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THB MC8MEB. felr fcdwkr. ArooM, In eVrtknart Magaalna lor Fchruary. The Musoaee baa browa-velvol eyea, c irtalfi d wltb ?tl i. srccpllJ : Yon aonder n tuose Hd- would riso ; he aewest, atranfiesl alg tl to seol \, ? ..!:,., ,|',. rbatters, lui-li-. OT plivs Koto, "i lul ?. or -Hii.i u No !? ? i -?' ini s-ltii arifihicr raya Than t.- 'i irom Ui.darb laskca then. The Massaee bai a wmll brown f,-i" \,n kmelon ?<?,-! it- r* rfeet nsp Ai 'ed. fetty eyebrows; ..?. ?? to frace The may moutli beneatb: a nnp -. ^i?l .,,., i,, al <l i un : an.l imo ith. solt rlier-U*. iii-M tl onl of Kun-burned Ivor* i With t'' Hi whl< ii. a ben ahe ? mlle* or apeaks, I'.- .i i merclianta mlgbt come lt a mea t i aee tka Mnamce'a balr could tenrh the algkt lltrs ta firow dark, tlie raven'a wlng J|,,n tn ??-ni eb nt ' Rrand thc Ight \\ l."ii in ii. li ma S!i.- bulldi ' ? '?'- i. I la< !. inarble < "11, \i:,i iiii i- ihi -"i,i n.,1 ? arlei In, An.l thnista, tiiunipbant, through tlie toil i bc Kansa hl, Iv r Jea lled pfii. The Masanee has imall, taultleafl tect, -1, white tabi trimly det ked, wiii- li potter 'i >v n ti.e , it> atreel ln -iiott ateps, alow and clrrumspect; A vi-hr-t atring between her toea llnfct* i" it. plaee tii" iinwllllna shoe, I'ftt. ai <i plgcon liii" she goos, v -i on lier i ? ad a hood "f iduc. Tlie Mnsmee weora ? woodr ma <lr,---? Kimono. "I,i, ImORl A rose bu*h In apring lovellneas Is not more < oloi gbtd n> aee I ller Bjrdle ind'!- lier aliver pipe. Aud ii'-avv awlng her long alla Meevea, With eake*. love letteri. mlkaiia ripe. Mi.aii ' hangn. musk boa, ati.i wntlng leavee. i be Masmee'a haaii la ikra to prief And .|i.!'K i" pleaaure, love, anfl song; Th ? Mu?iaoe*a poeket-liandkenblef. A atjuait "f paper! All daj long, fientki and -v.ct. and debonair i, rb ti ',:? p ror Ikk Aslan I.5*. Ileavon knve ber ln Ita tender eorgl o' to giaiorUBaa: *.:?.? it le piiapairona with you.'' LORD MERIVALE'S WOOING. i. - To thlnh WC all knew him when hc was out nt. elbowa." eacluiiued >.li Mra, Ward. Neve* exactly om at elbowa, oorrected prctty .U?j. i'ivmu ia her habii ml -",t lonea, ?? Well, ,,i ..ii eventa, bc hnd nol a deoent even .l.r BUII, as WC all ktiow, put Ul MlM Joues IWkO c retli I'.-ii.'vci io be thc eideat woman la ...;i lau.e I..')' '?:.?? s eutnldiohmenl), "Aud hc ",. ipied a im!.' oobinet au troisiemc, iMiittiuucd Mis. \. a:-,!, "uud never drank anythlng i at tl" viu compria ol the table." "\ct nothiag i> more aure than that Mr. I?*r i ,i,i ,n nou Lord Alvnva .*." Buid Mga. vivinn. - llicn it'a io bc boped bc will pay Madamee i 'i. t." crieu" AIiss .1.'s: "he'a never beea out i.i hei debi aince 1 c?n remember.'1 ? l liave setUed Madainva aeoount, aince thal intereafn you," 6: id a cl i, quiel voice from be biiid. n n Bhcll bad bural in our midst we could -. iv -iv baVf* been morestruck with conatcroation. lt. was Loru Merivale himeetf who had apoken, Mld li"t "I.k' "I Un had aCCn liill. clitcr the BOlon? ii..1 one "i oa eveu knew Umt be was m Paris. .No. I in wronx; one ol us, aa I aftcrward learned, dia .-.- l.ord Merivale enter, aud tor reaaona beal knowu io hcrself, choae nol ta glve a hinl of the l. ?? riial was prctty littli Mrs. VTvian. and she if.".\c the iiiist oharmingand inlantile little Bcream when bla Urdsbip Bpokc. The acrcama t t tbe real oi me iadtca weie ueitlicr infantiJe nor charming. I di.l u.,1 Mieeam ; 11 is not my iiaiut, when atartled, to cxereisc my vocal organ'aftei thal faahion; bul 1 itropped jny t a-cup, nnd ol c ? ??r>r it broke, to appeai agali al me in the ahape ol a eouple "f franca la n.y wee-kly l.ill. Old Mi. Froat, who nod invn qni";!y playing carda ln b diatanl wnrm .-oiner witii tlic equally aure.l Dr. Haueer, ahowed no sittn wbatever ol baving acea or beard any tliin^, un.l cauaed an amuaing diversion m the n;...u?ent of ailencc wbich followed the " lajiauc" by t-aying. ln hia usual old-geutlrmanly tonea, ?*r*if'tei*n.twt. flfteen-four, and a palr, s.\ " Ifeai'lv Ihear larc old irentlernen were abont the deafest .ni"'' ,!s 'f hae ever i>.*<':i my lol to know. Mhw Joiif remarked ta me irreverently thal ll waa her tflrni opinion tbal when the iast trump ?oniided, .' '; Froai and Ur. Ilauacr would remain in their giTavra?for they would never he irifc, One v"ild i)>iiik we had enough aurpriaea for ?.'*? sve I'inc, bul atill anotlicr awnited i.s. >A> Ioui all l.niL-lici when Mr. Froat bad l.rokcn |n 0..i the ailetice. aud tliat, l.clpcl to (.nt every ...?? a little BBore ;it eaae. Then Lnrd Merivale apo] i.i/.-d for atartling ia, a*i1 i remarkable gorarl, eaonidering whal io had jusl beard, and nddressiiK* nimsoll ta Mr* Wi nl, said thal I tiken n boj nl tbe Porte Sf. Martin, .'ind wanted hia Id friends io kjjn him in an ereningg enjov uieat, all of ns. i: .... would bo far honoi "l bavc a deccnl evenina auit now," he added with it couiical s:iu!e. ihen he noticed me f.i i ?? nrst time. i bod partly aheltered from vlpw by a large artilicial j?alui wbicli itood upon i ? c gmad plano, i ?"'"" I- a !.,;?,? here I have not the aleaaure ol kuowing,'' said Lord Merivale to Madame i..ii(."hc. who bad just entcre I thea on. - 1 J, ul k-bl we were aii old friends; ldndlv ii il ice me. Madame. ^ In a ii:i>nie-:t hia lordaliip waa bowlng before t ie, and I ha-l the intenae mortillcation ot heai ng .rrlbe.1 in Madame'a voluble hut aot i.ver-eorrccl r^Uslisli as-** Mece Delanev, ;.n Enc l.ab writcr, ver celebrate, who is here only i,nv ". e**k, . '!''.',""' '''; 10t. ,>oli(,vo anythina oi tbe klnd. Ii?.nl l.-ra'e. j exelalmed, fi*e)ins my rhe-ks gn;w ...i fr iu annoyance. - I am an Kngltth Bcriiibler, if you like. bul nol at all celrlirated " if you had llved bere oa long as tlie teai ol ?s. M M Dcla-f-y. you WOtlld have fonn I ont | i )'?'? '?'!??.'"1 eelebrated who reside at Madnme J.arociie.s. repjied hia lordohin with a Une smile I now tc'.,.-,|cd hi,n mon- fnlly, and saw tliat le waa atill a young man. His expressi n was particularly flelionnair. His eye* were blue ?ad ' ? roarn haii waved on hia hijth white rorcbead. ior ihe resi. i,c wore a mus, aml hi-. Umi s.'cn,ed spcclnlly invented ta emile pleasantly. i, ll i> jnst p.-ssililc thal the rrnder by this t IMIC as fonucl an idea lhat I am ta ho ihe hrroim ol my own story. nnd my Lord Merivale Hh? I,,,,, tei ? -ti t , relieve hia min l ol thia deiuaion I s ii i 4tin* -ii this narrntivp mcreb ns an .n.t s..i. j. and. sbiill aa im as posaible record e.\actl\ w,u|i i heai i nnd auw ol a romauce in retil ln', ?un . mj Bojonrn al Madame lioroches i.oird iiiji-hotisc. 'li,is housc \'.;,s. nnd ia Btill, BiMutc.l Iit the Rue ?, which is near tbe Luvoniboun Uardrns, aml a \ny oornfortalile plc<*e it waa - '?''?" ? I laiaa i. ci is a pro'ved hl llie lonu reaidence "l the hoanh-ra I.-,m Merivt le had, it appeared, made ii n h,.;i ,,i |,oad iiiiirters i.,t over t.n yeara. Mr. Froai au<\ D. II usrr lu i ??<n there lor flftcen mus, while Mt. Wanl and Mivs Jones had joined i .? *ve\cn years nnd three yenra :>??, mpeetivrly, I ::.?i : ,\ lir-.i derinite information nhoui sorm ol tl*** ?? babituea on this wiae. n,,i \fjtt lonea i n I >:'~ ' emed inclined ta occepl l.-ul Men \a c's nifer "f a m-:,i in his box at tlic I'wtr si Mertln. Mrs, \N:'id plraded ji headoclie, an.l I ni obliuation t. carreet Bome proofs. \s t,._ i,n. the |i.,,"!s, | s ,,;i made a reaolve to sir np late to ooiiipiete them it. my own room, and thus gel an ' "?' nunitj to hear anytbing Mrs. Ward had to tei] In'Io:, she retired. Mr. I't'.-i and Dr. liauaer wenl t,. bed early, ao H ' s nol h.tiL- i.ltci the depnrture ol l..,i I Meri? vale an : the ia.. ladiea tlial Mra. Wanl tren? alonc in thal rol velvet aaion. Kvrryi im'cii:.'.! t?i be red velvel In thal room I tat wasirl . ' ?r mirmra. The very lablea were covered with thia brilllanl material, and tbe general effect would liave been quite opprenaive hul for Ibe aU-redeciidna white which appeared in ti.e win d"w ' url iii s and thal mallirned :.i'ii<!c, thi-" anti ma assir. riicre -.\.,s howrver, one pre-emineiitly re.ic.tniiu: fratiire iu ii.i- salon?na.Iv, an open ? ' Ure . iiii't on which great atreaa w in M "in os advertl emenf. N.-ar thla Bre Mr. Wi rd nnd I aeatcd ouraclvea wIm tt vc were lctt ajonc, and. aiicr I ii..? i nnid ? rriflinj: attentiona t<> tlic old ladv ln tlie sh.ita- oi ., i,. itetool and cushiona, abc began to Bi e me tbe information my curioalty craved wlt! '"it anv overture on my parl. "l,o:d Merivale, you know, my dear,"*ahe be gatt M:s Ward ealled me "my dear" more t,. annoy Aiiss .lones than for nny other rCoaun I b?Heve. "Iy?rd Merivale icaUy waa dreadfu'lly siioit ol 'i.j nll he came into the tltle and eetatca, whii i no one here ever thonghi be wi f.,r there were two brothera betwecn hlm ;? id such !i ippitiesa, as \w!l ns a father, wboce vi|,. ,, ig icna it\ of llfe was only equalled by hia m. dialike <>f bu tblrd aon, the pretcnl Lord Merivale. I Buepeel h<- ,.,is t?, oonachrutioua for them, ,. the trath were known, for tbe Merivalec a'cre alwaya a rcckleaa lot, exoepl ihis ona; the pii|?ers blnted thal fael plalnly enough. They added. i..o th.t the pretenl lord waa likciv to deapoll tbe estotc in bifl niii.loin BCneroglty. ?? What made l^.rd Merivale take up his abode here in tln* tirst ploee?" I Interrnpted. "The emnfort?al tbe pricc," replied Mrs. Ward briefiy, with a pityina amiie al tne aimplicity ?.i niy qncataon. " Do we nol nll rrmain bere he aaace t"t M fraaca a week we ean live reapectaldy ?gaa] 1lin*f entreea nl dlnner, tl.oti.'li, t" In> s'ii... one of them consistB of ti liiscuit, three ralatna aad Iwo ahnonds, nnd Bgurea nis.. ne desserl. Wc havp als<i Knylish 1c:i scrved after dlnner. nnd an Enghah lire t.? sit by ns mon as the rveiiitnrs drnw ln, and :.ti Engilsll luti"!icon ii, tbe mtddle ..f tbe day. All theae thinga. Mis* Delanev CBitse.l l^.r.l Merivale to make thih his hou.c .InriiiR the time ivlien liis father guve blm bo meaarre an allowanoc." "And .Mis. Vivian?" I nut ln Interrogatively. Mra. Ward sndlc I grimiy. "Mra. Vivl ," Bhe i I, "ia, J lancy, tl e cauae I oi Lford Meri ilc*a comina hcrc now. All ol ub ? i'ii. il bj tu her ???? hen Mr. \ lint l.-it " h ?: hc was kind lo nny one bc s.w i' ii" r, ?. ?? H.? maj uian }..r:c thc coi sidcral. nol to for cet tbe fricn Is hc had in the daya ol lus poverfy, lie may aot have oomc bere to ?ee any one specia i',." I venti.i " - a rk. ?? \i\ lear, i ? i mav he a writer, but yon don i know the world ?."." t i tii citl erin re uiwlcr. "There are kindnraeca and kindneaaea, and when a young man is very kind t" a pretty woman. well, ii 'iu bavc bm one mcaning. ..?????.? , Lotd Menvale bM eome n-w.nj;'.'' I inquired. .. -Ye nnd - Ui ?'? nea, or she wouldn have irone to thc llical ?? to-niaht. lt muat have cosl her somcthi nr. ufl marks Mn? oxer lM.;ir,: , ?, irt ?-? Irom hia lontanin. ?? \.'> t i! Ink. I i ? ",-,'; " ? /'V" r'vi' Mrs. Vivian an npportunily ,"'-""'-? , ' ,''s;,s .. V?; :, hi) ,,i it."' afllrmed Mrs. Ward itoully. ??Mi-s Jones wenl onl ol pur.ntraricty. ??"'? felt sure thoae twowould have preferrcd t,. ue alonc, s i alic went." . , ,, -I-ut " l cxclalmed, "Mra. Vivion Burely would nol I ive gonc alonc with Lord Merivale t? Ihe "??'th.ic you hetray y.' wanl <d knowledge ol thc world,'- i ild \lrs. Wnt l Bcornfully. Mra. Vivian would ao nnywl ere a Ith any one ii she gaa -Well ii ilic la fi..t Borl of woman n is i**r haps a mcrc: ihe haa oo cl Ud," I aaacrted with aome ielicmence, ,. , . . .. , . . ? i;?i she has n cbild-a Uttle girl that her husband't- mother is hnnsing up in hngland. nic makes n inoiin ulwut thia child every now an* then, and snvs how cruel it was --r her? hustinm to expmiB ., dvina wish thal their child should rr-., ii i with h'ia u.ot! rr, ll? bound lus mother in one way, ne> tl ? i ?, foi ' ?? al itfd n his will thal Olive Ishe cp.I1b her Tmwy ' should not mnrry under Bge withoul her mother? consent: iu which c.isc Bhe won't marry under b e: her mother has too much li ?rror oi becomlng o grnnd* mother." ..... , ?? How old is litile Oliver" I Inquired. Mra. Ward iauirhcd. , "Well, my dear, bIk* uaed t<> )>c eleven, then Khe '.ainc ten?now she is nine. She *.mM pro'* ab%.> l>e, oine b ban> n min ln time." uHow long has Mr, Vivian been dead? I In? quired. ? , , ,, - ,,. , "Nearly two years now, rcp.ici Mrs wnr.i. "11c dled here, and is bttried in Pere la Chaisc.' I very mfieh wanted lo nak some more iiuestions, '.?it Mra .Ward begun to show dgna ul sleep *? J j;ot o il :??' i i I- r.ftei all, nnd wenl on roT rectim them till 1/ord Merivale appeared with M-s Vivinn nnd Mios Jones. Then AlphonBe. oui small j.,- I,,,-.. hroiiRhl tn B little supppr-tray V idai ?? Sarali yiernhardt hnd BtirpnsBod herspll it Bcemed ns Theodorn lhat nipbt. ind holli his lords'ilp and Mra. Vivian were in t.h.* biglvsi spirits. As lor Miw Jones, alic slppcd hei ? aml said verv little, but her eyea hnd an iinplr nl giitter in them. as ii her preaence had noi heen so potenl a preventive of i!ie enjoymenl of ?',.? other two bb -i.<* bad expected, nol to eay hoped Nlrs. Ward nnd T went to our ros|>ertive roOTBS roon afterwerd, lenvlng tlic othera t" their aupper nnd ihe diaciiasion ol the piay. In thc course of half an hnur T waa nol a littio surprised ta hear n pentle tap at my ,l""r. I was even more surnrised on openina it ta Hnd Mrs. Vivian there, .Ircssed in a white rohe de cliamhre. "May I come in, Miss Delnney?" she aaked ln her nleading, chlld-llke voh,-. "Why, certainly," I made gntwer; "I hope . is tlie matter?" "Oh, no." she aaid, with n nervouB'little la ?? oi Iv 1 1 ?? I 1 rnusi I nve n t .ik with Bome one, n I vou ar' tlie "id pctnson I fccl l enn conlidc in here I i,,,;k* you don'l mind '" bIic added, plaintively, i'or anawer I drew up another chair aear the Bre, ard i>c:_e,l her to he ?eatcd. ?? Vou niiisi think il strnrige " ahe wenl <,n.' eon fuaedl.v, "that I should have come to you in this waj when?" "When you have only hmown me i week, an.l when you have sci rcelj spoken to me durina. l time," I bsatcned to put in Mrs. Vivian fiiiahed even under her rougi I n ar. t ?o reeord thal Mra, Vivian did rcsorl ? msideraMy to nrt, thouibl nnture had, one '.?."":'i| think, anflioirntly endowed hei , lli golden hnii waa unmistakeabiy dyed; and for parl ol it Bhe was indebti-d to aome )icts,,ii ,,r peraons unhnown. thnl ia, it Zephinc, tne eham nermaid, waa to be helieved when she made eer ti.iii revi'latiunfl to that elicel to Miss ,1 Mrs. Vivian Hushed under her rouge and "You sec, Misa Deloney, we poor little Iftnorant women are half-nfruid of you learned onea, :>* lirst : i.nt when we want aome one to trust we . ornc lo yon." Now this was certainly an artfully turned eom l.liiiient, nnd having uttered it, my fair visitor rl hi. ? Ity and Inoked at me smll Insrly onl <-i bei big blue eyes. Speoking ?.i eyea, il is all aonaenae tliat people talb nlmul _ eyea alwaja revealing r ? annl, Mra Vivinn'fl eyea were as innocentlv frank nnd trnstfil ns thoae ol B five-year-old, while her life- well. tlie reader shnll judge. " Ai ?! . ? ? ? - ,?:,?! do you think me n worthy dejiository ol ''" I inquired, smilinu mysell " Well. flrat of all I h ve a I ivoi i . .-'.. ' WI I yon u- bo very kind as t,, ._,, with Lord \f,-ii ? ? nnd me to tlie Louvre to-morrow morning? Vou .???? 1 ,? wants me t., |fo, and I shall fcel ? ind ta nsk Misa Joneo t , nccompany u.s if you will not, i'ii" iliere .Mis. Vivian looked down nh.i : al ber \Chite hnnda in ber lap "I am too youns t,, L" alrout with a gcntleman alone- il tii?-" Here followed n panse, and to ,-clie-," ber evldenl nt, I said : ?? liitil you are formally engaged, yo i mean, i it noi :'" Mra. Vivian covered her faee with a tiny scra|. of lace, presuinably a bandkcrchlef, and besan to Boh |d -. i t.T i ?.' |y, ?? Ih- Itearan to love me when I waa in mj troui'le?when my husband diiil," Bhe aaid be? tween l.'-r soba, "bul I- wbb pooi then, and 'ir Inconie ia stnnl], nnd there ?vna Puasy to thinl .t now l <? is oome baek, and everythii possihle, ; nd Mis^ Jonca \'.nl try and ;i| el it all p mc." "And do you love hiin:'"' i Inquired wltb intcn al Mra. Vi-.ian !clt ofi cn*ing, and claspina lier l.atnls tightly '" cthei looked nl me mournfnll.v. nnd pr? I ? aaid, w il i. n t >i. ou 1:1 shn c "l bei hlonoc hc I, " My hcarl is bur ed in Perc la fli it is Pusay I niu tliinkins "i my swcel liltlc ?. irl whoin my mothcr-in-luw's machinations have de prived me of. Aa Lady Merivale I could do so much i i her, Wh i mother would nol aaeriflcc her* 'i in ? t'h n cauae''" \\,'!. v'-. Vivian," i remarked meditatively, ?? it is scnrcel*! for me ta v< ntttre to fflve an opinion "ii aueh n delicata aubjeet, bul ii you do not love Lord Merivale, do you nol think you could flnd sotn" other wn> "i heina ot uae to yoi t liiil ;tirl will,,, it .-;,"i?ili-iti'.' youl .cli ;?" "Hul I like him -? ;? mui i," Ihe wi low baa tencii t?explain, "and ii we were man led 1 should gei t,, love him Thc I'fiss cl'?ck on my mnntelnheli now struck b oii.'ii'i'r 1" i. .so my visitor roce i<? go, in a littio Ii '!?? ,! :,n ,,'"L'<I i" words and '/<? .tuics al havinj dcpiived n.i my real. \^ ahe Btood outside my door she whi pered, "Then you will go with ub to the Lauvre to-mor row i cr' im '" "Vea, I wiJI t;"." I rrplied. And tlien with another koo<I m..' t ?.'.,? dis ppcared down thi i lery. nnd I returned t,, mv aenl hy the Bre i" liiclitaie on whal I hnd hc nl, ()ne Idea wat pai moiint, I did not helicve in Mrs. Vivian: aud I w I's soi i v aueh a ni lellon ns Lord Merivale should have fnllcn into her tolls. We all ;'i. ikfasl rl in Ibe Iong dining-room al ' M.i.!:i'.:,' 1.1". .I.- -,, onil ut no lixoil hour. Alphonso I brouglil :. sniall pol ol coffee ror ench ol ua ;. ? | are appeared. u :ii-i, l ii'.'ii'.l thia room the mornlng nftei in.- evonta jusl dcscribed, Miaa Joitea .. u al *??-_? iii i :- Im kfiiM-. Mr. Frosl and l>r. Ilamei had brcakfastoil lonu ago. and wero gone for ihen Btonied .\a'i; in tho Luxcinhourg (iardcna. \s..:.!. too, had gone for her morning monnder in her bath f-lt iir. "Good morning. Miaa Delaney," snid M.s- Joncti :-, i entered. "You are later than us',.ii thi.* mornlng. I auppoae Mra Vivlan kept you up late " "Oh, did ahe tell you?"' I anawered uncon cernedly, aa I aeatt I mj ell al Ihe i '''ie .uul rang lor mv eoffee. "She tei. me?" laughed Miss Jonea, "ahe nevei tella me anything! Vou ought to know that: hesidea, ihe is uot down yet, and wun'i be till Lord Merivalc'a ? rd on the atalra?then sh<- wi;l come down, and the two wilj breakfaai t igether.' "Vou aeen to be a walkinf catalogue .?! the : tbeae two," I obaerved in a tone l uieaiit io I'" wllhering I siippi'so ir waa not, Miaa lonea 1 tuj bumoredly, and ?aid : ?? I've not watched .Mrs. Vlvlan'a tactica all li.i* time lor nothing. From ti.- time ber ii:ibi>,.u.i dled, and Mr. i;-rn:,i<i waa ao klnd t.> ber, ahe ma.le up ber nnmi to keep blm ln lether?ln raac li<- camo ni. the property. I veril.i lielieve that ' , been ber only reaaon for atuying ..:, here mii" - h"i- buaband'a doatli. i"ou --.? t'.'i I\i11_. bv her plate? Ita iu ber niutht-r-lti-law'a hantlwritii??:. .last note ber face when Bhe Beea it " 'I liis voltihle la'ly had acarcely Hniahcd apeakinj; theae bul wonla wnen the door opened, tl M - Vlvian entered, followed hy Lord Merlvale, Mrs. Vlrlan waa looklng lovclier m.i yoonger than I I nl ever aeen ber. Ma- was wearli pearl inv morning wrapper, whlch trailed in ailken fobla hehinu her, maklng l> gentle " frou fron" :.k Khe walked. All doam ihe front ot this rol* littie blaek ero|H> liutiorflica (ineona-raom Hioasi) were lixoil, iu token ot monrnina wlnh upen the coidon rinjjk-tii Whieh ailorne.l hor Bbapeh littie bead tbe mutH ? ?J ?t~*h "t h.In ! v nfiiw -. cnps aat iauntily. .. ? ., Mia* Jonea Bppeared bo affronted b) thc gi*hl ..,,,,,'., ti,.,! Bhequitted na- room torth * /could noi belp obaerving during breakfaat - how very attentive Lord Merlvale waa to tbe , pretty widow. I obeerved, too, an an ?? y frown ered for a momenl "'i llie lauj s ' brow ,it~ kiitIiI "I the 1.'I w ???? I' I ''- "" '"'' I' ''' v .. ? .. h ui. unopene I, and pul ll Into tne ,,i , er poign >ir. . . . .,,. . ,;,..- i. innet stringa ln mv own ohomiiei . ali nn boiir lutor I bcard aometlun? i,i. ,nt thal epiatle. Mra. Vivlan bad come i" my door v. ,-l. her last nighta v "! ? ? " "?? ? mittunce. Bnd I I ac trd beraelf ncai my t .ile ,,uiti.mfortably, thia l me l . ti, ibink oi aeeking anotbei ? -. for mj ,\. ., 1,, i: .? ? nt ? ??-- I . aremed -i've bad auch a letter from that horrid "hl woman, my motbor-ln-law," Mra. Vi ian rom - h vrill qulte epoil ny mori pl ..- -she anva alie is romin to I'nria to soe mo abo ? I'uaay?slic ia R?ing i" lirin I sa llie may i.,. m Far - now ror nn; fii' v. fo* her letter is dated thr.laya ?? >, ???? ' i" ;'-' bave m -sr i i: - noal -, rue i "re ' ' ni ike an upeCi Mween Lord .ilerival;* nnd me?tl .? ean?hui he is foml "t me. v - toooml i i'i-i.n'.'s. nnd whal do vou think..Mias li-].,'ie" :? She aaya ahe haa hau a nropoeal for i' i ? ruoat vii! '.i- in evorj way ? - .\ i.i ipoaal I'"' vour I tlie ihughter! ' I erie<| witli an incredulon'a laugh. "Impoaalble. Wtay it S.1V..1-, ..I India. 1 o ,i littie girl ia only nine ve ira old, lan I ahe -She mual he more than that, ndmitted Um Vivlan reflei tlvel)'. *Tu tell tlie iruth l qulte loirl count. I waa mnrricd when i a I um", nnd i "? took Puasy awaj al onee: thej thoujrht me I.-, nui"., of :: child mv ell i ? care for i, bahj i roperly, I Buiipos?." Ilerc tbe pretty wiilow -i:?!.!? I. " I ean l I -'?? a ." ???*?? wenl on ? ti a Biidden outhural ol onnfldceco, "thal it might he all aettled between I. !??! Merlvnk* and me before I am ralled upon l > dieon*i ol Fuaay'n with my nwther?in-lnw, II the peraon w ho wauta lo m irrj I' rere only like I. r.| V- .- .: .?. I would ...\.' nr. ? oi aenl al one man would rh ike her Imppj. Uul Uie m in I'u-v's grandinother would be In favor of would never hc t.> my liking, I am anre - I (-ni we nre koepina l/?rd Merivabj wattinjr," I auggented, for I reallj fell I had nnthina I nboui " I'uaay 'a affair.' So \\- wenl down t ? the saloii where we found Mra. Vivlan'a eavaller ln ? ui thal momlng'a vkdt lo the Louvre I only reeord what has q hearii..- on after evrnta We were In that gallery eontainins Ihe t'ol le. ?" n l,i L'ate, aud were ;i Imirim Ihe drea r; ol im one of W.ii: iu a pi' turea. wl en l.mii Morivale ohaervcri " \\ ben I look at thev i.\.:..i-ue bluea and 11 - I ? iy* Ibink it a Riral ?, ity for women to wea "And I am doomei to weai it!" alfbed the widow. -.Not ilnomril," ro.joino.l Lord Merivnle. "and I venturc i ? predict lhal an ocoaaion maj ar:^- lUat aliiil] demand the puiting aeide -t thia ',,stnal garb." ???>ii. Lord Merivale!" paid the widow ilrprceat ingly, bul aecrotly delighted, I w a aure, "Hlnee ni\ ne.iri is 1:1 i'.-|-e ]i t'haisc tllbl blaek f-eeni- the onlv poaaible line for dSe to weor ?? \ve mual trv i" --t yi i to dwcll I-ss on Pere la I'lii'-c,' aaid hia lor'ilahip kindly. "You are lon ;, o . to glve youiNell up an entirel tn I w:,s :, t"\v yard* aa ay h l liini ; ,. Rembrandi portrait, biil F -l all thej aaid. " I Biippoae I nvist pive np this dreaa aome day (or 1'iis-'. \ aakc," Mi - \ i murmnred. V-. I ul ince l tov, in! I liom l ob rrved a i n I - j.-.- i it ell ., r Lord Merii ib/a fe I l !? -ii ioh he ia in love' I menl - \e-. I a is Biire ql It." hroke in the yn inu m in .v ledlv?" vou would do anythin lo add to youi child'a nappineaa "Anything," replied Ihe widow, fervently F - ihe !.. 'I mother now. I reflecied " Itless you for thoae worda," aaid ins lordahip fer\-ntI.v, "they Ive me eourngo to Bk you lo grant me a few moments nloi <? w il h > ou t',i- . I i ive i !<? ue ' fo i i ! lo j ou a nd your .-! me eil her thc ha] pieal oi I be moal w i.-'. --'i >.i men. ' I i.i :.i,,.|. to remind Ihe lovera >.i my preai They t ?<.t ?, looked up ut me smilin Ij. prared very happ ? hi thc way home Mra. Vivlan whlapered to me, ? It |g coming, dear Mi i Uelaney?to-ni ut." III. At Madame Laroohe'a we lunehtd nt 2 o'rloek. It w ii iii.-.i .. .|-. ii :,-i tn t bai I-. ii * ben I down t.. the t-11<.11 afier removina my wai .ii.--.- I waa nol n littie aurpriaed '.. 11 nd Madaiue there witli two atran er-. I u s :ii.n .i lo wltbdraw when Madame'a - ? ? : l-i1 . ??I'i.,. do nol go, Meea Relanejr?thia i.< Mra \'i : ?-:, and M.i'l ime, ber g uamn I'lii-n ahe mtro pi,.-i me i *-he had done . to I... .1 Merivnle I now ?.' ?! >"i 'I, ? ln -- in a i" wildored I ion. i :?" pl illl old 1 ,',.V lll ti.e Htlll waa ? ... have expeoted Mra VIvii .- . ? lall, ( woui in lie " l'liat ? i w.s . ertuinl.i even better lon : pretty motlien Thal |.r.-ii v mother entered, before I bad poi o\.a , ii-'iit. and appe iroil lo ho Bl ,i nnii loi Kui ap ? ? "i"!-' i. ... " embr i ed bei l\.'!:,M, - ind i-, my nanghty, rteg'ectful darling come at to l.-r im,' ? ? ?_ i., i - old lolv. -ln- extondorl . only one ol ?laa* h Ihe grand ? I . : :-.| in hoi . ?? mia t "I...- ? " And you. i como io '."ol'i p.-.r. ailly liltle mo, ?? s .? . know what I am come atamt, anawored Ihe uM Ind rven , " nnd I ir ?* you wi i he . , liom it Tlie widow turned again townrd daurzht r. an I ??? ith iu.t hoi ? liloa aaid. " And (loca m.i littie Puaay thmk l.-r liltle mother co ihl :? - l,ii- iinytbing, with I ci chi d'a prel j i ? i 1 eonr uled lhal Mra Vi> iun h id m 'I ? a - l den r-.'-o!- - l*i j ield to thi plan, in order ' ni ahe mighl h ? lefl in i" ??" lo pur* .. her ""? n ll. was no inis' lo this appeal, for fxird Moi ivak* oamn in jual then. fnllowe i bj M ? ,1,, ,.--. md ii .. ? ? nld Mra. W n ??! '.' . lonos a - i in- . i - lo -pe ik, nnd abo, n. I in "i i- i,l leii ned. h ul i.- i l from /? p iii c nl ti-- .? 11r 11 ..i Mra Vivian'a ilaiiirbtoi "So, Mra Vivian," s.ii \Iiss .Innoa witli mn i eiotia nffability, " we are ;,t laal '" bave tlie Inu mi ;. iidorahlc iitl le girl. Whori i .? lold im- t-li?- i i-i-'" nnd Mia* .liini - i" .kcd urouml the aalon ?? II in ac in li ni ? .- . 1**1*1. ?? riiia is my dauahler." n-|i!?.??] Mra. Vivian. hiiiii'j her Up witli vexation. "Thal voiiiib i'i, ymir lil iir . n I'" crled ..i.i Mra. VVaril. 'She must lie well growh fWI hor I. ..?.' All thia tiiii- Lord Merlvale had atood aparl 1',,-iii'".. ii,.- !.?,'..'s ot :, ournnl whieh lay nn a ..,. lie wa* v.'i'. na e, I noti .."I : . ni| 1 thoii lit 1 co : - - i' ? ? '" ? II- i ?" l,n,| I,..,.., ilooeivod l?j Mi ? Vivian alxiul thia iter, aud Iii* th iu hl futun- bii le I b?ll Borrj ror him : lliough how n mnn iii i::- Woi Id eu il'l ii ? re ? ee** ? u laken i ? ii\ ,'<?! \ |(l ll,e It \s.,s ih<- elder Mra Vi' n ":" anoke next, Bnd tbere aeemetl tu be in lier face Bnrl roice the prul np anirer "i yeara. lloforo ^,'^? nttere i i word. I know, I fell, tbal alie would ??..,', U-Jon ,,. ull ? had inteiiilo l bir lier daughtei -m laa 's - ir alone ?ml ? a ie did ?? s? \.,:e. ymi ? ? i, I pereeh e, tho eried witli wiiherina a?orn. "You sii i ? in your vnnity, and hold on lo a vanUliod youlli . i tlie ""-I "i ull .i -??? oiiian al.Id hold |i,, noi tliuih your woi da tu '.,> your ehlld. whose uist uppoalin, . .i no mol .<?! ?? i.--i "ii-e from you iln nol tl i-k itio-i- w rds th eivo n," .. more than ,i-.,. liloom oll J our ' I;".'. s i'.. i . ,? i, , lll yolll -,.-." II,.ie l.oni Merivale atepped lorward, aayins deprei itin .I.v : ?? \|- de ii ::i idam. I lie^of j nu II,. ?..,,-, nol all wed to ?'. i n. 'I he ir:it<- old dame t.. have her aay, and aenl nn, wlth a dr. i.i ia i wave ol la?r haud towanl l.m i Merivi i ? . ,'. ho w..-, al -. ;.''. ui to ln ,lt. "So, Adelaide, you will refuae your child inu now, you saj -well, then, we Olive your 1 ' enta to your mnrriu ?<? with i. \IlTlN Mrs. Vivian uttercd ? acream aud fell back? ma ol little Dr. Ilauat r, w ho had <, ? come in lo look for Mi 1 roal ; . .. tbal reapei table old aeiitlenian was sl ,. l:t eratly true, for, lu iddition ta ' .?? incnfnl , iuch a- event as , i oi- failing un spe i Into his embrace, the leeble old man fell hia il itrenglh verj unequa] io the toak ol holdinu up plnmp Mra, Vivian, nnd Lord Merivale came to nssist incc only j"st i-i time tn prevenl an ijrnoroinio ?? \t-' ua rro, Olive." iiicd hei ? ? ""li i .ther *?Firal lel me l.iss my mother," Olive mid in b ' rcmblina i oice ? So, I won'1 l< t yon," ber mot ln*r fnirly Bere iiiuhI, from Ihe shouluVr ol Mr. Ilnuser, where h.-r hlonde hend now repn I. "i "I \ i, l."i I Merivale, never lel me bcc your doeeitlnl fnce ?-.un go, all ol you pxcepl .I !>? li uaer." aml the.i si,c bursl into Inateriml peuls ol I ter. ?? I tliink, Lord M ri*. ale, thal you havi be haved very Imdly mdeed t?, .ln Vlvinn," "!?! Mr-, Ward obaerved with aaperlty. "We all thoughl v ,ii were paying your adalresscfl to ln t Lord Merivale looked from one t,, another in a bewfldered way. Ihaa* he aaked me if I had 1 i iu thia deluaion. I frankly admitted thal ?'?"li ia a great pi'v?a greal nit ."' his lordabip i , | slowl " l ou are, I wunte l ta ala ,i',?:'? consent to lel me mairv ; er dau I mnsi liave bnneted sndly, bnl 1 never dreamt oi anvlliing li'-1' tiiia. I thought "l Mrs. Vivian aa Olive's mother, thul wa. all." \< s. thal was all. i.ord Merivale had been atavins i i Irienu'a country house where Ollvn Vivian and her grandmotlier were nlso Riicsts, nnd he had fallen In love with thc hrijrht young Lrirl aml ahe with him. Then-tbe r ndmother hnd loid 1 un nccordinu t,> her son'a will, ilie < ni Olivc'a mothei musl br* obtaincd, "And ? ||| never irive It," the old ladj had added, is t ", much afraid if having her own age gitcsacd at il siic hns n married daiitrhter." ? -? kind i > me," Lord Merl ? ah had an> von d. " I will i "n over t" Pnris and do nr Iteal t" pleaae Irer aud then make my ll.Cst " The i"s.i!t of thia plaa the reader has secn. filivc Vivian did IVecome Lndy Merivale. And mot her ': She married i?r. Ilaueer withln a mnnth!? j iHI _'IU vi .. P0EM8 Bl TR0MA8 LOVBIL nr.DDOES. THE REASOJf wiIY. I. I love thee imil I |ove tliee not, k love tii"". yel I'd r dlt r n 4, All of t::,?". jret I I n ? ? nol A lov ? n ????? a- tender, A in II ? ee. ii aa -!"t:tler. And ,"i it a brown iit:! ? apol I or t ar. t , rall afnud on, ind i.i ?? i" i," u 0.1 on, 11.r. ?? "1! ? 01 ii'!";: ? too. Th"ii whv love i. |ove. none 1,'it vont if l could Bi 'i Ihe r i on a h\, Methlnl mj loi ?.bM th. i.Iv dio. II. Aj. knew i how lo i ate thee, i i I, I'd liate tv ?? f * i kn"\v not \. ii it, Ex< pimu' tbal l'?l r.itI lie th) fi Icnd ??' i". i.iin : i ni tbou'ii woman, i 'ii om to tii ni, mj licart'a afrattS i ?r, If I w. .?i ilihor irt? -?-. Tlie in rre nu i i lonr* for tbec, Wliat other* foree me i". I tmn me from; why nol from you J If I COUld li d tii- !?:: l v. I.V. My .I: ,?:ii bai ted love would die. lll. r.tit sii inld'al iiiou ''., ? tnv beorl to movo i , i mrrlnga, tlial I'd rather not, Ai rl t! i ?'! i i, ite, I kn?a i ?ii ?'?? ii it Mv I,' art B "iil'l ?! ? I"' niOSII I llffS i.,,\,- i. ni- ir?t?, I..-.,' ?*omIng. ii lovelleal li,'". mi i hat< : il love* i ro nti il i ? -I endeavor li a li,' en i ,\ ? nt ever. TII neltln r ol lla ??r hate or love the love of rou. And t on l'i ? fouod the n b .''ti why l know n,y l"\" i an n< rcr dle. Jni: l/.oWER V ALCBEMIST. II. t. ,,!i tl ' ! Mv |ii"tt\ i'd" rOUng vlolef. rfij uioo .v , ii >?;, uneover; Uti V at liood of fallen -: v, Vnd mv I ? ?? l'11 wel .\ , ? ? .:? ?? ' ,n ol thlne eye. II -. o . S,, .1 1e:,fv wli fi,-: I 'le. ,?- loverl Twaa I ?'. \ ? fell IW, 'l he a lld t I- ?? In bla. R at d jrellow. II I, nh I ? : M) pretty pale votinr. vlolef : .. i,,\<..,.: . bllnd ino When 1 When I traltoroiial) !? - I Thi ..'inl .'ii i'..i.\'. gra..-. Iit. The v rv nexl nljtht i I il i thc taie To n litl .\i .1 tlie p "i '?" :?' . ? : f dled nf ihnmo. )li : t ?-. tlio i ti"" ? 11, . fell ??'. I yel Ojfj ?AV ? "? I " 'v /"''?" I' RTBFETB \ ti Ip thi tuah pai ? "f Ib t??: cmeril bonae >i I ? . ? ??,.,.' \ ?*,. ?;.? dlrt] , :,,? . . ' '? ; .?i Improper reoeptjvlea. In awne blork* it t the en eptlon lo 1 ' - i '? "?' barrel lhal la - md v hole ai d that nol nll 'l In orerflo ,f ihe Nurela are bal.I and fell "f bolea, nearly all aro i l'i .:,..?? ol f imll ea uppll ,t , : i only Iwo "t Ihreo iron barrel . aod they nol of larpe -I/". (n i d il take ? .iltuh ? : iltl. ..I ., bi ?? . tii-- I ' ?? I-- | I, ? a ,!!,, bul I rotputtingl ? el I ? ? Muny of t tipl l srlth : i| arlth mlaeellaneoua ? . ? ?,-', t, ,t|, r . .., ,|, boxei old ob] and i liottom. sii,|i reeepta i ? i I) broken, ,>f , : , ! |, ,i t "t theii , > -t- : - i un , on tba .,:?? a favortti rei ;.;?,.,, t : ip ?? arl.lrl on tii to aa,) thal il f the m "?! ? leaiiii u ? ln i ? ,,f il,,. a|o>cnly way ol ? ? ? llie -h!' u :,lk a'i'l l'i" riltt. I'. I ? j ????.. ' llon 'i 'i. i a ? !.:?! ? ??. Iraaj lo llie rlty and I I iciia. AX i ;./ r 11 n, 11 BROB. A new terror hi la idded i ? elei ited railwaj trnvel. I' - K'?i ih (1. nd t ikea map .hol il ; ? .? |? ? ? ? ii. i in !?? [mi r, and tlio plrture prlnted ... ictela ,,f repp i fl a ?. Noi e nllep-d artl t- make Imll ir eatieat I In pla . lew of vli l m i, ??> ho : ??.,? t., a. ",'i t ..? ' i 1',, e. T><>!\ lll U \T HI.U W'lRD. From The Philadclpfa > In.p liovernoi v, m, ? ? look like ..ii" ? ho im rofimi. ,i , m ., u bo I, . fa, 'sl Imrtl tii]? ut ,1 ,l".:th iu a il. -i*'r to iii t. .. um i Uu gokl. in- ('nlifornla | >W fever In '40 raRcd with pai i i I . l Mh liifttu' :? ., , . || :?: Iltl, i a .1 n ell \ i-n imu '. ,1 in th ? _,,|i li' 1,1.. A ver) little . ^ l ?' IU : ll ' 11*1 , wa :!, lli" .\ ,:n.,: man nnd he .in.j':, ,i llie pl, I, ., u i,,,\, i .i ? nuti,<i to ?? -k t ? im." ln ... lion, ll nol "i the kiud tlnit waa ,,n,i popul,. ,,i tlml liiii* aud plnce. kno. n .. fat i Iml .. i , Ihe ti ? ? I ' ..,1 Im -i:," a. rhe ii un i.-i |,," ;?? :?? i. and in ibe ? mt ? '? - ii "t .<. . .ii1 .'",i .' , ,,n.i"i i i.i ? i.n ,? pllc. Uul ..: -ni icreai l-eaflesa aml I ,i.??? .i fo lionic. Not far from tVliiiin' ,,!! home ln 1 i- :n ?? i. ," i\ llvi ,1 Ihe '...ll"....v ml.. i i>r ? were f. ui ol . ,.,i ? llli li nnd i other -i tn \. hl. li one ol llie .i iiit'-t ' ? i "? p '"ttle ?? \ ,'i, : Wln.ii tl ' ? nu:. I llllll i- :li < ,'1 '?"..., A'OUld j ' , ,?.|. tu la lai dard ? i m di il ? ii". nnd liefore I il. ; arlure foi Ihe old tl, Idi jl,:,: hl n.lil I., I nnd ! i Kind lal ivoial'ly i ?]f 1 like yon ii rell a h. n you , ime i ,. ' , i ,:,, I will man \ J ou,' h< ."l'i lilm a IfTi refrc lilni ?,. in ', in- wenl ? ii t.ii i.',",i him tbal W , , ? ? , mt *J he Ioiik Joun "? ba. lo MUhl i.< -\\ , : ,t ,,,,.?.?:? ?.. tl," i r l t: '|i H. lll. ? illtinei l. I 1,,' ;,,, , ,.| pltlll ll llt.l ki il ? i idl III llllll w . : Ul llet ln Ibe in-. ,ni lortiiniiteli thc woiu ,t m ?, 1,1,1 i iial. H" n ni i ?? I I. n ? ni if.-tj l,n i,i.,."ii. : ? ? i .. i. ' ,l arelcohie '?? ?>,. iie| ;iii, i - foi mlles nround, l ul li" found * ? p ol i app : liad ii- bltter ?1r..... n;, hcarl !"\"'i .i ? VI io " li "i nol made tbe heirl uu.x fouder I , ? . II . -i ? ' ; nfoi tliat ."i" '? ".iu Ii ? :?: id to be a ter to hlm. VVInana ,!? i ,.'I i,',i. word. Ile an eni eentl. |,rai Heai and ? ' I lien n- lie |a r> ,i,;, ;,,, , he Imnied hl , ite li ? made up t.. i.,i,i,.,. rjall propi ? d. a 'l .'-i-d. A f?". | ? ? and tho I, nd -i. - ??." t f ii ed llli: ? < om iii WbO I ,. ? , VI,. ,;,,] ,j,M, ,,?,, mothei ond ba. k to i dlfor ilu They retnnliiefl at-veral yeara i ? lovernor . there hdd the 1 lundatlon ol hli pres ml i ? GalloTray marrled a Mr. Iteynolda, who rnn ducfed i ' town. Ile gied not lona in ?? ?''?,: ,: - ? Idow. now aa Invalld, and m i two rhlldren, are IIvIiib Iii llaml.urit at the hoapltable home "f ber ln<<tii.-i- ln l.u. the oext Ooveroor ol mi, hlgau. BETTEB I. trOB TIIAX FROWS. From Tlie shi Pram ha o Calt a roang ladj n u-hei ln the riemcnl ? lio,,i ln thl* .,, ? a li. : rl* ? .in lrnt.iv for Ihe riii-i-im,, hoflda) . -i. i ll ?'? i - ' ? - - a ih-- ni li -.i. I, and everj i*u id Uieni a-oul'l eujoy ? "Merry I'hrisi n,,i and i llapp) -N"" Vear." ?? w- v.i i' '...'i Iho -.rn". MI - ." I- -p.'?? i tho ? I, ln rboru*. and ihe trwher ihauked thom. ln hor ipoooh "? thank* ?h*i Ittnorently *ald: ?? tnd now 1 . | .r. ? I i . 0 I ?? UUl I" - '' I" \.|l .,11 III il I !,.,|.. ? . ?? mn i.i-i:ii ii -. '.' th h.ppv I,,. ?? aud tlu! ...ii - iii .iii ue i ? ? fnture tha i ? m li i il, pi-i. 'n fot. I arouM lil.- to -,,? v.ii lurn over ,1 ll"? I'Mt. ?? Hope rou'll <i" th" aune, Ul - ," ran nimiilii.- rhorn . and tbe teacher dUml*?ed tho rlaa* atthout further a-Ubea. Bhe at ?uil aroodertng whoehei to l.-wigli or froa a WALKING IX ENGLAND. BUGOESTIOXS TO TOFRISTS. To ?p.-"i amcb thne In Bnrope i- leneraBy eon sldercd b very expenaivo undcrtaklng. Bnl my ax i-1- ??-. - of the :i.'!'ai ... i of livlng abroad I* mu< h al varlanco alth thl* wipp iltlon. i paaaed th.lellaht fnl montha i'i Bngbuid, Srotland aad Walea tii, aani tner, galning tbe health tbal I -- nght, epjovtng a of exp ricncca thal ran never Ire forgotten, livlng ln perfi 11 . n ort, i .i afl ' i an outl u ol moni y not ex - _ o. And atthough i am n 1 aa an In A ? .'iii nvci nueli glven to a very aerkma frugellty, , -i'i:i wltb in- eovered all ex| ' - ,m" .i .... .. ? n elf to tbe Innnmemble "ha'pennlea' . xtravaganee thal a three bkm th -' ,:.v | Rtrte* Inevltably Involvea. Of eourae a ultlij tourUt -" small a aum wlll aeem o mere llo, bai i glve II aierely t" abow wfcal the coonoralcal tlmll eaa be whibln whlcb on- may com fnti'i. .:,. - :, i .,, ol this l.imi. Inclbmtlon led ate to -pr:i(l BUMl Of tnv titn ? ai the .-la.'l tOWl pi- t:'i-"-.; eonntry placca of <>!d England rather ti,,,, m tbe large clthsa, and thb made a notablc dlfference. M | of t' - Ume, I o, i travelled wlth mv knapsaek on my baek, goina wherovcr tbe komor a me, ai-'i alwaj ? Bndln: mj re* ard ln tba enjnymenl "f tbe aovel b?autiea of Bngtlah wayaldea, -,, HtUo known to travoller generally. and the feellna of i.Ith mi'! vlgor whlch pedeatrlaniam Invarlably brlng* to Iti devoteea. Of eourae thia Baede of Ufe bad much to do wlth tbe curtallaaenl of ordinary t. ir. ' expenaea; bai fur from belng hampered bt mv Invoin ilary economy, I ean only aay ttmt II nt.otated mn from many ol the annoyane Incldeni i" Europeaa travel, broughl me experlencea tbal rarely f.'ii to tbe orthodox tonrlat, and lefl me vaatly Iraprovad ln aealtb a reaalt bj n - meam common wltb tbeaa who aaal i:ur. :"? \. nii thal objeel ln vi.-v. Ameriean toarlsta too oflen aegleei Greal Britala ., and in -o dolng Ibey miaa a rn al .?-ii of enjormeni thal they vviii not flnd elaewbere. r ? rhole rountn teemi wltb antlqaarlan aad ptrt ni-i'-'iii- Inleresl very ttttle known to oatoMera; the : , and i found the people, that is the i aell-to-do pea antry, almoal anlformly iiL-r.ii.i-. Iiitetllgenl and honest TraveBlng an f""t. - ln th- litti- wajime Inns, i the nlghi In the straggllng vlllagea wlth thelr thatrhed roofa and quali t gablea, one beeomea praeth dly famlllar wlth the natlve peeuBaritiea of BngUah lifc ?i.,i Rngll ii iccnery. Contraated wlth our owa r<iiinir\ landsi ipea, tlm-r ,,f England are lacklng ln ,- i ? featurea whlch .add variery and charm t" ,-i day'i -trnii ri ii," i-m.ii <ii imt- here. Tbere I* nothing -o ronsplruou Iy abeenl ln the arenery of <;nu Britala (oxeeptlng, of eourae, In the Midland eountiea, where they are suhlrlcntly abandant) aa tbe treea. Tae hlBa, mn..-1.uul- and meadowa ar- all qulte bare of toUage; .m.i i have - wafked for a wboki day in ? ?..- itl ?' ? wlth nothing bnl b waate of , 1 i heath "ii cither -hl- of rae. V-t. whal i' thua laoka In form the country galna ln eolor ;u>d broadth of vlcw. For, nnlesa ob trueted by hlBa, one ??I to the horizon al evi ? d iln- purple . the yellow wild (lowcra, tii" graj at red raeka and the brighl green of thc gra and moaae* glve of unbroken color. t i fortunatelj. ' . rlng the repular hlghwaya . la fre :?? : d by two I al.? all . whlch landcd p ' ni I'i around thelr eatate*, and trtilrh oftontlmc..i i" be Iniermh able ln I igtb. Dul ,,..,,. j. freqtientlj luekj ,. < n.-i, lo ii::<l patha leading !..?-'? at .1 through th- eal ib - of thoae abo, ? hli thelr f- to i together to Bia >?? U ?? good hlghwaya tame and nnbiten Th- Engllah pea inl leema to t ike a pnde in beeuta Uie Uttle houae In whlch he tlvea and tba imall mrroundlng garden. IValking on tbe blehwuya one ?,;a every lialf docen mllei a rlnater of tbeaa neat Uttle d , a:*d tbe I giit eolors of tbe i are f ,1U tended garden flower* in front of them. the vlnes trailing up iii- porch, aad tbe aturdj houaewttc * thln ., i tn the imii,-iv ili ? ieat, form a vory rharmlng pleture, and one readliy aceepti the proff.<n-<l :,,,.|,.t ,:.!?.. i ' .'.?? apenl many h pleaaanl hoar wlth - ing to what Uttle Ibey ?,ii t"ii ol fh-ir -inipie eonntry Ufe 'for they are verj reaorved) and anawering thelr ronraeoualy eager ojuea ,mii, , ??', in a'.,? li they appenr . ?? a- ?-. intereated. Whal number* I Id and brothera tbal bad eome to this EMorado of thelr Imaalnitlirn" l Anit u-nniiv ti,-v wanld be MtonHhed thal th-ir \i-itor hsii iMHher aeen nor heard of them In Vew Vork, bul eonaoled them*elve* by taklng it for m iiit".i that he wo d do ? ?-? r later. a I wns were wre to make I n tl.rd. Tbe a ln a nl year oul fulfllllng a narrow ? ' ? : littie of t' Ide i md rontenl to dc .-?? thelr forefather* have doi ? - -,;,. Tbl* ? 'a i- nndoubtedly the r th- numeron* dlalei ta one flnd* in i i, iiid?d. thi ? d ii-.'- ara often m dlfflenll ? ' - ?> min h from eaoh other that ? i hard lo belleve th?- are of ahe -,?," raei ,? ? | ?? .. , then avea the Engllah Sfatfon. The pe..p> nn* meeta, h iwwrer, are mt alwaya I the pli . lor i have de rlbed, aad tne fbol travoller uv* nooa*lonalIy experienee aome dl ?? ,v fr ."i .. - town fo bi ?Tritnp," are found on thoae lonely oM road*, ? , ?. ? I tl in. iii.-r,. women hh.I .xperted aad r mBj i'? ii, mded ni"! ?"., the inythlng bul - it ifsrtory i ? ' - irnlng fr .a, . . a here l h ei p ml the nlght, ex ? ? ? ? i Molrose Abbey before evenlng, a dU Phe r. id ? i- .-..ii! ;,ri; velj a- ? a ..f iui"i---i. and i walked .>a f..r hour* ? na a tree or a housa or even a htll .;, f. endlcss Iretoh "f bairen, lonely moor : ind. i ?? '1 ?! : . I ' ?. upo . d .,? d women "f tii- ?? tramp" . ,1. .1 to !, -t h. i , ?? i . i ?? ln -?'. and i ?..;?i ..-.t m:d lalked alth them. .- ? li il : Uie luneh i h i.i. m they appearod t i be worully ii'i"-"".. ll.en. proparing t> .- ? on wlth my walk, th- leader of thi* gana .t gypatea, i p iworfnl fello?. who 4111 1 tod aa II lahed, iprana t" Id* foet, whUpered lo I ? ? ??! i .ui -.-.i thal h- ?? ould ?alk i he :' ihe waj a Ith me. I pretend .1 btc?| P alth m 'i i , onfe Ui h r . .- :? :? anfort, a I ? from hl Herre, g innt ap p-iri- ??-. ? - l v ould liai - . Ii.i for a i-ompanion on thal lonely Srotrh road a th all ni) monoy on mj |??: mi and onl ? , However, I r~?umed .i- raurh roolne** .,-,i , ,?-??!, ..- i eould mu lor. *ympatliiaed ? th the p - r man'* tale ol *tarvatl >n and hardahlp, lauabed .ii the ? we th il ii- *.nn:-- hron hl lo cui h he - h.wi i" do very deaprrate bad thlt llve ai :iH" and above all walked aa f,,,i ;,, i ,,,,i,i. Iiuping to tiro hl.t liefore i.arhed tne "de* perate'1 ttage. ln thl* l wa* Anallj -a,.- fnl, and had th- iilafactloii a ? well a- ta- pain of ? ? ; tho poor n "???-. -!: >p I- tke ? i\ -i.i,?. ,- ,.,,, , ? .. i a md hungr) t . ?, , | , ; ',,,?. 1 '??:l ani- ii ii ' "I"- ili Ihe w i\ fi ibord. on f"'t looklng, witTioal auoceaa, tor aii) kind of work thal ruhrhl . up, r,,,- the la i twu d ??. I h >.i i.-ir. ll -l ? th Uttle Io.nI, mm i?. ||.,|?..| |n u, h Lond .a. where, Lranaa tu - ,j. i. . h . I >okod lorward to obt?ning rellel irom hl* povorty. I ird i.i-i many more ..f the -1. klud In m.i tramp* thr iuah Kngl ind aud all told ?iuillar *tm ia u .1 hor ? i'i- lame ni i a ol lio| cle - iuITi rl gon Ihelr fi?. Kw a - rldi nl Bre of eourae di pn In r, md would p II p ? i drloi -iu In Eiikui d for a I tuaii) people. ia t ih-. are more than babuued by the runiautlc on, throui li whioh one eontlnnally na**e* in tbal ohi eonntry. where thi pli , .- ,-,,? . ,,; ., ? combtne wlth tbe freahne** and Iran ? ull Itj of ai. evci beauUful naturo to 11 i. . .?? . IraveUar. IV ASTBOXOBICAL COIXCIDBXCM. Proteaa r B. B. Harnard ln Tka Ban Pranclaco Ka amlner. ii i- very eldom thal rolncldeneei of 'i BUrtllna "?>''"'.? "? "'r a-:r..,,,,,:. d u .... ,. ,.,.,, .,, ii i" tbH 1.1.1 thal nearly idl ihln ? ?t'wtial idatlon aud ther i? "'tl ? . : : I,. tho .,1,1,1 ,,? ii,. 1V . ;ahrl( ii,,: , i , Incldeueca lhan an arraj ,.i fa. ? ii 1 ?"'?? ?s ? a*) recentt) otcurred Uowia '. .I u-onaerl il roin Idenee that ruust sturtle eve 1 ??' * ' :- ?l!!'1 thi . itrangely ' ??,, ? ?>,,.; irted ln iii m. M" ' " rhe 15th ,,f N'ovembor last Profesaor Zona nl n... Palermo ub rvato y. ln Italy, di ' a,..,! ?.,?,!., ' ">. t*?ll*aU ii turlira. it \.:.. rnovini ronldh t,, ""? wesl ?"'.'."'? The followlnf* nluhl i.\i,.,ln|?., "'"? while - i . tln .i on of this comel with Hi.- lt, .t iwent) aeven iiu-h lelesi ,|i" ,,t Vlenna i>, ?pll iler ,1. ? .vered mother nn.! falnier e-jtnet ln tlie "??Id i vi.M.h ii the motlon wa lu t .,? ,?,,. .i,.,., ":-' ": "?'?' ' pon Ihe aiiuoi.meni . lion rometa o el - ,.,,?? , ue ni.ii -ill', , iu, n. : -.; thal thc ive ,? .,,, ,,{ ii. ."in.". and thercfom were Irav-clllug ? ! '?'? losi'tbe . ii wus. iHiwever, -.i ? ?, ,, ?ti ,,? waa no relsitl i.iii!' v hat ver between ,i,? ,Ar, ,'?? I.' ? '?"?? rapldlt I n Ihe other f.r hehlud .. t -iV. dtcr ?.i.itnler' dl rovor) wlthl "x ,,,,.," ?i ir.? (Iftli ti. : imeter ul - ii," \ leiina < .-in. t. ao tlml llie two inual U?\ ? ,,. " tbe i 'I.;,,? :. ,. ,I.,nl,|- romet. l.v c?.',!, ... , 1 th" 17th. wheu Zona'a cotnet cwM Br t be ohaerved ni Vmerira, the) were .m two drrree* aitarl aud th,.,',' tora ll," talhter one would have ,-? ipcd d ,, ve.' Iltey are now iDcvombor 10) Iwo honr, iio.iit l? rUrht aaCOBBlon and dlftVr f*om gCgteea In deelmatlon. and wiui" me is Btovlag loamward tka otber la keepiiii: up If. norilierly moiiuii. AO) "u ? -' '.ir .'.iilt the di-,,.\"r\ of I'omets and, the comparatlve acarelti of the lome, aad who ean apprcelau llie < ijl eximnae of tho beavena, in whleh th.- average comel la tne nioroat ipack, wtg roraignlu ni :lu ii,-? v"i. o( two aea eometa wllhlo a law rnlh otcs "f < "ii ather, aad ln ao way phyakell* coo i. ' on : t :. ? remarkatile cota idencea [ever known. Tlierc la no reeord of anv twocimeta not [plivylrally related. ever havlng ber-gOaeen arltkin a degree of eaek other, and ti,e;-e are T.m.v milii.M.s of i.i ilie di over) of ,??? ? *u< i. eoaasta a. togother aa wen* Zona'a and >|.ltaier'?. and ?? mai aafely aajr thal lt ?iii never hanpea mpttuu Iii? two comd> are belng rcgularl) obaen >i at tlie Lick Obscrvatory. Nelthe," I brlght Bpftaler*a ta ex criedlngly amall and talnt, tke nieresl ipeek af haz? raovlng il ?? !> amoiie the itars. Ita orbfl haa t.ot yet been computed, bul there la no doubt from Its apnear atiie and llOW niofi ,11 it niii-i bc very dl^tant from OB. A CAUFORNIA 1AD. OOLLECTING INDIAN U.VSKi'.TS. BBTXSTIC SKIIXi Of TIIK WBWBBU. AVD i.THTOg l.iiOii VM.i V. OF THUB woitK-AMATSIBJi B9NETIMEI KuilBIiRS. gaa I'Mti',,.. Jan. BV?To maKe a rolto-tlon of Indian !,u ketfl thal sliall <?? lipse that of any ono eUe that one knowa la tke veileal tolly, and y.-t Ikal i, what the ma|oriti of lonrlatfl who come to Baathora talifornla for tbe flnrt time alwaya try to 9*. They ranaack afaopa ;.:.'i pay laney prleea; thev organlaa i, : on tii" "l'i Mexiean aaabea; they arkeatk* tins ciergy Into putting them oa to tka aeent of par tlcnlarly mra apoelniona; they pay all mrta of prires, varylng fcoffl tl to "r"i<*i>. an.l then f,,.- all t'ie ex pendlture <>f motaey, Maae and atrengtfe tkey faii to gei tha full appi-'latioi of tke ioiie<tion wkleh <*nn only come from a etoae atady of tha baakal ..- a unl veraal'and Indiapensoblc ataasll in the aaaaaakai economy ol tke tnaUoa. Think what oara bmm! uo exerelsed and whal ? correel eve for Bymmetiji maot be cultlvated by the patlent Indlaa woman adkg -its down besktc B -ti'iiu "f water wltk IWO or three bnndlea of reeda before ber, the taavlcol onaa ta hana thc hmgltadlnal rlha ol her baabat, aml ihe gaa, ilender onea to ha evotved Into a woaaarfal and in pattern. Witii arkat oleety inu-t aaa .ahuiate, beglnnlng a* she itoes al Un* BOttom of laa witoie tklng, with ju-t one twhrt ol tii" Bne taai aiaaai tho coaraer one. How floafly thc d"-ign moal bc ttxed ba ber min.i to enable ber ba mprodaec an toteieala f"iiii of tmoce -iu' of tornu wfclcl mck precMoo upon i clrcukw -iirfi'o tbal her lUtoaea alwaya cx,rut- ju-t in thc rlfhl plaee. The indian woman Is not devold of fnncy; she la i, ,t the Itankl, diimpi-h slave tlial one laiaglnes who baa ocver liveri neai an Indian camp. she I. keenly akve ?v> th" varylng phaaea of bt?ltfal nacaro, and in a vagaa, anooneekma aray Bdaaga Ihe aiCtarea ln her miml to tke more Bcactleal need1 of dnllv life. .lu t aa ve, orbo Bo Md tinderstatid a word of l'erslan, ?omotlmea stand antnmee beftora a rVrataa B*ana> scripl ln a mti-eum, nnd it- fonn ttngnra in our imnil-. ao the Indlaa woman. ktokfog upon the gaudy -itrn thal advortlaea tha anwaa "f Ihe -hop of the rcaervatloa, i- wmctlmai ?nkrktUy attraeted by UM fonn <>f the i.-tt'T . althongb ahe ooea not nnaoratand ,. word of BngUsh, and thc nexl timu -he weaves, in po th" lettera tlu.t pleaaed her Ihe most. Tme, the a i- uj.-trte aVfwn, aad bhe B i- laraai ihe wmng way, the N aprawlfl and the Y looks llie- a wtgwaBB with a very tall chlmoey; bal Ihe ather icjaawa of ? be gnthior aronnd tae Bealgner "f arlgl :) hlcroglypha iu open rnouthed envy aad thc iirst thing one knowa the camp la gtatted wllh oaaallaaic baaketa that to the onlnltlated icen tke bmb! aaa* derful nnd mysterioaa prodneta ol the bnman uaagfiav Men, well worth thc time and thoughl of the etknot ou-i-t. Tbe Blatorted aad groteeoae do aot often piay n roospieaoaa *>.nt m the indian asaanaVa haaey. Bomo> time, ahe -ees a pinc < one and j- stemk with the re^ Blar chana "f n- balfnajfard aactlone. when next aba -it- down ta work icr laaogte**t*oa eonveatton* alicea tbal (Ona, and -he lanytraoaeea lt bJ taa paitora ,,f ner baehet arlth varylng oomblnattona, but ,1 waya dlatlnetry a plne rone. Thi aagla llea *wraaa th? down near ci.oiil'Ii to e.-irta M t'nat hl< -tronciv aerratcd vct rcgnkw aing feath'T- ti md out ; rel.ef Bgalne! the pale -l.v. The BBeaaary of * . peraetaated In t^1* bcxI aaaa/lng. goaaaaaari || m the JaKKCd "dge ,,f a U-af. 0V tha BBtial <>f ? rloged aerpent. The trnttargr, the Mrd, tka maantaln. luonB anraarn Ibe gllatenkut acalei "f Iha tront, ,ii ihaaa aad n...:.v a?ore eontHbata ta tke rnrlei Ibrma that eaa be araaren bjr the amtt Bnaera of tli?a Indian womitn who we.ives r.-'tl~ Into attensUs as our grandmothers wove lduo and wfclte Uaena Into oiiilt-.. or M Ihe ^anie dear old la.tle-. adBBted BOtaia) ia x 1--- art.-ti- way. in Ki-me-Min. Log Cabta. I"vramid aad Crasy pataerna, f..r apara-vaom eoaBbra <? ? day au itiduui mother nottaed a BB~. aaahl ea? eoen iwinglng (reaa tho II?h of ? aaa. it waa aa iu i.i-: after BuB aaa - aped tbe i nuUe fof ii, r pa|.te like the roeoon, vmii teeUi r thonga t? taihcd, ho tbal ?be inik-lii awlag it t<> Bm Ibnb of .? h !.- tbe waa al work, or couM itrap II fo aee . ? li- wetrl from pla 8 t" pl o-' r? tbe ttodenl of etbnology, a earafuUy < hn??n eot lerBon ol baaketa raa be auale alai ?' prteelaaa bi vabie; i.ut wby one who earea Uttle lor ethoology aad !? ,- for evolattoa abaaM apend tboaaanda af o-llir* mi uu nn. i.i?i.i'd b- of baaketa i> bcyood kaa. Tbeaa i :i-k>'i i.ii- are revelattona lo tba conaervattva aaaa who r.'-i"-.i- ihe personal privacy -f otber* regai I ? . in .-!?? -ii' li rald an t ?hlo wom ui , ..iv lual i.ll"- tlon of baaket* aad "thr , uttus drovu up io tbe door ? I ? adobo rhe rc?( of the party wora ihlnkiiiK "i Ihe - .i.i -t..rv of Bamooa, many ??! n.o ul whii h -..?." l"d ln ta.- vlclnity. Uul i, thc ihoughta of the liasket hunter. ? -.;.- io the d'-oi |a reap ?ue ta her Utli" k ? -il.ii eoi 1..I-!.. ' '" a-kel tho lady from < ihio. ?X,i ? rvnlled tho Indlan. II- knew h-r -tyle. ? i i.vik --"." aaid the woman, inteeptdly pu-hing pi-i him Into the lui .-?. ?!,,, . , tipboardi, In eornera, In lmx-a, on ?n< i th bed, wbence ihe dr-w a hoxes oi 1'he.t*. Opei Ing iheaa ,i?. ,,i;;: ,| . .|dc i Uttle ... a.',:-? ba ki t, i rard ar -<> ,,i ,,;,| I.,.f preal value th-ii had prol < ily been worn i .. ,,.,. ni , al tii- MimI a. *ome -inull i,i,^;ll! is painiod ou guiM and a allver-bound thc*e np "Mi.t.iiiilv. she layl ..,,.. ie oul to tlu i arrtago. l he Indlan wlth rage. Ili* eye* nlowed witli duil i, i, i \... ,.m- ,,f inu, I,.- i;, i -u- iv down apon hl* bed alth ihe air ol atter dcjtvtlon whlch .nea mi ilie i .-;.'.- "t bavlnc no rlghl to llve, >.f betng ,1 i ... ? ,,;,. ol ih- I ia '* i" ai. Uon. \, |.,, I, . we were moititi ?*'.. and one. more b-'l'l ii,., , ,? i i. -;, .i to th- woman : -||ow do \. a .!.:>? t" di whal vou would kil! i man fur dolng ln \ oan hou*c '" \ ;,.;? i I,.,.!,. .i ,??-, ul iii" handsome head rrowned niia^i lu!" a ni. nnd :i ronvtnelng, "Uul it l* tba only . ."i thosc Indlan* to *how one anything! Be , A.ii,i"<i tbe tiiii:-'-." waa ..n Ihe *atl*fac_on wa Vnother wnman a*e m-t ahowed u* wlth anfelgned ?!,-: -in ii -iii.iii blue natlu ja.-h.-t Irtmmed with gold I,.- in..! -li- bad .iu ofl i talnl in one of u> ' . . luniuittinu ili- .1 ? -.1 ..ti .I k Iho J i to the -I'li-'i un ?ome irivlal orrand. aud oa*tng her ?.'Mi ii -in.,11 ^.,;.i pn-,e drapped Inio tb) ;.i -\. T.iki'ii ..- .. whnle, however, ihe rojleotors i wlth tlu- natlvea. In - tn- . i---. 1-n.goi i'i- woi i "f tti- latrgain. Foi examplo, : h.ive I > ? iti i,i|\ - "i I'luket* that were I' iuh: froBB ; ii - foi ?1 ,',ii. -.1,1 o i , i-iiliil . i- inari-t for fi .. ih- men who make a ba?1nea* ?.( xolUng haaket* i--ii.iiii buj i ii. in lor a -ing, and llieu labrtvatc I gi i ds lo jn-lifv an i:.-!,'.!-- of pn?, ofteu I-ii tlmo* tba i ra t. ___________________ THE JVDQB BMn.BR aT /. tsT*. I' The Plttaburg lii-p.l"li. More practii il Joke* nnd lodeed af all aorta ni- i.ii'i! !,:? .1 i. lioncral IVarion than any otber rn bmg nllve lo-dav. > .,i:e of them happ ned a i-" lhut ii i* nli.t i . ru-i j"i..- apon tbe llen ? :al t.. t.-li the ' -? iln. Bul on- (Inii Waa told ia i ;? iiii-i a , iii :,'.,? tho othei da) ma) be relatcd liere it for no othei miwo ? tluiii t > ahow how early the piop-n-ia ;..,- oxiractlnK fnn out of everytblug ii ? vi lo| M .i-if ln tho i ptieral. ii-i ??? i-'ivn, who an* the 1,-t lav Jadge eleetedl ni the All-cliei'V I ??inii> i.t-. \\:i- :i. i irdlng to irailiilou i \ ? : . t 'I-- n; in and oxtrf mel) eoonomh al ?i tho dlstrll nl i'i ?- ai t;n t. it ira* -aid th-itj be waa n paf >? i.'? * >t and never ainlled. Mr. I" ii ou, wlw li-I then bul i.itl) 1 ?n to tha Iar, * i llj ln -impithv wiiii Jndge Broarn. one 't:.\ h- t-'i'-r.-,* Judav i rown'a rourb and aeal to ih- aator cooler whii . wna btck >.i and above tba J ii ? \ box. \ i-.l i lurymxn waa aittlng Immedlatety under tbe water rmler, piu.dh snooxlna. i'"? rourl wa* cliartrlriK th- iury. Mr. IVanon t v.ti :* drink id wab-r. and Ihen. obaervlna the bald head helow him, dellhenteli i-.t the water runnlng. Tlm iiniii ktmrk tbe > ?? t-.- of tlie *hlntng craulum, aud i - f.'-t ini ? the air. it waa iiatnntaneou* and lnten?oly ridlculona, Jndge Browa ?i ii <:. i"! tl n Bctnally lauabed. Tho acena waa nnnro-edenl a, aad fl I- n-'it.-.l b* veraelotu eye all leiaea that ota- of tlie tipttawea falnted. IKDOB8B CBKCE8 OX THE S1FB T.VP. Krom The Provhlencc Journal. \i a Battonal bank Wedneadap tho fotlowtag ron. ver-ition occurred: Sald the rlattor, pre-entina a . ti-. . )u-t Indoned: ?? i lee by Ihe paper* thal bank nfBrlal* romplal people dolnc ba?lne*? :,t thelr banka don'l know on whlrh end of a eherk t-> int"r>e It. Ni.u. i *hould think am fool ?..ui.i know that." ?? tt'liu h end .lo you "? -ti.l tbe eaahkW. ??\\h\. thl* end, of .onr-," poklng aa Indoraai rberk iln..u~ii iii" aieket, There it waa, arronc, >f ? o.i. Indn Bd ? n whal would be t.Ignl han.l .?mi when iln- fn.e nf the eherk la) up, ?o thal iho ea-hliv imni.i iiive to read the name harkward, from ih- -i.i of thc checfc he rouWn'l --,- when away. ? ir, trange," *ald tlie offlrlal. ' i take a ' h-i h mI'.'h handed lu, read the fi -. band It out, tarnlng rl 'ii and Indlratlng axaeth where t.? wrlte the ire. i il peoplo 11 \ t? ini'ii II I'.roiind, ro vrrin:: -I--I then write the name." ?? win don'l \ mi tell them It i- v. rn ?Well, It'* oar im-iii?- io be t>..iite. nnd aed to ball people thelr bnalneaa; vou ran t?-ii them thraagh Ihe pi-.-- if vou aaal to. ?? ??'>>.i.i ?avo tiouhle If tlnv kuuw."