OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, January 19, 1891, Image 6

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1891-01-19/ed-1/seq-6/

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Jnbcr to ^utu-rtiocirientc,.
- - faee, OeL
A?n,*n,er.<a..."ll M' llor^..noUarn.aea. jj
Ant niim-at: ?nta.1? * ''"" .y"- * s
Mi Iffl aiin nroiara. 1 l ' *g?Z2??ZiiS!ii?l 7 II
Hoa.o aio iniaaa.... * ? ^"rn?ir'nt?,1. 8
baameaa rnanroa ... 0 - """""?"UmI.v- f. II
l(i>aii.f-??>nueea...... ?? ,, ..,,.., ,,,?-r,,meet?. 1 1 H
f.-i'-i r Acanonuea.. s - >i""'"!."'.? * 4..,
TuMilmu X.iS.c-a .1 ? f.,.-..n>.?an, ,s .
twmranc Mtuauona Ra-.m* ia .
wantHi.? ?*iK{?utS.:::*."
gSSSST.ii : ^^rm,.:::::: v .
w,UIhii....* si(?i*rnii Nouri. ? ??
'lIlBfiriftl .....11 l-ai I"1*" w
r;":i':,,Kio,u.??.ii ??2meu?M.h 2
?iraneiaiMeetinr. ;. ?; ?"?? j ??,;??;;;;; ,
B.ir.\vanr.o:::.:.:?]_:' ^.wci* "*??"?".?' ^
1, APl M\ - 18 '?-'''-' VV!'"' ''
tjdBl Rn i in.vir.i. w-i'" Armi JeaBAham.
lUOl THBATRE B- a Tteaaa sieer.
BitOAt.WAV THI ITBF B Pran ?- ade BhaiaL
-A^IN'O?S 15-1'oor Jonathan.
(OL1.M1H H TMEATR1 8:13 l". S. Mail.
,, vm s THKATRE ? i ? Ihe Leal ???
i Li.N mi M.I-' t re aad wa\ I ibteaaa
??AiiiM.N 1 in..\'i 'BE-8 80?Beea BruauaclL
..ItAM" ol II.A UOl'til s 1.1 -l" ?"'??
ua r.i.i M "Tl R ? UOI I4E 8 ;13 Monuai
HARRKIAX'S THBATRE 8 Rellly and Ihe 380.
HKBRMAXN'8 THEATKl 3:38 Harrmaaa.
; v B1AI/8 J and 8?Cennenelte.
i.vi-ki-m rHKATBI - 13 Tbe ";? '? '??'?? ' '' v
M ? , ra', B '
MI lll.'l'iii.ii \\ (IPI RA HOl-.SK - D ??:? - -
h imi.. ? H o r.al.. - lli Un Wl o-.t
?? \I.MI R B i 11 EA 1 Bl - i ? ludab.
i;., i-.i: > l-jb-st. Tlli VfBi Men and *
hl IXPARB rilEATRK 8 bat- r On.
-;*;; THE'aTIIE-B Th Bcaat r.
IXION BQUAltE X.IEATK1.-8 .i:.-The Ceaatf P?lr,
IVOBTH'H MlSEPM-11 J- m. H II 1' '" Vxad Ml,
aad ( ui loa
M | ii s,. rill VTKI B Blue U U -
liuorifBfl -\'lH cco.
ln Oieai Var i\. manutacterefl by
?X. ii. t&UfeJSVv.
lli ini'.nn- t. NeW'Teea.
beaiik. Llbrary ')jhI?. 8a.
i j, ar, o moe. i> ame. l mo.
|i, ,? 7 da-s a week , , 310 CU 33 1)0 e- ' ' BJ 00
.. .-: v..-.,,... Sunday... BW J'' - ' u'
Snnday Tribune . - "> ' " "0
v. ? BO.......... 1 ?' ' ~ _2I
^Toaaaa^nretajid by Tribune, eacepl on Dally and s,,nd?v
,,,,,;,, ', ? .i.s ?.,?;- Iii New-VOM Clty aad OU
,',',v. s,, ,:,i-U',,|.i'. and \V?wv t, foreUn .,':,:il-. ln
Bemlt by I'oatal Order, Eapreaa Order, Cbeck, iraft or
Caah'oi I'oala'l Kote, if eent ln *a anregtatered let^r,
"UMala o4s?e%rThe rrlbune, 134 RtBa>'<L ^7,'VH'
Addrea* all eorrcspondence aimply " Ihe Itlbune, xew.
l0'k' BBAXCn 0PPICE8 OP Tl'F. TR1B0XK.
sdvertiaaments io' publl-aUen m .r. Trllmne, and
rd.,- f..i tegulat dellvi-rj "; < :r< I ' r "'", K ,e'
...v,,i bi ih, followtug bi mch ofll ?- In \>.--Vi,;:
Mun t.ian h ...t... t K? Broadway, carnef ji?: -t.
153 11 , ave, ronK : 1 lth-fct.
??7'. \\ -t 2?d-at., eern, r -th-.v,.
1 ,| \V -t l_'J-st., ii. ll It' ?:<?
r,'_* Aveaue A, neat Ba*t 4th-?i
?,,.,> 3d4ive., eutrance i7;nst.
1 o-.t, :td.,\.v hetweer OOth nnd n^t ata.
i.so i?is' :?;..*t, -: . a. at td-ave
1 ooc f?ths?ve., noat BBth. ?'
1.718 1st..,v..., neat BOih-vA
69 Uberty-at. ,_._
Waahlagteu-Xo. IJSS r ?&
? ??>
moxday" JAXI'ARY ii*. 1*91.
im: v/.ir.s ///;.> MOKX1XG.
Foreign.?l.ihn Dillnn nrriva.1 al llavre and
] ,| . ,.,, ,',,.,:.ritli Mr. O'Brien: M: P
; .--.| ,-i maw maoiing in l'?rk i ;n
i ,.,, , .-i be i ' tibiriemthin
,,. ,?-,, it; pi .:?? ? Tho new < i ? ?< J -"?
... i rrlve.1 al Vpbi. Sir
i ., i s hran amda a l^-ni <'i Appeal.
- . ,. . , ??,i?r is rrpurtod fratn all pirta of tbt
l nntl.
|) .,, i '-- : ' ?? D? ? '.-''?"?' '
. . r Hill ii, r,- i: live M msion nl
... . ,<|e in the \-s-.?i.:
, ? . . ,p?l Mr. IVni ' '
, ? ? ii
i .. ,, ??; ?
, , ,i_ :, uniliei ?.%?? n-i.-.i ..;:?: ? ln lel '-^i
....... . ? i| Kitnll '? . ' ">"'
, , i iuli .,, II IthiK '? will
? ,-. ? iini>nl KrpnWii uu ?n !Vi
I | . Ward-r, n iirntuinenl i ili/eii
;,: ? ? n.i and killwl lii? * n
i | , \\,.,in,l?-,l I,. ? ? . m l
i sl "i !?? ia s in.ii -law,
, ? ? ? ? ,-ir' ! Knii' ts Templnr i I'liii ni n
, ... |h, . iticlr tn l ?? gn i' -.I mi a l How
i |t) aii'i *? :: i ? ? ii -'i,-!.'.r.i| '.,.'? < ?> ni
- i ,? , - --,,? i, . i ,i i
, . . n npon Uie ui,.-.
?i - i . , . |i-,, , . t;,<- ? unii
,,- |.<H'aliu|i >.i il'*1 Vd.ilaolt !'.'.. Asaocintimi
il . | jia i. mirl. ? i I naliim
,,.. .,',,'?? on Ibe M Q ?? n y bereaj iri il.
I aUy, the netoi ioiw I'rblge pollc man reeentl:
iliarnuhHHl, a!wl
T;,o Wrallifr.- '?'?>?-? ml '"'' '" ?'',x ; '>''"'? w',rl
slici.t therranl ehatiara. Tcmp-ralu - \os oi.i v .
Iligbeat, 36 ,!i-_;---: loweil. T.: i ra ??. !
\r iBlportanl atep in t?H reforrn ha? been
faUfii hy the Icaflins raoiagawwiatnin in foim
iiiK a Boanl ol C< ntrol, i" hich. aniony rdhei
(intifs. will look Rfter the licensiit^ of joi keya.
II will pronrulBate 8 rule, before Ihe ne\l -? an n
opona, ppajuiriiiR everj |ocke* to be liceitaed.
and :iii> tawwndtm atjll, bl roume, be rollowed
i,y :? prompl revoration <?? Ihe licenae and the
],',cs ,,f ihe joeke>"s piivileRxa. The eff. of
si.-li i reaulalion will be to keep j<.rk<\.s on
their j:<i"il behavior Btrt] prevenl aueh trttka as
hare h^n t x, eommon on our riteei ?we?.
llii'i'j- l\,li( .-niiin Lalb 'A'l> diatniaaed Bone
t,?, aoon. \, -t i.:n\ be ?-'"' biniaoif involvi 1
in th? moi?l acrioan troubleyots ainee be drew ln
p stol mi a I'jii:- nder and iiifticted ;i \\,.nii<i thal
js likelv t" provc fatal. Sueh a niffian tis Lally
is a t\|,i. il |ii dut-l od Tamnian> imliUc* in i'
Vi ,s in init.-st ition. !-.\< ? i?l for his political
" |iiil! " ii i oi.e would bave di*?ml of makins
;, ,,, in ... th l,'!i> si iron ;i Bridjre policemaa.
1'iobaMy Iho fcllmv rt-liea ti|. thal Ktme piill
, , j,,, him i ? hia pn annl wntpe. Tho
, li:i:i.". i,,.v,,-\. , ;i"- < - celleni tbal ;i piolonaH
lena ln iho nh ? i?n- n if ord ?? atill aeveier
) lui.siiiin-n'. is before higa.
- ? -
I Juds ? V i'i Ihtvia luis written a lei pi rn
?i ? Tt.'ti ' m - -ni'i;.' forth Ihe <iuf.\ ol I ? ?
, - ;|j| in iIm-. : '? ol \s? 'ii'.I.Miniii liciii.-iri'st.
1- ; I,,,..-?? I on ? paB ?? -in I we partiru
].,\ ,..,..,,; ;? ?-, !!,<? Governora attention
I ,., . ?-- ? ' ? . ,??:'????,.' and ic-isi!'--s Ifigir. II"
h..i. out h} 'i ronstitutional proviaioR
tequirin] ihe Go\ wuc toaee thal the i:r.\s are
faithfully i \<. :H-.i and abowa thal uule** the
,,- ol /: "i. i .' I 11 tj do thon .iiit.v tho
.--.,?] i?bouRdt-'iremovethen. Urega u
tbe .?:,i.av ol -i ? ? <i I crimiBal toicing parl
in krgisla n?:i on the election ol a I'nlted States
?hor. ;< faithfnl UoTernor hus asaple Buwer
f.i pr. renl this bj handiag the fellow orer t^>
tiio NhorifT. Jndge Daria'a letter will, we are
liire. comnKind \\rl" BtttrBtioR, and oughl to
Bsati .^flii'MKc wbere tothMnep id nocdod ia 'hi*
ii.i\<-rnin Uill a. .i candidate for Senator
?IBaBtli UBveiled before tlie gaaa of 'ln* Aaaeri
(ao paople. With hix fogrdoeaa for Indirection,
li>- ggaj in a iiwindialioeil wuv Baraouneed lii<
(iindiiliK-v. i.iit even jref to Bcnaapaper repra
s.-ntativc* Iip koojis his lijis >,-iun-l.v oi-al.'l.
Ity adjuuiuiiij; the , Lt'Ki^hitiuo k?si week
ho prevcntAd the powribility of a nomhina
laon againtU, him. and thu htiuiiii<itiuu ol
Smith M. Weed ia eompJetc. Tho Demorrati
i-iiicim to-day will endoubl ?dly registera iiitani
nnuis vi,f in favoi of Ilill. t'lonrl? ho ha*
made .; i hin min I ?'< M ?? ll ird tenu i- out ' r
th ? rjiM ation. while il ia "!' aupri mc linport n ?
f ir him to keep i'i politiea aftei Jnnimrj I next.
N,, Scnatoi l.a ? '.-. yi I '.n m ide Pn rident.
David 11. Iliil .- i '"'I'l tww if l"' think* Bc can
break Iho establishi'! preccdenta oi u centnry.
? ? -
One ol our Wastaingl in di*patehe?. conveya
the aeceptable inlormatian thal the paasage ni a
moasurc foi whal I nopitlarly known ;w thc re
|ia i ol iin' >ii|'!'"iii" Coiirl i- fai rrom an imp
sibilit.v al the |in * nl -??-? i< n. Tho aubjeet haa
been ?o nurh <!:?n-s.-l lhai il luighl I i he gen
erall#> underatoi rl; 1*0 thal .. raieftil nu
;,-!,-.,i tn l.\ r ii,iin:n ea oi *enatc and lloiiau
miirhl reaaonablj !"? expectod lo ?-'" through
withoul extended dcbatc. Xo argument ia re
(|iiired to dcinonstrate the iinportunee ui I -"
l'.(lull ?? thht head aa boob an praoficable, and i
non-Boiitical .,.. ?ti.I thia kind sboiild arouee
no utroBR uppteition in either hointc.
Krnntic arrpeaia in l":.rntic papera beg Sen
a*ora ,,i that partj with dopble-leaded etn
j.l,;,-,, , , -,|? anylhins to b at" the Eleetion
, i ni. Thej are waincd thal thc meaBiire would
I reatill in the elcctiou ol Rcpublicaii rongieanea
' perpotuallv, whieh ii a pitiablc eonfeaaion thal
I thoDemocral c partj now cxi*ta bj rraudulenl
, . ,:,s. sinee the pending nn isiirc tvould have
n ,,,,),., rmrptiaeoreffccl than 1 >seetireatrictlj
, !,.,? - and ! di election*. II Democracj ran
i |,oi live with n fair vote, il mighl al leaal bave
j ,)?. deeencj not t ' hauBl thal ia.t in thc fa'-ea
of it* aaherenta, aomeol whom al leasl stippoae
thal thej an nol enjoyini; ?tol 'ii -? ods.
No olhoi er* nac ia oi ?an be given lor the
,),.,,,., ,? ? r, ...-ii., ? whkh compelled Kepiibli
oan Senators to ait lor thirly bour* in imavail
Bble cfforta to reach d vote. It aay ol them
]1;,.V(. bonertly donbl id thc nccwdtj ol ro'es n
strieting thc powei ol theminority, thej ?':?' al I
bj thia timc be eonvineed thal in no othei waj
ran theii dnty aa legialnto * l*c performed.
Thc wembora >i the uiajoritj oughl tu reaign,
and k-l their eonatitucnta clccl men mon ctiin
pctenl in in >i ? mlling, il thej cannol mtiator
enoiigh pjiifk and endiirancc Ui let-anturo thc
rijjhl locontrol thc buKiucnn ol thc Scnatc, and
? , cxtrientc their hnnda from the Uemocratic
Thc debatc on thc Kletiion bill ha.4 m ml mr
najlv failc I to diatlose anj patriotic oi pw?pei
.t,.,-., , . thal measiu , Any other partj ex
,,.,,. thc Demwialic tvould bave lell branded
with in< ffateablc and iutolerablc di-Rracc il il
bad been oblig d toappeal to H* membcrs to de
l,.,it ,t bill ntv-iiring honeMl c!eetioii!??in thc naki .1
jjround thal such i meaanrc would ruin the
|1I|:... Um lii'ini.. ratif !HMia? h - oft'ci no ' etu r
i ;,.,'.-. | r opiiosition. Xon-pBrtiann elotiion ol
ii,,,.. mjuaie and straigh c ? ioii* thtj o enlj
.,!, _-. . would ;i ?. li tvo tbe !'- iiioiiaiic paitj a
, haiii' uf ant-ee-i!', and tl ej dt tlaie thal ia .i
,vioked and |>artiMn mea<uiv whieh wmild -
smi, nfiiriaN .ni ! - :? eieiti ui . The an.
wbii li wiighl ' ?"i" ' hot fituii l i h< arta and
..,. . i bom -? \iir :.' ','- " l? i lMtti \i* tb?i
;|,, ,,,.),. , :i partj ba.? the slight. *i riu
. .,. nhii li '.luii"' fac thc will ol ihe p opid
fairlj e; pn - - I.
i;,-|,iil.ii...:i Senat ns have i I il ial ? > i
,,':i u. | th proviaioiw ol the pcnuinJ! niea.' in
iM-i.vini! thal i1 ia more m ?d? ntle aud lesa . i. -i
to | ,.--r ? il ii bj partiaana I i
BM.?ts tvhit-h have ? irkod adinuitblj in aume
?l th, Sutt. ?. I bej have ?m lorth with gieal
,.,..- tne public nee --."- loi aueh a law. and
thc masnitude ol the i-rimex whii ;i il i- 'I -
,1 ,,. Thal theac i rim - threolen the a;tf?'tj
,,i ,i... inatitutrom - in effeet ixn le*? l when
,..?:,: ?,.,;- , laim thal a lavt to atop them wwild
? |t | ,i pi.;; . a' the aainc lime bonn
thai -ii j tvill fleei the nexi I'rwidi ni an I
_,.,'. >.,. i,,.. ,,..-. |ilc Imig ttileraten thc
,.,i:,,,,- - li< teinin nl by t.r I
iVhcn ii"' I* mocrata liloek all legislatii n thal
thi <. maj rel tiu |mwe.I?l b RUIalOH bj
dvfeatins the will "I ihe |?eople, thal mmd
,;,,-.;;, itiiivime evi ij genuinc li j"'1 li?n thal
i( v' lime loi tiu majoritj io mkc effei live
m< i '???-?
c .,?,,,,, .; iei Senatois affirm lhai th J aie
., ? ,.,?,i.....i ..'. uill vote again I tbe 1.1"
i ,| it tl . . mii .ni".<i i ? ap|n-:ii heluie
thc : itintrj aa hired ? th< l?em
pai . iu r- ini ui i I ' :?'? ' ' '
entiii Ij iniHtake* llu I m -i ??! theii -
,:, |?s, Um thej ?? ;: vott it- lh il ' ona iflieiH
? -li. ,, inU>re>tH|i.tji Theone I -
,.,.,.,; i;,.| ublii in I: i- .i .-i'i " demaiid ia lh.il
this 'qm-slii n ahall Imj I.Rhl tn u din
li?al vote. Th'.'ii let evi rj <ei ..." . 1 bim
solf?with the Denn einti |i "'> and ita I
if he prefi ?-? I b< .? ' "' ;",,|!"|r "' ""'
.mi ?hai m il ol i*enai m thej waiit. II I the
,,:,,, h ,?? rj Ki i il Iia ui *'ei atoi . ughl l?i
,,i, ,n nnd vol loi ia lhai then hall he im
?,,,.,. timo natted. that iieeeaaaij le>:Mati.n
, | . u,atl .- li ili n i< be lonjrei d? aji d, lha
bfl najoiitj aball bave powei l ? eome lo ?? vote
.ni ;, giave puhlir ?pi ??',?? ?' d th il i ' I
n?1 i?. i?i.',. 'I ol ali ii- rig! :. I ;? ?"???'
Senate ( hamb. i bj u a\ n ?ii . ? I he ?'< natoi
who will n ?l hi !p t?i ' 1-881 nal the di <|>tilUm ol
tl e minoritj will ueed airoiiifei exeuac iban anj
i?,.|\ hta yi I offi n i whe i win?tituenta eomc
to ;t scrious aeeond thoiiRhl on the matter.
I uleitM Mr. Dillon'a ariival iu Paria ahaJI be
foHowed immediatHj bj tbe Iriah paity'a n
otganiaation, the rci penins ol I'arliamenl will i
i. ? t iu i<, witiiesa anothi r - ? lie ol liiah i ?n
;, ,im,,,, and tliaorder. Mr. I'arnell haa eniployed
hia wonderful abiliiie.< aa a tattieian t<? gi i 'I
effeet aintx' bin KilkeBBj del?*at.* \ veil ul
uiyMterj ia still kepl i loaelj aln nl thc O'Hrien
(onfeit-ucea and iheii exai l naturc and renuli
c ,;,? nue lo b usieei tain. 'I ben ia little donbl
bowever, thal Mr. O'llrien'B |M?itioii, whatmer
n maj '"'? gratiliea Mr. r*?rne!l and di ple:i -
thoae wl.pjumc bim. II hc hua amteeded in
iiniuiin- Mr. <? I'i- ?? to atan I ? bi .?
direel Libcral aaaurBn ea i iiKeniinji u Home
];.,!,. bill whieh ahall inelude Iriah eontrol ol
the i'ui-i ll ularj and nl the laud ipie lioji, aa n
eondition preecdenl :<> hia retircment, hc haa
,10,?. i ii, terj n< XI thinR lo obtaiiiing Mr.
D'llricn - Biip|mi-i ei hi? fontinui <l leaderahip.
I'.,i. howevi i the Liberala mighl n apond tothia
Idemnnd, thej eould noi avosd playing into Mr.
|'arnell*& handa. ll tuej rcfu* d < ?mpl u i
;i.. v v ould give bim hbe oppuitnuitj ol ':;i;U'
ing to be viiidicated in hia atubborn umrae.
li tnej vieided, hia wi uld be tho cwdil oi hm -
ing eompelled them, aa hia laal aerviei to Ire
land aod ?s the price "1 bii letirement, to make
their proinis i cleai au I suiheieut.
Mr. ParneH'8 audaeitj m theae tnanoeuvrea ii
simt.lv bewildering. II then ia nnything cer
i tuin in politica.. ii i- nnd alwava haa been rer
uain thal Mr. Olabdntone* Uome Rule propoaala,
if he evcr gol the ehance to make them, would
be all thai Ireiand eoald reaaonablj aak. There
ivera excellcnl reaaont, leaaona thal .n<- ren
,1,..,. | Kt.il| morr loreible bj the preaent rwn
ti'..,.'is\ :unl j;- hlighting cffeol upon tht dia
jK?-i:^a ol tho Liberal votera, nbj be ahoiild
nol be loreed to ii?; hia puiapoaea in blnek and
white ui ihi-- tiate Thej im^iit be and prob
abty are mueh tSoeet tothe nVmnndi "t tho Irtah
Natioa iban i' arotild he politlc f<?r Mr. (ilnd
?88880 l?i aTOW. A ?b'< luiatinn ol tJir-m ?o long
pi'tiViuaa tu tbe fejMgai elulioits .would in
??Mtai.lv l.rtBg "ii ;? hitter eontroveng wita tbe
;i;il(.,l rnionJHisovi rthe minutenl detaibt and in
io p :n .li. Ued a Mh-ii." i.Id affoi I everj
opportuiiity thal prcjudire and r?v!? t-""" /i
.si,,.. v hundwd inconAeqiieBltal aide qiientioBd
,vonW i,(. i:ijs,,i ;," oBce, thwsmedand re
threshed. and tho rhant-e* are tbal the re<ul -
of ?J| iheitedi?u>skrR? would heiiBfoHunate for
the Lihernla. Ilirl v-iv differeirl rnn*t.on?
rtouldprevailontheovcoftbi eleciiona. Iben
(lim'.wsioH would ol neeeautj .tmHned to the
nriudpliN of I. Bule and ? declaration of
tlt-tdBilat mighl !"? made wlthoul danger. 1 art,?
vi.; W11I|,| i?. mnning blgh and the LibeiaU
ivould noi allow themaclveato be cha-ed away
i., ihcii mandard merelj becaune U?j did
,,,,t like n Hgure oi ? *bade.
I, ....... witboitl s..Mi-u Ihal Mr. Parntrll nn
,1, ;..;.,?.. ;,|| this ;,i,'l knows i'i his hearl thal
hi< demand N botb iinrea*)nable and irreleyarit.
Mr oHrien mu*l know li, tou. and ?o iiiual Mr.
|)H|on a|>d lho Mtrpriaing thingahoul HRrnelln
ntentalpoweriathatil atill hold* awaj overaurh
.,,,|. ;1,i'l disintcrested men. ll I* unnatural
.,,-:,,;:!. ,h.|, h.-.-an now !"? bcnl tii'i.n id iinnii
i rmeraiipremacj immediatclj, "hatever
bi* plann as Ui the ftiiure niay be. Bul II ia
r',..,,. Ihii; |,,. ,?,,..- ;,, dcrive g auhatantial a<l
vantage from bi.s retircmenl in Ihe gratitudc
and admiration of hi? neoplc. "" pr?l**? '?
,,|.;?.U 10 tl'.'-ill I"
il?. ii^'ht nf one who i
ttnriy red |,?- their aake. bul who would noi he
red uniil he had wre?ted from thcii ene
oiicit the pi,/" for whhh bo bad m Iobr ron
.,.l?l?,i. ||o will i' mi. . if retire be muni, noi
jn tho ignnminA he had riehlj earned. bul
uiili another glory and another laurel. Ilewill
,,, ,^0 ii appear thal Ihi hi-!i partj would have
siii.l him for n ithing and Ihon warrcd them?elvcM
inu, pieccd over hia |>la?-e. Uul that. inatead,
ho has earm I for Irelan I the fiUI val.f his
,., v,,.:- .,s a Icader and haa lefl the irarty wtill
sir,,n.' and s.if.lv guided. Thia aeemn lo bo
his, ,,|.in nnd it will noi i.<- uirpriaing if he siu
,,., |s. Thia circumatance favors him?thal Mi
O'lirien will noi he wirrj lo obtain detinite
Liheial plcdgc*. and Mr. Dillon may mM bo
grieved al bcinfi called upon lo plaj the roleof
Icader. ___???
Kranb I*. Demap -' i> the man who n pro* n -
fiockland Cmiiuj in lh< Avrmblj , La*l Fri
,1m during Ihe t< ??- of the Legi*laturc ,"? *??
., , -?,.,! r?r cnihezal mi nl and forgerjr. He
.I hia auill ii-- unlj '?> word ol m? uth,
but gtill more i mphaJi iil.i h m iking n *titn
Hc Lttrncd ovci I ? the ? ? mpaii.1 ?n whnse.
c?uinplaiitl h< had ' " n a iptfhi adoil a laige sttni
of money r.f whieh he had deframk I r N
tholi m <? i- tetiotisl) pn>| oaod bj Ihe D< m< i-rsirj
?.s loprescnled '?> Ijovei-imr Hill and \ti irnej
(,, ,, ,ra| Talioi tualluw ihi- aell t'OufeMM"?l t-rimi
,. ? , ? iko parl in ilw ? I - ?? ? i ' :| ' "n r|
States ?ei?atoi ' "The llerald" ipioles Ihe Uov
. , . ,.i,i|.lai.-nt!.N aa.viuR :" li - imforiui 31 i
Ihal ;i ili.-'iiai'-sr's an ?1 ? *hoi lil h i| |h*h h 'I
ai ihi- junel.? "*? iii Mi '' '""' M'~ '
ivill ii..: , ttil.ii ii ? iii- ll>< in- i-iatii |iart.t i? ""
i ? |i,. ,-.iii s., mi- i. nl nnd p'tuiti i" Iii- - :"
aml partitipale in the -? ? a ? n' ehfi
?? 'fhc .-"ii" n i-"'- '!l'' " v'
TalM.i s,,i | ;., uijrhi (ihe nipln < l Hema
in ,,!'i'-i.,.- : , ihi- .I""' 'bnl the
fa, i of his ai i. st mi a crimina i-harge ivmild
,ol inlerfcie with ln- righl i ? n.I an I
hjjj ,..:i,i.',,.-s in Ihe VrtsemMy. Hin "?':"'
, .mi ,,,i in tail wo :: I preveui hi? H
tendam-q i.ial .I'! '??'?? > '.m' 'i:''1 *'*
. ?:,.' hi.s i. !? .'-? mi I '
|t is ilifliiull to belicve Ih ll I.' '" I"'""
ci|Mal ..nicials nf Ibe ?tal< (iovernnK-nl -!??,!.i
|)Q s,, |..si to all nenae ..f whal thej i?we i.i the
,.alls. of |*eil ii, dei-cnt-3 as lo lalk in this man
!,,.,. Ibith lake il a- a maltei ol courae th il
li. m, iratir l- Ion will return to his plate
i? ,!,.. |i,-ii,? ? iti< \---iiil.\ and will l?e |n i
,? ?-. ,| : , , i the hali. ? "' i '? lo i '
;iit...| ,.-v... ol I'nits ,1 ? ates ?sftiatoi. I ln
aiisiplo slati inenl nf rh - t" fiiidb ??' 'v,>
,;?? ,!. _i.,,i.i'...i, ..I . ..if "t l?etn ?< ,... :? in '?"
?f .\, ii \nrk. W hy, ???.? n ihe I
.. i ,,, |i,, | ?. i .rn nl .," ?m h
, dUjiraei ful P'i ird whi n ihe l, .noi nl thr I-- - -
w , --,,!.,? im he i-ontiaiv. lhe<
. ,| ,, r,,.,-,- ul,i, Ii did th- in -.'" .: ?
' |? |s7l --.,:-l, M We, I. ?',? ,: tn \ - ri.l.'> M..HI
l,,,iii ( linloii I niiiil;. *\a- a-- ":'' 'I "? 'h'
: 0\ the lloiwe lo a k-llow-AfCmldyman iiam d
: |m i;i.. l" ni Ih ? in- i"i?- li-*. A'tei ap|i
i abusive epitl ? '- i ? \\ - - -1 li iny *tiin k him in
; iho la.. \\ lial was the ti sul .' I'i-I ihe ( "\
, t ihal ila.i huld ihal I. i-iiip'* - i I
?? .i j,, ii ,i I'tnl ii.a-- Ihe p i ?? ti ihe '. i-i"
1 i,|, no. Did lh?' \'i inie.i <? nepil "I Ihal il it
-, ? ithuttl hlush thai ? ten il li linp -
I... ibe ..--a,,,; lhat eml i.
monl -? ,,-iil.l .a-,i.\ lie rt'tiiedieil !?> *e.IR his
,.!,..,-, ,m i :,\"-: Mh. no. Tl.ffetn-e ?
|i linjj i .,.i i-oiiiiiiill'il was i.\ M" nteairs *o si ti
:- thal oi ??.ln- I' Ih'OI IP"*I - ?
,:i,.|. s,. |M>ndinis an \m i aiisrai ion nl his i iindtn i
, i,\ ;i sj..-,-i ,1 .,, i.iiutt.-.- Twi t- i. -v..-"i,.-> and
,,, i,,im in i ' i ; itm i ll ni"" and i-?mi|iellH
|,.. ,,.. rorthwilh ln n .igu. Ti"- a*?aiili wa*
, r unmi.I Vpiil 7 and on Vpril MI Irving gave
j up i,, -. ai. I hal was in 1x71. Now. twenn
,,,,-, |ati i linvernoi Hill nnd Ailoine.i (ioneral
Talmr pillot; their i |i italio i I :? lukin.
posili .ii thal a tn in RiiilM noi simply "I a Biia
lionieanor Imi ol emlK'ny-lemenl and forper, ??
;1 ,,,, rl . i ..:..-;i p, i s, i-i i, i?.| f,,i in nne nl rhe
in,,- impoi im and 1. ible duties ihal <h
\,,1\,- n|i,,ii a in- in1"! d \ -? iuU,\.
\\,. are , nwilling lo ln li'-M thal man,' mem
l,.-i -11 'th.. | ii ni< i ia,if \--^nii,,.\ majoritj agM'e
,vjth the (iov< rnoi and Ihe Mtorney-tienei il,
\\,. ,u .Kdctit Ihal in .-' o! Ihi L>' inoei ttie
\- , ni,,l\ ni. n and all Ihe Republii'anH \\iil ??w
ihai jtisticc to il.'-ni-? .w s and Iheir eonstii
ii, ih ir- .iii'l i .l-'.-ii' i.-|,. <; l"i Iho n.i uamc
,,l the 1. cislatup' deinand Ihal Deniai >' -hali
ho i vpcllod nilhoul delay. ll is i n-.i'.-'l fi mi
Mbany thnl a reA.dutioii providing foi hi- o\
IMiNimi will la- imi, duei -1 nl ?hi? evening'n
s- s-.nii l.\ a |.ii,'iri-'-iil Ui i ubliran. It tbe
Llcniocrats are wiso, if they appreriale Iho ?it
| iiation and desire to improve il a? lieat the,i may.
il,, v v. i'l -, !,.,t ono ..I ll .??? ii numhei lo
,,, li a H nolution. Uul il Ihej re-fusc than
? ;,,. |;??.!?!,(.ii ii s ran l?o InistPo t, disrhargo
iho duty. Iii-ii!:? -a has forfoilcd his aeat. ll
al lo wod i ? rosnmo il Ihe Amenibij will
sicnalli di-.'ia,-- iis. If.
IIIA l .tli MIXl >/ AlB-SniP,
Jfol "ii'> iranalt. Imi es.dinglj rapid tran?
ajt, lai'i'.'ii the air. lna\ bfi Wid 10 be an Be
, impliahed fai I- provided The publi. baa
:,,. ,ii,;_ more or leas ol la;.- oi an .il,<
i.i .miii, aii-ship whieh is being lOiustnicted. Aad
ii i< im; s oui tb ti the a* a?is truatworthj. and
noi al! in Ihe air, and il this convejanie m ? ?
tbe be ' >?!'??'? itii.n-. mankind ran rl.* al alH
,in 1 at ihe liveb rat? i f " al leaal 200 mllea an
l,,,ni." in tb? dearription <>i the -hip whieh
w.. tiii-l i-i "The Kngineerins and Mining Jour
nai"-a nial , "I fart papcr, n.-vn given tn
r..inan,r- il i- atated thal ihe atoi <kbold< i - "f
il,.. i-.iiiiji in> whieh is lo plare Ihe aew motor
mi t!i" markei an I over th<- ? "'li are fullj
saiisli. I lhat it will make "al leaal 200 Dtilea
an ln,,,!-.' li is . leai from t:.i- thal the ^>? k
holdi rn ai" .-,,iisn\,iti\,- |H-,,|il.-. ^l..s: probably
:!?.\ have ba I ll Hgi red oui I i them w plain
as prearhing thal ? ?ucb greater auoed than
2ii<? tiuh's an bour aill he Bttained. N-'m-i
tli<-:r-?, arflhiBg that their moderatiOB may he
Ln.iV.ii ui ^n uii-ii. eapouaUj to men \\h<j ujo
looking about for a good Inventment, they l>l??,?*?
-at leaat" before the 20? and then ttop, I 'v
Ing . mething to the imagination.
Tho i-i;i! trip "I the nevt .~hl\> waa I > have
been made, tvn learn. on the lal ol January,
l,ui it liil nol <?'??,",? off. It maj l?e added thal
thal h whal i- gencraljj the matter with the
riptf 0f .in-!. rraft?they are potttponed,
ii I,, rime? indcHnitely, owing to circuma ancee
over whieh the man al thc bolm haa no contml
,,, >](.,||< ,i!. Ilowcvcr, an aluminum air-ahip
is in.i lo be confounded with it-* predeteaaow,
ind Ihe pnblic ludgmeol miutl be ktwpended
niiiil it haa been *nbji rb '1 to whal is familiarly
bnown :i- the erueial I *tt. There ia no retwoii
to believc thal " The Journal" beara any grti Igc
againal thc atnrkholdera, or tvould nbjed to ?ra\ -
elling al iho rate of ;it leasl iiotl milea an honr \
>n that il it i- aomewbal aceptical tottching thc
..;,,?,,... ,i, t!ii- latost ;iii"iiij>t tu aoh'C <'t.I
ii,,. i, iiiiiii:- qneationa of thc agi b, we ?re i"'tit'.<l
.,, beliet ? thal il ha* approtv ht I the lubjcel
i,,,;n ,i purely aeientiHe poinl "f riew. After
jjiving tbe diinenaiona of the aluminum eMp, i;
iaya thal ''the.problem ol building a Irame
k-oi || i tu f. .1 [ong and 2? Fcel in diameter abiff
emuigh lo prevenl thc eollai ??? ol ihe aheathing
and lo sinttain thc wcighl of Itnell as well aa
of paaaengcnt, marhinery, 't..- nnd yel not
wcigbing over 5,500 pounds, would be i?m>
ni.iiined inmoaaiblc ol aolution bji enginecra ac
oiuitomcd to work on ateel." <?i counte ihcnn
BWcr j?perhapa tne >?? ckholdeia will com.il
in a rnrd and make it?thal the " imp< aaibhs"
i> ;i relativc term, lhai t!i'- impoasibilitiea ol
ono age havo olten tiirm doul to be thc ai hiot ?
menta ol thc next. Thc bn lyanty chamber i I
the ?hip ia to bc l T?? leel in length aad 2H leel
in diameter nifh n llfting powei of 5,500
pntinda. The gns-engine will weigh only 251)
,?, ,:.,;> nnd will dcvclop l<?Q bor* ? pow< r. The
abip ia to weigh onlj I.B50 pounda, ia to i ? *l
sii.Min. iinii to rarrj Hfty paaaengcra. The
dirt-eheap coal ol thc tvnndei ia aaid to be owing
,,, thc la : lhai " Ihe ' ? mpany h i- ite own pro
ci..s i.f making aJuiniiium.''
w,. (jive tbeae ligurea for whal thi y an
worth. and in reaponae to " Thc JotirnalV
ciitiii>iu thal " Ihe daiij preaa haa allowed bheni
m pa<? withoul .|.i ?-'!. a." il may l>c explained
tl, u experi ii"' haa lanehl thc dailj pn - tn
,,.,,.M,. u|| ttoriea telling ol new air shipa thal
are g ?ing t" make al leaal -"" miloa nn btuit
with aevcral, in ia<; a good mstuy, graitia ol
.:,h. 'rii.it ihe ahip in queation ia an evolution
li-,.iii ihe I i iiain ** '?! - i,: ' ' nter
I ri^inji w :.' 'in ". ". Ihe ?' ili - \ e ne - hi ol
,,:,.i . ,,-;. onlj ii hia mind - Fatu iful ? yc i ?
,|,,.|i,il..s. ;? nth "l ii." im it :er. "?till,
; the ahip be pn diteo I and laiuti hed and
ntnke nl lenal '-'"" milea an bour and we ahall
make an antple ap ilngj (n thoae eoi eerned.
\,.ni-sago i r. ?jtedman, who had given
, nn-,.,, rahio mi. nl m i ? the iiibjoi t, u nrtc a
lettei tn TllB Tbibi SV. on aerial navigatioii.
||e ? xp:.?? "I liini'.ell hopeftilly. In l*7H I.
i, nl -? i-. d jn :i magn ine aitii le ;. n three
| I.., i|i .1 foi thi oi . eaal ;! i ll
.? riiction and uae nl whal he ?ij I I stn u ronn i.
I'beac la. :..i> were an impiovi l ui lor, a meth
,?| ,.( -? ring i.i.'- >" thal.I bc applied
to ihe ;i"i-. in n and i i :. ap pro.i ohl i
iliiminuin in ijuaiil ti, w h n he penm d I -
-.. thia |..i|Mi in I *.?*:! the I ki twn ol th< ???
i.i. lora *e< iiu'l t ' have lui n uiiid ??. I h
nai i int??d in ?aj ing, " I jiulge thal the pre
!n?? iim nl .<? ? . ? miIiiiiiin nl rli probl >in ia
nol withoul 1 ;i->." - i. althmigh ihe new ah p
? :.i mtli ii. lion. tli'i"
,.. i.;i-..t i thinga whj il
abi nld nol : ai a mil :" i"? a . i.
11?. |, ,-^, .? nl tlie Silver bill haa intrtnluced
j?ti ull bu unr - . ? il' , liuiia i ? ? .- -??iii?- ?. t ul
au. || iiiipurtum r thal r> iiulii itiniis are ol
niii'liii. c. oi ? t ti ? ne ? ? I
?A , ,1 ujiili ii. .? i: iilron.l ui . inization
a?|vui. ra .!??...! ? . iiw i rrui
il.,. v?l n.: li laineaa t; ...-..i ia nearly ii u?i
? ? ji year i >?, and tlie r-'iini
,i mon . ii"t i ihe i'ii ?: ?"' |.i' tuiai -. liiui rial
,. -,? i . , . .- e in n "ii p ? ?
|)u . ... .,.'., ,i \ . aini ? il ia pi"
. pui |..-i- ni ? iu '
-;.??!! tiun. But i ? ? ' ' ?
v lijll ou I. -im---. ' ni:."' '.. '
- '.'. ?
.1 .. n< 'a 11,.- i>i ibli ui ia ru
in.i, '.. tl.--i,.... wli.-tliri the liill will |>i-~>
,,i all, '.r wlu '..fi il will t. ia -??-?? "'i oi
,,l.\1j:i .I--.S ..ii MHH l<l bilbiW. * Vel ? WOII 'i
ilu ,i,i ;. ,. . ? ??? ii.i ,1 .... ?
aii.ii, nliii'h lui hl llwn ??? r<?? c , m p?*?i'i|\ un
tii :ir\i ?..',.i \. \\ .'i Sii.'.'t i- iini.'li in
hiil.it ul v b will n??l ? '?
l,i |. i's uiitil nr ?.; ili"..'.. ul ne\1 \>- u. lbe ? ul.'
, |y thero ia whell ni Imhlera
! i i| .- I iiiul w itliilrau il
frmii ii uial., m w hetlwr foi ii;ti lud lei - u(
nlo< ka will aell und h ii atei: n. rxi'lian
I. . i in ilm i mi v . >-. i ??:?? li ia i.r.'u min li
. . ? ..i -.I. h ;. ili?|i *i1i<i al im ?.
I,,..- r ipitllj .i lu.oal l?i tbe . .1.1 ?-\|M>rl inv p iim,
,, ,i i,,.- ... . ? unr w beu ."I i nol mous r %
,,. ,,' merchnmlix' exrxuia nvei inifxirts wwuld
,,i |ici n I-.' ba ? ?? .? ?!? ? ???? il ... ii.i|...i la ""8 im
,,l,,i.,i',lc. lu Is-. ? n.i.i i. .'?- importa here w.-i.
>li.l.il\ li-^s ili.ui tu !-->'.', while the ufrgretfiite ...
|.; ii,, i|...l exporta U.|N al"' alitjhtlj h>a, lbe exii'ss
,,i expoi ia " ? . i...|-":. ? waa pioiuiUlt nol i ir
ii,,n, ii,- >;,,..,..,,,.. .,i ibe previom yrur. In
l ,n iai , un iuertavae ... ev i?.its nnd .ii u ui
i.,,i.',..i iinpnrl lliua fni .n.h' ?'.- an expurl
i,.,i,.? ud u 1 ?r! :..?. I ."'?'? '-??' uia '??>
have U'i'ii ii" su.'i. ^i-ilui- nl m-.--ii ii n's ..ii Lotitl'iu
accoiuil prloi 1.. lbe paswiire ol tbe Silvc
.is would ir.|'iiii i"|i"ii-- .1 u d'l. ituil lue nubl i
i,.,. i n;ii u.ill, ittrihutrd lu ilbti iibI ? i t >rei n
ui Aiiu'ii'mi. i ii|>ii..i. is iu t1.'' linaiicial fttture
I ,,,- , ,.i.I uiitl.Ki rrtinl\ imm iveil, ul
ll,! i ,, ihe ucljiiatiucil ..l la-in ni..: ??-. ibafs nol
,, ,.,1, .? ..?,. nnd ihe romla wbicii ei.i nul " Iho
ajrs1 s. md ulll tilL I i.i rilll H'|i 'll nl i* .llllii^
I lie i iii.iiM ,... i bn.!'? kbuw an lm
,,i j |h-i eenl in l ?.< .-m <-i. bim. uii iiit.\ ilu.'
,,,,,,1. tbe iraln t"t twelve montha Wn- 8.1U per
..,.,1 \.i.'i;i. report* lor eleven nmntba on nuf.
..,. ,.,, utl .-I roi la, ii.i kim ?"' in all, u .tl. i l".
|.... uile* in upentlion, ..-..'.-? I i ,8 lo the prcvi
,,,, M-.-it, ibal |i. i"-i uwk.'a i jirvnal eariiin ?
v, . ? , ,. ??-.?, - h i\?- in ? nn ir. !?? .-?? ? i B7n lH4?,4jtjl
,,,, ii,,- yeur, ... ?. .'? i-'i "?!?'? II th > laal ruonth's
,;,,,,,,, .s uu il,.- biltei '?!?.-?? "i r>m?!a ;"' eatimnl. il,
I ,., ,_,- i,,: . ??? \,vi WOllld '"? ..'''? ' ?-".."
,??! uile, ni aiiiai bbJ.... in i ?"'?'. u imtn ol ??
.,,. ,,.nt, sueh returna would n-i'll.v prompl a il
ing ..1 Btoeka
,,ii tbe other band, lbe apeculative marketa
;,..i.il\ iril..i much Inith tbal eiureuci ia to be
inttaied oi del ascd W beui t- h ili n ren1 lu-..' r
il, ,ii .i week .. -". notwituai i idi .. exporta lor two
bttve ;'i-i-n leae Ibtui hall the ijuuntitj
:,,. the >..in<- -'?'?'?'- laal year. bul ouru b uiore
, ,,;, ball ?' eenl lawer, eAports baviim decliueJ
.., |6'.',<)00 buabela i"i two weeka, agalual ."? ?,
ik.i. laal rear, and nate are i l I ten ? I ??? ?.. with
:?.,l and boga .. ao lower. ' itlon baa advaneed
,i atxteentb lor n?t, bul declined an oi^inii loi
January, the reecipta and the ', lantlty eotnlna in
Mki,t i.i.in- iii.is i.i in January rv.c.-.ii-.i tboae
,,i |aai \i-.i i\ .- ?," ''' i alcs, while lliere ui u
,1,., .,....,. ,,i |8,.? balea iu ? iporta and '.?>."a,?
iu laklaga of Xortliern ap.ra ll nrtj falrli be
inferretl tbal aprculatora bavi eitbrr no faitb In
the poaaage "i tlie Silver bill, or liiil?' rnlth that
it will operate tu mlluenre prioea for the pre rnt,
fof tbe witbilrawBl ol ifol I aud foreign rapital from
as.' here minhl bave .??.,. i|j lbe .<ii ..-,".? inti lenne
Suaar baa been liii.-'. hoth raw ind i 'flnetl, ap
parrntlj lapcaeae the rei ui ttmctcd Iruat reeniN de
icriin"i'<i ta nwtke whal 11 ean. aa advance nr
tbiee-elkreentha la sranulated kttgar, if prolonged,
MwulJ uit-au * tranafei ol about 18.000.000 more
money yearly from the poeketa of ronsuniere to
tboar nf i< Buera.
Tbe monetary outlook baa greatly imaaovad, tor,
whlle t: i- TreaBury has puid out only aboul H.?
., more tbnn i h ib taken in. lucluding new
?ilvi-r notea Lsaued, the banks have gained $7,
;,,., ;,r,ii receiptM from the Interior are Large.
(jirator ea*e prevaaia al Itoaton, Phiiadelpbui,
I'hicago nnd nther Importanl eerrtren, and there
is -, pereeptihle nhrlnkage in volume ol baalneaa
llenringa tbr three \.ka of January, uaually
much larger thnn In December, becanae Inclu iir~r
nnnual Nettlementa, are wrtaiderably Baaalier tius
year, Bggregatlng Si.v,:,..,000 this montb
againsi 11,4**3,000,000 ror three weeka ol ,',sl
.ith, and tl,354,800,000 for the correapandlng
weeka .,i Jannary lasi year. Bome thrinkage would
naturally reaull fr,,m the ahortneaa >.t cropa.
Tbe monthlv roporl "f "The iroti Age" abowa
thal tbe weckij outpul of ptg-lron January I waa
h;;..?,??.. tona, againal 183,846 tona rbjcamber 1,
aad 174,088 tana a year ago. Bul maal of the
Mahoalag and rwetuutga funaeea bave ahut dewa
aince Jannary l, tad it is bow Bappoaed that the
wceklj outpul is noi more than 138,000 tona,
whlle the atoeka of unaold Iron roae in Deceaa
her, II u s.i.i, 230,000 tona. The demand for
flniahed prodneta of Iron aad ateel baa fallen off,
nnd, while rail-makera are bow sai.l to have ael -
tled their differencea aad ngreed npon fcn advanco
!? prjee, thal may noi exaetly Btimulate production.
Sor is Ihe cotton rdanufacture encouroged by the
ileeline ln prices oi Bome gooda, prinl clotba bav
n;, touehed ibe loweal polnl ever rtmorted-a aix
1,.,-iitli helow 3 eenta for 64a, There la more aetivity
in woollen and bool nnd ahoe mantfTacture, and
,,,1,1,-r weather haa Btrengthened the eoal market.
Uul tbe hohlora ol ailvei ahow tmall faith Ln tl i
paaaajre oi tbe free-cotaage MH, for their aalea
ilopresaed ihe prlee the day tbe bili paaaed tbe
Senate, aad il is lower bere aad al Lettaaa than a
Week Ugu. ^___???,aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
It ],a.s i.n ohvioiie ror aeveral weeka tbja)
Ritrope was experiencinc. more unuBual winter
weather t. we Anierlcana were. In the Unlted
.. indecd, uver moal ol tba country ir,,ai
the Aliegbauiea to tlie Kockiea, tbe Beaaon baa
Im. milder than the average, thoujrb hol ao
phenomenal Ln thia reapecl as was that of a
year ago; while here ln tlie Eaat, only ln a,
limited region, ln New-Enpland and tlie Eabh rn
Ui tiah 1 rovincca, baa tbe leiuperature ?>?-?"*? much
below Ibe normal, or tbe inew al all exceeeivc.
Arross tlie Atlnnl e, however, t'io Bcverity oi the
,,,M and ::." bl m ka I a rrom im w have I.n ua
,,,, lUelcnl in ii iny yetu i: and tbe winter haa al
p ,.?i |iis|.,ii, iii its almormal development.
, . rii'ity la the more remarfcable, too, be
lasi yi r, in Kurope ua tn ti,.- United
States, i" ?' tionallj mild weather prevailed.
The expLouatlon ol this ?' an?e ineteorologieal
allliution, or aeriea ol afllluli .ua, ia t > lw found, no
iluiiht, largely ln Uie unuattal iracka whieh tbe
si,;nis ,,i the laal rew weeka bave puiaued.
K. |)pen*a, \..: bVbher'a and Ureelya eharta ahoa
thal tlie -i.-.t uiajorltj ol movlnn bai .metri i
aiouB w ilch inttuen e Kuropean weatlier
approai!, tlio liritiadi lalra from the Sorth Atlantic,
ami nio.re northenatwanl, with their centree cksar
,,i tho weal ,? st ..f Ireland. A amaller propor
. haanel and coulinue
an?,!_!,t oaatwanl into Norlh Oermnny It w i
,i,.;., atl i tlio pa -,_,? ol * ?? over
thia I'Hit,-. hi tbe bye, i i Soutbern 1'.,.
I,i.l froata, Novemhrr S*?. unparallelod Ln aixty
nml i.!?!,- who remember tlie onlminatinn
uf our . n ? .Id ?' ' ?? ! '??? ;" " ?' "- nftet Tli mk -
P ?. w ill I* interostoil in tbe eoii i Idence,
Sovrral uther atoruia li vo reeently followed
\ ? . /,. i hni st ill ,,-ss ti ?? oiled patli
Leada down fmrn ? '- rman eoa?ts to Northern
Italj . h liero it ? into thrc ? brani I <? .
i lim,|_ I, - :. . , : lustria aud
I a, oaa tbe Ual tan prninaula and tl ??
I ,\,ii.-. and ilown Ihe Adrlatic into tho Kaaleru
Mrdlterranean. Thia rnute, with Ha ramiflea
liuita, Beema to 1. bocn patronUod more fre
qiieutlv than uaual thia winter; although two
,.r tlin.i tlie atorme repoirted ln the buB few
,???;- ? ,. ,|ipar.'iitlv developed in rhe weetern
M.-iiir:',,!,.-.,ii, ,,r hav.itered thal Bea from tbe
\ ? Spain, ihence workinn their
v. ,v oaatwanl aloiig one ol Ibe - ?' de
i . vital imp .ri ince i lliia mattor ol itorm
- ,s ipp.iaicd wlwn . K-ni.-iiii?-i-s ?
air pount inwurd, f?>r i nda ol
... pntre, ? illi warm w iuda on
. ,-irr'v and k il pi ? atdea, and cold one*
? .? norlhorly and wrptei Ij I he rormer ??
; H, s,, itii^rn !. impe wll li etorma p i
tbe ||i ? - and Sorwaj : n hile Iho latter
would predomitiate when a atorm movod uver the
erram an, aa ratber lamoua >?n?- did, for
: !?. Manli H-lo, Ikm:i. II.Id
whieh lollowefl lowered tli** merenry nl lllarrit*
,.,.'.? ,,|.-, ,,ii il-i- I'n- .1 , Midi ',ti
i , |'j rrneis ' ' ?"'? and on the Saoi I
\,|,.- tn .-.', i... i ,it -i ;.-... rci orda boiti I e
|, ui-si evor n, ide al ihoao utati iru
tlin,.. Hut as \!.?-is, iunia and m,- Ked Se?
, horn ii. ? v Uiteil thia winter, il is probable
11, ,i ii,, | ,st two ,i llu ?.' Btornw hnve ra wte tl'.-tr
? :,i proeroBB in slill lower latitudea Ihai ?
lhat l,isi..ii,- l.li/..,i.l
i ,. p. .[I.-M-.It -. ? i .-' irma t.. follow approxi
i ... . mi ? routo, lIh ugh ii ho u) nn
ooo, i" h neriwl ?l woola or >'..'ii montha ,.t ,
iiiih*, s'-iv,* l . i?'t|M-: lato tlie ahnorm&l Iraila ol
, -.,,, in .ii . I rality in th.' tempei ite
/,,ii,,.,. i;,,i ,,| \?.\>. ,,| iho ,,in\,.iii,-,l embarraaa
iiK-nis a.,.| aiilferliii whieh l??ve latel) fallen* lo
il,,. |,,| ,i Kumpe, '" eoiiBoquenee >.i il,us lorrild.'
woutbrr, .rannol bnl h ,;?.? for Biteh a readjuat
in.'iu ?f niel -..i.,'.,:, nl i oml tiona as will s,'n,l the
, ,, .; iiioii i,,-.-/ii,j ao i m-1-s bai k t" t!,.-u'
, is, an ,,-. Noi i ,-,,, li . bwa.ts.
Is ii roally, aadiy Irno llml Smith M Weed
ro , n.'.s,. fxnetiaivc headiptnrtora in Ihe Delavan
||..,iv' all for liail'.-lil ' ll WOtlld luaVC I.II nn'tn'V
iii hia poekel il hc had Uung away amblfJbu ie>
ITIll Wl ,'!i- ngo,
? -
:., anawer of Iho ueeuard Brooklyn offiehla
i.. ., ,|,.|i.,l und .. |iiBtill?-atl?n, Tlioj will undei
i.ik.- I.. |lrovo Ihal insi.-,,l ol lottitia tho lax
payera bo iwindleil l? tltc lune ..i 81,000,., thej
rtrove a si,,i|i hni rnin in la?hall >.i Iho eitj
\\'.-ll, t'.n-ir l- uoinfl I ' ,"' ?? Irial ol all tlie i-s,;,-s,
,,.,,1 n|| tho ir is will I p lold Tho peoplo ba\e
,ili.-.i,i\ |,,ss,.,i prolimiunrj jiidgmeul apott ihe
eaae, ns Jusliro linrlloll haa done, antl Ihej will
n .i i,,. ,,,rit,-ni with an\ more oaaortion fmni
ilayor Cbapin Ihal he " thouiflit" or "helh?ve?r
,,,. u , ,|,,,, ;, :, n im rm ii, Nikljn ii.- wimi
warnod i?el. Iho iNtriraln ?i> comploloil, bul
t.i,|.-,l tn lic-.l tlie warnina, I lial La oi.I the
poinla ..ii whieh he nmal prepare himaell i"i
cr< - ?(? kamin iliou.
? ?
l , ttovernor Da> 11 H Hill I alao lo the II.m.
Smith M. VVeed: l?"<-s ll tlrike yau lioth, or
either of you, thal voii ean afford t<> be eleeted
(l, the Initi'l m "'-- Sonate t>\ ilir aid of the
vote "i a Klf-coBfe at i orlminal'.'
N.i man kttOWetfa wha1 3 day may h: inx forth,
hni ii ... witbin reaaon t.> remark that,
to-day'a pr.llnga Bl Albany will brintf forth
. ,,:, i ,;,-. inurestiug, Governor Hill kepi tbe ae
woll almoal up lo tbe laal moment.
Fortiinately for bia purpaaaa be has baea
with a party tbal is aeeustomed
i,, laklnii and oheylng ardera bluidly. Tba ab
! aoluto aliaence .>i any uidependent power of
nt or decialon on the parl of the Detuocraey
; haa been Indbtputablj proved b) whal baa ...
rurrod itnoe laal Kiretlon Ihty. I'he partj is mih
plv a bla macntne, ol whieh Davld li. Ili'l tartu
tbe crank.
l in- Kepublieaaa of lirooklyn hare made an
eveellrnl irlectlon for ohairman of their Ueneral
Ciiiiiiiiiifi-. Mi. tJoodrich is ., i iv \fi- aad b eiti
,',ii of Uie higbeal Btaading and enjaya tho eaat
gdonee and reepect, not only of 1ns party BBBo
1'iairs, bai of tbe entire oommnntty. lie will Ih:
tbg BhaVlrBa8B Of no iliM.siun iir I.i, ti,.n. Iiut uf llu*
couituittee aa rt whuli\ Thfi oonteM for chnlrraan
iu tho oonttnltbse \v.,s an ai.iinuted one, but it
wus devoid ul 'litti-rm-bs, nnd tue result should
leave no heartburninga, We are pieused tn ?*-<?
tluit it is propooed tu aiitee (3cor|B 15. I'nrresier,
Mr. i; ...'Iri'li's eompetltor P?r the ??hainiiansliip,
nt the head of the Eaeenttte ropinillitee. ihrr*
i.iiilil ii.it l?? a Ikpteei arrmcement. fat bajth wi^s
,,i' tbe party would tims reeetva f??*?n*tii aaasa),
niiii.ii. It i> huh tfane for f.u-tiunal ditVen-nees
among our party friends in 15r.mkl.vn tu iPiiac.
I,et tliem t'.'iw I'o^'in to illustrate thc prn<-tieal
vlrtues i.f "getting toejtther." An important
local tnamnaign is coiuinu in a few nionths.
A eareful examination of our eaxhavagea yoater
ilny lailf.l to dhteover a tiniely and viyon.im as.
aault npon free COinage <il silver frmu tlie weithty
|)?'ii of Mr ( l.vel.iiid. Ile ou^hi nol. ta dofer
iimt mvi.iuI letter n fingle day- He eeeM aaetty
v ute i' In an henr. And what an hmir that
would t><? In his eareer and thc Mseatf ot tha
Can tlio Drinnrrary of t!io Kmpire State afToiV
tn send tn thc- upper lm'iso .it Wa.shinxtun a Sen?
ator eleeted bj the fota of a taintnd legatantarf
The party tmgiig+r erUI dtmMless eanviaea thettv
M.hes lhai Di'inaiesi 888 a nu'nt tu 8*888881 hia
dntiea ns an aaarmhliman nntU eneh urae as he
ihall be oonvieted of the rrime eJanraxtd Bapalaai
bim; bnl bow would a l.i'Ji-ininde.l Doinncrat
?upposing tiie ehotee of eneh a one Bjoajajblg to
morrow?regard his eleetlon by kaeaae of thc vote
oi such a uiau'.'
Oaraeral bTerwla, ef New-liaven. at piraent Ltafc
tenant-ttovernor boMIng oarer aurttl hi* aaa>88a88r ia
,!.,!v .i.it.-ii. <i.i'.ai..iv eecBnea to prexide over tlie
stato Benate al piaaont. ann ?iii not Mcenyy IM ? i>a.r
,it tne j<>i.11. iceatona tor Ihe eleetlsei ef Ehtttel Matee
Keuator thia weei.. oetkeral Menrta aral'tba RaaanV
llraii randldate lur Govornor la^t Ull. and m..y yet
be pleced In ttiat offtce by it"' Lctf-latur-.
BepreaentatKe lle*t8eraon, of lowa, waJbi kJIgMtsi
from hia rarriaan U Ute Oapitol oa TharaaWfi Nl anl
sprained hia rigM utkle. rhe accMeat ht the tanri
liiatrobklns Inaemuch a- Mr. Ilenekreon ktel Us lrft leg
ui the a*ar.
beoator Eteree, ?t BerUi DeJtotn, traa once a nsntV
paper man, nnd waa cooneeted wtth "Tlio ihUw
Sen i." in Utoee aaya he ?raa accoaated a sood ^tory
lelli r and a oonnoiasettr In eutuaera.
Pre kfenl K!"t. of llarvartl, Intentb Bjoon to lai^ an
extended Westero trip. He arUI probably ^tart ahoui
the Brat "f >'? brunrj, going ?'- unr a.-. Denver, and rlatt*
i- g man] ol the hvrger dtlea ln rhe MaatoaippTVaJto.
ii,. wiii i.o the fuaM "i tiie Harvard < luhs m M. I'.nii.
Kansaa < it v a.tul Oaaalia.
Miuuel PBaaaoll, lmi^' tatoarn M lbe ??>ailnt>' ^?Hl?nd.,?
,,,?. |n PWrtuatnent, at.d araa zara
up iu. -r.it in U|i' boty ten yeara au-n t'. Hr Veraea
llarrourt, haa recetrtly been In aotue Weatera rr) i ef
the I'nlted statea iiiveattiratlnR the lubjecl "f tldpning
Amerii a . beel (?? Bngland. Ile doee not favor s^ndinu
tiiu caitle a' roaa the ocean aJlva.
\;iii.nii.-ii tbe lUBUtita boajier arhleli la tn n;irk tlie
jrava ..f the !*.(?? Oeneral 0 bnan Baraton, aa Oearereer
,,f v.'.v HaaapsMre, baa iin-a.lv been taaen to Kxetcr, it
?1B not be Oedlcated until Mecaorlal Day.
Tbe lateel piwbablbty regardJng Um rboiee of .-. aa*,
to Jndie Deveni on tbe MBiaachnaetta taprani
Is that B arUI fall on Caleb BBabjett, oi
. bnpcrlor Coort and a Deaanrrat. it i- beBetei
, informal tender ot thia oaTce baa ebead] beaa
l , hlra aud tbal Oovernor BuaaeB will ippoun
iim on Wedneaday next.
a,,,,,, g the. rrop of randidate im Bayoi oi i '" aw
v.i... i. la sprlngBtg ap alth sotnethlng Hke teopbral
luvuimii.e Ju-t no? la Jtttlce Jullua a. ' irimtell, wId
rondurted the proa rutlon ol the Anarrtalsts tl -
!.,..;? >???.- ;._,?. ll- l? ?. Demotrat. but nol h pirty
iu hi. and ti.is many BepubBcan We da.
j-.:... Uolme . - ? ol tl.Au1 ?? ral af the Break
f.i-t'1'..hii-.' la -i.'i to I-- 11.Ij J"-: ee<w the Baaaa
,?,?..;?- Mipreme ronrl benrh aho en>oya vriting
?ut an op nlon. it - nasorlat prefer oral a?J8raacw.
UU. TALK or TBE 1>A I.
A man who Itaa been a toyed for yeara by lbe BM
that one aWe ??! bla mtutacbe groara aboal tariea ?- f?'t
aa ii.in.r alde, i lalma to bat^e i"md an eaplanaitoa
In (be .:r.'iiiii-tai:..- lli.U Bfl aita all 'Ihv al hi? d-sii
aith one alde ?'f hia Baoe tttraed |.. ? arloaarar, tiie lisht
fr..in wiiuii atlmaJataa the grawtb of tho hair on ui?t
. i 1 ?? .
One of oeoraa vraabuigton'a ropi booka haa been
r?iind ;,t m.i V". "ii. it abowa thal when oeorp
?I ..i.ii.ii ,i .ploti Ii of ink in Ihe mWdle of the iiaarr. m
? . i,.,i ii duwn toward the rlghl liand i-orner tii>i"?<1
. .., the left. UUa made i bbn* ronurt danii.e
i ,;,-!.. ..t nf one shootlng .1 .'A.. '.ra* araa al
UUTereiii from othi r b "?-. iNorrlatowB lleiald.
li aran In a Pougbl.pale pubBr ron^evaaee. p*r
i ..... arei ? taru of Itteaa. and
i.ii.i.ivei ed mi i. a ! ''i'l iim'. ahowed
? me nbera "'f tbe Detn
party, u leiikth thei ? ? of one of then grew aa4. .
,?. i-enmrked tbal .. Den wral up iu bla Urarn had I.i
. twgU ,,,,,,. ;.?. spenker'i rompanlon aaked
?,,.,, : ... , iMble aaa. 'WeU," Ito of Ute aoanraal
- ? : .iim pot tbe pl
er maklng a livelj ranvi -. ... I are arere
?H miirht) ulad, lor there ain'1 a Uvetter arorhet In the
[tarty than Jim. Bn1 he aBppet] ap ."1 tbe wata, tut
,,? ,?. , lankeij blunked II lie rontd psl a blaak aaaa
... , i. : ... un bla I..1.1I."
I,,,. ix>tei-tlve'a Soerow. ? Wlmt ar- lbe Hntlinga in
,1..,? n.iulred .. dctertlve -a the aAtorney in *
bU"PMI^iitv^ltVti""trutt you bad to ?t.. arlUt.* ?n. Hw
. ruol n-|ily, and the deti ? 1 vc weni oul to -.-U romlorw,
:, .,, ntlirltt Uud It. iWaablugUMi Mar.
? 11 iw .in Blh Changea UU Horns" i- lbe tltle of
an |; ; ? printed In "The Kan Franriar.i
. ??. ? n 1- cvfdenl Utat tl ,l"v',r
,.,,1 ,,:,i r.ir ., lyp ral Deiu ?? ralli poB>bian of tN
lamniai il.I. Kor thal Indlvidual doea nol ? ip
liU horna. He aUcha to arhlaavey.
,. ,..?,,-? . 1 mnd alwrplj -w:.i. !i ?.( you
i, ii iim 1- .iini!. ? 11 i!. ? tn - .it me '
S(X >...?? ilu ?ii.-iii-i - I'niliiv l.i.nvii, alr.
1 \ii: in. 11 \,iii hik boya *tand nul
11,1 hc ?... ? ii- i' v,"i v'^' r' ddj li. * maW (
, thal you were nut atteodlng 10 year
,1,-,,...- .1'i.k Be 1 p.
ili- m.iii. ." m.i'ui :a luier-' A -.. i t'on of the ralkH
,, ,?, 1 dl ,11 *ing thc BdvUaMlity of eatabliati - ?>
let'hiili-al arhool iu eonnectlon arttti tii ? I'nlveraltj >'i
'?. ilVHiila, In win. li lbe i-hemUtrj i.f m.ig woabt
; ??? 1.1I1-1-. Thia i- I11-K..1 nn b) tbe
iiii.v.'. ii\ autborltbM aa I ?? bogtnulug "i -i a?H8a af
.l.l.lilh.l: - Ul I'l.II lll-litlll. Wlu. ii bi iini'- wlB in*".*
II ,..11 tre i.f I... 11i111.1l tiMi'i.i -? in lbe 1 mtiii Btatea.
? ? \ I.-, i.ui.,.1 -?.:.'? aaya lYoteaaor Raaer, -abaaU
pnivide for re**urrh aa w. ll a* in-inn im.i. II B the
iiiissinii .a all tchoofc of Barnlng n> latparl k. ..wi..i.-e.
iu. 11 a.. have ii.,' .-I 11 ae . i.ri bapati it. rhea
the onlj waj 1- to rarrj on reaearrh, and arqalre by
onnl ?, \ iu.,1.- nf Inatrttctora nnd tbe
?.k -t pupila whal 1- laealaf. ri.i- II 1- prop -?' I "''
leaihcr lnOu>try. li tbe taru depaitara 1
. 1 bave im doubl ihe olber tradea alB be
only 1.uixloua to e labllah Uke deparUn mU. and tl a
, ly.il ih.-y sbould l.Ubllahed i- re, 8 ?Ji
btx'ome Uu rentre of lerbnlenl learuiin: In Uu' kt "t
\il IIojm 1-.11-. kUnaaM Von aeo tbal fi?ll"? over
there.' Three yeara a.-.. he waa a-ritiug I,M'"V ';'',?
. ].,? vti'T iim .Irifusd down t*i l hlia
d-liibta .....I h:-.h- -i?"'in- .si:i..i'i,l-: and in-u na
?.i ,...-:..-.-.i is iiuui'i mi. .siit.tr .ui a mnatoaa ?-?a?aty.
i.,.u.t. \\ 1.11 1- li? dotug now j
Kbincy. Uou'l you aeel Ile la inaahlng * t8fa>
rette. iPurk.
\i .1 neeUag al tbe aaeejbera of the BefroB bar tba
,,.|,.,- ii.n, |, take i.t... ."I Ute noauaatloa ..f .ludtfii
Rrown lor tbe Supreme ivatrt, Don M. mrklnton m..de
:, verj fellrttoaa apeech. 'Jaalge BroarB.'' he aaJd,
? wiii 41 be "' ? """ B???U tneaaaehea, and ..- greal aa
tho b a-ho lut\e pearajded Uteaa. fae taapreaae <',"'-8
, al lbe head ofoooof Ute greal htwteae of tba tu*.
e.iini,,,.. ll r...il.-..|a.'ll- ??* *8 Praalalenl aad IM
i-ciiei-ilve Congre** it la lbe algbe-l Irlbunal an earta.
ii-,. hi Eheal .-in.-laitim tbal ean be paaaed up<w Jndg*
Henr, 1. Broao U to aay that be 1 WU wtnihf 8j
tbe booor thal ba roma to hlat." Mr. Wcttaa-a. pre
? , d ||m| .,lM.t. Browu v""M aaelse aaeh a i<""nJ
,'?;,.,,-...ht pou* ?m? ? -1 ;*;?- .:'u^j
tok^wttb blat to WaaWturton/ ?^J^y'JJ
...,.,.,, tvoea 01 Amrii.'.iii Bronkanboot, arbo artB ^ei
..:,',.-!,...? .?o-?........ grac ,,.ii..".n,.li-l.moni.oi
, "M, ,,? aomanhooal. and who wlfl at ttaa 8n>
?, ;,?,.... beivin ll-tr.iiMiiigbtcaiidKl^deB
'',;.' ,?,,?,, ,,.,. ,:,,ve-. ,l,.-.'r,.ulv,..^t'be
:;:;;,:;.i,,u. ..n.i-a,.,,'...,,.,,.!. ,,d,...l-..>..>p
,1(-l, obtbjra, ?'?"M,li"H.iuaa.?
E^Vbetnerli. paaoat abetla or a Uiuuaaud dollara
_.u?st..ii TiauuKrlak

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