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3n5ct to :Xin)cniscineiU<s. _; iwea. oaa | ?*?>. ?^ ' Awaaevepu.M 4-' H'.tei*.' ? A?bonor?-?nt?..10 ;!!<?? rrcam. Ananmentatnl^t. tl *, ?a?rainaa ????????? JV 4j 2oct'a8atooiH?raawl9 ?'., ,c?.,.r.? *? v ownira.l l I ASSS.^.'!..,^n I'^r^ro^oa- S, PBT^bSE?'. i.'i?H? ,.: S^S:,; ^^rr:::::J J DtTteena >'?tieaa. sa 4 Baujtavie....Il w I'anrMir MtBBWH I ? i ?'? ' ...-11 i : u.,,,.0 .9 ??lR.-aiKaii?t?.H 1 maaaaiaaia'a " 2-3 BeBeaajahaaaea. < kuS^a.".1 vne.?aan.iKl??a. U 14 K AovM..::.. i .??-<?'-''V.ll'rL"11 ? - Ptaaami .???'? 2-? *J22i'"2"" .io ?nVaaciai hteeiiaea -?< 'J"?,,,;?. ?cr?,i, . a a.Teecarra.>' ? , Halr; -Aai.V.'.. J J *?'? Reaarta . ...1? ? . Iloraea.ii.." *nw*a. " ' WorB Wi.iiT.-t. ?' * ' -#" Biainrai Xcit cfj. 4,_ What the iiiiii. SiifGa. Ther^'a a blrd Uial alnga where ceaaeleaa aprlaga Of ToaUl ai A . a-. (lowlnc: Wot, rvei on i,.n h m bla tun iful thmat ,n, t., Ihrtcnlag all autaelng. ?agareet BOaOBOJTT nae, noi i -i r'fuse," , n. , ,,i -,i ,> ,,\. i ,o,'i ,,. i. ? ?lt alve* whil r-.iii. plnh punia t.ei,oaUi, Al, I l.:> alli ,...> -ii: I l . elcver." And ?:," ia v. i- ? thla goed advl. ?? M..- ? vet f..<i. t.ts.ii; S?. ? i ., m ?? 'twill i. ng, and > \ rythlng, Cviu.hut and bealth awah a. IT is A P< sinvr, i.ixn'.Y aa > aak UM leeth with KOaoDOXT. ao frayranl and re. r7,?h .. i- a and ao pleaaant D t,? laaf lt - ii the iimiit:, aftct thc operatiou. rh. u ho? Brai rj ? afeet aud how roaVplBCcnl feel. thc ^holder *bo*lewa i? i?. plaaa a roai of Ivorle* rendered ?poUcaa lh;jr thla l.onlc., and ih liklitf'.i tollel ,,:'?.? OnlJ a I < U'"l ,?,,;..;!!.? ia Lfeded foi aa abluUoB, aad yi II la waa dmii-lv , V, tiw . _ "V-IV.kRB-a BlTTEBM, Bince 1828 aebaowI rahred lo be by Ur tha bcal and Bneat stomath Ultura aaadv. whether ta**n pure oi with wlnea oi llqupra._ ~ No Bi FFET ahoald be witboul a i-ottle of Angoe tnra R, v r*. ihe aeuah Amorlean appet'aer._ Year Eyeal II \<>u want them to beceine beau anarkllaa nn.l airona, u* Oeullne. It aiilmatea uid .,,..i,,,,.. ,,. eve, aud almosi In.tantb n-niovea> all W.? , ,'?, ??! ,M .- ree dl eaaved erellda. At the miln offlce o n,.. .. uilm Mf?. i ".. I". . "' ZOth-at.. aamplea td th. and aamphleta Iree. Kmlnenl otulial la aMcad.e fraaa A .<> 5 p. "i. _ IOUNDED BY KORACE OREELET SUXDAY, JAXUAK1 25, 1811. TWENTY-FOUR PAGES UU. XBW8 Tliis UORXIXG. T.i.n.-Va!|i;irai-o workmefl ha*e joined tlie iiiKiiivrnia ni Chili; baaiaeaa is paralyaed. The araapap'r "Tlae" i;> DbWIb, Mspetide.l pablleattoa. - - Tbe BaaalaB eity Kharkov is ahaeal laolated bj anow. ia possible Hiat (.ernian.y Baa* repeal the prohibl um agalmd AaerteaB aark. Eflorta ?.f the Karl ol aberdeea to settle tlie Scotcfa railway atrike liwe lalari. Forty roen were UUed l,y an explosion in a fierr.nn minc. Caaarrraa.?Butfa braaeaea la M>?*ion. = Tae Senote- No oo-iltl be talRffi 00 tlie closuie reaolation. on r, counl ol Democratic obj. tioa t? ev.-iv .. isonnble propositfon; and a receag Was aaken intil Mond y. Tbe House: Tha Ra*aJ AppropriiBa .?> bill waa wnaitlered. = ?t-.,0 sil ??] r ol laveatij iling < otaniittee t??B BualC t btii . . c Uoniot.c -'I ? Ma?aicV.i? tta llistorica! Sa ,?.t.\ ita eentenntol in Itoston. iKs-i'n:;-,i Stoin Seiiator WaiUeigb, ol Near Hatapabiit, is .load, I"<."ora of tae TrauVra Snle and I'm-t Company ol l I icago bave liei-ii me-,; ,.i ronspiring againel tiu- rtock l,l,Irm rhe atrike ol the train iHHpntcliera :il: i ,. ;,., iftora un ibe i bleago and l^the Erle t;,.; ruail waa wttled BBiieably. Seedy faraa. ,?, ,,, Nebraaka will aak Coagreea loi aa apiMa ariattaa <.i Bi,gao,aaa. :?- lhat aaare baiiots Bwav tokeu lor l nin-'l Stater. Senator in the Ilh ii.ta!at:i.- witbaut akawiag b eaaaga>. - TaC IV\v:iti,f Coppgf Minc ut liougtitou, .Mir'n., P; waa aold f,; 81 Hi.iioo. |k\ City an,! Suliurhan.?A BUaB waa l.iirnol b? ryiitatb at a leiu'inent-hoiisc lire in Jerary City; an cn^itio, while i;oiiiK from tlns Bre to onotner, was atruek '?:.' a railway tgaia nn.l the drirex klUed); < i.i**t Engiaaer Fbrrier waa kilkd and aia tiriTn mi htut by an explosion al thc aeeoead tlie. Tha ciii.'ens of llaii'-ni, la BMaa-BBceb |ag, loriiicd n ]v*apid Transit League. A pUblifl ii.e.'lili;; 1" BBBtVTC tlie work of tlie State Foreatry A^aocialloa w,,s bcld al tbe Muaeuai "f Natara] lliatory. Maj-or Gjaal bbbm i a ooro ?lttee of (it'/otis to haTeattgate the Streel CleaB ing DepartaicBl and Ita gaetboda ;.,.ii aiake BBg Beatlona foi Improveraenta Tbe Society ol Juriapradenee bad ns eighth anaaal dlaarr. Thc new Itoiian Houe waa opened io laapeetloa. Willbani Kiegler, tn liis amrarrrti answei la Ibe Brooklyn wator aeaada] raec, cli. r^e> Siayor (liajiin and aaaociatea >vith colli.sioii in tbe fiaii.l. - = The llnni.s ( lub ol Xew-York oelebrated tbe poeta birtaday with a dtaner. iiio Wealher.?Forecagl for to-day: Colder and eload* weather, with raia or bbow, pasalbl* fol Urwed late ia the day by eleariag weather. Tem peratarc yealcrday: Illghest, 47 degrceg; luwost, JS ; average, li g-4. Public tatereal ;i* ^:in Prajiciaoo during tbe last wir-k appean lo have beeB abaorbed by Um death and funeial "f Klng Karakaua. The Hawaiian monarcfa naa reij popoku vith tlio Inbabitanta, naay <<t rrhom had <*;i.i?iv(-.l his Ibraaaltality al Honolnlu. lie made m> aecrat oi his prefereace for Amerioaoi in njubHc as well as in privace Ufe to people <?! any <>tlH-r nav lioaality. It i< nol anrprjaingj, Iherefore, that Foderaa, Btate and eity auihoritiea ahouJd have ?vittii.inod with Ibe leadinf eitizena to ihowj arery i? tribuae .?f reapeel lo tbe dead numaich. wboae )?ri!i<-i|ial faitlts in lifo were atfi-ii.iitahlf lo exceaaive good natore. In tliis reaped h<- diaTered atrongly from hia arieeeaaor, IgNieea Liliuokahtni, -who. aceording to a <Iis latih fr.'in oni 's'an Franrieco oorreapondenl which we ptiMish lo-day, ia a wvanaa <>f veiy vTi.iij will and (?f greal executive ahility. Tha: the Chilians whe Invo been dubbed tho Yaakeea of Soath Anericg because <?f their Insiiicss eaterpriag and atabilitj of character, shoul<l have a on their handa baa afaappotnted and erea aboeked their well-wiah ora in this c-mintry. Hnt tho trotlble BCetaa to havo tpnukg ii"t from tiio hkwleagneaa <>r unreal of tho people, bnl froai tT7?? napatriotic oourae of a fear politicrana, eapectelly Benor Balmaceda. Tlie Chilians havo advamed toci far in tho narh of driliaatioa to Btake it eitber poaaible or pivbahlo that thoy \\ill io\cit to thc Btate of abroak iajarteotion which haa rbaraoterized >o manv cruintiics of Latin Aiii"iica. After they havo taogbl aoaoe iH,!itidans a galutaty lovson order arlll (linibt.VNS lo reatored, aad tlie pea'pie ariU again rt'sitmc tho induatrial and eogjugjgtdal aajpauita in wbiofa thoy have >o signaliy diatinejuiabed theoyaelvea ia the past \eiy poggibly when Goveraor Hi!l aeea the latest Domocratic politioal etiaw fnun AJabaaia he aril] be better reeoociled than ever to his acvepunte d the I'nitetl States 8eBatorabip. The Demtniatio memlu-i-s r,f tho two bonaea <.f tho |aaiialatnm ot tbal *t^./> have Joal been aarjaaaaaiag their PraaJdentiaJ prefereace for iMfij. Tho losuit aboara that Mr. Clevelaad is iiist |a the haartaof tbe Deaoocracy ..f Ahabaaaa, whilo Mi. il.U's boeaa fOV tho IMosid'-nry is uul aa yot vi*il>lo to Tho nakod oyo oi thal otcan iaation. 01 the II momtiois of tho Alabaaaa Senato |l n.niiil Mr. Clovoliitid as their |fet gbeaea, while th? other :i a*ara ai.sont. f)f tho 100 uiombers ol the lower h'mM? 7g were heard from. and all but b were for Clcvoland. And yel ii waa 11 ? vi very lona ago thal Mr. Hill uBtde a tmir <?f Iho Snirth with ihe aim, evidcnt Iy, of getting hia fcnces in thal direotion in good order. Yea; ba m wiae in aeleeting the Senati rial bird ii. band. ? ? Engliehmen i'i deacribiBg Iho mighl aivl povvor oi their Parliamenl are fond of reoiark ing thal it c-i.i do overything < rcepting to eon rerl u woman into a man. No auch inoom potonc.v as this exiata on thc parl of iho Dutcb lligh Courl ol Juatica. Por, arcording to n letl ir from The Hague publiahed to-day and dcvoted ." a description of the rhiW monarch of the Xcthcrianda, thoaugusl trihunal in rjuca li'.ii lias dcclared tbal the oath of allogiance nnis, be takea to " King" and nol to "Qneen" Wilhelmina. Tho deeiaion will recall to mind the t'tn w!u n tbe Hungarian iaagnatcn hailed Empreaa Maria Thci-esa al tbe otitaet of tbe Sevi n Yeara' Wtfr m " Rox n ?tcr." A DASGEROU8 POWER AXD PRECEDEJfT. Mayor Uiant'a xoaJoua and anceeaaful efforta in liehalf of tho llarJom Bridge Morriaania and Fordham Rallway Company nnd Ita trolley aya t?? ni of electri. propulsion .!" him n<? credit. ln fa.-t. he Im ti".. i- appeared 11 greater di? rtdrantago, cxoepting. of conrae, in biaexamina tiiui before the Paa* M Committee. I* lias been ;i tatiafootion to tbe community to believc thal tbe Mayoi having, by accidenl perhapa, bul nererthel >aa etnphatically and even vebementlji rommittcd bimaerf againai orerboad wirea, would novor be found advocating, or totoroting exrepf nnder oompulaion, new obatrurtions, dia Bguromcnts and perila of thal cbaractor. !; mra reaaonabie t-? anppoae thal hef would nd here 11 the record wbicb be had made and in v.liirh be \n.!s undcratood to take .-i pardonablc pridc. 1' baa been, tbereforej, a diaagrpeable aurpriae to learn thal a brief aojourn in Roaton haa oonrinced him thal the trolley ajatom i> a n>*?l tbiog for the Annexed Diatriri. \nt only hi< conclnaion. bui alao hia manner of enfordng ii i< objectionable. There waa no neceaaity for immediate aotion. Dclav aronld nol bave been unjuel io any one, bul if would undoubtedly bave prodiiced a more overwhelm intr oppo&ition to tbe trolley project, and thal waa apparentlr j. i - * whal tbe Mayor wiahed t<. avoid. He learned in eonnection witb the plau foi- aaother municipaJ monatroaity in the Cily llall Park that pnblio npinion aometim a gaina rapidly in volume and weight, and he waa afraid i<> bakc the Hsl< of postponing this aiir fat ? railmad buaineas leal n popnlar upriaing ahotild oompel liiin to oppoae it. He could nol I peranade himself to fotego tbe rbeap luxury of a triutnph ovei- hia jn-t antipathy, Commia >i:iii. i- llciiit/. .\n<l mi be pleaded hia need of an immediate vaoation, wenl back on hi> own raoord, and forocd Ihe projocl through. Thr Mayor'a trip to Boaton "under a atrird inoognito" was evidcntfa a \\ast? ;,f time. II' might bave learned far more aboul thc trolley ayatetn as it operatce in tbal eity by atayins in his ..:;:,-,> .'nui rcading tbe Hu-t.,!! ncwapappra. He oould bave learned from them lhal Ibe etaotric iy>a<ls ..f Uoatoa, inatoad ..I' giving univeisal rattafaction are obteffj "f fear, (li.^tni-t and execration; thal thc ayatem haa i.fton broken down oompletelyj thal it lias i-ai-s.-l in.'wiy .seiiuiis aocidcnta; that i: is bc liovc'l t?? incroaao greatlj the danger nl' .iisas ?roiN ti'ics. and thal th<> network ..f wiw?s i> a nide/.iis diiiiigurement and a r :??.!! nuiaanct-. And whai aonai>n?e waa uttcred al PridayV meeting in th" Mayor'a office bj Mr. Experl WbeeJer abood tbe beautiful potea and orna uipnta! aocketa wbkh tbe rompany will pui up! The nerxl thinR we know aomebody wili be inging that thc oompany oughl tn be permitted t.i i aarfe extra f"i- the artiati edui ation whioh it i-* fojag ui unparl t.> trarellera. .\s for t!.. proofa thal p00perty>owneni were doceired into ooabaenting i" a ohange of iii<>'i\<' power by tbe protence that cahlea were t<? bc .is.><| inat^ad of boraea, tbe Mayor and hia colleaguea .,'is miaacd tbeae aaaurancea <>f miarepre^entation with eridcnl contempl for peraonabo fooliab as ui Imaginc thad thej affertcd tho, raae. Tho Mayor'a amendments pmviding tbal thc wirea ahall be ?ti nng upon the cl ivaU .1 railroad atmoture wiu : ihe ManhaMan Company haa benerolently oonaontcd t., tha; u*e .if ita prop I'l-'y. n:ul tliat ih?' wirea <TTa!l bc bnried if it ever becoanea praoticable to bury them, arc ringularly worthleaa. Tho only aecurity againai tbe introdnetion of the troBey iryatom liea in bhe power .>f Ibe Board of Raflroad Commiaaionera iu i-fiisf to BanctioB tho propoacd change of motive power. Tho utility of tbcae nlli.-iaU haa often been queationed, bul ihey are bow in a poaition to juatify their exial ?oo. They ean serve th? dty aignejry i.y defoating this < geroua and deatroctive acheme. They are bound ''? rcfleol that tho Annexed Diatrici is gaining losi.l.-nts fast. and tbal it will rertainly ba denaely populated in 1!>o nol diatanl fotnre. They munl oonaider that tho hope and exper. ? tioii ?.f iho eosnpany in Interral Bre tbal eity will 2'ViXV rapidly along it< line of trana portatioB, and tbal tho trolley gyKtem ?ill be <-<iinf> more and more burdenaoBie and monai ing in inoportion aa this oxpectatiofl is fulfilled. FXC LA xrrs WEAKNE88. Witbin tho nexi few daya Lord Saliabnry will bo tadled upon to aaaumc a rlefinite attitudc with regard t,> the recanl aeixnre hy tho li.'iiish Ma<h.*ia!.-in'l expedition of tbe lerritory of Manica, wbicb haa been recognixed i.y intor national agreemenl aa oonatituting pari of tho Portjugneae poaaeaaioBd in Afriea. Whilc the terraa of tho treatiea bearing upon the aubjed place beyond qncation tho rigbta ?f Portugal to tbadiatrici, whi< h \ under the control "t reai denl Portugueae offlciala ? 11> to the tine' of their expulaion by tho EngKah invading forco. an im menae amounl olpreaaurei^boingbroiightupon i)io London Govci nmenl to become a ponaenting party to tho ool "I Kpoliation committcd by thc expedition diapatched by tho Britiab Hoi (h Afriran Company. Tho tw.. largeal abarehold cis of tho latti i are tho Dnkoa of Abcrcom and I'ifo. th.- latl i a son-in-law of ^ Viotoria, wiu'. the leading apiril in tho oonoern i< Mr. Cecil Rhoadea, tho millionaire Prime Miniaterof tbe Cape ol (;.?..i Hupe colony. Mr. Rhoadea is expeoted .?> arrive in London early during the preaenl week for th" purpoae of aupporting hia ducal partnera in their efforta t.. aecure Lord Saliaburya approval of the >*.-ixiiio oi Manica. His intluencc as Premier of Soufh Afriea aa.! as principal director >.r aa enlerpriae in wbicb nearly haif tbe peerage, beaJdea a nuiiihor <>f tho leading Hnancial honsos: in ttio ciiy, an- in ? \. i- expei ted to prove .1 'cisive. Th<- overbearing bebavioi ol England througb oul tho entire period oi ber Afriean dieputea with Portugal prea >nta a itriking contraal i<) the attitudc wbicb she aasiimea in differencea arith larger ;irnl more powerful nationa, lueb aa, foi instance, Oermany, Ruaaia or France. Tho in babitanta <>f Nenfoundland, the moal gncienl colony of Greal Britain, pntreal in vain thal a Kttle of tbe energy an.l Urmneaa wbicb Lord -ali-l'..iy diaplay> toa#ard Portugal shmild be ahown iu the aettlenienl <>.r theii diffioultica w ith I'lan.o. This is. however, impuaaiblt*. Por Lord Saliabnry knowa bclter tban anybody plae tbe tource ??f hi- country'a weakneaa, and tbe noceaait] ol roncealing il benealb thal blufl and braatar wbicb aome call Jiogoiam and othera rjopparpaate iaipariaJiam. Bince tho abolition nf hor OBtB laws aad tho inaiigiuulinn of bejT froc tgaale ptaUey Kngland baa beooaaa cntiroly do pondont upon loiciun countriva for hoi luod sup pliea. In fa< I her imgorl ti ?n of foroign , ? ?:, ia ao pnormotia thal ir England wero i,,;,. 1 | , -.- : r-morrow with aornc grcal I'imi. the '.ar riska demanded by tho manue :?;.;:,,::,?? companica would rausc Ibe pru.l bread to riao within the apace of twenty-four hour^fioniapeniiytoaabillinRaloaf. Anaeol lhiskindwx)uldineviublyreaultinanin?irrec ,- ,., ,,| ,.,,, ,???,.,:, endangering nol alonc the Government, but even tbe thronc. rndertJbcae ,.i,.v,??..;,t:i- il ia nol altogcther aatoniahing thal England, wbilc browbcating imall natiomj ?uch aa Portuisal to hei hearfa oontentahould exe, ,..- commendablo caution in her dealiaga with a Power like France. TBV8T3 ABAXDOXED. The publio will in regard to eombinationa ajrainal the public intereal begina to be feit Tt-nsts were poputor a year or two ago. >ow ,ho very name is ao odknia that ii laavo noi nnli when ti. - purpoae and fonn of organ i/ati..., make il appropriate, bul when .......... - l.ination again%d the publio is intended. Or canizatinna wluoh were bul recenUy coropleted with bigh hopc.i of extraordinary proftta are bcing abandoned, and olbera which bare long ,,,?] ln impownjl burdcni on tho public havo been obliged to diaaolve. or toi ekahcltet pnder a change ol name and fonn. Tho abandoni.I ol tbe American Harvesti i organization is pcrhape Ihe moal significanl ovcnl of the time. Bnl the diaaolntion of the Michigan Sall Truat, Ibe appoal to the rourta io prevenl a diaaolution of the Rubbor Truat, :Vn,l th- roorganiaation of tho Pugar Truai as ?i oompany, are eaeh inatruotive. The Sugar XruBi h.s.?'-.??? 1 tn exW bccaoiie Ihe Biodo of organization, choaen expreaalj on aroount ol it? power to antagonizc public intereata, waa ?.uocesafull* aasailed in Iho oourte, bul II re ,?,;,,. ,., be neen whether iho Bame oombina .:?., attempting to alter ita name and fonn withoul a motUncation of eaaentfal natawor ,.M is atill "|.-n to tho aarae attack. ITi i Michigan Sall Trusl haa l.n in opcpatfon for Toara and bo effcdively thal i; ?ae acnouslj propoaed nol long ago to unite Britieh and Vmcrican Intereatu in one gigantlc monopoly. B?l to all appearancea the Michigan producers th?n*elven are now thnwl back by inexi evonta into an attitude of frec and opon com i, * > on. l'l-ocisrlv whv one of the partit siitcd tho diMolution of Ihe Rubbei Trital doea ?.,. .,,,?,,,, bul tho application to the courta oalla attention to Iho fa.- thal thoae interested were aboul to abandon lhal combination withoul any perci ptiblo effort lo gubBtituto a now organization for Ihe old. The grcal llarveateT nompanjr waa formod on], i , , months ago. Thc reaaona given for its formation wero aingularly atrong, ai d il v u uhown thal millionn wwld be wvod ? rear. which have now to ho paid b* pun bnw i - of nwhinea, in the removal of waatoful agenries and olher in< id< nta nf - imperition. Fn.atead of Boveral armie* nf agonta ra< h try jnR to . ul .nnIn- othera, il wa-i aaid thal a single company could noll al prii - cquall.t low with n handsome pmfit. Instend of millions Irwt l.y had dehta, which over-zealona agonfe were oonatantly tcmpting farmcra to make. one greal cotnpanj could afford to aell all ita prod ucta al hxed and very m doi ite prio (..|.i,. or i" H oao able to pive aatiafactor: mrity. Enormoua wa?t<? in pnrchaaea <>f mi -.?li-iN for man.t differoni makcra <? uld '?? naved, il r aa i laimi d, aad th" prc*ywod com l.aiiv would thun faii/.- greal profits from lh<*c vari iub economiea alonc, withoul advancing tbe pricea <>f prodnda. Bul now Mr. McCormick, who waa only recentljr ek*ct?d prewldenl <-f Ihe new oompany. Bnnonneea to the public that ln? aiaperable legal obstaclea have cauaed ita aban donment. \ . ,. |,,-t ?;, lhal thounandB of nzM.ts ami handa empkwed bi the varioua man nf,-ictii!-,'is will thu- eaiape being turned mil of employmcnt. The i >mbination wmdd have ei tingiiinhed the markol f. r the ! ibor <-f thou aandM of Americana. and when ono thinka i il iiiat ia the precise naturo "f tho groal econ , imieB contempli.I Thn mighl doubtletw bavc 1.n a gi "I Ihing for tl." capital Inveab d Bul it h not floar lhal any parl of thc bonefil woul I bavc i':i' h ???! pon?umen?, \vh;!'- thc loaa to Ibon aanda of w< rkera w iub! have bc n groat in volving a rhair.-" from occupationa to which the* ha I hei i traincd. < ompetitinn caata aotne onl of employmont, Il bt Inie, through aurvival of Ihe llttont, bul only a fow n- a time. and the natural growth of hu.<rine?<i (*?mpcn for guch loaa bj opening new placea for tho?o ,!.,s.'d. The hoaltlity of tho pablic is Mippoaea] to have forced the abandonmonl <.f thia combina? tion. Weatern farmers n r.i?f~t.? bclii rc thal it wis going to impoae no addilional burdcn? nn Ihem, calcuuitod thal il was dcaigned nial<" more mone* for capitalista, and there fore to take m .rc from farmera, and began lo make ? ir agatrwl thc comMnation in I laturca and courta. lt ?;^ plain thal nn com hinalion could profitablj ronisl auch widcaproad antagoniam, If oompolled to rcl.t upon voluntorj pnrchaaea of rarmerai f??r all it- revenue. To the ownora this hostilitj acoma cxceedingly f"' I ,.!,. no doubt. Bnl the farmci - are rpiita well aware tbal their power to combine their pur ohaaefl givea them an cnormoua advaniage in cutting dorwn profltaof manufagrtiirera, and thal advantage thoy do it"* mean t-, reiinquiah. An obvious h--mi of thean cventa is thal eombinationa for tbe benofil <>f Individtml cap it,ali-i>. whethei manufacturcra or tranaportera, againsl the Interestn of the public atand <ni a imist inaecure footing. The milliona rule and make the lawa, and control their adminiatra timi. Thoy appreciatc thc advantage* n-faich oompotition given them, forcing the ]>i-"tits of manufac uret?, trananori 11 aad tradera doa n bo a ininiiiiiini and thoy mean to koep that ad vantage. I'ntil tbe public can be broughl to a diiTo.. i.t liiiii!" "f niind buainea* oMubina tiona f< r tho purjioae of Rupprcaxing <"in|.oii tion will continuc to bo treated a-s bostile to Ihe general wolfare. SOME LEJTER8 FROM TBE 80UTB. \\'<' |iiiiii morning tho lii-i ?.f a aoriea of letl is from a mcmlacr "l our ataff now travol liog in tbe Southejn Statea, ohacrving their growth and devolopment. Beginning in )*i:\ land our c 'i r apondcnl tvill go through each <.f the Statea gouth of Maaon \- Dixon'a line, and will faithfull* and giaphicall* portraj their re ceal advancement, The atridca tbal have been made in this parl of the countiy during the la ? deoade are woi derful teatimony t<? tbe courage aad w isd an ol Soutl ernera. Th ?> have indc ? l leainad tbe b*w ol adveraity. Theira aaa tbe hardest i.''1- thal had !?< fallen a civiiized peopl ? [n .?..,?. nl Miit' b, i : nol onl.t a-ere they imn*?v eriabed and enfeebled, bul the aystem, Nocial, political and commercul, upon which thej bad i, i l ied their institutiona, and from which their !,,ii ?- and melboda acrc drawn, had been de stroyed. They were nol ? nl> obliged tn re , ,,.>r their induatrlea, bul lo adotil new meih oda of condiu ??.- hem. Thej had not meapl.t tu begin afain a< tbe l" ginniug, bul to dixcard tbe waya and f< rcoa the.t I id known for a century and to Bnbatitute now onea in their placeit. Thla waa a tremendoiw laak. and tho moral itreogth M'hich actompliahcd il i- magnificent. Ilow f.n r li i- been a- uompliahed ia I he aubjeei uhi.h our utiiiaapoadnnl will inveatigaae. and reuorb uoou. II hia eyeg are aharp, thcit light will be kindiy, and he will omil to aee nothing - or ni'.iiii-.'s thc inercaiing proaper !?> ol tbe South and tho advanoemenl of ita pcnple ia Iheir ambitiona. Certninly in the ploa*anl lettei in whii h he telhof Hog. ratown'a transfi iiii.-i'i...i there will be found much I i en rourago thoae who believe thal th" Southern rountry ia entering upon ita Auguatan period. \Vh. n sii.-h greal accumnlationa of wealth and Mi.-li a m.irked growth of pupulation are found withotil their uaual accompanimenta of "boome" and iancy rcal eatate pricea thej mual mean tbal the progreaa rnodc, rapid as it haa been,, is legitimati and neceaaary. They mual ba in dicative of natural atrcngth and genuine re aourcca, and when they are found '<> cover whole Statca ana va?l aectiona <>f country in aboul the aame ratio of changc, excopl wbere wonderful gtorchouaca "f mineral wealth have incroaaed tbe proportion, ll mual be argued the Southcrn indtistrial queation is being hap pilj eolved. Tlli: AMIBRICAN WE l OF ARCBITECTURK, The intolligenl men and women who go housc-bunting in this metmpolia often becomo the prey to amaxement They are unable to undcratand why ao many Hataand otber dwiell ing.1 are offered for renl oi for Baka are deogned ao poorly. They are confronted with halla obrioualy too brood or too narrow, with atairwaya atarting al the fronl door or aboud aa iteep a- the regulation precipice in tbe dime novcl j with a porlor-noor whioh i-. badly pro portioned : with bath-rooma pbtccd ao that their preaonco protnideaj. with io<> much drawing Ki un and too little rloael room; with inode qinto proviaion for lighl and ventilation; and gencrally from ocllar to garrol whal aeems to the bouaoholdcra an unaroountable miauao of opportunitica. I* is nol claimed that moal of tbe buildinga in queation are of this afirt i buf they oertainly conatitirte i large minority. Whal i^ rho trouble? Shall afo conclude thal tho twilighl is aettling upon arrronl architeoture |u? ;,, j. ha. I"-- ii < unU nded hy i foremoal oritifl tbal tho twilighl baa enwrapp <l poctry .' "Th" Rocord and Uuido." whicfa paya ape?ial attenti m to architoctnre, offera an cxplanation. It is not au agrocabli one, bul ir is intcreating ati.l aiiggcatire. Thia joiirnaJ holda lhal thc dominanl conditiona of Amorican Brchitecture ?? aiv nol tiii.-.' thal make f". the greateal bcauty or the highcal hcalth nr for rbarm, bul for the larg. -' ; '';IMI '" caah." The apfril n I :,..... ,,f out-s I. ing di ;in, tiv.-ly thc material ii i.i iwrhapa to bo expooted thal the profc**.s will exhibil a tondoncy to do .-.. jnto rw ro brani h< n of busim m. II. u> o It hoh.ovca Brchitcofe*? ai it hehnnrra lawycra and othcr profosMonal mou?by tncana nf aaso , ,- nna and relatod ag. . rica to atrivo earncatlj ?,, ufih ild and adva. profosaional ?tand It is ii. ? nnlikcly thal tho architei ta ol poiintiy will tako isauo with "Tho l;.-..I and Uuido."and if they don d *cn*?ion ia siire to en ? u h w 11 provo i'-n<-l:. inl i . all conoeined, -ii,,. ii will im .? ? m 's and pavc Ihe w ij - .? ;i,. niupliihmonl . f aom - iwrded rcforma. |n t.i. t -ii. h a disi is-i,.,i ii i. alrc idy 1 ? v w. \ rorrcapoi di nl ol "Sci c " wril ng from tho <H'hool of An-hil ? ? I'niveraity ol Pennaylvania, indorac* Iho .1 latic critb >n. of ?? Thc Rerord and liuido.'' II- aauerts th r i l.i-i.-f walk through almrwl any etn 1 ni ? ,.|,i,.f rjtii s w i| si,,,u ihal " thc idca of arl ijuality, of utility, <>f thc natural eff. virmimont, and ih i r.y aimilar oaiMvi whose in (lircncc ia to bc I dl g. 'I an ,,f i'ii.--,i .iis |h :ii-.|-. are qnito nanting in thc arl nf thc proaonl da? and ?.'??u.-i-rion."' Saj ing thia, thc corrcspondoui procoeda tn apecifj what bo rcgarda :i> tho leading faoll <-t the ;,\, ,_?. :? r. h:*?<-?. He arguea tbal tbe archi t,.,.- pg. , (on i'i n to < itei iora, and i.v v,.i. of catahlishing his rontcnli. n he pln. ? i in .- id. I. ? thc i ?-. :i' exhil ilion <>f thc Archi toctural I-' iguo in thia < it j. This exhil . ,,,,. irding io i maiwndont, " > annot be vi, v.,.,| ?- at all sn.',, tory to the uon. i .1 i,n! | r r n is ,;. ? ??:..I ??< ins'i nd. and this, n. iiecauiw thc work aliown ^^as of an inferior quality; n??l botauiw il waa la<-king in Hrm, iut<!!; ..vir trca mcnl oi a .> dciK ; nl in id. ii i, bul booaiiao the drawinga oonaiafed sokslj ?.f extcri .i- ind pii liin'wpic effecta.'' |f j. ti a.. at- I thi ? n .-.'? : i i;. thal tho pul lie nan! 'riora in ari tii tecturc, tIi*-m thc arrhitect* are nol ao muidi i<> I lamo ... their patrona. Bul thc ptiblic, ..s a wl, ,!-. i- no. a f.".l. hnwever il m .^ 1"- a'.out ?i,i ? , titucni narta. It doea nol tako kindlj ln plana v hi. h i .11 f. i :i wicriiii ? of iMimfoii and ronvenienco within to ahoa with ,,ii . I.. ?hl men oul .?! lon, wc b< lievo, ctire oTHnfiarat iv pI.i littln how th. r?f a^o Inoka provided il is l.i-l nui Kitisfartnrily in ,i,|... ni coiiisc, othcr thinga bcing cqual, nne i rather have a handaomc lhan n homclj home extorior. Bul i. ii is true of hngncn a.H ,.f thoae ????.i|?3 Lhem lhal the out?ido h.-auty is only ot minor imimrtanoo?onlj ^!?m deep, OPIXWy A\!> IAllII. According lo TKo Churchman." Lho Epiaeo Chun h. of whii h i. ia tho leading aad moid inllucntia! organ, U Iho only Christian body in (he I' Statca vvhich, in tho ti.-t place, baa tbe fai.h, and in ti..- aecond i?la. >-, holda it. Tho . bnrch of Romc and thc Knatorn ohiirchca are tophoavy with forma of thoughl wbicb aro growing dailjf more and moro obaolete. l*rot? I???in is mere drift, and ts quire as likoly ba renounce tho faitb as tn modify ita Icaa im portanl beliefs, beoauac i* knovvx no differenco betwoen faitb and opinion. On the otlier hand, the Anglican Communion and iis daughtrr, tbe Kpi*co|ial t'hin.'i. arc nod drifting from Ihe faith. though there \* in them a nniveraal drifl nf opinion. They nlono, tbernfore, am froe t.? i..;i,li thc na'ioiis tho iinaltcrablc faith whioh Chrinl and 11.- Apiaiilea taught in the begin ttingi and thcroforc, they hold a position ;<? whioh all olber rhurchcM mtud nl laal romc. I< might bc cnough lo aay of ihis amaaing olaini tbal it Icavca altogothcr nirt of nccoiml an nverwhclming array ol facta and UwuU'iuics wbicb arc t"-'1!.. ahaping Chriatianily, and thal ?i v;ts: majority <>f Chriatiana uttcrlj reftrae to acknowlodgc it. It i> in.!<-.'-l Irue thal tho Kpiscopal Church holda Hrmly lo ita fnrmal ? |,pis of belief. '..'.-.i: ?? th. J ai ? .?n-hrin.-d in ita liturgy ? nnd !'? hai ? i atrong ..I,..., timi lo Iho m 'I.i. a' i'.n m ic\ i-mn mi their litn-" foi reasona qtiitc apari from Ita trutb. Thej loi b it bei am-e i f the bcauty of ita IUn. ita r<-!i. i.y of exprea.sion, ita apiritual breadth and elevation, and becouae it ia hal loired by manj ag * 11 irae, aad reflecfa in nnble aimpliiiiy the faitb and worahip <>f by gone daya. Heni*e tbe atrcnuoua oppoaition to even the moal re\1aioq of tbe liturgy wbicb h is i. en mai ifeated during tbe last few ? I: ? arhile Ibe tpiacopal Church haa been i.t conacrvative in regard to ita foiinnl,triea, il haa been and is nioai radioal in ita thinbing. Men abo iu ita Church Congreaa will botdly dony the traditionnl rli rtrine of elernal ptmiah ni -i: ..: the di\ .i.igin nl Kpis .i t. ?? \i mld iUnitly .-> -!?' anj attempl to inndify tho pua? in ih" I'rayi I k whioh a--?il thoae dortii'i -s. Tbe drifl ol tbougbl in Ihe Kpiat-o pal Church i> one of tbe remarkablo dgna <>f the limea. and il is idln t . . -ir. ..|.| thal il I..- n conlined .<> merc ra ittei s.pininn. The belicf.1 of tbal Chiinh. ;Ls indeed nf all the Proteatanl churchea, are being profoundl* modi iiod bj tbe Baadern gnirii of ouvatiamng un* i ?-?, bj the lnva?tigagk?na of modern Icamini . -I . i itii-i-:n. and by tho aocial, industrial Ind d< inocratii movemenl <>f the age. Thc fancied fine ..I' demarcation between mattera of opinion and inattera of faith cannol be maintained, f.n tho two are ineitricabJy blended together in the ayatem <.f th" Churoh and iii tho ooaadoua* n.-> ..I' church-membera. Xor ia i; truo that Proteatontiam i< more drift. It is ti,,; even tnie <>f that diviaion of I'rot ,-? inti-ni which calli itaelf tho i'roteatanl Kpiaoopal Church, notwithatanding ita radlcal thinking. Tho Reformation was oeither an abortion nor a negation. I' arrayed itaelf, in doed, BgainaM the greal hfartoric oooception ol Christianity known as Catbolidam, and claimed ft i- itaelf the righl to uae reaaon In teating tbe tradirional creeda. But ita tendency haa I.n i.n the whole toward a atronger and naoro em pbatio belief In the real esai utiali of Chria tianity, in proportion as it ditcarded wbal II deemcd the non-esaontiala. And to-day Prot eabuitiem is throbbing with an intenae belief in the tn-.ndoua reality <>f Chrwtianity. [ta s|)irii ,,i invoatigation, Ita almoal feveriah un reet, lt* queationing of the naat, Ita Indifference tu the acddenta an I Im Identa of hiatorio Chria tianity, are nol tho rigna of ? decadenee of faith i they are rather tbe ?videncea of a re-i ooortructioD of the faith, a reconrteuction in which all the old fundggnental elementi <>f Chriat'a Goapcl are being retained in forma ?,,', ? and mitable for the age In whleh we live. And real Church unity ean only be promi ted by a frank rooognition of the place and influ enoa ol Proteatantiam in modern Chriationity. To diamiaa it with a ?nccr as more drift, and to sa;. of it thal II haa no foifh, Is pucrile. If Church unity is evcr to coroc at all, it will be i,y :i general acknowledgment of whal la good in :i|| the Christian denominationa. lt will oertainly nol be promoted by one of tbe loaal of thcae denominationa cnlml* I dllng all the real that, inaamuoh aa they .11 not know thc difforenoo botween the Chri-stian faith and humtii opinion, thej m wi be abaorbed in it. Aeeordlng ta "Tho Boatun Journal." the ? -' t,, ti,. Ktate of Maai ol printing and distributlng i..I.i. ballote |! the bart election waa only $8,053 30. II al tl <? lime ita BftUot Reform ktw waa paaeed MaaBachuaPtta liail bad a Uovernor like David B. IIUI. who refuaed t? prrmil ita Legialature to adopl the blankel ballot, lhat State wonld liinl the u icration ol the new ayatem much n."tc expenaive. Thc State Foreatry AaaocLitlon bao reeently . ted II.stai.lishtnri.t .,i a Scbool ol For i? conn, ,.!.,,? witb one ol the leaduig unl veraitlea or coUegce of tlic State. We ourdially ,,,.,?,'??; i f ? propoa I. and wedonol know ol any way in whicli a libcral eltlwn ol New-York de ,? promnte the rauae ol educi tioa could reaaoni Wy hopc t<. iio more with a moderate aum ,,, ?, , ? ? through tlic endowmenl ol aueh a ilepartmeiit ol Btudy. One young Amcrican aoholar, nnd we lielicve only one, is now purauing '!'o , o| ki uwledgc in EuMpe. Soancr or latet thc ,,, ... ,,; ... aa ol ?.ir nuiKuifleenl foreatu ,.,,1 , ,. ol rcpalrln? tlie ravii ,..,,,,. ;,.,,( r ,,, , ity musi i o attempted, ond there ,V,H lie .. di n, ind for men who are eompetenl to .li ? ? ,. ?,iil:. Inthet ' ?'' a Scl '"' ol Foreotry i ... . the j el il purpoae ol Btimulnting tioa and rormlng publio ... .,,,,:t irutii ita direct relationa lo thc . .ts WbO Dligbt itf tnl .'. A Iviehmond dispatch inya thal tlio anntveraary nf i.cii'rl l.'-o's hlrtlidny, which baa been made ? l, o ,i holiday In Vlrginia, wi .s ceb bi ited "aa ,,,, Independence Day baa been aii e l e war." l , Bvcrage Southern idea ns to tlic relatlve n.rnts .a the Btruggle r.r Ajaerioaa Indepeadence aad tho eii.irt to break np tl.e L'nion caald n?t l>c moro clearly ahown. ? S| a iid n - !"? paid for their domeatlc aet vice?" inti ? l? -1'"' '"?pd ;'' sorac length by Uansom Rua* II in " 1. ? Monitor." Mr. Kuaeell ts heartily in lavor ol npositi. -i l!,- ; lhat If the wife ullowed a atipulabpd uuiount for ber domeatio Bervirea * there would tie fewer hill? ol coniplainl I,,, divoreea, and, sa a conaequence. more felicity and i-niiti ntitiont in married hi?-." To thla end be , -iife for i :.? i -- ..- ol i In ??.? w II ic< ure t" the wifc u llxetl allowanoe, whleh aliall !>?? " bi yon I ; ? ,. ,, :, oi ,-,, ,.\,, utioii or j idxiuenl tunl maj ',. ,,i,- nat ll >? ? ifo iu v\\ II octiu law. 1^-t (hia allowanee !?? apeeifleally iiis..|io.l in every marriaae contract, nnd make the p s',.si.uii ofTiovnac aimplj u preliminarj appllcatlon lor a than I .ntract, and inacrl in tl al con? 11.,, i ;i bond bii lalwnd to i illll lt to H <ell c\ idently I. id in mlnd v. lni, he wnao thc woman ?? rked with a thal pxppricnce had tnught hpr thal when her Imaband pn?mi?ei| at tlie miirriiine altnr ... hei n [th all hia worldl) he i ? ? | rtd two rall o dreaaea p r ai ? ? fVliatever the outcon.i ti ? rorapli ' ona In i 'onnecticiit, tliere is reason lor aeneral ouni i 11..ta in the fael lhal Ihey buve nol interfered wiMi tlio rc-eleption of Senator ilrville II Pl tl Mt Platl and hia Bcrviees are too well known to reqtiire any eulogy rrom tta al thia lime Hc .s au earncat, bigh minded pntriot, and waa fully entitled t" a re-election withoul oppoaitioa. Con ?,.|.| ioiit lionora itself In houoriug blm with another terui at \V lahington. "Tlie Fvening l'"st," commentlng on o itate menl .ently made lo tbe effeol thal al leaal Ihree-foartlui ol tla?.Bcal-poaeheni in RehrinR Se? were Amcricuc . makia these iatclligpnl oliaervi Uorm: Here i n pretty ; .'" ol tbln i . ludeiil! W> have al, iiute ri?i,ind over our <>" n " i"-.? ?.' it 'A<- < I.-? I,, exerrl ' it. Vei,.ollii^ lo ilie liiahe^t le?tliiionj uitMn i ii Ii, we nllow IliO'e "1 our na ii pmiil iKHwIiing for everj uue tl I . ? Ii??m i ril li i I,,.,,1,1.,. I l,o .,-, maloii ? |ni Itlon tlial the lliitl II H<>\ oininoni wniil l la- In. ol il, fi tulliic i?> lorr ? ol ? the .!??.Inl lon . f Vniei in |m ,, lu i-,-? aoul l t? al |o:,-i imiti ho.l hy llie iiiiomaloua inmIIIou thal are ahoulil i , ti'titliti ? a- In i tlk |" ... Il.i ull llBtlt lt ? exient oumelve*. Tlw -deatruilloii ol .al llie" be h . the evll aliUh ae alsh U? invveut. wltlt whal fn.e , .,., v .? pi.,! ;ii-.:iin-T nne Itrltl 11 VI - l wi ile three ?w,,,. | ?,,, .!, p ,i. r ?n li fn elj In ll ?? aume aatew on ti ? anie eii i I, ?? 11,. F.venin Poal" h id rend Mr, lUaine'a iliniKtteli ol Deeemher 17 upon whleh il haa ln?en ,-1.11,11.ont,ii". Bnfrcely, lt would havearen thittlheae \nierican iioachera were aaillntt In llrltbth ihips .ler the :l i . an I il mi hl have ?pare l Ittell t:,is particulat cxhibitioo ol tolly. PER80XAL. Then I- taBt In lloaton "f ? klng (!?? PreaMenl to appoinl General Ranks I .H ?i "? ? Mar aal agala, ,,,,.?, that ? io\.i..:i,i- ? app ilntee, Mr. Lovering, lo whom i mh ?nnvmi. i"i It. Iias realgned Ihe oflke, te accepi on the Uovernor'a i taB. Garnekl U aald ba recelve an enormoaa tetta m ul uallj. i;V the wUl ol Ui ? late Di, Alvan Talcatt, of Oall , ,;,;:., voto Colhsge ?i'.i recelve BZifiOO aad a valuuble ntedl .1 llbrery. rhe aeath oi Caralnal BUaoi i ..iii- a p.- ullai Haugurlaa cnaton utelaeal t. eoronaUoaa, t,, wbich ba .iinfiiiinoii when Ihe preaeot Kii-m .,t Anatria wa (ormall) enthroned over tha <?.. larn hall >.f bla daal emplre, .<?., aaeb oceaaloita all Um blahop >.f iiu> n. dreaaed in futt Bplacopal costume, follow the Monurrh, on hoi>eback, from id ? raalle al Pealh t.i tho li ,i ,,i i >i. n. Tlaj pe bv le < erialnly adda la Ihe Ik'iiuIj ,i llie < eren.j. bul n ,- a < reel n- ige ; fm nt.ii,- ni tlau padatea ure nol ueeuatomed t<. horaeman lilp. Kven il.-' ni" i i? if ? i potl n.iii u.ium be ni al lien rallcd upon lo inl?? ,i aplrited borae t!,i>iiif;li ii .:, tae amt aboatliiB' rrowd, auildal ibe bktre ol i , tho ruitle ol druma aud Uih Umuder of ean ii. il on. tunl '?-?'l with Ioiik il.iil, .,( boU \.??in,.1,, .. ,,|i-. aud loles, wllh .. mltre In lleu "f (he velvel rap and a heavj Ivorj end boM rroaler, tel with I'.-'i'.n. -i.?-. Nore lhan om1 rider, on iiils im , i mn, on. nt ii.iiii ,.i Nla bnrae'a maae !?? mahe eare Unt he woaM not deaarrate ihe aaneUty <>f ihe day \<\ >i. playlna hia heela and hia vlolel atorklnaa lo the ;n,i in , and ii wa* ahlaoerei amaag tha tatter Uiat. levaral ol the bfefeaaji aad eaaaad tiicmseivea to ba ?: ipi..-.l tn ilioir maddata, ln order to *vuld any fall-. .\i thelr li.-.i.l rode < ardinal Nimi.r, on a anperb Arali hor i ol rnUky Whlteneaa. a dazxling iiiiniioi.d oi Ineatimabki valua aad <if grcat beaoty whlcb ..i.i j.'-; been preaented i<> bba ns a aaaeeaU' af ihis gvcr-meiiioiaiile day by his rkivejreign, piuti-d ,111 iii- iii-.-.-.s.. lie aal bla liois.y m mk-Ii a aobla manner, and '"- wholc appearanee was s,, giead and Impotlnfi ti-' i." atralgktway tba heerta af all tha c-tators and many arere thc- ??oljctiu'' aralch were iboul d ia his Jionoi. Dr. Kate C. Buaanell, ?.f Beaaabaa, iong aaaaaaaaal wlth tii-- BaUonal R'omaa'i CbriaUM iBaaparaaet ini.Mi work for ti." promotlon <.f ioctal aartty, espeeta t.i -:nl f..r Boghand tii" katter purt nf tliis aaoath. Dr. BnahneU goe* by reqa?? i of the1 Battoaal Womon'i L'hrUtlan Temneranca I i > ?? on a trip ereenal ihe aorld, in whlch ahe wUI bc a.o.mnutiied by fara. Bl.sauetb Wtaeeler Andrcw, unUl receoUy ussociato editor <>f "Tha i nton iBgnaL" Becretary Baak is repreaeataal as eaalag tiiai hc waa not :i . indafate for Um lYeaadeoey, aad did not twl in every way quallfted for the efaee, luu vaabl like to ?eo r. -ui'-iii llarriao i renomlnated. There arc Wia miisiii polltii-lana, thouch, irbo tlilnk --.'iiclc Jcn-y* would aiake a Dne ran on the BaUonal t!ri,et. ral Pabner tclla tliis atory al Llncada; i-i waa once ...ii.-.i to B'aablngton t?. aee Bt, i.inioln on a matter ol bn-ii,.-?. ii araa in 1003. i was aaaajra Into aa antCToom, and waited for HNoa uaaa, i saw aud othcr* goli ??. ln, and Bnally . waa aalfcaV Br. Llncoln araa bcing ahaved. ll>- aaM I waa homa foUu, aud be caadd akave before me. i -nld to blaai ?Mr. i.i'; .11. ii i bad uppoacd a^ the chleaaje Oaa> venUon Utai nomlnated yoa Uial are aroaM bava Uila i rriblo waa i woubl ncver bave Uaoogbl af eatag dbiaB tn ;i oee-burse toa . and gcttlng a ooe-horaa kaaryng f?r Prealdent.' i did nol bnow how lie woaJd take lt. bul rathcr cxpected an mi*wer thal . laaaM aaagB at. Hut ba brnabed ti..- bart-er U> one ifcta and with a ui .mn fn ?? tuined i , me and m.i: 'Neither would 1, I'lilmcr. l don'i I..-U. ?. ? any greal man alth a pollcy t-ouM bavi iav d tlie <???nn:ry. If I bave ron i.t i" i MtviiiR ?.f Uus roantry it was be> n. i aUendod to Ihe <tn: - ol earh day wlth Un bope that when tn-morma raaae . woaM be aajaaj H, the daUea of tbal day,' andl ba Iniaai to lU? barbvr.'' _ 77//.' I.ILM OF THB HAT. Tbere i- ;i ii ii eender In i rBhjepert, oenn.; vrhoaa hom i i.gnlaed bj ,.n Um raita In the aetgbaaarbaadl wben be takea hli itand. s,,r?. ,,f UM <-ai-, ind.^nt, aeen ba bnow wbeu Frtday mornlng arrivea, f.>r un ii:,ii, mornlng, Iong befort t:i- vender appaara, ni.iv i" -""ii kiitcring near tb Oab itand, '-When ,1.. appears," aay* MThe btandard." Mlha eala <-xpres< their j..v by laaaping aboul playfBlly BtafBetaaf thelr backa apward, <>r wlth giuhiapajd ? BBbaaara' When the vender"* tcaan piuieed* ag tba a*aaaa, !.!,.? Hi.. ?]?,:?.t :?; ? ,.i old, ii" .nt- follow la ? liuo, marriiing Joaij after Ihe leam un'.i II raaehaa ma .?n.i ..f tbal tborougbfare. rhea tba aalaaala turo backward and . Loru lo t'"ir n peeUve boaaea. The pcrfomuiace is an inlcre?tli<g one ba wftneaa, and many reahlenta >?! tbal locattty s;,y aajof iho Ighl week after week." The vandei !???? them a -uplilj ?.f li-b The typliul newapnper man of to-day is wrll dr?s-cd, u.-ii iii.ii ?.! ..'"i v.iit.,i. ii" .'.as lewned Ibaa i..,v, in, t.n ni. .,- ..\- n;.I::.-.) i.. In-etrular boura, ln> . ii nd i ,. ? ? mi rum. due. nol pavy, and ln- haa i.'it iii..t url ul liuheniianl?m i-> < linunc l.uiiiii,", - and greonhoni-.. Thr tmie, ili** niorab; <>1 tl,. nruf ?-,. ' ??'? ..ili the uul twenty .,,.,; . ,i i i i" piUilic Is oi.Iy ju-i bealnnlng ba Sai ,,ii. BduiaUil i.i.i" wlm keep thelr eyea oi.^n ?????- . ? tl.typlral newapaper n,an" .ii- nllv oul ..t lolnt, and tli'v are revialug their i\i,i? Hi,- pi ?f.? ?:..ii i- -!?.'..;. inovlng toward ltl riirhlful pluce ln pulillc estlmaUon. and tbe Uaaa la ry far dWtanl arhen II ? il -tH"d aot on a ?ii i ni ahead >.f Uie I.??'.-. ti." iui.i?.., tnd tho otlier llheral pn?fea?.oiis. iu ihe meanUBM ?t. wiii i,o .,',|..| ... endure wlth whal grace we ?? ,v t;," ".,,,!,( i,. hfilluuil si..s|,:.... f,f pbiyarrlchte ,. ,i ri..\ .ii-i nnd Ui- nnlnfntlonally stll|,id ron. ,|ii-,iii- ,.f iiiisiufornied ouUlden who aee In ovcrr .-. -., ??!.. :i.i -.r;i !.!.-:? a typlcal newapaper man. (Prlnter'i ink. \ eortaapoadlent writrs: "Vaa rfaata Um eaaa v^r? mtldiy .-I- to Ibe BngUab origta ?.f UM ao-eaUed siang ?; ... ni ,' v. iu. h ji rbapa bwl a itong paraao at all. The fa.t ,-. it i- Engllab freaa 'araf i^r'n.' ln Mmollett'* 'Poregrlne Plckby tbe bero liutoraM Bmilla tbal be la aolng abroad. Thia brinca t<-.<n to il -I..; -.i>s iii"\ are eaaaad by tha had baa . ibe i- poari ig. wiiirii Bada tii- anthor ba ra> tiiark tbat the ex< ii? waa ? too thtn ' to laapoac on b^ lover. Th..' j.iiri ?? i- alao foand la Baadaaapearaaj Ui -:>? VIII, A. t \', M"iie -. Wlth tlie satiu* ui.-.iiiiiip.'' TIIF, BAIILLl'8, \ merry liti:.: barlllaa, ibe fr..ii<i,.'<i in .ho ?nn. sii? uld, -I aa ao uaaleeiI flivre's noiliinc r have (iniii-. I ul-li I i.iiitd i|., siinu-tMi.c for oiliers ere I die. rti.i" are lota of folk* anaeUUh?tbea why aol l?r i hi-. ,.ry i;tti" bacillua' derkled f'.r to dio i',. .? i ? i,.;- n:.' lor -. lence, and not to reaaon wrir. >.. in i . >? .f glyi-erine ihe i<innir*-?i -thia merry nympWi ... a in the twinkilng ..f in eye wa* cbanged to hoaimg lympn. rhi- m? rj llttle ba. lllui waa the leader of the hand Who'ro .ivI.ik' now f.<:- aclenre ln tlie liam.v FatberUn4J rii.". ail are u. ? Iftsh, and uulte rejoloed lo die? I!..-.' v ry merry. JeUy J...iy bacllll l ?(BoatOO ?? ii i- . ,i-v t.i i i-t ln Bew Vork, wbere Ibeta .a g good t.. >-at. bul ln Boatofl it B tifflarent.* s.i a Doaton newapaper as-.-rts. Thia U doaaibaai the moal a-.nia. lou* attempl ln Um biatory "f gBatnaaaagj to w.,r;. up i boon '? ??!? Um beaa. i... - and i::.;>fnis'. "Oh, arl ?? . ? ? -. I" ahe rrled rapfuruu. Iy, a- .i ? bai ded her a ma m.rlrenl roae. ? \v?." im a..i -.i'ii., --.iii Aiiu-rua.-i beamty coet 0 di.llai- and a Quartcr." (B'aahlngton dtar. Bovernor - i...'>" Taylor, ..f Tenneaaee, li?s Ixva a falrly re^pec-tabb) Oovernor?lor a Demorrat; bai i;.-re never waa a daj whea be couata'l paay UM li.wie than Im rouM govern. in taet, ha aiU goabarB in biatory a* a Bddler ralber tbaa as ? ooveraer, m. i mbjbl plck t!.?s ni tus pottcy, aaaj aaaar at t.ia ni,?ik- s. |>ul When I?>? ii|i Iu- ..Id flildle and gatW tii.-in tbal flne oU melody, "Baui, Niggar, Baa," titey forgot tn.- parttaon la the mualctan. ? ron .*\|i..t to luceeei ln pabhe Hfe, mr aou, ...:i mual bave puab. rkni I've gol .. pull, .la.l. and Uiat's better thaa I'U-.'i. ? ItOatoil i':a. g \\r Brsl t'_-iire to th<? ~e,i:id in 1001 g'vea ns ihe third, and ubtrartlng ilw fourib froaa ti.e thutt glve* ... tb" s.nd. Ati.i IfweaBd aii the ggwraa vre get ihe number ...' Um rentary. Tbeae Inieiaallin fa. t - oughl t> in--.i'i Mimethlng, bul we haaaat utue lo Ind .un J ii t w \n aptown man In len weeka lias paid 13^000 f'.r t i....t lalten ln>m ibe t'ataklll Uountalna. Tlu* root i- ii.-.'.t prlnripally by . hinamen who ronatder lt a valua ? ipable ol uring all dlaeaaon. la "t".i in large iiuanUUea. The rnol hereaboata rho in ihla way make roneklerabhi .-..ii. ri-,.- rn. i-.iniiit referred t.? u . \i"i.,iin.' iin. !,n-i, i -. i ni nexi inr expei l- t., aei ure ...t i.-.i-t I>5,000 worth ..f tbe root. iRingaton ruaimaa i:.?? Be/, l>r CUnton Lorke, tbe popabar Bplacopal i iii ?/. in.iu ol rhiriign, made a oad break il.e otiu-r ..av, i ni .. i. hclped oul bj iln- nui. K wil of his wife. i ?n tha laj Iu queation he ia a lui. abont to eall wtaBB 00 anjl anxlou* nol :.. meet. Ko he wld to ins wife: ?-N...V' t'ni on*, ni) d.-ar. I'II nui up-taii-s and earope tiii away." After ahout un boor, be qnbrily tip toed o> the ita.r landing, and llatened. All w;n ,ii:i,-i bclow. i;.'.i.-ui-.-ii. be begau t" deacead, and a'huodolng ->> Iu. thoughtk>a*ly bai empbaUcmlly raUeB oul ovei th" bannlater: "'Well, my dear, in.s tbal ?B1 bore g??ne al la?l " Tba .."vt iiutuol a votce froai i.einu ..ui ,d ta,- i.ii.i penplratton lo bedew Btataaa* brow and rooted blm to ili" apot. There raaae a I-. pon ?? u ii , ii nounded inexprcBslb.j -?i-i'i tobhw ii. n. ii aa Ibe ?. <.f hia wife, who, uiiii trua woman Iy lart, rrpUed: "Ye?, darling, ahe waal away over an hour .. o; bul here I* owr good fricad, Un, riauK, whom . .un ni" .mn u.u i i.i ni.'vt:'* A TRI'K rXJBTOBIAB. A sniii iis,m eartii t > l?'ii\... went, I.i \i i|.,|il ili ? -aini. as Ii" ili-. \. n.-ar >-..n: : ?? -??. whnl ? lalm .1" you preaent ln a, t,, be adniill ?>. ii ire '" -? in i oaton i \\..s ' ,.r.i and bred. . ir her ?' ii'.'.K was educatad; l ..ii : ...r.i .it llarvard re. i, Ai.d wa ? with bonora graaaal ai ?? In ini.iy .. "??.'? > awBi W'here llrooba l* hekt ln anch i?--peca, And tb ??? ' t. is Known io V Uie < l.'a.n of the IfJkKt, -iii fau- Nahanl ? rbarmlng -p<?t? I own a viiii. iiwii.. an i.i..-. ABd, !?? '. I. li.iril-oilH- l.linal lot iu dcad Bouat Aubara'a haUoaredl ?hadea, >t. I'.t.r muaed oul abook lr.s beaa% Then, as a gentle siirh ha drear, ??(.., baick t" Boatoa. frlend," he aald, .-?lleaven Uu'l goodenonxb tor roa.'' ?tsonn'rviJlo Journal. "Tbe Pooi iiuiidreii.'' aaya tbe cauatte Baar-Yaak rorreapoadeat'ef "Tba Doaaon TtBBaerlpl*" "taaaaai aeriou* aUentlon upoa notblBg ln tin, w.irl.l; and l ,,,,! Dranl) ronvlncod tbal if a caarloa baaal from isabriel'a Umaipel waa t.i MMind tl.- aawa <>f ib.- |ada> ni.'iii ii ij duriag a perfetaianra of tha <>|H-ru. ttu-y w.iiii.i iiu.i,.- 'im' arttty (I) un.l aadlbldVaaJHo* .-<-?-a.-?t im; Um player ln n..rheatra arbo was mt.eiaaikag thelr ronveraaUoa witi. vabjfar aaaaa." I'iiii (qawnlag bla li.aiii, Oraat si-oi. i Tba Bqueiii-hcri b..s refaacd my boLm poeai beadanlnf? w 1,1 tlimuKb Ib.' kuieh chambera <>f my -'s \Vi(.. (openlug aee malll N.-\er inind, my dear; bere'a 010 freaa ti.e Waraaed OvBraaai for a tiilk- I aeol li iM-aliiiilng Vou bct juur bools, old ]??rd,'s aot . aud YYbitab