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TRADE WITH (THA. DEVELoi'MKNT OF MINING INTEREST5. IMKJtICAM I.WT.STMI:.NTs IN A Nl.W F1I.LD (UnAN Oftl VOK PKNNSYI.VANIA AND OOAL IN r.PTLT.N PROTEOTEDCOKPORATIOlll MilLKTNU UNPEU THI ENfiUbH fho-nkcksmty POB Ki CIPKOCXTT. rrao.a a atArr ooBBa*roxDB!erorTBl retBtTB*** Santiu^o do Cuha. Ja.u. H.?Iron nnning ie ihe cewest ladaetry of this ancienl Spaaiah lown. i>ss than ten yeaiB BgO thc tirst IroB rlalm in thc monntalaa <?( Eaatera Cuha waa afflelally lecog li/cd. Now tiici" are three American eorpora tions toveloping Inrte traets of rich mining 'crritory, bnilding nilways to the eoast. au.l liaofting ore io rcnn.sylvania. The oldost ol Iheae conpanlea, thc Juragaa, lia? i>een in aneocaa ful oateratlon aiaee I8M, when lt recelTcd a aeriea ? f ttbeia] eoaeeaaloaa from the Sgaalah Oovernniont. It )\hn a uiost cMer.sive plaiit, rcpmcntini with the lnnd U investment of over $2,500,000. lt naploya 2,1100 oalneiB an.l railway arorkmen, haa a roliitiK atoek ol i,*nn cars. an.l reqnirea foi tlie tranaportation of tta ore a lleet of Bkrantfia T'wo other conipnnics thc Spanish Anicrican an<l the SlgOO, have been recently OTgan iml |gj New-VorU and ITiiladclphia lor work 111 tlie foothills ilankiri)- the tnountaiii rnnge. Tho importance ol this indtistiy, which has been ln IiIbBctb hardly more than six yeara, is ahowa hy the raaatiacfrial Btatlasiea fnrniahed ta me by Ihe Ainerican CoOjBOI, Mr. whoCC oiticial rvrviee here hr.e hi-cn execedlngly tiscful, and even hrilliant, cspcially in dlreetlng thc attention of Northeru eapitaliata to thc mlncra] wealth ol these moiintaii.s. Dniing 1 898 th?- iieii MC C* pnrted to the I'niled Statea amounted to 857,060 looa, with a vnlaatioa ol $".'-.199 09, and tne aaangantafj to 35,181 looa, valuad at g.l0?,0104d. 1 his year then* exporta will rcacli (l.bOO.OOO a? the loweel iBlli?ai lt is aaay and eoonomieaJ rninlng, since the oie is hroken up by garfhee hlastim.'. and earried hy short narrow-gange rail waya to n long pler at Bantlago, whew it is ?liimpcd like 00a] from the eara into th" Itclghl steatncis. Ii bj most valuabk ore, and tlic Baouatalaa bccbb, from aarfacc UtoacaUona, to be woQ atoeked with it. The poUey oi rcelpraelty as appUed t<> theae Sotithern eonntrlca ha? beea Bappoeed to hc re atricted t.. tha exeboagc ol eaeh prodnola ns Caaaot hc anpplled on one sidc or the 01 her ltra/ii, whleh needa ta intporl it- food Boppliea nnd manttfactured goode, ean prolll 1 n-cly by CX , inging lor three on il.e freeal lernta and with thc fewesi poaaiblc reatrietiona its eofTra, augar an.l rabber, wbich caaaot bc produeed in tbe I niieti Statrn. In the prcccni inatancc reolpro Uy baa a wider applieation. Tbe Iroa prodnel ol t iha, already large aml apparentty t ipabk ol immenye dcvclopnient. is bronght into a markct aupplled aml BometiaeB oTtrgtocfced with Amer ean ore. lt is not the prc.siac Hnd of reclpro ity rhieh bas been advocated ln Penngylvaoia i bul .t docs not operatc diaadvaal age ? ialy for Amer. iran UtttCieatB, as ean bc readily ahown. Ia order ro carry tlic on- frorg Cabn to t'.e Unitcd Statea a large flcct of Bteaacra has to i*e emaloyed. These rtmk nt lirst wenl back empty or with bnllnst. bal it waa BOl long before they were tak ir.F ro-il V. the Weal Indics. The exporl ol Amer ienn coal has 'iceii largcly iBcreaaed in this way, and ti.ov 01c ateanaera have apecl 1 lacilities ir oarryiag it aad ean afford to take li al low , "s rather than to go South wlthonl car>;o, they ?,, ai'> ly diapbeed Enghah coal in many of tl) j. ,-*u.iv. ln otber worda, while the Spanlah ,? i'iP tbe iron depoaita ol Eaatera Cuba are aa , .-rlaiu extanl oompetitora ol the ore-w >rkers ,,..,, I'.ied Slates. they BTC a'rso openinK a new ( ket t?r Pcnnsyhania coal Cuban iren oie upped to the American market ta.ilit'tcs the exportation M Feannylvonla coal to the West ln diea an.l net,vc eompetttion with the C.rdfT in laagrlra. Meanwhile, tne American iron miner is -arctceted by tbe tarlf and aald h.ichcr wagea tiian iha Ipaniah wartct employed in tne.-e monn tnins. The duty i'lil oa tbe Santlago ore when it citers ti.e [Jnited Statea operatea to Inerense the enrninua. ?f American < oal-miners and furt. a m:r>.in for blgher wagea lo American iron mlnera thaa are reeelved by the aame claaa "f a workera. At tbe aame time it doea noi pi .".t tbe employmenl oi American enpltal In <!. eloping tlie reaourcea ol I aba and enlaigiog t;? extiort trade af thc [Jnited Siates. There is one featire of this new* traflic with Cuba whleh needa pkaia treatmenl aad sharp etite'am. Tl e ayndiente eontrolll g the Jnragua ml "- eomprloea, as 1 am bal rmed, the Penn .-. . nla Sleel Worka, ol Steelton, aud the hem Iron Worka, both Pennaylvanla c, r ro atlona whose bualneaa has been Byaiematl II teeted and derel me I by tbe t irifl. I ? proafarity is wimiiy to he attribnted t" protcction t ,r libed hy American argialation. If tbeae cor , , t na Bnd it ta bc lo their Intereal to obtalo Btippliea of iron n:id mongaueae from < aba aii'l to make lar^e lnveatoaenta bere they ean al leaol 1 it their earrying tnde andei thc American Baa, a- i 1 ave their vcssels buill ln Amerieao Bhip yanls. Il is not exeditable to them thal they BlioulJ liave had three slcamcis buill in E - in prefereace to the [Jnited Statea; 001 ia ll paiii.tic lor them to Boil ti.e*' veageli and aa; u Bevecrtcen ebartcred itcaaacra under tbe Engliah tla^. There is ;. flne daaalay ol Atnerkan tnergy aa shore ln thc apening ol tbe nrdnas, the c.,,i-tr ictioti of railways ;.n'i ih?* ballding "f B plei at wbich ateamen ean hc kooded froni ore-cara arlth faeihty and diapatch; bul thia employment of an EnfUab fleel for thc uaognortatton ol the to the Tnited Stutes is to bc Bharply eritii is d. One td tiie large ownera lo tba mines is the Bethkbem Iron Wurks, wbich aapplica a large s,ia:e ol ihe niatenal for the new Navy. lt is perhup.> tlie lcst renn.sylvai.ia ootaoratioa Wi.*cl. abould be found akulkini on tbe bigh seas un? der thc Kngliah tia^, while eaploylng Spanlah nu:ier.> in Cuha to empet ? with Atnericin miners. I tol.l that these eorpoiatituai are plannlni t> buiid Bhipa ln Bnltlmore on .-i utrge aeale and 10 have Anawioao hjitoius in tiieir owo earrying tia.e. When thia ht dooe American cntcrpriaa in tj.e jjjouniaiius ol Cuba will he Bupplenkentod by Amfraan tBOrgJ and p,.t:iotii?m on ti.e ocean. Tbcaa mining lnveatiuenti* ol American capitai UlnatratB thc advantagca which Cuba will dori've from a poliey <>f roelpfoelty haaed upon n pei n-inent markct for lrce sugar. Thc Spanish (iov ernuient, hy n.s liij;hj;.' f!gVOIf>blB eoncegglens to tbC rennaylvaau pmi New-Vrrk Byndlcatea, has ]ir.. Baatcd the uevcloi'tiiciit ol these v**Juable proper ties, and thc industnal iet-ults are proving benc tii'iil to eabtern t'tiha. laUDhTfatiOfl has been 0000..ra/cd, employnicnt has barn offered to an rmpayveriahed popaiatlon, and the boaineaa ln terests of Santiti--0 have been powerfully aidod by mining cnterprice. Thc aame Oovernment, by ifipandlng lavoeably to the American offer to ne.o*iit.- an oquitable reaiprocity treaty grounded upon tn-e Bugar, frec Rour, aud rcduced impoti iint^cs oa machinciy. bardwarc and eertain of drycootls. will stimulalc thc inveatmcnl of American capitaJ la plantatlona and baproved machiner.v by which the cbsef Induftry ef the ia:,."d will \# readered vaatl) more profltabk*. Witat Cuba aeeda to lay is the rebrganiBation ? 1 its agrlBalturaJ ayatom bo as to aecurc more e<oiioniical prodnoUon ol its great Btoplca, Prce sa?rar, followcd by rceiproeity nnd equitablg ex ehaagea, wil! briag AJaetieac capitai and ui.. chincry into the hdaad. !1 rceiproeity he with lield ai.d tlie free markct lor BUgar bc doscd m H'.r;, Cuha will Ik- left dcpCBoVnt iijiou its OWO exhausted and paralyzed Haoawee Tln* eltports of thiK consular distri'l ta thc I'nited States tluriim tlie past yeai have been v r.' l.rge, oomt?i**ing S-'.oia.i.'.'.i 69 from Santlago de Cuba, 91,003,1 Ott 3a from Ouanteuani", ?1,3TU', 154 or. from Van?anillo, and $('t?.24!i BS from Snr.U Crua dd Suci; tntal, J.-i.lTT.O-t 31. The bulk ot this export bas tasen augar, of which I4a,?ag bagm, valued at fl,012,071 ??*. have lieen a*nt XnriV. Tl.?? n?\t lnt -???! ??\*>ort. '<??? lieen re, ol u b Dh ?' i2,21" tona bave been afa valued al 1075,091 45. The rem inl i e-porta, mounting i-i $100,299 00, have Inclnded 1 dl tobacoo, cigara, bidee, raaliogan; oedar, coooanuta. l">: i-v and beei? -.. 11 i nre pl intatl ma ln bia diatrict, bul thc producl doei nol Buftiee lor bome conaumption and tbere la no aurplua lot exportition The ore ii earried to tbe l'nite.1 S. ??- by iteamera undei the Ameriean flag . , -,..u ta ahipped lro:u ti.e (our ports, mainly i.y tailing veaaeli under varioua .im,*. tLe Ward ateamera taking this etaaa of freight frotn Cienl legoa and bandling littie of ll this end of tbe taland, The greal vol? unic of thc exporta la ahipped to tbe (Juated Stmcs, the ore baving taigely increaaed tbe auiount. Tho Ameriean markei is almoal ihe only one open to tbe producti' na of this qu of Cuba, Free augai Involvea Increaaed ti de and proaperity for Santiago. !t rendera neee ,i readjuatinenl of commercial excl .'?- on an equltable baabv If reeiprocity be refuaed by Spain tlie free niarkct will bc elosed after July 1, I89S. In return for the in-e markei f. i augai Spain is dow taxlng Ameriean fiour aboul 93 25 a barre] in ti.e interea. ol Ita own merclianta. Fiour ahipped from New-York ta Spbniah porta and re Jlacked ontcrs pra-ti. ally without pnvrneuit Ol tluty, an.l mueb of it romrs in tliii way. Tbe piistoms lawa diacrimlnate aharply againai Ameri? ean breadatuffa ln tbe Intereal ol Spaniab ir era who are to-day oppoaing reeiprocity from aelfiali motivea aad powerfuUy Inflnencing the bome gnvernment, The aame praetiee is followed in all lines ol nierchamli-e In eotton textlMa Sp-in ish aserebaata bave a marked advantage over Ameriean eompetitora Foi example, ealico, nan keen, aileela, wrappiaga of eotton withoul carding, and analogoua texturea with atraighl threada, pinin raw or dyed, are aubjecl t.> a duty of f 3 Gj pei bundred Idlograma il of Bpantafa manufaciure, luit to a duty ol SH '-'"' if "i Ameriean manu facture, The aame texturea havii g from ii to Id tbreada are taxed j-". U0 11 of Spaniab and 921 if of Ameriean manufaeture. The eompariaon mlghl 1*? extended to every elaaa ol drygooda, hardware aad general merehandtae Ameriean mercbanta are etpwded oul of the Cuba market. The tarifl diaeriminatea heavily againai the_a withoul eon ferring any benefll upon the people of the ialand, who are taxed heavily f"r their food aupplici and nearly every artiele of foreign Importation. Reeiproeity li needed la order thal the Ineqtiii able ronditloaa ol trade ii-twrrn tbe L'nlte i stati-. and the Spaniafa Weal Indieamay be readjuatetl. _ 1 N F. AMRRICAX PHTSICIAX8 IS BERllX. MI5ISTEB PHELPS'S EPTORTB is TlU'ir. BEHALF -THE K'" H LYMPH. Dr. y. c. lin M?n, iii" haa ju-' retnrned from o ii-1 to Berlin, abere lie wai mn1 aboul two months ....-1 by tba Nea Vork Pastcur Instllute tu itudy ihe Kocii lympb treatme it, tald to i reportei lately i "The prcvalllng loplc oi converaatlon among phyal lan* ln la, of ."in-?. Dr. Korh'a diacovery. More lhan 2,000 Amerl. >? \ - lan* bave caltad upon Mlntatoi I'helps, who hHs done everythlng in hl* powi ? -. men to obl iln i mpplj .,f li mph. Ma::y phj ? , ,.i::-. :? g pi hoaptlal ll thl* country bave been anabta aftei tbe mo t itrenuou .. .-- ;.. obtalii even i unall >-:.i I Iy ol thc remedy, and bave relurned honie dtaguated, whlle who repreaented no boapltata at all bave ob lalned their littl- phlal ol Ufe piecloui fluld. and have itarted for bome In greal gtoe witli Ihe de. ;?> found a hoapltal a. onee ? id thereby win a r . d a fortnne. Theae littie bottle . 'i-' fd ?'?" ea. h, and aitbougii tbey are aaM to boM aeveral tbou inje<U'.n.-, tbe truth is thut not ii...i ? than tbrej or four pattanta ran be taeated entb a ilngle phui. ?? At.-i- one baa obtali ed a pktal of tbe lymph inere i. no oertalnty tli-il ue i-mi "-i anotbc i ien ba wanta It. - ipp aj tbal mn have a man prettj i early rnred, wha . ui roa do if your remedj glve* oul Youi patlenl iv .11 aal worse Inatead oi better. Di K ?< ti haa glv. ? thc- M-ci-et i.f iu- dtacovery to tbe German GovernaMBt. whieh is nou maklng tbe lympb. Like almoal all new ramadtaa I lldnk tbal tbe vlrtua* -f tbe tympk havo i-en axaggerated bj um prate?doi Dr. Koeh blm igra tbal a. :? a*. ??'?- i< ? be requ n : ; , elfec. a permanenl rure. Thl I ; irilculari] iu tbe eaae <.f tuber. uk* la. Pi -i ? i i tbe lymph I i be alm I -i pai i : . I ii,jr . 'ful lll llie . -.f.i ? ir i foi -. h I have ?? . Ironi thl ? I -en - "i?T. Thc h..-;..:, allln 1--.1 vil'li lupu The I- - ,., ;-.: ? [ir. Ko li 1 . Ilen i . tl.- l-ani.. i , .;. itij add the do. lor ln Ih ue itiueni nl i M ? ? Hi" pavll ? l . i. .... i .. Md rn -i f ab-iul 100 --;. iraie nbmit the ground . Among ihe ln iltutions wherc i ?1 I 'll 1. li.],: !...-.? I I ? i I I. ' i liartte llospltal, wbere there nre Hlty j il : . i ? .. , . -?' ral f'llnle. a hei I I .. ii |.-n..ile iiatl ' li are u ?'. I Ihe rare ol l>r. von Uerpmann. l wa* al the aloablW Hoapltal almoul ? ?? .;,'. I..-I.U1-- they had better faclfltle* (. troatment th-*.-. el*ewl :-. Dr. r..:!..', *rl extremely liii .1 lo Ameriean phralciau*, Invli.-d rrn t. Ilj. pi if .re l ].:,,. ?, u in-i-e i noied *omi -V -!!??. ' from tbe treaUnenl applled to nevere ? ?>-? ol lu iiili-rciilo ?,-. I odialned a small qua tt , a ?? of llie New ^ irfc l: ?? . 1 tl e ii'i d Mi'il-t.-r Ptielps. I ui !-i <taiid tha. Di lilbter ?i:l nae I. In ronnectlon wlth othei rwtnedlee i llie trt-atfuent ol his patl ite." BR. WIX8T0S AXB HI- PMB80GATITE. From Tba Cht. ag . Poat ?-I i ever bear aboul tbe m redne thal bedgw aroun I ,.n a:ni.a.-s ui.,;,' - i.u .1 muvb-iravelled < io..i-,.. ? i I llie pi- ei.i i : -, ?that I do nol thlnli ol an Inrldenl lo whleli i .a anobaerved wltneaa. Vou ..ll remembei tlie broa*) I I ? , ?;.-.: tbe path ol urea! ? ?. . ernl IVlnston, when u- ui id? lll* l.imous tr:]i fl I'I igo 10 I'-- -.h I. a Xea York, London, laiis aml pretty mnch the , ? nt. lu. you remembei it: of . ourae. n -? ,f me io aak. Vou may nol kuow. bowever, iardi now mark thal path ,. <i tha. the toiis have been Increaaed?bai this by tbe way. i i rlianced one daj aboul tlve yeara ar'> to i- itanding ni a ralli.i tatlon I forgel the uame ju-i wlthlu ' the Ki-eu. h border, A traln from tl.thei ild. rulling in. and from one "f the apartmenti vlcpped .i must dli.tinguit.bcd looklng gentlemaii, his sirong nace adorned wlth b heavj gray muataehe. id Un physlque he waa, tall, eroei and all tbal - irl rd thlng, and ins gtance. whlch swepl the atetlon llbe Ibe iavs ol a poBccman'a buil'a-eyo, auj ob*erver p. Hlng t'ie Klightesl Imaglnatlon would have llkcued to that "f an eaglc. Well. after aweepine Ihe < prettj clean, the glance !-!l on a bvramid of bai , :. and thltlier the mllltary-looklng man wralked alth that graceful l.ut ronllden. trcad Ih* i., n ,-. the p ? ' >.-'? of an old i an palguer. Ju*l reaebed tbe pyramM ? cuetom houae ofllci un.form took hold of a trunh a^ if to open It. The ? pj looklng man touebed him on the shoulder and In Engllah badc him drop tbe trnnk. Tbe otl who did no. apeak Engllah, na/i-i a. Ihe mfTllarj ,"?.".. im; ni,,n Ln an. i/.-iii. ni. Then be ahrugged hi* shoulder* and made a* if t<> carrj the Irunk away. Bul thl* Ihe inlliiui looklng man wa. averae to and ln- atated hia oblectlona In exeellent Engllah, to whlch th- cuatom* i.ili.-i- replied wlth equall] e_cellenl Prench. From wlicre l itocd I uouldn'l hear all that n.i- -aui. bul aeelng a half-doxen offlcera attractcd bj Ihe debate run np Ui the patr i approached A I il .I - . I heard Um military-looklng man rxchilm: ?? -i t-il V'.u tbal I mn ii-- t nlted Stete* MlnKtci to Peratal Can'l you undemland irood plaln Eugllshl il afteiward learned iln.* th? mllltarjr man never wouM bcllove thal any one aa* so uuii aa nol to understand p:.i,n EngUsh). l a:n on mj ?ai lo l'-i-.n, and vmi have no rlghl '" ' ? * Into hiy Im--.-:.-- I'm i n ?? gler, And what'* more,' he added, as tlie offl-cr m rounded the baaeage -.i"l grabbed icveral plecea, i I ivon't bave vou looh al it-' Whereup n ha aprang on Ihe top of Ihe i;'. ramld, and, brand I manncr thal an'ggeated lo me bra? i: d. ? k Dhu, played ab ?ut him ? ght vlgon n-ly ai 'i i > tbe dl*mas of the offlcera, who Jiimped thc : il- and danrcd , ||| a- I '"?? I ' '?? 'l tin il llldll ? ? Hnger*. Ponld thi tmerl. an e igle have : a-onid have -. an cd hl Whai u.iuM l..i- been iii- nuiconn liud ind the ? raptain of the of". -:? . ime up a. thl I < an'l ' s.,-,, When thc 111 nrrei i ?- had i eei . ?. plnl *1 : .. ara* furlous. and wa aboul to lead a eharpo on Ihe n.ilu :ri 1 oklng man, Inlo whoee f.???? had r. ; ,i, , f loyi n- antii ipalion, lioucht ii'i' i , He did *o ln i t i i*i wliai l-i-'-"' by aui-h ronduii Tlie mllltin |o i man replied thal he wa tbe I nlted>- Mlnl ler to . ' nui liefort- he eould -'-. fur.hera.thi raptain : :,i doffed hli I it, I m d low nnd ?? I ,,;ir,),,: ii ?? i.t U-. looklng man. who *ra* none ! other lhan Ihe bi ivc '?? neral W n*< imped down ,? i ia, s,'ii it mis all rlght, thal no harm had I done. and dl?trtbntlna * me monei (?> Ihe men " I-.-?? knnckta* he had whacked, he wa* <l rected t-. his hoti I. -? , uuln?;.". i -i. folloT ed uitii'.ut da . **. i/,\u UVED CAUFOBS1A JXDIAX8. From Tbe Battnai (Oal.) Index. Montarey County I* bocomlng famou* Um world over for th- remarkable longevit) ..f tome ..f iis aboi i bai i.'uiiv A fea montln aam -The Index" imi- iii Bceonnl of tbe Ufe "f old uabrleL who wa 151 i.i.i when be dled the Iflth "f atwch laat. oid '.. drldis -..ii. Zarhartah, by his third wlfo, Uved nt year*. Tbaa there na- . aalano, who dled i fea k-.i.-s ;i4>> Bfad 130. Aiiotli.-i- Iiallan nani.-ii l.auiaiii dled at th- County Hoapltal <?n.?* fooi yean ... ..; ihe age ol no year-. Tbeaa an- ull well-authentlcated . a.s<-s (few i-onn's an oM nutlv- ivoiihii linoiin ns Wi-*. Otarta, wir> etalm* tbal ahe waa twelve year ' a-k.'-- at the time of tlie baltdlng of tlie 'iiincl Min-inn lu 177^, wbicb would make her 130 yeara .>id al tbe pre?on.t time. The anrlant lady Mv** vvlth reladvew over on tbe Cannel, and haa i-etalned her mentoJ fctrenrth and phy&lcal vlsor ln a it-markablc d-crec CHRI8TINA. HKR hINDNJ>- TO THE CTGaJBffiRAS." Madrld Jan S.-Qneen < rtatlBa ol Bpatn haa marvcllouily IncTeased her popularlly by het ?yrr. path tl itl toward t prreree' when tbe 0 hctorj at NaarH, wUeh : try Bre tbe other rka v thi. ealamtty wUI ba undei i ? -i ? |, ttoted tlial the BW Bei il the ?"-" ?.?,,( ,,:? ? . r for mpport on tk i ol (meei ti , i] Id io tbe gMi '': mMn* rlgararttea, .ntl r destrucl I the lactory I avea lelv wlthonl aa ? <"?'??'. '? ? I, tbe most terrlblo thal >"<? ,? Mad ? ? lagnHude and In II ,. lt waa impoaal le l * Ibe tke Bre Bepartment reaehed .:?. p| . too late to tay Ui. prosreaa ,,f ,i.. . | t ? whleh bad taken full po??? ?n ?f |he kUnc Twentj foar hoar* el d overy of the Ure by th- pollre. al " II ? ?? roa"* -"? ' ? ? ' tlie Boartshlna tartorj .,,.,, ,., ,'?, irotind bj tbal time. rhe la one of thi ' lun iue (t iturei of Madrilcne life. aba P proverblaUy coodlooklng, good liuinored, and Joal a* .lansy and inorrlly Impud. I ,,,,. ,., ?-... wi, .mi ahe reaembfca very mm b. Her ittlre Blthonfh coarae in texture, la well pnt on and alwaya Inemdea a imarl red, blue or i II "? itlh handherchlef Ued wltb exqnlstte an ob her dark ,,?,1 liik) tresaes. Her atep la oulrtr. and aprtahtly ? He : fnll of what the Bpaaiard rall ugi U-la.'' Vet the pretty ? etgamra" li the m ol " little pera .:i ln thc world, worklni from early mornlni llli late il nlghl to malntaln her parentt *o long M .li,- la iii yle: and when ihe maitlea, whleh iha ? ,,., early age, toUln? away wltb I . ., . to aupporl bei band wne laiy ntly her boblea. Thouaand f theae I n Hi l rrcal " kft ,',.,,,,'iv unprovlded for I J I ia fearful i ita trophe. tnd ,,ii thoae whn di pended on them for their dally ...... threatenod alth i '"""? Tluj , ? rltlea dlspUyed a irreal deal ol energj and alao mneh aympathy wltb the aufferers, tba Lteutenant .: ol Madrld belng on the ground even before ,i?. nremen The Prime Mlnleter and tke Home _. .. . | .. ? uoartt .-. and all the hlgh olbrlai appcarcd. one after the other, on the lecaa ?f ih.iflaaTaUon. More lhan 10,000 aere ? .i ihere u itel M lawnt i l P "'?? bm all eyea and hearta tarned ln another dlreetion when the crj waa ralaed ln tbe CalleOe Meaon ?.!-, Uial "the Qneen ' : , wrlnjrln* ' nged the H yal ? irriaaa, wi and tie irlother of ?? :,- they rall tho 1 lerhearted I Ti?. , . . araa rerj ' '?"' ,!" """ fare waa plowlng with plty aa ihe atepned from her : !?.,?? and eoml I I icene wb an rndeeri ? t : > ird. bi ell , .;. and tke heni ? , would aavi I und ,. | .. ? idlng up their chlWren ?li?. hersell rryli r. bltb at I when the wa* al laat reluetantly all ra-ed bo depart * ?- waa (ollowed by aueh ble Inp ??? lt la aeld >m the Rood |..r .?.,. ,,, aovereigna to heai On the morrow i dopnta lion romi.d ol flfl ? I ' '' "'f " I ,!?? Royal Patice, for, ai the; saJd, they ; en f-i ber klndnea* and implore lier ,,, belp tkem onl ol their mis. ry. Tl.try on rruard refn i i to allow tke talr dclegatea lo pa i in?> the , airtyard, and a vtolenl Blaena wbleb waa, bowever, rnl ahorl by tbe appearan.i tha .,?,',. ,,f .... . eerctary to the Clvll fioverner. ll.t srord to the Qw. II al a depntoUon ol tka araa rrai Ina an andle. from her. .'.. r came almoal Immedlately from Hei M |i tj eotatii.nmlttee ahooM be admltted to ,?,. and ten elrl* bavlna been c.indii. ted to the Qucen'i audlenee : ... -. a. i them a lovelj HtHo b v ol ila .: | ?.,..,( 1....U eyea and i irly halr, as a ty.gve orphana ol dead elaar ahoareeared foi io tenderlj bj Qneei i ,:. the < , ., de-i arldad (llon e of i barlij , rlo ? by tke ?,,u mlned loboei ? fartory, nnd wbich i irrowly e ...j,,,! betoR abw burncd down on the nlght "1 the ,., Bagratiou Her Haj< t> I ok Um ttttk boy I own rnotoerly arma aod kUaed blm lovarol Umea, aaying to hia em ptured aunt, wbo waa ilaodlng t lo?e i? her. iheddln* lean ol dellakt, -What .. dear Uttle lei]... , wby, he U Ju l the ii?e ul the Klng!'' ? .,,.,,1 ?? : and told llie a I it a ?? I . : ..-.. 'i iUtn m rhej what ? aod . ? ? Pr I".? ,.,:?: lo li'iitie ii- added that thc I had opeiiod a :' ? '"'f "' "'"ir I . numeroua mad i I ? bo bad ,i aitlt . - .:? ul 10.0O0 i '!'- an a-Iili (iii: buted. ai tl t tke i ? ? ; Her M B)< it) alth - u b i i . ,ii entl. I '' "h '?'?" '' ? " ' ?''"'""' ared I ? on bor hand i I ? | with mni ? I thanka, and repeatad th. ? of love ut I ho ,,itv wbleb had I upnn ber the day before. They then furned to ilba. and tbeB] ,,?. have || ate futwlloi an r ? . . .I- lay. clgarrrra I ?. "graol i aa from tba i u rei ? ' ""?? ,f'?' '?'""? ,.?! the worthy aeeretar) tha ' rerjoyed Blria. wbo al . |j , i-i- ii dclighi cbarmli B lo witneaa, *? You <l n t know t...w ^.,.,1 'i !" ;,i'-': ... ai.d klnd. ju-t liic- one ot ? ?I,. not to ui." her in oui a * her awen ?. ? n., ,,) ,:,, urettli ? I-.':.???? oi llie Intervieai u? ,,,. . i ? . v sal ./.ii to ti," Hie eblld ? ? n'?1 troubled bj ib) ?,.^ for he ?p ????' ' dmlJ and r. Ileet."dly, II pl ,l,0 U".i. tliat had been taughl hlm <- nneoneemeills a, if he wen talklUB to lu own inuther. II* aald: ra, i , :. . m M ..? ij foi work ( .,? ,....' mday Uiere :.:?? nve -'.""" ni. n like ni" wh liave nothli t > ? ral ' Ihe sove ,,.,,! ,.,< iu thi* b) aaylna thal itl had already Indured ,,,,. ,,.,., ;::: mt to roiillnue to paj tke clfarrera thel ,111 -,,:, e i i i been taken to provlda work anew lor them. I,, me meanwhlle tke nuthorlUea had i.mittod nn bckiiowit i ti:- Queen a alighl blui.der. whleh ' ith ,,,,. > , . ? . re ??: tetl vcrj m u b. . j thal :> l>odj "f over -' 000 ? Igarrerav had t . i ti, ? itoyal Palaee, thej aenl a detarhmenl of ,,, i,.-!, rdet while tbe Umrhlna Intrrvlew \,,i [.?':? the Qii"en .',:,i the depntatlon ol pirl u taklna nlaee. The offend?*1 rl(ta reraa turned up?in the n ,i .?,,?.'? tii in ":. !'!???. their mlnda. i ryina lhat th, ..?.,,... 11 ?" rftjji h ?a~ trne ,.,i . i. f. the polnt wec their argumenta and , ilnperatlon. thal illeroa wlthdrew wllh it mn mi:j-. |ookln|i '? '? md,"<l of tln'in : ? . ii- tl" tkarp toi i "i ,. ?? lio rep : I tl "'i1 P? ? i l ilirlatlna ii i ala i b id t: ifl ? i on of Iwr ml. init th" nianner In whleh ah* has behaved ln thia ln ? ? ? ? llngi mi" poaltlve adoration, Rf.fl "i t'i.-' ul thi r nnt-v is beyond ? | ? ii . an i" ild "i- wrltten. HOW l'i B !'? !'?'. UU8BAXDS. Krom a aymposlnm In Tha PkUadeipkta Thaca. ? ii,.?- |.. manaim huabanda i" aald \lr-. Krn f?ea lt .,:.-,,:, Bun ? ''. the aulliore?* af " Little Lord 1 itunl ,ln8 Ihe ipiesllon " You mean how to managc Iheui i > make tln m happj I lu mj Jiidi ur a, r.i rled i ngle, ran t>a m ide : " . ' .. ;? . ,,. ?| |.,.,. ? i, ippj. i I ii" une ran eompel ti lo be hu|'i>> whether we will or not. Our ? or iinhiippiiics!, >? iii ' cvei drpend largrh upon uitraelv.-a, !,-i ,,,,:? kurroii idins and ?? ir ? on n - ilon. I ?? a h i| they may. You remember Mark raple* ln Hlrken 'a novel ,.i ? Martin I iitale* II ' 1 ?u know hia . ? at l? ||fe wa I" 1 ?? ' Joll.v.' H Be rall id II un !??: adver e, ntly to i.i.i ?? hlm ,,-H |n Uu n ? i ?! "" alnu Itn .ti" ? poaalbfe ln bi nrive thal u nian maj ' ronmnted and bappy m \ ;,i,\ . ondltioi if ll" onlj wlli. '.. in niat led i ! . aa i everythlnB rl e In Ihl world, there la i vi tv thln -' rlfbl, and the i erj ii? i-'uii'ii iii" iouiib ina.I Ihe j iung . ',?? future marrli ,l i riupio Ihelr llnt I ? irly rhlkll.d. ln rnoal f d,e , ?? ? laniati I i proi ed a fnllure, a , lo-r' i':\' i.. ii-"ti will ah'.m thal tne huaband nr wife ,., |M,ih lt ive never re. -I ed i pi p ,,.. ,|onieatli ' I Md i-'1 TtMcA on Ihe I ;,, n .,i. i |m or her h ippj Thla n itlon, i.i II r|f, . . ? ,,, |,app in- ? "!" n ii or woman ? I down aud v... 11 to be made happi bi their i mJiiRal nartner nnd lioeomea nnpry with ihe - ,:,l partner i,,'. ni" i," ,:? -!"? d.ara n<?( munufaetiire Ihe reainlred Hiiiouni "i hnppl.? will i h -ii'.n lime derlare mar ,'.. ., ?: I.,'. ' relief ln n .1 ,. hleb in iv ti"". ba i ea il] obt ned wi,.f'xUtKir.U?"ho^' natuial dnmestli taatai Imve i.n d. and who l;.i- otherwlae i.n prop ".. irwini^i '.'ill have very little troiible in maklne ., home whal ll ah.l be, ?nd one nl the areatrai nf ; ,, ,?,,,,,, ||, - i li ial*and i- to make honio ii'?- mo*t atti > tive ol all pkie. - tn blm. ,. A | sl i- i"iu ol tu . broihen In law, one rirh the other poor. meetlna; after a kmB separatlon. ??'?llou- do you ipend your evenlngat' aakei the noor man. 1 ..., ih ai tln- i lub ' was tne reaponae. ?"At the ilui'V eaelalmed tlie piho man lu a tone ?f ii,.,i, romnilserafjon. That'a not nite home. la it V ???N,i. Itideed it i- not. thank heaveo! If lt wen l kttouiii never go.' __ ? ? iiai" btc rountkaa nicn like blm who aeek tne rluli aa s relief fr <tn liorr.e heeanw Bkrtr wlrea go not Unow how t/> mauage huibanda by amklnc hems at iractlve.** Free* From Lime and Alum Royal Baking Powdei Is thc only baking powdcr yct found hy chemical analysis to be free from both lime and alum and ab Bolutely purc. This perfect purity results from the exclusive use of cream of tartar specially refined and prepared by patcnt processes whieh totally remove all the tartratc of lime. The cost of this chemically pure cream of tartar is much greater than any other, and it is used in no baking powderexcept the " Royal." Dr. Kdvvard G. Love, formcrly analytical chemist for the U. S. Govcrnmcnt, who made ihe analyses for the New Vork Statc Board of Health in their investigatiofi of baking pow dcrs, says of thc purity nnd wholcsomcncss of the " Royal": ?? I find the Royal Baking Powder composed of pure and wholesome ingrcdients. It is a cream of tartar powder, and does not contain either alum or phosphates, or other injurious substance. (Late V.S.Grttaumist) "E. G. LOVE, Ph. D." Prof. Lovcs tests, and (he rcccnt official tests by the Vnited States and Canadian Gwernnuttis. show thc Royal Baking Powder to bc superior to all othcrs in strength and Uavening power. It is thc purcst and most economical. LONDON NOTES SIR HENRY JAMKS AND THB W00LSACK iiii; M.w Jl'DOF T.. ndoi. f. '. The rlevation of Sir Henry Jtrut - to the I'l'i" aa ? Ufe Peer and Lord <>f Ani*' il i Ihe eloae ?.f tlie polii eei of oic of i 11..s- populai ? ? ileirni.-n "i ibe dav I than twenty v-ir-. I.,- baa aat i - llon e ol I'ommona, where I- dittingiiKhed himaell bj li - .|, M ri- - aa well a* i,v hia Invai I ? i t. Iii-. opponente. Wilh tbe tinglc r i -\ ni I Mr ' liarlea RuareU, ln- i- '!?? '????, Npeakcr nnd i .- moal aaceet-aful croaaexaminer ni thc l i..r, and hi* eminence aa o lawyer waa n i-. Mr. Gladatone iu 1--''. when bi placed at hli diapoaal the Lord Iftgh < br.noel'orehip Temptin^ aa w.u-. thia offer of Ihe irreate*| oflioe in fl.e gifi ol the Crown, whieh earric with il i aalary "f s ,o,n il) i - t-i-r, ,i peei .t" ind i ?? . ' ? vt t,. Royalty, Nr Ifenry .i?'im-i it on tl- ground ol hia conaclentiou* tcruple ooncerninp, :he I Rule piojccta of Mt iJbuUtone, and preferrei! l forego tbe wralaae- rather tbaa t.. give hii aion to % policy whieh lu- eonslrtered t., be wrong. I iini.irric.l, handaoBM and powwed ol an ade qu ite inoomc, he la a tniver?l fav irite In - Alth itigh ihreard an I pr ifound aa a It, he fcivea one thc ininressi' n ol lieing a oreature ?f Impuiae ? man ol deep emotiona and ol much warmth "t heart. It may be onlv. ins mannar, t>nt if so. it ia . gularly mi riaaful oounterfeit, foi it ei to all. and eapeeially ln Ihe cron ladiei rnlp London toeiety \\ iel ol hli popularltj among mei la altrlhntahle to tin- h(\ tl ii beaidea '.:?.. ? Brat-rate aporteman himaelf, i ?? proviilea rscellent -p.irt f..r othera. He Ia tl..- 1.?-.?.? ol torne capital grouae Dioora and deci [orvata li Scotland, >...m.:<s heing Ibe propfietoi ol arell 1 Rtor-ki-1 i'.ivi-!', iv it inu an <-.i-v diatance from t?w n. The moal accepl ible lonu ol hoapil illty t" an Krt i liihman and the neareal t""i to hia 1 Invite him. nol t-. dlnner, bul for i few dayV ihooting: and when ln ? Iditi m I i the hoat i* oble to plve evldenee oi thc exrellence ol hia ceUar and >.i h - alull ~ r, bi luceeaa ui Engliafa aociety i- aaaured. Nowhere are theae clalma ?.! Sir lli-mv t" eon ?iiWratioa i"'->r<- wannly app.lated tlian al Uarlboroach H o i >???. and heaide* havina the honor ..I entertaining th- Prin.t Walea everj year, botfa al iii* toarn houae and oountry aeat, ;, frei|iienl and arelcome gueal al Sandi n m Sir Rolart Wright, who haa |ual been to tho neat on Ihe liench ol the lligb ' ??_??' ol .1 itlee 1-lt vacanl bj thr death ol Raron 11 iddle ?t?n, haa the reputation ol belng aa niuch ol a wil and aa good .t repartce aa ln- predeeciieor. Innumei .i.i" atorlea are tald ol hij ? with an anawer and ol hia imperturbalde aplomh, ii .. poaaihlytobiaIriahorigin, Ononeoc ialon w lie nt Oxford he waa iummoned before tli<- Dean "( Balllol, the college to whlch he helonged, for the purpoae "f heing cenaured for aome infraction of tbe unlveralty by-lawa and regulationi I ? ? Dean, like moal college done, waa exc.Ilngly pompoui and careful ol hia dignlty, ...> well aa ol hia iM'ii..t::il appearaace. Wright looked ti Dean well "l> *-d down wbile the Intter araa delivering bia ieeture, and Bnally Interrupted blm iu tin- uii'i'Ho oi one "f hi? mtoel telllng perlodi i.v remarking eonfldentlally : ??I know vou will exeuae mn, sir, but i thlnk von rnnnoi lie aware thnt youi waltl..t is Utl bnttoned " Completely nonpluaeed, the Dean was onlj able t., -.f iiniii-r OUt: ??ull. ihank you, Mr. Wright So vrrv kind -.i vou. I mn aure. Oood mornlng, good mori ii dne ol tbe most eeeentrie wllbt ever llled for prabate la I?al of Mr John Noble, the well known manufaeturer ..f raroiah, wboae aon, Mr. Wilaon Noble. thc Canaerval ??<? Menilier ul Im llamenl for Haatlnga, is married to the dau ol Mr. R. 11. Dana, jr., ..t Koaton, the nuthor of ?Two Vean Before thr Maat." The will pro \ nl-s thii Mr. Wilaon Noble is t.. have an in nual allowance from |he ratate of $;infono Thia j>, however, t.. i?- rednoed t.. $20,00u a year \\ lien t-v.-r he i* not in rhe poaaeaalon of a aeui ln Par llament. Tho worthy varntah maker, there fore, piii'ti-.-illv Impoaea a Hne t.. the amount of yio.OOfJ ii .vi'ur npoa h.s >"ti whenever the latter faila t" win his parllamentary eleetion, !t ia ilotihtful, however. whether the Court ..t !'r inti will ,-i'lniit tlie valldity of thia queer atipulatton, Innamnch aa ll glvea Mr. Wilaon :. direct pecuniary advantage in a inning his arat, and is conae > nl -, ui tbe ti.iinii' "i > brlhe. Ureal preparationa are heina made foi the eele hr.iti>.ti thia i immer oi the nlnth jniiilp.- or 1.50th ;.iiiiiv..imi.v if the f'Ui.' "ii ni Kton f)ne ol the princlpal featnrea will lie an exhihltion of relira ennM*V*\ hiatorirally or bj asao i tion with the rjoJlege, and all i nl portraita ol eelehrated Rtoniana \t tl?a 1 ? tt?r incliide moal "f tbe famoua atati imen and % -neral* wlio bave flgured In Knirliah hlal ?ri ilurin^- ibe four centuriea, tlie proii'i'to'l exhihltion bida fair to be of an e\ tenaive eha?eier. .1 LB880X IX I. Hl'. Proai'Ta< PHleaarg Dt*pat a, A fonng lawyer who ha* been practtoing al the i,;ir for ninvirti ilir-o or fcmr rear* rerelvsd one I ma* !..>?-"',t whlrh li- dM ii"' appeelate It araa a :.;i" rii-u^li praaeat, bat w.-il. tae ahole itori bad ;.ii told. un ri.ii-tniii ? laornlng .. me**enin?r boy brouahl t-i Um yaang atlorney'* boaae i package done up ln hrown paper and Ued alth verj lnelfcn*lvaIoohluH Irtng il- .iirrl'il th- t'l'i.i.-- inl.. the dtnuig-room, wli^r- hl- wUa *al nt breakfa t. and ?he ?.f ."iir -turteil up ^IM "f exi i"-.ii- nl and *-nr-i.?-irv. In fael it wu- -lu* ?h" too* the bread kalfe ai d < nt fh<- ttring. Her band* removed tho hrown paper aud ani >vered tha Innei ikin of wblte paper lealed arlth red wax. \ card i I'la'n rlaltlng eard, aaj thcra. Tbe foung lawyer taa It. and beaven preaerva aa! bhuhed. 11)? ,-ir.i i."i- the inii'.' of ,i i lient of hi- aooae ..i.^ in- h.-id eoadaeted laborloualy amd expetwdvely t.. il-fV-1' - whai toai ae aaaaa by lendlag me a preaentt" im n-.k-<l -Tii- I-i*' ""1C '"' *?' '" "1V ofll. e I f-lt in rllnod to plt?-li him out "f th- window." " Perh?p? Jae want* *9 make up ar CnrMmas tlnip, rtfar - Me tMithr haU *uggostcd, as she proreelert ?.. rly uv li wll. ,: atlver hairpl i. [n ? f..vv s . ? ???."?? I '. ? 1 '" tt .:-'?? The arl ? ? I tlie bo >Us up ;,: ' ? tltle ? i ' kston '-. C imnu i I vol I. wa* vol. II. ?? ivbat lu thunder doe* lu n i i ' ? lenolng me thl- '" ' , . , ,, i ,.:, ? i ,t ,'.-! i ? ..-i ..!? :-,'? said he. meeaiy. . ' i for m --.'l i,i. witli ? . ? .1 m v. .nl- . ->?' I ki "V- whal thal foot i I,.., . , ? ? ould t 'iu i me tin iidlmcnts of law, il ..,,. ey to do IU 1 tbooghl hu . ? uie " ? -?,?--. PHOTOGRAPHIXG GREAT FOLK. .-(iMi; OF MR DOWNEY- EXPEBIEXCES From rhe Y-'V Mall - ia Ue -Youit p-t i I : righ one o I . ad r :n- - ' 4 Bi ?' whlrh 11, ,i voimk ?nan waa ... i;j/ ipher. Kv ? :? *? - ?'? m*J ? i nuin. Mr. Uow ney I* thc grand oi i i,,-_, ; ? : ? - IU* pro v foi t\ year H ? ' '? - ' '' 1":i iM-rual lu .. - pl ' ' '? ' } '-:i - i, _ . . . prliu-e* "f ihe prinr. -i I 1.1. peer* . f thi n alni, v. uul ?.. ii ol I' n- ?. ?. ?-??? - ? t baauty, prlyato .lu-t ii'.-i. whei . rx -p i v* <>l %-.i- i' ?-;. l. Lon ol <.i?'?t ?> -i'i''- of trtumpha whieh ? ' ? , ipher. rhi ? - ip'i . no d< i u. li -ii -i.'.i !??: IiIm famt- on ihe w< _ h ? ha ,:i hl? fortv y?ai* ol ... llve i i-. and he *tlll Iwpe* to K tlie rh" rollowlng are note* of a ronversatlm whlch a rep i. .. nl itTve had wenUy wlth Mr. Downey la hia eon ? iu Nevei ii ~.. ,, , ,,; hi-. _? al ucei ? ? ??? - tbe " milinj; pli"t'> Mr. Downey -nv- thl* i- ht ii.v \,.i.i--iv nn n "-' "? raalon* *t miiiiv, .i trave und .?'?-ii lolemn mlen, aa if ihe i i - ...i ol i hnruilett - len lll. II Wltll - ' i . . i?vi r nf a do. ?UI - plmmed bi hear tn.ii i ' ? 111, .t ? ..... ? ?? Hc niau ? - ? . Ila <t|l i ;. .: ?' U , , ..... . .i Mr. Downey ? d .... for i ? d . ... , i, ? , i- iltei .1. .uul the poi ? -i. though i ' ? ? . t iwlnn t ' tlie , ,! . i::i. ?. Mr. Doanc) ralati - Wlful .?!? . took n ' md ? . Mi liowuey, '. i av - 1 . ?-,! '??... -.1 ...:,.?:- ' II ... ? -llt. i . ;> i ' f t>, ? <,u-.. . . ,| -; ? I ' ! ?: |i - - \ -i ' .?:-.!!.mv lukeu ?'.I ? ..-??, ? I ? - " I ?' ? - ? - 1 ' ? IU i M ii"' ?' I ? ?: ? . . ?:? l >? photot?nphi bul ih ? li -I ln : ' -I tn il i. h inie in. ii . ? mt 'i I-. ?? -t I i i ii,,n wii i Mr. D ?v ? ?. ? I . - -i ?. -I -i . : ll ' ''!..- .???: - i:l I ,i | mlll lll I- .1. ...''!. . I'ii :? I : n ..? v l .?? ? ?' I ' ? i ,pp,. ,,i io I. ' Into the v\ Ind >r *liulio wlie M IHiwnev v. I* al worl ?'.??? - Mr. Downi-.v ?howed him the I'li't- t ii' i. .i'.'1 ultluia! ili ?? ? t i i urrj :i" a} :i ? op> ?? ' t hli Ind you nld t wv|| r-fu to i '???? ii"- mn ??? mol lier, i uM \ ou !' a*h ? i Mr, Doa nej. pjcthet -,,,,. int-ii lu ' ? to having II air pi.rti ili ' ' ' " It l? a . s|irr|. , ,,f \ inlt.i '?' ,..???? I--. nl:.ii- p?<'iilr. and we owe II !?? Iler thal Mr, 11 .a i ? .' ? well i i ii |ih of iii- I ? ?? .1... ti ? h mi ? d ? i,.. || ral, and, aftor niu< It p-1 Hiiatl' Ihe lcn*. whlrh . thi. i ivi.,. Mr al iys a d indv. ?in,l ,,;, ti.i. ,, , i i ..i lie i 1 '' and n p iir ,1 llahl hltifl ti nt ? T*. whlch was i i . ., ,, ,i ii, ? were not .i Dl7.t> ...', ,| ? . . t ,! ?. The ra u. romlnti down i littie ' lien n./i .tepped oul Into ih,. ki >unil ' '"ul'ful lil-u-k velvi-l .".it. 1 ? ? i, ln pival f,.,,. , ? ? if ii- ..' ? ni- I.- uil iful il irk v h -' ? i upon im umhrella betna ln i.i ,.\- Iiii i ? im :? ll. u ? . held over lilnt. md M i-ionil ? ... p-itlve* v ?- f i ? l> i:-? ?' ? ? ? ? '? .1 l ? trv ..-???". '.ni fur ln thoan llve nilniitc* Mr. Downej t,K>k ? ii ":" ;' Iniiumer i fioii i " i. * 'Id, aud lo thl ?' '' li.iv, thr di .i and Mr, i ? . the ni">i p |iul ir craph of i -''' '? i ' i " -' ? ?:? ; ? ? \ i ?. . . ... ,., (??..., ... \ nili ? i ,i ., ilt, and thal J r. bl raeU only ic for hl rra_ UM. . I.."-'. ' II I I SPOIL8 WIXB. Prom 'I ii- win i ran i- ?' liry ?? \ i i j-, i thul ii i- '? ? imiMj -i. -:i,-.l the nttentlon , f I'-. : - ? ' ? i to the il our 'i iio." Kiild .i |. i-..t \ Iim vard ?' i ' en I.v. ! " ? ? Ihe vlnej ?rd , ., ?? [Movi - - "f f-' n ..:? three typea of nu ? i ' ii" ' Hai i' ?? e niofh,, n appcur-i, thrlve in d ?' '* :''"i bj t. ontlstH lhat the moth* lay unih*, wldch feed on ih<: funnold thul i. .nn- "ii the wlne vol* n i ? i uhl. i hc li . ? borc and forin* gull irlea ln the rorli ,,"ii- i t., ii- .-! i ,i I thriMiRh the hole-. tlm- fornied iir ...:,-. ii.--- i" tlie vvni". ipolling it in numy lu lan?-. , !,?? i dlflii iilty ln ' .i'i. s n lue. hu ? i- >n ln ob i.iiiim k :. siipply of |.-i!" ' ? ork VI I :. t ?_? , pcr .Ita, after i-xamlnallon for liin.'s-, are r-J- tcd. \. ,.,;i ,i*i,i. ?? .ii . over) ol Ihea ? lu .iii, an L'xamlnullon .f ?overal bla* waa ,u tho \ r, ? .i ri . - tl ? .1 ? iHir '. Ilar are i.> aay danip ,,.- iir n|.M . we fonnd thal the rorka were perforatref, .m.i thal ii. -'i.- ra*e* tu* wlnr ooxed through them. Moa .?- ni" Irylng .? method to >t .p the Inroada of \- ?. leJilng thc . oraa ln hot wuter ?ii in brond) thejr are .hi.-d, and when tii-i are ?.. tii- botfle* Ui- top* ni" coated with .i U\-r ,,f parufllne ?? prerloua to s?-:ihiiR tnen wlth ordiuaiy ->..i\. IVe hope b) the uae ..f the paraflna und I.. -i p i'i ? r >\..-. i ..( theae in .. tn. : iii" gruh* n'.r ir >-.f- feed apon tne wlne, bat ilmplj n," Uie rorli aa .i plaee t.. depmli thelr egga, and the roating may posalblv prevent thelr mfranre, Thia method of manlpulatlng n. ? eorka bj wortliy "f trlal by ..ll ..f our Callfornia wtnegrowera, nnd If lucceeaful wllJ matenull.v aid ln promotlui; their Interaata, NEXT BUMMERtS GOWNa BEAUTIFLL GIXOHAMS AND OTHBB COT IOSB* uie aew itagkataa or arpkyr elothfl that now , rowd tn- ? ... ora ar': rmparted i lai early, wttk atlor ilmple eottons, btwna nnd bamls-Bamvel*, t?. ei.auo women to Bnlab thea rimpls *owlng gtarlng Mic .-'rol aaya ef mldwtBtar and la tbe amet ?t Lent Tho new coi otis an *il la perroki Inlsk; tne pjooi mhaej thal erere foi'.t.'Tiy a parl,,( raeaa Baodi beva aarkrahy dlaappeared. Tlie lepkyi elotha are. Bkaan ?*.'*ny iti ttrlpea and banded affeeta bi hmU iIm and pro Boaneed potferne; aand there are atany hu*ga boM plnlda, wbich will bc mad bv bo Ihe Maa la a oav !;,?!? ilmllar to tta wooi ptahu* rtow bbbb. a aete worthy btature of tke new glngha*ai la ihe aaa 'if rkene or "prlnted yarn" eauei . io ralHd bsaaaaa aaeb Unes and Bgurea me prlnted ln the yam. betnte the gooda are woven. Thia prodaees ptaida ln a rariety of de I ite . ilora, Ikrongh wbleb iklmainrakj ; : ' ..? are tet n, Tkere are also many brocaded itagtama; plala rtolct, dtybiue, bomespun blue, plnk or pak* okve . _? I'rewn -vi h Bowei b ,11-. acotterai r with vlolcti or otlu t imall bloaa imi la : . . d with plaln brocaded dots, ol tbe -./,? ol rnarbli i. M i Ij ttoted tl igh imi are itrlpai i rh gaj ttomau => rlpe* in ?> mcdfcy ol ataay aofi i-'iioi's. La, ? ? ,1 embroktered :..;, - and Bgurea , ::iin Introduced iu tanc) Btnuluma, though tkoaa Bre ii" longer ln thc majoritj ? ? l Ual year, bnl are raiher the excepUon. rhe nuw iraHfyl i mattcr In thc new ? ihlbli la the po* llon ??? t upieB by Bne amerli io gtnghami or icpbyr eloUia. .\t if> i tnti -. yard oar n inufaotnrers bavc pul la markct -rbam equal In quality to the Imp irtcd aoo ' ?? 40 tent-, bclua tlxtoVn bnndrad thrcada acroaa, tho wldth ol tlilrt]???'?'. Inehes. In deUcate aou*er-llke g and In beanfy and freabneaa ikeae sjnabama |, .... nothlng I" be deslred. Tkere la kssa itralnlna aiter '??'?- l Ifl tbe p itl m i ol d.tath looaa thaa it, thc Importcd etnghams; and altoj ? ftlBg* bama are a bopefui dga thal oar own Bianufactureri have leornod that, In order t" produce tke moal taato fni effects, pure rolori and ilmpllcity ol dealgn are to be preferred to outro, atrlking ikadea and itartllag Importod tdngbonu oc aepkyr elotha raagaj from *0 lo 84 < - ' . ard. Th" rottona ra tt ln popularlty to Bne gtnghami are Uie ifadraa rlotha, b |*ooda a ihwle llghter In u*obrkt than a Kingham; and the aofl flnlshed peroales, whlei ?ra ihown rhlofy In whUa araonda eross-ba d vi:!, dellente uona of rolor or in Uie emafl even itrlpea whleh deolera < <U "tepe sttrtpeB*' from their altnUarity to rawa of top'* bUd on a eolored I, These rool-looklng rottona make 'he raost rharmlng drassea far rhii.ircn. Th<*ra .,,-,. ;ii.,, pen ilea flgured wltb *.vlute polka ,i,, i ranaing In dae from ' b pea ap f> " gs, whl.ll are -,. clOM t"?ether tfcol Nll Uttle of the eolored gronnd ihowe. Tne Ind that already almoal tho entire leaann's iwdor ol pa haa been dnpllrated by one of tka largesl Baajera i, t'...,' |.ht ihowa how popular tkay aea Parc ,,f roae-plnk, blue, mvonder, elaar trag nnd dark royal Muc are oapaelally popular eolori in all rotton dreaa c-^-. The new perealsa aad Kadraa rlothi .re Kene Oly -"M al :?? aad K cents a vard ln thlrty two inch width. - !? ii i tieviots Bre a heavy weave of t*ottoa gen? emllv naed for ihirtrng, bof Ihej.I me aervtreabk- dreaaea f<,r htdfea and ehlhtren. In Ita llirhtcat ',ui.ntv. wnleh i- aboat tta texture of a llnen duck, tkey are 30 cents a ynrd, and In tta benrior ,,. .,. . v. th dlstli ? ? I ?ki t-g gnd the] ir 10 eenta. i ? aaaally inade in white wtth I ? mi iara of eowr and oecasl mally In darker m itnn i. \ ?? i white < bevtot In Hth. r In tne beavter or IU woar baa been very popular f * b ars' iblrttngs. I * ausc it baa a llnen Bnlab nnd is exeepttonally rtrons and durable. The whltc and flgured ehcarlotB are daa usci for pajamas. The popnhuity of lowna Of*tandtes and all the -h<vr muslins nrflleb were d -ar to tke ??'?! "i.'.tii'' - has ,i?aln re\ivd. There are BbO ' iny bnttBta A* Ita i-'"n''ral Bkoppor has a veiv lOaMflnltC idea of wkat uie torm **batla*a" appttea to, aad aa tka torm i* Indeflnltoly aaed ta siemfv any abeaf gooda, hn??ii or cotton. It may bC well tO explalt) tliat a < "t, mn baauda la ji roods that la a Uttle ahoarar Hian a rambrle, but benvier than B lawn : while a l.wn. thounb partly franaparent, is nol as tiimy aml ganaj aa -n , raandy. All thc - tranaparenl and partly iranaparcnl ffOOdl f'Ttu a lar.--: part of the BOBaOa'B supplv of B0*> tona, ??.sara la gosrar pattarnB rteewa ? - '. arklt ?: . ?? ofton attiped by beavter Unoa, loe?*v ln aome oaaea . md tn ottan a eroaabar. smaii and rnedlum dealgaa are ponarnllf Importoi. rhe new ore-andlea an usually prtated on iark or medinm-ttntod (troaada, and ire d -" ? I ta bc niu.iu up over unlngi and akirta of Inexp illk. ln tha r?| ir "f the fl* ? i-.i. La ? - - iwas, ou the mntrary, ars- nol akeer aaouak to nead meb alaoovatioa ,.t iinlng, a -af- taodel toe all theae UgM gooda * i atmlgbl shlrt, borderod with a eluster al thra , rou iron tron runlea, or att* one aider ruaTa md ,i full aurpMco or a long walstci roaad aalat ..nd tuc' . full ileevaa In gigol fa*hion. Ti.e-- i,. over tbe srrlat betng Bnlsbed wltk Bortng Hodl i roldi ry. A dalntl hwrc i baunlaette, I h .. embroldei d collar, Barlng al tta potnta ln front, will be ? vn with bianj of tta aew lown gowne. in abuadanee "f velvel rlbbon, ln Baa, rleh eolors, . r ,.. . , . fad '' tlnta, alll also \?- Baed on thoad i itrapped trtmoiings to tta walal (koldlng , .... thal a conformi lo the la at tl Idee. ? . (ll- ariil be Benerall) ti i l . .! i?.'.,. .i 1,1 ?-.'.? ..;??' of rtbl ? ? ' . ? ,i tne new col ?rs lo H - ? - ,?It ape, allj to matcu ii- cotora ol tbe rol ,;?,,;. batlate i id Perslan btwna embroldered la ?,..,'i rosei and oUier Bo ?? - ia Karlanded bor .. [,.,,.,: ired wltb '??'- ;':"' lll;: , with a I :-' ':'' '??''?'? ,;:'''1 ?" 10"''' ," yard i" "tha f?r enUre g an i. rhe laO bodlia i.f the ? i uutiin i- tiM.,t for the ir? Bni-died with ruffa and narrow Itown la mad ...... ,. ? ?? ne - own it. t i.- -an .? 1 ..-? ?'? ' *Uh ilni ??? in th" , lo.sdlea rk puitorna , dl.d ?? bl u I. tlmes -i Igea with ",ur- me. I .iir,. ii? ,? i - ??: "ui ,. oi her lawns are emhio'.dered in open ln>li bolni pat'erns t" tbe depth ol ilire< eiishtbs of a ynrd: l . ,|? . .,,,. tln shad wlt eniatltched bem a ?? ?,,',, , . | .... i ta ao dlthtull 10 . ttinder. Tiu re are a !'" tiwna ln I u ilf vard ' 1th pla .'','"'?? f .'? ?? ? i .;,,., ,i, :..... i attern ral. .\" It. rii ?-'? plaln lowna v.lli niake u:> li t ? rharmlng :?? t,:.??<: Kowna. Tlie new tennl flai nela am iliown ln wool with a mlxtun ?'..?'?' ' '? I!"'''' " h\t,.,,',. ? . ', .' ane ? d ? otton whkrh [g lotd ?? ?' ? e a Ik and wool nld be 'i *a|red In aud 1 (thi w. !rIK tar Bihkil. dreaa-'a. rhe 11 ,:, a vari 'tj .?! even .1 . ' 1*1 wtth wh i". li ' .'l ii ? ?'-? ; ? BihI wmIc .."?- ii '1 narrow one* to ' ' "' ' "' """' , ,, ,::. lli, ,e Itannels ure tlilrt; Inehes a ,M ? , .? n yard. w ol win '- Bai "'.- <'??'' mlx luiva of cott m md u I -? '?'? ' '-'?'' '" '" '" ' J > Whtto all wool flannel* BnUbed wltti ;. plaln hf?m ?Uteh ,1 lie... ,.i" fi "' ?' ' ?', y ih ?' '''. rlm and h. .thej ire #1 i ' . lAlmoraN and for aklHI; -u ln buv hrulder .1 with blark, with rold r : r pr with red. and i.i rett md ' ' ,..- ,.;?"?'? :, ?. tlial rhi* eml.ii.Men ?an he torn ti? u ii ii etl .i .. i! mnce and ibe -Mn m <t" up the resular wa\ ui btva ,",N' ?i'here l, im so-r??d ,l,;,n':" ln '"'' ' ' "nbrolderleB, r.,'. , ..', . u i". .'i ?'??' psiwria . ither than for wore open il I new . ,,.,,t ol .. narrow henv i I hed bem, aa ih?v ?',.",.,. lasi vear. ?? H l? ''?und that this bem la apt to ";. , . . . nol .- i n - s acatlop. .'er'it-ie to Lord a Ikylor and Jamei Md rccey .v Co. un i.M/'s) - Boa/g. prom tka Umd w Telegraph. . ... ,,j ,| bellever In th-* dbetrtne of aietemaa "?.,. L. rgudame llroehard. >'f Vouvray, near Toura .".:,. rerentlv. I ''?''" all her i.iej t i Ihe \a*laUnee ,..',.,,,,? [W-purimeiif. rhe wl . . waa r n EitAn'l.1 tlic dlslnhcrlied relativc. of tl. eaaeal lady. .,? tiiielr ?.>-" whleh ha- con.n before ihe ?'rl ana *,Vai t-ourl 1"''. to aome pe ullar dlseliwnroa abonl ?I,. te t itri\ Madame llro?hard, who was a wld ?. iHiiievi I tlrmly lhal her husbiuid'a m?uI had pnaaed Into ,i, ? Lodi "I an oiniilbiia-horae. nnd the anlmal in <|ii?-a tloii wai aeeordliiBly the oblect ol her sperlal \.a il,,n an.l evw atfe?*tlon, >li" had also vtalona of tha i>.n,?i', il desrent" from heaven of one of her relatlv -. wliom -ii" bellcved to be enftaeed In fulfllUi i I i humble bul ii-eful functlona <>f a poHtman n*r tlie roleatlal hlerarch.v. Like ih?* Poaltlvlala. Madame Brochard had a ?peelal rull tbr greal men <>f tbe paat, whoae apirlta ihe frei|uentb evoked; hebl Imaglnary ronver ilion* inth them; and wrnte from ?tn-n- dlrta* Uon soveral profcmnd phlloaophleal trcatlaea wkleh are not rieatlned to S-" ti," lik-lit >>f publleatlon. .>iher ixrentrle aetlona were related ol tbe teatatrla, bul tba iiidees li ><! hr.ii.t i|tiiie enounh to noabte theni to Btaka up tlieir niin.i- ou thc queatlon >>( tic valldlty of her btai wlli and teatament. Hfidimt Drorkard'B hdn have WOB tkolr 'a-''. tunl BTC 1" "tit.-r into ti.e IJ>?* aoaslon ol tta property "f tta dofaaci Ltdy, "h,. haa cortalnly lUstanrad by h,-:- extraordlnary dociiinm tke bplritualisw of UJ ? or any oll.t-r .o.o.tra.