i-nli'-t ln tbe dln . don ! of ii., Intruder. Tbe ballel \N.'nt Uaroaali the vMtor'a j r.-u- and be itarted oa ;. raa f<>r the Flral Prai tatf noll. e staiiun. wherc be - ild hia name was Andrtrw E. ivt'-r Ben. ll'- "as -ri.iit\ one years oW and Uved al mu Ridge. The pollce tlien wenl after Olsen. who Identi lifsit Pelersen hi, the man bo -..?'. PetersenN ear, whirh wu- imi si'v.-.-.-I-, Injured, was dressed, and. a he roold elve nn sntMnrtory rea-son for belna on tne acow, l.r va- I, I.i for attenipted burglary. Ol en waa ltiCBed np f">- f'-I?,i:i'>ii- :i--anlt. BOLD TIIH-.VK.s ROB \ JEWELRY BTORB. A aoM and daring robbery oecarred m Wllllatna burir nn Batarday night, when Ihrae Bien, altar fa -.?? lag the foor ol tba Jewelry st.w ,.f Henry J. I. No. _7_ Wytbe-ave., amaahed tbe piate.ln- wtndow aad BtatothreegoM wai-l, -. Mr. ..,'-. lhe proprle,tor ,,f tba itare, "a- ni Ihe rear oi ihe ntnre ai lhe time. antl hearlng Ihe . ra?h .an t,. tbe ?! <or. whlrh be muihi Ia?tened. severul people >vii.> were pa**tag, nenring tne rraah. ran lo the ator*. Tlie ihieves. howi ver, had by thia,time made go -d their eacape. DetactJi -- are at work i.n tbe < ai e. ___?? ? ? siik \v\XT> DAMAGE- FOB A BBOKEN VBO. BaM in.s beea began In the Bnpreroe Coarl ..f Klnga cni-.nty by Ml- K-ta K. Ford, through her father, Bauauel B. K.-rd, t<> aeeare #K).<?k? from Crawford _ Valenttne, tt.<- weU-hnown rontractorB. The yoang wr.maii -avs tbal abe nniis drlvtng Iii Sarkett-st.. on .lulv i~ ia-i when the hoiae beenmo Irighfvned ni ? sieniM rollct n-'-'l bi im- defendjinta ln repalring Uie pavcment ln lhe al'rret. The horn: ran w ij and Bhe ?as tbruwn Irom n.c carrtage and recelved ., fractare "1 Uie leg. _ ___ gathebH-d ABorr thk town. Blshop LougMIn haa deellncd t- lil lor Ihe marble i h.i-i whlrh ln- people engaged a aralptor t<> mahe f". lhe Bea Honse. poBre r.,niini--i"n,.i- Itayden haa Jaal prepared a reporl whk-b ahnwa thal there are l.'l- war vetcran^ ,,,, ihe poBee forve. Thc-e vetemns are emptayed n folrowa: Two Inapectoi . 0 rapUiins, il dcteriivi rct (?i-ani-. 2a acrgeiinla, a h legraph opci Un , - ' 'unda ,:?.?. ,;i patrolmen, h dooonen, nnd _ bridgel.pei , f,,iiinii.-sii,n.-i llayden hlmaell mahen up the I I* Bemord Doyk). a barl.per. ol No. 50 I'nderhlll uv,... la-t '-\. ilng i."t I'"- i M'.'iiin,' -- and B Martin, polltemen. allarhed lo Ihe reiith Prerlnrl. and lold them Ihal Wa annl. Ann Kler.utn, BRy Bve ??'.. ,,ld, had noi been -,-n lor aeven daya. Wllh hln wenl lo her bome, So. T-i Uean *t.. ln Investlgate, They tound Ibe upartmenl* i- ked, I il lorred npcn the door. Mhe ?.,- Itilng uprlghl ?n the ifa ln Imji room, wit'i her pmyar-beada In lier hamU, dead. II i- ihoagbl -in- bad been dr.,.1 heveral dnya. ?i,v treasarer ol the fund ral cd for Ihe wld rw nl ,i. .1. (laii'v. Ihe l"'!. emaif mardrred ii) ->i---': \V, i. ,. portfl tbal al lhe i>all given bjr tlie Xlnlb ?'ard A. r. ciiapin (inl. reccntly over ?-l.000 waa :,,"i. Brigadier-ttencral MeLecr will wr\l<r? lhe NUi Bcgl ??':- ,i,j, evenlng a! tbe armory, In North Porthi d ave Tlie marliBinen'a badgea will al . be pn Tlw Borlcty "i Old Brooklynllca atlended aervlre yesterday nflei. '" I " -t Presbylertan fhurrh, ,? iienry-si, The pasmr. Itic Rev. Dr, Charh I I berl Hali, deBvcred I.erm >n. XEUS OF TUE LABOR VXIOX8. SOC1AU8TS 10 RA1SE 1.0,000 10 BUFPOBT bTRlKEKB. Jamee P. ArrhibaUi. presided al the meetlna ol lli" Cemral Labor I'nlon yeaterdav. The Rmpire m,: \,aorla1.f -team Rnllw^j Bmployea wlllidrew from lhe Ccntral I nlon. The W.I i? n"'- '?""?" ?" Boaacedthal wood-carving wa. lo b Inlrodi.i Mibnrn BUte PHson, and a revilntlon pn te llOB BPHil s,?h actlon .,:. Un- parl "I lhe Btate anthorli!* - i pM-ed. A eomrotttee waa appolntod lo wulcb labor Icaj-Blatlon ln Altauiy. \t the meetlng ol the Central Ubnr Rede ation. bo etallita. a seheme to raiae a rtriha fund of ? wa formnlated and adopted. n waa r. *olved lo a* every Biember lw<.la a month, lo reeclve cnntrl bntions from nnl n and tadlvldnala, -md t-- glve pl. nlca and entertaluroenK lhe p weeda lo be addcd W Thestriheon lhe new Tarhlsb '.?!,- al nne-lmnared and-twentN Blth-l. and Madlaonaye has been .le, Z aa .-nd UN ihe Biaird ol Walklng ? cpii . wbi ,?',:, iwb-det- tlial tl;. ??'???.. ? ? ' ?' ? ion Marble I ui paiiv. wb ?e in. ,M uwanl Kili-atriek. the bullde. ?1 the hdl?..n BulMins for damagi . on lhe ground llial he aaa ll c Instlgator ol the tronble. \ meetins of workiogwomen undf-r t'i'- au PU '' 't the. tEShlii|'Women'-lely. will I" held Iii ,i-..,...? .-?- .-1..IP-I. Mi-.. Marj Porte and Mi \le. in'der Prcwer .re ann mneed ?<- Ihe nrli. Ipal -i 'it.'r.nir. Jan l?. In order ha* beani l??wd 1" he emnloves ol tl ? ? tmbria Iron fonmany, Uitiim tbal ' V.-l'inarv 1 v...... would )? redi.rH 10 ,..-:? reat. Thia reductlon Indudea 5.000 men, Iron-wcarb era und nilner*. , , ,.,. 11,1,1.1.".. Jan. 1-. Tlie ruUtiine roi.tra-lo n i ht rtaro at a meettau t.^daj ofl.I ?? ' ? t"';- ' ? ?"? **> j,,. i,..i,,n. Jomneymen. ln n.- niatter nl ? ii..!.. and In making Uie Inlllation U-- l..r ii ] ? man wlK. wlsli. ." a . ??r>"<? *'*"w' ,,f ,-i.:;.,.. a- nrtglnall) propo*cd. rhe fioti r? - ,..-iii.t,-.l lo Journeviiieii who I ivc worked u tln ritr iwo vears i-ihi w-utlvrty. II ? hr-Hrvaa ihe. ? ?; !,r-i,,n J.-..I i" an amlrable -ettleroenl of Ibe Um kout. _^ _ m NOXVNION PRINTERS ON "THE IVaSTON PO.-.T." li,,-,.,,,. jan. 1- -i""al . - in ? I." I?n Pn t" la lo i? , ,,?,,.??:.,.. ,-i.i l.-'..i?i,t. ll"- pr I't-.'t ?.- ol Un newapaper quletly rolterted a forre ol non unbm men and on Balurda] Informcd lhe foreman tliat th. men wowld nd be necded any l(?ig(?r. "Tbe f.,t.- i ... underst.I, d(*i * i make Uie i-hange albigelber loi ,?. ??., ol : ?du.l.n. ti.'- pri.e |km ili'.u-iini ".' ? ,, Srgeli f?r tbe i?..|.I.'t'"'"^ "- ?'? " >'?' i,V- 'ti N.,i, .ii 'J'-'ail- ttlatlve lo the i .ni|a. n l ra" year '-"-"' Ibe i'"" lorked ?ai( Ua nrlnters Tlie iicwspaper struggk-d on lor a few ?-, aKfiaallT. *hen iiearlj dead. K M. Ita, a. aerarad roiitrol, barked by -everal wrallhy 14".'--, " haaalnee then been a unlon ofli.e. riw unloi. prlnU'rs ,' ,1,. ,.|i' WiU bojd a ' ' ; I II 'I.! nexi Katurdav evenliiir. when Ibe aetion ..f - the Po I managera wiU be dei .unced. TIf/: BRT. T/lOMIs- BABBIBOB'S BEVIVAL. Tl.c lC'-v. Thomai llarrl?on baa been buJdlng a revival wltb ln- awastomed earneatnesa ai Uie >??-? enteentb Btreel Methodiat Chnrrh for Ihe laal two weeka. He prearBe<l 1:' ' D,'bl nstoualbly npon the theme. "A Beautlful VVomau Man'a Huln," bul the' parl "f hia aerm-jn wa a dlretl appeal t-> ' ,', wl. Judgmc t la alreadj - .iivlnred, who ?? ,,?,-, io,?e ,- -li.T.-'t and whoae "ill- iiughl lo yleld before the luct thal thny aro pussing U. a deatli ni* and unceriainty, and ., awall the Judleiui aentenre ol co demnalion, and Ond their plaee among A uamber af meB and boya anaoanred thett con versiuu. _. MLESB1S0 .1 .M.U,0.V/Ti: CHAFEL. ?V'.u. Maronlte Byriana opened theur rhapel al No. IS7 a/aahington-at. yealeraay mornlng. Tbe reiemooy ol ll-il?,nn,ii w;is |ii.-if,,nn,-il i>) tbe lii-v. .amea II. M< ,-???.. ?.i Bl. Peter'a rhurrh, wbo repre*ente<t Arrh idStm a rrigan. Maaa waa then eelelarata.1 by FBther i.,.,.-! the Maronlte pastor, uccording i" ibe Maroiiite ,,.,? ' Uie reremonle rd Ibe dedlratlon ?ere ln tlw Lattn langaage, and the ...a-s was ,.ua In nld Byriac. ? ??? AQ1TATIOS or/;/; .i.v ISAUGUBAl BALL. >laill-'.n (Wla.) krtter in The Mllwaukee Bentlnel. Tiicre aeema to have been ?ome mliunderslanrting .,_. ,.,, |, aua-ural 'all. a- to wlietber Ihe r< ra Ion uill be a full dr, -- aHalr or not. ol < >ur?e lhe lu iires^lon :.t iii t waa thal II would be aurli. heveral u,ch- ago, however, tlie Madlaon rerrption i-oniiiili ,,, und ? ''A/tl thal tlie Milwaukee penplc, Incliulliig tn, iidi.-- ..f tin- tiovernorek-ct's lamily, would ipite-ir ln ordlnarj -tr.-i >i. ?-- and llial io dlsplai would i ,,,,,,1, ||| |, i-|,il ? Wlth ii.-' I'lan "I IIO ostcili ll ? Vftlng nn tlil undei tandliiii tlie Madl on iollts aereed i? emulate tlie .i.-'-i ? ...I m slnipJirit) ol MBwaukec Then tl.'i. ptaiia were upsel l>) n leller Irom l'luiirni_ii ].- , \\.,ii ;,, Mr . \Nail. who wa- vlalting Mrw. VIM* piomuliraling Uie Inlormatlon thul Uas Mllwaukee i.dii- m,,,,1.1 apiiear ln evenlng dress nnd tlial llie eentlmcii would waar rlawhaniinera,. Surli a lusli M.urre <>f lnf?ruiatloii ?ra_ i-,--,i,-.i..l a- Hual. an?1 Ihe Madi-,:. ladlcH --I tlieil ili.--..u:il?-i-s al work. Tli.-n furtner inlormatlon eame Ihal M.-. liecnge IVrb und her dauphter ln b?w had ordered ilielr rweiilion ,1|.-.-.-- lu X.v. Vork nnd fnnii llnt li.m- ,n lli- Madi -un ladi.'s have \i,?i wllli earb otlier In Ihcir efforta al keriiring gorgeoui atUr Mllwaukee iadbi. abo roroe t,< the receptlon ln -tr.-ii rostun.e will ,.,,,: rertalnly l"- >a-i ln tl." ahade i,\ their elaboralely Bttired MndlsO'i frlend?. i ? laal llmc thal tliere waa a btrge atb i d in. ? "f Nllwau keeana at nn aitan ?,f ihl? klnd wa the InaiisuraUou >f tiovernor Hmltli and ti,.-,, cverythlng v ,- extreme|> dreaay. >..n,,- people here belleved Ihal th. rrowd this ><?.-.. waa I.. '.,<? more >>f b ?'hoop-H up klnd and every one would wear ..Id rlothea aud make a aotsa hs poaalble. Neverthelesa, it i- now ea iktuii lhat there wifl be enaugh dreaa t., rnake lhe .itTal^ !n lhe Asaembly cbambcr as "swagger" ns any I uf Ua predcic-biOia. AbKolntelj tiie J*vst. A pare '-r-ani .,' tattar powder. All U* togtedleau aaed are pare and wholi iome, and are publlahed oa avery label. One trlal provea it.- wperlnrity. i l.l.Vl.l. VNU i:\M\.. POWDEB CO.. ,.| ,1, ... Um SI v V..rk. XKWS FROM NEW-JERSEY. JEUSEY CITY. 18 IT \ VIOLATION OF THE IIKAITH LAWS1 Oewrge w. Petersen, a Repuldli w member '.f the Board of ln. ..:.-? and thc ipi tei li nl --i Ihe I litod suies i:\j.ri-- -i:ii.|i-, Iim derlared war agninM Ihe jersey Htj Horse Man i I tatlon l oninanj. Thi. rmnpany ? .- 01 litln illy l ? ' "?? rrulltvan, whu, Mr. Pctci ? n wy*, nre H pi member* mrw. 'i be mi ipanj i cngaged n tbi ii,-. i.f . iiiiiiu n i Scw v urk ui .i i "V < It) .Bl tlK r? ' : lll I"'.- ]'.:: llf tl. ? iiv \.h.-i! ...hl. Thls maniirc h de|. 1 alonj de lbe I'.."* Railr wd ;,-.? k , tiltoiil I-' ? le I fnmi l*n avr., one ol th" nimi n-"<i Ihonnighfarc* ln ll Mr. |'.'i. i ."' .u that tl.nipany. afler olitnlnitu; the ma: lirp, I.'- fl il a: Ihi I'l." ? I1H8II "I'l 11 "I |? , un 1 mllj :i..'" ' '"I t-> 1.0041 I H.I "I II '". !' '" 'I 11" liislsb, lhai Un- 1- a violatioii .?' Uie rlly healtli ,,'.!: .... i-. Th.mptu ' ' \ lolallon f ir I ? reawtii that the i and Uial 1 ,,. li ? .. 1 ? |. 11 ?? ? 1 1 ? ?' U ? .1 ... .1 ; . ' ? '" 1 in 1... il ' Mr. I :. ??:, :: 1. ? .! 1 ? I. ? ' )?' lerdav lu- wiire oul ? n ': sulllvan. all. .? .1 1 ?. i??? ? violatiiti ? I lie penaltv I r.i ? , t?iii;i> 1,11 .1 warrai l ? ? a srnpRisE i-i' ??? vrui mr n.rn. Al ihe .' i." >rd "f ' .?>v. 11 Vthl. in 1 lu "' Ihe fool 1 all !??.... u .-.....-. iv . ie - ul ,1 ? 1 1 ! CT llf af* ' IV. liai" kfswiirth, | \ eniblym in ll< i n *? I" ?*V ihe ''"" ' ,r nl iho , lui., Mr. I- -ti . ?? ? thc very llr. ' 1 : ... v in I ? uj. ihal 11 will ? ??? ? Iho 1 llib ii I othi r Htti.i. Uve 1 1M11 Ihiit 1 panio! hip, ll fl iwl. I li-u-t Uial up for iu 1 "?, 1 ilic ? ,,f thc ? lui. Um op| ? ; i,. ;-i ., h ipele - ? I ., . , iii 1 I Mr. Ilawli iwoitli "? 1 ? ?? |>'> ? I'" '.. "1" ' . . ? ..1 . ,?;. nl 1,11 1 ? 1 ' ' ' ' lbe ? H.l. tl." 1" ' Wl '?" '!.''"':" ii.jii. n into ihe i'l ' He ,.i'i: - 1 wai t i" klll ll ? ? di rt ? ns ? rn and ii.iw I !'???.. r. I t 1 1 -1v , : .i ? lhai ll ?? ||.,i!l|. I ?.,!, .... ? I waiilhl , . II. ?l i ':i 1 h .11 opp ? ? ? . . -11 ui) I-"-' ' " Mr. Ilu ,,. :, w ,- :? . ? ?. ..1 ... 1 1 .. [hi (1 .'ilill ., . uial s in.'.'tin.-. ul i'i" ursii -?? "i ' ? ? ? will I-' held Ihi* 11 ... 1 , . , ? ?? . 1 i.1 Ihe rltli ..:.,'.. ? ? ? ? ?;???? ,.\cr '. < iimmlti '. ?lll li ln '?! ' 111 llull. Ilu .... ? - N.\!\'l IKLI> Reean -. .? i i II ,?o,,i . di i...-..-..\ "' W ii ... II. ? 1. pohllsl .1 In ? 1 ln PI ' ' -' N'"1 ??" -.?ii".il moi ll . .... I! . ? ' ?' ' 1 ' ..f iii..-I, wilh ilu) 'I 11I 880,< ... - nu ? 1 1 ,,,,.,. \|. . , .. . .1 i... 1..... pron '. ,| .?:.'.. .1. . ' ' '"'"' II ..ld UUI a I' ?!.- I . . ! ' ,! ,; lO llf". "' ' '?' ' "' i|... WOI ??! 1' ?? ' ? II " ' ' ' , hartred, i dU. r M?. ? ?. ' ? i ' |,f 11.111:1. :: II moi "I lll ?' : ?,.? t.f ..II Uial wa l ull fi r It" ivl ?'?. ' '" ''"'" "' , uui in ? ||??? ail'i'ii'in rn .'"'>' ' "'"'? .,, ....... rvllli . f..r I....I .ln ? I ! ? ? M'l : ? . ull l? t|?. |an ve lui utnnu '1 up Ilu ? ? . ttiid t.. ' . ? ? - ? ? l.i.iz \i;l.i 11. Tho Veteran / ? ulll piv? a 1 h| al Uu Ir ., ' '"' '?' m mj.II 1..,".'? .1 mlll i. v men fnmi ? u l??n i Uie .tat.' and from New-i .I'i H ?f |'\il,:i . uudei I'oinmaiul i. II. Illiod ?-. will i?. pre en1 al Uie affalr In full .i... rhe /?? . h ,v,. nenrly all urrangi ? ' i ompl l' d hir Un '. I. ive t..'i<? ..r tl.. Ni ti. i ?: '.'.- I. il ' . ahi. a||| m,i Um 1,, n .i ite .Thi imiiih < ?ip Will I"' Ni???'? ' "'? " ? '?' '?' ' :: ' '' |.aii in iin- irrenl Murdl uni .1 hn.n a |i i i.i '?.!', pu ird t" Ki: ? l.'"\. I ha r\|i yone lh~1 ' : -1, " " Blv ?' H mo t lu lllinnl .,. eptio . ire il i mi to mon ???'? n t al ii. i,-,-r- Ilall, ? :. .i. .,. . ? ? rt ra:..! \ numher ol \ .' ?? ' M> :ir<- .*x|.-. t"l Iii l" 1" 0"l ?' ' ?' : ? II ,? min mi ol (Villiaiii VVhHoii p. t lutiior i nm matider of Oahlgren l'" l imd . ..f Itje olde i mewi her ,.f tl.? .'a' i/.alion, i.i ik pl.. ?? i< le dai .? t .? in-i liaptisi rimn-li. i i \\ ? II. siheriner ,,,|.. inted i.. , ?! iu nni i >.i |i n .! , i!,.- fnn.-ral .- ? ?: t. 1 iie bnrial */a ul I i i ? ? leti i ? SKW VICK. Al tho ||| or) " I: ? I". I lll ? Ni Id .' '' . I i." ?' satiii'lav nlght, ihi". men '?".? i. .ii'> acaMed whlie removing tlie head ol a iteam rornpre or. Thej are Mi. l.a. I hlnslej. ,,f Xo. ?-?''. MfHu I.; J ihn Klei i. nl \... -I 1 |...!..? t.. and Mi. hael Hevln ?. '.f Xorth I'hiiil-t. T..<- damage lo Uie i-ompi Ing maehlnerj :- Bhonl 82.M0. ilabriel ?-. ii.v.iii. fonnerlj .. large loekholder ln th' Kili\ i' f'oflipany, wlilrli I noa In ih" ..f .i reeeiver, sernred . wrll ?' attarhmenl agalnal the . mtpany for PTO.fM'H on salurday aften.n. l in- Xewark I'aledonlan i lub will relebrato the i:;j.i aniuvcr n ol Ki l?eri Iturn '? l.lrthdu) by u dinner ..ii Monda ? ? ??..' ? '" ? . -'''? A uii-i'li'.n ol ll"' ' ' nt'-a! I'i' ' '' ii'.lih liii-in bew \ui! be held tn-nton.veiilng loihoose a nea nastor and ll i- ."? f '<?''? ". il ? ? ,;l '?'" hr- ?' ' ?? tn the Ri v. Mr. li tmlll, ol -' .1 '?? Mu Ile la iil.i.iit fortj >ll vi-.ii- and ul SeoUli Irl ii blrth. II \< K I N \. K I-l.ilip Mann I n Jall ? ? ' nn of havlng aaannlted i; ibcrl Mi I'??n iM. ll" wa - itui dny nlght, In the himae "i lf" um Vtm Winkle, ., rolored man, nl Paramn*. I>> ''". 'ible tianel \i| ? .!. ii ?;? all ol ii. :, uult. Mi Doiiald wa* bnrled ? r leidaj nRi rn wn. fjf 4/0 "J 8T. II i ?'.'.'?'" H0SP1 IL. .\ ,. ii th. Mi'! i" ?. ? l i ll" ii ,,., Hatii day nlahl " and bj ? num i ,,r Kdmund C slanum, a< I by the Anw I i Jullua .1. I.v. ii- ? , ."I'" '"t ' i ' ?,,. . ii m M nn - p . ? Blli 'I hy an ,,,,,r. rlatlve aud. Th pro rainn - ? . Man i.. ': A ll.. r M" Iin -.. lophon. oli i . i:.-- , \; . kli,,. . ii- bi "Atalla." ? "'? ,, ... II:.:.n lb II k ' ?-''? ?'ll" ; li, krena . ooa?, "Ok Kw hli r W lui W li^ler. irbea," I'".! M.-.-iii ii.auii -i". i""i' d- i ..a ert, Oroa. .i i'. malae, ..... a, Mi-- Anna K Bhar k dl i i "Don ijioiiuini," liaukin Janala Broeh; koloctlon iio.u ,, ,. ... ? nl ' BBBg, l-Vkert. Prauleta Ilann.Hi Retl ? , TanBbauaaer, orrh atra Morrla Dould ?i? j, ?.?. tnooa |ir--. nt wee BoaarR >..'??? , ,,? Be - i't 1.."d, Judga MeAdam, ; ageae t>wfj Dr. Beck and Mrs. n. U Ra r.'T. _ _ OTHEtt 8 UB UR BA N TO WN8. WKs'n HESTEB COUNTY. I.KDKA'H.xi, their NEW < IH Kt II. Tlm new Bt John'a Metbodlal Bpl ropal Chareh, ,t x,? Rnrhelle, whlrh was dedirated rc-terday, araa unexperedly irowaed al the asrvlcea. In .pite of the ..w,,iv ni ti-..- weather there wai a large number ,>f from Mounl Vcnion aml other aurroandlng t.,-. ii.. Blahop- .1 i I'. liiit?t nfflrlated al Uie dedlcatory ... Al D a. iii. there ? aa a " love feaat" la the ladiea' parlor, led by ti"- presldlag eBter, tha Bav. x. ... . heney. the mornlng asrvlcea were coodnrtod by tba pnatnr, the Ber. l>r. J. B. Whedon, the Blahop dellverlng Ihe lermon, A rhlldren's aervlce al ? ?*0 p. m. waa rondm led lor an boar by the Rev. Dr. C. C. VfrTalw, and al 3:30 there ru a taymen'a meetlng, ,,., . ,i?: ,,-. r bj John Btephenson, at whlrh a.H,-.---,?-> were made. by WlUiam M. Dcnnan, ,,f M.t Vernon; , \ emblyman Bradiord l!in,d.-s, L. A. Maynard aawl R. P. Carpenter. The dedlcatory lervlcea were In tlio ? ?n re rond u ???<i bj the BUhop. The Bav. i,,. <-. .. M,i Bbe preaehed the acrm. and after tlio dediratlon the buHdini waa lormallj preoented to tlio .i,. by the tni-i'-.'-. Kervlre. will be heM ln Ui1* new i inin-ii thronghoul thi- week. Tn nlghl there wUI he a rennlon and aorlal taik. when BiWresaee will )>o n,?i. b) forrner paatnra: there will be a regutar ehureh -,i\;,.. to-morrow night. A Iraternal meetlng wlH ba heM "i. Wedncdej evenlng, al whlrh addi.ei wUI be made hj the Rev. Messra. W. B. Waller. Bnberl B. i ,.? .-. Wllllam i:..- nnd r. E, Undaley. and the Rev \. i lammann. of the .-man MWIrndl I ' .rh. Mount Vernon. The i-?- nravermeeOng will be held on Tlnirs.iiv evenlng. ".. Priday eyi-nlng tne ., ..' the week will .!?-? wlth a M.-tl, ?ll-t inm i-t.-.-s- platforni meet n t, wl ri II - R.' Meaars.Ii nab ><i simmoi ? I. ?. li ."-'A. - O. i nrtlre nnd B. H. I,.-. will ipcak. Mra. Oraie VVclaei Darta will l' ? ergctle eervlres ln the new rhurrh on February 1. Rol'NT VERNON. The Bev, S. N, Wlilte, who baa l.mary in Ih ? BcM aboul fanton, f.'hlna, ; ,:? . \.".il yeara, and wl?> Is nn :. vlall wlth hl wlfe ,., ,i father li Inw. I harle* Martln. prearh -d :, ih, Presbyterlnn fhnn h ? ?? terday. Mr. Whlle al o ,,,! ti,. nl : , ...-. ol ii"' Mclhodlst , in,,, i, Mibbatri . i.l In the nftrn.n. . . ? 1 lie Ri > ? Dr. nv. K. ruffej. .'?? t .r ,f Ihe Bpl . opal . hun h at .,,. whieh bulld ? dal. ?ek t . lhe daj i ,,f iho Bcvnlutlon, nnd wlio i.'nlly underwenl a ,.,l ,,|, r.ii.'T ,i nt. LukeN lloapllal, . im i ,,i i,,i,i .... . . hnri!, yc terday. Ile -, . |,i dny. Dr. r-.i'.v. rn-atth .'-.- Ihnn lor ?n... .I |>? lla.ld "f llope I, a! B .Ilfhlj meetlng , |,apel ol lhe li< lormod fhui h yc tcrda) after IHI UI. V, iMll* PI.AINS. rhe li t will and le tamenl nf I \. , .. ,,... , . ,?? lhe M ? ?? 1'?" ? m " 'i i) ni i - home In ,>.tera, wne ,i (.? ,,:? ,i ? -,i<- ' "fii'i mi Katnrdaj, .-. |-:,. Il , brli I. Bl I Ihal ii parl ol h i.'-- ?'-''?? ?" Vonkera V . ,.??r.'. -Inll I"- -.'I'l. Wnlt.ll . I.i- home, ? ,. ii ? |l hali noi In ,!,, ,' . i , .-?, i, ? |, ?' d nl tl - >l- ol Bopui ? ' I.' ahflll I"' glVIMl ' ?I I N| ?? ,. \ll ihe i. -i ?! Ii i' ? it" !'"? -''?" ! ' ,lls 'v:-"' ?; . smd ln- ? i I''.-- 'I'' '""" ;, ... ]? II ,1 S? t-siii iii .-,-,!, "f ll e \alne ? ? , Irkcr. ol ? iscd lhe ,,:?.I'-.'. I ?' , nnd ? ? When nmipMed I." will ? ' "n> i , 'i i . .. ? ? '? le. ,,,,/,- re ' ;..,-?? ,.- ? .- were IglfBaYd I Ibe Whlte II i li imi ' ? mcti ry. _ ? TBE MHl l II' ACTORS* HEXEFIT. X cn,,:, HOCSl IND ISRATIFVINii Br.St'LTS 11 ?in: BP.. ? n '.'?'? n \ \ nne hll ' .,-...?,.'?. ? . :. k'l ? ? , ? ? ,, , ,,. ,. | | m | ,? I,,.. ?? waa ? , prrmium. rhe ? ? . ? I ?,, rl ? ? ?- lem-e Mn tl?|ne" waa l udlj , .,,,.,1. Ani ?? K ni"" who appeared on the ragc ...:!, | , , _?| i- k. ?'. lli ' ''"i'l"'''. u w I ?'-';?? ! '" '' ""' ? '""' U:" I . ? t.le ' '? I 0. K.-II ' - i "?-. ru v ketts. R. .'. Ilerron. -,,:-. i, ... B. i ? V -?? v' I eiuterl wlth tl ?" '?? ,:NV. ,.,....1 I \i 11 n .' ' ;:',V .;,:?.-;'.::,.., i,i- -'-'"' ?' ';,,?., ?! ,. ii,:, 1" np prlnilpallj ol i.n ??nMari-'.'d .:,- .Illghta. I ... ,| ,,,? Nftlm- .1 1 t ? ? , , . . ?? \\r r ?! NI: ?:???''" ' .1 We ? ... , | || iiri'i.aiil lloyl . ^ Announi n ??,,' *? f> .X; ,v ( "I.I.Atl. ..__ 4 w." hhO'lioiif. "t- * W." ? ? Drt. I.vox-^ PF.Rfr.ri roOTR POWTIBB_ BfaaJ uValiatl rlean and - ' " 'r"4l,,? A.....a.,iM-- ??'-'?' boblaverywbare ..eaata ? IIPXRV K. I'nxii I.s. M. P: ?, ni-r - .i ii ?T ... . ,. ,. ? ,, i rinary QtgaaB, ' :- " '?' >' \i,iiv t,, ?,t iiervmiB 'i,-i.ilttv In mrn ..;,.,.',,- i l.ii i I" Valual ? , . . 'i,..n. ? ? ? ?l,,l | | X|,| i.-' tlie best watcr-ir;i,-k,'r ln the aorid: ' ' "r N",u' ' : ),/-. -., ni"'- ' ' ' ' 'f"-?r? MARIXE INTEhblGBXCE. MINIATURE Al.M \N*AC. ro i.n 8UrlBMT16 BetstdM m ,, , u S II a.? Keea'aaga D 111,111 NV ll K.IL , if-sandy lloo_. ,ii; ..... Iv.-il 3:88 I Halt Oaia .'? 'I A ,,_>__,!> li,.,K. 5.41 ?,-? Ui. .1 iiiolualioaie, o.u iXCOMlXO sn: I U/,'.?>. ro IIAT, / " ',.,?: .l-?, i.kii.... .1,,, 1.......Atl.ia *iiiu.. i..-'-.i.' .Jaa lo.c?ii..r.i tl , ao-T. jan, -i). ,.,,__,,,? .II.,,,,..,,,,.Jaa 8.ttnnili AmT V *.nl??..'.'.' 1U.uuiuo WKDM8BD kV. .1 IV -1. .1.1,1,.Inll.. J ,', 'I .11, ,.i,?.,.? I'J )l_v..i,.. I..X V Jt ...ii..,,! .l.i.i,.:.,.,.. . i.n ''..N'.itiona, ''.,.:: ???' ? -?'?- ?" v- > ? ara. ODTGOISQ 8TEA l/*/;,:>'. l. |si,_r. ian. '.'.). Vr?fl , /,?,. /., ICalla <-iov> a.uia. W .,.mai.. i .ii,"ii. I.iv.-,:.ii.. la i" ii ,,ni, Amar. ii.i,nn.ire . - I'ni I-,,, m.i Mi-.I. Cobm . 1" am U m . ii.iii: >i. >,. in 'i i.'i.s. a ,v_n i..t,- io aaa i- .,, Wl I 'Sl.silA V, -I AV -_'l. (rltie N\-|,,!i' i.iverii.Hil. 12 m :i p ln I ,,,, Mi I loi I. llrriii^I, .1- m ?! 0 III m p m ,i lu l- n. a iii *? n ill .' . I ...... 1.1,1,,.,, . i.,..i si.,. AntwarB .> ?' .|Vo. Alia?. Porl an Piineo. .v<-. 10. . ? . n,..., ,...-. imi > ? * , ,n,,i,is-. ?j,i.'.? . -. ' roi* .... , i.liyo! Al'i.i,,:ti,. XI Ai". a. ll.iva-1.. I rn. i.sii?r, '_".'. ii,.run. Aaeker. Jaaasi-a..1? ?'" IJ ,,,,,., ,,, i,.liriniii.i.i . I i>.'. J i. ?, :i |> i,i B ui * um t> in SBiPFixu y_rrrj' POKT ". KBW vi.ilK.NUKOAT, /AM. IH. ARRIVEO Meamer WallaClty IBri. U?ra, iirist.ii Dee IB. Kwaaaea .Ian ., a-ltb rndaa loJamea .Nrk,,..* Co. AlTtved at tliclUr at ''*,','! .'ii',., i" '?... Bottardam Jaa 4. Bofl !?.?, .., wlth nutae a. I paaaeuaera to faaea, Kdja .t .'., II ,i .il i :,- ., li, ' M..,ii" r I a li-, U" )-,.? I'r . I.nnr,' lluvr- I?.- H', witli ??,., .,, , ?...,?., r ?:.. A Kotei t- Irnreoattba lurm i a ... ^,, ,, . . n. . MeXaliy. lunirrai i Jan i. r._ Anii.n.i ond Bt Kltla, arllh mdaa and i aaaaanaarI.??? II ? lla. al - in n ra. , rrAre. oa Bri. Mrii-kUnd Port Spain Jan ,0, wlth ,,,,.. ai.d i aaaai d(?i t.siClirialoll A.r,v?i ut tlie Bai al ' 40 , ni. " s!r?mrr >.'" I"i.n-is iNor), Urar*. lilurBelda, Rle. Vla I ihia v. itii'iui'.ae I, W i 1!,.!,n?ii. '.,,.,,,., i i ,,,.,. ,?!?',. S|iencer, ?fW.orl?ana 6 daya wttb ,?,i? i,,,rl,r reaaei l? l'etar Wrtabt- s.,ns. aieaauerKanaaat'itr, K?mpt?n. Mavauuan 2. daji. with o.daeaji.lli-asiUK'-ra io U L. NV-lker. O'NEILL'S, 6TH-AYE., 20TH AHD 21ST ST8. Ladies' Cloaks and Suits. Our Last Great Reduction Previous to Stock-Taking. 175 English Seal Plush SACQUES, quilted Satin lining, $16.75, $19.75, $24.95; Former Prices $35.00 to $50.00. 125 Extra Fine $29.75, $37.50, $49.00. I 200 Englisfa Seal Pluah Jackcts, quilted aud plaiu satin lioing, $9,98, $12.98, $16.75; Former Prices $26.00 to $40.00. 150 Eleganf Imported Wrape, elab orately embroidered, $39.75, $49.00, $59.00; Costtolmport $110,00 to $175.00. 100 Ladies' fine embroidered Wrapa, $19.75, S24.50, $29.75; Less Than Half Price. iio Ladies1 imported black ami colored Clotli Wrapa, ii<'l>ly braided, wiih il<'<-|? fringe tn niatch, $6.98, $9.98, $11.98, $12-98, $14.75. 75 vrry bandaome I-oii? Garmeots, tmitable for evening or carriage wear, $39.75, $49.00, $69.00; Less Than Half Prlce. 2000 Ijadies' Newmarketa, in a variety of-cloths and Btylea, $4.98, $5.98, $7.98; Former Prices $10.00 to $19.75. 1000 LadieiV Cheviot an<l Roaver Clotli Reefers and.Iacketa, $3.98, $4.98, $6.98. H. D'NEILL & CO., 6TH AVE. 20TH AND 21ST ST8. SALE OF FTTRS. Beftinntng to-day, Janiiary Nlne teentta, and continulng durlng the week, we shail offer onr atoek 4ii Fur Garmenta, at pii<?'s .,(> per ii'iit. lowerthan formerly, Thii includen Sealakln l l*t<'rs, Wransand Jaeketa; Sable, Mlnk, Beal, Peraian Lamb and Astru chan Capeia MuHs, Collaru ami Boai at oor reHponding reductlona. ?\ gnecial i<?t of Fnr-llned Gar nii nts. ai ?!*???^?1*srt!: Thc ialeofliongandShortf lotii Cloaka, Wrapi "?<l Jneketi will alao beeontinueda JAMES McCRBERY & CO., Broadway and llth st. J. S. Conover & Co. Thr Inrgral. Iho olrfral. ihr l.rat-known oaiabllah. ln Ihla i-niinlry lor llio niniiiilu.-i nro of 0PEN FIREPLACES, WOOD MANTELS, QRATES AND FENDER8. Warcroems, 28-30 West 2Sd Slreet. I'.i.uidrv aud Kartorj, 6116, 838, a30 Waal 2Mh-at. ?BaaaBBT Kloi.monrl, .lonnnv. Woat Pulnl. Va. wuti mdaaaod paaaiMisrrali. UM I.I.IUIIU..II 8aCo. Ktoama* uiiyaii.iiitio, Walaor. Newjxiri Newa and NorfoU, wttlnr'..?..?'. i_M.-uit.-M ln d'.l I......iiiioii H*<??? st.-.n.i.tKaaawaa. iiyora. Hawporttiawa. witticoai to oa Oli'l.ll 8UV8KT Wiiidiit Sandv H*.k. licbt. W8W; cioady. KAII.l.D. si.'iim.T. Berraato(Brl. f..r Uiait?i Rorrento iGrn. Him bura; dlava, Uabaa; Hoaataotor. vviiinu.auui TllK MU\ I.MI.N1S OV STl-lAM-ltS. i (iiu.n.N poan. Qrh.rNST.iWM, Jau H *allo?l. ii.u.n?r? Wmomiain (Tlri \v...r.iii. aad aaraniB iiin. lumon. Irom i.unrii.Mii henco for HawTorfc, HAvaR, Juu 1* Aiuro.1, itoauior La Uaacuaue ilri s?u tclll. from Nr?k ? 2,500 imported Etoeiers, Jactoti nnd Walking Coata, ia beaver, cheviot Wide Wale aod a variety of other clotbs, plain or richly trimmed, $7.98, $9.98, $14.75; Cost to Import $14.00 to $28.00. AN ELEGANT ASS0RTMENT 0F m i richly trimmed with Llama, rorsiat. Lamb, Alaska Sable, Mink and A>tra clian Furs, at SPECIAL PRICES. 125 flne Prencfa beaver and cheviot clotli Reefers, trimmed with sets of Astiachan and wool Beal fnrs, at $12.98 each ; Norih $22.75. [aadies1 fine clotli and llanncl Tea GowilS, $2.98, $3.98, $4.98; Less Than Half Price. 200 LfMUes1 Suits. in a variety of stylcs and I'loths, $7.98, $10.50, $15.50, $22.75. 85 Ladies' [mported Dresses, in a variety ??t' stylea, $3975. $49.00, ?5900. $79.00; Cost to Import $95.00 to $279.00. Alaska Seal London-dyed daokets, Reefers, Saeques, and Ncwmarkets at GREATLY REDUCED PRICE8. ?i!? Alaska Seal I.nndon-dvcd.Tackpta, $115.00 and $145.00. 85 Alaska Seal, f.ondon-dyod Saeqoes, ?">!> to 42 inebes long, $149.00 and S169.00; Former Prices $210.00 and $245.00. 15 Alaaka S.-iil I.Mii.Ioti-.lyisl New. marketa, 50 to iia i>.i-l..'s long, S275.00; H?f'h $12500. FUR LINED C1RC0LARS AND NEWMARKETS AT HALF PRICE. H. O'NEILL&CO,, 6TH AVE. 20TH AND 218T STS. CARPETS. GREAT CLEARING UP SALE. ln ika namiitii.l- of % KMon'a buatntaa :?.;,.' .-..r? th*r# la un BCeumulatl a ..f I'Vl'fl KN-i W? ?!> i.v - ? l dupi'-.ifi"--; alao itagli pla**a aad ratmantB, with bcrder to inati.Il, MM ' '. fH hK\.- r.tii Bp ;..'?. CARPETS AND RUG8, all sU-"*. ld 81 aln..?t m:\ Nk ?? : arffl IM elflaai o.l IT KIIMMVT Pltll'Krt. Ht ... / ' 14 ?..'. . f IA. IMM ? ifl | a. _ largB atoi:- ef EXTRA SUPER INGRAINS Al LaM lll... ld.- (o.l nt Itiiportallnn. SHEPPARD KNAPP & CO., rtl.Vril.AV__ I3TII 1M? I4TH ??T? ^l.-ii'a MM*M tllra.-t 11 ii... ... ii.iT to ... i.irr, ta.laa. nii.lill.-iii.-u ? |>rulila. TRIBUNE ALMANAG. 1891. NOW IN PRESS. 25c. a Copy. The Bemt u?olMeal lletjister eveP issurrf. The Alnianac lor 1891 will be more than twiee tho xi/.e ?J-W vious issues, nnd a magnifleent book of reference on a imiltituue of Intensely intereattng toi?i?H? polltleal, aoetal, fseonomle, ??om merelal nnd generai. Thls issno vdll snrpasa any rVlmanae ?rer before nnblishea byTheTribuiie.THBTRlB0Mir