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WASHINGTON GOSSIP. rHE riLIBUSTERING <>F THE DEMOCRAT8 IN THE UOUSE. ?pnalBQ BT Tn KX Ml-AXS TO UKKCT PROOBED j^OS IN THB SF.X.V1T. NOT A BTRUGGLB A<~.AlNST aTBOKO DOMINATION THI. ELWTKix rsti.t. pkkmstknti.y VIISr.F.PRI.SKNrl-,1) 'WHAT TIIK ?EXATS OAJj DO WITH AMKMll.D RUIaES. Washmirton. .lan. ','4.?Few people outalde ol i".> -adiate CoBa*eeahneal eirelea appear to understand thr ?etivea lof tho fUlbuateriag of Ihe Demeorata in the Hoeae darlng tbe last tow daya lt la tho firit, tbae that tho real objeet ol tho delay bi directed agalaal proeeedlnga In another b*gadative iiranrh. The wbole Deaocratk alde In Ibe Houae lf so exeited over the altuatioa In the Senate nnd at ti,e tiBiBedlate projeet <>f the paaaage <>f tho rjretloa bill thal they evaplo* thla Btrange fona ot reu.liation in tbe otber bfBBeh ol Coagreae, ajektag '" hapede rh every way tho eonableratloti ol pabbe baaineaa lt ia parl ol ? iet plaa to ^ if tho Bepablioana will aot be alampeded i>y thc Btoepael Of an e\tra session. 'Iho DetBOCrata UgM tbal tha AdaatoietretioB dcea nol wanl ihe annoyanoo of B Iien.ooratio llouso any earlior lhan Beceeaar* and tbal tho BepabUeana therefere will make a namber of BMrificaa before yieldlng to tbal ptaaabilky. II they foree an rttra Beoaion by their taetiea, thoy londly believe tbal the BepahUeanawill he heM reaponalble for tbal e\tia teaaioa. This, thon, is tbe anderlyiag motive of tfeC obstrnction taetieg U the Honee. Mneh of thc ladignataaa diaplayed there is theatrical. lt y cvcn a qaeatioB whether Mr. Milla, who made Baeh a aaaalaj of himgelf ln H.e Houae duriag the week, <liil BOt furoe liis owi, BOtapei and OB agprrato his paaaioa The sitnation at Waahirifctaa is eonatantry mis reprrsented. F.von a ntimlier of Bepublieaial ont Bjaahavc beeabnpieneed by this ralaiepreaentatioa. The Dtmuiiata have erled ont that tho Beoab licans wore pursuine rovolntionary r.eiios and that the rkiotioa bill whleh ihoy are aeeldag to paaa js an attooipt to eetabliafa a new l-Tiii of lyr.uiny in the Soath. Tho fael that a few Republtcau Senators are moro interested ia tho allver quee tion than the eloction nioasuro haa ^'i^oii ooloi to somc of tho dleturbing declarationa senl out to influoure faint-bearted Bepublieana wbe are only too roady to diacredlt their leaders and t? yiold to ruero partisan critieiani. The eleotin.n uicastire is so diaaded by the Sotithern niemhers tbal it nmsl l>e oonaidered B practiral b;ll. if it wore ihe impnu-tical BBCaa ure ?which they say it is. thoy would not so foar it* passape and thoy would Bot !>o londy to ge to Buch extremos to defeat lt. Every fonn of BTgU mrnt in shapc of aaiareateaentation haa been em ployed apainst this aataaare. There is bo bana, therfforc, in rostatin;,' tho exael poim al i-suo. For t.he favoiite objecTiun to tho l.ill is that, if i? eoald ba earried out, it woald eeaabllah negro snpromaoy in iho Soath and that thc whitos there would novor ]>orniit If the lull eoald he earried out to tho utter mo?t lotter to-morrow and the solid vote <>i tbe eolored m<n ol tho Soutfa ooold be connted for tl ? Rrpabllcan alde, aueh a reaall woald nol ehange the loeal admknistratJon ol affaira. Tho auaehiacry for tbe regnlatlon <>f State affaira is ia the banda of white Deeaoerata. They will be *& mneh at liberty after the EleetioB bill is paaaed to coont ino votca oi iho eolored men, or not, a* they pleaa ?. for tlu> State offleea as thoy BOW nre. This biU timply resi lal - the clection of membera ?,f C. n a and providea f>.r flret Federal aupeiriaion ,,i tbe ' lectiona and of th.e eonnl and, in the eaae 11 diapnte, aueh dlapute ean be aettled by testi inony beard in the I'nited Statea eourta. This will apply t.. nll of tlio Stateaj and bo obc 1b the North ha.s acriouBly thought of makiag any ob jectioa to the upplication of it> proviaioaa in that regioa. It ia the Soutfa that is Baid to i>e in dan ger. Wbereia liea this daager? If tlio eolored diatrieta?thal is, the djetrieta where t!ie eolored vi.te predotainntea?were to be abaolutely eon trolled iiy them, this woald eleel only thirty eolored membera "f l ongreaa fr<>m the Soath. This would 'a. a anatll proportion in the 350 odd mem bera ,,f tlio nexl Coogteaa. It wonld be ao larger repreaentatlon lhan iheir nnml>ers ontitlo them t ? Their etretioB eoald ia no way affeel tbe loeal aituation ia the S There is no mention of nny bayoneta in the l.ill. There is nathing In ii bul a legal aaaehine for tbe regiaterlag .-t the honeat vote oi ao eleetion in all Beetiooa <>f the cauatry. Tbere is bo meav bor from tbe South to-day who preteada lor a nuiniput thal the negro vote ia eounted. Jio is praetically diafranchiaed. Many Korthern people lyvapatfaixe with the Sonthernera in t!a:r dechua xion that they will aever permil thc vote ol the iiegro to he eoanted, aud thereby aarreader to l.iu. ilie aehalnbrtratloa bf their loeal affaira. They say that tiio peepk of Ibe North would not pernit tt, and that they are only actin;r ;is nny oommnnity cf intelliL-ont white peopk would aet when con Irouted with the thrcatcnod don.ination Ol BO iuforior race. It is this kind of 1>alk whioh oonfnsos tho 6itua tion and odj:is syinpalliy In the North when there is no place lor s,\ inpathy when tho faeta BK made known. Tho only thiug at issue is the qaeatioB of Nationai eketieaa. The Saath to-day baa .? repreaeatatiaB upon the Boei ot t!io Houae greatly la diaaroportion t?. that of the North. One vote ta the South now eouata for ut least two in the North. It is lieeause this power is threatened that there is BBCb a pioU-st and su.h a aboat abonl j,. . | tyraany to-day at tVaBhington. Tbe ?raaurr preoaated la parely a raaaneaa one. The Boath is alwaya a eampaet, powerfal otganiaation ht tbe .?'?unsois of tho Demoeiatk party. It repte geau tlie ioaded diee ot tbe patttkal gana?. NaturaUy, tho men who eoatrol this power dhtlike to ourrender it. Against the eold pro.sontation of & husinoss argament ef haviug aa boaeal eksetlon in Naiional affaira, tho Dentocratlo leadera in Caa tre-s aaawei with tbieata and eaitbete. The n-volutionary ebaiacter of thc opaoaltbwi whleh they are Btaklng is ahowa ia tba ulibuatar lag in the Hauat upon a naeaaare whleh ia i*ira oonsiderod by tbe Beaatte. Bal thla ia only the hegtnaing of tho Ibieati and fornaa ot oppoaition. Tho Repubucaaa are taM tbal if Ihey perabrt la pawi.ip tbe bill the Demoerala will retaliate bv paeklng tbe game aialnat them in tbe Preai dontini earaaaiga. Ia otber woroa, aneae revoiu tionary leadara wbo vioiat* to-day tbe law la every' State in the SotilU aay thal thoy have tne aower, und.r Ihe CoaaUtuUan, ha uaatgaate the eleetora for I89i through tho preacat Detno emtic State lU-^iat.u.-s. They say tbal, 11 CaBgreaa daiea te eaae thla meaaure, all ol tbe Lrgialatoree la thc leeeatly eaptured Btatea la tho Norlh will this ^intor olo.t tho eketora lor 1892 aad aaake, two yeara ia advance of tba baapaiga, a ekpublleaa vletory toiaoaaible. rwa abowB ... whal atraita the lbmK??atlc loadors Biuat be ro.iu-ed wbea thoy havo before hom for their o.ausidciation mc-roly tho proapeel ol .o aajaaaa 'of Ibe aasaawe properly to eoanl ahe vote in the ohcfioiiB for momUrs of Congreaa. it ibaa eaa ahjet, Ihroagh their Ugiahuurea, the eatotore for 1M?, wby not for itM and for 1900. They miffbl even go furtber, and thraugb theae LegiaUtarea elect pcrmam-nt aaxtcra, wbe should hold offtee lor life, aud who ?hould aaleet, as vaeaaciaa aecarrad, men to bu theuj. This would bo as reaaouablo and as lo^ai U whal tbay now propose to do. This. h')W^or; u eaaaty talk al aoatu-i-brained BHrfl wbo batn no real eaaae ef reapiaaaiNHt*. or elar lt u m nik af aaaperate mea who are pgepand te go to anv hmgth in order to m. paarer. The aeUoo oi tho v..o.p,,. baa aavleb taaalbk to aaaead Ibe ntfea ei the rbaaate. Twa haaBdmeai ol the ralaa will etaable tbal bedy to K,ss tl,,- K.Vot.on bill. There aio BPVeraJ publio:.) k wbo aie againat ataatadlng the raieg. but, oor.frontod with tho sit.iation whethor UM hajorilv should Ih- permittod u> transf-t Ita aWB buainess o. not, thoy will vote for the ctonge There will Ih- a quorum ,of tba .Vnate ma.lo .... ?f the aVpablleaa Senators within I short, tin. ftat the Eleetiaa bill c*n be pasaed is now gar-J tnin. It Will co over to Iho Houae With aoUM amendmenta. Tbe rioaae will aecepl the Senate uaendmenta, Speaker Reed haa pul an <'H'l there 1,1 tbe Blibnatering againai any porticular meaa uie. Tbe '.ili ean there be paajed ln a ahorl time, whatever attenapta may t>i- made by tbe Democrata t<i delay It. Tbe preaenl deviee employed mr anrirT,r*B delay ln tbe Houae is baaed upon a requeal to bave the Jonmal read for poaaible eorreetiona. Tl is Joarnal is a men- reeord ol tho routiuc pro oeedinga. It will be arranged within a ahor. tii ie to M'l.'l nil qaeationa of this ebaracter to tlie Committee on Rulea. No one, howeve. partiaap, will thal th.- readlng of this routiae, or ns eorreetion, ahould take up the Ume <.i tbe '?' It slioiil.l be a tnatti-r for a sjm-< i;. 1 committee. Under tl|(> Improved tnethoda >.i doing buainBae in tbe Houae nearly nII preparatory and routlne work is kepl in tbe banda of ti.e eommlt.. Thc Scnnti-, through its ebange "i rulea, will early !,? ilh'? 1" Bttep np with i!e Houae in Ue wbility t? expedite buaineaa. Boon ibe majority in tl.ese tw? houaea v\i!l no longer need tbe kind coneent of minority leadera t.. tranaoct orrtinary busincss. T. ( . CBAWFOBD. THE WEEK IX SOCIETY. DANCES AND AN EXGAGEMEXT OP IX TEREST. The week*, beglnnlag and endlng wllh d beea a baay one in aoatoty, and nol <-..nient wlth whal haa been offered in Bew Tork, a large and gay , party aanl n. WaahlagtoB for ex-Oovernor and john Lee Carroll'a ball .>?! TIibi wlaj alghl to Introdure their daaarbter, BUaa Heton OarroU. Mra. tdoU Ladenbarg ebaperoned liic New Vork party, whb*h ln- i efaded among othera Mra. s. V. i:. Cruger, Miaa , Uargona, Joha Jaeob Aator, OooM Bedmond, B ??? -i Pbelpa CarroU, Jaaaea V. Parkar, and Miaa M MbM Ava WTBlag w. als.i in tl;.- party. Tlie forma.1 niinoiin<-cvii<-fit <>f 111" ei -;, ni.iit ..f I John Jaeob Aator I i Mi-s Ava WUUng, mad. Paluioaj nlght at Mrs. Astor's dinn.r party, waa re- ? roivod witli an 1-told von so air i.v i.ple in aoeiety, wiio, in spit/- oi oootradictlooa emanaUng tr..m ihe Aator aud WUIBkj feaaOlee, beUeved tbe prewiatiire aiiti.Hinc.'iiie.nt lo ba trna. 'i be marrbvge B aei for February 17 in PbUadelphla, wtMn no doulrl a a] tiiim wiii earry tbe fafendi <>f tbe Aator tamlly tratn iiu- iiiy. Tba weddlng wdD keep .Mr-. Aator ln Baa York lutor by two weeka iin-i .n> ber inteoUon. Bhe wiii aad] on the Majeatk .... February S5. After his raarriage Mr. Aator wUI take bla bride for a ?hor! trip aoath, and wlll t-itii^r open hli father'a houae In Kiit'i ave. ...- i.-.. abroad lor a few weeba lo return f .r the Nawporl inaartn rbe m.^t Important dance ol Ihe we '.. wai al Mra. OorneUua VanderbUt'i on Monday nlght. rhla wa* dealgnated ?s a --sniall" dance, bul In all otbei np polnUDenta It was a fnU-dedged ball, and a m. . beaattfBd one too. Tbe floral <i" oraUou* were kuperb, greal quaaUtkN ..f r..-.-s belng u-.-t. tnd evon branrhca of appM i.i>--..iiis. in tbe h.-iil- apring Dowck abo Bupper w..- aerved a. aaaall tablei ln tii" plcture gailci v. . Tba cottlioo was danced, J. BMgway Mi vmiIi tli?: hoateaa. Tlie li t aubscriptlon dance ?<; Delmonleo'a, whl. h eame <m the foUowii g ulght, i u ked bpint. It doea ii a <l.> i< bave on ta i ln aarreaalon ln New-York. On Thuraday nlght m. ?. Wvt.t, nnd .Mrs. Twoanbly reaumed thelr recepUun* wlth inii-ir and danclng. Thelr ia-i receptlon .-f t:. on Thuraday ..f thia week wUI, no dcubt, bc largcly attended and tbe eoUUon wiii I-: danced. on i alfbt Mra. Frederic Qoodridgi i ?? u uuuib ;? nf j oung peopk a ith daj Tbe < du I.ninii ni.t at Mrs. Klnulcutt'a on Monday aftcrnoon, aii.i UM membera had an uppoi tunity of bearing u. inten tlng papcr on bartci read by Dr. Mary Pulnam Jacobl. Mra L'ha dler, M ? Day, Mra. Coopor, Mi . llamUlon, Mra. Im .j. r, M. ' Bevlaa, Mra, TeaJJ, Mra. Jeaup and other mcmbc tb" Caoaerie* were preaent. Tbe inf'.imiil diiiiui- and dau.ce i;,v >n I i Mr, and Mi-. Bcglnald Henabaw u ird al thc <' .uutry < lub on ; Monday wa- B JoUy atfa.r. Their gueata, about : in nnmber, arajnl i.v * apecJoJ car, and aoon after thelr arrival al i'il- clab-bouae dlnner was terved .t amaU labba in tbe dlnlng-room, tbeae belng emoved ; dancl g. Thc .suiioiiiidings ,if tlio club, UM r.-ult of , Mr. liainan's K'^'rt lasi", mabe UM pfeoa iii ire lUM <a ' gicat eoantry boaae tbaa a club. Tbe ladtoi i reiiiovo t.'u-ir bats. The pwrty arrived In lown i?t inldnlglii. Tbe. only niarricd j.-- aple pttawnl bealdea tb'? Baa! and hoateaa were Mr. and Bn. r.lliaii Mr. and Mra. fcugenc Keli\, j;-., i ?! Br. and Mi . Paal O. Ibebaud. li in^y bo latereattng to tb >? who are i".; bi UM habit of visttiiic in London, ? blch icei i- n. i..- , aearer and nearer t<> Bew \...k each year, to hnow i aomeUibig aboal tuo adreeabl iyoung i ? .; . . havo beea In lown for *ome weeka, and \.h. . been Included al iau rabacrlpUon bi!.- and ibe u ?> . Importanl of ibe dauoaa tims (ar k.\' J . ? n are julin Praaer. ol Ibe Boyal llorae Ouarda, and ' Bowring. Tbe lati.-r j- a aon ..f Bdwa d Uowrtng, wi ?> was tbe Membcr "i Pariiamenl from Excl i i Banlon of Un batb, aud UranvUle and Lord < larei don. Ili InUmate frlend, a- w.n as private lecretary, i ? ? Conaort, and Uie frieud '? r f ll fui b.i.i ;, ? - been i (I de I bl ti, ? ttneen t.. llu ben ol bis famUy. Mr. Iioa idfatbci * i ssir Joliu Bowring, foi aome Ume Uoveruoi i li ? -? Kont. belng Ibere at ti..- Uma .>i tbe Lbluea. y< I'i.i-.i- ba--. ii.'i b'-.-n in Ibe arnij uull Uu pauMWd bis eaamloaUon* wlth t.:-- hlghc l I i was etoeted i<? ane of lha i arl i regiiucni Bbtea," ln Bnghuid. n.- fjr.. uid grandfather hcld Blfh uttl.-lai poati ni India. Mr. Praaer wlll aoon atart foi Bngla d, I i wa] "f san Franchu .. Japan an i An BibweaUng amateui performanoe ?iii i" r tho homa "t Miaa Johiurton, No. - tlltl avi . i ruai | -i ai:d ... on the ait. rnoon. u .n ? buth dajra, ln aid .?f tii? - sunnj ide Daj Nui .? a ?. i iu- Babica' >iu .:??.. ili aiin-li knou ii ladiei ?i" Interc b ?? \ iioi - Un are Mra. Aator, Mia* L'aUeuder, Mr?. Iluwia U Mra. VV. A. U.iri, .\;i-. iiuilw uuueau, . . ? l>>- Foreat, Mlaa ?'. i inn;-?. Bra. Jauir K i Mrs. llewltt, Mrs. Henry Janln, >ii-s hophie Mlntou, Mis. a i-n-i i". MouUni, Bi . ... i. i" .-., ... .. 'i v.'. P/. anippen, Br?. iV. !? bloane, Mr?. ?'. i?. feall, Mrs. .1. >i. Vfaterbur) and Mra. vv. newurd l\>ub. Tbe entertalnmeul wlll coi Ut ,. , ?,- by Mr. Htlborn a-urt 1. M, Baundera ul JulUii stt coDOdy, -llcklng up tii>- i. di . li. relt and Mra. Guarlea M'beeler, loruierl) .'-li-- v i..t.-t. ,,l New-or.'jana, ..f an opei Ita, ?? i:..- ^crci ide." Tlcketa may be obtalned from ..lis. j. i i,.,, >ui Morgau, No. ^l'.> Madlaou ave. The Mlaari Koel, ol Bo. 100 Waverley I'ii <-. ^..'-- a Inncheou to ia/t:".s mj Tburaday. Among ih ir i.u< ta were >?'?? Danlel Rune UriawuM, Mi Kui Ir., Mra. II.-n.i Uourd, M.s,. iici nrk Alllen, M.^. Cbarkea Montant, Mra. ..<? Uraiid llem-dlrt, M-.-.. K.nga.ey, MI - VVUmer, ili" Mlaaea O'Cou or, M Ain.v liaker and Mlai de Harrtl ,-sjr Knsderlck and Ladj Kraukland ? i<- < in-; . ?! at dlnner laat nifhl bj Mr. i nd Mi Kugcnt. K.-:i\. Jr., nt Waahlngton Square. Thelr uu. i iver- Mr. and Mr-.. PeJhHin I'llnton. Mr. and Mn It. II. Ward, Mi Jeannle l* rrowe, MI. i < "... MI i ? u . MI Juliaiia flutUng, .1. 'A. Ma.-kay, Jr., V'kloi luiwrinu. Natbanlel ... McCready and T. n K?-ily. and ln- bride wlll i-?il in February for Enf Tin- coming week -.ili be bua] enuugh a Id d.iitu'i-s. dance* and weddlngi Mra. '. I r', -amair dam-e roinea tu-morrow ulgbt, and <-n Wi-dneaduv m * Bt Thoinaa'i rhurch, BIm ilrui ? i arl . w married to Ollver UaiTlman, Jr. The ? -dalng l?r?-ak fa-t ... f..ll"". ai tbe ii.'.u" ol Mr. Ilarriinun' | ?? 1Wii i.niv lor relaUves and intlmate frl?-nd?. ' "?> Tiim-dav nlght <-...n.-? Mra. VVelib' and Mi , rwnin b'\\s receptiou and dance, and uu Fridav nl?lil ^||' aiid Mr*. ('.mi ,;- Th?-baudN i-otlllon al sheiry'*. v' rn- liarrlrx ha dai *-<i to cl inae Ihe datc of b< r fam . Breaa party from Februarj U ln Peb uarj ... Tii- an nouncemeul ... tbe chaiiae wlll n I ,; <>ii Febraary '" :|t t'hrl t rhurch, Htalen i laiul, wlll take phi* ? Uie weddlng "f Mi-- Matlle \ daughler ... Eroatua B'lman, t-. Ja< .1. t'ram, <>f .\>?-.?. Tork. Ai Mra, \\'!iiiii.-\'- ?'..: <" I : iil ? il II. I ? ' rannon led tba . ottUon witli Mi Maj .i iffi debutante "f thM ?a on. The t iv m wei i.i-k.t- nf dowers and ribbon*. LaiMer nto' ?1 f?r .Jw danci. Tbe anpper wa* served from h buffci ln tho .. . A,r-. \V!.!..i..' i.i 1 d.iii"- Wlll UUM place on February 7. Mra, T. Llring*ton Ogden, <.t No. -" Be*. fccven lefiiii,-(.. ^.,v" ;. dinnei partj bi I niunt. nc gueati were Mla* B'ella, MIm Pai na, Blaa Hlcglnnon. Mlsi Banda, Ml-s Barger, MI** Brewaier, F. ?. Dela lieid. II. A. F.. De P. Llvlna i n. .". I Si-hinldt. Anaon Moran and J. r. Wilmerdii .. Jr. yoiiiii; people wem bvter t-. ihe Saturda) E Dandng Claaa at tbe Mende.saohn v- nibl' Bo.?m?. ln We-. Flftj ilfti. st.. when the i tlll n .... d Walter Kemeya leading with MUa Mlntum. we:t> photograpl. frane . flower?, tii' Tbe patrone??ea. Mra. Prdllp Mra Frwoela Uekafield, Mrs. Frederlck J. Uc PevaU'r. Bre. .1. im \v BI Uirn, >i.-. Frederl. i M.s A. Bewbold Morrla, wera preaent. rhe but meeUng of Uie rlaai ? lll 11 b. 11 on I el r jarv 7. I nd-. Uie patronagn of >'rs Oranvllte P. '?? Mis raivih 6. Brlce, Mr*. TaJbol Otlphant, Mrs, rnarlea fichuyfer Day. Mr-. Logan ?'? Murray, li (jeorge Fiecman. Jr.. Mi- Mary BtorkweU. Mn. < harle* M Krr. Mra. ll 07. i aanon and other? .. ?? ?nd readlng wrtll be glven a. .be n.i/i llotcl ... day neat, a. i.ii. ln aid of the Po*( t?rad?nie I. iSlnlng rkhool for Nnraea. Bra. I harlea W Udu RlrhardH wlll rertte and Ibe n,u h .1 parl ? I! ^ nnd'-r ,' I.'., !,v tli.-0'.sses Hll.liaM. IV .?'- IIWA " ha?l ol Mra Talbol oj^hant. n, I ?? B> I Plfly,? v?ilh i. J virs ?- V 'h Crugrr it*flt* bi l-- baiklna raitwr far aaaaad ia sendlng out Invlutlona foi Katurday aftci n,n April -i and 11. Tld* li eapUlned bj ier Ritended denarture for a Mailbern Irtp wWrh wlll *&%M^J^ll."> ??'?>? .?** V .7i? veni'ii; Tlie 11 heta. which admll , p l',:,, a.d moladlea. ai l?? ?t ii tbe uK'i.tiou of .;??? Bianagera to make ibe ...'.. i u -? , one Tbe <-.iiuniJtt.-c of arrangei.s tug. Colooel Ramael r..a Paal, WaKer II. Tun.s aud ihivid M. Brlght, It |a nnder thc |ntr"tiu(;e of .-?ii-. \. (,'. bettner, Mra. John C. < alhoun, Xra. Jamea llarvle Dcw. Xra. Ilugh l: ttarden, Mra, BurtOB >"? llarrl on, Mrs. J. FlUbuah Mayo. Mra. H>>ifr v Pryor, Mra. J. L. RnberUon, Mr-. John 8. Wi a arai Mn, Wlllnrd P. Wanl Mis. Roger A, Pryor and Mfau frvm- pn a tea on Thuraday ufteruiMin. 11 any promlnenl people wera '.,:.? ..( the .tn lemenl weathcr. Mra. aad Mlaa Prym ? II b. il hom. Ti.t,,---: .-. ? .\t iP?n Dr. and Mr-. .tam"- R, Leamlng aad Mlsa Leamlng eave a r ?< epl on tentaj tftei ,n il Ihe r li ?n e. N... i- We?l Thlrty-eighth-aU, al whleh manj well known people were pn i nt. afra. Willlam B. Selaun ?, ed. Mi> Martha WaahlneVm Bakel entertalned b larae niimher >l pueals at lier home on Thnradey nlgltt. Ilerr \.r -1 - i. Ihe planlai pl ived a nnni her of leetlr.aa. Among tho?e pre* ..t irere Bamn ... a i ii m . i ?; iiarsla, Mr. md Mra. ? . -i. Ilarri-itl. M - llarri.-tt. I'atil JiinUo. Mr. Mi. I|e i. Dr. l:r:-to!. Dr. II. P. Ilndaon, Dr. Pted Kammerer, Mr. and Mr*. Tompk n-. Mr. nnd Mi F.mll Wlnkter. Ml - UlUe Ber*. the M ? ; . Mr*. rharlea sprapuo. Mr-. John Doualaaa. ? iledon, Mlaa White, Mlaa Kittle Berger, Mr. la-ill! ii,..-. !'? Oarar Chaac, Pranklln Lawrenee, Ml - l>.,t,.-ii.T'-.-. Mlaa Sanborn, Ml Urbe Mlaa Ah>e i.'.iv.... Ml - Robln ..I. Marlln llafch, Dr. BrynBerj I',,. or ., i M aa (OnpMon. Ilr. and Mra. Orme Wllaon im..- ?? dlnner party laat nleht. Thi ? irne t- were Mr. aad Mra R. t. Wllaon. m i Mra. .t. :. D. Lanler, Mr. and Mr?. Mlll Mr an t Mr Cnrnellua Vat.derbllt. Mra, Paran Meirena. MIm Whltlne. ?-: i-. ?. w ird MrAlliater i*. M. T,?,'?!. ? ? , and John Pr.-,- ??-. <<f Bngland. JIn, An ??! N'-'i KMtng gave a dinnor of elenteen rover al the Plaia llnt?l nn Wedneaday erenlmr. The table \\n la iitlfull.i il.rnted bi Klunder, nnd mualc "ns fumlslied by TIpBkti'a MandoUn Orcbeatra. I 1177/ SCBARtFEXKA'S COXCEBT. Vud.-? a 'i '- neerl glver aeemed derldedly pleaeed v i i, .?,.!, other ai Ihe flral Aaierii in eoaeeri ol Herr Xaver eVbarwenaa al the MetropoUlan ftpera lloaee, Indecd, tl.vldenrea of amtaal aatl hietbin anwe ao liiiai.-i-.m. in it hearty thal Ihet.m be llttle doobi thal t M< Brqaalntaace ao aaapirlor, |y began wlU rlpen Into Inecre and laating friend lUp. Ilerr Behar wenka waa nol preeeded by greal lame In any af Ihe three rapaeltiea whlvh be dJ rloaed i..-( night, Aa a aa rlr-'tiv hi.: berauae of aome prettj aalon trlflea, thoagh tbe aplendld roneerto whleh be r". i ... al ely rhi >e, lo be tbe >.Ilum of bla peraonal Introdnctlon bad been heard hera before, bavlng first been played In Jfcn York, we belleve, by Mr. Con I n yoara a. >. MaoJ traai ran pupth bad romo home from bla ?rhnel In Berlln ., ,,i had spoken hlghly . f hlm aa a leaeher, but thla roaM aearcely be held tn tomoaal to fame. Aa an riperntie rompo?*r aad eoadaetor" ha waa entlrel) b known, even to tha muskiana who kr.-p abraaal witi, the Uerman metmpoUa wt.ii n i. Herr aenanrenka'a home, Withoul waate ol warda it ? ? ? ? ? blow he ' onqaered recog nlUon for hlmaeli one ol the atrong men In the tnii-n.,1 world ol to-day. By playlng bla fln-| eal work, bla i..--t i roeerto, op. 32. he awak . ..i ,,?.? a i ?? loiniinti..', whbh tbe Judicloua have alwaya fcll on aeoring Ihe work and bj i, alth Iwo fr vii. t from i, , new i.|? . Mata I .." he blotb 't oul r m pletely thc one -ld-'l n pul itlon whli li he u i d to l. we, ? j. i-i. a- merelj ? aalon ? I foll ?,?:? h, tlio f ?.' i. pa ,.f i hopln. , delightful to dlacover hia ablUt) t i handle large f..,T?- . . f ,!?.??. and an eaae whleh . (ed li ," riei re, rhe < ?<i ' ?. ?i?l1 " . d . al. hlng - ? ?? ai 'i ii ? ? . ? ...... nt, aeemed .; m Ideaa than Ui ?; Ule eaoerpt*. ? ? uiter toM ? aag n atning benl tnward U m In aomethlBR llhe tbe Btyle ol period. rhe aiibj I I ' Ptlla Dahn'a ? Eln Kampl um K, .;,. ? ,,..! tre.'- of the downfall of the ? power In Italy, i.n .|uence of the ... Uic death of Then ,,.,.., ? ? i ? it f.': ? i i ... , ., dui tfw , ? ? . :?...,. ? | . ' > parla were In ?a eike, Ilerr < -*' thua ai 4 Fra llului tho ch .rUtera ol Iho . . : '?''''' "?"""'? f0r ... rentional In exprc i m and moal irated. Ilerr bcbarwcnha led bla I , md. Be |d< ? be played ta.!"???? ??' ! iro i aa enl plaudlU aa a ? rtu. aa '? ?. ?,,,? p ,- :. Mr. seidl and tbe Meti ga.lllan ?? . , , , ... "-.t. wl h :. aaa Uateacd ,,, D] ...... l a? nnaw i i ' ? "i" fa llon ?? K.uid H., umro aUta. jj0 ;. ? . ? , i iaad uanng the h , . i , ,. ....... :? ,,( the "i".-* i ? . ? : , ,....,,.., I, iiiiiremenl ,,,:,,.:. .'d'.uM , um . . , ? waa on I : ? - i ? nf ? : ? , . i bead ol Iho ? ... , . | .... ',,''' ? . i- ,1 mata v,,.. ,, I |, ?.; ,v on n ;. i, i.i <?; /i / v. , I rhe Pn fa wlfo ra| ,, : ? the reeeption ahleh ?? i , (V(. , ik lo-day, berau ? tlu il. rhe ..;.:...,.. .?:?..'.: orliH-k, . II . ?, i. ,p?l uiittl thi I ' .n, ni lo be abh to . I.'"I'I-. , ? . , ii. ,;.. il ,i . ,,,,??, ? . ? . ,, . t , prevcnl mati) ,,. ,j,i ? fi ,-ii ??? Inc '?? t' ?? White il ?'. ?? ?'. 3 " ,.|? n Im vl tor . ? ; m, . m. K ?? aud Mi . Rua ell llar ..,.,;, i , r ? ... i ? i ... weli "iiio all wi o dealrtd lo bo i od if (i Hora eoald nol ad .?? ii,- tno i.i ,. ? . oaughb .- ai d .. ughte In b?w, a u r . Ivod them l? H < im Biinit nwnner. Mra. Ilan la m la ? afl ? : miM aore Ihroat, whleh haa been tomethliig . pidemii ibrwi ihout Uhs - Itj, mi ol the White ii,,,, ,? fauill) bad bad Ihla throel tronbh*, escept the |,; ,,,. , ,,.ii hl wlfo. |.i.iiii/ Ihe i, i rortnlxht Mr Mr.Kee and h r rhlWren ai I Mra. Ru ?-?ll llarrlaon ,i,] |,.,. uttle >' m thler bav? t? ? n III. Mra, llai I on waa apparcntly well laal evenlng al Ihe reeeption glven by thc l*re ld>nt lu b.r oi. Late i,, ,;,. nlgbt, bowever, the .ynipiom npiasircd aud ,,,. | :, in all i ??:? '-. bul ... IIM ?. n. M lu be nnlv of ai.liiiiirj r?ld. lait bj i. -,|i . Ilarrison fouiid lhal it ?? .,.1,1 nol v ir off, aud n, waa obllicd ',| [i| Ihe 11ll] \ 1 ? Ollll , li.l o I" ol, ? i , !? ..?.. ??? um.. 'i ' ? ho|M ii lhal Mra, llai ,. ,.,,i aill lu her u tal li all li, ;,.' i m . fj 1',.,- . Ut rr IJP7DI ttOUE. Announremeiita have ulreadj been made of t lio , that haa been began by ?.r Riddte, i.i old ol I Home. i bej are aad I ,i ?? ..i in.. l. i.iio-' Auxll arj \ .? i itlon, and jr- glven nl llaiaUnan llall. Two are alnmdy p I ;, ,i , . thlrd .?? ei.i I la aftei i.n, the ro t f i . .;, i:i ,ii,,; .... Tba i . :,,.:? aud an ??? I , lan loi tltuii >n. Ini orp ?.':11? d, in i ? ; i. lt i,, i,. en bandl , ,| j,. i : ?, ,i name In the rceognlllon ol the beoevo : ume ol Pt ibraly I n iturall] uggei t,\,- ,,f an ade?|uate endowmenl fund, a ml apprebenalon Uutt i., ,;..: u ,:c ' '''"' 'ii....''. to be overloohed In i:,.. |,. .... ,i ol i'-'" ?-? rhe home pruvldea lor th. , ?nd comfori ol twentj Bve aged women, Um numbor l.-m.' restrirted, owlr.g t,. Umltod tnean , ,,r. Rain f ?.?!, of fct. . ... b, bt the pre i ii, nt ui tbe Board of '? ipporl of tba bome i- eatlrely depetideut upon tbe volontary offerlnga ,,i iboae who a,.. j?.; ? i , * aeUare. Owlng t i alteratloaa aad ,,, tue bnlldlnp, made naeeaaarj for the pn ., ,,. tba i.o-.t.i ..f a- inni.ii"-., t. managen . ui.u u*l a ?? a i le upo - - i . ; ? i .r tt:- avaruge uuiuuut io meel tbe ordluar) llviug <\- .,-'1 nppeal i< now urgently ,.'. of ; ortl * of the . 'fiiiiiiiint ?i inter ->; In tlie i mditlon ol womeu ?l.o a:.: aud a:',. >nl ? when ,.,i, by tbe InflrmlUei of tiiot?- deellulng yeara. .1 LBCTOBB H'lc THF. TBBMCB linsriTAl.. \. wi nt, wh" aaa aoeecaly lakwi III wntla ? L'blckerlag Hall, Jaaeary it, lapealta ni* ? ? nl ....11 - ... tt waa t nnl ii .. ii,i,.ii,,,, i.f PaiU " .,"i " ?? , a;-i .?: Iha 11 n< ii i!i.-,.,uii. .' a i of l ... ? ? I, ., |,.,tn,,.- ..t Uii >. ?!" -i'i.'.i -,,,,i'ii l>- l':,f aaol V ,i,..,;,, ,,,. ,..,.,-,? applaaaa ,,t tne la-llenee. Jndgtnn frnin Ibe bu . , ?. ? -?un wiii ba .. ro in ? hi - ?l ?' i g BRIDOR AT MIAi IR \ I ALL*. H,,rt the lee formatlona are Indeaerlbably beaaUfBl Ki-'ht tralna e*erj aay, rhi Mew-Yorh Oaawai w-itu tiuouL-ii Waiuit-r oarlor umt;tara. ?'* AGAYWEEKINWASHINGTON. THE CHABTTT BALL AND THE "AMATEl H l'.i;NI-:Fir--\Y|,|i|)i\.;s axdRECEPnoNf waahlngtow, Jan. -? tBperial). Soclal gayety came ?' ? ? <?' .?? iag a gbtdy whbi thl* week. Bweei < barttj waa, in hwga lM,,. ti,,. laaptraUon. AJ1 Ihlnga g?*a waj aa Moi i iy aad Wcdnead iy i rening* t<> the annual ' ? arity Ball for Um l bIMren'a Hoapltad, and tha "Amateui Benefll ? for the Homa for Ineurablea. Ti.e patroneatea of Uie Charity Ball were the wit* of the Vlce-Preatdeat, aad frorn Ihe OaMnel elrrle, Me?. '?vi-.'i .-ii. Mrs. Preetor -ind Mra. Buak; from the 8u preaM Ooart <in-ie. Br*. FuUer, Mra. FleM, Mra. Harlaa and Mra. Rray: from the dlphnnatle eti lo, Mrs. Bocaero, Mra.Oaaaiaa, Lady P;tM:..-.-f..t'-. .< <>uiit?'--t d'Araebot, Badame Eegarra, Madama Laaeano aad Badame d" i-, Fosae; from O)fhjrea*lonal clrctea, Mr;. sbenaaa, Maj. FiUhugh l. Mra. McMIUln, Mra. Henry Cabol Lodge, Mra. McPheraon, Mra. caawron, Mra, itaaford aad Mra. Bvarta; and naan tbe unollclal v.oiid Mr-. i . v. B. Berry. Th. nuneaof themaelve gave proaakaj of aoehU aMl ?naaetal inceeoa, and tbe ball pinv.ii agbrtniao. "erueh.* Tbe kci.f iii.- f. ii-.ny waa al th.- Araaory of UM Balloaal Bhtea, wbere Ibe waBa were bung wlth Ing, aad Um blg ballroom ?.i- efeboratelj d.r I -i wi'M troplra] follage ai d bl.iii g pTanU. i e Marine Band ramtahed the mu*le an.. gave to *t??- up] er i at unj the gfewbif eotor of thdr wsaricl unlforar*. Tbe ladiei of the reeeptJoa commlttee arere Beaator walthaB'a arife, Bra. t. n, M. '!.. on, Mra. Henry Wlllard. Mrs. ... Otover, Mr,. Wlllkun Qalt, Mi ? ... t. LeUer, Mra vini"'H".i. vi,.. Raipk Johnaoo, Badame de Blboarg ami Mr-. Lewta Dwvl*. They wore their aardlsomeal gowna; and, Indeed, aanaVane aowna were the rato. Among Bm loor aaaa ajera, a ilatanee eoanrtbub >i much tn th.; enjoymenl "f tbe occaaloo, wore Jadga John Daria, cakleron OarUafe, Captala Georg U Aaderaae, i>r. u. a, Bafh, .'. 0 K., John W. Blddh i.i. afenanl geUrldge, Major TurnbuU, Undan Kea and . lifT.,'ii Bicbardaoo. Tbe t.nii company ineludcd many gueata who are aeen at auch ? anbUea only ..ii,.-. i, rtmr, ?rhen they f.:i In ifra.-fiiiiv imd merrllj and li"i|. io mabe Uie Charity "eruah." Dlplomata aad atataaaaen partlcipated ln Uie f.-tiviiv, nnd al balf-paal 10 thr Prrddenl and Mra. Ilarriaon < .un ? ln ih" dlnner party ~l\f. by Becrotarj and Bra. Roek; and wlth them Uie dlnner company, whlch ln ? luded, i- ade othera of Uie ? ablnet, Be lator ai d Bn. Prye, Benaior nnd Mr*. apooner and Benator Ba and hl* dauahier, Br , Boward Whlte. The pi ..f tl." I'r, Ident'i party waa the ilgnal for dan. Ing, an i ?et ibe twiii gi || _? ? ,? ., , ther >i nner partlw - wonnd ap" UM evenlng ln dandng f..r charity. Moat ..f the v?.,i<ii11_; rompanj .ii Benatoi Vance'a houae altei ird weut I.. the ball iii.- weddlng ..f MI - Ptorenee Onoper, a nlece ..t Mr-. Yaace, ind rhurle* Manley Buabee, ol North . .ir.iiin.i. waa one nl tb" pretUeal aome weddb ?'. r ? dccp window ln the fr mi drawlng rnrtalned nfl .<ii;i garland* "f amUai i.i .i verltahle bower. wlth bockeround "f pelm I whlte n'.i'i. The bridal pwrtj entered fn?m ihe , pa igh a ribboncd i :,. d preceded bj I irdlnul lilbbuna, a ho read tl i ,.?? aei ? i ?. a it< d bj the i: -.. Mr. I bappi lie, ol -t. m i ithi - ? un ii. \ i|Ui rtt I from Sl M ittl ???? '? rnolr aang ? i weddlna raarch " O, Perfec. Love,'* and n( i1 .? , eremony ibe to Oandeamu*." 'i ha ' rld.> glven i iy by 8. nator \ an. e. Her wed" ? gown, f a.iite mUn bmcaded In Ulver, had . ? > , ? . n f, tUiei -, .-".'I a tulle vi II wa* h"id hv "n i he i rlde was attet d ll, ;... ? mald ol Iv nor, whu wora ?? i?| w' it.. fal ' . l he I - deai i dd* ? - S Miaa Jnatlce, MU M ind VV< ller. BI M ? Bullo. k, BI ,,f whlte inlle, wlth irimmlng* "f gra?aei i ? I,,,..!,.-,. |>:,\ . . All .mi-j ... ."'al . f i ar >llna, a i !?? i i., The I rld and bridi - Irfl W ? ? ? weddlng Jo North, and wlll make thdr bome al Bateigh, N. < \. ?? ? ? Um \ ? Pieaidi a. Bortnn, blahop k. . ?. Banatot and Mra Dolph, th< ? ? ? and MI ?? Puller. ( ounl ai I Br. and nd Ml-t* Blarkl arn, I M . v. i ? , -. aator ni d Bra. < ai ll?M, ? .d . . Tboagh t'??? ' ? i" I ' ' : "' ' ' ' avcn ? I v fuU i.i oktl . H| || ;. i Eatbei Uaker, dau hter nl , . , w luakrr. r. > N-. and WHII. vt k^v oi Boaton, i.' .rrled by Um re. I in - ? i ? . ,. ?. BcBinney. F. F. ? ? I ??" *'ri*M> l*'v ' ? ,. -. M ' ! N Buth Baker and >l Bary < waa ol ' ' ; ' , ? s ,. ., .. | ? - ? s ... . ... i Mr. and h Uwi ? ? ? ? . . I, ir Mis, ( .. -'? ,. . ?: ,. marrl d ln *t. . i |i ' ,.? ' > I . N ?? ? .-, ? ? i. p M ? , , i, ii, ?, Mi Kl n. ;? v. o, |i, ! r a. J ii" N,"'; ..... .1 M i . . ?? ? ? ' rne neat cve ;....,,, . - (hunh. ? v .... |,; Milrlicll, a rou ol B lenl, and Mi . EIU " '-'v 1 : | I, .." " ? ' I". . ? . . ,. ? i .... 1 ,'..,,u- v. , rra hluddard, wlio (rave liei girwn oi id l ? n i | 'hnni ?? man. s ? ? mUfdiau . . wil de of Uw bridal party, > \ ,?, ,.i ?, ? < ? wod glng M i i , iew* Hia. Mr. Mltchell and Mi arere Ibu* qukrU) n an "i ? a . wd i ?? Mi. and Mis. Mltrbell -?? lu Nea ^'llk' aud earl> ln February ...11 aall for Kurop". wlaere thej will . a | --ar. Br. Mltrli :. en igemei t n> MU* dauglrter ol .-\ Oovoruor Alg. r, ol Mb li in, wa II) annonuced laal ipring. 11 waa n??? known tbal ib" eugagemeat bad been broken, ..-.<i Uierefure bla qulel ? :..'..? ra ed ametbing o ? li ?? ,i '. ;,.: ,,' ii, ? i It. for tb-- llomc t , urablea i iat Uncoln Mn-.. Ilall u,,- UIM fa-iiionaiii" gaUiering in full drc i, and Uml tla-re i,i. nol ii'.--: f..c manj a daj an ani,- nan. u irUve and smiH.tii from lieginnlng '. um UU* ?i..-. nui .?* |.it??-? Uie Intere l lu.wn ln tlw yuuna l.i'i" who pbiyed >o well ln Uie bu ,,j,..|"!:.i - i.'Aii.. .iu,. .' aud wlione wecb-i u all Um more e* v i ln llie vi... helght ,,f lll" s.',i-,.ii. ;n umpl ' I'- "I1 '? 1" ,,.,,- ... Um loa t -. ? were Uhj VI I ? t, M Miirtun and Uielr daughter, Miaa Kdlth Morton, Uw tiecretar) ..r Htate, the Fronch Mlnltter, Mir* Itarhcl l.ii.":.hi and Aliill .Ii.IiIisIdii. ?" >? vtvln . of Uie U .ui .n. Iii tbe bon were Mr. and Mrs. Rdward Ital.kiay, wltb the Mtu , ?..- and Mra, (luznian, Lleutenanl Barrloa, Madame Mt-iiduucw and Mi-- Urewater, of Nea Vork. lu a boa were Mr. Von Mumm, ol the Uerman Legatl. wltb BepreaentaUve .n<i Mra. liltt, Miaa Harrlel Blaiue and tii.-. Uerman Mlnl ler. On Uiu oppok.te Me, in lower i".\' . wora Mra. U-lter, wlth ii.r teurh. .-. and a number ol ...uiik frlenda; Benator and Mi M. BUlan, wlth tn.-n- .1 m Wolrott and Mi-s Ward. In Ihe appcr boxei were Proleaaor and Bra. Bounona, wltb Madame Barrlo/.. Bbm Parnaworth and Miaa Barkoe; Mra. B'au anaker, ?nii Miaa Wauuunaker, Mrs. i;.|i. MU* Mabooe ^nd Miss Alvey. In tbe orcheatra wera the BriUafa Mlalator and Lady Paan '? itera. Uie i aridab and ll i Mlaiafera, Seii..t.,r and Mr-. MePhcraoa. Mr. nnd M muii.-v Kv.'iiii. Benator, Mra. and M MlteheU, jodaoa, Mr-. B'lIUaaa Morrla liunt. Mra. Bomero, Mn john W Poater, .Mr. and Mr , Prank Ooi I and Mra. <urcy, and Begalor Waabburn'a wife dHii-lit 'i". i he kadlng |..;t- w? ? u | by Mr*. . wii.-ei.ii:. ,,.' i'iui.,,1, Ipfala, who pUyed Bel ka, tl e du kj Quaaa "' Mada i ?? Bku BlBott. ol Bea \ .rk, wlio ira Prtnceaa Inea ol Portogal; the i?.> belng iiw.i f,? ni,. band ol Vaaco Da Gama, the parl taban bj ? if Htevrna'a mmi, nerre steven . who i~ Ih. li,,,-.,-.1 amatear arlor In Waablnglon. II < iiiit]..'./-.. wa Panl llnnt, a on ol ihe late Wllllam Morri* llnnt. tleorge Levl, attache of tbe Itallan Le ntlun; Jnmea O. Bbdne, J.-.. Morgao Brown, Ueo tenanl Belfrtdje and ttaron Beek Frua. ol Uie Swedl?h Legatlon, were roari Inqabdlora. Among the lord l?i?., of tbe <?.1 ol Portugal wei !:,.., Boeofoe, ol Uie Fren.' Legat Thayer, Dr. Boaae, MUa Vao Bem il - . Bl roa an Mnitb. miss Bverett tba Mtaaea Braat, MBa Huai and Mr^. Lav. Tbe BBBBM were .11 f?uaji;sli eoadauaa of brlght ' -!:-, ipaaglea and tije laatlwallng kaee veO. Tha eoartlera were BvP!,,ndent In spanl-li eeataBMB. Marqnla Impertah, ?'f tha Itaaafl lagnioa, ?nd Mr. Van !:? ? welaet were flrat rloaaa la tlic oreheatiBi otherwlse a profeaaloaal oreheatra. Tha anule waa >takl g," and for Ihe moai parl waa tompoaed "f aaeb ,; aira aa "The OM Oahea Baehat," "Johony Comea MarcbJng Home," -Tliv BttgM Smilo llaunts Me StlU." - l.lf- on tha oioiu Wave." and ?Jlusliabv Baby," but all ?-??t to purcly arlglaal werde. As a wbole the bnrtesqaa aaa eilieeaall aaiaalagi Ihe performera bokllng tlio large BBilaaea ploased and bv : for three in.urs. Thoraday evenlaffa leadlag aoetal laeahatte wcro the ball gtven by ex-Oovernot aad .Mr-. Oarrall lo : laoe aaaghter, M.i-.a Ileien Carroll. and a gtven by Mr. nnd Mra. Qaarga W. ? i. maay gaeata ir.-ing ta bota. ti.o Carroll aii waa a Bne oaa. The walhi wore aaag with garlaada of imilaa and aeparagaa, ln tha hall wera hedgea ot palau an.t axafcae, betweea whteh gaaata : to the drawlag rooasa, where aaaerb ro-cs ware the Ibvoribj fl twera. Mrs. Carroll reeelvei in a gowu .f pale-blue aatta, wltb rteel ernbroMertee, Tlio debutante waa attrartive ln a aimple K"?n of whito ? ,ll>. coverad with rie sole. and a pe.irl nceklace. Le nraad Caaaoo, of Mew-Yarld lal the cotlllon with Mlaa larroU, and amoag olhae Kew-Yorh .,?.-i- were John Jaeob Aator, Mra. Ladenbert; Mis* Ucnaaelaer Cniger, Uoold Redmond and WlUiam Cattlag. Un. aad Mlaa t.adwallader .,, \[.. rame Irom Philadelphle, and from ,- nore, Mr-. Robert Oarrett AJnong other guesta were the Vlce-Preatdent and Mra. Mortoa, Mr. aufl Mi- Robert McKee, benator and Mra. tameron, ma iiriiljh Mlnister and Lady Pauneefote. Tbe navow ir ia eonceita in tiio f"r-u .,f siiu paraaoia, .atln ui ncholr caaea, oecktlo b>.\cs. wlnte mnc and '"'Vi'.'" ',,".'., rge Bloofaer*a ratepHaB aaa ionBrthtagel ,, houaewurmlng party, aa th.eaalon opeoeg her houae. No. 1.717 Maaaacbua ttaave.. which is ,,,,,. ol t:,o t.i'.-t beauUfnl >.f Ihe bow boaaee iu t'"i , ?,i. rhe tnaiii'-i, In Ui- drawtng-rooma .<!?? '.r onvx, and ll aeemed .. plty that faahloii ea Id have baaked them with rut nowera, u .-.i iu profiialnn to cover defeeta, i?..t ehoiud nol bo ,. l beautr. The floral decoratlona throughoat were moat elaborate, long-atemmed Amertean Beauty BUiikg J-"- ln overj eorner. Mra. Bloomer ro .-l tuntuolae blue autin and tulle. ,.Mn tutvlng ;i deep border <.f f..rc-t me not*. I ,?. i??i ,,. a i. ol blue aatlu and cloth of k"W. trlmmed alth forget-me nota and pufflnga of tulbJ. OonnteHa K,ierhaiv senator and Mra. fttanford, tho Brasllian \ilniaterund >ladame Mendonca, Oenerel Beale, Juatice and Mis. i t.-id and Major Tarnbell aara aaaoag laa ' ? ,i -. hoflehi gave a dinnrr on Timr-dav evenlng ,,, lintioi f the ITesident. l.mpaay Ineladed the speaker, Nenator stanford, .lu-u<<j I . ,. seuutor ohernuin, Secretary Wmdotu. senatoi M, Mi'ii.n, i; prc ??? i itlvee MeKlnley an.i waeelec auu , : Vi drcw -? _ ?.._ rhe dlnners ol note on Tao?day evenlng were tne i'i,-.i,iont-. iii hooor of the TJlplomntic Corpa, and Dolpu'a dltiit r lo tn ? Vl? Presldenl aad Mra. ii ? -., ihe White lloase, the Bbite din ? ,'? v:,, iinn-ii.iiiy ait:-.i'i:N i ln the BfWto ..- -1 rrecit 'ii'-'t- glven by white axaleaa nnd white ro< ta, A-ltli ii.aldeiihiiir rerns. rhe ab enee ol brlghi eolors " a, |.., , ., , liange. and the lable *-aa deemed ot.o . , ... ., ai .. -t.. ,1'nnor. "mcrbun bcaut> n,-- avrc I i I ? aowars atthe , : ? !.,!:,', a reeeption l?ll?wi-d i" an after-dlnuer comuan) 'f KiieaU. ine. ,.i? .,,,.,.,.,,,- .11 ihe wea* liav made daj rlalMna t. Walklng I- !.nmiL' moro aod , ,,;,:! ,,f vlsitlng, fi-oni rh.>lre, a- It i- beeomlug ,,!, ,?.? ? faahUm. TH- Mlnlrter I I d . . hav. -. tl.namplo. Ladj Paunoei ??< ' I-??' ll.1 Of'J. M"' nny . v afternoon paylng vlalta ;;,i roo* i.. mi [.,.: iiave .ui advMtage ?..,.. , ... , inusi v a.i their tam in a lor.8 Une "' ,,.: v, ii, ? ,:.,-, tbe < : rlagea al tbe ie< ;?,,.. i ,,fa i.. augjreated a White II ??e receptloa, ,>,.. in.ttei.dii.g three td eka fitam the hmiae. >? a . ,.,,1V w.Uhed a bloek to ear lt for IIh . to gol i" th'" "i ;* ? .? -,.,? Mlaa ?lluu', who prealded . mhi rlrcle aare genei iL M ? i,,,i with her Mr-. Ra-lellffe, ol DetroR, i,,:,,,; wheian. of PMlailelphl.. Mra. and tl by Mrs. \\ irkeisliam. Mra. . f?.,;i..,. Mi-->....tani 1MUB , alth Mra. and Mlaa Proetor. Iho l"ted ??w. Noble. Mra. and the vis. Rtanlej Brown and Mlaa te. of New York. v,- rongner ItW.andM^WIIlardWjaraer ? ? The ? f ol tlie hpeak r waa aaalated ?J iioutolle, Mra. llayne, Mra. aeorga AaaaH aad Ih,.- waa tha Paeelaent'B rocep II glven by i .- >puii?b -, ?.o white ii mae there wore the ? ? ,., , i; .-:: ind Ihrougaottl phe Marlne Band aaa , , ? were the naualleareful arrange ' ' .' ;'".",\- Mn tdtea nf the < abloet. w th tho ... , The bvdlea aaked lo bmIbI baek Stanford. Mrs. Langbton, Mra. r.-t.-rha7v. Mra. Khepard, Mra. l i ., ..,?. Mra. i,i,. Mra. Poater Mrs. Vaa ? Mlaa iiur-.t.-. Mlaa Jadaon. Mhat V,.!,.,. ,..- m -. . ? ^ th" ro.-.-pt m ???? tn ? ,-.. , ?;, tn ned out ln laxcr ? . .,;;,, RenreaentoUvea were aeeora . and, if the eraaada . RUtera. hlerea, eonalna and aunl ? \.-,n and Vavy offlccr* were aaked . . ?,??. .-. - They vrtretB Hoaae to laa . .??.- lall. ,. i avthlBg voit want ??' bav, 1 Iro or a?ir ., ,- th? ihort BdverthM menta <o t. b i i (., rj, r. ? ifH ir.T75ror:v. i,,, 24 ?'??- On M ?day Mra. wa . ,?.. ?, plnk IniKbeon. Mra. John M, .. Roaa ? ? ? berl narrwtt I,...... Mr?. Bwan 1 ii' U and Ml , Jog ? . . them. In the afb " - w*. Hal , t , Mis. Bberwood, aad ,-?. >i|. ... iiurlbut. or i;.-t..n. who are taylng with M,- ?| erwo d. ' M ' v " -;' '' " p.^..,. n MS| i ,i in rerelvlng the gaeata, That v .,. ,i ?,-? ii ? Kli nn had a tbeatre After the plajr they bad .,. |n tho dmwlng room ut the .. Dr. and Mra. \ m .. ;?'!!. Ml aaa Ba m. Mrs. ! itrobe, RobeH Blddl i .,--. john McKIm .md WUliam V. Lbcbb - who were lavtted. ? , ,,.. ,,,. the whokJ daj waa tahen ap wllh . L .,,,.,..,,?,. ? (im the benei l i f the -? oi I aarahi i imateara who took parl cton and Saw Vorh, a-d never were i.,. ... r,;.,., , .,;?.? of. \ . immlttee wenl to , ., | ht them ?? p. niey had a \i,,i|. inv. After tha i-nf ra i ea. .'i,. I, aaa largely atteaded, a alBner waa glven lo them .?! at nlgfat thej were tafcea t.? tho , , . . BoclaUj aod Boaneially ii waa a i,:;; ,,, every one wa Ihere it wonld bo ? lettor to gtve all their aamee. , the Weddlng day of mi-s Margarei I | .... ,.. ,;..,: , |-.iii,..t{. bha waa marrled at Urece ;it .? aud af- -H-.I . -'".'ii breaafaal aaa ,i intfmate Menda al in-t-' ;? t. ,,., ?? mj e\ nlna Mrt. Joha OM gave a danclng ;i,r i,,,. daaghter, Olivba. Only yoaag peopld \ii- Marj Thomaa, Mlaa Tlffany, Mbai M, . I'n-i,, i, 31 . . ' uscher, Mbw i Fl ber, Mr. Mi Kbn, Darej I i;,. i uudio Brown were ,,:,!,. - , 0k pUv ? on Thnradey ut Chrtat ., |, .: i k< liioj waa marrled ?.? Ralph ,i rtnarl aortley. Mlaa Nehky U i ,:. , wlBfleH M-o.t achlev. Mr. IVortl rpbea ??' Ihe Barl of Wharnelnfe. A ,..,, , ??., _?,, >n t. thea by her aaat, Mi . fartw i Uh. r. ,, , . , ,.,,,:. f. iiorwltz gave a Inni beon "f auteen .,,.' ',.iv. v; . WI. I?. Ogden, of Sfew-York; V V, ? , !?.,,. -i ui . Mr . Thorn, Mra. Uradley T. ,;,;? dterllng and Mlaa Prka areai .'.' '.?"'?( Viio -ii'- .'f dlnner aaarea took pla. ? ng. Mra. W. Ilatl llarris Mra. ,,. ? | ?,,, rn- . i;n liard MeKhfiry, Mr-. Iloward \,,?,,??,??:;.' Mi . Imvui stewart. Mrj.Ro*? Whistler. u. i,:.,V ...?,,-,-?.- Mn*. <'. O'D. Lee. Mra. oldiiey , . , ?,.,, the baif oi the clab ?I ''? time The re I of Ihe clnb. aa well a theme Invltcd t."h dlnner, adlourned altai u:,;,i ,,: , dame ln tha Lya am lacatre aartor. ?.-? ? ROYAL BLI I l-lNK. delphw. BalUmore aad Waahlngtoa. ,.n ? ..?' ifety, ipe d and punctuabty the Royal Blue I.i '? 1 ??? i ? t '' V:l" iiiihrdstered day and parloreara, iteam nnd lislil ? ' id we traveller everj . , u-nvel, and maae a trip over .? , i -ii i.T-nro. Htatloe ii, New Vorh, Central l ef N. ? Jei ej. f. ol Llbertj it. ? , . , . thla |.-.p-r ftor hours of tralBB to 1'uUadelplila, BalUmore aad waaltiogtoii. 11,,. wa ? I -..ut.'nv. -torn PaUmae vaatt i?,|,.(l | I,,, ed betw.i Wailllngton and Ailanta. vm llirbmond and Danvllle Railroad, every day. Two other H.igh tralaa dalty. rarfect railway aarvtee tho .v'',l'h .md H Wth. ? ? -?? -? Tlir r.T...l.rl.lur. I -"M.;.*.-. aad 'II. rry third-at la ? _. , ... i?.,.i calaBM aaaarpaaaad i?.-ona I;, | a, p?i . ? ?: Home JoaraaB. MOTI j., i. hirgei ti,'.-. 0 ?? n ,,..!- .,- m.n-ii t i n your -:???- aa \.m pay ' < rawfi nl si, ,. |?,,;. to pol. a ;.,.d si.iH-.pul .:? ? - ? i ? : l.'.'li--!.. Keen'a -hlrUlo Mrnaurr. M? for g?. RaM MtM at unj geaaa 609 aud bll liroudwar. -Mirrui Taara to MfiK* 8107SS f... Um raaad tru>. aio. ?.>? in s,. .1,1 puiinaao i'ar, uoouuh fraaa vvaeniiet., n. . i.i i.v of Meal ? and return, ekaage, via i'l,.<lii?,iit Aii Ln,.- (UM i.m.Mid nnd DanvIU. ???*?> l..>iiiiii.s ,f ueolaU) ? raanlud iwrti.*. of 1'iu.W* nnm li.r. finiii Waablngtou, D. C. on l-'-hruarr 3 aud 17. Man a g, 17 aml al. Return fn.m fltv <>( M-Ai.o on r.-bruarv 1? and rortnlghUy thateafter untll Aorll 9. lii.-lualve. Kiill partlcuhu-a to bt had tiimn io N.-w.l.nir. laiid Ag-ei ,v. -^H VVa*hlni/u>n-?t., Ro?toii . Ueneral r-iK'eni A..IH v. 820 llioadwav. X. Y. ; or to th * P?*i?-i>?"i POj i* in. nt III. and n-invlll. P.allro-ad 53 ilem, 1,300 raaaftvaaavwva., Waaaaaaaaaa, D. c. ilARRIED. M.vr.TlN-SW.VIN -In nn.i.klvn. on Wednenday. .lao'iary 21. at th" i.-sid.n ?,. ?f th" b'rld. 'a paicnta, by thc Rev. Win. V. Kelly, riorrin-e H' aujln Co IWk Mar. Un, jr. Nottees of mnrriages niust be Indoraed wlth fuil name aml uddre<*. - At 288 \V"st 14th ?t.. ?iiddenly, Janies Camp. Ola. of his at-e, aud fi.r ;?i yeara with J. DIMD. At stin-oii Sit. rday, Ibaaarr 24, imoj. ?( kfe resMmca, IU. Alplne, :-:'J -i. and llruadi'.oi, Me|ihi.'a 1'. Au>tln, la ti" Un \ .jr ol li.- u. ? Ni.tli. . f fnn. ral ..' reafb r. C.v.MlTUXI.-.u zae Wa beU, ln un & J. M'.ait \ 1 ... Xcllte of tunrial l ? rtatter. I.i I'.AM.-vi I. Itebeth, B. f? auddenlv. on Saturday norattg. Jaaaary ... haat., m-ji, Hannah Dma-.d. di.iirl.ur ot Um laU' l ha.loa jnd llanuali l'aul Kikuiiis. In h. r 7711. v ?' Fiin.-iat nrvleee un Monday. Jaaaary av in?t.. from 8*. Johu'a Churek, wi/ab-ui, X. J.. at 2.30 ovioca. POBTEB ln CllXtoa, D*aaaabw B, ?uiM?uIy, Piederlek Beae, aoa "f Ir.derlck K. and llarrlet A. k'oatei. amd 32 yeara. Puneral nt his iii.- roaldcnce, Baruord, (onn., Monday, !>?. . ?_?>>. 2 .30 p. in QARRIOI 1- Oa Baturday, Jaaaary 24, at h<r reniiVni-a, 113 Eaat l.V.h-kt., lharlotte Ljdla, ?ifo of i.uclolui narriane I-'nn-ral pi-lvate. QBAB vm mi Jaaaary 22. 1801. at hi? late re?'.den.-?. 33 L.lai".. No.ark N. J.. Edward A. (Irahani. uon of the tat Baoard > Uraaaun. B> .? ??. and frk-ud< jr- rvepoctf.uTy invlt-d to attend tha fnn r.l from th" Third IT-alylertan ilmrcli r?\ .Mondav. tlw 2<'.th ln*t.. al I oiio. k. (ii;l<r?.N -At l'a'. rrf.ei. B. ... on Tli'iradar. Jannarr 22. 1891, caralni W., ?lfe of John W. r.rlpes and 37 v.-ars and 11 nnvitlis. i-'iin-rui aervieea wiii aaka i>i?'" on awaafaaT, laaaary aa, lH'.M. from li i li." t autcnc . at 2 o'olock p. ni. InV-rin.iit, it <'..tar I.awti. HAKR1BOM?Oa ZM la-t.. at th" retldwe of hl* l.rothar. at Corawall ob tha Uadaaa, Xaaaaaa i>. Barrkwa, ol .i.i? v Clty, N- i l"nii. rjl sor%l.-e? on Bunday a/t- moon iS-ith tnat 1 at 2 .. . ,...u, f:,m s.i.,,1 l-.Ml-'rt Eplacupal ChuKb, ave., i rs, \ rity it T,k" Montgoniary-at. ea?* ff>ni r.irtlandt-?t. f-rrr.. M< M am kk -<in Jaaaary Kt, Jan..-? MrMaaMi. at hia lat*. reaigenee, No 4<ti vv.?t muist.. Bew-York Clty, ??? hi i.ars a id u BMClna. NaHva of Irvln". Ajraadr* S^otiand. K.ui.'ral aervieea at 1 p. n . on Mindav. Jam.arv 24 from hia ai i?.' reatden. e. BeuMvi ? and tilendv are lnstu^i to at t. nd. ovki.iy 0a Frlday evenlng, Jaaaary 23. Matfkta CraM, wldnv of Juatlce Thomaa J. Oakl.-y and daunhMr of th- late ll-nrv . rncr. "s.|. - . - R. ,. .... ,. - .; ,. luvlted to att-nd the f'inermi aervdroa at Calvary Churrh, .orner of i-h-ave. and 2l*t ?t. on Tne-div Janaary 27 at 10 ..-.-lock a. m. ,'i -t <t that no ftowi ra !><? *-nt. BTl HK- vt th- realdence of ti.-ir parenta, No ldElyataa l'a.... BobokMI, N. J., VVIIIInn s... Jannary n Ivl aud fbomaa Mliler Jaoimry ff2. 1881. onlv thlidi-n of \.i a. Btuhr and MarMta M.. ins wir.\_ "~ mount ttOBB CBMuTZBJaX gitlee. i?f> Cl?th-BT?.. romei 28d-?t.. W. T. Spcctit! Xot;ces ?._.,???~?* ^_ flfth A?enue Au.lliin liooma, 240 III TII AVE. C. F. WETMORE, arrjTIOBBBB. WBDBESDAY tl rKBNO .B, JAB. X0, ai ?_? ;;n e'< ki '? raTtTaVDAT AND PRIOAY ArfBBKOOSB kBB EVBS? lN<,s, i.w. :-.> ami :'. >. at "JiUO and rt o'-lo-K. A VK.ltV IMPOB1 \M COLU50MOB of BARE OBJECT8 OP ABT i-'oin. d i v BIOBOB F. DE n. BPUUBOB, ArBat, al Beaat, luly, Kurni-..-- of varhma ?""*? f'*" .^^rty^tew'S I'tt-nt 1 iri'-r-' la ituir.e* ? ?'">' ? j,'o,. .Ip i'.- ???? < md v. ?? - ?i;":"',v,s.;;, Euroji au mod. r i n >-* r- ? I? ? Mr. W. B. XOltMAN a IJ ondnct tba aala.-, A^U ??cj and Hhorr, PAIBTIBIW 11V if. V. H. DE IIAAS, N. A. W<m <>N PRBB BXHIBII10B, riffTfl AViN't r. aBX QALLBB1BB, 188 Mavave., aaai Ifdhvak, wn-re tbey wlll ba ioUI at aaattaa THUBBBAT aad KKIDAY EVESriBOB, Ja.i. 20 and 30. at 9 o'clock. Ki.Hl.liT BOMKBVUVUB, AVI rbOBBEB. liv OBTOIKB I CO._ S7,-v--%-.- ???.:?WM^tti*.?*B* lift-'ii eomfoic aad dellfcht to thouaand* of hou ? mJ ' . ? ? r "f?.-?-ediii?.T aaaaH. wgai aaalad aad garaty waaMrtto. , .1.11 I-. | 1.1 1 il.E L1VFH 1'ILIA.. PoMtoMre Notire. 9b .id be raad <l*lly by all liiU.'r':.-t.d. as abBBBBI mar '??',,-."r.,':v:,;';,'u,i,......t...-* ?.i .,.t.,. *,.<?...;.- ?? ? i?r dUpaU li t". ajiv parUeular at. a.:.- r. . v i.t wh"-* : ... ?ead duptfeau* of baaklnaaad . ?n.i.i-r. ia. , .iVum-uta, I. tera not np. lallj addr-aoed Mag *?* hjf Uu- fi?t?t vvMaela avaUawa. . . Poralau nuvU* foi um week rnding Januarj II ?.U , .1..- (Dromutly ui al. ea??ai al tb.? ?-'???? ?'- i ?".?>? M.'Vi.vv .vt A i>. aa. foi BelUe, I l *ni , | ...: - ... itv of Dallaa from N-? Or!?uw ri i Vi. vv At 3 a .... foi Blaeaelda. pei - ?? ""^l WEDjfniluil At I a. ii.. for PernnnrtWKO, Bla Jaaab*. . alao .... Plata cou itri - ? i k?.. .1...? u... i?r ,-.?,. i. from lU'iui'T" i-'i.-r. iin.-t i." .1.????'?t--l P" i .iMiiu" ; a' i > m. toi Ireland, pei s. ?. ir-mlanie. \.* Qnw'iiatown lettor* for .. eat Brltaln and otit t Europeaa iountrlea must ba dirtx-Ud --n.-r fKraauil* at 4:80 a m. fui i ;.?i?. iier s -. m,-".v m.i Boulhamnton and Hrmwj ihrttera (oi,.l mual ba dli.d *-uoi m.i ?' ?? at \ p. m. for fuba. per ?. a. Nlaeara. vla Ilavana t?. dir... u-d --nr Xlacrara" at I i- ?? foi ???. as aal loio. ir-; - s lluain, from x ... ?< .i...-.- , . -._ THI RSDAY-AI 1 i' m.'aiv 1 30 p. i^ ro !??! u..,.-- i. Trlnidad; at 1 p in. ?ui-pbne-iiUr> 1 .aj i, m for Kaaaaa, x. P.. and Banttaga, Caba, pei ? ?>? KKIDAY vt 10 a n,. for Santlaao Cuba, i^r a, i. ?.* Irtter* for Venexutla and Savenllla ?: ? i. ..-t .' , -per H. Vgli?laa" at IS J" p. ?*. for lorlo Bl J ii.:. t. pei < a. fin<eaton Toaei , , , ,?... >.vTVr.i>.\^ li. n, rw Braiil aad Uie La Plata Countr.e* ..a Bratl. foi St Tuoau* .llI Bt. > r..i\ ... t. 'iliunu. ' Ba ?-.-.!. Wad aud ' ??"? . ?.. ,, r - - Seguran a, from SVwport Ne?? ?- j?? ,,?,.. - VVIndwart i-lai da muat i??? ?'. "??' 1 "I'i -s' -''[:""* '/ at :, ?. n for Krance, Sw.U.'rlaud luly. B|wln. rortueal audTurkey, per a. a I.a BreUgne nIi Bavra;at5 *. a. m. tor Ireland per a. ?. vla Queen?to?rn IfHrnfN ,. . iiritain an.'. othcr Boropean i-ouatrlea mu-t ix oi ,. '.1 "per Vuranl.i-- : li fl J m. fo' fcurope, p-r ?. *. vv.i.a. \:a Moiithampton nnd Bremen leltera for Ireland. s-cltrerland. Italv. Spaln, Portugal and ',:i^'7 n, -t ba dlrected "pei W.. ? s - ,. . ? r uer ?. v lettera n.u*f be dliected i"-r I i, |Ua' a- :a. >:.. L.r tl.. N.t:..rl.ililsd:r..l ?. M.i:. d-;r. vla it. tt. -? ? dlreetei P-' ?: ,,..;.,,;- ? a- 10 a m. nipplemrnlary 11 a. i ; '"? ira] imerlcaaud Bouth Paelfl.' nmU, p.-r? - ? ??? ... I ar.. \:a olon lletteri for aiuM i- dlreel d "p#f I IW r-v : a? 11 a. b ' . / 11 80 ?? '? "r i .,uuna Uiiod and Jm alea, ;.:?.. Jarnwl and A>n ? I.arti. per -. a. A..' .,.'.. k: at 1 p. i ' [ I - '"?. i j u Tabaaeo and Yucatan, p - - ? ?' '"1.2. (??.lu i.mi|i;,.) aad Tuxpaii lireet, aud ol r M -\i.jn >tat?ja vl? Vera I rn/. mual be dlrected "pe" Orliala . n ?-m p. m br Rt. I ? rr.-.\li.|ii. lon. per -'--oi' ? ' - ,. Malla for the aorletr lalanda per *hlo i It; ol I'apel . Ran i ranc.aeo rloae kere Jaauan - . at? 30 p. m. Ma - foi I' and Janan. p*t > a. I Iti ol ?'?'?" '?', ,. ,,, >.? i ran i-, . . ,'... lw Januara M al 6:80 p. m. Mall* f..r Ansirata. Bew-lbwland. Ilawailaa. >'Jl ?hI Kai'oa'i l-la'i.1*. per ? * Jtealandta (from san Fnn -l-mu , ..- her. lanuai 31 >? ?'? '?' ? ? na ?' .'' '!'" ', ?? New.Vonc of a a. I* nl.rl.i w tl| R Itl-li maiN fo-A"*ti Ul ai. Malla for tn- lla?:ri:i. lauwida. per s >. Au-talia ifrata v ,? i-;,?.?:.,??. . i..s" her* l-Vbraarv ?11. al t? ? '"? n ???,, dland, bi ; ii. to llallfav. and tbenea ,.- .[,?. .,- i:,,- ,.'ii ? daUj it s ?(. n ,:,. Mall* f.r Mium-lon, by ravll tn Bo?ton and theni-e by ateaaaair. ,,:?ihu ofll.i.iiv al s SOp ?. Mall* for Tampn Fla . and tbeace bj al u ?l?i ; May. ,V,v..,v. and Saturdav. . rlo*e at thl* p?ce da *t ..?,., ,,, M.ll. for Mei., overlaad. unlea? ?p i ;.ldn-?*Vd f..r diepateh by Haiaiar, ckaw at MUa adaea datiy Bt i-iri-I'.'ira. .??? aaalUara aarwaided toBaa faaa. .s...d.iy and t'.' aehedule of .?!?? I* un??, ? .1 .... the prf?ui , I > ,? ?u-rr.ipi <l ovvrland tran.ll to San l ranel. ':-^v!-:.r:r.;::^':^,''-,.:U':;',V'^:'',::e. mataairr. Bew-York. B. ^? Jan. 28. 1891._ lirligidas Xottces. '"" vr >uiil! itEPUllMEB . (II bV li. M id.aon iv. '" fath-aa, I-. v BOOERU'K TEUKY D. D.. Tastor. biin.ia.. Jaauary -">. II ?'? ? a',d < u. at. VI.f. siiri.V (lll T.i il M ..!:-..:! a-" and 810 J>_ r.ei i: heuek m ?' roM wiu praach al n *. ?n. am dr.'ti'* ?? rvlce at 3 1 i |>. rn._ |-!iniST ( llI'li.'H aa Bonleiard and 71?N*t - Dlvlna ..,, ','.:,. II ?.. and 7 :30 p. ?. The ****. Dr. J. tt. MiirMAX, will oatelaf._ CMUBCH 0P CHUibT ,vieni..t . fUrd?*/.* ?... io-h ,t and .ithave. "ntran.e 2 vv.-t I9U-U.) IS.rhiwVia>vif? h* .day 10 M ? m. ; BlUa <la-. lil m. lv?,ii .c-rt-u-i 8 aVKTat tha Madiaa Beea. No. 98 ?ta .;" jpei. dallv. S.rvlce ev^ry Tueaday aveolag. rillRCH OK THB MB88IAM, corner of 3Hh?t. aad r,,Vv"--""Mic". ai u ?. m- waaaaaaj oy luv. IlOBXBT COIXYER._ .lll'RCU OBfBKlBTT KAIBS wi.l recelv-e a donatue ?nd laarnTof aoaaaabiag advantaa-ona bv addreawng D.. K l' Trlbuno t pt.,.vu Onice, 1,23d Broadway. BiacrPLEa OP CHBIBT, letbat, nejr Sth-ave . tha j., v i; ll 1VI.IT.. I.i-'.oi Mniniiii: siil.j.vt: -lonve;. , | gkaaman." U\> aaarBI W a aeriaa af arraaaM '-.m Homa HH'i" i.'.'.i'i- "' Coaverdaw." Bveabag, taaf and |>ra:-" -m 1-IVl' POINTB BO. HE "i IJfDUBTRT. IM W.rtb. tt W1LL1AM .' BABSARO, bupertoteridaal.?barvMJ i.i'nO.iC .very huiidav ai 8:80 p. m II." aervke is am.oM wbol . t,. tbe ehl .ran or n.- I .stunuon. PabUe In.iuaf* Doiiatlona of a. cotid ciothbu' and aboe* tollclte^ MAO1KO0 v\l.M i. RI rXlRMED CHUIXH, voiner ,,f .-..iii-.-t. -I'-. hliir..."-;. wlll preacb munlnf wni ev.'i'ing. KvenUig .aubKei: "Meaaa aud HababtN 9t ?? Th,- Ureat n... i-i.'n." hT. MARK'S 0BVBCH, 2d-av". and 10th.?t-I)r. RYI.AN.'K wlll prcai-b >t 11 >. ni. on "llooks aud Ro*A inf ? i *& u ?? u" --at. l'aul aa a hUa."