Newspaper Page Text
OUR BIG SISTER CITY. AFFAIRS IN BROOKLYN. Crnisers Leave ihe Navy Yard?A New Clnli Honse Dcdicated ?Trouble Breaks*out Again Over an Aniiory?For n New l'ark?Iteir.s of General Interest. WORK AT TIIK NAVY YARD. BJG CBUISKRS SAIL AWAY. PEPAKTITJ- OP THE I*"' i.Mir.i.fHM AHD THE CHIOAGOHUOHAL EXPERIMEKTS. Mneetbedeanrtureaboui ? week agnol ti" '"" hig erukwra, the nuladelphla, fiagahip o? tbe North Atiantie Squadroa, and the ? bicaso. nag ahlp of the Scjuadron of Kvolution, the >ay> Yard haa been in a aotaewbat quletei Miie- **nuo there is still a large aeoount of work done, oi ararloua klnda, yet havln? two big ablpa leave the v,r,i ahaoal togcthei haa taken ..;l parl ol that nppearan ??? ol :^^ aetivity wbich thc pt.'scnc,. ofa nnmbef nf veaaela nnturally givw to lt, iwi this dlhVrence ?- targel* In apnwrance, ror the work in tlie vartoua s-hops and thc repalra and constriH'tion work on the othei veaaela ao on much ns nsiir.i: The largeat commisaioned Bteel vcaael now in the yard is the Boaton. The Boa lon haa l"*en in the dxy-dock for s-veml <hiys while iier bottom his been re*painted. To-morrow the dack is t? i.e Booded with watei and thc vessl sligbtiy aaoved on ihe blocke, after which ihe wiiter will nunin l*e pumped onl ot ihe dock. ?j his is done in order thal the parta ?'t the hull covered hy the blocka on which tlie vcaael res'.s when in dock mav ahw >>,? painted. On Ti*eaday (he ahlp is to he floatc<l onl ol the dock. Yeaterday mornini a nrw l>i?sh dcetric dynamo was recciTcd on board the vcaael, wbile the old r>nc wn*, removcd from it. The *hl dynamo ns l b^cn in nse lm- abonl three yara, and waa woru t*t. Tlie new .me is of Uu* name power ns thc ih] dynamo; but is larger a:: l la "t nn Improvcd pr.rtern. The work on th" mnchincry n<! ivell, an.l is io be completcd by the flrsl "t Vr'> ruary. Then a <loel< trial of the engincfl ?- to be held, and If everything worka aatlafactorily the ship is to leave the Savy Yard and Join the other ecsscls of her aqnadron Ithe Sqnadron ol Evolu 'iom in the South! Before s!:,- saila, howevcr, ahe nmst ia* eoaled and mual rei ; >? at. i - eient lor her Soutliern emis,.. Aa th.- white hull of the Teaael above the water line has heenmc BoUed aml the pain! worn, thia is '" be repaiuted n!so. The dynamite-eruiaei Vesuvina is another "f thc steel vcssols now in the Savy Vard. Little work is being <loiic to her at pieaent, alth some rep it s are being made in connection with thc cnirines. The work "1 str.'i :!ii> ning ihe bow pkatea, wbleb were 'x'-it s"t:i" time ago, when an* otliei Teaael ran into the crulacr, which w \? anchorcl i.i the North River, has nol yel been l>ccriiti- The little torpedo-boat Cushing retnrncd to thc Savy Yard on Frlday, after being away forsevera! week*. The Cushing Btopped at Brif?1 |C un'l at Newport. At tbe i ?rmer plaoe a nca vaTve waa put into her evoporator. Tln- tor pe'l' tuhca and iho _u: s bave nol as yel been ?ci "ii : :>? reaael. Sbe is under ordera to go i" *Wan**tngton, and is to he eoaled lo-raorrow, and i lo Btarl t'T Waahlngton as s,?,,, ;,- tbe wcather perrnita. 'I'l," coune will bc dow-n thc eoaaa to the Chesapeake Bny, At \V i I jton thc ballcra are to i>c hoiatcd out ol the vcaael and then painted. Tlic vcaael is to be hanled out ot tbe watei in the meonwhUo, as she his no means ol bcaiiiu' when the boilera are ont. The epideraic of tiie ** ?_7ii? " which aecmed t" at.u.clt thc crew ol tbe aloop-of war Yantic a ahorl ? igu '.s abatinf. Tbe offlcera who were aick are i*ecoveiing aml tlie aick list among t'.?"? I baa grown Beaaller. Th,- ship baa l*cen movetl ! from her mooriaga at the dock jubI beyond thc Ifinneaota and now Uea ;.t thc coal dock. The i doek iimI "f her engines, which \\as held last i week, waa Buccesefnl, tbe veseel baa ii"l ber bunkers filled with coal, and -' e could now be made readjr lor aea in a ahorl time, Bul Bhe i- going, an.l when, i.s still a puzzle. ' the oflicers, when this queetlon waa asked, said thal tlic ahip had received no ordera li" - bowever, thal altbongh in otbet respecta - ?? was abonl ready l : aea, the lack <,i ? completc erew would del dn her bere. There is al preseni biieh a ilemand foi aailors in thc Xavy, :s crev ? lor veaacla which an- being tttted onl nnd foi the new vessds wbich nra i ?>n t, be p I eommisaion, thal vca*ebi cannol alwaya he re ?!;._, aupplied with the re<]ub>ite n iml er <?[ men. The monitor Puritnn waa put im.. ii,.> new timher dry-dock at the Nnvj Vard yesterdaj morning t<> have her bottom repaintcd, as it l approaohinjj sincc :' was done laat, Whm tlic vcaael is brought out <?! the dry-dock the \\"ik oi reeonatmcting ber is t" i.,- reaumed. On ac '"..?? ,'l lack "i dock room thc monitor haa lieen (.'' to li. over near the Cob Dock, and aa it waa qq1 praclicable to punch, bend and prea p.rc plutei i"f cs" and then rarrj them Walluboul Iliiy, aitli thc neceaaary loaa ,,i . <n:il the and expcnac, t.> be riveted into T.l.i"\ no work upon ihe \css,'i baa lieen done for two oi three mon tha Now, howevcr, the de parture <>l thc hig \,'s>e!s foi their winter cruise uiakes it pocsible io iiioor th,- I'nrltan in ,-t more coiivcnicnt place, and a gang "f men will hc pm io work apon her; the superatructiire i- to bc built. The work on tbe otber nionitors, the Miantononiah ;.:.'! the Terror, goea on - The work on ti:.* new crulacr Malm vancee rapidly, Tlw turreta and parta ol the Buperotructure are being constructed and ra une liveting is being done below tlie deck. The eastina "i tbe aternpiece of ihe new eruioer Clncinnati haa beeu boiated into plaoe an.l the eonatriiction of the other parta of this \c--d foci on !i:mil.\. A real i.* ,.i u*oa lay on tlie dock yeaterday near this veneel. 1 ?.,? weie two lo:.^ aia.s which interaectcd ,.t an anglf and ut the place where tl". met tbere waa a wide, round liole. Thia 'n^ piccc waa one <>f tbe sh:.;i atruta and tbe hole ?.is the place throngh which the propt ift ia to go, '1 he t.istini; ot pjits of the machinery for both the t lnc'innati aml the Kalclgb still goea >>n ;,t tne fonndrx la thc yard. The new gunboal ia-n ?alBgton was rnjported to bave l.-it Cheatei for thnQnlntaid Iron Worka, al New-York, yeaterday. At Sew-York the laal toucliea will he made to hrr atachinery, and the veoael will i"- pm into the dry-dock t-> bave bei bottom cleaned and painted before ahe atarta for ber trii ! trip, Tbe tiial ia lo be made ln aboul twu weeka. As in the e ae of ihe Concord, ber abtter ship, the rerjuire me ; ls thal tne Bennlngton al her trial ahal] develop :in Indlcated horaepower ol 3,400. The of!,, is \\\.u have bei n detalled is the trial board are ...s followa: ? ommandera XV. l;. i in...d aud K. II. Bradford: Lieutenant-Comm J. N. Hempbill; ( blei Engineera Robcn i: n.v, John Lowe and Edwanl A. Mi < ??.,. ?tructoi W. H. Vaxnej ; Fbasrd Aaaiatani Engi u ta V. il. Ehhidge, II. N. Stcvcnson, i;. ;.* Erecman atai A. j:. Batea; Aaaiatani Engineera D. VV, <,. Redgrave, C. W. Dyson, C A. Carr, M. A. Andcr bou, II. ?.. J>-opol.J an.l VV. S. Smlth. A new Frem h ayatem of algnnlllng at nlghl t.i sea waa put. oa the eruioer Cblcago before she bailc.l, ioi ezaeriraenl duiing i"t eruiee thia winter. Ten lamj^ baag rertically fTom a back btay, a keyboar.l baving rdxty-two diffemnl char ucters, letters and Ki^nals ^nvcrns ti.e lampa, aml in this way the eoaaWaatlona are made, This ' ayatcuj of aiKnallin? kl :,i pcaaenl ns, ,| in ti,(. Freneh and Gciinan navies. Vaiioaa Other s.\n tems are l.cin? experiiii.viteil with by Aniericiiri ofiliter* to Bnd one wbich is aUMnV Tlu. preaent, bibteiu on American ve*aela conbiate of three 16-candle-powcr cleetric lighta?one red. one BTcen and one white?which bang verti cally on a jackatay, scvei il fecl apart. The Morse eode of aignabj is ueed", and an ordlnary iph key docB tlie work ol flaBhing or ehut ting ofl tlie lighl ; ih<* gm n light indicatea a d ah, the red ligbl a dot, and by flaahing the lighta in tliia way aignala maj l*c Bcnl ? ?? i distance, dependlng upon the clcarncas ol '.??? in.i.t. bul nol wsiialK over three mllcs. Ex perimonta are also being made with thc ek aet i, h light. I bc plan ia to thron the overbead, making daahca and dota aguinal thc sLy, ao thal a wholc flcel could read them i"t many milea around. The newa ol the dirtachment ol Lieutcnant W r. i niiaiii from the Hagahip Cblcago, and placing him on waiting ordcra, because oi lus auppoaed conncction with circulating a petltion among thc crewa ol aeveral "t ihe veaaela at the Savy Vard, canscd much aurprlae among olHoera yeaterday. Liculcnant Fullam, on Novemlwr 20, had a papei read before the S'aval Inatitute, al Aunapolia, on -Tlie s.vst.'in ol Saval Trainlng and Uiaeiplinc Re.juired to Promote Etlicien y and Atirai' Americana," which Commander Terry and otbera charactcrized as "moal ohjectionable, uncalled foi ;,,!(l ,,ut "i place." He attacked Hi" diacipline ol the Savy, aad the pians and ."list i:., t ."lt ol aueh veaaehi as ih" Baltimore an i ( baricatou Sincc then h.- and ihe ofttoera ol Uie Marinc I orpa bavc !?.,,, :,, ,, fusilade oi corrcBponilenoe io the ncwi , the latter for and thc foruier agnim continti ilion ol the ainrinea na n branch ol the navnl ucrvice. ll la alao Baid thal hc baai <prcssed hia pcraonal opinione ln a public waj u|?u tlic ..?Mi.,- "i drill for Rcar-Admli il W * ron of Evolution, which ia rcported to have cxeiied the disnpproval ol Ihe Admiral. Tlie pe tition above alluded l i wai ai ncti ? the pcttj nflicera i I - iloi i ol thc * .ci n ships then lyins at the Suvj \ i I, and was ?.n1 to thc All '?'?'? .. Norloik, wl cn ' upt nn J ihn \Y. T ..,.;,:? i ii aud lorwnrded il lo Si ? rcl i ' icsiioh lias la'Cii r.iiscd scveral liuna w i | -., || ui nui \ i", itotl i i ,., ihe N . I i.'" ,1 itious which n*i la: ?? i im,,-.. and all poi m>iis Ixion ' Savj ;;,,, , . ,,,. ?- : lattcn. p,'M.,u,iii- i" :.,? ; . .! aci :.: ihe (i ililtc printa, or ; .mpi lation for I ic N ?? j othi t t n thi mgli nnd wii l of the Suvj Uep irtment." So rcason is . ' ? a ; I - ing i.. ' ' ?" i ' ?"? : ? ? . ? Imvii l '..' the hy 1 :?'?* -Thc A d S ' ;J '" Ti,.; ip tor i ?? ' ?? ??? ' ! ? '"' circul ited, aml - - I ? ? ii <"" ? :?'?;? I.i ihe < ? ', |.,..| m ,t(.S| :i|,,i j) . 1... >n ? ?ni ci practicc, go i.i ns we rci llCI : I : , . p.-a to |in-i ???! i ? Op| ..... | to 1 ?'? - ' ;,; ibi Phillip prl iloiaen "ni bc t liouj Ii1 pn i"-: t" ? n, bul io withhold n iaan unwiaeexerciacol powei w ;..< I. ? ? tea Irritatlon and doea no _,,",i. .-\""|>t 1,, tii, p 'iitionera, v. boac ? i en . ? ?. eiy in in.*, who laelie >? I nal Lie i tlel ii limeiil '.'..'- ::"i du I ?-?'... ;,i"i tbe ? lll pra ta u whol ? ii:.' .i t , luok upon v , \,- itive who iM'gun and lus contin .-i . nn >i r.'form in i lie scr*. ici aiui ? j taty ol li." Savy, bi puiti - Ihe -i ::,,> "i Ui. ,|. .l-,\ ,1 .1 PV.T.Vl ? i iu t ion "i t lie ii.iin.'i ?, ili-a ipliue, n . I lowcl io go i',\ ilcfuull t ,.?:.,'! il I adniinistralioii I ,..? ileptirl ire ol s.> many vessela ln cominisMon I ir, a, Scw-York in ibe lual two w.*eka leavea Ihe \ Vard .,1'n" t liurc ol the " yolil n" . ? li ? iij i .... iiotieealile in Ibe uinni uniloruiol ?? skippini- Ironi ahip to . i the Inil I',:"" weekB. i I ? Phil ulcljihia . ? "t a". iy lo s- ' .ai Monil ' for i'ort-aii l'i ihe Mie ni:i> al >j? 11 Ki*; ' ? w. , , 1; 't lo ITCI '" il "!:!'? ? ' H kl l: 'Ul Sorl ' ''Is > i ,? i . : i - likel, ihe Kntei pri> . w ill i . ?? t Phil delphi i upon her nrri* I nl I' ? l nu Print >, i": l t. "ii Ihe Imn v ? ilir rl K : -sl,,ii. .I.iinai"... t" '?.? pl-C ?:'' I ' " p ,' I in ; lie opi -. ? . i ? i ? ?'' il !?.'.'. ?!, i ti \: ,', i ,;.i i - ill ci in the \\ -sl !?? :,es and Ihe I'ai iu S I'he I'hi , ,_. fol|owe<l Ihe Phil nd I] i lo i on Mi pi i to \'i!,.!!. .'. l.t-t.- Kenr-Adniiml v. joine.l ?:?'!- ?? i ??'..? ?: will . a possii le lliis. ?ve *k ivttit the I ihe Al . I ? ? to Key \Y"-:. ? .. ? lo Im!vi ston, n I c ol ii i >\i d.ivs onl "? ill lie in i<le, ? i ih ,-,... too nn : ? ?'' ? t , tel i roiu t !.<-."' the -., ? , Iron will iro lo S'eu i'. to take part I llu I i i ?? w hieh il will ?-" to Peiisii ? ii.i : aad ? ? ivre '| ? ll ' : , ? ?' ' I ? I ? I v. i!l joiu t lie ilron ut N fl I \|iril the v< - larl North, nmi will thc coRit with the e \r,\ ,, ,:' , 1 ' , r :, ,, 1 ? . ? j . -:...?. I lona in .1. \ .'ill 1 hei I ve thc '?l,:i,ii.I ol 1 ? |iia<l ? Tl ' ;?? i- .-"': " tallt of t the franie nf tlic I cn - '? > ?', i ? ? i I,, i... ;,?.?: , wr> j c Tlie olli. "i - i.i the 'i ? I bo i'i '"?? c rcp at.-i ilml i il,is vvgs ?! wen pxci sivc .?uiinc tln- reep M trial. t ommundi r Olivii \. !', the I'" fl "i Sre ? ' : ?: I, I ? a ordpi ed i,, the pomni ind, on Pehruiiry 10, "i thp npw i ('"."(? : T. -... ? ieh ,- ? ,,"i 1,, be put into eonini The other oflieera -. i,, bnvp i.n Ihna i" or dered are I.i" '<?? I ? i ? , .11' \V..o I. ? ? ifive ofiicvr: i ih-l Enuii.i i.*?-.:.--1? II, lline, i*...^-..,! \,?...*.,: Kncini-ei Edwur-'l I*. Pre mon, I'uyi 'i Jame ' l.'nr nmi Lieuteni nl John B. l'i. ' . ? I inecr l.'"'-"t poti n i n for ":?!' ? ?';'?"''?.- .? ? ? of i liiiiiery of tu?- new ci uiaer opmui buill nl !'' loln i nn?l was 'f'ai w inl ,t: : ?? i I,, : ? ? " ?? Itali inioi ?. h s i.,.,' : or.lcrpil t., ihat ?.. '.,] urai a the re liel "i ' ef Ei ? ,? ?? . - ! |i- V |it . waa reeentl: ?' i'-ken ",iil, p.-imlvsis nnd i- n, ?* ? ' ll ?? '?? a| t| nl XJee Mt H ? v- :? re.'t 1" Ni"'- 1" niirse her l"i-l.:u,,|.' Some ', ahont recovei ,\ is pxpn?d. TWB ST. JOBXTaAXD '',' v r FABXf. Al a ni"",iu- of Mayor Chapln, Knocn'teor-al i ? ..,? Kretzsebmar, and John A. Qnintard, ronn l "t lln il i ' ??- anal < ina llon, re ? i,. ih" draft of a hil! Imnsferrin ? , , Irol ,,i Ibe st. .1 1 1 .'.'I Connt) I ."in from t.'i- lionrd oi *U|* rrl ,'1" ' liailtie ' , ,.,: . ,;, ., ,: || , |j| |?. v , Ihla week. II pr >vl le tlutl the < I work "f cn ? ;?, ? 1 .?,,,!. nol exceed iV>00,0(Xi a year f< r thc nexl f.wr jrcar . - mn-; !?? 1 ?? |"i,,l Ulifle : , (Ure. liuu ? f Ht" f'liirlllcs < niml -i.,:, r . llie - p. ?., ... .,t 1 aml ti -? rcsirleni :,?.?..,? U?t. All bl!N ni" t b ? ..a,1.;,-i bj Ih.* f mtitj \ aari bc approred i> thC ? ?. PRI7.IS I . ?' \r, rTOUEX, Tl " Dep ? '? ? ? . Polli .,1 ,,? 1 1;,,,; "f tlie 1 ?: ' ..'? u ' ' -i ? 11;>?,! 1 ..,, J, of ,1 ? ,. ?, fa : "The 1 I ? ?' -' r ' "i" and li epara I and ' 1 ?? 1 lativ, Uerlti "i .. 'Proti 1 i(ve Tarlff' .. d "f ??. -I,.. " t ir Ri ? ."' 1' e in | prin foi ? eacay on eltlier i.i.j,, 1 a lll !?? a el "t hl ,"ii'.,l worka, exreeding ftJO ln valae, and th.nd pi '" ?? el of hlsto ,..;.. ..,, |? ,.,|,?. The aurceaaful compctlton \-,;i be ron ulled ln t1," "f llie booka. The rompetltora mi>- - i?- ,. dentg of Brooklyn, who bave attended ihe public of the city foi at leaal twi yean and abo are 1 ol more than I r< nt] flve yeant pM. On -1 nll "" awa ' ? 1 1 , 1 ?? aiuoe i" r m. 1 mnai ndt exceed 4,000 rord . and mual be Igi ?? bj :. ti',111 <m pltune, and tbe real name "f tbe uutl eia I..-.-.1 1:1 a "a "I "ii-., !,,!?. ', |?. Jna- . ,,,,. ,,, er.,1 M.-w,,rt 1 W,,-11,1,1. ,.,?,,. ?,, ,,.,,?:1I,?1C| M sti.llli i.n.1 cx l'i,sli,i:,.|,.,. Joaeph 1. Il.-ii.lrl\ Tl? tmie for forwarrtlna o, ,?.. t? l^fe?aor Itobart InaatS at No. mj. ,ultUn ,t., Mptlte on Apni ii. '**' AMONG THK CLUB-HOUSES THE HAXOVER- HOME DEDICATED. BjtJ8PS~BfO!l OP THE M.AXB POlt THE CBES i i NT'S REW HOl'SE AT BAT RIDGE. Tl,e Eaatern Diatrlcl rejolcea ln a elnh worthy of tin- name now thal thc Hanorer 1 u been launched upon the club world, witli Otting cere iimi :.".. an<l tl.Id llowley mamion has t.n dcdicated to tlie aerviee of aU tl ? i daand pati nl : nnii "lll iT. ROOd livill-.'. HP'i BOCl_l 111 ?'. 'Iln eluivhouae a ? ; "" ~*i Mond iy nlght. '1 e ...,.., ,,i H tbe cluha arere I ? ?!, na well as Ihe leading i lergyroen . n Diatrieb, Hie newapaper men nl the clty, ii, ? jiidpee, and ? ' ' Uizona. After - I re ?eptlon V 11 im I . Brj nt, the I.. . lenl of the Hetl the rompany r.. ; ,,; I,..-. and I St. ( lair McKelway a- tbe : |,,-..| ?peaker Ile waa fnllowed bj Judge lieurj A. Moore, Mural llnlatead, and Ihe l.'-v. Dr. ! Henry A. Powell. After tlie Bpeecnea aupper was I Bcrved. I There an- few buildinga '"iilt for prlvntc : ! better ndapted t i i lub purpoara than ti la one al Bedford-nve. nnd Rodney -?'. 'Hie liouse was piir I |,,r fi',!. and Imnila were iaaued t . thc i S'.."... to tii" membera. Wii., i ? ? money thua ralacd the repnira were mnde under tli? ilircction ol V J. LourltMvn. Thc houae I* ol hrlrk, two -' irlee and a bnaernent In 1 m jlit. in nddition to n man-n.i roof, whlch makea ,i tliird rtorj-, The Irimmlnga arc nf brownst ne. Tlie I 01 ;.. . bul a lara ? cxtenalon has heen put '"I at ihe rcar, wlth a hay window i ,-m ( in Kodnej Bt. ln llie ho_"nenl an luiwling alleya, Imrber ahop imoking-roftm, winc pollnr and engine and boilcr-rnom. fVi ihe lirel H.? nre the parlora, cafe, dinln i kitehen. The whole Hoor at Ihe lefl nl the hallway is devoted to w< men. Tlie billi inl and earil rooma arr on the areond ll ror, wl ile tlie mnnanrd rool ia nl preaenl devoted to ihe aci . ^ i, ,t ,:,.,,. |( ? |< nl ? ' iblishlna n : m ti pre. l *te ? i I' ? i Keifei ll? ,-, ;. uon ..i the .'nt "t ihp Oxfonl ( lub. Tlie . ? ,.,.?| nl Ihe elnb ' ""??? Vi preaent llieir i- no plao v here n memlici nl thc rluh ean apend Ihe thia will ,,; iiKihly '"? n-nicdir I Tlie li inl nl l Cluh on Jannnry 'i cleelod tlie foi ln ? ? . . ?? i. in-siil. it, l I. Stillnt in : !?'?'-? ?"?'. Honry I ;, Hiani II. 1 ' "'? VV ' i;,',."!t. K. VV. M ? ' athl ?!.. ? ? ? " i ' ' r,i ' ? "? '' ,,. v \: ?? n, W r - nitl -. VV. II. : I II .. | .\| n '"i '' I iminiitt.-c. i i ?''????? . . ? .-, ,,| the ... li ,..?'?: Id ? i. ? ? i;.'.,! .' - ? ]...1 ? - ? . ? ,. ? iTnor* -'lv i t.|.?;.. i ; , I ti.e ? ' Inlle ? ' ,,,.,?-. \ , a -, , him ni-" - ilis. 1 - ' ' ... I ..? ' ; -..., i- invil '?'? ?"'. -. I . i ? . '??? II '? ??' ? '?' ? ? - , i?s. A. Ki nk. M ' II '?' '? ' N>c, Ihe li ,. . II I !? ?:. 1 H'-i* I' ... I. ,. \| .. ni i ilui cv.-iiii ' ; ? ' I ? nre - - ? ?? of m - , , . , rl, I ? i| ? ? ? \ll tnit'toi- I I tlu-ii i ,? i i. i . ili itm l ? . i , \ ' :. ? ? ' ,-.- I. Ile |, I , , . |>| "i "i ? ? .' ' ? .... i nd iln p n ' .. ,-? r ? i |l, . II foi lu > ? I... , ? I i.l ! ,. t ll '.. ? .,?'?? || ? l| '1 ' |l| lll ? ? ? ?? ' ? ? ,,| :,i I ", ' ? I.- : ,1 ?' I' '.? ' weels. ' M i i ??< Mr. nnd Mr-. Ki-uilnl Park Th-.-il ? - ? ???.?:, i- ? ? linpul ? nn 1 <n Wi ln '? | ??111. ? "; mi Tliut'-dav ,,:, I u -.'.'' V' ii, Park The-'ilre -Tii I'alur, , i nn l-n i lil'-lll las| wee| i ' ? ? \' ? -< i.l | ? ,1,1 lo I Ull " ? . ? : i. I' . " m iii r o, nl ?" Ih |i ull ' hu mn i f irl li ii. ii.- -.., all .: pl i ??! Ihe pl ihe .?-..-n- ? f..i lllll 11.1 |l < iiill li . ! , pn |i Ind . ' nl rli .-i i< i '? -..' ?? vii K .- ti rliie I H ? ??? -t -fi I II imptiin ? ili ,|.|.. .,? thi lll i : in-.- i " ? 1' i . ? ., .1 i'.mp >. u Ith KI parl of llie Ir I l ,, i...\. pluj a tin- ?:-.; nt the I. .? \vi '.u" \. , and n lll lie ? !? nm d agaln by ih , havo -< n ' he plat i il', a i ht ?? i- it leil n. th, < i i. Iii.-. mnv -,' in i? ? i': \mphl n v. .np I-. vi i , ,,| \ .... VOi k," wlll I thl Wl ??!.. M , li lll Blll l\ lll. I .?. i Itlli I'N ill ..: Ihe li .. I of in plltlV, iliul ? .:?? ln nl lll 1 rtl ,i. W. -,,IV", , of the lii-oad 1 ij i ln nlre. Slll'l Vi, BFLL'8 .1' 'I- > ll a si- Ihv <.'!,..." pon lenre of 11 ?? Cim I inatl En '. .. i . r. ?! klll ? ll r Iiull, Ihe f. . ii,.-!. i- ...n ta- f .?; !? . Mr. m.i-. k. in, . ? ,,n ,,: |J . I. ll' ..' "f ? I , ' I ?: I , 11," piolld I ?: ??. t'n '? ????.. ,.i ,,? , ini, >lr. I>|. i,- : ..,, ? ui. .1 Ihv club li I I',, i. n , , '. . i thr euiplov "I >li ? i hIihi l , ||. || ,,| IIM'I I '? I ? !*?< ll il 1 ' I|.,.i, Mr. I'ii I ? ..?'" ? ? , ' Iln ?,,<:. i,- i he iroiii.! ? irt.?? _ liuir ? liui.di| nui . nui i ii,. .. :., . . l,iit do v a a ti<" ri'-l nl I tn . . i . i rty, Ile t - '-I i t ,i| |l rotich ? i ., nt. : ,.,! fii llllll 1, | .. . I,|... |n Ir. I f ii ln-. ' i . : i. .. hi, h |il< .1 Ihe nld l'i.i"l lhal I-- < 1 lie i nil.l li ie |o pn n: hl t Ith lu i luru f.?r ti-' i-ompliiueiit. :r<."i. nc :, i,i... up in Ibe i hli-l i p ? ?. II r . i v iiM lllie i . '. ive it. -itt. :. ln : iii- fael thal the i-lnl, ".., nn old relle, had been m <.\ ??:? f il . .< . i: . |... I "ii. i. ? nn . ??ul 1 c ui - iii i-i lll m- '?? he Would pive it t . him. liiepMr. I ? 1 ' \i,-i-.i?ii. Dali . .. 'I the |s !,. Iii Mi i i , ? li,,- ii mi etlilhltloii In "i ? -I i'i" pi .iu Itieiil bii-tni pl ?? nf I A p"' nllar , Im Ideni - m . ? I wlth tlu p ? traln lhal ? Khelbj li i i - llull, ? Im ll. V. I he . lub i :i vli-lot l ? .1 ii ? ?" ipon, nl, nl two aiul a hal .? I ? ? Ihe club or henvi I ll(|, :,' 'I 1. II UllOUIlt ,,f ?< im.-. ',; in ;, ?. ?? Im Ih ? rn den Ital ? . prove i ni h .? ely th ?? ti - rluh a only one ever n?<t b} hltltt .- i ill, nnd that t I Ihe one ii-.-.l by thl* rhlcl during iii- rarner, Mr. IHrkeraon recently i--."lv..i |wn diiferenl , immunbatlon* from tti<- amlthkonlan liiktltutlon al IVashlngton, l>. r. rel i llve t.< Ihe purcJuae wf the rellc, but h?> noi jet dia j, .?... J ul IU i POLITICAL AND PERSONAL ? PUBUC MEN AND AFFAIB8. a/ABO AbSOCIATI'iNs BEGIM A r.OOD WOHK KOTES. Many of tbe RepubUean ward B*_xladb?na hate Blready laken actlon under the amendmenl ta tbe by f <.... ... ? eral Commlttee adopted U?l fail al ; ni.| i: iberl D. lienedlct, former prcsldcnt of the Twentleth Ward U*ocUithm. provuttng for rom ..? roii* ,,f membenhlp, aad lo itrlke - of peraona re&lgned, removed, ?'- id, I,,.,..-..,? Republleni . A rareful revialon of Ihe name* , i membern i- one of tii- bealthy ilgna of polltlral ? | ? |n thl* dlre. Uon I* a ture ilgn of .,.;, . ? thc parl ol tho?e who ?houM attend ,? ii, |f tht im I enrolled Republlcana In the ri ni t> " -''I be donbled it would be greatty for Ihe AU thal be lie.-?irv .,,, ,, . .;. ,,i,i would be for each man ,. ,,:, the i . to 'ii- ? ? Wend to aoand ,,,,,,, . ,. ?,,,,,, |,| |?. B -mall thia- for each lll dlvldli* . ,,, i. vvoulil inei.n ? I.' l. . ,.. ;.,,. dclegate I i Ihe General Commlttee ror , pi ,vl I.i the rulea ln regard to tbe cholcc ol rm nhera .f the Bxernl ve rommlttee, whlrh read* .,. f,,'i,,'A ? -Pi- dclcfcatc* from each aaaoclatl in (to < < ,,,'.iii-, i inu annually. between the | ..?t,,! ??, ..: .- M January and February, ?-f each I ,...?. i? i, ,i,,,<,ni, votoof thedelegatlon. appolnl one i ,,( thelr numbci I.I ?' rlmlrman, execntlve mem ,?.,. ,.,. ,? .. - ? . i ,i-.i. .1,'. re*peetlvely, wh. nan.hall la* reported Bl tl.exl regular meotlng ol ?." and thej .-' execntlve member* ? ? ? the January .tlng. 11 wlll bc ncee Bry foi ,?i, ,|? . ,. tn be ronflrmed between tl.atea i. ,,??,, ,1, h i, f...,- ..nii" membert ot the Execntlve Commlttee have yel been propt%ly named. In Ihe lieth Ward. Chalrman C.oodrirh haa carried ou hl* I .???.,,i,. .1 purpo.f utlcmptlng to put nn end to . . ,.,, rtlfTercnee*. bj iccuring Ihe appolntment ol i,,;,.,.,,., :,. rhalrman of tbe delegutc*. i"" ;,,;? ?t rhnlr.I "-? Execntlve Commlttee. I , ,,,,,,, i... neilnite nntll b majority of th.mmltteo .,, ,,., i , nnnied. For h 'tanre. Hugo lllrah, ot the u,..i. !.., l.!. pul forward a* a i mdldnte. ?: ii ,1, I* nol yel un tl.mmlttee. rhe ,,;.,. ,,.. 0f hl v ird arc cqnally dlvldcd between blm . 'I- ?'? I'ndy. , _ ,_, . , . , .,; ., , ,, decbnatlon of ?.rge B. Forrcatei to , , cii. |. . ., , , , jidate for rh ilrman of the Ba ... ?n the i. ?:?'! lhat hli ward bad ,,,.?,, ..,.,,. ,i .i,,,,i, urenncr for cxecutlvo member. 1* ,;,.?,:, miaa] nn. for Mr. I enner ha* not , unlll.l Ull doiii'i ??.:!?? ,' ? Thc r.-aaoffewd .: , ., ,.1,-u thal de*pte . , |M whlch 1 ?' '???""1 f"' . to prevall. Slnce he re hl ,. |t, |, ?, ?,!(| | dnbl) be better for thc delcpite* ? ,. i >; , ti iitoi-lu '???? l - ?;'?'' ,f ''" ?? i - \ " ?? . ,. ,,f ,??. ,.,-? policnof for Ihe plnce. i I wa* fcmg . banner Republl ,? ,he Rcjit ...... i-, popula rho ward whlch gave lait fall wa ,.,,: Itrpubl ? volc*. - !? . ,..,. 1.1. fllll : ? ? i l ? ?'? ' ? th t.H'.l. ' ' I'' "; '? "?.'"''"? ... - ofthe ? rhe lime |, .? ? -a ,i re . , ???? il i ;Jn ? . i ? ?"."mi1 ird .1 Miper* ir* and . , ,? hundred ol '- '' edlstrlettu carbe ' ' ' M',v'" . '. ;?,,,?,.... , nentulatlon* upon tho . irenot . in i'.i- lan* .?' dl ip . II . lapm'H fa c bi .!,,! i- , to .. : rh- Mayor b. , ,, be % i '"-i"' ?'?''' "'" "" ? il !..M hc thc n si '-< ? mc guig inio dlfl ? , ? ,11 liave l . I'- " HIM had dared " : ,r,v-" nl lo l.-t 11 ' ' ' ? ii luvv.ntiil ,',, "'I ' _? , i,i- li- pl , ,|,| rliiuil lo . - ||, -:,,,: w.uild ? ' I.v that I , , i ,i a , - : : I' ? ? -I ,',? ahi. ? , lliic i-.\| , . i... ,. . ,,. , .. i lil i "i -i'. p|V (1.II '!' ""'' ? i. ???" I" 'onipany. ... . ii- <?; . ir he !.'?:. - II, illalrs o( um a rj ' j? ,| i . th, , ? in- liliel) I" ,,,iii. a Inl ? hj Ih ' i-nurt . II.niblned mt. II ?? l ,.: \ l r tlu- Mayor. ( .> ,,ii i ' ". ' " ut -i ,i,.i,iv , Thoiui K. I'i irsill and cs < ur|Mii itlon Cmin s-l IX: Wltl are lo - devoted to tho ,,, ,i ', ,,<i the ni tion ol th" M ivor and h but witli ? "' i" il ? bi ? Di, in ,,, Um f.n ?. Uttle li"!. ? .T .in << -- in ti-. Supn. , . ,. . ? . . | |. nn \ lea .a thc iu ill n ,,., ,|.|?i,i frutii .in.i--" llartlctl lui I.- n t ihi n t?. u... .,.?,, i.,i ;??,:,i, ininp..-ed ..f .ind. Iiai ird, Dj li ..ri iii naiii bi be ? ?hcthi i tliey I. , a ia- .: b adequate rhe amended i um i' ? trlal ol iii- ' i - mi ii ? merll ii . iment bel. thc (ieneral T irm. * , ?!.. i .-a exploiation ol tlie dark aud devl w* * i) ihipal p<<iiti< will bc made ii tha Kenabi Com ,,,, i ??? ou t ,ii"? inii ,i in lirooklyn. >? nator Fa* ti , h ?? lu been ? iil"ii to various i i ii .l.-t. rlianrc* ara formulated by ? |, ? i i-itiaei th. will I..- i',\"-ii.-,t".i. --I.' lllll l: ,i|. of ll.t\ U"l" -IliilUltlV --t Dr. i hi 11- inii, i..-i-i ll. ,ii in hUfaermoii tbe -< i'i -I "1.1 Ui ...l.P i Itea la?l Suail.iv. Ui Kiilil lhal ii-- iii\ i nn pi< ui.ii-i\ i.k-i.<-<i nnlty, aud ".i i like ,i large <,t\ than .. gmup ..i tmall Uiwn* ;.! "?? iv Hrliltrai i niinexutloiii. The ? i i li li iinifi wa - . iliui -I ? orapli i - -1 % lo :. Tha rltj had hitl" nmii.i Ufe bei ,u ?? ol ?h lack >.l nniii in li - . <a,ip.<ii"iii part*. The . ii\ ;,i .. !,,,. I pni'li. -pi,,i ,i, tl.,- hlaher nnd broader -.i, - ??I ihv aord. Vltl.-I, mie nl tlie (treHlest . ,ti. - ..f i i. in polnl ..f 1111111>..-1. ii had no pnl.lli' llhllil-)'. I'" -'' "'? mn "U. 'ili'.a of lin- :,r|.. \| eiilen-d bj the mo*l miignltli enl bci i >| road ii ln l lu ? a ., nn .,ii".|,n,i" entr i II aml i|ii:ilid nnd lilth) i mifii .lon nfu-ii i" rt the ?. ol ili- . i: \. 11-a.- w .i - ., i... ini.-.>i, - ptiMii i.,:l,. inu "..<?:?. ....nii.' ol nppm.,.1, to ii wa* mnin ,r i| ?!?" . iii .'I !" HU'. . I,!" i ruwford "'. "niiili wa* one >.f the olde I ii ' I'llv. I -I- - i|iinrter nf .i ii-nliiri he an <i i.l-. ' ln p i .?- i.i- ia : t ..f i ue \ i s n n 11 .i,n,l Ast'T in ? i-tii- in-1,1 ., \. ir ., .< I- took il.-"p tl-ltcl loli lll 11," IU' K Siltlds Ktni-t i Mcmoi-ial Meth<*li t F.piscopal < linn h uu the II i ,,;.., und um, hed th- prog re .,: tlie A number of proniliieul Republlran* attrnded the aiinual liistallatlou ..[ orflrers ..- Ihe Invlnciblo Club, iu Nn. ::i:i llnte ive. ou Wi dnesd i) .iIiir-. I'i-.-i lil 'i II l.iu-llp lie .i!-l John I". ii.illa- iu Ihe ii|.ii.'?? made i-\ the Rei. A. B. i :, i nii 1 i.?- ? im l.. Kuperv i- ?>:? i?, n. I ,n u ildermuti B. I'. Thoma-., II, F. Newman, M. F. I KiiimI mi :, -I ? ti,-i -. i a- . inl. ha* !_."? member*. Tho ! ifll.t 'ii- i-liili I'.'i'l? li.-i,i"ni i,ii.--,.."i,e aiv: | va. ? i'i -iih-ni ?-. It. R. Koutliworth aud u. I: Vanwart; A Iberl .leambey; trrasurer, llorace A. I Slearils. I.- R. -. -im-. - I... jn t rompletcd a brief *erle* ? ..I ?? i inmi ? : i of tl," I'llaim n|.tii- - np r rli-ienl iu. i, h.,\,- I -. ii li i. ned ln I l IIIIIIIV lllll CI llf llls |,L'l|l.,r i llll .'1-,-.- ilm'l. II,- i :., |,-.i> upon ti,- m'i- tl ni rt'hy < hn-t ili-ii upon th? Ih I .!?? Ili" "I Hi lin! I in < ???.,! iuini I AssociutilHl ,,,, Wediiosdat . Wlll nn ^1 iv" Littie, who wa* Clty Treaaurer a doien tgo, [ii-,i,t".i foi ii-- ttrsl i a," i.i a-eeh "i,.| leetlns of ihe Twentleth Ward Republlran Aa toclatlon. -n.dlng R. IV. uenedlcl in the potltlon. -ulouel VV. 11. )-.ciid. ol CUntOn ave, ha* gyuc io Dermada for bla bealth. la lus abaenee his busines* nffaln are inanagod by Clarcnce A. Barrow. 0 ATHER ED ABOUT THB TOWN. The bbII of I.enjamltt I'. Btcphena acainst ex-Piff Commlaalooer Danlel M. Bomera was Bnally iUmlaaed l.v by JUBttCC lUWtlftt for wonl Ot prosncutlnn. Bomera charged thal Btephene, who waa prealow ot tne Klnga Counly ffater Supply Company. bad tappea f ihe Parl water iy?tem. The rall waa broughi i" recover tttO.000 for Ubel The eaae wa . o i--,. bul tlie lUoeu of a Jaror prevented i proper rerdld being glven. .,?.-!,,. Bartlctt, in if"* B^pceaaa Oenri raeterday ?:,. aaked i" reopen the anll ol lloory Bana agalnet the Rev. Aloyilna Bteffeaa to recover damagea tpr im . .f ti,- BlfectlonB of the V^f*? r.".,..eered|rr,5(?bydefaultattheDecemnefteiTo ,,f the Queem Connty ClrcnH OMtrfc Deeiatca u" reaerved, ,.... l.!!,v,,ie,rv* *th?n VVork will be held ln the Ufaye-tte Vrenue I rca . ? ? ,.,?,? ,,,,, evenlng and Dr. DavU Oregg and Jamea M, ge ': "? lll -I" d" ti," Mty-thlrd annnal ball of th. fjBml*? rl..,i? .kl ol tha Romar. CathoBc Orphan a** ?< < ujl, be glven In the Academy of Mnde on Wcaaaiaaj ?? Abby Bage RMmrdaon win teetara ln Maocbv ,?,;, nau on Tueaday afternoon upon Cbarlotte Bronte. A!;,,,1,,ll,1,.''?i,1,.''MiV'',H.,iv,'::n'i;* We,,,....;-, !..,::M.-'.t. |.f"t.*tl..*n."n.h.*.sof,.,i: Broofc lyn inrtltaloon We.*toy evcolng. rbf aubject ot it win i.Amerlcanalm In Uteraturoi or tae * World and tbe New I* ok." Thc aonlvcraary eaerrliea of the Young Men'? thrlHtian Aasoclatlon will be aeld ln lorty-acven aifferenl rhurchc, thla eveoing. The ?me annnal ... iii be i ..i ln each and addres "- v.di i? ,.,,'!" by varfoae m tei and Uymcn tatcreatea lo the work. Thomaa, aliai "Klgger." wear, was aent to Sing Mng State Prlaon yeatcrdaj to aerve a tcrm of hf' im pr1 unmen, ,, ;,,:,i !,??? fr kllllng Polircmao I toncj with a baaeball bat. Francta llalloran, flfty foar renri oM, of'iu-vi Md llenry ata., dled yeaterday al thc Long Island follcge lloaptmi from drlnhlng aome l.v by mlatake. The Ke waa In a bottle atongslde a medlclne bottle .,.., >tr. iiaii'.r.ri took Ihe arong bottle and drenk ,..,..;, ,,. ii.. auffcred irrcal agony tor three daya. The lii-t prlvai" con. ri ol thc scason of thc Houday rtlght Chorua will take place al thc Central Congrega tlonal Church to morrow evenlng al 8 o'cloc*. ?-. ??- - ? ? WABD TO LEAD TBE BRIDE0B00M8. ?iltl. LAST Ul-' llli. NEW-YUKK ri.AVl.l^' nv-,1. i;u.l, Ll \i?t*K. ii,.. New-York I'layet ' i. baaeba i club , , .,?-??:..? vi- ' ' - "f ">" J'""' ?""??;""-'? .,..,.,? ..,? -I. ., ii- ClUb* v,. ? i . .? m i ?? ? ? ?0W 11, tl , ? ? ? ? ? nui ncu club will bave a ':<: j,,.,",, and ' : ?'" ? Mate nl Jfi w-Jei ,??., ? were S. W. Spald ,. Day, i ???... ,i?i, .,- : r ? * '" ' ""? ' " " I lt. "'? Kew-Y. rk I'layera- club. remei.a ot uie club haa b en lefl to rtaro.Mcaara.Da ? ??..... a-iti i" . iT?*ra and mak? , , '? **> ?* ",l ??" i ,, |.,|,- . in tn- ca? . : , : ? ? vew-Ycrk, i ia 22, IJWl. ? ? ' ' ' s ' lub: . !. repr. - nOHlvee nr tii" ? ? , . '? ?' , .. r- -P cUull : iof John M- wa :. Ve ha ? : ' , ? ?' ? ? ??'? Ui. u I. . ? ? ? ? ,,t aiir i ??.?,'-.. s\ : ? laaurani ? - m m a numta r of youi aperata wwa aa m "\"r. ? ? ' , ??- n 'i'.'. v,,,ir parl I i ? : ' ' ' "WI M?l 1.1. .DWIJT. ? lll M'.V 1. K"I!IN-"V" Tt,,. ,,, .-,-?- ,! '. I ' ?' I K'' l to B ' B ?atlafael . ? ' ? II ,, ,., .I. w , d and i-leni *'. N. md they un. ' ? ? - ? ? l !"?? 1 will ba In Sevrl ' ?I, i: ' ' thaa they ara ai _ . /;:/ : U I-'," I B IW.VA AS .1 PBIEST. H:_-!i O'Nell, arll ? pi I " ' ' '" rajlcd "l ..".??:" o'Nell, waa arreated yeaterday ofl ,.-..,. ,f i, ,? i) ., ,i , mlt. H" aaya he llvca ,., .%.,. -j ;., I',. H -t. lll fa ? ? is illie to v. th Pati ? I. Ityan, "f Na 101 Slnth at. ,,, i nu man appeared ,,? , .. |;. ..' the ""ti "? ' ' "'? -i i ' K-ltti all lier. . ' ll" aa* po d said lie waa a ] iur:s!i .,. ,| |, .. i'NcII. I ? .,.,' -I ll,c ,;|,..-, ,i , ', .-, maj pr >ra ? l to pi ij t a* her. i hbt llie aervl.'Nell i I "d : , ia there 1 tbe nhtht, aa Ite liad no, h. Ihe eity, Ile dld ? aml llie nexl m \:'i ??.' inl ,: v. . ,i ..? ,i i it a iwl and , .1,1 v, iteh li el hlm. II" returi ed oi i iay ii 'u md i ?.:.. i"i" ?:? li 'i bj ll) in ? uiltcd ! ? . ?? i and Ihe i .. ,.. pr K-a : i. ??? i. ?: ?:?? P ? - I : i . . ? ; l ? j i.i. ? ? i r/R 11 rou ; r ?i txn i hk tor: -r:. \\..i .. - . ,i" ih" Knpreme f'ouri w in i i" -mi ?! 11 , I ? , . i La ' .'.ni,'" t ? ? nmpel the pliiitilid to inih" hia r.miplalnl more deflnlte. i ? - , ,? _-r r.\ . nui .f tha i.i-erj of arrdch i,, ..' ? ? for Mrs. liea Ueabi ? In her -1, Ihe -. :. Maria M l ? llaya nrd, wla> wi ? nll iiej ol i,i. r,-". it \> . aald "ii, tl il Mr lie utle lon <li'l ii"i ou n l!ic t,., k ol Ihe ? >nip%iiy al tho limo "f t!i" mi. i ul li 11 tveovi i*?*d II ? i alue ln , ' ,"i- .?. 11 ... Ih.MlpIl ll.II "I dlil :: I. .1.1-1', " lU'll'll , I iii ii ilial ?i md ln vei I lie .-I of ll [i,; illel. ii,- i" ? r\e I I ? the niotion. ?- ? ? 7/f/: ror.1 OF TOOTtt Pl'LUXG. Fmm The london Klund ml. Ih' Mcdb'ill Ituttcr) t. ::;? ia . >\f. ti! -"? itmre wid Iv knov n ua tbe Kl i ., id /.and. i I in'ii". iii- iiitrodiu-ed u new feuturc lu nnd -iir:i' al opei llioll . Vli ttp, r.ltllll! I llllll' "I th? I" l an.l iu , t upproved I) |ie Is provltl i a l .ii"i\ and l ?: ??' il< '"il. \.l."i"' -, ., iimrl , tirr nl nl tn. 11 \ is c"ii,iii",i. i he li iti"i\ iu d ? ill, nnd lli" app ,:,?'.. i-.i ted Iherew Ith, aiv iirraui ? a iu u < lo ? d -P "" under i ic ?? il >.f ihe ehalr, iin.l ,', ? > urrenl la ,'\,ii".l when i",|t'if"il, or I.i ut un i two iii'inii, ' ".\- at the bael; ,.| , i?- rlialr. ahlch t" -P", llvelj ii. -a ii ? bj levers tbe pi ip rllonul hn Ni'-r i.f lli ' ilne pi ite in Ihe I. ttter i ll md il. ? of ih" ahciith from ll,.',? ,,| ti," ,"d. Um . iii" ,|ti:,titii\ and i, :-i.,ii ol il," elertrlc .uri-enl Is determincil. thh rurrenl l- ronncted lo two ,1"' ii "I- i. .tcned Into Ihe , ?,,!, ,,f n,t, two urnia ,,f tl," , i,, r. lli" pntlent. Iioln i reated, lak. - liold ot theae eit-.trodes ?itli l,,,tli h.mda, when hi 'X|kt|.mi - Ihe ll-ll.'.l pllVlllli.' -, ll-.ltl,,l|.. >,, .,?,,, .,. |,.. | ,, ;. lueiistoiued t" the iiction "f thc cnrrcnl, lia- u deadciilii ,?;!.;i. pain, Ihe op >rator pul hl fmil 1 " .. |" 'I d. w hl. li, by nn it o| .. w< ishled lei t -liiini - the , aii'iii lo the reophni ?. or cord. att ii, the iiiri -pa "i openitliif- liistrt inent, \- m.oii ?, Uip i i"p , ui. :,' ? Ihe t i be csinictol, th ? i ir ? nll "t tbe im nl i ? t. .; ||, .| tl rou i Ihe I.i di ut Ihe pitticnt. 'ih" eulvanh m llon ll . ?"; the nervn nf the tooth dea.lena Ihe loeal pain iinil pertntts extnu-tlon ?ltl..u| siitf.-rhii;. tktme iKitienla Imve l.a ulreud) operntnl on, and a auree ful fiiture i|i|,",i lo bc miaed f >r thi- novel proi i.ii" ; '"- ? il |k rforiii ini'Cs, Ihe like ! .,.,i ' allon "f il"- ? ,,i\ nnpijt.ii nnd Hi" n ? "i > 1' i ni' lly maj v r llkelj bei ome u wldespread -ai-t mi ? for Ihe pov.fjrful nnd lesa .,f',. at i thetlea ai pr ? nl ,, Ui ? I, einplored. The ni itnesa and unobtruslvenesa of tlie calvani, inpll aii'"- nnd tii" meaos ,,f employini; Ihern aeo not the h'u-t eommendable .' utui*e* ln t1," inventlon. .l.v r.v irrm.i-i urit i,i VlhtOX. From rii" London ii.nh N< w?, A woman named i.abel haa been before the Law fiMirta at I'ol ilaiu for retainliig :. brai lei -!i? had ? 'i up in the -ii.'.'t. After Hi- won nn had re relved th" aenteiiee ,,f Ihr.Iii ' lii.arreratl.Mi frum Hi" learned P..I il uu Juili ?. the t illowluii ? W uiiy waa heard: Th. Judgo l>" you roniprebeiid? Tii" IVoinau Ve?, l ? imprehend. Uul whal ahout tha lii-a. 'lei liMuntln: i" tlie itlitterlng trii Uetl. Tbe .inii.e ' ih, th ? l.p.1. ? i"t remaln - w ll li me. i lio IVo ituit Th >i i- :. V, rj "d'l itate ul f'uu, . i :?.,, i-.,, i , !,.. puniabed and I"-" th" brnrelel Into the haririinl rhe Judge IK.Idedlj -,.. Tho Woman rtKui all I ran aay i. tlml it i- :i very one-slded iii.ui. Vou have Iha power "f piiui-liiiiL; ii.,- for liudnig the Jewcl; and no'.v luU baVC tot the bi'a.clot. IMPORTING RETAILERS, Falton St., opposite DeKalb Ayc, BROOKLYN. Tho syvicin of MlUag every artlcle at astmill |ii-n:ii. but of a tlioroua;h1y rrliab-lc qnality, is a riiliu? pria> ciplo ol Mii> fii-lll. IX Prior to ihe Completion of Stock-Taking. rooklyn Furnifure Co. Kemarkable Drop in Folding Bedi THI* UTYLE $19.00, *BR0 AQr? a?is?twr*waw>i* _s js>?z:mamm ; I ! C~5 TIII* STYLE $10.00. THE ap. >VE ARE PKlUi'i T Al'TOMATIC fOC~* inu r.i us i \N i'i' OTEBATED BT A CHILB. l-.'All. PLATE UIRSOR8, BEST WOVE? Wll_J M i;im, iu ii. THE BEfcT AXD CHEAPE8T F0L1HV". BXD 1-S 1111; COI Mix I Kl.Tlll. HA-l IU Tt*. .l.TO TO .171 Fl l/IO\ STej BROOKLYN, N. V. Irtl'S CERTAIN CURE For Ktii-umalism and (iout Betaaa.?aaa aadOpaeahr* itaaiB?ee -?ae_ ?aa* tae ol'l'biuuio. The eure extilt,t~ lt? r.o?* ?itraor_n?rT aowar* "l*t__l tne ir. ? f.? Iiirn U,o Kheuiutlo |i*J:m arhli h l-v* B'^W!T ui* (U.-..HI/-I br ***** boll by 1-u';'<-V\n01r...IrLiiS? t. ,,; iv o.pre~ paid u? *_V *J_-?**. ?* Bl -0 imi W""1 u <: BO pei tulM.xee. CI1RLES DEM.I, Tlie Fharmaci* 1 n-i pl.i.'f-, rort'uurl**!.. Ui-oolilyit ~ ?I Uvookltm _l)cim.'G. C^OL. SI.W S M.W I'AUK THI-U'li-. -/ l.\ KI'.V Mi.ll I 1 lll- W I' K m \ i im i s u i:d.\ , -i>w \M. >.in \ i i il siirni 11 AM I I S'S I'OMI 1 >% CO.. , l-r ntb - ,. nucci Miul i ? -' I'rodoerr, TIII ' vi.III. TIII. r'AKIR. I ,' : KAKIK. 'I Hl- I'vMW- , V.M IVi k Mi: AXD MK8. KIM'Ui I'..- 1 S ll - .ll- I.'" "'I -''?' _j? LEE-AVE. aOaDE.MY, !'>. v- D? M.\ r wi i .:?;. DANJ, i. i lt?M ?*?* ^ riMM i: AND PAUPBB. ELSIE i.i;si.ii:. M:sL in ?? n. Kaa* in DUtrlca MAI1M 1 -s VM DNKSDA1 IND BATV_*A* Nui-. iveefc-aUXXihi VAJUHRmt