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UGHTON THE DOCK BOARD. AN EXTRAORDWARY STATE OP -FFAIR& rm; brxate committee ob ctties stii.i. nn BTJ1XO 1TS IHVE8TIOAT10R. Tne Btata SemUe rwnmlttee oa ' -tio- yeaterday r.,n. fjnu.-d i.s tarealtaation of ibe i><?k Department Tbe waaaalllii-.. objod H ut gel a lalr itatemenl "f tbe I'itr.i'.idiuarv eoMltloa nl aftalr* walch baa exlated ta BewYorb, ta, tbeae many year*. ln regard lo ibe retattooa <.f tbe eBy lo tbe rirer-lronl Intereete. la Un woab oteta*BtatJon ibe prlneipal wltnea* examlned, llcni-v r. nui"'u. ?~a a aa*. Mr. DImoeB wa- a Daeb < cpadiudnner from May. 1S75, nnUl 1881. He .\. B. Boardaaan. Ihe <.mlttHe-s aellve eoon ?ei, lhal be h..<i alno been 1a Um ?teatnahlp bnalneM lor tweaty yeara. He )s manager "f Ibe Metropolltan Bteamthip Company. AU Ibl edpertanee iiuallftaa blm for aa i-M" i'i aiM>wbdfe "t tb'-- perptaxtng aabje. t freaa aini'.-t everj prdnl "f rtew. Tbe greal new pton "f 1871 wa* lo glve Ibe clty f"i Its laipmveaieBl Ibe cntlre rlver fronlafe rd Maa liHtnn I-land. Mr. Dtatoeh -lated tnat lie wa-. :. beaBhy man "f forty-oiabl yeara od age, b?l that bo h?d M..t Hi" lea t eape. laUon ?f i.vIuk to iea tbal r.?" r*n;e<> "nt. Tben Mr. li .ai-dnu.i nnd lie bud a Uttlo tnlk atn.ut tbe muddle aad tbe ftaadlo a whfcB ?aaaper the i)'"-k DepartaMot, nnd Mr. Boardaaaa aahed bm. lo pi., a snliitloii nf llie diUcntty. haid Mr. Dlmoch: "i bave alwaya ebtortalned per Bouuiiv a very greal dtaab. aa to wbetber the P?>P?? tt?. eBy of New-Yorh woaM be wllllng ... bave tne. ,?v ,.?i.-r upon M.'b a glgaattt u bemc ..f |mr?lwM jd aroperty for aay Improvemenl - > eoirt^ptatad m ihe |,!*n. Whatever etaa may be s?id for mn.itrip* ln iBta ecamtrr. I do nol tblnh that H wlll hertalmed for i. tbal II li a ajaehlne well adapt.-d fOf tbe iii.iiiagemeiit of I?>t" profeitj 1:. *AnB m*nv people." i.r aadei, wlU, a imita, - would tblnh tbal a very .lervatlve ilalemeut. when tb- people . :,mc to eonaWei whal II b "? naba <,.,? of tbe ttapartmenla od oar mnnlelpal governmenl tbe aaoal glgantk tandl ?d la tbe atotnry ol tbe woria, nnd glve ii Ihe mana?**aaetrl ed pwperty the atoel m pottaal m tbe rltr, I ??ve aever beltared tbal the pi?n ??.d eommend HaeM lo tbeai. We bave eon .eded onlv a -i-i' aere and tbere ta tbe progrea* loward ,i.mpletlon ol thal ptaa. bol whea tbe qaeotlon ,s riiaiii .aented 11 tbe neopta, wbeaarm the arheme aball eomprehenslve enoogn to arresl tbeat tentionfthei.M- b>- IU magnltnde, bdtave .t wlll ,,(. ..,,.:? ,,-d iy tn-... entlrely ool od Ibe q -1on. , do nol bebeve Ibal Ihe people woota be wtBing to nahe inveatmenta thal wotUd npproacl. "'"?<"?*_ n,ll,?.?-.,,,,,,!-i:-.::i::-^!'<t...,. sii'.iias. -r ^ M,,.ld I,- managed lor tbe be. Intereal of^the eity. ,?,,.,? beltoTetbal Ibey wotUd rare l*> enlm*t - ' Jm^pirwerloanydei.Bnenl ol tba clty g.,v.-i-un..-nt. TbereW l aavenlway* thought tbal when W'fl"** ,?;,,a:,?- ?".,' ,?.? .onsld.-l',!. tU.-.,""-.i . deparUag trma the ptaa woold ba w""***- * ,?., . ,. . matter ol goarenuneol regiUaBon tbe '??! autbortOe. maat pmcrib. Ihe blnd of Ba ,. ? ?; ? k, whlch thej and averybody etaa ^JaTt'tbe aaaae.' aabl ftanator Faaaetl, wbo |a**aBled, -a- ihe liaBdlng Departaaenl A^ mm wltb new bulld '""?N,-- aabl Mr. WmoeB, "bnt in a much ilrifto ,., be?uaelnerectlngptaraltwoaWtelmiHjraUv? ,.nfurmtoaomegr-n ral ptan. I have_ilw.j?ra anR ,K,sert timt ta dM Uaaa leaJMIadlnB aroald ha uttemyted i^tiv.nM glve, ,i,m.'r?r,l.c'.'V.-t..,t."nstbCl..ii.-. lo VDvat- .i-.iii'-is 1? boBd |.'-.-~ Mr im... i. expi ? ?d Mm? 11 to be In favta ol tbe aheddingln rd ptara, and anld llial ta- had ui ? ,.,.-,.-.? .,i Ihe :. ? ' ? . ' . ' asvi i i - ? I ?? ? ?"" :"'?:. ,,,?,:,|.-. IIC ".is 1. ?? ??? ,, ,,m- ? ??: l.' - . - ,i i ii '' ! ,.mblna. ? H v .,.. I. ' - ? ? ? -' tl i, ,,- >lr. ln... xh made ' . ol i Hy fcM ...,,., ?l. lOlill Wldlll :.. Mt i ? -' ? ? '?"' "" v nild nol ' ' bulkhea. .. V . . ,i 1,11 ' I ,' 1' '""' l riMi.ii, "A ii.v".i nn i '. ? ,.rthina. uii tartli. 1 wouhlii'l I ?' ,.l Ihll.Ks ?- .i i Mj wlrara . :,.?''.- ?- ' ?" ; :' '""; I . ? ? .. ; ,. ,".,.. i.u--..: ? .1 irrogatlu . and ..?,,?, ,^a^.t.tlm?aaf?^4?vei-miml \n*** mu-M iZ.nt >" .i Utree bnodnai million dadtara' wort i o. i-in-rtv ; aor do I bel ve tl I aajadd ta he mlraaled wlth as mach power. |, ? Mipprsiug," Ihe w.ti.ess waa ashed. "tbe eaal waa 1/8.2O?U)O0.<HK?. whal WoaJd be tl.o di-fr.iilnnt.on ol Ibe ptanl I" , ? .. . r.. (, ,? -e s (irrene, Jr.. Ibe enjtineer ol tbe Vm.i Oe aaartaaeat, who waa ilttlnf bv. rappUed Ul* Inlaraaa ib- sai.1 it woobl be ave or s.x per cefll. -?Tiii.t." -uirt Benator Paaaett, "oi ItaeU tovohhja an u.inu.,: axpeadlttire od lea or Iwelva aallboiBa ol Beltara, taktag gaOO^)00.000 aa an eattaaatc ol eoaa. - rhe whale Iblng," addtod ahe Beaator, tadar rafatlvely, -Mmply Ptaoaa ti.e roma^ree ed tbe *rorid H bm as N.-iv Y?* B .oiuerned. in tbe control of tho DOCB lK'parfuient .'' - -s.1 - ?? s,.jd Mr. Dimoca. -.viid if taera was aay abuse it dnvt lhal tom.-nci'.-e te othcr ahorea I" - K*'iccumcs a IraVetatt mOTOpoly." was tlie pjeaaior'a dedacUve aaujBeattao. le whlch alao Mr. Diiik.i k gava a-scnt. Mr. oreeae, ibe laninorr was teealkd to tl.o itand aud was a*iu-d hoa mach woadd bc tba eo* cd lu ihe iwenty n?w piers by eAcovation, ln tho ??? Well Eieven.b aml We*. rwentj. i'rr,-ll c-s II- aa.d ii would be elghl or nlne mlllloiu, of' Inelndlng everytblpd. rhe eoai of maln tV?a..- ? w-il.1 be ,?..,p:..-:.NveJ.-, .rnail I b- rovennaa tioiiin bi- -iboui TMis the Iniprovmiient. if ? ,.. .. i.-uKi ...-. tba clty uboui gjoo..KW a 'r aml wooW brlng-to i abonl ?800.000 a year. i ke Mr Dimo'k. Mr. fireene did nol eapecj lo me _T_m Ihe now ptan rarrted uul around the enilre :?., . no,. be remarbed. dW anybody d- t wouW. ide'cndrnt of all ronaideraUons of lega difl,'-u iy. ,.' ., lcu,t a !,..ridr.'.i yean before u. whota water Iront oi Manhatlao tatand waaM bc needed for inm n'fT!ie e..mmirtee will meet agnin 00 I'ridav. w-hen Mr. v.nitii-, i will bave ea Mayor llewlti and ez^orpora lll!?, ("inUel llet'hniau up ta wvstify ab-ut 'be doek dcadlock. _^_ VRAWBBB WITH BWIXBUXB WOBBMBX, wiiiiam MaDovm, who repieaaated himseif ?s a*anag~ ?r th- in.v Btate Boaaa, Wereeeler, Maa*? ??.. arreaad ,,.'y,u.v eaarged *rlth aalleeUaa aaaae] iroa people oul ;,, employawat on Um promrae n obtaln *rorh foi Uea . jaeob Paaatabebaar, a amohlaart, ?i- n.M bv MeDeviU ln an emplovn.'iit The tattei aBOrtd blm a alua. Uaa at Ui. Bay Btata 110.^- aa aaadlBaa thst h? *_m haa ?-. PathtahUmar iraie the aaaaey bai did aot "et bm ptaee. la the leBeraaa Markat POBea C'oun 5-e?t?rd?y the "miaagTl" wae h?ld fo* e\ar_ji?tiBn. COrfRRTIOB OT THE HUll.D OF T11E TMOB CBOSR The Oofld of thl I.on Ctwa, "iir-ii,i/-d ln l' In l.s.s.i. ii'iu aaaHMta aaaaag Ita **e*ae?r* maai e~meal ii"-" in mm Kgaaeapal < barca, taclaama ni-mps. uiieat* unJ uj min. Jh?- j.-1'.id n?s let its oua et u, prcanote the prlaelple* of umpfiaara. rcv. raai 1 aad ehaattty aaaoog I hrtauaa aaea. ine taavaalloa alU meal UUa v-ai al Bt. Jaan*a Caapel, V?rnk-st.. toii.orr.,.T. Ibe aervtcei wlll ba m follows: J. -, -n relehiatlim af BM Beif I'omirunif.n ; 10:80 a. ?., Mataeaa meeBtg; BdBI p- '?'- K''"^'1 aiaeaaalaa apoa BieUKKl. Of we.rk : ? p. h... m rvice anfl Mrmin t.V BbaVp ?Aalbot. ol Wj'oming and ldaho. m: ?BXaU to iiayf. a j.ikixo TOB tKWWLXT. lhal.* Baaaar, of No. '.-i'i E?st Blghty.Biat-.t., wa* nt, uz-i.t |, i.,,?is Brag, 1 ahwaand merehaat ot Xa. :>*. N..i.siii.*t.. imtii a yeai ag... on Jaaaary '21. 1MB), ha laeh j'-n'-i" anarib M^MBJ ?- aamglaa m tel. maa aa tp? ji.gii s..iprai aaya haae Beaaei kkajiaphed tbal be wai tsk. 11 aaaMaaly Ul. A ataota htter Brag reeatved * di? patih from Bm geUee of ( anii.ia aaattag that ll. ??*. r aad b?vn arreated tbere for biaaajag Halea paaparty imo th ?i.i.iitiv. Krag i-i .t to i anafla. gttaaraled Beaaei, and ninaiad aba t*nm l*-l ?f )us prapeety. Beaaer was aenteiM-'d i? sl\ ,11. .'.th?' :.ii|>rismnii. nt. On KiWai Kru-- to d UM palkM of Uie Oak-st MaUbfl that lt.s-.: bad icearaed la Xew.Yorh n><i had be_ dl*. p.?ii.c ..' --..i'i aralehe* .'t vaHoo* pawwaBoa*. DeteeUva faiaiiu aiif-t-'i Beaaei s- he aaa l*avlag ? gawiMhep on l?aik ii"?. ii" wBonci I* alitjflrn yran *I1. a ? ? i and ifapcrMhiii :.. appearaoce, ll" ?as arralaned at tne gamb* PaUea .'.n:t yeateiaay mtfaaag and haM tor rxanlnatirii. JHF. WBDXE8BA1 AFTEMXOOX CLVB MFFl*. The Wedaeaday Alawaaaa Crabv whlch aiun* u. k.?p ln tuuch with Uie blghiM Ihoaghl eartaat* <.f tn. dav. heid eaa af Ib* meal i.riiiiaiit meallaaja of th.' ?ca*on on Wednesday at Uie haaM >.f the prenld'nt. Mrs. A. H. Btone. No. IM Wm', 1-lftvnlnth-H. -Ilrook rarni," Uie ?Lbject, ?i< traaatd aahaaelliali by ttx- eaaaylaa, Mra E. A. Itoyce, who had hsd speHal o|ijK,r(iinltl.-s of min. parlng \l?w? of llvinii _amhaH of the oataay. The tran fccend?ntal anj^-i-ojif the movemetit, th?gh b'lt llchtlv tonehed upon ln ave e*aay, was fullv hrnutrht out ln the dlftcusialoii l^r Ntr?. Jull'i* ('. Catlln. Mr?. Alirmn Oaedwla, Mr*. Alfred UNhep Mason. Ml?a Mary Wlllard and Mi? Kau- Bllhard Th.- . uarinlne aud .-in-r-,- 1.- corrertloiui and ex|.lina. tlona by Mra. MeDanli-la, m-i.t of Charle* A. Dana and one ol the oriflnal d*rll?r* at llro?li Karm, addi-d nnusual llvellnew* to the meetlue and awakennl miny 1.1-1 trl,tlv exi.rexs. (| tho'i^rhU In reaponse. The icii'ral u-nor of ?nlnlou atuu-.U to be Uiat as ? practlcal and Urst ?ttc?pt I J. DEIII16 & COL gyrrMBnnBg to A. T. STEWART & CO. (Retail), HAVE ON SALE NEW FABRIGS FOR Early Spring Wear Including EXCLUSIVE STYLES IN PRINTED INDIA PONGEES, TOILE RAYE, HABUTAI & CHINA SILKS For Drcsses and Lingrric ; NOVELTIES IN WOOLDRESSMATERIALS' FRENCKSATIfaES SCOTCH ZEPKYR GSNOHAMS, AN!) Hamiwg Embroklerles AT Excepticnally Lof Prices. TIIKY alm OVFBB in BOTT7XDA) 2,500 yards RIOH NOVELTY SILKS at 60c. and $1.00 PBB YAKDt Reduced from $1.50 and $2.00. 2,000 yards Lyons Black MerveilEeux at 65c. per yard; REDUCED FROM 85c. And (on 2d floor) llie rcmainder of IMPORTED GARMENTS, CONSISTING OF PLUSH AND SILK Wraps, Cloth Ulsters, Long GEoaks & Jackets at a reduction'of 50 PER CENT. FROM PREVIOUS PRICES Broadway, 4th Ave., 9th & 10th Sts. in thla ronntry to *n?wr thi- ajaeetloa BOW to Bi.<- ? :i li r,nc nn egaal ehaaee t" rea *> bla bcel and blffa<*at devel. apnent, th'' Rrcx'W l*ann movHMnt i.a'i a swra prartleal brarlng apaa nrnaiat laboi queatlona lhan aaa gencralrj edaaltted. At Uie BCal BHaaUni Mr'. William Wairii" r will Ral a I'ap'r on "atilp ( anal?.'' JVSTICE LAWBEXCE 8PEAKS OUT. HE SATS LAWi 8B0I I.I) NOT II!'. AI.WAYS AG.AINBT TIIK gTATE ANH IN KAVOB 01* CBIMIHAIaS. .iaTiio<. 3. Vt'huifii waa aenteoeed, ln Deeember, 1888, to ectva Iwo reara In the state Prlaco. Ho had arerloaajj aeni'd :. seven reara' aantence, <.f whleh lara \.:.r? r.ii'i three montha were rnmmutcd for aaod laehartor. I'pon Ihe eaplratlon of tlie iwo ?reara fur '.viii"h he waa aeateneed ihe la-t tlBi Iw oaaaaaM ala releaee. The Warden refaaod lo allow hlm tn p>, hov"vi'f. deetarinfl. that, areording tn ihe law of iJS?>, aad beeawe of i,is leeond eonvlrtion, he aratt !)<? ti-id for ihe 11n?*' whleh had been laken from bla fli-vt aaateaee. Whalen Ihen teeured a arrit "f haheea rorpun, whleh araa ninrnahk before Jnatlce Lawreaee, in Iha Bapreaie Coturt, Chambera, re I tr day. wiii.irn'a eooneel deelared lhal the law waa anron atltnilonal. J??Uco Laarrence aaM thal ha wonld looh nt iha eaae, bnl he exprecaed hia mlnd froeti a-.t<> vhaj be thouahl aboul It. ll' waa nol one of tl.. ludgea, be aald, who belleved that cverj' law ahouM be ronatrued agaiiiai the -?al ? and ln lavor ol rrl i itia'v. li? t'liniL'lii the praetlre i>f aeltina wtHh ul habeaa rorpna npjn the illRhteal pretext waa berom Ing .. nulaanre. lie ilmunlit ii wa* uboul lime thal tongreaa atepped in and |i?--?l htwa to ~t>.|> ih** praitlre ol go'tihg wrltai ol hnbeas t-orpiu f..i every mnrderrer nnnvfcted In the HtaU rourt* rhe * rl - ??(?!?? Invarlablj dlamlaaed, li<> admltteri, aud they were eVtdenfly teenred ln man) <;.-??. for Iha aahe ..f aettina the tSate ronrta at deflanre. He thoaghl II aboaJd ba itopped. COLLEOIATB ALVMSAB OFFtCF.tS. Tho iinminl todal meeUag "f Ihe New York Aaaoria tinn of OoDeglale Ahtranae waa beM ;it the mllege aetUeaaent, Bo. '???*> Blaingtoa-at., reatordajr altarnonn. The wporl ol iii<* treaauirer bowed tbal Ihe nssorla tion l^ iii a smuid flnanrltil ronditkin. Mra, M.nv <'. Traah read an Interoattng neconnl oi the wort done bj Ihe Mflortatton <iiniii(.' Ihe bwt year. rhe apeaher laM eaperlal enphaata npon Un nerecalty "f earlj con Irlbntiona to thr two feilowahip fnn.l-. The followinj oHoeri wara etotied ror 1891; Preiildeat, Mra, Caiai Uord, of \':i>-hi CoHeaa; vlce-prealdent, Mla bwra Beleher, of Boaton I'nlvendtjr; aecretarjr, Mlaa Kl:/,. heth Baebaia Hoy, "f V'aaaar; treaumrer, Mrs. Chua Brewaaer Mili, "f BeUoalejr; exarnBve eonunltlee, Miss Beaale Da win, "f Oaraall. Mlaa Man Doaie, of Boaton Ualreralty; mi~^ Marr B. B'heeler, <>f Kmlth inili,.-!': Dr. CaroBne ?**? HaaaUtou, of BmrUi tvillcge; Mi-. t orneiia Knowlea Flleh aad Mlaa Allee WUliama, of the l'ni\.T<Hy of Mlchlgan. Amoti^ othon preaent were Mlaa llelen Hlsr-jck Kai'kii-. Mlaa Marla !'. Uraee, Mlas llelen lirown, Mi<> stisan Vanamringe. Mi-- ('. BUerr Denlson, Mra. Dr. a'larhnewetcskr, Mrs. Pnn*ea llaber Wood, and M:-s Kat? Perey Dooglaea, ..f London. WUfffff sffms TO rf. svhfaihxo. Ttv rerord of r.Mitaclona dla^a*** lt. the 'itr dttrins two w?eka ahowa thut in. *^le? liaa he'-n faf.l In ni;inv '??M-a and bbbMmm k> apeaad .lai.t.aj. 17. Jannarj 31 <.?s*a. Daaiha i am i. Deatha M.a?l.a . aiH Is 151 Xi DI|rt.U.erIa . *10 1!| 1o;t a2 H.?n..t f.-v.T. ia* m iaa i>o Typhold f.'vi r. 7 | lo 8 Total. 044 "oi 7J5 "tb Stern Bros. ofTer in their DEPARTIYIENT 250 Anlique BED SETS '3.98?88.75; Formerly $5 and $11.50. 250 prs. assorted Lace & Silk CURTAINS, in 2 and 3 pair lots, at 6.85 aPair: Formerly from $12 to $18. 75 prs. fine SILK CURTAINS .i*9.75; Reduced from $16.50 a palr. 500 yards SILK TAPESTRY atl.35: Roducod from $2.50 a yard. West 23d St. THE B1QHTS Or TBE iXEAXB LKTTl'RE BT MllS. E.M1LT KT'HIN BEFORE ?1 tii. WOMAS s L.EOAI. I DI CATIOJS BOI I Ki rt.-I.V?T>-.| I.-. t'.r I ? Ml I'.iiiilr pjghi of the J ?'.".' r?*terdaj aflernnon, before ano memr-en ind aeata ?f ''"' v ' ' '?' EdueaU m ? | ,,. the bnnae of Mlaa Tayktr Johnaton, Ko - PlfUi av ?. Br?. Bt mpln ? ild ln parl: Tha laara i- ;.. :..i_? lh< ln?ai ?' anayalenaaH and I.: ' ' I '?'? "'" i :?!-''-' ' Iha ao-ealled el ? i a* 11 had atnpprd li ??.-?-? Ilna ,.;?.. rlaa* of pfoplr Tha prin IpU nf ew I ona I . . . ,i- prlvrd '.' hia ' I i . . , ! ? ? Un men. The j'ldf. haa I ? v'w i ?' '" ?' . ? ,.- ' - !.?? r llf ,(,.. .,,;.. 0f Um ' '? ... He li Uie ona arh i ? ? ?,.,.:, ha d ? ? Thi nnfortunate par. ..,,, ia then i. ?'?? ' ? k. aod lo**** hl? peraonal :.t.rt aorlal ' ''?'" " " i,...... n ? thaa v? i ' ? ' ' ' ?'"rt"* IVI . ? , paUenl and ul "' PMn hia ti iblea all th. - a - ? ' ' i ? ,; ui .. II ? mlfhl vanlah. If a patieat haa taaan takea u. aaylon tha hanff* in hia habita, aurroandinga and eompanj alll Inereaae bla .--,^it>.-? ? . ? laltr 4k tin ti ? r tha ... . tUnn, aad thla rr. , ... ':? i*' '-iit'a aynipti la 1 ' ? i ? artaln thal - 1; u'r iv l .. L, i|,.v t,. , . I ? t . : . . i hlm whMe h aaa aan* , ? . Inaanltl ,-, , ia Ut RB '? ? " 1** ll1" '"?"?? ' " ' ' ' any ona ?lahaa a': oi onaoondneM <4 a i i !? a ... if ? 1 ? ! :.. |.ro\ I.I.- hlm WlUl -.:?.?'. ? ' ? I ?'? ' ' trial bj |ury ta (.m a B ' ,hr"' vr!l" bai ? no i ".Honlly la ,i, (. nd ? ? t en a >Uan ??' ao fjtava * and nonc ??? ? t tl ' ?' ? ?' ' and Um lormal approval of I . ' . 1 ?? : |,r,,'.-, tlon ol - letj nvaat t* K atd d, ,ai?l -?? rnnat alaa Kht* ol tha laaaaa r? prot led Tha du. | al law it.u-t i?' ajlvea '? Ui ln?an? ir. earery Ina aarUtei i.- wlahr* ll ar ne*. The rlahl of publlelty f crlmlnal Irlala la one ..f the bu*t bulwarka affalaat ln juatlce, tha biaaa. aa not |,---- thla rlght, Th.'ir f:,... ii ..*ti.(i between the four wall* af i ph - i,ni... and wfcea lha*y are eace Inalda the i>}lnm Ihej ar. ? : ' ... lt- taaltra, The leeturer rloaed h.r reroarka with a reeltal ol Un , ni'Vi" .'-ni Inju ii"- i" whleh the Inmalea ..f ao Inaane aaylom i.rbllged t'. anbmlt. Amona Ihoaa aho lUtened n the lertare were Mr*. Ueurge B. Mt Clellan, Jr., Mra. i. ll. Sutro, Vke-Chanretlor 11. B Baciraahen, ox-Jndgc Noah Davla. Cyrna u. Fleld, Davld limllev Fleld, Proleaaor laaac Kuaaell, Ihe Bev. Di Deema, Mra Leonard IVelasr. Dr. Luej ll.ill. Mi^. neth U-w, Mra. rtfden Rood, I'harlea iinti.-r. preakleiil (,f ol the i nlveralty ol tV t'ltj <>f Ken Vorh; Bit Kinilv ". Hutler, Mra, ll. B Mart'rarhen, Mra. Lawreoce 1-?? r-Uin-. Mra. iin-rii >..i.-'. Mlaa Norah .....I .'. i:i. Mi~- M.'itT.iiet JohllstilO, Mra. ItotaSII W. IH i',,i. .t. Mi-. Mihle Mtope and Mi , Edward Laatcrbach. Afier tbe lertare t--.. wai erved bj Ml - Taylm Joliiifcton. Ihe hiMilea Ka Judge N'.hIi dbvk wmi . i. - i : v. i- tbe nexl leemre before Uie aoclety aotne Ilna in thc ia i nf i',. BPECIAL UUBIC )nfi F.FTPBAXT. Eplphao* lervleea will !"? luM In "-oine of t he* Eplacopal rhurrbea of Ihla rtty lo-da*/. Tha foOow inw* prognunme \.m be rgven ,.t at. Geotge'a Chareh at - p, ni.: Pn.n.iiai. hymn No, 45, "Aa With Glad Men ofOkt"; paalher, Paaha CXXI; "Magnlflrat" ni A-flat, Mann; anlheni, hymn, N". 485, 'llarh, Hark, My Bool," KheUy; anthem, "Say, MTatrbman, Whal of the Nlghl.1 Bolllvan; hymn Ba :it, MBrlgh1 . ? i t i,. ; ,,t in.' m.n. uf the Mornlng," MendeNaohn: offcrtory, -The Slortaiwa of Death" (Hymn ol Pral ?>. Mendclaanhn; rereaalmial, hymn Bo. 48, "Watchmsn, Tell i - oi the Blght," Elvey. The Brogramirte will be rendcred by a large cholr under tha dlrcetloo ol Uul..nn .-. Che lor. Thla promanm. will be preaented ;it -t. Bartholo mew'a Chareh al i p. ta.; Proeeaalooal, hymn Ba 500; I'-.ilin CXXV, i?!.? 11> -.'iiii.-; "Magnlgrst" and "None DlniltUa," Klng, In i : anthema ? The Hearena are Tell Ing," **CreaUoa," llaydn; ?? l.ift Thlne Byea ? and "Hi W'atehlng "v.t Urael." " Kiijah." MendeUaohn; "Ul?hl Ai'' Ihe Btatutea, More lo be Doilred are They," a? <i "Tha lleaveua Declare," XlXth huuai, >amt >...-ti.; anthem, "With Verdnit Ctad," ?? t i.-ati-in." Maydn; hymn No. 100; reeeaalonal, Ba 341. The muale ?m i"- aung by a rhorua of ->\\? voiees uod ??n;U\ sololata, under the dlrectlon of Ki.Ii .mi Henry Warren. Al the i'IiiimI. nl the Hcnvenlj Besl ti..- <? nnlnbera **.ill ho beard ?' '?'?>" V ?? ; "Real f..r the tt'eary,** .solo by Maater Franh tiaborn; "With \eitit:r?* flad," ?oifl by M-i Usr Bddle Halwi i **Magnldeat" and "Nune DlmltUa," iiakeley. There will be i? fnll ehoraa nnder the, leaderahlp "f llaary rarter. you BVltBO WBMBEBBBTT OBBTtTtCATBM, rhe Board "f Maaagera ol ihe Praaaaa Bxrhanga yealerday reojnealcd the member "f (he Bxrhange i i rol.i Febraary 3 a- lo arhether they arooM .'"ii ? ni. i Um lihin oferad bj Iha ipeelal Coatauttee on Me*aharahli Carttacataa, prorMlag for the pareaaae and ran.ellatiiii. of nrtlrli atev nf BM*ahOTBhtp. Thi*. revlveb th>- n|it <jur-tl'.n of Ihe deprerlatlon of the valua of iii?ini,ci lon oertlUcatca and U.e contruver Stern Bros. To-Morrow, Monday, Will Close Out The Balance of Their IMPORTED Evenina, Dinner anfl Reception is at $nn oo s 75 OO $ OO 145 Formerly from $150 to $~'7.>. West 23d St. SPECIAL SALE OF BODY BRUSSELS INGRAIN CARPETS. wf. iivvr MABKl B l"'\W vnp ABE "IU BtB<3 vt OBI ai s.i. BII II l * I.Vll'.l ani. . flOICB si.. j,, ri'.N ii rvrn r.xs at pru - that cob hlDEBABLY Bl i'' I :- rilE 1 OST 01 I ' BBI-sBIBO John & James Dobson, ?ABI BAI Tl lllll*. 40 and 42 Weet 14th St. .,,.. aboul ih- gratulty fund. There waa a atrong nn yeaterday on Uie rmtcome of the actlon "f Ute membora. well Inl mned member iaid tbal tbe pian woaM .i. beeau e auch prop ? lUon* h -' been . ,. ...,? fin -??. .li... na?< I '""" woaM ' ,,,,.,,- op.ttloa from Ihnee ahn aad paid oo. targe :v,,,..,?.:,i. t.. the gralnliy fnnd. .Mi memben r*J ti,.. i',--!i,.e Exrhanga exrepl thoae who bocame mem ii,.. Pmdnre 1 tcha - ? exrepl tl.. who become mem - , ,,,.. retlrina '?f Ihe mem ,.. .hU, Vertlflraies u.I. an .rdlng ... the ptan pro ;:,'..;,l,:, i'i w .t m?i?; ihe i.< Ir* >l tho*e membera !m?, i!ave ilreadj paid mil lurge -nms member aid lhal Uie reUrlng rd refttrtrete* ' a, oof, , .,. .,. ?,,-? rlul pbin foi Hdvaurlng the pnre j j . . ..,? , ,?.-.. and lhal II woald belp certaln maa ui,,, ipeculated In rertlflfate*. - - ? ? BE \l ESTA TE C0XTIXCE8 Dl'I.I. BCYEtU and s.n.1.r.i-.s. ii,.i.i.i ni; ai.. iOP PBOM r. v ii "i tir.n i!'. txa v. i n ns, op tiii: wi.i K. BBTrn nf real e*tate were In i I ?' ? ' <"'<"?" :, , week. ..nd ii- ron equenre there aaa a rather dull n irket. Whlle thl* rondlUon ta?t* fheie ran be no -eal lajprovement. Bo Iong .s owner* refnae to ? ,;.re lon* it I not Ukely thal fhere wlll ha ,.,v rhange. Iloih ilde* ire dmply hold i % d<T, wall . | ihe othei uu mahe the I i ' IPP i '>? '"'" reek wa malnly ln downtown prop frtyand varanl lota.andltta hl lily probable thal thia Miid ... pmpertj "lll ronttnae In greateal demand foi Ume. Along the Boutevard there I* a waliluR ,,,, ,...i Important *ale* may bej ani nn red ta that trerj mon. Buburban ti n " ' ": - ";' ? ?**?? ,",!.. are also In th- atad. Thli rtaaa m property . largel) ln the band ofydongmen wjioare nperatlng ,'?, imall rapltal, and whn muat of nece dly depend foi M?'li proflt* un i|iil< k f',,): The Micttoo mnibel wa prarUrall) dead, nnthinu ,?? ,|(. ol :i f*w ptece* ol prnpertJ ??? b] deeiee* al ,,?. eonrl havlng changed hand*. Bnmeroni aatea ,i;,. Bi noaari I na thl* weeb "Tbe Becord and fttflde" annoi. Ihe -?i- nf tlie ?outbeaal corner rd (tonrth anrt '.'"* Ut" a l'1"' ronUr,,,,l< '1""" "''v,<' Hioare taet, Im ?183,000, to Barhi Drothera. Among ti,,- etber aUea "f tbe weea are tbeie: peaii lots .,1, um aarthweal eara. i <>f lleatral Park Weat M4 aevantj t.r-t-.t., two I. n frontlag an Ibe ?. ??* aad t?n ..n tba st...t Th* purchaaci I* Jaeob B>thaeblkl, ?,?. lt?. ,,ri.-.- al.t 110b. Mr- BothacbUd baa al*e uurcha^d ti.- la* .... Cealral Park Weat, hfty hel aarth ? hcv i,nui .-?t. ti-'"" "'- '""l""' ratola tai ahaal ,? ?,..,. ,. n.i.a-s Br. BothachUd - rare* Ih* doiii ... .'ou f.,-i bi .i " I'.i. "" iaeh atn-et ... IV) ,.',, ..n ihe |.i"t h- wUI i. et, It U *aid. a tourteea^tocy Tba arkeabamh lalata h?s aodd Bght tata, taai aa tne ??,,i, *td? al s,.i<i.i,-iifU'--t., bagtnalag .MH) fcrt aeal oi i ?i.ii,,)..j.??'. aod f'-ir -ii tba laatb Mda nt Baventy aru-at., i^g.n.ilra ??.-.'. Bat oaat ?.f Calwaaaa aaa., u lluraa iir..-. '? ,, . Tiiniui- aad Oeorga l ?'?mr kava u'ir.-i">s'il ir.-n nir?.. ,,,,,. , ,_|lt Ma -a '..' aarth r-1-?? -f Beventy-Blth-al . ba ainalag it'Ki faet aeat af Calamba*?are., 200x1092, i?r aboai 8188.000, for laipraveaient. y??T let* ta the *aat* ?lde of Beveaty-fouitb^ia., 3f>o l..,t areat .1 ColaialHMmve, bave been add to Bamael Cal ,.,,,j goi 832.000, and it is reported thal Mr. I Board li*. ...,.,.,i ii,- i-'s ia* 888,000. Ti'is plet ???< parehaaed r,,r 4',-jikK) .?nv iii Deerathrr by Charlea Uahrea, aha ,,..|,:,r.<i ... ."ii.'i aau aa tb* ?lte. Bdahboruia i*mp?*?y ,,??.,., raarlaa tha edeet <?( theae aata, ladueed Mi. ? ?-!? ,',? to'nort alth kla i"". yaytog blm 880,000 thereter. They iiai- aaa aoM them .?? Mr t'olcord al .i kaa ... Kt,,,.., ,?id ii" repori la lhat h. baa aoM them nt an ad taat-a "f M.000. rhe of WBIiam Aator baa leaaed lo Devlla l i ,, elothlera, Ihe ttrel itorj an'l baaement, aboat t.'i.v :,,?i |? .| . ..mi iii- three lofta abave in the rear. ahaal ioslO in *lxe, -f the tmlldma n.i. 41 ITahm Bquara, ruu ihiii; ihrouah .'? 'Iinrt'. i.tii--i.. f-i iii- reara rroa* May I. IB9i, nt nn aaaual rental -f aM.OOO, Ihe loaaora t<. da aei ,--.iiv repalr* f"i ti- tocoaaag lanaata, l*art al Uu i,i.nis., leaaed I* n-w aaed bj Ihe -'i>*iiv Bltchea." Tbe Donveyaneea imd morlgageM af the weeh were aa Bilbra i , tl?.N\ I.VAMI.s. IBW. 1881. Jan. 17 10 IM, Jan 1" l" '-'-'. ImiiMlve. Inclualve, Kumber . -''?'* -:,:t vn.'.unt lavolved . H.04 1,1,1,- 88^85,1.11 Sumb. i ii..iiiiii .1 .. ? 88 !*i s, ,,,i, -r '.i-i ..mi -lili Waid-i ??:. i'i Amount Involved . 8308^180 8181,14ti \iiii,i., i norolnal . 17 i'i M'llll'.Ai.l.s.. Bambei . -S'J 2*1 t, nl invnived . .. . *:i.4i 1..1.:) e.i OBO ir.i Nuinl" r at .'i per ceat or l-m IJS ll'l An.t inv.iii-d *i,.;:*).ih.i 8047,888 Si mi,. r at .< ~s Uian .*i |.^r eeilt -l.^ 82 Amount lavolved . *;ij.;i)0 8702,300 NihiiIm r Ui l.j.iks, tril?t and ln- iraac.|.*nie? .. . 43 :i:i AiiKi'.nt luv.ili".. |M84,000 81.03'1,-liiy rr.Dji.i"ii;i> iiiii.1)i.n?.s. IBHO. 18*.H. Jan. IM la 84, Jan. 17 ta T.i, Incluaive, in>-lu*ive. Mimlier ol liiilli!lnc? . <17 88 jralBnaird eoal . 81^838,770 81,085,000 ? -? ? ? A TYPI OF BODBBB DFA Kl.i-I'MKN I'. Tha N..rtii Bhore UaUted -the only after.n ?? iled" Iruiu ".it <>l New Vork f..r |.i.inis B'eal Iciiv-s i.mnd ( Btatlon, vla n'im Vnrk CentraL al 4 ;.'..> ii. iii. every day; typtaal iu mii departmenta od the iiii;iiist developmenl of rallway aarrlea. Kntire tr.iln eyiiuinied witli new aTagaae perfertcd vestlbule. .' , i j. deiii & n. gOOtig?OBfl TO A. T. STEWART & CO. (Retail), hAVING SEGURED PREVIOUS TO THE ADVANCE IN TARIFF, A Manufacturer's Surplus Stock of Fine Carpets, THEY ARE ENABLED TO ofTer the same at LESS THAN OLD PRICES. 1,000 pieces Best Five-Frame BODY BRUSSELS and brst qualit;/ VELVETS, in a large variety of choice designs, with ELEGANT BOBDERS to match at $1.00 per yard. All-Wool Extra Super INGRAiNS At 65c. Per Yard. 4k Ave., 9th & 10ft % CARPETS. GREAT GLEARINQ UP SAL?. I'rlor lo our Annnal Inarnlnry. Irb. Ia*. In Iha -aeaalti leal a aeaa. ?* I latoea* a-are atera i, an aeeomnlatioa af PATTERX8 are do aet Intei '. dapUeattaa ??*? alafla pleeea and raranaata, botdaa letaatch; aorae ol whtea we haVe aaada np late CARPETS AND RUGS, aii attea, tn Bt ilaaaal aa? roorai a II b* el ?ed out \T HK.MNANT PBICBM. /Ir,.../ "?' tu* ?f ttai " ? ?< >'i. EXTRA SUPER INGRAINS lEagllah i atB< ma) Ai Laaaa tdaaa tha timtt ?f laapawrlaa Upholstery Dep't. ( IIF.MMK CCBTAIBB. a lanre number of add patre, la ***? aoM M ? graM ra. ? n ln prl ? ? LACB CI BTAIBB. ... .,, ?| ?? ,, ? i patra mbraeina all ah* t:?r*nt Baaea.ata beail ono-l M Ih. ragalaa prlee. & "J M\Tii.*iVF... t.trn and 14TB ai* I Aipra and Camel's Hair Clofts. Mripc, Plaid and ttlted Sitlttiitf*. Cheviots, Homespuns, < hfM'kft, Strlpr* and ?IXtaaaraM ln \atnral Wooh. WOOL CREPONS. Striped and Brocaded Grenadines. EMBROIDERED ROBES Tor Streot and Kvoning Wear. The Singer MTg Go. Wllil. CONTINI E TO EXIIIIIIT AT IT** PBBMABBBT NEW RETAIL STORE, 929 BROADWAY, Al.l. TIIF. l.ATET nrsitiVa AM? ISOVEl.TIKS ART NEEDLE WORK AS ritlllM < KI> OM THE I.ATKHT Singer Mt Siwiu Macles. 1 Alt Hl'PElMOIt TO IIANO \HIHK. VIMITOWK AltE (OKOIAI.I.Y INVITKO. rpiu^ BOOK oi on N-Aiii bPOBTg, eetavo, 100gagaa. J !? ii .'.i'. ii The atandard authoritr an Amerlcan opon* air auni-.. :i,? ht-.. K ul.w foi naillni:, ~? ni.n.i.,_?. tiall ulay laf, ahootlng. horaebaeh ridina. 4a . te., in full *i uer . opr Pubuahad by Tha Trlbnae. Mew-York. Kntcrtata lng and unlvtraallr coniDllmentrd br Uie uresa. Hi. Ifave now reduccd the rcmaiuder of their And will offer. commencing to-morrow, Mbnday, January 2tf, at GLEARANCE PRICES the following: JACKETS - $128.22 formerly ?? 105. SACQUES - 135.22 formerly ?-10. WRAPS-85.22 formerly 1175, ULSTERS - 290.22 formerly 81.40 All made ap in rerv latest styles^ and in addition their general stock or Fur-Lined Garments, FUR CAPES, MUFFS, GOLLARS, CUFFS, ROBES, &c, &c. AlflO, GREAT VALUES in LAD J t IfVfc. ComprtUting Night Robes, Walking Skirts, Chemises, i Drawers, i Corset Covers, j And in 65c, 48c, LADIES' Freneh linderwear A Dumber of FINK AJtTIOLEfl, ODD PIECE8, &&, at PRICES TO CLOSE 18181,11 Sl, ii 6111 An. (l**i|h Mrrrl "?miiuii Elc?alr.l Kand.l THE EVENING CALL Bhleet, BeandeaB ai i ttm R pap r pul ahed la Be* I ? ta ONE CENT A COPY. Th.- brighlaaa, Beandeal , i ? blaa ll'puhiicaa Iftetaeea papei putllahed. la Kew-Yerh. TR1BUNE ALMANAGa 1891. NOW IN PRESS. 25c. a Copy. The B*9tA Political lieaistn' cvet issned. The Alnianac for 1801 will be more than twlee the si/e of pre vions issnes, and B niajriiHlcent boolc of reference on a iiiiiititude of Intenaely Intereattng taoploa polltioali sotial, eeonomlOi com mercla] and general. This laaue will nurnnai any Alnianac evor before publisheU b, The 1'ribuno. ^ ?,???,,