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? EAPID-TRANSIT LEAGUE. HARLEM-S CrriZEQfg STIKULD IT. RESOLUTIOVS ADOPTF.n AT THEIR, MA8S-MOX IJfG-A LETTEB FROM JAV GOVLD. A Biaaa nancdlng <>f cttisena ol Harlem waa heM in the rooaaa ol Ihe Hartem Deraoeratle I'lub laal algbt t" tahe aaeaaar m tu rartber the latereata >>f rapbl tran~it. Cyraa L. Balxbarger ealtad tho meeUng '?? order. nnd >]?>\?%. brieily with regard to tho baportanre 0f rapid ti-atisit. Jiihn D. Mbbob waa then oaate rlialrtnaii of tho BMBtlBg, and tho follOtrtBg weW amonc thoae appointod as eleapreekleata: Georgi y. beaalnder, presMeat of the XlXth Aasem t,lr DMtrlrl RepabBeaa Clah;?Jordan l- Mott, B. ciatetire Doraett, l-onis .1. Helata, Dr. John p. Deaaoreat, prt-ident ol ihe BaagaaMra Clab; Wash incton Wlndaor, preaMen! <.f the Harlem fTab; i>- >'? Carvalho. Charlei N. Tainh.r. preahleBt of th-- Weat Hde RepubUean Crab; Edward HaUahan, prealdenl "f tho Bkaaeaaoll ?inh: n. B. Ilarrla, Bdward P. bleera. PaeM F. Porter, Cokmel Henry AHman, the Be*. ?'? W. Powcr-. the Be*. (.. I!. YnndewaU-r, the Be*. J. B. Wav and the Re*. r-. O. M"dee. Mr. MaaOB >aid tliat Now -York wns bebtnd tho timos in regard lo rapld traaall oa aeeooal of toa mw h pollti.s, and lhal the domlaaoi party m iai be deairoyed If Meeaaary to aeearc necded faeilltlea. Othei crs were Loala J. Hetata, V. b. Hayea. Waahlugtoii Wladaor, George W. Uobcvoisc, Ua\,d wci.h and ( ou A long BUBBllllal to thc UgkUature waa adoptea, rerltlag that the growth ol tbe dtj aaa been ie tarded by the faltore te eeeare proper leglhiaion i regard t i rapM tranart. The meaioria] end* as foiioi - ? ?The lempeJ of Ihe people of New York U aroaa* upon thla aabJSct, and they wlB not tolerate I gfltay. They requlre, flrat, that all tbe eabrtlng nwoea of rapM traaall he Iraproved ... erery leaaibhj wa ? a* thal eaeh Immedlaae and leanporary reliw ? lawlbki may ba had. They larther rasafca thal your ho.ahk body ahaD eaact aach baghvlatton as maj to netfled.-' _ ., ?.?,..,,..... A reaolatloB was Pa-ed ereatlag * BapklT n*H iMagae. with Jordaa L. Meil prealaeat. and thariw a. croaia aeeratary, whleh will neet on aanaarj m to perfect Ita orgaohuttloa. Jeoer. ol regrel were reeehred fraai Mayor Orani Wd otber.. amnng then, tbe lolloahiaetUTl;-*? (,o?id. ?. .aawer to an iBvttottoa to be i ? .?I am it, reeelpt of your Bote eaMIng ..-?? > <' ^ i MtnsiderinB rapd f ?? '-" amee.i.,.foril."P.:rp..-..f ?? ' t? . ,,,.v,,,(, garaeaaton and imprpvement. P ?"n?,whlle th- <om road*. iii.n- .im 'V'/.^V'wi thi.~ a'vold wenl Inter pletn.ii of the tblrd trark will ',' ' j,,,. ,rarK?. n, ruption of the I- al trela??n ?& ?? tbe addltlonal order to perform this ? n I ' |?pCratlve al tlM tralna. addlUona fa; ' ?????- ;'" ;,.' ",,.,?..,-.i .? from Batterv, and tliere ahouM ai^ '" ;' ,; ^v SS Brooklvn Itr.d--;-.--" "" ^ ;?,, ' ,' , t ht^aSd^-elop Ita aerviee and heep pace arlth tho irrowth of the crfy.' MB DKPBW EXFLA15B AN AMF.NDMKNT. Omaaeey M. Depew talked yeaterday ahoal the BlgnMeance al the amendmeal propoaed by Benator BoberUon, to Ihe Mayefa Bapld-Traaall bill. ??The nintter i- extreraely almple," be aald. -The RapM TratiMt bill ronfers hvrge pcarera npon the propoaed eomaaiaalon and glree M aalhorlty to adopt raatea or dmS* fltleaaloBa In all perta ol the rlty. Tt.ero ,, i, provlslon whkh permlta the eommUalon In provldlng lor any now ayatem or parta of a sy?b?m to BtUbM aad exbrtlng Bnea of lrat?M wholly withln Hew-Yorh City. That rlearly litnits any comblt itlon to ihe elevated rallroada. Benator Bobertson'a moilon 1^ t > permH the utilizntion In tlie organlaaUon <-f any new ranid tranall ayatem <>f aay exletlBg line^ whi.'h are nartly withln and partly wrthoul the rlty. n makes avallable to tbe pmpo-ed <,',niinlss|..n the New York Cen'trnl and the' Harlem roada. whieh at Tho llnrlem Blver, branrh on! Ilke fans Into the annexed di-trlrt. That ts the gam and BabetBBee of Iha amend xncnt.-'__^____ ^f.Y TTAIIAN BBNA1SSJXCE BOTEL: !THE IIANDPOME gTBrCTUBE TO nF. EJUECTEB IN TBE PARB PLAZA. The new hotel whleh is being hmlt for Frederiek j Wag-ner. preatdenl "f Ihr Cnion Sijuare Baak, aad P. i Beary Dagro, a! Flflh-aee. and FUty-Blatlaat., will be, when eompleted, a haajdseaae eeBtpaaloa to the hotel | on the oppoaite coropr, aoon te be bnilt by WHnaa ?rahforl Ast'.r. ' It will have a f-.-ont.ige on Tifth ave. of -evonty-hve leet and a gepth in Fbhy nlath at. ol 130 feei The deaicn was nnd-- hv Ralph 8. Town-end, who ba ? deavored to eaahody In his plan tbe beal polata ol Ihe flneal bulMlnga in Earope. Tho hotel la to be eleven atarlea hlgb and viii be balB ol Une atoee with trfmmlagi ol the aame material. 'Iho greand floor is to bc aaed f-.r a bwge glaingroom and <afe aad Ihe ohVee, and on the ?eeood floor wUl be the women'a reeeptinn patlor and wrltiag rooms. Below ihe larfare of the rtreet there will be two fttaaBMBts. the nral of whkh bIH certaln ihe kilehen, wine Miiiard and atore reoBM. Tho altehen will be Ihe largeat boeel kltehea In the rlty, extendlng Miy feet on Fifthave. and nlnety-alx fe. t on Fift) I n Tho hotel wlB coBtalB over 300 rooma, w laaalta a- it h Ihe teteatlon ol the owaen to n ik more a botel than for the B?e ol trai enf -neati Tho goorlng tbreaghoal will be made ol eon rVele and UBng. There will he 125 latta ?1tb trnth. rootn. eanaerting and two elevatora for Tho ase of tho pue^ts and OBe f'-r frdgl '? The BtyM ol arehlteetare eloaely W!owi Ihe Iballan Benalaaanee and vlU pn-ent Ibe nniqae leatare ol pclni t',e only rtraetare of thal atyle ef arehHeelare tVer balH over ihtee or foar atorlea. Thc Ironl and Lbft. Walh WlB l- relioved hv rO kflnUh pP-Jeotm, riha terring te forai bay aTtodoa . and extendlng from B?jgaaa75 f.e root Betweea Ibeae prejeelloa, ,w WlBdOWB mort, or,,arnent.,l l, ahape BBd dealgn than thoae la other parl- of the buikUog, whkli J?e a BhaadBg feeBBg ef Beeeralton to the walla. rno USXfSu erawael with . au-Mva rteae, ral ing .?? **? - read mg^tfj^ ff& tnan'eUen ^The'woaMB'i rataptlOB partar le ta kMf^dVe lor o'cupan' y hy the lir-t ol next M.vembcr. EJCMLLENT SEQ1MMNTAL BJ8BMALL.] ti. ?a- - ladaa. b-'-ha.i M tho 1**^^*%. SL? ;^U-...^.rc*" a,J(1,.,,;-., n, ......l.t.'ryf.'r^,,. ti. iiMtieM balereat waa maatfeated m tfce bbbm m 22L-*!.v. .y,ik Ath.oii.. Club, am. the, pUred IffUtaSLJ!. B^rwlna p,|ehed a m-M -- ^~^vi?L..i """Vifi. ?. , k S i 11 l 0 1. Deltord. 2b. :i - 3 ? '-' rraaer. 1 J>... A I 11 ,', ,, , Thr,r.,u>11. , f. 2 8 0 2 l Murray, 2 b... l ' ' r. , I iiadc . f .. '_? I t 0 0 Bmlth, i- . '- ',' I S A jordaii 1 h n < li o ' ;' ?? l ? ? ;! ra.irM ?? o1 M?- :< h J ' ! 1 ? hendei II I > " ? 2 weM.TlmTi' ^i-'val"i,,S 5 1 oaipany D. - )', r , , ._. .-, , s ji Lon/paiiv t ..... i - ,.,r?.-d ruaa ^P?y BM^fff 8.*, a old b, arrora ropjpany ' .'; "?' l'-" ?? M,,. ,??,,,,,. li ^o, UoBpaarJ 10. ""'',.''?',? v,?.?,, rtcaidcr. i-'' blu-J Dollaid, i??dan, h;?';,.-, '.4. ???,,|,. p|?a ao t.asok LorapanT D a i "" ; ,,,., a,,rt M,? rr.. Wlld Kerwin and i Boflard, Md la ' ?.;-.?,",,??, ?,, i?ro a, rtieha^ M.-< lare B, Kerwin 7. I '," , ',lr,,,_,???, ?. kerwii, a. iin?; al gaaaa- i >" l "''"r j,) B....1N -JIH-: BAMKJUUi BKAbOX.,, iMlege, eo Mareh HO. un Marek M, Umi aew y": and Ita'K.U., .nn..I W. "J -^JJ u.?. Mew.yert aad w.n.a.ns i ain <??. Btaeaw ' in MMM iu? on April g and * <>" Ah' New YurK a?U 1'ri.n ? ton ColUrfB kaaaa Will PtBJ M ? paae.xaana ?.? ir .Pt4 ?,,, ;1.?, srsri.ssc sjrss;-.h. ? iaraon BBlty "i M?r'-I>. 4 BX4W0f W?aTt OM A KTll*WAT. at.. had a tieht had arealag aa th. ^ vlll(0?/() llved In tho saine hou?e with !.<?. , " . ^..rft UM wgaawaaa Md Maa artohlag. aad Hyad .-. ^ ,,0.tljlll.. ,,v ??"??*^,^"-iimjraJ! uabbed ,,,, vi.o.n/o raaaBalad arMb a iaai ?? ? PMageeaaa M the rhjhl ^dder ^**J* u,,.? hrart. ItMaVaTM- wa. ^''^^Z't m?:,.i and the lulian ran BWay. ^l^'J'^c. Me kl BBMM. -0 bxduug ror hm, t?hi ?aa ara. ?. ^ ^ Buppoaed to have had a hand In tae na?a, ? doca not know anvthl"" a' n ll !? ALIJAXCE CAUCU8 IN KANSAS. CANDIDATE8 POB SENATOB BOUND BY AN OATB NOT TO BOf/T THK NOMINF.i; IBELIOIBLE A8PIRAXT8 DROPPEB PBOM THK l.IST-THK OLD BOLDIER9 AXB Mli. IXGALLB, Topelta, Kan., .lan. B4. The llrst eaacaa of the Farmera* AlBance membera oi the Laglalatare on Ihe Kenatoria] quetUon proper araa held to-nlght It waa governed by Ihe reJea of ihe Paraaera' AlUaare and ?;i- stiiitiy g atar ehaaaber aeaalon. Membera were pledged to aeorecy and liuie ean i.e karned of Ihe proceedlnga. Tba ABlance Ihrnatoilal randidates wero oalkd before Ihe eauena by one. and arere per. mitied to pive an aeeonat of thelr aorooiplkhmenk and f|ualilles wUrh they tbOBghl would c-nlltle tliem t.i the honor of uteeeedlng Mr. IngaUa. Before tba randldate waa permittad erea t. addreaa the raaeaa he waa obttged lo i.i..d hiniseif i.v oalb to abide i.v the derklon of the caorna and nol l?-?li t'ne nomlnaUon. This kadj to tite conrlnalon thal the ranrna notnlnee wiu recelve u.e fuii party rote, All the ranaatatea were oa band tonlght, that is, all who were ABlance men and who were m.i i il. d out at llie raaeaa of last Thuraday. Tlie laehglblm are the ABhaare Coogreee. imii elecl and thoae membera of ti?? AUkanee wbo !n\" jniieft the organkatton sin.e Um reeaal ekctlon and who did not eonlrlbnte to ihe Alllanee rktory on tbal oeeaaloa. This raka out Jerry Bbnpeoa, Oon greeaman ein.-t, tin? moal popakv aiaa wlth the nnit and tile of ihe Alllanee; john Davla, ('.>:ij:iessiiia.ii elecl from the Vtli Dtatrlrt; Cotoael w. A. Harrla, tlie ex-Confederate frooi Leavenworth; Qeneral <? BT. Illalr, a Demorrat; ex-Governor John P. >.. John, and two <>r three othera kaa pioaBiifiil The. randbkalea who appeared before tbe raaeaa and i>rcssed Uaalr ria,niis were Bpeaker EMer, af the Lower llonaa; Jadga Pfelfer, Edltor of "The Alllanee Advoeaae"; Jadga Doater, Jndge of tbe Dktrid Oonri al Hotton; John F. Wiiiits, Alllanee randldate f..t- Gavernor al the kk eleetion; >. M. Beott, a farmer; ?'. M. Brott, Stak kcturer; Franfe McGrath, preakhsnl of tbe Btak Alllanee; Judge Illrmm Btevena, ol Baaaaa <itv. Kan., who made ;i rlgOTOOa eaaipaign ar-a.msi ieaator lagalk at (he elecllon, and tbe Ber. A.... Cole, BeprraeataUae frotn the Huteldnaon Dktrict Tha coimnlttee to whlch ??- referted tbe memorial from l'o-t, ... A. R., of Topeka, praylng foi .!).? !-? ??:.-, 11,,n ol Mr. IngaUa to tba i nlled Btates Ben ;.?". rabmitted it- repori lo-day. The rommiUee wai rompoaed to Ihree Alllanee membera, all nM aodlkra. Tbe lommittee recommended thal tbe memorial be apread on Ihe record, bul made an adverae report on the prayer ol the peUtlonera. The repori waa adopted, all Allknce iii"inii"is voting In Ibe afflrmaUve. II ? -.r.i new thal th" Uilrteen who voted wlth Ibe Repnb lleaoa d.> not favor Mr IngaUa'a re-deotlon, bnl voted a- they did yesterday becauae th.-v tbonghl the refer etne ,.f the iii"inoiiai to a rommlttee was dnreapeetfnl to tbe rel rran peUtlonera, A* an offrel to tbe peUtion i:i favor of Mr. Ingi IN a nnmber ..r okl -nidi.t- to-dnj preaentcd a petltton rondemnlna the Benatox, and beg gtng Ihe Leglalature to elecl ln i.i- pia.e. an Alllanee candldate. The memorial waa apread upon Uie reeonl arltbonl debate. Mr. IngaUa anived laM nlght, and waa ln ronferenre all ..f to-daj w-itn the Bepubl.can niu acer*. THE INDUSTRIAL FEDERATION. METH0D8 OP ' REACH1XG THE PEOPLE"?THE BATIOR vi. i mmmiiti :e. Waahlagton, Jaa. 54. The ronferenre of th* flek gatei to ihe Cohrederatton of Induatrkl Organlaa tioiis was reaumed this mornlng, the qneatloi disi-ii-sjiin belng tbe beal method ?.f Instruetli . reachlng the Indestrlal cktiaea, and the ma?l feaslbk plan for educaUag them ln the dootrin.f the or ganlzatkna. Tl*- ConfedaraUoa, after a kng <ii euaaion, OnaUy determined ihat the Xatioaal Com miliee is to roiisist of the chalrrne'i of tbe dlfT'-reiit organlcatlona ln ea.h Btata. Thd dutv of thli eom niitt.e wlll l.e to determltie npon th" tie-r metbodi t perfecl the arork of the orgaalaallon n.:d rarry om Ihe demande made bv the Confoderatlon, II" eommittee has pknary power dbring adjonrnmenl ol the delegalea compbalng the organlaatkn, and eaoh chalrman of the execaUve oommlttee h.i> power to appoinl aaalttanta tn md him in aay way in rarrylng out the vlewa, and Impr^-sltic upon the peopk <>f hi* organlaation ihe prlnolpka nf ihe fonfederatkn. Th presldenl ol the Canfederatlon waa alao aathoriaed and enijuwered to invife all indn-trial orgaalaatloaa i<> send representative. U, meet and exehange rlewa witli Ihe ConfederaUon at Ita nexl meetlng, ih" dekgatea ... l.e fiiiiv empowered to ad for the orgaaiaaUoui they repn ent, The ronferenee tbea adjourned t?< meet .,^-.,in on Pebruary ?_'??:. iriij. .ii aome i>ln. ?? to be declded iipoi by ihe ehalrmen of tn.- exoouUve Btate rommllteea. Preakkni Ben Terrall aay? Ibe meetlng .... imr mon.ous and there were ll" mteriial dl ensiona. II" al . -1\ that the Confedemtlon rnnlemplatea n?i Third party movement, a- it ha- ne authorliv ln -n. h ,i matter. The organiaallon, thouah, be --."i. wonM nlways glve h- aupporl ... peraons who >uppori prliu nk and aurked for .t- promotlon. Pi lYrrell leave.s here nn Sunday nigh. for Omaha lo mcel the Natknal Alllanee ol t;i" Xorthwed m ron fereni e on mattei .Ing to the on EEATB OF EABVEt B DODWOMTH. Haraey B. Dodworth, tbe wall known handmaaler, died yeaterday al ilu- bome ol hk aon, Louk A. T>..d worth, al lloboken, al Um age nf latj elght II death was Indrrertly dne lo a wbkh he rerelvod twi, yeara ago, when he atruek the baek ol bl head, a tumor of Ibe braln reaultlng. He waa twlee married, and |..i\e. ;, ulfe and two rhlMran. Mr. Dodworth waa born In bbeffkld, England, and ln (,|t aeventfa >.-.,r rame lo this roantry alth hl fatbar and three brolbera. 11> s wbok life was de voted to inii-i". and be waa known nol only aa a leader >.f banda aad orrbeatra and ..- rompoaei ol inii-ie. im. alao as an Inventnr ol maal. -.I Ii -tm His flral appearaaoe ln pubtk w;h ln his elevenUi yeai al the oM Park Taeatre. He organlaed, it i~ aakt tbe flral i.mllltary t-md ln Amerioa, ralled Um XaUonal Band, and for flfty yeara was leader ol Dodworth'a band. When JaBan .ume i., Uila eonatrj wlth (bla famoiis orrbeatra, In .-i". and pkyed al c.i-ti". (..-ird"!i, he. waa ae deBghtod wlth ihe per f. rmi.- "f Dodwartb tbal h<- Invltod blm Ui partlcl ; ?! tha Caatta flarden ranoerU. lie nrai ron perted at variooa Ume* aa bandmaater wllh everj reglmenl In Xew Voik <:tv. Mr. Dodworth was one ol the beal band organlzei in th" roantry. i." farnkhed the Oovernmenl wlth Bfty bandaM kra dnring Ihe war and :.<h. mnakkns. \i the flral haitle .,f Ball Ban be waa preaent, and he nlHved a. the InaugaraUons nf Llnroln and i.rani m the paradas oi tl.U Volnnleer rin- Uepartinoni I,. waa alwayi employed. He was akn bandniM I of the Old Haard. He luveni-sl tho bell bark nornel llke Inatrumank, and wa- tha Bral to latrodaee .<."<i tnatrnmenk wlth mllltary banda. BOXOBIXO BBABTUH W1UAX. a anmbar "f well known baataeaa men af Broaklya -,. down lo a dlanet glven ... Eraatua B/laaaa ai th- Bamlltm (1..i, in-t, evenlng. The bo?l ?i<s Berbert L. Brldgman ??,! tbe t",e.i, lacluded Geaoral C T. I krlatenaeu, ol Uk nrooklvn Truat Compaoj W. H Burtha, al tha Peopie' Truni Company; Peatmaatei Colllna, W. C Bryant, iimiv UHterroann, Murat llakl ad Daakl <?? Tbampaon, Prancla ii W.laon, WUlhun Beiri, A. Praak, and Edgar W. Xye. The ii."."' ?aa adorned by a map al "Bioaklya a- ,i T,, niiai,-' wbkh waa eedkaied lo '?BlU" Xye, and apon ,. ?a- prlakd Um act autborlikg a taaael aadei th< v-arrowa whleh :?<* i ?n v*<i ?'.d reforred ^ u.e Coan. ?n oeaamoiee <.f tae Uattad 0tatea Beaate. 'ih ?pce, ),., ?-r.. Ififurmal. TCitsi-.H I M>i;is if.ii/: .4 DaVLL The anaml drIH ?d Bm Rew-Yatk Turoet ( adet Cerpa waa hekl ?>. Tura Ball. k BaM Fourtti-aa.. la-t nlgfct. ?,,,.. roona aoldlera, aboul oaa kuadred k aamber, weW ,,,'..,.,i by H. Beaneeke and by aeveiaJ otter katroctora ta t,,.' manual of arau a..d Oattraa g?a waetke. The lollow. , u?. offleer. B Um corpa ki the Srolo, at.un.. Tbeodom Luu; eaptalw, P. attwer 1! ,.:;,,,":1, Jr.; Ilrat tkuteaaata. W. Beekea. B. ItaeriMi ';;,! ,-'. Woli a dance felkwed the drBI k wbkh aboul 0M" kuadred eeapk s kah gail iriXLaaTI TWBXIJTBBEB YEAB* IB ATBWA. H,,,IV m. Btaaky apiaarad at the aweaMya Academj ?, Mu-ie fu, th aaeaad U. hva>eveiOng. and deUverod a ,.w lecture entlUed ?Tweaiy^aree raari. la A . U^wlf inlra-uead by th, Itev. DrT r, ? wm Tata. ? .h? n.tur, was .1. ap er . >a talaee.***** " "'* wh.rk Nn UM Um- wheu b. BT- sUiVd fe, AfrK.f.r *S Bew-Park Herala" uaUl aa raacaed Eaala. .4 R\1I> OB rOOLBOOMB. Thapolkeaf th- Bkaieeath Pr- Imt vM'od the pej in ihe nrecket ?-i*\n yeaterda] and arreated roui :;:;:, l -i S ???.?."-"sJi-i T Th- gtaeea vktltad wera ??Baraay" MiclaaaPa, No. Ui We.t Thir.v.third at . '?" Th-en.aa. k BM v?.e |.-.aPh...i: Alkn 4 ....>. No. U ?>: Jweaty , ,'i'ta-t.. and Bowtaa 0 <o.?. No. v. W/art BgbBiati 0 _ tma -HiiviiK no um iNN.vri ut tn. we* v? tibuki MEDICALWISDOM.LEGALWIT DOCTOBS, LAWYEBS AJfD VKTIMS DINE TIIK S'.nr.TV r,y MEBiCAL JTJBIBPBTJDEXCB II \s IT-, r.K.irrii anni w, CELEBBATIOX. Ther,. araa ? phaaaal mlngllng ol legal arH and BMd wiadoai al Ita elchtfa aonaal dtnner of Ita Boeietj ,,f Medleal Jnriapradenre, whleh waa heM ?. Bherry'a bul evealng, aad doetora and tawyera were mlxed ap al Ita labled in the raoai torlabta and pleaaanl way able, aTdla on the toaat ii-t the tench aad bar md the medleal profi lon and e*ea Ibe eicUma ol one or i'.ii were repreaented. jBdge DavM Mi.viam preaMed. Ai bla tahte -*i rteneral Tbomaa Bwtng. r. Hoyklnaon Bralth, tho Be*. Dr. John B. Paxton, WIBlam B. HornUawer and Dr. Cariog F. MaeDonaM. Othera preaenl were Dra. .t. Fraltnlght, E. F. Brnah, H. I.. FalrrhlM and II, n. Tyaon; B. ?'? Van Olahn, .1. ('. Weat, K. i;. HhiadaJe, D. MrL. Bhaw. I, I.. Van Allen, JeroBM I n-1.. r. m. LlttMfleM, J. B. hmlth, W. i". Oook, il. M. Httchlnga, il- W. Bechett, II. B. Kehmid, P. B. Cnuable, J. F. Pairchlld. I. M. Bhaw, W. K. Oaborne, L. Hnrat, f>. C. Brlgga, B. G. Oppmhelm, D. M. Webater. J. B. Bmlth. II. Morrlaon, M. !?? Pkaa, W. 8. Logan, Dr. L < . Hray, c. II. gltchet, Dr. ,\. /.li. I.. r. De^iir, r. i.noioi, X. A. I.aulif. D. \. BpllNaey, Dr. lt. tiacha, Dr. II. J. BnMt Dr I ? Beek, .-. B. LI*lngaion, D.-. u. A. Home, <?? M. Hammond, K. II. Benn, Dr. W. II. r.ate... \v. .1. Lardaer, T. Me Adam, B. Jaeoba, W. ?.. MeTrea, L. .1. Ildata, r. a. \,in Ramdohr, r. K.ienio. >. 1 ,\ ,j h, Dr. B. ' -Bpltxka and Dr. N. I". I'-rill. Jadge M.Adam aaM that he wonld refraln from mnlt Ing a apeerh, bnl woaM almply do Ma dnty in u?. rhalr by Inlrodnrlng earb orator. He aeted np to bb word, aad a*a? an adrolrable toaat-maater, arlth a aay Inc in aeaaon for eaeb man wbom he Intmdared. ?? 1 iio Heneh" waa reaponded f"t by Ueaeral Tboaaaa Bwlog, who waa onee C'hlel Jaatlea "f the Bopreaae Coarl "f 'ho Btate nf Ka Cicaeral Bwlni anld that Um btwyera cbbm t" tha BMdlral profeaakMi lor Inalrartion In regard i> nn portani faeta on whleh Itai mrtaapplled Ihe prlnrlple. Th medleal profeaalon had f<?r tho la t hrw rear 1.n mrreaafully empbryed In * 1??? rvering Ita ran-o. of dlaeaaca whleh had htthcrfci baflled manklnd. 1 grl roaa thlng aboal tho kiw wa h- alowneaa of the iil- nll llve In 1 fe aa it waa In - - apeare'a llme iho law'a dehiy. lApp "Here In Sew York t'itj where we have 1 JadlHarj nneqaalled 01 un urpi ed ty, InteUigenee and /??al," rontinned tsenrnil Bwlng, -tho law draga II alow ronrae along aa II ha done in all tlme< and In 1 I conntry. Where i- tho faultl lt i> MemuM "f Ihe arkuowKdged and unlversal purtit "l Itabench that ?.? owe th ,t obodlenrc t" 1' ?? law and n idi ?' nule In II whleh 1- the ba, hbone >'f Rritlah and An ? rlvtlixntlon. Ilul Uila makea the laWa dela bardei t,. bear than otherwlae, Tho delaya In t.1"- law make ? trta tho refnge "f the aroundrela and thi I 1 ,,1 t'..- mi.nt. Time Bli - nn thc wli -?- "f Men nn but Jnallre puraue* it nn 1 rnti lie ." 1 Vpp Dr. Will lam .\. Hammond, wlio waa Introdneed a ??ihe head tad rrm I ? tl ? il I "??" !" .p inded t * It I'arl ? f whal he aald waa: 1 mi| |. ? ?? Ihe medleal profeaabm al t , ii ,v tl, ni 11 ev< 1 dld In thc hi .t??ry ol the world. lt 1. perhana the o \\ pr ife?sioii - ,i , k iho -?! ..f n ? owii annlhllallon. 1 lie tlnie will nnd mbtrdly lome, f dra 1 >rs c , 011 d ? 1 now, w hen ; -,,,\. 01 11,ni e, 1 know lhal the itl 1, bul Ihe law il. nol " 1U1 .1.],ii i-|, mic waa down "ii the UmisI rn;d I ?poiid f..r - rhe llar. ' A ? ho had l?i -? <1 hl? ? P"l ' ? ,r uniivolda ? !?? nl. ? nre, ?' idirc M< \dani li Ir ? ,1.ii v ih am II. 11 ?? ? ? r 1 ? -i--:'h Mr. Hornl'l .wcr > 1 d lu wnuM 1 ?' ' -";- ? Mr. 1 hoate's pl ."? Uul he m ide an cxt ? ? In,,,.,.- :. appn ? iled .pc ? h. , ither Ioji 1- and 1 |a il " Medl. .1 ?'' ?,', -- 1 niraii. 1 lal ???' Kxpert |>, R. r. spllzh ? ! ? ? ;??- -..'?? U< v. Di John II. Puxfoii; ? A I- ? I'ramlla rmit, l?r. I.. ' . i.::,\. , ' 1 ? ? h 1 ' to I. Idered, " I li \ h iiiii-.-- for wlnim F. Ilopkli - respouse. ' >n Ihe i omnt t' ??? nioiit ' ler ? !?? D. >^ Leon !?haw, Dr. S. E brill and Ii. L. V.hihl. ? ? \PBOQRESSIFE 5P1R1TCALIST& ItMET. V\ l.xi'i.? Tl i. 1 i.\sit WITH TIIK "COXSF.BVA 1 IVI." 1 I.I MKXT I'i I. BOT TAKI ri.\> K lt u.u, axperted Uwl Ihere woaM livelj . Rtl the iio- :l- -? "f Ihe 1- - . ? . i.f spiritii.h is-?t Everetl liridjreand i ., Brookl) n. i.i-t nlght, owlng t i Ihe d rlrmbara attaeklng a rerlaln elemenl among ? ualUNffor -trirkery and tree bive." by ??? il tho Anil I riml s.iioIt. It v.i^ Wld'ljr IT. "I lhal . ? dled Antl l i i ??' f*n kly wa ? i >mp ? d ol the bctter ? 11- * of hplrll waa to ?,?. deeepUon "f all bli ?! . pi u ??? d ui d, r the ru ? ??'. splrttuali m, ai ?! a i la h "?< - looked I >t two f 1.1. ?:. . 11.? \.'. ,. hul .1 ? ? ? ? i . i . ,,-,.? , held, ai,'. II n i a de< Medlj li ?? ?. i, . ? i. i > ,,-?... upled a prom nenl pl u ?? Ulldl' I,' e. K, II. I ? .1 ,i .! I ? ? , Mi ... '':??? ? Mr. J< ?'????? ild I U he had i i ? that I ? ? lhal thc tnediiini? aerc nol paiin l-i II. I I |okli --. hc i''l. ? pl i\ ed <|u< ? riM medluma were I i nuch, and i i Ihe - j ikil , pliH i. ed Ihi n lo lui! ? ,-? ,i In. is,.... w. Van lloi n a tl Ui it mai j pro ? il:|. ll |i|. f. ? l li -.. ? re lie kna ' i who. a* a . ? rtal, lt i>! a ,rked In . : i. I .; ' .-\..| jr i ,.i ? and plle np lumliei t m the fun ? ii down aipilii. He ?> kial Ita ?plrli i he wa happj uxl the . bul wo i ?! be if he . mld (i ; hi old Joh I. ?? k i ? M:~. Di .. i ? . . lu ? ' 6?ve a i. ? , edlum, i .illnik; bj n une, a ' ? pi impted her, ibe d'-.i.i frli nd ..f i ' , ? in the aud. rhe people n ?' Il m ?? Mn lllal ? ii ,ve h lion l" liire, I .11 ?? ?? i..-i ,i ?pre,td the iruth. We don'l wanl no fa we don'l whii.:?>??: . all ??? wanl l? ""? Irnih. Mailaiiie In I'? . u alililcal when a Mr. Mlliei Wenl l il,?? pl.itf'.rtu and annoti ? ? ?i lhal he had ta-relved ; ? |eU?i. wrlileii i luk, bj the baiM . ( ' bwdi . Aplrtn , the Roman.lwhu waa a mortal i.. tbe Di>i rentury. " wa ' biadlus who n ???! i" wrlte Ictiei t . I.uiher It. M ii li throiiKh the medlumahlp of Mad in in D.1,11. Wlien ihe Hlei wag n al Uv.1 nlghl h> Mr. Mlliei he i videntlv upprovtal It, f..i II ailvoial, ,1 the (th . iinen eipnil i i.-ni . wllh m >n. I li i i,i lt with the Am, i i.i mi s,,iru I* beUeved U be oulj OILMOBVi BASD IT 7/fi: (1AUPI '?? Bome IntereaUng arrannementa are In progreaa for ;, aer)e> <i eoneerta lo !?? given by I*. i*. tillmore'a band ai tbe Madl on Njuare tsarden early nexl mra mir. It la Intended thal the eoneerta ahall begin on Deroratlon Day and la t t n Jul] :i. wtan they win have !?> atop i?n aeeounl .<f Ita eogagemenl "f the band al Nanliattan llearh. There wlil be i|MI men in the band and i new ttand vUll be pal up In Ita Mg amphitheatre, neai the Ponrth ave. end. H wlli be ao arranged lhal Ita band ?m all aii around n .,> aroand Ihe ddt "f a kmm. There ?iii be voral mnaii by eiiiin. ni am i. and orrasltaial mualral festlvala, wllh a rhorui ol from I K) to MW t. , heal ? lor Ihe rborna will bt ererted lu an amphltlMatre form behlnd tl,.. bandktaad. \ leature of tbe aerlea "f ronrerla v. ii be nlrtrU <tev.>t.ii t,. Uie,, ??; ?,f pcrhvl na iinn>. Inrludlng Ameriran, Bnggab, ItaUan, Freneh and (ii i ii an. Admlfcftlon ." aii parta ol the bonae, exeept Ihe boxea, will be 50 renU. L'lrrie boxea will be u>M ,i ?: ,?;,. ii and arena boxea al .rt. Tbe end ol tlie lull toward Madlson ave. wlli ,4il by aboui i.iiii or Tixi loble wtare neer and other refreshmnii m ni he ..iv ?! rhe nca roof irard n will i, ? opened .,i aboul Ibe Ume Ihla roni erl ? B?on eud?. .4 WBLlrKXOWn BCJtOLAK CAVGHT. john MeLoaghUn, a well-known beralar, waa rom initt.-d for the (irand Jnry y< lerday by l',h"- Jaa tice tSoetUng. lie waa arrc led foi leallng fi"i" tbe I, ,i, e ol Charle Twl t. >?( the i nlted Btatea Wawy, ;,t No. l- ?N"ith Oxford i.. ..ii Priday oeealng. Mr. TWlat'a ~',n "... jn t golng mt.. tbe houae aa the Ihkd ,,,i?.- oul wllh a baBdk "i eMhea In bla ..m, . He ,.,,, aad the bo> loBowed. Pollreman fiaflagber look ui i ,,- ,!..,-,?, nnd when MeLoaghiln ww he waa nro i , be oirertahen be tnmped lato a rtreei rar, boplng ta be lo?l hbyhl "t ihere, The poUreeaan loand him, hnarever, and draaaed blm ait. He had a knlto .i when ario-i -,i. Ho , \ju-e.-ii! regrel ul '?? g latiKhl ." auih a sluiill l. , aa aiMak tblcvlug, and tnA aanl Impelled blm to lt. IMTBMTAIXMKX1 H'K A VBBB BOMTITAL x be m M perfoi i m i la al i M ihe Pktwef i ft Bargieal Boapltal ?js aeid ta Um Berkeley Iftmm Tboalee laaa nlaht. Tho tir-t parl M the piagiaBUBe eanalattd of a (c?m fraaa "Vlra a a," whleh toduded tho "Marek of tha Miiaaaahta." Tha aeeaa w?a a eharmina oi,o. ?ho? n, Uaeti pe**ty C"""s t"" atetty raaag tadi?* uaaapad aal ,,,H,n th- atace, *.id u> Um aaaaad or haraaaalatta Maaii JJ ,' r, Migb th- arelatMaa of th* aawwh. Tha aaeend urtMa "f tt" raarrtalamaat eaaabnad M a aaaateal aketch ' .?:r . Bchaai kl." la M wa? lalwgaead Ibe taao ,.h gaace M UM -TBraaaeUa.- aaaaag Ihe kattM wh. Sa pa:t in the ent. ru.auo-ut WeiB MlaBM BaBMlIM M H.tu. OeegwlB, M.ud f. aiisa. F??y raadady. orace Xeitaa. MahM O. Ada?, Maxla A. Booaer, Maaal n I ark, Mary 11. Jeaaeaa, Kate .\. Ottlva. Eaaaa 0). I'aze, Lllly l', Qertrude Bbermaa, Beka B. >hipmin. Laulae Pleyd Badth,/! :<ra htrattaa, n.nha T. Thampaaa. Rnth I'. Tkomaaon, l lor nce Boeee, Bmma EUaaet ai.d Bkarhe Horton, Mi*. David Booaer, Mr-. iicnrv Thaaan. ?oa, Mia. Willkm A. Pullmaa, Mra..rge i . Bmiah and Mra. (iaatavua Wjltoa. Tba llttk taeatre .u. fuTed, ? ! i coni ii. -.ii;. njs laallied fur tlie Plower Baa pttaL ? MR. O'UELL'S IDEAS. HK EXPEBIENCES IN AMKRICAN HOTEL& To t h a Bd Itor <> f Thc Trlbana .-sir: via\ o'Rell baa ajven u- ui tha Jaanary anaa h.l- ol -riie Xorth American Revkrw" aaother of bk very amualng criUckna on tha maaneii aad waye of Amertcana ln general. This time It is onr botek that he attacka, or, rather, tbe wajr it. whlch they are ronducted and Ihe waj la whteb the gaeak of Uieae liotek c. iducl themeelvea. The ataaaera of ii.-itiier proprletora, gneata nor aerraata ault Mr. I ti'Rell'a kteaa ol the proprktka of llfe; bnt a ia*-n aotblng ever doea inll Mr. iVBeU, apparenUy, aay wbere In the wWe worid. This |a very bard for tho worldl The fa ; tlial Mr. O'Rell eonM eonaeat to aojourn io many montha among aneh oater bar barianx aa Ibe Amcrlcaai k <iuitc anexpklnabk w-ith anythlng like honor t<> hlmaetf; bat parbapa, in re ralllng the kcturea dellvered by bha la many phwea In thia de-i.i .-.I lan.i. he eomlork blataeU wBb the refleetton lhal "Tk Um JlagBag of tbe gulnea belpa ih- hurl thai i.>r feek." IPor gatnea read Bn aoUar gold plece.) Mr. O'Bell beglni as aaoal hy maklng a atatemeni, whlch he managea to contradkl atreral Uaaea before he flakaea bla amari bll of writlag. He leUa aa ln bk tir-i leatonce thal tbe Ameriran aotela are all allke, bat wituiy tyi m hi- aecoad teateaee "aome are worae"; yet, before we bave taken k the kngth nnd i.readth of hia Urade, we flnd tbal be baa named aoaaa three or foai wbere, t.? uee his owa woraa, oae i1 "comfortably kdged and magWioaatty fed." The Bi t item in iu- ;.nt egainet .is Ii the taet of leparak eatraacea for Uie aexee. if Mr. O'ReU ivi.uid like i" bave bk moUier or akter <>r wife enf* th,. publlc d.? of one of onr enortaooa earavanaerlea, puah ber way Uirougb crowda of men and regiater her iiame in ihe offlce i.k, lii- taatea arc ditret-.Mii from of mo-t Americaa buabanda, aoaa u.'<. bmthers. II k aad to \A the aa iraaee from Mr. ii-Boll - own pen Uial he i.kea "nol a word-not a -.lute .,..; a tmlte ol wekome." VTOal ean be the ? ,,-i:,;i ...;,?. || u a ract tbal Byoa wUI baaa tobe hungry from 7 toO a. ..... from i U>3 P- ?? ** from -'? tn - p. m." i doabt nol tbal any one knowlng our dUUnguklwd critb bj alghl might bave aeen blm I dav, during hk reccnl Aay among in. In Uie i.r hia ii .tl after H p- m.. maklng ? rery hearty meal. Doea Mr. iVRell wanl to ba eatli % all ? .,. ? if -,, he muat bave acqulred tbe hablt ln antrr, for any one who haa travelkd or llved in I,,- own knowa how flxed as tbe kwe ol the Medea are tlie Frenchman'i bo n fcr m< ik, and how Im ,1, the houae. thal Amertcana mo I fre ... . | ? ||| after any partkiikr ?-. genernlly l.<"- t'"' ?brewd Johnny .;?,,,,?,i .mi i i" In Hi" most evi.-t mannar ? ,,!? Madame wlll dlne , . ,. . ,-.-, ,.?i we ??.ii know qulte as well aa Mr. I ,,?,,,! mi ,).. |( i" would, thal after Ihe ..| food liaa been handed round the i.i,i* Uiere rcmalns nol **< muih as arouM aouriah a fly. .\s t.. Mr. ' I'Bell thal o;.r botck rontaln ,,,, ?mol :? . m ?- -. i I. ive lhal to the aos who fre ? :, (i | |a,.-. |o determltie, bul l am Informed b) II ,? ;,,, ;,. ,?? |o be found auoh moklng najni , ai d I ia! evei.nlortabk run bo oa;;..! . tmoklng room ai-?>. and . -:,,ii. ,\s to th.?ellukr ayatem during the rannot ea II) i omprehend tbe i >'. , imipk.nt. Whal doea he expeet In ? bed \ iiiiiu... r of bni ka afAxed t.. th" walk ol the ,-. tb ? m le| ol ;< i luii ii'' -. ?mer, ao thal he , Ihe r<i ni -.-. tb othci travelk r* and mabe a ,1 ,,r ,1 ? |n Vmcrl. a on ? uaually prefeia ? ?.. j.'m elf. I renii mt* ? | ? '-' '? ?" .,;;''|u "' " ,0 i gai .." ... wiu. h l iverred that * the Amerl ? .-, , .... ., \. :?, um leai iv peopk'' ithe woi i ure rla . i ul .-.- l ? mi i". all lk-m al thk ?na.' i?., .,,, e In I ? ? ol V' erican Indn-trlcs a ?? , u .| aboul publ.o batha." It waa i I : ,-f.,,, ind.gnanl Yankee had ?.ei tho lournal rlghl wlth reaard t. thk .Utemant. openlag its evea , , |ha fa< ? Ui il ?? Um i I every f. nt of everr Amerl ,,.,,? .... i luxui "u- i ath. ao th il i Is ? d ii anneceaaury (?. palr >nke ii -I thal nnt aaeb ,,,,,.,. . ?. ; ? ii a fru inofanre* where a par i ,,,,.,. ;... ,? ,,f |, ,th, III 'i . a 111- an or medli ii il .... . . . , : . | p , ulatlon f i- Ik , ,,.. Parla. at my n?ua1 n,e ? ith wa- altutled : ?:.,., rlo ?? ... ih". Kh . ? ! llie pkee waa n rwded. ai d ,?. i for ...i lw i ;,.i tbe .", ??'. " M ? ni...' ?n tl.Ply- ? *? tbe 11 ? ? ? - land th. ln mlxed d .',.. dally tub that Um , , ? , ;.. ? i i,. . a vear. M. , r of ln- wit tn ? ?p ,, t'.e holel " "' ''?'? ~""" ,"'*''- "' i i... iniei- tnu- to it. a if h- haa ? iel nl .me of im nwn h, ,| ,| ,.,i thal i-.n- i- 1 . ? ith of Hi- aa. when - ipeeledb al aome kl ns ar. ?< t ?* <"> ,.i the nlght. And whal k-li t obllged i i s, .? on ... ,1 ., , ,wu ul 10..K10 inhabltonl I . art, up an oukde pa r p, niy i Him, on I e fl ? r ab re ll - nffke. l ,.', , :? nf i irpet, i \"|" toi a d l ve ,, ,. | .,i i. ??. ? i t'," luevll .I." tobk and *oU . | ,,., , ,| i ,? ri-M?r h.II i narrowh eaeaped fa'l n? loa hol i ?oor "inlte large en aah k alkw Um , , , ,., , , iwa a liung i rat, whlcb lue; ,, u.i, |, ,i, , , : ?lly by M- wanderiiig?. k*ppliis np n Um i-iid whl, u hounded the h ?: ? ... furtlKT idC, ItS eMrni" elid TOU ln tlW riial katrd and hok we.e l? lifu and llmb oiu horrlbl ? . .i ,..?.;, iu l i .? window. and do r a i.,1,,,,-...,--..? nl ontri Bulory.ovor ? . , :. ? here tbe efriinl carrlage waab I ,i |, rleaiLlng w?n un ad ... ii I--' f<" hett-r ,-...m-. bul there waa ," ,?.,,;,, ,,f,i?.|?si. ,!,-!, --s.,:d thebeiter.on '"?,,?. .!. ... i rccall llml lerrthle iilahl and i.,,1i ih'i Mr. li'Rel.k oend k . ...nineud oi. ,,..,i i un'e. ->f um ,.vcnicncea so nocrajan ,v,,v well nmiUI -I !i.iie!,..|.l or h?kl ... Amerlra ,,,,,' .,,,,. ..,,: . \ batli ? >s au unknown quanUty. |.,,' ||,|v we mlKhl bave lound on..hdde In tha i?w? if n wci ? n H ume vcrv Imnorl inl dai, la ,,.,, ?',? i;,v for Instunce. bul we did nol Inve-Uaale. W,. tl. .1 to tii- i.iikIIv ronvevi.ol tbe traln and the i. ,,i a k'.ter and brtuhtor nioni" m Parla. i? I ,,, i?. i?,,,",! thai -rn'. botek are rare ln an. roimtn Mi iI'Bell. itumb.liig ar.noh lildeous l? vmeri, a, wouM u e It a* a tl pe, as f wlgner* '" m!""<".V.i'i ' ''.'i. murh Imprwsod wlth the head tt.?il .r ||,? ?.lei . wlU he blniscll nui) not wa det nud tliiili. i- in publlc dinlna.m* al h i own .?,.,, wlu ||.. , ..,. nol to n-alize thal liui.Ile ,,,..(,., Un i nwi.Iv i - thal i-f h n'ranecr. r'reni Ii man and wll il.gli bo I* llnl lhal we as :i ,,.., ?:,.,,? in tho a i.i in al nf ?? rtaln aeak m oui .i,,,,i.-i.? i have yel U> n.acover. What dow V|r .,-i;,ii ;,v Iu III it I. ? -- roa of " torned down rhalM whii'h "iei- of tl,.- earli ..uu. i at an\ d'. ln Europel Anv ?.. who ha. Inivelkd on U.e Contlnenl wlU rall i,, iMimi how n-i-ih tbe aeal onoe a fnod I- a< i,,.,..,! I,,, imksK Indood mme gnrs ?1 the head ,1 ii,,. ,.,'..,? ,|.|,,ii . d un i. wttb whal Mifcmn nid niarllalllke proprletj '?1'- ,?'''"'";"',"",'", .".''m,' ,,.,, mitll we .re Ihe oke-l Inhabltant. Mr. , ,| n nui - n. . niiipllm. rn. iiiiliitontlonal thoiigh n Dia be. II- -.;.. .- :.- .' facl thal a? Ataerirana rnoie |, nol r ln a d.ig room Umn tlftj Jrei rh ??,,, ii,.,;, ?;,.. do/en ..erinai:-. or tban two II..1 lll . Tiieman. -".ei-.,i peisniH for thk. one may be found , [he fa i that (.iah well bred Amerleana talk, ,., , . ,...,, proprieln and Ihe eara ol thelr nebrhbora, a,,,l al ? tbal tbVlr meal are amptoi. *atkhlng. v?w i- lo tl.mplalnl -f tbe al.lance ol f,?,'.i in uur li..t"i-. nnd ihe dkgnst at th* alghl of II whlrh Mr. iVItell .M-.e-m.-. . '?". onlr raagnita lat" him lhal dur.i - lil '?'?? among ai he ha- become .,,,-1.,,,,-d io a plcntlful lai.l.-. .; be nol mnom ,',? ||V when ui aome I'i-mi.Ii I...V.'. or pan<don. ,. ' ',' ,i,?m' aiVrlal. ul tha. end of the ........ wVro ibe walter did nol beglni Doea not beiaaaem i.i !...?? I,.- irineil Ii,- 11?-? K lo -ee i.i- Ihe aaVOr) .df. dTsa^red on" i-v ...- , 11 Ihe u??th>ome moraek u-iiiiVJ iii ni ui Ibe wu.ier. warm and peraplrtng wlth j! . sbould Kimeexe bm. "lf m ^etween Mr. [?un ,i,i i. s leiirbkir! Doea he nol ramember hk ,." .- I,.- s,w al" tiaxl nolghborbut one helphlin ."i ,? i? ol Ihe three remalnlng I.?ceaua and bk ,i ? i. i.r ,.M nekhlMir placcd upon hk owi.ue fhe remalnlng b.t. kavlna (he hungry and kdlwanl ; . " ,,n- i- hlmaelf wlth aome v.-rv good grayj. " , i. ,i -,.,i nerhiina Hk' a.ldillon of srmio \i:r;,':.,.... &? ">?????"*. >? * n.,. t...,. ',,,,. ii, ,i Br n-ueii l, adiast nl onr lavlah ""'"' .,; i, ??? , Ihe pol aa feaa, the t.nv "t^roe ,., r w .' ibe flre !- llBbted Jnat ln Uma rT?i ibe? me:.i whl.l. enrtchee the aoap. aad makea ?Vier ic e.e d.. re*Wance ol maai a Prwch dtoner. 1 -,'n I- is-, ,n- the ttny paddlng whkh would '" , ? V, r i.,? i,r three neraon* wlth iis. lmt m Kr.m.e r''mld...t.i'V-"'?.'? agaln) for a taide of taralre v? wooder thal Ihe Ideas nf tbe Fre.,, I, and oara on ib,' sniilert of waatefulneaa do nol ?cree. I adi.d that we mlghl toaa down. aa ... apeeb, bat mkhi th7ae'klelt;con.'meridauon B tba moit Mtouadliig ane ASK YOUR GROCER FOR The Celebrated CHOCOLAT PflEfwlER Annual Sales Exceed 30 MILLION LbS Mr. (.Ttell telD ns lhat at the Vin-'inia boteU and tta railway atattona ol that otate one mark ?f retlneinont l> ahown. And bben he makea Uie remarkable -iai ?? ment thal a howi ,,f rater i- oBered tor a parpo^ iiiiite cootrary to that lor whleh II la e*er ..--<i n Amerlea. Ho alludea tn a hablt whleh la rommon m 1,,,? i. i-. imt whirh would in thla roantry drivc deUrate and t-etiiiod wobmo from the labke, and woald cause the diiiner of the ?? iqueemlah" to resl nneaally la I posslble that Mr. O'Bell haa ne*er seen a Hnger howi: MABY BBADFOBD CBOWXIKtslllELD. Bew-Yerk, Jan, 18, leai. A TBBBB-MA8TBD 8CMOOBBM ON FIRE. TASSF.D BY TIIK BEMfKOLE AT SF.V-XO BIOB OF B0AT8 OB CBEW. (harleston. s. C, Jaa. M. laptain Platt, of the rtoaaiirr fkaalnnhi. whleh arrivcd hre to-day from Bew-York, and Biaeeedei for JaehaoovlBo, rgporta iha,' on Jaaaary ii:;, al i?:.'t<? a m., Oape Lookoal bear inc weel aaathweat, dbdaal ahoal thbrty bubbb, ba paaaei what appeared ta he b lareeHBaated letoeaer oa tlie. Thc arhooaer*a bbbm aad beea baraed edf, hu" her home port wai made onl te be boBaani PoiBt, \. j. From the nnmtar of barrela seati red aroaod far two or three mllea bi the southward. ahe pi * ably had a oargjo "f tnrpeatlae. Neitkcr boata aoi uew toiild be ieeo. CHAR'ilSG FBAUDCLBXT BXTBIBM. Waaaaa, Wle., Jan. -ji. a petUtoa waa algaaf by ?joo nien from aii parta ol the Borthweat "h> were in .Waaaaa on December 20, whea a large traet af pubUc land was throwfl open for aettiement, baa I.n drawa np to be preaeated to Coagreaa, in whleh It ta alleged that the boraentead rbUma ol thal date wate fraudulently aude In the Intereal ol Waaaaa aad Mer rUI lumber riaga; thal the men In Une who '??'?\>- m qualiited with Um Wauaau poUce force iome Umea remalned away for boura, and were retaetated by U? pollre, whIM the boneat bomeateadera arere erowded .mt. aad refnaed relnatatement; thal on Deecmbei --. whe? the wator reaerve landa tame Into th- marbet ;h.irl hotwe grotind* wer.ruplcd bj a pretended hmK ,,f aoldiera, who refuaed adniMlon to the rround* exrept a' me rear ol Um Une formed b> thc lumb-T rinip., eb etc. The petltlon i- uccompaaleo by elgbt afflaavita. ?-? iiu: TOBOBB WCOD gBT FBBB. Ctneleaatl, Jan. 84. B. <?. Wood, cturged with forgery In Ihe cekbretcd baliol box acaadal, whl h waa made the baala ,,f a Congreaa InvcaUgatioo, and which dgarvd promlnently In the cumpalgn reaotttnn In ihe dcfeal "f Governor Foraker for re-etocUon, waa di? mi"iil by iho Probate < ourt, al the ingaeatton of the tuUng atorney. Judge Ermaton, In graating the dlamlaaal, aald he reallaed thal II waa practically Impossible tn obtaln the lestli.ij necessary io rou vlet, ai?t ai-.. that there i~ a deajre '-f lal rcated p irtiea to ta Wood g >. PA8SISQ A BUBXISQ ghTJP. The alearaahlp I Ity M Blrmtaghaan, whteh arrlved i, reaterday from Bavannah, reporta havtng abrkted i \e.??oi m, Bre in latltude M to, longllnda 73:to. bae waa evMeaUj a dereUcl which hj.i i.n aet oa Bre by aoma paaalng \?L Tho cityr of Bbraalagtai lav to to* ,, whlle, but aeetag no ilgn sf llfe ebovt Um beratag vtM | proeeeded on h r ?av to this i?,rt. - -# 7IIL 8L0T HACHIXM tX 80CIBTT. Fggm The PhUadelphlu Inqnlrer. rhe i-i. u.-l m-ino -i"i maehlne haa a great lulure i-ef.o ? ii iljjr followlng annoanremenl trom "Tha lioston TiavTTT. !?' ran be relled upon : ? ? \, .,,, . |.v,,i.i prlvati gernian glvcn In a lown n ?,.- Uoaton ih" other nlght, thc men wenl np lo a skrt nia.hlne. pnl In a nlekel. auppHed by ita hostoaa. and ro.eiv.-d torthwlth a dalnts r.dl <>t Lhacolato with the uiimc -?!' hia partiier on iho urapp.-r ' Tnere ,, no reaaon to doabl the peVfecl reltablUty of thla aonicwluil ungrammaUcal tiatemenl wllh Ihe ulnale exeeptlon "f lhal purtkm of H relatlng to the sunnlr ol nlikela. If la linpoaalbto lo iindeMnnd at thi* dlatau.e why aueh an opportaalty for .,, honeat pennj should ho allowed lo paaa by unlrn pmved In lhat land ol Yanhoe notlona and monej '.,.,.,,.. iTohahli it wasii't. I' t- nol t,vvo?d ihe uiuuda of ['..-r.ilitv tlial " rta frav-ll -f.- Meaa of nollfii *a warpeil its Ideaa of exa<-i tnith. rherc ',.,.. ii it lie taken for granteU thal earb peat sup :j. nwn it rkel and put lt In the -h.- as bla ,. ir,. ,,( u?. ronfrllnillon loward d*frivlng tl.\ ,,".' .,., ,,f ibe eniertalnment, the entire atory ran ? ,' ? eved Thla liwovatlon la more Importanl than |a npparent ? t e f.f Ihe relnrna. Ma?aarhBt>tta haa lartrd !?:,?, i ? ,im. hnt thla one haa ,,v.r. eiemcil ol ? neral ndapttbllty abmit lt. H, , ,-, , fa ilal. the -;,.Iiine la fn wel In l...'.n ..H-lrty. ther. it .hould not be ndon! .1 elsewlien - '";-"; , , , . of , ', , ,_?. aud Sew York. for Inatai i ?? in one rn, ,,r :(, . - ,. _ ,-t ran be drawn upon for tarioiis Kiuall ums, the nmminN to I* reallaed lu depend up'ii tlie n ... Myii ror exnmple. when .-Btew Ihe door inl* In Ita .t?( ii, n h- made I ? prod. an order f ?-. .*n f ,'niant to r,.?du.. hlm to the rliMic PNea.jrtare. f-* inother nlekel, he rnn recelve a rh. N hta hfit. ,,v pnahlBg thc maehlne for all ttal lt I* wnrt the anatonlana ran 1- relled upon to aet Ihe |. ,-an 1-" aupplled with ? rhange of narti ;? I ? ? ?? ' d?,,re VtV.ther inarhine w.mld aupplj hlm wltl - . ? , f ndnihS! ?n t" tho aupper rooni and bj <i nmltina . -.nd nlekel ht- purtner mtithl ?rf?,?P;"" ?? \ny dellcaclea nol on the regnlnr bill ol fare ,,.T |?, iupptled Vv . jBdlelnaa II. fn.,,, adl. toadoltar. \t the rlraae of the entertsln rnent another nlekel wonM grtnl hlm permlaalon to "*'iT ,'ln I.'.'""'-,, lhal Ihe nna*lbtlltlee are Mmply unr-winded bnl It l? raol Ibe InleBU;. ?^??? ???.,. |nl? alaboraifl detalla for .-..llo.t'v .-..-tirlb.m ,?.n,. All th.- ??.,: better he mn-t ?- to the .?.,,,?.. of ii..-i..n. We deslrc almply '?? call alten , ... ra the varloua rhannels of u*efulne?a and pr.'flt op?n loaW marhlnea. I. Is lo ta hoped thal boaton v!\\\ irtve ttam a thorrmah trial nol only In the aelect and ??olecanf' entertalnmenta ol the nature deacrtbed, '""we' ''eo"rno"'l'va<on whv thev ataaM WH beoome exreadliigly ponubw In tlie iio.i ... boardlng-honaea ,,?,,, ,,, ,,? |VfJef of the presldlng Bodde^ of t,-" Mfahllehiamla. If Monday. hj way of Mhi-trithei. were rodflah dav, the boarder. a- h.tcred the dinlngroom, wonld Bnd hlnueU eonfroBted by Ihla "Pttl B ni'-kol In tta sl .1. pnll ont tho diauer and disii onl rour own rodtlali." A .npof roff.t ta auppUed b; dropptoa a nh-'kei in another alol and Innilng a fan.-ot% whih -UU nno|her maehlne wouM mn the cauntlel ,.f deaaerta rhaneed rtailv from haaty puddln" throiuli ,.,o Dlea of tta inlii.'. and ruatard varWy to Ita faifa.neil New-F.ngtend punkln. Jual ihinh of tho heans of abnae. Ihe alale lokes aJaail tta 'trenfUi ,.f the butter and hlndr'd rnltlng r<?marka lhal Ihe land ladr wmild eaeap*. Instead nf llatemlng mlldlv to Um walla nf derlalon when beana rome nn m ptare "f the cxperted turkev ahe wmiM enaronee heraelf rom. in the haei< parlor wllh tta laie-t novel nr iioer Ihroogh i rrack In Ihe klt< hen wall and enjoy the f?n who,, the boardera. rnahlng to tta dlnb:*wna al ,lie anmmooa nl tta deep monlhed bell, ahoaM tlnd tlio -um ' larlng ti.oni In ita fece: ? ITil^ \? l,enn day. Put a nlekel in the -lot and holti voiir-elf " The beana gilghl ta acorched and hnrned heyond re nalr. but the hoardera rouM venl their aplte only nn Ihemaelvea. There mlehl be tno mueb* In Ihem bnl ahe wonldn'fn he there lo anoloslae ?-. the ,-ook' TtaV mlghi ta awlmmlne In p<>rU fat. bni whal ,?.?,i.,le dlfferem.uld thal maike to her; IIh hoardera w,.?!d almpU wall on themaelj;?-. take what ttiov wanted -md leave tta re?t, and their -h..ft- of aareaam roaM nol penetrale tavond Ita w-alU. i uonid ta neeeaaar*. of rourv. ai th.d of Ita week t., dodnot the rollecllona made from tta taerd bil -. |.nt even in this armnfemenl the landlodv would he .?,.,. t? oome ,,.,! iho.d. for hj no p .?.sibllltt rottld a-l evIldKnoaed penow Jumn hD board bill entire. IM mual leave aomething bealml or go beaoleaa and rod "'fJn'the whole we are imllned r-> thlnk thal Boaton haa atrnck a !>*id lhal l- well worth develordng. It D lo I-- hoii.'d. for the -ike r?f aoBM other <itie-, that she won'l Inalai on patenl rlghU. JMBVBtBIAL BFFBCTg <? TBB BBW TARlth'. A umieapoadonl <>f the Aaaaieaa Prelaetrre Leagae at Baaw I'atnp. S. <'?. wrlbsa: Nntwlthatanding the overwtalmlng majoritiea the aeveral Btatea ga?e In favor oi Dernotracy, moai of ua Lhat know the prlme eauaea of th"-e ma]nrltk*a are nol in tta l.a-t dUcoaraged. Had the Mi Klnte* blli jr,,i ',!,,...' or even two montha to alww ti- worklng>, Ihe ,o-iiIt wonld IIO doubl have been t" the ''i;l>";-ite. llowever, two yeara will briag lo Bghl whal is aoa 1"lL!'VrVI)i,itton faetory, every fonnd v. and overy atheemaaalactarlag ladaatry In thla and adjolnlng S-T^oy^^ea^ erUra. ,n n,v kBOWlng wai.K OT WOUM ..Ij'.w M nailT (If he COBld help II). t" lndor?C f f C tttwle. 'tn'u iliink that both partiea are awake fully to tho i iu of aurh meaanrea m tln- tinuiedtate aectloti, thonih ther.- are aeettoaa where no manufacturlns u carrled on where tta peopte ia uttort) bemwanl ,.f the henedta of a Proleetlve TarlB bill t,< all: no dmiht they can be made to bethrve ba tta prlaclplea of Pree Traie."_^_ \ Mild Bweeev-?? Deeal tratn.'' he oaeWaaal as hc stepped OB it and fell over tl in two or three plaees. ?? Bal it tsn't.'' she aaid BBCOBBetoBI of his pro fanlty, and prmidly, for lt was her flrst luiig gown. ^Vaeklngtoa 6W. THB UdBlKR CORPB COllMASD. COLOBEL COMMAMDABT CSARLRR 0. .mvwvlET wiu. BOOB BE BBTIBBO PROM tCHPl kERVICE-WHO V/1LL BVCCBEO BIM1 . ;V;"hJ1'-?.lan. ?J4.---\vho wlll iiiaof OaBBBBa Charki iiryaea BcCawtey t? ba Cntoad Oaaaaaaafabat of "", "". Corpot" k , ,,?e-t:o:. ef kkreal to that iiraii,-. of the Navy ,,..t aemaaaij aa Uaa eea> trove,-v thal baa Ukal eotaaata af ajaea ta many ot the dally newapapera aa weB as <n aii of th? earvtea papeis tor acveral waeka paad rrtaUie to u.e aaaaaa> me:it of ui,- torpa. Cbiaael MeCaartay wlal \^ rctt.ed from aeUve aervke, oa aevaaal of aaaiag raaraai the retirlng age, oa Jauaary -J7. it B a raaaaraahai fact thal uie Mariae Corpa haa aafy atgM raaaaatadV ants ainea tk oiganbnBloa. Tlie aktriaa Oarpa datoa its arlgta from Eoveaaaar, itt:., whaa tha nailldbntal Coagreaa voted to rafae "?tha ist and -.*d BadxaBeaa al Aaaericaai Marinea,'' it waa eepecaafiy paorldad at time that .10 peteoaa ahoaM l>e reeeived as ortucre or men ?? exi ept -u< h as are sranien, or 80 Beqaabttad wlth maritim affaara aa to be ahie to aaraa t.? ndvaataaa by aea whaa reqeired." it* tirat roatmandaal ?n. Major Hawiiol Kkkofa, waa Mraaf uiitii July 12, 17II-. when Be waa lanaaded by NaJeB Wiliiam \v. iiiirroMs, uio. realgned <>n Marea. h. i?04. The 1 Lleatei a it-Col mel PraakBa maartna bceaaae oom atandanl aad eaattaaed aaUl aa lhal aa x-ptemher 1. 1-1-. Lkutenanl Cotoael Anthoey cale was ti 0 next rnataaaadaal, bai he wa- raahlerad and dismissed from tlie aervke oa Oetober 1-. iddD, aad \.*s Bajecaayagf hy ..leiitei,.,,,. 1 ,,i,?,?| ArchlaaM Heaabaaaa, whe aaaf on January <;. i-.v.i. when .'.donei Joba i.arrN kaiaaai commandant and Uved oaly iive years. cenaaet, after vard] Ji.ijuii-r..eiierai, Jacob /eiiin was Ukm ap> polnted commandant and waa -,i.ided, upon rea.-hing th" retirtag age, Xoveaaber 1, 10TB, i.y Caaaaal MeCaartey. The record of Colonel McCawky is aa ewmpi* ol the 1 iri wbkh baa beea takea by tbe Marine 1 ..rpe on i.oth and s.-a iu the var.iiiis ware of the eonatry, He eetered tbe aervlce in 1-17. hnti la Uaaa to taha parl in the Mexkan aTar, and f..r hk gaUaatrf in aeveral of .he moat important engagoawati be wgg breveted tn .1 blgher grade. llis reeord la the leantaa engagemenk durtng the ct*rU War i> one <>f wlnch aay aoktkr may f.-e! pi.d. Oataael McCawky haa for a Iong Uaaa heen .itrilrted with bcari diseaae. and at totarvafa been in caujarltated f.,i- duty, darlag whirh Cotoael Cleaaaal I). Hebb, the aexl olttcer ln rank, iias eetad ;i> eaaa mandant it 1- tberefore nataral thal he is a hadhaj randldate, L'uder the kw tb" lTo^ident may agpehat aay odHcer of tbe Une "i- statf u> tho raeaaey arBhaal regard to his aoaiurity, hut up .0 ihe pres.-nt there an.iy two asgaBaata f>- tha ptaen; tba othor I, -Id.s Coto i"l Hehb bein? l.eute.rii.t < donel .'iiarlea Heyw ni. n.e hvtter i* next i.i raati ta < oaaaed n.i.b tnd be .1.1- ti." aag] >rt ../ Ue kanarr anaabar >'f the otber ofacera ol tb.rpe. Tbare waa 1 d tbai apoa th- part o| 'i.e aiuhorit. ?-. when Cotoael McCawley waa thoagbt to ba artUeall} IU, in hepteaabar, to recogake i.y promottoa ihe galknl aurtcee of Lkatonant-Colonel Heywooden '.he lathmueonddarkag tho Baltbnore riote. Whaa 11 waa lirst Ini I that Heywood wouM \<c a raaaUdate < rdonel Haba satd that he WOOM BO* stand in tb" B iy II '??? wai onlv permltted to reniam at the Beatotf aaval htatlon; I ;it aiace tbea h>> ha- been traaafe M ? -- at n'aahiagton and haa anaoanead Mm eB a 1 (oionei Hebb'* applicattoa, Baerefore, i- ? ba the f;i-.ids ,,! itenant Colo-"'. 1! | ? d, wlm arc.M that as rotonet Hebb will retiiv in .1 llt k Bwre tbaa a yoar, he baa notiiiiip to .ram eltbcr m rank, pey or ?aaatan, by aaeoaatag rommaaataat Uu. If 1." ."naiitr Colonel Heywood sii,,Nid be promotert lio would btnuna t',e lenloT to Cqlonel Hebb. whleli ?he ktter re.oa alaea. , IJeuteiiant-Coloiicl Heywood B also atationed at headquartera at Wasiun^ton. He e itered tbe aerriee from Breolrtya ta 1001, or two vear* kter tluwi Colonel Hebb. He l.*s rer-lved screra! hreve?? for dWUngukhed aervlcea in halth' His ilrsi aeflvo ?ervlcti wa- in Neptember, l->, when he toob part iu ijiieiiin,' the quarantlne rlota oa *uv<-ri l-iand at tb.. Ume tint the peopk burnert the Uovernmenl tmild Incs iu thelr mad fear otVontagioa from ti.e bnrial of the vvilow fever vkUam on the island. Me was e|aa on ti.e frijite curaberland wbea -he waa suuk i.y the Confedernte ram Meirrimac at Hamptoa Koads. tnd iire.1 the kai gun from that reaaeJ upon the ram. 11.. waa ln i*on ma id of tbe marine gaard of the Hartr f,.i-d. Farragut'a dagahip, :.. Mootk llay. MR. EAXMFIELB UAT BB Bfl fHVY MiBivaTB.' it waa reported yeaterday tbal the raaaeeltoa he: tweea Bkbard Manafktd and his present manaarr. \. P. Ilarta, \..,s 1.. be dlaaotved at ihe end of thia -".ison. Mr. BaaadeM taM l.i-t alghl that the atfalr waa Mt fnll) declded a- yet, bad it waa ilkeiv that he would he ln- own auaaaer bexl season. He hopes ?lie-i I.i h.i'.e ,, t!:eali-. .if his ,,w n ;n New Votk. Tlienj bave beea varioua pkna and propoatilona for balMing , hoaae eapecklly for him. and if aeaa of tbe?? i? i.iriie.i ..nt withln the aexl fcw atoatba m nwy K>iin rontrol >.f - .me theatre lhal .* atraady ... wirkinn order. i" eltber raae. be betfcvea that II mav praaa more t>. bla advantage to be his owa aaaaagar. ln anj raae, he deetarea lhal he will ?ahe no more ex tended temra, and a-ide from tbe Ume lhal he spenda In Xew-York he wlll acl only in Chkaga, Philndeiphia and Boatoa. This arraageaaeal alao awhea 1 tnan.t?or otber tbaa hlataell se,.m ti.e |es, aeeeaaary. Mr. MaaadeM'a roalrael wltb Mr. Ilarta *s< for Uiree veat-s. aud tliit wnuM iii"an two amaoaa after Ihll bul llie ai-t.'i-de. I.ire- lhal iill> an.r.* inent 'hnt slwll linall. I..; made wlll Iv tlie appfivil of Mr. ii.iit/.. and that .f thcv |iari tt wiu be by anttaal .Trrce mem aud on cbe beal ol krna. nit. BUILBBBT CALLBD TO tOVTBPOBT. The wardena aad reatry af Trlaity Cfcarrh, aVaraat port, cuiii., ii.ive v.ite,. aaaalaaoaaly to extead .1 >aii to Um Rev. Dr. Bdmaad iHtUaart, awatarly rector of the Chareh ol the lloly >|,int. la UaB sity, re<-eiuly liergcd wlth .MI ^..^.|s? Clmr.h. .t.v BXJEBTAIXMEXI VOR UIBM WUBMB Mra. W. II Uk-r. of n.i. 1.-J BTaaa se\.^ty-fourt.h-ab, wlll gtva a 13..1-. al aateitabaaaaat k maiiaa avaaaai '? hoaae <.f Mbu. aaaalla Waraab, tt,e ?.nanewn eaaabaBa Hin^.-r. ahaae \..,.. haa rbarmed *? majiv haaraea Mba Bka Bortlaa. uprano; I>taaaat liednev. planUt: MBa It.-ti,., W.I.1.. \ .lat and <>s. ar>. harlton*. ?lll ??., part m the e,,i. it.ii, n.ei.t in addiuw ts> Mi?? VV-iraa, Tbe eoacert w.n begk at g ,,' leek. UIE WRA1RBB REPORT. FOBECASX T1LI. 8 P. M BVBBAT. VV..shui-.-toii. Jaa. 54. X !>? ni. -Kor 1-Ast.rii \??-T?rg IBd li-tTii I'.nii-vlMinu. raln or M,nw ; ^ll^htIv ...Id'r, ,A,,,,t in aoitheia Baw.raaa, ataBaaaiy kaaaaaaaaaai east. r'.v wuids. 1 ?,. N,.?..i.-r-ev. eaaterly galeai aikhtiy taidaa la Borthoiu, -...ti.m tempereturo m aaatheaa gataiaa. i?r \\, xew-York aui Weatera peaaaytvaata, ,i,.i,i rak "i -..- ->-tlv H -""lh,rl>' ***'' "llsM iirniL'.s ln toniporaturo. i?, Makc Kew.Baaaaahiia. Viraaaal. Mi?ieh.i?etUfc Rhode laknd and, kbimaaakg aaaakaa and .. ?.,,>- -iiittinu t?i <a?terly. tocioaamg la B&:?V.dTr: aa^ta^SKfe-:;T" ^*^ :^F^^i^^^*^*^ ?^it'todU^V^SlrTwa,. cavept ?" oatreaw muUioi. nor'iou. atatiouar) u-mperature. t"r raffi V.!.rhv"i""-a",M. .^"Vlearin^ duriug BM A*Tl JESm^^rntSTi.atanaeX .iightu aaaaaa b, DOI fBIBVVB LOCAL OBSERVATlOWa 1, in Easral 1 aaaAMaaaaa ua* ifatwa u?? barouieter ,?,'" 1rt"strd?y. aa abaarved at Um Lait^d Stetaa S?l?s?rll.-rauiU6n ai 0'ia elty. The danhoa lndlcate BafaaaBanaaae aaaaf M fmrH l-harmacy. 8ua Buiidiag. Trihuti^ Offke, lan. 90, 1 a. m.-Th" mnvem'nt In tae aaweeaetef I* 0aw?aar4 Falr and partly oloudy weather ?uatcrday ?>< feUawed toward ?BhngM hy Hfht rain. Tka|.erawre raiis-.-d aatwaaa 3* ?i?l ?1 d^ateea. the averaga itP,, being 11 lilKh.r uan on the corn'dpondlng day laat year and fs? hlgher than aa Frlday. ( o.dor and 1 l.vidy weather, wlth rak or anow, poaa.bly followed kaa ln the day hy cloaring weatber, may bo aa ??cied to aad aear tkia city to-day.