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HOME AND SOCIKTY. INTEBESTING N' 111 s POR WOMENi An Baelcrn arorhar ln mntali was DniaMng an elaborate pleoc of tocqaer aml apani atanj aoara la weaMag npon Uie ii lerlor of bla pl.i before pnttlng lliem taaather. Hc araa a*kod why i," apenl so mneh af his time (for be waa very posr) ln perfertlni de uviis wiuch iiiuij never by any posalblllty <,!' aean. "You flao] n 'i be able to t.-n, bnl tba joda aea lnaide," -ai.t thc bnmble artlsan. Thla ha> alwaya aeeroed t,> u- thc mosl falthfal Interpretotl.f bruc work. Dolng what d beal for tae -.1." of the best; thoroagb, even if it li ooly in taklng a atlteb or faatemltic a thread. Amatenr work i< apl lo be badly gnlaked, whleh m]aroa the resolt m.t a lll to, '''' aJthongh In thla otneteenth eeataiy raab ii woohl he bnpoi ible lo follow thc example ol Uk- Basl Indlan Biilfleer, stiii a eonsclentloua earrylng oal ol a losi to it'. very end witln.nt >lut or bletnisli. and BOOVC all Bbowlng a coroful BmU Balsk, bespcaka a well bal fttiied and oroerly ehoroetor. gbow u- a alrl'a work baK aml we will pive you a fair idea of tier abillty '*? Hhj jjiucthal IhaOga of hte. A aoaacaaepcr ot mneh aml vaned cipcrlenee ajvci the followtng advlee to yoang poopla aaoal atartlni ln lif" ln Row York City : uTkorougnly mvoftlgBta your rkaneea lor bapplneae ,n ii^ siiiiiirbau Borromt41ap before trnsttug your n.atiitno'iUI rraft in the turbnl-nt WOtOTfl ,,f the iiii'tto'iolis, where often tbe Wtaeal steeiiiiy will not prevent ahrpwreek. T<? clerka wrth aalariea un<i"t 13,000 a venr. life in thla i ity meana a Bcverc strngglo ??Tlio fitst thinp. of eoarac, lo be eonatdcrci la Ibe liome. wlli roaolvo Itaelf Into a amall Bal Aa advertiaomeol vir-: ? a pcrfarl gem. Plvc liclit, ?lry rooma nnd bath. Hardwood mantlea witb bevelled ^li.^- inirrors! iint and eoM wator. atatlonary lubs. ulailik bella, ehoiee aolglihorhood, Beal only NO a piontJi.' Thla, twmalatcd, meaua Uu amall r ? i,k deeeutly Hgkted; throe nearly Bari eloaeta and ? kkekea Ju>t large enoagl t-> boM tlie ranga, tobs, niifi a lean eook. Thc loeation freqnently la oa Iha flivated road, where tbe eterna] dln maUe> b aervoni aaraon eooatantly Irritabki wkon ii<- is well and aorna ttmea UUa hlm when hc is 111. Ve* thtnga Bre more Btaaraordlnary than that aane arehltacta abouM plan and s.ine people oceupy tbe aleeplng rooma ln most ,,| the amall nats. Even if they are large enouah to admit "I anddng o-naVa t"il-t artlb thc foldlng-bed down. Ikey open generaUy on akafU wkleh rond containu:ai.-i by aower-ventlktttna plpea and sniokj ehlmneys. l goabt H aleep ever kmt- up the ravelled falecvo of <atf andcr aa*! rdi***aa?tanoaj wlthonl gropplni athV aea ??Tii.- niiiiit saila of rtats-ttie tyranny <'f lanltora, the imi-d bearted tanttlord who wiii nol make neeetaary mgalra. tbe poaalblllty of unpkaaaaot ndghboi all Irrttatlng. Th.- bveh of rloeet room is very annoy Utg t<> a honaokocpor who al <ne hottom of her hoarl lia- um. i. tympatky wRk the woman who waa aUowed bv her Iraabond to ahu and imiirt a houae, tbe reaoJI beinn eicht rooma aud twenty olne eloaeta. Wa have all laiii.-h.-d OVOf Ibe atory ol thc woman who not waa) to parl with ? eerj lall acrvaal oa rontinc . very amall Bal and who aolved tho ditinuliy b) ruttini a iiiola throagb thc woll between tkc alrl'a room and tka kttcben to admil of her leol poaalng tkrougn it arken aleoplug. Th" woman who said. wltb teora m her eyea, tbal aba had aold her hu-i^,*:.-! md ebUdren for a coor-opeooT, a gamb walter and an ash -ehOOt exiu-eAsed the trath. Ske had exchanged their happtneaa lor a few modern eonvenle.a, and more akganfika bad Itortared ramfort lor etyle, bad Bacrtfeea good Hvlng to bad tm "Following the qaeatk n of akelter eotnc the quea lion of food. Ketils BTC M Bigh lB New *ioil; *s very mateiUUv to aflect tke prtoa ol pawkdons. Woablng lon Market prht- are bnefa Icaa than tkoac ol optown dc-alers. bnl Iii" BOOB llaWMIIOI B burdeii ii it Is foend necessary to do all ono's baylng tkoro. And ooesn*! life heeoBM a barcan anyway if ona aflen cocs ap and gowa iown on any of tho erowded Unea ol ttmvel-*nd they are a!l eroaviall Yon asccai aad icacattd llie fiithv italra of the otovotad itotlona, ralntag tae aaaae. pieatniKs ,,f your gowaa; are mM to "step livcly" b) a miiv bratc of a wmoaetor; Jamaaei ln with fat women and hornd nieu : BgCd imimdeiiUy by dandies eoinfoi t ably Bealad; and braatac air gaveacd witi. lobaoeo, wtubkev and carboak atad gaa. The boraceaia mx not much TDCCter. I have ofien womlen-d wky r.Ultoad fjomrnarr pcraM la *anployiag eoaaaotara witJi do laaalvc eyes and botb. i gaa ifcaag la a <ar aae aaai mer dav wjjeu a la-iy'e panaol mana wadaatag Ikroogh tlie anudow. t-iui luui ealled it, valu for the conduclor |0 atop, aud took tliat nieans linally to MTOst his aiten UOIl. -Take next that miphty amcatloa wtnrii hi Blwnya aritatlnj: every tnie wioman-the qaostlon ol eJothea, Ihe waar and tear on sti^t garaaeaoa, botwean Ihe d rl on the paveinenis and tlie tm-h iu ean and atore*. makes thc morwitv atanalag; and tln- gowa, wfcether Uilor-made or home made. Is soon Iha woite for wcir. Another lat.-e ltem ol BBBaBBB i* OBrrkaga) hire bCO aary eSaWlOSB hut-iti ra-e one hifc B weakr.cs aml oavortanltlca for bocIo! gayoty. Roi only la hrajitlmate eipemiiture DccBaaarHy graatct aarc thaa alacwkeia, but tkroogkaal tka h*agtfe aad bn-a/itii ol Manhattan I^land K'eed nnd eitortion are raapont E?0rj BMBl hand la porkaya, not agalaal bhi Ba4gttcr, but agalnst his nelRhbor's purse. Vi.m t.t.n her will irtre you aooa] meat and cut oli fat and bOBC if you g? foi it- but nol If you aend for it. Yon lind your niUUtuaii lnu three Kmdes of mlik at tlie ptUm. Your kwfcamlttl ekaraea lifty tonts for repkadng a losl key that a eoon try workinan woul.l make f..r twcntylivc. Voo Btel eioncmical. and take a grtvc "f but lkraaaa*rtora ,.f an how m Central Patk. and your itablCWaa BCadl Ul a bui of ???">. and, upon b icmoaatraaco. aagfl aa 'moal BharCB th?- Baaaa, whether you are out half an hotir or four liours.' -The questk.n stiii rooaalna Bocc Raw-Yorl payi And what is tm-re to aot ofl atram-t tke glfgenlUea nnd akaoyaacea of bvug ta Pl Fw ihe rtek, Ka ftttr,i(ii.->ii? an. mui.v it- drawbOCka f :w. I or tl," rery poor, who bavc M lOBOWOBB withln Ihcaaaelvoi and io atyle of Uvlag tc koep ap, k la eaay u. nuiintand itR faae*aaflona a promlnent member of Ihe Yoaag Mca'i Ckrhaiaa AaaoetotloB, mteroatod In the tciK-in.-iit hon.e peoblem, anei told om Ikal u 'ho eourse of his work BaBoag the vety poor ha boeoaae ititwected in a WMOW gvmg iu a vile plai- and workif.K sixteen kOVB B da> to mimioi", hei-elf and two lftle girla. Enli^tinc some of his friends. they prornrvd a prettr BOOkagB ln a Vttkwya not far *t*MB How-Yort for the woman and pletity of work botk ,'a-v and liiohtalile. Abonl a >".n lalCT, in galBg throagh th<* aama |caaaBenl cartelet, ba eoaaa aerosa ti?- naac woman Bvlng m*lhc bbbbc manner. Upon raeatknmg h.-r m Io Iha eaaae ol aae retara, ake repUed that, 'FOlka is bettei than atumpa.' WC wall admit, for the Rake of argaunent, Ikal foik- are l^etter than stumps-thourb 1 akookl lik,- to plch tbe folk=-and wc eoaaa t<. an Uaportanl branrh of Iha Mihj. rt. Is there time ln N'-w Voik for ibe traay woman to eiljoy her Msadsl In OtkOl at.d -riiall-i ?dncca one ean drop in OB UM Oehgtl of bCT BOOl withoul "**jl>g ap a whola aflernoon In goiog to .-md lio or Wlthonl watttog for bCT 'day a* home.* Tho two >tvl"s BTC as follow-: geenc N"wV..rk; time. wlnter. You pal ob aa elBboiate ealllni eostume, t*ke a IW of all your Metadi wbo roeclve on a eertaln dav. aend ror a earrtage and ro from honse to raowe vou aU ln long. aork porlora erowded wttk l.ri.ravhrae, nnd eoavene on the inosl Irlvtal aubjecta |or the hm.ts of a eaii pracladc an] ??'??- - rloua. v?? eaaaa home Ured and bored. bnt, of eoume. have Um aweat iotlafaetk*< of raahalog lhal the Foar llutiririal do rxa.tlr so. Row for tln- ,?m acene: A eoaakry tinago; (ime. wbiter. Yon throw ? loni f?r rlOOk over voiir pivttj Icap.v.n. aud with a 'laa dnator- on poor bead, and yoar Bttle dog ol your neela r?n run d..wn tke anowy ak*aet, iporfcknR -anaer . wmter -un. Tou open b ri.-tic Bato, "waa a ?rMe olaz/.a and are u-hen-d Into a large, low realed i-arlor. wttk windovra ob Ikrea ridoa and Bnashlnc and flowera everywher-. The boby is ptVinj M a aafl on the floor and your Wend H LtLlod with pret.y aaney irork. Yon M l? v- kno Srt(,f,),^hebi,oIM',,wo,,f,,--f;,ll::'V geawa Raw-Yorl eataweya wonM rip Ua n*OKran Jia ind disrnss the kWl BOVd. P<."J"** ?? ^!tz:z:rv^TLr,.rr:^ wSssvfa-asssi KSS^^SafaS Ihe chlmnevs tkall draw. '? "'^ . " ' ' \)u. , ?r:l,r .Uinewasofalmo-I a-u,.c!'im|.... < ?' ( tkaaa; aaa it * """" '?">'-'? JJ,M* ,,.*',, ,?.,,?,, ssa?tfMar.3? ?SSa^aaWSyHss M aae. If you ewmot keeo maar aaraants aigu for rut glass and rli!n?, brass a-nd brk I brac, .* they ui-a:, i.iuiii work: for tbe momenl prettj IhlAg* are ii.: takea eaae "f they raaae to attaaet, The over ornamentatlon of oor Aroerk-an hoaaaa li i thrng i i be depl "-ii from an artlatl. polnl of rtaw. A taad acape gardener anderatanda tbal he naa*. have wMe lawna if his groapa od ihraha aud .itnM ira ..f Beea The iverage hooacboepor, on iho eontrary, ao crowdi ber room* wttb work* of art and rtaffy furuitiir". whlch la aeMom eomfortabto, tbal Ihe reaull l* generally anfortonate. One polnl i in'ist npon bave ptont) >.f eaaj ehalra, A dlatlngntabad i in Kpeahlng of oar runritdre made the gweeping aaaerBon thal tbere waant aa aaay <-hair ln Ameriea. i do no. agree wlth bin, bai a.imit thal moal ol oar ehaiti an< too hlgb aml too aarrow, as ivcll a* too hai.l. Add I" ain. ii"l -n 11 ~111?..- rjpen aad easy elialrs. plenly of lowera, book* aml a few K""<i ptctcvea, aud your bome oannol fatl to he rharralng. Wiiii regard to th- Uvtag in yoar honao entartaln your frtonda oflen and Bmpry. Donl alve rlaborata dlnner parttoe, Too mach eonvenBonallty UU* h>s|iit:iiiiv. Donl waata any of yoar amoey on aboa aud atyle, bai have a margln for the hlgher Uie. Buy the t.est book* and have th- l,--t musie, alwaya kcepini: in inind that tho 'Ufe i- more tban iiicai.' " _ one of the piettteat tUnnera we ever attended was glven in a litti- gem ..f a boaao j ii?t out of London Ihe ptan "f th- groand Boor waa ao rimple in eon atrucBon, aud yed -.. ofleeBve, glvlng t.> a aamB ii"n-" ani I. a feeh-g nf trpaoe, that a aketek of it may bc found ? 8 edtfalll t-lPaiiinfj \ \ K arWoom/' I ? ja - ? I ? Ju7K7raL yzr-&J'.v/v^//.'.v.-.'.v/^.~aj naeful. The eolorlng ol th- ?-qnare haOi was erimaon aii.t whlte. and beaatlfnl witii rarioa aml oM Chlppen dale fiirniiure Dppodte th- door ? broad, rrlmaon rarpeted itolrway, bctwcen WMIe panelted waU* led to a i..-nui. beaotlfully decorated landlng, whlch In 111in gave aeceaa to th- room* above, the whole atak .. . i ancommonly pretty viata on entorlng th- hmise. Tbe drawlng r.auu, like m<>s| Engl ,h drawlng.rooma, na- an epttome "f romforl and good laato. Low Frenoh window* gave acci ? i ^ir ntti- ...nserva tory, h; up wlth Chlneae tanterna, and th- artlallc effect was charmlng. Bul th- dlnner mis whal pro dured thc moal bi od ind !i tlng Impresi-inn of abao lut.- huury in .i-taii. ih- whoto room waa batbed lu i'i- -..ft.'-t yet iiio-t brllllanl llght, whlch I Ihrough atabaater pitlara whlrh h-id an arrangjemenl .,; l-.i .-ts. To tbe nnlnltlated tbe effeel waa magl. il. A founta n of acented water waa playtng ln th- rentre >f t.1:- (able over a m al deH. ite and artlatlt arrai -- iniuit -f auUdenbaii and otber ferne. it wa- a rery ararm alghl in Jnne, toward the end of th- s<-.i,r,n. um. i he s*ifi aptaah ..f Ibe w itpr and the < taai bk* i.- -f ? whieh were the flr-t we had ever -cn u-ed f'.r d.ra tivo pnrp.?. arranged wlth dellrate torni ao Bowera everythlng greea. and Ice, and rryatal, end looded Miih ih- magtaw1 Ughl from tbe atabaater ptltara, gave an I'fi-.'t ih?i araa all gutar aml antque. Tbe menn was almple, bai exqnlsltelj rhoaen. The ehief th made an unpreea.on were the glgantlc atrawl* wMch were aerved, a- i- de rlgetu li Bngta ?'. with iii-ir atami on, t" be eaten like a pearh or a pcar, and Uie otber beaatlful frall grown nnder gla I arBatta r>f ..os ektsed thl* dalfity repaat: and. Bnally, Inatead "f nngei b rwia, enl gtaai rjobea eonl d. li - fountalni ol roae-water wore plaead before earti >??:? t. Baeh foantaln, i karned, was wonnd np and would j.lav for a eertaln time, Uie large one In t'.- eei tae "f tho tabta rnnnlng for three imur.. ?Un von really s|t down to all im- everv <liv'" we whed >.ur hoateaa Bhe taagbed as ibe anawered, ?? Ob. lt is all -" very -mall; our houae, yoa know, i ii'iv, hut mv hii-hand likcs thl- --.rt of tblng. II- i devoted to-pretty Ideaa and arrange* everj deull. He even orders mv gowoa," s,,id Uu- perfectl] drea ed rreatore with a baU taugh, baB dgh Perbap there may he a sm-feit nf petita mina aomeBmea and n i may havo had her "crampted rooa-taaf." Qalon label A aenghtfal surprise for a lurtlidiy putr is t Jach Homer'i pto. "' ,iaxe taade Ba - ple* foi ??? ? -aid a lady of our eeqnMntaaee th- otber day, "and now the eonfectlooen prodaca them i- a -r-auti noiivcauie." Hut the BOBM m Mta onea are th?- beat, and i will ull yoa, if yoa hl,-. Jnst how to make tbeaa. -iu the fir-t ptace yoa wiii hoy a preaaal for aaeB eMM wfmd* eapeeted a amall artielc wMch win not laho up too muck room and toe.i.h _ift attarh a i"-.. aarrow ribbon. Bow pnK?.|.ii and mabe t..ui pla Tuiie a tarfe, deop tin pan?tbe iise w-iii of eourae de pead on vour aamher of piest-- llne it wlth plnk ttaaoe-paper, taavtng Ibe edge* iong enough, and --aiiop and proaa over th,- edga iu a -"irf of a racl ? ! li- i.r-seuts are then lan. ln and aarrow .f iblrh paper are paated, crUa-croaa, over tb* top ol the paa. 'ihe aportuiaa h-h mn*1 he larrr anoogb to arlmit of earli litth- parc~ r;<ssin^ thp-'iuh. !>i . | rlbbona through the botaa, on.- to ? - h, and then pa te over the whole top whlte Baauo-paper, .nttir? Uttta flits for the rihhoris to paaa tbTOUgU. Ornament tho jjie Wlth paper BOWWl aud s-i-vi-." riK-se "Jack Horner ptaa" bave ohtalned in li l ancteaa and no tartbday party UUa arlater haa beea rompteta wlthoal one. The dl?h i- ptaeed iu tba i-utiv of Uu tabta aml th- rliildien -ach take a I nnd draa out In turn th-ii "plum.' Perhapa aome of onr read i ma] reinember Mh ; wlth her nneonventlonal goeat. whlch wa retaled a few wi'-k- ago, and tha renl, rMI. rld way lu ahich 'lu- fair barhartaa walked trlumphaatly ovei the ral aad dned eonvenUonallUo* wllk wldck tha finiu'iiMy w-ii braaghtVap audden bad l"-* u evee mr Abool a year aftoi Ihe aever-to?bo-foffotl?ai \i-i , MI s i; wa* tnddeal) overpowered aa tiroadwaj by tadhg raahed ** and embraced i.\ ,i tavely, taogk Ing being, who wa -i aggtag ln ber wake a imalll h b<oklog ma... wiiiiin ahe tatrodaeed a- ber baabaad. ii i~ needtaoi t?, aj I. wa* Miaa i; - prettj tormeatw 'of th- swt-uii before, who poared tortb ber new iu ;. torrenl "f wore*. - wv have beea auurtad a waek." the raPted on volably, "and wa kave auch a lovi-h h.iiis..." iTh- -iiiaiii-h man. .Mis- is .,n-fv..i:.i learned, maa tke *on "f a rery rick Weatern banker.) "W are dolng the furnl hlng now, and il i- ani i. fun l w bonghl ih- pu in- ye terday." Here Miaa B, wko ua- a genntoe arl tover, gave a greal i-'a p. "Aad we ue golng ta bnj he i n pei - to daj '." Even for people who know sotnethlng of a.r'. pei Bapa we had beBer my, eapectall) f'.r peraon* of calture, ptature-buylng la a verj dlfBcull robjeel lo geal wlth. Of eoarae it goea wlthoul aylng thal yoar eoltai Uon of prln. i and <?<< hlng and Mat-1-...h'is wiu i,i> a gradna] on-. Bul yoa bave your aew bome aad wtah to buy a i -\ really /".-. btta to gtodden your eye ?'. onee; more ,,i .-j-. yoa wanl youi beglnntog to be good. th- nnctena.' 1,, ii were, of a targer growth. We wouM sironciv advlae yon t" begta wltb a few etehtaa*, whieh alve a tooh ol refJnemenl at onee t" a i.m, besWe* heiag e?ilnently dellghtful as art-atadtae. Ta hr. etchlnga Judlelonaly a litth- knowkdge i- eaaenttol If B ia ilmply a plcaalng pi. n.i- lhal roa wlah lo pai , ha e vour cholce B pia.ii.aily llmlttoaa, but if yoa 1,1,1,1 <o bavlng eacb on- ". yoar prlata <>f tatrtnak valae yoa ibouM .?? very earefal m your parehaae aad bay your ptature* wltb Judcm-nt la Maa eaae yoa wiii, of n,ui--. wanl "proof ," aud tbeaa are dlvMed into threedtaBncl ktatea, whl. h are known reapocttvelj ns remarqne proofa, arttata* procda and pnnt* remarque prootb are th- Ural and most ezpea Ive coplea takea from tha plate and a*ay be etther apoa parcbmenl or npoa Indta paper, and ti,-v bear upon Du- margln botb Um " remarq .-" oi ailghl aketi'- I whi.-h th-v are named and tha arltet'a ilgnature. Artisis proof* form th- aecoad -diti.'B or atata and bave bo remarque, bai bear only th" arUat'a aigaa lore. Tbe third "atato* ara caltad prlnu l are ebcap edlttoka oi atate and are uadgned. ln aO really good aarhlap tbe Irat two edIUooa are iim:t4'<i to a few baadred eoptaa. an.i freqaenUy UM pi,i- i- aeatroyed ta ord.-r that ebeapar eopto* may not be ptaeed apon Ibe morfcot. In meb em eo-rae, ti?. ,)r,?,r- aa-a ta Miaa ?* fcUn*. pmme*. ??-? N eoaatantly bai.aa thal an atehlni watali baa -"si 130 or B73 mn advaaea lu prbM ta ???-">|) er even more. la faet, |aa~aaaa partare baybag aaay b. abtored la tae Hghl ..f laaaatwaat, aad aearty even raoenl Mde ha.s ahowa tha of tbaa. Kv-rv -traa" etakaag ahoaM be rtmply a pteaara ahasehai i>v ? necdie apoa a oopper ptatei tl ahoaM ba inie lo line. and even ,ts deepest ihadlWI ibOOM h- tba reault of many etroke* of the aeedle and not M U?e amptaymeal ..: any ather aytbod 8uek a- aasaaodiat or aqaafi ii - engrai mg. Btehingi orlgii allr were rn.-uiora.nda "f ptatarea aaada by pa aien i bey* for fnlare irork, and Iboaa b) ri-'-ai artiata of the pwrl have rarely anrb 'i?p ahadow* aa lbo*e ... moder daye, wbteb are oflen prodaced by otber mean* than Ibe "trae Bne wtwfc.* Tbe Bo letj ,,f ai i |ai ',' everj proof whlcb i- i -u-.i by them, t'm- leruring to overy bayar the a. inii i.iini- ,,f rcrtlned proof*. Before t"ivinir lt would ii- advlaabie to rldl the leadlog arl '-.ita-* and faadltartae yoaraaM ?Bk the beal aaamptaa. if m.t carried (?. ezeea*. d ? Ing well may at.iount to a p alUve rlrtue. There is no rcaion wbj a woman with w-aith ami i-i-uii- ihotdd nol BMake a rareful atndy of ??. i-iii,- ." and devota mach Um* thereto. Bany a bora artl i who ha- aevei learned tii- maiilpntatlon ofthebraak m Um .. - of tbe pigmeati baa a genuine tatoel far eotor and arrangement, abd Uaare is ao hariu fn earrylng uui tlie arttaUc IneUncI ta Uw iii."' tion of wearlng apparel. A perfeetty dreaaed woman is in beraeU a dellghtfal plcture, and prodacea a genuine phaeare. Moreover, to drea* artlaUcaUy U belplng to develop th.; bea. Indaatrtaa ... th- worid aad glve* worli to m.iir.T Wd are nol argulng iu tavor of -vii ivagaflce or vanBy, or th- Mtflak bm "f money \V- ar.-, slmply piilliiiL- iu a plea f.i thoM "f the MI wiTo bave the artliBc teoae, Ihe awae] ta graUfy it. the Ume t<, atndy Ih- qneatloa, and who. Inetead ..1 taklng np aiti-n. work, or an* otber f?t. rhooae ta devota a irooii porth.f thelr Ume to --iir.--" pare and almpto. We oontend thal ta spemi freely la the rlghl .iu--. gon. to help t<> develop what B genulnely bed iu maniifa. tine and liiiud nurk. to glve einploMii-nt t.. laiiur, t>. r.n-..- th- itandard ol prodnctton i i iiiv a Bne ti-i'i f". ?' woman ?>.' wealth and li telll gence, and ameanta podUrcly i" a royal prei ?? Therefore, oh, eaaartoirUooa qneena of taahlon, aoM vonr own and do m.t abdicate, bul make even taahlon ih- better far yoar relgn. tilv ? liberally, bu. al n ipend freely, Meklng t. prom. wkal I* beat. Ulvc work li plenty t" iho-e w h i necd It, and. above all, buy largct) yi~?:n thoae tirnis iv bo ? un dd< r tbe be ,1 Intereal oi the .-.., ic i yoar aUtera aBom thej em] loj. A very pretty featnre In a rhlldren'* tancy ball I* ta bave a prori wlon "f flower* headed by the rioddrsi i'i.t.i. Th- "flowei " hould all 1.- dreaaed In aofily Hi ?? ,i rbeeaecl. th tlreek gnwn*. wlth illver band* and nudle*. n_eh ftower ?houM have a loag, si,",iicr wand -. fk Wi i; ^V.t'.? . eovered witli iftver paper wttk Uie n.-.i-r whlrh i- rep i. ented attarbed to tn- top. The godde** ihould ba ili i'i whlte, v iti. a traln rovered wlth everj - flower faal.d al the precedad by twe littie ehlVlren in Ureek dn t it terlng fl . _ A well m ide potal i a] M I a* rare and d .; ? aa It ta -< nnoml. ii l he < lei mat u ? fot l ?al i.i -ui.iii. new poiab* II I* ible lo i >??? ynang pol <i - \ ;:???' -I ? not be full :-r..u: . iii-iIt polatnea; bnl if tlie p....t... bolled in Ihdi drtn*. i* Uw ita -- nouM be for thl* pnrpoae, a verr telr <al ide al anv II.I Iho year ol urm ra dj In - irkrt. '..<t Bermuda polatoea . In markel ? ? be aI ter lhal exea - foi u .- i n il :-i oM i .. bave h??'u kepl I":.-- en aah ta in ? .-? flavor. Afi. ? ? ? ' ? Ihem I- n dl I ?? ..i . ni tbem Into littie h ili mi n a pl '? i ii 'i prlnkle ? l< poo iful "f -alt. two tabtaap - ? ? ' ' d la qnarl ? <. *Hi ed p ?? .? - . a inl- il.-i i f. ? ? , .? - nf ?'. Iiltc pepper tr :a ih- . , the pototoe. vs ui' i d plal I penetrate tbem. VVlie thej i.Id add tw?i tabta i'..' f i- . t a and ta.f i pai - ? imloi i ? ? ? i gratod oa Un. ai d ll ta n aud for otber parp"*oa. ln mlnrlng po lej dm ?. '.--Ii iharp i'i--.'I.k-knlfe; lav tbe \>i '?- on u l?Kird Ihe 1' >i ' vth-i and -Inh- th-ni i.,pi<Uv ?ith the ire?'ii edga ..f the ktuf>. Theae iiire. rloii* ns- f"i iiiiiteui ?ho .i.s- rerj apl to a>' oul aU iu- legaba "f nbopprag le.ui ,u,d . impplnu ki if- whaa : ;-i lo Bdace anything A nhoppbig kulf- l- paretii i, lui.-r. .rn invenUon ? d i duowa ta Preaak Mtrben . whera them ara, aowaaaa. an abandmre of -i.aip. Un., bladed ..-'.li knlvea and wheaa all tbe -in>p pti .- of tn-it bm .niinis and ' raqaottaa -md ttw Bludna i,I berba ..i frnii- ai- .Inu- ?1th ?n<:h kritva* on an oidltiarj ii.-iki.-ii chopptag board. Mlnoe .lUn a of ohlvaa for your -ni-t Kprlnkle the onlon-Julee through Ihe pofalof a. whlch -hoiihi be ka "'i.i md a Irm tiu-v ean be u?-->,d wiu. .mi broaklng. *dd another t a?|.ufal ... aUt, a tea roor* bahea of Ibe wblte-pepper raatar md three uabtaapoonful* of oUve oll. i.. Um itad well. Add ?oa three table ptnutnh ..f vl egai larrai in rlooani f v ou bave n m.i to the atod agaln it is iu well io mi\ th.- peratej and ehlvee Ihraagb th*; ^1*d B ,,i all nnd than *eod ii to ihe ubi.: al oara A nn i.ui -aiid ean (^ made ?.f aoM tawed polatoea i-ft fmrn breaafaat. a iitii- grated i. them ind ta Ibeaa ln ?? letad drr ioa made i,v Bdxbig "ll and vlnegai ta aqnal aaaatBta* and :?i dlug tbe .ui and pepper nece ,in. Bo nore en mi- 'uu be glven loi a <ti b made of f.....i abaadj '?' "U-.i Th.k inu.t be governed laraeli bt hei U. i ? iii aeh i i . e. A mlnce ol beeb tin- di..-. a -rn i.i shuii .i unU.? ii ran. oi a n ili . bi im ber plclrie maj all i*- atbtad for rarictj lu i quarl ,,i poteto ii..d. _ There i-- nothing ta drea nore ettractlve than Uie grareful taanglng wrapper* tbal nowadaj form i parl "i everj baly'i aaidrobo, rhe matartal a ed foi the - gannenta are Ughl ? >fi woota, la a rariety of ilelightfal aower-Uhe rotorbupi. and wlth tbdr s<ift. rliuglng front* of -iik they taave nothing in materlal oi ...lor io !?? ii--iri'ii. Theae gowa* aaay blbra ihe JapaooM atyto, wiib iquare ileevea and ei rentrlcaU] dnaped front, >.r be modeltad aller Um lirectan taahlon of rofae; bai thea mtud alwayi be loo - and <uiiifori.iiii- .md not i-a-ih dHarranged Tbere B one fcaiura of theae parroent* whlrh Is .um.'inu-; overtaohed when they are made In this eountry; that i- their beedoiu from aupeidaoa oraa ni-ui. Their graee, like tbe graee ..f all Japaaeae or drl inl drea . Ue* ta thelr drapery aad atulf and ta tbe a,auii.-r ta whi,ii tbej an made, and not m aa Iraneon* ornament. .\ frlnge or tace i- anknown ln tha l-a'i'l Of UM I'hrv .I'llli-iiiiiin. Th- f.i ?k Baed baadi >.f trlmmlng, bnl m.t frlnaaa, and tace is , modern taxary thal only datea baieh i-. Um Be n:ii- -aure. _ The ikatlng aeaaoa B ta full iwlag, and it i-. tho preiii?-1 dgbl iu Ihe worid t.. *ee the lait- aad ia-sies eedoylag the dellghtfal partme. Tbe duDe I , I? bricbtea aad tbe pale i abeek) la h with Um ea hilarattng exerciae, aad a p'.'^i kater rammanda ani reraal admlraUon. In th.antry many esperlBMot* are brled ".. tba tae, aad oae ..f the n.>> i ai w li i > in rlg ou.;'- s,-ii nui u.iii ,i .,,!. a ?-irl who is qalto a. bome ".. ikatea make* an effectlve Dgnre wllb i targe --h?t." whieh ibe wiii --ui taara to aunage wltb I ,.,- and <i-\t-ni'.. ln "Tbe Boya' Handy Book" ,i .ii rangement ? are gl ?? i Um an li - BL 1 aa beat, how-v.r. -i ? in- t., .,.- the Daabk rld, wMch , naisla "f a malnmaal and topmaat Tbe sattor ran bo i-t down viiun reqnlred. Two etrap* fr-m tin maiMiuist an: Bttaebed (?> llie -h ail.lers. like a knap ?ach. The baad-aticba bm attarbed t.i Um krwei eoraera of t?e -ni- aad tba otber end* ara kaM bf ii... -ii.iu-i. iii.-i ...-?? - ed i- -ii.-.-i iii,.-- iu- ni an ry aallboati in'il yoa are aeraabMaed to tha ement roa bad better ehoaae a dav whea larra is BOt mn. h wiud. is the -mi ia .M.und lo yoar bodr. ln -I rpptaig >".. brlng yoaraoM raaai toto tba wtad qalta a if yoa were ii tallboat. There are many wavs of slritin::. hut BTW attain io ihe i-if-t graea al aaaaaa whtah bcinnirs io rcaiiv ?m~ (kaunc. Thc atiixfflliis style. wlth arm* I. i> Ihe very reverac nf inaretul The ""iit alde ",i.--" i. reairj tka bealnnlnB and end of ? - wlthonl the kaowledac tke I ???-'. Braoefai rarve is Impoaslble; t., learn It Iherefore. abouM be tho! ronstul ...iu of Ihe beglnncr. Tke beal war lo i" " t *b lt. we were told by an "M'<-rt. la to <i" a btrte clrele, l-,,hii; round and roond on one f" t, teaninj on tke rmtatoa ? ?!.-". and tteeptng the bohmoe | wttk tlio other fi^it. Then ekanaa the foot. and re peal tln* innte piotcaa. By doing tln- eeery dav. and, ii p . ible, praettamg ti.nlor edge with a good ,,ii wiii ioob learn thc motlon. Koa hoM i ggt your balanee. Wfkon rou ean do ih . wllh vmir hand- ut yonr muir. practlM ih" Duleh r.ii, which i- a l""-' aweep on |he onlci edge. Ilftlng ona tool In froai of the otber before ? ,.: in ,-\ inrve In thc oppoaltc dliactloo. \ little per latenl prnetlee wlli enabl.a lo do all Ihla; yon are then tn rtr.t thc altoatlon. and i >B tbe pcrfeti poctry ol motloa to yonr heart'a _ a "eoatumer" i* a pole anpportod on ? atandard ?ith ttooka arranged ,>n it to bang droaaea on. lt will boM almoal a- mneh aa a amall cloael aml may lead ii, th.ntra of i rloaei, in a ipoee whleh would not oiiicrwi-e be orrnptotf. it li aleo con. ? to in''-- ekrtbe on tl nigkt In a taoaaratc ? oeta from ?10 i?> g!5. rhfldren'i dreaaea arere never nrore pktntreaqae iw, Freneh women ol Ihe beal taate i.mlty !?!?;.! the .|ini'.i KnJiMi f, lllnoa lor their cklMren, I ii' der ' .uu better tlaan Ihe I - h tke irt of adaptlng . dre?? to the figure of llie rhlkl and the .- of the -iiiit-. Very littln rkiMren atill weor K ,i. , L. dre ?"? with gulmpe walata md long iklrU, U'h.-n the rhlkl la aboul Bve Ihe dreaa la ? .I i 'i ' nally reorho* i- hlsh aa the calf ,-f Ihe i".-. .\t lon jreari of age lt ihould be lengtkened . ?' topt of Ihe boote. Chlldren'i , ? ? r than thev have been, and Ihe bod i ? ..( the? liti!" dre aa li looae I ? partj tke ehlld la very young, tke gulmpe . Um dreaa belng tn ide with long ^1.?<? . 'i hlgh ti",k. Bloeh staeklnga are rtlll .1" rlgeur for rhildren. home "f the preUlesI party ?' ? Uttle rblldrcn have been made thia aeoaon of arkite rtoth trimmed with ereomy luipnre btre, "i of Im! , ?? ked ln al the aot k aud llOCVCB aml Ik i arm al the a i * i . pi ? ateoa in houae deeoeation are al roady lalked of. Tln* Rgyptian Breplaea whlrb are ahown are huge maaalvc affaira in wiit.ii ihe !"'"? flowor In relief fonn- a leatarc <?( 'i.ratlon. A new drapery not In oM Ivory Unl ,. ? i kftnr tka land of Iha Mie. it i odd how very few people evot try modelltni |h there musl l,e a RrOBl deal of Utent talent in ? ,. ? ??'..? ,? ? one toela an arttatlc tendeney , tarna t,. tha erayoo or brnah ?>- ?> mode ? . i, . Perhap* one reaaon la beeauaa tka brnah and penell are withln such aaay arn a, ..".l their m.-.f. IntJon i- known In a rneaaura: whereaa ?.,?:,:;. preaenl anknown <lifl*? attlca. I Bl wlwu , iried It boeomes rery teeclnatini and II would repai r,\ lover of form to try bar band i! n ,, .... :?? j . ,t if v.'i are put In the way bj i te*a iu--. tlont M'u may t-ti..- modelllng np and farrj lt murfa fuitiior, and Bnd unendlng pleaaure ln It i'. :i.,p \.,n w.n remember Uint the evor eeraottle .' , ;,. d Into lt willt hardly u.r pm< ti. e at ill, do ed tl ? nlpl ?:'? i l-ii? and pi*oeeeded to model o t.itu". mi! ? ? . Ini howover, *.\ill be mneh m me modeat aod u we i in help you tn atfaln , ,|, i,, , .,. oi be able t" modal little terra , ,f . ? ? .: ? we u il! h- more Ul ci Ml ifled ln tbe iit t phwe parrhase s,.im- modelllng t""l-. ala "f dlBarenl >.i/"- and u cutter for youi it li alwaj aaai tn t aln wltb . Bw tooia. Von will then tind wii.t antta rou, whal ahapea yon prehtr, and whal v,.n raally i.I. rhe elaj you ?iii have t. I i f in a pottery . it Ibey du nol koep the i-'my arulptoi ' 'in. they w.n aet 't for \on. it la bettei t,, ,i ?? than tbe torra rotto, althongh lt docs not tln* ti, li a good eolor. if V"u attain U> aotklng blgher than qnalnl vaaea md flowerpota yom efforta will he of m,iii,: ?itt it rv. md nrtU, at all eventa, afford yon uaaaement Day Bfty pounda of ,i*y and one btrga ?.r,?lt in whleh to keep t nmM. Yon will alao neeii ii board to model on, and aod a sprav witii whli h iv v.,1.1 arork. i"r your tir-.t attempt yon had better Inka aomc almple objeet lo <opT. \ ibell i. i very good tkfng. Flrai tnaka your baao, whlrb la a uinare Inl pi"ie of oloy and then proecad t" batid ap yonr arttela orom tka bottom, iiuttltik- on pi". '??. of rlaj from the t.ic "ehunk"1 whleh you have phteed raadj for ? "ii tke top Dorner of yonr board. I'ee your tinitBtN f'.r ihis klnd of work, paithuljiiv your thnmba, aa if thoy ?. aonae anrl of loola, Beulptora often baks hol.l of the lefl thuiiil, with ihe rlgM liand and hamlle it BXactl] m if it weta "f wood "i m,-t.i. gkopc your "I'J". t na fat ,i- poaHlkle wiih thu Bngera :md at tbe laat ,.? loola to 'io the Balabing. w*hen all is Bnlahod and *f vi.ii think yonr work worthy ol preaervatlon take a troiu- lllieli ,.nd dmW it iio-. to lliu board Ikrough the baao. Thli will leave thc wbok: IhiiiK i|.ai. .uul yon on eitber dr' It in tke nv,-ii ot lou ean have it ttn-d al th,- potaary. if yon do Ignrea yon win nr-t do your ba-c ln the mi" any, bal roa wtn now need "propa,** other " I ? e|nv will full to pleies. Stli k two piee.-: "f \.,"Mt into yonr ba e for th" I".-.. and bulM them np aionad ii?: after tke body i^ on yoa will need an "titer broea t" rnn through tbe neeh Into the bead. The atin- BTC BlSO -lipi'il Hil lll like (BBklOO. PTOg for a hor b an artnngad iu IMb amy, with tba itlcka paabed Into thc ehw base, The baae anud alwaj i be Bwde Br t. aml every iikih-.' ihookl be baili ap, not down. when not oaofklng al yonr ii.n, it ihonld il wa\ ? he k"i>t iiioist; this i, gone by aprmylng it and 'overlng it with ,-. ?et elotk. Your rlay In tbe atone ?f"< k ihould be well uprlnkled every dav. aml covered arith a \."t , luth. i" do baa relief, make a t/ery heavy baao, ikoteh oa yonr dodgn wllh a abntp-polnted In itrnaaent, and then enl aanay Ihe tlay and add and tako awny iiniii yon got tke de Ired effeet. ai ii,.. [tallan phutor-raal ihop ln Ihe lowar parl ,f Ren Vorh roa roa ret rcrj rood rnodehi. Onee rUtVUIg " got vonr h .ml ln," tkom are numl.'ll"-- tblnga that yoa ean awdeL A Irleae tor a mantel la revj effertlve Deeoralcd ?Vraror-pola are alwaya aaefttl: aud if yon aend kw aome poreohtln i my you con make at.r nutabor <>f Bttle tklnp and have them lir.-d wltb tke Btaao. <>nc of tka praatleal Utlnga tkarl are evoe aaw in this line was a art of arfclie ehlna, whleh bod kom otnamented .. la laewvonnto .viilni wllh ad Borta ,,r , reeplna UOnaj" ?'"'' '" "' **? i""' ""'" Baad. Tha tnrmd ptOfCfl "f a -el CBfl bg bOaagbl Bl IhO pottery before Ihej an ired, Bnd eaa ba twaaaaented la any .\,.\ yoa 'hoo-c. Tbey are v.-ry britllc, aad maal ba han.lli'l with the BlOOlaal < ure. New-Vork has falrly |. wiltl for tlie mo-tieiit over oratiBe -pixms. ThCJ BN BOl BOW, but New V,.rk peo? ple have Juat found Uiem out and learned how dellgbt ful it Is to eat oranges by cnftlng tham aeross the ??"?im.tor" of tbe f.-nit and icoeplng "ut tba palp aHh the? galnty Uttle apooaa. Omoga apoooa are In aoek aaaaaod al tke peeaeol time that the largeal *trveMWttka in tke city bnve tound tt Impoealbla t. hcap a aapply of aampk* apoooa la .t?i!;. a- all ai-e sold licfore they reorh tlie < oaaters. The bowl i f th.poona li ihoped aae a aaaaatwrc sparle. with -hup edge aml hlgh -id"-. and thc linndle-. are ln rhryaantbemtun potlarn tn laala XV dealgn, wltb b ?eall p ihell al the top; ar thaa ars flnlabed with an artlatle oxldlaed aaadlc dceoroaad la ri'iii'f with b atlniatnre orange aprai and laavaa Tkey range ln*priee from ga t,. 94 eaek, aud when fumMted wltk i-'iidcd bowla tkey are ??i more. Mrs. I. II. M. aondl thc foll >win? exeellent rerlpes: Kor white fni'.l rake la'.ie one <up butter. two cups -HL.':ir. two aml OttC half cups llour. WfclBBi of BOVCn eggs, beatan t" a -mr froth; two loaapciwifali bakina powdor, one ponnd eaek ?f raisins, ii?s an.t bhwehcd alamnds; ooe-tourth ponnd ol rltoron. aUee laa rthraa Bne and ehop tae other frull and aimonds; <ift flour over and throngh them, and after ndxtag tha eaha put the fniit iu la-i. Bake alowly. Tor angar rooklee take one eap of lititter. two mps uf liKht brown asgar, tw.. e^'ifs, one-half cup sour ereani or mllk, OM liulf leaapooafal of soda, one-half nntmeg and Ju>t flour enoagh to roll. Kor botied frosting take Bve lahlBipooafali af mllk, 011c cnp of Branntated Mipar. Iioil six mitiutes and then beoi hart antfl it 1- both atlff and <? ">i enougb to apreod 011 thc rake. Flavor wilh p-tnon or vanllla. it i^ very ntoe with ekoeotota or coeoaaal oaka. Silk lamp Ihadca ,,f everv dCSeripttOO, gathered, arlth or plaln, are >mi aaed. The itiitci paper ahades, wbleb ona be bongbt aa low bb 10 or i". eeati ea h, are akw exeertlmdr eferttvc in pnle plnk, yellow or red, tied over a arklte poreetoln akade with a riboon to matek, and when Bnallr aeorched ran be eaalty renewrt. There are new fraate* for tbe Boehoshti bunpa and otber poworful barncra taal glve oal 10 mneh rtoal ns t<> be la danger of Boorehing a ihado mountod on a ordlnory frame. Tbeae new framos an far from the lamp ehimney at tho t<?i>. ao thal then: is a mfgclent air aaaca to arovool any danger of a ctnflagratlon. For IhOM who p-iint on chlM we eive the two aceompanylng deslgna tor a ronpic oi polra ,.f awaa tableta t<> ba aaed dally, . tu be btfd ..t aaoh h",ut of tke table. Even if Ibere are only a low toureee, a niHii alwaya Ukea to know whal be la golag to have. aiirl it will put him into a gOOtl humor at onec if he ?eea bla favorlte dUhei are torth.Ing. rake either dealgn you like, bi I palnl both of tbe pnlr allke. Al any "f thc ihopa where thoy seil nrttaU' auppUca yoa ean piirehaaa a Uttle wkrle porce laln p;ii"ttes. either of iii" oblong aquare shup.-, en wbleb llie. eulors ai-o greaad, or tha regulation oval ibaped palette, and we ilve a dealgn for saah ikape. 1 .. cupida ire palntad In pmkMi Beah eator, enWnod wltk aepla, ind the rlbboa Btay be either plnk or ,lii", j|?"lititlined With brown. The peaeoek border , ,,.:v rlrh "it", t if lat'-fullv dono; lt 1- b?st 1.. take a pearoek'i feotber and ropy it Bsaetly. Tka . crlmaon, with the red i'" di*opping from it. \ enrtoua rtory is related of one of tbe niost baao tiful aod promlnoni Biaanbtra of tt,? Buaafan **rtstoe ij,v, who la is weii kaowa *t Pnrla ns la St I'eters burg. wherc ibe ocoaalea the hoaorary osaee <>r lady In-waltlng to thc Caarlao. Her nna*aroas trtaada and arqnaJntancca are aarnra ol the fa.-t that ehrktoen montha ago ihe lost her only ebUd, a lovely boj af foiir \.ars. while ipcodla| th- aiituniti al OM "I Hi" most romantlc tea -uie roaorta an th- eoaal ef Brlttaay ; bal few ol them have any knowtnlga of the ctreum ?taneea aadcr which Ihe ttttla Mlow md wrlh lus oaatb. rhe Pihiueaa la 1 inpeeb nrimmer and dally she remalued for bonra In tne water, taklng "-1.1 de llglit in ao dolng whea the aea was rough aml the big greea waves tumbled h-i abonl, .auslng her t" look, wltb her long |olden balr unbound on boi Bkoald a?-, iii,,, :i ii,,i'n:iiii m a "inxc from aome old Uerman [eiceiwl. <?ft.-ii she would take ber little i,,,v w.tii ber and affkough he was rerj much Irightened, poor lltttc tollow, a l,*>k from ber sUfl.1 to make blm prangc Into thc rastlesa waloi wltk a reaolute eapressloa on lus oab pwe, altbongk irii ,,i tcrror gllatoned io lus big blue eyea. .'m* mornlng townrd 11.od of <>, tober tba yonna Prlaeess, .,, lompanled bj two or three gentlemen and ber Iit.Io boy, appeured oa tbe bearh lo take her both. Tho Ude waa ruunlng bigh, nnd thc wavea rose btnek aad frothy upon tbe ?aad* uaarely yoa're aol going to take the babj wltb you to-day " growled aa old Bsber man, who, with his handa In lus poeketa and . leleaeope atui k nnder hi- arm, waa attttng on aa i^verturned boal watchlug the atormy aky. "Yes, indeed, 1 am.' laughed the greol btdy. "Hc i- a ama, aad aiust ,,'..,,?? ,,, be plui ky." Hecdbraw of tbe wnrnlni potarad torth by ti," Indlgnant Breton, ahe iift"'i the ehlld In lKr ainis Bttd a-alked Into thc nrf. A amall erowd ul women, wearing tke pleturotque wMte eop M tae Brlttauj peaaant. bad gathei. al the tool of Iha clhTe to enjoy the alghl Droaeoted by the elegnnl torelgnera in then i.ti-'ht .oioivd botklng-sulU, dlsporHng them *elvea In tho wator. Tkoj tboughl tliat tke PHuceaa would plunge tke baby onea or twlee and thea take I,,,,, ont; bul a cry of dlamay aroae aa tkey -aw h.-r pla.e him on ber ahouMers and awlm boldly of, rlatng and falling with thc big aadnhttiai rollers, topped wltk white toom, wbleb Meaaad abonl lo angaH her. now and tken, betwean tbeir greanlah waiis. The boy, llvid wllh fear, was .'Iiinring de-|."iatcly to bet li"<k. when s,..i.i"i.iv thc aoilert Ikal thc Udo, whl,h was heg.lag to rcecda, oaa diwwtog her npldl, away from tbe afcora The ftjoecaa ojaa r?i, [he imminent dOBgar BDd WiaoaBBd aloti.l. ,.? men ran towort tka avorkuaad booi, Mad 5 rapidly down thc beaeh ood wlU allfkatty aaaaartcd i? lannrhlng it on-lhe mra lomiUtnona aeo, eolttni ,t ?,,..... PHnoa?. a. tkey dld m*, to-hoh. aad ,lllt 1hl.v u,i, eomlng." Bke appeared, hmvovor, to . lo-t all her prcaeUCC of mlud am. trtrt to rtota , ?,, boy. who waa ahnaal thiattftag bae la hM ,...?,? croris 10 maaatala ala boM. a toerfal e?pf*a ,? of 1 .-?? and ran awopl over berbeontlfnl leararaa, and. rra.plng ber preotona Imrtca by thc arm. aka vvn.,?i. from ber and bnrled blm away haa n,.,- Tharn, artthool otas tooh baklad laar, aha aanam Urward tke boal. ahjeb bad uMantadle COBN qaltc , |?,, ,,, her. Oae mlnnte amrc amt aka **ilgk| anvc ,, ,1 the poor, who had mah like a stoac aml wkoae dlsflgared uttle eorpaa was wnabod u bare Iwo aaya httcr. 1 -ne PHneOM ba(l for SL Petetsbure immediately after tke funeial. unablo to bear the borror wluck tke wkoki vlllage populatlon ?eern>tr unable to conceul when seeing her pass. La*t septeniber, however. she ap peared onre more ln tlie Ilttlo sea|iort whieh ougbt bl have been ?i full of slulsKr renu-mbraiices for her. aaa etabaal Uml the braakag uir af pariBBaav pluio was niost beiu-llciiil to hor. end dally BBS eonld ba aam wah_ag on the baaeh, aaaaaad ta the k-iwdj of dress^s und uceumpnnled by Ihe -ume 888*88 of a.ttniivi-s as of yore. wlill-t Ihe slniple-hearbBl tlsher taBaalag kar atth araa f..ii al amgaat, MaMaaai ". .-.ull oiher, aud mirv-ll-d al th- BttBT hearl.i'sM.csa of ihe Baaataa graada aaaae. Baa has keaattaa bbbb iier ? hild's ileadi and tlie abomlnabl" l~rt *he took ln B iliama whii |, is une,|iiulled In tlie aniuils of nioUier hood. Even wlld twast, aacrlrlce Uie_?elvcs for thair yotmg onea-not so, bowevcr, witli niotidaiiies like Maeam x. The preaent age has beefi called the era of worhaa and there i* uo more notabl.- feature of It than tha leragBflBM of tlie work of woman by tba Church la tho foimaUnn of the oider ol deacouees. or rntlier tba ravtaal af thia aaehml ordcr from tho old rhurch. The c undldaros for this order are iiistr.iefcd in arhoola in tht-ologliul dortrine, aa well a> in prartual liouse vVnrk, haahaam Baatfaaia and aaaaaag, and are eaaaaaaadj to paaa rigM aiamlnattoaa before tliey arc ftaea their certitii-atcs. TWO schools lor dea.oiiesses have been started bv the Kpisiopalian Crwtrli, one in Now-Yort und one in I'hiladi-lphla. Au exainlnat.on ln 9B0Rk\\ or UM <ertithate of a rollei?c or approved m-IiooI .8 aaeeaaary for adadttaaea t<> Uie Baw-TeiB eaheat, and w ith this must imaa a eeataleata Bam a phpahdaa tna* tbe appiuaiit i< maai in bady, aad aaaarem bareaarggHj man riaomiiii-iidiiik' lu-r as a suituble person. Tlie eaaraa of tkaology eovera two year*; and. be?.de* tiue* Iho stud-nfs are giveti liistruition in the hlitory of tha an. i-iit and modera rhiiii-h, th.- Malery of the prayer book, and leaaoaa bl UM OH and Now Teatanient. In addition (u tin* a regalar Baarae of politlcal eeonomy and insti iirtiou iu baakfag methods aud double entry BOOhfeaepU*g aru paits of the tew luiur. The lattor Inatraettoa is to aaabta gnduated jea.-otiesses t<> take eharaa of aharch taatltatloaa and atteed to tin-u- tinan. . manatieinent. There is afcM a 088888 8a hwagBfl kiv.'ii iu Bebraw poetry and reiniiar taaaoaa in eaafctaab i.r?k, eharek ataata aad eutaalailbal etahfabaery aro optioiiltl s|||,|je>. uf the mt stud-iits who liavo begaa work la BM aeaeoaeaa araael ta th.* eithi three arc rtadymg Beeek, Tho lera ol H-liool in-trut Uon beghM the l*t 8f tbBafMe and aateada to the ist af Aprii, but tha ateflsBha' lemaln in the iitv BU AngaM .. aaaethag bbaaa threa montha "f ea-h year |a aaratag and haepetal p*aaaaa\ Ihis glvea them si\ inonth-' praitha. work in tha liospilaN. The -tml-nts of this New Vork sihool nre ?abjeri to thc- most tbaroagk aaaaalaattoaa, and Maap paaalng them at ti.e end of thair two yeara' eaaraa reeelve a eerUftaaaa of their praduntloii and nre eittitied to have th- word " rtaaeoaeee" ln fan aagraval ou their earda after taeir aamaa aad ... eeaw tato fie holy work t) they have d-votod the.n-elvea. winio ao vawa ..r eaBbaci are ta**'-.. tu- apaataaal for I'lmi-si ni to the sehooi must Maaa that it i* her intdntlon to take BBOB h-ra-ll' the lutics of a ri"aeoneae as a lii'e wotk. A ie.1il.iate of a dea"'ii.-- is not glvea t" any one under twenty Iva feari of a---. it is axpeeted that a itaapta habM af eaay hiuo or of gtay, bnl BOt of hlu-k. will lie adnpted by aaeeeaaaaai in the Episcopallan (.'liun-h, though thi* b) not declded upon. Tbe Betbodtat Charab has g_a aaMMtakad a aeaeoaaM aehaal and bome in ths <itv. Tho matni.-tion is iiiiii-- I niifisl and tho uork is cluefly of a praitlcal ehaiaeter. _ W'ull dr.iperlcs are beins; made ln BBU h modcmt^ pri-e.l tahrlca thal it wiii eost littlv aaW8 next seaaon to drape wilis than to rovur tbem witli gmxl pvpi.-r. All atyka of andl h.incini: are simpler aa<1 l-"-- flam boyaffi tbaa beiwtotora, tbe fabrba b.-inR aaek a* aio siilt-d to honies rather than to hotel dinplay. soft, rlcb bangtaga ta tmall patlaraa are Beeaarrei and are in keeplng wltb thc Dkerataa aud Oaa^aMMaaa bir niliiro naw in u?e. A new tavonttoa fot pi .te. tin*; (l-e f-*d from damp aoaa is a beiaeaala" Laat, p-.iaiiv prepurert ao thal it is damp proof, rau piaof ui.'. ?now pi-oof. As yet boota have lie-n made I uly for men. but they. will, ao doiil.t. BOOa be made for ladies' wear. Tho soles ar- tnad- bv tho "old proceas" of tinnlng aud ,ir- extra tlnck and BrOBgi The waim Mghf aiagpati aaw made of 888) wool Rtocklnatte are taptiftalj Wi leomi in travclllne on the oi aaa ar a tam tho rouutry in whter. The arappar* ma.'.o ..f btaakettng nre also aaafal, and in roM aighta ahere on- is Baeetdaa* of beat m*y be worn over au oi<linarv cotu.n itown with romfort. Tliey ara ulso a 8000 to an tnvalld. Tho l.Iankets, to iniK" tkeaa wmpix-rs ar>- to be found In a prcat rartaty of pfala eotora with a-.nped boniers avid in j alrlpea aml aaabta. Tfc* allvcrr gmy blauketa with , pata btaa horders are c-pe, ially dalnty and pretty. The paaf BBeeaea Of ^an-ali Berr:^arrtt In her play j nf -ri-oi.,itra'' has bn.iight abont rhe iise ln milllnery [ and Jewalry "f lat-beaded ^"i<i?-!i asps. There aro many gaaay smrr, aad i.-iiiim.n- f,?: aaaU iaaaaa aat ; . mntrj i-tes -tdeh are thtakly |ea '-?<. tllh Pr.riMan gema, -e-ded with ix-aiis aad targaotae, h-mmed with ametbyat* or otber lewehi hke tbe jcweiled rubci wurn I by tha Egypttaa Queen. what is toveaar tbaa a aaallhM ahe- ^nng-.n; ia i tho nmHg? witii aome b-'autiiui ahaa growlag ta i*l ! liuskin tolla BB that iu the nacre of ehell* ia found : thc most beaalifBl and tender color* lu nature. and there I:. no shell more lovcly iu irldes-ent eolor, or ' more mgBUnUve of poetk fancv, than this m'h iliell. | Tbeaa ahalB are broagkl ta Baa Baaaury, rhiedy from i the Indlan Oeeaa, by and are *old at *1 e?eh. ; l'he Mitara mt the mouth of soine nantilui. iballs out I ,n apaa w.irk padbllil sona-Hme* iu *uch a way aa I to sUow all Uie rlmmbeisi. There i? no more dohirhtfiil tash for a genuine mothar I tluin buUiin^' ih.- hahv. as every oue Iciiow*. The | proiwr temperatara for a raaag rbBd'a bath u from :ui to 1)3 lihrviihi'lt. This bath shoiild bc iriven ln the atmalBg aa early m 10 o'? lork, before one ot the isiiular periods when the littie one 1* fed. Krom th? ,lav tho hahv t- l>.irn it sh?nld be a.-.-.istomed to thia bath. It -hould not lamafa Immersed lonitcr t! nl livo mlnutes. BotMag is more important in estab llahtag a striiin; eonatftattoa thm thfi practiea "f tha dall] bath: no sp.,nu'e bath OM tako Its pla<e. Make a practiea to ehaage *n tbe .hiid'* ciothiun at it* bath. Bvary arttale pal on it. if it is m.t perfe/ttj fr\-sh from th- taandry, ihoaM at laaM have aaaa ain-d tortaatva bear* preMoaa Lay aat a.i th- errtrtaa t.. be pui ,?, tho lltfl- oae before pet-Bg the bath re.idv. and baag a thi.k afaaaal inadu of hCdvy dannel before the Ira to beeeaae varm whlM raa ara prapariag the bath. A rabber bath tu'... whk h aaay be tofcfad up and ran ed la tin- traveUIng traak whaa aeeeeaary, ?"d expanded arhea ta aaa. Ii a aew tav*aBBm. Do n.d bave th- bath tae, ahaabar af rahher or tin. too full, , ,i BManna Un' temperatara "f tho wator attfe a thermoui.-t-r. 0B8 that i"sts Ihirtv eeala in a Un roae .s exaetty a- good *< the aaore ?aabaaaai bai.ung I? i iBimMter simk lu a t**t of araod. When everytblBg is ivudv tay the warm bathing ulaiitail on imn- lap avar aa aaroa of mbber iioth. .,, ,t aadreaa the bahy nui p"t btaa in ihe bath. Let tho Bnrae in araaadaaea baag up UM bathaag bianket ?, it wiii bo waraatag whlta the rhIM B m tlie bath, md lay .t ta year bm to raeatae haa atam it i* ume lo take I. m out. I.ift th" Uttl" 8B8 gaatH and qul.kly and aavetape Um InatanUy ta the f" of the bianket. Have s..:t toweaJ to ahoorb the moi-ture and rouirher touels fur frn tiii.i. A p.e. e of soft llannel is B88B_ f.,r prodarJag tae proper fitattoo. Dha aBa the palm of tho gaad t<> bmUm rapM aowaamrd itrahaa awt gaaf the chIM a graomaag. Ita baap daanM ba in a glow and if tt B a atmag, heiilthy .hiid it will enjor IU bath bagafy. i>" aol aapam BM boay <>i the rhiie lor tnorv th.'iii a iiioineiit at a tune to the air, and ua qnickly as poeetbta after th.- rabhtag put on ite ablrt md otber etattdag After it is fed it wlll soon Itfrop into a peacetal ataep. A haaBby -hiid, tiut ia ! (ed -ysi-inatl. illi at the -iimn hoiirs every day, will iisnal'ly tteep f.'iii- boari afbW thal bath, and aabo up at fl "'? toeh ta tba afternoon. ta a raue of hungcr. After this Is tha .hiid wlll be delii?htfully aadcabto, aad thia .s ti..- baM Bam for its diiiy outmg ' If the wiith.r p-iu.lts. It is almo-t ninusliiir. to ?ee [how caelly .lilldieu full Into a mechaiwBl way of tahfag their BBf8 und BBWhl at BBBajar l>eriods every Bay, provliliim thev arc ftxl with iindeviutiiig reguhirttv. BBd MM down ta thelr inbs to slirp at tho ?anie tlma b> tha cioek. gaeh ahBaraa win aaa, ?s iouk as they ?re WcU. requlre to U- coaxed to slcep, but wlll f.Ul a.sloep ul tho prop-r linio as soon as they are la.d m tli-u '-ribs. A niother who Iihs rearcd IIve rhlldren throagh kaaytawM nklMiaa who aro aaaaaaad'ei ?* dluiiieii-l.atty dltferrnt dlspi^illous as rould well have-can testify to tho pos-lbllity of bringlng tho most ii.-ivo.i-. r-stless ahfM under the power of system. Tho 1--S a is Iiandled aud fussed ovei Um battae for it. liko aii littie aataaala, in order to ,1,'i-l.U) t- growth it should be k-t alone and 1? uliowed to irrow up nataraliy, nnfoMlng its muM siowly ilke the p-tals of a fl'-wer. Nothuu: K iimre injiinoii* to u hahv than roinpltur roiiishly witn it or toaaing U up in U?: air: tbe uio-l terriblo d.seases ol the biaia may be traeed ta a* h ptaj fah A .liintv <-si-rit.,iro B nuiflu of baml>oo ln pre'.lv ifeBBM of browu, and is Jiist thc BUag lor a coontry gartor. it baa BM proper aaaahee af aaaafaaajaaaaa im- ink, paper aad ataae ahMfaaary. a front aaaal falU douu aud lvveals a leathor padded wrlting d< sk.. TbOM paaefci are covcred wlth natural. olond rhlna iiiattLnifs; more e\penstve dvshs ai-e Uei'iirat'-d BJ lapanciea BMajaat puneU ornameuted witli blrda aad towera.