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STILL DEBATING CLOSURE. DEMOCSAT8 PREVENT A VOTE, jtAlf-IN" objkctioXS To 1.VKP.Y REA0OBABLE PROPOS1TMX POB OOSUXG TO a DECISIOB ON IHE ALDBICH RESOLUTIOB M* BAMDERSfl EXCELLEXT BPEECH DEMOCRATIC ATTEMPT8 TO BOTCOTT Tlll". PAIB. [bt ?ili.m.kaiii i.. Tii.- rnJBtWB.] irnahtagBm. Jan 04. Tbe Bw* "">; ??*[? rer... thh evenlng wrthoat reachlag a eofc on t? Aldruh roaomtton. thoagh th-re waa ?"?"?> ? ^miwiess ,,? b,.h s,des of tbocbamberttml Ihe eon genata ahoaM aaeet agaln oa "^ ?.,,? , maaagera oa the onei on ?J ,? "??"*.' '?""??;? , .! whatever tho aniMmaeemeat tbal no i;|o,1(> ?"! * ,''',Mr';\,,l "?.,-? tba, av,,t..-l,..,M l,Und>enat? 1 P ^tbmal Uacuaalon. * ?*?*? ?*? WC ? J* oppoaltlon. on Thi> waa pr.n.p.ii negati ^^ ,, . ^.;fl,;;?i^ -NfaB-M thal each ?,o btara. Tbea jar. ^ ^ ):m!|, Se,a...r>houMbel.n ^ . n,|M,na,lI(, ilIld cven ** *" Zt waTe* rejerted. and. a- . hatl P''mTu ^ p'p-ed .hat a v,?o ..., ,h.ul.n Tm e taken before tbe Penate ahoaM adjoarn on S""!,V Thefatoomte deollnallon of Mr. Faalbaer, M,?n""n'ke f.r tbe Semocratic side In Mr. OormanN rn^t-n^ania.ivnf.hesesi.^stwris.elt.he ?? r~1 a, .. wa-. and amde it more t? - ,l0,r to evei-v one on the BepnbBeaa ehk tbal it proml*. and that tho only WBjf Of breahlng_ ? - Lnaeol veto power ol tbe tninontr OTCT kgUlatlon JTZ 11Ch a M.eer us-ert.on of lorca by theimaj rlty. * i,T*eil nnders.ood tbal Mr. AJdrieb and hia frienda h;,ve bean rarefnUy preparlng to tabe tbal '" ";'. ' baafc.? Ibe Benato to whkb tbe, are en Itkd by (Be lo-'lr Of thincs. and that thej are B<H lthe to postpone later tbaa Monday or Taeaday tbe atrnke wnlrh will pve them aetaal power aa a n,;.jo. n. inatoad of a vapue and Impnteni,>. n< Itepnhlirnn forre. w.lllH. in-r.-as.-d ,n forry ??.-?!.. hw > k^tba arrival of two more abaeateea. and the actoal ?twngtb ot tba party wBl tbea be torty elght ???"? ? t-.tai membenblp ol Bfty one. Mr. Bqnlro, ol ???hli - t..? as alreaay itated, has t.>> ?"' "a WB' *???'-' '"' It(1,v a-two. and Mr. Pleree. of Sorth Datoto. wbcae I.., was ,h.n yeatorday. I- beBevod to haye aurted for Waahlngl a early thia moralag. Rltb forty-eagbl BepnbUcana oa h ?n?, Ibe etoanre rato roaJd be adopCTd, erea if Meaare. Btowart, w oleott and Telkr, tbe most puabk and aubaervlenl ol Mr. oor nan'i alUea, ahoaM go t<. tbe extravagaal aad Inde leiisii.'.- lengUi ol atdlag ibe oppoaltlon In i quornm. ThesC three aaM heartod Bepnbllcaoa ml :hl mabe aoana ibow ol excu?e foi oppoalng eltber ihe rnie ? tbe Etectloa blll on pnbUe gronnda, bnl Ihoy wlll ararrely be abto to Jastlly, eve. to ihe party ... t-.,|. rado aad Bevada, a dellberate efforl lo blork the arbeeB of all leglatoUon aii ipl) 11 advanre Ib ? Inl ircsti ,,t um Bouthera Deiaoi raey. Thal Mr. stowar. i? growlng reatkna oader crtl .-... for his abandonmcnt ol part] pledgea and partj h ii * B ab ?wa by tbe lemper ol bla apeecb on the \ldri.h mlc lo-day. Laal kummer. whlta meaanrea ln whieh he waa lateroatcd were anffertng becauae ol dUatory debate, he waa prompl ," arge the propriety .-f establiahlng a "pre vi .i.s qoertlon." To-day be delivered a vtotoal and pas baraiurae agaJaal a Batlo al eentraUaation ol powei a-!d tbe peril ol execntlve aggrandlfement. Imaginlng apparantty thal aader tbe Lodge blll Federal aupvr v, h ol eleetion are to be appeiated by tbe Prealdent. Aboul tbe rak he had Uttle to ?y, eacept thal > it wh. good for tins aeaalon it onghl to be g.I '?"' ?'" ,,::?..- ies?.ona-an obeervatlon whlcb la aalomatl. and walrh a.iv observor ol ihe atetboda ol dolng bu?lne?i ,,, ibe Senate wlll aeeofte to wllh all bearUoraa. No refona In proeedure In < .ngroaa, perhapa, wouM glve more geaeral aatUfaetloa Caaa the aaaptton of a atand log -pravlouB <i"es.i<>:i" ruh by ihe Beaate. Br. Btewarl waa foUowed by Mr. Bandera, ol Moa tan.-i. who made a hmg aad eloqaonl argameal on the Eleetion bUl, bavlng bad no prevloui opportanlty to addrcss the Benate oa thal anbject. Mr. Banden waa \ aoroiu and aaapariag ln bla denunclation ol the vlolailon of tha war aaaendmenta to tbe Con?tltutlon i> ihe Bontbera Demooraey and of the Impodeal at ,.'i.u,t in reeenl Oebatea to JnatBy that vlolailon aa rlghl and aeeeaaary. He waa Warmly cangratoJaied ...i his apeech by hia BepubUcaa calfcaguea from all parta ol ibe eoamtty. Mr. Morgaa tbea dehve-ed a pbunllve ealogy ovei Ibe vanlablng rlghl ol niillmltod debate and auaority veto: and on BnUhlng bl feeUng tribnte lo that much abused and now deaervedly ImperlUed lleenae, ateirled U to 1111 Ume I'V maklns one mor tl. ? lourth or Bfth - ,,f hi- bomnoknl argm iti agaln*. th" ElerUoa blll. Mr, lllacoek waa wail c to mabe a *horl apeecb In ?Bvoracy ol tbe Aldrb h ra* . b il Mr. Borgan k. pl ...iu in- untU after dark aad, wltbon. giviag up Ibe Boor, ylelded for the molioa to take a retew. A new featare -f the ?itaatioa whlcb eaaaed a good geal of anraaemen. al tbe Capltol to-day wa attempl ol the Democratle managen here to aecure from varli ua Bouthern l. - I ?> threa. to "boy eott" tbe Cbkago Falr ln 181W if the Ele<tlon blll i not now lu.i a-;.,-. Throngh maalpalatlon from the Capit | ?-. i. B latnres In Alabama, Arkansas, Texaa a,,d Mlaaourl h;,v.- recenUj lahen Inltlatorj on boycotl raa duU m . and the teadera are i ow walUng ?, ?ee the offeet ol aoch lacUc*. Demoerat* of ? ,;., who reatember tbe grotesqae fallurc of the j,-?,?,-.<! Oordon boy. .tl ol hwl anmmcr, wlth the prasent foeble attempl to revlvo a hopeles*ly .. ..? projoct, whlta the frlead* of tbe Bkctlon .. i:, t)l,. preaen. movemen. only anotber ex presalon ol that determlred bwtUlty to hoae I - :? ? , a on whlcb Ibe preeent aupremacy ol Ibe Hemoc raci la tbe Soatb U ba ed. Tbe boycott wlU probably ,.,.?,. |o grid la a weeh or two, bai II may do ome g.Njd i,. aronatog the peopk ol the Nortbweal to a bharper aenae ol the tme aplrll of the Soutb's opposi Uon to the EJecUoB blll. II goea wlthoul saylng thal r>oy?rt^ngthoChicagoratrin IraWwUIbnrl tbaBouth mnch m .i" tbaa 11 wlU bart Chlcago. Bul whlk tbej a.,. i work, whj aont tbe Bontbera Leglalatm , ,,. Governor Uordon'a more magnlBeenl acbeme and uboycott" the whok SorUl No BepnbUcan tknator ,, BepreaentotiTe wlU be Inaaenced, exorpt In eon tempt, by thia oatbraab ol *IUy poUUca In three oi lour dowthera aagiakaUve bodka. Tbe Baaata aaol al n a. m. la eoatlaaatloa of Tbara gaw'a aeaalon. There waa no prayer, ao Jonrnal. .,,i) ,,,, moralag aoar, bul ih'-r<- waa a ?? >'' ?,f the roii, v.hi-h ahowed that lliere were fortg-flve Beaatora In atteadance?exactly a qnoram. >;r. Btowart toob tho fl.Hir lo addreoa Ihe Beaate oa the ckaare reaolatbm, bnt ykkted to a aiotlon bj Mr. Prye for an execntlve aesaloa, <>n the a* arance that it would not Oecupy more than flve or t-u rnin Utes. The i.'u'i-i.iuve aeaaPat was reanaaed at 11 :-'?>, when Mr. Btewarl tooi Ihe Boor and offered the ;,.,?? dmeal ol wbkb be bad grren aotke on Thawday i;,-t. i. eoatalai three propoalttona, Ute flrat belng ti, t.-.h" <".t of the peopoaad n.l>' tbe worda -and ,i?. queatlon ihaU be pal apoo tbe amendmeaU, ll anv tben pending, and upon the meaaare I \U auc ),?t wlthont debato." aad to eabstltuta tbe worda "aad iebate on pending ameadmenta and racfa amend menu aa may be offered whlk tbe meaaare la andei eonalderarlon ahall be Bmltod, as provided andei Buk B*i the aeeond to laaert iu Ibe aantence provld ?,. lAoi no motlm abaU be ln ordar bul a motkm to JJoura or aabe a reeeai tbe worda -ta reeoaimlt wUborwltboal toatrncHeaa, to hty oa^tho tabk, --..., ?..d the third aeaag a elaaae thal paadiag Procaedlnga aWtborropo*edr..Bato 17 ahaB be^?P?n*od ,.?,,. 8( ,,,,,,.,1 ..... the Brat proporfttoa. provkk. .? "otBor of aaatiaeaa- after the moralag *our.and Bnle .7 is that -whea aa ameadmenl proi.I to G. C. SHAYNE, _ M-mnt-ictlUt'l', Mantifacturer, M?? Dn.aed aM WhaleaUa and BeaaU bu <-k oi MI ( K ". I | S<'<;a,<l Fl,rs j-..iiiajiy baawera ala t? -:":' "? [Jptown, 124 Wert I2d8t Downtown, 103 PriDoeSl, MaawtaaaareaBre..Katitm. - ?3 lolo PBB OBNT, DI8C0UNT. a>rtf JAI. BABOA1MK I* Si'alskin Newmarketa, JA< h,-''?,';.r',>.A.,'.;,'..,-'\ewr,.rkol,and Emmm.*.*? *%*!'S' out a?ai?, *-- ?"'u ^>a Wrapa at lTuitt?t- t,u>re, ti.f a :. ? ? any pendlng meaeare is hdd <-n tho teble it ii not carry wtth it or prejndlre tncb measere." Mr. Fanlkner demanded the yeaa and nayi on Ihe amendment and Ihej were ordered. Mr. Ktewnri uegan tii- argnmefil agatnst tho pra i'"-'1 ralo and agnlnal the Elecl on bilL Th ? Bnl queation lhal prewntsd ItaeU, he ,.d, was wby waa the baalnoaa of ihe aeaaton taapended lor the parpoae ol consldertag the propoacd rulel in. Bgh all the rontest* that had td.-n pti..? vi,,:, ,, re orl bad never 1.: !"li'"1 ?'"?' aarj h tore. It waa ., propo Li >n which had never been i inaktered In tbe llritl h Pnrlli ni'in during bJJ the agea lhal tbe Eiigllsh people wera !>tinggllng for their Hbertiea and bad onlj come onder condderation when llbertj ??> lo be anppreaaed. if j be undcratood i ?? EJectton blli corroctly lt? prlnclple, if <arn.(i Into etfect, araald be more preJudlcUl t" buman llbertj lhan aeceaalou lis-:f. berauaa ?>?<? i<> i would have atill retalned hxal govemmenU. bul with Pedcral offlcer* t., aaperintend hxal elecliona In everey i<| itc la Ibe I'nlon there woald be n i more home rnle tor America, and. tlial removcd, al] waa kwt. He wenl <>n io nrgae ai hngth agalaat il.netttatioa aliiv of iho Kln Oon bill. The operetlon of tbe eleeUoaa law In Rew-Yorh city navlng oecnpled Mr. Btewart'e attentlon to aoi.ta t,':;t, Mr. Danlel road frora a recenl conimnnlration from the Treatary Department to al m tbal Mr. Davenporl bad rendeeed aceounts for feM In relatioa to the clo.thi. ,.f Membera of Aaeombly. Mr. Aldrich ashed Mr. Danlel whether lhal waa offered In expllratlon rd Ihe ConsUtntional argameni made by Ihe tienator from Sevada. Mr. Btewaii it la eaay to . whal it bi offered for. li iv offered to aliow now yon laterfere with l.xai elecliona. (DemorraUc applaose.) Tbe Anglo Bexon ihe wenl on t,> -1\ | had moved forward In eve \ rountry and wherever be had planted a rotooy he liad oatabBshed home rnlc and had dared t<. malntain It. Tho efloii to atifle home rnle, in ireland woaJd be ?? faUare, beeaaae the Brliiih people wtraM nol agree I > Ihe eoalavemeni ol any parl ol thc people "f lhal empire. Tho proposed rnle, he aaM, ? ooM nol be adopted arithoul the vtolatloe of all rulea and iritlMiul baklng from tbe Boor aome Senator entltled lo it. If the raela ol the fenatc were vdolated, and the pro poaed rnle paaa d, tbal wonld nol be tbe end "f the discn&alon. The people wonM be alarmcd. Thej W'iiiM rlse np, and Scnators woald hcar a louder rolce than they beard In the l i-i elei llon. ?? Nol loader lhan we hear now," Mr. Hoar mg p?'-t-'*i In a san a?tii t me. ? i am glad," ^.i- Mr. Stewart'i retort, ??that I am able to apenk -., ihe ticnator from Maaaa ? n ell bi able te hear. I sapposed lhal he waa eotlrely deal to i,'.i-,.ii. (Langhtcr.l ITuppoacd lhal hia anxlet) t i trampl.i Ihe rlghta ol the people waa -" I lhal ), couM hear nothlng but polli imen'a rlnba and tne claab "i cha na t i be n?ed at elee'tlona." In conctn lon Mr. btewarl appealed to Republlcnn Bei dore t<> ttop In their mad career before they atepped over the prccipice and deatroyed their party, Mr. Kandci bi di ?? i argameni In idvoi icy of Ihe propoaed rnle a subjcrt, be aald, which had been tn mibm extent lo?l tlghi of In thc t.-?? "f the ')? i .,* | He J lekled la Mr. Aldrich, who aaked unanlmous ron tenl thal d< bate on the pendl ? i be llmltod I t,. lulf an honr f ir ?? ? h Benatnr. li been promptlj lritcrpc*ed by Mr. C-wkreB, Mr. AWrlib made j llke reqncst, llmitiag -p ??? '? ? t > one hot i thla belng alao mel with a almllar objec lon, lie nexl propo ed that ? vote be taken on Ihe resolnllon on Moiidaj ? \' and i" thal objertion waa al?o made. Mr. handera prorecded with bla tpeoch In fai * "( Ihe in ipo* id rnlc a d <?( Iho Eli ? llon I 111, He remlnded Pcmoi ratii Bi ? iton lhal th re araa a dlfferencc betwoen freedom <d debate and unUmlted deoate. He deelared that thc ' Eiet ti.,' bill wa a bill nf peare. II mlithl lie lieaten j 3>iii would be Impl} poMponlng the <ruc*tlon. If I ii were beaU'ii, Uien Congre?a would adjourn on l ? '? | ,.f Mareh oext, leaving a deep and grlc\ou wrong ranaling ta the b ?oma of 10 per reiil ol tpc ptople ??! the rounlrv, and with the ron i ou*n< ? - that an In :ju-ta- wa? bciui! perpctratcd i [Ii l.-'V of day. Ile wonld nol -av boa loi that < ondltioii ..( atl i:i?? mlghl eontlnne; but, lna?murli .?- rltlzens would i?' dlvlded ! into ' ii--- nnd h portion of theni a71,.w.,i |o i^. denh d 1 partb Ipatlo ? In tho condurl ,?( the tioveniment, ttio Igalt would be wldened between ihot* who were ad to rlllzen?hlp und lho*e who ??'?? ? ?!? led lhal boon; and there would !?? bulit np wlthln thc hn?lta of tho ro.nwealifa ? proletatlat and a aei ,>; h i;..f,-i: ,i _? |o newxpaper oppoaltion t., Ihe F.l. ? tani-. bill Mr. Mii'hi- - i .; ? ai l newspapcr liad l ?? ?' ap pointcd as a tiibunal lo expresa thc popnlnr will. rhe people il. TOselvi - had, hov eve . expre* ,-.1. a .-,.??? ? the N'atlonal platforma of tlie Re pul I , m pnrtt their pnrp -?? n 1 dolre th it the , to the Constltutl ii sbould atand as * bulwarh and hhleld ajralii i all forms ol oppreM.|on, no mattor how bumbli the Indlvldual oppre< ed mlpht te. Mr. m rgan n< \t addre>sc<l the >? r I ? llon before It wi -. be li II ,??.??; ilui nl vlew whelhcr Ihe i?enatfl would change tbe rnh-- iintl?? whi-h it had opeiated b> a ci-nlnn ('"' th- pun.f .??i thltni; a mnjorllv ol tlic Hci .'?? ??? '? h h dld ?? I rrpre hent a majorltv of tlie people ol tbe Inlied stato) to ,. | a bill that dld nol. li app .:??:. n ? ' ?? Ihe au pro\ tl ,.f anv r >Bllcal party In Ihe Ci it- -I -?.:?. il> referrvd In a IiIbI h ? i nplji entan rnaniii to Mr. Kvatts and i ? ''!?? sn^celi roadc lo hlm on Ihe bill, In which he said thal lli.' ?'? ' id nol '??- ?> i ' Mr. Morgan ? -nd tbal II ba.I heeo ptotra<iel h ) rt tl,,- ii lerct " hi. b Ui i-onntrj Mt In It. I ho -? ( .... Ma ? im ? ? . ho aaM. ba l lioi mv .,t fi Rritl'h I'arl: in r-lll II El< itlon bill li hU rlo rnle. and de?dred to pi mt I.t ol Southern soll, to thi- i >lal :?? ? ' idllloiis ;?? ,i pra,;, . ? ot ihe Ainerl in ti \ rnmei I fn . rentiirv. Wlii re was tl I ,,' Ihr |k ' measiirel In Hie fa.f tlie abaenre ol nll roioplali I ? ihe eleitlon In Sovemlier, II '?'?' ,',.... | | ? ? ' il ?_? M ? "' tloll blli waa a I ald faUcho d. Iiv mean of tlie 11 rcsolutlnh. Rbod* Mand aald i" Te , ?? allenl ; 1,,.,. vour i.if li. I hat ?? beard em ugh fron \nd if \"n are ?-.'-''? tlio*' bigecr lhan I am, i' ,n; i. d) nnd ? hoke yoo down." (Laui l ,,,,., In tbe ronrse ol hl argnmenl agalnat Ihe l.dl Mr. Morgan recalW ihe fa, l thal v beit Mr. Evart ? h|s -!????.?', Iip (Mr. Morgani a ked h m ??? h'th-r l,o rialmed thal Cnlled siit.-- senatoi ?vi, offl.I tovcrnmnnt. Mr. Evarts had ai wered, "\e*, , ta ?-, ? and Mr. Morgan had aald thal the deeislous nf the >*iiprein< < mirl w< re a llon. Ho not '.'i thal the lepori of Ihe In "1 ? II.I" omitted al! referenre to that li was that, if -?????<??<??? and Rep eaentallve ,,f |he i i :???! -? il< Ihei were n t offh ei ol tho sl .?? t{|Khl there hi il I, . th" radb al djffi ? ? ? Ihe i,i Inl ol <ii\' lon : rtghi there a i Ibe usu pation ol the I lei II >n bill. Withoiil endlng hia .peech, Mr. Morcan \ ? ld*>d '' ?? .... motl '. of Mr. tklrii h. al 5:1 ? tbe ^,., ute took a rec ? i"."! Mondaj ?>' noon. rnr.r. i>i:i.ivi:i:y [MPROVEMENTft. RECOMMERDATIORH "l St'PERlRTEXDERTg 01 THE BERVICE ERP1 Rl MI.NI> 1N KM M.l. Tl W n Waahlngton, Jan. M. Beveml Imporlanf reeom ,,,,.. ,. ,;?,.. ,,?',, ;, . the t dellvery ervlee ?'ll lie sUbmltted I" I'.. fna t r ?.oii.l.d Wai! imil.. I I upproval. Tbe ?? rei wjimendatloi ? are Ibe re ull ol Iho r nferenre recently beld In thla city ol raperin udenU oi tbe hervlce In i namber i f Ihe pi I IH .? ,f tho conntry. Tbe general uperinl i !:,,,,r i'olkx'k, caued the roni ce lojrether fiw the .< ........ ,i .n.., ii. - ? ,?, , f in att. r relallnc I , ptn.p .,? ,,; .-,?? eral dlai uaalon i f mattera reUtli r I , provement of the aervire. An Impori inl mat ,,.,. ,,?, idered b) Ihe conference ?? Ibe clas Iflratlon , f ,|,? ,\i?.. upon M, Ihe *ame prini iple ? ,1m, pre enl eki lfl?-atl m ol poslol i.v , ,!,,, ; , ,.?, immend lhal all Ircedi llvcry offlce b ,.,,,, ,. , ba af npon the rwenne and poaala ',',, regard to whether Ibe Blghl Hour tew had Im proved or Impalred the aen-lce, II wa tbe unanlniou ,,,???,? of i.nlcrenre lliat, undei II peration, tlw ! .,' vlre had been Improved by rea on ol Ihe fael tbal l? |?rg? dtlea a ?u?i lent force of carrter wa allnwed i io n.i.ii.iv with tbe biw, tbcreb: li t-reaalng Ita .-f ? ,??.?v- bnl in Ihoae rltlea where addltl nal carriera ' Were nol allowed lo comply with IU recitdremeni I erviee had been Impalred. Tlie wn I oi tho 1 0?mion lhal the plan ol worktag elghl boura ol crxdeo , ,? cutlvely waa nol practl able. II wa ihMight .,, || waa ,,, po Ible to t taWlah a nnifonn rangn ?f hour?. lhal II would be for the i. ol the i vlce ,., nx a maximum of nol m'ire than fourtceu honra. The conference reeoromended the e?tabllshmcnl at 1 Detroll Mlch.. "f a marine carrier -<? vlce. which wlB ,H. ihe ontj aervlce ol Ihe klnd In tbe worM. The ,?,.,.hj to dellver maila to vesaela najiMng.tlial p Inl i'"?:,. ... ,., ,,?. lakea. Small boaU wlU take ihe car ,. ,,,t to Intercepl the ateamer . aa li now d me by nrtvata onterpriae. Tlie conterence tnrther lavored Um .f pneamatic labea In tbe torge clUca, coanecting ,,?.' general postofflce with IU bran. a , \n Intereatlng serle of cxperimenla haa been or gered by Ppatnia*ter-<?eaeral Wanamaker. Ihe par ,. to oaccrtaln the praetieebBRy aad eoet ..f ex tendlng ihe iree dellvery aenlce t.. amall lowna. In order i" a?certaln the naeta, Mr. Waoamaker ba dl ,,?,,,! Major PiAlock, tlic auperlntewlerit .,: Um rrea dellvery ?cr\1ce, lo eatabllah whal bt caBed freaalcllverj .,.,.Vi,,. |n ibe [ollowlng lowna: Terre lifll and Jenkbi tuU|] |.,.;:;.: r.ii.iwli. Kan.; Bobinaon, lll.: il <pli zll,,?' i.,..; Monroe. Mb;h.; bellersburg, Ind.; HyatU vllK and Mlddletown, Md.; aultolk, Stephena' Cltj ?nd the Natlonal Boklbw - Home, Va Th.rvkt to ,,. ektabllkhed a' tbe*! pbvea wlli be performed bj. ,.,,.;,:. to h appolnted by tlie iwatmaater. rhe M,? u,n be collected Irom Ihe boxc In bi provlded ." , incotBlBg mall wlli be deBvered ,.t the honae*. ,?,. ?, twice a day. a- tbe i.da ,.t tlie rltitena re ' Th? exocn.I ttn- exnerlmenui senlce will Jftn iVi ?'? ?'"?'???I iM.propriath?i. fo. thc h ; d. " ""'" ,, ,1 ii i ,? , ,1 ,iiini.?,' ? ir?< enl lenath ol ",v"''v, a^mT.h auOsUc? a, to Uie c M ol tbe i mrlee !?V;?S'; ';,...tta.d- ?..d d? 1...:?:.?. u v... r *, ,]'uiTM t : :?? ?!' ! imaalcM.. ? ,n i-i eovi r -r-.-a..igrga lay- approprtatton ^^ ilS;';W tn towai aaX not haa j flutn lahaUtaata, or erneie tlie re.elpt* are not l< ia tbaa -10000. AN" IMPORTANT IT.X-ION DECRIOGf. CLAIMa WHICH > IVXOT BE GRAXTED CXOEB PHE A< T mi- i,Vs.T .um;. tvaahington, Jaa. 84. In a rerenl commnnkatlon to Mr. Itnaaey, Um AaaUtant i*eoretary ol tbe Interlor, Repreacntatlve O'Oonnell, of Mlrhigan, lacloaea notlrea ol tbe rejertion i ??. | .? p, ,,, Qnreaa of two rlalmn bj wMowa for penak i und. i tbe a. ? oi Jni e 27, la i. "ii Ibe gronnd thal tbe aoBUcn upon who*e n servlrea and deaUi Ibe rbtlma ?.?:>.? pradiral d were not honorabl) dlkcharged from Uie aervlee, a* re qulred bj tlie tu t, bul <ti".i ln Ibe I . ??>???? not (in- Uiereto; and rcquet>tcd I.plnlon ?'. the Departmenl as i,, the -,,::..| . , ol Ihe nlmve ln one ol Ihe taaes ll aeem> thal the < lalm nitne intoxlrated, ?n- pal ln tbe gnord-hou?c :m.| Ibe nexl mornlng .u- foand onUMe the guard house dcad . and In tho ... i ;? ,., .? the . lalmanl waa found dead on the rallroad tiack, tii" inppo lltou belng thal h" was Intoxlrated and wa. kllkd by the rara. rbej ; were botb rejeeted andei tl.M law on llie ground lhal the aoMkra were not ln llne ol <iut\ , kllfcd. s,., ,,,,,, ;[ ,,( ,|?, m | r,.f,.,.|V^ ,,, ;,,,,? |, lhat whero Ihe aoMler wrvcd nlnety daya In ihe Army oi X.iw. waa hnnorably dlaeharged, and dkd leavlng 11 wblow, the w.dow thall -apon dn" prool ol her hi band'a death, wlthon. proving bla deaUi ta h ? ih" resnll ol his Army tervlces, be pbvred apoti tb pem lon roll." eb . Mr. Ruaaey aayi Ihe qaeatko proaented la almply, | do tbe provUiona ol the third aerttai apply to the ? rlainis nf w.dow* uho" huabanda <ii.<i whlk atlll ii, I Ihe I nlted st ii??? .?:?. under rlrrum<>t?nro* wlib-h ? i" rlude the eraiil "I a p.nMo.-i under tii" provi Uie fteneral !'??: >lon law. Vfte ? vcn i m ful .l rratlon <f the matter, he aaya, be in.- oome lo Ihe ronrlusion lhal Ihej do not, .vd thal tl." ?:. ; rlaimanta refened to bave not been provkted foi Iu tbo a. t. BOXETART COMMI88IOXERB CnxPIBMED. Waahlngton, Jan. 24. i ii" rienato haa eonnrmed ?li" i.i.n.i!. itln ii ot \. I'. Ilin, ol <?.?].ii.!.; WTIBam A. Rn ? ii. ??! Ba ii bn i tte>\r*KLambei1 Tree, ..f J I io I..- rommlaalonera ta ...? mI.t t!i<- e labB .me I ol an Internatlonal i oln oi i oln ? ? l:|:.'.\ 1.1- l"i: i.M.I AMH IN INI'I \ v.' * ?R?*. lVa*hii gton, J hi. 21. I lie a. I of ?'.I I eh ruary -jt., anlhorlzlng tlie Prc*hlenl to i brevel rank un rrfBn ? ? f the i nlted Sl it< Vrmy f? gall ml aervb ? ln In llan < i ? ai j ? ? I"" vj lon lhal ... h bn .??. > umrcl l??na :. ? maj I ' under tho a< t hall '?? t .t itc only from tl" na i e v t. b it thal the .1 itc ol tlie par. a. t frfr a? I. ll tbe tBeer i- promoled -b-.u ip< ' l!l tl i .iiiimi- lon. Uei ? baa rcprc*cntod to He relar) V ra tor thal In tbe at. I t<? < Hli.. priM i*l..n . anaea mn. h i the d.rforenofM Iu rank whl. h iiian.t ofli< it ii lhal whlrh thej hel l ..t tlie Un.1 the itallai.l ..ln to be rewarded. He ba ' ineiided lhal tbe law be amended I .. 'i \,re\ e\ . miiiiil tbe pmvl loin ol II," a. t -li .'! Ik .: .1 it" I lleular Ii- i>.< art Im whl. h Ihe irfhVei ..\ |tim loi to .1.'. -?" ' bi tbe '." entativc .< Icltei Iu lo ng the i lal.oi ? ? OREF.NIIACKS FOR NATIOVAL RAXK VOTES. B'uiihlngton, Jan. 24. R. pn ei ' itive lilan I tod ty Introdured a blll ta pndjlbll lulure i--.."- ' '? bank i. ?;? ?-, ai d to | ? for tlie I ue ol ... pla.i '? Hred. BOXDfi REDEEMED \i i HE rREASt'Ri \v ?-1,i ?. _-r -i. Jan. 24. The ?nnmi t ol I 1 2 p. bond .'? leemed ta daj *?>- r i i?,400, ... to dale ?:'>. ...'?...,..o. _ PBOI EEDlXtrrJ IX 1 111. II"' KB. Waahlngl m, J m. 24. Tl e Journal I reaad ln t.s uautl form, Br. Iire< kinrldge, "f Vi demanded ll r. ln full, ln< ludii g l of bllla, < ulutl .1 ? "?" isompleted ... I .?'< I?w k. Tlicn Mr. Un Br. BcKinky !"? , .11 i!i" pn v 1 ti - quc lio ? ,,: . ?? Journ .1 ??! ln Ita readlng, relati*..rla n ;?? 111 lon*. I:., -;. .,. ? it< .1 icmi aulbi rity "f Ibe < Icrhj Ui it tbe . ?i . >' had been prop ri\ read. Br. Bi Klnkj *ald lhal n was manlf ? Ui >t l ? onlj pnrpoae ol ihe otl ei ?hle wa lay. H had rciiuired, rontrarj lo the rnau?ni ot i io ? I i??? :? en yeara, thal llie re. .r<l of rep i petltlona thould !-? read. Mr. Bre. klnridgi II >a d d Ute g ntk n K?-t tbe ?' i be -j ,:..-: i v ihe reeognltl '? ' Ch dr. Mr. BreeblnriORi Tbe Chalr i- vcij klud i.. Ira Bcntleman from . ihlo. i i" hp aki r i be < balr hopea he 1 ?? I"ba4i ? . i ? klnd ." evi ry memlier, Mr. M. K.iilej d- ii, i ?!? .i i . -.1 "i. the approi 'I ul the Jimmal irtttei ?! '. I.'.". lo:,, and tbe J i uppni. ? : i ? . > i ?- . '.ei. ? ? ni> . i immlllee Mr. Hiin iws.rf.Mi Su\ .I l I* lion of the blll and th" II u - ? ? POPfLATIOS OF tl \l. VM \ 'A R ' w.i ' ? ?? ?? . Jan -1 i he i . i I of the populallon uf VI i ? ima bi I !,. t ., ll p ipul Itiol I i ' IT. ol . . ? ? ? : 710 i I i and 40 a : ( tXADA AM> I III. WORLD'S I VIR. Waahlnd m, Jan. 21 H'ltl ird ta 1 all.d ili t".: ? ttawa " r,.; t: ,? , .? i' ? ? ??- rimenl baa rerelved n<? eapn Ihe parl "f tbe l nlted i?nl llon b) . anadu in the w a-ld' Fali -? ' I i >, I tld at Iho s) tte I ?-:?:? t -. ?'???? ? . ? ? .:.. Itat.o ? ? ? ? Satln it . n A tl.latoni ol . h" i ? ?? I ? ? I'anada iny < ". bai a. I ??? thal it tnl mmmi ' ?? '? ?! foi || riflli i lliem tbniugli Ihe Imp I I I i p obablj :i. i mnl foi II ?? fa. 11 ll \", rerelved la?i i ul.f the holdii . I llie I ilr. It I be a pi pei. . .' i nld, foi Kngl uid ., letter .?? tlie ii ? I ? rtly allli <'a md i nl i' " iitlier pl irtlnn . The f.e , Ur.i thei ha i on a d< lay Ii of offli i ii ne? i I'anada I not i ii:ik It i i* ii ll illy Inhe i Ii : - Um" to ge| Dlaltei HinHiph th- llntl h Porelgn i ifflre. ln tonn ?ii" fiiM.I ;>'?! Ii i'i" t. IMIidenir ol I--".. lii.-i.- ,- on. rerord ,.i ,i replt enl i. the |>epartiu<n| ol Slale |u i" i". v to i !????? ' er I I, i ? ? ?? V.i Ihe I -th of Ihe 1 .lnlv. Ih" I ' lini" taken |.,:- Ihe lidlng uf a ktti tl irb thi Koro .ii ? ii.. ?? and ti." rei eipi ol i n ,?)? from i ii ..I i i. :'." i'i. i aieana I foui iu ntli . iBJfr AXD v 11 r /.v/i ;.' /'..' '?' ' w.i hli rton, Jan. 24. i ? ? Merrlll ha I ? pl ??? '? on ihe ictired II . nl Ihe Army ln Ihe gi ide ol II n tenanl ol i tvali y, in wtorl in< ? a ith Ibe ' ::.t a .),? i ,i .... ot i ngn i Ii , Lknlcnanl "l lurd .'. SValtz, 12th Intantry, baa re elved one month'a kave ol abaenr :. Lea\'e >.f absem e tor n... ni . tb h. been granted ??? ?? ..n.l Ueutenaul Bnberl I.. Raltord. i ot ii Infantry. Tla! k >\" il ib enoe granto i . I I Llcutenani John Pope, Jr.. i-t Antllerr, lm? been ea lended ??: o inonth. 'I he ka..f al . iu i gra led fap taln B'llliam ronway, 22d I fantry, ha< been ex< lod two tnoiitli- on Hargcon'a ccrtlBi ate of dla UilllU ? "'!'.'" john R. B. Hlnni . firdi am e Departmei t, lut? been ? ? . |, ? | from For. B< i nie .\i ? i il. * ? ? to i..,i Leuvenworth, Kun., and ippear bclore tb. board ,,i ufflrera BpiNdnted Julj .7. i--:.. for Ihe pnrp e ol Ii relal m to Ibe knap . Ii '"'"' t ;. rn invegt1 i hy him. Bj d.n ? tloti ol tlie l*n ld. . i, ! , ? i... ,,i. . , i john H. r.'i;..-. ji . 21 tl Infantrj, haa j,,.,, rlcl. !?'. ?' ? pnilea ... ol iii.l tarj 11< n< knd toc tl, ,i,i ih \ Irtrlul i MlllUr) ln?tltule, Lcxlui mn. v a. Malor wilil.iiii ll. i.ttrdner, .unteon. h.i .?? n n 1?.V"<1 iiom lurilior dul, In Ihe IL ld and w.n return ,,, I,,- |.:..|. i latlon. Leavc ... atoenre for toii dayi I,,,, been giaufd Scrond Lkntenanl Klmore r. rag ? ?.irt, .'.ili Infantry. The foltoalng nained uflioei . ra?i mn .?een loniid InrapatitaUd ror ai'live rvioc by \,ii.\ r-tlrln ' I "ii U. bave i.i i.rd. n-d lo i.> bi tbelr honi"- and i .p >rl ... ktlei lo tbe Adjut ml l,i n ,.. ,l of ih" Armj : ' iptaln Roiierl llanna, ilih ? '? "rv : , ,,,,... n li. >n. ? II. I - n. >tli Infantry. Tlw latial i,:i|.-:-s of H-. .-'ii'ii r JT rebUlllR 1" ' iptaln Janw M. ludl, Ti 11 t'avalry, bave la-en revoked, Leavc of ,i, i e for o.i" ?.<?,!! on urg.i'a rortlfj. ite al ub nbllliv, altb permlaaton ta r.i lievond -??... ha been ? ?in.,...! i i|.ti.n Janic M. Itcll. T.h i iivalry. I ?'' oa ? ul :??..-.t ????<. Kranlcd Uajm -t jvena ?.. , ,,v..|.-.-v Iu i.'-'o Hli fii.lor "\i"ii'i">t l*? nrintlm on ,urK< ?"!'- ? ? rtin. ili ol dl il llll ?. Leavc <?f "". f?r three montha, lo lahc efforl aboul Februa ] I [, I-: 1. bocn granted Captaln tleorge F. Towk, lOta Inf.intrv. . . lYote.? K. K. Rawaon han bei.?dered to diitj .,i ii, ? n.,w Departmenl: A^Uiani Bncine'r >?> on \rnoM lo dnt> ... ib" Navj Vard. Mare I iand, . il.: MiiliiiHker W.lilam Cnddj to le M Idniself lu r adlue?j .rdi ra lo the Lanratii r. Pa ??.! \- -i ?' "?< i i im! -s R. R, -ll . ?:? |.., i ..... 11, l fron. llio Albutro-. ...<l ordei d lo pxanilnathui i r pniir.o.lin, ij pkai^t on wtUting ? ' \ . i > ' '? -,"' ? .1., .|ii, R. Wiiin.;. from ihe Nuvy Vard, Bare laland, Cal.. and ordered lo Ihe AHui. . . , i i. Bi nroe, \ a.. Jan. ?-?!. I i i hb i -?? i"oku?*n :,,..: i olj.iiln illod f .1 K". W< ? ..' I--." tn ? .'?''? .n. ii," Atlanta remalued al Norlolk .>mp?a?a rcpelre. m BP0*XEB4 TBOVBLE* B'EBT ASB Bi?T. ^r I...,. -. .lan. .*.- Die Bayherg fi.t Comaai f, al Xu. toj aad vii Waahtogtoaava., ha^ aavta * uouarai 1891. THE FALAT1AL 1891. BUCKINGHAM HOTEL NOW ( OMI'l.l.TK. FIITH avi... IPTH ARO SOTH gTB., vi.w Y"UK. ? al.- i btraaa "Bo< laghaa, !*?? v FIREPBOOF. Thla ponulai baaaa haa been zmv.y ..... ? .: !,-. the additioo oo Flftt-ave.) ,f nn nb?oiunlT arepreel hutldte*. EZTEX8IVE aevaa atorlea blah, makbui th I??'?? PKORTAOE froatagi aeai 13 feet Il ht eanapteo , aa r r Ita ? i raat aad I laaetika aeeaaa. i-t' x D B l 0 t 8 i adatlooa and lla attraettve aattee, aack anii HrxME-comnrlalna arawtaa-rooaa. laraa alry i.iKi. ACCOM-double aad ainele bearooaaa. t.ath MODATIOXS. and ?! eealna-room attachtg. Ft i:i.i, RoORa. ; , i.....i. rouraa an aoodallr twd r0r their i a I ' aad eenvenb DRAWIXO. ea th butl a' i awti r am ta ai ROOM. ii, ti,, i.?.. badH arto. t: ?? i aad dUt< lag-rooni la U Earlr Engtlah. Th* PJadint,. tmUemea'a itadlna and aeaeklaa roaaai BOOM. ara lavnlJcd arlth ever? reoabute. Tha billlard-room. with cafe attaeked. la ar. . EBISOB attractlvi feature al the houae. All j Tiuc UOHT. Ucbted bir tho Edlaoo alactrt Usht |, hc ,,.h, :? l< ah *n aad atoefc haB? TELEORjl PHcat, - on Um Bremlaea: alaa a aewa. and TELE-atand with all th. Itadlna Bewaoanera FBOXR, and aertodl aU. Tlcketa can ba vr<> , ui ,: f?r the oi?-m. Bieatrea aad all aUtet i.i.i,,- of amuaemeat. BARITART Af- gpceku atSentfcm baa beea naM to th" POIXTMEXTa ' ? inMoi aad veaKlatton of t'; Bncklnehaa. Th< locatloa la Bm Bneat in u.Itr. it la arltala eaay LOCATION ,. . ,,f ?.!,? u nnd C ntral I)>-ix>t tho CEXTRAL. On H waa and all Dbveea al amaaa m< nt i,v tho elevaled roada, Madlaoa and Blxthare. eara. Oamlbaaea paaa Ui, d.?,: en rv few iiilii'it*. RtTROPRAB T >la botel la ?, >i en tho Earopean PLAN pbui; tha reaaanraat <>t Baaorpaaaed ex REfiTAL'RAXT. ??i-,,,-; tho rhanrea reaaaoaMa _WETHEBBEE * FCLLER, l>i..-,,ri, t-r-. aaMgnment, Max Jadd belng naraed ?> aaalgnee. Tho e*tlmated a*aela are g*O,00O; UabBltlea, 333,000. Mrlngencj In the monej markel la glven a^ the canae "f the tionble Tho prinrlpal ercdltora are In Sfea Yorh i It) - i quehanna, Penn., .tan. 24.- laaac J. Levene, an ?..? )evre||or, bavlng atorei here and In I'.lng . N. v? haa made an aaalgnmcnl for the bene ht nf lu, , in dltora. ////: /: 1/.7..S or caithsess nr.n his. x PEACOVI ?S IN BOSTOS WHO WOULU itr. LADY KINCLA1R tT THE COURT OF BT JAME8. i ? ??,? . .i in. -ji (Rpe< i >! 'Tho rable dlapatrh Iroet London nnder dale ol January 80, announdng tho dealh ol Jamea Augu tni tilnclnir, V. R. ?., ilxteenth earl o| Cnithnesa haa a pernliar Inlereal for < well known Roaton buly and her hnel of frlend thnmghonl \i r I ?. . -i ia- joan d " "The Utdy referred to i-i i ?, ? Klu i, ftuperintendenl ol the Epl?,, |,il cimn h \ ,? I it.. . ,i S ?. .. ii unllton l*hv e, lloa lon. The pr dere??or of tbe -l\ Earl of Calth ne*a, ? .f the i .1 popular "f tbe n at i ..v.!.,?! -. dled vcry anddenlj ii Edhibnrgh, Mn ?_:,, i--:i. |ta i.i death the Uaronj ol Harrj ..?il. of t t'nlted Kini lom, Ihrongh th ? Earla nl i uthnraa lu |d a - u In Ihe llouae ? extbu i. A- the Bftee itb Earl dl ?i :',.i and lefl nn near kln*man, the oM Scottlah m ,,f ralthni i ? near falllng extlnet. H heran. irj Ui tm e barb the llne of deaceui foi in order t" Bnd an helr u> the t tle. nn i,.t ?-?? l to Mr. Jamea Augustua ttlnclalr, ,i denreirded from an offal.I ,,f Uu foartb Earl o| i iithn.--. He became the dxteenth Enrl. bnl en ? ? ahorl tennre. Il>- haa lefl fonr ?oe u I four daughtera. The tltle pa?ae* t" Lord Rerriodale, the oldi ? u a. He baa been a fartner i i Bafc rto for ? u "Uul lo retarn to MI ia Elton and her i n inection w th 1 ?? ',?:. |). i ??? llla -t. < i iir Elton la the . ; i,| -I, trthui St. i Ulr, ??? ho a ??- ol the familj I uid 4 all ? - ? ller gi uidmi ther. L al) i ..ill.i H Cbilr, wa oi.f the famoua belkM "f Balll more, Md. Many ol MNs Elum'i frienda here. who .,ro fumlllar ?iih her h >iory, ire verj dealroua thal ... ,. . |i nn .hoiild be establUhed, and it no more than Ju?t tlial ?he ahouM in the tltle aad piop rty. \ Jounial' rcpre ii ntal re ? dled np a MWa Elton Thu . I.. be a li -hi. , ultlvati d Uadj with bab U^iitlj i ged with gray. an '?., ? and dellghtftil i ?n itlu ,. t, ,i ui,inin who wiaxld grace the Idgbetl walk T\i i!f". When wked lo ipeak "f i?-r hlatorj and to ,, aliether or not ahe luteuded t" attempl t-, . , bi t.? rerognltiiMi, h.- al Orat h" .,: . ..,t iaylng anythlng h? pubbcation, bul flnalij , .,; . t. ,| !?? peak briedy about it. -I have, ol rourae, ihe announrcinent <>f the death <>'? .i ?? ue Auguatua blm kilr, or i<t. Chl i ..., adfl wliiih I mii' li prefer. Hi leara ..f uge wlien he f,-li helr to !..?? i..,:|.'..?,.. autl. nl ..'iii-o. the ? ? .. ? ui [,n t,, ihe ,,M,.-t ol hi- rour aon*. .,:?? ,!,,. e ittha i ? '-? ho wonld ba\c it, u u : .,| I dull ! , i ? '?!?-??: inl i ? ave ,,, the oth< : - '!??. li l were i.?:i,,...i ,,i rouri i . .|n?l i. ai 'l ?'' i?url dioul I '1 \ | ,\. under thc la? Ihere, eve 1 am u I tlu , . ? .:. ther, who wu I mt) at. i - i ., i ;? MI ? M-ll. fl'll ,n lovc with j?, .,. . Iw-r. 1 wa^ boni . i I'hlbidelphia, ,nii thiit) ?? ui i li tve im ii _? the i. i; and t ->k , l,.,!.??? ,,t thoae .... i., me, Uul igh my , ??? ici llon w Itd il, hi ii ai tltle "t lioblllt) . t Mllll .,!?.' ? : , |n ?i. , \ ,'n iimons the long the Eurla -l ? ilthnevi In |Nrfe<tlj trareable ,. .,. |n -: ';?? . tl fl Sor ? 'i III. ?hu . | , ? ? ., .1 -i-il.ind iu ? ? lilt.l '/?)/,'- OF i ?l > COMPJ '? 1 ICCrSBft , i,,, ji vi III haa been dled bt Jamea i ....,.., .? involvlng the 11 aler*' Safe and I,, , , ,;i,.,,\. md alle Ing rnnaplrary hih,,ii-- aome ,., ,,, I ?. I.i. ildel -. The '"ui ,,,,,., .ii.i !? i rli k H Eiimea, J. Poalrr uul | a - :.;.. for tbe pnrp ???? >>t leaal i ,,.,,;?..i ii ,i hiilldln \ leaae for nlnel nlne yrara w ,, ,,i,i ,,..,.,i of the pn?p rtj al l"Bi lfl< nve. and ,,? v. iu. h . ii.i Ii ra? Itiilktlng la ,. ,| :,| ,, ihe two |, l~ lack '?! it. and focln : , :, ;, , ,.,?,,, ? i, , a m b ia It the Inip m lal liuhli g, II | ,.,| (..nn.'-. Bliodea and Bhirk Bial leaaoj ,,,,. ,?? ,, TM . th 'ti ?i en.ii "? l Ihfl rompai \. and to It ,.v,,M.i , |, , .? foi nliH'tj nlne leara al an unnual ,. ,,, ,| , i .; .., n. i , ihe prii for whli li the ,.,,,, |.t j opi n\ " ? re i .i ? d, Phe tbree m >n a mi t ol t" k ui iho Tradera1 ... nade thal thei con ,,.,,:i,'.,i (he lioard ol l) r rtoi ? with tl.Jecl ol v ,. ,,..,,_? the property. Thej are arenaed >>f work h K ti, nga i a to gei ? i iriea for i: omaelvea ? ,| in thla nnd nth r a it - de ,,,,,?. , f the i. rk -" aa te buy :t in at , The ? ipltal stock ol the I rfci ' eale and Traal (,,.,,!,. . ai d II la aald thal the only .l?,?,..;. ||.mpany ran makc i- the bulkjing. whlih Is worth 31jO.?Ka?. \ rharge la made tlial ilCO.OOO ,, .,|,./,.,| i,..n a - ibstquent laks "f bonda ha> faded !,,?? vlew and thal large aunia of m nej bave been i.-ui.enlh appropriateil rtic -.1 la naked o umipcl ..n.intlng and i" mike u fnll dlsco\er> ,,, ,., innaartioiia, and In the meuBtlBW t> nppoint " SV Earnea rt ? lare thal there u in. Irath In Ihe aiiesa'tlon 'ti Ihe bill. Bo far from large aalarlea ,.,,1 ,,,!.? ,.m<ers. hH declares that no tahtrii'* ,, ,|| |,ave been paal. No dlvldenda have been pald i,,.. ,,?. I., i iu i v. n- berauae of Ihe aupenlulty "i nfflr.. room In the \.. nlty,_m 8TOP THAT CHRONIC GOUGH NOW! pM ,1 \,,,, ,i,. i..r it, bhu beeenw raauwarptlve. Par Cea. inmpUm, B mlab), Qeaeral V b Bty. aad Wjat;n?' Diacaaoe ihere la BOtbbag Bke SCOTT'S EMULSION OFPURECOD LIVEROILAND HYPOPHOSPHITES OF LI3IE AND SODA. II m , ,,.. i palaUMa u ? Uk. Far hettw Ibaa athaa ko-caih'i i labaaa. A \%<ndorf ,i Bcab prodacer. Ssott's Emulsion. ry Beware af haBatleaa.?Tha original fcUJTT'S EMi'.N .? pat ap ooly tn .saimon tuior wiappar, md u io.- ??.?: bj AI.^ DUl '.'.liis. A. G. MILLS WILL NOT ACT. DECLDCBfG THK BASEBALL CHAIKMAN>HIP. PBIVATE n, sixkss PBE00E0 100 H.VRD UPON HIM iithki; CABDIDATEB A. (.. Mills luis foraaatty deelined to aooopt tlie chalrniai.shlp of th" Xattoaal .'^>ard whhh will control th.- deatlaka of baacball ln this COai By for several reera at kaat. a. ?;. bpeBUag and C. ll. Byraa are ranaatatei for the phvee, bai the aoaor will prahabty faii upon ihe ihouldcra nf Chleago'a baaaaall sa.-e. Mr. BIRa'i aoUce <>f his ekcttoa to the bead <>l Ufe Board waa as foltow : Willard'a Hotel, Waabkaajtan, i?- f-. J?? 10. 100L a. ... Mllla, Eaq., Xew.Terk, V Y, Deai Mn Th" rfatlaail nmrd <>f Preaanaeaal Baseimii ,\.. rlatlma wlth bearty aaanbaBy kaa eketad yaa aa ckalrmai <>f thal bady. ln dolag aa affert i* slven to th" unlted atob ... every mcmber <>f o.e tiir.-.- AaaeelaBaaa paiti.? b> th" XattoruJ agreeaaeat, and th ? gaaeral daatra ,,r all ."im", 'I .'Ith or Int.rnted ln th" gaeas. it in* L-i\"n the nembera al tha baard geaalaa pkaeare t,, i..ini. i um t,, jM.-.r...:,. aad they traat lhat yaa wBI alantfy .onr aeceptaaee of Ih Wlth bbrk reepect, your.s v r. truly, JOHN 1. B0OEB8, ALLEX W. TBCBMAB, U. C. EBAtTTBOPP, n ittonal iv.nrd. Mr. Mills's leller derlinins the pla." Is fnll of Interestlag facta pettalalag to baaeball aad Ihe ftoea ui",t inis leveral pagea of fookcap paper. Mr. Mllla, in deellning to a^ept tl.e offer, paya the Mgheet tiiinite to the Xattoaal game, bai -ays thnt preaaara of private baaineea Intereati compela him to ke"p out of th" aettve parl >.f baael aB. i.i" ktl r m parl is a- f dknra: This derlinatka b. BOt daa k any dimlnntlon or mv ntereat In Uie Xattoaal game, .- t.. aay lack "f tympa HU wlth ?.r approval ..f the ataa receaUy adepted fot Ita f' eaodaet; and it m..y aot be taapproprlate to add that a euarant"'d ,.:,. r n,a?b- bm aa aa taducaaant - :..? ?;i- aot anly llberal, bat aaaaerudly ta eaeeee ??> ?hat th.- Board OUgfct t.i allow fot th" s.tWc" ?.f lt* aa. Mv wtoh fnr th" aaceeaafal workbtg of the aow Board, i?v aenae ... tbe bnpaftaaee nf Ihe '.:'.f Ita gkalrmaa and th" earaeel deelre I know roa f">i to :i!i aaek o0ke in th.. a*.ptable n.aiin.r bapH gaa to edhu for yeai Mmalderattoa Hm falkwka ?aag attona: Board, aa iim. rai aiade up, eeaalata ..f thr" i,??? ccnapkuoua ln baaeball aflhlra all of aboai ara arell. Kn.iwn l.i?.\.rs in actlv. practicft Tli"? . wlUtoat a: addlgoa, would .atltute an kleal Board f... the trial i ,u - and foi '!"? dl* harfu ..f all raacttona "f a ktdl :tol rharacter wlthta .!" tattodletton ?.f Um Xattoaal nt,, i,iii there are aaoy iinixirtant faac Uona ..f .-ii osccatlve chaiactei devetved <i|. the i:.'1 bj Uie aea eompart aakh arere aot devolvvd iij.on th- ?? .rf ArMtraUoa." ladeed Uieac fuactton? ?r.. si, iinni r.His aad h Importaat lhat Uie Board IteeU la ,.,, kmgei dealgaatod a B.d of Ai Brattoa, a.M k .... srd n. eondact of IU t.u-?, -.. Iheaa aaaeal ra laa I ii.n-i, target) devolve apon ita cttairaua. Thia brlaa -?? I uin frankly aay aithonl aay dlaparagement of kgal tratnlflf, Whteb no on- \aln"> .N h.-'hlv tbaa I ?? ... ti. Board requlree ... make it aa Utoal . ''"' tlr ,,.,j.,t,. ./ ?. i :. ,'.,., i, Um addlUoa ... ii raprea*otatlvc i?,, .,, | ...1. ;. i. oi oi knowa aad apmaved , :,|,i. .tv: .. man ol pra Ucal ? ip rtew ta and ton?8m ,?,ti,t with th" affatra ol baa baU; .wraant wlth IU .... , .?iixmn nt. and Ideouavd wltk IU 1,1 mn and .. maa aboae i.r?l manaacment of Mi ??,, I,,,., u s ;,,. reeta would conaUtate th? Wgheat gaar ,.- aia Dia.aa t.. :,.!?. .."?? tb ualoaaa latereata ol . sueh ;. man. alvliiB hia dally atteutloo I .1 du.r .... poaiUoa twhkk I ., .;... lo |uaU ? to rour prof aalonal obUaaUoua ,i.i i ln ny ludgtnent. ba an W al ekalrman or yoai Baard; and .ueh a man. ... f? I ?.??>.. k A. ?- >?-?'??; Ai..- paylng man) coropllments v> A. <?? apaaaini Mr. Mllla enda hU fctter ..^ followa: r .?? uw eompoalttoo and eoodoet of th- Ni.Mon-il Baard ureol ta- n,' rei tara^J dependa. Ta. ,. SlaUoaal agweweal .I U?ncd and ta c^cala !.runtobjeetawhlehltapreambl.Ufortb. 1- anpre - nUnta upon aaaeclaUooa nnd cluba I regard . Unieh 1....1 ?!,..'. >,,,,.. and -.>? " "f pr-eM-UnK ."? .,.-sn,. !?..>? rsas,tP,.,,.sI.,.,,s,.!..rn...s,ary ,? uni.s Uka the* -M UM nrs:. N..t;.,i.-1 ??- ? ? ment waa tnatltuted I IH ? of thtoaa requlrea radkal ??,??., .ud the aurremkr bi all ol wme degroo of per ,TO.l mtercrt and of peraooal taduiwid.for tba . ""'t,'. abollab al. reatralnte nnd tn remtt d. ?'.- ..l-n.-nts ,,( uwBMaknal l..- * ?i. to an unbrldkd acrambk .dd be b U... ,.,M,i, dls..-t..; and ruta. Tha ?Ua and b..-: ,? Uk.-. ta m, ladgment, ta I..eeatrete, a. tu invri ol th- aew Xattoaal egreriiwal ka? deae. la a .|B>rt ."i.?-nu.iv" .iv ,U poaera nwdfol t; Xauy rehiblltuw tha burtne- rtruct. "f*^^ ss,.,, -,. aew,,.?.?,?.." -....Ii .,u.-l." l!?.? ai. UM. |M,;,, , Ull,,k.,..-.ld be . .,, , ,.,,?, nr. ,,-,.?.,.- as .??.. ..oth"d Wlth . ', ea ?? ?.!?. * kdai ???????"" ? ' ?a ,??....?.,.t ... ,..Uy a, imp..I waalltkaa wn .r:,?t .?,?,. they snaii wroarmal.dlaary kadaaaa ' *' ,,ra'" ' ., n.l r. ... .. ,,.. iu?na alreadj ?ak?-n taaure the lompleto , ? r popTto. .-,-? ?' -l"":"'"' , .,?,,,, ,?v ii-i.-w. aad that Uui wlaa and . ..,,.?,? ,lf ?,. power. ?**'*<*>*? ,,,, ?,? ?,.. Hlect al g?.U, exUiklag aad ln ,,.,,..??? that Interoel I do aol douM. , . eapreaatoaa -f yaar kteer, ?i? .:.?U) Maliing yoa aaceea. In you. labora for tbe (oodol the Xattoaal gaaw, I am yoara very l ttl? gTBlKJSO 011 IX SOHTH ?.H. t/HMl Baahvilk. Teaa.. Jaa. 04.-A dlapatch fr-.m Flor ,,, - ?-: Th" rtHbtogof a twnty-tlveban-el nti well Batarday ln Boaatala PaBay. forty mlica from thta rltj haa reeewed the latereef there ln boring foi , || sev'eral romp mka aecnrod opttona oa large tracta ,f knd k?l year, bai bava navor davatoped the,,, One rampany haa aeenrad opttoaa oa *&??**? ?""' I ralalng 010,000 lo bore foroll a fow nalke from tlils rlti Bxport eeoiodMs bave foaad erery iadleation lor oii and gaa la thia and tbe adjolnlng ' ?l',l,y,. Tf ioiiSi. Itk in ibe -..?.? fonaaUoa aa MoaUea Y.ill-V." _ ytCTtUM ny 1 v * ASTBOLOBBt" WCBIKB Broobtoa. Ma-a? Jaa. 24. The fnaeral af Bra, \.,iT on who no s.n.M h" thr.bUdren and tbea , ,,,?.. ,,f Ibe drag beraelf. toob phwe ,-.,?.. aa ,,?, y, , tbal ol ber daagbtei EdIU, a d a awge ,,',,..mI ,.f propk were lo atlendan. ?? The two hu> rhUdren are now eapeeted to rarover. DUtrlrl tttorney Pratl arrlved to-day and la la ronaultatloa alth the authorltlea aa to the proaecuUon ?l me KplrllnalNtb medlam or -aatrotogrr." whoeo Informatlon glven to Bra. tnderaon ,,??;"> the allegod ,i,,,m ", ,,f iier huatiand. are aald to ti%\ i >.? the raaua ?f tbe kagedy. He U la |aQ. ? ? ? ?~ ; IT ir. BSDTXO Ot I Ql' IBBBL. I'ortland. in.i.. Jaa 24. i.i-t Blghl al tbe boaaa nf Sewton s,..\,...?..:,. bwu mlka nortbeaat ol this clty, lovph Shearer thot George Bllkr th.-oi.L-h Baa bearl .ngeroualy woanded Ell BUkr. Tae marderer rerelved a bullH waand ln Bm arm. The Bgbl waa the o.i.inii.e ,.f ;, qaarral aboal bnahaaaa matkr*. "hoarer ia uader arreii AU ol Ibe mea arere aaraaera. B18B0P K8BEB BT18 LKC.ALLT 0BPO0BO. Bock laknd. IU., Jaa. ?-.? Bkaop Eabar, of tha oerman Evangelbal Aaaoclatlon of Aaaerlca. nariag ,.,,.? ,i,..i. applkd for adniMon t> tbe Sbealeld ,,m- conferenre. h"ld in Chlcagn bul apriag. and belng ',,.fi,-".i admlttanee wttbdrea altb hl? foUowlng, and heid anotber coaferoace ln tbe R1 oonalaat Cbarch. iinth ronferenrea made app latmenta and la I.aee ?f tae ..??:.?.i.ui-.i.. the K"v. Mr. Btengel. th-- one appoiated to tbal rharcb by Ihe Bral aaaied raafereaee. ieoured aa lajaactlon reatralnlng Wabop Eahepa ap 1 pointee, Ihe Baa. Br. P-iv. from oeenpylng tbe pulptl ,,f the Geaeaeo Churcb Jadge likon deckkd m tavoi ol the pkinttfl and the Pope faetton tbea appliod lo ??,.,. pteaaant to dtoaorve the laiaart. Jadgo picaaant hae ramler-d bla deetalon. rtfldtng that tho fhefflel lavo. lonfer-noe wa? the leiral one. ;.; bahei liajdheen legallv depo?cd and his appolntmenta arere therefore Ulepal. -?? BEBDT riBMBMM OW KBBMABKAl flBagn Jan. 04. Th.rty two eoaatloa ui the west ern parl of Xobraaba are la aore dlatreee, and Coa g,.meneie.t Unan, w. A. Meaktghaa and r. M. Borr. of Ibe Iat, lid and nid DUtrkta. reepacBvcly, are al tae Palaaer aag, a- ? raBel rom ?,,,,.,.. I,, aoUctl aid from Congreaa. "Proai Baa cfcit ? Treaaary." said Cbakaaaa BcKelgbaa. "the raiaaera of taeae countka wUI rceelaa 0SOO4BM), aad we deaka i oiict-.-ss to aaaba aa apprapHattoa of 01A?^OO, .?> pivr Iheni a st.rt In tlie apftB* Wbmt Cow?S?M WUI ,i? in ti..- atataar la h very anaadb tatog lo aaj ... ,?,.?,?. Tbe farmeri were BBabk to ^?"^'wolf ,'.',;;n.-U-Tbis ,?.-ans. I Ihlak they BN worthy aublecta lor Xattoaal as-i-t.ui. ?? IVBTBAJJAB WOOL HBIPPBD TO AMBBtCA. i; atoo, Jaa. 04. -Adeicea by cabk to B. .!? Kaapp, ,lf ,|U, . itv. f. Bewell .\ ' ?.. Belboorae, reporl tbe tolal ihlpmen. of wool from taatraUa ta Aaaertea thk ?a?on aa i^JOOO hale*. WiMKIi SCEXEBY AT THB PALL0 \ grand lea Bridga. aad aaray lacraated fohace i ake Xea Vork Ceotral Tralaa kavlng Graad Ceatral statiuu 'J.1U- 10 UO a. iu.,0:00, 7 \M or 'J ;1 o B> au ? * ? How to Clothe the Baby. BEST & CO. W% ofTor ipcdal indiKOinonts in HAHIES' CLoTMKs, hnraii am elotfca C'hildren of all Bfea, np ti i> yaags, aad if aaj l>egin with the ikhbj \\o have a rabatnaagf for a lnnper tirae than whon we OOMMRBjeg lnt.i. 'i'ho dieaaea deaetibedl beJow a?e good ?*> amplfa. .VO. 32-Flno Xaln?ook| NO 1ft -Tamhrlc Shng fclln, Yoko nf aarrow taeka Dreea. Motker Habbard Team and i.iti.r sinoiitna h . , f tueka md two Inaortlona, tween, dibhed with flne .-n i- , h, in-Ut. -l.luc hotwren aklrt, irldi.d ,?!'.... aktit Wltb I arlth d. ep h. m and t"i?kl Bcep hom.tlr. h d .<!-??. I BbOVO. Price of each 98 cents. 60 and 62 West 23d-st. THE 9BATTLB EAMBOM UWB C18BM, Beattle, wi-h., Jaa. 84. The fajfibtatod soattie barbor llae raa ? Inrolring1 oarer g8,ono/kal worth oi property aare deekled lo the Bnperior raarl here yeaterday. The*' ConaUtallon pcorbtea f.?r a Harbor Une f'ommlaalon, to be appoloted by iho uov ernor, to locate aad riatahliab barbor ttaea in tlie tiyr on Baetgabta \Miter. The Unea katatad laetatgl nameroaa whervee, mills. faetortea, rallaaga and ? >. h?r property aloog the ahorea <.f BIBotl Day la t" ?h,t lindta "f seattle. a nnmber of wrlta <>f prahl oa were iworo oal to preveal the noaimlaaloB f-?>ni eaaihuahiag tbe barbor lloe loeated. Tha AatdgaaF* .icral ihi behaU of tbe BtahB aarved ba ina?h tho wrlta .?f prohibltion In order t" enable the r unmistlon ta romnleU) Ita work. Tho rourt denied Ihe ni'.uoa toqnaah tbe wrlta. Tho eaae now goea t.> tbe Minreui.) Coert, 7/Ti; MAMKBt TOM I'RIXT rj.ornc. Faii Rtver, Maaa., laa. -_'i [flpmloH Tho prttbeMi markel foe the weeh baa beea adrly aettva *nd a perreptlble redactfoa m the itoek heM bere h notire abta The deauutd baa beea a BBaeral on". eeaaaaaj all Mnd-. of odd ood wide --..??'is. ead tho pr,i?po,'?"' for a continuance of th>ir mannfartora an aoaaataood ex ceBeat. Treaaarere ap- K'AklTg lor no ladteBl <i*r?e iti the oatlook, bowever, aatU the pctaoal latg,: ?ti k nf *\4- i- iiiovod. Appended is the weehly ^t.r..,nier.t: Prodaetlon, 900,000 ptecea; eeBverlea, gaa^OOO; stor*. 168,000; 80x56s, 9,000; B4*04*, eftTjOOO; la~r yeek'a atock, 505,000, .-:,!???, 'J:17,?hmi pi.-ccs; O.M-.. IM,, 000; s*x04a, i 14.CHM1. >p,,t-, fj.iKM) plaeaa; rhaaaea, '..-,.(,oo. aaiea f..r fatare deBvery. Jaaaary, l-^.&fo plecea; Pebruary. 155,000; Mareh. 107,000; Aprli, -'? o; May,; Jane, ?,ouo. Prlcea, 3 ceata for , ixtUa; 80-18 and 23-d ceata for <k.i.\j<!s. Markeh iteady. tmoublb at a carcAOO BAxqnt. Chleago, Jaa. 84.?The aeeoed bbbbbI boagaet if'the Bhrlety af tha *"iis "f ivnii-yhanla. wai ln.'id at tlie rahnar Hoaaa last nisrht. The enjoymont of tbe occ*? -ii.a w.i^ atarred i,v a dlaagreemeat which aroae n?s? tweea Prealioal W, H- <'uiihiiikIi.hii and geetagjaBj nederiek J. Patteraoa, eBatraaaa of the <<>niniitte? oa arrangeaaenta. who bobmB #. C Aaaaraoa t" pr?Mid<?, Ignoring Preakteni Canntagham. The fctter threaaawd i , appear aad insi-t on hi- right t" preahhh bal thoagjM better of n aad abseated blmaefl from Ihe baaaaoi, aa ,ii,t alao \ Ice-lYeabteata Fraohlin KaeV'eegh, l?r. bv.?,yna; Wtckeraham, Judge II. M. i*hepard, J. J. bruiaernog, Committeemen J. C. Aaderaou, the aelerted preaMoatj ,s k. tirosa, Dr. A. P. <..ilnioiv, Atiee V. < oahe, < ,.;.tj,ii V li! Clow, Chartea T. Verkea, General .l.?>epli atoekhnj ilid otbera. Judge cnnniogbam aaya tbe iBghi -va^ out unon hlm by Hr. Patteraon becaaae "f peraoaal enmltj Mr. l*atteraon aaya tho mbatttatioo ?.,' inarte to Jndge Connlnghani lo reapoad ba the lewiing Takes iooo people to buy Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, at 50 cents a bottle, to make up S500; ., ., One failure to cure would take the profit from 4000 sales. Its makers profess to cure " cold in the head," and even chronic catarrh, and if they faii they pay $500 for their over-contidence,? Not in newspaper words but in hard cask / Think of what contidence it takes to put that in the papers?and mean it. Its makers believe in the Remedy. Isnt it worth a trial? Isn't any trial prefer able to catarrh? After all, the mild agencfef are the best. Perhaps they work more slowly, but they work surcly. Dr. Picrce's Pleasant Pellets are an active agency but quict and mild, Tney're sugar-coated, easy to take, nevcr shock nor derange the system and half their pow cr is in the mild way in which their work is done. Small est, cheapest, easiest to take. One a dose. Twenty-five cents a vial. Of all druggists. Mme. Ituppcrfa Fuce nioaeB . kaaaaa tn.- skim af aii paaraaaaa dib ln;a, and 1 gaonaBM bv tl- BM Ihe rvmo\al <?f Wrlnklca. 1'iinplea, l'ri!,-kl.'a, Moth Putchoa, Cotrad-inaa, Kougbui'aa or Diaeolontmn of tha gkaa, Bagaaaa of thc xo^?. bajiow. i..?-. ic >MIE. A. HITPFRT. n BA8T htu-st.. xkwyorb. ? TIRKISII CO.HP1SSI05T.4TE FUHD, ,'IOt KIKTII AVEM'E. noar :il?iwi.. Art Hand Embroideries, ll.tLl. DBBasBa roB IMHral U?--COlttTION. TABLB LIBBa, t:n. Theac rmbrotderiea ue a* i ??? i.i wi.-hii.. toljt . ^ d . ,. '? : hi. never before b?aa ?ceo at UUa .. mtrj aad a ., n th. y ?..i. la aaaraa OLD COLD. w Mm raaak-ra ..t Iha Irlbaa. wUI ia4 aal lhair old goU ?ii ?llver, >,i<i Jewclry. a,,d Mad i^ ba aaall aa ??? preaa ta oa we alll aead tli^n, by raaaa uji! a BaaM tttll ValliO I; DupUoate wredding prea?nU o?r ara- lalv. Katah.tahaa ian. JOUKbTOa i. to.N, 150 Bawtry, New-Tern.