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AN0TI1KR POLAND. RUSSIA'S CAMPA1GN OF TYRANNY IN THK LAND <?F THE THOUSAND LAKES. st. Peteraburg, January 3. Europe is to have another Poland. Such now M-ems to lu- tbe fate of the Grand Duehy of Fin laml: wbkh la no longrr ealk<l a Grand Duehy In-ro. bnl a Provinee. r..r the paal year the Caar haa i?li*'il that patienl and loyal Und with every smt ?.t ir.'!? and tyranny. Faith haa heen broken ind Juatice outraged. And to-day eeea rn ? whole eonntry ln ? gtale "f anarehy, phi ei ??'? amuaement cloaed, tbe newapnpera prlnte mourning rulea, and ? Ruaaian Army masalng on the frontler. Any day may provoke a desperate revoll againai Intolerable tyranny, and then?or? der will reign ln Warsawl Tbere i> now abao lutely no crimlnal law ln Finbtnd. The penal code haa i.n anapended by the Czar, although be bimaelf approved aad prontulgated it a year ago; and none baa been pnl ln its plaee. Thc admin latratlon ol Juatice la therefore ai a atandatill, and thr- eonntry la aaved from ? perfecl aaturnalia ol ? - e ' nly by the i ici thal tlie Flnne are Ibe moal moral and law-abiding peopk on tlie face of the -loiv. The tronbleg of Finland lirst aasumed a arriona aapect early laai aummer. It then lajcame evl denl lhal tho wave ol Intolerance ;.n.l tyranny thal waa iweeping over Ihe Empire waa nol lo ?pare tho Land "I the Thouaand Lakea. Ruaain foi tho Raaaiana waa tbe order "i the day, and Ruaala Ineluded Flnbind. Tlie flral atep townrd iho Ruaalanizatlon ol the Grand Duehy wai the nalfnatlon ol Senator Mechelin, the foremoal Lib eral atateaman of Finland. Technlcally, be re siencd. ln reality, however, ho waa forced onl of ofBee by the whole power of the Czar'i Govern ment. liis reeignation aent a thrill ol conaterna tion throngfa every Finniah The preaa and poblio of every party jolned In Iributee t.i his worth nnd expreaaii ns ol regrei al his retirement. Bm tbe ofiicial organs bere openly rejoieed, and aald tbal a greal ohata ?'<? fo Ibe Ruaaianlaation of Flnbind had heen removed They made no eecrel of it. Tho Ruaaianizatlon of Finland waa to be aocompliabed, by falr meana or foul. Soon aftei tiiit tho ?V:ir and Czarina wr-nt or: their oanai inmmei holiday to Finland, and tvert received wilh eoldnew. A Finniah ainging bo dety vvcnt- t" arrenade Ibetn, and -mg aome of thc National aira ol Finland. The imperlal vMtora aent out word to tbem, "Slng Ruaaian ?onc<." Dead rilence waa the anrwer, and th-j aerenadera mawhed Dw'ay withoul another noto. Beveral ilmilir Iiicident8 occurred, whicfa appar pntly only deepened thc Czar'a deterinlnation '<> croafa the apirll ol the people. He aoon decreed that tlio Finniah praial tyatem ihould be merged Into thni cf Rnsaia, and ih it the Finniah posta-ie ?t-mpe ahonld be forthwilb rcplaccd by Ruaaian He was led to thia stop by an iiuiiloni whicii gave him greal peraonal exaspemtion. While hc w ta erufcing in hia yacl l along tbe Finniah const, he ono day wrotc a lettcr. and atan.! it with .1 Ruaaian poatage stainp wl>ich he had on his writ |ng r 1' I ? ln .,"?.-: wi sont on aliore with i' go ns to Inaure :t going ny the hrsi poat, aa ii waa Important. Some houra afterward r a retumed i?T thc Imperial yachl with Ihe remnrk tbal Ruaaian ige ?-' impa were no -.1 \i\ Fii ? Inml. Thia made Hia Mnjerty slmpl; lld v th rage tnd he awore th it> 1 thenceforth '1 noiliiiu: hut Ruaaian al nips ii Finland. Accord ir.gly tbe deeree wenl forth thal Ibe Finniah p ttal aerviee, In all it* dcl liis, wa* altolisl - !. an ? purely Runaian acrvicr iuhatitutcd, Russians )>cin- sont to man all thc ofli.-- 'I liese mon wi rc ignorant of the Finnish Innguage, nnd could nol read the addreaaei 'ttcra, and so th ? * i aerviee waa demoralized. Nol hall Iln? I.-tt ?: - errtruated to the |hw! waa dcllvcred. i-:;.! when eomplainl \v.->n made, Ihe Czar ivplied, "Le rn !. . an, tiien, an-1 addrcai your lettera in it." Thc queation of unifying Ihe cuatoma aud eur rency ayatema ol Finland and Rttaaia baa a!v> heen under c naideratli n. Bul ii b> not t.< bc M-tilr-l jual yet. To aholiah tl- exfeting Finniah < al >ma in faaror ol a Cnetoms union with R would prove detrimentnl I ? Ruaaian Induatry, pn tceted aa the latter is from Finniah competltion hy the exiatence ol thc Cuatoma frontler. l"i:i induatry Is in a far more ileveloped ftagc . i; ;. ol Riisaia, and ln the e*tal?lishmenl ol - 1 st ima unlon, Finland, and not Ruasia, would bave tii<? Uon'a ahi re a reaull wbicb tho Govern menl al St. Prl raburg do nol for nn inatani . intempl ;??? 'II e eurn ncy queation 1-- for the time Seinc t-i io abandoned, for on due cpnaideratlon ol 1 ii perplexing matter, M. Vlahnetrradakl, Minlstei of Finance, i. - ti.. concluslon thal Ruasl v. nld nol he the ^ainei by the aholition ol thc Finniah eurreney '- favoi ol th it ol Ruaala, while Fii li ?:'. v mld I* greatly thc 1.r. Bul tl - ii. il leri ma phaae of the whole mattei li the 1..1 ''"'l". For eeveral yeara the ???*<'<??>? I nrorked on thia code, and when - imp:.-???? I ii waa a masterplece. No eonntry ever had 1 better. Ti.- ' ? lined it and cor . approved it. and it wna decreed il ? g ,'.| g0 into foree al the heginning oi thc j,,,...- 1 ....... 1; ? |o! Withoul warning, a few daya ag >, jual before < hriatmi s, in fac-t, tii- l 1 1 aent forth a deeree annulllng the nea code rhe nriis ol Ihh produced Ihe greateal imaglnrible eonaternation. Tbe tla?atrea and other publie plac a were el aed. Fl u - were raiaed at I all maat The more daring ncwspap.'rs pul on mourn in-. and mauy miiilatcw prcatlie l patriotii aei ru'.i.:, on tbe aubject. The Ruaaian preaa, ol oourae, were quick i" seize upon theae thlngs aa manifcatationa -i dialoyalty on the part "t ihe Finna, and compored il with thc anarchlcal eon dition "t the Kingdom ..f Poland before break ol the inaurrectlon ul Is''.-.'. The abuslve languaae to whlch the Ruaaian preaa givea utl r ig on eventa in tlie Grand I? i< hj v\i!!, iii'ii'O'l. only tend '.. render yel more an tagonlatln tlie antipathy between ili- two nationa And now Finland preeetits tbe unlque apectaclc 0i -, . real r ii "ti withoul a penal code, It is ol Intereal to make n brlel letroapect, t.. underatand more perfectly tne relation of th. Grand Duehy t'> t-e Kmplre, and t. underatand how auch a ealtivated and libera] country as Finland comea t 1 be Bubject to the away of a much enlightened country ?indeed, ? eomparativcly harbaro 1 country?like Ruaala. Finland is a rathcr larger eounlry than Norway, and is one ol the in".t la?autiful rcgiona in tbe world. Ita population ia aometlilng l-.-s than 2,500,.l. The raal maaa ..1 tlie people apeak Finniah; ui".ut IS per c-nt apeak Swedlah and a few lonly tome Bve or aix thouaand] are Ruaalana, ln tbe towna, eapccially, a gieal many ol tbe Finlandera proper i,!v. apeak Swediah. Swediah waa for eeqturiea tbe leading ktnguagc, ln literature aad ehtewbere, and ii :s only during tbe latler ball ol the preaenl century thal Finniah baa begun to aaaeri iteelf. \t preaenl it mual be aaid to b ?ld aboul the aame pogition ,s ^.-'-i-.' I ? union bftween Finland ;,,?! Sweden, ll ro gfa the eonqueata by tbe latler country, was grtwlually elfecled during tl"- Intici portion oi the twelfth and the greiter portlon ol 1 ? irteenth century, and ll waa allowed 1 1 coKtiuue until Finland, in r-eptem?ier, Imou, wna . . ?, Kutt.a. Already, the prevloua year. tbe t /,,- \..-.:.i.'l.-.' 1. bad. however, aummoned a rjeputntion ol Finniaii delegatea to St, Petcn thereaultol the negotiatioua beii tbe asaemblmi of a Finniah Parlinuient or "Laudtag the foi lowing yeai The Kmperor Alexander laaued a Iliu;nl(..,? ,? March 27, i ?"?.?. in whlch br whlk taking puaataaion of ibe country, underl. to Co,,tinn',..^,snl1::,'na,,,lt:in,aa,i'nal Uwa as well as tbe privilegea and righta wbicb M^claaaandalllbeinbabilnntahadbi-^rtoeit. ,.,.,.,. accordlng totln ( onatitution. and whieh the ^roTpSid t? ... mtoin linny anfl l? f58~l?fff^^?M.,?S tbirty yeara1 reign tbe Flnniafa "Lunfftdag" was nol assemhled once. Alexander II srioweo mneh klndnesa to Flnland; tbe "Lai Itag" wae agnin Bummoned Be\-ernl times and Finland gol iis own roinage?franca, or, as it 1b ealled, marka. Tbe pn ? il Emperor waa also auppoaed to entertain. pcrsonaliy, friendly feelinga tou ird tlie Grand Diicliy, until hc lierame thc victim to liis presenl uianiii for BuppreasinR everylhing thal is nol purriy Ruaainn and atrictly ortbodox. Now he is : s intt.'iiv hostile to tlic Flnna :.s to thc Jews. Only a few ago a tieputation ol lour rminenl Finnish Rentlcmen waa aenl liere t" w-ail upon him: I'ui hc rciiisci t,, receivc them. Tbe result ot this was i,a,|. Flnland haa alwaya been moat loyal t" Itusaia. But now it is drifting rapidly toward a revolt. Tlie Finnish Landtag has la-en Bummoned to tu,'"' a' thc Capitai, llelatngfora, on January 20. Whether it will so meei is now conaidered doiibt ful. li is whispereil tlmt thc Czar will fnrbid ll and will deeree lhat there slmll he no more Landtags ln Finland, but that the Grnnd Duchj eforth bc d Russian provioce, gnvprnod ns all ..ther Ruaainn provinces are. Already Rns >i ? ii " coiiiniisstoticfs" are Bwinging the knollt iti Finland. Thc Btrictesl meaaurea nre taina applicd to prevenl thc epread of the Oerman langiinge amons tlio nntivea, and iu aarietiltural district* Ibe Btithoritiea of the snwller settlcmenta are tainfl imperatively ealled upon t,, exerclse theii infliicnce in promotinu the difTusion ol ihe Rhk tonane. In order thal llie Inhnhitanta should bv bIow ImiI sitrc dc^rccs hceomr neiiuainlcd with the lancuage <>i thc future, whien is already now heinji Introduced as tbe administrntive mcdiiim, and wbich liefore very long is entircly t , Btipplant the vernncular. As n Bcductive in iluceniciit to thc native elemenl In all the chiel prnvincinl lowna tn eultivate Ruaainn ^^? it li bk aiduity, Russian t.hentrea arn abonl lo he rstnl* lishcd ;ii the roal of the flovernmenl, aud tliei ? ihcatrcs will 'a- supportcd mninl.i hy nnnual Uoi eriiincni Btihventlona Thc perfomiances al lliese plny-houara are lo be alven in Russian, and they ore t" ln* pnrelj Russinn in ehnrncter. Whet lei Ihe i'inns will pn t" them is u qucstinn. Prnb abiy they wiii not. Alreoi-. o i isi soclnl I" ue h is been formed, compriaini* nearly all Ihe hetter ? ' ssrs, plc !_?-d ni'ver to cutei one ni thc--' Russinn thonticB. Bul it is riimnred lhal it Ihe I'inns do ilnis ?? hoycotl" thc Rnssian tlieatrcs, tl,e Finnisii iiicatrcs will hc eToaed by Imperial cdict What then ? 8BOO11X0 WOLrES AXD WILDCATS. V IIOf.NT) PniGHTBYBn [XTfl I'SEIyF.SSXBSfi OATCniXO A DF.BR IX \ 0 aaMsboro, Penn., .Tv. it.- -ou ? i.ittcreoiri nlghl In January, i-i"." ild u aged Lrhiirh wood man re rently, "I beard one of my bonnda bellowlnc ai m d Ita ml Ide "f Ihe honse as IhmiRh aomethli - ' ii i Ing it. I then llvcd In Ihe old road thal i m Ihrrmjrh the wooda from Tobyhanna Mllla lo M ? ? where l'i" Drlnker Turnplke now Is, and there were i .- ? al many wolves In t ihen. It waa B moonlljrhl nlpht, and I Jnmp ?l from Un* I ? ' looked "tn of llie window t., ?<??? whal Ihe honnd yetplng for. Two wolvea were rhaetnf- ii round and round the houae m tlrfil a- Ihey a>mtd les It, bnl llie hnund waa awiftcr nn fooi lhan they were, it l ii manatred to ke ?p .. few feel aho-ad ol lli, nr".. The wolvea <l dn'l b irh n. bul II bnne out, and lli 'j a< I <i ,- il thej had i dtsUnre. I had two load d musfcet* : ihe h ?use, u il I plaeed ono ol them n . llie d. i I Hi" other ,and ? pei ed the door i I. ??? ? ? he l ? I ? al Ihe wolvea at lliey i i ? i I ln Ir ?? I ol Ihe honse. Tln- frlrthtened hound ?aw the ,:, ' ' " dO "?. ll 1 ':? ,| IntO I . t ll!""- I '? '? knorked n.t my feel ftotli wolve niahed In. i 'i i'.' hound leap d np ? ti,,- bed, lhal atond In n The wolvea hesltafed whet Ihi t to i:." di "f Ihe bed, u d i Imt Ihe door i" : al one nl Ihe wolvea and shol it ii Ihe I rad, ? mtly, Then u :.-t. and tln- -.:! wolf made a -prlnc for Ihe window. lt k aked ??? : dldn'l break Ihe ish, ind II fell i . , ii-'if up :i id pra - i.-rn. Hy lhal lime I v t ? ii bored -i ii I,- Uu inch Jusl :i- llie : i. hurt al all, bul Ihe n dvea h,-: ii it w,.-::' worth a copper lor hui I alt r lhal l jTht. ""in- (? tober I ?? ? i bear ti ip li t ? wot d , ahoul hall a miie north of tl Falls, Ptie I mo - thc Irap and the Ir m ho >k on the ei ?! ol" a trall toward Ihe Lcliieh I'lver. : followed Ih, iiiil over tln- .ii.v. bare Kronnd until .t trneh , blt of eartb. where i aw the prlnla ,.f a deer'i h.^,( in ihe aoll. Tkere were no benr Irm I .1 ?! i mad. up mj mlud thal i deet h , in_?! i ln tii" i ip I ime - . i followed tl," n.iil. nnd l ha !:.'t gon n. forn i !?? ard a deer ' '? everythlns ln tne thii:. Lu hca, -"tu" dlatan. ?? al cad. I Imn le i i m, and in a few mlnuti i i . ? of a lai -'?? l'ii. I. thal had . >l tat rk d up ln ti tl:,, li ilnmp "f apllngs. ll" ...i bleatim: lond and ing hard to jre! II iw ai Ih, ,,f iii- ttiffeting. A his ratamounl \m. icarlns il i burk's richl aaddlc, and ii had Blrciidi .??.<??.. <\ ,, hole in the ham i larp h my Iwo lt l , iiildn'l dcfci 'i hlm cll a ith hl hoi ?.-. and t ?? i tt i II, f"l ,t kl pl t' ?: lecdlnR tl'-li. I ',:.." killed more lhan a hundred . ,ii nn ,ui,i- ,,i i v iM' ii ? ii: ihl ,. lion, but I ]? ,ii ihe i Ime w heu l pulled th" n,. -? ? ? f;i< llon , I . ? :.? I : i? ?! il lhal hl aall ? :?? iiitiri-. 1 I i .ci d up nnd im' nn end t" t >?? >n< k' ml :\. ll tii.l -t ii|.' I into l the j'?- had > Fudu i ih" boi lu ln 'ii I- ?;, tiir ui li ' ? lie i ii k' ?' itl< in .me iiini. ..,:??" ? Ii ip nnd d i ul pull. ?: th. j, ioi I.. , ? ?: ? ? i li ?.' i-, ii i'.|" i" ;? K k Up ?-. ?, aheiwl. li wn Ih, , lhal Ihe loivanll |.l t ii l,|e || ,1,1 'I bill ?, pOlllll ".! upon : ? lem hl Be h. II nn lli. .'? ? i thal I over knea of ,?. tn::,- raiiKhl lu a beai I A 'L0.VCKl70ki:ifJ.V*.S* BKXSE 01 V<>hi ,i ? Von would hardlv l?cll >vc . unedu. aled men i -,, ?? il.t proprleli. tlic nui e, ?' I ln*d ? ut Ihe pillow i -.?: rc i i.,:,.-"il tl:. I. rl . iv. Ith a (feilllei i n.l i d. >.!? i l tliat re< alled lo Ihe p itlcnl tln; n ral lerli pr to her " '. hoj .??!!??' ? ll I ?| nd '? ,:? m II "? hl '' I H ?! lll II"' Ii" !"' 'I '' I ? i d.., "I i-lilvnli-j " lilf-Ii. n.i-i k. u aml n n ? tliough it wa . yet wna i- fre hii : ln one ih . ,, : i" me d i lil iu a I ?". . .;, '..:. tln rivcr, ,i,'i ii. d ?" ? ? "'i ?' mimra i ? . : ,,<| wouihIs, ii .,' ina .ni-i had ent rlftht li :;. nnd had mude. iluvc "i four i ipliifi '??< ' ? li I,. rhest. ?? ii," Injured tn.oi ?.i one nl llie be I hulll mt | cvel iw, I If his < liesi ha.I not Ix-' n padded i l . museks, h" wouhl luivc I. murdfred outriahl A- it wa . ln -? ., in . ? rltl. al .Hlloi Iha I,, t , ure nnd n atmci.ul i ? ? hl life. Th? ?urgeon ? dre id hl aouiid the Br i Icm daj . and Ihen ini'i" 'i l|"' i i-k ov. r t ? m<. I wenl up patlcnt, wltose nuinc wa> Jaek ?n, ii" nexl day, and b, ... : to kiy b " b tl.? "i "f ii"- bed. ?? 'What ai" you duinu ' le- m ked. ?? ?! ,,ni roIiib t" 'ii' yonr wonnd .' I an wered. ?? 'You, a ladj I. in 'iu,ni ?? ?( ,i , oui '? ''"iu". ii , ti",i-' n .' l wi :,i on, foi be had rto P*d the eovcr in hl> neak iu. mi and wna Irylna lo prevenl mj laylnu ll l*.-fc i trled i" U1,i, hlm, bul be blu hed and aafil dogjtedly lhal hc vrunldn'l kd fl bidj di"- M wonnds, I toM him he would <ii" ii I"' dldn'l lel me of h m, hul he ? ? iiiiin't rare 11 he dld. <o i ii"-l lo aeml for Ihe Mirp-oi,. Allcr ?: ?v llie patlenl wn |k*i .,,,,,,.,| to l"t in,- ,!:.-- lli" M.oiir.1-. hul I.' Ililii"'! , rlinson when he bared hl i l:e>( for me, althouitJi b? l, ?i to cxptise little mon' il in h *o?-it:t.i womnn d.wr, when she v.ear. a 1...I1 gown. Well, Iho lonifalior.' ,?.,., -,,i well, bikI Ihen 1 " ive hoen ronvlnee. th.Tt He- 'oar-"i iii'ii are nol withoul matlncia ?,i R'/./ BAIB IX 117-W I! i rom Ibe PHtsburg Piapntrh. \sh.,i ., looll Ii aome men h ive ol patllng water on llw halr in tln- klnd ?f weatli *r! reiiiiirkH ,,,,. ,,f in,- D..? : ?? I'.ni" i >?* lerdaj, " V?h) pnL water "i. tln halr al all! li la d??ne. lo be aure lo . ||e .1 iwn, bul ii '- '"" ' "1 ?' ll,l'il lhan auvihlni* el e. Ine halr enn ta bruaned drj .,, **?You se'e men |.I ".' barbcr hopa wltb Ita thlnd ih-ii- ?"-? '" a '"? ,:,, .ni s. ,t i. rhans ,1 into hlelea. Tlm nexl daj llicv , niiiplaiii "t eai n ia . neumlBl'. or paln In thc hacK ,,f ih- !i.:i?l. Im you wondi r whj ' Hie i anse is not laldtf. n. li I* nui wafer on ita brnln Iku time. i ul li e "ii th" halr."1 CABBt 8UBMEXDBMEB From Tta Wasblnel m Pool. i vfM || ,: ,,. , ,i .,. ,i,,.,,n B. Ilrown d .s r m from a rnral dlatrlet ln Indlana. he ha. mi nay ?? . ln i.i- halr. A fea daya aeo ta blred a rab ln friml ,,, ,. . |;.,. - Honse and drove around t , the -u i Uulldinrr, where he expeeted t" ibi *i ?> friend t - ,1,.,.,. and mi i" drove ba?k to Ibe hotel, u ui d Ih Tlie trlp i-t-upl il Ju t "I* mlnut. . ?? now i.n" h " he B?ked tta i *m m. ? -?, vcnl v flvc cents," , . -,,1, , ., .i ur. Brown, "yon eaa onh ekam i all l.'lll'." , .. ... . , uie iame mr b portlon "f bb honr. '?'i/'tir.. i- ii,.? "' "'?? nro*n; -\'! ' |" here lor tbe balanre ol tta hour I wl Ita ln ,,,!' i, ,,.i when v"u. honr la up. Hien be dlaop ' [{We%f!3& Ita rabb, .,n.nia-,i. "oive me ... centa and i wlli go away,*' ta said. He Lot hia naooey and .Upartci. A LITTLE QUEEN. AND HER LIFF AT HOME. The II i ue, January 5. yeara ajio Alplionao XIII ol Spain waa tho only ehild-monan .1 ln l irope. Now there :, ree ol theae youthful aoverelgne, who are forced by the Inwi of, heredity to apend tbe hap pieal yeara ol thelr llvei in performlng functlona often arduoua even foi thi ie wh 1 b ive reached tlie age of diacretion. Theae three tinj ma 1 :.!- t ... Klni ' 1 Snoin, Ihe Kma nl Scrvla ,u.."i Ibe Queen WUhelmina nl Holland, who haa Bueoeeded t" ber fathei'i throne. Queen WU? helmina Pauline Heler.c Marle ol tlie Sethcrlanda waa i'..i n on tl.e ?:'??? ol Vuj uat, 1 - r. when ber royal fathei ?? - Iready alxty-thrce yeun "' age, . -.?. :,-ii ci ii -? iiientlj hope had nlmoal been abandoned ol aeeing tl- Famlly ol Orange per pvtuated ln the direel lin-. Queen Kmma, who araa then onlj twenty-two, waa overjoyed al tho imtli oi thi child, as she waa in greal need of aometbinp to love, her ehlerly buahand being anything bul thc kind of man oa whlch it would be natural to ln is'i one'* . fTection*. Tlie royiil ehlld wna brougbt up by a French nurae during tl - ftret 1 ,.eara ol . -r ht and waa then confided t. tbe care ol a Parialan governeaa, Mlle. Liotard, a woman "f many lali ta, wi,.. took pleaaure h her t.i-!; and devoted her whole exlatence to her yonng eharge, Tbe King, nrbo hated everythini Uerman, aever oonacnted lo his liltle ?: ,-, Imi nn. \\ il ln in 1 ai* ?'.- D - nnd I'ii.'!'.-!. aa llui I yeara n ... Mlle'. Llotinl, Rl Ul-.- *" tlvc Up I "I 1 Ui i!n liltle I'iii'? --. w ia n ' F.imlis r . Mis- Wll ' -. is 81' ' ' '' Wltll tho yi ' ' - ? - ' ; . nipoM1I of two ol ? / .-..I i" ? . ! .,- , .| >|l| nl IWII I ' ':??' '" I -I- 1 ...... . , ? , but. 1 , 1- a milil ? ni Ir ?-'. 1 ..' 11 >i:.". ..- It ha* ? I'arli.? ? ? ? il. 1 roiirt of .1 -? ->i . ' 1 ? I:- ? ' i' ? ?? ?. ' I I thc .,-..'. ' Imt ti Kir.a" Wilhi , ' 1 nt 1 ? ., indepcmlci ??'??. l ? ? ' ? . h.iii-i- ul it - : i> .'i.i' ? c poil ' rhe St.itr* 1,, ? ,-? ,'?..??-..... ,.,, ? u , Q ieen i* nol 11 hir, . bul it is ilonritftil 11 this . .- | ndilforri ' ? \ Will- ? /n if Iho V<?-" - '? in ti real ? > ,.? spetul - : i-.s hnppil: . ' 1 c old I -!'? ? l I..". ? ? .... I,,.; tathor'a li l . II.-! ' Uie p e ia 1 led in Dul ? -? ? ? ? ? . ? .- f 1. sin ili '..i 11 roi .il al.111- It ; :?? l i>, 1 ..,? ? .? ? ,? ;.' , I ? . . in 1 during \ Mn wi ,!.?:.:? ? , Kin Wil! 1 i-:i I- 1! ao nnii ii pridi . ? 1 ln r- md wri" ii ? ? ? .,1 "? -I. |. -Iis ?' I ollt lu : Hi-I ? 1 t ie Bnow \ li ml fi,r *omi . minus ?wn Iii le ??!.? . 1 ? vir-w from the .? 1 .,?.-: ? ,,-.. 1 in- .11- 011 llie I.-! 1 i 11 ..?? 1 i'ii ?:- ,-nted lo 1 * i|iei h rolli r-tioti ol i-iirloa li. ni t ? Wi -1 | ? 1, ,'. |, 1 W li iithei I'i h r> lleury of Orai e, w ho rd an > ? 01 um ih fo ol - I - llul h \V.--i Iml ... nnd ????? ilth io hia Ir 1I0 11 - e A doulde atairc <? w 1H1 an < Irside l.-.'l- lo the rf . n-|,j h 1- di |ic I \. il h Ihe lliosl <?-,: imite .-:.:? ni !i ..? ! i I i '- I ? I.- re lo I .- ?.? ,1 miiiii' "' ' - of 16 ? . M 1 - .,. .1 le. I.- feb re ind I .??? ? . 1 \\'\ |j m ; - ' - Freni-li m-I.I nl pn- lei s 11,.' Kinit'a atud; . whieh ?- ? .,? !??. .,?,.- 1 hi V'?'.;? Queen'a pi ile n 'lioiu-o-rooiii, looka more like n 11 itru like nnj tliiu; rl*e ll - 11 ? -.I tiiul vvaiiu , ? 1 ., , .?. ul aud tu U I1I01 '.,, Bwunl a mic "i then: dalii 1 aa f.u Im k ns ihe time nl tlie < 1111 -ii- I he lii-pl 11.- i* ni poi pli.i ry, n .1 ia iidorned with a ei rtotuhi- ivliere 1 .- m iito ..1 the Ih.a-?? ul < '1 ?!... . ? 1.- iu : ii lendr ii," ia en in gold. I he tlrawiu- rounia, nuiaic rooiu an I ilinina-hiill nre all I rniahed in a th .1 111 hly I n liah alyle. nnd nre tillt-l with lieaiTI i.i Hnwerin pl 'ni--. lov 111. l\ i-iirr 1 for Iy 1 i - \. i.v. cnt, who ia verj foi 'I ol g.irdi ni ig Q ie u \\ 1 hi I inina'a Imudoir- .. <? b-?ii i.-s t , ,- n it n uuraery, for the littie ladj ia ci v pr.I ..1 her eleveu yeara and <<.iisi'i..|s hrracll verj tiearij gmwn up -is lillc I Wltll a .|irililil, n| lojB, lllllllllfi ttlllch arc ac ieral dozen "i I* uitiful doll ? .ln ???<? I in eoiia -..ui 1 .li.'s.'s, umi |, .sS ssin aur-h mai v-lions im.,--. ? n. that iiianj ;, woniuiol laahion would cuvj the wax nnd lii*<|uo Itouutie*. The Queen ia nrj earlj 1 iaor nnd la up nnd dreaaeil bj '. oVIof-k. \s i.1 ;,, ,i?, I-. ;, ., iho ..|it-r, h.'i mother'a rouni nnd \nr ttra.vcra bt the i;.'..'iii'.s i-.lsiil". Hrrnklii 1 ia-ervi-d ul - ..'. I -., and ifiiii U tiii 1 .- ihe m. .1 i-hiltl tuke* \n-v les aon*. plnya 1 ,, ai tl rei ili n H ... id. il l ?; ahe coroea down lo luiirhenii, whii-h i"i lier is K-euerally 1 oiiipua.I . .-. milk and ir r II 11 I |\ haa alic awallowed llw lasl moiitl lul wiu ? - .im.-. ii-. fur-liiied d mp and runa ou' ta .1 littie cli l-i ral led the I'igioii hon>c, wbere ah" k?'?-|... !'?" ineiiibrra "i il..nn. tiii.-. 1.lin thi 111 nnd 1 ii i"! llii'in h-i-.-i-li. I hi'M- and 11 Inni.- I""!. v iirtl md ponj ? 1 ? h.l- gmil i'-'-. aml alie ia -., devoted lo ti,<-ni lhal ahoiihl Ibe luimlaomrl' drckaed dolb Bml il out 1 li--v would have ???..'I ruiiae ."i H?loiia!T. She iroea oul wbether tbe dni ia Hne 01 rloudy, <-n|.l or aai 111, :ii"l I 'I,.--. .? ride everj uflci no >u 1 I i pou.v, wh ..ii hhe kii"H:. how to mt.. .initi- .1 ii .-I, ... . ||op I nnii >r t.ih |,, : 1 ., .. ? lu I., nnd aflci ward tlie ?l)n<-<>ii and li.'i nioilirr luive 11 rhal iintil m ,, ? lo k, ?Iwn Her Majeaty la M*nl 1 . IhmI. rhe ehlld ia vi i\ ? a. continunllj h'-t inii'h r s i-ouipauiou haa a way of talkin* and jutli is hiili i> in ..'" - ra: ihe ia 1 pr 'tly. ainninij child, alth .. Iiapp; look in hei blue .-..'^, aml -ilin.?t alwnya 1 amile on hei freah young np She bn nol 1.. - - - -1 pm |n mourning, ih,. (,1 .- 11 !.'-' nl lieii ol t .pinion tl 't -h.ll I,, ,?| , m. i,t not tn It- aaddenrd by tlie perpetual remenibi mn nt p.^i ? ??. She 1- dreaaed all ln v Inii- pvrn lo ber littie kid ahoea an I allk Btock Injra, and looka now like an addUiona! anow Hake ln the winlrj landi ipe .1 rn' 1,1 11 BV1LDEB C l/AT! 1 me Pall M 11 <i im l ? n,., next ambltlon ol theGennan Kal?er. aa wa earn from tii- Heriu papi r*. la to appeai .1- ?? ? hnn ti inii.'i-r. 1- .1,1:11:1 of Vhurche* ... tlie "apital, ln Proportton ,,, || !Tverinrrea?lnB ,,..,.i,l.itl..n. ba* Iong been amal ter ol remark. WUhelm u la anxlona t" ronnect nu. t roien a-fta ibe ereetJoa .?f tbe kwg-atojeetei Berin catiwdril. whlch la tn terve aa the greal centre -f Ina, nnii who*e srypl wlU hreafter be to Prutala whal a- imlnstor Ibbey and ??? Paul'a are to bondon. ll- i- noa i.a-iiv *tiidvlng ihe i ' Bthedral wlthout i bit.hop tn.iv be tltoiiclit ii contradictlon ln mt it In loobe remembcred th .t n^ Klng of Pru**la li- I* ilrr-ad) i bUhop. "Summu* Eplaeopu*'' I* oneol iii- pruduei ntle* of the llohenzallern monarch. rii Calholii ?? i.'-iii ii .' *a\ - ti'it the roal "f the im |.iii,_- i, ,? tltnated al 10.000.000 mark*. whlch the l'."i -. m 1.1 .1: ,. - lll he n-v-'t I ifally to vote. The - Nnrddeut*. he Allgi-nieluo Zeitufi* ? "' ".t'1"" n l ''? - ite* lhal from 21.000,.I to 22 000.000 wlll probably be i-mii,i,-.|. and Hut tlie Natl mal Llberali wlll ronrode to the grant of a parl of tbe ram, reiiulrlna the re malndei Lp : ?? n ide np ln ollier way*. A lotterj laa - wai ol ralaing monev for greal rhurch bulkt ii--, ln Germany, and the magnlnccnl rompletlon ol Ibe min*ter* at Coloane and at Ulm owed miu-li to thl* . urlous method ol.tributlon. MAILS FROM ABROAD. EXAMIMXG THH.M TO PREVEXT SMUGGLINO. HOW THE Cl'STOWS OFFICEBH BEE TII AT THK ROV1 r.s'Mi'A'T 01 ra : i - DtTTIES. ."?? mall* olfer rarh an obvloui temptallon to wonldbe -ii."..., :- thal it I* oflen aaked whal alepa tbe Uovernmenl antboritle* take for preventlng the "?'? ".' tbem foi the Importation of good* fr.f duty. V* a i: atier of fai t. not a few people bave an Idea thal tii-v ran .-? ahead ol tlie ti itom* riaelal* by *endlng dutlable inu. i-. from through tbe nalU, bnl when thej arl on thl* bellcf tbey ln rlrtually every ii i.i;.- bpo iii-ii.ii-. il of thia mlataken Impreaalon. To make t.i le*?on the more effeeMve, Ihe Oovern ? whenever tlie Intenl to imnggle la elear, ron tbe artlrlc*. althouah. when ih- food* are aent Into iin ...lii.tiv throuah :.n evldenl Ignoranee ol the l.nv. the Klmple pajmenl of tbe duty la all thal la irj lo 1 eonre p.*?lon ot them. To in-l-i ':ii. ! lullv lii-l- Bam'? I'lim for cttiiiR ? dni . one should folfc w tlie mall from Ihe Ume iii-\ leave the blg tranaatmntlc Unei t.i Ihe time they i-:i. a iiicli dcstinationa, When an Inroralng re -I i,.tii i iighted word i, .?nt to the Po*toflce. if i. reaehe* Quarantlnc before rannet, In *ii???* t i -.??? t.-ii i.v the llealth Offlcer or hii aaaiatanta, the tn ii'. io- ii i i.iihi-iI iiniii iii- ihlp reache* her pler. ? ; . hundred* In number, a!-.- burrle l Tho*e for Inland polnl* are dUpatched by ii-- v,i,.|nn, rallroad , * lul" Ictti ra, ta w ipapera, pan el -, : ,r Xea York Clty, and Ita vlt Inlty an aent t" the : I',. lofflre. i.i.i i tvfl THE M ULS v-ii'.r.r. If. however, tl- ihlp rcaohe* Quarantlne at nlahl .ii. mpellcd to rcmaln tbere untll after aunrlae, ' 'iu- lu tlie 'i-.i" "i the i''.-t..n.ue up t.. ii and I t il." ii;- mall*. Tha p.he* tor other plare* are ' i '!?'? . ded bi thc -.::,. i traln*, whlli ti. for thts ln ii.- otlier < i ??-. are --.t | i tlie Po tofl ? - here :i- i|Ulikly a po--ii,l-. N-,.rlv ull the pairel. thal ? "i to rontaln book* or ntii-r dutlablc good- | i Vork Poati tt..--. even if they are ed to dM inl In the fnlted m.,???-. Thi-; >nly . ln nf mall mattcr for pl ice far from tl - inYr dclay here. Ili lll" ln . ; .t.i, Of Ihe I'n-t.i'Tl. " . ? :.. ? liurc "i have bo n *enl for al thelr home . ?I. it l<*. If th* ma ? Ivc when thc men are nol al their work. and no mattci whal Ihe hour or the -. the three ha t >n to Ihe Pnstnffli -. When tl' i [.??ii. ln , arrlve there they are opened ln the pre Evi : j letter or paroel Ih ,1 |. .'. , I ; - . hl ? ? '.i ? i ...,i. . . ?? hli - . Iltho ?nl I* p.-U-.l oul I, ,;.. nf mn -I itamped. If. ;? rtiad' np of lll. handkerrhlefs, : ? ? 'i ihrmish li.'I- s in Ihe ?-'? rapp ig ... ? . , .... If the ] ...... i that II ?llp|i .-? -I i. tull ?! ? : ' ' ? i ?? rmploye* of ti:- Po*tofnre wl n i i i'i |i ? Lin.- ..nt pan -1- hl.-Iy to . : ? i ;. ..f the ' ii tom* mi n * , ? ? iii brouphl I l . ? :,??'..!,? ? .- ? i ,i i ri- i . 1 " H | lll ;l, ,?| . f ', ,11.' ? ? ?'lit lo thi* '? ntic third nf ll -ili ?-? Ibl i-lly. . -. \!\ PAIt .,;.- p; Rl 'i 01 T. I.,,i,_- pi ,. - ... :,.,, made Ihe men -Kilfnl ln pirklng ??t ti ? ? -i: d :? il. h. Aboul 5.000 n>>pirlou* ... !. i 'i b p ii ip "ii per ? ?> i tod ii ittei ? hl< ii may, , I ll.r.n.-h Ihe in ll-. I ? ', ? ? -nl. ? |o ili- !?:_? : ?"n of the tiftii t1.."i- nf Ihe I'.'-i.'ih' ? liultdl - ? ? wlth il.Ih< r ui ? nli d ; - V f -. ? ?".'??. i : open 'l. If Ihe i.k? . iy yeai uM U - in liti tl - ol li ? itj ,- a .,i mi.- rorwarded. . - .? ire nppr.. ? .1 bj men ? ho have i . .? ? ,:...,'-.,:,. thu rlt\ :? ? handil uv.-r lu Ihe II' loftli ? eniplnye*. t...--tli. . ?,ii, ,i ?? : ,i n-iii and r-ntrv,"' uivi:.,.- ih- appral -.1 I , !,.? dutj I- \ I ??! nn ii. Thu --i- iii !.'. pavmenl -f Iho ,.,:,. ? ? - i ? .i. N. I ,-. i- nl Ihe li" al ol I' ' '":''' ''? i Hurko aeiid* llie money l?. |,, || , r-il t. < -il" 'or Erli irdl. if h rl to pl nlll Id nf I Iy I : ? a ? tuv n or iii . ??'? Ith a ? . .1 , itrj. aud I. ? ' "li-'- Ibe dufj on them. ? Iho 1,,-ari I park i um V I iii.ii "I "I i" ' '??"' ' ~"''|'.daln' i ? il i ' !? Im . ? : ""a" ? j.-u |ry aud llie 1 ??-- l; ' ? -:'" " "on*.? to ra lll bon ,1- ? ' .. . , lll! i \ . .< i- \ i; v. -. i , , nii ial ? ii ive ,n iipp in-nt ? " I,, i ,,.? i . I.i ' nppu ?! i ? ? ?? | ' ' |.,V. lll ll , lllll lll lil ? l,:,ll | , ,? ,..i ln ii . i ,. i'M >p| iii" p-r-.-i i . vvhom I! , ;,,!,!.,? ..i mu i i ?? iii* ? 'l I'J ilovernmen cm -II ii ; other p i-'.ii,. ln f" '. ? I.- bv :i t nn of Impri-ioi I ',.. , u.|,.rii . |i op|i>, I--.' ever, |TO| |M1?I iln -'. -.'..ili , n.ny. While tii-\ eannol open Hi ? wnled letter oi I,,,,-. i Hk-> ?.iiip -i i'i" per. i" wiiii.-ii n i -I .. , ,,i tu upon it in >'.'..' i""?".?' '? Thl* I* J'"-! ., |,.,, , ,| .; .. ti?. po tmasloi .-mi- nolloe to the ,?, ,,,, ?,, , h ,ni p ... ? -i. for tlil ? H' nre -ni.n- - .1 lo , ,ii nn Mi, IJui ao, ?ho?e nfHi - i on Ihe m i ii,,,,- ,.f ihe Po-loffli-i llulldlug, and open the -n i,.., i ,i |d, ,?,? .,: n, 1,1 matier. A soon n ? Ihe man ,t Mr. i.uiiv cxumln ? IU ? nntonU. and if Ihen nre dmiable and ..f more than triflins value lie ha ii,, I,, .,;, : .' ? .1. i ithi r by on ? "f liis men or bj nme ,,i," ni l!i- . ii tom IL"I ??? Kliould :li" n.iii i-.'fn," lo open Hi- pan l. li I ri tumed forthwltli lo the nendcr. \ 0Hj.1TI.M1 l lll. prMTAL UAWS. There I* nu panel* pn l between the I'nlted state* ?nd,u-.i: . untrle* a> thorc I* belwcen ii and , ,, ,| ,,i ,, . , ther ...iiniii-- of tha three Amerlraa, ?| a- importation nf aa-ri It indl*e, exrepl book* aad othei |,nui ii msller mkI lamplen havlng ao rommcn-lal \ iii.-. through ti-- mall* l* forbWden, bat the laa I* ,:,! ,| Vhen tii ?re I* no evldenl Inteutkm tn ,.;i,i the dntl ? are paid. Pareels mpp ".il lo , ,;,;, i... nij-.t to t ixatlon, f'.r plaee* ebw v here In Ihe rnlted Ktalea, are *ant t i the eaat im* of Hilals tii-i-. or il laer%M. aoi.i i!"-".. to tbe i>"-t niasii-r, who hi ron Uluted an agentol IhoBecretarj of ii,.- Treaanq for ti.meritancy. In every ?:i-?-. tba i,.u ,L-- im: i !-? opened m Ihe preaence .?! one "i tlie .? oflrei i. Tlie . I1-I..1H- men mn*i exen lae dlaeretion In detaln ...... Df ni ni niaii"!-. and lake \ uioua clrcum h i. id ?.'.!..ui. if il"' Bo_reea la In i , ... f ir in tanre. h i- llkely tbal i'i- parcel, even If a ?malj one. rontaln* lawelry. if II i- for i i,,?, m w,,il or Droattat. it probably oontaln* roupon* . ,, nothing nn" ?? Agaln. the tarne artlcle* may i,. iiutiaiile under rerialn rondltlon*. and free under ?tl.ei . lor -?'. Plere* of -m. even a r?rd -. nn.. if i.i.|i",,.il t" a I"-' il'-Vi-'.I* <"?.- B? -nn , | ..',,1 , a ' i.i.J" t lo .inu. .?v.i.ii"-".i I- :. retall ",,1, ,,-,? J.,.i:. Idng good . the ume :,>?;.? i ??,..'? ilkoli lo lie int. i.ii-ii I 'r mnffler*. nei kili - or liand i,r, I,,,'','. ,!,i muil Iherefore be appralMd and taxed. v m-v Bf ISOX. RhorUy bef. ? iin-'".'.- tbe work of Um matorna ofnrlali growa to large proporltoaa, oa aecoant of tlie ?,1!;v nn. .-:?- from abroad. "" Ibe day before <iiri-tnii- Mr. Barna aaaaf thlrlj artlele* whlch were ....ii.-iM.t'nn tbe paymenl oi tba duty. Thej were mt* ,,.,,.,.,, oblect*. -i"li ii- warfpin*. handkerchlef*. ,m,.,i ,, -..I tlie llhe. il.t valunble belng .i .?,',?,? |helr woifc wlth irmaraabta ,.?,.,!, I,, -N,.f the t'.n- ..f 1.ii-. -I. , ,|;i' 'l ?,,,, , i, tl '... .No laele artb-lu ?> d? i;,";.",!"."-;,'-!,- '' ?-. m law.Svr.ilay* v.,,,!- .? ,.,.. , , ppevl. :.- lei daj wa* llie tn ivlanitn delay, and fn the vcar before Uiat. Ihlrtj day*. " ?:? iarge I *?Uu.I artUk-* Imp rtod iu ho mn I ,?,,?i. i clghi year* ago. when dlamom woHh >.mn ? II I to Ihe hand* nf a m*i .m- Inaper >-? Tho mo*i Important ?i/uro inado lael year v\.i> tnal "f ni ii |a valuea at tZfiQQi PICK HUYL "ONE LITTLE INDIAN BOY." Tlic writcr owcs to Dick Iluyl a debt. not exaotly of gratitnde, as thc atory will demonstrate. which she, by writlng his bbajiaathy, seeks to diecharge. Dlck IlujTs history will never l>e tvritten by me, nor by any one cIm* wbo knew him, to adoru a Sanday^ehool libmry; ia* was not thal kind of a boy. Dick was an Apaehe Indian. with all the cliaracteristics of tOtkl depravity thal tlic word Apaehe conveys or BOggeata. We a-CtB ebildren togetber, Dlck and I. We ttved, loughl and played togetber lor tWO years ln thc sanic Artny post. On one memorable oecaaion Dick, inatlguted by t!,e devil?for I Brmly behevc in tbe devil, ii only f.,r Apoehea-^ropped down the ncck- of my froek ;i Uve land. lt a*aa fne eaaae ot my Bral iit ol bysteriea, nnd I determiMd, if I ever grew old enough, I would tell tbe whole world how bad b young Apaehe could i**. ln is;.'. if I remember rigbtly, Oeneral Crook htul aucceeded, after yean ol bloody war and the Iom oi hundreda <>f <:<>o(| men. in aubdulng mool ,,f tfie" banda compociag tlie Apaehe Natlon <?r NewMexico and Arixona, They bad dwell it. the atronTtuolda of mouataln an.l deaert, frot-. which they frequently enaerged u> rob and murder all uiincrs or emigranta thal Ihef eanld an> r.ush, leaving nothing for ihe bunaan mlnd t.. eonceive ol tn the way <>f cmelty whnevgf a whit.* man fell into tlieir power. At thc reeervntion, altbough they were well ted and qnlte rJeeently treatad, it was neeeaaary lo watch them eonotantly, an.l Large hodi.-s ol troops we,,- detaikd lor that purpoae. Nevcnhcicss. Bcarcely a week poaaed bat b bbmII Bqnnd of Apanhea, uaualiy kd by loeae attraetive aquaw. would slip 'luictly past thc fcTOrdg, an.l r*CaBC throngh tlic darkneee into their beloved eaetus plains and mountalu harrens. BoU-COll nearly every morning developed theae nbeeuteea, aad next dav would coii.e news ol murder, raptnc, an.l horrora ".'iicrally. A favorile Apaehe modc 0I dUpoalng of tbe onauapecting rielghter, nuuer ,?? emigranl whoae eamp they had i .eceeded ia , .,,.,' waa to lie the vietim by thc four llmba t? BtokM and then to l.uild a tire on thal portion 0f i,,s body deaifrnated ln the old-faabloned al mnnaea as "virgo." There sce.ncil to bc some thing portlcularly faaelnating to the Apaehe tenv peramenl iu thia rorm of torturc, Death being long lo comlng, it itave thc spiaws and pnppooeea plonty ?f chance to Invcnl small tormenta, on thc alde, aa it were. Thc women and cblWren enu i inti-but enough. Sufflce it to say that the al.lute hatred entertoined by the** Indlana for thc whit'*s was fully icuptocated, eapecUlly by thc aoldiera It waa no eeay mattcr to traek and psafttlly follow the runawaye. throngh the metiia and nics.|tiit thichcts. n'.cr thc linrreri ,:.,'s and deaolate mountainfl that make up the ? ,?!,.. ol Arirona. Bu1 in that parched ,,,,.,;,., w..icr is only to i.c found at certain s and "wnicr hnles.'' I.elween wl,i"h dn;'* ,,', t, ,?,,?] often int.rvcc. bnl which are equally well known '?> soldlerB and to Indlana. >" when ,)... morning reporl ahowed io General Crook that v, tintiv warriora, sqttawfl and poppooaea were missin . th- grim old warrior would make no >u-a ,,, pnrsiiit, on th.* olghl rollowlng, or |H*rha|s ,:,.. next one. a aquadroa <-f mounted men would nui ,,f thc reservation Itearing ord-rs ,,, n,ove ns rnpidly as poaalbie to tta watcr hoid I |'.-., pi, ? .. or t,. Agoo Chrande prlng, "r to soa.iher pl oc when- ti.e preeence ol ti.e pre ioui il :id t ivorcd a camping pbvee lor tii-- T , were alwaya poaitlvely Inatructel to ,?,,,.. ,,,,;, n? prironers, all mattera of detnil ',.., t , th- oiliccrs in command. One Junc .,,,.. waareported miaains eisht Indiana, HevenaniiawBandr*ppooara.includingUa,remo rhan wlmm i more deprnved and cruel Indian never existed, evea la Arisona: Two nighta att.-r ward a aquad ol thc 33d Infantry. Crook'., ..wn ,,. |?.-. i.ndei Lieutenanl Huyl. * iplendld Voting fclli.w. Who has stn"" lefl the BervicC, was . ,, :, troiil with Hc* usnal orlcrs. No trace ?, ,.?. renegndea waa lound. bnl a burned ranch ,?,, ., .,. ?? ? on and a cremated cowboy . e 811nicient .""ici.i ln li >ns at large. The ,,,-h, ?r rathrr jflsl at dawn. after a long md ratiguing mareh. the i.ita reaehed a natural ,,?k I'stii al the lool ot one of thc steepest and moi, inncccBsible knobe to be found ln deeotote Vrl/ona This baain had often eolkjeted a supply ?, ,,,,,,1 w ,tcr. which, bowever. waa drinkable ? ? .."intry. A thin vapor ol amoke ,,;,,? ? nearly ipeul Ure eonvinred the troopera ,,,,, their nighta mareh had aot lieea in vnln, UHd ?? ,,,.,;?,., Up aa eloce aa po-s,i.ic thehoa. ik>, vvorc outlincd Bgulnal the roeka, fact aaleep. Tl,f Hul,- sMi'adrot. Bilently deployed oul ao u ,? ,.,??, miwing a Bingle ihot, and al the word ?.id Hred, kllllns tearly every one ol . ,. | >iaM The othera iumped up only to be ,. reserve tirc. The only twa un H. Wulincmo and his io,.!-\c... old pap. ,.so (Jraspina tbe rhlld, be aprang or the !?????? ,i,|e, sealinii ihe roeka like a clmmoia. .,?,?, , Ml,,,,., ?, i.nllcis. soon illatanelng bls rr,.?d ,'iM,. out of -:..?"-f ?;.?;;?- ??"???-? |,alti|ls ?? :, Khell "t roek he ael thc rhlld down ,,?, I,1,?.,c.!cl lo indulgc ln ."??>'? exhihition o . ...; derislon thnt his imagination could j?v,,n) to :i trnvate the diacomlitcd trooper*. who ,Mr vic'l lli.'ir sevcral sct* of teeth ln rage ul th ts oi ,1k* old beathen. Tliej were relleve.1 , lls, i,v tbe nrrival ol Uiietenanl Iluyl. who . ln i,is'da .-. new tn-.-t rifle, recelvwl ? .. ,i ,j In'I. il"' .-'? -ut st.irtc I. rhia won ,i,.,i,,l nn wns guarnnl.I l i cnrry-l forgct , ,,?, ? ,rda with nrcuraey, and Ut* lieutenant, w'hn waa one nl the Iteal rellowa in tlw world ,? .;,nlsor.. bul quite r"ld-!,c.i.'.."l aud bl.I Ihirsty where Apochea were coneerned. Bnnoui.I n',i, while be waa doubtlul of hia gun carryin? nP . the Indian. yet he waa going "? try- rhe ViKu-he teeliiig afcure agalnal Uieir larbliieB, con iinued his luiints, unUI Iluyl, takiufi dcllb -ml ? am, Wuh aights ra.sci for 1.500 ynrda, Hred. ?i? ai... war. tTUe und Ha* gUII all lhal il WOB ,?,ls,,,l Tlic "l.l aavoge plunged face rorward 0ver liu ledgeand craabed down the rocky moan ,0in ?uie ... il,.* very feel ol his alayer. H?. uttention -i the aoldiera w ia bow directed ,? th.- o.ippooso-ihe Buhjeol of thia akelch. lhat intereatiiiK infanl atUI cnlmly .lupicd the ledgc ,,?! u,,, evidently lurnlng the aituatlon over ,? his mind. The U'."P'.s with Ueutenani Huyl al their heud, alowly and oalnfullj clambered up the roeka and nnalli lipproacheil the orpban, wbo, Inatead ol aquaUing '1S ?, oivilized Cbriattan cbild would bnve done, ;.?mM1(.ni,,l rkrowing Btonea al his purauerB, hit Un i.ieiit.i.ant Huyl aquarely on tlie noae wltb a half-pouad rock, and drawing Wood eopioualy. ii,. followed thia Bucceea by olhei good tkrowa, caUBlUg as nearly B paalC as possildc. Al lasl, bj Hanking 1"'"- "lir *PMta WHS kl""'k,?'l dowB by ? hh.w from B BBbn and stunned. His capture ama ooa eaey, bal the Ueutenanfc ordera were ,0 return no prlaonera "Whal ihall we do with ,1,,. uttle devil?M aaked one af the men. "Shool l?m or thiow him over tlic clnr after lus fat her:"' ii,.'??uttle devil" had regaincd rmttnaattsneaa bj this time an.l delibeialeiy bcI bia leeth into thc ,..,!,? oi ti,,- Boldier'a leg. Ueutenaat Huyl wiped hi. blooiSy ii"-'1 and replled: "A .baby who Bghts ,1ns way ougbt nol to be kUJed iu eoU Wood, Uytieorgel I'll take him haek to baa Oorioa it il eoata me uiy comnUaalon.' \ ,. \\,.s pul into tbe young "ne* moutb lo orevent any niore bitiag, and. with a aoldler 1,1,,, each band, be waa mn.I pn the pUln . "u rbcre I..* waa idaced on horartocgl i. riat. ticd to one toot, poaaed oader tbe horaa ','iiVl ticd to the other. and thus the UaCDCIB re .urned to the reeervotlon. i ei.tctiutit Huyl waa a greal ravorite with , c,''r r.'oU, bul hc bad ordefa, an.l i iidciitlv expeotcl to i>e put under nrre ' 'li'it ibe i.eueial bad aireod} Iteard aomething of the stone-throwing aiiatr, and h:id enbiye i a he I l,n ii over lluyla broken aoae Whea tbe lleu tcnaui ln mak'lng liis report, rcaclied the polut n-hcre VViihnenio waa kifled, Iit* tJenernl Inter ruptcd witli: " l>v the wny, I thinb yon had better not Ict :nc know .,ih"tall\ any Biore ol t'.ii- ecoul ,:,,., v,,'i hnve alreadj told. Il,t*n glancing al tiic swollen noae, lie bursi into a rou ol laugnter, in which nll Ihe other oflicera joincd. Thc young Indian was eonflned in the armory until his lirst friglil waa ov.r.oine. Thc Bcldicra of Company A liuiued" hiua Dick llu-,1, aud tittiui HOLLANDER'S, 290 Fifth Avenue. WE UOt now t.vkin.. OEDBSt fOl UWaff DRESSES 1'UOM OUR Sf-W Summer Fabrics. Novelty Woolens, Figured Foulards, Chailies and Cottons, ai.i. jfjanj vicuMii. At !?-? than 0111 i:,'ml |r ", nutil PEBItl'ARY IS. him out with a niiiioini faahloneil from the Ii"u ?ciiants' Thl clothea, ;-?- ilarlj adopted him into the aerviee. in h-s than a niontii th>- amall reci iit anariaul to exprcsa liir_v>ll tilcrahly in I'.-. .:,->;.. .md m i very ahort time had aecumnlateri all ti." a*> comphahuienta "i tohaero-chewlnii and profanltjf puaaeaaed by iln- aoMiere. He bb*u ateked np a wunderful anov/Ieiige ol . . ? i ,. evula tiona, alwaya turniug duI at roll-c.ill a:-1 taklng his pbvee at tbe extreme lefl ol tii.- contpaaj when in line. . When I liist knew I im he had iioon m-.ior tho reflning tnfluen "s ..t t i e I'nllod Stniea aem i ?<? iwa yeara. If tbal Indian liad Iroproveil ln thal u-ne. I a-n very glad l did nol know him hefon*. Ilo was i .liiitiiii! looorvlfni t-. i'c--i.- al ial? :ii?ls Tbe Afutcnee Bat fea the bead* of Iheil bahiea between boai !s. md thl* ia much an ;n\'. thlns elae, Berved t.. retuk?i lliek nnattmetive t.: ns ehildren. Then lie had B"ch i prcdileetion lor earrying snak.-s ln lu- nockpta. 'rhe aakliera S|i"i!o.| him, ol eciin-e. ;il' I ilj. ,.'L hllll i: i'HTV 'illanv Iii- ehoae t" perpetraie IVbei iie -.i-it the nml's iu an ambulnnce tille-l wlth wooion and ehildren. camuiu i runaway and :. amiud u>. one aokller thraaued him wlth a herrel-etav* au :? ilo/en more ^.r,,> Ii in tiv.--i.-nt pic." 1 . rnaifort him. They aUernntely poiinded and petted, bail it all one t.. blm. He arldotn Inuehed, and never crled: he araa an Apache. I ankl he nevaaj crled. I will aote in ejiception. Kv.-v 8aiur? day afternoon tlie men tuoh him oul benirwl the rtera and gave him n bath. The proceaa raa very aimple. Thry setrlppcd off hia olothing and turt'oil the 1 oae nn lilm. On the*e noeaalona the ahrleka "t the littie aavage eould be beard all over the post. I have nol seen HieV alnee I waa nine yenr* ..I.I. bul I like to thlnk thal he grew nn and r*_n? Inrlv enliated in the ul I tet ? l ? i- ? ow ^a bonor to the ierviee. "SPL'SSKEKRIWE." RBMTX18CEXCE OF A " BARR " OFFTCIAU A KWITDLEB'fl BCHEME TO CBB.iT V B.lMK ft '?When boilday tim-5 eotno nrottnd ttiev mik* M think of a i-i-v.'i- iwlndle waa ptayea aa BH bank I waa engaged In leven or eight yeara ago." ll iright be a* well to aaanUon Uie farf thal tha tpeaker ?a- an ex-manager "f a prombienl faro-ba k, ahleb .<:,. >tcd near liroadway and i'>nrt?tnh-t. ??Vi.ii p-n-ii allngera." roatlnaaf he ao Bie reporaeri ?dniri hea aboul all the I) movemeata or Imaenloaja apaaaaloni of erooka. Ilere'a a itory i talnH glve away nt the time H aaaajBanai. i waa t"" anub vhimiHi of aiyaaB :<? ?paaaL* '? It wa* CI risMrn-, eve and we liad ao awfully ?*well' crowd in the house glve yon the namea I Whal do you take me for I If there's -Itonor amona Urleve*.' there ahoaM ba al leaal decaacy aaaaag paaaaarej no, no aame? UfeB, i v..~- aayiag wa had as fine a hiue. e_f rarkai aa i ever aaw tareaal; it aaal ***** gafatoga. Thi.* mar of the party BBBebel riplit up to our two-tbOtt*aod BOBar limit, and tlw same wa* BMkll - Mg BKmey aeal after deal. ? ,lu-t before 11 o'-l'Ak Uawe eame a nnc for a_ nuttanre; tho porter peaaM fhrotuh thc --hd? arjd iMddenly itgnaUed mc lo p> to lum. - who |a u:' i whliptrad. "Tollrontanf Ui gaipei, lus f^-c Bbearlnaj that -Uin s>;t ol a hue wlii.h a genuine Alrkau'e face a^siiniCs when lie's really svau-cd. -? i auattarad aoaaetbing But gon'i better not print; it Uk- a_toer*fl vi-lt MBai the notiee of a rald, whlcb we someUmo* %*\ in a fi-ieudiy way. or an order to eaaae up fn laa aagfet. wbjr, ap aaaH our ma^uaiceul ?-ani^ li-.-'.i-s. i iHillkra t.. iet laa atyUek faeala i?-.... i f., i inii tlu v bad h'.-a leopardlx d tuture advertisemeni lor the p i ?? ?? i u*al tbe ;., give a i. ln ?' ''? "?? me iu the room, and i ?Ipped ouUkte to uit rvlaw iua t-op in tin. oimlj lighted v??UbtUe. Ut ^~? ouo 1 1 aiul llial gave Uie . i.i . .-?-. - -A.ii - p i ?? |ie uul- i. ; nd utii u -i - u !??- i ?? "?'!' replied : -. ni. j - at ail; . -. i i i - ' II . ,-'. i ..? . ut u i !in-;a..i- i lu* k from ,... [,. i- in me waiU, h .. .. "." i'i i- i i .'-' ? I iiboiii .ri 1. . ,.t ir-ln i" -l'-ti'l rhri'tnia*. aud a ? wautt lo i ,,.?? i . ib iuni. -? ,..?! II ,,, ? ... v .i,i i-urn H' i vii.t hia ii.ini-- on I mn nie a iivai iooaui ? i.e ... uraa.i ?-- ? ', i i leadln rlia ' ' ?- ludoi ? .ii nt. ? - j , ,,, ! ,.ii" ...: the -m i..".!. m a 'l reqne* p-it ., more ? l*w ? ? : ? ? "? in divlng in:.y ii.-nl p ? - , ?? ,|l ? .-, - I . lul il tlll'lll lu ' ' ,, \ m well. rcll t ?? t-uptaln.' -.. i I, -I'm .li.l to a ? u nniud ite iii.Micv at bl ? ?"?? ?".,l i!l" I . ? ,. | . , i Hiid li 'I'I the - I .. .i- li.- i. "lor ? ". nl ? "I _l:t l-,llll|l ' ': 1' M" i : iv, ll |,| |"',t, i.. ,|;"::.'tli-ii m.t |rtlll. I - ni'.i*! -i.llil. >? >.\|| I ' ' ' !'-. t :: ' .:;- to - ? - ? | i-i Mn- p'.i' r ;,|lt .---i.'.i. II- dei-lim i ?Uh ? tliankyo, l don'l i ani tha . . . i'ii have a ? tii 'ii.'ii.' , , - | u . l.f :: ?-. ? i-\ t I ?,,',; thr |l - ' ' I ' ' .' ' 'I ' ' ni I I-. li.. 1. ? ?,,,, the i... iii e nfler < lirlstma* l foi an - ?? |.|. i, l.-. :? P 'Hi ?' ui ' I [II , ,.,.i .. - i f.:: ?? i :. .[.. \. ui, ii :? I ap. loclte f >r agaln liiic ,.|...n il..- piiUHal j ti ?:'? ? i i.'i- Royal l ? . I. ? -1 i.'l bul. if v"a w il! Uindlj rel I ?? I' to tha , ,?'imi.. r v. ', ?- . .Ti j ii"|i,..ii i i .fi thc _4th tttat. NetMBf u ean ab ut mc."' ffOP/ ro 61 '- ?'" i H i V80M. From 'Ih- tt .-.i.ii ?!?? : !''-'? - .vii. I A Will VOU BO ': 1 tO t'lB [Ub alth me for t I il ' k I ed .? ? Blldcd '.outh of ,,,i IViiiisi i> inii ave. tl a ?? Ve?, tbank.. d ii'i i m ? n i do. i ull a ? '? thouirh. Tin too tlred \ herdli drove np, aiul I i.ter ii whi n the mii- r ol j- tl -. .a I -:i\. old iii.m : dn 'l bi -I- .. ? - I .1' 1 m -inii a ?tuffj box .i- that. Call a rtanaom. tt'i more prop"!-. \ >u l>i"v-?" I-,, ,.mi,Iv .>t tho liM-i- vehb l ?- np H?. .,,-! swoll utepped rn. -..iti'..- li iii ? ii "', itu \.niosl from Ihe < urti. win iviiimhi i i ?I?l,eii : - | l.m't M.ll I.? atl) l.-tl-l- lll.l' thul , i f-u ' Kll over "ii tlu- sld.' tbe vab. 'I i The tii-i did ,i- hc a i ? dln.* ? d. an I the olbel .tentM-d In. pn--:.- ln i '"'' of hi- rompa jrra'-efiilly alld inl ? thi vi ani In.'f "t far - ta "I lhThi* aron?ed I ??? enri It; of i -r l,. rn wli-ili.'t- or not i ?.-.?? i- ili ?' ' ',-'?' ' ' VhU ?? tiiiuL-lv i.II ir ndvlee. mi ? itl ig t'.a ' ,! , ,., ii.i.lla.-'ii! ilrii.I uiolher Ihe Ul \n Mn-t f..i|.. don'l know hoa t" ?et I ?,',?'. al.'. bnl Hi- dnde - < ??' ?.' , ,(,, |?,| tl.pp.'-ii- fm ? ;.'l <? -,,1-ni-' - i.ii'i-'-. I'" "il von whv. Von u ui u ', I-..I.I- wanl to ??'? ln ? ba .the IM * ',,?'. . thr -nl- ' l ,,-.- il i- murli -I ? foi ' :? " i n,i,. ihe further -??". ? ?' ??' ' 'l"<- ' ' ?}f':,\ !,' v ,.' hod.-iraro altu.h-d ;:;!;."anu aVV.ii .hc rr: ?;;^7:!';;,f;::,:,;a:''-'^-.--'i?' . ^ d,M;,"jamb and not w:.ik all ot.inmber aoe. m: wp xot i.ixi: tbb bocxd of tr.i-rir. l-i-mii Th.- Detroll Free Pre - ,,,. .,..,, v ho wa* onee an Betnr, rouuea ,ne ,-\ ui . r i -; anundnp -t ry of I.i- l-i nnpearane* ' -'-"w .1- ii rhl-na" " bH my old friend. larrj Ut. "?\\i!,t L% vou dolna. old i.,:?i.-l..-..-k.i. :^tavo.~!?flaa li'i-'t iu aoew oiceelam ^,4.S~Vn*illia bnm.' , . -?-v.-v-r mlnd. n > one need know it i- yoa.' ..,,, i -oi--nt -t i'i.- ?'-''* of tlie, pcrforaumeel wi,, 'r":?iv rn g. when i aotteaal tfcefa araa a waMa* ^i'i'can* no-e?'apeak mv Maaw,' i aaM la llarry. ?? ?iV''.v..u':'i't -tand MVag wtBtr. n ankea me nervoii-.' ? ? ii ui v ooked jir.'/i-l. ? -i ioa'l -? ??' 1* tnr.. roa ' ""1 In'l - ' ? " ?? -,'?.,it.v doah bm !' .. -i-11.-.. w-o'll hat to -hut off t!,e waterf.-ill for vn?e ^r,v\o A- '?'? . 'ii ''"' " ? ? !. Mh v,,? pan ! - i.i over - id tum ofl I ? .. ! |, ,-,, ,- , ..,?: -I have g l ro? al my nler<?v., \, i n,,,.^l iho Im? i im ? I ihe --,,.. -I. Then 1 rushod upon Ihe *ta . ? ;! ?'?'' ?!"'?'' "'? ' -fhrre wa* i v,i I r. Th > next mom l I tonmt mv?'f .'.'Iii.-'. wlth water whioh foll unon mv .'.'-m.i *l head like a .mall Niiam. I Iml tunied on iho water f-ill full foroo. I tiiii-li".! the -. aml'l th- llUjrtltOT nf the audlenoe mid tlnallv made au Isnomlnloua "\|t, toeUng as u Uie vui*iu ~"?? i *** ***mBm\ ^i?va*.?