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WBW STARS FOR TIIE 8TRIPES CHASGES OT TIIK AMERICAN EKSIGN. :Jow m:w stvti.s iiayi added to its OLOOT -OTBER PX.A08. '?On th" adini--ioii of a 0CW state to th" t'nioii one ftar shall BC added to the union ,,| thc fiae: aad " b ,,i,!iti,n akall t:.i," effecl oa th- foartb day of .luly ti?'i, nexl lucceedlng raeh admisslon.'1 This is aj lection of th" Revlaed Btatutoa ,,f t:,,- Unlted Statea, or ? jiart "f th- Ai t <d Congress, approved April 4, 1-1-: thoreJore, on Jury i nexl, aii Baga oow dolug dutv a- easlgna at"i nnkm Jaeka <>n the Capltol Buiid log, th" I'l'-iii'-ni'-- manslon, ti?- otber public bulld Ings In tVasblngton, all public bulMlngi owned by tbe i,,,v riincnt in eltloa and towna in Ihe (Jalted Btates, in board thc ahlpa ol thc Unlted Btatea Kavy, at oavy yards and atatlooa, on lorti and other mllltary posla will ln- ealled in aud new one- taavtng fortj four itara ?:, the blue union in thc upper lefl band comer of iho Bal w ii take their plaees. A year ago to-day the American cn-ign had otilv Mtir-ty-otgbt itara in it- blue BeW. trni oew Baga had iK-en ordered made aad ready to be botsted ou ti.e f,,: lowtng Fourth of .luly wltk fortj t?" -'ur-. t.. rep resenl thc asMltiona) new Btatea "f the rtortb and south Dakotas, Moataaa aad Wasklngton. 1 fortj two stan were ranged in ?la rowl "f l*eVCT '''"'? enck, and tkli made thc flag look symmetrlrol aud well balancod. Bnt, on .iniv :;. ih- a. t admlttlng Idaho as a new State w? passed bj Congreas, an.l Delc ajata Dnbola, "f tliat Territory, ealled apon Prestdcnl llarrlaon an.l reqneated hlm i<? approve th" acl "f a.i iniasloa on the mornlns of .iniv i. mn ih- Preaidei I thoughl it oiuch bottor that the nd he atgncd on July a, in order that Mako'a siar nlghl go al oai e apon ti". flag aador Ihe pioriskrna of thc atatnte above quoted, kBg thla Buggcstlon was at onee accepted. II *-,:> , ..,i between the War .'md Kavj Departmenta that I Idako'a atar ihoaM be pai on tke l"i? row; that la. ikal ihe top row ahoald eontaln cighi .-mr- and tke j other Bve rowa aerea itara eaek. This ckanged the tymmetry, tke regulartty ol nmatraetloa ol tbe work; ' bnl -""ti after .luly 4 Wyomlng waa nduniied t i the Union, thus flabklng lorty-four Statea, and the addl tinn.d atar aaa beea nal Into Ihe hrwar row. Thla preserves the equlpotse ol the union ol the flag bi well m ,,f the Statea, and ahonld New Mexlco and Ariaona 1,.. ad.!"d. oa leema probable ln a very shorl I n aymmotry ol amagomenl ol tke itara will nol be dla Inrbed. ataco oac atar will be added to the eeeond row nnd the othor to the flfth row, \ * * *? * ? dr +7+4 -at >r TIIH 14 BTAB 11.A'. Somo of tlio aatl-Admlnlatratlon oewapapci i d they erho tho sctit'inent of their mpporten agali I tbe new Matcs-rto manufacture a little polltlcal capitai, have prltited statctnetiis thal all ol the lags "t forty three stars were to je eonCemned and -"hi al auetlon. This is an exaggeratlon <>f the fa. t. Tbe Baga thal are In ;, L-,',,d atate "f preaervattoa will nol be Bestroyed or (!i-li,,-ed of, Imt a new union, cootalnlng the add atar, haa been nmde to iit tbe pkiee "f the oM one. a iale of old Baga is aooa to take placc nnder the (lirction of thc Navy Department, bnl tkey are oidstly flac- made durinc the i I'-v.i.uiii AdmlnUtrallon by men Bnd women Wbo liad tala-u th" plOCC "f Otkcrs lonfl employeg by the Oovernment, and theae rabatltutea knew as mtieii abonl cuttlng bnattng and i Baga ?*s a afQog-ekuppei kaowa of ablp-bnildlng. 11 the materlal should not f,e rut ra n rertaln way the fiae will aooa aaae or gap lo plecct ; aad ln order ut NKi.ii BILTi ri.A'. to do the, eatting property an Intlmate hoowledge ol materlal uaod i- oe.nry, aa U|. tkli ?? . Bag and will hav,.- *rbon , u-ried by lb< ' ? ?joality "f th.- flag will be ln a large measure curtailed if n is not property eat. Thc orlgln, history nnd. ebanget <<1 the Jfa enslgn have rnany pecahar pbase and detaUa ol ln tcrest. when the American rolonioi were nnder . rnle the fac of Oroal Brltaln ?? i i adoptcd wltk aoma iporial emblem apon II dt&tlnctive ol the Indlvldaal eolony i" which II belonged. When Ihe people ol the colonies dctcrmined upon tiiio-.v ^N-APPtAL 1.0 HZAVM ina off thc Britbh yoke they adopted eertaln Baga lor thc patrioU to rally onder; and thc dealrm aud mottoea upon icmc of tbem are rtUI retalned by aome . gtatea. Al the battle ol Itnnker iiiil a Bag alth a red ground, a wkltc BeM wltl ? Bt. il rraaa, and a plne Ircc Igarcd la Iha nppet band qaartcr "f Ihe ctoss. ..ii tbe Bay after "|p '|',<"1* II waa prorlalmed that th" troops iu thc il-H had by Oongmaa been (l, . ;,,..| ? , ,. toreea "i tke Tnlted tolonlea ..f >,:,!, Amcrira," and General Pntnam disptayed :, Jlas' Wltk a red gionnd, havlng on one <ldc the (on r.MON ll.A'. 09 1T7B l,",ti,iil mOttO, "C'ui Tii: lunt .-lutlnct" <H<* ?"" laroagkl ob over viii mafala u-i. and oa tba otoei M.i". over a pine ti.e, IbB irorda! "Aa Appeal ? Heavoa." Tkfct motto was eaoaen by thc people oi Ma-a.hii-.-1t, Bay, aud was a.lopl-.l aa tbe mwu tor tke -ngaal Bag aar tbe Aarsariran erakam. - ontartlni ol ttta lag a*m Bttondcd wltb wtemn Nianaaatca. aeayara a?d a aaaarai aahtte ol ?'"'"';>' ,,? .?,?,,,. ,. ,77,. a. rainlui'..". ^' - ''^ ITnaklngtoa dUplayad U.riglanl oftbc i?jc?onl ' " state, Bag, conaUttng of tbirtccn atrtp.aj^evon -f red and six of wblMh bat wltb the romMn.^d ??**? M. Andrcw and St. Ocorgc (rci.rescntlng bcotlaud and En^lsridi ln rilnro of the ?lnr* in the leM ln th- npp-r l-ft hand rorner. Th_ waa before the DerlaraBon ol Independence had beea ilgned, and ike ,;: - rep rv-"iii"<i th" tblrteen cotonlea, nnd ihe cro - - -f at Andrew and St. George repreaented the Britiah rnler*. \ ither aag waa caBed tha " Jtattleanahe' Ita*. n ?:,^ eompoaed ol tblrteen atripea, wlth the fom of a rattlcanake runnlns dlagonally a. roae it. and * Ith theae worda underneath: "Don'l tread on me." il..i-i il ,; tj lag, whlch waa Ihe devlee ol Captain John paal Jonea, i- In Ihe araaoum m i idependence 11.11. i'i ladolphla. it wa* n"t uniii Jane 11. 1777, lhat n dl Unrth bag i" iwjrreaenl Ihe 1 nlted Stafi wa* derlded upon. Tho I'ontlnontal 1 n? .-- wa* then In ---i..., ln ihe -ii of the raaln bulhlbig of Indcpcndi ice Hall, and ' ?? \V:i-liin. t"ii un- ln l'hil.iil. lph .1 mi :> \ ; t . receive Inatructlona aud giv? Inforraallon i t'oneraaa. it waa upon thi- occa lon lhal II wa* de lo bave a National 1 n Ign a hli b .la uld I 1 I .- ol the Amci Ican people aa a ? '1 ?! ? ... 1 n- -inii by forclgn natlona. Th ? followlng 1 Uon wa* then adopted 1 ?, ? . be ' ? ' l whlte: that tha union be tMr? ?. .1 ?i, n i.'.i" i;"i.i. repn -.-niiii!.- * i. a 11 n FIRST rsiTl'ii STATEfl FLAO. Tlie -? new , '.-t llatlon" or arrangement ol th 1 was to I ? In ,1 cin le, lo l) '!''i th" i? 11 ,;n iii..11 of thal i.amii Um- repn lei ted il...-. Thc t Iii t; v a htrlpcs were to reprc 1 ii the tlur i,.-ii m ,:.-. il.- . olor . red. wl Ite and bl 1 _?o . :. - ia 1 itleal Ihe red a .I irlng, thc whlte pu It) ul ] hhi" lo re] il ' Uie rlaht. und jn-i.- lo all ? ' fealty to thc Ra -. it wa* ui der i.v : ,,[ (,, : igton and a 1 ommltt ? j - - that Ui- ?'!-! 1 i Ited States Itag ?? ? nicy I a littie uphobtery sbop In An li st., iu ? ? sr, ,1. 1 1.. kept by Mr-. l:-t-\ I:---, .1 i' Ia1 Colonel tfeoi fonll.n , . . . 1 her 11 lu- ? rn, rdlng t - ih- 'i . '.,-: ?o, bul anggeatcd thal a fivi i ? nled ,, ., .? S) ?? mi trical tl in tl ?? \> \ dntc l Mar posod, and lo llluttrate ber Wea ?he f ihlcd .1 ? i,-,|...:., and wlth . rut pmdiircd ' ' "' '"' ? ,-,,-, whii 1 ?>? ? al "i."' appt ivcd. 1 ;;,,..A. . a ,,.?iN 1,, hois| on th" ncai d iy. I! itpy^w1 :'-5*C" *U/ V: &1bbb\br\4 " B_Si>"J____^"'.>??? r-_.-'?>?'._>_> - I'KI.-lI'l.N r'S 1 LAO. wai ala feei mt lnrbe? bine, four feel f-ur an l thc Lin" i.-i'i aa ire and lo 1 leven itripes. Thi 1 third- ol Uie length, Is kept up lo 1 to tjla B-) ? Thl* orla mi lag wa* hohited over Fori - linyier. ih.. lower "i-i "i Long 1 laiid sound, 011 v ..... ? rhen ' onarae* enacted t:.-- f< II ; laa : Th- eoUra 1 nath ol U si-; f. ?? a in I tour 11.. I---. 1. - ippei ? ? -i, tai of l ,,, . \: 1 ' : Th' next i tl, ? bru ? ? i Mrs. Roai waa dealgnated 1 ? -!.? follOWed l: .....?.,' ? I"! ' ' ? ' ?? lK.1l -:.. inarrled a , ? : 1 I.:, ?. 'I ', ? 1 ??' ' ? : lll' pi ' emm. nt, as it wa* j *,.- ,,-. d in l \\. :? : I . in ?do| t 'I III I7V7. ? ' -t-,,,.. . I'nlnn ' -i M ???? I. 171*1, aud Ihe blll adin 11 -' K< tu< k) wa- pa I, 17 ??_' 1 >|< 11 I iii:-|. . " I J ' ' - l -;. 1 V. ? 1, Keaolvrd, That I " ' ? 11, tlaa ..1 n . nlt ? | I ' ' '" ""', ? ' ' l?ll wa* lin "!'? I.I. bci ut -?? 11 wa* tv irod lhal reji ? ll' n might 1 ? 1 ? ; emphatii all) dc< lar il lhal lil.11 irlpc* wa. than ? ? ? ' ? t ih ? tl i-- -? - ? -,.,i." Ihe pcopl ,!,?,, ol thl """ lu I m. und ti ,,_. .? bul 110 ui< n ,,f hl oplnl ni 1 ? move Uial I - iiumL r ul Khould be i" ni ? ' ? ?'? bul li.- wl dom 1 1 allowimi ? a< li ,,,..,. (. . Iiarc ln l lie mbol u| \i,.;?i 1,1 Oa - ha ........ Thi - ,.-. with it Ilfteen 1 in m tripe . and ih 1 ia 1 ol llve -. n m Bag "f tbe 1 nlon 1 nUl 1-1 . and ,l,i,,, nf ihe Nuvy aud I Ikt* ol Ibe during Ihe war witli '?: ?l lu 1 1I1 from 1-1 ??' ? ' ji, Um meanwhlli ,,, 11,,. i .,,,.n. nami Iy. i- ne ee, June I. ' ?'? '?? ":"" Sovemb. r !?. i"1- '??"? '? - '? Nl"-l -? |->-: olanu, j.mbcr II, 1 'lil; Mi ippl, Dcrember IO. 1-17. ln 1 '" ( ' '?' '"' "? W "''" ' NewYork, propo ed bi maki a ? \,,v ol thc fact tluit thi t :? p ,.,..,.,,1 fl on thc flag. \ com i| f*n nled 1 1 ,,,,, hici tho propo Itlon, uud . aptuin riamui I I ? fniii". ln ? ...'?? ? mg 01 her lighl al 1 1 ;';- ' ? ' , ;,, v idi Iy ii. '??? 11. v ' ln' ii 'i to .1- i.-n. capuln lo ul reeommended thal be redured to liirtcen, .,, . |i.? U11 . i |in ihi.i, ? I ,?. ..?.'?,. ,i mto one 1 real I u. rmbolb ng tb ? ,1, ,tto -K Pl 11 . I . -i ?!..'? ani 11 ' added 1 r cw h "' * btate, Tbe lugge-tl >a wa eepted by tbe commlttee, and .1 tdll i" ??'' and ap provtd by PreaWcul on iprll I, I*?l . 1 bai li tn and after 1 da ..t ii.. 1 ? ? - ,,,.| ..1 evet 1 nlon -?" ? , 1 ti ..t - -1 ? rti.y <>f .1 - ? ?'!? li ada ? l!,. oppo*l lon to tba rhanai .. i,u; Congi ' "I ? "' ?" tubjeel alth more m^..i ln the prini -t ? '"? and lu 1 Bar i. --. on tbe ? ; I..,.,.,- Wl :. ? ul ui* v. ....i'i. Afa r 1 bad 1.1 a I ? '?- - vi:. Polndexter moved 1 "?l ? ? .- ,,. w .--..- -. Mol -I. roj n-ly. in.- law, aa paaaed then, ramalna In force to-day. 1 Oapialn Reld women friend*, 1 liojated 0 11 : ?? hall "f the li * reaentaiive* on Aprll 13, 1-1-. ->i"' ? then i" foi btwlng r*taloa bave bce 1 Mlmlti d to ihe 1 hlon i li".- -mi.. i- ::. 1-1 - : Alal am 1, Dei >mbor 1 I, l-i:.- vi mi". M/.i-n 15, l--'". MI ? ""?? Aiiau-l i". . ,??( ? vrkai -?- June 15, IH3U; MI.?- -? ? ?,;" 1*837; Kl'.ri.l: . Mnrch .';. l-i ?: ? '? ' ? " :i.,' i^i", . 1, a ., Dcrember 'J-. IMO: "? ' i>i-. < illfomla, sei 1 -mb r l?, 1-?'": MI im Ma'v 11, 1-;.-: uregon, l"ebruary 11. i-'-'- K? iiiniiui) M*. l?6i; Waal VTrglnla, Jane IU, rtovada! Or_?hae mi MM; Nabraaka. aUreh 1. ib<J7; II" il II 1 LAU. 1. V Ith. 10. li 1-3 I ?. , 1-7 l Mi'N. , w Ith. II.I !"? .1 . li . ipirlt "i ml '.: f ti. il w? born in tke So th Um ii illii., ?? ?u ' ii ?'??:;r iii ... * -..-: '.'Kl, ? i t" -.ii "i th ? I'nion, v, . . i l.iil ',-. , kenl -ni "lu- ,1 until InUl. u , , :i . oill ,,| tl: ? l IIIOIl, ;.,,, ?| i, ,' ed, h .1 aa l."|'t -ul'lii'd uiilil In?l, a'l i II aud tn ? -??? l,i ' ' ? lo il i , ,m H i,,,i ti vwiix I '" '? germlnati d ''?' -l a? ?' '"-? i, ,. ,; . , ? , !,.',,tig, more dlv. lon a iiild Is* tba ? , urloua i ll< -' li I ? .,nn ?? "I. "i ae lt ront l-J'.im .,,,,.-,, ,,f ill I, ' .. ? i, i hwh . ? ., , ,i;, of tiw -'. i ii ?< r. ?-., -".,, lll ' . .s ., one woman i Im ?' in-'Pi .. n.[v? f.HiLdit well under ouc li, ii. " ''-.! ? ? ; ,- IrifHs ??' I -''' ?<[' * i he Ih ihe I'.iln ' " .ii ? -'l'i". . vt- ' "? , ',' ; ' ' i the l.iottu t i. j . i, it la ' ? ' . ' 'I ? ' ? ? ' ' - ' . I n?-?- *""IT ? ^PZ&S* ??. 8 AAti I l..\>. | ; '? ,||? . 1 : ' , ' : ' ? j , . ? ? i . . I ? joiis.sTo.N s H \ 'ii i.i; i l.\o. ?fhi h nile ti, ? ol the ? i '? dcrai i , ? i ...i ., v Idi ? trlpoi I,, rier i ' !l" ? and h |,! ??? .| i .:? ? ?? i II" -i,r. ' I . ln ihe ' ? .? - for Ihla ll ? il.,- ' Ithonch ih" ?? st ir. and bai i' lion. ., . .. | ? ? , ; ? ? ' i ne a I lui; ont ai I J..M. ,,! TIIK i 'iM' ? .', ,ve Ba Ung tbe -" i alb d I Utea a ia wh li alth a r..d BeM ou ahlch ? ?* st Andicw'a croaa, atndded artib tWrtccn lUn*, tho tci.tre w.Ui three eatli ou iho luar b*v?. Iri ihe ut -., . th- Confederale Contttu adopted a i ?' battl tl... aa I roajl :?: RATE C iXORESS BATTI" P-AO. 1 . Hag u.i- .( ui ii-. th< -'. A drew'* cross Mnp "f blue, npoii whii h v re tlilrtc n >tai -. rie< eral "f ti-' Niiilhi-rn si?.!-. had dl-tlm llve llag*. nnd of souih I'.iioliua :, - ' , ? ,.| iii ? prolei '"1 d"-.-"i for t i Ul I" , . , ,1 ? ,. i ". i... ..., ,1 ,,i a ital t ' prohlbll tho it.i the National en-l ln- --"I ii for advorii luc ;.in?.,.very natiire: 1 '" '" in veni thl iir,, : ? ?? .i i,.ir:.:iii-iu < " propo ? - ;., ,. i,, ,.... foiinwina blll: , : ? ? . ? ? Wllllll,'.-. |." ,' ? I ' ? ; '' '- '?' i , Uie amc any advi rtli m< nt foi li iy or pi-lvaio a* "? -i all be Rullty -r a ? ? .i-i oart "f ? ! n, mv -"in not exi , tuiin thlitv BBVI, -I i ? ol ili ? ...nn. ? .ii-.- Judktary Commlttee in their repori ?i'i : " i h- flau >,i mn- rniintr] la tbe iiymbol of our Sa th-, 'i , . i ,,,. ,?,v .., .,. .| novcrelant) ? Ii i- il." embleni -i p- ? i. ?,,,) . ..n Uity. at d ? i.itatlve ?I the thr \.. -ii ..., initiie. It Is a n nui henil-m, au I of 1 ? ? ln (1 fi*.- its ] '? 'I ! ir I1'" !'"? ' '? roantr) H It I* I''-- -I"-''1 iiiul n ii liitiue aud imtry. II 'hould be held a : ii ... illsflgim' or pr ' lltute It i, nld bo held to be a !. i uilfhed :i -n.-li." ? i iho blll o - . -'??. and it 1IEARD AMONQ CLUBMEN. . WII.VI MEMBER* OF WErXKXOWS ORGAXl / \ :i">- ,u:e ixi i:i:i.-i i.i? iv. i i, . ,-,!.,? i tl clty v hleh Is ? ? ibonl a hi' li mdred. ? ll, nilroil are m. mliei . if nol in name. I ! nov n aa Ihe . j ? ? i ? i : ? ? ii eral i.U nf thl , i . tltle i ? ? ? - thal .i . ??? i -, > i rnl . 1 nn ol tii- ai an ' ? . .i, n i Ii ? ' - ii itt. , ihe New York I'ariu. plj Inton '? di ui I . ? I ? ' tanee. ? ., . . - (ll ? Ue ' I nt Hoi i ; Imtive < nind, eli . "" ? A ? , . ni ?? .a ln i. a a ? . a . * i, ; ll I lentlon leaklng. After Uiem tlK-re I* aome ? II. i ii M. Kvart*. . urle* l.ini"!-. ?l. -i ,ni, M lllam K. Vii l . , . . I ' .1 .!? ?. ?! 1 ? unwrliti ? ' ''!' '" ? to tl. ? Si ? .?'?t? '"I "' ?? I \ ? of I .. , , .Mor.'lmcr ( ... ?.. ? Mr. : uu-iil lo a p.i niUrl) ? ... l| l.| Ull II" III I liteo bad endi-ui i -l t ? '? ' ' . ? : lll Ig Vi.'. , lay.. and (f Un- Pli douiai led l? witli n rca , ,, mn . llm Ki ,1,1b t.i ii|i|. -?' ??? ' "; ' lliM-lilie-. ibe i is i?i? i..i ? thoi lu i Ifih . -.. au .i tbem I aln al) ., . bulldii . " ' "' "''? " ' tbut I ? .'? '?'-?|l j"1^ . I"1 '<" <" '' ":" "? i. ,i all ? ii,. pi - " " '" two, ui lll . vi .lliliiK l? i' ?d) .in i -li Ihe i" ? ?,,,;.-, p| i.-.-^i". thi ? '? !? ni ul Uie now hou i im. '. ii- latt-r bo i bo). ., iloub I ? | fi*" i thal Uie ni i |? . - 1 ll.,- I ll ' II.! ?" -I ' '? "'??' ' " ' ouo worth "i i.l ? aml '"'v-:' feel "? The riouthi rn >" let) I othcr In lll ' |, ?? ullar i.. h?if. .. i.i mi." "' *uli lominltie ou i ie it [i in leadin ? ' I '"? "" li,'? "" . known, n.If r ib in Scu Vorh ha i!:,,. ,,i. | , , ,i ,,, ,? ; ,ii ni the Bppllcanl for al ii are non n ? ? Itl I -" "'' , . . -, MppolDiod i Id '. '"?"?, ' I" 1;" i.'."""1. vn.i ,i,. i oul i ili-. > hall ni' ? i. >?? a*-< i u i , . to pa ? ih" ip|.Ul leiit* : ?'' ."' mbci lilp ln th.Icty, II . , rn -I i .' ?'? '?' i ? '?'"' ' ' ' t,, i.ii. ii i- !? fi rred t" the *ub<ommltl kt Hleh ? a Th.- Beform fiub wlll hold It* fortna] hoi in ii i I fth-a md Twentj ,,,?? Ume between aoa and Kebruarj 10. Pi ,., ii ,,?. ,,,!. !.. i, -;n inalted to d rttre an ui dreu. ai ,..'.? . um of the Board of Ira ??? i: bi pU< inl for men b - dp were ... , . .- , . .... Up ni'.'i- Ihe MM Umlt. . n.-w Alpha Delta Phl Chth baa beeeaae a rec i ,,, ,!,.. . btb "ori.i even thongh ii i, hardly three monthi old. Tha I I ?"' al leadanra al the rlab-aaaae every nlght. and the rabaoriptlon dlnner*, amoalng coneerta and the hhe are I ,?,],,,).,, ty. The rmb I* iteadlly taalng l? member*, deaplle the fael that II itarted ta arlth iftv more membera than lha number Baed apon ? :? -? "f ihe club whi i , iiiulated tlu pi"' il !? member hlp I.'? ? m thl*. i- bul oi.t b doten for I.loaen and more I."? eltj bm -ii pi***peroa* """ . -... ?,...,v Min-r of the i:.-.|ii"t tiub i- In Burope, ,,?, .|n , ,,,,. m time for the opentng ol the nea ,,i Kmli tlurl -i. , . ,.,,,.! |n tion "f 'I-- liroll r Club wlll take ' , (eollna ln ': - ? i ? '? ' ' '''?'' '"'l" '"' ' nd in thc ."iiinii. and it i- pr? ,h i; .,,.,.. , t iha oldei member* yf thc boUi will tladl) mtini Ui luvor ol new mcu. FEARLE8S OF CRITI0I8M. DR BRIOOfl HEiKIVKs IT FRF.ELY AND AS FBEELT GIVE8 IT. WII.L THE GEXEBAL ASSEafBItY MSAPPBOVB III*, Xi.W M'i'i'l NTMI'.NT AS PROPBSgOB IN THI. CM"*> TIIEOLOOIOAIi SKMIXARY? ?A BKETCH OV His UIT.. ??Ther" ar,' Brrora in the Beriptara which no one hai been able to eiplaln a way, and tke Ikeary lhat kbere are ooue ln tke original text i, ikeer BaaaaagUea, upon which ao mlnd ean real wltk certolnty. Tbe Uible Itacll uowbere makea tkla claba. Tha erecae ,,f the Church nowhere make lt. it i< a akoat "f modern evaogeUcalUta to frightca .iiiMren. lt is un u, ,., and l belleve II la nnchriatlao, to loree bwo t" aecepl the dlvlne Buthority ol thc Hlhle or n, on the quoatloa of lt- Inowanty ln theso .inuin itaatlala." Theae were thc worda apoken wltk great dkuancl neas, and bearlng ti.rldonco "f carcfal preparaUoa, by ii;- Bev. I?r. Chartea \. Briggs, iu hi, Inaugural addreaa at thc Union Theologlcal Bamlnary bval Tuei !,,v evenlng, By bla alde, a, be -i>"'.". aal tke Bov. Ur. Wllllain <?. T. SBedd, ht* many yeara 'ii? ,,,;],.:,-?;,. in th" lemlnary, who ln a rceontly pub llslied volnme, **Doginatle Theology," makes tkla i?s acrtion: "The original autograph vohnae <>f la apiratlon waa tree rrom tmt." Tba man of ordlnary learnlng n.o ehooae which doctor be will toUow; f,,r ,'iiiicr to Bccuse ih" -th'f "f dogniatlani wema Hunewhal tlngular to th'- ordlnary man. I?r. I,.,, ,|.in-age of lu- ronvlctlons, aud ns Blshop |.,,,,,.,., j;, i, . letter t" the preaktenl of the Board ,,f Dlrerton, brW, be baa "rertaln amlable InnrtnUlee" which endear blm lo those a no ar" famlllar with hlm. Chartea Bntler, who ha- '!,"?* perhapa uwrre than any other man now i vlog f"r I'nion iJemloary; hatlng bean one "f ii- loundora, m l Ii r Bfty year, at ,1 more W#i> \'.. B'U ^vJsfL ,.'\ U i Vl\. CIIARLES \. I'.'U'.'S. one of Ita most falthful frlenda, haa ahown bow greal ,. ids ronl denee in Br. Bi ra by glvlng B10O.000 to :i . hnir v bere thc profcai r maj I j Blcate .,,,,. evcn t|,an ho has ? I tn do aa the profesaor of llcbrcw bla pecallar and advi.i vlca ln , ard to I Ibllcal theology. Whatever mav bavc i.n ti o i"' itlou whli h h.eupled pre\'l mi lo tl - tu bc no doul i now thal Dr. Briggs prop wli ch haa placed I li i ? i . Mr, Butler knowa his man, be know ... I,.- knowi hia Influcnce upon men. he knowa . ?', ,r ii,-.- been brou fht agalnsl Dr. .\,.,t ,, vlcw "i all theae rlrruraitancea, he ,,!,.,.. apon hlm the hlgliest oiart posaibk* "f bla ap proval; in-t. by creal i i r for hia favoritc rtady, .. I; m .1- ll ln.'II' , v\ nu, OENEBAb *. ? ! MI'.I.Y MOVE IN Tliis ? isi:i ?Ther, hai been aome talk to tbe effed thal thoGcn , ,i Asaembly of the Pi*e*bytcrlan I'bnrch may teol luell ealled upon lo veto Dr. Brigga** nanolataient to . w ,: dr becan.f Ma well known vlewB, ? ? l In tbe l.-t year or two. Al . | the iv branrhea of the Pr ibyterlau , |?,.,|| |n i-T... the --ir rv direeton memorlallxed tha .\-'.ui>,iv: -To the foUowtuB eaTeet, aamely: Ikal ,.i. , ed f adnpi H aa B rdoand I'lin ln the cxett I ."?? toraklp and I . . ,i aendiiariee, thal ao .. -I. tbe Aa I ,ame to their respectlve boaidfl 1 .Bl ona; .. |.'j:..i iii.,i tlie Boa 'i "f i- " toi of e* n Mn ;.i:,,A ,,,ii bo luthorii 'i to appolnt all proleeeori I ? ime. .. >..?! th ?? dl iu.;. app dnl iienta ihall bc ra nu tn h mi' dnl , . ., ' . , i ? impleto . || niHapp nved i , ? ared thal II , the -.ti." pl,,, ?raa ad " H lub'J ?' lant ' ,.:,, ,.. i ?? i ? .. . - ? itiary waa thu I rougbl Into i ' iiurcb - ,- thal of tl.'ii "' - ? p| ?',, Ic, ' ii ,|| app "??" Br. Br -'- '? appolnl l '",! bj the lt ia | :?.:. -i i?-. ' ' ;1 " iom< what perullar ? nr. llt-lgga I >Id . i' ?! '?' I li a hc ;.,t iu advocntc publh ly, to i I I - rule ol iho ?.,.,,,., i... ?. the (a. ulty shnil. on en ..,.,,,., .,? -i trle inlatiy thereafter, or ?. |ti.i : v tho booid. -" l " ' I i? ;,> . ,;,,. ,.,.| Mibsi-ribe i"" i dl iwlng de. laratlon ,,. ,,f the boa .... the >f 1 ' ?W and Xew i ? ?. ,,t ,,t liod. t."d\ lafalllbk) i t; and I do now. In the pre?ei.i ot thia .I1 ?' ' i |y ,,,. |vc und adopl tl"- IV. ' -"t - . ,, nt i .?:h. :?- i-onta nll - t:i" -' ?-> "' ,1" >vlu' i doalao, in like man ip,,rovc "f ,l"' l*rc*byl ri in Korm of ihn rnmeot; B|ld' , , . ,, nmlae that I will nol tea ?. or In to "?' to ' ., , ,. ? uf n,i, trln ?. ur ol tlie prla , |,,|, . ,.,- ., ,i : ,.i.'. Uoverii.nt. - ? i "i- a, t all roiitli ne tobea if ,? . |" ? -? ii ' im*. at th ,,r when i'"aiii,,! by tl I. ' ' declai itlon, hc I ill fortbwltb ? i * |n | ,? ,':.||' .Itl'lll." |.|-,,.,;il! - lVi. s\N' riFICATIOS \, Ur. Brlgga ? 'i >wid ln ??. ? ad l1 ,?,,,, ipii i ii. work loi Ihe p , .move ii." Imrrlera whleh li ? tldiiha , ?il tliti". i y .; the ? t... i"- b pr ? R DEATH. ?., v>-h. h,, ,,i ... I ?. ,r t" . lli 'I ,. piai-cd between n i*n end the l Ihlc, aud to ..?.,, u thc true I ,,,- ,i... uible lll viev ? upon tho llfe afl ir ? ,. : . ? :? ' tfug In thla , ?,,.,,., ., , , i- ii - ?' whal be bellevea uboul the ? nilddlu -''??? "" ?"?" "": ''"' ' '' " ''' " ,n ,v ,,. ,|.? | Bild |,."::.'? IV "I"' ''a II,,11 llH I". II' i ?? tnother faull ul P I lanl llwolugy la ia |ta ilmin.i ?". "i ivd'-mpl. t" thla aort-1. I ??. ??-i ,:. i, : n.odnal Ihla llnilUtlon la the theorj -i ' c ;"'- '" ' ""' '"""" i ao ii". nnd UU* do trine of Ihe mlUdly i! ?, ,,.?? r IIP' in th ,?,i wtf.i multltudes of the departed, nnd of tho ueceaalty ol entli.tIBeatlon In order lhat th work of i ?demptlon mav be lompleted, Progn re Mnctin.atlon after death la tlie doctrlne ol tbe Blblo ,,,, the t'horeh. Tbe bugbear of ? Jud neal Im ,telj afl rdi ith an. ? loaformutlon jn ,.iving honr ihould bc baol li d from tlio ?,,,! we IumiM look crr.i hope and |oy I I i ? ??? .i < . i'i? '-? of graco and the a mdera oi reOemptloa la tb.nnow ol the bleaaed to which we Pui la. :?? ll i-'.'-mpiion i? tlie re aeropuon "t our race. Lojrini oal] tke aled la crthlj humao teacblog, bal elaeting Bieu lo lalva Uoa bJ y,. ,?;,:, ?f iiivine love, tkal u. bsavealy doctrtua rkc BU 11 <Ji,,'!* u0t ,e:,t" u"1Vi'1'iltl ?-?iv-'t-on. but it do.*, teacb taa aalvatlon ot tba worM, oi tba . .,.,.. , i tbal caaa K ba aoeompll hed by Md aetoctloa of a Itudtad nuaabar fnaa tba mm*." r.iCT*.Ti.N'i ABTICbSg ro his DATOBTBM. Dr Brlgga ralebrated ala Bfttath Mrtbiag on Thurs dav of but waak, Jaaoary l*. Al tbal time he in vited thc tn'-idic rlaaa ol tba aeaalaary ta bla home. vh.'ir * reeeption naa glven to tkon and Ihe mm ,?,., ,,( um hvculty. ii- Ui partlealarli kappy la hi* .< i... -ii. relatkina. Oae of bla aona ta a atadenl I,, uiilumbia ColleBB. who ahowa great prom -a; bla ? u , duuabtera are do*.l to their fathor. and tlva ?ave alreatli bcii of ?'" 't ?'" ?bui? to hin . "ne 1 . ' I / tbe aenilinr . all lough ahe "J ln\ - , ? r tmi" to llebrea ., ,,..,? ? m.'-. a order thal be na*. , ui ,n lita work. Bevl ? I Veraon ol tbe 01 Te?U .?. m ,,|.r.*d. .n i--?.. an arl -.- ?,- publ.slietl lu :. ,.?. i'; sbvtei-lan Bevtew.'' t'.l \ ihj- In Icngtb, bore the aignature ?! I?i'. Briggs, Uwing lo t - , with which tho revia ri luirdad thotr work. no rtvlewar could ottan a topi umii the UaUi of pub Iiration. aivT Dr. DrlKRs wai onuso-u n. -??? ??? arti.-ie and have it ln the henda "f Qm prinur within two weeka. Thia waa done, and the artirle vvaa cou?idor.'.l. even hy those who dlaaun-ed witli him. *t> o.i" ol the aMeet ani m.'-t exli.uo.tlve review- ot the Kevi-im, i.rinted. ln addltlaa *? __LJ_i___ vi-vv, he had promlaed t<, di*ea?a "HmtiWi J?*i> tl-m" for rii" fvang-Ut," that eubjeet buylng bean liefore the i.i-noml \s .< at il* pwloiis *-.--lon Pi (Inrlnnati. Thl* artlcle npi.ed at tbe ezperted Ume. niltng an e lire page ol tbe paper. For -tin aaotkar periodlenl au artlcle wa* fhnl-hcd ou the --I'ociu of tho t'r-at' if.' ?'11 -t a- Dr. Ki-iirfs tW-an to wrlto those three ar Uelee, i. ln*ared one of th- linaera of Ma righl a?aC -.. bodty that he waa nent.v t,, iue a pen f..r many weeka. 11 au then tl il hia two daughter* came to hl* i.-iief and vofunrcered to --1-1 him nnd t...--th-r. th"v -ii..".|.',i j,, prodarlng the three Brttrlea la th*? time allowed by thi puhli hor*. Iir. Briggi aJctatai bi thoin in tara, - bm <.r th<- time oa eramaM rh*p t-r- of tbe name artlcle. and agaln on dlfferenl lab Jeeta. It >* probabbi lhat thl- aaparlence led Uu* yttan* bulle* t.. preimre rhem*olvea more fullv for tho ipectal work iu whieh thelr f*t:.< :? la engiifa .MAP.rillNi; WtTII THi: M.VI.N'TII Hl.iilMKNT Dr. Brlgp waa aara ta thl< citv. but pur-ued hts odii'iitlon at tha I'nlvoi-sity nf X'irsriiii.-i. enterlnir ll wh-h he waa axteea yeara aat in it|M he ent.-rrd the I tii'.n >"iiii:::irv, r. Ii-re he ?p-nt three y-ar". lia Biarched Wnh Ihe 7th Reejaaaad of thia .ny to thc de :.? "f the I'.ipit.ii, aml i.ipt w.t- Bagaced ta baauneed ?7T,i ni- fathee la BMrcaatUe liiv ta tlu- eity. iu i-i.i; he wenl t., the fJalvaralty >.f Berha, whsea bo iiniKsi iimiir Domer and Bodlger. lie baeaaai a paatae ta 1070, hi- anty eharge hefaajaa1 ReeeHsi n. j, i-'our yeara latae be cntered Fntaa geaaaaaey a- pro toaaor af Hebrew and roajnate laaejaaajBa. .\ii.-r ha h~i ni.iii>i"ii thi* ptaee u few yeara, ha becaat.m al Ita, fouuder* aud mauaglug editora of "Tbe I*reabyteria> Beview." I'evv men bm iil.le to neen-nipil-h BO nuu h lituraty work n- Dr. Brtggu. n- i-, au indelatigable worauf nnii i? able to -h.c. I--- .li-. i,"-ui"- niim.'ioii-. unl 11.-- in dlfferenl periodic .i- notably tho? ou ?? Ulbheal Theoloaj - in - i .!?? Ameriean lJie*byteriao _evlew," tha '.ni,"-t on tlie -iinjei t .a America, and thoae oa "Tha lli^h'-r I rltli i-ai" m ?? i a Preabytertan Revtew," wna h i, al i'i" waj lor iu staiiv-n.- haa pubUehot "l.ii.luil ritud) : it- riMiiipi?, Method* and llUtorr." whfc'h waa l rommendud i.v Dr. Ir./r ta h:* .:? e to Ita a thor the other nlght; - Ameriean rh> byterlaniam. Ita n.-hnii and lirowth," ?? M?-ianlo ri.p i><.v. iho ITedlctlon nf the luldlment ..t tha Re? demptlon Through Um Meaatah*; and "Whttaer." Tho i:,-i named provoked ,i greal dedl of crittctam, but rrttlciam do?a not affcot l)r. Brlgg*. He wa- one .*f th- ti:,:i-l:i,.'i- ot the i ? ,ii,ni"i.IM i. - of the INiiIni- und ?ara ln tne Americaa Lnngja -i,i"-. ln l--i Dr. Urigg* waa one of the fonr AnK-rkane who reeelved tho di-gi. of l?. D. at the 1 'reenfenary Cel-hiMtinM nf the Inivi-r-ltv of K'linhiir.'h. Thi oiher Amerii ma wei i Profe**or tfreen, of the Pitnee lon Th -"I ',i .il Bcmlnurv; frofea-or Fi-l-.-r, of \ala I'nlverslty; and Dr. Boawell D. Hltehcock, of I'nlon seminary. !_y* a r? nt \in.-r: ?? Dr. Briaga is a iwntleman >.f genlal aptril nnd wlnnlng addreaa. Ho i, ? diliR . - ;.i -i iha-ia-'i- iiui-nt. a rbmroua wriier, an Independenl thlnfcer, and hold* a blirh rank n- n -i Imlar. II- till- nin-t a< Ihe profcaa..:? shlp w.'.i.l, be now oceuplea in the rheologlcal riemi nary, of whlrh he wa* oa? a atudent,' and Is hlgblr .-I.' 'in'-ii hy hl* brethren f'.r ln- e_coUent anetal iiiiaii'i--, t character, and ackaowledflai erodi NATIONAL OUARD AFFAIilS. CLASSIFYDW THE C0MPA2CIH 9TBE1TGTH OP THI WtkTB 1'aWOft 1W~*-*V*?4BM MEJfTf. The peatiy repori of inafaMtor-Oeoeral Theaaaa H. Barber ta tha Adjatant-Oeneral haa beea put ha up-. Bnd ii v. ti be iiv.'iv and tatereatlag readtaff : the membera 'f the {fatJooal Oaard. The p,ri whlch wlU perhapa Intereat them awee (haa any other li contalned r*a Paaa Mo. '-i of the .Xhaaa are the recommendatlona referred to: i reapectfally ra.awad thal * widuion to thc jeaaaai Unmi of ave year* - aa aaraa* af rabaaaaat b* ******* imo ,, ,., i, ? uu trat t, nn aad "- tae u>< ?econa. Aii ,?, n ihould be rcoab * tttm the m-ruit m aaai ot ihortei t. nn. te eover dw ezpeaaa f. ih* llate of hi* ,.;,..,,n:,. tald -noi I- bc torl lled at raaa ol r?uur? u> r~> eallst for Um Meead term -f thr? yeara, or lo ca-u of a failure ta i" rf-rm * eertaln taed i-1 *****. ot duty for tha nr,t two .-ir- la ? .-?? af i' "i i-BBBi ?nd tb-s laaadB ? performanea -' iaty, tba aiaaay to i,- Nfandatakaha aaatrai Uon of Bvi Mjh.v .?..!,-. ,"i,U,,ns m-n ?re BBWtttt-f -.1 aaauma Um uakoowa r?*ipoaalbaUtl?a ut lolliiary duty u>r ,-,, who would rallat tat * ihortei r-'riod wd tu.dti.g in- work aitr.i. tive und ni-trii'tu-, woaM coottnu-.' la uii tervb ... ii..; - .f btm attea .- kka praplf i.mbiuoo of aaa rf teUU-r il d-vti-p, mt.r at, H.n.uiat ? euerBy and laaata to bro- ... Everj vtgataw und kiiaaUfBBd paaag aaa uii? entera Um aUI tary aervl I loaa* f./i -...uiinceu.'-ut, j-l maay ? \ eUeal captalaa aad Uealaaaat* UawB Mie ajaM t?r?"- after yeaia af B-tafal work aiahaal obtaiamg _aap paat reaard. 1 Bkailflll laaaatkrally recommend th?t. all gen*i~ *u? i:. i i ???.;. ba retti d afiet Ifttwa 15) y-ar?* *ervicc, aU ,,.,?. i?., r t n i", yeara' -ta.-, jnd bU U un~_i_ alt.,r ,..?..? ; -.,:-' MTVlCe, UM h-nglh of *erv:i-^ to Ul eouat <i aalj la UM aaaaa giade. l alao r HD-i'ifuiiv reaaaaaaad lhal -?? I al awe be pi?-di ,.? a i...!,..? llve Itef, -o loaa aa u-y rtpaM yaarif ?" U>a AdiutaoMleueral, aad tbal they ba auatU* u. ra atoaHaBi in a.i>,. ...I uutU u. i iu- reuauMd eal -i Um *ee? vlci ,,,. i:.., IM ta b* aeaapaatd aaly al otu. ,. ,, ^ _? l. Mld e*h era rarded ..- nualUV d lae , pomtaieat at inu-. Ah - ai .,. ra wfeaaa luuc :,, i? uioatcrtd aal taun~Uateljr. , ,., BidlUaa tot^- -;? ? i . r. i.y um aoaiBMay, tt*U ? ? ? ? "' ?- '?? board ul "::i"- _ Um reglmeat before belng eUalbw fot exanuaatbia, rm Mld Uooal aecariur I " ?! 8u"* oruc r*. . ,iu-t t. -how whal h ravohtttam the racoauaaadM oa would make ll put tota effect, the fxdtowlai aat h~t beea made In tbe ott era of Ihe in-i Briaaaw whana ia v"'1'1'1 '"; cl: Regl- Whaa ram. I,.. ni. .ui-i-.i" i. Cautaln io.x ? onio Po'lard . ?"*? j?a' ? ??' " ' ' ' " -i't taaS im l-3i ; !'n i.'t ? ? u j :.i-U.. ?-?"'. ,'. i Bj. }2it . r_ ., i n-tLii ? " ??'/- ? i; i M la ni na I Mhler.; ... 2M aj rir.i Llmt i..n; Xoi - ?? '? < .'" ?"? . --. ??? . .??! i. i>. ? ? ?-? : i i I.i.,-! .ii. ii - i ivauagli. ' -? M.ijni ? ? ',,J , a 11. - ?' ????*. ; ? ?,? iS ? . ., Ul . 11' i- ,-7 , n.t,i? jai?? ? '..'l"i' \.A I ,. | I.- Jun r* M ihon v H.l -l I' I *i -.i i.i. ihiijiit i _ti ? ; s ,,i |.| . tenanl V. -I Mo " '? ,,:-;t! \ A i.i. i"...i -.?*?? ?? " Theae noaaea and rewirda are tabaa from rhe repoi-B ,.f ti,- A.ijiruiit <.-ii-->.'l f'-f l-'a"- >"1"' t'1''1 report .,;,, :..ii,i , me rhangea maj have tahaa paaea, ?i> ,1,.,, 0|,e .: two of tbe odlcera atentkaiad, aaaj he ln ,,ni,ii,.,- rude by thl* tiaaa II i- araienl lhal tbeaa u, | i?, i nalderable oppoaltlon to the recommendatbial ,( ,,,,, mi barber, U au attetapl ahoahl ba made w carrj II Inl i effci l. I , method of rlaaafytng the dlaTeranl , .mpanle* r< - ? '' reglmenl I* ralher raaae, to ,n ,i?. |,.,.-. ti" kaa three ittridarda af meritj .. i p ,,, the -iiiiuiai'.i." 'Searty ap ta ihe -t.i.i.i.'i-i" and "i!'-i.".v the atanadrd." it i- tj be ra ! that nol bave touad laaae anaf "I m .... expllcltly whal hi- oplnlon waa of Ihe .... ?,,?,!..,i,-, |f a rompany I* aeurty ap ta tha ,i??.l iii it I* ohvim-lv Ih-Iovv lli" -taiular.l. N il alll be bard to tell |a*t whgl the Inaaector-amteral ., ?? by Ihe !<?! two .;,-:?! "? -? 1-mi hi whal J,',. uiya aboal n.e mglaaaata mmpiatag tha Phadj Brigade: , bi-vantb H-vim-nt-Teii rompanl - ap te th ? itaadard. i ,,; i it Kiui nt ii" .i"""- ?? ^ i:" maaaall ,:,v n|> m tii" ?ui,ad, i. twa ri-aaailaa ? :,,.?, i.. ? *tandai I. ... K,.. .,. ?- One eompaar up let ? < l: f>v_ mri? aoarii ap te t.i- ataadatd Ira iiatpaalw t>iow Un ,, u.dard. . _ IweUih i". flmeat?Two rampaalaa np to MM utandart, . '. , , ?,, u, um ^uindjid: two eaaapaataa l> I"" ! _ __ uiiU.., ( BB-tevaa companie* up to ma MBBdardi t?? eaaapaaMa a arlg ap Is MM iliillldl ood " ? , mt i R '?? a?- faraa asaaaaa*? aaanhr uD to _? Kaadudi aa'. ?'? ?? *? _ rU"djrX , ?_ ^.ntv.flr-t Ko,iai, MBBfaah ItJ to U* ??ndur<i t?e ~aapaal a aearip uP to aVa ?~n,:?rd: fou* . b lu, tho amadaid. Phwd ?Btaaay, MM the l ,'i i a~*ad ?B-ery. *? - _? ?~"a*r<1' Troop rt?a. tha .undam. i'.r~ ***** Manal Oaapa ^ *^Cra_B-l of the National Ouard ol the SUte I. ahowu iu "ne loilovvuig ilgure* fi iomparl*on wlth IfcMf. nl las?: . jnj .v.ti Piy . .K'.auo ln *nt y . . Ifdj tavalry . U >? n Corp* . - :::::::::::::;:i~a~] ( . 40* ,',"?'?.bera of Compaa] '?. Tth Reg-aenl h-ld an Inforroal daiu ln t I ?- , ~J? eveulng. Abou i"-' ' '.'I'" ? ? ' preaent. The affalr. whlch wa* ilie i'i-t "i the kind arranged bj tbe enteetaln ,.,;.., ..,-.,? .i ?,.. wa* an "'?!?? nueei ??. Anoilu-r ,.,,,..;,,,,..,..?., .,,- a ?Imitur natarc will be heM al aa ,'(,;v ,,,,-,,.. rhe i-ommlttee havinn ihe enlertalnmen* ,', ,',,,-,. were Quartermii*ter-i*rB!eant alluam M. itatlard. chalrman: forporali John I^aabeer, |r_aa?l !'. \\ Bmen I'iv't - l. M- Orton, t. J. <?'D"no hue, A. '-? Todd aud Joha K. latja. ,',L. nii .ap-' of tbe aeventh eompanj w,i!v.lwiia thelr third BOnual dln'u-i at ihe Arcna, iu Wc=l, Ibirt|< i ftrat-et., ou Junuarv Ui.