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JTS CEXTENXIA l AXXIVERSAliY CELEBItATION BT THB MAA-ACHISETTS HI>TORICAIa rKXJIBTT. A XOTABLE GATHEIUNi; lil A FAMOUS OLD BOSTOX CHUBCM- BEMABZI BY HOBERT C. WIXTHROF AXI) COLOXEL ?IGGIM80X. Boeton. Jan. M (fhnaaalK-The Imaaaaeiaaegta W? toriral soriotv thi- afteenoca ratebrated tta 100th blrth dav. m Aiiintnon Btiaal <' Tae eaatre e4 tae lininh waa reaerred lor membere of tbe aoelety. la> ilnded in tlie nutnher pre?nt Were Dr. I'liver Wend.-ll Hobaee, Jadge e. Boekwood Hoar, tae Rev. Dr. Ed ward Everett Hale, Dr. Wllham Evo;, JaogB JOOB i.r.uoli, OetaTtaa B. Frothtngham, Jadge Mellen Cham berUin. .tndce Wetherbee, ,,i Hallfax, a delegate froai the ffaca geotta Hlaloriral Hoetety; George >? Hale, naftiainf B. Thager, J. BUed Cal *, Abaer C. tioodell. Jadge William C. Endieott, tlie Rcv. Henry A. llBBim Piafeaaet E. C. Bmyih, of Aira^rarer: Jabn C. Kopes. J. P. Qimi.v. Piufi-vir A. B. Hart, Horaea I Muddork. E. i. Pterea, Ptafeaaor Chariea Ettnt sor ton. thc Hov. Dr. A. V. O. Allen, Ckariee Fraacla Adams. William S. Applctoii. E. L. liiim-r. Bobert C. Winttimp. Jr., Aagaata T. Berhlae, ax-Mayor rfcmuel Oraan and w. p. Uphaaa. oa tae platfonn with the apaakara nf tbe day araa the veaaraMe R iberl C Wuv throp. The real ed the <hiir< li was ei.mlortably weB lllled with intere-tod mon and women. PHee to tlio aserctaea, the ealawe ta Iha laafr- of tbe cbarcb rang out patnoti. hv.nn-. Tho eaeretaea were opaaed w1th ranata oa tae orgaa aad raaautu by Pr-id.-nt Eilla. Traver wa- offarea bg the Rev. Dr. Lnctea R. Pa*e. ? cami.r.d.-o. tbe aealor aaaoclate, Thea PraaWeal Ein- pwaented Babert C. Wlathrap. -Happiiv oar aaaoclate whcae name baa Daen li,,ii I ~ oarraU toatth aa bare to-day. aald Nr. EiLs -That name baa bome it- lioBorB, n?t oaly tbrongn the eeenaaaeel hi-t.ry of the pertod of thla arrriery, but fraea the iKagtaalag of oar wiid-i,,.- h?ior?. ihe eaaaraUe Baibar and faaiaVar of Mn.huae,, who-e aartofraph )oaraal of it- plaatatlon - ?""h*nc? in our eaalaat, la represented by a Uvlng volce. whleh we are la aear. **t*4>arl C. Winthr,.;. waa oar talthtuJ , and bbiibhiI pre-id.-nt lor IMrly yeara, and taere ia no reasun bal blfl ovvn Wtal Whj ho is not W to-l .... I win aak him lo apaa* lo aa tbe law waraa w?cb h? haa froealaat ea IMa oeeaeloii." I Mr. Winthr.p said. aitcr a *W words ol thanKs to , %T-SSTl!.,.,,.a.y,'....aV|Vr. ;.-;:: aa ,t is ir,..-. thoagh II aeama to aalihi " ^l when one awakoa- Hn.i I am ii. my t. s . . 1 >uir of inombot-hui. Itavlag been .- -. ?n " ;?> . "(||(>J iillrgafUwaorce^^ &aW?lra?^ Preaeott, wl.Ferdinaad andJta**1.1** J?!^ havo a new for aa a- tbe MiU^farauT ol! the adve.nt Of COhimbua appr,.:i. I?-. h-;; ?",';??, V.',".e-.'-...?? aroong thoae b atorleal triumphs whleh lav ? i- < a " sSaafflly achlex-ed by our T.. toor awl bpa - ? ;: PaJfrov and Fruthinirhaui attd >l.> 1- ? at.d. *.E..>? IMnt'rind -lill laboriiig. Franefc Parknu n. i *d t '? eHonr.tam oerarred only a alngle week earUer. my K. V....--I.. Uav.V',id. aial s;,,.u..t.^v* "a^JUarf waa nne l.-ft. I? i?nlv '^n'1 "t tliose n.v vyi >m . waTeilrVaDd talo whnae rompany ?- ?dnlinl<a Bftytwo yeara ago. r^orge BaawBft wa a ihej. . imddnnt member "f our aoriety, Ju-t ein . n- ???"??? SS "luZ-i-al labora wbleb, have rend>red ?Um ao llln-trious ln our fount-y. r.xl.i.. ^v'"''.,. p'' , la iut just rloaed. one ??n rememner hlra only. a> , eert-viniy d,.. witi. hoiLi'tioi. emottoaa of Kapeet. of , affertion aad of aorroar. . , ? \ fovv words tn,to. Mr. I'ts-idont. a, <l 1 . .ui aagart/ raaame my aoat. fc* my volce, ? > ^ haa mSvti me so faithfnlly durlng a long, UMig are, naa of late ? faJJed me lhat I do m.t attempl topwall ftutlur Our saiotvs flr-t eeatnry is romptfteo. lt ii aot f"r me to apeah of Ihe great r?mea ahleb feve adori.d IU r>.il or to revhrar ,?- reeord or ? enkargo on the reaalta of Its rnfluenee aad exampte ln al partl of tl.o ...untrv. i thipk are may poinl to tU all with Jn-t a,?i-f?.i,n and pnde. ;rt M me on'.v. in fonrlusloi., orpro-s my fervont bope tluM 83a eaaarable aoebaty may havo a aoeorrd cantnry M howable and a- distincni-hed as it- firM. I aaaaalaak for more than thal oar oomn''...woalth and our wbolo ronnlry may nerer reaae to furni*li <e*.ne and naaee a >rthy to be recorded and illus ratod. nnd IMmd. andl toagaea may nerer be y^^toPJf u".v tbe.,,, wltb Mtracflveneaa. wltb billllanry. and. above all. wltb trath. ever reewltlng "-Jf^0^ i-iir thos*- two greai aws of hlatorj ao ''-'?> PJ v . WtrTbv Ih/ Salehleaa oral ir pf aneleal home, l '-ve ould'fal-i dleere aadeat. ne nni'i Vf>" non andeal ...-never darini: to aay whal U faba. BOT eve; BOt daring ir, ??^ what is tme. ^X-After an aathen bv the? ekV* llvsldent F.llis intro dn,'o,rd Thomaa Wentworth Hlggtaaon to deiiver t.^c contvioieimrative dlseonrae of tbe dav. ln tho eoarae ?. ttta a BaaaVeaa Colonel Hlggtnaoo said that hlatory eoaM ?,. i* , , iBed an eaael adaaee in the aanae thal matba r . ? whs an aaaet icleaee, yet, m vi.w of its vaiue. t-r-cre waa much tcmptation to .all it- woa* aelentinc. It might rather ba rallcrt an inexact BCtaaiea, sinre its trot'.s. were so t l arrivo at. Every hlaiorn .1 ?iHietv ha<I f. rope with the ilirnoultlo- of vatvin? obserration of ereata. and eonld only do Its beal to attain tlie -imjile trath by a- .attful laveatlgatlon and LULinaHi- "f ertieaee a- peaalMe. Vag Uatory chould not be merely a collectlon of faeta The mn righl "f aetaal llie ahoahl be tet m apon ;t to t and eaavea it. and atahe II seem real aaaJUelDte. The slriom winrb -?....- t , hang perpetuaUy over the Purl uu, ehararter and Ufe U due to.tbe abaenee. pf Uu genU th la.h ,.f Ufellkc p< rtraltnre ln th- i-hionlctoa ol Uie rta,. '.ni. 'n IneTdent as that relatod ol Cotton tgaahar dld much to Ughtra the gloom. rhe yenerable uaachar, Uir t- ror to evll-doeri. wa- one daj walklng Ihe atreet when a boy, nrged by bla ccaipaniuna ahotit cd in uu aar. "Cotton Matber. tboa at-t a luol. ln Sead ,,f ealUng the conatablea. the preacher^mly said to the i.,-y : ?? I baow it. Tba Lord make t 5b wtawT" and tben went on hi- way. chuckl aardly at tho dlaeomfltare ol hi- wonld he tormcntor. so a new Itgbl va- throwa on tb< rnaraetoi of aasi. Uigton bv the lncldent relatad by Washlngton Irvlng, when Ihe Father of hia Conntry wa- an unnaed . to aotuallv roll up'.n the sromul ln a upaam of mughter. Thi" wa- aboat tl.o ,nlv thinc in hlatory to abow tbal Waablagtoo evei laagbed. - And yet," aald the orator. ?wln. can doubl but that Ihe name of Waahlngton wonld be more i.o.oved. woaM ho no.-,;., t i tlie bearta <,f The reorle. if Boaae of the atern an-tentv of his rharaeter ai glven by hlatory rould be m d nrt by true hnnian tafrnenre." In iloalng. Calonel Hlggtoaon ra 1,-m-A to tho work "f tbe soetety. both aa a reeorder and a maker ol hlatory. and nrged that the prlnglplee widrh now anlmated it he h-ld 'teadfaat. t'i- alnglng ol iho - Doxologv" hv th- rongregatlon ?nd tbe pts.nounolnc of tb" henedlrtlon by tho Rer. rlr \iexandor McKentle bronghl the excrelsea to a /?i-,'?. The rnembof- of th>- aorler and a few frlenda airepted tbe hoapltalltlea ol Mr. Wlnthrop at bla Ma.-l boro'igh-st. hoaae betwaea -J and t o?eloek. irrtr.*? fuom FIXB bivob AOEBCT. ~P1ne Kidee. S. D., .lan. 24 -The Jd Reglmeal r?v hgraci toOmaha and the ITth lo Cheyeane thla mom Inz. Ci.lonei Heyl. laapeetoe Oeneral. vith Colonel Henry and a eorpa of eaglnaera. lefl bere thla momlng ta Baahe a -iifvev of the Woanded Knec battlefleld. It w.s in Ihla battle, it la alleged, thal Colonel I'or artb tran-.onded hi- in-ini<ti,.n- ln golng beyond tho mis-ion. The aaaioaB lllaeaa of Agenl Meree kai rc rjiiired the appoUrUneal <>f Captaln Doagherty, or tha lat, lafaatry, to a<t ta hia atead. aii peraona aot lagatarty eaBployal about tne ageney have been or dor*-d t" leave the lajeervatlon. tteneral Mllee i- hoM lng daily tai,- wrth ii aMan rhlefa wlt* a rhya to sclcot ii.^r tca ef tt* ? t-. ga lo Waahhigtoa. Tlie -a I- and wounded "1 Ihe 7th Cavalrv were for wai-did t<> Kn-!:v Uie, v. hencc Iboj wUI travel wltli Iheli wglmenl to Fort Rlley. Tbe) are v ?,:,?- f tbe Wounded Ki ? ii-'ht. a number ol wounded vren alao aeal lo Omaha. Only four troopen now reaaala In tho HeM boapjtaJ ? neearal Mlleii o\^ri'.~ to leave here ln a few d.v-. takin^- with hlm aboat Bftv Bnil* Indlana. whom h. nill ? (iiait. r ..' Forl Sherldan, Chleago, whirp they will t>e Inatrurted In the arhool ol ibe aoMler and in diifed |nb tbe habita of elvlllaed llfe. Waahlngton, .'a1. -'?? h totegraai haa beea lace vad at tha War Dep?urta?enl from Oenera^ Miie. nl Plne Blelga, glvlag an accoaal of Ihe reeenl kllUng ?>f an Indi.-m t,y eltlzena, He eharaeterhted the Inriaenl as an oatiaga, aad aald tbal atepa bad been lahea f,.r the p , ,- ,,;,..,, of the a--iii:int-. The dlapateh waa ahown t,. tl.o l'r--id-nt, and a tclegram v\a- - nt t.':.?::.! Miie- inqnlrli - whetiier or not Ihe outrage waa com ??? -ii, h, novenimenl ro- n v :Ti, ??,. :.; i wbether the a->a l.tit- were memberi ol any State orgai liatlon. The iiij.ot of thla i- t' determlne tlio qaeetloa of Jar sdlrtlon. AX BXPMBU TRA1X TBMOWB IX THI. Uizru. Jaelisiiii, Tcnn., Jaa. 24.--The riorthbi.und -rannon bair traia aa Ihe llUaola Central Ballroad araa dltehed yaatergay aear Miaallebarg aboal foriy milea soath ol Jaehaoa bj atrlalag a beofcen raU. The entire traia wa.s thrown fi-i nt ihe traeh ahi!" rannlng forty ml! - an hour. bat the eoBathea arere aot ovcrtaraed and n<, one was badly hart KlU.En His Win IX .1 BELlBIOUi ntEXMT. Ptttahgrg, Jaa. 34. -Yealefeati wlBiam Foalka, Uvlng at I..ur*i station. eaaptlal the roDtema <.f .. doublc barrel ihofgaB Into bi- wlle, wltb fat-.i reaalta lio had beea ilaaalllj naallai lereral ehaptera of the uible ovar and ov.t. and iinaiiy ia a religloau frenzy, l.iiled bla faitiilni wlfe. llc is now insane. at.d anaer px-k and hov. ? THjV XAToli 70 BO Shl'TH WOB HJfi HI Al.IH. Mavor (.:ant and l.dward Mmphv. Jr., thai: n,:.a af th(t Demoiratlo btate OaaaariaVra, ara ahaat la laka aanaethlng of a tn,. in u.o gaartfe. Ihey ...:.v be anamaanled bj Wai'.: Maiah, Do.k t (,ma.i- n,,. i (ran, and Joha D. ( rtmmli.s. The pai'.v otart* taortav and will trav I In a prlvato Altho.iah rredlted to ,,l,as,ii,'. it la under. ?tood lt la not, whoilv a d.-ir, fn lecieaUl u Uul t.ik? tho Mayor BWflg. Ho lias been bavlng ?.rouble v.i.h hlh aye*. lt ia well know,.. for a eini?ii<iali',.' liiin'. and th nnii of hi- goUm li ?at<1 tn Iv t- ,-,,?,:ll a akUTal ?cullat in Ataiita. Ga.. who ha* been renoried u. kave eflected noted mres. Th- perlod of th" Mayor* abeenc 1* aot detlnlt.-ly fl.v.d. II" ? By b .."k ?'' ;> " "K ,,r '-"" iiay?. bm if in- in recrelred u. und-rso an eperattea be '?<??>? te g..ri" thre. neeka. EXD OF TBE CHJCAOO A\D EU1E 8TBIEE. THK TRAIN M8PATCHEB M "TT WILL BOT BK ISi.INsT.VTil>- TII :.Ms OF TIII". 4GBEEMEXT. Chkagjo, BA?Oeoeral Baaavger TaeBer, of ibe Chicago and B le, bas announced i etthanenl '1 the ttrlke an thal road, Bj tbe tenna od tbe agreement tbe tr.-i.n dl pateber Beotl li nol to be reln lal d or rc-eiiipioycd. but all otber employea arc U. bo allowe.l t.i re-uine WOTk. The DOndUCton reCJW t--1 ili" i!iMni--al ..1 one nui), but. as lie bad VOltU ' reslgned before tl? propoalBon reaebed t'.e Chlcigo olhYlals, no artion waa n ce larr. Tbe lellBanenl of tbe trouble ?a- rea.bed ai>.nu l o'eloea to-day. Oea "i-.-ii Banager Tueker, Vlee-Pi-eaMenl Thoma* :>"<l Gen eral riuperlntendeiit B.-bead were In commuu i >' on by teleg ipb wlth tbe alrikers. who \\.-i.- m -.- i >n all ti,e forenoon ol HunUngtjn. I"''- A flnal agiee ineni ra* only reaebed when tbe offlreT to wbom tbe ronductors objerted voluntarlly reatgned. Uencral Banauer Turker *ald tbal theetrlke waa wholly dne t.. the men beHia mldnlormedaa to tae inteniiona ol Ibe rompany. I'i"-- have been glven bv tbe cotnpanv nol t<- dNcharge any nl inc rn niove* except f<.r ranae, as in the c:isc ..f r-cott. ibe lii.t -'f any >.f the men belng memwrrs ..i mn lai.or organlsatinn i* nol i ? prejadlee tlicrr. ln me eve. ol tbe rompanv. ' drd.-is were laaned from headonartera al n?m t> imt.fv t. all tr**n rrewi to repori for work ?;* ',TY'n aml the* rxpeet lo . Ihe .-mlre roal In BiU rumri.e order bv t<. morrow rm rnlng. Vii emplove nl Ihe i-onipan> I* renponalbk. for ib* statemenl tfu?l Ihe headquarter* ol tbe i-oaa, now loiated nl lluntinetnn. together wlth the repalr *hops, wlll bo removed to thia -i.y. The roason glven for the remnval I* thal the rompany wa< dlsplea>ed al ti.e I tatlon* ol svmpathy mad.' by (be dtlaena of Huntington with t.bc atrikera, ? ?-? STBIKKH8 BA1SB A bTBGB. Cktrago, Jan. -Ji (BperlalV The ilege rd *be Ltnh r.eit Mm bitierv- Company'* worhi ln the aoolhweabwa parl of ibe .ity ba* been lalaed. Two ne-Us :i." a in.irli.-i waa dlamlaaed f<>r mferbw work ;."'i ?? ?'? resnll tt/ty moulder* ii"<i Ibe ahopa np- Tbe atrlker* InaUtnted ;. plebel lii.e, kepl it .... dnly alghl i""i day, palrolllng a beal around the worka. I aeqnence Ci.- rompany bai be?n anable .'? aeenrj men m i'i.- siribei-' ptbcea and the police "?' dnty pnl >n ihelr time Idlj watfhl t the plrket* by day and the bnge Bre on >he pralrle, around whlrh tbe atrlker!. ..uii|i"it. .it nlght, ..l.'l kepl Bn eye oti tbe vork*. -t L-ri-iv monotonou* and ori petlt.on "f the rompany two wagoti loada "f pollrc liifil mornlng Induced tbe MUj army t<> rolae Ibe slege and p> bome. ? ? ? 6HTTLIX0 A .sTIIIKK AND A LOCKOTJT. Troy, N- V.. Jaa '24.?A propoattloo anbmltted by the -tn- Board ol Arbllratlon for i aettlemenl af Ibe itrtkc oi Ui" employea of Ibe I'tifed sliirt nnd rollai Company ba I.n aecepted by Ibe majrafarturera, and, it i- belleved, \iili b" agreed to by Ibe alrlb. Chicago, Jan. 2d. The lockoul .<f ib- atone-. by tb" rat-atone rbntraetora haa been aettled. Tbe l.o. objerted partlcnlarly m tlie Dnlng of tbe eon irarlora by ibe men. Thli Ims been done away wlth. and uii'ii.-v-i- any trouble take* plare the matler musi be aettled by an arbltratlon rommlttee ..f flve from <? u h assorlatlon. Bhould tliey nol agree. tben oa initt.s' mn so|", i un out-ider. and tin- Iwo ..." .1 - wlll sclect .. thbd man. Tl? -? Ibreo wlll Ihen 6 all (ilib. nltv. The i.?- agree to hlre m ii,.--. . utters, a-,.. tii" . itt. ' '" work ?? i. f * mt stone rontra. tora. Tin- men vuii t-.> t" ii.-ri. agaln on Monday. -1-?, R08E8AXH R08E CULTURE. FACTS ANO BTJCOESTIONS IN \N aPDBESB nr. roisi: tiik M vssv. ii. si.r rs DORTI ri'LTtlSAL BOfJl ; : v. r.oston, .Tan. -.. (gperlal).-An Intereallng addreea on ri.-e-, was deUvered to-day before the Ba i?' ?" llortbultiiral Borlety, by John N. May, "f >? N..i. Tbe ipeaka ?aid thal twenty yeara agn the prtnrlpa] roaes l-;-..'.b f..r tin- martel were Uon Sll. Lamarqne, aml a k-?- othcr* of like rharaeter. I r.iiiy roaea .>f any alae ihen ct.>hh were Ma eehal Slel aud Cornena Cook. To-daj II. ar- almoal tup lil--i:iT"<i by um. i. superlor varlel -? Twenty yeara ago, poaalbly 5,000 roae* per day wai the llmll ol ply f.,r New Vi.iK Ctty. Now a- many a m.oofl roae* i>?-r day ean oflen be found there, and ln Um ti," number aometime* rearbe* 100.000 p'-; day. - t.i meet the demanda ol tbe pnbl od Mr. Vav. umany ebangea In tbe enlllvatlon have been bl abovt Fonneriy tii.- r>> ??- wi re all - on tbe loBd bed rd tbe greenhonae; now ibej are groara oa ralaed bcnebi -. bed , .?*?. it ? i ' tba pracBce le paaal a bome <>f lea-roaaa and tbem f'.r yeara, tiii thej aetnaBy dini from overwork. Ni.w tii- general piartlre la t. rrplanl Bne, b-althy, y.ow atoek every year, or al moal every two j> .??-? Afb-r Ibey are pi.iiii.-d and gel falrly rtarted Into growtb, tliey aecd mukhlng ol ihe beel aiannre Ibey mn bave. in tbe eonrae of ri-li. .>r lea weeka, tba pliuits wlll bave abaorbed thia roal ol mulrhing. My prattlce I* then lo glve tbem a llghl dreaalng "f tine groand bone, roverlng it vutii anotber tbln coal .,f nannre. Thia procea* li repeated a* oflen a.s re uulred, and whera the plant* are very I B rareful ippl illon of otber atlmiilanta, anch a i ?; Id .... ,-. of loda, eti -. is ol greal beneflt to tbem. For Ibe aueeeiafnl enltlvatlon of th" rose undei glaaa, there are a few tlmple rules to foUow: Fli '. to prorure a luttabk aoU, whlch ahonld bo, if p.'--li.i'-, ?od, fresbly taken from an paatnre. II i.ravi ti." addltlon ol ?-. Ilberal proporll >n ol a..<i wlll improve It. Wlicn rarl na t.-.-t-.-: ip Hi aprlng, n.i.v wlth it one parl of u. clean ? - manui ti - \ or clzTTT-.'r K-n pui- "f m>H. aci > lo ti. .iiialirv of tbe aoil. Ti.e next Ihlng I I healtbv plant-: the nexl I- to l, t the bon ti? roae* are planted, ln good condlilon. On lb? I. -ert of watertog. there I* ? wlde dlvenlty oi oplnlon." TL0OD8 FOLLOW A TB IrT f.V rH/8 8TATB. I'tiea, N. Y., Jan. 84. The rerenl lhaw ran ed m ire bbxkade ln tha Mohawk Blver nl Trlbe* lllll The i"- began lo break ywl rday. During the aftei ?oon it rtarted three Ume* i.n.l stopped. Thc hotel and aeveral honaea il Forl Hunter are aurroiindcd wltl water, and boato are uscd In tbe street* io i people. The ke I* gorged oppo Itc Tribea lllll, i d B wltbln two f-et ol the iu*pen*lon brldge. Tne Ice on Beboharle Creek I* gorged al Blll Polnl, and all i,,,,,-.- around tbere are frooded. Al Foi da the watei approaefce* wlth n a few f"-t ol Ih? sne l Hon e. Mi otber lee gorge formed aboul a mile belu Am t rdam. and Ihe wat?i I* barking np rapidly. B ch damage l* (eared uules* the blo. Hade . ? waj -.i. tX UEBOBT ol .1 DBAD WtJB. Bostcui. Jan. -', iSpeclal . In Jnly, 1871, Mia. Henry Blgekiw B'tlllama, ib<- daugiiter <.f Bamiiel Krothlnaham, a wellknotrn mCTtban. lol Boaton, leaped Irom ber rarriage al Ihe entrance t<. tbe drtve -.. ,.. ,,f tbe Wiiii-m s eatate, noa Blm ll.ll-ave., Roa : iry, whlle Uie frlghtened borae waa runnlng. and .,, v. | ,iijurb - from whlch ahe dled eorlj tlie neal mornlng. Mis. Wllllam* waa a woman of greal per ,nal beautj and weetn. - od rliaracuer. In tbe new \ll tioula' <, imiit <los.- bj the apol wbere the a.-i-iii'-nt oerurred, laer huaband ha* |ua| p!;.'".i a beautllul memorial window. ll .ip'.-s the entln large window ..f the north tranaepl and ha* In Um reutre the flgnre ol an angel wlth one band pointlns to lleaven, Uie othcr partlng the Ullo* through whlrh -le- naii.s tireeu i.i- and mountalna lill tbe ba<-b Ki-ound, over wlil< li tbe mnisei llght 1 owa Tne dcipn and work art ly Ibe Tlffany Ulaaa Company, nl Ncw-Yiiiii. BOBTOBTVXB ChOWDIXO CPOS TBI8 TABllX Troy, N. V.. Jan. 24. The bimlly ol a man named Andei ii, li "> ? al I.v. n Mountain, Clinton County, bas been groatly ufnlited dnrlng the bwl few daya. La*. woch Andcraon'a ?if" and .. tblrteun ycar-oM daughter dled fmni typhold fever. on tbe waj t> the ibe un >>l.i aon <i Mr. Anderaon wai klcked by a horae, and Ibe lad's i-_- a-a* broken. An othcr daughter dled ol fever on W'edn *day ..f tlu ?""i.. and U." other two rhUdren a boj and a flrl, are IU from tbe same dli BEW COBPOBA TI0X8 OV rin: WEEK. Chicago, Jan. 2*.?Tbe I'ln'.-.t Btale* Corporatiou !.;.., ,< chicago reporta the weeklj list <>f new, rompkded rorporatlon* Ui Ibe L'nlted btate* f.>:- Ihe reek eadliig .'anuarj 23, 1801, to be u follows: Polal corporatlona, 284; totaj lapltalliaUon, $147, -17,-7:.. dWrlbutcd as follows: Men intile and manu facluring ron ;. nlei?, 101 ?-! -.-?_? i.TT.'.: goM and *IB -. and othei mlnlng and nmelting rompanles, feurtcen, r i,?i--_'..'.fM': ".il .nui Iron companles, elgbt, ,--'.i-t. 000; bank* aml Inveatment, two, .-.....?.. niunirlinl li^-iit. b.-it. power aml trant-portatbiii i >mj iwenty, Bl.'1.257.oqp; buildlng aud loau .-.--??? a'n.'.s, cl*veri. 8104,-70,000; mb-cellaneou*, klxty-elght, :'??. 850,000. THB LIM1TED TBAIN l'Ai: EXCELLENCE. if ii.ii bave never traveUed B'e i on ihe Nea Vorl and iiii".--" Lliutted, vla tbe greal four-track Bew Vork Central, you bave nevci expeilcnted the pl'-a Ure* >.f timl tbe BKMt I'.if". t liu'l'in Condl uon* Tba "Llmlted" Icave* Grand Central >..iti..n everj .I;.! at 10:<k? h. ni.. arriviiiK Chicago !? :4."> next morn lll,:. riie n?w Wagner perlectod veatlbula i* a oonapb aoui leutura of thc aartlee. PROTECTWN FOR A VEBBRL'S HOLL. IAFABESE LACOUEB BEEbU TO IXBatBH F.X CELLEXT 0DAL1TIE8. Waabingtoo, Jan. 24 *JpeetaJ).-WBk tbe adoptla "f -t".-i in Nn.ii ai-riu ecture bas eoaaa tbe probkaa >.f ibe prolccUon ..f a n.ra i.uii ftom tha rarroatve actlon ?.f ara arater. AadlaorlUea are dlvBtod aa ln I pi. Tae Bdraotafea od ipeed and htrength and Ugn aen ol ball obtalned froni iteel conairuction permli ao retorn t<> Iroa or wood. Tbe mcthod ol prevci.ti. Uterefore, n;..-' raaae ln :i forn tbal wlll no deprlve ateel ol Ita prnfttabh qnalltlea. The siii.j." t ..f -!i.ntiiiii---'ba- i- un outer coveiing ol ?.I Ba iong i. anderdl ruaalon and laereatlvety proposcd ii- ?- fcature for ae? eruUera. Tbe acheme, Wl. rhiel exponei.l I* Baval Conatructor Htcbborn, )i:i. ..,].,, i-. opp.ii'- who ba..- fiiriu-h".i rarled ing geaiona tendlng tn the aatn* valoed end. Tba Naw Departmenl recenlly rerclred frraa Mr. Ilotta. a| lacquer mannfactnrer ol Toklo, fans ptote* of ir..n and | ateel .- pertlvely, eaeh ftmr f'-t aquare and ravered wltb three eoata ol anU-eornwIve and Ihree roaaa "f antlfoullng mcanera. Tbeae ptate* bave been ntfa m,.,v. ,| |n iide-water al Uie Bew-York Naw Yard, wbere Ibey wlll rensala lor Ibree montha. Lieut.'i.iiit .i. i:. Mnrdoefc, of the Naw, whlta aa ,ir uiatli s'.i'i.m. Inicrvkrwed Br. lloti? and ln ipeeted aeveral reaadi oi Uie Japaneae Naw al Yokoanka dockyard. Tbe retnlta ..f hi* Inuulry re gardlng larquer a- \ <\\\\i'- paint have evMei tlj rn ide him an entbu laatle beaever In tbe benefll of larquer. The whota rooat <'f Aala i- adapted t i Uie rulUvaUon ol ih" l.i.'i'i'T tree; ta Japan, wbere the ose oi barquer I* extenelve, new planfaaBon* ara belng e t.i. lih.-il; Uie tree i- alao found In Chlna and Con . The larquer l* gatbered af.".- a taao .- flve year* old. n appeara from IncUlon* made ta Um bark, and when gatbered ba* Um form <>f a thi.k graylah Julce. On applk-atl m t i anj inrfa e i i unel'i balr braah n -.:,ii\ ii .-.I the tarquei rapidly darken* to a brown . . iftcrward driea, formtng a taatrou* roal. jhe |,.i,.i::u" i imposltton -.f pure bvqucr i- atutcd ofhYiullv a- lullow*: s.,]iii,ic iii aieohol, -..l,; ^nm arab.e, ..i.. niiroaenoua niatter, -.-?. arater and v .i itile in.i'i--r. 0.42. The Japaneae Navv ha.- niel vvilb |:i the adopl.on ul lacqnei a* a protectlon i" tlie hnll. an li i.?,.- . .1: 11 i ii.isldcratlon "f Uie diffk ultj <-i perleixed ln tbe l '? Itb In kceplng a ?hlp'? b dl >m I,,.,. ,;?. , .- ...,v ih. i.i. ni- : mt Mi rd ? :. \ i-it".! , y, -i ,i Vokosuka whl.-" i...ii'.in had not been , |0 ,... ,| ? . ,; n. m-1. H'- foui d tha. Ihe larquer wa. pTi'.-tlv -ni".>ib and nnbroken, and had ifforned rnmpl.'te prolertlon I ? Ihe mel il." It i- e?Umated that thc rusl nl larquering i vcssel ln thl rountry would be .;-..-'..?. agali -i --'-.i"". whlch l< ? terted l>y i Mnrdo. E :>- .'.' ??' l'" : ' ' ?' * "hlp durtng ib- perlod ??. thi. yr-ar Utal larquer I* *up ),..-? .1 ln re. lin Ita Influcnre. La. quer ha no . bemlr il n, tiiiu <>n macnclle o.xld. galva actlon. whlch Intcr f T, . vntli III" -iii-i..'ss ,,f ... maliv anli fonllng piilits, Ih prevented by Um waterproof ?n<l Inantating prop ert.cs of Ihe lacqner roal. The t-esnit nl ib- aun in.-i-i..n of the plate* al Vew-Yiwk are awilted with llheh !?> pre ei I ? ? ?? onomli al loluUon of ibe priitileni of prnteeUou to st."i hnlla. TESTIBO THE MONTEBEVB PLATEB. Waahlne-ton. Jan 24 (Speclall. I he dr t nf the te-t plate*. inttnded for Ihe Monterey'a armnr wa* trled al tbe Baval provlnggr.<i al Annapoll* thl* week. It \i i an all-;??>?! plate, rlc n Inche* In thickncua, and made al the Beihl h -m Im i Work . Three iho. i... i j.,,,:, one nf the 0-lnch 35-ralibre gun*. having i velorlty ,.f -J.H". i"'-t n ."-nd. Ib- reaulta wen fl sati-fm tory as tho -?? ?? tali i d a. the armni t.-t ol ta*t rear wlth thr f reunot ull *teel plate. Thla rlrrum 'tance li. ' ' *rrel iw.njr thc .,, ttantlnl pmarc - ol tci-l nanuliieturo lu tbe L'nlted s-a1" . _ _, PROPOSED CBAXGE8 TX TIII: COURT8, Tin: BEPOBT OP THE BPECIAL COMMITTEE Mi'I'lll. HV THE CONSTITLTIOSrAL BEVISIOB < OMMITTEE. Albany, .'an. -i - Ti.e con*tltnttanal Revlal n Ceen ,,,,..;.. iged i-i revlalng the Jndlclary artlcta 0f,),,. ki Be'aCo lltutl m, mel ln tl ??' ipltol ye tarday K t,, ,,,ii-..|.: the repori ol ll.immltl ... tne propoeed an endmenl ted bt ,,,h. r -ai.nmittoe* of tbe I'omi I ,,; ii- rommlttee tuggeata Bve ron*Ututional amend menta t.. Artl. l" 0, i" be aul mill U? | , ,. I':.- nexl annn .1 ? '- ? I Ibe tn-t ? ? i .-i ,.f Appeal*. ahd pro hat no :?;?.; II bo tak. ,.v Pp| ?? i,. | .' i'i" < iinatllutlon, the i dWIty "i prol ite ol a wlll, the UU ??' pi n li-.i-t exprei ed oi ImpUed the l 'pBIn u 1 ol i ..: where Um di ?? <iii.--ti..ii of law. Rlghta of app il are n ' rted In do nol in <iT". t de. granl or refu ?? .i new trlal, ... a de, .>r me ilnil ord.-is. |n apei iil prw ??? d ln regard lo tbe Bupreme . ourt the reco led !.'. the apeclal rommttlee foi thal and Im i"! ?: ???? v ? I cd, I* adopted. ll pi >i klea tbal Ihe Le -. I itnre n i] i h inge th ol ] idl. I ii dlatrlct* ..n.e ln t?-n yeai . and H Judgea to tb..-.- di-tii.t-. There are to !?<? f "ir Judli al deparl ment*; ind Uie Governor, when Uicra I* greal pn of work ? ai d . ite -;.- rlal T< . '<? h ild li, ,. -,| rerni*. No j11.1_-? - .hall hold ? haa pi d the a : ? ? .s... tion 21 pi ?? Wc tl .t no ;.'!-?? or , , 11 oi ns- rallroad na i ? ?? ? : ? ,i .,! ?? ith . ountj J .-? ? ' ': bas be. . hcd. i'i- ; i. to give ti.inlj ol Klng* an additional l i . ? e. ai .1 pmv Id vork < Ity. I'pon motion of Mr. Carter, chalrman "f 'be Be vi-:,,n i"om mittee. the n i- *rt wa i ? pted Br. , | ? ?? .,, ,1 ii,at tbe power civen to Um Legialaturc ,,,.%t Ihe | ol tbe jnrtu lal dBtrlcti wa t,, antl. Ipate an) ?m h Uiln - Ni u Vork and limoklj n. ... a neci i ? ? i inge <? i .,.nt ..( an ? ih.n.?: il " Mr. : - t ni .i. i lhal th.illre r iporl be ii Judgc ?-. T. Kniilb ....;.- u-d ed tba. thc ei tin , -:.-' s on appeal be airl. I ? n Vfter " .' '?.-' ? ? on, Mi M"- nblo. ? itjon tbal ih ' iniMi--i"ii api'i"i" ? f b<- f'.rn ,,i ih iv ol ...,,?- and icvl "i '? |(> ihe i omuiitie.' on Itcv lalon * embtal) li arlion o Mr Huniblowcr'- i! wa adopt. I bj a vole ,,; io |., i i iiioli r. -ii -pard alotw ? dlng ta the f and ... I.. Miiitb belng cx. u* l. . n ol lloincr \. .Nt.i ..u, tho < uinna thed adju ii ? ' Bi'ixn .v mission vr.v s,,, 11 i v. li i ? . ? ? i ? . , ? i ? ?? ? , . i ? - ,- ? :.. ull Court ? ? ? ? Ul :nil IU) I |, .. ,,|.,l i?!,,;,, i, ,,f the i i .. .i -? i' - and E Walt. i Kob :? . r to r- .." r 812 000. i a. i on |>lalni Holli gav* Henry l 11?? n . "'? a ? >'? *'? i .-.1- i it:. in .urani ? l'?.? pany ??' ttilta ' '. I:.-! M .'? '. I." ? v 648 MotUi I Iftci i.'i, ' . i". " Xhim i -..ii depo?itcd it in Uw Uul. n I'ruai t'um. ? ? ?i'i,!.?!,;.-.,a ..?'.t the il --?? . ' 115,877 54 a id ? ,.,,, of the Ib i i ? - ..;i "I." I. >?! li fl . li .i r .,,, , ??,. ||e |.h i this .. tn i eberk an Um Traal ,?,:,, i,:.n'. :n,.l tli.ii d ? ii ;,'.''!? Mr. He y ? k* lo ro.i I.I- l: " ^ ( ITBEB BALOXE'8 COXMTIOX IBPBOYIBG. Tha fb'V. Thoniaa II. Balone, paatai ..f st j0 Bo m i ?' illc . ii ii- li. s.'iiii Denver. I li Hi -;.:? i - from a fl ikuU. ; |,\ :, lllll Ii V. ? -I I IftJ 'ilMlisl. 00 . hat betl Hi ha 1 paa ed i ? and ti" phyal lan* In att< ndan ? ? \..I i ,,|,, . ,,( i h-rev. ?? ti... :-:i ti.. y .ull not \?t j,r .no in. ?? : . ? I U ... -' ? 1_ i I'KI' i.m "P < "l'.M v bTlKKB. ?u KranrbM... Jan. 21. l-.d. . i ... . Alta . |., ? ?> r. J. ... |-...||. ? "?, BO i ...u MO . .,-, . al I v . :'-' i rii.wi I'.ln' I..0 I . II;,I. V N ll. r --.! I.'i 'in M.iio .?'"' At .1. W. JOBBSTO.VS, 379 SiMh-nve, above ",1'i-t.. alM -.'.,o urand l . i full llne \>r -? hhlrti na :? n - Lin. n < .i!j - ll >", a. p.-r do*. r. uderwear 25 per ' nt le?* thao Broedwaj i '..ristip.iti.iii. whlch , ris.- t., manv graver ind pn n n;"i .'? ? ??' - i.'i Lin : i rj tbem aud >..| ? lll i.i ? ? lliNi-.v A Dabiels. M. II. ao w i-' m n-sT. Blaaaaaa f tha X?rvoua ar-iaai 0< nito-Urtaary Orgaai, lr,|K,t.n,. and Bu rfllij " wa 8 bl I, ?'. la B. ? --? ? " N.Vl VOn." li .'.- W. " N MVoi.." a blgbdax k fatd . Mrs, WixsLOWfi Soothixo Strup Ha. I,,,, ...i ioi .. iiiiv VI ii'.s hy MII.i.ions ,,' MOTHKKB lu tl"-ir ' llll.M'.l.N ivilll.l. Tii-.iil |N<. aiUi PERPE. I S?1 r< l.s.s. I. s,?,T|||.s ,,?. .-' s<.|'iIN> tb* Ol'MS ALLAY8 all PAIN ii Krs W1ND rOLIC, uul i- '-'"? '"-' remedy lor DlARKlK.r.v. si.ld Pi f.r - .. ?? y lurl of tliu world Tweaty-Bv* eent* ? botUa. ~Tni: Leader" tbe iicst ?rab!r*craeker in thc <or.rt: alUcfenaa* aca pac*phaUci no yoaat or ?>rtj; a DOWerful li'ilrler np of ciery tl-si|". HT.ALTH inon CO . 61 IlfCl. Avraue. and all arocer*. MAIiIXE JNTELLIGENCE. MINIATl.'KE AI.MA.VAC. ro?Dal Stinrlaea7 121 Seta 5 05 I Monn rlaBB 5 43 p tn I Moon'aae* 16 mon W vi .k. 4 V-t-andrHoo*. !:Bn Oae.falaad gOI i HaU Oata "'.', T.Jf gaadrHrrt a.l- Oar.laiaa I p ?."? | ttallUaua. UhU , tXCOMIXO 8TBA UBR3. TO-l. vv, ",?,?>.?' Fmm I.m* la itt'-ugne.Ravra.fau 17.Fronot, Trana A a ra tiia.I.ivei ;,u..l .I.ia lh.Cunaru MOBlM .. I V* . 26. Athna.I'"Tt Uatoa ,1a, 17-.Atlaa Oi ;/:,' a.liav.ii,*.laa '-"-'."*? Y <* i.uia II I.SOAi. JaN. .17. adiroarwck.glagataa.Jaa -i.dvtiaa OUTQOl tt O 5 Tt: .1 If 8 li 1 xoaaoAT. ja.v. J7. Veaael I'ftt'l. /a,.'. >'?/? Maula cloae aail?. .N. .adi. G'JIuli. r.ivrrjm,,!. " ? "i w, nvaaaaT, -ia*. js. Oeraaaaie. Walta atar. Uvaraaal. * aaa 730am Spree N<;,1. Broraen. o a ni s a m m--ui iio-a i b .< BraxiL Biojaaaii*\4M n m N .. i:a. N *, A , nn.,, l......i,a. t P ? ? I> u. raOBBOAT, JW 29. smtaof Paaaaylraala. Bl ita '?'? laguw. .. i lenti.eirns. N V a i nlia. Naaaan . I Trmidni, y.n'.ii., Banaada. 1 8BIPPISO NBB'S ropir OF NEW Vi.KK.> il I BOAT, JAN. 94, l*m AJUUVKO s;.'..,i.or areblaaedaa tBr?. auaaa, santoa Dec li. n? .t.,,,,, ,,... -' i, i* Jan la. aitb ardaa teBaakm Jevoaa l ? >. ,.t tta. Baral ... laa ? llerari.el iBr). ilnraea, Kto.fanair.i I..??-.... 81 I ii. ...I'iu 15 ..iii. e..:i-e t.i-i reaaelta Ituaw .* jovona. aii..'.'. al ii,< Baral l*OB i> m Kie,.ii AguaaiBi . Bailue, lielne, .ve.. witi.maaeand l . ... u,jaa lUi k i, Arrivedattba Baral ti.truaaa HteNiiierJiihauSrerdrupiNori, afoaaeo. Progreao I .Uya. wiin iieiu,. tu i, i'.rui.;. -. reaaal te W W Hartbut* Co, Ar rn,,l ai thc I'.a. ui 1 p in _ ... . . -,.,??.., Baldouiero Vgleataa (8pan). Bayona. H"aa*6 rtaya, m.ii. mdae. aod paaaengera to j M < >"'.iii"** <-". a. ateanter city of nirmingnam, iwe. Baeaanafa s naya. wltb u,.;-. iu.i iiaaaeiiaera tu B L Walker ateamackUeaoura, Baonett, r-ortiand. with n.daato Horallo Bng :?<?.:...-1. m I'.-rio. Marttaiqrta, mbaitaatta li TrowbrWge'a Buna bL'N-i i aVlnd il Bandy Raok, Iight, s\\. oiondy. At City latand-Winalight, 98W cloudy. Ann.,1 i, (tl | i. Steatner i lenfoego*. ''nit.r.. rio?fiio(;o< vl? st Juko nnd N'as ain, NP. with in !-?? .Tvii-l iu? ngera biJa* K Waid * < " M,.,,,,, r v: ?,.!..,' I,, Mch'ei .Lo ? auuville. v:.i tii..:. with lurtae. aud paaaeugrratoWni l'i ly.le4.Ca. CEEAl'.lll). Bieaaief I ydiaa Xenan n Br . Morgaa, Loadea- Baadarataa Mraiarr hundard '.on. Langen. .atamaada Onatov Hiearoer Yumnri.Curtla Baraaa and Mexlcaa porta -Jaa B %Vt'.'.'i'n Vi.ouua. WUder, Oalvi itoa rta KeyWeat,-C B htal. "i Heneea, Hterena. New-Orleaaa - ll Keamaa v;,-,,, n. ... .,, ?? .,.> J T Van Mlcaia HK-amerCltTol Blrmn.Kliam. B>r? savannali ii .. vv.iker SO-aiiier I',.'..,.-. i ? . Wllrn Igton, M. -Wm I* I urda vrOayaadotta, Walker, Nortolk aad Kawpart Mawa ?-i,!'','!i."i" li'i'.'Tin.'.i.'i'l. .;,:,!:? v. W.stl'oiiiT. V.i-.Jl'lDuinii.ion "fafeamerOM DomlBlon, Oew'tt. Newi-rt Now*aud Kienmoud -.,1,:P,:?.,.,.:,-, ^ Brfc B>n|rtl _N,,r.illk Hen'l-r,.,n 1 l.*.,,,.. Ht ttgart Oarl, BchBckmann. Balttmora oelncUa ?!," ,?, ? i ,, .. bi i ?- Portiane n ratioHa , ll l L l???oii lll l>\?** I . o. Rric Vi. U>r.a llaromon.l. Barbadi?>a II rruwbridgaa Mena SSgAlr/Ad. III .?.:iN'.,rt?aJ.?..u.. HnJ i?m .- i Hri. ?-?-. :???,. Itahia Broa. ajrig i rownet iiayioi , si Cro v Bartraai I ,, b iboi . Oohde. Raltlat-WW Hnrlbatd l?, SMI.I.D. v rla. Olaagow Fnbla, , Haran ira 'itNlatu. BotUrdam; ia II mi ,, . treauna I'?rl - . Bicnmoad: (iuyaadotta ? -r-.f Mir.iie. lor Bnaagbali i* Weiaaenbora, : XHL htOVl Ml Nls OF BTEiMKBh. i i.i.i I.N l'i'liis. ,ITrI , . : !! .".: ??? ad <Brn in L atearoer I trurla (i.n. ii, ii- ?? ? ' ? ??y n> l -' :? ? ? . . .4 raiied, ? ? , Davlea, f'>r ' hi :': Jaa J.: Arrtrad,ataaaaar Gallleo nn, htagea, from ' ? .V, i t ,? ?-.< -i .- ?:. ?,..iiii-r Btate oi ilabaaaa Br), ABTWEai' .''-, -; tT'-'l ataaiaai t.e Rayter (Batg), MAI... i -ai atea ler < allfornia <nr>. ,,i. ?? imiii N.??* .? : 1\C\V JJIlHilCiUlOtlG. v<.\\- i;i:\i'V s AJJ.NB BBADSTREET AM> HEB TIME, BV BEL1 N i V.MlMii.I.1. One vol . l'-'me. kebarmlnB , ' ? . :?? af tb ,,f v: . ? - I ? ' ? - "' innd 'v v Bradal ' '? ? ... ? n Danaa, -,, rhannb ia, Uw Bucht i?l ?. Ollver Wend' II H Wendi i, | | | .. i . - ii ? the vlgoi and Intv real tl il ,! . .; ? imeet a wrnVr. and -m-.l in- muai ' ' !*?" ' ' ? ?'? : " ' I , ?, ,. . n ' ' :>'. nld-tune in ot woman'* ..?..-, hUab -- Anna Brad treet of Aadover, D. LOTHBOl' COMPANY, Publiabera. i'."-r. -N. K?WB^! 0 ?:.. i i.i , \ii.n roskshkik .,, uit i '?:.'?'? v, n v 0?o ol .1 Prl ? rpiIE t'Olil'M. I ,,,-.; n ; ?? i . >i: I : BRf iRY. V .\ .,.,,, VANISI1I.V' ?l Kl I.I - - ..-t : John <; . , II, ' ' .1 it- ln. ? ?? ? ':' V ' . tinvrivi ""si m ences pt?f. it. 1. i ,'...." ' tn a.l ' ,.,,,, ,i , -.,. ivliis ti ,'? ', - .i uld s?.il,...? in. tl?. ' ' ? "J l',M*. vv ; ; i i ? e lla . v ? Kanar. Pr ? I ' , A. P. I' I iJi" SEXT KTI IP I N' ; |H i VI l"\. Pi '-:,l nl I I- .,,.,'. - ? ' . ? ? i tt - , ....??? A vs THI im aPKilt'l ' ? I'lR . i ll vi. ? l. |. .11,11, Al, SUlll. ? -I- ? ??? .I I iii. lll y lall \ :. II v-l- "I MINH. li. II ii n '1 , . ;? \. ' i ,, a IM.EKI/.I l> BloiJll vfl, V. w.,: . |. ?,?. v ? .a. ? - ,.f f.,1 t.ili, VH rilE < IIIXI SE SEI IS, P ?ld. ni W. A. P ,; lu i iii. i vii.Mi r. - < n w.i i> ' on iu i in\ p,nr Kodl.or Wi Ii n I.i tl iiiin ... ? ,, .. ml II,. ,1 . V\ -I TIIE liOVEItN 'H n i t.NIl Tlll IMHA.N lllram Prl iltl. pni'R MODI S OK LIKE. M . ,i 1 W. Powi II A i-lll.l-ii, id "i ' i-.ii.iiiiM. pi;oi,iti:.s*a in ivi'vn i: . pr. W I.. i.niti-. Th in -t.? ? ? tl n in I n t aplri . I lll. KOP.l M, S'KW-1 URK. ,'i0 , enl - a , apj. - . i . rpiiE BOOK 01 OP1 n vli;-l'i.;; r-, oeuvo, 100 pagta. I I .-:.??? - I . ? -? i . .,;. \:v i, .in . u u mr iinin- n ? i.i ? l; i rnn I ,. i. , II,'.'. -I,.,..!.,," hol , . \ \ . :, I'lll , o|ij Put, : rlt.un , New-Yiil l Ob I i ll i i',. raall] .i plh ..:? ,1 b tl i pn --. Jiiottncnon. For Boyi and Voung Men?City. . A-CI.A-.-. lOK lt'M.s ,. i,,,..,: aad BBrVBBCed ? gradea; atudenta rrepat d foi nollego, ,...-, acientlOe ? iicili and nn-. ?? - VV, I CIIASI 7J We t JUUl-at. \-' il: I I.A l;.- n| .,i',;Ii .-, 'llniil.s, n;. ...... .abeth, r foi t>?va or ?.;.- II r a lutrj ? 1' V. III \-;>,?,n'.ai .?,. io hchool linrai. |W lr.ii-i , N. v rpilE PARK f,i!.I.I ..I v I I. M HOOL .2 Weat " 1 at, do - urlmary, Inl . ,i colleglata vmhw, uumb. - a, il " hlaj '. r. t- ei ? ??-. i L.MEU I PIIILLU'a, M. A . Prlnrlpal. Jnm,;,i iiu.N :,, i-uauneKtal brau.liia, idocutioo will. tan ? I-i. ii. l l, Liei iiut .nn ...,? Eugjlah glveu ou .a ... ..i.i- trrm?; I r... aapcrleii.:?. C*l| Tuesday. aaid .iinr-dai. betwceu 'a and A, nr addr , _,_ ii K il v \ i r ll? Madlaonave. 1>REPARATrtRY .. .?... i| 1711 Weal ITth-at., . i.ti'i. "-.1 >,. 11 1. a/eUi; tae learoer tauaat now to atudr; Ibonsht exefrl-eg m,) .nredi develupment 01 ..?:. | .?- bi laa methoda nf inatrii-tioii emplovad; pi-raonal atu-ntlnn to aael, IIn n^,) .? twolva ? holar*. U.vivr.ii-iiv uitAHMAR s, HOOL, LiTg Braagwg near 42d-st .1 ta y, ar. p tiarv. f mnie.r lil and i;a.-.?l .1 T' lu. t '-'.ts M M. MOHBY. W. L. AUIN, N. C. HENbltlCKSON. PrlaelgaU. Jnsirncnon. _ For Tonng Li.lies?Oty. tt A n-REV. DR. AXD atllS, QARDBEaVS_mmma A. BCHOOL um I.1UL.S. 807 Btb-av*. 8.a year. M:s qaHDXEB, Authoi of --Histoiy lii Bkjnaaa. Mi-s M. kwi.'.i.s s.-,,,.,; ,ini Klndergartaa for .11 riidren r"..|..-ns Q.-toh. r 1. at K>'> EasCJjju-^ B/AX XORMAX IXSTITUTE rlonnded \85Jb Hoine ?nd > Day S 1...I. OOLD AXD BROXZE MRDALB, I A??a i.xi-.i.smoN. 1SS9. 280 and r^J\VHJ?7i*?*L Ead-ave. BtaM. V.vv N'Ol'.M.vX. PBaeBJBl For Botii Sexea?Cltar. 4 -THB .?oNvr.i.s.viHiN BCHOOL OF J*AB A- Ol A.;i'.s , v a - ai 17 W.*tWAr Z?7 lii-'iii-ASi i.i...,, .('???. and .n-t ***.) ' !.-...,?[, VEK8ATION ""- NMlKAl. HETHOD." by BDMOJW i.AsI IN! VI . 1> r ? 'or._--. ? :-.- siNi.s.s ;.;,! . aTIOX. Bookkecplna. wri:lng. A. Ithmetic, ?-. rwpondencc, .pelllng. .tenofi**&W? wtltili . 1.... ?' , ';'- ',' - ?oi.'rv 1-AINI.s IU ml.l.U.I. ''- '?'w'r.' , ...... ,:,-..?..., I0J Wj ' 841 -' wr. Broodwajr. Hll.i.s SCI.I. OF hHORTBA.ND AN 0 J*?* WRlTIXii, 513 Templi Courl rh?KKg^?wr&na ; - al paln* takea nrlth tj P" ""*"* ?? li .RTIIAXD aad typewrltlng Scbeol. 80 ^';:t,.^n1; g ?,:;^''!^^,:!,,,:-r";;:,?..^^no?;'^?T^,ra,tule ,. ,1,.. HU,-,!-!,,,,- orlice, ;?) Browlarajr. T vV: J&iP 3?23mu- .;>-'.on:A.M!ai:uvv.^h.,^.n' uiioC; B^-puri',.% Beej lu-iiucu-u ?o per aarm Mi.s. cll.-uieoiis. A i ki.n. ll laaeb r, al. to 1 ave Jfew-YWr, wlahee A ... Ul (cbeap) bls Ubrary ot poetry.^?oveta. atudie*. ,,.,,,,?,.. Apply to Bonavcnturc UBtH, ao ? II .... , ,.atalogne and ?pevlmen? ol oooaa._ l> mmiv. 8 I:-.:-' ! --"ii 50c; icenery and Seweras 1 iirnvi'i"- oiH'ii Thunutay, ianuary -?'? __,K , m. iiri.M.i-, ..i- KVIH.K, ill.s l.ast .oth-t. Ifualeal iBatruellon for botli Scxcs. ^EW.YOHK COXSERVATOBY. 6Eael Htb-aB. vo ,;T S1.[in,;i'." "f kaM"',:1.vno scnoou \ tlt VI, hl, IIO' 'I..'* . ... u, HOOI. i UillV s., illilll .vli'f.I> S< ll"">* '.?': 61 ilOOL or all BBAXi UES of Mt'SIC ??*??*?? I-uivi n Lan ige* D iwlnc and PalnMna.-T** XEW.YOR1 ' (TXSl BV l IORA I MI Ml< , lor -.0 Year* Lo at d at ,_ 6 KAST 14TH-KT. O.M.V, 3d Doul Eaet of 51H-A1U . ,i ;. | ' b?r r.-d 13.;. The PIRST ORttAXIZED and beat Al'l'OlNTED m'.MO aobcol ln Ui" counl ? ? ? . _,.,,_.. ?rnm no BRAXCII i XTIRELY Beparate and DMInct rrom ?ll o'hers whlch imlt.-.'e Ita name nnd rneth.'d-.. ,???o. OPEN day and I'ViiMS" lor th,- R.-c pt.en of pup"* A. ' Nl W-VOIIK .,? UCRMAX COXBKIIVATORT OP MUSIO, 1 I2D-S1 neai 5TB-AVE., 1. li I'v UM V I>ir- .-lor. Chirterett onder the U< >,ol the Stat nf Bew-Taefc (Mgaar BM1L10 AdBAMoXTE, alf??8jBlnBla*x: Wrflaev .,i i -si i-i-i i-i. URAXDI MlUno; .1. L. E mETER, tearher nr Mme. lin KKB1 : l S< HARK. Munl-h irai i..:',,;. , i.. si li.YKWEXBA flerlln Conaervatory. I'I AND : .1 \i .ji i s i i-.ii mn ;..iu Ji'N . Concert I'lanlrt; KOC1I. puptl or l.i-zi.. .1. ...ii.i.TS. Bertln Conaj-rva. tory; i. iti'.iv llambura t'onaervi.| ; T. BuHK> IIVIIIM I'.'Tl.ii < ons. i \: 11. i r v. ..... Vl.' .T...VN ' : I.I." rHUTAR, MAXD0I*1XE. I.I.mi I lluN. DRAMATIC ABT. '1IIK I.vr.'-isi t-iiNsl-'.RVATOHY IX THE CITY. n!,. pupll eoneerl .1 th. nvif. OP rHE COXBKK V A |i liV. .1-. M. AR1 .(". al s p i:i. M isieil luatruetxon. BIXJO OIT1TAR, in-ti'i' : thorougb tnlUnn ; all 'l,.,?;. prlvate. IXIR1-; BBIITBEKB. 68d utli-ii. . i u . 120 Court-?t., Brooklyn. i'an ba angaged lor ".n i ? _^ 1* \\.t'. iXSTRl'i ii'.N. i.-i.l ?- iiug ? 1 rata. |> :,-,... ,. -ni.-l ? f., nartlrular*: leaaona dar or evenlnc. KPWAHD BOlisoN munufaeturer, orebratra, chlmea :- IQlh-at_ J' -i I'.i.iMii K, j, '\\," v,),.,?i i-.iu Park-ave. _ , rwilinr.OI ..ll taatructlon ln nuiale <\rx-\\ and lnstrnmen. | . , . , ' -ti .-i--. dan. Inf ' -'. in. ? il - ' foi -? ular. KXICKER Hoi Ki.K i OXBERVA roRY 14 Wi B 1 Itb-at Ilrooidyc. HE MISSK.S F.LY'S f-CIIOOL FOU UIRLS, 140 AXD 142 COLVMBIA RKIOHTS, BROOKLYX. F..r Voung Ladica?Cotintry. nEXVIDERE .sl.MlN.vliV?rlOO p.y* for a thoro'iuh la i .-.:!?-- diparUncnt, ?pn bome; -po.-lal in , : ducal baa.n U'-ulccted. si.MiN.vr.v, Belvldere, Xew-Jeory. For Boya and V ing Men?Country. CIII.I.TI-.NIIA.M ACADEMY. OOOXTS. I'A. r . N .;. d . ; ng*. Ne^r grhoot Oymnaalum, mllltary dnll. ic. Thoro'ik-h . i : . - uac Mhool. Eor clnutar, *-. iii i lOHX CALVIX MCP. A M Prlaelpal._ J* LMWOOD BCHOOL IX)K BOTB?Al Mllford Cun. '/ ,-, Bfortunm bi 'h maaaffement of mall ?ona wlll do ? i l nt hy th. idva I ib offend Addr -- l RAXK B ll |WE Sup't. __ F?\siv,\s BI'SIXESSI u I ..: Poughk.-epate.X.T.' i , , lll thl T . . . '.- :. :.-r . ' Loti ll. Il- kk ? plng, 1., . i i Lan !? ri -I. mdenea, i i| Bi n Typ iwrltlng t i; ? .. ? j. i ? iitl -,...-. -? v ? ,| ? r?r ?-. i'!"'i-f'irni-li ?! Send for it'l'-v FKKEIIOLH IN'STITL'TE Ireehold N J.; i.'.'ji year: ,-,.:? . -; iity; butbuaa, higu ., hjol ?nd . i?--l.-?l 'ii- - Si'MMi r. hClKMiL at th. peea?atli Mllltary v . I i nn ."iith-'i1; -ar- anU bi-t.-i t'.in e\ . I "nt, john s ni.niN. a. m., .vi. d.. PrlacipaL fsend lor r K'.lai _ ..^^_^..^____ ^ Vor.W.vI.IC MIL1TABY IXBTITtTTB, i"'.W COXBT., I- . pai s (oi Coll i .ii B utaaaa. Tbei ? '- ful tralalng. Moderati ci.j:.-.- . sui ? rl t. .ildin){. v. ir. ulai un r. uu _? , , KRAXR S ROBEBTS. Prbielpal. . Si M.MI ll S. ll.."l. I OK r. \ s. ll inf BRYAXT si Ilo-lvn, T.. I. N. ^. ..i riuo. I i. i *Joun:.-.!- ti.- d ita - ? 1i|i!. Pl i KSK 11.1. M'l.. 1 Vin IC ID1 MY. iTti. i...r ' ?-.-.- s : : .7. I8P0. Send for eatalojtua. JOHN N lll.Ti.N. A. M . M- D., I'micipal. For B .Ui Sexea?Co intry. w-l"(l YEARI.Y board uid ti I m. Semlnary .> I.lll - - i.i'lsi OPAL S I Irachrrs. T Ai.i.i, ; i. v. llEK.s -i ? I i . : H'inKWW :l Vi ill.ll.s- A'.I.NiV. NoiXll ..: .IU ? N V._ ? Ml'li.1. i.\ AM" ' ":.i I'.-i ii Ai .1. ..s A'.i .1, i *'\ M.p,. ?.-. I" nf --. rs, I'cucbera, lutors. v>ovt-rii- s?,?, , to I Oti gc? s i, . . ,..j | j ,. ,. ,. vui Iy w Mr- M. I. VOI N'. ! II..' IN 2jl V ilon Sfl i ?? Vi-.l -.- 'I i: \. II i Ks \ i , : |- - - i ? I; . i.i l.r i? ? i ? . . ? i ' -I form f .i -t.u: i. r \ n. ysMioX ..i:. [; i. ai v. i i - w iitn-?f, ' \i i Toits Pr. * -- ?- I.-. -r? (tov.-ro - - ' iH i brai ? -?!?:?' - i . - - u I ... im-. ir. Mod i Mlin vM rriYRIERK K ?m ll I.V) Sth-ave (il-.UMV.N INlVMisllV l| \N , f ,.vt ..|.tie .vi. rl"ii ? 1 ii - fnmlli -;."iK ? I ? in.i Ki i. idd ??-- ri i> \...i',ri . Trlbunu ? ,' - - i HK.ssi s i'KAl'lll 11s- A..I-N.V 1- Eftst 1 .''I' -? ? ' ? ? ?? - I' I, |s .'..I , - ? ? ? - lll bm . ddent and h i. n ,., : S|,. <h -?? k.-n. 1.1 \. 11: . l s ? ? - - :. matron* t.-.. promptlj ' I : ??-? - hool ??? ?? n |. t ?.. i ir> nt?. Ni s DONOV VX'S I ,i : - l: - , :tn I'i-- l Ith ? If NIHN i : ..\. fl I il- V'.l'N. i I v :',. ' i :, ' - II. H I. IKKI N.I IOX IT l| ', ? I .-..-? Pl N V 11) ' ' '' i ? ! ? V'l?ltln? teaeher. ff | I ? . . , , ; i ,. ? I -11 fl nn - ri ?-? .!? rn - . .. ,,: :i l ?. ?? > rn ? ,m for li.iiver. ("nl lll ? Ml-? DOXOVAX'B , 30 Ea*t I Dnrtcinq TV.ciiticmico \l.i \ VMii.ll MA. lllll IIUH'B . I. 1-sl.- 1 s i, vNilNU. MEXOI l^iSOllN i." n|s n-, ,-,.\ril.sT. rr.u' . --,11- aU) ':: - 1.1 VI -il UU'.II I) \Ni IN'.. W VI. I/. :iii,I~~\\ . ! , - ' i , , ? . . - . - iieM- i now .... lll IvMi M lllll i ,v I ll I'lN -i BV i I'.ili li vv -i M Pl ISXAMHi'S vi VDE.MY, 102 Eist BSth-at?A arbool ilan. Inil. d |<i ., - ? ... .'? '? ? ii.l i - - ?? ii r i-irc'il* * - i ?? -i. w u . I.I.A. i . . I -. | s 2,1 vv,.i . ? 'I 'l.'l 'I" 'I'!"-- "|.|.-,|.IV s.iti, ,1,,. II n ein s hiHil r. ". ? , s,.., . ?, \| i--s ii"-, r ln. Wi -i '3d -'ii , i : ii. -: daiii-i - 1*8 th?.i hl.v nnd la'.lil ? , ln ...,?. |,rlvat> Icsmiiih afinancial, 9-1B0.BO0 1 I l v "i BEOISTEREIi :. I'I It . r.s t BOXOfl. im i , n I or - MOI.I.KB ,V <o? 11 I'lM sl fllittelltinrottf PEiiiMt i-EET. ' ** '??" '' ? ? rn ,. ihcoi ... ii Prl c. io ctt, MDi ? ??? .. by rn. I Ij ..: r,, . ,,s ,,, |, :,uir .icd ? ? " ' ' I . ' ". IVlVBtll II I ,v.. ' (? -,., ? T!n:?l;'.;k"i-i"l',,vv".ls|'",i^ "?" ? i ,-r -,., '. , ' V-',' I'' ' ":,""-u ?" tmertcan ooen. 'V,r, '". ,' ','''? '" ' ?wl ii ia. n..:, plav ;'r,v ' ki-.. br.. In full 8f i-i ,','V,, i ""' lrl,""J Xew-Yorh. r.m.:t:i?i. lll.- lllll Ulllv ??-?.. v ? ? ? ? ? . ,i tj, . ,,|v->. "Xiution Bolc o! liovot'9. PALO AI.I.. Tll.HiIN,, sfifX K AT Al i||i,\, .I l i. I .uul ,,?,.: ,, ,1 ln li"N LELAXU BTAXI OBD fi oni Pala AU., Ranch, Menlo Park. Calllornla, M.n iimi he aeen at 1 ii- Ain il. Initltute iiiiiidine fd.?v. . ,^XV5u?eyn?i!!,S.^a N""-Y,>rk' V T \fi 1 111 \ ' . Wedneriav ?nd Thiiratay, January 87tb. 2*11 nnd i, ;;,,,'?';.!',...'?,;,?;,';.' *; ln? ?'"h daj at io o-cioca. 1 1.1 lll . Kl.l.l.ui.i, v ,,, v,?.,,??. ,. lu, Juun-.i., Niw-York. tDintcr Uc5ort3. DI STIOiri MIITUIIL ? BBITBnBB BTOfBCM, _^^".i.111 *'- >"*r- ^"Ippea wlUi beat appUaac*. among Uem maaaage, vacaun. treauner.t, sw^f.iV-Tr!'' mont, *u*p.;u*ory treatment, aU tri.a-.y, Tarklae. RutZI? -R tre-flurn , , Freucn d acae and o-.ner IkaEaa i: ineral wav-ra. A cneerful reaort for treatment or rva^ tlon. Qntdoor and Indoor apors*. bend for Urenlar/^ HOTEL CCRDOVA, ST. AUCUSTINE, FLORIDA, OPENs fAM ARY 2s. IBBJt, E. N. WILSON, Minacer. ELEUANT. IIOMKLIKR,^ HOTEL ALTAMONT, IDTAW PI.AI E. Btl.TIMOKi:, MD. A new an 1 aovet foature. a ueauufol parlea on ton * houso, nvorlootlna Uie . nin. ? >nv ?: LalU , r., tha . i\e*Z. ptalU Bay. PatapaCO itlver, I.n.,1 II, 11 1'irl and a'ljoTT'-. bprclaiij attractivi fo: vsli.t-1. b- li^ boaaai i.i ??.., and lo/ tne-, tog'-iher v\iu. the hiat d-rivTa tl.: iir.h Urgo l.lal- t!:- Mild. .. - fru n t ..? -Ul,. I'.lcva' : , ' , :l-\ < aCI ??? II-' I POtftl ,M Clly ] 1 andaomoat boiilevard ln Amerl.a, Eutav Place. Cuiv an 1 ? i ?? I ? nt -,,,., in- peciatiy. Clutto 'a*n?e St rin' aater "?, draught fi ????. lloon-a en aulte, tlagle a,,f w. l.:itii. tmerlean plau, W la B4 SO pei dav. Devripu i.aini*l"t- of uVt.n.oif and H, hotel -, nt ir?. *__ . WARXElt hloRK. Praa/i HOT SPRINGS, N. Ci Hi-'.Al.THlE.vr wi.vr i:i: RESORT, FINEST Ba BEST nnd in,i.t, ll'-MI I.IKK HOTEL tn tho sor addreaa A. W. BROBTMOV, Manaatr. Thronch P.illman aloep-r f-oni N. V. I 3') p. m. LAKEWOOD, NE\V..IER*?EY. LAUREL HOUSE, UPIA 111 T(llii:ii TO .11 NE. Tralns ieavo Noa-Yoik at S l'i a. ni., 1 .W. 4 20 and S lt D. m. _ I'l.l M1K A POItTEIt, Mnra?era._ PALIHER HOUSE. i.?i\i:\viioo >. J. " Open o.tobor t,, I'?:-. BraaVclaaa; all ronvoni?nea?, Artdn-s JAS. R. 1'aI.m; lt -. . . I I.i.MIN'. M.ii.agor. THE AUSTRAL7 BBXWTW'OOO, L.UM, taLAXD, N Y. A mc ru -......, ......i aud el"2antlT ap. rointol ; n,t io! 'I ' -.. la y fi r a Wlnt'-r ai.d Spring 1,-aith Reaort. btoam lial, opi. ?xk1 im-a, ann par.or*. Utla elevator. -a-. ete. P rfeci wnltarr rond'uon*; aoil ory an l aaady, I Blaama ariil ptne* tho latu-r for n.llea la :..f dlrectlona. Ph?>u?grap - a- IS8 Prod i Exchaaga, N. Y. T alne leava tuot Eaat aiiii-.-t. Perry aa"-) ?. m., j -2<) and o -0 0. BJ. W. II. JOilN's.iN'. Manaior. TH8. ITR. - THE De SOTO, ??AVAN>lll, <;\., one of th- ii,-* elegantiy appointed hotela In t*i? wnrll ACCOMMODATION r>'?>R 5.' '>i> Tourtata win Bj i >,',,,i,:,i, one of the moet Inten-atlng and o an'ifui ,.,,,. o the ntlre South >.. pla - thal raa M narai^ 1- nior- h althful or .1 alrabb' aa ? n.a. ?? of wlnter r. <ort. tVtl'silV A I'llIVKKS Proprlelora.^ THE LAXEWOOD LAKEWOOD, N.J. XOW "I'l.N 1*0 THE PCBLIC. T111 s NEW HOTEL IH THE J.AK'.I >T AND KOgf I I.I.,, vn i i.i | i ItMbllEO SVIVI EK RESORT IN TIIR ' Nl . ED STATES. Only .',.- milea from N w-York ? Ity; ronvenlence* rajual to an) city hol ilf a ,,f en< BVaed gl .-* Bl itm> :; : d with tropb .1 |. u.t* . . . M,?,.. i LAPEKI'.l'Ql E late of D^lmonlco'a and . Houae, <he| de rulalne, Mn-i dunna dinner, .??,,!?. ni,i'i ig and evenlng by JOYI r"8 N'-.v. y.irk nr.'i.-t:,. K ? -. tt j, i .i.. and upwatd; by tha '.? ? r-k. 128 and upv II s CLEM1 VI, M in.-'-r THOMASVILLE, GAt PINEY WOODS HOTEL MITCHELL HOUSE OPEXM Jan in 1891 CNDi.i: ONE htANAOEMENT. M. A BOWER, l'roprleter. For rlreulir.. ratea. ftc- addr-- WM. E. DAVIF.1 Thonnsvul. , ... -. BJl Ung. THE SEMINOLE, WINTER I'AICK, FL4. Opens .liii.iiart T?tli. iirii.oii ol iBafta \t. P. PAIOB, Maaagaaa THE OGLETHORPE HOTEL, BRUNSWICK. CA., Ojion- f : Ita I i ?? 8 M a i.ii.'.Jrr 10. rtnnrwtad trauapottatiou faculiioa. Parlarear aervia >o-,-.- Brunawi ,: a.,d Way troaa, eouuectiug wttk ai ? r ? . I. i-'. ...1 la,-.-.-.lavil. . P?> lor aal -1". , - I .:..';.- ... kol I lor roi.'aa and all pa-t, i addreaa . J. H. KINO, Manaeer. V1RGIINIA BEACH, VA.f 19 IIILEti ;,..': SORFOLK on the itlantlc Oc^aa. The Princess Anne. ' b..-.. 8. E. CR1TTENDEN, N. Y. . ? '??? e. ii Br , ,? :. '.p-ja. I KITBD -T\T > HdTEL, v . LANTH CI : Y, V J. wr.i ,1 b Febraary I ' o r l, 1S31; . . ? - -: 3'"*rj ? ? - miii i> irlors i rverj | ? ? - - - ? . ? ?: '. ? ,1 , -Imd. M.AL V 11a.MM.T- N. Propri tor*. I? OREST SPRIN.iS HOTEL! IX THE i'l.NEs, ' Blt- WN".?? Ml II.- N .1 l'i,. \,. ll.d a . gueata Thla re? ted f, :? lu mlneral apttnga and p;,-t,,r,'?qua w. w. OBSEB. trated rlrculara aent on requeat. _ _ Iv PIERRE HOL'SE, iTLiXTlC CITY N. J*~ j t ,i ... initi i .... a , ia... kleeplng-raom*; a Mra I .,. ? . L. U. RENZ. PVLOMAKES HOTEJ i. < ' im s P. R. R - Loa v t *? , furnUhed, i.-.t ;.nd all modern tm. ? i lll N [ Manaaer RiiSSM.IItl HOTEL v' , ? ' N. .I.-L... aliiii, ,in. . | ,t, I-. ioai ? ?; all modern < oa. , . \;.. i p noYl.l lat- ,f Long Itraaeb. L'STIC LODOE S.iRANA. LARE S. \. ,,,, ,, f,,, t . itlon of wiiiter gaeata. ,ma I ? it-d v.itl, wood tii - Dalli nwll. Tel k'rapl I R M.i .)Y. P.v,.: ,'t.T. SEA BIDE BOl'SB v II. iXTIC t'lTY, N. J. is alaraya epea f.w gae*ta, Sfl ly aBiaaai gtraaghaali n ? . wai ',?!.- ? ito v .ii l vans. 11HK REVERE. ATI.ANTI. CITY, N .1.. Pi \ | .? . -?? ? ?? ii. tel lviL-hton. ,.;<> ? , l th- vear. T l? on- No. '.''., i i |;dii r. ? ?- Pi n : ' ?'? "? v. Conntrg Bcgril U3ant;-5. A\,, \,, '|,V ?. ' t- , f n\.TWO-g , t ,, th. fan ilr ?f a p'.vaieli ,. ?! '? ? ?< ':' two a, ? /.-. Ad .: --. WMB t ii -. DEN i' >n Tt . ? itlMlCftl Jintrnm.-ni-j._ AN A8SOIIT.MENT ol ar ad-ha I urand, PartgM, ai.d bqna e Pian .* of o i n aaa ln j*rl at eta itt^ an? luiiy aarrai.ttat, a:-o j nutnber ef Hjaad baaa Piania ^i uiiur prominral ? ?ta - *: irerj io? price.. \\ ?l. KNMtl. A ?<?.. 1 |s YTIl. WE.. NF.AI*. '.u|-n->i.. NEWYORC._, M.M 11. -lll K PlANO-x.-A I J wal.iutw.ut ? '] f ???: ? . . ..:, miav- tiprlvl ' l md- '., oui ..w-. and ,.?!. - niaaeraia .. ,, |nw . ? : . , , ? .- a ' :"-' ' ^.\. .,-?,? I'.VM.VI, .'.... HO .t -.. ?' ' ' "' Sint -Vito l> AiM'iMi- vm. i xlHAVINoS BY .LD M -.!fTE"f J ,! :.!. EARL, 153 Weat ST*** .- : I- ,. jrc (Trciim At \i r if rton'a le? Craan i? raade from puro et<aa. h : - ."Btenl bupei : ro-.-i Brlcaa of lt- > .-'J ? ?? Keauuranta, Cherebca, FeaUvala, *e. will keei, bafdaaB hour ., imtry ord.i pron.ptly Blled. Dajcta lai^ana; ave. 6.h oth ?'vi, :i . Park Row, uo Eaat fLv.u,-.;.. ia** York; and >'.>?"? l-'.:::oi.?t.. Uroo,.lyi ?jUiimtJOiltQ. NOiRWeCHLINE i .ini,.i i;> .-! . i :- 10 .i.i. PulXTS M Kcw-Londoii.BI Nonv... ti.i, won-.-t.. ?-, .Boalaaa* kti vMEit?i i >\? i" i r. io N' u i ii KIVER. aaaa PIER ABOVE DE8BROSSES. M I fcltllY. DAILY isuaj BOSTON :,!;V":N,M.E'i^8 Uie 11.0.-1 , onifora, te ia Wlnfc-f I.', ^-"O. ?'? sTllMM.TIIS I.IVt. , li>ltf p.oMdenc. ?.?..5, Woi c ? r. icsS Stvaaaata aa?| ,.. n p , .;.. n i; . .., bloak ?. CawaVafc. a* ? p. n, da;i'., cxccpt bundiy. ? \T1.\\I1.\\ KN.->t..i;n.M- leaYO l'?*fS il.Pier ?-'.'- i: ll.) at S i i ind 11 P ?. isuadata*?" ceptedi. arrivin. nr tia .? f,,r ti.nii- N.rtl. aaa ta**- . -- ??J |M|Ti> |{()ST(?N foi in-' .lasB li???|5 ajMaUII Mekeaa. Fas - r i ^ufalU^J 1.INI. ateamera PIU.HIM and '''?'^'V ? (oo? toniinls-ion. i.-'.v,' N.w-York from Pler B. >?? ? Sun. of Miirr.i .--t.. dally, -.nt,' exc -t.d J :30 i-. ."'BKtloa d.u t: ? rlll reaun d In kpi ' HOLl *?".*'' m, hy Aimev buat fr.-m Brooklrn and Areeg *-"v ?*??* Aii ur i. -.'ra uu aao.i aBaaaHBa