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PRKSERVE THE FORESTS. r A PUBUC MEETLNG POB THE MOVEMEST. ADDr.K.sSF.S MV MOftBIB K. IEBUFi EX-iVDOB IIIC.I.KY. B. II. HOBKBtB.OBOVERCLEVE UM) AND OTItl'.P.s RES0UJ ?ilDNS ADOTTBD. The movctnerit for foreat pn servatloa la IhM Mflte tetraght -vor IjOOO OBllaalaatle aapportera lo Iha tortare-rooca "f thc MBeeaai id Katauai lii-ttv >??*? teraay afterooea. Ihe oreahlon we? th- flrst publlo ? _? ,,f Ihe Bew-Yerh lltate Fomtry AeaoclaUoo. Morrla K Jeaap prealdee' aad oaade ?? lii?f apeerh la tt.?rae ol whleb be eoogaaialated the pabBc on n?. Boion ol tlie aaaodaUoe wllh Ihe Maaeaa ol N'atural lllalery, aad apohe ,,f the reptdry growlng aenttmeflt In fiivor of BreaervlBg th" Adlroadack foreaie. Tho Iral apeaaer Inirodae^d w.,s ei Judge Warren Hlghqr, aaranerly <>f Oh?o, oew >f Stew York. HU addrawa waa a ?? Plea lor PraetleaT Fore try." ''" Ibe f'diy ol delay In laklng Bteaoarea to prateet tho Kofik Wood?, be drew an HluatratUag troaa Freaeo. "Aboat larty yeera ago,* he aM, "the OorerBBaeal of Praace bocaaM alanaed al Um laet lhal eatlre eoai aiaalttea liad NrwHae Impovertahed throagh ?'"' Be ajrtataUna .>f BMaataln hVndB, aad oreered ;i aarefol csaiiiiiiati'm af Ihe eoodltkHi and Beeea of the reportod BBtlkuii li wae loand lhal 783X00 aerea oreded t> i,e raforeated for reaaona of pabUe otlUty, and I.WO0 aaitea of lorreala lo be rheehed aad broagbl ondet eootroL Tho arorh waa al onee began, aad In 1887 lt waa rcpofted thal 103,138 aerea af Iheae bwu l*ln laiids aad been put In reualatt ? loreal cendltlona by the Uorenuaeot, al a eaal ol t4,3flD,7&0. A farther cs peaditare i- eathaated lo be acceaaary In the roand suni oi B34,000,000 t.' oroBhrte tho warh of relon aili g. Thaa goea Frenea pay tht- penafty oi the lolly ot delay. i ?<: iv thc foreal ndaUnlaureiioa or Fraw i raahi aa* bj the hareaaest lu Barope." Ktlis n. Roherta, Aaaiatanl I'alted Baatea Treaearer, aald that a boaegul sian waa tho Banaber oi people hrteroated at toreatry. "To ptodeel the leeeata," ba contiiiu'd. -it hi ii,>t Beceaaary t<> aage war <>ii tho bjarimaaaa. Wa aiaal teeeh bba lhal it i- to bhi In ajgeal to aare ihe wooda, and anhe him help oa, Wa ne<-d wagc u<> wai- on the beater, bot ob the Baher nian. nor on tbe rallroada. We aeei the ee-operatlon of all. not iho enailty. Tho rallroada naei t.<- oai alUrt, onr foea. i gonl belleve that elthor aentl Baeal "i duty wlB peraaade the Legbdatare lo help n> iu this Bwtter. We bmmI appeal te the taspayera We ui'..-t roavlnee the taxpayera thal thera'a aulhona I ii it. Thal ?iii be all lhal la Beeeaeary. Thea wa ahall get whal we want, aad boC till thea." Mr. Boherta rharactcriaed thc daaaa In tho Adlroa gaeha aa a aeti ol Baterlal profantty BgalBat.Batare. lie wanted to laafftale a "peaeoarer" m tbe waoda: be wonld maik tho yoong ireea lo ho aeved, nnd only treea above twelve Inchea In dbuaeter aboeM be aal iared lo he <nt. A. W. Oleaaoa, "an "i<! Adlroadack Iramp <?f iblrty gratlve niBunera." aa he ttyled blmaelf, heM radkal vlewa on the aabjecl oader dlacaaaloo. .-.iid he. The oaly aay to <ave a tree i* ool te l-t aaybody eal it down. i dont bebevc In regubittng Ihe hna berraen; l beBeve In drlvlng ? i woaMnt lel a lumbenaaa go into ihe wo i- UU i waa aure heM lefl bb aie "ti the ootaMe.. if ihere'a anythlng this aldi: of Ihe KlBgdoai of Heaven that I bare, it l- a tree; li ihere'a aaything i bate, M bi a raan who will haek or ral or malni ,i tree. II wont do to Ikenae "em lo ,ut ;:,,. , \ ? twelve ii.. he*. Thal wonM be all right if ? icb treea were a i|iiarter ol a mlU apart, bul wlien ibe) grow ao rloae logether thal i naaii can imhel) foree bla way betwecn theni the reatill wouM Mt ,t total rlearing np. N?; 1 wouMni allow B tree ol any *lae t.? be eal. l wooM pai?a u loa taxbig erery log lhal Boata down a trlbatarj ol the II idson ti". and I'd -??? il it Ihe laa waa i dleeb I. u > one way lo ive ihe'' The Hcv, Ur. Lundy, prraldenl ol the ITmuylvanla ,;,;, Forratr} AuMM-iutloa, loM about Ibe lotal dcatiueUoii o: tlic pliic fore?ta ol the Keyatone 81atJ, and kpuhe ofthc hkleoui detotalton ol thi Adlrondieka i, ,i . |o aaranac Lahe, tb moal <r - il itt re ;i,ni !.. had ? . Ibla alde ol Hi' Dead fiea. Ilbi a-?iKl:iiion waa now atrivlng to paaa a law t" prevenl V, y ? f: mi . ittl ..? d an ? ?? tnui treea. vvmuni i ? ?'? Ks(': 'lTiv" I'oBimltte i . ? | . ? irj .VkMM-iatlon, llicu read and uioved tlic ? : n,,. ,.,.,, it pi ?-!? t*y "; '' s'''? ?: N a-Yora i- ;.,:?.'? J peue>nt ayoa th. Itee aud al, ?.. | ,,. ti . ituaau'.i K,\.r aiol ot Ihe I Caaal, wbich Ui t'iri drawi iu waWi Irtaai Umi BlaoB Ulvoi . aud Wnereaa, ?>a ttn? iwwaa tr,'' paldH; latettaaa taapera ..\.,? aetaana ih. rioent.A Mie t-io^t eretlita opM tuo ??,, ,".,,,, . . . , . ? :. i , - rtvew lakn lh< li il?e, aa^auac niUoul lab eevermil Ihe llabllltj U, alternato ,:,-.,-iraua duod* aad Ura waWi wlli o- greatl} bKiaaard; u,,...;,. th, |. crvauoa ol ihrae fcreata la genialry .,.,;,ii tu iv alM, "t un uUBual ttnportaa* aa Um pabU, alth, and i ,. || ren , ? ia ? ? ? ?- ?'?-? witb ereal rapM i a mii ? itioraO t)i?y eaa aea ?> i | ? ? U : i; ... \h|. Thal i" ii ? - rnttal Uart aieiaarea be lahen , . aat ? t., ? lutaish a *otut ? Btaiu , ? . | . , ,.: , (| nt .1 il A'i,,i.?'ii, k i, -?,,, ? M",;. ii., i,r. i: d pri ;? II Mdved, That i.- iha romptetlcai ol Ihe arrange. r iU i. > aaaij tw Uu i atabltahmeut ol Ulla al ti,, i. alslatun i" oiged t ? paaa aaeb bw ?. ,,..,., ,, p , i'.;?i,ni.T tu ? faitha iK- Iraetlon al Uwba i in lUa d.-t : t Ilr? ...... thal t" Ihla .i,J wa arge iha pa?aag< al 1, ia problbtl '.iio bniauag of ratlreada o\*ei any >'''.? m:-m. la ihe Adiieadaek regloa wltheal prevtaaa cona nl a| Uu Coaia.lafcioi.era ,,f Um Land OBkt ami Ihi Kt ,t ,,,.,t cta>n.fawi?a, aitei aa ju*g,iat'- puBUc heariag. 2. i" pruolbll u,. bulMtng .?( tinns la thi- reflon h^ aeaaa of whkh any nuid? belonglng to the Mat'- maj bi ?aodea, aad Uu lor t- Uaereoa ?? ?'?? bi ieatroyea. ^ iK> |DI .,:.. ? . ,.; thi Bt i! control In th,, fl.,. aaa al prereaUng loreM Brea Bal 'ttng aad punl-h. tnc Inageaaera ?:jm.i> BtaM taada, raaewlna th I ?-' ?,^n , . um hurateg BVatrtcU, and Inl odaelng * u,,.r", .i.i,?iv ,ti\, acleaUBa Pateat ae?lata*rit Reaolvcd, Thal aalai aa tkear provhrtona naaj b neee.Hl ta malnUIn lavorabla ccndltleaa la trw Cataklll, tio Ur der barg and Um Brawaagaak MaanaUaa ane awewhere tbonl Um sut-, they ba exieadad t, eoret Mm> gfatrk t>. Orever Oeaeland letoaded ti.e saoUon ami eap>e?aed rlewa oa loreal preaervalloo whlek were reeelved wltk ?oaae apphwaae. H:s Mea waa aal to try lo do too aaach ai Brat. bul lo go ohead ?ien the pnteelti n aad preacrvatlon "t lhal i"11 "f t!l<1 Adfcondaek rrglon ali-. ...Iv .^^ ii'-'l bj tio' >i ." ? ??i baa, am an Adir ndaeker.* lf hM. "1 han mcb tha ?a?u- plarea ipakea ot i hatre w the d.-niat,on aJJaded to. Bal l sh.iii rontlaae to go Ikere ererj aaanaer. Aad i have beea la anotlMi ws.-t? phvre, another wBdeaaeaa?the Capltol In Ihe rtty M Albaay. if we would preaerre oar \wn,d- we rauat begln a IttUe ralttvatlon there, Artlng on the tl.r\ of Mr. ulea-.iii i pfwpoaa a eoraratllae M 138 t'? S" u? Albeaj w take the leglalatora by th.ira?tbera a?i 190 ,.f ihem- and had then t" tho araate I ... m the f reat, ao thal thej woald be I e al I,, aee ?hai Ibey are now bllnd to. In lhal way u. roaM Beroaip'.bh aomethrne. if are had began Iwenty yeara earller, thla probtem woaM have I.i far l<-~^ dlfltenlt. Bverj year laereaaea Ihe diflleulty. Landa are < ?>?.<-\ appreelatlng In ralae. owtag t-> I . ?. b] ilaba, hoteta, ot.. Thoae people hrn Ihe wn.Ki^ aa naeb a^ we do, aml if we waal to ' ty their b Mlnga they will wanl all the nore lo keep them. i.i t u> take eare <>f whal we already own, and tbe aegalaBion of thc real will be comparativelj ea*y. Lot u^ bal get a foothoM. l belleve lhal ? greal <i<-ai obbM he doae bj galnlng the roaperalloa <>f thoae who ?i-.w, lamt- iu the foreat. Bvery well-regulated tlah oraata whal are want. We naal gnard agalnel oaa thmg: we niii>t mt ahaeh oareeoneaiieal LeeWatBre pr aorakal la aaeb autte - as ihla?by aahlng lor ti>n um h BHNiey. la the preaervatlon >>f Shtgara, if we i?il goae before the Leglalatare lor an appropriatlon .1 bay a'l the Mnd neceaaary we al mkl in\ falkd ,vo d!d better than that We pisaed a btw provkiinc !or Ihe apprabau of Ibe laadi, aud aa thla app^niatl awae wltbln the flgnre In Ibe pripoaed appropiiaUon, we had bo troabJe ;n gettlng wbai we wanted." Th,- raacfattoaa arere i I o" peryb idy la tha hall. Maay weU-hnown pablii aien, i- well aa buUoa proiiiini'i: In |it'-;? j aorlaj clrelea, wero pr and aiter Ihe apeahing remalned lo llalen t" Profeaa r Bkrkaiore'a niti-tintisd lectare "ti the foreat*. bame re?alta ..." ' re try aa a boalneaa a e thus ?ei lorlh bj tbe gaaei btttoa: !u Um Mldal,,.' i ;? a tt?' It IIIi lUon llbe onr- v Ibined i; ? i ' an -?- i an be -? eun tl only THE PRODUCTS OF NATURE CANNOT BE IMITATED. Tho reaarkahli moiit. ,,f ti, t'j::-!,a(t gprad l sait, ahteh i- predaaed by Um Cltf <?: Carlabad hr ti, . vj|m,'?. tif.n of thc sptud.-i gpilng Water, baa been kaowa tu th. ctMii/od worM i ? ii , ? thaa I ?.- ? ? ra>a. II baa Bahhrvag an aaaparaaehad KputiMaa and retalna it aa .t.- awrHA it is a oatural ir,:,ntv \<h|. n la aina/s itTo. :u^ I,, all <ii?"?!??,- of ti,. kt-aoaeh, ii\. i- and ktdii?)?. h, habtlua.aUihitkMi, oaoty and rhonmatlc aftectlona Tt la wlthoui aqaai. lt ha> i?. n Mrgtly tmititiii. !<?? aurc V. ui Uli, u.. gvrniliif- lni|?,,t. <l artii l?. ?hich noiat hara tlio .i?! of UM C'lty ot CtirUbad wa! the ?igi,?tiirf ot ?? F.iant-r V Mii.dcUou to., New.York, bolu AgcuU," oa a?tij botua. Uuoagh wtoa ?BBtatka ..f Um ripcnod growth, wbereby i itanaablc toeam.ia be prrpebaally reallied, wltheul Im palrtaa tbe foreat tovei - !^t'"" 'f tb" watei eondlttoni .- ari II m ' ??- ol hoalth. | Th" aaaaaoi in wklch nis ean b doae been am| ...iv Inaltelj d.-i,<.?,?? ited ?evtra I I . . ? v- ? f i..-.,. . Uuough for etrj idmlalatMUooa I operattoa fot l tary. H is geaeialrj ranoedod Uiat Uw Adlroedach i i nraea aioie favorabl to for al growth U. gavenaaaaat far. M landa ln Europi. And y . r-n- ? ker 8,000 000 arni r atate foreal iea an ivei ice aaneal net lacoaw al um tban eo.OO. .'"'?,. ah ah< raya out of the graaa Ine one an eqml aum for tho e\p ln i reroat adnrinlatrattoa, whl Uw rtate admln wlth rkkei >o i ai d ?? ? ? tlv. irketi d rtvc annaal not taeaaaea al 01 M k 10 20 per aere, whkh II la to b well \i! |a n.,'. .i torr.jK.rary ylold, bnl ao arepartkaed aa to ba d?rlved f< revei In p. . Tft ? fH. i ahould I on pbaaUed tha, thia nl Irai on t?l Um lateot arednet, andei Iho dirc Uon ot Mn tra i deea r.oi Impalr, bul on Um t nl ary, Improi K Iho lore?l condlttona. I. would bo, Uiereforo, we brlki . Bm ev-r ? a wkc oeonamy far tho KUI I tro. aii the taada ol Uie Adlrondeek "nt.: .? i ecceaMq ei dealiabla foi th. ; IN MEMORY OF BURNS. THK 18 THE POET3 BIBTHDAY, WXNF.n r,r tiii: DfUXS CLTJB LAST XIGBT BEM M'.K tBLE BILL OP PABE. Thia Is B fcerl Barne'e btrthflay. The." ran be no doabi aboai tbe date, becaa?e tbe BcottUh i.I klndly i>ut it beyond Ihe wrangle ol ,Ji" blographeri and the boohmen by tetUng It down ln rbyma H" i\ s : iv, r a enan h'a hlndmaal y< ai bat ane Waa Bv? and twenty dar? boaon i "r?:-s tbea a btaal "? laawai' ? ln', rj ? hanM I in on Bai fn "O'or Biaaarcb" ?v Oeorge Ibe Beoond. whoae retga was ended In 1700. II wa< tberefore tbe Jann ar) breeirv. af ITBal lhal whktled Ihrrmgh tbe ehrnki af the "auld eiav blggta" at Alloway .... Ibe day of the bard-s rmtlvlty. Tbal the 25th ahoahl tbla year fall on Boaday, wbkb the typkal Beotaman ttlll keepa ln Covenantera' atyk, atoag with (aay tl.who enry his aneceaa) ererythlag eke he ean ky Wi harak on, is unfortunate In thal i, preeenta a roanmon obaervanoe of tbe BBBlreraary by Cakdoatona all orer the wortd. This iiiis u* rompenaallona, aoweaer. !, haa glven two Barna daya ... Ihe folk whoae bearta are In tho llkkanda, but wboee Intereata and bank areoonk are eleewbere. Bome celebrated yeaterday; aome wlll relebrak to-aiorrow; aoaie aadoabtedly wekoaie ibe donbk obaervaaa e, aad tahe advantage ol botb Ita divlatoaa. Tho New Vorfe Barna Clab had IU rekbraUon k?l nlght, It ni"t a"d drned al Sotberlaad'a, in Llberty at., aeeordlag to i.s Ume honored rnatom. Bnthcr knd'a Ii th" plaee wbere B'llllaai Ulack, Ihe noveMat, ate tbe raaraabael dacka thal he haa, together wUh the llterary efBgk* of aome <>f the Homa ? im. men who Intr daeod blm ,.. them, "pnl Into hta I mba." To dlne anywb re eke than al Sutherland'i wonM be a vandal vloktlon ol the tradliloan of Ibe Barna flnb; and io have newspaper "chkla amang Ihem lakln1 noti-s" of Um -i' ?" I"-- and prli thig them ? aild ? departare from the ii. i caatom of thedlner*. Xewa paper rhkk, ? Ithoal thelr p mi ila, are wel. ume gne?t*. eapeolaUy if they ars Seotamea; bat the Burni < lua , n havlng a prlvate enkrta.nmenl ..? ?! not a publir one. Barh yoar .?!,:"'r- nre eleeled before grn e ta aald v ?? i ,.' well -.-?? id lablea. Lo*1 e\ nl g ; bn R ld. t Ibe Bolt Iron Work?, rellrod from Um pre Idenry, and Jumei ii. Cuming, f tho law Brm ol Pnndcrpiol, ''um ing ,v.Iwln, -:? pp <l ln. John .1 Cli il i inolhor kwyer, wa- ?!??.;-d vloe preMdent; Ihineau Mno grogoi L'rerar wa? r latated I Ihe be h;.s hcM foi twenty-two years; and Jam< '? ind, who ba* been treaaarei for the hibi - lenglfa oi time, waa al?o reappolnted. Th-1 Ihe companj >al down In the dlnlngroom, ..hi. h waa decorated appropriiitoly and artUtbally. A oopy ol Ihe Nalan Ith purtra . ?.f ll?rn? hung al Iho head of th- hall. Mr. fnmlng proalded. ?? I Ing to Brottlah form. there was u "oroup .' Mr. Btrahan. Ih- '?rroupl rN" plare i- hardl) tha' nl n vlee-chalrmaii. mn .- he loa*tm?ater. II ? -:? kwer end ol the labk. and s>M ?.-. wlth the rhn the hon n and n ?poi >>lb.lity of 11 op The N ol+nv u'> blll ol I >r" ' i prefu. d I \ | Burns'i eharacterlali. grace?, whlch h" u?ed I'i rattlo on on Ihe apnr <>i Ihe moment, no doubl ofb i to th. horror ol ti." doure Presbytariana at the board, aben his iio?i requeated him to --ii-h tae bkaatng.'' This part.rnlar graee, wbkh i? not -o graeekaa ;i- aeaae arttb whlch "raatta*, rovln' BoWa4 . i rcdlted, ran as foBowi: bon <? ha. nva'. aad raana oat. Aad aeaae ?j'l oal Uial a ant i'. !>.,? ?, haa meat, aad we ran oat, And -a Um l.'.nl be lhaakit. After oyatera .?me ?? cw k-a leekle" broib, and ffcotch baie aoup frae Bo??-ahlre. I >r ;!-h ihoj wsk tii t -boile.l I...I-' head and sliuiiili. i ." n. tho tvll of M-K Doda, he faouma b..-i'- ol tbe U'lbum and wrll r <?f ihe rook-book, In whlch nppeared ihul Immortal prelnie lo the ga*tronomlc troaimenl ..( har --tlr-i ratrfa yoni hare." Pullowlng Bo? i oodflah --and wliai for not"?were "frled paiv a" frae Whlthorn. Tho en reea ronaisl .1 o| i ?il rnriied rabbii, "frae Tobermary," and ~u-w-d i ? a I.i st. Ronan' well " For Jidnt* ih< n,.i.t beel and roa I saddl; ..f s,.,,d mnttoi frae Bn adalkaiin: and hotl <l "gigol o' mu ton" frae Hklr Athall. ?? l.lnir in Alboll'a min*. Joank." alnga Jamle, la HunHngtower; nnd bolled roand of beef, wl' kall fra<- srrn.ii; i gk, m aplk of the faci lhal the iong as-'nre* i|s ihat Thm 's eaaM i.s l ta a... rdi And aoweoa ln Btiathbafk EUaged aheep'a lanal aad brottera frae Bulk. hultali and baggla and btach and whlte poddena frae llk i'. came tttxU As in - * 111?? harrln1 o' o'ei Door," '?fli I they ate the whlk pndd .s, and nokl lh"j ak Ihe baack," and thal kd to tbe Invltatlon to "toh' a D<m nld: slnini" mbath!" a ? Doiili" lie.iig h liorn ol natnebagh, ihe dew of oWillvat. ii ihe w?j ..; game there a*re Sroteh plaaaaaaU Irae Dalmeny, ahere Boaebery . Ides when be's al hame; and rani i? baeh deooka, a la Kntherbmd, ln tbe ?eB-?ome -t\ i? that aaptlrated uWlllk" Rkrk. I., Iry wa- n-jip. ? oiited by Ihe plum puddlug >.f nld Engbind, the applc pie of Xew-Bngknd, ih- popukr whnae pc apectable antlnulty (tboagh this partkntar ple ? . n't anU<|ne| ta voarhed foi by Addkon'i aife llonaie n n Bon of it in "Tbe Kpeetator" ?.- "mlnred i" ?' oat nako. frae far Uoekaber, and ahon rake, frn ? Dnnl f'T-miine. Tbe vegatabka were bolled tatto>, fra-j Taln?nke aiealy onea, wf Uic.r bjckab on; baked latka, neepa, frae Xlth<8ak; ."i"r.. rarr . . frae I MauohBne, whera "tbe JoUj Beggara ' n.*.- .. ? P.le Xaini-'s": Keotoh l.aii. frae Elhsland, wbere Barna naed ta hand tbe pkngh, and ?? i-niiibi'- ?-. thnmp," frwj Borkfeohan, ...icr?. Tammaa Carlyk ran bars-kgglt Iong bofwe !.- wtole " '.irinr Be artoa.'1 Bat, tond ..' Ooahoti, ..iiai's ? rnmble-t' lhnmp"1 chec-e. coffee and champagne .1.i Ihe feast. Talk .?iboiit yoar Prench kkk hawal llow'a lhat for n dln nerl Aftei :<?? iiin: tiii trrraondoto pnarrumme In -oiufs aad li.ui.N. the >dll ol fan pawkll.1 a%ked, ??'..' ye that n.i -,:.:,-? " ??<?;,<i.,i un kl*1 'bkcp on tlll day." wa- it I'litii'i.' aalutiUon, a Scotih a "<i< id-ii.ght and happ) dreams." Bul bel. tl'.- kvcra ..f limii nrtnally hnde enoh otber " gude nlrhl' there wa? ."n.- exrelknt |>eak Ing The chalrman propoacd Uie ."usi ..f ?? n., Qneen." "The Pi -.1 :nt <f tbe I nll d S( ite ." and ? The Immortal Memorv ol Roberl I'.irn-. i>...i.i Mnnro ipukc bn ??i iliand." John Fonrd for Ih" 1 l.and Wv Mv.. ln."John Hold mad n n pnnse lo " Ihe Memory ol si: Waller >. .n," : nd i"e chalrman i ilked ol ? The ll"! -- . f ->. 'Ul .ii '?" Th- Xea Vorh Scottldi s?>c|etT \.ill hold in nn.1 linni- foatlvnl in Chlrkering Hall t mori.vou.iik. .'in entertalninenl called "A Nlchl w.1 SoOtiand and Hiiiu."' wlll b. cl\"ii by well-known s..iiii-:i reuders, lecil : and i ? era. TBATKBBAL COLLBOB M/..V. Tho iii-t of a aeriea of uSati lay nlglrls" waa hy tlie DelU I'palton ( ln'. !asl eveuing al Ihe rlab honae, Ba 8 K>isi Forly aevenlh -. . . > ih- alm the fiaternlty who are i'' Mita olly. Beeltotbaia, mn-!.- and relreshmenli added to fraternal raeer made 11k- hoiifs ]m- nw.Ply by. i^ ?? a >- t large allend ance, there belng pieaenl gradiiate repre<ontitlvea ol llarvard, ( ulnmhla. t'ome.l. Wllllama, Marietta, llamll t ot . Borheakr, rirraruae, Lafayetk, tho l.'niver*lt] "i llie <it. ol Ne* York. the t'nivornlly ..f Peims)Ivaula ind Northweati i n ' nivcralty. TABLEAV8 BI WELLKKOWS Alil 1 ? A -en-s ..f labkaaa ?lll be civ, n by membera of the ICIi Knt cii:i. and thelr fii<-.;fi?-. under Ihe g< neral III ? Uon ol J. II. DoJpk, preahknl ol Ihe elnb, al Ibe i-ri "by Lycoam on tbe evenlnga nl Prbraary l ? ? I 14. Tati eniertalnroenl wlll be gtven for the h of ihe evening 1 f* rkaaea of ibe clab ?. atfj eoaip '?->'? of yoaag bmb engagod In drawlng for iii i preai > Mirii.iis an pablkafJona, Tbe Mlowlng wellknowii arttok wlll laae parl In the arran ameni ol tbe tab ; kaaa; wiu ?m M. Chaae, J, 11. Dolpk, < >. Tarner,' ,i. CarraJI Beekwltb, ... B'elk Chammiey, Per j Boran, l^-on Boran, walter Batterke aad nrilliani L. Dodge. Icaiurea wlll be contribated i.v Vlctor Dungon, WakrlleM Ueed, and a iiuartct I. llijikln-on Klll.tb, Mr. I.fioinls nnd othor* will tcll ttotiea or deliver ie, jta | taaaa WHO SHALL BE CHAIRMANI TALKS V.TIM ME DEPEW ASD 0TIIER8 BABE Ojt'AI ITIFJI lEQflltEU BT THE HI M> OF T1IK BI PIBUC4N COUSmr COMM1TTI I ?ri? proapeel of harawBlalBg all dhTerei rei CevnbUrana In thla city, nnd ol I g aoch a aentl n*?, : ,f ronrord In aapporl ol the prlnclplea and the p.ntv aa wlB enable II In i mte l* thal wlli folloe t,. preaeai ? anltrd Iranl tn the -nemy. i vleared wltli pteaanrc by proailBenl Bepubllcana whoac aerrleei aad aarrlBeea In th- p?~t haaa won lor them ii,.. heartj rommendatlon "f all who beBere lhal the .,.,? ndiurr of Bepnbllranlem i- MeBtleal with tho i? *i Intereata ol the ronntry. A latUlactory organlral m 0f n,.. (onnt) Comralttee and the cbolee ol a prcaldent In whom bU Intcreata raey repoae t inlldenea are be Ueved to be n<.u-y " '?e end de*lred. chmi'V M Depew haa often espre ? -?.! the re ?? ,,?, apareelatlon he reela lor the hlgh qnallrj ol : ral inlor and Ibe aterllng Integrity It lakea t, n tiuonrpuliliennln Bcw York. In a apeech he ma1" at tl.gBBlaallofl ol Ihe Repnbllean County foircnltt of i-;,.,. nboat a rear ago, he aald tbal .? rountrj brelhrea- knew llttl- ol tbe dlffleaMtea and lempta ,,??, ?1,1,1,.I...I Intbowaj ofa maa'abelnga Repab ... ti, - rlly. . i . lo Um blorh here In N ?? , Vork,a ,,,. .;,;,i, -than there la Ir, the Interlor of tho s,..,. ,,, ihe aquare mlle.*' Mr Depew ? ia aaked reaterdar if ho woaM n I hia vlt i '? hane-a ol paelfylng dla cn,. and .,_ t? raus of exlatlng tronbkra wlthln the party and the right wov to tt:- 'bctn. ?i:,? veraatlK prealdent ol the Sew York Ontral smllltiglj ahooh Ma hewl. 'I ?"ne from m. ?????? Iry." ! t,. "bnl there lan't esionali hayaeed down mj . i.,,.,. ;,, ,,?|,; .. ??. ?,, .;iv nnythbig on lhal aatdert. Why, i roaM ????> myaoli Into mor? troubbj In la with vi.ii ihree mlnnlei aboBl - pie oi oai la I . algeram ? than l roaM get oal <?f m a year." "Who i- llkely to h preaWew ol the Connty rotn ' rnlrTec " he waa aaked. ?? i haven'i Ihe allchte*! M< i " Aak< ,l why he dkln'l tah ? II hlm If. Mr. Dep a j anawered lhal he * hadn'l Ihe llme.'" -Woil. at least yon rnn aay whal klnd ofa man i in your Jiidgm ni ne -.1 *t for ihat i ' Ti, thi .|uo*tlon Mr. Itepew rplwd readllT : .. | hnv ? ? i ?- glvlng <?<" in-, v> A' '* II,,: poliit. II ? ahnoM li < a m in aa ??? l*i ?nd ..- genll- aa a dove. Tlme waa when ibe rhulr I I,,,,,, ,.f th ? C< nnlj ' ommlilee Im i rompl '?? i of all he roont) nlralr*. Thla waa Ihe eaae when the ; late i'h ? tor A. Artbnr oeeopled the rbalr. Ilal non ' bji ihe power haa i"- ed Into th' ha da ol th I ,., ,,,-? ? Commltt ?-. and Ih ? foun | i nmmltlee h <? nothlng t<> do bnl paaa npon the artkma ??( Ihe n I eeutlvo memben. It I. md neidful bal Ihe pi i offli -!? ahnaM bare a wMe polltlral knowledge, ' u la ii.-olfiil lhal h ? abonM have an exti ' ... | ,1 ,|,-| in.-.Mi a ii- ?: ' ui' -. ,,,,. ?,,.,. ,; .v , ,,,??. .,, , |o, ? ,, ? ther i i polltlral III : ?> thej do wh -n Ih l? imrrlj ] .i?t thliik, tt - -t- Ihe R , !'?"' ' p.j5.000 ?? man thc p?lla, and Ihla mon?t hi t,, i.11 . ,1 ??. heie it haa noi a I 1 eaaarj thal ihe h ..; ? ' ? l - ' mM h ive , | fnl - , : In a me. ure : .:i,|.. f .,- ihe wnrklu ? f the partj In ?? i ' i ? , ". and Ihe n | ..,.;i. nf I .. ,: II ?|l. 1. Ihinii ii, it we . i:i h..|,- l? do I i . ? ,11 np . llepul in voti lu re I-i pn.l i , i .,. ii, it , n ? -"ii ? , si .'? . ? N;ii: t ,1 rnn p. B '" do thi- wi .,.., i im< ?? '. irmnnj. aml all n ual work t gether, i I i, ,. !'. ? ,i?,.-. , j everj ll< publlean Ik . '. " heil er h" I , halrm m of th ? oimi ' niimliteo oi a dl irlet :? i n . , tl;l i- ii'.' All attempta to liidu. \ Mi !"?,,? w to l I ?; di ? !???'?? : iillj falled - i illy. \ , ||o il aa i ? a ho t w ' ;,,?..,,: ? - of ihe '??? . ': ?!,1 unlil : ? M>d XIIHIi \ itil |) ? '.,??.-?' I ' ? ? f 1 I Chnrrli I ? !?', - , o dllii nlty I Juniea \. Bliiiti laird i ibe head. II ?? . a iil ! ?? able to reinnl .-t the i esl ? ,, ,., .|;,.- ol th ? < ? ii ? l omn lltee t" i"- '? ' I :v.:r.\ 10. <"!" iel < 'llliri ii 1 .i- bee good lor pre?ld nt, bul ba aaM r< '???''? 0 ' n | ?,,,, aaxkiun for the dlatlnetlon and ha lefl lh< laaprcaalon tl I ba woaM not a< epl Ihe plari oflered |0 I'llll :.| John W. .i ,....ii. I- lu fa I'olonel rrager. ?? lio h. made a k',??'. rhalrnuin, 'Ir. Jaeohua aakt, "avnd 1 latllfve eonli '??? Indueed lo aarve an thei jeai II I ? iNmghi that it w..ui,i be for Ihe i,oi.-i:t ,.( tlie i<artj i h ve n i >i 'uW ol n Cohwiel tiiitfo,. howearer, poaiUreir de^Bnea t.i jder Ihe i ittei lio aild realerd ly: - l ? ? >1 |, .- t ?. \\ al tle i" ? ???;. ?? ' ' Iha? I wot . | inigli. I I) : is I ?,..? 1 ,| m?' : ? .? ' ld< fo -? ,.|.... i he ,.t!.,r i iho i.ra m ' , upti - nll ?, ? Hi ,, ihe detiilla <d Ihe w?rli Um aitent <m It ?'? |v, imnaler \ ui < tl ild ?li '? Ihe lerl , in t,,- ii ?? < ?? ' mlii ?' .,, ., : . . .| f.l Itl ?' !,.. u.,. g| ,'t thal lltere n i- oletiti f Hmo In Ihe ma for Ihe p ??< Mr. Van l' tt would n .1 ;? ? ? ?? ... ongl i lo U .. kn\ '.pi 'he i irtai |,'". Several other hsade ?? ',?? were rnn nll*d expr- ??<'? ?. ? ? ,a, i, t ,.? -M, <? v a\ ,ii -1 ii - '""d ' |?. ti,ii< I, !:. .]?'- '-'I ? th Mr. IK-pew'a auggeathl Ihe man rboacn -!.,,nl.l be puaaeaaed ot .' ? ? ,., i ? ? ii ?? i , enable htni U ? ? Um e\.i. t|.?t whleh are aure bi arl^e. Nt> rilW.l. IN IMI. ILUSOl* WKMItl.V Tl N Mv?RI li tl !?"' - l ,!' F.XATi >n TAKKX WITH ui T 'iitr siu i -i i vi. i,i isi V'.i. '. ;' Nprliignekl, III . Jan 21 TIm kadei ? of (Im Iwo polltli i! partlea au< ? ?-! ?! m keepli - Ih, li fnll i? i-l,lp ,1, ilie i Itj to da.i. ulthough Ihi re rumoi - :, I ght about ?? i? ? i ? I i . - on late nnl Iral I ahowed ? inge I i prevlona \ ?tea Palmi t. 101 . og] ?-'.?,. 100; btrveb r, 3 i.. ? i ullotl / , mtli ued a Ithonl Interruplloi ? i . inge. V elghth bull ?t ol I or tbe twentleth ?? ?< thc lieglnnliiK, waa liad, there aaa a geni ral ' ?? lliii nl ia II ane - thr< iiaho I ;.. : il II wa .th ilifl,. ult) tlia! II e ' .,:,,., ,'t ??? :?? ,:..:? ?! <-i t ..'i menila ra :r,,m ?i, dlnner, There wero negotlatloua 0:1 Uel?H ??( ''? Dcmoi rnta ( r an adji urnuiei 1, bnl the Itep 1 alood him ;;i the drtermlnatlon thal t ?? nrntion ibonM n.iiio from Ihe Dcnioeratir party, 11. V M II. V. -iiiM.ii Ihe ? nn ? poalUon, and lln I were in ? ? urraaaing i". Iti ?n. 1 . nlnth .11 'l lenlh tmllota -'' 1 ed 110 1 hangi, and t!n- eleventh waa ordercd el ,re tbe roll 1 ?11 began Mr. i.\ i'i (Kep, . ?' 1 ? ? home lo hia adfe. ?ii,. , lll, movi ,1 to ad nui n. 'i I ei.'i 1 ? ? ni, from boili ddea, bul on 1 vivavore vote Ihe 4| deelate 1 the mol on eari led. 1 . ,.,,. .1 io. -1. 'The i?.' I) Ne > ' i' li gflH '? 111.. .1, pan i, ? ,. . in regard 1 > Uu di adbw 1. -1 ,: 1 egl 1 ture 0:1 thi 11 un of a 1 ted - il H ,1,1.,: : Th ? i?-n?. i-ii- nn.klng a pnlr for ' I ' ?? 1, , will l. ive in 111 lei . ., ?' 11 ? !? 1 ' ? Hi ? I, ,\. he um 1 have one cye taken out if bl ! f,. i- i,|. Bved, Tl ?? Republli in hai ?? noi 1 ,.iim, |i, ti,- pnlr, a-"! noii" will |,r,.i.,ihh- ho grntited. I !.-? nn in Jo ? . ? I ? "? ? "I- I ?.? man -i- to keen their own rai ', In lael und avold i argnlni nf un I ? IIII". sTKIKI I'.H- VM.I \l I.K I" I \MM\NV II \l I.. I h i ?,!,,:,,.,!,?. Jlali Ueneral Commltti ? ol llw Xlh .1 bj le i! - the f ,| ? Jullua 11 i' uger, 1 li lirman . Joeeph . ui d John 1 . 11. ? . M"- ? lialnnen ; l>.,\ kl Lyon, iner; Josepb 81 Inei nnd Wllllain E I'ay. aeere Inrlea, Cluirlt Steekler wna reelecled member to I-. pr?ont ihe 'ii ni ' In Ihe 1 iimn a ij II"II < immlttei f Tw nt] foui. 1 ', Jud ? M I St< kl r wa made . ImIi mau ol the 1 'ommltl ? ? ? >n. Among >ne over bi Ihe Wlgwam people are ea AMerman Henrj rou Mln ,i. 1., lieorge Fox, Jarob KchaelBer aiM Umla Alckle, I'ndei the mnnogei 1 nl .lu.i.-o bleeklet and hl> l r iihers Ihe Xtli DUrlid Tani ;/ ,11 m ha U .,u,i une '.I th.- wi theal to ouo of the leadlag ii'.'i'' for al :....? ? la ..,?.? 1 -11?1. ,,..',, lowei 11. . 1 ],, ? ..,,.? 1 |oi Dna ?; ? ' ? aad ?hlt. liiin.a i l.j.i. wian \m? thi fbbb ,??!,.. ? ? ? ' ?" , ?!?' t on Im Ilal I tlata. ? 11.r .? . 1 a ,; for thc lt ilr. Call inl < in pl< 1 " tiall?. ral genninr ABiuri M II '.,. ; , .1 , u' u^~,. Old ? riill ie|,*ir'il IU. ,,0,1. A. M.M11.NMI.V, o:i:< iikuahv, \, |f| a;; ?j.'j.sjT. moai powerfnl and coBtpael Catriet orgBabjatroaa la X. u -Yorfc _ \ tYiMPROMIBE i:f. W IIED IX BOXTAXA. n.i ago. Jan. 34. A 1I< kna, Boot.. dlapab Ii *aya tha| iho | Ini rommltko represenUng be Repnbllcan ., ,i i> aiorrati. i'i - ol tlw Houae. I .- algi ed loniprom ?? agrccmcnt aubmlttcd by tlie Demoorat*. The polnl n ?"| wlth refere. lo whlch Joarnal I ,??.dlngi ihouM be adopted was flnally diapoaed ol by an agreement to kave Ihe awtter to two senatora. | K ..i,.;,.,. joarnal l* adopted legal romplkaUona will arlae, and ., .- poaalbk that th- nea rganlaaBon wlll hegln alth ? nea joarnal. Accordlng to tbe lerma .f tl,. nnipromlse tho .noeretj ronoede threelof the iveTont>.'ants from Bllver ttow lo the Rcpubll.niis, t'nis etvlns <he Rcpublkana twenty olghi menibere ' i,', twent' **'?"< '"" thc "'"?"' "*' "tU1 :';,v'' ganlzaUon ol the Houae, npposixn actiox by the oovebxmext. w ,, . ?? ? . i, 24. Th- m i," Benate, afl ir > ;,,. p" debate, thk aftcrn ?n adopted a n emorlal to . - ?! rapporl of or the ln ,i iisemenl or inbaldlal - of the pi .poaed Panama H.ii. _ WILL DEMABEST ESCAPE PBOBECITIOX1 i, waa rumorcd in X. a i Ity, th" county aeat I Rockknd < "im,.. .'?-,? rday. thal tbe.ary pap " m ti?. ,,,.mtton of Aaaemblyman Franh P. Dem *,...., wlll no. be forth oming before th. urand Jury there nexl Tueaday, and II .- InUmated that they wlll ir. tuppreascd. TIII' M ? Q1 BSTIOX IX WI-C iX-IX. r.go. Jaa. 24 (Speelal). Accordlng to ndrlce* from acveral polnk in B'l.isln, tlie Catlnll. and l.nti,,.,;,.. are not well pka?ed wlth Benator Bcehi ,,,,-. now Ednoatlonal blll Jnsl Introd.I In the |. ? .ktu e. They ?ay thal Uie blll cml. i all tho prinriphM .-'lon t "ii"'1 thej have been tlghtlng for ,., , rcar ? that 11 doea nol ellm.nate the ubjeetl ntbk f ., ?r-s of th" Bennctt law; In ia t. lhal H U Ihe Iknaetl kw in anotherdi., '<" buthereiw .,, be aorry thal the blfl aaa nol drawn np ... dlfferenl ahape. hlntlng Uial they wonM be gkd ?? ;..??,,, (.. the Bepohllcan foM. If the bonc of ronkntkn ? movod. M-i "f them admlt tlie nece**.t< nl ,,M |,.,, or another, but a few asvrt th. fkchtaer blll and ??? hllkof "^"oTaaT i. .?,.. Koeppen. of Ihe Lntbe .... organ. |s utmooheii again i tbe Dechtner blll. ? \ RE4 iTlioN T-> ITB XEW PBEBIDEXT. IHe Xea Vmsterdam < lub gave a receptlon b-f cvenliig ln bonor ol lk nev pre*Went. ?-n>llect?i , ,,., \ -;iin\ in. Man: -...-il hmiwn polll ilans, ol ',n ahade, of party, i dkd to l?J '?' 'r ? P? ?. tn , . . . ., his now rt*. -? were aerved at I.kae of the PKACE IX THE ' "i DR ID?) IIOI - B. ?,.?.,,. ..,-,. 24 \- anUcipatod ta I nlahl aftoi ,,,.. .,?.r.lourt derlslon. both , ,.,.,' ?..-. ,? . !.-:? this mornlng. wlth ll,c ??.ibine." in the rhalr. The u . t tk ,, ,A;ii ,,,.. ?i,|ie allfi tho nthrra ln thc .;;','?" tbe "K Ihe J.iuriial ?'( \.-m i. .Ij.uiri ?;.!;.? '?" ,nn:i.i:i> nirn A HBVTAL 31CRPER. K y .. im. FOR THE I WME aT X0RTI1 BAI. ' ?? " ''??'' W"N '"' "NI' '"' TIH m.i.; i.i '. MUBDEBI RS. ,,.. .. || Mnss.. Jan. -Jt Danlel Burphy md i, who ?. ?rro led here la-t nlght. m ..., Implloated ln tho Rood N. II.. were ta) I : '" ?''. , : .? Bnrph) r ',,-.,! to ? ? ? ???????? .... W , ?! MToud ? M havh t k-en. II araa thonght, i ' - ? ? ? i aruhnni I ll ha ? ? tilnedl .,,.!? ? . i .raday .??? Matl ? | ? ,? th" lleed ? . , : dru ,!.. ti ? tlu,t i.i ? ? ? to d<? wlth I I ,? ? lua. ? ?? ? ? ?? ?' ! '" '"?"?' ""r'll:i-: "' U, :, - ? .Wthai ? .. tbal be aouM ? ? , |,av. h.l rmall >n U. Ihe effoc. that when v-d at the Beed houae Bra. Boed rwne ,i, , .-.t.d tham. klaatng klarpby. rhey went Inl -? ' -? *here the two m- U>ra ..nanvll ?!,,, ii.? DaHng the qaarrel. ? h alkged Reed , ,.,, ,. i giPked im.ii he waadead, and tben thn . ., , . ,. . : ntn Uie lairn. wbere II ???? ' I , . .. ,... ,:, ,v, th- men to tbe houae. aaya be waa ?" tn Murpht lor i - >';' lhal almo^t a k Iteed. aud I him. H . ,..| latcment. -.v- that ? ,. Mi Reed i d .me inc 01 ,, iMurphyi to ? ' ? d gel II mil , lll. tetl n-i , A ,| Ul". ,,.. ? ...... than Mnrphj h irk Reed i K."il .n bfl ihe darphj ?? ?? I ???' A ?' ' ? Murpb repHed. ,.,... ,| ,,..!,- Itohepl on, ?ad "" , . . . , |. mi Reed Hi-" rnnw ln. ,-,??? ? "::!,,!:hy:'; '''"' ., ,,tv. Mrs. Reed baa be* i placed under ^rr I. ^_ /?ji'l EXTTSO POBTBA1T" <>y TWO fll ST1 PtlJ The , mi itl ??? ul i-> "i la.rtraita ol lienorals Imuv. i aud Mai 11 ? ' 7f!' ? i.i ui < lub ..... i, i nlithl. Uotli i il* were a. . i large \mei.i dna an ... licnei .I 1. n; l Hager n I (kgJnien. wen i I made Hk , ? ?? . ' ?J?{wl i Iho rluli. I '' ''? ' ' "' Uon. ? ? PJIBOX l rED POB l i" -um Ktit. ,,,: m nto, ...... Jan. 24. ApplUation has ' ? i .?.,,!...?.. n ?:? M ul - Ifiui for Uie p.i-d oi n. ,'. ,. ?,, . mi ..i- ilov.u.i. wh - under ll. . n uu ;,.. Rpiwti waa s nteuced from rol ivera i foiint) ? i .:,.,. t . .iv cUtht yeara f. ,,,)U?; .,:?' lo '???'- Kontu. k) aud Mia . ,d fuglUve from Jnatke from th. ,,.. , ,,.. u-.-.i ..: Ihe murder ol ? ? ., indli tmeni ln Manc < mnlj MI ... mUni.., ,.,, m.,,1 27, lb8?, oi Thoma i,.; ..ii lauBcn Ivi .1 ai mutc. r;ir BTiTE 0EEEEKPEBS' ifiKOCtATlOX. ,, ,nTi .1.,,,. 24. rhestak Hec Koopera' \ ooktbrn n..r|iidisj it- teaslon here today after many valuabk .,.,.,.., ,. latlng t?> thc Improvemenl of Uie udnatrj bad I', ,,',.,?i and .u-u-.^i. \ .-" wa adopl d p n ,,,,,? . !,?? tbe -..'" Ai o, i..-.,.:. io ,ii..-i here nea. ,, ! ti," xatlonnl > ..Uon, attar wl I Ii thc ll?n udjout ... n< dk. / m.i. /'i'i D IX ii is rri.i'ii. ni i mond, \ ... Jan. 24. V. Harrl . a Hebrew rabbl. f,n .I. ...I ln bk palpli to-day Jbal alter deUverlng a Koriuor.. .1 BITIDBBOrS KBBPEB KBXTEXrED, Indlanap >l ? Jan 24. \ .i1 pab h i i "Tlie -?? .UneP f ,.,, uirhmond wya: Al h u'rluch ksl nfglil Uie Jurj I |(|. , ,,?. ,,f jamea <V tt'ood*, the attendanl al Ihe i t., ,., iiospiial t "? ''"? Inaane, rharged ..nii kkklng r ,,,., iu.j. ., pattont, lo .b ilh, retorned a verdli t of uuUti of voluiilan manabnghtor, llxlng Uie penaltt ? i' rvni' on.. ..iu s in the peiil.entlar;. Tlie Jurj ivua out tbree bonra. Wood i i ? <*???? ume by the n uli. ? TBAXiTBBBBD POLICE CAVTAIXR. j,0l n captain Mcl raln, on ! ? - ven i iptalna who ,,.,. ,,, .., , ? reported tbal h. .'..- nck yc?. i ,| .,,, ..n.i ... i... luffi rlni Ii mi i h< un -.' ?m In tii< ? ?,,, -.1., I ,-t t ..IM "l.-Oi'l ?-.. II ? . ??!..:. |s|,?|. |. Wl>1 miorn ?. bi a peraonal frlend thal < iptal i M< Klw un ?,,uU1 , . retin-d an aall pa] In .> i -.? daya and Uu n ? lore would not t?ie romaauid af rt?? - Beventh l*roclnct, t.. uri|rtl , ? . ? ir ') II. Wlll I" -IM. ..? ir- ..Ul in It . ., . -_ and i"- would be reUrod f..r ai?. then if be <??? ira ?:?' i iptala Ityaa, of Um i i-t ..,- ui ?? i... i i" ai IJ txi] ?. ira al |, i,?. ualy lll alth pr.oumaala, bul Ii iaW ta be re. - >.i<. i ommlaaknera >"?<> rday dlacrra i a i ,? ? , ? ? iptelai an la be Iraa THB WAi.M'.K PERFECTED VEBTIBULB OX ALL BXPRESH TBA1X.S Ot TI1B XEB M>UK < i;mi; \i. i ,i,. -.." York t'entral ii.alntaln. a ?er\'lce ol ? reni ?? pro - irnlna \v> ai every da) iu tk! ) ir, .i . . itiii ii Inn ? .iinii. .1 ? |....I . A ron ..... .... . fOaturo .1 -in . ; I Wag . ei veatlbuk. the aufieiiortt] .>f whlch to all otlwr ...n- uevln i Inconteatabk. A Uial ?Ul , karlj demonatrato tim. ,', COTTON EXCHANGE MANNEM EXCLDsION OP A CBITICAL BEPOBTER. BOME FOBCXBLE TIIIXGS "THB COMMBBCIAli \" mv> "\ THB BVBJECT. Al! of the mornlng papera, Inrludlng The Tritmno, pnbllahed the fiael thal Jamea O. Bloaa, rlee-prealdeBl ,,f tho Cotton Bxchange, on Taeaday demanded thal Charlea R. Brown, a reporter f<>r -Tho Coaaaterclal BuUctln," ibould t-ll whal be Intended t<. wrlte lor l"* pap r concernlng a ;iot|ti.iti nf tho memhrr* relntlve to ;the acUon of th. Board "f Mansgera with regard f<> baytng in ten Bwmberahlpa of tho Bxekange. Mr I Brown refeaed lo aceommodate Mr. Bloaa, and thi lalter then attcmpted to drag Mr. Broarn from tho floor. Bnbaequeptly, th.- Bieeatlre Commlttee, by ;? vi,to of :: t'- ?-. Mr. Bloaa'a rote maklng tho majority, ? ,.x luded Kr. Brown IroBJ the newa-gatherlng prlrl I.,., ,f ;:,. Bxchange. -Thi- Commerclal BaUetla" Ipubllahed tho foUowing editorial upon tho mattor oa Frlday: ' ; is, TUC PBESS TO BE THROTTMSD BT AB ??? ni an.,: : our r ?! t* may I :? aot ed a referenee, in yeot. r day'a '? n -, :, eaae ,f dlaen.foi outrage eoaamltted by tho ..; ,.r. sid nt of n,. Xew-Vork Cotton Baebanea ,??,:, , t pr - noUlva ri UUa krarnal. Th- faeta la trtet :,,.. theae, Onr i i or t waa eopylaa a petttlon exp.' no um Boo '-. i xebaage foi n. ? atgnatnra of tbe n em bera whea a peraon uakaewn to hlm demanded f> kaow ?Thal i ii ? Mttvi waa "uolng to aay" aboul Uw contrnta of tho document. Th reporb r pn perly, bal wtta na court -. aaked of t.|oe?Uoner bli name. and :/.,l by Iha Intruder and loi 11 ; ... . ? , ....,?,.?-.. ,,,,.,,. .... howi vn, protecUng blm omplete rx. ??l. on. JCot a word 91 mature oi d - ourl ?y waa - i d ;v our r , eaenta re! I.i.I? ?Mt??? ?" *??*? "' l"' ,??r-. ef prlval.avenaU ?> wllh ? m ml w he bad ex . ,| rrotn Um prlnelple af the pro> ,.- ? ,: ,., ia ai, peUUon, whlcb fael bad teen i ,.,.? ,| i thi i|'i laUoni r. ?n,.. ,?.,., :?.;,t intruder who u anceramonloualy as inmrd ?.<? fuartlona ef pollee tnrned out M be tb ? vWe ?realdoiil ol thi Evrbenge, Mr. Jemea O. Bleea. "' ,,. f ;;,,.,: i.v .i aotlOcatton from then, ? D laaa l< rhalrmaa. <**? I |;| r . , ?,. ?.,. .,;,.,.,. would beneefbrth ,, . ,,. ,??.._... ,,f the Exehange Boor, tbal i.? . i havlng. we nnd I i '"?' u,ro"?n Ml. ,,;, ? -,.,?? . M io.'i-l be -' ited, howi \ r. ,., m? rredll ot thc ranh and I I the i aehange, thal ,,,, membera wer. -,. geoerallj I Uie ?'""' '" their on;, lal i it. lenUtlve that on the day followlng ,,.,? were M*en f r rxptvMlug their IndlgnaUon a ol d>. maodlng thc i al iiatlon ol ihe vlce-pre'ldrol i I ??' "'' . ,., mi 11 ladef.-rred pendlng ,., |?| . . hleb "The Bull< tln'a" i i r MOlnttre bad i" ? " Ina il bj Uia ? " A, , , ... rj . , we have nnth riB lo ?ay, A mn *rh . ran -? ntterli loae what ae|| reap rl ha may ba and ,|,;r:,.|. hia pcwitHM aa '? -.!??-',t atlve ,.f ,i hodr ??' ??? -I- rl '?'" mi ? hanta br deaeondtai t.> UM lon . I,,, ?? f?n n i ---? from naUee. B .,. j, lent and to the I ott i Exeban t* ?*? .. . . mo? .i f< * worda h ,, ;,,.;;, . rell aa oura In ? li ?;. ;. ? ,?.?.;, i. inagera i f Un Vew-York I ottm Ex , ? ,,. || a i ' ' tancc thtt i w tlUed I ? 'i ' -'?'?'? - .., r who fonlhl ' ?? ' ..-?.,',: . ,- - iP t to thi - - than aa i genUe . ...,, .. T ? IV ' ....-, ,i ? i. i ,. , , r f in t on ol Uii ? , re??lci t ' il hc ahmild denand to know tha p Ival oplnti ia , md foi 'Mv ... ? ni: ,. . ? ? - . m Invaa - iy, .,,,.1 . i., ?, t< ,?f i rln Iral vlo r putl ? ? ' penaltj to ?>?? ? wi r .J , ,,.??;, I IU ? ? ?? lana ? . . ? , aa to Uu ? ,, . . thn pa -- c\iata for l irg md vltal " j^fal . - . ? latlle r puta I the ?a, ol thc r a pert for an ap n an I ' ' o**?n | ?. . ? Mdi nl . .<.,, h, ol that ? - md to pnbll V/.'. HITIIll.s HAS XO OPTIOX. M ROME PABK sTll.i. IM THB MABKET V>n BAC I.m; I'UBPOaKB. Ttie reporl lhal Mr. Wlthera had obtalned an eptton ... Jenrnie l*arh, and mlghl rnn ofl tbe Honmooth Farh .inkra ihere tii- mmnvr, if no blli parailttrag bettlBg ? i ... puaaed bj tl ?? Xew Jenuq ha ;???? ii i peated ? i "ft.'ti ,. ? nbtaiiied general Ifllef. \ iiumber ol , i ,1 li^ ,,,_. ,:? ;?_- nien the ? >n haa foand thal .thlng "f the I had !.ii ii n ped Severfhi b??s. thi re i- n i irnth wl ii. ' v ? '"'?',' u"' l. ,(|| ihe ni'j" t. aaM v. ab rdny had i.n made wttb ,, ........ ,,-.. of .'? ?? le l*arh lor raelng ,',,,.. ,i ,t ,,.,,, , peraona, nol ronneitrt In unv ti, Moiimiaii . I*ark, ha\e mude som ? uggi I .., ,i?. ,n,i, ii,,., f erurlng J.ninte Purk for raelng. |?it theae i?.f-..ii- have made no iu?ept;ible propoaltlon vet and ii.m- of theli .eheniea lt Is rertaln anvwoy, thal Mr Wlthera has ao far lehBB 00 stepa i-i the dlrectlon ot obtatnlng Jerorae Parh. riKl.r.s/.i ?TI DI v.'^ IMO.V0 I'Hi: BI STILKS. .. , .1 24 ispeetal , ( Jp Un B. II. I : it:. mai i ?' t the 1 ' - - '"",1 1!l "Us ,,.... .. letter Irom lloael ud V| .,.?,',, ,,. , .,. aald In apeahlng of ? , of th'- i ,ii or fr .in i uli-l- to that a N . | , i ,nd Mewart, Paal Kacle -i,, , I PI,, t, i .- | .. itear were uitu tbe gli ed rt ! ? IVI ?? ??'- kllled 1 I -? .wbo>a mn ,,, |., ,j.. ?. |e nu'ii ptl ig ? tla ither iroang .,..: ? :? ftirther ?tnt4s ? ,. ,.|, rted k lllng oi Marli K ? i (I Little |tkl|| v , . i . , ..;??? wllh Ihe ?? bad In i -l Ked Mai I ' ? I"'1 'I piibliahMl here. uill i ntalii ou M?nday iuptalu_?rett,'a vlen . ii the i I ,i ;?/. tl i oh vish . i \ \;/: uvs&r.i.l.. ?i, , , ? inoe which la to he givitt U< Mlaa N, ,,., n?, ? , '?: .? ? ii s?,?;.i?? 'l heatrc i cimnoot . at |..,;,g r - : !. .??., I '?? -'! IV, l '? ii I I". -:\. ^ ,.i ,.f l? Ing ooe ' ' 'In klnd ? ver glvi n tn N \ - : I i - I i ? lalen! d roung wi man n llh lh? i Uul Uerla rt ;<< I, ey, a I th, ron mltb ? of ladloa i | ? ,i, i :? ii -? . il ? ? - iiumci ", - voluutei - i?ml, . i li ., ? . i ? I, dcclino. Thi la .-? nun I ? I ,. ? , Mlaa I'.-i ??? II ? . , [tii. prograi i ??? ~ u, in ?? n am ? . M I'ali a i nmpant OIV15 KNJOY8 Botli thp method and reaulta wlien Syrup ol Flga is taken; ii [a pleaoaal i>n,l refrealiing to the t iale, and i ita pntly yel iiromptlj on the Kldneya, and liowels, clranaeB the aystpm effeetuully, li rulds, lieiulachra aud leverg aad curei linbrtiial i"iistip.iiinii. s.vnip of y^a IN the oory remedy ol iis klnd ever protluced, pleaaiag to n,,? tuate ,:i| Bereptahle t" tlie itomoch, prorapl in Ita netion imtl triil.- I'l-ti. in k-, effecte I'i.-|.'l only froia Um taoal liealtby nnd aarer> ai>l,. mhatanrea, ns matiy excellenl qaalitiea com monii it t" all and iii\,- made it tbe moel popular remedy knowa, S\rup of 1 i-.s is for aale In BOo, and $i betUea hv all lending drugglste, Any it-iiaiile druggisl who may uul have it nn battd will pracure ii proraptly for any one vr\io wiahea t" try it. ]),, tlol :.<? o|it : li\ siili.stit nt,.. CALIFORNIA FIG 3YRUP GO, *AN ITtAMJ' CO. ? Al... I.Ol 1-V1I.I.K, Kl. bbW.VOKK N. Y, HENRY SIEDE, iiMJii CLaffai t'LuitiEii, Prepeeea lartog tbk ... k to s.-u AT AX At-'TfAL BBBfJCTlOa 0)P 25 PER tEXT o\ his BBatCbLAB MtlVBa The reaaakd a af Bn aaaaaa'a lanBi of ELEOANT NEWMARKETS, C0AT8, WRAPS, SACQUES AND CAPE3. | All nvido of baal AtaakB Se?i skla ln gtyfc a.,d Flt aaeoaaakd. ( i\pf?. Uon" nnd Milfl., in nll I.erxllim Fura. Crntlrnien'n Kur C'onl?. ( uu* nn,| (;|0\ea. ( niriaae Itu.iri. KU||>, Ai. Betwtaheehadlne we ..r- la Um atkldla of an aatdaabaaaaa wkter, whleh wlll undoubt dl? iimu.-. ti,.. contlnuaa al th" llvoly trad we ar nn* havka i im-nd to d:?iw.e ?g all aaaaa peoda at tba rak abava <i not.-d. TBe pre-ciiiiiieri Kur Ituraaln Mnle af Ibe Veiir. 14 West 14th 8t.r and 6lh t.c eor BBth "?... SewVork. F?.TM?l.l?mil IO VKAIIS. GEO. C. FLINT C0\, Furniture Makers. 101, 106 IM 10S WEST 1411 ST., AttB oi i kuim; SPECIAL BARCAINS that a'.'- ib' Beaaon'a Patterne nuv ba tka d out aBh Bai : Keaaon and aal. tbe atteoUon of cka< buycra k tba kdue* - ??! nUa week. 100 Ekgaat Btdroem huiu?, i tatktae Oafe aod Ck i y ekgaatiy aakhed, al *lHTu I 000, BXTRAOMHBABY BABOAIXB OFPKBBB IB PAffLOB BCITB af bkal i .-??'.1 Daalgaa. Egoal ' nargaina ogend 19 Dintoa Boom Puraltura, Poldke n.-d-, CkUTaak a. OXE PBII B, CA0H. ALL UABBED IX ri.MN- FlOUREgi promkea a eaaaet ptay, aad kaa Lyeeam eeaapaay a s.nt an Important pkee, In whlch 3m Lrecum fai .Htea ?IH appear. .. nea aaeacl pky by Benry Arthm Joaea v ili be contributed by th< Tweaty-tfalrd Btreet Theati eaaa. paay, and Edward llarrlgan'a rompany wUI pky an a ... Miaa LtlUaa Buaaell wlll ilna, and Mra. W. I. I. Meyan . . apn ar. Ordera I ? ba ??? ""- k Palan r ? Theatm oi to Mr. k ? - FACTVRT ISaPKCTORS1 RBPORT. A LABGE rir.I.l. COVERED BT THEIB LABOBJj THET nyvnt tdOBE MOXET AXD POWER. Atbaay, Jaa. 34 rSpeetal). rne MtB. annnal t iport of the paeb iv Inapertora of >he etata af Bew-Vorb wlfj be .ubraitted ... tbe Legklatare to*morrow by Jamea ? unuolly, tbe rhlef faetory Inapector, aad the i -i-u-.i i.i. .mv Inapei lor, John Frai ej ? In his introdaetton Mr. Connolly revkar* atore ..r I--- in detoll the work of the year. apeaklng ..f iiej employaient <>f women deputy faetory Inapectora, be aaya ln part: "Althuugh tbe few raontha (aearrely tlae) whkh they bave been In dace la bardly aaaVtent Ume to warrai I elther emphatio approval or dlaap proval of tl.- theory advanred n behalf ol pattlag women In aueh plaeea, H i- better to glva theaa ?? f:nr aad Imparttal triat, extendlng over mffldent Ume before tbe plan be totill) indoraed or ooaakmned." Mr. Connolly also say? thal on ?"-t ber i be ???? ? t i. orge i. "? .. tlg, dei utjr Insperl I ??: tae I Ifth i'i tri.t. and be dld aot appotnl bla aarceaaer andl Deoeraber 3, Bo reaaon la glven f.?r the reaaoral of Mr. Um'.--. Mr. Connolly -?!-<> mal ? i fra tk appeal for money and aeya: -n a \\ i.noeded, i thlnk, by any falrmlnded p": ? ? thal ?: i .*>=>? * -1 ..-ar i- t...r -mli rknl return for whtrh tend to gnard II I, moral, and phyalcal weU-betng ol i large a . Important p rtlon of th.maanlty. Xew-Vorli pa; - |t?K depaty rbetory Inapectora kaa money fhan anj otber e'tate, and Impoaea upon them . malderabk more arorft than i- i' nnJred ", -.>? h offb ?ra In otber Btatea. Th .-?; f.,:-e li.eir s,ii;,:i"s aboaM Le lncrea?ed to a propa* amoni I repori devotea aome ipaee to Ihe dlteussi.f ??-'... ii" ?? pi .-.1 "f ktbor nnd nl-> >.f rblU kbor. ' >f tbe r? .r-n.?r it coni Indea .> fnltowa i ?? 6 u t p i', a ankhell, th" troubk wlth the ' aweatere ? work -imiis nf Xew-York is tin-: the aonra ?.f ktbor are t"? kng, belng nomeUmes aa blgh ;is nlaety h<>ur- a week; the reaUkUng .-.nd aanltorjr arraagaaaoBfa are aearly ai'..i.s rik i.? ti." btat degrae, .md th- wuikioopa .n-e eaeaaairely overerawakd.' l ud?-r (be he:.d of "CklM I.nbor'' the report k tn tereatlng, affeetlag, aa n doea, aa ataay thoaiaada <il Uttae onea. The report i~ la parl as faUoara i The |...ii v ,.f employing vtn yonng .hildn^n in muuulatu.rles h..s been prartkally abollahed In tlu* x.ite. I'nder oui ! r- - no child und r fnurteen , i ol ...? . in be eraployi i ln auj manufael i INhment. Thk reatrlrtl m haa raiuly been kno, ? i by empkyers ? i -. ;?Ibly, amu . lertaln . la-a ln Xea \ort i s.iin.. [Mironts, boa ever, ?: I i g rd tl future ..? ifbre to I i ' lo liidiieiu .- Iheru in ol ->-\\lug the k?.1. .;.(-. Uiat Uie i-.?;.?.!.;- experionce the mo?t n They ..;ii freelj make aflldavli to the effeoi thal l ? r I'biklreu are above the atatutorj .?.:..'. iu order to - t them Into tin- fn>tor) ??:? worluhop. Xoa thal ..ll rhlldivn under >lxteen >".iis of ...??' inii-i be abk ' i read h id wrlte before thej ran ' fuiu empkiyed In a manafartory, a preventlon a> well ,i- i .ui" t..r nt 'i- ii ..f the rrlmlnal HUterarj ..f i i j.i-. ln- been put In nperation. I'ii ? kw i:.i- b..d the fur.T.-r Imaortanl oPfe?i of prevenUng newly .. n\.-?l nun-Engilah-^peaklng forelgnerx fr.uu f ihdr chlldren i.u<? fhetoriaa before they learned t. iHi.aPage ol tbe roantrr, aiid in tln. re-p.ii n \. ;; .iin.i.s \*> prodnrtlve nl mnrh g .?! Mr. Connolly bewatk Ihe farl lhal rafparafiona are :i.,t foreed by kw t i a nrer >ii Ui laqulrka raape | t thelr .' ?'?!- ol (Miylng thelr emplojrea. He alau ,i,|ii". u-s ihe metlioda in aoaaa eaaea ..f baJUlng andl f ekvators and -..\- many ekvalora aavi :? i im. iu .id bulblings wver lutended !?..? them, and that ibu liolstlnu apparatua la ututiUy pkeed In a i ?" H is lllip ?--. ! ? i , , :,.-, 1\ |||?p r It. Tbk v...iU ,.f Inspoctloii, Ii -i\'-. i- genoraU) kfl my or man who run? tho el vator car, and wh ? ? .;:????,, .in,, :is for auch a duti dopen/1 more upon ln i.i ii"e-s iliai, iiis knowkdge ..i -m':i machlnery. ii reronimend'i lhal the law* relative to faetory ln? apertion be amended to rover more gronnd andl t<. \a> , .1-.. the powera >>f the deputy Inapectora. /'///: /v/:/: /.v BI FFALO. v I-..rvi. Losa op how the ixbiraxcbi N\ \-s PL V. il). Rnffalo, X. ^ . .iui. L't.- i'ii" ffieeaen Injaredl la '.i-i nlght'a Hre are ..n d..iii? weU and \w;i racover. Pol lie MibacrlBtloti* kave been ttartod for ihe faaatl '. ih" tw?> iir. in.-u v.!i<> \.eiv kllkd. The total i al., and is well covered ... laaarance. ihe prlnclpal loeera, B'arner Brothent .v Co., ownera ..f the buildlng, and L, Marcaa .v Son, are la i Inaured. The former tirin h.,s ,v total ..f 0037.500 iii-ui.iii. i?, and tii" ktter linu over 0BOjOOO. li-; nt liiauranoe Ii Ul by Barcua d don on thelr atork i a foUow?: LondiMi Aaauranre, ?.f London, Bngknd. .fi.<..M>: Borth BrBkh and Merruntik, ... Loudoii, England, r... "<.. Imperlal, ol London, Bngknd, 04,600; Borthern, of England, 95.000; Laaeaahlra. <>1 KiiKland, ?..".,""..?; L'itizena', ,,f Nea \.> :.. c.;.-J-<>; av. Paal pire and Mariae, >.f Bt. Paul, Mlan., 03.700; rradera', ..f Cbloagu, 05,000; Uetroit Flre and Marina, .-r-'; Merchants', ul Provkenee, .*-'.".'?>; Narwkk I'nlon, i.i Engbbnd, 16,000; Aaterkao Plra, af i'liii^ delphia, 0U.5OO; I r.uil.lin. of PblkdelpbU, 02^00; t'ommeree, >.f .\: any, ????-.."..?>; aan, ..f Lallfornla, 03,500; Inaurance Compauy af N..itii An , *..i'ih); Pennsylvank, 03.500; Eltoi, .*.'."?..<?; Bet> rhank', .fj..'..h?; I^aekara*, .-'?J....H); Commerckl, BU.500; Plra Aawcktka, 03^00; Angto, Bevada, 03.500; Bagk, Bew-York, 00,500; Broudway, Bew Vork, .y-j.'.ihi : inaurance Compauy of tbe kaaa of Pennaylvanla, 03,500; rilandard, Xoa Vork, f 1,600; Maaafac urera and iiuiM- t-s-, Bea Viark, s1!..'..!..; (luardlan, London, 91AM; Hocne, N.-.. Vork, #1^00. riiis makea the lotal laearanee far the Mareaa Ina 900,060. Tha Inaaranca <.f M. Zlngabetm was 913^00, The kaa af i;i...h. P/einer d lietantei is nol ii"..\\. andl they are protected b? abandanl Inaurance. rfa k ?ea ol Whlk Brothera .v Oo., Deabeckcc, Welll * Co., and ili ? Uknny tlrm araakoamaU. ih" Inaura tee kald y Waiaei Urotheiu .v Co. on -: .. i? and buUdlug i~ *s foUoa'a; Uverpool, ;md London aad Qtoba ^l"!. 000, .vi.-. h.,i.i.-' 13.500, QueoB 05A1OO, bplni Uardaa 93,600, County, ?.f Phlkdelphla, 05,000, lon, London, 05000, Haruford 05,000, Ikttaah Aaterka ?r.'>.|K,|^ Paoenla, ?.f Hartford, 910,000, Baa Hampaklre 95,000, Ameriran, <.f Baa N.iu, 05,000, Bkaaaaa 06,500, B'eatoheeaer 05^KM), >..n!i Amerioa 96^)00, llatnlnir^ Hiruieu 03,600, C'iim. ... ut 06,500, Paniikylvank BUfiOty, Uaardlaa *:...?v.)i llaaw 07,500, Paenix 05^00, Droadara) .tJ.?">.>.>, btanBard 03,500, Eagk 03,500, Kanufacturera and liulbterH' 93.000. i i iiiird plramen'a 93,500, Royal ?--', ?<*>. Curomenial I I'uion 93,500, tSreenwlch pj,00i>, Tnui itkutk .+.-,.iii.u, Loudoe ...ui Lanraahlre 95,ooo, Rui 1.1 . 93,{. Llberty P/.600. Phuenlx. ol N '? Vork. 05.iNk), Imperlal 913,600, Amerlcun - ...?n?. ii..i. .?-? ?:....?., I ,i> i-liire ??'. .00, I.' idoll . ira .6,000, N . iiii.h, 913,600, Xorwlch I'nlon, r,..i"k>. X?i 96,immj, Merchaiita' 93.600, Amcrii-an, ol IVnnavlvaukt, 96,000, r'runkltii PJ.600, Detroit 93,500, citl?His< i?.-,,iMMi, Bnn, nf Califomla 03,500, bt. Paal 9-,7oO, Boyaatoa, di.T&o; muii, #u37,6uy,