Newspaper Page Text
V0,-L .N?*16,ltl. NEW-YORK, 8ATURDAY, JANUARY ->\ I891.-TWBLVE PAGES. PRICE TIIREE CEATS, AN HEIR-APPARENT DEAD. BjCElPECTED EfD OP PBIXCE BACDOUD* OF BELG1UM. KTNG LEOl'OLD'S XEPHEW* IUS DEATH CAV8ED BT COSOESBOS OF THE I.UK08 POPULAR BELIEF TH \T HE MET gHE FATE OP ABCHDUKE RUDOfcPH OV AU.-ti:i \ l X( itk.mi:nt THBOVCH OLT THE KIKGQOM ORIEF 0? THI. BOYAL lAMll-V. Btttftek, .T.,n. 23.-Prince Bamh.uin. j*phew^of Ung Deopold and bcir t? tbe throneol Belgium, 15 v, city ai !:'5 n'elock thia "-"" ?e ,.,.,.I hU death IsaUcgtd .? bave been au attack of hronehltia Tbe death of tbe MlWhM ???*!? tren.endous mmtion. and createa eoiiat*rnation amon, all ?? svs in Bruaeela There are all aorta oi rumore eirculatiag, aa the publio were entirely unaware ihe Prinoe had been 111. Theae rumora ,,vw in Import aa the day advaneed. lt waa openly aeeerted thal the deatB ol the P0P'"ar Upigian I*iin?c waa a rcpetition ol the aad ciroum ataneea lurrounding the death ol the Arcbduke Kudolf, the beli to the Aurtrian throne, wha Hed in roch a myiterioua Bisnnei <>n January (jO' 1880, ?' mu added thal a beautifnl (iormnu governeaa who had heen re eently bonialied from the Belgian eourl j>v ordet ol King Leopold had been In aoine way eonneeted with the death ol Prinoe Baudouin. Rumoi alao had h thal tbere had heen an In trigue, laatiog a long liroe, between the governeai and the Prinee, and the reaull ol their relationa ?h Mid to bave heen thr blrth pl a ehild. Intenae excltemenl prevaila in Brunaela and throughout thr provinoea, Crowda of people are ?arading the atreeta oi gatbered In knote ai atreet eornera, eageriy dlacuaalng tlie altuation, On all ptdea the wanueal expreaaione ol aympathy with ihe royal family in thia their freah trial are heard. Prinee Baudouln'a popularity and hrilliani lalente and ti.e brighl hopea eentred by ths Bel giana on bia future career make them feel the Prince'a loaa In the keenesl manner. The offlcial btrlletin laaued by the eourt phyai ci.nib thia evening atatea tbat Prinee Baudouin tl.i'i 1 ol eongestion ol Ihe lunga, cauaed by a chill wbich he contracted while watching at the bed? aide ol bia aiater, the Princeaa llenriette. But theae tlatementa are fai rrora eonvincinfl Ihe people thal the real cauae <>t tbe death ol Prinee Baudouin haa been given i" the public, and the ttartling rumora already referred to are pnpularly believed to be founded on a aolid baaia of fael oi i ime deaeription. l ,. populace are enraged at whal they tenn (he bluadering ol unsus].tin? doctons. The newi of the Prince'a denth waa wlthheld frcao bia liater, the Princeaa llonriette, a beautiful pirl about twenty yeara oi age, who la dangeraualy iil from Inflammation oi the lunga. The palaee oi ihe Count oi Flandera, wherc the Princeaa livca, j> aurrounded by a atrong force ol police, whu are doing their utmoal to preveni the unuaaal Boiae la the atreeta fi. arousinn the auapicioni 0j ti,. ? Princ^a. Tlie Prinoeaa Henriettt is said to be La a worae eondition thia cvenina than eailier in the day. In additloa to the Miniatera and chiefa ol the royal houtehold, the Gorernor of Brabani ai Burgeaaatei we? preaent ai the palaee ol the Count ol i'landers v.hile the offlcial atatemenl aa to the cauae ol Prinee Baudojuin'a death waa beia? dxawn up. The death ol Prinee Baudouin haa plnnged the Whok eountry, aad eapteiaUy the city ol Bruaaeli, <?to ?????lag Fnnecml daoarattena in the ahape ol erape, black Baga and other aaoarnina ea> ltlems are bcing diaplajcd e\ery.vhere through tLe elt.v. Thia afternoon fnrther detaila foneernin^- the dcatli oi the younii Piince were turnUlied fi ?ui offlcial circle* Accoxdina t^. theae detaila Prinee Baudouin had for aome liroe lieen aufferimi from iniiuenia, but In apitc oi the remonatrancei <f bia pbyaiciana be Inaiated upon paaaini hii nlghta ivcently ai tlie liedaide <>l bia aiater. Princeaa Henriette. Laal Monday, acoording to i:.- atory, the Prinee Inaiated upon goinu for a drive. aome accounta aay i^r a ride on horaeback. lt would i-iein thal the Prince'a foolbnio ? d hiin to cotch a freah cold, and Wrdncaday be v. uj forced U> take to bia l?ed. i'eat*rday tl?e eondition ol the Prinee had hecome more aerious, >,.., .,, tbe s.,?.,. tiwe doea nol acem lo bave ),r,,ri . . alarm, for bia india poaition wa? nol known to tlie Kcneral publio. l).,r.iu the oheraoon td Thundny <m unfavor r.l.le ehange wa? notieed in the I'rince, and ua the evening drew icat hla eondition causcd bia at tendanta gtave apprehenaions. Finally, t<i , j ?. the laal aacramenu ol the Boman Catholie Church were ndminhrtered to tlie Prinee, who waa afterward a'tacked hy biuh fever and waa in danger ol Inpainjj in*o delirlum. King Leupol 1 and Queen Maria were aummoned to the Prince'ii bediiue. They did tneir utmoat to con aole the aufferet, tbough botll the King and Queon were overeome with grief. Finally the Ministera and chiefa oi the royal houaehold were s): ? for. They were In attendanee during all the ! : ?? i part ol the night. Ai 10 o'eloch the Prinee waa aubjeeted to t','> operation ol euppingi bul with no retulte. Shortly t Ujp attendinc phyaiciana pro . .(| t! ?? Prinee 1 i he dying, and the worat w..;, expeel i ai any moment. LittJe by Uttlc prinee B udciin"! reapirationa became weakei an<I weaker until a tudden Bow ol blood from the | lufl ? Mm The extreme danger ol Prinoe Haudouin firat became known ai ro. yeoterday, wbea li*- had a bemorrhage ol the kldneya, Ai (i p. m. Ute phy aicians In attendanee compiled ? bulletin aaying i)l(, ,.;,. . . one "i ? ngeroua pleuro-poeumonia, wbich had reached it- fourth day, and thal therc had ix-en a complicated bemorrhage. The bulletin waa nol laaued, bowever. Tlie membeni ol the family were aummoned. The King and Que.-n were overeome with aorrow, and wepl to gether, the Qiicen being ftnally obliged to retire In eonaequence ol the vio ],.?,,. ,,f ] ,.r -nct. The Prinee tiii-i in r.'-issur* tiios^ ai bia bedaide, uying: "I ahail l?- i.iiter to-morrow." Tlie phyaiciana were atill bopeful till lo )>? ??., when the patienl waa eupped Ai ml Inlghl the Prinee motioned Dr. Melix to ap proach bia bedaide and Ibanked bim for bii kind nem. The Prinee'a volce waa then almoal in ,. .\t 1 oVhick he motioned to bia parenti .,,. doaer to bia hed. He raiaed hlroaelf with diffloulty and embraced tb<-m In farewell. Botb were weeping. The brother and aiater ol the dyini! Hi? kneh ai l la be-laide. 'Ihe ITin-e reeognised them and fe?bly reaclied onl bia | ,,,,| t , .i,ed their fortl*ada. Bown after? ward lie liad h freah hemorrli -e ind di-d at i :48 i. m. The phyalciann wlio were in attemlance are homeopathiata The royal fandly bave fuU eoo Bdence Iri them. , , ,, Telegrama und memagea ol eondolenee with tbe ioy,,| fnmUy ol Brigium are already r*"*?* BruaarU from all parta ol Europe, among the diapatchea receh-ed belmi worda ol aympathy from Vktoria and tbe Prlne* and Prineeni oi Walea. . . , The of the Vvuvr hai heen eiuhdmM, and now Uea in rtate on the bad In whiohihe dkri, surround.d by .all waX eandles ... g?ldrn oandleaticka The body is dreened ... ihe. taro - aome ualfoini ol a captaln of the Boyal BeUan Cambineera In one hand tbe dead lrmce y?,* hUaw<arf..iKlthertherh.ndbx,lda? **?*?? raaary. fram whleh la pendant . u id r The fenturea oi U?e Pnuoe.are m^P^,,,,,,. TIIR PROPOSKD 8TATE PARK L\ THE NORTH VVOODS. | IIAF OF THE ADIKOXDACg REGION AND THE DOCNDABIE3 OX THE PARK AS EECOMMEXDED BY THE FOREST QOMMIS&QKERS. Tl.o above mnj. indicatca tlic location and boundaxiea "f tbe State Park which the Korcal C'ommbwioDcra rrconinicnd the l* eatabliah In th<? Adirondack mountain region: nnd Bfco tbe actual limita "i the forral rejcion The area ol the propoaed park, it will be aern, Inel i.l.-a jt is flnally laid lo rc>t in tlie bunal vaulU I the royal lamily ol Be ]t is learned that Prinoe Baudouin waa upon thc )>.itit ol beina betrothed t.. hia coiimii Princesa riemcntinc, tbe ihir-I ?nd yu dauirhtcr ol hia uncle, King Ijpopold. Irincc* t'lemcntine waa Iwrn ai tlie t'aaile ol Luekcn ?lulv .'(", 1872. Tlie brother <>f Prince Baudouin, Prinee Alhprt I^eopold 1 lemenl Mnrie Meinrad, who waa born \|.ii! K, i 87.1, i> now lieir i" tlie Ibrone ol Hcljium. Prince Aibcrl ia Btudyina. utider the direction ol u numher ol tulora in preparation foi piu*>ii rxaminationa prrvioua i i entcrino, upon a militarj career. \ll the theatrea and puMic inatitutiona are cloard, and will mnain cloaed until aftei funcral ol Prince Baudouin, wbi<'h will lake plnc* t,,,m tbe Royal Palace al l.?eken, In b?uth Brahant, ahoiil two milea north ol Brutacla A requiein Bervice f<>r ti.c repoae ol the aoul ol Prinee Baudnuin will be beld in the ? athedral Hl ihin cit,\ nexl Thursday morainn, after Ihe hurial ol ihc Prince. In rbc Chamber ol Deputie* to-day, Premiei Beernaert, on liehall ol the Miniatry, expreas 'I tlu Hcntimenta ol tbe ilouae in regurd Ui the death o( Prince Baudouin. Be aaid thal Uie membcra Bliared in the ariet ol King Ijeopold aud hia ramily ovet theaad affair. The Preaidenl ol the ' hamlier tnd tbe leadera ol the Kighl and \*tt '"" curred in the expreaaiona ol regret and aympathy, aml the rfouae then adjoiirned, sis ;i ?iKH "i Dioiirnini for the dead Prince. Tbe Beaalon ol thf Anti-Slavery f'onlcrence an nounced t" '*? belil in February haa heen poat poned on ol the death ol Prince Baud uiiu. Preaidenl C'arnol haa telemphed hia condoknce to the i"\;>l latnily on ita liereavement. Luxemnure;, Jan. 23.?Tlie rhatnber ol Depnties ta-day, urtor expreaains urii-f :it the death ol 1'iiiik- l{;iu(|i>iiiii and tenderinfi aympathiea u, tlic IWi/iati royal lamily, Immediately adjonrned. Prince Baudouin i.poM r-m Uie eMe t mmi ol the Ooanl of Flandera, onlj brother "f Kina LeopoM II, ?nd PHnecan Marle ol HohentollernHlirmarlnBen. Be wm born al Bnwaeh on June 3, l??"?'??? >""1'' """' ago t!i<* Kinc. who haa thrae daanhtan bnt no w? . wii<\>\ii\ Prince Bandonln :i- m- ^.ni ;iri?i ai hHr to the thi >n". the rounl of FUnden barlna voluatarilj renoonced UU own elalm* (?> the mcceaalon In f.<\ * <>f bli kon. Prinee Bantfoaln, who vu rerj popnlar :(i BruMela, aeM tbe rana ol raptain ol the I Bealntent <<i OaraMnaera, ;t:ni alao ol the Sd Pru in ReRlroant ol Dm?oon?. Klng LeopoM'B only i m dled b f"? afi4-i hia father*a acceatton lo the I lii.- lateat appearance Ui publle hU- ol Prinee Baudouin ocrurr?d a lortnlahl aso, irhen be gave ?> kcture or ?? r?inlcrence" t<> tlie oitlicrN >4 the rarabinoci^ repl inent. 11 j-. krturo ?m ujkmi tlie pmbalila liiflucoi ? ol the new khm upon the oltenclve and de!en?lve iiiooe ul inlnntnr dRhtintc. wltti ?omc consktcratlont abi?it ihe pnibablc Intluence ol the smokcleaii poader. Prince Bandouin'a fonfcrcnce rtbtalncd ? .meiiti<i (ucceaa, aim be waa warnrijr applaaded guijjjSM norm ix cofpbm uixixa. Boataa, Jan. 83. The dlractora <>f tbe Boaton an.J Mootaoa Mlne bave roted thal ?> dlirkleaal ol fl ? ikaro be ieclarat, pajraUe Febraarjr 90. ''"Il|s i- H reductlon of I.nta per ihare iraai the M-t tw<, dlvMenda. A ikm copaer aaarkat and eaaatracHoii aeadi explaln the raiueUon. viluK CKB01XM AXD TBB QA* TBUMT. t bicafo, Jaa. 23 ajpecHB. Mayor nrefder baa made Mnne radical oraara wtth nafareaca i<> the ???? Tru t ii?. Corporattoa Cbanael haa bean laatrartad to paab n,c quo rarranta pcoeeediaga. TWa w?a a iwwl" ?" Mr Hatehtaaaa, who. feaatag baard Uaat Um Oaa rrart wfcJ Bbout to <U.?olvo, Ua* becn Uiinklog be wouid bo pnri of ll mnnllea of I llei kimer, \\ irren, I ->-? t, Franklin ? Sl I n ? I'he ilariea ol i almftftl riiineiilcnt m ' ? . . u-cptiou uf i \ ul llcrkiux I indie.-iti'd i cra ? i ? ? ? ? ? ? i ; . ? . ;',. i.;, I ? ? ? i |H tli- luUHli of i!, - i u-? i rim . II ? III. Iieym ll B diHIUt. I ill (1 h. f ? Ihe .iv ?? in. !? tlilol tstJoti ? i?-.,u-.| I.) ii,.- :, rnt <4 il"- '? i ],.v.|,|i- v. , . Ill I-. i i !..?: ? ? I . i|lllrm lillt ol ' Tiiei wcre !?? ?!'? ? |>n li?i| hard ? i -i: ,? . . , ? Iib< M.iior < i ? KVH. WOBR Ol 1:. ?I.O " IS1 ROLO* l;i... ktn i, M i . .1. . ? I ? \ der .??!. the Becond i bt< t dnughter i?l |fm Vi rter mi Umlh cl i 1,-1 i.i.'M I: .in tlie cffertt ui m ?rph!ne, ariiulnl terwl l,\ tin- ui f:i r .?? icrd ij . I lie I i lilld.-eu are i i ,i prei uil .ii . oiiil ri,.n. and tlir tuoUiei i . i|?i i ti -I to dic hI ui) llme. 'I H1 .i iiiug, ( ? . Ihe hplr tii.iii-tn medluni v. !in il.l Mi Vmlcrvm that h< i liu-i.:ri(i m i- iiiifaltlihil b> hi'i. whlch Informatioii i the tiug dj. a i u ? led. \ pulh r ? "in puilnant, and tlic i tmiplninl illegi - thal ibi Janua i B2 the delcndanl wa an accc urj bcfore Uie. facl t.i comniltUng ul ? de rlie prtMBier anlved the readl g ol t r i. - couipbvlnl and pleaded nol nillty. i well nlfing In reai . Bnd h i ? t ?' -? - " ? d ? ;t rtrol *q ' f.-r ;i Imig ttme. Ile ra ??? I i ? Jnll m defaolt ol ffcio.oou i..i l f"i' in- appearanre neal i ? ? ii ij . gj viroo lj Li'./>.-1 isfobd'h Txomxn btock. \Ikiiii 130 li .r ??- bred bj Leland staiiford al hh Palo lAlto ranch, uear Menlo I'arfc, < ul , iire al Ibe Amerlran ln*tltute Bulkting, ahere thclr ile al au< limi by Peter <'? KeUogg d t'o. vrtll hcghi nexl I'ue ,i,, \ bare ol Ihe rnnalgimu :i are mw and daifrhter* "f Ihe celebratcd Ire Bfcel ?o re> reutlj dled, and the renialnder ar? rhleflj bl srand chlidrcn. II i generallj ihoughl Ihat Ihe death "t |-j,., tloneei rcmoveM Ibe. m??l Importaiil *lre ol the pa?t, exceptlng ttcorge Wllkei, who dled In Kentuckj in 1--.. and Utolr common alre, i:> dyh'a llanible lonlstn, who dled In urange f'ounty, X. V., in 1*70. liotli Uie ?lra and Ihe dam ol Bl? llonei r were ?n greeUy , |,., |m,-.i in Utrlr ""ii rlghl lhal ame reari tilter ii,. ir death awnumenti celebraUng tbelr mcrlH were ,,,-, ,,.,| |,, eacfa bj aub criptlon. DecUoneer aa* iii?' n i'.,|., Alto, M-bo bolda Ibe (a '??-' ir. ird loade bj a borae In a ?..rni?.tin^ race, .''<i al?o ,,( ,i?. mare Sunol, arho tnob ?< three-yeai oM record "f ,;:l() i 8. /c UBLABf '?''" i '"' '" <"''' ' Viiri.pi. Ma -. Jan. 83. The pontofllec In the new Town lloano In llopedal* ??< antered bj barglan _rl, tril? ii.i.ii-. H"' ,f" blown open and ??.<?' In _,? r, ,u? t. i-,i nhi luiccn talci ii. -mitii 4 M'Ti' niarfccl In Ui- ime blc* k ao i ibta I "i I ? ? .? ? UTl.' KAGE I' ISHBD u: HHOBB. Lvnn. Maaa., Jan. -:i- rbree piecea <>i wrackaeje Bave been plcbed ap <>n tha !.??;.'h ;it t'Ultoo, arttb ,,,.,11 |,,, pbtfe* attarhad and the naaae Cotambia. I Ii. \ nn; BPtM ed I" 1"' fi"in the i atiili of mhiiC 1- iilii'T. W;iI, ? i.,.;,,:, ;- ul-,. itrewn wltl orange . usm n a al qiii>ii<"-. -ui'].i to be fi''in -..ui"' areek. im: DlXal "??'?' nAXK iMi.nti: m.' AJbany, iua. 83. In 11.*- i nltad INatea DUtrtH Ooart, belore Judge foxe, t ? <\ ??>. Jame- laolkner, n broUier ol Ums bite tieneral Le?ler li. Faaianer, rhargcd ?amii arecalng the Dao*vllle bank, paradcd fallty, to , iMklna a talae renort to the tVmtroUar ><t Uie L*arren< ^. ' Lod iaa aantenceel u> Uja -UU^iy pomUiuU-ry ioi un | jeara at jui U. ?? I I Mf Ihifl the Sl ?? '- '^: . |. ; .1 ? ith m iler, ? i ? ? ..I ini|iin ? ? ? ;s "' ! |.riVilt. : - ; .-. lol || ol ilT.VJ.M ?'' ?? ' ? Si ,..? imhmI ....t Ihi.v. I ? emain t?i l>e >, ,n ; a. ..-? Hie M 'I Timoi's i: ir/A'fi i im: UWGK. . ill :;: POUT "I 'llil I ' HT r>F 1XQVIRY ISTO TIIK I HSI1T ?r worsiu II KXEE \:: .I r rti \u\. 11 .- i?..-.. va ? i. s. p J*n. aa. ii i with ler. I *uwl i "in regaraing the *? ?t |, ,.., . .?.. t. ? >'? the ?th Cavalrjr , . i ? . i ?? M.-..I... !!.?? 7lli ' ivalry and i ?? . .,.., ?? .,,,;.??- haltery larleil for lluohvilla i J ? ii hm i, ii?- man i. In i"" 'I' -. whun .'.??? ' ,,, bj .... 1. .,? .1 Winindcd, M'lM Wlll I* Bioved I .-. ilryS wint?T ranip wlll l " P . | . |(t, ,.: , ? ? frcMn Iho iip-nry. \ ...:,.|,,.,v irf -. ? . be nri iniccd fr >m uno K Iho liiillan |. ?! ?>? arlw ?? lerm ?l ? il tmenl psplrrd ye* , . .?. , ... r . i nri M< Klnnej ai d< r i uniniond ,? ol ti... nth ?v. dry. and (ieneral Mllea **>> he wlll -?:??. Iho lisdhw drlegatlnn Ui Wa?h In ? rouple ... 'Uv-? l*l>l dn lialdwlu. Inspee . ? ., ,T arma praetlee, DIvUI w. of the MI?sourl, , and a member ut Uenenl Mlk*'* ->"? I* very lek, i, ? . ,i , -...v-i-.i nf hla ?.ti.. .:? and mon, with ievere l . ?l? I -- l i.l I l|,-i;liiili- I... < i..i i.-.. .i.iii. aa. "Hm "I" rommltteo apnolnled . ,i,. (he tt'ounded Ki ee I id.l reporled ^rl ? , , ?: .,( \ i.t .ni A.iji.i... i i. ii. ri! I'orbiii. ? N..i \.'i,'' be replied, -Uiough the rcporl Is ab at flnUlu . ?? Whal i- lt* tennrl D ??? lt i ondemn ai > oi ?? ?? Ve*. ii .1 ?? . IN BndiiiR i- thal the offlcer In i tinnel |..r-.\ili u.i- annibidful of rcpeat<-d i >i;n. ?. ma tiiHi Ua.i i? pii i a-1 bj Genenl Mllea . i i lih yerj ihl ?-- thal liappened on oi... day. Tliej -.i i..r icveral day* and look the evhtenee ->f wltne ??? wh . i-A Ihe t.-lit- I lw report* ? In ulated .,;...ui tiie i?uin-i ii ii - ''? -i the ropuusiblo paruea blai.i ? - ''' ?" >,i?:l> UE8CLT8 "l B/WH U* ESRE. Raltlmore, Jan. 23 (Hpeelal . The efl.I l*e Hl^'h i.ireo b law in ihla rltj durtng Ihe nlne rnontha II haa been In nporattun are ?hown In a reporl "f ihe Coni mltalonpra Ju-i iMued. l>ur\n? the Janaary lonn "f Ihe Urand Jur) "f i -??<< ""' nuraber ... '?'-?- "f ^undaj i,.,,!..?? .ellln* w?^ ?I7; ?iiirln.- the M..v . 'rm ??????. and , ,. -.,,.,..; lerm S2a. The IHKh Ll< n?o U?- went Intoaffaet Maj 1, IW?. The rommla<.m ,,. ;, , ,,,,, ,i Jurj had betoro II the imalle-.! nun.r --f ra*? dnring anj lerm for many yeara aud, r..mpared ?.>a Jannarj lerm ... I*M>. '.;'' l??? prevlnni to the beglnnkng of the IHrIi U.??? ,u ihe ra?e? report ?l to Ihe l..i Orand Jurj u ,-., Hfl II," M.d Nrptymlrtr -"'a--'"" ,;;,' l,Mt l.M fcwrr ?:.????- thwi Uk' Janaary Urn. ?<( >--,'?. ,,;?,,,?,:,, lauowlih laa?. there were tWB fawar caafi lnl-au.'_0_, u i Brrisa .1 1 all ??' cbicaqo. ,,,?:,?.. Jaa. SO.-The Rev. Nrool J. ?**? ,,,.,.,? aaa aece.I ? ?'" '" th'' i':'-'"'-;,,,; "l ,l1" 1 Ditariaa Charei oi '"" M' "" "' "''^ ,"y WCJISO TIS 09 AHHaUCAg MAKB. Ktngtton n. v.. Jan. ra (8|.ali.-?everal agenta f,r mwiitartarer* of tmeriein tln harercc3nt<y been ??.?,?..,:,,- I.-.--. They off? o furn h e.,ua? to the besl tr^ea c4 EngUah iaai? | f), im,- bol we:ghl - th rl 1 poundi nwre 1 ?- t#e ' f,?. ,|?. hum prtra aow paM tot the latter. Uama Agpeneer. tii.Hen laCaUkiU, hawiaJrea*y CKdvoa a auyjdy of Uio AaMriCtt ua, aad they p.o value of the Improved lanfla withln the taropoaed park, aecording lo the Couuty Aantatora, ul ?''??'i. ...... and oi tho iinimproved landi |2,5?*?5,13 '?. makina n total ol 93.237.22d aa tbe aaaeaaed value ,,( the landa il ia propoaed t., include within the park. .. || bettcr In cvcry respect lhan .>uv aveff IfaV . i al the -'<?:.?? ' SEXJTOE UEARSTDYIXQ. A NI'.W C0MIM4I \TI"\ WlltCH MVKI.s H1S RF COVEin [MP0881BLK. Washington, Jan. 83. l)r. Ward ol Mea Vork, ? peraonal Irlend ol Senator BeaM and one ol hia al ,.,..,,. . -..,i u>nighl that Henator llcard iMvame wor*e re*tcrdaj and haa beeu alnklng fe*l to day, ui addltlon to hU atomarh trouble. nremle u-, dne !?? talluro of Uie kblney*. haa '.me ,?;,?,(.. i. rp l.. >??-! rdaj ii- had I.n galnlng ?trength raptdly Bnd hii retom to haaltb had beeu I?.,,.,1 for. Wlth thls nea rompMcaUon hia recovery ,, impo+.lble, and hia death tnaj be expeeted alUUa a (ew daj -. .1 FBJSTIC liCSH FOR UFS. IUMU.V n r.ll. ul' TWO HUKDBED MlM lis WHO i iMi in i n: miti.v of aui ct c orr. Denvu. Jan. ;??? \ <i;-.???'>> Irofa Bvanatoa. Wy. - ,i?. f,., i,,.h.i the eoal mlne three mltea from here burned al I o'eloek yeaterday altern.t. ?riu, de?troyed the meana of aupplylng freeh alr to tbe *oo men aoridng beneath I.nrfaee, The eaap aa* in a pank al once. The mine-tompa weee c.x tmguUhed .i the men acrambled for th.lenlng. Seurlj all were aell nlgh exhanated on comlng to ,.-I,,. wuh Bir ihul oll froai abora. the llmlted ,?.,,,, |? the ahafUand rooraawae aoon a?ed np and B? ,,.;,? ,., unother. Doaena are ,.."-.:?,.?,.. The ,,,.,, 0( tbe Irantlc men araa aomethlng awfuL 1 ntU u,ii mto ui- maln entrance exll Ihey tf*m ncnkcr m each ?tcp, gaaplng lor braatb. ? ii isthoughl aneacapea. Thewlreeand rhlMrenol tll? ,,,1,.,.,.. vtre Irantlc, The mlne, ****? waa ,,,,,,.,,,.,t i,y ti,o central Padte, will be etoaag for aaaaa tuiie."_ UADM BVMB in: W1B DBIO. l,u.,.Moi-... Jan. 83 (Speetel>. Dr. ??*? * lleiuer. an oceentrle phyelclan, win waa tom* ienei , , hia i. yeaterday moming, bJlt ? ?? "*"""" thal withln twelve boura nflef bta death a aurgeea ,i??.>t . hia bearl in Ihe preaence ol arttneaaea, alcer ahlch bla boay aboaM be cremated aad tbe nkhea placed In UUIfl Ulver rlala aad dbaributed MMHighla frl.U. Bla peeaJlar ariahaa were rarrted ,?;t ,? the letter. Dr. Adotnh ??"** * ??. bla acalpel ... earrybi! oal the atraage raaawat. Lnii evenlng Dr. Boahai aad aearetal nthar ahjrak taaa ilIi(1 ????,, .tadenta aaaembled in tha raota*iwMeh ??,,.?. had dled There wete ataa pnee* n. .,da?.,- wlth . raqae* rf Pr. *-*?*** crone trree apln tere. fro? wheaa ",c (l"""r 1""1 I,! ? m, apj,......ii,. The haartof the <ead mm Vn.'r'.'i.v'iiM. i?.- H"i.-.M-. after Ua wHe'a death, iraaaj h xiille into btr beart. ijrraiuwxc m cxmit ro nmasx unjjoxn Vibany, Jan. '::!- The Bdlaon ueneral EUeatric Com i,mv of Sea York Ued In the oflke <>f ti." Be.iretary ..f >tite t.i<Uv ? nrl.lli.ite of M UMMSM lu it? caplUl UB 61^,000,000 to *15,000,000, MUCH LOSS FROM FLOOD. ICE AND WATER BTOP YVORK IN MANY two woanoi drowxbd i.v dutoiifss cot-ntt -ICE OOBOI i.\ tiik moiiawk-scores Of PSOPU HOMKI.Ksg. rnr IBIaHn to thk TTTB.I rouchkcopM". Jaa. BaWiha raharaa froai the floodrd disfiins tnronthonl fftrhgii Oouty tn pjahj reveal additionai damaga, ti.o arnla liiliaiiHinii Migaa waa ?loag Wappfnaart an<i PlahUn Creahn ,\t Boehdala and Thaaavtha, both ?ulailaiuu piaeaa, brMgea were deetrejed and miiu ahipped. ai tiuis. rtlla a iniivv |ot 1 rga haa foraaed, and u it breaka away arerythiag balow it win be ,,wept oir. Arre* and arres of |,v. pt|p| ten fad btgh, eeaai tfM meadowa In the vl.iniiy. BrMgea near ?prtag creek have been wpahed away. aii oie b.p woaUta manufaetonea at Wappinper's Falls had to be slmt down baoaaae of ti.e water. Oaaga <>f men haan been at work aloag the New Yorfe and Maaaaehaeatla Raiiroad today and a train . ame throagh from I?ine RahM Una afteraoon. No train. hava batn mn c??.t on ti.e Cont.o. WeaMiil lo-day. Itochporl Cwk, ()n tho Haiaoa Rlrer ftallread, broha ap had nlght .\t 11a nioutli la a large eovered l.ndpe hvit ihe H'.dson Blver BaOraad traek, .vx> feet in leagtfe. Tae ira (amc AOWB tlie ?reek with a ru-li and <ut |ta way etaaa throagh tha wooaen eovae of u.? bridpe. Tlie bridire propet rcniained intart. Thero were several narrow esrapes by pw>Ple In sleizhs ahmp the kighwaya of I>ut<licss County. t'ta n.MMi and |ea atriktiig theaa, throwtng people aat and Boatlng tha iketgha away. Tnahaiaj aflaihaea tho water in Weat Creek, near WaHanle, r-?e rapldly and In al.oi.t ono hour Wa^saic was from two to *lx Ijaj under water. Boata wero nui froaa hOOaM in >fain >t. Tho bridpes belonpinp to the Mllk Coinpany wcro earried aw-ay and the faetoriai wefa Hmi d-.wn. fflaa Boaa ak hetatarbaeher and har aaetar Loalaa ware .iatttng their si.trr, Mr*. Jaeeh raMat. aa Tovar llill. Aboat DOOfl Mr. Cahlea, with a tea-n and a aloigh, atarted with the two women for Dover 1'lai. Aa they appanaeaai a bridpe eros.tnp, a mo\int; ? itieaai they foaad the wat.-r rtuhtag ovar it at ? rapkl rate and tlu-ee feet Aeep. They drovc on 1 ttructare whea aoraea, tlefgh and orrapanta w iwapt away mto the torrent beJOW amoiig raefta, tr l and ice. Mr. (all.'s inam^-'il to ^wap* but he w.a badly brahaaL Th? two aoaacu and the boraaa w* a drownaf. Boaa'i h.^iy waa ftmai in ?nc ?vcnhag 01 * elamp of baihea ahoal ? artle betow the brMaa Umtaa'a body waa foand thh awralag hatt a miia balow the brttga. Both ii\#^i in Haw>York CHy. I/?ui-;a was a widow, tlurty llvi> raara OM; ICosa waa twenty ive fean okt lilrmlnuhani, t'oni... .Tan. 2.1 (Spe<!..h.?The ditiiai?o donc by Tharaaay'a fraahat, wMeh earried aaray a por lion of the 'hmi aeroaa the Hoaaatoalr, waa larga, ai 4 haa heen aatlmated to raaeh aearty tsoojOOO. iiii la not itreet loaa, bat t'ie dlfrerent fartoriea win loao it by tx^ina; anahta t.> mi oraere t<> annrant T!e daaaage to the daai is faUy 9100/MW, Bvpartl from ftotyoke and Niantir arara hera to-nigi.t to examtae the atrnctnia and repatriag win beirin at or.e. I Dagaetfa p.>-tai rard faetory waa tha oaly one m * th" pia." thal waa aat anvw hy tlie Hoid. it la maki.n; <ards wdlle the Othera are id|e. Wlllilnson Broa. .t Oo.. who lurni^h tfTe caiatboaia] f.?r the rarrts, ha\e been rompelled to eloaa work 00 aivomit of the break In the dam. There is ecaMMarabfla board on band and a btg stork of cards m> that there ls no dancer nf a icaretty of them. Paahaklll, \. Y.. .laii. e.T fgpatlaO, Thh clty yester day aapcrtaaited a fl.KHt that far ezeeeataal In damagg that of a waak ago faaaay. F.atly In the aaotntnf tha mfa heean falllnu and lontli.ued wlili ^lulit in terruptlona untd late in the aftataooB, lt rama in torrenta, aecompaaled by riolant artnd. MaggregortaH Brook, whleh rana thnmph the rentrc of the town, bagaa to rtee earty m Ihe day, soon baeaaM a eagfaf tOtatUt, overflowed its banks and a pieat ainount d damape wgs iho le^nlt. hurh a fl.xrt has not be? 11 ei jx'ilein-ed 111 flrtlMH for twenty years. The brook took Park-*-t. f.r a waterroiuse f.>r a I.alf niile and tiir.'iiph tha. thetoaghahia for many hoiiis with o?> . . . .1 ibort ceaaatJona a voaaoaa of watar a f.-rti deep SowaC Tha oeUara of tha aaereaatihi aoaaa ? I>hMon-t. tn th" M.uiity of I'irk-t.-were IU ?'. iaii-inp mn. h daauge. Btroeta wara waahed ont aad pittera and aldewalka nndrrmlnoi Bariy la tha dag 1 Oie rtcataHH rlgar faetory, 00 upper Miinst., ai t whlrh the 1 rook rana, waa wrronnded by ti.e a whirb 1000 began to enter the balkUng, The .ii ,,.) only amoonted .<> tereral bondred iattara, AI I'enelope Lake, a faw roda abova ti.e faetory, pnui volumea of water areta Sowtng over tha top al tha Ice and two taet "i arater weea poarfag otae 0.0 dam whlla there waa greol apprehenalon leat lt ahoall ctve way, AI Verplanck'a Potnt, betow thia "ty, tha im roof "f one ot the largaat ka-houaea "f tha Knlekerboeker Ica Oompany waa btowa ofl and tha damataM from thal and teaufttng mln ..f |he lee arUI be ncarl) pa,00O, ";. the traeka .>f tha Hadaon lUilruad bclow bere there waa mueh water and tralaa had to be ilowed up In order t>> go throagh nfely, Klngston, N. V., Jaa. 23 sp 1 lal . -The llttle rttl iga nf Bddyvllle, ..ii tlie Roodout Creek near thia rlty and the terminua ... t'.- Delawara and Hadaon Oaaat 1* under water for ihe aerond time x 11 i - wlnter. Many ..f the Bral floora ..f houaea are threa feet ander val a and nMdenta are moiing t> algher ground. rha i") jain^ between there and the nonth of the ftoodoul ? iv. k rauae mosl of the troubte. rheae were alowly ylelding lo-day, bul ahoukl Ihey glva way aaddenly greal deatrartion of property 1- Inwltable. Many of the h....t- thal were kft hlgh and dry la tha iiei.ia ,<.,?_? tl ? 1 ??? - Bood are I .Ing Boatod bw k t.. Ux r mooringa lo-day. The N'orwUh. tlie ..M lre-bi ..r tlie IliuUon. 1- under f..ll ?tcam In tlie fower rrerk it*ady hir 1 Bierp 'n. y. 1 ? de^tr ? tloi ol Ihe Iro . 1.11.I-0 at Eddyvillo waa ex|?eeted ...:... I ? ??? In the M'alkill Klvcr weut 0111 with a ia-h about 1 caualng mueh dama?r. The Km>piis C'n-ek 1- all the norlheni -". llon ??. Ihe ? Hy and th.rrenl 1- r.i| 11, endangerlnfi dama and mllla along the ttream. Tribca lilll, N. V., Jan. 33. a~ tha reaalt of aa Ice-gorge, tta Hohawk Bivar at Fart Haatat oaar Rowed Ita banka thia afaeraoon, and tha laaMaaata of the placa bave been drtvea troai their'>. Ji<^1:-* ...?? being rua about aome of the balMlaga thal are mt* 1 by water. Tha watar 1- *uli rtahag and t!iera l* mueh excltcment. shouid tha ka eoaaa o*a? tha banka greal damage musl reaalt. Aerea of lafa l I under water at Mlll Polnt. the water belng np to tha ,1 .,,,. \ ,,1 Mii.f the dwrlllngs. There H al-.> au i.e porge In >. hoharie < reek al ^mi Potnt. Woomuicket, B. 1.. Jaa. 33,-Tha kaaaaaaata and ii:M Boora .-f many aoneaicnl boaaaa aa ti.e banka .>f tira libarkatoae and Mltl rtvara arara lunadalai tadng. u ixbridge )i;i-., aeveral peraaea wera raaeaad freaa niMded buiidli.gN by boa*a.irkart ware rowed titfoagh Maln-st Factorlea are Idle In many ph*f?? 'a IM 1.;,,:.,! ne Valley. In ronaequence of the waean-pai or lower Boora belng ander arater. WOMTB BITBB BAXK UTiftt. The ffortk Blvar Baak, at Dey and Oraaawkk *'%.; the failnre of whkh tm^ one of the Iret fratta of tha Hnanrlal atreea of yovamber but. b n m accapted aaty i,? tbe 1.tver, Praocla lilgglna, aad kh. eorpa of ? l.tanti. by whooi the ?ttlement of tbe bank'a affalra |l, belng nia-ie. Oi fJeeawber -???. antar aa ardet cranted by the auprome Coari of thia <>.x. Mr. : iiigBlua advortlaed for the preaentatlon of te* ?ml - ?! ,l,i:?, agalnat tbe bank, preparalorj to aaclariag * dlvldend on the aaaeta of UaB InaUtntJoa t? tha I ?? ,,?., ril,. ;,.,,., red tbaa for the adawUacaaawl oxplK* t.d.v. thoogh rialaw wtn 1.alvad kr u-n ,,,v, longcr. Mr. Itlggtaa wfO thaa aaeata fraai tha ' court permtaatoa I > aaake a ihrkaMd of at h-ast twaaapi lUe per "llt of the .laims. ltlia,bee,.iho.tphU--il,|e,ha?.heM,,Uln,.1t,ne1 ta raeoaar .noney depo>ttad on tha day the baak fcHad m?MtatarfeH wtth tha paymeai .d a .ma.end Mr. Hlggtna atataal reatarday. bawaaar. he dM nol niitlrii>ale any ,?u. h dlfti.ulty. , tbVaaaam thae Ihe plaaa for tbe miaak.kaimlai a Ul,k ,? mee.tha Meeth Btrar baatitatlon ara andae .S,,,,-,,^,....-!. Oaa 1 th- .-ap.tal.-t. interc-fg S ,?? Khama rlaltad tha baak raalartay with a rtoa S McerUlnlag Ihe valne of the bafhttag and the rond.. , . ,,1,1,11 11 hmM ..<? aaeared. Thaia 1. a tiona undo' whlrU 1 ' ?' ?? .__ , t| , (lutrllt> atreng demand .? la u. . ra u ._ ^ ^^ aiul little d'inbt is M ^l :?. bulWlng ? .aiued la of if;c put.^a; 1 '?-:,;,??," ,??. I)f ;hl. httaraahl the bank a a*aeta at pw however. that tf o." baha> hV*'u.'^ o|. 1 would brlng ?lSO/JOO. ba. eaueof the valae of tbe plaal tor banaJag pa pafaa, CABLB CABM W COLLUHM. Tw > rable rara eame In roOlatoa reateraay morni"j 11 Maoh dtan ave. aad Aatataraaat vn. it wai awtag t,, tae larctoaanrei ..f Iha Hgaalaaaa, wh?. aaavaai a Tenth ave. aad 1 Parl Lea rar I ? raa aogathee at tha hilananthaa ?f tho two aWaaaaaa. M lhadi waa Injurad, .hSwavw! ?d tka\a,a *?o oaly ,U?Uuy 4amaga4?